#(probably. I think that's going to be her name anyway)
scuderiahoney · 3 days
Born To Run // i.
cowboy!max verstappen x reader // part i of ii.
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Summary: Everyone, including Max, says he’s too much for you. You find yourself determined to prove them all wrong. Your summer on the ranch is set to be one to remember. 5.1k
warnings: sexual content (minors do not interact, 18+ PLEASE!), alcohol/ intoxication, strong use of language, implied unspecified age gap, public sex, oral sex fem receiving, and max is a little mean (oops). if you would like further clarifications on the warnings PLEASE send me a message!
title from Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen, but also from Springsteen by Eric Church, which references… Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen. for mood setting, see also: She Calls Me Back by Noah Kahan and You Should Probably Leave by Chris Stapleton
One of your favorite parts of the summer is the first couple days after you get to your uncle’s ranch. You spend your summers there, helping tend to the gardens and some of the animals in exchange for a breath of fresh air, some time away from the city. You’re in college, now- your last official summer break before real adulthood kicks in- but you’ve been coming here since you were barely able to walk, sometimes with your parents, sometimes without. This year, it’ll just be you. It’s freedom, the way you like it best.
You first see him out in one of the pastures, on horseback, helping round up a wayward bunch of cows. He’s laughing, head flung back, sunlight dancing on his skin. He even sounds pretty, you think, leaning on the fence and watching. You’ve changed into a dress for dinner, your muddy clothes washed and hung out to dry. The cows are being difficult. He doesn’t seem to show even an ounce of frustration.
You’re startled when someone speaks from behind you- It’s Maddy, one of the long term ranch hands.
“Who’s that?” You ask, gesturing at the man.
Maddy whistles lowly and shakes her head. “Don’t even.”
“Don’t even what?” You ask, blinking back at her.
“Get started,” Maddy says, waving a hand dismissively. “You know the saying, too much horse? He’s too much cowboy for you.”
You pout, turning back to look at him. “He seems nice enough.”
He’s climbing off his horse, chatting with another one of the guys. Maddy blows out a breath through pursed lips, and you lean farther on the fence, resting your chin on your hands. The man takes his hat off and runs a hand through his sweat damp hair, and the sunlight glints off the blond strands. You sigh, and Maddy shakes her head.
“Serious, sweets. You don’t wanna go down that road. Max is…,” she sighs and never finishes the thought. Max. It’s a nice name, short and sweet. “Why’d you come out here, anyways?”
“Dinner’s ready,” you say in a dreamy tone.
Maddy groans happily, then whistles loudly, the sound making all the guys turn their heads. “Suppertime!”
You meet Max’s eyes from across the field. The sun is low in the sky, white fluffy clouds dotting the blue above your heads. He grins just a little wider when he looks at you, you swear. He tips his hat to you and then he nudges his horse, taking off across the pasture, kicking up a cloud of dust behind them.
Every Friday, your aunt makes dinner for all the staff, with your help. You all sit down at tables in the backyard and fill up on home cooking and fresh food from the garden. They’re your favorite nights of the week. At dinner, you find that Max is sweet, just like you’d predicted. He says his please and thank yous, his sirs and ma’ams, he smiles kindly at everyone he talks to. He’s friendly, he takes his hat off before he sits down at the table, he’s a perfect gentleman. Maddy must be crazy. How could he ever be too much?
Ten minutes into dinner, you think maybe you know what she meant. You’ve ended up across the table from Max, a few seats down- completely on purpose, on your part. You want him to be able to see you. And he does- fork full of salad halfway to his mouth, he pauses, tilts his head at you, and smiles.
“I don’t think we’ve met,” Max says, dropping the fork to reach his hand out across the linen tablecloths. “I’m Max Verstappen.”
You introduce yourself when he takes your hand in his. You see his eyebrows raise when he hears your last name- he’ll know you’re related to his boss, now, but he’d said his last name, so you’d felt the need to do the same. His hand is warm and calloused against yours, and your cheeks grow hot.
“You live here?” He asks.
You wiggle your hand side to side. “For the summer. I help out in the garden, do odd jobs around the ranch. Then in the fall it’s back to college.”
Max raises one brow, leans back in his chair, and crosses his arms over his chest. “Knew you were a city girl,” he says.
“Yeah?” You ask, playing along. “What gave it away?”
He shrugs. “You’re too soft,” he says.
It’s not really an insult, but for some reason, it sounds like one coming from him.
You don’t see Max again for a while, except from a distance, you in the garden, him out in the pastures on horseback. The way he rides is enchanting, like he was born to do it, like a natural. Some people just have it in them, your uncle had said.
It rains for three days straight, and the creek at the back of the property floods like it always does. When the water goes down, Maddy invites you out to a bonfire with everyone on a Friday night, a rare week when they’ve been given a Saturday morning off. You agree eagerly, and you head down just after dinner. You’re greeted by the people who know you, the ones who’ve been coming here for years, who’ve seen you grow up. Someone hands you a bottle of alcohol- you don’t ask what it is before you take a pull. Someone whistles lowly. You turn, and find Max’s blue eyes, lit up by the fire.
“Got something to say?” You ask, hand on your hip.
He shrugs and grins. “No ma’am.”
You roll your eyes and walk away, taking the bottle of tequila with you. Down at the river, Maddy’s floating in the current. You decide she’s a better companion than Max and head for her instead. You pull your dress over your head to reveal your swimsuit, and you slip into the water, sighing at the feeling. The bottle of tequila is abandoned on the bank.
It’s a good night for this- just on the right side of too warm, the water just the right temperature. You take turns swinging off the rope swing, and you laugh and joke and bask in the last remaining sunlight. When the sun goes down, you join the circle around the fire, ending up next to Max completely on accident.
He leans close and nudges his thumb against your arm. “You know, for a city girl, you fit in well.”
You huff and roll your eyes. “I’ve been coming here my whole life. You’re the outsider here.”
He hums softly. When you glance at him, he’s smirking. It makes your blood boil, but worse than that, it makes you want to kiss the smirk right off his face. You hate how easily he seems to get under your skin. To try and drown it out, you reach for the bottle of tequila again.
By the end of the night, Maddy’s gone, and the only person who seems to even notice you’re still there is Max. When you nearly spill the remains of the bottle into the river, he dusts his hands off on his jeans, reaches for your wrist, and starts to walk away with you in tow.
“Time for bed,” Max says, gesturing at you.
You blink, trying to clear your vision, stars swirling above Max’s head as the two of you pop out of the woods and into the open field. “Where’re you takin’ me?”
“I’m taking you home,” he says, almost gently.
Taking you home. You like the sound of that. You think. If he means it how you hope. Maybe you could get it out of your system. Just one good fuck and you could stop watching him when you should be tending to the garden.
“Are you taking me home?” You ask. “Or taking me home?”
“What?” He asks, voice wavering. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“You know what ‘m asking,” you say, voice slightly wobbly.
Max stops in his tracks, eyes wide, brows furrowed. He drops his grip on your wrist. You’re halfway back to the house, standing in the grass of one of the fields. You’re too drunk to care about being seen, or what’s in the grass- you just want Max to answer you.
“I’m not gonna fuck you,” he says, firmly. “If that’s what you’re asking.
You let out a whine and nearly stomp your foot, your whole body growing hot just at the words. “Why not?”
He’s looking at you with an unreadable expression. He’s still in his work clothes, button up shirt and faded jeans, hat still perched atop his head. You could reach up and take it off him, if you wanted, if he’d let you. Maybe undo a couple buttons on his shirt. You wonder if his skin would taste like salt, like the sweat you’d seen beading on his upper lip earlier in the day.
“Because you’re drunk,” he says, scratching at his jaw, stubble scraping under his fingers.
“So what?” You say, blinking up at him.
His face twists into a scowl. “So what, you’re drunk?”
You shrug. Behind him, you can see the house. The kitchen light is still on, the glow pulling you in like a moth to a flame. You hope your aunt and uncle are asleep. He takes a lurching step towards you, and you lose your breath when he cups your jaw in one hand, thumb brushing against your skin.
“I’m not fucking you while you’re drunk,” he says. “I don’t know where that came from or who said it to you, but you deserve better than that.”
“Okay,” you reply, suddenly entranced by his blue eyes, bright even in the low light of night.
He manages to herd you up to the house without laying another finger on you, which is a huge disappointment, honestly. He hangs back while you walk up the steps, staying out of the light. He’s worried about being caught with you. Something twists in your stomach at the implication, at what they would think. Nothing happened- it wouldn’t be worth the humiliation, really. But the sitting room is empty, and so is the kitchen. You’re safe, probably.
“G’night,” you call out softly over your shoulder.
When you turn to look, he’s already gone.
There’s exactly one bar within a 30 mile radius of the ranch, and you know it well. It’s near and dear to your heart. Maddy yells at you from the wide open barn doors one night and invites you out with them, and of course, you say yes. You’re in need of a stiff drink, some loud music, and maybe a little bit of dancing.
She picks you up at the house in her truck. The only seat that’s left is the back passenger seat, the others taken up by other ranch hands. The wind whips through the open windows as she peels out of the driveway, kicking up a cloud of dust that you know will have your aunt clicking her tongue and rolling her eyes.
Maddy cranks the volume on the CD player. The first year she came to work here, the radio died, and she became reliant on CDs. Then the player stopped ejecting CDs, leaving her copy of Born In The USA trapped, doomed to spin and play through the half broken speakers forever and ever. Bruce Springsteen’s voice rings out over the rattle of the half broken bumper.
The bar is packed, as expected for a Saturday night. Ranch workers do long hours, longer weeks, but Sunday morning is always a time of rest, no matter how few of them bother going to church. Everyone’s here, from your uncle’s 72 year old neighbor Etta to the kid who works the cash register at the gas station. This is the place to be- the only place to be.
It means Max is here, too. It takes you a while to spot him, surprisingly- he blends in well, in his dark shirt, faded jeans, boots and cowboy hat, he looks like everyone else in this place, in this town, in this state. You’re two drinks in, another one in your hand, when you see him. He’s leaning against the bar, leaning close to some girl you’ve never seen before. She’s just his type, probably- long hair, dirt on her jeans, a real life all American girl. You hear his voice echoing in your head- city girl, too soft- and you take a swig of your drink. When you look back at him, he’s staring at you, smirking. You roll your eyes and turn away.
You have a good time, despite Max’s words bouncing around in your head, bringing with them a bit of a feeling of not belonging here. You mingle with the guys from the ranch that you already know, the ones who’ve been working there for years. You dance with one of them when he asks politely, accept a drink from another with a sweet smile, perch yourself on a stool and watch them play pool. You’re laying it on thick, because it’s fun, and because you can feel eyes on the back of your head. Max is watching from across the bar, even as that same girl hangs off his arm and grins up at him. You’re not sure what to make of it.
He doesn’t come near you, doesn’t speak a word in your direction. He just watches, like he’s lying in wait. It would piss you off if it didn’t turn you on so much. You wonder if he notices when you kiss one of the guys on the cheek after they win. You wonder if he sees the way you pull the top of your sundress down just a little bit. You wonder if he sees you pout at someone to buy you a drink, if that would work on him, if he’s checking you out the same way this other guy is.
He doesn’t come close until the end of the night, when they turn on the lights and you’re sure you smell like tequila and cheap beer. Maddy disappeared with a guy from another ranch and left you with her keys, but you’re definitely not fit to drive. You wobble a bit when you stand up from the barstool, and suddenly there’s a strong grip on your side, steadying you. You flinch and try to wrench yourself away.
“Don’ touch me,” you slur, twisting to face whoever it is. You come face to face with Max, and you scowl. “‘Specially you. Don’t you have manners, cowboy? Don’t touch a lady without permission.”
Max rolls his eyes and snatches the keys from your hand before you can blink. “Who the fuck was going to let you drive?”
“I wasn’t gonna drive,” you insist, scowl deepening. “Was gonna find someone to drive me. Give me the keys.”
He ignores you and starts to walk away. As he brushes past you, he reaches for your wrist and tugs gently. You follow, only because he has the keys and his grip is warm and you can feel his thumb pressing into your pulse point. Your breath hitches. He drags you out of the bar, and the cold air hits like a slap to the face, waking you up.
“Hey,” you snap, stopping and tugging your arm from his grip. “What are you doing?”
“Taking you home,” he says.
“What happened to the girl who was all over you?” You ask, too drunk to stop yourself. “She was giving you fuck me eyes, you know. You’re not gonna take her home?”
He scoffs and reaches for your arm again, and you tug it out of reach, crossing your arms over your chest. You know the motion pushes your tits together, and you see his eyes flicker down to sneak a peek. You grin. He rolls his eyes.
“No,” he says, jerking his head towards the parking lot. “Come on.”
“Did you already fuck her in the bathroom, is that why?”
He groans, dragging a hand down his face. “No.”
“You could take me home, you know-“ you start.
He fixes you with a stern glare that has your face heating up, your stomach churning. You’re coming on too strong. He doesn’t want you like that, and now you’re drunk and acting insane and- he’s just trying to make sure you get home safe. He thinks you’re some stupid city girl who can’t hold her liquor and was going to drive drunk, and you would never-
“I really wasn’t going to drive,” you say, and his face softens. “I would’ve slept in the truck if I had to.”
“I know,” he says softly. “Let’s get you home, yeah?”
You nod. “You’re good to drive?”
He nods. You let him take your hand this time, instead of grabbing your wrist, and you try not to get used to the feeling of his calloused palm against yours.
By the time you leave the parking lot of the bar, there are three other people in the backseat, and a few in the bed of the truck, too. Max is a careful driver, though you’re sure part of that is because of the people in the back. He stops at another ranch and one of them climbs out, and then he stops at the bunkhouse at your uncle’s ranch before he steers the car up towards the house. It’s just the two of you. The CD is still spinning, playing quietly through the speakers. He puts the truck in park in front of the house, kitchen light glowing, and you feel like you’re going to be sick.
Instead, words slip past your lips. “I’m sorry. For being… weird. Forward.”
Max scoffs.
“I know. Understatement.” You shrug, reaching for the door handle. “I just. I read the signals wrong. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
You open the door a crack and then freeze when his hand falls to your thigh, gripping tight, burning hot even through the fabric of your dress. Your breath is caught in your chest. You turn to look at him, his face half illuminated, half shadowed.
“You didn’t,” he says.
You swallow. The air is thick with humidity and tension. “Didn’t what?” You ask.
“Make me uncomfortable,” he says, softly. “Or read the signals wrong.”
You pull the truck door shut and turn towards him in your seat. His hand never leaves your leg, his eyes never leave your face, not even when you lean towards him, just slightly. Your heart is in your throat.
“But you told me no, after the river,” you mumble. “And then tonight…”
“You were drunk,” he says. “And you’re drunk again. And you’re too good for me. You deserve better. But…”
“But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” he says, and your skin lights on fire. His fingers dig into your leg, and you hope to god he leaves a mark. “Bet you taste sweet as honey, too.”
Blood roars in your ears so loud you barely hear the words you say next. “Maybe you should find out for yourself.”
He grins, and then he shakes his head. He releases his grip on your leg and exchanges it for a light smack against the outside of your thigh. If you were sober, you’d call him out for it, but right now, it just sends a shock through your system.
“Time for bed, honey,” he says, and in a trance, you open the door again and head inside.
In the morning, you wonder if you imagined it all. But when you bring coffee out to the cowboys on Monday, he blushes red as the tomatoes in the garden, and you know it was real.
5 days go by. 5 days of watching out the window while he works, 5 days of pining, 5 days of avoiding him at all costs because if you’re being honest, you’re nervous. But then it’s Thursday afternoon, and he walks into the barn while you’re already standing there, and suddenly your heart is pounding in your chest.
He leans against one of the walls, crossing one foot over the other, arms folded over his chest. “You’re avoiding me.”
You shrug, leaning over to brush a bit of dust off your boots before you lean against the opposite wall. You don’t meet his eyes. “Wonder why that would be.”
He huffs. “If you want to be a brat, I can go.”
Your cheeks are burning, and you finally look at him, a glare set in your eyes. He’s smiling, the asshole, barely containing his amusement. Maybe you don’t want him, maybe he’s a jerk, maybe- he uncrosses and recrosses his arms, and you watch his muscles twitch under the fabric of his shirt. You swallow.
“I already told you what I want,” you mutter.
“Oh, good, you remember that,” he retorts.
“I wasn’t that drunk,” you snark back.
“Drunk enough to say it out loud when you can’t even look me in the eyes now,” he says, taking a step away from the door. “Come on, say it like a big girl. Ask me again, sober, like you did before.”
Your heart is in your throat, now. He looms over you, eyes sweeping up and down your body. It’s then that you realize how short your dress is, how close he is, how much you really do want him.
“Max,” you whine, almost petulant.
He tilts his head. “Can’t you ask nicely? Where are your manners?”
You blink up at him, once, twice, three times. His cheeks are rosy red, pupils blown wide. He smells like sweat and sunshine and man and you can’t get enough of him. His hat sits low on his brow, plush lips just barely parted, like he’s waiting for something. You can’t stand it anymore, can’t play this game with him forever.
You reach up and take the hat off his head, and he groans. When you put it atop your own head, he blinks slowly. His hand falls to your hip. It makes you feel like you’re burning up, even through the fabric.
“Fuck me,” you whisper, leaning up to put your lips close to his ear. “Will you do it if I say please, Max?”
His hand squeezes at your hip harshly, and his mouth falls open. And then he’s kissing you, shoving you up against the wall of the barn, and you barely have time to wrap your arms around his neck before he’s slipping his tongue into your mouth. He kisses like no boy you’ve ever kissed before, like he knows exactly what he’s doing, what buttons to press, just how to touch you to have you seeing stars before he’s even begun. He slips his hand lower from your waist and under your skirt, sliding up your thigh, and you whimper into his mouth. His other hand slams against the wall next to your head to try and steady himself. You arch your back, pressing your chest to his, melting when he shifts so one of his legs is slotted between yours, and you-
There’s a shout, then voices, headed your way. Max rips himself away from you, leaving you gasping for air, lips already parting to whine about it. He snatches his hat off your head.
“Max,” you pant, and he blinks harshly, taking another full step back from you. “Wait, Max-“
“Later,” he hisses. “Just- we’ll talk later, okay?”
Then he disappears from the barn, leaving nothing but empty air and a bit of beard burn behind him.
You don’t talk later, really. Max is a rollercoaster. He kisses you in the barn and then ignores you for 24 hours. He sits next to you at the Friday night dinner and slides his hand up your thigh under the table, far too high to be anywhere near polite, and then ignores you the next morning when you bring out coffee, too busy talking to one of his buddies. He finds you in the barn a different night and wraps his arm around your waist, pulls your back to his front, and kisses your neck until you’re bracing yourself on the workbench in front of you, and then at the slightest noise outside, he’s gone. It’s maddening. It’s like he can’t make up his mind.
“You’re too young,” he says, one night.
The two of you are standing out in the fields, watching the sun sink low over the horizon. He has his hands in his pockets.
“Right, because you’re ancient,” you reply.
“Are you even twenty one?” He asks.
“I was in the bar the other night, wasn’t I?”
“College kids get fake IDs.”
“I’m perfectly legal,” you answer, tugging on the sleeve of his shirt. “In every possible way.”
He spins you around, presses you up against the fence, and kisses you. You’re amazed the grass doesn’t catch on fire from the heat of it all.
You meet him and the rest of the crew down by the creek another night, and this time you catch him watching when you wade in the cool water in your swimsuit. He doesn’t bother looking away, just keeps watching and grins, making your face heat up. He must know what he does to you, must know how he makes you feel, and it’s so unfair.
You dry off and slip back into your dress a while later. He lends you his flannel when the sun slips down and you shiver in your spot, sitting on the ground and leaning against his legs. He’s sitting in a camp chair behind you, and every so often, you feel his hand against your shoulder. You try not to read into it.
Someone pulls out a guitar and starts to strum. You turn to him.
“Can you play?” You ask. He shakes his head, and you hum. “Then what’s your cowboy party trick?”
He tilts his head at you, brows furrowed. “What?”
“You know, like… the guitar, darts, bull riding,” you say, gesturing at him. “What makes you cool?”
He leans forward, elbows on his knees, and speaks softly, close to your ear. “The only guys who need party tricks are the ones who can’t pull a girl without them.”
You scoff and slap his knee. “Then maybe we should find you a trick, cowboy.”
He reaches out and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. “Nah. I think I’m doing just fine.”
You glare up at him, hoping he can see it even in the dark. He laughs. You roll your eyes.
“But I am pretty handy with the rope,” he says, and then he winks.
You blink up at him, and his shoulders start to shake. You cross your arms over your chest and turn to stare at the fire again, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of asking exactly what he means, or if he’s offering. Behind you, his leg shakes with his laughter.
Another afternoon, he pulls up behind you in his truck while you’re walking down the dirt road and calls out a “hey, honey.”
This leads to you climbing into his truck with him, and a short drive to a more secluded area. Then he gets you in his lap, his hands on your hips, and kisses you senseless. You can feel him getting hard underneath you. It makes you ache. You chase after his lips when he starts to pull away, his hands still holding you tight.
“I don’t come back,” he tells you, lips brushing yours.
“Okay,” you mutter. Then you pause. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t come back,” he repeats. You huff. “I won’t be back here next year. I’ll be… I don’t know, but it won’t be here.”
Some cowboys stay at one ranch their whole careers. Others wander the Wild West and never go back to the same place twice. You should’ve known Max would be a runner.
“Okay,” you say, again. “What does that have to do with anything?”
He shrugs. “You deserve someone who’ll come back.”
And. He says it, but then he hauls you close and kisses you again, so. You choose to ignore it.
On a Saturday night, at the bar, you lean over to whisper “come on,” in his ear.
He’s nursing a gin and tonic. “Gonna have to be more clear what you’re asking for, honey.”
You giggle, draped over his shoulder in the dark corner of the booth. Nobody’s looking, and even if they were, they wouldn’t care. Your hand rests on his shoulder, your chin resting atop your hand, your lips brushing his ear. He shudders.
“Meet me in the bathroom in five?” You ask.
He groans, eyelids fluttering, and turns towards you, nose to nose. He’s so close you swear you can feel his breath. His hand comes up to cup your jaw, thumb pressing into your cheek.
“You’re better than getting fucked in a bar bathroom,” he says. When you raise a brow and open your mouth to protest, he winces, and adds, “you’re better than this bar bathroom, and I’m not fucking you here, and you’re drunk.”
You sit back and cross your arms over your chest petulantly. You can see the smirk on his lips from the corner of your eye, but you don’t bother to call him out on it.
Max is a rollercoaster, but you grow tired of being stuck on the ride pretty quickly. He kisses you and touches you and then he pulls away. No matter what, he won’t fuck you. He’s always got an excuse. It’s driving you up the walls.
“You are driving me nuts,” you say through gritted teeth, three days later, when you look up and find him leaning on the garden fence, watching you pull weeds.
“Think it’s the other way around, honey,” he says, shaking his head. “You look pretty like this.”
You look down at yourself, at the dress you’re wearing, at the way you’re kneeling on the ground. Your face gets hot, and you wipe the dirt from your hands onto your apron.
“Then do something about it,” you snip, wiping sweat from your forehead with the back of your wrist. “Or would you rather just stand there and stare?”
He whistles lowly, and you try to pretend the sound doesn’t send a shiver down your spine. “City girl’s got an attitude, huh?”
You huff, push yourself up off the ground, and gather your things. You’re not just going to sit here and let him ogle you, let him think up fantasies to get off to later like you know he’s probably doing. He knows what you want, he’s admitted he wants it, too, but he won’t give in, and you’re so over it. He thinks you’re the one with the attitude, but-
“Hey, honey,” he says, just before you start to walk away. You turn over your shoulder, squinting at him, the evening sun straight over his shoulder.
“Yeah, Max?” You answer, hating how anticipatory you sound.
He looks at his watch. “Meet me at the river in an hour?”
You blink. Your heart skips a beat. Then you nod. He nods back. You wait for him to walk away, picking a couple more tomatoes off the vine. Then, once he’s out of sight, you take off running through the tall grass, all the way up to the house. Your hands shake with anticipation the whole time you’re getting ready. It feels a bit ridiculous, but you can’t help it- something is in the air, some sort of current, crackling beneath the surface. You just hope you get to find out exactly what it is.
part ii. coming tomorrow @ 3pm EST!!
a/n: thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed! fair warning, part two kicks things up a notch in terms of +18 content. see you all tomorrow!
Taglist: @4-mula1 @celestialams @struggling-with-delia @lovekt @i-wish-this-was-me @forzalando @iloveyou3000morgan @callsign-scully @arian-directioner @racingheartsposts @sakuramxchii @mynamejeff5 @c-losur3 @casperlikej @the-navistar-carol @everyonesluvah @jsjcue @si1ver06 @nicole01-23 @arieslost
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kenntolog · 19 hours
Hiiiii I love love lovee your loser gf! Series
Can I please request a loser gf! who is a new nurse and she's kind of nervous for her first shift at the hospital and cool bf sukuna gives her the confidence yk
Thank youuuu!!
𝝑𝝔 an: look i have lotsa respect for nurses, its crazy out there for them too man. i was barely able to get through that course alive😭😭 but i am just a weakling so anyways, i will not write any more nurse reader requests tho!! i dont intend on specifying the characters’ degrees anyway. not proofread. enjoy <33
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cool boyfriend sukuna is on his way to surprise visit you on your first shift as a nurse after his basketball practice, when the familiar ringtone of his phone fills his ear, a smirk appearing on his lips when he sees your name on his screen.
“what’s up, loser? kill anyone yet?”
“that’s not funny, ‘kunaa~” you say, despair evident in your slightly whiny tone that he likes to tease you about. “i’ve been here for a few hours at most and i’ve talked to more people than i’ve ever done in my life.”
“that’s a crazy statement. you sure you’re not exaggerating?” he probes once again, already imagining your exasperated expression as you rub your forehead in distress.
“no! ugh—” you sigh out, your voice becoming a little shaky. sukuna tenses in his seat, the smirk disappearing immediately as he listens in for any more signs of your nervousness. “i-i don’t think i can do this.”
he clicks his tongue, looking for a parking spot near your hospital, “hold on, baby, d’you think you can come out for a little bit? i think you need some air.”
you mumble out a weak ‘okay’, but don’t end the call which is better than nothing. sukuna quickly gets out of the car and strides to the entrance, patiently waiting for you to walk out. not realising that he’s actually visiting you and is currently standing just a little bit farther from the entry, you slowly step out and start slowly pacing around, still breathing into the phone. it seems to him, that somehow it calms you, listening to him breathing and doing it along with him.
a small smile appears on his lips when he eventually sees you, steps halting as he speaks into his phone again.
“dark red? that’s a nice choice.” he compliments with an appreciative tone, referring to the colour of your scrubs that you hadn’t shown him beforehand.
“thank you, suku— wait,” he watches you still in your spot for a second before you start looking around haphazardly, your voice getting loud enough for him to hear without the phone as soon as you notice him. “sukuna!”
you quickly run to him, arms spread out readily to wrap around his middle, and bury your face in his chest while he pets the top of your head, not caring about the neat hairstyle you made before.
“you good?”
it’s a simple question and his tone doesn’t indicate how worried he is actually. however, one look into his expressive eyes and you can clearly understand that he is full of care and love and affection. you peck his chest and look up at him, bottom lip jutting out in a cute pout and watery eyes trained on his as he cups your jaw.
“i don’t think i’m fit for this,” you sniffle, hiding yourself in his palm. “it’s so quick and busy and i—”
“and you’re just not used to this.”
sukuna watches you frown, begrudgingly nodding in agreement as he nods along too, continuing.
“and you’re nervous, s’okay.”
you nod again, rubbing your eyes a little too roughly for his liking.
“you’ve come a long way, loser, don’t back out of this now just ‘cause of some pressure. you can take it.”
exhaling shakily, you hug sukuna once again, whining some incoherent words into his chest, that probably aren’t even words and just a way for you to let go of the tension. sukuna ruffles your hair and kisses the top of your head, pulling away abruptly when an ambulance wheels by your side, it’s siren making you shudder.
“go and do what you need to do. don’t think about anything else, loser, and certainly don’t think about me.”
his insides melt at the soft smile that spreads on your face at his words and he leans in to quickly kiss your lips, pushing your body away simultaneously.
“i will pick you up when you’re done.”
“bye, kuna!”
he watches you run towards the entrance again, where a woman, seemingly older than you and probably the head nurse, starts scolding you, an amused chuckle escaping him at the sight of your embarrassed expression.
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houseofevanbuckley · 2 days
Just after the army Tommy tried the whole picket fence life.
He found a girl and got engaged. He hid himself hard, so hard he almost forgot most days that this wasn’t the life he dreamed of.
Emma was a nice girl. Worked at the local library while Tommy went through the fire academy.
Tommy was not necessarily happy, but he was content until one day when she surprised him with a very small box at diner.
A small box that contained a positive pregnancy test.
It was the first time he felt real happiness in this relationship. He grabbed her then and pulled her up in a hug, twirling her in the air as they both giggled.
It was the happiest months in his life, taking care of her, watching her body change, seeing his child develop, organizing the guest room in a baby room.
Emma’s labor was difficult. As he held her hand, encouraging her, tears in his eyes he watched as it took all of her strengths. The baby came out and Emma started to bleed. To bleed way too much.
Nurses took the child away while surgeons started to work on Emma right there to get her ready for surgery. She didn’t make it to operation room.
He went home two days later with his son, Eric.
It takes him months to reorganize his life, taking a break from the academy while he takes care of his boy alone. Emma has prepared so much, they already had a nursery picked, and a doctor.
She had made a whole binder of information for them to use.
It’s the first time he cries at home, as he looks into it, reading all her hard work. Sadness and guilt eating at him.
He never truly loved her, not as much as she deserved. He was nice to her and gentle, always. But it was not enough.
He cried over this sham of a life for a long time until Eric started to cry in the next room.
At least something good came from it.
The first time Tommy goes to a gay bar three years later, he doesn’t make it to the guy’s place. They’re making out against the guy’s car when his phone ring and it’s his babysitter name on it.
He answers it immediately, “mister Kinard, I’m sorry to bother you and it’s probably nothing but Eric vomited a few minutes ago. I cleaned him up and he doesn’t have any fever but I wanted to tell you.”
“Thank you Juliet, I’ll be right there.”
He doesn’t wait for her answer and just hangs up, and turns to the guy, “sorry, my son is sick, I have to go.”
He sees it then, the look that will haunt him for a while. Which is ridiculous because to this day he still doesn’t even know the guy’s name, but he sees it. The way his face drop, how his mouth twist in a grimace “oh, you have a son… sure you should go”
In the end the guy leaves Tommy even before Tommy can move.
He goes home and free Juliet. His son is alright, just something he didn’t digest right and it came back out.
It takes him 2 more years to bring back somebody home. It went great. The guy didn’t mind that Tommy had a son. He knew the guy’s name this time and they had been on a few date. Real dates.
Which was kind of an achievement navigating between his son and Gerrard to organize it. Gerrard who he went to great lengths to hide his son’s existence from. Paying babysitter extras, nursery, neighbors. He had spreadsheet. Excel’s creator would be proud of how much he uses it to organize his life and his son’s.
The date they have in the evening goes so well. He frees Juliet again when they arrive home.
They’re making out in the kitchen, his date’s hand is already in his opened pants when they hear a “dadddyyyyy” and the noise of little feet on the floor.
Tommy has just the time to closed his pants before Eric barrels in the kitchen, gummy smile and arms raised as he jumps on his dad.
He sees it again, that fucking grimace. It’s hidden quickly and replaced with a polite smile but still, he can’t unsee it.
He walks Hank back at the door and let him go.
He knows Hank won’t text him anymore; to be fair he doesn’t think he’d text him either now anyway.
Two more years and he hears Evan Buckley talking about going out to find hot chicks together. And it pains him in other ways.
He knows how close Buck and Chris are, how he takes care of him, cares for him. And he thought that maybe for once he could find somebody that would embrace Eric existence, welcomes him.
But Evan isn’t ready. Not for a relationship with a man. And definitely not with a man who has a child.
And then he gets a call. From Evan. And he drinks that awful coffee and maybe it’s not as doomed as he thought. Not when Evan decides to embrace himself so much, so fast.
Their hands are clasped together on the table as they smile to each other, “I have something to tell you”
“Sure,” says Evan with an encouraging nod.
“I… I have a son,” he says and looks intensely into Evan’s eyes, into his face.
And his sees his smile widens even more if it was possible, “is that right ?” To Tommy’s nod he adds “I can’t wait to meet him!”
And he can only see sincerity on Evan face and some curiosity, and his chest finally relax.
“He’s with a sitter now. I’m part of that big brother program and I often have some of the kids there as babysitter. It gives them some cash and get them out of their foster home for a while. Not that they’re bad but, sometimes it’s good to be alone and not share a space with 6 other kids. Anyway, we could… we could go to my place. If you want to ? Not in a, you know” he makes a vague gesture with his hand, “way but so you can meet him”
Evan chuckles and nods, “I’d love that.”
They take their coffees cup and throw them away before leaving the place.
And when they arrive at Tommy’s little house and he opens the door. When they hear the sound of feet on the floor and a little boy comes out running to Tommy he can only see a big smile on Evan’s face and maybe, maybe he’ll finally get that picket fence family in the end.
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nocturne-the-gazer · 3 days
Apology Tour Review
I typed this while I watch the episode. Warning this is screenshot heavy. I still watch the show on YT because I need subtitles sometimes but do not worry, I have ad blocker.
This was my face when the episode ended.
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The tonal whiplash from the end of EP8 to the beginning of EP9 is jarring. I am tired of hearing Stolas and Blitz talk about sex like we get their whole relationship is build off of it but ugh. It is probably my sex-repulsive talking but it just sounds childish. No one talks about sex like this unless they are teens who laugh when they see 'bitch' in the dictionary.
The anti-Blitzo party reminds me of the episode Gone from SpongeBob where everyone left the town because it was National No SpongeBob Day, and they went to build an effigy on SpongeBob and burn it to the ground.
'I do not look down on you' Stolas has called Blitz fetishy pet names since Season 1 and even called him a 'plaything', that does not sound respectful to me.
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Why the fuck did Stolas called Striker Blitz's friend? Does Stolas think all imps know each other? What is next, he thinks all of them look the same too? That is not a racist mindset at all. Blitz not saying 'He is not my friend' at all makes that line even worse. Also, unlike Stolas, Blitz spends time with his daughter and tries treat Loona like how his father treated him.
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Oh, more WLW/Sapphic rep, that is nice. The fan artists are going to have a field day with this. This is a win for the WLW/Sapphics.
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Me when I get a notification on Twitter.
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Me when I am in my Hater mode. She is having the time of her life! You go girl, SLAY!!
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I love me a cute background character and I found one. I love cat themed designs.
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Put Verosika back on screen. Me listening to this song, UGH. These lyrics are awful. YAWN. Fuck Stolas, I cannot feel bad for his bitch ass.
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'I do not even know why you would want to be with me' Blitz is right about this. What does Stolas see about Blitz outside of sex? Stolas only talks about how good Blitz is in bed and that is it.
'I want to know what it is to not be alone' ????? You are not alone; you have a whole ass daughter!
'I want to be someone's someone'. It is probably my asexuality talking about I am not a fan of media saying stuff like this. Being alone is ok. You do not have to in a relationship to be happy. Being in a relationship is not going to fix your problems. You got to love yourself before loving someone else. I wish I was high while watching this show. Sounds like a fun time and I can just turn my brain off and be like 'OHHHH PRETTY COLORS!!!!" /lh
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Damn he fine as hell. Stay away from him Stolas!
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YES, THE QUEEN! Blitz being an awful partner to that many people is crazy minus Stolas because they were not dating.
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STAY AWAY FROM HIM! I am also tried of the damn tongue kissing. THAT SHIT IS NASTY!! People actually do that????? in real life?????
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"Bird stealing"?????????? YA''LL WAS NOT DATING. HAVING SEX WITH SOMEONE IN A CASUAL WAY DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE DATING THEM!!! Stolas needs to spend time with Via, not kissing some random dude at a party.
Damn, this guy is fine as hell too. Anyway, why are trans guys always in the background? That is another post for another day.
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My final thoughts/review:
This episode was not as boring as Full Moon, but I am over Blitz and Stolas as characters. Their relationship is like stale and moldy bread. Even though he was drunk, everything Stolas said to Blitz feels hollow. I said this already in this post, but every time Stolas mentions Blitz it is in a sexual fetishy manner. Their relationship was built off of sex.
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I wish there was more of Verosika. I like the scene with her and Blitz before the stupid 'bird stealing' line. Her revealing that she was vulnerable when dating Blitz is pretty sad and I hope that she never forgives Blitz like Fizz forgave him.
I wonder if Verosika knew the full story of Blitz and Stolas' relationship. Would she still be on Stolas' side because clearly, she only knows one side of the story and clearly do not want to hear Blitz out because how he treated her.
One positive: Shout out to the background character artists. All the designs are cute, creative, and more appealing than the main cast. Shout to these cute in particular, they are super cute. I want more of them not this bland and tasteless yaoi.
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My overall score: 3/10
Needs more Verosika, less Stolas and his pity party.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 2 days
for the prompt thing: beach day with jee-yun
Such a cute prompt! Thank you!
Enjoy 🩶
As always you can send bucktommy prompts to my ask box at any time. I love writing them so have at it 😊
"So what plans have you got for the day?" Maddie asked on the phone.
"Tommy and I are taking Christopher to the beach for the day. What about you?" He asked. Maddie grunted in response.
"Everything. I promised Jee's daycare I'd make 50 cupcakes for tomorrow. The house is a mess that I need to clean. And I have to find time to go to the bank and the lawyer."
"Lawyer? Is-is everything okay?"
"Oh, yeah. You wouldn't believe the amount of paperwork that comes with getting married. Doug wouldn't put my name on anything, so I had no idea. But with me and Howie combining everything equally, it means putting his name on my stuff and mine on his. Honestly, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the lawyer fees topped the cost of the wedding itself."
"Well, hey, why don't we take Jee with us? Give you some time and space to get everything done."
"Oh my god, really?!"
"Sure. I haven't seen her in at least 4 days, so I need some Jee time anyway."
"You are the best little brother in the world!"
"There's snacks in the bag, extra clothes. Her swimsuit is on under her clothes now. Oh, and don't forget sunscreen. Every hour and extra if she goes into the ocean." Buck swung Jees backpack over his shoulder and picked her up.
"You ready for a fun day at the beach?" He asked her.
"Yeah!" She nodded .
They had a blast at the beach. Tommy helped the kids dig a hole. Buck consoled Jee when the tide came in and filled it. They ate ice cream, and sandwiches that probably had sand in them, though nobody really noticed.
"What?" Buck asked noticing Tommy watching him.
"Its sweet - the way you're looking at them." He gestured to Jee-yun and Christopher playing a few metres in front of them. "You want that in the future? Kids, I mean?"
"Uh, yeah. Someday. What about you?" He asked. Tommy sighed and looked towards the kids.
"Honestly, I'd never really considered it. I guess I always thought I'd never find someone to have that chance with." He answered honestly.
"Thought? Past tense? You, uh.. you think differently now?" He asked tentatively. They were way too early on their relationship to think seriously about kids, or even marriage, but knowing where their intentions laid was a good thing.
"Now.. let's just say that there's more hope these days." He smiled softly at Buck.
The sun was starting its descent, allowing the sky to begin glowing in beautiful shades of pink and the temperature to begin lowering.
Tommy was helping the kids build a sand castle. Sand city was more accurate. If he wasn't a firefighter, he could definitely throw his hand at architecture, Buck thought.
He sat back on his chair just watching him. The way Tommy joyfully and enthusiastically played with the kids made Bucks' heart bubble over in his chest. He'd make a great dad.
"Letting Tommy do all the work I see?" Eddie's voice came from above. He looked behind to see both Eddie and Chim walking towards him, then sit down.
"They have a good day?" Chimney asked.
"Let's just say I think they'll both sleep tonight." He laughed.
Buck continued to watch Tommy fondly. He thought about how different his life was a year ago. Struck by lightning and having no idea where is life was going. Now he was sat on a beach, at the end of a beautiful day, staring at the man he was hopelessly and disgustingly in love with. Eddie and Chim both noticed how he was looking at Tommy.
"It's a bit early, don't ya think? Eddie told him.
"To think about having kids with Tommy." He said
"I am not." Buck replied defensively, with a glint in his eye. "We've been together barely 6 months."
"Exactly." Chimney added. "So I hope you're both using protection."
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minniesmutt · 1 day
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫?
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: I.N X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: CORRUPTION KINK, DOM!JEONGIN, SUB!READER, VIRGIN!READER, DUBCON, READER IS VERY CLUELESS TBH, MARKING, MANIPULATION, PET NAMES (PRETTY, BABY, ), BREAST + NIPPLE PLAY, ORAL (F. + M. REC), FINGERING, HAIR PULLING, PRAISE, PROTECTED SEX, MENTIONS OF BLOOD, ☾ ━━━ WC: 3.4K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     “Come on, I’ll help you,” Jeongin smiled as he scooted closer to Y/n on the couch. Y/n told everything to him. So it was natural she came to him about how she had a date coming up and felt nervous since she had never been on one, which turned into how she had never had her first kiss or lost her virginity.
     “You sure?” Y/n asked. He was her best friend, after all, of course, he would help her with her first kiss.
     “Yeah. You tell me when you get uncomfortable and I’ll stop.” For now. 
     Jeongin wasn’t blind to the fact that Y/n never had experience. She was shy and never interacted outside her close circle of friends. He was shocked when she told him she had a date over the weekend and she was nervous. But he always liked how innocent she was. Something for him to play with.
     “Okay… what do I need to do?” Y/n turned and sat up, facing him.
     “I’ll do all the work, just follow my lead.” Jeongin grabbed her waist and pulled her a bit closer to him. 
     Y/n nodded as she took in a deep breath. His hands came up and cupped her face. Y/n closed her eyes as he leaned in. That much she knew anyway. Jeongin’s lips landed on hers gently. Her bottom lip was trapped between his as she did her best to follow what he was doing. She felt a bit awkward just sitting there. 
     Jeongin slowly pulled away and looked at her, “Doing alright?” he asked
     “I think? I’m just sitting here…” She sighed
     “Wanna get closer? It’ll be a little easier,” Jeongin offered
     “Yeah,” Y/n nodded 
     Jeongin bit back a smile as he sat back on the couch and told her to sit on his lap. Hesitantly she did, not knowing where to place her hands. Jeongin noticed and moved her hands onto his shoulders, “Do what feels natural, okay?”
     “Okay,” Y/n nodded before he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her back in. 
     Jeongin was a good kisser, not that she had anything to compare him to. One hand held onto her waist while the other held the back of her head. Y/n moved her hands up a bit to hold his jaw.
     “Doing good,” Jeongin mumbled against her lips. 
     “Thanks,” Y/n replied.
     Jeongin pressed further into the kiss. The hand holding the side of her waist moved to the middle of her back. He pressed her closer to him and she let out an unexpected moan before pulling away.
     “Sorry,” Y/n said as she laid her head on his shoulder.
     “You’re okay. Just means you like what’s happening,” Jeongin reassured her
     “Does it?” Y/n asked as she looked up at him
     Y/n took in a deep breath before sitting up again. “Wanna continue?” Jeongin asked, rubbing her sides.
     Y/n nodded and leaned in this time. She took the lead in the kiss, cupping his face in her hands while he held onto her waist again. The two kept it going for a few more moments before Jeongin pulled away. “Think you’re ready for another step.”
     “What’s that?” Y/n asked
     “Tongue.” He hid his simile again
     “Are you sure? Do people go that far on the first date?” His heart skipped a beat when he realized that he could probably tell her anything about what could happen on a first date and she would be none the wiser.
     “Yeah. All the time.” Jeongin told her.
     Jeongin took the lead again, pressing her lips onto his again before letting his tongue push past her lips. Y/n was a bit surprised at the feeling. His tongue felt odd in her mouth as it poked around, rough muscle exploring inside her mouth. Poking her tongue with his, encouraging her to use hers as well.
     Y/n tentatively lifted the muscle in her mouth, pressing it against his. Jeongin swirled his tongue around hers and Y/n did her best to follow his lead. Her hands moved to grab his shoulders instead. Jeongin pressed her close to his chest. Y/n moaned into the kiss again before she felt his tongue pull back then his lips detached and a small trail of saliva hung between them.
     “Is this weird?” Y/n asked, catching her breast.
     “No. Why would it?” Jeongin replied
     “We’re best friends…”
     “Yeah. And best friends help each other out. Even with stuff like this.”
     Y/n nodded in agreement, “What else should I know?”
     “He’ll probably move away from your lips, move down.”
     “Move down where?”
     His thumb rubbed over the skin on her neck, “Maybe move down further,” thumbs moving over her collar bone.
     “Am I supposed to do the same?”
     “Not at the same time.”
     “How about I show you? Would that be easier?”
     Y/n watched him lean forward and rather than kissing her lips he kissed under her jaw and slowly moved down. His hand left her neck as his lips explored more. “Tilt your head back.” He told her, words muffled by her skin.
     Y/n tilted her head back slightly as Jeongin moved to place his lips across the skin. “He might suck on the skin or bite,” Jeongin told her
     “Why?” She questioned
     “Let others know how lucky he is. He’ll leave a little mark on you.”
     “Does it feel good?”
     “Feels like this,” Jeongin sucked a small section of skin right above her collar bone, exposed from her oversized shirt he was positive was his and she had stolen from his apartment. Switching between sucking and biting on the skin. Making her grab the back of his head in surprise. Pulling at his roots as he continued. Pulling away after a few moments and licking the bruise. “There”
     Y/n looked down but couldn’t see anything. Jeongin grabbed his discarded phone from the other end of his sofa, took a quick picture, and showed it to her. “Just a bruise,” Y/n said
     “Most people call it a love bite,” Jeongin locked his phone and tossed it back onto the cushion, “Why don’t you give it a try?” He suggested
     “Are you sure?”
     “Remember what I did?”
     “Do what I did. Don’t have to go exactly where I went.”
     Y/n nodded and leaned down as he tilted his head back for her. She started kissing along his neck. Moving where she felt was natural, trying not to hit her head on his jaw but he would move out of her way anyways. 
     Eventually, she landed her lips on the side of his neck and sucked on the skin. Just as he did for a few moments as his hands fisted her shirt till he pulled away, licking the bruise, just as he had done. 
     “Good job,” Jeongin praised her, “Wanna stop yet or learn some more.”
     “Learn,” Y/n replied, the praise kind of going to her head. 
     “What are you going to do if he wants to go further?” Jeongin quizzed her
     “Further how? Like sex?”
     “How about this scenario; you guys go back to your place after the date. You’re sitting on the couch just like we are and making out. He moves you closer like this,” Jeongin moved her over his crotch. She could just barely feel something poking her. Making her feel a little warm in her stomach. “Starts kissing your neck like I did.”
     Jeongin leaned in again to kiss her neck, the kisses lasting longer each time his lips landed on her neck. Y/n grabbed his roots again as his lips brushed against a certain spot on her neck. It felt like electricity was going through her body, accidentally rolling her hips against his.
     “Feel alright?” He asked
     “Yeah,” Y/n squeaked as his hands moved to grab her hips. “Feels good.”
     “Yeah. Want Innie to make you feel better?” He asked
     She nodded as his lips moved up, “Words pretty.”
     “Yes,” Y/n answered
     “Good girl.” Jeongin wrapped his arms under her and stood up. Y/n wrapped herself around him as he started walking down the hall to his bedroom.
     She’d been in there plenty of times but something in her mind said it was different this time. Something bubbled up in the bit of her stomach with the warmth from earlier just as he laid her down on the bed. Thinking about the nights they spend cuddling in the same bed. Now he was hovering over her, lips roaming her neck as his hands held her hips down. 
     Y/n mewled as she grabbed at the back of his shirt. “Need Innie to show you what else might happen?” The question sounded more like a suggestion, but a good suggestion.
     “Yes,” Y/n answered
     “He might slip a hand up your shirt, like this.” Jeongin slipped both his hands under her shirt and moved upwards till it reached the band of her bra.
     “Innie,” Y/n said
     “Doing so good for me pretty girl,” Jeongin said as he bunched the fabric up over her chest, showing off her caged breasts to him. “Might play with these pretty things.” Y/n hadn’t realized how long his fingers were until he groped her breasts. Lips latching onto her neck again and sucking another mark onto the skin. Hands dipping into the cups of her bra, folding them underneath, and exposing her hardened nipples to the bedroom air.
     “If he does, he’ll definitely want to play with this little guy.” He rolled the small buds between his fingers before moving down and wrapping his lips around one of them. The rough tongue that was in her mouth not even half an hour ago was rolling around her nipples. Switching between them and pinching and rolling the neglected one. 
     He moved one of his knees between her legs and pressed his knee against her core. Y/n let out another moan and ground against him. Jeongin smiled as he moved down further leaving kisses down her stomach and leaving a few “love bites” there as well.
     “Then you get to have some fun,” Jeongin smiled as his hands pulled the waistband of her bottoms down with her panties. Tossing the fabric down to the ground before throwing his t-shirt off his body.
     Y/n swallowed as he put her legs over his shoulders. Having the perfect view of her soaked cunt. 
     “Only Innie will do this for you baby. No one else,” Jeongin told her before licking a line between her folds.
     Y/n tightened her legs around his head which he didn’t seem to mind one bit as he continued licking between her folds and flicking her clit with his tongue. “Oh fuck,” Y/n whined 
     Jeongin smiled as he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked on the little nub. Y/n jolted at the feeling, grabbing hold of his sheets. Jeongin kept his lips wrapped around her clit as he moved his hand under them and collected her slick on his fingers before pushing one finger into her. Moans spilled out of her mouth as he sucked her little bud and thrusted his finger in and out of her virgin hole. 
     His name fell out her mouth like a chant. He was enjoying every second of it. Slowly adding a second finger into her. “Feel weird,” Y/n moaned as he pulled away from her clit
     “Yeah? Good weird?”
     “That’s good baby.” Jeongin wrapped his lips around her clit again as he curled his fingers into her walls. 
     Y/n cried out as a warmth washed over her. Legs shaking on his shoulders as he continued fingering her and sucking on her clit as she went through the motions of her orgasm. Pulling away before he could overstimulate her. ‘She’s not ready for that yet.’
     “How’d that feel baby?” Jeongin moved up to hover over her and kiss her neck again.
     “Great,” Y/n breathed.
     “How about I teach you how to make me or your date feel good now?”
     “Just like you did?” She asked
     “A little different than that,” Jeongin smiled as he pulled her up into a sitting position. He had her tuck her knees under her as he stood at the side of his bed. He stripped her of the t-shirt and her bra then his sweatpants and boxers. Y/n eyed his cock, not sure where it was going to go. 
     “Look at me baby,” Jeongin called before grabbing her chin and having her look up at him, “Still want innies help?”
     Y/n thought about it before he leaned down and kissed her quickly, “Don’t want to embarrass yourself on your first date, do you?”
     “Innies just trying to help you, baby.” Jeongin stood up and got closer, “Open your mouth as wide as you can.”
     His free hand wrapped the base of his hard cock as she opened her mouth for him. “Tongue out.”
     Y/n stuck her tongue out as her innocent eyes looked up at him. Jeongin pulled her to lean forward and laid himself on her outstretched tongue. Slowly pushing his cock into her mouth.
     “Wrap your lips around it like a popsicle. Mind your teeth though.” Jeongin instructed. 
    Y/n closed her lips around him and kept her jaw slack so her teeth didn't touch him. He bunched up her hair behind her head and slowly moved her. Back and forth, up and down, on his cock. Helping her get the rhythm down.
     Y/n moved her tongue to find a more comfortable place for it to lay but wound up making her best friend moan and shudder instead. She took that as a good thing to keep doing so she did as she followed his rhythm. 
     “Fuck,” Jeongin groaned as his hand tightened in her hair, “Just like that pretty.”
     Y/n placed her hands in front of her to balance herself. Bobbing her head up and down whilst her tongue swirled around him. Jeongin tossed his head back in pleasure as he pushed her harder on his cock. Tip reaching for the back of her throat and making her gag a bit. The gagging felt good around his cock and spurred him to move her head faster.
     Y/n grabbed onto one of his thighs as his dock twitched inside her mouth. Hips stuttered as his orgasm drew near. The knot tightened more and more until he finally came to a stop with a warm liquid shooting into her mouth. Y/n made a surprised noise as the salt taste hit her taste buds. 
     Jeongin pulled out of her mouth as Y/n looked up at him, “Swallow it, baby.” 
     Y/n made a sour face as she swallowed the thick substance, “Taste weird.”
     “You’ll get used to it,” Jeongin told her as he gently moved her onto her back again and hovered over her, kissing her lips again. Y/n placed her hands on his chest as his tongue slipped into her mouth again. 
     Gently pushing her deeper into the mattress before pulling away and pulling a condom out of the drawer of his bedside table. Y/n looked down at him as he rolled the rubber onto his cock and leaned over her again. He spread her legs open for him as he situated himself between them. 
     “Innie,” Y/n felt a bit anxious as he ground against her. Was it okay for this to be happening with her best friend?
     “You’re okay. Innie’s just teaching you.”
     “What if it hurts?”
     “Then I’ll be right here to help you. Okay?” the tip of his cock catching at her entrance 
     “You don't wanna know nothing for your date right? Don't wanna disappoint him or me? Do you?”
     “I’ve got you, baby. I’ll go slow.” 
     Y/n nodded, “Okay.” 
     Jeongin pecked her lips before taking his cock in his hand again and lining himself up at her entrance. Slowly pushing the tip inside. Y/n grabbed onto his shoulders, grip tightened as he got the tip inside. 
     “You’re doing good baby,” Jeongin praised as he kissed the side of her neck and held onto her hips. 
     “I’ve got you. Tell me when to move.”
     He stayed still, rubbing circles into her hips and gently kissing her neck. Slowly moving in when she told him to move and let her get adjusted to having him inside her. Whispering encouraging words in her ear. Up until he was fully inside her and she had her arms wrapped around him. 
     “Move. Please Innie.” Y/n begged as the slight stretch subsided inside her. 
     Jeongin smiled as he pulled out and gently pushed into her. Y/n held onto the nape of his neck, tangling her fingers into the roots as he filled her up. Her walls clung to him as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Doing so well for me baby.”
     Jeongin picked up his pace a bit gradually. Moving quicker and harder, standing up and taking a tighter hold of her hips. Moving her to meet his thrusts.
     Y/n felt awkward under his stare. Attempting to cover herself a bit and laid her arms over her chest. 
     “Don't hide from me, baby. I've already seen all of it.” Jeongin pried her arms off her chest and pinned them down to the mattress. 
     “There we go,” Jeongin smiled and leaned down, wrapping his lips around one of her nipples and sucking harder on them than he had previously. 
     “Fuck,” Y/n whined
     Jeongin sloppily made out with her nipples as he was pounding into her. Her arms were pinned down to the mattress, unable to grab anything except the bed sheets. The male above her chuckled as he lightly bit her nipple, making her let out a higher-pitched moan before he pulled away and looked down at her chest. “Don’t move your arms.”
     Jeongin let go of her limps and put his hands under her knees, pushing them off his legs and to the mattress. Y/n gasped seeing how he had her so exposed. He moved her arms to lay under her legs to keep herself open. Legs spread so he had the perfect view of her chest and cunt as he moved in and out. Hands caressing the back of her thighs before one moved in between them. Thumb pressing down on her clit.
     Running circles on the bed as her walls tightened around his cock thrusting inside her. The angle let him hit one particular spot inside her. She had no clue why but it had her seeing stars. 
     “There it is,” Jeongin adjusted himself and shot for that same spot. Her words stopped forming correctly as he pounded her g-spot and abused her poor little clit with his thumb.
     “Too much,” Y/n whined as she felt that tight warm feeling in her stomach again as she squeezed her legs closer to her on instinct
     “You’re okay, baby. Innie’s taking care of you. Just let go.”
     Two more thrusts later her whole body felt warm as her pulsing walls clamped down on him. Legs shaking in pleasure. Everything felt so good at that moment. Jeongin slowed down his hand and kept thrusting into her. His own high followed not long after as he worked her through hers. Eventually stilling inside her as he filled the condom with his seed, his hand stopped rubbing circles into her clit.
     Both panting as they came down from their highs before Jeongin pulled out. Seeing a bit of blood on the condom. He didn’t make a big deal about it, he just took off the rubber and tied it off. He tossed it into the trash as he moved her up onto the pillows and massaged her sore limbs.
     “Feel more confident about your date now?” Jeongin asked as he pulled her into his chest.
     “Yeah. Thank you Innie.” Y/n said, wrapping her arms around him
     “Anytime Y/n. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t help you out whenever you need it? How about we go take a shower, and get cleaned up.” Jeongin suggested
     “Okay,” Y/n said. Nothing had settled in with the fact that she had just let her best friend take her virginity. Jeongin was glad his ruse of teaching her worked out in his favor. He couldn’t tell anyone how long he had been waiting for that night.
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rongzhi · 6 hours
I have a clarifying question about how siblings are ordered and call each other. Do older siblings call younger siblings by number too? As an eldest sister would she call the two younger than her- 2nd younger sister and 3rd younger sister? But there’s no 1st younger sister because you’re the oldest sister?
Another question is what do middle siblings call everyone? They call their oldest sister da jie but since they’re the second oldest sister do they call their younger sister 3rd younger sister or? Does the number change?
Sorry I’m asking this in a confusing way, but I’m just wondering how siblings call each other depending on the order. How does going up and down the order effect what they call everyone else?
Furthermore-What would you call the youngest/baby of the family? I’ve heard that youngest can also call the second youngest xiao jie or Xiao ge? Can the older siblings also call the second youngest that or is it weird?
Do older siblings call younger siblings by number too?
They can, but tbh nowadays, it people don't always do the whole counting off thing anyway. You could also just call the younger sibling by name.
As an eldest sister would she call the two younger than her- 2nd younger sister and 3rd younger sister? But there’s no 1st younger sister because you’re the oldest sister?
If you have two younger sisters, you could call them 二妹/三妹 if you're also a girl (姐), I think. You could also called them 妹妹/小妹 if you only have two younger sisters, probably. If you have two younger sisters as a boy, you would called them 大妹/二妹, I think. Likewise, if you are an older brother, your first younger brother is 二弟 and your first younger sister is 大妹. This is just my understanding of it.
Another question is what do middle siblings call everyone?
You call the siblings whatever they are in relation to YOU, not the order of the entire family.
If you wanted a simpler way to do it that is also fixed, just go 老大/老二/老三/etc. This would encompass both brothers and sisters and everyone's number would be fixed based on birth order. E.g, in my family, I would be 老大 because I was born first and my twin sister is still considered 老二 because she was born second. If we had another sibling, they would be 老三, and so on.
What would you call the youngest/baby of the family?
小弟/妹 (whichever is appropriate) or 老小
I’ve heard that youngest can also call the second youngest xiao jie or Xiao ge?
Idk, I've never heard of this personally but it may be regional. 小哥 is something you might call a same-generation relative that's older than you or very close in age but older.
小姐, however... I don't think that one is true. It seems unlikely anyone would call their sister that.
Can the older siblings also call the second youngest that or is it weird?
That would be weird + they would have no reason to do this.
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I know u won't get my point, but Alicent should have paid more attention to Rhaenyra and respected her and her father's wishes and not have installed her fucking son on the throne. Things started going south when she married Viserys and when she wanted to strip Rhaenyra off her birthright
How about, no?
*Long Rant Incoming:*
1) Viserys didn't talk about "birthright." In the eyes of the smallfolk, Aegon has the "birthright" to rule simply because he is a male Targaryen heir. Alicent's position was vulnerable because Viserys never actually promised Alicent that Aegon would be king but neither did he specify exactly what his role would be and that was the point… all his children wanted his attention and love, and a place to belong. Viserys didn’t know what he wanted. Before naming Rhaenyra his heir, he wanted a son so desperately that he killed his wife for it. His conscience pained him badly afterward, and he decided to name Rhaenyra his heir. Nevertheless, he wanted a young woman to sleep with; he didn’t want a wife, he didn’t want more kids, and he had already named his heir. But he married Alicent and had those kids anyway. He really was so irresponsible and on top of that, he tells Alicent in episode 3 that he thinks he probably was wrong in making Rhaenyra his heir because of his dream/prophecy, so ofc Alicent was worried. Honestly, he could have made his mind up about Rhaenyra and shut up about it. Or he could have actually thought of his other kids and given them some work to do and trained them for some position if he truly cared for them. From the moment they existed, they were his responsibility. And for sure it makes sense why his kids by Alicent, not having known any special love from their father, would want to finally claim a position for themselves.
So, Viserys set the Dance in motion by his choices. If he had supported his Targtower kids and ensured they wouldn’t be threatened by their mad uncle (Daemon; who hated them just because they were Otto's and Alicent's blood) in the succession, then Alicent would have fewer reasons to establish Aegon on the throne.
2) Alicent spent time with Viserys because she had always considered her own self in reference to the Targaryens. What was she if not Rhaenyra’s childhood companion? When Otto compels her to visit Viserys she doesn’t want to. She brings along the book of histories she used to read to Rhaenyra. What else can she offer to the Targaryens? This is what they like: to talk about their legacies and their histories. So she might as well read to him, right? There’s no harm done. And she went. She does the bare minimum whenever they are together: the bare minimum of eye contact and conversation. Viserys was SO PERVERSE that even with the minimum attention from a teenager he wanted to fuck her. Not even make her his wife because he didn’t want another wife. And you see how surprised Alicent is when he declares so matter-of-factly that he will wed Alicent, no questions asked. Because she was the easiest bride-but-no-wife choice of them all. She already had her father in court who was a megalomaniac, and Viserys thought that by marrying Alicent he was giving Otto what he always wanted: greater opportunities for social climbing. So he’d stay out of his way, right? That’s what he wanted all along, right? So I can have your daughter any way I like, right? (Because had he married Laena, can you imagine being so chill with Corlys as a father-in-law? Ofc he wouldn’t desire anything potentially restrictive for him.) And I’m saying that he didn’t want a wife because of what he’d done before to Aemma. He had already made up his mind that (to console his own conscience and to honor Aemma’s memory) he would make Rhaenyra his heir. SO HE DIDN'T NEED ANY MORE HEIRS. Then why does he get married and have some more?? BECAUSE HE IS AN IDIOT and because he just wanted a young bride. He is the reason the war began, and his reckless choices, not Alicent wanting some compensation for her years of mistreatment and suffering. Because even after he got married and had those kids he still had time to make things right but he didn’t.
So Alicent didn’t marry Viserys, it was the other way around. He lusted after her and wed and bed her. Teenage Alicent couldn’t and wouldn't go against the will of the King.
3) Regarding the friendship between Alicent and Rhaenyra it was actually the opposite: Alicent many times tried to defend her and had her back even when Viserys and Otto believed the rumors of her losing her maidenhood (which as an unmarried heir was an insult to the crown). Alicent didn’t want to believe it and she supported her! However, even earlier than that, Rhaenyra cast Alicent off without understanding or offering consolation for the predicament she found herself in. She never tried to understand Alicent and never really paid enough attention to what her friend was going through even before she married Viserys. Alicent was alone and without a friend and Rhaenyra should have paid more attention to her.
4) Things really started to go south when Rhaenyra betrayed Alicent's trust by lying to her and continuing to flout her freedom, special treatment, and life without consequences to Alicent's face. The reason Rhaenyra had bastards and married Laenor was her own fault in the first place. Alicent tried to encourage Viserys to look for any potential suitors for her, and Rhaenyra had every opportunity to make the right choice but no, she messed it up by seeking out Daemon and then sleeping with Criston, so she brought it to herself. After what she did, there was no suitor available apart from Laenor, and her father forced her to marry him because no one else would. And then she had three Strong kids, making every mistake after the other (although I understand her completely: she had to have those kids because she wanted heirs and because that’s her body her choice, you know? She can sleep with whomever she wants) but at the same time, the game they all play is political and during the time and age we’re discussing, it was a big deal if you had bastard kids, especially since there already were THREE legitimate male Targaryen heirs whose fate was unsure and further endangered by Rhaenyra's actions. But it wasn’t Alicent’s fault that Rhaenyra had those kids, it was her own choice and she had to live up to the consequences of her actions. (She did this once by taking her children away from KL because she, too, recognized that they were being pointed at too much and it was getting too obvious).
5) Alicent knew that Rhaenyra wasn’t going to hurt her kids but the system they were born in would. In case she became heir, for Rhaenyra to secure her succession and have no challengers, Alicent’s kids had to die. Those displeased by Rhaenyra could easily dethrone her if there was an active male heir free to roam around Westeros. Alicent's sons would always be a challenge to Rhaenyra. And maybe Rhaenyra hadn’t thought about it per se and I trust that she never had vile intentions towards the kids (despite the deleted scenes where she gives death stares to Aegon) and despite never calling them by their names or developing a relationship with her siblings. Her own council and her uncle-husband would advise her to kill them. Their position wasn’t safe. Viserys could have secured it by giving them land and titles instead of the throne and by having them bend the knee to Rhaenyra but he didn’t. So their position was very much vulnerable because again, he didn’t care at all what happened to them, but Alicent, claiming the throne for her son, and saving his life the only way she knew how, DID.
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bimbombimbo · 1 day
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thistook like way too long it was supposed to be a doodle
anyways uhhh kid sniper and his trapinch!!! + grown up.. and flygon.. i have been rotating tf2 pokemon in my brain !!
You guys wanna listen to me ramble about tf2 Pokemon so baaad.. go on.. click on the read more thing...
OKAY SO i need to get this out of my system
It's probably obvious that Mick had been a difficult kid (of course, given that he was an outcast probably: the slim, small, weird kid with no body hair) and very much without friends. He'd have been the object of, mockery and nasty jokes and things like that; school sucks buddy!
Applying that into a Pokemon world: Mick would have definitely wanted a huge, strong pokemon. Probably to be able to properly defend himself, one like Kangaskhan, or a Zangoose or a Seviper (or even better, a Charizard just like he'd seen on TV!). Of course, having a strong pokemon would require years of training (and bonding too!), something that required a level of patience little Mick hadn't built yet. So, knowing his way into the woods due to always hanging around there by himself (comfort? escape? who knows), he goes deeper and deeper. Yeah, he tries to catch creatures he deems "strong", and horribly fails, again and again.
During one of these awful attempts, he returns home, frustrated and tired. However, the constant trips to this unknown part of the outback (and, of course, making a lot of noise) had attracted a teeny tiny creature: a Trapinch! The weak link of his group, low level, weak thing (but fierce and with a high defense), its presence isn't recognized until Ms. Mundy finds a lot of her crops missing and others bitten.
Of course, Mick finds the plague and brings it back to the outdoors, away from home. But it refused!Going back to the little boy's house each time it is taken away. Catching it on a small trap, Mick is willing to exterminate it, but something talks to him. Maybe he saw himself in the eyes of that tiny critter (who was struggling in a cage that wasn't made for it), or maybe he learned some empathy from his mother, or maybe he just wanted to contradict his dad. So, he keeps it in the end.
Clearly, the kid doesn't expect much from this, little creature that fits in his backpack (bad idea: he shouldn't have brought it with him to school, now he's also the weird pokemon kid). But still, he feeds it, he brings it with him everywhere (can't trust his dad enough), and slowly gets used to its presence.
The Trapinch soon tags along Mick into his hunting trips. The kid trains his precision with the bow and, in a couple of years later, his dad's rifle. Understands his companion's hunting method too, and slowly begins to train and teach new moves to it. A bond is forming! Through the years, Mick starts seeing the Trapinch as a pet (not that his family didn't had pets, but this one? it was his. the connection was visible between them)
The bullying problem doesn't stop though. Mick learns to avoid it, and avoid telling his parents about it (given that he already defends himself, and he doesn't want to make a fuss out of it). He drops school around his last years, dedicating himself to only hunting for some time, taking about a sixteen/seventeen year-old guy probably.
And wahoo! Word gets around about the quiet guy that headshots all the bunnies and deers and just like that he gets his first actually sniper job. (Not really going into that, let's focus on the pokemon aspect instead)
Trapinch probably evolves around this time. Not an extremely incredible event (some evolutions are televised) but Sniper might have not expected a Big Dragon-Fly. Vibrava is such a cool pokemon tho, it gets a while for Sniper to get used to the new name.
- Fun idea a friend of mine commented: "Vibrava can get him his jars to pee. It can also work as a bomb helicopter or smth: it grabs the jarate, flies above the enemy and drops it in their head"
However I do think they wouldn't have gone in much sniping jobs together, given a feral Vibrava's nature of, uh, the ultrasonic waves thing. It probably goes away a lot, into the outback all by itself. That's fine, but Sniper can't stop thinking his pokemon is going to leave and not come back some day.
Around this time, Sniper gets his contract at RED, travelling to Americs (probably around, 23 years old?) Forgive me for I don't know much about dates and ages! I headcannon Sniper to be in his mid 30's during the comic (Even though I'm pretty sure he's canonically 26, I'm sorry, I can't imagine him being younger than 30)
Sniper brings Vibrava with him into his (recently obtained) van, close to RED headquarters. For obvious reasons, it is not taken into the matches, but it's left out of its pokeball to explore around. At first, it doesn't return to sleep one night. Then it happens more often.
And it finally happens. Vibrava doesn't come back for a day, two days, a week. Of course, Sniper feels devastated, thinking it's gone for good (but leaving his window open everyday, just in case...)
He wakes up one day (or is it night? probably too early to notice), having heard a strong wind move his van. Groggy, goes outside to check if a storm of some kind is approaching, and he'd greeted by an enormous, dragon-bug thing that grabs him by the arms and lifts him up in the sky.
Flygon is way stronger than Vibrava. Bigger, of course, and more active. But still playfully bites at his hands, and still lays on its back demanding belly rubs like a dog (just like it used to do when it was a Trapinch). They go on camping trips together a lot. Sniper could technically go on its back, but he doesn't want to leave the van alone.
Sniper probably looks back to when he was a kid and is glad to not have uh, eliminated the pokemon when he had a chance.
FUCK THAT'S A LOT? i ain't reading allat 😂 if you're here thanks for reading i love you
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“Just because something is not perfect, does not make it any less worthy of love.” (Elain)
Elain stomped into her garden, frustration evident on her face. Lucien longed to comfort her, but he did not know how; besides, she probably did not wish to see him anyway.
For fuck’s sake. This was torture. For centuries, he thought his mate dead, only to find out she was not…yet his real mate wanted nothing to do with him. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
And now he was kneeling here staring at her like a creep. Lucien got up and turned to go.
“Wait, Lucien.” At the sound of his name on her lips, he stilled. He turned towards her. “Lady,” he said. She walked towards him. “Come help me with the plants.”
Shit. Well, Lucien knew absolutely nothing about plants. Well, at least not these plants. He knew what plants were edible and which plants to avoid, but growing flowers? Forget it. There was no need! Tamlin’s spring magic ensured that flowers grew naturally.
“Of course, my lady,” he said anyway because he was an idiot desperate for a moment alone with his mate.
He sat there squatting in the dirt, waiting for Elain to give him instructions. “Here,” she said, shoving some weapon-looking object into his hand, as well as some seeds and a bottle of some strange green substance. Lucien blinked. What in the world was he to do with this?
Elain hummed some song as she worked, and after a few minutes of silent suffering, he went over to her and said, “Lady, I must confess: I haven’t the faintest idea what to do with this.”
Elain’s mouth bloomed with a smile. He had made her smile once more! Excellent! That brought his total up to two.
“You use it to turn the soil,” Elain explained. “Here…”
Elain gave him detailed instructions on what to do, which Lucien tried to pay attention to, but he was also distracted by how pretty she looked in her little sundress with that gardening hat on her head. Her skin was slightly flushed, her brown eyes full of life.
“Did you understand?” Elain asked. Lucien blinked when he realized he’d just been admiring her for the past five minutes. “Hopefully,” he said. Elain giggled.
He tried to do as she told her, and soil flew into his face, and he tasted dirt. He hastily spit it out, cringing. Elain laughed louder, a deep one that came from her belly.
“You mock me,” he accused, but he was smiling too.
Elain came to sit beside him. “It’s just funny- you just seem so perfect at everything; I suppose it’s a relief to see that you are falliable too.”
Lucien tilted his head slightly, looking at Elain thoughtfully. “Is that what you think I’m perfect at everything? That you have to be too?”
Elain shrugged. “Everyone thinks I am. It’s always sweet, gentle, perfect Elain and her two sisters determined to protect her from the world. If I show weaknesses and flaws, if I act mean or selfish, will they abandon me?”
Lucien stared at his mate. He had guessed at some of her inner turmoil. To his mother, he had also been the perfect son. His brothers had thoroughly resented him for it, but hey; he couldn’t help that he was everyone’s favorite. But it had also made him want to be better for her.
“Of course not,” Lucien answered. “And on the off-chance they did, then they didn’t deserve you. And you’ll still have me, if that’s worth anything.” Probably not, but at least he was someone. He took Elain’s hand.
“Just because something is not perfect, does not make it any less worthy of love.”
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cloudshuffle · 22 hours
Hi, d for the request can I please have yandere Royal Jade x thief reader?
gem in the rough. yan!jade
nobility au
Her grace, the elegant, classy, duchess Jade, also has a penchant for being frightening.
So terrifying is she that it's said she can make grown men wet themselves at a single glance (this is untrue, on accounts that it was only one man who she caused to wet himself, and there were many other factors involved in his pants-wetting, so he says. I think it’s more amusing to leave it down to the duchess.)
Yet all rumours sprout from a seed of truth. Jade is a formidable individual, demoness or not, and it’d do anyone good not to cross her. She near monopolises the flow of jewels in and out of our borders, and as far as it’s been recorded, none of her ventures have ever failed. She’s wealthy. Some even say she’s more powerful than the emperor himself.
The duchess has an eye for valuable things; things that would pay her back tenfold, if invested in the right way. Despite her cutthroat methods, I know merchants who would kill to be in partnership with her - provided they get an audience with her first. Duchess Jade is a very difficult person to get a hold of.
Speaking of valuable things. I suppose it’s dangerous for a thief to keep a diary, yet here we are. I’ve been feeling rather… lonely and sentimental recently, something about how there might be no one to remember me by. Anyway. It’s been said that the duchess has in her possession something called the Dragon’s Eye - an exquisite, rare, lovely jewel that would buy me not only my freedom out of these borders, but also a life beyond them. I have someone who’s willing to pay.
I do intend to acquire it for myself.
I’ve been watching the duchess’ estate for a period of time now, and I’m quite confident I’ll be able to slip in easily tonight. After that, well, let’s just hope the plans to the castle are up to date. If they aren’t, this will be my first and last entry, which is amusing in a way.
Though aren’t my best heists always the ones less planned?
In confidence, (Name).
I have to admit, the duchess herself isn’t the only frightening thing about her estate.
Security is nearly watertight, and I nearly got mauled at least thrice tonight. But humans are ultimately foolish creatures, and I managed to trick the guards at the outer walls into thinking their mutts were acting up at a squirrel. Still, I thought my heart would jump out of my throat.
The guards in the corridors? Less perceptive than the maids. Those twittery ladies never miss the slightest bit of gossip to pass around. I slipped into a uniform, hinted that the stable boy had his eye on the duchess, and slipped out quickly as they begun speculating on what might happen. He does have quite the looks. Shame he might be fired soon.
And finally I was close enough to slither into her jeweller’s vault, right underneath the guard’s feet. Or the carpet under them. It was a tight, unpleasant squeeze, but what’s playing pretend as a snake compared to my future on the line?
Rumour had it that Jade’s vault was manned by a host of the continent’s best lapidarists, all chained to their desks and made to slave away to produce only the best jewels for her. That rumour always seemed a little silly to me. Didn’t people work best when they were well-fed and happy? But there were no lapidarists. In fact, there wasn’t a single soul in that chamber, not even a guard.
The carpeted floor ate up all sound, and the gems sparkled silently in clear cases. I probably could have stolen the cushions they rested on and fetched a small fortune - the workmanship and the gold embroidery spoke enough.
But I was here on a mission. And though I usually turn away at the sign that something might go awry, maybe it was the temptation of my reward, or maybe it was the sight of the jewel that drove me on.
Fiery red and deepest purple laced with the richest gold. Lovely didn’t even begin to describe such a jewel. Though an eye for aesthetics didn’t come with the job, I think even a blind man could simply feel its beauty radiating from it.
The gold in the middle did somewhat resemble an eye. And I took it with gloved hands and slipped it into a velvet pouch.
Leaving was easy. The compound was designed to keep people out rather than in, and I made it back to my temporary quarters without fuss. I deposited the jewel safely (even I’m not foolish enough to note down where it is), and satisfied at having a job well done, decided to treat myself to a drink at the bar downstairs.
There was a lovely lady at the bar with a presence about her. She looked normal enough with a nondescript cloak and brown hair (save the covering across the lower half of her face), but she didn’t feel normal, and so all the other patrons were giving her a wide berth, even raging drunk. I was in no mood to contend with rowdy, stinking men, so I took up the empty seat next to her.
“Good evening,” she said to me, and I had to sigh. Conversation really wasn’t on my agenda for the day, but she must have misunderstood. “Long day?”
“Sure,” I replied. “Just got home from work.”
“So late!” she exclaimed. “You must be working very hard.”
I shrugged. “I suppose I do.”
Conversation died down, and she left shortly after that. She did tell me she was looking forward to seeing me again.
I wonder what she meant.
Yours unsurely, (Name).
With much difficulty, I’ve finally managed to make contact with the buyer! Pardon the excitement, but we’ve arranged for a meeting at the docks tonight, where they’ve already arranged passage for me. I asked why they weren’t worried about me running off with the jewel, and they said that I likely didn’t want to keep it in my possession any longer.
Which is… true. It’s hard to find a buyer for such a high profile object, but harder still to keep it around me. I’ve been checking on it every day, and I’ve noticed that I feel… somewhat queasy around it. Like it’s a drain on my energy.
Hey, I didn’t survive this long without being at least a little superstitious.
That aside, it was discovered that the jewel went missing sometime in the night that I stole it. Though it’s an important item, the upper echelons seem more interested in covering up the theft than issuing a public notice. I suppose I understand. How would it look if not even the nobility had safe, secure homes?
Regardless, as long as it doesn't harm me, I suppose the jewel and I can coexist for a day longer. And I'll let the stone keep its secrets. It’s not much longer before it’ll be off my hands.
Looking forward to the future, (Name).
I’m writing this entry by candlelight, still sweaty and breathless from escaping from that place.
I made my way to the docks once the sun set. The Eye was heavy in my pocket, but in some way, I felt like the weight of my future was finally in my hands.
I was feeling unusually optimistic. And I’ve learnt, thankfully, that that’s when things go wrong.
Like any respectable thief might, I concealed myself amongst the many crates and boxes waiting quietly to be brought inland the next day. Making the first appearance is always foolish. My boat, supposedly, bobbed quietly on the water with not a soul in sight. Not unusual - the sailors would all be inland at the moment, causing ruckus at the taverns. But it didn’t help to reassure me any better.
Shortly after, a trio of horses and riders come down the docks. Not the most discreet way to get somewhere, and definitely not the level of caution I would expect from someone about to attain the Dragon’s Eye. I knew I was right to be suspicious.
The lady in the middle got off first - I knew she was a lady despite the cloak because she rode side-saddle. Also another unusual detail in this day and age. The other two men at her side moved with a familiarity that I didn’t like; the kind that reminded me of trained soldiers and patrolling troops. They didn’t stir up particularly happy memories. When one of them moved, I caught a glimpse of sheathed blade under his cloak.
Two soldiers. And a noble lady.
I knew this, because Duchess Jade lifted the hood off her face in one smooth motion, her pink curls tumbling out like a cascade of silk.
I bit back a gasp. Because seeing the duchess up close, I recognised her too - the same lady who’d just sat next to me at the inn bar. No matter how she’d changed her hair, using magic or otherwise, it was definitely still her, aura and all.
“My dear master thief.” Her voice rang out, clear and full of authority. I knew immediately that confrontation wasn’t an option. “I know you’re hiding somewhere. You’ve done such a wonderful job, attaining the Dragon’s Eye. Do show yourself so I can present you with your reward.”
From under her cloak, she pulled out a drawstring bag, large and heavy with coin. Jade shook the bag as if to prove its contents, then retrieved papers and slipped those inside too.
“More credit, and legitimate papers for your safe passge.” She patted the bag. “This offer won’t last forever, master thief. Or should I call you, (Name)?”
By the time she finished her sentence, I was already gone.
I pick up this entry, once again by candlelight, once again fleeing.
The duchess knew where I was staying, which gave me valuable time to pack what little I had and sneak onto a transport cart. Once out of the city, I hopped off and hitched a more legitimate ride with another cart. Not that I trusted these people not to rat me out, but there was no way I was stopping any of these men in the dark without giving them a fright.
I’m on my way towards the border. The Eye is still heavy in my pocket, sitting quietly like an obedient child. I hadn’t known what to do with it, and figured it might be better to carry it with me, in case I needed to barter for something valuable. Like a life.
This journal will have to take backseat for now. I get the feeling I need to jump carts soon.
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venuscrashed · 2 days
Word count: 1k+
Warnings: rushed, not proofread, male reader, forced kissing
Been a while since I wrote for him so sorry if it’s ooc
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Within the bullpen the whole team sat at the table. They all patiently waited for the new recruit to arrive, well for the most part.
“They’re late. They most likely lack respect and consideration for others,” Morgan said while looking around to his other team members.
“They’re probably trying to make us wait in anticipation. I mean,” Emily started. “They’re probably young and fresh out of the academy. They don’t teach you how to act professionally in school.”
Garcia hummed in response before she looked at Hotch. Frantically she started to waver her hands around “I don’t want a new team member. That messes up our family and I don’t want to mess up my family. They’re probably mean and think they’re better than everyone else!”
Hotch slowly raised his hand in an attempt to calm her down. He looked around at the whole team, watching each of their expressions. He desperately tried to convince Laswell not to add a new member but something about unbalanced personalities convinced him. “Garcia,” he looked towards her with the same stoic expression. “Calm down. We need this new team member.”
“But we don’t,” Reid cut him off. “Realistically we’re at our prime with this team. Everything plays out on the field and we all click perfectly. Adding this new member will mess up the flow for who knows how long. They’re probably not that good anyways.”
“Not that good, huh?” The whole team turned around the door to see you leaning on the door frame. A slight smirk sat on your lips as you looked around, specifically at Reid. You stared at him before looking him up and down unamused. “Don’t even know my name and I’m already the talk of the town. This is supposed to be the perfect team dynamic?”
The whole team sat silent. Emily and JJ exchanging looks as Morgan silently laughed while looking at Reid. Reid was stammering and trying to redeem himself but Hotch cut him off before he could embarrass himself more. “Agent (L/N). Nice to meet you. Please sit down so we can discuss the case.”
You lazily pushed yourself off the door and into a seat. Next to Reid who you didn’t even spare a look at. JJ got up and started to go over the case. You sat there, focused on the case details, pretending not to notice the glances you got from the rest of the team. A sense of unease washed over them and embarrassment in some. The tension in the room didn’t settle down until JJ was done and Hotch told the team to get ready for the plane ride.
Reid knew that humans had the sense to know when they’re being watched, everyone knew that. Yet he still watched the new recruit. Noting all the details, from when he walked into his physical appearance. Noting how long and unprofessional his stride was, the slight up curve of his lashes, the bridge of his nose, the tint of his lips. The slight notes of fragrance in the cologne he was wearing. Everything JJ was saying was going over his head but he’ll read it on the plane ride.
By the time he realized he was in the plane he memorized the case. The team surrounded Hotch in their respective seats creating a plan. It just so happened that Spencer was paired with (L/N). When he heard this he looked over to the agent. A moment of eye contact happened before Spencer whipped his head around to Hotch. Nodding to whatever he said.
“There’s only so much time she has,” Emily spoke up. She looked down at the file on the table. Going over the kidnapping case they had in Tennessee. “She got kidnapped around noon yesterday and considering her age she probably won’t make it till tomorrow. Reid?”
Reid cleared his throat and sat up straighter. Waving his hands around while he spoke, “considering the history of kidnappings in the country that are similar to this she probably won’t make it past midnight tonight. Even if she’s lucky she most likely only has 14 hours.”
“12 hours,” (L/N) spoke. The whole team looked towards him in shock. “You did your math wrong. Probably based off of the data from the past three decades. Not taking the past half decade’s statistics into consideration.”
Morgan laughed loudly. Rossi and JJ join in while Emily’s mouth hangs open. Hotch had the slightest smile on his face and Garcia had her hands covering her mouth. They all looked between Spencer and (L/N) waiting for the next move.
Spencer stuttered, looking for the right word. A slight red hue grew on his cheeks whether it was embarrassment or adoration he didn’t know. “I-I mean we should take in all of our more recent unsubs into consideration. We can’t go based off of ones from our time. Statistically more copycat crimes from decades earlier are committed then original ones.”
Before anything else could be said Hotch raised his hand. “Reid, (L/N) you two are paired up like before. Try to get along.”
Both agents sat quietly. They refused to look at each other. Even when the plane landed and everyone got off they still ignored each other. It wasn’t until the car did they finally speak.
(L/N) was driving towards the victims family’s house. No music was playing and an awkward silence filled the car. (L/N) lightly tapped his fingers to some unknown beat to Spencer. Who watched the new agent hum, noting the pitch and the bpm.
“Keep staring and I’ll drive this car into traffic,” Spencer’s breath hitched while looking away at a speed that could break his neck. (L/N) looked over his shoulder with a sly smile. He chuckled quietly and returned to driving. “Kidding. You need to lighten up….it's depressing.”
Spencer couldn’t help but lick his lips, a nervous habit of his. He knew that you weren't serious but he still couldn’t stop thinking. Something he noticed he’s been doing a lot of ever since he met you in the last couple of hours. Fiddling with his fingers he looked straight ahead. “You know people only use the term ‘lighten up’ when they’re uncomfortable. It’s a stress response due to not being considered ‘normal’ as others would put it.”
You hummed softly as you pulled up in front of the house. The both of you got out and walked side by side to the front door. Spencer knocked on the door twice before stepping back next to you. With a quick glance over to you the door opened.
An older man that seemed to not have slept for a while stood there. Dark bags under his eyes and noticeable bald spots. He looked the both of you up and down before sighing and opening the door. Motioning for you two to walk in he closed the door and walked over to the couch.
“Mr. Wallace,” Spencer stood next to you. “Were here with the FBI: Behavioral Analysis Unit. We would like to ask some questions about your daughter.”
Mr. Wallace sighed even deeper this time. Rubbing his hands over his eyes that had noticeable scars on them. “I don’t know what you want to know. I already told everything to the police. I can’t imagine that there’s anything else you can possibly know.”
“Yes but the police and the BAU work differently. Even knowing her favorite color will tell us more than the time she left that morning.” You looked up at Spencer from the couch. Continuing when you got a nod from him. “If we can, we would like to be in her room. If it’s okay with you, of course.”
“Yeah..yeah. It’s this way,” Mr. Wallace stood up. Walking to the hall of the side and into a room off to the right. “Just don’t be too loud. My wife….she can’t take anymore of this. I mean,” he laughed sadly. “Not even a full day and it’s already a spiral. Just don’t be too obvious. Please?”
You nodded and gave your best sympathetic smile. “Of course. She won’t even know we’re here.”
Spencer opened the door and let you walk in first. Closing it behind the two of you and looking around the room. He walked off to a corner of the room with a desk. “For someone who has only been here for a day you adjusted well.”
“Really?” You laughed. Sitting down to go through her chats on her computer. “I thought that was horrible out there.
This time it was Spencer’s turn to laugh. He flipped through some notebooks. “It usually takes about two weeks for new employees to adjust to a work environment. It took me a while. Still feels like I don't belong sometimes.”
“Really?” Much more sadder this time. The hint of sympathy was overshadowed by the sound of typing. “How long did it take you to adjust?”
“47.” He whispered.
“47? 47 what? 47 weeks?”
“No 47 days.” Spencer pulled out his phone and called Hotch. As soon as he answered Spencer started speaking fast. “Hotch, she's been planning this for 47 days. She didn’t get kidnapped, she ran away. And I think I know where. Let’s go.”
Spencer pulled you out of your chair and rushed out the room. Bumping into Mr. Wallace and out the door. You turned around quickly to apologize before jumping into the car. You quickly pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road. The siren was on as Spencer yelled directions, getting mad here and there.
As soon as you parked Spencer jumped out and rushed over to Hotch. From your view of the car you can see the two of them talking. The wind flowing through Spencer’s hair and the sun angling him just right. Maybe it was in the moment but was he always this pretty?
“(L/N)!” Hotch yelled. He motioned for you to come over. “You’re going undercover. We need you to blend in with Reid.”
“Sir?” You asked as soon as you stood next to them.
“It’s a meet up spot for young people. We think she’s going to meet up with someone.” Spencer said.
“I know that. But me?”
“You’re the youngest on our team. You’re new so we need to send in Reid with you. Take this and put it in your ear. Listen out, get it?”
“Got it!” The both of you walked into the place. Music's playing loudly and flashing lights of different colors blinding you. You two walked around side by side. Gaining a couple of glances until you spot her.
You reached for Spencer’s hand to get his attention. “There. Hotch we found her.” You gestured, looking for a way to approach her.
Spencer stared down at your hand. A light blush painting his face.
“Okay. Make sure to blend in. We need to see who she's meeting up with.”
Just as Hotch said that she turned and looked straight at you. Before you can think you grabbed Spencer and kissed him. His eyes closed and he leaned in. Taking a step forward he grabbed your face before pulling back. You two stared into each other's eyes.
Spencer looked up, eyes wide. “She’s gone.”
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twiniverse · 3 days
Temple Redesign for Twiniverse fan project thingy
Since I'm redoing a lot of old pages, it's probably time to update the Temple Fusion. Considering it's just an Obsidian made with Rose, Pearl, Jasper, Peridot, and Lapis... and then I just took out Jasper's gem and added Amethyst and Ruby... that's kind of boring. She's beautiful imo but she's just not unique to Twiniverse.
Sooooo I'm going to be redesigning her. And her name will be Onyx, based on black onyx with white and golden markings. She'll have some kind of crown that has both Pearl and Peridot's gems... and I'm thinking of maybe making her somewhat... cryptid-ish? Like a mothman kind of thing but less... animalistic?
Anyway I'm telling y'all this because... I am not good at designing monsters lol. That's a big reason I didn't redesign Obsidian to begin with. Soooooooooo what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ask you guys for ideas.
This is not a contest. There will be no prizes. But I WILL reblog every "entry" and show them off later in a livestream.
Just kind of a fun thing. I most likely won't choose any one design, it will just really help me solidify a design by having lots of new ideas from fans!
All you need to do is make a post with your ideas, which can be something you've drawn or just a bunch of reference pictures and a description of what you think Onyx would look like. She does NOT have to be based on Obsidian or the Twiniverse Obsidian. She also does NOT have to have any design components I mentioned above (the crown, the cryptid thing, etc). Just whatever you personally feel like the fusion would look like =)
@ me in the post and tag it 'twiniverse' and I'll add it to a list of all the ideas I've got! And when I start getting the feeling I've gotten an idea of what the final product will be I will do a livestream and feature all of the suggestions as I work on the concepts for Onyx.
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Just as a reminder, here are the five components! (Technically six lol). The outfits aren't important, so don't feel like you have to tick too close to them. And, just in case you want it, here's the OG Twiniverse Temple, but remember any design you might have does NOT need to be based off of this.
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I just thought this all would be fun! Something to let people feel like they're apart of Twiniverse in some way. I understand that without prizes a lot of people won't want to join, and that's completely fine. I get it! And I won't be upset whether I get "entries" or not.
Thank you all once again for your patience and all that jazz. I'm trying to still be active even while I'm swamped with a million other things, and throwing myself into Art Fight on top of it, lol. Love all my followers! See you soooooon!
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aita-blorbos · 1 day
AITA for not telling my sister we're related?
Okay, so basically. I have this friend (??X -- look, they're around my age but I don't know my age because time is not something I'm good at keeping track of. I think I'm older? Not by much though.), we'll call them R. R's a great person -- trustworthy, reliable, friendly, willing to play good cop to my bad cop (METAPHOR!!! NOT ACTUALLY COPS!!!), one time we planted an inordinate amount of beetroots together? Maybe more than once.
R is also, like, super possessed by an evil version of himself. At least, I'm pretty sure S (???X) is evil. He's sneaky, ominous, keeps saying things that don't make any sense, have this really spooky voice, and oh yeah there's also the eyes that change color and the fact that he keeps! Bugging me! About my past! Which you'd think would not be something appropriate to ask someone with a mechanical arm and a bunch of burn scars! And yet!!
Anyway. S insists her name is also R but in this case I'm referring to her as S because otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell the difference now would you? And I've been trying to figure out what exactly is going on with S for ages. Like, don't get me wrong, terrified of her, but I also want her help. Having someone like that on my side could be really useful.
The thing is, a while ago S and I talked and zhe showed me this... weird, old buried upside-down clocktower in the ground? I tried to talk things out with zhen and ask what zhe wanted but. Uh. Look, at some point maybe I stopped paying attention and tripped while going down one of the internal ladders or something, I still have a few healing bruises from that talk. Lost some time, too. But I do remember her mentioning I was related to R (and also something about us being time and space? Maybe? I don't want to think about that! So I'm not going to!) and that I was supposed to be zhens older brother.
The other thing is, every time I've remembered this (memory issues, you know how it is, everyone has 'em) it's been the worst possible time to go "hey, by the way, we're related" to R. Like, absolutely godawful timing. I didn't tell them immediately because S possessing R messes up their body hardcore and frankly I was scrambling to get them health potions so they wouldn't randomly die about it. I didn't tell them the next time I remembered because we were busy dealing with the person who blackmailed us who turned out to be a) a literal star and 2) basically a baby -- who then kind of told us the reason he's not, you know, in the sky, is that his brothers pushed him out of it as a prank and if there's any really bad time to tell someone you're their brother, it's when the kid in front of you is basically going "brothers suck, source: me." (Side note -- some weird combination of ESH and NAH from that situation as far as I'm concerned. We worked stuff out.)
Only, uh. Look, I am entirely not sure what happened. I randomly came to in the clock tower again one day with S glaring at me, and then next thing I know I've lost more time and R is helping me get out of the clocktower cavern with an absolutely splitting headache. He gets me up out of the place and then to my house (I saw some weird signs with my handwriting on them along the way. Sidenote: might also be possessed by an evil me.) and is acting... really weird. Keeps asking if there's anything I need to tell him or am keeping from him, eventually just reveals that S spilled the beans on us being related. I think he's a little mad about it -- I mean, I would be too -- but I really did just totally forget! I've been super busy and might've gotten a concussion at the time S told me!
Anyway. Found out someone was my sister via her evil possession twin. Forgot to tell them because the timing was always the worst timing imaginable. Am I the jerk for this specific thing. Not the other stuff. Probably was kind of a jerk during the thing with the star. Not relevant here.
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
how do you clone a fey? that's trick question; and fey love those!
@the-navistar-carol (<333) brought up a good point while I was talking about my changeling danny au with her -- Dani! How would she exist in this au? Danny's a changeling - a fae. How would Dani, a clone of him, be created? How do you make a fey? Not through any means that Vlad is doing; you can't make a fey through unnatural means, considering the Fair Folk are nature. And Vlad's not a fey himself -- he's a halfa, even if he could make a fey, it's not in his best interest too. He's a powerful ghost, but even the weakest fae can overpower the strongest ghost. He won't want a clone of Daniel to be more powerful than him.
(In a three tier hierarchy it goes Ancients -> Fae/Mythos -> Ghosts. They all live in the Infinite Realms, but on different Planes. The fae live above the Ghost Zone in the Fey Wild, while the Mythos live beside the Wilds or down in the ghost zone depending on where they are. Places like the Frozone, the Athens Acropolis, and other such large islands climb throughout all three Planes.)
(While Ghosts can travel into the Fey Wild, its generally advised against as the ectoplasm tends to manifest differently there due to close contact magic. It can make it rather disorientating for a ghost, and as human spirits, the Fae living there would jump them faster than they could blink. So unless you're willing to play mind games with 'steal thy name eat thy face' fae, most ghosts keep out of the way of the Wilds. Fey can travel down into the Ghost Zone, they just don't bother.)
That's of course, not taking into account if Vlad even knows Danny's a fae himself. Vlad doesn't ring me as someone who really cares much about ghost culture or the going ons of the GZ. He might be aware that fae exist, but the moment he realizes he can't use them for personal gain he just doesn't bother with them. The risk is greater than the reward, and he'd rather not get eaten. But lets assume he's aware by now that Danny is fey, and has to take that into account while cloning him.
So, how does Dani exist? Good question! Honestly; i'm not sure. She might not exist at all, or if she does, she's more halfa than fey. Vlad would need a lot of human dna and ectoplasm to balance out all that fae magic. He manages to steal DNA from Jack and Maddie to do it, and since Jack's fey ancestry is very dormant its much easier to use alongside Danny's DNA.
In turn, it results in a little girl whose more human-ghost hybrid than clone. With that little extra boost in fey magic making her not a fey, but still relatively powerful. Dani is less of a clone and more of a lab-grown little sister. It's a rather tedious, complex process that has Vlad tearing his hair out trying to figure out. But he does eventually figure it out.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#changeling danny au#danielle fenton#danny phantom#still no mention of DPXDC yet so i'm adding the DP tags if thats alright lmao#how do you clone a fey? trick question! you can't. you can only make something that's not-quite fey but has ties to them.#dani's fey ancestry is an ounce of water compared to the bucket of everything else. which is more than the drop in the pond compared to jac#but not quite as powerful as changeling daniel. whose more fey than human at this rate. which is very fun to think about in terms of#his rogues haha. imagine going into the human realm about to cause chaos only to come face to face with a baby fey. a changeling.#i'd simply pass away a second time. where is your parent. human raised or otherwise?? are they nearby??? shit i thought fey hated urban#cities. what are YOU doing here baby man. im going to get eaten holy fuck. that's so many teeth.#. oh. oh you think you're a ghost. hm. hmhm. i can work with that. lets just. make sure you keep thinking that okay :) great :))#like jumpscare dude. i just saw my afterlife flash before my eyes. hello unsupervised fey child. holy fuck are you teeny tiny.#vlad probably uses some of his own dna to get the halfa effect so really dani's more of a lab grown *half* sister. Danny's gonna end up#stealing her anyways in the end. his sister now :). non-human danny my beloved#catch me using fey and fae interchangeably. my bad#some food for thought sorry if its hard to understand.#steal thy name. eat thy face fey
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sillydegu · 4 months
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Welcome home Laurel
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