#(in a way i guess)
brainwroms · 4 months
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i realized the last drawing i had for c!ran was in my old old style which i thought was a shame cz i still like the ideas i had for their design so i tried to draw it now. and an obligatory c!clingy
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funplecs · 5 months
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It has been too long since I've fleki or lycion posted srry this one's for the flekilycion warriors out there. We're seeing them animated soon!!!!!!! Stay strong!!!!!!!!!!
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kmagussy · 3 months
there’s something about getting the max and charles ads back to back that gives me whiplash. max is out there promoting responsible driving and charles is shirtless in the water
mind you they both are advertising alcohol-less alcohol
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boytumms · 13 days
Imagine of there was a recreational drug that made trips that feel so real, the body actually changes or reacts to the hallucination as if it’s a real stimuli. For example, some report getting a tan as they lay down to sunbathe on a acid trip beach, people screaming in pain during bad ones if they think are getting physically hurt and some even orgasming during a one night stand that’s only happening in their head. Usually the effect does away after the trip, even if it takes a while. Just as it is thrilling, it can have dire consequences due to how intense the effects are.
Imagine a guy taking the risk and deciding to try it. It’s all fun and games until a mythical creature or monster attacks him mid trip. Or just gets the chance to bed someone surreal. Just his belly starting to inflate rapidly on its own, as he is either getting absolutely dogpiled with cum and/or eggs.
Or better yet the trip ends but his body is still very fucking confused on what just happened so it ends up in a phantom pregnancy where he just swells day after day
A monster attacking him and impregnating him because he can only see it while high on the drug is a fun idea, either it’s some kind of other worldly creature that’s only visible to humans in a drugged state, or maybe everyone has a different monster their mind imagines and so no one ever knows what to expect if it happens to them.
I also like the idea of the phantom pregnancy, what if the creatures he’s pregnant with are real, but without the drugs it looks like a phantom pregnancy to any doctor he goes to. No one believes him when he says he’s really pregnant, thinking the bad trip has just made him delusional. His belly swells and swells, bigger and faster than any normal human pregnancy, and when he goes into labor, no one wants to help him, still believing he’s faking it all.
For days he moans and cries as contractions ripple through his tummy, but no matter how much he tries to push, nothing seems to happen. He can’t figure out why nothing is moving until it hits him, the creature that knocked him up only materializes when he’s on the drug, and its offspring are the same. He needs to take the drug for the babies to materialize so he can actually give birth to them.
It’s taken him too long to figure this out and he’s already exhausted from pushing uselessly for days. When he finally manages to take the drug, he feels the babies quickly forming, and as soon as they materialize inside his belly, it drops instantly and he screams as the real pain of birth begins
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The fact that Alastor can't really (or just simply doesn't want to) be on a photo without glitching the camera and yet Vox has a completely clear photo of him (and himself ofc, but it's ripped apart) just makes me think of how cute it must've been to take the photo in the first place.
Alastor: No, Vox, I'm not standing in front of that thing. *Points to camera*
Vox: Allllll come on, we need at least one photo together-
Alastor: Vox I'll-
Vox: *puppy eyes*
Vox: *puppy eyes intesify*
Alastor: .....fine. *makes sure he doesnt glitch the camera so they have a quality photo*
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rogdona · 6 months
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mios-art · 2 years
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Kind of a study of this illustration by Pascal Campion, but make it hualian
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muzzledcachorro · 1 year
"kill them with kindness" wrong. take a bite out of them
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carryoncastiel · 11 months
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I was searching for Wyll related stuff in the datamine and I did find something...
I have no idea if this is actually in the game but apparently there is a version of the Act 3 romance where Wyll breaks up with the player and there is a sad dance cinematic??? ( the devnote says: Wyll and the player bow to each other, and then slowly begin to dance. This one is sadder than before. The camer pans upwards as the dance continues, and the scene fades away.JLatino: Reuse dance anims, slow them down, fade to black as dance starts)
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“You need to stop.” Caretaker stared humorlessly at Whumpee.
“Just give me one more minute.” They said, head hunched over the page, scribbling furiously, “I’ve almost got it.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with those people,” Caretaker flopped down onto the couch, shaking his head. “They work you to the bone and for what? It’s clearly not improving your work ability,” he said scornfully.
“You don’t understand.” They ignored him, intent upon their work until- “Aha!” They shouted, jumping up.
Caretaker raised an incredulous eyebrow at them from where he sat, taking in the scenery that was their state of being.
Ragged was the best word to describe them. They had a wide smile, somehow wildly triumphant, but it appeared unstable and half covered by the craggily, yet somehow still oily, hair that marred their entire face.
Enough was enough.
“I’m so goodatthis,” they slurred more than said, holding up the finished piece of paper drunkenly. “They’re going to be so happy.” They hiccuped, “I-I did it.”
Caretaker stood and gently took the piece of paper out of their hand and back onto the table before they crumpled it. “You need to rest.” He said, seriously.
“What?” They asked bewilderedly, “But I just got it! I just started doing it I have to do more now I have to get it all done-”
Caretaker put a hand on theirs. “Stop.” They hesitated.
“Breathe.” He said.
They inhaled.
“You need to rest.”
They stuttered on the exhale.
“You’re exhausted. I can tell you are even if you’re lying to yourself that you’re not. Even if you think you can keep going. You can’t.”
They stared up at him with wide eyes and began to shake. He took the hand he was holding and led it to his chest.
“Feel my breathing,” He said, drawing in an exaggerated breath. They tried to steady themself and copied the motion, chest heaving up and down in rhythm with his own.
“Good,” he praised, “Now do it again.”. They kept breathing in sync until he felt Whumpee’s muscles untense and their breathing steady.
“Good.” He repeated, slowly rubbing his thumb over her hand. They shuddered.
“I…I can’t -” They started to say quietly.
“Shh. It’s time to rest.” He said in a low voice before standing up and walking around then. In a smooth, swift motion, he reached out and swept Whumpee into a bridal carry, getting a gasp out of them, and started walking to the bedroom.
Caretaker felt them curl against his chest, tense at first, but as he walked he felt them loosen slowly until he looked down to find them asleep.
They deserved it. He looked back and the wreck of a workroom, papers strewn everywhere, half of the lightbulbs burnt out.
They would never be doing this again, Caretaker thought as he walked them slowly to go to sleep.
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lord-prey · 6 months
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Living off borrowed time
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mx-kitti-princess · 3 months
Sometimes instead of a Kitti, I wanna be a puppy!
Just a pretty little mutt you pick up off the street! It's okay, cuz I don't have an owner that knows what's best for me. I need someone to show me where I belong!
Bathe me, brush me, put me in lots and lots of pink bows! I'll be an adorable and docile pet by the time I wake back up, though I still feel a little funny. You tell me it's because I'm sick, but you know better. I don't though, and I'm too fuzzy to think...
Feed me lots of treats, and tell me I'm such a good little puppy though, and I'll melt right into your hands. Grab my cheeks with both of them and kiss me all over! Let your hands roam a bit lower and every time I squirm and whine, give me another treat! That's what training is for! To make obedient little puppies.
Just love me, and keep me dizzy, and take care of me forever and ever, and I'll grind against your leg for hours!
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sebille · 20 days
I meme about Zenos returning but do yall know how insanely fucking annoying I'd be if me and the rest of the tinfoil hat zenos gang would be right and he does return
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life-winners-liveblog · 5 months
Okay so starting off-
The rats!!!! Oh my gooooooooodddd!!! I love them so much, gods I miss RatsSMP
Also the "I wont say I'm in love" sequence? Love that, very fitting song though it does remind me that I have some questions for DL!Scott about his time on Afterlife before the games.
If he does not mind me asking of course. And he can always decline to answer but I shall still be left curious and hopefully at some point he'd be willing to talk about it.
Really glad that the Dandelions are no longer hopelessly pining for eachother and have finally talked about it.
Also the Fears are very intriguing. Though I do not trust The Spiral's intentions with being here. After all how long until they become bored with the Winners and decide to have a more... hands on approach to finding entertainment. I do worry for LL!Martyn in that case as he was the one a certain whisper decided to use to call its attention in the first place.
Though the idea of being able to interact with the other Fears, and their respective Avatars, does sound very intriguing. I'm very glad to be able to witness Milly's adventures through their domains, though I might have to join in myself at some point...
That being said I do not find fear in how most of their domains are depicted, more curiosity. Though yes, of course there are some aspects within the Fears that I do find... unsettling. But those specifics need not be of concern at the moment.
Back to lighter notes, I'm glad LL!Martyn's therapy has been going well. And that DL!Scott's redemption is in progress, might be a slower process than he would like but things like this take time. Especially when you are stuck only seeing things from one point of view.
Cleo you are a very interesting character. I can admire the madness, I have had my own fair share of madness after all. And while I am concerned about your intentions, Madness itself is not something I tend to fear.
-Xas (sorry this was a longer one lol. I still have more to comment on as well lmao. And yes I choose those colors for madness for a reason)
Oh yeah, don't know if it was obvious but Cleo is the avatar of the spiral.
And wow that is a lot, I'm glad you are having fun though.
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mickey10213 · 2 years
I saw a post on Twitter recently where it basically stated that it was kind of like Orihime's ( from BLEACH ) Love confession about falling in love with the same person in five different lifetimes, but it was about Hinata being in love with Naruto in every different lifetime that the series has produced.
For example, OG series Hinata is in love with Naruto. In road to Ninja the meaner version and more outspoken version of Hinata is in love with Menma, that world's more stoic and aloof and straightforward version of Naruto. Even in the movie when he's not that same stoic personality as the original Menma to her is, she still likes Naruto with his more bubbly personality. And then finally with OG Naruto again but with the Infinite Tsukuyomi, with it being her dream it makes sense that she and Naruto would be together in them but also she has Neji and Hanabi there which is really cute cuz she loves her family.
Now the observation I made with Sakura is that she is not the same. Which is something I realized with her personality. I think the reason she likes Sasuke is because he's so indifferent towards her and no offense but I think she's the biggest pick me girl in the universe of Naruto. What I mean by that is that in OG Naruto, of course, like many other girls she is in love with Sasuke -- the bad boy who is standoffish to everyone. In road to Ninja, who takes over that personality trait? It's not Sasuke anymore. Sasuke is a goofy pervert and womanizer who is actually attracted to Sakura, and she's down for it until she sees his womanizing ways. The person her road to Ninja alternate likes is the person that adopted Sasuke's cold personality, which is Menma, that universe's Naruto. Now we don't get to see her Infinite Tsukuyomi dream due to plot armor, but you can be pretty damn sure that it involves her being with Sasuke just like how Hinata's involves her being with Naruto, and Ino's involves Sasuke and Sai fighting over her.
Anyway, what we can gather from this is like what I said. Sakura most definitely does not only like Sasuke for his looks but she mainly likes the personality of someone who admittedly treats her like shit. And I never read her novel but judging from the things I've seen from her novel, it kind of reinforces that. Sakura likes a challenge and the reason I say she's a pick me is because of that whole stigmatism that pick me girls all think that they can quote unquote fix him. That they can change him. She doesn't want someone that's going to cater to her and shower her with love like maybe Rock Lee and Naruto would do. She wants someone who, and her words in the Sakura novel, she can wear down and basically beat into submission AKA force her love on someone until they reciprocate it. Which is what she did to Sasuke. No I'm not going to sit here and say Sasuke never cared about her because he did. She was part of his team and she was part of his family that he made through team 7. But I don't believe for one second he turns into this simp and completely changes his personality for her given all the material we have that isn't novels that retcon a lot of things.
Anyway that's my point. Sakura is a pick me girl who's attracted to personalities of indifference and standoffish behavior who she believes she can make love her. She's the girl that wants the guy that everybody wants but he doesn't want anybody but her. It's no wonder kishimoto once described her love as nothing but an obsession. Cuz let's be honest, given who she is and what we've seen, does anybody really think that Sakura would give up if Sasuke chose another girl to be with?
I mean we've seen it in The Last that when Hinata thought that Naruto had feelings for somebody else due to not only his fan club but also the fact he was wearing his mother's scarf, which she didn't know about, she was ready to allow him to be happy even if it hurt her. For crying out loud, the entirety of the Naruto series she was friendzoned And even smiled after her confession when watching Sakura hug him. She does not show the personality traits of someone who is inherently jealous. Even Ino and Karin gave up their love for Sasuke, albeit Ino is a bit of a stretch because she moved on long ago before him and Sakura became a thing. Karin on the other hand selflessly helped out the woman who gained the affection of the man she loved and continues to support him and his family despite still holding strong feelings for him. I honestly don't see the same being said if it were reversed roles and Karin was the one who ended up with Sasuke and Sakura would be left to support. The only way I see her supporting that relationship is for personal attention from him, cuz like I said she is a pick me before pick me even became a thing.
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freakystrashdump · 1 year
Stop there! I've been laughing for about half an hour over a silly idea in my head. Have you already heard Bowser's song from the new super Mario movie? Well, my stupid brain somehow manages to imagine Philip doing something like that for Selena when no one is around. I just wanted to share it with someone.
I'm cackling he would be one dramatic bitch alone in his room, wouldn't he?
Oh, since we're on the topic of songs he would obsessively relate to her, it would probably be this one (and it's on the playlist, too)
I love how it switches between absolutely enamored and almost...disdain. Like it switches between Belos now, and Philip from long ago.
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