#and hey bb fandom
bloodied-hunters · 7 months
Me thinking about my oc Marcelina. For her I have her married to Yamamura (I like oc x canon) and I remembered he technically died. Well, I imagined that Valtr was the one who sat her down and told her. They were both hurt because they both knew him. Also, these two mourning together for the loss of someone they cared about.
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theangrypomeranian · 5 months
WIP Game
thank you to @daddygrandpaandthebeaver for tagging me! rules: In a new post, list the of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. a lot of people have been tagged already so i'm going to tag people who haven't been yet (if i mess up and you have been tagged already my bad lol): @littleredruns, @lovelyxxxsymone, @burgerspeople, @themothernerd-fandomqueen, @killjoyjenkinz, and @thedarkestgreys
also to save myself a lil bit i'm just going to list WIPs that i'm actively working on/planning on working on again:
In Another Place (Trickey fic)
GAC Pack pop star au
Hemita Hunger Games AU
it's all fun and games ('til somebody loses their mind) (Barryl Chronicles part 4)
untitled document (Barryl pregnancy scare)
OTGW Wirtrice one shot
(different ways that you can kill) the one you love (tinimmy/zekina infidelity au)
My Love Don't Cost a Thing (zekina sugar baby/daddy au)
Chasing Shadows: chapter 42 Zeke POV
Zeke POV last chapters
nothing good starts in a getaway car (roudise reincarnation au)
World War Z au
Midnight Mass au
and a couple of ideas that i plan on trying to start: - Barryl baby au - Barryl Hunger Games AU - BobLin Titanic reincarnation au - Hemita wedding au
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
hey! i stumbled across you on ao3 through genshin (i think? that was in september i have no idea at this point), went to check out your profile and saw my hero academia works there. i am currently very much into it, so i was like let's gooo sooo I found B♭ and that has been a wild journey.
firstly, i don't have any experience with american school system, so a lot of worldbuilding was new for me. moreover, marching band is something from another universe(aka music lover but never got educated on the matter), so fic constantly challenged me with new details-concepts-vocabulary. stepping outside of your comfort zone while reading? great idea! i think i never learned so much from a fic while enjoying it so much ^^
secondly, i am simply amazed by sheer amount of effort you put into it. i decided to read in publishing order, so non-chronological really impressed me. you're honestly a mastermind being able to pull that off. also, having a song for every chapter with specifically picked out lyrics relevant to the content is so, so cool! the diversity of your playlists should be astonishing, i'm jealous :)
thirdly, the characters are just so real. i love all the canon references, i love the reactions that don't feel exagerrated or too mild. they are acting...exactly as i would expect them to in that circumstances and setting. i just accepted leads' ways of thinking and reflecting so naturally
i also read the extra notes when they were available and just...how much thought is put in is mezmerising. for some reason i never thought pulling directly from your life experiences when writing? but it actually makes a lot of sense and it brought me some ideas to try out so hehe ;)
as i am very smart and hadn't scrolled down on the order post, i didn't see until quite late in the reading that the end of perfect harmony is published as notes, so that was a surprise. i understand your reasons and the fact that you're not even in the fandom anymore, but you mentioned in some extra notes that it's ok to ask for them even if years passed so...here i am three years after, complimenting B♭ :D
anyway, i finished it a couple of days ago, and even the notes are quite detailed. images of described shenanigans popped into my head just like that, and i really appreciate that you published them and i got to know what happened next!!
i actually wondered why were the comments disabled since i really wanted to comment on a few chapters bc your work deserves it so much...but yeah, that's what led me here so i guess congrats, you get my thoughts all nicely packed in one place ^_^
there's probably a lot of specific pieces, details, ideas i liked about B♭, so that is merely a summary of exciting things i remember!
i'll say goodbye using my favourite oneshot title:
thank you for the music ✩°。⋆⸜(ू。•ω•。)
not gonna lie i'm kind of obsessed w/the way you just glossed over the fact that you (probably) found me through my (anonymous) genshin fics, which means you jumped through the (minimum three) hoops required to get here, my (named) fandom blog, and then proceed to gush abt a bnha series i did. like i would assume that if someone put in the effort to find my other fandom fics from my genshin stuff, then there must've been smth really worth looking into w/the genshin stuff lmao
for the sake of my mutuals' dashboards, since this ask is so long i'm just gonna chuck the whole (long) answer under a cut lol
anyway yes Bb!! the amt of effort n planning i put into that series was legitimately insane. i made school schedules for EVERY SINGLE BNHA CHARACTER and PUT IT ON A SPREADSHEET so that i could PLAN WHO COULD WALK WITH WHOM TO THEIR NEXT CLASSES n have PLOT-RELEVANT CONVERSATIONS LIKE THAT. i made little profiles for each of the characters, where i chose their favorite musical key (and why), how many years/instruments they play, and gave them each a funny little quote/catchphrase!!!
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what possessed me to do this for ~20 different characters i honestly could not tell you
i definitely loved working on Bb a lot. i remember sitting down three years ago, practically to the day by this point, n hashing out the events of every single chapter to the epilogue, then reorganizing them into a proper timeline (i also kept a calendar in my notes with the chapters in order), all while occasionally looking out my bedroom window n thinking how wonderfully bright n warm n sunny the world was becoming again. bc really, 2019 was a very struggle year for me, n i didn't take the time to appreciate the sunlight then the way i have every year since. from there, i worked off that very strict outline, and most of the note-chapters that were eventually put up are primarily just copy-pasted straight from there.
i remember being on youtube a lot for music recs when working on perfect harmony too!! a bunch of them changed in the years btwn walking away from the series n actually publishing the notes (which were actually published mid-december last year, then backdated to 2020 a few days later ahaha), with a number of the tour arc alternate chapter title songs coming from songs that didn't even exist at the time of the fic's original planning. my mp3 collection grew a lot during the planning phases of Bb lmao.
i'm glad the characters felt so real!!! while no one character was based entirely off one single person i knew irl, one could say that writing Bb was a bit of a love letter to my time in high school band in some places, both the events i partook in n the people i knew there. it was a very "write what you know" type of fic.
anyway haha yeah the end of my bnha days were not fun, but i still loved Bb enough to hold onto the idea of returning to it Soon(tm) that i put off publishing the chapter notes for almost two years. even then, that was a difficult decision for me to make bc a part of me wasn't ready to close that chapter of my life. i think ultimately it was the best decision to make though, since the fics are p heavily tied up in a much sadder part of my life that i'd just rather not return to.
the main reason comments were turned off of Bb (and indeed, the majority of my bnha fics) is most simply described as "resentment". it's different from how i feel abt my old snk fics (where i turned comments off of them so that i could pretend no one's really reading them anymore), which is more impersonal "oh my god i was so young back then and i give fewer than negative shits abt any mistakes i might've made on them or what anyone thinks of them" bc in bnha it's kind of hard to avoid the fact that i had a Name in the circles i typically traversed for a while. it wasn't that big of a name, but it's certainly more than nothing.
it's not really a feeling i like to dwell on, so i just archive-locked the responsible works n turned off comments for the most heinous culprits (mostly sparklers, but even tho i love Bb as a story, i do not love Bb as a publishing experience, if that makes sense), and for the most part, that keeps the resentment contained.
still, i'm genuinely happy that you enjoyed the au so much!!! i honestly love love love how goddamn SPECIFIC the premises are for this fic. the world was truly built with love, and the music puns for every title were always such a joy to come up with c':
thank you for the ask!!!! :D
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bonefall · 19 days
Bonus Moonpaw
So like I got carried away when I got to FlipBay Moonpaw in my little hypokit sketches, because I realized that BB!Bayshine's family trait could resemble a phantom of the opera mask.
And then it hit me harder. BB!Flipclaw's great x3 grandfather is Redtail, who was the brother of Spottedleaf. I can bring her bones and blight theme back.
I don't know if it will be final or not, BUT, I ended up sketching a couple of Moonpaws with Spotty's old death theme. They look RAD in any case, so I HAVE to share them even if I don't use them
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My first take make half of her face orange, that one right in the center there. I like it a lot, but decided to try and stick to canon by making sure half of her face is black.
The blight spots actually came from me realizing that she has some Ferncloud in her thanks to the BB Family Tree rework (great grandmother), so I tried to put some rosettes on her. Then realized that it looked like good ol' Spotty so I leaned into it.
If I do take another stab at this one, I might try to not do the blight-thing and instead try to channel more Phantom of the Opera. For some reason that just stuck to my brain REALLY hard.
I know general fandom consensus is hoping she's kind of distant and strange, but honestly I'm really hoping she's a bit of a brat who insists upon her destiny.
Manifesting Villain Moonpaw. I want her to insist the moonpool must be saved, and then when there's an inevitable multi-chapter argument about making the plot move she just completely snaps and drowns their ass in the once sacred sludgewater.
If these demands are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!
If Moonpaw ends up as Firekin in BB because of my family tree reworks, it would be SICK AS HELL for her to be the first straightup VILLAINOUS member of her bloodline.
AND to bring back sweet Spotty's theme for such a character? Man. It would be so cooool
But, hey, even if she's not a villain, it would be nice to see such a metal theme come back. A cat born so special that she is both reviled and revered, death and decay expressed on both halves of her body.
I'll probably try making the spots easier to draw with a second pass. I just slapped them around randomly because these are sketches.
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oscconfessions · 11 days
Do people understand when I said the "stop drawing BB and Balloon skinny they're fat in canon" thing it had nothing to do with following canon. The point isn't sticking to what canon does. It's about "Hey don't erase them being fat that's fucked up". It's "stop doing something fatphobic" not "You have to follow what canon does!". Sorry for being upset about the fandoms treatment of fat characters well headcanoning one of them as bigender I fucking guess
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antimony-medusa · 5 months
And It's Alright (Hey)
Ao3 cleared her throat. “Sorry?” She looked up as the bell over the shop door rang, and then looked down with widened eyes where Tumblr had curled into her side. “Huh?” Tumblr turned the collar of her jacket up, huddling down into the side of the other woman. “Don’t let him see me.” Two men had walked into the shop. One was glancing in each booth, while the other had whipped out a selfie stick and was adjusting the angles. “I’m sure I saw her come in here,” the shorter man said. Ao3 was sure she recognized him from some truly mind-numbing parties last winter. That was Reddit, looking closely at each person in the shop. Ao3 tried to emanate uninteresting and unfamiliar vibes in his general direction. OR: Ao3 saves Tumblr from her evil ex Reddit. And then they have sex. It doesn't go as planned.
Status: 1/1 chapters, updated 12 January, 3,336 words
Fandom: Internet & Social Media (Anthropomorphic)
Rating: Explicit
Characters: AO3 (Anthropomorphic), Tumblr (Anthropomorphic), Youtube (Anthropomorphic), Reddit (Anthropomorphic), Wattpad (Anthropomorphic)
Relationships: Ao3/Tumblr (Anthropomorphic)
Tags: crackfic, Comedy, Sexism, Mentions of Jordan Peterson, Fingering, Unorthodox Use Of Heavy Cream, milk as lube, Unadvisable Use Of Hot Peppers, Reddit Wasp Man, Firefox - Freeform, Reasonably Explicit Sex, Spice (BB Theme)
Can you believe I got assigned Anthropomorphic websites in an exchange AGAIN? In a 48-hour crackfic exchange, non the less? With the assignment "Ao3/Tumblr but they fuck" and  "Ao3 protecting tumblr from her evil ex reddit" and "spice"? What a time to be alive.
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christinesficrecs · 8 months
oh boy im really in the mood for a highschool au, de-aged derek sterek fics, could you rec me your fave so far?? thank you sm for all you do for this fandom you're a lifesaver!!!!
Sure! Try these ones.
Fly a Little Faster by  mirrorkill | 32K
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn’t step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That’s easy as pie, right? Right?
Where Clouds Roll By by  ohanotherday | 22K
Derek gets de-aged, physically *and* mentally, and immediately gravitates towards Stiles instead of his pack. Why? Because he can sense that everyone else (Scott, Erica, Boyd, Isaac, etc.) is a werewolf (or were-something, in Jackson’s case), and his family taught him not to trust unfamiliar weres when he was on his own. He can also sense that Allison’s a Hunter or connected to them somehow, (maybe she smells like wolfsbane? w/e). So Stiles ends up having to take care of him until he’s back to normal. In the meantime, bb!Derek gets very protective of Stiles, and adorable shenanigans ensue.
This Time With Feeling by  Crimson1 | 36.1K
“Derek Hale, if you refuse to learn from your past…then you will be doomed to repeat it.” In which Derek is turned into a 16-year-old and has to stay with Stiles until they figure out how to turn him back.
Play It Again by  metisket | 63.2K
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.
“Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
Where The Inevitable Isn’t by  Survivah | 41.2K
Stiles has a magical thingamajig that’s supposed to get him out of danger. Trouble is, it took him really, really far out of danger. Like, to the point where he isn’t in the same universe anymore.
“A part of Stiles had been thinking that he’d come home, and just go, ‘hey, Derek, are we mates and you just haven’t said anything about it?’ and Derek would reply, 'now you mention it, we are indeed! Now come to my bedchamber, where we will have super hot sex and then cuddle after!’”
Now as Ever (All That Is and Has Been) by  venis_envy | 52.2K
Stiles can’t remember what happened to rearrange the time-space continuum, or how he ended up being pulled into the past. All he knows is that he’s there now, in 2003 Beacon Hills, with a teenage werewolf and a possibly-crazy veterinarian as his only allies.
Hormonally Yours by Nokomis | 1.1K
Stiles is on a stakeout with adorably teenaged Derek. Makeouts happen.
A Wrinkle in Time by PencilTrash | 2.8K
“But Deaton, how do we change him back?” “I don’t know, Scott.” “Does this potion contain wolfs bane?” “A little.” “What?! But he's… he is… ” Stiles watched as Scott struggled for the correct word, totally freaking out, and gestured at the twitching blanket in Cora’s hold. “… so small,” Scott murmured after a beat.
I’ll be right back (in 24 years) by AnaIsFangirling (Ana_K_Lee) | 48.1K
When Derek thought about time travel – and he did, a lot – this was not what he’d had in mind. He’d thought he would see his younger self, tell him to leave Paige alone and NEVER trust Kate Argent. He’d thought he’d get to come back once that was done and everything would be perfect. He never imagined having to relive his entire life.
The Time Traveler’s Prerogative by  weathervaanes | 9.2K
After the events of “117”, Derek doesn’t magically transform back into his twenty-five-year-old body. Instead, he’s stuck as a sixteen-year-old for an unknown amount of time. So the pack has to learn to deal with it.
Hold On, Hold Tight (make it through another night) by  callunavulgari | 2.9K
“You feel important,” Derek finally blurts out, the tips of his ears going red the second the words are out of his mouth.
Stiles blinks at him. “What?”
Baby-faced Derek bites his lip again, which is… distracting. “Something is wrong,” he finally says, slowly. “I don’t know what, because none of you are telling me anything—” and ah, there’s a hint of the old Derek. Stiles would recognize that scowl anywhere. “—but I know that everything smells wrong. And that I can’t feel mom anymore. I can’t feel anyone, except for you.”
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boopshoops · 6 months
Those who messaged me or sent me asks up till now are locked in! I may be getting in contact with ya if I feel like I need more references 💛
Yeah, you
I wanna draw some twst (twisted wonderland) ocs, give me your twst ocs >:))) i'll probably do just one or two, waist shot up traditional doodles. Give them to me!!!!!!!! 🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻
Or maybe i'll do more who knows, my rules bb
Or feel free to request an oc from any fandom/universe, i don't mind :>
Sample???? ig its not trad tho:
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star-critter · 13 days
⚠️ I'm posting one of my hot takes! Be warned for this is just my opinion! ⚠️
Man do I LOVE watching the Sonic Fandom forget/ignore how fucking old Clutch is for their shipping purposes. /sarc /neg
Clutch was in RETIREMENT when we met him in CR&BB.
He left retirement after that to fight the NEW GENERATION of heroes. He was originally the villain for a past generation of heroes.
Also, considering that Ian Flynn has said on the Bumblekast that the IDW comics are written with an American audience in mind, that means Clutch is ATLEAST in his 60s. And even that is iffy young, considering he has been retired enough for an entire generation to not be considering him a threat.
If anything,
he's probably in his 80s.
70s, if lucky.
(This makes him likely the oldest mobian villain that isn't some sort of god.)
I get it, shipping is fun. I'm a multishipper myself in this fandom. Yes, ages are wiped. They have been for quite a while, but Clutch has been explicitly described as old in his lore and backstory.
We need to acknowledge his age and ship him appropriately so we don't look like or become gross weirdos.
[ /srs /gen ]
But hey, I'm just a random mortal on the opinion posting zir opinion.
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whchenlvr · 1 year
HI ELLE!!! First of all, happy new year bb! Second of all, THANK YOU SM FOR KEEPING THIS FANDOM ALIVE! Thirdly, can I request for the boys finding out the reader has a crush on them when they accidentally read their diary?
when he accidentally discovers your crush ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ he seriously didn’t mean to sneak a peak at your notebook after you excuse yourself to the restroom. it just fell. face up. open. total accident
➤ but when he does see his name scribbled in the margin beside your notes, surrounded by little hearts, he can’t fight the smile pulling at his lips
➤ when you get back, he hands your notebook to you, face blank as if he isn’t kicking his legs and giggling on the inside
➤ you’re instantly panicking, wondering if he saw it, but gray tries his best to keep his cool and you try your best to do the same. just wait until class ends...
ben park
➤ “hey ben, do you mind watching my stuff? i’ll be back!” worst mistake, or best?
➤ ben would legitimately take his job seriously, especially since he doesn’t know you well, and he didn’t want to invalidate your privacy by going through your things without your permission. 
➤ however, when he notices a familiar slip of pink paper sticking out of one of your books, he can’t help but open it. as he assumed, it was the note he’d slipped you one day. it was the answer to a question you were struggling to answer after being called on by the teacher
➤ the fact that you still had it sent a spark of confusion through ben, but that confusion slowly fluttered into something else when he flipped the sticky note over and saw “3/12 — BEN TALKED TO ME TODAY ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ !!”
alex go
➤ he didn’t intentionally go through your things! okay, he did. he definitely did. but it was for a good cause! okay, no it wasn’t, but don’t tell alex that
➤ you were the smartest student in 1-8, and alex and ben were struggling to solve one of the questions on their assignment
➤ you’d given them permission to borrow notes from the blue folder before leaving the class to get some water, but when alex saw how much was in that folder, he decided to grab the bound notebook off of your desk
➤ he wasn’t expecting to find little blurbs you’d written throughout the semester about how pretty he looked, or how nice his laugh was. he didn’t show those to ben, even when his best friend asked what made him so red
gerard jin
➤ you and gerard never actually spoke, but he often saw you sitting with your back against one of the large trees outside of the school
➤ he was leaving with his friends one day when he caught sight of you leaving. he’d waved, and you avoided him
➤ gerard chose not to think too much about it, but he noticed something at the foot of the tree you always sit at and told his friends he’d catch up with them after recognizing it as the journal you always write in
➤ after picking it up, gerard opened it just to confirm that it did belong to you, and that’s when he sees the portraits. all of him, all from different days
donald na
➤ you’d always been interested in how basically one man can create and maintain the union, and though you didn’t have many fighting skills, you were intelligent and wanted to help keep the union afloat. plus, your father was an investor with quite a bit of money to his name.
➤ whatever you said about helping the union must have grabbed donald’s attention because you were invited to the next union head meeting. and that’s when you realized how attractive yeongdeungpo’s number one was.
➤ after the fifth or sixth meeting, you were considered an honorary member of the union. you felt comfortable leaving your books on the table to excuse yourself.
➤ donald had gotten an anonymous tip that you may be working with the competitors and decided to go through your book. your diary, donald realized, when he found some rather… unique drawings, along with an embarrassing confession letter. he chose to keep these funds to himself :)
jake ji
➤ in his defense, you are terrible at hiding things.
➤ he’d asked to borrow some of your notes from class, and you handed all your books over to him without a second thought. when you realized what you’d done, it was too late.
➤ jake would open the prettiest book first, and his eyes would widen. he’d slam the book, feeling guilty for invading your privacy, but he can’t stop himself from taking a second glimpse of the diary.
➤ when you come back, red in embarrassment, jake plays it off with a friendly smile, pretending he didn’t just read the love poems you wrote to him.
wolf keum
➤ wolf was your next-door neighbor, and your older sister (who had no idea what this strange purple-haired boy was capable of) forced him to walk you to and from school since you were the runt of your family.
➤ he’d be walking with you one day, keeping his hands in his pockets and his expression indifferent when you trip over a crack in the sidewalk and drop your books.
➤ you instantly panic due to the content of your diary, which landed wide open to a drawing you did of wolf with a little crown of hearts around his head.
➤ of course, wolf would pick it up for you and hand it over, hiding the shy sight of his lips tugging upward with the back of his hand.
jimmy bae
➤ bro is just snooping your room after you invite him over to work on a project you got paired up on together
➤ his eyes would fall on your diary, a cute little notebook tucked beneath your school notebooks, and jimmy can’t stop his curiosity
➤ when he flips it open to find his name written with a sly little heart beside it, reading how excited you were to finally be paired with your crush, he can’t help but blush a little
➤ when he heard you coming back, jimmy hides the diary and tries to sit as casually as possible (cross-legged and not subtle at all), but you find him too cute to mention how flustered he looks
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inquisimer · 2 months
HEY BB if you had to pick 5 fics you’ve written to make a “crash course” and sum up your writing personality, which would they be? I must know.
thank you for the uno reverse, MWAH
it's only fair that I have to turn this lens on myself but DANG was it hard to be like "what is my writing personality?" I think it really boiled down to: platonic relationships, grey wardens, a just a hint of Lore™️
Gen'adahl - Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford, Rated G, 1485 words
this was one of the first ever DA fics I wrote; I remember scrawling it out in a notebook at my last job where I wasn't allowed to keep my phone at my desk. And I was so proud when I finished it! For me, it represents the proof that I can finish pieces, no matter how long it takes
to be seen feeling - Male Mahariel/Morrigan, Rated T, 5039 words, a gift for @dreadfutures as part of the 2023 DAFF DIscord's OC Swap
writing this fic was not only an absolute joy, it was a pinnacle for me: if I could write a fic that captured the depths of Blue's OCs, I could probably do anything. And I did! And I can! It was exactly what I needed at the time and also a reminder that however blase my own knowledge or fandom experience feels to me, it will slot into what even the most knowledgeable fandom personalities know in surprising ways.
Shards of Glass - Female Brosca & Rica Brosca, Rated G, 3304 words
One of my first toe dips into the gray area of lore! It was so fun to imagine an alternative for Brosca's origins, to give her a deeper connection to the Stone, to play in the absolute barren wasteland wide open sandbox of Bioware's dwarven lore. Beyond that, this piece highlights my Sibling Bias™️ and how much i love exploring the DAO origins before the Blight, in general.
nothing hits the ground without an echo - Alistair & Bethany Hawke, Rated G, 1045 words
My first Dragon Age canon/canon fic! Absolutely wild to think that before I got into Dragon Age I was vehemently anti-oc in fanfic 😂 I'm so glad I outgrew that and can love and celebrate all of our OCs. At the same time, it was a joy to return to my canon x canon roots and play up the Grey Warden lore and happenings at Vigil's Keep that seemed to die in game after Awakening ;-;
I carried my own ashes to the mountain - Zevran Arainai & Female Brosca, Rated G, 1202 words
Nothing particularly poetic to say about this one, to be perfectly honest, I just like the Vibes™️. I think the humor and sarcasm suits my writing personality, and the lighthearted overtones that are haunted by unnamed pining and angst are Very Me :3 Also Nika not recognizing her face and yet reluctant to let go of it until someone gives her permission is something deeply personal to me, that I didn't even realize until after I'd written this. I look back on it and go, yep, yeah, I see you now, past mer😅
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swanimagines · 2 years
Hey could you do some head canons of how Kaz would react to the reader getting hurt?
Warnings: blood, injuries
(I noticed while I was doing the finishing touches into this that one headcanon sounds very familiar and realised I was probably subconsciously inspired with the oneshot "Inflicted Desire" by my dear friend @/jexnrey, who deactivated a while ago and said she's never going to come back as Tumblr stressed her too much, so let this be a kind of tribute for her, she constantly told me she especially loves my Kaz stuff so if you ever see this Ani, I miss you but I wish nothing but good for you ❤️)
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– If it's just a scratch or even a small wound and it isn't caused by anyone else, he isn't too bothered. He might look at it for a moment and then decide it's not anything too bad, minor injuries are an (almost) every day happening when you're a Dreg.
– Of course, if someone did it to you, he's pissed about it and sternly tells you to be more careful because he can't lose you.
– Or he doesn't say the last bit, but you can see it in his eyes as you're already in a relationship at that point.
– But if you're brought back to the Slat with a large wound, sputtering out blood or/and looking like you're about to pass out from pain, he doesn't take it as calmly, obviously.
– It's more like he freaks out and it shows in with how much he stresses for you.
– And if Kaz Brekker if overly stressed, you won't strike a friendly chat with him unless you want to risk receiving a broken hand.
– He's a walking thunderstorm and spares nobody from it.
– If you were any other Dreg, he would just ignore you and let you be tended by whoever takes up the task (as he knows his gang knows what to do in such situations), but with you, he's distracting Nina all the time by pacing back and forth, demanding her to heal you faster.
"Just do your job like you're supposed to, Zenik." -Kaz
"I'm trying, but you aren't making it easy, your heartbeat is too loud, I can barely hear Y/N's heart over it." -Nina
– He huffs at that, sitting on an armchair in the corner of the room and staring at your face. If he wouldn't see the blood, he'd think you're just sleeping.
– He tried to concentrate on your peaceful face to get his heartbeat down, knowing he can't appear weak in front of anyone.
– As soon as Nina manages to stabilize you, he goes to the office and starts the work to find out who did it.
– Inej heard a Black Tips member bragging about killing off one of the most skilled Dregs, saying you were incredibly stupid when you didn't hear him.
– Immediately when she turns his identity to Kaz, he orders that guy to be brought to him.
– Kaz makes sure all of Ketterdam hears his cries of mercy and, towards the end, pleads to kill him already.
– Kaz doesn't, of course - everyone has to know that nobody can touch what's his.
Tags: @musicallisto @take-me-to-ny @retvenkos @number-0-iz @kaqua @readingslumpfanfic @dancingwith-sunflowers @shadowhuntyi @rika90 @imma-too-many-fandoms @the-abyss-gazed-back @thereagles @louweasleymalfoy @malfoys-demigod @mxltifxnd0m @dustyjjumpwings @whatiswrongwithpeople @ellora-brekker @brekkers-desigirl @heyitsaloy @mentallynotstableghost @scandalous-chaos @nyx2021 @peter-parkers-cullen-nerd @supervalcsi @doutorbaizhu @bb-skyrunner @lightprincess-world @animalistic0 @story-scribbler @writingmysanity @lovemenotplz @directioner5life @imaginesfire @thevipers-world // send in an ask to be added, and specify which of my fandoms you want to be tagged on! Don’t just say “can you add me to your taglist” as I can’t know what taglists do you mean by that!! ALSO IF YOU WON’T INTERACT BEYOND LIKING, I’LL EVENTUALLY TAKE YOU OFF THE LIST!!
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famousfilmsfan · 5 months
Tv show Au
When Molten returned.
Bryan: Ow! Ach! Jon what are you? Okay! Cut!
The animatronics in the room all slump over, including Molten. Bryan stands up and rubs his face
Bryan: Jon what the hell? Why did you ‘Actually’ punch me? You were supposed to just shake me. Ugh.
Jon: I am so sorry i thought it would make more sense
Rockstar Bonnie; *shown as human with the head of his suit off* I liked it.
Bryan: Shut up Brad! you're a sadist! Who laughs at someone in pain?
Brad: Whatever man.
Bryan: Okay okay just. Uh, i’m getting ice after this. If this bruises i’m keying your car.
After Jon was fired
Bryan: So what are we going to do? Just remove him or recast him? Like say he got plastic surgery?
Director: We’ll just remove the animatronics memories of him and remove the episodes with him in them.
Bryan: That will be hard. Sheesh.
Chris: Good evening Fazbear fandom, i’m your host. Christopher Afton with the recent scoop on Fazbear Drama.
Chris: Now i’m sure everyone saw Bryans character recent behavior towards his animatronics Recent polls have shown a clear divide. Half of the viewers say Bryans trauma isn't an excuse or reason for this behavior but the loyalist understand that Bryans views on animtronics have changed.
Chris: And my top tweet of the day is from StanAlly32 “We didn't mean what we did with hate?” what did you call the times you shot him with a BB gun? You knock off Teddy Ruxbin’ Oh man, sick burn man.
Chris: What will happen now? Stay tuned and find out.
Vindis Audition
Vindi: My name is Vindi, I’m new to the show.
Bryan: ah the new ‘Ceo’ it's Greta to meet ya, i don't have a role but i show up sometimes.
Vindi: Thank you. I’m actually kind of a fan. I used to watch the Fnaf hotel all the time
Bryan: Really? That was one of my best works.
Vindi: Yeah. I actually kinds had a crush on you when i was a kid., .. Oh crap i said that out loud.
Bryan: Hey hey it’s okay. I’m pretty flattered
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hey so u just shared this post:
"When the characters in the fanfiction you’re reading are both hopelessly in love with eachother but they think the other doesn’t like them back and they are just communicating horribly and getting interupted at al the wrong times and you just freaking"
aaaand I wanted to know if you have any recommendations or know any sterek fics like that?
Yeah! I love oblivious!bbs.
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Erasing Him by scarlettletterr
(1/1 I 2,058 I Mature)
When Derek was 15, he thought he met his soulmate. But then, she burned his family. When Stiles was 8, he met his soulmate. But he wanted nothing to do with him.
Soulmate AU where even if you get your soulmark removed, it shows up under UV light.
a study on cat's behavior by peachicicle
(2/2 I 3,408 I Explicit)
“Hey Derek,” He snapped out of his trance, “Do you like cats?”
“What?” It seemed like Stiles kept catching him by surprise most of the time these days.
“Do you like cats?” Stiles said while slowly raising his hand up to the bookshelf, picked one out and inched the book out of its place, then dropped it on the floor.
Derek gawked at him, mouth dropped in silence.
Stiles kept staring at him and dropped another book, and another, and another, getting closer to the much rarer book section of the bookshelf.
Stiles goes out of his way to tell Derek that he like him.
as the skyline splits in two by dumpac
(1/1 I 6,142 I Teen)
The whole school, Stiles included, is just waiting for Scott and Derek Hale to act on their unresolved sexual tension, because of course the sweetest omega and the most handsome alpha of Beacon Hills would get together. And Stiles swears he wants to support his best friend the best he can. So what if he has a crush as big as Jupiter on Derek Hale?
Navigating This Space Between Us by Omni
(1/1 I 9,641 I Explicit)
Derek gets forced to watch some sci-fi show about a surly, secret prince and the sarcastic young spaceship captain hired to aid him on his quest. Strangely enough, he finds himself hooked on it. So much so that he's even drawn into the fandom. There he meets a popular fanfic author with an oddly endearing attitude, and he gets rather smitten. Maybe this mystery guy could actually help get him to stop pining for Stiles...
The One with the Stolen Hat by nerdfightingwhovian
(14/? I 50,964 I Explicit)
In high school, Stiles stole Derek's hat and everyone who hears the story of Stiles stealing Derek's favorite (and only) hat begins to ship it. Luckily, Stiles never found out about the ridiculous number of people who ship it. Except, one day he does and he confronts Derek about it.
That is where the story begins, the cat is out of the bag and Stiles, the curious person he is, wants to know how it started. So now, Derek has to tell him.
Except, what starts out as Derek and Stiles laughing over ridiculous stories about stolen hats and glittery campaign cards becomes something more.
Season of the Witch by gryffindor17
(22/22 I 95,013 I Explicit)
“I just want to feel whole again.” Stiles said weakly, turning his head to look searchingly to Derek. “I’ve got all this…guilt…this pain…and it feels like it’s a part of who I am now. This…constant ache. I just wish there was a way to get rid of it.”
Stiles watched as something flickered to life in Derek’s eyes, and suddenly he was off like a rocket.
After the Nogitsune's been killed, Stiles still finds himself haunted by what it had done with his body. Try as they might, The Pack can't seem to console their friend... That is until Stiles mentions something that jogs Derek's memory and he takes off to find a friend from the past who he thinks can salvage Stiles's mind. After all, she'd done it for him.
And if she happens to become a part of the pack while she's at it, well, no one's really complaining.
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lazy-polaroid · 7 months
Hey-Hey. If you think I've abandoned my blog, I probably have. I noticed that I get more feedback on Blush Blush fanart, from which I concluded that this is what you prefer to see. BUT! I haven't left the fandom, but I've already exhausted all the ideas for art (I've seen how some here take sketch requests for characters and situations, but I have no idea how to do this 🤒), besides now I'm more focused on fanart for the Genius's otomes and my own OC. This gets almost no attention so I won't post it here. I run other social networks, but here I will only post now rare BB fanarts. Now I'm going into the fog again😌
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
I Only Want To Be With You
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Genre: Romance, mild angst, fluff
Word Count: 2944
Summary: The reader is turning 30, and nobody seems to have remembered.
A/N: A very belated birthday fic for @resanoona; happy birthday again, bb! Also, part of @resanoona's #resa.3kfiestabingo! I'm using this fic to fill the "Free" square. The classic (Not) Forgotten Birthday trope!
You were not the type of person to neither want nor expect a big fuss on your birthday. Years of your childhood and adulthood had been spent with your special day either being lacklustre or altogether forgotten. You had come to peace with the idea that it was a day just like any other for you.
So you surprise yourself with your own hurt when Jay, your boyfriend, doesn’t say anything to you the day you hit the big Three-Zero.
You’re in the kitchen putting coffee in the pot when his arms wrap around you from behind, soft lips pressing a lingering kiss to your neck as they often did every morning.
“Good morning, beautiful” Jay greets, waiting for you to stop pouring and set the hot liquid down before pulling you a little closer to his chest.
“Hey, baby.” You answer with a smile, turning around to meet his face. Letting your hands slide over his arms until you wrap yourself around him, relishing the warmth of his hands on your waist.
Those kind green eyes are full of appreciation for you, yet you’re still hit with the pang of hurt that ever so swiftly settles in your gut. Words you had been hoping to hear don't pass his lips. Those same kind eyes seem to show no recognition or remembrance of what today was for you.
You eat breakfast in concealed distress, wrestling with your emotions as Jay talks about his plans for the day, granted they include you but none of them seem to hint at your birthday.
In fact, as the morning goes on, you start to doubt whether you’d ever told Jay when exactly your birthday was. However, deep down you knew that was a reach, you and Jay had been dating for almost a year, meeting for your first date not long after your last birthday, it had been a big point of conversation at the time.
Jay had even insisted on taking you to a fancy Italian cake shop down the street from the coffee shop you’d met at, letting you choose whichever decadent cake or pastry your heart desired.
You had shared a giant slice of cake with him inside one of the cosy booths the shop had; the booth was surrounded by flowers and the warm glow of lighting that emulated sunshine. That afternoon had been one of the most special belated birthdays you’d ever had.
So here you were, without a single well wish from your boyfriend, and to add to your bleak mood you seemingly didn't have any texts from friends either. The whole world felt like it was on mute, with not even a hint of jubilation for you as your existence ticked into its 30th year.
Jay, as intended, makes a move to go on his errands, offering lunch to entice you. You had said yes, of course. After all, you still wanted Jay’s company.
As you sit in Jay’s truck, he scrolls on his phone for a short while, seemingly looking for a playlist in particular. You’re leaning your head against the window, trying to keep the frustrated tears at bay, feeling silly for getting so upset about your birthday.
It wasn’t Jay’s fault, you knew better than that, this was a culmination of years of people forgetting or not bothering when all you did for others was try.
In your reverie, you feel a warm hand on your knee, turning your head you meet Jay’s worried gaze. “You okay, sweetheart?” You nod instinctively, pressing your hand over his, holding for a moment. You try and lift your expression, brushing your thumb over his hand, “Yeah, just not quite awake yet.”
He’s not convinced, you can tell, but he doesn’t push. Slowly he lets go, leaning across the centre console to kiss your cheek, “It won’t take long, then we can just chill for the rest of the day.”
“Sounds good.” You smile a little then, still looking forward to that at least.
Jay hits play on his phone, slotting it into the holder on the dash.
The song intro that fills the truck makes your head snap up to Jay who was now pulling out of the parking space with a small smile on his face once he realises you’re looking at him.
Playing is the song that you first heard on your first date with Jay, you remember how both of you ended up laughing because the music was particularly loud next to your table, and it was hard to ignore listening to the lyrics.
It was “Baby I’m Yours” by Arctic Monkeys, a modern cover of a 60s track. You feel your heart pick up its pace.
You still weren’t sure whether Jay’s music choice was related to your birthday or not, but it was still incredibly sweet and the lyrics carried that sentiment through. You reach out a hand to stroke at the nape of Jay’s neck, showing your appreciation as best as you knew how without your voice betraying your emotions.
Baby, I'm yours (baby, I'm yours)
And I'll be yours (yours) until the stars fall from the sky
Yours (yours) until the rivers all run dry
In other words, until I die
Baby, I'm yours (baby, I'm yours)
And I'll be yours (yours) until the sun no longer shines
Yours (yours) until the poets run out of rhyme
In other words, until the end of time
Jay only kept driving, waiting for the next track as he continued the route to a specific location that you were yet to know about. In your distraction by the music, you didn't think to ask.
Your mood continues to lift significantly when you hear the opening notes of Birdy’s “I Only Want To Be With You”, another cover. This time a cover of the classic track by Dusty Springfield.
You shake your head beside Jay, letting out a small laugh as you realise how ludicrously sweet he’s being. It’s at that moment that you realise you might not care if Jay did remember or not; because with or without your birthday he always tries to make you feel special.
“You are something else, Jay” You murmur, feeling the warmth bloom in your stomach, noting that the weather seemed to be in cahoots with your boyfriend now, watching as the sun fights to peek through the blanket of grey clouds. It thaws the cold in your bones as it casts a warm glow through the passenger window.
Jay still doesn’t say anything, for now, he simply squeezes your shoulder with a reassuring rub of his thumb, letting you enjoy the song in the comfortable silence between you.
You relish the selection Jay has put together, songs that you both enjoy, songs that you’ve shared moments with, songs that he knew you loved.
The journey doesn’t last too much longer and, with a few more turns down certain streets, you realise where you’re going. You knew West Fulton Boulevard for one reason alone, it would take you to the Garfield Park Conservatory. The botanical haven was full of nature’s wonders, it was one of your favourite places to find peace of mind.
You turn to look at your boyfriend who’s now definitely grinning to himself, he can already tell that this was a good decision.
“You. You’re a sneak.” You state teasingly, already itching to get out of the truck.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jay teases back, finding a parking spot near the adjoining path to the conservatory. 
As he kills the engine he turns to look at you, seeing the tearful reflection in your eyes. “Y/N? Are you okay?” He asks, brow furrowing. 
You nod, not trusting yourself to speak without bursting into tears. 
“Are these happy tears?” Jay asks.
It’s still uncertain as to whether this was Jay acknowledging your birthday or not, but you felt too awkward to ask now. Yet, you were still unbelievably happy to be where you were, and you nod again.
“Okay.” Jay breathes, smiling as he leans to kiss your forehead. “I just thought we could have a nice day together, maybe watch a movie or something later?” He queries, rubbing an affectionate hand up and down your arm.
Your voice is a sort of squeak, but you speak this time. “Sounds great, Jay, really. Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N. You deserve it all. Come on, let’s go in.” Jay moves to open his door, but you catch his hand and pull him back for a moment, pressing a slow and sweet kiss to his lips. Watching with delight as his eyes flutter, mesmerised by your presence, he was entirely too wonderful for his own good.
“Okay, now we can go.” You murmur, hopping out of your passenger side and closing the door firmly shut.
Jay approaches the front desk with you not far behind, he talks to the guide behind the counter and they exchange words that you can’t hear. Then, the guide gestures to a different doorway than you’re used to, feeling confused as they lead you and Jay down what appears to be a staff corridor, whilst another colleague replaces them at the front desk.
You figured maybe procedures had changed since COVID hit, you already knew that bookings were essential at least.
Jay’s hand clasping with yours brings you back to the present, and you let the small change in the routine fall out of your mind as you focus on the warmth of Jay’s hand clasped with yours. Feeling the excitement grow at being amongst beautiful plant life from around the world with someone you loved more than most.
Eventually, the path takes you to somewhere familiar, still wrestling with your mind on whether you should ask why you weren’t seeing the grounds in the same order as previous visits. It was a mix of confusion and giddiness as you still remain following your guide through the Artist’s Garden, towards rustic white doors that led to the Horticulture Hall.
It’s then that you come to a stop in front of a rope barrier with a sign attached that reads, “Do not enter. Reserved for private hire.” 
Jay looks at you and you look back, thoroughly confused and worried that for some reason this guide was about to intrude on someone’s private event. You almost tug on Jay’s hand to halt all movement and call to your guide, but then the guide speaks.
“Here we are, Mr Halstead. If you need anything at all here’s my card, and I’ll make sure someone checks in on you in a little while.”
Jay thanks the guide, and you quickly hurry to do the same. With that, they smile at both of you and start to walk back the way you’d just come. Leaving you and Jay standing in front of the rope.
You can feel the goosebumps rushing across your skin, it was pretty clear what was happening now, but you ask anyway. “Jay, what’s happening?”
Jay chuckles, shaking his head, “I can’t believe I lasted this long to be honest, Y/N.” He unlatches the rope from one of its posts, letting you step in front of him before re-latches it, then he moves forward to push down on the golden handle attached to the white door, opening out onto the vast conservatory hall filled with an array of colourful plants, vines, and trees.
There’s now the clear sound of soft, relaxing, music playing through the sound system. The gentle sound of running water through different sculptures can be heard.
In the centre of the space is a table for two, covered with a pristine white tablecloth, cutlery, plates and glasses, there's a centrepiece of a wreath with various flowers and leaves woven in. Beside it stood a cart that seemed to be filled with a small buffet of food, surrounding a cake that sat in the centre.
Balloons that read “Happy Birthday!” were scattered around the space, they bobbed and swayed in the air, shimmering in light from above.
You're frozen to the spot, in awe of what's in front of you. The tears gather quickly again in your eyes, your bottom lip wobbling as you turn to Jay who already moves to pull you into an embrace.
Tucking your head into his shoulder, you let your tears flow, squeezing him tightly as he gently sways with you, a loving hand on your head with soft fingers stroking your hair.
He whispers softly to you, "Happy birthday, sweetheart. I could never forget, I will never forget."
The words only make your breath hitch, crying a little more as it only becomes more unquestionable that Jay adores you, relief that he hadn't forgotten floods your chest.
Jay gives you as much time as you need, and eventually, you do pull away to meet his gentle gaze. He smiles at you, thumbing away the dampness on your cheeks, and you smile back. Your heart is still racing.
"I feel kinda bad for dragging this out now." He remarks, brushing a gentle knuckle across your jaw as he studies your face.
You shake your head, letting out a tearful laugh. "No, no, I understand wanting to make this a surprise, and it really was, Jay. I thought I was going crazy and convinced myself that you didn't know it was my birthday. but we-"
"We celebrated it last year, after our first date." He states, finishing your line.
"Exactly. I just...I didn't want to make a big deal, I'm used to it being forgotten, but it still stung. I'm sorry, I'm such a crying mess." You sniff, blinking away the teardrops as you still find yourself giggling in shock.
Jay kisses your forehead, tugging you a little closer once more. "You never have to be sorry, baby. I want you to know that you can always tell me how you're feeling, and I am so glad I could finally share the secret with you, it's been killing me keeping it to myself."
You nod, exhaling. Feeling so much lighter, excitement humming through you as you take a look around at the set-up.
Jay takes your hand, encouraging you to follow. "Come on, I want to show you everything."
Once you're closer to the neatly set table, you recognise the logo on the cart. Practically gasping as you see that Jay had managed to get a spread of food from the same restaurant and bakery that had really started it all.
The birthday cake in the centre was beautifully piped with luxurious creme and writing that read "Happy Birthday, Y/N", topped with fresh fruit that popped with colour.
You were now clinking your glass with Jay's as he toasted you into your new year of life, sipping the fizzing drink as you let yourself take pause to admire the man in front of you.
"If I can ask... How the hell did you hire this place? The waiting list is lifetimes long." You ask in disbelief despite the tranquil privacy you were currently sitting in being proof. And yes, you had looked into hiring it privately yourself, a distant dream for a special occasion, like a wedding perhaps.
Jay takes another sip of his drink, a smug smile on his lips.
"I happened to save the life of the Special Events Manager here. She said that if I ever needed a favour, I should call her. I told her that we weren't allowed to accept gifts or things of monetary value. She told me that it would be rude to not let a new friend do me a favour, so I took her card out of politeness... But then I met you, and I knew how much you loved places like this, especially here. So, when your birthday was coming up, I was sure that I wanted to let that favour come into play. Joan was more than happy to oblige, so here we are." Your boyfriend shrugs, happily popping a miniature bread roll into his mouth.
You already cherished Jay's selflessness and bravery, and though you could happily go through life without him putting himself in danger, it meant the world to you now that that act had somehow contributed to today.
Taking his hand from across the table, you lift it to kiss his palm."I truly cannot tell you enough how amazing this all is, Jay. Thank you, sincerely, for thinking of me and for getting everything together. I'm going to have to pull some serious strings for your birthday, put it that way. I love you."
Jay waves you off, shaking his head. "I just need my girl, that's it. This isn't a debt you owe or a favour to be repaid, this is you being loved how you should be loved."
You prop your chin in your hand, just dopily looking at Jay with a smile as you pop a strawberry in your mouth. Watching with glee as he takes a lighter from his pocket and reaches for the cake, setting it down between you as he flicks the lighter and puts the flame to the wick of the candle.
As the sun bathes you both in light through the conservatory roof, you feel goosebumps rush across your skin. Eyes twinkling as Jay offers you the cake, "Happy birthday, Y/N. Make a wish."
You don't say it out loud, as is the custom for making a wish. But to yourself, you hope that you spend the rest of your birthdays beside the man in front of you, you could think of no better gift.
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