#(sanji) ic response
demonpiratehuntress · 10 months
The Straw Hats (+Ace) with you being injury prone
Featuring: Zoro x Reader, Luffy x Reader, Sanji x Reader, Usopp x Reader, Ace x Reader
Summary - you get hurt very easily. waking up with random bruises, tripping over your own feet, walking into walls, etc. and your boyfriend is extremely concerned.
Warnings - like one swear word
A/N: im super clumsy and VERY injury prone, so i thought this might be fun to write. writing this with ice on a bump on my head :))))
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Zoro tends to get murderous when he spots an injury or even the smallest cut on you. He is immediately ready to tear up whatever caused it, or slice the person responsible into ribbons. So you try to hide it as best you can, especially since you are especially clumsy and getting hurt is your biggest skill. Got a cut or bruise? You're wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts. Bump on your head? Beanie or hat.
Sometimes, though, your body forgets you're trying to conceal your clumsiness and it will blatantly expose you, such as right now.
You had been trying to sneak up on Zoro, who was laying out on deck - you guessed it - taking another nap. One of his eyes opened at the sudden cry, landing on your figure nearby. You were hopping around on one foot, clutching your knee with both hands, your expression pained. The swordsman sat up.
"How did you hurt your knee?"
Indeed, there was nothing around for you to hit your knee on - a precaution taken by Nami and Chopper, the only two who knew about your unfortunate tendency to get hurt.
"I...I kicked it."
"How did you-" Zoro was absolutely stunned. He was an idiot, but even he knew there's no way you could kick your own knee. It was physically impossible. He got up to come an inspect it.
"I'm fine!" You promised, setting your foot down - unfortunately for you, it twisted and took you down with it. "OW!"
Zoro's jaw dropped. It took a hot minute for him to react, too shocked to fully comprehend what had just happened. When he got over it he carefully lifted you up, taking you back to his hammock so he could take care of you. He had turned his back for a second before he heard a loud thud.
You groaned.
He was immediately rushing over to pick you up again, keeping you in his arms this time. He was so worried, the poor guy, eyes grazing over your body in concern. You didn't look physically hurt, but he could tell you were in pain. Mostly from the impacts of your falls. From then on, he's your personal bodyguard, having to physically move some things so you wouldn't knock against them, or move you so you wouldn't hit anything. As for the hammock...he always made sure to get on first so he could hold you and keep you from rolling off.
Good luck convincing him to ever let you walk anywhere - or do anything - alone again.
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Luffy is a menace. Far from being concerned about you when you would trip or bump your head, this damn idiot has the nerve to burst into loud, uncontrollable laughter.
"You're funny, (Name)!"
And he doesn't mean to hurt or upset you, it's just the way he is. He's seen you on the battlefield, mercilessly crushing whoever got in your way, so he doesn't think much of these little accidents. He thinks you're not hurt, that you're completely fine and doing it on purpose to - yes this is his reason - entertain him. After all, why else would such a ruthless fighter just flop and fall around for no reason?
"Luffy, I don't think she did that on purpose..." Usopp tried to tell the captain, who was trying to convince you to fall again.
You frowned, trying your best to not get upset with your dumbass boyfriend, and before you could stop yourself, your body already obliged. You turned and walked right into the mast - face smashing against the hard wood. You groaned and stumbled back, your nose hurting and eyes glossing over. You fell onto your butt, earning another round of obnoxious laughter from Luffy.
"DON'T JUST SIT THERE AND LAUGH!" Sanji knocked Luffy so hard on his head that the captain fell to the floor, hitting the deck face-first. Then the cook came to help you up.
"Thanks," you mumbled, feeling so embarrassed.
It was then that Luffy noticed your tears, and he sprung to his feet - completely unaffected by Sanji's attack. He came up to you and grabbed your arms, making you look at him.
"(Name), what's wrong?"
"I'm fine," you smiled, shaking off his concern. You made to walk away, but you once again turned and slammed into the mast.
"But that's...that's always been there?" Usopp said-asked meekly.
You shot him a glare so withering that he screamed and cowered behind Luffy, who just laughed and wrapped his arms around you, extending them until he had you completely encased in a cocoon made by his arms.
"There, now you can't get hurt!"
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Sanji, like Zoro, tends to overreact when you get hurt. And by overreact, I mean he dropkicks everyone and everything that dared to cause you harm. So you try to hide your injuries from your overly concerned boyfriend, opting to cover them with layers. Sanji found this a bit odd, but otherwise didn't press. But slowly he started to notice things he hadn't before.
"My love, watch that-"
You bumped into the wall, sending your book crashing onto your face.
He rushed over to check if you were okay, laughing a little when you pulled the book away from your face to smile at him sheepishly.
"I'm fine."
Seconds after you said that disaster struck again, with you tripping over your own feet - with absolutely nothing being in the way - and falling over. Sanji's eyes widened and he quickly helped you back up.
"You are very clumsy, (Name)," he chuckled, not knowing that was exactly it.
"I am," you agreed, hiding your embarrassed blush behind your book.
Before he could say anything else, you took off and tried to quickly walk away before he could notice the growing bruise on your knee. That failed, as you hadn't taken three steps before you crashed into one of your oncoming crewmates, and fell backwards.
"Mosshead! Why did you push (Name)!" Sanji yelled, coming over looking ready to throw hands.
"As if I would do that!" The swordsman snapped back.
"Well she's on the floor isn't she?!"
"She bumped into me!"
"How dare you blame (Name) you big oaf!"
You quickly stood up and got in between them, averting the total destruction of the Going Merry.
"He's right, Sanji. I bumped into him. I told you I'm clumsy."
You didn't have to say more before you were suddenly scooped up into the cook's arms, hearts in his eyes with his next words.
"Well then I'll just carry you everywhere my love!"
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Generally speaking, Usopp is a lot more alert than most of the crew. So it's no surprise that he picked up on your clumsiness early on, but he didn't think it was anything to worry about since it was just small stuff. But the moment you walked in one day with a bag of ice on your head, unsuccessfully trying to conceal it under a hat, Usopp grew alarmed.
"(Name), is everything okay?" Your concerned boyfriend asked you, stopping you from lifting something up. "Your head-"
"Is fine," you finished with a smile, kissing his cheek. "But thanks babe."
You walked away before he could insist on you telling him what was going on. But unfortunately for you, your two left feet gave you away and you stumbled forward, dropping the box and then tumbling over it. Usopp cried out in alarm and ran to your side, helping you up.
"(Name)!" He fussed over you. "Okay that's it, what's going on?"
"Should have known I couldn't fool the brave Captain Usopp," you smiled, trying to divert his attention.
"Well, I-" He stopped laughing confidently when he realised what you were doing, "Hey! You can't do that! Tell me, I'm worried."
You sighed, "I'm just clumsy, that's all. And injury prone."
"That...explains a lot..."
You growled and smacked him, "Is that all you can say?!"
"S-sorry!" He apologised quickly, rubbing his head. He was about to take you to Chopper for nothing other than he was worried you were hurt internally, when you suddenly tripped and fell on top of him.
He groaned, "Clumsy is an understatement."
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He notices right away. There was no way it was normal for someone to walk into a wall that they knew was there, or to trip on a flat surface, or bonk their head on a shelf that they knew was over their heads - multiple times. But somehow, you managed to do all of that and more, and poor Ace was sick with worry about your physical health.
Ace's head shot up from the bed, "What happened?!"
"I hit my head again..."
"Same shelf?"
"...Same shelf."
He chuckled before getting up and going over to you, bringing you into his strong arms. He placed a kiss on your head, replacing your hand rubbing your sore spot with his hand.
Later on, you were trying to bring him something, when you stubbed your toe on the bedframe and tumbled onto the bed, startling the poor man out of his nap.
"(Name)!" He figured you must have tripped, but he was not prepared for your tears. "Where does it hurt?"
"My toe..." You pouted. "I hit my food on the bed."
He face-palmed. It takes a lot for Ace of all people to face-palm, so embarrassment creeped up on you. Before you could protest, he pulled you on top of him and made you lay on his chest.
"I swear, you're a walking safety hazard," he teased. "Looks like I can't let you leave the room now."
He meant it. And if you did leave, it was with him. He was just too worried about not being around when you hurt yourself, which was valid because he was always your source of comfort.
"What happened to your eye?"
"I...fell...out of the bed..."
You are on the verge of making Ace cry.
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What if the princesses darling is part of big mom's plan? Like after she deals with the vinsmokes she is going to marry the princesses to katakuri so she can take the military alliance and have a valuable hostage? Why not add a yan katakuri to the mix
With how much power and influence Big Mom has, I don't think she would need to do an elaborate plan to get Cara's hand in marriage for one of her children. Big Mom could go to her family right now and ask for Cara specifically, and her parents would hand her over immediately because the Charlotte's have infinitely more power than the Vinsmoke's.
But let's say that Katakuri starts to develop feelings for her when the Vinsmoke's are there for Sanji and Pudding's wedding. It starts small. All that Katakuri did was hold a door open for Cara, and that was enough to make her smile at him so genuinely that it caught him off guard. He feels ridiculous and childish for being affected by such a small gesture.
It gets worse when Cara starts going out of her way to converse with him. That small act of chivalry was enough to make her see him as a nice person to be around (something she's sorely lacking in her life), so now she's eager to have someone new to socialize with even if he's only giving one word responses.
Katakuri isn't completely head-over-heels yet, though he is starting to contemplate pulling some strings to spare her from being assassinated with the rest of the Vinsmoke family.
The break happens when he walks in on her indulging in the many sweets that Whole Cake Island has to offer. She isn't used to having these kinds of treats back home, so she kinda went overboard and was sampling a ton of them. There are crumbs and icing smeared across the bottom half of her face, and she is mortified when she locks eyes with Katakuri. She's frantically wiping her face off and apologizing profusely for being so unladylike.
Cara interprets the intense stare she's getting from Katakuri as him judging her, but in reality he is fighting for his life not to snatch her up then and there. He now believes in soulmates and is positive that she is his.
It's easy for him to justify his decision to inform Big Mom of his desire to spare Cara and take her for himself. She's so clearly miserable with Niji, so he's actually saving her. Big Mom has no problem with the union because like hell is she going to pass up Katakuri finally getting married and giving her some grandbabies.
Niji is pissed when this all comes to light because why the fuck is everyone and their brother (namely his) trying to steal his fiance? What is happening?
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ay0nha · 1 year
are you doing a part ii to your sanji angst on the baratie?
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PAIRING: OPLA!Sanji x f!reader
WARNINGS: canon-typical things, angst, longing looks and bitter words, mentions of sleazy pirate, food/food consumption, not proofread, squint, and you'll see fleabag vibes (shout out to that anon), rushed ending, etc.
A/N: ahhhhh, idk how I feel about this, so I’m posting it because I know if I don’t, it’ll sit in the drafts forever. Thank you so much for all the love and support on the part before this. It truly means the world! Enjoy.
The coolness felt sharp on your skin, numbing superficially but struggling to pinpoint the pain. 
It sunk in when the ice melted and bled down your elbow that you were alone, and the ache was still there. 
The devil’s hour was the only time you felt the ship's rhythmic sway. The constantly anxious environment was silent, leaving your shallow breaths to fill the space. There was only so much time before the early risers would begin the prep routine all over again. 
You didn’t fare well with the cyclical nature of it all, but you were skilled in covering the discomfort. It was a game you were good at; the facade behind the swipe of deep lipstick and the soft fabric of your dresses hid you well. Yet, the pressure became unbearable on nights like these. It made you feel stuck, with nowhere to go, as the open ocean surrounded you.
The constant adrenaline at all hours was taunting you. It kept some focused and motivated their drive, but you struggled to stay afloat. Instead, you toyed with the thought of letting the tendrils pull you down into the sinking pool of burdens you ran from. 
“You hear me?” Sanji’s voice pulled you to the surface for a shock of air. You failed to notice he even entered the room. “Where’d you go?” 
Sanji broke your thousand-yard stare, just shy of waving a hand before you. You wanted to scold him for accurately reading you. Instead, your heart pinned to your throat at his overt observation.
“Hmm?” He prompted again, moving deeper into the space. Worry began to etch his tired features; you failed to hide. “You don’t look so good.”
“I’m—” Your response was lost in its formation. Emotion pricked at your nose, but you refused to spill any tears. You were drained, and it all started to feel claustrophobic. “—tired.”
 The practiced lie felt smooth and believable enough to be a sufficient excuse. And, yet, Sanji matched the defiance. “I’ve known you a long, long time…I know your tells, sweetheart—
“Come off it.” You discouraged the name, but it fulfilled Sanji’s purpose. You always stumbled, and your frown conveyed your disdain. “It’s been a…” Day. You stopped to begin again, frazzled, “I-I…I just, I’m just…hungry, Sanji.”
His name rang in his ears like a confession. He waited for you to correct yourself, scold him for prying as you always had. The air shifted to something unexplored, vulnerable. Despite the years of working together, moments like these were rare. Sanji used the pause to take you in, searching for any deception. But you laid bare, asking for comfort and company. 
“Alright...” Sanji’s voice was soft so as not to spook you. He nodded, more confident in his promise. “I can help with that.” 
Clearing your throat, you nodded, a rush of relief flowing through your body. Sanji’s flirtations were easy to ignore. His sarcasm, you returned. The attitude you dished, he accepted with his own. It was how you worked; it kept things fluid. The push and pull kept you going. 
However, the static of your hesitancy tugged at something foreign. It kept you quiet and made you thoughtful. Sanji moved like he always had, calculated and knowledgable of the dish and whose palette he would earn the respect of. Everything he touched turned into a creation. He didn’t do it to prove a point or for a broader ‘them.’ Tonight, he created for you.  
There was assurance in Sanji’s demeanor. He rolled his sleeve to his elbows and tugged at an already loosened tie; he became just as exposed as you were under your watchful eye. You itched for something familiar. The smile you fought proved Sanji read your mind, choosing correctly—a grilled cheese. 
The tomato was missing, and so was the dill.  Yet, there was a thick slather of freshly made mayo on each slice of homemade bread. The smell wafted, reminding you how the day's stress surpassed your hunger. 
“Something to drink?” Sanji’s low rumble broke the silence, checking on you indirectly. 
Sanji spoke through food and understood another through choices and habits. You were picky. You had staples that he perfected the recipe for, this one of them. He knew to be gentle and use his fingertips to smooth the toasted edges of the bread against the browning butter lining the pan. 
“I’m trying to keep the wallowing to a minimum.” You shook your head. You tried to laugh through the feeling, but the joke felt ill-timed and ill-received. “Don’t hurt yourself too much  trying to play nice.”
The air felt still, like the moments of a taut breath. There was no longer an eye on the throne of fabricated competition the Baratie created rather, you looked at each other as if it were the first time, both newly transparent.
“Oh, no—” He tutted, smirk settling naturally. “—that’s not the painful part, love.”
The kitchen was always warm—burners running, heat lamps, bubbling stovetops, and incidental fires. That very temperature caused certain anger to tip over and still provided fluidity in the brigade. However, even when you found yourself in the back, you brought a chill to the air. It rivaled the walk-in and existed as your only trait in the eyes of those found under your glare.
Yet, the warmth Sanji transferred to you was different. It didn’t come from the kitchen or from anger. It was just him, and his words carried him over. His smirk was more of a smile, hesitant to become a smile as he presented his tenderness on a plate for you to devour. 
“Bon appétit, madam.”
You pulled at the edges of the grilled cheese, the inner parts reflecting fondue. The jagged edges defined the unorthodox moment. There was something so perfect in the imperfection of comfort it provided. 
“C’mon…” You cleared the lump forming in your throat. Blindly, you push a hand forward to offer Sanji a half. He half-expected it to be a ploy, for you to snatch it back just as he would go to reach it. Instead, you gestured again, “Go on, take my olive branch so I don’t look like a total dick.”
This was what you needed. This was a warm hug at the end of the day. This was a blanket wrapped tightly around you, protecting you from the mess of it all. The simplicity of the company broke you. 
You cleared your throat, wanting to be heard. “You know earlier…”
Sanji hummed encouragingly. He would never pry, afraid of your retaliation, but he knew that the slimy pirate clung to you. While he cooked, Sanji noticed the deep hues on your wrist and how you nurtured them with patience.  
“He scared me.” You scoffed at your own admission, belittling your feelings already. It felt ridiculous in hindsight, allowing someone to crawl so deeply under your skin. “I just didn’t see it coming…and wasn’t sure where it was going.”
You played with a few crumbs on your fingertips, allowing a thoughtful pause that you refused to fill. Sanji knew you’d eat the crust first, saving the gooey inside for when you ripped off the bandaid. 
“I could have—” He started, unwilling to miss the opportunity you gave him. “I’ll talk to Zeff. We’ll handle this. You’ll never—That’ll never happen again.”
Sanji’s sandwich half was forgotten, his hunger only satiable by your security.  You almost fed into it, tripping into the depths of his gaze’s concern. But you’d been tricked before and you’d be damned to fall for it all over again. 
“No—” You were blunt, words pointed. “Sanji…” It didn’t matter what promise he could give; it had no power against the past. “This world doesn’t look out for people like me but carves spaces for you. For him.”
Everything became unappetizing, as if you’d come back to yourself. Any defenses dropped were regained with dual force. You’d scold yourself later for accepting the shared meal as if that were the obvious solution to it all. 
“And what does he get, hmm?” You hummed with disgust. “A slap on the wrist?  Meal on the house?” You barked with hate. “And me? My professionalism gets questioned. I’m told to cheer up and move on—and yet, you all are blind! The real problem has nothing to do with that fucking pirate.” 
Zeff was your advocate. He only tolerated so much, and anything that interrupted or dragged you in unwillingly was dealt with. You heard how those around you reacted. They cheered and glorified Sanji’s heroic acts but didn’t waste a breath to see if you were still intact.  
Sanji had, in his own way. You knew that and detested how it made you crumble to the pieces you always had to pick up. Drawing a sharp but much-needed breath, you promised never to allow it again. 
Sanji read your expressiveness; understanding the sentiment was a deep-running thread. He knew it wasn’t his place to advise, tempt, and, worst of all, ignore you. 
Despite being at loss for words his effort was persistent.“Love—”
You wanted him to curse you or mock you or do something that would qualify the anger that made you tremble. You couldn’t stand how readily he took everything you gave him with such gentleness. 
“Sanji—” There was a coldness you attached to his name, but a warning nonetheless. You detested how, even now, he still remained.  “I never wanted this…Here I shift–I change, I mold into this…hybrid of a being just to fulfill what you think you want me to be—And still, I find myself disappointed in that fact that I think that’ll change—shame on me.”
The scraps of the sandwich had grown cold, its newly rigid, solid form symbolic of how things were supposed to be. You left Sanji with the weight of your words, a clear reminder that he was no more than a cog in the grand scheme of things---an insignificant part of your greater plan to be heard.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Part 15.5 Special with Eri!Reader spending the day with Garp! (Luffy is in the back with dozens of lumps on his head for telling him ‘No’)
Garp is being scolded by his troops for trying to ditch his responsibilities (Which he throws a fit for, arguing he wants to spend time with his granddaughter!)
Garp wears a Hawaiian Shirt because he’s taking a ‘day off’, and buys Reader a cute little Sailor Dress, gushing over how adorable she looks (They spend the day going around the City/Town)
Reader is trying to stop Garp from buying her a lot of stuff (Clothes, Children’s Books, Toys, Games, Blankets, a King Sized Mattress, Cute Accessories, etc) and carrying all of it, making her worry over his health (Garp orders his men to carry all the stuff so she doesn’t have to worry about him *Right after he’s done bawling from how sweet Reader is worrying about his health, unlike his Grandsons* and proceeds to carry Reader in his arm, calling her a sweetheart)
She’s trying to stop Garp because she’s fine with what she has, but Garp wants to spoil her (As a grandpa, it’s his right and privilege to spoil his one and only granddaughter!)
Garp later buys Reader a big Ice Cream, which she shyly says she can’t eat all of it, and asks ‘Can I share with you, Grandpa Garp?’ (He gently sets her down and falls to his knees *Breaking the ground* and proceeds to bawl once again by how much of a sweetheart his granddaughter is, as his ingrate and very ‘uncute’ grandsons would NEVER share their food with him, and happy shares the Ice Cream, ignoring all the looks he’s getting)
At the end up the day he very reluctantly has Reader go back to Luffy and heads back to his ship
However, when he got there he and Coby have very dark and serious looks with Garp asking Coby if he’s ‘Got them’, which Coby grimly nods and reaches into his coat to take out a large and very thick yellow file, handing it to Garp, who opens it (To reveals Dozens upon Dozens of pictures of Garp and Reader spending time together)
Garp is excited because now he has perfect pictures for ‘Bragging Rights’ over having the ‘Cutest Granddaughter in the World’ (Garp gave Coby the ‘mission’ to take pictures so he can look back at spending time with his cute Granddaughter)
I love how overdramatic Garp can get (He’s just silly)
-It started with a call from Grandpa Garp, contacting Luffy telling him, “I want to spend time with my only little granddaughter!”
-Luffy said no but when Garp’s fist came through the Den-Den Mushi, something you were questioning how it worked, leaving several lumps on Luffy’s head, he agreed.
-The island was a beautiful port city, filled with lots of tourists and scenery, perfect for having a nice day out!
-Nami helped dress you in a blue and white sundress, it almost looked like a sailor’s outfit, paired with your hat after pulling your hair into a milkmaid braid with Robin’s help.
-Sanji, Robin, and Nami were the ones to pass you off to Garp, who had collapsed to his knees, seeing how cute you looked, with Nami giving him the rules, “No leaving the island, she needs to be back here by nightfall, and she needs to keep her hat on at all times.”
-Garp was going to question, before he remembered that everyone and their mother was looking for you, wanting the bounty and the glory that came with capturing you, but that wouldn’t happen while grandpa is around.
-Garp held you up in his arms, one of your little hands holding onto his brightly colored Hawaiian shirt, to balance yourself, as he beamed brightly down at you, “I’m so happy I get to spend some time with you Y/N~”
-You smiled up at him, feeling his elation, “I am too grandpa!” Garp froze in his tracks before setting you down, making you tilt your head in confusion before he collapsed to his knees then his hands, crying on how adorable you were!
-There were other marines around, luckily who didn’t recognize you as Devil Child Y/N, your new title, something you had enjoyed sharing with Robin, all they could see was Garp and his adorable little granddaughter.
-The day was spent with the two of you exploring, having fun, all while Garp was running from the marines, who were yelling at him to do his job, while he yelled, “No! I’m spending time with my granddaughter!”
-Once they gave up, letting him have his fun, but a few bold men still tried to approach to strong arm him back to perform his duties, Garp beamed at his victory.
-To celebrate he took you to a fancy restaurant, almost like the Bartie and the two of you shared a meal together.
-You were eating a fried potato, elation on your face as it was so tasty- not as tasty as Sanji’s but it was still tasty! Garp smiled down at you, having devoured his own meal so he could watch you eat- you were so cute!
-You noticed his stare and you smiled, holding up your fork with another fried potato, “Here grandpa!” it was like a light from heaven shown down upon him as he bawled into his elbow, “How is it I have such a sweet granddaughter?! None of my other grandkids were never as nice as you are!!”
-The other patrons couldn’t help but grin, seeing how whipped he was for you, but by the time he calmed down you had eaten the potato, not wanting it to get cold.
-As the day came to an end, after you had told him that you didn’t need all the toys in the toy shops around, or all of the fancy dresses, showing him that you didn’t need material items, as your smile was brightest when he was just spending time with you, like when the two of you danced in the square when a band came out.
-The final stop before he would take you back to Luffy was an ice cream parlor, something he wouldn’t take no for an answer for, getting you the biggest, fanciest, sundae they had.
-Seeing your sparkly eyes and bright smile when it was placed in front of you was his cherry on top, he could help but grin warmly.
-You fidgeted lightly in your chair, looking worried before you looked up, unknowingly giving him huge puppy eyes, “Grandpa- will you help me eat this? It’s too big.”
-Garp quickly was in tears away, praising you, “You’re such a good grandchild! What did I do to deserve an angel like you Y/N?!”
-You were passed out when Garp arrived back at the ship, Franky grinning as he took you from Garp, holding you close as he beamed brightly, “We had a fun day! We should do that again!”
-Luffy tried to tell him no and quickly wound up covered in lumps moments later as Garp was glaring, “Ungrateful grandson! Why can’t you be more like Y/N?!”
-Nami face palmed, shaking her head slightly lightly, exasperated by the antics of these two, but as she turned to you, seeing that smile on your face despite being asleep, she couldn’t help but smile, seeing you so happy.
-As Garp arrived back to his ship, he had a fierce glare on his face as Coby approached him, saluting, “I have what you asked me to gather, Sir.”
-Garp nodded, taking a folder as everyone around was staring, thinking that he was actually working while being out with his granddaughter.
-He opened the file and immediately he smiled, his intimidating aura fading as he gushed, as the folder was filled with thousands of photos of you, seeing you smiling and having fun as Garp gushed on how adorable you were.
-Everyone around him, except Coby, face palmed, seeing their totally whipped leader. Sengoku wasn’t going to be happy that Garp shirked his duties for the day.
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yujo-nishimura · 11 months
The confession
Warning: Non, just fluff <3 Luffy x Reader (before time-skip and on the Going Merry, since that is my favorite ship). English is not my native language, apologies for the mistakes.
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It was a normal sunny day on the Going Merry. You had promised to help scrubbing the deck since nothing more exciting seemed to lie ahead for a week and everyone else was busy - Sanji was in the kitchen, creating the usual abundance of snacks for you, Nami and Robin. Zoro was napping, Usopp was creating another extraordinary weapon of his and Chopper was working on a medication for seasickness. Luffy was just Luffy and watching you while you were on your knees scrubbing the planks with a brush. The sun was burning and you took short breaks in between taking some sips of water and fan yourself in a feeble attempt to cool off.
"Hey! I need you to talk with me whenever you're finished with that chore." You suddenly hear your captain saying this and he waves with a big grin and his stretchy arm from the second level of the ship.
"Sure! I am almost done with cleaning the deck.. let me finish here and then I will come to you."
Luffy's grin stretched wider, and the gleam of excitement sparkled in his eyes. "Hopefully, it's not another ridiculous escapade or him pestering me about stealing more of Sanji's food," you muttered under your breath as you finished the final wooden plank on the starboard side of the ship. "Awesome! Hurry up, I'm really looking forward to talking to you," Luffy called out, his voice full of anticipation.
As you made your way towards the kitchen to return the bucket and the brush you wonder what seems to be so important for your captain to talk with you about. You look up to the second level of the ship and watch Luffy absentmindedly stretching his arms, bouncing up and down with the energy of a kid on a sugar rush. You giggle and enter the kitchen, smiling at Sanji who is immediately enamored by your presence and calls you "Y/n-chwaaan".
You decide to surprise Luffy - you know how happy he is whenever you get him food and witnessing his sheer joy whenever you provided him with a snack warmed your heart. "Sanji, would you have some snacks for me?" "Anything for you, Y/n-chwan, would you like some ice-cream, cookies or maybe something more sophisticated, a sorbet or a Crème Brûlée?"
You can see the sheer disappointment in his face when you point at the wrapped rice crackers on the kitchen table.
You are grabbing some of the crackers, escaping Sanji's desperate attempt to convince you to stay in the kitchen. With the delicious goods you acquired you run up to Luffy in high spirits. With him as a captain it is never a dull moment and you are excited to hear what he has to tell you. "Here Luffy, I got us some snacks from the kitchen!"
Luffy's eyes lit up as you approached him with the snacks. He eagerly took the rice crackers from you, his stomach rumbling in anticipation.
"Thanks! You always know how to make me happy," Luffy said with a wide grin, his excitement evident. He quickly devoured a rice cracker, savoring the crunch and flavor.
As he chewed, Luffy's expression turned serious for a moment. He swallowed and looked at you, his eyes filled with a mix of earnestness and nervousness. "Hey, um… I wanted to talk to you about something important. It's been on my mind for a while now." Luffy paused, gathering his thoughts.
"I've been feeling… different lately. Like, whenever you're around, my heart beats faster and I can't stop thinking about you. It's confusing, but I think… I think I might have some feelings for you." Luffy scratched his head, a slightly sheepish expression on his face.
"You're not just my crewmate, you're my friend, and… maybe even something more." Luffy's cheeks reddened slightly as he finished his confession.
He looked at you, a mix of hope and uncertainty in his eyes, waiting for your response.
Surprised about what Luffy said you forget to chew for a moment and start coughing over the dry rice cracker. You had expected anything. A stupid adventure suggestion, his demand for more food, him trying to make you laugh with funny faces. But not that. Not his confession. "Feelings for me? But you're my captain…" you blush as well, not sure what else to say. Luffy, undeniably attractive, exuded an aura of safety and comfort that enveloped you. His enchanting, childlike charm and unwavering determination were the traits that captivated you the most. However, the notion of having romantic feelings for him had never entered your mind until now. "I appreciate your honesty, Luffy," you finally managed to respond, grateful for his openness. And then you fall silent. You just cough a little bit from the cracker.
Once you had recovered from your coughing fit, Luffy listened attentively to your response. He could sense your surprise and uncertainty, and he understood that his confession had caught you off guard. He nodded, appreciating your honesty in return.
"Yeah, I know I'm your captain and all, but… I can't help how I feel," Luffy replied, his voice soft and sincere. "I understand if you need time to process this. It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted to be honest with you because you mean a lot to me."
The sudden emotional maturity displayed by this usually childlike captain caught you completely off guard, causing your heart to race faster.
Luffy's gaze remained steady, his expression a mix of hope and understanding. He didn't want to pressure you into anything; he just wanted you to know how he felt.
You say the first thing that comes to your mind, just like him you decide to speak without hesitation:
"I'm afraid that if I like you more than I already do that I need to worry about you all the time and that I could eventually lose you. The mere thought of losing you, Luffy, is unbearable..." As the words escaped your lips, you became aware of just how much he meant to you. Overwhelmed by a sudden need for reassurance, you impulsively leap forward into his arms.
Luffy's eyes widened in surprise as you suddenly leap into his arms, but he quickly recovered and wrapped his strong arms around you, holding you close. His heart raced, a mix of joy and relief flooding through him.
"Hey, don't worry," Luffy said softly, his voice filled with reassurance. "I may get into trouble sometimes, but I always find a way to come back. And having you by my side, caring about me... it means everything to me."
As he held you, Luffy couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness. He had never imagined that his confession would be reciprocated, and now that it had, he felt an even stronger connection with you.
"I promise to always protect you, no matter what," Luffy said softly, his tone filled with determination. "And together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way. We're a team, after all."
Luffy gently pulled away from the embrace, a bright smile on his face. "I'm really glad you feel the same way, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes us, both as friends and... maybe something more."
With that, Luffy leaned in and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead, a gesture filled with warmth and affection.
You blushed, feeling suddenly an overwhelming feeling of joy. "But what about the others? What shall we say to our crew?"
Luffy scratched his head, thinking about your question. He pondered for a moment before answering with his usual straightforwardness.
"I don't think we need to keep it a secret," Luffy replied, his eyes filled with determination. "Our crew is like a family, and they'll understand. We've been through so much together."
He paused, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Plus, they'll probably figure it out anyway. They know me too well!"
Luffy's carefree attitude and confidence in his crew's acceptance made you feel more at ease. You trusted his judgment, knowing that he always had the best intentions.
"So, let's tell them together," Luffy said, his voice filled with excitement. "I can't wait to see their reactions!"
"Right now?" a little screech escapes your mouth.
"Why not?", he starts laughing and grabbing your hand, his grip filled with warmth and support. He drags you to the lower level of the ship, to the rest of the crew, ready to share your newfound happiness with your friends on the Going Merry.
Comment if you want a part 2 with the crew's reaction, if not I will conclude the story here. :)
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
“Eat it with Ice in Your Mouth, Sanji.”
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This is smut btw.
Black Fem Reader
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“Um….what?” His voice broke into a nervous laughter, seeing your deadpanned expression not change, only the tilt of your head to the side waiting for his response.
You seen his back straighten and body stiffen, clearly he didn’t understand your question, he was puzzled in the face fiddling his cigarette in his mouth and scratching his head, you smile as his sudden shyness to then throw your arms around his neck,
“Next time you eat me out, put some ice in your mouth.”
Sanji never heard of this, but since you were his first who was he to deny you of that pleasure. It doesn’t sound like it would hurt you?
And here you are. Laid on the bed and legs spread wearing nothing, but his white button down per Sanji’s request, feeling your toes curl in excitement and lowly panting from the previous passionate make out session with your lover.
You watched his eyes not break away from your wet inner thighs as he stripped off his clothing he gets so excited knowing he can make a small mess of you just by kissing you. And it showed from the growing tent in his slacks.
Fully naked, he crawled to you kissing you again, firmly, harsh breaths hitting through his nose, you reached to your left and grabbed an ice cube from the cup and put it in between your lips.
“Open your mouth, Ji.”
His cheeks tinted pink, he backs away slightly to part his lips, you place it on his tongue feeling the contrast of his hot breath and the cold cube, Sanji’s spine shivered causing him to mindlessly suck on your finger and hum.
“If you swallow it’s okay.” You pull from his mouth to shake the cup showing him the many cubes you made, “there’s plenty.”
Sanji nods his head dipped down between your legs, your body heat began to warm his chilly lips, he adjusts the chunk to the tip and then the side of his mouth for a split second before he licked your slit.
You both moaned out, the chill of the tip of his tongue granted an immediate arch of your back and a tug on his sheets. Nothing could have prepared either of you for the sensation you had just felt.
“‘S it okay?” Sanji’s question had not a tinge of worry behind it considering he knew immediately he loved how you tasted with the ice in his mouth, eyes glued on where to lick next.
“Mmhm keep going.”
You held your elbows to enjoy the view, but you didn’t last long watching while your boyfriend’s lips and tongue didn’t fail to amaze you,
“Yes Sanji, good boy…”
Moaning so harshly, throwing your head back at the swirls and sucks your warmed clit cooling down from his mouth. Sanji spread your lips further apart, his warm hand now on your tummy pressing down somehow making you feel more of his tongue plunging in and out of your clenching hole.
Sanji’s face was a wet mess, as the ice cube began to melt he began to twirl the smaller cube on your clit with his tongue, his motions became less fluid and more messy as your arousal, his drool, and the water all pooled out of the corner of his lips, staining his beard now.
“Mmmm fuck!” He groaned inside you putting his hands on your hips to pull you forward so he can sink deeper inside, your thighs squeezed him in, as you cried his name. In an instant he was drunk, you were both hot and cold on his face. It was refreshing in a way how you tasted.
“‘M clo—“
“Hand me the cup.”
You just barely heard him quickly giving it to him when he grabbed a smaller piece of ice and rubbed it on your clit in wide slow circles laying back between your legs watching your face contort in pleasure.
“Oh Sanji!” Biting your lip now squeezing your breast. If you only knew how sexy you looked to him right now.
The piece now covered in your slimy cum, Sanji throws it back in his mouth and gets back to finishing you off.
Cumming like the good girl you were all over his frozen tongue that most definitely became numb he pops off of you nearly breathless at the mess he made of you.
“What….how did you…know about this…?”
Your face covered in your arm, you chuckle softly and motion w one other arm for you to hold him, he slides on top of you, face face in your breast, so tempted to use the last remnant of his icy mouth to lick on your nipples.
“Before you suck on my tit, Sanji…” You break him out of his trance to have him look up at you,
“That…was called temperature play, baby.”
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one-idea · 6 months
Spades in Thriller Bark part 1
This is part of my idea that Masked Deuce, Mihar, and Skull follow Ace in his quest to
Meeting Brook
The day starts out fairly normal. Well as normal as things can be on the sunny with 2 members of the ASL brotherhood on board.
That is until a they find a sea offering. Both Robin (archeologist and most experienced of both crews) and Skull (pirate enthusiast) explain what the sea offering is and what the crew should do if they want to open the crate up.
Luffy offers a quick prayer of “god we’re stealing your stuff.” Which gets a roll of the eyes from Ace, and a chuckle from the other Spades. Until Zoro responds with “now your praying to god? Didn’t you beat up god on sky island? Don’t pray to god he’s a jerk.” And now Ace and the spades have so many questions, because what do you mean Luffy fought god?
But they aren’t going to have the opportunity to ask any of those questions because the barrel explodes sending Luffy flying as a giant red orb appears over the ship. Everyone tenses up, waiting for an attack. Ace is super stressed because what if Blackbeard saw that?
But they can’t worry for long because Nami is yelling about a storm and the Spades are looking around at the Strawhats like they are crazy as they run around prepping for a storm that isn’t visible. Yes the Grandline is knows for quick weather but no one predicts it that far in advance. Except Nami is right. Luffy laughs at their shock, “my navigator is the best! Nami always knows when a storms going to hit.
They survive the storm but end up in the Florian Triangle, where they come upon a ghost ship.
Luffy is ready to jump aboard. But the cowards trio is freaking out, until they realize everyone else is ready to leave them behind on the ship and go to the ghost ship. Even all of the Spades are ready to go. This is great for Deuces book, Mihar and Ace want an adventure, and Skull is #1 pirate enthusiasts, a ghost boat is a dream for him.
Zoro steps in as the responsible person. He knows he can’t stop Luffy or Ace seeing as both brothers are ready to jump ship. But he can send some responsible people with them while also defending the ship. They draw straws and the party jumping to the ship is Luffy, Ace, Nami, Sanji, and Skull.
When they get over there and meet Brook, Ace is not the least bit surprised that Luffy asks him to join his crew. Zoro tries to shame the four of them when they return to the Sunny for letting Luffy bring back a “pet skeleton” but Ace looks at him and says “do you really think anyone can stop Luffy once he’s picked out a Namaka?” No the answer is no.
They sit down with Brook and get to know him. Deuce is furiously writing down notes about the skeleton’s life while the others listen to his sad tale.
That is until they run into a wall. When they realize they are trapped Ace is relieved, It’s not Blackbeard, but it is an unknown threat. And he’s been inching to fight something for a while. He hasn’t had a good fight since Blackbeard (and that wasn’t a good fight) the silly ice skating bounty hunters do not count as a good fight either.
The first split up.
Nami Usopp, Chopper, and Skull go to the island.
When Franky shows them the Mini Merry, Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Skull take it for a joy ride. They end up trapped on the island.
Most to their adventure is the same except there is no creeping on Namin in the bathroom. Skull has a weird array of knowledge and he has a bad feeling about this place. When Nami says she’s going to take a bath, skull argues that their could be ghost, or moving painting that could be watching her and talks her out of going.
Basically skull prevents a lot Nami’s problems. The creepy dude is still there but he’s got to get through skull to get to Nami. And it’s not that skulls over protective, he’s just got a weird patchwork of knowledge. He’s just lucking out that it’s all applicable in this situation
Luffy Ace, Franky Mihar, Robin, Zoro, Sanji, and Deuce follow
They chase after the four who went on the mini merry.
Creepy dude messes with them on the boat. But when he grabs Robin, the multiple arms she puts up to hold him back gives Ace a pretty good idea of where the creep is and he’s able to fire fist the man off the Sunny.
The go to shore and Ace isn’t even surprised when Luffy takes the fake Cerberus. Mihar, Deuce and Franky are but no one else. If anything it makes walking to the castle easier as they are all taking turns riding the thing.
Ace makes getting to the castle a lot easier as he’s just torching his way through the zombies. They run from him in terror.
When they get to the castle, they do start losing crew members. The spiders are still able to pick people off
Sanji and Mihar get taken at the same time
Zoro gets nabbed
They can’t get Ace, he would burns through the webs. Moria originally wanted Ace’s shadow for Ora but Luffy was easier to catch.
They are fighting through the herd of zombie generals and Ace is already furious. They are missing so many people. He just lost Deuce and he and Luffy just got separated. He sees Robin and yells to her to get Luffy and Franky out and he torches the room. He runs out to meet up with them only to find Luffy missing. His heart stops for a moment until he hears Luffy yelling. He loooks up to see the coffin holding Luffy being pulled across the the castle. He’s about to go after it but is stopped by the spider monkey.
Franky destroys the bridge, him and Robin working together to avoid falling to their death. Ace uses his devil fruit to fly up. He gives them a hand, so Robin doesn’t step on Franky’s face to save herself, instead being caught by Ace, while Franky is able to pull himself to the ledge.
Brook purifies the spider monkey
Ace, Franky and Robin meet with Brook. When they learn what has happened to their friends, that Moria has stolen their shadows, Ace is furious. But he’s also so worried. If they don’t defeat Moria he’ll lose Luffy and Deuce! (As well as Zoro, Sanji, and Mihar)
They return to the ship, picking up Usopp, Chopper, and Skull on the way. Once they get there and find their friends safe and sound they debrief and plan their next move.
Ace wants to rush Moria and deep fry that man. How dare he take Luffy, Deuce and the other’s shadows. How dare he endanger Ace’s loved ones.
Deuce stops him. “Remember what happened the last time you ran off without a plan?” He’s not trying to rub salt in the wound, but he wants Ace to think things through, and depend on the people around him.
“Come on Ace I want to kick Moria’s ass!” Luffy calls. And Ace remembers just who he’s with. He can trust these people. He’s still scared. If they don’t succeed by sunrise he could lose his little brother, their crewmates and Deuce. But he’s…no they aren’t going to fail.
Attack formation
Luffy and Ace are going after Moria
Ussop, Chopper, Robin, Skull, and Mirah are going after Nami
Zoro, Deuce, Franky, are going to help Brook.
Ora’s breaks the building sending Sanji, Skull and Usopp down.
Robin, Chopper and Mihar
fight against Dr. Hogback. Mihar trying to snipe the salt into Zoro, Deuce, Mihar, and Sanji’s zombies while Robin and Chopper try to set him up. (Part of me wants to put Deuce here because of Chopper’s rage at Dr. Hogback as a doctor. It might be fun to have the other doctor there as well, still making decisions)
Luffy and Ace
run ahead to fight Moria. And the fight really freaks Ace out, when Moria’s shadow appears all he can think of is the last fight he was in when a dark shape was throwing him around. He knows it’s not Teach but so a second he’s thrown off, it’s enough for Moria’s shadow to get a cheep shot in and for Luffy to step in to protect him. And now Ace is angry, at himself for having Luffy protect him, and at this creep for taking Luffy and the other’s shadows. (To be fair he was already mad about that)
The two of them are tied up trying to fight Moria.
still fight Perona on his own. As he is the only one in the group that her powers don’t work on.
still separates to go save Nami (but we’re going to cut his creep dream for the clear clear fruit.
Zoro, Franky, Brook, Deuce, and Skull
Zoro still fights Shimotsuki Ryuma. Franky and Deuce are moving Brook away from the fight. Deuce came along as a doctor to make sure the skeleton was okay. He’s not sure how he would treat Brook if he was hurt but he wanted the option. Skull is with them too and he’s having the best time watching Zoro fight.
Ora arrives
Luffy’s shadow finally combines with Ora and he returned to Moria.
And isn’t it disturbing for Ace to hear his baby brother’s voice, distorted as it is, coming from that monster.
Moria attached not just the Strawhat’s bounty posters but also Ace and the Spade’s.
Ace and Luffy still chase after Moria but everyone else get attacked by Ora.
Fighting Ora
They are all fighting Ora but they are struggling. Franky decides to try out his “Docking” plan. Usopp and Chopper know what’s going on but no one else does. Zoro and Sanji get roped in, but Robin refuses. Deuce and Mirah can’t believe what they are looking at. Franky, Chopper and Usopp call out for Robin to join them, but she refuses. Skull is very excited to take her place, but Ora punch’s Franky before he can.
Zoro’s embarrassed that he just didn’t ‘that’ leads the charge to actually attack Ora. And while the Spades are helping they are also blown away by just how strong this crew is as they knock Ora’s down.
But the giant gets back up. Franky decides to dock again. This time with only Usopp, Chopper, and an enthusiastic Skull. With Sanji’s help they get on top of the beast and start…. Kicking it? Deuce, Robin, Mihar, Zoro, and Sanji are embarrassed that these are their crew mates. But the four are able to get the beast to punch itself in the head so a win a win.
They realize that the thing still acts like Luffy at times and the Strawhats use that to their advantage while the spades follow their lead.
Zoro makes the decision to fight Ora alone. He wants to win, while Usopp argues they should just trust in Luffy and Ace. Zoro does trust Luffy and Ace, but he knows Luffy is gullible. He looks to Deuce and asks if Ace is the same. Deuce says not nearly as bad as Luffy but he is a hot head who rushes in without thinking. Zoro nods and explains that they have to beat Ora. They only have half an hour until sunrise. Beating Ora will give Luffy more time to fight Moria. Even if the sun rise kills Zoro, Sanji, Mihar, and Deuce they will at least have give Luffy the opportunity to win. (Zoro’s idea)
The realization that they are going to burn to death hits Deuce, Mihar, and Sanji like a truck but they all agree to keep fighting. Zoro and Sanji won’t lose their captain. Deuce and Mihar won’t let Ace lose his little brother.
Kuma’s arrival.
He still runs into Nami at the Sunny, sending Perona away.
He asked Nami if it’s true that Stawhat Luffy has a brother, to which she responds and asks if he means Ace.
Now here’s where I need some ideas. How does Teach get to warlord status?
He didn’t. But he told them about Ace’s relationship with to Luffy
He got it by revealing Ace’s heritage and relation to Luffy making both their bounties sky rocket as Teach told the government that Luffy was Ace’s biological brother
Marcos came after him after Ace and the Spades checked in with the Whitebeard. He and teach battled and Marcos lost.
Or a different idea all together (please send me ideas)
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shewrites02 · 7 months
The Crow's Nest | Zoro x Sanji |
Summary: Friends who sometimes cuddle... who are maybe in love
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A/N: The setting is pre and post WCI so if you would like to avoid spoiler save this fic for later.
Request: Open
Word count: 8.1k
Leave a comment if you enjoy :)
Two Months Before
The crows nest is quiet, illuminated only by the stars that gleam brightly in the open sky. Zoro can't help but let his mind wander in the deafening silence. Thinking of how he hadn't even realized how willfully he has settled into their routine, how he has become more fond of sleeping on this wooden floor than his bed in the men's quarter. Fears what the implications of such may mean for him in the long run.
"I'm starting to think you're waiting for me mossy." Sanji teases. He wears a boozy smile as he approaches.
Zoro recognizes the red tinge that extends from his cheeks to his ears . A telltale sign that the cook had decided to indulge in the cheap sake he swore tasted of rubbing alcohol.
"You came looking for me!" Zoro retorts.
Zoro can smell the alcohol lingering on the cook when he bends at the waist to meet his face. The sake still wet on his lips, as though he needed one last swig to work up the courage to search for the ex pirate hunter. Sanji reaches his hand out, incidentally grazing Zoro's cheek with his knuckles then flicks his earrings.
"And you're always where I need you. Uh, Marimo?" Sanji whispers.
Zoro does not respond, won't entertain the cook's theatrics when they both know why he came. Instead he grabs Sanji's wrist before he can stand upright then urges the cook to the floor with him. Sanji can't help but give into the swordsman's touch. The sly smile Zoro wears makes it seem as if he knows this too. Sanji sit's between the swordsman's legs, in the most elegant way he can in his inebriated state , then rests his head against Zoro's chest.
"I sleep better when you're here." Zoro confesses.
Not necessarily an admission of guilt, but an answer to Sanji's inquiries nonetheless. Zoro strokes his hand through Sanji's blonde locks. Knows how much the cook loves his hair to be played with. Sanji listens to the soft inhales and exhales of the swordsman's breaths, finding comfort in the way he can feel the marimo's chest rise and fall.
"I missed you... Over these two years." The cook says breaking the comfortable silence that had surrounded the two of them.
"Oh, yeah?"
"I don't think a day passed that I didn't think about you."
In spite of Sanji not being able to see him, the swordsman still shifts his gaze to stare at the stars. Zoro feels the second his heart stops as it skips a beat, the heat that threatens to display on his cheeks.
"I missed you too." Zoro confesses. The words fall so softly they threaten to get swept up in the breeze.
Sanji snuggles closer, resting his back further into Zoro's chest. He tightens the hold his arms have around the cook's shoulders in response. He can't help the content grin that settles on his lips. Decides it's the alcohol that has him reminiscing. Thinking of how he had waited two long years to feel this again. At home. Back where he belonged, surrounded by his found family. While the cook laid in his arms drifting in and out of his stupor, Zoro can't help but think how much better it feels than he imagined.
"You're so warm." Sanji mumbles.
"That why you always come searching for me curly?" Zoro whispered teasingly. His lips grazing over his ear softly. "Need the sake to tell me you want me to hold you? Can't ask nicely?..."
"You know I won't turn you away. "
"Fuck you!" Sanji buries his face in the swordsman's chest, Embarrassed to show him just how flustered his words made him. "I-I'm just drunk."
"Right curly." Zoro places a small kiss to the back of his head. "Just drunk."
One Month Before
"You fucking dumbass!" Sanji grumbles shoving his mittened hands underneath his armpit with the intent to warm them. The ice cold air reddens his pale skin despite the beanie and earmuffs he wears. "If you can't make it back why the fuck do you keep wandering off?"
"I could've made it back!" Zoro defends.
"You still couldn't make it back on your own if there wasn't a snow storm!" Sanji snarls.
He is relieved to see the swordsman alive opposed to an ice statue of himself. Although, he wishes the pirate had just an ounce of self awareness to admit that navigation will never be one of his strong suits. When asked how he had planned to find his way back to the sunny Zoro simply states he was going to turn around and walk in the opposite direction. When Sanji tries to explain it isn't that simple, that his tracks had been obscured by the ever present snowfall, Zoro just crosses his arms against his chest mumbling in objection.
"We're still lost!" Zoro grumbles.
The cold wet flurries fall down in blankets coating the parkas they both wear. The snowfall has quickened in pace since Sanji first found Zoro. What had started out as ankle high has grown to the pirates' shins , forcing them to plow through the cold with each step.
"Look dumbass!" Sanji points to what looks to be an inn up ahead. "We'll stop for the night. Hope that some of the snow melts by morning."
Sanji pushes the door to the room open with a deep exhale, feeling relief at having some solace from the blistering cold. Even in the absence of the breeze he feels the need to drag his hands up and down his jacket sleeves to feel the glorious heat of friction. Zoro wastes no time getting comfortable, stripping out his snow covered jacket then draping it on the back of the only chair before going to take off his boots.
"There's only one bed." Sanji announces as though he has just taken notice.
Zoro can't help the crooked smirk that appears consequently . There's a chuckle that threatens to morph into a full blown laugh stuck in his throat, but the swordsman swallows it when he sees the genuine stress the situation has brought the cook.
"What? Now we can't sleep together?" Zoro retorts.
The red tinge the cold has left on Sanji's face deepens to more of a crimson. His eyes dart around the room looking for something to settle on that wasn't Zoro and his intense stare.
The itty bitty room doesn't leave many options. Besides the lone cushioned antique chair Zoro was leaning against, the only other furniture that remained was: the bed centered on the wall to his left, a night stand beside it with a lamp, and a dark patterned rug beneath his feet. Sanji chooses the tattered rug.
He is almost surprised at the way his chest clenches at Zoro's words. The physical reaction at the mere implication of those habitual nights where he would drunkenly seek out the swordsman's comfort with only the stars as witnesses. When he would revel in how warm Marimo's body was against his and shelter in the safety he found cradled in his arms. The nights that never found their way to daybreak.
"It's- this is different." Sanji insists.
"Would you like me to get you a bottle of sake to make it easier?"
Zoro's lips curl into a smile that almost fools the cook into believing it's a sincere question. For a moment he considers the offer. Thinks the burn of the alcohol may mask the burn of his cheeks, but quickly dismisses the thought of allowing the swordsman anywhere near the snow unaccompanied.
Zoro allows the question to dissipate into the air when the cook doesn't answer. Decides crawling under the warmth of the covers was better than standing here arguing about a decision that in his mind had already been made.
"Y- You really don't mind?" Sanji asks.
"Cook." Zoro pushes his palm into the mattress, and extends his arm to lift his torso before glancing over at Sanji. "Get in the bed."
Sanji begins to unzip his jacket and allows it to rest alongside Zoro's on the dusty chair. A chill runs down his spine when he removes the beanie and earmuffs reminding him of just how much he despised the cold. With another rub up and down his shoulders Sanji approaches the bed and hesitantly lays beside the swordsman. Zoro takes this as a cue to turn off the bedside lamp that illuminated the room allowing the dark to engulf them.
Sanji tosses and turns in the hotel sheets, can't seem to get comfortable with this chill still in the air. He tries to be still, doesn't want to disturb the marimo next to him, but even now as he rubbed his ice cold feet together pulling the blankets tight to his chin, there was no relief.
"Are you cold?" Zoro finally asks the fidgety cook.
Sanji takes a moment to reply, trying to decipher if his restlessness had in fact come from the chill in the air or if it could be his proximity to the green haired pirate.
Sanji can feel the mattress shift beneath him as Zoro rolls over to wrap his arm around him, drawing him into his chest before letting a sigh fall from his lips onto the back of Sanji's neck. The cook thinks it almost sounds like relief, but tries not to think much of it. Just thankful to have his added warmth to protect him from the cold.
"I- is this okay?" Zoro whispers. "it's just- you always say I'm warm."
The vibration of his voice reverberated through every bone in the cook's body. There's an uncertainty to the swordsman's whispers making him speak so gentle and sweet, a cadence Black Leg has never heard before. It leaves him wondering what he would have to do to hear the swordsman talk to him like this every night.
"Yeah." Sanji rests his hand on top of the swordsman's, trying to resist the urge to face him. To stop himself from burying his head in the space where Zoro's shoulder meets his neck and resting there for the night.
"This is okay."
Two Weeks Before
The sound of Brook's violin fills the open air, the Strawhats' singing carries their joyful cheers. Zoro can hear them from the crow's nest. He laughs at Luffy being the loudest when he clearly didn't know many of the words . The first mate is a little surprised that the sound of Nami telling the captain to shut up hasn't followed suit. He blames the copious amounts of alcohol flowing on the deck for her sudden tolerance.
Zoro hears the footsteps as they approach. Knows who's coming by the way they clack against the wood. The cook. He stands in the doorway with a tipsy grin. A cigarette hangs loosely in his mouth. He stops as though he is waiting for Zoro to invite him in. As if he doesn't want to intrude or interrupt. A politeness that seemed to only wake in the lonely hours of the night.
"Smoke break?" Zoro asks, giving the cook the permission he is so desperate for.
Sanji walks in stopping at the end of the marimo's sprawled legs. His silence forces the swordsman to open his eye to greet him. The cook has a hand behind his back . A sheepish smile adorns his face as he hesitantly rubs the back of his neck .
"I was looking for you."
Zoro frees his hands from behind his head to scoot up right against the wall. A bit suspicious of what the blonde may have hidden. Sanji takes a deep breath, as if preparing himself, then extends out his hand. A white box stares back at the swordsman. It takes him a moment to grasp it from Sanji, isn't quite sure if the gift is genuinely his or not. Inside the box was a couple bow tied bottles of sake, onigiri , and polish for his precious swords.
When Zoro's eye meets Sanji, the cook tries to discern the expression on his face. Isn't sure if it's bliss or disappointment that lingers in his eye. Then a crooked smile falls on Zoro's lips.
"You did all this for me?"
"Yeah, you always help me with groceries, it's a thank you."
Zoro hums, accepting the cook's explanation for now. He takes out a bottle of Sake and pops the cap off to take a chug. The crooked smirk he wears is a full smile when he feels how easily the liquor slides down his throat. The cook had splurged for the good sake, sick of the cheap crap he swears Zoro is too fond of. He uses the back of his hand to wipe the excess from his lips before extending the bottle out to Sanji, urging him to take a drink. When Black Leg grants his request Zoro clasps his wrist before he has an opportunity to draw it back.
"Stay with me."
Sanji's eyes soften as he melted into the swordsman's touch, like he has done every time. The cook complies with his orders, taking a seat beside Zoro. He then brings the bottle to his lips taking a swing, revels in the good pick he's made.
"No more cheap shit?" Zoro jokes noticing the blonde doesn't wince at the burn.
"God Marimo, it was time you elevate your taste."
Sanji passes the bottle back to Zoro. He notes the deep blush that's bloomed on the blonde's face. It's Zoro's turn to let out a boisterous laugh.
"How about you elevate your tolerance."
"I'm not a lightweight!" Sanji protest in return. Regardless of never having beat the allegations from any of his other crewmates. Zoro gives a complacent hum nudging Sanji to pass him the bottle.
The swordsman wraps his arms around the cook's shoulders to draw him closer. Sanji rests his head against Zoro's shoulder in response. The room has fallen quiet, only the sounds of their breaths can be heard. Zoro inches his hand over to rest on top of Sanji's, squeezing softly at the warmth of his skin against him. the swordsman is holding out. Waiting to see if the cook will ask the question one of them has to.
Sanji takes a big gulp from the bottle before passing it back to Zoro. His eyes shut close as if what he will do next might physically hurt him.
"Can I... Sit in your lap?" The cook whispers.
A smile graces Zoro's lips. He understands what the chef is asking, assumes that these words come easier than the ones he had expected.
"You know I won't turn you away. "
Sanji doesn't respond, just moves to position himself so he could lay comfortably in the swordsman's lap. Zoro wraps his arms around him, caressing his thumb along Sanji's arms. The cook lays staring up at him adoringly. Sanji reaches his hand out to rub the side of Zoro's face. When the ex pirate hunter looks down to meet his gaze , the cook looks away.
"Hey, curly." Zoro taps Sanji's cheek lightly to bring his eyes to him. "This gift wouldn't have anything to do with what I said at dinner a few nights ago, would it?"
"I already told you what it was for." Sanji scoffs.
"Yeah, yeah you did." Zoro chuckles. "Now I'm asking if you lied to me."
Laughs spilled from the galley out onto the deck of the sunny before dissolving into the breeze of the night. The Strawhats gather at the kitchen table , unable to pull themselves from the dinner conversation that had stretched way past the evening .
It had started when one of Robin's stories stumbled upon the mention of an ex. One who had bought her many of the lavish items she owned now. The crew had gone around the table, each sharing the best gifts they've received from a romantic partner.
"What about you Zoro?" Robin asked "What's the best gift you've ever gotten from a partner?"
Eyes fell on the swordsman expectantly. Zoro shrugged bringing the ale filled glass to his lips to take a drink. The silence answered for him.
"You've never been gifted anything?" Sanji asked with a mirthful smile plastered on his face.
Zoro felt the eyes more intently than he did before. Acutely aware everyone was awaiting his answer. The air suddenly felt warm against his clammy skin. His eyes glanced about deciding if he should be honest or not.
Zoro wasn't ashamed of his romantic inexperience . Didn't believe his lack of relationship history spoke to anything remotely relevant. He had been far too focused on his dream to get caught up in something so trivial as a relationship. But with the shit cook staring back at him- Zoro could already imagine the teasing he'd hear.
"They're isn't anyone in my past that I'd consider a partner." He answered truthfully.
His crewmates lingered on him, deciding if they'll accept his answer. Prior to coming to a consensus ,Sanji's head tilted back and he let out a boisterous laugh. The sound like screeching on a chalkboard to Zoro's ears.
"Damn Mosshead, don't tell me we're the only ones willing to put up with you."
"Fine , fuck!" Sanji lets out an exasperated sigh. "I- I like the idea of being one of your firsts."
The confession makes Zoro's heart clench in a way he's unfamiliar with. He knows it is the liquor that coaxes the cook's confession but he also knows its truths that spill from his lips. Zoro doesn't know how to catch himself before he's leaning down. The instinctual movement of his body overrules his mind's objections. He is astonished to see the cook leaning forward to meet him, their lips crashing into each other.
Sanji clings fervidly to the swordsman's chest. An attempt to stabilize himself, dare the marimo consume him whole. Zoro kisses him as though his life depends on it. Searches for his breaths in the cook's lungs like he'd die in this moment where the two to separate. He cups the blonde's cheeks, not wanting to allow him an escape. won't let the end come before he's satiated his appetite.
"You can have all the firsts I have left to give." Zoro mumbles against his lips. There's a string of saliva that keeps them connected when they part. Zoro places his forehead against the cook's, smiling innocently.
"You know what that means right?" He asks. "You're mine now."
One week After
Nami wraps her arms fervently around Luffy's neck. He has no time to catch himself, brace, before they both crash to the ground. She cradles her head where the captain's shoulder meets his neck. Trying to hide her face from the rest of her crewmates. The sound of her cries reach their ears before her voice.
"I'm sorry." She clenches her eyes shut. "Sanji- he's gone."
The forest that was previously filled with cheers, only houses the sobs of the navigator. She gives Luffy one last tight squeeze, a silent plea, before she sits back on her heels to face her captain. Nami tries to use the back of her hands to stop her tears. Wiping at her face to no avail. The crew is silent. Knocked of the breath they would've used to gasp. The sounds of the doctor's cries come next as he begins to speak.
"We couldn't stop him." He sobs. "Luffy we're so sorry."
Zoro's heart threatens to rip free from his chest the way it thumps so violently. Sweat starts to bead at his brow while his hands get clammy. Gone? The cook? Zoro refused to believe it. Not when the two of them stand before him unharmed. There's a scowl involuntarily placed on his face, though the first mate doesn't do much to hide it.
"What do you mean?" Robin is the first to break the uncomfortable silence. "Nami, we need the details."
The navigator cries her way through the past eleven days on Zou. Ends with the circumstances of The cook's departure. Told how they implored Sanji to stay. Told him he didn't have to do it alone. But the cook was insistent it was his burden to bear. They looked at Luffy with broken eyes that spoke their apologies.
"I begged him not to leave us." Nami weeps. "Im s-"
"It's not your fault." Luffy pulls the navigator into his chest to reassure her. "I'm not disappointed."
When the two separate, the minks offer a private area to allow the newcomers to settle in. After excusing themselves from what seems to be an emotional reunion. Once in the privacy of the wooden walls Luffy inquires about the note, wants to read the words for himself.
I've gotta go see a woman. I'll be back'
Luffy hands the paper back to his navigator, having seen enough. Zoro snatches the note from Nami's hands before she has the opportunity to offer it. The paper trembles nervously between his fingers as if it's afraid of how the swordsman will react to its contents. Two sentences- Two. All the explanation he felt the crew was worthy of - That Zoro was worthy of. The intrusive thoughts force Zoro's hand before he has the chance to corral them. He crumples the paper to a ball and drops it to the floor.
"He said he's coming back." Frank says , although it comes out as more of a question. Looking to see if his words will assuage the grief his crewmates feel.
"He's not coming back." Zoro announces before walking out the door. Letting It slam close behind him. He can feel the rage swell in his chest, threatening to pop with the fragility of a water balloon. They had begged him to share what he had been told, tearful and desperate. Passionately pleading to help him. The cook chose to walk away. Not even Nami's tearful eyes swaying his decision.
"Are you okay?" Nami approaches cautiously with Luffy trailing behind her.
"He has a job on this crew and he fucking abandoned us!'
"We're going to get him back." Luffy chimes in, a reassuring grin rests on his lips.
"Fucking leave him." Zoro mutters. He plops on the forest floor allowing his back to rest against the tree behind him. "He can go. I don't care."
"No?" Nami holds up the crinkled ball that was formerly Sanji's note.
Zoro's gaze briefly lingers on the paper in her hand, before he shuts his eyes. His arms cross against his chest. He tucks his swords close to his side then turns his head forward. Nami huffs at his complete dismissal of her disguised as him feigning sleep. She drops the note to the floor rolling her eyes as she walks away.
"I know you're worried about him, you don't mean that." Luffy teases. The mirth in his tone deepens the frown on Zoro's face.
The captain knows nothing of what has transpired between his cook and his swordsman. Has no idea of the relationship they share outside of him. However, He does know that Zoro cares about Sanji. Despite his protests. So he would allow Zoro to wallow, feel his feelings under the guise of sleep. With that Luffy walks away.
Dark has fallen, and the marimo has yet to move. Still laid against the tree outside their private residence. Arms behind his head with his legs extended out in front of him. Usopp and Luffy have both come to urge the swordsman to come join them at the fest. Spoke of the generous display the minks have laid out for them in hopes to sway him. Said there's enough liquor for the swordsman to drink his weight in sake. He does not leave. The idea of celebrating while Sanji was going through god knows makes him nauseous.
"Still not sleeping?" Robin asks.
"Hard to fall asleep when I keep getting interrupted."
"My apologies." She giggles. "I just came to bring you these."
The swordsman opens his eye to finally address his crewmate. Her blossomed arms carry barrels of sake . She wears an innocent smile on her face , but Zoro sees the grief behind her eyes. Understands it's the heartache that has motivated her actions. She drops the barrels alongside the pirate then gives him a wave goodbye.
The first sip burns wonderfully down his throat. Relaxes his shoulders, though he didn't know he was tensing them. He wishes it would settle his thoughts in the same way. Stop the montage of the nights he and the cook shared cuddling in the crow's nest. The sweet words Sanji would let besottedly fall from his lips when only Zoro could hear. They all haunt him so vividly.
Zoro wonders what memories may accompany the name the cook has never spoken- what about "Vinsmoke" made Sanji so secretive. Made him so willing to abandon him. The thought plagues Zoro's heart. The cook is out there going through this alone, when Zoro would've stood by his side raging the storm with him. He wants to consider the pain Sanji must be feeling having had to walk away from his friends so abruptly, but all Zoro's body gives him is rage. That shitty cook. He never had to do it alone. Why couldn't he wait for him?
Three Weeks After
Sanji forgot how just the sight of his kitchen could bring his heart so much comfort. Likens the feeling to his return to Sabaody, though he had much rather be returning from Momoiro island than his obligatory family reunion. While he glides his knife against the chopping board, preparing for tomorrow's breakfast, the cook can't help but stare at the banded indentations on his wrist. A parting gift from the Vinsmokes. He swallows hard, squeezing his eyes closed as if forcefully pushing the memories of the gold bands from his brain.
"Straight to work your first night back cook?" Robin asked as she walks into the galley. Two books tucked under her arm as she retreats from the deck.
"Having a captain like Luffy doesn't leave much of a choice." The cook chuckles.
"Nonetheless, it's good to see you where you belong- Oh."
Robin's eyebrows raise to her temples. She reaches for one of the books beneath her arm then sprawls it open on the counter for Sanji to see. The book has a large rectangular sized cavity in the center, bordered by jagged edges from the roughly hollowed out paper. The cavity houses a bottle of booze. Sanji recognizes the green bow that's tied around its neck. the bow he had tied around the neck.
Sanji looks up at the archeologist through his hair, fearful of what his expression may give away if he were to address her head on. Still Robin wears a sincere smile, her eyes free of any ill will or malevolence.
"Apparently the swordsman has hid booze all over the Sunny, I found this in the library." She slides the book toward Sanji before continuing. "Maybe you could return this to him for me."
"W-why would you assume I know where that dumbass Moss Ball is?"
"Well, Don't you?"
Sanji doesn't have to look in the mirror to see the blush that has bloomed on his face. His accelerated heart rate plus the sweatiness of his armpits are indicators enough of his embarrassment. Robin flashes the cook one last smile before turning on her heels to exit the kitchen. Sanji stares at the Sake bottle. Dares to open it and take a few sips just to settle his nerves. In the end the cook decides against it. Doesn't have the heart to sully a gift he bought for the swordsman. Instead he grasps the bottle by the neck, a heavy sigh falling from his lips then departs the galley.
When Sanji reaches the Crow's nest the pirate is exactly where he thought he would be. Back leaned against the wall, staring into the stars of the night sky. The cook is hesitant to walk in, doesn't know how to face the swordsman after the way he left.
"Cook." Zoro calls out.
He can sense the lingering presence of the chef outside the door. Usually the swordsman would allow him to simmer, wait and build the courage on his own to enter but Zoro had waited two long weeks to lay eyes on the cook. He would not wait any longer.
Sanji saunters in with the bottle in hand. His expression rid of any hesitation he may have had earlier. The sight of The mosshead waiting for him makes it impossible to contain his crooked grin. There was a moment where Sanji thought he'd never feel this again. Safe. Desired. Wanted. All the things the swordsman made him feel so effortlessly.
"Robin found something of yours." Sanji taunts.
Zoro doesn't waste time with their usual back and forth. Doesn't feign ignorance acting as if he wasn't sitting there waiting for the cook to seek him out. Waiting to accept whatever excuse he had conjured for his visit.
Zoro grasps Sanji's wrist before he can offer him the bottle. Pulls him forward until he bends at the waist to meet Zoro's face. The swordsman leans in to passionately place a kiss to Sanji lips, tangling his free hand in the blonde's strands fervently. The green haired pirate's grasp is tight on the cook, fearful he would run off again were he to let go. A silent ask to never leave him again.
When Zoro finally pulls away the chef inhales deeply. Attempting to fill his lungs of the air the swordsman has stripped him off. Doesn't know what to say now that he doesn't have the booze to grease his tongue. Sober mind fails him as he draws a blank.
"I'm so fucking pissed at you." Zoro whispers. His hold on the cook keeps him close enough to feel the breath of his words fall onto his cheeks. The chef tenses. "...But that can wait til the sun comes up."
Zoro draws the cook in for another kiss.
"I missed you."
Sanji has to blink back the tears that threaten to swell in his eyes. Part of him feels as though he doesn't deserve how tinderly the swordsman is handling him. how softly the words fall from his lips. Another part, a bigger part, revels in the warm welcome. Swells at the words of endearment, loved hearing that the marimo was happy to see him.
Sanji doesn't ask the swordsman permission, or wait for him to pull him down before he sits in between his legs. Zoro instinctively wraps his arm around Sanji's shoulder, his hold tighter than usual.
"You'll open that for me?" Zoro tilts his chin toward the bottle still tight in Sanji's grasp.
"Why did you keep the bow on?" Sanji asks as he pops the top off. "Especially if you were gonna hide it in the library, dumbass!"
"Why would I take it off?" Zoro's brows furrow into a frown. "You gave it to me like this."
Stated so simply like the cook should've come to the conclusion himself. Sanji can't help the chuckle that falls from his lips, in spite of his intention to scold the pirate. Then a thought dawns.
"Are the other bottles hidden too?"
Zoro doesn't answer, just takes a large gulp from the bottle .
Five weeks Later
"Do you think he's okay?" Usopp whispers to the navigator. They sit at the table, eyeing Sanji as he plates the food on the kitchen counter. She narrows her eyes to concentrate her focus on the seemingly normal cook.
"I don't know... This is the fifth big meal he's made in two weeks. Think he's stress cooking?" Nami responds.
"Well, that would explain why he spends every waking moment in here now." Usopp brings his hand to his chin, making a show of stroking it in thought. "You th-"
"He's fine." Zoro snaps before Usopp has the opportunity to continue.
The pair cease their gossiping, turning their tight lips toward the swordsman to display their disapproval of his tone. He cares none about hurting their feelings, is more concerned with their observations. If the cook's odd behavior has already begun to catch the eye of the others, he is worse off than Zoro had initially thought.
"Shrimp tempura!" Sanji announces replacing the empty platter on the table with the fresh one. Luffy lets out an excited squeal moving quickly to snatch the food as if someone is competing with him for it.
"This is so good Sanji!" The captain praises with a full mouth. "It's so good to have you back!"
"It really is Sanji. You've been feeding us so well since you've returned." Robin adds.
The others chime in with a chorus of complements. Sanji wears a shy grin on his lips.
"It's nothing guys, really. I'm glad you all are enjoying the food."
The cook shoves the sleeves of his blue button up to his elbows, preparing to face the hoard of dishes that remained from dinner.
"Do you want help?"
The swordsman grabs the clean dish towel off the counter, and stands to the left of the cook. Sanji passes over the freshly cleaned plate in response. For a short time the two work in silence. Slowly, but diligently chipping away at the pile. Regardless of the serenity, the green haired pirate's concern hangs in the air.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine." Sanji sighs.
Zoro gives a soft nod at his answer. The exact same answer he'd gotten the first time he asked the chef... and the second. Zoro doesn't mean to badger him, but he is watching how not fine the cook is with every passing day.
"The others think that you're stress cooking." Zoro states plainly. Though it's brief, He notes the way the cook's hands tense at his words before continuing to scrub away at the pot.
"I know that I've put you guys through a lot. I'm sorry about how you all had to find out about my family. Really, I'm sorry. " Sanji glances over with a crooked smile on his face. "But you guys don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm back. I'm fine."
Zoro takes the pot that Sanji hands over to him, the final of the pile.
"I have a bottle of sake... if you want to share." Zoro invites. The words are so gentle they risk not making it to the cook's ears. Zoro reaches for his hand, an attempt to draw him close, but Sanji pulls away before he has the opportunity. Fetching a dry towel for his wet hands to disguise the rejection.
"I think I'm going to call it a night." the cook declines.
Zoro can only identify the burning crushing feeling in his chest as anger. Maybe doesn't want to admit it's embarrassment. Despite the name, the pain stings the swordsman all the same. He takes a step back allowing space between the two of them. Waiting for Sanji to say something.
It is like the cook is frozen in time. Cowering in place. Speechless, not even able to meet the swordsman gaze.
Wordlessly, Zoro leaves to head to the crows nest.
Later that night, when Sanji pushes through the galley door he is surprised to see his kitchen already illuminated. Immediately gets a sinking filling that Luffy has tried to ravage the fridge again. Hopes that his captain hasn't settled on the pantry after releasing the cook has changed the password to the padlock... again.
Upon investigation he finds the swordsman laid across the couch , bow tied sake in hand, with his leg crossed over his bent knee.
"It's the middle of the night, shouldn't you be in your coveted crow's nest?"
"You want me to leave?" Zoro asks sarcastically, as if he was actually going to offer the cook a choice. Although Sanji ignores him, he continues to speak.
"You can't sleep."
It's not posed as a question. Does not linger to see if the cook will confirm or deny. It is fact as Zoro speaks it.
"You're watching me sleep now Mosshead?" Sanji lets out a dismissive laugh. "I'm fine."
Zoro narrows his eye at the cook then turns to stare up at the ceiling taking another swig of his sake. Sanji reaches for the cookbook on top of the fridge and begins to aimlessly flip through the pages.
Aside from Sanji's first night back, the two have not shared any more nights in the crow's nest. Instead Sanji lays in his single bed in the men's quarters. This Zoro could tolerate. If the cook had begun to favor his bed to the wooden floor in the crow's nest , Zoro could tolerate that. If there wasn't going to be any more drunken confessions, no more besottedly exchanged touches, or nights that turned into day too soon- The swordsman could tolerate that, but what he could not tolerate was watching how the cook deteriorates in front of him.
Zoro could hear how he tossed and turned throughout the night, till his muffled cries or light tremors woke him up.
The swordsman wonders what demons may haunt the cook's dreams, what kind of monster could send the cook into such a state of fear. Wants to show the cook that monsters can be slain, that he had earned the title of demon hunter for a reason.
"Are you having nightmares?" Zoro asks. "Is that why you can't sleep?"
"I know your ears work dumbass, didn't I just say I'm fine." Sanji barks.
Zoro sits up from his laid position. Using his forearm to wipe away the excess alcohol from his lips. He watches as Sanji aimlessly flips through the weathered pages. His hair has fallen in his face shielding his eyes from the swordsman.
"You're really not going to tell me anything..."
"Drop it Marimo!"
"Drop it-" Zoro sucks in through his teeth. "You're cooking all this food to just not eat yourself. You won't hang out with us, it's like you're always hiding in the kitchen... you won't even let me touch you!"
Sanji has to hold his body firm so as not to wince at the words Zoro tries incredibly hard not to shout at him. He can see it in his eye, Zoro's patience was thinning with each tug on his heart strings.
"Sanji..." Zoro pleads. His expression was stern, unwavering, desperate as he stared at the cook.
"I know I put you through a lot. I'm sorry about how you had to found out about my family, but you don-"
Zoro can't stop himself. The rage of hearing the cook mutter the same apology for the fourth time clouds his thoughts. The bottle he has clasped in his hands is flying through the air. It hits the wall with a loud crash before exploding into a million tiny pieces. There is a gaping hole Franky will have to repair in the morning.
"I don't give a fuck about that Sanji! The name Vinsmoke means nothing on this ship! " The swordsman has no restraint left to keep himself from yelling. "And don't you dare fucking say we don't have to worry about you."
Zoro sees the way Sanji flinches at his words. Notes how the cook retreats further away from him. His eyes glued to the floor as if the pirate would turn him to stone if they met. Zoro takes a deep breath running his right hand down his face. Guilt quickly replacing the rage he felt.
"I want to let you have your secrets Sanji. I really do." Zoro woefully professed. "But- why can you only trust me in the crows nest?"
"A few drunken nights don't make me your responsibility!"
"A few drunken nights?" Zoro repeats the words to be sure he heard them correctly. Wills the cook to correct him with imploring eyes.
"That's what I am to you? A few drunken nights."
In this moment, Zoro wants nothing more than to be able to say he couldn't have cared less about the marriage the cook was previously being forced into. Say that he was unmoved by Sanji's two sentence goodbye letter. That the cook's sudden disappearance hadn't completely disrupted his life in Zou. But no amount of lies could stop the grueling heat that starts to eat its way up his skin at the silence.
Zoro doesn't want to be angry, or hurt but as he stares at Sanji who can't even glance his way, that's all that he felt.
Six Weeks After
Something is off. Everyone could feel it. The uncomfortable air that envelops the sunny grows thicker day by day. A tension so pliable it could be cut with a butter knife.
Regardless of the sun that shines bright in the clear skies, Robin and Nami are the only two brave enough to take refuge on the deck. Zoro had isolated himself in the crow's nest with the excuse of an extensive training regime, spitting venom at those who dared to interrupt him. Sanji had found himself shrouded in the kitchen, frustratedly prepping for the day's meals. The others had dispersed amongst the ship trying their best to steer clear of the rivals. Fearing they too would get swept up in their clandestine conflict.
"Do you think they'll talk ?" Robin asks as She glances over at the navigator who sat in the chaise lounger beside her.
Nami is peering above the brim of her book ever so slightly to watch the swordsman approach the galley now that he has finally decided to leave the crows nest. She wonders, as the cook exits the kitchen, if this will be the moment that cracks their façade. Before she has an opportunity to relay her thoughts to Robin the chef collides with the swordsman.
Zoro stares at Sanji as if he is waiting for him to speak first. Like he is searching for an apology sufficient enough for more than an accidental bump. The cook takes a step back to create distance between them and no words leave his mouth. Zoro gives a disgruntled huff in response, not giving Sanji a second glance as he walks around him wordlessly. The cook looks back to get a glimpse of Zoro's shrinking figure then continues out the door rifling through his jacket pocket for a smoke.
Nami scoffed at the display, setting the book face down on the shared patio table. She drew in a sharp breath bringing her fingertips to pinch her nose at the bridge.
"They aren't even arguing..." She sighs.
"Well surely something must change. Even the captain is starting to notice." Robin warns.
It has almost been over a month since Sanji has returned to them. A month since he boarded the sunny and was met with gleeful smiles and heavy hearts. Even the swordsman had welcomed his return, but a different Sanji came home to them. Their vulnerable love sick cook was gone, and with him was his hidden affection for the swordsman.
Sanji glances back as the galley door opens. Luffy. The cook rolls his eyes then goes back to tending to his pots on the stove. He waits to hear the hunger pained whines of his captain asking when dinner is going to be ready. There is nothing. Instead Luffy stands beside him mindlessly staring into his skull.
"What?!" Sanji snaps.
"What's going on with you and Zoro?" Luffy asks bluntly, never one to have a skill for tact.
Sanji can feel the cascade of warmth beginning to spread across his skin at Luffy's interrogation. At the swordsman's mention. He brings the spoon to his lips to taste the broth, an attempt to buy time as his mind races as to what to tell his captain. Sanji had not wanted to lie to Luffy, saying that nothing was going on when the whole crew had been subjected to the consequences of his actions yet again. But there was no way the captain could grasp how loaded of a question he was asking. Sanji wasn't even sure he had an honest answer for Luffy.
"The dumbass is just mad. He'll get over it... We'll get over it." Sanji reassures, flashing a small smile as emphasis.
He hopes speaking the words aloud will manifest their existence. That there is a day in the future that the soft affection the swordsman's eye used to hold for him will return. That sweet words will yet again flow from Zoro's now venom coated voice. That Zoro will one day find it in his heart to forgive him.
Luffy looks unconvinced as he stares back at Sanji. His face displays neither a smile nor a frown . His brows neither raised nor furrowed. He just stares intently.
"Does it have to do with why there was a hole in the wall?"
Sanji looks back, the evidence of him and Zoro's skirmish erased by the handy work of their shipwright.
"I need both of you to be king of the pirates."
Sanji nods understandingly. An order not a request to fix his transgressions against the swordsman. An order the cook does not know how or if he can fulfill.
Zoro's back is turned when the cook walks into the crows nest. The swordsman is staring out at the sea, watching how violently the waves crash into the sides of the ship as it storms. Zoro knows he is there, the smell of cigarette smoke always fills the air whenever the chef is near.
"What?" Zoro asks. There is no malice in his tone but the hidden affection that used to coat his words is gone.
"You want to know what happened... What they did to me?" Sanji asks.
There's a waiver in his voice Zoro doesn't recognize. He turns to face the cook, sees the tears that are swelling in his broken eyes. The shake in his voice the threat of succumbing to tears.
"You want to hear how Judge threw me in a cage with an iron mask over my face? How my siblings would come down to beat the shit out of me?" In spite of his efforts Sanji's tears stream down his cheeks. "How I'm the embarrassment of the Vinsmoke family? Too weak- A failure- Good for nothing, worthl-"
Zoro had started to stalk toward Sanji the moment tears coated his cheeks. The distance between them closed in time to prevent any more blasphemous words from falling from the cook's lips. Zoro pinches Sanji's cheeks tightly between his fingers, forcing his gaze to him.
"You are not worthless! You are not an embarrassment, weak, or a failure! " Zoro growls. The green haired pirate's brows furrow tightly toward the center of his face. " You were a kid who needed protecting! They should've protected you!"
Sanji looks at Zoro wide eyed, his curly brows raised to his temples. His eye scatters the pirate's face, as if searching for something hidden in his expression. Seemingly shocked that he can't find what he is looking for.
"I'm not asking you to relive old memories, Sanji. You don't have to rip open healed wounds to prove to me your bleeding. I know you aren't okay." Zoro drops his hands from the cook's cheeks to intertwine their fingers, drawing Sanji in until their chests meet each other. "...Let me protect you."
Zoro gives the cook's hand a tight squeeze before releasing his grasp to wrap his arms around Sanji's shoulders. Sanji holds him in return, wrapping around the ex bounty hunter's torso. Once Zoro feels the cook relax into his touch he lets out a sigh of relief. Didn't think he had it in him to get rejected by the man again.
"Sanji..." Zoro whispers. "I'm sorry that people made you feel like you don't matter, like you aren't special, when you are the reason the sun rises in the morning and the moon shines at night."
Sanji nestles his head into the swordsman's chest, shielding his face from view. Zoro can feel the moment his demeanor shifts, the second his armor crumbles down around him. Sanji clings fervidly to Marimo's chest and weeps. His sobs are quiet, reserved only for the ears of the first mate.
"I see them every time I close my eyes." The cook mumbles. "It's dark, cold. I'm all alone."
Zoro rests his cheek on top of the cook's head. Whispers a hushed "Shh" at his statements.
"You aren't alone. I'm right here."
Once Sanji's tears have slowed, and his breath has returned to his lungs he pulls slightly from the swordsman. He snakes a hand around the nape of Zoro's neck to draw him closer. Wants to be sure the swordsman can hear the next words to come out his mouth.
"I'm so sorry Zoro. You mean so much more to me than a few drunken nights." Sanji leans in to press his lips against Zoro's. "I love you... Please- don't leave me."
Sanji looks up to meet Zoro's gaze. His expression riddles with the affection the cook had longed to see again. the swordsman's lips upturned into a heartfelt smile
"I wouldn't dream of it curly." Zoro whispers, he pulls at Sanji to bring him in again. "I love you too."
A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a like and a comment if you did I'm actually begging lmao.
Also as I am aware many of you know, there is a genocide in Palestine right now, and many are fervidly trying to flee to safety. Families are trying to come up with $5,000+ per person just so they won't be killed. If you enjoyed this fic and are able I ask that check out any ways you can help:
Donate to Families (2)
Alaloul Family
Jana Alashi
Mohammed Abujamous
A guide in other ways to help
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thefandomdirtymind · 10 months
I love your sanji fics so much it’s crazy, I was wondering if you could make an angsty sanji fic!!
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A/N IMPORTANT:  Hi anon ! Damn this one have make me doubts myself. Angst wasn't my strong suit but I had this idea about those mistake you made when your young and the result push me to ask myself what I would do in those kind of situation and how much a person can grow from his mistake. I also enjoy write more of Zeff, even adding a little Bonus scene. Thank you for your request !
Shout out again for : @alienstardustwrites !
Oregano and others things
Soundtrack : Mine by Kelly Clarkson
OPLA - Sanji
Warning: Angst, Cheating theme, young mistake, redemption
Sanji / OPLA Masterlist and Coming Soon
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
The water was agitated, making your little marchand boat tang a little more than to your liking. Taking a deep breath, watching the floating restaurant in front of you, you know what you have to do. You have to put your feet on that dock, wear the waiter uniform waiting for you, help Zeff with his understaffed problem and come back home. Simple, truly a walk in the park. All that and…avoid Sanji.
You came from a respectable family of fishermen and herborists selling their catch on the local market. Little girl, you were in charge of carrying the ice for the cold table and wrapping the customers' fish. You will always remember the day your parents had started making business with Zeff. The tall man, even sitting at the little table in the back of the stall, was imposing enough to at the same time scare you and make you curious. But, the little blond boy, only a few years older than you, following him like his shadow, intrigues you even more. 
As you grow up, gaining new responsibility in the shop, you soon regularly help your dad doing the delivery to the Barratie, having the chance to pass some time with Sanji. Their pretext being that you would both benefit from having somebody your own age around, even if it’s for a few hours when it was in reality, for them, a moment to share a drink and talk supplies. The young cook would usually profit from this occasion to make you taste his cooking and ask you many questions about your knowledge on fish. 
Adolescent, you had at many occasions,succeeded to sneak out of the not so watching eyes of the adult to respond to some question like only puberty could ask. Partner in crime for many first in your life, it was now hurting you like a knife in the wound to see him, an hour, a minute, a second.
Pushing the side door of the restaurant, many fabulous smells filling your nose, you quickly make your way to the changing room. Place which had welcomed many child games like Hide and Seeks and other less childish things like : what’s hiding under those clothes.    
It wasn't the first time that you were serving tables for the Baratie. Your loyalty was, of course, going to your family,putting them first. But often, in occasional need like this, you had accepted to cover some shift to help. However, it's been a few years since you came back here for more than an exchange of ingredients and money. But, like riding a bike, you could remember the important stuff and Zeff had assured your dad that nothing had changed. You wish you could have liked to say the same. 
Freshly changed, taking a nervous deep breath but confident,  you exited the room, not noticing the tall blond getting out of the kitchen, angrily putting back his suit jacket.
Sanji couldn’t believe it, it was the second time this week that Zeff was rejecting one of his creative plates, sending him to play the waiter. Didn’t the old man see that his mediocre menu was killing him, and making him serve tables was the ultimate insult. He was, after all, the best cook of all this shitty restaurant.     
A vision pushes him, half-way in a move to pick a fresh tray of rolled bread, to stop ruminating his dark cloud to instead freeze in place.  
A little writing pad in hand, you hair styled into a practical but elegant way, your old uniforme clinging to your curve, you were standing in front of a table of happy imbeciles ( ready to all order medium well prime ribs for sure he presume) who’s was devouring you with their eyes. But the worst, for Sanji, was your smile, a generic one but a rare sign he hadn’t had the joy to see for way too long. 
Seeing you like that, moving like a fish in the water around the tables, was bringing back the best and the worst moment of his life all at once,twisting his guts. And he knew exactly who to blame for that. 
Turning on his heels, returning in the busy kitchen, his footstep quick and stiff, he easily spotted his mentor. 
“ Zeff, why the hell is she here ?” Sanji asked, not feeling the need to clarify who ‘she’ could be. The old pirate already knew, of course, only him could have made her come to help as a waiter.
“ We’re under staff, little eggplant, she knows the job. Deal with it.” Zeff replied, his focus on inspection of the plates ready to go. 
“ Really, even after you know our history ? Let me bring back your ex here and tell you the same. Would you deal with it ? “ 
“ Ex and History” The old man crackle” Is that what you call your little pathetic teenage adventure ? Anyway,you’re welcome to try to bring my Ex here, but I encourage you to prepare yourself to freeze your arse off. The bottom of the sea is pretty cold, just like that fucking witch. “ 
“ We don’t need her. We can absolutely run the restaurant like we have always do “ 
“ Sure we can,little eggplant, but we run way better now that she is with us. Anyway for what you did to the poor girl you deserve to feel some guilt. Now stop whining and get out of my kitchen ! “ The chef cut the discussion crossing his arms, his expression dissuading any replies. 
His lips pressed in a thigh line, facing his second defeat of the day against the old man, Sanji makes his way to the double door, before stopping at only a few each of the exit, his breath stuck in his throat. 
Entering the overheated place, ready to ask for the order of your customers, you briefly meet his gaze, momentarily losing your smile, regaining it as you face Zeff. 
“ Four prime ribs…” You begin to say. 
“ Let me guess, medium well ?” Sanji sarcastically said from the doors.
“Medium well for table five “ You still finished trying to ignore his chuckles or the caress of his gaze on you after so long. 
“ Ignore him, little peach. Four prime rib mediums-well for table five !” Zeff advises you, before shouting the order. 
“ I do my best uncle…Chef “ You smile, remembering your kitchen manners.  
“ This table seems like a bunch of idiots, let me serve them for you “ The blond offered, his voice softened. 
“ I can handle them myself, thank you “ You coldly replied,leaving him behind, trying to regain control of your emotions. Even after all those years, your traitorous heart was responding to his presence.  
Making a stop at a few of your tables, seeing on the side Sanji do the same on his own. You gave table five their drink. It was obvious that those four weren't the best sailor sailing on the east blue. It was in fact, almost a miracle that people around them hadn’t complained since they were one of the most noisy tables around. But, you didn’t need his help, you will follow the plan even if the avoid part was now near impossible. 
“ two old fashioned, a whisky net, a beer and a long Island “ You enumerate, placing the drink in front of the right person, putting the last one in the middle. “ You’re order is place in the kitchen I will come back soon to give you your food” 
“ Wait pretty ! “The taller one exclaimed, pushing gently the long island in front of you “ This one's for you “
“ I’m sorry, I can’t accept it or drink on the job.” You declined,plastering a polite smile on your lips. 
“ Oh come on pretty, only a sip, we will not tell ! “ Another with greasy hair laughs. 
“ No thank you, Gentleman, I will come back with your order soon “ You firmly answer suddenly feeling the hand of the tall one grab you arm. 
“ It’s not polite, we had brought you something, you could at least drink a little of it with us.” 
Opening your mouth to put them back at their place, you hear Sanji behind you, his voice cold as ice. 
“ First of all, a gentleman should never force a lady or touch her without consent “ The blond tells, removing finger by finger the hand of the man on your arm. “ Second, the lady say no, drink yourself your poisonous gift and let her work in peace.”
“ Sanji, it’s okay, those gentlemen were about to lower their tone and let me go” You explain embarrassedly, looking around to see many side eyes enjoying the drama. Pirates, as well as most of people,were always fond of dramas.
“ Calm down, we are only trying to know her better “ The third protest, throwing to your Ex a dark gaze. 
“ Trying to know her,while she is stuck at serving you and already told you no.”
“ Sanji…” You tried. 
“ It isn’t a way to treat a lady forcing her to endure your deplorable attempt. Just face it, she’s too good for all of you” Sanji finished.
“ Oh, that’s it, you want her for you lover boy “ The taller laugh” Sorry to say it to you but at the gaze she give you, you seem to have less chance that’s us” 
“ Oh no, not at all. I already have the pleasure to kiss her sweet lips, even if she annoy by me, I could never be lower than you.” The blond smirked. 
“ That’s enough ! Gentlemen, I came back with your plate. Please lower your tone, you disturb the dining room and you,come with me !” You said,taking Sanji's hand, forcing his taller stature than yours to follow you in one of the storage rooms. 
The room, lit by a solitary lightbulb, was one you didn’t come to really often, only once in fact and it was that fatidical day. Surrounded by the many shelfs full of goods, you take three deep breaths before facing the only one you wanted to not face today. 
“This was ridiculous” You abruptly said“ Everything was under control and they didn’t have to know our past history.” 
“ Under control ? “ Sanji laughed,closing his eyes before tilting his head. “ Ma chérie, he gripped your arm. I know you hate that I was right about those idiot but I truly had help you there” 
“ I’m not your chérie, not anymore” You remind him, the old wound reopening slowly.
You could perfectly remember that day. You turned seventeen in two days and, as your birthday was approaching, your dad had promised you that you would be the one doing the delivery alone to the Baratie for now on. Excited about the news, you had sailed to tell Sanji the good news. But, as you had searched the kitchen, the dinner room and even climbed to his room, you couldn’t find him. It’s only when a cook told you he had seen him near the storage that you regain hope. However, as you were approaching the room, you didn’t have the force to go further.
His hands, who had so gently touched you, were locked around another girl's waist, his lips you loved so much pressed against hers. Only his gaze, enlarged in shock, was fixed on you. Tears were rolling on your cheeks without you even noticing that you were crying. The only thing you noticed was a piercing pain in your chest and your body reacting by himself, stepping away as Sanji was trying to reach you, calling your name, telling you that he was sorry. 
You hadn’t answered, running as fast as you can. This year, you didn’t make the delivery at the Baratie. It was only when your father felt sick that you finally take your place in the delivery bargain, only dealing with Zeff and no one else.  
“ You had broken my heart, Sanji, remember ? “ You painfully said, angry about yourself to hear a point of sadness in your voice.
“ Y/N I was young…” He sighs, guilt painting his trait.
But, as you were trying to calm your heart,years of anger filling your veins.
“ You were young…that's your excuse ?!” You spit, your hand turning into fist. “ After all those years, I was waiting for an explanation who’s never come, crying every night. I finally thought I was able to get over it but it was it...you were young ?…I was too ! “
“  I know I am the one at fault here but you weren't the only one to suffer” Sanji muttered, his gaze darken, refusing to meet yours “ I didn’t know why I did it, and would you have accepted to see me, talk to me ? Your father was looking at me like he wanted to gutter me like his fish and Zeff wasn’t better, kicking me everytime he heard you were crying, whether it was my fault or not ! “ 
“And for today ? If it should have one who doesn't want to see the other it should be me. So what’s your problem !?” You abruptly asked. 
“ My problems…My problems is that I hate having to fight everyday with Zeff about his shitty menu and I hate he put fucking oregano everywhere ! I hate that he has asked you to help knowing how it will make me feel, I hate how sexy you look in that uniform and the way that throws me back. I hate those guys who hit on you without knowing how a fucking brat you can be. “ 
Sanji answered, passing angrily his hand on his hair,planting his gaze in yours. 
“But I hate even more that I was scared of my feelings back then ! I was a coward okay, you were amazing I freak out ! I used to think about how to impress Zeff every day and night, new recipes or new knowledge to become the best chef but the only thing I was about to think about was you. If you would come with your dad the next day, would you enjoy my Risotto or hate it? Should I make you something sweet ? Did you enjoy our kisses as much as me? How can your skin be so soft under my hands or did my hand feel too rough? Did you think of me as much as I did of you? I was falling in love so fast with you but I knew I didn’t deserve you.”
Letting a sigh escape his lips as his voice takes a more annoyed or that is an embarrassed tone as he continues his confession. You couldn’t turn your gaze of his, mute by his raw feeling finally exposed. 
“Yet, the worst of all is that I hate the fact that I still do it after all those years. Every night I ask myself if you will be the one doing the delivery tomorrow, will I be able to have a glance of you or will you finally meet my gaze, will you stay mute like everytime or finally say hello and forgive me, that’s is my problems Y/N” 
You didn’t know at first what to say, anger having left his place to sadness. As you were standing both still. You could clearly tell by some details in his features and physics how much he had grown since the last time you had stood like that face to face. But being scared wasn’t a reason, neither erased his act or the pain you had endured. Worst, how could you trust him after all this. 
“ Well, at least after all this time, I have answers. Yes, I think about you everyday. But it also hurts me everyday,how could I trust you, I don’t know you anymore. The last time I was here we were young and you made the choice to hurt me. It’s too late for us,maybe we could try again someday, in another life. “
Leaving him behind, heading back to the restaurant level, trying to catch the tears from falling out of your eyes, you distantly heard Zeff asking you if everything was okay. Nodding of the head, putting back a smile on your lips, you take your orders and come back to the dining area. 
As the sun was pursuing its course, coloring the sky with a vibrant shade of orange, pink and purple. You gave a hug to Zeff, his smell, a mix of leather, sea salt and spice recomforting you.
“ Thank you for your help Little Peach. I know it wasn’t easy with…all this…but you truly help us today “ He tells, freeing you of his bear hug. 
“ I was glad to be able to help Uncle Zeff” 
Lifting his gaze to the restaurant, the old man seems to shortly struggle to find his words, playing nonchalantly with one of his braids.
“ Sanji isn’t a bad kid, a brat who made some terrible mistake, yes, but I think he really regretted what he had done. I made him regret it too for your sake of course, little Peach…But I saw how his mistake had made him grow. Sometimes you have to lose a treasure you thought was already yours to realize how important it was for you. “ 
“ I know Zeff “ You smiled, letting so many things go unsaid,trying not to cry again. After all, how do you explain to the old man that feeling of not knowing that man in a suit when you had only known him with a cook uniform or unable to knot a necktie.Or knowing perfectly why his loyalty to the pirate chef will forever prevent him from leaving the restaurant.“ Same hour tomorrow ? “ 
“ Like always” The old chef smiles, helping you step in your small boat, watching you leave his dock. “ Keep your feet dry “
A week later. 
The fresh air of the morning was filling your lungs. On the water, the fishing boat was immobile, painting a peaceful image succeeding alway to put you at ease. 
As you were preparing the stall, for your opening of the day, careful adjusting the spice jars on their little shelfs, waiting for the fisherman to bring your fresh fish, you heard a small cough. 
“ So it was you who sold all that oregano to the old man, “ Sanji's voice gently said, as if he was trying to not scare you away. 
Standing at only a few steps of you, a duffel bag on his shoulder, his suit and tie impeccable in the sleepy dock market, you take a full minute to process his presence. 
“ You had left The Baratie…” You shockingly said, more a realization of a thing you thought would never happen than a question. “ I mean, what are you doing here ?” You finally asked, still unsure if it wasn’t a trick of your brain. Young Sanji would never leave the restaurant or miss an opportunity to learn kitchen tricks, other than for necessary utility.
“ Yes, Zeff had sent me as a return of favor for the help you gave us and I didn’t protest” He replied, taking a few precautionary steps, the idea that you still could decide to attack him by throwing one of the jars at his face, not far in his brain. “His precise words were to work my ass off or be ready to have my butt kicked. Look, I know that I mess up everything and I will regret it all my life. But I’m well intended to work right today and prove to you that we can maybe have a…fresh start ? “ 
“ A fresh start “ You repeat, considering the idea. Even if nothing could change the past, you had, in the last week, known that climbing to it now that you had your answers wouldn’t help you in any aspect of your life. And, now that miracle seems to happen, it was maybe all you need. “ You will not say to the clients that oregano is for savages, is that clear ? “ 
“ Even if it’s the truth ? “ He asked, an amused smile playing on his lips. “ We will have to review the quantity you send to the restaurant it’s way too high “ 
“ You really have a problem with it are you “ You let yourself joke. 
"Hadn’t hated another herbs as much as this one, “ Sanji replied, putting aside his bag.
“ Maybe your taste is just too fancy” You laugh, feeling your heart seem to regain its pace for the first time in a long time.
“ Maybe that’s why your lips always look to me like a one of a kind delicacy “ Sanji flirted. 
“ Sanji, fresh start !” You laugh, returning to your opening preparation. “ Just for that you will refill the oregano jar ! “ 
“ Yes Madam “ The blond cook responded, a smile on his lips, a spark you thought long gone freshly back in his eyes. “ Fresh start “ 
Bonus : 
His old back against one of the piles supporting the platform surrounding the restaurant, his wooden leg removed, Zeff was smiling. 
“ They aren’t bad kids, mistakes have been made, kicks have been given. But it’s the good things in life. Errors make you grow and paths who’s we thought never crossed come back. Often it doesn't work, but I hope for them it will.” 
“ I hope Zeff, you have grown too, you had more lines in your face than the last time”  The timeless woman said, his head resting on his crossed arms, the lower half of his body undulating in the dark water.  
“ It’s not everybody who’s an immortal sea witch, “ Zeff replied. 
“ I had offered you to share my ageless life, you had decline it “ She remind him. 
“ The little eggplant needed me, he was only a child. But I never thought you would forget us on that rock. “ He argued, still bitter of the memory. 
“ Time is an abstract notion for us, but you survive, don't you ? “ The sea witch smiles, having the decency to look embarrassed of his own mistake.
“ Will you forget me when I die” Zeff asked. 
“ Probably, but the water will remind me of Red boots Zeff and his sacrifice to save a little human.” She simply said, returning into the deep of the sea.
Turning his gaze to the stars, Zeff smiled.
@alienstardust@phantasmagoricalzenith@downforsanji@faefanatic@strongindependenttrash@hi3431@sunnanse@neko-loogi@theluckyplaces@simbaaas-stuff@ofherscarlettwitchyways @juskonutoh @buffkirby2020 @miomao-ehe 
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baahsu · 1 year
Imagine if the vinsmoke brothers owned an ice cream shop together
Of course sanji would be the one making the ice cream, it'd be delicious! He'd work on so many flavors! He'd also be excited to come up with seasonal menus and get his brothers to decorate the shop accordingly
Ichiji would be in charge of the cash register, of course, because out of the three remaining brothers he's the only responsible one
Meanwhile, to sanji and ichiji's dismay, niji and yonji would be left serving customers
Yonji would give everyone bonus scoops, basically serving them the amount he'd serve for himself, and he'd give them way too many toppings as well, enough to completely cover the ice cream and even get the customers to wonder if what he's doing is right
On the other hand, niji would criticize every flavor the customers choose, "Mint choco?? Why don't you just lick toothpaste and stop wasting my time", "Strawberry? Is is because of ichiji? How tasteless, I'll give you blueberry instead"
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rollinouttahere-writes · 10 months
More thoughts on grandpa Zeff because it was on my mind all day at work
Most of the pictures from Sanji are safely tucked away in his bedroom so they won't be lost or damaged, but he does keep one out on display. It's a picture of Sanji with Lucky perched on his shoulders, both grinning from ear to ear, and it's pinned next to one of himself and Sanji right after the Baratie's grand opening. Any and all drawings by Lucky are decorating the fridge.
For a while, Zeff doesn't send a response, figuring that Sanji can about guess how he feels about this. It isn't until envelope number 3 that he feels the need to say something, lest Sanji manages to single-handedly cause a film shortage. Sanji finally gets a letter back from Zeff, and it's as brief as his was.
"Just bring the kid here if you want me to see her so bad."
Which is grumpy old man speak for, "I want to see my grandchild already, get your ass over here."
Let's say that they're able to make this work and the crew stops by for a visit. Sanji is so unsure of what to do once they get there. He's awful at showing his emotions in regards to Zeff, and Zeff is absolutely no better. Fortunately for them, Lucky is there to break the ice. Just because Sanji can't will himself to refer to Zeff as his father to his face doesn't mean that Lucky can't do it for him.
The second she spots Zeff, she's wiggling out of Sanji's arms to run up to him and latch on to his good leg all while talking a mile a minute.
"You're my papa's dad, right? Hi grandpa!"
"You're a cook, too?! Can we make something together?"
"Is it hard to walk on that?"
"Can you tell me any stories about my papa?"
Zeff tries to keep a straight face, he really does, but he immediately gets all soft from being called grandpa. She's got him wrapped around her finger in like ten seconds.
Zeff: She's such a sweet kid, well behaved too. Definitely didn't get that from her dad.
Sanji: Watch it, you damn old geezer.
Except Sanji can't even get away with saying that because the second he says it Lucky starts scolding him because 'that's not very nice!', meaning he has to backpedal and actually be genuine. Zeff isn't exempt from these scoldings either, so they both have to be openly nice and loving without hiding it behind fake passive-aggressive insults for once in their lives.
This whole idea is very cute to me, I might have to come back to it and properly write something on it later.
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ansbobcar · 2 years
Random Night [Oneshot]
(Cursed-ish) Oneshot of Sabo interacting with my One Piece OC
Notes: Arranged Date Scenario, No Sanji somehow, only 3 prominent characters and 3 additional implied characters. We never talk about Sabo’s Job, light anime/manga spoilers
"Say for example, your father decides to set you up with some girl and you both met when you were really tiny-- babies before that. What would you think?"
[Later] "Sorry I was late, I had to finish taking someone's liver out."
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_ _ _ _ _
"Say for example, your father decides to set you up with some girl and you both met when you were really tiny-- babies before that. What would you think?" Unable to stop swirling his iced americano or whatever he decided to randomly order.
Right across him, freckled in curiosity and knitted brows, "Well, first I'd try remembering who they were." Only to pierce a triumphant smirk at the realisation, "Forgot. You got into a car accident and got amnesia." Lightly getting slapped by the other in response.
"What am I supposed to do, Ace?" His slice of cheesecake was untouched too -- perfectly fluffy and jiggly cheesecake -- what a waste. The freckled man only took his plate.
“How am I supposed to know?”
"Well you know how to deal with pasts and memories--"
"Dude I didn't get amnesia," pointing his fork towards his friend (who could only gulp in response) and then jabbing towards his glass of coffee (almost as if shadow-fighting). "Drink your goddamn coffee, Sabo."
He obliges. Gulping down the cooling caffeine boisson in one swoop. Almost as if it was a bottle of alcohol and he were an alcoholic. Looking back up, he was met with an assumptive (need-for-details) gaze -- even if there were cake bits speckled nearby. "So?"
“So what?”
“When did he arrange you to meet her?"
_ _ _
His father, obsessed in keeping a good image and relations, couldn't bring himself to use his step-son (Stelly -- yes that brat) to marry into and for business relations. First of all, he was cockier than a cock (the bird) and was the successor of cockiness to his own cocky father. Second, Stelly wanted to pursue men.
You read and listened right.
Stelly was a cocky cock who wanted to pursue cock.
Regardless of Stelly's sexual and romantic orientation, that didn't disregard the fact that his father reserved him (Sabo) a VIP Room at the luxurious sea floating restaurant Baratie. At midnight.
That's the time his broke older friends worked the night shift at the morgue or 24/7 cafe down the street from his apartment! He'd rather be at home binging some show in his pajamas than be dressed up in a suit and leather shoes outside the warmly lit restaurant.
Remembering his father's words, "She ends work rather late, if that's what you're asking," he tries to calm himself down from letting anger boil. After all, first impressions are a thing right? After the bellboy/waiter found his name on the list of VIP guests he was escorted to an isolated balcony with a silky white and blue draped table and cushion-y velvet chairs.
This suit is so stuffy, he's thankful he wore a cravat instead. It was less constricting than a tie.
Footsteps draw close and emerging from the door is a woman. under the incandescent-vibing lights, her locks seemed to be strawberry-blonde and was messily put in a bun with a white scrunchie. An awkward smile plastered her face.
"Sorry I was late, I had to finish taking someone's liver out.”
_ _ _
“Let’s introduce ourselves," holding a hand to her heart. "Polleen," before gesturing her hand towards him.
A knock interrupted and dissipated the frying fin of the Baratie. "Shall we begin ordering?"
Sabo ordered fancy schmancy freshly grilled salmon with fancy mouth-watering hummus and peppery sauce of sorts. Light vegetables were sprinkled on for added colour on a ceramic flat circular plate.
Polleen (who he forgot about in his past child life) simply ordered for (Chilean) cazuela and a side of mussels. An odd pairing.
While they were waiting for their dishes, a small conversation was struck. But it was akin to a QnA session at the end of a youtube video if anything.
"What job makes you take out livers?" He wondered cautiously, sipping on sparkling water. (He wasn't best friends with a black market seller, right?)
"Well, I'm a surgeon," he lets out a sigh of relief, "but my colleague usually does these operations around this time, except today, so I had to substitute in." Taking the flesh from the freshly cooked mussels and popping it into her mouth to chew.
In comparison to himself, she was dressed in a plain button up tucked in some pants with a cardigan.
Who the hell did he meet when he was a wee kid?
The End.
_ _ _
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @earthssprout / sanji's birthday 3 • 2 ⟭
IT WAS NOT THE GRANDEST OF BIRTHDAY DISPLAYS, for it was all thrown together rather quickly, but it was filled with more heart and thought than any well - organized affair. With plenty of helping hands, Ari was able to make her deepest wish for her father's birthday real—a TASTY wish, for in this house, tasty things were the most special. Each person had a role: Rowan and Ari were tasked with cracking the eggs and removing any bits of shell, should they fall in; Peter measured and leveled the dry ingredients, then sifted them one by one into a large mixing bowl; and Anita combined the wet ingredients and, with the strength necessary for the task, whisked them together with the dry. The mixture was then poured into a springform pan and placed in the oven. It rose—the toothpick stuck into the middle came out clean, and the cake was promptly removed from the pan and set to cool. It was not long before Sanji’s birthday treat was ready for adornments. 
Deciding that it might be a task too messy for such silly little girls, Anita and Peter both worked together to ice the cake, but Ari and Rowan were not without their own responsibilities for this portion of the preparations. Edible wafer flowers sat in a bowl, which the little girls used to decorate the cake. They covered it so well with these beautiful, bland ornaments that the layer of white icing beneath them was barely visible anymore—more wafer flower than cake. 
Peter wrote the lettering with blue royal icing pushed through a fine metal tip, since he possessed the neatest handwriting between the two adults. The final of all touches was the placement of the candles, which was a task shared between all four people present. The cake was then packed with many—MANY more than needed, if candles are to represent age … 
But the cake was soon complete, and it came out better than anything little Ari imagined! How thankful she was for their help … she’d have to give them each something extremely nice! 
The only thing left to do was to wait for Sanji’s return. The group was gathered around the table, with the cake in the center and a party hat on each head. 
The latch clicked, and as the door slowly opened, Ari threw her little arms up in the air. 
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“ sss … suh - pies, Papa!” she cheered. “ ha … happy merry birthday! ” 
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For someone so small and young, she was awfully sneaky. Leaving notes for her helpers ( some of which were momentarily mislead into believing she was in danger ) and enlisting their help because he deserved to have a thoughtful, handmade gift from the people that loved and appreciated him.
Whether or not they showed it as often as Ariana did, everyone put their all into the cake they baked together. Even Anita, who swore on her life that her skills in the kitchen were abysmal. Don't worry, she had been told. Use your muscle, mix the batter.
Every effort counted, no matter how small.
The frosting, the sponge cake, the little flowers and the booming 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' all took him by surprise, as intended.
He had tossed his keys onto the little table near the door, dropped his bag off and shuffled into the room, the enthusiastically shouted birthday wish putting a skip in his heartbeat.
She had given him brilliant birthday gifts before, but this felt more than usual. It may have been the fact that she had asked for help, that she had learned to lean on others when she needed them. She wasn't afraid to reach out — that in itself was a gift.
Without a speck of hesitation, Sanji hurried to the small girl and hoisted her up into his arms. He nuzzled into her shoulder, gave her a spin then planted a kiss on the top of her head. The others would get their thanks, but now he needed to dote on his daughter.
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"Thank you, sweet pea. The cake is beautiful, and so are you." Towards the end, he poked at her nose between each word. She really, truly was one of the most beautiful souls to exist on his Earth, he was certain of it. "We're gonna eat the heck out of his thing, right? You wanna get some forks for everyone?"
0 notes
greyskyflowers · 2 years
I think I've written something about it before but I can't find it so I'll ramble about it again.
I adore the idea of Zoro sharing his earrings with the crew. Let me explain this a little bit...
Zoro is a lot of things and oddly possessive is one of them. He doesn't feel the need to yell to the world that the crew is his but they are.
And the crew loves Zoro.
There's a lot of well known people on their ship, all very good in their areas. They each have identifiable things about them, none so much as Luffy's strawhat but some are very close.
So somehow, between all their adventures and the rolling ocean, a new tradition of sorts is born. And it starts with a hat and is joined by an earring.
The person or people going by themselves or on a potentially more dangerous part of their adventures, are occasionally given the responsibility of holding onto one of Zoro's earrings for him.
It's as sweet as it is terrifying. Because Zoro likes to make them sweat as he makes sure they know what he'll do if they lose it, but they also know it's his way of saying he'll find them no matter what. It's a promise that Zoro will tear his way down to hell in a twisted path of misdirection to find them, his earring and his crewmate. He will kill until the ocean around them is red and there isn't enough salt in the sea to purify the earth from what he did to get them back.
It's a unexpectedly heavy thing, the little gold earring that gets dropped in their palm. Heavy with promise and protection, with blood, sweat, and dreams
They've crossed paths with a lot of people who trust in a lot of different things while on their adventures. Lots of things people hold onto for good luck or faith or protection. They will say a strawhat and a gold earring aren't necessarily the weirdest things to have complete and unwavering trust in but it's up there.
They get use to how the earring chimes slightly when they move and the way it catches the eye. After all, it's a pretty piece of jewelry and probably worth a decent amount of money. They feel important wearing it, just like they do when Luffy sets his hat on their head.
Look how much I'm loved. Can you see how we carry each other with us? There is gold in my skin and a crown on my head and neither are mine but I've never been more rich.
There's something to it, more than the way the scent of Sanji's cigarettes, Nami's perfume, or the oil of Franky's gears clings to their skin. More than how Robin's devilfruit is always watching over them or how Chopper's hair always sticks to their clothes. It's more than Usopp's voice telling stories in their ears or Brook's music getting stuck in their head.
Zoro's earrings are a claim as much as Luffy's hat. A blessing from the first mate of the future pirate king that says minecrewfamilyyouaresoimportant all in a single golden gleam.
Sometimes Luffy comes back after a big fight, bloody and smiling, strawhat barely hanging on his head and gold waving from his ear.
Nami stands in a storm yelling directions and the earring whips against her skin in the wind, her eyes are as bright as the lightening as she guides her crew.
Usopp readies a shot, heartbeat as steady as his hand and the brush of metal against his cheek a reminder of the trust they have in him.
Chopper swings his head, slowly getting familiar with the odd way the swinging metal clinks against his antlers and how each movement makes the scent of metal flare up and the image of Zoro comes to mind.
Sanji burning and ready to spring forward to keep fighting, fire warmed gold almost too hot in his skin and a surge of affection that almost burns more.
Franky looming huge and loud in his fights, everything about him bright and loud and metal but the small gold in his ear still shines brightest.
Brook looking haunting with his sword and ice, bones clinking and an earring singing it's own soft noise as it shifts against the place he's pinned it to his clothes since he doesn't have ears yohohoho and the metal gets cloudy in the cold air.
Robin tilting her head to consider her opponents, the demon in her cooing at the golden gift she's been briefly given and demanding she finish up quick and go find her family.
Zoro always takes the earrings back once everything has been settled, the jewelry so very tiny in his hands. Something that special always looking strange in his scarred and calloused hands.
Sometimes he lets them keep the earrings for days. Somehow he knows that they need a reminder they're safe and they made it out of whatever wild situation they'd found themselves in. He always comes asking for it but never before they're ready to let it go.
He wears it better than all of them anyway, they couldn't keep it even if they wanted to. The gold is most at home against the warm tones of Zoro's skin and it adds an elegance to him just like his swords. The way the three earrings bump against each other when they're all in and that chime is Zoro, so comforting in the same way the smell of salt and metal is.
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Usopp decides Nami's big hoops make him look more like a pirate and steals them regularly. She is not pleased.
Franky also gets his nipples done.
Chopper has little ones that looks like cherry blossoms.
Luffy gets a pair like Law, who absolutely refuses to acknowledge their existence and had just turned around and walked away the first time he saw Luffy wearing them.
Robin has an ever growing collection and they can't figure out where she keeps getting them. Seriously none of them have ever seen her buy any where do they keep coming from.
Brook tells bad ear jokes daily.
Sanji only wears one small diamond earring, and will occasionally swap it out for a little silver hoop.
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
zoro x female reader plss!!! caramel with macaron, fruit tart, konpeitō, milk chocolate, strawberry cake, chocolate mousse, churro, jelly bean, shortbread cookie and cinnamon roll!! and from the special menu.. cake pop, blan manje, oatmeal raisin cookie, ice cream cake, nougat, pop sicle, sugar cookie and brown sugar pound cake. sorry if its too much, i love your blog!! 💘
hi omg so sorry this took so long (i ended up rewriting it a bunch of times); anyway, it really wasn't too much at all 😊💓 thanks so much for hanging around my blog & for being patient 😌anyway, this ended up a bit longer than i meant buttt i had fun writing it <3
3.9k words, fem reader, nsfw, 18+, mdni; lots of angst, but also smut to make up for it ofc. zoro is relentless and a menace, reader is in denial over her feelings & a lil bratty abt it; modern au! feat. suppressed feelings, mutual pining, a rogue sanji makes an appearance, fingering, oral (f receiving), choking, biting, public sex/exhibitionism, other stuff i'm sure like alcohol or smth.
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corporate parties are not your cup of tea; the higher ups have a tendency of splurging unnecessarily — overpriced, tasteless meals, pretentious centerpieces on each table with floating candles that melt fairly quickly — making their events stuffy and boring. essentially, they’re useless and the bane of your existence; but you can’t get out of them, unfortunately. the only way to get through them is to drink until you can’t think straight. except, you know that if you do get that drunk, you’ll end up saying something you regret — and, you’re not trying to burn any bridges just yet. nails drumming rhythmically along the counter at the bar, you sigh softly and grab another slender champagne flute. it’s your fourth glass for the night, and while you’re definitely tipsy, you’re still relatively clear-headed.
several coworkers pass by the bar with their spouses and friends, so you smile prettily at them, hoping to look pleasant, but aloof — so they won’t bother talking to you.  when they disappear from your line of sight, your smile drops. feigning happiness is a sport that you excel in without trying; you’re not sure why you do it, but you refuse to let them see the real you. one coworker in particular, however, routinely defies your expectations and has an uncanny way of seeing through your facade; of breaking down your barriers without remorse, ripping open your chest to reveal your true feelings on things. and after every single interaction with him, he leaves you to suffer alone, an ache following afterward, making you want to break things and scream.
if you say you hate him enough times, you might actually believe it.
roronoa zoro also hates corporate parties, and only attends because sanji needs a babysitter for the night. at least, that’s what he tells himself initially, and what he continues to tell himself as his eyes drift around the room until he spots you. he watches you without realizing, a frown latching onto his face when he watches how easily you talk with others, how you actually giggle at sanji’s stupid lines, how your dress completely exposes your shoulders — the skin smooth, soft, shimmering under the golden light, highlighting the richness of your brown complexion. he keeps wondering if you bruise easily, if you’d let him see the parts of you that you continue to keep hidden. the compulsion to mark your skin in an attempt to ward off other people makes him clutch the champagne flute in his hand tightly. it nearly breaks when he slams it down onto the table.
it’s not jealousy that prompts him to get up and walk over to you, nor is it jealousy that has him standing very close and gruffly order a drink at the bar. but, maybe, just maybe, it might be something close to jealousy when he shoots sanji a sharp look that has his friend grinning triumphantly in response before asking you to dance.
in the back of your mind, you know you should decline the invitation; sanji is a notorious flirt that gets under zoro’s skin just by breathing — but zoro’s presence brings about a heat to your skin that you need to get rid of quickly. it’s almost as if he’s capable of looking into the deepest parts of you, and you don’t like it — the vulnerability that comes when you talk with him candidly almost always leaves you in a state of confusion. whether it’s annoyance, arousal, or even anger; it’s really all the same. he extracts them from you with ease and is more than smug when you give him the reactions he seeks. tonight, you refuse to play that game with him; you take sanji’s hand in yours and lead him to the dance floor — he babbles about something or another, but you aren’t paying attention.
jaw clenched, teeth harshly grinding against one another, zoro watches sanji twirl you around gracefully, your movements matching the slow tempo of the music playing in the room. you try to avoid zoro’s stare, but you can’t; it’s impossibly magnetic — hypnotizing, even; almost as if you’re the only person in the room that he wants to look at. the thought brings goosebumps to your arms, makes you stumble as you dance with sanji, and when he asks you what’s wrong, you just shake your head to wave off his worries.
“too much champagne,” you say, the lie rolling off your tongue with ease. sanji’s eyes narrow slightly at your explanation, but his face softens when he sees how determined you are to convince him. a gentleman through and through, he places a small kiss on the back of your hand before releasing you completely.
zoro knows that sanji’s just baiting him, and he almost falls for it. almost. he lingers by the bar, irritation morphing into something that falls out of the realm of his control, taking a solid hold of his demeanor and vision as he watches you walk over. before he can say anything, you roll your eyes and hold a hand up. “don’t give me that look.” you grab your purse and brush past him, determined to get some fresh air so you won’t continue to choke on the tension brewing between you two. he downs the rest of his whiskey in one go and follows you with swift strides.
of course, his presence bothers you, has you pause in the middle of the corridor to sigh heavily and turn around to properly look at him. maybe if you rephrase your initial statement, he might catch the hint to leave you alone. “whatever bullshit you want to tell me right now, you can save it.” your annoyance reached its peak when you realized that you’d suffocate under his gaze if you continued dancing with sanji — not that you care that the dance was interrupted, but you hate how much of a pull he has on you. “i can’t do this right now,” you say quietly, fussing with your hair, fingers tugging at a stray curl.
“you’re always saying that.” he shoots you a pointed look. it’s more than annoying, to say the least, and drives him to grab onto your arm and tug you over to the restroom in the neighboring corridor. it is every bit as luxurious and expensive looking as the ballroom you left behind; zoro momentarily locks the door behind him, to prevent others from interrupting his conversation with you. because he refuses to continue this back-and-forth nonsense that only serves to frustrate both of you to no end.
you don’t know why you didn’t pull away from him before, you also don’t know why you allowed him to corner you like this — but maybe a part of you wants to see how much further the two of you can push one another before it becomes too much. you’re already at your limit, and you suspect zoro is too, even if he doesn’t say it.
the restroom is startlingly clean, the tiled floors shiny and polished, the counters pristine, almost as if someone periodically comes by to clean every ten minutes. you don’t intend to stay in here long, but it’s refreshing to know that you can talk freely without gagging.
“you can let go of me now,” your voice is barely above a whisper, fingers shaking even when you ball them into fists. “if you have something to say,” you start once he lets go of you, “then say it. i plan on leaving the party early.” the lie is meant to light a fire under his ass, to get him to confess whatever it is that he refuses to say, to finally put you out of your misery so you can move on with your life.
he loosens the tie around his neck and leans against the wall. you try not to stare at his throat when he speaks, but you can’t help it. you curl your fingers again and sink your nails into your palms, desperately suppressing the urge to touch him.
“why do you act differently with everyone else?”
the question hangs languidly in the air, waiting for your delayed response; you open and close your mouth repeatedly, irritation returning in full force, uncomfortably prickling your neck, making it hard to think straight.
it’s purely reactionary, instinctual, when you ask in return, “why do you care?” a heavy silence stifles the air around you, brings a deep chill to your body. “it’s really none of your business, anyway.” while you wanted to keep your distance, to ensure that he wouldn’t charm his way back onto your good side, you end up moving closer to him.
before he can control his mouth, he gruffly blurts out, “says who?” his arrogance clearly knows no bounds, but instead of telling him that, you just sigh in defeat, smooth down the non-existent wrinkles on your dress, and walk to the counter so you can fix your hair in the mirror.
if he says what’s really on his mind, there’s a possibility that you might do as you always do: run away. so he swallows it back, tongue struggling to keep the words at bay, especially when you bend over like that. the fabric of your dress stretching tightly over your round ass, reminding him of why he was so intent on being by your side tonight.
already, he can feel his cock grow stiff, painfully pressing against the front of his pants as you continue to tempt him the way you normally do at all hours of the day — even when you’re not near him. and, because he’s lost all semblance of control over himself for the night, he pushes off the wall and stands behind you. rough hands glide down your curves, settle comfortably on your hips before gripping them firmly.
“i can’t tell you why i care,” he says carefully, voice lowering as he presses his hips against your ass, “but i can show you.” which, if anyone were to ask him, is the only thing he can do at this point. he’s terrible with words, even worse with stringing them together to form cohesive and straight-forward sentences when feelings are involved. you catch his eyes in the mirror, swallowing thickly as something prompts you to playfully grind your ass against his bulge. he tries to keep his base needs in check, but inevitably loses that fight as he tugs your dress upward to completely expose your ass. whatever morals you think you have are gone once his hand makes contact with your ass. the slap is loud and hard enough to make you squeal — both from the harshness of the sting and because you like the feeling a little more than you should.
“careful,” he warns, his hand massaging your skin, grabbing the fleshier part before slapping it again; this time, you let out a moan that clouds his vision all over again, where the only thing he can see or focus on is you. “you don’t want our coworkers to hear you, do you?” his words make you press your lips together tightly, your thighs rubbing against one another as an intolerable heat lowers through your body. you grip the counter to keep yourself upright, but your legs are on the verge of giving up on you entirely.
shaking your head — because no, of course you don’t want any of your coworkers to hear what you’re up to, despite the small rush that accompanies the thought of someone catching you in there with him — you give zoro a pleading look in the mirror, hoping that he’ll scrape together some semblance of mercy. he tugs on the flimsy fabric of your panties, the lace delicate and captivating — it rips without much resistance, and even though you fuss at him over it, he ignores your words. it’s less about him ripping them and more about him seeing how damp they were. you want to hate the way your body reacts to him but know that the lies you continue to tell yourself throughout the night will only catch up to you in the end.
you almost ask him what he’s done with your ruined panties but get distracted when you feel his hand dip in between your thighs, thick fingers grazing your folds, arousal coating his fingertips immediately. a shudder passes through you, and you do your best to stifle another moan, mouth straining as your lips continue to firmly press together out of spite. you refuse to let him break down your walls any further than he has, and he refuses to let you take the easy way out. his touch is light, exacting — stroking up and down your slit slowly, coaxing more noises out of you, making it increasingly difficult to keep quiet. when you press your thighs together, he grunts in disapproval and pushes your legs apart. his fingers resume their ministrations, lazily rubbing your pussy as your breathing grows uneven; that ache returns in full force, a slow building crescendo that has you gripping the counter even harder.
your pride prevents you from calling out his name, but your body freely reacts to his touch, much to your feigned displeasure. somehow, you forget just how perceptive he is, so when zoro tells you to turn around and sit on the counter, you don’t think much of it. if anything, your body is on autopilot — his proximity brings a haziness that warps your logic, turning you into a marionette that can only be commanded by him. you don’t bother hiding from him — not really, anyway — but you do turn your face, unable to handle the intense way he looks at you. something compels him to bring your hand to his face and he press his lips against your wrist, leaving behind a soft kiss, one that disrupts all of your plans for the night, the ones where you completely deny any and all attraction to the man in front of you.
chest heaving and blinking slowly you watch as he runs his hands along your thighs, seemingly admiring the plush skin there. a small shiver travels through you when he pulls you to the edge of the counter, but rather than fight your urges, you grab onto his tie and pull him closer to you. surprise briefly flashes over his face, halting his movements, giving you the opportunity to kiss him without restraint. your lips are soft against his, pliable and inviting when he parts them with his tongue. greed consumes him once he swallows your soft whimpers, silencing them with practiced swipes of his tongue, a possessiveness burning through him as his kisses turn fervent and reckless.
a different kind of haziness surrounds your mind, but you don’t stop kissing him — and have no intention to, until a lightheaded feeling spreads. if he had it his way, he’d kiss you all the time — at work, outside, in private — but he knows that there’s a possibility of you keeping your distance when you realize that you like him as much as he likes you. it’s a powerful thought, really, and you try not to think about it, even when he looks at you tenderly like that, hunger dancing around the edge, guiding him to pull away and kneel in front of you. his lips latch on to the patch of skin near your knee, kissing and licking a dangerous path up along the inner part of your thighs. zoro leaves behind kisses and small bite marks that have you moaning shamelessly; when you realize, you slap a hand over your mouth and grip the counter with your free one.
he tuts under his breath at your insistence, shoots you a cheeky grin, and swipes his tongue against your pussy. your hips jerk forward, and he swears he hears you squeak out something like zoro, please. so he does it again, and again, and again. by the time he’s set an indecent rhythm and pace, his face is buried between your thighs, mouth and tongue feasting on your pussy like it’s the one meal he’s decided to eat for the rest of his life. he’s really not much of a foodie — as that’s sanji’s area of expertise for some reason — but, he will say that he’s never experienced this sort of hunger before. your teeth sink down onto the fleshy part of your palm, your cries muffled but still loud enough for him to hear.
in order to tame that part of you, he slips a thick finger inside of you, plunging it in and out, your pussy clenching around it tightly. he watches the way you fight against your desire, watches how you struggle to keep quiet, and flicks his tongue against your sensitive clit. it’s when he decides to slide an additional finger inside of your needy hole, that he speaks again — voice gravelly and husky, making your toes curl. “don’t cover your mouth, i want to hear you.” his words make you choke, and he goes back to ruining your life in the best way possible, giving your pussy sloppy tongue kisses as he scissors his fingers inside of you. you want to curse and yell at him, want to tell him off for how good he’s making you feel. but when he sucks on your clit roughly, a sinister jolt barrels through you, making you buck your hips wildly and drop your hand from your mouth at last. you use it to grab onto his hair for support, riding his face shamelessly.
because that’s what you are right now; a shameless, pitiful mess.
you could blame him for it, but you’re just as much at fault as he is. zoro doesn’t let up, however, driven by lust and other impractical things; he curls his fingers inside of you and you let out a throaty moan, one that bounces around the solid walls of the restroom. if anyone decides to pass by, they’ll definitely hear you. he smirks at that, pride swelling in his chest as he enjoys the way you fall apart around him. your nearly out of breath by the time your orgasm finds you, hips rolling forward, chasing the high that zoro keeps baiting you with. he pulls his fingers out, swaps them with his tongue and slurps your pussy obnoxiously — loud enough to make your body flush, to make you cry out repeatedly, tears pooling around your eyes. so you yank his hair hard, pull him away, too sensitive to take any more. he laughs at that, at your feeble attempts to gaining the upper hand, but you lost as soon as you let him touch you.
your arousal drips down his lips and chin, his tongue darting out to lick his fingers in front of you.
“oh my god,” you say shakily, voice lowered; you watch him in shock as he stands up again. you know you’ll never hear the end of it, but your hands fly out to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. zoro lets out a quiet groan the moment your hand wraps around his thick length. you’ve always imagined what it would feel like to touch him like this, to have his pre-cum dribble onto your fingers with each stroke of your hand. you pause to lick your fingers, moaning softly before you stroke him again. you grip a little too tight and he narrows his eyes at you, wraps a hand around your throat, and squeezes, fingers digging into your skin roughly.
“behave,” is all he says before you nod and loosen your grip; although, that’s not nearly enough for him. zoro runs his tongue along your lips, teeth grazing as he rubs his cock in between your folds, enjoying the way your slick arousal sticks to his skin. and somewhere in between him giving you open-mouthed kisses — scorching and sensual, bringing you further under his spell — that he slides his cock into your aching hole, slowly filling you up. his name falls off your tongue prettily, legs wrapping around his waist just as he thrusts forward. he keeps his hand around your throat, holding you steady as he pulls out and slams back into you again. the pace he sets has you squeezing around his cock mercilessly, hips snapping against yours as your back arches. you babble incoherently against his lips and each thrust has you grinding your pussy against him, thighs quivering, as sweat trickles down your back.
it must be pure possession that drives him to bury his cock into your puffy cunt aggressively, his moans turning you on even more. he does eventually let go of your neck, his lips kissing the skin there, your inhale sharp, making you pant lightly. all the teasing is a bit much, and when he sucks on the skin right beneath your earlobe, you buck your hips forward, meeting each of his messy thrusts, thoroughly enjoying the way his heavy balls slap against your ass. your fingers thread through his hair, nails clawing at his scalp as you pull him to you for another bruising kiss. his strokes get shorter, his soul nearly leaving through the tip of his cock when you clench around him like that, which invigorates him somehow, making him pound into you and fuck you harder.
“ah, z-zoro, wait, wait,” you try pleading with him as he leaves kisses on your jaw, but he knows why you’re asking him to slow down — because you’re at the precipice again, and you don’t know if you can handle another intense orgasm. so, he does what makes the most sense and keeps his hips close to yours, angling to fuck you deeper, his thrusts hard, almost as if he’s punishing you for being so bratty earlier. not that he’s really complaining, he likes that side of you — likes the way you constantly bump heads with him, likes how you try very hard to not like him. and now look at you: whimpering, tears staining your cheeks, cunt fluttering around him, squeezing hard enough to keep him there permanently.
he bites down on your shoulder, a moan pushing past his lips when you cum again, wetness causing your pussy to squelch loudly, the noise lewd, bringing another flush to your skin. you hate how much you like the sound, and equally hate that zoro’s left noticeable marks on your skin, almost as if he wants to display your salacious behavior for the world to see. the warmth that you thought you stamped out, swirls back in your chest, making you cling to him.
he keeps thrusting into you, chasing his own orgasm that finds him shortly after. before he can let his lust drive him further, zoro pulls out and cums onto your pussy and the inner parts of your thighs. your dress gets stained in the interim and even though you’ll fuss at him for it later, you just ignore it for now. he kisses you a little more gently this time, like you’re something precious — which brings an additional, semi-permanent warmth to your body — and enjoys the feel of your mouth against his, wanting to savor and bottle up the moment to keep him company late at night. eventually, he presses his lips to your ear, whispers something tragically romantic, that startles both you and him, one he’ll possibly deny later — but you know and heard him loud and clear. you’ll hold onto those words, tuck them somewhere safe and far away from your irritating logic, where you can recall them whenever you please.
and maybe, just maybe, one of these days you’ll stop fighting yourself long enough to admit to your feelings.
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sanjisock · 2 years
till death do us part
ao3 based on this post
“We can’t skip the wedding vows,” Sanji says.
Sanji’s fiancée — unfortunately, the one and only Roronoa Zoro — stares blankly at him with one good eye, as if Sanji is the one who just proposed something ridiculous. “Why not?” He asks.
Sanji massages the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
Zoro has so far — much to everyone’s surprise — been pretty well-behaved throughout the wedding preparations. He went to all the suit fittings (dark green shirt and single-breasted white jacket, with fuller sleeves and high-cut trousers, allowing plenty of room for movement), tried all the cakes during the tasting sessions (three tiers with rum, and Luffy’s getting his own cake), and even had a lot to say on the guest list (Pudding is not invited, and certain male guests are on thin ice, apparently; Zoro will not be held responsible for what he’ll do if they look at Sanji funny). For the most part, he is an obedient moss, following Sanji’s instructions with minimal complaints.
Sanji thought this was a sign — Zoro, perhaps, had finally gotten a little sentimental at the prospect of tying the knot after five years of relationship.
Until today, that is. A supposedly peaceful lunch, one week before the big day, and Zoro suddenly asked, can we just skip the wedding vows?
“Because that’s the most important part of the wedding, Mossy,” Sanji explains, trying his best to be patient. “Everything we’re doing — the fancy decorations and the cake and the dancing — everything is in service of the vows. You can even say they’re all… accessories to the vows.” 
Zoro frowns, like he’s unable to comprehend this very simple concept.
“Can’t we just exchange the rings and shit?” He suggests after a moment. “Isn’t that the same thing?”
How the fuck did Sanji fall in love with this brute again?
Sanji puts down his fork. He leans forward on the table, pressing a finger to Zoro’s chest for emphasis. “You, of all people, should understand the power of words. The same way you vow to be the greatest, I want to do that for us. To vow to be with one another.”
“But I have vowed to be with you,” Zoro says indignantly, grabbing Sanji’s outstretched hand with his own. “When I said I wanted to be with you, five years ago — I meant it, Cook. That was it for me.”
Oh, right, this is how Sanji fell in love with Zoro.
Zoro is a brute, his affections clumsy and his words sandpaper rough, but they are always honest and true, and Sanji wouldn’t want it any other way.
So Sanji does what he’s always done best when it comes to Zoro: meeting him halfway. He tries tackle this from another angle, rubbing the side of Zoro’s hand with his thumb as a peace offering. “Why do you hate the wedding vow so much?”
Zoro looks away at that and shrugs. “‘s just. You know, the lines you gave me?”
It took Sanji a moment to realize what Zoro was talking about. “Oh, the standard wedding vow I gave you, right? To have and to hold, the whole deal?”
Zoro nods. “Well, it’s stupid , that’s what it is.”
Sanji huffs. “Too long for your mossy brain to memorize?”
“‘Till death do us part is a stupid line, Cook,” Zoro says, looking straight into Sanji’s eyes now. “Why would death part us? You are mine in death and every life after this.”
Sanji’s cheeky reply died in his lips.
Oh .
Sanji can feel his own face heating up involuntarily from the words. “You just —” he sputters, gesturing vaguely at his stupid fiancée with his free hand. “You can’t just say shit like that!”
“What?” Zoro continues, “I told you I came back from hell to get you —”
“Oh my god,” Sanji’s given up on flailing and starts covering his face instead. “Shut up.”
He tries pulling away the hand Zoro’s holding, but the swordsman is faster — before Sanji could react, Zoro has stood up with a smirk on his face, because he knows the power he has over Sanji, that asshole. He goes to stand at Sanji’s side and pulls him into an embrace, pressing kisses on Sanji’s temple, his nose, his cheek, before finding his lips.
They stay like that for a moment, content with soft, fleeting kisses on the lips, before Sanji pulls away and points out, “by the way, you know you can make your own vows, right?”
Zoro blinks. “What?”
Sanji laughs. He can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with this man — this life, and every life after this one.
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