#(yes I ugly cried once again)
sleepanonymous · 1 month
I just wanna say that watching Mr. Vessel Sleep Token the First lay down in the middle of The Summoning tonight at Red Rocks was the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen him do. The Vessel/Mother Token fued may be over. I haven't decided yet, gonna sleep on it 🫡
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grugruel · 2 months
His Little Killer
Pairings: Cooper howard x f!reader
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Summary: in reluctant companionship with a ghoul, which turns out to be exactly as dreadful as you'd thought. You find yourself in a shoot-out where–post battle–one of your usual fights end way more pleasurable than usual.
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: (violence, blood, death, in typical fallout manners), enemies to lovers, choking, pinv sex, rough sex, fingering, creampie, pet names (darlin', honey, killer, sweetheart), praise, a pinch of degradation.
AN: not yet proofread! Hope yall enjoy! (Yes, I'm unwell.'
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Wood shattering, explosions booming–and charging footsteps heading straight for me. 'At my right!' I shout, gesturing in the direction of the steps. My voice barely registering above the racket of the fight.
Nonetheless, he heard me, I knew he did. Because bullets suddenly whizz past my makeshift cover in every direction except to my right.
The ammunition creating sick squelching noises as they collide with their targets, bloodsplatter spraying the walls a horrifying deep red. Meanwhile, in my corner. The heavy footsteps were left wide open to plough through the old wooden barrels I was hiding behind, 'Holy shii-' I squeak as im tackled to the floor with enough force to knock the breath out of my lungs. I try to cough, try to make my lungs open up as the man grabs hold of me. I hit my chest hard, desperately hoping it would do something–
He grabs my boots, pulling me toward him and finally- I get a breath of air. 'Stupid, fucking asshole.' I mutter through clenched teeth as I lunge and wrestle my attacker, our quarreling bodies kicking up a cloud of dust to swirl around us.
The man was big and foul-smelling, maybe it would've been better refered to as an it, considering the animalistic growls, snapping teeth, and fraying lips that bit and lunged at my face. He attempted to pin my arms to the ground while aiming its teeth at my jugular, but I was quicker. My knee smashing into his balls before he had a single thought of defending himself. He cried out in pain and I took my chance to roll him over, pinning him down with my weight instead, and I began throwing a wave of punches to his face, over and over again. 'I said MY right!' I shouted over my shoulder, weeks of fury and frustration bubbling up inside me as it fueled me into beating the ugly mut unrecognizable–when a second force slammed into my back, knocking me onto the ground once again. Another man, now climbing on top of me, his dirty fingers slithering around my throat and-
Another splatter, this time it's his blood–the second man's, and its sprayed all over me.
'Finally. . .' I exhale heavily, thudding back against the floor, splaying out with relief.
'Were really polishin' up on our teamwork.' A gruff voice announced, words coming out slow and steady with that self-satisfied tone which never failed to get on my nerves.
I heaved myself up on my forearms, angling my body so what remained of the man slumped off of me, and the source of the voice appeared like a specter from the dead man's shadow. 'You're a real pretty sight when ridin' a man like that.' He said, nodding to the guy with a bashed face.
I rolled my eyes, unbelievable. 'You mean while beating the shit out of him?' I ask, my voice pitching higher as I couldnt quite fathom the nerve of that man, despite forcing myself to get used to it over the past few weeks.
He hummed. 'Mhm, really got me goin' for a sec.'
My face scrunched up in disgust. 'Fucking cowboys.' I spat, renouncing the idea loudly. But, quietly, inside my mind, the thought had my core purring unwillingly.
'I shot right, just like you asked.' He shrugged, stalking closer, the drawl in his voice washing through the barren and now battered bar.
'The hell you did!' I hissed. He stopped at my feet, looming over me with his tall frame, frayed coat swaying around his chins, and that stupid cowboy hat covering half his face just like always. We'd been forced travelling companions for a while now, and I could say a lot of nasty things about him, but it was hard to deny- he was a real fucking apocalypse cowboy. Pretty cool if you cut his personality out of the picture.
'I said my right, what the fuck else do you think I ment with "my"?' I kick the lifeless body with my boot, emphasising my point.
'Well. . .' He shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. '. . .my, right.' He smirked.
I shook my head, shooting him daggers. 'Not even you are moronic enough to get that wrong, ghoul.'
'Well, you're right.' He admitted, shocking me for a second. But then, the problem I've always had with him, inescapable and always the same–he never shut his damn mouth when he ought to–and continued, 'You need to work om your phrasin', honey.'
I shut my eyes, screwing them together so tight I began wishing I could disintegrate from annoyance and seep through the cracks between the weathered floorboards like a corn of sand. But no, I was stuck with him, and had to lay there listening to his idiocy. 'How–?' I sighed a heavy, exasperated sigh. '–is it possible for a man to be so full of himself, yet- never talk about himself?'
'Tricks of the trade, sweetheart.' He winked, clicking his tongue while those forsaken eyes roamed my body like a predator sizing up it's prey, and extended a hand toward me as if it were no big deal.
Exhausted as I was, accepting his help seemed sorely tempting to my tired body. After a moments hesitation, I decided–once, wouldn't harm my morals. So, I grabbed his hand with reluctance and let him pull me to my feet. 'I could've died, I hope you realise.'
'Yes. . . But you didn't.' His lips pulling into a grin. 'I wouldn't let that happen'.'
'You're a real bastard, y'know that?' the words left my lips with an unintentional drawl, damn that man.
The ghoul cocked an inexistent eyebrow. 'If I didnt know any better, I'd say im rubbin' of on you, honey.'
Another scoff from me. 'The only thing you're rubbing–is me the wrong way.' I spat, this time making a point of speaking as plainly as possible.
His eyes lit up suspiciously, filling with mischief as his widening smile creased them. 'Well, tell me how you like it then and I'll do it the right way.' He smirked, his voice gravely as it scraped along my spine with a shiver. He always did this, He'd call me nicknames, flirt with me. All cause he knew I hated it. But now he's just bordering on harassment. It did however, not, stop the heat from rising to my cheeks, or for a blush to seep through my skin. He'd staggered me, I truly didn't know how to react. What happened next was purely instinctively driven–
The palm of my hand made contact with his cheek, a crisp slap sounding out through the room. I even confused myself for a moment, almost as I was the one who'd been hit. But I would've been furious, how he reacted, well. . .
'There you are. . .' He purred, his tone lethal. '. . .my little killer.' A grin spreading across his face as he took a step closer.
He was pure poison, somehow both hot and cold as he ran through my veins. 'I ain't yours.' He wss the only person- ghoul, who could get on every nerve I possessed, lighting it ablaze with frustration.
'No. . .? You ain't?' He chuckled, 'You're sure startin' to sound like it, sweetheart. I see the way you look at me, the way you blush when I call you pretty little names.' He nodded toward my eyes, his hat tipping with the movement as he took another step, gaining on the precious distance between us. I feared he was right, too, my cheeks burned in a way I'd never noticed before. Had I always reacted like this? Before I knew it–I'd flung my palm for his face a once again-
Only this time, he caught my wrist. 'Tsk tsk tsk, you can do better than that, killer.' He let go off me, forcefully shoving my arm back to my side with a scoff.
But now, I'm the one stepping closer, pushing him away by the chest simultaneously. 'I hate you.' I spit, taking another step and push again, but this time he doesn't budge, and I was left standing mere inches away from him, my hands pressed firmly against his chest as my own heaved with frustrated breaths, strands of hair hanging over my face from the ordeal.
'Good. . .' He whispered, brushing wild strands of hair from my face. '. . .Now, show me how much you hate me.'
I could've slapped him again, pushed him again, done anything else than what I actually did. But my body acted on instinct, again-
I crashed into him, my hands grabbing his face as our lips met in a battle for control. He released a breathy moan, his trigger ready hands finding my waist impossibly quick to pull me flush against him, our bodies clashing together in a thud. He hummed. 'That's right, killer. Show me.' He whispered in the air-swallowing gasps between our kisses.
I put pressure behind my hands, walking him backward while my fingers found the buttons of his vest. Undoing them along with the shirt, then slid his coat and vest down his shoulders in one go, right before his back collided with the bar top. My hands found themselves making their beneath his shirt, feeling the dents of his scarred chest as I sucked his lip between my teeth, and bit down. A sharp hiss escaped him, quickly being replaced by a wide grin. 'Naughty girl.' He breathed.
Smiling, I pushed myself off of him. 'You bring it out of me.' I panted, pulling my shirt over my head and unhooking my bra, letting it fall to the floor.
He leaned back against the bar, bracing himself on his elbows as his eyes roamed over my bare chest and flushed face. 'Those are the prettiest fuckin' tit's I've ever seen. . .' He spoke in a low voice, too filled with lust to allow him anything else. 'Now, would you mind.' His hand gestured below my waist, his index finger sliding through the air as he traced the buttons of my pants from a distance.
And an idea struck me, suddenly feeling like I wanted to indulge myself in a little torture. Turning around, I did as he told me and began unbuttoning them, slowly. Terribly, terribly slowly. Sliding them over my hips and down my thighs, bucking my knees and bending over slightly as I pulled my panties down along with them. Just as I stepped out if them and looked over my shoulder to give him a coy little look, perhaps revel in the feeling of his pained expression–I was in for a surprise.
Turning my head over my shoulder, I came fave to face with him, but he wasn't just standing there- no. He collided with my back, his arms already wrapped around ny front to catch me. His shirt bow nowhere to be seen. 'Enough.' He growled, one strong arm wrapping around my breasts as the other wrapped around my waist. He raised me off the floor, held tightly against his chest. I squeeked, giggling as I pulled my legs up. Completley overcome with the anticipation of what was about to befall me–then I all of a sudden found myself pushed over the bar top, chest against the smooth luke warm surface. The quality off it telling me it hadn't been bought when fitted into this weathered building.
Then, the clanging of metal, leather groaning, friction, and his belt hit the floor. Gruff hands ran over the swell of my ass and down the arch of my back, taking his time to feel all of me. 'Been thinkin' 'bout this, how you'd feel falling apart beneath me, on top of me–' he leaned over me, hand wrapping around my neck as he pulled me flush against him only to whisper in my ear. '–around me. . .' He breathed, dragging the words out. '. . . All wet 'n messy with my cum fillin' you up.'
A moan left my lips. 'Show me.' Was all I could get out, a silent pleading to make all those thoughts a reality–and so he did.
Before I knew it, a hand had disappeared to line himself up with my entrance, pushing inside me without as much as a warning.
'Fuck!' I cried out, my voice breaking as my breath left me. It felt never ending, he was huge. But oh, he felt so good.
He groaned, finally stopping as he'd sunken all the way into my core. 'So wet for me already.' His hand slid over my back and shoulder, molding itself to my throat as the other grabbed my hip. Already flush with my back, he inclined his head, leaving trail of kisses along my spine and neck.
'Fuck me, please Coop-' it was the first time I'd called him by his name, and I realised it the second it left my lips.
His lips curled against my skin, a smile-
He thrusted into me, again and again. My back arching into an angled I had no idea it was capable of, helping him hit my core at every rut of his hips–not that he needed it. The 200+ years of experience really showed, and they were definitely felt.
The bar was dead silent, no noise except for our joint breaths of pleasure and the sound of slapping skin. It was lewd and brutal, and It made me absolutely delerious. His low, pained grunting in my ear did nothing to ease the matter. He'd created an aching so strong within me I wasn't sure It'd ever be able to be tamed.
'Harder, harder, please.' I stuttered, the words barely coming out between my heavy pants. Fuck, he made me feral. Without even trying, that's just what he was capable of. It annoyed me, he managed to annoy me while fucking me senseless. Oh, how I wish I could hate him, but there was no going back now.
Coop left little love bites all along my shoulder, and up the side of my throat, nipping and kissing in equal meassure as his breathing warmed my skin deliciously. Doing it all with such precision I couldnt understand, his thrust were rocking my emtire body, his chest rubbing againdt my back, yet he could be so delicate. I side ive never seen before. 'Little killer ain't so tough no more, is she?' He whispered, placing a kiss behind my ear before biting the lobe, tugging in it gently.
'. . . Mmh- 'm not, I'm not.' I got out. I was whatever he said I was while he delivered this type of pleasure on a silver platter. I didn't care, my morals had been thrown out the window the second his lips touched mine.
'Well, look at that. Admittin' defeat already?' I could feel his stupid grin again, his pace slowing- still ruthless, but it did enough for that feeling of building pressure to wain inside me.
I shook my head, shutting my eyes hard as I tried to focus on his member moving inside me, desperate not to lose that red string that'd lead me to climax.
'Words, sweetheart. Use em'. .'
'Dont fucking care.' I cried. 'J- just- Fuck. Me. Harder.' I ground out, my teeth clenching real hard from a mix of desperation and frustration for the pressure to start rebuilding.
'That'll do.' He groaned, squeezing my throat. All the while his other hand slid down to my cunt, starting condensed circling around my clit. And just like that, he'd made me into a whimpering mess for him to steady, falling apart beneath him just like he'd thought. Then he simply took up right where he left off, without missing a beat he thrusted so ferociously I was sure I'd be bruising on every single part of my body from the vibrations that rumbled through my muscles alone.
The darkness of my lips were specking with white, a wall of pressure building brick by brick in my abdomen. 'Close, so fucking close.' I whimpered.
'Good- Good job sweetheart. Doin' so good for me.' He burried his face in my hair, nuzzling his nose into its scent, inhaling it as he too approached climax. And there it was, that sudden softness. It was almost unsteadying my senses more than his touch, more than his thrusts, but only almost. 'You sound so sweet for me, honey. Let me hear ya'. . .' He moaned, exhaling warmth against the nape of my neck.
I obliged, of course I did. 'Feels so good, Coop- so close. . .' I panted, tears burning my eyes as they began rolling down my cheeks.
He slid his hand upward, keeping it between me jaw and throat, still choking me as he angled my face over my shoulder, enabling him to kiss me properly. And I've never been more thankful because I was about to cry myself dry as the wall broke. Pleasure flooding through my body in tidal waves, my knees bucking beneath me. 'Good girl.' He praised, voice muffled against my lips. Fingers stopping to instead cup my aching cunt. 'My good fuckin' girl, my little killer.' He moaned softly, my lips vibrating from the roughness in his voice as he caught me, delivering a final few ruts of his hips before he too came. Doing just as he promised, filling me up with his cum.
He loosed his grip around my throat and slit, letting me depend on the counter for support while he held me. 'Still hate me?'
'Yes.' I didn't, but it'd be a long time before I admitted that to him.
'Good.' And then there was silence, our lungs catching up with our breaths. 'Still wanna see those pretty hips ride me.' He murmured as he hugged me from behind, his hand sliding lower, pinching my hipbone.
'Ow! Asshole.' I yelped, and he kissed my shoulder to make up for it. But the thought was alluring nonetheless. I wriggled in his embrace, looking around at the destruction we'd caused, at the- dead bodies. And a pang of guilt hit me. 'Fine, but not here.' I agreed, actually wanting nothing more than to get out of there and sit in his lap, maybe ride his thighs too.
We redress, and share a kiss before leaving. 'Can't wait to taste that cunt of yours, killer.' He murmured suddenly. Leaving me staggered once again.
Ugh, I'm done for.
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mhahaikyuus · 8 months
wc:; 5.3k
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tags;: emotional reader, bakugo being the opposite, reader has mental health issues, established relationship, pro hero bakugo, fighting, angst to fluff, reader and izuku are friends, mentions of death, mentions of bad childhood
a/n: I said I was gonna post like two weeks ago but this draft kept getting longer and longer. it's like half edited but I just need to post something atp. thanks for your patience. I love you all
reblogs and likes appreciated
“Why do you always do this it’s so manipulative.”
You two were in the middle of an argument with your boyfriend. At first it was expressing how each other felt but no one was understanding making it more frustrating. Leading up to you both raising your voices. You hated fighting with him and you felt an upcoming headache.
His loud booming voice was hurting your ears and making you shrink back. Feeling your eyes water you started crying.
All you wanted was to talk about it and not let it get this far. You were sniffling and tears were right down your face.
Mid sentence he interrupted himself, “Here you go again with the tears. Every time we fight here comes the waterworks. Always so sensitive. Why do you always have to be so manipulative.”
The words were dying out of your throat.
He thought you were manipulative because you were emotional. Out of the two of you, you were the most expressive. You were a crybaby and he always teased you.
Books, movies, even a 2 minute youtube video could have you bawling as he laughed at you holding you as you cried. You loved the Notebook it was your favorite movie and you watched it constantly always crying so hard it was as if a loved one died. A fluffy animal on your phone could have you wiping your running mascara off. Someone was mean to you in the store and your eyes would water. It was just who you are as a person since you were a baby. Your own family laughed at you as you waved them off with bloodshot eyes. Katsuki would snicker at your tears and roughly wipe your tears with his thumb. Kiss the top of your head and rubbed it to calm you down. You never thought he had a problem with it. Once at a party a guy in passing called you an ugly bitch and Katsuki had snatched him up as soon as he saw your wobbly lips forcing him to apologize for making you cry.
But he thought you were manipulative for crying?
“You think i’m manipulative?” You said in a small voice.
“Yes! Look at you right now sobbing when we’re in the middle of the fight to make me feel bad.” He barked at you red eyes narrowing.
“I didn’t mean it to be…I just cry easy.” You said unable to look him in the eye, your vision blurred with tears blinking sadly at the floor.
“I get it,” He sighed,” that doesn’t mean you’re not manipulative.”
He was right, “I…i’m sorry i’ll stop.” You said not even remembering what the fight was about.
Katsuki saw how defeated you were looking and all the anger in his chest disappeared. He wanted a fight not for you to be his punching bag.
Both of you stopped the fight and tried to move on so neither one of you went to bed angry. The next couple of days you reminded yourself to keep your emotions in check. You had a terrible day at work, a supervisor yelling at you for a co-worker's mistake and a customer screamed at you not even 20 minutes later over the same mistake. You were crying over the stove, cooking dinner for the both of you. Katsuki came home with a groan and the door shut signaling he was back from work. You quickly wiped your face hearing him enter.
“Baby are you in the kitchen?” He called out
Clearing your throat you answered, “Yea i’m here.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist placing his face in your neck with a kiss.
“What’s wrong?” He said in a gruff voice tired from when work. He could tell from your back something was wrong.
You wiped your face again, “Nothing I was just chopping onions.”
He looked down at the meal and saw no onions but didn’t say anything. “Okay, thanks for cooking.” He said, “I’m getting undressed.” Pressing two hard kisses on your cheek before walking off.
You finished dinner and tried to splash some water on your face to stop the puffiness.
You came back to the table emotions in check and face straight with him across from you. Playing with the food you could feel his eyes on you but you ignored him still feeling how watery your eyes are.
“How was your day?” He said moving seats from across to next to you. Pulling your legs over his with a cheek kiss.
“It was fine how was yours,” you said picking at your food trying to not think about your day. Offering him a small smile.
Fortunately Bakugo was in a talkative mood talking about one of his rough villians today. You nodded along happy that he was the one talking.
He stopped talking to study your face and he frowned, “Are you sure you’re okay? You have this look on your face. You look sad.” He stroked your face with his large finger trying to warm you up. You froze at his reading of you when you promised yourself you would be better, you straightened your back out pulling from him. “No nothings wrong im glad you came back safe.”
He studied your face but let it go. You cleaned up the kitchen as your boyfriend stretched and walked out the kitchen.
Bakugo flopped on the couch arms open for you to crawl into.
“Do you want to watch the notebook it’s been a while since you’ve seen it I know it’s your favorite.” He said trying to cheer you up. You did cry but you always had a small smile on your face for the rest of the night.
"Why are you smiling, weren't you just bawling," Katsuki asked looking down at you with his red eyes as you snuggled into his chest now wet with your tears.
"I dont know...it's sad that she forgets. But love is so beautiful and they have it. He never gave up on her and loved her no matter what. They got to build a life together and grow old and die together." You mumbled looking up at him your chin gently resting on his chest as he rubbed your back.
"I love you." Katsuki said squeezing you extra tight and rolling on top of you making you groan.
"Youre so heavy."
"Shut up."
Your lips pressed together as you tiredly stared at the screen. It was your favorite but it also made you bawl and Katsuki had to hold you as you calmed down.
“No I’ll watch by myself later I know you don’t like it.” You said moving the cursor to a different genre, more his speed.
There was definitely something wrong, Katsuki thought.
You never said no to The Notebook and you would always cry to him about how he better spend his days with you when you’re both old even if one of can't remember. You switched to an Allmight movie he loves and laid back down cuddling him. As emotional as you were you were also very observant. Knowing what ways to distract your boyfriend and fake a poker face. It had just been a while and you were easing back into it.
Bakugo with his arms smothering you with his large biceps telling you facts about Allmight that made you smile as the movie rolled.
“See right there, in the corner that’s the same design i had in my room for my action figure.”
“I had this one poster when I was a kid that was made from this scene.”
You nodded along humming to let him know you were still listening.
No one else got to see him be so dorky about his hero except you and it warmed your heart. Eventually you dragged him to bed and held him close as you both fell asleep. The next couple weeks it was unnatural to you. Burying your emotions down in an exhausting time. It was hard but you would do anything for your relationship. Bakugo had taken notice at you not expressing emotions with him and it freaked him out but he was unable to say how. You could cry up to 3 times a day just crying or complaining to him going to him for comfort. Now you would just stare off into space in your own world around him. The only time he did hear you cry was on accident. He had woke up to clamor out of bed to go pee and hop back into bed. As Bakugo returned he noticed you weren’t there at 3am. Before he thought to panic he walked out to the living room to see your guest bathroom light on. The door was closed but he could hear you crying your eyes out.
He knocked on the door, fully awake to your noises now and ready to cuddle you until you felt better.
“Baby what’s going on?” He said in a gruff voice with sleep still mixed in.
You froze from the bathroom floor at your boyfriends voice.
You quickly wiped your tears and swung open the door, “A nightmare I didn’t want to wake you.” You said with the saddest eyes too tired to try and put on a neutral face.
Work was getting to you, badly. And you had no one to talk to anymore. So you ended up sneaking out of bed to cry on the other side of the house to not wake him.
He rubbed your arms up and down pushing you into him. “Cmere baby.” He said kissing your head.
You leaned into him for a minute before remembering.
“I’m..okay now.” You said weakly, moving away from him and walking to the bedroom.
Katsuki frowned and grabbed your hand to pull you to turn.
“Yes?” You asked
“What’s wrong?” He said trying to get you to talk to him.
“…I’m fine I’m just dramatic.” You said, “A nightmare let’s go to bed.”
He sighed not believing you but following you back to bed extremely tired from patrol.
He trapped you in his arms so you wouldn’t escape him again and both of you drifted off to sleep. Katsuki became buried in work for the next couple days and you missed your boyfriend. It was like you were falling into a deeper and deeper hole as time went on with no escape. Even if you couldn’t express your emotions around him anymore didn’t mean you didn’t love him any less. You decided to stop by the agency after a really hard shift just to see his face hoping it would make you feel better. Walking through the lobby to his receptionist only to be told he was pulled away for an emergency.
Feeling your eyes burn you blinked back tears of frustration.
Katsuki’s receptionist was scrolling on her computer trying to figure out when he would be back for you and you felt a hand tap your shoulder. You turned and Izuku was smiling down at you. One of your good friends since Katsuki introduced the both of you.
“Hey y/n how are you?” He said with a warm smile.
“Izu! I missed you,” You said avoiding his question and giving him a hug.
He happily accepted hugging you back. “I know you’re here for Kacchan but he’s on an emergency right now, but you can always come back to my office and wait for him. We can catch up?” He said. He noticed how fidgety you were at the receptionist’s desk knowing something was wrong.
“Thanks that’s really sweet of you.” You said taking his offer and walking with him to his office.
Izuku and you talked about his girlfriend he had just started to date and how it was going as you sat next to him on the couch he crashed on during late nights.
“It’s going really good I can’t believe she said yes to me, still.” He admitted rubbing the back of his neck with a blush dusting his cheeks at the thought of his girlfriend.
You couldn’t help but smile at how cute it was, Izuku being so bashful about the girl he was starting to fall for.
“Izuku she said yes because you’re a great guy and from what I’m hearing you’re a good boyfriend so stop thinking like that. You two like each other and that’s all that matters.” You reassured your friend already knowing all those doubts were swirling in his mind.
He let out a sigh of relief, “You always know what to say to make me feel better.”
“What are friends for,” You shrugged
Izuku studied for a moment before speaking, “What’s wrong y/n.”
Eyebrows furrowing you were confused, “What do you mean?”
“I saw you at the desk, and I know you better than most. There’s something wrong, and if you want to discuss it with Kacchan i’ll respect that. But know that i’m also here for you.” He said gently putting a hand on your shoulder.
You pressed your lips together trying to stop your chin from wobbling but the tears started to fall against your will.
Damn it
You were doing so well
Stop crying it’s stupid
“It’s that obvious huh,” You said with a cracking voice.
Izuku brought his hand from your shoulder to around both pulling you into his chest as you cried, shaking.
You pulled away after a minute or two wiping your face. “I’m sorry, I’ve been doing so good I thought I had it under control but it’s just…so hard.” Mumbling but Izuku caught every word.
“What’s wrong what are you talking about.” Izuku said gently
“I…if I tell you can you not tell him please?”
Izuku nodded, “It’ll be just us I promise.”
You rubbed your face in your hands letting tears run before taking one solid breath.
“We got in a fight a couple weeks ago. And I was crying while we were…yelling. Kats said I was manipulative with my emotions and crying. I said I would work on it and I was sorry I didn’t know my crying and emotions had that effect on him, and it’s been…s-so hard. Everything in my life is terrible right now, my job, my family and I can’t even talk to him anymore. It’s been so difficult keeping my emotions in check around him. I can’t talk to him or be expressive; be myself around him but I know it’s the only way the relationship will work. I never, ever wanted him to feel like I was manipulating him. I just feel so guilty about it.” Tears stream down your face, “I’ll get over it soon though, it’s a hard transition.”
Izuku watching your body look so hopeless and small as you cried he felt terrible.
Izuku had seen you and Katsuki together and understood the dynamic. Katsuki was known for having a tough exterior and any emotion other than anger was difficult for him. You on the other hand were very emotional. Izuku thought you two were a good match balancing each other, but as of recently, that wasn’t the case.
“I’m…i’m so sorry y/n. But you know he loves you, maybe if you talk to him about how you’re feeling.” He suggested.
You shook your head, “He has enough problems without that. It doesn’t matter how I feel. And he already told me how he feels about the situation, there would be no point…I just need to adjust no matter how hard it is.” You felt your phone buzz underneath you and it was your boyfriend letting you know he was back in the office from an emergency.
His receptionist obviously calling him that you were here when you had left her desk.
You wiped your face again, “He’s back I gotta go.”
Izuku nodded unsure of what to say and walked you out of his office.
You hugged him and he hugged right back feeling worried
“I’m sorry I’m talking about my problems. You’re a good friend.” You pulled away and Izuku wiped a tear falling down your cheek. “Anytime okay? Know that i’m here for you, even when you want to cry your eyes out on my couch.” He lightly joked
A tiny laugh escape you, “Bring your girlfriend over soon for dinner! I would love to meet the girl you’re falling for.” You said and he nodded.
Watching you walk away Izuku could feel nothing but worry and sadness for you. Your entire aura was sad and tired.
Katsuki was stretching in the locker room of the agency with Kirishima walking in the door surprised to see him here.
“What are you doing here man? I thought you’d be with y/n.”
Katsuki frowned at his words, “What do you mean?”
“I just saw her crying with Izuku in front of his office. Thought she would go over to you?” Kirishima innocently said confused.
Katsuki immediately got up and left to find you. He texted he was back but he thought you would be in his office.
Why were you crying?
Why were you with Izuku?
Not even knocking on the door he swung open Izuku’s door to find you scaring his green-haired friend.
“Where is she?” He said with a scowl and angry red eyes.
Izuku recovering from his door almost ripped off the hinges blinked at him, “She went to go find you after you texted her”
“She was crying? Why?” He said seething at the thought of you upset
“Um…I don’t know.” Izuku said keeping his word to not tell Katsuki.
“Useless fuck.” Katsuki grumbled slamming the door behind him to go find you
He called you and you picked up on the second ring, “Where are you?”
“I’m in your office stealing your snacks.” You said causally on the phone and it confused him.
Weren’t you crying?
" Okay, I’ll be there soon.”
He walked into his office and you were sprawled out on a chair on your phone.
In the time you took to go to the office, you forced yourself to calm down, wiped your running makeup, and became ready to see your boyfriend
He leaned down kissing your head lifting you from the seat. To have you sit on his lap as he held you.
“How was the emergency?” You said.
“Dumbass villians but I took them down.” He said.
“You’re not hurt are you?”
“No im not babydoll.” He said gruffly. Katsuki trying to bring up you crying but not knowing how.
Why were you crying to Izuku but fine with him?
“Good, I missed you. Thanks for the hug.” You said giving him a kiss ready to move off his lap but he moved his big arm around you keeping you in place.
“What’s wrong?” He said studying your face
“What do you mean?” You said confused
“You were crying earlier Kirishima saw you.” He said his red eyes going back and forth with your own.
“Oh…it was stupid it doesn’t matter.”
“But i want to know,” He insisted
You felt your heart squeeze, you couldn’t tell him you were sobbing to Izuku because of him and how unhappy you were. “A rude client today at work,” You said with a sad smile.
Katsuki could tell you were lying but didn’t say anything.
“Okay I gotta go to the store and pick up for dinner. Do you want anything?” You wanted to leave.
He sighed, “No and it’s my turn for dinner remember.”
You moved to get up again and he trapped you in his arms.
He began kissing up your neck and face, “I love you, you know that? You can talk to me.” He said seriously trying to pry whatever was bothering you out of your tight grasp, to let him in.
You brought both your hands up to his pale face and kissed him, “I love you more.”
You had to, to be destroying little pieces of yourself for him.
After dinner, you climbed into bed with him next to you. He was reading a book with his reading glasses when your phone was buzzing from an incoming phone call. You picked up the call to your sister crying her eyes out making you alert.
“What’s wrong?” You asked worried trying to comfort her
“Luna is dead, she died in her sleep but she’s dead.” Your sister sobbed and you felt your heart drop.
The childhood pet you’ve had since you were 5 was dead.
She was your favorite thing in the world.
“What…” You whispered feeling the pit in your stomach widen.
“I know she’s old but I thought we had more time.” Your sister cried.
Feeling stuck, like all the energy in your body was gone you hung up the phone.
Bakugo at this point heard screaming on the phone and put down his book to see you staring off into space with a drained expression on your face.
“Y/n.” He said softly touching your arm.
Humming a small noise to let him know you acknowledged him.
“Y/n what’s going on baby?” He said rubbing your back.
You forced back the tears in your eyes, “My childhood dog died.” You said in the most monotone voice.
“What? Jesus i’m sorry.” He said sitting up to try and hold you. But you were stiff and leaning away from him, “I have to use the bathroom.”
You locked yourself in the bathroom and quietly cried. After 20 minutes Bakugo got up and gently knocked on the door.
“Baby come on. Please come out. I can hold you like you love.” Bakugo said in an almost begging tone.
It had been little things he had observed of you being less emotional but he never thought it was this bad. You couldn’t even cry in front of him or let him hold you? Even when it was this bad? You were shaking on the floor in a ball crying,
“I’m fine please…just go away.”
You wanted, no needed, to just cry. Not feeling guilty about how that affected him. Bakugo reluctantly left and you slept on the floor of the bathroom that night only wanting to be with your baby who you would never see again. Bakugo barely slept just watching the bathroom door and realizing how badly he had fucked up. Around 7am when his alarm went off you woke up to crusted eyes on the floor.
You finally crawled your way out of the bathroom to your boyfriend walking in with a coffee in his hand. Not even having the energy to stand.
Your order from Starbucks in his hand. His hand engulfing the large cup.
“Y/n- oh you’re out of the bathroom.” He placed the cup on your nightstand and pulled you to your feet. He gently put his hand on the back of your head to hug you. Leaning into him before pulling away. You fell back into bed throwing a cover over your head.
“I got you your drink.” He said slowly rubbing your back and you let out a small groan.
He hated Starbucks but went to for you to make you feel better. Loathed it as he had told you many times complaining whenever you made him go. Hated the lines, your fancy drink order, and the number of people but he went for you.
“I…i have to go to work but i’m coming to check on you at lunch okay? Breakfast is on the counter and I already called your work that you wouldn’t be coming in.” He said.
One thing about Katsuki is he was great at acts of service. He pulled back the blanket to see your face. Broken expression and a blank sad stare in your eyes focused on the wall. Katsuki stroked your hair and gave you a kiss. “I love you okay? Try to get out of bed today for me.”
You shut your eyes at his words, just waiting for him to leave.
He sighed and left the apartment.
You slept most of the day not wanting to be up. Wanting to wither away into nothingness, never to be bothered again. Letting sadness that at most times was a small wave at your feet turned into a deep dark hole where you struggled to not drown.
Katsuki came in to work in a sour mood that everyone could tell to steer far from him. That is except his best friend who was so used to his moods. Izuku saw that Katsuki wasn’t angry even if that what appeared. He was frustrated and he looked worried. Izuku knew he only sported this look when it came to you.The only person Katsuki cared about more than anything.
As the briefing for the next big mission came to a close Izuku caught up to the foul mouthed blond.
“Hey Kacchan.” He said expecting a frown at his greeting
Katsuki was in his head so busy thinking about you, he didn’t even manage to turn down his lips at Izuku.
Only focusing on what he could do to help you.
He had noticed the change in your behavior in the recent weeks and it concerned him. Now dealing with death he was worried for you. You weren’t in the best place mentally and seeing you so drained this morning not even able to walk to bed was scaring him.
“What is it.” He sniped at Izuku as they walked down the glass hallway.
“How are you? How’s y/n. I talked to her a couple days ago and just wanted to check in.” Izuku said trying to set up an open discussion for Katsuki to help him talk about his problems. To help you.
Katsuki scowled at Izuku’s mention of you remembering that you cried to him.
But you locked yourself in the bathroom these days and pulled away from his hugs when he tried to comfort you. He walked into his office knowing Izuku was following him and sat at his desk, sucking his teeth. Izuku sat down across from him waiting.
“She’s shutting down on me. She won’t talk to me or let me comfort her. I don’t know what I did.” Bakugo admitted
“What happened?” Izuku asked
“I don’t know you tell me. She was crying to you last week. What the hell was that.” Katsuki almost barked at Izuku
“She felt bad and needed to cry. So I let her. She just needed someone to be there for her. I didn’t do anything.” Izuku said carefully not wanting to give away what you had begged him to not say.
“When did she start to pull away?” Izuku said trying to make Katsuki see the connection of his words and your actions.
Katsuki pressed his thumb and finger in between his eyebrows trying to focus on when the change started.
“I get it,” He sighed,” that doesn’t mean you’re not manipulative.”
“I…i’m sorry i’ll stop.” You said
Bakugo froze at the memory. Oh god what had he done.
“We had a fight. And I told her… I told her she was manipulative for crying. And she said she would stop” He said feeling his heart drop into his stomach.
Winning that one fight had caused this much damage? Bakugo felt his stomach twisting.
Izuku sighed, “She doesn’t feel comfortable with you anymore.”
Bakugo let out a shaky breath at his words. “Get the fuck out.” He said bitterly and Izuku got up and left without a word.
Bakugo picked up the phone filling his eyes sting.
Come on baby pick up
Reaching your voicemail, Bakugo looked up at the ceiling shaking his head.
You stopped. Stop crying. Stop talking to him.
Stop coming to him.
Bakugo wanted nothing but to be there for you, protect, love and cherish you.
And he had pushed you away. He knew how sensitive you were and how everyone diminished your feelings constantly since you were a child. And he called you manipulative making you recoil.
He felt sick at the thought of you needing him and he wasn’t there for you.
Leaving you.
It was his fault.
He looked at the clock and saw it was lunchtime. Bakugo rushing to the apartment as he had promised earlier. Seeing the untouched breakfast sitting on the counter. You were sleeping, taking a nap, exhausted from crying so hard.
Gently shaking you awake he saw you open your puffy bloodshot eyes.
“Y/n. Baby.” He said softly.
You blinked at him tired. Your boyfriend was home.
“Can you sit up for me.” Katsuki asked
You shook your head pounding from a headache. You were dehydrated from crying.
Katsuki sighed.
He walked out of your eyeline and you closed your eyes. Katsuki coming only to check on you. He was leaving.
When you felt a weight on the other side of the mattress and Katsuki wrapping his arms around you engulfing your body with his.
You didn’t move just taking shaky breaths.
Katuski feeling how you trembled in his hold.
“You don’t have to do this. I’m fine.” You said in a shaky voice staring at the wall. Squeezing your eyes shut hoping he would just go away.
You felt guilt swimming in your stomach at him holding you.
You promised yourself you would work on your emotions.
“I know.” He said behind you but not moving snuggling closer to you holding you in his arms.
You began to hyperventilate at his touch.
“Please. Stop. We agreed…I would work on this.” You said beginning to breakdown unable to stop. Tears streaming and shaky breaths racking your body as your boyfriend held you ignoring your words.
He knew you better than anyone. These walls you were putting up were no match for him and how much he loved you.
Katsuki gently turned your body to face him and held the back of your head to his chest. You sobbed into his chest until you tired yourself out
You woke up to Katsuki stroking your head holding you in bed as the tv played on a low volume.
Stiffening in his hold you pulled yourself away from him.
“I..I’m sorry it won’t happen again," You said realizing what you had done, "I meant what I said. I’m working on it.”
He looked at you, confusion flashing over his features before sadness.
“Baby…you don’t have to. I don’t mind-. You can come to me you know that right.” Bakugo said struggling to find the words at your fragile state.
You shook your head feeling tears coming but forcing them down. “No…no, I can’t. I don’t want to manipulate you even if I don’t mean to.”
“You’re not.” He said heartbroken at your shaking form. Seeing you punish yourself with your thoughts of coming to him was hurting him. He slowly tried to reach out his hand and you almost flinched.
“I am and I…I can’t lose you. If that means I can’t come to you anymore I’ll do it. I never wanted to hurt you and I have. And I keep making mistakes but I can’t do that with you, with us. I can’t lose you too. I slipped up. I promise I’ll do better.” You said holding yourself from him
Bakugo watching you destroy yourself because of him. In shock at your words.
He grabbed you before you could protest hugging you into him.
And words he rarely said left his lips.
“I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
“What did I do?” He whispered into your scalp as you shook and hyperventilated.
“I'm not leaving you, and I was mad when I said it. I love you I’m not going to leave you if you act emotional. You can cry to me forever if you want. I love you no matter what and I need you to come to me when you feel bad.” He said, feeling like the worst partner in the world.
“You don’t think I’m manipulative, you’re not going to leave.” You said with wobbly lips and the saddest eyes he had ever seen.
As if he could ever leave you.
“No baby, I'm not leaving. I can’t. I need you.”
That broke the damn and you cried even harder as he held you closer rubbing your back.
“I missed you.” You said in between shaky breaths into his chest.
“I'm sorry baby. I'm here now.”
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I am so sorry for this, I don't know what happened to me but once again, here I am writting angst instead of happily pretending everyone is alive and happy.
Alpha is a hard ghoul to scare.
He's ancient- not as old as Omega, Zephyr or Earth, but definitely older than most of the newer ghouls. He's seen things, in the pit and topside, beyond horrific, has blood on his hands, and is intimately familiar with its coppery taste.
And yet, as he holds a gasping Omega against his chest, Alpha has never been more terrified in his entire life.
Omega, sturdy, reliable Omega, unshakeable Omega, is falling appart in Alpha's arms, and there's nothing the fire ghoul can do.
Nothing but hold him tight and pray his suffering will end. In his despair, Alpha curses how human they've become, after spending so much time amongst them. Human enough to feel much more than a ghoul should. Human enough to get attatched, to fall in love. Oh, how Alpha curses love.
Omega is sobbing, gut-wreching cries that echo in his bedroom, clinging to Alpha like letting go would kill them both. It takes a while for the fire ghoul to realize the litany of broken noises escaping Omega's mouth are actually words.
I can't, I can't, I can't.
Alpha doesn't need to ask what Omega means. Omega cannot fanthom a world without Terzo. Cannot imagine his life without the one bright star that so thoroughly changed it. Cannot bear the agony of loss and grief. And Alpha is torn between terror and rage. Because he cannot help.
He grieves, too, of course he does. Terzo is- was his friend, Primo his first Papa and a man he highly respected, and Secondo...Alpha would rather not think about the man's rare raspy laugh right now. Something about the taste of missed opportunities isn't very appealing at the moment.
Alpha grieves, too, but he doesn't know what having someone who had weaved their way into his very soul torn away from him feels like. So he tightens his helpless arms around Omega, and prays that there will be something left of the quint's shattered heart.
So yes, Alpha, tough, I've-seen-much-worse Alpha, is trembling in terror as he witnesses the strongest ghoul he ever knew getting torn from the inside out by love's ugly twin, grief.
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katwatcheskny · 1 year
How would other uppermoons react to a child that became a upper rank demon? Like, Say, they were little less than Ume's age when they were turned, but more emotionally and mentally mature as a demon than Daki-
upper moons react to child upper moon
type: preference
pronouns: you/your/yourself
characters: kokushibo, douma, akaza, gyutaro, daki
a/n: i tried to make this as realistic to their canon personalities as possible. the one that was easiest and the most fun to write was douma this time, i also one hundred percent believe that would be his canon reaction and no one can change my mind. enjoy~
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Would he even bother to notice that you are a literal child and not a very small adult? Probably, eventually. He just assumed you were older.
Kokushibo only cares about the other upper moons being efficient and useful to Muzan. Because of your maturity and clearly being powerful enough to become an upper moon, Kokushibo tolerates you.
He does use you to shame the others.
Like whenever Akaza tries to kill Douma because he’s annoying him. Kokushibo will chastise Akaza by reminding him that you’re half his age but have twice his maturity. Which is like a backhanded compliment.
You’re like actually one hundred or something, but sure.
Otherwise, he treats you the same as the rest of the upper moons. Which is with an apathetic neutrality for the majority of the time.
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This motherfucker is condescending to a child upper moon.
Once again, you may look like a child but you were turned into a demon like over a hundred years ago. You’re not literally a child anymore, you have more knowledge, wisdom, and lived experience than almost any other living being on the planet but the other upper moons.
But to Douma, you are a baby. 
A little, itty bitty little baby. You’re just so cute with your wittle hands and your wittle feet. You’re so cute he could just eat you up, yes he could, yes he could! Who's a cute little baby? You are, yes you are!
Is he doing this to just fuck with you? Very possibly. 
Douma reminds everyone that you are a child whenever they speak on something he deems inappropriate, like swearing or sex. He will even come up behind you and cover your “innocent” ears.
Buys you children’s toys. 
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Would have zero qualms fighting a child (x).
Akaza doesn’t really enjoy being in the company of the other upper moons. So, he doesn’t really care about you when you first meet.
He is surprised that you are a child. While you’re technically not the only child in the upper moons (considering Daki was barely thirteen when she was turned into a demon), but you’re the only one who looks like it.
However, that doesn’t mean you get a pass. Akaza is able to make the distinction that you aren’t really a child, so he will fight you.
Especially when Kokushibo uses you to shame him.
Akaza would want to fight you especially after that. Fighting is the only way he can express his emotions, especially as a demon.
Would be impressed with how strong you are. Okay, maybe you don’t suck. If you could give him a good fight, you would become Akaza’s favorite member of the upper moons.
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I combined the two for this specific request because their reactions to a child upper moon would probably go hand-in-hand more than separate.
Gyutaro sometimes (most of the time, to be honest) wishes that Daki would have matured mentally and emotionally over time the same way that you did. Would never say it aloud, but he thinks it.
Daki kinda knows Gyutaro wishes she was like you, and so she hates you because she thinks you’re trying to steal her big brother from her.
So, Daki reminds you that you’re short and ugly.
Daki’s childish feud with you only makes her seem more childish by comparison to your mature indifference to her and her insults.
If Gyutaro gives you any attention, it makes Daki so mad she cries.
So, you don’t interact that often.
Gyutaro kinda still sees you like a child because of the way you look. Which is why he thinks Daki is being so unreasonable, you’re a kid and a fellow upper moon. He thinks you’re okay for a kid.
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maiiiwrites · 10 months
PAIRING ! edmund pevensie x f!reader
IN WHICH you entertained your lovers big slip up
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it was a quiet day in cair paravel. everyone had taken the day off to relax after the tiring week. with all the meeting and formal events planned, it's difficult to do so.
you enjoyed the silent halls on these rare occasions. no one frantically running to their duties from one place to another. a book in hand and the sun shining through the library windows, it was the perfect morning.
that is until your lover barges in the library a little bit too bizarrely. he takes a moment to catch his breath and meets your eyes. "oh aslan, that's your 'i did something bad face' isn't it?" you sighed, forgetting your book.
"it's not as bad as you think love," edmund protested. "what did you do ed."
"i might have made a tiny slip up.." he started. carefully choosing his next words. "i accidentally called you my wife while i was talking with the advisors and our people have been sending wedding gifts."
the worry and panic in his features made you burst into laughter. "you haven't even asked for my hand in marriage," you chuckled.
the corner of his lips curled upwards, a sweet lopsided smile. "and i plan to do so, my love."
edmund offered his hand for you to take. a silent invitation to see what all this madness is about. you playfully rolled your eyes at his tactics, intertwining your hand together.
you walked side by side through the castle corridors. quietly asking how he planned to spend the rest of the day, with the intention of asking him on a date.
"i plan to spend it with you, ofcourse."
you smiled cheerfully, squeezing his hand as a silent 'i love you'. he lit up at the gesture and lifted your interlocked hands to place a soft kiss on your knuckles.
finally arriving at the grand ballroom. you peaked your head inside and found piles of gifts. some neatly placed in stacks, while others were on the verge of falling.  "you certainly weren't lying about the abundant amount," you lightly chuckled. quickly saving those in desperate need of stability.
edmund smiled warmly, completely smitten by your sweetness. he watched as you shifted from a corner to another. only stopping once a gift caught your attention.
you stared fondly at a certain present given by a little girl and her father. a handmade music box. attached to it is a letter, decorated with little doodles. you gently unfolded the parchment. revealing the sentimental and heart warming message. written in beautiful handwriting are the words, "may your love last for eternity."
"ed! come quick!" you called. but, there was no response or small scurrying of his feet towards you.
so you tried again, "darling! you have to see this." you softly creased the beautifully crafted box. inside, you found a figure of you and edmund. twisting the handle to reveal its magic. a narnian melody played as mini you and edmund came to life, dancing and waltzing.
you smiled love struck and giddy from the warmth spreading through your body. "edmund, you seriously have to see this—" your sentence being cut short by your boyfriend on one knee.
"oh aslan.. you planned this didnt you? you sly king."
he smirked, already sure of your answer "is that a no?" you were probably ugly crying but edmund looked at you like you were a goddess.
"yes," you mumbled, trying to hold back a sob. edmund chuckled at your response, "yes?"
"yes ill marry you king edmund the just."
tears are now flowing down your cheeks. you threw yourself into his arms causing him to tumble back. he smiled fondly, kissing the side of your head. your cries muffled agaisnt his shoulder.
you hugged him till your cries turned into small hiccups. pulling back to pout at your now, fiance. "i hate you," you hiccuped.
edmund couldn't hide the amusement in his features, "we both know that's far from how you truly feel."
you huffed, "you plotted all this on purpose."
"i love you too darling," he giggled. swaying you in his embrace.
ed is right though, irritated was the furthest thing you felt right now. not with his arms secured around you. you melted against him, surrounded by his love and warmth.
"look at me love," ed whispered, tilting your chin up. he leaned down to press a soft peck on your lips. tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"i did plan all this. i told everyone beforehand that i was going to propose, and asked their help."
you watched him slide a beautifully crafted ring. fall like leaves engraved to signify the season of your anniversary and now engagement. center is a carnelian crystal, something that reminded him of you. his source of courage, energy, and motivation. edmund softly brushed his fingers on your ring. admiring the way it rested on your finger.
"now, let's go celebrate our engagement with a ride in the woods," he smiled.
a dopey grin spread across your face, "glady." you gently put away the music box, still playing its music. happily rushing through the corridors. hand in hand with your soon to be husband
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© maiiiwrites — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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transmascaraa · 4 months
Hi it's 🍓 anon again! Can I have the characters from my last request (the usual hehe) for possibly something with the plot of Snow white? /(⁠≧ U ⁠≦⁠)/
Like reader gets poisoned by an apple (someone gives it to us 🤯), basically dies or something (falls asleep I guess) and has to be kissed to wake up, I want the ANGST to be there 😈 but I want us to wake up in the end too because yes. You could also have them hunt down the ugly bastard that poisons us if you want to 💗
Hope your night is well 🎀
multiple characters headcannons!
snow white au✧
characters: gaming, bennett, tighnari, cyno, wanderer x snow white!gn!reader
author's note: that's a really good idea for an au lol i really like it so i hope you like this one too<3
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☆ Gaming
-you'd get poisoned by some dumb bitch and he would notice that you're not coming home. so ofc he went out looking for you.
-soon enough, he found you, laying on the ground in some deep, dark forest.
-not knowing what he had to do, he fell to his knees and started crying. breaking down, begging you to wake up, holding you hand.
-no, you weren't dead, right?!
-it's almost as if a ghost told him, he felt the need to kiss you for one last time. to feel your lips once again.
-he laid his lips on yours, and instead of feeling the warm feeling, they were cold...
-he pulled away and started crying harder, muttering a little "goodbye" to you.
-then, he noticed you were starting to wake up.
-"h-huh? [name]?!" he asks as he looks at you again, wiping his tears.
-"gaming..." you slowly say, getting up and stretching out a bit.
-he'll never leave you alone for a second once again...
✿ Bennett
-he'd notice that you're not there, and he would ask EVERYONE in mondstadt if they've seen you
-after realizing that they don't, he starts looking for you.
-he doesn't know what to do, he's worried, only making himself more unlucky.
-falling over a bunch of times, bleeding knees a bit, but he finally found you...
-laying on the ground, motionless.
-he was shocked, he quickly ran to you, and checked your pulse.
-you weren't alive.
-he starts crying hard, doing literally anything that might get you back to life.
-shaking you, burning a little circle on your hand, pinching your arm, holding your hand tight, nothing worked.
-the then kissed you.
-"am i really this unlucky..." he cries, putting his knees to his chesk, burying his head in them.
-then, he feels a hand on his back.
-"it's okay, i'm back now..."
-he cannot express the happiness he felt at that very moment.
✯ Tighnari
-after literally you not picking up the phone 2 times, he started looking for you in the darkest sumeru rainforest. also called the most dangerous one.
-where could you possibly be?
-at first, he wasn't all that worried, but after you not being there for a long while now, he started to overthink a bit, but tried to brush it off.
-finally, he saw you. but you seemed dead.
-tighnari, with his heart racing at an incredible pace, checked if you had any pulse.
-you didn't.
-shitshitshitshitshit he was trying not to cry so hard, just looking at your dead body right before him.
-how could he not know where you were?
-he cursed at himself, feeling a bit of guilt.
-and as a goodbye, he kissed you softly, like never before.
-he turned around, not wanting to break down-
-"tighnari..." you mumbled, slowly opening your eyes and sitting up.
-he turned around, surprised to see you awake.
-he started crying tears of happiness, but tried to mask it with scolding you.
-"i-idiot! what were you doing in the forest all alone!?" he said, putting his hands on your shoulders.
-he will make sure that whoever did this to you gets the same to happen to them...
✷ Cyno
-you're not there?
-he's looking for you already.
-far, far away, in the desert.
-where the hell could you be!?
-reassuring himself by saying that you were messing with him.
-your body layed limp in a small shadow.
-"[name]!?" he called out, running to you.
-fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck he's panicking but trying to keep his composure.
-but he's struggling.
-he tried everything, he spilled all of his water onto you, that he needed for his thirst. it was the desert, after all.
-then, he tried cpr like how tighnari taught him.
-hopeless, he gets up, and starts walking away, wiping off his tears.
-"cy... cy-cyno..." you mutter out, trying to get up, looking at his back.
-he turns around shockingly, then runs towards you. he hugs you tight.
-"who." he says, a serious look on his face, despite the tears.
-you tell him who did it, and after that, you never see that person again...
。 Wanderer
-he gets worried pretty fast, i mean, judging by his backstory...
-so he calls you, but you don't answer. he goes out looking for you. he's flying over sumeru looking for you.
-you're nowhere to be found.
-he's worrying, worrying so much. his nonexistent heart is beating out of his chest right now. he's scared.
-his eyes keep watering, but he keeps wiping them away.
-all until he sees you in some dark forest, laying down on the grass, not moving. an apple beside you.
-he flies down, he doesn't even wipe his tears anymore, he's crying. he's breaking down.
-he throws the apple into some bushes, realizing it was poisonous already at the look of it.
-he shakes you, he begs you, he yells, he screams.
-laying his head on your chest after so much tension, just crying and begging you quietly.
-"you can't betray me too... idiot..." he raises his head up for one last time, giving you a kiss before burying his face in your neck.
"you broke your promise too, liar..." he closes his eyes, letting his tears flow freely. he was too weak now. too weak to even call you an idiot again.
-he feels you move. he feels a hand on his hair, ruffling it weakly.
-"i didn't... thank you..." you mumble, keeping your eyes open.
-and there, he promised you he would kill them.
-tomorrow morning, there was a person said to be gone missing, last seen in the comfort of their home...
it's good
i like it i love the snow white au fr
hope you like it 🍓anon<3
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momotorin · 7 months
let it snow, let it snow
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fluff (finally) | wife!momo x fem!reader | and as always, MEN DNI!
felt a little festive about winter >< (i live in a tropical country [i am a swagpino 😻]) + momo in a tank top and calvin kleins save me
a degree for the weather. your head feels like it was clogged, and your mouth feels dry; the warmth of your body drained away by the cold winter air.
you pat on the other side of the bed, finding no one to share the blankets with. you shoot your eyes open, as your lover left her space, and found the door of your shared room open.
"love?" you called out, hoping for a response. after a few seconds, you sigh heavily as you went outside of the room.
you heard the speakers blasting a jazz christmas classic, "let it snow!" and you can't help but chuckle at the sight of your wife, in her robe, dancing and cooking pancakes.
you laugh, wrapping your arms around her lithe waist, making your wife freeze on her spot.
"oh!" she exclaimed, and looked at you, winking. "good morning, beautiful."
"shut up," you smiled once more as you felt her cold hands slither to cup your cheek. "woke up great?"
"hm, very," she chuckled, placing a small kiss on your cheek. "sorry if i left you for a little while."
"don't worry about it," you sighed, still keeping a hand around her waist as she continued with her pancakes. "smells yummy."
"oh, it should!" she flips it around, the tall, sweet, fluffy on the pan. "i was supposed to bring it to you to bed, love. you were quite knocked out last night."
"yeah," you put your head on her shoulder, pinching her sides playfully as you teased her. "you're the one i who told me you can't resist me, who am i to say no?"
"you're insufferable." she sighs, teasing you back. she turns off the heat, reaching for a plate on the cupboard.
"and you married me, yeah." you laughed as you reached the plate for her.
"yeah, i did," she happily received the plate, putting the pancakes on it. "maple syrup?"
"chocolate," you said. "should i make coffee for us?"
"that'll be amazing, love," she smiles, her eyes crinkling in joy. "i'll just be waiting at the table for you, hm?"
"yes," you get your cups, a matching pair that one of your friends got you at your wedding. "just..." you grunted, reaching for the coffee just beside the plates, quite high for your liking. "alright." you sighed in relief, finally getting the container of ground coffee in your hands.
"you sure you're fine, love?" momo asks, her tone concerned.
you happily put on the coffee in its maker. she's always been too caring, and it hasn't changed for even one bit. "yup!"
a little later, you sat on the table with her, offering a cup of coffee to warm her cold hands.
"you sure you're not cold?" you ask, seeing her only in her pink tie-dye fleece robe, some tank top, and her calvin klein underwear. "you look quite... summery."
"i'm not," she laughs. "you can just say that i'm hot, love."
"i can't with you," you laugh again, at her very contradictory joke with the weather. "i mean you are but can you beat the temperature outside?"
"probably not," she sighs, digging into the breakfast you share. "you took your meds already?"
you took a slice out of the pancake, making sure you get a little bit of everything. "not yet," you smiled as you took a bite. "god, your pancakes are so good."
"i'm starting to think you only married me for the food." momo comments, taking a sip on her hot coffee.
"partly, yeah," you joked once more. "but i married you because i see me loving you every single day. didn't you hear that at our vows?"
"i was busy crying," momo fake cried, and you laughed. "oh god did my pictures come out ugly?"
"no, of course not," you chuckled. "don't worry i was crying too."
"see! we're quits, then," she laughs, looking outside the window and seeing the buildings below whipped in white, almost powder-like snow. "wow."
"yeah, wow." you stare at the nature of the snow falling down from the sky, like little shooting stars, greeting your morning and grazing your city with frost.
it dawned on you that it's the first winter that you're spending with your now wife. it just made your pancakes sweeter.
momo smiles as she saw you smile to yourself. "the pancakes must be really good, huh?"
"no," you laughed at her. "i just realized that this is my first winter with my wife. isn't that so amazing, love?"
momo coos, holding your hand across the table and smiling. "such a sweet talker," she comments, standing to go to your side and gives you a small kiss. "it is amazing. more than we could ever know."
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which cruel fate leads you and jungkook to bright places.
> fluff, a little twinge of angst? / wc: 4.2k
> warnings: none really. but if you’ve read the grocery store drabble, you really get lost in this one. hehe
note: oc!!! stop making him worry like this. cries in i love sweet boy jungkook sooo much. + i enjoyed writing this :[ <3 listened to cigs after sex while i was at it. and as you can tell i got very. carried away. scratches head. researching about pokemon bread was also kind of fun?
love is selfless— it’s what they often say. however, on his way home from work, jungkook finds himself admitting his ugly truth: he is selfish. when he arrives at your shared space, he will tangle his limbs with yours and let you drag him across the floor to wherever it is you need to go. he will hold on to you, and never let go. he will abandon the concept of time at the farthest corner of his mind, along with his exhaustive musings and responsibilities. instead, he will be consumed by you.
and sometimes, he finds that the telepathy connecting the two of you is baffling.
because he’s definitely not thinking about anything else but you. he’s scouring the entire apartment for any trace of life, but you’re nowhere to be found. the bed is still made. the bathroom lights are off. the pillows on the couch are organized. the center table is spotless. the kitchen is clean. he opens the trash bin, and the last thing tossed in there is still the egg tray he discarded this morning. he checks the laundry room, but the only clothes of yours in the laundry basket are from yesterday.
he ends up deciding that you’re not playing hide-and-seek with him like he originally thought. he sits on the counter top, anxiously playing with his lipring as he calls your number. again. and again. and again.
you did tell him earlier that you were going to visit the library, but it already closed an hour ago, so you should be home by now. moreover, if you were going to drop by other places, you would’ve updated him that you’d be home later at night. but you didn’t. the last text you sent him was a captured photo of page 73, an overview about thyme. you reminded him that he once mentioned that he wanted to grow some herbs in your balcony, so you’re doing some old-fashioned research about them in the library.
and thank heavens you answer the call on his fifth try, because he’s about to have a breakdown in the middle of your kitchen.
not to be dramatic, but if he was standing, his knees would’ve collapsed on the tiled floor at the sound of your voice. he swallows the lump in his throat, breathes deeply to unload the weight sitting on his chest.
“where are you?”
“oh, right! about that-” you chuckle nervously, and he can already imagine you tapping your foot against the floor. “wait. let me just-”
“how long? i can’t wait. i miss you. tell me where you are and i’ll pick you up.” he hops off the counter, making a beeline to the front door.
“yes, pick me up. please. i’m not sure where i am exactly but i just checked and my location is still turned on with you.”
oh shit. the location feature. why didn’t he think of that? and what do you mean by-
he pauses on his tracks, car keys back in his hand not even twenty minutes since he got off his car. “baby, how do you not know where you are?”
“uhm, i fell asleep in the bus . . . then i panicked and got off because i thought i missed my stop. but you’re not gonna believe what happened next!”
he squeezes his eyes shut, fingers massaging his temple because he has a bad feeling about this. “okay. try me.”
“i realized i actually got on the wrong bus. stupid, right?” you giggle through the phone speaker, and it’s both endearing and ridiculous that you can still laugh in this situation.
nevermind that, he’s just relieved that you’re safe.
“i walked for a while and found this convenience store with a charging station. i emptied my battery trying to book a taxi but none accepted me!”
your whiny voice makes him smile, although he looked forward to hearing it more when he planned to be disgustingly clingy and affectionate.
“i’ll go, baby. just wait for me there, okay?” he presses the down button, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
“okaaay.” you reply in a sing-song voice.
he puts you on speaker mode when he enters, checking on your location to see how far you’ve strayed from home. you got on the wrong bus. no mistake about that.
“you’re an hour and three minutes away.”
he hears you choke out a cough from the other line, most probably on a drink. “an hour?! by foot, right?”
“no,” he chuckles. late night drives with you aren’t new, so he doesn’t mind it one bit. “by car.”
silence fills the air for a few seconds. “then i’ll drive on the way back. i’m about to eat ramyeon so i’ll be energized!”
“let’s see if i get too tired to drive. just stay on the phone for me, okay?”
“wait- i’m hungry. need to go put hot water in my noodles. let’s switch to video call.”
when he accepts the video call, he’s greeted by the candy and chocolate shelf in landscape view. you probably propped up your phone on the charging station, so he adjusts his phone’s position to match yours. and you . . . are nowhere to be found. again.
he’s already driving out on the road when you appear on his screen. you smile at him, waving the chopsticks in your hand.
“i’ll do a live mukbang for you in a few minutes.”
he takes a brief glance, memorizing the way you look before reverting his attention to the road. a small smile grows on his face, a huge wave of love flooding his system. “you look so pretty today.”
“thank you. it took me thirty minutes to pick out my outfit.” you chirp happily before revealing the hand hidden behind your back, holding up a special item you stumbled upon during your little adventure. “look what i found! do you want it?”
“what is it?” he asks as he makes a turn.
“team rocket’s pokemon bread. it’s chocolate.” you inspect the bread again to confirm that you’re correct. “it’s the last one on the shelf so i just bought it.”
his eyes widen in surprise, lips forming an ‘o’. he personally knows many people who have been visiting stores until the late hours to buy them. it’s all the rage nowadays.
“oh? you actually found one?!”
“don’t you think fate led me here for this?” you gush excitedly.
he finally stops at a red light, taking a good look at you with fondness. “you’re giving it to me?”
“yes. enjoy it, okay? i walked in boots for this.” you point at the camera threateningly.
so adorable. he misses you so much.
he obediently crosses his fingers to forge a promise. “i won’t leave a single crumb uneaten.”
“good boy,” you poke the camera as if you’re booping his nose. “i left my food too long. i’ll go get my overcooked ramyeon now.”
you disappear again, and he resumes his journey leading to you. you return moments later, devouring a cup of ramyeon. you’re holding it with some tissue paper. you were never really good with touching hot things— you drop them without thinking twice . . . which is a health hazard.
and it stays like that for a little while. as jungkook drives, he looks at you and the navigation guide every now and then. just to make sure he’s turning to the correct lefts and rights as the voice says; and to give himself the assurance that you didn’t stray somewhere else again. you, on the other hand, is too focused on your food to give your boyfriend a smidge of attention. that’s how mukbang asmr is, right? only eating sounds?
the cashier is probably thinking of you funny for eating infront of your boyfriend via video call in a public place. you couldn’t care less. it’s been a long day, and staying still in this small corner of the earth feels oddly comforting.
you’re in the middle of sipping down the leftover broth at the bottom of the cup when you hear movement from the aisle behind you. being nosy as you are, you find yourself taking a peek. you take quick and light steps back to jungkook to tell him about what you saw.
“babe, they’re restocking the pokemon breads. i’m the only person left here.” you whisper with one hand covering your mouth from the side, as if you’re sharing a secret. “i’ll buy more.”
he unconsciously copies the gesture and the volume of your voice. “do they have the other flavors too?”
“yes. keep driving safe. be right back.”
you dash to the other aisle, and jungkook and the long row of kitkats play a staring contest in the middle of traffic yet again.
familiar with your nature, it is entertaining to watch you participate in the pokemon bread hunt out of the blue. very on-brand and-
“so competitive.” he laughs to himself.
“hi!” you beam at the camera, hugging the paper bag inhabited by your new prized possessions. “uh, we have eight in total. i bought one of each flavor so there’s two team rocket now. and three jigglypuff bread just because- um-”
jungkook stifles his laughter. oh, of course you did.
“it’s so cute. i couldn’t help myself.” you sigh, slightly feeling guilty. other people do hoard them and buy everything off the shelf, so you think about that to feel less bad about taking all the jigglypuffs.
fuck. if you’re being this cute over a jigglypuff bread, he might just have to join everyone and do convenience store raids, too.
“you’re kind for still leaving some. i saw a person in the internet buy all the pokemon breads in the store they went to.”
“right?! i saw that, too.” you exclaim, relieved that you had the same thought as him.
“did you get me my pikachu, though?”
“of course. pikachu must always be present!” you answer proudly as you unplug your phone after seeing that it’s already at 50%. “i’m getting bored here. there’s a thrift shop just beside this, so i’ll go see if they’re still opened.”
jungkook drums his fingers on the steering wheel, following a beat he’s making up on the spot. “alright. i’m only fifteen minutes away, so don’t go anywhere else.”
”yes, sir.”
“and don’t end the call.”
“i won’t. you’ll miss me.”
he clicks his tongue before sighing, expressing his frustrating sorrow. “i already do.”
the air from outside is warmer, and it engulfs you the second you pull the door open. it makes your skin feel sticky and uncomfortable. the thought of going back inside enters your mind, but the idea gets shot down immediately after. might get tempted to buy more bread.
the thrift shop heavily contrasts the vivid conveniece store. there is no door. racks of pre-loved clothing greet you by the entrance, leading to more of them inside. a lone warm lightbulb illuminates the cramped space, hanging in the middle of the dirty white ceiling. and the smell. oh, the smell— it causes nostalgia to rush throughout your body.
a woman emerges from the wooden counter. she’s in her 50s, if you had the guess. you make eye-contact, and her kind eyes eases your uncertainty about whether you’re allowed to enter or not.
“you can still look around if you want. i’m just cleaning before i close up.”
“oh, thank you!” you politely bow before approaching the long rack of shirts and long-sleeves against the wall. you’ve been eyeing them since the moment you arrived.
left with no other choice, you leave the paper bag of pokemon breads on the floor, under one of the racks. you carefully lean your phone against a shoe on the shelf above it, just a little higher than your eye-level. you smile unbeknownst to yourself. your jungkook looks extra handsome when driving. while he admittedly has a short attention span, he’s very focused on the road when he’s behind the wheel.
you’re already browsing through the clothes when he glances at his phone. he can only see half your face, but he also hears your fast hands pushing back the hanger of the ones that don’t capture your interest.
your love for shopping doubled when you entered a relationship with jungkook, because purchasing items you think he like or need also brings you an unexplainable joy. it’s not limited to clothes or accessories. for example, you bought him white and blue acrylic paint two months ago because you noticed that he used them all up for a project.
after more or less ten minutes, there are already two t-shirts and one sweater hanging on your forearm. one of the t-shirt is yours. it matches with one of your trousers that you barely wear.
you’ve walked past the camera frame when you stumble upon a black bomber jacket, looking so cool and brand-new, which explains why it’s a bit on the pricier side. and you know jungkook has a lot of other black jackets back at home, but you just can’t help yourself because it reminds you so much of him.
it’s so jungkook. you can’t allow it to live in another person’s closet.
you approach the counter with the clothes you picked out. the woman halts her sweeping outside, leaving the broom against the wall before wiping her hands on her long skirt, the floral print noticeably faded with time. you hastily grab the belongings you left unattended, putting your phone’s microphone on mute to keep your little surprise.
there’s no paper bills left in your wallet after spending all your money on food and clothes. with a grimace, you drop it inside your bag. you were only supposed to go to the library today, spend a little money on bus fare and lunch. perhaps, spontaneously add in a little snack in between. however, this is called spontaneity out of hand.
“are these for your boyfriend’s birthday?” the woman asks in a hushed, yet teasing, voice as she folds up the jacket.
two pairs of eyes fall on the phone you’re holding, and you smile sheepishly. “i’m trying to make everyday his birthday.”
“he’s very handsome. you better take good care of him!”
you cover your face in embarrassment, silently laughing. “we take good care of each other! he’s coming to pick me up because i couldn’t find a taxi.”
“oh dear, are you new here?” she stuffs the jacket in the big plastic bag, along with the other clothes you bought. “there’s barely any taxis here after 9pm. everyone just walks. many complaints about it, but good exercise for my rusty bones when they ask me.”
“i’ll keep that in mind for next time.” you wrap your left arm around the bag of clothes, sliding it off the counter until you’re carrying its full weight. “thank you again. have a great night! and stay healthy!”
you stumble on the single step leading outside because the weight of the breads and clothes are unbalanced. thankfully, you make it out of the shop without a scratch. the woman bids you a safe trip and picks up the broom, the melancholia of night-time quietness blanketing her home once again.
you look down at your phone to find that the video call with jungkook has ended, but before you can question him, a familiar voice sings your name from a close distance.
“jungkook!” you call out to him, crossing the distance between you in high spirits. “you really came for me!”
jungkook shakes his head in disbelief. “you really thought i’d leave you here stranded? you always make me worried.”
“i never do it on purpose.” you frown, shoulders sagged with guilt.
“that makes it more worrisome.” he breathes out a sigh. “come here. i missed you.”
“i want to hug you, but my hands are full.”
he takes a step forward and wraps his arms around you, squeezing you in a tight embrace. he feels you give a chaste kiss to his jaw before leaning your cheek on his shoulder, and just like that, his anxiety melts away. your favorite perfume invades his sense of smell. as a person with a sensitive nose, many perfumes often give him a headache. he is in love with yours. it’s sweet and subtle; it feels like coming home.
“i was so excited to come home but you weren’t there.”
“i’m sorry for always making you worry. i’ll be more mindful next time.” you apologize to him with a kiss on the cheek, and you feel it rise against your lips when he smiles. “oh no, wait. the bread- they’re going to get all mushed up.”
he reluctantly untangles himself from you, taking away the heavy load you’re carrying without you having to ask. this is when you swiftly snatch the car keys from his hand.
“i want to drive this time.”
he breathes out a sigh of relief. “oh my god, thank you. i’m getting sleepy.”
it’s impossible not to quickly look over to the passenger seat when a bright flash fills the vehicle. surprise, surprise! instead of sleeping, jungkook is taking pictures of the packs of pokemon bread he eagerly arranged on his lap.
“that flash is brighter than the sun.”
he throws a thumbs-up with an overly enthusiastic voice. “samsung!”
you swear, every chance he gets he promotes thei-
“don’t you dare steal my jigglypuff.”
he raises his arms in surrender, making balloons with his cheeks. “i just didn’t know they were strawberry flavored. i’m tasting team rocket’s chocolate rolls first. namjoon-hyung likes it.”
he carefully tears it from the other side to keep team rocket’s image unharmed. he takes a bite from the choco roll, and feeds the remaining half to you.
“mhmmm.” he hums, eyebrows furrowed in sheer delight. “it’s so good? i’m glad you bought another.”
he divides another roll in the middle. he munches on his share as he waits for you to finish your first bite. while he does as such, he suddenly perks up when he remembers the story he was supposed to tell you.
“i saw a group of guys enter the convenience store when i arrived earlier. they were looking for pokemon bread, too.”
“how’d you know?”
“i heard one of them say ‘this one better have the gastly bread or i will cry.’” he imitates the stranger’s deep voice speaking in a whiny manner. “it was funny.”
“then he’s probably on his way home crying now.” your giggles create a harmony.
that store did not have gastly bread, unfortunately.
“moment of truth.”
jungkook locates the pokemon sticker after you finish the rest of the bread. you wait with bated breath as he unveils the first out of eight stickers.
he gasps as he comes face-to-face with- “it’s snorlax! number 143 . . . 143.” he freezes as he scans his memory for the special meaning of the number code. “doesn’t that mean ‘i love you’?”
“it does,” you confirm with a grin. “i told you it was fate! isn’t it the best love confession?”
while living with you is a type of intimacy he values greatly, and protects everyday, getting lost in unfamiliar places with you has a charm of its own. it’s one of the days when he allows himself to say: jungkook, you lived well today.
he presses the sticker on your cheek, giving you a kiss through snorlax. “i love you, too.”
“since we can’t finish all these bread tonight, we’ll open the rest tomorrow.” jungkook announces as he sets down the plastic bag on the floor. in the meantime, snorlax is kept in his wallet for safety purposes.
he carries the clothes to his lap next, curious eyes and curious hands taking out the items one by one. he squeaks a sound of amazement. “you found quite a lot in that shop.”
“they had a lot of good stuff. i got the dark green-ish shirt. the rest are for you.”
he holds the baby blue sweater by the shoulders, letting the rest of it unfold and hang suspended in the air. “this one is so pretty.”
“oh! i really like that one. might borrow it a lot.”
“you’d look pretty in it. especially in the winter.” he says fondly. the mental image of you wearing it surrounded by snow is making him miss the season that just passed.
you pout. “but i got it for you. so wear it more than me.”
“i will. i want to wear it to work right after laundry day.” you beam in contentment, and he pats your head appreciatively. “you’re so fucking cute, baby. thank you for buying it for me.”
the black jacket catches his attention next, and the galaxies in his eyes sparkle as he takes in its the details and overall appearance. “this is totally my style! how does it look so brand-new?”
“right? it’s a steal so i had to buy it!”
jungkook chews on his bottom lip, a conscious effort to restrain himself from attacking you with hugs and kisses. buying treats and gifts for each other on random days— it’s grown to be a second nature in your relationship. this is why you always go on trips on birthdays and anniversaries instead of buying big gifts. he loves that there’s no pressure, and the element of surprise never fades. he loves that he knows what you like, and you know what he likes. a huge part of what makes him who he is has permanently resided in who you are, and vice versa. he will carry you with him for the rest of his life, just like the food he learned to love because his childhood friend forced him to have a bite, and how he adds a bar on top of the letter J because it reminds him of the number 7.
so from now on, he will refuse to wear any other jacket but the one you bought him, and he will think of you every time the sky is baby blue.
“i think this is going to be one of those clothes i’d wear all the time. like the first sneakers you got me.”
“oh god,” you chuckle at the old memory. if people didn’t know he was rich, they would’ve thought he only had one pair of shoes. “you really wore those out.”
“that’s how much i loved it!”
“okay, but you need to wash it before wearing it.”
“i’ll wake up earlier to do laundry.” he starts planning out his day inside his head as he folds up the clothes to put back inside the bag. but then he traces his thoughts two hours backwards, and he is reminded physical affection he’s been craving the whole day.
“can we cuddle when we get home?”
“of course, my love.” you raise an eyebrow in question. “when do we not cuddle?”
“i just missed you a lot today.” he sighs, turning over to his side to look at you. perhaps, also to memorize the street lights reflecting on your face, and how your beige cardigan has slipped down your shoulder. oh, the urge to write a song at this magical moment.
“what’s wrong? did anything bad happen today?” pure concern adorns your voice. you hate it when he’s sad. so much. you want to shield him from everything bad in the world.
“nothing.” his face starts to feel flushed, one of the dead giveaways that he’s emotional. “i just love you, that’s all. you get it, right?”
you have never been more grateful to meet a light that just turned red.
you solely focus on him momentarily, combing his hair with your fingers because it always helps him to relax. “feeling a little overwhelmed, is that it?”
he only nods as a reply. he catches your hand in his to give your knuckles a kiss, plushy lips caressing the tough bones of your doting hand.
“we’re almost home. wanna cuddle in the bathtub?” you propose when you recognize the familiar scenery through his window. the promising comfort and safety of your home causes exhaustion to come crashing down on you. your muscles are suffering the consequences of your actions, and therefore, are asking for compensation.
jungkook seems to be relishing in the idea, doe eyes sparkling instead of shining with unshed tears. “please, that sounds nice. but i’m sorry for when i fall asleep in there.”
you laugh nervously as you enter your parking lot. you do have your license, but you don’t drive very often. maybe three times a month at most. you find driving to be energy consuming despite being seated, so you much prefer commuting because it also serves as your rest time before and after attending to your duties.
“i need to reverse park before we can get into the bathtub, so you have to help me.”
and yes, additionally, you just simply hate reverse parking with burning passion.
“why do you hate reverse parking so much?” your boyfriend asks out of curiosity.
good question.
“i know we have cameras now, but i’m still always scared of bumping into other cars.”
he flashes you his old-fashioned captivating smirk, resting his hand behind the driver’s seat. what makes it funnier is that you’re not even looking. you’re too preoccupied with finding your parking space.
he raises his eyebrows teasingly, doe eyes turning into small slits as they do when he’s playfully flirting. “you don’t have to be scared of such thing, baby. i’ll pay for the damages.”
“you’re jinxing it! i’ll definitely mess up that ferrari now!”
taglist! @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n @yoonqkiss @hopeworldjimin @lllucere @unnatae @zqynmlk @bxbyyyjocelyn @zkdlllin @koostarcandy @tswisal1 @fragmentof-indifference @laylasbunbunny @jjk-jeongirl @cherishoshi @luaspersona + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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leclerc-s · 6 months
a paddock family christmas
series masterlist
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nataliaruiz, penelopetrevino, isabellaperez, maejonesverstappen, maxjonesverstappen posted new stories
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baby's first christmas, tears were shed shoutout seb for getting reindeer this christmas and hosting us! churro is not loving the snow taking my auntie duties very seriously this christmas seb's banned her from helping with tree decorating. it's very unfair. who can say no to her?
danieljonesricciardo, freyavettel, mickschumacher, charles_leclerc, and zoyatorres posted new stories
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next up: christmas tree farm by my wife! 'tis the season 💞 mon coeur (my heart) according to logan, i'm officially a disney princess
rhysjones, baileywinters, isabellaperez, and dulceperez
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one thing i will ever do is let this picture die. happy holidays! i have been entrusted with baking. hope i don't let seb down. moments after he threatened to yet again steal max's cats and to force daphne to adopt him so he can terrorize daniel 24/7 looks like someone is coming for charles' ferrari seat.
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liked by sukiwaterhouse, sebastianvettel, zoyatorres, and others
nataliaruiz the easiest yes of my life
tagged: charles_leclerc
user restricted comments
sukiwaterhouse congrats! wishing you two so much love and happiness.
↳ nataliaruiz thanks babes, you're still my #1 don't worry!
↳ sukiwaterhouse i better be. that french fuck has nothing on me
↳ charles_leclerc I'M MONEGASQUE! YOU KNOW THIS!
↳ sukiwaterhouse i couldn't care less
zoyatorres still can't believe i got to witness this with my own eyes. however, no one cried more than arthur.
danieljonesricciardo welcome to the club! i call best man!
↳ pierregasly i think the fuck not! you already got to be best man at mae and max's wedding.
lorenzotl officially welcome to the family, although you've been an unofficial leclerc since 2019. love you, merry christmas to you and little star
↳ nataliaruiz love you enzo!
↳ mickschumacher reminder, your actual parents are married.
↳ freyavettel shh mickey!
mrsamclaflin i see he finally got the hint. goodbye mrs.dunne, you were the best fake wife.
↳ nataliaruiz he did! and goodbye to you mr.dunne, you were an amazing fake husband!
rileykeough i can't believe i lost my wife to a french?
↳ charles_leclerc I'M MONEGASQUE!
↳ rileykeough i don't care? you speak french = you are french. end of story.
sebastianvettel always knew you two were in love, even before you did.
↳ nataliaruiz no, you didn't! how could you know when even we didn't?
↳ sebastianvettel easy, he looked at you the same way i look at my wife. he was as the children say 'down bad'
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liked by scuderiaferrari, maejonesverstappen, carlossainz55, and others
charles_leclerc pour toujours
translation: forever
tagged: nataliaruiz
user restricted comments
carlossainz55 felicidades cabrón!
↳ charles_leclerc thanks mate!
alexalbon he finally got the hint!
maxjonesverstappen1 it only took you 6 months to get the hint
↳ charles_leclerc i'm not as clueless as you all think! i was waiting for christmas!
↳ landonorris um, why christmas?
↳ charles_leclerc when we were 10 she said she wanted to get engaged on christmas with the people most important to her present. her dad and brother couldn't make it so i settled for all of you.
↳ georgerussell63 wow really feeling the love sharl.
↳ charles_leclerc i'm kidding, thank you for clearing you plans and making it out for her.
scuderiaferrari congrats to the happy couple!
↳ nataliaruiz build him a better car next season or things will get ugly
↳ scuderiaferrari ma’am you are scary.
mrsamclaflin well congrats to the happy couple! it's about time!
↳ nataliaruiz why thank you mr. dunne!
↳ mrsamclaflin anytime future mrs.leclerc!
↳ charles_leclerc we were going to have problems if you called her mrs.dunne 🤺
rileykeough she's married to me leclerc?
↳ charles_leclerc you wish
↳ rileykeough oh you know she is.
rhysjones lightning mcqueen finally got his sally to say yes to marriage!
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @Smnthnclj
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! merry christmas to those of you who celebrate! and to those of you who don't i wish you a very wonderful day. now, someone had to engaged or married on christmas! they are all my babies and i have to make them happy for christmas.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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maxiroff · 1 year
I guess your not who I thought you were. Part 2 ~ Natasha Romanoff
Summary: How will Natasha fix the thing that meant the most to her? After all she was the one to ruin it in the first place.
I recommend you read part one here first to understand this if you haven’t already.
Paring: Popular Natasha x bullied reader
Words: 1462
Warnings: Angst but with a happy ending this time. I think that’s all.
Note: I hope this is good for those who asked for a part two even if I couldn’t fulfill all your request.
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She remembered the day like it was yesterday, the day she broke your heart. “I would never wear something as ugly as that, it's even uglier than you.” She regretted those words the moment she said them. The way she could see your bottom lip start to tremble and your eyes filling with tears. She could feel your heart shattering before her. She lost you, the only one she truly cared about, the only person she truly loved.
She tried everything, she tried calling, texting, even knocking on your door but you never answered. She knew of your mental state and if she hadn’t overheard Wanda talk about your school she would have thought you had done something, something stupid. Even the thought of never getting to see you again scares her to death. She will do everything to get you back, to prove to you just how much you mean to her, how much she loves you.
Once again you listened to your phone ring as you laid in your bed, same name everyday. Each time it broke your heart a little more. Everything felt meaningless, getting up from bed was one of the hardest things you'd ever done. You were tired even though sleeping was all you did.
“I love you so much my darling. You are the most valuable thing in my life and I’ll wear this as a sign of that.” How could she lie so bluntly to your face? She made you feel like the most special girl in the world. Time after time she held you as cried, laughed and slept in her arms. Time after time she told you how much she loved and cared for you. Everything felt like a lie, maybe it was. Maybe you were just a bet made by her friends. It wouldn't surprise you, you were already the biggest joke in school. “I love you” you could hear her voice over and over again.
You were so stuck in your head you didn’t notice another person in the room until she was curled up against you, holding you in her arms.
“Hey love, you need to get up, it's been weeks since it happened.”
Wanda’s voice sounded almost like a void, which she noticed, trying to bring you back to reality by pressing you harder against her body.
“I know it has been, I just feel so paralyzed, I can't even look at my own phone without having some kind of flashback, how am I supposed to face her.” Even now you could feel your eyes blurring as Wanda tightened her grip around you.
“Well it certainly won't get better by laying her all day. So as your best friend and roommate I am making the hard decision for you and taking you back to school”
“No” “Yes” “No” “Yes, you don't get a say in this Y/N. You can not let this ruin the rest of your life” You know she had a point, you couldn’t just put your life on paus, that's not how it works.
“Fine, I’ll go.” “Yesss” Wandra spoke excitedly as she almost squeezed you to death.
All eyes were on you, by now the whole school knew what happened between you and Natasha. You reach back for the hood on hoodie bringing it over your head trying desperately to shield yourself from prying eyes. The floor suddenly became very interesting. So interesting you didn't notice you walked right into the person you were trying to avoid and dropped all your books in the process.
“Oh god, I'm so sorry I wasn’t looking and- “ The words caught in your throat when you looked up to see who it was. While your heart told you to embrace her and try to get her back, even though you did nothing wrong, your instincts told you to run as fast as you could. You tried to do the latter but as soon as you bent down to pick up your book Natasha did the same.
“Let me help you, it was my fault anyway.” she said as she reached for the books making your hands touch at the top of the books. You quickly moved out of the way as if her touch burned your skin. The anger burned through your body as you got flashbacks of the loving feeling her touch used to bring you. “No thanks, wouldn't want you to be seen with someone like me” you said, turning to walk away as fast as you can with the books in your arms.
“Wait please Y/N” your hear behind you as she grabs your arm tight, keeping you with her. “Did you at least get my flowers?” She sounded desperate as if you actually meant something to her. And how could you forget the flowers? She sent you a beautiful bouquet of blue and purple hyacinths, the flowers signifying constancy, regret and sincerity. She had also sent a handwritten note stating how sorry she was, how much she loved me and how she was going to fix everything. But how can you fix something that is so destroyed and broken beyond repair.
“I did” you said in a strict voice glaring at her. Your tone making her heart ache more than it already was. You had never spoken to her in such a cold way and it scared her more than anything. “And?”
“And what? What do you want me to say huh? That I forgive you just like that, because you gave me flowers. That's not how it works. How could I ever trust you again after what you did?” While Natasha’s heart broke at the tears welling up in your eyes you became even more furious at the thought of Natasha seeing you cry like some weak idiot. She took the hand that you weren’t holding the books in. Softly stroking the upper part of your palm as a way to calm you down.
“Please, let me prove it to you, that you can trust me. Please, I’m begging you. You're all I have, I can't lose you”. A tear slowly rolled down her cheek. She had already experienced what it was like to lose you once and she wouldn’t survive it again. To never be able to hold you tight against her while watching a movie, never be able to hear you laugh again, never get to kiss your soft lips again or to be intimate in any way. It was a thought worse than death.
“How? How can you do that?”
“Like this” she said as you suddenly found her lips pressed against your own, her hands finding their way to your hair and jaw keeping you in place. You books falling once again to the floor at the surprise. It was like in the movies, the sound around you from other students all but forgotten, like it was just you and her. Like the whole world stopped and no one besides you and Natasha mattered in that moment. Your tears overflowing by the overwhelming feeling of finally having her lips against yours again. Unfortunately the moment ended when you pulled away filing your lunges with some much needed air. That's when you looked around and noticed everyone looking at you with a stunned look on their faces. In that moment she showed you she wasn't ashamed or afraid to show you off to anyone, fuck them and their opinions.
“Please” Her eyebrows furrowed together and you could see the look of desperation in her eyes waiting for a response from you. “I can’t forgive you right away Natasha, this is a start but it's going to take some time.” Those words gave Natasha relief, she knew she still had a chance.
“I understand and I will do anything to earn your trust back.” Her hand trails down your arm and softly squeezed your hand in reassurance. “Do you” you said as you looked deep in her eyes. “Do you really understand? You broke me Nat and it’s going to take a lot of effort to heal me again”
“I know” You could hear the regret and shame in her hushed whisper.
“But it’s worth it. You’re worth it.” And you actually believed her this time. You could see it in her facial expression and her vibrant green eyes. They're not wrong when they say that the eye is the window to your soul. “Okej, then you can continue to prove it when you pick me up for dinner today at six”. The smile spreading across her face could light up a whole room.
“I will, thank you for giving me a second chance you won't regret it”.
And she was right. You didn’t regret it, not for a moment.
Taglist: @newawakening9 @fanfictioniseverything @username2335 @yourmamacom @wizardofstories
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laurasstufff1 · 1 year
Cramps and cinnamon soup
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In which your relationship with Daniel is crazy, chaotic and funny, even in the worse days
2k words
It was supposed to be fun. It was. But mother nature had other plans, and now you were crying in your room, a mixture of angriness, gilt, pain from the cramps, invading your whole body. 
Daniel was out training, he wanted to go to your house after and take you out for dinner, but you could barely get out of bed in the whole day, you even worked from there, something you never did. It wasn’t only physical pain, it was also emotional, and that was the hardest part to deal when it came to periods. 
You barely made it out of bed when the door opened and you heard Daniel talking with your neighbor “It’s always unpredictable” he dejectedly said with a sigh while he entered your house with the spare key you gave him only a week ago. Was he talking about you? He knew you started to feel bad the night before, when he called, and it was only a matter of hours until the bad cramps happened. But why would he talk about you with the neighbor, was he really so tired of you? That only made you cried more, sobbing so loud Daniel heard you and ran to your room.
“What’s wrong? Why are you still in bed” He worriedly asked kneeling on your side. You were just sobbing, he couldn’t understand what you were trying to say but you couldn’t pronounce a word either. “Hey, calm down, does it hurt?” He asked again placing his hand on your lower stomach “let’s go take a shower, alright?” But you denied with your head, not with him, not today. 
“I can go alone, thanks” you said getting up, but he got up faster and went to the bathroom to make sure the bathtub was fill with hot water once you got there, already knowing what was going on even though you were only dating for so little time.
While you were in the bath, he took care of the room, opening the window, making the bed, sorting the clothes. 
“Daniel?” You called him from the bathroom, a small grin forming in his face because he already knew what you needed.  He didn’t come or answer until a few minutes later, when he peek his hand put of the bathroom door.
“I got it, babe” he said holding a huge sweatshirt of his he left behind some other day with some shorts and granny underwear, the most comfortable yet ugly you owned.
“Thank you” you said without letting him see your red face.
When you got out he was sitting on the couch playing with his phone. It was your house, you didn’t live together, but since a couple months ago it seemed like that, you were always at his place or he was at yours all the time after work. “Have you eaten something today?” He asked watching you sit next to him and placing his hand on your knee. 
“Just a coffee for breakfast, I’m not hungry” you simply said making him look at you furiously, it was already 6pm and you only drank coffee.
“You stay here, I’ll cook dinner, you need to eat something before taking a pill for the pain” he got up and you sat with your knees to your chest trying to ease the pain that was slowly coming back after the warm shower.
“We had plans” you moaned annoyed.
“We’re not going out. Besides it’s raining anyways. This weather is so unpredictable” 
“Unpredictable? The… the weather?”
“Yes, it was sunny yesterday and now it’s raining” he said pointing at the window, and just then you realised it was indeed raining.
“Oh. I thought you meant me” you laughed.
“What?” “Nothing”
While you were laying on the couch, feeling so bad for being lazy although the truth was you could barely move from the pain, Daniel was in your kitchen trying to remember the right ingredients for a soup his mum always made. 
‘Mum, hi’ you heard him talk ‘hey how much cinnamon do I use for the soup you always made back home? - I know it’s July and hot outside, but YN is not feeling well - just cramps - Yeah, I know it’s not just cramps and they hurt, but mum—“ you laughed hearing him talk while his mum probably told him off, they were  indeed very painful “okay -  thanks mum - will do - love you too’.
“Hey” he said standing behind the couch making you jumo scared as you were concentrating in his voice and not the sound of his steps. “Okay, so I called mum, she sends love and-“ “All my love to your dear mother too” you said with crystal eyes. Were you really going to cry again? For the mother in law you haven’t even met yet? “Also she recommended this” he said holding a sock full of rice. “Careful it’s hot. I’ll bring dinner in a minute. You like cinnamon, right?”
“Thank you. And yes. I’ll go help” you said trying to stand up, but the sock unleashed and the floor filled with rice in a second. “F*ck!” You shouted, this time crying by real, feeling absolutely useless.
“Hey” he concernedly said coming to hug you “We’ll pick that up later, babe, I can bring another one. Stay here, rest” he sweetly said caressing your cheek. You couldn’t do nothing more than agreeing nodding your head.
When Daniel came back with another sock, he found you soundly asleep on the sofa, all curled up  holding a pillow to your chest. He placed the new sock between your knees and your stomach, carefully trying not to wake you up by lifting a bit the sweatshirt. Only then he notices a few grains of rice piled up in the border of the coffee table, surely picked up by you before falling asleep.
He kneeled on the floor and started picking up the rest, looking at you from time to time when you moved curling a bit more probably because of the pain. He couldn’t help but stare at your face while kneeling next to the sofa looking for the little grains of rice that went everywhere, probably a vacuum was better but he didn’t want to wake you up.
Slowly but surely he touched the skin on your arm moving farther up to your shoulder and then to your neck, pulling back the little pieces of hair that rested there. Then he moved to your jaw and your face, but not for longer because you slapped his hand.
“Hey!” He shouted loosing balance and falling to the floor with his hand on his chest trying to calm himself from the scare.
“Sorry!” You shouted again trying unsuccessfully to hide your laugh “I thought it was a fly!” “A fly?” Daniel laughed making you laugh even harder.
“Ugh sorry, today’s not my day, you okay?” you said stretching in the sofa while Daniel nodded and hurried up to hold the new sock so it didn’t fall like the other. “Thank you” you said again, this time it was you caressing his face, which was a lot closer because he was still holding the sock.
“You’re very welcome” he smiled holding your waist and getting a bit more close “Can I?” He asked one last time before kissing you and you just nodded while he was already kissing you, feeling his hands too in your waist and your cheek. He was kissing your lips but then he went to your cheeks and your forehead so quickly you started laughing again.
“It smells delicious” you smiled still letting him kiss your face, but he rapidly got up and with one last kiss to your lips he left the room again and headed to the kitchen.
“Do you mind if we order pizza?” He asked a second later. You should have bet he was going to burn whatever he was cooking, you would always win.
You laughed and got up to the kitchen, this time holding sock of rice in place. The soup was completely solid and the cinnamon turned black. 
“Pizza it is” you laughed. “Let me clean it” you started holding the pan but Daniel took it off your hands “I’m alright! The hot rice is working, besides we’ll finish sooner if we do it together” that kinda convinced him, thought he only let you clean the countertop. “Daniel!” You shouted when he started lifting your sweatshirt from behind. 
“Just a minute” he said grabbing some tape to wrap around you the reheated sock full of rice.
“Hey! That’s going to hurt when I take it off!” You hit him with the cloth and he looked at you like if he just realised that it was indeed going to hurt, but at least your stomach won’t. A second later the bell rang.
“Pizza’s here!” He shouted changing the subject.
“Saved by the bell, quite literarily” you said leaving the cloth in the countertop hearing him laugh. 
“I have to say, I was exited for the cinnamon soup, but this is not bad either” you laughed watching him take a slice and immediately regret it as it was still hot.
“Will you be alright tonight?” He asked soon after the pizza was over, with a glass of water and a pill for you in his hand. You just nodded while swallowing it. “Are you sure?” He asked again “I can stay if you want” “You don’t have to” you rapidly said “I can call you if I need you”
“I’ll be up all night paying attention to my phone” he said already takin git off his pocket and making sure it wasn’t in silence. “You’re trying to convince me by making me feel bad about it” you said raising your eyebrows. “I’m just saying the truth” he shrugged.
“Well okay. But you take the couch” “Fair enough”
And so that’s what you did. But just as you were taking off your sweatshirt you realized you were taped to a sock full of rice. 
“Daniel can you come? Help me get out of this” you said and he immediately came laughing along the dark corridor. “Not funny”
“I think it’s better to wet it. Let’s go to the bathroom”. You took off the sweatshirt in a bust of confidence and he slowly peeled it off the skin while damping it with water. “Does it hurts?” He asked while doing it.
“No, but the water is cold” you pointed out while he rolled his eyes laughing as you were so whiny.
“All done” he said finally removing the last part and drying you carefully with a towel.
“Thanks” you said again looking up to him and pecking his lips. “Come to bed with me?” You asked taking him by surprise, you could rapidly feel the nerves in his face “I mean if you want, it’s not like-“ “No no, I want” he quickly said “I want” he repeated again surely “let’s go”. You took his hand and guided him to your room, already dark. You laid first on the bed, you were not willing to give up your spot on it. Daniel laid next to you, feeling you move your legs up to your chest. “You want another sock with warm rice?” “No” you rapidly said “I don’t want to break another one and make a mess in the bed” you laughed and he did too.
“Alright. Then I’ll move” he said while moving closer to you “is this alright?” He asked placing his hand in your abdomen, right where the pain was, not missing the chance to place a sweet kiss on your shoulder.
“Perfect” you whispered, although a second later you turned around to face him and started caressing him too, placing your hand behind his neck and pulling him for a good night kiss and a cuddle in his chest “thank you for the evening. I would’ve been laying in bed since this morning if it wasn’t for you. Although instead of laying in bed I laid in the sofa anyways” you said making him laugh.
“and waisted a whole package of rice” “And you burnt dinner”
“Yeah that’s worse isn’t it?” he laughed. “Good night YN, please remember I’m here and I’m not a fly so don’t hit me”.
“Night Dan” you laughed “it was a natural reflex anyways, you can’t blame me for it”
Thank you @headinthecloudssblogfor the request <3
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yanderesimp2000 · 3 months
Yandere Adam x fem reader chapter 4/6 'This is for your own good" MINORS STAY AWAY
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GONNA DO 6 INSTEAD OF 5 CHAPTERS SO THIS IS Chapter 4/6 baby been out of ideas for a little bit but then I got one what is it keep fucking reading ya lazy fuck
TW,NON-CON TO CON, Brainwashed reader, reader has had their mind broken, reader breaks out of their mind control, EXTREME POSSESSIVENESS, Adam being an incel as usual, degradation, smut,Light violence, Abuse then comfort, Adam being a delusion prick, and reader pushing their limits
After that lovely night with Adam you woke up alone in the bed he was in the shower so in the mean time you should make him breakfast you don't wanna make him mad right? You walked downstairs into the Kitchen were you went and made Adams favorite breakfast Pancake breakfast sandwich 2 pancakes with eggs,bacon,cheese, and sausage in between. He was always so happy when you made them and when he was happy something in your brain just turned into mush for him trying so hard to please him
you heard him come out the shower as he got dressed and when he smelled that your were cooking he yelled "LETS FUCKING GO THANKS BABE" he said before practically falling done the stairs to come get the food he basically ate it in one bite barley even chewing like a rapid animal he then stretched and said "thanks bitch" you got used to his mean words by for some reason your brain didn't think of it as hate just you were the one that failed him and you should be ashamed of yourself and do better. he then plopped himself done on the couch and said " what to do what to do hey what do you wanna do babe" you mind raced with excitement at him giving you the slightest bit of free will thinking of all the possibility you said you wanted to go to that new big park by the beach in the Chasity region
He yawned again and said "wow for once you had a good idea, don't take this as mean or anything but your not the best decision maker your a good housewife though like any proper women" this tone of misogyny should of made you upset but for some reason at first you were upset but something just washed it all away and you just again thought he was correct.
He then mockingly told you "your not going out in that outfit" he laughed referring to your clothes they were just pajamas and you agreed he could go out with his precious wittle trophey if shes ugly no no no she has to look marketable and good yes that's much better. He walks you over to the closet where he picks out different outfits until after a couple minutes of shuffling he finally finds one he likes its a
knee-length dress with a gently cinched waist that accentuates your feminine figure. The fabric is a soft, flowing chiffon in a delicate pastel shade, a pale lavender. The bodice features a subtle sweetheart neckline adorned with intricate lace detailing, adding a touch of romanticism to the design. you felt so nice in the dress and Adam agreed "damn I really did splurge on all these dresses but playing dress up with you sure is fun your like my little doll for me to play with and dress up to my pleasing" he teased
adam put on his normal robe before saying "welp guess its time to go" before you two walked out the door together into the streets of heaven the flight their was relaxing he was carrying you because he didn't want you do get tired and seeing heaven from that high up was just so nice but when you finally made it to the park you could see why it was so good The sound of waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing soundtrack to the park's ambiance, creating a sense of harmony with nature. Seagulls soar overhead, their cries blending harmoniously with the rhythmic lull of the ocean Adam seemed surprised and said "nicer then I expected you chose a good place I'm not gonna lie" before you two started to walk across the wonderful coast line off the coast of the park you saw the patience borough of heaven it was a small island off the coast of main land heaven which was Chasity,temperance,charity and diligence boroughs you saw the view of the skyline and you just watched it you decided to say "hey can we go over there" you said in a soft tone Adam sighed and said "not right now babe its to far of a flight for today
something in you snapped it wasn't you usual self you started to see a hint of rebellion in your mind you got angry and said "no I want to go NOW" you said starting to get angry Adam was surprised but brushed it off "come on dont be such a fucking brat we can do it tomorrow you started to yell "NO NO NO TODAY" then something broke inside of you and you just started to fly there to the borough this infuriated adam and he quickly flew after you catching up to you trapped you against his body he started to fly back to his house at a speed you could of never imagined it felt like only 3 minutes before you were in the door after taking off.
Adam SLAMS the door behind him and say's "you've been a bad GIRL A VERY BAD GIRL" you've never seen him this way he then said "how to punish you how to punish you ahh I got one I'll make sure you don't fly AGAIN until I feel like letting you fly"he said this in a light sadistic tone but he then sighed and said "then I'll put you under my little "spell" again you seemed to partially broken out of it but I can always reapply it, after my old 2 UNGRATEFUL SLUTS left me I've learned how to make people more "reasonable" and you've seems to have broken out of it partially"
he said this with a low coo before grabbing a knife from the counter and saying "cmere" before pinning you down this adrenaline brought back ALL your old memory what happened how he kidnapped you how Abused you it all came flooding back in you winced again and said "GET OFF ME YOU CRAZY PHYCO" Adam just giggled and said "broken out of my spell that's okay I'll just reapply it once I'm done with your wings" all you could think about was how could heaven allow this god, and seraphim they were okay with this one of their first man kidnapping and brainwashing a poor human soul so he could use you to not feel lonely it was all to much and you tried to beg Adam to stop "p-please Adam" you pleaded he looked like a felt a little bad but he seemed to shake it off when he said "this is all for your own good" before slicing off the front half of you right wing
You screamed in pain "Plwease Please s-s-s-s-stop" you pleaded but Adam when and clipped the left wing he used some angel magic to seal up the wounds and stop the pain but you were just left their a whimpering crying mess flapping your now useless wings Adam said "yknow what I'm not even gonna fell bad for you you got this coming this was all on you" he starts to rub his fings in-between your wings "maybe in a couple century's I'll fix your wings IF Im feeling generous I might just keep you like this forever my little peguin my little bird that's YEARNING to be able to fly but no matter how hard you try you just cant" he mocked causing you to sob more "awwwwww don't cry even if it's adorable it hurts my heart" he giggled You sobbed helplessly it felt like the teasing was just relentless you kicked and thrashed but he had a firm grip on you you couldn't escape he said as he stood looking down at you he laughed and said "are you sad don't worry try and fly yeah try and get an inch off the ground you can't oh no you can't you're too your wings that they're too small and too weak now "he laughed sadistically as he said that "you really are perfect now it's just time for the fixing of your brain"  to begin you start flapping you're useless little wings you don't know why you knew they were useless but it was just instinctive somehow you felt powerless completely at his Mercy you don't even know how you got out of his hypnosis but all you know is he's going to put you back in it back into the helpless little play thing you were before
"Now look at me "Adam shushed you just look at me don't try and fight it you know Ill win he said as he started to force your head to look into his eyes yes just fall deeper and deeper you didn't know it was happening you started to feel delirious sleepy starting to go into a gray space between awake and asleep  your eyes butterflied a little as you try to resist squirming but weaker and weaker whimpering and Wincing your pleas meant nothing if anything he enjoyed them  "damn you're so fucking  hot when you like" Adam moaned " you know what I think I might fuck you while I put you back into your submissive state, Yeah bitch doesn't that sound like fun trying to squirm away from me but falling deeper and deeper into my hypnosis it's just too much to resist I'm so sorry" he started to undress himself as you slowly backed away into the corner whimpering and wincing as you went "oh don't be scared" Adam teased "I'll be gentle oh so Gentle"
He started to approach you his erect cock visible " try not to struggle too much it's quite annoying, but don't worry you'll be wrapped around my little finger soon enough Like any proper women meant to serve their husband" just as he said this he started to pin you down you whimpered kicked but that didn't stop them he teased the tip of his cock right against the entrance of your pussy he was clearly getting off to you fear enjoying every second of it the more you cried the more you try to fight back the more you whimpered the more turned on he got " shut up bitch" he growled "at first you're begging was cute but now it's just pathetic you're not getting out of this and you know that " he said that and even deeper growl as as he slowly put his cock deeper and deeper into your pussy 
Eventually it was just a full flown thrust " fuck  baby keep looking into my eyes little bicth this will be so much more enjoyable if you fuckin  cooperate" he said but as he kept looking at you and deep into your eyes something in your brain started to change as much as you try to fight it you know that you weren't going to win your mind was too weak easy to be taken control of manipulated turned into as Adam said your fate  would keep going like this for the rest of Eternity the Injustice in heaven was all you could think about how could he do this how could he threaten to banish you to hell just for not wanting to be with him how could he do any of this but that was quickly wiped away by the thoughts that you were the problem that you should apologize to Adam that he was just doing what was necessary and that you were the crazy one you are unstable you needed him that's all you could think you started to enjoy him on you he giggled when he noticed that " are we done with our little tantrum" Adam said softly but firmly " yes Adam I'm so sorry for disobeying you this won't ever happen again" you pleaded to him " good that's what I thought, now let me fucking finish inside you bitch" he said approaching his climax  his cock was deep inside you it was 38 cm there was even a little bump in your stomach from where it was since the height difference between you guys was like nine feet you were helpless  he had all the control he wanted over you and that was just the way he liked it you started to grip onto the couch he was fucking you on you you were also reaching your climax but Adam beat you to it as you let out a moan long strings of cum started to fill you " yes baby" he said as you also climaxed " see I told you you would like it" Adam said smugly 
You were under his spell again condemned to the same fate for the rest of enternity but hey atleats you enjoy it even if your brainwashed
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crazyunsexycool · 8 months
My Little Love
Chapter 28
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!Reader
Word Count: 3.7K
Warning: MAJOR ANGST, sad everyone, explosions, gunfire, major character deaths, talks of injuries, a child using a gun (you'll see) cliffhanger
A/N: I am kind of sorry for this...
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Pillows were laid out, blankets were ready for use, snacks were prepared and everyone was in their comfiest pajamas. Alpine was snuggled up to Henry and Lottie was snuggled up against you. 
🎶 “Life is a highway 
I wanna ride it all night long. 
If you’re going my way
Well, I wanna drive it all night long.”🎶 The three of you sang along to the movie. 
“Can habe mo’ mama?” Lottie lifts up the bowl you’d used for popcorn.
“Sure thing, Sweet Angel. Do you want some more bubs?” 
“Yes please.” 
“I’ll be right back.” You grab the bowl and your phone and head to the kitchen. 
After throwing a bag of popcorn into the microwave you look at your phone. There’s some messages in your family group chat but none from Bucky. You’re itching to text him just to give him encouragement. This has to be incredibly difficult for him, it would be for you too. These were the people that had a hand in creating his kids. In abusing and hurting them with the hopes of creating monsters. 
The microwave beeps letting you know that it’s done. You turn your attention to that instead and decide that Bucky doesn’t need a distraction. 
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There was a weight on your midsection and a second later a blood curdling scream. That woke you up with a start. When your eyes adjusted to the darkness you realized Lottie was sitting on top of you. Her hands were gripping your shirt hard enough to rip it. You were disoriented for a moment before you remembered you had been in the living room watching tv and must have fallen asleep. Another sob from Lottie gets your attention. She’s panting as she calls out for you over and over again. 
“Shh it’s ok sweet Angel, mama’s right here.” You sat up and brought your knees up to lay her back as you tried to sooth her. 
“Bubba, bubba.” 
“I’m right here Lottie. You’re ok, you’re safe.” 
“Mama?” Henry’s sleepy voice breaks your focus for just a moment as you look at him. Alpine curled up in his back as she slept. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know honey, maybe she’s having a vision.” 
“Mama.” Charlotte cried this time and then her eyes shifted to look straight at you. It felt more like she was seeing through you.
“Hey baby, you’re ok. What did you see? Can you tell me?” 
“Mama.” She said with a hiccup. Her hands were on your temple and she put her foreheads to yours.
The morning light peaks through the curtains as Lottie opens her eyes slowly. With a yawn and stretch she sat up and  admired her Barbie pajamas. There’s a teddy bear snug in her arm and she’s  sitting in a pile of pillows. When she looks to the side she finds Henry sleeping with Alpine snuggled up on his back. When Lottie looks towards the kitchen she sees you moving around. As best she can, Lottie stands with the intention of making her way to you.   
“Warning. Incoming projectile. Warning. incoming projectile.” Friday announced.
Metal blinds start to lower over the windows and Lottie whimpers, scared of what’s going on. 
“Henry, Charlotte.” She heard you calling them and running toward the living room. 
You barely make it to them and throw yourself over their smaller frames when a blast rings throughout the room. 
There was ringing in Lottie’s ears as she began to regain consciousness. There’s rubble and smoke and small fires springing up in the living room. Through crying and coughing Lottie sits up. Your arm is thrown over her but your eyes are closed. 
“Mama?” Lottie calls you but you don’t stir. 
She pulls herself from your grip and she winces when she gets up. Her once pink pajamas are now crimson. When she lifts up her top there’s an ugly gash on her belly.
“Mama no seeping.” She shakes you but still no response. “Bubba?” 
Lottie looks over at her brother and begins to cry. He lays next to you, lifeless. His eyes opened and glazed over with blood around his mouth and nose. There was a bang at the door and then another. 
“Mama, Mama.” Lottie shook you, crying as she called out your name. 
A group of men all dressed in black, a red skull with tentacles emblazoned on their uniforms barge in. One of the men grabs Charlotte. She tries to wiggle, punch and kick her way out of their hold but to no avail, she's carried out while she cries and tries to reach for you in hopes that you will save her. 
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You gasp as you pull away from Lottie’s hold. Her bottom lip trembles as she looks at you. 
“Oh my sweet Angel it’s ok. I’m going to keep you safe. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.” You pull her into your chest and rub her back until she calms down.
“What happened mama?” 
“She just saw something bad. But now I know what it is and we can make it better.” You kiss the top of Lottie’s head and then pull Henry to your side. “I need your help sweet boy. I need you to go and change out of your pjs and into outside clothes and shoes.”
“Ok Mama.” 
Henry gets up and runs to his room while you get up and go to Lottie’s. She clings to you and you have to reassure her that nothing is going to happen. After finally getting her dressed you change into something more suitable. 
“Let’s go Henry.” You call out from the door, he runs to meet you with Alpine in his arms. You smile at him and let him walk out first before looking at your apartment for what may be the last time. 
“Yes sweet Angel?”  
“Bad men coming. Want dada.” Her usually bright and happy eyes are now full of concern and fear and it kills you.
“Yes they are, but mama is going to keep you safe until daddy gets back.” 
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“Hill.” You call out as you burst through the command room doors with Henry and Charlotte following close behind. 
“Y/L/N, now is not a good time.”
“You can’t get a hold of them can you?” 
Hill looks from one of the monitors to you with a furrowed brow. She nods towards an empty office and you follow her in with the kids. 
“How did you know?” 
“This is what happened on my first mission after we found Charlotte, remember?” 
“They’re flying into a trap.” She says.
“Not necessarily a trap but a distraction.”
“What do you mean?” She crosses her arms over her chest. 
You explain everything you saw in Lottie’s vision, giving as much detail as possible. Some parts make Lottie upset again but you have to get them out anyway. It’s not just yours and the kid’s lives that are at stake, Tony doubled the agents while they left for your protection but if Hydra was able to get in quickly that means they had the firepower to get through anyone. 
“And they’re after the kids?”
“It seemed like it.” 
“We have to do something.” Hill sighs. “We can’t just evacuate, they could have eyes on us right now, but you have to leave.”
“I have a way to get out.”
“But where will you go?” 
“The tower. Tony reinforced it after Loki’s attack on New York and Hydra won’t think we’d go there.” 
“We tell no one, the less people know the better your chances of getting out safely.” 
“And the team?” You ask, since the vision you haven’t been able to stop thinking about Bucky. When he gets back he’ll think the worst and it’ll kill you to not be able to let him know right away that you and the kids are ok. 
“I’ll let Bucky know of the plan and have him meet you there.” Maria gives you a reassuring smile. “As for the rest of us, we'll prepare to give Hydra a fight when they walk through those doors. That should distract them enough so that you can get away.”
“Thank you Maria.” 
For the next hour you and Maria make a plan to fight back and an exit strategy. If anything goes wrong from the compound to the tower you are going to need someone to know more or less your backup plan. 
“Stay safe, I’ll see you soon.” 
With a nod you leave and take the kids with you. You head back to your apartment to grab some last minute things. Their teddy bears and favorite blankets, things that will give them comfort and then you head straight for Bucky’s personal garage. Tony had set it up after you gave him the motorcycle for father’s day. Bucky happens to keep another car in there. One he prepared for something like this. It held supplies for the four of you, and Alpine. It was fitted with weapons and bullet proof everything but no tracking system that anyone could hack. Bucky had started working on it shortly after finding Henry. He always told you Hydra wouldn’t give them up so easily.
The kids were buckled in and Charlotte had finally fallen asleep. Henry sat quietly next to her, holding her hand for comfort. You sat in the driver's seat, completely alert of your surroundings. The car was parked in the woods of the compound. Close enough to see the main building but still hidden from prying eyes. There were agents going on with their early morning routine but considering they were armed to the teeth you knew Maria had gone through with an emergency briefing. 
As soon as the first rays of sun peeked over the horizon you turned the car on and started to drive off. It wasn’t until you got to a private, lesser known entry point that you heard it. 
The explosion. 
You’re still not sure how Charlotte managed to show you her vision but the thought of you not being able to protect them brought tears to your eyes. Soon enough in the distance there was gunfire and more explosions and you picked up speed to get as far away as you could. It was easy to leave the compound with the fight going on. 
You don’t look back, your focus is to get to the tower. 
You had just gotten into the city. Hopefully you'll be able to get to the tower soon and it would be easier to keep track of what was going on at the compound from there. You could also keep an eye out for the team from the tower. During the drive down you kept a police scanner going so that you could be aware of any accidents or closed roads so that you could change directions easier. 
What you heard was much worse. 
There was an amber Alert out for the kids and your description as the kidnapper along with a description of the car you were in. Police were advised to use any force necessary to bring you down. Of course Hydra would still have some people within police departments to use at their will.
“Mama what’s wrong?” Henry asked from behind you. 
“We can’t go to the tower baby.” 
“Where are we gonna go then?” 
“To see the only person I can trust right now.” You look at him through the rear view mirror. 
As soon as you can you get back on the highway and head up north. It’s risky to be on the highway but you’d rather the highway where there are witnesses than a backroad where there would be no one and hydra could definitely get you there. 
“Yeah sweet boy?” 
“There are cars following us.” Henry says. “They have been for a few minutes now.” 
“Are you sure?” You look at your side and rear view mirrors to get a look at the cars. 
“Yeah, they’ve changed lanes when you have and they change their speed when you do.” 
“Fuck.” You hit the steering wheel. The last thing you need is a gunfight on a highway. 
You decide to lose them and swerve among the cars until there is enough distance between you and them. Through the traffic you manage to get some distance and you don’t stop until you come to a traffic jam. Your heart is beating out of your chest as you have to slow down. The police scanner goes off talking about a small accident. You flick your wrist and make a way for your own car. 
You’re creating more distance and you’re past the accident. Cars are clearing out of your way as you speed down the highway when a car comes speeding up behind you. You take a deep breath and prepare to make a move at the right moment. With another flick of your wrist you manage to make the other car flip. Unfortunately you now have about four SUVs on your tail again and a crying Lottie who woke up from the noise. 
Henry grabs the gun from your bag sitting on the passenger’s side and then the suppressor. He puts them together and checks for bullets.
“Henry, give me that. It’s not a toy.” 
“I know it’s not a toy mama. I can help.” He says and then he disappears.
 His window rolls down. With one arm wrapped around his seatbelt Henry leans out of the window.
“Henry, get back in your seat, please baby.” You call out but you can’t do much other than weave through traffic and try to stay steady. 
A shot goes off and out of the side mirror you see one of the SUVs swerve off course and hit a barrier. With three more quick shots Henry has effectively stopped Hydra from pursuing you, for now at least. 
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“Are you ok sweet Angel?” You ask as you hug Charlotte.
“Am scared. Want dada.” 
“I know sweet Angel, me too.” You smooth out her hair. 
Her now thick and healthy and shiny black hair that fell just to her shoulders. It grew quickly but that’s what the serum’s doing. She had grown so much in the very few short months since you’d found her. Lottie looked like a whole different child. So did Henry. They had both gained a healthy amount of weight, their cheeks were rosy, they smiled easily, and they knew what love was. Now all of that was in danger and you felt helpless in all of it by not having Bucky at your side. He would know what to do and where to go. 
“It’s ok baby we’re safe with mama.” Henry said from his seat next to you. 
You had the SUV parked in a wooded area away from street views and roads. The kids needed a break and so did you. Besides, you were already where you needed to be, you were in your hometown.
“Where are we going after this?” 
“We are going to meet up with your dad.”
“An Steebie?” 
“Yes and Steebie.” You tell Charlotte and smile. 
You glance at the clock on the car radio and sigh. 
“Ok guys, stay here and Henry, keep yourself and Charlotte invisible until I get back. Can you do that?” 
He nods. You lean forward and kiss his forehead and then Lottie’s. She moves to sit with her brother. Henry holds her hand and then they’re gone from your sight. 
You run to where you need to be and make it to the edge of the forest easily. There at the edge you stand behind a tree and watch. A few cars pass by the small road but your eyes are on the building across the street. When you see who you’re waiting for you step out so that you can be seen. 
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?” Your dad asks as soon as he gets to you. It didn’t take him long to spot you and he ran over. 
“Dad.” You sob as he hugs you, pulling you away from the street. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I need your help.”
“What is it? Was it Bucky? Did he hurt you? Because I’ll kill him if he did.” He says as he pulls away from you. 
“No dad, he’s on a mission. It’s hydra.”
“The people that hurt him and the kids?”
You nod. “Come on.” You lead him back to the SUV and explain everything on the walk back. 
“What do you need me to do?”  
“I need you to take the kids back to the city, to the Avenger’s tower specifically.”
“What about you?”
“Hydra thinks I have the kids so I’ll let them believe that. I’ll lead them as far away as possible to give you a chance to get to the tower. Maria Hill will be there and hopefully so will the team. The kids will be safer there.” 
“And then what?” Your dad asks but you can see that he already knows the answer. 
“You send the team to come get me but not Bucky. The kids are going to need him and you tell him I said that.” You say as you get to the car. The door opens and the kids jump out. 
Eddie gets on one knee and hugs the kids. You take a deep breath to try and calm yourself before you cry in front of the kids. 
“Will you do this for me?” 
“Of course I will kitten. Are you sure you can’t just come with us?”
“It’ll be safer for them if I lead the men following us away.” 
“Ok. I have some old military buddies that will drive down with me for extra protection. We’ll get them there.” Eddie pulls you in for another hug. 
The realization hits you. This might be the last time you ever see him again so you hug him tighter. When you pull back you see tears in his eyes and you give him a sad smile before turning to go back to the SUV. You grab the kids’ backpacks and Alpine and you give them to your dad. 
“I’ll give you a minute.” 
You kneel in front of the kids. First you bring Charlotte in for a hug. You kiss her temple and hum a lullaby to calm her down from the small sobs that are starting to escape her. 
“Mama, bad man take you.” She declares with tears in her eyes.
“It’s ok. I love you so much baby. You are so smart and good, sweet, funny. You’re always going to be my sweet Angel.” 
“I lobe you mama.” Charlotte says before kissing your cheek. “Best mama.” 
“Go with grandpa and be good, ok.” 
You watch as Charlotte runs to your dad and hugs him. Then you turn your attention to Henry. 
“C’mere.” You stretch out your hand for him to take but Henry throws himself against you, his arms wrapped around your neck and he cries. “It’s ok baby. Everything will be just fine.” 
“I can go with you. I can keep you safe mama.”
“I’ll be just fine.”
“You can’t go, you can’t leave us.” Henry cries harder.
“I’m not leaving you.”
“But baby said the bad men take you. They’re going to hurt you if they do.”
“I know but I can change that now that I know what’s supposed to happen. Listen to me.” You pull away and hold him by his shoulders before cupping his face and wiping tears away. “I need you to go with grandpa and Lottie ok. I need you to keep them safe, you have to keep your baby safe. Can you do that for me?”
“Good. I love you so much my sweet boy. I know this is scary but we’ll see each other soon and this will all just be a nightmare.” You kiss his cheek. “My sweet, brave, kind boy. Tell your dad that this wasn’t his fault ok? Whenever you see him sad.”
“Go with your grandpa and keep Charlotte safe ok.”
He nods again. With his head down Henry walks towards Eddie. He puts on his backpack and takes Alpine in one hand while holding Lottie’s in the other. He fades in and out as they walk away from you. 
Then you turn and get in the car. You already know your fate, hydra takes you. But you’re willing to give yourself up if it means that Henry and Charlotte never have to face them again.
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You’re pulled by your hair out of a tub of ice cold water. It feels like thousands of needles are pricking your skin. You try to take a breath and take a moment to look at your surroundings but you can’t. A few seconds later you’re dunked into water again. Your hands are tied behind your back and you have a few broken ribs as well as cuts, scrapes, maybe even a concussion and a dislocated shoulder. In addition to all of that they must have given you some type of sedative because it’s very hard to stay awake and stay focused. Hydra had caught up to you and they managed to get some type of explosive under the car. It was the only way they were able to get the upper hand. As long as the kids and your father got to the tower safely you didn’t care, you just hoped that Bucky wouldn’t blame himself. 
You get pulled out of the water again and this time you’re dragged somewhere else. They force you onto your knees as you cough up water. Finally you can actually breathe. There are footsteps that stop right in front of you but you couldn’t care less as to who it is. Hydra is all scum and they’ll all die once Bucky and the team find you. Sharp nails dig into your cheeks as the person before you grabs your face and moves your head so that you’ll look at them.
“I had lost all hope that I could turn you into what you were meant to be.” 
You stare incredulously up at your captor. Disbelief and anger surge through you but you only manage to say one thing.
Ch 29
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kpop---scenarios · 10 months
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Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Y/N
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Eventual Smut, Mean people, Language.
A/N: I'm back baby! I hope you all enjoy the first chapter!!
"Miss Y/N?" A woman says, breaking you out of your concentration of looking at tikok’s. 
Startled, you look up and standing before you is a very pretty, well dressed woman holding files between her petite fingers. "Are you ready for your interview?" She asks. 
Taking a small breath, as you nod your head and smile at the woman. "I'm Ava, and I'll be conducting your interview on Mr. Byun's behalf." She says, walking through the office hallways. It's so plain, the white walls just dying for at least a pop of color, or even a picture of some sort. Ava leads you into a plain white room, nothing in it but the necessary items. Did you really want to work somewhere so boring? You were lost in your thoughts again after answering only a few routine questions. 
"I think you'd be a perfect fit for this job." Ava smiles. You'd only been talking for 15 minutes before she decided. 
"Thank you." You smile. 
"I'd like to offer you the position as the Senior Data Analyst. You'd be working directly under Mr. Byun." She tells you. 
"Sure. Yes, thank you so much." You say. One thing checked off your list. Find a job, find an apartment, and get settled in this new town. Luckily you had an apartment view right after this interview, and considering you were hired on the spot you had an extremely good feeling. 
The apartment sucked, but you took it anyway. You would try your best to make the small studio apartment feel like home, but you weren't quite sure how. You weren't the most stylish, if you really had to describe yourself, you were quite bland. You knew the clothes you wore were a size or two too big, but you had no urge to change yourself. For what, or for who? You had no one in your life to care about, you didn't even care about yourself.
You laid in your bed that night, staring at the popcorn ceiling, as you remembered why you moved here in the first place, and your heart broke all over again. 
Slowly and quietly you pressed your ear to the bedroom door at this party. 
"Stop telling Y/N she has a chance with me. Please, it makes me sick to even think about it." You hear Hongjoong laugh loudly. "I can't even listen to her talk for more than 30 seconds at a time. I don't know how you do it. Her voice is so fucking annoying." 
"Right? I swear to go sometimes I feel like my ears are bleeding. And you should see her when she cries. So fucking ugly." You hear Maya giggle. 
"And is it just me or is she fucking dumb? How could she love me for all these years and not realize how repulsed I am by her?" He asks. 
“I know math isn’t her best subject but Christ, can't she add up all the things you don’t do around her and see you’re not into her, and never will be? I mean, you try to leave the room whenever she enters." Maya laughs. "So there's no chance of you leaving me for her?" 
"You think I'm gonna leave a goddess like you, for that thing? Come on, baby, you should know me better than that. Plus, she doesn't have a set of tits like these." He laughs. 
As quickly as the hurtful words began, they stopped. You weighed your options of what to do but your body still felt too numb to move. 
You stood there, your ear pressed against the door feeling your stomach sink. You wanted to run away but it was like your feet were glued to the floor. 
The floor that made your knees feel weak as you turned the door knob and pushed the door open to see Maya, on top of Hongjoong. 
The music that was once pounding in your ears was now quiet. It was so muffled as you began to only hear your own shallow and fast breaths. You could hear and feel your heart pumping at a pace you were sure was off the charts, while also slowly ripping into tiny pieces. 
You felt like you couldn't breathe as his hands gripped her body. They hadn't heard the door opening. 
The walls were suddenly caving in as he slowly slid his fingers up and down her curves moving over her ass to squeeze it. 
Tears fell from your eyes as you watched him touching her in ways that you had once dreamt about. 
Your face begins to burn in complete embarrassment. The fucking betrayal you felt from someone who said they loved you. Maya was supposed to be your best friend. She was the one who was by your side when you cried, wondering why he didn't love you back. She held you as you sobbed into her lap, she wiped your tears away and always had comforting words for you. She would laugh at his Instagram page with you and acted as if she didn't even like him.
But here she was ripping you apart with him for their own enjoyment.  
Tears streamed from your face as you rolled over in your bed. You hated remembering that day. The day you lost your best friend. It hurt so bad and you know you needed to move on but that's always easier said than done.
The next morning you woke up, exhausted and not ready for the day but you had your first day of work. You'd tried to look up Mr. Byun last night, but there were no pictures of him anywhere. You thought that was a little odd, but didn't chalk it up too much. You got ready for the day in record time, putting on your too big skirt, with your too big shirt and oversized blazer. You put your hair up the best you could and avoided all makeup. 
Slowly, you walk into the building, making your way to the 35th floor, where your office was supposed to be. The entire floor was empty when you arrived. Just the way you liked it. You popped in your airpods, started your music and got to work organizing the 5 items on your desk. It took you roughly 3 minutes. You glanced at the clock, 6:55am. You still had 35 minutes until you were technically supposed to start, but it never hurt to get a head start. You worked for a little bit, listening to your favorite songs before you barely noticed a few people entering their cubicles. You mostly ignored them, offering a small nod of acknowledgement before getting back to work. You hadn't noticed anyone walking into the all glass office in front of you, until you felt your heart tug. A feeling you had never once felt before. You looked up and saw the most handsome, stone-cold looking man you'd ever seen. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, it was like you were drawn to him. 
"Handsome, huh?" You hear, breaking you out of your trance. 
"Who? What?" You say, looking up. Standing in front of you is a thin, blonde bombshell with a smile that could make you forget any worry in your life. “Hi. I’m Y/N.” You cough. She was so beautiful, it made you extremely nervous. 
"Hi, I'm Lisa, I work in that cubicle to your left." She says with a smile. “I just wanted to bring these over for approval from you, and introduce myself.” She explains, showing a small pile of papers in her hand. You were listening to her, but you had a hard time keeping yourself engaged in the conversation. Your eyes continued to dart towards the man who took your breath away and Lisa definitely noticed. She let out a small giggle to regain your attention. You swiftly looked back at her, giving her an apologetic smile. 
 "That's Mr. Byun.” She tells you. “Do your work, don’t get in his way and don’t question him and you’ll be just fine.” she tells you. 
“He looks mad.” You say, taking a quick glance at him before looking back to Lisa. 
“That’s just his face I think. He always looks like he’s got a painful stick up his ass." She whispers. 
"Why did you start whispering?" You asked. 
She sets the pile of papers on your desk, looking back towards Mr. Byun's office and looking back at you. "He hears everything." She whispers again, walking out of your office with a smile.  
Your eyes turned over to Mr. Byun, you were having a hard time turning your gaze somewhere else. There was just something about him that was driving you crazy. You watched as he shouted at someone on the phone, the veins in his neck and hands popping out intensely. His dark brown hair flowed perfectly on his head. His suit fit him perfectly, you could see the muscles all over his body. 
Suddenly he slammed the phone down onto the receiver, you were surprised it didn’t break with the amount of force he used. He rubs his eyes before running his fingers through his hair. He looks up, his eyes meeting yours without hesitation. Your heart pulls toward him. You wanted to get out of your seat and slip your tongue into his mouth. You wanted to be near him, holding him and you didn't know why. His eyes are still on yours as he walks out of his office, heading straight for you. Your heart begins to pound as he gets closer to you. 
"Who are you?" He asks, abruptly. You're looking directly in his eyes, you can’t help but almost get lost in them. They’re so dark, like they're filled with pure hatred. 
"Uh, I'm L/N Y/N. I'm your new Senior Data Analyst. " You respond. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Byun." 
"We’ll see about that. Get to work Miss. L/N." He says, walking out of your office and back to his. Your eyes meet again as he brings down his shade, his eyes still glued to yours. 
The rest of the day, you couldn't get him off your mind. You had a hell of a time trying to focus on any of your work. You just wanted to see him again. Anytime you let your mind wonder, it went to him immediately. You felt like you loved him but you didn't even know him.
After you had finally finished all your work, it was dark outside. You let out a big, loud yawn as you stretched your body from your desk. You gathered all your belongings and turned the lights out to your office. As you walked by Mr. Byun’s office, you noticed the lights were still on. You peaked in through a small patch of glass that was uncovered from the shade and saw him sitting at his desk with another extremely handsome man, sitting across from him. You knew you shouldn’t have been peaking in, but your curiosity got the better of you. Within seconds, Mr. Byun’s head whipped around, his eye’s shooting daggers towards you. 
You let out a small screech before you quickly take off to the elevator, hoping that either it comes fast or he doesn't come out of his office after you. You get onto the elevator and press the close door button as quickly as you can.
You made it home that night without incident and without Mr. Byun yelling at you for being nosey. You just needed to mind your business and not do that again. 
You dreamt of him that night. His hands gliding over your body, his tongue licking you everywhere, how he tasted, how it felt to have him on top of you. You woke up in a puddle of sweat the next morning. You had so wished it was real. 
The rest of the week went by, and he paid you no attention at all. He didn't even bring up your little snooping issue. Whenever he had a request from you, he sent Ava to ask you. Obviously he couldn’t be bothered to do it himself. You hated that. You wanted to see him again. 
He kept the shades of his glass office down, further avoiding any contact with you. It wasn’t until the next week that you’d finally be able to see him again. Lisa had ever-so apologetically placed a stack of papers on your desk, minutes before 5pm. You weren't one to just leave the papers for the morning, and honestly, you had no one waiting for you at home so why wouldn't you stay late and do them. Around 8pm, you’d finally finished and you were carefully planning Lisa’s murder for the next day. You were exhausted. You grabbed your coat off the back of your chair and rubbed your eyes while you walked towards the elevator. You were so tired you didn’t even look in Mr. Byun’s office as you passed it. You had expected him to have left hours ago anyways. You pressed the down button on the wall and waited silently. It wasn't until a few seconds later you felt someone standing behind you. The doors to the elevator ding, sliding open. You turn around and see him standing there, an unimpressed expression plastered on his face. 
He looks at you and at the open elevator doors, motioning for you to get in. your brain finally clicks and you get on as he follows behind you. You press the button for the first floor and prepare for an uncomfortable and silent ride down 34 floors. Mr.Byun takes a deep breath as he stands next to you, your arms just almost touching. “Why are you here?” he murmurs under his breath. You barely didn’t quite catch what he had said. 
“What was that?” You ask, turning your head to look at him. 
He sighs. Turning towards you, taking a few steps until you're backed into the wall. He places his hand next to your head, leaning himself in closer to you. 
“I said.. Why are you here?” he whispers, his lips so close to yours. “Do you have any fucking idea what youre doing to me?” he asks, breathing heavily. His head moves closer to you, his lips narrowly escaping yours as he places his head onto your neck, inhaling deeply. It was like he couldn't get enough of your smell. Before you could say anything the elevator dings, and he moves away from you as fast as he can, walking out into the lobby, leaving you there wondering what the fuck just happened.
Over the next several weeks after that incident, he kept trying his best to ignore you. Everyday. Occasionally you’d catch a glance of him, and the eye contact was so intense you could feel heat running through your entire body. Everyday that you didn’t see him, your heart hurt more and more. You couldn’t explain why but it felt like it was breaking you. You knew it was ridiculous, he was your boss, how could you love him? 
You didn't have an answer to why you did, but you did and you really didn't want to.
After working at your office for a few months, you decided you needed a change. You were tired of looking frumpy and exhausted while everyone around you looked bright and amazing. You needed to reinvent yourself, and spice up your life and you needed to do it now or you wouldn’t do it at all. That weekend you took the plunge. 
You went to the salon first. you got your hair done something that was better suited for you, a new style and new color. You went to the mall, and completely changed your wardrobe from the baggy clothes you were wearing to things you normally would never wear. You bought outfits that actually fit you, and showed off your body instead of hiding it. You bought proper bras and sexy panties. You felt good and different, but a good different. You couldn't wait to showcase the new you. You had never felt so confident in yourself before, and you loved it. 
Monday morning, you strutted into the office, your dress hugging your curves, your hair bouncing as you walked. You could feel all eyes on you as you walked to your office. You had never felt everyone watching you in a good way before and it felt amazing. You placed your jacket on the hook and sat in your chair to get to work. Lisa walked into your office with her mouth hanging wide open. 
“Girl.” She squeals. “You look phenomenal!” She eye’d you up and down, admiring your outfit.
You could feel your cheeks get hot from the compliment. “Thank you.” you laughed. “It feels weird, but good.” you tell her. 
“It should feel all good, girl. You look great.” she smiles. “Also Ava is out today, so i've been instructed to tell you that Mr. Byun needs to see you in his office.” She says, side eyeing his office.  
You try your best to swallow the lump in your throat as you nod your head. You hadn't seen him when you walked in, and you anxiously wondered what he would possibly think of your new look. You stood up, smoothed out your dress before heading towards his office. You stood in front of the door, breathing heavily as you knocked lightly on his door. 
“Come in.” you hear from a gruff voice. 
You turn the handle to his door and walk in and it’s like you can’t breathe. He sits there, his hands in his lap, leaning back in his chair. Fuck he looks so good. 
“You wanted to see me?” you ask. 
“You changed yourself.” he points out. His eyes trail your body up and down as he admires you. 
“Just a few things. What did you need to see me for, Mr. Byun?” you ask. You wanted to get out of there as fast as you could. Your heart was racing, you could feel the sweat covering the palms of your hands. 
“Call me Baekhyun.” he says, getting out of his chair. He walks towards you, almost in slow-motion, like he was gliding towards you. You step back as he gets closer to you. His head reaches out, caressing your face. 
“It’s getting too hard to fight, Y/N.” he whispers, looking deep into your eyes. “I don’t want to want you.” 
“I don’t want to want you either.” You admit. 
“You feel it too? The pull, the urge, the desperation?” he asks. You can’t speak, you can only nod your head. “Then it’s true.. You are my mate.”  
“I'm your what..” you ask. Before he can answer, his door swings open. Baekhyun backs away from you and in walks a brunette bombshell. She was absolutely stunning and you’d never seen her before. 
“Jennie.” Baekhyun says, clearing his throat. “What are you doing here?” he asks. 
“Poor girl looks frightened, Baeky.” she smiles. “I hope you're not scaring your staff too much.” she giggles. 
“Who are y..” you begin before she cuts you off. 
“Oh!” she laughs. “I’m Jennie Kim.” she announces, moving closer to Baekhyun,  wrapping her arm around him. 
“I’m his fiancee.” 
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tainted-red · 1 year
Best friends.
TWS: N0n c0n, Best friend kink, Gr0ping, Sleepy reader, Drunk reader.
Summary: Rafe is the reader best friend, Rafe swears to keep the reader safe. Little does she know…
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Y/n and Rafe cameron were a package deal.
Rafe protects Y/n from random boys and Y/n protects Rafe from doing stupid stuff.
Yet Rafe encourages Y/n To do stupid shit, that's exactly what he is doing right now.
“C’mon Y/n. Just a couple more rounds. I promise I'll protect you” Rafe begs Y/n.
“Fine but say it with a smile” Y/n teased.
Rafe smiles at her “Pretty please. With a cherry on top” Rafe mocks.
Y/n lightly pushes his head. He dramatically stumbled back.
He chuckles and wraps his arm around y/n’s shoulder. Guiding her to get more drinks from the stupid party ‘bar’.
“Four shots” Rafe clicks “Alright” Topper sighs.
The alcohol really starting to kick into y/n’s system.
“Alright, pretty lady” Rafe bites his lip, getting y/n drunker and drunker.
She picks up the shot and shoots it down her throat, “Wow, didn't even wait for me” Rafe jokes.
He then takes the shot “Last one” Rafe seethed.
They both grab your shot but wrap your arm around each others.
Letting the burning liquid go down there stomachs. Leaving a warm feeling wherever it ends up.
“Aright, let's dance” Y/n slurred to Rafe.
(Rafe point of view, now)
I smirked at the drunk sight of my innocent friend.
We go over to the dance floor, and y/n starts to sway her hips without a care in the world.
Suddenly a random pogue starts to flirt with her, I wait until it gets ugly. She starts to yell at him.
He grabs onto her wrist, I step closer to the two “Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Her” I clench my jaw.
“What are you gonna do ‘bout it, get daddy to get a hitman” The pogue jokes.
“No. I'll cut your hands off and shove it up your ass. Keep your hands off her” I spit, pushing him back.
“You're not worth it” The pogue rolls his eyes and walks away.
I run up and wrap my arms around y/n “He's gone” I whisper in her ear. Calming her.
“Can we leave Rafe, I don't feel good” Y/n begs, falling into my arms.
“Of course. We're going to my place though” I inform her while picking her up bridal style.
“Rafe, I'm gonna pass out” Y/n slurs.
“Don't worry I got you y/n” I calm her.
I place her in the back of my car.
Once I'm in I drive to my house. There wasn't much traffic considering it was 2 am.
“Rafeeeee, I'm tired. Crash the car I don't feel a thing” Y/n slurs once again.
“You can sleep in my bed,” I tell her.
“Like always” She giggles.
We arrive at my house, and I pick her up in my arms “Careful” I groan as she tugs on the back of my shirt, choking me.
“Sorry Rafey” She mocks my name while laughing adorably.
“It's alright y/n/n” I grin down at her.
Tossing her on my bed.
“Come cuddle me” Y/n cries.
“Okay but you need to sleep this off. Better not throw up on me” I joke.
I sit on the bed and she puts her head on my lap. Her dress rides up the thighs. I stroke her hair.
“Can you put on a show?” She asks quietly and shyly.
“Of course” I sigh.
Grabbing my remote and putting on icarly “Yes. I love you thank you” She smiles, focusing on the show.
I slowly slide her dress all the way up. She's clearly out of it.
She starts to laugh at the show, something about Gibby asking for cash when he would get zero dollars for whatever he was selling.
I pull her graze my hand over her clit, her thighs tensing up.
She slowly drifts off into a somewhat sleeping state.
I make it worth my while by pushing her off me softly. And taking her dress off.
She wasn't wearing a bra so I got a perfect view of her beautiful body.
The only thing covering her body was a black thong.
I take it off and pull down my shorts and boxers.
Lining myself over her slit.
Massaging her boobs slowly.
I push myself into her. I felt her body tense up.
I throw my head back In pleasure.
Slamming into her at a steady but quick pace.
Praying she wouldn't wake up.
I felt my stomach tighten, I groan and let my liquid fill her up.
I pull up my shorts and get a rag and a shirt of mine.
When I got back she was awake, “what's going on,” She asks while looking down at her naked body.
“You kinda threw up all over yourself” I grin.
I wipe her vagina and then threw the rag. So lucky she couldn't feel a thing.
“Cmon sit up” I bite my lip trying to put her shirt on her.
“I don't feel good-” her mouth fills with barf. I bring her to the washroom and hold her hair back.
I rub her back as she left lets it all out.
Once she's down I wipe her mouth with a clindex.
“Thank you, Rafe. Gosh, what would I do without you” She giggles.
“Probably be covered in vomit” I joke (ish).
She fake laughs, I kiss her head and laugh.
“Time to sleep” I decided.
I throw her over my shoulder. Making her laugh even harder.
I gently place her down on the bed.
We both lay down and I throw my arm over her waist.
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