#(relationships; valtr)
bloodied-hunters · 10 months
Me thinking about my oc Marcelina. For her I have her married to Yamamura (I like oc x canon) and I remembered he technically died. Well, I imagined that Valtr was the one who sat her down and told her. They were both hurt because they both knew him. Also, these two mourning together for the loss of someone they cared about.
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katyspersonal · 4 months
sorry if the "use later" meant you weren't taking them now, but if you are : 6, 10, 25, 44, and maybe 50 ? (i don't remember you talking about a hunter of your own, so if not, general hcs about the protag ?)
Ahhh don't worry about this! I AM taking the asks, I am just stacking them for later because my ask answering habits are chaotic x)
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
6) League or Vilebloods?
This question gave me flashback on having made a reasonable point about why if Valtr and Bloody Crow have met, they'd experience the strongest wish to kill the other in their lives fhsdhfs I have a lot to say about the philosophy and goal of both covenants! To condense it as much as possible, I say Vilebloods, because they at least have the reasonable goal! They are a split from Pthumerians that felt entitled to crown a female monarch and carry the Child of Blood (who is a Great One on "their" terms)! Yes, they seek, consume and maybe even cultivate Human Dregs, but they have the vision of the new era... even if drenched in blood and sin.
League guys are battling the thing that can't be ultimately defeated - the evil within men, so their end goal would be destruction of life itself! I do feel bad for what the poor idiots took upon themselves, this is a twisted trap of existence, and they are sadly smarter. Burdened with something you are not SUPPOSED to get a glimpse of! But, Vilebloods have THE plan, I respect this more. (I also respect the ask meme's creator for pitting these covenants against each other, this is a very deep observation!)
10) Sexiest boss?
I am not so sure ;-; When it comes to sexual attraction, most of my preferences fall on NPCs and not bosses! I think Amygdala is the closest one to the definition! Maria, Micolash and Ebrietas are definitely up here, but in this case "sexyness" comes from the sense of "knowing" the character! With Amygdala I think it is more genuine in terms of appreciating the boss through this lence. It is not 'omg I am fighting THIS person 😳' but it is 'omg all these arms and tendrills 😳'!
25) Upper Cathedral Ward Y/N
I never, ever, ever, EVER want to see that STUPID fucking bitchass fucker Brainsucker in the long narrow hallway that keeps STUNLOCKING ME WITH its STUPID fucking spell EVER, EVER, EVER AGAIN.
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YEAH YEAH WHATEVER fshfhdsfs I always do this area anyways and I love its atmosphere and the sound, but it HURTS. I am also probably the only person alive who is struggling with Celestial fucking Emissary!!!! It is a love-hate relationship with this area, but I say yes because I physically can't bring myself to skip it!
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^ Love the way it looks through sequence breaking, too!
44) Have you read any of the comics?
No, and I don't think I ever will be able to :') My country has some.... """issues""" with overseas merch to say the least fsdhfghfsd Granted, from what I've seen the comics IS awesome! It is exactly the way I want licensed products to be: instead of giving you lore on unexplored canon characters they add original characters, instead of shoving the lore answers onto you they respect the vagueness of the original and continue it... I always dreaded stuff for my previous fandoms such as official comics, infodrops through official Twitters, spin-offs etc that gave too much information because I don't like to cOnSuMe MoRe CoNtEnT uwu, I like enough space for speculation and imagination left! With Bloodborne comics, I could tell this is the case!
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( x ) ^ This alone I respect very much! I love it when the writer has their own idea but doesn't hammer it down and leaves it up to the audience to figure it OR not. This IS how Miyazaki writes his own stories - he knows what the story IS, but won't straight up tell us XD This is what I loved about original Matrix trilogy - creators have had a certain idea in mind but the story was crafted in such a way that it was up to the audience to find it out, or even find their own interpretations! And this is why I refused to watch Owl House - I heard that the creator got super controlling and defensive about how audience """should""" read and feel towards the villain. I've sidetracked but I can tell from a mile that if I ever lay my hands on these comics it must be worth my time all things considered!
50) Tell me about your hunters!
Oh boy... I am a total 'Paleblood Hunter is not loreless' truther x) There IS a "canon" Paleblood Hunter character, unlike in the case of other Soulsborne games, and it doesn't let me get creative XD There is a guy with white hair and grey eyes that is probably a reincarnation of Laurence ( x ) , having ties with Cainhurst but also coming from the 'foreign country' that was a home of Brador ( x ) and like 80% of the Healing Church's staff!
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This is tormenting me. This is eating me. I have such deeply-rooted insecurity about "bringing in something from myself" that @val-of-the-north has had to FIGHT me to keep my """irrelevant""" OCs for the fandom. xD And stuff like this perfectly nurtures that side of me, as I jealously watch every normal fan have fun with THEIR version of protag like:
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Nonetheless, I actually DO have a Hunter that I love to use and recreate at any lost safe or restarted game! This is Rin!
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Or Rena, or Rina.... something along these lines fhfhds I've first shared about her here ( x ), and since then not much about her changed! I still like the worst fucking backstory where her overly cautiousness at first made her kill one of like three sane people in the setting, the developing sense of justice and killing a person full of shit on the spot, the worst bloodtinge and absence of guns use etc!
The thing that changed is weaponry style! Now I got fixation on having every variant of Ludwig's Holy Blade (normal/arcane, bolt, fire, poisoned). So picture her having collection of the same sword but with different "element" XD I'll take more screenshots of her! Currently she has clouded eyes effect (fell victim of my experiments with Save Editing), I probably should fix it fdfdsfds But, yeah... I like playing as her! I tried to create 'default Paleblood Hunter' for male playable character and it didn't feel as satisfying as I thought it would!
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pyro-madder · 2 months
Do you have any ideas of Djura's relationships with other characters? Or maybe what was his vision of them? (Especially Ludwig, since, you know, *neigh neigh* in Old Yharnam)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) thank you Faree for enabling me as usual
Funnily enough, Katy asked me the same a while ago ! My brainrot contaminates you sdfghj
Powder Kegs and associates || basically what I covered in my previous essay already !
Oto : made a person by french localization, the Kegs' founder ; naturally, looked up to as both a craftsman and a hunter by all its members, the then-apprentice Djura included.
Izzy : a friend to Oto, Djura also respected them despite not interacting with them much. It came with a sense of kinship after the burning, since Izzy explored the connection between man and beast and was branded a heretic for it.
Jozef, Brandr (ally) and Ysle (disciple) : Jozef is slightly older and a tutor in Izzy's teachings, Ysle is a younger Keg apprentice, and Brandr... it's a blood pact they got at this point, since I headcanon the guy as a survivor of the burning. Beyond these subtle variants, all four have a strong "it's us against the world" companionship, and because Brandr's the only one remaining today, he and Djura are fiercely protective of one another. of course, there may have been some benefits between the four of them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2. Fellow Old Hunters || my favorite one, for which I'll approximatively paste what I wrote to Katy !
Gascoigne, Henryk & Eileen : because they were, with Djura, my favorites when I started playing, I am greatly attached to two ideas : them being mentor figures to the Hunter, and them having been friends with each other. But I understand this theoretical friendship would be cut short - all 4 of them were present for the burning, Eileen would start putting distance between herself and those she could very well have to hunt down one day, while Djura would exile himself, possibly even fight with the others who don't seem to follow his reasoning. Still, my soft little heart says they "saw him off" before he went back down to Old Yharnam. And that was it. Djura still thinks about them, but even when the Hunter is with him he judges he has no right to ask about their whereabouts, that if he wants to know, he has to go back to the surface and see for himself. Of course, by the time the Hunter has pacified him, we know said whereabouts, so... bittersweetness all around :')
I also think he and Gascoigne fooled around back then. I mean there's the poetry of their opposed narratives, and also i've seen fanart of them that has rewired my brain. dilf4dilf
Here's a wip i'm hoping to finish of their wild wild youth :')
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Valtr : I don't actually have anything for now but I need to think about it, since the bozo uses a Keg weapon. They could have met through Henryk 🤔
3. The Beasts ||
Albina (Blood-Starved Beast) : I haven't decided whether they did have a relationship, or if it was just Djura being smitten like the fool he is 😔 but either way they were good friends, and Djura tried to protect her all the way until her transformation. He still would be, but between the poison AOE and him looking suddenly very edible to her, he's somewhat limited.
Old Yharnam Beasts : implied just above - it's a hard-on headcanon that he is NOT safe from them either, something that I've briefly mentionned here. In fact, I think a beast is behind his missing eye, because i love irony :^) So, he protects them, but doesn't approach them.
4. The Church ||
The beasts down Old Y are no threat because there are no civils left to harm in their vicinity, unlike in the rest of Yharnam ; so Djura hates the Hunt, not necessarily the hunters, as long as they keep out of his turf. He's aware of the blood of his own hands, and is retired in name and quarry only. However, he knows who is reponsible for the Hunt and is twice as less patient with Church hunters - if they don't listen to his very first callout, he'll open fire without further ado.
Before the burning, he hunted like anyone else, with enthusiasm even, but the moment he realized that there were still human civils in the fray that had not been evacuated beforehand, and then that it had been intentional because ALL beasts were actually civils, hoo boy. At first he was too shocked processing that + the deaths of most Kegs, including Oto, but when sometimes later Laurence publicly announced the heresy of Kegs and Izzy... bro was ready to fistfight him LOL
i like to imagine that Laurence granted him audience, even showing him his own signs of transformation, only for Dju to tell him "I hope they burn you" SDFGHJKL somehow he was allowed to walk out alive, because getting blacklisted functionally made him unable to do anything - he was (almost) alone, had no proof to work with, everyone would call him crazy if he tried anything AND he was still monitored by the Church if he did try anything.
Regarding Ludwig, no specific feelings beyond overall disdain for carrying out Laurence's every order (when he's not listening to the so-called guidance of his magic sword... but Djura doesn't know that), which included leading the burning. There's definitely things to be said about Ludwig's "heroism" in such a corrupted institution, but again Djura doesn't know him enough to make a proper in-depth judgement (and that's not me saying I don't have a proper analysis yet either)
5. And last but not least... ||
The Good Hunter : well. On the one hand, there's canon and what I said about it already (pacifying him is not befriending him, and his general distrust towards us is part of the overall narrative, etc.). On the other hand, I crave those positive interactions and him being an unofficial tutor for our hunter, quiet conversations on the tower and less quiet ones in bed, perhaps with Brandr too because yes. To think he's one of the sanest characters and WILL make it to the ending if you don't go out of your way to kill him yourself... well, it wouldn't last anyway, even on good terms with the Hunter on a Sunrise ending - he'd refuse to leave Old Yharnam.
Those are all I can think about for now ! Which is already a lot sdfgh thank you for reading to the end, and again for asking :') Your tags are right, on our own damned blogs these posts should be spontaneous and not have to wait for an ask :'')
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Hello, I need to know your thoughts about Ludwig (and Laurence if you don't mind?) - headcanon, relationship with others or just something you think about him! >:) (I didn't found them in your blog sry if you answered something like that already xd)
Alright! So for Laurence I already share a few ideas here : X - X - X - X and here.
Now for this dear Ludwig I do have a few ideas! I don't remember If I share things I don't think I share a lot 😐
Last time it was my last design of him eventually this funny idea with his sword. And I did a few other drawing on him they are around my blog somewhere 😅 I share a few here too like you have seen (I forgot some too...)
Now, what could I say before sharing a tons of lil headcanons... Well the first time I beat him it was thanks to Valtr! I found him so hard! Now it's way easier XD just a few tries in NG+ His lore is super interesting and even if he probably made tons of mistakes and bad things (see all the blood he have on his hands + church + that people even treat him like a monster?) I feel pity towards him 😢
Also the music is so good 👌 and he's the only one to maintain a bit of humanity and of himself after he turned into a beast?! JUST WOW And even if his design is sure quite... particular... an equine like beast with eyes? So unique. It could be based on the horse guardian of the underworld in Chinese mythology. (I need to look more on it there might be other influence as well).
And of course he got the holy moonlight sword! It's not anything.
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And before doing the dlc I always find really interesting the bit of lore around him! (Gehrman mentioning him, the sword, badge description etc) So finally seeing him for real is impressive! If the dlc didn't existed I would have assume he was the beast possessed soul below the old workshop (yeah I have an headcanon for the poor guy too).
Now for the headcanons I have him less develop than the rest so I will just do some list! And in one of my headcanon timeline I still don't know if he should died years before Laurence or should he be there when the dream was create, kill Laurence when he turned in to a beast and die after etc.
Ok go for a few headcanons!
🗡️ He's from either a small noble family or bourgeois family. (he's ancestor were great warriors after all! That originated from Pthumeru & Cainhurst too). I don't know if he have any sibling 🤔 that would make sense if he was the youngest son or something.
🌖 He have heterochromia! His right eye is green (if not teal) and his left one dark brown. At some point his right eye will become more teal colored (same as holy moonlight sword) then blind from and injury (or the contrary).
🗡️ He's left handed. I mean I think it was already kinda oblivious and really one of the only thing that for me is not an headcanon but well canon.
🌖 He was a student at Byrgenwerth at the same time of Maria, Caryll, Rom, Mico etc whom he became fast friends with as well as Laurence & Gehrman. He studied in hm check notes either theology or something in history or military history perhaps? 😅 I am still unsure and I need it for my next fic chapter help.
🗡️ HE LOVES HORSES!!! He had a lil white shetland pony (place holder name is Leonard...) when he was a kid and he did ride horses some times to times but he didn't have one that belong to him for a lot of years. So yeah he was quite a horsegirl with Maria XD she did have a horse and she bring him at Byrgenwerth on her 2nd year and let Ludwig go on ride with him, take care on and all. As such he ask Byrgenwerth to work as a part job at the stable.
All the horses and equine love him too! Even the scared or agressive ones! He have a gift it seems.
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🌖 Later on when he had to go somewhere with a horse that was either one of Maria black horses, a brown mule and his last horse a white horse (with a black mane?)
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🗡️ He adopted a baby orphan crow too. I don't have a name yet but it's the research hall crow that give us the guidance rune.
🌖 Yes Laurence convince him to become a cleric how surprising I know. (They guy convert so many help)
🗡️ Before wearing the executioner / beta hunter healing church clothes he wear something similar to the Yharnam set. With a tricorn hat yep. A gift from Gehrman.
🌖 He's the first one to have wear the hunter chief emblem.
🗡️ As he kid he was kind of a Labrador/good boy type of guy that become more ruthless after becoming the leader of the hunter of the church and bad things happening around him. He was really kind, protector and courageous for his friends! even if at times he seems he bit oblivious to what was going on around him XD and shocked lot of the times 🤣 see the encounter with a shadow of Yharnam hvhqf
🌖 I am still hesitating on when/where he got the holy moonlight sword. I guess he got a blood transfusion before hand and either lost himself 2-3 days in Pthumeru, Loran or Isz or another underground labyrinth. The other were really worried and glad he was alive. Even if he was hurt had a weird magic sword and say he heard and saw things now. "Yeah like Caryll! Nothing to be worried of." "But Laurence-"
🗡️ He know how to dance in ballroom properly and could play piano and a horn.
🌖 He was kind toward the new hunters (workshop & church) and help Simon got his bow for example.
🗡️ He was choose as the leader of the church hunters because of many aspect : cleric, better vibe to the public and to talk to LOTS of people than poor Gehrman rip, proximity with Laurence, Holy moonlight sword, guidance rune, hear voices don't let Flora lure you Ludwig!, one of the first tomb prospector for the church etc
🌖 Yeah he was, maybe, really close with Laurence if you see what I mean 😏 he might have mercy kill Laurence too... that's the huge crack on the skull...
🗡️ he had great relationship with Maria, Gehrman, Caryll, the scholars and all when everything went well. Still when everything began to spiral down (after Maria died, before Moon presence) he still went to see Gehrman with Micolash to drink tea really occasionally, without Laurence knowing.
🌖 He got at least a scar on his face because of the fishing hamlet.
🗡️ At the end of his life he went kinda crazy and smash everything while closing his eyes... so yeah many collateral damaged... things become worst and he transformed and many people died.. the hunters who discover what happened to Ludwig where shut in cells (Yamamura, Gratia, + a few other guys)
🌖 And last one, if he have a cute nickname it would be Lulu ^^
I probably forgot a few things but it should be all for now!
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feartheoldblog · 2 years
• Valtr and Yamamura have a lovely suburban home, a fairly healthy marriage and a pet fish. They had a spare bedroom so I decided to put Brador in. He started pissing everywhere and I ended up locking him in his room for like 90% of the time. I felt a little bit bad so I made Henryk and Simon and let them live in the basement so he had friends that did not randomly fuck on the living room sofa (wicked whims woes sorry). Henryk and Simon decided to start fucking so now Brador is back to square one 👍
• Originally I had 8 BB characters living in a house together. They are all now in separate homes (you can imagine how it went).
• Gilbert the Sick Man is a total cunt. He literally has the good trait as well as other nice traits but he’s got beef with half the town. He’s also why I had to separate the house. He basically pissed off Maria by insulting her, she got angry, Gehrman tried to comfort her, she got angry at him, then Gehrman got sad and Micolash got angry at him and they ended up fist fighting next to the barbecue and are now total enemies.
• Micolash lived alone in a house but I let him adopt a baby and now he is married to the babysitter (and tried to flirt with the new babysitter, their marriage is in shambles- he does not have the romantic trait)
• Gehrman (Micolash’s worst enemy) showed up at his wedding as a caterer and set the kitchen on fire
• Gilbert hated everyone so he lived alone, then decided he liked Vicar Amelia so now they’re living together. However, he fancies Smough but Smough finds him extremely unattractive. Ranni wanted to shag him but refused romance from him……… it’s complicated
• Iosefka has shagged like 60% of the town’s population. I support her in her endeavours 👍
• Radahn and Artorias are married and look after the two accidental babies that have been created. The best dads in the entire place 10/10
• Quelaag got knocked up by a random sim (one of the Rahrtorias kids) so I got werewolf Brador to kill him but I didn’t have the kill mod enabled so he basically just turned Quelaag’s baby daddy into a werewolf (and got his ass beat)
• I can’t remember who the other baby’s mother was but it’s being looked after any way ig
• Gascoigne got sad bc he had the family trait but no family so I made him adopt kids but he neglected them and Alfred had to look after them
• Logarius lives in a house with Godfrey and they both hit the gym together
• The Doll and Chapel Dweller are best friends <333
• I decided to be evil and make Arianna and Adella live together but they’ve ended up being best friends despite their opposing traits????
• Lucatiel and Emerald Herald are girlfriends- they would be married by now but they keep arguing sometimes so their relationship does not improve it is merely maintained
• Smough, Ornstein and Solaire all live together happily in the mansion of that one goth family i evicted
• Me and my partner’s BB OCs are chill as hell, married and do nothing wrong. Literally the only normal people
• Pate and Creighton live together and kinda despise each other but it’s fine
• Juno, Diallos, D, Corhyn and Rogier all live together but I stopped playing Sims because my mental health improved so I never got to see what would happen with them
• I forgot that Djura and Henryk were married with kids but Djura needs to move in with Brador so I’m gonna make them divorce and Henryk can live alone with the children
• Everyone that can give birth has been put on birth control. I learned my lesson 👍
• Also everyone wants Gascoigne carnally. Man cannot catch a break.
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fareehaandspaniards · 9 months
Hold up, you like Valtr x Henriett too???? I should have guessed because you are one of the last surviving 5 people that aren't restrained by age gaps in shipping but still I thought it was TOO obscure hghjhjk
That's my SECRET side xD I may talk about Damian mostly, since I have a thing for white-haired (blonde) grandpas who are rather evil sexy lords or pure angels. BUT(T). I enjoy really many ships and characters that I never mentioned because I never have enough energy to talk about ALL of them... (in 95% of times I need a lot of energy just to talk so yeah I want to tell a lot but often forget or don't have energy for that)
I am secretly big enjoyer of Valtr, Henryk, Yamamura, Tomb Prospector Olek (lol), Arianna equally with Adella, big FAN of Yurie, Eileen and Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, Ludwig... and etc!
So YES Valtr x Henriett ship looks hot (as you said age gap doesn't scare me. It makes ship even hotter than it was. I don't understand people who scream when two characters who are in love aren't the same age. And by "scream" I mean publicly shaming anyone who ships couples like that! Hope after this I won't receive a message from anon like "SO you can ship 10 y.o. girl yeah???? If age gap in a relationship is cool then you ship kids right????!" because it's pure absurd and hysteria. Age gap is always perceived by fandom-society like something AWFUL, DISGUSTING and mostly by people who enjoy even more weird kinks)
(And you might ship 18 y.o. character with a 2000000010010903 y.o. eternal being and everything is fine for a fandom while eternal being looks sexy BUT WHEN IT COMES TO GRANDDILFS, PEOPLE ARE BEING BITC-)
(sorry it's not a vent post :'D Completely changed the topic)
I can't say I know much about Henriett except for her being beatiful and her connection with Amelia, Ludwig and Laurence. Also she has something against League. And this shit when two fantoms can't be summoned simultaneously makes me go HURRRRR because you know the two have something between them???
She gives me vibes of hmmm... Irene Adler who is now Sherlock Holmes? I remember Crow drew Henriett for you mentioning Shelock Holmes and now this is stuck in my head. Stoic, beautiful young lady who is interested in justice for all. From a good family, maybe even noble, but who chose a path of a Hunter with her huge weapon. I headcanon Valtr to be her former "mentor" until she found out that League is built on his insanity and he can't even see evil bugs himself. Disappointing :с Her vibe is like:
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Also I thought that Gehrman/Maria also has a vibe of a teacher/student, but with gehrmaria it's more about romantical guiding the one you love with both mutual respect and tenderness. While these two have... Have some problems with that. I headcanon Valtr as a person who was REALLY interested in Henriett, but could show it through mumbling and telling her his own vision of the world and wanting from her to join him in everything, while she has own plans and ambitions, for example aeeeehhh destroy the wicked ones from the Church? haha so funny, unless...
Anyway good ship.
Little ambitious lady who is ready to kick some asses and tall sad unstable man, who has issues
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paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
Jackie: wait, but you and Alfred are coworkers. do you guys not have rules against dating coworkers?
Antal, turning to the old hunters: hey what are you guys stances on fraternization?
Gehrman: don't have sex at work and don't let it interfere with work
Maria: unless it puts my patients in danger or it becomes a distraction, I don't care
Teague, in a friends-with-benefits with Valtr: I mean, we all know I'd be a massive hypocrite if I said you can't
Antal, turning to Ludwig and Laurence: what about you two? what are your stances on this controversial topic
Laurence: I think you can shut the fuck up
Ludwig: I think you should stop talking
Antal, turning back to his sister: there you go. 3 out of 5 would be hypocrites if they said no relationships with coworkers.
Antal: 4 out of 5 if we include Gehrman adopting his newest apprentice
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sasorikigai · 3 years
📱 [ Scorpion for Bucket boi 👀 ]
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Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn't send yours, and one that they did || @umtplex​ || accepting 
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[ バケツ男 ] My life has been full of disappointments and I do not want to add you to the list.  [ バケツ男 ] Isn’t it ironic? How my scorched, blackened heart can still get hurt by something I already saw coming?  [ バケツ男 ] Just because I carry it well, doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy.  [ バケツ男 ] And just because you are strong and resilient doesn’t mean you never need someone to be there for you, to take care of you.  [ バケツ男 ] Even with the the League’s indifference to your cause, I assure you, they will learn what inspires you, and you will continue to cultivate your dreams, your own beliefs, and your own stunning clarity. Despite my uncertainties.
[ バケツ男 ] You will deal with the unknowns of your life, as you have done without me. Farewell, the esteemed warrior of the other realm. 
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bloodied-hunters · 2 years
I can’t believe i never did this in the four years I’ve had Marcelina. But under the cut will her relationships with the older hunters.
Gascoigne and Viola- Marcelina thinks of these two as parental figures in her life. And their kids like little sisters.
Henryk- They care and love each other. They also have a friendly rivalry going on. Also they occasionally fight each other whenever they notice the other.
Djura- Djura was the first to be kind and accept Marcelina into the city when the others were stand off-ish. Out of all them, Djura’s and Marcelina’s relationship is one of the strongest.
Eileen- Somewhat mentor/student. They care about each other and Eileen is the one Marcelina listens to other then Henryk when needing advice.
Valtr- Chill with each other. They talk about their experiences and honestly just vibe.
The Madaras twins- Marcelina finds them confusing. She doesn’t hang around them often. They mostly just off put her.
Yamamura- Her husband (yes, I made oc x canon). This is the other strongest relationship she has out of all the hunters. They relate on many things, especially being outsiders (Marcelina being from France and Yamamura being from Japan).
Alfred- Absolutely hate each other. It was mostly from a bad off comment that Alfred said about Marcelina’s weird god baby, Roosevelt. She hasn’t forgiven him and things just got worse from there.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
002. Eileen. Now
My ask box is all crows now, huh? x)
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
002 I Give me a character & I will tell you
• How I feel about this character
I like her, but for some reason I do not think all that often about her? She is just one of those characters who is so crucial for the story itself and for the lore that I kinda... stop noticing them and take them for granted? It is hard to explain. I feel like she could certainly use way more exploration with her backstory and depths of her personality and relationships - that includes me too! Basically I think I am not being fair on her myself because she is just as important as Maria, Adeline, Valtr, Fauxsefka, Gascoigne... you know, THE core cast.
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All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Hmmm... I don't find Eileen very shippable, since her occupation suggests a great dose of emotional isolation. For all she knows, anyone she loves could go blood-drunk and she'd have to hunt them! I entertained the idea of the post-game scenario where she and Henriett raise the daughters of Gascoigne and Viola together now, but even in that case it'd probably work better as grandma + aunt taking care of them as a ship. I do think she used to see some women back in her youth, when she was just a student/doctor, even before the plague took her own place. Crack ship idea though - Eileen x Arianna! Thumbs up, thumbs down?
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Not going to call ANY NAMES *cough coooooough*, but I think the mother-son reminiscent bond between her and the Crow of Cainhurst is the top tier of the headcanons! I remember ancient times when I thought that Eileen and Crow were not even that familiar, and instead he simply mimicked appearance of Hunter of Hunters to not get questioned when he kills a hunter (important for his goals), but I've changed my mind since then! Doomed mother-son bond for life!!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Not really an opinion, but rather a pet-peeve. We know from the lore that there WERE other Hunters of Hunters before Eileen, and only one was appointed at the given time. Presumably, Crow of Cainhurst is an apprentice and that's it!
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But at times I see takes that have Eileen as the one and ONLY Hunter of Hunters that ever was, who appeared long ago and was the one since Old Hunters prime...? Example off the top of my head - that one manga centering around Maria (that I never properly read...). You know, with gingerhead white-garb Adeline (just like miiiiiine!!), super sigma male asshole Laurence, Willem recognizing as the pope of the Healing Church before he yeeted... all that. Of course I am not saying to go and write several OCs, but... Eileen was not the only one, clearly... come onnnnn.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I want to see where Eileen's shack is at, so we know in what house to visualize her in the after-game events in which she totally doesn't die but simply retires because of health issues... She DEFINITELY just retires and simply stops fighting, right...? That's canon, you know? Of course you know that haha.,..
my OTP:
Again, I personally do not really have one that is romantic... I remember I used to be a big Eileen x Valtr stan, but that one indeed became platonic since then, especially since I shifted towards headcanoning her as a lesbian. However, as far as fan-stuff goes in general, I do support Eileen x Djura shippers! Very cool and based ship, definitely deserves its popularity! ...if 'popular content' and 'Eileen' are even compatible things fdanhfhds HELPPPP
my cross over ship:
Hmmm... None yet, however, I think in the crossover verse she'd be more likely to find love than in BB canon! I have a feeling that I'll find a great match for her somewhere in ER or DS, actually! .....yes, it has been far too long since I've touched any other universe besides Soulsborne...
a headcanon fact:
Like I mentioned in some other post, I think she was a student, learning to be a doctor! ...and then just a doctor. She wanted to stay in the university as a teacher, but could not stand aside when her place was plagued, and became a doctor! I do think her beak mask is the only thing remaining from the clothes in which she originally appeared in Yharnam!
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Thank you for the ask!!!!
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lumentears · 3 years
Bloodborne NPCs rated by how well they would treat me on a date, from worst to best
Gascoigne's daughters obviously excluded.
21. Suspicious beggar
Listen, I know we all want a gentleman in the streets and a beast in the sheets, but we literally find him hunched over eating some people meat, and honestly, I'd rather you just take me to Denny's.
Rating: Even I, as a monsterfucker, must decline.
20. Skeptical man
I bet he would spend the entire time telling me about his upstart cheap funeral business. Scratch that, he'd take me to his upstart cheap funeral business and expect me to be impressed by his predatory installment payments and hidden fees.
Rating: No, I don't think buy-one-get-one-free is appropriate here, my guy.
19: Lonely old woman
I don't want to come off like a DARE-enthusiast but she literally needs sedatives in order to treat my like a human being. If you're going to need to pop some pills to stand the sight of me, I don't think we're right for each other.
Rating: Winners don't do drugs or something
18: Patches the Spider
Now, not to victim blame myself in this hypothetical situation, but with Patches, you know what you're getting into. You don't date a guy called Patches the Spider expecting him to be your one. You expect him to be the one that leaves you with the bill at an expensive restaurant.
Rating: Sends the most pathetic apology texts.
17: Old Hunter Yamamura
Big conspiracy theory vibes on this guy. Not neccessarily harmful, but you just can't keep a conversation going with a man who insists on reading you his conspiracy themed slam poetry.
Rating: Bad dates are a curse, and a curse is a shackle.
16: Iosefka, the real one
Please remember that this list is only concerned with the datability of the NPC, not how cute I personally find them. And, sadly, I think Iosefka gives off big married to her job vibes. Lots of so sorry, i got swamped at the clinic texts at 8pm while I've been inhaling free breadsticks at the Yharnam olive garden with nobody to stop me and only the pity of the staff for company as I insist my date will show up any second now.
Rating: *shoving old memes into my purse* I have to leave immediately
15: Provost Willem
It's Friends reruns at his place or nothing with this dude. Will not get up from his comfy chair and you'll have to find the snacks at his house on your own.
Rating: "Fear the old blood"? Not very adventurous of you.
14: Fauxsefka
Very hot and cold. I am 100 % aware that any date with Fauxsefka is going to end with me being experimented upon, but until then, I'll be in for a delightfully sinister night. The most unselfaware evil date of them all.
Rating: "Don't worry...I'll be with you for the rest of your life."
13: Vileblood Hunter Alfred
Yeah, yeah, I know he's dreamy. I just don't have the energy to listen to a guy who's clearly still hung up on his ex. I don't want to compete with a dude named Martyr Logarius.
Rating: Looking for a martyr in your relationship just doesn't seem healthy to me.
12: Brador
He's got the YA bad boy vibes. Just look at his laid-back lean, his long hair, his antlers...
Imagine going out to do whatever YA bad boys do on a date...smoking in public and heckling skaters at a skatepark or something, only to find out that the dude you're on a date with used to be an assassin for the church. What are you going to talk about now? Can you even ask questions anymore? What he lets something slip you weren't supposed to know and now he has to kill you?
Rating: 20 questions is probably off the table.
11: Annalise, queen of the vilebloods
She's always a tad distant, don't you think? Like yes, I will take the 5 bad leftist points and admit sometimes thinking about being courted by a queen like in the good old times is big sexy, but in reality as long as she insists I kneel before talking to her we'll never see eye to eye.
Rating: Also she canonically rejects you after offering her the ring of betrothal and I don't think I can handle that.
10: Valtr
Not a bad guy, per se. Definitely has the influence to take me somewhere nice. I'm just very uncomfortable by the fact that he apparently has never heard of trapping the vermin under a glass and putting it outside. Valtr, you don't have to kill the wiggly blood centipede because it's gross!
Rating: Fake date scheme: Instead of calling an exterminator, fake date a hunter.
9: Adella the Nun
It pains me very much to say this, but realistically, Adella probably wouldn't be the best date. You'd ask her where she wanted to go and she'd be all like "oh, I don't mind as long as it's with you" and you'd be left thinking "what a nice sentiment, but we've been dating for five months and I still don't know anything about your interests!"
Rating: Voted most likely to say I love you on the first date.
8: Simon the Harrowed
A tad gossipy. He would be all like "Do you know why this Six Flags was closed last summer? Apparently two kids got flung out of the roller coaster only two months apart, and all they did over the summer was raise the minimum age of that coaster." Like, thanks for the fun facts but do you think you could have chosen literally any other point in time to divulge it than when we were being strapped in for the roller coaster ride?
7: Retired Hunter Djura
A compassionate man! Also a man that would have his house filled with a shit ton of animals he rescued, and would introduce you to each and every one. That's cute and all, but you're never quite sure if he actually knows what he's doing with all these animals.
Rating: Do...do you have a license to keep that alligator?
6: The Doll
Makes you the best tea. Actually, she would take you on the best date, but there'd always be something missing. I'd always be wondering if she isn't just mirroring what she thinks I'd want out of a date.
Rating: Don't mind me spiralling over the moral implications of dating the doll.
5: Saint Adeline
She's kind, gentle and incredibly sweet. She'd also mention some fucked up self-depricating thing about herself or her past so offhandedly that you wouldn't even know where to begin to talk about it, and she's dropped that verbal bomb like it's nothing, but it would leave you a tad uncomfortable nevertheless.
Rating: Hold up. Wait. Just a second. You know it's not healthy to refer to yourself as nothing, right?
4: Gilbert
We're both outsiders in a city that's notably very unfriendly towards outsiders. There's so much to bond over, and we could help each other with our respective troubles! Sadly, he is in the process of turning into a beast, but he's being safe about it and everything!
Rating: Suspicious beggar wishes he were you.
3: Arianna, Woman of the Night
If common theories are to be believed, she really is the best of both worlds: Descended of the Vilebloods but also one of us common folk. And she's got a stable income, honestly, what can't this woman do? Of course, there's the whole eldritch pregnant with an alien baby situation, but honestly, it's your loss if you're not up to it.
Rating: What more can I say but MILFBACAL (mother i'd like to fuck but also cherish and love)?
2: Oedon Chapel Dweller
Seems to me like a real picnic date person. Definitely has some moments of uncomfortable self-deprecation as well, but I think they just need some support in order to get the help they need to find their way out of those patterns.
Rating: Hands just the right size to hold.
1: Eileen the Crow
She's just got it figured out. Of all of the Bloodborne NPCs, she's the one who's got her life together, well, as together as one can have their life in Yharnam. She's got a stable job, she knows when to quit, and even if she's grouchy about it, she will accept help when she needs it. She's an outsider too, but she's also got plenty of experience in Yharnam and in life in general.
Rating: Sweep me off my feet any time!
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Hey, you need to remember that many ships that Exist have not been hinted at in canon - someone one day just "invented" them and other people joined! x) You do not really need community for the ship or pre-existing works, it just feels way more nice and validating if other people are into it too. Like... I for one do not get the attitude that shipping something no one else shipped yet is somehow 'awkward' if not 'cringe'. Questions like 'omg this ship is REAL?' don't make sense either... like, every ship exists as a possible scenario, for example Valtr x Eileen is as 'real' as Valtr x Yamamura, whether someone created stuff for it or not yet is not relevant. Be a trend starter! You might stay alone in this boat, yeah, but you ALSO might get other people into shipping it too, when they see how much fun YOU have talking about this ship or drawing/writing for it. Because they'll wanna have fun too! Be the change you want to see!
(Naturally I am curious what rareship you refered to x) You gotta tell us now dfhhsds I mean if you are comfortable sharing)
You're right and I 100% agree with what you just say!
It's just it's kinda the first time that this happened to me ? or at least the first time I fully realize it. That I was probably the first one who thought about this particular ship? ... but who knows. (I was tired too XD)
To talk a bit about my life, I don't really have that much ships. (even across all the fandoms I have and all, but it's something I really like as well). Of course there's plenty I found cool but only a handful of ships I like really hard/i'm really invested in (not sure if that's an aro/ace thing too lol) (half of the time it's really popular and the other half it's quite rare and except the weird stuff you can find at time I like this particulars ship so much I'm taking almost every content I can found!)
So for all the others I generally have a scale that goes from :
(my eyes!) ew not my thing ->...-> I don't really care/neutral->...-> oh that's valid/ cool-> oh that's cute (-> ship them so hard I'm taking almost ANYTHING XD)
So for Bloodborne now... that's subject is not really the focus of the game too (an I really like that aspect) but yes there's quite a few I "like" or found cool but only like 1 I'm super invest in ?
(Some people here might know who I might reference XD One day I need to actually seriously talk about it... I guess when I will just not care anymore or if someone nicely push me... I know the mutuals I got here are super encouraging about it too x) The problem, it's that I have so much different interpretations of this relationship at the same time I'm afraid it's weird (that create more than 2 AU and one character became like 2 different idk ...)
And recently I thought about another one... so hm on my last post I was basically thinking about Dores x Gate Keeper...
So who wanna join my lil boat ? XD I'm gonna develop a bit here too :
I know we don't know much about them but for me it just makes a lot of sense I guess? I don't know I just think they would be cute. (And it's funny and drama... and really sad at some point too...) Not too serious into it but cool background/minor ship
In the grave guard set description they don't just talk about Dores but about mr Gate keeper as well (and we know other people become mad because in the dungeons but it's only referencing this 2!)
They became mad like... Together ?! They might have done the most of their expedition together as well. Perhaps they help each other with their issues...they probably got the same problems at the same time and the only who could fully understand what one feel was the other... And they both stick with Willem in the end.
I begin to imagined quite a few headcanons about them too. Because well I needed that to prepare my big bb story x) especially the first part at Byrgenwerth.
I do believe in badass young middle aged (+older) woman Dores supremacy. Who is really feral, can kick& punch Pthumerians with only her bare fist. (Willem know he was right to got her by their side, Gehrman is impressed, Liam (the name I choose for mr password gate keeper) is so in love and encouraging and Laurence is just really concerned XD).
If she likes you that's great she gonna scared whoever is mean to you in the best case. If she don't... well hope you don't see her often... For Gate keeper he's usually you know, the "calm and collected one", the guy who was raised in Yharnam and didn't spend all his childhood in like... the forest... But if he needs he's not afraid to shoot people with a shotgun (especially mad pthumerians). And this 2, after Willem, act like the parents of the Byrgenwerth squad/gang at times ? (yes even Gehrman who is just a bit younger than them XD but this trio guys I swear... so much potential)
If I remember correctly there's indeed a moment where I begin to consider them as a ship...it begins when I decided to re take a look how/where you found the graveguard set.
The set is divided between the corpse of two hunters? (who appeared in the game with the yharnam's hunter set, but like the member of the church got the default black church attire in the overworld so...).
One have the mask and the other the rest of the set (I took the first pic I could find on YouTube too). They're really close, but you can't access to the mask directly after you got the rest of the set.
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And well obliviously you can wonder why this two have it? They're not Dores right? They might have take her(/their/his) role after she passed away I guess? but who are they really ? (it's highly possible it's just some hunter from Ludwig era or after, who stick with Byrgenwerth or in the lost wood/villagers for some reason or that Dores took in to help and taught them stuff ^^ it's a cute idea but I got another...)
I begin to wonder, what if... what if... this 2 are like her children/grandchildren ?? (depending on their age and this dumb timeline... also if they're the grand kids who could be the kid(s)? Well the Madras twins need to come from somewhere right? hm forget it...I'm not even settle on this they could just be friends) So um... I figure it could be cool if the other parent was like... gate keeper... 😵‍💫
Yesterday in between the G&M hugs, group hugs & the crows I draw this too ^^
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(My designs for them are like there and there too...)
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katyahina · 3 years
🅱️loodborne dating sim ideas
- You have to make Adella and Arianna get along before romancing either of them (or both), trying to date either before that will result in them fighting each other and becoming unavailable
- Valtr turns down all your advances by default but there is a secret Vermin hidden in the game, after you find it and squash it flirting attempts towards him become very effective
- Gehrman doesn't want to date but you can talk him into giving you copy of 'How to pick up fair maidens', that unlocks extra dialogue options that are double effective with some characters and are debuff with others
- With Djura you have to do ridiculous amount of quests relating to taking care about the beasts to be successful (worth it though)
- Some characters (e.g. Adella, Alfred) can develop obsession with you on their own volition that will interfere with gameplay and attempts with other characters but they can be sent to Impostor Iosefka if you want to get rid of them but don't want to restart the game
- Flirting with Impostor Iosefka herself is only effective after certain level of Insight though, if she deems you not woke enough you get turned into Celestial Emissary and game ends
- Micolash is hard to get and continuous attempts to flirt with him have point of no-return past which your dialogue options with other characters change into weird, creepy stuff that is ineffective as being around him too much made you 'crazy' (everyone in BB already is but you get the point); if you want to get him you have to commit to it
- Attempt to romance Edgar without neutralising Micolash first will however result in him interfering and game over because you 'try to take his toy away from him'
- Triggering romance with Simon will add you / you both having to hide from Brador occasionally to be able to proceed and not get a game over as sticking with Simon makes you know 'too much'
- Flirting with Brador will soon result in him locking you in his cell with himself, past this point proceeding or just talking to him is all you can really do in game
- Maria cannot be approached directly as she will always fight you, you have to be continuously nice to the patients and help disturbed ones to sleep until she suddenly interacts with you first which opens normal dialogue mechanics
- You can instead do questline to help Maria and Adeline get together, gameplay vice it makes you 'learn more about relationship' and opens even more effective dialogue options with others
- Eileen avoids getting attached to regular hunters as they all get blood-drunk sooner or later, you have to become her apprentice to even unlock her as option; past this point hunting a beast will make her unavailable again, permanently this time
- Henryk barely says anything or reacts at all along the way so you don't know if you are doing bad or good as you go - until much later he finally opens up, either revealing he's grown to like you or telling you to get lost forever
- Ebrietas and Rom can be slowly approached through nonverbal means like bringing him nice things or patting/hugging them, the longer you go the more you can do with them like kisses, belly rubs etc, same works with Amelia and Laurence as beasts
- Similar for Amygdala but you will have to keep bringing them sacrifices instead (also works as another option to get rid of some characters, harder to unlock than Iosefka's Clinic though)
Feel free to add more!
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majitek · 3 years
Do you have any Bloodborne ships you like, or maybe even actually ship? o:
(Answer under-cut bc this is long💀💀)
My first and all-time fav is Djura/Djura's ally :")
I like to imagine the powder kegs to be a very welcoming/warm group to be a part of despite their rough and explosive techniques. So this makes the tragedy of Old Yharnam even more heartbreaking for me dgjdhd but its kind of bittersweet thinking of Djura and his last 2 companions sticking together and dedicating the rest of their lives defending old Yharnam. (Until his disciple succumbs to the Nightmare, leaving those 2 alone💔😔I like to think his disciple was like a nephew to em both :"( )
For their specific relationship tho, I like to think ally has stuck with him throughout their entire career together, sort of like a right-hand man :") hrngg they're both old n tired n sad but they have each other  </3 (well... until the hunter comes.... BUT, not in my games😎 I never had the heart to kill either of them😤😎💯🔥😭)
I have a lot of thumbnails of drawings I wanted to make of em, but my art skills weren't capable of it at the time😭💔 I want to try again soon tho :")
I also rly like Brador/Simon!!
...which is like the complete opposite of that first ship lol💀💀😭 uhh Idk how to explain it besides complicated??  (See the last reblogged Brador post to see pretty much exactly how I see him)
Back in the day when they were colleagues, Brador first took interest of him bc... he used a bow?? Bc he just thought he looked interesting??? Idk tbh but he did okay LOL. Then he started annoying him like the lil shit he is. Eventually tho, they build a genuine relationship where theyd go drink together and talk about work or smth (in very cryptic ways bc its bloodborne and they all talk like that).
But in these convos, I feel like Simon would start bringing up his doubts about all this, about the church, about their jobs. Brador's outlook of it all is... they've already done so much. What happens in the end doesn't concern them. All he has to do is his part (Largely bc I feel his loyalty to Laurence overrides anything else). This builds a really tense relationship down the line bc as much as they may ultimately enjoy each other's company, Brador feels Simon is crossing a line, and Simon knows Brador stands with the Church.
I think Brador gets taken into the Nightmare first before anything escalated back in Yharnam though. One day after a huge unknown beast sOmEHOW appeared in the Cathedral, Brador disappeared as well. If Simon asked about it, he would be told he died in the attack (or smth idk💀). I feel this (and a LOT of other headcanons I have) would be another reason for Simon to turn on the church, and really start to figure out its secrets.
...you can imagine how he feels when they meet again.
Heres this rly well written fic about them!! I don't personally have all those hcs in the fic about Simon n stuff, but I do rly enjoy how op wrote their interactions. (Pretty much exactly how I see em talk to each other lol)
I also have a lot of drawings/comic scenes I want to make about them! I hope I get to soon as well :")
Also IM SRY THIS WAS SUCH A HUGE RAMBLE BUT hh other ships I like are
• Valtr/Henryk
• Gascoigne/Henryk
• Lady Maria/Adeline😭💘
• Ludwig/Simon is rly cute :")
• Ludwig/Laurence
• Adella/Arianna
• Alfred/Hunter
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porchtart · 3 years
I have a couple of ideas (sorry if I spelled anything wrong, I had a pretty intense cry earlier and my eyes hurt)
• Jerin wanted to fuck the Tarrons Sr and viewed Morando as kind of a rival
• Kalir and/or Jerin had a bit of a thing for one or both or their fathers
• Vex’s grandkid is the lovechild of Jerin and Tarrons Sr but they wanted to cover that up so that’s why they went to live with Urale instead of Vex
• Kalir is pretty nervous and a bit of a push over while Jerin is more competitive and acts like a younger Vex
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(I hope you're feeling okay anon!! Sending you good vibes!!)
Here's my first pass at them. Jerin (she/her) on the left, Kalir (he/him) on the right.
I am really into all of these ideas tbh, they all have The Vibe. If i were to have one of them have feelings for one of their dads, I'd pick Jerin and Vex because that seems like a combo rife with tragedy. I very much can see her having misguided feelings for her dad, since she's always had a lot more in common with him than Kauris and they just always got on a lot better. Her family line (read: Joro) is also prone to Inappropriate Attractions, but having it not be Joro Directed is unusual. I can also see her being Interested in the serratius lifestyle, since she was never permitted to be trained as a Taylon, but Kauris and Vex both put a stop to that early on.
Kalir ended up being a lot more like Kauris in a lot of ways, but he's a lot more soft spoken and awkward. Unlike Jerin, he did not bend to his parents' wants, and he went and trained at the Valtres under Urale to become a dexiethan. He and Urale ended up having an affair and it all ended up going very poorly for him, but he got very attached to his uncle and was very fixated on trying to make him proud and stuck around for years. Eventually he accepted that Urale is bad news, and ended up leaving and meeting the partners that he ended up having Raelle (my boyfriend's OC uwu) with.
The relationship between Jerin, Kalir, and Kauris was very bad for a long time, and they ended up reconciling pretty shortly before their deaths. They started having regular days out on Satellite-9 to try to spend more time together and lowercase bond more, which is part of what made it easy to pick the spot to have the hit on them take place.
I am definitely very intrigued by there being Some Kids happening with Jerin and Coranda tbh, generally in my headcanon Akiridions do not sexually reproduce, but I am intrigued by some sort of weird coding in Jerin's biology causing another core to develop inside of her, leading to her running off and never speaking to the Tarrons again, and perhaps finding a way to transfer the core to a vustal to develop an actual kid.
Oh!!! And I actually already have a character design that I think would work for that hypothetical kid!!! Hell yeah!!!
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sasorikigai · 3 years
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@umtplex​ stabbed the heart (Hanzo Hasashi 🔥 )
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Full of despair, inside a darkness / Self conscious and scared held prisoner of war / Running out of air, buried in a sadness / Want a way out of this paralyzing world / And the sounds of the cries when a family's loved one dies / It echoes through a vacant room where a young soul still resides
Our Last Night - Sunrise
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Not many are blessed and privileged enough to feel a love so devastating, it would bring anyone to their knees. Who would lose their loves and can’t breathe their names, who find a way to heal and lose all their pain? They would lose their reason to ever write again. Ever write that unspoken tragedy to transmogrify as inextinguishable flames; that will both speak of beauteous magnanimity and utter annihilative destruction. For all that he has lost, for all those that remain as the tendrils of hellfire coursing through him with such vigor and might become the very heartbeat of his dreams in the flow of the universe; they are the love of the wind contained in each feather of his Phoenix wings, and Hanzo Hasashi is the softness and depth of every breath when he sleeps, when he dreams in vivid spectacle. 
How he loves with all the beauty and darkness of his soul; the moribundity of death and beyond, such amalgamation of experiences no mortal would go through in such short, ephemeral span of time. The unexplored world is wide and Hanzo was terribly frightened of himself, because he knows the spectrum of Scorpion’s unrepressed, unbidden ire and vengeful viciousness. And how low he could sink, past the nadirs of his past. For humanity, conscience, and honor could be such distant concepts with the infernal specter, and still, Hanzo Hasashi’s obstinate will of Scorpion’s dwelling proverbial nature will always be compelled to believe in compassion, kindness, empathy and prominently in raw, unadulterated honesty. 
He cannot ever abandon the truth, no matter how hard he tries; for being righteous is uncontrollable, against any justification. It’s like his essential nature, and how Grandmaster Hasashi functions; being synonymous with humanity, its inescapable grasp gravitating him in a magnetic field. He has felt the universe forcing him towards probity and saving his virtue, relinquishing his vice. “Do you believe truth capable of bringing salvation? Honesty means my own private liberation. It always has been how I functioned, in raw, more often times crude honesty, which always kept me at bay with my sanity intact.” Perhaps this was his internalization vocalized, as the upheld palm of his hand holds a teacup with a steeped gyokuro. 
Hanzo Hasashi cannot ever change, could he? Could he alter the fact that he is human? “I still cannot fathom how I was able to renounce humanity so easily like that. For I would now often dream of facing the irreversibility of my own death; being scattered like ash and dust in the warm summer night unfolding, as crackling flames lick my bones and marrow.” ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || 
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