#(or even that it's worse than carmilla)
gh-0-stcup · 9 months
We as a culture were robbed when Dracula caught on over Carmilla.
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carmillatism · 1 year
mechs headcanon otd: carmilla just straight up forgot to tell the mechs that they're disabled, and it took them just. so long to figure it out
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coffeecatcraze · 7 months
It is not lost on me that Charlie and Vaggie were initially not doing great against Adam and Lute...and then proved Carmilla was so fucking right.
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Vaggie is absolutely FUCKED here. She's been in this position before, with Lute looming over her spitting vitriolic judgment, Vaggie's blood on the ground. Back then, she couldn't stop Lute from taking away her wings, her eye, her home, and her purpose. But now? She has more than that; she has love, because she has Charlie.
When Lute threatens Charlie, everything changes. Vaggie fucks her up immediately...and shows "mercy" knowing that being forced to live with part of herself gone (her arm was CRUSHED, no way was she getting it back), the shame of defeat, and the knowledge that someone she's been looking down on so completely is responsible for it all is a fate MUCH worse than death for Lute.
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And Charlie? Charlie's insanely powerful but has no clue how to use her power to its full potential because she's never had a reason or desire to fight until now. Even when she's being strangled, when she's pissed-off and vengeful, she can't really tap into that power. But then Adam comes at her dad and is about to catch him off-guard.
He's about to hurt—possibly kill—her dad, who she's finally building a good relationship with; her dad, who just showed up to protect her despite the risk of politically turning this battle from an act of defiance by a willful princess to an act of full-on rebellion by the King of Hell himself. She reacts on instinct to protect her father and stops a hit that destroyed Alastor's shield. And she does it effortlessly.
Carmilla was right. For these ladies, at least, the need to protect someone they love, no matter what kind of love it is, is exactly what rallies them to come at enemies who were just kicking their asses and absolutely dominate.
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milqueandsugar · 4 months
🌼☕` Hugging Them `☕🌼
Gen / fluff
Includes / Alastor , Lucifer , Husk , Charlie , Vox , Velvette , Carmilla
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Won't initiate but will allow it if you're interested, never in public however
Recovering from a fight doesn't necessarily warrant him initiating touch, it's the opposite actually
Fighting makes him feel gross, when feelings are running hot he couldn't imagine anything worse than being touched, so given the courtesy you've given his aversion to touch he does the same for you
If, eventually you tell him you WOULD like to be touched and held after a fight or when upset he'll indulge
He likes to hold you while sat and comfortable, in bed or on the lounge, head resting comfortably in your shoulder, hand running up and down your back, gentle, fleeting, loving touches
Adores hugging, he's very physically affectionate and wrapping you up in his arms, wings and tail is the closest to heaven he could get
His cool to the touch, unnaturally so, so he's learned it's best to give you a little warning before hand
Sometimes he doesn't though, just to give you a little spook
Have fun pulling him off of you, sometimes likes to just drape over you to cause problems
Got to get up early? Have fun pulling that octopus off of you
| HUSK |
He's neutral towards it, he's not a hugger but he doesn't hate it either
Usually after a fight, once you've mare up of course
Will just give you one if you ask though, only if you sweeten the pot though
"You want to- what you want a hug? What are you willing to give for it?"
Purrs the whole time though, tail swaying
Sometimes in the early morning he'll even wrap it around you, ears airplaned as he just takes you in
HUGE hugger
Coming home, hug, leaving the hotel, hug, want a kiss, hug first, happy, hug, sad, hug
She read an article that said that humans need a certain amount of hugs a day to function and she's hitting that marker every day
She's a nuzzler too, against your face, your cheek, neck or shoulder
Think like when a cat rubs against your legs, but the cat has you in a crushing grasp
| VOX |
He's doing the work of like, three nine to fives, the only time he's really affectionate is in public outings for publicity, TV, or in bed before he gets up at some ungodly hour
He denies he likes snuggling but he always migrates to your side of the bed, somehow, every night, certainly some sort of coincidence
Cuddling is awkward cause of his head, if he wants to initiate he and you have to do some finagling to slot you two together, it's worth the work though, he never does anything that isn't worth it
Is the most affectionate in front of a camera or in the public eye
Whenever you get a surprise hug, or kiss or she takes your hand in hers you can just assume that there's a camera near by
Posts lots of photos of the two of you cuddling, power couple shit
The only time you can say she hugged you, unencouraged by a camera, is when her first runway walk sold out
It's, weird to be nostalgic for something that only happened once but, you are
Usually gives you hugs when she senses you're upset
It's not that she doesn't like being affectionate, it's just not something that comes naturally to her
Is awkward, at first, but over time it becomes like second nature and holding you is a joy she could never lose
Hugs you around your neck, or from behind, just so she can mold herself to you and selfishly take you all in
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you know how you did bg3 types of yanderes, could you do that for castlevania? Like the trio and isaac, hector, dracula/lisa, carmilla, st. germain??
A/N: For reference, here is the one I did for BG3 villains, and here is the one I did for the BG3 Main Companions. Also, this is unedited as hell so if you see grammar mistakes, no you didn't. 
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Castlevania Characters as Yandere! Types: 
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Yandere! Trevor: 
Defensive. Calucative. Hardened. Trevor’s seen far worse than you, from humans and monsters alike. He knows the terror and the cruelty that lurks out there. He wants to shield you from it all, for as long as possible. He has this overwhelming need to prevent what happened to his family from happening to you. Even then, he knows your innocence won’t last; it couldn’t possibly. So long as you’re tied to him, you will know hardship. So as much as he babies you, and refuses to grant you complete independence, he is also distant, and frequently unaffectionate. In his line of work, people don’t die of old age; neither of you will be in the other’s life forever. Just let him love you the way he needs, when he asks for it, please. Everything else is so difficult in his life, you don’t want to add to that. Make yourself into the one piece of his life that is easy. And enjoy the easy while it lasts. 
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Yandere! Sypha: 
Confident. Feisty. Unyielding. Sypha is always sure of herself. Everything she does, she does with 100% effort and full intent- your relationship is no different. From the moment she sees you, she’s sure she likes you, and she’s certain you like her. Any behavior that suggests otherwise on your part must simply be beginning relationship nerves. After all, she is a scholar and a Speak Magician. Her infectious optimism seeps out of her every pore. Her love for you knows no bounds, and she will not hesitate to throw herself into danger to prove it. I mean, she can conjure fire and ice instantaneously in her own two hands! Who wouldn’t want to be her partner?  Only some sort of complete and total asshole would try and turn her down, or worse, fight against her. She fights for what is right, and what is just. You wouldn’t fight against what’s just, would you? 
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Yandere! Alucard: 
Intellectual. Sharp. Melancholic. Alucard is not a stranger to romance nor heartbreak. Losing the people closest to him has left him vulnerable, both emotionally and physically. Instead of processing his feelings, he bottles them up, until he can no longer bear their weight. He feels such pressure to remain composed, remain controlled, not animalistic, to go against the programming of half of his biology. At the same time, he is starving, desperate, and filled with an insatiable thirst for closeness. Such a complicated, disconsolate man, Alucard needs you to stay, more than anything. His life has been so lonely, and so hard; at times it feels like all he knows is loss and the cruel impossible whispers of desire. You need to stay. You need to choose him. He cannot take another heartbreak. It’s quite possible, given his role throughout history, that humanity wouldn’t survive another one of his heartbreaks either.  
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Yandere! Isaac: 
Keen. Precise. Self-Righteous. Isaac has journeyed far on his quest for revenge, coming not only into a new land and new role but a new self as well. Gone is the former subservient, sacrificial lamb, who has risen into a stronger, wiser, seemingly benevolent king. Do not mistake this kindness for weakness, however. You must be either admirable or too kind-hearted to pose a genuine threat. Once you’ve caught his eye, prepare for an odd game of cat and mouse, you being the mouse of course. Isaac is not used to having friends, much less romantic companions. You must be patient as he learns the intricacies of your psyche. Surely, you must know he’s been analyzing it since you met? Be an honest, positive presence in his life, and he will keep you safe from all others who may do you harm. Treat him as the wise king he now sees himself as, and perhaps, he will ask you to be his queen. 
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Yandere! Hector: 
Reclusive. Embittered. Suspicious. Hector has been forced to toughen up. Too late did he realize at the end of the road, that it is the people, not the zombies you command that can make or break a man. That is where you come in my dear. Following Lenore’s death, Hector’s purpose is up in the air, he is suddenly a puppet, free of its strings. He feels much wiser, but just as lonely. Hector cannot help but latch on to you, the first “normal” person to view him as human. He yearns for a simple quiet life, with a dog (a live one) and a partner to call his own. You’re perfectly plain, or perhaps, you’re just odd enough to make him look normal, and he relishes that. You have to understand that he can’t share much about his past. He can’t possibly tell you about his old life, no, no, no. He’s hiding it from you, hells, he’s hiding from it with you. He loves you dearly, he does. But he can’t trust you, not fully. A man with a history like his cannot truly trust anyone. 
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Yandere! Dracula/Lisa: 
Nurturing. Captivated. Smothering. Dracula was not keen on humans before meeting Lisa; she bewitched me body and soul. And now the two of them have become enthralled by you. Dracula has learned the ‘other’ humans are not to be trusted, not with you, and certainly not with his wife. Lisa finds it unfortunate how she is no longer able to treat her former patients in Lupu, but she’s also incredibly thankful now that she has you to take care of! Ever the eager student, she still wants to learn so many things, and how wonderful of a practice dummy you are. Dracula is also eternally grateful that his wife will not be completely lonely; he knows how much helping her fellow humans means to her, and now that you’re here, Dracula no longer has to worry about keeping his wife (and by extension, you) to himself for eternity. 
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Yandere! Carmilla: 
Prepared. Calculating. Cruel. Carmilla is a sadist at heart, there’s no denying it. She loves feeling the power she wields over all other people, humans, and vampires alike. For you to have caught her attention, surely you must be something special. Either you are particularly gifted in something she’s not (negotiations, necromancy, art, etc.) or you’re just so unbelievably precious, that she can’t help but want to steal you away for herself. She sees you as a possession, as a rare and beautiful gem, not a person. Even if she did ‘hear’ anything you had to say, she’d simply consider it further fodder to be used in manipulating you should it all come to that. She is not a woman who is denied, not by God, not by man, not by Dracula, and certainly not by you. Chin up, pet. Things could always be much worse. You could be thrown in the dungeons and left to rot. How lovely of Carmilla to instead treat you to more luxury than your kind could ever dare to deserve. For your continued safety, may I suggest showing a little gratitude? I mean it’s not like your life depends on it or anything. It does. 
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Yandere! St. Germain: 
Wise. Inquisitive. Obsessive. St. Germain is a man who knows his mind. He knows a great deal about alchemy, and that alchemy, at the end of his days, will be his greatest work. That was of course, all before he met you. You opened up a whole side of him that he didn't know existed. Before you, his conquest was kings and courts; his acquaintances were mages and scholars! But now, in his effort to keep you from himself, you have become his conquest; his acquaintances are vampires and demons, all practitioners of dark magic. To him, it’s of little matter, so long as he can secure you, his one true love. To him, it’s the most important to have someone to share all his knowledge with, all that he’s achieved. To bask in the victory alone does not hold the same merit. He needs you at his side, he needs you to be invested in the great work. Without you, without your love, he fears he cannot achieve it. As such, he will do whatever it takes to get you by his side. And I do mean- whatever- it takes. 
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hazbinhotelxreader · 7 months
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Yandere Carmilla x Alastors! daughter reader (platonic)
Words: 2.1k
Requested: I_Love_Carmilla_Carmine
“Here to Stay”
A/n: sorry I haven’t posted for a while! I’m working on my school and have been busy! I’ll probably be writing more again on the weekend! Sorry the fight scene is bad!!!
Info: the reader gets left to Carmilla to take care of, Carmilla loved the reader like her own child, and doesn’t want her to leave. And Carmilla will go far to ensure she won’t
Sitting at her desk in her office, Carmilla writes and reads her documents. During this time she hears a knock on her door, she says a stern “enter” for whoever is out there. Turning around to face the door, she sees..Alastor? And a young child, you, near him. “Alastor? What is it that you need?” She asked stern, a little confused and polite.
“Hello Carmine! I have some business I need to attend to! And I came here asking for a favor!” He states in his usual radio and happy tone, a large smile planted on his face.
“Do tell..” Carmilla waits for what he wants, wondering why an overlord like himself would be asking for a favor in the first place.
“You see this little darling? This is my daughter [Name]! And I need you to keep her under your wing for a while.” He motioned to you, gently pushing you forward to see Carmilla. Shy and young, you look down and avert your eyes from Carmillas, she really was much more intimidating.
Carmillas gaze softened as she looked down at your shy form, then looked back at Alastor. “How long are you expected to be gone?”
“Oh, not that long..maybe a few days, but this little darling won’t cause you any trouble!” He said in his usual tone, smiling.
“I guess I can make some time for her..” Carmilla says looking down at you. She had a thing for children, she loved them, and when looking at you her heart softened.
“I give you my thanks” Alastor smiled and knelt down to you, a genuine grin on his face. “I will see you soon my dear, make sure you’re behaving for Carmilla here.” He said and gave your shoulder a pat.
“Okay..” you say and give him a quick hug, Alastor hugged back and stood up, saying his good byes and walking out the room. You turn to Carmilla, looking up at her.
“Come now little one..” she held her larger hand out to you, waiting for you to take it. You hesitated, but eventually took her hand, maybe you’d get use to Carmilla when your fathers out for the next couple of days.
Seven years. It’s been seven years since you’ve seen your father…that man that raised you in your earlier life..the man you wanted to see again. You got use to Carmilla after a few weeks when your father didn’t return like he promised. You were young and needed comfort, and study life and household, and lucky for you Carmilla was willing to give it to you, along with a caring mother figure, herself, and her daughters being your older sisters.
Though, she did act a lot more protective over you. You never had a mother so you just thought that mothers do this and it’s completely normal. It went from small things like telling her exactly where you’re going when you leave the house, and then started to get worse to the point she won’t even let you leave.
She grew possessive and overprotective. She was still kind, caring, and motherly, just more controlling. She loved you, like you were one of her daughters. You basically were, you spent seven years of your life at her house, being raised by her, she’s practically your mother.
Sighing softly, you stand up, looking around your room, which Carmilla had provided you a few years back. It was a medium room, larger than the one you had at your father’s place..and Carmilla made sure you had everything you needed. Clothes, a comfortable bed, and desk, food, everything. Right now, it was currently Saturday, so you headed to the kitchen, seeing Carmilla already making breakfast.
“Buenos Dias Hija, how are you?” She asked, serving you a plate of food. As always, the food smells and looks delicious, she really was the best cook you knew.
“Morning..I’m fine..” you say and start to eat. You’ve grown accustomed to her Spanish, she actually taught you how to speak it a few years ago. Odette and Clara woke up soon after, sitting in the living room and flipping the Tv on, like usual, this is how your older sisters started their Saturday mornings.
Turning your attention to the Tv in the living room, taking bites of your breakfast, you saw they were watching Vox’s channel. One of the VVV’s. Carmilla sighed and ignored the tv, she never liked the VVV’s, to her they were respect-less or inane, she never respected them as much as she did to the other overlords.
You watched it with your sisters, seeing he sounded like he was sorta singing? That was normal in hell so you weren’t surprised but…what he was saying caught your attention. “So, the Radio Demon is back in town”
He was back? You stopped eating and moved to the living room, sitting on the couch and watching…oh shit..he’s back..and you felt yourself grow excited that he’s back, wanting to see him, wanting to hug him, but also slight anger with how long he left you.
You stand up and rush to the door, but Carmilla grabbed your arm before you could. “[Name]? Where are you going?” She asked, worried.
“Didn’t you hear the tv! My dad’s back! I need to go see him!” You exclaim excitedly, thinking that Carmilla will be glad for you and let you.
Carmilla tensed and shook her head, eyes widening slightly at the thought of you returning to that man. “No..no my dear..it isn’t safe for you to go with him..”
You look at her, confused. “What..? Why not? He’s my father..” you asked, why was she keeping you from seeing him? She trusted him right? She trusted you right?
“That means nothing…he’s too dangerous and I will not allow him near you” Carmilla narrowed her eyes, and yanked you away from the front door. Carmilla sends a look at Clara and Odette, making them stand up and head to their rooms. “We will not discuss this any further. You are not going out to see him.” Carmilla demands.
You couldn’t believe it, your father finally came back and now Carmilla wasn’t letting you see him? You decided to fight back, not obeying her wishes. “No! He’s my dad! I want to see him! I miss him.” You say and tried to pull your arm out of her grip, but she’s stronger.
“I said we will not be discussing this! That man left you, he is the Radio demon! He is far too dangerous for you to be living with him!” She raised her voice more, usually when she did raise her voice, you’d back down..but not this time. You wanted to see him, you wanted to see your father.
“Let me go!” You yelled back at her, pulling and tugging at her arm, not letting your guard down, not going to give in.
“No! Listen to your mother!” She raised her voice even more, her pupils dilating at your stubborn form, she grits her teeth, her sharp fangs exposed.
“You’re not my mother!” You yell at her without a second thought. Carmilla froze, then she glared down at you. How dare you say that. She is practically your mother, the closest thing you had to one. And here you were, wanting to run back to the father who abandoned you.
Her grip tightens on your arm, she gave you a harsh tug and pulled you closer. “You will not see him. Do you understand?! He is not your father, he is not your parent and you will never see him again!” She snarled. You looked down, starting to tear up. You didn’t want to believe it, but it you knew it was true. “And for your disobedience…” she started, then dragged you upstairs to a room. She pushed you inside, slamming the door and locking it shut from the outside.
You panic and try opening the door, banging and banging on it, begging from the outside to make her let you out. But your cries fell silent on her, her heart hurt for your cries, but she knew you needed to be kept away, she knew you needed to be with her, your her family. And she will make sure it stays that way.
It’s been a few days. You ave been stuck in that room the whole time, crying. You knew Carmilla was protective but not this protective. She did come in and see you, offering you comfort and food. At first you didn’t take the comfort, mad at her still, but you gave in after the first 3 days, you felt so alone.
In her office, Carmilla was gathering and working on some paperwork, when she heard a knock on her front door, she demands one of her hellhounds to answer it, and then they come running back with their tail between their legs.
“Ma’am..it’s the radio demon” they inform. Carmillas eyes narrow. She stands up and thanked the hellhound, making her way to the door.
“Alastor?..Lovely to see you. I see you’ve returned after all that time..how are you?” She stated calmly with false politeness and welcome.
“Ah! Well I was quite busy you know! My business went a little longer than I wanted it to! “He continued to smile and speak in his usual upbeat tone. “Now for why I’m here…I haven’t forgotten about my precious girl, and I am thankful that you have been taking good care of her, but I can take her under my wings again” he said and held his hand out.
Carmilla narrowed her eyes. You were not his precious girl, not anymore. He abandoned you, and she wasn’t going to let that slide. “Actually..she is quite happy here now. She doesn’t wish to go back.” Carmilla stated, standing up tall and looking down at Alastor with a hard glare.
Alastors kept his smile, though a hint of malice was shown. “Oh I don’t think I was asking there Carmine. I want my daughter back.” He said a little more demanding.
“And I say no. You are no longer a guardian in her life. You left her in my hands to raise, and so I did. You are taking one of my children away, a mothers child. Do not come back here again” Carmilla sneered, trying to keep her cool. Alastors eyes narrowed at her.
“Now now, no need to get so pissy, just hand her over and I’ll be out on my way, don’t make me take her from you.” Alastor threats. He wanted to see you again. Sure he left you due to some…business, but he still loved you dearly.
“Leave. Respectfully. I do not want to force you either.” Carmilla placed her clenched hands behind her back, attempting to look more stern and calm. Alastor tried to walk into her house, but Carmilla blocked him, her sharp fangs bared and a glare on her face. “Leave us be.”
Alastor chuckled, angered and irritated. “I didn’t want to do this the hard way darling…” he grabbed his staff (???), and hit it on the ground, weird black tentacle looking things came out of the ground, headed towards Carmilla. Carmilla reacted fast, quick on her feet she dodged and jumped into the air, her angelic shoes sharp, she lands a kick on one of the tentacles, slicing it in half. Alastor sent another source of attack at Carmilla, some green gooish power. Dodging once again, Carmilla aims her attack At Alastor, kicking him harshly, Alastor grunts and gets thrown onto the ground, his mouth and head bleeding, smiling and growling softly he tries to get up, grabbing his staff(??). Bug before he could Carmilla stomped on it with her angelic shoes. Snapping it in half. She placed a leg over Alastors torso, inches away from sinking into it and stabbing him. “You have 10 seconds to leave before I end your pathetic life.” Carmilla sneered with pure venom.
Reluctantly, Alastor faded off, the black goo covering and disappearing while he leaves. “I’ll be back dear” he says before escaping to recover.
Carmilla led out a deep breath. Glaring at the small amount of black goo that was left behind. She looked up at the picture on the wall with you, her, and Clara and Odette.
“I will protect this family …no matter what.”
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obsessive-disfuntion · 5 months
How about Hazbin crew with a possessive reader, not like in a yandere or creepy type.
Reader just likes having them to themselves, character was just talking to someone and reader just goes to them and hug them from behind.
If the crew is too much then just Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor will be fine too.
Thanks and if you can't do it no problem at all.
Thank you, anon, for my first ask!! I love this idea and having just joined Tumblr the immediate support makes me very happy- I haven’t written in a while so I’m a little rusty, but I’d still love to write this out :) (also I loooove being able to write possessive reader, too, this prompt is great-)
Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, Husk, Alastor, Lucifer
Warnings: None? Slight angst for Angel Dust but not too bad- sfw, not beta read, gn reader!
➛ Vaggie
You woke up alone in the bed you shared with Vaggie; a feeling you weren’t all that used to.
Vaggie always stayed in bed until you woke up, or she made you get up with her. She never left you alone. There must have been an emergency in the hotel, or something just as important? 
You slowly got out of bed, body aching from still being tired as you got changed. You had woken up about an hour earlier than you usually do, probably because you aren’t used to Vaggie not being there with you, which just put you in an even worse mood.
When you walk downstairs and into the lobby you saw Vaggie discussing something with one of Carmilla’s daughters. Clara, you think her name was? She’s laughing at something Vaggie said- probably something dry and witty, Vaggie was funny like that- and she put her hand on Vaggie’s shoulder. You didn't know why, but that made you purse your lips and immediately turn away, busying yourself with wiping down countertops with a clean rag. It might have been dirty, actually? You didn't know, you didn't care enough to pay attention at the moment.
“Hey babe, you’re up early,” Vaggie smiled at you as she joined you by the fire place (which you weren't doing a very good job of cleaning), and you almost felt bad for not smiling back. “What’s wrong? You grumpy because you woke up early?”
“Well maybe I would have been able to sleep a bit more if you didn’t just leave me alone in bed,” you huffed, turning away from her.
“What- baby, are you upset? I’m sorry, I had a meeting I had to-“
“With Clara? What is she even doing here? I thought you didn’t like having weapons at the hotel.”
“I don’t like them when the guests have them. I wanted to talk to Carmilla about having some weapons for the hotel’s self-defense after the last extermination we had. Y’know, just in case. But Carmilla couldn’t make it so she sent her daughter instead-“
“Who was very touchy,” you blurted out, dropping the rag you were using to “clean.” 
“Oh,” Vaggie chuckled, her slight frown turning to a visible smile. “I see what this is about.”
She grabbed the rag from the floor and put it to the side before wrapping an arm around your waist to start guiding you to bed. “Maybe we should take a small nap. While I think it’s very cute that you’re getting so possessive, it might help if you weren’t so tired. Would that be okay? If we took a nap together?”
You give a slow nod as she guides you upstairs, agreeing that it might help you calm down if you get a bit more sleep. But you’re glad that Vaggie realized that she is all yours, and appreciates your possessiveness instead of finding it as something to be upset about. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Let’s get you back to bed.”
✿ Charlie
“Oh! Hey- hi! Welcome to the hotel!” Your girlfriend’s cheery voice rang out through the lobby, and you immediately knew a new guest had arrived.
You got up, aware of the fact she would probably need your help to reel it in. She got a little excited at every new face that showed up. Which you adored, but sometimes it made the guests a little nervous.
But when you turned the corner you saw the new guest was a relatively attractive demon, which even you could admit it, so you immediately looked at Charlie. She, of course, was smiling so brightly and showing the mysterious demon to every single inch of the hotel. But as soon as you saw Charlie put her hand on the demon’s back, and they fucking grinned at her, your breathing started to quicken.
“Charlie, babe, what’s going on?” you asked, smiling- although it didn’t really reach your eyes- as a slight warning to the stranger when you step forward and wrap an arm around Charlie’s waist, pulling her away from them. 
“Oh- well, I was just showing our newest guest around…” Charlie answers, visibly concerned at your passive aggressive demeanour. “But… I can get Vaggie or Alastor to show them to their room…?”
“Maybe we should do that. I need you for a minute,” you said, shooting a side eye at the guest.
Charlie nodded and waved Alastor over, who immediately began to show the stranger around the rest of the hotel with his normal stylish and classy flare.
“Love… what’s going on?” Charlie asked, turning to you with a worried expression. 'Did something happen, or-“
“They just looked so… flirty. They looked at you like a piece of meat, I got angry-“
“Ah, I see…” Charlie giggled at your words. “It’s okay to get jealous every once in a while, but I’m a very loyal person. You know this.”
“But that doesn’t men your guests understand that…” you trail off, looking towards the direction that Alastor and the guest went.
Charlie gently grabs your face, your cheeks held between her palms so you would keep your eyes on her. “Hey… I can take care of myself- you don’t need to worry about me. I’m yours, and you’re mine,” she smiled at you, and you couldn’t stay mad.
Not when she looked at you like that.
“Sorry, Charlie…”
“It’s alright! Just remember this conversation next time you start to feel a little jealous,” she teased, leaning in to press her lips against yours.
➴ Sir Pentious
“Clean my quarters… immediately!!” Sir Pentious ordered his minions, which made you jump awake in bed.
“Pentious- babe, can we just go back to sleep? Please…” 
“What? Oh- s…sorry dear, but Charlie wanted us… to have a meeting right away this… morning.”
“Oh…” you trailed off, looking at the eggs that were running about, already starting to make the bed around you. “That’s okay.”
“If you’d like you can come to the meeting with me?”
You didn’t know why, but the fact that Pentious wasn’t spending as much time with you today as you would’ve liked was making you upset. “No- no I’ll probably sleep in. It’s okay,” you mumbled, laying back down under the plush covers.
“Well… alright. You can join me downs…tairs... when you’re ready,” you heard him smile, but you couldn’t get yourself to look at him.
You let out a groan when you hear the door close, hiding under the blankets to try and fall back asleep. 
After a bit you realized you definitely were not falling back asleep, so you rolled yourself out of the surprisingly comfortable bed. You got dressed for the day and left the room, heading downstairs only to find that the meeting was over. You frown, nearly getting teary eyed at the thought of having to look for your boyfriend.
“Ah, you’re awake!” he says from behind you excitedly, and you turn around with a frown still on your face, but you started to calm down as soon as you saw him.
“Hey, Pentious. How was the meeting?” You ask, trying to sound chipper but it didn’t go over very well.
“Oh never mind that- I would like to take you out for breakfas…t,” he states, linking your arm with his as he started to lead you out the door.
“Wait- what?” you ask in surprise, looking at him with a happy expression.
“Well, I could tell you wanted to s…spend more time with me today, and who am I to deny you? S…so today it’ll jus…t be the two of us…” he promised you, making your heart swell.
“Thank you Pentious.”
You didn’t want to admit it, but you treasure the days you get to have him all to yourself.
⊹₊ Angel Dust
You hated Valentino. 
Well obviously everyone at the hotel hated Valentino, but you desperately craved more quality time with Angel and his stupid boss was obsessively over-working him. That bastard would get your boyfriend sore and tired and would immediately fall asleep as soon as he got home. Which was fine, cuddling him was just as great. But you missed having late night chats and watching romcoms to make fun of them with him.
You were laying in his bed and petting Fat Nuggets, waiting for him to get back from work. The lights were off and his pink LED lights were on, making sure that his room had a calm environment all ready for him when he got back.
As soon as the door opened you sat up in the bed and gave him a smile, which fell slightly when you saw how worn-down he was. He was slightly slouched over eyes nearly shut from exhaustion. But he lit up when the saw you on his bed.
“Ugh, you wouldn’t believe the day I had,” he groaned, his accent thick and slurred as he collapsed face-down on his bed right next to you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask, moving to rub his back only for him to roll over to look at you.
“No… no, I don’t want to think about, just- wan’ some sleep,” he sighed, causing your face to fall a bit.
“But I have the day off tomorrow,” he opened his eyes for a second to smile at you.
Your breath caught in your throat as your heart skipped a beat in excitement, looking down at him. “Really? Just us tomorrow?”
“Well, aside from whatever activity Charlie wants to do, yeah. It’s just us tomorrow,” Angel responded with a grin, looking up at you. “Ya missed me, sweetheart?”
“Well- yeah. I did,” you admitted with a red face, moving to lay down next to him. “I hate what your work is doing to you. You know I don’t care what you do, you’re just… obviously hurting.”
“Well it’s not like I got a choice-“
“No, I know. I know,” you interrupted. “Just… let me hold you. I’m worried about you.”
You pulled him close, holding his head to your chest and closing your eyes. “I just… like having you here.”
“I know,” his muffled voice spoke up, smile evident in his voice. “I like being here with ya.”
You ran your fingers through his hair and smiled at the feeling of his body finally relaxing against yours, since you knew Angel definitely needed to unwind and relax. And you were happy to help and provide.
➳❥ Husk
It was a late night with plenty of different guests in the lobby. You wanted to turn in and go to bed, but you always went to your room with Husk so you could say goodnight to each other before going to bed. But Husk was busy tending the bar, who was being pestered by some guy that had one (well, three) too many drinks, and made it obvious in his mannerisms. 
You narrowed your eyes slightly when you saw him lean across the bar, talking to him in some sly, sing-song voice. You didn’t really want to know what he was saying, but you already knew it was something that you didn’t like.
You walked up to the bar and put your hand on the guest’s shoulder, giving him a “polite” smile. “I think you’ve had too much to drink. Maybe it’s about time you go to your room?”
“Oh, we were just having some fun- right Husk?” he grinned at the bartender, your boyfriend, and you tried not to full on sneer in disgust.
“Hey Vaggie!” you called her over with a fake smile before glancing over at Husk, who was obviously entertained. The tease.
She walked over with a slight scowl, not used to being up this late. “Yeah? What do you need?”
“Could you take this guest to his room? He had a little too much to drink.”
“Aw, c’mon. It’s not that bad,” he slurred, getting cut off by Vaggie lifting him off the bar seat and dragging him off.
‘Yeah, yeah. C’mon, dude. Let’s get you to bed,” Vaggie sighed, tired and no longer keeping up that “the customer is always right” mindset.
“There. Now he won’t bother you anymore,” you sighed with a smile, happy to get Husk to yourself.
“I don’t think it was me you were really worried about,” he smirked, his low and familiar voice causing your boiling anger to cease.
“Well, maybe I just like having you to myself,” you teased, watching him clean up the bar so he could finally head to bed.
“And you’re not seeing me complaining about it,” Husk responded over his shoulder before putting the last clean cup down, coming out from behind the bar to join you.
“Want me to walk you to your room?”
“Actually… could I come to yours? I thought maybe we could turn on a movie and I could spend the night…” you offer, hoping he won’t refuse.
“Of course, sounds like a good idea to me,” he smiled at you, taking your hand and leading the way to his room.
✧ Alastor
“Hey, Alastor, I was wondering if we could-“
“Not now, my dear,” Alastor cut you off with his signature smile, patting your head lightly. “My apologies, but unfortunately I promised Charlie to help around the hotel today. Maybe we can catch up later,” he dismissed, walking away from you and not even letting you finish asking to hang out with him.
You let out a sigh and go elsewhere, slightly hurt but telling yourself you would be able to hang out with him later.
But the next day you found him in the library, too busy reading his book to even notice that you walked in. “Alastor,” you tried not to sound too impatient as you attempted to gain his attention.
“Sorry, I’m trying to catch up on my literature,” he grinned, not even looking up from the pages. “Catch me later today, my dear. I’m sure I’ll be free then.”
You tried not to groan out of frustration, immediately exiting the library. You just wanted to spend time with him, but he always tended to busy himself with different things whenever he could.
But then an hour later you grew tired of the lack of company, marching back to the library only to discover that he was no longer there. “Alastor,” you groaned, marching out of the library only to find him helping Charlie with some small task.
You come up to him and hug him from behind, which you knew the sudden affection would upset him but a part of you didn’t care. “Alastor, will you please listen to me.”
He gently pulled away from your grasp, which surprised you. You thought he would be more mean about it. “What is it?”
He looked at you with a shocking amount of patience, and you glanced at Charlie who was distracted with her small task. “I want to spend time with you,” you stated, making eye contact as you informed him of what you wanted. “Just us.”
“Well that can be arranged,” he shrugged with a cheery voice.
He turned towards Charlie, glancing at you for a moment before looking back at her. “Charlie, I’m going to take the rest of the day off. I have an important matter that requires my attention.”
That statement made your heart flutter, and you looked up at him with a smile.
“Of course Alastor! You’ve been contributing a lot lately, you take the break that you need!” her high-pitched and happy voice responded, not even looking at him as she continued working. She was hanging up some sort of poster- probably welcoming a new guest again.
He turned back to you and placed a hand on the small of your back. “Well, you wanted to spend time with me, and I provide for those I care about. What would you like to do?”
“Maybe…” you flushed, happy that he wanted to spend time with you as well. “Go out to lunch?”
“Sounds marvelous,” he agreed with a smile just for you, which made you melt.
𖤐 Lucifer
You were exhausted. It was a long day after helping Charlie at the hotel, and you were heading back to yours and Lucifer’s room when you unexpectedly heard voices right as you turned the corner.
You sigh at the sight of a staff member pestering Lucifer, trying to ask him some question that could either wait until later or that Charlie could easily answer herself.
Lucifer turns his head to glance at you as you step behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his shoulder. Normally you’d be a little self-conscious about showing this much PDA in front of another person, but at this point they were taking up YOUR time, so you didn’t really care at that point.
“Lucifer, is something wrong?” you asked, doing your best to not shoot a glare at the random worker. It was getting late, maybe they could just worry about it later…?
“No of course not,” he muttered, glancing between you and the staff member, then focusing on the latter. “They were just leaving. We’ll discuss this matter later? Tomorrow?”
They quickly nodded with slightly wide eyes, walking away and from you and Lucifer and heading off to find some other thing to worry about, or to hopefully head to bed.
“While I’m glad Charlie is getting more workers to help around the hotel, they are EVERYWHERE,” you groaned into his shoulder, causing him to laugh.
“They ARE just trying to do their jobs…”
“And I’m just trying to get some quality time with my boyfriend. Is that too much to ask?”
“I guess so,” Lucifer laughed at your antics, turning to face you before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “But they’re gone now, so let’s just go to bed? Or at least to our room. I know you’ve worked really hard today, maybe it’s time for us to just relax for a bit.”
Your sour mood was immediately uplifted once Lucifer mentioned spending down time with just the two of you, so you nod quickly and pull him inside the room you shared. You liked spending time with just him- which definitely put a strain in your relationship every now and again, since he was literally the king of hell.
Before he could even sit down on your shared bed you pulled him into a tight hug, happy to just be able to hold each other behind closed doors. 
“I always look forward to it just being us every now and again, Lucifer. You know I love supporting Charlie, we’ve just been so busy…”
He kept one arm wrapped securely around your waist while his other hand rested on the back of your head, holding you tightly.
“Well you have me now. And you always will, even when I’m busy.”
“You promise?” you asked, pulling back slightly to look at him.
He smiled at you, leaning up a tad to press a gentle, barely-there kiss against your lips.
Thank you so much for reading <3
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rubyclover · 4 months
I said I can’t write but if felt nice getting that other idea out of my head. So I wrote this and will post. Technically I started trying to write this like a month ago… Please ignore the constant switching between past and present tense. It’s something I never seem to notice until someone else points out where it is.
Prompt: Professionals hate him but he was right! [Adam] Heaven and Hell come to the realization that The First Man played a larger part in the three realms’ political/social ecosystem than they thought. His absence leaves a vacuum that Lute is unable to fill but she may not need to because Hell is solving the problem themselves… The Morningstar Family can’t run from this.
No ABetaO we expire like Adam~
Imagine that Adam dies, the hotel has never looked better, the residents have healed up and Charlie gets another TV appearance. Lucifer is even more depressed than before but hides it. Adam is gone She’s going to reveal Sir Pentious’ redemption with evidence that is NOT childishly scribbled on key cards. Instead of the interview taking place in the 666News studio it’s held outside the hotel. She will take questions, live, right after the interview. Katie Killjoy wants to give the public a chance to cause chaos for ratings, so she puts Charlie in a vulnerable position.
Things go great… for the first 20 minutes. The interview isn’t even half way done when someone from the crowd interjects after Charlie says ‘The Sinners have a better life now that the Exterminations are permanently canceled.’
That person’s voice is calm but still pissed as Hell. They fire back that no, Sinners don’t have an easier life now that the Exterminations are over. It’s worse! Charlie and the crowd perk up.
The voice moves to the front. They’re short with plain street clothes, hood up. It’s obvious they’re poor and at the bottom of Hell’s pecking order. A couple of Imps are with them equally disheveled and tired looking. The man goes on to point out some rather hard truths.
Thanks to the last Extermination, angelic steel has become a hot commodity. While uncommon right now, there’s a pipeline to obtain an angelic weapon. All you need is enough money. Carmilla Carmine doesn’t care about how her product is used after purchase.
‘Permanent Murder’ is a new trend on HellTube netting ridiculous profits. The main targets are vulnerable Sinners, usually the scared and alone new arrivals, Imps and Hellhounds. All killed by beautifully glowing angelic weapons.
Overlords are more formidable with these weapons so the chance of contractees escaping, like Angeldust, has become damn near impossible even if they destroyed their contract. Some desperate souls were happy with their messed up immortality. It gave them some hope, ‘at least I have a chance to turn things around eventually,’ but that pathetic security is gone.
The Exterminations kept said Overlords in check to a degree. They were more inclined to take care of their underlings because that guaranteed their safety. Now? Just get an angelic gun for all your troubles. Valentino is having a fucking field day.
The ‘permadeath’ toll for one year will be ten times the amount of one Extermination Day considering how much Hell’s citizens like to kill Sinners…
Not to mention, whole industries in Hell, from top to bottom, are starting to crash. Their purpose or sales revolved around the Exterminations. Some workers cannot afford to lose their job and have to sell their soul against their will.
As the man speaks Charlie is surprised to see heads nodding in agreement! Someone comments that they hadn’t seen their Sinner friend in a few days and tries not to panic while another face falls in the crowd and wrings their hands together. An Imp with curved horns standing beside a young Hellhound sweats profusely and starts to leave. Tension moves through the public. Not just the ones in front of the stage but also those watching TV.
Despite her best efforts Charlie cannot lift the crowd’s mood. She realizes prematurely revealing Sir Pentious’ redemption is the only way to salvage this growing disaster. Unfortunately the man’s timing is perfect because the second she opens her mouth he turns his anger on the Morningstars.
He calls out how much her family misrepresents themselves as rulers. They don’t do anything for Hell anymore. They spend most of their time fucking around while the Sinners suffer. The other Sins manage their rings and hellborn, not Lucifer or Lilith. All three of the Morningstars can’t truly understand human suffering yet they profess to know how to best handle it. With no idea what it means to be human yet they pass judgement on them.
The crowd becomes agitated and the Imps beside the man move closer to him. They aren’t trying to draw safety from the Sinner but are taking defensive positions. Charlie realizes this isn’t someone speaking up in the heat of the moment. This is a planned speech. He’s highjacking her broadcast!
She sees the Sinner clench his fists and feels herself start to sweat. Why was he saying any of that? Yes, life will be a bit hard at first but now everyone can come together and rebuild! There are so many possibilities available to The Pride Ring. It would improve lives. Change was always good they just had to be careful. Yet the stranger goes on.
He claims that Lucifer is a washed up angel that can’t comprehend mortality because of his maladaptive dreaming and pride, Lilith is apathetic to Sinners and wishes to aggravate Heaven no matter how much Hell will suffer and Charlie is so sheltered that she thinks PTSD can be solved by clapping and saying positive affirmations.
Little is known about the royal family but the stranger’s comments sway the crowd. The hotel’s original commercials got the time of day because of Charlie’s status, not because the facility had managed to accomplish anything. Lucifer barely appears at all even when large fights break out leveling half of Pentagram City. And Lilith? Missing for 7 years after riling up all of Hell multiple times, causing Heaven to start the Exterminations.
The stranger calls the hotel a disgusting joke. Calls out how Charlie is trying to ‘pass the buck’ over to Heaven. The Pride Ring’s actual rulers are Overlords and they make sure Sinners suffer and continue to act depraved whether they like it or not. Her family has the power to take control and lessen the city’s suffering but they don’t. Instead they play with their little pet project .
Why are they focusing on shipping problems elsewhere? There’s a better way to solve the pain and suffering at the source than waiting! Fix Pentagram City! Show Heaven that the current number of Sinners isn’t a threat!
‘For all the crying and sniveling you do Princess Charlotte, you sure don’t actually help where it counts! I’m sure you care about Sinners but only on the same level as someone cares about cute public park ducks.’
Vaggie, who had been standing to the side of the stage leaps forward, places herself in between the stranger and her girlfriend. Everyone’s raised emotions have put her on edge. She ignores the harsh gasps when her angelic spear slides free and into her hands. ‘Back up! Now!’
Charlie’s heart sank at the escalation. She understood her girlfriend was still tense from the extermination but all their hard work was starting to fray around the edges! She just hoped her dad didn’t-
The King of Hell himself appears through a portal shortly after gathering himself together. The opening looked angrier in color, matching his mood. Sickly green lines run throughout the glow, radiating blistering heat. Parts of the stage began to melt and the forgotten camera crew swivel to their ruler. Lucifer’s face is set in stone but his bright flickering eyes give him away.
‘Who the fuck are you?’ He snarls, apple topped cane slamming onto the stage causing some of it to splatter. ‘How dare you speak to my daughter that way.’ Lucifer’s face morphs into a more demonic grimace. Katie Killjoy scrambles from her chair and off the stage at the same time as Charlie vaulting up to place a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder whispering ‘dad no!’ She doesn’t want the hotel’s improved reputation to evaporate. A confrontation with someone on live TV would scare people away!
Lucifer growls in the back of his throat, looking at where he assumes the bastard’s eyes are under his hood. Smoke and embers sizzle out from the corner of his mouth and inbetween teeth. He hated acting this way but he had an image to uphold. ‘Answer your King you wretch. Don’t confuse my inaction with benevolence. You’re testing my patience!’
After a beat or two of staring each other down the stranger has the gall to ‘tsk’ off to the side as if spitting. ‘As you with your majesty. It’s all fine by me.’ A small, scared hand reaches up and whips off the dirty hood exposing his face to all of Hell.
People instantly whip out their phones. His face is shockingly similar to Lucifer’s, in fact a basic carbon copy sans a few attributes.
Cameras catch alabaster skin and soft, blond, curly hair, short, wiry build, vivid green eyes, pale coral cheek markings, pointed ears and four demon wings the same color as his skin.
Leaf green eyes stair directly into Charlie’s while electing to ignore both fallen angels. He stands ramrod straight. Cutting a regal silhouette despite the filth on his body and clothes.
‘My name is Cain Adamson, The Wandering Star.’ He bows in a fashion Charlie hadn’t seen in all her galas. ‘Lucifer Morningstar’s first born and bastard son. It’s nice to finally meet you sister mine… I’ll be taking your family’s crown for my father.’
[So in this AU Cain rescued Adam’s body and resuscitated it. They had a familial bond even when Cain got banished for murdering Able and found out his bio dad was Lucifer. Eve didn’t pay much attention to her first born out of guilt so Adam stepped up. No one shamed her. Adam never felt like Cain was separate from his other kids even though he looked nothing like him. Now Cain wants to provide for his father who’s trapped in hell and in really bad condition by booting the Morningstars out of power in the Pride Ring.] Dunno about pairing but Adamsapple or Guitarhero would be a safe bet. Either way Lucifer will suffer lol
[wtf do I call this? Family Feud AU? Chessboard AU? Secret Brother AU? Idk h e l p ]
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Charlie: “-so we have TONS of angel-killing weapons now, thanks to Vaggie! Who had a lovely… Errrr. Fight?”
Vaggie: “It was pretty one sided. Call it a training match.”
Charlie: “She had a lovely training match with Carmilla Carmine! Who repeatedly kneed and kicked her in the face, which I’m not allowed to get upset about, because Vaggie isn’t upset about it!”
Sir Pentious: “Oh that sssounds… Pleasssant?”
Angel Dust: “Of course the one time Saint Sapphic isn’t pissed is when someone actually beats the crap outta her.”
Husk: “Wha’d I say? She’s got issues.”
Niffty: “Kneed in the face by Carmilla Carmine!?” (wistful sigh) “Lucky…”
Husk: “And you’ve got even worse issues, somehow.”
Vaggie: “Meanwhile, Charlie was off singing herself up a whole army in Cannibal Town.”
Charlie: “I wouldn’t call them a whole army-”
Vaggie: “They barely fit inside the hotel, babe.”
Charlie: “-and I wouldn’t really call it mine. Alastor and Rosie helped!”
Vaggie: “Did they give you the cannibal army?”
Charlie: “Nnnnoooo… I mean they did introduce me, but I had to do the convincing part myself.”
Vaggie: “Then it’s your army.”
Charlie: “Huh.”
Charlie: “…..hm.”
Vaggie: “Feels kinda nice, doesn’t it?”
Charlie: (giggling) “Maaaybe a little~”
Angel Dust: “If yous two LBs start kissin’ about the literal man eating army now under ya sway, I’m gonna be sick.”
Vaggie: “Aren’t you supposed to have zero gag reflex?”
Angel Dust: “That’s for sex stuff, Vaggitales. This is sappy and sincere.”
Husk: “A word that’s barely in your fucking vocabulary.”
Charlie: “Now Husk, you know that’s not true-”
Angel Dust: “Oh it’s true baby! But I’d be sucha a gooood little school boy if ya wanted to try teachin’ me, Purrrrfessor~”
Husk: “Can we feed him to the cannibals.”
Charlie: “No!”
Vaggie: “If they get sick before the big fight then we’re all dead.”
Angel Dust: “Hey!”
Sir Pentious: (SNIFFLING)
Charlie: “Oh oh Pen! Don’t be scared- no one’s feeding anyone to any cannibals!”
Vaggie: “Well. We’re not feeding anyone from the hotel to them…”
Charlie: “You hush, beautiful. Now there there Pentious, what wrong?”
Sir Pentious: “Nothing issss now! But EVERYTHING wasss, while you and missss Vaggie were fighting!”
Vaggie: “We weren’t-”
Charlie: “That was just me being-”
Vaggie & Charlie: “...”
Vaggie: “Sorry, you go-”
Charlie: “No no after you!”
Vaggie & Charlie: “..…..”
Hotel Crew: “….”
Vaggie: “Charlie had good reasons for being angry-”
Charlie: “I wasn’t angry! Or, not the way I THOUGHT I was? It’s complicated-”
Vaggie: “Valid. Reasonable. Way more forgiving than called for.”
Charlie: “If I’d just TALKED with you like you’d WANTED-”
Vaggie: “You didn’t want to. That’s fair.”
Charlie: “I guess, but. It wasn’t fun.”
Sir Pentious: “No it wasss not!” (crying) “It sssseemed as though you were ssssplitting up! L-leaving ussss! It wasss! DREADFUL!!”
Charlie: “Ohhhhh nooooo we would never-!”
Vaggie: “The hotel thing is kinda bigger than one relationship, Pentious. We’re not giving up on you guys.”
Charlie: “-and that’s also why we’d never break up.”
Vaggie: “Never’s a long time sweetie… and three years was a long time too.”
Charlie: “Not with you it wasn’t. And forever won’t be either.”
Vaggie: “…”
Angel Dust: “If you cry, I really will throw up.”
Vaggie: “Shut up.”
Charlie: (hugs vaggie) “See, Pen? You don’t have to worry about us, okay?”
Sir Pentious: “Okay. Y-essss.”
Charlie: “Shh sshh, please don’t cry…”
Sir Pentious: (wailing) “I can’t help it!!!”
Vaggie: “Hey, how come HIS tears aren’t vomit worthy but MINE are??”
Angel Dust: “Cuz he’s a sad snake boy in a top hat that cuddles with eggs, and you’re supposed to be tough as nails and impossible to fucking break, Vagina. Seein’ ya as being anything other than gay or pissed? Stomach turning. Yuck” 
Husk: “You’ve got issues too, dumbass.”
Angel Dust: “I know.” (preens) “But they look GOOD on me~”
Sir Pentious: (snuffles) “It’sss jussst so good, sssssseeing you two the way you sssshould be! Ugh.” (dripping) “May I borrow a, a tisssssue, Niffty?”
Niffty: “SURE-”
Husk: “You don’t fucking want that or to know where the fuck it’s been. Here. Napkin.”
Sir Pentious: “Thankssss!”
Charlie: “Better?”
Sir Pentious: “Much, yessss. But how did you manage it?”
Charlie: “Manage what?”
Sir Pentious: “Fixssssing thingsss between you! After it wasss so bad!”
Husk: “Without any alcohol, even.”
Sir Pentious: "Or exssssplossions!"
Angel Dust: “Yeah toots, three years of not sayin’ she was an angel is a pretty big shit pile to have dropped on ya, even in hell.”
Vaggie: “Thousands.”
Husk: “FUCK.”
Niffty: “OoooOOoohhhhh~”
Angel Dust: “Now that’s a body count. Like, not a good one but. Wow.”
Sir Pentious: “Sssee? And now Charlie isss hugging you! How iss that possssible?”
Vaggie: “… I don’t… I, gave her space….”
Charlie: “She’s Vaggie. I already knew who she was.”
Husk: “Exorcist.”
Angel Dust: “Liar?”
Niffty: “Mass MURDERER heheheh…”
Charlie: “My partner.”
Sir Pentious: “I don’t underssstand! Did ssshe sssay ssssorry?”
Vaggie: “Sorry really wouldn’t cut it.”
Charlie: (laughing) “She helped me start the hotel- and run it- and get my dad’s help talking to heaven, and- more things than I can count, honestly! Doesn’t that say enough?”
Sir Pentious: “Oh… ssso wordsss are not… what mattersss?”
Charlie: “They can matter, but it’s what we DO that makes them mean anything.”   
Sir Pentious: "...what we... do?"
Angel Dust: “Like how heaven and it’s angels say it’s all full of great people up there but then they go an' leave us all to rot and die, yeah?”
Charlie: “Vaggie didn’t."
Angel Dust: "Score! Hell's got ONE angry lesbian on it's side!"
Charlie: "And I won’t either.”
Hotel Crew: “…”
Husk: “Are we done. I need a drink.”
Vaggie: “Y-eah.” (hoarse) (clears throat) “That’s where we’re at now. Any questions?”
Angel Dust: (raises hands) “Husk has one!”
Husk: “Fuck you no I don’t-”
Angel Dust: “Sure ya do babypaws. What the FUCK-”
Angel Dust: (points at Vaggie’s wings)
Angel Dust: “-are THOOOOOOSE???”
Vaggie: “…Those are my wings. Asshole.”
Angel Dust: “Bitch~”
Husk: “Motherfucking dumbasses.”
Charlie: “Angel please, it’s rude to point like that! And to um. Say the other part also- but that’s okay I know you mean it in a nice way!”
Angel Dust: “An’ what about Saint Vagatha huh? She called me shit too! Was that her bein’ nice?”
Charlie: “She-”
Vaggie: “I’m nicely not stabbing you.”
Charlie: “-she’s trying her best.”
Angel Dust: “By not stabbing me?”
Husk: “Now that’s impressive as hell.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.”
Angel Dust: “Hmph. Lucky a guy can take pride in people wantin' to stick stuff in him...”
Sir Pentious: “Vaggie? Pleasse pardon the quesstion, however I ssssseem to recall you sssaying you didn’t HAVE any, ah, wingssss?”
Niffty: “Or tits!”
Vaggie: “They grew back.”
Niffty: “Did your t-”
Vaggie: “Niffty-” (groans) “Look, there’s a cockroach over there. Go hunt, kill- whatever.”
Niffty: "KILL KILL KILL-!"
Charlie: “Aren’t her wings AMAZING! LOOK AT THEM!!! You guys have no idea how soft-! wait they what? Grew back?”
Angel Dust: (grinning) “What about your-”
Vaggie: “Ask about my tits twice in one day and die.”
Charlie: “They were gone? You weren’t just hiding them- Twice?”
Niffty: (on vaggie’s shoulder) (checking down her shirt) “Nope! Tits still missing. Nice pecs though!”
Vaggie: “………”
Angel Dust: “She said it, not me!!”
Vaggie: (SIGH) “These are the people I’m about to risk my life for.”
Charlie: “I feel like I’ve missed something important..?”
Husk: “No you fucking haven’t.”
Angel Dust: “So oh heavenly cunt, what the fuck did ya do with Carmine to get the feather dusters reinstated?”
Vaggie: “No idea. Uh- Thought gay thoughts about Charlie? I guess?”
Charlie: “Awww~!”
Sir Pentious: “Aww!!”
Vaggie: “And mostly non-violent thoughts about the rest of you.”
Niffty: “Booo…”
Vaggie: “Anyway, since Lute didn’t use heavenly steel while tearing them off my back, I guess they just needed time to heal up or whatever.”
Charlie: “I’m SO gonna send a thank-you note to Carmilla for helping you with… tha….”
Charlie: “….tEARING? She, Lute-”
Vaggie: “Not now. Tell you later, babe.”
Charlie: “BUt- I’ve met her TWICE and you didn’t say-!”                   
Vaggie: “Let’s focus on finishing debriefing the troo- the friends for now. ‘kay?”
Charlie: “I…”
Husk: “Then why the fuck did you bring it up!?”
Angel Dust: “My mouth likes to be open and stupid shit comes out of it sometimes- I dunno!”
Vaggie: “Yeah well I’m so not about to start spilling the gory details in the hotel lobby. The cannibals are already starting to look hungry. If we’re up to date on the mission statement and current crew resource management situation, then-”
Niffty: “Hey Vaggie, Vaggieee.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Niffty: (giggles) “Did Lute steal your tits too?”
Vaggie: “….”
Angel Dust: “…what? Don’t glare at ME about ya blindly obvious shortfall in that depar-Tit-ment-”
Husk: “Shut up before she fucking tests some of her new shiny weapons on you.”
Vaggie: “Don’t give me ideas.”
Charlie: “Why is everyone talking about my girlfriend’s breasts. She got her wings ripped off and suddenly has them back, and we’re all just, talking about bra size???”
Angel Dust: “Toots, if she wears bras, it’s gotta be just so’s she looks good for you.”
Vaggie: “I’ll take that compliment.”
Angel Dust: “I wasn’t sayin’ it as one-”
Vaggie: “Change your mind or lose your hair.”
Angel Dust: “-you’re a very loving lesbian and ya make Sappho the OG herself proud.”
Vaggie: “Better.”
Sir Pentious: “E-excusssse me!? Thisss, sssssadistic Lute person iss, ssssssomeone we will be fighting against..?”
Vaggie: “Yeah but I’ll handle her, don’t worry.”
Charlie: “wHAT!?”
Vaggie: “I said, I’m the one who knows how she fights anyway, so I’ll-”
Charlie: “YOU. WILL. NOT-”
Vaggie: “AUGH?!”
Niffty: “Aww.”
Angel Dust: “Oh that’s nasty.”
Husk: "Hreaugh." (hairball noise) “Whatever’s wrong with you, Niffty, never EVER fucking tell me what it is.”
Niffty: (waving cockroach) “It’s just for padding~ You know what they say! Every little bit helps! Right?”
Charlie & Vaggie: “NO!”
Niffty: (CACKLING)
Sir Pentious: “…..thisss isss, sssssso beautiful….”
Husk: “The fucking cockroach?”
Sir Pentious: “No. Them.” (wipes tear) “They’re ssstill, hugging.”
Angel Dust: “Yeah... It’s almost sweet enough to make a guy puke.”
Husk: “Almost?”
Angel Dust: “Well I’m not gonna ruin the mood for them by actually puking!”
Husk: (smiles) “Uh-huh.”
Angel Dust: “Plus, think of my boots! What if they got splashed on and shit?”
Husk: “Right.”
Angel Dust: “And Niffty’s doin’ good work breakin’ the tension and grossin’ them out anyway…”
Husk: “Mm-hmm.”
Angel Dust: “….And. It’s nice to see ‘em bein’ cute again.”
Husk: “…..”
Angel Dust: “….because it was weird when they weren’t and maybe, MAYBE, I was worried.”
Husk: “There we fucking go. Good boy.”
Angel Dust: “!!!”
Sir Pentious: “Oh that sseems to have cheered him up immenssely..”
Husk: "Fuck."
Angel Dust: “Oooh~ Nauseous to horny in less than a second? Damn, Purrrfessor. That’s a new record even for me~”
Husk: “Fuck no.” (fleeing)
Husk: “Alright, I’m opening the fucking bar! Come get your complimentary we might all be dying together soon drinks- and nobody fucking DARE ask me to use body parts in them. This isn’t fucking Cannibal Town. My drinks are good enough without fingers or eyeballs floating in them or whatever.”
Cannibal crowd: (grumbles but politely ques up for drinks)
Charlie: “I think maybe we’ll pass? Vaggie? Our room, us, alone, maybe?”
Vaggie: “Are we gonna talk about stuff?”
Charlie: “I would VERY MUCH like to talk about all things now yes please.”
Vaggie: “Then I’m gonna need a drink. Husk-”
Husk: “Take the fucking bottle.”
Angel Dust: “Here, and this bottle too!”
Charlie: “Oh thank you Angel D- is this LUBE!? Already OPENED lube!??!?”
Angel Dust: “Happy make-up sex~”
Charlie: “I- Vaggie no, not the spear- thanks, Angel Dust, but I think- Vaggie I said not the spear- I think we can do without borrowing your, uh, personal bottle of- okay that’s it, up over the shoulder you go. Hup!”
Vaggie: “I’m gonna kill him! I’m gonna save him from the extermination by killing him RIGHT NOW!”
Charlie: “-and you told me to ignore you when you talk like that. Anyway, everyone else have good night with the drinks and cannibals!”
Angel Dust: "Will do, toots! You gays enjoy eatin' each other out!"
Vaggie: “Babe please just let me strangle him a little bit-”
Charlie: “Nope! We’re gonna go explore some past trauma!”
Angel Dust: “An’ each other’s bodies!!!”
Charlie: (carrying vaggie upstairs) “Not helping!”
Vaggie: (still struggling) “I don't NEED to talk about my trauma- i need to get my hands on that asshole twink!"
Charlie: "Hold my hand instead?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: (melting) (holds hand) "...fiiiiine."
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teeth-cable · 6 months
I need more people to talk about how just like the POC designs, the writing is terrible at clueing the audience what race and ethnicity the characters are.
Beside stereotypes, the racial coding in the writing is little to non-existence. The characters don’t have mannerisms from their cultures, speak in slangs or idioms relating to their group from their time periods, or make cultural references.
Without having to rely on outside sources (Livestreams, looking up VAs, leaked audition sheets, etc), the only characters I would successfully guess would be Vicky, Val, and Velvette, and even then, it doesn’t mean the racial coding is good.
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Vicky is the only one from this list whose racial coding isn’t atrocious. I can tell she’s Latino because she curses in Spanish, but that’s it. This is admittedly nick-picky , but I wish when cursing she would have used Salvadoreño specific slang and curse phases to signal she’s Salvadoreña.
Val, I can tell is Latino too, because of his accent and him cursing in Spanish, but it’s egregious. The accent fluctuates so much, it’s strong, then weak, then strong again. Not sure if the VA was struggling or if this was an intentional direction given to him, though the fact, I and other people were confused, at the direction, speaks for itself. Another issue with his accent is how it’s sexualized, contributing to the Latin Lover stereotype of his character.
Velvette, I won’t sugarcoat it. I wouldn’t even guess she was supposed to be black though the writing or the majority of her designs until the finale. The finale, the last episode of the season and the only time she has textured hair with her screen time being around two minutes and sixteen seconds in total.
Visual designs isn’t where race coding ends. This is important to remember because it ignores the good coded characters (King Dice from Cuphead, Darwin from TAWG, the Funk trolls from Dreamwork’s Trolls) and how Viv failed and could have done the racial coding better.
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For Viv, she has to rely on other coding methods too because there are characters who aren’t humanoid enough, or even humanoid at all, for visual coding to work. There really isn’t anything I can say to explain why the race coding sucks beside Viv doesn’t care about representing POCs.
I wanted to create this post to highlight how Viv fails at coding in every aspect. The fandoms and critics shouldn’t praised her for giving Velvette textured hair or darkening Sera’s skin from her leaked audition sheet. We need to stop praising creators, especially white ones, for doing less than the bare minimum (The bare minimum being making POC characters look POC) when creating POC characters, or worse, justify it. I’ve seen people tried to justify the terrible POC designs by using one of Carmilla’s daughters as an example, as if one decent POC design in a sea of ashy and euro-centric or erased features for the majority of the POC cast suddenly invalidates the criticisms.
I’m also getting tired of the fandom making posts questioning why people have and still draw the POC characters as white, as well as people harassing artists for accidental whitewashing. I’m hate the whitewashing too but in this case, it’s different because this is Viv’s own fault due to her poor racial coding. Not every fan will have the same intense knowledge you do or even should, to know what a character’s race or ethnicity is, that’s Viv’s responsibilities as the creator.
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Mind you, these were the human designs we had before the show aired. Alastor being mixed creole and Niffty being Japanese yet they look white as hell here.
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patacrepe-san · 6 months
Vaggie Carmine AU part. 1
Okay, I’ve got a lot to get through and not a lot of time so here it goes.
Right after the extermination, Clara and Odette are scouring through the streets, retrieving angelic weapons from sinner’s corpses.
In a back alley, the two sisters stumble upon an unconscious girl clad in Exorcist’s gear, missing an eye and bathing in her own golden blood.
They are puzzled by the sight, not understanding why this angel was left in hell nor how did she get hurt.
They contemplate leaving her like this, but after thinking it through the sisters ultimately decide to make it their mother’s problem and bring Vaggie back to the compound.
Having been in the weapon dealing business for a few cycles, Carmilla is no stranger to unexpected complications. Yet, even she does not know how she’s supposed to react to her daughters bringing back an angel with multiple mortal injuries to her doorstep.
While tending to her wounds, Carmilla notices how messy and bloody the base of Vaggie’s wings are. Whoever tore off this girl’s wings, they clearly enjoyed taking their time doing it.
When she wakes up, Vaggie is confused to see that her injuries have been treated, and she was definitely sure that she lost consciousness in a street and not inside a lavish apartment…
And her ponderings stop when she notices the demon standing in the room, observing her with a cold gaze.
She wants to flee, but she is still way too weak from her injuries and fall flat on the floor as soon as she tries to stand up.
Carmilla makes Vaggie sit on a chair before her desk and boy she has questions!
Vaggie avoids giving too much information, answering Carmilla with short answers like “Yes” or “No”, both out of distrust of the overlord and of lingering loyalty towards Heaven.
Still, Vaggie lets it slip that she can’t go back to Heaven.
Carmilla can feel a headache as she thinks about the situation. If the angel is left alone in hell, she’d forever be a potential threat for all of Hell.
And should an overlord manage to make a deal with her, they’d gain an invincible soldier at their disposal.
After weighing the pros and cons for a few minutes, Carmilla comes up to Vaggie with an ultimatum.
“You have two paths in front of you. The first one, the easy one, is where I kill you here and now. A swift shot through the head with one of my angelic weapons, it will be quick and painless for you. Or you can choose the painful one, and make a deal with me.”
Carmilla snaps her fingers, and a golden contract appears before her.
Carmilla will keep Vaggie’s true nature secret, and provide her with shelter and food for as long as she stays in hell. In exchange, Vaggie will have to work for her and will not be able to go against Carmilla’s commands. Those are the terms of the deal.
Vaggie knows better than making a deal with a demon, but what choice does she have? She picks up the pen.
So at this point Vaggie and Carmilla aren’t exactly fond of each other. They’ll be family one day, but it’ll get worse before it gets better though.
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lqveharrington · 5 months
Hidden Hatred | V.
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summary: You’re a new Overlord and meet Vox for the first time. Who knew what that first interaction would do for the both of you down the line.
pairing: Vox x witch Overlord!reader
includes: name calling, mentions of murder, technically enemies to lovers, Vox being whipped by you, jealously, suggestiveness, teasing, fluff, angst if you squint, (let me know if i missed any!)
a/n: 1st request for Vox done! Also, tell me why I love giving them powers like wanda? it’s so cool tho
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When you became an Overlord, you quickly recognized all the other Overlords at meetings, matching their personality to name. For example, Alastor’s voice effects gave the illusion of a radio, hence Radio Demon. Or Carmilla and her pointe shoes made of angelic steel. However, there were some Overlords who never attended the meetings, sending in one of the associates in place. The Vees being the only Overlords to do so, typically sending the youngest to attend the meetings. In doing this, you never met the others, refusing to associate online presence with their real self.
So when Vox came in place for Velvette for one of the Overlord meetings, you were slightly confused.
“Vox, how lovely for you to join us this afternoon.” Carmilla gestured toward the Television Demon across the table, her stare sharp when he tapped away on his phone.
“Uh-huh, can we make this quick? I have a company to run.” He threw her a bored look and scanned the rest of the room, noticing a new face. “Who the hell is this bitch?”
Your face jumps in surprise at his words before giving him a small smile. “It’s—“
“You know what? I don’t give a shit.” Vox glanced back at his phone. “Please, continue Carmilla.”
You huff, conjuring up red wisps from your fingertips to mess with while the meeting continues. You thought dealing with Velvette when you first met was a pain, but Vox was ten times worse than she was, and you just met! He seemed interesting, and you never expected a demon Overlord to have a television for a head, but his disinterest in you put you in a sour mood. You genuinely wanted to understand how he was an Overlord, but it seemed impossible with his nature.
“Now dear, let’s not think of murderous thoughts.” Alastor hummed in your direction when he saw you send a death glare toward the Television Demon as you left the meeting room, to which you only received an eye roll back. “Only I can have an enemy like him.”
“Al, during our short break he told me to fuck off and shoved his finger in my face!” You seeth as your eyes glow red with more wisps emitting from your fingers. “I’m going to murder him.”
Alastor caught your arm, “You will not do such things to an Overlord. If he appears at the next meeting and continues to act rude toward one of our gracious ladies, please tell me.”
“Of course, Al.” You snap your fingers, creating a portal to your Overlord territory. “I’ll see you in a month.”
Although you weren’t going to see all the Overlords in one place for a month, that didn’t mean a certain Television Demon consumed your thoughts because of your behavior toward one another during one meeting. It seemed as if every piece of technology reminded you of him, causing some unwanted thoughts to form during wanting times.
Much like you, Vox’s thoughts were filled to the brim of you. How has he never met you? How has Velvette never mentioned a new Overlord in Pentagram City? Oh, he wanted to know more about you. It was only a matter of time before he realized he was entirely whipped by your presence.
“What’s up your ass?” Velvette stepped inside the elevator with Vox as he messed with his suit for the nth time. She already had a suspicion something was up when he decided to tag along for the meeting, but he was acting nervous for a group of people he disrespected. How the fuck does that even work? “Vox.”
“What?” He whipped his head over to his shorter associate as the elevator door dinged.
She gave him an unimpressed look, “What’s going on in your system? You look like you’re going to reboot any second now.”
“Do I?” He reached up to touch his screen, pulling out his phone for vitals.
Velvette furrowed her brows at his reaction when they walked into the meeting room, a couple of other Overlords mingling amongst themselves. “Okay, what’s the fucking problem? Is there someone you—“
“Vox and Velvette.” Carmilla took her slow strides into the room, quickly diminishing the added noise. “To what do we owe the pleasure of two out of the three Vees?”
“This fuck wanted to join me for no reason.” Velvette jabbed her thumb in Vox’s direction, earning a snort from you. All heads turned as you covered your mouth, letting a quick apology fall from your lips.
Carmilla raised a brow, “Thank you… We’ll start off with the…”
Her voice soon became white noise to Vox as he took his seat, glancing up at you every few seconds. God, he hated the way you would quietly speak with Alastor or how you made eye contact with him just to break it with a glare. He hated the way you always dressed to your heart's content and how you failed to respond to Carmilla when asked a question. He hated how he failed to actually hate you.
“Vox, you’re wrecking Carmilla’s table,” Velvette murmured in his direction as Vox’s claws dug deeper into the table’s top.
He looked down at the table, pulling his claws out. He was too focused on your quiet laughter with Alastor to notice the damage. As your quiet laughter subsided, you made eye contact with Vox again before glancing down at the claw marks, and raising a brow at the television.
‘It’s boring.’ Vox mouthed toward you.
You pursed your lips at him, not understanding the game he was playing. ‘Of course it is, it always is.’
Vox rolled his eyes in a joking manner, shooting his attention back to the Overlord in front of the table. You, on the other hand, shot a quizzical look toward him. Sure, your dead heart sped up a bit, and you felt your face warm, but it was only an exchange of two sentences. You felt the red wisps emit from your fingertips again from confusion, pulling at the soft fog created by the magic.
“My dear, what’s gotten you all out of sorts?” Alastor caught up with you when the meeting adjourned with a sharpened grin, noticing your encounter with the Television Demon.
“What do you mean?” You glance back at Vox who offered you a small smirk. Waving him off, you let a small smile slip through.
“That, my dear!” He squinted his eyes toward the television. “Don’t fraternize yourself with him, he’s involved in too much trouble.”
You tilt your head back to Alastor, “We’re in Hell, I can’t think of any reason why anyone would not be in trouble.”
“What I mean to say is don’t get too comfortable with that… thing. It’s not ideal.” His ears fell flat as you paid zero attention to him.
“I won’t. Plus, I’m sure he got bored and bothered the first person he saw. After all, he did tell me to fuck off during the last meeting.” You tuck your arms behind your back. “Don’t worry so much about me, Al. I can handle myself just fine.”
“I’m not worried about you, I’m worried about the man you’re associating yourself with.” He patted your head. “Until next time, my dear.”
You watch as he slips away with his shadows, rolling your eyes at his antics. It was highly unlikely that you would start a friendship with Vox, considering the people he lives with. Alastor had nothing to worry about, it was just a moment of boredom consuming the both of you.
At least, that’s what you told yourselves. Satan knows that the first interaction was uncalled for, but it wasn’t Vox’s fault. No, he blamed himself for the image he had to uphold and being struck by a new Overlord’s looks. But as time passed, along with meetings, the urge to see each other became stronger, resulting in meetings outside of the Carmine building.
“Doll, you take way too long to get here.” Vox pulled you toward him by your hand, linking them together.
“Aw, I’m sorry. Were you too scared to be here all on your own? Too afraid there are no bodyguards to protect you?” You tease with a wide grin. You watch as he rolls his eyes at you, tugging you closer. You laugh while patting his chest, “I had to deal with an incompetent sinner. I know you wanted to spend more time together before the meeting.”
“You have to make it up to me now.” He smiled down at you, eyes filled with admiration.
You hum, your own eyes gleaming in such a lovesick look. “Like what, Mister Vox? How should I make it up to you?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” He tilted your head further up, the electricity over his hat reflecting his fast heartbeat. “What do you think?”
“I think…” You flit your gaze to his lips before moving them back up to meet his eyes. “I shouldn’t be in debt to you.”
“Is that so, doll?” He squints as he tightens his hold on you. “I think I’m deserving of something at least.”
“Mm, no.” You squeeze his hand. He gives you a playful look before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You grin before reciprocating, using your free hand to hold his shoulder. The both of you separate, eyes fluttering open with soft smiles. “Must you defy me, handsome?”
“Only when I want to.” He whispered against your lips as he pressed more kisses on your lips. You giggle as you let your red wisps emit from your fingers, watching as your wisps pull him away from you. “Doll…”
“Mm?” You stay still as he continues to get pulled away by your powers.
“What are you doing?”
You flick your wrist, the wisps disappearing. “Nothing, you’re the one moving away from me.” Vox grabs at your waist, pulling you flush against him. You squeal as he peppers kisses across your face, “Vox, we could be seen.”
“Who’s going to come down this alleyway?” He left one last kiss on your lips, smiling as a fool would.
“The other Overlords who are going to attend the meeting.” You push his screen away as you catch the time on your watch. “I thought you didn’t want anyone to know?”
“Yeah, but they should know you’re taken.” He squeezed your waist.
“You want them to think we hate fuck each other?” You grab his wrists as they sway you around. “You know they still think we hate each other right?”
“Who said we don’t?” He bared his teeth to you, earning an eye roll. “You can’t tell me you don’t like it—“
“Shut up.” You sucker punch his shoulder. “The Tech Overlord dating the Witch Overlord? Never.”
“Never.” He linked your hands again, leaving a soft kiss on your knuckles. “I despise you.”
“Horrible thought.” You pull him along out of the alley, separating as soon as you see Alastor appear out of the shadows. You watched the Radio Demon send you a sharpened grin, which you returned with a small smile.
Although you kept your relationship a secret from the likes of sinners and Overlords, both the Technology Overlord and Witch Overlord knew what they were to each other, even if that meant it was kept hidden.
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
Write of a raccoon like a actual raccoon ending up in hell and terrorizing every citizen in hell, and finding some roadroller and it becomes even worse demons homes aren’t only being trashed and torn into pieces and some how Hazbin Hotel is still standing ( it’s because of Nifty scaring them off some how ) The hotel business starts off booming. Sinners rejoice your redemption is far from the ever so crazy Raccoon! Wait till the Duck comes in… >:)
Gender : Raccoon
Pronouns : They/them
Message from Raccoon : That give me idea for a Raccoon!Reader meeting IMP..
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General Headcanon
You were a good thief, really good.
But one day, you were betrayed.
You were robbing the world's largest bank, but your partner in crime, Timothy, betrayed you by shooting you.
You didn't really understand why, you never had an explanation, but you suspect that he was working with the Police in secret.
Anyway, you're dead.
Welcome to Hell ! And you're… a raccoon ?
No, like, a real raccoon. The little thing that digs through trash cans.
Holy shit.
Vox was broadcasting his usual show, when he had to interrupt it because there was a turf war led by a raccoon ?
He never thought he would see a real raccoon in Hell, and he never thought he would have to broadcast about them because the raccoon was fighting to be the Overlord of one of the territories.
He could see in the background Angel Dust walking away from the raccoon after seeing them lunge at the face of a snake demon.
Vox quietly wondered if this was all a dream or if he should really be going to Overlord meetings with a raccoon.
Spoiler : he had to.
You injected fear into all the beings of Hell after that, causing chaos.
No one said anything about it, they watched you steal their stuff and their trash but they said nothing.
When Alastor returned, he was NOT expecting to see a raccoon in the Overlords meeting room. Even less so for Carmilla to introduce the said raccoon as the new Overlord.
He made a 404 error.
Alastor saw how everyone else was suspicious or afraid of you, he was wondering who the hell this raccoon is.
You found Alastor interesting.
In the sense that you loved all the chaos he created, so you joined him.
He brought you to the Hotel, wondering what entertainment you would do.
He don't regret it.
You were doing a lot of damage, yes, but it was fun.
One day you drank alcohol at Husk's bar (you stole the bottle when he wasn't watching), and you ended up getting drunk.
Have you ever seen a demon raccoon drunk ? Because the Hazbin Crew did it.
You have fought everyone and destroyed everything you saw.
You were throwing yourself at people's faces like a fucking cat throwing itself at curtains.
It took Vaggie and Charlie spiking you with 16 tranquilizers before you calmed down.
Result of the damage of the hotel : a kitchen destroyed, a living room destroyed, the hall the hotel destroyed, some walls destroyed, the face of Angel Dust and Husk being injured by your claws, Alastor's trench coat in ruins.
And that was just the damage caused to the Hotel, let's not even talk about the rest of Hell..
Lucifer met you when you were in Wrath…
How the hell a sinner found a way to go in the circles other than pride is a mystery without answers.
He asked you, but you just looked at him with completely blank and terrifying eyes. You spoke, but he didn't understand what you were saying, didn't understand the raccoon.
He doesn't even know if you answer or if you were making fun of him.
You have become attached to Lucifer. More precisely his ducks.
Lucifer made a raccoon duck and gave it to you, it's your most precious object since.
Someone must be watching you 24/7 to ensure Hell's survival.
Did I mention the edits about you and the fact that you are a meme in the 7 circles of Hell ?
You hated bald people because Timothy was bald. That's why you attacked Valentino as soon as you saw him.
You 🤝 Niffty = being Valentino's worst nightmares.
Hell wasn't ready for your alliance with Niffty.
Neither was heaven.
Niffty stabbed Adam, you finished him.
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sunsetcougar · 2 months
okay okay Lyrebird exorcist AU. I know this probably wont happen, but when the Hotel's finally has enough of Valentino's shit, what if Vaggie lures him into an ambush using Angels voice? Or would she just refuse to do it outright because it resembles what she did as an exorcist too much? Maybe she thinks "Just one last time..." but after she does it she just has a panic attack because she's doing it again? On another note: I am fascinated by the overlords in general, and how would they react to somehow learning Vaggie is a former exorcist? I mean in canon i dont think it would be that big a deal, but in this AU exorcists are much more terrifying. They are moreso monsters than soldiers. Also how did the interaction with Carmilla go exactly? We know Vaggie was in a daze, but the whole interaction was probably a lot more tense on Carmine's end. I mean this voice stealing monster is suddenly in her home making demands, again exorcists are a bigger threat here. But Carmilla had killed one of them so its possible the fear of facing off against one (not the entire flock of course) ebbed away somewhat.
Oh that’s a bit of a tricky one. Vaggie would outright refuse unless Charlie asked her. She struggles to say no to her, so she’d suck up her nerves and use her mimicking. But you’re right that it would end with her having a panic attack. Using her mimicry to lure someone to their death feels so… right. So horribly right and relieving, like she gave into an addiction she was finally getting clean of. (What if she can’t stop? What if she gives in again and again? What if she hurts one of her friends or worse, Charlie?)
Alastor is the first overlord to learn Vaggie is an exorcist, and while he’ll never admit it she scares unnerves him, especially after he learns that one of the voices in her library is his mother’s. Rosie is second to find out when she and Charlie talk, and she’s far from comfortable with the idea of one of those… things being one of Hell’s permanent residents, but doesn’t say so to Charlie’s face.
Eventually the news that the princess is dating a fallen exorcist spreads and it makes the other overlords at minimum nervous. It’s one thing to not be able to trust voices one day a year, but now there’s a mimic designed to kill them running loose 24/7, 365…
As for Carmilla, she figures out Vaggie is an exorcist before they even meet face to face. It’s not rocket science after all. And since she doesn’t know how the exorcist’s mimicking works, if they trade voices face to face or if it’s some kind of hive mind, and doesn’t want to risk them getting her voice, she uses text-to-speech during their meeting. That was Vaggie’s first clue that Carmilla knew something because she knows the overlord isn’t mute, so why isn’t she talking?
Carmilla is as afraid of the exorcists as every other sinner, the idea of losing her voice to one, especially considering she killed one, is terrifying. If they found out, if they took her voice, they could use it to lure out her daughters. If they got her daughter’s voices, they could use it to lure out her. She knows she’d go running if her children cried, even if she knew it was probably an exorcist.
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seramilla · 3 months
So Emily after sneaking into hell to find her mother realizes it was a bad idea. Things are so much more chaotic and we'll worse than she thought she gets attacked though is able to escape unharmed and is having a bad time wondering if she should go back to heaven before suddenly she gets hit a by a dart and fall unconscious. She is waking up in a room tied to a chair hearing to women talking in Spanish about what they should do with the angel on is wearing a lab coat with glasses the other a crop top and pony tail. Once they notice Emily has come to they talk demanding to know what Emily was here to do and refusing the answer of looking for her mother. Clara (Emily doesn't know any names yet) threatens to torture her to get the answer out trying to seem though before Odette tells her they aren't both for ethical reasons and the whole torture doesn't work reason. (It doesn't look it up.) Clara wouldn't have she doesn't have the heart to actually hurt Emily but Emily doesn't know that. Emily insists that she is looking for her mom who fell thousands of years ago and the girls continue to not believe her. Finally Carmilla shows up she was in a meeting when she learned her girls caught an Angel and only just now got out to see this angel who they think is a spy. Carmilla doesn't recognize her at first and like her daughters assumes she is lying until Emily says her mothers name is Carmilla. (Emily doesn't know Carmilla's name at this point since the girls call her mom and mama)
Carmilla looks at this woman that her girls have brought before her, shocked and overcome with emotion. Never in all her years of being an overlord has she ever witnessed something like this. An angel, who had been waltzing around Hell and asking questions, as if every second in this place didn't mount the danger for a stranger such as herself tenfold.
It's even worse...so much worse, because she is practically a carbon copy of...her. Sera. Her long lost love. The resemblance is uncanny. Like if she reaches out and touches those freckled cheeks, she will feel the cool and familiar softness of Sera's face against her palm. Could she be...could Sera have moved on? Without her? Then why is this person here, asking for a "Carmilla?" Asking for her?
"Run this by me one more time, Emily," Carmilla says, even her one remaining virtue of patience being tested by this girl's wild story. "You left Heaven, of your own free will, to come look for this Carmilla? Why in all the realms would you do that? Without an entourage or escort? What business could a young angel like you have with a demon?"
Emily looks down. Poking her fingers together, like she's ashamed to have been caught. Ashamed to be breaking one of Heaven's greatest taboos. She should be ashamed, but for some reason, despite the danger, and how utterly careless this young woman is being, Carmilla can't bring herself to push the matter further.
"Like I told your daughters..." Emily begins, motioning to Clara and Odette, who are watching curiously from the sidelines. "I am looking for my mother. She's a fallen angel. Named Carmilla. She was pushed out a long time ago...I just wanted to see if she's still alive...and let her know that my other mother misses her very much."
Carmilla takes a deep breath. Lets it out slowly. No, her other mother couldn't possibly be...
"And what is your other parent's name?" Carmilla asks, already anticipating the answer.
"She is the High Seraphim, Sera. I was conceived right before Carmilla fell. I don't even know if she realizes I exist."
Sera...Emily...Seraphim. Leave it to Sera, but her naming scheme is predictable, if nothing else. Oh, holy fucking Hell, how had Carmilla not realized this sooner?
Carmilla turns around. Clara and Odette look on in concern as Carmilla takes her face into her claws, holding her cheeks as she tries desperately not to show how startled she is. Emily...her and Sera's daughter...here with her now...with her and Sera's other children...
She turns back around to look at Clara and Odette. Her other girls appear to have come to the same conclusion, their startled and shocked expressions giving away everything they must be feeling inside. She's never hidden Sera's name from them. She'd always wanted her girls to know where they came from. Had told them everything a long time ago.
Their mother is also Sera, because Carmilla had also Fallen while pregnant. So this Emily person is their other sister...which means Sera is alive and well. Heaven hadn't found out about their relationship and punished her, too. Oh, thank her lucky stars for that.
Carmilla turns to Emily. Her face has suddenly changed from stern and concerned, to warm and inviting. There are tears in her eyes. Emily tilts her head, wondering if she'd said something to upset the older woman.
"Are you okay?" Emily asks, genuinely remorseful. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad. Do you want me to leave?"
Carmilla shakes her head. She's smiling now.
"No. I'm all right. Please, don't go. I'm just so...happy!"
Emily does look confused now, but also curious. What is this overlord getting at?
"It's just that...my name is Carmilla. I'm the only one I know of in this entire city. Most people change their names when they come here, but I didn't. And I think, based on everything you've said, that I'm the one you seek. Sera was my partner...for many hundreds, thousands of years. She was pregnant when I fell. I think you might be...I hope beyond hope that you are mine."
Emily's eyes widen. She looks at Carmilla, like her eyes might pop out of her head at any moment. Then she is the one crying. Big, drippy, snotty tears. Completely unafraid of how she looks before these complete strangers...in front of her mother.
"Carmilla!...Mama! Are you certain?"
"I think so, mija."
"Ma-Mama!" Emily throws herself at Carmilla, hugging her so tightly, Carmilla thinks her spine might crack. Emily is bawling now. She puts her head on Emily's quaking head, feeling her move up to be closer against her front. "I can't believe I finally found you. Mom...Sera...she will be so happy! I don't even know you, but...I'm sorry I came here alone, but she missed you so much! And I just wanted to meet you!"
Carmilla strokes Emily's hair, as the small angel cries into her chest. "Sshh, it's okay, mija. Everything is all right. I forgive you. Everything will be all right."
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Ok so today's entry is definitely gonna be important for the analysis on how the topic of sexuality (which is one among MANY topics that this novel covers) is explored throughout the story and throughout the concept of vampirism in it.
I wanted to note these things down for myself cause this is a topic that really boils my blood when seeing academic analysis of it but I want to read the full text carefully through Dracula Daily and make a proper personal opinion of it before reading anything else (academia.edu PLEASE stop emailing me things I will crush my head on the wall). (For now, my overall opinion on this topic is that academics focus way too much on making a metaphor out of everything when a lot of things in this story make more sense when analyzed as parallelism, or as a literal part of the plot with no further meaning...)
Anyways. This is the first time in the story when a scene of (almost) vampire feeding is narrated, and the scene that makes Johnathan go "this is it, nowhere is safe". So this kind of settles a first impression on what being preyed upon by a vampire feels like (at the same time it could also serve as reference for when vampire feeding feels WAY differently from today, and therefore can be interpreted differently). We have:
The feeling of seduction of some sorts(EDIT: I should point out that vampire seduction by this time was already, from The Vampyre to Carmilla, along with several folklore, a well established trope). Is Johnathan's initial fear out of an unconscious feeling that they're vampires? Because of their sudden appearance in the otherwise empty room? Because he loathes being disloyal to Mina? Could be a mix, we will never know. But it's interesting to ask oneself these things.
I'm not going to expand on why the description of how the girl approaches Johnathan's neck is erotic, just go read it. I listened to the Re:Dracula entry today and aw lawd that's... The academics win on this one that does sound like a sexual thing good god.
It also sounds quite monstrous tho. The licking of the teeth, the red tongue, is similar to how the wolves were described on may 5th (and later, Dracula's gesture towards the other girls is compared to the one he used with the wolves, This is actually the first direct association between wolves and vampires as a similar being I think)
Dracula's "I too can love" speech and him undressing Johnathan is a whole topic for a different post which I do Not Have The Energy To Make (and that someone out there will probably do better than me today)
Lastly, we have Johnathan's dread at the end. That's a lot of dread wow, even worse than Dracula. Now, of course, a big part of this is due to them being VAMPIRES. WHO WILL KILL HIM. Because this is a vampire story. But it also leads us to other questions. Could this dread also be a dread of the desire he felt? Because of loyalty to Mina or because of the dominant stance the vampiresses took (which was Inappropriate in victoriam standards)?. These are the questions academics usually explore. There's also the less "This symbolizes That" approach which takes the fact that vampires=dreadful because of plot reasons, and draws the conclusion that making such a dreadful creature have a sexual attitude, said attitude is demonized. Additionally, in the Dracula Daily fandom, there are also people noticing how his dread is akin to the feelings of an SA victim. (Which leads us to the question of How Did Bram Know That?)
In any case. One thing is clear. They're vampires. They want his blood. Poor boy has been sleep deprived, questioning his sanity, and being manipulated by his employer for more than a week now. His employer who has just saved him from getting eaten. That's a shock. That's a big fucking shock alright.
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