#(this is a joke I know what arizona iced tea is)
the price of arizona is 1.35 at my local gas station. i propose a coup d'etat.
well it appears that that’s already happened, because apparently the state of arizona is being sold at some random gas station??
and a coup d’etat seems to be the only way that’d occur soooo
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authorred · 6 months
Li Shen/Zayne (N)SFW Headcanons bc I'm horny for this man | Love and Deepspace | gn!Reader
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Preface: As enigmatic Doctor Zayne tries to be, it's not difficult for you to figure him out. In fact, it unnerves him a little as to how easily you can pick him apart (not that he'd ever admit it and blow your ego up)
This will definitely be NSFW (18+) so minors DNI (do not interact). Unless you do, which in that case I refuse to be held responsible for the content you consume.
Warning(s): NSFW content sprinkled in
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Established lightweight--one glass of wine would make him a bit tipsy, but 4+ would make him borderline drunk
Gets more affectionate when drunk but is super pouty during??? Like he's not the one who touched you first??? Acts like he doesn't want to even though his hands are literally mapping your body like a constellation???? Tsundere even when drunk and obvious smh
When the jig is up he accepts defeat and just hugs you--doesn't care about sex or whatever, but wants to keep you close in whatever form that may be
Calls you 'my dear' a lot, and sometimes when he's feeling real romantical he'll call you 'darling, my love, sweetheart'
Doesn't like calling you 'baby'--it feels infantilizing to him. Same thing with 'baby girl' (to my fem!readers) but might do it on occasion if you really like it
Doesn't care if you call him petnames or not, but if you do he really enjoys 'my love' or if you have a nickname in another language (e.g: mi amor, 親愛なる, mon cœur, etc)
If you can speak more than one language fluently he is extremely impressed--he probably never bothered to learn another language that thoroughly, but he's super eager to be taught by you
Domestic, husband material as the fandom has agreed upon
Learn to cook together, or teach each other recipes
Is not dominant in the bedroom--or at the very least, a switch
Not how that works psychologically
He is for your pleasure 100% but it's from a submissive stance
Will know what you want/how you want it/where you want it, and will give it to you without being asked if you're tired or are also mentally fatigued
Probably would not ask to be pleasured back, that's something you have to ease him into bc he doesn't feel he needs/deserves it?
Suck him off
Sometimes he'll come home frustrated from a bad work day, and then he might get a bit pushy/dominant
But overall he is submissive
Definitely is a top when it comes to penetration--wouldn't mind trying to get ate out/fucked from behind but I genuinely doubt he'd enjoy it that much
Might do it occasionally if you want it that badly
Does not get jealous, but gets territorial in a very condescending way
Is scared to love you at first
But he can't help it
I don't think he'd mind having kids, but I also don't think he'd mind not having kids--it'd be up to you, really
He would make a great father though--especially to a girl
Would die for you--genuinely, no exaggeration, would lay down his life for you if it meant you lived
Jokes on him bc you'd die for him too
His neck is sensitive to the touch
Always cold, please warm him up thanks
I feel like he likes iced tea but hates Arizona Tea
Likes teasing you a lot, nonsexually
He'd do well with someone contrasting to his personality
Wouldn't mind owning a cat or two, he'd just feel bad since he would have little time to spend with it
Is a sound sleeper but wakes easily
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fiftytwotwentythree · 9 months
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Wellness Wednesday:
Da Stats
Stats from 2023:
Meal Tracker:
Salads: 185
Bags of Popcorn: 182
Oranges: 165
Leftover Meals: 145
Cans of Soup: 110
Take Out: 0
Candy/Sweets: 0
* I can't believe I went an entire year without eating:
Ice Cream
Take Out
Eating Out
Completed the Most Workouts in December (46 Workouts)
February had the Fewest Only (29 Workouts)
- Friday, March 10th - Exhausted/Sleep
- Saturday, May 20th - Traveling
- Friday, June 24th - Exhausted/Sleep
- Thursday, August 25th - Sick
*Note: whenever a workout/day was missed - the following day was met with at least a double workout to make up for the prior day's loss
Jumping Jacks: 111,000
Push-Ups: 38,300
Glute Bridges: 35,300
Reverse Leg Lifts: 27,100
Leg Kickbacks: 27,100
Sit-Ups: 22,000
Assisted Push-Ups: 23,525
Squats: 4,850
Plank (mins): 1,221 minutes
Leg Lifts: 280
6 Inches (mins): 140
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): 297.6 lbs
Month with Most Amount Weight Loss: January (-22.0 lbs)
Month with Least Amount of Weight Loss: September (-1.0 lbs)
Total/Final Weight Loss: -106.6 lbs
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*** Roll That Beautiful Bean Footage ***
Total Movies Watched: 154
Favorite of the Year:
John Wick: Chapter 4
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Hours Watched: ~ 270
Favorite Show of the Year:
The Bear (Specifically Season 2)
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Books Completed: 7
Favorite Book of the Year:
Best. Movie. Year. Ever. by Brian Rafferty
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Comics Read: 22
Trades Read: 102
Favorite Comic/Trade of the Year:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin
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Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
I'm Done! Eff Yaas!
The Bad:
I going to reward myself with some Extra Sloppy Gas Station Nachos and Ice Cold Can of Arizona Tea's Mucho Mango - that's no joke - my favorite Nachos come from a Gas Station. May The Lord have mercy on my Bowels.
Also... said Gas Station with Heavenly Nachos is CLOSED on New Year's Day thus prolonging my sweet date of jubilation... I live but dang-a-rang.
The Ugly:
I know, I came so far - I worked hard and sacrificed - put myself through the ringer... What if the Nachos and Mucho Mango are a gateway to me Relapsing on my diet, exercise, and health... Yeah, I'm a tad worried.
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Kiss It Better {P.P}
This one is kinda longer than my last posts so if you’re looking for a longer read here ya go. Smut toward the end for my favorite little freaks 🤭
CW: college! peter x reader, oral sex (f receiving) body worship, multiple orgasms, possessive peter if you squint
You were never one for relationships. You figured because you always moved around so much growing up, there wasn't much of a point to getting close to anyone. You figured it would just hurt less to keep to yourself. Since graduating high school, your mom moved once again, this time to New York City. This was the biggest city you had lived in yet. Money was so tight, that rather than starting university right away, you decided to work and help your mom out as long as possible. You referred to it as a "gap" year but really you weren't sure how long this little break was gonna last. All you knew was that you needed to find a job and you had to do it fast. Luckily you found one; a cashier at a small bodega near your apartment.
The owners were nice and although the money wasn't that much, they promised you more after your first three weeks. You liked the environment and the local customers were surprisingly sweet. Most of them were nice older people usually coming to pick up their morning newspaper and maybe a lotto ticket. Your favorite customer, however, was a tall, curly-headed brunette who looked around your age. He would always come in and grab the same four items: a bacon egg and cheese bagel, a bag of barbeque Lay's, an Arizona iced tea, and a bag of M&M's. He must've been a regular for a while because your manager knew him by name; Peter. The two of you both enjoyed small talk from time to time. You even started having little inside jokes that he would shyly bring up every chance he could get.
One day, you supposed he finally got the nerve up to ask you for your number because he seemed super nervous when he did. From that day on, you two became really close friends. His aunt May even loved you, often inviting you over for dinner. You would be lying if you said the two of you hadn’t “fooled around” a bit in the months you’ve been in New York. The first time it was your idea. You proposed it after a fun night out clubbing with the boy. With the small amount of alcohol in your system, you embarrassingly mentioned how attracted to him you were as well as the few wet dreams you had about him. Peter didn't oblige so you found your partially exposed back pressed against the cold interior of the bathroom stall. It was messy—very messy but you loved every bit of it. From that point on the two of you were classic friends with benefits. It's not like the two of you fucked every chance you got, but when the both of you were in the mood and available, you always took the opportunity.
"Hey sleepy head," he said walking into your empty store.
"Hey," you grumbled out, placing some juice cartons into one of the now empty refrigerators.
"Jesus, good morning to you too," he laughed.
"Sorry, just not having the best morning," you say tossing the plastic container that held the cartons in the trash.
"Sheesh, sorry. Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Don't you have work in like half an hour?" you say, looking at him.
"Please, work can wait...plus I wanna know what's wrong with my favorite person."
The comment made you smile.
"...I'll tell you later," you say. Peter frowns.
"Seriously, I'll meet you at your place when I get off," you said, looking at the cash register in front of you.
"Okay...but promise me you won't mope around all day or otherwise I will too,"
This comment makes you let out a small laugh.
"Alright, I promise Parker. Now go, before you miss your train again."
He smiles, before leaning over the counter and placing a small, chaste kiss on your forehead.
"Okay, okay I'm out the door." he says quickly grabbing his items and placing his money on the counter. With a small ding of the door alarm, Peter is gone.
You loved when Peter and you shared small domestic moments like that. Of course, he wasn't your boyfriend, but he was the closest thing you had ever had to one. When the two of you first started messing around, you were also the one who insisted on not putting a label on it; more just enjoying each other's company. He hesitantly agreed. Despite the "no label/ just friends" agreement, Peter was still one of the sweetest guys you had ever been with. Always opening doors for you, insisting on taking you to his favorite restaurants, and even buying you little gifts here and there.
The real reason you were so upset was that your mother broke the news to you that this would be your last week in New York. She had gotten laid off from her job and there was no way she could make next month's rent in time. Even with the money you were making, there was no way the two of you would be able to afford to stay. In any other case, you would be slightly disappointed but quickly get over it. In this case, you were angry. New York was the first place you felt you fit in and most of all you were nowhere near ready to lose Peter. The thought of you ate at you for the rest of your shift. You hadn’t even realized how fast time was passing. It was now 5 PM and time for you to leave. You let your manager know you were on the way out and gathered your things.
The city looked nice as you walked to Peter’s apartment. Once you arrived you knocked at the door that Peter quickly answered.
“Hey bug, May is working a little late tonight but I could order us pizza if you’re super hungry,” he said as you made your way into his apartment. He had just gotten out of the shower; you could tell because his hair was wet and his lower half dawned a bath towel.
“It’s okay, i’m not really hungry right now.” you say smiling.
“Come here,” he says walking over and pulling you into a hug. His damp hair brushed against you, making you laugh.
Despite this, you loved his hugs. You loved how he always smelled of vanilla. His hugs made you forget everything bad in the world.
“I missed you today,” he said while pulling away.
“I missed you too,” you say secretly missing his embrace.
“So how was work? Do you feel any better from this morning?” he says motioning you to follow him to the couch.
“Uhm, yeah a little,” you say awkwardly taking a seat next to him.
“You sure?”
You nod. He pats his lap urging you to lay on him. You oblige. He begins playing with your hair. You enjoy sitting in this comfortable silence with him.
“Can I have a kiss,” you say, shyly.
“Of course, Princess.”
You sit up and Peter pulls you on to his lap. He leans in and kisses you. Your stomach does cartwheels. You deepen the kiss as you wrap arms around his neck. He’s the first to break the heated kiss.
“Someone’s excited to be with me, huh?” he teases. You laugh.
“It’s okay, I’m a little excited too…” he says as he shifts beneath you. He’s hard, you can feel it through the towel.
“Wow Peter, it’s been like .2 seconds and you’re hard?”
“Hey, you’re the one sitting on my lap, how can I not get hard?” he says, leaning back. You
“Okay, okay.” you’re right, you giggle. You climb from atop of him and lay on the opposite end of the couch.
“Take me big boy,” you say jokingly. Peter crawls over you, leaning down to kiss you again. This kiss different from the first one. This one needy and desperate. It had been weeks since the two of you hooked up. You were busy with work and he was busy with school. Both of you could agree this was much needed.
The kiss soon moved from your lips to your cheeks and eventually to your neck. Peter knew your body better than anyone else you had ever been with. He quickly found the sweet spot of your neck which earned a quiet moan from you. He lightly tugged at the fabric of your shirt. You help him by grabbing the material and pulling it up before he finishes pulling it completely off. His head dips down to your chest, kissing each of your breasts and reaching back up to your lips.
"Mhm--there's just something about taking your work clothes off of you," he says, now hovering just above your face. You laugh and playfully roll your eyes.
Peter stares deeply into your eyes. His eyes fixated on your face makes you a little nervous.
Pete...is there something on my face?" you giggle
"What? No." he responds
"Then why are you staring so hard, dork," you say trying to get him to stop.
"You just looked really pretty then," he started.
"--Not that you don't look beautiful all of the time, it was just right there..." he trailed off.
"Wait," he said pushing himself off of you.
"Pete~~" you whine, seeing him walk out of view to presumably get something.
"Stay in that position," you hear him yell from his bedroom. He shortly returns with his prized film camera.
He holds the camera up and quickly takes a photo.
"Peter, I wasn't ready for that," you continue to whine.
"Yes, you were." he says walking toward you to show you the picture. The picture was actually beautiful. It was you, laying on Peter's couch with your back slightly arched. Your hair messily framed your face and the slight sunset lit one side of your face.
You blush as Peter continues to hold the camera in front of you. This must be how he sees me all the time? you think. The thought lingers in your head for a bit.
"So, you like the picture then? You keep blankly staring at it," he laughs.
"Yes, Peter. I love the picture," you smile.
"...and I love you," he says placing the camera down and looking at you.
Once you had fully processed what he had said, your brain went into panic mode. Peter just told you that for the first time. You sat there with wide eyes and your mouth agape.
"I know we agreed on no 'boyfriend or girlfriend lables' and no 'I love yous' but I felt like saying it and have for a while so I figured I say it. You don't have to say it back or even feel it but I just thought you should know..." he trailed off, turning his eyes to his feet.
You felt your eyes begin to well with tears.
"I'm sorry if I made it awkward, it's just I'm not so used to the whole 'friends with benefits' thing and I really like you. That's why I said you didn't have to say it back. We can keep whatever relationship--or non-relationship we have going on." he continued.
By this point, tears were pouring out of your eyes. Peter finally took the time to focus his attention from the floor back up to you.
"Oh my god, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm so sorry--ugh please don't cry. Uh-- I didn't mean it!" he says, quickly leaning down to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
"You didn't mean it?!" you say, now almost sobbing.
"No I did mean it, I just don't want you to cry because I said it." he said, his voice wavering. His words felt rushed, apologetic.
"Peter, I'm not crying because you said it!" you say, sitting up and pushing him slightly away from you.
"You're not?" he says, immediately taking a seat right next to you.
Your hands came up to your face to catch the continually falling tears.
"No," you sniffle out.
"Do you secretly hate me?" he said.
"What?! Peter, of course not!" you say slightly raising your voice.
"Then why are you crying?" he says, moving your hands from your face and replacing them with his own.
"I'm leaving," you say, barely above a whisper.
"Huh? Like right now?" he says, his eyes widening.
"No, like New York." you say, avoiding eye contact.
Peter's lip twitches slightly.
"Funny joke." he says. You feel his eyes burning a hole into you.
"I'm not kidding. Mom's been laid off and rent is due in a week. She's already drawing up all the moving papers." you say, averting your eyes at his. Peter sits there in silence.
You continue to stare at him, trying to gauge his reaction.
"This is not how I saw this playing out," he said finally breaking the silence. Your glance softens as you see his lip began to slightly quiver.
"Maybe May and I could help, just for the next few months--"
"Peter, we both know I can't accept your money."
"Yes, you could! I want you to have it."
You shake your head.
"Please--" he whispered out.
The two of you sat there, in silence again.
"Guess what though?" you say reaching your hands up to the sides of his face.
"What?" he says disappointedly.
"...I love you too, Peter Benjamin Parker." Peter's lips bust into a small smile.
"You're gonna be really hard to forget, you know that?"
You lightly gasp.
"Well, I would hope you wouldn't forget me."
"Forgetting feels easier than missing you every day. You sigh. Your body can’t produce anymore tears but your eyes still burn.
“You don’t have to miss me just yet…I’m still here till next Friday… I mean we can still enjoy each other’s company till I leave,” you say, your voice inflecting a more of a question than a statement.
“Yeah, I know.” he says placing his hands over yours.
Peter cocks his eyebrow.
“Are you seriously still trying to fuck after this depressing ass news?”
You laugh, hard. The laugh almost made you forget the pain you were feeling prior.
“Would you kill me if I was?” you say.
“No, it would just leave me with a bunch of unanswered questions and trauma,” he joked.
“What?” you say, giggling.
“I just mean…” he hesitates. He clears his throat so his words come out more serious.
“If you weren’t leaving, would all this still be just fun between us? Like would we just go back to being ‘friends with benefits’?”
You sigh.
“Peter…I knew I would dread this day if it came.”
His kissed his teeth.
“So the answer would be Yes? Got it, in your world apparently ‘friends with benefits’ say I love you to each other.
“Stop, okay!” you begin.
“I never said anything. Peter, I really do love you. I’m in love with you. If I were staying, I’d be attached to you at the hip. Hell, you’d be begging me to leave you alone,” you say. The earns a small chuckle from the man.
“I would like that—or let me rephrase. Would’ve have liked that very much.” he says, pulling your hands away from his face and interlocking them with his.
“Me too.” you say staring at him fondly.
“Who says we can’t make long distance work?”
“Peter we don’t even know where we’re moving to yet—plus…long distance never works. You’re gonna be so busy with school and I’m probably gonna find another job. We’ll eventually grow apart and start resenting each other.”
“Not if you go into it with that attitude. I’m willing to do what it takes.” he says.
You think for a moment.
“I say we try it and if we hate, we call it off. Or I come and see you every break I have. It’s at least worth a shot, right?” he says, his eyes glistening with hope.
Peter has always been an optimist. This quality of his shined even on the darkest days.
“Yeah? Okay?”
“Okay as in we’re doing this whole boyfriend-girlfriend situation?”
“Yes Peter!” you laugh.
“Really? Like for real? he says, confirming one more time.
“Oh my god, Peter you’re my boyfriend.” you say.
His eyes light up. He quickly grabs your face and peppers kisses on your lips and both your cheeks.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he says, in between pecks.
“For what?” you say blushing.
“For…saying you’ll be mine.
He finishes with chaste kiss on your lips.
“Now that we’ve sealed the deal… don’t you think it’s only fair to commemorate this moment?” he says suggestively.
“Now who’s just trying to fuck?” you laugh.
“Hey, you were trying to do it way before we agreed you were my girlfriend,” he stated
“Touché…” you giggle.
“Now, if you’ll let me,” he says, pushing your back onto the couch. His lips joined with yours as he climbed on top of you. Your arms reached around his neck, to once again deepen the kiss. Peter’s hands began to wander your torso before finding their way up to your chest.
“Mhm— take this off baby…please,” he said reaching his hands underneath you to help unclasp your bra. He had gone through this motion so many times before that he could basically do it with one hand. He slowly pryed the piece of fabric off of you, revealing your bare chest.
“God, I will never get tired of seeing these,” he said dipping his head down and kissing the tops of each one. Your fingers found themselves in the back of his hair, tugging; urging him to go lower.
“I know, I know baby. I can smell how wet you are. Just let me appreciate you a little more. Show you, you’re mine.” he let out softly before finally placing his mouth around one of your now sensitive nipples. You gave an airy moan. Peter began alternating between kissing and sucking each one, gaging your reactions to each action. His hands continued wandering as he made his way to the zipper of your jeans. He slowly unzipped them and slid his hand in.
“God, baby your panties are soaked,” he groaned out.
“My pretty girl, you’re so good to me.” he said slightly menacingly.
He continued his work on your chest while slowly lightly rubbing his fingers up and down your clothed slit.
The grip you had on his hair was only tightening as he worked his magic.
With one small ‘pop’ he came up from your chest and kissed your lips.
“I wanna fuck you so good right now that you still remember it when you leave,” he says, looking down at you. You smile, once again bringing your lips up to his.
“Mm— let’s get you out of these too,” he says breathing into the kiss. His hands pull your jeans off from under you, tossing them onto the floor. Your panties and Peter’s towel are quick to follow.
Peter pushes himself down, placing small kisses on down stomach. He stops when he finally reaches your wet heat. He places one last light kiss on it before singling out the tiny bunch of nerves that lay right at the top. His tongue wastes no time moving in ways that make your head spin. Peter takes his time with this. All the sexual encounters you two have shared have usually been rushed and messy. It wasn’t supposed to be pretty. But not tonight, tonight Peter was giving you a show. The lewd noises you were make probably made it sound like you were giving him one too.
He alternated between softly sucking it and rubbing his tongue across it with just the right amount of pressure. His eyes never left yours. His hands, of course, continued the work on your chest that his mouth was once doing. His mouth dropped a little, as his tongue found its way in and out of your opening. You felt a ball form in your stomach. You began clenching every time his mouth found a new pleasurable spot. He knew you were close and was determined to get you there. He dug his head deeper into your heat, maintaining the motions from earlier. The new pressure was enough to send you over the edge. Your legs began to clench around his head, earning a deep moan from him.
“Shit Peter—” you cried as you rode out your orgasm. Peter’s head remained in between your legs as he tried to bring you to another orgasm.
“Ah—s-so sensitive Pete,” you whine out. Your hands tug on his hair. With one long lick, Peter pulls his mouth off of you, leaving a long line of saliva dripping as he pulls up.
“Oh my god, Pete.” you say trying to catch your breath.
“You okay?” he laughs.
You nod.
“I wanna return the favor…” you say trying to push yourself up.
“Later,” he said pushing you back down.
You furrowed your brow.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to, I just wanna take care of you right now.” he says, climbing atop of you again.
You smile, pulling him into another kiss.
“I also don’t know how long I could last if you went down on me right now,” he laughs. He lightly grinds against your leg, most likely to remind you of his still prevalent boner.
“I want you to get off too,” you say softly.
“Yeah?” he smirks. Your hand finds it’s way to his member, slowly stroking it up and down. Peter groans into your ear.
“Fuck baby,”
“Cmon, fuck me Peter…please,”
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” he laughs.
Heyooo i’ve been gone a minuet but i just started my second year of college and things are getting kinda hectic lmao. Hope this one isn’t that bad, i may write a second part possible with more sexy time. Also if you couldn’t tell i def have a thing for Peter fresh out of the shower lmao. Let me know what you think!! <3 follow for more; requests are open!
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Fifteen (pt 11)
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tw: mentions of vomiting, pregnancy, miscarriage 
wc: 4.2k 
series masterlist!
“I apologize in advance for the way this letter is going to be. It’s going to be a mess of my word vomit that is poorly strung together and probably won’t make any sense. The pages are going to be tear-soaked and ripped, kind of like me right now. I feel tattered and torn and achy and bruised. I’m physically fine, but mentally? I’m at my absolute low. The lowest of lows, even though I should be better. I was better for a while, because I still had you. Even after we broke up I was better, because I still had coffee with you at work and we sort of started speaking to each other again. Leaving is hard, but I know with time I’ll be better again. I won’t be at this rock-bottom this forever. 
Speaking of, I should really tell you where I’m at. Physically, it is 1:36 am EST on February 15th. I am still at the kitchen table in that red blanket. The way it smells like you has gone from revolting to comforting in the last few hours of writing. My hand is aching. I have the locket on my neck and I’m incessantly playing with it and opening it to see your face. I haven’t eaten. If I did I’m afraid I’d just puke it all up, so instead I’m half way through a bottle of red and well on my way to a second. I need it. You know what the next part is, Spence, so can you really blame me?
I’ve decided to combine these next two mementos; I feel like they just go together naturally. They tell the same story and they’re both important to that said story. Grab the tissues, Love, you’re gonna need ‘em.”
Spencer did as you asked, reaching to his nightstand and grabbing the box of tissues that was already half empty from how much he had used them in the last fourteen hours. His nose was red and sore from the constant blowing and sniffling. The box felt hollow when he lifted it, and he couldn’t help but relate to it. 
“It all started a month or so after that conversation on the balcony; the one between me, you, and the moon. I felt sick. We weren’t surprised and if I’m being honest, being “careful” had taken a backseat. Don’t think I’m complaining, because I’m not. I loved every moment I ever got to spend with you, especially in those compromising positions we found ourselves in often. I love the way you loved me, so gently, so kindly, with passion and heart. I loved feeling you love me, and you loved me often. So, naturally, we weren’t shocked when I woke up each morning throwing up. I purposely ignored the way my boobs hurt and my hip bones ached. I wasn’t surprised, but I was still terrified. Loaning out your body to another human being is scary. But you? 
It’s like you had this sixth sense. You knew immediately, before I even had a clue. Every day for a week you rubbed my back, held my hair, and soothed me. You got me saltines and ginger ale every day, gently told me to stop with the coffee and deli meats. The way you cared for me during it all made it okay, more than okay. It made me excited. I felt lucky to share that experience with a man like you. I was lucky to share that experience with you. I can say with 100% certainty I will never share it with anyone except you, because no one except you would stop at Walgreens and pick up a box of ClearBlue for their cranky, definitely pregnant girlfriend. You’re the only one who would run to the store when I couldn’t physically eat anything but potato chips and raspberry Arizona Iced Tea. You’re the only one I’d want holding me on the bathroom floor as we waited for the longest three minutes of our lives. You’re the only one I wanted to scoop me up in a hug when it said ‘pregnant’. You’re the only one I’d ever want to be the dad of my kids. That’s just it Spence, you were the one. The only one. I realize that now.”
Spencer shook as he picked up the test in his hands. It felt delicate, and sacred, like it was a relic. Actually, everything in that box felt like a relic, like holy objects that he had to cherish and safeguard. His chest tightened, but he couldn’t cry. He was all out of tears. He spun it, staring at those eight letters, remembering when he bought the test. 
It was Father’s day, ironically enough, and he had gone into the BAU to do some paperwork. You were too sick to come too; you had woken up at four to start your new-found morning routine of shoving your head into the toilet. He woke up with you, saltines and ginger ale in hand as he rubbed circles into your back and whispered ‘you’re okay, I’ve got you’ in between your gagging noises. It was good practice for being a dad, he thought. Waking up at any beck and call of yours would be similar to a newborn, and he needed all the practice he could get. 
Every morning, you’d vomit for an hour or so, chug a ginger ale, and throw that up too before falling asleep on the toilet seat, after which he’d gingerly pick you up and carry you back to bed. That morning was no different, so he felt awful leaving you at home. He left you with a note saying ‘Be back later, Salt and Vinegar or BBQ? Let me know, love you,’ and a bottle of water with a Motrin. 
You had been sick for almost two weeks straight, and he knew you knew why. You just didn’t want to admit it. Neither did he at first; he had a plan. This went against the plan you had agreed to a few weeks ago, but plans change. And for once that didn’t bother him. He was happy the plans had shifted, elated even. He didn’t know how to contain it, spending most days looking up which cribs were safest and which prenatal vitamins he should grab for you. He fully immersed himself in being a dad, before he even knew if he had someone to be a dad for.
When he stopped at the store to get you salt and vinegar and barbecue chips (you requested family sized bags of both), he wandered over to the family planning section. He decided it was finally time. Today was going to be the day. He’d officially be a dad-to-be, and on Father’s day of all days. It felt right. The universe was finally on his side. It was sunny, birds were chirping. Everything felt perfect.
He grabbed a box of clearblue and checked out, the cashier smiling and commenting, “I hope good luck is what I should say.”
He smiled ear to ear, “Yes, I appreciate that, thank you.”
The tests felt like they were burning a hole through the paper bag the whole walk home. A few times he considered not even giving them to you. He was scared for how you’d react. He was happy, but would you be? Would you cry? Would your tears be happy or sad? Part of him didn’t want to find out, but a bigger part of him needed to find out. 
When he got home, you practically ran to greet him. 
“Chips! Chips!” 
You kissed his cheeks and face, and he squeezed you tightly, but not too tightly. Just in case.  
“Yes, I got the biggest bags that they sell.”
“You know I love you? So much?”
“I know. I love you too, so much,” He blushed and watched you dig in the shopping bag, where you found the box of tests. 
“We need to talk.”
He cut you off, trying to profile the look on your face. It was half shock, but he swore he saw you bite back a smile. 
“I know,” you said, opening the box, “And I think we both know what this is going to say.”
“I have an idea of what it’ll say. Is that okay?”
“Is it okay?” You said, standing in front of him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, “Yes. It’s scary, but it’s wanted.”
He placed his hands on your belly. There was nothing there yet, but he still couldn’t contain the smile, “Really?”
You rolled your eyes, using humor to deflect as usual, “Don’t pretend you haven’t been trying to knock me up for months, Dr. Reid,” now he rolled his, “I’m going to go pee on this.”
He followed you into the bathroom, and then proceeded to wait for three minutes. The longest three minutes in the history of time. 
“First time?” You asked him, nestled between his legs on the bathroom floor. 
“Yeah, believe it or not this is the first pregnancy test I’ve ever taken.”
You laughed, shifting even closer to him in an attempt to have him swallow you whole, “Nah, I’ve peed on a ton of sticks.”
“Is that so?” He joked back. You stiffened, and he gripped you tighter. If he could hold you together, maybe you wouldn’t fall apart.
“No,” your voice was low and weak, “and I’m scared. I don’t know why. I’m happy, but terrified, does that even make sense?” 
He kissed the back of your head, “I’ve got you.”
The rest of the time was silent, just appreciating the warmth the other offered. You made him go look at it, not trusting yourself to be able to stand in that moment. 
“It’s positive,” He said, trying to conceal his excitement.
“Really?” Your face lit up and he lit up too, sweeping you off your feet into a hug he wished would have lasted for a hundred years. 
“Yeah, Love, really. You’re going to be a mom!”
Happy tears breached both of your eyes, “And you’re going to be a dad!”
He groaned at the memory, wishing that slice of pure bliss would have lasted. He felt so much happiness in that moment, maybe too much. Maybe we’re all given an allotted amount of happiness at birth. Maybe he only had so much happiness in his body, and he used all his happiness up with you. That would make sense, because he hadn’t found a speck of genuine happiness in his life without you. 
“When you told me it was positive, that was simultaneously the happiest and most terrifying moment of my entire life. I was elated. Over the moon. Ecstatic. Because I always wanted a baby and I always wanted a baby with you. But I was scared. I was scared because pregnancy is scary and birth is supposed to feel like breaking all your bones at once or something. I was scared because I didn’t know if I had the money to get the best crib and best everything for our baby. I was scared because our baby would have two parents with dangerous jobs that we might not come home from. It’s the sad truth of our lives Spencer. We’ve stared down the barrels of many guns, been taken and tortured, looked evil in its eyes. I was scared because instead of living in that moment of pure happiness and love, I was looking ahead, as if anything in this life is guaranteed. 
I ignored my fears, like I ignore everything I really should be looking in the eyes, and let us be happy. All I ever wanted was for us to be happy. And that was the start of when we were the happiest. 
Everyday was full of baby name lists and Mozart and nutritionally balanced meals you made for me. You fed me a lot of sweet potatoes, because “Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A, Y/N, and you need to increase your vitamin A intake by about 20% during pregnancy.” The only problem was I hate sweet potatoes, and all I really wanted to eat was loaded nachos and cheese fries. 
Being pregnant with the smartest man in the world had its pluses and minuses. On the plus side, you knew everything about everything. If I ever felt a funny movement or a weird symptom, you knew what was going on. Because of JJ (another thing I chose to ignore). But that was also a minus, because I’d tell you my tummy hurt and suddenly you’d overreact and make me call my doctor. I’d laugh and tell you it was all okay, I didn’t have any rare conditions that have only ever affected 3 people in the history of the world. I was okay. Me and her, we were okay.”
Spencer stopped. Her? You actually used ‘her?’ You never did that. After everything happened you referred to her as ‘the baby’ because it made it less personal. If you called her ‘her’ or by the name you’d chosen, that made it real. Neither of you wanted it to be real. 
You had cried over this page heavily, the words marked by inky tear stains. He was following suit, staring at that word. 
Her. A girl. His daughter. His girl. 
“You’d give me weekly updates on how big the baby was and what was growing and changing. And trust me, I felt growing and changing. And to me, it felt like sore boobs and vomiting. Pregnancy did not make me glow, it made me dull and gray and cranky and somehow still so happy. I was happy because of you. 
You listened to me compare the pros and cons of virtually identical bassinets while you rubbed my feet. You laid your head on my belly, even before there was a bump and listened or talked to her about your day. You always got me potato chips. You removed every vanilla candle in our house when the smell made me want to hurl. You were understanding when I’d snap at the littlest things or cry at a sad commercial. You made every stomach ache and hip ache feel better, even if you did fact dump about it every four seconds. I got so caught up in being a mom-to-be that I often forgot you were a dad-to-be, too. I’m sorry for that. I should've supported you the way you supported me, through everything. For that, I'm truly sorry. 
Remember when everyone found out? We decided to wait to tell them, at least into week twelve, just in case something happened. 
“If a miscarriage were to happen, it would most likely occur in the first trimester;” you explained one day, while I had my grubby little hands in a plate of loaded sweet potato fries (a compromise). 
“My mom always said it's bad luck,” I said, “But I’m happy to keep this between us. I wish we could live in this bubble of happiness forever, Spencer.”
I still wish we could’ve lived in that bubble forever, but it popped. 
We still went to work like usual. They all knew something was up. I was opting out of takedowns and always eating. Like, always. Derek knew not to go to the vending machine without getting something for me. I sized up in Kevlar and Rossi did mention that I was looking ‘glowy’ a few times. No one asked us though, which is a surprise given the people we work with. They knew we loved each other before we even did, so I’m sure they knew I had one in the oven. 
We told them by getting a onesie that said “FUTURE FBI AGENT” on it. Super cheesy, but perfect for us. We showed up to a carbonara ala Rossi dinner with it stashed in my purse.
“No wine?” Rossi asked me and I shook my head no, “Okay Bella, okay.”
He sent me a knowing look with a grin. Classic Rossi, always the dad. 
After dessert, we stood up, clinking a class and you held me close.
“Attention, everyone!”
The whole crew stared at us, and you gave them the line you had rehearsed in the car on the way over, “The BAU is my family, and I love you all so dearly. which is why Y/N and I would like to tell you that we have a new recruit coming in February!” 
We each took one sleeve of this adorably tiny onesie and held it up, everyone cheering and clapping and congratulating us.
The boys patted you on the back, Penelope tackled me in a hug, Blake kissed your cheeks. Even JJ had a genuine smile for us. It was perfect. Literally perfect. That may be the best moment of my life. It was me and you, sharing the most important part of our lives with the people most important to us. My heart aches just thinking about them. God, they were so excited. Garcia and Derek bought me gifts. JJ gave me advice. We sent Emily a picture of me and you with that baby onesie, and she texted me everyday to ask how I was feeling. My dad was over the moon, he didn’t even care that we weren’t married. Diana was the happiest of them all. She was so excited for you to have this journey, and she told me she was glad it’d be with me. She once wrote to me that a dream of hers was to be a grandma, and when you were a kid she thought that may never happen, since you were so smart and special and different. She thought no one would ever understand you enough to love you like that. She said that all changed when she met me. She could tell I understood you and loved you. So tell Diana that I’m sorry I couldn’t give her that dream and that I hope she gets her wish of being a grandma one day. I hope you get your wish to be a dad, too. It may kill me to know that you’d be out there parenting without me, but it may kill me more if you never get to have that dream Spencer Reid. So do it. Break my heart a million times over. It’s worth it as long as you’d be happy at the end of it all.”
He sighed shakily, he’d only be happy at the end of it all if it was with you, an option that seemed less and less likely with each passing letter. 
The box contained that little onesie. He held it up, astonished at how small it was. How could a person ever be so tiny? He let himself cry into it, the onesie still smelling like you. He remembered ordering it online, sneaking it in your purse and the look on everyone’s faces when he gave his little speech. He remembered JJ squeezing him tight and telling him he’d be amazing and how happy she was that Henry and Jack would have a new friend. He remembered Derek slapping him on the back and commenting how pretty the baby would be, “You and Y/N? We may have a new pretty boy in the house soon!”
He remembered Rossi immediately finding a copy of ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’ on a shelf in his massive mansion, and giving it to him with a kiss on both cheeks. He remembered sneaking to Vegas to tell his mother, how she leapt up and swallowed him in a hug. But perhaps the most memorable and meaningful interaction he had that night was with Hotch. 
He came up to Spencer separately, at the end, and gave him his own fatherly wisdom, “Congratulations, Reid. This is going to be the greatest adventure of your life, and you’re going to be an amazing father.”
Spencer smiled, looking over at you, hands all over your barely there belly, giggling with Garcia and Derek, “Because of her.”
Spencer cleared his throat, “I’m going to be a great father, because she makes me a great man.”
Hotch smiled and brought Spencer into a hug, two rare occurrences, “I felt the same way about Haley.”
Spencer felt Hotch stiffen, and he waited for him to finish, “My only advice to you is to not be me. If she makes your world spin a little faster, if she makes life a little better, if she makes the job easier, then don’t wait. I waited too much with Haley. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”
Spencer smiled, knowing then what he needed to do. You did make his world spin faster. You made the world a better place. 
“I won’t, Hotch,” He cleared his throat, “I promised her that much.” 
But there he was now, making all the same mistakes Hotch had. He had waited. He said he wouldn’t but he still did. He poured himself into work instead of love, just like Hotch, and it led him to his rock-bottom. He was staring at a baby onesie that should’ve held his baby, except he had no baby, and he had no you. 
He toyed with the snaps on the bottom, undoing them and redoing them in an attempt to relieve stress. He could imagine what she would’ve looked like. He thought she’d be chubby, like a little michelin man with rolls on her knees and elbows. He thought her hair would be brown and curly, like his, and her eyes would hold the universe in them like yours did. He thought that he’d love her tenfold the amount he loved you, which was a lot. He wondered if when he saw her face his heart would be too full and give out then and there. 
“My favorite memory of being pregnant is that day we went to Meridian Hill Park, remember? You fixed up a picnic basket full of nutritious foods, sneaking a bag of saltines just in case I felt sick. That was one of the last days, if I remember right. It was week eighteen. I looked like I had a basketball shoved under my dress. The doctor’s said I was measuring large; the baby would probably be nine pounds. We knew she was a girl. We didn’t have some big gender reveal, we just had the doctor tell us at the ultrasound. 
You set the blanket down, helping me sit and get situated. It was mid-October, so the leaves were bright yellow and orange. You had on a cozy sweater and brought a blanket to drape over my legs. I remember eating a few apple slices and leaning on you, just admiring the world. I looked over at you and smiled. Your hair was shorter and you were sitting cross-legged, slouching and eating a sandwich.
“You know what would be a cute name for her?” You said, shifting to allow me to lay my head on your lap.
“Like from the Poe story?”
“Technically, it’s a poem, but yes.”
“Doesn’t she die in it?”
You shrugged, “Yes, but it has such beautiful lines. ‘We loved with a love that’s more than love, I and my Annabell Lee.”
Your hand met my rather large bump, and upon hearing you whisper “Annabell Lee” the baby kicked, right into your hand. 
You looked down at me, smiling, “See she likes it! Don’t you Annabelle?”
I rolled my eyes, “Must everything be macabre with you Reid?”
You gave me pleading eyes, “Even without the poem, it’s still a beautiful name. It’s of English origin and means gracious or beautiful.”
“Annabelle Diana Reid,” I said, trying it on for size. 
You scrunched up your eyebrows and nose, “Diana?”
I shrugged, “I thought it’d be nice, and that makes for a really pretty name.”
You grinned, “I love it, and I love you, and I love Annabelle. I promise I will love you both for the rest of my life.”
I like to think you’ve kept that promise. 
You kissed me gently, the sun washing over us and a few stray leaves falling, just you, me, and Anna. 
I don’t believe in jinxes or superstitions. I believe in science and facts. But some part of me can’t shake the feeling that if we picked a different name things would’ve been different. Maybe if she was an Ava or an Olivia we wouldn’t be here. But she was Annabelle. Our Annabelle. 
I got rid of every other speck of baby stuff from this place. When you were off on cases and I was at home, I filled a bag with the few things we had gotten and dropped them off at the Salvation Army. I couldn’t bear parting with this onesie though, in fact I’m having a hard time even giving it to you. But she was yours too. My favorite part of the poem is this: 
‘And neither the angels in Heaven above, nor the demons down under the sea, can ever dissever my soul from the soul, of the beautiful Annabel Lee’”
Spencer crumpled the letter up. He was done reading this. He had to stop, his breath and heart rate were skyrocketing. He felt he’d been chewed up and spit out. He wanted to scream or punch a wall. His sadness forming into an angry monster that he couldn’t contain. He threw the crumpled letter across the room with a yell.
When he realized what he had done, he quickly tried to flatten the paper out, “No, no, no no! Please” 
Hot tears were streaming down his face uncontrollably making his vision bleary and the letter even harder to read. He needed you. You always knew how to calm him down and he needed that now. His mom was right, you did understand him. You were probably the only person alive who ever really, truly, did. 
He grabbed his phone, scrolling to find your contact name. He didn’t press ‘call’. He just stared at the ten numbers, frozen, and allowed himself to sob. 
Part 12!
@l0ve-0f-my-life @aperrywilliams @helloniallslovelies @random-ravings (tag isnt working) @ajwantsapancake @andiebeaword @boiled-onionrings @frnks-stuff @icantevenanymore1 @mellifluouswildbluebells @rottenearly @sammypotato67​ @blushingwueen​ @peaxhyjaes​ @justanotherfangurlz​ @juniorgman187​ @mbowles23-blog​ @blameitonthenight21​ @goldentournesol​ @rainsong01​ @thelifeofadumbbitch​ @swimmingtrashwobblersludge  (not working)
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lovelikedestiny · 3 years
3. Copley: And our kingdom is gone
White glowing skin, touched by stars,
kissed by silver moonlight.
When Joe gets up and leaves the room with one last stroke of Nicky's head, just as Copley has entered the living room, Copley asks himself when the immortals started to trust him.
Andy and Nile are exercising in his backyard and Copley, hoping they don't destroy his amateur herb patch or his dahlias, has tried very hard to give them privacy. By that he means that he is not standing on the porch like a stalker and watching the two women attack each other without mercy and with deadly skill, faster than he has ever seen.
Astonished, he stops and stares at the door Joe has disappeared through before he realizes that he is not alone in the living room. Nicky nods slightly to him, one corner of his mouth curved into something like a half smile and Copley only realizes that because he has spent the last few days closely observing the immortal warriors and analyzing their behavior.
Copley has always considered himself to be a passable, if not a good judge of people - this skill was very helpful in his job and served him well. But Nicky's micro-expressions are on a completely different level. He seems perfectly at rest within himself and nothing in his face indicates what is going on inside him. Admittedly, Copley finds this just as intimidating as Andy's sharp presence, Joe's death look and Nile's powerful charisma. Nicky must be really good at playing poker, Copley thinks, and inwardly shakes his head because it's like wondering what Joe likes to do in his free time besides the obvious drawing, or what kind of ice cream Andy prefers to eat. And Copley isn't sure that the relationship between him and the ancient warriors can be considered as that familiar.
He fully understands their vigilant, suspicious attitude towards him and is determined to help them with their current problem, because he is complicit in the events that have happened and hopes to gain their forgiveness. Guilt and shame are still present in his heart for being blinded by the prospect of helping people with illnesses like the one that plagued his wife, even though all the signs of Merrick's sadistic play were right under his nose.
All the more, the fact that Joe left him alone with Nicky in a room, presumably to use the bathroom, feels like a minor victory, and Copley tries not to seem too baffled by it.
The minimal change in the bright mountain lakes that make up Nicky's eyes shows that he's not doing as good a job as he has hoped. In Nicky's eyes and the features around his mouth, the most emotions can be read, Copley noted, even if it will take him a lot of practice to see as much in Nicky's face as Joe. He will probably never reach this level, because he certainly does not have 900 years for a character study.
Nicky's minimal facial movements also make it harder for Copley to tell if he's in pain or to recognize the warning signs that precede any vomiting of blood - which is now occurring with terrible regularity.
Since he has found a tough nut to crack in Nicky, Copley has started to pay attention to Joe after Nicky's first blood break, in order to learn more about Nicky's behavior. With this tactic, Copley adds daily to his mental list of Nicky's signs of certain sensations, and to his chagrin, the signs of physical pain seem to be increasing in frequency.
Copley, one of those people who whine hard when they stub their little toe, admires the stoicism with which Nicky endures his rapidly deteriorating condition. Only his slow, sluggish movements and a barely noticeable frown are frequent indications of Nicky's discomfort, as well as a slight lowering of the corners of the mouth and the twitching of his jaw pointed out for Copley by Nile.
And of course the tremors from the chills going through Nicky's body at that moment. In addition to the thick hoodies, they pulled out all the stops with various blankets, socks, hot-water bottles and tea and Joe gives Nicky his body heat anyway, just like Andy and even Nile.
This deep, family bond between Andy, Joe and Nicky is met with great fascination by Copley and although Nile has only been an immortal for a few weeks, even Copley can see how easily the young woman has integrated into the team like a matching piece of a puzzle. It also shows him how much the emptiness of his house oppressed him after the death of his wife and that he finds himself wishing to be a part of this unusual family of extraordinary individuals.
With a quiet clearing of his throat, Copley de-freezes himself from where he has been standing for an alarmingly long number of seconds and turns the heat up. With the onset of autumn it is not a problem to heat so strongly because the nights are gradually getting colder. And Copley finds that he's already used to the high temperatures in the constantly heated living room. Sweating a little to keep Nicky from freezing as little as possible is probably the least Copley can do.
"Thank you, Mr. Copley," Nicky says, returning his attention to the open book in his lap, which Copley cannot identify as one of his. While he grimaces inwardly - whether that's because Nicky is the only one who continues to call him Mr. Copley, or because of how rough and strained his voice sounds, Copley can't tell - he sits down in the place where he is working. At least when he's not in his study. Actually, the professional atmosphere of his office always helps him to be more productive, but since Andy and her team moved in with him, Copley has gotten used to finding the presence of the others very pleasant.
When Joe returns, Copley is back to work retracing Meta Kozak's footsteps. She is currently moving from the western US towards New Mexico, but Copley doesn't know what her destination is or where she is keeping any evidence from Merrick's lab and that makes him angry at himself. He tracked Andromache the Scythian and her group of immortal warriors down so he shouldn't have any problems pinning Kozak down too. On the other hand, he had time to track down the immortals, and in this case it seems to be running like sand through his fingers.
Neither of the others is pushing him to hurry up or do better work, which Copley appreciates, but they all see Nicky's crumbling form every day.
Five minutes pass with no sound coming from the sofa, except for the occasional rustle of paper when Nicky turns a page or the sound of Joe's pen in his sketchbook, and Copley longs for a fifth cup of coffee.
"Yes?" Even if Copley suspects what Joe wants from him, he takes his eyes off the irritatingly bright screen of his laptop to look at him.
Joe's dark, serious eyes are in such a strong contrast to the soft, warm expression of affection that they always take on when they come to rest on Nicky. "Is there-" Joe pauses to reconsider his choice of words, but Copley realizes in it the unrest that comes with Copley's own uneasiness. "- any news?"
To be honest, Copley prefers an angry, menacing Joe to the version whose tiny spark of hope Copley has to stifle over and over again, and he hates it. Still, he keeps his calm and shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry. I was able to locate her on the recordings of a hotel in Phoenix, Arizona, where she stayed for three nights. But I can't tell where she's going next. My guess is New Mexico, but she has changed direction several times in the past two days.” He sighs and shakes his head again. "She is very careful, which means that she expects you to search for her."
The pale, blurred face and cold, lifeless-looking eyes on his laptop cause a disgusted, hate-like feeling in his stomach. Copley wonders how he could ever expect from such an immoral doctor who sliced ​​people up for the Nobel Prize and took samples without letting herself be disturbed by their screams of pain to do something good for humanity.
Joe nods slowly and turns to his drawing with furrowed eyebrows, chewing on his lower lip and Copley looks at Nicky, only to notice that Nicky's focus has long been on his love. Copley thinks he sees something like concern in Nicky's eyes and then he reaches out his hand and squeezes Joe's, saying something in a lowered tone in that strange language and Joe snorts and grins slightly.
Copley has seen moments like this quite often lately. It's no secret that Nicky's condition weighs as heavily on Joe as a block of cement, and while Joe is definitely a smiler, there's nothing like it to be seen. Dry comments from Andy or deliberately silly jokes from Nile make him smile and, at best, even laugh a little. But only Nicky manages to ignite the humorous spark in his eyes and he does that as often as possible.
In the same language, Joe replies something, causing a low snort from Nicky about that Joe looks so happy, as if he had won the jackpot, before he seeks Copley's eye contact again. "Thank you, Copley."
Copley high fives himself in his head for the further progress he's made with the immortals and smiles. "Of course, I will keep you informed about further results."
"We really appreciate that," Nicky says, putting his book aside. He coughs heavily and Joe is immediately on alert, ready to jump up and grab the bucket they've positioned next to the sofa since the accumulating blood-vomiting, but Nicky pulls himself together. "Have you eaten anything today, Mr. Copley?" He asks hoarsely.
"I beg your pardon?" Copley blinks.
Up to this point he hasn't even given a thought to food and is amazed to realize that he has actually not eaten anything since last night because he was too busy following Kozak's trail. As if on command, his stomach growls softly and Copley is stunned that Nicky pays remarkable attention to who is eating what and when.
"Oh," Copley says, staring at his keyboard and then at Nicky, who is patiently waiting. "I'm afraid not, no."
He didn't even finish his sentence when Nicky gets up from the sofa - so slowly that it's painful to watch - and heads for the kitchen. "Do you like French omelettes?"
"Nicky-" Joe is hot on Nicky's heels, which is no wonder given Nicky's slow pace, every step taken so carefully, as if every move would hurt him. Because Nicky is supposed to take it easy and rest, Andy and Nile have thrown him out of the kitchen a few times because standing at the stove had exhausted him. And even if Copley doesn't know all the habits of the team by a long way, he can see how much Nicky loves to look after his family and that cooking and baking gives him great joy. This makes it all the more difficult for him not even be able to do that.
And the way Joe looks, he is more than aware of it. But instead of putting Nicky back on the sofa and advising him not to use the kitchen to make Copley a French omelette because it could harm his condition, Joe just says gently, "May I help you?"
It is not a statement that has been disguised in a question to avoid contradiction. It's a real question that Joe means wholeheartedly and leaves Nicky to decide whether he wants to work alone in the kitchen or to be helped. Joe didn't ask if he could cook, but asked Nicky's permission to help him cook and leave the main work to Nicky. And that Joe pays such careful attention to Nicky's feelings and wants to do something about it that he feels useless, moves Copley more than he would have expected.
Copley only catches a glimpse of the smile Nicky only saves for Joe. "Of course, hayati." Copley can't miss the underlying gratitude.
Continue reading on AO3 ;)
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mariapanpan1833 · 4 years
An OuiHaw Short
I thought of a small scene between the two on a rooftop and thought of some background for it, I can’t guarantee that my writing will be any good, so if anyone wants to rewrite it your totally free to do so. This is just a quick go at writing and I haven’t drafted it and I’m probably not go to reread it and as I’m writing this I have no actually full on idea of what exactly is going on an what I’m going to say.
Ashe rolled her eyes, she couldn’t believe she agreed to this, well that was until she turned to the money looking at how much they had ranked up, “Hell of run, ya know, I could use a good sniper like you around?”
Ashe struggled in the ropes as Widow tighten them behind her, “Ugh, I don’t see how this is necessary, you got enough money.” She grimaced. Widow walked to the right of her and sat on the edge of the roof with her ankles crossed and hands in her lap, “It’s better for me and you if it looks like I captured you.”
“I think it’ll be awhile since they’ll let me out like that.” Widow said, barely showing a crack at her emotions but Ashe could since a hint of distance from her. “I gotta admit, I am pretty grateful you’re giving me some of this, but I have to ask, why do you need the money?” Ashe relaxed in the ropes, sinking back realizing that she probably wouldn’t be able to outrun Widow anyway.
“I owe someone.” Widow quickly answered, still not paying Ashe a glance.
“You? Owing someone? How does someone like you need to owe someone?” Ashe raised an eyebrow.
Widow didn’t answer, after a while she simply stood and took some of the money and put in into one of the smaller bags.
“Where is your phone?” Widow asked, kneeling in front of Ashe.
“It’s in my back pocket.” Ashe answered. Widow was slightly annoyed at where she had to reach to retrieve her phone. She walked behind her and quickly pulled the phone out her back pocket, trying to not let her wonder for it any longer.
she sat the phone down on Ashe’s lap. “Call one of your men to pick up the money.” Ashe nodded as she opened the phone, once she got a hold of the line Widow placed the phone at her ear which Ashe kept up with her shoulder and tilted her head, pressing up to the phone.
Widow let Ashe talk as she took Ashe’s share of the money and went to the end of the rooftop and dropped the money at the side of the building for the Deadlocks to eventually pick up.
Ashe got off the phone and Widow came over and helped turned off the phone before she put it into Ashe’s suite pocket earning a slight grin from Ashe as she lifted her head to look into her eyes.
Widow turned around and laid down with her hands behind her head, exhausted of the long haul they had made today. Both of the women staying silent until Ashe finally broke the ice.
“So... what would you normally be doing if today was like any other day?” She asked, Ashe wasn’t really caring about the answer she just didn’t like sitting in silence.
Widow turned to her head and then back at the sky, “Some other mission perhaps.” she answered nonchalantly.
“I meant if you weren’t working, would do you do in your free time?” Ashe leaned in, paying more attention to what Widow had to say, which Widow made a note of.
“I-...” Widow thought over the question, she didn’t have much free time, a lot of her day was spent on some mission she had been tasked with that day. “Reading a book?” She answered, not sure if that was the answer Ashe was looking for.
“Oh come on, you can’t tell me you don’t like a little fun once in a while?” Ashe leaned forward, opening more into the conversation. Widow turned to the now intrigued Ashe.
“I... wouldn’t mind it.” Widow answered, this only made Ashe more excited, she had gotten Widowmaker to hesitate with her words, it didn’t mean much to Widow but it meant a lot to Ashe knowing that she wasn’t all that stone cold.
“Tell you what, one day me and you could just have a vacation day, one day away from all of this mess, it’ll take some planning but I could get the gang to cover you.” Ashe’s eyes gleamed at Widow, she didn’t really have a female to talk to as she was the female in the Deadlocks, something she’d later would regret not taking deeper consideration in.
Widow thought over Ashe’s proposal, she could take on day off for fun, she wouldn’t say it out loud but she didn’t too much mind having Ashe to talk to today, an easier change of pace compared to Sombra’s non-stop babbling, though she didn’t mind the company, it was time for a new scenery. 
“I suppose, what did you have in mind?” Widow asked, sitting up.
Ashe smirk as she had newly found some confidence in the conversation. “You good with tea? There’s a nice tea shop in town, I wouldn’t mind showing you to.”
Widow let off a small smile, a smirk at best that was barley visible, “Why would you want to hang out with me anyway?” Widow questioned, she never was one to catch someone’s attention, not in the way she wanted, so she was a bit confused why someone like Ashe, a leader of a gang, would want to hang out with her.
“You could use some time to chill, besides, I think it’ll be fun haven’t someone else to than B.O.B and who other than to pick you?” Ashe teased gaining an sly smirk and eyebrow raised from Widow.
“You’re picking me over a robot, how flattering.” She commented sarcastically.
Ashe retracted, “No! I ain’t mean it like that, I just meant-” Widow cut her off by giving her a playing punch in the shoulder while light chuckling.
Ashe nearly went red-faced seeing Widow chuckling, something she didn’t know Widow could do, after all day not seeing her say more than one or two words for the most part.
Widow walked over and untied Ashe and helping her to her feet before nodding over to the ledge signaling for the two women to sit over there.
Widow sat down looking for Ashe to join her, “Wow, that’s, uh, one hell of a fall.” Ashe commented, Widow reached out a hand that Ashe gladly took before sitting down. “I thought you were a sniper?” 
“I am, just never been this high before, how do you do it?” Ashe turned to Widow who had her eyes placed on the city in front of them.
“I don’t have much room for fear, you know? Things like this don’t effect me like it does you.” She answered. Ashe gave a slow uncomfortable nod, scared she brought up something she shouldn’t have.
“Right, no emotions... sorry for asking, I just thought maybe the emotion part was more of an act before I meant you.” Ashe admitted, though she was a little scared this might offend the Talon trooper.
“At the end of the day... I still wish this was an act that I could switch off and on when I wanted.” Widow looked downed, staring at the ground below as Ashe had gotten a more personal view of the spider. 
“So, where are you from?” Widow oddly changed the subject. “Arizona.” Ashe quickly answered.
“You mean the hot state where people are always burning their asses off?” Widow playfully asked getting a chuckle in return from the cowgirl.
“Yeah, I remember Daddy wasn’t too keen on having me burn to death in the sun. Though he was terrible at showing it, so I always had B.O.B, someone looking out for me, when it matter most even when it was just from overheating.” Ashe somewhat joked, though Widow took to heart that last sentence.
“So why not stay? You could’ve been better off with the money you’re parents are now.” 
“Coulda been boring too, look at me! I got an empire behind me, a personally butler, got enough money to not give a damn any more, and I’m pretty sure I’m sitting next to the beautiful person I’ve seen in a while.” Widow turned to Ashe’s sudden compliment.
“But then again, it has been awhile since I’ve looked in the mirror.” Ashe added. Widow couldn’t hide the smile passed her scoff before she stood up with Ashe following behind her.
Widow picked up the rope and began wrapping it up before she could see the Talon dropship in the corner of her eye. “Hey, isn’t it-”
Ashe struggled as Widow wrapped the rope around her neck before eventually tying her up again. “But I thought you said-” Widow cut her off again, handing a a nail file before coming up behind her ear and softly whispering.
“No hard feelings?” She asked, Ashe quickly caught on nodding before asking, “You still good for tea?” Ashe whispered back.
“Oui.” Widow quickly answered.
Once the dropship got close enough, Widow kicked Ashe in the back of the knees making her fall to the ground.
The dropship came to a halt, opening its doors to allow Widow inside. 
“We had a deal, Lacroix!” Ashe shouted, playing along with Widow. Widow walked towards the dropship that Moira, Sombra, Doomfist, and Reaper and rode on.
“Plans change, Ashe.” Widow blew a kiss over her shoulder which the Talon agents hadn’t notice as they began to drag Widowmaker’s earnings onto the ship. “Ay, Dios mio, you weren’t playing around Wid.” Sombra said, walking past her and picking up a bag of loot, which she quickly realized she wasn’t in a good position to be carring something so heavy and threw the bag onto Doomfist, who carried it to the ship.
Widow walked own the ship grabbing a hold of the handle bars on the ship giving Ashe a quick wink before the aircraft took off leaving Ashe alone on the roof top.
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reneehearts · 3 years
📍state asks📍
Alabama - what’s your favorite color? Why? Purple, it just speaks to me
Alaska - spring or fall? Fall
Arizona - coffee or tea? Coffee
Arkansas - what’s a hidden talent you have? I can lick my elbow
California - favorite classic movie? The lion king - is that a classic?? lol
Colorado - have you ever played a sport? Dance
Connecticut - what’s one thing that makes you happy? My dog
Delaware - clothing style? Summer casual
Florida - things you look for in a friend? Loyalty, good sense of humor, appreciates my friendship
Georgia - best joke/pun? I have no clue
Hawaii - are you a dog or cat person? Dog
Idaho - books or movies? Book
Illinois - can you play an instrument? Flute - kinda lol
Indiana - HAVE YOU SEEN STRANGER THINGS? I saw the first season
Iowa - favorite food? Ice cream
Kansas - most underrated song/band you’re into? Pierce the veil or you me at six
Kentucky - do you like camping? No
Louisiana - favorite type of flower? Sunflower, daisy, tulip, lilac
Maine - last dream you had? I met my ex’s new gf with him, he showed up on my birthday to surprise me after he “wasn’t allowed” to talk to me bc of the new girl but I guess she decides it was ok now. They had gotten married lol it was weird but I hope it might foreshadow something 🤷🏼‍♀️ I want to be able to have him in my life again
Maryland - do you have any siblings? 1 younger sister
Massachusetts - what is one fictional character you’d identify yourself with? Jess from new girl and robin scherbatsky from himym
Michigan - last show you watched? Svu
Minnesota - something you’re passionate about Australian shepherds lol
Mississippi - who is your celebrity crush? Chris evans
Missouri - what’s an unpopular opinion you have? I can’t think of one rn
Montana - do you have an accent? Some ppl say I have a Long Island / New York accent
Nebraska - do you like poetry? Not really
Nevada - what was your favorite childhood show? Lizzie McGuire
New Hampshire - early bird or night owl? Neither lol
New Jersey - hot or cold showers? Hot
New Mexico - favorite emoji? 🙈
New York - favorite aesthetic? Pastel/ethereal
North Carolina - dream travel destination? Germany
North Dakota - biggest pet peeve? Ppl who don’t use their blinker
Ohio - what time do you usually wake up? 9ish
Oklahoma - favorite YouTuber? Don’t have one
Oregon - tell a funny story about yourself! Ugh I can’t think of one of off the top of my head
Pennsylvania - one thing you’re proud of about yourself :) getting my msw and school social worker certificate
Rhode Island - can you/do you like to swim? I can and I do
South Carolina - what’s one thing you wish you could do? Sing
South Dakota - Mac or PC? PC
Tennessee - best pickup line ;) none they’re all cheesy
Texas - what’s your zodiac sign? Leo
Utah - biggest fear? Fires/being burned alive/car being flipped or car fire
Vermont - a fictional world you wish you could live in? Neverland
Virginia - what’s the story behind your username? I really don’t even remember I have it for my insta too
Washington - what’s your catchphrase? I’ll believe it when I see it
West Virginia - do you know of [insert band/show/song/etc…] ???
Wisconsin - do you have any nicknames? Yes- may, nayners, AB
Wyoming - rainbows or thunderstorms? Thunderstorms
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prettytoxicrevolver · 5 years
Instagram IRL | Jonah Marais
Warnings? None? Except I changed the prompt a little bit. oh and I guess I’m back? 
Requested? Yup! Hope you like it! 
Summary: You and Jonah were love at first instagram caption. But haven’t met until a certain blue eyed band member helps you get together irl
Word Count: 2,547 (we back with a long one) 
“(y/n)!!” Your best friend Daniel yells out as he walks through the door. 
“Living room!” You respond. You put your phone down just as Daniel walks in and you offer him a smile. 
“Have you been sitting there all day?” He asks taking a seat next to you where you throw your legs over his. 
“Maybe,” You shrug and Daniel shoves you lightly. 
“You need to get out of the house more,” He tells you and you roll your eyes. 
He was kind of right though. For most of the summer you had spent it either at work or inside switching between the same three apps for hours and binge watching your favorite show all day long. Considering your best friend was off touring and making new music you were bored all summer long. 
“School starts soon,” You remind him. “I’ll get out then.” 
“Not what I mean,” He says tapping your legs. You sit up and follow him into the kitchen as he goes to make dinner so you can continue the conversation. 
“Oh! By the way I think your band mate Jonah followed me on Instagram today?” You say sliding up on to the kitchen counter. 
“He did?” 
Even though you and Daniel have been best friends since middle school, you still haven’t met his band mates. Your schedules had yet to line up so you had only heard stories about Daniels four best friends. 
“Yeah. Did you tell him to follow me?” 
“Nah. He might have just seen us on my Instagram,” He responds and shrugs his shoulders. 
The two of you drop the conversation and you don’t think much of it until you get a dm later that night. You and Daniel were watching Parks and Rec together when your phone rang. 
“Who’s that?” 
“Jonah?” You say looking at the direct message confused. 
“What did he say?” 
“Hey!” You say starting to read the text out loud. “I saw you’re friends with Daniel and wanted to introduce myself.” 
“Oooh he likes you,” Daniel says and you roll your eyes. 
“He’s just introducing himself. You guys are band mates and best friends he’s being polite,” You insist. 
“Whatever you say,” He responds. He turns back towards the TV and you pull up the text and type up a response and send it to Jonah. 
The next day was spent how most of summer was spent, relaxing at home. However, Daniel actually had the day off and so you two planned to hangout. Right now you were just about to head out to run a few errands. 
“Ready to go?” Daniel asks entering the living room. 
“Mmm,” You murmur not looking up from your phone. You’re so distracted that you don’t hear Daniel cross the room, until he grabs your phone and starts reading your messages. 
“Daniel,” You whine out and stand trying to get your phone from the taller boy. 
He holds the phone above his head, and reads the conversation between you and his band mate out loud. For most of last night and today, you had been texting Jonah. 
After an initial introduction conversation, the two of you swapped phone numbers. You were quick to continue the conversation and it hasn’t stopped since. Which Daniel was now reading a conversation about your shared love of music. 
“Aww you two both like the same artists!” Daniel exclaims. “How cute.” 
“Shut it,” You tell him before snatching your phone back. 
“Come on I don’t wanna spend all day running errands.” 
It had been a few days since you and Jonah started talking and you already felt like you had known him forever. You made a mental note to punch Daniel for not introducing the two of you sooner. The two of you even decided to FaceTime tonight and you were hella excited. 
“What are you doing tonight?” Daniel asks as he walks into the room. 
“Nothing,” You respond and Daniel gives you a look. 
“Nothing includes FaceTiming Jonah?” He asks and you sigh.
“You know?” 
“You do realize I’m both of your best friends. I was gonna find out eventually,” He shrugs and you roll your eyes. 
“I’m going out,” He says picking up his keys off the counter. “Don’t stay up too late.” 
“Bye love you.” 
Once Daniel is gone, you start up Netflix until Jonah is free to call you. You felt like you were back in high school, waiting for your crush to call but you didn’t want it to be like that. Well, not yet anyway. 
You’re zoned out completely when the familiar ring of your phone sounds. You scramble for it on the coffee table next to you and when you finally get a handle, you see it’s Jonah. You pause your show, sit up straight and fix your hair before pressing accept. 
It takes a second to connect but soon you see Jonah’s smiling face on the screen and your nerves slow down. He was clad in a navy blue tie dye shirt and black basketball shorts. 
“Hey!” He greets and your smile widens. 
“Hi! What’s up?” 
“Just relaxing, watching Netflix. You?” 
“The same. What show are you watching?” You find out the two of you have both been binge watching the same show for the past three days and you get into a long discussion about it. 
“But that plot twist at the end!” You exclaim. 
“Excuse me what plot twist?” He asks and your face drops upon realizing you probably just spoiled something. 
“Nah I’m messing with you,” He says 
You roll your eyes and Jonah smiles wider making you smile out of reflex. This boy was truly a work of art. His smile went on for days and his eyes lit up a beautiful green making you go aflame. Every inch from the tips of your fingers to the ends of your toes felt like fire in the best way possible. 
You talked and talked and talked until it was way too late at night and Daniel had opened the front door. He walked into the living room and upon seeing you talking to Jonah he pops into camera view. 
“Hey man!” He greets and you can tell that Jonah isn’t sure whether he wants to smile or frown at the sight of his band mate. 
“Hey,” He says after a few seconds. “What’s up?” 
“Have you two been talking all night?” Daniel asks ignoring Jonah’s question. He’s leaning over the side of the couch so he’s in frame and you’re surprised he doesn’t see you lowkey rolling your eyes. 
“Maybe. And that’s your business how?” Jonah sasses and Daniel backs up. 
“Okay you right. I’ll leave you to it,” He says before walking towards his room. He pauses just before the hallway and turns towards you. He throws a thumbs up and mouths “good job” and you end up laughing. 
“He’s a clown.” You say and Jonah nods. 
The two of you end up talking till 4 am when your eyes are too heavy to bear and Jonah is yawning every two seconds. You end up calling it quits when Jonah nods off for a bit and you’re smiling as you fall asleep. 
The next day, Daniel shakes you awake from your position on the couch. It takes you a second to register where you are and when you remember how late you were up, tiredness hits you like a truck. You groan as you sit up and run a slow hand through your hair. 
“What time is it?” You ask as Daniel hands you a glass of water which you happily sip. 
“Almost 1,” He responds and you’re surprised you slept so late. However you didn’t have work or class so it didn’t bother you too much. 
“Have fun last night?” Daniel asks and you roll your eyes. 
“I should ask you that,” You respond and Daniel places a hand on his heart and feigns innocence. 
“I was having nice responsible fun do not judge me,” He responds and you ignore him and instead stand and stretch. “I’m going out to grab groceries do you want to come?” 
“Give me like 10 minutes.” 
“So Jonah?” Daniel asks and you shake your head. You stand up straight on the cart as Daniel wheels it around and swivel your head to see what aisle he lead you in. You jump down just as he stops at the iced tea and turn to face towards the selection. 
“Nope. Who were you hanging out with last night?” You respond as you stand on your tip toes to look for more Arizona lemon tea. Just as you’re about to start climbing the shelves to grab some, Daniel walks around and easily reaches above you to grab the sweet drink. 
“Answer my question and I’ll answer yours,” he winks sliding the drink into your hand and you pull away. 
“Okay Jonah. I think he’s really sweet and super funny and I kind of already have a tiny crush on him. Happy?”
“Very,” He smiles wickedly and you climb back onto the cart as he pushes down the aisle and into the next. “And I was at Kian and Jc’s party.” 
“Responsible fun my ass,” you joke and Daniel jostles the cart, trying to scare you. 
“You gonna call Jonah again tonight?” 
“Maybe. Beats watching ``How I Met Your Mother'' reruns.” 
You and Daniel shop around for a little while longer before checking out and heading back home. As you’re putting the groceries away, you hear your phone ring loudly and you tell Daniel to grab it for you. You don’t recognize who’s on the phone until he walks back into the kitchen, talking excitedly. 
“It was crazy man, Dom was there so of course things got out of hand,” He says and you turn your head to look at him. You mouth the question, “who is it?” And when he responds with “Jonah”, your heart skips a beat. 
“I’ll let you talk to (y/n/n) though," He says before handing  you the phone.
"Hey!" You greet him. "I thought we were gonna talk later?" 
"We were, but I missed you so I called. Was that too much? Are you busy?'' He asks, concern lacing his voice.
“Never too busy for you,"  You smile and Jonah reflects it. 
You head to your bedroom and out of the corner of  your eye you see Daniel smirking at you. You roll your eyes and flip him off causing him to laugh. When you get to your room, you flop down and turn your attention onto Jonah.You end up talking for the rest of the night, only pausing for a second to say goodnight to Daniel. 
"Ya know, we should really meet one day," Jonah says during a pause in the conversation.
"I would love to," You say smiling wider than usual.  After a few more tired pauses, you decide to call it a quits for the night.
The next morning when you wake up, the conversation with Jonah still rings in your ears. For once, you're awake before Daniel. You decide to start making breakfast, a bacon egg and cheese for yourself and bacon and eggs for Daniel. When he wakes up and sees all the food, he pauses for a second, no doubt about to make a joke.
"What's all this?" He asks and you smile nervously.
''Breakfast and a bribe." He returns the smile as he sits down to eat and you join him.
"What's up?" He asks taking a bite of his eggs.
"I wanna meet Jonah. But I want it to be a surprise and that's where you come in," He nods along and you decide to continue. “I wanna surprise him at the airport the next time he flies to LA."
"I love it."
Over breakfast, you and Daniel work out the details. When Jonah flies back to LA so the boys can  Hartworking on the new album, Daniel will find out his flight info and help you surprise him. It was the perfect plan and you became more and more excited as it grew closer. You were surprised you were able to keep the secret from Jonah for so long considering you two had grown extremely close and Facetimed almost every night.
"I'm headed back to LA tomorrow," He said the night before.
"Oh really?" You ask flipping over on your bed and propping your head up with your hand.
"Maybe we can meet up?" He asks and you smile, half knowing, half genuine.
"Name a time and place."
The next morning, you wake up early and run over to Daniels room to wake him up. You practically haven't slept all night, way too excited to finally meet Jonah. The boy you had started  to fall for. Daniel wakes up slowly, and you decide to make breakfast again as he gets ready.  Jonah's flight doesn't land until noon but it was a two hour drive to the airport.
The entire time driving there, you're antsy clutching the sign you made for him. You were excited mostly but couldn't help but worry about whether or not Jonah would still Iike you in real life.  You're almost certain DanieI can sense your worries because he reaches out and squeezes  your hand.
"Trust me, he's just as excited as you."
Once we're at the airport, we head to the baggage claim and I can feel extreme butterflies kick in. I bounce on the balls of my feet and every time I see a group pass, my heart speeds up.
And then I see him.
 He moves slowly down the escalator, a tired look in his eye. Adorned in sweatpants, a gray sweatshirt, and a snapback, he's taller than you thought. As he comes down, you hold the sign embroided with his name in front of your face. Daniel hangs back, and as Jonah grows closer, you feel an extreme sense of calm. 
"I didn't order a driver," He says and your heart skips a beat. 
"No but you did order a surprise,"  You say and move the sign to finally face him.
"(y/n)?"  He asks and your smile breaks open. 
"In the flesh.'' 
He sighs happily before dropping his stuff and wrapping his arms around your waist. Yours find their way around his neck and he spins you around causing you to squeal  happily. When he sets you down on the ground he holds you tight and rocks the two of you back and forth. 
"I can't believe you're here!" He says and your heart could burst. He squeezes you tight once more before letting go and stepping back to look at you. 
“How did you get here? How did you know?” He asks holding your hands in his and swinging them slightly. 
“Daniel helped me. He’s around here somewhere but I wanted to surprise you when you got here.” His smile widens and it sends and electric shock through you at the sight of it. 
“Thank you,” He says leaning down to place a swift kiss on your cheek. 
“Come on you two I wanna make some music!” You hear Daniels voice again and it snaps you out of your daze. You step back from Jonah but he keeps your hands intertwined. 
“Let's go!”
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drekkarstar · 5 years
Question Meme
Tagged by @nexu101
Nickname: Varies wildly from where you know me from xD.
Real name: Zack
Zodiac: Virgo
Favorite musicians or groups: The Gorillaz, Hoizer (According to my spotify)  Favorite sport teams: Dolphins, if I have to choose I guess.
Other blogs: So many...the top few are @darthspookyeyes (My SWTOR/SW blog) @silvermoonharry (My joke IC WoW blog) The rest are secrete ;)))))
Do I get asks: All the time, asking me if I want to beta test their brand new game
How many blogs do I follow: 218
Tumblr crushes: of course.
Lucky number(s): 1262
What am I wearing: My striped Greek sailor shirt and some sweat pants
Dream vacation: Iceland/Ireland/South Korea
Dream car: A completely electric like van or Rv or something so I can always road trip
Favorite food: Some thicc Mac and cheese. Shrimp and Steak close second
Drink of choice: Arizona green tea
Instruments: That I can play? None :’(. That I want to? All of them.
Languages: English, Spanish, a little French, and the bare basics of Greek
Celebrity crushes: Donnie Yen
Random facts:
Used to live on a farm
I hold the unofficial, unlisted, fastest speed run of Star Wars: Battlefront 2
My most played game on Steam is Warframe, followed by Civ 5
I made some candles but I still prefer Bath and Bodyworks candles tbh.
My two favorite cosplays I've done are Chewbacca and Wreck it Ralph.
Chewbacca because I love being a wookiee and seeing all the positive reactions and hearing everyone’s different wookiee noises.
Also the inevitable one person who asks if I’m Sasquatch
Ralph because it’s such an easy cosplay for me if I cut my hair right, plus kids at the con all got a kick out of it.
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unknown-box-boi · 5 years
America has quite the packed house. There is 57 of his children but I’ll cover 52 of them here, the states + Molossia and Puerto Rico.
Sorted by when they joined the USA (kinda)
The first 13
Delaware - 17 y/o - Adela - F
Pennsylvania - 16 y/o - Payton - M
New Jersey - 16 y/o - Jason - M
Georgia - 16 y/o - Noah - M
Connecticut - 16 y/o - Chloe - F
Massachusetts - 16 y/o - Madison - F
Maryland - 16 y/o - Mary - F
South Carolina - 16 y/o - Samantha “Caroline” - F
New Hampshire - 16 y/o - Hannah - F
Virginia - 16 y/o - Violet - F
New York - 16 y/o - Nixon - FTM
North Carolina - 15 y/o - Natalie “Caroline” - F
Rhode Island - 15 y/o - Ruce - M
Vermont - 15 y/o - Valentine- MTF
Kentucky - 15 y/o - Jonathan- M
Tennessee - 15y/o - Tony - M
Ohio - 14 y/o - Olivia -F
Louisiana - 14 y/o - Lily - F
Indiana - 14 y/o - Isabella- F
Mississippi - 14 y/o - Madeline - F
Illinois - 13 y/o - Lucille - F
Alabama - 13 y/o - Marcel - M
Maine - 13 y/o - Melisa - F
Missouri - 13 y/o - Thea - F
Arkansas - 12 y/o - Andrew - M
Michigan - 12 y/o - Conner - M
Florida - 11 y/o - Lucas - NB
Texas - 16 y/o - Austin “S” - M
Iowa - 11 y/o - Jenniffer- F
Wisconsin - 11 y/o - Magnus - M
California - 11y/o - Alec - M
Minnesota - 10 y/o - Myles - M
Oregon - 10 y/o - Adelaide - F
Kansas- 10 y/o - Caleb - M
West Virginia - 10 y/o - West (or Wade) - M
Nevada - 10 y/o - Dean - M
Nebraska - 10 y/o - Oliver - M
Colorado - 10 y/o - Calvin - GF (gender fluid)
North Dakota - 9 y/o - Nathaniel- M
South Dakota - 9 y/o - Sebastian- M
Montana - 9 y/o - Miriam - F
Washington - 9 y/o - Wilson - M
Idaho - 9 y/o - Serena - F
Wyoming - 9 y/o - Ophelia - F
Utah - 9 y/o - Skye - F
Oklahoma - 8 y/o - Leo - M
New Mexico - 8 y/o - Max - M
Arizona - 8 y/o - Jay “Phoenix” - M
Alaska - 7 y/o - Aaron “Kaltag” - M
Hawaii - 7 y/o - Makanui “Leimomi” - F
Molossia - 15 y/o - Michael - M
Puerto Rico - 16 y/o - Alexander - M
Now Headcanons
America- he eats a lot because the states are a part of him and they all really love to eat so he reflects that as well
1) Delaware - Dela can’t cook at all
2) Pennsylvania - his stomach is a bottomless pit
3) New Jersey - movie lover
4) Georgia - to tired for this
5) Connecticut- can cook very well
6) Massachusetts - Family Baker
7) Maryland - loves boardgames
8) South Carolina - ready to brawl
9) New Hampshire - likes noodles, don’t take away his damn noddles
10) Virginia - very protective of West
11) New York - Fashion police
12) North Carolina - wants to murder South C about 54 % of the time
13) Rhode Island - small and ready to brawl
14) Vermont - no taste buds and loves to eat
15) Kentucky - loves puns and jokes. He doesn’t do anything hurtful
16) Tennessee - asleep 79% of the time
17) Ohio - the good one of the older boys
18) Louisiana - Screams in French because no one knows what she’s saying
19) Indiana - they scream a lot (jumpy)
20) Mississippi - just wants some potstickers
21) Illinois - loves makeup
22) Alabama - learning how to horse back ride
23) Maine - really good singing voice
24) Missouri - plays piano
25) Arkansas
26) Michigan
27) Florida - he never stops moving and has to constantly move.(may have adhd but they haven’t gotten him tested yet)
28) Texas - he’s working on bettering himself.
29) Iowa (i-o-wa) - very loud and excitable, just wants people to have a good time
30) Wisconsin - he models for NY and Cali
31) California - loves photography and will make everyone wait for him to take a picture before they continue
32) Minnesota - loves ice sports and will kick your @$$ in them
33) Oregon - she’s blind but she loves flowers and poetry
34) Kansas - loves everything sweet
35) West Virginia (West) - he lives to SCREAM (very easy to scare)
36) Nevada - really good at card tricks
37) Nebraska - all he do is farm farm farm he to farm farm farm
38) Colorado - loves to ski and snow board. Really good at both
39) North Dakota - he gets along really well with S. D
40) South Dakota - basically attached at the hip with N.D
41) Montana - Sings well and loud
42) Washington - he’s deaf but uses hearing aids to hear
43) Idaho - history buff and learns all the history they can
44) Wyoming - loves to read everything and anything
45) Utah - will sleep just about anywhere
46) Oklahoma - can use bows and arrows unrealistically well
47) New Mexico - loves to build and make stuff from scrap wood
48) Arizona - loves ice tea and can make some damn good ice tea
49) Alaska - can withstand very cold temperatures but he wears warm clothes to keep America’s worries at bay
50) Hawaii - very good with flowers, she can make just about anything with flowers
Molossia - the human version of a Marshmallow when around the states. He loves to so much but is bad with feelings
Puerto Rico - loves the sun and the beach he just loves it so much.
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sand-rose · 5 years
4, 11, 23 (bc i lovedd that question) 33, 50, and 99!!! :D
Thank you for the questions! These are cool to do! :)
4. How do you take your coffee/tea?
-I drink coffee every once in a blue moon, but not enough to really know how I like it yet. I need to experiment more with creamers and stuff. But I love fruity tea, like raspberry and peach! When I drink it hot I put way too much sugar in, lol. And if we’re talking about iced tea, I love Gold Peak and Arizona brands. So good!
11. What’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
-Oh my... The stoned owl. This one.
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“Back in my day, we didn’t know how to fly... We jumped off buildings and prayed we didn’t die.” @basilof221b , @supersxnico  , and me liked the idea of him being an old geezer owl telling ‘back in my day’ stories to youngster owls. xD
23. What’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
-I wish I had the time and energy to do a lot, but lately on those days I just watch youtube with Alex or play Magia Record or Sims 4. Sometimes I’ll get to draw or write if I feel like it.
33. What’s your fave pastry?
-Mm, I’d have to say strudels or fruit tarts. I like raspberry, strawberry, and apple filled strudels (bonus if there’s icing!), and I like the little bite size meringue tarts with fruit on top. I just really like fruity things. lol
50. What’s an odd thing you collect?
-I don’t know if I collect anything odd... But maybe for my age collecting coins might be a bit strange? When Alex and I go to the flea market to find foreign coins it’s mostly older people stopping at the booth. My prize coin is a Prussian thaler, because I love APH Prussia! :D
99.  List some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
-Devotion by Ellie Goulding, Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) by Fall Out Boy, When The Day Met The Night by Panic! At The Disco, Bad Apple (English cover) by Ashe & Rockleetist on youtube, Magia (the Madoka Magica ED song) by Kalafina, Mein Gott (APH Prussia’s character song), Neked Nem Kell by Freddie... Some of these have deeper meanings to me, and others I might not know the translations by heart but the way they’re sung just hits me.
Thank you again for the ask!!! :D
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wtfrace · 6 years
a lapse of judgement— chapter one, racetrack higgins.
in which rosie lewis is all of a sudden very flustered around her roommate, racetrack higgins— and has absolutly no idea what to do about it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚
rosie lewis must have been on something last august. something that must have desparatley lapsed her common sense— otherwise there was no explanation for how she ended up living in a sub-par apartment with three chaotic boys.
she had just started her sophomore year of college, and after two of her roommates transferred to another school a state over, she was desperate for either help with rent, or a place to move in. she had put out an ad on craigslist, as well as several flyers around campus, and waited anxiously for a reply. it came in the form of an email from someone named albert desilva. the message had begun with okay this is a long shot, and had more or less gone down hill from there.
the boy had then explained that he, and two of his friends, had been kicked out of their shared house off campus (under circumstances that were absolutly not our fault, please don’t let that lapse your judgment) and they were looking for a decent place to stay. here comes the part that made rosie think she absolutly had to be smoking something at the time— because she said yes.
now, a year and a half later— she was living in a decently large, very messy, apartment with albert desilva, antonio, racetrack, higgins, and elmer kasprzak.
now, don’t think for a moment that rosie didn’t adore those boys. at first she had been hesitant towards their loud & boyish personality’s, but now she wasn’t sure how she had ever lived without them in her life. they were as messy as her, and usually pretty annoying— but above all that they were caring & considerate & really good at making her smile. living with them had come with perks, including but not limited to almost free takeout (via elmer’s job at the italian place a few blocks away), exposure to the best movies she had ever seen thus far (via albert’s excellent taste) and rarely wavering emotional support (via race’s general personality).
so it definitely wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy living with them— moreover that occasionally it made it hard to do simple things. last month, they had sat down to figure out bills together, but had become distracted half way through by a new episode of criminal minds. a few days after that they tried to do it again, and ended up following race to the roof to see what he claimed was “a giant garfield balloon” (which there was, but still.) now, as rosie tried to complete the simple task of creating a grocery list— she found herself overwhelmingly distracted.
“in conclusion,” elmer said assuredly, “turning race’s bedroom into a vegetable garden would be only profitable to the over-all wellbeing & financial structure of our group.” rosie looked up for the first time during his spiel, continuing to write vegan mac & cheese (cheap kind) as she did, and gave him a pointed look.
“and in this made-up situation, where exactly would race be living?” she asked, glancing at the tall boy that was currently trying to see how many of albert’s textbooks he could balance on his head.
“well, race is statistically the least useful person in this apartment. we could kick him out, or just make him sleep on a mattress on the fire escape.” elmer said dismissively, mostly joking but also a little serious.
“el, we aren’t kicking race out so you can overtake another room with your herbs & dahlia’s.” rosie said, a small smile on her face as she glanced pointedly at the not one, but three pots placed on top of the cabinets (so high that it took two people to water them, one with the watering can, and one holding a rickety step-stool.)
“aw, that’s sweet flower, you care about my wellbeing.” race said cheesily, dropping the books back onto the kitchen table & pinching her cheek. this brings us to what had been distracting her the most. all day she had been weird around race. he was an unusually touchy person, but rosie has grown so used to it she barely noticed— except for today. all of a sudden every touch sent her face heating up & her heart plummeting. it was the strangest thing she had experienced in a while, and it was beginning to make it difficult to be in the same room as him. now though, she was determined to finish her grocery list, and ignored the stir in her stomach to shoo him away with her pen.
“more like your rent, racer.” albert said, yawning as he joined them in the kitchen. “wanna watch interstellar with me, rosie?”
“no! i’m determined to get this done this weekend, and it’s sunday and i’ve barely finished a list of what we need.” rosie exclaimed, “the only thing in the fridge right now is elmer’s prized wonka-bar, and three half finished arizona ice teas. so if you don’t want to starve— help, or leave.” albert and elmer shared nervous glances, and simultaneously exited the room. rosie was very rarely angry or annoyed, but when she was, she was a force to be reckoned with. talk about an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.
but, to rosie’s great dismay, while those two left, race chose to stuck around.
“i can see you’re frustrated, rosie— and i assure you, we won’t leave this room ‘til your list is finished!” race said, sliding into the bar-stool next to her. great, just what she needed.
“c’mon race, be serious.” a statement equivalent to asking a penguin to be a giraffe.
“hey— serious is my middle name, doll!” rosie screwed up her face, ignoring the fact that her heart was beating rapidly at that comment. she was beginning to tire of whatever new variable was causing her body to go into SOS mode when she was around him.
“you sound like a newsboy from 1899 when you call me that.” she said, eyebrows raised impertinently, and cheeks dusted with red. oddly specific, but completely accurate. race grinned back at rosie, stealing the list from in front of her, and sliding the stool closer to her so their elbows were touching.
“there’s a soar lack of ninja turtle fruit snacks on here.” race said, then stealing the pen from between her fingers to scribble down a few words across the sheet of paper. it was going to be a long night.
✧・゚: *✧・゚
it took rosie the rest of the night to figure out what was bothering her.
after race had enthusiastically helped with the grocery list, he had been insistent on accompanying her to the store a few blocks away. the walk had felt a little better— the cool march air refreshed rosie a little, and she had settled into normal conversation with race (the downfalls of dunkirk, and the proper rating of 17th century artists.) they walked side by side, both with smiles on their faces, through the ever-crowded streets of greenwich village.
they got to the grocers at around 7, just as the sun was beginning to set, and rosie was thinking that maybe she had a temporary lapse in judgement earlier, seeing as she didn’t feel anything looking at race now. and then, he had blown her theory clear out of exsistence, when he easily scooped her into his arms, and deposited her into a shopping cart. rosie could feel her entire body flush red, as she gaped slightly at the taller boy. her stomach was doing a gymnastics routine not unlike elmer if you got him drunk enough, and race was grinning adorably like it was the most normal thing in the world.
still though, she had no idea what was causing her so much tribulation. until the canned foods section.
race had been unwilling to help rosie out of the cart for the entirety of the trip, insisting that she needed a break after working on her feet all day saturday— so she watched from her mildy uncomfortable seat in the basket, as race tried to bowl using a can of soup and six skinny boxes of spaghetti. too entirely flustered to insist that he stop, rosie simply stared— something in her alighting when he turned back to her with a pleased smile on his face. his hair was messy, in need of a cut, and hanging sloppily across his forehead— and every freckle & scar of his face was clear in the harsh light of the grocery store. his hands were raised in victory (having successfully knocked down all the boxes without being caught by an employee) and the baggy sleeves of his sweatshirt bunched at his wrists.
then she knew.
✧・゚: *✧・゚
24 hours later, rosie stared pitifully into space, as she ate a bowl of lucky charms, sitting criss cross on jack kelly’s countertop. jack, along with his boyfriend davey, leaned against the counter opposite her, eyeing the girl with an air of concern.
jack had been a friend of rosie’s for years— and had subsequently met davey (a friend of race, elmer and albert’s) when they were inevitably at the apartment at the same time. seven months later, they were dating, and sharing the rent on an apartment at the border of chelsea & greenwich village. albert called them gross, elmer called them a match made in heaven, but either way it was agreed that the four were subsequently the reason they met— and therefore should have the right to be the namesack of their first four children.
“okay, rose, you got your lucky charms. are you going to explain why you were on my doorstep in near tears at one in the morning, now?” jack asked, eyebrows raised with conviction.
“i got feelings, jacky— i need to know how to make them go away.” rosie’s voice came out barely a whisper, her statement sounding much more ridiculous once she said it out loud.
“you— what?” davey elbowed jack in the side, a knowing expression on his face as the two had a clear wordless conversation.
“you heard me!” the girl exclaimed, her face pitiful & desperate enough to draw genuine concern from the boy. “you got over kath, i need to know how to get over this.” jack scratched the back of his neck.
“well... it helped that kath was a lesbian. i’m assuming that’s not a variable in this situation.” jack shrugged, “c’mon rosie, you’re going to have to give us more information than that.”
“race.” the single word drew a scoff from jack’s mouth.
“rosie, i could have told you that weeks ago.” davey said, confusion clear in his expression, “what’s so bad about having feelings for race?”
“that kid wouldn’t do anything to hurt you if we paid him a million bucks & threw in a razor scooter.” jack added. rosie glared at them, opening her mouth to respond but struggling on how to word her feelings. jack crossed his arms over his chest, head tilting a little to the side.
“it’s a problem! i-i live with him! an’ on top of that he’s one of my best friends, and he would never in a million years like me back so if he ever found out— which he definetly would the way i’ve been acting, then—“
“dear god lewis, i love you, you know that, but you’re actually hopeless.” jack huffs, causing rosie to stare blankly at him. “race doesn’t like you back? how do you explain— like everything he does! are you forgetting the time he literally proposed to you with a basket of olive garden breadsticks!”
“he’s race, jack, he’s like that with everybody! that same day he flirted with a pigeon on the sidewalk outside of olive garden!” davey blinked, holding a hand up to interupt.
“first of all— that was months ago and the fact that you both remember it so vividly is a little unsettling. second of all, i knew him before you did, rosie. before he moved in with you he did flirt with anything that breathed, but now? i haven’t seen him give any man, woman, or bird other then you a second glance.” rosie looked dreadfully unconvinced, stirring her spoon absentmindedly through the now empty bowl. her heart had admittedly soared a little at the thought of race liking her.
for a split second, her brain let her imagine her and race together: sprawled across the sofa in the living room, his hand in her hair, we bare bears playing lowly in the background, race occasionally laughing gently & pressing a kiss to her forehead. she imagined waking up to his ungodly snoring, but smiling like an idiot anyway, because he was damn beautiful in the mornings. she imagined walking through little italy hand in hand with him, giggling as he pointed out stupid things in the windows of shops. then— she got a grasp of reality, pushing the thought out of her head. she couldn’t afford to get her hopes up— not when there was a huge chance race had never thought about her that way.
“i don’t like this,” rosie mumbled, setting the bowl by the sink, and pulling her knees to her chest. “how do i make it go away? seriously— no matter whether you think race likes me or not, how do i make it go away?” jack and davey exchanged a look, before laughing simultaneously.
“that isn’t really how it works, rosie.” davey said sympathetically, “you can act on it, or you can put up with it until it eventually fades away but—“
“i can’t put up with feeling like this for much longer.”
jack looked at her like the answer was obvious, “then act on it.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚
part two to be posted soon
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stateofdisunion · 6 years
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Avatars: New Mexico, Arizona, Louisiana, Texas
Awww look at little Arizona. He learned Celsius!
I am still getting back on my posting schedule after losing momentum to the Health Scare of Evil.
For now, here is a quick sketch of some southern states engaging in my fantasy in which political entities who can help are eager to rush off to help those who need it in other countries. 
I know the heat wave is having horrific effects across the world, not just in the UK and I am so proud of all the Tumblr posts I see from people in countries that routinely get above 100 F stepping up to try and give good advice on how to stay alive in these conditions. 
If you can, please take some time to look up what is happening, especially in Greece and Tokyo and see if there is anything to do to help, but also PLEASE check any site asking for donations and remember disasters sites often get over run with well meaning stuff, so pay attention to what is actually needed and watch out for scams. Some are already being reported -_-
Some quick notes on the keeping cool suggestions you see. Louisiana’s is likely the least helpful. At least the one about the houses. That would require a massive infrastructure redesign. Although perhaps some of the areas of the world where it does get hotter or they have this design. But basically and older Southern houses that existed before air conditioning, they’re designed to maximize airflow to keep the house cool. That’s why you’ll see a lot of Windows or doors across from each other just little things to keep the air moving through the house. Her blanket in the fridge suggestion though is a good one. The save money we once had to turn off the AC during summer in Texas and putting blankets in the fridge or the freezer was a great way to stay cool. My cousin, who lived in a Texas dorm before air conditioning, took it one step further and actually wet his blankets down to sleep on. The iced tea is just a joke based on British tumblers responses to iced tea. I have no doubt that y'all know. Heck it used to be quite popular but y'all called it Regent punch. Arizona is the one where I really feel like this is where governments need to reach out and help each other. We have roads that can withstand 40 degrees Celsius and I don’t understand why governments are not working together more to share and help other governments that clearly could use some assistance. We have the technology fix this.
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jennakru · 3 years
Ziploc bags have many different uses.
According to Google, ziploc bags can be used for food storage, organizing crafts, protecting luggage from spills, sorting electronics, as a recipe organizer, to make mail sticker decals, to make omelets or ice cream, protect your tablet while cooking, to pipe icing, to grow seedlings, make treat bags for holidays and parties, as a medication sorter, to clean your stove burners or even as an ice pack.
I have another use to add to the list. Hyperemesis gravidarum.
Wikipedia definition: a pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration.[1] Feeling faint may also occur.[2] It is considered more severe than morning sickness.[2] Symptoms often get better after the 20th week of pregnancy but may last the entire pregnancy duration.[2]
Let me explain. Hyperemesis is no joke. For me, it began within the first month of pregnancy and it never stopped. The vomiting was not related to any specific food item or time of day. Anything that went into my mouth, except for a McDonald’s mocha frappe and Arizona Sweet Tea, came back up.
Water? Vomit. Salad? Vomit. Steak? Vomit. Crackers? Pizza? Pasta? Vomit. Vomit. Vomit.
I worked throughout my entire twin pregnancy and except for this tiny little snag called hyperemesis, my pregnancy was a healthy one and without complication. But as inconveniences go, this was definitely a doozy. My nausea was so violent and loud and untimely that no one was exempt from its affects. No amount of music, fans or conversation could cover the sounds from the nearby bathroom. Eventually, as time passed, it became part of the surrounding environment and it wasn’t long before people stopped noticing. Jenna ate. Jenna puked. End of story.
Car rides and travel were a different story. The element of danger was equivalent to that of rollercoaster with no safety belt. Too many times to count, abrupt stops were made along roadsides and windows were rolled down while speeding through traffic. I’ll leave the condition of the interior of the car to your imagination.
And then came the discovery of gallon sized ziploc bags. I don’t recall how I stumbled across the idea. I do know that it was an unconventional life saver. These large plastic bags were purchased in bulk and came to rest in my mom-mobile, and always within reach. When the urge hit, as random moments of nausea are apt to do, I’d reach for and fill a ziploc bag. This became such a frequent occurrence that I mastered the one handed knee hold vomit technique while driving alone tho my preference during my 8.5 month pregnancy was to ride passenger. On one memorable trip home from Kentucky, about 4 months along, I filled as many as 3 bags before we even hit Ohio. If you’re a visual reader, I should have warned you to turn off your imagination long before now. My apologies for the oversight.
I remained pregnant with my twin girls for 34 weeks + 2 days. I gave birth on Thursday, April 16, 2015. My last remaining ziploc related occurrence was the morning before. In fact, for dinner on Wednesday I inhaled the majority of a pepperoni pizza from Marcos fully expecting to regurgitate it. When I didn’t, I should’ve realized that birth was imminent. On Sunday, April 19, my daughters and I returned home. We carried our children, our personal items and one half empty box ziploc bags inside.
When people ask me what one baby item I couldn’t have survived their infancy without I always answer Boppy Lounger. However, if they asked me what item was vital to my survival during pregnancy, I think we all know the answer to that.
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It was Arizona’s first day off in God knew how long and the blonde was finally allowed to catch a late morning in. However, her deep and peaceful slumber was disturbed when her phone rang. She whined unhappily as one of her hand wandered around her nightstand to find the annoying device and she picked the call up blindly.
“Hummm-what?” Arizona answered her phone grumpily, her eyes still closed.
“What a beautiful ear you got there, baby,” the voice on the other side giggled.
Arizona frowned into her pillow, still not ready to open her eyes just yet. At the term of endearment, she quickly identified Amelia’s voice, and the thought of being awakened by her girlfriend instantly lowered her discontentment.
“Uh?” she asked groggily, not sure what was up yet.
“It’s facetime, Nana,” Amelia said gently. “You know I love every part of you, and while I think your ear is pretty, I actually had hoped to catch a glimpse of the much more beautiful work of art that is your face.”
Amelia could hear the pediatric surgeon mumble something into her pillow, her face too deep into it for her to quite make out what she had just said but not deep enough to hide her growing smile.
Good mood settling in, Arizona slowly took the phone away and opened her sleepy eyes to realize that, indeed, her wide-awake girlfriend’s bright face was on the screen. She glanced at her alarm clock and saw it was a little after ten AM.
The neurosurgeon was left staring in awe, her breath caught for a moment. Even through the bad quality feed, she could make out the way the first few rays of sunshine were shyly hitting Arizona’s face. Carefree honey blonde hair was spread on her pillow and framed the soft free-of -make-up features, her curls gently inviting Amelia’s eyes to follow them down her lover’s neck. Her normally crystal clear blue eyes looked almost grey and still held a note of drowsiness into them. The only missing thing was the lingering smell of Arizona’s conditioner, a sweet mix between coffee and summer that could sooth Amelia even on her worst days.
The neurosurgeon knew she would never grow tired of waking up next to that wonderful human being every day, and her belly tingled at the thought.
“Damn, who gave you permission to look so amazing straight off the bed?”
Arizona smiled happily yet sleepily, her dimples popping out at the compliment. One of her hand came to gently rub the sleep out of her eyes as she yawned.
“Goofball,” the pediatric surgeon accused in a cute tone. Only then, she took Amelia in. “What’s up with your face?” she asked, an eyebrow raised.
Her girlfriend’s face was full of what seemed to be brown crayon, smeared all over.
“You like?” Amelia asked and then posed playfully, showing off different angles and making ridiculous duck faces or some lips pouting until she could hear her girlfriend chuckling. “Zola and Bailey went a little overboard when I told them we have a lunch date plan. They just had to do their auntie’s make up.”
Arizona’s heart melted at Amelia’s sweetness towards children. When they had first met, Amelia had told her she was a mess with kids, which turned out to be wrong. Her niece and nephew were in love with her and Sofia had liked her as soon as she had met her. Of course, the fact that Amelia had told her she found her dolphin necklace ‘totally cool’ might have help her case but Sof had kept on liking her, so there had to be more to it.
“I love it, you look fierce.”
The brunette smiled at her dorkily. “Yeah?”
“Mmh-mmh. I‘m totally jealous. Maybe I should ask them to do mine too, I have to match up. We wouldn’t want to be out of tune after all.”
“I’m sure they would be delighted to have a new face to practice on.”
Arizona chuckled. “Oh, I bet. Where are they anyway?”
“They just went upstairs to take what we need for our tea party.”
“You guys are holding a tea party and didn’t invite me?” Arizona pouted, her bottom lip sticking out and Amelia chuckled.
“Who is it?” a little voice asked.
Amelia looked down to see Zola with her arms full of plastic cups and fake food. The brunette sat down on the couch so she could be at the same height than her niece.
“I’m talking to Arizona.  Say hi!” she turned her phone towards the child.
Zola dropped all of her stuff on the small kiddie table before coming back and waved happily at her and climbed on the neurosurgeon’s knees to be more comfortable. The brunette moved the device so they could both be on the camera.
“Hi Arizona! Do you like Bailey and I’s make up!?” she asked with a pride smile.
“I think she looks very pretty Zo!”
“Really?” the little girl was beaming.
Even with the pixilated feedback, Arizona could see and hear the eagerness of recognition in the little girl. “Of course. You guys did a very good job.”
“See? I told you Nana would like it,” Amelia reassured and gave her niece a high five.
“Thanks Arizona!”
‘You’re more than welcome kiddo,” she replied truthfully.
“I’M COMIN’” a yell came from upstairs before little feet along giggles ran down the stairs and Bailey crashed himself into his auntie and his sister.
“Mommy said we’re not allowed to run in the stairs,” Zola said matter of factly to her little brother and waited for the neurosurgeon’s approbation.
Amelia ruffled her nephew’s hair. “I’m afraid Zo’s right, buddy.”
Bailey rolled his eyes. “But I’m Flash McQueen.”
“More like Manny from Ice Age judging by the sound of all that ruckus,” Arizona joked, making them giggle.
Only then Bailey spotted the blonde onto the phone screen. “Hi Nana!” he smiled big at her, innocently.
“Hello Bailey!”
“Are you coming to our tea party?”
Zola’s eyebrows suddenly went up, just now realizing that it was a possibility and she turned around to look at the adult. “Can she come Auntie Amy?” she asked excitedly.
“Wanna come over honey?”
The three of them looked at her eagerly, and the blonde felt a smile creep on her face and her heart flutter. Damn the Sheperd-Grey family for looking so cute.
“I’ll even lend you my batman cape!” Bailey added.
“Batman cape? I’ll be crazy to say no! Be there in thirty minutes?”
The kids shrieked happily and ran away to set the table.
“Now I don’t have to wait till lunch to give you your morning kiss,” Amelia said smiling and winked.
“I like the sound of that.”
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