#(one being a corruption AU within a corruption AU technically)
honorary-fool · 1 year
idk what kinda dr##s (u, g) Lydia the Bard put in her villain cover of For the First Time in Forever but WHOA
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hey, I heard you liked assassin AUs? this ask turned out long as eff, whoops.
tw: mentions of death, murder, gore, dismemberment, mutilation, poison, and probably more. General assassin stuff. (not described, just mentioned)(murder, death, and poison are mentioned throughout, but the rest is just in the first paragraph)
Everyone has heard of the Duke, he’s a terror. He kills for anyone who pays him, and he does it gruesomely. If you want hearts ripped out of chests, people ground into sausage meat, one body part sent to each of the corpse’s loved ones, you go to the Duke. I heard he lives in the forest near… I know someone who knows someone… he’s easy to find, just go north. The Duke is the kind of story older kids tell to their younger siblings. He’ll find you, he’ll rip you in half… Other, less well-known assassins have said that he won’t last long. They’ve seen killers with his style before, they get careless. They get caught. It hasn’t happened yet though, so who knows? One of those assassins is found impaled the next day, DUKE carved into his chest as a warning to the others. 
Very few have heard of Anxiety. 
Good, Virgil thinks, as he slips ricin powder into a teabag. (He works as a castor oil salesman, he has to use the byproduct for something.) He mails the teabag to the address written on the discreet envelope he had received, and another corrupt politician is dead within the month. Technically, Virgil’s never killed anyone. It’s none of his business what his clients do with his products, after all. 
One day, Virgil is collecting the mail from the false address he uses as Anxiety, and he notices a letter. The stationery is too fancy, the handwriting would be easily identified—either this client is very stupid or they don’t care about being found out, which amounts to the same thing regardless. He carefully opens the letter.
It contains a hundred worth of marks, and instructions.
The instructions say to travel to the royal court. To get a job as a servant in the palace kitchens. To administer his product to the king and four others, whose names Virgil only vaguely recognizes. They must be important, though, for this much money.
He doesn’t usually travel, and this job seems dangerous... Clearly, more factors are at play here than a hired killer is permitted to know. But the letter promises four hundred more when the murder is done, and, well, that’s a lot of money. Virgil would be set for life. And who knows the consequences if he declines? 
He starts a mental packing list, and is on the road to the court within the week. 
idk yet what happens next—my current idea is that Remus is also hired to kill the same people, and only the person who completes the job gets paid for it. That’s not great though… I kinda feel like one of them (probably Virgil) would just give up on the job if there was competition. It’d be pretty easy to contrive a reason for them to Not Do That—maybe if they don’t complete the job, they get killed? Virgil’s mysterious employer is already planning to kill him when the job is done, though—can’t have anyone knowing that you were (indirectly) the one to kill the previous king. Virgil isn’t fully aware of his employer’s plans, but he suspects. Virgil suspects everything. Paranoia keeps him alive. 
WAIT ACTUALLY IDEA (you are watching me brainstorm this au in real time)(ooh, how would a brainstorm work in the Mindscape? anyways)
I stopped typing for a sec and my brain wandered over to thinking about where the other sides could come into this au. (bear with me. also, this idea isn’t necessarily better than the last one. you have been warned.) 
So. Virgil’s employer (who I will call M. Evil or probably Mevil from now on) is probably killing the four people who are ahead of them for the throne, right? 
And Roman is a prince, right? 
So: Remus is Roman’s brother… c!Thomas is their dad… Logan and Janus are also ahead of Mevil for the throne (maybe one or both of them is engaged to Roman)… See where I’m going with this? (Maybe? Yes? No?)
(and Patton is the royal baker, Virgil’s boss while he works at the palace. Nobody is trying to kill him, but he might be accidentally endangered anyways)
okay, so Remus is the black sheep of the family, as he is wont to be in basically every AU I write. Being the Duke is sort of his side hobby? (Legally, he is a duke. Being a serial killer is the side hobby) He travels a lot, which is fairly normal for nobility. And wherever he goes, bloodshed follows.
There are theories among the kingdom that the Duke is following Remus, disturbingly obsessed with him. No one suspects that Remus might be the Duke, because Remus is a public figure and is ostensibly under too much scrutiny to get away with literal murder. Interestingly enough, it’s usually the crown’s political opponents who are murdered? Who knows why that could be. 
Somehow (brainstorm first, details later) Remus hears of a plot to murder himself, his twin, his father, and a few of his favourite court members. He travels back to the court to protect them, because who can defend from an assassin better than an assassin? He immediately clocks Virgil as the would-be-killer, they mutually attempt to kill each other a few times, then they fall in gay love and kill Mevil. The end. 
hmm. not the best, but probably better than my first idea. 
I fucking L O V E both ideas S O fucking much oml P L E A S E!!! I absolutely adore the cleverness of their assassin names and Ree being the most creatively gruesome towards his targets is so badass and fitting!!! Character!Thomas being the Creativitwins' dads is such an underrated concept that I L O V E and I am L O O K I N G at that Roloceit implication 👀👀👀👀👀👀 I seriously find the concept that no one suspects Ree to be a known assassin because of his title and that he'd "easily be caught" is D E L I C I O U S like he's just doing his royal duties nothing to see here he's definitely not causing murders or anything XD Also I L O V E that the beloveds are out for each other at first because Ree needs to protect himself and his people but they end up in love and killing Vee's employer instead that's just beautiful <3
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system-architect · 1 year
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BELATED asura appreciation week day 1 - talk about one of your asura ocs! i had a busy week but there's never a bad time to talk about my guys lmfao
gunner is my main character and is also my commander! he has a non-commander au as well but i mostly think about the commander version. don't let his appearance fool you-- he's about 185 years old right now, the mists just kind of pickled him
he's a rata novan who ended up getting hurled into the mists due to uncontained ley energy overloading the portal he was traveling through while trying to escape the chak. after escaping the mists, he got his masters in synergetics, had a brief stint in the inquest researching the mists/eternal alchemy, accidentally blew up a lab after making his collider go supercritical, hid out briefly in the maguuma wastes, and then fled into the fractals to lay low while being a fractal explorer. in commander au, he's eventually caught by the peacemakers and then sort of leashed to zojja (in the same way canach was to anise) and sucked into the personal story timeline from there on
the freak accident w/ the portal left him with permanent physical-magical-spiritual scarring, and on top of turning him into a revenant, it 'blew open' the ley channels within his own body. he's unable to properly regulate his own magical flow and soaks up uncontained magic like a sponge, with his condition worsening over time as more gods and dragons are killed
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the extra magic has some perks and is why he's been able to so "easily" hold himself in combat as the commander, buuuut if he isn't careful, he hits critical mass and his body attempts to purge all of the excess magic at once. the magic trying to vacate forcefully is extremely painful and incapacitates him for awhile, and is super dangerous to anyone around him. he usually gets warning signs prior to this happening in the form of vertigo, headaches, and 'auras' (physically seeing ley anomalies and magical flows). the different pieces of tech built into his armor are regulators (built by one of his "coworkers") that are supposed to help slowly diffuse the magic out over time to prevent this. this 'ability' has won him a few fights, but the cost is high.
he's trans + gay
he has adhd and tourette's syndrome. both of those get worse the more magic he has in his body (or the more stressed he is lol)
he has ley magic and spectral agony scarring all over the right side of his body
mallyx and shiro are his canon legends, kalla sometimes comes and goes at will
he obtains astralaria during heart of thorns, and he ALSO has a canon nevermore that he gets during icebrood saga
his name is technically gunn but he just plain prefers going by gunner and that's effectually become his name
he had Normal Organs at the start of PS but over time his magical corruption has turned his innards/mouth/teeth a glowy kaiju blue
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edoro · 1 year
so hey. consider this. “everyone is regular humans in the modern world” au, right.
approximately 13 years ago, a Terrible And Unsolved ‘Accident’ befell Caleb and Evelyn Clawthorne, and their three year old child disappeared without a trace from the scene. the missing persons case is still open, but at this point, pretty much everyone assumes the kid is dead. the most likely suspect is Caleb’s brother Philip, who also disappeared after that night and hasn’t been seen since, and who Evelyn’s family report seemed to have some issues with the happy couple.
fast-forward 13 years, and Hunter is living with his beloved Uncle Philip on a two person commune in the woods of Connecticut. they live in an off-grid cabin where they make their own clothes, grow their own food, keep some livestock, hunt, and endeavor to be as self-sufficient as possible. once or twice a month, he drives into town to pick up supplies they can’t make themselves, like fuel for the generators and whatnot
Uncle Philip has some very particular beliefs about the degeneracy of these corrupt modern times, and releases sermons over YouTube (Hunter maintains the channel) to a small group of followers who send him money in order to buy themselves a place on his commune - you see, when the end times come and the sinners all descend into bloodshed and barbarism, he will make a safe haven for the believers to come together and live in peace and unity
their property adjoins a public park, and when he isn’t busy with chores - so many chores - Hunter likes to go walking along the fenceline, back in the woods where no one can really see him, and watch the Normal People Going About Their Sinful Lives
he starts to recognize some regulars. there’s a girl who often comes out to the woods to exercise or just be by herself. one day, though, she’s not alone - there’s a group of other girls there, and they’re obviously picking on her.
Hunter watches them verbally tear her to shreds and push her around, then finally leave. when they’re gone, she gets up and takes her anger out on a couple of branches nearby - breaking them, swinging them around, etc.
he creeps closer to the fence, clears his throat, and says, “hey, you seem pretty strong. wanna learn how to fight?” (his uncle has taught him hand-to-hand combat so he can be ready to Defend Their Property from The Unworthy when the End Times come)
and this is how he meets Willow, once he convinces her that he isn’t some kind of weird voyeur but that this is like, his yard technically, and he saw what happened and he wants to help
neither of her friends believe her about the boy in the woods who is teaching her how to fight - Gus’s going theory is a head injury, Luz 100% believes that he’s a ghost, neither of them thinks he’s a real boy until Willow drags them out to meet him, at which point they all collectively agree that he may be real but he’s also definitely some kind of weird prepper or like, Amish or something
Hunter, being a deeply isolated and fucked up little guy, is pathetically glad to have made friends and takes every possible opportunity to swing by and meet them and talk, or show them stuff, or join in their games when they invite him. he also, of course, tries to sell them on his uncle’s cult, because he’s been raised in it for most of his life and he is a True Believer
once he gives them his uncle’s YouTube channel, they go from making jokes about him being in a cult among themselves to realizing, oh, he is Legitimately For Real In A Fucking Cult, Yikes, but they’re kids and he seems fine, if a little weird, so what are they going to do?
(they all collectively agree that they are not going to show any of their parents Uncle Philip’s Video Sermons, because none of them are going to be allowed within 100 feet of this kid if they do)
one day, they’re all hanging out when a huge storm breaks suddenly. it’s a nasty one - wind, lightning, pouring rain, and then the tornado sirens start going off. tornadoes aren’t common in Connecticut, but Hunter lives his life by the adage that it’s better to be safe than sorry, so he grabs his new friends and drags them home to the shelter they have, pushes them all downstairs while he goes to help his elderly and frail uncle
so now they’re all just kind of sitting in there. here’s Philip, very surprised that his wayward nephew appeared with three random teenagers. here are Luz, Gus, and Willow, all kind of wondering if they’re ever going to LEAVE this bunker because, wow, there is a Vibe in here for sure.
and here’s Hunter, excitedly pointing out all the features of the bunker, like the beds and the shelves and the kitchenette and bathroom and separate generator from the house and supplies, because he is just so happy to have friends over and very proud of this little doomsday prepper homestead he and his uncle have made together
so from here on out, Hunter’s friendships aren’t quite so under-the-table, because Philip knows about them, but it also means that Philip is checking in on Hunter’s progress with converting his friends and a lot more vigilant about where he is and who he’s with and what sorts of ideas he’s being exposed to
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
Forceful Intervention AU - Masterpost
After some new developments within the canon itself, plus some thoughts on certain characters and their story arcs having changed, I've decided that the Forceful Intervention Verse needed some refurbishing.
There's a lot that's changed and some things that will stay the same. That said, a lot of the Our Bonds are Forged in the Stars series fics are now technically defunct as they don't 100% fit the story anymore, but @lost-on-kamino's A Different View fic is still valid and their writing is great, so I'd give it a read!
All AU Info under the cut!
Summary: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every choice a consequence. In one universe, a series of actions and choices slowly doomed an entire kin to extinction, leaving only three brothers to deal with the guilt and grief until their very last breath. But in another universe, a slightly different outcome leads to the surviving clones getting a chance that would have otherwise been stolen from them.
(Note: The overall timeline is nodded at via the eras in which each storyline takes place. The storylines themselves are not presented in order and can actually happen simultaneously due to some plot points overarching.)
--Story Arcs--
-Clone Wars Era-
A Marshal Commander's Cautionary Tale - Prior to Fox being appointed as the head of the Coruscant Guard, his temporary predecessor begins to notice shady happenings involving Palpatine and the Republic's overall corrupt government. Throughout the course of several weeks while Fox transitions from a position of battlefield command to stationary bureaucracy, Sturm uncovers the Sith Master's plot against the Jedi and ends up not only being silenced for it, but also becomes a cautionary tale that serves to keep in line the newly promoted Marshal Commander of the Guard.
Sturm's Legacy - After his betrayal of the GAR and apprehending on Christophsis, Slick ends up being surrendered into the custody of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence under the pretense of being interrogated for information. In reality, Palpatine merely tossed Slick at the feet of his more bloodthirsty underlings, so that they could do with him whatever they pleased and be somewhat appeased by the Chancellor's "most graceful generosity". Tortured for several days and then thrown out with the trash, Slick is found and rescued by a few Guard patrolmen, and his horrific treatment sparks the seeds of rebellion in Fox and his men.
Ponds Survives - By sheer dumb luck and a few inches, Aurra Sing's shot does not kill Ponds as intended. Left permanently blind and with a traumatic brain injury, Mace Windu's loyal commander is permanently relegated to the Jedi Temple in an effort to keep him out of Kamino's radar while he adapts to his new circumstances. This later affects the outcome of Operation Nightfall, as Ponds manages to help coordinate the evacuation of several Jedi, younglings and important documents out of Imperial space (ultimately preserving a part of the teachings, but not being able to save the Jedi Order itself from being eradicated).
The CG Recovery Program for Wayward Brothers - Through Fox's meticulous planning, clones of various battalions that have been slatted for decommission are pulled into the Coruscant Guard for safeguarding. They are either given new numbers/designations (in the hopes to keep them away from further scrutiny), or are spirited away to secret housing within the deeper levels of Coruscant that have been essentially lost to time.
D22 the "Rookie" - During a heavily publicized mockery of a trial, after realizing that the Chancellor planned to use a heavily traumatized Dogma as a scapegoat for the entire incident on Umbara, Fox orchestrates an elaborate rescue mission that involves a bit of smoke, a few mirrors and an obscene amount of fake blood. Tricking the entire Republic and GAR into believing the rookie sergeant was killed in a prison riot ends up being much more easy than anticipated, especially when the best position for him ends up being one of constant surveillance (After all, who in their right mind that wants to stay under the radar, would even dare to become the Coruscant Guard's archivist?).
Cats in Strange Places - There's something odd about the steadily increasing number of stray tookas and loth cats, that keep cropping up in places where the Jedi and clones have been. One cat in particular seems to be in multiple places at once, something which doesn't appear to surprise the Coruscant Guard whom seem familiar with this particular feline.
Seeds of Doubt - Prior to escaping prison, Boba's negative perspective of the clones begin to shift as he learns more about them through observation and brief interactions with the Coruscant Guard. Caught between a desire to preserve the memory of his father and his longing to have a family, the renegade clone's drive for revenge slowly becomes the foundation for his future as the Daimyo of Tatooine.
Resource Management - Palpatine gathers test subjects (MIA & supposedly KIA clones) to use in his personal experiments. These various projects serve to look into achieving immortality, to test ancient forms of Sith alchemy, and/or to test the usefulness of recovered artifacts. Many are given to Dr. Hemlock to use in his own projects (including high profile clones from certain battalions), while others are used in Palpatine's own personal experiments.
-Post Order 66-
Clone Resistance Story Arc
Echo and Rex cut ties with CF99 - After the loss of Tech, Echo and Hunter's relationship becomes extremely strained, which leads to longer and longer periods of absence between Echo and the squad. Even after Omega and Crosshair escape from Tantiss, both Echo and Rex slowly begin to permanently part ways with CF99 (seeing as Echo no longer feels welcomed or respected, and Rex cannot afford to stop all rescuing efforts when things are beginning to heat up on their end). Agreeing that it is in everyone's best interest to formally cut ties (rather than force one another to do something they don't want to do), the two groups simply move on with their lives. While 3/4 of CF99 are not pleased with this choice (with Omega being especially upset about it), Hunter is content to focus on giving Omega a better life after everything she's gone through.
The Smuggler & the Dove - Rex establishes a clone smuggling network with the help of two ex-GAR members, so as to more efficiently track down and transport scattered clone stragglers that not even the Empire managed to gather on Tantiss, or that had escaped from the Imperial research base during CF99's rescue of Omega. Both Mae and Dove seem to have personal reasons to want in on this operation, while also having secrets of their own that they keep hidden well away from the clone captain.
The AI Conscience Program - While on a recon mission, Echo discovers some very unusual classified data within an Imperial research vessel. A few weeks of unexplained symptoms and bouts of sleepwalking after accidentally downloading more than just the research files later, Echo's two new "guests" (AI copies of Fives and Tup created for unknown purposes) make themselves known and embark on a quest to acquire bodies of their own.
Forgive and Forget - During a high-stakes mission with Rex, a run in with Fox proves disastrous, when a rather violent altercation breaks out between Echo and the ex-Marshal Commander of the Guard. An altercation that ends with the three of them captured by opportunistic slavers. Despite past transgressions and some bitterness, Fox does everything in his power to get Rex and Echo out of the mess they landed themselves in. And, through being forced to work together, some past misunderstandings and awful truths come to light.
The Failsafe - Echo and Dove are both captured after a mission goes terribly wrong. While Dove is taken away to forcefully take part in an Inquisitorium-funded experiment, Echo is pulled away to be tortured for information. Unwilling to give away any intel that may jeopardize the clone resistance, Echo resorts to a failsafe he had Tech install into his neural relay in case of his potential capture. This failsafe turns out to be a mind-wipe that leaves him with amnesia, but no less capable of escaping his captors via a hastily stolen supply ship.
Cody Wakes Up - Having been used as a prototype for the Dark Trooper project, Cody ends up as a withdrawn semi-mechanical shadow of his former self. However, upon being selected to serve as a warden for Dove while she is experimented on, Cody slowly has his humanity reawakened by her insistent kindness. Thirsty for both revenge and freedom, the cyborg commander unleashes all hell upon the research station and manages to rescue both himself, Dove, and the results of her experimentation.
Epifania Story Arc
The Great Coruscanti Escape - Several Coruscant Guard members who's chips didn't activate, begin the arduous task of escaping the heart of the Empire by all means necessary. Many fail along the way, but others refuse to give in. Even if their GAR brothers seem to have forsaken them completely.
The Archivist and the Communications Officer - Dogma emerges from the isolation of the CG Archives long after Order 66 was given out. Startled and very confused by the state of things, he manages to reunite with Rhythm and the both of them escape Coruscant together in search of somewhere safe to lay low.
The New Sheriff in Town - After landing on the rather quaint (and hard to find) planet of Epifania, Dogma and Rhythm accidentally find themselves in the middle of a dispute between the small town of Bakkskrash and a gang of thugs. A dispute that ends with the leader of said gang dead by Dogma's hands, the daughter of the town mayor safe from danger, and a shiny sheriff's badge in Dogma's possession. Neither Rhythm nor Dogma know how they ended up in this position but it might as well happen.
The Guard Remnant - After becoming the new law enforcers for the small town of Bakkskrash, Sheriff Dogma and Deputy Rhythm discover that they are not the only clones who've chosen Epifania as a safe place to hide. Reunited with the Guard Remnant (a small group of Guardsmen that managed to escape Coruscant by the skin of their teeth), the duo take it upon themselves to both maintain order in their new home, as well as help the others find their places within the community.
The Lost Children of Mandalore - Epifania's rich history as a safe haven is slowly revealed, when the Guard Remnant is introduced to the various ancient Mando clans that dwell on the planet. Known as the Lost Children of Mandalore, these clans (many lineages spanning back to the Old Republic era) are not only the last remnants of Mandalorian culture that has been lost to time and New Mandalorian creed, but also more than eager to accept the clones as their own due to their heritage and compatible code of honor.
Wilhelm and the Ghost Archivist - The ever present and peacefully dormant Wilhelm, protector of Epifania, awakens from his centuries long nap to welcome a new archivist into his expansive halls. Surrounded by the unending knowledge of many a millennia past, Tech's restless spirit finds both peace and purpose keeping track and documenting all ongoing galactic affairs.
Little Tulpa - A visit from the ever cantankerous Sponge leaves Dogma with a responsibility he never considered he'd ever be confronted with: That of parenthood. Perhaps raising an innocent little tubie will do the reluctant Sheriff of Bakkskrash some good? And perhaps the presence of a young child will ease the pain of the Guard Remnant who's own childhoods were stolen from them.
Of Unexpected Reunions & Mixed Feelings - After traveling with Mae for a while on their journey to create new better bodies for themselves (or at least better than the two BD Units they'd hijacked), the AI copies of Fives and Tup are unexpectedly reunited with Dogma. Mae proposes to the sheriff that he help her create Replica Droids for the two AIs to claim as their own bodies, through the simple donation of a DNA sample so that the two could more easily acclimate to their new corporeal forms. An idea that (due to years of unaddressed trauma and bitterness) Dogma promptly rejects, much to the horror of Fives and Tup who do not understand why their brother would deny them this chance so easily.
The Sulu Ra Chronicles - An old nightmare rears his ugly head back into Dogma's life, threatening to uproot everything he's built for himself, his young son and his brothers. Some tests are merely of the mind. Others are physical chores of herculean nature. Sulu Ra and his machinations and twisted experiments prove to be both, especially when it comes to how willing his intended target's allies are to keep him out of the Mad Cloner of Kamino's grasp.
Upgrading Echo - The amnesiac Echo's escape pod somehow manages to get past Epifania's vast meteor field, and crash-lands near one of the many Mandalorian settlements. Scared, confused and unsure who to trust, Echo becomes a bit of a local cryptid until he is finally captured and dragged to the only medic in the area: Sponge. Helping heal wounds and medical issues that have gone untreated for far too long is only half the battle. Upgrading some of his cybernetic prosthetics another quarter of the battle. The true challenge is helping the once proud ARC trooper regain his memories and sense of community...
Synthetic Genetics - After overcoming many trials and tribulations (many of them extremely emotionally tolling), both Echo and Dogma reach a point where they are willing to reconcile their relationships with Fives and Tup, and allow for Mae to use their DNA samples to be taken and used to create Replica Droids to house the two AI consciences.
Final Stand at the Farmstead - A notoriously violent group of slavers makes its way into Epifania and begins to terrorize the local towns in search of easy merchandising. Upon discovering the Sponge Clan's farmstead, a brutal battle ends in tremendous sacrifice for a clone medic and their four legged companion, as well as the unification of the many clans of the Lost Children of Mandalore who declare any enemy of the clones as their own enemy. Epifania becomes an official sanctuary planet for clones.
Fox's Warpath Story Arc
A Twist of Fate - Having witnessed the deaths of several of his Guard brothers and had his neck snapped by Vader, Fox feels like his time (and what little luck he ever had) has inevitably run out. Much to his horror however, an old ally stumbles across him and decides to lend an unwelcome helping hand. Forced to live despite having no real desire to carry on, Fox wanders aimlessly from planet to planet while trying to come to terms with all his past failures.
A Stumble in the Dark - After accidentally crash-landing on Epifania, a severely injured Fox stumbles across a water well and passes out from exhaustion after drinking his fill. He is woken up quite rudely when Dogma literally trips over him, while on his daily trip to collect water for the town of Bakkskrash. Fox is thusly reunited with what is left of his family.
Live, says the Ferryman - Despite his body being on the mend and having been reunited with his Guard brothers, Fox's despondent and withdrawn nature begins to worry several people. Recognizing where his depression might be leading him to, an entity that has grown quite fond of the clones (especially the Coruscant Guard) decides to give the lost commander some sense of direction. Sometimes the best revenge starts out with living well out of pure spite.
Fox the Bounty Hunter - Having overcome the stagnant cycle of self-pity and apathy he'd trapped himself in, Fox decides to do something about the Guardsmen still trapped within Palpatine's grasp. While gaining some prestige as a bounty hunter simply known as Rosso Vulpes, Fox enacts the second and third stages of his revenge by rescuing brothers that Rex's clone resistance has overlooked, as well as killing past abusers that had once crushed the Coruscant Guard under their heel.
The Clone Scrapheap - Several months after Tantiss's fall, Fox manages to locate one of Hemlock's private shuttles that seems to be traveling the galaxy seemingly on autopilot. Boarding the ship, Fox not only discovers what has happened to many brothers who were unaccounted for during the liberation of Tantiss, but also comes to a terrible realization over who is unwittingly commandeering the ship and its twisted experiments.
Operation: Delta Squad - After being promised valuable information that would speed up his imperial clone liberation mission, Fox agrees to work with a remorseful Scorch (who was rescued from the ruins of Tantiss but left physically disabled by his encounter with CF99) in locating the rest of his squad (who were being used as ransom by Hemlock to keep him in line prior to the destruction of the research facility). Tracking down the remainder of Delta Squad proves to be a bit of a challenge, but it's a mission that comes with a much welcomed surprise in the end.
Falling with Style - After four years of agonizing search, blood, sweat and tears (many of which were spent tracking down, rescuing and relegating forgotten or abandoned clones to new housing), Fox finally finds the two brothers he's wanted to free the most: Thire and Alpha-17, the only remaining vode still under Imperial control. Knowing fully well that this will be his very last mission, Fox gives it his all to save his ex-Guard kih'vod and the closest thing he ever had to a buir. While victory is sweet and the return to Epifania is celebrated, Fox has very little time remaining. His wounds are much too severe this time.
Rebirth of the Soul: The Candlelit Fox - Having fulfilled the purpose he gave himself, enjoyed what little he could live as a free soul, and watched his family both heal and thrive in their adopted home-world, Fox feels content enough with all he's achieved to let his ailing body draw final breath. A visit from the Ferryman of Epifania offers him a chance to leave a much more long lasting legacy. Fox passes on, and from his ashes rises Vela the Traveler, a fledgling Force Entity and patron saint of lost wandering souls.
-Rebels Era-
Force Wound Story Arc
The Thing in the Storm - After the Tribunal's grave-site was disturbed by Vader's dark presence, a powerful Force Wound forcefully tethered to the realm of the living the countless restless spirits of those who'd died in the crash. Confused, in pain and terrified, the amalgamated 332nd Company began to hunt down the one they believed was responsible for their abandonment and agony (Rex).
King Hunt - Long after Rex tried to run his Clone Resistance and eventually settled down on Seelos with Wolffe and Gregor, the amalgamated 332nd Company had spent years trying to lure the captain with elaborate distress messages. Those unfortunate enough to heed the call were consumed by the ravenous Force Anomaly, which only lost more of its humanity the more lifeforms it assimilated into itself. Well into the full swing of the conflict between the Rebellion and the Empire, Thing in the Storm manages to finally find a way off its moon-prison, bringing the hunt for the "traitorous king" to the wider galaxy.
Force Bleed - As the Thing in the Storm grows stronger and more bloodthirsty, its presence begins to be noticed by both still active clones and anyone who has been touched by the Force. Having recently been reunited with Omega after she'd joined the Rebellion, both Echo and Dove sense the impending danger that is actively seeking out Rex, and decided to embark on a journey to warn the captain of the violent storm that is brewing in the horizon.
The Storm Approaches - Dove, Echo and Cody manage to locate and reunite with Rex, who's been lured out into a snowy planet very similar to the moon where the Tribunal crashed. The similarities do not go unnoticed by the captain, who is uneasy throughout his trek trying to figure out what brought him to such a desolate planet with no real signs of life to be seen. Realizing this is an elaborate trap, Dove finds the group some shelter before a massive storm-front hits their location. Then a most perilous game of cat and mouse truly begins.
A Friend in the Dark - After dodging several ambushes and attacks from the incomprehensible abomination hiding within the storm, the group gets rescued by a familiar mercenary who may have been trying to unsuccessfully heal the horrific wound in the Force that the restless spirits of the 332nd Company have become. Zed warns the group that the Thing in the Storm is not at fault for its own actions (as they are a victim of terrible circumstances), but that if any further attempts to bring them to reason fail to work they will have no other choice but to destroy it to prevent any more damage to be done to the Force itself.
Jesse Wakes Up - Now knowing the true identities of the Thing in the Storm, a guilt-ridden Rex decides to give himself up to appease the monster his brothers have become. Dove, Cody and Echo do not agree to this plan however, and convince Rex to instead try to talk things out. Initially this does not prove fruitful, as the amalgamated 332nd are so consumed by their collective fear and anger that they immediately lash out. But, as the group tries time and time again to reach out and calm them, Jesse's consciousness begins to reawaken within the abomination.
A Monster at their Side - After regaining full control of his senses and then reigning in the rest of the terrified souls that form their amalgamated form, a repentant Jesse begs Rex for forgiveness over what transpired on the Tribunal. After being told of what truly went down on the day Order 66 rang out, Jesse decides to join the Rebellion as both an intelligence officer and potential assassin (as his new abilities as an eldritch abomination make him an ideal infiltration unit). He hopes that by doing some good, he will be able to make up for all the pain and chaos he and the rest of the 332nd caused as the Thing in the Storm.
-Sequels Era-
The Auction - Aoife a semi-omniscient gal completely out of her element, is tossed into a rather unexpected misadventure when she stumbles upon a black market auction that has a rather pricey and rare treasure among many stolen goods: A clone trooper frozen in carbonite. Unwilling to just let this slide, Aoife reluctantly bites off more than she can chew in her attempt to do the right thing.
A Colossal Conundrum - Having managed to successfully thaw out Hardcase (a clone that should very much not be alive) and explained to him that he has woken up 30 years in the future, Aoife has very few options when it comes to getting him medical attention as neither of them have a credit to spare between them. Undeterred by carbonite sickness or even the poorly treated burns he's saddled with from his stunt in Umbara, Hardcase attempts to break away and help himself. This in turn ends with them both stowing away in a supply ship that is headed straight for a Space Station known simply as the Colossus.
Friend or Foe? - While doing their best to get by while doing small jobs for Captain Doza on the Colossus, Hardcase and Aoife come across a few friendly faces who seem to be familiar with the nearly forgotten clone army. These new allies are certainly comforting to have around (especially for Hardcase who is still adjusting to being without his brothers), but they seem to be keeping tabs on something that is happening behind closed doors. Something that has to do with the new hotshot pilot/mechanic that Jerek Yeager has taken in...
Adrift in a Galaxy Far Far Away - With the Colossus on the move and Kaz's ties to the Resistance becoming all but confirmed, Hardcase is struggling with just sitting around doing nothing while Aoife's mind seems elsewhere. A certain Kel Dor mechanic decides to step in and try to help the antsy clone make up his mind, while a mysterious child that seems aware of Aoife's odd circumstances begins to follow her around like a shadow.
Ah! Pirates! - A chance run in with the Crimson Corsair reveals what it was that was bothering Aoife so much: The fact she knew Hardcase was not the very last clone, and that she wasn't entirely sure how to bring it up with him because she did not know how to track down the other living clone trooper. A little upset with her but not one to hold a grudge, Hardcase quickly reassures his friend that he's not mad at her for not telling him sooner (after all what good would it have done if he'd known and been unable to find his brother?). Both end up making a vow to both find a way to find Kix and to find a way to get Aoife back home. Which means both finding a way to track down and contact the Meson Martinet and her crew, as well as find someone who may or may not know something about what exactly brought Aoife into this particular universe.
Seeing Double - When a seemingly charming merchant comes to the Colossus on a business venture, things turn a little sideways when a supposed pirate appears and begins causing trouble for the Space Station. Teaming up with Kaz and the Aces, Hardcase and Aoife attempt to scare off the pirate, only to instead find out that not everything is as it seems. The clone army may slowly be falling into obscurity, but various bits and pieces of their history have value and Hardcase would rather die than let them fall into the hands of those who hold no respect for his vode or their culture.
Triple Brotherly Reunion - Dominik keeps up with his end of the deal he made with Hardcase and Aoife, and gets them a meeting with the crew of the Meson Martinet. While on their way to the meeting spot in Takodana, the duo is followed and seemingly hunted by something that keeps scaring off the local fauna... Hardcase and Kix are about to find yet another impossible remnant of the past, while Aoife slowly realizes that nothing is as black and white or set in stone as she's been lead to believe. Not even what should be considered the "canon events" of a universe.
Supporting Cast
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aureallegories · 1 month
Unsure if you recently reblogged your old Stardust post, but I do have some questions, apologies if you’ve heard these before. (And it’s fine if you don’t want to answer some)
Can Jay create things? Such as NPCs or other similar things or is he just stuck with nothing at all to do.
You said re-entry was impossible so does that include booting up the game in its passive form (such as the way it’s shown in following seasons) and if so does he have the ability to make contact with the outside that way?
Does he ever calm down? As in not being violent or driven to destroy? And if not then how does he manage it? Does he manage it at all??
And for my final question, how’s Cole doing? I am not sure how to elaborate because this question is so general, but I guess I mean how is he coping with the whole experience and loosing best friend (/crush, if I’m remembering correctly)?
My final note, Would You Like To Enter Stardust is among my favorite fan works and you’re super good at building tension and at least in my case, moving the reader. So thank you for creating it!
AHH!!! KAJSJSBANKABA I've actually been waiting to answer these questions for so long!!!!! So yes, I was reposting some of my stardust stuff, and I'm so glad you asked so-
1. Yes, Jay can and does create things he can actually bring back corrupt forms of anything he Infected and destroyed so sometimes when he gets this strange feeling he'll bring back the forms of people like Seven or Scott and just... Stare for a while. I think he'd eventually try to do something more, "make" friends because he's got nothing else to do now that he's trapped in the void which is maddeningly boring
2. Yes! Surprising Prime Empire still gets remade such as in canon as a normally functioning videogame (much to Cole's dismay) with a few mods and altered versions based on the "myth" of what happened to the old one of course ;) Jay technically can't interact with anyone within the rules I set for the fic but I like to imagine an au where some poor kid finds the remains of the motherboard and reawakens something so the kid is the new lightning master. But Jay can possess him and control him
3. He calms down more once Cole and everyone else is gone, no more memories clouding up his mind. He's still very violent and unstable in nature just because of how the corruption and insanity has altered him but with nothing more to do he doesn't have anything to direct that violence towards so he's much more reserved.
4. Cole is doing terrible :D! He lost his right leg below his knee and he's blind in his left eye and after the events of stardust he basically pulls a rebooted Kai and leaves the team. The team stays together unlike what canon does, only Cole leaves. He heads off the grid and away from Ninjago because looking at screens and games just makes him feel sick.
Overall thank you so much for asking because again I have been dying to answer these exact questions! And I'm SOOOOO glad you liked the story!
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oratoful · 4 months
did someone say hatoful oc
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This is Ulrich Althaus! A 22 year old Hawk Party member who primarily does internal operations regarding programming and technology in general. Me and my friend actually have an entire AU dedicated to expanding on the tensions between the Hawk and Dove party and the internal corruption of the Dove party. I'd adore infodumping about it once we have it more wrapped up and cohesive.
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Spoiler stuff regarding general hatoful world-lore and things of the like. I wanna be safe soOOOOOOOOOO
Ulrich became a hawk operative when he was around 13 years of age. Having an interest in tech from a young age, he was placed in advanced courses within his school. Very cool and good, I know. His father was a liaison within Europe and was killed by the Human Liberation Force due to a miscommunication between parties. As a result, Ulrich learns to despise humans. He's visited by a hawk researcher (Raphael, who I will make a post about) who offers him a position within their junior programming division. He claims there are benefits and that Ulrich could do with not hauling himself in his and his mother's home due to his father's death. His mother, begrudgingly, accepts the offer, realizing that not only will the facility offer him higher education for his intelligence, but it will actively watch over him.
Unbeknownst to her, of course, Ulrich becomes ensnared in Hawk activities. He's an overly prideful man who feels the need to avenge his father's name/live up to his family's expectations. Of course, he doesn't realize that in this universe, his father would absolutely loathe what he's done. He would hate the man his son has become. He’s completely tarnishing the efforts faust made toward human and bird peace in an attempt to bring a vengeance his father would’ve never wanted.
Hatoful Ulrich seeks to make it known that he doesn't cut corners and that he wants to get back at humans for their assumed atrocities (he has a biased viewpoint bc those are fun). I imagine he's absolutely made spyware with the sole purpose of information gauging and getting data for the hawk party. He covers his tracks pretty well while also leaving annoying damage for the doves to fix.
As a little fun side thing, I like to imagine the Programming and Technical department he works for is a subsidiary for SecOps. They bleed into each other very often. As a result, this rude little man butts heads with Tohri SO OFTEN before Tohri ends up pursuing other work. (in mine and nick's au he stays in the lab for longer)
Would love to get more into him sometime he's so in depth UGHHH.
for some fun facts with him:
He uses a mobility aid! He's my cane rep
He hates being helped. It makes him feel like he's being looked down on. One of my other researchers often hovers over him due to how often he tries to push his physical limitations. Ulrich has flogged him. Twice.
autistic. He's so crude/judgmental in speech. He also doesn't care to drop formality and say when he doesn't like someone.
He often works from home and doesn't enjoy coming into the lab for work.
Ulrich is genuinely painfully vindictive and efficient though. I feel like if he had the motivation to back something like the hawk party, he'd leave destruction in his wake. I also think that motherfucker would tamper with machinery to make it fail on researchers he doesn't like
He trips people with his tail if they make him angry enough. He's a little PRICK
speaking of little he actually stands smaller than most other peafowl
Him and Tohri have a WEIRD relationship. They're the best of friends one day and they're trying to kill each other the next day. It's impossible to tell what they actually feel about each other.
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genshin-scenarios · 2 years
Electrifying Tales (Royalty AU)
Characters: Scaramouche, Cyno
About: Royalty AU headcanons, with different reader concepts/narratives for each of the guys!
For similar content with Diluc, Kaeya, Childe and Xiao, I have an otome-isekai post from a while ago!
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Scaramouche acts as your personal knight - a skilled warrior from Inazuma who you recruited after a demonstration one day. At least, that’s the story you tell others when asked about how you met.
In truth, the real story starts on a rainy day when an elaborate kidnapping scheme occured. You weren’t the main victim, but rather found yourself hiding within enemy ground by accident - after some loops and complications, you ran into Scaramouche, who pretended to be one of the knights dispatched from your faction to find the missing nobles.
He really just snuck in to steal some documents for the Fatui, but other than being stationed in your kingdom for now, there weren’t any other missions for Scaramouche. Thus, meeting you was a convenient coincidence that allowed him to build his own cover story.
He’d intended to just lead you into a trap and sell you out to the kidnappers, but gained a new idea upon learning of your noble status. Instead Scaramouche helps you escape, even acting as the ‘hero’ of the entire event along with you - sharing the credit for outsmarting your enemies and rescuing everyone else so you’d be stuck in the middle of a conspicuous story with him.
Things like these grow trust between comrades, right? And implicated you with him, especially now that he was building a positive image for himself.
You’re quick to catch on that Scaramouche isn’t who he says he is (a lower noble from Inazuma, who offers an oath to you in return for ‘saving his life’ during the chaos from a stray dagger.)
Finding this interesting, you agreed and ended up appointing Scaramouche as your personal knight - deep down, you’re aware that the stray dagger you pushed him from was noticed by him all along, but something in you wants to trust that he wouldn’t put you in immediate danger for now.
You try dragging him along to the most mundane of chores, waiting for Scaramouche to get bored and finally show his true intentions. It takes a while, and you’re no more innocent about scheming things under the table either, but from what you can tell Scaramouche hasn’t sold you out at all. He takes care of tasks efficiently, even advising you with your plans in a huffy attitude that only you were privy to (for others he was cold or polite, or even amicable to lower people’s guards).
He’s two-faced and easily annoyed, but other than using your agreement as a perch until his bigger plans are set in motion, Scaramouche hasn’t been taking much advantage of you. Until the Fatui sends him a long-distance mission worthy of his full attention, he’ll play as your partner for just a while longer and perform his tasks in the dark.
After all, you did ask him to bring you to a festival in his homeland one day. So even if he’s had to depart as your knight by then, he’ll still manage it as a cloaked stranger. And if you get caught up in more trouble during then and he has to rescue you… it’ll be just like old times, right?
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A shadow assigned to you from a young age, Cyno’s family is highly ranked amongst the nobility and known for their combative prowess, keeping the kingdom in line in places where regular security doesn’t reach (black markets, usurping illegal organizations, etc).
In a way, the both of you were meant to work together from the days you were born - that is, because your own family was the other side of the coin in charge of the technicalities: allocating searches, keeping track of political balance… Though your outward appearance wasn’t that of a warrior’s, you made it up with your sharp intellect and cunning. Together, you and Cyno were quite the unbeatable pair, but…
When you discover that the royal family is the main cause of corruption in the kingdom (using other nobles as scapegoats), you and Cyno have to make a decision: commit treasonous acts for the sake of your values (and the citizens that suffer as a result), or turn a blind eye.
Okay, well– even if you weren’t already on board with treason, Cyno certainly was. It didn’t matter who his targets were; they would face judgment all the same.
Honestly, the same goes for you, who has racked up quite the amount of betrayals and sins through your time keeping order for the kingdom. But - on one quiet night, within the safety of your room, you’ve already clasped Cyno’s hand and promised him to face both your fates together, whatever that may be. But before then, you’d chase what you believed was worth fighting for.
Even if it required faking a fallout between the both of you to slowly set your schemes in action, you’d go through with it. Even though there’s a bit of hesitation in Cyno’s eyes as he pins you to the ground with his spear narrowly by your head, worry flickering in his eyes, you cup his cheek and whisper that it’s okay. Because the world is already enraptured by your make-believe narrative, and soon the both of you could go back to normal after you struck your enemy where it hurt the most.
…You had no plans for either you or Cyno to be sacrificed (you’d even take risks to rescue one another if the risk appeared), but if you could choose what you’d be in your next life, perhaps you’d like to fight by his side instead of weaving webs in the royal court. Or maybe you’d want a much calmer existence, where you’d travel to unfamiliar places with Cyno and uncover little secrets about forgotten places.
Right, an archaeologist or researcher. Maybe one in the future would find traces of your story a few centuries later - you sure hoped they’d interpret you in a favorable light when that happens.
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saline-coelacanth · 2 years
So since I've been in a Gateway to the End mood lately, I figured it be fun to make a bit of an info dump post (Though I feel like most of this is just gonna talk about End Sonic)
End Sonic's voice is layered. It mostly sounds like The End's usual voice, but with Sonic's voice layered in as well
End Sonic show no emotion, at least visibly. Their tome of voice changes but they very rarely show any expression that isn't a blank one
The End is able to access Sonic's memories and use them to their advantage, usually when it comes to taunting his friends or finding information that would be useful
The End is actually in control of Sonic for quite a while as they need time to regain their energy due to being trapped in cyberspace for so long
In this version of events, the reason The End possessed Sonic was to make sure he wouldn't be able to stop them from achieving their goals of destruction after seeing all the feats Sonic achieved by looking through his memories
While End Sonic is busy doing End things, Sonic himself is trapped within his own mind, completely unaware of what's going on around him
The End is able to convince Sonic that everything is normal due to Sonic's amnesia that he got from the cyber corruption (I explained these two notes in an ask but I figured I'd mention them again)
Tails, Amy and Knuckles end up having to team up with Eggman and Sage (similar to how Sonic teamed up with them in game) and they have to go out and gather the Chaos Emeralds so that End Sonic doesn't get them
I like to think that Tails and Sage would bond a bit during this whole ordeal, but they would probably disagree a bit over how to deal with End Sonic, Sage believing that there may not be a way to save Sonic while Tails is adamant that they find a way no matter what
I feel like Eggman would also be the type to pester Tails over the possibility of Sonic not being able to be saved, but of course he'd be much less sympathetic towards Tails compared to Sage
I also think for the most part Tails would stay back to work on repairs to the Tornado while Eggman and Sage also work on any technical issues and Knuckles and Amy would be the ones mainly looking for the Chaos Emeralds
There's still a lot of story aspects that I need to figure out. Ideally, I'd like to write a fic for this story, it's just the "figuring out the plotpoints" part that I'm struggling a bit to figure out. I know for a fact that I'm still gonna make comics/art for this au, but hopefully I can eventually get around to writing a fic for this au.
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takendruid · 11 months
heybi found your bleachstuck au and it looks cool but i uh
have no context
for anything
what is bleach
😭😭 omg!! Okay lol I’ll explain
Bleach is an anime and manga created by Tite Kubo. The story basically centres around this ginger fucker called Ichigo Kurosaki who wields a massive ass sword and has spiritual powers. But since the story isn’t really relevant for my AU, I’ll just talk about the races. In bleach, there are a multitude of spiritual and non-spiritual races and entities. They are as such; (get ready for a huge fucking infodump and information overload :’) ) heavy heavy spoilers ahead btw.
- humans, who are non-spiritual entities. There are high-spec humans (which are regular humans with spiritual abilities) and humans who can see spiritual entities without having any powers. Spirit beings cannot be seen by ordinary humans, which is where high-spec humans come in. There are also, however, subtypes of humans who lean more into the spiritual entity side of things.
- Quincies, who are the opposite of Hollows (I’ll explain them in a minute). Quincies are one of the two subtypes of humans. They use “holy powers”, or rather their whole shtick is just,,, Catholicism and/or Judaism. They are primary German in name, and their “father” is called Yhwach. All quinces are technically descendants of him and when a Quincy dies, they do not become ghosts. Their spirits immediately go back to Yhwach, (which is pronounced you-ha-bahck/bach btw or just yuha). Their powers are usually blue in colour and they primarily wear white. There is also something called the Wandenreich, which is an army of Quincies led by Yhwach. Quincies and Soul Reapers are enemies due to how they deal with Hollows (Quincies literally destroy the souls of Hollows whereas Soul Reapers exercise hollows and send their souls) however the Wandenreich was created to take down the soul Reapers. Within the Wandenreich, there’s a faction called the Sternritter. This consists of 26 Quincies with a “schrift” which is an alphabetical letter with an ability and name assigned to them. Most normal Quincies do not have these powers, only the Sternritter do. However! Quincies do have special abilities! Firstly, their primary weapon is a bow but members of the Sternritter are seen using different things like guns… I hate Robert Accutrone but he is genuinely just Jade’s Grandpa. He uses a gun, he’s British, he’s old, he has a mustache, and he has square glasses. Also the Sternritter have the ability to steal soul reapers’ bankais with a medallion. Hirenkyaku is the Quincy version of flash step.
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- Hollows (opposite to humans and ghosts. Ghosts are sometimes called Wholes, which is where Hollows get their name). They are large monsters defined by the holes in their chests and white masks they wear. They are exclusive to Japan within the world of Bleach, but quinces are not (for some stupid reason). Hollows are human souls who did not cross over to the soul society (which will also be explained, but it’s why they’re exclusive to Japan really) and they stay in the human world for too long after death. They are essentially the corrupt souls of humans turned into heartless monsters. The holes in their chests are where their heart was, and their hearts become the white masks they wear. There are different levels of hollows as well, and even some of the lowest hollows can be more powerful than other hollows. There are three levels of menos: Menos Grande, Adjuchas (ad-huchas), and Vasto Lorde. Most menos we generally meet are Adjuchas. Only fully humanoid hollows are Vasto Lordes.
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- Arrancars, who are Hollows with their masks cracked and given human form. Arrancars are Spanish in naming. Within Bleach, there is something called the Hogyoku. The Hogyoku is able to manifest a person’s desire, and it basically turns the arrancars into,,, weird hollow soul reapers?? Idfk. Arrancars already existed before Aizen started messing with them, but the ones I’m going to talk about are the main “human” ones we see. Arrancars use similar powers to Soul Reapers like a sword release and a flash-step like ability called Sonido. Arrancars can have their holes literally anywhere (number 8 has his on his dick… I’m completely serious). But yeah- within the arrancar, there are 10 of them that are the most powerful called the Espada. Any normal arrancars with numbers after 10 are given those numbers based on when they were created. However,, I’m having 12 Espada instead of 10. Also very Espada represents an aspect of death. Some Espada also have fraccion, which are just arrancars who follow them. An arrancar’s release is called a resurreccion and it basically 1) makes the arrancar more powerful and 2) makes them look closer to how they looked as a hollow. Only two of the Espada have two releases, that being 4 and 10. Also arrancars use swords which are different to the soul reapers’ zanpakuto… but they have the same name… I don’t fucking know why. Oh also the Espada all have their numbers on their bodies
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- Soul Reapers, who are the opposite of humans and fullbringers. They are Japanese. Soul reapers, also called Shinigami, and they have something called the “13 court guard squads” or just “gotei 13” which is made up of 13 squads or division, and every single squad has a captain, lieutenant, and 20 seated officers. Not every squad specialises in something, however a few do. Squad 1 is the head squad, Squad 2 has the stealth force and the captain of squad 2 will be the head of the stealth force. Lieutenants and some of the seated officers will be heads of certain parts of the stealth force. Squad 4 is healing. Squad 11 specialises in fighting and the captain of Squad 11 is called a “Kenpachi”, and they are the most powerful soul reaper in the whole world. To become captain of squad 11, you must defeat the current captain in a dual and gain the title of Kenpachi. Squad 12 is the department of research and development. Every squad has a flower insignia that represents different values.
Soul reapers typically only have one sword release, but a lot of them have two sword releases. Every single captain has both of these and it is a requirement for them to become a captain. Shikai and bankai. Shikai is the first release, bankai is the more powerful second release. A zanpakuto can either be a physical type or a kido-type. A physical type is a zanpakuto where the zanpakuto changes in form only, usually to enhance the ability. A kido-type zanpakuto will typically release elemental ”energy”, but will also often change minorly in physical appearance. Some kido-type zanpakuto change their form but they do not change the literal form of the zanpakuto… it’s easier shown. Kido is a form of advanced spells most soul reapers will learn and be proficient in, but all of them must learn it to graduate the Soul Reaper Academy. There are two types of kido but that’s not important for right now. Soul Reapers also can learn a technique called Shunpo or… flash step :’) yeah this is where being a Dirk Strider and Bleach fan gets weird…
Also there’s also Squad 0 but that’s… hhhh that’s way too much information. The Soul Reapers have a lot to them :’)
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- fullbringers, who are high-spec humans with hollow-like abilities. Their mothers were attacked by hollows before they were born and that residual spirit energy was passed down to the child. Fullbringers’ abilities are usually connected to objects or concepts they have a deep connection with. They are able manipulate an object’s form if they have a connection to it. In the context of Jane and John, I’ll explain that. Jane isn’t evil! I just like her in the red a lot. Jane’s necklace she wears in Homestuck 2 is actually what she has a connection to, and she is able to turn it into that red trident thing she uses in Homestuck. Her fullbring is called Crockertier. I haven’t managed to think about the fullbring p’s abilities more than that but that’s what I have so far. John’s fullbring is called “Heir of Breath” and it allows him the ability to manipulate reishi (don’t… don’t ask… there’s a lot in the bleach lore that’s just too complicated to explain, but every spirit being uses it but quinces use it the most) or the soul in whatever he wants because he never managed to form an emotional connection to any specific object. I’m not… pulling this out my ass btw, this is a canon thing within the Can’t Fear Your Own World novels. It just has a different name to John’s Fullbring. Also- because of John’s mad depression due to his dysphoria, his Fullbring doesn’t actually function properly (which is a him specific thing because of the whole “no emotional connection to any specific object” thing). Also a fullbringer’s flash step equivalent is called bringer light, and I think it’s the slowest of the abilities?? Idk,but it relates the whole “manipulating whatever is around them” shit.
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- oh my fucking god, finally onto Visoreds HOUGH. The visoreds are just soul reapers whose souls have been tampered with and merged with hollows through a process called hollowfication. They are often referred to as the “Masked Army” because they can use hollow masks that greatly enhance their power. They consist of previous captains and lieutenants (who came back in the last arc) but that’s not for any specific power-related reason? They were sent on a mission. Also they can use a hollow ability called cero, which is just a high-intensity (usually red when not used by arrancars) beam that all menos and arrancar can use. I’m actually tempted to make Dirk a visored but idk how that would work or how I could get him to that point.
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There are also! Different realms!
- The world of the living, where humans reside (literally just “earth”)
- the soul society - where spirit beings live… in Japan… idk, Burn the Witch kinda confused things with Reverse London ngl… but it is home specifically to human who have passed on and soul reapers. The soul reapers live in a place called the Seireitei and the normal spirits live in something called the Rukom District/Rukongai, and there’s 320 districts (80 in North Rukongai, 80 in West Rukongai, etc). The lower the number, the more poor and violent the district. A notable district is Zakari because that is where Kenpachi Zarachi grew up and he aimed himself the “Kenpachi of Zaraki”. The soul society (technically east branch, because that’s where bleach is focused) is a mix of Japan eas. District 1 is much like early-Edo Era Kyoto, while district 80 is more like that of Heinz Era Kyoto. The Seireitei is directly within the middle of all four Rukongai.
- hell, which is where sinners live. Hollows who are killed but committed crimes when they were human will go to Hell when they are exercised by a soul reaper. Some sinners can be more powerful than others and have actual powers. I really don’t know why.
- the valley of screams, it’s a movie thing that Kubo has confirmed to be canon.
- Hueco Mundo, where hollows and arrancars reside
Now here’s for a spoiler for the actual story of Bleach.
Is it possible for a person to be a mix of all of these? Yes. It is revealed that Ichigo Kurosaki, the main protagonist of Bleach, is a visored, fullbringer, and quincy. However, that’s the short way of saying he’s: human, Quincy, fullbringer, soul reaper, and visored (so hollow and soul reaper, since only soul reapers can be visoreds). Also he’s kinda been cropping up in my images lmao 😭😭😂
I really hope this helped. I know it’s a lot of information to take in but I hoped it was more or less easier to understand with pictures. I’m so sorry for the overload of information, there’s a LOT that was necessary to explain. I genuinely have no idea if any of this information was irrelevant or “too much” because this is my special interest 😭😭 so every little of information seems important to me.
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roseatedramon · 3 months
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[this post will be deleted and moved to a new post on the pmdn blog eventually. keeping it so I don’t break the read more on the reblog atm though.]
continent for pmd au. rough outline for it was generated from this.
There’s 4 regions. And a large mountain in the center, cutting one off from the others.
general explanations for region lore under the cut
Miseer (name derived from Misery)
- Where the Danganronpa characters come from
- It used to be a highly respected region, with an incredibly respected school… until the Great Tragedy (it probably also used to have a different name lol)
- The place is now a complete wasteland, destroyed and ravaged by corrupted Pokemon and non-pokemon monsters alike
- During the apocalyptic tragedy, a legendary/heroes/unsure cut it off from the rest of the continent with large mountain ranges, to keep the chaos contained
- The survivors from the region are currently working on restoration -
- There’s political strain between Miseer’s Restoration Group and the other regions. Many other regions see the place as a lost cause, and the Restoration Group is frustrated by the lack of assistance from them
- If I include it, School-Live goes here (School-Live isn’t a hyperfixation of mine but I found it interesting enough that I might include it anyway - be a nice way to flesh out this region outside of the Danganronpa cast)
- Any other series that take place in a post-apocalyptic or similar setting that get added will also take place here lol
Valior (name derived from Valor)
- Valior is a thriving region, but the barrier between them and Miseer is weak, with the mountain range being short and some caves that act as passage ways between them.
- As such, the region is the populated region most plagued by monsters and threats to the publics’ safety
- This area is the place where a majority of previously human Chosen Heroes are from. If a human is sent to this world, they’ll probably be sent here.
- That said, Chosen Heroes can be pokemon born, though it’s uncommon. Chosen Heroes tend to be assumed to be human though, and unless they show their worth, Chosen are generally treated suspiciously.
- The Explorer’s Guild is here, and the main form of “government”. The Explorer’s Guild is technically under Riddlo’s government. Rescue Teams and Exploration Teams pretty much are all within Valior, with only some in Preoma and almost zero in Riddlo.
- Series characters that come from here would be Digimon Adventure, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Kingdom Hearts
- If I include it, Dungeon Meshi also goes here
- If I include Amphibia, Sasha spawns here
Riddlo (name derived from Riddle)
- The farthest removed from Miseer, and hence the most populated, industrial, and technically advanced region. The region is full of large cities, with few smaller towns.
- The horrors that haunt this region are rarely horrific monsters or corrupted pokemon, but rather murder, organized crime, and corrupt police and government
- There is. A LOT of murder that happens here.
- This place is also the most powerful politically, and there is strain between here and
- The characters that come from here are Ace Attorney, AI: The Somnium Files, and Detective Conan
- Ghost Trick would also be here if I include it… Maybe also TWEWY? I also think Death Note would be fun as the case that brings all the above guys together
- If I include Amphibia, Marcy spawns here
Preoma (name derived from Preom)
- Most “normal” place tbh
- Mostly smaller towns, with some larger cities. There are still occasional monster attacks, but they’re relatively uncommon.
- This isn’t to say that there is no strange things going on here - in fact, this seems to be where the more… extraordinary monsters tend to lie
- Government tends to just be pretty small and local - though, they are unfortunately still under Riddlo’s control politically
- Series characters that come from here are Zombieland Saga, Equestria Girls, The Amazing Digital Circus, and Deltarune
- If I include it, Wordgirl is here too
- If Amphibia is included, Anne spawns here
- There are monsters that are corrupted pokemon (called ‘Shades’ and ‘Shines’). They come in a variety of stages of severity, with some pokemon being able to live normally despite being technically “infected”. Others with more severe corruptions, however, can be turned into large undead monstrous creatures.
- There are non-sapient beasts and monsters that weren’t ever pokemon! These would be the monsters the Dungeon Meshi gang would eat lol…
- Torn on whether or not animals exist - leaning towards yes.
- Stories of series are generally similar to their canon, with a PMD spin to it. Some vary more than others, and some are actually based on my non-PMD AUs of their series.
- I’m legitimately invested in this universe now and may even make some OCs that are just original to this universe lol
- I do have a bit of a of something in mind if I do decide to include some of the series that are much more geared towards younger audiences in the way of like… separating them from the more mature stories. Like… please rest assured that if I do include Wordgirl, it would not involve Becky going to Riddlo and getting involved in a murder case lol. It will just be things of the general Wordgirl fare, with at most a bit more of a focus on mental health and the pressure that comes with being a child superhero.
- I can not emphasize enough how much this is all subject to change. Also how aware I am of how cringey this all is orz
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junglefurytrash · 11 months
Power Rangers Jungle Fury but they're Space Rock People
Because this came to my mind for some reason, have a random PRJF AU wherein the cast is a bunch of Gems, taken from the game Gem Galaxies which is inspired by SU.
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Casey Rhodes - Cherry Quartz Cut 1CR. Forming as a Defective Quartz soldier, Casey was assigned to the Pai Zhua Combat and Containment Facility to be taught how to be a better soldier in order to better protect the rest of Gemkind against some of the contained enemies within the Facility. After only a few months, however, catastrophe struck, as one of the largest contained forces of the Facility broke free. 1CR took the place of one of the Facility's best who was to receive the Facility Guardian title, and he along with 2 other Gems were placed into a.. Special, programme, ran by an oddball Gem that provided the trio with powers Gemkind had never seen before, and placed into the position of leader. Though lacking a LOT of self-confidence, 1CR tries to prove he has potential despite being labelled as Defective.. And eventually, Casey gains the courage to go and retrieve the Gem who'd been taken and turned against Pai Zhua, and who he'd replaced.
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Theo Martin - Willemite Cut TM02. A Fluorescent technical specialist, though TM09 started out initially as just another Willemite, one day his work skills and intelligence suddenly spiked in improvement, and he joined the Combat and Containment Facility not long after this improvement was noted. Theo became one of the best in the Facility, capable of both technological prowess and also defending himself and others with what he has, and such prowess earnt him the Facility Guardian title. Uptight, a perfectionist, and by-the-law, he butts heads with 1CR a lot as a Defective Gem being in charge, but ultimately comes to respect the Quartz.
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Lily Chilman - Sandstone Cabochon 3L (Sandstones concept made by lonelyperiwinkle). A perky and energetic coloniser, she joined the Combat and Containment Facility seeking to do more with her life beyond terraforming the sands of planets. She earnt the title of Facility Guardian in time as her combat capabilities improved beyond what was expected for a coloniser Gem, and as she incorporated her love of dance and sand-manipulation abilities into her fighting. Unlike her fellow Guardian and close "friend", Theo, Lily was always very friendly to Casey and was happy with him being the leader, though she was also always somewhat concerned he'd been handed too much responsibility so soon after forming and joining the Facility.
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Robert James "RJ" - Peridot Cut 04RJ. The oddball and Off-Coloured Peridot of the Combat and Containment Facility, who was given their Promoted Rank and separate branch of the Facility to conduct their work in. Though they come off as initially serious, they're actually a very jovial and friendly Peridot, who doesn't let being different deter him.. Not anymore, at least. When the Combat and Containment Facility is struck, Casey, Theo, and Lily are all sent to him to receive his guidance and technological assistance, and RJ provides the trio with a new experimental programme he's been working on, giving the group their morphers which enhanced them with unique organic-esque abilities, and the strength needed to fight the released enemies and dangers. RJ joins them eventually himself.
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Dominic Hargan - Titanium Cut 5DH. A large and intimidating Metal who in actuality, while strong and tanky, is a friendly jokester of a goofball. Initially sent to the Combat and Containment Facility to improve his behaviour and make him less of a jokester, he was assigned to RJ's branch to aid him in his research, and the two became firm friends. After a rebel attack left Dominic severely dented, cracked, and damaged, he was sent away for the sake of his recovery. After fully healing and gaining the support he needed to prevent corrupting due to the severity of the attack, 5DH returned to continue helping his friend, and ultimately joining the Ranger team.
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Fran - Orange Spinel Cut 6OF. A Spinel who, while able to cheer up and please the people, suffers from an unnatural amount of anxiety and nerves that Spinels don't tend to have. She encountered RJ one day when he was out of his workplace and the two became friends, RJ supporting the Spinel despite her anxieties and eventually inviting her to be in his branch, where she could feel a bit safer. She initially was kept in the dark on his experimental programme due to the nature of the programme and technology itself, but she eventually finds out, and stays supportive.
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Jarrod - Gold Cut J6K. A masc-presenting Gold, and a once great Aristocrat within the Combat and Containment Facility. He was sent to the Facility upon forming in the Kindergarten, and has remained there since. Initially, J6K was a somewhat reserved Gem, much unlike the many other Golds of Gemkind, and having been already different due to how he presented himself, the Gold was teased and tormented. Though he made friends in the Titanium 5DH that was sent to the Facility himself, Jarrod found himself alone when Dominic was damaged in a major attack and sent away for recovery. And something within him snapped. The Gold became haughty and rude, and though that was typical for Golds, Jarrod also proved to be more.. Violent, than others. Though he fought his way to the Facility Guardian title, he never got to keep it due to his behaviour, as it was decided he'd be sent away from the Facility himself to elsewhere.
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This was what allowed one of the most dangerous captures of the Containment Facility, a violent and malicious Rebel Platinum, Dai Shi - draconic in appearance and who saught revenge, to lure Jarrod with temptation. The Gold ended up forcibly fused with the Platinum, and though their fusion was immensely unhealthy and harmful, Dai Shi refused to let him go almost like a parasite, dragging him to his old Rebel hideaway by force and surrounding him with old "friends" Dai Shi knew; It took until he was given the strength needed by others, that Jarrod was able to escape the fusion. In the end, the Platinum Dai Shi was shattered after they fully corrupted into a horrific dragon entirely.
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Camille - Chameleon Green Pearl Model 9CA. A Pearl, one of thousands among the Gempire, made to serve others. She was plucked out by Dai Shi centuries ago, dragging the Gem into his combat and his schemes which eventually grew rebellious. Camille was enamoured with the Platinum who'd taken her, and though her Pearl coding told her to report the rebellious Gem, she never did; The promises of love he gave, and the overwhelming loyalty and need to serve him that he reinforced, caused her to stay by his side eternally. Upon Dai Shi's capture, she stayed at their old hidden away rebel base, waiting for his return.. Only to fall in love slowly not with Dai Shi, but with the Gold he had forcibly fused with to be able to return and escape containment.
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coolcattime · 11 months
Hi hi hi!! It’s me with a quick half explanation (definitely not because I wrote a oneshot that I realised might need some explanation that I hadn’t currently written 😅), namely Mianite Blades in the Dark!
For those unfamiliar, Blades in the Dark is a TTRPG based around playing a gang of criminals in the city of Duskvul, a city that you really cannot leave due to the lightning barrier that surrounds and the thousands of ghosts outside the barrier. Basically a game set around heists where you also need to control your heat as getting out of town afterwards isn’t an option. Also the game has no planning with instead you making “plans” through flashbacks in the heists, which isn’t important for the AU it’s just something I really like about playing.
For the AU, I’m only really gonna explain the things important for the oneshot (cause I’ll be honestly this isn’t really a full AU in my head, I just wanted to write Foxxsize):
In the lightning barrier protected city, crime and corruption run rampant. The underworld of the city is held up by three gangs, each barely keeping the piece as they vie for power and treasures.
Sonja. Whisper (An arcane adept and channeler. Focused on ghosts and the supernatural.) Sonja is a freelance Whisper that will deal with ghosts for criminals, typically if a building they want to use has a haunting or if they get themselves possessed. She isn’t technically affiliated with any gangs, more commonly seen with Waglington, a criminal benefactor to those interested in spirits and demons who will often hire her to examine relics and artefacts he acquires (and the occasional attempt of trying to possess her with a demon).
Capsize. Spider (A devious mastermind. Focused on connections and calculation.) A high up member in The Lady’s gang, Capsize has been well acquainted with the underworld of the city for most of her life. She uses connections to keep her family and friends out of trouble, as well as to her advantage within heists. She acknowledges that being a career criminal is dangerous, but still goes on a few large heists a year for The Lady, typically getting a cut of the score more than enough to live on until the next.
Capsize and Sonja have been dating for quite a while, sharing a bond and closeness that few criminals can ever have. However, as the two plan to get engaged, Capsize takes on a heist for The Lady, to steal a set of jewellery known as the Shadow Diamond collection. With enough pay that she could turn down heists for a year and the offer to keep a piece of the jewellery herself, she agrees despite the danger, assuring Sonja she’ll be back with a ring, only for Jordan to be the one who returns instead. He informs Sonja that Capsize died during the heist, leaving Sonja hiding from the world in grief until a summons from Wag a month later comes with a payment she can’t refuse.
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nakuuro1994 · 7 months
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Hey There Everybody, so yeah, I was just thinking about doing a Superman AU fanfic story called "Superwoman: S.O.S." (otherwise called "Superwoman & The Sisterhood of Superheroes") but I was also thinking about “experimenting” a bit with something that I don’t usually do with my fanfic stories…which would involve a pregnancy. So essentially I was just thinking about having a AU version of a recently widowed Martha Kent being “abducted” by Kal-El’s space pod one night instead of discovering said space pod in the middle of a corn field like in most Superman origin stories as she soon talks to the A.I. version of Jor-El who essentially convinces her to become the surrogate mother for his unborn child Kal-El to ultimately save their dying species (since in this particular universe Kal-El hasn’t even technically been born yet before Krypton’s destruction as he’s just a genetic sample at this point) as Martha herself will ultimately transform into a big, beefy & muscular Half-Kryptonian woman via an extremely powerful case of “Microchimerism” while being the surrogate mother to her own half-alien son Kal-El/Clark Kent as she rapidly grows in strength, size & power as she becomes her universe’s version of “Superwoman” while also raising Clark as a hardworking single mother/farm girl in Smallville, Kansas.
Not to mention that she ultimately becomes a founding member of her Universe’s version of The Justice League (also known as “The Sisterhood of Superheroes”) alongside her other fellow founding members like…
• (Queen Hippolyta/Wonder Woman): Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons is soon convinced into helping out the outside world to fight against an invading alien force by the rugged U.S. Air Force pilot named Captain Sam Lane as they would later have a young demigod daughter together named Diana Prince-Lane, while assuming the alias "Mrs. Lyta Lane".
• (Martha Wayne/Batwoman): Martha Wayne & Alfred soon decide to form a Green Hornet & Kato style crime-fighting duo to combat the vast amount of crime & corruption within Gotham City while Martha struggles to balance her new roles of being both the newest CEO of Wayne Enterprises as well as being a single mother to her only son Bruce shortly after the tragic death of her beloved husband Dr. Thomas Wayne in Crime Alley.
• (Queen Atlanna/Aquawoman): Atlanna is the exiled queen of Atlantis who was seeking to reclaim her lost crown, only to find unexpected love with a land-dwelling lighthouse keeper by the name of Tom Curry who would later influence her to fight against injustice both below and above the sea while also raising her twin Human/Atlantean hybrid sons Orin & Orm Curry alongside her new loving human husband in secret.
• (Nora Allen/The Flash): Mrs. Nora Allen was a seemingly normal, loving & caring midwestern mother & housewife who was suddenly struck by a strange lightning bolt as she suddenly gained phenomenal superhuman speed.
• (M'yri'ah J'onzz/Martian Manhunter): M'yri'ah & her daughter K'hym had lost everything when her beloved husband alongside the rest of her people were tragically killed off by a telepathic plague that would decimate Mars. But miraculously, she & her own daughter escaped the death of their home-world as they seek a new life on earth to prevent another world from losing everything.
• (Dr. Bianca Reyes/Blue Beetle): So essentially Dr. Bianca Reyes was just your average hardworking paramedic & nurse from Palmera City, Texas as she’s also both a happily married wife & a loving mother of two beautiful kids when suddenly a strange beetle-shaped alien artifact crashed lands in her own backyard one fateful night after a long day at work as it soon became bonded to her spine thus unknowingly making her the latest incarnation of The Blue Beetle.
But yeah, what do you think about all that?😅
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avionvadion · 1 year
So, what do you think of this? Destiny's Call sequel AU where Ilia goes with Link and Zelda and SHE ends up going back in time, and instead of Rauru & Sonia finding her, Ganondorf does. in this AU Demise's spirit was never seal inside the Master Sword but it somehow ended up inside Ganondorf when he was born. In short Ganondorf has a tsundere best friend relationship with Ilia and Demise's spirit is attempting to corrupt him but her presence is starting to prevent it, thus him never turning evil
One could arguably say that Demise’s essence was never fully destroyed within the Master Sword. 🤔 Fi said she would contain it and wear it away, but it was never stated to have been totally destroyed. Just Demise’s body was.
So if we go with that, we could say that once the Master Sword broke, the remaining bit of his essence that survived recognized Ilia as Sky’s descendant (more so than Zelda, as Ilia is a “Hero” through and through) and went after her.
Que Zelda reacting, throwing her hand out much like she did to save Link, but with the power of the Triforce AND the sacred stone amplifying her time power, she accidentally sends Ilia and Demise’s remaining essence back through time!
Being the essence of a god, it’s probably able to manipulate things to a certain extent- and goes back farther than Ilia does. It settles within newborn babe Ganondorf, and at the same time, adult Ganondorf- having grown with the essence inside of him, carefully manipulating him to seek more than just the power to save his people, to seek a land free of death’s freezing and blistering hot winds- he finds Ilia.
And that’s when he starts to noticing strange, because he doesn’t know her. He has no idea who she is. She’s a Hylian, but one dressed in clothes… not belonging to the kingdom she’s meant to be from. And he hates her. He’s filled with this intense, murderous rage; he sees her face and something about it brings flashes of thunder and grey skies and blue eyes.
He probably goes to kill her too, standing over her unconscious form about to stab her through with his sword.
But then she wakes.
And her eyes are brown.
And Ganondorf freezes, and realizes something is very very wrong.
Question is, do we let Ilia keep her memories or no??? And do we have her be married to Sidon in this timeline???
Because, either way, that could lead to some… interesting shenanigans where Ganondorf decides he has to keep her by his side at all costs, because it starts to corrupt him otherwise and begins to take over, and if that means he has to make her his queen (doesn’t even have be in a romantic sense, could just be platonic as he wants to marry her as a necessity for his sanity) then so be it.
Anyways, if Ilia isn’t married to Sidon in this timeline, then she agrees to it, but if she is married to Sidon, she refuses and just acts as his right-hand/adviser.
In the case she refuses, she’ll try to come up with many reasons as to why that would be a very bad idea, and each time he’d probably be like, “And??? That was in the future, you’re here in the past now. That means it hasn’t technically happened yet, and therefore your marriage is technically invalid.”
And it’s just like, sir, just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, so the entire time he’s just trying to convince her and she’s just having none of it. 🤣
Ganondorf, one day, Ilia sitting on the armrest of his throne, the king having just gotten done with a council meeting: “It isn’t as though you have a way back to your time. You may as well just stay here.”
Ilia: “Ha! You think I don’t have a way home, but I know a lil’ something you don’t. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to deal with time travel, you know. This… is the farthest back I’ve been though…”
Ganondorf, scoffing, but like, in a fond way, as he lets the sarcasm drip: “Spoken like a true hero.”
Ilia, beaming bright as could be: “I am a hero! Thank you for acknowledging that! I worked really hard to help beat the big bad! Twice! Anyways, I’m still not marrying you.”
Ganondorf: “Hmph. You’ll change your mind soon enough.”
Ilia, mildly amused/flattered, but her smile becoming a bit more strained because she really misses her Zora family and still hasn’t gotten entirely over the separation from them, especially her newborn daughter: “Thanks, but no thanks. Miphara needs her momma.”
Ganondorf, glaring from the corner of his eye: “You are needed by your king, first and foremost. Do not forget.”
Ilia, knowing full well that’s as close as he can get to asking for help, but also resisting the urge to bite back a retort about how he isn’t her king: “…Relax. Jeez. I’m gonna be here until we get rid of… that thing… messing with your head. Don’t worry. I’m not gonna leave you on your own. I’m not that mean.”
Ganondorf, scoffing once more, but this time he’s silent:
The entire Gerudo court is exasperated, lol.
They half like Ilia because she’s a very capable and strong vai, but at the same time they don’t really like how close she is to their king and doesn’t understand why Ganondorf let’s her get away saying half the things she does. They think she’s overstepping her role a bit. But they give her the respect she’s due, as the king is fond of her.
Ganondorf and Ilia bicker a lot, but they actually get along surprisingly well. By the time he decides he wants to make her his queen, she’s gotten past his walls of Tsundere to where they fight against monsters together, back to back. She’s standing there beside his throne and/or sitting on the arm rest, whenever he’s holding audiences.
Ilia makes him laugh and grin that absolutely horrifying grin, and the hatred Demise’s essence brings is pushed back a little more.
And then they meet Sonia and Rauru, and Sonia knows Ilia is of their blood- as she can sense it, just like how she had sensed Zelda before. But the light is stronger than the time power, and it’s pushing back against the darkness of the essence coiling around Ganondorf’s heart.
Ganondorf has always been greedy. He has always wanted more. He despised the winds of death the desert carried. Hyrule seemed to be the perfect land for his people to thrive in. But to take it, he needed power-
But not the kind of power Demise’s essence and hatred was trying to convince him to take.
Hyrule is a vast and plentiful land. Much of it is unoccupied by people. With Ilia by his side, keeping the worst at bay, perhaps they can move the people and kingdom of Gerudo to some of those very lands? With Ilia being from the future, being of Sonia and Rauru’s blood, perhaps there is a chance at a peaceful future, one without needless sacrifice.
But what of the Master Sword?
No idea!
Does Ilia ever get back to her own time? Probably could, using the Ocarina of Time, but does she?
Also no idea!
Maybe she succeeds in purifying Ganondorf of Demise’s essence and hatred, and returns back to her time. Or maybe she decides to stick with him, and Link and Zelda find out what happened to her through the murals beneath the castle. Maybe they find a restored Master Sword within a Hyrulean Gerudo town they never knew existed, because it was risen to the skies at one point to avoid clashing with history and making a paradox.
Maybe they discover a statue of Ilia and Ganondorf together in the middle of the town, and maybe they see a brown-maned dragon flying around them, acting as the town’s and sword’s guardian deity.
But then, if the corpse they found isn’t Ganondorf, who is it?
Answer: its Demise himself, taking on Ganondorf’s form after millennia of his essence being trapped inside the sword. After Ilia purified Ganondorf, the essence took form, and the events of Rauru sacrificing himself still followed. He puts the weakened Demise into sleep, until the events of TotK happens.
And this time, it’s Zelda’s turn to fight beside Link, while Ilia supports them… as a wyrm. Lol. Because you know Ilia would have taught Zelda how to fight after the events of BotW.
Anyways, I love this. This is fun. I went on a really long ramble, lol. The events of TotK would largely be the same, but the past would be vastly different.
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lucky-bishop · 11 months
director cut on ANY of your Deter fics, please and thankyou <3
Ahhh! Thank you for this! 💓💓💓
I'm going to go with The Witch in the Woods because it's one of my absolute favorite Deter fics I've written.
Like I said in an ask this morning, I love writing AUs with more supernatural/magical elements, and this was no exception!!! At first I thought about having Peter not be a Hale, but I liked the idea of him being an exile, so he'd have the positioning to best manipulate/corrupt Derek.
I thought about having Peter reveal himself as a Hale specifically earlier in the fic, but I liked him having Derek on his side fully before he found out. I was afraid that Derek's loyalty to his family might override his desire to escape if he wasn't fully within Peter's clutches when he found out the truth.
I hadn't written corruption like this before (both mundane manipulation and magical) and I fucking loved it. Peter fundamentally undermines everything Derek has been taught to trust (not mixing magic and wolves, the danger of becoming an omega, etc.) and grants him magic as a 'gift'. He sees that Derek is vulnerable, and he takes advantage.
I still wanted it to technically be Derek's 'choice' in the end, though. I had toyed with Peter forcing Derek's hand, but it didn't feel as natural to me. Peter loves that he stole Derek out right from under Talia's nose, and it's a victory that Derek chooses him as much of his own accord as he has left. He offers Derek tea. He offers to teach Derek magic. He offers Derek a reliable escape. He offers to indulge Derek in sexual pleasure. And every time Derek says yes, he unknowingly gives himself over.
Peter is insane. His magic sustains him, yes, but he is still an omega. But since Derek's world has been turned upside down - he believes in what Peter tells him, because Peter can back it up. If Talia had found out earlier, and been able to intercept Peter's corruption, it might not have worked. Derek would have had proof that Talia's word was true the entire time, but by the time that she has the chance, it's too late, and he breaks the bond.
Anyway I could talk about this fic forever, but I'll leave it there. Sorry for all the word vomit, lol.
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