#(nathaniel HATED answering honestly)
musical-chick-13 · 3 months
If Josh Chan has 1 million defenders, I am one of them. If Josh Chan has 10 defenders, I am one of them. If he has only one defender, that person is me, and if he has zero defenders, than I am no longer on this earth. If the world wants me to fight Josh Chan, then I choose to fight the world.
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
Keefe (for bingo)
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this is my favorite character of all time in any media, right up there with Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, Nicholas & Nathaniel Benedict from TMBS (showverse) and Lancelot from bbc Merlin. Actually probably slightly above all those characters which is SAYING SOMETHING.
Is he comic relief? Yes.
Would I be his friend? Yes.
Has he done nothing wrong? Yes!! No he’s done many things wrong he’s so precious to me ok but the law he’s broken the law I love him so much he literally betrayed his friends I will always love him he has sooo much to answer for I’m glad Sophie forgives him after she chews him out she should chew him out longer but I suppose Fitz does that for her He has so many apologies to make but like he’s also done nothing wrong look I’m aware of my blorbo’s mistakes he’s honestly not as problematic as the tumblr fandom makes him out to be sometimes, and I MEAN that, but he’s also not as perfect and sweet as the eleven year olds on Wattpad make him out to be. He’s a LOT okay, you can’t analyze Keefe Sencen without the everything
Are my opinions unpopular? Yep! The other keefe girlies hate my opinions bc I acknowledge his character flaws and the Keefe haters hate my opinions bc I acknowledge the fact that he’s NOT an antagonist and actually has a lot of really good traits, and that’s NOT me making excuses. Also what are y’all on about saying he doesn’t get held accountable for his actions, like yeah Sophie forgives him pretty fast but not until she’s yelled at him, and the rest of his friends do NOT bounce back to normal (Fitz)
Do I relate to him? Yes, unfortunately. I have Fitz’s trauma and Keefe’s coping mechanisms (they aren’t good coping mechanisms but they’re literally mine)
Is the fandom wrong about him? Yes, the Keefe fans and Keefe haters alike. Don’t flatten this guy there’s SO MUCH THERE. (I’m not talking about my Keefe-negative mutuals—if I follow you, you didn’t flatten his character, I am very serious about Keefe Sencen)
Do I want to adopt him? YES I mean I’m literally his age but if I was old enough to adopt him I totally would, get that kid away from Cassius Sencen and kill Gisela Sencen. Honestly tho I’d settle for an Elwin adoption, dad!Elwin rocks
Did he need less screen time? *sighs in resigned Keefe fan* probably…objectively…yes…
Did canon do him dirty? I debated filling in this one. Because Shannon has made him a SUPER complex character. But also I swear if the ending of stellarlune isn’t the last time he steals something from Sophie to carry out a reckless plan he told no one about, I’ll riot. Don’t give him forward character progress and then erase it! If it’s a momentary relapse of bad habits I’ll allow it but I’m starting to want Shannon to let Keefe grow from all of that. Cause she keeps letting him get better—and then slip back. (Which isn’t unrealistic and I can work with!! I love him! But SHANNON PLEASE)
Do I want to study him? I want to get a full on PhD in this guy’s character arc actually
Did he need more screen time? Heh. Uh. Objectively NO. But also this amount of page time has allowed us to learn so much about his character complexities?? Like I’m torn between missing the other characters and eating up his character arc. Currently I’m gonna hope book 10 expands the other characters more bc I need more of them and 9.5 can feed my Keefe brain
Would I hit him with a golf cart? Listen my friend made this bingo game (hi Bods, if you’re reading this) and I know exactly what the actual intention was behind this square. But like. I want to slightly run into him with a golf cart. Just enough to slightly injure him and make him rethink his life choices (affectionate) (actually in the words of@phtalogreenpoison “I’d like to microwave Keefe. Just shortly”)
Does he need therapy? OH MY GOSH YES. I have thought this about other characters but SPECIFICALLY KEEFE HOLY GUACAMOLE GET THAT GUY THERAPY
Is he insane? Define insane. But I love him anyway (what is going on in his head half the time 😭)
Am I rotating him in my head 24/7? WELL YOU’VE READ THE POST WHAT DO YOU THINK
Do I have so many headcanons? Oh you guys don’t know the half of it. I have. So. Many. SO MANY
Is he wasted potential? Uhhhh I have too many thoughts on this to actually put it on this post. Genuinely love what Shannon’s doing with his character, like I said. But at some point she needs to. Address the things. Or he just becomes a guy with all these complications introduced that just kinda sit there and continue to change and grow and Keefe is the complex character to end all complex characters but Shannon you need to DO SOMETHING WITH THE MASTERPIECE OF A CHARACTER THAT YOU HAVE CREATED
The amount of bingos holy moly
Keefe means a lot to me
Thanks for the ask anon!
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drawnecromancy · 4 months
Since you've been posting such cool art of them, I thought I'd do the Revealing OC asks for Eleanor and Nathaniel!
For Eleanor:
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
For Nathan/iel:
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
3. Ask them to describe their love interest. (Or someone he's close to, if romance isn't his thing.)
Ooohh thank you ! This is very kind especially considering most of their art is getting a bit old, haha :3
Questions from this ask game !
I will be placing this all before Eleanor's (first) death, so they're both about 50 and shit's super fucked. :]
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is ? Who won't they take advice from, no matter what it is ?
She doesn't really take advice from anyone. Honestly it would be easier to advise a donkey than her, so I guess the answer to the first question is "no one because she'll tell you she can handle it, fuck off".
The second question though ? Nathan. Definitely Nathan. And yet he keeps trying.
15. What would they consider a waste of time- other than school or work ?
Socializing but that's mostly because she's bad at it and has a horrible time talking to anyone ever lol
She's 50-something, has never developed a social skill of any kind that isn't yell at people until they leave you alone, and parties are her worst nightmare. Although at least there's usually alcohol at parties.
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
That he could live his life how he wants and he didn't have to become a warrior at all if he didn't want to. Yes, yes, he's super good at fighting and magic and everyone encourages him to become some kind of legend - and hit parents sat with him when he cried about other people's expectations and gently told him that he didn't have to. No one would force him. He was going to grow up and he could just choose to do something else.
In less poetic stuff they also taught him how to behave as a vampire because vampire puberty is fucking weird. You're exactly like a human until you hit puberty and then you start biting people what the fuck
(I guess that's two things, lol)
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
At ~53 : "Oh, you know. The shouty general who hates me. Not sure why I keep trying to speak to her at this point."
10 to 20 years earlier : "... I've missed her. A lot. I know things are very different nowadays, and I don't quite think she considers me a friend anymore, but just being around her is nice. I'd say she's gotten grumpier but I think I'm just not used to her being grouchy all the time anymore... Oh you want to know what she looks like ? Haha, I've already said too much."
Back when they were teenagers : "She intimidates me because she's better than me at almost everything, but she's also so cool, you know ? Have you seen her disarm Torick the other day ? It took her less than a second, he had no idea what the fuck happened ! She's so cool. It's incredibly scary to spar with her it's almost like she's actually trying to kill me."
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melodyalanaroster · 6 months
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The Golden Heart’s Regret and His New White Light
Alana sat beneath a tree in the Sweet Amouris High Courtyard while reading Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett when Rosalaya appeared before her. “Alana?” She asked. “Yes?”  Alana inquired as she closed her book and looked up at Rosa. Rosalaya looked at her very seriously. “Someone wants to talk to you.” Alana’s heart instantly began to pound with anticipation. “Please be Nathaniel... Please be Nathaniel...” She thought. Rosa stepped aside and revealed a very remorseful and nervous looking blonde boy. “I’ll leave you two alone. Try not to rip each other apart this time!” Rosa winked as she walked away.
“Rosa is quite confident... Its hard to say “no” to her.” Nathaniel laughed. Alana looked at him very seriously, stood up, and dusted herself off. “Let me guess... She forced you to come see me, didn’t she?” She sternly asked. “Let’s just say that she encouraged me quite a bit.” He replied. “If you’re coming to me simply out of obligation, then I’d rather you not.” She sharply stated. “I would have come on my own, eventually. I think that I owe you an... Apology.” He blushed. “Damn, I didn’t see that coming.” The voice in Alana’s head piped up. “What you did must not have been easy. You must have needed lots of courage and lots of... Support from the ones you love. And, I refused to admit it. I’m sorry... Are you still mad?” He apologized. Alana looked down and thought for a couple of minutes. “I understand if you don’t want to forgive me, right away, for what I said to you... But please, promise me you will think about it...” He pleaded. After thinking for a couple of minutes, Alana looked back up at him and stared deep into his golden eyes. “I have been thinking about it... For several days now... I have actually been hoping that you might come and apologize to me... But, before I give you my answer as to whether or not I will forgive you, I’d like to make a few things clear. You were horrible. You didn’t just patronize me and belittle me. You knew why I was doing what I did and you were still a monster to me for it. I don’t like being called an idiot Nathaniel... Let alone being treated like an insect... And you did both....” She began. “Alana...” He sadly sighed. “Honestly? I shouldn’t forgive you for what you did! I really shouldn’t! However, I am going to forgive you. Nathaniel Jacott, in your darkest moment, you lashed out and treated those who care about you like they were less than the feces in the sewers. But, I understand where I might have been out of line. You begged me to not go to Social Services... And I did anyway. That does not absolve you... At all. But, I care enough about you to look past that and hope that those actions were simply out of pain and despair. I forgive you.” She explained as she took his hand. “Are you sure?” He asked. “Yes! You beautiful idiot! I just explained that I care enough about you to not only do all of that, but forgive you in spite of how you acted!” She blurted out as tears came to her eyes. Nathaniel looked at her for a minute as wave after wave of relief crashed into him, consuming his body language. “I’m so relieved... I was terrified that you wouldn’t wanna talk to me after... After all of this...” He sighed. “Well...  Are things getting better for you now? Is your dad facing consequences?” She asked. “I don’t live with my parents anymore. Castiel suggested that I become legally independent. I hate having to say it, but... His idea was a great one.” Nathaniel explained. “So you got emancipated? That’s amazing! I’m just glad he didn’t have you do something illegal!” Alana cheered. “At the same time, its logical that this solution came from him. Even if... I still don’t understand why he helped me.” He added. “Maybe because, even though he is a huge jackass, there is at least a little bit of good in him? Or, maybe there’s the chance that even he doesn’t know why he helped you?” She shrugged. “It’s possible, yes.” He chuckled. “In any case... He did the right thing. So, what were the parameters of your emancipation?” She asked. “My parents had to give their accord to a judge.” He began. “And they just caved? Just like that?” She interrupted. “I didn’t really leave them a choice. If they didn’t give their accord, I had decided to tell Social Services everything. In the end, everyone got out unharmed...” He explained. “I suppose that is a good compromise...” Alana shrugged. “That’s the deal, yeah. They pay my apartment and costs. I also told my dad that he had better not express his anger on Amber. I couldn’t tolerate that and would have to intervene for good.” He continued. “I get that. No one deserves that abuse.” She nodded. “Well.... I never thought I would get to this point, but I threatened my parents. And now, I live alone.” He sighed. “Did you find a place in town?” She asked. “Yes. It’s modest, but pretty nice.” Nathaniel smiled. “Well... Can I come over one day?” She smirked. “Oh, uh... Yeah, why not... One day...” He stuttered.
It didn’t take long for things to get back to normal around Sweet Amoris High School since Nathaniel’s return. However, Alana instantly began noticing the man making a few changes about himself. He began acting more relaxed and open towards people. He changed his clothes to a pair of white button pants, and long sleeved, blue, v neck shirt. He even got his hair cut a bit shorter. The new shirt he had begun wearing also revealed that, in his spare time, Nathaniel had begun to work out, as his muscles were starting to become more prominent. “Damn it girl! You need to stop staring at his tits!” the voice in Alana’s head ordered when she watched him passing out papers in History Class one day. “I’m not!” She thought back.
News of his emancipation and the events surrounding it spread through the school like wildfire, however, Nathaniel took it with his head held high. It took all of Alana’s strength to keep herself from running up to Melody and gloating about it. But, that didn’t stop Sam from popping off to the girl when she had heard her making snarky comments at Alana’s expense. “Hey, at least my sister DID something! You would have just let it continue!” Sam shot. “Sam... Don’t bother, she’s not worth it.” Alana sighed as she shot Melody a look that said “I told you so.”. 
To say that Amber was not okay with the events that had transpired was a severe understatement. Her little gaggle of flying monkeys continued to support her, but even Sam could tell that it wasn’t enough. Each time Alana would look at Amber and see her continued distress towards the situation, a tsunami of regret and pity crashed into her. “Don’t feel sorry for that wretch! She needs to work through this just like everyone else does!” Sam scoffed when Alana expressed her guilt towards Amber’s pain. At one point, Alana even tried to talk to Amber, but Amber refused to listen to her. “Leave me alone Alana! Haven’t you done enough?!” Amber yelled. “But Amber... I’m sorry... I...” Alana blubbered. “No, you’re not sorry! You ruined my family!” Amber cut her off. “Amber...” Alana gasped. “You’d better watch your back from here on out. Because, the second I get a chance to “return the favor”, I’m taking it!” Amber snarled as she walked off.
"Nathaniel! You’ve changed your look! I’m happy to see you’re doing better!” Lynne cheered as she opened the door and found him standing before her. “Ah, yes... Thank you Ms. Roster.” Nathaniel nervously smiled. “Mels is home... Would you like to come in?” Lynne offered. “May I?” He asked. “Sure! Melody! Nathaniel is here!” Lynne called as she let him into the apartment. “Coming!” Alana called. Minutes later, she entered the living room wearing a pair of black Sailor Moon shorts, a black sports bra, and a black Sailor Moon tank top. “Hey!” She smiled. “H-Hey Alana...” Nathaniel blushed. “What’s up? Did you wanna hang out with Sylvester? Study? Or did Armin get you into anime and videogames?” She mused. “Well... We do have a history test this Friday.” He smiled. “But you don’t have your books. Good thing I have mine!” She cheered as she began walking towards her bedroom. “Come on!” She cooed when she looked back him. “Keep the door open!” Lynne called. “Alright mom!” Alana called back.
“He’s in your room... Hot as fuck... Here to study... But has no books.... If your mom wasn’t here...” The voice in her head began to huff. “Stop it!” She thought back. “So... Hey... At school, you mentioned that you wanted to talk to me about something... What’s up with that?” She blushed as she sat on her bed and turned on some music. Nathaniel sat down in Alana’s desk chair and faced her. “Now that I live on my own, I’m allowed to do things that I wasn’t able to do when I lived with my parents...” He started. “You mean... Like having a girl over to your place and making her scream out in pleasure so much that the neighbors call in a noise complaint?” The voice in her head instantly popped off. “Stop it! He doesn’t think of me like that!” Alana angrily thought back. “Oh? And what are you wanting to do that you couldn’t do before?” She nervously asked. “I’d like to adopt a cat.” He smiled. “Fantastic! But, I guess that means you won’t wanna come visit Sylvester anymore... Right?” Alana chuckled. “Of course not! I always wanna come see this little guy...” Nathaniel cooed as the tuxedo cat entered the room and hopped up in his lap. “I know... I was just joking! I think you should get yourself a furry friend! You already know you’re great with them!” Alana mused. “I’m glad you think that... Because I was wondering... Would you like to go to the Pet Shop with me? I heard they’re having an adoption event soon.” He blushed. “Sure! I’d love to!” She cheered. “Great! We’ll go this weekend!” He beamed.
A couple of hours later, Lynne knocked on the cracked door. “Mels? Nathaniel?” She politely asked. The pair looked up from Alana’s computer. “Yes, mom?” Alana inquired. “What are you two looking at?” Lynne pondered out loud. “Cat trees! Nath is getting a kitty soon!” Alana beamed. “Good for you Nathaniel! I’m happy that you’re able to be your true self now!” Lynne cheered. “Thanks Ms. Roster.” Nathaniel grinned. “Well, dinner is ready. Come on kids. There’s a place at the table for you Nathaniel.” Lynne smiled. “Are you sure? I can go home if I need to.” Nathaniel nervously asked. “Nonsense! You’re not leaving this home without a full belly!” Lynne insisted as she headed towards the kitchen. “Come on. Best not to argue with her... That’s Sam’s and my job.” Alana shrugged. “Alright.” Nathaniel chuckled. 
As the week passed, Alana couldn’t help but get more and more excited for the Pet Shop’s adoption event. “It’s like a date!” The voice in her head cheered. “Its NOT a date!” She thought back. “But its like one!” The voice in her head snapped back. Nathaniel had begun to come over to the apartment almost every day with the excuse of “wanting to continue researching what he needed for a cat”. It got to the point to where Lynne had started to call Nathaniel Alana’s boyfriend whenever he wasn’t around... Much to Alana’s embarrassment.
“Come on Mels! If he won’t ask you out, then you need to ask him out!” Sam insisted. “Sam! Nath and I still aren’t over what happened with his father. If anything, it’s going to take time for our friendship to heal from that!” Alana spat. “The way he’s always over here, it seems like the friendship is more than healing.” Lynne cooed as she sat the food down on the table. “See! Mom sees it! As it is, Mels, you have a harem! Viktor wants you back. Castiel is always sniffing around you. Armin looks for excuses to hang out and play Pokémon And now Nathaniel spends an awful lot of time in your room with you “researching”. At some point, you’re gonna need to pick one of them.” Sam explained. “Viktor KNOWS we can’t be together. Castiel, Armin and I are all JUST FRIENDS... As for Nathaniel, if we WERE to get together, it wouldn’t be appropriate for it to happen while he’s first starting out away from his father!” Alana shot back. “Viktor will most likely end up in an arranged marriage with Severina because of their fathers....” Lynne muttered. “And that is complete crap! They should be allowed to find love!” Sam boomed. “Its part of the aristocracy, girls. If our family were to ever take the titles that the Astier clan offers us each year, we’d be forced to live by at least a few of their rules...” Lynne explained. “Anywho... Mels, you can’t always wait for the guy to ask you out! Ask Nathaniel out! We all now you’ve been undressing him with your eyes ever since he changed his clothes and started bulking up.” Sam cheered. “Give your sister time, Sam! Not everyone can pick the guy and tell him to “get in there”, like you did!” Lynne chuckled.
When the day of the Adoption Event finally arrived, Alana woke up and got ready for the day very early. Sylvester was not happy being woken up by Alana getting out of bed. The tuxedo cat stretched his body out as long as he could, let out a long yawn and looked at her with a face that said “There had better be a good reason why you have disturbed my slumber.”. “Oh, calm down Sylvester... Today is the day that I help Nathaniel go pick out his own little furry friend!” Alana beamed. “Is Nathaniel going to be joining us for breakfast?” Lynne asked as she passed by Alana’s bedroom door and saw her texting on her bed. “He won’t be. He and I are going to the café for lunch, then to the event.” Alana replied.
Right as she finished doing her homework for the weekend, there was a knock on the door. “Always timely, that boy.” Lynne chuckled as Alana dashed from her room. “Isn’t it great?” Alana quickly cooed. She straightened herself and rapidly looked in a small mirror before opening the door. “Hey Alana! You ready?” Nathaniel asked. “Yeah!” Alana beamed. She turned to her mom. “I’ll be back later! Don’t wait up!” She cheered. “Just keep your phone on you and be safe! Let me know if you need anything!” Lynne called. “I will!” Alana called back as the door closed behind her. “Thank you for coming with me for this. I really appreciate it.” Nathaniel smiled as they began their walk to the Café. “Of course! I’m happy that you invited me!” She cheered. “This is feeling very much like a date!” The voice in her head piped up. “Its not!” She thought back. “But what if it was? It’d be so romantic!” The voice in her head mused. “Even if he did like me, its too early for us to date. He JUST got away from his father!” She sharply thought back. “So... I know its been a few days since we had that talk... But, are you sure you’ve forgiven me?” Nathaniel asked. Alana was instantly caught off guard. “Why are you bringing that up now?” She nervously blurted out. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since then... And this is the first time we’ve been fully alone without anyone listening in to our conversation.” He sighed. “Ah...” Alana replied. “So, have you thought about it?” He inquired, a little pain in his voice. “I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t... Yes, I’ve thought about it... And I stand by what I said then. You messed up big time, but you did it out of a place of agony and were lashing out. And, ever since then, we’ve made an effort to make it up to each other. So, yes, I’m sure that I’ve forgiven you.” She smiled. Nathaniel became relaxed and grinned. “I appreciate that.” He blushed as they continued walking.
The Pet Store was a relatively large shop in the small shopping district. Each set of animals had their own section. When they walked towards the cats, they passed a very large spider in a container. “Keep your eyes on me, Alana. I’ve got you.” Nathaniel ordered when he felt her cling to him out of fear. “T-thank y-you.” She stuttered as she followed his orders. Despite her best efforts, her body continued to tense up as fear of the arachnid overcame her instincts. Suddenly, she felt him take her hands off of his arm and slide his hand to her back. “You cover your back when your phobia gets triggered, right?” He soothingly inquired. “Y-yes.” She nervously nodded. “Its okay, we’re almost to the cats.” He cooed. The Cat Section of the store was at the very back and had a room with a large plastic window to the kennels for each kitty that they had up for adoption. Alana’s body began to relax at the sight of the little felines. “Cats are better.” She sighed. “Yeah, they are.” Nathaniel smiled. “I don’t understand why people even keep spiders as pets... They may have their uses in nature, but they are horrifying...” Alana muttered. “I’m sure there are people out there who say the same thing about cats. Some people like spiders enough to keep them as pets.” Nathaniel quietly shrugged.
A little white kitten in one of the cages looked right at Nathaniel, perked it’s ears up and walked right to the front where it could see him more. “Ah, hello little one.” Nathaniel cooed as he walked over to the cage and petted the kitten through one of the holes in the plastic. “Is this her? The kitten you’ve been visiting lately?” Alana asked. “Yes it is. Alana, this is Blanche. She’s the one we’re here to see. Blanche, this is dear friend Alana. She’s the girl I told you about.” He motioned between the kitten and Alana as he made the introductions. “Ah! Young man! You’re back! Are you here to visit, or are you here to finally take little Blanche home?” The store manager asked. She was a middle aged woman with tan skin, dark hair and dark eyes. “I’m finally here to take her home! I’ve got everything ready at my apartment and its time for me to bring her to her forever home.” Nathaniel beamed. “Do you have a carrier?” The manager asked. A wave of realization crashed into him. I knew I was forgetting something! No, I don’t. Do you have any for purchase?” Nathaniel facepalmed. “We do! If you two will come with me. We have a wide variety of carriers.” The manager explained as she motioned for the two of them to follow her. Nathaniel began looking at each and every pet carrier very closely, a little bit of panic started to slowly make it’s way into his eyes. Suddenly, Alana could hear her mother’s voice in her head. “I added a bit of extra money to your card, sweetie. Get something nice for Nathaniel and his new furry friend as a gift from the family!” Lynne’s voice cooed. She took out her phone and looked up her bank account. Lynne had added a lot of extra gold to her account. “A bit excessive, isn’t it mom?” She thought. Alana looked at the pet carriers, noticed one that looked familiar and walked over to it. “This looks like the newest version of the one we have for Sylvester.” She commented. “Its out of my price range.” Nathaniel sighed when he looked at the tag. “Don’t worry about it. Its on me.” Alana grinned. She turned back to Nathaniel, then to the manager. “Do you have a machine to make pet tags for collars?” She asked. “Yes, we do. It’s over by the registers.” The manager replied. “Fantastic! Get little Blanche ready for Nathaniel to take her home. I will be right back.” Alana commanded.
As she walked towards the register, a sparkly blue collar caught her eye from a shelf near the tag machine. “Obviously I’m getting that.” She thought to herself. The tags could be personalized on the front and back and were on display at the registers. A little blue heart caught her eye, so she instinctively put it on register belt with the rest of her purchases. “Adopting a new friend today?” The cashier asked. “My friend is, its his first.” She mused. “That cute blonde guy that walked in earlier?” The cashier asked. “Yeah.” Alana nodded. “Honestly thought you two were a couple, the way you guys hung onto each other when you walked in.” The cashier commented. “Ah, well... We’re just friends...” Alana blushed. “I know its not my place to say this, but you guys would make a cute couple. Go for it.” The cashier grinned as he scanned the last item. “Yeah... People say that a lot...” Alana rushed as she looked at the screen. “Oh dear... That’s under budget... My mom sent me a specific amount to spend on him this time... Are there any cushions for pet carriers around here?” She nervously observed. “Yeah, let me get one for you real quick.” The cashier smiled as he ran off. Seconds later, they had returned, scanned the cushion and put it in the carrier. “There we go.” Alana smiled. “Your mom gave you money to spend on this guy? Sounds like your family really likes him.” The cashier commented. “Look, I’m not sure if he likes me like that... And I’m not gonna pressure him, okay?” Alana nervously huffed. “I here ya. Don’t worry. Just know, I’m rooting for ya!” He cheered. “Okay, so how do I use the machine?” She asked. “Your friend just has to take the tag and the receipt to the machine, scan the receipt and it’ll walk ya right through the next steps.” He explained. “Okay, thank you.” Alana smiled as she quickly ran back to Nathaniel’s side.
“Alana! What took you so long? Are you okay?” Nathaniel worriedly asked. “Sorry! I might have gotten a little carried away!” Alana beamed as she handed the carrier, collar and tag to him. “I’m keeping the receipt until you need to personalize the tag.” She smiled. “Alana! This is so sweet! You didn’t have to!” Tears began to come to Nathaniel’s eyes as he took the purchases. “Nonsense! Oh, and its not just from me... Mom wanted me to make sure to get you something from the family.” She explained. “Thank you, you and your family! This means the world to me!” He cheered. “Well, I think its time to take little Blanche home, don’t you think?” The manager delightedly cooed. “Yes, I think so!” Nathaniel nodded. “Now, the adoption package comes with a few of the essentials. A small litter box, small bags of litter and food, and a handful of toys” The manager explained as she pulled out a large cardboard box with a handle.
Nathaniel finished the adoption process in utter bliss. Alana couldn’t help but feel a TWANG in her heart as she watched him. “Yeahhh.... You’ve forgiven him.” The voice in her head piped up. “Yeah, I have.” She thought back. “I should be disappointed in you... But, you’re a teenage girl and he’s a hot guy...” The voice replied. “A hot guy who is really smart and sweet and who just adopted a cute little kitten.” She thought back. “Welp... So much for Nathaniel continuing to see Metal Melody.... Then again, I should have realized that the second you let him into your room without kicking his ass...” The voice sighed. “I can’t spend the rest of high school being pissed at him.” She thought back. “Yeah you can... But I know you’re not gonna...” The voice sighed. “Alana, I can’t thank you enough for this!” Nathaniel cheered as he rejoined her side. “There is no thanking me! Its what friends are for!” She cooed.
When Alana finally happily stumbled through the front door of the apartment later that evening, both Lynne and Sam were waiting for her in the living room. “Someone had a great time!” Lynne snickered. “Awe, did our little Mels get more than time with her golden boy?!” Sam smirked. “You guys aren’t funny! And, by the way, he was very appreciative of the stuff we got him!” Alana shot as she did her best to hide the blush that had begun taking over her face. “How appreciative? Did he finally kiss you? Did he take you back to his apartment and give you more than a kiss?!” Sam sneered. “Okay Sam, I think you’ve gone too far... They haven’t even gone on their first actual date yet.” Lynne rolled her eyes as she turned back to Alana. “I am happy that you two have made up, and that he appreciated everything. Its good to see that boy is doing better.” She cooed. “I am too...” Alana sighed. “Now, both of you, go to bed. You’ve got school in the morning.” Lynne ordered.
“Mels! Your prince charming is here! He wants to walk to school with you!” Sam called as she stood at the open door. “Sam!” Nathaniel nervously hissed. “Oh calm down! We all know that you and my sister are “just friends”.” Sam laughed. “And on that note... Hey Nathaniel! Let’s go before my mom jumps in on the teasing!” Alana smiled as she rushed towards the door with her bags in hand. “I won’t be teasing any of you until later today! I’ve got a book signing to take care of!” Lynne beamed. “Wait, what? A “Lynne Roster Book Signing” without her two biggest trophies?!” Sam cackled. “You two go to school, I can do this by myself.” Lynne assured. “Are you sure Mom?” Alana asked. “Yes! Now go! You don’t wanna be late!” Lynne barked. “Alright, love you! Let us know how things go!” Alana mused as she left the apartment.
When they got to school, everyone noticed the four of them arriving together. “Almost as if Nathaniel and Alana are dating!” one of the students mused. “Nonsense! She just helped him get away from his father, they’re probably just walking together as friends!” another student commented. “As if Nathaniel would date Alana! Spreading those lies about him and his family the way she did!” Melody scoffed. “You actually think Alana is spreading lies about Nathaniel’s family?” Sharon asked. “Of course! I think she did it to get closer to him!” Melody huffed. “Then you’re more of an idiot than he is.” Castiel shot as he walked past her. “And you’re in on the lie, Castiel!” Melody called after him. “Come on Melody, we know you have a thing for Nathaniel. But slandering Alana is beneath you.” Iris lightly scolded. “I mean... He did get emancipated from his family with Castiel’s help. I don’t think Nathaniel would have done that for no reason...” Kim pointed out. “Oh, come on! If Nathaniel was actually being abused by his father, surely he would have told someone!” Melody argued. “Awe, is the little brat just pissed off that she’s not the one who helped Nathaniel?” Sam sneered as she walked up to the group. “Its none of your business, Samantha!” Melody spat. “Really? You’re the one talking shit about my sister.... All because the boy you like is paying attention to her and not you! Oh, and its “Sam” to you, not “Samantha”. Keep that in mind!” Sam taunted. “Sam...” Iris started. “Of course you would protect your sister! I’d almost say it’s honorable, but your family is anything but!” Melody scoffed. Sam took a couple of steps towards the girl, a devilish grin spreading across her face. “First of all, the only person in this school who is allowed to give my sister shit is ME. Not you. Not Amber. Not Amber’s gaggle of bumbling idiots. ME. Secondly, I don’t remember reading anything in our nation’s history books about your family. But I know for a fact that there is an entire chapter on The Roster Clan. Not only is there an entire chapter in the history books dedicated to us, but Weathering hosts a festival thanking our family for founding the city each year and has done so for centuries. The Astier Clan has been BEGGING us to accept the titles and nobility that they’ve been wanting to present us since Astaria’s inception. In fact, over the years, it became a tradition for a member of our clan to go to the capital each year on Founding Day to formally decline the titles. Not only that, but almost every generation of the Astier Clan has tried to get us to marry into their family and have us join our nation’s royalty. In closing, if you wanna talk shit about me, that’s fine. If you wanna talk shit about my family, you will learn your place! If you wish to talk shit about my sister, you will keep her name out of your mouth. If you refuse to abide by this warning... I promise you that I will escalate things. And no amount of “good PR” will save you from that embarrassment! Am I clear?” Sam warned. “Is that a threat?!” Melody asked, a hint of fear making itself clear in her voice. “Its a warning and a promise. Now, AM I CLEAR?!” Sam snarled. “Crystal.” Melody spat. “Good. Later ladies!” Sam smiled as she walked off. “Sam is such a bitch!” Melody spat when she noticed that Sam was out of earshot. “You were spreading lies about her sister and then you insulted their family! You’re lucky that she didn’t beat you up!” Sharon snapped. “Yeah... Melody, that was out of line... You should really be thankful that all Sam did was give you a warning and a history lesson.” Iris sighed. “Come on Kim, you’re not on Sam’s side here... Are you?” Melody sputtered. “I think you were both out of line. But, you really shouldn’t have done that. All Alana wanted to do was help Nathaniel and you let your jealousy get the better of you. As it is, he turned you down and this isn’t how a friend would want to be treated.” Kim reprimanded.
“Everyone thinks we’re dating now.” Alana muttered as she and Nathaniel sat down to lunch. “Would that really be a bad thing?” He quietly responded. “What?!” Alana gasped, her face quickly turning a deep shade of red. “N-Nothing! I m-mean... We’re not. W-We’re just f-friends.” Nathaniel blushed as he nervously stuttered. “I mean, its not like you two act like more than friends or anything.” Sam laughed as she and Ken took their seats at the table. “I wouldn’t mind it. Although, I kinda think Alana would be good with Armin.” Alexy chuckled. “You just want Alana as your sister-in-law!” Rosalaya rolled her eyes. “Yeah! Alana and I are just friends!” Armin nervously scoffed. “Isn’t Castiel in love with her?” Ken asked. “You noticed it too? I think he is, he just doesn’t wanna admit it.” Rosa commented. “As it is, I think Viktor is still holding out hope that he can, one day, override his family’s orders and get back with my sister rather than potentially be stuck in an arranged marriage with Severina.” Sam stated. “What?!” Nathaniel gasped. “Yeah, we’ve told you guys that our mom is best friends with Aunt Verity and Aunt Cosima. Well, while Aunt Cosima was alive, Viktor and Severina were more free to do what they wanted. Which meant that Viktor and my sister were in a cute little relationship for several years when we were all kids. Viktor promised that he would, one day, “break the spell” and return to Mels’ side. Even though his mom tried to tell him that it wasn’t gonna happen. We’re not, formally, aristocracy, and we have no intention of becoming part of that system. But, it was cute while it lasted. Viktor was even responsible for Mels’ first kiss. You should have seen their faces when mom took a picture of them reenacting the famous “Spider-Man Kiss” at one point.” Sam explained. “Oh my god! That’s soo cute!” Rosa and Alexy mused in unison. “Viktor was even dressed as Spider-Man!” Sam gushed. “Alana, I didn’t know you were someone’s Mary Jane at some point! Why have you never mentioned this?” Armin inquired. “It was years ago! Aunt Cosima died not long after the photo was taken. Viktor and Rini were shipped off to boarding school and now their dads have that agreement to breed them like they’re prize winning horses. I am free to be with anyone else... And I would appreciate it if my friends and sister didn’t take part in a shipping war over who I’m gonna end up with!” Alana blurted out. “Well, my money is on Armin!” Alexy piped up. “Honestly, I see Alana with Nathaniel or Castiel. But, I wouldn’t mind seeing her end up with Lysander! I NEED a good sister-in-law!” Rosa cheered. “Its gonna come down to Nathaniel or Castiel.” Sam nodded. “You people do realize that whoever I want to be with also has to want to be with me, right? Now, quit making bets on my love life!” Alana huffed as she got up from the table, grabbed her stuff, tossed the remainder of her food in the trash, and ran to the restroom.
Several days later, Nathaniel, Armin, Alexy, and Kentin were gathered in the hall. “Are we interrupting a special “boys club” meeting?” Sam asked as she and Alana walked up to them. “Hey girls! We’re talking about our little trip to the Pet Shop last night!” Alexy mused. “That’s what you guys did last night?! I thought ya’ll were just hanging out!” Sam exclaimed. “We were at first... But then Ken adopted a little German Sheppard puppy and my brother got a ferret!” Alexy cheered. “Alexy! I was gonna surprise her with Cookie tonight!” Ken hissed. “Oh, my bad!” Alexy gasped. “You named your puppy Cookie? I thought your dad didn’t want a dog?” Sam asked. “He’s got strict requirements for me to keep her. As long as I keep up with them, she’s mine.” Ken clarified. “You got a ferret?” Alana asked Armin. “Yeah, I named him Rocket.” Armin smiled. “Let me guess, Guardians of the Galaxy?” Alana raised an eyebrow. “Yep! Mainly because I can’t, legally, have a raccoon as a pet!” Armin looked so proud as he spoke. “Raccoons are gross anyway!” Alexy spat. “No they’re not! They’re cute little trash pandas!” Alana chimed in. “See! Alana likes them!” Armin stuck his tongue out. “Did you go with them?” Alana asked as she turned to Nathaniel. “Yeah. I wanted to get more supplies for Blanche. It was really fun!” Nathaniel mused. 
As the day went on, the school became filled with more and more chatter. “Something is changing.” Alana commented. “Peggy, do you know?” Rosa asked as Peggy rushed past them in the hallway. “Know what?” Peggy inquired. “Why everyone is talking more about something new.” Alana clarified. “No. You might ask Sharon. I’ve been forced to cover more of what the sports clubs are doing and the Tennis Club is currently on their practice field.” Peggy replied as she rushed off. “You’d think that that little “future paparazzo” would know if something was up.” Alana commented. “I know, it’s weird.” Rosalaya shrugged.
“Hey, Sharon, what’s going on? I heard the principal make an announcement, but I couldn’t hear it clearly.” Alana asked when she came upon Sharon in one of the classrooms. “Oh, we’re getting a new Science Teacher.” Sharon replied. “So, Mrs. Cooper isn’t coming back? I know she had the baby not long after I got here.” Alana questioned. “Nope! Turns out her husband recently got a promotion at his job and now he can afford to take care of them on only one income. She’s gonna stay with the baby until the kid is old enough to go to school and then she might come back to teaching.” Sharon explained. “Good for her. I’m happy that she has the ability to spend that time with her kid.” Alana mused. “Its a shame really. Such a bright and brilliant woman falling to the institution of motherhood.” Sharon commented. “Not gonna lie, you sound like Cruella de Vil.” Alana chuckled. “She had a point in that movie.” Sharon smiled. “Do you think that the new teacher will be a good one? The substitutes have been kind of sub par lately.” Alana asked. “I hope so. I hope that, whoever we get, will be someone smart enough to not fall in line with the path that society set before them. Someone brilliant, and hopefully a little snarky.” Sharon articulated.
The day went on as normally as it could. The halls of Sweet Amouris filled with the chatter concerning the new science teacher. Amber continued to avoid Alana like the plague. However, since the conversation about everyone wanting to see Alana with various boys took place, she couldn’t help but keep her mind on what everyone said. “Rosa and Sam already know that I like Nathaniel! Why is my love life up for debate!” She thought. “Because its something mundane that takes their minds off of the daily bullshit.” The voice in her head piped up. “Nathaniel asked if us being together would really be a bad thing...” She thought. “If he does like you back, then you should just wait for him to make his move. He knows you’re there if you need him.” The voice in her head responded. “I really wanna kiss him...” She thought. “No, you wanna do a lot more than kiss him...” The voice in her head replied. “Okay... But we are NOWHERE NEAR that point.” She thought. “But one day you might be!” The voice in her head clapped back.
Later that night, her usual dreams of being a Sailor Scout were interrupted by a vision of Nathaniel managing to climb through her window, kissing her passionately and whispering very spicy sentiments into her ear with his low, gruff voice. She could feel his hot breath on her throat as he spoke. “I want you My Melody.” He growled. “I want you too, Nathaniel” She sighed. “If this is a dream, please let me enjoy it for a good while!” She thought.
This was going to be a combination of Episodes 24 & 25.... But it turned into just Episode 24....
Mrs. Cooper is a reference to The Big Bang Theory.
The movie referenced by Sharon and Alana in the last section is the live action 101 Dalmatians that stars Glenn Close as Cruella de Vil.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
A little something for the Monster High au, because… True Monster High is honestly a bop for me
@imsparky2002 @msweebyness
“Hey, guys,” Nathaniel greets as his wings take him over to his class’ usual lunch table. Ivan and Alix make room for him so he can stretch them out a bit after his guard shift. “Did I miss anything?”
Kim answers, chucks of his steak flying out of his mouth and onto his tray. “Nah, you’re just in time. Looks like Jean’s got a performance planned.” Alix gives him a swift slap to the arm, reminding him not to talk with his mouthful. “He’s been hinting that he got inspired by a history lesson from like… A week ago?”
Nino gives a low, impressed whistle. “Damn, he writes fast.”
Rose’s bones begin to rattle with excitement. “Well, I can’t wait to watch! Do you think he has someone singing in his place, or he’s using a recording?”
Quickly swatting away one of the flies buzzing around her, Sabrina groans and gets a few nods from around the table.
“Yeah, I do like hearing his voice,” Marinette agrees. “Well, fingers crossed.” She struggles a bit to cross her felt fingers. When Nino tries to help her, she swats his hand away. “I got it, hold on…” Eventually, she gets it. “Fingers crossed.” Alya gives a fond roll of her eyes and tussles her yarn hair. “Oh! It looks like it starting!”
The lights in the cafeteria dim a bit, the only source of light coming from Aurore’s hand, scenting as sort of a spotlight for the young phantom who stands in the middle of the room as a soft guitar melody plays from somewhere, followed by Jean’s disembodied voice.
Jean: Have you ever heard the story
Of dear old Mr. Hyde?
Half human and half monster
Whom everyone despised
Alya gasps and quickly whips out her phone.
Many of the students were becoming interested and were literally on the edge of their seats. The story of Jekyll and Hyde was the most famous story in monster history, of course, they were interested.
Jean: It's a cautionary tale
That should never be forgotten
Jean walks through the cafeteria, which turns into more of a glide thanks to his phantom powers
Jean: His secret was his undoing
Then things turned out really rotten
He gets up on top of a table and strikes a pose before flipping his hair and turning to the crowd with a smirk
Jean: Gimme a beat!
While there was a rhythmic drumming coming from wherever the music was playing, the students added on by hitting their lunch trays against the table or tapping their feet/talons/hooves against the floor
Jean: Mr. Hyde, he tried and tried
To fit in with his kind
Monsters hated human Jekyll
And humans hated the monster Hyde
Could you imagine being both and neither at the same time?
Mr. Hyde, he was truly cursed
'Cause we know monsters are the best, yeah
“Hell yeah!” Cosette cheered.
Jean: And humans are the worst, bleh
Jean stuck out his tongue on cue with the lyrics
Jean: Humans are the scariest, smelliest and hairiest
They're all a bunch of creepy freaks
In time with the beat, the students and even some teachers clap.
Jean: We're the coolest of the cool
We all know that monsters rule
Clap along if you agree!
The students all clap.
Jean: Don't be afraid to show your tru-u-u-u-ue monster heart
Don't be afraid to show your tru-u-u-u-ue monster heart
At this point, a few of the students, specifically the couples have gotten up to dance around the phantom in what almost looks like a choreographed routine
Jean: Okay okay okay yeah
Go ahead and let it out
You know it's time to shout
Do what us monsters do and show your tru-u-u-u-ue
Show your tru-u-u-u-ue monster heart
M O N S T E R, hey
Show them who you really are
H U M A N S, hey
A few students on the fearleading squad spell out the letters with their severed limbs and serve as sort of back up dancers for Jean when the couples take their seats for a moment
Jean: Humans are the worst and we're the best!
Mr. Hyde was put on trial
His crime, hiding the truth
No one would believe him
'Cause his heart was half untrue
Jean approaches his boyfriend and taps where his heart would be. The young reaper plays along and pretends to look aghast before the two share a quick kiss
Jean: Rules are rules and when monsters chose
To enforce the rules it got gruesome
No one ever had his back
Hyde was shunned, that's a fact
They were scared 'cause he was half human, ugh
Chloé gags in time with the lyrics and smiles a bit when she sees Sabrina dancing in her seat.
Jean: Humans are unbearable, altogether terrible!
Chloé: Just a bunch of freaky creeps!
Zoé looks almost shocked when she heard Chloé sing along, but still claps.
Jean: Humans smell like dirty socks
Denise: We all know that monsters rock.
Simon looks at his partner with fondness in his eye at the sound of their singing voice.
Marc: Clap along if you agree.
With that line, Marc crossed one leg over the other and clapped all four of his hands to the beat.
Jean: Don't be afraid to show your tru-u-u-u-ue monster heart
Don't be afraid to show your tru-u-u-u-ue monster heart
Okay okay okay yeah
True to his love for the Rockabilly genre, Jean does a knee slide, eliciting an uproar of cheers from everyone in the room and got a few students to throw up the goats
Jean: Go ahead and let it out
You know it's time to shout
Do what us monsters do and show your tru-u-u-u-ue
Show your tru-u-u-u-ue monster heart
M O N S T E R, I say
Show them who you really are, let's go
H U M A N S, ugh
Humans are the worst and we're the best
Jean finishes his performance with a pose in the middle of the room as the students and teachers clap and cheer for the phantom. He gives a bow and preens off the praise.
“Thank you!” They finally speak. “Thank you! As usual, it is a pleasure performing for you all!” With a quick flip of their hair, Jean sits at their table where they’re met with congratulatory pats on the back.
“Bonito!” Denise gives Jean a strong pat on the back, almost making him fall out of his seat. “It was so worth the wait.”
“Warn me before you come at me with that masterpiece!” Ismael exclaims and curls up by Jean to purr against him. “In all seriousness, that was a total bop. Give me a copy of that, will ya?”
Jean smiles and gives Ismael a scratch behind the ears. “Of course, Ismael.”
“That was by far the greatest performance I have ever seen!” Her eyes turn a bright yellow to match her current emotions. “An excellent retelling of Hyde and the Doctor. Though, it does make me wonder what happened to him.”
Cosette points to the extraterrestrial. “Oh, now that’s a mystery. No one knows where he went, but anywhere he goes, he’s not gonna be accepted.”
“It is the sad life of a monster-human hybrid,” Reshma chirps. “Humans fear him, monsters hate him. He cannot win.”
Out of the corner of their eye, Denise catches Simon staring at something from across the room. “Everything alright, amour?” The students all look at what has Simon’s attention and find a strange blur going past the window.”
Marc squints his eyes. “Am I the only one who saw that?”
“Definitely not,” Zoé answers.
“Maybe it’s one of the shadow imps,” Mireille figures, and their friends all shrug and take that as the answer.
Outside, a hooded figure sprints away from the school, thankfully going unnoticed as the gargoyles were all on break. Feeling his hood starting to fall, he pulls it back over his head to cover his blonde locks and continue his sprint.
‘Well,’ he thinks in between pants. ‘They’re definitely not going to like having a human at their school next month.’
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eowynstwin · 1 year
May I ask.. who’s ur favorite dragon age character?
Can I cop out and say my Cousland OC Elissa? No? (Ask me about my Cousland)
Probably Dorian or Iron Bull, then. Both of them fight and struggle to be their truest selves in the face of massive systemic oppression on multiple fronts. Given the reflections I’ve made upon my own queer identity lately, they just scratch an itch like no other.
If you’d asked me in 2014 the answer would’ve hands down been Cullen but honestly I just don’t gaf about him anymore. Never understood why it was cool to make hating him your entire brand though.
Honorable mention—Nathaniel Howe, because he’s so delightfully bitchy.
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dreamgirledward · 1 year
MERLINNNNNNN for the ask meme
Give me a TV series and I’ll tell you:
Favourite character: hardest to answer. literally how do you choose. merlin. arthur. gwaine. morgana. dont make me choose oh my god
Funniest character: deadass?? queen catrina aka the TROLL. sarah parish how do you have the best comedic timing ever. but also merlin he was bitchy from the get-go and that's what reeled me in tbh
Best-looking character: again. literally impossible. everyone is hot in this show. princess mithian!!! morgana!!! gwen!!! merlin!!! arthur!!! lancelot!!! PRINCESS MITHIAN !!!!!!
3 favourite ships: merthur, merwaine (literally makes me SAD), and merlin and mithian ohhh my god
Least favourite character: I LITERALLY DONT KNOW. maybe agravaine bc he's easy to get sick of LMFAO tho nathaniel parker is so funny in the bloopers it's hard to actually hate him (forgot to add this and had to edit the post 😭)
Least favourite ship: mordred and that girl he was in love with bc it felt forced and also she was kind of annoying LMAOOOOO but alex was slaying that whole ep so i cant even be that mad about it
Reason why I watch it: how the fuck am i supposed to answer this. it's comforting and gut-wrenching all at the same time i guess. ive been obsessed with the arhurian legends since i was a kid too.
Why I started watching it: i honestly have no idea. being chronically online way too young. i saw people talk about it (here) and got curious and the rest was history and now every christmas eve im overcome with immeasurable sadness when i remember what happened dec 24 2012 <3
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twin-books · 2 years
🐞 ox!Luka
💭 Zoe and Felix
💡 Nath
🐞 ox!Luka
Honestly I think ox!Luka could really work. Grant it, this is going off my own idea of Luka really. But I truly believe Luka is a very passive person. He's one to always take the passive route unless someone he really cares for is in danger as evident in Silencer when a grown man put his hand on Marinette, a 14-year-old. I also consider him a very big brother type figure as he tends to be around Juleka, Marinette, and Adrien.
Luka is also a character who tends to prevent the impending disaster (him as Viperion using second chance being a huge example) so to have a power that also prevents attacks could help him. Especially since he has a tendency to just let things happen to him or around him already and seem almost unfazed by it when most people would find it a lot more upsetting. Such as Marinette's general treatment of their relationship from his POV, his mother's rather embarrassing tendency to pick fights with pretty much anybody, his father's... everything, as well as how he generally reacts to akuma attacks. Like he leaps into action but he doesn't fight. He always tries to find the smartest route, the quickest way to end a conflict, with very minimal conflict.
I think he would be very willing to be the first one out on field considering he is invulnerable to most powers, but he would also be the first one to leave. So he would work much like a search and find deal where he uses his five minutes to discover some kind of advantage the heroes could use against their enemy before basically tagging out to let someone a bit more experience take the lead like Ladybug or Chat Noir.
💭 Zoe and Felix
My headcanon is that Zoe could see through Felix's acting rather easily and Felix would underestimate her so she tends to take him off guard and he would feel very vulnerable around her. He would also probably hate that and very much hate her, or think he does, and keep her as far away from him as possible.
Zoe would probably be very timid around him, much like with her mother and sister, but also speak up when he is messing things up for her friends. I think she would eventually gain more confidence around him seeing how he reacts to her.
I do think it would be a fun romantic relationship but also pretty hilarious considering Felix is the character with the most... well... character and Zoe is the one with the least character. XD And I think it would be very cute if and when Felix got a redemption arc if he would help Zoe with her acting skills since he's a very good actor.
I feel like this is a very dangerous idea you introduced me to because I am very much a multi-shipper. :' D
💡 Nath
I will assume this is Nathaniel and not Nathalie because I think the fandom mostly refers to Nathaniel as Nath. But in case it is Nathalie I'll add some stuff about her too.
With Nathaniel I would love to see him be a character outside of someone else. Every episode that gave him focus was him mostly focusing on someone else rather than his general interests. I think it would be really fun to see his process on how he creates a comic page and just what made him decide to go with Evillustrator still and make him a hero and acknowledge that he used to be a villain. I basically think this answers the 3. I really would just like to see him do more art, and learn about how he takes it on. I'm rather into art myself so I think it would be fun to see.
Now for Nathalie I would love to see her day-to-day life explored more. How does she tackle a day? I would have loved to see how she managed taking care of Adrien, doing her general job, and helping Hawkmoth beat up some children. That must be freaking crazy. I think it would be fun. I would also love to see her do more things outside of the Agrestes. I do get that's, of course, part of her general arc but I mean not having it totally rely on the Agrestes to function. Like maybe she ends up going shopping for something for Gabriel and then sees something in the store she thinks Adrien will like. It can still shows she cares for them and it's part of her story but it doesn't really include them being around her as it can be rather suffocating.
I would also love for her relationship with Adrien to be explored a whole lot more. It's very cute and different to most of Adrien's other relationships. It would be fun to see.
Thank you for the ask! I will have to think about ox!Luka more and maybe draw some concepts! That sounds fun! I hope you are having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is where you are. <3
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stedebonnit · 2 years
Do you have any OCs?
Oooo what a question!
I mean, yes? Kind of? I dont really know what makes an OC an OC in your eyes, because it just means original character, but I'll cover the 3 main categories:
I have one OC from a show that I used to like who had their own elaborate and unique backstory, and who wasnt connected to the characters of the show directly, but instead they were built to fit into the universe of the show but have their own story - which i think is the most, like, common type of OC that comes to mind when you talk about OCs. Almost the d&d style OC who is just a fun character you make for the sake of making a fun character.
I also have characters from original stories that are OCs just because everything in the story is original, but I haven't worked on any original fiction in a while so these ones are less common for me.
And then I think the type of OC that I have the most of are detailed characters that Ive written to fit into the plot of a fanfic for an existing show who doesnt have a unique story, but instead serves a purpose in a fanfic, but who is a character with their own unique personality and stuff.
Some examples of the last one are my character Caliel from my (unfinished) Good Omens fic Sunray, Take Me Away, who is an angel in the like...heaven call centre essentially? Like they answer peoples prayers but its call centre style. I sort of added that detail as a joke and it ended up producing Caliel who was pretty important to the plot in the end. Shes a side character who ends up helping the main characters, and I really liked her as a character overall. In that same fic I had another OC Nathaniel, who is one of the main antagonists because he takes over for Aziraphale when Heaven takes him.
And then another, fairly well developed one is named Adam, and hes the main antagonist in the OFMD fic Im co-writing with my friend @majorsarcasm19 - hes modern Stedes shitty & abusive boyfriend at the beginning of the fic, and he exists solely to be a dick. Ive also had a lot of help from @polite-nuissance and @wearfinethingsalltoowell to develop him. For Adam I basically went "what I made the worst possible man and threw him at my blorbos" and it kind of just spiralled from there.
I tend not to think of these characters as OCs in the classic sense just because they arent built as their own entities, theyre built to cause conflict or instill hope in the central characters who already exist, but on a technical level they are OCs, and I do like to draw them.
This is Caliel, drawn like three years ago
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This is Nathaniel, also drawn like 3 years ago (my art style was...not really there yet at this point)
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And more recently I drew Ed and Stede with Adam as a cover for the fic Im writing. Not coloured (yet)
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I hope this answers your question! Honestly being asked about your OCs is the best thing, because I love (or at least love to hate) my OCs.
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fancyfeathers · 8 days
@zainiscompletelydone333 asked a question
honestly...i'd rather clementine just die instead of hyacinth or madeline or eloise. i think it's a more fitting end to her story? she lives and breathes violence in her daily life, she will be targeted by rival groups all the time. and with the hate she has for her father, and the fear that if he goes back she will be broken permanently, i won't be surprised if she just...kills herself. like once she realises he's closing in on her, she would just take a bullet, or even cause an explosion, destroying important infrastructre as a last "fuck you" to her father. sorry if i'm being too dark or insistent lol it's just that i think mycroft's darling and daughter are dealt the worst possible hand compared to most darlings, so it makes sense as to why she would choose a bear over a man lol. kinda sad that for someone like her, death is better than living a life of force and isolation. so much has been taken from her at every turn, so she will tear away everything from them too, even her own life. i love spiteful charas <3
Wait here me out, faking her death like Irene Alder/James Bonde
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Nathanial, Eloise’s husband, knows that Clementine could be useful to the organization he runs with Andrei, which essentially is vigilante/good aligned mafia (think Aristocrats of Evil from Black Butler or Spina di Rosula from Genshin Impact) and he knows that she is not to different from his wife, their childhoods and relationships with their fathers, she was not born this way but grew up to be like this.
When she is getting more and more cornered, Nathanial reaches out to her. They meet at an art gallery that Nathanial owns, which he leaves open to the public, he is already sitting there and waiting for her when she arrives. He is staring at a piece that was painted by his wife when she was working on a serial killer case in Venice which she brought Andrei along to act as her assistant, he tells her that he has many allies overseas in other European nations but he could always use more. Clementine is no fool, she knows he is asking her to work for him and she knows she does not have many choices, but why should she work with him since his wife is the woman who she keeps on getting in conflict with one another.
“We are not enemies, conflict is not fighting. Unlike us, we have both have fought with the government, they cannot stand what either of us do, so what is that saying? Ah yes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so would you say we could be friends, Miss Holmes?”
Nathanial had a power that the government and the MI6 does not have, he has friends abroad, actual friendships that are old not just purely beneficial but people who he cares about and care about him. The MI6 only really has that here in Britain, minus Henry Antrim but one person would not even compare to everyone Nathanial has in his vast network. The work they do is things that the government may or may not approve of, but it is morally good, they protect people, give them a second chance, like the one he is offering Clementine.
At first she does not believe him, that is until he reaches into his jacket to hand her a folder that is jammed full of photos, letters, and reports of the people Nathaniel has helped and works with, his friends…
A composer at the Paris Opera House…
A doctor who owns a charity hospital in Germany…
A doll maker in Denmark…
A seamstress in Italy…
A historian in Romania…
An author in Russia…
And the list goes on…
Some of them Nathanial has helped out of the kindness of his heart and in return they help him, others are close friends of his and help found this organization, but in the end they all just want the same thing, a good life.
“So what is your answer to my proposal?”
The next day in the early morning, an officer at Scotland Yard has to go to the door of the household of Mycroft Holmes to report that the body of his daughter was found in building that caught fire that they suspected was one of the safe houses of her crime work. He knows that it was not her, he remembers how the death of Irene Alder was faked, but without any evidence on what actually happened he is stuck at a stalemate, if he says something and says he is not actually dead people will ask for the evidence which was destroyed by Nathanial to get rid of any path that would lead to them as the culprit, but if he does not do anything Clementine is free to do as she wishes…
Meanwhile after a trip on a ship across the English Channel and a train ride across the French countryside, a young lady steps off the train into the station in Paris where a friend of Nathaniel waits for her with new identification papers and to help her start her new life.
(I think Clementine would be a huge fan of anagrams so I think she would rearrange her name to make a new name unlike James Bonde picking a whole new name. Also got to love the secret agent vibes in Paris with her, she would have so much fun with her work there.)
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ashfordlabs · 4 months
15, 21 & 23
(from @flowerprose)
thank you for the ask! i hope it's okay this is a mix of oc's.
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15. does your oc have a faceclaim? if so, who? / this is a yes and no situation where it's depending on the character. personally, i try not to but it does happen, and even though my character intros use faceclaims some are more guidelines.
like mayumi, henry and eli from cursed bodies don't have faceclaims, and in swan song, hollis, odile, amita and rothbart also don't. then there's dorothea who has red hair because of olivia cooke and nicola coughlan and has honestly has become a blend of the two of them. odette's similar with being a mix between belle from the 2014 french beauty and the beast film and kathryn newton.
but sebastian, theo and nathaniel all have faceclaims. sebastian is based off nicholas galitzine in mary and george before the long hair. nathaniel was based off cillian murphy but has sorta morphed into josh o'connor, which is honestly a better fit. and this one was intentional because theo didn't have one originally, but then i saw clips of dominic sessa in the holdovers and it was like i was seeing theo, so he's become theo's face claim.
21. does your oc have any illnesses or disorders? how do they handle it? / theo is the only one who really does, suffering from survivor's guilt thanks to his mother dying and theo not, doesn't help that nathaniel constantly blames theo for their mother's death, therefore theo just doesn't handle it well. he also had anxiety which is takes medication for but there are moments when it becomes too much and like everything else, doesn't deal with it well, he has to swallow it down and hope he can hide in a bathroom in case a panic attack happens in a public space.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express? / this one is interesting and honestly, don't know how to answer this, but i will with hollis since she's easier. hollis just doesn't process her emotions, she doesn't really feel anything because of her connection to the forest, it's disconnected her from anything human. but there are moments, when something will happen, she'll feel joy and just, not understand it and odette will have to explain to her what happened. the only emotions that she understands is hate and anger since it's been with her for so long thanks to rothbart.
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ask game.
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theaterism · 2 years
mr nathaniel did u enjoy any of the guest magician's tricks? <3 (hi im so sorry CHDUSV)
honesty asks - accepting
A hissed breath escaped Nathaniel through gritted teeth. He couldn’t allow the question to get on his nerves, though; that would only suggest weakness (and he refused to show weakness in response to that magician). With a steadying inhale, he leaned back in his armchair, a hard glint in his eyes and an edge to his tone. “I wouldn’t have hired him unless I thought he possessed some shred of talent.”
As much as he loathed to admit it, he had read the praise critics had expressed about the magician’s tricks. It had attracted Nathaniel’s attention in the first place. He only hired the best entertainment for his parties: those who showed the most talent, the most flair, the most skill in captivating an audience. And the magician… had met such standards.
Nathaniel didn’t want to continue, but he hadn’t truly answered the question, and the need for honesty tugged words from his throat. Still, he had enough stubborn pride to control his response for a short while longer. “Stuffing flowers in my pockets was amateurish,” he muttered. “It got a laugh or two, yes, but I imagine any fool of a magician could manage it.” Nathaniel couldn’t explain how the magician had performed the trick, but that was beside the point. “I could also name several guests at that party who deserved humiliation much more than I did, none of whom were the ones paying for that man’s show.”
Still not a proper answer. He gritted his teeth once more, but the words slipped out in spite of himself. “The… little fireworks, over the champagne. Those, I suppose, were more enjoyable.” A sharp inhale, and Nathaniel brushed imaginary lint from his sleeves, his tone breezy as he switched tactics and pushed the focus away from himself. “Cerise found it somewhat entertaining, at least, which was rather impressive since she despises most magic.” This sounded too close to a compliment. His eyes narrowed, and he clicked his tongue. “Doesn’t negate the fact he’s a bloody thief, of course, but he does know his trade.”
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
Babysitting Duty
Summary: while Scott and Clint are away on a mission, you and Wanda are stuck with babysitting duty
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: some harsh language
Word Count: 5,117
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"Your asses had better not leave the yard, got it?"
"Please don't swear at the kids."
"They're being little shits!" You insisted.
Wanda glared at you from where she was sat on the couch, cradling two-year-old Nathaniel, who had fallen asleep in her arms a few minutes ago. You scowled back at her as you moved to the other seat, closer to the open window, so that you could see and hear Lila and Cassie running around in the backyard. Lila ducked into the shed for a moment, re-emerging with a soccer ball. She kicked it toward Cassie.
Clint and Scott had taken up an offer to go on a mission with Natasha across the country. You didn't pry as to why she needed them specifically. Laura was in Los Angeles visiting some family, meanwhile Maggie and Jim were taking a vacation in the tropics. That had left Scott and Clint in need of a babysitter, and you'd been volunteered for the job. Now, you and Wanda were stuck at Clint's farmhouse for a few days until Laura got back. You were only in charge of Cassie, Lila, and Nathaniel, with Cooper having gone to stay with a friend while his parents were out of town.
"Why don't you go put him down?" You suggested to Wanda, the scowl on your face replaced by a soft smile.
Wanda shook her head. She didn't even bother to stand, instead simply laying him down on the couch they were sitting on. He whined a little as he left her arms, but after she'd stroked his head a couple times, he settled as soundly as he had been. She stood and crossed the room, sitting down next to you. Your arm moved around her waist and she leaned against you, legs curling up to her chest. You kissed the side of her head as you glanced out the window quickly to check up on the girls.
"What do you think about what Tony said?" She asked quietly.
You turned to stare at her. Her light green eyes flickered up to meet your gaze. It put a smile on her face. Her hand reached for yours, taking it and intertwining your fingers. You played with her hand.
"One day."
After getting the babysitting gig, you hadn't exactly been ecstatic. You were an Avenger, not a babysitter. Anytime Clint and Scott weren't around to hear, you'd repeat those words to whoever was close enough to listen. Most of them got that. They thought the same. It's why everyone had tried so hard to avoid the two men for those few days. When you'd gotten stuck with it, Natasha had even gone so far as to laugh at you.
You were good at avoiding. You'd practiced it all your anti-social life. So, it wasn't your fault that you'd be assigned babysitter. It was Wanda's. Clint had managed to corner her one day. Their relationship was a strange one. He'd cared for Pietro, and Pietro had cared enough for Clint to give up his life for him. Now, the surviving Maximoff and the archer had some sort of bond. That bond had made it impossible for her to say no to babysitting the toddler that was named after her brother.
Stuck with two kids anyway, you figured you might as well take care of Cassie at this point. Once you'd been nominated babysitter, though, Tony had taken it upon yourself to never leave you alone. It seemed, for those few days after you'd agreed to take care of the kids, Tony was around every single corner. You wouldn't have been surprised to learn he had been using the security cameras to keep track of you, because no matter how hard you tried to hide from him, he was there.
He was teasing you relentlessly about your having to babysit. Unlike the rest of them, Tony wasn't teasing you because you, an Avenger, were stuck with a 16-year-old high schooler's job. He was teasing you because you were stuck at a nice little home in the country with three kids and your girlfriend. He insisted, every time he saw you, that this was going to be good practice for your future. Wanda had blushed furiously the first time he'd said it. You'd shooed him away.
As much as you hated dealing with the billionaire and his stupid smirk when he'd approach you to tease you about practicing for your own kids, you would deal with it. Wanda would always turn away with a tomato-red blush burning on her cheeks, and so you would always find a way to give her an escape to stick around and take Tony's taunting yourself. Mostly you just ignored him, but he was persistent if nothing else.
Tony had driven you absolutely mad with his stupid suggestive tone and heckling comments. That was undeniable. Sometimes, you even wanted to take him down to the ring just for a reason to drive your fist into his gut. But after a long day of work and having to hear him go on and on, you'd climb into your bed, or sometimes Wanda's, fall asleep for the night, and dream up the pictures that he'd painted into your head.
There were two or three kids. One of them was always a boy. You were just getting home from somewhere, and Wanda was in the backyard of your house, watching the children play. The boy would be with one of the other kids, but when you approached Wanda and slid an arm around her waist, he'd run up to you. You'd ruffle a hand in his hair, and he'd giggle, light green eyes casting up to look at you. He had Wanda's eyes. You'd reach down and pick him up, kissing his cheek as he continued to laugh.
"Hi, Momma," he'd say.
"Hello, Pietro," you would reply every time. "Were you good for your mom today?"
Then he would nod and squirm a little, desperate to get back to his brothers or sisters. You'd set him down on his feet and he'd dash back to the others. You would lean into Wanda, then, kissing her softly. She would kiss you back, just as gently and lovingly as she did in your waking life. No words would be exchanged as you guided her to the bench swing, pulling her close and smiling as you both turned to watch your children laugh and play together.
It was just a dream, and it was entirely Tony's fault, you were sure. He'd put the idea of a family into your head and now you couldn't get it out. You'd always known you wanted kids and, even though you might not have known her all too long, you knew it was Wanda you wanted them with. She was your everything and you wouldn't want anything without her. Your future didn't exist without Wanda Maximoff.
"I've seen those dreams you've been having."
That honestly didn't surprise you too much. She'd seen your dreams on occasion. You'd learned that when you'd woken up absolutely drenched in sweat one night after a particularly inappropriate dream involving a particular witch. She'd watched your eyes open and immediately straddled your waist, promising to make your dream come true. You hadn't gone back to sleep that night, and it was clear as day that she had seen every single detail of that dream.
She was a mind reader. It wasn't hard for her to see just what was going on in your head; conscious or not. So, as you slept, she was able to see those images of you and she with your cozy little house and little Pietro smiling up at the both of you. It didn't surprise you, but it did make you a little nervous to know she'd seen them. You didn't want to seem like you were rushing into things at a pace that she wasn't ready for. You would wait forever for her.
You'd talked about it with her before. It was nothing too serious. It had been a simple conversation, the two of you discussing where you thought you might be five or ten years down the road. When you'd talked about it, the two of you hadn't been dating yet. You'd just been friends, both wanting to be more. It had been a quiet night, and you'd wanted to take her mind off Pietro, who had died only four months earlier.
Wanda pictured her future as a quieter life. She wanted a nice home on a quaint little street where she wanted a family, someone to love and maybe a couple of kids down the road. She'd told you she wasn't sure yet, if she wanted to continue being an Avenger. She hadn't always been fond of the sort of action you guys saw, but she knew she had the power to help people. Her heart was good. She couldn't just ignore that fact.
Your vision had been a little different. You were absolutely sure that you wanted to continue being an Avenger. You were a hero through and through. You couldn't imagine a life where you weren't doing what you did now: keeping people safe. You wanted to stay in New York, but maybe moving out into the suburbs in the outskirts of the city. You, too, wanted to start a family someday. Avenging could be a day job, you'd assured.
Then you'd gotten together. You'd admitted your feelings, you'd gone on some dates, and quickly, you'd fallen deeply in love with her. That dream of a future was still one you had: An Avenger by day and a wife and mother by night. At some point, though, that woman you saw yourself having that family with had become Wanda. Suddenly, you couldn't see it any other way. For a long time, you'd kept that from her. Now, though, she knew, and you were glad she did.
"What do you think of it? The dream," you asked carefully.
Wanda didn't answer right away. Her eyes had cast out the window to watch Cassie and Lila run through the yard, passing the ball between each other before Cassie turned and kicked it into the net. They both cheered loudly, raising their arms in the air, smiling widely, and high fiving. Their excitement made Wanda smile too. Her gaze turned back away from the yard and back to you, searching your face carefully. You let her study every detail of your eyes.
"I think it's beautiful."
Any life with her would have been beautiful. Anything with her was beautiful. You were absolutely sure Wanda Maximoff was the most beautiful thing in the world and there was nothing that could have changed your mind. The Avengers teased you sometimes. Natasha had teased one day, that you looked at your girlfriend as if she were the most exquisite piece in an art museum. You'd only assured her that no piece of art ever held a candle to the Sokovian.
"Would you..." You trailed off and took a breath, trying to figure out just what you were asking. "Would you consider it one day?"
Wanda didn't hesitate a millisecond. "I don't have to consider it. One day, Sweetheart."
That warmed you to your very soul. You put your hands on your cheeks and turned her face toward yours. You pressed your lips together, the feeling never failing to make your eyes flutter shut. You savoured the so familiar taste of her against your lips as you let your hands slide; one moved to the back of her neck to hold her close, and the other came to rest on her thigh. It wasn't a long kiss. It didn't need to be. It only took a few seconds to convey to her something words never could.
"How many?" She asked.
You laughed. "Two or three? What do you think, Baby?"
"Three," she hummed softly.
You couldn't believe that Tony was fucking right. Here you were with the woman you loved so dearly, babysitting your coworkers’ kids, and imagining having ones of your own someday. You had to admit, you did like it. They were a bit of a handful, that much was for sure, but you loved it. You loved watching their smiles, watching them play and laugh, and joining them in their fun and games. You loved seeing how Wanda would sit with them, cradle Nathaniel close, and read the girls bedtime stories. The thought of having this with her made your heart swell.
"Alright, where would we live?" You asked with a soft laugh.
"We'll stay near New York," she assured. "My big strong Avenger."
You laughed when she teasingly squeezed one of your biceps. You flexed a little, pressing the muscles against her hand. At this, the touches to your arm weren't so teasing. Her fingers traced the lines of the defined muscles that lay beneath your skin. You breathed out a quiet laugh, grabbing her hand and gently kissing against her knuckles. Her hand hesitated at your mouth as she ran the pad of her thumb across your bottom lip.
"Port Washington?" You offered. "Maybe a little way outside the city or in northern Jersey? I know you want to raise a family in a small town and New York City isn't exactly that."
She pressed her lips against your neck for a moment. "I love you."
You breathed out. "I love you, too."
She pulled away, moving to touch your knee instead. You put a hand over top of hers, turning to check on Cassie and Lila again. They'd taken to sitting in the grass, leaning against a tree trunk, and talking quietly. You weren't sure what about, but you were just glad that they seemed to still be having a good time. You slid Wanda's hand off your knee so that you could stand up.
"I'm just going to grab a snack for the girls," you kissed her cheek. "When I'm back, you can let me know if you've got any more ideas for this life of ours, huh?"
Wanda nodded.
You moved into the kitchen, opening up the pantry and putting together a couple of PB and Js, cutting them in half and setting them on the counter. You then mixed a few glasses of lemonade, put everything on a tray, and headed briefly back to the living room to hand one glass to Wanda, before heading out the back door. You whistled merrily, catching the girls' attention. They both smiled at your approach, and you settled into the grass beside them.
"For you."
They thanked you repeatedly, taking a plate and a glass each. You took your own glass, sitting back and sipping it as the cool breeze blew through your hair. You crossed your legs, watching their girls bite into their sandwiches. You tried to think back to what you'd been talking about at their age. You'd been in grade school and had often been in the schoolyard with your friends talking about boys. Well... they'd talk about boys and you would hesitate and make something up because you didn't know who the hell you liked.
"So, what are we talking about today, girls?"
"Lila was just telling me about a boy named Sam."
"What?" Cassie defended. "She's not gonna tell!"
You nodded. "Cassie is right, kid. I'm the best secret keeper probably ever."
Lila seemed to ponder this for a moment. It was a blatant lie, though. Every secret that was told to you was also told to Wanda, but it didn't go past there. You couldn't keep things from her. It was like she could pull anything from you with just a simple gaze from those light eyes. Even if you didn't tell her, she was a mind reader. Either she'd hear it from your lips, or she'd hear it running through your brain at one point or another.
Lila seemed to be contemplating this. "Okay. Well, there's this boy in my class. His name is Sam. I really like him."
"Oh, yeah?" You asked, sipping your lemonade. "So why don't you tell him that?"
"No! I can't tell him."
"Why not?" You scoffed. "What's the worst that could happen, Li? He either likes you back or he doesn't."
You'd always had trouble with your own advice. If you admitted your feelings to someone and they told you they didn't feel that same way, you felt awkward for months after that. But you were an adult. Lila was eleven. Even if kids these days were growing up way faster than you did, you knew that things were a lot more complex when you were a little more grown up. In a year or two, then she'd start realizing that.
"What about you, Cas? Any boys in your class you've got an eye on?" You winked.
Cassie didn't seem to find this very amusing though. Suddenly, it seemed, her sandwich wasn't very appetizing, and the lemonade had lost its sweetness. Her gaze moved to somewhere no one could meet it, locking to the ground as her fingers began playing absentmindedly with the grass. You tilted your head to the side curiously. You glanced over at Lila, but she didn't seem to know the reason for this either.
"Lila, could you give us a minute?" You asked the older of the girls. "Why don't you go see what Wanda is up to?"
Lila nodded and scampered off. She ran to the house and in the back door, and you watched in the window as she appeared beside Wanda. You saw her explaining something to the Sokovian, likely just trying to express that her friend was upset. You turned your focus to Cassie, who was busying herself by pulling a few blades of grass out of the ground. You didn't try to stop her, the fidgeting obviously calming her anxiety.
"What if..." She took a deep breath as she trailed off. "What if I think I like like a girl?"
Cassie Lang was ten years old. That's around the same age you started wondering what the other girls saw in boys. You hadn't realized as young as she did that you'd liked girls, but you knew something about you was different. At that age, you'd thought maybe something was wrong with you. It had taken you a few years to realize you weren't broken, just different. It had taken you even longer to realize that was okay.
You knew Cassie probably felt more comfortable asking one of her babysitters this question than anyone else. She trusted her parents and her stepdad, and she loved them, that much was clear. With them, though, she watched a man love a woman. With you, she watched you love Wanda the same way Scott loved Hope. She watched you do something she was feeling in herself. It made everything seem a little more normal and a little more okay. You knew that much from experience.
"Cas, look at me, Sweetheart," you said gently. Cassie looked up at you. "You can like whoever you want to like, and you can be whoever you want to be."
"But at school, all the girls like boys and I don't. Why don't I? I just want to be the same."
"Because not everyone is the same, and that's okay. You don't think there's anything wrong with me, do you?"
"No. And I love a girl. Isn't that okay?"
Maybe it was a bit of a guilt trip, but it got Cassie to look up. You watched as her eyes travelled from you, to Wanda, and back. There was no longer any trace of nerves or anxiety on the young girl. It had instead been replaced by curiosity. It seemed your little pep talk had actually worked. She seemed more at ease after assurance that she didn't need to be normal. You knew that wasn't it for those nerves, you even got them yourself once in a while, but you were glad to have put her at ease for a while.
"Kiddo, are you going to talk to your mom or dad about this?"
As honoured as you were that you'd felt to be a safe person to come out to, you weren't really the person that she should be going to for support. Her mother and father would give her that. You didn't know Maggie well, but you knew Scott. He would be unconditionally supportive and wouldn't hesitate to reassure her if she ever felt like this again and if there were someone who didn't, he'd make sure to immediately remove that person from their life.
"I think I'm gonna talk to my dad when he gets home. Can you talk to him for me?"
"I can give him a little heads up, but you're going to have to be the one to actually talk to him."
She took a deep breath but nodded. "Okay."
You smiled proudly.
You sat with Cassie for a little while longer in that spot. Following your conversation, she seemed to be feeling better. She was eating and drinking again as she told you a little about this girl she was sweet on. You didn't comment too much, smiling and nodding along as she told you stories about the schoolyard. Soon enough you were once again trading places with Lila. The two girls resumed their gossiping in the grass, and you moved back to sit with your girlfriend once more.
When you sat down next to Wanda, glancing at a still sleeping Nathaniel as you moved, you immediately turned to the window. The two preteens had already regained that same calm expression they had been sporting earlier. Satisfied that they were both alright, now, you turned back to Wanda. She was watching you carefully, eyes flickering down to peek at the smile on your lips. You beckoned her to come back against you like she had been before you left.
"You and Cassie seemed to have quite the heart-to-heart," she hummed quietly as she leaned back against your side and your arm snaked around her.
"She confessed she might have a crush on a girl."
Wanda raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? Well, I see why you were a safe person to confess that to."
You chuckled and kissed the side of her head. "Yeah, I do, too. I gave her a little bit of reassurance before telling her she should really talk to Scott or Maggie."
Wanda nodded in agreement. She reached out to the table to grab the glass of lemonade you'd made for her, sipping it quietly. The cool glass pressed against your arm when she lowered it, sending a shiver throughout your body. She seemed to notice this, as she laughed, moving the cold cup up to your cheek. The condensation that coated it transferred onto your skin and you frowned, pushing her hand away. She laughed a little harder.
"So, what did you come up with?" You asked her. "I seem to remember asking you to come up with some more details."
"You did. So, I wondered what Pietro's siblings' names might be?"
You froze. That was from your dream. You knew she'd been seeing it, but you still got a little curious when she brought up the more minor details. You turned to look at her, curiosity burning in your chest. Pietro was her brother, not yours. You wondered briefly if she even wanted to name any children she might have in the future after the brother she'd lost.
"Pietro," you repeated softly. "Is that okay?"
"Fuck, Honey."
Wanda rarely swore, so when she did, you knew she was feeling something strong. You were assured it was a good feeling, though, when she grabbed you and pulled you toward herself roughly. Your lips connected and you felt the intensity in her kiss. You didn't dare be the one to pull away from this, letting her show you how she was feeling through the intimate touch. When she finally did, her hands were immediately in yours.
"Thank you. He meant the world to me and you mean so, so much to me, too and... thank you, Honey."
"You don't have to thank me, Baby. He deserves it," you assured, a hand on her cheek. "But did you have other ideas too?"
She nodded. "I did. We'll obviously discuss more when the occasion arises, right?"
"Right," you agreed with a laugh. "So?"
"I like the name Tommy. It's cute, don't you think?"
"I do think so," you hummed.
You don't know what it was, but something had you so drawn to her in this moment. You wanted to pull her close and never let her go. Granted, you wanted that most of the time. Right now, though, the thought of releasing her from where you had her flush against your side, her head resting so softly on your shoulder, made your heart feel a little weaker. As if she could feed that absolute need radiating off of you, she kissed your shoulder and put her hand into yours, squeezing tight.
"Any girls' names you like?"
Wanda stopped to ponder. "Violet."
"That's cute too," you smiled at the thought of your family. "You're pretty good at this, my dear," you paused for a moment. "So, Pietro, Tommy, and Violet Maximoff?"
She hesitated at hearing that. Her head moved off your shoulder, and you immediately missed the lack of pressure. You had to suppress a quiet whine as you glanced over at the curious eyes that were peering at you. You cocked your head to the side, in the movement, willing her to tell you what was going on inside her head. You felt as though her eyes could see into your very soul with the way she was watching you.
"Maximoff," she finally said.
"Yeah. I like it," you told her. "And doesn't my name sound so good with your last?"
You didn't even have to say the name aloud. Just hearing it in her own mind had a shiver running through her body- something you felt it against your own. She didn't have to say aloud, either, that she loved the idea. You knew she did. You both did. It was something that made you entirely hers. You were entirely hers. You belonged to Wanda Maximoff and her last name attached to your first would prove that to anyone.
"One day," Wanda said, repeating the words you'd spoken earlier. "One day you'll be my Mrs. Maximoff."
It was your turn to hesitate at those words. You were both talking about this as if it were inevitable. As far as you were concerned, it was. You couldn't even picture a life that didn't have Wanda in it. You didn't want to. You wanted to be her wife and live in a small house in the suburbs and raise children with her. You wanted all of it so bad you could hardly fathom it. You turned to her, making sure to catch her eyes.
"Did we just get engaged?" You teased.
You hadn't, but you had. All engagement was, was a promise to be each other's and to get married. There was no time limit on that. In the last little while, you'd promised that to each other. You had both promised each other this entire life that you could see laid out before you. Neither of you had been discussing it as if it were a possibility, but more as an inevitability. That sure sounded like a promise to you.
"I don't know," Wanda admitted. "We agreed we'd get married one day."
"Yeah," you agreed. "We definitely did."
Then you decided to make it less of a question as to what had or had not happened. You slid away from her and stood up off the couch. You took a knee on the floor, bringing her hand into yours. Your heart was thumping so loud in your chest that you had to wonder whether or not she could hear it from where she sat. Judging by the way her eyes widened, though, you thought that maybe her own heartbeat was drowning it out.
You didn't think this was how you'd do this. Sure, you'd many times thought about how you'd one day propose to Wanda. In none of those scenarios was she sitting on the couch in Clint's living room whilst Nathaniel slept ten feet away with Lila and Cassie's giggles floating in through the window. They were usually a lot more romantic than this. You couldn't find it in yourself to care. This was the moment. You could feel it.
"So let me clear up the confusion," you offered, eyes not leaving hers. "Wanda Maximoff, I cannot picture my life without this little suburban house and these sweet little kids and you, my love. I will walk to the ends of the Earth and back for you. I'd give you my heart and my soul in an instant if you wanted me to. Will you marry me?"
Wanda didn't seem to be able to find her voice. Her expression was one of shock. Her jaw had dropped a little, and her eyes were wide, watering a little. You wanted more than anything to reach out and wipe those tears away and to kiss her cheeks, even if they weren't tears of sorrow. But your knee was glued to the floor until she gave you an answer. She seemed to collect herself, then. Her hands wiped at her eyes, her lips curled into a smile, and then, finally, she nodded.
"Yes. Of course, yes."
She pulled you back onto the couch. It might have been a little far, with your knees on either side of her waist. The two girls could have walked in at any moment. But you were so completely happy that there was absolutely nothing that would have stopped you from resting your arms on her shoulders, linking your hands behind her neck, and kissing her like you needed her more than you needed oxygen in your lungs. You supposed you might have. She finally pushed you away.
"I love you."
"I love you, too, beautiful fiancée of mine," you teased. "I guess Tony was right then, huh? The babysitting gig was good for us."
She laughed and then buried herself in your embrace. You held her there, not a single care in the world, knowing she was yours and you were hers. One day you would have a life a little like this one. You and she together with a family of your own and so much love around you.
It was all thanks to the stupid, stupid babysitting gig.
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karouvas · 2 years
crazy ex-girlfriend for ship ask game?
OTPs: Rebecca x Valencia
lowkey otps: Rebecca x Greg 
ships you wish more people shipped: all combinations of Rebecca Heather and Valencia 
ships you think are cute: Heather x Valencia, Darryl x White Josh. edit: particularly on rewatch I really liked Heather x Greg’s relationship stuff it honestly deserved to be explored more
ships you see the appeal of but don’t ship: …idk if I have one for this?? I think I once saw someone ship Paula x Valencia romantically which I never considered but I’m not wholly opposed to 
ships that are usually brotp but can be otp: 
Rebecca x Heather 
ships you don’t care about: I mean Rebecca and Josh romantically. Of course their dynamic is compelling but I never have had shippy feelings about it. 
ships you dislike: Rebecca x Nathaniel, mostly because of handling of it in 3b+ s4 and the way fans respond to it. And I kind of resent it as a premise really too but when it was introduced I did want to find some merit in it at least, but ultimately nothing the show did with it ever proved to me Nathaniel was a necessary character on the show. I thank him for I Go To The Zoo and that’s about it <3 
ships you hate: if I hate any ship on this show it is Rebecca x Nathaniel. the only reason I say if is I have much more visceral reactions about a lot of other notp’s and because the entire foundation of CEG doesn’t necessarily prop up the romance of it that limits my vitriol again on a scale. I do HATE Nathaniel himself however because his “redemption” arc in s4 was terrible and I resented how much space it took up in the narrative, but that resentment was more about how much time it was getting compared to Valencia and Heather (including that friendship arc w Heather god :/)  than the narrative effect on Rebecca (although that was… mixed at best, but it’s not like she was ever sidelined for him in any way like has happened in other shows). So yeah generally not a fan of the ship or character lol. 
crack ships: Rebecca x Audra Levine I think I’m one of two people in the world who ships it. Maybe three counting whoever made That decision in the JAP Battle reprise. But it’s a fun good trash ship <3. I also do think Valencia x Audra would be incredibly fun and hot, and they could talk about simultaneously hating/being envious of/pining for Rebecca 
ot3s: Rebecca/Valencia/Heather, as any sane person with taste would say. 
thanks!! I almost never get to talk about CeG anymore which is sad :( (send me a fandom and I’ll answer ship questions)
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
What do you think of a Marigami (platonic or romantic, whichever you want) episode where Kagami helps Marinette move past her crush on Adrien?
I wouldn’t actively seek out romantic Marigami, but it’s decent. Friendly Marigami is great.
rosesmultifandom asked:
So in the ask's Friendship-Square-Lukanette-Gaydrien AU, what if we add Adrinino to the mix?
Adrino is my main Adrien ship. I’m here for it.
certified-queer-disaster asked:
Ik this isn't like super related to salt, well kind of but still, what do you think of maribat? Because I've seen a lot of people hate on it, but I haven't really gotten a response as to why, so if you like it, yay I do too, if you don't, that is of course completely valid, I just wanna know the other side of the argument, oh and of course you could be totally neutral and stuff and don't have to answer. Sorry if it doesn't make sense, not my first language.
I’m not crazy about crossover ships and I also don’t know that much about Damien. From what I’ve been told, though, I don’t like it at all.
Anonymous asked:
So Luka’s English VA hinted at Zoe x Luka (idk the ship name) becoming a thing during a live on TikTok and my Lukanette heart is broken. :( I knew that it wasn’t endgame but it still hurts to see it be completely dismantled. I feel like the writers are doing this to force the love square onto Marinette by basically taking away her only chance at happiness. Also I know I sound really dramatic but that’s what it feels like XD I don’t mind Zoe, it just sucks that her character is going to be used to spite Marinette inadvertently. The writers are probably going to use this new relationship (my heart feels like it’s being torn out as I’m writing this lol) to force Marinette to focus her love efforts on Adrien and blaming her for being sad about Luka moving on, or they’ll make it like a Nino/Nathaniel situation where they show us that she’s happy that Luka’s moving on and pretend that she never really liked him in the first place. I honestly just kinda wanted to vent and maybe get your opinion because my heart hurts so much (sorry if that’s weird XD)
Ugh, Russell. I’m so conflicted on that guy, but while I don’t know exactly what this ask is referring to, I’d believe it.
Luka/Zoe is unsurprising and extremely predictable. I think we have like three different “Didn’t Need Burrow”s based on just that ship. They could screw Marinette over so easily and either discredit Lukanette entirely by pretending like she never crushed on Luka at all (because she’s not allowed to be in love with anyone else) or she’ll be upset just so people can call her “““flaky”““ and “““indecisive”““ and ““emotional”“” for being unable to choose one guy (or just daring to feel anything over Luka getting with someone else).
I’m with you, anon; I don’t mind Zoe but I’m dreading what they’ll do with her narratively to put her against Marinette even if indirectly.
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH5
Aaaand it’s finally time. Surprise! Work has been kicking my butt the past couple weeks, so I’ve been really tired and writing has been slow. But we are still plenty ahead of schedule on this project, so don’t worry your pretty little heads! You’ll still get a chapter every Friday! We’re getting closer to the big shifts. Only a couple more chapters until the real fun begins >:)
Previous   First   Next   AO3
Chapter 5: when the party’s over
“Good morning, sweetie.”
“Morning, Mom.” Marinette made her way down the stairs, carrying her boots in one hand. She yawned and stooped to kiss her mother’s cheek.
“How was the concert? Did you all have a good time?” her mom asked.
“I had an amazing time! We got to stand backstage for the whole performance, and you’re not gonna believe it! I fixed Jagged's jacket, and to thank me, he invited me to sing a song with him!” Marinette relayed as she grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.
“Oh, how exciting!” her mom said. “I always knew you would do something amazing.”
“If Eliott hadn't suggested that I ask for tickets, Jagged would have canceled the show. It was really lucky that I was there,” Marinette said, ripping the peel.
“So, I take it everything is going well at your new school?” Her mom took a seat across from her.
“Yeah. I'm making new friends, and I helped someone with their bully,” Marinette answered around a bite.
“Are you happy?”
Marinette slowed her chewing as she mulled over an answer, and sensing her hesitance, her mom placed a hand over hers.
“I know there are things you don't tell me, but I can tell when you're upset,” she said. “You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. All I care about is that you're happy.”
“It's just that…” She took a deep breath before spilling everything. Following Lila and Adrien, the situation with seats, Lila's threats in the bathroom, Alya's akumatization.
Once she started, she couldn't stop. Words tumbled from her mouth in a rapid current until hot tears spilled down her cheeks. Her mother moved to hold her, rubbing her back and kissing her hair.
“When you said you wanted to transfer to this new school to focus on your talents, I had no idea you were leaving behind so much,” her mom said. “You've been carrying all of that weight for so long.”
“I didn't know what else to do,” Marinette whimpered. She sniffled against her mother's shoulder.
“Look at me.” Her mom lifted her chin. “You do so much for other people, and that’s wonderful. But I think it's time that you focus on what makes you happy.”
That was the understatement of the century, but Marinette wasn't going to say as much.
“Your father and I raised you to always help others when you can, but we never wanted it to be at the expense of your own happiness. Sometimes it's okay to do what's best for yourself, and I think that changing schools was a smart decision.” She brushed a tear from Marinette's cheek with her thumb. “I know you're hurting now, and if you ever need anything, Papa and I are always here for you.”
“Thanks, Mama,” Marinette said.
She hugged her mother tightly, her worries washing down her face in thin streaks. For once, she wasn't a superhero with the weight of the world on her shoulders—she was a young girl, abandoned and hurt by the people she once trusted. There wasn’t a clever solution to fix everything. No lucky charm to get her out of a messy situation. It was the hardest lesson she'd ever learned. That sometimes there was no magic to reset everything. Some wounds didn't heal, and some bonds stayed broken.
For the first time since she became Ladybug, Marinette didn't have to carry anyone's burdens but her own. For once, she could just cry.
♪♫♪ When I’m Gone ♪♫♪
“Well, class, by an overwhelming majority, I’m happy to announce Lila as our new class representative!” Mlle. Bustier said.
“Mlle. Bustier, I would like a recount!” Chloe demanded.
“You only had two votes, Chloe. I don’t think a recount is necessary.” She gave her a sympathetic smile.
“What? That’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Chloe folded her arms over her chest.
“Can you blame us?” Alya asked.
“Yeah, Lila is way cooler than you.” Alix shot back, a sentiment echoed by several others.
Chloe slouched in her seat, seething. “Well, at least Sabrina recognizes my natural leadership,” she said, but her bff averted her gaze. “Don’t tell me you voted for her too?”
“Sorry, Chloe.” Sabrina shrank when Chloe gasped in disbelief.
“Are my ears deceiving me? How dare you!” Chloe slammed her fist on the desk as the whole class erupted into laughter.
“Wow, even Sabrina is tired of you,” Nathaniel said.
Chloe’s jaw clenched, cheeks burning angry and hot. Even the shrimpy comic book nerd was laughing at her. What had the world come to?
“I don’t want to cause any trouble, but I did win fair and square, Chloe. I hope you aren’t too mad at me.” Lila curled her shoulders. “The last thing I want to do is make another enemy like I did with Marinette. I just want to do my best to make your lives as easy as possible here.”
“See? Now that’s natural leadership.” Alya smirked.
“You’re all so lame. I wouldn’t want your votes anyway.” Chloe glared at Lila as class resumed and clicked her stylus pen. Lila wasn’t some nobody like Marinette. She was going to be harder to push around. Regardless, if there was something Chloe wanted, she always got it.
♪♫♪ I Don’t Care ♪♫♪
“Congrats on winning class representative,” Alya said at the next class change. “I can go over all of your duties with you this afternoon if you want. Marinette and I used to discuss things over ice cream.”
Lila suppressed an eye roll. The sooner Alya stopped talking about that brat, the better. Things were working out in Lila’s favor already now that she was gone. Pretty soon she’d own this school, and no one would even remember Marinette’s name.
“Actually, I’m recovering from tonsilitis, so my doctor said I’m not allowed to eat any dairy.” Lila touched her throat delicately. “Besides, you and I should pick our own rituals and forget about Marinette.”
“True, I guess.” Alya pursed her lips, and Lila placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I know it’s hard to move on, but honestly, Marinette is nobody,” Lila said. “Though not many people can say they saved an entire village from a stampede, so I guess I shouldn’t be one to judge.”
“Not all of us can be so amazing.” Alya chuckled good-naturedly. “I guess part of me just wishes that Marinette could have gotten to know you and seen how cool you are.”
“Her loss.” Lila shrugged as they entered the locker room.
“Did you see-”
“Is that for real?”
“No way!”
“What’s going on?” Alya asked Adrien and Nino.
“Marinette sang with Jagged Stone last night at his concert here in Paris.” Nino explained, tilting his phone toward them.
“What?” Lila snatched it from him.
“Miraculous, yeah I got this! I gotta confess I feel so strong!”
“She asked him for tickets yesterday on Instagram, and he gave her backstage passes,” Mylène said.
“She looks so happy and confident,” Rose cooed.
“Wouldn’t you be if you got to sing with Jagged Stone on stage?” Alix said.
“I miss her.” Rose slumped, and several classmates followed suit.
“Yeah, me too,” Max echoed.
“Hey, Lila, since you’re such good friends with Jagged Stone, do you think you could get us tickets to his next show?” Kim asked.
Every eye turned to her expectantly, and her annoyance flared. Of course Marinette wouldn’t go quietly. That stupid brat was causing her problems even after she was gone. Lila wasn’t worried though. This situation just needed a little precision…
“Well, I would love to, but celebrities like Jagged really don’t like to give stuff away for free. It’s kind of taboo to even ask. I’m sure Jagged only complied this time because he wanted to save face. He cares about his fans so much, but it’s actually very rude to ask someone for special treatment,” Lila said. “I feel really bad for Jagged being put on the spot like that. She could have ruined his reputation.”
“Wow, I guess I didn’t realize…” Kim rubbed the back of his neck. “I’d hate to put you in that position.”
“I can’t believe Marinette would do such a thing.” Nathaniel glared down at his phone.
“Yeah, way uncool.”
“Everyone, please don’t make a fuss and blame Marinette. She isn’t used to dealing with celebrities. I’m sure she meant no harm.” Lila assured them. “If only she were still here. I have so much I could teach her.”
“We’re so lucky to have you, Lila,” Nino said. He draped an arm across her shoulders.
“Yeah, thanks, Lila!”
“You’re the best.”
Lila smiled as the bell rang, and everyone shuffled off to class. Marinette wasn’t going to get ahead so easily. Everyone was still exactly where Lila wanted them, and she’d make sure it stayed that way.
♪♫♪ Primadonna ♪♫♪
Later that afternoon, the girls gathered in the bathroom to comfort Mireille who was crying over some stupid argument she’d had with her boyfriend, not that Chloe cared. All she wanted was to find dirt on Lila, so she slipped in unnoticed and hid in an empty stall to listen.  
Nothing was right in her school anymore. Lila was stealing away everything she’d worked for, and while everyone was too busy paying attention to her, Chloe barely had anyone to boss around. Something needed to change. Fast. She would have to be smarter if she wanted to dethrone this queen, but she’d have order restored in her kingdom soon enough.
Chloe peeked through the crack in the door as Alya and Lila entered. She was going to find Lila’s weakness, then she was going to take her down.
“What’s going on?” Lila asked.
“Mireille and her boyfriend got into a fight, and she’s pretty upset,” Mylène said in a hushed tone.
“Marinette used to give advice to everyone and help them stay positive.” Rose glanced up at Lila. “Since you’re the new class representative, you can help, right?”
“Well, Mireille isn’t really in our class,” Lila said, but when Mireille let out a loud sob, she scrunched her nose and knelt beside her. “Hey, there’s no sense crying over some boy. I’ve had my heart broken before too, so I know how it feels. Boys are dumb. He’s not worth your tears,” she said. “If he really loved you, he wouldn’t have argued with you, and if he doesn’t love you, then you shouldn’t waste your time crying over him. I think you should move on because there’s no better revenge than finding someone cuter.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…” Mireille sniffled and ran a hand across her cheek.
“We can get some ice cream later if you want.” Alya offered.
“Thanks, girls.” Mireille smiled. She turned to the mirror to fix her face as the bell rang.
“See you later.” They all waved goodbye, shuffling to their next class and leaving Mireille alone.
Drat. Chloe would have to figure out another way to get to Lila. Everyone had a weakness, and Chloe would find hers if it was the last thing she did. But first she needed to get out of the bathroom stall.
She peeked through the crack in the door, but Mireille was still pouting over her lock screen—a picture of her boyfriend hugging her lovingly. Too preoccupied with her sadness, she didn’t see the little black butterfly land on her charm bracelet.
Chloe gasped as Mireille transformed before her eyes, closing the stall door before she could be noticed. She hated to admit it, but she actually missed Maribrat Dupain-Cheng. At least with her around giving pep talks to every miserable face she came across, akumas had reached an all-time low at their school. Where was Ladybug when she needed her?
♪♫♪ Listen ♪♫♪
“So, you really saved his whole show?” One of Marinette’s new classmates asked as everyone crowded around her.
“I’m sure they would have found another solution but-”
“Oh, don’t be modest!” Eliott cut her off with an eye roll. “She totally saved the whole show.”
“Yeah, Jagged Stone adores her.” Macy added with a giggle.
“I still think it should have been you up there, Macy. You’re a much better singer than I am.” Marinette rubbed the back of her neck.
“You have such a cute voice! We should sing a duet together for our next art project,” Macy said, and several classmates agreed, much to Marinette’s chagrin.
“Alright, class, everyone take your seats,” Mme. Allard instructed as she strolled into the room. To Marinette’s relief, the group surrounding her dispersed. “Today we will be discussing themes in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. Now, who can tell me-”
When Marinette’s phone buzzed in her bag, she checked it under her desk. “An akuma alert!”
“What’s that?” Eliott leaned over.
“Is something the matter, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng? M. Chasse?” Mme. Allard paused her lesson and quirked a brow.
“Uh, there’s an akuma loose in the city, ma’am. Shouldn’t we evacuate?” Marinette held up her phone.
Mme. Allard removed her glasses to read the report. “It says here that lockdown orders are only for the area surrounding Notre Dame. We will continue our lesson until it becomes a threat on this side of town,” she said. “Now, put your phone away. They are prohibited during instruction.”
“Yes, Mme. Allard.” Marinette tucked her phone back into her bag and exchanged a nervous look with Tikki. “Actually, Mme. Allard?”
“What is it, Marinette?”
“Can I be excused to the bathroom?”
“You just went before we got here.” Macy gave her a quizzical look.
“Do you have a documented medical condition that requires you to frequent the restroom, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng?” Mme. Allard asked.
A few classmates giggled, and Marinette’s cheeks burned.
“No, ma’am,” she mumbled.
“Then I think you can hold it until the next class change. Now don’t interrupt my lecture again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She lowered her head, shooting Tikki an apologetic wince.
Her foot tapped the entire lecture, fingers drumming, pen tapping, eyes watching the clock. Part of her hoped the akuma would make its way to their side of town, but she wasn’t so lucky. When the bell rang, Marinette jumped from her chair and stuffed her tablet into her bag.
“Uh, I’m not feeling too well, so I’m gonna go see the nurse,” she said.
“Do you want us to walk with you?” Eliott offered, but she shook her head.
“I, uh, think I might be getting the flu, and I don’t want to infect you guys, so I’ll see you later.” She raced up the hallway.
The third-floor bathroom was empty when Marinette burst through the doors and ducked into a stall—her first stroke of luck all day.
“Your new school is so strict,” Tikki said.
“We can talk about it later. Transform me!”
Dashing across the rooftops, she hurled her yoyo as far as she could. She just hoped Chat Noir managed to show up and keep things at bay. When she made it to the school, she swooped down just in time to deflect an attack before it hit Chat Noir.
“Oh, nice of you to finally drop in,” he said dryly.
“Sorry, kitty, I got held up,” she said. “You okay?”
He relaxed and offered her a wink. “Better now that you’re here. You had me worried.”
“I’ll try not to make a habit of it.” She vowed, readying her yoyo. “In the meantime, I think we could use a little luck to get us out of this mess.”
“Be my guest.” Chat Noir bowed.
Her magnifying glass made quick work of Heartbreaker, and Mireille blinked in confusion as Ladybug purified the akuma.
“What happened?” Mireille asked, dazed.
“You were akumatized.” Chat Noir explained.
“Oh no!” She covered her face. “I got so angry…Now Jean will never take me back!”
Ladybug placed a hand on Mireille’s shoulder with a reassuring smile. “Hey, arguments in relationships happen. I’m sure you both said things you regret, so why don’t you try talking to him now that you’ve both calmed down?” She advised. “I’m sure you can come to an understanding.”
“I will. Thank you, Ladybug.” Mireille smiled. She waved as Ladybug and Chat Noir vaulted off.
“Thanks for your help, m’lady.” Chat Noir kissed her hand.
“Sorry it took me so long, kitty. I’m glad you were able to manage,” she said. “I’ll see you next time.”
“Don’t be late,” he called as she swung off.
Landing back in the bathroom, she leaned against the wall with a sigh. That was too close. She’d have to figure out a better way to escape to fight akumas, but at least she made it in time for this one.
She slipped into her desk in physics quietly and leaned over to Eliott. “What’d I miss?”
“I thought you had the flu?” Eliott recoiled.
“False alarm, just allergies,” she said.
“Oh, we should go to the spa later! The sauna is really good for your sinuses,” Macy whispered.
“Uh, sure.” Marinette nodded, shifting in her seat as they tuned back into the lesson. She relaxed when no one seemed suspicious of her.
Being a superhero just got a lot more complicated.
♪♫♪ Delicate ♪♫♪
“How is your new school?” Adrien asked that afternoon over tea and cookies.
“I’m…adjusting.” Marinette pursed her lips. “How is the old school?”
“Well,” Adrien drawled. “Lila is the new class representative, and she may have convinced people that you almost ruined Jagged’s image.”
“What a brat.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “She’s really class rep?”
“Don’t look at me, I voted for Chloe.” Adrien held up defensive hands.
“Somehow I don’t feel like that’s better.” Marinette leaned against her fist with a smirk.
She fixed her gaze on her cup with a sigh.
“Rose said she misses you.” Adrien offered. “Before Lila convinced her you were clueless about dealing with celebrities.”
“I miss her too,” Marinette said. She traced the rim of her cup with a finger. “I miss everyone, but…”
“I know.” Adrien winced. “For what it’s worth, I thought your performance with Jagged was awesome.”
“It was pretty awesome,” she admitted with a giggle. “And I got you an autograph!”
Adrien pressed his palms together appreciatively as she retrieved a signed poster of Jagged’s face from her desk.
“You rock, Marinette!” he said in his best Jagged impression, then more sincerely added, “I’m glad that you’re doing what’s best for you. If there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.”
“Thank you, Adrien.” Her cheeks warmed as he held her gaze, her mind clouding into a lovestruck haze. She almost got lost in his gorgeous green eyes, but footsteps pounded up the staircase, breaking her trance.
Marinette jumped as her trapdoor swung open, and a familiar pair of icy blue eyes poked through. It was Chloe Bourgeois, and she was pissed.
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