#(in the english dub to be clear)
lutiaslayton · 7 months
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Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Disclaimer: This is a fan-translation for the Japan-exclusive novellisation of the movie Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. The original novel was written by Aya Matsui under the supervision of Akihiro Hino, and belongs to Level-5.
This translation only aims to be a pleasant read for non-Japanese fans, nothing more: I made a few deliberate changes while translating in order to get the writing style closer to what is usually found in English fanfictions, as the Japanese storytelling can sometimes be different than what we are used to.
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☆ Melina Whistler
I could remember it clearly.
The unparalleled sense of fear, of entrapment and desolation, when I was sent into the body of someone else…
I looked for a place to hide, but there was nowhere to.
Everything was cold… I could hardly breathe.
I couldn’t stay here! Please, someone let me out!
I screamed desperately, but no one could hear me.
I kept pleading to someone I couldn’t see.
Please, I don’t want to stay here either. But I can’t leave. I have to stay here…
“Melina—Is that you, Melina?”
I had heard a familiar voice.
I could hear… or rather, I could feel it.
I couldn’t see her, but I knew that Janice was close by.
“Melina! This is incredible. I can’t believe you are so close to me…”
“I’m sorry, Janice! I shouldn’t be here. I’ll disappear right now… Somehow, I’ll find a way to do that!”
“No, you can’t!”
“I’ve just found you again… Do you realise how much I missed you? How much I missed my best friend while you were gone…”
“But, Janice…”
“It’s okay, Melina… I can’t let you go on like this.”
Suddenly, I had felt something shifting.
The sense of fear and desolation disappeared…
Her voice was moving away.
“This isn’t just for you. This is also for me. Melina, you may not understand, but the grief and suffering of those left behind is so strong…”
I know, Janice…
I had felt Papa’s grief and pain even after I had lost my body…
“You have to understand, Melina. Losing my best friend not once, but twice, would surely break my heart…”
Before I knew it, I was slowly becoming familiar with Janice’s body, as if guided by the waves of the sea.
I had been spoiled by her heartfelt friendship…
At that moment…
The sound of slow clapping brought me back to reality.
It was Descole. The man who had used Papa’s love for me to draw him into his evil ways…
“Excellent. I did not realise that the memory copying had been successful… So congratulations, Whistler, you’ve achieved your goal.”
It was no wonder that you hadn’t noticed, Descole. Someone like you would never understand Janice’s kindness, or the nobility of sacrificing oneself in order to keep others alive.
“Oh, oh my God…”
Poor Papa… He was completely confused.
I looked straight into his eyes. Papa… I needed him to understand my feelings.
“At some point, I started to realise that this was wrong. I can’t live my life at the expense of my friend.”
I told him my honest thoughts.
“It was you who wrote to me, wasn’t it?”
Professor Layton…
I… No, we both wrote that letter. Janice’s voice had become inaudible to me, but our hearts were still communicating.
“It was the right choice to choose you, Professor. I thought you would be able to stop Papa… Just like I wanted him to stop.”
Isn’t that right, Janice?
It was just as you told me before.
“There is no puzzle that Professor Layton can’t solve, Melina.”
“I can’t stay in her body forever… But as long as this device exists, Papa will continue to copy my memories.”
Papa’s eyes… They were looking at me, not at Janice.
“I had heard a lot about the Professor from Janice. She admired you so much…”
I’m sorry, Janice… I said it.
As soon as you gave me your life, I had realised how much the professor meant to you…
When I first met him on the Crown Petone, I made my most cherished memories. The times when he solved puzzles… That time when we were talking on the beach… That time when we were riding that makeshift helicopter that we had built… I was never alone.
Papa’s voice was trembling.
“Melina, I… This was all for you…”
“Thank you, Papa… I appreciate how you feel. But, please… These horrendous things have to stop now.”
“I just couldn’t accept a life without my beloved daughter… So I…”
At that moment— The whole room was struck by a tremendous quake.
“Professor, the ceiling!”
With a roar, the ceiling above us was split in two, as we all stood under it in stunned shock.
Then Descole took my arm.
In a flash, Descole ran up the stairs leading to the Detragan and set me down.
A pack of wolves popped out and surrounded everyone. They all let out a terrifying howl then stood menacingly, ready to pounce on anyone at any moment.
“What are you doing, Descole!?”
“I needed Melina’s memories to achieve my true goal,” he replied coldly, standing right next to me.
“Your true goal…?” Papa asked in confusion.
I was with him on this one… I had no idea what this was about either. What could he possibly need my memories for? What could that mean?
Descole twirled his cloak and pointed to the ceiling.
“The resurrection of Ambrosia!”
The ceiling was painted with the Ambrosian crest… The Kingdom of Immortality.
“It all started when I discovered their coat of arms in its entirety…”
Descole turned to the professor and sent him a condescending look.
“Layton, what do you think these symbols mean?”
The coat of arms had a design reminiscent of a king and queen, surrounded by a vast number of lines, dots and jagged patterns…
The professor soon gasped in realisation. “…It’s a music sheet!”
“Correct. A music sheet, written in the Ambrosian way.”
Descole walked over to the Detragan and reached for a sheet music.
“In other words, the coat of arms is inscribed with the first key required to open the door to Ambrosia: a song that could be called ‘A Song of the Stars.’”
“A ‘Song of the Stars’…!?” Luke repeated incredulously.
“The second key is you, Melina.”
I could not believe my ears. “Me… the second key?”
The resurrection of Ambrosia, keys to open a door… I did not understand.
“The first key alone was not enough to revive Ambrosia. This was when I realised that the crest also hinted at the existence of a second key…”
The professor instantly resonated. “The ‘Song of the Sea’!”
Descole slowly took my hand with an icy smile. His grip was just as cold as his face.
“The stars, and the sea. When the two melodies are combined, Ambrosia will be revived.”
“I didn’t realise… that he was after the kingdom itself,” Papa slowly shook his head in shame.
“Alas, by the time the puzzle of the crest had been solved… The only person who had an accurate memory of the second key could no longer sing…”
So that was what this was all about.
The ‘Song of the Sea’… It was the song that the sea around Ambrosia had taught me.
Ever since we had moved to this island so I could recuperate from my illness, I had spent every day gazing out at it. Walking along the beach, or standing on my balcony, with the feeling of the sea breeze embracing me…
It wasn’t long before I had become aware of the melody that the sea was bringing me.
The wind, blowing past the reefs jutting out from the shore, would sing the same song to me every day. The waves breaking onto the shore would add to the music, creating a pleasant harmony, like a small ensemble.
Soon, I had unconsciously began to hum that very beautiful and somewhat nostalgic melody. When the sea and the song were joined together, it had given me a sense of heartfelt sincerity. It was soothing… and it made me happy, as I felt surrounded by a shower of invisible music.
Descole put his hand on one of the Detragan’s levers.
“Even though some memories were left behind… I wanted a perfect copy, more than Whistler did!”
He pulled the lever. Immediately after, the staircase exploded and bright lights flashed on the wall.
The smoke from the explosion blocked my view.
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#professor layton#layton's book club#melina whistler#janice quatlane#oswald whistler#jean descole#hershel layton#eternal diva#eternal diva novel#translation#professor layton and the eternal diva#ayo this part was so WILD#This is why I'm transcribing this stuff. Japanese version cleared up SO many questions that the localisations brushed off.#like how the English & French dubs make it sound like all three songs were written on the Ambrosian seal#while in fact the original version explains that only the song of the stars (+ sun) + a drawing of the sea (+ sun) are there.#So basically it seems like we can deduce here a full timeline of how things went!#Step 1: Des steps foot on Ambrosia and discovers the first known instance of the complete crest.#Step 2: He figures out the Song of the Stars from the music sheet on the crest#and likely deduces that it's the key to reviving Ambrosia.#Step 3: He plays the song of the stars and it doesn't work. He looks at the crest again and sees the drawing of the sea.#He deduces that there is another key related to the sea. Somehow he figures out that there is only one person in the world who knows it.#(I have a hypothesis about the why and how but I'll leave that for later since this hypothesis lacks solid evidence.)#Step 4: Des figures out (somehow) that this “one person in the whole world” is Melina.#Step 5: Melina is sick so he uses that as an excuse to have the Whistlers move to Ambrosia and live inside the black castle he built.#His excuse for bringing them there is that the ocean breeze will do some good to her health.#Step 6: Melina is healthy enough to walk on the shore a few times and she notices that the sea sings to her. She learns the song of the sea#Unfortunately she is already too sick to sing it properly so Descole can't use her. And soon after that she dies.#Step 7: Des and Whistler had been prepared for that eventuality and copied her memories with the Detragan. So they just need a host for her#Des only was able to get his hands on the song of the sea when Melina learned it. And she never wrote it down before dying.#See the music sheet that Layton plays to Nina? It's the song of the sea. Sure. But it's incomplete. It only has the first half.
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See, Sora's mom tells her that she can't believe she has a daughter like her(in a bad way) then she puts down her interests. And Sora with Biyomon just tells her not to fight or she'll get hurt.
These don't really seem like the same words?
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
tw // suicide
on twitter some ppl were talking about THAT jo scene from iw again and someone commented fucking "you know he was thinking about using that gun on himself" and im not sane anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! added something something his faith in ichi kept him hopeful enough in the moment but then when he went to jail oh. ohhh !!!!!!!!!!!
nooo cause if That Jo Scene is the flashback scene with hoshino's death that really had to be SUUUCH a low point if not top five lowest points for him i wanted to throw up watching that <- replays it in my brain constantly
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p5x-theories · 5 months
Hey this guy is a native speaker and you can hear him say the names of the new thieves. Yui, Hina Nishimori, Toshiya Sugai, and Miyu Sahara. Idk if he’s speaking 8n Chinese or Japanese but the names sound clear. https://www.youtube.com/live/6fQz402kUg4?si=RId-nY6Gk7ju9RL2 at 40:43
Oh, haha, I was just about to post a link to his stream of the preview livestream, for anyone else who was curious to see it!
He's speaking Japanese, which means his readings of the names (which are written in Japanese) are probably a more accurate guess than what I'm doing with my dictionary, yeah. The kanji characters that Japanese names are usually written with often have multiple ways they can be read, though, and my understanding is that even if you're a native speaker, the first reading of the name that comes to mind may not always be the correct one, in the same way you could misread a name in English because you've heard it pronounced one way, but the person whose name it is pronounces it another way.
Which isn't to say I think he's wrong necessarily! Just that (at least as I understand it as someone learning Japanese) it's still not 100% confirmation those are their canon names, so I'll hold off on calling anything "confirmed" until I hear the names in-game, just to be safe.
(Though, to be clear, I do consider Yui confirmed, since they write that name in English in some cases as well, haha. The above explanation applies to the three names written in Japanese.)
But thanks for sending this in, all the same!
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hi its time to scream about the wwdits pine barrens leak (GIFs under the cut)
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
was rewatching a clip from the English anime and I forgot how silly Kadabra's little dweeb voice is
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blujayonthewing · 7 days
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crucial to me that you understand that this happens right before laios tries a little raw bite of the giant parasite they all cooked and ate like a fish
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starocide · 10 months
Hate it when people say that the voice actors aren't even trying when they just don't like the voiceover work in general. If they weren't trying you'd actually feel and hear it instead of lying straight out of your ass.
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gontagokuhara · 10 months
how i’ll sleep at night knowing all my blorbos (except chiaki 🫡) got an unequivocally happy ending even though theyre literally danganronpa characters and by definition it doesnt exactly lend itself easily to said happy endings
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likeabxrdinflight · 1 year
fucking hate it when people describe yugi and atem's relationship as father/son like I know the english dub kinda played up that mentoring dynamic and made atem seem so much older with that crazy deep voice dan green did, but holy shit atem is fifteen years old, maybe sixteen, when he dies. he's a kid.
like canonically yugi is older than him by the end of the show. atem is a child with far too much on his shoulders do not go around acting like he's a father figure to yugi. he is not a grown man and frankly, he's just as if not more dependent on yugi than yugi is on him. atem calls him "partner" for a reason, he sees yugi at least as his equal, more often as his superior. atem knows he is the better duelist for most of the story, but he is constantly calling yugi the strong one, the brave one, the true duelist, and he has no doubt that one day yugi will surpass him. as far as atem is concerned yugi is the one mentoring him, not the other way around. his dueling prowess is nothing compared to yugi's compassion and inner strength, and he does not see himself as a mentor or father to yugi at all.
and why should he when he's a kid himself.
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stonedonblues · 11 months
So as we know there is an Archangel, the Angel of Death, called Azrael. Now, Azira from Aziraphale sounds pretty similar to Azrael, right? But then why call him Aziraphale? Well, as we see in this season, he calls himself "Mr Fell", (which not only does it stand for falling, but it refers to a fall happened in the past, so it seems pretty obvious that it's about him leaving the Paradise to live down on earth. This is also very interesting considering that he uses this name with humans).
What i'm trying to say is that his name seems to be "Azira/Azrael (the angel of death) fell".
Also, can we remember that the cafeteria where Metatron buys the coffee is called "Give me coffee or give me death", and Metatron even indulge himself on asking Nina about the name? He literally asks if someone ever asked for death. I think it's clever that the series take its time to emphasize this particular detail, mainly because Metatron is still a misterious character and we really don't understand what that scene was all about yet.
But i don't know what this could mean: we already know that Aziraphale is a cherub and not an archangel, so maybe it's a foreshadowing for something more? Maybe he's not actually Azrael but it's more like a symbolic thing? Idk honestly, just thought this might be interesting
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myname-isnia · 1 year
“Why are we surprised that Ibrahim has such an intense power complex? His birth name literally means god”
- My mother, fluent in greek
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blur0se · 9 months
Is it ff7 if there isnt heated debate over characters names
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heliianth · 1 year
i love good translations i love accurate localization i love being able to have a full and good experience across languages i love
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arolesbianism · 10 months
Who wants to talk me down from making an oc inspired by the ringside reporter from rhythm heaven cause I sure am one hair away from staying up too late doing just that
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angelamontoo · 1 year
Reading The animated Peter Lorre:
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Reading the umpteenth entry about a vague parody of a Dwight Fry character, that just sounds kind of like Peter Lorre
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Reading the entries on your favourite Peter Parodies+Finding out which of the characters that you grew up with were Peter Parodies this whole time without you realising
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Reading that excerpt about Eugene Weingand
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