#(though a lot of them are just vlogs and stuff i don't have to take notes on and can just listen to while cooking or cleaning)
tue, aug 1st (day 2)
I finally did a successful workout today (only 20 minutes but it was more intense than the workouts I used to do before I got a trial on a workout app (The subscription is way too high so I'm just using it to try something new and collect new exercises)) and made oatmeal with honey and strawberries and some coffee because I was still feeling hot from the workout. I didn't use to drink coffee almost at all until this summer when I needed something to cool down so I tried to make something that was basically a spoonful of coffee with sugar mixed in a glass of milk, added ice and have been making a better (and iceless) version of that since even when it's colder. But I still prefer tea in the morning and can't wait for autumn.
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Anyways. Spent most of the morning turning a thrifted shirt into a pillowcase while rewatching a whole season of The Good Place and then ate a whole pack of paprika-flavoured crisps instead of the pre-made pasta for lunch (they were delicious. and left some marks on the fabric.)
And because I was so excited about it and really wanted to finish it, I kind of strayed from my routine only the second day in, and arrived at the library almost two hours later than I was supposed to. Which is kind of a point I'd like to talk about for a little bit.
It took me literal years to find a balance between perfectionism and complete chaos. I kept putting everything into stupid school presentations just to make them tip-top, getting migraines from the stress and then had a long period in the past half-year when I was just letting myself do anything I wanted and eventually started having slight breakdowns when something wasn't going according to my expectations. It's rooted in deeper psychological issues that one has to work on, therapy is recommended, and you might need to sever ties with some toxic people in your life.
What I'm trying to say is, I still got a lot done today, I still arrived at the library and took more notes on rabbits. I used my time well, even though not perfectly according to the schedule.
There will come a time (maybe when you lose your daily schedule completely) when you realize that it's all made up and you need time off just as much as you need some time spent working and accomplishing something. You do need both. Burnout is hard to recover from. But if you play all day, every day and bend to your own every whim, you'll eventually start feeling like shit.
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I'll be posting something about my own new (temporary) daily schedule soon, about putting it together and how I manage it in practice. For now, have some evening reading aesthetics and my new cosy pillow, and enjoy your day :)
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asherlockstudy · 15 days
I don't know why they would think people wouldn't watch their content on the R&L channel on purpose just to punish them... it doesn't make sense because, it's not like they changed anything in GMM in order to make the new videos, and we are still getting the same quality, so why would people want to punish them... It's a pretty odd thing to say about your fanbase, because a fan being indifferent about something is one thing, but punishment implies an intentional grievance. There are so many other reasons why the new things don't resonate as widely, and like you said, a huge part of their audience watches for the food content. Or because GMM has a reactive, spontaneous and immediate effect in its format that the scripted videos don't have. GMM videos are more like having someone's company because of their daily recurrence and familiar format, and this could be a source of comfort-viewing for people. Scripted videos don't have that immediate comfort-inducing effect. And the fact that they're on a separate channel might also be a reason. Even if it's just a button push, there might be people who don't want to engage with something away from the tried and true format of GMM. It's a pity for R&L because they often said they feel almost as guests in GMM nowadays, and their true creativity comes out in these sides projects, and it must be a bitter pill to swallow that what they deem as the lesser of their content, talent-wise, is more popular. I guess maybe more people like them as public personalities who do wacky stuff, than story tellers or movie makers? And maybe that was what they wanted to gauge about the audience with Wonderhole, and maybe the question they needed answered was to see if people would warm up to the idea of what they really want to create (and perhaps a future that involves slowly moving away from GMM and doing more stuff on the R&L channel). And if that was their intent with Wonderhole it's also a blow to those of us who though they were looking for an altogether different answer... ^^;
The punishment thing, this is the word I used by the way, Rhett just spoke about “contrarian” fans but also he implied that promoting a lot might get to people’s nerves and ultimately I think it’s the same thing.
I love GMM with all my heart but I wouldn’t mind it being a few times per week if that made it possible to also get content in the Rhett and Link channel. Actually my favourite content has been the vlogs they did around the time of the pandemic but they HATED those and I really wonder why. I don’t see them doing much scripted content in the future either. It’s been way too long this type of content underperforms and eventually I fear they might give up.
In any case, I don’t see me getting what I want lol
As for the “question”, I was thinking about it lately. But then I remembered some other things and I was re-convinced it can’t ONLY be about the content. It’s definitely a lot that is at stake, no matter what is implied plot-wise in Wonderhole, the risks and initiatives regarding strictly their career definitely still apply regardless. They have a lot of questions apparently 😅
It’s not always about what may be going on between them, for example the Cloud and the upcoming Ben ones are 99% not linked to the One Story.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that Wonderhole is probably not going to be THE medium where any big announcement (as heralded in the first episode) will take place but maybe it will once more strongly imply it in the last two episodes.
By the way I am curious what the announcement next week is going to be. I know it won’t be THAT, but still curious.
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hellishradio · 6 months
✦ O O C B L O G . 📌
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SO SO SO sorry for so much ooc blogs recently i promise i'll make less after the blog goes back to running normally but i'm implementing some new stuff for you guys !!
also thank you for 150+ followers!! the list of listeners are growing so fast HAHA
✦ under the cut !!
due to a lot of positive responses i'll be doing art dumps of hazbin hotel stuff sometimes!! it may include doodles i do in my freetime or fully shaded art with colour haha
this blog only featured responses to asks until now but i will be sometimes reposting content from other blogs (like fanart, other ask/rpblogs, etc) and make alastor react to them!!
and also post "vlog" formatted things of how alastor's day is running and maybe a few podcast things like recent news, music reccomendations, etc!! it will be tagged #hellishradio!podcast
i receive a lot of questions through asks and dms so i thought i'd just answer them all here!! though most of the answers are in my rules and info :')
any other questions, please ask me in the comments!
— " i don't think my ask got answered! "
most common question i receive nowadays but! it is most likely that your response is in queue and will be automatically posted in the span of a few hours to a few days. i'm sorry that they get posted late but unfortunately i receive so much asks daily and don't want to spam the tags nor the account :')
this is mostly only relevant to the event but art and writing will take longer!! and it is selective because i can't get through all these writing and art reqs, please understand!
— " can we roleplay? "
unfortunately i can't do more than simple interactions. anything with a lot of plot, i won't be able to do. yes i can do simple action sentences but anything that's too long is where i draw the line due to my busyness!!
you can still send asks in character, and you are free to send long paragraphs, but don't expect me to do the same </3
— " do you follow back? "
I REALLY WISH I COULD. i didnt know this account with gain so much fans when i created it, so i made it a sideblog instead of a main one :') and my main blog doesn't have any (like i mean 0) content so 😔 though that MIGHT change in the future?? maybe??
— " can we be friends? "
yes we can!! shoot me a dm and we can talk anytime <3 you aren't bothering, i promise!
— " can i take inspo from your blog! "
absolutely! go for it! no need to ask or credit, i don't own these types of layouts so you're free to do whatever!! though if you did credit, thank you anyways <3
— " where do you draw? "
i'm really sorry to break your bubble but.. the doodles i do when i respond to asks are not done with an art app haha.. i drew those in a notes app that i use while taking notes from a lecture.. though if you're still interested, it's called collanotes!
the actual art apps i use for my serious art (which has not been posted yet but shh it's coming i promise) are procreate and ibis! usually i draw on procreate and add some extra effects and do fixups on ibis.
i use an ipad 3rd gen pro and an 2nd gen apple pencil!
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3rddimension · 10 months
THIS IS A LONG POST. A PERFECT CALLBACK FOR THROWBACK THURSDAY. I know we know that Courtney said she wants to keep her dating life private in her vlog this time last year. Literally yesterday, I randomly watched Smoshcast 46 - Should We Keep Our Relationships Private? and I was surprised she already mentioned some of her opinions there and it makes perfect sense to what we know about them now. (This was back in January 2020. This is the same ep where Court mentions that Shayne sent her a care package when she got sick at timestamp 9:25) Here's some other stuff that's mentioned that perfectly aligns with what we know of Shourtney's relationship now: 54:22 Court: "A relationship is a commitment. In a way, the internet is an even bigger commitment..." 54:32 Damien talks about people's reception and reaction to a public relationship like commenting/overanalyzing body language + constantly asking if everything's okay with the couple just because one of them isn't in a video. So it is challenging to be in a public relationship and Courtney agrees. 54:56 But then Ian also talks about how it's okay not to keep a relationship a secret as long as you're not posting too much and you're posting because it felt right at the moment. Court understood that sentiment (55:23) 56:01 Court to Ian about his relationship with Pam back then - "You keep it (the relationship) just open/private enough and people don't feel like they're entitled to have an opinion about something that you aren't really open with." 56:14 Ian: "I don't keep a lot of things a secret but I also don't share everything in my private life because I think it's important to have that separation." 100% THIS. I think I read a comment somewhere that Shayne is good at being open without revealing anything. And even though we know Court's quite the opposite because she's typically an open book, she gets to choose what to be open about and that every move they make is thought-out and intentional. 56:57 Court also says that there is a kind of freedom with public relationships like thinking "WHO CARES?" and "This is me NOW. This is my relationship NOW. I'm happy NOW." 57:26 Ian: "It gets a little dangerous when you mix personal stuff with business." I feel like, as a boss and as a friend, Ian already gave this advice to Shayne and Courtney. 57:31 Court: "But I love watching Youtubers that are together... I enjoy watching them and their dynamic." SHE'S JUST LIKE US 🥹 58:07 Court: "If I were to have a relationship that is so apparent in my life that people are gonna know about it, I don't think I would ever make it a part of my brand." I feel like we should also take note of this when we discuss how public with the relationship they're going to be and that it's okay to be satisfied with them liking and commenting on each other's tweets and posts and them being in a Smosh video together is fine, too. 58:59 Court: "I feel like I want and need to be dating someone in the similar industry like film and movies and stuff." YOU KNOW WHO ELSE IS A YOUTUBER AND IS AN ACTOR??? (I really can't believe this ep is scary accurate.) Overall, this was a good episode to go back to and Court's sentiments and opinions still align with what we know of their relationship. Obviously, things have changed but also nothing's changed. Whatever it is, we should be grateful that they share what they can and we shouldn't ask for a lot. It is an open secret and it is what it is, and that's okay ❤️
This was a really long one! Thanks for writing it up and summaried from the video! Definitely a good insight into Court's idea on the private relationship.
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gardengobbo · 5 months
April 30th 2024
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Not much of a garden update here, but I assure you there has actually been some progress. So here's a photo of one of my dove frens I took one the 28th.
Keep readin' if you wanna hear me blab on about the video posts and ADHD. You've been warned, it's long 😂
So I've been enjoying doing the video-style posts instead of typing 90 paragraphs of nonsense, but I don't want to keep recording with my phone since the videos take up a bunch of space. (As well as me having to take off my dirt-coated gardening gloves every time I want to record.) I could just delete the clips after editing into one video, or just all of them after uploading, but I prefer having things backed up instead of just uploaded online.
I know I could back them up to my computer too, but part of the reason I enjoy the quick clips of nonsense slapped together with minimal editing is because it's simple and I can do it all on my phone. Either plugging it into my computer or even uploading them to Google Drive on my phone then downloading them onto the computer adds extra steps.
Extra steps that seem inconsequential, but something I know about myself is I'm very all or nothing. It's very hard for me to only do half of a thing. In this example that'd be editing the videos together and then hitting the block that I've finished that part and uploaded, but now I need to plug in my phone to the computer to transfer the video files. Or if I back them up to drive, it only has so much space before it yells at me to upgrade lol
Drive seems like the most logical option though as it would give me the freedom to at least have more time before I have to download the backups, however I know for a fact that when that point comes I won't record any more videos even if I want to because I need the space to back them up, but I dont want to sit down on the computer to download the Drive backups because I'm doing other things and will get distracted if I do.
This is a struggle for me in a lot of aspects, can't do Z because I need to do X but I can't do X until I do Y, and I need to finish ABC before I can do Y, but all I really want to finish is Z. And worse is that most times to do Z, there isn't any need for the other stuff. It's just me wanting Z done in a certain way that to do it that certain way, it requires all those other steps. This happens in the garden a lot too, so this rant is kinda still relevant 😅
Thankfully all of that hasn't caused an issue with me just not doing garden things because I want to record it, because trust me when I say that's happened a lot in the past too. (That being me wanting to make a little video of something but not being able to figure out how I want to set up the cameras so I don't do the craft or whatever because I want to record it so it just never happens but sticks in my brain as the thing I want to do but can't till I figure the recording process out.) Depression is the reason why I haven't been gardening 🤣
All this to say I have like, 2 days worth of clips I want to edit into a post to show the progress so far. One day is clips on my phone, the other I recorded with a little action camera and I'm not sure how that's turned out yet since that requires me to upload to the computer to see better. (See computer related snag above as to why thats not done!) Today I might go even further and just bring out my small digital camera I got years ago to do vlogs with, that I never vlogged with.
Which leads me to my last point, and Ima make a poll for thoughts on the idea after this post cause I know this is a lot to read and most folks won't care, and that's fine! I think maybe I will use that camera for vlogging finally. I'd have to learn how to use an actual video editing software, and it'd have to be lightweight cause my once-top-of-the-line-parts-now-10-years-outofdate computer struggles hard to play Helldivers 2 right now, I can't imagine trying to run something like Premier Pro. But to be honest all I want to do is add auto-captions like Ive already done previously so I'm sure I can fine some free or cheap program to do so. I'm just not sure if like, amateur gardening vlog style videos where I mutter to myself as I pour dirt is really a genre of content lmfao. And if it is, it's probs better off on here or tiktok but I'm going insane trying to not film landscape everytime I go to record something.
So like, I dunno, I guess youtube? I can probs figure out how to sorta make it acceptable for portrait orientation viewing after the fact? I have no idea but if there's a gap in video updates for today, that's why 🤣
Alright that's all for now. I gotta get up, get sunscreen'd, and get out there! As long as it's not raining still... it was last night 😅
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magicalgirlagency · 6 months
I know this is magical girl blog, but i wanna ask, what's your opinion on pizza tower game?
You're only asking me this because of the The Noise Update that came out just recently, aren't you? Come on, be honest.
Anyways, I absolutely adore the aesthetics of that game. It's just so absolutely bonkers and it oozes lots and lots of passion. Those five years of hard work were worth it. I haven't played it yet, but once I get myself a potent and faster PC, I'll try it! So, I'll just talk about the aesthetics!
I like how Peppino is a Wario-expy, but not in personality. Sure, he is fat and ugly like that greedy garlic-munching goon, but his personality and life are totally different: He's a stressed middle-aged man, who struggles financially and constantly oscillates in anger or anxiety. Totally the opposite of Wario, who's absolutely confident in his brute strength and will take stuff without any awareness or care of the consequences that'll soon follow.
Also, did you know that "Peppino" is a legit real life name? It's a nickname of "Giuseppe" (an italian version of the name "Joseph"). And the person behind Funiculi, Funiculá (the funny pizza meme music) was named Peppino. Giuseppe "Peppino" Turco.
While the gameplay is obviously inspired by Wario Land 4, its visuals take cues from those Gross Out medias from the 90's/00's (Earthworm Jim, Cow & Chicken, Ren & Stimpy, etc.), which it really helps in the shaping of the game's identity. Not to mention how the game was projected to give major priority to speed mechanics, hence why the reason why it was firstly showcased at Sonic Amateur Games Expo.
Another interesting thing about it, is that this game almost became a Horror game! It almost became a FNaF copycat! But for some reason, Tour de Pizza felt the need to change the concept into a Wario-like midway, BUT! The Horror elements still remained with Don't Make a Sound and Fake Peppino (the game is one year old already; everyone already knows of Fake Peppino by now).
One interesting thing about FP, is back when the game has made its official debut, people made vows of not spoiling his Boss Fight, as TdP would keep him under the shadows in the development vlogging/lives. An addendum: This happened at the same time Hogwarts Legacy came out, and people were spoiling its ending on purpose! Meanwhile the froggy abomination (affectionate) was carefully kept a secret until the time was right.
...even though FP was already spoiled in WAR, but that's just me...
And the MUSIC. Oh my God, the music. It's so divine. Some of them feel severely out of place with the goofy aesthetics of the game, and I wouldn't have it any other way. The use of leitmotifs is clever and adds a lot of charm to the player character. They didn't have to go hard on the Ha Ha Funny Pizza Man Game, but they did it.
Also, the Final Boss has given me the adrenaline rush and catharsis that no modern-era Shounen has managed to do for me. No items, no power-ups, just pure, raw, and italian strength and blood-boiling rage (and the occasional tag-teaming of good ol' Gustavo).
As for The Noise Update, it's still pretty fresh, so I won't spoil anything major about it. However, I'll say that he is different than Peppino in every single way, not just in gameplay. While Peppino functions on Fight-or-Flight mode and is only concerned about getting things done and over with, The Noise does stuff for the shits 'n giggles, and WILL shamelessly gaslight you into getting the highest rank. And also with violence. Lots 'n lots of violence.
Also, The Noise's full name is "Theodore Noise" (yes the "The" in the name is not a definite article, it's short for his birth name). But I guess everyone already knows that, too. Just felt like remembering it, just in case.
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
How old were you when you learned how to drive? I don't drive.
Have you ever been to a baby shower? What was the baby’s name? Yeah, I've been to a few.
What mode of transport did you take to high school? My mom took me majority of the time, but occasionally my dad or aunt did.
Name a personality trait of yours that you like. I think I'm a good listener.
Name something about your physical attraction that you dislike. My physical appearance? Uh, like everything. My smile is a big one.
What’s in your purse right now? I use a mini backpack, which right now has my wallet, a thing with some of my medicine, a 2 pack of Reese's (lol), and a Barbie pin I still need to put on the front of my backpack.
Do you vote in your country’s elections? Yes.
What was your first kiss like? It was unexpected and awkward, but I was just giddy about having had my first kiss. It's not like I had anything to compare it to.
Shuffle your music and skip twice. What song is playing? Nah.
Have you ever been a freelancer? No.
What mood were you in when you woke up today? I felt okay.
What storey is your bedroom on? I live in a one-story house.
What gifts do you usually receive at Easter? Gift cards and something like a stuffed animal and/or a shirt.
Do you use a planner to keep track of your life? I use the calendar app to remind me when my bills are due, and I also use the notes and reminders app for stuff.
Who was the last person you sent an email to? I don't recall the last time I sent an email.
Are there any posters in your bedroom? Yeah, I have a few canvas painting and framed ones. Most of them are giraffes, but I also have some beach ones, a couple paintings my uncle did for me, and a Stranger Things poster (the well-known ABCs on the wall one with the strung lights).
What was your favourite fairytale as a kid? I've always liked Alice in Wonderland.
Is there anything in your freezer that you really need to get rid of? I have no idea what's even in my freezer. I'm still mostly bedridden and need help transferring and when I'm up in my chair checking the freezer isn't something I've had a need to do in awhile. I just haven't had a reason to; if I want something I'd just ask someone.
Have you ever played Second Life? No. I'm a Sims gal.
What do you like about the town or city you live in? Just the fact a lot of my family is here.
What do you dislike about the town or city you live in? My town is awful. It's not known for anything good.
Are your parents good cooks? Yes.
What’s the first thing you notice about a person? >> this will vary from person to person <<<
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Did you like it? I have not.
What is your favourite museum? I don't have a particular favorite, though I've only been to a few. I enjoy historical type ones with artifacts and whatnot. I think I'd love The Smithsonian if I ever get to go one day. I love all that kind of stuff.
Do you know anyone who is an actor? No.
Have your wisdom teeth come through yet? I had those taken out when I was a young teenager.
How many weddings have you been to? Just three.
Do you watch Youtube? What channels do you like? I watch a shit ton of YouTube. I'm subscribed to many channels of various types. I like ASMR (a lot of ASMR channels), vlogs/lifestyle, hauls, mukbangs, abandoned places, Disney history and related stuff.... stuff like that.
What’s your alcohol of choice? Barf, none. I don't drink.
Have you ever used a public pay phone? Yeah. It was like back in 2010, I think. The community college I attended had a few and I needed to use it cause my phone had died.
Which one item would you save from your burning house? This is such a hard question cause I'd wanna try and grab so many things.
Do you have a Twitter account? Yeah, or "X" as it's called now. *eye roll* I don't go on it much anymore.
What is your hair like right now? Short and no real style to it right now. I'm in the process of growing it out after cutting it like pixie cut short over a year ago for reasons. It's in that awkward phase, but it is starting to really grow out.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Over-easy, scrambled, hard boiled, deviled, egg salad. I like eggs.
What’s the longest you’ve been without showering? A few months while in the hospital. Like an actual shower I mean. I had bed baths of course.
Name one of your guilty pleasure songs. I didn't want to admit to liking some Justin Bieber songs at first like when his Purpose album came out. lol. I don't care now.
Have you ever made an item of clothing? No. I've never tried to learn or attempt to.
What was the most expensive bill you paid within the last month? I have a few high credit card payments. :X
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b-rainlet · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the older Die 3 Fragezeichen?
- 🌙
This is such a cute ask to be getting, I feel like I don't really deserve this seeing as *gestures to my blog* you know?
But also, I gotta be honest, idk if I could contribute anything to all the hcs a lot of drei ??? fans already talked about seeing as I really only read the books when I was smaller and my fave versions of them are the one from the American Movies (which are widely seen as not being that popular or in-character but I just. Absolutely adore these movies).
But just from the top of my head:
Let me just say, I don't think they'll stay Die Drei ??? forever or that they'll start an actual detective agency
Mostly because they cannot live off of doing cases for free forever
But they probably cannot help stumbling into cases sometimes anyway, simply because they're so used to it
Bob will be alone at college and just bust a whole ass drug ring going on and nearly die and then go: 'Nothing much.' when Peter calls and asks him what he's been doing the last few weeks.
Justus - who's working as a translator and who especially loves trying to decipher ancient greek and latin and stuff - doesn't even blink when Peter sends him a blurry picture of words scribbled on a wall going: 'Help, Erster??' at like two am
Aside from that though, they're leading a pretty normal life
I can see Justus doing semi-professional swimming competitions in his free time and to everybodies surprise, Jelena is the one attending most of these
Nobody is sure whether they're..Friends? Dating? They keep bickering but also Justus takes Jelena to every Vernissage Bob organizes as his plus one so???
Btw, Bob did get a degree in journalism but he's taken on a job organizing different events for artists and musicians
He's mostly working with lesser known people but they all agree that he's a joy to work with and that they feel like they're being taken seriously by him
(Bob also had a phase in college where he tried writing his own songs but he's mostly given up on that. It was enough to endear some girls toward him, but definitely not enough to have his big breakthrough and he's fine with that)
And my favourite hc is that Peter is a Youtuber
Yes, I am serious
It started out as Peter and Jeffrey making short work out videos and talking about different sports they're interested in but because of a very - very - stupid dare that was totally Jeffrey's fault, they ended up going to a haunted house
For fun
And that was the single most popular video on their channel for several months so Peter very reluctantly agreed to do more of these
More like, he's trying to talk his way out of going until the very last minute, he's arguing about turning back while they're already standing in front of the haunted place of the month
(The thing is, they don't try to fake any ghost appearances, so nothing much supernatural happens in any of these videos. Most viewers simply think it's super amusing to watch Peter nearly pee his pants because of wind blowing a window shut or something mundane like that)
Peter still insists on making videos about sport though
'That's why we made this channel in the first place, Jeff!'
Also, it's not spelled out or anything, but based on some of their vlogs, it seems pretty obvious that Peter and Jeffrey are dating
(Jeffrey has called Peter 'Babe' before during one of Peter's 'Why on earth are we always fucking with the ghosts' meltdowns)
These were just things I came up with on the spot, hope you enjoyed.
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Happy STS! If your OC could have a YouTube channel, what would it be like?
Hey! Thanks for the ask!
I couldn't just pick one oc so I'm doing the whole Robots & Gardens crew.
Green: Stupid ass skits. Where she very vaguely shows off a lot of random skills she has completely unintentionally. She'll upload consistently then drop off the face of the earth for like a year and come back with a skit of a fake ass reason she won't online. Real reason is she gets demonetized cause she refuses to censor her cursing.
Peace: Probably reviews. Mostly off like online shops, random products, items seen often under sponsorships. Definitely gets age restricted for some of the products she reviews. She doesn't make money off the videos cause she has ripped apart sponsored products. Uploads sporadically.
Green and Peace: XD People saw them collabing and like people do they harassed them about a relationship they may or may not have had. They start making collabs on each others channel until they finally form one together. They now join lesbian youtube with an old school chapstick challenge but they don't kiss each other until the very very end like the fucking end bloopers. (Yes they have literally been figuring out flavors without making out)
Hollis: One of my favorite parts of youtube! The chaotic engineers side of YouTube. She will be building the most hectic bullshit sometimes it'll work sometimes it won't. Many three letter government agencies most likely have her on a watchlist after getting shit like fucking high focusing lasers. She'll joke constantly about her old job as her bot catches on fire behind her. Uploads sporadically, takes time to build stuff, they do stuff shit on Youtube shorts though.
Donnie: Plant dad! They talk about all the plants in their home and how to propagate plants. They'll try to build their own green house and recommend small business plant nurseries that they love. Gains a large following after people soon found out that they're not just mute but has multiple prosthetics. They occasionally talk about prosthetic care! Uploads like once a week and works hard with an editor to have an effective voice editor and captions.
Digits: Our fellow prosthetic haver. Definitely more of a gym rat youtuber gives a lot of helpful hints and workout routines. Sure to attempt to give alternatives for those who find certain exercises undoable. She's a pretty big soccer and mixed martial arts fan. She'll occasionally post vlogs of her watching these sports. Gets invited to fight in creator clash posts a shit ton of vlogs about it. She's pretty consistent updates like twice a week is pretty close with her fanbase.
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aethernightmare · 10 days
Q: "Why are some parts of your Genshin playthrough missing? They aren't in the playlists and I can't find them."
The short answer, is because I made them private on YouTube and subscriber-only on Twitch. In them I talked about some personal stuff going in my life at the time (neighbors from hell, my home getting regularly vandalized/damaged, my landlord illegally scamming me out of a place to live, moving back in with my mom, some of the abuse I was going through but was powerless to stop due to the pandemic, and my mental health). And in the end, I was ultimately just tired of the nasty, often bigoted and opportunistic backlash I was getting for daring to talking about it. Or for not being "100% positive and uplifting uwu" all of the time.
And since my commentary can't easily be edited out without missing huge chunks of story or progress, I just sequestered the videos and limited their audience instead. I'm not against any of my takes (that I remember) from that time, but I was under a ton of stress, and so my videos were more hangout/rant vlogs than entertainment.
The longer answer is that truth be told, I'll probably end up either unlisting, privating, or making most of my Genshin videos subscriber-only once the game ends, if not maybe even somewhat before that.
A lot of them ended up being more pandemic vlogs than actual "let's play" content, due to the genuine amount of stress I was under at the time. And for some videos, I've done that already due to negative reception. Mostly it would be for early videos up through Inazuma that would go private. With maybe the first few videos left public for at least some regular discovery, and so my channel doesn't completely collapse. Maybe I'll make highlight reels of those regions instead, but that remains to be seen.
Most of Stardew Valley, Zoo Tycoon, Ocarina Of Time, and even an episode of Xenoblade are already sub-only now. You can view them with a Twitch sub (maybe a YouTube membership in the future if I get partnered), but even though I don't remember disagreeing with any of my takes or rambles in them, I still don't want them having a broad reach during a time when "drama" content is at an all-time high, because of the massive rise in people monetizing harassment against even small LGBT, minority, and neurodivernent creators.
We're basically in G*merG*ate 2.0 at the moment, and it's even nastier than before, because people aren't even trying to pretend it's about "ethics in game journalism" anymore, and is just blatant hatred and phobias on one side, vs. purity culture masquerading as progressivism on the other. With all the normal people and actual minorities caught in the crossfire.
I'm not the only person taking this approach to limiting access to my stuff either. A lot of smaller creators that I follow (many of whom are also LGBT or POC - albeit not all of them) are making a lot of their more "personal" stuff like vlogs or podcasts sub-only or Patreon exclusives too. Not even because of adult themes or sensitive topics, but just to put a barrier of entry against bad-faith actors. Because most drama-wh*res won't get past a $5 access fee, and lose most if not all credibility towards arguing against content put behind an 🔞 paywall.
Also, I gotta be old on main for a second, but kiddos today really are just...too hyper-sensitive towards online or fictional media?? "It traumatized me! It leads to violence or immorality IRL! 17-year olds are minors and thus have the same sensitivities and lack of comprehension and critical thinking as actual kindergartners! If you see anything for "adults" on any level (blood, violence, sexuality, swearing, nuanced positions regarding a difficult topic) it'll mentally and spiritually scar you for life and you'll have no hope for a good future! And trauma is an invisible brand that will make you both a pariah and a messiah forever, that you can never overcome, and will make you incapable of both recovery and judgement!"
Were you guys...raised in a cult?? No seriously, because all of those were ideas you'd only hear from super hardcore fundamentalist groups/cults back in the 1990's and early 2000's. And now y'all repeat the exact same shit like it's normal. And it's both exhausting and terrifying. Honey, if you aren't allowed critical thought, self-examination, and have a hardcore "status quo or else it's evil" mindset...that's a cult. Or at the very least, a red flag warning of where this can go very fast.
Idk, just this whole "if you interact with even mildly mature media or hear something other than what your parents preach it'll [turn you to stone]!" mindset is very bizarre to me. Everyone in my generation played or watched at least some mature games or movies before we were teenagers. We read books based on our reading level regarding the difficulty of the prose, not this false modern idea of "age-appropriateness". We didn't have to give whole-ass media criticism sermons if we enjoyed or want to talk about something a little "problematic", in order to "cleanse" us, and thus feel the need warn others beforehand of the "danger" to let them know we're not "corrupted" by "impure thoughts". Let's be real, those types of Somerton-style videos are just confessionals in disguise. Think about it.
And this lack of access to fictional expression and the ability to discover yourself as an individual creates weird, obvious problems through learned helplessness, infantilization, fear-mongering, stunted independence, a lack of emotional self-regulation, and an eventual lack of mindfullness or boundaries towards others (because that was always "someone else's job" - if said guardian ever actually handled it either).
TL;DR: Tablet-raised and social-media-indoctrinated teenagers scare the shit out of me. If Disney movies, and other literal children's media are the maximum height of your comprehension ceiling, as well as your entire frame of reference for judging other real life aspects or issues, I don't trust your judgement anywhere. And I'm much more comfortable vibing in an environment of older, and more mature crowds. Hence why I'd love to have the option make my content all 🔞 (and still remain monetized), even if there's no actual explicit themes or materials. So I could create an environment more like a chill bar, where it's just adults allowed to talk like and be adults. Again, even if there's nothing necessarily "explicit", some of us just want a space where you don't have to babysit or cater to the tantrums of bitchy youths. Or adults who new grew up or learned how to behave.
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"Kids today only behave this way because of stuff they see on the internet!" No, they behave this way because you either let the internet raise them for you (just ignored them and stuck them in front of a screen), or in general did a shitty job as a parent in all other aspects of their life. My generation wasn't like this, and we had access to the original, uncensored, pre-YouTube, pre-Twitter, pre-ad-sense/adpocalypse internet. No trigger warnings, no content moderation, and no mega platforms. And yet...we still handled it better than you?? And caused barely a fraction of your problems?? Almost like the real issue is a lack of individual maturity/netiquette. As well as people farming engagement through rage-bait drama (which has only exploded in recent years due to monetized repost bots).
Anyways, I kind of hate the wider modern internet right now, and want to curate my own content to better suit the experience I want to have. Rather than whatever this current high school level "Burn Book" bullshit is.
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So yeah, I'm just over it. The fake outrage. The fake grandstanding. The drama blasting. The grifting. The fearmongering. The proselytizing. Y'all need a chill-pill. But in lieu of that, the best I can do is just be myself in a better curated space.
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shallliveoninsong · 4 months
//I am late to the party but 1, 6, & 14 for the multimuse meme?
20 QUESTIONS FOR MULTI-MUSE BLOGS!  | @starlighttrain 1. which muse is the easiest to write? 
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◇ Right now definitely Jing Yuan! But also in general (ha) he's not too challenging since he reacts to most things in a way most would and barring some topics is pretty open and honest about his feelings, unlike other muses I've had which can be like pulling teeth to get any significant dialogue out of because they don't want to open up to anyone. Though shoutout to the Reader and Sissel who get second and third place respectively.
6. what are your favorite icons for each muse? 
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Jing Yuan - He loves hims birbs okie uwu
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Sushang - I like this light cone a lot so ye.
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Lady - it's even better in context because this is right after she nearly hits Nero with a van lmao.
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Sissel - This sprite encapsulates me when I'm trying to play puzzle games.
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Archjustice - The energy ™ of the character is just so here it is crazy I found a fitting faceclaim for him sans the hair color. But the vibes were too perfect to not use it.
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The Reader (plus Ti'zo the little bat fella) - we literally never see their face in the game so I had to commission some art from a friend for a design and I absolutely love how it turned out.
14. what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
Jing Yuan would absolutely run a pet channel all about Mimi. Her being cute, trying new things, taking her to see new things, etc. He would never shut up about how much he loves her.
Sushang - Would run a joint channel with Little Gui since she wouldn't be too savvy with all the influencer stuff and it would be all the stunts/performances they end up doing together.
Lady - How to Defend Yourself from a Demon Attack guides
Sissel - Vlogging channel of his friends and family since he likes to just watch and observe daily life so much.
Archjustice - Government propaganda videos though he doesn't see it as propaganda at all.
The Reader - educational videos teaching reading and writing and discussing books of all kinds as they read them.
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ggthydrangea · 2 years
hi tabi my dear!! i'm sorry for my late response 😭
yes exactly!! it's freeing to do stuff alone sometimes, it kinda started bc one summer i wanted to watch a scary movie that came out (hereditary) but no one would watch it with me LOL so i decided i'll just go by myself. i used to worry what other people would think but i realized i quite enjoy my own company so now i'm more comfortable doing it! (and of course, since im a minho bias, this reminds me of his latest vlog where he went camping alone haha that was such a comfy cozy vlog 🥺 my mind is still there)
dont worry, i have "cannot shut up disease" too so i totally understand 😂😂 i have also heard of rowoon but i don't think i watched the dramas he was in! also chani was in that snow prince stage last year with mark and lino 😁 and oh my gosh, that mirotic stage with taeyang and hyunjin 😳 taeyang's pose in the beginning AHH
wait i know some of these sf9 songs you mentioned!! i LOVE o sole mio, what a great song. and i've seen the dance practice for KO because of that beginning part where they're rotating the members, that is simply insane!!!! i listened to all the other songs you sent, and they are really catchy omg?? and their choreos are so cool!! is taeyang the one in the sleeveless shirt in the now or never mv? hahahaha. also i love your sf9 info doc <3 it seems like there are a lot of quiet cuties in the group hehe 🥺 i love that!!! also i watched the horror dance prank video LMAO youngbin saying "i was really looking forward to seeing a ghost" famous last words and the way they all freaked out when the bat fell from the ceiling
yeah snowboarding/skiing are so expensive so we'll see if that happens hahaha 😅 i kinda know how to skateboard though and it seemed fun but idk! def one day it seems cool to learn. oooh have you read any good books lately? i like to read as well ^^ i havent watched any anime recently but i have watched a good amount (did you watch/read spyxfamily? that was the last one i watched i think and it was pretty funny). what video games do you like to play? im only a casual gamer, kpop takes most of my brain space 😂😂 i still havent finished zelda botw lol. and that is so cool that you dance too!! how did you get into dancing? i dont know anything about dancing and it always fascinates me to watch dancers move their bodies the way they do!! there is this duo whose dances i really like to watch (i didnt know this when i first found him but the guy, sean, actually did a dance collab that i love with taeyong and mark from nct too!! (also god mark is so hot in that video hahaha)
All good no worries! I can be slow to respond myself, and life happens!
Oh nice! For me it started in college, just with how classes and stuff worked out, I spent most of my time alone and had to go out of my way to hang out with friends, and I started to enjoy some of that alone time, I like just vibing sometimes.
I wish I could tell you what dramas he's been in, but honestly I'm really bad at remembering anything. XD The Mirotic stage is a lot but it's also fun!!! All of them killed it! Those stages with different groups together are so fun, a multis dream come true. 🥺 Now if there could somehow be a stage with both Chan and Taeyang I would die happy... 😂
You have good taste if you love O Sole Mio. 😔 I'm glad you like them all!!! Lemme check to see the only one I remember being shirtless is Hwiyoung... Okay Taeyang does have some shirtless outfits but so does Hwiyoung so I'm not sure which one you're talking about for Now or Never. XD
I'm glad you love my doc!!! I really love sharing SF9 with people so it made for a nice little reference to help! Haha that video... Those poor guys... It was so funny but I also felt so bad for them. 😂
I haven't been reading much recently, but earlier this year I read this YA dystopian book called Unwind! It was really dark but also really interesting, I liked it a lot! How about you?
I'm so behind on anime but I love some of them out there, I could ramble forever just talking about my favorites. I did watch the first season of Spy x Family, it was cute!
I don't game much these days, but I like a lot of the Nintendo stuff like Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, but also smaller series like TWEWY, Style Savvy, all sorts of games!
My mom wanted me doing something active and after looking around she somehow found Irish dance, I'm not sure how. XD This was back when I was a kid so I don't really remember. Dancing is so fun I love it a lot!!! Ooo those are really cool!!! I'm nowhere that good I just do it for fun, but I love seeing good dancers, it's so amazing to see all the things they do!!!
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Schlatt Dating Headcanons
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Schlatt x gender neutral reader Requested by: Beloved Proofread: N/A Genre: Fluff Music: A Dark Academia Playlist To Read To Warnings: Swearing, alcohol mention, pocket knife mention Author's Note: My beloved irl requested this and I haven't stopped thinking about it. My inner parasocial Twitter user came out lol -Mod Kenma
I wanna start off with Schlatt is not affectionate on camera
The most he'll do is put his arm over your shoulder and even then that's when you two are in the background of pics, vlogs, and streams
Off-camera though, he's different
He'll give you random hugs when you're doing something, ask you to cuddle, and just hold you close
Just because he's being affectionate doesn't mean he's gonna be soft
He'll still be a little aggressive but that's just his personality
He is a lot kinder to you on camera
He won't call you really mean things or be a complete dick to you
But he'll still be annoying
Especially if either of you starts a bit
Steal his mountain of Rammie plushies
Take a Jambo plush and just carry it around the house
Schlatt would have to do a double-take because at first from the corner of his eye he thought it was actually Jambo
You're Jambo's other cat parent I don't make the rules
Schlatt is thankful that you love Jambo as much as him
It's mainly because he gets really worried about the cat and doesn't have eyes everywhere to make sure he doesn't get into anything
When you hold Jambo like a baby his heart melts
The two of you probably spend hours on Amazon and Etsy for outfits for Jambo
Schlatt probably has loads of pictures of you and Jambo
Hell, that fucker probably has a lot of photos of you regardless
Most of them are you doing everyday things but the lighting was just too perfect to ignore
You two go to a lot of events together
Most of the time you two act like complete fools to go with Schlatt's wack-ass online persona but it can be really fun sometimes
Like when you two got drunk at Sneeg's wedding
Well more like everyone around you got drunk while you stopped at a comfortable buzz
You have to talk Schlatt out of doing a lot of dangerous stuff
Like every 5 seconds he was pulling out the small pocket knife and you had to keep it on you so he would stop
Remember when he took a 5-hour energy shot and got all shaky?
Yeah you had to help him relax after that
Dating Schlatt isn't always sunshine and rainbows
Or in this case energy drinks and cat pics
When the internet is being more shitty than usual, you help him put his phone down and spend some time off the internet
When this happens, the two of you usually cuddle up and watch a comfort movie or show
Then you eat a comfort meal
Schlatt doesn't say it often but he really appreciates it when you do this stuff with him
It makes him feel loved and it gets him out of his shell and admits that the internet does frustrate him sometimes
Charlie and Ted love you and want to talk to you all the time
Quackity loves making fun of Schlatt with you
He's really happy you get along with his friends, to be honest
He was worried at first that they wouldn't like you or their girlfriends wouldn't like you but they all do!
Schlatt wouldn't trade you for the world
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Do you have any tips for someone that is trying to learn a new language? (especifically Japanese)
Consume media!!!! Imo this goes well for any language, I personally find it impossible to pick up a language if I can't "surround myself" with it. It's best to read (books especially), but watching television is good for pronounciation and songs are great if you want to remember vocabulary and phrases as catchy songs will stick, and if you remember the translation you can go "Oh, yeah, that word/phrase is like that, I remember it from this song". It's the second best thing you can do short of spending time in the country where the language is spoken imo. I mostly watch tv programmes or vlogs, and play videogames both dubbed and subbed in my target language. Videogames are actually a great thing to focus on because they require you to know what's going on and being asked of you to progress - it's also how I learnt a bunch of English. Definitely check if you can play The Sims in your target language, I literally owe it most of what I now know in English, due to the genre it really offers a wide vocabulary.
Now, I don't know how qualified I am to give tips for learning languages, or for learning Japanese specifically, but here's basically how I went: first learn hiragana and katakana, then focus on grammar. I used the Genki textbooks, but when I need a refresher for certain grammatical rules I'll often google it and there are a lot of neat websites/blogs that offer grammar lessons. JLPT sensei sticks out to me as one I most often go to. Once you got most of the grammar down, you can start reading with a dictionary on hand - whether books or visual novels or manga. Jisho.org is a great online dictionary, and if you don't know how a kanji is read, you can "write" it in the search bar. There's a bonus point for manga, anyway, most I read in "raw" form also have the reading for kanji written in hiragana on the side, so it's a lot easier to look them up. I'd definitely suggest a dictionary that can let you input kanji by radicals or by handwriting, though I prefer handwriting simply because I get annoyed trying to find radicals in the charts lol. But learn radicals! It makes it a lot easier to memorise kanji if you can learn it not as one big piece, but a puzzle made of three smaller pieces (or however many radicals it's formed of). You can also learn kanji through flashcards - there are websites and blogs that teach you kanji through years/levels, at a specific order. Though, for me, I felt it more natural to learn them through media. It's a flawed system, but that's how I find it easier to remember and, besides, I'll sooner remember the more often used ones that way. Familiarise yourself with websites like hinative, too, though just googling "[phrase] meaning" (or "[phrase] 意味" if you don't mind the explanation in Japanese) will often give you links to blogs and forums with good answers, because sometimes even if you got the vocab and grammar down, you'll come across phrases that you simply won't be familiar with purely because you're not a native speaker. Stuff like idioms, and phrasal verbs (?)
Personally, I left kanji for last and that's why I'm illiterate lmao but basically, I feel like if you're not in a hurry (as in, if you're not gonna move to Japan any time soon or need to write some formal letters), you can learn them while strengthening your vocabulary after you learn enough grammar to be able to consume media mostly effortlessly, by which I mean, you'd only have to look up words you don't know - but when you do you can read the sentence again and know what's going on because you already know enough grammar that the only unknown in the equation is the meaning of a word, not the whole sentence. How do I explain it - if you see 食べなくちゃいけません you'll know the sentence is saying something must be done because of the verb's grammatical form - the only unknown would then be what 食べ(る) means. Though if you're gonna take my advice of consuming media, make sure you consume it consciously. If it's voiced, listen to what is being said and try to repeat the words you're unfamiliar with while looking them up. If there are translations online, read both the translations and listen/read the original text. Don't just consume it - make sure to make an effort to understand and to remember the new words and phrases you come across.
And also don't just look up a kanji's meaning, make sure to look up its readings in kun'yomi and on'yomi as that'll help you down the line.
Also a good youtube channel to use for vocab and culture is Comprehensible Japanese!! But asides from that, I can't remember if there's anything else that needs to be said. I would really suggest classes and/or textbooks at first, before the media, though, as I feel like media should help you enrich your vocabulary, while textbooks should teach you the core of the language. But, either way, good luck in your learning!!🤝
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helpicant-stop · 3 years
dsmp characters if they were youtubers (we're going full circle baby): part one—c!bench trio
tommy (BIG INNIT VLOGS): world's softest motherfucker disguised as world's most obnoxious vlogger. also the people who only know him from his vlogs are always worried at the vague concerning things he occasionally says but the people who recognise him through l'manburg or even know him are just like "yeah ...."
he had a two week radio-silence in exile before returning with "VLOGGING IN TECHNOBLADE'S BASEMENT" and an apology for the lack of uploads. if you somehow recover his broken camera from logstedshire, you would see him try to vlog for the first few days before losing motivation every time. after some point he just stops but the camera keeps rolling and it films everything until december 16, at which point a shard of shrapnel pierces the lens and everything goes dark
he also has several videos of himself reviewing tubburger and wilburger and starting beef between them. wilbur and quackity always have those fucking comments with 500 replies on every video and it's just the two of them arguing in it. tubbo and ranboo on the other hand comment stuff like "good job ranboo ^_^! i really liked how you incorporated the cheddar with the swiss" and ranboo's like "thanks! i love how crunchy the lettuce is"
ranboo (xxxeverlastingmemoriesxxx): he reads creepypastas, mostly, but he also has these weird commentary videos like every two weeks where he talks about server conflicts in the most unbiased way physically possible but always ends up accidentally going on tangents about his inner turmoils. he also always has royalty free creepy music playing in the background and a gif of like. a snowy forest in the background
he also makes cooking videos and family home videos that tubbo/michael make cameos in but the catch is that all his food had a horrible twist, such as casserole but all the cheese is replaced by taffy. people have joked about him becoming the new ryan's toy review and he's like "what are toys ?.. i asked tubbo if he could review my food instead and he says he doesn't want michael to become a mukbang youtuber ..........." he also likes and replies to every single comment and he types in unreadable fonts with fifteen ellipses instead of full-stops
enderwalkboo also occasionally makes appearances but they're just exposè drama videos over footage of him mining a very long, very dark tunnel. everyone thinks it's an arg but no he's just like that. this is also the only point in which he does q&a's and he always has like a Hot Take in every video. they always end up getting deleted after like 2 days when normal ranboo finds them on his channel
tubbo (Mad_Bees03): mad science channel just like that one guy who extracted the dna out of strawberries and ate it except he always has like a 2 minute bee intermission in the middle and it's a video staple.
he also uploaded a lot less frequently in new l'manburg/manberg era, and those have either the most of least views on his channel because he always ends up rambling about political stuff. post–butcher army is like his 3rd most popular and it's him dissecting the flaws of his anvil contraption and the external variables that made it fail for like 3 hours with low res security camera footage projected on a whiteboard
when he joined las nevadas, every video got like a 3 minute ad segment on tubburger complete with "SAY 'TUBBO UNDERSCORE BELOVED FROM MAD_BEES03 SENT ME HERE' IN TUBBURGER IF YOU WANT A DISCOUNT DON'T TELL QUACKITY THOUGH OR HE'LL GET MAD" and everything
{part 2}
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
Okay, can I requests all free! boys (maybe add for albert and kaede too) with s/o who is youtuber (they s/o is pretty famous though) and what kinds of video would they like to do together. I love your writing and tq for it and don't forget to stay safe🥰🥰
Hey lovely! 💕 i love this request so imma pump it out rn (hey Free! queens haven’t seen yall in a while, how we doing? 😎)
Im just gonna do for style 5 + Albert and Kaede for now but let me know if you want the rest 😉
This is actually something I’ve thought about a lot so lets get into it 🤩
Did i proof read this? No ❤️
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He’s that boyfriend who supports you in everything you’re doing while simultaneously having absolutely no clue what you’re doing
For example; vlogging absolutely boggled his mind at first
“Who are you talking to?”
“Oh I’m just vlogging, do you wanna say hi?”
“Yes, say hi.”
“BuT tO wHo?”
After a while he gets used to it though
“You’re vlogging? Hey guys.”
You have to beg him to be in videos otherwise he won’t do it
When he does though it’s usually a good old “How well do we know each other challenge” and sometimes you can even manage to rope him into one of those “picking each others clothes” videos
He’ll make appearances in vlogs though
Actually quite likes holding the camera
He ends up seeing fans in public and when they come up to him he’s like “👁👄👁 how do you know who i am?” But after the initial shock he’s really nice to them
Will facetime you so they can say hi
Absolutely 100% gains a fanbase of his own
All the comments under your videos with him are the funniest things ever with some gems such as:
“Haru really said 😐(😍🥰)😐”
“POV: ur the camera seeing Haru actually smiling ❤️👄❤️”
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Supportive king!!!
Hands down your number one fan
He’s always offering to help you with your videos
Is always down with being in videos with you
His favourite thing is making videos like story times and doing gaming videos with you
Which are usually pretty chaotic and funny
The gaming videos provide your subs with a lot of cute y/n-makoto content
“Babe I suck at this”
“No you don’t, you’re the best” he says it really quietly while smashing buttons and taking his game very seriously
Vlogs are the best too, he talks to the camera like he’s on a FaceTime
“Oh! Hey guys, how are you all doing? I hope you’re doing good.”
Your fans love him
You’ve earned the “mom and dad” title
Since they love him so much you often let him take over daily vlogs
“Hey guys. Y/n isn’t feeling great today so you’re stuck with me!”
The comment section:
“Hi dad 🥺😭”
“Imagine having a boyfriend who loves u enough to literally do your job for you when you’re sick 😭😭😭😭”
“Whose gonna tell y/n that her boyfriend contemplated bringing home like 5 different cats 😳”
Everyone wants you to give him an e-boy transformation
You’re still trying to convince him
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I think he’d really enjoy doing videos with you
Not camera shy at all
The man has a lot to say
His partner has a beautiful online presence and he’s super proud of you!
He’d love making videos that have a little bit of competitiveness to them
Loves a challenge
Playing boyfriend tags with him is stressful af because he has the date of everything you’ve ever done memorised
Absolutely BODIES the swapping clothes for a day videos
He’s a really good sport and your fans really like him
“Rei looks better in a skirt than I do, you guys...”
“I simply can’t help my calf muscles, my love.”
Not great with vlogging
The comments you get:
“Rei when the vlog camera comes out in the mall 🙈 i do not see🙈”
“I wanna see them wear matching outfits 👀”
“Y/n please ask Rei to start up a studying channel 😭”
You actually rope him into making a study tips video with you
To be fair he does most of the talking and you just listen and look at him like 🤩🥰
He loves interacting with fans
He’s always liking and commenting on fan edits of you on Instagram
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Jenna and Julien. Jenna and Julien. Jenna and Julien. Jenna and Julien.
Most chaotic baby on camera
Craft! Videos!
Also chaotic challenges
King of gaming videos
He also is willing to let you put make up on him
“Nagisa, I’m begging you, please sit still.”
Absolutely does not sit still but gives you a lil kiss
He’s so sweet on and off camera
Most of your vlog content is just him doing golden retriever boy stuff
Your audience adore him
Videos come up in your suggestions and they’re all like, “Nagisa being chaotic for ten minutes straight”, “Y/n trying to get Nagisa to pay attention for 4 minutes.”
He gets so excited when your doing videos together, “Yeah guys, this is actually my channel now. I’m taking it over.”
“No he isn’t.”
“Yes I am. Sorry babe but you’re fired.”
Mr. Steal your channel
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😍😍😍 am i right?
First of all; he’s such a heart throb
Your fans are obsessed with him
He always wants you to work out with him so you decide to get some content out of it
Video gems like “Eating like my olympian Boyfriend for a week”
“RinRin, how the fuck are you even still alive?”
“It’s a salad, Y/n, not a bowl of air.”
“Who the fuck orders a salad at a restaurant, Rin?”
“I’m so sorry that you guys have to hear this profanity.” He says to the camera as if he doesn’t swear every five seconds
Those are usually the types of videos you guys make together
The comments you guys get when he’s feeling lovey in a video
“Oh to be Y/n 😓”
“Alexa, play sweater weather by the neighbourhood”
“The way he looks at her. Im in pain.”
“If they ever break up, i want you to put me down.”
Vlogging at the movies is hilarious because 99% of the time when you come out he’s crying
“Guys please stop telling Rin to take his shirt off on camera, he literally can’t say no and it’s distracting.”
Rin swimming content is highly requested
And what can you say? You give the people what they want 😌✨
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He’s into it
Once the camera comes on, this man becomes a comedic legend
“Hey guys, today we’re uh, doing something. I’m gonna be honest I don’t know, I didn’t ask. My girlfriend pulls out the camera and I do what I’m told.”
“We’re going to give you different aesthetics.”
He’s like 🤗 “oh okay go for it”
Very complient
He’s down for absolutely anything
“Content is content baby”
Sometimes he just comes into your video room and hijacks your videos
“Thought I’d pop in and say hi”
And by pop in and say hi he actually means sit beside you and look at the camera like he’s on The Office
Oh my god do the fans love this man
He trolls them
He sees comments like, “Y/n is so cute! 😍” and he’s like, “That’s why she has a boyfriend.”
They love him though and if he sees them out in public he’s super sweet
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(Im ngl this dude kinda scares me)
Probably has to be coaxed into making videos with you
I get the impression that this man is cocky on camera
Did someone say ✨pda✨
“K, I’m making a video”
Doesn’t really interact with fans
Or pay too much attention when he’s actually filming with you
He doesn’t really care but he does it because it makes you happy
He’s more responsive when it comes to vlogs
“I’ve convinced y/n to come to the pool with me, she doesn’t swim but she looks hot in a swimsuit. Not as good as I do, but still.”
You have to cut a lot of the stuff he says out of videos
He makes so many innuendos
“It’s the way Kaede doesn’t care about literally anything for me 🙈”
“Someone please check on Y/n, she’s TIRED 😩😓.”
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