#(though also yes i know the only reason tickets started selling out was because of the closing so bleh.)
labwebs · 1 year
🕸also if anyone needs me later tonight i will probably be sobbing over videos of phantom closing 😔
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fusionnukacola · 2 years
How about sole bringing the companions to Nuka World and like what they enjoy doing the most there? I’m currently playing that dlc and I just wish you and your companion could go on rides together or for them to at least react to some of the things going on. Oh and also the raiders are probably not there anymore and the amusement park is safer now
Thank you for the request! I'm going into this with the assumption that all the rides are fixed.
Cait: Honestly, doesn't pay much attention to the rides. She's more focused on finding the crate of Nuka-Dark she just knows Sole keeps in the penthouse. However, she won't say no if you ask to go on some of the more exciting rides like the ArcJet G-Force. If romanced, comments on how sturdy the double bed looks in the penthouse, and makes a suggestive comment saying they should test it out for safety reasons.
Codsworth: Doesn't go on most of the rides because he can't, but he can sort of go on the Teacups, so that's around the only one he likes. All throughout the park he's talking to Sole about the time they came here with their partner and baby Shaun. Constantly comments on all the dust on the rides, saying it's a shame for them not to have been in use before. He's a fan of the ride there, saying it's nice seeing the views.
Curie: Absolutely loves the Teacups and the Ferris Wheel. Curie isn't much of a fan of the thriller rides, so she sticks to the safer ones. The second she sees them though, she wants to know exactly how they work. Not much of a fan of seeing all the grime the raiders that previously lived there accumulated.
Danse: Pretends he doesn't want to go on the various rides, claiming it's a matter of safety. However, he secretly wants to go on some of the rollercoasters. Sole has caught him on more than one occasion staring at the Nuka-Rockets, but every time they ask about it he says that he is simply observing it. If romanced, will eventually say yes, and Sole even gets a photo of the two of them.
Deacon: Goes on every. single. ride. This man will grab Sole's hand and sprint to lead them to rides. He doesn't go ride to ride, instead picking a random ride, even if it's miles away. Begs Sole to get the popcorn and hot dog makers working. If romanced, kisses Sole at the top of every ride.
Hancock: Immediately suggests having sex on every ride. Romanced or not. If not, probably is saying it as a joke. (Probably.) Goes on the high-speed rollercoasters the most, but also likes the easier ones, like the carousel. He says it's a "pallet cleanser."
MacCready: You ALREADY KNOW he's heading straight for Safari Center. When he meets Cito, he literally goes insane. Asks for an autograph. Cito doesn't know what that is. Loves the Angry Anaconda. He'll ask to ride it again and again. Tells Sole they should start selling tickets to it, that they could make a lot of caps.
Nick: Makes comments about the few times he and Jennifer came here. Mostly likes the ferris wheel, and says he's too old for the rollercoasters. If romanced, he'll give Sole a peck at the top of the ferris wheel, like a gentleman.
Piper: Documents at every turn. When she gets back to Diamond city, she immediately posts an article about it all. Almost every settler is in line for the amusement park after that. Likes the more half & half rides, nothing too slow or fast. Her favorite is the Cola-cars arena.
Preston: Explains how grateful he is to Sole for clearing out the raiders that occupied the park before anything. Initially a little scared of going on the rides for safety, but once Sole explains how they already rode the rides, he's convinced. Not before lightly scolding them for doing that, of course.
Strong: Can't really, well, fit on any of the rides because of how tall he is, but that's probably for the best. Doesn't like any of the rides.
X6-88: Does not go on a single ride. Says it's for safety, and because he "does NOT want to get any of that.. sticky Commonwealth grime on him." He doesn't like Nuka-Cola.
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
Hello! Can I request an hc about a shady MC who's not phase by anything in Devildom with the brothers (and Diavolo?? he deserves love!!!)? Like, when Luci's like "i CaN KiLL yOu hUmAN", MC's reaction was like "Oh... congratulations then." i need more shady mc who may or may not be planning to ruin your life😂😂 Thanks and take care!!❤❤
The Brothers + Diavolo with an MC that is not phased by DevilDom
Pls I need more shady MC, they would not take any shit from the brothers. Put any Gen Z-er with these guys and you’ve got yourself a suicidal and reckless human exchange student.
They wouldn’t know what to do with one of those ahaksbakanhaka you’re right, Diavolo deserves all the love >:(((((((
You better take care too >:( thanks for sending me this big brain request. I’ve been preoccupied with other projects so I took a while to get to this ask. Hope you’re doing OK💙
-He thought having a human exchange student was going to be bad enough as it is but this…..this was so much worse than he could have ever imagined
-The moment you arrived, he already knew you were going to be a problem child and a persistent one at that
-Literally the first thing you asked him was : “Why do you look like an off-brand Levi Ackerman?”
-And he was left there, astounded, confused and offended because he had no idea who you were talking about (cuz at that point you hadn’t met the third eldest) and the tone you had was, frankly, pissing him off
-You kept wondering off on your own????? Without looking like you gave a shit even though you almost walked into a butcher’s shop that specialises in human meat???? Tf MC?
-Also really irritated that you couldn’t be intimidated and that DevilDom was like a playground to you, for some reason? Like, MC get out of the fiery pits of eternally tormented souls- this is Hell, not the McDonald’s ball pit ffs
-Things did not improve for him lmao, by the end of the first week he had already ripped out a good chunk of his hair because of you
-“MC, you should know by now provoking demons like this for no good reason is only going to make life harder for you. Keep this up and you’ll get killed in no time because of your behaviour.”
-“Great, can we have a hip-hip and a hurray?”
-In the span of one day, he’s had to come to your rescue six times (approximately) because you’re too nonchalant about your surroundings around literal creatures of hell
-He doesn’t have enough coffee or will to live for this bs
-“Lucifer, I found this dead plant and brought it here because it reminded me of you.”
-“…..sigh. Why? Why does it remind you of me?”
-“Because it’s cold and unresponsive.”
-He made the consecutive decision to ignore you
-(low-key kept the plant tho)
-Honestly, you get on his nerves a lot and he has definitely contemplated killing you in the past but at the end of the day he really can’t bring himself to do it
-We both know he tried a few times lmfao
-“I will tear you limb from limb, human-“
-“Can I finish my tea first.”
-“You…wait, what?”
-“You’re crazy if you think I’m letting this tea get cold. Try to kill time before I’m done and I’ll smash this cup against your head.”
-If you try hard enough, you might even elicit a laugh out of him, especially if your shadiness is directed at any of his brother which results in him patting your head affectionately
-Nowadays he’s just concerned because you seemed to have made an alliance of sorts with Belphagour and Satan and that’s not a good sign
-For his sake, if not yours, at least try to survive the year without getting chomped on by a random demon please
-He’s too stubborn to let you die just because you’re unbothered by everything so cut him some slack and help out damn it
-“Oi Lucifer, how come I’m stuck babysittin’ this stupid human?”
-“And how come I’m stuck with this asshole for a tour guide, with his fake ass designer shoes and no brand sunglasses. That’s a lot of smack talk from someone with crow shit stains covering the back of his jacket. Also, did you stick your hair in a bucket of mayonnaise?”
-He was so offended lol
-Normally, humans like you cower in fear whenever demons are as much as mentioned because of the whole “I can eat you whole” thing
-And here you are; insulting the Avatar of Greed and one of the princes of Hell himself just because you didn’t like his attitude
-Don’t worry tho, he warms up to you in less than a fucking month simply because you still come to his rescue whenever his brothers start insulting him and wow, look at that, his heart is now combusting on the floor
-“Y’all have no right to criticise Mammon when he has the most self control out of all of you.”
-“Since when does Mammon have any self control? He can’t keep himself from nicking anything that looks shiny.”
-“Motherfucker, I don’t see him trying to choke me to death, respectfully pls shut the fuck up. I don’t want to say I have favourites but if I do, it’s definitely him.”
-While Mammon’s in the background, with hearts instead of pupils in his eyes like ❤️👄❤️
-He doesn’t even mind running around after you anymore (will still complain about it though because your ass is in constant danger and he’s had enough)
-Honestly, you keep starting shit with random demons, some of which are quite powerful mind you, and you don’t back down even when he’s there to step in
-Would low key love to watch you fight one of your classmates at RAD and organise a ticket selling booth for the event but Lucifer will hang him a new one if he does
-So for now, he sticks to baring his teeth at the aggravator in question and you’re there, giving the same demon the middle finger
-The way you sometimes match his energy gets him so hyped up lmao
-“Mammon, did you steal Levi’s money again?”
-“T’s none of her business human. Now go away, shoo!”
-“Bitch, don’t ‘shoo’ me, I ain’t a bird. Now tell me, did you?”
-“…..Why do you ask?”
-“Because a new flavour of instant noodles just got announced, called ‘Super Hell-Sauce Flavour’ and I thought you might be more interested in that than wasting the money on gambling.”
-“….ok but only if you come with me to buy some.”
-This…this is true love right here
-Oh no, now there’s two of you
-Why do I feel like his energy would match MC’s almost immediately? Maybe it’s because he spends too much time in his room on the internet like the rest of us do
-“What do you want, you stupid normie?”
-“….300 what?”
-“300 mangas collected, thousands of episodes of anime watched, over 60 character figurines, plushies, body pillows, merchandise and several posters only to be called a fucking normie by a demon weeb that’s only known me for 10 minutes.”
-Boom, instant friendship
-He becomes attached to you almost immediately and now that he knows how unphased you are by DevilDom, he is seriously worried
-Hell, you’re making him consider going outside his room just to make sure you’re alive and not dead in a ditch somewhere because you decided to get on someone’s nerves that particular day
-Even during the quiz thing, when he almost kills you, you’re just sitting on the floor and awkwardly watching him as he throws a sissy fit
-Levi feels sort of conflicted with you because one one hand you’re good company and he loves having you around, you’re his Henry after all
-But on the other hand, you put yourself in so much danger it makes him paranoid so often to the point where he wants to keep you locked in his room and wrapped in bubble wrap
-Nearly had a heart attack when you almost walked right into a pit of lava like MC???? This isn’t one of his video games???? You’re not gonna respawn if you die????
-Besides all that, he gets a bit jealous of you confidence and your ability to just do whatever without fearing death or consequence
-“MC, how do you do it?”
-“Do what?”
-“How do you go about your life without a care in the world?”
-“I guess I’ll tell you my secret Levi. I’m not like other humans that’s why, I’m just so unique I do things differently.”
-“You sound like a pick me-“
-As long as you’re OK and not injured because of your carelessness, he’s indifferent about your behaviour and will even applaud you for your bravery when it comes to this sort of thing
-“lmao the human exchange student just dumped Solomon’s cooking in the trash while looking him dead in the eye 💀💀💀”
-Your attitude towards DevilDom and demons in general kept him entertained, if nothing else
-You rarely seemed to consider how much of a threat that place really is and usually you were just running around, completely ignoring Lucifer’s rules and doing your own thing
-Which, you know, he’s all about
-I can’t say there were no incidents between the two of you
-With his short temper and your tendency to say things without caring about the consequences, there were definitely moments when he might’ve snapped on you
-“MC for goodness sake, what happened to my room?”
-“What do you mean?”
-“It’s an absolute mess! I just told you to bring me my spells and curses book, not mow through everything!”
-“It’s not my fault this place is built like a fucking labyrinth. You should be grateful I went to get it for you at all, I almost tripped and died several times on my way back. Also, you should get a new ladder for your shelves. It did the broken.”
-“You are so lucky I love you.”
-Other than the fact his anger takes over him when things like these happen, he not so subtly encourages you to keep going because seeing Lucifer scowl at your antics gets him wheezing his lungs out
-I like to think Satan would be very impressed, even in the beginning, at the amount of nonchalance you can radiate at times
-I mean, you sure as hell don’t see it often and he loves how unpredictable you are more often than not
-If anything, he should probably thank you-idk how, but his patience has increased significantly every since you got here and he appreciates having some more control of his emotions
-“I’m gonna go put oil in Lucifer’s shoes.”
-“Do you have a death wish?”
-“Satan, I am old enough to make my own decisions and I concluded that this action is necessary.”
-“Necessary for what?”
-“Raising everyone’s morale! All of you seemed to feel down lately so I thought this would be fun for everybody!”
-“Except Lucifer, right?”
-“Except Lucifer. He grounded me from my D.D.D like I’m a fucking teenager who needs to be supervised-pssshht, I’m the most responsible one here.”
-“Yes clearly.”
-“Goodbye dear Satan, I may die today. But it’s for the greater good! (Dramatic exit with sound effects)”
-“(pops head back in) yes?”
-“May I offer you my assistance?”
-You’re basically taking turns pranking his brothers and it’s hilarious
-Satan is not too worried about your well being simply because he knows his siblings and him are always going to be nearby to save you if you pull something stupid again
-Even so, he checks up on you throughout the day; just to make sure
-“Where were you?”
-“Running from a bunch of demons. Who wanted to go munchy crunchy on me, I assume.”
-“Either that or people here are a lot friendlier than originally expected.”
-You can be such a handful and it really tests him, especially when he’s angry enough to begin with
-But despite your amazing talent at either getting completely lost around Hell, purposely walking into a prohibited place just because you felt like it or riling up others with how blunt you are, he still cares about you deeply
-You may be a pain the ass, but you’re his pain in the ass <3
-He should’ve known something was up with this particular human when you stood there, completely calm and collected, while Beel salivated at the thought of eating you on your first day
-Asmo just brushed it off for a while but it kept happening???
-The first time Lucifer ever told you off, you really went and said “Or what? Are you going to eat me? If so, you can go ahead and start with-“
-He came to your rescue and covered your mouth before you got to finish and before Lucifer unleashed his wrath on to everyone in that house
-“OOPSIE! I think MC has been spending too much time with me. Sorry Lucifer, we gotta run now! We have a party to attend, don’t we MC darling?”
-“You mean the one hosted by the guy that tried to kill me because I shoved into him on the hallway at school and then proceeded to tell him to go fuck himself right back into whatever hell hole he was born in before you came and charmed our way out of it?”
-“Ah OK. “
-You’re tiring for sure but you’re not exactly unlikeable
-You have a certain charm hanging about you that Asmo loves
-“I almost died like…30 minutes ago.”
-“Yeah, I almost drank some poison today because someone told me it was water. It smelt off though so I didn’t.”
-“Anyway, I got you this bracelet on my way home.”
-He really does wish you would take things a bit more seriously
-This is your life on the line, you know? What would he do if you died?
-“MC, you’re not immortal, you can die so much more easily than I can, you know that right???”
-“I don’t care.”
-“Well I do! And you should too….”
-A lot of people don’t see past his vanity tbh, because he can be such a caring person towards the people he loves
-The amount of videos he has of you appearing to be completely calm while pure chaos is descending in the background is pretty impressive
-Every time he uses his charm on you to try and get you to commit his sin, it just doesn’t work???? For some reason???? And even if it’s just with simple, innocent affection for now, he is determined to tempt you into it
-“MC~gimme a hug!”
-“But that’s social interaction and I don’t support it- do you have a charger for my D.D.D by any chance?
-Or at least die trying to ig
-Asmo loves having you around but you’re giving him wrinkles and that’s not okay >:(
-The moment he realised how carefree you actually were, he sort of started checking up with you quite frequently throughout the day
-It’s his way of protecting you but if he could, he would follow you around all the time
-Becomes your body guard because you may not care enough about your safety but he certainly does so get ready to be carried everywhere
-You will not get hurt nor will anyone mess with you if he has a say in it and let me tell you, he does
-Thing is, his brothers mostly know him for being slightly dense in some aspects of day to day life
-He’s not perceptive of things that don’t involve food or his loved ones
-And because you most definitely are a loved one of his, he does notice how careless you are really often
-And it scares, rather worries, him because DevilDom is an incredibly dangerous place-even with all the precautions they had taken when you came
-“MC get down, you could fall.”
-“But Beel, look-I’m finally taller than everyone else! Taller than you even! Hey, should I do a backflip?”
-He has no idea why you thought jumping from 60 meter high cliff into a small river of squashed demon blood was a good idea but he wasn’t going to risk anything just because you felt like showing off your diving skills
-Proceeds to carry you away, completely unfazed
-In this case, I feel like Beel is not someone who gets bothered by the horrible things happening around there either
-As long as he has food and his family is safe and happy then he’s also happy, as mentioned above
-But he knows he’s alright with DevilDom because he’s been living here for centuries now
-A bit curious as to why you’re so unbothered
-And even more curious as to why you weren’t terrified of him transforming in his demon form after he lost control when he found out you ate his pudding
-Or more like Mammon did and pushed the blame on you
-“Beel I love you but if you did not just see Mammon shoving the damn container in my mouth two seconds prior to this, then you might need glasses.”
-He apologised to you later for it but even so, you didn’t seem to mind like at all and he didn’t really understand why
-Unless you end up explaining why exactly you feel so indifferent about your life being in potential danger, he won’t really pry
-But now he has even more reason to follow you around like a lost puppy
-Since it’s clear you don’t really care about protecting yourself
-So now it’s his job to do it
-MC protection squad? Mostly Beel and Mammon
-ahhh he cute
-You piss him off so much
-He’s trying to have his moment, you know?
-Finally getting that glimmer of satisfaction after killing a human as a way to avenge his sister’s death
-Trying his hardest to make it as miserable as possible because he has so much rage in him, he needs you to suffer
-“Harder Daddy-“
-“Oh fuck off.”
-Nah but for real, what the fuck MC
-Why does he even bother, he feels like he should be sleeping instead of dealing with your bullshit
-Even afterwards, when your future self shows up and he tries to kill you again, you look more thoughtful than irritated???
-Lucifer and Beel are literally holding him back from doing another Chocky on you and you’re standing there, looking at him with your eyebrows raised
-“Hey Belphie, I have a quick question. I know you’re trying to kill me and everything but do you like the colour blue?”
-“It’s a simple yes or no question Belphie. Do. You. Like. Blue?”
-“Ah ok thanks. I like blue too :)”
-Pls he felt like sticking his foot down your throat
-As of late, he’s kind of glad he didn’t manage to scare you away that day and that he didn’t traumatise you or something
-At the time, he was mad because he didn’t understand why you weren’t scared but now he just wants to make it up to you
-“You didn’t deserve any of that. I’m sorry MC, I won’t blame you if you decide to stay away from me now.”
-“Stfu dipshit, what’s gotten you so depressed? Did you have another fight with Beel? I told you not to eat the last slice of cake.”
-“Rude ass, I was trying to apologise for my past mistakes-let me repent will you?”
-“Said no demon ever. Now let’s go hang out you emo bitch.”
-Y’all vibe together on a spiritual level once that shit gets sorted out
-But he’s kinda scared you might pull out a knife on him ngl
-Obviously, you’re still annoying as fuck with that indifferent attitude of yours but he can live with it
-He appreciates the fact that you’re not scared of him, even after what he’s done
-Ah yes, the future King of DevilDom himself
-He’s very enthusiastic about the idea of you having fun this year…..and to keep you alive….
-He, of course, expected a range of reactions from you when he first summoned you here
-None of which were “Ok but could you not have given me a heads up? Before the whole teleportation thing? I face-planted your onto marvellously polished the floor and now I think I lost even more brain cells than before.”
-He felt so bad gagajajahahwgehhsb
-He apologised for bringing you out here without any warning like that and then proceeded to introduce you to everyone
-Diavolo is actually kind of relieved to see you’re handling everything pretty well
-He thought that maybe DevilDom was too much for a human to deal with
-Meeting Barbatos also went incredibly smooth
-“Barbatos? The one that cleans the floors right? Big fan of your work, I could eat off the floor of the main hall.”
-He’s so glad to see you getting along with everyone and not getting intimidated by the brothers
-It gets him excited thinking about how the exchange program is gonna work and all three realms will be united
-But he’s not stupid so don’t think he’ll allow you to stumble around, getting up to all sorts of mischief
-He always has someone watching you because he would hate to see you die, despite being pretty fond of your carefree attitude
-“MC, please be careful. Most demons here aren’t all that nice.”
-“Aye aye Captain.”
-He fears that many demons would take your indifference as a challenge and try to assert dominance or something by kidnapping you
-As far as creatures of hell go, they love installing fear in people
-So he always keeps an extra eye open for you
-And he’ll be there to help you if something goes wrong
-But other than that, he’s pretty chill as well and he finds you so hilarious, it’s been a while since he’s seen someone as eccentric and dramatic as Mammon and Asmo
-Idk what else to add here, Diavolo is very accepting and as long as you don’t get hurt, he’s glad you can get used to your new surroundings so easily
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sundove88 · 2 years
Shonen Jump Power Linkage: The Republic of Heroes Linkers
Did I decide to make even MORE Shonen Jump Power Linkage characters? Yes. And they all are equally powerful!
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Lucy Carson (Allen Walker): “If you have an Akuma in your body already, why can’t you Just talk to other ones?” (Spectral Business) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lucy has a good case of PTSD, with her parents dying in a car accident when she was only very young. She survived and now currently lives with her aunt and uncle in Dallas, Texas.
She loves murder mystery books and desires to be like a great detective just like her idol, Sir Donovan Phoenix.
She and Allen Walker linked while she was visiting a bookstore near to her home, and just as it started to rain heavily and show no signs of stopping.
Catherine Luxe (Lala Satalin Deviluke): “Ya know what a rich girl like me does in her spare time? Volunteer and help out around town!” (Heart of Solid Gold) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Catherine is the only daughter of a wealthy businessman, and takes after her father’s philanthropist ways. She and her family live in a mansion in Seattle, Washington.
Although she has a love for the fine things in life, she does often volunteer and help out around the town, spreading her voice for all the right reasons.
She and Lala linked when Catherine was busy organizing her bedroom, albeit putting away some of her fashion dolls and awards that she earned through contests.
Jane Pinkett (Chitoge Kirisaki): “Apparently I do love my waffles with extra toppings and yummy fruits. And for you?” (Most Important Sweets of The Day) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jane and her family run a breakfast cafe in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. They’re known for their extra fluffy waffles with whipped cream, maple syrup, French butter, and fresh berries piled up high.
She created one of the cafe’s best selling products- The Cross-Omelette. It’s an omelette that has all the fillings stuffed into a freshly baked croissant with any type of sauce available.
She and Chitoge linked when the cafe was close to closing, and while she was planning out a new recipe to serve at the cafe- said recipe was a latte, with the foam in the shape of a baby chick.
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Michael Keller (Kenshiro): “This heart of gold has never rusted and never will anyway!” (A Heroic Comeback) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Michael is an adult businessman hailing from Mystic, Connecticut. And since he lives there; not only does he like helping out the folks in his town, but also visiting the aquarium.
He has done weight training, and especially with extra large ones. He prefers 20 ton weights to 50 tons, though; as he can’t handle them that much.
He and Kenshiro linked when he was on his way to work- only for a Despairius to nearly attack him and throw him off guard. Kenshiro took out the fiend and the rest is history.
Jesse Kim (Toriko): “Alrighty! Now you toss' em in- It’s that easy!” (Heir to The Restaurant) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jesse lives in Edgewater, Florida, and he helps his Korean-American family run their local cat cafe. He often helps with the cooking, and loves the pastries best.
His favorite food of all time is Tteokbokki, or spicy rice cakes. He often makes them with extra fish cakes, cheese, and eggs; plus a dash of ramen noodles.
He and Toriko linked when the latter was looking around Edgewater for new foods to eat. Jesse invited him into his cafe to escape the pouring rain, and they immediately formed the bond.
Aidan St. Cloud (Luckyman): “No way! I never get this many arcade tickets! I must be dreaming or something like that!” (Lady Luck on My Side) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Aidan comes from San Diego, California; and he loves the summer sun and everything about it. Plus, his family was lucky enough to win tickets to SDCC, and he’s been there every summer. Plus, he’s on the autism spectrum.
Because his family has been blessed with insanely good luck, ironically he has a pet black cat named Clover. He considers her to be a source of good luck, and even added a Chinese lucky knot to her collar.
He and Luckyman Linked when Aidan felt as if he was unable to win a prize from the claw machine; and as such, Luckyman gave him that much needed boost.
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Gary Limestone (Tatsumi Oga): “I’ve interacted with tons of babies, but Beel is just the embodiment of adorableness!” (Not So Demonic Baby) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Gary hails from Reine, Norway, and often serves as a babysitter for the younger kids of the village. He loves to help them out, play with them, and often give them treats when they behave well (His cloak was inspired by Sherbet Cookie)!
The kids he babysits often leave drawings for him to thank him for his help; and he’ll often put them in his scrapbook so he can remember the kids in the future.
He and Tatsumi linked when he was notified about a family that needed babysitting, but in reality was a call for help from Director Lumi.
Donna Toussaint (Souma Yukihara): “Only the French know the secrets to culinary perfection, but still the sweets reign supreme.” (Parisian Perfection) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Donna is from Southern France, and she has always yearned to go to Paris; but for now she is baking macarons and pastries in the family bakery, albeit with their recipe dating back to the great grandparents of the family.
Her favorite pastry to make is vanilla bean cream puffs, especially since she gets to fill them with tasty whipped cream and her favorite strawberries.
She and Souma linked when she was making the family cream puffs to sell, and Souma immediately took the first one- love at first bite in an instant.
Rex Dennington (Tsunayoshi Sawada): “You’re part of a mafia organization? Because if so, life’s a bit wild.” (Family of Hitfolks) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rex is from Vancouver, Canada; and he loves reading about Italian mafia drama- his father’s side of the family is Italian; and he often hums The Godfather theme when not busy (His hair was also inspired by Sherbet Cookie)
Speaking of his father’s side of the family, he often goes on an annual trip to Naples, Italy, where that side of the family mostly lives. They often bring back tons of souvenirs.
He and Tsunayoshi linked on one of said trips, and when he was running from some Despairiuses disguised as his family. Luckily, Tsunayoshi stepped in and got him away before the Despisriuses could attack.
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Cara Plitkin (Arale Norimaki): “Say, wanna go to the arcade? I’ll race you there!” (Arcade Heroines) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cara is from Newton, Massachusetts, and is a very happy go lucky girl. She loves to doodle in her sketchbook, and will often trick her parents into eating the desserts that she bakes herself.
Her favorite hobby is collecting fun stickers, but she loves making them even more with her parents’ sticker machine.
Arale and her linked when Cara was at the mall and she nearly got lost. Luckily, Arale linked with her and she managed to find her parents.
Medusa Arwen (Senku Ishigami): “Ironically, I’m named after a snake lady who turns people to stone. But this is great!” (Set in Stone) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Medusa Arwen hails from Santorini, Greece, and has a love for Greek mythology. She was named after Medusa, a mythical monster with snakes for hair and a gaze that can turn anyone into a statue. (Her hair was inspired by White Lily Cookie)
She actually lost her left arm in a car accident, and thus was given a prosthetic arm that has the patterns of a snake. This also connects to her namesake of Medusa, who is not only half snake, but also has the iconic snake hair.
She and Senku linked when the former was working on a statue of the goddess Athena, and Senku immediately took notice of the girl.
Lance Reddan (Kuroko Tetsuya): “It’s been my dream to play in the All Star League- I’ll definitely seize that chance!” (Welcome to The Jam) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lance is from Buffalo, NY, and he is a huge fan of basketball and chicken wings alike. Plus, he has driven his team to victory more than one time, earning him the title of “Truest MVP” for the school he attends.
He is a big fan of sports movies such as Space Jam, and it’s what inspired him to play basketball and join the school team as a whole.
He and Kuroko linked when he was taking a break from a game, and Kuroko saw the opportunity to meet him. Lance also took said opportunity, and the rest is history.
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alltheselights · 3 years
Doesn't that mean Larry isn't a thing though?
First, let me note that this is something Harry and everyone around him has been saying in not so many words since November 2019, and if you were in doubt then, the music video could not have been more obvious about the intent of the song, or at least the marketing.
But to answer your question, no, it doesn’t. I feel like one of the main reasons why Harry's comments from last night would make you freak out or question your beliefs about Harry and Louis or double down in your denial about what the song is intended to be is if you've defined your existence as a Larrie around this idea that Harry is 100% a gay man who could never in a million years be attracted to a woman. And unfortunately, I think a lot of people have done that.
I feel like there has always been this very strict belief that 1) Harry hates his womanizer and fantasy boyfriend roles, that 2) he has despised and been unconvincing in every PR relationship and stunt he’s ever had, and that 3) he is not attracted to women and could never be attracted to women. And I used to fully believe all of these things too, but I feel like with time and perspective, I don’t necessarily anymore.
I think that Harry's womanizer image while in One Direction went several steps too far to the point where he and the other boys were uncomfortable with it, but there were moments where Harry had fun with it. One example is when they were doing that interview in Australia with Liam and Louis and Harry went over to snatch the woman's phone number. Eventually, however, I think it reached a level where he was disgusted and frustrated by it because it came to define him and made him seem like a bad person, which is not accurate, and at that point, he was not interested in playing along with the image they assigned him. I also think it was started at such a young age when he had no power to consent to it truly, and that was never going to be acceptable in any way.
Now that Harry has gone solo, I believe that he has significantly more control than he ever did then. He could have gone in many different directions and he has definitely embraced a more open, ambiguous image, but I think it's hard for people to admit that he's also embraced a new role as a fantasy boyfriend. It's not the same as before, as he's able to be more ambiguous about his sexuality and with his clothing, but he markets his music as being about women, he publicly dates only women, and he takes actions to appeal to the female gaze. I often see people talk about how Harry isn't trying to appeal to women because he doesn't fully embrace a stereotypically masculine look, but as I've seen discussed more and more often lately, those stereotypically masculine looks actually appeal more to the male gaze. This article talks about that. Many men think women are attracted to intimidating, uber macho men, but a lot of women are actually often attracted to men like Harry who are in touch with their feminine side. When Harry is shirtless and sweaty in a music video but also not afraid to wear feminine clothing or to talk about his feelings, that DOES appeal to women. They do find that sexy and attractive, and Harry and his team know that and they play to it when they can.
This role isn’t the only one that Harry embraces now that he's solo, but it is something that he and his team have chosen to do. After so many years of us defending Harry against a womanizer image that took things way too far at a young age while Harry was still figuring himself out, that can be a tough pill to swallow. However, we have to realize that both things can exist in the same universe. Harry can have been uncomfortable with where the womanizer image that he was given at age 16 when he had little power to change it and also choose to embrace a kind of fantasy boyfriend role now that he's a solo artist, older, more comfortable with his sexuality, and able to make decisions for himself. He can take control of a narrative that previously harmed him and use it to benefit him and to sell more music, more merch, and more tickets.
When Harry stunts with women, even when he's very convincing (like with Kendall on the yacht when she was laying on top of him and kissing him, or with Olivia on the yacht recently where they were dancing and kissing), you see people claim that it's a "gay yacht" or that he seems miserable even when he doesn't. Do I believe both are absolutely PR relationships and not genuine? Yes. Do I believe that Harry acted convincingly as someone interested in women in both instances? Yes. I think part of the reason why yachtgate with Kendall was so upsetting to me at the time because even though I never believed it was genuine, it LOOKED genuine, and I’d never thought Harry could pull that off. I think part of the reason why the Olivia yacht stuff didn’t bother me at all is because at this point, I do believe Harry can convincingly appear to be interested in women, even if he’s also interested in men, and so when he did, I was fine with it and didn’t feel threatened by it. It’s the same thing with Harry’s acting in DWD where a lot of Larries tried to claim he was unconvincing after seeing a two second clip of him making out with a woman. I thought he looked fine, as did most of the random people who watched that clip, and it did not threaten my beliefs about Harry because I recognize that he can be convincing in heterosexual roles and it doesn’t impact whether he likes men or not or whether he’s in a relationship with Louis or not.
Now don’t get me wrong - I don’t think he’s convincing in every instance, not even in every instance with Olivia or Kendall, but I’m just saying that I think he can play the role with them when he wants to. I don’t think he appeared uncomfortable in either instance. And I think when you admit that and acknowledge it, it’s easier to be a fan because you’re not living in denial and trying to act like Harry is DISGUSTED by these women and could never in a million years convince anyone he’s attracted to them, or attracted to women in general.
I don’t know if Harry is attracted to women, but based on his behavior and the types of things he writes in recent years, I do believe that it’s a possibility. I know I’m in the minority on that, just as I am with most of my beliefs, but even if people don’t agree with me, I feel like it’s really important that people realize that your existence as a Larrie should not be so rooted in Harry only liking men that your theories are all threatened or you’re enraged by a comment about a song being about female orgasms when they’ve been clear about that since day one. Harry can like women and still like men. Harry can like women and still be with Louis. Harry can write a sexual song about women and still like men. Harry can write a sexual song about women with numerous co-writers and still be with Louis. These things are not mutually exclusive, and when you treat them like they are, that’s when the denial starts and that’s when people start getting angry and upset with Harry over something that is not a big deal.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
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I walked down the half broken, foul smelling new york streets. Hearing my heels clacking in the pavement as I walked, the swishing of my petticoats and my dress, the small sun trying to peek through the thick grey clouds. I put my sunglasses in my handbag as I arrived at the tall buildings I saw the beaten up beetle parked in the street and the small handful of parking tickets it had under the wiper blade so I picked them up and sighed turning to look down into the ever stretching darkness of the stairwell. I stepped down trying not to touch the handrail to the first level of little doors with some lights and then down the second stairwell into the dark nothing's, it smells like shit down here. 
I got to the door trying to not touch the gross walls tapping in the door as hard as I could hearing the metal echo through the basement.
The door opened tenderly and careful a first as if trying to peak before it opened fully revealing a barefoot, Benny watts. Stood in his black dirty jeans where he'd clearly wiped his hands down his legs for some reason, his black t shirt with his usual chains, his hand fixing his hair out of his eye with a small smile on his lips 
"Hey you"
"Hey" I smiled briefly stepping inside, as soon as my foot crossed into his apartment he put his hand on my waist and gave my cheek a kiss "move your car" I told him pushing the tickets into his chest he took them and I headed inside slipping my Jacket off and laying it over the chair 
"I'll move it in a bit" he says "coffee?"
"Tea" I Answered "extra milk t-"
"Extra milk two sugars I know" he laughs going over to his kitchen setting the tickets down in a forming pile on his kitchen counter 
"You should pay them"
"I should do a lot of things"
"Pay your parking tickets Benny"
"Suck my dick y/n" he says leaning against the counter looking at me crossing his arms over his chest "we both don't do what the other wants us to"
"You make me suck your dick I'll bite your cock off" I sighed sitting at the table 
"I know, I still have the bite mark from Last time" he sighed bringing the cups over sitting across from me with his coffee instantly I took my little hanki from my handbag and cleaned the top of the cup seeing the white cotton turn grey 
"What is it Benny? What did you summon me to the slums of new york for?"
"Oohh sorry, next time should I request an audience at mi lady's palace?" 
"What do you want Benny before I pour this tea down your pants"
"I need your help"
"... Hu. Never thought I'd hear you say that but go on"
"I need your help with something that only you can help me with"
"I wanna write a book" 
"A book?"
"What kinda of book?"
"One with... words?"
"No shit. Fictional or non fictional?"
"What's the difference?"
"Fictional is a story, non fictional is real life."
"Oh, non fiction"
"Okay, do you have a plot structure"
"A who what?"
"What's the plan for the book Benny?"
"I shall write it. And then I shall publish it." 
"Did you wanna edit it somewhere in the middle there?" I laughed
"Eh, you can do that" 
"Okay… so lemme guess this is a book about you? Or about chess?"
"Little I'd both"
"Who's publishing it?"
"Ohh so you have four thousand dollars laying around do you?" 
"If you wanna self publish Benny, the basic level is four thousand dollars and that will get you local distribution if your lucky which is about five states out if that." 
".... Uuuughh, I'll publish through a publisher? Your publisher?"
"Eleanor doesn't take non fiction"
"Then she has to know someone who does? Right?'
"She does but then have to pay for meetings which cost roughly fifty bucks per ten minutes, and you have to get an approved manuscript before they'll even meet you, and even though a publisher for international you’re taking nine to ten thousand. Dollars."
"Uuuuuuughhh, wait. It's a chess book so I could get funding for it from the chess federation"
"Maybe, but then they are going to need to approve it first, and the send to a publisher willing to carry it, and then designing, and editing and printing and stocking which could take over five years" 
"Five years!"
"Yep. The novel world is a slow one Benny" I said "besides that's all publishing stuff, you can worry about that when you have a manuscript"
"A what now?"
"Manuscript is like the… actual book pages and all the words that will be on them"
"Ohh, well that shouldn't be too long, bang it out over a long weekend or something"
"You think you can write a book manuscript over a long weekend? Three days?"
".... Okay, so you wanna write a book? Which for non fiction about chess really a good level would be five or six hundred pages minimum, your going to get it written, edited, and ready to send to the chess federation for approval by Monday morning, even though they might reject it or just plain not fund it, you'll be already one thousand dollars in the red, before you add shipping, handling, copywriting, paying me for editing because I ain't doing that shit for free and as it's currently four pm on a Saturday afternoon and you haven't even writen a word yet"
"Yeah. Oh."
"How long did it take you to write your book?"
"Six years, in and off with a full time job and without an editor"
"I'm fucked aren't I?'
"Not fucked Benny. Overambitious" I laughed "do you have a title?"
"Do you have a synopsis?"
"Do you have a typewriter?"
"I was going to write it by hand?"
"With your handwriting?"
"What's wrong with my handwriting?"
"Benny, it looks like a spider learnt cursive and then got drunk"
"I don't own a typewriter. May I borrow yours?"
"No. Buy one"
"There like sixty dollars!"
"I will buy you a pre-owned typewriter"
"Aww thank you sugar"
"How are you intending to pay me for being your editor?"
"... Royalties?"
"Awww Benny darling, if you sell your book for a dollar each you'll be lucky to make 25 cents per book in royalties, less if you go though a publisher, and even less if it's being funded by the federation… you'll maybe get about six pennies if your lucky" I explain 
"Then how the hell do you afford your car? Your house? Your dresses?"
"I sell alot of books Benny"
"I'll give you three pennies if my six pennies royalties?"
"Of your not yet existing book? So I'm just meant to wait and see if I get paid?"
"I'll bake you a cake?"
"You can't cook Benny"
"... I will eat you out?"
"No deal"
"I promise you half of all royalties, editor credit and I'll fuck you as much as you want, now will you please just help me?"
"Fine. I'll be needing a deposit payment" I said 
"Alright, you know where the bedroom is I'll finish my coffee and be there in a sec" 
I sat on the leather chair looking at the handwritten chapter structure Benny had given me "Benny?"
"Yeah?" He asks slightly jumping where he had been sat for so long at his table with his notes and the old typewriter I got for him trying to figure out how he loaded paper in it 
"What is this word?" 
"What word?" He asks 
"The something with something"
"Which chapter?"
"The faults with defense" 
"That is how you write an s?" 
"... How do you not write an s right it's in your name?" 
"No it's not?"
"Yes it is"
"B. E. N. N. Y. No s there?"
"Ooohh yeah"
"You fool" 
"Also, does this have a E?"
"And how am I meant to write a chess book without the letter e? I sort of need it? Chess. Defensive. Queen. Benny."
"That's a word?"
"Can you use it in a sentence?"
"Screw you bitch I can spell antidisestablishmentarianism" 
"Damn it" he sighed "but I need e how am I meant to write chess without an e?"
"Write an o and then draw a line in the middle?" 
"Fine" he said starting to type one key at a time "Openings… and… tactics… by… Benny… watts" he said but the typewriter had got to the end of the spool "y/n! Why won't it type!"
"Benny just… ughh come here you child" I sighed getting up going over and moving the spool back to the centre so he could write "there. You have to do that at the end of each line"
"Yep. Isn't writing fun" I smiled kissing his head 
I sat listening to the clicking and clacking of his typewriter keys, sounded like music to my ears in his quiet dark and cold apartment
"Fuck!" He yelled breaking me from my relaxation as he stopped
"What?" I asked
"How do I undo?" He sighed rubbing his eyes 
"You can't what happened Benny?" 
"I typed porn instead of pawn" he sighed resting his head in his hands
"You fool" I giggled "you wanna know how we fix mistakes Benny?" I giggled going over wrapping my arms around his neck 
"We we write the whole page?" 
"Nope. White out" I smiled handing him the shall bottle 
"Fuck! That smells like paint"
"Ehh pretty much is"
"Thank you y/n"
"Your welcome" I smiled giving his head s kiss "call me when chapter one is done I'm going for a shower" 
"Uuuuhhh… yeah I'll do that" he says not sounding confident 
"How close to finished are you with chapter one?"
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh… next week sound good?"
"And you could bang out a whole book in a weekend" I laughed sitting back on the chair 
"I said I'm sorry! I didn't know it was this hard" he says 
I sat the other side of the table with my lovely blue pen, my leg over my knee, smirking slightly at him as Benny sat on the other side his hands to his face watching me Intently, panic in his eyes everytime he saw me use the blue pen, which I was having to do alot. 
"Here" I said throwing it back to him now I was done "you should probably re write that's a little too much editing for white out watts"
"What's wrong with this?" He asks as he looked over the page 
"You used the wrong there"
"I hate you. Beyond words can express." 
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drunken tattoos
This post discussing Olli’s not visible BC tattoo didn’t leave my mind and I just had to write something stupid. So here are Joonas and Olli making a pact to get the BC logo tattooed on their asses.
I am dedicating this dumbassery to @drippinlou and @dream-thieves
(also pls don’t get a tattoo while drunk)
Playing in front of more than a hundred people was more exhilarating than Olli could've ever expected. The way they swayed and jumped to their music, sang along to the words and made them feel like the biggest band walking on earth.
It had to be celebrated. Selling that many tickets was a new high in their band life and it was steady but surely going uphill for them. Soon it was no more playing in shady bars and dirty clubs, they could get a bigger stage and invest in equipment.
Olli wanted to ride on that high forever, the beers he had downed helping him to keep him afloat on a cloud of adrenaline, excitement, and blissful joy. The wide smile on his face had been there for the last hour or so, but Olli couldn’t stop. Seeing his bandmates in each other’s arms and screaming to a Britney Spears Remix currently playing in the club would remain as a picture forever saved in his memories.
Joonas hooked arms with him and pressed a cocktail in his hands with the command to drink it up. And who was Olli to refuse such a charming smile on his fellow guitarist.
Not long after -or was it, Olli couldn’t tell- the both of them found themselves in the alley outside the club, still swaying to the music that could be heard through the open doors. They passed a few smokers that gave them disapproving stares but Olli couldn’t care less. He was having the time of his life.
Passing a corner Joonas suddenly stopped in his tracks, regarding him with wide eyes.
“What?” Olli asked, confused. “Don’t tell me you have to puke, go somewhere else for that.” Already on the move to march forward, Olli was once again held back by Joonas by a tug on his hand.
“No, I have an amazing idea.” He told him with shining eyes, the mischief was clear as day, but that was normal with Joonas and didn’t worry him.
When nothing else came Olli motioned with his hand to continue, looking at him expectantly. Now he wanted to know. The night was too early to kill off and he was in the mood for an adventure, which was guaranteed to happen with a drunken Joonas in company.
“Oh right.” Joonas said as if he had forgotten he was in the middle of explaining. “Tattoos!”
“Yes, tattoos! We always wanted our band logo tattooed, don’t you remember?”
“Of course I remember.” Olli defended himself. “I’m not that drunk.” He said and promptly stumbled over his own foot, holding himself up by the wall next to him.
A giggling came from behind, but Olli found it funny enough to join in, already forgetting what reason Joonas had to laugh.
“Let’s do it now.”
Lifting his head, getting dizzy from the abrupt movement, he looked at Joonas, thinking hard about what they were talking about. “Huh?”
“The tattoo.” Joonas said urgently like it was the most important thing on earth right now. And...it kind of was in Olli’s opinion. Tattoos sounded great. He wanted one.
“Now?” he asked to be sure he understood the plan.
“Of course now. Now is the best time.”
Olli agreed and nodded with his head more forcefully than it was necessary, the world once again hiding behind a blurriness that he was unable to blink away.
“But we can do one better. Let’s make a pact!”
“A pact?” Olli felt like he was only asking questions this evening, his brain slowed down and unable to process any information Joonas threw his way.
Hitting him square over the chest Joonas grinned at him. “Dude, how drunk are you, keep up. A pact between brothers.”
Olli hummed and grabbed Joonas by the shoulders to pull him into a hug, simultaneously tousling his hair. They almost fell over from the force but Joonas was able to keep them upright.
“You’re the bestest brother.” Olli said and squeezed tighter, Joonas only chuckling into his shoulder, the sound loud in his ear but enough to raise his spirits even higher. The fun that came out of forming a band with his friends and touring together was the greatest thing in his life, enjoying the close bond they had and right now he had the most awesome fun ever.
Joonas weaseled his way out of his grip and jumped on his back instead, giving Olli only seconds to take a hold of his legs but they managed, going forward on wobbly knees and in a zigzag course, only swerving around a lamppost last second and when Joonas pulled his hair in the direction they were headed to.
Picking up from where they left off, Joonas said, “So, from brother to brother I say let’s put it on our ass.”
Coming to a halt, Olli tried to understand the strings of words and especially the combination of tattoo and ass in one sentence.
“Hey, I didn’t say you could stop.” Joonas let out and wiggled with his legs till Olli got the memo and started walking again. More or less.
“Why on our ass?”
“Uh...because that’s funny? And like the greatest idea ever. And funny.” He said as if it was obvious. Which- yeah okay Olli could see behind it. It was pretty funny. Hilarious even. Why didn’t they think of it before? Might be the greatest idea Joonas ever had. Or the one they could remember.
“It is.”
“Then onward my fair steed” Joonas said and began giggling again when Olli picked up speed and Joonas was swaying on his back like a ship on the high sea. It was a miracle they didn’t crash and kept lying in a ditch, waiting to be found by their bandmates in the morning.
Somehow, they managed to find their destination, or more like a random tattoo parlour that was mysteriously open at this hour. But why should they care as long as they would finally get their tattoos.
They wandered inside (Joonas by his side instead of his back), greeting the woman behind the counter who had a boring expression on her face. She raised an eyebrow, eying them from top to bottom but didn’t comment on their state.
When asked what she can do for them they simply said ass tattoo. That should cover all information needed.
The woman called for a Sarah and a blonde woman emerged from a room, waving Joonas over who had a flirty smile already on his face. Always ready to play with his charms. Who knows what could come out of this.
Olli eyed the woman, whose name he still didn’t know, but followed her willingly into another room, losing sight of Joonas. They would see each other soon enough. With a little extra on their bodies.
He laid down as instructed, his pants off over a chair and his underwear pulled down to bare his butt for everyone to see. Without the alcohol he may have been blushing more over the fact he was showing himself off so freely, but he couldn’t see what the woman was doing anyway.
He had given her the flyer of tonight's concert so she had a template for the tattoo, and it wasn’t like it was a big one, he would cope.
The first lines of the needle hurt nevertheless and reached his mind even in his drunken state, the alcohol only doing so much to fight back on the pain. After a while though the buzzing only made him tired, having to suppress the urge to close his eyes and just fall asleep.
He contemplated over doing just that when the woman swatted over his cheek not currently sporting a tattoo and that helped him getting awake again. He practically jumped up, refraining from pulling up his underwear as she needed to get over the aftercare stuff but then he was free to go.
He stumbled over the threshold into the colder night air, the alcohol level noticeably lower but not enough to keep his head from spinning. He could hardly make out Joonas leaned against the lamppost across from him, but that stupid hat was indicator enough it was his friend standing there and not some stranger with striking similarity.
Joonas put out his cigarette when Olli came closer. “Well, how was it?”
“Not liking getting my ass spanked but other than that I’m fine.”
Joonas let out a loud laugh from deep in his chest, probably waking every sleeping person in the street. “Sounds like you had a good time. Show me?”
“Are you stupid? Not here. I don’t want to get arrested for public nuisance.” Olli said and shoved Joonas away when he made grabby hands towards his belt. He was definitely not getting naked here.
“Tease.” Joonas whined disappointed. “Oh! But let me show you mine.”
“Joonas, no. I don’t wanna see your ass now either. Besides, we got the same motive?”
But Joonas didn’t make a move to open his pants, no, he only shoved his hand into his face, making him crosseyed.
Grabbing the hand waving before his eyes, he tried to focus. “Joonas, what? Hey! What is this?”
There was clearly a diamond shaped thing on the back of his hand, that suspiciously looked like their band logo, and then it dawned on him.
“There is one on your ass too, right? You didn’t make me do that alone? Right? Joonas?”
His questions fell on deaf ears though and there was only maniac laughter coming from Joonas, who upon seeing Olli’s eyes darken, got a good headstart and ran away before Olli could grab the hem of his jacket. Cursing, Olli could do nothing than follow Joonas and made sure they didn’t lose their way to the hotel and then he could wrestle him down long enough to tattoo that stupid thing on him on his own.
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shinonometrash · 3 years
💕🍄The 12 Days of Ayumu 🍄💕
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AYUMU 😭💕😭💕😭💕 Doing all this translating has done nothing except make me miss him even more 😭 But!!! Today is the big day!! And so we have the thing I’ve been saving for last!!!! The absolutely cutest Ayumu story I think I’ve ever read !!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I wanted to cry when I read it it was so sweet I love him so much sdfgnkjkjnfg
I was a lot more creative with translating this story to make it sound more fun and natural, since I’m finally getting comfortable enough to start doing that, I really hope you guys enjoy it !!
it’s pretty long, so I’m putting it under a readmore
Ayumu Shinonome: Happy Birthday ♡
technically this story is about Ayumu celebrating our birthday, rather than about celebrating his, but...
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In the S ward is one of the most popular downtown areas in Tokyo.
2PM —
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Middle schooler: Hey, look at that guy over there
Middle schooler 2: Oh my gosh, yeah!
Middle schooler: He’s a host, don’t you think?
Middle schooler 2: He’s definitely a host!
(…No, you’re wrong.)
(I’m just wearing a formal suit.)
Middle schooler: Eek…this is the first time I’ve seen a host in real life!
Middle schooler 2: I guess that’s the norm around here, we are in Tokyo after all!
Thanks to the middle school students who seem to be in the middle of a field trip, I now see the passersby struggling to contain their laughter.
(This couldn’t get any worse. Ugh, this sucks.)
(Really. I was already reluctant enough to do this as is…)
Speaking of which—
MC: Ayumuuuu~!
At last, the reason for all of this torture has arrived.
MC: Sorry! Did I keep you waitin-…
MC: !!!
(Uh…is she okay?)
MC: Ayumu, you…you look…so hot…
MC: Ahh, you look amazing!!
Ayumu: Dummy!! Keep your voice down!
(If she says something like that too loudly…)
Middle schooler: Oh no, look! He’s got a customer…
Middle schooler 2: She must be a huge regular…
Ayumu: …gah, come on, let’s go.
MC: Huh? Already?
MC: I haven’t changed into my pumps yet…
Ayumu: It’s fine, come on! Hurry up!
MC: Ahh, hold up! I came all this way so at least let me put my arm around yours…
MC: Gahh, slow down! You’re walking way too fast!
MC: Ayuumuuuuuu!
This all started about two weeks ago.
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MC: Ayumu! Look! This is what I was talking about!
Ayumu: Eh…? Scary…
Fresh out of the bath, my girlfriend suddenly plops down on the ground.
Ayumu: …What
Ayumu: Don’t tell me you broke my limited edition Tyrannosaurus mug…
MC: No, no, that’s not it!
MC: It has to do with this year’s KappaMC Birthday Celebration!
Ayumu: Gross
Ayumu: You’re creating your own birthday celebration…?
MC: It’s a great idea, isn’t it!
MC: I see this kind of thing a lot on social media!
Ayumu: Even so, you’re not supposed to post that about yourself
Ayumu: That sort of tag is made by enthusiastic fans…
MC: Well then, I’ll ask you to do it, Ayumu! Since you should be my biggest fan!
MC: Pleaaase do it with me~?
MC: Take me on a date in a formal suit please!
Nonsense, I thought. At the time.
However, at a later date…
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Toru: Ahh~ This seems to be real popular these days! Suit men
Ayumu: …what?
Toru: If you search anywhere on social media sites, you’ll get tons of hits~
Toru: Guys uploading selfies in suits
…I don’t get it.
What’s so fun about showing off a suit?
(Although, she did say something the other day about wanting to go on a date with me in a formal suit..)
Ayumu: Frivolous. Completely.
Toru: Noo, you just need to choose the right place to go!
Toru: Shall the Great Toru offer you some guidance~?
Ayumu: No thanks. There’s no way that’s ever happening…
Toru: Hm, well I don’t know what kind of person your partner is, but—
Toru: Sometimes it’s important to spice things up a bit so that you don’t fall into a rut!
Ayumu: …
Toru: Again, I really have noo idea who your partner is buuuut
Toru: I think women who like that sort of thing would be really happy~
Ayumu: …
(…bah. He’s probably right.)
(She does seem like she’d like that sort of thing…)
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That’s why I decided to title it “The Extraordinary Production”
I end up regretting this as soon as we start stage one—meeting up downtown.
(Ah, well, at least I won’t feel as out of place at the next stage.)
Yes, and the next stage is—
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MC: Look! Look! Ayumu! The view outside is sooooooo pretty!!
Ayumu: Ah, I see.
(Naturally. We are on the 38th floor.)
By the way, the seats here are filled almost full.
Of them, about half are reservations.
MC: Whoaaa, did you see?? This afternoon tea set!!
MC: The tea stand! It has five tiers! Five!!
Ayumu: Ah, I see.
MC: Hey, at least act more surprised!
MC: Fives tiers? This is the first time, for me at least, that I’ve ever seen anything like this!
(…yeah, I suppose it would be)
I say this because—
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Toru: How’s this place look?
Toru: “Enjoy some luxury afternoon tea on the top floor of a high rise tower”
Toru: Whoa, the tea stand, it’s got five tiers!
Ayumu: Ah, I see.
Toru: Ugh, what kind of response was that!
Toru: Are you even listening?? The tea stand has five tears!!
Toru: Isn’t that alone pretty much a win right there?
Ayumu: I don’t get it.
Toru: In a date, it’s either a win or a loss…
Soma: But doesn’t it seem likely that it would make his date happy?
Ayumu: !
Soma: Women who are particular about food will also care about how many tiers of sweets there are, will they not?
Soma: Glutto-no, women who eat everything with enthusiasm,
Soma: I think they would be very pleased with a five tiered tea stand.
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Ayumu: Haa…
MC: What should I do?? My heart is beating so fast, I’m so excited…
MC: I don’t think I’ll be able to eat all five tiers…
Ayumu: If it’s you, you’ll be fine.
Ayumu: …since you’re a glutton.
MC: Huh? What did you just say right now…?
Ayumu: Nothing, don’t worry about it.
Seeing the waiter passing by, I raise my hand to get their attention.
Waiter: Did you decide what you would like to order?
Ayumu: The afternoon tea set for two people, please.
Ayumu: The original black tea blend.
Waiter: Understood, thank you.
As soon as the waiter walks away, I purposely sigh dramatically.
Ayumu: So noisy
MC: Wha-…I didn’t even sa-
Ayumu: Your stare
Ayumu: It feels like you’re trying to stare into my soul or something since a while ago.
MC: …hey, b-but that….
MC: I mean! I can’t help it…
MC: You just look way too amazing today, it’s like my eyes are being sucked in…
Ayumu: …
(…what is she even saying, this girl)
Ayumu: This isn’t the first time you’ve seen me like this though, is it? In a suit?
MC: That’s true, but…today is special…
MC: You wore the suit for me, didn’t you?
MC: That automatically makes you look, like, 30% hotter!
MC: I’m just so happy, I can’t stop looking at you
Ayumu: ….I see.
There was a strange pause before I replied.
Probably because I was remembering the advice that Toru gave me.
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Toru:  You definitely need to be sure to always compliment your date’s outfit~
Ayumu: …wha?
Toru: Well, if you’re wearing a formal suit
Toru: Then your date should also be in formal wear, right?
Ayumu: that…well…
Toru: And so, you need to be sure to give your date lots of compliments!
Toru: Cause girls always put several times more effort into things like their makeup and hairstyle!
Ayumu: No, no, she doesn’t have me beat there
Ayumu: If we’re talking hairstyle, it’s definitely me…
Toru:  Bah, well, saying things like “that looks great on you” or “you look pretty” is always a safe bet
Toru: And then…
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Ayumu: You don’t—
MC: “I don’t”?
—“you don’t look too bad yourself, either”
That’s it. All I have to do is use what she said as an opportunity to compliment her back.
(So, come on. Say it.)
(Just light and natural.)
(Sound genuine about it…)
Ayumu: You don’t—
MC: Ah!!
Suddenly, my girlfriend jumps out of her chair as if remembering something.
MC: Sorry, is it okay if I go to the restroom for real quick?
MC:  It’s…my shoes, I’m still wearing my sneakers
Ayumu: …
MC: No, I know already, you don’t have to tell me
MC: “You should’ve just worn your pumps from the beginning”
MC: That’s what you were about to say, right?
MC: But these shoes don’t quite fit right…
MC: “It’ll be fine if just change into them right before I meet up with Ayumu”…is what I had told myself
Ayumu: …
MC: I’ll just change into them real quick!!
Ayumu: …
(…This sucks.)
I just let a perfect chance that I’ll probably never see again slip by.
(No, it’s fine though.)
(It’s not like I absolutely HAVE to give her a compliment.)
That was just Toru’s opinion.
She didn’t specifically ask me to do it, or anything.
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And so, from there, while I’m with my girl…
MC: Ahh, that was so delicious!
MC: The cake and the scones and the tea, they were all the best! Ayumu: …
MC: Oh, and the clotted cream too!
MC: It was the first time I’ve ever had it but it went surprisingly well with the scones~
MC: I wonder if they sell it at that other shop…
(…this is it.)
Her head is probably full of the afternoon tea we just had.
I want to make her happy…more than anything.
(But it’s impossible to compliment her when things are like this.)
I’ll just start by making a statement about what she’s wearing, but it’ll have a compliment at the end.
“I noticed your dress has lace on top of the turquoise fabric. It’s not bad.
“Those pumps must not be comfortable to wear. But they go nicely with the dress.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you wear this much makeup. It looks nice.”
(I’m psyching myself up too much, aren’t I?)
I guess it just goes to show how much I’ve been looking forward to this day, though.
MC: So where are we going next?
Ayumu: Anywhere is fine, as long as it only takes about an hour.
MC: Hm? What does that mean?
Ayumu: This.
I pull two tickets out of the breast pocket of my suit.
MC: Whaa…the opera??
Ayumu: It’s in about an hour from now. So we can’t go unless we go at that time.
(The idea wasn’t mine, though.)
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Yes, this idea…
Toru: Hmm, what other places would be good to wear a formal suit to…
Toru: What about a luxury brand store?
Ayumu: Huh?
Toru: If you wear a businesswear vs a formal suit to a shop, the staff will treat you differently, right?
Toru: Because they’ll be acting even more polite to you
Toru: There’s no doubt that your date will feel like a celebrity!
Toru: Right, Goto?
Goto: Don’t touch me, I’m not responding to that.
Toru: And after you can take her to a fancy restaurant inside a hotel or a bar with a gorgeous night view!
Toru: Sure it might be a little cliche sounding, but it’ll certainly be something out of the ordinary that you won’t forget!
Toru: Hey, Gotooo!
Goto: Look, even if you touch me, I’m still not going to respo-
???: Aww, aren’t you guys sweet
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Toru: …huh?
Tsugaru: Don’t you know this is the perfect time to go watch the opera?
Ayumu: ..……good afternoon. How long have you been there?
Tsugaru: Now that hardly matters, does it?
Tsugaru: More importantly, if you’re going to put all that effort into a date, you should go to the opera.
Tsugaru: It’s like a date specifically meant for formal wear, is it not~?
Tsugaru: Hmmm, but…
Tsugaru: It’s possible the person you’re planning to take on a date doesn’t understand the opera, though.
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Ayumu: …I should first confirm whether that’s true or not, though
Ayumu: Hey, have you ever watched the opera?
MC: Uhhhh, that’s…
MC: Well, I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera…
Ayumu: That’s not the same thing
Ayumu: That’s just a musical.
MC: …well of course I know that much!
MC: So, this is a first
MC: It’ll be my “first time”!
Ayumu: Wait…do you hear that—
MC: I want my first time to be with you, Ayumu!
MC: So please, take my opera virginity—!
???: Ahhh!!
A sudden scream drowns out her playful chattering.
Woman: A purse snatcher…!!
Woman: Somebody, please! My bag!
(Seriously? A purse snatcher?)
Before I get a chance to confirm, she jumps into action.
She starts chasing the purse snatcher.
(Dummy! What is she doing??)
Purse snatcher: Damn it…!
The criminal escapes to the back alley at the end of the road. Of course, my girl isn’t the type to give up so easily.
MC: Stop right there!
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While she chases after the purse snatcher, I enter the next alley. 
If the criminal turns the corner here, I’m pretty sure I can cut him off.
Sure enough—
(…he came.)
MC: Ayumu!
Purse snatcher: Shit…!
I’m in front of the criminal, blocking his path, while she’s at his back. He turns around and rushes at her.
Purse snatcher: Move it!
MC: Just who do you think you are!!
Her next move is quite something. As the criminal charges at her, she swiftly grabs his right hand, twisting it behind his back and shoving him to the ground, planting her body weight on his back.
Purse snatcher: Ouch! Ow ow ow!
From there, we hand over the criminal to the authorities and all live happily ever after—
Or not.
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MC: The interrogation took longer than I expected…
Ayumu: Yeah, it did
MC: But if we leave now we should be able to just barely make it in time…
???: Oh my gosh, look at her
I hear a whisper from a woman passing by.
Woman: Yikes, look at her, did she get into a fight?
Woman 2: Maybe she fell? There’s a hole in her stockings
The innocent exchange seems to have reached her ears.
MC: Oh…
There’s no denying that she looks beat up right now.
Her dress is dirty and the knees of her stockings have holes in them. 
(Of course.)
(She had to straddle the criminal on the ground to secure him.)
However, her stockings aren’t the only thing that tore.
MC: I-I’m sorry, I’lll go change them right away…
Ayumu: The lace
MC: Huh?
Ayumu: The lace part on your dress, too
MC: !
Ayumu: Did it get caught on something? Like a nail?
Ayumu: When you were chasing after the purse snatcher
MC: …ah, yeah…
Seems I probably guessed right.
MC: I’m so sorry, I’ll go change into a new outfit…
MC: Ah…but, the time…
Ayumu: …
MC: Please just wait a second…I’ll figure it out someway or another…
MC: To change…I’ll just, I’ll go buy some new clothes…
Ayumu: It’s fine, the way it is now
Strangely, the words seem to just flow out of my mouth on their own accord
Ayumu: You don’t look bad
MC: Uhh…?
Ayumu: It doesn’t look bad, does it? How you look right now
It’s still the outfit she put so much effort into, just a bit worn out now.
Either way, it’s still very ‘KappaMC’-like.
(Really, it’s not bad.)
I run my hands through her messy hair to smooth it out.
She looks up at me, confused.
MC: Um…Ayumu…?
Ayumu: Let’s go
MC: Wait, I can’t go to the opera looking like this…
Ayumu: We’re not. Going to the opera, that is.
MC: What! No! Don’t say that!
MC: You already bought the tickets and everything…
Ayumu: Don’t worry about it, really, it’s okay.
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Just a slight change in schedule.
Truthfully, I had planned on bringing her ‘here’ after the opera, anyway.
(Ah, but this timing actually isn’t bad at all, it works out well.)
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Ayumu: Aren’t you coming?
MC: But…I look like a mess…
Ayumu: You look fine, don’t worry about it
Ayumu: I rented out the place
MC: Rented out??
MC: Here??
Startled, she looks around at the surroundings.
(Ah, well, it makes sense. Reacting that way.)
If I was in her position,  I’d probably react the same way,
Ayumu: Your hand.
MC: Sorry?
Ayumu: Your left hand. Give it to me.
MC: Oh, um, alright…
I grabbed her nervously outstretched hand and led her to middle of the stairs.
Now we just need to stand here for five more seconds.
Honestly, this is the most nerve wracking part of the whole day.
(But, well, it’s her birthday.)
(And it’s special.)
Ayumu: 3…2…1…
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At the exact moment I point, balloons float up into the sky.
MC: Balloons??!
She watches as the balloons float upwards, eyes wide in surprise.
I use her distraction as an opportunity to pick up the bouquet I had hidden.
Ayumu: Happy birthday
Her mouth falls open wide in shock.
Yeah. It really isn’t like me to do this sort of thing.
But, the one who thought of this surprise, make no mistake, was me. I came up with it.
(This is a once in a year occasion, after all.)
(And I thought she would like it, if I did this.)
Ayumu: So? What do you think?
MC: … Ayumu: MC?
No reply.
(Uhh, what’s the status here?)
(Maybe I messed up…)
MC: A-a…yu…
MC: A-yu-muuuuu…!!
(Whoa wait just a-)
Ayumu: Oof
Sniffling, she throws her arms around me.
MC: I-I…j-just…nnnf, I’m…I’m so, nnnnff, so happy…I, nnnf, love it…s..so much..!!
MC: T-th…! This…surprise, nnnf, it…it’s…!!!
Ayumu: …
MC: P-plea…zz…please sta…stay with, nnnf, with me…fore…forever, nnnf…!!
Ayumu: …dummy.
Ayumu: I can’t understand what you’re saying.
That’s a lie. 
Truthfully, I understand perfectly what she’s saying.
(“Stay with me.”)
I’ll stay with you, for the rest of our lives.
In return, don’t ever let go of me.
I did something today that I never would’ve even dreamed of doing before, all because you’ve changed me.
Ayumu: Happy birthday
MC: T-thank you…
Ayumu: So, what shall we do from here?
First, I have a room for us to stay at.
But after we check in, we can spend our time however we’d like until dinner time. 
(Ah, no, but before that we need to change.)
(As you’d imagine, going to the restaurant looking like this would be…)
MC: …iss…
Ayumu: Hm?
MC: Kiss…I want to kiss you…
MC: From here on…with you, forever…
Ayumu: …
Ayumu: …dummy
I was asking about later today, but…
Is she asking for a kiss with a runny nose and a tear soaked face?
There’s a lot of things I want to say to that, but—
(Ah, well, it’s her birthday…)
Her lips taste salty, as expected.
But…I don’t hate it. Maybe I’ve gone crazy too.
MC: Thank you…
As we pulled away from the kiss she sniffled loudly.
MC: I, um, I feel like I’m dreaming…
MC: My head feels all fuzzy…
Ah, I see.
MC: I’m gonna…just you wait…!
MC: Next time it’s your birthday, I’m gonna think of an amazing surprise…!
Ayumu: No need to.
I have nothing but a bad feeling about that.
Ayumu: Seriously, don’t. Hard pass.
MC: …hmph, meanie!
MC: If this is how you feel, now I’m DEFINITELY going to plan something!!!
MC: Like making dinosaur balloons, or dinosaur 3D pancakes, or…
MC: Maybe I’ll rent out a whole museum…
MC: Mmph, mmm…
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It’s really not necessary. Coming up with some sort of surprise.
(If you’re here with me.)
As long as you stay here next to me—
If we can kiss like this, then that’s enough for me.
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-The End-
Isn’t that CG gorgeous??? And wasn’t that story soooo frickin adorable??? sbkhgkjadbf I have so many feelings about this 😭💕😭💕
And thank you so so so so sooo much to @world-a-to-z​!! Like I’d mentioned at the start, I was never part of the Peach fanclub because I only started reading Ayumu’s stories almost exactly a year ago now. And so, I didn’t have access to this story. So what did this absolutely wonderful person do?? Transcribe this entire story in Japanese!!!! And then was kind enough to send it to me, along with the screenshots of the backgrounds (which were pretty necessary for all the scene changes, I think) and the CG, so that I could translate it. So please give her a HUGE HUGE thank you for making basically almost the entirety of this birthday celebration possible!!! 💕💕💕
Thank you guys so much for celebrating with me! I hope everyone had a lot of fun!!! I can’t wait to actually sleep again now...I spent sooo much time doing all these translations whoops ><
In case you missed a day, or want to reread anything, you’ll find links to all the posted content here!
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dadsbongos · 3 years
Greetings! I got this idea for danganronpa AU where Nagito is like ghost "living" (or haunting idk-) his old house and the reader moves into that house and they slowly became closer and yk<3
hi i love this concept :)
Request for: Nagito Komaeda Warnings: nagito’s backstory, slight religious overtones, we breach minor ghost-fucker territory (but no actual ghost-fucking), no-killing game au also ~~~
The house itself was rather nice. Nothing too luxurious for who the previous owner was aside from the obnoxiously fancy chandelier hanging in the den.
The realtor was hesitant to explain that the reason it was selling so comically cheap was, in fact, due to the belief of a ghost. Not just any, however. It was the previous owner’s ghost.
People who even stepped into the house could feel his chilling touch. Hear quiet, shaky whispers in the night. The fireplace would crackle and burst to life at strange times with nobody near it. Visitors and almost-buyers alike would thrust their warnings to stay away upon anybody who so much as looked at the home.
But that didn’t matter much - a house was a house and it’s not like the ghost was malicious from description. Just… annoying. Perhaps a little eerie, but again, not harmful. Everybody escaped without physical injury. So, why not buy it?
Maybe the ghost just needed a friend? Death was probably a lonely time.
Bought on Tuesday. Moved in Wednesday. Finished unpacking… still pending.
It’s not like (Y/n) had anybody to impress anyways. She’d made the move for a fresh start; new faces, new stories.
The bumps began on Friday.
Sometimes they were taps. Sometimes crashes followed by the gentle rapping against the walls, as if to apologize for the loud noise.
She’d stayed through the month, undeterred by any of the ghosts’ activities.
Then the happenings seemed a little more… intimate.
A photo slowly sliding out from beneath the fridge, at first.
Three people in frame. From left to right, there was a figure with shoulder-length pink hair and a smile to make the heavens jealous - then white hair to rival a cloud-marshmallow love child, skin sickly pale and body wastingly thin - finally, brown hair with an ahoge sticking out like an antenna and posture that almost made him taller than the one in the middle. Well, not really, but attempting counted, right? 
“Which one’s you?” she asked the air, whether she was too tired, or simply didn’t care enough, to be embarrassed was irrelevant. 
A single droplet of water, from a leak she didn’t know existed until this very moment, fell from the ceiling before splotching over the face of the one in the middle.
“White hair, heavy eye bags?”
There was no response, but she took it as a yes anyway. What a pretty, pretty face. In a tragic way.
Because he did look rather ill. Frail build and purple hues under his eyes. Pretty but suffering - it made her feel bad. Of course, she already knew he was dead, but even so - suffering should always inspire empathy rather than romance.
And again, he was dead, so the likelihood of a romance between them anyway was slim to none. None. Unless she suddenly dropped dead, there would be no sweet kisses in the morning or gentle hugs from behind as one of them makes dinner. Maybe when she died, he’d be available for a ghostly date while the house gets put back on the market.
(Y/n) chuckled at the sudden thought of lightning cracking into her home, despite the sunny weather, and striking her dead where she stood. Ridiculous, but God liked ridiculous things.
The sudden thought hit her - what if that old photo was old old? Maybe he was eighty when he died and she just subconsciously signed herself up for a date with an elderly ghost?
Shaking her head, (Y/n) scolded herself for the thought. She’d already be dead by then, it wouldn’t matter what age he was...
Then, it was the scribbling on spare papers. Always specifically spares. Double copies she had put in recycling. Scraps. Even on the backs of paper-esque trash. It was an oddly considerate move for a ghost, though to be fair, she’d never met a ghost before and couldn’t tell if it was out-of-place or not for them.
The words always appeared when she was out of the room. Leaving to grab something and coming back to find the out-dated schedule for work out of recycling and on her desk with crayon sprawled over it. 
Eloquently said, in her opinion.
“Hi?” she looked around the room, “Can you not talk? I thought people said they heard whispers…”
A bang in the other room drew her out. When there was nothing out of place, she returned to her desk only to be met with more words.
I’m Nagito Komaeda :)
“Dodging the question, huh?”
The process repeated. Bang. Nothing out of the ordinary. Return. New words.
Sorry :(
“Don’t apologize,” (Y/n) shrugged off before moving to her computer, “I’m just gonna look you up.”
A series of bangs - now that she truly listened, it sounded like a fist pounding to the drywall - resonated through the home. She did not get up nor did she pause her actions of Googling the man known as Nagito Komaeda. 
Until a piece of paper flew in from the open door.
Bad idea
“Probably, yeah,” she huffed, moving back to her computer.
Nagito Komaeda, born April 28th, first popped up as the sole survivor in an old plane hijacking report. Both parents, all plane staff, and the hijackers left dead after the plane crash caused by a meteor strike. Then he came up as a survivor of an old serial kidnapper/killer. Then as a boy who’d inherited the entirety of his parents’ fortune and won a large sum from a lottery ticket he’d found in the trash bag he was stuffed in by his kidnapper. Then as a Hope’s Peak graduate under the title Ultimate Lucky Student.
Finally, as a 25-year-old man who’d miraculously survived ten years post-diagnosis with frontotemporal dementia and advanced lymphoma before his death.
“Holy shit,” she nearly choked on her own shock, “You weren’t boring, that’s for sure.”
Another paper, this time written in marker as if he could sense that she didn’t wish to get up. Another strangely considerate move.
You’re not creeped out?
“I mean, it’s more sad than creepy,” her eyes scanned over a single line in the article once again.
“Nagito Komaeda, after all his fortunes and misfortunes alike, died at age 25, after ten years of illness, surrounded by friends who took the place of family. Out of respect, no interviews were conducted, but anybody, anyone at all even from a quick glance, could tell - Nagito Komaeda will surely be missed.” 
Her eyes watered slightly as she clicked out of the Togami Publications, laughing at the pure awkwardness of her situation, “Oh my God, that’s really fucking sad. I’m sorry your life sucked.”
Another paper.
It’s fine
I was just wasting space anyway :)
“No, you were- “ she gestured to her computer screen before covering her eyes in shame of her tears, “You meant so much to your friends.”
She expected memorial posts, maybe not as many as there were, but she saw them coming. What she didn’t see coming, however, was that each and every one would be dearly heartfelt - not a single one was disingenuous or vague in the slightest. She also didn’t see herself crying by the end of her little search.
But there she was.
Something light floated into her lap. A tissue.
“Oh my fucking God,” (Y/n) choked up again, picking up the tissue with a small smile, “Stop, you’re a ghost, you’re supposed to be scary and making me leave, not helping me dry my tears…”
Another paper atop the slowly growing pile.
Was that a ghostphobic remark?
“Oh, I’m keeping that one,” she stood, sniffling as she wiped away her tears, and picked up the last paper, nodding to herself as she muttered, “Yep. This one’s going on the wall.”
Nagito stopped whispering because people ran when he did. His voice was always hideous, he didn’t to be reminded. Besides, (Y/n) seemed to prefer the paper method - she hung up her favorites along the walls of her office and if a visitor teased her about it she would ignore them. It was admirable, how their grins and giggles rolled off her back like water droplets over a duck.
He wished he could be like that.
Could have been.
He still had trouble with that.
Nagito looks up from his spot at the kitchen table where (Y/n) was cooking for herself. She seemed so at-peace in this house, and he’s glad for that. He never liked living alone and everyone else seemed to hate having him there. Not that he blamed them much.
Even so, he much prefers (Y/n) over any past guest as his living counterpart of the house.
She even leaves chairs open for him at the table; he smiles widely at the thought, patting his thighs and kicking out his legs in his seat- just like now!
She’d pulled out the chair upon entering the kitchen before calling out for him that she’d be cooking. She even knew he liked watching her cook!
It was selfish of him to crave so much attention, but in the end, Nagito was already dead so… did it really matter when he indulged in his wants more than he should?
Divine punishment isn’t real and he likes being around her, so why should he bother hiding himself away in the attic?
(Y/n) moved around the house with little to no liveliness, it made him chuckle. Her shoulders drooped and footsteps heavy, it was fun. To feel like he wasn’t alone.
He hoped she felt the same. That he was a friend… or, undead companion?
He hoped she would stay and not move out.
He hoped they could be real friends one day… if it’s not too much to ask, that once she dies, she’ll meet him. The real him. 
That would be heaven.
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kadeu · 3 years
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Accepted — Hyun Soomin
♣   Hyun Soomin looks like Kim Chungha (solo) ♣    She was December 17, 1918; making her 106 but she appears 25 years old ♣   This Kumiho is Pansexual, Heart Defector, and a Three of Clubs ♣   She is an attendant at the Dragonfire Hotsprings and an errand girl
Bora was born to a single mother, a three of hearts serf full of dread and regret. It wasn’t always like that, though.
Her mother was a thousand years old kumiho who had been aging quicker than before during the past century, due to the stress and poor quality of life she led after losing all her money and, with that, her previous nine of hearts rank. Being a successful drug merchant wasn’t exactly the safest profession, with fierce and ruthless competition to go against it didn’t come as a surprise, even though it turned into a traumatic, life changing experience, to be framed and driven to bankruptcy. Never married to the father, he took that as a chance to abandon them, since his rank hadn’t been affected by the scandal. She lost everything except for the baby in her womb. All the way down to a three and with the little savings she had outside the Zuihuo Bank -not enough to change her rank- she was left with a huge debt, a large belly and almost no options for a new job. Homeless and having a hard time facing reality she wandered around directionless. She almost didn’t survive giving birth to Bora if it wasn’t for a spade healer that took pity on the kumiho trying to do it alone in an alley, her water breaking in the middle of the Joker moments before. Wondering what would be best for her and the baby, deserting hearts and trying to join spades seemed like her best bet, but she never made it to the spade territory. For some time, other lower rankers in the heart faction helped her and the newborn survive, she didn’t even feed in a long while because the stress caused migraines and slowly drained her power, but the incessant cries of her baby drove her insane until she reached a turning point. If she wanted to survive, if she wanted Bora to do so, she had to let her wild nature as a kumiho come out and be as ruthless as they were to her. The day Bora turned one year old she went into a feeding frenzy. She stole and hunted. She lied and deceived with her illusions. She hid. Every human heart and every human kidney she could get in her hands was split into halves, one for her and one for Bora. She wanted her daughter to come into her power as soon as possible while she gained enough strength and courage to initiate her next move. It came soon as a conclusion that it was either selling her body, taking part in morally dubious business or serving a rich family, and if she was going to do so, then the family she was indebted to was the most reasonable choice. At that moment she didn’t have a place to call home, nor any income. It was a blow to her already humiliated soul, but she would take it for her daughter. You would think an infant wouldn’t notice any of this, but Bora knew and felt, she absorbed all of it as she watched her mother work and take care of her at the same time to the point of exhaustion. Years later, when Bora was old enough, she began serving as well under the name Wisteria. Every serf working for the family received the name of a flower, and she decided to take the meaning of hers as a mantra; longevity and endurance defined foxes accurately. In a fresh bank account, she saved and saved, hoping to one day rise in the social scale and help clear her mother’s debt. It was harder than it seemed though, not earning much as a serf led her to contact people in the darkest alleys of the heart borough whenever she had a chance to go out. She ran errands for the house and for a drug dealing gang always going by Wisteria and not her birth name. A kumiho’s illusions and transformations came in handy for many things as it would appear. Her mother wasn’t happy with her decision, but Bora couldn’t stand watching how the serving life was weakening her day by day. It took decades to take a step upwards. Many times, she thought it would be impossible, but keeping an eye on her own -almost nonexistent- expenses and limiting her social life she became a four of hearts. Did anything at all feel different? No, but it actually gave her the opportunity to consider other means of living.
Even though it sounded like a good idea, Bora never left the family she worked for, not even when she made it as far as five of hearts. She couldn’t leave her mother there, still being paid with just food and a bed to sleep on. There were so many things the young vulpe could do now, but she had grown used to the job, the faces and the fake sense of security that even her questionable side job gave her. And still, every once in a while, she could feel a tingling sensation all over her skin, her blood rushing through her veins and her trembling hands trying to reach for something invisible. She couldn’t help but wonder if this life was really meant for her.
Sooner or later things would change -her gut told her- but the way it happened marked her whole existence and dictated her future.
In the middle of the 2023 winter, January, her mother passed away. Depression and anxiety took her slowly over time, but too fast for a kumiho. She hadn’t turned into her fox form in a long while, even though Bora tried to make her. It was like she was giving up and her daughter couldn’t do anything but watch her fade away.
Was it unfair to feel betrayed by her mother and those she worked for? Bora didn’t know. All she knew was that everything hurt. Becoming orphaned and indebted by inheritance, which automatically demoted her to one of hearts, were never in her list of aspirations. Even the family she served for years started treating her differently, even though she was the same person. Her own existence started losing its meaning.-“Sorry for leaving so soon, Bora. I don’t know exactly when it’s going to happen, but I can feel that I won’t stay with you for much longer. Take care. You’re the only reason I haven’t left before. I love you.”
It was written on a letter she found among her mother’s belongings, next to a stack of older looking ones that after inspection revealed the strangely close relationship her mother maintained with a club, and not just a lowranker like her, not even a regular highranker like she used to be, he was a jack of clubs.
Making sure her tears didn’t smear the ink on the letters, she read through all of them, starting from the most distressed looking, the oldest. She learned that they met through work around the time her business saw enough success to branch out to other districts. Their relationship seemed merely professional at first glance, but Bora quickly caught up with the little affectionate terms and endearments they exchanged more and more frequently. It was also very clear that her mother was already involved with Bora’s father, but it didn’t seem to affect their mutual flirtation. She also learned that he was a kumiho as well as they casually talked about feeding, transformation and everything that was quintessentially a fox spirit’s concern.
Bora wondered if they got to meet in person and how often. If their longing for each other ever saw compensation. Hyperfixating on the letters for a whole month kept her from drowning in the despair she felt every time the world reminded her of the current situation and when she finished the last one, already more than ten years old, an epiphany took place.
Maybe this mysterious, at least in her eyes, jack of clubs was her ticket to a new life. All she had to do was leave everything behind, unpaid debt included, and flee towards the club district. They wouldn’t send anyone after her, right? They didn’t care for her mother until she offered herself in exchange for a roof.
Meeting him wasn’t as easy as she initially thought, though, the club borough was recovering for the recent civil war after all, everyone was extra vigilant. It turned out to be hard enough just to find his whereabouts, not to mention he was surrounded by heavy security, a necessity for a drug and gem trader, plus there was no apparent or justified reason for him to direct his attention to a one of hearts kumiho that had nothing but the bag she carried on her back. Unfortunately for him, Bora wasn’t going to give up as she couldn’t turn back. There was nothing but emotional pain waiting for her back in hearts. Yes, in clubs she would have to endure the physical kind, but her determination wasn’t running low.
It was during the third of her futile, middle of the street at night, ambushes that she mentioned her mother for the first time since she died, in a cry for help as his bodyguards slammed her to the ground. That was enough to discreetly take her back to his place and hear her out.
It was then when Bora learned his name, which the letters didn’t mention for privacy matters. Kwon Iseul sounded as serious as he was, at least from what Bora could grasp during the first conversation they had. He agreed to help her, but only under a long list of conditions that included a fake name and limiting most of her activities to the night.
From that moment on she would be known as Hyun Soomin.
Iseul covered her tracks so her debtors back at hearts couldn’t easily find her, a bit of personal rivalry getting in the mix, he also found her a place to stay and immediately commenced the mentoring and training she desperately needed. As kumihos, feeding in clubs wasn’t as easy as it was before, they no longer turned a blind eye much to Bora’s disappointment, but there were still ways that he taught her. Regarding fights, she had no experience, she only knew how to use her powers at a basic level. There was so much to do. A few days later, already in the third month of the year, she was officially a one of clubs under his wing.
Little by little she proved her worth as a warrior, from using illusions to transforming into a beautiful black fox, she used every advantage she had to very slowly raise her rank. Always letting some time pass between battles as the last thing in her interest was to call attention upon herself.
Nowadays she is a three of clubs.
She got a job at the hot springs as part of her façade and to make some money of her own, but until the Dragonfire reopens she just keeps running errands -in the dark and away from the heart district- for Iseul.
In the eyes of strangers, Bora is a quiet, observant, maybe even a judgmental person. She usually speaks in a low voice that holds her real personality back, unless provoked. Indeed, this is far from her true self, it’s just a reflection of who she used and fakes to be. Slowly, she is developing a daring and bold attitude that sometimes comes out at unexpected times. She’s simply getting to know herself better now that she doesn’t have to obey anyone. She responds to her sponsor, but she isn’t serving him. Plus, the fights are basically forcing her to be more assertive, she knows that presence and psychological dominance can play a big part when you’re physically smaller than the majority of your opponents. It’s not like she was a submissive small fry before, never acted like one, but it is now she’s finally starting to match her potential.
Smart, cunning, analytical, untrusting, individualistic, dominant, fearless. She is driven by nothing else than proving her own worth to herself, she has found out that she thrives in violence and that she is pretty good at beating people up. Her fighting style is full of tricks and backstabbing.  Sometimes she shows another side of herself, more relaxed, flirtier and charmingly mischievous, a side she’s coming to after meeting new people, mostly those working for Iseul.
Her vulnerable side comes out at the memory of her mother and her mental health, especially during the last few months before dying. She doesn’t like at all talking about her or her past. This also leads to paranoia, wondering if one day someone will manage to take her back to the heart district, her debt still unpaid.
On another note, she rarely shows her fangs, tail, fluffy ears or anything that indicates her nature, which isn’t that common in the club borough and would give her out. Although, when she’s around people she trusts, mainly Iseul, she likes to display her foxy attributes.
She doesn’t discriminate based on ranks, knowing perfectly well what is like to be on the bottom, but she can be very judgmental towards highrankers if they show that very same kind of demeanor.
She has heard of the resistance many times, but she doesn’t care about it unless they mess with her lifestyle. It’s not like she disagrees with everything they stand for, but she obviously can’t accept their policies regarding vulpes’ feeding. Yes, humans are living beings, but she needs it to stay healthy and strong.
Congratulations Kisu your app has been accepted and we’re excited to have your muse on the dash with us.
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nsheetee · 4 years
mocha | jeno
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pairing: basketball player!jeno x barista!reader genre: coffee shop au | fluff, slight angst summary: you tutor star basketball player jeno when you realize he’s spending late nights studying in the cafe you work at.
this is a part of the moonlight cafe series — please read the preface before continuing reading
he walks as if he’s in a hurry, not minding the jingling bell on the door above him and sits down at a booth in the corner of the cafe
he has a baseball cap on, and a hoodie over that; you can’t recognize who he is at all
waiting a few moments, you glance over at his table again
he has several textbooks and his laptop out, promptly putting his airpods in his ears and beginning his homework
you just write him off as any other student that comes in here at night, the only difference with him is that he doesn’t order a coffee with an unhealthy amount of espresso shots in it
you don’t mind him, but it is a bit worrying when he spends the whole night switching between laying his head down on the table and softly thumping it against the wood, and staring blankly between his laptop and textbook
when he leaves that night at 3am, you send a silent wish after him that whatever he was studying for goes in his favor 
but surprisingly, he shows up the next night as well
it’s saturday night, the evening rush ended a while ago, and the mysterious guy is once again sitting in his spot at the back corner of the cafe
he looks even more frazzled than the night before, yet he doesn’t order anything and continues to diligently work throughout the whole night
this goes on for weeks, and you begin to worry for this poor boy’s sleep schedule
but even more so, you’re curious about who he is, since he never orders anything and always has a hood or a hat on
one night, your curiosity is quenched
“who’s that?” taeil asks you; he’s normally not at the store this late, but forgot to complete taking inventory this morning and came back tonight to finish it up
he nods his head towards your mystery guy, who has slumped over his textbooks and looks to be peacefully sleeping on the table
“not sure. he always comes in and studies for almost the whole night, never orders anything, though.” you shrug at your boss and he frowns
“go give him a mocha, or something. on the house- he looks like he needs to wake up.” taeil turns back to his clipboard and you nod
carrying over a hot mocha to the intriguing character in the corner of the cafe, your heart thumps in suspense
you’ll finally be able to learn who the mystery man is, something you’ve been wondering since day one
you set the mocha down on the table carefully and sit across from him, shaking his arm to wake him up
the guy jerks out of his sleep, a flashcard sticking to his face as he looks around the cafe with lidded eyes
“sorry!” you grimace, holding out your hands in front of you “I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted to wake you up. my boss told me to give you this mocha on the house, and to make sure you’re okay.” the guy unsticks the flashcard from his face, and your mouth drops when you realize who the mystery man is
“lee jeno?” you ask, and his sleepy eyes widen when you recognize him
“...no? I think you have me mistaken for someone else...” he clears his throat, looking around the cafe to see if anyone has their attention turned to you two
you would believe him, if he isn’t the most well known face on campus
he’s not only the college’s basketball star who has his face plastered on every basketball-related event at the school and is dating the head cheerleader, but also the guy who sits a few rows in front of you in your calculus class
“I'm 90% sure you’re lee jeno.” you state, and he seems too tired to argue with you about his identity
“okay, yes, that’s me. can you please not tell anyone that I'm here.”
“tell what? that you, a college student, studies?” you tilt your head and cross your arms as you wait for his response
“yeah,” he becomes shy, playing with his airpods that fell out of his ears during his nap, “to be honest, I'm in a calculus class this semester and I don’t understand one bit of it. that’s why I'm here every weekend night.” he explains, not meeting your gaze yet
all of a sudden, it hits you-
he doesn’t know who you are
although your calculus class has almost 100 people in it, you would think he would’ve at least seen you walking past him every monday, wednesday, and friday to your seat behind him
but you’re not surprised that he’s struggling or that he hasn’t noticed you, since you always see him talking with his basketball friends instead of paying attention 
“I can tutor you.” you shrug, and he raises his eyebrows, finally making eye contact, “I work every weekend night, and I took that class last semester.”
you don’t feel guilty about lying
if jeno doesn’t recognize you, then maybe it should stay that way
what he doesn't know won’t hurt thim
“wouldn’t that keep you away from your job...” 
“it calms down after midnight around here, and I usually get bored during that time. what do you say?”
he agrees, and pretty soon you’re tutoring basketball star lee jeno
you thought that keeping your identity secret when you walk into class would be difficult, but jeno is always too busy fooling around with his friends before class starts that it’s easy to sneak past him
jeno comes in after midnight on weekends, you tutor him for about an hour (or until he understands the homework) and then he leaves to get some precious sleep 
jeno might be forever thankful for you
the way you explain things makes sense to him, much more sense than any office hours or ta hours that he has been to
it’s a win-win situation for you both: you can count these hours every night as “volunteer work” and jeno soon comes back to the cafe with his midterm exam, a solid B+ labeled across the top
“good job,” you chime when you see his grade from his phone
a text message notification pops up, and although you don’t read it, you definitely saw the word “party”
“maybe we can skip the study session tonight? you’ve been doing much better lately, and it’s friday night. I bet you want to get out and go to a party, or something.” you suggest, giving jeno a perfect excuse to leave you for the night and join his friends
“nah,” jeno shrugs as he takes back his phone, “I'd much rather hang out with you.”
your heart thuds at his words and you try your hardest to control your facial expression- to somehow bite back the heat threatening to rise to your cheeks
it’s been like this for the past few weeks, ever since you saw this new side to jeno
before tutoring him, he was only the basketball player who loudly fooled around with his friends before class and seemed like he didn’t care about anything else other than basketball
but since you started to get to know him, it’s safe to say you severely misjudged him
he’s probably the most boyish guy you’ve ever met, who cracks jokes that most would cringe at but have you clutching your stomach and wheezing with laughter 
the more time he spent around you, the more comfortable he became, and the more he could tell you his feelings
like how nervous he was for the exam or how scared he was for last week’s game
or how he’s determined to drink the mocha you make him every time he comes to the cafe, as an apology for all the nights he hogged a table and didn’t buy anything
he snuck into your heart, through the spaces between your ribs and planted himself there, unwilling to leave
but you know your feelings aren’t acceptable
he has a girlfriend, a very pretty and popular one that you’re almost sure he won’t leave for little old you
“seriously,” jeno notices your change in tone, “you can go out. you don’t have to stay here.”
“I'm being serious, too. let’s start on the next chapter, since you took this class last semester you’ll know how to do the equations for the next part, right?” jeno is already pulling out his textbook and his papers, determined to start working
your heart races, now for a different reason
although you’re good at calculus, you’re not that good to understand the next chapter yet
“uh...” you trail off, trying to find an excuse, “why do you even want to do math homework right now?” you ask, and jeno suddenly gets quiet
“it’s not really about math anymore, it’s about the person who’s teaching it to me...” he mumbles, but you hear him clearly
your heart is in your throat and your hands clam up from nerves
this is wrong
he has a girlfriend
his life is very different and separate from yours
this is so wrong
“we can’t.” you shake your head, and jeno’s nervous glances at you turns into a heartsick and longing look, “I- I actually haven’t taken this class. I'm taking it... right now.” you admit, the weight on your shoulders being lifted
“what?” he frowns
he doesn’t look good with a frown, his round glasses move with his face
he looks more like a confused puppy than the killer basketball player everyone knows and loves
“I'm in your class, jeno. I sit three rows behind you. I walk past you everyday to my seat.” you roll your eyes lightly
jeno just keeps getting more and more confused with every sentence
“how? how did I not notice you-”
“because you’re too busy messing around with your bros.” you roll your eyes harder this time, but when your gaze lands back on jeno, you immediately start to regret the forcefulness of your words
he looks hurt, and now angry
“so, you lied to me?” jeno looks as if the gears in his brain are running at full capacity, “what did you want from me then? some tickets to the game, maybe my phone number to sell online?” he spits out, embarrassment from you not returning his feelings fueling his harsh words
“do I look like I would do that? you know I'm not that kind of person.”
“forget it. maybe I will go to that party...” he trails off as he packs up his bag
“you act different with your friends than you do with me. you’re just trying to fit into a mold. I called you out on it and you’re mad about it.”
“no. I act different with you because I like you. liked.” he corrects himself, standing up out of the booth
your heart pinches with hurt at his words
there’s nothing like the bitterness of being so close to what you wanted, and then taking 10 steps back because you weren’t aware of how close you were to getting it
“you forgot your drink.” you say bitterly, intent on having the last word
he tucks his airpods into his ears and fixes his hood, “I hate mochas.”
the next night, the basketball team loses their first game of the season
it’s hard not to hear about it, considering the basketball team (and lee jeno) are the pride of the college
but a few more nights pass, and the team loses another game
and then they lose again, keeping them from going to regionals 
even taeyong and taeil talk about it, and you couldn’t look away when they showed you the viral video of jeno’s cheerleader girlfriend breaking up with him in the middle of the court after the last game
although you haven’t talked to him since the fight, you still felt sorry for him
you felt bad, and a bit guilty
jeno hasn’t shown up to calculus since the loss, and his seat is eventually taken by one of his ex-friends 
within a month, jeno turned from the campus’ golden boy to a nobody
and it didn’t matter to you
you haven’t physically seen him since the fight, making you worried about him
is he okay? physically and mentally? is he eating or sleeping? 
part of you hates that you still have feelings for him, and the other part doesn’t care 
you just want to know if he’s okay
and then one very early saturday morning, he walks into the cafe for the very first time since you fought 
the jingle of the bells above him comfort him, they chime a good luck to him as he steps up to the counter where you’re ducked down into the pastry display case 
“I'll be with you in one moment.” you say, tired dripping from your tone, and jeno realizes you’re in the last hour of your shift
“it’s no problem.” your rustling stops at the familiar voice, and your head pops up from behind the counter
lee jeno stands in front of you, his hoodie and baseball hat on, round glasses perched on his nose and his fringe tickling his eyes
“jeno.” you say, as if making sure it’s actually him and that he’s really here
“no, I think you might’ve mistaken me for someone else.” you and jeno both can’t help but let out a small laugh as you unexpectedly reenact the first time you met
“what are you doing here?” you ask, fully standing up and meeting him at the cash register
“well, I was hoping to get a mocha.” 
“I thought you hate mochas.” jeno stares at you and you stare back, unwilling to move until he says something first
jeno reaches out over the cash register, his strong but gentle fingers grazing over your forehead to fix some hair that was out of place due to your movements during restocking
you subconsciously lean into his touch, and jeno brings his hand down into yours, pulling you away from the cash register and sitting down in a chair at the counter
his hands hold yours over the counter, and the fact that you haven’t pulled away gives him hope that he’s not too late
“I grew to love them because of you. I've been craving them for the past month,” he laughs sourly, “but no one makes them the way you do.”
your heart trembles at his words, and it takes everything in you to not forgive him in an instant
“I'll make you one.” you say, untangling your hands from his and moving to the espresso machine 
jeno watches as you make his new favorite drink, and then place it before him as you sit down in a chair next to him
“I’m sorry.” is the first thing he says after you face him once again, “you were right. I was trying to fit into the mold of what the people around me wanted. the only time I could actually be myself is when I'm around you.” 
“I'm sorry, too. this isn’t all your fault, I shouldn’t have lied to you.” jeno scoots closer, tiredness tying you together and the moonlight from outside allowing you to enjoy the company of each other
“my calculus grade is low again. I might need your big brain to help me.”
“okay, but I'll need payment this time.”
“how much?”
“one kiss.”
“one kiss for every correct problem on the final exam?”
jeno smiles softly, his eyes scrunching as smile lines crease his face like tangled bedsheets in the early morning
he leans in, and you kiss with only the moonlight as a witness
jeno loves the way your mouth tastes like the bitter espresso that keeps him awake, but your lips are as sweet as the mocha that he has grown to love
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Do You Want To?
A/N The second prompt-inspired Metric Universe fic, this time in response to a request for Jealous Jamie/Claire by @stellarpuffin. Often we see Jamie being the jealous one, but this idea came to me fully formed. Set way back at the beginning of the Metric timeline, sometime between Breathing Underwater and Lost Kitten. Claire POV, and also just a hint of Jamie/John. Inspired by the Franz Ferdinand song and video referenced in the title, which is gloriously sexually ambiguous and can be seen here.
The entire Metric Universe is available on my AO3 page.
November 14, 2015
Village Underground, Shoreditch, London, England
"Are ye gonna bid on something?" Geillis asked as they made their way through a Tube car converted into an art installation space.
The friends stopped in front of a nine foot pastiche of rubber hoses, protrusions of oil paint and copper plating that seemed to be the artist's interpretation of what it might look like if a factory puked.
"I made my donation when I paid for my ticket," Claire replied. "Intriguing as these pieces are, if I don't mind every penny I'll end up homeless myself."
"Like I'd ever let that happen tae ye," her friend scoffed. "Let's head back tae the main buildin' then and make certain ye get yer money's worth in free food, at least."
Crisis UK's semi-annual fundraiser was a charity auction. Despite her jest, Claire was a regular contributor, having seen the physical and social toll of homelessness first-hand through her work at the hospital. The venue was a converted coal storage warehouse, renovated to the height of Functional Industrial Disrepair, and it echoed with the voices of patrons from all walks of life. Signature cocktails in hand, the two women stood to one side of the room and gossiped between morsels of finger food lifted from passing servers.
"Weeeel, if it isn't the wee fox cub," Geillis remarked with evil glee.
Muddled by several drinks downed in quick succession, Claire looked about for a stray forest animal. What she saw was nearly as unexpected. Standing out amongst the crowd of black dresses and expensive distressed jeans, Jamie Fraser's defiantly chaotic curls and trim navy blue uniform drew her eyes like a magnet. He was leaning down, listening in apparent rapt attention to a petite blonde woman with eyes take took up half her face and a crop top that started its life as a handkerchief.
"Thas' Leery Mackenzie," Geillis noted. "A more persistent flirt ye ne'er did meet, an' thas' comin' from me. Puir lad is in need of rescue."
In truth she barely knew the young fireman, besides having once been the only obstacle standing between his mangled body and the afterlife, but she found herself vaguely disappointed in his choice of company. But who was she to judge? Even heroes were entitled to an easy piece of tail now and then. After all, hadn't he dated Geillis once?
"Don't let me stop you, Duncan. I'll just stand here and hold up this derelict wall."
"Och, nah. Been there, done that. I think ye're the right woman fer the job, Beauchamp."
"Me?" she began to protest, but just then the background music ceased and a well-dressed man called for everyone to take their seats so that the auction could begin.
In addition to the art on display, a number of companies had donated services and experiences to be bid upon. Claire found herself wishing she could afford to indulge in the spa getaway package or a weekend for two in Margate. But then again, who would she take? Instead, she sipped on her drink and observed the crowd as item after item went on the block. Jamie was nowhere to be seen, but his blond friend sat in the front row, her bare shoulders glimmering under the bright lights. Who wore glitter to a charity auction, even in Shoreditch, she wondered uncharitably.
"Our next item on offer is sure to bring a smile to some lucky lady's face," the announcer intoned. "Lot 23 is an all-expenses paid night on the town with one of London Fire Brigade's bright young stars, Mister April himself, James Fraser. And here he is now. I'll start the bidding at fifty pounds."
Claire didn't know where to look first. Next to her, Geillis let out an abbreviated cry, sounding like a strangled goat. On the stage, Jamie had sauntered into the limelight, copperplate curls alight and tall, broad form neatly sheathed in navy blue. And in the front row, a glitter-strewn arm shot skyward before the auctioneer even named his starting price.
"Excellent, I have fifty pounds from the enthusiastic young lady in the front row. Do I hear sixty pounds?"
Hands were raised from elsewhere in the audience, but each time Leery answered with a higher bid.   Soon it was only the blonde tart and a slim dark-haired man with astonishingly long eyelashes who were bidding against each other.  
Claire watched to see if Jamie appeared uneasy with the idea of going on a date with another man, but he smiled easily any time the rivals outbid each other.  He wasn’t a vain man, in her estimation, but he wore his striking looks with an easy confidence that was undeniably sexy.  If you were into that sort of thing, that is.
“I have one hundred and sixty pounds from the young lady in front.  Do I hear one hundred and seventy pounds?”
The dark haired man shook his head, looking sincerely disappointed.  Claire felt a pang of sympathetic compassion.
“...once. Going twice. Final call.  I have one hundred and seventy pounds from a new bidder in the back!”
Every head swiveled around to where Claire sat, her arm raised on high.  Leery narrowed her eyes as though Claire had just cursed her lineage.  From the stage, Jamie made eye contact, instantly recognizing her. Perhaps she was deluding herself, but she felt he looked relieved.
“What happened tae livin’ on the streets?” Geillis snickered as the auctioneer recommenced the bidding.
“I’m banking on the fact that you took me in as a stray once before,” Claire retorted as she lifted her hand a second time.
When all was said and done, she ended up paying two hundred and ten pounds to go out on a date with a man she barely knew.  For reasons she couldn’t fathom, saving Jamie from Leery’s avid clutches was more important than her own ambivalence and enforced frugality.
“Ye never cease tae amaze me, Claire,” Geillis laughed after the auction concluded.  “Never in a million years would I have predicted ye had a crush on yon fox cub.”
“That’s because I don’t have a crush on him,” she denied.  “I just find the whole idea of a man, or a woman, mind you, selling himself like a piece of meat incredibly distasteful.”
“Oh, aye,” her friend grinned.  “Tis a noble deed ye’ve done, tae be sure.  An’ now that ye’ve saved him from the butcher’s block, whatever are ye tae do wit’ him?”
“I haven’t the faintest...”
“Good evenin’ tae ye, Nurse Beauchamp.  Geillis.”
The piece of meat in question stood before them, even more impressive at close range.  Just over his left shoulder she could see Leery looking on in disgust, a moue of despair painted on her ample lips.
After a few casual pleasantries, Jamie said, “Sae, Ms. Beauchamp, shall I give ye my number so we can arrange a time fer our wee outing?  I was thinking dinner an’ a show, but if ye prefer live music we could...”
“There won’t be any need to exchange numbers, Mr. Fraser.  Save your money, or better yet, donate it to the fundraiser.”
The look Leery gave her as she and a hysterical Geillis left to grab their coats was worth every penny.
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natromanxoff · 4 years
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Record Mirror (May 24, 1975): 9/?
Queen of the Orient
Ray Fox-Cumming talks to Roger Meddows Taylor
A FEW months ago Queen were the band everyone was talking about and the only reason why their name hasn’t been on everyone’s lips just recently is that they’ve been away on a world tour and thus let the Rollers take over as most talked about group. 
In Japan, however at this very minute, Queen are THE biggest. Big deal, you may say, what’s with Japan? But don’t forget Japan is the second largest record market in the world. Furthermore, a concert ticket in Japan costs around £4.50 to £5 and Queen were selling out 11,000 seater halls all over the shop. Then there was the fan mania.
“At the airport,” says Queen’s drummer Roger Meddows Taylor, “there were thousands of fans to greet us, literally, thousands.
“And at one gig we had between four and five hundred security men.”
Were they all necessary?
“Yes, I’m afraid they were. As it was a number of fans had to be carried out unconscious and many more were nearly crushed.”
Were you frightened?
“No, not frightened, but we were a little alarmed. We hadn’t expected anything like it. Nevertheless, Japan was definitely the highlight of the whole tour. The Japanese are so good at organising things.”
How about the earlier American leg of the tour?
“That was great too. We were fairly confident from what we’d heard that we would go down alright in the east and mid-west, but we were warned not to expect too much in the south and far west, but the show in San Francisco, for instance, was fantastic.”
The American part of the tour was interrupted by illness, which has also halted things in the more distant past.
“Ah yes,” says Roger, “I think people were saying to themselves ‘there go those weeds dropping out again’, but I don’t think they realise just how gruelling touring can be. Actually we’re all pretty tough and everyone’s all right now.
“Apart from Brian’s illness, Freddie was having terrible trouble in the States with his throat. He had nodes and the doctors wanted him to stop work for a month and get them operated on. He ignored them though and managed to get through it without resorting to surgery.”
Having been away so long Queen should now be coming up with a new single and album, but, explains Roger, that can’t happen for a while. 
“We shall be starting to record the next album around mid-June, but we won’t be able to finish it all in one go, because we have got to go back to America.”
Why, surely the album’s more important?
“Well, the trouble is that we spent an awful lot of money on the last American tour and now we’ve been offered a good deal to go back and tour for about a month in August. We really must do it to replenish our funds. We simply can’t afford not to, so the album won’t be completed until after we get back.”
So that means it won’t be out until about November.
“Well, if we’re lucky it might be October.”
How about a single. Is there any chance of one before the album?
“No, I don’t think so, because we don’t write singles as such. In America they’re going to put Keep Yourself Alive out again, because we weren’t well-known when it first came out there.”
Do you think it’s a good idea?
“Hmm, I have my doubts about it.”
As yet the group have next to no material ready for the next album, but there are already ideas floating around for a title and for the sleeve design, though Roger is keeping quiet about them. Sheer Heart Attack’s title was chosen by Roger and he’s anxious to come up with something just as striking for the next album. “I hated the title of the second album, Queen II, it was so unimaginative.” 
One of the peculiarities of Queen is that they do not appeal to one specific sector of buyers. Their fans range from early teenagers to older fans of basically ‘heavy’ music. So, whereas most bands with a clearly defined market know pretty well before they release a single whether it’s likely to be a hit or not, Queen haven’t a clue.
“Apart from Killer Queen,” admits Roger, “which was obviously catchy, I don’t think of our singles as being immediately commercial. For instance, when Seven Seas of Rhye was a hit, I was very surprised. It was only intended really to draw attention to the album and I thought that Keep Yourself Alive was a much more commercial song. 
“I think it is probably an advantage not to know exactly what will sell, because then you are not inhibited in your choice of a single.
“Quite honestly,” says Roger, “I’ve no idea whether the next single will be a melodic thing like Killer Queen or an out-and-out rocker, although I’ve a feeling there will be plenty of rockers on the next album.”
The new album will definitely be recorded in Britain, although they don’t know yet which studio they will use. But after all that globetrotting and time spent in America, in particular, do Queen still think of Britain as their base?
“Yes,” says Roger lugubriously, “unfortunately.”
Why unfortunately?
“Because it’s so depressing to come back. I’d like to have stayed in Japan. You come back here and find everything’s going wrong and in the shops, people are so rude.”
Are you contemplating joining the flood of tax exiles then?
“No, at least not in the foreseeable future.”
If Queen fans are getting alarmed about how long or short that “foreseeable future” might be, rest assured that it will last out at least to the end of the year because once the next album is out, the group will be touring here November/December – out to prove that, come The Rollers or whatever else may – Queen still rule… OK?
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imagine-that-100 · 4 years
Holiday | Part  18 |
Description of Part 1: Alex Turner x Reader (Female) | You’ve been friends with Alex Turner and the other boys from Arctic Monkeys since you were 13. You never for a second thought that Alex would release a song about you though. From late night phone calls and almost constant texting and teasing, you’ve managed to stay close with him over the years. When a pact is established and a holiday is arranged, life seems to be treating you very well. But a month in LA will either make or break you.
Word Count: 13.2K
Warnings: Mentions of Coronavirus, and a shit load of FLUFF!!!
A/N: So this is it. I can’t believe it. 18 weeks you have all stood by this fic and I can’t thank you all enough. You all literally make my Friday’s so much brighter because I get to see your reactions to this silly little story I’ve created. Thank you so so so so much for sticking by it. And thank you to the people who have edited for me many a time. I love you lots. I really hope everyone enjoys the last part, but I promise it’s not the last you’ll see of Alex fics on this account.
Thank you all a million for reading x
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~*~*~*~ January 2020 ~*~*~*~
“Y/N Y/N Y/N YN!” You hear Alex yelling from upstairs.
You were in the kitchen preparing dinner, but hearing him yelling your name, you abandoned what you were doing to see if everything was okay.
“What’s wrong?” You ask worriedly as you turn the corner into the lounge.
When you do though, you see Alex running down the stairs with a massive smile on his face. So then, and only then, when you see he’s okay, do you relax.
He is completely beaming when he sees you and he runs straight to you, picking you up in the process, and then spinning you around several times in his arms. You squeal and throw your arms around his shoulders, so you feel more stable and giggle.
Moments like these were more uncommon than you may think.
Alex was rarely so excited about something. Especially to the point where he would be so overwhelmed by emotion that he just embraced you and was practically jumping for joy.    
“What’s happening?” You laugh as he slows his spinning down and returns you back to the ground.
“I’m freaking the fuck out” Alex laughs to himself before releasing you to run his hands though his now shorter hair.
He was still grinning at you as he looked at you dazed, as if something wasn’t real.
“Why? What?” You ask also with a smile.
You loved seeing him this happy. And it was obviously something really good for him to be this excited.
“Oh my god” Alex says more to himself in glee, his fingers trailing down to his jaw to give it a disbelieving scratch.
That was a habit he still hadn’t quite shifted since he’d shaved off his goatee. Something which still made you smile when he didn’t realise, he was doing it.
Alex begins to explain by asking you, “You know how you were excited for Catfish’s new album last year?”
“Yeah” You nod.
You were actually a psycho when they announced their new album last year. You booked every ticket you could to go and see them over here.
Since Y/B/F had moved over at the beginning of last year, you’d been doing everything together. And the fact that you both got to go and see one of your favourite bands together in California was amazing.
You both went to all 3 of their dates that they had over here. Two of the shows you were both in the pit for and one of them you got to watch from the side of the stage because Alex and Matt had gone with you.
Which both of the lads loved because they were both forced to listen to their music that often that they knew all the songs.
You were over the moon when Y/B/F came and moved over to LA. You knew she’d always wanted to do it. It was one of her things on her To Do list.
So, when things became serious between her and Matt, she decided to live her dream. And you loved it.
Breana was fine with their relationship and they both got on well with each other still. And both Y/B/F and Breana’s boyfriend really loved Amelia as well, so they ended up being a big happy family.
And you and Alex as godparents were happily there to support them when they needed it.
Alex then practically jumps in his spot saying, “Well picture that but ten times more intense”
You grin at him, loving his energy, “Why? Who’s releasing an album? You don’t like anyone that much who’s not on a hiatus”
“Unless it was one band in particular” Alex hints very heavily with his eyes as to who it might be.
“No” You gasp, a hand coming up to cover your mouth.
He nods his head frantically, “Yes”
“Oh my fucking god” You say now just as excited and jump into his arms.
You throw your arms around Alex’s neck and squeal. You couldn’t believe The Strokes were making a new album.
“I know” Alex said wrapping his arms around your back.
“Oh my god Alex, I’m so excited” You practically yell down his ear.
He laughs and squeeze you the tiniest bit tighter when you start practically jumping in his arms. He knew you’d be just as excited.
“This means new music and a tour” You say down his ear before releasing him so he can look at you and see the excitement on your face, “And oh my fucking god I’m so excited”
“How did you find out?” You ask, releasing him completely and feeling the need to sit on the settee.
Alex smiles as he watches you take a second to let the news sink in.
Then he begins to explain, “I just got off the phone with Julian. Was asking me something about Tranquility Base and then he told me they have just finished recording. He’s gunna send us a copy”
“You’re joking” You say not quite believing him.
He smiles and shakes his head at you.
“Alex, I’m going to cry” You say covering your mouth.
This news was unbelievable. You couldn’t wait, you were just too excited.
“You’re gunna cry Hun, this is my fucking dream” Alex said before joining you on the sofa and hugging you again.
You giggle when he does that and hug him back. He pushes you both down onto the settee, so you’re lay back on it trapped in a hug.  
“We can both cry together when it comes” You giggle.
Alex brings his head up to look at you smiles down at you softly telling you, “Y/N/N I’m so so so fucking excited”
“Same” You grin back.
You would definitely never get tired looking into those chocolate eyes. You trace your fingertip along his jaw and get lost in his features for a moment.
His fluffy brown hair flops down over his forehead and tickles your forehead. Your eyes dance across his smooth skin and the way he smiles at you, those pink lips pulled into a grin.
Your eyes trailed back up to his and you got lost in those for another second, until his lips met yours.
~*~*~*~ March 2020 ~*~*~*~
“Hey Y/N?” Alex asks you, walking into the lounge from the kitchen.
“Yeah?” You ask looking away from the worrying TV screen that showed things getting worse with the pandemic.
Alex comes and sits down next to you as he says, “Question that I want to ask you”
“Ooo okay, go on” You ask him, seeing that he’s got his phone in his hand.
He runs a hand through his hair, something that was a tell of his for when he was stressed or worried.
He begins to tell you, “The whole world is about to shut down with this Corona shit, and so it should because the government need to keep people safe”
“Yeah I know, Trump is a fucking moron shutting people down who are asking about it” You shake your head looking towards the TV.  
“Yeah” Alex agrees, “Which is the reason why I was wondering if you wanted to go back home?” He asks.
You weren’t quite expecting that, but you ask, “When?”
“Like tomorrow?” He suggests.
Now that did shock you.
“Until when?” You ask slightly wide eyed.
“At the very least until this all passes over. I think we’ll be safer back home than we are over here” Alex says taking your hand in his.
You think about it for a second and nod.
That was probably a good idea, “Now you mention it, that actually sounds like a good idea”
“Yeah and I can’t help but think, if someone in our families gets it and we can’t get a flight over there because they have introduced lockdown, for the very least socially distanced support, it would be a mistake” Alex says giving your hand a squeeze.
“Yeah, you’re right” You nod with a little smile.
“Do you want me to book the flight?” You ask him.
Alex smiles at your offer but then tells you, “Well, that’s why I’m asking now really… Carl wants to take his plane back home and I know we both don’t agree with private flying but if it gets us home safely and with minimal contact I’ll do it one more time. Rather have someone on it than no one on it if it’s gunna fly anyway”
Carl was a pilot of a private jet, from the UK, that the Monkeys had been on many a time, until the boys decided that they didn’t want to use private travel anymore. They didn’t want aid into the destruction of the environment, so they made the decision to fly on normal planes again.
You think it over for a second before agreeing, “Okay. I won’t hold it against anyone this time”
“Right, I’ll ring him now then” Alex says standing up and looking down at his phone again.
You stand too and say, “I’ll go start to pack. Anything you particularly want to take with you?”
Alex shakes his head not really knowing what he wanted to take, “Just as much as we can because I think we’re gunna be there for a while”
You nod and smile, even more so when a thought pops into your head, “Can we start making the house a bit homier when we get back?”
After Y/B/F decided that she wanted to move to LA, she wanted to sell the flat back home. Which was perfectly fine by you, but it meant that all your stuff in there had to be moved somewhere.
And because you and Alex had talked about moving back there in the future, you’d both decided to get a house over there to eventually move into and make your own. It was a lovely house and you’d yet to stay there so you were really excited at the thought of going back.
“We could go to B&Q and get stuff to decorate before they put us all in lockdown?” You grin at him
“I love that idea” Alex says pulling you into his body, arms wrapped around you as you stood looking up at his pretty face.
He continues sarcastically, “But are you gunna help me paint or make me do it all?”
You giggle a little before saying, “I might help you… If you’re nice to me”
Alex just laughs and kisses your nose.
You both ended up flying back the second week into March, which was great because work had practically stopped anyway as you’d all been instructed to work from home.
And because you’d informed them that you were going back to the UK to ‘be with family’, they had given you the option to transfer onto a team for the same company over in the UK. That was if you wanted to anyway.
And seeing as you’d currently nearly finished your last one back in the US you thought it would be a good idea, considering you didn’t know how long you were going to be back for. You were just thankful it was a very lenient company and treated its staff well.
When you got back the first thing you did was go and see your families, making sure to be extra careful and considerate around each other and keeping your distance from them when you could.
Both you and Alex, weren’t stupid. You knew your parents were in the age brackets that meant that if they contracted the virus it could be dangerous to them.
So, you were both extremely careful.  
You were also careful when you went around the shops to get colours so you could start decorating your house.
You’d both god a really lovely house in Sheffield. It was definitely a posh one for the area and was a bit out of the way, so you had the privacy you both desired.
But by god you loved it.
It was pretty much all open plan downstairs. A concept which you fell in love with since living in LA in the house over there.
The house was a detached one that from the outside looked a little dated but was completely modernised inside. It was like stepping into a time machine.
From the outside it looked like a country house with the old stone bricks, with bits of Ivy trailing up the side of the house, but when you entered you felt like you were completely up to date on all the modern technology. Something which mesmerised the both of you when you initially looked around it.  
You just remembered wondering around it with a really good feeling in your stomach the whole time. Everything about it you loved.
Especially when you went outside into the back garden as when you turned to look at the house from the back you wouldn’t even guess it was the same place. The stone bricks still covered the place except for the wall of bi-folding windows at the back which overlooked Sheffield, so you still got to see the twinkling lights of the city.
The garden was huge too, which meant that Zoe could run around it all she wanted. And being the age of 9 you could imagine she’d want to do that a lot, especially with her new little brother Lucas also starting to find his feet now.
Inside the house, there were five bedrooms, which both of you knew you wouldn’t need so you planned on turning one into an office and one of them maybe a home gym. It also had a loft conversation too, so Alex had already claimed that as his music room, which you had no complaints about.
But you couldn’t wait to decorate when you got back, as the house had been painted boring plain colours to try and make it more appealing to buyers.
And it was lucky that you both went shopping for the paint when you did too, because two weeks later the National Lockdown was introduced and the whole country basically stopped. You were furloughed from work because there were less things needing to be done and Alex was furloughed too because it wasn’t like he could meet up with the other lads and create an album with them.
It was a weird time the first few months of Lockdown. It did get to you sometimes when you thought about it. You wanted more than anything to give your Mum and Dad a hug but unfortunately you couldn’t.
But you were thankful you had Alex to keep you sane throughout everything. He always had a distraction for you when you needed one, and he liked to keep you busy.
Especially when it came to the painting.
One of the days about a week into lockdown, you were unpacking stuff that you’d had shipped over from the US and as you did that you were listening to Tranquility Base. The reason being that you found it quite relaxing to listen to when you were doing stuff around the house.
That and you loved Alex’s voice with the entirety of your heart.
She Looks Like Fun was playing into your AirPods and Alex could hear you singing along from in the hall where you’d got him painting. He could never get tired of you singing his songs.

He really liked that he had his biggest fan by his side through thick and thin.
He noticed that you stopped singing loudly when it came to the bridge of the song though. And then he heard you gasp.
Alex paid no attention too it though, just thinking that you’d found something you’d been looking for whilst unpacking. However, you’d found something a lot more interesting.
You walked out of the room you were in and Alex looked towards you as you ventured closer to him.
“Alex did you predict this fucking apocalypse?” You ask him with a smile.
He looks towards you and sees you in your baggy painting clothes, with your AirPods still in. You must have paused them because you heard him fine when he replied.
“What the fuck you on about now?” He chuckles.
“In She Looks Like Fun you literally sing, ‘No one’s on the streets, we moved it all online as of March’” You explain.
And it baffled you because that was exactly what had happened. Everyone was now getting their shopping online, a lot less people were out in the city and loads of people were staying at home, where the government had asked them to be.
“Shit. Maybe I did” Alex laughed recognising that his lyrics actually
“Why didn’t you warn us?” You chuckle before making him abandon his paint brush so he would hug you.
He looked so adorable. He had that fine paint splatter across his face and a little of it in his hair. Even when he wasn’t perfect, he still was. God you loved him.
“I did apparently… About two years ago” Alex cheekily grinned at you as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you against him.

You pat his chest and smile back at the fluffy haired man.
“Congratulations, you’re a prophet” You quote Dr Strange in Infinity War and Alex picks up on it straight away.
He shakes his head at you before saying the next quote in a serious voice, “I’m a survivor”
You just giggle though at how nerdy you were both being, and sarcastically say, ruining it, “Yeah, you’re a survivor because we haven’t left the house in a week”
“And because we have a shit load of hand sanitiser” He grins at you and you laugh agreeing.
“Do you think Thanos snapped his fingers and that’s why we’re in this shit?” You wonder out loud.
“Maybe maybe” Alex ponders for a second before entertaining your theory, “Need the Avengers to come save us”
“I’ll have Chris Hemsworth come save me please” You say a little too fast, but Alex nods his head approvingly.
“As long as Chris Evans can save me. That man his built like a brick shit house” Alex says appreciating the Avengers physique in his mind.
“They both are” You laugh, and he nods down at you.
“But don’t think you’re doing so bad yourself” You say before bringing your hands up to the top of his arms and having a good squeeze.
Alex shakes his head at you, “My arms are nowhere near the size of theirs”
“Not saying they are, but you literally went from being pre-serum Steve Rogers to Captain America” You tell him.
It was true though, he used to be a lanky skinny boy, and now he’s got huge muscles and you really really liked looking at them.
Touching, kissing, biting and licking them too.
“Are you saying I’m Captain America?” Alex asked you with a cheeky smile and a raised eyebrow.
You giggle a little, “I’m saying I really like my own personal version of Captain America”
“I know you do” Alex grinned, and you couldn’t help yourself but to lean up and kiss him.
You tried to carry it on, but Alex was having none of it. He pulled away and said, “Come on. We can kiss and actually watch Captain America later on when we finish painting”
“Fine” You pout, and he leans down to kiss it away.
And you both continued to make your new house into a proper home.  
You couldn’t wait to live with him properly back here in Sheffield. The time you’d spent with him in your flat with him was amazing.
So, with even more space, in your own house, you just knew it would be 10 times better. And so far, it was proving to be.
But in your heart, you knew that it didn’t matter where in the world you were with him. It didn’t matter if there was a danger out there that tried to pry you both apart.
And you’d be forever grateful that you gone on holiday and realised the most important thing.
That as long as you had him by your side, you’d feel wanted and safe, because you were home.
Alex was your home.
~*~*~*~ July 2020 ~*~*~*~
You start giggling to yourself for a solid minute before asking Alex, “Al, have you seen this meme?
You’d just sat down on the floor and stopped painting the skirting boards in the living room.
You’d both been painting for hours. Today you’d both painted the large walls in your lounge, and it was a pain because of the number of coats that you had to do on it.
Thankfully you’d finished the last coat of paint on the walls and you’d started the glossing. But it was killing your back, so you decided a break was necessary.
You were both so lazy when it came to the decorating too. You’d go through one room at a time, first painting it, then ordering the things to furnish it, and then set everything up before you moved onto the next room.
And then you would have about two weeks break in between the rooms because your job was now staggering the furlough, and the working from home. So that was the reason why you were both still decorating 4 months after moving in properly.
That, and because you weren’t horrible enough to leave Alex doing it himself. So, whilst you were working in your office that was freshly decorated, you sent him upstairs to make music.
Something which he was doing so effortlessly, and you adored everything he showed you.
“Which meme?” Alex asks you as he continues to paint. “You tweet a lot of them”
“The one that says, ‘There will be a minor baby boom in nine months, and then one day in 2033, we shall witness the rise of the Quarenteens’” You laugh to yourself.
“Amazing” Alex says with a smile, abandoning his paintbrush to come and sit down opposite you.
“I know it made me giggle” You say as you continue scrolling through your phone as Alex picks up his cup of tea that’s probably gone cold.
He doesn’t seem bothered by the temperature though and downs the rest of it in one before abandoning the mug.
He sits cross-legged in front of you, both of you sat on the sheet that you were using to keep paint from spilling onto your carpet. Something which was going well so far but you had to be careful where you sat in your scruffy clothes, because you didn’t want to get paint on your new settee’s either.
“I have a question for you” Alex announces, grabbing your attention again.
You look up from your phone and smile, “Okay”
“So, I’ve been thinking…” Alex begins but your interrupt.
“Oh no. That’s never good” You grin as you lock your phone and out it down beside you.  
“Will you ever stop undermining me using that joke?” Alex shakes his head at you, trying to hide that he found you funny.  
“Al, you know I’m joking“ You say feeling a little bad.
But only a little.
“Mhhh” He hums at you in sarcastic disbelief.
“Yeah I know” He mumbles before leaning towards you to kiss you.  
“I love you” You say quickly before his mouth attached to yours.
You wanted to stay in his good books, despite knowing you were never out of them.
His lips catch yours as he mumbles against them, “I love you too”
Alex plants a good kiss onto your soft lips then and you smile up at him when he pulls away. He can’t quite get the smile off his face either.
You loved that you still had stupid banter with each other after 5 years together. It was one of the many things that kept your relationship alive and fun. You were just glad he still loved you whilst you looked like a tramp like you currently did.
You were wearing one of your very old baggy grey tops that had holes in it, along with some black leggings. Both were covered in various paint splatters of different colours and you were fairly certain your hair, that was in a messy bun, had some paint in it too.
Yet when you looked at Alex, who wore old joggers with holes in it and a plain black top that also had paint on it, you still thought he looked incredibly attractive. Even with the little bits of paint that were in his hair, he was still breath-taking.
Alex takes your paint splattered hands in his and you smile at each other for a good few seconds, before he asked you his question.
“Okay… So, you know how we talked about kids?” He asked you.  
You nodded, “Yeah?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to maybe start trying?” Alex softly smiled at you, whilst rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
“You’re very on topic aren’t you” You can’t help but smile and shuffle closer to him.
Alex laughs a little at that. “Well you know, when the opportunity arises…” He trails off looking into your Y/E/C eyes.
“What’s brought this on?” You ask him curiously.  
“Nothing” Alex shakes his head honestly, “I was just thinking… There’s no better time than a lockdown to start trying properly is there?”
“Well, you’re not wrong” You laugh.
You couldn’t lie, being stuck in the house together meant that you often found yourselves entangled with the other. You didn’t know whether it was the two of you just being constantly bored or horny.
Maybe it was both.
But he was right, now lockdown was less restrictive in the UK, trying to get pregnant didn’t feel as scary as it may have done a few months ago if it was brought up then.
Of course, you’d talked about it before now though. And you were both just waiting for the right moment to make the decision.
And you were happy it had just presented itself.
You needed to ask him though, “If we do get pregnant though, are you still okay with staying here permanently?”
When you’d talked about it before, you’d both come to the agreement that if and when you were planning to start a family, you would both move back home. But now you were already back here, you just wanted to double check that he was still alright with that.
Alex nods with a smile, “Of course… It’s time to stay home anyway. I think I’ve been away far too long”
“Yeah I think you have too” You giggle before kissing him.
He can’t quite get the grin off his face when he kisses you back. He was so happy you were on the same page as him.
Alex couldn’t wait to start a family with you.
“Thank you though” You smile brightly when you pull away, you keep your hands cupping his neck though to keep him close. “I just don’t think I could do it without my Mum and our families around to help”
“You’ll be a great Mum. You already look after me” Alex assures you which makes your heart swell.
“Yeah, to be honest, a baby would probably be easier to manage” You giggle as you twirl the hair at the nape of his neck.
He laughs at you then before leaning to kiss you once more. Something which in the 5 years with him still never got old.
“So maybe in like a few months, I’ll stop taking my pill then?” You suggest when you pull away.
You continue with, “Just because I don’t wanna get pregnant first go and then be stuck inside pregnant for months if they restrict lockdown again… I don’t think that would really be very clever or safe. For anyone. Especially a baby”
“Sounds good to me” Alex agrees “We’ll have this house ready and waiting for the housewarming by the time lockdowns over anyway”
“I still can’t believe you have two houses” You say looking around the stunning room you were in, and then out of the large windows that showed the sun setting over Sheffield.
Alex takes your attention again though, scorning you, “Y/N, it’s nearly been five years. We have two houses and this one is definitely yours”
Despite Alex suggesting that you were going to leave him to do the painting, you were actually the one who’d done most of it. You were also the one that had found most of the decor online and just asked Alex for his approval on them.
This house was truly yours. You thought something like the house in LA would be your dream, but no, something which both you and Alex created for yourselves was.
“You know what I mean” You smile before holding his hand again.
“I am so fucking lucky I married you in October… Or I think I’d have been so upset that it would have all been cancelled” Alex says giving your hand a squeeze, that adorned both your engagement and wedding ring.
“I told you Autumn weddings are cute” You grin at him.
And it was true. Your wedding was stunning.
You’d got married back over here Mid-October and you were both very lucky that the weather had been kind to you. Thankfully you could take your wedding pictures outside and you adored them all completely.
Although you think Alex adored them more, he started crying when the photographer sent them over and he had a picture of you in your dress as his Lockscreen and another one of just you as his Homescreen.
Never mind you being his biggest fan, he was definitely yours.
“You know I love the sun” He pouts at you.
“Alex we literally live, or I guess lived in LA. I’m sure coming back here for a few weeks didn’t hurt” You laugh a little at him sticking his bottom lip out.
He gives you that one.
“It was definitely lucky you convinced me to move it” He smiles.
You couldn’t think of anything worse than planning out a full wedding, only for it to be completely cancelled because of everything going on right now. You felt so sorry for the people going through it because you would have been devastated if your wedding had been cancelled.
“We’re definitely lucky” You smile, “That was one of the best days of my life”
You couldn’t help but smile at your memories of the day. You were just so thankful that Alex’s hair had grown back in time for the big day. Because you weren’t getting married to him with that bald head.
However nice he looked; you really wanted your man to have his lovely hair present for your wedding day.
“It was the best day of my life” Alex admits. “What’s top for you that our wedding doesn’t beat it?”
“2013 Glastonbury” You say without a second thought.
After a second though you realise what you’ve said and laugh at yourself. You were still the biggest fool.
“For fucks sake Y/N/N” Alex shakes his head at you chuckling a little.
“It’s not my fault it’s yours… I’ve just never felt happier in that moment where all I could hear was everyone singing along to Mardy Bum” You smile shyly.
It truly was such a magical experience for you. You would never get that moment again and it mean just as much.
Granted you didn’t think you would be getting married again but there was just something about that gig that held such a special place in your heart. And you’d rather not lie to your husband about what the best day of your life was.
“I was crying big time” You giggle a bit, trying to defend yourself.
“I know you were, and I’ve seen you cry at it since” Alex playfully teases you.  
“Thought our wedding might have topped it though” He admits but you just grin shaking your head back at him.
You mumble against his lips before kissing him once more, “It’s a very close second, I promise”
He laughs before kissing you back. His soft hands, which you had a feeling had a little bit of paint on, came up and cupped your cheek making sure you couldn’t escape him.
Not that you were planning too.
Alex’s kisses still caused butterflies in your stomach, which after 5 years, you had no clue how. His kisses really were second nature now, but when caught up in such a meaningful moment, he still made you so nervous.
Yet you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You hoped the butterflies would still be there when you were both old and grey.
Alex then pulled away and as you looked back into those brown eyes, he asked you once more, “So, you’re definitely up for it then?”
“Definitely” You confirm.
And the grin that then makes its way onto Alex’s face was something you hoped you never forgot. You tried to take a mental picture of it.  
After a second of admiring your husband you added, “We can just see what happens… There still no rush, so if it doesn’t happen straight away, that’s alright too. There definitely no harm in continuing to try for one”
Alex smirks at you when you say that.
“Of course not” He agrees.
“In fact…”
Alex trails off to lean towards you again to kiss you. Something which again makes you smile because of how cute the whole situation was. You kiss him back and your hand just automatically goes up into his soft hair.
You also can’t help but giggle when he pushes you back, so you’re forced to lie down on the floor whilst he still kisses you. He moves with you so he’s above you and he pulls away to hear your giggle continue.
You smile up at him as your giggle fades and you lean up to peck his lips.
“I love you Al”
You love the smile that breaks out on his face when you tell him that too.
But your smile grows twice the size when you hear him say back, “I love you too, Mrs Turner”
~*~*~*~ Christmas Eve ~ 2020 ~*~*~*~
“Oh my god I’ve missed you so much” Y/B/F throws her arms around you pulling you into a hug at your doorstep.
You giggle at her excitement and give he a squeeze as you say, “I’ve missed you too”
Oh my god we have so much to talk about” She grins as she releases you.
“We do” You laugh, and she goes to give Alex a hug.  
“Matt I’ve missed you so much” You turn towards him and open your arms.
He leans in and wraps his arms around you and coos, “Oh I’ve missed you too”
“How’s my best buddie doing?” You smile up at him when he releases you.
“Excuse me” Both Alex and Y/B/F say at the same time.
Both you and Matt turn to look at them and see their hands on their hips, looking at you like you’d just said something horrendously offensive.
“I meant my best boy friend” You correct yourself.
That seemed to satisfy your best friend and she wondered into your house, that she’d yet to see decorated. However, Alex still wasn’t too impressed.
“Are you joking?” He asks you with raised eyebrows.
“Jesus Alex, I’m married to you” You roll your eyes before closing the front door.
“I was your best boy friend for over a decade before I was your actual boyfriend” Alex says.
You don’t know why he felt the need to clarify it though, it wasn’t as if you or Matt were denying it.
“Yeah so stop being offended. You got bumped up the pecking order someone had to take your place” You grin as you hug Matt again and he rests his chin on top of your head hugging you back tightly
Alex decides to look to his best mate instead, asking, “Can you give me my wife back please?”
Matt chuckles before releasing you, and as you roll your eyes before scorning your husband, Matt goes and follows Y/B/F into the lounge.
“Alex” You laugh as you walk towards him and then cup his face and give him a quick kiss.
“I’m yours chill out” You assure him, and you smile feeling his hands come up and rest on your hips.
“Oh, I know you are” He says under his breath as he grins.
His thumbs rub over your lower stomach as he holds you and he whispers, correcting himself, “Both of you”
You can’t help but lean up to kiss him quickly before you follow Matt and Y/B/F’s lead and head into the lounge.
Alex goes and makes them both a cup of tea whilst you entertain the two, telling them where you found all the things that Y/B/F kept on pointing out. Thankfully by the end of August, the house was completely redone.
It was well and truly the Turner’s household and you loved each and every room.
However, you were both very aware now that one of the spare bedrooms now needed to be transformed into a nursery. Something which you would both take pleasure in doing when you were a bit further along than the 3 months you were now.
Alex come back into the room with everyone’s drinks in hand and you leave yours on the side for a minute because it was far too hot. It seemed that everyone else in the room had the same idea, so the drinks were abandoned for the time being.
Instead you started chatting for 10 minutes, all catching up properly in person as you hadn’t had the chance to do this yet because of Corona. Thankfully the world had adjusted itself to the new normal and Christmas could actually go ahead.
So, it was amazing that you and Y/B/F could have your Christmas ritual of having Christmas Eve together. Just an added bonus that Alex and Matt were involved now.
“Okay so we want to tell you something” Y/B/F announces from the other settee next to Matt.
You notice that she takes his hand and you smile; They were so fucking cute. You were so glad they got together. You couldn’t believe it had been 2 years.
You and Alex were on the other settee that was opposite theirs and you were already holding his hand. You weren’t usually this clingy but today had been an amazing day.
This morning you and Alex had gone and had your 12 weeks scan and the little baby growing in you was healthy and doing well. News which was much to yours and Alex’s relief.
You’d had some pretty bad morning sickness, so you were just glad everything was okay despite you not being 100% from time to time.
“Ooooo okay” You grin at the couple.
“I’m pregnant” Your best friend says with the biggest grin on her face.
Your jaw drops with massive smile on your face and you squeezed Alex’s hand without meaning to. You definitely weren’t expecting that.
And you doing think Alex expected it either, he asked excitedly with a smile, “Are you actually?”  
“Yeah” Matt nods with a grin.
And you leap out of your seat and dart towards your best friend to trap her into a hug whilst squealing, “Oh my god”
She can’t help but laugh as you wrap your arms around her and say, “Congratulations” down her ear.
Your best friend just giggles down yours before saying a, “Thank you”
You see that Matt gets up and you presume he’s giving Alex a hug from what you can hear, but you’re too invested in Y/B/F to check.
You release her so you don’t suffocate her, and you have to ask, “How far along are you?”
“Sixteen weeks” She tells you with a massive smile.
“Holy fuck” You whisper excitedly covering your mouth as if the baby could hear you. “I bet you’re over the moon”
“I really am. Didn’t really mean for it to happen but we were both excited when we found out after the initial shock of it wore off” Your best friend tells you and you could only imagine the shock for the both of them.
But you couldn’t wait to pry out more information from her, but right now you were too giddy.
“Ahhhhh I’m so so so happy for you” You say before giving her another huge hug.
She giggles in your arms and gives you a tight squeeze before you get yourself up to hug your other best mate.
“Matt come here right now” You say once Alex had finished hugging him.
Alex goes and hugs Y/B/F whilst you hug your Helders.
“Congratulations” You say once your arms are wrapped around him.
“Thank you, my love” Matt grins before kissing your cheek when he pulls away from your hug after a few more seconds.
You look at him, so happy in front of you and you can’t help but say, “I love you so goddamn much… I’m so happy for you”
“Thank you” He says going a little red.
You get all of the gossip from them and get to see their scan photo. You find that they were planning to actually give birth over here, but they will still be primarily living in LA, because of course Matt didn’t want to leave Amelia.
You were so so so happy for them it made you excited to start telling people.
You’d yet to tell anyone because you knew the scan was going to be today, on Christmas Eve, so you and Alex had both decided that you were going to tell your families tomorrow.
You were hosting Christmas in your new house this year and it was going to be your family, along with Alex’s Mum and Dad. And you were both so fucking excited for how you had it planned out to tell people.
You think Alex was currently feeling the same as you about being excited to tell people. You caught on because when you were sat in your original seats again every time, they told you something that the two of you had both been through, he gave your hand a squeeze.
When the couple across from you started asking about the two of you, you gave them the answers that you’d been giving people for the past few months.
But then Alex looked towards you and you share a look. He gave you a knowing smile and tilted his head towards Matt and Y/B/F. You raise your eyebrows ever so slightly asking with your eyes if he was meaning ‘tell them’.
Turns out he was, as he gave your hand a squeeze and smiled and nodded his head slightly. All discrete and not too obvious which meant that the unsuspecting couple across from you were about to get a nice surprise.
You look towards them and grab their attention with, “Hey Y/B/F, you know that thing that I’ve always wanted most in life?”
You smile a bit when you see her eyes widen at what you said. Matt, however, obviously has no fucking clue and makes a joke.
“You wanted something more than Alex?” Matt asks you and both you and your husband chuckle.
You set the record straight though, telling him honestly, “Oh yeah, a lot more than Alex”
“Are you trying to tell me something?” Y/B/F asks you with knowing eyes
She sees both you and Alex grin and her and when you nod your head she screams. She darts to you just like you did to her, but she wraps her arms around both you and Alex and gives you both a massive hug.
Both you and Alex can’t help but laugh and hug her back.
“I’m so fucking happy right now” She squeals down the both of your ears.
“So are we” You giggle back.
She lets you go and sits on Alex’s lap as she talks to the both of you. “So, I need to know everything” She looks at the both of you expectantly.
However, poor Matt is completely lost.
“Wait, what the fucks just happened?” Helders says looking dazzled.
“We’re pregnant too” Alex looks around Y/B/F’s body and grins as he spells it out for his best mate.
“Are you serious?” Matt asks, his face beaming with happiness and shock.
“I wouldn’t be joking about this” Alex chuckles.
Aw guys” Matt says before standing from his seat.
Alex gets up and Y/B/F sits down in his place and gives you a proper hug.
“How far are you?” She asks as her arms are tight around your neck.
“Twelve weeks” You tell her and once sheet you go you explain, “We literally had the first scan this morning, but we haven’t told anyone so don’t scream it from the rooftops just yet”
“We’re the first to know?” Matt asks overhearing what you were saying.
“Yeah” You smile up at him.
“What why?” Y/B/F asks you a little confused.  
“Because we weren’t expecting you to drop the news, but we couldn’t not when you told us… We’re telling the family tomorrow” Alex tells them.
“Me and Y/N need to chat about this. To save our mental states” Y/B/F says, getting herself comfy on the settee in Alex’s space.
You smile at her agreeing, before looking to the boys and saying, “Matt, you need to prep Alex for everything”
“I told you I’m going to be fine” Alex says at you and you just stick your tongue out at him.
“Yeah, that’s what we all think mate” Matt laughs a little before holding Alex’s shoulder and then patting it for some extra drama.  
Alex looks at his mate like he’s just grown another head. Fear very clearly seeping into his features and Matt has to back track.
“I’m joking don’t look so worried” He smiles. “Come on let’s grab a beer and we can chat”
And so, they do, the boys go and chat in the kitchen for a good 10 minutes whilst you and Y/B/F compare your pregnancies along with every minor detail of it. You were both just so buzzing.
She had just shown you her scan picture and you were so happy for her. Your heart was literally melting. You needed Alex to bring your picture in to show her.
“Al” You shout.  
A second later you hear, “Yeah”
“When you come back in, bring the scan picture in with you please?” You ask him nicely.
Not a minute later, Alex and Matt are walking back in and you can see that Alex has shown it Matt, as Helders is holding the picture.
“Y/N I’m so fucking happy for you” He grins at you before leaning down to give you a kiss on the cheek and another quick hug.
“I’m happy for you too Matt” You reiterate back to him, before Y/B/F plucks the photo from him.
Matt and Alex then go and sit on the other settee so you can still continue with your previous chats. Something which you all definitely needed yet you were so bloody excited about everything at the same time.
“Shit” Y/B/F turns to you practically mid conversation to say, “I just realised that yours and Alex baby is going to be fucking stunning”
You laugh at that. You wouldn’t even lie, you really hoped that with Alex’s genes the little one would come out looking good.
You couldn’t help but picture their baby though and you had to tell her, “Yours is going to be the most beautiful child ever”
Y/B/F has a look of disbelief, but you scorn her saying there's no reason why it wouldn’t be beautiful. She was stunning and Matt was fit so there’s no chance the child wouldn’t be.
“I think you’re both going to be having gorgeous babies stop bickering” Matt says, obviously hearing the silly chatter.
Y/B/F furrows her eyebrows at him, “I’m sorry you can’t lie to me and say that their baby won’t have the best genes in the entire world”
Alex shakes his head at her, “Yes Y/B/F but also you are just as stunning as my wife there” He nods towards you and then to his best mate, “and Matt’s also not too bad”
You all have a little laugh at that before you chip back in with, “I mean apart from the musical talent they possess, let’s just hope they take after us instead”
“Cheeky bitch” Matt chuckles a bit shaking his head at you.
You scoff and in jest add, “I’m pregnant, you can’t call me that”
“When are you due?” You then turn to Y/B/F and ask.
“Thirtieth of May” You best friend informs you.
You squeal a little, with a grin on your face, “As if”
“Why when are you due?” She asks.
“Thirtieth of June” You tell her with a big smile.
Your best friend grabs you hand and says, “Oh my god”
You giggle, “We are literally the same person”
“We actually are“
That being because hers and your birthdays were a month apart from each other. Meaning that it was almost poetic that your first babies were due one month apart.
Your best friend and Matt obviously stay for the evening and you have a lovely time with them. You show them around the decorated house, and they seem to love it just as much as you and Alex.
It was funny when you all came back into the lounge though that had the bi-folding windows in and Y/B/F said, “You’re going to be a pro window cleaner”
“I know it’s huge” You laughed.
But then she corrected herself so you understood, “No, I mean because when the baby arrives and they stay crawl they will be all over that. Messy handprints and everything”
“I’ll let that be Alex’s job then” You laugh.
“Thanks Hun” Alex shook his head at you.
You grin back, “You’re welcome baby”
After you’d all finished eating later on, you and your best friend were still sat with each other on the settee and you were practically cuddled together. You loved her so bloody much that the fact that you wouldn’t be living in the same country anymore just left you both needing a cuddle.
You both chatted about anything that came to mind and then your best friend seemed to have a brainwave.
“Oh my god right, so there’s this thing that I saw and it said something along the lines of ‘As days go by they mean nothing to your now, but one day it could be the day you get married or your child’s birthday’” She tells you.
You smile and say, “Yeah that’s so true”
“I know right, so I recon we look back though our Snapchat memories throughout the years and see what we were up to on our due date” She suggests.  
“That’s such a cute idea” You smile.
Your best friend smiles, “I know right”
“Okay let’s go” You said pulling your phone out of your pocket.
You both spent about 10 minutes on it and you’d just got to the date 5 years previous and you had to stop yourself. Your whole body just stopped as if someone had hit a pause button.
You can’t help yourself when your hormones get the better of you and your eyes start gathering tears. You look towards Y/B/F and she spots the tears straight away.
Your best friend looks at your phone then and takes it off you to see the picture.
“Awhhh Y/N that’s so cute” She smiles at you and you just break down in happy tears.
She throws her arm around you and you release a little sob craving the comfort.
“Aw don’t cry” She says before she kisses the side of your head.
“I can’t help it” You weep into your hands, hiding your face.
These last few months your emotions had been everywhere.
“Y/B/F what have you done to my wife?” You just about hear Alex ask over your crying.
“I’ve done nothing” She tells him with a smile and a little giggle.
You hear him get up and he asks you, “Y/N/N what’s wrong?” whilst Y/B/F lets go of you and you think she’s swapping seats with him.
She places your phone in your lap once she moves and you feel Alex arms go around you when he sits down.
He gives you a second before he tries to pry the information from you. You just look up at him and tell him though, stray tears still running down your face.
You look into his brown eyes and tell him, “Our baby’s due on the same date I came on holiday”
Alex seems a little confused as he probably would be. You’d been on holiday a lot, and many times with him. So, you let him off and just confirm what you meant, “You know the holiday… Our holiday”
“You’re joking” Alex says with a look of disbelief.  
“No” You cry a bit more before you throw your hands around his neck and hug him tightly.
“Hormones are a bitch. Why am I crying at everything?” You say through your tears and Alex laughs.
“It is pretty cute though darling” He says kissing your neck as he hugs you.
When you release him, you unlock your phone and show him the picture you found. It was of your plane ticket to LA and it said, ‘Here I come to ruin Al’s life’.
Alex laughs a little when he reads it before
“You didn’t ruin my life by the way. You made it infinitely better”
~*~*~*~ Christmas Day ~ 2020 ~*~*~*~
Christmas had been amazing. After such a shit year this was definitely a highlight of it.
And you had a feeling you were about to make things better.
It was about an hour before you were due to eat, and everything was prepped so you were just chilling out with your big family. Presents had been done a few hours earlier and you loved watching everyone interact.
Your Mum and Penny were chatting away over a glass of wine. David and your Dad were talking about the football match that was happening tomorrow and your brother was chipping in every now and again.
Your sister in law, Jess was primarily taking care of little Lucas who captured everyone’s attention in the room. He was now settling down for a nap though.
You were a little jealous of him.
But you knew that there was going to be a lot of excitement in the room in the next 15 minutes. So, when you saw Zoe sat in Alex’s lap, him still definitely being her favourite member of the family (traitor), you decided to put yours and Alex’s plan into action.
Alex catches your gaze and he raises his eyebrows at you, silently asking if now was the right time. You give a little nod before you say from across the room.
“Hey Zoe” You get her attention.
Her attention immediately finds you and she gives you a smile. A smile that gets bigger when you say, “I forgot about another present for you. Come with me a minute”
You both get up and head to the stairs. You give Alex a little smile before you both disappear off.  
When you reach your room you get out the wrapped up clothing, but before you give it her you say, “Okay so I’ve got something to tell you but I need you to keep it a secret for me for the next five minutes”
“Okay” She smiles at you, trying to keep her eyes averted from the wrapping paper to be polite.  
“Pinky promise me” You say with a smile.
She wraps her pinky around yours and you both take a seat on your bed.
“Okay, open that and it will tell you the surprise” You say handing her the most important part of this present.
You and Alex had got a top made for her. It was her favourite colour and on the front of it you’d had on it in bold writing 'No. 1 Cousin’
You watch as she quickly gets the wrapping paper off and hold back your smile when she unfolded the top to read it. It took her a second, but she gasped and then looked at you.
“Am I getting a cousin?” She asks, her jaw on the ground.
“You are” You giggle.
“Yay” She squeals before she leaps into your arms and gives you a massive hug around her neck.
“So, your pregnant?” Zoe confirms when she releases you.
“I am. and I was hoping you could help me tell everyone downstairs by wearing that?” You ask her.
Zoe excitedly nods, “Yes”
“I got you more clothes so you can hide it first so it will surprise everyone” You tell her, handing her the other stuff to unwrap.
You watch as she unwraps a leather jacket that you had sadly got the One For The Road logo printed on the back of it. You just couldn’t help yourself.
You also got her black wrapped jeans like the ones that you were wearing now. Along with some cute little ankle boots.
She would literally be a mini you.
As she looks at the One For The Road logo, you explain, “I had it made so you can be like me and have Uncle Alex’s song on the back”
You’d wore the One For The Road leather jacket many a time. And Zoe had said plenty of times that she loved it too.
“Is this the video with Jamie on the tractor?” Zoe asks curiously.
“Yes” You giggle.
You really had raised her well.
“I love it thank you” She tells you and say a quick ‘you’re welcome’.
Zoe asks you as she unwraps the other clothing “Are you wearing yours to go down in too?”
“If you want me too?” You smile at her.
She nods, “Yeah and then Uncle Alex can take a picture of us matching”
“That’s a good idea actually and then when he comes and stands next to me, if no one asks about your top then you can open the jacket up and show everyone yeah?” You plan out in your head and she nods excitedly at you.
“Okay, let’s get you dressed” You say excitedly.
After 5 minutes your back downstairs, you head into the lounge first as she waits just in the hallway so people can’t see her yet. Thankfully all the clothes fit her, and she truly looked like you.
It was amazing.
You’re wearing the comfy leather jacket as you enter the room and announce, “Okay, so she wants a photoshoot, so someone have a camera at the ready”
You watch as Alex says he’ll do it, giving you a little grin. He gets his phone out of his pocket and waits for her entrance.
“Alright Zo” You look to the hall and see her excited grin.
She asks you, “Does Uncle Alex have his camera ready for the photo?”
The room laughs a little at that and you just assure her giving her a nod, “He does”
She walks into the room in her new ripped black skinny jeans, her top expertly covered by the zip up leather jacket that she looked cool in.
“Spin for them” You instruct.
She does a twirl for everyone and you can tell she’s loving the attention.
“Oh amazing” You’re Mum says with a big smile.
“Lovely Zoe” Penny tells her and lots of other compliments are thrown her way too.  
“Auntie Y/N/N, picture, come on” She holds out her hand to you and has a hint of a knowing smile on her face.
You smile at her and take her hand before you stand beside her with almost the same clothes on and as you see the flash of the picture on the wall as you were both showing off what the jacket said to the camera.
You hear your brother ask Alex, “Does she still steal your clothes mate?”
“All the time” Alex laughs.
“It’s a cool jacket” You defend yourself against your brother. “Shut up”
“Yeah dad shut up” Zoe tells him sarcastically with a little giggle.
“Yeah” You chuckle along with her and the room laughs too.
“Al can I see the photo?” You ask him and he nods with a smile.
Both of you stand behind Zoe and you look at the phone for a second. Alex wraps his arm around you, so he’s holding your hip and you send him a little smile.
He grins back at you but then you both look to your niece who is still loving the limelight. And then someone asks the question you’d really hoped to hear.
“Did you get a new top too Zo” Jess asks.
“I did. I love it” Zoe nods.
“Show us then?” Your Mum asks her, and you feel Alex’s hold you against him the tiniest bit tighter.
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest. You look up at him and give him a quick smile and he squeezes your hip a bit, so he doesn’t give anything away too early.
You both look down to Zoe who was just unzipping her jacket and then she opened it up and put her hands on her hips to keep it open.
The room went silent after that and that was when it hit Jess, your sister in law, first. A loud gasp escaped her mouth and you couldn’t really hold your smile back any longer.
“Are you being serious?” She asks you looking at both you and Alex, still seeming to be the only one to understand what was happening and you both nod back at her.
It was then that you heard your Mum gasp and a second later Alex’s mum. You both fully grinned at them as your Mums got themselves up and ran over to you tears already in her eyes.
“Is my baby finally having her own baby” Your Mum shouts as she traps you in a hug.
“She is” You giggle down your Mums ear.
She squeals for you and she won’t let you escape from the hug at all. Not that you really wanted too.
“I’m so so so happy for you darling” She tells you still squeezing you tightly.
“Thank you Mum. I love you” You say hugging her back just as tight.
She then releases you and gives you a big kiss. You wipe away the few stray tears running down her face.
Alex’s Mum, Penny, is already fully sobbing as both Mums swap which child they pour their new found emotions on to.
“Y/N darling, I love you so much” She almost sobs as she hugs you.
“I love you too” You assure her, giving her a squeeze.
Penny lets you go but then holds your arms, probably more to keep her mind completely sane and ensure her that the moment was real.
She tells you, “I’m so happy for you”
“Thank you” You grin at her. This was such a lovely feeling; You were so happy you could finally tell people.
“I can’t believe you kids are having a baby” She says looking between you and Alex, who is currently still being hugged by your Mum. “It feels like I was only at your parents evening a year or two ago”
You giggled at that, “At least we waited a while, so you didn’t have that to chat about in school”
Penny then laughed at that. That would have been
“Yes, thank you for not doing that to me whilst you were in school. I would have killed him” Penny tells you with a little giggle.
“Don’t worry I think my mum would have battered me too” You tell her honestly, with a little chuckle.  
You also add, “You’re finally going to be a Grandma or a Nana”
“I can’t believe you both made me wait five years for my first grandchild” Penny shakes her head.
“I’m sorry, I had to made sure he loved me properly first” You joke. 

“Hunny, he’s loved you since he was Fifteen” Penny assures you and you laugh.
“I know, he’s obsessed with me” You say giving Alex a little grin.
He just looked at you and gave you a little death stare.
But did he deny it…
“My little girl who’s now pregnant with her own baby... don’t you make out like you weren’t drawing hearts with your and his name in it when you were Fourteen” Your Dad says as he stands by Penny’s side.
Penny giggles at your Dad dropping that truth bomb, along with Alex’s laughter as he hugs David.
“Dad” You whine, before you give him a hug.
His hug is tight and comforting, everything that you could want from a hug from your Dad.
He says softly, “Sweetie I love you, and I’m so happy and excited for you”
“Thank you Dad” You say hugging him tight before the hug is over all too soon.
Your Dad smiles at you when he lets you go before asking, “How far along are you?”
“Just over twelve weeks” You tell him with a smile.
“You’ve had your scan then?” Your Dad asks with hopeful eyes.
You can’t get the smile off your face as you say, “Yes… Do you want to see the picture?”
“I’d love too” You get it out from the jacket pocket and show him the first picture of his new grandchild.
Your Dad looks at it for a moment and you can see the smile on his face. He was completely beaming.
When he looked back up at you, you saw his eyes glistening with happy tears and your heart swelled at the sight.
He just about choked out, “Darling I’m so happy for the both of you”
“Thank you Dad. I love you” You say as you give him another big hug.
“I love you a million sweetie” He whispers down your ear as he hugs you back tightly.
Before you even released your Dad from your hug, the picture was snatched out of his hands by the soon to be grandmas to take a look at. The started crying again once they saw it.
Their reactions were just making you giggle.
When your Dad released you, David was then next in line for you to hug. And you couldn’t wait, David was always so lovely to you, you loved a good family hug.
“I’m beyond happy for the both of you” David says looking between you and Alex.
“Thank you… I’m excited for you though. You’re going to be a grandad” You say with a big smile before pulling him into a hug.
“Don’t. You’ll have me crying on you” David says with a little chuckle.
“Don’t worry, your son’s been crying on me the last few months… I can handle tears” You tell him.
Alex had been so adorable with you. When you both found out he started crying tears of joy.
Both of you were just so over the moon. It was amazing.
You were glad you weren’t the only emotional one in the house.
“I love you both so much. And I can’t wait to meet the little one” David says smiling between the two of you before looking down to your stomach that just had the tiniest little bump.
But you couldn’t see it, as you were wearing a loose top.
“Neither can we” Alex grins before kissing the side of your head.
Your brother then runs up to you, pulls you away from Alex before lifting you into the air by giving you the biggest hug in the world. And when he spends you around, you start giggling like a little girl.  
“I’m so happy for you” He yells
You can’t help but giggle a, “Thank you”
Once your back on the ground, your brother gives you another proper hug before letting you go, saying, “I’m going to shout at your husband though”
“Oi Alex. How dare you get my little sister pregnant” Your brother fakes anger as his wife releases Alex form a hug.
“I’m sorry, she just kept asking me to put a baby in her” Alex sighs and then points at you, all with a cheeky smile on his face.
You smile back at him, but you say, “I think you’ll find it was him who brought it up so you can batter him if you want… Just leave his pretty face alone. I have to live with it”
“Hey” Alex scoffs offended, before your brother wraps him up in a big hug.
You giggle to yourself before you hug Jess, “Thank you so much for actually understanding what was going on then”
She laughs, “It’s okay. I just couldn’t believe your family was being so slow”
“Zoe literally got it after a second. I was thinking ‘surely this can’t be that hard to understand’” You tell her smiling to yourself.
“No, it really wasn’t, I got it straight away and then I saw your smile and couldn’t hold in a gasp” Jess giggles.
You chuckle, “Well thank you… They seemed to get it after you did”
“It’s alright” She says before she lets go of you.
“I do have a number two cousin top upstairs for Lucas too” You smile, and she says thanks again.
You little nephew now back to sleep in his car seat just across the room. He was just too adorable.
You both look towards the No 1 cousin though and see that she’s already giving Alex a hug. He then held Zoe at your level by sitting her on his hip like she was still 4 years old.  
And that was when you tuned into their conversation.  
“Thank you for helping us tell everyone” Alex gave her a toothy grin.
“It’s alright” Zoe assured him, “I think everyone is buzzing”
“I think they are” Alex laughed.
He added an, “Are you buzzing?”
She nodded at him and you had to cut into their conversation at that point.
“I should hope you are” You remind the little one, “You’ve been wanting a cousin since you were six”
“I’m proper buzzin’” She said in a very northern accent that made you both laugh.
The rest of the day was spent in such high spirits.
Your Christmas dinner was amazing, and you think you and Alex smashed it for your first time doing it. You were such a good team and you could only get stronger at this point.
Well if he wasn’t petty and still tried to get out of doing the cooking claiming that because Christmas was on a Friday this year, that he didn’t have to cook because it was your day.
But all jokes aside you had never been happier with him and you loved him so much.
He’d made your life so much better in every single way he possibly could. He’d given you his love and he was giving you a family.
Something that you’d always wanted.
So, when you both got to your bedroom once everyone had gone back home, you were both tired and emotional.
You lay yourself down on your bed, still fully clothed, and just thought over the past few days.
You’d had your scan, heard your baby’s heartbeat. Matt and Y/B/F told you they were pregnant too, you found out that your baby is due the day you went on holiday to LA and your life hadn’t been the same since. And you’d told your family you were expecting.
Life couldn’t be any better.
So, when Alex sat down on his side of the bed, you just couldn’t help but express yourself to the man that owned your entire heart.
“Thank you” You whisper to your husband.
Alex looks to you then curiously, a smile pulling his lips up when he asks, “What for?”
You start tearing up a big just feeling a bit emotional about everything.
“Just… Thank you for making me happy” You say, wiping away a stray tear away as you looked into those eyes you could forever get lost in.
Alex softly smiled at you when you said that, and crawls across the bed to give you a kiss which you really appreciated. You still weren’t tired of those soft lips meeting your own.

And you were fairly certain at this point that you never would be.
“I love you so much” You say with a big smile.
He was truly your world.  
Alex smiles back, pecking your lips once more before saying, “I love you too baby”
“Your baby is there” You tell him, putting a hand over your stomach.  
“How could I forget?” Alex grins at you but then his gaze moves down your body.
He lies himself down across the bed, so his head is at your stomach and he looks to you as he lifts the bottom of your top. A silent question comes from him, asking if he can lift your top up.
You grin at him and nod.
That was the first and probably only time he��d ever asked if he could take your top off.
He brushed the bottom of your top up to just under your boobs and then he started trailing is fingertips across your stomach.
You laid back and watched as you husband started thinking out loud and it was the cutest thing.
“Okay then…” Alex trails off, looking at your smooth skin.
“So, you listen here you, hiding away in there” Alex softly says as his fingers trace over your tiny bump.
It was barely noticeable to anyone else, but Alex knew your body like the back of his hand. He could tell the little bump was there.  
“You’ve gotta be good for your Mummy for the next six months because we don’t want her poorly like she was a few weeks back”
Alex continues his adorable one-sided conversation, and says to your tummy, “You can crave whatever food you want, and I’ll go and get it for you… But your Mummy doesn’t like throwing up, so just take it easy on her, yeah?”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. You started playing with the hair on the back of his head, which was growing back to how it used it be.
You’d never get used to him being cute. But this was a whole different level.
He carries on after he kisses your stomach, and says against your skin, “We can’t wait to meet you sweetheart”
You couldn’t contain your grin then, “You think we’re having a girl?”
Alex presses his lips down onto your stomach before he nods before giving you more kisses.
“What makes you think that?” You ask him.
You didn’t really want to interrupt his train of thought but you just needed to ask this once.
Alex smiles at you and says, “I don’t know. I just have a feeling”
You smile at him then and keep running your fingers though his hair as he continues talking your tiny bump.
“I can’t wait for you to arrive and we have the best time all three of us together” Alex smiles looking at your skin, resting his hand on top of it for a moment.
“Your Mummy makes me so happy anyway, but I can’t wait until I can walk into a room and see the two of you together” He says, and the thought makes your heart melt.
Especially when he continues on to say,  “I can just imagine when your older that I’ll come home one day and see the both of you sat at the piano, because your Mum will definitely insist on teaching it to you when your big enough”
Alex carries on thinking scenarios up in his head, “I can’t wait to help get your ready for school and I can put plaits in your hair and for your Mum to teach me how to do that because I’m useless”
He then starts tracing random lines on your stomach again and he giggles when he adds, “She’ll have to let me practice on her hair like she practiced on mine the other year”
You had to try not to chuckle at that because you didn’t want to bring him out of his thoughts by your stomach moving up and down from you laughing. But yes, when he had his long hair you plaited it many a time.
“I can’t wait to meet you because I’m not going to leave you alone” Alex says to your stomach once more. “You’re already the best thing that’s ever happened to me…”
He then brings his other hand up to cover his mouth so you couldn’t see his lips moving. But you still heard him whisper, “But don’t tell your Mum because she thinks it’s still me and her getting together after loving each other from a distance for ten years”
You both share a little laugh then.
But Alex isn’t quite finished.
Your husband continues with, “I love you so so much, and I can’t wait for you to start this family off properly… We will get you loads of brothers and sisters though don’t worry. You won’t be lonely”
Your eyes widen at that and you feel the need to just quickly interrupt with, “That is only if Mummy can handle you. But the deal is, your Daddy has to make an album in between each sibling you have”
Alex chuckles again at that before kissing your stomach.
“Wow that’s a lot more music for me to write” He says with wide eyes.
“Like you’ll ever stop making it” You say raising your eyebrows at him.
“Alright alright” He shakes his head, knowing he’s been caught out. “Can I get back to my chat now?”
“All yours” You say gesturing to your stomach so he can continue.
“Right before I was so rudely interrupted” Alex playfully rolls his eyes.
You giggle a little but listen to him as he carries on, “Okay so, I know your Mum’s going to love you to the moon and back like I will, but I’m going to steal you away from her so we can go and do fun things”
“I can’t wait to teach you how to ride a bike and I can’t wait to teach you how to play guitar because that’s better than piano but don’t tell your mummy that either”
You just smile at that.
“I can’t wait to hear you speak; I’m going to put in an early request for your first word to be ‘Dad’ please… That’ll make your Mum really jealous”
The giggle that falls from your lips is music to Alex’s ears. He loves your laugh so much.
“Thank you for making us both so happy already. And for all the happy times we’re going to have” Alex finishes of with before he looks towards you.
“And thank you for being amazing… And for carrying our baby… And for marrying me… And for being my best friend” He tells you.
Alex picks up your hand and kisses the back of it, then says, “I genuinely don’t know what I’d do without you”
“You don’t have to find out, don’t worry” You assure him.
You were here for good.
He couldn’t get rid of you now, even if he wanted to.  
“Just thank you… For everything” He says once again, and you can hear how genuine he’s being.
“I love you Alex” You tell him before leaning forward to press your lips against his.
And Alex manages to say against your lips, “I love you too”
Let me know if you want to be added to my Alex Turner Taglist for future works x
Taglist: @the-girl-before​ @murderousginger​ @minigranger​ @turnertable​ @bastillewolf​ @slothgiirl​ @billskarsgard-is-gorgeous​ @watashi-no-namae-wo-yonde​ @fookingsummertime​ @marvel-avengers01​ @shibuikelsi​ @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo​ @gretavanbobatea​ @chocolatecig​ @iamnotjesha @rachaeljayne15​ @edgythought​ @marveious​ @liviasaugusta @boysinskirts​ @musicmania100​ @he4rtbre4khotel​ @innocte​ @beckauhhh​ @whoknowswhatimeant​ @tony-starks-ego​ @tobarmaidswhodontcount​ @elektranxtchiios​ @bettyschwallocksyee​ @alexsvacuumcleaner​ @cornerstqne​ @halfofwhatisayismeaningless​ @juicebox-baby​ @yousuck-marina​ @nrldswita​ @dot-writes​ @skullag​ @b-monkeys​ @babyhoneystvles​ @timchalamxt​ @writingismybiggestlove​ 
Thank you all so much x
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Telling the Family (ficlet)
At one time I was going to write an entire series of how different people react to finding out Elizabeth is running for President but this is the only one I ever finished. I’m cleaning out old files, so here have it. 
“You have to talk to your family you know.”
“Hmmm?” Henry continues to keep his eyes on the book in front of him.
Elizabeth plops down on the other side of the bed, disturbing Henry and causing him to give her an annoyed look. “I’m just saying, you should have a conversation with them.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The campaign,” she responds simply. She settles into bed, pulling the covers up to her waist and grabbing a policy book from the floor.
He stares at her, agape, “Really? You’re just going to throw that out there and leave it to me? Isn’t it a little early to tell them anyway?”
She avoids his gaze and flips open the binder. “Give them some time to process everything, you know Maureen will have thoughts she needs to share. Plus, it’s going to be an invasion of their privacy as well.”
He huffs. “Well shouldn’t you be there when we talk to them then?”
When she doesn’t elaborate further, he tugs her reading material out of her hands. “You’re telling me that you’re ready to face the scrutiny of the entire country but you won’t come with me to talk my family.”
“Yes,” she says blithely. She looks thoughtful, “What do you think the chances are that Maureen votes for me?”
He laughs. “Eh, I’d say about 75%, she’s mellowed out a bit since Dad died. So there you go, another reason to come with me, get some experience stumping for votes with intransigent constituents.”
Mulishly she says, “I don’t wanna.”
“Petulant isn’t a good look on you Elizabeth.”
She side-eyes him. “I’m not being petulant, I’m being realistic, I think the chances are better that she votes for me if I’m not there. Also, you’re lying, you like all my looks.” She laughs and straddles his lap.
He grips her waist and smiles. “You’re right.” He leans forward and blows a raspberry on her neck. “But you are coming with me.”
Two weeks later she is sitting on a couch next to Henry at Maureen’s house. She is bouncing Maria on her knees and the four-year old is squealing in delight. She still doesn’t know how Henry conned her into coming and got it to actually happen. She’s dealing with no less than three separate international incidents that could spiral into crises at any moment, but Henry hadn’t let her use that as an excuse. She’s dragged half the State department with her it feels like, Jay is in DC holding down the fort but she has Blake, Kat, Nina, and Daisy in the motorcade out front and Matt is down the street at a coffee shop feverishly writing a speech.
Henry is tapping his feet next to her. He had been uncharacteristically quiet on the drive here, though that could have been because she spent most of the time on the phone, doing her best to restrain herself from yelling at her entire Bureau of East Asian Affairs. She’s not usually a yeller, so maybe Henry is not the only one nervous about this conversation.
Maureen comes back into the room, balancing a tray of glasses. “I have coffee for everyone, but I’m afraid I only have regular creamer, none of that flavored stuff.” She looks pointedly at Elizabeth as she sets her load down. Elizabeth barely keeps herself from rolling her eyes, she asked for vanilla creamer once, a decade ago, and Maureen still likes to act like it was the height of privilege. The child on her lap is getting restless, so she puts her down and she runs off to play.
After everyone is settled into their seats with their drinks of choice, Maureen breaks the now heavy silence. “So is there a particular reason you gathered us all here? Is one of you dying or do you just like to see your subjects scurry?”
Elizabeth lets out a breath, clearly Maureen is feeling particularly intractable, which does not bode well for this discussion, but she also knows that the other woman mostly gets that way when she’s scared. She responds quickly, “Both of us are fine, as are the kids, they send their love by the way.” It’s almost imperceptible, but Maureen relaxes. “The reason you wanted to talk to everyone, all at once, is because…” she rehearsed twelve different was to say this but she still feels unprepared. Henry reaches over and squeezes her hand.
As if saved by the bell she hears the front door open, and when she looks over Kat and Blake are standing there, wringing their hands. She looks at them expectantly. Kat grimaces, “Apologies all for interrupting,” she focuses her attention on Elizabeth, “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but we just heard back from Chen’s office, he says they’re moving forward with their plans, immediately, they’ve already started..”
Elizabeth interrupts, her face turns murderous, “Get me Chen on SVTC now.” She might yell that last word. She stands up, “I swear, China is going to be begging us to sell Taiwan drones by the time I lay out the alternatives, which reminds me, Blake let Russell know I am 100% behind repositioning the fifth fleet, maybe some military posturing is just what we need, remind them that we have our own array of antiship missiles and that they do not want to get into a damn shooting war with us. Especially over some fucking drones.” She stalks over to the doorway. Kat looks taken aback, Elizabeth rarely curses at work, or ever. She doesn’t even want to look back and see what Henry’s family looks like.
She purposefully softens her tone, though she feels like preventing World War III, for the fifth time this year, merits some coarse language. She gestures towards Blake who is already on the phone, “Tell Russell I think Conrad should call Li. Ask if he wants me on the call.” Blake nods. “And I swear if this is the Assistant Secretary’s fault again, I’m firing her, I don’t care whose niece she is.” She slams the front door behind her.
Henry stares at the closed door for a moment, and sends up a quick prayer for peace, both for the world and in his family. He turns back towards his family, who look a little aghast. He’s not surprised, Elizabeth has done her best to not talk about work around them, and she definitely never lets her temper show like that. He smiles in what he hopes is a disarming way. “So, that might take a bit, so why don’t we talk about something else? Shane, how’s the new job going?”
Shane starts to respond, but Maureen stops him, “I’m not going to wait around while Elizabeth is off starting wars, so just tell us whatever it is you wanted to tell us Henry and then you can both gallivant back to DC.” Maureen’s husband squeezes her shoulder in support and Erin and Shane are purposefully avoiding his gaze so he imagines that he isn’t going to be able to put this off until Elizabeth gets back.
“This is really more her thing than mine, so it would be best if she could tell you.” Maureen glares at him. “Okay, okay, we just wanted to talk to you guys about some changes in our life, changes that might effect you, though we’ll do our best to prevent that.” They all shift nervously. “Well you’ve probably heard the rumors and speculation, but we wanted to let you know it’s true, Elizabeth has decided to run. She won’t be announcing for a while yet, we’re thinking in about four months, but we wanted to let you know now.”
They stare at him blankly, until Erin asks, uncertainty in her voice, “Run for what?”
He almost laughs, because he forgot for a moment that there is a whole world that doesn’t follow politics obsessively, that doesn’t spend every second enmeshed in world affairs. “President,” he responds simply.
That sends them all atwitter and there’s lots of cross-talk and yelling and accusations. He spends the next 45 minutes fielding questions, from Elizabeth’s position on abortion (he tells them they’ll have to ask her, he’s well aware his wife is ardently pro-choice, but he’s not stepping on that landmine before it’s necessary) to, once the kids wander back in, whether that means they can get free tickets to football games.
Elizabeth slips back in, she looks marginally more relaxed, so he takes that to mean there are no nuclear missiles currently incoming. Maureen spots her first and pins her with a glare. “So I hear you’ve decided you want to be an actual queen.”
Elizabeth moves further into the house and resumes her seat on the couch next to Henry. “Well democratically elected is the plan,” she says lightly and reaches forward to grab her now cold coffee. Maureen guffaws. “And really that’s only if I win, which is still a relative long-shot.”
“Once again you’re only thinking of yourself.” Oddly, Henry notes, Maureen’s voice doesn’t have its usual venom.
Elizabeth takes a sip out of her cup. “I like to think I’m thinking of the greater good, how to ensure a better future for our country and the world. Believe you me this isn’t something I sought out, I never thought I’d do this.” Henry struggles to hide his smile, because Elizabeth sounds exactly like a politician, she doesn’t think she’s ready, but in moments like this he sees it. And if he calls her a politician to her face he won’t have sex for a month.
45 notes · View notes
lunawings · 3 years
Minato’s Birthday PriZoom (8/21/21) commentary/report
Oh geez where to begin. 
I originally intended to do two showings this time (which is one more then usual) but due to a last minute decision based on other poor decisions I ended up doing three which was the most I’ve ever done in a row! My translation of the bonus content is in a separate post.
Not only that but like... it kept putting me in the main screen up at the top too!! Like more than I’ve ever been up there! And I’m sure none of this was intentional, but I also happened to be positioned right next to a couple other people who also knew the traditional cyalume cheering stuff so that was really cool!
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Heck I even made it onto the Mantan Web article apparently!!? (This is an official event photo.) Am I that recognizable even in blurry pixels? (Haha well I guess there’s the background too...)
I put a lot more concentration into my own cheering this time so I wasn’t clicking around to look at the other people in the room as much and thus I have fewer shoutouts to make. 
I happened to catch a guy trying to balance TWO of the giant Shin mochikoros on his shoulders though? 
And there was that guy hula-hooping to Kakeru’s entire performance!!??
And the person whose screen was just a cheering piece of celery. 
The highlight was probably “Kouji’s Kitchen” though. A Kouji cosplayer who spent the entire show actively cooking. 
I really admire the folks who make the actual food for these showings. I’ve been thinking I want to make pudding a la mode (probably the only KinPri food I could actually manage to make) if they do a Taiga showing next year but how would I keep it from melting during the show ahah ha... (Mashed potatoes I suppose?)
In the weeks leading up to the show I’d been wondering if we’d see any Minato cosplayers. I realized I’m not sure if I’ve actually EVER seen one at a showing (PriZoom or otherwise) as he’s not an easy character to do (what with body type and a lot of Kinpri cosplayers being female) but I think I saw at least two! 
This was the first showing where I made an honest attempt to keep the soundboard on, largely because of @takadanobaba’s posts on it, but also just because it’s our STYLISH NEW ABNORMAL (...watch Idol Land PriPara). Ever since they introduced it, traditional cheering has gotten quieter and quieter with long periods of silence except for big moments like Over the Rainbow’s prism jumps. (And what is King of Prism when you’re actually able to hear it.)
So I tried it, really I did. And as I was saying, I can somewhat see the appeal. People are finding ways to use it creatively to bring out that same brand of humor that makes traditional cheering so fun. I turned it on and off during Pride the Hero and the first half of SSS Part 2. The best and worst moment I had with it came during episode 5 however, when Ace kabedon’d Miyo and Joji pulls up in the car.
“But Joji is my star!”
Imagine that but like too fast and too loud for your brain to actually interpret what’s going on.
So that was... that was... that. (Thinking of how it will be at Joji’s actual birthday next month is giving me chills.)
I did turn it back on briefly during Best Ten while Platonic Sword was on. And for some reason I can’t quiiiite comprehend it was a grand chorus of ORE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Okay, okay on to the meat. This showing had the BIGGEST bonus of all. Masashi Igarashi appeared for a “talk show” at two of the showings. 
One of the first things he pointed out was how, unlike traditional theater greetings, he could see all of our faces individually. And then he actually clicked through all of our video feeds and made comments!!!! (Tatsuyuki Kobayashi didn’t do that.) 
Throughout the first session he actually directly acknowledged me THREE SEPARATE TIMES. The first time was when he recognized that I had S-Pulse Dream Plaza as my background. (The real life location in Shizuoka where Minato saw Kouji for the first time.) The second time was when I pasted a message into the chat about being his American fan and HE ACTUALLY READ IT! The third time was during the All Stars Playback when they put me on the screen and he thanked me in the chat again for putting up Dream Plaza. 
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I’m really happy I put in the effort to do a meaningful background! 
All of a sudden I’m inspired to do more for each character. It was years before King of Prism existed, but I did go to Okayama once. I’m thinking I might need to sort through some old photos before Joji’s showing.
Masashi-san didn’t really seem to have anything planned out to say. He just kinda played off us when he could and rambled for a while about how great Minato and King of Prism is and all that. I think he’s a bit better when he has someone else to play off of. (Junta usually ends up being his straight man.) I don’t even know if he knew what he was saying half the time hahah.
The part that really stuck with me though was when he was talking about how there was such a large concentration of Minato fans here, but then he corrected himself as that’s not necessarily true since King of Prism fans cheer for everyone. So instead of camps for certain characters, he suggested we should do “club activities” as a fandom and since so many people brought vegetables to the showing we were the vegetable club. 
This was followed by a rush of puns in the chat like VegetaBU (”bu” is Japanese for club). 
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Another official photo from Mantan web. I love it when they show the “behind the scenes”. 
I didn’t realize the second session of the greeting would be starting at the beginning of the next showing, even though that is how they usually do it for theater greetings (so the voice actor doesn’t have to wait around through another movie). It’s kind of odd that they had two different sessions actually, since pretty much everyone had the opportunity to do both as the tickets didn’t come close to selling out. But more money for them either way I guess. He actually changed shirts in between hahah. (From one Minato shirt to another.)
But anyway, when he suddenly came up on the screen again I was actually in the middle of trying to change the batteries in my cyalumes ahahah. And it put me up top of the main screen AGAIN! I kinda wanted to switch my camera off so someone else could get a chance but I didn’t want to seem rude for disappearing either!!!
Eventually I did turn my camera off, giving up my space, because my cyalume blades were all DYING from having been on CONSTANTLY since the beginning of Pride the Hero and I didn’t want it to seem like I was checking my phone or something while I was changing the batteries. (One of them ended up cutting out during Best Ten anyway because in my mad scramble to change the batteries I guess I put the old ones back in haha.) That felt like the right decision since I crashed and burned pretty hard during the middle of Best Ten. (Cheering fatigue is rare for me but I was pushing 24 hours being awake at this point...) I also sure heck didn’t want to be up there during Love Graffiti BUT I didn’t do as bad as I thought. The drills I did without the video before the showing paid off! I’m so happy I’m finally learning it after all this time. Take THAT two year depression spiral.
Although this showing was lively, I have to admit it didn’t quite meet my overinflated expectations, though. I don’t think either room broke 200 people at any point during the showing. I could have sworn at least ONE showing I went to in the past did... I think the Shin/Louis one maybe... but looking through my past posts I can’t find a mention of it. ...Wait, even if that’s true I guess it doesn’t count since we only had one room back them. Mmmrhghg. 
I do have pretty high hopes for the next few months though because Joji and Hiro are EXTREMELY popular characters. 
So you. YES YOU! The person who somehow read this entire post and is now somewhat regretting skipping out on this one. YOU CAN DO IT! I’ll see you are the next one right? RIGHT?? OKAY!! 
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