#(maybe i'll take pics of those later)
aliencatastrophe · 4 months
I've finally collected every Dork Diaries book, if I get the chance I'll definitely re-read them all >:3c. I'm so happy since I've been wanting to complete the collection since forever (^_^)/.
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amethystarrows · 11 months
shopping is done! i can flop over and relax for a bit. i picked up a couple things while i was out last night, that'll be the first pic under the cut. the next three are things i got today. return of the happy cheese. (imagine kermit flails here. <3)
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Kugisaki and Gwen keychains. Not even sorry. These were the only sizes the comic shop had of each, I ain't even mad.
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Inumaki and Nanami clips that we picked up at tar-get today. I was sitting there with the second bag and I only see the top of the head I'm just "do we both get Inumaki??? NANAMIIIIINNNN" So I got three of my favorite JJK characters within two days, hell yeah.
And finally:
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SHE WAS ON CLEARANCE, HOW COULD I NOT???? Shuri was too, but we both were like "we should only get one character." And this was the only one. There were like, three of Shuri.
Geeky shopping complete. I am content.
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leafeonb · 1 year
ohh i didnt take many photos of drawings from my sketchbook this year help
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[rant in the tags]
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toxicanonymity · 1 month
This is a bit weird but hear me out. Truck driver Joel. Having to sleep in cheap motels and inside his truck. Picks up sweet, pretty hitchhiker reader, who ends up travelling the country with him and fucking in his truck, those cheap old motels, and in the middle of nowhere.
Giving joel handjobs and blowjobs while driving and joel fingering her while driving...
Trucker Joel. . . I love it. Sexy and fun.
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A/N: Feel free to add HCs or write him. @tashibum sent the middle pic one time and I love the vibe. 💛
Fics - tag me if you write one and I'll add here
✨ Overloaded by @katiexpunk
On the first day, you're riding in silence, and he keeps looking over, checking you out. To make conversation, you ask him about his load. His neck gets pink, and he clears his throat. "my, uh--" before telling you what's in the trailer.
You get a kick out of him being flustered so later you ask him what he's gonna do with his load. When he's flustered, sometimes he adjusts his net hat (his curls stick out under it).
He's proud of his truck. It's humble but he takes good care of it. He's made the cab cozy, but you can tell he did it himself, there isn't much of an eye for design. There's definitely only one bed.
You're fixing the fitted sheet on the bed in his cab and there's a bottle of lube under the corner of the mattress.
He has a TV screen set up near the bed and offers you can stream something but it accidentally opens to porn.
The first time you stop at a motel, he takes a shower, slicks back his hair, and puts on a nice t shirt and belt, and even foregoes the hat. He takes you to eat at a diner.
He doesn't like belts though. Before the motel room door is even shut behind you, he takes his belt off with one hand in one swift motion. He does a double take at your face and can't help but smile to himself at the effect it has on you.
When you're sucking him off and he's about to cum too early, he's like "whoa, back it up now, darlin'."
Maybe he calls you bambi cause he almost hit you like a deer before picking you up.
You might have to cockwarm him in the driver's seat sometime.
He gives you back-to-back cream pies, admires the mess, and says "damn near got you bundled out" (loaded to max capacity).
feel free to add or write
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justlemmeadoreyou · 22 days
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okayyyy so here is something short n shitty on these new pics that my brain whipped up! tell me if you like this!
words: 1.3k~ish
warnings: flirting, fluff.
You loved coming out to this little nook to capture scenes of the city on canvas. Today felt especially inspiring with the beautiful spring weather.
You begin laying out your brushes and squeezing out vibrant shades of paint onto your palette. Losing yourself in the simple motions, you barely notice the passersby around you. That is, until a very familiar voice pipes up from behind.
"Excuse me, miss? Your paintings are absolutely lovely."
You freeze, brush hovering in the air. No, it couldn't be... Slowly, you turn around and your jaw drops. There, flashing his signature dimpled grin, stands Harry Styles himself. Your ultimate celebrity crush in the flesh, mere feet away.
"H-Harry? Harry Styles?" you stammer out, eyes wide.
He chuckles softly. "The one and only. I'm out on a morning stroll and I couldn't help but stop to admire your work. You've got a brilliant talent there."
Your cheeks flush bright pink. "Oh my gosh, thank you! You're—you're really here. I can't believe it!" 
Trying not to completely fangirl and scare him off, you take a deep breath to collect yourself. Harry Styles is complimenting your art. This is actually happening.
"Sorry, I'm just—wow, I'm such a huge fan of yours. Your music means so much to me."
He smiles warmly. "I'm glad you enjoy it, love. Say, would you maybe be interested in doing a little commission for me? Painting my portrait?"
You nearly drop your palette right then and there. "You want me to paint you? Like, really?"
"If you're up for it, yeah! I'd be honoured."
Nodding fervently, you scramble to set up a fresh canvas on your easel. "Yes, absolutely! I'd love to! Just...just tell me how you'd like to pose." 
As Harry arranges himself into a relaxed seated position, you take a moment to study his striking features. From the soft chestnut curls framing his face to those entrancing emerald eyes, he is perfect subject material. Your heart pounds rapidly in your chest.
"Okay, perfect, just like that. Stay right there and I'll get started!"
You take a steadying breath before putting brush to canvas, carefully mapping out Harry's form in broad strokes. The two of you fall into an easy back-and-forth conversation as you work, chatting about everything from his latest album to your shared hometown.
"I've gotta say, your Cheshire accent is pretty damn charming," Harry remarks at one point with a playful wink.
You giggle shyly. "Why thank you, kind sir. Yours isn't too bad either."
Harry throws back his head with a deep, raspy chuckle that has your toes curling in your shoes. "Is that so, darling? Well in that case..." He leans in close enough for you to smell his intoxicating cologne, voice lowering to a sultry murmur. "Perhaps later you'll allow me to read you a bedtime story?"
"Harry!" you gasp in flustered exasperation, half-heartedly swatting his arm as he cackles victoriously. The two of you are so caught up in your playful banter that you barely notice the small crowd starting to gather, whispering and snapping photos as word spreads that the one and only Harry Styles is getting his portrait done.
Harry waves jovially at his fans but remains focused on you, keeping up the easy banter.
"How's it looking over there, Picasso? Doing me justice?"
Glancing up, you smirk. "Well, it's hard to improve upon perfection, but I'm giving it my best shot."
He smiles, and swears he felt his heart skip a beat at your words. "Such flattery! And here I thought you were just a pretty face with those big doe eyes."
You roll said eyes dramatically as your cheeks flush. "Oh, stop trying to put me off, you flirt!"
Over the next little while, you alternate between studying Harry's striking features with lazer-like intensity and flushing furiously whenever he catches you staring. At one point, he pointedly clears his throat.
"You know, most artists usually start on the face when doing portraits," he remarks with a teasing lilt.
Cheeks flaming again, you force your gaze away from the rippling muscles of his forearms where you'd been fixated like a teenager. "Hush you, I'm simply taking my time with the background work first."
"If you say so," he chuckles but obediently returns to stillness, allowing you to slowly build up brushstrokes on the canvas.
Time seems to fly by as your brush strokes bring Harry's image vibrantly to life on the canvas. The swarm of onlookers grows steadily bigger, phones clicking away to document the scene. Several times you have to politely ask people not to get too close and obstruct your view.
With one last few delicate strokes to bring out the shine in Harry's eyes, you finally lean back with a satisfied smile.
"Well, Mr. Styles...what do you think?"
Harry rises from his pose and steps over to admire your handiwork, lips parting in an impressed grin.
"Wow...Y/N, this is incredible! You captured me perfectly!"
You beam proudly, butterflies erupting in your stomach at his praise. "I had some pretty gorgeous subject matter to work with."
Chuckling, Harry carefully plucks the canvas from the easel. "You've definitely earned your payment and then some. Name your price, love."
After some back-and-forth haggling that has the crowd laughing, Harry hands over a generous sum of cash and pulls you in for a warm hug.
"Truly, thank you for this. I'll cherish it forever!"
You bite your lip shyly as he pulls away. "You're more than welcome. Can't say I mind immortalizing that handsome face on canvas."
Harry tosses you one last wink before turning to greet his clamoring fans, the sea of people quickly engulfing him and carrying him off down the street.
As he's shuffled away, Harry feels a pang of disappointment that he didn't get a chance to ask for your number or make plans to see you again. He spent the whole time shamelessly flirting and getting flustered by your adorable blushes and quips. Now he may never get the opportunity to take you out on an actual date.
Once he's finally escorted into his awaiting car, Harry lets out a frustrated huff and runs a hand through his tousled hair. He'd been so wrapped up in your captivating presence that he didn't even think to get your contact information before being mobbed. Rookie mistake.
"Stupid, stupid," he mutters under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
Just as he's resigning himself to having let a potential connection slip through his fingers, something catches Harry's eye. He glances down at the canvas you had been painting him on, safely tucked onto the seat beside him, and a slow smile spreads across his face.
There, just peeking out from the backside wrapped around the frame, is a scribbled set of numbers. Hurriedly, Harry flips over the painting to inspect further. He lets out a delighted laugh at what he finds.
It's a phone number! Trailing below it in your handwriting are the words "In case you need your portrait updated ;) -Y/N"
feedback | masterlist |
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli
@tchlamqtsgf @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely
@whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @harryhitties
@mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @chesthairrry
@becauseheartsgetbroken-hs   @hisparentsgallerryy @storyschanging   @selluequestrian @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove @chronicallybubbly @angeldavis777
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wandussyfantasy · 2 months
request (i hope its still open)
powerbottom!Wanda x Beefy G!P reader
(this is gonna be kinda long and dirty so be prepared)
Reader and Wanda are both college students who have been mutual pining each other, Wanda tells Nat that she likes reader and really wants to get down and dirty with them but doesn't know what to do Nat gives Wanda these chocolates (which is like those sex Viagra chocolate things) and tells Wanda to invite reader over for a movie night and share the chocolate, and that leads to hella sexual tension and they both can't hold it in anymore and fuck, Wanda rides readers abs and also handcuffs reader to the bed and she teases reader a lot and after a while reader just wants to touch Wanda so bad that they break the handcuffs which turns Wanda on even more and they fuck hard, lots of overstimulation and maybe some breeding (also maybe some fluff at the end as well as reader wants to live in this moment forever so reader uses Wanda's polaroid cam to take a pic of her naked and saves it in their wallet)
sorry this is long but if you do decide to write it just have fun with it and add your own stuff as well, love your fics <3
Study Date
Summary: Wanda and Reader have wanted each other for so long. Natasha, being the good friend that she is, helps the two speed things along and realize just how much they want each other.
Pairings: Wanda x NB!AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,767
smut, gn!reader shapeshifter, powerbottom!lwanda, fingering, dirty talk, fluff, fantasies, teasing, foreplay, and creampie.
“Hey Wanda, I noticed you weren't in class today. I thought I'd lend you my notes,” you say as you hand the pretty girl from your expository writing class your notebook. She smiles as she accepts your offering. 
“Awe, you're so sweet! You didn't have to do that! Thank you, I'll type this up and get it back to you as soon as possible,” she says. You smile back and tell her to take her time. The conversation falls flat but you don't want to stop talking to her. You stand there awkwardly as you try to think of something to keep the conversation going. Wanda was doing the same, she didn't want you to leave. She wanted to keep talking to you. She always wants to talk to you. “Hey, I heard there is going to be a party this weekend. My brother is hosting it so I'm going to be there and so will other people. Because it's a party! And that's how… anyway are you going?” Wanda asks nervously as she fiddles with the notebook in her hands. Natasha tries her best to not be repulsed by Wanda’s bad attempt at asking you out. She had no idea that her friend was crushing so hard on someone, let alone you. 
“Nah, I have a lot of studying to do,” you reply without giving the invitation much thought. “Maybe another time? This semester has been kicking my ass and I might lose my scholarship if I don't get my grades up.” You admit as you shift on your feet awkwardly. 
Wanda frowns and looks hopeless. Natasha rolls her eyes and then cuts in. “Wanda is a fantastic tutor,” she says. “Maybe you should ask her to tutor you,” she spells it out for you when all you said was cool. 
“I mean. Um. Would you have time to? I would really appreciate it,” you say as you gesture at Wanda. 
“Uh,” she looks at her friend.
“She is available tonight,” Natasha offers up. “I have plans so she’ll be alone in the dorm.” Natasha scribbles down information on a piece of paper and hands it off to you. “Let’s go,” she grabs Wanda and pulls her away. 
“See you later!” You shout at them as they leave. 
Natasha shakes her head as they continue to walk away. “That was pathetic,” she says to her friend. “I know you’re new to flirting but,” she starts as she opens the door for their dorm building. “That was not flirting. That was just… sad.” 
Wanda shakes her head, “I know. I know. I’ve never liked anyone the way I like Y/n before. I want them in ways that I’ve never wanted anyone before.” She presses her palm to her forehead as she blushes.  
“Like, losinging your v-card type of want?” Natasha’s eyes widen as her voice lowers while they walk to the elevators. “You hardly wanted to lose it to your Vision! And you were with him for three years!” 
“I know!” Wanda says as they enter the elevator. “But gosh, there is something about Y/n that has me,” she stops as someone enters the elevator. She puts her hand on Natasha’s shoulder and sends her a mind message to continue the conversation privately. “I’ve had several wet dreams about Y/n since I saw them running around the track field shirtless.” 
Natasha looks at Wanda with wide eyes and thinks, “They had their titties out on the field?” 
Wanda shakes her head. “No, they have a shapshifting ability. It’s why they prefer they/them pronouns because they can shift their physical appearance to how they feel they that day. And that day it was a male chest and it was strong and sweaty and-”
“Ok! I don’t need to know anymore. But that is quite an ability, I’m sure a lot of gender nonconforming people would love to have an ability like that.” She said out loud as they stepped out of the elevator. Wanda agreed. 
“I think they can do more but I could hardly focus. I started to imagine the possibilities and I was just happy mind reading isn’t one of their abilities.” Wanda says as they enter the dorm. 
“I’m glad it’s not an ability of mine either,” Natasha says as she opens the mini fridge. She flips through the different types of chocolate bars that she owns and smiles when she finds the one she it looking for. “I’ve been saving this for a rainy day and honey, it’s getting pretty cloudy.” She hands the chocolate bar over to Wanda. 
“Oh, I’ve been craving chocolate all day!” Natasha stops her roommate from eating the candy.
“Woah, not so fast. Wait for your date tonight. Share it with Y/n,” she suggests. 
“Why?” Wanda makes a weird face as she tries to figure out what is special about the unlabeled candy. 
“Just trust me,” Natasha quickly puts on a special bracelet that prevents anyone with telepathic or empathic abilities from entering her mind and she smiles as she flashes it at Wanda. “The less you know, the better.” She starts to gather her belongings. “I will be out all night. I gave Y/n your phone number so you should be receiving a text or something soon.” She looks around the room to assure herself that she has everything she needs. “Good luck, Wanda. I hope it all goes well. Just please don’t use my bed.” 
Wanda rolled her eyes at the bracelet and smiled at her friends departing words. The hug each other, “Thank you.” Natasha leaves the room. Wanda flops onto her bed as she waits for you to text her. She thinks about the times she’s seen you half-naked and sweating. How she’s wished to have your body on top of hers. Wanda bites her bottom lip as she fights the urge to slip her fingers between her legs and imagine that they are yours. 
Her phone pings with a notification and she springs up to look at it. It’s you asking what time you should arrive. She licks her lips she tries to make a flirty response but she ends up cringing at everything she types. She settles on just telling you to meet her an hour from now and flops back onto her bed with a sigh. She needed to get it together because in anhour you would be in her room and you needed tutoring. And some how she needed to work in sharing the mysterious chocolate bar with you. 
Wanda changed into something a little more suggestive and flashed on a set of lingerie underneath, just in case she became brave enough to try something with you. She cleaned up the room a bit and lit a candle that was enchanted to keep sound in any room that it was lit in. She doesn’t know why but she has a feeling she’s going to get her way and she won’t be quiet about it when she does. 
“Smells nice in here,” You say as you enter Wanda’s room. She shuts the door behind you. 
“Thank you, it’s a new candle I made. I kind of got into the trend,” she says sheepishly as she stands behind you. There wasn’t room for a sofa in the dorm room so there isn’t one. There was only beds and desk chairs as seating options. “You can sit at my desk,” she points to the desk that is between the beds. 
“Thanks,” you say with a blush, “Um, if you’re selling your candles, I would love to buy some from you.” Wanda’s cheeks flush bright pink as well as she sits on her bed. 
“I think I have a couple that I can gift you,” she smiles as she gets comfortable. “Alright, so what subject are we starting with?” She asks as you are pulling assignments out of your bookbag and setting them on her desk. She looks at the chocolate bar that was left on her bed and tries to think of how she can offer it to you without it seeming weird. 
“Um chemistry has been brutal,” you say as you organize yourself. You try to keep your eyes on the work in front of you because her shirt was tighter than the one you saw her in a couple of hours ago. It was hard enough to be around her when she had loose fitting clothing on. Now that it was accentuating her chest, you thought you might pass out. 
“Chemistry happens to be my strongest subject!” Wanda says as she leans over to look at your papers. She quickly gets into helping learn the formulas that you struggled with as well as a lot of the vocabulary that you had mixed up. Deep into the study session, Wanda starts to mindlessly break off pieces of the chocolate bar and eat it. 
You accept the pieces that she offers and by the time you've moved onto math, the chocolate bar is gone. You start to feel even hornier than when first walked in but you try to focus on the subject.
“It's kind of hot in here,” Wanda says as she fans herself with her hand. She doesn't know why but her body is on fire. Her clothes feel horrible on her skin but she can't take it off. Not with you here. Oh but she wishes she could convince you to take your clothes off. 
“Yeah, it um it is,” you shift uncomfortably as your eyes land on her glistening chest. Wanda’s eyes are glued to your chest as well. The sweat on your body was causing the white fabric of your shirt to become see through. The shirt was clinging to your abs, exposing your six-pack. “Maybe I should um-” 
“Fuck me,” Wanda gasps out as she bites her lips. “I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from I-” You cut her off with your lips. Finally kissing her after spending the past few years pining for her. Wanda responds to the kiss just as eagerly. She pulls on your shirt to pull you closer to her until you land on top of her. Your body against hers on her bed. She couldn't think of anything but your lips and your body. She needs you. She needs you now. 
“Are you sure,” you try to slow down your kisses. “We can stop at any moment,” you say as you try to catch your breath. Her lips start sucking on your neck and you let out a soft loud groan. 
“Why would I want to do that?” She says as she rips your shirt in the middle. You are surprised by her urgency. You didn't know that Wanda even liked you. “Wow,” Wanda gasps as she admires your naked chest. She unhooks your bra and her eyes grow hungrier at the sight. You get rid of the rest of the fabric of your shirt and toss it to the floor. You roll off of Wanda and lay next to her to start to get rid of your pants. You had most of your abilities down but when it came to sexual urges, there was one thing you couldn't control completely. That was the cock that is currently growing and will soon be straining against your jeans. 
But before you can unbuckle your belt, Wanda climbs onto your chest and kisses you on the mouth again. “I have an idea,” she says against your lips as she holds your face in her delicate hands. 
“Mmm, please share,” you say as you kiss along her jaw. She maneuvers you so that you are laying properly on the bed. Then with magic, she chains you to the bed. Wanda removes her tight shirt and short shorts to reveal the red lace bra and the black thong. Your eyes widen at her lingerie. You never thought in your wildest dreams that you would be here. 
Wanda straddles your hips and you groan at the contact of her skin against yours. Her thighs rest against your sides. Her pussy juices drip through her thong and land on your stomach as she starts to gyrate her hips on your abs. You watch her breasts bounce as she moves on your abdomen and you lick your lips as you think about touching her. About sucking on her breasts. Licking her smooth stomach. Wanda puts her hand on your breasts as she continues to use your abs to create friction. You moan as she plays with your nipples. She makes eye contact with you as she leans in close to you. She makes you think she's good to kiss you but then her hips slide down and her pussy starts to ride your bulge as her lips kiss your neck. 
“Fuck” you his as her lips move to your collarbone. She sucks on your skin lightly as she makes shapes with her tongue. You imagine her sucking your cock and it causes you to thrust your hips into her middle. She yelps and looks at you. Her pupils have taken over her emerald eyes as she takes your breast into her mouth. “Wanda,” you beg as you thrust your hips up again. She takes her mouth off of your chest as she sits up again. Teasing you by slowly removing her bra. You groan again as you fight against your magical restraints. When her breasts are exposed, Wanda drops her hands to your belt. She unbuckles the accessory and unbuttons your jeans. She pulls your zipper down and stops there. 
Wanda drags her fingers at the top of the waistband of your boxers. She is driving you crazy. When she slips her fingers into your boxers you can't take it anymore. With your super strength, you break the magic handcuffs off and grab Wanda and flip the two of you so that you're on top. “That was hot,” Wanda says as she kisses you again. 
You get lost in her lips as your hands touch her everywhere. You have them on her hips then on her breasts then on her ass. Her skin is so soft and you want to touch every inch of her. You begin to suck on her neck as you move to explore her body with your lips. She sighs and moans when you reach especially sensitive spots on her body. Her hands continue to trace the ridges of your chest. You drop her breast from your mouth and grin. “You like what you feel?” 
Wanda blushes as she grows a bit shy. “I’ve been dreaming about them,” she says with pink cheeks. “I’m sorry, I just want to appreciate them while I have them.” She reaches up and kisses your neck. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she starts to suck on your neck again. Her hands start to trail further down your body. She starts to push your pants and underwear further down until your cock bounces out. You moan from the relief. Her eyes widen at the sight. Her ex-boyfriend was a super computer that looked like a Ken-doll in the private area. She’s only seen dicks online and none of them come close to what is laying against her stomach. She couldn’t imagine how it was supposed to fit inside her virgin hole. She is surprised that fear isn’t controlling her nearly as much as it has in the past. But she can’t keep the thought as you roll your hips and the base of your cock grazes her clitoris just right. Her lips latch to yours again. You are typically someone that likes to take it slow but something has your body buzzing with energy and taking over your actions. 
Wanda’s hand wraps around your cock and you roll your hips into her soft hand. You have imagined her jerking you off before. It was in a car or in a closet or at a movie and it was always after or during a date. It wasn’t this fast, or this amazing. Your hand doesn’t compare to hers. You have to pull away as you feel yourself near your edge. 
“I’ve dreamt about you too,” you whisper against her lips. You fall lower on her body until your head is between her thighs. You kiss her left thigh first then her right. Wanda wimpers each time your lips press against her thighs. With your tongue you trace letters along her thighs claiming her as yours. “I’ve wanted to be in this position since I saw you at the freshman mixer,” you admit as you drag your tongue along the crevice between her thigh and vulva on her right side. “But you were taken for two  more years after that.”  You lick the left side and Wanda licks her lips as she watches you tease her. 
“Now I’m yours,” she says desperatley, “I’m all yours.” Her fingers lock into your short hair as she pulls you closer to her pussy. “Show me your deepest desires, Y/n.” You nod as you put your mouth on her entrance. You slip your tongue inside of her and use your abilities to have a deeper reach. Wanda’s eyes widen at the sensations as she feels your tongue wiggling inside of her. You feel a wall as you extend your tongue further and your eyes widen as you shrink your tongue to it’s normal size. 
You pull away and ask, “Are you a virgin?” Wanda grows shy again and tries to hide her face in her pillows. “It’s okay to be it’s just, are you sure you want to… with me… like this?” You say as you crawl up her body and remove the pillow from her face. “I just don’t want you to regret your decision later if there are reasons you waited this long,” you tell her softly. 
Wanda gazes into your eyes and takes your hand and brings it close to her. She kisses the palm of your hand as she holds eye contact and then places your hand over her heart. “I'm sure,” she answers softly. Then she pushes you back so that you lay on the bed. She pulls your pants and boxers all the way off and tosses them behind her. “I want you so bad right now, Y/n. I've wanted you for a long time.” She says as she moves her hands up your thighs until they meet in the middle to give attention to your cock again. She kisses the tip of your penis. Her soft plush lips send shivers down your spine just before she wraps them around the bulbous head. Your head falls back as she deep throats your cock. Taking as much as shee can down her throat without gagging. You’ve never seen that before. You can’t believe it. Wanda removes her mouth and you lift your head back up to watch her. “I don’t have a gag reflex,” Wanda smirks. You make a confused expression and Wanda giggles. She taps her temple, “Mind reader.” 
You sit up on your elbows, “Hold on,” you stop her from sucking your cock again. “You’re telling me that you’re more than a witch?” You shake your head. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry for what you saw today. I promise, I like you for more than-”
“No, I don’t… I didn’t read your mind earlier. I,” she crawls up your body and sits on your chest again. She holds your face as she tries to explain her abilities. “I don’t like to know what other people are thinking so I take something that decreases my ability to read peoples minds. I can only read your mind when I’m touching you. I wasn’t doing that earlier,” she explains. 
A slow smile graces your lips. You move your fingers a long the length of her arms. “Does that mean you’re seeing what I’m thinking about now.” You take the palm of her hand and press your lips against her soft skin. The hitch in her breath is enough to let you know that she can see exactly what you intend to do with her tonight. “And what do you think?” 
Wanda leans in close to your lips and whispers, “I already told you to show me your deepest desires. So stop stalling.” She meets your lips in a slow, deep, kiss. Every time she kissed you she felt the effects of something grow stronger. She couldn’t place where it was coming from but she has a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with that chocolate that Nathasha was being so weird about. It didn’t matter anymore. She was so close to having exactly what she wants. 
“Yes, ma’am,” you say with a raspy voice as you kiss her back. You move your hands down her body and rip her thong off of her. You aim the tip of your penis at her entrance and slip just the tip in to tease her as the two of you continue to kiss. You pump in her softly, slowly stretching her out with your girthy cock. Wanda’s mouth falls open as you slip inside her previously untouched walls further. You move your kisses from her lips to her cheeks then to her neck. Her hands move from your face to your shoulders as she helps you lower her further onto your throbbing rod. Her nails start to dig into your skin and it causes you to lose control of your thrust as you break her hymn in one strong thrust. 
“Holy shit,” she gasps. “I can feel you,” she says as you lick the sweat off from her collarbone. “You’re stretching me,” she moans as you thrust further into her. “I’m so full with your cock,” she continues and you groan as you bring her breast into your mouth. You get the full length of your dick inside of Wanda’s tight walls and you nearly bust a nut from how amazing she feels around you. “It feels so good,” she says while she moves her hips. You smile with your mouth full of her boobs. Then you drop it with a plop as you grab her hips.
You begin to pump inside of Wanda and fuck her as hard as you can. She is shocked by the pleasure she is feeling from such force but she is far from complaining about it. “Yes!” She screeches out as you pound her pussy with your thick meat. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She pulls you closer to her by wrapping her both arms around you. “Fuck you’re in so deep! Oh fuck! It’s so good! Fuck me Y/n! Fuck me!” She shouts as she continues to ride your cock while your hips slam into her. 
Your thrusts get so erratic that your cock slips out of her hole and you have to stop your hips from moving. You flip the two of you so that you are laying on top of her before you enter her again. “Ah fuck your pussy is so good, Wanda,” you moan as you enter her tight wet walls that is gripping your dick and pulling you further inside of her. “I’ve never done it raw before. Oh my gosh this feels amazing!” You say as rock your hips into Wanda. The sensitive skin on your penis is feeling every inch of her and you can’t believe any of this is real. 
“I’m so close,” Wanda gasps as her nails start to dig into your back. You didn’t know that you’d enjoy that feeling as much as you do. It drives you to speed up your thrusts again as you rub her clitoris with your thumb. 
“Cum for me,” you tell her and watch as her eyes roll back and her chest arches up into yours and feel as her walls squeeze the life out of your cock as if her body was trying to milk you. She screams out as she rides the waves of her orgasm. You don’t stop playing with her clitoris even after her body falls limp. 
“Don’t stop,” she says as she enjoys the over stimulation. You continue to rub her bundle of nerves while you pump your cock into her. 
“I’m, fuck, I’m close,” you warn her. “Don’t, mphm, worry. I’ll pull out,” you grunt out as you start to slow down your thrusts. That’s when Wanda’s legs wrap around your waist and lock you in. “Wanda what are you-” 
Wanda pulls you into a deep kiss. She dances her fingers along your jaw as you try to pull away. “Cum inside me,” she whispers. You head starts to shake but the request is too delicious that your eyes roll back as your cum starts to flow out of you and flood her pussy. “Mmm I can feel you pulsing inside of me,” she says as your cock empties inside of her. When you stop erupting, you try to pull out but Wanda shakes her head. “Not yet,” she says, “I don’t want to feel empty just yet.” You nod as you keep the two of you connected and sigh as you lay your head on her naked chest. Your limp body laying on top of hers. She is combing her fingers through your sweaty hair. “That was amazing,” she kisses your forehead. 
You give her a lazy smile with your eyes still closed, “It was. I wish we could live in this moment forever.” 
“I’ll allow it,” she responds softley. “But you’ll have to promise that you won’t want to be with anyone else.”
You make a face, “That’s an easy promise.” You lean up and kiss her cheek. “There is no one I’d rather be with.” You grab her hand and lay it on your chest over your heart. “You can even scan my mind. Sure, I’ve slept with people in the past. But I’ve always wanted to be with you. No one has ever invaded my mind the way you have.” 
Wanda bites her lip and sighs. “I don’t have to search your mind. I trust you.” She kisses your lips. 
After an hour of laying in her bed, connected to each other, you eventually pull out of her. Some of your cum flows out when you do and Wanda catches some on her fingers. She sucks them clean and you almost get hard again. But you manage to control yourself since you’re no longer under the influence of whatever you were under. You grab her polaroid camera from the top of her dresser and you point it at her. She gets shy and pulls some of her sheets over her body. She covers her face with her long light brown hair and you snap a picture. You wave it to help develop the image even though you know it doesn’t really do much. 
You smile as you look down at the image a year later when you’re getting ready for your wedding. You put the image in your wallet again and it’s still there when you’re racing Wanda to the hospital to deliever the babies. You glance at it when you’re sitting with her in the nursery as you remember the first time you got to have the most wild sex with Wanda and think about how the chocolate her best friend gave her led to all of this. Natasha confessed to what she did in her maid of honor toast. You have it with you on your tenth wedding anniversary and show it to Wanda during the special dinner. She blushes as she remembers how things used to be before the two of you became parents. Although she still made enchanted candles, the Tommy and Billy were quite disruptive with nightmares and bedwetting. It made moments that the two of you wer alone long enough to have sex that much more special. 
“You still have this?” Wanda asks as she was looking for cash to pay the pizza guy for the twins fifteenth birthday party. 
“Babe, I will carry this in my wallet until the day I die,” you tell her and give her a sweet kiss before running the pizza boxes over to the insatiable teenagers. Wanda paid the man and smiled to herself as she admired her younger form. She kept herself quite fit and so did you, but she couldn’t help but think that some areas were tighter in the picture than they’ll ever be again. She puts it back into your wallet so that you can keep your promise and you do. 
The End.
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elaemae · 3 months
The premium version of human is here to wreak house, mfs.
[Twst x Obeyme!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 1.1: The start of the Blood Rose Tyrant.
Thank you, my amazing readers, for all the likes, comments, and reblogs🥹 It makes so happy, like– almost nothing can top the joy of seeing y'all liked my work :)
Btw, If you have any questions about my tagging and/or literally anything you wanna ask me bout the fic, just reach out to me and I'll try my best to answer you.😊
CW: Cursing, Idk what else... There's also the pronoun schtick I've been yapping about since pr. 1. (i.e MC will get mistaken for a pretty guy a lot -Mc is AFAB referred to as they/them- because the NRC cast have come to expect only boys to be in the school. Excluding the paintings ofc.)
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(My pic)
Fun fact: While all of your ornaments act as containers to very *nom*-able amounts of magic, such a thing can be dangerous as it may give away your location if you need to hide or run away from someone.
Therefore, all of them were cast with a special spell developed by Solomon that makes it so that people can't sense that magic unless they're really close to you physically.
(Not to mention, only exceptional mages can actually have the hope of picking up on that magic as your all jewelry were also cast with a heavy magical concealment blessing from both Micheal and Luke.)
• • •
'What the hell is this?'
You think as you fiddled with the fancy pouch in your hands.
You had opened the gift box to find the pouch containing some basic skincare products and just went; ( •_•)..?
Like– What the hell? Who does that?? Are they saying that you're ugly and needed to start taking care of your face?! Well excuse you, I'll have you know –whomever you are– that this face was approved by Asmodeus himself you rude lil' shi—
So like any sane person is supposed to do in that situation, you checked if the products were cursed or charmed and then pocketed it to maybe sell it in the future for some cash. (Lovely gift but you were taught never to use/ingest things given to you by strangers.)
Leaving the infirmary, you venture into the botanical garden, hoping you'd find some edible plants that you and Yuu can nibble on until you can procure other food options and some all important moneh. (Ugh, if only that damn crow didn't escape and hide away from you, you would've extorted his cowardly-ass and bought some food instead of needing to resort to this bs.)
'Trying to find a stone in a long abandoned mine is simply a fools errand.'
You thought as you absent-mindedly skipped past a certain tall, dark, and handsome man with horns, unknowing of the look of pure curiosity pointed at your back as you continued your musings.
'But oh well, they wanted to try so they might as well be those fools.'
You're not gonna stop them if they wanna try to fix things even though you've mostly stabilized the situation. (Not that they know.)
Damn, you also need to go to the library later so that you can learn what changes you'd need to do in order to adapt and know the problems you'd likely experience in this world.
Knowing yourself and your history for being a magnet of chaos, It'd probably involve almost dying more times than you have fingers and unearthing some deeply-buried soul-crushing trauma in which the only thing you'll get in return are the friends you've made along the way.
Aside from that though, you'd need to gain yourself a foothold in this society.
Preferably, there would be a lot of rich and influential people in this school to suck up to, but if those aren't enough then maybe you can venture into industries where you can kiss-ass in peace.
As much as you'd love to be optimistic, Crowley is the almost literal embodiment of a dead-beat dad barely pays child-support and your own search for a way home may take years before coming to fruition.
Tsk. You can feel your stress levels transcending the mortal plane of existence again as you can already envision the figurative mountain-range you'd need to climb just to achieve stability in this place.
$°\•m°n.. p/€∆$3.. H€\₱ m£...
Times like these just make you wanna curl up onto the floor in a fetal position and let the earth consume you whole.
Oh! And you also need to obtain a stronger blackmail material against Crowley to make sure he won't try anything remotely against you.
'Hmm... But maybe...'
You think as you took a quick and discreet glance to a security camera that had been "coincidentally" pointed at you.
Well, not really a coincidence.
If the mf behind these creepy-ass cameras —that have been watching you since your arrival here, mind you—, can lend you a hand then that would be the optimal outcome. There are a lot of security cameras after all...
Though there's also a large possibility that the fucker wanted you dead because of either boredom, simple bloodlust, money, vengeance (for some reason), your organs or all of the above.
You sighed as you entered the botanical garden, telling yourself to just worry about that later and focus on finding food.
If you get in trouble for taking plants here, you'll just throw Crowley under the bus. (figuratively and literally if he decides to be a bitch about it.)
• • • •
Yuu, Grim, Ace, and Deuce stumbled out of the mirror, finally away from the creepy forest and back into the college.
They all flinched and turned their heads back when they heard a dramatic 'Tsktsktsk–' from behind them.
"Well well well~ Look who finally decided to show up at–"
*checks imaginary wrist watch*
"46 minutes past midnight.. Huh.. If you all got any curfew for your dorms then you're both toast. Can't believe y'all spent more than five hours looking for a single rock..."
You said, referring to the two first years who flinched under your words and judgemental eyes.
"You all look like shit by the way."
Yuu awkwardly scratched their head.
"You're welcome, bbg."
"Just hurry up and give that rock to the fuckin crow already so that you all can spare the world from having to witness anymore of your gross, sweaty, homeless-lookin selves."
Deuce shrunk even further behind Yuu. (funny because Yuu was at least half-a-head shorter.)
Ace meanwhile, has too much ego to not say anything back.
"We wouldn't be looking like this if you at least helped!" He snarked.
"Why should I?"
You Dwayne-the-rock-Johnson raised your eyebrow at him.
"I don't owe any of you a smidgen of literally anything so why should I help?"
It wasn't a question, but a statement. Because why should you help? They should be grateful you even talked Crowley out of expelling them immediately. Not that they know but still...
But of course, audacity is gonna audacity. Because, Ace really had the nerve to look offended by your words, as if you weren't saying something as truthful as the sky being blue, the grass being green, and your ass being a literal masterpiece from god.
"Don't even try to pass off the blame, Weasley-wannabe. I know it, you know it, your mom knows it, your dad if you have one, your entire bloodline and your non-existent cow knows it, there's literally no point."
Ace literally almost snarled at you like a damn dog, pft– That's what he gets from pissing you off by existing earlier.
"Oh shut up!"
He then looked like he was about to start a rant of how unfair his life was and how he totally didn't deserve any of this and blahblahblahblahblah–
You swear on Diavolo and Luci's fruity man-boobs, you'll hang this bitch upside down like a bat if you had to hear another complaint about things being unfair for him.
What about you? or Yuu? Isn't life more cruel and unfair to you two? Taking you both away from loved ones and shoving you into a world where you two need to fight for a temporary sanctuary as you both try to go home with no real proof you'll actually be able to make it back?
Isn't life more unfair to you? Right when you almost finally achieved the start of your happy ending.. You were taken away from the people that you fought tooth and nail to be with.. And now, they're all too far away for you to reach... again.
Deuce elbowed Ace, thankfully making the jab to the ribs painful for the annoying ginger.
You dramatically sighed again, turning to Yuu and Deuce.
"Remember kids, don't copy Ace's attitude okay? Lest you want to end up single and with no bitches for the rest of your life."
Ace's right eye twitched erratically, shouting at you to shut up and to stop messing with him.
• • • • •
Talking with the crow is an annoying affair as expected. At least now, Yuu is finally an official learner of the school. Even if they're just half-a-student with the loud talking cat. (That kinda reminds you of Mammon, now that you think of it. Also very funny because the cat's name is grim of all things..)
Oh, and you're a prefect now. You're definitely going to make that everyone's problem. Hehehehehe~
"So the abandoned dorm we were supposed to live in is fixed now? How? Hasn't it only been like– a day?"
You ominously beamed at the question, releasing a sinister little giggle that caused Ace, Deuce, and the now wide-awake Grim to subconsciously shiver while Yuu refrained from asking further questions and just wisely snickered instead.
Unseen by everyone, you sent a quick devious little smile to a wall where a certain electrical device was mounted, biting down a snort when you saw the security camera suddenly snap into another direction, as if it was a person embarrassed that they got caught by someone they were staring at.
You then had to hold back a cackle as you remembered how easily this newly made stalker friend of yours snitched on the headmaster, like– you literally didn't even do anything, the flustered boy just gave you the blackmail material that you needed. Well, maybe you did corner him a little bit by using his own electronics against him but you're pretty sure he enjoyed it for some reason if the way he literally blurted out 'mommy-' at you was anything to go by—
Haha, the benefits of having a hacker as a fren :3
• • • •
Kicking away the two idiots and telling them to go back to their dorms already, you dragged Yuu inside the now newly fixed dorm.
The two of you needed to talk about a few things and arrangements..
• • • •
Quickly opening the door in hopes that the fucker that was banging on it gets mash-dabbed face-first, you saw nothing but disappointment as the bastard — Ace — had actually moved away from the door in an impressive display of intuition and spidey-sense before you had even wretched the door open.
"What the fuck do you want, you ugly punyeta?"
It hasn't even been a few hours since this mf parted ways with you and Yuu, so what could be the problem now?
. .. . . . . ..
"No, you're sleeping on the couch."
"What?! But why?!! There are perfectly good rooms here!"
"All the other rooms besides the one we're using are still unfurnished. The beds in them are yet to be assembled and the floors are dusty because of the quick renovations." Yuu stated, rubbing the bridge of their nose.
"Ughhhhh! Just let me squeeze in, I promise I won't take up too much space!"
"Nice try but no."
"Tch, You're all so stingy and inhospitable.."
"Yuu, Do you hear that?" You said, theatrically cupping your ear with a hand.
"Yes, It seems that a forever virgin is talking." Yuu answered with a smirk.
"Sorry, you oompa-loompa lookin ass— we unfortunately can't understand the language of people who can't pull."
"You guys are the worst."
"Thanks bbg." you and Yuu paused.
"Oh dear~ It seems you're starting to take after me."
"Indeed it seems." Yuu replied, even subconsciously copying the fancy accent you used.
"Oh no, you're multiplying. :0"
"Haha, we're still dragging you to apologize to your Housewarden later."
"Aww shucks.."
← Pr.7 | Chapter List | Chp. 1.2 →
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Thanks for reading this far, my amazing readers \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
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Pls if I forgot to tag someone, pls tell me..
Tumblr is fuckin with me again.
Reminder; Just tell me if y'all wanna be added to the permanent taglist.
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
Imagine being high school sweethearts with kenny and quickly trying to have sex without getting caught because he’s so horny lmao like hes begging for some head round the back of the school lol
Don't Be Shy
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I love love LOVE this request!!! Part 2 of YOU + ME and My Brother's Best Friend will hopefully be up by later tonight or tomorrow!! Please keep the requests coming guys, writing these are keeping me sane at the moment, the terrible twos are no joke 😭💀 AGED UP CHARACTERS!!
"Baby, please? Not even a quickie?" Kenny whined at you, as you continued to walk down the school corridor, shaking your head.
"No way, Ken. After school, yes of course, but in school where we could get caught? Nuh-uh!" You replied and he frowned, pouting his lips at you and trying his best to give you puppy dog eyes.
"But watching you in Physical Education babe, god and the fact you swore that skort too, it's so short and your boobs and ass looked incredible! Please?" And he was back once again on his tangent of begging and pleading with you, and he was starting to wear you down, and he knew it.
"Okay, what about, we don't have to have sex, but maybe even a quick blowie out the back where no one is during class times?" Kenny asked and you paused for a moment, seriously considering it.
"I'll think about it." Was all you said, before giving him a quick kiss on the lips and making your way to class.
He had a free period while you were in art, and having most of your work done, you decided to toy with your overly horny boyfriend.
Y/n: Hey Ken, can I ask you a question?
Kenny 🧡: Yeah baby, what's up?
Y/n: So I bought some new lingerie a few days back and I only got round to trying it on yesterday evening, I took a few pics for you, I just wanted your opinion on them.
Attachment: 5 images
Kenny opened them and his jaw dropped to his feet, you were so good at taking lude shots of yourself, and you knew this would drive him crazy, his cock was rock solid, and that's exactly what you wanted.
Kenny 🧡: I think I want you to wait for me in the disabled access toilet on the first floor.
And you smirked scanning his message before putting up your hand and asking to be dismissed to use the bathroom.
Unbeknownst to you, when you got there the door was locked, and you tried the handle a few times, before the person on the inside unlocked it, opened it enough for you to be pulled in by their hand and the door was locked again as Kenny pinned you to it.
"You think you're funny, hmm? Sending me those pictures of you looking like you were just waiting for me to come in and tear them off you and remind you who this pussy belongs to." He said, his hand going straight up your school skirt and right to your wet panties.
You let out a small moan at the contact and Kenny slowly pushed you to the floor on your knees, unbuckling his belt and pulling his jeans and boxers down, his large cock springing free and sitting against his stomach.
"Suck." Was all he said, grabbing your hair that was tied in a high pony and moving your face closer to his dick. You grabbed it with your hand, your tongue licking the bead of precum off the tip before hollowing your cheeks and taking him as best you could into your mouth.
Fuck this was just what Kenny needed, he'd been longing for you, your mouth, your pussy, anything as long as it was you. And his moans were deep and breathy, as you bobbed your head, staring up at him with a gaze of innocence.
"So pretty, Princess. Looking so innocent with your lips wrapped around my cock." Kenny moaned out, his hips bucking forward causing you to choke slightly, and he smirked.
"What's wrong, can't take it baby?" He teased before setting a quick pace with his hips bucking forward, you could feel his cock hitting the back of your throat, saliva and precum running down your chin, your hands on Kenny's thighs as you swallowed around him, earning a strangled moan from him.
"Fuck, your throat feels so good, what a little slut you really are." Kenny groaned once more, gasping as your hands cupped his balls, massaging them gently, your cheeks hollowing around him, sucking as best as you could, your eyes watering.
"Gonna make you look like a mess, slut." He moaned out, his hips quickening and his thrusts starting to become sloppy.
"Getting close, baby, gonna come in your mouth and you're gonna swallow everything I give you, understand?" Kenny asked, earned a hum from yourself in response as his grip tightened on your hair, moving your head quicker to meet his rough thrusts.
"F-Fuck, y/n!" Kenny moaned out, his vision going white as he came in your mouth, his back arching slightly, your head still bobbing up and down his over sensitive cock, milking every drop of cum from him, and swallowing, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you smirked up at him.
His hand cupped your face, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. "You have no idea the things I'm gonna do to you when we get back to my house." His voice was deep, and he offered you his hand to help you up, pulling you into a warm embrace.
"Thank you, baby. I love you." Kenny whispered into your ear, placing a kiss on your forehead before slapping you on the ass.
"Now get that pretty ass of yours back to class before we get in trouble." He said, and you laughed, a smile on your face, kissing your boyfriend before unlocking the door, sneaking out one after the other as Kenny walked you to your class, leaving you off with a kiss.
"I'll meet you at lunchtime." He said with a wink, before heading back to his free period.
Your teacher inquired as to why you had been gone for so long as you made up an excuse, saying you felt like you were going to be sick, but you and Kenny both knew that was was the furthest thing from the truth.
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princessmaybank · 3 months
Good Girl
Pairings: Boyf!Rafe x Gf!Fem!Reader x JJ
Warnings: Cheating, nudes, spanking, degradation, spanking, 3some, p in v, oral (both), fingering, voyeurism, creampie, etc.
Summary: Reader accidentally sends a nude to the wrong guy.
Authors Note: This is my first time writing something like this! Please be kind! I hope you enjoy!
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Fuck. Rafe had me so fucking horny all day. It's not even his fault..I have been thinking about him dicking me down since lunchtime. The ache between my legs was almost too much at this point. My core was begging to be touched, but unfortunately Rafe isn't home. He went on a business trip with Ward, leaving it to me to pleasure myself. He did tell me to message him any time I feel horny and he would try his best to help, so I might just have to do that.
I was home alone because my parents were making some deals over dinner with some new clients.
But before I do anything, I really want to take a shower, I feel disgusting after work every time. I work at a little restaurant called The Wreck with my friend Kie. She got me the job when I told her I didn't want to work for my parents, at least not yet. Since I started working with her, I've met her friends and they seem to like me, well for the most part. JJ is still warming up to me, and he hates Rafe for some reason. All of them do. I understand he can be an asshole sometimes, but I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate him.
After I took my shower I didn't bother putting clothes on. I wanted to send Rafe a little surprise while he was gone.
Y/N: I took this for you baby
Y/N: Photo
I quickly hit send because I was nervous about his reaction but deep down I know he'll love it. I heard a ding from my phone, letting me know I got a message.
???: All for me? Damn Y/L/N...maybe I was wrong about you
My eyes nearly popped out of my head as my heart was beating against my chest. Then I heard another ding come from my phone.
???: Photo
Only a second later and another message came through.
???: That one's all for you.
I sent my fucking nude pic to JJ?? And he sent me one back? How the hell did that happen??? I started freaking out, knowing that Rafe would fucking kill him..and me, but mainly him.
JJ: What made ya come to your senses?
I had no idea how to respond to him. This has never happened before. Maybe I should just be honest.
Y/N: oh hey..can you just delete that and pretend you never saw it...? that wasn't meant for you JJ...
JJ: if it was sent to me, I was meant to see it, the universe just works that way ;)
He saw that I opened the text and that I wasn't responding. Those three dots popped up as he was typing.
JJ: okay, hey I'm sorry. where u at rn? I'll come meet ya n we can talk bout this
My heart nearly bursts out of my chest when I read that message. I'm nervous and I don't know what to do. Fuck. I should clear the air with him.
Y/N: my house..
JJ: drop your pin
I hesitate before sending this man my address. This could go horribly wrong, and I don't have Rafe here to protect me. Whatever, I'm already in this deep and it's just JJ what's the worst he could do?
Y/N: 📍
JJ: omw
I stood from my bed and started looking for an outfit to wear. I don't know why I cared what I looked like for JJ..I shouldn't, but I did. I ended up choosing a little white skirt with a cute blue crop top to go with it.
It took maybe 10 minutes before I heard a knock at my door. I still wasn't entirely sure if I should answer it, knowing who was on the other side, and knowing what he just saw...
I decided that I should just open the door and hopefully he'll understand the mistake.
My heart started pounding again as my hand reached for the knob. Suddenly I was greeted by a familiar face...but it wasn't JJ...
"Rafe?? " I question sounding more shocked than happy. "What are you doing here?" My anxiety was through the roof at this point, knowing JJ is probably just around the corner. Rafe let himself into my house by grabbing my face and pulling me into a heated kiss. He used his foot to kick the door closed, then pinned me against the wall next to it.
"Wanted to surprise my princess. The job got done early. I landed 30 mins ago, rushed over to see you." He says all while rubbing me up and down. "Look at this fuckin outfit, almost like you knew I was coming over princess.." He reached hand up my skirt and soon realized I wasn't wearing any panties. "Naughty girl.." Rafe smirked before attacking my neck.
About a minute later there was a knock on the door. He waved it off and said to just ignore them and they'll go away. Another knock pounded from the other side of the door. "Y/N?? Are you home?" You recognized his voice. Rafe pulled away looking slightly confused before looking through the peephole.
"What the fuck is JJ doing here?" He said gritting his teeth. I toyed with my fingers and bit my lip not knowing how to tell him the truth. Next thing I know he swings the door open.
"Hey ba- Rafe?? ...Was this a fuckin set up?" JJ questioned. I shook my head no as both men stared at me.
JJ came inside and closed the door behind him before joining Rafe and I in the living room. I was told to sit on the couch so I obeyed. The guys stood in front of me towering over me with their arms crossed, trying not to kill me or each other.
"What is he doing here?!" They both asked angrily at the same time. "Can you two sit down before I continue?" I ask shyly. The guys responded with a harsh 'No' timed almost as perfectly as before.
"Okay so here's what happened..." I trail off and explained the entire situation before Rafe turns to face JJ, looking like he is about to murder him.
At some point Rafe lunged at JJ and I had to get in the middle. Rafe grabbed my shoulders trying to move me out of the way. JJ had his hands on my hips trying to keep me in between them. It felt like they were going to split me in half.
It took a while but I eventually got them to go talk it out in my room. I can't speak guy, so maybe they would have an easier time hearing it from each other.
After a while I didn't hear them talking anymore, which was concerning, Rafe may have actually killed JJ..
I went to my room and knocked before entering. I was greeted with a naked Rafe picking me up before laying me on my bed. He placed his lips on mine, giving me one of the most intense kisses I've ever had. "Rafe- whe-wheres J-" I tried to question. "Don't worry about it. He's fine. Enjoy this." He kissed down my jaw and to my sweet spot, sucking on it for as long as he could, in order to mark me.
Rafe doesn't usually give me hickies unless he is angry-fucking me. He must have sent JJ home after their talk so we could have this moment. At least he's not mad at me anymore.
"So you wore this slutty outfit for Maybank huh?" He asked and flipped me onto my stomach, hiking my skirt up above my ass. "And no fuckin panties. You really are a fuckin slut." Rafe huffed before giving me a hard slap across my ass, causing me to yelp as a tear prickled in my eye.
"I'm gonna make you choke on my fuckin cock.." He smirks before flipping me back over. He comes over and hovers my face, his knees on either side of my head. Rafe dipped his cock into my mouth slowly before full on fucking my mouth. "Mmm yeah, suck that fucking cock you whore!" He somewhat gently slaps my face, still pushing in and out of my throat.
As I was gagging on Rafe's dick I felt something down between my legs. A cold, wet, tongue met the heat between my legs and I couldn't see it. "Wait till you see her face Maybank, she makes a pretty face when you fuck her." Rafe announced which resulted in a hum from the mouth attached to my clit.
JJ was eating me out...while Rafe was fucking my face...
I moaned onto Rafe's dick as he continued to fuck my throat. In turn, my moans made Rafe moan. "How'd you say she liked it Rafe..." JJ questioned before shoving his cock inside of me. A loud moan escaped the best it could when he filled me up. "...by surprise, right?" He chuckled as Rafe nodded.
JJ's thrusts caused Rafe's thrusts to go faster and harder. But they both stopped suddenly. Pulling out of both of my holes and they stood next to the bed, hovering me. "What was that??" I questioned, now blushing from seeing JJ's dick for the first time.
Of course he noticed and had to be an ass. JJ smirked at me while stroking himself. "Don't pretend you didn't like it princess.." He slows his motions down before he eventually stops. "Not saying I didn't like it- just confused. You two were literally just about to kill each other, and now you're fucking me." I say confused.
"We came to a conclusion baby. You lead JJ on..and you cheated on me. But we are ready to forgive you, if you let us have some fun with you babydoll.." Rafe simply stated, making me feel like shit because that was not my intention. I tried to counter what he said, but he just shushed me.
"Whaddya say princess?" JJ asked with a smirk. "Yea I mean...it's the least I could do.." I smile sheepishly to them. Rafe stepped between my legs and gave me a long kiss. "I love you, but I want you to understand that this is a one time thing so JJ doesn't have to keep pining after you. So whatever you want from him, make sure you get it from him now, you're still mine." Rafe explained. I'm surprised he's acting this way. He never lets anyone touch his things, especially me.
"What's first?" I asked the guys. "Just let us make you feel good baby, you won't have to do any work, unless you wanna." JJ said settling on the bed next to me. "You said anything I want?" I looked up to Rafe with glossy eyes. He nods with his arms crossed.
"JJ can I suck your dick while Rafe fucks me?" I started to blush because never in a million years did I think this would be happening. "I'd love that princess." He smiled at me.
I got off the bed and got to my knees in front of JJ. My hands sat on his thighs as my mouth lowered onto his cock. "Hmmm fuck.." He moaned out, placing his hand on my head. I felt Rafe come over and line himself up with me. "I love this fuckin skirt baby.." He says before slipping into my wet pussy, which caused me to moan on JJ's dick, which caused JJ to let out a moan of his own.
The guys were trying to set a steady pace between the both of them. JJ was bobbing my head up and down in time with Rafe's thrusts, and boy did it feel, so fucking good.
At one point they made me feel so good and I let out a long moan.
"Good Girl "
I heard them both say at the same time. A string of moans were escaping us all as they continued. Rafe was pounding into me as fast as he could. JJ was now standing with a fistful of my hair, fucking my face. I popped my mouth off of JJ and replaced it with my hand. "If you two don't stop going full force- I'm gonna cum right now.." I whine out.
They both groaned as they pulled away. I got back on the bed and sat in between them, one hand each, shooting to their hair, and massaging. They both started feeling me up, placing kisses wherever they could reach. The moment was over as fast as it came. JJ sat with his back against my headboard and pulled me to sit between his legs.
Rafe crawled onto the bed after JJ put his legs between mine to keep them spread open. I couldn't close them even if I wanted to. Rafe laid between my legs and started lightly sprinkling kisses on my lower lips.
JJ attached his lips to my neck, giving me a hickey, opposite to the one Rafe had made earlier.
Rafe moved to my clit with his mouth and inserted a few fingers into my hole. I gasped and JJ put his hands under my shirt in response.
"Why ya still wearin' this baby? Shoulda been gone a long time ago.." He says before taking my crop top off. Leaving me in my bra and my skirt. He groped my tits as Rafe sucked and fingered me. I was a moaning mess. Everything felt too good. "Guys- l-like I said before..." I say but it's too late and I cum all over Rafe's fingers.
Rafe sat up before placing his fingers in his mouth, sucking off every little drop that was left of me. "Good girl.." He smirked at me. "But, you gotta cum for JJ too princess.." Rafe stated.
I was still coming down from my high. "Cum again..?" He only nodded before sitting in the chair in front of my vanity. He turned it so he could see us sitting on the bed.
"Go ahead Maybank..." He smirked. Just as he was given the green light, JJ flipped us over so he was hovering me. "Hey there princess..." He smirked before planting a kiss on my lips. This felt so wrong to do so I looked to Rafe for some guidance.
He just sat there slowly rubbing his dick, watching us. He nodded for me to continue.
Suddenly this felt so right. I was supposed to have fun with JJ, for Rafe. JJ leaned down to my ear to whisper. "You looked so fucking good in that picture you sent me." He started kissing my neck. "I know you sent it on purpose, don't worry I won't tell him." He whispered.
His hands lifted me off the bed to take my bra off. JJ threw the garment to the side, landing in front of Rafe. He kissed me so hungrily and so passionately it almost hurt. "Jayj..." I whimpered into the kiss. He started grinding his hips against me, his dick touching my clit every time. "I know princess.." He whispered. "C'mere, I wanna make you cum in doggy." He says then plants another kiss to my lips.
I got up on my hands and knees before JJ could move me. "Wrong way baby...I wanna see your face when he fucks you..." I heard Rafe say from the chair. I turned around just like he asked. JJ got behind me when I was settled. I heard a spitting sound and a second later I felt his hand lathering my hole. "Mmmm" I moaned while I grinded back onto his fingers.
"Patience baby.." JJ said before slapping my hole which resulted in me letting out another moan. He grabbed his cock and started teasing my slut with his tip. I moved to lay on my forearms with my ass in the air. My eyes wandered over to Rafe, he was still stroking himself slowly while watching us. His lips curled up into a smirk when he saw the face I made when JJ pushed his length into pussy.
I let out a loud moan and looked Rafe in the eyes as JJ slowly rocked his hips. As JJ quickened his pace, Rafe did too. Almost like he wasn't to cum with us, but didn't want...involved..?
The room was filled with the sounds of moans and skin slapping against each other as JJ fucked me senseless. Rafe had rolled his head back but his eyes stayed on us.
I felt JJ reach for my hair and pull it back, making me arch. The slightly new angle was enough to push me over the edge. "You're such a a good fucking girl for me..." JJ says as I moan out. "JJ harder.." I couldn't say anything else. It was odd moaning another mans name but they both loved it, which made me feel dirty.
JJ gladly fucked me harder. I was going between watching Rafe fuck his hand and watching JJ in the mirror. "Fuck you're so tight princess..." He dragged out. "I'm so close Jayj..." I announce with a whine. Rafe caught my attention with a low groan. I looked over and saw his cum shooting up onto his stomach.
He was still yanking himself, riding out his high, when he said "JJ I want you to cum in her fucking pussy". I couldn't help but moan, feeling JJ's thick cock in my pussy, watching Rafe cum, and him saying THAT.
JJ let go of my hair and held my hips, bringing them backwards to meet his. We were both a moaning mess and Rafe was just watching, sitting there in his mess. He looked afraid to blink, like he was going to miss something. I pushed back onto JJ's dick, wanting more, he was making me feel so good and I didn't want it to end.
"Fuck Jayj- i-im gon-gonnaaa cum" I squeal out. "Me too princess. Are you ready?" I nod after he asked. He counted us down before with both released together, screaming each other's names. I fucked myself with his dick, riding out my high.
"Good girl.." He said biting his lip, helping guide my ass. He slipped out when we were done and gave me a long sloppy kiss, trying to savor the moment, knowing it would never happen again.
Rafe walked away at some point to clean himself up, JJ and I just continued to make out to fill the silence and need. When Rafe returned we all sat on the bed talking about what just happened. "How did it feel?" Rafe asked me. "He's really good.." I say panting, getting butterflies from the recent memory. He smiled at me and JJ before speaking.
"Y/N, I loved the way your face looked when JJ was taking you from behind..." He said while rubbing my back. "I suggest we make this a regular thing." I nearly choked when I heard him say that.
Rafe Cameron...never...shares.
"I 1000% agree" JJ said almost too enthusiastically which made me giggle. "That was both the craziest and sexiest shit I've ever been a part of. Of course I'd love to." I say smiling.
He smiled and I could tell he had a mischievous thought. "Next time I wanna try something new." He smirked to me and JJ.
"I will do whatever you two want if it feels that good.." I blush, looking between both of them.
"Good girl " They are so creepy with that shit...but it's so sexyyyy.
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The crack post saga continues... =D
Warning: long, long post 😊😅
To be very honest though, for today's ep I will be getting serious more than usual, because it was quite significant in the flow of the plot, and also had moments of communication (this emotional constipation is what makes me yearn for Cherry Magic ah) that need to be studied a little closely.
HOWEVER, there will most definitely be crack because this group of friends is (unapologetically) batshit crazy and my brain refuses to not make comments at the most inappropriate times.
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The sheer panic in his movements, oh my gods. It should not be as hilarious as it is 😭😂
To be very honest though, I would've panicked a bit in his place too, with friends like those, they'd never let him live it down
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Peem is so cute 😭
Nothing to see here, just a guy getting shy over how his prince charming hom-ed him, and they kissed through his hand and cuddled all night hehe
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Phum: here he comes again :) *eye twitch*
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Peem's expression, how he's still holding his hands as if he has the cup, Kluen's disbelief, and Phum's smug af face-
I'm wheezing 😭🤣
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Kluen, I'm kinda starting to like you, but no.
You don't stand half a chance against them and their situationship.
Hope you find another boyfriend to fall in love at first sight with (and leave my boys alone please, they don't need any more complications) <3
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Oh, Fang knows too. Of course he does, that's his little brother right there
We all know how protective of his brother he is, there's no way he'd let anybody else take care of him... unless, he knew Phum liked that person
les voila
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Poor Tan, his theerak just ignoring him T-T
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*looks between them* yeah, pretty much the same pic 👀
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And here it is. The root of all his fears.
See, in this camp, almost all of them are paired up in the sense that they usually stick to that person. Even Beer has MIck. But then comes wild card Kluen, who's hogging all of Peem's attention as much as he can and that leaves Phum. Alone.
I will be getting back to this running motif of Phum being alone and how it changes through the ep in later scenes as well
Also, after they went back, both Mick and Beer asked if he really was okay, which made me smile, because maybe, Phum isn't as alone as he thinks himself to be. There are people who care for him, who are concerned, who'll support him, and of course, he always has Fang, his beloved phi
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My poor babie Tan 🥺🥺
Also, notice how the shot is taken in such a way that they're the only ones in the frame, and are also standing within one specific part of the wall? (Ignore Kluen's head and hands please). It reflects how they're in their own world with each other, especially Tan
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The nosy peeps gang strikes again!
Jokes aside, the synchronised strides, the background music together set the perfect levels of suspense and comedy
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Peem, smug: yes! that emotionally constipated dumbass is finally getting out of De Nile
Pun: wait... is my plan actually working? Ah, of course it is
Toey: head empty, no thoughts, but... DOES P'Q ACTUALLY LIKE ME OMG I'LL DIE
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Oh gods, FINALLY. I wish them a happily ever after. Sadhu 😌🙏🏼
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Pun forgetting all about being quiet when Toey finally confesses is so on character 😭👍🏼
Also... what's even the point of being quiet? Q and Chain have been friends with these idiots since high school, of course they know they're peeking
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Toey: *shooketh*
Gays in thai bl and staring off into the distance 😭
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This scene was so, so beautiful and also quite important for both Q and Toey
Q knew what was up, more or less, but his confusion stemmed from his knowledge of Toey
Would Toey really go to these lengths? For him?
"Why? Are you the only one who can tease me?" <- Q says this to tell Toey that he might have been angry, but now he understands that Toey didn't really have any bad intentions
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Hugs always get bonus points from me, and this was pretty up there
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Pun hiding behind Chain is so on point
His friends: you're an idiot so we had no choice but to intervene 😭😭
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Matt's (JJ) comedic timing is >>>>>>
Toey and Matt's friendship is also given weight in the series, and I'm happier for it.
Also revenge is sweet ehehe *coughs*
Moving on.
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If there's no live singing dedicated to your One True Love, is it even Thai BL??
We Are making generous use of MSP songs 😭👍🏼
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This scene.
The apology. It is at this point that they're leaving all the past pain, grief and anger in the past
Q makes sure to tell Toey that yes, he may have loved Milk Frappe Boy, but now, in the present, all his love was for Toey, his lovable annoying mentee
This apology is not only to Toey, or Milk Frappe Boy, but to himself as well, because by causing pain to a person he loves twice, he'd caused himself pain too
The perfect sweet and romantic moment, but also with a teeny bit of teasing, because that's who they are
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No joke, I gasped and nearly stopped breathing when he said this
Peem's reply, his soft but kind of hurt voice were just so painful to hear
But it's also this moment that Peem gives Phum a reality check – if he really didn't want to, he wouldn't be doing any of this, and Phum had no business trying to control his life
The conversation outside with Q was significant, but also a diluted reflection of Peem's earlier (in ep. 7) talk with Q
Even a few episodes earlier, Q would have gone ballistic on Phum for treating his bestie like this, but now, he asks Peem how he feels for Phum, tries to understand exactly what their relationship is
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It was at this point that he knew, he fucked up
Beer is a godsent. I love him <3
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I think Toey says "I asked hia Tan to blow it up for me."
Also, Tiw and his rubber duck floater from MSP anyone? 👀
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And, we are back to square one where Phum is left alone again
As I'd said before, this a repeating motif throughout the series, but especially the last two episodes
This is how it has always been in Phum's life: he has been left behind. He does have Fang, but now even Fang has a boyfriend. And while this does not affect his brother's affection towards him in anyway, it does introduce a new strand of lonliness for Phum because 1. no matter what, he loves his brother a lot, and knows how much he loves Tan, so he definitely will try to stay out of their way at least sometimes and 2. he wants a boyfriend too. Further, he wants Peem, but there's a push and pull there, and after what he said, in his mind he had pretty much ruined his chances with his crush
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This is the moment Phum starts to hope that maybe, just maybe, his feelings aren't as unrequited as he'd thought.
On the other hand, Peem is the one afraid here. What if the deal is all that's holding them together? What if without it, Phum will have no reason to be as close to him?
Peem, baby, for one, your groups are already merged, and secondly, this guy is head over heels for you, no way he'd stop following you like a lost puppy
(Apparently, it's not Peem's turn with the communal braincell this week 😭)
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Here, Phum is technically alone, but he's surrounded with friends, and he's smiling
He isn't left behind here, for once, he's sitting there by choice (to shamelessly ogle his crush, but shh we don't talk about that) with the comforting knowledge that when/if he jumps in, he won't be left out, Kluen be damned
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Once the floodgates of affection have been opened to Q, there's no going back <3
(Also, notice how Tan is already asleep on Fang's shoulder? 👀)
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Jokes apart, this moment is so, so beautiful. The kiss, the soft question "are you ready for my answer now?" (maybe Peem isn't, but hell if he denies this man his kissies).
Everything leading up to this point is also so very delightful
Phum helping them out in the cafe, despite probably having never worked a day in his life, discovering how Peem still kept the roses and finally, finally, the completed painting. This sight, above all, is what convinces Phum that Peem might have feelings for him after all; because which fool would lie about not having completed something that would free them from being a slave to someone? A fool in love, that's who
if they don't get together and have the fluffiest moments in the next ep, I swear to god, hands will be thrown *grumbles* they're already making me wait a whole damn week
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep! (I cannot promise I won't be jumping around and screaming, but then again, this is supposed to be a crack post so-)
And if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea and a sandwich 🧋🥪
[If you'd like, here are my previous posts: Ep 8 and Ep 9.]
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beatrixstonehill2 · 4 months
"You want my chest to be like this?" Sophie asked her boyfriend, James, as he did some photos for her Instagram.
"Yes! Just like that.... I think you'd look incredible with a flat chest. I love seeing you press them down like that....."
"You're too much! So you love small boobs, like totally flat chested girls and you swiped right on me? A girl with a GG-Cup?"
"Why not? Your breasts can always be reduced, Sophie. Plus the way you smile when I talk about it tells me you're considering it."
"But we've only been going out a bit over a month! Don't you think this is a bit extreme.....? I have two million followers on Instagram and they totally love my big boobs..... If anything I'd want to go bigger."
"Come on, that's no fun! Imagine how riled up they'd get, especially if you taunted and teased them about getting a reduction."
"That does sound like fun, not gonna lie....."
"Come on, press them down flat, I'll take a few pics, you upload them and say something like 'Who wants to see me go this flat chested?' I bet you'll be surprised how many guys want to see you lose those fat breasts of yours."
Sophie bit her lip, doing as James asked, pressing them down as far as they would go, proudly sticking out her 'flat' chest, smiling. James took the pics and handed Sophie her phone. She uploaded them, watching to see if anybody would even bother reading what she wrote in the description. James told her to wait a few minutes, so Sophie did what any good girlfriend would do and sucked him off, letting him face fuck her as they waited. A couple minutes later she refreshed, skimming through the comments as he pounded her throat, puke now on her breasts, a string of it hanging from her chin as she eagerly let him continue to pound away, eager to satisfy his urges.
Her eyes lit up as he kept going, coughing up yet more of her lunch, dressing her boobs with this mess he loved to parade her around wearing, and she more than happily wore..... She smiled as he pounded like crazy, reading the comments. Two thirds were positive, mostly men telling her to chop off her boobs, to please record the surgery live, to go as flat as possible. The other third called her a useless slut or an idiot for doing this, that her boobs were the only thing that mattered about her.
James stopped, his cock still lodged down her throat. "Well?" he asked.
Sophie tried to speak but gagged another big strand of puke down her chin. So she eagerly nodded.
"I take it that means you plan on getting your big fat titties chopped off?"
She nodded even more enthusiastically.
James grabbed Sophie's pigtails and face fucked her super hard, finally cumming down her throat after another minute, pulling out as she gasped for air, covered in sweat, vomit, and drool. He slapped her face a few times in quick succession as she winced. "Now then, what say you and I celebrate you becoming flat chested, my new favorite pet? I was thinking a nice, sleazy bar to show you off in, and maybe if you're lucky I'll let you get fucked by a few bikers again."
She cough up a bit more and smiled. "Sounds perfect! Thank you so much for treating me so well! Let's find a surgeon who will make me flat chested as soon as possible! I can't wait to see myself with almost no boobs..... and I can't wait to see how crazy it drives you." She giggled as he took her hand, walking her out the door in just her panties, barefoot, her huge breasts, soon to be flattened, bounced like crazy, covered in puke, exposed for everyone to see.....
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velvet-games · 13 days
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in the middle of working on a lucifer redesign :)
thoughts/explanations + minor character analysis under the cut (this was supposed to be short but it ended up being very thorough lmao):
honestly love his canon design so I'm kind of working from that more than I'm trying to rethink stuff from scratch
I'm gonna admit right now that a lot of the design choices were very self indulgent lol; I just want him to be pretty :<
circus stuff~
I've seen a lot of people raise their eyebrows at the circus motif, so I was going to try something different, but I actually think it makes a lot of sense!
I think freakshows/circus acts have been tied to this idea that certain identities/abilities are strange and shameful, only valuable as dehumanizing entertainment -- they're mistakes, freaks of nature
but at the same time many circus performances require a lot of skill and work and love that can go unappreciated, each and every performer at the very least a person worth respecting
I think lucifer sees hell as a freakshow/circus he's been forced to lead and try to control
a bunch of wayward toys meant to be bright and beautiful that have been twisted into something terrifying
and he needs to discover a more empathetic, appreciative, and loving way to think about sinners
and also to realize that it's not about him or his mistakes; it's about a group of people with their own emotions and autonomy that he needs to respect
all that to say: we're keeping the circus ringleader thing!
I think a whip would make more sense for a ringleader, esp since alastor has a staff already (but they're enemies/foils so maybe their designs should reflect each other?)
there's room to turn the whip into a snake maybe
in the pic I made it look like his tail bc I considered making his actual tail a goat tail (cute! but the longer one suits him better I think)
maybe an apple on the top/handle still
the tux honestly looks a little too formal/cool for him most of the time lmao
so I think he should take off the jacket/have the toymaker apron on instead unless he's fighting
vaudeville doll~
lucifer has a lot going on tbh: circus ringleader, angel, devil/demon, snake, goat, vaudeville porcelain doll, toymaker, etc.
I think I'm gonna take out snake just to simplify a little, but I'll talk about that more later
I was also going to take out porcelain doll but
1) the rosy cheeks are super cute
2) fits with the circus theme
3) fits with the idea that he's both a toy and toymaker (an angel that tried to play god)
uhhh there's a couple self indulgent doodles of him in a vaudeville doll dress lol. not relevant to the design at all; I just like drawing stripes and ruffles
I ended up making him sort of androgynous in a lot of ways? (not that he wasn't already lol) which works for him I think
part of it was the vaudeville doll thing; I wanted to give him (keep?) the eyeshadow and add those little vertical marks you see on them sometimes
also because I really liked the puff sleeves in one of the references I used; it kind of emphasizes an extended hourglass shape with the puffy pants
plus I love drawing the more classic tuxedo shape <3 very yummy lines and details
I fucking LOVE when people draw him with messy hair, so I made that permanent
I also think (esp since he's blond) having the hair stick out in tufts kind of makes it look like a star (morningstar, lightbringer, etc. etc.)
even more so with the pointy horns (those are also fun to draw cause they're right in the corners of his widow's peak)
I drew a random triangle on one of these as a reminder to keep the pointy/triangular shape language throughout lol
squares would def be wrong with the implications of sturdiness and stability
I think circles would be wrong too? he's vulnerable and ultimately very soft inside so I kept a lot of round lines, but I don't think he's the traditionally bubbly/friendly/peaceful archetype circles are usually used for
triangles are apparently dynamic, dangerous, and unpredictable, which is a little closer to what I'm going for
(shape language is a very flexible rule btw; I'm not saying they determine everything about a character or that one shape has to mean exactly one thing)
he's also a depressed, tortured soul, so I feel like he should look just a little unhinged and exhausted <3 (hence the eyebags on top of the messy hair)
angel stuff~
(sidenote: cherub and seraph are singular, cherubim and seraphim are plural. even the show gets this wrong tho, so feel free to say whatever ig)
I'm pretty sure most people agree lucifer was probably a cherub? cherubim only have 4 wings so I might go with that
I do think it makes more sense if he's higher ranking like a seraph tho ... it's hard to decide whether to go with the show's ideas about angels or actual religious texts cause both are interesting in their own ways
ARHHGHJF idk how I feel about his nose
again I thought about taking out the snake motif, but he honestly looks good w/o a nose (I mean it's there obviously but you can't see it if it's just snake slits lol), and I definitely like the idea of him having a forked tongue or his eyes turning into slits when he's angry
also also
mini rant on animal motifs in hazbin:
I get the impression that a lot of people think it's a bad thing that you can't tell what animal a character should be? and/or that a motif has to be clearly present in the entire design to be good
and I kind of just accepted that until I started thinking about ozzie's design from helluva boss
like the original demon he's based on is really just that fucked up and mixed with animals you can't always identify
and chinese dragons are like a billion different animals even though they sort of just look like lizards at the end of the day
like obviously if you want the audience to associate a character with a specific animal (like if you want people to think a character's spooky because they're a spider or something), then you do want the animal motifs to be clear/consistent
but sometimes you just want certain elements there and it doesn't matter if the audience picks up on it (at least consciously)
and I think with someone like lucifer, having a lot of animals/concepts mixed together in an ungodly combination makes sense lol
so idk
maybe we'll just give him the nose/tongue
I did try just giving him a button nose in some of these for the doll thing tho
urgh I hate realizing I should've designed certain characters together lol
I took out the rosy cheeks in my original charlie design since I wasn't thinking about lucifer, so I put them back in this time lol (and generally thought about how they should be visually related)
I like that it enforces the idea that charlie's lucifer's creation (toymaker makes a doll in his own image yk)
also they both have puff sleeves now :) (charlie's design is basically princess dress silhouette but make it a suit)
I also gave her goat ears, so I figured lucifer should have them too? idk because I like the way his hair looks a lot better without them, and I kind of like the idea of giving them diff combinations of goat features (maybe she should have a goat tail?)
also drawing this made me realize I have no idea why charlie has a puppy nose??? I thought it was the goat thing for some reason but that doesn't make any sense
maybe I'll just give her no nose
anyway! fucking incredible if you read all of that; idk what possessed me to write so much about a half-finished design lol. feel free to leave suggestions/answers to the questions I had!
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Can you do with family and friends on with gavi broke things off w reader because it was too much and he loved her so much but got scared of love and broke up with her but reader was having a fashion show and Barca got tickets and when gavi found out he wanted to go and beg for you and everyone went to go get you back because they know how much he needed you but you were kinda hesitant to except returning back with him
Loved this request! I got kinda confused at the end, because of the mixed words but I got it after reading it a few times🥴🤭
Work For It -P.G
Summary: He left and now he wants to be back...
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Being a famous influencer had it's pros and it's cons. You try to always keep up with positive mind and change the negativity to positivity. And sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't.
One of the cons, is that you're always on the spotlight. You can't go out because you have a camera up to your face or fans screaming your name walking besides you trying to get their phones, markers and pictures into you. You basically have to create ways and manage yourself to have a private life.
The other of many cons, is that you almost never have time free. You're always doing something but you kinda like that because it keeps you active, so... Why not?
But being a huge influencer in Barcelona and you being a die-hard Barcelona fan means that the FC Barcelona wanted you to, kind of, promote them, use their newest jerseys, go to the matches and met the players.
Meanwhile that was the greatest thing for you because you are a fan, it was also one of the worst because you fell in love with one of them and two years later, broke up.
But how could you have been stupid enough to fall for the Golden Boy, Pablo Gavi?
He had swept you off of your feet with his charming smile, his sassy and messy attitude, joking around until he at least got one smile from you and then he just left you claiming that "It was too much", "I love you but I can't do this. Not to me and mostly not to you", "You deserve better" and simply just disappeared from your house, from your view and from your life.
So, seeing him, after almost a whole year in the fashion show you were in, along with the guys and a few WAGS, your whole stomach and body turned upside down
"What is he doing here?" You asked to your assistant and best friend, Michelle
"Do you forget that you and the Barcelona team are still connected? I believe the team gave them some tickets for the event" She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
"You would've known that"
"Mikky was also invited, she could've been the one giving them the tickets" She said shrugging her shoulders "I know you don't want him around you, I'll make sure of that but you can't avoid him forever. It's time for you to pass the page and move on"
"That's the thing, Elle" You sighed "I can't seem to"
Yeah, you were still head over heels for the guy that left you without a good reason. You hated it, you hated yourself for that because as much as you wanted to, you couldn't erase those brown eyes and that sweet smile that once was directed to you with warmth, love and care.
"Maybe" She began "This is the clousure you need to keep on with your life and let him be just a nice part of your past" She shrugged her shoulders once more "C'mon, cariño. You gotta pose for the cameras and look pretty"
You smiled a bit at her words and made your way to the carpet, you soothed once more your outfit and plastered a smile, everything was going great until you felt someone tap your shoulder and when you turn around you find no one other than Pedri and Ansu.
"Hola" You said hugging him quickly
"Hola. It's nice to see you after so long" You nod at Ansu
"Bueno..." You shrugg your shoulders a little "What can I say?" The three of you laughed
"You look nice"
"Thanks, Pedri. You do too" He blushes
"Mind if we take some pics together? I miss my friend" You sighed, when Gavi cut all connections with you, you made sure to cut connections with all of them too, barely talking to the WAGs but other than that, no one else from their group.
"Sorry. It's not that easy" You said passing an arm around each boy's waist and pull them for pics
"I bet it isn't... It wasn't easy for him either" Ansu said
"Oh my god!! You're here!!" You heard a femenine voice call and soon a body collide with yours. Mikky. The four of you got out of the carpet and you smiled returning her hug "You're looking absolutely beautiful, I was waiting to see you! I missed you so much!!"
"You were also invited?"
"Of course I was" She pushed her hair back and you both laughed
"I missed you too, Miks" You hug her once more and from behind her you saw Alejandro, Torre, Ferran, Frenkie, Ousmane, Ter Stegen, Robert, Raphina, their wives/girlfriends and lastly Pablo. "And you managed to get almost Barca's whole squad tickets? I need you to tell me that secret because I can barely ask for a plus one" She laughed
"I told them about the show and I think it was Gavi who asked for the tickets, he was so desperate to get them" You raise your eyebrows as Pedri coughs
"Was he?" You turn to Pedri and Ansu, who simply nodded
"Look, babes... I know you two broke it off-"
"He was the one who broke it off, it wasn't me" You said shaking your head at Mikky
"He hasn't been the same without you, Y/N" Pedri said "It still affects him"
"Then if it does, why he did it?"
"He was scared" Ansu said as you laugh
"Scared?" You shook your head "I was scared too but you didn't see me breaking things up, I loved him Ansu and it completely hurted me when he just throw us to the dead line"
"Please, just listen-"
"If you guys came here for me to go back with him, you are in the wrong" You shook your head "You're welcomed to be with me if we don't talk about him, but if you're going to do that then I'll make my exit and wish all of you the best" You said as the rest of the guys approached
"Something's wrong?" Robert asked
You shook your head, smiling softly "I was just leaving" You waved at them and left in the opposite direction
You heard footsteps behind you and you could guess who was the one but still you didn't turned around until you were heading towards the bathrooms inside of the venue
"Can you stop speed walking?" He asked and you shook your head "We need to talk"
"I have nothing to talk to you, Gavi" You said and seconds later saw him standing in front of you blocking your way "Move"
"Please, move"
"We need to talk"
"You said everything you wanted to say a year ago, I'm done with that"
"But I'm not, Y/N. I'm serious"
"So am I..." For the first time in the night you looked at him in the eyes and sighed looking away before falling into its beauty once more "It was nice seeing you again, Pablo. But I think it's time to let it go, we're just nice strangers with nice memories in common" You moved around him and sending him a one last smile you started walking off
"I don't want to be a simple stranger for you" You managed to hear and you sighed
Neither you wanted him to be but that's what he had decided.
Two hours had passed from that little encounter you had with him and haven't seen him since that moment again, you were sat with your manager and Michelle, your best friend and assistant when she sighed
"What's wrong?" You ask
"Pedri, Ansu and Alejandro are coming" She said "Want me to back them off?" You roll your eyes turning around
You were about to open your mouth when Ansu beat you to it
"Look, I know you probably don't want to see us and you don't want us to talk about him" His strong response had you shocked "and we obviously aren't him to say what exactly went through his mind at the moment of breaking up with you"
"But what we do know is the fact he has been a completely mess because of it" Alejandro said "He's shit at practice and shit out of it. We thought that with time he would get over it, but it's been a year and you're still on his mind and nothing has changed, he still has your birthday picture as his lockscreen and he tries to hide the fact that he goes through your messages, sometimes I find him crying in the shower and other times he's sadly looking at pictures of you two. We can't see him like that anymore and we bet you are exactly the same when no one's around"
"We certainly don't know what he said to fuck what you guys had but he's definitely regretting it. That night of your break up, he came straight to my apartment to cry and kept on asking: "Why did I did that?" over and over again. I never understood what he meant by that until he finally told me that he didn't felt worthy of your love, that he was scared, there was so much going on for him, you knew it and you acted on it but he didn't wanted to feel like he was a burden, he didn't wanted to put any more preassure on your shoulders, his fans were hating on you and he couldn't bear to see you sad because of it. A lot of external facts were the ones who pushed him to make that decision" Pedri said
"But he still checks his phone for you everyday, he sometimes says: "She'll be doing this" or "she'd love this". He doesn't go out with his friends anymore, he basically stopped being that little ray that fucked us up with his moody attitude sometimes" Ansu said making the four of you laugh "We don't say you have to forgive him, we are just asking, for a friend's well being, for you to clear things up and be on the right side"
"You can still be friends, you can go back to what you guys had or simply just not be anything... And that's okay. We just want, for both of you, because you are our friend as well, the best in everysingle aspect possible"
Your eyes danced in between the three youngmen
"Where is he?" You ask whispering, feeling a knot in your throat
"He left"
You nodded, turning around you grabbed your purse and smiled at them "Thank you" They smiled and you hugged them, walking off.
You went into the car that brought you here and told them Pablo's direction. You started biting your nails nervous, why didn't he had said anything from that to you? Were you really still on his phone lockscreen? Does he still loves you, just like you love him after all this time?
You quickly thanked the man and left the car, you pushed your thumb into the gates and it opened, you going straight to his door which you banged over and over again until he opened
"Gimme your phone, please"
"What? Why?" You shook your head
"Please, gimme your phone, I need to check something" He shook his head as you quickly took it from his hands and saw the lockscreen.
It was both of you, on your 19th birthday party, you smiled before feeling the phone being grabbed away by an angry Pablo
"Why have you done that?"
"Why you still have that pic as a lockscreen?"
"You don't care about it"
"If I'm asking you is because I do"
Silence flowed in between the two of you
"Gimme the real reason why you broke up with me" You shook your head feeling the tears coming up "I don't buy the half assed bullshit, I want the complete thing"
He stood in silence
"How do you know?"
"Why? We were so good, so in love"
"I had a lot of things coming on me, I was stressed, I wasn't playing great, I didn't wanted to transfer my worries and my problems to you, because you had a lot of those for yourself. I kept pushing you away without wanting to, I was and am so in love with you it fucking hurts! My fans were sending you hate, all of that combined made me think I wasn't good for you, fuck, I was so scared of fucking it up but I still did it!" He looked up to the sky, his voice was trembling and his shoulders were shaking. He was crying. "And I hate me for it, all this time we could've been together and we aren't because I let my insecurities get the best of me"
"But we can work on them, we can work on this, on us" You said "I'm not willing to let you go, Pablo. I want us. But you need to work for it because I'm not ready to go through another heartbreak"
"I will, mi amor" You hugged his waist and he pulled you closer to him, kissing your hairline "I will make us work"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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pablitogavii · 1 year
can you do an image in Ibiza and reader sends gavi like a lingerie photo or a spicy text while at dinner with the boys and he can’t control himself and when you get home he punishes you (smut)
Spicy Text
What a good idea ;))
Obv SMUT ahead!!
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Your POV
When Pablo invited me to go to the dinner with him and the boys, I gladly declines since I knew Aurora wasn't going and I didn't feel like being the only girl.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay amorcito?" he asked me like a thousand times until I pushed him outside of that door myself telling him to go have a fun night with his friends.
I was never one of those girls who needed to be by her man 24/7 but tonight when he was gone, I started missing him a little extra...if you know what I mean ;)
I was guilty of checking out some of those fan edits they made and let me tell you they make a girl excited..especially when she has the real thing in her bed every night..and I really needed him in this bed right now!!
I peeked through the door of our bedroom seeing that Aurora was asleep in the living room before pulling a new lingerie I got before vacation from my suitcase and putting it on..I had an intersting idea pop into my mind.
I checked myself out in the mirror smiling before grabbing my phone and taking a quick pic before texting Pablo.
amorcito: the room is so cold without you papi ;)) sent pic
I smirked to myself and not even a second later he opened it and started typing. It surely came as a surprise but I knew he will save that photo onto his phone(even though he would deny it!).
pablitoo: i'm weak nenaaa!! why do you look so good!???
I smirked at his text knowing that playing with fire like this will only get me into trouble later but not being able to resist it..it was way too much fun to play with him like this.
amorcito: it's the new one just for you papi ;)
pablitoo: stop playing with me nena!!
I knew it! He was getting frustrated and I was enjoying myself way too much to stop right now..come whatever punishment ;))
amorcito: or what??
pablitoo: or i'm gonna rip that off your beautiful body and make you regret making me hard!
Fuck!! He was just as needy as me right now..maybe if I keep pushing he comes home earlier??
amorcito: show me how hard you are papi..
pablitoo: it hurts me soo much preciosa.. sent pic
You chuckled at his secret picture of his pants that showed clear bulge that made your thighs close in anticipation...fuck he was so beautifully hard right now!!
amorcito: if you were here right now, I would...
pablitoo: you would what princesa?? ;)
I knew not replying would only make him angrier and that hopefully makes him come back and 'punish' me in his special ways.
pablitoo: amor??
pablitoo: you can't get me going like this and then ignore me!
I chuckled turning off my phone putting it on charger before heading to the shower..well that was certainly fun!
Pablo's POV
Joder!! She did not just turn me on and then ignore my texts! She's playing with fire and I was on the verge to get into my car and teach her a proper lesson!
"Should we head to the club boys??" Mario said and but there was no way I was going anywhere with bulge in my shorts and my mind fixated on that lingerie hugging her body so perfectly..fuck, I needed her badly right now!!
"I'll pass. You go ahead" I said and they all gave me a suspicious look smirking amongst each other ready to tease me about being 'needy' for my girl but I knew they were just jealous..cabróns!
"I'll go back with you" Javi said and we separated with the rest getting into my car as I was speeding towards the villa holding my crotch so that he doesn't see the bulge. Damn it, pricnesa!
"Hermano, slow down or we won't make it home!" Javi said and I apologized although still trying my best to go through traffic quickly as we finally arrived to the villa.
"You're back so early!" Aurora greeted us at the door hugging Javi and smiling at me as I asked where my girl was.
"I heard the shower turn on when I woke up.." was all she said before i rushed towards our shared bedroom locking the door behind myself.
I came into the bathroom seeing that sexy body of hers in the shower surrounded by water and light fog that made the bulge in my pants only grow more.
I took off my clothes quickly (i didn't think I could do it so quickly before) before stepping in quietly and snaking my arms around her wet torso making her jump.
"Dios! What are you doing home so early cariño??" she played dumb but I could tell she was smirking behind my back as I turned her around grabbing her neck and making her look up at me with those dopey eyes.
"My naughty girl was misbehaving so I came to teach her a lesson.." my hold tightened but only enough to cause shivers before my lips slammed on hers as we devoured each other while water fell on top of us.
"I really needed you Pablito.." she whined and I knew she was trying to get herself out of trouble like always but I was not in the mood to show her any mercy tonight..tonight she will get what she deserves.
"So you thought teasing and then ignoring me is the way to go? Hm?" I pushed her against cold tiles roughly and she whined shaking ehr head while her hands touched my wet abs caressing them gently.
Fuck! she was driving me mad!!!
Your POV
I LOVED whenever he would get rough like this which is why I 'misbehave' ever so often waiting for him to tame me like only he can.
His hand around my neck while his mouth devoured mine was the definition of heaven when suddenly he pulled away looking down at me with a big smirk on his face.
"Since you didn't tell me what you would do if I was home..how about you show me instead.." he smirked pushing me into my knees and I felt my core drench at this while I looked at his long hard shaft.
I was about to grab it with my hands when he pulled back making me look up in confusion.
"What do you say princesa??" he smirked and I pouted nodding my head obediently. Last thing I needed was to push him too far and make him not allow me to cum tonight. I needed to give him all he wanted.
"Please, papi..let me suck your cock like a good girl" I said and he nodded his head petting my head while putting his cock into my mouth groaning when I hollowed my cheeks and started sucking him.
"Fuck yeah! Just like that princesa..show me why I shouldn't punish you" he groaned throwing his head back while I sucked him diligently feeling his dick pulse inside my mouth before swallowing all he would give me.
"Good girl!" he said rising my chin up and smiling down a t me before grabbing my body and taking me to our bed.
"Mm are you gonna make me cum now papi??" I bit my lips feeling more needy than before especially after tasting him a few seconds ago.
"Now you are going to cockwarm me until the morning..and if you behave and hold it, I might make you cum when we wake up" he said making me lay on my side and slipping inside of me while holding me tightly against himself.
"No...please papi! I was your good girl" I tried moving but his hold on my hips tightened and he held me in place.
"Good girls don't tease amor! And if you continue to whine like a brat, I won't let you cum for the whole damn vacation!" he threatened and I knew better than to take that chance nodding my head and keeping still while he kissed the side of my shoulder.
"That's mi niña buena..goodnight amorcito" he said getting comfy and I felt my walls contract around him.
"Night amor" I said closing my eyes...I couldn't wait for the morning! ;)
Damn! Pablito was mean to us :// but I hope you liked the story <3
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0-hoony · 2 months
can you do riize reaction to you in a lehenga/saree/etc 🥺🧡
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riize when you wear desi clothes in front of them!
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : fluff <3 cw/tw : i talk mainly about desi ethnic clothing here but i've tried to generalize it as much as i could <3 wc : i wanna say 250 ish
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shotaro ,. ! hmm so i see him as someone who would be so interested in the clothing itself; and try to learn more about your personal preferences regarding types of clothes. will be waxing poetic about you and ALSO he's totally randomly twirling you around or yk that move where the guy pulls the girl in a way that her back is to his front with his arms around her?? that is peak taro behaviour trust (i'll add a visual later if i can find it 😭)
eunseok ,. ! okay okay but hear me out. the second he learns you're planning on wearing something ethnic, he'd make up his mind to intentionally do the "getting your dupatta caught in the guy's watch thing".. he'd have heard you offhandedly mention it like once and would be so determined to make it happen. and it'd end up so perfect too you wouldn't believe it was planned for months beforehand <3
sungchan ,. ! i feel like he'd maybe kinda completely lose the ability to speak for a solid couple of minutes.. but once he's able to regain coherence he's raving about you to EVERYONE. he genuinely walks up to people like "hey. my s/o looks really good in their traditional clothing. btw" also i feel like if your into wearing those floofy anarkalis he'd really like those and the way they flare out prettily when you twirl around :O
wonbin ,. ! similar to shotaro; he'd be really fascinated by the factual details about all the different types of fabrics, the designs, the colours; would definitely try to learn more about the history of whatever you're wearing (especially with the types of embroidery styles like chikankari/zari/bandhani etc etc)!! would def wanna match with you too <3 (also, him in a black kurta. w sleeves rolled up. h oly shit)
seunghan ,. ! bro is going to be glued to his phone and or camera and will be taking like 999999+ pics of you because like??? how can he not??? you just look so pretty??? obviously he knows you're always gorgeous but there's something different, more vulnerable,open and romantic to him about you wearing your ethnic clothing around him <3 also super into matching outfits
sohee ,. ! omg he'd be so pleading emoji coded would be so in awe and with all earnestness follow you around everywhere you go because you just look so jaw dropping, heart stopping, head spinningly beautiful that he can't help but want to be around you at all times so people know you're with him <33.. also a dupatta liker would do that thing where he trails slightly behind you while holding onto it oh my heart D:
anton ,. ! this guy totally lowkey wants to gatekeep you and how gorgeous you like but he can't do that so, like sohee, he'll stick to clinging onto you (with all his 6'1 height) as much as he can.. will tell you he's more than willing to learn how to weave fabrics by hand to make you more sarees/lehengas/etc (doesn't actually end up doing that but he does buy you like every single piece of clothing you even glance towards slightly :P)
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notes : the way i wanted this 2 be so perfect and ended up thinking about it for like 5 ish days ,,, + [m.list] song rec : proper patola from namaste england tyvm !
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