#(which then gets pushed onto other people's spaces where they're just trying to mind their own business)
clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
Hi there! So i hope you dont mind me requesting the BB league elite four members + Kieran with a disabled reader who used to be a former BB league elite four member themself (Romantic for Drayton and platonic for the others)
So basically, the reader used to be the fifth ranked member of BB league elite four but after Kieran became the BB league champion, they lost their rank to Crispin and now is the sixth ranked member. Though, they dont have any hard feelings and still see the elite four members as their friends
the reader had an accident when they were younger and now uses a wheelchair to move around. They have a gardevoir who they raised since she was a ralts and now helps her trainer with stuff (so maybe there’s something the reader needs but it’s on the top shelf, Gardevoir will then just use psychic and bring it down for them or maybe the reader wanted to try walking with a cane, if the reader fall, Gardevoir will catch them with psychic) and a Hisuian Braviary to help them get to places in the terrarium (if some hisuian pokemon still exist in this generation, who’s to say that Hisuian Braviary still exist as well)
With permission from the director, Gardevoir was allowed out of her ball to help the reader which then leads to a misconception where people think the reader is a psychic type trainer due to Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary, when in fact they’re not. They are actually a ghost type trainer but they never bother to clear the misconception bc its funny to see people’s faces when people see their ghost type team.
Hope you have a lovely day/night btw!
- 🪷 anon
Oooh in regards to Hisuian Pokemon, I have a hc that they are extremely rare and got isekai'd to the present via space-time distortion bubbles (like opposite of how Porygon and Johtonian Sneasel were transported to Hisui)
Anyways these hcs sorta took off on their own haha, so they're under the cut!
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Despite being wheelchair-bound for most of your life, that never stopped you from joining the BB Elite Four and becoming the fifth ranked member practically overnight.
Around that time, you and Drayton were dating, and during his champion days, he always tried to make time for you and put his duties on the backburner.
He knows you value your independence and will only help you out with stuff if asked.
But usually it's your two psychic types that assist you. They don't battle much, but rather work as your medical support Pokémon.
Gardevoir, a sweet lass you've raised since she was a Ralts, uses Psychic to retrieve things for you that are just a little out of your reach in the store.
One good days, you could walk around with a cane...but if they turn bad (ie your chronic pain acts up) she'll use Heal Pulse as a temporary remedy.
She also pushes your chair around in case your arms get tired, taking you around to accessible spots.
Director Cyrano gave you permission to let her stay outside her pokeball 24/7 so she can properly work.
You also have a Hisuian Braviary--who literally travelled across time and space to meet you--that flies you around the Terarium, letting you climb on their back while their talons securely hold onto your folded chair.
With those two often out and about, there's a common misconception about you being the Elite Four's psychic specialist...when in reality you have a ghost type team.
Many challengers find that out the hard way when they clear your trial and send their ghosts against you....only for you to reveal your own ghostly duo that hit back twice as hard.
Drayton loves watching your matches from the sidelines and laughs every time he sees their shocked faces.
He even proposed an idea that your team should remain a mystery up until the moment of battle.
All is well until Kieran comes along and dethrones him, which demotes you to the sixth ranking member..while Crispin takes your spot.
It wasn't exactly a position you liked, since it's on the cusp of disqualifying you as an elite member.
But you weren't mad at anybody over this...if anything you had to make sure Drayton didn't get too mad at Kieran.
Eventually, though, he learns that he could spend more time with you and has less responsibilities on his plate (ofc he's still petty, as we all know during Indigo Disk).
Despite his lax personality, he wants to do all he can to support you and defend you from harassment.
This man would definitely find excuses to carry you around.
"Oh why don't cha give your Pokémon a break and let me help you over here?" He suggests and you end up accepting his offer, letting him carry you from your wheelchair to the sofa in the club room...which is literally five feet away.
Still, you let him do what he wants.
Plus getting to cuddle is a nice bonus.
You once knew him as this sweet shy kid who used to be scared of your Hisuian Braviary, always asking if they're gonna hypnotize him.
"No, Kiki..they just help me get around places."
"...a-are you sure? Because they're starin' at me kinda weird.."
"That's how they normally are."
Plus he (like many students) falsely believed you had a psychic team when you're actually the Elite Four's ghost-type specialist.
He admired that "element of surprise" you brought to the table and dreamed of the day he could challenge you himself.
But one trip to his hometown and back later...he's suddenly the Champion, a shell of his former self, who only sees Pokémon as tools for battle.
You wonder what happened to him, although apparently he had a bad falling out with some exchange student and took his angst out on everyone at BBA.
Getting you knocked down to the sixth rank was something he never really apologized for.
Despite that, he didn't tolerate people who talked shit about you, your ranking, your medical condition, or why your Pokémon get to roam more freely than their own.
"At least [y/n] is still out there training their team every day. At least they're turning their hardships into strength. What's your excuse?"
"I-I didn't mean any offense, Kieran! Listen, I'll apologize to them and-"
"Oh, you will...after we have a battle so I can assess your strength. No potions. No moves that boost attack, speed, or defense. If you lose, you resign. You have one hour to prepare."
Sometimes, you're not sure if he's genuinely looking out for you...or if he just wanted an excuse to bully club members around.
While he's aware that Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary are mainly your medical support 'mons, he still thinks they can always try out battling.
"They could be the ones who help you climb the ranks again [y/n]. Surely you're tired of being in last place, aren't you?"
Yet the advice he believes is helpful is usually unwarranted half the time.
You could just be casually talking to a friend about how your opponent out-sped you and/or used Light Screen/Reflect...
Only for Kieran to barge into the conversation with "well maybe you should've taught Braviary Tailwind/Defog..but I guess you don't have the time for that" or something passive-aggressive that just makes you both uncomfortable.
Your psychic types are honestly annoyed by his new attitude..and you're just disheartened by how he acts around Drayton now.
You and him dating never bothered Kieran before, but now he just glares at your bf 24/7 and scoffs loudly if you're talking about anything except battling.
Despite everything, you knew he was going through something difficult, so you tried not to take his words to heart. You still saw him as a friend.
Someone who was just misguided in his ambitions.
After his humbling defeat and adventure into Area Zero, he comes back with extreme guilt, with you being the first elite member he apologizes to.
He especially feels shitty for distracting your psychic types from doing their jobs properly with his constant nagging to battle them.
But you forgive him, thanking him properly for all the times he's stood up for you.
And you do end up taking some of his unsolicited advice.
You invite him to a friendly double-battle when he returns from break and brought out Braviary and Gardevoir, using Tailwind and terastalizing one of them into a ghost type.
It turns out that whenever they're not working, they battle in perfect sync.
In the beginning, this chef boi wondered how your two psychic types help you with your daily life, and you just explain everything as simply as you could to him during a picnic.
"So Gardevoir pushes me around, retrieves stuff I can't reach, and helps me manage my pain. Braviary just flies me around the Terarium....any questions?"
"Just one......do you use Braviary because the taxis here don't accommodate your wheelchair?" He assumes, already starting to fume. "How outrageous! That's not-!"
"Calm down, Crispy..they do. I'm just saying that I'd rather fly with Brave most of the time. It's not only convenient, but more fun for me."
"...o-oh, right. Sorry for getting all fire-up back there.." He gushes.
After learning how hard they work, he absolutely wants to make sure they're fed well everyday! Snacks alone won't sustain them. He knows this for sure.
So he's always cooking them up something, often wanting their opinion on the meals and sandwiches: are they too spicy or not spicy enough?
The same goes for your ghost types, too (especially if you have a Chandelure, Ceruledge, and/or Skeledirge on your team).
But after Kieran becomes the new champion and Crispin takes your rung on the League's ladder..he feels really awful and constantly apologizes for pretty much replacing you.
He should feel good about climbing closer to the top, but he doesn't, as he cried over the possibility of you hating him forever or resigning from the club because of him.
When you confronted him, he tried blaming the onions.
But your Gardevoir--one of the most emotionally-intuitive Pokémon out there--saw through his lie, and you had to reassure him he was still your friend.
You kept telling him you weren't mad....until you almost got mad fr because he wouldn't stop asking if you were 100% sure of that.
To prove it you, your psychic pokemon, and your ghost team all split one of the spiciest sandwiches he's ever made.
By the time it was finished, you were convinced you just learned the move Flamethrower.
Yet seeing that bright smile return to Crispin's face made it worth the agony.
She loves hearing that you have a Gardevoir (or just cute ghost Pokémon in general).
If you have a Mimikyuu on your team, that's a plus in her book.
But regardless, she's the first to give you a warm welcome into the Elite Four, explaining the criteria and tests you had to pass in order to be accepted as a member.
Yet even outside of battle, she quickly discovers that your ghosts are still mischievous at best--always playing pranks on her fairies with moves like Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak, Astonish, and Poltergeist.
Ofc they never mean any harm, but when she hears Whimsicott squeal in fright, she's quick to come to its rescue and scold the perpetrator.
If you have a Gengar, it just laughs and mocks them both until it hears you roll up like "that wasn't very nice, y'know...apologize to Lacey and Whimsicott right now, please".
Even if it's a little defiant, a glare from Gardevoir or Hisuian Braviary is enough to make it relent and apologize.
Speaking of whom, seeing an ancient variant of Braviary did frighten Lacey upon first meeting them (especially with their hypnotic-looking faux flaming "eyes").
But over time she grows to like them, seeing how obedient and gentle they are with helping you get you around the Terarium.
If you have any decal on your chair, she'll suggest adding a few more things to make it "cuter". Like stickers of fairy types or a soft pillow for your back.
When you get demoted to the sixth rank in the League, she bought you those exact things to cheer you up, feeling bad that things turned out the way they did
But you expressed zero grudges towards anyone and appreciated her kindness.
Her Granbull always offers his tummy to you should you wanna rest somewhere--even though this makes Braviary a little jealous bc they're supposed to be your favorite resting spot.
Their rivalry is amusing, but Gardevoir often has to come to her fellow psychic type's rescue.
Meanwhile you're just sitting back and snickering at their banter, while poor Lacey begs you not to encourage this behavior.
When you both first met, you found her personality rather off-putting, assuming she was doubting your capabilities of being an Elite Four Member despite passing all the tests.
She never seemed happy for you, her face always blank.
Growing up, a lot of people have pitied you, given you odd stares, or thought you would've given up being a Pokémon trainer...and some even asked outright insensitive questions about what happened to you--and seeing how Amarys acted kinda brought some of those ugly memories back to the forefront.
But once she realizes this, she apologizes straightaway for giving you such a bad impression, clarifying that she fully believes in your battling abilities.
Since then, you've formed a better friendship with her.
She asks you respectful questions about your wheelchair (ie if it's made from any strong alloys, how well it gets you around the Terarium's biomes, etc.) and how Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary aid you in your daily life and listens well.
Learning that you actually battle with ghost types despite the misconception circulating around the school wasn't too surprising.
If anything, Amarys believes that was quite strategic on your part.
It's no wonder you have a lot of victories under your belt.
Even after getting demoted to the sixth rank, she's impressed you're still able to bounce back from such defeat..and that you didn't hold it against Kieran or anybody.
She believes he could learn a lesson or two from you and not take his loss against Florian/Juliana so hard...but knows that's not her place to speak.
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squirmifyoulike · 5 months
Imagining a scenario where a kingdom has to sacrifice one person to a dragon every month to keep said dragon from torching the kingdom.
The dragon's request is simple; bring one person to their lair, and strip them of all their clothes and possessions. They won't be needing them anymore, especially after the dragon is done with them~
Each month with the dragon is tough. If you're lucky, the dragon will make quick work of you and swallow you down quickly. But if you're unlucky?
Well... In that case... The dragon will tease and taunt. ("I only get you morsels once a month, you know. Don't be so upset; let me have my fun!")
They'll do whatever they want to their sacrifice. It's a month of agony for the human, but bliss for the dragon. Their hot tongue often invades their space, licking them greedily and far too often. Their talons often dig into the human's shoulders as the dragon pushes them down onto the ground, and the dragon settles over them, using the human for their own pleasure, not caring for their needs. Some hate it... But other humans end up giving in to the dragon's treatment, accepting that their mind and body belongs to the dragon now. There are many days where the dragon gestures to different parts of themselves - their plush belly, their thick tail, or their haunches - and teasingly ask the human where they think they'll end up by the time the dragon is done with them.
And, of course, that fateful day comes. Some people scream and cry for mercy; others just numbly accept their fate. The dragon's jaws close over the human, and once again the tongue invades the human's space, exploring every inch of them... Until the dragon tilts its head back and closes its jaws, sealing the human in darkness. They feel the moment they come into contact with the throat, as their passageway narrows significantly... And soon, with a squeeze and loud gulp, the human has been pulled down into the dragon's throat. They're squeezed tightly by the dragon's muscles, but after a while, they're finally pushed into a large chamber of wrinkly muscle. Almost immediately, their surroundings come to life, with the muscle kneading into their flesh and rubbing acid into them. The process is not a pleasant one... At least, not for the human. The dragon's stomach is uncomfortably hot, and the air in their stomach is horrible and caustic. The acid is unbearable, too, which causes the human inside to scream, and they begin to squirm and writhe, trying to escape the pain that's consumed them.
The dragon, on the other hand, is more relaxed than ever, studying their squirming stomach with a lazy grin. All that effort on the human's part will be fruitless... And at this moment, the only thing on the dragon's mind is this: Where on my body will this squirming lump end up?
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dreamchaserguild · 7 months
We recently backed a project on Kickstarter and I wanted to ramble about that.
(This is not paid promotion and I have no association with the team making this project. This is just me gushing about something I think is cool.)
I grew up playing Heroscape. This game was my childhood. If you don't know what Heroscape is, here you go:
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It was a simple tactical minis tabletop battle game where you make a team of different heroes with their own unique abilities. But what really sold this game was the landscape you could build yourself.
I used to have a table that sat out on our front porch that was filled with Herocape stuff as I constructed and deconstructed and reconstructed my maps.
And I didn't just have the starter set you see above. (Above is actually several starter sets. You don't get quite that many pieces from one box. I'm guessing it's three starter sets since there are six ruins, and Heroscape only came with two.) No. I had the ice set, the volcano set, the castle set, a Marvel set. The second starter set with swampy environment.
Heroscape was an amazing part of my childhood. Then Hasbro let it die.
They tried to revive it in the form of Arena of the Planeswalkers, a knock-off with a flat cardboard battlefield. But it got cancelled after two expansions. They're going to try again, but I have no faith that they'll stick with the Heroscape revival.
Which brings us to SOURCE.
SOURCE is a hex system made by indie-developers who themselves were Heroscape fans and inspired by Heroscape. Rather than connecting at the sides like Heroscape, the SOURCE tiles are held together by edges as you can see here. (I sure hope they don't mind me lifting the images from their kickstarter.)
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A disadvantage to this is that you lose some of the modularity in being able to build in any shape you want. The advantage though is that it allows for terrain to easily be added and removed throughout gameplay.
(They're also working on special grip mats for those who just really want to build in any shape they want without being confined to shapes of the edges.)
And in my opinion, the detail looks way better than Heroscape ever did. Just compare the lava tiles above to Heroscape's:
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There's no contest.
The SOURCE hexes aren't just the same thing in different colors. They're actual works of art.
And I'm not saying this to put Heroscape down. Like I said, it was my childhood and was fantastic for its time.
The game on the Kickstarter, Timestrike, is very similar to Heroscape. But with so much more stacked onto Heroscape's foundation.
Characters have move, range, attack and defense like Heroscape. You have the six-sided dice where three sides are swords and two are shields. Only now there is a special lucky sword and a lucky shield. These aren't relevant for most characters, but some characters will have abilities where they'll gain some bonus on lucky rolls.
If that's not enough, there's also a Contest mechanic where you can push another player's figure. This is great if someone is on a ledge and you want to cause them fall damage, or if you just want to steal the high ground from them to increase your attack.
You can also mine materials, build roads with the materials you mined, and go fishing for buffs. (Literally. You can stand near water and try to fish. If you succeed, you take a card from the fishing deck.)
There are wild monsters you can try to tame. There are even large figures you can mount and ride. See this guy:
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That's a base on his back for you to place a smaller miniature on and ride him around!
The game is centered around not just beating each other, but also fighting a boss called a Sentience with space for three figures on its back.
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(Note: the Gorilla Brute is not part of this first set, and will likely come with a future expansion.)
The sentience takes full advantage of the destructible terrain, leveling any space he lands on.
And they're tossing in solo and co-op rules for people who don't want to fight each other and just want to fight the boss alone, or to team up to fight the boss.
Oh! And it comes with STACKABLE WALLS!
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That's a small thing, but it's a cool thing. (Okay, this is technically a stretch goal for $200,000 that they haven't put on the official Kickstarter, but $200K feels likely to me.)
The creators also seem genuinely committed to making this a reality and keeping it going for a long time, with talk of several expansions in the pipeline, introducing more playable characters, more rideable Brutes, and more bosses which will each have their own abilities and their own solo/co-op modes.
And possibly boats.
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That's a picture of a prototype boat that can fit three figures and will NOT be included in this Kickstarter. But it is planned for a future expansion.
I don't know if the boats will come to fruition. I don't know if they'll look like that when they are released or if they'll look completely different by then since that would be a long way off.
But I appreciate knowing that there are plans to make this a long-term investment. I'm not worried that the creators will give up on SOURCE and Timestrike like Hasbro did Heroscape and Arena of the Planeswalkers.
And it's not just Timestrike. The SOURCE terrain can be purchased on its own and the SOURCE system is intended to be used for a variety of games by different creators. And it's already naturally compatible with Heroscape, Arena of the Planeswalkers, Battletech and other hex-based games.
I am incredibly excited and hopeful for the future of this project!
Here's the Kickstarter for anyone who wants to see more of this.
And here's a video review going over the Timestrike rules and how it plays:
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
.....i hate that you converted me. Fine, you win, may i please request Itward comforting reader? The post about matchmaking(specifically the bit where they get locked up) made me feel. Things.
I just think it would be interesting to see usually laidback and chill reader crumble a little at this. Specifically because i hate hate hate things going out of control when i expect them to be predictable. Outside? Yeah, i cannot control the world, it's not my burden. In a group of people? Well am a part of it only, so i can only do my thing and socialize, not police what they're doing.(althrough i do so.. sometimes.. i just like being reliable..) But in MY LIVING ROOM? Nah, if something unusual is happening i'm stressed. Oh the door is closed? Well fuck, just gonna have to sit here and panic, then rage for a bit and try not to cry. And if its a tight/dark space? OHOOHOOO, a panic attack is waiting!
Itward comforting reader !
Yahoo I'm finally getting to this ehehehe!! Hope you enjoy this!
As for the converting
Evilly smiles
The evil spell has worked (evil spell is my writing and character interpretations)
Also that last bit gave me an idea so this post is gonna tackle two settings, in terms of where you guys get locked up >:)
Side note today today by jack stauber reminds me of itward idk why
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So it may have.. left my mind.. but I forgot that itward can kinda. Teleport. Or at least make little portals, as seen in chapter 1... as well as being able to just vanish as seen when he opens the window for fran in the twins house (not sure if that was him becoming invisible or teleporting, both seem in character)
But let's say, for the sake of plot and perhaps some character stuff... there are rules for his abilities, which can prevent him from using them. Mostly cooldown stuff, which.. wouldnt prevent it much unless hes doing it a lot but.. hush, I dont have many ideas!!
With that said, let's get on with the post!
Assuming you guys are locked in a room within the ship:
At first only you notice the door shutting. Itward doesnt notice it wont open until he goes to exit, only to find you're both stuck. Lets also say this is the only room with one exit; so the chemistry room most likely. Though if it were any of the other rooms, we can assume the second exit is also locked down
Itward would likely think that it's a malfunction of sorts, thanks to the doors not being manual push/pull doors... probably silently curses himself for not thinking about the possibility of a jam
Though, hes very clearly a skilled mechanic and engineer, so hes already thinking of what could be the issue and how to fix it
Probably gets way too sucked in taking off the button panel thing to get into the mechanics and wiring... it's not until he notices you quietly freaking out that he looks over his shoulder to check on you
Oh dear..
Slowly drops the spare tools he keeps on him (I mean.. we DID see him pull a wrench out of no where when he started working on his ship during the fire berry thing... perhaps he keeps them within his bones? Like his rib cage? Like obviously it was just the game trying to save time from hydt having him pull one out rather than animate him picking one up from the ground buuuuut I'm silly)
Quietly asks if youre alright
A silly question, he can admit, hes been around many people and this is no new sight for him..
Barely refrains from putting a hand on your shoulder but stops before he reaches you, afterall hes never seen you like this and he doesnt know if you're okay with touch
Assures you that he will have the door open soon, correctly assumes that that is the issue... I mean, he can understand why it's scary, I mean, to be trapped like that. No one would like that
(Ignore that he did the same to fran, albeit non maliciously)
Refuses to get to work on the door (doesnt even realize hes prolonging the issue) until he can get through to you and help you
Hangs onto every word you say, and delivers anything you need
Need a hug? He will wrap his arms around you, and perhaps even purr. Need reassurance? He'll let you know the door is just jammed and he will fix it soon enough. Need to fill the silence? Itward will rattle on about things to keep it from going wuirt5
As soon as the door is opened he steps out of the way, letting you exit first
Keeps a close eye on you for a few hours after the fact
If you guys get locked in a closet
This one is already way worse thanks to the limited wiggle room as well as the darkness. The only light is coming from itwards eyes, and even then its not a lot
You guys are pressed up against each other, but this little scenario is not at cheesy or romantic... itward can feel your heart beating against him, so he immediately knows something is wrong
How did you guys even end up trapped here?
I dunno :3
It's too tight and cramped to move, so itward trying to force the door open or mess with the button panel is a no go.. really, of all the doors to have a manual door, the broom closet should have been the one to have it..
Honestly I think he tries 1 of 3 things
Force the door open with his strength (can he do that? We know that in terms of his powers hes packs a bit of a punch, he managed to face off remor to buy fran time in chapter 1, but I'm unsure of how strong he is physically)..though hed have to try to twist around to face the door
Knock on the door with his foot to try to get someones attention for help, and perhaps guide them through how to open the door
Or three, try his little teleporting trick and take you with him
Regardless of what option he goes through, he can't deny that theres something wrong with you
Unfortunately of you need a hug he cant, given the limited room.. plus you may feel claustrophobic enough..
Tries to give nervous reassurances as he tries to come up with an idea
Most likely case is the teleporting thing, assuming he has the capabilities of doing so in that moment
But just know as soon as you guys are free hes sitting you down at the table in the main area of his ship and making you a cup of tea
Quietly asks you if everythings alright
Similarly, he keeps a close eye on you for a while after this
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
percy nsfw headcanons
leading up to his relationship with vex [ or any plotted relationships ], i don't think percy had a lot of time to think about sex during his ' i will kill everyone who's ever wronged me ' mission. of course, there were a few drunken fumbles but nothing mind-blowing. i think this partially because where would he have the time? he's a bit prickly, he's not gonna crawl into bed with just anyone. but i also think this because of a throwaway line where percy alludes to vex showing him the ropes [ I'll site it sometime when i find it again ]
i definitely think he's a switch / versatile but he is someone who prefers to be on the submissive end the first few times he's with someone. it's almost analytical, though i definitely think he is some flavor of touch starved / super physically sensitive so it can't quite stay that way. regardless he likes to follow his partner's lead a lot of the time because he can catch onto how they handle him / how to apply it if the roles were reversed if that makes sense?
i bring that up because i think percy is wildly experimental in bed & outside of it. i think he's up for most things, though certain topics may require more patience than others. i think he's spent a lot of his life sticking to smut books & has a repoitore of ideas but is more careful in executing them. fantasy is one thing, but the intimacy of trusting someone with that part of yourself is different... so he definitely likes a defined power dynamic. he likes a bit of planning a bit of discussion if they're doing anything too kinky. not saying that sex is like this every time but he likes to know what to expect while finding different ways to thrill & be thrilled
opinion: i think he would like being tied up. i think it would have to be with someone who he trusts with his life & it would be a very carefully planned out scene but percy is one for extremes. his body reacts extremely to being bound, so why not rewire that extreme reaction to something a bit more thrilling? a bit more fun? there was a conversation i had with someone once where we talked about him rewiring his brain in regards to that negative reaction & reclaiming it for his own which i think is something he would enjoy on several fronts.
man also Definitely makes sex toys. Especially if his partner alludes to liking some sort of sensation he thinks he can replicate. i think he would be mortified to buy any & would prefer they had a personal touch about them.
praise kink praise kink praise kink. giving or recieving. praise kink. someone tell him how good he's doing. let him tell your muse how lovely they look. he will lose his mind, simply
there are also plentyyy of other kinks i won't go into just know that it's more likely he wants to try new ideas than not. he has a few hard limits that he is not interested in but he's pretty immovable on those subjects. a lot of percy's love language is reflecting his partner's needs in whatever way he can & that translates here. i think a lot of the pleasure for him is in mutual satisfaction, he's there to serve whether he's in a more dominant or submissive role.
in regards to kink percy's sub-space can get pretty intense. he's sooooo high-strung most of the time that when he can trust someone to have that sort of control over him, he really commits. there's a bit of him that simply cannot help it when he's in the right hands
man can be a merciless dom given the chance. it's partially why he likes to see what someone likes taking on a dominant role before stepping into it himself. he likes pushing people & things all the way to the edge via whatever kinks & things they've agreed on or he's observed in them. man is wildly experimental & is up for most things, but doesn't expect his partner(s?) to share the sentiment.
aftercare king. he will pamper your muse after they sub for him, given the chance. he'll generally ask what works for them beforehand but he loves working someone out of their subspace through soft touches, snacks, bath time, whatever works for them he will do in excess.
if you ask about his sex life & he doesn't know he might be offended & embarassed. if you're a close friend, he'll probably tell you a bit too blatantly whats happening. it's all or nothing in this regard
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the-modded-inn · 1 year
Okay this is my first time doing this so bare with me.
So the db decides to let their followers stay with them at their house before going on the road again, but they soon decide their is not a lot of rooms for them. So the group decides to pull straws to see which roommate everyone is going to get. How would each Follower react to getting DB as they're partner.
You can add whoever you want. But I would personally like to see Nebarra and Auri if that's alright.
Thanks and Hope your having a great day.
Hi! Thank you so much for requesting!
I hope you have an amazing day too.
Some followers react to being DB's sleeping buddy
-very chill about it, he's had sleep in worse condition then this and the DB is more tolerable then the others.
-since their is only one bed he ends up sleeping on the floor. He doesn't like people touching him
-wakes up stiff and a bit grumpy, the floor was definitely not comfy
Romance-able Nebarra:
-looks very calm but in the inside he's freaking out! My headcanon is this has probably the first person he has an form of romantic attachment.
-asks the DB if they want him to sleep on the floor, mainly it was more him. He low-key sees this as a disease and think that nothing happens it all just go away
-keeps his arms crossed and sleeps very stiffly, trying not to touch DB. He doesn't like people touching him in general but this goes as double because he gets a tiny joint whenever DB touches them.
-very calm, this is something she okay with plus she likes the DB. They respect her and her boundaries and she very thankful of them
-but kindly says that she would like to sleep outside. She still follows the Green pact and frankly just walking into the house was making her physically sick.
-either sleeps in a tree or finds a way onto the roof. She only sleeps on the roof if the DB begs her.
-wakes up feeling refreshed.
Romance-able Auri:
-very happy, she and DB had been flirting for sometime and she figure it was high time that she made the first move
-flirts and teases the DB. It
-asks if they want to sleep on the roof with her. The light from the stars set the mood and she makes the move
-snuggles into them, the night is cold and she uses that to get closer
-does it begrudgingly, she prefers having her own space, Most of her adult life she has slept alone and she prefers it that way.
-she also has terrible nightmares caused from the drugs. She shivers and wails around hitting the DB.
-was probably forced to as all the other follower find her creepy which she understands but can be pretty hurt at times
-probably steals the sheets, she gets terribly cold and has the sugar shakes
Romance-able Morgaine:
-also very happy and a little flustered, like main others she hadn't a life were love was something she could think of. In her mind the DB is her one and only shot if she played her cards right of course
- she snuggles close to them, citing her sugar shakes as the problem and asks the DB if they can cuddle
-as the DB hugs them she couldn't help but let a few tears slip
-it was probably her best sleep in centuries
Bruce Hammar:
-does it begrudgingly and very dismissive, he doesn't really care about anything
-also was probably forced as the other followers think he's an asshole, in fact he has almost gotten into a fight with severall of the follower before.
-ends up pushing the DB out of the bed by accident, he is a very very very big boy and he probably pushed them off by accident.
Romance-able Bhruce Hammar:
- love isn't anything new to him had many flings and loves come and in his very long life
-so he doesn't think much of it when he and the DB sleep in the same bed
-but in the back if his mind he he thinks longingly of a past time. One where he shared his bed once with a human and he can't help but feel nostalgic
-he pulls them on to his front, not in a sexual way but as a kind gesture
-he sleeps better tonight for some reason
Hi guys if you guys would like to request for a part 2 of any headcanons that I have already written please don't hesitate to ask! I love writing for you guys.
Have a great day!
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ghostbustersreborn · 2 years
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❙.      tara sat outside her father's office, working on homework and other things she had to do for school. ❙.
in the corner of her eye she saw the red sprayed on words that read 'venkman burn in hell' on the door of her father's work space.
she couldn't help but laugh. it was cruel yet also comical.
tara could hear the girl from inside go "i don't know. they're just coming to me." she rolled her eyes, knowing what dad was doing.
he'd tell ALL the girls they were right and at the end of the session, he'd convince them to hang at his place. worked like a charm.
she began to wonder if that was how he got her mom pregnant in the first place?
as thoughts of her mom began to cloud her mind. she had a rather tough time focusing on the homework before her.
"dammit. i don't know what to do." she swore under her breath, shutting the binder.
egon had left an hour ago, while ray she had no clue where he was.
egon and ray were big into the supernatural. ghosts, particularly. while, her dad was a total skeptic and went along for the ride just for the hell of it.
"i'm getting a little tired of this!" snapped the boy from inside.
tara shut her eyes, shaking her head.
"dad needs to knock it off." she mumbled.
she grabbed her backpack from the floor, slipping her binder inside. she set it back down as she stood up. she made her way over to the door ready to put a stop to her dad's childish actions.
"you volunteered, didn't you? we're paying you, aren't we?" her father reminded him.
"yeah, but i didn't know you were giving me electric shocks." admitted the boy. "what are you trying to prove here anyway?!"
"i'm studying the effect of negative reinforcement on E.S.P. ability." her father briefly explained to the boy.
"the effect? i'll tell you what the effect is, it's pissing me off!" the boy snapped.
tara winced, not expecting the boy's sudden outburst. she felt a little bad for him.
"well, then, maybe my theory is correct!" venkman snapped.
"you can keep the five bucks. i've had it." the boy grumbled.
tara moved out of the way just as the door to the office swung open.
she watched the boy storm off, mumbling curse words under his breath.
she moved back over to the door, listening in on her father's conversation to the girl.
"you may as well get used to that." he told her.
tara rolled her eyes, knowing where this conversation was leading to..
"it's the kind of resentment that your ability is going to provoke in some people."
"do you think i have it, dr. venkman?" asked the girl.
she could hear the fast shuffling of feet coming her way.
tara made sure to get out of the way of the door again, not wanting to be crushed or pushed to the floor.
"hey, tara!" ray quickly greeted her.
he opened the door to her father's office, not caring if he was busy or not. he clearly needed to tell him something, something big.
tara followed ray inside the office, in which she saw her father kneeling down in front of the girl with his hand set on her shoulder.
she again rolled her eyes.
"this is it." ray announced.
"what is?" tara questioned.
ray turned to her, giving her a smile before turning his attention back onto his coworker.
"this is definitely it!" ray expressed, excitement hinted in his tone.
tara's dad known as peter (cause it's getting annoying referring to him as just her dad) glanced over at her, hoping she had some kind of answer to what ray was rambling on about.
in response, she shrugged.
"will you excuse me for a second?" peter asked the blonde.
he stood up from his crouched position.
"i'm right in the middle of something, ray!" he said through clenched teeth, hitting him over the head.
tara shook her head, scoffing.
"dad, stop being a child. you have a thousand girls coming to your office each week, it's not the end of the world if you don't end up in this one's pants." in which she completely called her dad's "play boy" personality out.
peter shot her a glare to which tara smiled in return.
it was never calm between the two.
peter moved his attention back over to the blonde who had a look of confusion written on her face.
"she was joking." he assured her.
the woman seemed to be calmed by that statement, which took tara by surprise.
'wow, she really is that dumb.' tara thought to herself, before going over to ray who now stood there awkwardly, fumbling with his camera.
"i need a little more time with this subject." he  explained to ray.
"subject? or play-" peter quickly cut his daughter off by smacking his hand over her mouth.
"could you come back in an hour and a-" this time tara cut her father off by licking the palm of his hand.
"tara! what the hell?!" he yelled, retracting his now wet hand.
tara laughed.
peter rolled his eyes before turning his attention back onto ray.
"peter, at 1:40 p.m. at the main branch of the new york public library on fifth avenue, ten people witnessed a free floating, full torso, vaporous apparition. it flew books off of shelves from twenty feet away and scared the socks off of some poor librarian!" ray gushed.
"my brain only picked up on half of what you said, but woah awesome!" tara said in awe.
"i know!" ray agreed with her.
"i'm very excited. i'm very pleased." peter said, void of emotion.
"no you're not, you're just excited to get into another girl's-" "tara, stop it." peter ordered.
tara frowned. "make me."
"i want you to get right down there. check it out, and take tara with you." he dragged tara over in between them.
"no, no." ray shook his head, knowing what peter was doing.
he wanted out of this.
"get right back to me. the two of you. i'll be there in spirit." peter settled.
"no. peter, you're coming with us." ray
informed him. "spengler, went down there. he took PKE valences, went right off the top of the scale. buried the needle." he explained.
tara considered bringing her homework with her to see if egon could help her. then again, she began to wonder if the ghost perhaps could..
"we're close on this one. i can feel it." ray left the room. leaving the girl, the estranged father and daughter in the room all by their lonesome.
peter exchanged eye contact with his daughter and went; "aren't you going too?"
tara scoffed. she walked out, brushing past him before leaving the room.
ray was waiting for her.
"hold on. i want to hear this." tara told him.
she placed her ear up against the door, to get a better listen on what the two had to say to each other. it was going to be totally cheesy!
"i have to go now, jennifer." peter announced to her. "but i'd like to work with you some more. perhaps you could come back this evening, say at..." he trailed off.
"8:00?" the girl took a guess.
whenever her dad brought a girl over, it only meant he'd be kicking tara out for the evening so he could have some alone time.
tara didn't mind it though, she preferred staying at egon or ray's place rather than her own.
"i was just going to say "8:00?"" peter said, mimicking the way the girl said it. "you are a legitimate phenomenon!" he complimented her.
tara began slamming her head against the door, hoping she'd knock herself unconscious from it. 
"what's all that noise?" she could hear jennifer ask.
"oh, nothing! it's just-" the door swung open, almost making tara fall. peter poked his head out "stop it!" he hissed before slamming the door shut "nothing. it's fine." he assured the blonde.
tara kicked the door before grabbing her backpack and making her way over to ray.
"okay, let's go." she said to ray.
peter eventually caught up with them much to tara's dismay. now, they were walking up the steps to the library.
"as a friend, i have to tell you you've finally gone around the bend on this ghost business." peter told ray. "you guys have been running your ass off, meeting and greeting every schizo in the five boroughs who says he's had a paranormal experience."
"why are you such a skeptic?" tara asked her father, curiosity hinted in her voice.
peter stopped in his tracks, taking a look at his daughter. "because, tara there is such things as drugs and when people take drugs they see things that aren't really there."
she scoffed.
"of course, you forgot peter. i was present at an undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration." ray said as they entered the building.
"oh, ray..." peter groaned. "the sponges migrated at a foot and a half." he added as he snuck up on egon who was sat on the floor, busy listening in on something with his stethoscope.
peter knocked on the table, making egon think it was the ghost.
"dad, stop it!" tara hissed, hitting him in the arm.
"egon.." peter said ominously.
peter slammed the book back onto the table, startling his coworker.
egon took off his stethoscope, seeing that it was just peter goofing off.
"hi, egon." tara greeted him.
egon made eye contact with tara, noticing she had on her backpack. he automatically knew her bringing it only meant she needed help on homework.
"i'll help you later." he promised her.
tara nodded. knowing he fulfilled his promises unlike a certain someone...
"what have you got?" ray asked him.
"this is big, peter. this is very big." egon said, describing it the way ray did earlier. "there's definitely something in here."
"egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to a drill a hole through your head, remember that?" peter asked, humorously.
egon shot him a look. "that would've worked, if you hadn't stopped me." he grumbled.
a man in a suit came up to them, standing behind tara.
tara eyed him, before moving herself to stand closer to egon.
"hello. i'm roger delacorte." the stranger introduced himself to the group. "are you the men from the university?" he questioned.
"yes. i'm dr.venkman. dr.stantz. egon and that's my daughter tara." peter said, introducing the group to the man.
"is she uh a doctor too?" roger asked.
tara gave the man a look before peter went in and said "yeah uh no, far from it." in which she gave her father a death stare.
"thank you for coming." roger said, changing the subject.
tara heaved out a sigh, egon glanced over to her to which she faked a smile in order to show she was "okay".
"i hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly." the man hoped.
"let's not rush things. we don't even know what you have yet." peter stated.
the man took them to where a very shaken up librarian was to interview her on what she had witnessed.
she was laid out on a table, describing the situation to the boys.
the woman looked to be in her mid to late sixties. her hair was strewn about, while her expression read fear and her body looked tense.
"i don't remember seeing any legs, but it definitely had arms, because it reached out for me." the woman described.
"arms? i can't wait to get a look at this thing!" ray gushed.
tara giggled, shaking her head.
"alice, i'm going to ask you a couple of standard questions, okay?" peter informed her.
as soon as peter asked his first question, tara knew where this was going. he either thought she was on drugs or schizophrenic or both.
"my uncle thought he was st.jerome." she admitted.
peter shot the boys a look, obviously his mind started to go to drugs.
tara bit her tongue, for once trying hard not to call her father out on his stupidity.
"i'd call that a big "yes"." he said, sounding cocky. "are you habitually using drugs?" tara facepalmed. "stimulants, alcohol?" he further questioned.
"no." the woman denied.
"no. no. just asking." he told her. "are you, alice, menstruating right now?"
"dad?! what the hell?!" she snapped.
"what?! she could be!" peter defended himself.
"that's not something you ask a woman!" tara told him off.
"back off sweetheart, i'm working." he said with a cocky grin.
"that's it." tara said, about ready to go and kick her father's ass until ray grabbed a hold of her pulling her far away from him.
peter smiled and waved, angering tara even more.
she flipped him off. not caring how mean she was being to her father.
to her, he deserved it.
egon and ray were more of dads to her than peter ever was. well, that's what tara thought.
"ray! it's moving. come on." egon announced.
ray set tara back down on her feet before quickly following egon out of the room.
tara glared at her father before going off to find ray and egon.
peter sighed, reluctantly following the three further down into the library.
egon was at the head of the group, holding a device called a PKE that tracked the ghost's whereabouts.
peter lazily trailed behind them, with a look of boredom written on his face.
they went into a random aisle, seeing a tower of books in the middle of the aisle.
"look!" ray pointed out.
egon scanned the books with the PKE, while ray held up his camera.
"this is hot, ray." egon conversed with his fellow coworker.
tara inspected the books, wondering how long it took this ghost to pile all those books for.
"wow. i should do this to barricade my bedroom door next time." she spoke to herself.
"please, don't." peter requested.
tara ignored him, moving herself away from him and closer to egon.
"symmetrical book stacking. just like the philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947." ray commented.
"you're right." peter said. "no human being would stack books like this."
"no, you wouldn't. you're not neat or symmetrical." tara sassed him.
peter shot her a look, before moving on with his friends.
ray stopped. "listen!" he exclaimed.
the group fell silent, trying to listen to whatever ray told them to listen to.
"you smell something?" ray then asked.
tara didn't know how 'listen' and 'you smell something' went together but they WERE the professionals here, so she decided not to question it any further.
egon's meter buzzed as the four slowly inched themselves away from the tower of books.
going into the next aisle. it was an aisle full of filing cabinets, papers were strewn and all of the cabinets were open.
"talk about telekinetic activity. look at this mess!" ray exclaimed.
"raymond, look at this." egon went.
tara followed ray and egon over to an open filing cabinet which had a gooey substance that looked an awful lot like snot dripping from it. 
she closed her eyes, her nose scrunched up in disgust. "oh my god. what is that?" she asked, feeling like she was going to puke.
"ectoplasmic residue!" ray cried, answering tara's question.
tara reopened her eyes. trying her best not to look at the snot like substance.
egon took out a container from his coat, he held it up in peter's direction and went "venkman, get a sample of this."
tara couldn't help but laugh.
"tara, care to do the honors?" peter asked her, taking the container from egon.
tara quickly regretted laughing because she did NOT want to be in contact with that thing!
she shook her head "no" vigorously.
peter smiled. "that's what i thought." he hummed.
"it's the real thing." ray stated, filming it.
peter made his way over to it. "look, somebody blows their nose and you want to keep it?" he questioned.
tara was now stood behind egon, she didn't even want to see it in the corner of her eye.
"i'd like to analyze it." egon answered.
"there's more over here." ray pointed.
"oh no." she whimpered.
"i'm getting stronger readings here." egon commented.
tara stuck by egon, with her eyes screwed shut. she held his hand, making sure she didn't bump into anything or well any of the snot. (🥺🥺)
"this way!" egon called to her father.
tara took one last look at her father, she saw him turn to the books and spread the remaining "snot" left on all of them.
"i hate you." she whispered before quickly following egon and ray into the hall.
peter looked where she once stood, having heard what she said.
"love you too kid, love you too." he muttered before following the group.
"egon, your mucus." peter said, handing him the container.
just as he said that, a book shelf from behind them toppled over.
"holy shit." tara said with widened eyes.
peter gave her a "did you really just say that?" kind of look.
"what?" she snapped.
peter turned to ray and asked "this happen to you before?"
ray shook his head.
"huh. first time?" he assumed.
in which, ray nodded his head yes again.
they walked on in silence, the only sound coming was egon's PKE meter buzzing.
the buzzing noise intensified as they went through a second row of books.
going out into a hallway, the meter hummed steadily now. egon put his hand out, stopping the group from going any further.
egon walked ahead of them, keeping an eye on his PKE meter as it kept buzzing.
the three went over to egon, to which they saw a purple see through ghost across from them reading a book.
tara looked in awe. she couldn't believe it. ghosts really were real!
"it's here." egon announced to them.
"a full-torso apparition, and it's real." ray whispered.
egon nodded. he couldn't believe it either.
peter looked disinterested. just wanting to be done here.
"so, what do we do?" he asked casually.
egon and ray looked to one another, unsure of what to make of their next move. they've never gotten this far.
"could you come over here and talk to me for a second, please?" peter requested.
peter grabbed a hold of ray's ear, repeating his question.
he dragged ray down the hall, with egon following.
tara was stood there, awe struck by the ghost.
"tara, you too! come here." he hissed, snapping for emphasis.
tara huffed, doing as she was told.
"what do we do?" he repeated his question.
"i don't know, what do you think?" ray asked egon.
"maybe try to talk to it or something? treat it like a normal human being." tara suggested.
"a normal human being? tara, it's not even human." peter corrected her.
"you're not normal, but we still treat you fine." tara shrugged.
peter huffed. "i don't have time for this right now. what do we do?" he asked, growing impatient.
"tara's right. we should try to make contact." egon agreed with her.
tara smiled. happy to be right.
"one of us should actually try to speak to it." ray nodded.
"well, since tara suggested it. she should go." peter said, dragging tara out from their hiding spot.
"no." egon declined, dragging her over to him.
"then, who do you want to possibly do it?" peter questioned.
they all looked to him.
peter sighed. he turned around and started making his way towards the ghost.
ray got out his camera, getting ready to film.
the three followed peter out into the hall where the ghost was quietly reading, minding her business.
"hello." peter made himself known to her. "i'm peter."
to which she ignored him.
"where are you from?" he asked her. "originally." he added.
the ghost turned to him, she put her index finger up to her lips and shushed him.
tara snorted.
peter turned to the group, he made his way over to them.
"alright, okay." he said, leading them back to where they were previously. "the usual stuff isn't working."
"okay, i have a plan." ray announced. "i know exactly what to do."
"tara, stay here." egon requested.
she watched them tip toe out into the hall. slowly, making their way over to the reading ghost.
"now, stay close." ray instructed. "stay close. i know, do exactly as i say." he ordered. "get ready."
as they were mere inches from her, ray yelled out "get her!"
to which the ghost turned demonic, letting out a monstrous roar.
the boys screamed, struggling to get away from the demonic ghost.
egon grabbed a hold of tara, throwing her over his shoulder as they made a run for it.
"did you see it? what was it?" asked roger from earlier.
"we'll get back to you!" peter assured him.
"what?!" roger yelled.
tara watched mindlessly as the boys scrambled down the steps running as fast as they could, while people on in confusion.
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muppethollz · 2 years
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❙.      tara sat outside her father's office, working on homework and other things she had to do for school. ❙.
in the corner of her eye she saw the red sprayed on words that read 'venkman burn in hell' on the door of her father's work space.
she couldn't help but laugh. it was cruel yet also comical.
tara could hear the girl from inside go "i don't know. they're just coming to me." she rolled her eyes, knowing what dad was doing.
he'd tell ALL the girls they were right and at the end of the session, he'd convince them to hang at his place. worked like a charm.
she began to wonder if that was how he got her mom pregnant in the first place?
as thoughts of her mom began to cloud her mind. she had a rather tough time focusing on the homework before her.
"dammit. i don't know what to do." she swore under her breath, shutting the binder.
egon had left an hour ago, while ray she had no clue where he was.
egon and ray were big into the supernatural. ghosts, particularly. while, her dad was a total skeptic and went along for the ride just for the hell of it.
"i'm getting a little tired of this!" snapped the boy from inside.
tara shut her eyes, shaking her head.
"dad needs to knock it off." she mumbled.
she grabbed her backpack from the floor, slipping her binder inside. she set it back down as she stood up. she made her way over to the door ready to put a stop to her dad's childish actions.
"you volunteered, didn't you? we're paying you, aren't we?" her father reminded him.
"yeah, but i didn't know you were giving me electric shocks." admitted the boy. "what are you trying to prove here anyway?!"
"i'm studying the effect of negative reinforcement on E.S.P. ability." her father briefly explained to the boy.
"the effect? i'll tell you what the effect is, it's pissing me off!" the boy snapped.
tara winced, not expecting the boy's sudden outburst. she felt a little bad for him.
"well, then, maybe my theory is correct!" venkman snapped.
"you can keep the five bucks. i've had it." the boy grumbled.
tara moved out of the way just as the door to the office swung open.
she watched the boy storm off, mumbling curse words under his breath.
she moved back over to the door, listening in on her father's conversation to the girl.
"you may as well get used to that." he told her.
tara rolled her eyes, knowing where this conversation was leading to..
"it's the kind of resentment that your ability is going to provoke in some people."
"do you think i have it, dr. venkman?" asked the girl.
she could hear the fast shuffling of feet coming her way.
tara made sure to get out of the way of the door again, not wanting to be crushed or pushed to the floor.
"hey, tara!" ray quickly greeted her.
he opened the door to her father's office, not caring if he was busy or not. he clearly needed to tell him something, something big.
tara followed ray inside the office, in which she saw her father kneeling down in front of the girl with his hand set on her shoulder.
she again rolled her eyes.
"this is it." ray announced.
"what is?" tara questioned.
ray turned to her, giving her a smile before turning his attention back onto his coworker.
"this is definitely it!" ray expressed, excitement hinted in his tone.
tara's dad known as peter (cause it's getting annoying referring to him as just her dad) glanced over at her, hoping she had some kind of answer to what ray was rambling on about.
in response, she shrugged.
"will you excuse me for a second?" peter asked the blonde.
he stood up from his crouched position.
"i'm right in the middle of something, ray!" he said through clenched teeth, hitting him over the head.
tara shook her head, scoffing.
"dad, stop being a child. you have a thousand girls coming to your office each week, it's not the end of the world if you don't end up in this one's pants." in which she completely called her dad's "play boy" personality out.
peter shot her a glare to which tara smiled in return.
it was never calm between the two.
peter moved his attention back over to the blonde who had a look of confusion written on her face.
"she was joking." he assured her.
the woman seemed to be calmed by that statement, which took tara by surprise.
'wow, she really is that dumb.' tara thought to herself, before going over to ray who now stood there awkwardly, fumbling with his camera.
"i need a little more time with this subject." he  explained to ray.
"subject? or play-" peter quickly cut his daughter off by smacking his hand over her mouth.
"could you come back in an hour and a-" this time tara cut her father off by licking the palm of his hand.
"tara! what the hell?!" he yelled, retracting his now wet hand.
tara laughed.
peter rolled his eyes before turning his attention back onto ray.
"peter, at 1:40 p.m. at the main branch of the new york public library on fifth avenue, ten people witnessed a free floating, full torso, vaporous apparition. it flew books off of shelves from twenty feet away and scared the socks off of some poor librarian!" ray gushed.
"my brain only picked up on half of what you said, but woah awesome!" tara said in awe.
"i know!" ray agreed with her.
"i'm very excited. i'm very pleased." peter said, void of emotion.
"no you're not, you're just excited to get into another girl's-" "tara, stop it." peter ordered.
tara frowned. "make me."
"i want you to get right down there. check it out, and take tara with you." he dragged tara over in between them.
"no, no." ray shook his head, knowing what peter was doing.
he wanted out of this.
"get right back to me. the two of you. i'll be there in spirit." peter settled.
"no. peter, you're coming with us." ray
informed him. "spengler, went down there. he took PKE valences, went right off the top of the scale. buried the needle." he explained.
tara considered bringing her homework with her to see if egon could help her. then again, she began to wonder if the ghost perhaps could..
"we're close on this one. i can feel it." ray left the room. leaving the girl, the estranged father and daughter in the room all by their lonesome.
peter exchanged eye contact with his daughter and went; "aren't you going too?"
tara scoffed. she walked out, brushing past him before leaving the room.
ray was waiting for her.
"hold on. i want to hear this." tara told him.
she placed her ear up against the door, to get a better listen on what the two had to say to each other. it was going to be totally cheesy!
"i have to go now, jennifer." peter announced to her. "but i'd like to work with you some more. perhaps you could come back this evening, say at..." he trailed off.
"8:00?" the girl took a guess.
whenever her dad brought a girl over, it only meant he'd be kicking tara out for the evening so he could have some alone time.
tara didn't mind it though, she preferred staying at egon or ray's place rather than her own.
"i was just going to say "8:00?"" peter said, mimicking the way the girl said it. "you are a legitimate phenomenon!" he complimented her.
tara began slamming her head against the door, hoping she'd knock herself unconscious from it. 
"what's all that noise?" she could hear jennifer ask.
"oh, nothing! it's just-" the door swung open, almost making tara fall. peter poked his head out "stop it!" he hissed before slamming the door shut "nothing. it's fine." he assured the blonde.
tara kicked the door before grabbing her backpack and making her way over to ray.
"okay, let's go." she said to ray.
peter eventually caught up with them much to tara's dismay. now, they were walking up the steps to the library.
"as a friend, i have to tell you you've finally gone around the bend on this ghost business." peter told ray. "you guys have been running your ass off, meeting and greeting every schizo in the five boroughs who says he's had a paranormal experience."
"why are you such a skeptic?" tara asked her father, curiosity hinted in her voice.
peter stopped in his tracks, taking a look at his daughter. "because, tara there is such things as drugs and when people take drugs they see things that aren't really there."
she scoffed.
"of course, you forgot peter. i was present at an undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration." ray said as they entered the building.
"oh, ray..." peter groaned. "the sponges migrated at a foot and a half." he added as he snuck up on egon who was sat on the floor, busy listening in on something with his stethoscope.
peter knocked on the table, making egon think it was the ghost.
"dad, stop it!" tara hissed, hitting him in the arm.
"egon.." peter said ominously.
peter slammed the book back onto the table, startling his coworker.
egon took off his stethoscope, seeing that it was just peter goofing off.
"hi, egon." tara greeted him.
egon made eye contact with tara, noticing she had on her backpack. he automatically knew her bringing it only meant she needed help on homework.
"i'll help you later." he promised her.
tara nodded. knowing he fulfilled his promises unlike a certain someone...
"what have you got?" ray asked him.
"this is big, peter. this is very big." egon said, describing it the way ray did earlier. "there's definitely something in here."
"egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to a drill a hole through your head, remember that?" peter asked, humorously.
egon shot him a look. "that would've worked, if you hadn't stopped me." he grumbled.
a man in a suit came up to them, standing behind tara.
tara eyed him, before moving herself to stand closer to egon.
"hello. i'm roger delacorte." the stranger introduced himself to the group. "are you the men from the university?" he questioned.
"yes. i'm dr.venkman. dr.stantz. egon and that's my daughter tara." peter said, introducing the group to the man.
"is she uh a doctor too?" roger asked.
tara gave the man a look before peter went in and said "yeah uh no, far from it." in which she gave her father a death stare.
"thank you for coming." roger said, changing the subject.
tara heaved out a sigh, egon glanced over to her to which she faked a smile in order to show she was "okay".
"i hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly." the man hoped.
"let's not rush things. we don't even know what you have yet." peter stated.
the man took them to where a very shaken up librarian was to interview her on what she had witnessed.
she was laid out on a table, describing the situation to the boys.
the woman looked to be in her mid to late sixties. her hair was strewn about, while her expression read fear and her body looked tense.
"i don't remember seeing any legs, but it definitely had arms, because it reached out for me." the woman described.
"arms? i can't wait to get a look at this thing!" ray gushed.
tara giggled, shaking her head.
"alice, i'm going to ask you a couple of standard questions, okay?" peter informed her.
as soon as peter asked his first question, tara knew where this was going. he either thought she was on drugs or schizophrenic or both.
"my uncle thought he was st.jerome." she admitted.
peter shot the boys a look, obviously his mind started to go to drugs.
tara bit her tongue, for once trying hard not to call her father out on his stupidity.
"i'd call that a big "yes"." he said, sounding cocky. "are you habitually using drugs?" tara facepalmed. "stimulants, alcohol?" he further questioned.
"no." the woman denied.
"no. no. just asking." he told her. "are you, alice, menstruating right now?"
"dad?! what the hell?!" she snapped.
"what?! she could be!" peter defended himself.
"that's not something you ask a woman!" tara told him off.
"back off sweetheart, i'm working." he said with a cocky grin.
"that's it." tara said, about ready to go and kick her father's ass until ray grabbed a hold of her pulling her far away from him.
peter smiled and waved, angering tara even more.
she flipped him off. not caring how mean she was being to her father.
to her, he deserved it.
egon and ray were more of dads to her than peter ever was. well, that's what tara thought.
"ray! it's moving. come on." egon announced.
ray set tara back down on her feet before quickly following egon out of the room.
tara glared at her father before going off to find ray and egon.
peter sighed, reluctantly following the three further down into the library.
egon was at the head of the group, holding a device called a PKE that tracked the ghost's whereabouts.
peter lazily trailed behind them, with a look of boredom written on his face.
they went into a random aisle, seeing a tower of books in the middle of the aisle.
"look!" ray pointed out.
egon scanned the books with the PKE, while ray held up his camera.
"this is hot, ray." egon conversed with his fellow coworker.
tara inspected the books, wondering how long it took this ghost to pile all those books for.
"wow. i should do this to barricade my bedroom door next time." she spoke to herself.
"please, don't." peter requested.
tara ignored him, moving herself away from him and closer to egon.
"symmetrical book stacking. just like the philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947." ray commented.
"you're right." peter said. "no human being would stack books like this."
"no, you wouldn't. you're not neat or symmetrical." tara sassed him.
peter shot her a look, before moving on with his friends.
ray stopped. "listen!" he exclaimed.
the group fell silent, trying to listen to whatever ray told them to listen to.
"you smell something?" ray then asked.
tara didn't know how 'listen' and 'you smell something' went together but they WERE the professionals here, so she decided not to question it any further.
egon's meter buzzed as the four slowly inched themselves away from the tower of books.
going into the next aisle. it was an aisle full of filing cabinets, papers were strewn and all of the cabinets were open.
"talk about telekinetic activity. look at this mess!" ray exclaimed.
"raymond, look at this." egon went.
tara followed ray and egon over to an open filing cabinet which had a gooey substance that looked an awful lot like snot dripping from it. 
she closed her eyes, her nose scrunched up in disgust. "oh my god. what is that?" she asked, feeling like she was going to puke.
"ectoplasmic residue!" ray cried, answering tara's question.
tara reopened her eyes. trying her best not to look at the snot like substance.
egon took out a container from his coat, he held it up in peter's direction and went "venkman, get a sample of this."
tara couldn't help but laugh.
"tara, care to do the honors?" peter asked her, taking the container from egon.
tara quickly regretted laughing because she did NOT want to be in contact with that thing!
she shook her head "no" vigorously.
peter smiled. "that's what i thought." he hummed.
"it's the real thing." ray stated, filming it.
peter made his way over to it. "look, somebody blows their nose and you want to keep it?" he questioned.
tara was now stood behind egon, she didn't even want to see it in the corner of her eye.
"i'd like to analyze it." egon answered.
"there's more over here." ray pointed.
"oh no." she whimpered.
"i'm getting stronger readings here." egon commented.
tara stuck by egon, with her eyes screwed shut. she held his hand, making sure she didn't bump into anything or well any of the snot. (🥺🥺)
"this way!" egon called to her father.
tara took one last look at her father, she saw him turn to the books and spread the remaining "snot" left on all of them.
"i hate you." she whispered before quickly following egon and ray into the hall.
peter looked where she once stood, having heard what she said.
"love you too kid, love you too." he muttered before following the group.
"egon, your mucus." peter said, handing him the container.
just as he said that, a book shelf from behind them toppled over.
"holy shit." tara said with widened eyes.
peter gave her a "did you really just say that?" kind of look.
"what?" she snapped.
peter turned to ray and asked "this happen to you before?"
ray shook his head.
"huh. first time?" he assumed.
in which, ray nodded his head yes again.
they walked on in silence, the only sound coming was egon's PKE meter buzzing.
the buzzing noise intensified as they went through a second row of books.
going out into a hallway, the meter hummed steadily now. egon put his hand out, stopping the group from going any further.
egon walked ahead of them, keeping an eye on his PKE meter as it kept buzzing.
the three went over to egon, to which they saw a purple see through ghost across from them reading a book.
tara looked in awe. she couldn't believe it. ghosts really were real!
"it's here." egon announced to them.
"a full-torso apparition, and it's real." ray whispered.
egon nodded. he couldn't believe it either.
peter looked disinterested. just wanting to be done here.
"so, what do we do?" he asked casually.
egon and ray looked to one another, unsure of what to make of their next move. they've never gotten this far.
"could you come over here and talk to me for a second, please?" peter requested.
peter grabbed a hold of ray's ear, repeating his question.
he dragged ray down the hall, with egon following.
tara was stood there, awe struck by the ghost.
"tara, you too! come here." he hissed, snapping for emphasis.
tara huffed, doing as she was told.
"what do we do?" he repeated his question.
"i don't know, what do you think?" ray asked egon.
"maybe try to talk to it or something? treat it like a normal human being." tara suggested.
"a normal human being? tara, it's not even human." peter corrected her.
"you're not normal, but we still treat you fine." tara shrugged.
peter huffed. "i don't have time for this right now. what do we do?" he asked, growing impatient.
"tara's right. we should try to make contact." egon agreed with her.
tara smiled. happy to be right.
"one of us should actually try to speak to it." ray nodded.
"well, since tara suggested it. she should go." peter said, dragging tara out from their hiding spot.
"no." egon declined, dragging her over to him.
"then, who do you want to possibly do it?" peter questioned.
they all looked to him.
peter sighed. he turned around and started making his way towards the ghost.
ray got out his camera, getting ready to film.
the three followed peter out into the hall where the ghost was quietly reading, minding her business.
"hello." peter made himself known to her. "i'm peter."
to which she ignored him.
"where are you from?" he asked her. "originally." he added.
the ghost turned to him, she put her index finger up to her lips and shushed him.
tara snorted.
peter turned to the group, he made his way over to them.
"alright, okay." he said, leading them back to where they were previously. "the usual stuff isn't working."
"okay, i have a plan." ray announced. "i know exactly what to do."
"tara, stay here." egon requested.
she watched them tip toe out into the hall. slowly, making their way over to the reading ghost.
"now, stay close." ray instructed. "stay close. i know, do exactly as i say." he ordered. "get ready."
as they were mere inches from her, ray yelled out "get her!"
to which the ghost turned demonic, letting out a monstrous roar.
the boys screamed, struggling to get away from the demonic ghost.
egon grabbed a hold of tara, throwing her over his shoulder as they made a run for it.
"did you see it? what was it?" asked roger from earlier.
"we'll get back to you!" peter assured him.
"what?!" roger yelled.
tara watched mindlessly as the boys scrambled down the steps running as fast as they could, while people on in confusion.
0 notes
I was wondering if I could request a scenario where the reader goes to Childe and Diluc (perhaps Albedo and Zhongli too?) to get protection from some creepy people following them. The reader isn't dating the character but claims that they are just to try to get them away, like they're very nervous and trust the character to protect them/go along. But perhaps there has been mutual pinning between the reader and character, and after everything maybe there's some sort of confession?
can you help?
gosh, love these scenarios so much! 
Warning -> reader is being stalked/followed by someone, kissing, touching, threatening actions
Character X GN Reader | Anthology  
Includes: Childe, Diluc
The hair stood on the back of your neck as you looked around the corner. You had just lost them, or so you thought and were hoping they wouldn’t find you peeking from behind the building. They had been following you for some time now and nothing you did shook them. 
You had tried everything, walking through the shops, passing through a busy part of town, starting conversations with random people, but nothing seemed to deter them from following you. 
Something across the way caught your eye and when you focused on it you saw Childe leaning against a pillar, his arms crossed and smile wickedly charming. You waved him over and he did the same to you. Frustrated, you point at him and point at the space at your side. He laughed and strutted over to you, leaning on the corner of the building and resting his hand on his hip. 
“Hey, something on your… Woah!” Childe’s body collides against your own and you do your best to steady him. “Hey there, comrade. If you wanted my attention this is a good way to get it.” He slides his hands down your shoulders and laughs at his own joke. 
For the tenth time, you peer around the corner, and in the pit of your stomach, you feel your anxiety grow as the people you’d been trying to shake start to make their way toward you. You plaster you back onto the wall and look up at Childe, the fear seeping into your eyes as you look at him. 
“What’s wrong?” The realization that something isn’t right spreading across his face, and he looks out from behind your temporary hiding space. 
“Do you see those people walking this way? They’ve been following me for a while now, I can’t shake them.” You look to the right and wonder if it would be better to move, the nerves in your body begin to fire and you rub your arms with your hands. “If we leave before they get here, we might be able to lose them again.” You plead, wrapping your hands around his arm and attempt to pull him further down the alleyway. When he doesn’t budge, you call out to him but he continues to stare past you toward the people you desperately didn’t want to get involved in. 
“Follow my lead.” He turned his attention to you and the glimmer in his eyes made your legs weak. 
“Huh. What?” 
“Trust me.” Childe grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him, your chests connecting and in your confusion, you felt the cold wall touch your back. He placed his hand firmly against the space next to your head and slid his other up your arm and up to the back of your neck. You felt your heartbeat widely in your chest when he leaned his face down next to your own, and when you felt his nose brush against your skin you shivered. 
“Childe …?”  
“Grab onto my shirt.” He whispered against your ear, his breath sending chills down your body. Your arms did as they were told and grabbed onto him, which, luckily, gave you extra stability. Your senses were on fire at his proximity to you and it took everything in you to just stay standing. 
You heard voices growing louder but it was so hard to pay attention. 
Someone’s following you? Who would even try something so stupid as to mess with you - they must not know who you were tied to 
Childe’s pissed - the thought of someone bothering you other than him made him furious. It didn’t matter why they were bothering you, it just mattered that they were - that was more than enough
He had a plan to show them they’d never stand a chance at getting close 
Childe pulled you closer to his chest, he felt your hair dance over his fingers and he wished the circumstances were different. He’d much rather be touching you this way, be close to you this way in a place where you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. However, he knew you only saw him as an acquaintance, maybe a friend, and that you were letting him do this just to get you out of a bind. Still, the smell of your hair, of your skin so tantalizingly close was making his head spin. He had to push those thoughts away because right now he needed to keep you safe. 
As the three problems rounded the corner he turned his head to their approach. They came to a sudden stop once they caught sight of the situation unraveling before them. Childe put on a show. 
He kissed the exposed skin on your shoulder and the sound that slipped from your lips set his ears on fire. He kept going, moving the arm they could see up to his mouth, and with ease, he placed his lips there too, all the while he glared at the three idiots who stood with their mouths open just a few feet from you. 
He scowled fiercely at them and practically begged them to do something stupid. Slowly, he stretched out into his full height and felt how your weak hands slid down his chest and came to rest again near his stomach. 
“Oh,” he began, his tone slipping into threats, “I didn’t know anyone was watching. I guess we should be more careful.” He put great emphasis on his last words as his eyes narrowed into slits. 
All three of them looked at one another before quickly turning around and making their way back down the path. He continued to watch them until they had faded from view before returning his attention to you.
“I think they are gone, but let’s move on just in case.” He scanned his eyes over you and picked up on the quick movement of your chest, perhaps letting them get that close wasn’t the best idea. “Hey, they are gone it’s okay.” He put his finger under your chin and lifted your face so he could see if you were okay. As he moved his head close to you so he could get a better look your legs gave out under him, he caught you just in time.
“I’m sorry. I just … I need a minute. I can’t seem to use my legs.” Your hands gripped tightly onto his arms and as he processed the situation he came to realize what had happened. 
“Sorry, I might have gone a bit too far.” 
“No, it’s okay …” Your voice was breathy and it made him blush. 
Cute, he thought as he held you in his arms. 
You made it back to Mondstadt and couldn’t believe those people were still following you. It all started when you noticed the shady characters lurking around near the road and you did your best to avoid them, but for some reason, they wouldn’t let up. It was starting to make you nervous.
As you walked through the front gates and looked for a potential place to hide, you spy Diluc mulling around the tables outside of the bar and the voice in the back of your head told you to go to him. You knew even now how capable he was at taking care of things, you trusted him unconditionally. 
Quickly, you made your way to him and your urgency caught him off guard, his facial expression was clearly one of confusion. 
“Hey, Diluc!” You shout cheerfully, leaning against one of the tables in front of him and peering past his arms. The people who had been following you stopped at one of the market stalls and pretended to look at the items on display but you could feel their eyes on you. 
“Hello, y/n.” He responded, eyeing you curiously. 
“You look busy, what are you doing?” You look at him quickly before glancing behind him again. 
“Charles had some things to do, so I’m filling in.” 
“Ah, the ever so diligent Diluc, getting things done.” 
“I wouldn’t say that much.” He was eyeing you suspiciously, and as you continued to stare over his shoulder, he tracked your gaze. 
“Oh!” You shouted. “You wouldn’t mind if I hang out for a while. Would you?” You fuss with your hair for a bit before giving him a grin. 
“I don’t see why not. I might not be good company, however.” 
“Well, you’re the exact type of company I’m looking for. Honestly, I seem to have drawn some unpleasant attention and I’m hoping they will leave if they see me with you.” 
“What do you mean?” He stopped fussing with the tables and looked at you.
“You see the three people just down the way, by the stairs. They’ve been following me.” You pulled at your ear and laugh as if something funny just occurred while you gestured toward them with your chin. He made his way around the table as subtly as he could and glanced down their way, he continued his circle before coming back to stand at your side. 
“Why don’t you go ahead and go inside.” 
He handed you a small key, placing it in your hand. “Are you sure… I don’t know if all that’s necessary.” 
“Of course it’s necessary.” He pushed you from the table, his fingers hot even through your clothes. “Go around to the back entrance and lock the door once you’re inside. Don’t come out until I say so.” You glanced back at him before disappearing behind the building and when you closed the door behind you, you heard voices spilling in from the front of the bar. 
He doesn’t like this at all - it doesn’t matter who you are, if there were people harassing anyone from Mondstadt he wouldn’t like it - he still cared for the city even if he wasn’t a knight anymore
He’d also want to keep you safe, he considered you someone in his inner circle, and a pack leader protects those close to him 
There wasn’t a way for him to ignore your fake smile and weary demeanor - it set something off in him and he wanted to get rid of your discomfort, no matter the cost 
“Excuse me.” Diluc looked up from his work and when he saw the three people you pointed out earlier, his chest felt hot.
“How can I help you?” Flinging the rag he’s been using to clean the tables into the small bucket of water and flicking his fingers, water droplets splatter across the ground, he crosses his arms and looks at them.
“You were just talking with someone now, weren’t you?” 
“Hmm, could you tell us where they went? We have something important too … discuss with them.” He picked up on their vigilance, the way they scanned the space and turned their heads to figure out where you went. It made him furious. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you're talking about. If you need to find someone, you can always ask the guards for help.” Turning back to his tasks, he picked up the small bucket of water and held it in his hands. 
“Listen, pal. We saw you talking to them and it would just be easier, for everyone, if you told us where they ran off too.” 
“Yeah, we just really, really wanted to talk to them.” One of the others chimes in, his voice shrill, like nails on an old chalkboard. 
“I’ve already told you I don’t know where they went. I’m busy. Move.” He was starting to get more and more frustrated the longer he stood there. The boiling irritation in his stomach ready to burst. 
One of them walked up to him and in one fluid motion pulled out his knife and drilled it into the table. “Tell us where they went and we will make it worth your while.” He smiled and his teeth were unsettling. 
With a sigh, Diluc felt his patience run dry, and his actions followed suit. Quickly, he thrust the water bucket into the man's face. It hit him with a heavy smack, crashing to the ground and splintering the wood, a small nail dislodging from its holding. Diluc yanked the knife from the table and reached around to grab the man's hair before slamming his face back onto the surface, holding the knife up to his cheek. 
The other two nuisances took a few steps forward but stopped when Diluc’s eyes fell on them. “Do not threaten me. You have no idea what a stupid idea that is, and if I see you anywhere near them …” He leaned closer to his face and the smell of fear seeped from his skin, “I mean anywhere near them, I will not flinch. Do I make myself clear?” 
Diluc let go of the man's hair and felt great pride in himself as he scrambled back to his friends. As they began to run away, Diluc lobbed the knife after them and watched as it lodged itself into a post, the sound satisfying as it dug its way through the wood. “You forgot something.” They didn’t even take a moment to retrieve the knife, instead, they ran further down the stairs and out of sight. 
He made his way toward the front door and knocked gently onto it. “Y/N, it’s me.” He heard shuffling and the sound of a key slipping into the lock. When you opened the door and he saw your face, the rage in him began to slip away. You looked out behind him and when you didn’t see anything your eyes rested on his face, how he adored your eyes. “They’re gone, you shouldn’t be seeing them anymore.” 
“Oh, thanks … Diluc.” 
“Of course.” He pushed the door open and held out his hand to you, when you placed your own in his it caught him off guard. The feeling of your skin against his own was pleasant and he enjoyed the sensation. “I was asking for the key…” 
“OH! Sorry.” You were embarrassed, that was obvious, and he found it endearing nevertheless. 
“Would you like to stay?” 
“Okay.” The two of you walked into the bar and for the evening he knew you were safe. Tomorrow, he’d figure out how to ensure that when the time came.
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izusun · 3 years
*hands you an AU dump to hoard like a little goblin handing a small coin to a dragon*
OKAY so basically: after the doctor's visit where Izuku learns he's quirkless (I hc that they went when he was about five n' a half), Inko does a little bit of research on quirks and more specifically on her son's notebooks, learns that he's even more brilliant at quirk analysis than she originally suspected, and (after looking at some not great quirkless statistics) she instead informs Izuku that no, he's had a quirk all along! It's an analysis quirk!
So she updates the quirk registry, and Izuku goes through his life believing he has an analysis quirk, albeit teased for being a late bloomer, but he still can't shake the insecurity being quirkless for that one and a half year gave him.
He does research on all sorts of things, hacking, knife throwing, first aid, and building his own support gear and takes to all of it like a duck to water. He also does research on UA's policy for support gear in the entrance exam (cause surely they've gotta have a policy for non-offensive quirks like Koda and Hagakure) and finds that he can take one with him if he builds it himself. He goes fuckin bonkers.
Anyways: he trains with Katsuki, cause they're relationship is pretty good since Izuku has a 'quirk.' They both demolish the entrance exam. (Also Izuku kinda swears a lot because Katsuki rubs off on him)
Aizawa doesn't notice a goddamn thing is amiss until the battle trials on the second day (he decides to shadow All Might that day), where when he was using his quirk to silence his students while Izuku was rambling, he just didn't stop, as if he didn't notice anything was wrong. It happens again during the USJ.
So at some point during the sports festival, Nedzu (who is now intrigued because of Aizawa's complaining) invites Izuku into his office during a free period and lets him go ham on analysis, all while Aizawa is secretly there erasing Izuku's 'quirk.' Nedzu invites Izuku to be his personal student (making Aizawa go grey), he says yes, and then Nedzu drops the absolute BOMBSHELL that Izuku is actually quirkless. Cue an existential crisis.
(Also Izuku gets captured at the training camp alongside Katsuki because of his "analysis quirk," wonder how well that goes for him~)
- Goblin anon (sorry this one was kinda long)
i misunderstood the prompt a bit but i genuinely don’t know how to backtrack, so here you go goblin. sorry again o(TヘTo)
ok first of, inko taking on a stronger stance to support her son? love that of her. like, she doesn’t say sorry when izuku turned to look at her and cried that he can’t be like all might. instead, she took him in her arms and assures him that he will be a great hero. at first, of course half of it is lip service because she doesn’t know how to help her quirkless boy be a hero, since, you know, heroes need quirks.. (or do they)
and then she comes across a quirkless self help group which rang many many warning bells in her head. what kind of life do quirkless people live when a google research of them resulted in subsequent pages of results like how to stay safe when quirkless, or how to find jobs when quirkless, or quirkless mortality rates?
she fears for izuku, until she notices that her son’s smart. too smart for his age, but inko thought she’s just being biased. but izuku’s wit is something many people notice, for an instance, when izuku goes to the park to play and his friends’ (the few ones who stayed) parents tell her that her son’s smart for a quirkless person, she realizes that izuku’s wit is far more vast than normal.
then a thought worms into her head but wouldn’t it be bad to lie…but also, no one would be any the wiser.
further pushed by all the statistics she keeps seeing, or the lack thereof, about quirkless people, she makes the decision and pours it to izuku.
izuku who’s far smarter than his age and understood what his mom is asking from him. izuku who already saw the disparities between quirked and quirkless people at the tender age of five. izuku who knows what it means to lie about something as personal as a quirk, but realizes that it’s necessary for him to do so if he wants to live a “normal” life.
so he agrees; he tells inko that he’ll work even harder to sharpen his mind, and to keep expanding his knowledge.
when izuku’s quirk file is officially updated, he watches how his peers and teachers revert back into treating him as izuku. he regains his old friends, but he chose to drop them because he doesn’t want to surround himself with people who thought he was less for being quirkless.
katsuki stayed, surprisingly. katsuki stayed and everyday he kept bothering izuku to “get your quirk already!” katsuki stayed because he can’t fathom that the smartest boy in their class (of course not as smart as him, psshh) is quirkless. deku couldn’t be quirkless. (but if he found out that izuku, indeed, is, i wonder what would happen…)
katsuki was one of the loudest to celebrate when izuku announced that his quirk arrived.
“finally!” he screams and bothers izuku about the semantics of his quirk. he really wasn’t surprised to find out that izuku has an analysis quirk because he thought that nothing else would better be suited for izuku.
he doesn’t know that izuku pours so much of his time into learning and studying, often bypassing basics and intros to take more of the developed courses that are usually recommended for older ages. he doesn’t know that izuku is just a naturally smart kid with the ability to fill the gaps of his young mind with knowledge upon knowledge, storing and stacking them until he feels that he’s laid a sturdy foundation for his fake quirk.
then izuku began threading into different areas. he learns how to get into cyberspaces; hacking into accounts and delving more into how to access private information. he doesn’t thread too close lest he gets caught, but he learns the logistics of maneuvering around the web and burrowing in empty spaces to branch out his own. he creates and designs web algorithms for himself, just so he doesn’t trigger anyone who is looking into the web movements. he hones this and uses it to access more information.
then when he deems it enough, he turns his attention to something more tangible and something more physical. he learns other ways to be a hero; how to fight without a physical quirk, how to win against bigger opponents, how to use analysis quirk in fights.
izuku becomes more than a fake analysis quirk user; he creates it.
mental quirks are hard to describe, more so to compress, thus he creates new definitions of an analysis quirk. what used to be a silly lie is now a tangible fact that izuku believes in. because what makes a quirk? because what makes analysis a quirk? he learns these semantics (often political) and uses it to his advantage.
then he finally threads to hero analysis. at first it were classmates he analyzed; eyes running quickly at their forms and watching with great interest before calculating everything he’s seen and transversing it with the things he learned, and bridges these two facts together to create an analysis. it was a struggle at first: he didn’t know which to put emphasis on until he realizes, he doesn’t need to. he weaves them together and lets his analysis run long and watches how his hobby comes into fruition.
following his classmates are current heroes. these were more tough and more fun, and any of the information is less shared. he doesn’t tell his classmates or teachers about his analyses, only katsuki. and katsuki’s breath hitch every damn time at izuku’s talent quirk.
it is in their second year of middle school that midoriya begins to incorporate the facts with himself to create physical performances. the issues and things he learned through observing are now practiced by himself. he calculates the best way to fight with a body as petite as his, often taking examples from pro-hero hawks and other women heroes. their agilities and physicality suit izuku’s young body; he doesn’t see the merit in punching his way through things when he physically cannot.
so he learns ways to ease his muscles. he learns ballet and gymnastics; lets his muscles contort and mend themselves anew. he finds his balance and roots himself firmly, and learns to calculate his actions so he doesn’t waste his energy. katsuki doesn’t say anything, but he sees izuku’s dance and falls in love.
then in the spring of their third year of middle school, izuku learns how to build and handle weapons.
this is the easiest. izuku learns that weapons aren’t tools, but extensions of his arms and hands. they are not to be revered and not to be depended on because they can fail. instead, he learns to wield weapons as though they are parts of his bodies. he learns how to use swords and often narrowing to wooden sticks that can be picked up anywhere; he learns how to fire guns and how to hide daggers in his uniform. he learns that his body is the best weapon to use and that tools are just arsenal to help him win.
then he learns how to build them.
by summer, izuku begins reaching into UA’s servers. they are hard codes to crack, but not impossible. it takes him five days to access old entrance exam videos. the next day, the videos are snuffed and he is left to try digging deeper into UA.
he fails.
nezu must have caught onto his codes and proceeded to build walls against it.
so he slithers out. but a five minute video of last year’s entrance exam is enough for izuku because he learns two things: one, heroes must defeat villains and two, heroes must save others.
izuku prepares for this. unknowingly, katsuki is taught these same principles. katsuki would grumble and tell him that he knows what heroes must do, but izuku continues to hammer it down to him.
by the time of the UA entrance exam, izuku falls into the ease of having a fake quirk. he passes the written exam with flying colours and although it took three teachers to approve his support gears (present mic had to pull in powerloader, midnight, and hound dog to ensure that the well designed support gears are made by the hero student examinee and not by a support student examinee. majima saw the works and begged nezu to allow izuku to be his student.), izuku still succeeds and dominates the entrance exam.
when the zero pointer was released, he had flung himself towards the girl crushed by debris and yanks her out. he doesn’t waste a modified grenade to explode the zero pointer because through his calculations, doing so would not only create more collateral damage, but would also endanger the examinee in his arms because she still would be caught in the crossfire.
nezu hums in appreciation from the screening room, after all, smart minds always do think alike.
izuku gets a whopping 92 in the physical aspects of the entrance exam.
katsuki gets 85.
aizawa gleefully takes them in.
izuku thinks that no one will ever know of his and inko’s secret, but one look at nezu’s beady eyes and he knew that the stoat knew. it became a game to them, then. a game to see who else would realize.
and while izuku is smart, he doesn’t realize that nezu has basically taken him as his personal student the moment he and izuku had created a bet.
it takes two months for aizawa to figure things out. surprisingly, he is the only one to do so and he only realizes due to the many untimely attacks of LoV.
how angst would it be if katsuki realizes that izuku’s always been quirkless during their captivity in the LoV’s hideout.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Hello! For the continued part of the blurb in which Harry and YN get casted together; this is the reminder :))
Also here’s a thought about it:
Maybe since like Harry met Olivia on DWD, when Tangled started they're like broken up and so so to make it more realistic (It was more of a suggestion but just do you, your readers would love it either way) :))
Have a great day!!!
yes we will definitely continue this!! okay let’s go;
First day nerves were always the worst.
Whether it was first day of school, first day of a new job, first day at university or, in your case, first day on set, you always got a really bad case of the nervous butterflies. It was just unnerving having to meet new people and try and fit into the way everything worked around here. You were a very social person when you came out of your shell, but you could be a hard one to crack if you weren’t with the right people. Luckily for you this set definitely had the right people. After briefly meeting him on the red carpet for Don’t Worry Darling and then having him text you afterwards, you have to say that now working with Harry Styles seemed like a dream. His music and his charisma shaped him into someone you really liked and really wanted to know more about. He was your all time crush and unfortunately, for you, he’d probably gathered that by now - what with your blushing interview over him.
The weather was beautiful and the buzz on set was amazing. Everyone was rushing around and trying to busy themselves until filming started at 8am. You had just been in hair and makeup and were on your way to set now. The movie wasn’t being filmed in its’ complete order, so the first scene that you were filming was where Flynn climbs up the tower and meets Rapunzel for the first time. Where Harry meets you.
You couldn’t quite believe you were actually here. You were a Disney princess, and your favourite one at that. The purple dress was everything you’d imagined and you felt like a dreamy cloud in it. Your flip flops and robe covered most of your outfit though, to keep you warm until you were needed on set. Instead of going straight inside the filming building, you sat outside on a nearby bench hoping to calm your nerves.
To keep your mind preoccupied you went over and over your lines in your head, cursing yourself when you messed up over something so small. Your fingers picked away at each other, damaging the nail-art that had only recently been put on.
“You’re going to cost the makeup department a fortune if you keep doing that.” You didn’t need to look up to know that it was Harry who was approaching you, but you did anyways. He looked beautiful. His hair was styled the same way as Flynn Ryders and you could see the outlines of his costume underneath the coat he was wearing.
“Oh, sorry.” You laughed nervously, putting your head back down to stop him from catching your blush.
“Hey no need for apologises. Just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He spoke honestly and you felt the warmth of his words spread over your body, like butter on toast.
“Just really nervous.” You admitted shyly.
“Can I…” He pointed towards the bench space next to you.
“‘Course, yes.” You patted the space encouragingly and watched him pull the trousers up from his thighs to sit more comfortably. God, those thighs. You cleared your throat to detach the dirty thoughts from the back of your mind.
It was quiet until he spoke again. “What’s your favourite Disney movie?”
“What?” You asked confused and Harry repeated the question as calmly as he did last time. You expected him to start giving you words of advice, not asking you your favourite Disney movie. “Oh, um, Tangled of course.”
“You know you don’t just have to say that because you’re the lead actress in the movie.” He nudged you with his shoulder, making you laugh as you swayed away and then back to him.
“Yeah I know.”
“Just would’ve taken you for more of an avid Lion King fan.” He joked, his dimpled smile boasting its’ way onto his cheeky face.
“I am, actually. I just, there’s something about Rapunzel that draws me to her. I don’t know whether it’s her childhood was similar to mine—”
“Wait you were abducted by a weirdly attractive evil woman who claims to be your— wait! So you’re a princess?” Before you can answer he knelt down before you, capturing your hands in his - neither of your missing the tingles of passion when your skin touched skin - and holding them tightly, whilst he began speaking again, “M’lady, forgive me for being so simple.”
“Harry! What are you doing, y’fool?” You laughed at him, trying to get him to sit back next to you as you’d drawn the attention from a few crew members.
“I’m grovelling at the feet of my future Queen.” He said so matter-of-factly you almost, nearly, truly believed him. Chuffing actor.
“Get up you oaf!” And he did with a little more persuasion. “What I meant was that my childhood was quite isolated and lonely - I didn’t have many friends at all.” You spoke from the heart, not expecting Harry’s eyebrows to furrow with confusion or for him to look so sad.
“I’m sorry.” You knew he meant it.
“At least I have Flo, though, now.” You smiled at the thought of your amazing best friend, whom also happened to be Harry’s most recent co-star. Their performances in Don’t Worry Darling were second to none and you were so proud of Flo for delivering such an awe inspiring delivery to her character Alice.
“And me. Don’t forget me.”
“I could never.” You turned to look at him, unprepared to find him staring back at you with hearts in his eyes. You blushed and had to look away, but you rested the side of your head on his shoulder out of natural instinct. It felt right and it felt comforting. “Thank you, though Harry.”
“Always.” He rested his head back against yours, both of you just watching the busy people prepare for your first scene. The nerves had gone though, now, and you were feeling more at peace with yourself - and with him. “Oh and Y/N?”
“I think that you’re drawn to Rapunzel, because she embodies your courage, kindness, beauty and compassion.” Your heart swelled at his words. You never thought someone could think of you this way, let alone Harry. You pushed your head tighter against his shoulder, wanting him to wordlessly know that you were really grateful for him.
“Smooth, Harry!” He laughed with you, “How long have you been rehearsing that?”
“Too many other lines to remember to be learning them ones too. That, Y/N, was all ad-lib.” And your heart swooned a little more again. He was just so perfect and he made you feel safe. There wasn’t a good enough phrase or word in the English dictionary to justify how good of a person he was or how much he meant to you.
“You’re too good.”
“Too good to maybe ask you out for a drink after today?” You brought your head away from his shoulder in shock from what he just asked. Harry, the Harry Styles, was asking you, Y/N L/N, out for a drink. What?
“No, I think i’ll let you take me out for a drink.” You smiled at him, admiration sitting heavily in your eyes that there was no way he could miss it.
“Yeah?” His eyes glinted back at yours.
“Only if you stop with the compliments, i’m so bad for accepting them.”
“Hmm, no can do.” You rolled your eyes and reached over to take his hand in yours and he instantly linked his fingers with yours. It felt right. Warm. Safe.
“Fine, but don’t be alarmed if I just jump you for being too nice to me or something.” Your words came out faster than your brain could process and your eyes widened once you realised what you’d just said to him. You’d just threatened to jump Harry Styles. Fuck sake. And now he wad laughing, at you or with you you didn’t know.
“Alright, but you don’t be alarmed if I do nothing to stop you.”
Now you understood why he didn’t need to ask what was wrong or if you were okay, his presence was comforting enough to make your nerves dissipate and focus on the only thing that now mattered; him.
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aetheternity · 3 years
Being a big brother when you've never been a big brother (800 follower special)
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Synopsis: In which Levi's been dating you for a year and a half and gets the news that Kuchel is pregnant.
Introduction: In this Kuchel is 43. She had Levi as a teenager (17). Female reader and Levi haven't talked a lot about having babies yet. You two live together but haven't discussed it fully but you have told Levi you'd be open to the idea of having children while he was slightly on the fence.
• To say Levi is shocked is a monumentous understatement.
• When he gets the news that his mother was pregnant with his step father's baby he gets quiet.
• Doesn't say much.
• Well what would he say honestly?
• You on the other hand are spewing out baby names and bouncing in your seat while asking his mother about her plans for colors in the nursery.
• It's not surprising that he's distant. He's 26 and he just found out he's gonna be a big brother. He knows next to nothing about children as it is.
• Though eventually he warms to the idea and by warms I mean he becomes as helpful as possible in aiding his pregnant mother around. Buys her anything she wants/needs and goes on all the trips to buy clothes, toys etc for the baby's arrival.
• Even though he's still pretty quiet on his feelings about the whole situation.
"Babe?" You call to him one night as you're both getting ready for bed. He turns his head slightly to look at you. "Are you ok? I know this might take a lot more getting used to."
He sighs placing his tie on the dresser. "How would you feel?"
It's not said maliciously just curiously. Grey eyes fully scoping the lines of your face. "How would I-" You start and then stop, eyebrows raised and cheeks puffed. "Well.. I know you probably don't need to hear awkward."
He blinks turning his attention back to the mirror. "No! I'm sorry, Levi!" You gestured out to him with both hands and he sighs, walking over to you with light thumps on the carpet.
You laid back in bed and he slowly pulled himself over you. His hands on either sides of your shoulders, legs spread on either side of yours and head resting delicately on your chest. "It's gonna be ok. Look the first year of that kid's life is just them needing love and a bottle to suckle. Worry about the first year once they're born and everything else will fall perfectly into place."
Levi snorted against your skin, fingers lightly stroking the arms of your tee shirt. "Perfectly.."
"You know what I mean." You reply, pressing the smallest kiss against the top of his head. "I'll be by your side the entire time."
The only reply you get is a soft exhale. Levi's heart beat softly evens out and with your fingers curling through his gorgeous black hair he slowly falls asleep.
Finding out the baby's gender:
• When Levi finds out he's having a little brother he feels.. pretty much the same though apart of him is kinda sighing in relief at knowing he won't have to protect a little girl from nasty boys.
• You on the other hand are beaming, "Levi, you're gonna have a little brother! Isn't that great. Kuchel were you hoping for another little boy?"
• Kuchel smiles, "I wasn't too concerned with the gender just as long as they were healthy." She admitted "But I wouldn't have minded a girl, just to see what parenting the opposite gender would be like."
• Somehow the conversation of Levi's future baby brother turned into a conversation about you and Levi's possible future child and what you'd want your first kid to be.
• Levi didn't stay long when that started, promptly excusing himself and you found out almost three hours later that he'd taken a walk and ended up at home.
"Levi?" When you walked into your shared house he was laying on the couch with an arm over his face.
He slowly laid his arm out flat next to his body and you walked over to him cupping the hand closest to you.
"I was going to come back but.."
"You didn't?" You gave him a small smile running a finger over his cheek. He went quiet, eyes falling shut.
"Don't.." He sighs, eyebrows twitching on his forehead. "Don't start that thing you do.. you know when you worry about people.."
You scoff, "Well I am worried about you, I've never seen you look like this before."
His eyelids flutter open slightly, grey eyes flashing over to you through the slits. "You've thought about our future kid a lot?"
You blink, mouth hanging open, "I- well I.. wasn't ok I was it was just for Kuchel." You tried to laugh.
Levi's eyebrow raised, "No, you didn't tell me how much you really thought about it beyond our past conversations. You've thought about it more than you admitted so you might as well stop pretending."
He sits up on the couch, hands dangling between his spread legs. "Ok fine you win." You admit with a huff. "But with Kuchel and the baby and the baby shower and all it definitely wasn't the right time to revisit this conversation. I just couldn't help it."
His fingers come up to rest in your hair carding away any loose strands where they are on your face. "Looks like we have to discuss it again." He says
A couple weeks after the baby's actual birth:
• You and Levi had come over only a couple days after the birth of the youngest Ackerman.
• "I named him Chance." Kuchel had remarked, her eyes filled with light as she held one of the smallest things Levi had ever laid eyes on.
• "Chance?" You replied, slowly transferring the baby from her arms to yours.
• "Because he was a Chance baby. It was honestly a little worrisome having him since I'm getting up there you know. More of a risk." She laughed it off.
• You looked to her with a small smile. "He's gorgeous." Your smile only getting brighter as you held the small person in your arms. Watching as he softly sucked his pacifier.
• "Just like his big brother." You added, smirking in Levi's direction.
• "Tch." Was the only thing he could muster as he stared in any direction other than the one where his girlfriend was now holding his newborn brother.
• "Levi, don't you wanna hold him?" Kuchel asked her smile never fading.
• Now he felt himself look up. He looked first at Chance and then to you holding him so tight.
• "Come here." You whispered and like a startled deer Levi slowly surveyed the situation a little more before he was coming closer.
• He inched his way down right in front of you and Kuchel, plopping down on the coffee table. Eyes locked on Chance's currently closed eyelids.
• "Not yet right?" You said to him
• He looked up at you then back to baby Chance.
• "Yeah.. not yet." You confirmed
• You'd been right about one thing all Chance needed was love and a bottle to suckle..
• It just for whatever reason wasn't allowed to come from Levi.
• He'd hold Chance, he'd cry.
• Kuchel would hand him his sleeping brother while she got his dinner ready. He'd wake up and scream bloody murder.
• And at this point Chance had successfully: Peed on, spit on and thrown up on Levi.
• And all with the same blissfully smug expression.
"Don't get discouraged, Levi." Kuchel said soothingly "He's just not comfortable with you yet." She explained as she rocked Chance in her arms.
"You did talk to him the least while Kuchel was pregnant. Maybe it has something to do with that?" You tried with a shrug.
"All I know is I'm sick of being covered in his different bodily fluids." Levi huffed
"Awwww. Barely a year old and the brothers are fighting already." You giggled, Kuchel quickly joining in on your laughter.
Levi just rolled his eyes. He felt a little pang in his chest as he looked at his sleeping brother. No one else got nearly as much shit from this kid as he did. But it couldn't possibly be a personal attack the kid was less than one year old what could he possibly know about fights with his brother?
You and Levi take one year old Chance to the park:
• It was comfort weather.
• The perfect kind of weather to take Chance to the park on a crisp Saturday when you both were off from work.
• And a part of Levi was sort of glad for this opportunity.
• Kuchel and his step dad had gone out for pizza and here he was with you and his brother.
• It was surprising to Levi how lively Chance was: trying to push the hood of his stroller up and messing with the buckle strapping him in.
• Felt like just yesterday he couldn't hold his own head up.
• "Alright Chance. Come here." You giggled, gently pulling him out of the stroller with Levi's help.
• You guys had a little set up going in the shade under a tree. Blanket, Chance's toys and his sippy cup all sprawled over the space.
• You handed Levi a red donut shaped toy and told him, "Hold it out for Chance, he loves this game."
• "Chance look." You said as Levi held the toy up to a distracted Chance.
• Unsurprisingly the first thing he did was cry.
• "Here let me try." You offered, pulling the toy from Levi's grasp.
• The second you took the toy and held it in front of Chance his smile practically touched his ears and he leaned forward trying to grab it with his hands and then his mouth.
"You're doing great." You praised, pulling Chance onto his legs.
Levi just sighed, "Anything else?"
You pointed to the ball with one finger, still bouncing Chance. "He loves that squeaky thing."
Levi looked in the direction of the small toy, yanking it up off the blanket. He held it up giving it a little squeeze in front of Chance. It drew his attention surprisingly fast and he watched Levi's hand as he squeezed it again.
He was so weirdly enamored by such a normal item it was honestly really cute. A warmth spread through Levi's chest as you smiled at him in his peripherals.
"You want this?" Levi asked, holding it out for Chance.
Your smile stretched over your face as Chance reached for it. Little legs working to get him closer to the ball in Levi's grasp.
"That's it." You cheered softly. "Good job."
It wasn't clear who the compliment was directed towards but Levi was too distracted by Chance's little hands trying desperately to pull the object from his grasp. You still had your hands around Chance to support him as he finally grabbed the ball at a weird angle. The object immediately meeting his mouth.
"Yay, you got it." You said, bouncing Chance lightly. "See now you guys are-"
Chance turned in your grasp, the ball plopping onto the grass with an almost inaudible thud. Unfortunately Levi didn't account for Chance to bend over at the same time as him trying to pick up the ball and his nail came down on Chance's forehead. Not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough for Chance to scream at the top of his lungs as if he'd been stabbed instead.
"Wait no!" You gasped, picking up the ball.
"Shit." Levi sucked his teeth.
Luckily Chance probably didn't hear either of that thanks to his loud screaming. You tried to give him back the ball only to have it smacked from your grasp. The tiny object tumbling down the hill as you tried and failed to coax Chance down.
Thankfully Levi reacted fast grabbing it before it could roll too far away.
"Is he alright?" Levi tried as you rocked him back and forth.
You giggled, "Yeah, he's a drama queen you know that." It didn't seem to really help though. Levi's features scrunched and his shoulders unnaturally hunched. "Let's take him for a little walk, maybe then he'll calm down."
It took around thirty minutes of walking and rolling Chance's stroller through the once quiet park for him to finally tucker himself out.
Levi huffed as you and him plopped down on the nearest park bench. You rifled through the bag pushing the hood of Chance's stroller up before placing his blue bucket hat on his head. Which perfectly matched his blue overalls and blue socks.
"Sorry." You finally heard him mutter as you pushed pretty brown locks out of Chance's eyes.
"It's not your fault." You replied "I promise Chance is just being himself he probably would've cried that hard if I or anyone else had scratched him too."
Levi said nothing. Just watched as you pushed the brim of the hat up. With a little click you fastened it to the front of his hat. Chance's soft features in full view. The little froggy on his green shirt moving with every breath he took. But Levi could only watch.
"Hey, look here." Your cheeks were puffed out as you yanked Levi's face toward yours. "He's gonna warm to you." You said with softened features. "You're doing such a good job." You praise.
The edges of Levi's eyebrows slowly relax and he lets his chest flow with air like he hadn't done since he made Chance scream earlier. The corners of his lips lift a little and he sits back as you push the stroller back and forth with one arm.
Before he can even think about it he spills the awe flowing in his eyes, "You'd make a great mom."
When you smile at him it makes his heart sink. You slowly turn your attention back to a sleeping Chance and he moves in a little closer.
"If there's.. some future where I actually have a child. I want you to carry my babies."
Your eyes are blown a bit, mouth agape as you look back at him. "Levi.." You start but are immediately cut off by a soft aww from two passing women.
"He's adorable." One says, staring into the open stroller.
"You guys are the cutest parents." Says the other.
"O-oh.. I.. we're actually just babysitting him." You struggle
"Still he's cute." Says women number two bending down to have the same view as her friend.
"Thank you." You practically choke. Eventually they leave and you run a shaky hand through your surprisingly sweaty hair.
"Levi." You start before he can get the chance. "I want you to be sure. Ok, I mean we went from Chance being a drama queen to you saying you want me to have your kids?"
"I didn't mean to say it here." Levi admitted "I did mean it though. You weren't the only one thinking while Kuchel was pregnant."
You give him a little kiss on the nose, brushing your finger over the tip of his ear. "It would be a huge step. We're not even married."
Levi nods, "Someday.."
Family beach day? Family beach day:
• Mikasa had come cause this was her first time getting to meet Chance.
• There were lots of firsts actually. It was also Chance's first time on the beach.
• Chance instantly loved Mikasa the second she held him.
• Soft laughter and a bright smile flooding his face.
• Kuchel and Levi both spent as much time as possible under the beach umbrella.
• You spread sunscreen on Chance's body while Mikasa distracted him by showing him how to make a sandcastle.
• Cue you also trying to get some pictures for Kuchel to hang on the family wall she had back home only for Chance to turn away every time.
• Which he genuinely thought was the most hilarious thing ever.
• And in all the time you'd known Mikasa you'd never seen her smile so much.
• "Is it.. possible it's Chance?" You asked while Chance threw any and all the sand that could fit in his tiny fists.
• She just playfully rolled her eyes, handing Chance the shovel. Which he didn't know what to do with so he just resorted to shaking it around till it flew from his grasp.
• "That's such an Ackerman response." You chirped reaching for the discarded shovel.
• You were more than a little surprised when Levi's uncle Kenny showed up. Slamming the door of his kidnapper van closed.
• "Woah Kenny came?" You asked Levi as you sat on the edge of his beach chair.
• You, Mikasa and Chance had all decided to take a break from shell collecting to come up and eat lunch.
• Kuchel laughed at your surprise. "He hasn't met Chance yet." She explained
• "Ahh." You replied
• Chance seemed.. confused by Kenny.
• His only response to Kenny holding him being a blank stare.
• Kenny didn't seem to notice though as he yapped on about the time he accidentally put Levi in the washing machine.
• "You what?" Kuchel gasped
• "It wasn't on!" Kenny explained
• "If me and Levi aren't free to babysit please try Mikasa." You whispered to her.
• Chance spent most of his time after that resting in Mikasa's lap while she rubbed his back and hair.
• Cue Kuchel trying to get Levi to help her put a fussy Chance down for a small nap a couple hours later.
• Which unsurprisingly made Chance more fussy.
• Though the second Levi left, Chance drifted off on the towel in their tent.
• Mikasa made Chance a seashell crown 🥺
• It was a little big so it slipped off his head when he turned a certain way but he laughed whenever she'd place it back on his head.
• Mikasa had been a little on the fence about it but you had basically insisted on getting Levi to take Chance to the water.
• Unsurprisingly Mikasa wasn't the only one on the fence.
"He's having fun with you and Mikasa so you should be the ones that take him down there." Levi argued
"Oh come on Levi! It'll be fun."
Mikasa bounced a calm Chance in her arms as he played with the seashell crown she'd made for him. "He hasn't been with his big brother all day because you've been sitting here reading a book." Mikasa tried but it was only successful in getting Levi to suck his teeth.
"You know I don't wanna go anywhere near the water Y/N." He replied
Finally you got bored and peeled the book from Levi's grasp a cold stare greeting you when he looked up. "You can just go into the water for five minutes with Chance, please! Just so I can take a few pictures and he can get a feel of the water and then you can give him back to me and Mikasa and return to your book."
You could see the gears working in Levi's head as he looked over at a happy looking Chance. His red striped shirt covered in sand which Mikasa was happily dusting off. You already knew exactly what he was thinking but you didn't actually have to say anything because he was slowly rising from his chair:
"Mikasa give Chance to Levi." You said, holding your camera out as Levi reached for a distracted Chance.
Mikasa's arm came up to Chance's back, "Shouldn't I carry him to the water?" She tried
You tilted your head, "Mikasa.."
She finally relinquished Chance, handing him over as if she were fearful Levi would drop him. Levi looked down at the small boy in his arms mildly comforted in the fact that he didn't immediately cry, scream or pee on him.
"Come on guys let's get to the water." You called beckoning to them.
"I'm fine to carry him, I've done it before." Levi assured her as Chance looked behind him towards where they were headed.
"I'm not really worried about you." Mikasa replied, looking down at Chance who was now kicking his legs against Levi's sides.
When you'd all arrived near the water Chance was in awe. His bright grey eyes practically blown and his mouth hung open. He nearly dropped the seashell crown in his arms. Luckily Mikasa scooped it up before it fell.
"Look at this Chance." You cooed gesturing to the water. "Isn't it beautiful?"
Chance responded with glee reaching his arms out toward the huge body of water. He bounced up and down, hands out as he grasped onto nothing.
"He loves it!" You chuckled, carding your fingers through his gorgeous brown hair.
"Armin's gonna love him." Mikasa said, rubbing Chance's belly.
"Ok, quick get him over here while the water is calm." You gestured to the flowing sea and Levi placed him down, holding his waist awkwardly.
You lowered the camera in your grasp, "Come on big brother sit with him, make it look like you're really having fun at the beach with him." You gestured and Levi begrudgingly sat.
He looked back over to you and you gestured again to the water coaxing Levi into splashing water on Chance who was currently staring out over the huge body of water in delight.
Unlike Chance who was actually wearing water shorts Levi was not. He'd come to the beach in cargo shorts because he hadn't planned on sitting on anything but a beach chair or a towel. So now that he was wading uncomfortably in barely ankle deep water his shorts probably looked like he'd pissed or shit himself.
Though he still followed your advice, flicking a tiny bit of water in Chance's direction. It worked surprisingly well because Chance's attention immediately caught on to Levi sitting in front of him.
"Good job baby." You cooed as you snapped picture after picture. Meanwhile Mikasa crossed her arms as if she were waiting for Levi to mess up so she could jump in.
Chance's lips curved up slow and before Levi or anyone could react he lifted his legs slamming them down hard. Water flying all over Levi in the process. It made Chance guffaw and he did it again this time with his hands forcing Levi to shield his eyes from the assault.
"Chance stop it that's not nice." You called but Chance continued smacking and splashing every bit of sea water that flowed between his legs onto Levi.
And for someone who'd never played with water he was way too good at understanding how to get the most water with each scoop. Drenching Levi until Mikasa stepped in to stop it.
"Chance, that's not funny." She said, her features cold. "If you can't play nice in the water, you can't play in the water.
That seemed to strike a cord in him. His breath hitching as tears flowed down his little cheeks. He clung to Mikasa and sobbed until she reached up to rub his back.
"Are you ok?" You asked Levi as he spit ocean water. His hair clinging to his face.
"I just wanna take a shower." He admitted, though his jaw was locked as he spoke.
His hoodie was drenched and his shorts had turned dark brown all over. He walked a little bit faster than you and Mikasa as you both made it back to Kuchel and Kenny.
"Oh God what happened?" Kuchel asked immediately grabbing a towel while Kenny laughed.
"Chance happened." You answered for Levi as he dried his head first stripping his wet hoodie off to reveal his bare chest.
Kuchel looked to Chance who was now innocently sucking his thumb, his head laid on Mikasa's chest.
"I guess his first time in the water was interesting." She sighed
"I got some good pictures before things hit the fan. I'll send them to you." You said, showing her the first couple pictures you had pulled up of Levi and Chance sitting in the ocean together.
"Thank you so much Y/N."
Chance's first words:
• Chance had said his first words when he was 6 almost 7 months old.
• And barely anything else since.
• He really was an Ackerman.
• Every now and then he'd say little things: Ball, Mashed Potatoes (cause they're his favorite food) And TV.
• And of course names which he was pretty good at.
• But the only name he refused to say was Levi.
"Alright Chance you remember your big brother's name right?" Kuchel asked, Chance looked up from his block fort. Kuchel pointed to Levi who was calmly drinking tea and surveying the scene. "Levi." She said
Chance blinked then went back to his block fort. "He has to say it eventually right?" You asked Kuchel as you handed Chance another block.
"He's being stubborn and yes he has to." She replied squeezing Chance's waist.
Chance's eyes rolled to the sky as he placed the block you'd given him next to the tower of blocks that he'd already built.
"When did he learn that?" You huffed in surprise.
"Same time he learned the s-word probably." Kuchel sighed when you gasped she laughed a little. "Stupid." She explained still laughing.
"Oh! Oh."
The two of you continued to laugh as Chance rearranged the tower he'd built knocking it over in the process.
"Chance I believe a smart two year old like you can say a name like Levi I mean you got Mikasa down." You say
"He calls her Mika actually." Kuchel replied
You hum and Chance puffs, "Don't wanna."
He finally gets the block tower to look at least slightly how he wanted it seemingly. He slowly leans back like he's trying to get a better view.
"That's amazing Chance." Kuchel applauds with a soft gasp.
"Good job sweetie." You chime in
"It's not bad." Levi says to which Chance is rolling his eyes again.
"What are you gonna call it?" You ask hoping it'll cut the tension you can feel growing.
Chance peers at it then opens his mouth but before he can say anything he looks at Levi who's staring back. And slowly but surely that slow moving grin works its way onto his features.
"Stupid Levi!" He exclaims with a laugh before taking a block and smashing the whole thing in.
"Chance!" Kuchel huffs
"That's one stubborn kid.." You say with a sigh as Kuchel takes Chance to the punishment chair.
Emergency in babysitting (in which Levi gets high but Kuchel needs to drop off Chance because she has an emergency to take care of.):
{This is based off some headcanons I read for Levi when he's high. If I ever manage to find the post again I'll link it here.}
• You'd forgotten how clingy Levi got when he was high.
• He hummed into the fat of your waist as you sat still trying to watch TV on low volume.
• His leg shaking a little every couple minutes.
• Your fingers slowly carding through his head as his eyes stayed shut tight.
• At some point the doorbell rang and you tried to pull yourself out of Levi's grasp thinking he was sleeping.
• "Where are you going?" He almost whined, pulling himself up on his knees and crawling to you.
• "The doorbell baby. I promise I'm coming back." You said giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
• "W- OK.. I'll wait here." He sat on the edge of the bed, kicking his legs a little.
• You can't help how hard you smile, "I'll be back, I promise."
• The second you open the door you're bombarded with words and Levi's step-dad holding his nose.
• "Oh God what happened?" You asked
• "I need someone to watch Chance for a couple hours while we go to the hospital. He fell on one of Chance's toys while he was carrying some boxes and.." She gestured absently, handing Chance over
• "Sure, no problem." You replied "Hope you feel better." You said to Levi's step-dad.
• Kuchel quickly handed you a bag of Chance's stuff before hurrying off with Levi's step-dad.
• You shut the door with a sigh just as Levi came down the stairs, "You said you'd be back." He huffed
• "I'm sorry, listen your step-dad is going to the hospital so we have Chance for the night." You explained
• You honestly couldn't tell what Levi or Chance's faces meant but both boys seemed to be in silent agreement.
• "Are you hungry Chance?" You asked as he sucked his thumb laying his head on your chest.
• "Mashed Potatoes." He nodded
• "Yeah? OK let me get you some."
Levi followed you into the kitchen and watched you as you placed Chance in the high chair you guys had for when he visited.
"I know, you want to sleep off your high baby just give me a few minutes to get Chance fed and asleep." You offered
Levi nodded but he stayed by your side as you grabbed the box with mashed potato mix in it and got to work putting it in a pot with some water and butter.
"You don't want anything else babes? Just mashed potatoes?" You called to the small boy kicking his legs behind you.
He nodded, "mashed potatoes." He repeated with a kick of his legs.
You managed somehow to get the food cooking while Levi clung to you like a puppy. His gaze soft whenever you met his eyes. His hands in your shorts pockets and arms coming up to meet your waist.
"You know Chance, mashed potatoes are more of a side." You explained
Chance shook his head, he glanced over at Levi who was still holding onto you like he was worried you'd fly away or something. Which immediately sparked tears, he shoved at the tray in front of him screaming your name and reaching out for you.
"Ok, ok please don't cry Chance!" You shouted over his crying when you picked him up, he instantly stopped, yanking you closer to press a kiss to the side of your face before snuggling into your shoulder.
"Aww Chance." You patted his back giving him a kiss back on his forehead.
"I want kisses, please." Levi said bouncing on his tippy toes.
You quickly gave him a forehead kiss as well and he calmed down enough to rock against you, "I hope you're still this cute when you're holding my children." He sighs.
(Ok so I reached the post number limit. Might make a P2 of this let's see how this one does first.)
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moominnyu · 3 years
oblivious [kevin moon]
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🧸🎀 — pairings: kevin moon (the boyz) x gender neutral reader
🧸🎀 — tw: none.
🧸🎀 — wc: 3751
anyone who knows kevin to a personal level would be sorry for the guy, frustrated in his behalf even.
now, don't get me wrong, he's a handsome young man with a sweet personality, a nice car and good friends. he's a member of one of the hottest, on the rise k-pop boy groups, with a honeyed voice and great dance skills. he could probably bag anyone he wanted with minimal effort on his part, whether they work or not for the same industry as him. but the problem for kevin moon starts around someone who has little to nothing to do with the idol world.
you're kevin's friend, his little childhood friend from back when he was in america, and current best friend even here in korea. kevin's childhood friend who's only an university student, and knows as much about idols as you know about calculus— that is, nothing—, kevin's childhood friend who works part time in café, and still gets allowance from your parents, kevin's childhood friend who lives just three blocks from his dorm, who is so used to be by his side that you practically live at his dorm alongside his members. kevin's childhood friend who is... just his childhood friend and nothing more.
he's been on the unrequited love side of the spectrum for too long that his problem no longer relies on the fact that you guys are friends probably since you were both fetuses inside your mothers' wombs. he already felt this way about you when you lost your first tooth when you were six, even when you smiled at him with an incisor missing. he already felt this way about you when he taught you how to ride a bike at the park when you both were nine, even when you fell on your face and had a big bruise on your left cheek that remained on your skin for two weeks after that. he already felt this way about you when you turned fourteen and you stopped being a tiny shrimp and started looking more like what would later become his ideal type. he already felt this way about you when you guys were seventeen and he was starting his little youtube channel with one of his friends, and you would watch his videos with a genuine excitement that matched his. he already felt this way about you when you moved to korea together, not even knowing what was ahead of you but knowing that you had each other whatever happened.
he's been in love with you for way too long, so long that he already had every single inner monologue, argument, discussion and debate he could possibly have with himself about how absolutely wrong and criminal it is to have a crush, or rather, be in love with your best friend.  
he won in absolutely zero of these arguments against himself, as he always came to the conclusion that it was wrong, you two were friends and that's it, that you probably saw him only as a brother, if anything. but he had received his very needed push in the back by his members, now close friends of both of you, that insisted that it was normal: you were attractive, funny, sweet and a perfectly viable choice for him due to your closeness, anyone in his situation would probably be the same, and he would be a fool if he let go of the opportunity. with your looks and personality, you could get a partner anytime you wanted, and time was ticking for kevin, which, in turn, prompted him to act with you in mind, courtesy of sunwoo who mentioned he'd be the one making the moves if kevin didn't do it first.
and, so, it started, the tortuous process of courting.  
he didn't outright tell you he liked you, as he wanted to test the waters first, so he started with simple and minimal things, things that would go completely unnoticed by you unless you saw him as something more than a simple friend, unless you saw him in the same light as he saw you.  
hugging you a tad bit tighter and longer when he greeted you, getting leaves out of your hair or clothes for you, tentatively holding your hand when he wanted to guide you somewhere, placing his hands on your waist on hips when he walked past you; all little things that made his pale cheeks burn up a crimson color and his stupid, traitor heart beat uncontrollably against his ribcage... all little things that you remained completely apathetic to.  
“don't be afraid to up your game, hyung,” haknyeon had offered some advice, and as if it served as comfort to kevin, he had friendly palmed his back to show empathy for him, who sat with his head down, face hidden in his hands, “i think y/n is great! they definitely haven't noticed yet, and that's why they haven't said anything!”
it was another one of those nights where he was overcome with feelings, when the tug on his chest became too heavy and when the feeling of urgency became desperation. none of what he did was working out the way he wanted it to, and everytime he was left with more questions that answers: did you really blush when you brushed hands while reaching for the salt, or was it his mind playing tricks on him? were you really staring at him with such dreamy eyes when he was sketching or were you just spaced out? he could never tell.  
“well, that's obvious,” sunwoo retorted, plump lips on a straight line. he scratched his head and nudged kevin on the ribs, “you're the one who knows them best, you should that y/n had never had a partner before, it's likely they're just oblivious to your advances,”
an imaginary lightbulb flicked on on top of kevin's head at that moment when he realized sunwoo was right.
in all the years he's known you, you've never showed any kind of romantic interest in any person. it wasn't that you were short of suitors or admirers, quite the contrary, actually, you've had that sweet tendency to smile at everyone that happened to make eye contact with you since little, offer your help whenever needed and an ability to make friends with anyone in a matter of seconds. kevin was sure, during all his high school years, that the reason why he was liked was because of the halo effect, produced by the fact that he was always by your side.  
but, you, even with many suitors and secret admirers, never once brought up the topic of dating and crushes in front of kevin. he thought it was better that way, honestly, he's a bit more mature now but back when he was still a teenager, he was sure he wouldn't be able to take it if he heard you talking about another guy, all starry eyed and blushing. but that didn't mean he didn't feel curious about it.  
one time, against his own mental advices to just mind his business in case he ended up with a broken heart, kevin asked you about a guy in your class who he overheard your classmates teasing you about.
“oh, yeah, you mean james, right?” you sat on the floor of his bedroom, copying the answers from his textbook onto yours. you had bit your pencil and narrowed your eyes, thoughtfully, “i tutor him on sundays. nice guy.”
“i know who he is,” kevin answered, matter of factly, as he reclined back on his desk chair. he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as some form of idle distraction from the unsteadiness of his heart, “i'm asking you why were your friends making kissy faces at you when he was talking to you.”
he had sounded more stern than he intended, but, then again, that moment was the very first time he ever saw you blush and fix your hair in front of a dude, the first time he saw you act shy around someone.  
“he invited me to prom last week,” you answered, continuing to write down on your notebook with your cute, pink gel pen, “and my friends think he likes me because of that.”
“how are you so sure that he doesn't like you?,” it's obvious he does, kevin thought, otherwise he wouldn't look like such a fool, stuttering and scratching his nape like an idiot everytime you two interacted. not that he's one to talk, though.  
“because he's just being nice to me,” you frowned, “he always is. he walks me home when you can't, invites me to get coffee after tutoring, he saves me a spot next to him when i'm late for class,” you didn't lift your head from your notes or ever stopped writing, that's how trivial james's acts of ‘kindness’ were for you, “he even gifted me chocolates last valentine's.”
that's crush behavior, kevin wanted to say, but he didn't. he didn't want to implant the idea in your mind, making you overly conscious about it and forcing you to end up confused about your own feelings. if you liked him back or not, he decided, was for you to find out on your own, unprovoked.  
“do you like him?,” but there he was, having to open his big mouth out of morbid, masochistic curiosity.  
you lifted your head, finally looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, “no?”
“then why were you blushing when he was talking to you?”
“because julia was making a big deal out of it,” you said, frowning with certain annoyance and embarrassment, “and because noah kept telling him we look so cute together.”
“no, you don't.” kevin chimed in, perhaps too fast for his liking.  
“that's what i'm saying! we're just friends!” you sounded a bit exasperated, probably tired from all the teasing, “just like you and me.”
thanks to sunwoo, remembering that useful, albeit painful, conversation served kevin to switch his approach around you. thinking about it, back then, it should have been his first clue about your lack of awareness. he discarded as simple, intentional obliviousness— he thought that james was so obvious about his crush, you might as well were just trying to ignore it and not acknowledge it to avoid having to awkwardly reject him; but this obliviousness of yours lasted even much, much after that, when you guys moved to korea together and the people you met there were equally interested in you but ended up receiving the same treatment of complete lack of interest. even eric had, at some point of your early friendship, when he had a pitiful crush on you that lasted a couple of months.  
with a new, more direct approach in mind, kevin moon hadn't given up yet.  
he began to make his hints a bit more obvious so that the wouldn't fly over your pretty, little head like the ones before did, and he was pleasantly surprised to find out that it worked with great efficiency.  
complimenting you every chance he could, both looks and personality wise, often mentioning how you're the only person to make him this happy, how his day gets better when he sees you.  
and alongside the not so subtle flirting, your reactions began to grow in intensity as well. instead of the usual, coy nudge you'd give him when he complimented your appearance, you'd purse your lips and look down when he'd say that he thinks you're absolutely stunning. you'd bite a smile, cheeks heating up, when he'd, purposely on accident, casually sit close to you while watching movies, both of your sides pressed against each other. when he'd press an unassuming kiss to your temple after dropping you back at your place, you'd lean into his touch for a bit longer than usual, and you'd look a blushy mess of shaky eyes and pursed lips once he did pull away. even when he wasn't trying, even when his focus was on something else entirely, the amount of times he'd catch you staring at him and then move your eyes away as soon as he noticed were too many for them to be a simple coincidence.  
all of these interactions made him hopeful, made him think that he did the right thing by slowly approaching you in a way that you felt comfortable with. by the time he decided to finally confess to you, he was so sure you were, at least, confused about it, that you were seeing him in a new light now and that you weren't sure how to act around it, and that was enough for kevin, he just needed to go past that friendship relationship and then he'd work the rest, with you.  
and with this realization came yet multiple other inner debates about how to go around the confession. should he prepare for it? invite you to a picnic at the beach and confess to you when you both are enjoying the sunset? or should he just be spontaneous? you've never liked anything too flashy, after all, and you valued honesty over anything else.  
he chose to just do it one day, chose a time when you two are alone and tell you normally like he would do with any other thing. after all, you two were best friends who could tell absolutely anything to each other with no shame, and his feelings for you didn't change this.
but, whenever he thought about finally doing it, whenever he practiced his exact words in his mind over and over again until he was confident enough he wouldn't stutter, the moment would get interrupted by outside forces. like younghoon deciding to watch a movie in the living room where you guys were at, just in time when kevin had said he had something to tell you, like sunwoo coming uninvited into his room when you two were finally alone, saying that he was bored and asking if you wanted to play mario kart together. or that one time when kevin had managed to build momentum in his favor, mentioning how much he appreciates you and how lucky he is to have you by his side unconditionally, and just as he was about to utter the three important words, your mom had the inopportune need to call you, at three a.m. in the morning, because she had a nightmare about you being swallowed by the kraken.  
being stuck in this predicament didn't dishearten kevin, though. he's wanted to tell you how he feels since forever, he wasn't gonna give up over a few unfortunate interruptions.  
the perfect time to do it comes spontaneously, unprepared, just like most of those peaks of inspiration he feels out of the blue somedays.  
tonight, you're staying the night at his. you had went grocery shopping earlier in the afternoon, and kevin bought the ingredients to bake you some brownies after your insistence and pleads, clinging to his arm and pointing at the deliciously looking pictures of them in the premade mixture boxes, so now you're sitting on the counter of his kitchen while looks for the ingredients in the frige, reading the recipe out loud for him from your phone while swinging your legs up and down.  
“a double boiler?”, kevin leaves the fridge door open when he walks up to you and leans in so that he can get a look at your screen, “what the heck's that?”
“it says here that it's a fancy term for a... small saucepan filled with an inch of two of water set over low heat,” you read out loud, then lifting your head with a confused grimace, “huh?”
“i don't know,” kevin kicks the door closed after retrieving the butter, shrugging and trying to pretend he didn't notice how you stared at his lips just a second ago, “i'm just gonna make that one old recipe, the one we know and adore.”
“yeah, i don't know why you felt the need to change it,” you set your phone down and hop down the counter to give him more space, “you know i just eat whatever you make.”
“you like your brownies a bit more fudgy, don't you?” he takes a bowl out of the cabinet, and places it right beside where you're standing. he offers you a smile, a bit shy but genuine, “and i like to spoil you.”
at that moment, sunwoo walks into the kitchen. he makes a small gesture of acknowledgement to you and walks past kevin to get to the fridge. you follow him with your eyes.  
“hyung, i'm heading out,” sunwoo grabs a water bottle and closes the fridge again. he stands by kevin and points at the bowl where he's wisking the eggs, taking a short sip of his water, “can you save me some brownies?”
“i'm not making these for you, you know,” kevin sighs.  
“just one, then,” sunwoo insists, eyebrows up and pout on his lips, “you know i love brownies.”
“i'll save you some,” you smile at the younger guy lightly, “where are you heading?”
sunwoo shrugs and scratches his nape, “had the sudden urge to go to the movies.”
“alone?” you inquire, trying to supress a laugh.  
“don't judge a man for his hobbies, y/n,” sunwoo flicks your forehead with little force, and kevin hates that ugly feeling in his gut when you giggle and poke your tongue at him, “gotta go now, i've already purchased my ticket.”
and with sunwoo leaving, everyone else out on individual schedules and chanhee dead asleep on his room, you both are, technically, left alone in the dorm for once and for all.  
kevin pretends to be too preoccupied with spreading the thick batter in the baking pan to notice that the perfect opportunity to do it is just unfolding in front of him. he knows that the reason why he keeps getting interrupted is because he likes to take his sweet time with it, dragging it out as much as he can so he can prepare his heart for it. he decides he's not gonna do that tonight.  
just as he opens his mouth, your phone dings on the counter. kevin busies himself with putting the baking pan in the oven while you reach for your phone with the spatula he used in your mouth.  
“who are you texting?” he asks once he notices your wide smile and soft giggles.  
“yurina, one of my uni classmates,” you lick your lips after you're done licking the batter off, tossing the spatula into the sink, “she's happy because she asked her crush to be her girlfriend,”
“and did she say yes?”
“well, she wouldn't be happy otherwise, don't you think?”
there's an one-sided awkward silence when kevin rests against the counter while staring at you intently texting back and forth with this girl from uni.  
a moment of doubt crosses his mind. should he really do it? something tells him he shouldn't, that he should just keep quiet, but he's been walking through this desert for so long ago that stopping now feels wrong when he can practically see water in front of him.
love gives him a push in the back.  
“what about you?” he asks, and he internally cringes at the way his voice cracks a little at the end. he clears his throat, “i mean, are you interested in anyone?”
your thumbs stop typing suddenly, and you remain frozen for a moment, staring at your screen. you're blushing a little when you slowly lift your eyes towards him, and he mirrors such expression when his hopeful heart does a little flip.  
“why—why are you asking all of a sudden?”, your voice sounds tiny and you look a bit doubtful of him.  
“well, you never tell me about stuff like this,” he scratches his eyelid as he looks down at his shoes. the awkwardness is almost painful, and he's sure he isn't the only one feeling it right now, “is it someone you can't tell me?,” he makes a small pause in which he lifts his eyes from the ground and looks at you, “a close friend, maybe?”
silence fills the kitchen. the hen shaped cooking timer clicks as it counts down the minutes for the brownies to be ready, hour phone pings with new upcoming messages, the tv in chanhee's room makes deaf noise in the backround, yet, none of you talk.
when you refuse to meet his eyes that come looking for you, biting the inside of your cheek and looking down, kevin realizes he's going to be the one who breaks it, unfortunately.
“did i hit the jackpot?,” perhaps he sounds hopeful, or perhaps the silence was too loud that his voice now seems to over-volume it.  
you finally look up from the floor, “why am i the only one being interrogated?,” you sound a little more like yourself when you block your phone and cross your arms on your chest, lips pouty and the tip of your ears a little bit red, “you also never tell me anything about stuff like that!”
“i'll tell you if you want,” he murmurs, trying to analize your reaction, “if you tell me first.”
in the heart fluttering moment, odds are in his favor, he knows. it's on the way you look at him through your eyelashes, shy and maybe even a bit flustered, the sugar rush on his veins at the sight of your blush, ever telling of your feelings. because he knows you so well he knows that his hunch is right, it's because of your connection that he can feel that it's no longer one-sided, that, as much as he feels for you, you feel for him.  
“why don't you,” you make a small pause to press the back of your hands to your hot cheeks, “why don't you say it first, then?”
“how about we say it at the same time?,” even in his certainty there's still cautiousness, as if he needs confirmation even if he can read your heart, “at the count of three.”
“okay,” you smile at him with warmth, gentle, still laced with a shyness that makes your eyes a bit glossy, and it's the prettiest thing kevin has ever seen, “one.”
“two.” he says, his heart on a frenzy, mind a bit hazy with quiet excitement for what's about to come.  
“three!” you both say, and there's a small pause before any of you continue:
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marvelmusing · 3 years
Making Time
Mobius M Mobius x Reader
Part 1
My Masterlist • Series Masterlist
A/N: Not sure if many people want this but I like the idea of working for the TVA & Mobius is kinda funny and charming. I really hope I don’t start to regret this once the rest of Loki comes out
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Whilst all the desks at the TVA were practically identical in the impersonal corporate sense, Mobius’s desk was a lot nicer than yours. Having been at the TVA for longer than you, he’d gotten everything sorted into a comfortable space, whereas your desk was scattered with papers and mugs you’d always forgotten about. There’s a incessant knocking against wood nearby. Your head perks up from where you’ve been sorting through files on the floor beside Mobius’s chair. You spot Ravi, a fellow assistant, leaning over the top of the cubicle.
“Hey [Y/N].”
“Hi Ravi.” You reply, returning to your sorting.
“Where’s Mobius?”
“Erm, France, 1549.”
“There’s been a development in the Loki Variant case.” You nod,
“That’s why he’s in France.”
“This is a new development.” He hands a file to you, and you skim over it quickly. Laufeyson. Variant L1130, AKA Loki Laufeyson, is charged with sequence violation 7-20-89. You look up at him.
“Thanks, Ravi.” He smiles at you,
“No problem.” You stand up from the floor quickly. You pass through the TVA corridor’s before opening a Timedoor. You step into it, emerging in 16th Century France. Mobius is stood nearby, he looks up at you in surprise.
“Mobius. You might want to take a look at this.” You hand him the file. He looks over the front page, before nodding.
“Thank you, [Y/N].” He says, stepping forward, and placing a hand on your arm. “Let’s go, we need to hurry.” You both pass through the Timedoor.
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You both rush through the corridors of the TVA. You skid to a stop at the reception desk, a smile brightening your face when you recognise the receptionist.
“Hey Casey!” He looks up at you in surprise.
“[Y/N], hi!”
“We’re in a bit of a rush. Has there been a variant brought in? Tall, dark hair, most likely carrying a sparkly, blue cube?” Casey picks up the Tesseract from a drawer beside him.
“Yes! Where is he?”
“They just took him into the courtroom.” You both set off running, and you call out,
“Thank you, Casey!”
You open the door to the courtroom, and Mobius hurries inside, taking tentative steps so as to not draw attention to the the two of you. You follow closely behind him. He slides onto a bench, with you taking the seat beside him. You’re knees bump together slightly, but he pays it no mind as his focus remains on Renslayer.
“We're not here to talk about the Avengers.” She says, looking down at Loki.
“Oh, no?” He asks her.
“What they did was supposed to happen. You escaping was not.” Loki laughs at this,
“Right. Not supposed to happen? According to whom?”
“The Time-Keepers?” She offers.
“Oh, the Time-Keepers. Right.” He scoffs. “Well, perhaps I should speak to these Time-Keepers, gods to gods.”
“I'm sorry, but they're quite busy.”
“Oh, they are? What are they doing?”
“Dictating the proper flow of time.”
“I see. Right. And then what do you do?”
“Dictate the proper flow of time according to their dictations. How do you plead?” You watch Loki as he smirks, holding his hands out.
“Guilty, of this.” He grasps his fists a few times, confusion clear in his actions.
“What’s going on?” Renslayer asks, looking for side to side.
“Hang on. Everyone quiet.” Loki reasons. Hunter B-15 laughs,
“He's trying to use his powers, ma'am.” He slams his hands down on the podium in front of him,
“Damn it! Why won’t it work?”
“Magic powers? They're no good in the TVA, Mr Laufeyson.” Renslayer tells him. “The court finds you guilty, and I sentence you to be reset. Next case, please!” She calls out, as is there’s a colossal queue waiting.
“Reset? What does that mean? What, is it bad? What does it mean? You ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends!” Loki exclaims hurriedly, as the Hunters surrounding him begin to drag him away.
“It's not your story, Mr Laufeyson. It never was.” She tells him in a bored tone, a little harshly you think.
“You have no idea what I'm capable of!”
“I think I might.” Mobius stands quickly, making his way past you. “Have an idea of what he's capable of.” He adds. Renslayer considers him for a moment,
“Approach the bench.” He steps forward, and you hear him offer a soft,
“If you're thinking what I think you are, it's a bad idea.” She hisses.
“Okay, I'm just chasing a hunch.”
“Anything goes sideways, it's on you.”
“Okay. I feel like I'm always looking up to you. I like it. It's appropriate.” You roll your eyes at him, as you stand and take your place beside him. Loki continues to struggle against the hunters. He looks Mobius up and down.
“And who are you?”
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“I’m going to burn this place to the ground.” You hear Loki growl.
“I'll show you where my desk is, you can start there.” Mobius remarks, and you can’t help but smirk. He glances at you, sending you a winking once your eyes meet. You roll your eyes at him again. Loki slows his walk, looking across the railing out into the TVA. You and Mobius stop to look at him.
“Have a look.” Mobius tells him, gesturing towards the view. Loki approaches the railing, staring out at the city in front of you.
“I thought there was no magic here.” Loki asks, a frown of confusion on his face.
“There isn't.” Mobius replies.
“That's not real.” Loki decides.
“It is, and, unfortunately, so is all the paperwork. Good tinder for your fire, though. Come on.”
“This place is a nightmare.”
“That's another department. Now that department I'll help you burn down.” You shake your head at him, smiling. The three of you step into the elevator. You stand on one side of Mobius, with Loki on the other. You press the button for the appropriate department. The faint tune of elevator music fills the temporary silence, before Mobius turns to Loki,
“I’m Agent Mobius, by the way.” He holds his hand out for Loki to shake. Loki looks down at his hand, with no plan to shake it at all. “This is my associate, Agent [Y/N].” You offer him a small smile with a nod, as his eyes briefly acknowledge your presence. You’ve always liked how Mobius refers to you as his associate, rather than assistant. Unlike the majority of the TVA. Loki turns his attention back to Mobius,
“Are you taking me somewhere to kill me?”
“No. That's where you just were. I'm taking you some place to talk.”
“I don't like to talk.” Loki lies.
“But you do like to lie, which you just did.”
“Because we both know you love to talk. Talkie-talkie.”
“How long have you been here?” Mobius sighs,
“I don't know. It's hard to say, time passes differently here in the TVA.” Loki frowns at this,
“What does that mean?”
“You'll catch up.” The elevator door opens and the three of you step out. You remain close to Mobius’s side, with Loki trailing behind.
“So, you're part of the TVA's courageous and dedicated workforce?”
“You were created by the Time-Keepers.”
“To protect the Sacred Timeline.” You hear the mocking tone in his voice. He’s not believing a word of this.
“Correct.” Loki laughs.
“Is that funny?” Mobius asks him, as he heads down the steps towards the door. You both look back at Loki as he exclaims,
“The idea that your little club decides the fate of trillions of people across all of existence at the behest of three space lizards, yes, it's funny. It's absurd.” Mobius considers him for a moment before saying,
“I thought you didn't like to talk.” He opens the door, gesturing to Loki. “After you.” Loki passes you and walks into the room.
“I’ll wait until you’re done.” You say, meeting Mobius’s gaze.
“You don’t have to.” He insists.
“I’ll wait.” You’ve caught Loki’s attention, his head turning to examine you after hearing your voice for the first time. You watch as Mobius walks into the room, and you close the door behind him.
You’re not stood for long before Hunter B-15 approaches. She attempts to brush past you. You hold your arm out,
“Mobius is in the middle of an interrogation.” You protest. “You can’t just interrupt.”
“Stand aside, Variant.” You clench your jaw, a prickle of fear in your chest as she pushes the door open.
“What are you doing?” She calls out to Mobius.
“My job. Is it yours to interrupt?” He replies. His eyes fall on you as you give him an apologetic look. He shrugs lightly in response.
“We have a situation.” She tells him. He sighs,
“There's always a situation.” He turns to Loki,
“Don't go anywhere. It was just getting good. Spirited.”
You hover by the door, as Mobius and B-15 head further along the corridor to talk. You hear the two of them bickering momentarily before Mobius returns.
“We’ve lost another unit.” He tells you. You sigh,
“Are we going to wrap this up then?” You ask, he nods as you open the door. He steps inside and you follow him as he calls out,
“Okay, Loki, I think we can finish up tomorrow and just pick it...” He trails off, and you look around for Loki. The room’s empty. You watch Mobius slip his hand into his pocket, before leaning his head back with a sigh, “Mischievous scamp.” You both rush outside, Mobius calling B-15 back.
“Wish I could say I was surprised.” She retorts.
“Yeah, I wish you hadn't interrupted us.” Mobius adds, annoyance lacing this tone. The two of you jog alongside the Hunters she’s gathered.
“Me? It's my fault?” She exclaims.
“He can't have gotten very far.” You reason, attempting to prevent an argument.
“Split up. Prune on sight.” She orders.
“No, no pruning, no resetting. He can still help us!” Mobius argues. Your group splits up. You wander through the corridors for awhile before deciding to return to the projection room. Once Loki realised he can’t get far he might decide to hide in there. Turns out, you’re right. Loki is perched on the steps at one side of the room. You glance as the projector, the bold ‘End of File’ standing out from the screen. He holds the Tesseract in one hand, the blue glow casting a shadow across his face.
“I’m guessing you know that won’t work here.” You say, keeping a safe distance between the two of you. He nods,
“Not through a lack of trying.” You sit down on the steps, glancing at him for a moment before staring at the wall.
“Did he give you the: your only purpose is a side character to develop other people on their path to greatness, speech?” He looks up at you sharply. You meet his gaze, “I suppose that’s a yes.” He nods. You sigh, “I know it sucks, but I have to admit it does put things in perspective.”
“Perspective?” You nod,
“That the only reason why you did the things you’ve done, is because it was meant to happen. Because the all knowing space lizards decided it. But you’re out of the timeline now, Loki. You can do whatever you want.” You watch as he considers your words. “That’s not me giving you the okay to kill me. Or Mobius, don’t kill him. Anyone else, I’m not too fussed.” You joke. A small smile flits across his face. “I’m going to call Mobius now, he’s the better option over B-15.” Loki nods, and you retreat outside the room. You pull out your phone and dial for Mobius,
“Mobius, I’ve found him. He’s back at the projection room.”
“Do not approach him, [Y/N]. Do you hear me? I’m on my way now.” You agree, and wait outside the door. Mobius rushes down the corridor, grasping hold of you. “Are you okay?” You nod,
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” He pauses, checking you over for a moment, before nodding and opening the door to reveal Loki. You wait outside as they presumably have a heart to heart. It’s not long before Mobius is back by your side, with Loki in tow.
“Say hello to our newest team member.”
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 25 - The Battle of Hogwarts (Part One)
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Thanks to my gif maker and friend of course, @abimess.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. || Words: 5.550 K
A/N> The third to last chapter is here, a little late because I just forgot to publish it yesterday. Well, good luck and good reading everyone.
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Chapter 25 - Part XXV - The Battle of Hogwarts (Part One)
The first thing you notice when you arrive at Hogwarts is the sky.
Maybe it's because you fell backwards onto the ground, and the high was what was within reach of your gaze, but you can see clearly that the exact moment Wanda apparated you and Charles into the castle, was also the exact moment when the protection spells broke.
The great force field placed in the castle, breaking into luminous pieces in front of your eyes, would be beautiful to watch in any other situation.
Now, it just means that you arrived just in time for the fight to begin.
A gentle touch pulls you up, helping you stand.
Wanda's concerned face checking to see if everything is okay, and you have to push the ringing in your ear from the adrenaline to absorb her words:
"[...]Charles is not breathing, Y/N! Help me!" And suddenly your heart is beating so fast that you have barely stood and are kneeling again, now next to the man who has fallen to the ground.
"What happened?" you asked worriedly, watching him squirm, the wide wound in his throat.
"He splinched! I don't know why I-"
"It's okay, Wanda, give me your hand." You interrupted her trying to calm her down, pulling her close. "Do as you did with me, I'll help you."
"I-I don't know how, I-I-"
"Trust me, then, babe." You guided quickly, as Wanda lowered herself down beside you, and you intertwined your hands at the height of Charles' wound who was almost passing out. "Breathe, let your magic flow with mine. The same way you healed me, help him."
Wanda tried to control her nervous tears, taking a deep breath. Her hands trembled on top of yours.
But as soon as you felt her magic, you focused.
It was a strange feeling, healing someone with Wanda's magic.
A soft sigh escaped her lips, and then it turned into a laugh of relief as the wound began to close.
Within seconds, Charles was blinking in confusion, trying to sit up, breathing normally.
"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" You asked, touching his shoulders, and he shook his head.
"O-okay." He replied breathlessly, impressed. "Thank you, ladies."
"What happened, Charles?" Wanda asked worriedly, helping him stand. The sky exploding around you.
"We appeared a second before the protection spell broke, girls." He explained as he looked up at the sky, "I figured it would be worth absorbing the damage, rather than putting you two in danger."
"That was stupidly brave, buddy." You mutter making him laugh.
"Let's hurry up, I think the fight is on the other side."
You were near the entrance to the stone circle, just before the Wooden Bridge. There was no one there, but the force field was disengaging almost completely at that point.
Grabbing the Sorting Hat that had fallen from your head, and the sword that Gryffindor Charles had made a small belt for you to hang on your back, you ran beside them toward the castle.
As the distance diminished, your body began to shiver.
Wanda was in danger here.
You pushed the feeling away, trying to ignore it.
She intertwined your hands together, trying to give you a minimum of reassurance as you crossed the wooden bridge.
"Don't come any closer!" Someone shouted from the edge of the entrance, his wand raised.
The person saw Charles, who was in front, first. Hence the hostility, you guessed.
And then he recognized you and Wanda.
"By merlin, it's them!" Shouted the boy. "Tony, it's your sister!"
You choked, stepping forward.
Tony stumbled out of the area he was covering, and had half a second before he recognized you for you to catch up to him, jumping on his neck, hugging him tightly.
"Idiot, your friend almost stupified us!" You fought between tears as he laughed in relief and hugged you back.
He let go of you to hug Wanda too, but the loud noises of explosions in the distance made you exchange knowing glances about continuing.
"We need to go, the walkers are coming through the front entrance." He directs, but before you guys can move, there is a loud whistle.
You turn toward the bridge entrance again.
There is a large group of wizards there, who have probably appeared in the forest.
"That's why we're here, Y/N. I put a bomb on the bridge. Come right in." Tony says quickly, pulling you guys off the bridge.
The group of wizards is led by a grim-faced man with a huge scar on his face.
"Stop hiding, children!" He shouts as he walks.
Tony exchanges a look with the boy who was watching, and shouts.
"Come on, don't you think it's pathetic to attack a school, Digger?" Tony teased, clearly wishing the man would advance on the bridge. "You sound desperate, buddy!"
And this Digger guy seemed to get annoyed, but his gaze fell on you and Wanda, and his expression flashed with anger.
"My, my, is the Scarlet Witch am I seeing? You guys are fools."
You would have moved forward, wiped that sick smile off his face, if Tony hadn't cast an incantation on the end of the bridge, which caused a huge explosion.
He rushed to get you guys out, pushing you back into the castle as the wooden bridge was destroyed and that whole little horde of walkers was defeated at once.
"That was incredible!" The boy from earlier commented as soon as the explosion was over, "I'm Scott Summers, nice to meet you all."
You frowned at the outstretched hand. The name was not unfamiliar to you. But it wasn't until Wanda discreetly whispered in your mind that he was a friend of Jean Grey's did you recognize him.
He greeted everyone quickly before Tony turned to you.
"What the hell are you doing here anyway?" He asked, now almost annoyed. "Mephisto is here, somewhere outside the field. Neither you nor Wanda should be anywhere near him."
You started walking back to the castle, as you spoke. "You shouldn't have attacked now, Tony, you don't understand. He can't die, it is an ancient magic, it's called horcruxes and-
"Well, break it then!" He interrupts impatiently, because you guys are running and he is trying to get to the others soon. " Actually, tell me how to break it, and go back to Strange's room, that psycho can't lay eyes on you."
"No chance, I'll fight with you." You contradict, and Tony turns around with a grimace, but doesn't have time to protest, because by the time you reach the inside of the castle, it's insane.
There are many wizards in there, from the order, from the ministry. Also, a lot of classmates and children. Your first thought is to mentally curse Stephen for not sending the students home.
But someone jumps on your neck. It's Gamora, hugging you so tightly that she almost knocks you to the ground.
"By Merlin, what you're doing here, you can't be here-"
"Good to see you too, little sister." You interrupt in a tearful laugh, some members of the order recognizing you as well, but they keep moving on out, probably to deal with the rest of Mephisto's army.
"She said something about death magic, Gamora, just get her out of the castle before he knows they're here." Tony warns and he looks at you for a second before following the crowd of wizards outside, wand in hand.
"Let's go down the top hallway and-" Gamora says, already pulling you along, but you don't move from your spot.
"No you don't understand, I need to destroy two things, and I need to know where Pietro is." You say quickly, and Gamora blinks in confusion before answering.
"I think Piete was covering the Suspension Bridge entrance but-"
Wanda is already running before Gamora is finished, and honestly, no chance in hell you won't follow her.
Gamora shouts your name about four times, but the crowd of people keeps her behind.
"We should get back to Agatha, girls." Charles tries to ration, but you and Wanda keep running.
Hogwarts has never been so crowded.
The students are getting desperate, and you think that's why they seem to be running everywhere.
The stairs are changing very quickly too, and you and Wanda grumble impatiently as you struggle to get to Pietro by them.
It's when you reach the third floor frame that you lose your breath all at once, and almost fall into the gap between the stairs, but Charles holds on by the cover.
"Stark, what is wrong?" he asks worriedly, and hearing this Wanda stops running, turning to check on you immediately.
But you're not listening.
I know you're here, child. And I'm going to kill every one of them if you don't give me back what’s mine.
You choke, shaking, blocking your mind. Mephisto had managed to get in for a second, long enough for you to fall to the floor.
"It's him." You gasp accepting Charles' help to stand properly. "He got inside my head, and he knows we're here, Wanda. We need to hurry."
"I have to find Pietro and-"
"I know, let's find him first and destroy the Horcruxes."
In the Suspension Bridge area, a duel was going on.
A small group of walkers were trying to invade the castle through that zone, and Professor T'Challa, along with Pietro were covering the place.
You didn't recognize any of the wizards, but it didn't matter much, because Wanda attacked them the next second, her magic going by the free space between Pietro and T'Challa to hit the three wizards with a wave of energy all at once, which threw them off the bridge.
The two boys turned around confused and impressed, but Wanda jumped on Pietro the next moment, hugging him tightly.
"Sestra!"He said, shocked, matching the squeeze with a tearful laugh. You smiled at the scene, but looked forward, and your stomach gave a complete flip.
"How touching, a family reunion." Hela mocked as she slowly approached, behind her, Loki and three other wizards you didn't know, "It'll be worth killing you all together then."
T'Challa attacked first, but Hela used a magic you had never seen before.
It was a black claw, coming out like an extension of her own hand. It didn't break apart with your teacher's stupore spell, but rather darted through his chest.
You let out a loud exclamation, widening your eyes.
T'Challa fell down to the floor, dead.
"Did you like my new trick? I learned a few months ago, when Maximoff brought us out of the forest. I needed to learn how to never let my bunnies run away again." Hela narrated as she pulled the claw back. "Nothing fairer than to use that on him don't you think?"
But you attacked, furiously.
A shower of spells began. Agatha's lessons had been worth it.
You were dueling three wizards at once.
Charles joined you at your side, while Pietro pulled the professor's body out of the way, sniffling softly.
And then Hela was aiming her claw at you again, and you had no idea which spell to use.
You know the spell. Kill her.
Hela missed as you pushed that sinister thought away.
Wanda hit her in the ribs with a wave of magic and she let out an angry and painful scream, the claw hit the wall behind you, narrowly missing your face.
You muttered a “Thanks, babe”, realizing that the claws had a regarch time.
Your problem for the next ten seconds was to keep your mind blocked from Mephisto, ignore the trembling in your body from having Wanda in danger, and dueling three witches at once.
Everything was under control.
Until Hela took aim at Wanda.
"No, she belongs to the dark lord!" The witch next to the woman shouted, but too late, because Hela shot.
And Pietro reached Wanda before you did.
He pushed her to the ground, and the claw went through his chest.
"N-no!" Wanda screamed, and everything exploded around you in a bright red light that threw you and everyone around.
You shook your head as you tried to understand what had happened.
But you raised your eyes to find Pietro on the ground, and Wanda standing there, a red circle around her before she attacked Hela with a energy so strong that completely disintegrated her.
And then the other three witches were targeted.
You reached Pietro, choking on his own blood.
Just like in Wanda's vision.
"Piete, no." You gasped tearfully, as you pressed your hands to his wound. "Please, buddy, keep your eyes open."
He just stared at you, losing his strength.
You could feel Wanda's liquid fury in your veins as she kept fighting.
And if you couldn't help her now, you would help Pietro.
The sorting hat fell from your head as she cast the spell, and you looked at Charles picking it up off the floor, a confused but impressed look on his face.
On the brim, the Hufflepuff's cup.
You remembered Agatha's memories in the same second. About the cup healing the wounded, like it healed Thanos' colleague.
And Charles threw it to you before you even asked.
As soon as it touched your bloody hands, the cup filled with a transparent liquid.
You recognized the appearance because Charles was an excellent potions mentor.
Pouring the fluid into the wound, Pietro cried out. His skin burned as it closed, but the wound gradually cleared.
"Wanda, he'll be okay, look!" You shouted, and it was the same second she was going to aim at Loki, who was already on the ground, his hands raised in pity.
She gasped out her own magic, turning to you.
Pietro was pale, but he was healed. And Wanda quickly knelt down to you, and you stepped back so she could hold him.
"Destroy it now, Miss Stark!" Charles directed as soon as the cup rolled from your hands to the floor.
You waved frantically, but when Wanda threw you with the magic, the sword fell forward as well.
And it was Loki who reached for it first.
"Give it back!" You ordered, wand raised to the boy with the mixed look of fear and anger in front of you.
He just shook his head, and seeing the validity of the item, and understanding that he had no chance of facing you all, he ran to the edge of the bridge, sword in the air.
"Stand back or I'll throw it." Loki warned, and you obeyed, your hands raised in the air.
"Loki, please give it back."
"What is it?"
"It doesn't matter, just give it to me."
"She killed my sister, Y/N." Loki accused then, his eyes filled with tears.
"And Hela tried to kill Pietro. I'm sorry, Loki, but we're not the ones fighting on the wrong side."
"Wrong side?" Loki let out a humorless laugh. "You have no idea what he's done do you?"
"Who, Loki?"
"Odin." He retorted in disgust, his sword swinging over the edge. You swallowed dryly, trying to think of the possibilities of reaching Loki before he threw the sword.
"No buddy, I don't know what you're talking about."
"You think you're fighting for the right side?" He angrily accuses. "Odin killed my parents!"
You frown in confusion.
"Is that why you are fighting for Mephisto? Is it for revenge?"
"I am a child of late autumn, Y/N." He clarified, and you widen your eyes. "Odin killed my family."
You shake your head. "No, Loki. Mephisto searched for the children, he wanted to find Wanda. He-"
"Do you really think only the dark lord was looking for the children of the prophecy?" He interrupts angrily. "Everyone was. And when Odin came into my house, my parents thought he was a walker, and they attacked. And Odin killed them. And because he loved to play the good man part, he took me to live with him. All these years, I never knew. Until Hela told me the truth."
"Do you think fighting for Mephisto changes that? Odin made a mistake in lying to you, that doesn't give you the right to follow a dictator."
"None of them had the right to lie to me." He continues angrily. "Your side pretends to be good, covering the lies for each other. But it was Odin who broke into my house and murdered my parents. He stole me. He stole my life."
"And I'm sorry, Loki." You said sincerely. "But teaming up with someone worse doesn't fix things. Give me back my sword."
"What is it for?"
"To destroy horcruxes."
Loki hesitates. He looks at you doubtfully, and then at the object at his feet.
"You are lying."
"No, I'm not." You return. "Please, Loki. We are friends. Don't make me take the sword from you by force."
Something in his eyes changes for a second. “Friends? Even after what I did?”
You swallow hard, nodding. “You knew it was me. That day. But you didn’t say anything. I think it’s because you’re not like them. You’re scared, like the rest of us.”
Loki just looks at you for a moment, then throws the sword on his other hand and advances against you.
But it’s not on yourself that he aims, it’s in the object at your foot.
The second the blade pierce the cup, a dark magic energy flows out of it. It throws you and Loki away, right to the floor.
You see the image of a furious face emerge before it completely fades away.
The second horcrux was destroyed.
Coughing a bit, you feel this sharp feeling behind your neck, and close your eyes.
Fool child. I will not have mercy on any.
It’s Wanda’s touch on your face that brings you back to reality. She’s pulling you to stand, worriedly looking at you as Charles carries Pietro inside.
“I’m okay, love.” You whisper weakly as she checks you, but you’re looking at Loki, who has the sword in hand, sitting on the floor. “You did it.”
You tell him, somewhere between proud and impressed, but the boy just seems tired. He swallows hard, as if trying to control the urge to cry as he stands up.
“There's little I know about my real parents, Y/N." Loki says approaching. "And one of those things is about their contempt for magics like Necromancy. There are things I need to figure out on my own. Loose ends in my story, that will now be harder to unravel without my sister, or my mother. But I will not follow anyone who is willing to kill others to avoid his own death. I think I'm pretty evil already."
Loki hands you the sword. You swallow dryly, holding his hand over the item.
"You're not evil, Loki." You say. "You just made the wrong choices."
He gives you a sad smile, the explosions getting more powerful. The fight is getting worse, and he sighs, moving away.
"Hela said he was looking for a chamber in the castle, something underground." He tells you, and before you can thank him, he has disappeared before your eyes.
You turn to Wanda, and she already has an understanding look on her face, knowing where you should go.
"Go. We'll join the main entrance." Charles said, but Pietro moved to protest, and Wanda touched his shoulders.
"No, I'm not leaving you two alone!" He shouted, but his sister shook her head, ignoring the tears.
"Up here, you'll be safer than with us." She said with her voice full of emotion. "Please, Piete. Just...go."
Pietro swallows dryly, and hugs his sister one last time before heading back inside the castle with Charles, running towards the loudest noises.
"Let's end this, darling." You say as you intertwine your hands together.
It is in between stumbling around the crowd of wizards running through the third floor to the stairwell that you remember that you don't know how to get into the chamber of secrets.
"Wanda, wait." You say giving a gentle tug on the hand that remains entwined with you the whole way.
And she turns around curious and concerned, but you just shake your head.
"We don't know-"
"Let's find my father then." She interrupts and you give a short laugh.
"Stop reading my mind." You tease as she pulls you to walk, a mischievous smile on her lips.
You make your way down the stairs back to the second floor, and an explosion in the nearby hallways catches your attention immediately as a group of first-year students scream and run away from that direction.
You and Wanda exchange a glance before moving forward, only to reach the almost completely destroyed hallway. A huge crater had been opened in the wall by a giant outside, who was looking in.
"Witches!" Said the monster in a loud, slow voice, as it noticed you inside.
You choked, stumbled and pulled Wanda away, before the giant could stick his hand into the hole and grab you two.
“Okay, not this way.” You comment as you run the opposite direction, screaming to the students outside to go the other way around.
Back in the Grand Staircase, there are wizards on brooms.
You frown, not understanding what the point of that is, but you figure that in their desperation, the students have tried everything.
And then there are walkers coming in from the upper floors, and you understand that whoever is in the air was trying to prevent them from coming down.
"Darling, where do you think your father is?" You ask worriedly, looking up to see two seventh-year witches knocking out a walker on the uppermost stairs, flying between the staircases with their Quidditch brooms.
Wanda didn't respond as one of the walkers hit a staircase, blasting the steps with a bright spell, and she quickly stopped three students from falling, pushing them back to safety with her magic.
Slightly out of breath, she turned to you.
"Upstairs." She says.
You let out a sigh. The upper floors, and the main entrance are where the fighting is at its worst. That's where your bond will leave you breathless due to the danger Wanda will be in.
But you just nod, and guide Wanda between the stairs, occasionally exchanging spells with the walkers who make it down.
Professor Erik is nowhere to be found.
You and Wanda are running for about twenty minutes, and it’s getting hard to ignore the way the bond is begging you to take her away from danger, as you feel an insistent headache and chills around your body.
As you stop to catch your breath, around the fifth floor, you keep your head down, as you lean against a wall with your hands on your knees.
“What is it, babe?” Wanda asked worriedly, her hands coming to your neck. “Merlin, you’re pale.”
“I’m o-okay.” You say back, feeling a bit nauseous. “I think we’re close to ending this, love. That’s why i-”
But a strong explosion cuts your line, the magic doing it’s job to protect Wanda for the wreckage that came flying all the way around. Someone just destroyed the sixth floor, the remains of the explosion flying to the halls, all the way down the stairs.
Coughing a bit, you get up, helping Wanda stand properly as well.
Before any of you can understand what happened, there’s a wizard jumping on you.
“I got the protector!” He screamed as you two fell through the air, in the gap between the stairs. The walker could turn into some kind of flying mist, and even though you were struggling against his grip, you couldn't get loose, and the ground was closing in at a considerable speed.
Your ears had an irritating ringing, and from the way your whole body shook, someone had reached Wanda too.
But then the feeling diminished.
And as you fell, you saw the characteristic light of Wanda's magic, before the walker's mist overwhelmed your vision, and you crashed against the steps, cascading to the last floor, as your back hit the stairs many times before you hit the ground.
Groaning in pain, you felt your whole body aching as you tried to blink and locate yourself, all half blurred around you.
You thought someone was calling you, and trying to ignore the whole accident to focus on the feeling that you needed to protect Wanda, but just as you started to get up, something came around your ankles, and started dragging you.
"Keep them busy, you useless bastards! The dark lord just needs the protector for the ritual." It was the last thing you heard before the bruises from the fall knocked you out.
There was an insistent ringing in your ears when you opened your eyes again.
And the floor was cold and damp.
It took you a few seconds to realize that besides the water, your clothes were wet in places with blood from your wounds.
Your whole body ached, but you didn't mind.
Because every cell was screaming Wanda's name.
Find her. Protect her.
You choked as you forced yourself to move, noticing your surroundings.
“Wanda?” you gasped breathlessly, trying to locate yourself. It seemed like a long hallway, and it was dark.
You could hear the explosions from the castle, even if they were muffled.
Someone chained you to the walls, and you realized that there were voices in the distance, and as you sat up, you tried to understand what they were saying:
"Harkness is going to help with the ritual." Someone commented. "Our master and his apprentice are finally united again."
"I thought he wanted to kill the girls." Retorted the male voice.
"The dark lord wants the scarlet magic, but he can only get it with Agatha's help, because of the fusion she did. I think she managed to convince him not to kill the children. For now at least."
The voices grew closer, until two tall, frowning wizards with their faces hidden by skull masks turned down the corridor, catching up with you.
"Hey, the sleepyhead is finally awake." Teased the taller one, raising his wand toward you to make the chains force you to your feet. "Come on, they're waiting for you."
Fighting the chains was useless, but you did it anyway.
And your head began to pound. Wherever Wanda was, she was in danger. Or maybe it was because she should be in great stress right now.
As you were dragged down the corridor, you were startled by the magnitude of the snakes embedded in the stones.
And then it occurred to you where you were.
Salazar Slytherin's chamber of secrets.
The walkers led you to the center, and as you reached the place, you noticed that colorful runes were drawn on the pillars, and candles were flying around. And in the middle, a pentagram that you didn't recognize.
What frightened you the most, was the gigantic basilisk skeleton in the corner of the room, perched like a work of art. You deduced that many years ago, the mortal remains of the creature were moved back into the chamber to avoid the curious.
It was no less frightening.
The wizard from before, hit your knees with a colorful spell, and you fell to the ground, facing the pentagram.
"Wait here, protector." He said, and then gave a little laugh. "Not that you have a choice."
"Fuck you." You grumbled but then gasped in pain, the torture curse hitting you in the ribs then making you curl down on the floor.
"Stop it, Zsasz!" Asked the wizard next to you, pushing the other's wand away, and consequently making the spell stop. You gasped with relief. "She's not ours to play with."
"Tell her to behave herself then, Vormund ." Retorted the angry Zsasz fellow. "I hate those half-bloods."
"Calm down, you idiot." Warned the other. "This will be over soon. Don't do anything to annoy the dark lord again. He's already pissed off enough with the destruction of the darkhold."
You widen your eyes, and let out a humorless laugh.
"Ouch, your master lost his little book? What a pity." You teased helplessly, and almost regretted the kick to the stomach you received, but the infuriated faces of the walkers made it worth it.
"You won't keep that little smile on your face when I rip out your spine!" Threatened Zsasz, causing you to lock your jaw by the wand on your neck.
"What's going on here?" interrupted a female voice, coming from the hallway.
It was a woman you didn't know, without a mask like the other two. And her confident posture, or perhaps her presence, made the walkers jump away from you.
"N-nothing, ma'am." Answered Vormund quickly. "The half-blood was being rebellious an-"
"And you two assume you have any right to correct her?" Cut the witch snidely, moving closer. "This must be a joke."
The wizards exchanged glances, but bowed their heads.
"Forgive us, Lady Mystique, it won't happen again." Said Zsasz, but the woman just held up her hand telling him to keep his apology.
"Go back to the entrance. No one must interrupt the ritual. And the dark lord is on his way." She said simply, and the wizards looked at you one last time before they started walking off in the direction they had carried you.
The Mystique woman waited until they had disappeared down the hall to look at you.
"I'm sorry for the hostility, dear, in the best of words, they are brutes." She said, waving so that the knot in your chains loosened a bit, which lessened the pain, but did not free you. You also felt a slight push on your back and legs, forcing you to stand gently.
"Do you expect thanks for the mild torture, ma'am? Not going to happen." You retort between teeth, trying to look around for some way out. But the chamber was dark and you didn't know the place.
The Mystique woman seemed to find your harshness amusing, and gave a short laugh, following your curious gaze.
"Even if you try to run, they will catch up with you." She says, making you lock your jaw.
"And even if you escape the spells, you won't be able to ignore the bond."
You have no argument really, so you just sigh. "What are they going to do to me?"
"The dark lord wants the scarlet magic." She answers. "And he needs to break Agatha's spell to get it now."
“But if he kills us, the magic will be gone.”
“That’s why he’s breaking the spell before killing you two.” She states simply, as you feel your stomach turn. But her eyes are gentle, and makes you confused, so you try to bargain.
“Please, you can’t let him do that, he’s insane and-”
“Enough with the begging, i hate it.” She cuts impatiently, but not cruelly. “Just do what you’re supposed to do and don’t freak out.” She whispers and you can hear steps coming closer. “We’re ending this for once.”
You frown, but Mystique is putting her hands on your arms to spin you around, making you look forward.
Widening your eyes, you take a step forward.
"A-Agatha, help me!" You ask quickly, watching the woman come out of one of the hallways to meet you in the center, wand in hand. "They're trying to do a ritual and-argh!"
Your speech turns to a groan of pain as Mystique's magic throws you to the floor on your knees, bending you over.
"Kneel in the presence of the dark lord, child." The woman warns beside you, and you choke as you feel your whole body shudder.
In the tunnel beside Agatha comes a man, whom you recognize well.
"Agatha, what's going on?" You ask confused as you see her walk beside Mephisto, to the center to meet you. And her expression is impassive, and you want to vomit. "Professor, what...?"
"Just look at that child, old friend." Mephisto interrupts, assessing you as you walk. "How did someone so weak get chosen to protect my sorceress?"
You lock your jaw, staring angrily at the wizard. He nods to the witch beside you, who also bowed.
"Raven, dear, thank you for taking care of everything." He says. "You may go, we will need privacy for the ritual. Go up to the castle, my sorceress needs to stay busy as much as possible until we're done here. And then you can leave it to me, I'll go after her myself."
“As you desire, my lord.” Raven says before getting up and leaving.
"After everything, you're going to betray us?" You accuse Agatha angrily, but she says nothing, just deflects her face to Mephisto, who gives a short laugh.
"Only a fool would believe that wizards like us do not belong together, Miss Stark." He says, and with a flick of his hands, all the candles in the place display a green flame. "Let's get on with it, Agatha. I need your help now that that fool destroyed my book."
"Yes, Faustus." Agatha replied before nodding toward you, and the chains glowed purple, steadying you tightly against the pentagram, which also lit up. "Let's begin."
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goji-pilled · 3 years
Okay @princekirijo you want an essay? Well here it is now, or as I like to call it Felix's "Asumari is great and this fandom has no fucking taste" rambling and infodump. Congrats fellas, thanks to Prince you ALL get an asumari essay. But before that I'll try to give you a rundown of Mari and Asuka. 
(I'm also so sorry for putting this long ass post on everyone's dashboard)
(Spoiler warning for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time!!)
Alright on one hand we have Mari Illustrious Makinami. Her whole deal? She's a walking ray of sunshine, literally lol. Unlike any other character in the Evangelion franchise she doesn't suffer from her trauma, she's quite literally the only healthy and functioning human being, she's just slightly leaning towards "batshit crazy" with the stunts she pulls 🤷‍♂️. Other than that she just loves living, she loves being with people, she keeps moving forward, stays positive and decides to live life to it's fullest even after she experiences loss and multiple apocalyptic events (Second Impact, Third Impact, etc.) and she really just embodies the joy of living. That's all there is to her, or at least all we know.
On the other hand, we have Asuka Langley Shikinami who is... well it's hard to explain what she is to be honest. She's part-German and part-Japanese and part of a line of clones specifically made with the purpose to pilot an Evangelion and later on be used as a sacrifice to trigger another Impact (ITS COMPLICATED I KNOW-) Asuka is, unlike Mari, very much suffering from her trauma. She doesn't have her parents and has a very deep seated belief that she's completely alone, which she says doesn't matter as long as she can pilot the Eva. She also very much wants to fight and kill angels all by herself, and it's seriously messing with her when she can't achieve that.
Now we get to the more interesting parts (hopefully this so far wasn't too confusing, then again it's Eva and even I can't fully wrap my head around it all LMAO)
In the second Rebuild movie (Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) advance) we get introduced to both of them, Mari's introduction scene (in the original English dub) has her pilot an Eva and singing about how she'll take the world on by herself, while in the third movie's (Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo) opening scene she's piloting the Eva again but this time it's together with Asuka (in her own Unit 02 though) and during that Mari sings about how wonderful it is not to be alone. It's nothing big yet, but it's a really cute detail me thinks,,, you know what else I love about them? They bicker and they banter and it's genuinely so fun to listen to shskdhsuwj
(For a quick catch up: During the end of 2.0 Shinji (the protagonist) triggers another apocalyptic event, the Near Third Impact, and was only stopped due to Kaworu (the guy in my pfp) stepping in. Also between 1.0/2.0 and 3.0/3.0+1.0 are about 14 years (without Shinji bc he's like comatose) where A LOT happens AND we learn in 3.0 that Eva pilots don't age physically bc of "The curse of the Eva"... honestly Eva is wild lmao)
Okay okay I'll get back to it!
So one thing that happens is that Asuka during 2.0 develops a crush on Shinji (girl why-), unfortunately things take a turn for the worse. Asuka had volunteered to be the testpilot for a new Eva (Unit 03), she seemed happy at the time and it was a really sweet build up with the "I can smile, I didn't know I could still do that."-line. And then? Then it turns out the Ninth Angel had infected Unit 03 (Angels are basically the Kaijus they fight using Evas btw). The thing goes on a loose and Shinji is forced to fight it (With Asuka inside mind you), he refuses and his father uses an autopilot to destroy Unit 03. And boy did it destroy the angel, well it and it crushed Asuka between its jaws (you can actually hear her scream btw haha pain :)).
Asuka survived though, but the whole incident cost her her humanity and she ended up becoming an angel herself/she took the place of the Ninth. But despite that, there's one person who keeps believing in Asuka's humanity, who fiercely believes Asuka is still a human and tells her as much.
Yep, that one person is Mari and she keeps holding onto that belief until the very end when Asuka uses her last resort, which is using the power of an angel (Doing so was a guaranteed death sentence btw). Mari's own words (in the German dub) were, "Princess, you're giving up being human…" AND IT MAKES ME SO EMO GOD FUCK
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While I'm at it, Mari and Asuka are a fucking killer combo as a team. They rely on each other for support in combat, listen to the other's orders and advice. Especially in Asuka's case it's kind of a big deal that she so openly relies and counts on Mari's support. Like these two trust each other with their damn lifes!!! Holy shit!!
Guess what though, they also have nicknames for eachother. Mari always calls Asuka "Princess" or "(Your) Highness" while Asuka calles Mari "Four-eyes" / "Four-eyed chrony (idk how you spell that tbh RIP" Even better though, in the German dub Asuka calls Mari "Brillerella" as in a combination of "Brille" (German for glasses) and "Cinderella",,,,Cinderella and her Prince,,,Brillerella and her Princess,,, man, that was a gay fucking move of the translation team. Spoiler: I owe them my life.
Funfact: There's exactly two times throughout the Rebuild movies where Mari uses Asuka's actual name. These two times being when she watches Asuka "die" and be used as a sacrifice for Gendo's selfish plan and when later on she begs Shinji, "So please the Princess… Asuka needs your help!" And the best part? That wasn't even the first time she did that. The mentioned line came from 3.0+1.0, but she did that too in 3.0 with the, "At least save the Princess!" line (although her tone was much more...pissed, like she was really angry lol)
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Remember the crush Asuka had on Shinji? Well due to the Unit 03 incident a whole lot of other shit got mixed into that and her feelings for him in general became really bitter (understandably so). Now Mari being who she is sometimes teases Asuka about said old crush but she really does want Asuka to get closure and sort that mess out. 
As an example for the teasing, in 3.0 there's a scene that goes like this (please imagine Mari with a literal :3 face while saying that):
"Unit! Are you back in the game?"
"I'm on it, your Highness. But first things first, how was our little puppy (Shinji)? Did he sit like a good little boy?"
"He's exactly the same! Same stupid face talking mayhem!"
"That goofy face of his, that's what you wanted to see? Riiiiight?"
"Shut up! I went there to bat him one!... And I feel better!"
There's also a very short bonus manga that was released in Japan for Thrice Upon a Time's release that has Mari trying to convince Asuka to come with her on the mission to get Shinji, given everything that follows, it's just another thing to prove my point. And the final bit relating to that is this:
"Feeling better now?"
"Yeah, I do feel better."
That's the exchange Asuka and Mari have after they talked to Shinji, it's nothing special but I think it's really sweet and this time Asuka actually sounded like she was feeling better instead of when she was screaming after she nearly broke pretty thick glass with her fist (If she had hit someone with that much force she definitely would've broken something omggg #violentimpulsesgang)
To get back on track though: I already mentioned it but during the second half of 3.0+1.0 Asuka "dies" (and honestly that entire scene is worth its own in-depth post because its just one huge parallel to The End of Evangelion), the point is: You can tell that the loss of Asuka honestly hits Mari hard. Not only because of how Mari screams Asuka's name but also because of her expressions. They're pained, like really fucking pained and Mari even apologizes to her that she has to fall back due to the fact that she's injured AND because eveything is going wrong.
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After the events of Evangelion 3.0 these two got seperated from eachother, Mari was with WILLE (the organization both of them are with) and on board of Wunder (the ship WILLE basically operates from) while Asuka was in a Village full of (Near) Third Impact Survivors. When they do meet again it went like this:
Asuka, barely back, comes to the door and calls, "I'm back." And within seconds of Asuka stepping into their room after the door opens Mari already runs towards her, arms wide open and she says, "Welcome back, your Highness! Good job. I missed you so much!" And she says that while she literally nuzzles into Asuka,,,like,,,what the fuck gay people real!!! 
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Best part? Asuka clearly has enough strength to push Mari completely away if she were uncomfortable, but she doesn't. Asuka merely wanted enough space to look at the room (because Mari managed to horde even more books lol) and play her game. During their entire renunion Mari keeps hugging her, and part of me thinks that perhaps deep down Asuka actually enjoys the feeling of physical affection.
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Before we get to the last point though, let me say that Asuka and Mari have scenes in 3.0+1.0 that parallel Shinji and Kaworu's from 3.0. (Fyi Kaworu loves Shinji (yeah, like that, and 3.0 was basically them being gay as fuck for an hour) so like...do I even need to explain? 
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And then of course there's also this, the "Take care of yourself, Princess…" line. That is the last time Mari talks to Asuka and as much as that line alone already is so much, it's Mari's expression in particular that kills me. Because this? This soft, almost bittersweet expression she has, as she basically says goodbye? Because she knows Asuka will finally be happy and safe? It just makes me feel so much actually. Man.
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In the end it's a fact that Mari loved Asuka, wether that is interpreted as platonic or romantic by someone is up to them. But it is a fact that Asuka was loved enough that someone wanted to hug her, was happy to see her, to praise her, was hurt by her loss, wanted her to be safe, that someone told her "Take care of yourself…" Asuka was really and honestly so loved that someone would tell her, "I missed you."
But Asuka? Asuka was too hurt, too wrapped up in her own head to actually see how loved she was by Mari (and other people) that she genuinely believed she's completely alone and always will be alone.
It makes the "Take care of yourself" line hit even harder to me, because it's not only Mari's goodbye, but it's a goodbye during the one time Asuka allowed herself to be vulnerable and admit what she really wanted.
And honestly? All of this? Its makes me feel so many things and I just love them  so much man.
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