#(its actually 2 part-souls. one is his and one is jimmys. jimmy has the same)
boatemboys · 7 months
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actually ill post this here too im working on my martyn design and hes a little warden fella
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Dissecting songs and making them Canary!Jimmy (Part 1 of ??), Girl Anachronism by The Dresden Dolls. Long post!
Part 2
i don’t know if it’s the mental illness, but it’s just so Jimmy coded to me.
“You can tell from the scars on my arms, and the cracks in my hips, and the dents in my car, and the blisters on my lips, that i’m not the carefullest of girls.” HES SO FUCKING CLUMSY HES OUT FIRST EVERY SEASON. The scars are from all of his deaths.
“You can tell from the glass on the floor, and the strings that are breaking and it keeps on breaking more, and it looks like i am shaking, but it’s just the temperature.” When people die their body temperature drops, and the strings that are breaking are the strings that the Watchers are pulling to make him have this curse as that in LimL he was really close to being second out, so his curse might finally break, but it hasn’t, yet.
“And then again, if it was any colder i could disengage and if i were any older i would act my age, but i don’t think you’d believe me.” No one believes him when he says that it’s an actual curse and not just him being stupid.
“It’s not the way i’m meant to be, it’s just the way the operation made me.” HES NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT FIRST, ITS BECAUSE OF THE WAY THE WATCHERS MADE HIM.
“And you can tell from the state of my room that they let me out too soon,” This one’s based on a headcanon i have that the reason Jimmy has the curse is because he was the last to leave the Evo server.
“And the pills that i ate came a couple years too late.” Again based on that headcanon, because the curse only started to show up a few years after Evo ended.
“There i go again, pretending to be you. Make believing that i have a soul beneath the surface.” He’s suffering, he’s in denial, he’s pretending that he’s someone else so that he doesn’t have to be the canary again.
“I might join your century but only on a rare occasion.” Canary’s in coal mines are outdated, meaning he’s stuck in an older century.
“I was taken out before the labor pains set in” Jimmy was taken out of the series before it started to get serious.
“Behold the worlds worst accident!” LITERALLY HIS CURSE.
“I am the girl anachronism.” The definition for Anachronism is something that is appropriate to a time period other than the one it’s in, CANARIES ARE OUTDATED. JIMMY IS CANARY.
“And you can tell from the red in my eyes and the bruises on my thighs and the knots in my hair and the bathtub full of flies, that i’m not right now at all.” He’s spent days overthinking about why it has to be him that’s cursed, to the point where he stops taking care of himself.
“There i go again, pretending that that i’ll fall. Don’t call the doctors, they’ve seen it all before.” Everyone already knows that Jimmys going to be out first. + Canary call, first to fall.
“Though you did everything you could like any decent person would.” During LimL so many people sacrificed themselves to make Jimmy not be our first, thought it didn’t work in the end the thought was there, and it almost worked.
“But i might be catching so don’t touch.” Jimmy is scared to get close to people because he knows that they will be sad after he leaves.
“But don’t get me wet because the bandages will come off.” He’s hanging on by a thread after the emotional and physical turmoil the curse puts him though, and if anyone mentions it he will breakdown.
“I don’t necessarily believe there is a cure for this.” No one knows how the curse is going to break, or if it even will break at all.
Thank you for reading all this! it means a lot <3 Also if you have any songs that you think are Jimmy coded TELL ME PLEASE!!
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mochatheangelkiller · 7 months
Jimmy Novak + 2,5,12 ✨
Hi Sally!!
This is a bit of a long one lol
2. Favourite canon thing about his character?
I love how faithful he is. Which as an atheist is an interesting view to have. I just love how much he trusts his faith to keep him and his loved ones safe. It's so open and vulnerable and it takes so much courage to trust that the angel who tore your family apart to keep them safe even when all signs are telling you not to. He's so trusting in his God, in Castiel, to bring him no harm even though they have wronged him and hurt him in the past.
Even when he first found out how much his absence hurt and endangered his family. Even when he realized Castiel had broken his promise and his family was severely harmed. He still trusted him. And isn't that just so beautiful.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Well, it's not exactly a song but when I think of Jimmy I think of soft and slow jazz. With sweet brass and a tingly piano singing sweet nothings to eachother as the volume picks up the tempo. It turns from a bluesy jazz to something akin to swing jazz. He's sweet and kind toward things he cares about and when he's really happy, he sings!
But for a song you can listen to, I present this:
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
We all know Jimmy is big on his faith when he's first introduced. It's a big part of his life prior to the angels interfering so it would make sense for his faith to play into his relationship with Castiel toward the end of his life. At that point, he saw all that God (Chuck) had done to him and to Cas. Cas being the only angel to actually try helping him. He's seen all this angel has done in the name of stopping the apocalypse even if heaven is against it.
Something speaks to me from the depths of my internalized religious trauma and I really think he made Cas into his new God. He worshipped him in away only a human soul can. Jimmy would move mountains for Castiel even if it took him lifetimes to complete. Castiel may have been the one to tear his world apart but he gave him a new one. One where he tried his best to keep his daughter safe, even seeing her as his own. Cas risked his life for Jimmys wife and yes I know he wouldn't be in his vessel to see it but it's still something cas did.
Cas is Jimmy's new God. Not in the same way Chuck was, no. But in a way where he worships him all the same. It's not quite love or devotion in its entirety but it's almost deeper than that. More complex in away
I can explain all of these in further detail if you would like 🏵️
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vampireinterview · 4 years
It has come to my attention that some of you have not been made aware of the fact that Plato was well known for being a Destiel shipper, in addition to the fact that he also wrote some philosophical works on the side. Let me explain.
Plato was an Athenian thinker whose real name was Aristocles (Plato most likely comes from the Greek word for ‘broad”, he might have been so jacked that people nicknamed him for his wide shoulders, which is irrelevant to the topic at hand but I’m collecting receipts on my hypothesis that all hellers are physical beheamoths). His work regarding the philosophy of love can be interpreted through the lens of the Deancas love story, which can potentially lead us to discover the very essence of what makes Destiel so impactful and universal, so bear with me, I’ll make it as introductory as possible.
Plato’s Symposium is a dialogue which contains the philosopher’s basic view on what love can be. The influence of the aforementioned text has been so strong that even those of us who are blissfully unaware of its contents have heard of the concept of “platonic love”. It is with great disappointment that I have to inform you about the fact that the way in which the term is colloquially used can be considered quite removed from the core idea of what Plato’s love is supposed to be about. Commonly people utilize it to refer to a non-romantic and non-sexual emotion towards an individual. However, even though the extrasensory love was the end goal, it was never too far distanced from the earthly, carnal desire that was supposed to lay the foundation for greater experiences.
One of the most illustrative elements of the Symposium is no doubt the Love Ladder metaphor (also known as Diotima’s Ladder of Love, the Scala Amoris); Plato believes the act of loving to be a part of the process of initiation into the non-material world of ideas. Every step of the ladder helps one approach the transcendence of one’s soul, and so we can single out six steps to immortal absolutes:
1. The first step is developing an appreciation for a particular person. It’s a very much carnal (though not necessarily conventionally sexual) desire for beauty of a specific individual. According to Plato only through the love of the physical can one love the non material. The visceral infatuation with another’s body is often strongly rooted with the self-hatred of one’s own aesthetical poverty: within the carnal love we seek to find that which our own body lacks. The desire between Dean and Cas doesn’t have to be seen as strictly sexual, as the appreciation of beauty does not warrant a conventionally erotic subtext. This sort of fascination with the flesh is most noticeably highlighted in the many “eye sex” scenes in seasons 4-5, and is later brought up by Hester:
The very touch of you corrupts. When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost. 
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2. The second step stems from the appreciation for all physicality derived directly from the love one has for the lover’s form. It’s fleshed out any time Dean finds beauty in the dark times, where he would have never found it before or when Cas sees humanity through the lens of the love he has for the beauty within Dean Winchester. This step is all about finding the allure in everybody, not in spite of but rather because of having fallen for a specific person’s material form.
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3. The next step is a love which transcends the physical and teaches an individual to feel affection towards the souls. The attraction one can experience in relation to that which is non material is precisely what takes the function of the driving force behind both Castiel’s and Dean’s decisions in season 6 and onward (arguably even much earlier for Cas? or even Dean? Maybe we’re talking about season 4?). As evidenced by the apparent lack of attraction Dean experiences towards Jimmy himself, he must have already moved on to this stage (the Cas he loves is not just the vessel he inhabits). Castiel on the other hand feels heavily infatueted with Dean’s spiritual allure (even when he’s physically on the verge of a breakdown, he’s still beautiful, still Dean Winchester). 
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4. It is only then that one can find love for the institution. If one worships souls, then one also has to worship the product of those souls: and, sure enough, loving humanity led Castiel to love its structures and ethical systems and be willing to die fighting for them. In the later seasons he exhibits fascination over all the little rules that guide an average human’s life (which is especially fleshed out in his season 7 dialogues, where he contemplates all the small details of the societal structure, ie: how important is lipstick to you?, maybe the human institutions should ban its production). Same can be said of Dean: the customs and traditions of other people are subject to his affectionate protection in the later seasons, which sets s6 and onwards Dean apart from the early seasons Dean who cared mostly about his blood relatives. The found family arc was for him a process of growing attached to the order of life which was previously foreign to him, and him learning to navigate functioning within a big family structure and an organization (the last one is physically manifested by his move from a chaotic life spent at random motels to living at the bunker, property of the institution of Men Of Letters).
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5. Then comes the deep appreciation of knowledge. Now, it is widely disputed whether what Plato meant should be strictly narrowed down to just one kind of knowledge (in many English translations you might encounter the word ‘science’, though used in the ancient sense). The process of gaining knowledge is often equated with the understanding of ideas in Plato’s work, therefore we’re going to stick with that. The act of loving the process of discovering both the external and the internal world is a strong factor which pushes Dean to self examination, or the examination of the inner psyche. It is that pursuit of knowledge that is the very coronation of his entire character arc: the realization of his role within the story (”I’m not the ultimate killer”) which was directly derived from the act of loving Cas.
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6. The final stage of platonic love is reaching the love of the very concept of Love. Once again, interpretations vary, but for the sake of the argument, I’ll clarify that: the discussed kind of love transcends both the body and the soul. An individual is in love with Beauty, not just one of it’s physical or spiritual manifestations. In my opinion, this stage is extremely well depicted during the 15x18 confession scene, for it is a kind of love achieved by Castiel. He is no longer just in love with the body or soul of Dean, he’s also in love with the sole idea of loving him. He quite literally states that he’s fallen in love with the idea of just being, just saying it, just falling in love. 
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Upon achieving this state, he transcends his material conditions both by leaving the human world (his move to another dimension - the Empty - could be just an illustrative manifestation of the transcendental move of his essence) and giving birth to a new world order. The way in which he later on goes to rebuild Heaven and give birth to a completely new, structure of the universe is in line with a concept that Plato ties into the finale step of the Ladder - pregnancy of the soul. At one point in Symposium he describes Diotima saying that:
That in that life alone, when he looks at Beauty in the only way that Beauty can be seen--only then will it become possible for him to give birth not to images or virtue (Because he’s in touch with no images), but to true virtue (Because he is in touch with the true Beauty).
What is the christian equivalent and personification of the true idea of Virtue if not the abstract concept of Heaven? The moment Cas creates a new portrayal of Virtue he finishes the Ladder. It could also be argued that the true pregnancy of the soul was actually finished when Jack ascended to the status of God: an entity which belongs to the realm of ideas and is perfect by its very nature is birthed through Castiel’s love (which can be traced back to the feelings he has for Dean Winchester).
And it is the fact that Dean’s arc got stuck on the fifth stage of the Ladder that causes me so much pain. He dies before transcending and experiencing the non-temporal and non-relative feeling of love that one can gain only through the admiration of beauty itself. His life was cut short and his soul has already left the mortal, physical world, therefore he is forever unable to experience the feeling of loving Love and Virtue so much that his soul gives birth to an unbreakable idea.
In conclusion: if you ever see somebody say that Dean and Castiel’s relationship is platonic, just agree. It is very much so platonic in the sense that through their carnal and spiritual desires they’ve manged to (nearly, in Dean’s case) transcend their material conditions and reached the divine aspect of ideal Beauty and Virtue, rooted in a love that’s so deep that it’s perfectly able to redefine the structure of one’s existence.
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tagging some people who have vaguely expressed interest in acquiring the third eye:
@cryptcas​ @futureheadnerd​ @doctorprofessorsong​ @sinnabonka​ @theangelwiththewormstache​ @absoluteheller​ @fivefeetfangirl​ 
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
Back with the Pack by majesticduxk
Haikyuu!! || Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto/everyone, everyone/everyone || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 5,591 words || WIP
Summary: Bokuto’s pack was the best. He loved all of them enough to not want to drag them down. So, over the course of a few months, he started to cut ties, until all he’s caught out and Kuroo drags him home – to claim him properly.
Other tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Bokuto Koutarou, Alpha Kuroo Tetsurou, Alpha Akaashi Keiji, self sacrificing Bokuto, pack alpha Kuroo
Cookies and Hot Cocoa by wonderfulmax90
Harry Potter || Charlie Weasley/Neville Longbottom || General || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 2,098 words || Complete
Summary: Wherein Charlie and Neville discuss dragons, family and aromanticism
And like the cat I have nine times to die by treefrogie84
Leverage, The Old Guard || Nicky/Joe, Parker/Eliot/Alec || Teen & up || Graphic descriptions of violence || 52,372 words || Complete
Summary: Parker and Eliot are on a date when the TV above the bar announces that Stephen Merrick is dead. Its the how that catches both of them off guard, and splits them apart, scrambling for answers. Eliot runs back to the family he walked out on centuries ago, Parker goes searching for someone else who can do what she can do. And Alec is just confused and bereft, wondering why both his partners disappeared on him.
Other tags: Minor Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko, Canon-Typical Violence, Medical Torture, Quynh comes back, none of them should ever be left alone
Not Your Guardian Angel (chapter 1) by tryslora
Original Fiction (Welcome to PHU) || M/F/F (Shane/Pels/Jess) || Teen & up || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 4,081 / 4,081 words || WIP
Summary: Pels is home for spring break, which would be great if this were a house she'd ever lived in before.
Other tags: Magic, College, Guardian Angel, Ghosts, Soulmarks
Not Your Guardian Angel (chapter 2) by tryslora
As Above || 3,256 / 7,337 words || WIP
Summary: Pels needs to waste some time while waiting for Cheyenne. Coffee and conversation make for a surprising way to do it.
When Edom Descends (Remix) - chapter 3 by hermit9
Shadowhunters || Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland || Explicit || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 17,430 words || WIP
Summary: Magnus kills Jonathan Morganstern during one to one combat in the heart of Alicante. He did it for all the right reasons. Living with the consequences of his choices is another matter.
Other tags: BAMF Magnus Bane, Angst, Assumed Character Death, Possession, Grieving, Malec turning to Malace, Soul Bond, Smut, Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Song Remains the Same by treefrogie84
Supernatural || none || General || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 900 words || Complete
Summary: The heaven he deserves. With John and Mary over yonder and Cas... not here and... The heaven he deserves, with his bloody hands and weapons. Cas lied. He really isn't any more than Daddy's blunt instrument, and weapons don't get to rest.
Other tags: Post-Canon, after 15.20, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Not A Fix-It, mcd aftermath, Afterlife, Hurt No Comfort, Dean Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues
Sex on the Beach by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Castiel || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,085 words || Complete
Summary: Dean has a standing appointment at a random beach with his boyfriend Cas.
Other tags: Beach Sex, Trope Reversal, Caecilian Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Public Sex, Blowjobs, Double Penetration, Tentacles, consectacles, handjobs, Magic Realism
Loving You by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cain || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,407 words || Complete
Summary: Five times Dean only thinks that he loves Cain, and one time he actually says it out loud.
Other tags: Praise Kink, Soft sex, Established Relationship, Caring Cain, 5+1 Fic,  Dean thinking he loves Cain, vs Dean saying he loves Cain
Looking Out, Looking In by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Benny, Castiel/Jimmy, Dean/Benny/Castiel/Jimmy (implied) || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,912 words || Complete
Summary: Dean and Benny are living together in an apartment building, and they quickly realise that some people are better at closing curtains than others…
Other tags: Incest Kink, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Cas and Jimmy are twins, Twincest, Polyamory, Frottage, Rutting, Whipping, Bondage, Implied Eventual Foursome
Made In A Hollywood Basement by treefrogie84
Supernatural, Wayward Sisters || Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum || Teen & up || Major Character Death || 1,132 words || Complete
Summary: Jack may have defanged Chuck and put the world back to rights, but there's always another battle brewing. Jody and Donna decide its better to just cut the whole train off at the pass... in November 2005.
Other tags: Post-episode 15.19, preventing one apocalypse and causing another, don't talk to me about the physics of this
The Camp Experience by Im_Tytastic
Teen Wolf || Derek Hale/Jordan Parrish || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 5,224 words || Complete
Summary: Jordan's first summer camp, and the camp that changed everything.
Other tags: Teenagers, Meeting each other after a long time, Summer Camp, Teen Derek Hale, Teen Jordan Parrish, Teen Derek is cocky and arrogant, Internalized Homophobia, Crushes, Angst, Derek Hale is a Softie, Religious Conflict, Author is not Christian
Have you posted a fic recently?  Any active WWM participant can Submit your fic here by midnight EST Wednesday and it will be included on next Friday’s WWM Fic Roundup post.
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theshadowbastard · 4 years
The Top 8 Frankenstein Movies
8. Victor Frankenstein (2015)
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This movie got a pasting from critics upon release, but I couldn’t care less, because I had a ball watching this.  Mainly designed as a showcase for the stars Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy, the result isn’t exactly highbrow cinema but if you’re looking for a fun trip filled with hammy acting, overwrought (and overwritten) dialogue, and some pretty neat special effects, you could do a lot worse.
7. Son of Frankenstein (1939)
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Of the 7 movies made by Universal Studios featuring the Frankenstein monster between 1931 and 1948, only the first three are really worth your time, and of those the third film, Son of Frankenstein, is easily the weakest, but it’s not without its strengths, mostly in the form of the performances of Basil Rathbone as the titular sire and especially Bela Lugosi as the malignant Ygor.  The infamous star of Dracula is all but unrecognizable under a brilliant makeup design, and gives a magical performance that’s about as far removed from Dracula as anything he ever did.  The big downside of Son is the monster himself, who is barely in the film and spends most of it lying motionless on a table.  Boris Karloff turned 50 while shooting, and decided to never play the creature he made famous again after this flawed but fun film.
6. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1994)
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As the title implies, this is a (fairly) faithful adaptation of Mary Shelley’s original novel, and while a lot of the subtext of the story is lost beneath the weight of director and star Kenneth Branaugh’s ego and abs, the movie has a captivating quality and is gorgeously shot, and Robert DeNiro turns in a surprisingly nuanced and emotional performance as Victor’s patchwork creation.  It’s a little oversexed and too self-consciously operatic at times, but it’s still one of the better stabs at bringing the actual text to the screen, even with the ridiculous electric eels.
5. Frankenstein Created Woman (1967)
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Hammer studios made a bunch of Frankenstein movies throughout the 50s, 60s and 70s, and while none of them ever quite managed to capture the spirit of their first, they came up with some clever ideas, and none more so than the bizarre, inspirational, ingenious and insane Frankenstein Created Woman, a film that dares to ask the question “So you figured out how to bring the dead back to life--what next?”  The answers this film explores are chilling, awe-inspiring, horrific and at times borderline blasphemous in their implications.  And while it’s not a perfect film (two minds/souls in the same body gets kind of confusing), it’s compelling ideas and strong performances more than compensate.
4. Young Frankenstein (1974)
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Mel Brooks’ loving tribute to the Universal Frankenstein films might be in it for the laughs (”SAID-A-GIVE?!”), but at it’s heart is a keen understanding of the themes of the Frankenstein story and why they’ve worked so well for so long.  The cast is perfect, with each character instantly hilarious and iconic, from Marty Feldman’s endlessly-quotable Igor to Gene Wilder’s over-the-top Frederick Fronkonsteen to Cloris Leechman’s masterclass in comedic timing as Frau Blucher, but the real standout is Peter Boyle as the monster, who is quite possibly second only to Boris Karloff as the most effective Frankenstein monster we’ve ever seen.  
3. Frankenstein (1931)
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It was not the first Frankenstein movie (there were a couple of silent shorts), but it was the first that mattered; the one that change the whole game.  Crackling electrical lab equipment, thunderstorms, grave robbing, grisly murders, blasphemous implications and truly inspired performances--audiences of the time had never seen anything like this, and the movie was a box office sensation that led to a whole slew of horror and gothic-themed movies in the early 1930s.  James Whale’s direction is clever, creative and just unusual enough to make the movie still a lot of fun to watch today.  Colin Clive as Henry Frankenstein is superb, giving us a nuanced and relatable Frankenstein that gets to speak what is arguably the most famous line in horror movie history (”IT’S ALIVE!”).  The sets and cinematography are stunning, cementing the “Hollywood Gothic” style that would dominate horror cinema for the next three decades, and the special effects were striking for their time.  But standing above it all was Boris Karloff’s shocking, heartbreaking, horrifying, unparalleled performance as the Monster.  Overnight the heretofore little-known actor became a star and, with the help of a once-in-a-generation makeup job from the legendary Jack Pierce, set in stone the image of the Frankenstein monster that would stick in the public consciousness for all time.
2. Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
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Legend has it that Universal Studios sent a letter to the heads of Hammer Films that essentially said, “If you do ANYTHING that even remotely resembles our Frankenstein movie, we’ll see you Brits in court.”  But Hammer had entirely different ambitions, choosing to ditch the look, style, and structure of the Universal movies entirely in favor of something much darker, more disturbing, and infinitely more violent.  While the classic Frankenstein movies of the 30s and 40s focused on the misadventures of the monster, Hammer chose to focus on the titular mad doctor.  This might have seemed like strange choice at the time, considering the rather bland parade of various Dr. Frankensteins we’d seen in the Universal films, but actor writer Jimmy Sangster, director Terrence Fischer, and especially actor Peter Cushing went for something completely different.  Cushing’s Victor Frankenstein is nothing less than a vile, contemptible bastard, remorselessly murdering people for spare parts for his pathetic monster; a monster who is killed and brought back to life several times over, and used by the villainous doctor as a tool to dispatch his enemies and those who threaten his work.  This film took the conventions of the Frankenstein story audiences were then used to and knifed them in the face, and the result was a spectacular success with people lining up around the block to see this new level of ghoulish and bloody horror.  Throw out everything you think you know about the Frankenstein story and give this one a spin, if you’ve got the stomach for it.
1. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
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Seriously, what else was it gonna be? Let’s be honest here--horror sequels are usually crap.  Quickly churned out to make an even quicker buck, they’re rarely worth the film they’re shot on and very few are anywhere near as good as the original.  However, the only one that actually might be better that the original is the simply unique Bride of Frankenstein.  Whole books have been written about this movie, and to be honest there’s simply too much to talk about.  The themes of blasphemy.  The homosexual overtones.  The Faustian narrative about death and damnation.  The incredible performance of Ernest Thesiger as Doctor Pretorious.  The monster’s dialogue (”Friend...good!”)  The design of the titular Bride that kicked off a fashion craze.  Franz Waxman’s angelic soundtrack.  Any one of these topics is worth an essay all by themselves, but for me what really makes Bride a masterpiece is simply its heart.  No other film has explored the tragedy of the Frankenstein story as effectively as this, and no other film gets its moral message through as clearly: it’s the simpler things in life, like love and friendship that are truly important, and while the pursuit of knowledge may be a worth endeavor, those who pursue it to whatever evil and horrifying end are far more monstrous than any stitched-together being they shock into life.
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ladyideal · 5 years
Our Love 2/3
Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Reader
Word Count: 3359
Warning: Whoo boy. Cursing, fighting, alcohol, slight fluff at the end, mention of character death, mostly angst and couples arguing
Summary: Two years since you met Leonard at the cafe, and you were together. Now working together on the Enterprise, you were happy. He was CMO, and you were First Officer on board. Concerned over Leonard’s health, you forced him to take a few days break, only to have it backfire in your face. 
A/N: Each part can stand on its own, if you don’t feel like reading it as a series. This is the second part where I chose “The Good Stuff” By Kenny Chesney which I love. Hope y’all enjoy, and you too @cuddlememerrick. ~ Italicized are the lyrics!
Part 1 is here. Part 3 is here.
That was two years ago when you first met Leonard McCoy at the cafe.
Since then, Starfleet had called you back to serve on a ship. With tears, you hugged your mom and the rest of your friends, and bid them a good bye with the promise of calling when you can. Your dad died serving aboard the USS Valiant when you were five. For you though, this was a family tradition. Every generation had served in Starfleet, and you were the fifth. 
Tearfully, you had told Leonard the news. Only to hear that he too was going into space. With luck, maybe you two could serve on the same ship one day. It was easier knowing he was in space, that there was a chance you get to meet him. However, it was a double edged sword, as anytime you could lose your boyfriend to the dangers of what space was known for.
Surprise, surprise though. 
You surprisingly met Leonard on the Enterprise. You explained that Starfleet sent a message saying that you were going to serve as First Officer. Almost immediately, your boyfriend rolled his eyes, and introduced you to his best friend and Captain James Kirk.It wasn’t long before you made friends with him too. 
Now two years later, you had everything you could ever want. Friends, a loving boyfriend, and working on the best place you could ever be.
“Dozed off there, Commander?” Jim grinned from behind you. 
Chekov had taken a sick day off. After some bribing from him, you agreed to take his shift. You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed the same thing to you too, Jim,” You frowned down at the notes from the previous ensign at your console. “You drool most of the time.”
“You wound me,” The Captain gasped in mock disbelief, putting a hand over his heart. 
You snorted loudly. “If only that can wound you, then a killing blow must be the actual truth. Isn’t that right, Len?”
“What’s this about the truth?” The doctor asked, looking between you and his best friend as he entered from the turbolift, before settling a scowl at Jim. 
“Bones!” Jim hastily turned to his doctor. “Your girlfriend has been spreading rumors about me.”
“Our Jimmy boy over there disagrees that drools when he naps.” You cut in, ignoring the spluttering from Jim. “What do you say?”
“Infants,” Leonard scowled. “What do you want, Jim? I’m busy.”
Two years brought you more happiness than you’ve ever imagined. He was CMO, and you were the First Officer. Both you and him held busy lives, but you’ve always made sure to find time and try to be with him. After the first year, you moved in with him. 
As a couple, you’ve had your fair share of arguments with him. How you were the one doing the laundry, how the way he cleaned his dishes, how this and that, but nothing big. You were fully grown adults, and you and him did your best to try to reconcile in the middle. Win some, lose some.
Till now. 
“Sweetheart,” Leonard frowned down at his PADD. “Why did Jim put me on a two day leave?”
You tilted your PADD downwards to watch him angrily toss his onto the nightstand. “Yeah, you have a bad habit of overworking yourself, love.”
“You went behind my back, Y/N!”
You put your PADD down entirely, having a bad feeling that was going to go south really soon. “You need a break, Len. Every time you always come back exhausted, and almost all the time, I have to tow you out of your office so we can eat together,” You defended yourself. “I’m only looking out for your well being.”
“I don’t need a. Fucking. Break.” Leonard stalked towards your side of the bed. “What the hell gave you the right to look out for my well being?!”
“Because I'm your goddamn girlfriend!” You stood up. “And that gives me the right to look after you when something isn’t right. You and Jim are the same! You put on the weight of the entire fucking crew on yourself and more, without thinking of yourself first!”
��That does not give you the fucking right to go behind my back!” He stopped, mere inches from you. His face was set in angry lines, red, and even a vein popping out at his anger. Involuntarily, you took a step back and gulped. 
“Len, please,” You tried, eyes widening as he continued. 
“I can’t believe I trusted you!”
“Damn it Leonard McCoy,” You immediately shot back at him. “Would you listen to yourself for one damn minute? You can’t look after the goddamn crew if you can’t look after yourself first!”
“Forget it, Y/N.” Leonard spat, storming out your shared quarters.
When the doors slid shut, you stood there in shock. Before long, you spun on your heels and marched back towards the bedroom. Tears came streaming down, falling quietly onto the carpet below. Crawling into bed, you hugged your knees to your chest and bawled loudly, shaking as you did so. 
All you could do was cycle Leonard’s hard words over and over again, as if the repeat button was broken in, and there was nothing to stop it. It was never easy from the beginning. You knew this, Leonard knew it too. You enjoyed your job, and so did he. For the first time in a long time, you let yourself utterly break down.
“Doctor,” The bartender greeted when Leonard sat down on a bar stool. 
“Bourbon, on the rocks.” 
Wisely, the bartender left. Leonard held his head in his hands, not a single sound was uttered as he sat. A glass of bourbon sat untouched in the quiet bar.
Well, me and my lady had our first big fight 
So I drove around till I saw the neon light
The corner bar, it just seemed right so I pulled up
Not a soul around but the old bar keep
Down at the end lookin' half asleep
But he walked up and said, what'll it be?
I said the good stuff
He didn't reach around for the whiskey
He didn't pour me a beer
His blue eyes kinda went misty
He said you can't find that here
He was ready to spend the rest of his life with you. He was sure you were the one. After the divorce with Jocelyn, you had been there with him since that small cafe. It was easy being around you, almost as easy as breathing. Your smile shone as bright as the stars, your laughter was infectious, and he could get lost in your eyes every time he caught your gaze.
He’d fallen head over heels quickly, and you did too.
Cooking recipes together, eating burnt dinner, enjoying a brief time down at the holodeck. There was nothing you didn’t do on the ship together. He was nervous speaking with your mom the first time when you introduced them to each other. You were a mess when he did the same to you with his mom, Joanna, his sister, and his grandparents. 
Everyone got along well, and were hopeful that he would be it. Every time you went down for an away mission, he would be the one to patch you up. When he went down, you micromanaged up until he returned back into your arms once more.  
The ring was stuffed deep inside his pocket, an uncomfortable constant reminder that he’d made the choice. The subject was brought up after a drunk night, at the same bar he was in now. An old song played, and you told him what you wanted.
Marry him. 
Leonard had never thought that he would ever hear the words again. You had to be kidding, you couldn’t mean what you said. In the morning after, you assured him that you were 100% serious. If you were ever going to marry anyone, it would be him. No one else. 
You were his.
He was yours. 
He’d chosen the ring during one of the shore leaves, while you were out with your friends relaxing at the beaches. Jim had teased him the entire way there and back. It was a small market that he had looked around for. An artisan jeweler brought out the pieces, and after much thought, he had chosen a modest one. 
It was a promise. A promise of more in the future, and a life full of happiness. But now, it felt as if everything he’d worked for was crumbling down. 
“I apologize for intruding, doctor,” The bartender hesitated, barging into Leonard’s thoughts. “A fight with the Commander?”
'Cause its the first long kiss on a second date
Momma's all worried when you get home late
And droppin' the ring in the spaghetti plate
'Cause you're hands are shakin' so much
And its the way that she looks with her eyes and her hair
Eatin' burnt suppers the whole first year
And askin' for seconds to keep her from tearin' up
Yeah man, that's the good stuff
It was just a relationship hurdle Leonard had to go through. Everyone did.  He wanted you and him to work, badly. Jim was no help, and so the only logical thing was to explain it all. He didn’t know how long it was since he last asked for help.
Him and Jocelyn went to marriage counseling, but that fell through immediately. It wasn’t long before they were arguing again, bringing the whole house down. As the rift widened, he knew it wasn’t long before they separated. 
He was right. Now, he didn’t want a repeat number two. 
“Doc, I met my wife five years ago,” The bartender started placing the clean glasses away, reminding of how Leonard first met you. “Lost her after a year together on the Valiant. It was a new planet, and she was a scientist that wanted to know as much as she could. I regret it all, spending my time drinking at a bar when I could’ve been with her.”
Leonard frowned, rolling his glass around in confusion. “I don’t-.”
“Alcohol changes nothing. The problem at the end, is just swept under the rug where hopefully no one ever notices it,” The bartender continued, as though he didn’t hear the doctor in front of him. “But what you don’t know is that turning a blind eye only makes the problem grow bigger.”
He paused. “If I had known that Morgan would be brought back home in just a year, I would take it all back. All the arguing, all the anger, just to be able to see her smile again. It’s not worth it, worth the shouting, worth the pain.  I’d do anything to keep her happy, and I’m sure that’s what you want with Y/N also.”
Leonard nodded, taking a sip as he listened. 
“I spent it all at the bar here. We fought. I drank. We fought more. I drank more. It was a continuous cycle of love and hate. Eventually, we would crash and burn. We would forgive each other, and try to move on. In the morning before she died, we fought too. I told her it was too dangerous, that someone else could go in her place. But my wife was stubborn, said that it was her job as a scientist and to document it all. She later died in my arms, thinking that I hated her.”
The bartender took a sip from his water, looking forlornly out the window. 
Leonard stared down at his empty glass, contemplating the words. When he and Jocelyn started fighting, he had ended up turning to alcohol. Too close with alcohol in fact. Being a resident kept him busy, almost always around the clock at the hospital. It was always work, went home to sleep, and then went back to work again. He took it all for granted, and he paid the price.
Now, he was noticing the pattern again. Working down at the medbay, and only coming back to his quarters dead on his feet. He knew what he had to do. 
He grabbed a carton of milk and he poured a glass
And I smiled and said I'll have some of that
We sat there and talked as an hour passed like old friends
I saw a black and white picture and it caught my stare
It was a pretty girl with bu-font hair
He said, that's my Bonnie, taken 'bout a year after we wed
He said, I spent five years in the bar when the cancer took her from me
But I've been sober three years now
'Cause the one thing's stronger than the whiskey
“Now all I have left of her are my two kids that I raised on my own, and I’ve told them the same that I’m telling you now. Life is too short to focus on the small arguments, to waste it all away on something far less precious than the one you want to be with the rest of your life. Even more so, when no one knows when we will pass out in space where our control is out of our hands, doc.”
Leonard looked back up at the bartender, who was now leaning against the counter. 
“And your kids now?”
 “Morgan didn’t watch them grow up into the adults they are now, and didn’t hold what would have been our grandchildren. All I could remember was drinking all the time in order to drown my sorrows away, and hopefully forget it all.They keep me sober for two years now, and I do it for them now.   Both have their momma’s eyes. But I still miss her like crazy. I miss her laugh, her smile, her jokes, her eyes, the way she moves, everything. What I have left now are memories and a picture of her.”
He indicated a small colored photo propped up against a shot glass with a slight nod. “I keep her on me at all times. But most of my memories were hardly good. So I live with the regret of yelling and arguing at her for the rest of my life. I hope she’s up there somewhere though, in a better place and have forgiven me.”
“If I had the chance to do it right, I would take it within a heartbeat. Don’t repeat what I did. You never know when the good Lord will call your loved ones home.”  
“I understand what you’re tryin’ to say,” Leonard quietly spoke. 
“Here,” The bartender slid a glass of water over to the doctor. “I hope you keep this in mind, doc. We’ve only got one chance to get this right.” 
Was the sight of her holdin' my baby girl
The way she adored that string of pearls
I gave her the day that our youngest boy Earl
Married his high school love
And its a new t-shirt sayin' I'm a grandpa
Bein' right there as our time got small
And holdin' her hand when good the Lord called her up
Yeah man that's the good stuff
“I-I should go,” Leonard stood up, reaching over to pay for his drink. He drained his glass of water quickly. 
“It’s on me, doc,” The bartender waved his offered credits away. “For my wife Morgan.”
Thanking him, he hurried back to his shared quarters, desperately hoping you were still there. He knew what he had to say. All he needed was you to not have left. It would crush him even more if you did. No, he convinced himself. You were still there of course, but unhappy and upset. 
Rightly so. 
You didn’t know how long it had been since Leonard left, but you assumed it must have been a bit by now. Your mind still echoed of his anger, and it was all you could think about. The crying hadn’t exactly stopped either, only enough for you to suffer in the silence. 
It was silent enough that you heard the doors slid open though, and curled up tighter into a fetal position. You hid deeper under the covers, desperately hoping that he wouldn’t be able to immediately see you. You shivered as you heard his footsteps approach. 
“Still here, sugar?” Leonard called out from the hallway. He waited a moment for a reply, a sound, anything, but heaved a heavy sigh in the silence. “Thought so,” he mumbled, slowly making his way towards the bedroom. 
You kept your eyes on your pillow, one side of your cheek brushing against the wetness of the pillow cover. It was easier to not meet his gaze, or anything to associate with him. You whimpered quietly, eyes glassy and faraway. When the mattress dipped beside you, you kept your eyes focused on the other wall, refusing to look at him, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. 
It’s all you’ve known previously. You’d hoped this time, it would be different. Clearly not. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean any of it, I swear,” He murmured, slowly sliding his way into the covers beside you. His voice always soothed you, and this time it was no different. Yet, you still didn’t move.
Tentatively, he wrapped his arms around you in an effort to bring you closer to him. Wrenched out of your mind by the sudden contact, you flinched and jumped, before finally turning around to fully face him. 
Leonard looked wounded. For a moment, the self loathing crossed his face before it disappeared as quickly as it came. You knew Leonard, knew him enough that he would never hurt you. Therefore, you trusted him more than you had ever trusted anyone outside your immediate family. 
The mind was cruel that way. It twisted and turned, whispering words of pain and distrust after the fight. Playing a trick was how the mind defended itself, but his time, it was hurting you in its path of self defense. Sniffling, you slowly looked up from his blue tunic and up to his eyes. All you could see reflected in his eyes was apologetic, understanding, and most importantly, love.
“I’m here, sweetheart,” he continued, his voice soft and gentler than he had ever used on you. You whimpered once more, and he squeezed you tighter in his arms. “I know. It’s alright.” You ducked your head back down, letting out a sigh of relief that you didn’t know you were holding in, and laid your head on his chest. 
And cried once more. 
“I’m so sorry, sugar,” Leonard spoke lowly. Bit by bit, your tears stopped falling. Quieting down after some time, you let Leonard gently wipe away tear streaks upon your cheeks. You cleared your scratchy throat, hoping to get the words.
“Should’ve told you,” You managed out, looking tearfully back up at him. 
“Let me hold you for tonight, worry about that tomorrow.”
He said, when you get home she'll start to cry
When she says, I'm sorry, say so am I
Look into those eyes so deep in love and drink it up
'Cause that's the good stuff
“I’m not going to break up with you.” Was the first thing you said in the morning over breakfast. You’d taken the day off, knowing that even if you went back to work in the state you were in at the moment, Jim would just take you off anyways. Plus Leonard mattered more to you than a job. He was your everything, and you would do anything to fix this together.
Leonard came first. Job came second.
Leonard frowned, nearly choking over his spit at your words. “You should be furious with me.”
You only shook your head, poking your eggs around before taking a bite. “It's not the first time I've gone through this, Len.” A pause. “And I should’ve known better.” 
“You were looking out for me, sweetheart, and I’m sorry that I yelled at you.”
You reached out with your other hand to grab his, rubbing circles into his skin in an attempt to soothe him. “Thank you.”
That's the good stuff
ST Tags: @mournthewicked​ (You’re the best, thank you.)
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akariitsuki42 · 4 years
Spirit Saga
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Chapter 19
As Hurricane was driving, this was the time for me to realize that everything I do is becoming worse for my situation. Hurricane notices the tears forming, looks at Jimmy, "Do you know how lucky you are for getting her out of there?" "How lucky am I?" he asked. Hurricane answered, "She can't be alone for far too long, she has to be feel safe somewhere otherwise she will go berserk."
"So, is there something within that we should know about?" he asked. Hurricane sighed, "I wish I knew what is going on but we don't know on what's happening within her." "So, you guys do not have an idea on what is going on with her?" asked Jimmy, "I hope she opens up finally to what she is hiding." "Can you 2 talk about something else, please?" I snapped.
It took a while but we managed to get back to my new soon-to-be Jimmy's new house, I walked in to smelling something Raven would make to the point where I am calm. I heard my PS4 go off, someone is turning on my game system, then I was led to my relaxing room by Jagaur, I ended up hearing Markiplier's voice.
I immediately sat down and tuned out everything that is happening, I want to distract myself before the guys come into my home. I was watching him playing Fran Bow, then I got bored and turned everything off. I went to my backyard, started to hum the melody tune of This Life is Mine, then M Shadows came to where I was.
I was tearing up because I was using so much emotion to the song, it was so powerful that I heard my Centaur self saying, "You are going to be alright, calm down, you have company." "I don't want to be bothered," I said to her and him. I heard from Matt softly asking, "Hey, are you alright?"
That actually surprised me, I turned around, "Just get it over with already, I can't take it anymore, say on what you came here for." "Alright, listen here," said Matt, "I don't know what is going on with you but you need to chill out!" "You've been very hostile to me ever since Zacky introduced me to you guys!" I yelled back, "What did you want me to do in that situation?"
"I've been trying to get you to know that we are all family, but you were so closed up like a bird locked up its cage, not being set free to spread its wings," he said, "When I really saw you with Jimmy, I thought you were playing a prank on me." "You still don't know me enough, I wanted to open up to you so bad but you always keep up this tough guy persona," I said, "I don't open to people who think they are all that."
"When I saw Jimmy a second time, being himself again, made me realize on what was going on," said M Shadows, "Somehow you brung him back from the dead." "He made the choice of wanting to be alive again," I said to him, then shout at Jimmy, "By the way, Jimmy, aren't you going to do something to Matt?"
Then without a second thought, Matt got his ass kicked by Jimmy, then Jimmy said, "That's for being an ASS to this lovely lady here!" "Yeah I deserved it," said Matt, "By the way, how are you here while you are sleeping in your bed, Ms Spencer?" "Oof," said Jimmy. I sighed, "That's not my true name, it's my cover name." "Then what is your real name?" asked Matt.
I led Matt to the living room, I'm guessing that Brooks can see me as well as the others, I looked at Jimmy, he said, "I didn't want him to feel left out." "Alright, thanks for that information," I said to him. I cleared my throat, everyone looked at me, Brian asked, "Whoa, what is happening?" "I'm about to reveal on why I was sent here," I said.
I began, "I was trying to keep something at bay where I am from when I received something in the mail, saying that I should help out an old friend, it was sent by Zack here. He wanted me to put everything at peace by putting Jimmy, your old drummer, to eternal rest, but he told me that Jimmy wasn't at rest."
"So, what happened next?" asked Matt. I continued, "I made my way here with the help of someone who was familiar with this part of the world. He goes by the name William Hunnicut, which I know him as Hurricane, but um, when I approached Jimmy, Brian thought that I fell asleep but when really I was outside of my body." "Whoa, we can do that, since when?" asked Brian.
Onyx snapped, "Only certain people can do that, you dolt!" "Easy, Onyx," I said, "Anyway, my actual name Akari Itsuki Shiba, everyone calls me Akari." "I see, why hide your name?" asked Brooks. I told them all, "So, I can know that I can turn to you when I'm troubled with something." "Of course we are always going to be here," said Gates.
"Also, about that job I have currently," I sighed, "Where I am from, I put souls to rest in heaven or sent them to Hell. My job is purify souls who turned into these things called Hollows." "Which we will reveal on how she made Jimmy be alive again," said Onyx. I growled, "Stop interrupting me, Onyx!!"
He took a step back, nodded, I continued, "Which is ironic, seems how me and our other friends are Half Hollows with powers that have somewhat the same ability." "What power does Onyx have?" asked Zacky. I answered, "He is the pure source of Darkness." "Element of Darkness? Wow, what's your Element?" asked Matt. I shrugged, "I don't know for sure. But Jimmy's power is Speed, he can go to any kind of speed he wants."
"Hey Akari," said Jimmy, "I think I just found a solution on what your element might be." "Really, what is it?" I asked. He looked at me, "Spirit." When he said that, I immediately got light headed, everyone was seeing my eyes starting to go ghostly white, which means Jimmy might be right if I responded in such a way like this.
It took a while for me to come through, Brooks asked, "Are you alright for now?" "Yeah, it just took me a while to gain my conscious back," I said to him. I looked to who was making sure I was alright, it was Jimmy, then I asked Jimmy, "Have you chose a weapon of choice?" "I have, I chose unlimited daggers," he said.
I nodded, knowing that will be helpful in the later future, I looked around, Matt ended up saying, "Thanks for telling us this, I know it took a lot of courage for you to say on what was said." He's finally being friendly? I guess he was still in pain after what happened to his friend, I couldn't help but smile.
I gave the house keys to Jimmy, "This is your house, I am planning on going back to where I came from knowing that my job here is almost done I just need to know if you are going to stay here or come with me." "I want to stay," said Jimmy, "I guess that since I have the Speed Element, I can get to you where ever you need me." "Just know that you are not alone in this world," said Zacky, "We love you for who you are and what you stand for."
"And, quick quiz, what are you going to stand for, Jimmy?" I asked. I was not expecting this answer from the guys, I hear all of them say, "We stand for Spirit." I could not help but feel so welcomed, Johnny said, "Which sucks that you were only here for doing a simple job, we would love to see you more often than doing your job."
He had a point, I was starting to feel on what Rukia felt, she didn't want to leave but she had to, as I went into my bedroom, began to pack so I could go back feeling all alone again. I always hated that feeling, it doesn't help that I can't speak to Ukitake anymore because it's not the real him as I was told multiple times.
Jimmy could sense this going through my mind, "We are only one text away or one phone call away." "I know that but I can't help feeling this way," I said, "The person who made me feel like I'm needed is no longer with me." "I know it hurts but you need to move on," he said, not knowing it would provoke something within me.
My eyes immediately turned red, shouting at him, "Stop saying that!! You have no idea on how he meant so much to me!!" "What about your actual father?" Rev asked. I turned around, "No one replaces him!!! Not even Talon!! He's the one who keeps pressuring me to forget Jushiro Ukitake!!"
It clicked for him, he got information from Kyoraku saying that his old friend took care of a little orphan girl, which happened to be me. Ukitake meant everything to me, nothing replaces him, not even Hurricane or Talon. Even mother and everyone else knew that, Talon, he needs to get his act straight because he's only pushing me away from me calling him that.
Jimmy could feel this ominous feeling coming from me, "Alright I'm sorry for provoking you, I had no idea he was doing that towards you. I hope that there is a way for you to regain his soul back." "I hope so as well," I said, "Because there is now this empty void where Ukitake was. He was my entire world, he knew what would happen to me if I was alone for far too long." "You lose control, Kyoraku told me," said Jimmy.
I got all of my stuff ready to go back to the cottage, Hurricane notices on how hesitant I was to go back while I walked into the airport to go back, "We'll bring him back, just hang in there." "I just want to let Talon to know that nothing can replace him," I tell him, "I know it hurts him to realize but he needs to know that important thing."
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