#(the scout is Nezha)
aloraaki3 · 6 months
y'know what, fuck it.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
In Century Egg au, Wukong is very much in a weird position. His recovery takes long enough that he's still stuck in the Celestial Realm by the time the Brotherhood have their coup. It's for this exact reason that the Jade Emperor survives the coup, but his power still ends up usurped. In turn, Wukong and Xiaotian are kept as political hostages for the duration
We be talking in the notes here about Century egg au + how the Brotherhood likely gets involved.
Azure is already on guard at hearing how there's a stink between the Ten Kings and the ownership of Brother Macaque's soul - something he hadn't even known was an issue until recently. How come Macaque decided to barter his soul with the Bone Demon?
Then he hears something very interesting from a passing god;
First Ten King: "That was an eventful trial." Second Ten King: "Not everyday a trial for the dead ends with a birth." Third Ten King: "It's best we keep vigilant, however. As immortal as Sun Wukong once was, his child nearly absolved him of all his dao. The Queen Mother has all but threatened us not to send Ox and Horse to collect him during his recovery." Azure, overhearing: "wtf???"
Sun Wukong was in the trial for Macaque's soul? Odd, but not impossible given that they were once mates. But apparently Sun Wukong gave birth during the trial!? Since when was he expecting?! Wait, is that why Macaque escaped Diyu? To be with his pregnant mate? And since when they Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven - need to recover??
Why is the Queen Mother suddenly being so protective of the very same monkey that ruined her banquet all those centuries ago?!
As if the celestial lapdog couldn't fall farther from grace...
Azure scouts things out cautiously at first.
He visits the Celestial Realm under the guise of working for his Bodhisattva - when in reality he's keeping a watchful eye and ear on the palace itself.
Wukong appears to be in a critical health-state caused by one of the most natural acts a creature could preform. The tiny brown-furred monkey cub is rarely out of sight of it's birth parent, nor the ever-vigilant Macaque. It seems that the two adult monkeys have reconciled since the Journey - the admittedly adorable fluff ball in their arms evidence of such.
Over the coming days, Azure then sees a parade of creatures from all walks of life visit the couple.
The Stalwart Generals that were loyal to the King to a fault.
The Bodhisattva Guanyin that turned their former brother against them.
The former-celestial Princess that drew Brother Bull away from the Brotherhood - an impatient half-bull demon child clinging to her dress. Brother Bull still imprisoned for a crime not even the Underworld has clear explanation of.
A pair of modern-looking Western Sea Dragons, either one holding a pup that chatters excitedly about her "best-est newest friend" resting in their crib.
Azure was confused by the inclusion of the dragons, until he noticed a trio with eerily familiar souls visit the monkey's temporary home. The very same souls that rested within the Pilgrims that felled their remaining Brotherhood! In new shells, but recognisable all the same. The "Great" Monk that had turned their brother onto that futile Pilgrimage now a dumpy mortal scholar that spends days at a time reading inside the imperial library. Zhu Bajie, a celestial general turned demon, now a fretful cook that frequently appears at meal times to ensure that each monkey has their fill of food. Sha Wujing, a former fighter and royal cup-bearer, now no more than a meditative cat-minder.
Azure didn't think it could get any worse when he spotted the Lotus Prince Nezha himself worriedly check in on Wukong, receiving the mother-monkey equivalent of an adoring coo and hug from the King.
Then came the Queen Mother herself, followed soon by her many daughters. Azure had been struck dumb by her presence. Looking deeper into the matter, he learned that the Empress had in fact delivered the King's cub! The lion suspects that the Queen Mother has become attached to Wukong and his cub as surrogate grandchild, given that Iron Fan is adamant on keeping her calf hidden from other celestials. But another reason must be lurking...
When the Jade Emperor appears in a manner almost sheepish at the door to the recovery room, Azure throws up his hands with disbelief. Now he's seen everything! The very same emperor they tried to overthrow was now crying silent tears as he held Wukong's cub in his hand. He did not shed a single cross word or expression to the monkeys, even as the infant urinated on his hand - which Azure thought was delightfully ironic, perhaps the cub was inherently rebellious as it's parent had once been?
Azure Lion now has full reason to believe that Sun Wukong, and unfortunately Brother Macaque as well, has fully thrown his lot in with the celestial host. And whats more, he nearly has the royal couple themselves eating out the palm of his hand. It's a insult to all their Brotherhood had stood for.
So the lion devises a plan to revive his two trapped brothers, and separate Wukong and his cub from the others so that they can have a talk about what has happened since the war.
This certainly wont turn into a political kidnapping now will it? (Doubt)
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chuitu · 1 month
August 9 2XXX
Written by: (compiled and edited by Anon)
Users: Yeva Moon & Hóng Hái'er
Uploaded: ????
File Corruption: Null (Restoration_complete)
{User: Yeva Moon}
It has been... 2.. 3 weeks since Mr. Nezha helped me flee from the Celestial realm, I often wonder if he is alright after i shot him.. He told me to.. But now I'm worried.. But first... my priority is to.. hide.
Celestial guards roaming from above, some checked the alleys, Nowhere is safe for me to hide... what now...?
Until now, I am disappointed... Mr. Li Jing... Mr. Lao Tzu... All the misters and missuses, They only saw me as a weapon to be used, they never really cared about me... All those things they told me, how they care... They lied, does this mean my friends were no different?
Liars, Liars all of them LIARS.
I want to rest... All this evading is draining my energy... I can't go home to mama... The Celestials will be expecting me there...
Then, there's only one person left...
{User: Hóng Hái'er}
My Captain actually gave me the time off for today... Thank Buddha i get to breathe, I didn't think i could go another hour without feeling the absolute dread of overtime, I wish i was being dramatic but i barely had the time to sit down at the time,
Well now me and a couple of my squad mates are simply lazing around at a diner, Rez really decided to order 40 dumplings, as if he could chow it down in one go... aie... I'm gonna head out for this one, just vaguely imagining him forcefully shoving dumplings up his mouth had ruined my appetite..
Well, the streets are pretty peaceful for once, glancing at the noodle shop me and Yeva used to go as children... Some random green biker girl just parked up front, giving a boy with a red bandana a bear hug... seeing those two makes me a little.. lonely..
Sometimes i still wonder why or where Yeva went, We haven't talked in a... long, long while, how long had it been... 120 years? Does she even have her phone with her? I kinda stopped texting her 50 years back... she never replies, not even a seen.. Was it my fault? Was Father right? Did she just simply abandon me the moment she heard about my powers being dead gone?
Eventually i.. came the conclusion of believing that it is so...
{User: Yeva Moon}
I found a... little crossroad, If i cross this.. and then one more lane, I'll see my Comrade again..
I wonder how he's been.. Haven't been able to text him because of Mr. Li Jing taking my phone away... I hope Comrade isn't mad from me not replying to his messages... if he left any...
What will Comrade think when he sees me again... I'm not sure what kind of face he'll make, it's been so long.. I hope he's not angry with me...
{User: Hóng Hái'er}
Managed to get off the next train out of Dinsun District, sigh..
What a day, I might finally have the time to spend some quality time with my parents,, well not a saying that they might be having their time without me casually walking in on them... doing.. parent... things... eugh.
I turned another corner, I just.. went blank,, I'm not sure what i was looking at, or rather who it was.. Y.. Yeva?
{User: Yeva Moon}
I found him... Redson, my Comrade.. He looks, confused.. I would normally be overjoyed to see him again... but... i can't feel anything, but relief... just that atleast..
He was about to say something.. but.. he stopped... he looked confused, he looks angry..? he looks tired..
{User: Hóng Hái'er}
I couldn't believe it, Yeva is.. She's actually back,, But i can't help but feel... conflicted, where was she all these years, why didn't she ever answer my calls or messages even once, why did she leave in the first place...
But i just felt, so tired, fatigued from endless hours of scouting and missions... and to think she suddenly comes back out of the blue??? I... I don't know... what to feel about this...
▄ Begrudged
□ Forgiving but conflicted
{User: Yeva Moon}
He said... Where have you been all this time... where were you when i needed you... i was alone.. you were my only friend... how could you abandon me like that... didn't even say hi, hello, how are you... nothing... You probably left because i'm nothing but a weakling to you now, isn't it?... his voice... hurt my ears.. it's... raining..
Ah wanted to tell him why i couldn't answer him... but... it seems... he won't believe a word i say... and.. he.. just left..
{User: Hóng Hái'er}
So eventually i left... I... I couldn't even begin to look at her... some friend she was.. I can't believe her... I feel so betrayed..
{User: Yeva Moon}
Comrade... left me in the rain... It's my fault... he's angry with me... because i left... without words... I abandoned him.. It's all my fault...
-- End Log --
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starsfic · 4 months
Statue Seal- Reunion of Siblings
Summary: Sun Wukong reunites with the Demon Bull Family
The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey. At the beginning of the story of Wàn Qiān Chéng, it was a small fishing village, nothing special. However, rising from the Netherworld, the Demon Bull King attacked. No one could stop him, no one could resist. No one except... the legendary Erlang Shen.
"Um, excuse me?"
Tang came to a stop. The mystical aura that always seemed to form whenever he was telling a story came to a screeching stop, revealing that they were just sitting in the shop. "Um, yes?" 
"This is all very nice," Wukong said, pausing in his sewing. He had recently begun to sew, according to Wujing, reconnecting with old hobbies. "But I just asked where my staff was. What does this have to do with it?"
"Oh, Erlang Shen used the staff to seal away DBK under a mountain," Xiaotian said. He had heard the story so many times. While it wasn't his favorite story, considering the lack of monkeys, he had still drawn it the best he could.
Wukong's eyes went wide. "What."
"Yeah, I haven't told him about that," Wujing admitted, ignoring Wukong's gape. "We found your staff lodged in a cave miles away," He made a rough estimate with his hands, nearly stretching his arms fully apart. "None of us could lift it, so we had to ask for help. Erlang could barely lift it."
"I'm surprised that the staff judged him worthy of holding it," Tang said. "Considering your two's history, I would assume-"
"Wait, worthiness? If someone couldn't lift it, it was because it was thousands of pounds," Wukong interrupted, thankfully looking less horrified. "Where did the worthiness thing come from?"
Tang didn't answer. Instead, he pulled out his notebook and scribbled something in it. Wukong sighed, glancing at Wujing. "Why did DBK attack? Last I heard of him, he was doing great. Didn't Red Son have his birthday?"
Wujing shrugged. "I have no idea why he attacked. When you went missing, we came to him first, asking if he had any ideas of where Azure would've hidden you. He didn't know, but he sent out scouts to look for you. So did Heaven."
Xiaotian raised a brow. "Heaven did? I thought because Wukong was all..." He made a growly sound, baring his teeth. "That they would be happy."
"I made some friends," Wukong explained. "Erlang Shen and I became sworn brothers. Nezha wasn't my biggest fan, but we got along if we had to. Plus," He chuckled. "The Queen Mother of the West loved me. Either way, I was also a flight risk, so…"
So they would’ve wanted to keep track of him.
"DBK never told us that he was planning to attack," Wujing said, steering the conversation back. "He just did out of nowhere." He looked away with a hum. "I always thought he might've heard something about you."
"Oi! Xiaotian!" Pigsy's voice interrupted before Wukong could take in the words. "I have an order, and they want it on the double." He slammed down several bags. "I'm not sure what they're doing, but it looks like a party."
"Okay, Pigsy!" Xiaotian started to pick up the bags.
Wukong plucked up the last three bags. "Mind if I join you?" he offered when Xiaotian looked at him, startled. "I want to stretch my legs." Something about this nagged at him.
Xiaotian's smile could've lit up the shop. "Yeah! Xiaojiao's in the next town, so it'll be nice to have some company."
The two headed to the tuk-tuk, loading the bags in the trunk. The moment Wukong buckled in, Xiaotian was off. His tunes pleasantly rattled the tuk-tuk frame, providing an atmospheric backdrop to the city. Wukong tried his best to drink in the view of the city. No matter his thoughts about big settlements, it beat being frozen in place as a statue.
Soon enough, they arrived at the location. Wukong raised a brow at what greeted them. "A construction site- Hey! Bud, wait!" Xiaotian, too busy jamming out on his headphones, was dancing right in, holding some of the bags. Wukong groaned before he rushed after him. "This kid's gonna be the death of me."
The elevator was already moving down, forcing Wukong to jump down. He rolled the moment he hit the ground, old instincts flaring to life. How long had it been since he had done...what did the kids call it...parkour?
Or, maybe it wasn't battle instincts. It was the rush of familiar magic that made his palms ache, missing his constant companion. In front of him, Xiaotian was staring.
"It feels like I've waited an eternity for this moment. Is everything in order?"
"Just making the final adjustments, Mother."
He...he knew that voice. He didn't recognize the second one, but he had a nagging feeling.
Wukong stepped forward, revealing a massive cave. At the center of it was a grassy mound. A tree blossomed in the sunlight that managed to sneak in. And, with vines wrapping around it, was the staff. It was a picturesque scene, only slightly ruined by metal warriors with bull horns lining the walls of the cave. In front of them was a man with scarlet hair, tied back in a tight ponytail, and a beautiful woman in a scarlet dress.
Xiaotian had ducked behind a rock to watch the scene, but Wukong's eyes were on his sister-in-law and the staff. She practically called to him, the familiar magic lighting up in sheer delight at his presence. Her bearer was back, and the staff couldn't wait to be reunited.
Neither could he.
There was a cry from two voices as he rushed forward, but he didn't look back. One of those strange warriors was trying to scale the hill, so Wukong felt no shame in shoving his hand in its face and shoving it back, helping him up the grass.
He reached out, wrapped his fingers around the staff, and pulled.
She came out easily. After all, her king was home, and she was never meant to be like this. The dirt, grass, and vines practically melted away, leaving her shining like new. "I missed you," Wukong couldn't help but coo.
"What the..."
"Why isn't anything happening?!"
Reality crashed back in. Right. In-laws.
He turned. All three of them gaped at him. "Uh...hi jiě." He managed out, waving. "Hey, zhízi! You got bigger!" Yeah, now that he could see his face, he could recognize that little ball of energy. They kept gaping at him. Wukong glanced at the staff. "I'm back-"
It was then that the hill decided to blow up under him.
Wukong was sent flying as rich green energy zapped and sparked, casting menacing shadows as the Demon Bull King rose. He was smaller than usual, with bare skin revealing scars, but he was back. 
"Flesh. Bone. I have returned to the realm of the living-"
DBK yelped as Wukong slammed into him. The menacing aura disappeared in a snap as the bull barely managed to catch the monkey, the staff clattering to the ground. "Wha- Wukong?"
"Hi Dàgē..." Wukong managed to wave. "I'm back."
"MONKEY KING!" Xiaotian rushed forward, tugging on the demon bull's hand until he set down the monkey. The minute his feet hit the ground, the younger man was fussing over him. "Are you okay?! You looked sick so I-"
"Xiandi?" The two turned in time to see Iron Fan blink, staring at them. She spoke again, her voice shaky. "Wukong?"
"Iron Fan?"
"Iron Fan!"
In a flash of power, the giant iron fan that had given the Demon Bull King's wife her name appeared in her hands. "Wukong."
Wukong sweat-dropped. "Iron Fan?"
Iron Fan started sprinting. "Wukong!" she yelled, the polished primness gone from her voice. Now, there was nothing but fury. Sun Wukong took one look at her and did the wisest thing he could.
Turned and ran.
As the two supposedly grown adults ran around the mound, Xiaotian walked up to the other man. He couldn't help but look at him, his gay heart skipping a beat. Red Son was effortlessly pretty, especially with the cold look he was giving him.
"So..." He held up one of the bags. "You ordered this?"
"Yes," Red Son grabbed the bag and passed it to DBK, who just looked confused and relieved. "We did not want Father to starve." He glanced at the bag and raised a brow. "Shouldn't there be more?"
"Uh, yeah, there's a whole trunkful of these," Xiaotian gestured upstairs. A thought niggled into his mind. “But, if you want to join us at the noodle shop, you could save them as leftovers and catch up with Wukong there.”
Red Son glanced at his father. DBK nodded, relief overtaking the confusion. "Great!" Xiaotian said. A gleam caught his eye before he could turn and call to the monkey and princess. The staff just sat on the floor, discarded in all the confusion.
Something called to him.
"Don't think about it-"
Xiaotian reached down and just...picked up the staff.
It didn't feel like it weighed thousands of pounds. Instead, it felt lighter, but still sturdy. The paint gleamed, even though hundreds of years had passed since it had first pinned down that mountain. Something warm flooded his veins.
Wukong looked over from where Iron Fan was slapping him, her skirts blowing furiously in the breeze that her anger was summoning. “What?!”
Oh boy.
Xiaotian honestly didn't remember how they got to the noodle shop after that. Nor how the conversation turned to Flower Fruit Mountain and Wukong deciding that now was a good time to go there especially considering that Xiaotian held the staff with no sign of tiring.
Right now, he was remembering the volcanos.
They had always been there, out in the distance of the city. They were one of the reasons why the city had to do a monthly earthquake drill. His science teacher had tried to explain how volcanoes related to earthquakes, but Xiaotian didn't remember. Right now, he was just starting at the volcanoes.
"Welcome to the Flaming Mountains," Wujing said. "Nothing can get past here...not without the right tools." He, DBK, and Wukong shared a grin, one that suggested a secret. Xiaotian glanced at Xiaojiao, and she shrugged.
Wukong didn't wait to let them ask questions. He marched to the bow of the ship and spread out his hand.
Glittering, golden power gleamed on his hand before spreading to the rest of him. His eyes glowed gold as if the sun itself were contained in his soul. Xiaotian gasped as something tugged on him, deep inside his chest.
"Noodle Boy!" Red Son gasped. "You...your hands!"
Xiaotian looked down. His entire vision was gold, making his eyes ache, but that didn't matter. Not when his own hands glowed like he had dropped them in a bucket of glowing paint.
A seal appeared in front of the ship and split in half. With the scream of rock being crushed and moved, the volcanoes split, sending smoke and lava into the air. One large rock reached up, up, up before coming down, down, down-
Too close-!
A golden laser split the rock, sending both halves splashing into the water. Princess Iron Fan huffed, lowering her fan where she must've been prepared. "Show-off."
Wukong chuckled before their eyes met. "Kid," he called as Wujing began to drive the ship through the channel he had just created. "Once we're on the island, we'll figure this out, okay?"
Xiaotian managed a nod. "Okay."
A few minutes later, the ship approached a dock. It looked old, worn down by age, but the wood was sturdy underneath Wukong's feet. Iron Fan helped DBK down, holding his hand tight even as Red Son teleported next to them.
Wukong led them to the beach. One monkey hopped out of the jungle the moment they touched the sand. It glanced at the party on the beach, looking wary. The moment Wukong stepped forward, however, the monkey's face lit up. With an excited screech, it lunged forward and jumped onto him, grabbing his face and proceeding to rub its cheek against his.
The movement seemed to be a call. Several more monkeys hopped out of the jungle. Some screeched and raced forward without a second of hesitation, jumping on Wukong or crowding around him, all making happy noises. A few hung back, mostly younger-looking ones, but soon were drawn in.
And, under all the noises, was Wukong's laughter.
"I missed you all," he said, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I missed you all so much, I promise, I'll never leave again..."
The mountain seemed to glow with delight as it welcomed its king home.
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splendentmoon · 7 months
Hey there 🤗
If you still haven’t figured out how to get Xiaotian and his siblings to meet their parents in hidden princes au I have an idea that’s inspired from one of your ficlets “Mountain”.
Picture this:
After the siblings leave the bull clan Xiaotian has them set up a territory on a mountain near a human village (the area that would eventually become Megapolis), not wanting to return to FFM for fear of celestial solders still attacking the island.
The siblings occasionally do business in the village as well as ward off attacking demons and bandits, but otherwise keep to themselves (unbeknownst to them the villagers in gratitude refer to the village as the siblings territory).
Somewhere down the line the pilgrims appear in the village, where all except for Tripitaka pick up on the strange and powerful presence.
(This would be early in the journey when Wukong is on shaky terms with everyone except Ao Lie who he considers his sworn little brother (who was going to be unjustly executed for the accidental destruction of his family palace, before being spared and placed on the journey by Guanyin, so the two of them can relate to each other better than with the rest of the group))
They ask around and find out about the siblings and their history with the village, with Tripitaka falsely assuming that the villagers are only speaking fondly of the siblings out of fear of punishment and/or death.
He tells his disciples that they will go up the mountain and handle the situation, or more accurately (not that the monk would ever admit it) have Wukong kill the demons in order to free the village.
The pilgrims are astonished when they’re meet with nothing but hospitality, Wukong is especially stunned when he sees Bai He and her six ears believing her to be the stone egg that he and his spouses created (unaware that all of them are).
Once the siblings find out that the monkey in front of them is their father they immediately embrace him and explain their story and Wukong likewise tells them how he wound up as part of the pilgrimage.
(I can picture the silent horror Tripitaka experiences once he realizes he’s been “disciplining” an innocent man)
The siblings then decide to join the group to help move the journey along and in hopes of finding clues about the whereabouts of their other two parents.
Tripitaka reluctantly agrees and before he can even think to place circlets on the four of them, Wukong offers to take on any punishment they would receive, since they are his children they are his responsibility (a decision that upsets the children, especially the very protective Xiaotian, but they’re unable to argue with their very stubborn and equally protective father).
(I can see the four of them constantly scolding Tripitaka, not only for his naivety but also his ignorance towards their father’s monkey instincts, having to explain to him what they are and why they’re necessary for his mental and physical health, “you’re telling me in all the years you’ve been together only Ao Lie has attempted to help groom him, don’t you know a dirty monkey is an unloved and rejected monkey” “What do you mean we can’t share matts, macaques can’t sleep unless it’s in a cuddle pile, don’t tell me father’s been forced to sleep by himself this whole journey”, not to mention the twins would be having the time of their lives constantly pranking Bajie for always manipulating Tripitaka to unjustly punish their father)
The siblings try their best to make celestial assistance as unnecessary as possible, to avoid being discovered and hunted down, but eventually the Jade Emperor catches wind of them and tries to send assassins to discreetly kill them (unfortunately for him he sent Nezha as a scout to oversee it, who had already meet and fallen for Bai He) (wild guess what happens to the assassins).
Later once they encounter LBD they find and free Macaque from Daiyu, with Wukong being allowed to execute her and her thrall as even Tripitaka comes to understand that she is too cruel and dangerous to be left alive.
(With Tripitaka now having six celestial primates to oversee, karma at its finest)
And eventually (with help from Nezha, thanks to Bai He) they learn of what happened to Nüwa at the hands of her father, and with the pilgrims and other allies the monkey clan storms the celestial realm to rescue their celestial consort.
Feel free to alter whatever details you like to fit your plan for the story.
Sounds good! But...
Xiaotian and the rest didn't know Wukong and Macaque.
They only had Nuwa, and that Bai doesn't remember her and Savage and Rumble didn't meet her either.
Second, Xiaotian started a personal journey to become a Demon Lord like his uncles, leaving his brothers with them until everything is ready.
So I don't think Wukong and Xiaotian will meet soon.
In fact, neither Xiaotian nor his brothers don't care about their father.
It's not that it's cruel, it's just that, since Xiaotian never met him and was very young since he last heard from him, he barely remembers that he had a father.
He only remembers his mother and his promise.
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oddlyunaware · 6 months
Detailing the Cast in “Where Art Thou?"
Hey! Sorry for the wait, part two of my introduction to Where Art Thou is finally here!
Let's get to our main characters. Please note I have only completed designs for four of them, and will upload everyone else's designs at a later time!
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Xiaotian, or just "MK", is the adopted son of demon-dirtblood couple Pigsy and Tang. He appears to be an everyday dirtblood, until one way a tail suddenly sprouts gruesomely from his back and he gains fangs.
MK is actually the last product of Project NUWA, a super-soldier program detailed in my earlier post. The system had switched on one last time, thawing out a frozen embryo and injecting with sleeper agent cells, not revealing his simian traits until much later in life. He was subsequently spat out by the biometric machine, where Tang and Pigsy found him by chance while scouting out the old facility, the only identification on him being a small tag with the words "CD: Xiaotian - SUBJECT 94-268-426 (MK)" engraved on it.
Red Son
Red Son is the disgraced son of the warlord Demon Bull King, a giant-sized man with bull horns who could very well be compared to Immortan Joe from Mad Max, if Immortan Joe actually drank his respect woman juice.
Red inherits quite a lot from his father, such as his raging tenacity and a small bull tail. He has quite a genius level intellect, yet perhaps the most peculiar thing about him is his nitroglycerin blood. When he is cut, his blood can be ignited into flame, and as such Red Son is nigh-impervious to fire.
Xiaojiao-Mei, or just Mei for short, is a dragon hailing from the coast, in search of a mysterious person to "deliver a message" to. Dragons are specially mutated folks who did not gain their traits from existing animal DNA mixing during the fallout, but rather mutated on their own from the radiation.
As such, Mei is a proud and foolhardy young woman, who never leaves without her ancient sword passed down onto her. However, she does not trust easily, and takes a long time to properly warm up to others outside her familial circle.
SUBJECT 63942, Nezha
Project LOTUS was one of the last super soldier programs approved for the war. The attempt was to integrate animal and plant cells together in a human host, giving them powerful traits to assist in the war. Unfortunately, most attempts led to the subjects dying off at an early age... except for one.
Subject 63942 "Nezha" was the only successful asset in the entire project. Growing at unprecedented rates and displaying intelligence beyond his capability, he was subject to experiments that tested his humanity greatly. The only kind soul within the entire program seemed to be Dr. Yin, who taught Nezha the good in humanity. The good worth protecting.
But then the bombs fell, just about 200 years ago. And Nezha hadn't seen her since.
Aaaaaand that's all the lore I got for now folks! I don't wanna reveal too much of what happens next, because I've decided to turn this AU into a full fledged fic! I'll link it below once the first chapter is written.
Thanks for reading!
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siphersaysstuff · 1 year
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So, I got my "Nezha Team Collection" 3-pack from the "canceled"(?) Chinese-market Nezha: Transformers toyline. For those who don't know, this was going to be a TF franchise specifically for the Chinese market, crossing over with the The Legend of Nezha cartoon, originally intended to come out a few years back. But the cartoon is seemingly unfinished and locked in development limbo, and the majority of Nezha toys were repackaged Cyberverse toys and a bunch not-Legos of Cyberverse characters.
Pretty much the only specifically-Nezha toy that came out for years was the "Nezha Power-Up Pack", which is roughly the equivalent of the Cyberverse Ultra Class (Clobber, Rack'N'Ruin). It's a nice toy I was thrilled get my hands on.
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The 3-pack was supposed(?) to come out in 2019 alongside the Power-Up pack, then it didn't, nobody saw anything, then just a month or so ago a bunch showed up on Temu, which is prrrrrrobably a case of someone finding a shitload of unreleased ones in a warehouse somewhere.
So naturally I jumped on it and got one because I like these weirdass corners of TF.
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The figures are slightly bigger than a Generations Core Class toy, maybe they're about the Cyberverse Scout class but I don't think I have any of those, those kinda sucked. They're pretty well-articulated, though the skirts on Nezha and Tu Xingsun tend to limit leg movement. They definitely have the Cyberverse-feeling thin plastic, though... not terrible, but they definitely don't feel as... robust.
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Yep, those sure are cars and a drill tank!
All in all, really glad to have gotten these WITHOUT spending a ton of money. They're sold out (again) as of this writing, but if you're interested, Temu can notify you when products come in. And I was iffy on this but man, Temu really delivered, literally and figuratively.
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shivasdarknight · 5 months
Top 5 glam pieces?
OUGH uuuhhhh
Nezha Lady Gloves, I always dye those jet black because they're perfect biker gloves
Shire Custodian bottoms + the variations on that piece, scalemail pants that are just really fun to pair with more casual glams so you still have an armored look
Eastern Lady Errant's gloves are in a lot of Surkie's glams because I really love how they work with would-be poofy sleeves, I also really like the bandages up one arm (for this reason, I also love the Wayfarer's gloves, just don't use them as often because forearm vs upperarm coverage)
Crystarium Coat of Scouting is an ALL TIME FAV
also last but tbh my top pick is the Holy Rainbow Shirt of (X) series, which I usually pair with 2 other pieces on this list. It's just such a good piece and I love that it's practically identical across all gearsets
Example A (featuring pieces 2, 3 and 5):
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icy-watch · 5 months
Fun fact: Look at Wukong's little blue boy scout cape in the flashback :) yeah it's blue, some unexpected red/blue duo coding with Macky there. AND the one he has in the future is red. In fact, one might even say it's the exact same one Macky was wearing. Gee, wonder what happened there. Also the him!! the white horse dragon Ao Lie who is unexpectedly really derpy and OWO UWU for someone we thought was going to be a grumpy old man at first XD I was just going "haha very Macaque of you Mei" when she was saying "you're nothing!" @/herself kind of in relation to other people also being if so and so expectation isn't met. Y'know *jazz hands towards The Winning Side again* we do say Mei and MK are just ShadowPeach but healthier. but the hero and the warrior- were like...the sea and sky...? And then she did the "ugh this guy" facepalm and I had to pause bc lmao??? Macky does that too......my sincerest apologies to hero!Mei truthers, which could still be very valid and sure was at the start + MK having a bit of Macky's fighting style someone said once, they do swap and share traits a lot but I get the sneaaaaaky feeling we're in for a ShadowPeach 2.0 sometimes. Tang finding Mo is so cute and silly, and Macky is so stressed and tense you can hear it in his voice...hehe, what are all those options btw and did they have anything to do with Point B aka your possible death....whatdya do Mac? If option "Wukong is a traitor" isn't what you subscribe to. Then perhaps its "Wukong is an unwilling participant" cue the theory that Macky attacked Tripitaka and gang bc well, he did it in JTTW anyways but we're expecting the reasons to be different. But there's an extra layer to why he would, almost like *gets dragged off stage* anyways. Tang's face when he realizes which part of the story the magic river water is XD and then we flash to, I think Chang'e floating to the moon? Nezha's fight against that one dragon oh no so they're keeping that plot line, I mean of course they are. Nezha's story is so dark tho, its def implied they're keeping the whole thing I think. Not and LBD jumpscare...I thought that was Princess Iron Fan on my first watch whoops. but hello??? She was part of the Celestial Realm at first??? HMMMMM. well that definitely doesn't make things all the more suspicious. It's kind of funny how much they talk about Monkey King being MK's dad bc the writers are fully aware of what the fandom might think, or was thinking before anyways, but they confirmed it on twitter that's not the case. I just checked ep 6 and its got a nice fun cliffhanger for you to chew on. build up expectations and ideas.
Hmmm... interesting 👀
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xaracosmia · 5 months
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name / alias: mio age: 24 pronouns: he/they/it ooc contact: ensemblestars on twt other characters in xc: emiliano montrose, tooth fairy, jacob, jeremy fitzgerald
name: nezha age: n/a ( immortal, late-twenties in appearance ) pronouns: he / any series: lego monkie kid canon point: post-canon / post-the emperor’s wrath app triggers: a lot of things idk, war, end of the world scenarios, kind of your run-of-the-mill action cartoon nonsense, childbirth mention in the background, self-sacrifice / mention of suicide
personality: nezha’s best described as a tight-ass. he’s stern, serious, strict, and is bound by his honor when he gives it. he leaves little wiggle room for his mind to be changed on matters once he’s decided something is the way it is, and can even be rather short-tempered if you insist on doing things wrong in front of him. though, he does have a tad more patience for people who are new to things and need guidance in their life. he’s a stubborn bitch, rather prideful, and most of all—he hates being patronized.
something your muse struggles with: doing anything aside from his sense of duty
your muse’s greatest strength: his sense of duty ( facepalm )
history / background:
nezha wasn’t born like normal children are. well, he was, but he didn’t look like a normal baby. first of all, babies don’t stay in the womb for three years and some change. second of all, they don’t look like giant meatballs either when they come out. his father had thought him to be a demon, and after cutting the ball apart, nezha appeared as a fully realized child. he could walk, speak, and do the things that any child could, and would later be taken in by an immortal as a student.
during his years as a student, nezha would find that the powers he controlled were not just beyond his control, but also annoying to some of the other powerful beings of the world. in particular, the east dragon of the sea—ao guang. though, to be fair, he was being a jackass and sent people to claim sacrifices so of course nezha was going to beat the scouts into the ground. in retaliation, ao guang would send his son ao bing to fight with nezha as well, and despite going easy on the great dragon, nezha would kill him.
along with the other dragon kings, ao guang gathered to report nezha’s behavior to the jade emperor, and also threatened to flood his home in retribution for his actions. knowing that he was in the wrong ( and also wanting to save the people of his village ), nezha offered himself up to die to pay for what he did.
his death was short-lived however. nezha’s mother would build him a shrine that would house his soul, and his teacher would use the roots of a lotus to construct a new body for nezha. despite the shrine having been burnt down by nezha’s father out of anger, he would still come back to life with his new body, harboring a newfound hatred for his dad. nezha’s mentor would give him the wind-and-fire wheels and his fire-tipped spear.
at some point down the line though nezha ends up forgiving his father for the transgressions set upon him, and became a member of the celestial court. he is responsible as being the grand marshal of the celestial realm’s heavenly forces, and spends his days on guard against great evils.
…great evils and a several-times over immortal monkey that’s a pain in his ass.
powers / abilities:
taoist magic - as a heavenly deity and a student of a great taoist master, nezha is capable of using certain kinds of magical arts. in particular, he is skilled in creating barriers for defense and in creating seals to lock away powerful and important items, such as the map leading to the rings of the samadhi fire. trying to break these seals with force generally create a kickback that causes harm to whoever breaks them.
lotus petals - nezha can summon and use lotus petals as a means of fighting and utility. items he owns can morph into the petals and can be directed by him, able to pierce and explode on impact. he uses this to summon his items and to teleport long distances.
pyrokinesis - nezha can make and control flames. usually pink in color, nezha can also make them into multiple colors, and he’s even able to breathe them.
war form - nezha’s powers are kept under lock and key for the most part. when he fights all out however, he dons a stronger war form. typically larger in size, nezha’s war form has three heads and six arms.
inherent abilities:
super strength - as a result from being a heavenly deity
super speed - also as a result from being a heavenly deity
immortality - guys you won’t believe where he got this from
items / weapons:
wind-fire wheels - a pair of magical wheels used by nezha to traverse at the speed of wind. they are generally used for flight, and he accelerates himself further using jets of flame from them. nezha can adjust the size of the rings to power up things he attaches it to.
spear - a red spear tipped with a golden point. it is heavenly in nature, holding a great power to it. nezha’s capable of igniting it during fights.
armillary sash - a powerful magical sash that hangs around nezha’s shoulders. he can use this to elongate and ensnare others.
monowheel - a really cool mech that nezha can ride in like a motorcycle.
starting ability: taoist magic
starting item: wind-fire wheels
tip: he is so fucking mad
discord id: third.lotus.prince
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theclaravita · 1 year
Warframe OC Lore - Orbis Vitae
I realize that I haven't actually canonized any of my OCs in Warframe. They've all lived in my mind for the last ten years. Time for them to be made... IMMORTAL. VIA THE WRITTEN WORD! >:D
Pictures will come later. If I remember. lol
ROSTER --------
NOTE: Callsign colors indicate fireteam affiliations. Red = Fireteam Vitalia Green = Fireteam Lucid Yellow = Fireteam Radiant Purple = Solo Nix Blue = Solo Indigo Operators would often act alone, but tended to work together with their assigned fireteammate when necessary.
Name: Claros Age: 13 @ jump Gender: Cis/Male School: Naramon Role: Scout | Assassin Loadout: Nezha | Vectis Callsign: Scarlet
Name: Shay Age: 13 @ jump Gender: Cis/Female School: Madurai Role: Striker Loadout: Valkyr Callsign: Fury
Name: Ador Age: 16 @ jump Gender: Cis/Male School: Vazarin Role: Defender Loadout: Oberon | Magistar Callsign: Paladin
Name: Anna Age: 14 @ jump Gender: Cis/Female School: Vazarin Role: Healer Loadout: Trinity | Tigris Callsign: Angel
Name: Adri Age: 17 @ jump Gender: Trans/Female School: Zenurik Role: Stealth | Assassin Loadout: Ivara | Daikyu Callsign: Nix
Name: B'hen Age: 15 @ jump Gender: Cis/Male School: Unairu Role: Tank Loadout: Chroma | Galatine Callsign: Brutal
Name: Lizzy Age: 16 @ jump Gender: Cis/Female School: Madurai | Vazarin Role: Support | Control Loadout: Equinox | Soma/Kronen Callsign: Duplex
Name: Nero Age: 12 @ jump Gender: Nonbinary School: Zenurik Role: Control Loadout: Limbo Callsign: Indigo
Claros is a mischievous one, with a penchant for trickery and deception. During his time before the Jump, he spent most of his time climbing through the understructure of the Zariman. Deep within the engineering sector, he founded a secret base where he and his closest friends hung out and stashed ill-gotten goods from around the ship.
Constantly at odds with authority figures, Claros made a name for himself by constantly being an unmitigated menace to the crew. On one notable occasion, he caused a large chemical fire in one of the many concourse areas, severely damaging a lot of the surrounding structures and greenery. After this incident, Claros was effectively locked away by the crew, kept under lock and key for everyone's safety.
After the Jump, Claros's friends came to his rescue, tucking away deep into the understructures of the ship, hiding from the crazed adults as they morphed and changed into horrific monsters. Their old hideout quickly became a safehouse for a very large number of children. It was in the safety of their hideaway that Claros first encountered the Man In The Wall.
Over the length of time that the children remained stranded in the Void, Claros and his friends grew exceedingly resentful of the Orokin and their former keepers. If they hadn't been so careless, this wouldn't have happened! So when the ship was recovered and the Orokin began retrieving the children, Claros urged everyone to stay hidden, so let the Orokin discard the ship so they could escape. Eventually, almost everyone left the hideout, leaving only Claros and his seven closest friends.
They never emerged. They instead bided their time and escaped into the greater system the first chance they got. They commandeered a small ship, hacked its pilot Cephalon, and fled to beyond the Outer Terminus in search of an old Relay that had gone dark before the Zariman was lost. They found it, and began work on setting up a secret base outside the purview of the Orokin. They remained far away from any other living souls so that their Void powers could do no harm. Soon after they arrived, they found a means to bind their Void energy safely, though at great cost to their physiological function. They deemed this a fair price to pay and began their work.
Claros and his friends, now calling themselves Orbis Vitae, hacked into communications and kept watch on the system, planning on saving the other Zariman children from the Orokin. Through this espionage they learned of Margulis, and eventually her death and the advent of Transference and Warframes. They discovered the state of things in the system, that the Orokin were at war against an ancient threat from Tau, and that their old friends, now named Tenno, were being used as weapons of war against it.
Orbis Vitae rallied together, stealing Somatic Links and Warframes, then teaching themselves how to use them. Eventually they were able to master their newfound abilities and launched targeted strikes against Orokin supply depots to steal weapons and materials. The lost Relay that they'd made into their home grew vibrant and functional as a mobile base of operations. Using the Void as cover, they moved across the system, hunting for their old friends to save them...
But they were lost in their Warframes. Their minds had been locked away. They were mindless slaves to Orokin will, unable to be reasoned with. Orbis Vitae quickly realized that it was a lost cause. That their friends were beyond help...
When the Old War reached its fever pitch, Orbis Vitae spent their time defending small outposts that the Orokin abandoned, fighting off hordes of Sentients with impressive success rates.
But then Hunhow began corrupting the Warframes, with his daughter Natah having infiltrated the Orokin and turning the Tenno against their former masters. Orbis Vitae were not immune to this seduction, and soon they turned their weapons on those they had once protected.
Natah eventually turned against her father and hid the Tenno away on Lua, shunting the satellite into the Void for their protection. Like all other Tenno, Orbis Vitae fell into the deep sleep of the Second Dream...
Claros was the first to awaken from the long dream. After spending many years fighting the Grineer and Corpus, staving off the Infestation, and delving into the Void Towers for lost secrets, Claros discovered the hidden truth of the Lotus. When his Excalibur Warframe encountered his true self on Lua, he retained very little memory of what had come before. He remembered his friends faces, but not their names or their clan. He gave himself to the study of Tenno Schools, eventually dedicating himself to Naramon.
Over time, flashes of memory came back to him. He remembered a black tower, shrouded among the abyssal dark as it floated free in space, and knew he had to find it. He spent all of his free time searching, putting his ship Cephalon to work whenever they had a down moment. Finally, after many long years, he found it. He entered the long-dormant dojo and instantly was inundated with memories.
He remembered their mission to protect those deemed unworthy of the Orokin's favor. He remembered their names, their heartache at their friends being turned into living weapons, he remembered losing himself to the Sentient corruption... He remembered everything.
He put out the call to Orbis Vitae. He knew where each of his friends were. He called them to their old home. And they came. One by one.
Ador, callsign Paladin. His pure white Oberon Warframe had protected every innocent under his charge, and his Magistar had crushed any foe foolish enough to get close.
Anna, callsign Angel. Her gilded Trinity Warframe had healed more wounds than she could care to count, and her Tigris shotgun had eviscerated even more enemies.
Shay, callsign Fury. Her crimson Valkyr Warframe needed no weapon to shred thousands of enemies into fine strands of meat and metal. Her body had once been white and gold... Before the killing began.
Adri, callsign Nix. Her shrouded Ivara Warframe had never been detected. Any target unfortunate enough to be caught in her Daikyu's sights never knew what hit it.
B'hen, callsign Brutal. His bestial Chroma Warframe had never known flesh that it couldn't burn, robotics it couldn't jolt, or shields it couldn't freeze. His Galatine cleaned up whatever dross was left.
Lizzy, callsign Duplex. Her duplicitous Equinox Warframe supported allies and harried enemies in equal measure. You would know what was in store based on if she was carrying her Soma or twin Kronen tonfas.
Nero, callsign Indigo. Their elegant Limbo Warframe danced the line between reality and the Void. With a flick of the wrist or a snap of the fingers, enemies were unmade and allies protected, all without the need of a weapon.
Now finally reunited and their memories beginning to be restored, Clan Orbis Vitae began their mission anew in this age of strife and conflict.
That's it for now. Maybe I'll do Clara next. She's my Drifter version of Claros and... She's a TRIP. lol
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valkariel · 2 years
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Heavenly Gale
Heavenly look for a ninja friend :>
Head: Rinascita Hood of Scouting - corpse blue Body: Edengate Jacket of Scouting - default Hands: Ghost Barque Long Gloves of Scouting - snow white Legs: Nezha Lady's Slops - corpse blue Feet: Faerie Tale Princess's Heels - corpse blue
Ears: The Emperor's New Earrings Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: Etheirys Ring of Aiming Left Ring: Etheirys Ring of Aiming
Main Hand: Exarchic Daggers - ice blue Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Location: Mt. Gulg - The White Gate
Shader: Neneko Kawaii
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winterpower98 · 3 years
What was Nezha’s reaction to the Eclipse Twins being kidnapped in the parents and kiddos AU? I imagine he would’ve tried to use whatever resources he had to help find his missing baby siblings. - Pixel Anon
Much like the rest of the family, they were devastated.
And he spent several days helping Wukong scout Heaven to find them. Nezha had a better chance when asking help from the other gods compared to Wukong but ultimately didn't have any luck.
Unfortunately, because most gods were comfortable around them, a lot of them told the lotus prince not to bother with looking for the Monkey King's spawns. Nezha obviously neglected to say that to Wukong when he came back every time but it didn't make them feel any better.
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Counter-Pick Destination – stage mod for P+/T+/Remix (by Nezha the Scout, August 11th 2022)
Counter Pick Destination. Feel proud of your stage menu and showdcase it on a stage for people who refuse to pick those wacky stages will forever see them!
Available in 3 flavors: Remix, P+ and T+
I wont update these everytime these 3 update their stuff.
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autumnslance · 3 years
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Been slowly getting gear via greed roll for other jobs in the Tower at Paradigm’s Breach, and the 5.58 patch changes are just going to make that easier. Monk/Samurai shoes and the Fending top tonight; I have almost the entire Dragoon set too, and I think all the coats now with this one. Need Dragoon pants, some boots and gloves for the scouting, striking, and aiming sets, and pretty much all the hats except casting.
In the meantime the Skybuilders’ pants work really well! As do Nezha gloves (and on Dragoon, Far Eastern Maiden’s bottoms make a good sub til I get the robot tights).
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avicebro · 5 years
Hey Guys I’m Just Gonna Ramble About Berserker Nezha Okay Thanks
Spoilers for LB4 below.
So Arjuna Alter is able to give people gods and he summons a Nezha and gives him the god Kubera. For those who don’t know, Kubera is related to Nezha’s father, Li Jing, who Nezha Is Not Very Fond Of and absolutely hates. This self-loathing and hatred turns Nezha into a berserker. It should be noted that Nezha can be summoned as a berserker, which represents a Nezha from right before he dies originally, but Berserker Nezha in LB4 is a different one.
So Berserker Nezha does not want Kubera, but Arjuna Alter gives it to him anyways and he becomes enraged because of this. But because of how strong Kubera is, if Berserker Nezha were to try and rebel against Arjuna Alter, Kubera would simply take over and he does not even like the thought of that, so he cannot. 
It should also be noted that Nezha has a voice line for normal Arjuna, where he appears to be starstruck, saying that he’s nervous to talk to him. Thus, by Arjuna Alter giving him a god tied to his father whom he hates, then this is a betrayal for Nezha.
Berserker Nezha goes out on a scouting mission and sees our Chaldea Nezha and is filled with rage. Chaldea Nezha not only has friends and people who care for him, but he also doesn’t have a god he hates inside of him. Thus, he senselessly kills Chaldea Nezha. 
Afterwards, when we fight Berserker Nezha again, due to all of his anger and hatred for Arjuna Alter, he self-destructs to try and kill Guda and company. Yet, before he does, he tells the true names of his allies William Tell and Aesclepius (like a badass). We defeat Berserker Nezha, and that ends his role in Lostbelt 4.
Despite showing up in a couple of events and this being his third story chapter, Nezha unfortunately has not gotten a lot of development - in lostbelt 3 especially. While his inclusion in this chapter is sad definitely, and Chaldea Nezha does not do a lot, this does give insights on Nezha’s character. Nezha has explained that he does not like his previous self while remaining vague, but LB4 answers that by explaining that he dislikes how much his anger over his father ruled him. Berserker Nezha from LB4 gives us insights into who Nezha was before enlightenment, and I hope that in the future we get to see some more of this side, or possibly a Berserker Nezha (either as the form mentioned above, or this one).
Anyways, let Arjuna and Nezha be friends.
All of this comes from this reddit post, but it’s a little difficult to read IMO, and they misgender Nezha, but if you’d like my sources or want a read, there you go!
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