#(very mildly)
doomreed · 2 months
I've never expressed it here, to the best of my knowledge, but my family was Sinti Romani. Originally Jewish, but mostly secular by my grandmother's generation--we came here from Germany between the first and second world wars and the branch that stayed behind didn't survive. This is something I've been coming to terms with throughout my life, growing up American Romani is very isolating and I turned to my older brother's comics to sort of cope with those feelings.
Doctor Doom being a Romani character and something of an anti-hero, it spoke to me immediately. I understood he wasn't a "good guy," but to non-Romani, none of us were anyway, so that aspect never bothered me. Victor was fearless and unashamed of his origins, he was brilliant and capable and as a kid who struggled with anxiety and poor health, kind of inspiring to me, on some level?
Being Roma is as central to Victor’s character as being Jewish is to Magneto's. To disregard that for a blatant cash grab, like... my expectations from the MCU were already low, but they somehow went even lower.
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I’m sorry (I’m not), but if you hate Sam Winchester, get out of Supernatural.
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He doesn’t have to be someone’s favoutire, and people don’t need to LOVE him, but if someone HATES him (especially if they do so while loving Castiel), it is a huge red flag for me.
EDITED TO ADD: the same goes for HATING Dean, but i don’t see that nearly as often (I won’t bother to mention why).
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doodlemelody · 9 months
HI. so. my post from yesterday . about this :)
cotl sins of the flesh thing.
an ancient ritual is about to be performed for spring season
Words: 3,039 | all lowercase, suggestive, gore-ish? kind of. narinder talks about wanting the lamb to eat his heart raw, theres mention of pregnancy bc lamb is AFAB.
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@nightmarecountry sent: ❝  may i please touch you now?  ❞ [ @ hob. who the fuck knows.]
Hob sits back in his chair and hums an exaggerated sound of thought as he considers the nightmare before him. How they've ended up here, he'll never know, but he's hardly complaining. Perhaps it is a dream, Dream pitting them against each other if only to make a point about what he has to put up with. Perhaps it is real, and Hob has lost what little sense he had managed to retain over the centuries. Whatever the reason, he's enormously pleased with the outcome. He rests left ankle on right knee and takes a sip of his whiskey, maintaining approximate eye-contact with the nightmare the whole while. "No. You can touch yourself if you're that desperate and have that little self-control, but you're not to make a mess."
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I do???
yippeeee!! My tubbo doesn’t do that anymore so excitementtt!!!!
Yours doesn’t???? 😧😧😧 mine gives me SO many kisses. And other things. But we’re talking about KISSES and he gives me so many kisses‼️‼️
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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As much as I love angst I think it would be funny if he just didnt give af
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romijuli · 1 year
It’s not that I don’t LIKE the Fandom Popular Pairings, it’s that I find the assumption that everyone ships them and the general all-consuming nature of said pairings to be kinda exhausting,
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citrine-elephant · 1 year
100% evil but i enjoyed leon getting his ass kicked over and over again. poor babygirl. sweet darling.
the moaning was a little uncomfortable tho, being very bad at health management and all.
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pepsicandle · 5 months
yes asexuals can fuck but we need to not forget that allos can possibly not fuck ? entirely too many times I hear people saying "lol you're probably ace" to people that are literally just celibate . like guys . please . stop acting like the asexual = no sex i thought we were far past that guys
theres so many reasons to be celibate from religious to health (both physical and mental) and all the way to just not wanting to and it can very much have nothing to do with attraction
(not to mention it feels weird to see as a celibate aroallo but that's a separate topic)
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anqelbean · 3 months
I love Shen Yuan, but we need to talk about his constant need to solve all his problems by killing himself. Cang Qiong Mountain is under Siege by demons and he gets poisoned? What If I Killed Myself And Took Down The Enemy With Me. The protagonist is losing his mind to Xin Mo in the middle of Hua Yue City? What If I Killed Myself And Overpowered Xin Mo. The protagonist is losing his mind to Xin Mo on Maigu Ridge? What If I—
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valtsv · 5 months
New road sign just dropped (courtesy of my unconscious mind)
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this is a road sign that i would extend my commute to drive by
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queerofthedagger · 5 months
the thing i feel people don't really take enough into account when it comes to arthur's supposed obliviousness regarding merlin's magic is that merlin is the absolute opposite of what arthur has been raised to believe sorcerers to be. merlin is clumsy and kind and - in the earlier seasons - like walking sunshine. he so obviously has negative desire for actual power, nor any respect for it, and while arthur absolutely knows that merlin isn't stupid, he 100% is an idiot.
and it's not stupid or ignorant on his part! people just do this, whenever they are taught someone who does or believes a certain thing is inherently evil! it's never the friendly guy next door who snacks half of your breakfast and then just grins when you complain, obviously not! arthur trusts merlin even early on, and beyond belief later on. of course merlin can basically do magic in front of him, because there is no part of arthur that actually thinks someone like merlin could have magic. you don't see what you're 100% convinced can't be there. if he ever got there, his already brittle construct of indoctrination and supposed repeated confirmation of said construct would crumble immediately! as it does in dotd after like, a day. it only doesn't in regards to morgana because as far as arthur is concerned, the moment she started using magic she became the cold and ruthless enemy he still couldn't bring himself to actually pursue! like.
it's very easy to think it's startingly oblivious, but one thing i really wish people would keep in mind a little more is that the viewer watches from a different point of view, and operates with a whole other set of information. that arthur operates under a certain worldview in an environment that does not teach to question it at all, and gives little opportunity to do so. it's actually wild arthur questions uther's teachings as often as he does, and considering that every time he does, they, to his knowledge, just get confirmed again (nimueh, morgause, morgana, uther's death, and so on and so forth), it's even wilder that he keeps doing it
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@unheardmuses sent: [cuddle] : a gentle cuddle between our muses turns sexual [ hob @ dream. he's a simple man and kissing gets him RILED.]
Dream has decided that making out on Hob's rather comfortable sofa is a rather nice way to pass an hour or two. Hob is so warm that Dream will never complain about being allowed to be pressed up against him; he often wriggles closer, hooks his limbs around him to pull Hob as close as they can possibly get. He is the only being in the Waking or the Dreaming that he will tolerate being this close to him. So it's impossible not to feel Hob's... situation. Dream pulls back from their kiss and smiles, rolling his hips up just once, nice and slowly. "I am flattered, Robert," he says, all gravel and amusement. "Would you like to move this to the bedroom?"
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hinamie · 4 months
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second years designs :D only have a few more characters left to do this has gone so quick ,,
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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starlightseraph · 26 days
@netflix @netflix @netflix
i’m so fucking done like what the fuck fuck fucking fuck. i was mad about 1899, because dark was so good and i wanted more from the creators. i was saddened by i am not ok with this, because i loved the characters and wanted to finish the story. i was devastated by the oa, because it was such a beautiful show and i needed to know what happened next.
but this is too fucking much. GUYS. the sandman universe is going, it’s getting more episodes and expanding. dbd made it to the top 3, that alone should automatically get it renewed. dbd is honestly one of my absolute favourite shows of all time. it’s funny and complex and has some of the best queer rep ever, it deals with important themes and has loveable characters and a beautifully realised world.
PLEASE, i beg of anyone who sees this, whether they’re a fan of dbd or not, to BLAST netflix in any way you can. tag them, message them, write to them en masse. like i’m so serious. literally write a letter by hand or print it out, and physically send it to netflix headquarters.
fucking do it, please. we cannot lose this lovely and beautiful and witty show. maybe, though the chances are slim and there are probably legal challenges, it can be picked up again by max, which was what originally produced the show anyways.
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@netflix @netflix @netflix
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