#(will go with the liara romance this time i need to see it through)
nellasbookplanet · 5 months
I just finished my playthrough of me2, and as I put off the overlord and arrival dlcs until the end of it my thoughts on them are very fresh and Must be aired.
The frustrating thing is, they didn’t have to suck. The gameplay, like the shadowbroker dlc, is fun and stands out from the rest of the game! The story and themes of 'how far will you go in sacrificing individual lives in the name of winning a war/stopping extinction' fits well with the overall narrative and emphasis on hard choices! I mostly enjoy them! Only, overlord is completely undone by gross ableism, and arrival doesn’t actually let you engage with the choice it sets up; it fully forces your hand, and then makes the whole thing feel pointless by just having the reapers show up for a surprise attack in the next game anyway. It’s a trolley problem that doesn’t actually let you control the lever and then derails the entire train to hit both tracks no matter what you do.
So, how do you fix arrival? Personally, I would probably keep in the loss of the batarian colony as inevitable, but change the focus. As it is, barely a moment is spared to let it sink in that you're about to end 300 000 lives, and the only 'choice' you get is whether you attempt to (futilely) warn them in a blink and you'll miss it scene. I would've at a minimum added dialogue options where Shepard/the player could’ve expressed anger at how this work could’ve gone on for as long as it did without a warning being sent long before. For a bigger change, that could’ve led into a major conflict: a paragon Shepard trying to warn the colony, while her opponents argue that doing so would jeopordize the project/the hidden base and tries to stop her as part of the final fight of the dlc. If you choose to warn and do it in time, perhaps some small amount of people make it out, with the majority of the colony still being destroyed to keep the tone of sacrifice. If you want to keep it real dark, everyone dies no matter how hard you try to save them, but you should at least have been given the option to seriously try even if it’s hopeless.
But there isn’t really a workaround for how part of the problem with arrival is a problem with the batarians: had the colony been human, turian, or asari, most players would likely have been more upset because those are our allies. The batarians, however, are a one-note species never portrayed as anything other than slavers, criminals, and terrorists. While other species are allowed horrific acts while still being portrayed as complex people capable of both good and bad (need I remind you of the first contact war, the krogan rebellion, the genophage, the quarian's attempted genocide of the geth, the geth's war against biological life, and so on), the player is given little to no reason to sympathize with batarians. Had they been made to feel like actual people while still our enemies from the start of the game, arrival would've felt more like the gut punch of sacrifice it was and less like it was off-handedly writing off a people everyone hates, anyway. There could’ve been a discussion of 'are you more willing to sacrifice those you don’t know/don’t like and what does it say about you; is this a sacrifice or is it selfish revenge with the greater good as cover (a discussion especially brought up if you take the renegade choice)' but instead it feels almost vindictive.
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hum-tittle · 11 months
My first mass effect play through I romanced Thane and my second play through I romanced Garrus and honestly I cannot pick a favorite. They're both such beautiful stories that are so different.
With Thane, she gives him hope, and he gives her a sense of peace (he also got them titties out with that voice. And he's such a level-headed calm presence that I really Shepard needed). He deeply cares and expresses it. (Even if you don't romance him, he's the only squadmate that reaches out when Shepard is incarcerated). They both know it has a time limit, making the time together more precious. He checks in on her feelings and is very open with her, himself. Also, him calling her Siha is just so sweet. But it does end tragically, I understand why so many haven't romanced him because I don't think I've cried so much over a fictional characters death.
While with Garrus, he is her best friend (plus his awkward charm, humor, and voice). They have a deep respect and love for each other. But they know that the Suicide mission might be their last and want one night together. Then, in ME3, you see them truly fall in love, and Garrus puts in so much effort for Shepard. They're in the middle of a war, but he still got dance lessons to surprise her. Also, how he never says "I love you" until the end (or at least we never hear it) but refers to her as the love of his life and says he is in love with her through out, made that "I love you too" so much more impactful it showed how serious he was.
Anyways they're both such good stories and I truly couldn't pick who I'd see Shepard with more.
Next, play through, I'm going to romance Liara all three.
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bellamer · 9 months
Man alright I’ve deduced it and here’s who absolutely did and didn’t tell Kaidan about Shepard and Garrus
Garrus- If Kaidan wasn’t on speaking terms with Shepard for joining Cerberus, why would he actively reach out to talk to Garrus ? And if Garrus was too busy to shoot Shepard a “U good” message to his girl Kaidan was definitely the last one on his mind.
Liara- Literally what reason would she have ? I’d assume she was too busy with shadow broker shit and her studying the prothean artifact unless she just did it to be mean because Geena originally rejected Liara for Kaidan and then moved onto Garrus like Kaidan was nothing but in ME3 she still assumes that she still has a thing for Kaidan but I don’t think it was her unless she wanted to be a bitch even though I don’t know how she’d know about Shepard and Garrus in the first place since she was too busy playing with her shiny new shadow broker toys.
Tali- Again, if he wasn’t on speaking terms with Shepard he wouldn’t be on speaking terms with her now matter how much she claims to hate Cerberus. If he didn’t believe his girlfriend why would he believe tali ? Also I can’t see them talking outside of a work basis anyways.
James- He didn’t even know that Kaidan knew Shepard so I doubt he knows their romantic history and he just freshly met Garrus while Kaidan was still comatose in the hospital and depending on how you play Garrus and Shepard might not even rekindle their romance until after visiting Kaidan or whatever. I don’t know, I know it wasn’t this idiot.
EDI- She’s way too smart for that and I can’t understand any scenario where she’d drop the bomb on Kaidan on their mission to mars since that’s the only time they interacted until he officially comes back but that’s way after he already confronted Shepard
Now let me tell you who it could have been:
Dr Chakwas- She cares about Kaidan deeply and even though she did join up with Cerberus she wasn’t officially part of them. She took a leave of absence from her actual job because the Cerberus thing was just a “temporary gig and Shepard needed her” and I can see her visiting him in the hospital and telling him that she knows Shepard and Kaidan had a thing but to not get his hopes up. She might have let it slip so that Kaidan doesn’t find out that hard way and gets hurt.
Joker- Even though he joined up with Cerberus too he technically started “ working” under the alliance again and since EDI only “obeyed” his commands and the alliance was too dumb to figure it out and he still had direct contact with Anderson, I figure he could convince Kaidan to have a drink with him. He probably accidentally let it slip and said that he wouldn’t say more and to just “ask Shepard”
Thane- If Thane is still alive in the play through it’s mentioned that he and Kaidan met in the hospital and while talking he probably let it slip and Shepard and Garrus hooked up but refused to say more once he saw the look on Kaidan’s face, knowing that he misspoke.
Any other answer kind of doesn’t make sense as to who snitched to Kaidan. Like it would take several convoluted reasons to explain to me why Urdnot Wrex, Kasumi, Grunt, Miranda, Jacob or whoever would go out of their own way to tell Kaidan that Shepard moved on like a day after they broke up but whatever
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cordeliawhohung · 1 month
i would love to hear about mass effect as im hoping to start playing it soon!!!!! what would u tell a new player going in blind as a vague run down :)
oh god oh god oh god
1: every. little. thing. matters. you think going on a certain side mission is just a little, haha, fun thing. or maybe you're like "eh, i don't wanna do this" and then suddenly a crew member is dead and you couldn't save them. and it's not just in the first game, either. every choice you make will have consequences even into the third game. it is so fucking cool being able to say/do things and then have people remember and hate/love you for it many games forward. a fucking insane mechanic.
2: if you are too nice to Kaiden he will want to fuck you if you're playing fem shep. holy fuck i made that mistake my first run through, and i felt too bad to break up with him and was stuck with him and didn't even LIKE him like that. the first game, you can only romance Kaiden as fem shep, Ash as male shep, and Liara as either. when i learned i could romance Garrus in the second game though phewwwww. this isn't super important just something to keep in mind i suppose if you're wondering about romance options.
3: when i first played the game (this was the og games, not the legendary editions, so things are easier if you're playing legendary) i like. just didn't know about weapon mods and armor mods? i got to a certain high level mission and kept dying SO OFTEN and i was like why!! ended up beating the whole game before i realized you could modify your guns and shit to do more damage with like chemical rounds and shit like that. i promise it'll make things so much easier if you're constantly switching to the newest/higher upgrade. you can slice through things like butter.
4: there is a morality tracker in the game. Paragon or Renegade. While i think both sides are fun (Renegade is my favorite personally lmao) make sure to stick to one side for the most part. You wanna get your Paragon/Renegade points high for certain dialogue/choice options. However, just because you choose one morality route, doesn't mean you have to stick to it for every choice/option. you might think you'll have to chose the mean or nice option every single time, but you can mix it up. especially if you want a good outcome over all. Just do enough to keep your points high and you should be fine.
5: no matter how hard you try, none of the characters you design will look good. i'm sorry. i've yet to see it. even modded characters look wonky. legendary default fem shep is my favorite and i always play her because she's hot as fuck, but every time i try to make my own Shep, they look WRONG. idk how to explain it. they put more thought into the story than they did character design anyway lmao.
6: i really hope you don't mind bugs because there are space bugs. a lot of them.
7: do every mission you possibly can/want to before Virmire on ME1. just... trust me.
8: do every mission you possibly can/want to before acquiring the Reaper IFF in ME2... just trust me.
9: fucking, good luck with missions on ME3 that's a clusterfuck. that's all i'm saying about that.
10: talk with your crew often. there's so so so much lore to learn. (again, careful with Kaiden) but they each have their own stories and you learn more about the universe and ugh. it's so good.
11: Joker is your best friend.
there's def more but this is about all I can think of right now. I really hope you do enjoy playing the game!! i'm like a fucking encyclopedia about that game, so if you need help, hit ya girl up.
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swaps55 · 8 months
Sorry, long post but I just needed to get what’s in my head shared with someone out there with a couple hidden questions in there:
So my head canon Shep has a lot of similarities to Sam despite the very different backgrounds. At the end of ME3, Jon Shep struts (as much as possible) determinedly towards Destroy.. Then as StarChild asks Shep if they would consider any other option Shep flips off the AI while sternly stating “I was promised cuddles and I’m cashing in on no matter what”.
So, would Kaidan’s “I’ll fight like hell to hold you again” reinvigorate/encourage/help Sam to see it through to the end? 
Also, thank you for the WIP-Whenever link (I still can’t find it in your posts, yes, I am most helpless) and I keep imagining how they end up there.  I headcanon Grimson Academy taking place right after the Coup and on the shuttle ride back to the Normandy, Kaidan feels out of place and unqualified to be around the crew having fun so he goes and sits up with Steve and sees if there’s anything he can help with even if its just to chat a bit.  Shepard at first thinks Kaidan is very tired (recently healed, lots of biotics used, Jack is a bit loud and overwhelming…)  Then the mission with Jacob.  Once again on the way back to the Normandy as Jacob and Shepard reminisce, Kaidan goes up front with Steve.  Shepard starts to wonder if Kaidan just wants nothing to do with anything Cerberus and is pained as he just wants to share the good parts of his time spent away and mistakenly doesn’t see that Kaidan is just guilt ridden.
Then the mission to check on the Araklah Company and saving Grunt.  Garrus, knowing what Kaidan is about to do, goes and sits in the copilot seat first while telling Kaidan he’s exhausted and needs to sit and shoos him away back to Shepard.  Shepard is beamingly happy introducing the two and talking about birthing Grunt and some of his crazy stunts during the Collector mission.
Cut to the Ardat Yakshi monastery.  Kaidan takes more interest in Samara and interacts with her.  However, due to the banshees screams, Kaidan’s head wants to go migraine mode but isn’t fully one. The crew is having some sort of party in the lounge so there’s more noise.  Shepard carries Kaidan from the Starboard Ob’s couch and basically cradles Kaidan.  Chakwas comes to check to see if Kaidan needs anything.  As the door opens and light pours through, Kaidan buries his head deeper into Shepard’s arm.  Chakwas asks if everything is okay and Shepard just looks down at Kaidan, smiles, and says ‘yeah. Yeah, everything is going to be okay.’
Cue Kaidan waking up and your WIP-Whenever occurring.  Kaidan has that Fugue dream of Shepard and trying to hold him as he wakes up.  This time it works.  The part that died along Shepard comes back to life and some of the colder/harsher side of Kaidan leaves. (basically like how Sam has a Sam side vs butcher side Kaidan has a Kaidan side and Major personality).
Throughout this Kaidan talks to Steve and kinda uses him as therapy as both lost their significant other to Collectors.  So my question is do you think you’d poke at Kaidan/Steve interactions? How would Steve react if his husband came back and work for the enemy? Can Steve help Kaidan heal? Does Kaidan still need to heal?  Furthermore, I can’t decide if Shepard would feel jealousy towards Steve? Would Sam think Kaidan is trying to romance Steve or is that just adding unnecessary drama just for the sake of adding angst.  I can’t decide what my Jon would do so I’m curious what would go on inside Sam’s head.
This reads a bit like a fic but I’d never make it one as it steals way too much from Sam and I’m simply not  a writer but would like feedback so I can mentally play with scenarios.
Also, while many are eagerly awaiting Horizon, I can't wait for Mars as Sam has to watch his nightmares unfold right in front of him (and Liara too tbh).
Oh gosh, I LOVE this ask. Thank you!
If you want to know what the thought process has been as to ‘how do Sam and Kaidan reconcile, actually?’ this is kind of what it looks like. Throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
First, the ending. I have spent 12 years now hating the ME3 ‘endings’ with every fiber of my being. I will quite literally die mad about it. But I’ve spent those 12 years trying to envision an ending I would feel good about, that would give me closure, and do justice to the characters I love so much. I finally got there, and I am beside myself over it. While I intend to keep most of the same emotional beats from the game, they will probably unfold a little differently.
That said, Sam will see it through to the end because he’s Sam, and he’s ruthless by nature. The solution is all that matters. Once his course is set, you won’t deviate him from it. But when he said, “if it comes down to a choice between you and the galaxy, fuck the galaxy. I choose you,” he meant it, so that course won’t be without conflict.
As for the reconciliation, (which is referring to this snippet for those who are curious), I thought about a LOT of things that could be the catalyst for it and had a heck of a time getting to one that felt right, for reasons which tie into the dissertation I wrote on that snippet.
The catalyst being Steve Cortez is something I absolutely thought about, and almost went with.  I can definitely  see Kaidan and Steve doing a little bonding over grief, and Steve gently but firmly asking him, “Kaidan…what are you doing? He’s right there. No one gets a second chance like this. No one.”
And as for Sam being jealous, I actually think Sam would be the one to suggest Kaidan get to know Steve. Kaidan needs to talk to someone. He can’t talk to Sam. Steve is the right choice. Sam can have jealous moments, but he isn’t really the jealous type.
Missions like Lesuss (the ardat-yakshi monastery) will probably play into the tension between them. I wrote a story years ago about that mission, and while it isn’t part of Opus, my toxic trait is loosely considering nearly every fic I’ve written to be my own ‘canon’ in some way (I’ve referenced many, many, many things that happen in Exordium, my ME1 long fic, in Opus).  
I also thought Kaidan learning about his dad going missing might be the tipping point. I even did some writing for it, but as I talk about in that dissertation, it was too focused on Kaidan’s needs, and not focused enough on Sam’s.
I won’t spoil what it is actually going to be, yet anyway, but it involves them doing what they do best: understanding and being there for each other. I can’t wait. I haven’t written it down, but I have daydreamed about it in such detail it’s etched in stone.
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cyhaino · 1 year
Mass Effect Romance Opinions
Kaiden | he’s ok I like him just fine he usually dies in my playthrough though because my youngest sister is named Ashley and I feel weird letting someone with her name die does it make sense no but who cares I’m playing
Liara | You’d think I would love an alien archeologist and for the most part I do but when I’m not actively romancing her I find her a bit too much and I get annoyed in me3 with her whole planet being taken and her attitude about it as if Earth wasn’t the first planet taken
Ashley | I don’t romance her because of the name reason but I do like her. Also she was right about the council seeing humans as dogs.
Miranda | again I should like her but honestly prefer friendship over a romance just let her be with her sister
Tali | honestly see her as more of a a sister
Jack | love her, one of the few characters who actually has character growth but I’m still salty over not being able to romance her as female Shepard
Jacob | If you ignore the weird flirtatious tone when you go to talk to him, you’ll find he’s not that bad. He’s supposed to be the level headed character and he is for the most part. He does suffer from bad writing though and it’s pretty obvious too. Still I do like the me2 romance so I go through the pain but I do still get annoyed in me3
Garrus | nice voice but that’s it and I do like the tango dance in the dlc but honestly most of the time it felt like I was yelling at him. When I was younger he was my favorite but now that I’m older some of the stuff he says and does doesn’t sit right with me.
Thane | never romanced him because personally I would never ask someone out after they trauma-dumped like what the hell was up with that option??? Still I understand the appeal because hello??? Assassin???A distant dad who still wants the best for his son??? And he’s dying??? Why do I find all of this hot what does this say about me
Kelly | No
Samara | love her I want to marry her she deserves so much probably written by a man because hello we could have just adopted children why put her through that misfortune
Morinth | I love her mom
Steve | this man lost his husband fairly recently so no
Samantha | <3 favorite romance shes gay I’m gay what more do I need to say
Diana | she’s there I guess???
Javik | y’all say Garrus has a nice but nah Javik’s voice is way better I wish he was an actual romance option. Is he perfect? No but I doubt any of us would be in his situation. 10/10 would still bang
James | yes but no because I would have loved having him as an actual romance option but what bioware gave us was shit!!! Like what the hell!!! Thank god for fanfiction because what the hell!!!
Avela | I didn’t even know she was a romance option whoops
Cora | this woman screams lesbian romancing her as male Ryder feels weird
Gil | I hate his best friend
Liam | oh I love him he was the first romance I did his little wave his flips! And his loyalty mission is one of the best ones to do so much fun and ahhhh when he takes you out on Eos for that date!!!! I love Liam
Suvi | she’s cute but eh that’s it
Peebee | one of the more fleshed out romances in my opinion however romancing her as male ryder feels weird and I think it’s better to romance her as female ryder.
Jaal | yeah I’m a Jaal girlie my ao3 history will attest to that. He tried so hard to come across as cool and mysterious but he’s just a bisexual disaster like me and ahhh the forehead touch!!! And of course his voice???
Vetra | you give me hot turian girlfriend and I give you all my money. Also she’s an eldest daughter and as an eldest daughter myself, yeah I’m gonna gravitate towards her. Her romance feels really short though
Reyes | bioware made sure he wasn’t a full romance option because they wouldn’t be able to handle two bisexual Latinos
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ficbrish · 1 year
ME4: Aftermath Chapter 1
"Rubble" [AO3]
Rating: Explicit, 18+ only
Tags: Post-Reaper War, Destroy Ending (Mass Effect), Shepard Survives (Mass Effect), Biotic Shepard (Mass Effect), Colonist (Mass Effect), War Hero (Mass Effect), Sentinel (Mass Effect), Paragade (Mass Effect), Novel, Slow To Update, POV Alternating, Plot, Established Relationship, Queerplatonic Relationships, Eventual Relationships, Adventure & Romance, Fluff and Humor, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Found Family, Rebuilding, Reunions, Canon-Typical Violence, Dorks in Love, I Will Go Down With This Ship
[[TW/CW: Grief, alcohol]]
[All Chapters]
Major Kaidan Alenko was familiar, too familiar, with the feeling of cold steel in his hands, but nothing ever froze between his fingers like the plaque he gripped tightly now. It was engraved with the name of his favorite person.
The crew of the Normandy were all used to sad, difficult things. Some of them had even gone through Commander Shepard’s death before.
It would all be okay.
And yet…
They found themselves wishing they were back in recent time, still in the heat of the Reaper War; even with billions being harvested, because that's when seeing her was as simple as turning a corner. When Shepard was around.
It was a stupid, selfish thought.
The Major's team stood behind him, well, most of them... The holes that EDI and Shepard had left behind cratered into vast gulfs and filled with a mess of stinging, burning grief. It was a glue between them that broke them apart. They were anxious about Kaidan losing it again, and a part of himself was too. 
The time had come to add her name to the wall. They’d all agreed it would be good for him; to be the one who... It’s what she would’ve wanted.
To hold her one more time.
Sort of.
Kaidan breathed deeply and shakily as he stepped towards the memorial. All he needed to do was put her to rest above her Cap- her father’s name. Admiral David Anderson—that call had come once they got their comms restored. Anderson and Shepard confirmed dead.
“What does ‘confirmed’ mean? Do they have a body?” he’d asked, bearing down over Liara’s shoulder while gathering himself together after a particularly rough fit. She was plastered to the computer screen by her wall of monitors.
Liara had been more patient with him lately considering the circumstances, but she still shrugged his added weight off her back.
“She’s gone, Kaidan. I’m so sorry.”
“Did they find a body?”
“Did they?!”
“It’s not going to be like the last time,“ Liara stated mechanically, still not meeting his face.
“You don’t know that,” he said, and repeated, “Did they find a body?”
“It wasn’t clear.”
It was enough to give him hope. Shepard was capable of anything.
He felt a bit silly standing there in front of that wall, another funeral with no body to mourn. It was Tali’s idea, people needed to say goodbye to EDI, Anderson, and… and Shepard. Now that the extranet was partially up and the Normandy was space-worthy, it was time to head out again. It was the perfect moment for closure.
But Kaidan wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
He hesitated a moment before encrusting her name on the tomb. His expression twisted up with the loss of her, and then—
Oh Goddess! Liara thought.
Kaidan turned around and announced to the crew, “She’s not dead! We’re going to find Shepard,” with a gleeful mania about him.
They all groaned.
Liara let out a half-choke, half-inhale. Then burst into tears and fell into Tali’s arms.
“I’m just so stressed out,” she said to reassure everyone, as if that were better.
Vega wasn't trying to be a dick when he asked, “And you all still think putting him in charge was a good idea?”
“Hey now,” Garrus warned, one hand resting on Tali’s shoulder as she comforted Liara.
“Why is everyone upset?” Kaidan asked, “This is great news!”
Garrus gave Liara a look that said, Go get Chakwas.
Liara understood. She nodded, wiped her eyes, and began to sidle out of their small crowd.
“Hey! No! You’re not going to get Dr. Chakwas. I’m fine,” Kaidan insisted.
The way the old crew could effectively communicate without words still impressed and intimidated everyone else. Traynor looked at the floor, shuffling her feet, and suggested, “I could try to strengthen the comms, you know, once we resupply and do some more minor repairs.”
“Now you’re encouraging him,” Vega reprimanded, crossing his arms.
“I think the Major is right,” Javik stated, glaring at Vega.
“Liara, you’re the one who found her last time, and now you have more resources than ever.”
“Exactly, Kaidan. I have more resources than ever and no news,” she snapped.
His face began to fall. 
A moment of silence followed that had nothing to do with respect for the dead.
After a while, Joker blankly said, “I’ll get the ship ready to go,” and hobbled over to the elevator. 
Traynor left for the bar. Vega and Javik followed her, arguing.
Tali put a hand on Kaidan’s arm, a gentle and pitying gesture.
“You have to be prepared for the worst,” she told him in a kind, but hard, voice.
Kaidan covered her hand with one of his, “I know.”
Garrus nodded at him, Kaidan nodded back. He watched Garrus lead Tali away. 
Liara remained.
“She was my best friend,” she stated.
“I know. You were hers.”
“And you just ruined her memorial service.”
He didn’t respond. 
“And now you’re sending the rest of us on a fruitless search—”
“How can you say that?”
“Joker saw the whole thing explode! This isn’t like the last time. Last time she was ejected into space, not incinerated.”
Kaidan was quiet for a while, then said, “I’m sorry I’ve made this so hard on everyone.”
He stepped heavily into the elevator, cradling that plaque in his hands like it was precious.
Humans were terrible at letting go.
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
Dying hurt a lot more this time.
Cough—Cough! Gasp! Cough!
Everything was so dark. At least death in space had given her the stars. 
There were no stars here.
And a lot of pain.
Last time had been painful too, but only for a little while. This time it was constant, a steady wave of excruciating sensations that dulled together into a new feeling of normal. It was so bad it even woke her up.
Woke her up?
Shepard tried to open her eyes but couldn’t see. She tried to move.
But couldn’t do that either.
She was alone.
Then that blissful nothingness enveloped her once again. 
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
The baby was screaming.
“I want everyone able on this search! Scrounge through the rubble until your hands bleed. We need her found, dead or alive.”
The furious voice boomed and filled the room, even over the wailing child. Wrex had not slept in days, and the baby was screaming in his ear. The war had nothing on its aftermath.
Wrex growled, “A body! You hear me? I want a body!”
The other Krogan feared and respected him too much to argue, but they all thought it was pointless. Days had already passed, and they'd found the body of the former Human councilor on the first. Fear and respect aside, there were females to fertilize and extractions to be made. Earth was less populated now, but the Humans would want it back. They needed terms, not a pile of ashes. They needed their leader to lead.
The baby was screaming.
Wrex threw the little monster in the air and caught it. A peaceful smile replaced the noise. He repeated the gesture again and again, grateful for the momentary quiet, and sunk into his thoughts.
“Have communications been able to reach beyond the Sol system yet?”
“No, sir. At least not from us. But people have been able to get news outside of the system via travelers,” answered one of the Human Alliance soldiers assigned to assist him.
Wrex grunted, which made the human nervous. The baby continued to giggle and squeal as she flew between gravity and her father’s arms. 
It had been almost a week, but Shepard could still be alive. That window was closing more every day, and it was dangerously close to being shut for good. Wrex couldn’t let that happen. If they brought back a body, it wouldn’t be one that had expired after the explosion.
“You saw it Wrex,” Bakara kept insisting when he'd come back at night, “With your own eyes. We all did.”
The sky had lit up.
They’d been losing, and they all knew it. 
Then the sky lit up, and the Citadel began to rain down into the atmosphere. Hell had come to take them all home.
A pulse of red energy swallowed the world, and the monsters went away.
The Reapers were all gone. 
Just like that, while the ruins of the Citadel still fell in brilliant streaks across the red-blue sky.
The Reapers were gone! The Genophage was cured!—He held his own child in his hands! And everyone was telling him to give up on the person who'd made it all happen. 
His own sister.
Wrex caught the baby one more time, then pounded his free fist on the desk.
“I’m going. Somebody get Bakara, or watch this baby.”
He handed the now-delighted child off to the nearest guard.
“Here, you’re her uncle now. Uncle…?”
“Quash Brax”
“Ugh,” Wrex sighed. “Okay, well, uh, have fun with Uncle Brax, kid.”
Then Wrex stormed out of the room.
Why did he always have to do every damn thing himself?
Except when Shepard was around. She never let him work alone.
“And somebody feed those fucking cats while I’m out!” Wrex roared as he barreled through the city’s ruins.
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
Kaidan could still smell her on the bed, but he knew it was only a matter of time before that was gone too. He was lying on it now, looking up at the stars like they did in those last weeks together.
“I get the same feeling when I look at you, you know?” Kaidan had said then.
Shepard smiled and squeezed his hand, “I always wanted to show you this.”
It had been one of the first times they’d spent just lying there on their backs and watching the stars from her bed.
“If I wasn’t such an ass, you could’ve shown me sooner,” he responded.
She laughed at him the way she did when she thought he was being ridiculous.
“You weren’t being an ass, Kaidan. You were being realistic, and I needed that.”
“Heh, was still a bit of an ass, though.”
They could have had one more year together.
There was a knock, and the doors slid open.
“Sorry, automatic,” Liara shrugged apologetically.
Kaidan patted the spot on the bed next to him. Liara took his invitation and joined him. He held out an arm, and she sidled up to his side.
“You need to sleep,” she said, yawning and resting her heavy head on his chest.
“Yeah, well…”
“Yeah,” Liara agreed.
Kaidan sighed, “I’ve been getting on everyone’s nerves, haven’t I?”
“Especially mine,” she joked, and it made him smirk.
“Thank you for, for everything,” Kaidan said, feeling his face turn hot. Twice she had seen him completely surrender to loss. She’d witnessed his wailing. She'd held together while he fell apart; only once joining in his lament, that night as they flew away. 
“You were there for me after Benezia. And after Thessia… It’s what friends do.” Liara said.
He squeezed her shoulder, pressing her against him. Somehow, slowly, they’d become each other’s family.
“But with Benezia, I wasn’t hurting too,” he added, “And Thessia was devastating, but it wasn’t my planet.”
Liara shrugged, “I’ll be fine, Kaidan, “Do not worry about me.”
“Do you remember that last fight?”
Liara tensed up. Kaidan kept talking about everything she just wanted to forget.
“What about it?” she asked.
“I just really thought that was gonna be it. Shepard had that fear in her voice I’d never heard. We all did, and we all kept going—Well, they kept coming. And I kept losing sight of you and Shepard, but you were both right there. I know I won’t shut up about it, I’m sorry, but I never had any siblings and… I’ve just never felt as close to anyone as I have with you and her. I got through all that because we were a team. Now I’m getting through this, I think, I don’t know... But I’m only able to stay together because—”
“We’re a team,” Liara finished for him, and patted his hand. He nodded.
“I wouldn’t worry about it, Kaidan. Everyone’s been getting on everyone’s nerves,” she said kindly after a bit.
“I feel like we should do something about that, don’t you?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Get everyone together in one room? Air it out? Do something fun together?”
“I have no energy for that," Liara sighed, "but it sounds necessary.”
“I just don’t want it all to fall apart like the last time she—,” he stopped.
“I know, me neither,” she agreed tiredly and yawned, “So Alenko, what do you have in mind?”
The two friends began planning how to null the Normandy’s growing chasm, their eyes lazily tracing the stars as they passed by above them.
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
It was an awkwardly wide chasm. What had erupted into a stir-crazy, spiraling rash once they’d gotten back into space began with a restless itch inside them all from being trapped in the unknown on some random planet.
They’d landed on fucking Pragia. That haunted, overflowing jungle planet.
“I’ve been here before,” Tali said on their second stuck day, “It’s fucking Pragia.”
What Cerberus had done there to biotic children made Brain Camp look like a nurturing environment. Thankfully, they seemed to be nowhere near that facility, or what was left of it.
Ghosts weren’t a problem. The vegetation was.
“This is bullshit,” Vega complained, unloading a round of ammo into a patch of vines woven thickly around the Normandy. Kaidan had commanded them to work in groups; food, water, repairs, plants. Vega and Cortez were on vine duty again. They grew back with madness every few hours.
“I know,” Cortez agreed, panting. The humidity turned the suppression of their rifles' recoil into a real fight, “These vines are as aggressive as Turian Twinks during Pride.”
Cortez sighed, “Nothing.”
The day they'd crash-landed was indescribable. It took only a few moments to turn everything hopeless. Months of scrounging to save the entire galaxy parred down to overwhelming seconds of FUBAR. It was agony, and then it was over.
Just like that.
Most of them were alive; some didn’t make it.
But most of them were alive. The galaxy was going to continue.
There wasn’t room for much else other than deep relief, but loss was so damn loud.
The second day was just as surreal but structured too. Kaidan had limped out of the Med-bay to address everyone. He looked rough, but spoke kindly and with consideration. They'd all agreed without words to put him in charge.
“I know you’re all eager to get back in the sky, but we have to do this right instead of fast,” Major Alenko told them.
Kaidan knew what it meant to be led by a monster—Vyrnnus, and a legend—Shepard. He was sure he could at least accomplish middle ground. It was the same thing he'd told himself when commanding his biotic squad.
He’d expected to hear opposition, but no one made a sound. They were all looking to him the way they’d looked to her.
“We have fuel, but not much,” Kaidan went on explaining, “Communications are still silent, so we don’t know what’s waiting for us up there. If we rush, and there’s no active fuel stations—Well… So, we have to wait until we know for sure.”
Everyone just looked at him, waiting for more. Kaidan didn’t know what else to give them other than blind hope.
“We’ve got this. We’re Shepard’s—We’re the crew of the Normandy.”
And, oh god, there it was: Pity.
“First things first,” Kaidan continued in a lighter tone, “We’ve gotta do something about those fucking vines before they trap us here forever.”
The windows had grown thick with them overnight.
“What about the engine?” Tali asked.
“That too,” Kaidan said, “It needs some repairs. Luckily, they’re minor. By the time we get in touch with anyone, we’ll probably be good to go.”
“What if there’s no one out there?” asked a faceless voice in the crowd.
People parted and revealed a member of the crew, Hiverson. They’d picked him up sometime towards the end. He'd only been there for the assault on the Cerberus base and battle for Earth. The Normandy wasn’t his sanctuary; home was far away. His face was pale brown, and afraid.
“They’re out there,” Kaidan said stubbornly.
Hiverson didn’t nod his head. The crowd, still strangers to him, swallowed up the staring crewman. His concern hung in the air.
They had to be out there.
“Any more questions?” the Major asked with a clap of his hands.
“No?” Kaidan repeated after more expectant staring, “Okay! Then let’s get into groups. Tali and Garrus, I want you on the engine with Joker. Help out Adams, Gabby, and Ken. Liara, you work with Traynor and try to get a signal. Vega, Javik, and Cortez, I want you to find a water source. Chakwas, come with me. Maybe we can find something edible to lessen the pressure on our stores. The rest of you, grab a gun and clear these vines before they cover every inch.”
Everyone took part, and everyone rotated roles—except for Tali and Garrus. It became apparent by the fourth day that they were only ever on repairs. Truth was, Kaidan was afraid to risk his dextro-amino friends on a world made for levo-amino life. They were cut off from the galaxy. If anything happened to them here… but he wouldn’t let it. The food and medicine remaining for them was another story though, and out of his control. The Normandy's dextro-supplies hadn't been restocked before the last battle.
They had to get out of here.
“Hey, L2!” Vega called out when he saw Kaidan coming back from the jungle, “How about you go get your pals to give us a break?”
It was Anderson who taught him that poking fun at command was a good thing. It built trust, and relieved tension. Annoying each other could be a beneficial type of play. Let them have fun and they’ll listen. Even after that whole incident when… with her visit. Just let it happen, Anderson had advised him. Be in charge, but be a person.
Vega could call him “L2” all he wanted. At least for now.
“Because my pals are already working on another very important task,” the Major answered.
“Yeah, but Adams has already been out here with Gabby and Ken.”
“Watch it, Meathead,” Cortez warned, “the Major might start to think you’re questioning his orders.”
“Question away,” Kaidan said, “There’s no reason to keep anyone in the dark concerning my decisions. Especially now. That being said, you want a break? I can take over.”
“That would be great!” Vega said, joyfully shoving his gun over to Kaidan and walking briskly towards the ship’s entrance. Traynor ran into him on her way out.
“So sorry!” she apologized as she continued her mad dash over to Kaidan and Cortez.
Traynor was out of breath when she reached them, but spoke anyway. “Major! Liara—go!" she panted, hands on her knees, "A message!”
Kaidan took off at a run, bumping into Vega on his way in.
Oh god, was the elevator always this slow?!
He bolted from its doors as they opened to the crew’s quarters, and flew over to Liara’s cabin.
“Do we have a connection?” he asked desperately, bursting inside.
Liara nodded.
“There’s a message,” she said. But something was wrong. There was no enthusiasm.
He joined her side to stare at the screen.
Reaper forces defeated. Citadel moved to Earth and destroyed. Council safe. Captain Anderson and Commander Shepard confirmed dead.
The message was signed by Admiral Hackett, broadcast out into the vastness of known space to anyone who could receive it.
“Comms are back online,” Liara stated dryly.
That’s when Kaidan lost it. He stopped breathing when he read those words, and it returned in violent shudders.
Liara shut the door, and a sound like a wounded animal crept along the Normandy’s walls. She spared him from being seen, but they’d all heard their commander break.
So, Tali thought it would be a good idea to have a memorial service.
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
Could somebody turn the lights down, please? They’re too bright.
She saw white and red before she was aware of anything else. Snow and blood.
A voice like roasted gravel.
Her throat was dry-locked, so she couldn’t get the question out.
Is this death?
A rough, hot hand pressed her arm.
“Take it easy, now.”
She closed her eyes and opened them again.
The sight before her was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes.
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
Kaidan’s hope was infectious, a pathogen born out of refusal, not fact. Joker was doing his best to not let it grate on his nerves. 
Their fragile friendship had started to mend over the war but frayed again after the funeral. It was almost like the last time Shepard died, but with no one to blame. Over the past few days, they’d gone from brothers-in-loss to colleagues who tolerated each other.
Joker’s own hopes refused to shut up when Kaidan’s were so loud. It was cruel. They were never going to get them back, and they both needed to accept that.
Kaidan got in the way.
“What are you doing in here?” Her voice startled Joker from his thoughts.
She caught him over by the fried blue box again, with the body laid out respectfully underneath. She found him standing around here a lot lately.
“Jesus, Traynor. You scared me.”
“Sorry," she quipped, smirking shyly and looking at her feet, "I didn’t know I was scary.” 
“Yeah, well…”
Traynor nodded. Joker looked away.
Déjà vu, they’d done this before. A few times now. One would run into the other whenever they came by here.
Liara's smooth voice suddenly came over the loudspeaker, “Normandy crew to the bar. Port Observatory, toodle sweetie to the lounge!” Something in her tone was playful.
Then it was distant, small, and matter of fact. “The what? I don’t understand… I said tooth sweet. No, I’m not still—” rang her voice through every room.
“Oh, great. What are they doing on my intercom?” Joker asked frustratedly, masking his relief at the interruption. He let Traynor exit first.
He took one last look after she left, then tried to sneak his way back to the helm but was intercepted by Vega at the elevator.
“You’re coming with me, sad boy,” he said, grabbing him by the shoulders and spinning him around.
“Easy! It’s like you’re a yeti and you’re trying to maul me,” he chastised as Vega guided him, captive, towards the Port Observatory.
“Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Joker rolled his eyes.
Everyone else seemed to spill into the room behind them.
Liara and Kaidan were already behind the bar, mixing drinks. The way they were smiling and joking was, frankly, a little scary. 
“Thank you all for coming,” Kaidan started, “My lovely blue friend and I realized something. In all the commotion and stress, we, ah, never really celebrated our victory.”
“We thought it would be good for us all to get together and share a drink,” Liara said.
“Or a few drinks, and clear the air,” Kaidan continued.
“Like a party?” Tali excitedly asked.
“Yes!” Kaidan said a little too loudly, pointing at her with the bottle in his hand, “Exactly like a party!”
“It’s like survivor’s guilt, but fun!” Liara added.
Kaidan entered something on his omni-tool and music started playing. A deep, electronic beat thrummed through the room.
Joker didn’t like the unhinged, unblinking look in both their eyes.
“I’m in!” Garrus exclaimed, and Tali stood on her toes to give him a high-five.
Cortez walked up to the bar and picked up two drinks, “¿Qué dices, Vega?”
“Wait!" Liara shouted, holding up two others, "Those are for Garrus and Tali, take these.”
They all crowded around the bar until each had a glass. Then they looked to Kaidan.
He nodded at the group and said, “To us, and to… to our girls. EDI and Essie.”
As one, they raised their glasses and drank deeply. It was going to be a long night, but at least there was alcohol.
Suddenly, Traynor threw her top off and stood there in her bra. Everyone turned to her, astounded.
“What?" she asked the room. "It was going to happen anyway. Might as well while I can still remember it.”
“No fair!” Tali whined, desperate to join in.
“If she’s doing it, I’m doing it,” Cortez announced, halfway free of his shirt already.
“That’s why I don’t mess with buttons," Vega undressed a lot faster than Cortez, "Takes too long.” His sleeveless undershirt flew to the other side of the room.
“Double no fair!”
Garrus draped his arms around Tali to comfort her.
Joker actually chuckled as he walked back over to the bar.
“I saw that,” Kaidan said, taking Joker’s glass to refill it.
“Yeah, well, fuck you,” he said with a weak smirk.
“Love you too, Joker.”
“You can’t use the L-word unless you’re really serious about us,” Joker quipped, grinning.
Joker was planning to sulk, but there was Kaidan getting in the way again.
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
Shepard blinked. The pain was different now.
She was lying down on something soft.
It was still way too bright.
Before Shepard was aware of anything, her vision began to clear. Something large and alive was there with her, wherever she was. 
She closed her eyes and opened them again.
“Shepard!” he shouted again, jumping up and clapping his hands against his head, “Grunt! Get in here!”
The younger Krogan slammed through the door, making it burst off its hinges. The surprised screams from the hospital staff could be heard through the walls.
“Shepard!” Wrex called again.
“Wrex!” she cried out.
“Shepaaard!” Grunt grumbled.
It went on for a while like that, even after they started embracing and crying.
She'd made it! They'd made i—
“Oh, fuck! She passed out!” Wrex called out, “Nurse!”
“Nuuurse!” Grunt shouted, barreling out of the room. The door hit the floor with a loud smack.
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
“Luckily she’s the fastest ship in the galaxy, but we’ve never been without relays before. All our ships were built with them in mind,” Joker explained, slurring very slightly.
Javik chuckled, “So were ours.”
“Presumably, so was everyone’s,” Liara added.
The three of them were sitting off to the side while everyone else was gathered around the poker table. These days, having been stuck and then coming back from nowhere, it was rarely without a crowd. Chakwas and Adams had even come over to join the game.
“I’ve got you now, Vakarian!” Vega exclaimed.
Liara could see Garrus glaring without even turning her head. Maybe it was the effect of her fourth drink, but she smirked.
“Is it harder without the robot?” Javik asked.
Joker sighed. His eyes moistened.
“Yeah, it’s been really hard. Thanks for asking.”
“I meant the navigation,” Javik corrected blankly.
Joker stared back.
Liara couldn’t help but laugh a little, and Joker joined in.
“What?” Javik asked.
Liara and Joker laughed a bit harder.
“You smug prick fuck!” Traynor shouted, startling them.
Kaidan had just won another round. “Your hatred only feeds me,” he chuckled proudly, gathering the pile of chips on the table into his arms.
Joker answered Javik’s original question, “Thanks to that firecracker over there, it hasn’t been as rough to navigate as it should be. She’s crazy, but she’s a genius.”
Liara took another sip and said, “That’s because all women are crazy to you, Joker. Non-Humans too!"
“What can I say?” he shrugged, “I’m a man, a Human man at that!”
Vega called over to them from the table, “What’s he saying over there about Human men? Joker giving us all a bad name?”
“Being fair,” Adams said, “Human men give us all a bad name every day.”
“Ouch! I happen to like Human men,” Cortez replied.
“Yeah, you do!” Vega said, holding up his hand for a high-five that Traynor met with a loud slap.
“Joker was just being a bigot, nothing new,” Liara informed the group.
They all groaned.
“I might have to meet you outside after school,” Tali warned, an obvious smirk in her masked expression.
“That’s right, everyone pick on the guy who can’t hit back without breaking something,” he said.
“Come on, Joker. What did you say this time?” Kaidan prodded.
Liara saw a certain expression darken Joker’s face. She turned to Kaidan and gave him a look from across the room that told him to back off. She saw him nod in acknowledgment.
“Joker thinks all non-Humans and women are crazy,” Javik stated.
“Might someone remind Mr. Moreau that his doctor is a woman?” Chakwas asked.
“I wasn’t serious,” Joker said defensively, “It’s in the name. Never listen to me.”
Liara smiled and leaned back in her seat. There hadn’t been banter on the Normandy like this since… 
And it was nice. 
It made her think of the party Shepard had on the Citadel, and suddenly she really missed Wrex. She hadn’t thought about him since they'd left Earth. Where was he now? She hoped he was okay.
The game finished with Tali sneaking up from behind and wiping everyone out. Unlike the party Shepard just had a few weeks ago, everyone decided to go to bed before they got through about a bottle each. They all cleared out after, leaving Liara and Kaidan behind to clean. The gathering had been their idea, plus biotics made the job easier and quicker.
“I’d say that was a success,” Kaidan stated, satisfied.
“I just hope it lasts for a while,” Liara added, floating the dirty glasses left lying around and placing them on the bar. Kaidan then cycled them through the automatic washer.
“Yeah," he agreed darkly, "I, uh, wouldn't want things to go back the way they just were." 
They continued in silence for a while, then he said, “I just wish she were here.”
Liara stopped what she was doing.
“I know,” she said.
“I’m sorry,” his voice was breaking, “I don’t want to drag us down.”
She sighed and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Kaidan, you’re okay. Just be sad if you’re sad.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“And stop apologizing,” she added. He looked up at her and smiled weakly. His eyes were red.
She wanted to comfort her friend. “We’re going to find her,” Liara said, taking his hand, “I promise.”
She didn’t know if she was lying, or if she actually believed it.
Fuck you, Kaidan. Liara thought, You were right.
It felt better to hope.
[Next Chapter]
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 1 year
Honestly I'm still mad (affecionate) at the sheer uno reverse bg3 did on me.
'Cause boy do I love typical "a dying hero and their lover who can do jack shit about it" ships in videogames.
BUT USUALLY IT'S MY CHARACTER WHO'S DYING, so I look at it from that angle (and also feel in my right to headcanon the death away 'cause lol that's my character please and thank you)
Sera and Kinara in Trespasser, Shepard and Liara (in ME3, in ME2 Liara famously DID DO something), V and Judy. Peebee and Ryder (multiple times 'cause it's Ryder). Even that little bit at the end of Greedfall where Siorra and De Sardet say goodbye not knowing if they see each other again. I eat that shit up! But I've always looked at it from the hero's perspective. The one who's dying. The one in need of a lover, of a respite, the one being hopelessly in love one foot in the grave. The one I can stop from dying because I said so. I considered both viewpoints, of course I did, but you know. Player's character is player's character.
And then I came to BG3 with full intention to romance Karlach from the get go and this damn game took me and plunged me ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT.
Now I am in love with a kind-hearted heroic dumbass trying to help everyone and keep a positive attitude about their own death. Now I am the one who can't do squat shit to help apart from loving them and being supportive. Now I am the one who in the end has to watch them die (or turn my whole life around and potentially prolong their suffering 'cause I just couldn't let go) come ending.
Yes Tav's technically tadpoled and also cruising for death, but halfway through the game that stopped scaring me anywhere as badly because it was under control and there was a plan (which couldn't be said for Karlach's heart).
Almost the whole game post reveal of the engine problem I had that line from Sera's journal coursing in my mind:
"Make her happy. I'll keep that she was happy."
Because yes. When it's not in your power to change whatever narrative that doomed them... What else can you do?
(i am awfully terrified of death, my own and those i love, and this romance route dragged me over the damn coals, but you know what? she's worth it.)
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june-girl-86 · 2 years
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Chapter 50 ⭐
The wedding dance and a special wedding night for Din and Liara follow.
Smut time
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC Female!
ReaderRating: Mature/Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence / Love / Action&Adventure / Blood&Violence / Drama & Romance / Slow Burn / Fluff&Smut
Lyrics in the story:
I'll Still Be Loving You - Restless Heart
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After dusk had dispelled the golden light and given way to darkness, other lights twinkled in the sky alongside the stars. Many of them rose in balloons, sent up by those who had gathered at the lakeside in memory of their loved ones who were no longer with them. Din stood a little apart with Liara and Fara. They still held the balloon in their hands, watching the other lights. Liara sighed, then lifted the balloon and signalled to Din that he could light the candle. After a short wait, Liara let go of the balloon and it slowly rose. Fara, who had been silent all this time, grabbed each of Liara's and Din's hands.
"This is for our parents!" the girl said in a firm voice, furtively running her hand over her eyes.
As the company walked back to their seats, Liara and Din noticed the torches set up in a generous circle. The young man playing the hallikset had been joined by a woman, she held a microphone in her hands. Maila touched Din and Liara on the shoulders.
"Are you ready for your dance?"
The two nodded, Din leading Liara past the torches, into the centre of the circle. Fara stood with Tino, hand in hand, at the side of Jaron and Halla, waving joyfully to her parents, receiving from them, that cordial return. Liara was a little nervous, everyone was watching them now. Din held her hand tightly, his other was on her hip, pulling her to him.
"Just listen to the music, it's just the two of us that count now!" he whispered and Liara smiled happily at her husband. The instrument began to play and the two moved slowly to the melody. The clear, pleasant voice of the young woman began.
“Changin′ my life with your love
Has been so easy for you
And I'm amazed every day
And I′ll need you
'Till all the mountains are valleys
And every ocean is dry, my love”
Liara listened to the words, looking intently into Din's eyes. Sank into them. Noticing the special glow in them, his love for her. He took his hand from her hip, stroked Liara's cheek tenderly and bent to her ear.
"Every word is true!"
Moved, Liara released her hand from Din's, clasped his neck and rested her head against his shoulder. She enjoyed the closeness to him, his warmth and smiled in love when she heard the next words, while his hand lovingly stroked her naked back and remained there.
“I'll be yours
Until the sun doesn′t shine
′Till time stands still
Until the winds don't blow
When today is just a memory to me
I know I′ll still be loving
I'll still be loving you”
"I love you, Cyar'ika (darling)!"
“Never before did I know
How loving someone could be
Now I can see, you and me
For a lifetime
Until the last moon is rising
You'll see the love in my eyes, my love”
Din adoringly breathed a kiss on her cheek until Liara lifted her head, their lips found each other. Gently, lightly, tenderly they touched, kissing softly, for a long time. Liara's fingers played with Din's hair, they forgot everything around them. Only the music filtered through to them and they swayed in a circle for a while longer until the singer fell silent and the hallikset played the last note. It was quiet as the couple parted, then their audience applauded them and Din nodded to the musician. He started the next piece and now the dance floor was filling up.
It was well past midnight when the party ended. Fara and Tino had already fallen asleep, lying on two chairs, covered up. Din was about to carefully pick Fara up when Jaron was already there. He stopped him and winked.
"We'll take her to our place. Enjoy your time together!"
And so, hand in hand, Liara and Din walked across the meadow back to the house under a starry sky. The crescent moon gave them a little light. Again and again they stopped in between, exchanging caresses. At their door, Din suddenly lifted Liara and she shrieked with laughter as he carried her over the threshold and carefully lowered her again. There they both looked around in surprise, someone, Liara guessed that only Halla could have organised this, had spread countless candles in tall vases everywhere and they gave off a romantic light. On the table, in a cooler, were a champagne bottle and two glasses. Din looked questioningly at Liara, who nodded and he opened the bottle. With their glasses full, they stood on the terrace for a moment, toasting and gazing up at the starry sky. Liara leaned her head against Din's shoulder.
"We actually got married! Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar (I love you)!" whispered Liara, thinking of the last few hours and Din smiled.
"I would do it again and again because I love you!"
In the sky, one star sparkled particularly brightly, Liara pointed to it.
"How beautiful. Now we are so far into the galaxy and yet she and her beauty never stops!"
Din smiled.
"I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one. For when your mother gave birth to you, she stole the most beautiful star from the sky! Ner tyatr (My star)!"
Liara blushed, turned her head slightly to the side, and Din kissed her, gently, teasingly. She turned in his arms until she was facing him and he deepened the kiss. Liara felt the spark that ignited the flame inside her.
"Let's go inside!" she whispered and Din nodded. The glasses set down somewhere, forgotten. Tenderly, Liara ran her fingers over Din's cheek, sliding down his neck, to the fastening of his cloak. Her fingers, trembling slightly, loosened the fabric, gently she took it, folded it and placed it on the dresser. Then she blew a kiss at his throat, which was now free, while she removed his shoulder pieces, placing them beside the cloak. Her hand touched his breastplate, feeling the coolness of the beskar and yet she thought she felt the warmth Din gave off. He helped her take it off. Carefully she pulled down his bracers, then sank to her knees. Din swallowed, watching her remove the thigh plates, as well as his shin guards. He reached out his hand, pulled her to him. His fingers slid over her cheek.
"Now it's your turn!"
Gently he pulled her veil from her hair, letting the sheer fabric slide over her face, her sensual gaze beguiling him. Din took her hand, intertwined his fingers with hers and drew her hand to his lips to tenderly kiss her palm. Then he held her up so Liara could turn and she had her back to him. There he could discover a few hidden buttons, which he opened one by one with trembling fingers. He brushed her hair aside, kissed her neck and throat. His cheek, rough with fine stubble, rubbed against her warm skin as he ran his lips over her neck. Liara, heated a moment ago, got goose bumps.
"Turn around!" he murmured, and she did. His hands reached under the straps, slowly running them down her arms. The dress fell rustling, exposing her curves shimmering in the candlelight. Underneath, Liara wore only a pair of white panties, but no bra. Din took a deep breath. The desire he felt for her was like a hungry beast. Her seductive curves were positively irresistible. He watched as she stepped out of the dress and pushed it aside.
"Mesh'la (beautiful)!" exclaimed Din, hooking his fingers into the waistband of her panties and slipping them off. The only thing she was wearing now were her shoes and Din was sure he had never seen anything more beautiful than this naked goddess leaning against the table, running her tongue over her lips and moistening them. Din undressed himself, asking her to just stand there, he couldn't get enough of the way the candlelight illuminated her body, made her skin look golden. Liara couldn't take her eyes off the scenery either, enjoying every bit of skin that was revealed.
When he finally stood naked in front of her, his arousal impossible to miss, he dropped to his knees in front of her, pressed his lips to her stomach and felt Liara shiver. Then he sank lower, his hands running down her legs, but he pressed his face to the exposed spot between her thighs and breathed in the scent of her arousal. His warm breath brushed over her most sensitive spot as he then slid his tongue in small circles over her skin where he had just kissed her. Din looked up at Liara who had opened her lips, her breath already quickening.
His desire for her consumed him and eagerly he pressed his lips to her vulva. Liara gasped, clawing at the edge of the table and Din held her tightly as she bent her knees slightly in the process. With his big hands he gripped her bottom firmly as he pushed his tongue deeper and deeper into her until she trembled, quivered and moaned. She was wet and aroused and waiting for him. His riddur, his wife. He glanced past her, out into the starry sky. Do you see the universe? She is mine, you will not take her from me, she will be by my side forever. He stood up slowly, brushed his lips over her body, licked her navel, stroked her tender skin with his tongue. He could taste the sun that made her seem even more radiant on this special day and that the night could not dim. And then his lips found hers, they kissed hungrily and passionately. He ran his tongue over hers, demanding yet gentle.
"Cyar'ika (darling)!" he moaned into her mouth as her hand ran over his belly, down further, caressing his pulsing hardness. Wanting to pleasure her some more, Din broke away from her and lifted Liara onto the tabletop. She saw him take an ice cube from the cooler and she was already biting her lips without him doing anything. He let some ice water drip onto the tip of her right breast and Liara drew in a sharp breath. The drop of water ran slowly down her breast and Din bent down, caught it with his mouth and slowly licked the raised bud.
Liara closed her eyes and enjoyed this exciting mixture of hot and cold on her naked skin. Din repeated the game on the other side and now began to suck on the tip of her breast there. A shiver of pleasure ran through Liara. Fascinated, she watched him follow the trail of the cold drops of water until the little ball of ice slid into her belly button and slowly began to melt there. She arched her back devotedly towards Din, who was by now between her thighs again. She reached for his hair, holding herself in it. Din's hot breath brushed her thigh and Liara whimpered when he finally tasted her as if she were the most exquisite dessert. Together his lips and tongue composed a symphony of pleasure that increased, grew louder and louder until it decreased again, only to set off once more to climb to the highest peak. Again and again, Din nearly drove her mad with lust, while Liara writhed ever more violently beneath him.
"Please!" she sobbed with flaming desire.
"Din. I'm melting, burning and trembling all at the same time. Please!" she pleaded breathlessly. And at last Din gave her what she asked for. He penetrated her with two fingers and her hips lifted from the table. Her climax followed immediately, violent and demanding. A scream escaped her throat as her release continued like a never-ending fireworks display. Din felt the pulsation of her experienced pleasure under his fingertips. Liara lay gasping for breath, barely able to move. She felt like she was drunk after orgasm. And then she found Din's eyes as he leaned over her. Liara touched his cheek, looked into his wonderful face and recognised nothing but pure lust in his eyes.
"I love you!" she whispered, seeking his lips, tasting herself. Passionately and fiercely they kissed.
"I want you inside me!", Liara groaned as she felt his arousal. Din backed away a little, Liara slid to the edge of the table and wrapped her legs around his hips. She moaned as he touched her most intimate spot with the tip of his erect member. Gently, Din pushed himself between Liara's legs and paused. Liara wanted to urge him on out of sheer impatience, but before she could, he penetrated her a little, only to withdraw again immediately afterwards. She moaned loudly, burning impatience tormenting her. Again Din slid into her, but again he did not fill her completely. Liara tried to urge him on now, but Din grabbed her hips, held her tight and pulled back again. Liara gasped in frustration and arousal.
She longed so much to feel him deep inside her that her whole body trembled, overwhelmed with desire. She gave herself completely to him, letting him do what he pleased with her. Liara looked into Din's face, his expression betraying determination as he penetrated her again, no doubt with the intention of continuing his little game. But this time he too seemed overwhelmed by his feelings and pure lust. For instead of withdrawing, he slid into her as deeply as he could. Liara yelped, digging her fingers into his firm back muscles, stroking along his spine, feeling every little bump and indentation. The scars of his life. Din began to move at a slow pace, which he gradually increased, carrying her to new heights of pleasure. The cool tabletop beneath her was no longer hard; this room itself no longer existed. There was only this moment and this man. And deep inside, she knew that was all she really needed.
Liara was about to reach her next peak and closed her eyes in rapture. Din seemed to register it, for he increased his pace cautiously, a little more each time. Liara reared back and clung to his shoulders as she surrendered to these unique, overwhelming sensations. Through the sensual mist of her own climax, she heard Din moan and felt his body tense in ecstasy. A moment later, they held each other breathlessly in their arms. Sweat glistened on their bodies, shimmering in the candlelight. They kissed tenderly, slowly.
"I love you!" whispered Din in her ear, his lips very close to her skin. Liara felt goosebumps forming on her body, but not because she was freezing. She was aroused again. But this time she wanted him in bed. She pushed Din off her and slid off the table. Then she ran her finger over his lips, down his neck to his chest, detached herself from him and walked towards the bedroom. As she did so, she took off her shoes, kicked them off her, and they landed clattering against the wall. At the door she stopped, turned around, Din still standing in the same spot. His silhouette beautiful to look at in the golden light.
"What are you waiting for?" she asked boldly. Din hurried after her, catching up with her in front of the bed and pulling her close. Liara snuggled against Din, enjoying the way his hands slid over her body and she felt his erection against her bottom. He was no different to her either.
"I can't get enough of you!" murmured Din to her, grabbing her breasts, teasing her nipples, and Liara leaned back, seeking his mouth, biting his lower lip. Din pushed her forward until she was kneeling on all fours in front of him while he was behind her. Before Liara could say anything, his hands were already on her hips, sliding between her legs. Liara dropped her head and sucked in a sharp breath as he deftly began to caress her most intimate spot again.
"Oh, you're good!" she whispered, gasping for air as Din's fingers gently entered her. Intoxicated with renewed desire, her lids drooped and pulsing heat coursed through her, his fingers wet with her lust.
"You are wonderful!" whispered Din, his voice hoarse with arousal. Not wanting to wait any longer, he withdrew his fingers and instead thrust his member into her so deeply that Liara cried out in passion and climaxed almost immediately. Din gasped too, he put one hand on her back, the other on her hip and held her tight. Then he penetrated her again, a long drawn-out moan followed from both of them. A wonderful tension built up, increasing with each thrust. Liara felt Din's hot skin against her back as he leaned in to kiss her shoulders, sucking on her skin, caressing her. Din slid his hand from her back to her hip where he tightened his grip, penetrating her even deeper. He increased his pace, moving harder, more demanding. Liara arched her back and stretched towards him, her breasts swinging back and forth.
"Oh Mesh'la (Beautiful)!"
Din held her gripped as he thrust into her again and again, taking her into a world that was pure sensation and desire.
"Liara, what are you doing to me!" groaned Din just before she climaxed, and everything around them seemed to sink into a cloud of pure lust as they climaxed together.
After a shower together, the two lay naked, exhausted, yet happy, cuddled together in bed. Din slowly stroked his fingers up and down her arm, thinking she had already fallen asleep as her breathing was steady. But then he felt her delicate hand as she placed it on his fingers.
"I read a poem years ago in one of my mother's books. I didn't really understand it then, but I do now...!" whispered Liara in an occupied voice.
"Every touch, every kiss, every hug is a star in the sky!"
Din lowered his head and pressed his lips to her shoulder.
"That's why there are so infinite!" whispered Din back. Liara nodded and felt Din's hand slide over her body and rest on her stomach. His warmth made Liara feel tired.
"One day...!" he whispered, pressing his hand on her and Liara knew what he meant.
"One day!" she replied, smiling, and with those thoughts they both fell asleep to their new future.
@lorisky @idontknowwhichusernametopic-blog @jamesruusshukur @liadamerondjarin @braelynzoe @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
14 notes · View notes
showmethelesbians · 1 year
Unspoken Affection
Shepard tried to act nonchalant as she walked down the bustling hallways of her high school, surrounded by students chattering and laughing. She had always been outgoing and confident, but there was one person who had her heart tied in knots - Liara T'Soni, the quiet, nerdy girl with mesmerizing blue eyes and an aura of mystery.
Shepard felt a blush creep onto her cheeks as she remembered the love notes she had been leaving in Liara's locker. It was the only way she could express her feelings without tripping over her own words or losing her voice entirely whenever she was around Liara. It was frustrating; she was the fearless Commander Shepard to her friends when battling in the arena, but when it came to confessing her feelings, she just felt like a nervous, useless teen.
Walking past Liara's locker, Shepard couldn't help but glance at it, hoping to catch a glimpse of her reaction to the latest note. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Liara open her locker, her face lighting up as she read the words on the pink envelope.
"You make this school brighter, Liara."
Seeing Liara smile was all the validation Shepard needed to know that the notes were having the desired effect. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder if Liara knew who was behind them.
Throughout her classes, Shepard's mind wandered, replaying her interactions with Liara in her head. She tried to find any signs that Liara might have figured out the secret admirer's identity. Every time Liara glanced her way or looked at her notes, Shepard's heart soared with hope.
In the cafeteria, Shepard tried to act casual as she joined her friends at their usual table, stealing occasional glances at Liara sitting alone at her own table, engrossed in a book. She wanted to go over and strike up a conversation, but her courage always abandoned her at the last moment.
As the days passed, Shepard found herself drawn to Liara like a moth to a flame. She couldn't resist the urge to be near her, even if it meant just observing her from afar. She noticed how Liara's eyes would light up whenever they accidentally locked gazes, and how a faint blush would tint her cheeks.
One afternoon, after leaving yet another note in Liara's locker, Shepard turned to walk away but found herself face-to-face with Liara. Her heart raced, and she cursed her luck for being caught in the act.
"Uh, hi, Jane," Liara said, her voice soft and shy.
Shepard felt her mouth go dry, and she stammered, "H-Hey, Liara. How are you?"
"I'm good, thank you," Liara replied, her cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink. "I, um, thank you for the notes. They always make me smile."
Shepard's heart soared with relief and happiness. "You're welcome. I'm glad they have the intended effect. I just... wanted you to know how I feel."
Liara's eyes sparkled, and she smiled gently. "I had a feeling it might be you leaving the notes. They're very sweet, Jane."
Encouraged by Liara's response, Shepard found her voice becoming steadier. "I have to admit, I've had a crush on you for a while. I couldn't find the words to tell you in person, so I started leaving the notes instead."
Liara's smile grew, and she reached out to take Shepard's hand, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through Shepard's entire being. "I'm glad you did. It's... it's nice to know someone feels that way about me."
From that moment on, Shepard and Liara's connection deepened. They spent more time together, and Shepard learned that beneath Liara's quiet exterior lay a world of thoughts and emotions waiting to be discovered. Liara, in turn, discovered that Shepard's outgoing nature was a facade she wore to hide her vulnerability.
As they navigated their way through the complexities of high school life, they found comfort and strength in each other's company. Their unspoken affection, once expressed through notes, blossomed into a beautiful romance that left them both feeling like they were floating among the stars.
In the vastness of high school, two hearts had found each other, and as they held hands and shared stolen glances, they knew that the universe had brought them together for a reason. The love notes, once a mystery, were now cherished tokens of their journey towards a love that would endure beyond the walls of high school and into the infinite horizon of their future.
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FINALLY!!! I Got To Keep Both Jack & Miranda’s Loyalties In Mass Effect!!!
[Note: Reading This Is Optional.....
also Do NOT Reblog Without Permission.]  
after I guess what feels like so many tries but it might only been a few...
I had finally done it, on March 7, 2023.....I had finally got to keep both Jack and Miranda’s Loyalties in Mass Effect.
and of course it happen in the new version, that Mass Effect Legendary.
and I was right about the whole building up that blue paragon high enough, and it will need to be REALLY high....in order for to use the other dialogue, and keep both those two’s loyalties.
which I’m glad that I finally was able to get a high enough paragon to choose the dialogue that turns blue, well I could of either went with that or the red but sadly it wouldn’t be high enough in time, so lucky for me the blue was high enough.
of course when I did finally got to keep those two’s Loyalties, it was playing as the Default Shepard, but the Male one, and going with the the name “John”...
that is the Male Default Shepard’s Name....
and after doing Tali’s Loyalty Mission in Mass Effect 2 in the Legendary version...
I had Shepard talk with....her name is Kelly, right...?
she is kind of like a therapist for the crew on the Normandy.
anyway she talks about how Tali gives hints that she is in love with Shepard.
but I had THAT Shepard romance Liara in both Mass Effect 1, and in Mass Effect 2 I had them rekindle their love after the whole beating the Shadow Broker....then again, she did insist to Shepard that they should break up...
and yet I made sure that Shepard didn’t cheat on her, and that he didn’t send the wrong messages.....I wonder if in the new Mass Effect game, their love will still stay strong, or if Liara will pull a Jacob.
when romancing Jacob using the Female Shepard, your just going to have that character go through heartbreak, because Jacob does end up cheating and even having a baby with the woman that he two-times Shepard with.
and if you ask me, even if it is true that the woman who ends up in a romantic relationship with Jacob, does end up being not so friendly to the Female Shepard if she has romance Jacob in Mass Effect 2....
but maybe both women could do so much better than Jacob...
yes there is the whole choice that the Player could cheat or even ask for a poly-romance, which if it is true that has been suggested in one of the dialogues if you are romancing both Liara or Ashley or Kaiden in Mass Effect 1.....but it ending up not being possible at all, and ya still have to choose between the two (which is like either Male Shepard choosing between Liara or Ashley and or Female Shepard choosing between Liara or Kaiden.),
but with some Players might choose not to go down the cheating path, and if Liara does end up wanting to call things off and just be friends after the whole Shadow Broker thing, the Player can choose to agree to call things off or keep having the Male or Female Shepard with her.
and I guess we could think of Kaiden finally coming out of the closet in, it’s Mass Effect 3 that he can be romanced by the Male Shepard right...?
so I guess this would mean that either Kaiden is Pansexual or Bisexual.
maybe he is Bisexual....but Male Shepard couldn’t romance him in Mass Effect 1 until I think in Mass Effect 3....
so I’m just gonna see it as Fan Headcanon that Kaiden was in the closet until he came out of the closet in Mass Effect 3.
some of the characters that Shepard can romance, are either bisexual, pansexual, heterosexual, lesbian and vincian.
of course if you have to be Female Shepard to romance Samantha Traynor
and you need to be Male Shepard to romance Steve Cortez. 
Steve Cortez is Vincian, and he had lost his first husband, so I guess if a Player does decide to have Male Shepard start a romance with Steve Cortez, it could be seen as a way for the man who lost his husband, to heal and love again.
and Samantha Traynor is a Lesbian, so she will not be interested in the Male Shepard and will only be interested in the Female Shepard, who the Player can decide for themselves if they want to romance Samantha Traynor or not. 
the Asari in the game can be with anyone and any species of any gender.
but I guess some Asari would prefer Feminine, and not have a interest in Males, so maybe Asari can be Pansexual or Bisexual or Sapphic.
it might be possible that some Asari could end up with Partners that are Nonbinary, and they could end up with different types of Nonbinary Partners.
either just Nonbinary who only go by They/Them,
or even Nonbinary-Man who goes by He/Him and They/Them,
or Nonbinary-Woman who goes by She/Her and They/Them.
and if a Asari does have a Partner that is just Nonbinary (and not a Enboy or Enbirl)........if anyone either it be a human, turian, quarian, krogan, salarian, batarian or even another asari or any other race (all but the hanar.)
ended up misgendering the Asari’s Nonbinary Partner, and not calling them They or Them, then maybe the Asari would be really mad and try to punch the lights out of the one who misgender their partner, or maybe just yell at them to not misgender their partner, and telling them that they aren’t a Enboy or Enbirl.
it would be interesting if like in the other stories in the game, you can have Shepard go over to them and try to work it out, and even telling the person to not misgender the Nonbinary Human Partner of the Asari again.
even if you can only choose between the Male and Female Shepard,
it would be interesting if there was a Androgynous looking Shepard, and was Nonbinary, and depending on the Player’s view, they could be either Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
in the FNAF fan game, that’s called Five Nights Of Flirting,
you can choose between either Male or Female or Nonbinary/Genderfluid.
 Five Nights Of Flirting is one of my favorite FNAF fan games.
 and in Undertale, the Player could view Frisk being either a Boy, Girl, Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
and even do the same with Chara, who’s name is still a diminutive of the name Charlotte....which is a fact and one can look it up to see.
and besides using the name Default Name “Chara”, the Player can use any other name, either from a girl or boy or neutral name.
and we know that Kris is Nonbinary in the canon of Deltarune.
but the Player could view Kris as either just Nonbinary or even being a Nonbinary-Boy or Nonbinary-Girl.
I wouldn’t mind if they had a third option in a future Mass Effect Game,
where you can choose between Male, Female and Nonbinary Shepard.
of course the Nonbinary Shepard wouldn’t have the Default First Name like John or Jane, so they would have to pick a default name that is maybe unisex.
and the Player can decide between either a boy or girl or unisex name, depending if they want to view that Shepard as a Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
but the chances of such a Shepard appearing in the future is very VERY small.
and if that Shepard does appear in the future, I guess some fans could view them as the Baby Sibling of John and Jane Shepard.
 I’m still glad that I was finally able to keep both Jack and Miranda’s Loyalties,
and I guess if I didn’t decide to make sure to talk to other characters and even do some missions, then I guess my paragon wouldn’t of became high enough.
I mean if I hadn’t made sure to make sure to raise my Paragon Levels REALLY high, and if I had did Jack’s Loyalty Mission, it would be likely I would end up having to choose between her or Miranda after the mission was over with.
and if I chosen Miranda over Jack, even just getting Jack’s Loyalty, then Jack would end up dying later on in Mass Effect 2, the same could be said for Miranda if I chosen Jack over her.
and I really didn’t want to choose between the two, and I wanted to keep both their loyalties.
of course after finally keeping both their loyalties, and playing a little more of Mass Effect...
I took a break and took the game out and I did end up going to bed and sleeping finally after I was finished playing on the Xbox One a little bit.
I don’t think I’m the only one who had been having trouble trying to keep both Miranda and Jack’s Loyalties, if you don’t have a high enough Paragon or that Renegade one, then you will have to choose between them.
and I had been trying my best to build up my Paragon so I didn’t have to choose between them so I could keep both of their Loyalties.
and maybe other Players who have been through the same thing, have tried to make sure to build up their Paragon really high so they don’t have to choose between them.
and even though it’s not all fans, but I’m pretty sure some fans do ship Miranda and Jack, and think they just need to just kiss already.
and I guess in the Fanon those two could be Bi, but in the Canon it is possible that both of them are Heterosexual....but who knows.
but with those two at each other’s throats and hating each other, and only calling a type of truce when ya finally are able to keep both their loyalties and not having to decide between the two....
the chances of them forming any kind of romantic relationship in the canon and in a future Mass Effect Game, are very VERY small...
and any romance ship between those two, would possibly just stay Fanon.
one of the reasons I wanted to have Shepard keep his romance with Liara T’Soni, is because I want to see if they will end up having a child together in the future game.  
like if it turns out that if Male or Female Shepard becoming a Parent to their and Liara’s child, but Liara doesn’t tell them about her being pregnant when they were in the last fight against the Reapers.
and it could turn out that Shepard and Liara’s daughter can only exist if the two have formed a romance and kept the romance going.
maybe only a few years would pass inside the timeline of the Mass Effect Game, and those that Shepard had on his team would still be alive.
if Shepard does return in the future Mass Effect Game, then maybe they could be surprised to find out that they have a daughter with Liara, that is if the Player chooses to have Shepard romance Liara and keep the romance and not call things off with her.
and I guess if Male Shepard had romance either Miranda or Jack and they stayed alive and are on the ship with the others in Mass Effect 3 and could be mourning Shepard....
if the Male Shepard had romance either those two, then maybe in the future, he could have a son or daughter with either of those two that would also be a surprise.
like any future child that Male Shepard has with either Miranda, Jack and maybe even Tali, would end up being a surprise to them.
Female Shepard and Male Shepard can both be surprised “Fathers” and find out that Liara had their daughter but didn’t tell them that she was pregnant.
and in a Vandread and Mass Effect Crossover, Female Shepard could be viewed as the Ohma and Liara the Fama if they were to have a child together.
anyway if you think about it, Mass Effect could be considered a LGBTQ Game or a LGBTQIA Game.
most of the characters that Shepard can romance are either Heterosexual, Bisexual, Lesbian and Vincian.
and you can only romance Samantha if your the Female Shepard,
and you can only romance Steve if your the Male Shepard.
Male Shepard can’t romance Samantha, and would likely be put in the friend zone.
and the same thing can be said for Female Shepard, who isn’t able to romance Steve either and would end up in the friend zone as well.
I wonder if many fans knew this....?
well I guess maybe those who look up info or watched walkthrough of the romances that has to do with the different characters that Shepard can and can’t romance.
and even if the Male or Female Shepard can romance those who can be romanced in the game, but there are still some that Shepard can’t romance at all, no matter if they are Male or Female Shepard.
also if it were possible that if Male Shepard romanced Jack, and kept the romance and it had turn out that they had a kid together and it was shown in a future game....
if we thought Jack was crazy dangerous before, (and if she lived in Mass Effect 3) then she could be REALLY dangerous as a Protective Mother.
like picture the normal type of dangerous Jack, but times 10 or 100 if she ever became a Mom to Shepard’s kid.
and I guess if the Female Shepard did romance a Male Character, in a plot twist kind of way, she could of been pregnant when she had to choose between the three choices of fusing organic and synthetic, or destroying or merging with the reapers.
I rather NOT choose destroying the Reapers, and would rather have Shepard choose between the other two choices.
and for all we know, the Shepard we have been playing in Mass Effect 2, was a clone this whole time and we keep playing them in Mass Effect 3.
and it could turn out the Original Shepard is being kept in another base and had just woke up during the end of Mass Effect 3 and has amnesia.
and even if we had kept Shepard loyal to the one that they romanced, in a plot twist type of way those who Shepard romance in Mass Effect 1 and even kept romance with in Mass Effect 2 to 3, would had accidentally cheated on the Original Shepard, which means the child of Liara, Tali, Jack and Miranda could possibly have....
wouldn’t be Original Shepard’s child, but the Playable Shepard Clone’s child with them.....and if that is true, that would mean there is Two Shepard Clones.
not all fan theories have to be correct, even the whole there being Two Shepard Clones, and only one of them was a perfect copy of the Original.
and I guess if we had Shepard be a human supremacy and seem to have a dislike for non-humans in Mass Effect 1, but end up having Shepard act more nicer and not a Xenocist Dirty Shisno jerk, wouldn’t that mean that the Original Shepard was bad and the new clone that we unknowingly play as in Mass Effect 2 to 3, ends up being good...?
and the Other Shepard Clone, that shows to be a bit of a Dirty Shisno Xenocist would turn out to be the perfect copy of the Original Shepard if Shepard in the Mass Effect 1 acted like a Xenocist Jerk, of course that would be the choice of the Player.
I see that as Semi-Canon and maybe it could be possible to have Shepard act like a Shisno Xenocist Jerk in the Mass Effect 1 and then start to not be that way anymore in Mass Effect 2, but the clone that appears later on will still be a Xenocist and a Dirty Shisno which would be much worse than the version of Shepard in Mass Effect 1 who was acting like a Dirty Shisno Xenocist.
I’m sure there are some fans who could of made Shepard act like a Shisno and Xenocist in the Mass Effect 1 but might of had him change in Mass Effect 2.
it would be interesting if the Clone that teamed up with Brooks, had somehow survived and could be reformed....and maybe knew that the Shepard that we play as from Mass Effect 2 to 3, was a clone like them and was either a perfect clone copy or a clone that was different from the original and only seem like a perfect copy.
it would be interesting if this was true and I wouldn’t mind seeing it in the future Mass Effect Game.
anyway I will play more Mass Effect later, and hopefully I can keep both Tali and Legion’s Loyalties and have the Geth and Quarian work together.
hopefully if things work, I can have Tali stop being a Dirty Shisno.
at least not all Quarians are Dirty Shisno to the Geth, and not all Geth are bad or sided with the Reapers.
but the Quarian scapegoating the Geth for them having been kicked out off their home planet, is just stupid because the Quarian are the ones who started it, well the first generation who started that mess with the Geth.
at least some Quarian want to try to fix their mistake in the right way and try for peace with the Geth, not like some who want to destroy all Geth from their home world and still keep being dirty shisno.
maybe with any luck if both Miranda and Jack live in Mass Effect 3, maybe in the future Mass Effect Game, if they appear in it, maybe they would of become close friends while Shepard was away.
like they could still fight at times, but still end up caring for each other because they had ended up forming a bond of trust and understanding.
but it only happening if both survived in both Mass Effect 2 to 3, and only if the Player is able to keep both of their Loyalties. 
also I know this post isn’t really mature, but I had to add the “mature audiences only” and “not for kids” tags, because well the Mass Effect Game series isn’t for little kids and it is for those who are the proper age to play it.
anyway I’m going to keep a eye out for any new info about the new Mass Effect game, and hopefully there will be new info about it soon.                                       
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Seeing the lack of wlw fics in the Marvel universe is always depressing BUT since AO3 is celebrating the International Fandoms Feedback Fest Day 2022 and seeing mainly m/m slash and het ships in the recs, I’m gonna share some of my ALL TIME WLW FICS FROM VARIOUS FANDOMS, Marvel or not, just because, and focusing especially on BLACKHILL but with a touch of everything I love. Some of them are pretty rare pairs but bear with me. They’re awesome.
Let’s go…
Supercorp (Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor):
OATH OF OFFICE by UninspiredPoet — Awfully sexy President/Bodyguard AU with a perfect slow burn. This one’s fire.
SEMIDEUS by lostariels — Wonderful angst with an unplanned pregnancy setting that turns out to be a wonderful character study.
BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLE by powergrapes — AU set in New York City. Real angst, real odds, a little frustrating at times but VERY realistic especially when depicting girls trapped in abusive relationships with your typical Nice Guy™️.
SO METHING JUST LIKE THIS by Helpbutton95 — A kid from the future comes through a portal.
LOVE LIKE ON A SILVER SCREEN by powergrapes — Another wonderful AU from the master. A Bachelerotte one. Yes. You read right. It’s engaging. It’s fun. It’s angsty when it needs to be. Sexy. So very well-written. And a wonderful ride. Do not miss this one.
Chlodine (Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross):
RISK VS REWARD by Armengard — They’re both idiots. They’re both smitten. Bad flirting and sexting (kinda). Just the best.
SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE by wankernumber9 — Post game. Soft and perfect. It’s canon.
Pricefield (Chloe Price/Max Caulfield):
TEAR YOU APART by explosionshark —They have sex. Max finds out she’s into something new.
AN ULTRAVIOLET WAY by raycats — Max has PTSD. They can’t have sex. Until they figure it out and it’s hot and sweet and so them.
WE’VE ONLY GOT THIS HUNDRED YEARS by stiction — Five times Max rewound time to preserve the sanctity of friendship, and one time she didn't.
RANDIVOR (Eivor/Randvi):
MADDENING LOVE by Natterina. Randvi looks at the smirk on Eivor’s lips, the confidence in the line of her shoulders, and it hits her with all the force of being kicked in the chest. She married the wrong one.
MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA (Sara Ryder/Suvi Anwar):
WEAKNESS VERSUS STRENGTH by Rogue Solo. Listen here folks. This is A VERY SPECIAL REC. Of course Andromeda wasn’t as popular as the previous ME games. And though most people chose Peebee as the wlw option for female!Ryder, the romance with Suvi was super cute and wholesome. But this fic right here? This masterpiece?! OMG the angst, the pacing, the action, the plot, the love, the sex, the tension… even if you don’t know a thing about these characters just do yourself a favor and read some fandom wiki entries about them and deep dive into this story because it’s just magnificent. That’s it. That’s my gift to you.
Shiara (Commander Shepard/Liara T’Soni)
YOUNG by Angeli1_hp — In the two years since the Normandy was destroyed, Liara has found happiness in the darkness of Illium with the only thing she has left of Shepard.
FIVE TIMES (SHEPARD AND LIARA WERE INTERRUPTED) by RaeDMagdon — Five times Shepard and Liara were interrupted by their friends during private moments.
LIKE IT’S HALLELUJAH by montparnasse — At the end of the world, a woman walks into a bar… it’s sweet and heartbreaking at the same time but one of those stories that makes you smile for a very long time.
Star Wars Skywalker Saga (Kaydel Ko Connix/Rey - Leia/Holdo)
WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES ME by orphan_account :_( — Kaydel/Rey. A sort of rewriting of the new trilogy. Super sweet.
THERE SHOULD JUST BE ONE SAFE PLACE IN THE WORLD by buckstiel — if you wanna go down the Holdo/Leia rabbit hole this is perfect. References Leia: Princess of Alderaan (a pretty damn good book btw).
Shoot (Root/Sameen Shaw):
LIKE LOCKED HORNS by journaliar — Root and Shaw navigate their bond through snippets and feelings they can’t describe but they eventually make peace with it.
Danbeau (Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau)
FLYING HOMEWARD DOWN YOUR HIGHWAY by gdgdbaby — It was bad enough to be a black woman in the Air Force, they used to joke. Being gay made her a triple threat.
WHEN GRAVITY MEETS THE GROUND by buckyjerkbarnes — Carol and Maria- before, during, and after the events of Captain Marvel.
Terminator: Dark Fate (Dani Ramos/Grace Harper)
CALM BEFORE THE STORM by sliferthegaydragon — Tortured by their struggle and the fear of what lies ahead, Dani finds comfort in the arms of the woman who has never left her side.
BRING BACK THE GOOD by Vulcanodon — This is amazing just because of the “resurrect your gays” tag. Dani and Grace reunite. Somehow.
Blackhill (Maria Hill/Natasha Romanoff) aka the OTP
GONE TO THE DOGS by Avesnongrata and Woodface — The Blackhill bible. A perfect study on their dynamics and a wonderful read from start to finish that this fandom (tiny but so talented) holds dear to our hearts.
WHERE THE DEVIL DON’T GO by betts — In this cop AU nothing and no one is what it seems.
RED by waldorph — A wonderful study on Natasha, closer to the comics than to the MCU. Maria is also more comic-inspired. And it’s just so wonderful.
A HILL CALLED HOME by BadGoose — An unfinished retelling of the MCU with Blackhill, a lot of comedy, a wonderful and teasing slow burn and better plot than the MCU itself. Updates regularly.
WEEKEND PLANS by Avesnongrata — Another “Aves classic” of them getting together but being their usual emotionally unavailable idiots. One of my comfort fics.
FLAWED ENOUGH BUT PERFECT FOR A PERSON by Crimsoncat — The hottest “pollen sex” fic ever written with a tension and a build up between Maria and Nat that will make you bite your nails and scream for more. Not finished. But we don’t care. It’s a masterpiece the way it is and an instant blackhill classic.
THE WAY THAT IT GOES [WHAT NOBODY KNOWS] by sinandmisery — Natasha doesn’t know she’s dating Maria. Or does she?
I WASN’T EXPECTING THAT by Dancing_Bean — Alien tech. A freak accident. Cue Nat pregnant with Maria’s child. Sweet and fluffy.
MEANT FOR INDULGENCE by justanexercise — Before officially joining SHIELD, Natasha is given the luxury of a few days of R&R. What does an assassin with free time do? Roam around the streets, bored and find a willing body to have sex with, except with Natasha’s luck, she happens to sleep with a future co-worker.
BABY, ROUGH ME UP by leiascully — Sexy times with Natasha lying to herself because she’s not catching feelings. Sure.
THE COURAGE TO LOVE (LIKE A WOUND THAT NEVER HEALS) by Crimsomcat — Natasha and Maria end up with a telepathic link when experimental technology explodes. What could go wrong?
BABY, MAKING YOU JEALOUS IS SORT OF FUN by Perpetual Motion — What it says in the title. Natasha, you know you can’t help it.
LINE IN THE SAND by pumpkinnubbin — It’s just sex. Except Natasha catches feelings.
I DIDN’T KNOW I WAS STARVING (‘TIL I TASTED YOU) by Crimsomcat. Social media shenanigans lead to sweet, tender but mind-blowingly hot sex.
THE S.H.I.E.L.D. FILES series by writeratheart007301 — 150k words of amazing plot and Nat and Maria falling in love slowly but firmly. A new gem for the fandom.
BUFNAF: Break-up Fic Nobody Asked For series by BBKing — Ongoing. Breaking up because you can’t love yourself. Getting back together and trying to heal. Wonderful friendships the MCU didn’t give us like T’Challa and Nat. Food. Therapy. A special kind of series and, with time, a classic for its own merits.
Of course this is not the only classics/great recs one could find within these fandoms but these are just a few of my all-time favs. Go ahead and add yours here or in the Fandom Fest comments.
[And don’t forget to comment and leave kudos if you read any of these amazing works ♥️]
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
What would you say are the biggest mistakes Mass Effect 3 made?
Okay this is going to be a long one, but these would be the biggest mistakes ME3 ever made in my opinion
Choosing Cerberus over The Reapers. The thing that annoyed me most about ME3 is the fact that Harbinger is not the main threat. The Illusive Man is. Harbinger has been built up as the big bad since ME2. "YOU HAVE FAILED. WE WILL FIND ANOTHER WAY." He says as he discards the Collectors. Then his speech to Shepard as the base blows up. "Human, you've changed nothing. Your species has the attention of those infinitely your greater. That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction. You will surrender your potential against the growing void. We return, and you will rise. We are the harbinger of your perfection. We will bring your species into harmony with our own. Your species will be raised to a new existence. We are the beginning, you will be the end. Prepare for our domination. Prepare for our coming." Then in Arrival, he came pretty damn close to unleashing quick subjugation and harvest upon an unprepared galaxy. Upon Shepard foiling his plans. "Shepard. You have become an annoyance. You fight against inevitability. Dust struggling against cosmic winds. This seems a victory to you. A star system sacrificed. But even now, your greatest civilizations are doomed to fall. Your leaders will beg to serve us. Know this as you die in vain: Your time will come. Your species will fall. Prepare yourselves for the Arrival." The perfect final villain right? Unfortunately, Cerberus was more focused on than The Reapers. My problem with Cerberus and no Harbinger is Too many Cerberus, too few Reaper forces in plot. We fight Cerberus more often than the reapers. Hardly any boss fight and the one with Reaper Destroyer on Rannoch was more an interactive movie than fight. During the Horizon mission in Mass Effect 2, Harbinger was solidified as the Big Bad. It was menacing and ominous, with just the right amount of annoying. It taunted us throughout the game, telling us how insignificant we were, and how our actions were pointless. It was willing to posses drones through the Collector General to fight us personally, and when we killed the host, it tossed them aside. Harbinger even gave the typical “You haven’t seen the last of me!” villain rant. It made any fire fight frustrating, and that made me want to kill it even more; I hated Harbinger. Many games fail to do that. Harbinger was an enemy which I looked forward to defeating. I had the desire to annihilate. In Mass Effect 3, I got a codex entry and a cameo. Harbinger just swoops in at the last second and blows my friends and I to hell(and lets the Normandy save them), then flies off. Personally, I would have loved to hear Harbinger’s menacing monologue, it drove me on. I would have felt a deeper motivation to take the fight back to Earth if it told me how much destruction the Reapers were causing, how many lives were lost. I felt cheated when I got to the final mission, only to suddenly realize it was largely absent from the game. Harbinger has been replaced. Replaced by the Illusive Man and Kai Leng. The former is an old acquaintance, albeit one now controlled by the Reapers. The latter is a space ninja from a terrible book. What would've been amazing is if Harbinger IS the Catalyst. Harbinger taunts and haunts Shepard throughout the game He uses the memory of that child to haunt Shepard as a symbol of humanity lost. After Shepard activates the Crucible. Harbinger appears. He explains to why and how The Reapers were made. the AI Leviathan created to solve the equation is Harbinger all along, Harbinger manipulated The Leviathan into giving it Reaper form and birth at first it did what it commanded and what they asked of it was to look at the dark energy building up which back then was only an anomaly that Leviathan was concerned with but then the first harvest began and Harbinger and The Reapers were born. Funny enough, Leviathan reminds me so much of FMA:Brotherhood. The Intelligence tricked Leviathan to create the Reaper is very similar to how the Dwarf in the flask became Father. So what I think should have happened is it would've been revealed that Harbinger is the AI that convinced the Leviathan that harvest was the only way to survive and justifies the harvests not because organics and synthetics can't coexist, but because of the dark matter crisis. Throughout the game we would have more confrontations with Harbinger. Have him "ASSUME CONTROL" during fights. Give us a voiced confrontation between Shepard and Harbinger. Make it clear that Harbinger chose The Illusive Man and convinced him of together they could uplift and empower humanity over the lesser races. The Illusive Man is to Harbinger, as what Saren was for Soverign. Then the Crucible will grant us the choice to Destroy or Control The Reapers or Harvest this cycle to survive the Dark Matter crisis. You could either. Destroy Harbinger and The Reapers, while the united races would discover a way to stop the dark matter problem. Give in to Harbinger to harvest humanity to save the galaxy. Control The Reapers to stop the harvesting and to work together to stop the dark matter crisis.
Choosing to have a smaller crew than ME2 and focusing solely on the ME1 characters and screwing over or ignoring the ME2 crew, especially romancing Jack, Miranda and Thane. If it were up to me, this is what my ideal ME3 line up would be Ashley/Kaidan EDI Garrus Liara Tali Javik Jack Miranda Thane(EA forgot about him and simply chose to kill him off, I think Thane could’ve rejoined the crew and even had a mission where we find a cure for Thane and Kolyat) Grunt Mordin(you'll see how later) Legion(You'll see later) Balak or any Batarian Squadmember. Ideally it would be someone who survived the Bahak system or even a Batarian freedom fighter who puts his people’s survival over the pride and prejudices of the Hegemony. His sole goal is to liberate Khar'shan and save his people. But for a more memorable person, Balak would be the squad member. I would make killing Balak not an option. The last high ranking officer in the Hegemony. Instead of causing deaths on the Citadel, he seeks Shepard out. It’s an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Over time, Balak would show remorse for his past actions as a terrorist and for the Hegemony’s past. Shepard and Balak learns to overcome their differences and see each other as friend and works together to destroy the Reapers. We would get a Priority Khar’shan where we could liberate the planet and the Batarians would be in a fighting force.
Keeping James alive. I like James, but he added absolutely nothing to the game. We already had an Alliance character. Ashley Williams/Kaidan Alenko. James should have been the Jenkins/Wilson of the game. He should have died in the crash to take out Eva and Ashley/Kaidan should have been with us from beginning to end. James is a character we barely know. We’ve waited a long ass time to see Ashley/Kaidan and it was downright disappointing that neither Ashley nor Kaidan did not get to interact with Garrus on Priority Palaven and Wrex during Priority S’Urkesh.
Mirandafying Ashley Williams. Mirandafying Ashley Williams for Mass Effect 3 was shallow and unnecessary. Wearing loose and long hair and skimpy clothing? Ashley Williams is a by the books soldier. She would not look like this. She would not grow her hair or let it down like this. I mean, it’s not that they changed her face so much, but they just tried too hard with the makeup, hair and outfit. Ashley didn’t need to be model-sexy and run around in heels and showing cleavage. She was already sexy as hell in her own way. All they needed to do was give her the Alliance Crewmen outfit as her casual look and the Phoenix Armor and the current Alliance type armor she was given in ME3, as well as a unique Spectre armor. It's not just the shallow Mirandafying. It's the fact that Ashley has little to no interactions. Ashley barely has any interactions in the game. Compared to Kaidan, Ashley is not interactable. I don't like that Ashley barely has any interactions and just feels...hollow. Ashley should have crew moments with Joker, Adams, Ashley at the monument mourning those who died with the original Normandy, Liara, Tali and Garrus. Was it so much to ask for simple interactions? And really, Ashley in the first game had a personality, Ashley in ME3 feels hollow.
Choosing Diana Allers over Emily Wong and Khalisah al-Jilani. Emily and Khalisah are two reporters we actually know and respect. They earned their place on the Normandy. Emily reported on crime and traffic controllers. Khalisah gave us hard hitting questions and actually cared about reporting on what the fuck was going on in the galaxy. They earned their place on the Normandy as far as I'm concerned. Compare that to Diana Allers. What has Diana Allers done to deserve a spot on the Normandy? Nothing. They created the Battlespace to make her seem like a hip and cool Alliance News Correspondent. Allers looked, weird and she just comes off as annoying and she's a waste of space on the Normandy when we could've had a whole new or returning squad member. God, I WISH Javik could throw her out the fucking airlock. You had TWO perfectly great reporter characters and you did jackshit for any of them. Just so you could have an excuse to hire Jessica Chobot.
Not letting us see Tali's face on Rannoch. Legendary Edition fixed the mistake by finally showing us Tali's face, but it's still exclusive to Shali romancers. What should have happened was we see Tali's face when she unmasks on Rannoch. If we don't romance her, she unmasks and gives us a smile. If we romance her we see her face and kiss her. Something simple like that. It would've been great to see
Not having the ME2 squad members join in on the Citadel DLC. I mean for fuck's sake, it's like they want us to know "fuck you, ME1 squadmembers only" Again, why? Why wasn’t Jack, Miranda, Grunt, Samara, Jacob, Zaeed and Kasumi not added? If we romanced Jack or Miranda, why didn't they come to save us when we were being hunted? Why not REALLY making it feel like Team Hammerhead by actually adding the ME2 Squad members to the Citadel DLC before the party? There was no reason why you couldn't include the ME2 squad members in the Citadel DLC
Making Cerberus the villains instead of uneasy allies, when The Batarians were the perfect allies for The Reapers. This might just be me but I think Cerberus should have been on our side in ME3 and The Batarians should have been fighting for The Reapers. Makes sense Cerberus has just been a rouge organization doing what the job no matter what the cost(even if the cost is atrocities) and instead of indoctrinating themselves they could of studied it to make themselves immune to indoctrination and The Illusive Man's goal was to use any means necessary in order to destroy The Reapers. I also like the idea that you know you can't trust him, but he does get results. The Council and The Alliance are desperate, so they accept a partnership with Cerberus. The Batarians have always held a grudge against The Alliance, The Council and would have wanted revenge for Bahak/ Viper Nebula. The fact that there are no consequences for what we had to do in Arrival from The Batarians just doesn't make any sense and you'd think this would give The Batarians the motive to turn to The Reapers. Hell in the Terra Nova DLC in Mass Effect 1 it seemed to me that Balak was already indoctrinated and Balak’s revelation of the “Batarian rebellion” makes it seem like they would be the perfect tools for The Reapers. Balak will be the new Saren figure. If you killed Balak, then The Reapers would just bring him back. The first act of war for the Batarians was the destruction of the Viper Nebula, so their retaliation was killing Udina. Prior to the Reaper invasion of Earth, Udina would go to Omega to make peace talks with Aria. The Batarians attack and gain control of Omega, Aria is ousted(but saved by General Petrovsky) and Udina is executed live for the galaxy to see. Because of Udina's execution and Anderson leading the resistance on Earth. The Illusive Man is now the Human Councilor. Miranda and Kai Leng would be squad members. Depending on if you gave TIM the Collector Base or destroyed it, he will either keep you in the dark or help you at every turn. Just think of the Cerberus War Assets Cerberus Scientists General Oleg Petrovsky Collector Base Cerberus Fighters Cerberus Phantoms Cerberus Engineers Project Phoenix We would get a big mission to deal with the Batarians, Priority:Khar'shan. If you do not deal with the Batarians, there will be major casualties. However half of the Batarian forces are not indoctrinated and just want to end the mistakes of their government and live. Balak wants to kill the rebellion of his people. Ironic. Somehow Balak has placed enough bombs on the planet to destroy everyone who is resisting Reaper indoctrination. We can either. Talk Balak out of it. Telling him to resist and fight for your people(which WOULD gain Balak as an ally) or talk Balak into killing himself. Or the true Renegade option is to kill Balak and order a strike that wipes out the Batarian forces, but sacrificing the Batarian Rebellion. By the time we get to Priority Earth everyone is on the same page and united against the true threat, The Reapers. And it is Harbinger who is the final boss
Not having Maelon be there with Mordin in ME3. This isn't really a problem, but I had a thought. If we spared Maelon and kept Maelon's data for the cure. Maelon should have been on board to help Mordin with the cure. If we warn Mordin and Maelon about the sabotage, then Maelon would choose to sacrifice himself to save Mordin. And after that, Mordin would choose to join Shepard's crew.
Legion's "death" is pointless. He....is software. He could easily copy and paste The Reaper code without sacrificing himself in the same manner when he was broadcasting the Reaper signal to all Geth. Or he could've disseminated himself after he made a copy and transfer that copy over to his platform. I just get the feeling that they didn't want to keep Mordin, Thane or Legion alive....for reasons.
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baejax-the-great · 3 years
Pillow Talk
Late night conversations between two friends who happen to be sleeping together.
Chapter 2 | M | 935 words | Shepard x Garrus
Garrus rested his head in his hand, elbow digging into Shepard’s bizarrely large pillow. “Shepard, our first time together… are you really saying you hadn’t watched any vids beforehand?”
Nadia grinned. “Do I hear you implying that I’m good in bed, Vakarian?”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m Garrus Vakarian, and this is the best lay on the Normandy,” he replied in a sing-song voice. She laughed and rolled over onto her side to face him, the sheet falling away to expose her bare chest. “But seriously. Most people, when faced with… unfamiliar, uh—” he gestured uselessly in the air “— equipment… take a little longer to figure out what to do with it.”
“My proficiency scores in tech, firearms, and miscellaneous have always been above satisfactory.” He shouldn’t be surprised. He wasn’t surprised. But Nadia raised an eyebrow. “Why, wondering if I’ve bedded a turian before?”
He hadn’t been, but now he was thinking it. “Uhh…”
“I’ll admit it, sleeping with Nihlus was a surprise.”
Garrus choked. “What?”
Nadia cackled and gave his hip a quick shove. “Relax. I think I said ten words to the guy, and nine of them were hostile.”
For a turian, that did not rule out sexual attraction. Possibly not for Nadia, either. No, definitely not for Nadia. Weird to think that but for a few chance events, he might have been watching Nihlus spend months flirting with her instead of Liara. Might have clued him into a few things a bit earlier. Garrus swallowed.
“You’re my first turian,” she assured him with a kiss to his forehead.
Why did she make it sound like there would be a second?
Not that that should bother Garrus. She could do whatever she wanted. They hadn’t exactly set terms for this, whatever this was. A one-night stand that turned into a week. An ongoing experiment in stress-relief when every day was a firefight. A way better sleeping arrangement than that human bunk on deck three.
Nadia inhaled deeply and held it a moment before carefully saying, “Despite the rumors, I didn’t sleep with anyone on the SR-1.”
“Huh.” Ashley had been certain Shepard was sleeping with Liara. Talked about it at length. A little too invested in it, as far as Garrus could tell, not that he ever discouraged the conversation. Maybe he even analyzed all the so-called evidence she provided, tucked it away somewhere like a little police-case in his head, documenting any suspicious behavior between them. Didn’t tell Ash his findings, but wasn’t disappointed when Tali asked her to elaborate on human mating customs.
“Did you?” she asked.
“What? No.”
“No one you had your eye on?”
“I was too busy staring at Saren’s wanted poster.” Shepard snorted. “Nah. It, uh, didn’t occur to me.”
“You might have been the only one focused on the mission, then. Some of the crew got pretty… forward.”
“Like who?” Garrus asked, as if he hadn’t catalogued every instance of Liara’s hand brushing Shepard’s on Noveria.
“Alenko.” Garrus blanched. “Yeah, I didn’t see that one coming, either,” she continued. “He’s a pretty by-the-book kind of guy, and Alliance regs are clear. You don’t sleep with someone under your command on your ship. Once you hit shore leave, maybe, but you keep it under the radar and hope the brass doesn’t see you. Anyway, I felt bad turning him down. Not because I was interested, but because there must have been feelings involved for him to want to break regs in the first place.”
That would help explain some of what happened on Horizon, Garrus supposed. Though, he couldn’t help but notice Shepard was flagrantly violating regs now and what her own logic had to say about that. He cleared his throat. “Are the Alliance regs for anyone on the ship? Or do hired vigilantes get a pass?”
“I’m not Alliance anymore. If Cerberus has regs—” Nadia shrugged “—Fuck ‘em.”
“Can’t argue with that,” he replied. Though it didn’t answer his question of whether there were feelings here. Treading the waters of interspecies romance was muddy enough, and Garrus wasn’t that great of a swimmer. He might have liked some clarity on the matter. Or a life vest, if he wanted to get his metaphor right.
Unfortunately, Shepard had already moved on. “To get back to the beginning of this conversation,” she said, a finger crawling toward a sensitive divot between plates, “I did watch vids, hours of them. They just weren’t the sexy ones.”
He cleared his throat again watching her little hand work. “What kind of vids?”
“Human versus turian combat, hand-to-hand basics for interstellar marines, non-human pressure points and how to access them…” She stroked the sensitive skin that turians could only ever reach with their talons. Weird to have soft, warm pressure there. Weird and good.
“How did that, uh… how did that help?” he asked.
She leaned up and pressed her lips to the unarmored skin of his neck. “I figured the softest, weakest spots on the body were probably the most sensitive,” she breathed over him.
Shit if she wasn’t right.
“You used the same skills from hand-to-hand combat to sleep with me?”
“I applied tactical knowledge to a novel non-combat situation.” Garrus rolled his eyes, even as he felt his blood pulsing in response to her ministrations. Shepard kissed his neck again. “And I thought you marked me above satisfactory. Maybe even excellent. Best lay in the Normandy?”
He stared her down, a long slow breath through his nose. “I think I’m going to need another assessment of your skills, Commander.”
Nadia grinned. “You’re on.”
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ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
send me a fandom and I'll tell you my rare pairs and tell you why you should ship them
Mass Effect
Kaidan/Ashley - mostly I blame @omegastation for this one but I liked the idea of them cause in game if you bring them along on the citadel sidequests they have a lot of flirty lines like Ash teasing Kaidan he knows nothing about women and if you're a femshep then you interrupt Ash's call with her sister where she's saying Kaidan's cute and she should date him. and then you get the tragedy of them in ME3 going to the memorial wall and remembering each other after the bomb mission. like I just feel it's a fun potential ship but also carries a lot of potential angst and I love them a lot for it.
Kaidan/Thane - I'm gonna blame @rannochs for this one cause we were joking about it and Kaidan and Thane talking already while they're at the hospital in ME3 and how the two of them would get along and then that became an 'oh no we can ship this' but I would need the AU where Thane lives and also it'd be cool to imagine Thane getting to the councilors before you and talking Kaidan down that time?
Tali/Sam - both rambling science nerds who love technology maaaaybe a little too much. I think they'd just gel a lot and it's a shame we never got a talk between them or at least if there was I never got one that wasn't Sam pushing Tali to talk to Liara after that one mission in ME3. They only talk a little at the Citadel party but again I need more because I think they'd be cute girlfriends.
James/Ann - So like in the Leviathan DLC when you take Ann back to her dad's lab and James is there it's just really sweet how much he seems to care about Ann? Like he asks if she's okay and then holds her while the Leviathan takes over her mind and asks again if she's okay and begs Shep to stop the process when it hurts, it's really cute! James deserves some love.
Ashley/Liara - With how much Ash distrusts Liara in ME1 to going to how much faith they have in each other in ME3 I really like the dynamic. I think also after ME3 the two would end up leaning on each other in a grief kind of way and I have this idea of Ash ending up helping Liara reset up the Shadow Broker network because bad things don't end just cause the galaxy didn't and the two of them know that and want to help. They both went through a lot of growth over the games and came to appreciate the other so it's about the respect to me.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Sid/Vederia - so I don't know how this idea came to me at all but one day I just thought, oh Sid/Vederia would be cute. Like first of all you know Sid would brag to Vetra now she has a pathfinder girlfriend too (cause in my head it's always Vetryder time) and Vederia and Sid going off on a mission together to help find a new path would be really cute. Like they're both young and Vederia's now in a position of power and Sid is stepping out from her sister's shadow so I like to think there's some common ground there.
Dragon Age
Morrigan/Leliana - Leliana literally spends the game complimenting Morrigan on her...assets and enjoys teasing her I'm sorry but that's all it took for me! plus I like the differences between them and that Leliana would round out Morrigan a little by helping her understand the world around her and Morrigan would bring Leliana back to earth and ground her a little in reality, they both want to be soft and sharp in different ways and want love, what's more compelling than that?
Alistair/Zevran - I am not immune to Zev being flirty with Alistair either, I'm the type of person that does like the side ships better than the PC ship usually and I can't help it. I think they work the same and Morrigna/Leliana in helping each other see another side of the world the other has been missing for a while
Cassandra/Varric - okay listen, she reads his romance books! Their banter slowly softens over time! I'm not immune to this okay! god the height difference is also hilarious to me.
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octerminal · 3 years
Hi there! I'm a first time Mass Effect OT player thanks to the Legendary Edition. In relation to your post about avoiding the romances in Mass Effect 1 (which I bookmarked for reference,) I was wondering if you also made posts for avoiding romances in the other two games as well, and if you had, where I could find them? And if not, do you have any general advice for not triggering the romances? Thanks!
Hey! Thanks for the ask.
I’m sorry, but I haven’t made a guide for the other games. This is mainly because ME1 is the only game where it’s easy to accidentally trigger the actual romance, by which I mean the game now acts as if the two of you are in a dedicated romance and it will automatically proceed to all the major romance points, like the locker and en route to Ilos scenes. ME2 and ME3 still have issues where Shepard can accidentally trip flirtation (or be forced into it, depending on the LI), but it’s much harder to trigger the actual romances because in both games they're scenes where Shepard or the LI will point blank say, “Hey, wanna go out?” or some iteration, lol.
That being said, I still have plenty of tips I can give you to avoid those issues, sure! I can probably guess which LIs might’ve brought this question on since there are a few “main offenders” - if we want to use that term lol - but I’ll try to address what I know about each LI. Please be aware that this won’t be as specific as my ME1 guide because I don’t have any handy transcripts available so I’ll be working purely off memory.
If anyone has anymore specific knowledge on any of these LIs, or thinks I have made a mistake on any of them, please let me know. Thanks.
General note: If you are not romancing Liara, whoever your VS is will always seek you out in the ME2 prologue. This is not romance specific. It is only romance specific with Liara.
Kaidan: I addressed how to avoid his flirtation issues in ME3 in my ME1 post because he is one of the aforementioned “main offenders” people complain about the most frequently, and all of his issues are easily fixed once you know how to do it.
Ashley: I don’t really have any data on her for ME3. I’ve only ever done Ashley-as-VS-with-mShep saves when I also romanced her in ME1. I don’t believe she’s similar to Kaidan in that she will always proposition you if you’re not locked into a romance (because I believe Kaidan does that for a variety of reasons that are purely mechanical/dev signalling in nature, which are irrelevant for Ashley). I would imagine that if you don’t want her to be romantic with you in the hospital, the same rule of thumb of “tell her the romance is over on Mars” would work, but I haven’t personally tested it.
Liara: There is not really any way around a lot of her scenes. A lot of her romanced content is shared with unromanced Shepards. Even in places where it’s not, Shepard is usually more intimate with Liara than they are with other squadmates. (Example of this: I’m pretty sure when you meet on Illium in ME2, every Shepard will hug her, but only romanced Shepards will kiss her.) This means wishing your Shepard didn’t hug her on Illium, or that she didn’t have your Shepard’s armor in LotSB, or certain banters of hers that trigger in ME3, etc., are impossible to avoid because it is not the game having her flirts easy to trip. It is the game just straight up making very little effort to make a distinction between romanced and unromanced Liara.
That being said, if it really bothers you, being renegade toward her when the option is available helps balance it out. For example: at the end of LotSB, Shepard is not forced into comforting Liara or hugging her; they can just let her cry and move on. Things like that.
General note: When speaking to Kelly about any of these characters, it doesn’t hurt to go neutral or renegade. I think being forced into a discussion about how attractive you find these LIs is really only an issue for mShep and it’s fairly easy to avoid for femShep.
None of the romances can be properly triggered until after the LI’s loyalty has been successfully completed. No amount of flirtation negates this. So at the bare minimum, you really only need to be vigilant after completing a character’s loyalty.
All of these characters also do not really have any wonky mechanics going into ME3, because to have a romance with any of the ME2 LIs in ME3, you have trigger it in ME2 first.
Jacob: Jacob is also a frequently complained about “main offender” because it’s easy for femShep to flirt with him. He is also one of the few LIs in ME2 where you can kind of kickstart his romance in ME2 by expressing interest and having a few conversations about that before Horizon, but this does not actually trigger the romance. You are not locked into it if you do trip into this scenario with him, because it’s completing the loyalties that allow for you to actually trigger a character’s romance. You cannot romance a character properly if you either don’t do their loyalty, or you do it but you failed to secure their loyalty during it.
If you tripped into this scenario with Jacob, you can just simply not continue it going forth, or you can do an organic “breakup” after his loyalty where you continually try to press him to unpack his feelings about what just happened with his father. He will end things with a Shepard who does this to him.
As for avoiding the flirtations at all: it is possible and I do it all the time, but I have no transcripts available so I can’t exactly show which dialogue options to pick. I want to say neutral and renegade dialogue options are your friend here, though some of those can still be flirtatious, if I recall correctly.
When he talks about leaving the Alliance, don’t pick the options that sound like it could be about his body/fitness. When he mentions that Cerberus rebuilt Shepard, don’t have her pick the options that seem like she’s asking if he likes what he sees, etc. Unfortunately, I remember the actual lines better than I remember what the dialogue wheel option was. I recommend saving before talking to him and going through all the dialogue options and reloading until you find the ones where femShep doesn’t sound flirty. (That’s how I found them.)
Or, if you play on PC: you could simply just wait for someone to re-release the mod that gets rid of the flirtatiousness between Jacob and femShep. There was one like that for original ME2, though I never used it so I’m not sure how it actually worked.
Garrus: It is really hard to both accidentally flirt with Garrus and to accidentally trip into his romance. He has little content before his loyalty, and after his loyalty, you have to take a very specific dialogue option to trigger Shepard’s proposition. Even after that, the game still gives you a way to back out if that was, in fact, not what you expected to happen.
Thane: Considering that Thane isn’t even available to recruit until after Horizon, his mechanics are also fairly “safe” compared to, say, Jacob’s. That being said, there is the infamous “I want you, Thane” option on the dialogue wheel, but that one is fairly...obvious. I recall most of Thane’s dialogue options seeming fairly obvious and thus easy to avoid if you’re not wanting to flirt with him. If you’re having trouble, neutral or renegade is probably the way to go. He also always calls femShep “siha” once loyal (I believe that conversation happens after his loyalty, anyway); there is no way around that outside simply not talking to him. Him calling femShep “siha” is not indicative of a romance being triggered.
Jack: Jack, like Jacob, is one of the characters who you can start a flirtation with before Horizon. Again, this doesn’t actually trigger the proper romance. To my knowledge, Jack will also always proposition mShepards. This also does not trigger her romance - in fact, if you accept, it locks you out of her actual romance because she no longer trusts you. Unfortunately, if you want to avoid the proposition entirely - I don’t know or remember if there’s a way to do that.
Tali: I recall Tali’s main issues being the conversation with Kelly after recruiting her (but this is hazy, sorry) where I think Kelly always implies Tali has a crush on you. If this is the case, I have no idea how to avoid it. The other main issue is after you successfully complete Tali’s loyalty and you get to the conversation where she talks about linking suits. It is very easy for mShep to accidentally trip into a romantic conversation with Tali here, and thus be forced into turning her down afterwards. I am pretty certain it’s possible to avoid this, and it likely involves not taking the paragon option. If it isn't possible to avoid though, then all you really have available is to turn her down when she brings it up.
Miranda: I don’t actually recall anything egregious with her mechanics. I am fairly certain that she is not like Jack and Jacob where you can soft start her romance before Horizon, because I remember noticing that when I did her romance recently. After Horizon, I want to say that her romance dialogue options are fairly obvious, but I could be wrong. Either way, the same as all the other LIs would apply: you’d have to complete her loyalty to begin with to even get access to those conversations, so you really only need to be vigilant after her loyalty has been completed.
Samara and Kelly: They are not “real” LIs, which means you don’t get a romance achievement for them and they have next to no content. Kelly’s romantic dialogue options are similar to Thane in how exaggerated they tend to be, and thus are easy to avoid. Samara is only receptive toward paragon Shepards to begin with, but also puts a hard stop to any flirtation attempts regardless, so tripping her “romance” is not really an issue.
General note: Just lock into your preferred LI’s romance first. I am serious. That will solve nearly every issue. Locking into your LI’s romance is not Shepard still expressing interest when they first meet again unless your LI is Tali, whose lock-in is her cabin date right after she comes aboard for the first time. Otherwise, the lock-in moment for most of the LIs are their Citadel dates that happen after the Coup.
James: Technically, he’s not a love interest. I’m including him because he always flirts with femShep. There is no way around this, sorry. The best you can do is to not allow him to call femShep “Lola”, which happens after the sparring match you two can have in the cargo bay. He still flirts with femShep outside that however, and there are a few times where femShep unavoidably flirts back. If you don’t like this, you just kind of have to plug your ears and pretend it’s not happening. Or just not speak to him at all, lol.
Hopefully with MELE’s new modding capabilities, someone will release a mod that fixes this since James’ conversations with mShep are more normal.
Allers: She is similar to Kelly and Samara in that she is not a “real” LI. I believe you can’t even trip her “romance” until after you finish Rannoch anyway, since it’s tied to the interview you do with her. There can be an awkward moment after Tuchanka or the Coup (I don’t recall which, or if it’s both) where she might sound flirtatious and you’re forced into flirting back or turning her down, but nothing comes from this. If it does happen after the Coup’s interview, you could try pushing it off until you lock into your preferred romance, but it’d have to be before you complete Rannoch since I imagine the Coup one would expire and be replaced with Rannoch’s.
Traynor: Traynor’s romance is actually easy to miss if you play renegade. I know this because I finished her romance a few months before MELE came out and I had to redo twenty hours of gameplay before that because I got locked out of it for being too much of an asshole to her. (Absolutely hilarious in hindsight, incredibly annoying in the moment.) After some digging, I found some old forums detailing that you apparently cannot be renegade toward her about her toothbrush in your first conversation and when she tells you about Grissom academy or else she evidently decides you are too mean and/or not interested in her. (Whether or not this is true, I have no idea. I didn’t bother risking it and went straight paragon with her in all of our conversations until I was able to lock it in.)
What this means is that if you want to avoid her shower scene entirely, just be renegade toward her until you get her cabin date, because you straight up do not even get the option to offer your shower to her if you were renegade enough.
If you're roleplaying and your Shepard wouldn’t take those renegade dialogue options, follow the advice in the general note: lock into your preferred romance before doing Traynor’s cabin date. Like Kaidan, this does mean that if you romanced Jacob or Thane and don’t wish to move on to anyone else, you’re a bit out of luck if you want to avoid the option triggering entirely.
That being said, even if you are doing a paragon Jacob, Thane, or no romance run, and thus still get the shower option, just...simply don’t let her in your shower. Problem solved.
Cortez: Cortez’ romance does not have any egregious romance mechanics that I’m aware of. To my knowledge, he never flirts with Shepard first before his romance is locked in. In fact, if you do flirt with him but you had a pre-existing romance from ME1 or ME2 (or I think if you are already locked into your romance with Kaidan as mShep) he will make a mention of that romance when you do try to flirt with him. This is all to say: to my knowledge, there is really nothing to avoid with Cortez. You have to go out of your way to flirt with him and lock in the romance. That being said, if there is something I’m missing, the same “lock into your preferred LI’s romance” rule of thumb should apply.
Hopefully some of this helped! If you have any other general questions about this issue or about a specific LI, let me know. Please note that I am also basing all of this off my knowledge of the original games, but I’m assuming nothing has changed in MELE.
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