#(one of the daughters of Louis XIV and Madame de Montespan)
didoofcarthage · 1 year
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Françoise-Marie, Duchesse d'Orléans, as Amphitrite by Rosalba Carriera, after an allegorical painting at Versailles by a follower of Pierre Mignard
Italian, first half of the 18th century
watercolor on ivory
Royal Collection Trust
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kaitropoli · 8 months
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"Louise-Marie de Bourbon, dite Mademoiselle de Tours; La fillette aux bulles de savon"
By Pierre Mignard
Oil Painting, 1681.
Château de Versailles.
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La fillette aux bulles de savon, or the commonly found English title, Girl Blowing Soap Bubbles, is a portrait of innocence during the Franco-Dutch War.
The child shown is Louise-Marie de Bourbon, the daughter of the Sun King, Louis XIV, and his Maîtresse-en-titre, Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart (Madame de Montespan). I'm sorry, I don't know why they popped off with the names like that when they're planning to reuse Marie and Louis fifty times over ptdr. Louise-Marie, affectionately known as Toutou, was an illegitimate birth (1674), later legitimized by her father when she was around two years old. She held the title of Mademoiselle de Tours from then until her untimely death in 1681.
According to sources, Mignard's painting of the six-year-old girl was finished posthumously. But, her innocence is held delicately, frozen in time on canvas.
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Mignard's choice to paint Louise-Marie as an actual child was uncommon for the time (even centuries later, believe it or not; maybe not so good examples, but for argument-sake: Louis XV by Hyacinthe Rigaud, Mariana Victoria of Spain by Nicolas de Largillierre, Phillip II, Duke of Orléans, Reagent of France by Largillierre, and Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans, "Mademoiselle de Chartres" by Largillierre -- apologies for throwing you strays, man, I'm trying to finish writing this and your children portraits were on the same website next to each other x), as young royalty are painted either as babies (unbreeched/baptize gown) or as tiny adults (fixed in uncomfortable poses and wearing clothes a monarch would), no in between. Here, Louise-Marie is playing with bubbles, her dog jumping towards it, and she looks carefree, still with chubby cheeks of rose. It doesn't help much that children were seen as heirs to the family fortune, especially during a time when parents had multiple kids due to illness (premature death) and bringing in income (need I explain more... *cough cough* coal mines... a bit anachronistic, sorry breaker boys, some other time we'll discuss y'all).
A painting such as this one, showing a realistic human experience from a royal status and that of a child BEING a child, innocence still intact, is quite important, even in today's form. We take childhood for granted, and kids are forced to grow up despite having more rights now than before. It can be a portrait to remind us that innocence is vital (a lack of childhood is detrimental as the experience is needed in order to mature mentally and emotionally when entering the teen and adult stages of life), but also that we as humans weren't so different from back then (sure, you can claim we bathe more than they do despite your husband still not washing his ass, but my heavens, did the thought 'wait, they had bubbles back then' ever occur to you?).
Genuinely, I was going to pull a La Muse Verte (the post where I briefly explained the history of absinthe) and go into the history of bubbles... because you gotta admit, that'd be fun for the both of us. However, delving into the background and theme of this painting became more heartbreaking for me. The bubble idea isn't gone, but it'll be postponed as a full history lesson post (and, yes, Mignard's painting of the immortalized Toutou will be recycled).
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Plenty more symbolism is present, but I highly recommend you all check out L'Art en Tête's in-depth article on Mignard's beautiful portrait. I did regurgitate some of the author's points in this because I thought they were brilliant, and you can tell they have an art-history degree, so I'm begging you to go over there for more detail if interested!
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La Voisin
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Life and death: 1640 - 1680
Catherine Deshayes who's last name was later turned to Monvoisin after marrige was known as La Voisin, lived in France in the mid-1600s.
{ tw/cw: she also preformed abortions }
Her husband's trade business led to bankruptcy, La Voisin supported the family as the main bread winner by practising chiromancy and face-reading mainly. In addition to being a fortune teller, she was also active as a midwife, which developed into providing { tw/cw: abortions } . she practiced medicine, mixed potions and poisons, told all sorts of different fortunes types , and arranged black masses, where clients could confer with the Devil.
 Her business as a fortune teller gradually developed into manufacturing and selling purported magical objects and potions, arranging black masses and selling aphrodisiacs and poison to profit from her clients' wishes upon their future
Her spouse was Antoine Monvoisin and her daughter Marie Marguerite Mon(t)voisin.
She was one of the heads of the affaire des poisons aka a cult who poisoned many members of the French aristocracy, and who had planned to poison King Louis XIV.
She was known to have at least six lovers: the executioner Andre Guillaume, Monsieur Latour, vicomte de Cousserans, the count de Labatie, the alchemist Blessis, the architect Fauchet and though the main lover was the magician Adam Lesage.
It's also believed that she had many lady lovers, many think she had a hate love relationship with Marie Bosse.
Her most famous client was Madame de Montespan, the King’s mistress. It was by Montespan’s order that La Voisin attempted to poison the King, for his infidelity.
In the late 1670s, fear of poisoning and witchcraft reached a fever pitch in the streets of France, and many successful fortune-tellers and poisoners, including La Voisin, were arrested. She was burned publicly after being convicted of witchcraft in 1680. She died at aged 39–40.
{ I think I'll add her to heroes of history since she was a open polyamory witch that had serious power in a time that women often didn't. Though I'll also have another called called witchy history.}
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lauravias · 4 years
Giulia Tofana
“Giulia Tofana was an Italian professional poisoner in the 17th century, famous for selling her signature brew to women who wanted to kill their abusive husbands. She was the inventor of the renowned poison Aqua Tofana, which is named after her. Tofana is often confused with Hieronyma Spara, a woman with a similar profession in Italy at about the same time in history.
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“The Love Potion”, painting by Evelyn De Morgan often associated with Giulia Tofana
Historical Background
In 17th-century Italy, women were sold off like objects in marriage to men who didn’t love them and usually abused them. These women often had no standing in society and no financial power to improve their situation. They had three possibilities at their disposal: to get married and hope that their husband treated them well, to remain single and survive by relying on sex work, to become an important and wealthy widow. The third option was the preferred one, and, in the 17th century, various professional criminals provided the services to make this possible. Giulia Tofana was one of them, and probably the most skilled one. Even in Versailles during the reign of King Louis XIV, between 1677 and 1682, some prominent members of the aristocracy were implicated in a scandal called Affair of the Poisons, a series of murders by poisoning. The Affair ended with the execution of 36 people and the expulsion of Madame de Montespan, the king's mistress.
Life and arrest
The information about Tofana’s background is scattered. She was born in 1620, in Palermo; her mother was the notorious Thofania d'Amado, who was executed in 1633 for the murder of her husband. With the help of her daughter, Girolama Spera, a group of trusted friends, and possibly a priest, Giulia started a clandestine ring of criminals from her apothecary shop, in which she sold powders and liquids to enhance women's beauty. The shop was just a front to disguise her main occupation, the sale of Aqua Tofana. If anyone asked about her business, all she had to do was show them the bottles of “Aqua Tofana,” a face cream for women.
She sold her products only to women that she knew, this way she managed to fool the authorities throughout the 17th century in Italy. Her business may even have gone undiscovered forever if it hadn't been for one of her customers. In 1650, a woman mixed a few drops of Aqua Tofana in her husband's bowl of soup; before he could take a spoonful, the women panicked and begged him not to eat it. The man got suspicious and beat his wife until she confessed everything about the poisoning. He immediately turned his wife in, and upon more torture, she admitted that she had purchased the poison from Giulia Tofana. 
Tofana was very popular among the locals, who she helped, and they protected her from apprehension. She escaped to a local church, where she was granted sanctuary. Shortly after, the rumour that she had poisoned Rome's water supplies with Aqua Tofana started to spread. The authorities stormed into the church and apprehended her. Under torture, she confessed to killing 600 men with her poisons; this cannot be confirmed owing to the torture and the widespread distribution of the poison. In July of 1659, Giulia Tofana, her daughter Girolama Spera, and three employees were executed in Campo de’ Fiori, Rome. Her corpse was then thrown into the church that had offered her sanctuary.
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Picture of Campo de’ Fiori, Rome, in 1700. Until 1798 there was a gallows, which was used for crimes considered "minor".
Aqua Tofana
Aqua Tofana was a poison that was reputedly widely used in Naples, Perugia, and Rome, Italy. During the early 17th Century Giulia Tofana sold Aqua Tofana to would-be widows for over twenty years.
The ingredients of the poison are quite known; it contained mostly arsenic and lead, and possibly belladonna. Poisoning by Aqua Tofana could go unnoticed as the substance is clear and tasteless. The poison could be easily mixed with water or wine and served during meals. Administered four doses, it would have killed someone over days. The first dose would have caused exhaustion and physical weakness, the second dose stomach aches, vomiting, and dysentery, by the third dose the victim would have been very ill, and the fourth one would have killed them. As it was slow-acting, it allowed victims time to prepare for their death, including writing a will and repenting. Since the poison was undetectable, doctors believed the death had been caused by an unknown illness or disease. 
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Although the poison was known to her customers as Aqua Tofana, the glass bottle itself was labeled “Manna of St Nicholas of Bari”, which was actually a popular healing oil at the time for blemishes.
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Belladonna, an ingredient in Aqua Tofana that was also used in other cosmetics at the time.
An especially complete description of Aqua Tofana as a slow poison appeared in Chamber’s Journal in 1890: 
“ Administered in wine or tea or some other liquid by the flattering traitress, [it] produced but a scarcely noticeable effect; the husband became a little out of sorts, felt weak and languid, so little indisposed that he would scarcely call in a medical man. After the second dose of poison, this weakness and languor became more pronounced… The beautiful Medea who expressed so much anxiety for her husband’s indisposition would scarcely be an object of suspicion, and perhaps would prepare her husband’s food, as prescribed by the doctor, with her own fair hands. In this way the third drop would be administered, and would prostrate even the most vigorous man. The doctor would be completely puzzled to see that the apparently simple aliment did not surrender to his drugs, and while he would be still in the dark as to its nature, other doses would be given, until at length death would claim the victim for its own.”
Giulia Tofana - Wikipedia
Giulia Tofana - Syfy
Giulia Tofana, The legendary serious poisoner - Ati
Aqua Tofana - Wikipedia
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inky-duchess · 4 years
History Bites: Best Royal Romances
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In History Bites, I pick the best moments of history and the antics historical figures in order to give you inspiration for your WIP. Think of History Bites like prompts, only juicer and 90% accurate (results may vary).
Love is one of the greatest reasons to do anything. Love will make people act strangely, become better people and level empires. In a world of arranged marriages and terrible spouses, some royals found happiness.
Antony and Cleopatra were the Ancient World's power couple. After Caesar's death, who had been Antony's mentor and the father to Cleopatra's son, Antony was sent to govern the Eastern Provinces. At Tarsus in Turkey, Cleopatra paid a visit to Antony. During the visit, Antony and Cleopatra got to know each other better and quickly things got romantic. It was not exactly the best thing for a Roman senator to have an Egyptian mistress and an odd thing for a famously intellectual Queen to take a notorious foolish hothead as her lover but the two were incredibly fond of one another. The two of them had three children, who Antony left the Roman Empire to in his will. The will was the final straw for Rome so it went to war with the couple, which ended in defeat. Antony committed suicide and Cleopatra sometime afterward.
Queen Victoria's marriage was an issue from the get go, because she needed a husband who was not her subject (because women were meant to obey their menfolk and a Queen shouldn't obey a subject) and one who was suitable. Victoria didn't like her cousin Albert when they met as teens but feel head over heels in love with him after they met again after Victoria became Queen. The two were rather smitten with each other and managed to pop out 9 kids. Victoria was distraught when Albert died and rarely wore anything but black for most of her life and rarely went out in public.
Josephine de Beauharnais was a wealthy French woman during the French Revolution which claimed the life of her first husband. Josephine caught the eye of the young Corsican soldier, Napoleon and the two quickly wed despite him being 6 years younger. Josephine was the perfect consort for Napoleon, she was an able diplomat and learned. When Napoleon was away, he often sent her raunchy letters which Josephine hilariously replied with nonchalance. Napoleon divorced Josephine because she was barren and he needed a heir. I doubt he stopped loving Josephine.
Charles II was not exactly the most monogamous of monarchs. The Merry Monarch and one of the few English Kings I think fondly of, had one declared mistress about five others. A friend of Charles saw Nell Gwyn playing on the London stage and decided to introduce her to his royal master, a wingman if you will. Nell and the King hit it off well because Nell wasn't as grasping as the other mistresses and knew how to make him laugh. She once took him fishing and when the monarch caught nothing, she tied a fried piece of fish to his line. She bore him too sons but felt as if Charles was not awarding them the right honours. When he came to visit them, she called one son over by saying "Come hither, you little bastard." Charles was angry at that but Nell reminded him that she had little else to refer to him by so Charles created a Dukedom for his sons. When Charles died, Nell remained monogamous to him telling one admirer than she would not "lay a dog where a deer that once lain."
Louis XIV was Charles's cousin and they shared a similar taste for mistresses. Madame de Montespan was married as Louis was but the two started a relationship together. Montespan was rather spoilt by Louis, earning the nickname "How much" by courtiers. Montespan and the King were together for a long period of time, having many children. A scandal came to light which involved a supposed witch and black masses where Montespan bought love potions and cursed the Queen. Montespan was lucky to avoid execution but she was dealt a personal blow: the King fell out of love with her. Montespan haunted the court as Louis moved on, keeping a bedroom for him at all times just in case he wished to visit. He never did. Louis moved on to the nanny of his bastard children by Montespan, the religious Madame de Maintenon. The two were kindred spirits and when the Queen died, Louis married Madame de Maintenon and the two lived the rest of their lives together.
Henry IV of France was married when he began a relationship with Gabrielle d'Estrees, a Catholic noblewoman during the Wars of Religion in France. Henry was increasingly fond of her despite their religious differences, even more than his wife at the time Marguerite of Valois. Gabrielle was a successful diplomat, going between the Protestant King and his Catholic nobility, smoothing relations by convincing Henry to become a Catholic. Gabrielle went to war with Henry, caring for his clothes and cooking his meals while on campaign. Henry was worried about her safety, especially when he saw bullet holes in her tent but Gabrielle refused to leave his side. Gabrielle sold her jewels to fund Henry's wars and once left the middle of a ball to rush to Henry's side. Her devotion led to Henry deciding to marry and crown her as his Queen. Gabrielle died suddenly before her wedding/coronation leaving Henry heartbroken.
Catherine the Great is on my list for worst marriages bur she found love after her husband was murdered. During her coup when she was making an important speech to rally the troops to her, a young cavalry officer named Grigory Potemkin offered her his own sword knot, a missing detail on her uniform. The two met years later and quickly fell in love. Catherine and Potemkin kept up their touching relationship throughout the wars with Turkey and Catherine's other lovers. They were incredibly close, Catherine giving him every honour and Potemkin helping her realise her dream of a navy. Potemkin died on the roadside, collapsing in front of his soldiers leaving Catherine heartbroken. It is rumoured by historians that the pair had been secretly married.
Have you ever seen bibles with King James written on the cover? Though King James was married and had sired numerous children with his wife, James had a string of noble young men as favourites, his favourite being George Villiers. James was incredibly fond of George, calling him "Steenie" after St. Stephen who canonically (no pun intended) had the face of an angel. When asked by Parliament about the close relationship, James replied that George was as close to him as Jesus was to his disciples. Though historians dispute whether they were actually gay (citing the fact that James had a wife and a loving relationship with her), it is entirely possible that James was bisexual. The two sent numerous letters to one another over the years, each rather touching
Inez de Castro is probably Portugal's most interesting Queen Consort. She was exhumed for her own coronation. Inez was the mistress of Prince Pedro and mother to his children. The King, Pedro's father, really did not want his son marrying his mistress so he had Inez murdered. Pedro was distraught at her death and hunted down the men who had done it, having their hearts torn out in revenge. He would never marry again so to make his children legitimate he had Inez exhumed and crowned Queen, forcing the nobility to kiss her hand and hail her as Queen. Nobody bothered Pedro about his kids again.
Though the film The Favourite (2017) is a skewed version of the relationship between Anne of England and Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, there is some proof to attest to the romantic relationship between the two. They knew each other from a young age and once escaped a house together to avoid the influence of Anne's father who at the time was embroiled in a battle to keep the throne against Anne's sister Mary. The two were incredibly close despite their rather differing personalities. Sarah did care for the Queen but had a habit of being quite abrasive and quick with cruel words which eventually ended the long lasting relationship between the two.
Peter I of Russia was an imposing man both in stature and in political policy. Peter dragged Russia toward Westernization and imposed radical reforms upon his country. Perhaps the greatest wave he made, was his marriage to Catherine, a laundress. Peter and Catherine were incredibly fond of each other, sharing an appetite of good living and each other. Peter did sleep about but Catherine joked about it in letters asking him whether he found any laundresses he liked. Peter fathered two daughters on Catherine but instead of handing control to them after he died he made his wife Empress Catherine I.
Perhaps my favourite royal romance story, is between Emperor Ai and his favourite Dong Xian. Emperor Ai and Dong Xian were chilling in bed together one day. Ai had to get up but Dong Xian was still asleep, laying on his sleeve. Rather than waking his lover, the Emperor cut off his own sleeve so he could get out of bed.
Emperor Hadrian is famous for his bitchin wall between Britannia and Caledonia. But Emperor Hadrian's greatest love would be the Greek Antinous. The emperor had Antonius come with him wherever he went and the two were fond of hunting and writing poetry. Antinous tragically drowned in the Nile, probably by accident but foul play cannot be ruled out.
Jeanne Antoinette Poisson or as you might know her Madame de Pompadour was told at nine years old that she would love a king. In her twenties it came true when she caught the eye of King Louis XV of France, earning her the title maîtresse-en-titre. Madame de Pompadour understood Louis in a way nobody else would. She knew how to read his emotions and knew how to keep him entertained. Though the two stopped sleeping together thanks to a medical condition Jeanne had, Louis kept her as his official mistress. Kings were not permitted to attend funerals so when Jeanne died, Louis couldn't go. He stood on his balcony in a downpour as her funeral carriage left Versailles, the only tribute he could pay the love of his life
Elizabeth Woodville's first husband was an early casualty in the Wars of the Roses, leaving her to care for two sons. Destitute, Elizabeth stood by the road to speak with the new York King of England. Edward IV was younger than her and was her enemy, yet the two fell in love and wed in secret. The court was furious at the marriage as Elizabeth was only the daughter of a baron. The marriage was extremely happy despite Edward's many mistresses and the unsettled times they lived in.
Elizabeth of York, Elizabeth Woodville's daughter, was a highly sought after bride in Europe. Henry Tudor, her uncle Richard's enemy, proposed to her from abroad declaring her would wed her in the Cathedral of Reims. Henry invaded England and won the crown at the Battle of Bosworth. He married Elizabeth and the two, despite being born enemies, lived a happy marriage together. Henry was distraught when Elizabeth died and never remarried.
Mary Tudor, the daughter of Elizabeth of York, was at one point Europe's most eligible and beautiful Princess. She was offered as a bride to the Prince of Spain and then the King of France, who she was married to. Mary was briefly Queen of France but her aged husband died soon after the wedding. Mary returned to England but she had a secret, she had hastily wed her brother's childhood friend, Charles Brandon. Henry VIII, her brother, got so cross that he fined and banished the two of them from court. But he quickly forgave them and the couple returned to court where they spent their short but happy marriage.
Elizabeth II & Prince Philip have been married for decades. The Queen was only eight when she met Philip and the two became friends, writing to each other during WWII. After WWII, Philip renounced his his Danish and Greek titles to marry Elizabeth, becoming Prince Consort and Duke of Edinburgh. Despite Philip's infamous faux pas and wild behavior, the two have a stable and loving relationship.
Edward III & Philippa of Hainault were only children when Edward's mother planned their marriage to gain the military might of Philippa's father. Their marriage was a happy one that produced 12 children. Philippa accompanied Edward to the battlefield many times.
Edward II is on my list for worst marriages but he was a romantic at heart. Edward was very close to a knight named Piers Gaveston. Edward's father didn't like this bond and sent Gaveston away. Edward's first act as king was to recall Piers and bestowed titles and land upon him like there was no tomorrow. Piers was seen as a bad influence and because of this he was killed by a group of rebelling nobles. Edward grieved for years and eventually went on a revenge war against the nobles who had killed his lover.
Despite being Nazi-Sympathizing assholes, no one could doubt that Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII did truly love one another. Edward was King and Wallis was an American divorcee (sound familiar?), and there were laws starting that he could not marry a divorcee. But Edward couldn't give her up do he gave up his throne for her and the two went off to live in France together.
Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra (then Princess Alix of Hesse) were never meant to be married. Alexandra's grandmother Queen Victoria did not approve of the autocracy of Russia and would have preferred that she marry into England. Alexandra herself dithered on whether to marry Nicholas as it meant a change in religion for her. In the end, the two decided to wed and they had a relatively close marriage. Some of their letters still survive.
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bad-research · 4 years
Mademoiselle de Chartres
Bears and Squirrels I am pleased to introduce to you the badass Louise Adelaide d’Orleans. 
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~ She was the legitimate daughter of Philippe II d’Orléans, Louis XIV’s nephew, and Françoise-Marie de Bourbon, Louis XIV’s legitimised daughter with Madame de Montespan. (Thank you for the correction @thundercatsanddc​
~Louise Adelaide was said to be the prettiest of her sisters, but she gave no fucks. 
~She was interested in theology and the sciences, particularly the science of surgery.
~The heir to an immense fortune (her cousin) and Jacobite heir to the British throne James Frances Edward Stuart asked for her hand in marriage, but she wasn’t into all that and said nah
~Instead, she wanted to marry one of the King’s pages who saved her life from a hunting accident. Her parents said no way and made fun of her so much that she became a nun.
~As Abbess, she created a system where drinkable water could be accessed by the Abbey and the whole surrounding town because she was the real MVP
~She built a house where the nuns could educate local girls 
~Also, she had an infirmary constructed at the Abbey
~She was a smart badass lady
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camillemontespan · 4 years
get to know camille! [questions set by mskaneko)
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Thank you to @mskaneko​ for drawing up these awesome questions about getting to know our MC! Please tag me in all your answers because I love reading about how different each MC is.
Taggin those who read Camille and who may want to answer these:
@ibldw-main​ @moonlightgem7​ @pug-bitch​ @argylemnwrites​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @katedrakeohd​ @pedudley​ @axwalker​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @princessleac1​ @notoriouscs​  @burnsoslow​ @sirbeepsalot​ @dcbbw​ @hipstercoffeeshop​
1. Name (+ bonus why did you choose that name?)
Camille Montespan. I chose her first name because I just find the name Camille to be really pretty. When I started playing TRR, I thought it would be awesome to give her the same last name as a real life noble (Madame de Montespan who was Louis XIV’s mistress). I wanted this American girl to be descended from actual nobility and be more blue blood than the bitchy courtiers she would obviously meet.
2. Faceclaim
Meghan Markle
3. Nicknames
Leo calls her ‘Cammy’
4. Birthday
8th October 1992
5. Height
6. Eye color
Brown with gold flecks, like an owl (as Drake describes them)
7. Hair color
8. Love interest (why did she choose this person?)
Drake Walker. She chose him because he is the first person she ever met in her life who understood her. He is her soulmate.
9. Best friend
Officially, Olivia Nevrakis. Unofficially, her husband Drake.
10. Personality traits
She is incredibly caring and generous. She always puts others before herself. She can be goofy with her friends and family but when she has her Duchess hat on, she is more reserved; Bertrand taught her well. When she talks to you, she has the gift of making you feel like the only person in the world as she is genuinely interested in what you have to say. She is kind and warm.  Massive worrier. Perfectionist. But don’t underestimate her; she is a lioness protecting her cubs when it comes to Drake and their daughters.
11. Family background
I had a head canon for a long time about her parents but ever since I wrote a fic about them, I can’t bring myself to write the head canon I had for them.
But Camille did live with her grandmother, Gisele.
12. Hometown
New York
13. Education
Graduated high school. 
14. What languages does she know?
French due to her grandmother’s insistence as they are part French. 
15. Occupation
Duchess but also women’s rights activist and podcast creator on the side!
16. Dream job
Therapist so she can meet people and help them :)
17. Hidden talent
Drawing as shown by her drawing time with Lily and Luna
18. Her strengths
She’s a strong lady who shielded her daughter, Lily, from Drake’s alcohol addiction. She also tried to help him with his struggles while keeping him protected from the media and intrusive spotlight. She is fiercely protective of her family who has dealt with many negative opinions about her parenting skills (eg choosing to have her kids attend a ‘normal’ school) and the fact she is not of noble blood (but really, she is, thanks to Madame de Montespan!)
19. Her weaknesses
Worries to the point of becoming sick. A perfectionist; everything has to be just so.
20. Pet peeves
People being late. When Drake turns off her pop music in the car. 
21. Guilty pleasure
90s pop music which she dances to in the kitchen and listens to when she drives Lily to school when it’s her morning to do the drop off. Lily joins in with Britney. 
22. Ideal outfit
Denim shorts, white cotton shirt, strappy sandals. But as a Duchess, she has to wear more sophisticated outfits.
23. Favorite season
Summer as that is when her family escape to Texas and can be free.
24. Favorite vacation spot
Rome for the food, wine and cultural hot spots.
25. Celebrity crush
Hugh Jackman
26. Who is her inspiration
Her husband, Drake. He’s made huge strides with his alcohol addiction and mental health, going so far as to set up his own mental health charity, Mind Over Matter, which focuses on men’s mental health in Cordonia.
27. Whats is the craziest thing she has ever done?
Aside from flying to Cordonia on a whim to take part in a suitor competition…
Cliff diving on her honeymoon. 
28. Describe her dream date
Honestly? Setting up a little den on the terrace with fairylights strung up, a bottle of whiskey, a blanket and Drake.
29. What’s more important for her in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection?
Emotional. Although she and Drake are fireworks, Camille needs the emotional connection to be strong. They both understand each other without saying a word. They’re best friends. 
30. Three things she would take to a desert island
Drake, Lily and Luna
31. What is one thing she could never forgive?
All the negative comments made about Drake.
32. What gets her out of bed in the morning?
Literally, Lily bursts through the door with baby Luna in tow so Camille HAS to get up otherwise kids run rampant and Drake gets grumbly.
33. What does she use more often: her intuition or logical reasoning?
34. Would she rather be alone doing something she enjoy, or doing something she does’t like with her best friends?
Alone doing something she enjoys. She calls these activities ‘Camille Things.’ So, reading her favourite book, practicing yoga, learning to cook a new recipe. Little pockets of joy, you know?
35. What's her biggest regret?
Her grandmother never meeting Drake or her children.
Bonus: three random facts about your MC
She is terrified of heights
She is a terrible driver - she speeds, much to Drake’s horror. He refuses to get in the ‘death seat’ when she’s at the wheel.
Her hair smells of coconut but how it manages to smell so coconut-like is a closely guarded secret ;) (drake calls her his coconut girl).
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madame-coquette · 4 years
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Name: Françoise d'Aubigné || Madame Scarron || Madame de Maintenon
• Had a deadbeat dad and a very strict mom. After being forced to move to Martinique, her father left them there and went back to France. This forced her mother to be both parents and by the time the family moved to france again --- her father had died. 
• She was raised by her wealthy aunt and uncle, though they knew she would not have the same privileges as their daughters and reminded her of this by only giving her hand me down items and not giving her a fire place in her room. Despite this, she felt these were the happiest times of her life. 
• When her godmother found out that she was being raised protestant versus Catholic, she had the girl taken to a convent to get an education. Despite hating everything about this arrangement, but being baptized Catholic meant she could still convert, she came to love one of the nuns there and took her first communion.
• Her godmother took her to France and helped her make connections that would help her later. 
• Married a poet named Paul Scarron who was 25 years older than her & crippled. He offered to either marry her or pay her dowry to join a convent. She couldn’t stand the thought of going back to a convent & she chose marriage - though she was remarked as having a low tolerance or desire for sex / men in general. Instead seeming to enjoy spiritual pursuits. 
• She was introduced to high Parisian society and after her husband’s death was sustained by her husband’s patrons in the nobility, notably Queen Mother Anne. At some point the money ran out and she was going to have to be the lady-in-waiting of some princess or another. 
• She and Athènaïs de Montespan’s paths cross and she is tasked with taking care of Louis & Athènaïs de Montespan’s children. Her pension was reinstated after Athènaïs begged Louis to allow it. 
• After having to deal with the legitimized bastard offspring of Louis XIV, Françoise caught the king’s eye with the tenderness and affection she had for his children. Once she was allowed to be a full time governess to his children --- the formed a friendship in which Françoise never withheld her feelings or thoughts. Louis found this charming & probably had feelings for her from this point on. 
• Louis gave her enough to buy her own home and gave her the title: Marquise de Maintenon. She had her own house and pension and this sudden show of favor swayed the jealous Athènaïs to argue more frequently with both Louis & Françoise about the children’s care and upbringing. ( Secretly de Montespan detested the act her children favored their governess to her. ) Either way, upon her exile --- Françoise took over as Louis XIV’s new mistress. 
• Please remember this woman was very religious and devout. During she and Louis XIV’s friendship, she convinced him to start sleeping in his marital bed occasionally. This pleased Queen Marie - Thérèse and she claimed she hadn’t been treated this well in a long time. All in All Françoise was a good influence on Louis because of their close friendship turned intimate arrangement.
• After the Queen died suddenly, King Louis declared he would not remarry ... instead, leaving the position until his son the Dauphin and his wife could take the throne themselves. He did likely marry Françoise in a morganatic marriage. ( Meaning she was never OFFICIALLY the queen, but in the lowest of keys ??? * Insert eyes emoji *. ) 
• For the rest of her life she stayed near to Louis & was a very good influence on him. She was considered politically influential over him. She outlived him by 4 years, and died at 83. 
Heather’s Rating: 900,000,000,000 / 10. This was a good woman who both knew how to play her cards and realized that Louis in his older age needed a friend. I applaud her efforts to keep things chaste and reason with him. I applaud the fact that while she was his mistress while he was married, she wasn’t a pompous ass wipe to the Queen and was instead dignified. I like that she and Louis had a happy ending that was agreeable to them both. 
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winterhalters · 5 years
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Generally overlooked, when she's not simply mistaken for two of her younger sisters, Gabrielle de Rochechouart de Mortemart, eldest child of Gabriel, then Marquis de Mortemart and Diane de Grandsaigne, was one of the most prominent figures of her time and perhaps the closest companion of Louis XIV alongside her brother, the Duc de Vivonne. She was first introduced at Court in 1651, and quickly became an important part of the private circle of the young King and his brother Philippe. Mademoiselle, Gaston d'Orléans' turbulent daughter, counted among her closest friends and described her as 'handsome, haughty and wild, brilliant too with the far-famed esprit des Mortemart'. Saint-Simon, who had known her during his childhood, recounted that "Madame de Thianges, the eldest sister, amused the King even more than the others, and had perhaps more influence over him [than Montespan]." 
Married to the bland Claude Leonor de Damas de Thianges, Gabrielle profoundly disliked her husband's need for calm and quietness, and refused to follow him in his Burgundian estates. "After a son and two daughters had been born of this marriage, his wife left him to attach herself to the favor of her sister, and became as powerful and as much trusted as she was, without their affection for each other being diminished in the slightest degree," wrote Saint-Simon. Contemporary sources suggest that Thianges, Montespan and their brother Vivonne worked together for nearly thirty years to ensure the success and the triumph of their house, both sisters functioning as a two-headed mother for their children. Eventually, after the Affaire des Poisons that contributed to cast aside Montespan and their political faction led by Colbert, Thianges well and truly outranked her sister. Even though she already was a member of the King's inner circle since their late teens, she was then considered a member of the Royal Family, and was bestowed honors and privileges that even her nieces and nephews, legitimised children of the King, were not entitled to receive, such as the right to sit in the King's presence. 
She was notably at war with Mme de Maintenon (’guelfi e ghibellini’, as Mme de Sévigné called them) and the Princesse Palatine, though she was greatly esteemed by Monsieur and Monseigneur, the Grand Dauphin, whose apartments in Versailles were adjacent to hers.
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Versailles season two... what happened and what not?
Versailles season two… what happened and what not?
I spirit of last season’s what happened and what not, we shall look at season two as well. If you have not finished the season yet, you should probably not read any further, because spoilers.     Did Rohan get executed for kidnapping the Dauphin? The Chevalier de Rohan never managed to kidnap the Dauphin, but he was executed for planning to do so. Unlike in the show, his tongue was not cut out…
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The Lost Book Of Saint~Denis
2nd Text Of The Manuscript BROTHER MARSHAL
Darkest Benedictions Of Satan . . . I am Brother Marshal, I am a Classical Satanic Reformist seeking to return Satanism to its former Unholy Roots of Devil Worship, Classical Demonology, Dark Witchcraft and Inverted Ritual Theistic Satanism. This Grimoire ~ The Lost Book Of Saint~Denis ~ is the culmination of my life’s work in this incarnation but beyond that the Work of a lineage of incarnations and the Work of others of this Ancient Satanic Path. When I was a young child I firmly believed that upon death one either ascended to Heaven or Descended to Hell for eternity, over the following years I have developed a skill already innate, the skill to recall past life incarnations, this ability along with research and conversations with many possessing this ability has convinced me beyond doubt that the Soul undergoes multiple physical Incarnations before moving onto deeper more Spiritual Realms. I recall many past lives but none is more clear or dear to me than the one I manifested into in France during the 1600s. I have long been drawn to the time of the reign of King Louis XIV in French history, to be more precise to the time which saw the Palace of Versaille, forged by King Louis, rocked by the scandal, bloodshed and Occult connotations of what has become known as ‘The Affair Of The Poisons’. A time of Witchcraft, Poisonings, Black Masses, Demonic Sorcery and Blood Sacrifices rife in Paris and working themselves into the heart of Versailles itself through a number of now infamous individuals such as the Poisoner/Witch LaVoison, the King’s Mistress Madame de Montespan and the defrocked Catholic Priest Abbe Guibourg. There were others involved too of cause such as LaVoison’s Daughter Marguerite, Adam Lesage, Marguerite Joly, Francoise Filastre and Marie Bosse. These people were a merging of upper class Clergy and Nobility and lower class Witches, Fortune Tellers and Poisoners which quite likely - although operating independently of each other - also forged a loosely formed Arcane Black Magick Circle. I have had many visions and memories of those times and upon reading the famous Satanic Novel La~Bas (Down There) by Joris Karl Huysmans a connection was forged to these certain aspects of French History that has never been broken. The times of Guibourg and de Montespan were the times of true Devil Worship, true Classical Satanism and Dark Witchcraft . . . blood was spilled, Hexes were cast, Poisons administered, Demons summoned and the most Unholy Rites of Black Magick carried out which were a merging of Reversed Catholicism and Classical Demonic Sorcery. In that life time I went by the Surname of Poculot, but names unfortunately are not something that come to me easy through Incarnation Recall, the recollections are more pictorial, sometimes even symbolic. In this life my name remains unknown for now to those outside my private circle, I am called Nemo by some (Latin for nobody/no one), but most know me by my Satanic Ordained Name, Marshal. In this life time I have been involved with studies into Magick, the Occult, Mythology, Legends etc for as long as I can remember, I have recollection of reading my first book of Roman Mythology at the age of six and was fascinated by the Gods and Goddesses of that Culture, particularly Diana and Mercury. By the age of eight I was delving deeply into Greek Mythology (a passion which has remained with me to the present day) . . . Deities such as Pallas Athene, Hera, Hecate, Zeus and Pan enthralled my mind and captivated my imagination. In my thirteenth year I came across and read four books which would change and evolve the direction of my interests for life, these tomes were La~Bas by J K Huysmans, The Devil Rides Out and The Irish Witch by Dennis Wheatley and The Black Art by Rollo Ahmed. The first three of these books are fictional pieces but the content within them left me with little doubt of where my path lay and started two life time passions - the Religion Of Theistic Satanism and the accounts of Guibourg and The Affair Of The Poisons. Rollo Ahmed’s The Black Art was my first factual Occult Book and over the following year I had absorbed another of Wheatley’s Black Magick Novels ‘The Satanist’ and three more factual Occult tomes, these being The Satanic Mass by T H Rhodes, The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish and The Lesser Key Of Solomon by Mathers. The Pathway forward had been set and the journey begun! Over the years it has been a firm intention within my mind to one day release a full Grimoire of Classical Satanic Magick, the sort of which would have been practiced by Abbe Guibourg in France during the 1600s and others of his ilk. This is to manifest here (published on Wordpress and Tumblr), the culmination of my Work shall reside within the Grimoire The Lost Book Of Saint~Denis, as to the true history and lineage of this Grimoire, that shall be recounted in the following text. Brother Marshal Black Cardinal Of OOTUS Servant Of Our Lord Satan Honoured Descendant Of The Lineage Of Guibourg 01/08/2018 (c)2018 Brother Marshal
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awed-frog · 6 years
versailles, post-canon
“I believe that the histories that will be written about this court after we are gone will be better and more entertaining than any novel, and I am afraid that those who come after us will not be able to believe them and think they are just fairy tales.” - Princess Elisabeth Charlotte  
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Louis XIV’s marriage to Madame de Maintenon took place in 1684; his persecution of the Protestants had started a bit earlier, in 1681. The reasons behind his revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, and the impact this had on France, its reputation and its economy, are still widely debated among historians. Protestants and other religion minorities would only regain their rights one century later, with the Revolution.
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Meanwhile, Louis’s aggressive policies worried both his allies and his enemies. From the late 1680s, Europe found itself embroiled in the Nine Years’ War, a conflict that claimed 680 000 lives. Louis was also suffering from an anal fistula during that period, so that probably didn’t improve his mood or his strategic thinking. Furthermore, despite attempts to avoid another war, the whole continent was soon busy squabbling over Charles II’s ginormous empire. The War of the Spanish Succession lasted thirteen years, and ended with a disastrous famine which caused the death of two million French. So, you know - on the whole, seasons 4 and 5 would have been depressingly bleak, especially if we consider that on top of everything else, all of Louis’ children and grand-children died in the space of three years and Louis was still fretting over what the hell should be done about his own succession when a bad case of gangrene suddenly cursed him with a painful death at the age of 72. 
Philippe d’Orléans mostly turned away from politics after the 1680s, focusing on his art collection, his palace of Saint-Cloud and the young lovers sent to his chambers by his life-long partner, the Chevalier de Lorraine. 
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He was a generous patron to musicians, artists and dancers, and by the end of his life he’d become outrageously wealthy. Despite living openly as a gay man, he is now considered as ‘the grandfather of Europe’ because most modern-day royals are descended from his children. His only son married Françoise Marie, daughter of the King and Madame de Montespan, but the marriage was not a happy one. On June 8th, 1701, Philippe and Louis had violent fight about this very subject, after which Philippe stormed back to Saint-Cloud and promptly died of a rage-induced stroke. He was sixty years old. 
(👉🏻 Learn how to get angry without dying - a precious & marketable skill for any time and age!! 🦔)
The Princess Palatine had tried everything she could to oppose the wedding of her only son, the Duke of Chartres, to the King’s illegitimate daughter. The whole thing had been orchestrated by Madame de Maintenon (whom the Princess called ‘the old whore’). Very outspoken and way too German for Versailles, she bitch-slapped her own son in front of the whole court when she learned he’d agreed to marrying his 14-year-old cousin, never forgave him and never took a liking to either her daughter-in-law or her grandchildren. 
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After the sudden passing of her husband, she burned all the letters from his boyfriends both to defend his reputation and because the perfumed paper they were written on ‘made her want to vomit’. Like many others, she was distraught by Philippe’s death, and regretted the fact they’d only managed to become friends later in life. Despite a marriage contract that stipulated otherwise, she was allowed to remain at court, and after the King died, in 1715, her son became regent to Louis XV, who was five years old at the time. Now the most powerful woman in Versailles, she remained very critical of the ‘decadence’ of court life, and openly scornful of her old rival, Madame de Maintenon. She died in 1722, at the age of seventy. Her ‘Secret Memoirs’ are a complete delight. You can read them here.
The Chevalier de Lorraine, renowned for his beauty and his complete lack of moral scruples, had become Philippe’s lover at the age of fifteen and would remain close to Philippe his whole life.
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It’s unclear whether his affection for Philippe was real or a ruse; whatever the case, he used his considerable influence at court both to further his own interests and to oppose the Princess Palatine, with whom he only reconciled a few years before his death. Later in life, he probably married his cousin and surely lost much of his fortune. He died as God intended - on a fine day of 1702 as he was bragging of an orgy he’d taken part in the night before.
Madame de Maintenon never became Queen of France, but it’s unclear whether this bothered her or not. 
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In reality, she’d been the governess of the King’s illegitimate children - Madame de Montespan had chosen her personally for the job, but she probably came to regret it after Madame de Maintenon’s role brought her closer to the King, who ended up preferring her steady and devout personality to Madame de Montespan’s extravagant tastes. After her marriage to the King, Madame de Maintenon’s power and influence in Versailles grew to the point some consider her an unofficial prime minister. She certainly had a hand in the persecution of the Protestants, but her letters indicate this may have been caused by fear rather than a thirst for blood (as a convert, she was understandably wary of showing too much sympathy for the Protestants’ plight in case her own loyalty should be come into question). After the King’s death, Madame de Maintenon retired to a convent, where she died four years later, at the age of 83. 
The man in the iron mask was a real prisoner who remained under the care of the same jailer for 34 years. From what little we know, he’d wear a black velvet mask to conceal his identity, but apparently this wasn’t goth enough for Voltaire, who changed that to an iron mask. Possible candidates include a random Italian diplomat, Louis’ older brother, his twin or his father - supporters of this theory insist on the fact that, by the time of his son birth, Louis XIII was more than a bit gay, ill, impotent and hadn’t touched his wife for fourteen years. If you want to try and guess at his identity, the French National Archives have put all of the information online.
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
March is Women's History Month and I got myself thinkin' about how grateful I am for the gal pals in my life (of which you are most definitely one!), and I was wondering - what are some of your favorite historical female friendships and why?
Happy Women’s History Month indeed. Let’s get some ladies up in this joint and do some learning.
Below, in (approximately) chronological order:
1. MurasakiShikubu and Empress Shoshi (10th/11th century)
Murasaki Shikibu was a lady-in-waiting to the Japanese empress Shoshi in the late 10th/early 11th century, and is credited as the author of the first novel, The Tale of Genji. She also kept the Diary of Lady Murasaki, which records details of court life and her relationship with the empress, who was her patron and supported her literary pursuits. Allegedly, Shoshi asked Murasaki to write some more stories when she needed something new to read, and they eventually retired together to the country once Shoshi’s son became emperor. Shoshi herself was a shrewd political operator who carefully managed her family and dynasty’s fortunes, became a Buddhist nun, and died at the age of 86.
2. Christinede Pizan and Anastasia (14th/15th century)
Christine de Pizan was an Italian-French author in the late fourteenth/early fifteenth century, who wrote what are often characterized as many early feminist texts and literary critiques. She wrote blazing responses to popular romances written by men (which were often horrendously misogynist) and was in demand as an author; her texts were commissioned by royalty and kept on elite library shelves. She also sought out other women to collaborate with, including Anastasia, who we know only by her first name. Christine praised her as the finest manuscript illuminator and illustrator in Paris, whose work was hotly in demand, and who had worked on several projects for Christine herself.
3. The Rain Queens of the Lovedu (16th century-present)
This is technically about mothers and daughters, but shh, it counts. The South African tribe of the Lovedu has been ruled for centuries by a “rain queen,” whose wisdom passed from mother to daughter, and who was presented with wives by surrounding chiefs in recognition of her magical powers. If it doesn’t rain, the queen doesn’t get blamed, her (male) rain doctors get blamed instead, and any children of her “brides” are regarded as hers. It created a mystical, matriarchical tradition in the tribe throughout generations, though in the 21st century it has run into modern political difficulties.
4. Queen Elizabeth I and Grace O’Malley (16th century)
Queen Elizabeth I needs no introduction, but Grace O’Malley was an Irish pirate queen who ruled around the Connaught area of Ireland in the late 16th century. When she and her sons ran afoul of English justice, she applied to Queen Elizabeth directly for an audience, which eventually happened at Greenwich in 1593. Elizabeth spoke no Irish and Grace spoke no English, so the two women spoke Latin to each other. Grace must have also made quite an impression on her fellow queen, as Elizabeth released her sons and granted her a pardon, as long as she didn’t return to her reaving ways.
5. Julie d’Aubigny and Fanchon Moreau (17th century)
Julie d’Aubigny, or “La Maupin” had an almost ridiculously eventful life. A cross-dressing, bisexual, sword-fighting opera singer, she famously burned down a convent to run away with her nun lover, kissed a girl at a society party and beat all three of the noblemen who challenged her to duels as a result, and had a noted career in French theater. Fanchon Moreau was one of the actresses that Julie fell in love with, allegedly trying to commit suicide when Fanchon took up with another lover. She later died at the age of only 33.
6. Christina,Queen of Sweden and her many female friends (17th century)
To speak of impossibly colorful and interesting 17th century women: Christina, Queen of Sweden was also a cross-dressing expert swordswoman, rider, and hunter who spoke ten languages, ruled as queen of Sweden for twenty-two years, then resigned the throne and went to Rome, was ferociously brilliant and educated, and has been sometimes regarded as possibly intersex or trans, though she denied that she was a “Male or Hermaphrodite,” as she had often been accused of. She was also either bisexual or a lesbian, who had many relationships and friendships with women, including possibly with Gabrielle de Rochechouart de Montemart, a dazzling beauty and wit who was the older sister of Louis XIV’s famous mistress, Madame de Montespan. (Gabrielle’s BFF was also the openly gay Philippe, duc d’Anjou, Louis XIV’s younger brother.)
7. Queen Anne and Sarah Churchill (18th century)
Queen Anne was known for her passionate and long-running friendships with women, as I wrote about in the post above, and Sarah Churchill, the Duchess of Marlborough, was the longest-lasting and most influential of these. Anne was in love with her, while Sarah was more pragmatic about her relationship with the princess and then queen, and used her considerable intellect and political opinions in the early years of Anne’s rule. Their relationship broke down in 1708, at the death of Anne’s beloved husband George, and Sarah’s unflattering portrayal of Anne would hold sway for many years after.
8. Anne Bonny and Mary Read (18th century)
If you’ve watched Black Sails, you know about these two, but their real-life counterparts were probably even more colorful. They were swashbuckling female pirates who drank, fought, swore, and fucked as hardcore as their male counterparts, and who fought to the end when their ship got captured, while Calico Jack Rackham hid below deck. (Sorry, Jack, but Black Sails was definitely nice to you.) And yes, the real Anne and Mary were probably in a relationship, though we don’t know for sure.
9. ElizabethFreeman and Catharine Sedgwick (18th/19th century)
Elizabeth Freeman, or “Mum Bett,” was a slave who sued the state of Massachusetts for her freedom – and won – in 1780, and after telling her former master to get fucked, took a paying job with the Sedgwick family. She raised Catharine as a child, and Catharine later wrote her life story, the reason we know about her. Catharine grew up to be a successful novelist whose heroines often rebelled against the strictures of 19th-century American society, and she and Elizabeth are now buried side by side in the Sedgwick family plot. (Does anyone else suddenly have something in their eye? Just me?)
10. Ada Lovelace and Mary Somerville (19th century)
Ada Lovelace, nee Byron, was the only legitimate daughter of the infamous Lord Byron, a brilliant mathematician, and the founding mother of computer science, along with her friend and colleague, the great Victorian inventor and eccentric Charles Babbage. However, she was tutored in her young adulthood by the equally brilliant Mary Somerville, a prolific scientist and author of mathematical and astronomical papers and textbooks, and they were close friends; if Ada had a pressing mathematical problem, she would stop by Mary’s for a cup of tea and a brainstorming session. Somerville College in Oxford is now named in Mary’s honor, after she died at the age of ninety-two.
11. Victoria Woodhull and Tennessee Claflin (19th century)
They were sisters, but shh, again, it counts. Victoria Woodhull was the first woman to run for president of the United States (in 1872, with Frederick Douglass as her running mate) and she and Tennessee were journalists, stockbrokers, and advocates of free love who fought with Party Pooper Extraordinaire and self-appointed guardian of 19th-century American virtue Anthony Comstock, as is written about in the Historical Hour With Hilary entry above. They lived in New York together and ran Woodhull and Claflin’s Weekly, a newspaper, and gave blazing speeches for female suffrage and equality.
12. Lyudmila Pavlichenko and Eleanor Roosevelt (20th century)
Ukrainian-born Lyudmila Pavlichenko was the best female sniper of all time, serving in the Red Army during WWII and recording a total of 309 confirmed kills. That was a lot of Nazis, and she was very proud of killing them. She was one of the rare Soviet citizens invited to America for a victory tour, where the American press fixated on idiotic questions about whether she wore makeup while fighting and that her uniform made her look fat (no, really). However, Lyudmila also met First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and they struck up an unlikely friendship. Eleanor helped Lyudmila tell the sexist asses where to stick it, and they ended up remaining friends for the rest of their lives, including a meeting 15 years later, in 1957, when Lyudmila was living in quiet obscurity in Moscow.
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minah-delacroix · 6 years
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About Minah’s family...
“Being powerful is like being a lady.
If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.” 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Paris, France
FACE CLAIM:  Melanie Laurent
TRADEMARK: Icy blond hair, perfect skin, demure composure, and sophisticated style. Is known for gracing social events wearing either power suits or evening gowns that always flatter her statuesque figure.
FAMILY BACKGROUND The House of  Delacroix is an ancient noble family in France. One of the most powerful dynasties in Europe today, the family dates back to Jeanne Louise de Bourbon, Marquise de Montespan, a legitimized daughter of Louis XIV, le Roi Soleil, who ruled over France between 1642 and 1715. Jeanne Louise was given the title of Duchess of Bourbon and Princess of Condé upon marrying a distant cousin of King Louis I of Spain, who later on founded the House of Delacroix, taking the name from his nobiliary title of Duc de Delacroix. Over several centuries the Delacroixs have maintained complex ties with Spanish and German royalty, but never fond of attention they kept themselves distanced from the spotlight during the post-revolution era. During la Belle Epoque, however, as Paris recovered from the horrors of the Siege and The Commune, the Delacroix settled back in the City of the Lights after a long exile in the Provence.  Along with the ópera, the prose of Marcel Proust and the paintings of Picasso, a new Empire was born under the command of the visionary Jacques Luc du Delacroix who became a pioneer in the modern French textile industry and founded a major clothing and apparel company that managed survived the Nazi occupation. 
Fast forward to the present and according to the New York Ghost, The Delacroix Family is currently the wealthiest wizarding family of France. Besides inheriting large amounts of gold and state from the older generations, the family has amassed a big fortune with a revamped fashion business that has become one of the biggest emporiums of luxury clothing in the world. Likewise, and unlike most wizards, the Delacroix Family has also ventured into the muggle world where they have built a huge conglomerate that runs a business in different fields, ranging from energy suppliers to fashion. The members of the Delacroix family are notorious in their own fields without exception. From politicians to artists, they all have succeeded, becoming recognized names in both worlds. Nevertheless, the Delacroix remain slightly hermetic in regards to keeping a pureblood line and their traditions as wizards. They might appear open-minded and unconventional, but they’re rather conservative and elitist.
FAMILY AFFILIATIONS  The Delacroix are direct descendants of the French, German and Spanish nobility. The patriarch of the family, Louis Pierre Philippe Delacroix has particularly been linked to Le Roi Soleil (Louis XIV) and the House of Bourbon, being a descendant of King Louis XIV of France (ruled 1643-1715) through his daughter Jeanne Louise de Bourbon. In the most recent generations, the family has also been linked to the Spanish nobility through the Infanta María Inés de Galicia, who's Louis great-grandmother, as well as German nobility through Louis’ wife, Madame Laetitia Montpensier, the daughter of the German Countess Marie Louise Larisch von Moennich.
The Delacroix House also maintains strong ties with Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, where Louis Pierre was headmaster for few years and currently serves as one of the 12 members of the Beauxbatons Board of Governors. They're also linked to the French Ministry of Magic, the French Wizarding High Court of Law and Parliament and the Academie Française des Sorciers (French Academy of Wizards), where the family has been appointed important positions throughout the last decades. In the muggle realm, they're related to the French Government as Louis Pierre Philippe’s brother has served as Prime Minister and other important political positions during the Fifth Republic and with other members of the family playing key roles as high profile politicians. 
SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS: Like previously stated, The Delacroix family is a powerhouse in both the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds. The Delacroixs are listed among the richest households in Europe and according to the New York Ghost, they’re the unrivaled richest Wizarding family of France.
QUICK BIO The eldest daughter of  Louis Pierre Philippe Delacroix and Madame Laetitia Montpensier, Caroline was born and raised in the heart of Paris and was educated in both the muggle and the magical world. She grew up in an almost private world of unimaginable splendor and security, always encouraged by her parents to excel and become a role model to her younger siblings.  From a young age, Caroline possessed great confidence, impressing her family and notable members of French high society, who noted her poise and competence when she started to host fancy soirées with only 17 years of age.
Like many other women of her class, Caroline patronised a great number of charities during her twenties. Upon having access to her fortune, one of her first acts was to found an education foundation in honor of her father. However, her main causes have always been connected to the assistance and welfare of women. She was president of the French Young Women Association, a charity which sponsored college education for young women in need. Nowadays Caroline has stepped as CEO of her family’s conglomerate. A passionate and perfectionist woman to the bone, she usually plays the role of the disciplinarian among her siblings, although contradictorily enough she also happens to be the kindest and best natured of them all. She is that one person who always takes the lead during troubling times and fixes problems for every member of her family, for what she is considered to be the future matriarch of the Delacroix House.   LOVE LIFE: Caroline has been romantically involved with a number of prominent men, including Paul-Henri Jeseaux (a Prime Minister of Belgium), film director Marcus Huston, British diplomat Carl Shaughnessy, French-Russian heir Andrei Levesque Pavlovitch and painter James Harris. However, following the Delacroix women tradition, Caroline’s relationships have been short-lived and rather disastrous, which is probably why she’s focus on her family business instead, conducting a strategic restructuring and modernisation of the Group during the last years.
MOST LIKELY TO BE FOUND: When not at work, probably plotting a fashion takeover with a glass of champagne in hand or chilling home and enjoying her favorite wizarding show The High Society, which has been said to be inspired by the European wizarding elite, (herself included).
RELATIONSHIP TO MINAH: As Minah grew up, Caroline was usually the one handling her day-to-day raising. Despite being a busy woman, Aunt Caroline played an important role in Minah’s education and would usually take her to business meetings and around high society parties although MInah was nothing but a child. Nowadays, Caroline is that one aunt who always knows best; offers the best-unsolicited advice at the right moments, and still drags Minah around the fanciest parties of the Wizarding World.   OTHER FACTS - Lives to slay power suits. - is to blame for Minah’s obsession with baths and champagne. - Will probably never marry because she expects perfection from everybody and so far all her past relationships have ended in disaster. - Has been picked as the most influential woman in fashion for three years in a row by Forbes.
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delphes · 7 years
10 facts about Athénaïs de Montespan’s husband
Louis Henri de Pardaillan de Gondrin was the Husband of Athénaïs de Montespan, famous for being Louis XIV's mistress for 13 years from 1666. Contrarily to a lot of spouses back then, Louis Henri, better known as the Montespan, didn’t answered well to the King’s “favours”. This lad is one of a kind and I wanted to list some facts about him so you could understand what guy he was.
His first encounter with Athénaïs was at a duel where Montespan’s brother was decapitated and he had to flee in exile for a bit.
Their marriage in 1663 was, for once in this century, out of love and was a misalliance as Athénaïs was daughter to a Duke and from one of the oldest famillies in the kingdom. Montespan, indebted, poor, became suddenly affiliated to a very influent familly and therefore became “Chevalier d’honneur” of Henriette d’Angleterre, Philippe d’Orléans’ wife. They were passionately in love together.
Three years later, when he came back from war after 11 months, he found his wife pregnant, with the king’s child. He violently slapped Athénaïs and publicly called Mme de Montauzier a Madam, because she helped Athénaïs encounter the king.
Chassed from the castle he went to Paris calling his wife a whore in every tavern he could for weeks.
Molière’s play, Amphytrion, symbolicly represented how Montespan learned the affair and how he reacted to it, Jupiter of course being Louis XIV and Amphytrion Montespan (this part is still disputed by scholars tho).
He tried to catch the pox from prostitute, to gave it to his wife who would therefore gave it to the king. Convinced to have it, he went to the castle ran after his wife who fled to the Montauzier’s appartment where he tried to destroy the door with his stick. Household caught him and throw him out.
Following this episod, he went a few days in prison, then was asked to leave the court. Before going back he came to take his leave from the king... in his freshly painted black carriage wearing stag’s antlers which also decorated his familly arms to show to everyone his new “status”. Wearing all black he went to the King who asked why he did so, Montespan answered that he was mourning his dead wife who he’ll never see again. ‘Course Louis didn’t appreciate that and sent him back to prison to teach a lesson Montespan never learned.
Finally out of prison, he went back to his lands where he organised his marriage’s funerals, mass and oration, transported an empty coffin to the cemetery and stuck a wooden cross in the ground engraved with the dates “1663-1667″. Then made no waves for years, staying in Gascony far away from his wife.
He died in 1691 or 1701 (that’s unclear) and left a special demand in his testimony : “Having no wife to be grateful for, who amused herself as much as she could, made me pass my youth and life in celibacy, I will only give her my great portrait painted by Bourdon, asking her to put it in the room when the king wont enter it anymore (...) I am giving to the king my vast castle of Montespan, begging him to create a community of “Dames repenties” (repented ladies) to the charge and only condition that my wife will take the lead of that said convent and becomes its first abbess.”
He was surnamed “The Great Cuckold” (Le Cocu Magnifique).
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camillemontespan · 6 years
the abc of love [drake and camille]
For those who wish to know more about Dramille (yes that’s their couple name which I’ve just made up on the spot, come at me!)
@cora-nova thanks for creating these amazing questions, I enjoyed filling them out!
@sirbeepsalot @pug-bitch @jovialyouthmusic @katedrakeohd @drakesensworld @notoriouscs @moonlightgem7 @ifyouseekheart
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They always celebrate their relationship anniversary. They do the same thing each year - sit in front of the fire out on the terrace and make smores. It’s simple but it’s cute and it suits them perfectly.
Camille likes to think there is something after death. Drake is the opposite- he doesn’t believe in God and he thinks that once you’re dead, you’re dead. 
Camille says she doesn’t believe in star signs but she will still sneak a peak in the horoscope section of magazines, you know, just in case. 
Drake has kept the receipt of their first dinner date together. He also has an album on his phone which are just photos he has taken of Camille. He looks at it whenever he misses her or just wants to feel warm and fuzzy.
Camille got into scrapbooking, thanks to Maxwell. She keeps photos, receipts, restaurant napkins, theatre tickets... everything they have done, she will keep a memento of. 
Drake does most of the cooking, which is surprising to some people - they only see him when he is mocking the tiny finger food at court. When he cooks, he prepares hearty meals that are meant to be feasted on. 
Camille likes white wine. She also loves Espresso Martinis, which are perfect for a night out because it gets you drunk and keeps you awake at the same time. Drake thinks cocktails are unnecessary but if Camille asks him to join in, he will. He will always choose a Manhattan (unless he is at brunch and has a mimosa. More on that later).
They both love going to this seafood restaurant that is right by the harbour in Cordonia’s Old Town. The fish is caught that day and they will both sit outside, looking out at the harbour, eating grilled fish and drinking white wine (Drake will actually drink white wine if he is having fish, and red wine if he is having steak). 
Camille’s comfort food is mac n cheese as it reminds her of home.
Camille enjoys barre class, Pilates and spinning. Drake prefers just sweating it out in the gym, but if it’s a sunny day, he will hike up the mountains. He feels free when he is high up, away from civilisation. 
They both watch NFL. Camille supports the Giants, Drake obviously supports the Texans. They host Superbowl at their house every year, which is always fun as they get really into it, with bets and hotdogs and whiskey. Hana and Maxwell don’t understand the rules, Liam is too busy checking his work emails and Olivia gets bored but they enjoy the entertainment. 
6. F - FIRST
Their first dance was at a ball in court and both wanted the other but couldn’t do anything about it. For Drake, that first dance was torture as he held her close, wishing he could kiss her.
Their first kiss was over a bottle of whiskey. Drake remembers Camille tasting of whiskey and watermelon lip balm. 
Their first time together was, again, after drinking whiskey. Drake had taken her back to her room to sleep off the whiskey but before she could go, he couldn’t help himself and kissed her. One thing led to another..
7. G - GOLD
They both don’t care for wealth or material possessions. Camille was working class and got her first job aged 14 to help her grandmother with the rent, food shopping, bills. She views money as a way to survive; not to flash the cash and spend on designer items or cars. 
Drake’s most prized possession is his grandmother’s engagement ring, which he proposed to Camille with. To him, it is priceless.
8. H - HOME
Camille’s parents died when she was five from a drug overdose. Camille was adopted by her grandmother, Gisele. They lived in a small house in the outskirts of New York. Camille is part French on her grandmother’s side - they are descendants of Madame de Montespan, mistress of Louis XIV. Gisele always talked about it - Camille doesn’t as she thinks nobody would believe her, plus she doesn’t like to brag.
Drake visited the ranch in Texas every summer and it’s a place where he feels happiest. 
Camille isn’t keen on Kiara (Kinky Kiara). They sometimes argue when Drake starts thinking that he doesn’t deserve this life, which Camille always takes  great pains to tell him he does.
Drake loves humour when comedians say the very thing they shouldn’t. Anything that’s controversial, Drake likes. 
Camille is incredibly ticklish and Drake knows it. Drake takes advantage of this all the time. 
11. K - KIDS
Camille loves babies and gets broody easily. Since she lost her parents so young, she has always wanted babies and a home to create. 
When they had Lily, Drake was over protective from the start. He would watch over her while she slept, scared she would stop breathing. 
Camille is very hands on and loves Lily with every fibre of her being. This child will never feel lonely or lost.
12. L - LOOK
Camille will wear Prada, Gucci and Chanel when she is on Duchess duty. When she is off duty, she likes to wear Anthropologie and The Kooples. She takes skincare seriously, and has the wrinkle free skin to prove it, and her favourite perfume is Gabrielle by Chanel - her mother was called Gabrielle, so the perfume holds a special meaning to her. 
Drake relies on the old faithful - denim shirt and jeans. But, when he suits up for court events, he really suits up. Armani suits. His favourite perfume is Bleu de Chanel, which smells woody and masculine.
13. M - MEDIA
Drake doesn’t like social media as he doesn’t see the point in it. Who cares what you ate for dinner? Why are people taking photos of their dinners? 
They both have Netflix. Drake likes Stranger Things (he fancies Nancy). Camille loves Queer Eye (can you believe?!)
Their core group consists of Liam, Maxwell, Hana and Olivia. They don’t like Madeleine but will tolerate her if she is around. Camille is the people person of the relationship; she sparkles and knows all the right anecdotes. Bertrand taught her well. 
Camille focuses more on Duchess duties. She hosts an open house every Thursday from 1-4, a tradition that was abandoned more than 200 years ago but which she has brought back. It means the citizens of Valtoria can visit the estate and speak to her in person regarding any issues they have.  Drake deals with things around the estate such as land conservation. 
Camille goes to the spa with Hana and Olivia once a month. Drake likes the plunge pool.
Drake makes Camille breakfast in bed every Sunday. It is their couple time. They will sip coffee, eat waffles with nutella and bananas and read their papers. Sometimes, if he is feeling fun, he will make them mimosas (Hana introduced him to mimosas and he was ashamed to really like it).
They are both private about their personal life as they don’t court attention. They share everything - Camille had to teach Drake to trust her with his secrets. It was another wall which she broke down.
They both get up at 8am to have breakfast on their balcony. Camille attends meetings and Drake talks to landowners. They both have a meeting together for one hour in which they discuss their duties, progress etc but after that, they talk about normal things. They have dinner together every evening and they don’t talk about work.
They both love sex. They are both passionate and like to focus on the other. Drake is very generous and gives all of himself to her. They aren’t crazy in the bedroom but they have handcuffs and have used hot wax before. The balcony is one of their favourite places to have sex. Camille likes to be dominated over; any time he picks her up against a wall, she loves it. 
They are such a cosy couple. They are always touching; whether its kissing or holding hands, they find a way to touch. Olivia says they are sickening.
21. U - UPS & DOWNS
For Drake, he only needs Camille and their daughter to be happy. 
He likes the simple things. He loves whiskey, the outdoors, the smell of wood burning in a fire. Texas. Endless summers in Texas. He loves the scent of Camille’s hair - coconut- and her watermelon lipbalm when she kisses him. 
Camille loves Drake and Lily. She adores their dog, Maxwell, named after their friend of course, and she loves New York. 
Camille is the eternal optimist while Drake can be very pessimistic. 
They enjoy hiking up the mountains and city breaks. Rome was a particular favourite of theirs as they wandered round the city unnoticed, getting drunk on wine and overeating on pizza and pasta.
They married at the Walker ranch at sunset. Camille had planned most of it and had kept the location secret from Drake until she was forced to tell him (basically when the invitations were ready to be posted).  He got quite emotional and had to have a moment alone. So much joy.
They spent their wedding night by the lake at the ranch. It was really warm outside and they hadn’t wanted to be cooped up indoors. Drake found pillows and blankets and they consummated their marriage by the lake. 
24. X - EXs
Drake has slept around but has no ex-girlfriends. He didn’t think any girl deserved to be ‘saddled’ with him so he made sure he was distant and aloof. It didn’t work; the ladies loved it, wanting the chance to ‘help him’. He didn’t like many of the girls at court anyway as they were too spoiled or giggly or annoying. 
Camille had a boyfriend when she was 7 years old called Patrick which lasted one day. When she was 16, she had a boyfriend called James who she was with for two years. 
Camille gets emotional. Drake is rational. This swaps around when Drake is drunk; if they fight when they’ve been drinking, he shouts. Camille will treat him like a child, which only annoys him more. 
They fight when Drake relies too much on whiskey to cloud his negative thoughts. 
Camille is fantastic at the silent treatment. 
26. Z - ZOOM
They were made for each other. Drake can now die a happy man having been with her and Camille finally feels safe and loved and wanted. They are best friends wrapped up as lovers.
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