#(it doesn't help that like a good 75 or so% of the edits I get on tiktok are of him ehe)
good morning~ <3
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heabitfruity · 1 month
Silly Hobbies: Primarch Edition
Apparently I wrote too much according to tumblr, so I'm sorry if it's choppy :[
Lion El'Johnson - He actually really loves analyzing "literature"; but not normal literature like Shakespeare or Kafka. He likes analyzing things like The U.S Constitution and The Treaty of Versailles. He does this because he thinks it will help him diplomatically (it doesn't, nobody gets why he does it otherwise, not even his sons).
Fulgrim - This man knows how to dance to every K-Pop song known to man. He can throw it back to "Baby Got Back" and has tried to teach Sanguinius and Ferrus Manus how (It didn't go well, Ferrus threw his back out ). This man knows the exact choreography to "Womanizer", "Nude" and so many other songs.
Perturabo - He likes making useless contraptions; like infomercial level sort of inventions. He has invented bread-dogs, a time-machine to go back exactly two seconds for each use, a voice-recording recorder, etc. He uses Dorn to test it out, despite their... feelings for one another. He knows that Dorn will give him a blunt answer; even if he is told that the invention is "stupid".
Jaghatai Khan - He's really good at acrobatics, specifically everything with the asymmetrical bars; this man could easily escape a pack of dogs with a pen in his pocket (If anyone gets this reference I will be so proud). He attempted to teach Angron how to do the basics, but it didn't go that well; the man is just simply not flexible enough yet.
Leman Russ - This is a secret that he will take to his grave because he suffers from major internal misogyny. He knows how to knit, and he's REALLY good. He grew up on a planet that is 75% of the time below zero, of course the second he got ahold of yarn and wool he got to making warm things for his marine-sons! However, he plays it off as things like: "the citizens of Fenris have donated these for our cause".
Rogal Dorn - He likes making massive forts, societies and various massive structures in Minecraft, with Legos, Lincoln Logs, and those small, ceramic Christmas towns. They're usually quite extensive, but not extravagant. He will pester Perturabo and Magnus to look at them, and this often leads to debates about how these civilizations would function.
Konrad Curze - He teaches cooking classes; however, they are not pleasant. At the end of meal prep, all students are covered in blood due to Konrad butchering whatever protein they had prepared. The food actually tastes amazing, however the process of making it is certainly a battle within itself. Sevatar is his sous chef, which means he frequently has to do most of the work that isn't butchering.
Sanguinius - Honestly, animal rehabilitation. I know this sounds absolutely odd, but due to him having wings, he has to know how to keep a healthy batch of feathers! He's excellent at bird handling, and actually really enjoys it. He's saved at least 54 birds (he doesn't get to find many, his sons typically try to steer him away).
Ferrus Manus - Dude actually makes some really mean jewelry; like the man makes the permanent ankle chains, ring engravements, earrings (with the help of Fulgrim). He's made a lot for his brothers like Leman, Fulgrim, Magnus, and the Khan. They're all very appreciative (though Ferrus has to make Leman a special mixture so he doesn't chew through it by accident).
Angron - He does extreme sports! It helps focus on something that doesn't direct his anger at things that he doesn't need to focus on. It's somewhat funny to think of him riding a BMX, but his absolute favorite is bungee-jumping! He has forced demanded that his sons and brothers try it to "toughen them up". However, nobody except Konrad wanted to. (They both had a great time! One of the few times they've actually bonded over anything.)
Guilliman - He enjoys grading papers... He enjoys signing up to grade the essays of AP classes on Terra and does it every year if he has the time. He takes the pleasure of learning things about literary merit from other people's perspectives, and every time it makes him consider becoming a professor (even though it would be highly impractical).
Mortarion - He enjoys escape rooms, especially with Konrad and Horus. They actually usually have a great time, though sometimes they have to stop Konrad from digging into the walls. He actually commissioned Perturabo to make an elaborate escape room with hatches and secret pathways all around a set of shipping containers. It was so fun that he actually decided to keep it. (He still discovers new routes and puzzles in it every time he goes in.)
Magnus the Red - He plays Dungeons and Dragons with Khan, Guilliman, Perturabo and Alpharius and Omegon. He ALWAYS is the Dungeon Master, no matter what. This is not because he is selfish and possessive (he is a little), but because nobody in the group can seem to maintain a regular gaming schedule. They have simply resorted to Magnus being the godly controller of their games.
Horus Lupercal - This man fishes. I'm sorry, he does the straight, white man fishing and poses. He takes pictures of the fish with the awkward raised arm but genuine smile. He sometimes gives the fish to Konrad, however, less so after finding out from his students what happens during his classes.
Lorgar Aurelian - He writes fanfiction. He likes to show Magnus and Horus his angsty stuff. This stuff is even enough to make Magnus cry a little. Lorgar, however, also writes smut. I believe that this man has never had the intimate touch of any person. Not because he's celibate, but because he's a bitch. The smut's written like in the early days of Wattpad. It's disastrously bad (Think "his meat-cicle entered her mound"). Leman found it one time, he tormented Lorgar for weeks with it.
Vulkan - He bakes! He has learned all the favorite sweets of all of his brothers, making sure to surprise them occasionally whenever they haven't spoken in a while. He loves it whenever there are big events, gives him a chance to see all of his brothers and see them enjoy his work. (There have been some small altercations due to people hoarding food)
Corvus - He likes fashion; but not in a New York fashion week way, more of an Edna from The Incredibles way. He uses the help of Ferrus and Leman to help sew cloaks, shape up boots, and they use Sanguinius and Fulgrim to model it to make sure it looks good and it works.
Alpharius Omegon - They like mimicking their brothers as much as possible; in a "try to look exactly like them" way. It is actually really impressive, even going past the uncanny valley vibe. This led to Mortarion walking in on two versions of himself standing at his bedroom door and it made him piss his pants; and nobody believed him when he told the rest of them.
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ughgoaway · 6 months
we went to winter wonderland // day 2
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content warnings; swearing maybe? I think that's it??
a/n; day 2!!! I have only been to Winter Wonderland like once, so if this is inaccurate... oops! but I did have a good time despite it being a bit shit, which is how I felt writing this fic too lol. also I did use a quote in here I saw online, but I can not for the life of me find who wrote it, as soon as I do, I will edit this and credit them!!! <3
word count; 2k
(this fic takes place pre-relationship)
12 days masterlist
“Alexa! Play Daddy's song!!” Matty hears his daughter shouting at the Alexa from the kitchen. He smirks to himself once he understands what she means.
Matty was careful what songs he showed Annie, knowing she was at the age of endless questions, and he didn't exactly feel like explaining the intricacies of some of his songs. 
But last week, Matty had to run into a meeting and left Annie in the studio with Ross and George. As they sat there and planned the setlist, any time Annie heard the title of a song she didn't know, she would pipe up and say, “What does that one sound like?” and either George or Ross would play a small bit of the song. When Me and You Together song was brought up, they thought it was about as harmless as 75 songs can get, so they played the whole song for her.
They watched her eyes light up as the song played, and by the end, she was dancing around the room with them both and singing along, but once it stopped, she asked for it again. And again. And again. Now it was a week later, and Matty was sick of the sound of his own voice, which is not something he thought was possible.
As Matty strolls into the front room to see Annie looking grumpy at the Alexa for not understanding her request, he scoops her up and sits on the sofa with her on his lap. She shrieks as he picks her up and crosses her arms over her chest once she's sat down. 
“Annie, sweetheart, im so glad you like my song, but im not sure we need to listen to it again,” Matty says gently, trying not to upset his daughter. Annie huffs in his lap and immediately pouts, and it almost breaks him. But he manages to stay strong. 
“Why don't we do something else instead, hmm? You could show me some of your new toys? We can even play Barbies if you like?” Matty says, trying to bargain with Annie. He wasn't very good at the whole discipline side of parenting. But how could he be when Annie gives him those puppy dog eyes and a shaky bottom lip?
But before either of those comes out, her face lights up with an idea, and Matty knows that doesn't bode well. “Okay, we can stop listening to my most favourite song if we can go to Winter Wonderland like it says!!” Annie says, stressing most favourite in an attempt to guilt trip her dad, and it works.
They had gone to Winter Wonderland last year, and Annie had the time of her life. Some of the kiddy rides made Matty feel his age though, and after a 3rd go on the teacups, he had to sit stationary for a good 15 minutes. Despite that, that day was one of Matty's favourite days with Annie, seeing her face brighten at the rides and all the people, watching her sit on Santa's lap and ask him for a new dog, “my doggy mayhem needs a friend!!” but nothing compared to their trip on the Ferris wheel. 
Watching the skyline of London reflect in her eyes was a sight Matty would never forget, her giddiness as she tried to spot their house (she insisted she found it, and who is Matty to disagree?) and the different colours of light slide over her ecstatic face. The purple and pink lights shining in her wide eyes as she stared at the people below giggling was the highlight of his Christmas. 
Annie sat on his lap as they went down on the wheel, and before they even reached the bottom, she was fast asleep in his arms. Watching her eyes flutter on the train home made Matty's heart swell in a new way. He didn't think he could love something this much.
So when she asked, Matty couldn't help but nod his head and get attacked with hugs and squeals.
The sun had gone down about 20 minutes ago, and Annie was determined it was now time to go on the Ferris wheel, “I need to see all the pretty lights, Daddy!” she says, dragging Matty over to the queue.
Matty laughed and followed behind her. A giant stuffed bear obstructed his view slightly, but he blindly trusted Annie's directions. After a long day of rides and fairground games, Matty wouldn't mind a gentle spin around the Ferris wheel.
Little did he know you were thinking the exact same thing, only a few people ahead of him in the queue. 
You hadn't planned to go to Winter Wonderland that day, not even thinking about it before you were in central London. But on the tube, you saw a poster and suddenly felt drawn to it. The hustle and bustle of people and the decorations were sure to make you feel a bit less shit. 
You couldn't go to Christmas at home this year, not being able to travel due to severe weather warnings, so you went up to your mum's house a few weeks before for an early Christmas dinner. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but how wrong you were.
The whole family was invited, and you were inundated with questions about a significant other, “Oh do you have a boyfriend yet love?”
And then, having to cope with the sad eyes and the pity after you say no, “Oh don't worry, sweetheart. It'll happen for you eventually.” 
They all said the same thing, pity followed by an attempted set-up, “Actually… if you're still single, there's a lovely young man I work with that would be perfect for you!” 
And thus the spiel began, describing a man who you're sure is nice enough but definitely wasn't perfect for you. Even if he was, you couldn't date right now anyway. You were well and truly stuck on Matty.
You can't think of anyone else. Your head is full of him. Your heart is full of him. You think of him when you wake up, what he's doing right now. Whether he's making breakfast for Annie, or maybe if he's at the studio already. Throughout the day, small things remind you of him. The guitar that sits in the corner of your room, an abandoned attempt at a hobby, now sat as nothing but a reminder of the man you were violently in love with. You turned on the radio each day to distract yourself, but now something as basic as music has you yearning for him. One day, as you were getting ready to go out, one of his songs came on, and you froze on the spot. You didn't end up going out that day. You stayed home and ached over a man who you could never have. 
The worst time was at night. You lay in bed staring at the ceiling, the ticking of the clock teasing you. Reminding you that each minute you don't sleep translates to an hour of grumpiness tomorrow morning. But you couldn't help it. Your mind was swimming in him. You thought of lying in bed together, chatting, and giggling. And falling asleep in his arms. You'd be able to listen to his heartbeat rather than the tick tok of that fucking clock.
So you lie, you say to your aunts, “Oh I don't need romance! Im perfectly happy.” But you say you don't need love like a woman on a diet says she doesn't want dessert, you long for it but you don't think you deserve it. 
To try and distract yourself, you dragged yourself out of bed and into central London. The poster convinced you, and soon enough, you were standing in front of Hyde Park with a ticket booked. 
For a solo adult, you had a pretty fun day, going around to all the stalls and buying unnecessary treats for you and your loved ones. You ate some overpriced food and went on a few rides. But you were waiting until the sun had set for your favourite activity, the Ferris wheel. 
You get loaded onto a carriage, and you hear the ride operator ushering more people on saying, “There's only one in here so you two can join her, okay?” You keep focused on the view outside, not too worried about who you're going to be spending the trip around with.
That was until the door shut, and you heard a breathy voice say, “Hi.” 
Why do you recognise that voice? Oh- OH. you turn, and you're met with the same pair of eyes that run through your mind all night, the same eyes that seem to follow you wherever you go.
A few hard blinks later, you assure yourself you're not dreaming, that is Matty Healy standing in front of you with a bear almost the same size as his daughter.
Speaking of his daughter, you catch her in your arms moments later, Annie had thrown herself in to hug you; clearly over the moon with your presence.
“Well hi guys!” You say, somehow managing to keep your voice even, “So nice to see you both” Your eyes flick from Annie's up to Matty, who simply nods, dumbfounded. 
You make a slightly awkward conversation with the two of them, both you and Matty reeling from the surprise encounter. But Annie wasn't phased, easily recounting her whole day to you and laughing when she detailed how ill Matty got on the teacups. 
“In my defence,” Matty says, already smiling at your poorly suppressed giggles, “they spin really fast, okay! Im getting too old for teacups,” he says with a flick of his hand.
Just as you say, “No!” Annie says, “Yes! Too olddddd” dragging out the last letter. All of you burst out laughing, Matty gives Annie a pinch and calls her cheeky.
Once you reached the top, you, Matty, and Annie all quieted down and stared out at the view, all immersed in the London skyline sparkling back at you. Annie stood below you with her face pressed into the window as you and Matty had a quiet conversation. 
“I always wait until it's dark to come up here, I love the lights too much to come up during the day” you whisper to Matty.
You don't turn your head to face him until the silence is too much, and you almost jump when you see him already looking at you. 
But all Matty wanted to do was look at you. The way the lights glittered in your eyes, your smile as they flicked over the view. The way you squinted and leaned in closer, trying to figure out what landmark you were looking at. He especially loved the way your hand was subconsciously stroking Annie's back the whole time. 
He felt like a real fucking family. And god, it hurt. 
Nevertheless, he couldn't stop staring at you, willing to endure any pain if it meant he could continue living in this delusion he had created. 
Any beautiful view was lost on the two of you now, just staring at each other with dopey smiles on your faces. Tracing each feature with your eyes, desperate to memorise this. To live it over and over again. 
Annie tugged at her dad's leg, and that finally pulled his attention back. You were nearly at the bottom of the wheel, and Annie's eyes were heavy with sleep. She rubbed at her face with closed fists and then stuck her arms up. Matty immediately scooped her up and held her close, letting her eyes shut and resting her head on his shoulder. She was falling asleep in a matter of seconds.
Neither of you spoke on the small remainder of the journey, not wanting to wake her up. But as he walked off trying to balance both Annie and the bear, Matty gave you a small smile and a wave. You did the same and walked in the opposite direction.
That night, it wasn't just you staring at your ceiling. Matty was up until 3 am watching the moonlight dance and fantasising about the life he had for 10 minutes. A life with you.
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creepling · 1 month
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"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker for what he did to me, along with the rest of his nutjob family."
Here I present an oc I will probably never use but I wanted to share the character card I made for her because she is pretty neat. Tough as nails, Sydney has seen the world, but nothing prepares her for the nightmare in the Slaughter household. After a one night stand-gone sour with Johnny, she becomes a victim to the family. Two weeks before the capture and death of Maria, Sydney powers through the survivours guilt to strategise an escape. When the chaos of the new-found victims erupts, Sydney takes her chance and does everything in her power to clear the path to survival -- seeking revenge while doing so.
-- TOUGHNESS 30. surviving as long as she should have, sydney is tough as nails. battling through her pain and scars, she can take a few hits while in the heat of battle.
-- ENDURANCE 15. unfortunately smoking since the age of twelve doesn't have a good affect on the lungs. sydney works best in short outbursts, but doesn't have the stamina to go long distance.
-- STRENGTH 25. fuelled by pure adrenaline and rage, sydney's strength is surprising considering her tortured condition. but when you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
-- PROFICIENCY 15. sydney is use to bulldozing her way through situations and doesn't have the patience to unlock objectives. protecting the victims who have the smarts for these things will help her in the long run.
-- STEALTH 45. she is known to be sneaky when she needs to be. with her experience sneaking backstage at concerts, onto tour buses, squatting when sleeping gets tough; sydney knows how to slip by unnoticed.
sydney's ability makes her great for defense against the family. depending on how you go up the tree, you can use sydney's ability as a grapple without the worry of losing and being killed (health deducted from attacks by other family members is halfed while using ability). you can also use it to drain the family's stamina, reduce the cooldown period to use the ability as much as you can, or keep the family in a stand off for a longer period to buy others more time to complete objectives.
EDIT NOTE: i forgot to clarify that there is unique animations sydney has with the family members when using her ability. she wrestles, scratches, headbutts, bites, and specifically for bubba she jumps on his back and tries to gouge his eyes out which puts him in a panic (in case you were wondering how she can grapple him). yeah she crazy. don't mess with bitches from staten island!!
lvl one. cooldown period is reduced by 20% OR duration of ability lasts three seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 20%
lvl two. cooldown period is reduced by 35% OR duration of ability lasts five seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 45%
lvl three. cooldown period is reduced by 50% OR duration of ability last seven seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 75%
POULTRY BUTCHER. sydney can silence chickens without the use of a bone scrap (has 4 charges at lvl three)
COME AND GET ME. if sydney makes noise, any attack within 15 seconds by a family member will result in 80% less damage (at max lvl)
DEATH CROAK. incapitating grandpa reduces the family bond by 2.5 levels and delays his next feed by 30 seconds (at max lvl)
syndey can attain the following perks . . .
bounce back better, choose flight, conditioned, deadbolt, efficient backstabber, exit strategy, fuse lights, grappler, high tolerence, highly skilled, hush or die, immunity, jack in the box, overlooked, radar detector, ran track, tae kwon door.
"these scheeves picked on the wrong girl."
"hey! how the hell you get outta here?"
"you dead-ass right now? they're gonna hear us if you keep running around like that!"
"jeez, try being a little more quiet next time."
"sick, this might open that door."
"i don't care if those fuckers find me, i'm ready for them."
"get out of here, i'll handle this."
[progged when seeing johnny] "shit, it's him. he don't look so handsome no more..."
[prompted when fighting johnny] "this is what you get, you fuckhead! don't mess with me!"
"they're crazy, they're all goddamn crazy."
"hey, asshole! come and get some."
[when seeing other victims] "if you figure out a way to get us outta here, i can district them."
"wanna kill me? you ain't got the guts."
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year
Hi!! Ok sorry for the mammoth question I’m about to ask but you’re super knowledgeable on Halo stuff and I need help- sorry if I don’t word things well my brain is having a day
Ok so I’m writing a Spartan character and I can’t find too much on the specifics of how they were trained. I’m trying to determine what kind of trauma would come out of being beaten into a Spartan, especially the IIs and IIIs.
Basically trying to figure out what kinda trauma they have/how bad it is so I can roadmap my character’s recovery yknow
You came to the right nerd. This is pretty much like throwing a kong ball full of peanut butter into my enclosure. This post is gigantic and I had so much fun.
If you want to read it directly for yourself, you're looking for Nylund's Halo books. The Fall of Reach covers the Spartan-IIs, and Ghosts of Onyx covers the Spartan-IIIs. I'd happily recommend either of those, they're well-liked Halo novels for a reason. Ghosts does work pretty well on its own if you want to focus on the IIIs, but it benefits from having read Fall first. (...And First Strike, but I will contain myself.)
If you want IVs, which are very different because they were selected and augmented as adults with military experience, your options are New Blood by Forbeck or the comic Initiation. (I'm not really a big fan of either so it just depends on if you'd prefer it from Buck or Palmer.)
That said, let's get going.
(....I want the readmore cut to be here, but Tumblr keeps moving it when I make edits. So.)
Spartan-IIs and Spartan-IIIs: Training
These guys have a lot in common, and they feel weirdly familiar to one another. (Just enough that the differences feel even weirder.)
Both groups started training as young children. The IIs were all six years old, the IIIs cast a wider net. Ghosts mentions kids as young as 4 in Alpha, but that doesn't... make sense actually. Because we have canon DOBs we know Carter would've been 12 and Jun would've been 8, and those numbers feel closer to right, but I'll get to why in a bit. (Researching this post has made me have a revelation about Spartan-III ages.)
Spartan-IIs were selected for genetic matches to a profile that Dr. Halsey determined was likely to accept the augmentation procedures. (The failure rate was still very high though. I'll talk about that.) They were kidnapped from their homes by ONI operatives and brought to Reach. Here's what they were told because hahahahaha big iconic moment:
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(One note: Spartan-II training began in 2517. This was 8 years before the Covenant attack on Harvest in 2525. They were absolutely trained to bring down human targets, and were taught that it was necessary to sacrifice human lives for the good of innocent people. The first class of Spartan-IIIs kicked off in 2532, and they would focus from the beginning on Covenant.)
There were a total of 75 Spartan-II candidates. No one died during training (...at least I am pretty sure, if someone died during training it was a retcon introduced later) but it was hard. Halopedia has a pretty thorough rundown of things we know they did. Most of those are in The Fall of Reach. The Tango Company bit is from First Strike. Bonus: Here's a story Gray Team tells in Envoy that isn't mentioned:
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(If you want to know who the most feral and defiant S-IIs are with the most atypical profiles, you want to look at Gray Team.)
Surviving Spartan-IIs are going to be 49 years old as of Halo Infinite. (Though, like all UNSC infantry, they've spent huge amounts of time in cryo during ship travel over the years. Sergeant Johnson was chronologically 78 in Halo 3, if that helps.)
Spartan-IIIs were selected along a wider profile because the augmentations were changed by Colonel Ackerson to be 1) cheaper and 2) have a much higher success rate with a broader margin for compatibility. They were working with orphans the UNSC picked up on planets the Covenant attacked, so they also could not be as selective as the original project. The young S-IIIs' fear and anger toward the Covenant (and their desire for revenge) were huge motivators. There were hundreds of Spartan-IIIs in all 3 classes. (They exhausted the available candidate pool after Alpha, and Ackerson was pushing for efforts to more widely genetically profile children from colony worlds as a result…. 😬)
Here's how the first company of Spartan-IIIs (Alpha Company) got the intro. (We don't know what Beta and Gamma were told, but it's likely to be similar):
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(Ghosts of Onyx, Chapter 6, this is immediately followed by a bit from the perspective of a boy named Shane that would probably be really useful to you if you're looking for some insight to what those kids were feeling. It's just too long to paste.)
Another note: Chief Mendez trained both groups of Spartans. We have fewer detailed descriptions of S-III training shenanigans, because there is a lot of time skipping during Ghosts of Onyx to demonstrate the catastrophic losses suffered by the Alpha and Beta companies. Given that Mendez was involved, though, they are likely to have been highly similar.
Based on what we do get of training in Ghosts, I see the S-III teams being pitted against one another in exercises more often than we see mention of the IIs doing. (This is likely because S-II was on Reach, a huge ass military base, and had much more access to personnel that could be dragged into this than Onyx, which was extremely remote and established solely for the purpose of minting Spartans.)
The Spartan-IIIs had much less training time than the IIs... at least originally. S-III Alpha Company had 4 years compared to the S-II's 8 years. ONI was banking on improved augmentation protocols and technology to make up for it. Kurt pushed for the later two classes to get more training time.
Another another note: Kurt, if you were not aware, is Kurt-051 (Kurt Ambrose, using the name ONI gave him to work under.) Kurt was a Spartan-II abducted by ONI (making it look like he died on a mission) specifically for this job in 2531. Kurt loved those kids. Their deaths weighed heavily on him. More on that later.
Spartan-II Augmentations
I wasn't sure where else to put this, so it's going here: Spartan-II augmentations had a huge wash-out rate. S-III had a much much much smaller percentage.
There were 75 Spartan-II candidates, and only 33 came out as intended. The rest of them suffered serious side effects, and several died.
Halopedia once again has a big pile of information.
I bring this up for two reasons: the first is that it's a thing they all went through and all lost people who were as close as siblings to.
The second is that some Spartan-IIs that initially washed out of the program at this point were rehabilitated. Dr. Halsey worked on individual therapies for Spartans whose bodies rejected augmentations, restoring some quality of life and, in some cases, successfully getting them back to a point where they could continue training. (Black Team and Red Team (Halo Wars edition) are both made up entirely of former wash-outs.)
ONI created jobs for and retained most Spartan-II wash-outs that couldn't continue as Spartans. Serin Osman, Musa, and Fhajad are examples.
Differences Between Spartan-III Companies
There were 3 companies of S-IIIs trained, so if you're working on a III you'll want to establish which one they were from. You can identify the generation of S-IIIs by the letter in their tag number: Jun-A266, Lucy-B091, Ash-G099. Alpha, Beta, Gamma.
(Sidenote on picking Spartan tag numbers for OCs: There's a specific range of numbers. S-II had 150 candidates observed even though only 75 were taken and trained, so their tag numbers range from 1-150. Alpha Company had 497 kids, Beta had 418, Gamma had 330. WIki's really good for making sure you're not duplicating an existing number. Spartan-IIs are pretty much all accounted for canonically but if you're writing a II OC you're already in your own city anyway.)
Here's a good wiki trailhead for you, individual articles for the companies tell you what we do know about their training, too. But if you like reading my words about things:
The first group Kurt and Mendez trained, starting in the last days of 2532 and going active in 2536. There are very few surviving members of Alpha Company, only seven canonical, because almost all of them were killed in one operation.
Ages are kind of fucky for Alpha Company, as I mentioned earlier because Ghosts implies they were really young, but the problem with that is that after only 4 years of training they would have not been old enough to undergo augmentation. Jun, Emile, and Carter were Alphas. Jun was 28, Emile was 29, and Carter was 32 at Reach, so they would've been from 8-12 years old at the start of training. I feel like we're meant to go with that.
That means surviving Alphas would be in their late 30s as of Infinite.
Started training in 2539 and went active in 2545. Kurt was devastated by the loss of the Alphas (he's terribly upset when he finds out what happened to them, the information was kept from him.) He tried to train Beta company better and harder (he managed to squeeze two more years in for them), but in the end it did not save them from a similar fate. There are a handful of surviving Betas that were not present for Operation TORPEDO, but Tom and Lucy were the only survivors that were there. Kat and Noble Six were Betas. They were both 22 when they died on Reach. (That puts them both at 9 at the start of training. Tom and Lucy were a little younger, they both would have been 6.) Ages are still slightly fucky there because that means Lucy and Tom would've been 12 at augment, but that... is close enough to almost work, sort of, I guess, oh Halo you're so silly. Anyway. Surviving Betas would be in their late 20s/early 30s as of Infinite.
The last class of IIIs started training in 2545. (I had to do a little digging to confirm this year because it was authorized in '44, you're welcome.) They had just been deployed in 2552 and most of them left Onyx a week before the Onyx Conflict (you know, where the whole planet disintegrated into Forerunner nonsense) kicked off, with only three teams left on-planet for that shitmess. They were being shoved out the door because Reach had just fallen and everything was on fucking fire.
They had the most training and Kurt and Mendez were terribly proud of them. These guys would be the youngest S-IIIs both in terms of yes, that's how time works, and in terms of how old they were when they started training. We have canonical DOBs on several of them that put them at 6 and 7. This is significant because the Gammas are the ones that were being rushed into production: They were put on hormones to induce puberty early when most of them were 12ish, so that they could be augmented. (You know, horrifying!) (This is the thing that kicked off my wild confusion about Spartan-III ages that has consumed me for the last hour. Thanks, Halo! :,) )
The big thing to know about the Gammas is that they got built different. Kurt hated what had happened to the Alphas and Betas, hated it desperately, and was willing to do anything he thought would give the Gammas a chance at survival.
Kurt changed the augmentations. He did this without authorization. The Gammas' brains got tweaked to give them a heightened response to stress/adrenaline that makes them more able to block out pain/shock and keep fighting, which Kurt hoped would help them make it through the meatgrinder missions ONI was determined to use them for. The problem? The Gammas require regular injections of antipsychotics to keep them emotionally stable, and they can become less rational and start having extreme responses that make them a danger to themselves and others if they are deprived of them. (They call these drugs "smoothers.")
Anyway, the Gammas were 13-14ish at the end of the war, and surviving Gammas (there are significantly more of them) are in their late 20s by Infinite. Their altered augmentations mean they're considered unsuited for high-visibility work, ONI considers them a potential huge liability if a Gamma ever goes off the rails so they prefer to keep them away from people. A lot of Gammas that are still alive have ended up as Headhunters. (That's also the case for a lot of surviving S-IIIs generally. I don't know as much about Headhunters, they're a part of the lore I find uninteresting.)
Also just because I feel like it, here's Kurt with one of the Gammas dying in his arms:
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What Are Spartans Like?
"Records show Spartans routinely exhibited mildly sociopathic tendencies, difficulty with socialization. Furthermore…" - Halo 4
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We're getting into more and more headcanon and interpretation, but hey. I offer this as creative compost for your bin.
Spartans are weird. Spartans are weird. The overall portrait of an adult S-II/III is that they're mostly quiet, serious, and very intense about whatever they're doing. Some are more talkative and sociable than others, some are more unsettling than others. There's some wide variability on how careful they are about other people and how responsible they do or do not feel toward them.
As far as Spartans go, I feel like John is high on the polite end, and I have reams I've said and could say about how he handles himself. You've got Spartans who are very contained like him (I'd say Owen-B096 is another good example, he's able to be shockingly gentle with a pack of scared high school kids in Battle Born.) But you've also got examples like, say, Emile, and Gray Team, and Kevin from this one story in the Fractures anthology:
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Let me break down some major traits:
Overall, Spartans are poorly socialized. Their priorities and experiences are so wildly different from most peoples' that it's a difficult gap for them to bridge, and they're required to hide the details of their personal histories because that's very dangerous and inconvenient information (you know, for the UNSC) to have around. They were isolated from other people as children, and as adults they are extremely busy and the things that make them different make it difficult for them to make up for lost time on this.
If you've seen me writing John, I have him struggling a lot because it feels like social situations are always full of weird traps he can't see because he just doesn't have the background for them. There are so, so many things you casually assume another person is familiar with in conversation, and so many little social call-and-responses that someone who was raised under such weird circumstances wouldn't have.
There's a post that goes around sometimes about a small child who has never heard "Later, alligator" responding with "Goodbye, hippo" or something like that because they'd never heard the "After a while, crocodile" response and had to guess at what they were supposed to do. I think about that post sometimes when I'm thinking about Spartans. They're smart, and they can imitate and figure things out and get good at faking more experience than they have (and the older a Spartan is the longer they've been picking things up), but they need something to work with.
A Spartan-II never snuck out with friends after curfew to go to a concert, was never nervous about who was going out with who, and never stressed about what they were going to do after high school. But they know that enough people experience those things to pretend they understand.
It's easiest to lie by not saying anything at all as much as possible, because then you don't give anyone who's watching you a little too closely something to pick apart. Let other people assume you're what they expect, and don't give them details to the contrary.
This makes most of them quiet and sort of awkward, unless they've put in effort on their own part to work on it. If a Spartan cares enough to learn to socialize and banter smoothly with non-Spartans, that tells you something about their priorities and who they are. (And possibly that they got extra training for a specific purpose that requires it.)
Getting out of socialization: Spartans were raised in a highly structured environment, and I think most of them find comfort in routines, rules, and regular procedures that are done the same way. Following general everyday UNSC rules = not being bawled out or punished. Following some extra important serious rules = feeling like you're doing the best thing you can possibly do to prevent disasters from happening. How much that has broken down for someone vs how much they still hang onto it is gonna be real individual. Some of them really will not like being pulled out of doing things the way they "should" be done.
Amongst themselves, Spartans communicate a lot by body language and hand signals. (S-IIs and S-IIIs use similar but slightly different hand signals because Kurt was a II and they innovated on what they picked up from him. I'd also say it's very likely that each class had some variations unique to them, like a dialect.) They're also so used to being in armor that they do a lot with just flashing different status light colors on their HUD, which is neat (and also on that page.)
As a footnote re: sex and romance, it's a thorny fandom question that is up to you to answer for how you prefer to read things, but it's fair play to say that most Spartan-IIs are probably at least mostly asexual due to their augmentations. S-IIIs have no major lore implying either way about it, though later depictions of the Gammas have seemed to indicate they're not particularly interested either. It's up to you how you want to go.
The other thing about Spartans is they are trained to react immediately in a crisis and have had that tendency reinforced by horrible traumatic experiences. I don't like throwing around real world serious words for fictional character things, but I think PTSD is fair for most Spartans. Do real research if you want to incorporate that, I don't know the most about it and won't pretend whatever I'm doing is an actual portrayal. But I do think a lot about reactiveness.
The problem with being constantly ready to react to everything like it's a life-or-death situation is... most things are not life-or-death situations. It's hard on a person, and it makes you blow some things out of proportion in a way that can become a serious problem. (For example: A Spartan that feels safer when following specific routines and procedures getting way more frustrated than is really justified by someone breaking from protocol in a harmless but definite way.)
Spartans are really good at controlling anger and fear and probably will not go all the way off the handle, but they still tend to go for immediate responses to things that startle or scare them. Make a loud sound in a room full of Spartans, expect hands on weapons and some pointed barrels. They are always always always ready to go. It is incredibly difficult for them to relax.
Most Spartans probably remember a point (or multiple points) somewhere in their lives where their guard was down, and then everything exploded under them and maybe somebody died.
This is a lot more personal and individual. The majority of Spartans are very loyal to the UNSC, it's been trained into them from childhood. The degree to which a Spartan may possibly have become embittered about it is going to be super dependent on who they are and what has happened to them.
I think a lot of them probably tend to fall back on their mission and sense of purpose (especially re: the defense of humanity) for a bare kind of comfort when miserable (which they have reason to be often.) They have sacrificed so much of themselves, but it was worth it, right? They helped save humanity from the Covenant, right? They're helping save humanity from new problems, right?
Spartans were all taught that their cause is worth their lives, and they're willing to die for it. They have known people they loved and grew up with who did die for it, and this fits pretty naturally into coping with those losses.
If the cause isn't paramount and loyalty to the UNSC isn't worth dying for.... what does that make everything they've done, and everything they've lost? What does that make the deaths of their fellow Spartans?
(Survivor's guilt is gonna be big for all of them, but especially S-IIIs. 2/3 Spartan-III companies died in almost their entirety in one go. The surviving S-IIs had remarkably few losses until... Reach....... )
I've talked/thought about sacrifice a lot with the S-IIs, especially John because I'm always in hell writing about John and people have poked my askblog about it. If a Spartan could go back in time and change how their life went and prevent them from becoming a Spartan, would they?
Being a Spartan and that sense of purpose is so core to them that I really think most of them would not. This is their world. This is their lives. This is such a huge part of who they are that they don't know who they'd be otherwise.
I don't care for Mortal Dictata much (that's a whole different post), but a huge part of the plot of that book is that Kilo Five's S-II (Naomi) is reunited with her father as an adult and it's a very uncomfortable process because... she's not the little girl he lost, anymore.
I think that's everything I have on this.
I am a perpetual wellspring of information on this topic tho so you guys let me know if you have more things you wanna talk about re: this. :V
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
Yeah I get ya! I mostly went with Steampunk Saihara and Cyberpunk Ouma just so my sleep-deprived brain at the time didn't have to think of it anymore than it should.
Now, I know I said steampunk vs cyberpunk could be equated to today vs the Middle Ages... but, what if it was the opposite, where cyberpunk is in the past and steampunk is their future? Cyberpunk worlds are overrun with corruption; that's the whole point of the "punk" in its name. When global society finally collapses, it's a damn free-for-all, and steampunk technology is what they scrounge up now that all their versions of our power grids are permanently busted and cyberpunk technology no longer really works as a whole.
Time travel is probably at play. If Steampunk Ouma's the time traveler, he's gonna need Cyberpunk Saihara's help navigating the world... badly. The government doesn't need probably-very-angry people from the future coming back on top of all the very angry riots from revolutionary movements currently going on; and yet closing the time travel portals means leaving DICE behind forever. They don't need walking proof of society's demise, assuming this is a government that wants to sweep everything bad about itself under the rug and try to ignore it as much as they can; so they'll either a. try to imprison him, or b. kill him and get the problem over with. I see the latter as most likely.
If Cyberpunk Saihara's the time traveler, I can see one or two possible routes. For the sake of ease, let's just so the governments confiscated everything techy before the world imploded 75 years later. Things were getting extremely out of hand with the riots so the government officials chose living over money, but by then the damage had been done.
Cyberpunk Saihara has extremely valuable technological knowledge. So either a. Cyberpunk Saihara teaches Steampunk Ouma and his town the skills to slowly rebuild themselves, or b. do the exact same thing I did with Ouma; Saihara tries to avoid people who would do anything to have him as a slave building xtremely useful cyberpunk things for them... with the help of Ouma and DICE!
There's definitely some things I'd edit here, but for now, this should be good enough.
i don'r have much to add but this iz very funky
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anouri · 2 years
if you dont have any advice feel free to ignore this but do you have any tips for getting back into writing after not doing it for a while? recently fell out of a fandom ive been in for ~2 years & i still want to write but i dont know What anymore
hi! i don't have any solid or structured advice, but i can tell you what i've done in the past to get me out of a rut and hopefully it helps!
i think the biggest thing that causes me to kind of get stuck is when i try to plan what i'm writing too much. i know a lot of writing tips say "outline this, outline that, plan your characterization, etc etc" and i (perhaps controversially) say fuck all that! 75% of the stuff i write has no strict plan, because whenever i do that i end up backing myself into a corner. lots of my writing comes from me just throwing down the first thing that comes to my head, even if it doesn't make sense logistically—you can always edit later, but i find just dumping your thoughts no matter how incoherent gives your mind the freedom to be creative and helps when you don't know what to write
so, i guess i would say is to literally write the first thing that comes to your mind and try to word associate from there. idk what fandom you're in, but i'll give a marauders example just bc that's what i write for lol: for some reason, the first thing that came to mind was remus & coffee. okay, so i have two things, a character and a topic or object. so then i have to come up with some sort of conflict or something going wrong, something that'll incite whatever plot i have in the future. the first thing that comes to mind is the coffee getting spilled on him. okay, so what could cause coffee to get spilled? maybe he's already had too much coffee, so his hands were shaky and he dropped it. why has he had too much coffee? he couldn't sleep last night. why couldn't he sleep? he argued with sirius. why would they argue?—
i'm not sure if this is helping at all, but you see what i am doing, yeah? all you need is just one character and one other thing, and just keep asking yourself 'why?'. this gives you a starting point and maybe you'll come up with a more in-depth idea or plot to write about, or maybe you'll just continue to follow that train of thought. i don't think the latter is a bad thing, either. (and if you can't think of a word or scenario, you can google 'random word generator' or you can look up writing prompts on tumblr. i've done both before)
if you do feel the need to plan What, i really think the only plan that is maybe necessary in terms of fics is a beginning, the conflict that happens about 3/4 of the way through, and the end. the rest you can work as you go through it. think about what your favorite thing is to read, and perhaps that'll help. what is your favorite sort of conflict? maybe you enjoy reading interpersonal conflict, or maybe you enjoy a character's primary conflict to be with themselves. how do you like the fics you read to begin and end? do you like fics that jump straight into action or ease you into the plot? i think asking yourself what you like is also another way to get ideas
but yeah! this was rambly, but i really hope it helped at least a little bit!!
OH editing to add: i just realized what you meant by fell out of a fandom. in terms of that, my advice is still the same; if you mean that you want to write original work than fics, i'd say instead of fandom characters you can just insert your own. drawing from your own personality or people you know is a good place to start, and then you can develop a character's idiosyncracies from there as time goes on
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stickfiguresam · 8 months
TASFS Miiverse Edition Guide WIP
The Adventures of Stickfigure Sam originally started on Miiverse! Here is the original series!
When Miiverse died, so did this timeline. Hopefully I'll come up with another way to share this idea of a series.
As all of these were drawn on a 3DS, the quality of some of these drawings might not be perfect. And figuring that they were made over a long-ish amount of time, I spent a bunch of that time experimenting and developing the style. So the quality will vary. Though it will get overall better as it goes on.
A young stickfigure named Sam finds a sword in a bubble and "rescues" a powerful sprite named BB. Join Sam on his very first so called "adventure". Will he have more adventures? Or will the end of a platform end it all?
Chapter 1: The Awkward Beginning (Parts 1-10)
The beginning of Sam's adventure! During these parts, the formatting is squeezed into tiny sections. Also don't judge my humor in this section too hard! I was just a kid when I made it.
Chapter 2: Returning Home (Parts 11-24)
Sam needs to find his way back home. But it's grown way too dark! And Sam is pretty lost. Maybe BB can help him find the way?
Chapter 3: And What Are You? (Parts 25-39)
Wait. What is BB exactly? And... Why was Sam out in the woods, anyway?
Chapter 4: A Late Morning/Sam's Punishment (Parts 40-50, 51-59)
Flashback Time!! Looks like somebody slept in!
Chapter 5: An Argument/An Adventure? (Parts 60-74, 75-82)
Chapter 6: Marci and Luise/A Good Prince (Parts 83-91, 92-95)
Sam gets ready to go on his little adventure, when his sister starts to annoy him with glitter.
Chapter 7: Sam's Crush (Parts 96-103)
Chapter 8: Looking For Bearberries/New Plan!/Picking Berries (Parts 104-108, 109-118, 119-123)
Sam goes to the bearberry field, but doesn't have any luck finding anything. ...Or does he?
Chapter 9: A Sword? (Parts 124-130)
Chapter 10: Back to The Present (Parts 131-134)
Chapter 11: The End of Miiverse (Parts 135-141)
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goldenhydreigon47 · 2 years
Alright so its time to hyperfixate even more on Omori by giving my rankings for a few characters, specifically the main cast in both Faraway and Headspace, and a few of the side characters, so without further ado...
Sunny: Emo and very adorable. Lots of headcanons for him after the PGE ranging from keeping him his usual shy self to making him very sociable and talkative. 80/10
Omori: Garbage Boy Stink Man but we still love this little gremlin. 9/10
Kel: Buries all of his trauma deep down, all to help his friends. False smiles at any sadness. Honestly written really well. 150/10
Headspace Kel: Kel but annoying and no sadness. 20/10
Aubrey: BEST. GIRL. Has the best writing, the best music, the best headcanons, the best sprites, and BY FAR the best character arc. Is also extremely relatable. 200/10
Headspace Aubrey: Aubrey but much more upbeat and also clingy. Veeeeeeeery clingy (Touch Starved Aubrey my beloved). 25/10
Hero: Best brother figure in gaming and I will not take Mario as a rebuttal. Plus, he's literally the perfect man (other than my boyfriend, but I digress). 100/10
Headspace Hero: Kinda boring ngl. Still the most useful for battles though. 20/10
Basil: Adorable. Must protecc at all costs. Also, when he's written well, he has some of the best moments in the game. 175/10
Headspace Basil: Basil but even more adorable. 23/10
Mari: Sunny but with Hero's caring and Kel's goofieness. Just a shame she doesn't have a larger role imo (granted I know why but still), but that's what the fics are for :). 50/10
Kim: Feral lesbian gremlin. We stan. 120/10
Berley: Feral lesbian gremlin: Dinosaur fursona edition. 20/10
Angel: Kel but more hyper. 100/10
Nem: Puzl. 3/10
The Maverick: Weeb and also a complete doofus. 150/10
Mikal: No wonder he uses The Maverick persona. Mikal is so... so boring. 1/10
Vance: The other good big brother archetype in this game: 60/10
Van: He looks like a Snorlax. 5/10
Charlene: Basil but tall, female, and shyer. Still like her a lot as a character though. 50/10
Sharleen: Pretty much the same as her Faraway version. 5/10
Mincy: THE
Cris: Honestly? She doesn't say much but doesn't have to. Again, that's what the fics are for. 70/10
Daphne: Mari but even more of a chaotic goofball. 70/10
Doughie: Same as her Faraway variant. 20/10
Bowen: Hero but with more silliness and similar to Sunny's design. 65/10
Biscuit: Same as Faraway Variant. 15/10
Captain Spaceboy: Transmasc Icon. We stan. 65/10
Sweetheart: I want to punch hed but also she's hilarious. 75/10
Jawsum: Giovanni but nicer and a shark. 60/10
Slime Girls: Splatoon 3 looks great/j. 17/10
Humphrey: Wipe that shit-eating grin off your face! -7/10
Stranger: Basil but emo. 10/10
SOMETHING: 👁. ????/10
Sunny's Parents and Basil's Parents: Y'know if you could come back and support your kid after the incident, that'd be greaaaaaaat. -50/10
Aubrey's Mother: Fuck you. Hope you die a slow death via alcohol poisoning in a jail cell. You deserve nothing but pain after how you treated Aubrey. -999,999,999,999/10
Kel and Hero's Parents: Your one benefit is that your better than the other parents of the main cast. 0/10
Polly: She's doing her best and needs more appreciation. 40/10
Angel's Sister: If you took Candace from Phineas and Ferb's obnoxiousness and combined it with the wrath and punishments of Vickie from The Fairly Odd Parents, you'd get Angel's sister. 1/10
Mewo: Adorable. 10/10
Hector: DOGGO. 20/10
Sprout Mole: They go •○•. 15/10
Sally: Adorable. 10/10
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shadowkat678 · 2 years
Hey, anyone want d&d stuff, or sparkly click clack dice?
I'm currently between jobs and won't get my next paycheck until two weeks after I start on March 4th. I've had to spend a lot of my savings from my most recent job on my girlfriend who had encountered a financial emergency, plus a few doctor's visits I had to have without insurance. Not to mention the recent increase in grocery prices.
My savings is almost gone and my credit card is almost maxed. So I'm hoping someone would be willing to help me out buying some of my collection. I have ttrpg books, fiction novels, dice, a board game, some superhero wall art, a really nice painting, and some more various odds and ends.
I have additional items that I'm more hesitant to part with, but if you'd like to see more shoot me a comment.
Here's some of what I have!
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From top to bottom of my rpg books in the picture, and left to write, there is:
The Throne of Bloodstone, a reprint of the famous Forgotten Realms AD&D adventure that ran from levels 18-100. Pristine condition and 92 pages and the conclusion of the Bloodstone Pass Saga.
Ravenloft, Secrets of the Dread Realms, an early edition supplement for the Gothic Horror setting of Ravenloft. It details the various demi planes and their rulers. 61 pages.
Book of Vile Darkness, the famous third edition book whose gimmick was mature content. Absolutely not for children, or even young teens. It goes over various details of how to present evil in games, from villains, to running campaigns were the players are evil, topics like torture, and more. You can find information about it pretty easily. 190 pages, fantastic condition.
Tales of the Yawning Portal, a series of old oneshots remade for the most recent 5th edition, with such classics as the Tomb of Horror and White Plume Mountain. Almost 250 pages and like new.
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage is a 5e adventure through the twenty levels of the Undermountain. Over 300 pages and like new.
Cat and Mouse is a third party short adventure by Kobold Press for 5e D&D. Like new, 22 pages, and set in the Southlands setting by Kobold Press. Setting knowledge not needed to use the adventure, much like any other book. Everything you need is mentioned inside.
The next three books are all part of an old Ad&d boxed set (I do not have the box) for the Ravenloft setting. I recommend them as a package for that reason. They go over different abilities, setting effects, curses unique to the setting, a few locations and treasures, and people. I'd probably recommend them with the other Ravenloft book. Together they are 95 pages.
Pool of Radiance, Attack on Myth Drannor is an adventure from 3e/3.5. 96 pages and in like new condition. You can convert, like all adventures, to any edition if you're willing to make stat changes.
Ultimate Beastiary, Revenge of the Hoard, is a 5e supplement by Nord games fleshing out common low level monsters such as goblins and orcs and gnolls, and giving them their own cultures and ways of life to make them feel more fleshed out in games. 192 pages and like new.
The Book of Fiends is a supplement from Green Ronin Publishing back in 3e about devils, demons, and other fiends. It can be used with any edition for ideas and lore, but the stats would need converting. A little bit of wear but still good condition, 223 pages.
Fifth Edition Options is by TPK Games and expands on optional rulings and mechanics for D&D 5e. Like new, 75 pages.
Dungeons and Dragons, Forgotten Realms is a comic set in the Forgotten Realms setting by Ed Greenwood. Like new. It doesn't have page numbers but is pretty hefty for a comic. I'd guess around 100 pages or a bit more.
Legacy of the Crystal Shard is an early 5e adventure while it was still being polished and was still called D&D Next. It's very short and also has a 3.5e and 4e conversion table in the back. It's 20 pages.
Feel free to ask about any of them more in depth. I also have a lot of other books, but these are the ones out of my collection I'm most willing to part with. Though if you're interested in seeing other books or have a specific book type in mind I'm open to talking.
I also have a very large dice collection if anyone collects TTRPG dice sets, a lot of them very unique and cost a bit to gain, but as I'm not even able to play in person currently I'd also be willing to show off my dice sets.
I'll need to look up what I got each for and also shipping costs before I can list a price, but contact me about anything here or if you're interested in seeing some other stuff and I'll calculate it for you.
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Hi! I was wondering what your current reading list is like? Like books, fanfics, comics? Sorry if this a weird ask, but I'm just really curious (and kind of bored lol). You don't have to answer, but I just thought it might be cool. Hope you and your family are well!
Oh goodness, Lovely; that's a tall order~ ^_^;
Not a weird question at all, though, but it may take a bit for me to sort through all my current literary pursuits.
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I'm currently working on six different books, all of them at greatly different speeds.
The first, and most pressing to finish, is Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 by Christopher Clark. The only reason for my rush in reading this 776 page monster is because I'm currently borrowing it on an inter-library loan through a university, and it needs to be returned before their classes resume in the fall semester. I'm currently on page 285, so I think the odds of me breezing through the remainder of her in the next three weeks are highly in my favor. I actually tried to read this one back when I was still enrolled at Susquehanna, but was soon too swamped between assignments and extracurriculars that I just lacked the time to actually finish it. I do recommend it as good reference material, with pages upon pages of the sources used by the author, in addition to Clark's straightforward and well-organized presentation of the hundreds of years of history he's providing.
Recently, my local library held a book sale, and I managed to obtain a hardcover edition of Great German Short Novels And Stories, edited by Victor Lange, for only 75¢. There are some really great tales in there, including von Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther" and Bretana's "The Story of the Just Casper and Fair Annie." Granted, those two love stories are essentially tragedies, but... ^_^; Reading this concurrently to Iron Kingdom has helped a lot of the information regarding the ever-changing social structures of the time kind of settle more firmly in my memory, and may have perhaps sparked a few potential fics that I'm kind of eager to explore in the coming months.
The other books I'm currently working on, but not as devoutly, include The Sea Beast Takes a Lover by Michael Andreason, a short story compilation falling somewhere between the supernatural and science fiction. This one I obtained at Dollar Tree, as well as a copy of Tyler Knott Gregson's Miracle in the Mundane, a collection of poems and prompts to help spark creativity, encourage mindfulness, and possibly instill a sense of joy. I've been keeping a journal to address each prompt, so it is a bit of a slow read.
I have also been tackling The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins, though I've stepped away from this Victorian mystery due to my irritations with one particularly religious, socially inept narrator. While I know she won't remain the narrator for much longer (the tale is presented from different POVs, intentionally meant to seem as if you are reading witness testimonies), it doesn't limit my annoyance with her.
Finally, I am also reading Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait, which is a collection of letters written by Vincent primarily to his brother Theo throughout the later years of his life, edited by W.H. Auden. The book focuses on Vincent's journey into art, revealing so, so much about his passions, his dislikes, his love of the world, and has shown me just how badly I would love to sit with him in a cafe sometime, discussing our different approaches to our art forms. He was an avid reader and spends quite a bit of time highly praising writers for also being artists, and is constantly recommending books in his letters which I hope to one day read for myself. I am sadly getting quite near the end of this one, and I know I will miss him when I do.
I'm currently only following three fanfics, one of which I need to catch up on in the next day or so.
Said story would be by @rosewrites Stephen Stranger Reader Insert series: Cardiac Arrest. Set before The Avengers, Stephen is still a practicing neurosurgeon and Reader is a pediatric surgeon. So far, she has 52 chapters, and in addition to the slow, slow burn, the snark, and some perfectly mature shenanigans, there is also a healthy dose of one Anthony Edward Stark to keep my broken post-Endgame heart happy. I truly recommend her stuff; she's amazing!
Another Marvel series I'm following is featured on AO3 entitled From The Void, With Love, a Loki readerfic by pilotisms that more or less follows the timeline of the
Disney+ series. Alas, it has been a while since there has been an update to this one, but with 24 chapters already post, there is still plenty of content to enjoy.
Finally, and most enthusiastically, I'd like to talk about @the-scribe-and-her-scribbles series it will come back, featuring fae!prussia. I- I truthfully lack the words to describe just how deeply I've fallen for this series. From the settings to the characterizations and concept, not to mention scribe's clear passion for the story itself- It all flows together into such a gripping story that I am desperate to read more of it. There's a delightful, overarching touch of darkness, magic, and of course our favourite disaster man. While she's only posted six chapters thus far (next update scheduled for August!), there is already quite the adventure in motion, and I am absolutely enraptured.
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This ended up being far longer than expected, but hopefully I answered your question?
I honestly had forgotten up until recently just how much I love reading, and now that I am free to fall back into it- It has been quite the interesting journey.
If you're at all curious about more of my literary ventures, you could always check out my bookshelves on Goodreads. I haven't added every book I've met just yet, but I do try to update it with each one I can remember.
Thank you so very much for the ask, Lovely! Hope some of these help alleviate your boredom~
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 284 SPOILERS
(BK: I am concern. MI: Fuck you and your concern )
Deku is in the air thinking about how he can't let Shiggy touch the ground and of course Black Whip picks this exact moment to get harder to controll.
Izuku drops everyone, sans Shigaraki, on the ground and puts them on babysitting duty for GT and Eraser while he heads off BY HIMSELF. Endeavour is talking about how pathetic he is cause he's still cooling off and Bakugou is screaming at Midoriya with what seems to be actual, honest to god concern about how Shigaraki has all his quirks back now that Aizawa is KO. Deku is all "Who else is gonna keep Shigaraki in the air and both Bakugou and Endeavour get this i-want-to-help-but-i-dont-know-how looks on their faces.
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OMG SHIGARAKI LOL. I swear Horikoshi is giving him the best lines these days.
Bakugou still has this pained expression on his face as he watches Midoriya literally charge full speed towards death itself and we get a flashback to someone asking about training.
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GSJSHSJDHHW MIDORIYA'S HAIR. I mean, he do be looking kinda good with that afro tho.
Ok so Ochako is there to help Izuku practice how to not slam face first into a wall when he unlocks Float, which explains why he's so good at it. Tsu ask why they didn't just ask Aizawa and AM says he's still processing the whole Shiragiri thing. Obviously he didn't tell the kids exactly like that but that's what he meant.
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Of course Gang Orca has his own brand of water.
Hmmm. Is OFA gonna get revealed in this chapter? Probably not.
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We love character development in this house.
(Edit: Ok so Viz has taken Katsuki trusting Deku away from us but has given us Katsuki being hella worried instead, which was already pretty obvi but I'll take it anyway)
Katsuki's right, that's mad sus. Why was it scribbled out Toshinori? Bakugou calls out All Might for keeping secrets and asks if he figured out the true nature of OfA but All Might cuts him of with a sharp "NO". Then he changes the subject completely by saying he's concerned about Katsuki's and Izuku's growth. Idk Toshi that's mad sus. You shouldn't be keeping secrets about OFA dude.
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But...?!?!?! But what? You can't just cut him off there that's not fair. I was feeding off of the Dad Might energy too :(
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I just love how Endeavour, the No. 1 Hero , has been bossed a round by a bunch of 16yr olds since this fight started. Like, get your shit together old man. You really gonna let these teenagers out shine you?
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Ok but this panel looks so cool. That 75% is biting Shiggy real hard in the ass rn.
Izuku is getting ready to punch the ever loving shit out of Shigaraki. He's putting everything into this punch.
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It literally looks like Shigaraki just exploded.
Anyway. Now people have their answer on why Izuku was able to control Float as soon as he unlocked it.
I feel like the fact that Black Whip is getting harder to control is gonna come back and bite him in the ass. And what was all that about the 4th user? Why was his quirk scribbled out? What are you hiding Toshinori?
Character development from Bakugou is always a win. Him saying he trusts Deku is a pretty big fucking deal. Also Dad Might.
That ending is nerve racking and I would very much like to know what Yagi said to Bakugou.
Until next time.
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
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I posted 1,468 times in 2021
366 posts created (25%)
1102 posts reblogged (75%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.0 posts.
I added 2,080 tags in 2021
#sunshine boy - 338 posts
#osrr - 337 posts
#molly rambles - 336 posts
#operation srr - 336 posts
#2000s - 333 posts
#2400s - 101 posts
#2500s - 97 posts
#2600s - 80 posts
#ffs ff love me pls - 66 posts
#2300s - 56 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#reblogging this again for the added commentary about these musicians because they are bomb ass motherfuckers and deserve to be treated so
My Top Posts in 2021
OSRR: 2365
i got my hair done yall
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(the braids are not my hair but it is the same color.)
i don't really have a great picture of it because it's hard to do that with a shoulder that's acting up and i didn't do it anyway. it's an undercut but it looks like a normal haircut when it's all down, but i figure it'll rarely be down because i can't handle it down. but the back is fuzzy and i like it! but it's apparently a pain in the ass to lie down on. who knows.
i also helped my mom with a few things, and then i sorta fell into a funk and i couldn't shake it. i texted kat a little bit, and when i told her i couldn't make a decision on what i wanted to eat she told me that making decisions is hard for people with adhd. so that's helpful to know.
but after driving about for a bit i stopped at newbury comics an lad got myself a coloring book and a funko pop of einstein because who doesn't love albert einstein. if they had one of hakeem oluseyi i would be all over that, the man is literally my favorite scientist.
oh! speaking of funko pops, i also got one in that i ordered:
b a k u g o
yknow, the special limited edition one that's kinda rare but really expensive? yeah, that one. it came in today i think and when i realized that THAT was what was in the box, i took it in my little goblin hands and scuttled through the house to my room so i could place him in an appropriate location. i need to get kiri and put them next to each other. which is entirely WHY i got this specific bakugo, because he's in his full hero costume, and the box has his full name on it, and so does kiri's! and i couldn't have one without the other. it's just not possible. so i got him.
anyway, i got to spend the evening with joel! we just hung out upstairs in the warm and got five guys for dinner and watched tv for a bit. it was really nice to just hang out with him. for all the time i spend here at his house, i feel like i don't get to see him a whole lot. which is fine, because we both have lives outside of each other, but it's just odd to be here and not see him. given i have shit to do and he has shit he wants to do, that makes sense.
anyway, my and my bright-ass fire truck red hair are gonna go to sleep. i am EXHAUSTED.
14 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 06:41:45 GMT
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here's the painting i did today. didn't feel good so i depression-painted. you can't see it well, but the base water is matte while there accents of glossy black on top. the rest of the paint is also glossy.
the trees and outcropping on the left are my favorite.
and i free handed that circle.
16 notes • Posted 2021-07-25 09:28:29 GMT
having titties is a fucking curse
21 notes • Posted 2021-01-20 09:10:32 GMT
of all the pranks on the internet, rickrolling never lets me down
93 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 21:30:16 GMT
"God that's a mouthful"
it's a kiribaku fic, my first one, be nice
Reporters clamor to the front of the pack, cameras and microphones knocking into each other as they all try to get a glimpse of what's happening.
Bakugou Katsuki - a.k.a. Pro Hero Great Explosion Murder God, Dynamight - has just taken down seven villains simultaneously, with only minimal damage to the office building they tried planting a bomb in to get to the bank vault next door. A bomb the size they planted would have been much more destructive than Bakugou's controlled explosions. That's why they sent him and Red Riot, a.k.a. Kirishima Eijirou, in. Besides, the two never go anywhere without the other anyway. Something about them being married, but that was just a rumor. Judging by the matching rings on chains around their necks, it just might be true. But that's a story for another day.
Kamuro Shintou, an intern at one of the local news agencies, was late to the scene but managed to worm his way to the front due to his small stature. He tries calling out to Pro Hero Dynamight.
"Dynamight! Pro Hero Dynamight, can we ask you a few questions!" he calls out, but he gets no response. It makes sense, he thinks, since the crowd is loud and he has been repeatedly told his voice is far too soft to get anyone's attention. So he raises his voice and tries again.
"Mr. Pro Hero Dynamight!"
His voice is loud enough that it can be heard by the hero, who stands on top of some rubble, surveying the scene as police and others scramble to take statements and gather information. The hero stops for a moment, hesitates - it seems that he heard Kamuro.
But why isn't he responding?
Everyone knows of Pro Hero Dynamight's bad temperament. It's part of his charm, really - his no-nonsense attitude and bad boy looks have garnered him a huge following, and his public rank has been steadily climbing in the three years it's been since he graduated from UA High. At only 21 years old, he sits at rank number 4, dead-set on continuing to the top, to be number 1 eventually. His tenacity and drive inspire even those who can't stand him for his attitude. So despite being an ass, he's really rounding out to be a true hero.
The media not liking Dynamight isn't the problem. They do. It's the fact that Dynamight doesn't like the media, that's the problem.
Kamuro tries again.
"Mr. Pro Hero Dynamight! I have a few questions I'd like to ask!" he calls out.
From where he stands, about twenty meters from the scene where Dynamight has stopped, Kamuro can see the twitch of the hero's mask, the slight flare of his nostrils and slight turn down of the corner of his mouth. He doesn't seem happy.
At least that's not a surprise.
What is a surprise, though, is the way the crowd of reporters around him suddenly surge in volume, hurting his ears with noises that don't form words until he sees a large shadow to his right.
It's Red Riot. Standing there, arms crossed, smirk plastered to his face, Pro Hero Red Riot looks down at Kamuro.
"Hey kid, what's your name?"
It's all Kamuro can do to not be entirely frozen to the ground. He's been a big fan since Red Riot first showed up on the hero scene as an intern for Fat Gum six years ago, when Kamuro himself was in middle school.
It's been a few moments too long, Kamuro realizes, when Red Riot waves a hand in front of his face to get his attention.
"Kid? You okay?" he asks, brows raised in amusement.
"Y-yeah! Me great? I'm! Uh, Kam-Kamuro!" Flustered and red, Kamuro bows slightly to both show respect and clear his fanboy brain for a moment. He rights himself and clears his throat as he tries again, more successfully this time. "Yes, I'm good. My name is Kamuro, Kamuro Shintou. I'm with Musutafu local news. I'm an intern." He smiles widely, proud of himself for speaking actual words to the hero, his personal hero.
Red Riot laughs and puts a gigantic hand on his shoulder. "Well kid, since you're new, I'll let you in on a little secret. Here, come with me," he offers, gesturing a little closer to the scene, but still out of the way.
Overjoyed, Kamuro follows Red Riot to where a large chunk of concrete lay flat on the ground, an appropriate place to sit and chat. The hero sits and pats the stone next to him, and Kamuro sits gingerly, vibrating in his skin, and trying to not let it show too badly.
Red Riot smiles big and wide, shark teeth showing and eyes squinting. Even as the two sit, the hero is significantly taller than Kamuro - the spiked angry red hair adds a good twenty centimeters to his already frankly ridiculous height. How tall is this man?
Kamuro hears a hearty laugh which breaks him from his reverie.
"If you're that curious, I'm two meters, even," the hero says, still chuckling. "The hair is extra."
Kamuro goes red. Blessedly, Riot continues.
"Anyway, since you're new to this all, let me tell you a secret. Kat- Dynamight doesn't respond to reporters unless they call him by his name. His full hero name."
Kamuro stops.
"Are you serious?"
"Dead serious."
"Like, not even the short version?"
"So it's just Pro -"
"Pro Hero Great Explosion Murder God, Dynamight."
A pause. "God that's a mouthful."
A long suffering sigh escapes Red Riot's lips. "Yup."
Brain kicking back into gear, Kamuro is able to think again.
"Mr. Red Riot-"
"Please, call me Kirishima," the hero - Kirishima interrupts.
Kamuro positively beams. "Thank you, Kirishima-san."
Kirishima gestures for him to continue.
"Kirishima-san, I was wondering, are the rumors true?" Kamuro wrings his hands nervously. "I-I-I know they're just rumors, but I saw the bands around your necks and-"
"You're quite observant, kiddo," Kirishima interrupts. "And before you go on, I'll let you in on another secret."
Kamuro is very, very confused. "O-oh?"
A wide grin breaks across Kirishima's face, one that's somehow softer than any other smile he's ever seen on his favorite hero. The hero looks younger, a little less stressed for a moment, before reaching around his neck where the weight of the chain had fallen during the battle.
He pulls a golden band around and shows it to Kamuro. They're angled away from the rest of the reporters, toward pro hero Dynamight, so no one else is privy to the conversation they're having, except, perhaps, Dynamight himself. Kamuro follows Kirishima's glance up at the explosive hero who is looking at the two of them with an equally soft expression, seeing the other reach up and grab something that's hanging at his neck.
Kamuro gasps softly before returning his eyes to the ring that Kirishima is holding up. It's golden, and the red and orange diamonds swirling around it glint even warmer in the afternoon sunlight.
"The secret is that his name isn't Bakugou anymore."
149 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 09:20:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lixiefe · 4 years
Please read if you're having a bad day.
Channel: Kesadilla94 on yt
Commented by: Kenzie Grossenbacher
"Reasons why you should stay alive.
1. We would miss you.
2. It's not worth the regret. Either by yourself if you failed or just simply left scars, or the regret everyone else feels by not doing enough to help you.
3. It does get better. Believe it or not it will eventually get better. Sometimes you have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow.
4. There's so much you would miss out on doing.
5. There is always a reason to live. It might not be clear right now, but it is always there.
6. So many people care, and it would hurt them if you hurt yourself.
7. You ARE worth it. Don't let anyone, especially yourself, tell you otherwise.
8. You are amazing.
9. A time will come, once you've battled the toughest times of your life and are in ease once again, where you will be so glad that you decided to keep on living. You will emerge stronger from this all, and won't regret your choice to carry on with life. Because things always get better.
10. What about all the things you've always wanted to do? What about the things you've planned, but never got around to doing? You can't do them when you're dead.
11. I love you. Even if only one person loves you, that's still a reason to stay alive.
12. You won't be able to listen to music if you die.
13. Killing yourself is never worth it. You'll hurt both yourself and all the people you care about.
14. There are so many people that would miss you, including me.
15. You're preventing a future generation, YOUR KIDS, from even being born.
16. How do you think your family would feel? Would it improve their lives if you died?
17. You're gorgeous, amazing, and to someone you are perfect.
18. Think about your favourite music artist, you'll never hear their voice again...
19. You'll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day
20. Listening to incredibly loud music
21. Being alive is just really good.
22. Not being alive is really bad.
23. Finding your soulmate.
24. Red pandas
25. Going to diners at three in the morning.
26. Really soft pillows.
27. Eating pizza in New York City.
28. Proving people wrong with your success.
29. Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life.
30. Seeing someone trip over a garbage can.
31. Being able to help other people.
32. Bonfires.
33. Sitting on rooftops.
34. Seeing every single country in the world.
35. Going on roadtrips.
36. You might win the lottery someday.
37. Listening to music on a record player.
38. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
39. Taking really cool pictures.
40. Literally meeting thousands of new people.
41. Hearing crazy stories.
42. Telling crazy stories.
43. Eating ice cream on a hot day.
44. More Harry Potter books could come out, you never know.
45. Travelling to another planet someday.
46. Having an underwater house.
47. Randomly running into your hero on the street.
48. Having your own room at a fancy hotel.
49. Trampolines.
50. Think about your favourite movie, you'll never watch it again.
51. Think about the feeling of laughing out loud in a public place because your best friend has just sent you an inside joke,
52. Your survival will make the world better, even if it's for just one person or 20 or 100 or more.
53. People do care.
54. Treehouses
55. Hanging out with your soul mate in a treehouse
55. Snorting when you laugh and not caring who sees
56. I don't even know you and I love you.
57. I don't even know you and I care about you.
58. Because nobody is going to be like you ever, so embrace your uniqueness!
59. You won't be here to experience the first cat world emperor.
61. Starbucks.
62. Hugs.
63. Stargazing.
64. You have a purpose, and it's up to you to find out what it is.
65. You've changed somebody's life.
66. Now you could change the world.
67. You will meet the person that's perfect for you.
68. No matter how much or how little, you have your life ahead of you.
69. You have the chance to save somebody's life.
70. If you end your life, you're stopping yourself from achieving great things.
71. Making snow angels.
72. Making snowmen.
73. Snowball fights.
74. Life is what you make of it.
75. Everybody has a talent.
76. Laughing until you cry.
77. Having the ability to be sad means you have the ability to be happy.
78. The world would not be the same if you didn't exist.
79. Its possible to turn frowns, upside down
80. Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive.
81. Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. Be your own hero.
82. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
83. One day your smile will be real.
84. Having a really hot, relaxing bath after a stressful day.
85. Lying on grass and laughing at the clouds.
86. Getting completely smashed with your best friends.
87. Eating crazy food.
88. Staying up all night watching your favourite films with a loved one.
89. Sleeping in all day.
90. Creating something you're proud of.
91. You can look back on yourself 70 years later and being proud you didn't commit
92. Being able to meet your Internet friends.
93. Tea / Coffee / Hot Chocolate
94. The new season of Sherlock
95. Cuddling under the stars.
96. Being stupid in public because you just can.
97. If you are reading this then you are alive! Is there any more reason to smile?
98. being able to hug that one person you havent seen in years
99. People care enough about you and your future to come up with 100 reasons for you not to do this.
100. But, the final and most important one is, just, being able to experience life. Because even if your life doesn't seem so great right now, literally anything could happen "
If anyone thinks different, I'll come at you with my tiny fists and kick your ankles.
Also if you see this, tag a few people who need to see this.
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ybnmara · 4 years
ex | n.m imagine
author’s note: ok so this imagine is based on the song ex by Kiana; I know she didn’t meant the same thing as in the imagine when she wrote the song but I think it fits with how I turned it. I really would like to get feedbacks on this one... Anyway hope you all will like it as much as I like writing it xo 
words count: 1,2k+
warnings: none
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We went from 2 AM calls to zero communication, yeah We spent too long in heaven that we felt the elevation Just 'cause it's different and we're not the same Doesn't mean things have to change I got no trouble with my pride, got trouble cutting ties
It’s been two weeks. Two weeks that you had last seen Nick. Two weeks that felt like forever. When you’re 24/7 with someone and overnight you all stop hanging out or any form of communication, it’s super strange. You still wasn’t ok with how Nick cut ties with you. The first week you thought he was just busy with his career. Something you could totally understand since it was taking 75 percents of his time. So you went with it. But his silence started to drag on. You reached to your mutual friends and realize he just cut you off. Even them were shook and didn’t understand why he suddenly stop talking to you. You guys were known for being a whole duo, no one could think of Nick without thinking of you and vice versa. Obviously it went from all your friends and family to even his fandom. You couldn’t pass a day without seeing an edit about your relationship. You didn’t mind at all. It was cute seeing condensed moments of your relationship in different way everyday. Well, at least before he started to ignore you. Because with Nick it felt like you had found your twin brother, your best friend, your soulmate. You guys had known each other for only a year but you looked like you had grown up together. And now you just felt lonely and missed what you had. He definitely knew you by heart and you thought you did too with him but apparently you didn’t knew everything.
You weren’t the type to put your pride aside but for this relationship you would. Texting someone this much with no answer as you did for Nick was something unusual for you. You’re ok with double texting but what you did was way over double texting. You tried calling him, a lot, but he never answered. Even Zion, one of Nick’s best friend helped you with it. He didn’t understand why Nick cut you off since he wouldn’t tell anyone but the dreadhead boy knew his friends was hurt about this situation and wanted to help has he could. He arranged meet up with you and Nick but Nick always found a way to ditch them.
I don't wanna be your ex, we're way too good at being friends Can we still hangout on the low, get wild? I don't wanna be your, I don't wanna be your Hit your girl up with a text when you're alone and feeling stressed I don't gotta be in love with you to love you I don't wanna be your, so don't treat me like your ex
One months and still no text, call or even sights of Nick. You hadn’t been in touch with him for one months. Now it felt like everyone around you knew what was happening except you. You didn’t know what to do to just have a 5 minutes talk with the boy. You just wanted to know what happened and maybe that would help you to move on. Zion had told you previously that him and the other prettymuch members were throwing a house party and that Nick would be there. Zion told you that he didn’t tell Nick that you would come so the boy wouldn’t end up finding a way to avoid you again.
When you arrived at the party, the house was filled of people. You recognize some faces you usually see at parties but made your way to the kitchen where you knew you’d find some of your friends including Zion. And you were right, the boy directly greet you in his harms when he saw you. Telling you by the same occasion that Nick went upstairs not even two minutes before you arrived. So you decide to follow up to the boy and go upstairs knowing that he probably went to his room.
Arriving in front of his room door you took a deep breathe before knocking. When you heard him ask for who it was you just didn’t answer knowing he wouldn’t allow you in and waited for him to come up to the door. The boy was chocked when he saw you. He never thought it would have been you behind the door.
“What are you doing here y/n” He said ready to close the door on you.
“Can I get in? I need to talk to you?”
He rolled his eyes opening the door a little bit wider to let you in. He closed the door behind you while you went to sit on his bed. You weren’t recognizing your friend. He was cold, was barely looking at you and you knew very well that he let you in only cause he knew you wouldn’t give up. But you really needed to know. You let him the time to close the door so you two could hear you better and popped up the questions that had been keeping you awake at night for almost a month.
“Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? I really don’t understand why you cut things of like that… Like if I did something why not tell me so I can change things or so we can talk things out… Like Nick for real I don’t know why you’re acting like that…”
“So you really dont see it hun… You don’t see that I can’t take it when you hang out with other boys? When they hug you? When they make you smile or laugh? You can’t see that I hate when you tell me about your latest hook up stories.. When you ask me advice about your latest crush? How can you be so blind to not understand that I don’t want us to stay the way we are?”
You hadn’t seen it coming. You had thought about your feelings toward him multiple times before but always came to the conclusion that you two were just friends and nothing else. So you put those feelings on the side to concentrate on your friendship with Nick that kinda made them disappeared.
“I don’t wanna end up being that girl that you hit up just because you’re lonely and you need to get laid Nick… I don’t feel like right now is the right time for us to be more than friends... I just don’t wanna loose what we were…”
Nick was sitting on the other side of his room and hadn’t look at you the whole time. He was avoiding your glaze the best he could by looking at his feet or by the window, broadly anywhere but at you. You really didn’t know how to handle the situation but what you knew is that you couldn’t continue without Nick in your life.
“For now can you stop pretending like we strangers? So we can go back to how it was and see where it takes us? » Nick finally laid his eyes on you for you to offer him a shy smile. « I’m not saying that we’ll for sure end up together but at least we can try to make this work…”
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gigadracky · 5 years
Star God Equipment Gacha 4/25-5/6
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Star God gacha and event is now in effect, and let me tell you this is a wonderful gacha to pull from! It's the first time you get Dragon Quest fantasy and scifi mixed together, so it is really unique and I must say the equipment in this gacha are high tier when it comes to effectiveness and awesome looking!
The gacha event runs 4/25-5/6 10:59am(JPN time) so you have a week and a couple days to pull from this gacha. Not only the gacha event lasts pretty long but you get 11 equipment instead of 10, and atleast two 5star guarantee when you spend 3000 gems!!! You have great chances pulling from this gacha, not as great as the Step Up event gacha, but it is the next best thing. Also there is 2 newly introduced weapons added into this gacha series, the Peacock and Spear.
Now to the equipment!
(I had to combine these 3 because of the 10 photo limit here)
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星神のかぶと/Hoshigami no ka buto/Star God Helm
A) 覚醒の鼓動/Kakusei no kodō/Awakening Echo
The start of your turn increase 25% CT charge of your weapon's Main Skill.
A) 光ブレスダメージ軽減・強/Hikari buresudamēji keigen・kyō/Light Breath Damage Reduction・Strong
Light Breath damage is reduced by 30%-45%
B) 息耐性ダウンガード+中/Iki taisei daungādo+chū/Down Breath Resistance+Medium
Reduced Breath status affect resistance 20%-30%
星神のよろい上/Hoshigami no yoroi-jō/Star God Body Armor
S) 理の超越/Ri no chōetsu/Purpose of Transcendence
Survive lethal blows with 1HP left once per battle.
A) ブレスダメージ軽減・強/Buresudamēji keigen・kyō/Breath Damage Reduction・Strong
Breath Damage reduction 20%-30%
B) 会心ダメージ軽減・中/Kaishin damēji keigen・Chū/Critical Hit Reduction・Medium
Recieve 30% less damage when you are attacked by critical hit.
星神のよろい下/Hoshigami no yoroi-ka/Star God Bottom Armor
A) 守備力ダウンガード+超/Shubi-ryoku daungādo + chō/Reduced Defence Resistance+Super
Reduced Defence resitance 45%-60%
A) デイン属性ダメージ軽減・強/Dein zokusei damēji keigen・kyō/Dein Damage Reduction・strong
Reduce Dein(lightning) damage by 30%-45%
B) やすみガード+中/Yasumi gādo + naka/Yasumi Resistance+medium
Yasumi(Relaxation) status effect resistance 50%-60%
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星神の盾/Hoshigami no tate/Star God Shield
A) 超越者の守護/Chōetsu-sha no shugo/Protection of the Transcendent
Reduce 50% of damage while guarding and all allies recieve 60HP recovery.
A) じゅもんのコツ/Jumon no kotsu/Knack for Magic
Reduce the loading time for Spell and Support Skills CT charge by 10%
B) ヒャド属性ダメージ軽減・中/Hyado zokusei damēji keigen・chū/Hyado Damage Reduction・medium
Hyado(ice) damage reduction 20%-30%
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星神の孔雀/Hoshigami no kujaku/Star God's Peacock
Weapon Skill:
When normal attacking, attack all enemies. 5% rate of increasing all party member's attack by 20%
(Pirate's "Sea Bond" effect does not apply)
Main Skill:
A) 星雀の煌閃/Hoshi suzume no kōsen/Star Sparrow's Flash
Attack Skill that deals 300%-400% Gira(group fire/sizz) damage to all enemies and increases all allies Attack by 20% Target: All Enemies
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星神のやり/Hoshigami no yari/Star God's Spear
Weapon Skill:
You can set EX spear exclusive skills on a S Rank subskill slot on this weapon.
(you cannot set EX skills extracted from Awakened weapons)
Main Skill:
A) 星神槍乱撃/Hoshigami yari rangeki/Star God Spear Assault
Attack Skill that deals 80%-100% damage 5 times on random targets. 25% chance of raising the user's Speed by 30% Target: Random enemies.
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星神のオノ/Hoshigami no Ono/Star God's Axe
Weapon Skill:
Critical Hit Rate +6%
Main Skill:
S) 星神魔斬/Hoshigami Makiri/Star God Demon Slayer
Attack Skill dealing 70%-100% damage 6-10 times to random enemies. Target: Random Enemies
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星神の円盤/Hoshigami no enban/ Star God's Disk
Weapon Skill:
When normal attacking the enemy there is a 5% chance of increasing all allies Speed by 30%
(Pirate's "Sea Bond" effect does not apply)
Main Skill:
S) 星神のしずく/Hoshigami no shizuku/Star God Drop
Assist skill that heals all allies 150HP and applies Ribehoimu/Remidheal to all allies. Target: All Allies
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星神の杖/Hoshigami no tsue/Star God's Wand
Main Skill:
S) マヒャデドス/Mahyadedosu/Kacrackle
Spell Skill that deals Hyado(ice) damage to all enemies and 75% chance inflicting Yasumi(relaxation) status effect on enemies. Target: All enemies.
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星神砲/Hoshigami-hō/Star God's Gun
Main Skill:
S) 零度砲/Reido-hō/Zero Degree Shot
Assist Skill that deals 400%-565% Hyado(ice) damage to all enemies and removes enemies buffs. Target: All Enemies
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星神のムチ/Hoshigami no muchi/Star God's Whip
Main Skill:
S) 星の破九蛇/Hoshi no yabu kuja/Star Destruction
Assist Skill that deals 50%-80% damage 9 times to enemies randomly with 30% of reducing enemy defence.Target: Random Enemy
My Opinion:
All of this are fantastic equipment to own. My only criticism is that the shield doesn't heal as much I would like and equipment doesn't offer as much resistances I would like, but with what resistance that it does have are commonly needed so the rest you can cover with crests, accesories, and food.
The shield is best equipped onto a Sage, Armamentalist, or Super Star since it helps load up spell and support skills faster. Again I am not that big of a fan of how small the healing it gives, but atleast it gives it to the whole team.
The helm is really awesome. Every turn your Main Skill gains 25% CT charge, you can go back and forth unleashing a sub skill first, then your Main Skill. You can possibly unleash 2 skills in one turn with this, specially if you speed buff your character this can happen so fast.
For the whole armor set I would say it's great for any Vocation. But as for the Shield it's best equipped to Vocations that Specialize in Spell Skills and Support Skills(which is Sage, Super Star, and Armamentalist.)
Weapon Evaluation:
The Axe is one of the most powerful weapons in this game. It is best equipped to a Battle Master and Gladiator. Take advantage of Crit Hits and boost it up with crests and armor. When this axe is maxed out it can deal 2,000+ damage with it's main skill, making it one of the strongest weapons in the game.
The Peacock(fan) is wonderful for buffing your team and has pretty high attack for a Fan, so it's best equipped to a Paladin or Super Star. It's perfect for supporting defensively and offensively at the same time so it has really good versatility in the battle field buffing your team and dealing spread damage at the same time.
The Spear is very unique, finally being able to equip EX skills on sub slots. It's pretty stong as a Spear, and the possible buffing effect is pretty nice. Perfect for Paladins and Battle Masters. You can go very offensive(Battle Master,) or you can flex with offensive skills with some supporting skills(Paladin.)
The Disk is perfect for defensive support, best equipped on a Super Star to increase HP healing and team buffing. Load it up with skills that heal and buff your team. Dont worry about trying to be too offensive with this weapon, you get only one Attack Skill slot, the rest should be for team support with buffs and healing.
The Wand is best equipped on a Sage, having a main Spell Skill slot and a Spell sub skill slot. Assist skill slots can be used to help support your allies with buffing, or can be used to focus debuffing or inflicting status effects on enemies since it's main skill has a high chance inflicting the Yasumi(Relaxation) effect on enemies.
The Gun's attack is above average, but it's effect is great with dealing enemies who often add buffs to themselves. Best equipped a Monster Master, loading it up with skills that help debuff your enemies.
And finally the Whip is versatile with Support or Debuff. Its good with a Super Star or Monster Master. You can Load it up with healing support skills and buffing assist skills as a Super Star, or load it with debuffing assist skill and buffing support skills to be a versatile Monster Master that flexes.
I give this gacha a whomping 12/10 Drackies. Good luck with your pulls!
Edit: Pirate's "Sea Bond" effect is a defensive skill your Pirate learns when it reaches to level 5. What it does is buffs given to the team by your Pirate lasts an extra turn or two than usual, it extend buff duration to the whole team if it is the Pirate who gave the buff.
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