#* I have to read bio's carefully because of this too because like
illholy · 1 year
You can't power work away from SUKUNA
█ 𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 ,     i will always love you ⤿ anonymous.
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There's only so much rancid energy her little body can take ! Let her TRY.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Being Their Weapon
Requested: a preference of femreader being the boys' main weapon, that homelander doesn't even know of..? 😫 dialogue prompt 27 & 60 - anon
A/N: Reminder my loves! Prompts only go with fic requests, no other kind of requests. It's all in the pinned post, please be sure to read! I've updated it recently to be as clear as possible :) I also only write gn!readers as it states in my rules linked in my bio. Hope you can understand! I based it loosely off this fic because I think the Supe abilities would fit perfectly! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Butcher didn't like you and you didn't like Butcher. He punched you, he hit you with his gun. He knew you thought about killing him that day, grabbing his wrist and killing him instantly, but Frenchie stopped you. When you agree to help them, you make sure it's known that you're not doing this for Butcher at all. That if it were just him asking you, you'd let him die. He thought you were stupid. Stupid and dangerous and unstable. Kicking them out like that only proved him right. Regardless of what Hughie or Frenchie or Kimiko said, nothing would change the way he felt about you. He would never admit that he was grateful for your help, but he was. If everything went to hell, at least they'd have you. Still, he couldn't help but eye you every time you came in. He didn't like what you could do. If you decided you weren't interested, if you felt threatened even a little bit, you could kill all of them without even trying.
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Hughie had no problem with what you could do. It's not like you could control what the V did to you. And you never wanted the V in the first place. It was intimidating sure, but he wasn't scared of you because of it. Underneath the fear, the resistance, was someone who just wanted to be treated with a little kindness. He could do that. He could do more than that. He tried to talk to Annie about why she was so hesitant, but she just couldn't explain it. You warmed up to Hughie pretty quickly. He was curious about your powers. You showed him what you could do with plants, fruits and vegetables mostly. They'd rot in your hands. You could kill everyone and everything. You admitted to him all the things you missed, but were too scared of doing, even with gloves and protection. Hugs mostly, petting animals. He hadn't realized how much your powers would affect you. The least he could do was not be scared of you. The least he could do was be your friend.
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Annie tries not to stare. Alongside the whole "killing people with your touch" You were a little cagey. The last time she saw you you were screaming at everyone to get out of your apartment. Now you stood beside Frenchie, trying not to draw attention to yourself. You clung to Frenchie and Kimiko, keeping everyone else at a professional distance. She tried to be nice, she tried not to flinch when you moved too fast or abruptly, but she couldn't help it. Like M.M. she was wary about you. You'd all done things you weren't proud of, but you turned your Supe-ability into a prpfession. A dangerous one that left a lot of innocent (and not so innocent, you'd like to point out) dead. She knows your upbringing wasn't the most traditional, but was that really an excuse? You could tell how she felt just from the way she looked at you. You tried not to take it personally.
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M.M likes you, but he doesn't like the idea of you. Killing people just by touching them is just too much. Too dangerous. He makes sure he's never too close to you. Unlike Frenchie who is quote affectionate and far more easygoing than everyone else, Marvin was stressed out. He watched you carefully, keenly, making sure he only came near you when you were wearing gloves or something else that prevented any skin from showing. You know he feels this way and you don't push it. There were tons of people in your life like him, scared of you, petrified even. You knew it was better to keep your distance and not to try anything funny. It was just easier. No jokes, nothing. You didn't mind keeping your relationship professional. Marvin knew how important you were, that it was a big sacrifice given your past to accept this offer, but he couldn't let go of the idea that you could kill any number of them with your pinky alone.
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Frenchie is the first person you trust out of the whole group. He comes back to see you alone. If you truly don't want to help, he won't force you. He just wants to talk. Despite yourself, you let him in. Maybe loneliness is finally getting to you. You're still wary, but eventually you let go a little, realizing he was going to keep his word. You become friends. He's the first friend you've had since you were a kid, before being locked up. He wasn't as afraid of you as everyone else was and you were constantly reminding him to be careful around you. You start to ask questions, logistical ones about what it would mean to join the team, what it would mean to take down Homelander. He assured you they would never let anything happen to you. You trust him. When he brings you to meet the team officially, there's a collective sign in relief. If the plan went wrong, if they ran out of options, they would always have you. You were the perfect weapon. To Frenchie though, you were just a new friend, teammate.
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Kimiko likes you. If Frenchie likes you, then she does too. You're a little hesitant to start signing with her. Your hands flying everywhere wasn't such a good idea given that you could kill someone. Still, she didn't mind. She understood the fears, your past. The both of you had been used. The both of you had been given Compound V. You both killed people. Kimiko was the second person you trusted and this tome it was immediate. She wasn't scared of you, though she understood your hesitation. Good things were never truly good. There was always something horrible lingering just behind it. Friends were nice. Friends were a good thing. But doing this? Killing Homelander? That could lead to something awful. You had to be hesitant. You had to be careful. She wasn't going to hold this kind of thinking against you. You had as much a right to be afraid as they did.
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luvvyouforever · 8 months
matchmaker, matchmaker - azriel x reader
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↳ mor drags azriel to velaris's resident matchmaker, only for him to fall for her instead of his potential suitors.
↳ no major warnings apply! just some fluff and cuteness. not grammar or spell checked. sorry hehe
↳ requests are open! check bio.
azriel and mor sat at a cafe table in the heart of velaris, steam rising from the tea cups in front of each of them. this was not an uncommon occurence by any means and the pair frequented the many shops and restaurants throughout the town. however, this time, there was an air of tension between them which caused their waitress to carefully place their drinks away from the edges of the table.
"you're telling me you won't even consider seeing her? do you know all that she's done for velaris, az?"
"she's just high fae, mor. she's not some prophecy teller that can see mating bonds between people. i don't understand what she could even do for me."
ah, yes. the topic of conversation was azriel's love life and mor was desperately trying to convince the spymaster to see her friend, the matchmaker of velaris.
what azriel was saying was true. she did not have some special power that allowed her to see the invisible string connecting mates. she could not look into her mind and pull out the best partner for someone. she just knew how to read people and how to do it well. she was responsible for a lot of the matches in velaris, even predicting nesta and cassian long before anyone else could.
"you're lonely, azriel. i can tell! you want to dance with someone at rita's and have a date to parties just as bad as anyone else. you just won't admit it," mor declared. her voice softened and she continued, "i want what's best for you, az. we all do. will you see her for me? please? even if nothing works out."
azriel sighed and took a drink of his tea which was still too hot for his mouth. damn mor and her awareness of the people in her life. and damn him for the way he'd give in to her so easily. "fine," he mumbled. "i will try. but no promises."
that next week, azriel came back from a trip to the mortal lands and immediately, mor was at the door to his room, badgering him about the meeting she set up for later that day. she declared that he could not reschedule or miss the meeting and that he should dress in something nice.
begrudgingly, azriel took a long bath to make sure he looked and smelled fine enough to get a potentially good match from mor's friend. he chose more "normal" clothing as instructed by mor and flew down to the bright townhouse fast enough to reach the door just as his appointment was set to begin.
she surely sensed him because before he even got the chance to knock, she threw the door open and greeted him.
"azriel, right? spymaster of the high lord's court," she said sweetly. "i am quite honored to have you in my home."
azriel felt too awkward for his own good and just nodded with as polite of a smile as he could muster.
"come on! come on!" she ushered him into her home which was brightly decorated in all sorts of eclectic decor, a lot of it being hearts and other love motifs. "can i get you anything?" she asked. "water? tea? snacks? wine?"
"no...no. i'm good, thanks," he said, quieter than he meant to. his eyes raked over the matchmaker, finding her to be a lot younger and more spry than he imagined. mor spoke so highly of her that he thought she must be ancient, having made matches for velaris since the dawn of time. she was also quite beautiful and the way she spoke caused some odd feelings in azriel's chest that he didn't like. his shadows noticed his attraction to her too as they whipped around his chest before hiding behind him, sometimes whispering things in his ear.
"suit yourself," she joked. she sat down on a large armchair and gestured to the matching one in front of her. azriel obediently sat down and watched her moves. she pulled out a frilly notebook from a drawer along with a pen. "has mor told you anything about what i do?"
"not really," azriel admitted. "just praises your name and forces her friends to come to her." the matchmaker laughed and azriel felt incredibly proud of himself for making her laugh.
"well, i just want to know a couple things about you. nothing crazy. just your inner thoughts and desires. and i take that information and compare it to other people and see what comes from it! simple, easy, and usually pain free but i have a feeling you may be a little more introverted than most." azriel shrugged in response. "so, my first question is what are your must-haves in a relationship?"
azriel fiddled with the hem of his shirt as he thought about the question. nobody had ever asked him that before and he honestly hadn't even thought about it. "um...someone who's nice. understanding, i guess. i have a lot of responsibilities in my job so someone who doesn't mind that i'm gone a lot," he thought for a second more. "what do people usually say?"
the matchmaker thought for a moment. "well, i would say my must-haves are patience, kindness...someone who's fine with staying inside," she paused and smiled, "definitely has to own some kind of awesome ancient sword or blade that i can play with."
azriel clocked her statement as a joke but some part of him, deep down inside, wishes that he had truth-teller displayed on his chest for her to see. he was patient, he was a homebody, he was...relatively kind. oh god...what was he thinking?
"all jokes, of course. but really, it's just anything you want in a partner. maybe you want them to be strong and abrasive and can hold their own. it's all up to you, azriel."
she moved on to the next question, which he was very grateful for. this one, however, was harder than the last. "what are you looking for here? do you want me to hunt down your potential mate? do you want something fun and casual? committed? i can do it all."
azriel felt like she was stripping back his layers, one by painful one. all to find someone he can kiss. this was crazy! and he didn't even know her name. "i don't really know, honestly. i...i guess my mate but that seems hard considering it could be anyone. i don't really desire anything. mor just made me come here."
she leaned forward and her big eyes seemed to look into his heart. "i know that's not true, azriel. everyone wants something. you have this...look in your eye that tells me you really want this to work out, that you want to believe in this. you just have to be open with me, 'kay?"
azriel let out a breathy chuckle. "how can i open when i don't even know your name or anything else about you?"
she thought for a second before nodding in agreement. she laid the notebook down on the side table and leaned back. "fair, i guess. my name is y/n, i have lived in velaris all my life, i enjoy pastries, reading, and tea, i started matchmaking as a silly way to keep my friends and i entertained until it started working too much to be a coincidence. i spend all my time finding love for other people but haven't found the one for me. ironic, isn't it?" she smiled at azriel. "there. does that make you feel a bit better?" he nodded. "good. now, let me repeat my question."
azriel and y/n continued their conversation, knocking out the questions she had prepared with relative ease. he felt comfortable opening up to her and being honest about his desires for love. he was completely unused to expressing his feelings like that but it came to him easily in her presence. the way she easily leaned in, eyes focused and gaze unwavering...it did something to him.
eventually, though, the questions ended and azriel knew he had to leave her home. he stalled on the last question, having her reword it over and over even though all she had asked was what his habits at home were like.
"well, azriel, thank you for answering all my questions. from here, i will start comparing your answers to other people i've met with and i will reach out to you with your first match up. you'll tell me if you're interested and if you aren't, we'll move on to the next!"
azriel panicked internally at her words which clearly signaled the end of their conversation. he rose at the same time as her but subconsciously placed his body in front of hers so that she'd have to step around him to leave the room. "so, do i come see you again at all? or...or is this it?" he cursed himself for sounding so awkward.
she laughed. "you can if that is what you prefer. if you want to talk about your dates and how they went then i don't care to. did you enjoy this a little more than you anticipated?" she joked.
he nodded and scratched the back of his neck. crap...crap, crap! he had to do something, right? she was single, she said so. but is it wrong to ask the matchmaker on a date? after she poured so much work into finding him a match? he thought for a second, eyes trained on her. in his ears, his shadows whispered encouragingly. this is it...come on!
"is everything okay, azriel?" she asked innocently.
"so i know that this whole thing was to find me a match but i actually really enjoy your time and i think you're beautiful so would you want to go on a date with me instead of sending me on dates with people that i couldn't care less about?" his words came out at lightning speed and he was pleasantly surprised that she understood everything.
a blush came to her cheeks and it matched the pink and red hearts around the room. "seriously?" she asked. he shyly nodded. "i'd love to. tomorrow night? you come by?"
he breathed out a sigh of relief. "yes, tomorrow night. thank you."
the two of them made their way to the door.
"so, no matches at all? not even helga down the street in the butcher shop? she's been looking for someone for yearssss," she said in a sing-song voice.
"cauldron, no. i want you." he was shocked at the confidence that leaked through his words. she blushed again and rose on her toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
"i'll see you tomorrow. tell mor that my services worked, if you'd be so kind." azriel flew off then with no intentions of telling mor anything that happened.
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Riding a Vaquero. || Alejandro Vargas
Rating: E Words: 2.4K~ Pairing: Alejandro x F!Reader CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. crack + smut, piv (protected), oral sex (m!receiving), throat fucking, cumming (f! and m!), swallowing cum, praise? ('that's it'), Spanish terms of endearment (nena, mamacita, vaquerita + caballito). other tags: crack, one night stand, dating app, flirting, roasting/mockery/slander of Alejandro. summary: You meet Alejandro on a dating app. Despite roasting the crap out of him he still lets you ride him :) a/n: Inspired by my "It's a Match!" fic... but very loosely and also it's so much fucking worse. + Thank you to @loveandplanet for helping me write this because I was struggling, my goodness.
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Friday night. 5:30 PM.
You just got home from work and threw yourself on the couch before even making yourself dinner.
You're tired and bored and sort of... lonely.
The perfect cocktail of emotions to make you dip a toe back into the dark, cesspool of a lake that is the only dating app you keep on your phone: Tinder.
Slowly, you begin swiping away on the pictures of men on your screen.
Most of them are gym bros, there's a few nerds... You're pretty sure they're great, they seem it, you're sure they'd offer wonderful company and conversation over a quick meal...
But for the sake of what you're looking for, they might as well have a sign stamped on their face reading "[ Boring ]".
Boring. Boring. Boring.
That's when you see him.
A handsome man, older, with crow's feet, and deep laugh lines, and a broad nose, and a bit of grey already creeping onto his beard... or maybe it's just the lighting? Either way, he looks... delicious.
So, you scroll down to read what his bio has to say.
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A soldier, originally from Las Almas... 6ft tall... And a good cook... Looks like you've just caught yourself a two-in-one... A dinner and... if his bio is anything to go off of, a one night stand.
Although that bio...
You find yourself swiping right and in an instant, your phone displays a 'It's a Match!' screen, signalling that he liked you back.
You open your DM with him and carefully type a message:
"Do you know your bio has a typo? You wrote horse twice."
His reply was surprisingly quick, almost like he was already in the DM screen as well, waiting for you to reply:
"I know. I did it on purpose so people would DM me to correct me." "Pretty sure it increased the amount of women reaching out to me." "Women like you."
Cocking a brow, you can't help but scoff. Of course, he uses that typo as an ice-breaker!
No wonder he answered so quick! He was already anticipating you'd call his attention to his typo...
Sitting up on the couch again, you shift your weight and sit into a more focused position, leaning forward, before you type out an answer.
It has to be witty. It has to be funny. It has to catch him off guard...
"That explains it." "And now that I got that out of the way..." "Is your forehead really that big or is it just the angle?"
You set your phone down on the coffee table in front of you and bite your lip, hoping that your comment wouldn't have pushed him too far...
A couple of new messages pop onto the left side of the screen in a row, causing you to lean forward to read them.
"Excuse me?" "I bet you wouldn't say that to my face."
Trying not to giggle, you carefully grab the phone and type another reply:
"More like say it to your forehead you mean?"
You wonder if you're going too far.
He's the first and only interesting guy you've found on Tinder today, the only one that you didn't deem boring upon one glance of their face and bio...
What are you even doing, making fun of him like this?
What if that just causes him to unmatch and block you?
What if-
"I've never in my entire life been spoken to like this." "Other than when I was a boy pissing off my sisters." "And I hate to say that I sort of like it."
Your eyebrows raise and your eyes widen, feeling like you somehow just caught the biggest fish in the lake by blindly throwing in the lure and reeling it back out when you decided you should.
Sheer fucking luck.
"I have more of those if you'd like." "Can keep going all night just making fun of you."
He paused again for a moment before replying with:
"And you wouldn't run out of things to say?"
"I'm sure I wouldn't."
"And what would I have to give you in return for this to happen?"
"Cook me dinner?"
"Sounds like this was all a ploy to taste my food."
Taking a deep breath, you look around your room aimlessly, trying to hold back from saying the first thought that popped into your mind at reading that message...
But you can't help it.
And, hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
"Maybe it's not just the food I'm planning on tasting."
"Oh." "Maybe I'd like that."
"Doesn't scare you?"
You almost patted yourself on the back for making a joke about his profile's stupid little 'if you think you're into something that scares me' line.
"I'm an army colonel. Of course it doesn't scare me." "It just intrigues me." "You sure do look like you're starving. Who am I to deny you?"
Stifling a scoff and a bit of a groan, you reply with:
"That line sounded straight out of a porno."
"Haven't even cooked you dinner and you're beginning with the insults?" "You don't waste any time, huh?"
"No and neither should you."
"Then how about you let me cook you dinner right now?" "No stalling or wasting any more time."
Biting back a smirk, you shake your head in amusement.
"Sounds good to me." "Address?"
"I was right, wasn't I, nena [babygirl]?" Alejandro asks as he looks down at you as you crouch before him in his kitchen.
You look up at him through heavy-lidded eyes, muffled sounds escaping your lips as you keep your mouth stuffed with his cock.
"That's right... You really were starving..." He cooed as he looked down at you, his voice carrying a pleasant growl and gravel to it.
Your head is pressed nicely against the cupboards of his kitchen, as he carefully prepares pico de gallo for the tacos he's making the two of you for dinner.
You hadn't expected to end up in this position so soon after driving up to his house, a small 1-store casita with wooden frames and details and a wonderful little tiled patio out back.
You had expected some flirting, some jokes, you roasting him...
Instead, you had somehow ended up pressed against the kitchen counter with his tongue deep in your mouth and his hand up your shirt, fondling one of your breasts...
And now, here you were, perched on your own heels, with his big cock slowly and repeatedly bruising the back of your throat as you moaned softly around it... While he cooks dinner for the both of you like nothing's happening.
It's almost infuriating, how calm he seems, how he looks down at you with those stunning brown eyes of his, and a smug little smirk on his lips...
And yet, he also looks absolutely breathtaking, standing there in a charcoal grey button-up, the first few buttons popped open to reveal a generous speckling of chest hair and a golden crucifix and a few other chains resting over his pecs…
And the way the sweat pools on his brow, and slips down the side of his robust neck, and disappears under his collar…
The light of the setting sun, warm and orange toned, filters through the windows and illuminates his small home, warming it, and reflecting off his sweat, and shining so bright on him.
It almost doesn't get better than this... letting him fuck your throat against the cupboard while he cooks you a meal which, by the scent, will be delicious, proving he wasn't lying about being a good cook...
Setting your hand on his hip, you tap your fingers on his lower back, gesturing him to go deeper into your mouth.
He picks up on the signal and thrusts harder into your mouth, causing you to choke and gurgle around his large shaft, some saliva slowly slipping down the length and disappearing in the generous bush of hair at the base.
"Mmmm, you like when I make you choke, huh?" He coos as he wipes one of his hands on a tea towel and then grips your hair, protecting your head from bouncing back on the hard wood of the cabinet.
Then, his other hand holds onto the edge of the counter, fingers curling and tightening around it, to keep him upright, before he starts thrusting more decisively into your mouth.
Your eyes roll in delight as he bullies his way deep into your mouth in a more consistent and violent pace, his own head falling back and allowing him to grunt and groan as your throat tightens and constricts around him.
"¡Ay carajo! [Ah, fuck!]" Alejandro groans as he pulls your head closer to his crotch, burying your nose in the coarse hair at the base of his cock, keeping the tip buried deep inside your mouth.
Sputtering and gurgling around him, your hands find a perch on his hip, on either side, but, rather than pulling him off, you hold onto him, close and against you, your nails digging into the muscles of his ass cheeks through the fabric of his jeans.
Your tongue laps up at the underside of his cock just as it begins to throb, Alejandro groans above you, leaning his head on the upper cabinets as he slowly floods your mouth with his tangy cum, which slowly slides down your throat as you make an effort to swallow around him.
With a long exhale, Alejandro licks his lips and looks down at you as he slowly pulls his softening cock from your mouth, letting you finally catch a proper breath too.
"Your mouth is very talented, mamacita." He compliments you, a smirk already forming on his lips again, his hand reaching down to help you wipe some drool off your chin.
"Thank you." You reply with a chuckle and push yourself up to your feet, side stepping him as he tucks himself back into his jeans and resumes making you dinner.
"So... What were you saying about having a lot more insults to tell me?" He quips and smirks at you.
"Well, first of all, I could still see your forehead from all the way down there,"
You break the kiss in favor of carefully rocking back and forth on his dick, buried balls deep within your slick cunt.
His large hands grip onto your hip and thighs to continue moving you atop him, making your clit grinding against his pubic hair in a way that made you squirm and whine.
His head is leaning back on the back of his couch as he watches you make yourself feel good, overstimulating your sensitive clit with the help of the coarse hair on his pelvis, and feeling the tip of his slightly curved cock rub against your g-spot.
"You like that, hm, vaquerita [little cowgirl]?" He coos at you, as your head dips back and you moan softly, before bouncing up on his cock for a moment and sinking all the way down, drawing louder groans out of you both.
It's a surprisingly slow fucking session, probably because of your bellies are full and warm with the recent meal, and you just sort of stumbled your way onto the couch afterward, for a make-out session that turned to slow, lazy sex.
Leaning against Alejandro in the low sunlight as the afternoon turns into evening and the sun sets through the window, you rock your hips against his again and again.
Your lips find his for what must be the 50th time tonight. Your tongues intertwine as you huff and moan into his mouth, his fingers digging your thighs as he squeezes you down and rubs you onto him, back and forth.
Breaking the kiss, you set your head down on his shoulder. It's almost too intimate for a first time, but it's strangely nice. His skin feels nice and warm against you, albeit a bit dewy with sweat.
Your eyes look up at him as he relaxes his head back and grunts softly, continuing to guide your hip back and forth on his, to seek out extra friction for you both, and murmuring incoherent Spanish curses and words of praise.
Slowly, you find yourself leaning forward and lick a stripe up his neck toward his stubble-speckled jawline, feeling the saltiness of his sweat on your tongue, as, even now, he's still producing more and more little droplets that slide tantalizingly slowly down his tan skin.
Then, you lick across the bottom of his jaw and around to the back of it, then, your head lowers and you lick another stripe up his neck. Alejandro reacts the same every single time, with a soft shudder and a grunt, throwing his hips up into yours.
"Oh you like that, huh, vaquero [cowboy]?" You tease him this time, using his own words against him.
The look Alejandro shoots you at that quip makes it clear he didn't appreciate your sarcasm... What a shame.
You lean back, your hands coming to rest on his thighs behind you, before you start bouncing in fervor. It drives a groan out of him, his eyebrows raising in surprise.
His left hand goes to your waist to steady you while he brings his other hand up to your lower stomach, pressing down onto it and allowing him to feel himself through your walls.
His thumb finds its way to your clit, rubbing it side to side, as you continue carefully and steadily bouncing off his lap, his own thighs having stiffened and raised to allow you and easier time.
The slaps of your ass and his thighs meeting echos throughout the living room, along with the sounds of your and Alejandro's moans.
It's a slow build-up, the both of you too lazy to actually put in too much effort into chasing your orgasm, but, steadily, and with Alejandro's thumb consistently rubbing against your clit, you find yourself reaching your peak.
Alejandro watches you with heavy-lidded eyes, leaning back against the couch and a stupid smirk painted on his lips, seeming so smug over the fact he got you to fall apart on his cock...
Only to watch you dismount from him and take a seat beside him on the couch, your body feeling too hot and tired to even remain in touch with any part of his.
His smirk vanishes and he cocks a brow, giving you a silent, judgmental look, as if asking 'What are you doing? Get back here.'.
And his face downright settles into a scowl when you mirror him by raising your own brow and ask him "You're a colonel, you've got this, right? You don't need my help.".
And, with an extra little impish smile you add, "Don't be scared, I believe in you, caballito [horsie]!"
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for @lyralein , so you stop fucking bullying me because I "never write Alejandro" or whatever 🫶
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skzhua · 1 year
Episode six.
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pairing: XO, Kitty's Min Ho x Female Reader
genre: Fluff, angst, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, coming-of-age.
word count: 3.1k
warnings: A lot is happening in such a short time, mentions of deceased parents, drinking, teenage behaviour, suggestive.
summary: Transferring to KISS was the last thing you had asked for and, yet, a certain tall boy made it seem both worse and better than you expected.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
(let me know by filling the form in my bio if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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Min Ho walked out of his room to see you sitting at the counter, enjoying your morning coffee alone. He went to go grab his mist that stood next to your mug, passing in front of you in the process which exposed you to his shirtless figure. You groaned out of disgust.
"Can't you put a shirt on?"
"Not my fault you can't handle this?" he pointed to his muscular torso with a smirk on his face.
Misting his face with his eyes closed, he didn't notice you got off your stool to step closer to him. You eyed him up and down, checking out how hot he was.
"You're right." Your hot breath made him open his eyes. "I can't handle it."
"I'm right?"
Up on your tiptoes, you leaned closer to his ear. Min Ho felt his heart get faster and faster.
"You're too bloody hot." you whispered sensually
Taking the mist from his hand, you put it aside and slid your arms around his neck. He gulped and his eyes flickered down to your lips. He carefully placed his hands on your waist.
"I hope you're not joking." he breathed out in a low voice.
"Why would I be joking?"
"Because you hate-"
You shushed him and leaned closer to his face. Min Ho felt the pace of his heart quickened more and held you tighter. As your lips were about to touch, Min Ho shook himself awake. Sitting up on his bed, he felt the sweat drip on his forehead. Never in his life had he had such an explicit dream of someone he despised so much.
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The week consisted of two things: school and Kitty's venting. As much you liked the girl, she had nothing else to talk about but her supposed-discovery that your professor was her potential brother and that Dae hadn't thanked her for giving him back her necklace. So, reading a book in the comfort of your couch was enough for her to understand you had other things to do and she continued to rant to Q. You hadn't read far because your phone rang to notify you that someone texted you.
Yuri: Sleepover tonight?
Y/N: What's the occasion?
Yuri: Nothing, I just need to get my mind off things.
Y/N: Sure.
Yuri: Are you going to Min Ho's party? We could go together.
Min Ho. Again. And again. The two of you had not talked since the accident. Not that you minded. In fact, you were quite happy to not have him around as much. Though he did start to act weirdly around you the day after. You didn't question it as he was probably getting sick of seeing you just as much as you were.
You weren't going to go to the party. He did add you to the list of guests but it wasn't your thing. Adding the fact that it was against the rules and that your aunt was the vice-principal, you didn't want to get in trouble.
Y/N: I'll see. I'll be at your place in an hour.
You packed pyjamas and clothes for the next day in your bag and went to grab your toothbrush and other necessities in the bathroom. Opening the door, Min Ho was already there putting on his night cream. As soon as he saw you, he stopped moving. You gestured for him to move aside so you can grab your things but he didn't budge.
"Min Ho." you said in a warning voice.
He cleared his throat and finally left you space. You looked at him weirdly while shoving your hairbrush in your bag. You accidentally touched one of his products as it was in the way and he gasped in panic.
"Don't touch that!"
"You're getting weirder and weirder every day." you sighed.
"What are you even doing?"
"Be glad, I'm sleeping at Yuri's tonight. A small break away from you is going to do me some good."
He forced a smile. "That's so thoughtful of you."
You arrived at Yuri's soon enough and she invited you in kindly, offering you something to drink. Walking to her living room, you saw your aunt discussing in laughter with Principal Lim. She got up as soon as she saw you and came to engulf you in a tight hug.
"I haven't heard about you in days, I was wondering how you were doing."
"I'm great. I'm sorry I couldn't spend Chuseok with you."
She shook her head vigorously. "I'm just glad you spent time with your friends."
"Y/N is among our best rising students. Her grades are impressive." Jina added. "And I'm more than happy she and Yuri get to bond."
"Mom." Yuri rolled her eyes.
"What?" she said innocently.
"We'll be in my room."
She took your hand and dragged you behind her before shutting her door. With a heavy sigh, she let herself fall on her bed.
"I'm sorry if my invitation was so sudden. I felt lonely and I'm sick of only having Dae around."
You sat next to her. "I understand. I needed a break from my dorm anyway."
She frowned. "It's not going well?"
"I was misplaced in the boys dorm." you admitted.
"Right, oh." you chuckled. "Don't rat me out."
She zipped her mouth to confirm you that you could trust her. "Who are you rooming with?"
She gasped. "No way."
"And Q, and Min Ho." you failed to mention Kitty since you didn't want to cause a fuss over it.
"Y/N, the hell?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "We manage. The guys are not that bad, I swear."
"You could have asked to change."
"I tried already but the girls' is full. It's all good, don't worry."
She didn't seem fully convinced but she didn't push it. "Alright, if you say so."
"How about you? Have you heard from Juliana?"
Her head dropped down. "I've seen her on the first day but she left to whatever school, away from me. She promised we would find each other again but I'm starting to lose hope."
You rubbed her shoulder in a comforting way. "I'm sorry you have to go through this."
She exhaled loudly. "It's okay, it's only a rough pass, right?"
You acquiesced with her. To take her mind off everything, you prompted you do some face masks while watching the movie of her choice. You definitely didn't think you'd be doing anything of that sort when coming to KISS, even less with Yuri. For once, you felt like the two of you were more than forced friends and that you genuinely were bonding.
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You left with Yuri to go to school and went separate ways so she could join Dae. As for you, Q texted you to join him and Kitty before class.
The three of you went to get ice americanos and sat at a table while Kitty went on with her necklace story. You almost wished you had stayed with Yuri.
"While I would love to talk about this whole thing again, I'd rather shove scissors in my ears, no offense." you said after she moved to talking about Dae again.
Q sighed in relief. "Yes, thank you. Seriously, this whole week, all we've been hearing is Dae, necklace, Yuri, Alex, necklace, Alex, Yuri, Dae, necklace... You're like a robot that's malfunctioning, stuck on a loop."
You nodded. "Yeah, and didn't you come here to have new experiences and love your life?"
"You know what Min Ho's Madness Party is?" Q asked which earned him a look from Kitty and you. "A new experience."
"Ugh, God. I can't believe I was about to stay in on a Friday night, pouting about a boy." she grunted. "Oh, no. I'm turning into LJ..."
"I'm out for this one. I'm not going." you announced before sipping on your coffee.
Q's eyes went wide. "What? No, both of you have to come. You're going to go out into the great big world and be a new kind of yourselves."
"A new kind of ourselves who..?" you trailed off in confusion.
"Who'll find someone to kiss?"
You exploded in laughter but Kitty seemed to be in agreement with his suggestion. "I always thought Dae would be my first kiss, and now he's the only boy in the world who can't be."
"Yeah, I know, I know. But think of all the possibilities. Seriously, use that matchmaker skill on yourself. Switch it up!" Q beamed at her.
"Okay... I could kiss somebody tonight. Yeah, I will kiss somebody tonight."
"Yes, girl." he shouted, satisfied.
"You guys have fun boy-chasing." you chuckled but Q shook his head
"Don't think you can get away from this, my friend."
You groaned. "Do I have to come?"
"Yes, please. You could help me with finding a boy." Kitty begged.
"I don't have your talent with that sort of things."
It was Q's turn to beg. "Y/N, I never see you go out much. It'll be fun. Consider it as a night out with us only."
You bit your lip in hesitation. "I guess I can stay for a bit. I might leave earlier, though."
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Kitty helped you with choosing what you were going to wear. Since it was supposedly the event of the year, she insisted that you looked your very best. While she picked a tight black top with an equally tight black skirt, she spotted your red sheer top with a V neckline.
"Why is it that I have never seen you wear this?"
You took it from her. "It's something Yuri forced me to buy when we went shopping together once, nothing extravagant."
She scoffed. "Are you kidding? This will look amazing with your black skirt. Oh, and your chain necklace!"
You bickered over it until you gave up and changed. You helped her with the makeup and hair before doing yours. Satisfied with your looks, you went to the event together. The place was gigantic, a good way for Min Ho to show off his wealth as he was the one renting it.
"Do you see Q? He told me he was going to be with Florian." Kitty asked and you shook your head, clueless on where your friend was.
After assuring her that you'd be fine alone, you went separate ways to find the guys. The crowd was already dancing like there was no tomorrow, leaving you close to no space to pass through. You ended up getting out of the pack of people and opted to go look towards the bar. A wave of relief travelled your body when your eyes narrowed down to your friends as they were exchanging hugs and laughs. You wanted to join them but a voice calling you out interrupted you.
"Can I offer you something to drink? It's on me."
You stopped on your tracks as you held your breath, slowly turning around. Coming face to face with Min Ho, you smiled awkwardly as he gasped in horror.
"That's how you pick up on girls?" you let out a laugh as he cursed at himself for hitting on you.
"Ah, my eyes! It's like looking directly to the sun." Min Ho grumbled to himself.
You didn't bother staying with him as Q saw you from afar and invited you to join the lot.
"Hey, guys." you waved at them and Q could only laugh as he watched Min Ho behind you.
"You're so hot, you even got him to stare."
You brushed it off and hugged Kitty instead. However, she immediately broke away from it and pointed behind you.
"Dae is here." she said and Dae smiled at her from afar. "Nope. I am here to meet a new boy to kiss."
She stole Q's mocktail and expected for it to have alcohol in it. After discussing liquor, you picked up another drink that Q ordered for you and asked Florian to put his strong alcohol in it.
"Need to get tipsy?" Florian asked.
Kitty laughed and raised her glass. "To new experiences. Let's do this."
Dae walked up to her and began to say something but the three others walked away. Clueless, you stood still and gave him a sad look.
"Good luck with that." you tapped his shoulder before catching up to the others.
You all soon went on the dance floor and started to enjoy the party fully. You bumped into someone by accident and apologized quickly. The girl squealed when she saw you.
"Y/N! I haven't seen you around much." Eunice exclaimed.
"I wasn't out much either."
"Good thing you are here. I talked about you to this boy the other day and he's so handsome. He's here, you should meet him."
You shook your hands in refusal. "Please, no."
"Come on, I'm sure you'll like him."
You stopped your protests as she pulled you out of the crowd. She walked around for a bit, looking for the man in particular, and then rushed you to him. He was sitting at the bar and exchanging with some other guy.
"Dongmin, this is Y/N."
One of the two guys excused himself and left you while the other smiled at you warmly. He was much taller than you and was definitely the type of guy who knew he was handsome. Well, like Min Ho.
"It's nice to meet you. Eunice has told me all about you."
"I'll leave you to it." the girl in question whispered before disappearing.
You were uncomfortable but at that point, you didn't care that much. Florian might have put too much liquor in your drink since you could already feel the effects. Dongmin ordered one for you and pulled out a flask out of his vest. Although it was a bad idea, you let him pour some in your glass.
"So, your parents were the heads of a restaurant company?"
"That's right."
"It must have been hard when they died. Going from a rich environment to living with the middle-class."
You almost spit out your sip. "Excuse me?"
"Well, it must be different now, no? I've heard you needed a scholarship to come here instead of being able to pay for your studies."
"I did get a scholarship, but-"
He cut you off. "I'm supposing your parents left nothing for you? Wow, that sucks."
"What? How-"
"Dongmin." someone said as they stopped behind you.
"Ah. The host of the event. How are you, Min Ho?"
"I'd be doing better if you weren't harassing my friend."
You stopped breathing for a bit. Min Ho was coming to your rescue and you couldn't be any more thankful for it. But you didn't understand why he was doing this.
"Harrassing? We were just talking."
Min Ho gave him a sour look. "About her parents, yeah? I don't think she appreciates it."
"We're good, man." Dongmin defended. "Right, Y/N?"
You simply shrugged your shoulders, earning a huff from Min Ho. "Are you feeling comfortable? Really?" he asked to be sure.
You looked back and forth between the two men and slowly shook your head. That told plenty for Min Ho to take you by the wrist and lead you away from the guy. There was a spot away from the dance floor that was quiet enough to feel more cozy. He invited you to sit and took a bottle of water from behind the bar to give it to you.
"I thought you were better than this to defend yourself."
"Thank you for your concern but I was doing just fine." you argued as you took a sip of water.
"Fine? Y/N, you were almost shaking there."
"Well, now I'm good." you shot at him. "I'll find Kitty and Q."
You left him behind and rushed back to the dancing floor. Little did you know that Min Ho followed you from a distance. Only to keep an eye on you in case you had to bump into Dongmin again.
The night went on, more drinks were consumed on your part, third-wheeling Q and Florian was a good way to summarize the whole thing. You had lost Kitty along the way as she went away after she threw a fit at Dae, evidently too drunk to be in her right mind.
The boys were making out furiously next to you and you were growing more and more disgusted. Not that you didn't root for them but they were far beyond keeping it innocent. Eventually, you left and found Eunice again in the crowd as Yuri started her set.
"I'm sorry about Dongmin. Min Ho told me what happened." she said as she gave you a hug.
She focused back on Yuri but your mind went off somewhere else. Maybe, just maybe, you liked the idea of Min Ho caring about you. After all, he hadn't been so bad in the past recent days.
"I'll be gone for a minute." you said to Eunice before starting to look for Min Ho.
You didn't know what you wanted to tell him but there was this thing between you that needed to be cleared up. With people jamming to the music, it made it hard for you to search for him properly.
As you were about to give up, you saw him from afar by recognizing his green suit that fitted him way too well for your own sake. You walked towards him but stopped when you were close enough to see what he was doing. Holding her closely by the waist, his lips were on Madison's. Your heart fell and it felt like everything around you disconnected. He pulled away from the girl and finally noticed you were standing only a few feet away from him.
"Y/N." he said and let go of Madison.
"I didn't want to interrupt." you managed to say. "I just wanted to-"
You couldn't finish your sentence. The music stopped abruptly and you saw Professor Lee with Principal Lim on the stage with stares of disapproval. Everyone began to run out of the place in a hurry which made you stumble only to crash on someone. You were lucky to find out that it was Yuri and she helped you get out with her and Dae. As soon as you stepped outside, camera flashes were blinding you. Yuri pushed you away violently and took off with Dae. You'd usually say it was a bitch move but considering the fact cameras were capturing her, she was probably only trying to protect you.
Min Ho ran to you after seeing her push you. He held your shoulders and scanned your body for any injury.
"Are you sure you are okay?" he asked again.
"Can you leave me be?" you exploded at him. "Go back to Madison or something."
taglist: @nanaspalette | @schniti-is-in-the-house | @bakugou-katsukis-wife |@soobin-chois | @honeydewpie | @snoozeagustd | @justemalove | @n1ninunwo0 | @loislucky | @kuromomomi | @lysira340 | @lenilla15 | @upsidedownjill | @woozarts | @hy-eins | @olivetheoryx | @b1tch1macow | @dreaming-hope25 | @jiaant11 | @melsunshine | @aar0nette | @wonyofanclub | @jaehyunicecream | @zucchinimalfoy | @beeomgui | @jinxwhore28
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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yootaesowlwrites · 1 year
Until You’re Shaking - Kim Taehyung
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W/C: 2.7K
Note: Blank blogs will be blocked. I don’t trust y’all, so make sure you have your age in your bio/desc or something on your blog. Minors DNI.
Prompts: “I never knew you were such a dirty girl / boy.” + “I swear to the goddesses i won’t stop until you’re shaking.”
Warnings: Smut, explicit language, somnophilia (consensual), touching while reader is asleep, light nipple touching, clit stimulation, clit sucking, oral (female receiving), light hair pulling, fingering, cum tasting(?), multiple orgasms, nicknames, unprotected sex(reader’s on the pill), slight overstimulation, aftercare.
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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Taehyung lets out a groan as he slowly woke up and stretches slowly, the room was dark from the curtains being drawn, but he could see light coming from it and knew it must have been morning, he turns onto his back and picks up his phone to check the time, quickly seeing it was almost afternoon.
“It’s worth it,” He mutters as he puts his phone back down and turns onto his side to look at you, you had somehow ended up sleeping on your back and the covers had shifted down just below your chest. He lets his eyes roam over your face, taking in how peaceful you look while you were asleep before his eyes slowly begin ascending towards your chest, watching as it slowly rose before falling, he reaches over and presses the back of his fingers against your jaw and slowly glides his hand lower, over your neck and collarbone before moving along your chest and over your breast, he turns his hand over and runs the pad of his fingers over the spot where he knew your nipples were.
He knew your body like he knew the back of his hand by now, he had it memorised by now, and every time he sees you in front of him naked, he falls in love with you all over again and falls even deeper into you when he finds more parts of your body he can kiss and caress. His finger circles around the bud, watching and feeling as it hardens and stands through the shirt, his shirt that you had worn to bed the night before, he takes in a deep breath as he feels something stirring inside him.
“You have just no idea what you’re doing to me, do you?” He mutters. He could see your breathing was slowly deepening the longer he circled his thumb over your nipple. “You, alone, watching you, thinking of you, turns me on too much and all I want to do is make you feel good,” Your body was slowly reacting to what his finger was doing. “You’re always so beautiful and hot…” His hand slowly travels down, moving underneath the covers before cupping your mound and pushing his fingers against your clit. “Sometimes I wonder how I can hold myself back from devouring you with kisses,” He gently presses his finger against your clit before slowly rubbing it.
He could feel blood rushing towards his cock as it hardens, your chest was rising and falling faster as your breathing became heavier, he adds a finger and gently massages the nub, your hips gently jerk at the feeling and a soft moan soon falls from your lips, your head moves against the pillow as your body was responding to him.
“Let me taste,” He mutters and pulls his fingers away, he moves underneath the covers, carefully pushing your legs apart and settling between them, one hand grips your thigh as he lifts your leg over his shoulder. “Fuck, I can smell you already,” His nose presses against your panties before he licks a stripe along your panties. “Hmm, so good already,” He uses his fingers from his other hand to spread your folds, pushing your panties against your clit before pressing his tongue against your clit.
“Taehyung!” You gasp as you wake up. You lift the covers and find him between your legs, his hair messy and his cheeks flushed and his eyes dark with lust. “Fuck,” His tongue swirls over your clit through the fabric again, and you could feel your insides tightening as a slow orgasm was building. His hand grasps your thigh tighter, his fingers digging into the flesh. “I never knew you were such a dirty boy,” You reach down with one hand and grip onto his hair, the covers dropping as you do. You gasp as you feel his lips wrapping around your clit through your panties, and he gently sucks on the nub. “Oh, oh, fu-fuck, Tae…” Your lids flutter as you feel tingles going up your spine. You could feel your panties becoming wetting from not just your juices but his saliva also. “Tae… Oh, my… T-Tae,” His hand caressed your thigh as he held onto it, keeping you from pulling away, not that you were going to.
You could feel his nose brushing against your inner thigh as he turned his head to try and get a better angle of your clit, and fuck, just feeling his hot breath against your skin, especially there, was making your mind spin. You gently tug at his hair and your hips lift slightly, needing more of the feeling he was giving you.
“Mo-more,” You mumble. Your skin felt on fire, and you were starting to sweat from how hot the room was and how it was becoming between your legs. “I need more,” You feel his mouth disappear from your clit and moments later you feel his tongue gliding along your folds before stopping once he reached the crease of your inner thighs.
“I swear to the goddesses, I won’t stop until you’re shaking,” He mutters as he pushes your panties aside. His hot breath hitting your clit causes your back to arch for a few seconds, his nose brushes against your mound before you felt his lips wrap around your clit.
“OH!” You loudly moan, your eyes shut at the sensation that goes through you like lightning. “Oh, my fucking…” You could feel the tip of his tongue pressing against your clit as he sucks on it. “Gosh, Tae-Taehyung…” Your thighs push against the side of his head, and you feel his hand on your thigh sliding higher to grip the crease of your hip. “O-oh,” You feel his fingers slipping against your entrance and press against it, a faint squelch sound reaches your ears. “Oh, fuck,” You were certain it wouldn’t take long for him to uphold his promise about having you shake with pleasure. “Fuck,” His fingers massage against your entrance, threatening to slip in every few times as he pressed down.
“Hmm, hmm,” He hums against your clit, your eyes roll to the back of your head before your lids fall shut in pleasure. The vibrations from the humming were reaching deep inside you and causing the tension to build more and more, and you swear it was close to snapping. “Hmm,” Your toes curl, and you bend one leg to press your heel into his shoulder.
“Tae…” You gasp out. Your upper body turns sideways as you felt your high getting closer and closer. “Oh… my…” His fingers slowly push into you, stretching your walls and stimulating them. “Fucking… Tae,” You probably sounded so desperate for him, but you didn’t care. His fingers curl inside you, and you feel how close they were to pressing into your sweet spot. “Fu- fuck,” You could see specs of dust floating behind your lids, your mind was overflowing with pleasure. His fingers turn inside you and your back arches as your upper body falls flat against the mattress. “TAE!”
“Hmm-mmh,” He hums once more. You almost sit upright at the pleasure that shoots up your spine, his fingers were brushing against your sweet spot, and you could feel your high approaching quickly.
“Oh, my, oh, my…” You chant out. The specs of dust behind your lids quickly turning into stars, and you could feel your entire body starting to tense up. “Oh, fuck… oh, go—OH!” Your head presses hard into the pillow as a sudden bolt of pleasure spreads through you, your mind slips into the clouds as it feels like your body had started to float. “OH, OH, FUCK, TAEHYUNG!” His fingers massage your walls as you release around them, while he continues to suck your clit, easing you through your high. “FUCKING GOSH!” Your other hand reaches up to grip onto the pillows to try and ground yourself. You feel the covers being pushed off your lower half and a sudden rush of cold air blows against your hot sweaty skin. “Fuck, Tae, Tae, Tae,” Your grip on his hair loosens, and you bring your hand to your own hair. “Shit…”
You slowly come down from your high, your breathing was hard, and you could feel your muscles feeling like jelly as they buzzed from the orgasm you had, you knew it wasn’t over, and he would try for another round until you were literally shaking for him. You slowly open your eyes as you felt his lips peppering soft kisses on the crease of your hip, his hand that had gripped onto you now rested only rips after he had ripped the covers off. His eyes were still dark with lust, and his hair was even messier than before.
“How are you feeling?” He mumbles. “And good morning,” You lick your lips, almost wanting to laugh. “How did you sleep?” His fingers were gently tracing over your skin, your walls pulsed, and you quickly felt his other fingers were still inside you and that your leg had been lifted off from him and was layer on the bed now.
“What a good morning,” You breathe out. “I slept okay, I had a dream when I was waking up…” He hums, and you could see a smirk starting to pull at his lips. “But when I woke up, it wasn’t a dream, it was much better than the dream… and it felt good, it felt really good…” He nods and kisses his way towards your belly button before lifting his head once he couldn’t touch your skin anymore and hovers over you.
“It felt good?” He mutters. His hand on your ribs move to press into the mattress to keep himself just above you. “It felt good hearing you moan my name in pleasure,” He dips his head lower. “But you’re not shaking yet, are you?”
“I’m close…” You whisper, staring into his eyes. Your legs twitch as you feel his fingers wiggle inside you, just that slight movement had caused your insides to start tightening again. His face was inches from yours, and you could practically smell yourself on his lips.
“I want to be inside you when you shake,” He whispers before pushing his lips against yours, your eyes shut as you could taste yourself on his lips and reach up to run your fingers through the back of his hair before tangling your fingers in them. His palm presses against your clit, and you feel his fingers begin to move inside you again.
“Hmm,” You moan into his mouth. You lift your leg and wrap it around his waist, pressing your heel into his lower back. “Hmm,” His fingers slip deeper into you and your back arches as you feel them reach your sweet spot. “OHH!” He breaks the kiss just as you let out a loud moan, your walls pulse, and it felt like your clit had gained a heartbeat as he rubbed his palm against the nub. “Tae… Tae…”
“It feels like you’re shaking beneath me already,” He says. His lips press against your jaw, and he kisses down, pausing at your neck to leave several kisses behind on it. “Are you going to be my good girl?” His tone was low, and it was right beside your ear, a shiver runs through you at the feeling of his hot breath fanning against your ear.
“Taaaeeeeee,” You whine. Your high was building faster than your first one, your muscles felt shaky already. “Fucking shit,” You turn your head to the side, giving more space and access to your neck, your other hand wraps underneath his arm, and you place your hand flat against his back before sliding your hand up and grabbing onto the back of his shoulder. “Oh… Ohhh, hmm uhh,” Your toes curl, and you feel your hips lift off the bed, his palm presses harder against your clit as his fingers massage your sweet spot. “FUCKING GO- TAE!” Before you could prepare yourself, your high crashes into you and you come undone.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” He mutters as he leaves another kiss behind on your neck. “Make a big mess for me,” It felt like your entire body was shaking uncontrollably beneath him, and he could feel it, he absolutely loved having you shake from pleasure. “Give me a few seconds,” You let out a whine as you feel him pull his fingers from you, your hands tighten around him when you feel him starting to pull away, only for him to pause.
“Tae, fuck, don’t pull away,” You mutter, completely lost in the pleasure you were feeling. “OH!” You didn’t even feel him push his boxers down, but you sure did feel when his cock pushed past your folds and pushed against your entrance.
“You’re so wet…” He groans before slowly pushing the tip of his cock into you. Your lips part and you take in an inaudible gasp as he slowly fills and stretches your walls. “Oh my fucking fuck,” You could hear grunts and groans from him as your walls practically swallowed him in.
“Tae, fuck, I’m…” Your words get caught off as you gasp, you could already feel another high building, and it would take long before it would crash into you. “Tae… fuck, Tae…” Your walls pulsed around him, and you hear him groan before his head moves between the crook of your neck again.
“You feel so good…” He groans into your neck. “Fuck, how am I supposed to last when you feel like this?” He slowly lifts his hips, and you feel your walls pulsing at the stimulation, your grip on his shoulder was slipping from the sweat, you could feel the shirt you wore sticking to your skin.
“TAAAEEEE,” You whine as another high crash into you, you weren’t sure how much your body could take as he was slowly rocking his hips into yours, easing you through your high while slowly building up to his own. Your mind was filled with the pleasure you were feeling, and your body felt like it hadn’t stopped floating since your second high hit. “Tae… fucking, Tae…” You manage to lift your other leg and also wrap it around his waist, making him groan as he feels the shift around his cock.
“Fuck, you, it, everything… feels so good,” He groans. Your walls felt sensitive, and you could already feel another orgasm building inside you, the heartbeat inside your clit was beating erratically, and fuck, your body felt absolutely on fire, especially the places he was touching you. “Fuck, you’re milking me…”
“F-fuck, Tae…” You gasp. You could feel his hips slowly speeding up, the stimulation to your walls was making your mind spin even more, and the stars behind your lids exploded. “TAE!” You hold onto him, it felt like everything of yours was shaking as your high was approaching with a rate of not, before you knew it, your mind fell blank from the pleasure and for a moment you thought you had blacked out.
“Fuck, fuck, you feel… fuck, taking me so good…” He grunts above you, you feel him grab onto your hand and squeeze it before feeling his hips rut into yours before stopping. “Fuck, oh, fuck yes,” You felt his muscles twitch as he pressed his stomach against yours, and his cum spills into you as he breathes heavily into your ear, your body was buzzing from the pleasure you had been put through, and it felt like you had no energy left at all. “So good, and all mine,” You feel his grip on your hand tighten before you felt his other arm slip underneath you, and pulls you on top of him as he rolls over, keeping his cock inside you. Both of you breathe hard as you take a moment to let everything sink and cool down. “Are you alright?”
“Hmm,” You hum, trying to search for some energy to properly answer him. Because you were alright more than alright. “I… hmm,” He chuckles and gently rubs his hand up and down along your back.
“Did I go overboard?” He asks. “I feel like I did since you can barely answer me,” This time it was you who chuckles, but he could hear how lazy it sounded when you did. “I should make us some tea…”
“It was good,” You whisper. “Maybe a little overboard, but it was you,” He smiles up at you and lifts his head to gently kiss your forehead, you turn your head and quickly make yourself comfortable on top of him, and with his heartbeat right in your ear, it was a perfect lullaby to lull you back to sleep.
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devourers-of-god · 7 months
Hii :D
for first i wanted to say that i love your blog and the way you describe the characters!
can i request HC of the characters on valentine's day? if you don't want to do it to everyone, it could be just Travis and Sal. i'll let you decide there, take as much time as you want and if you don't want to do it, everything is fine. (i hope i wrote it well, it's a bit difficult for me to write in english)
HIII! thank you so much for the compliments it is very heart warming :( SOrry im late about your request HAHAH I will indeed do Sal and Travis only,,, you know me so well anon ,,, You wrote everything perfectly !! I couldn't have guessed if you didn't tell me :) ILY REQUESTS ARE OPEN PEOPLE! LOOK ALIVE! /ref but plz everyone, read my carrd In my bio before submitting.. its upsetting to see asks that doesn't meet my rules...
Type : Headcanons
Warnings: None! Mostly Fluff sorry y'all I don't write nsfw
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= Sal prepared some things for you by the gentle help of Ashley, because sal didn't know how to please you and Ash is your best friend.
= I think Sal would make you a valentines boo basket like the ones you see on TikTok. Filled with your favourite chocolates and CDS, cute slippers, horror movie blanket, jewelry and some surprises connected to your interests.
= He would come by your apartment/house and wear ''clean clothes'' ( Jeans he washed the night before and his favourite shirt lol), with his nails freshly painted of a beautiful black colour.
= He also brought movies to watch, romantic ones you say? Hell nah this Sal Fisher, he brought horror movies that you would enjoy.
= You were so happy by his gifts that you jumped right into his arms and dragged him into your room, he cuddled and kissed you A BUNCH because boy was he happy his partner liked what he bought them. He filled your entire face with kisses, when Sal started he couldn't stop.
= After all the affection was received, you two were stuck on the couch, under your new blanket, cuddling and watching movies. For the occasion Sal took off his mask, only if no one was there that day, which made you very happy and flustered to see your lover's face after a long day.
= Travis already struggles with showing affection, it was very hard to warp his mind around celebrating for the first time in his life Valentines day with his boyfriend.
= He also had to ask Ashley because she's your best friend after all, she recommended following his heart and doing something classic to not stress him too much. And that he did!
= My sweet boy put on a suit for you and bought flowers, not just any flowers tho, Travis believe in flower language. Which is that every single flower has a different meaning when given. He carefully chose Daisies (I truly love you), Red Carnation (My heart aches for you), Honey Suckles (Devoted affection) and lastly, Salvia Red (forever mine). Yes he could've chosen classic roses but he felt like you might think that he didn't put in any effort.
= This boy is an hopeless romantic and decided to write you a letter about his true feelings since he was so bad at expressing them in front of you, words couldn't leave his mouth but they were flowing with the help of his fountain pen.
= He then picked up gourmet chocolates, a bit expensive but he thought it would make you happy. Ashley suggested that he makes a mixtape of your favourite songs on a cassette since you had a walkman. He made 2 mixtapes, one of your favourites and the other one is songs that reminds him of you.
= He showed up to your door in the evening and your jaw dropped, seeing your boyfriend in a suit made you feel things you've never felt before. He felt super happy by your reaction and the letter was so profound it made you cry. You also knew flower language and you were basically bawling because of the effort (and money) he spent on you.
OKAY DONE ! you guys can see that I prefer travis over sal oops,,, I hope everyone still loved it! plz plz plz send me things because im desperate.... I love you all guys.......
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bonefall · 1 year
OHHH OK now im curious. bc of this ask: https://www.tumblr.com/bonefall/729548700508160000/could-be-like-my-cousin-shes-100-percent-deaf-in?source=share about dovewing being deaf. do cats in the BB AU have a signed form of clanmew? or is it basic gestures/just the written form of clanmew for deaf/HOH cats?
someone who really loves languages (hoping to god i spelled everything right/actually used the right words. ive been rewatching 3 hour psych lectures sine 6am...)
They have a rudimentary writing system! Clan glyphs be upon ye
It's not phonetic Clanmew, it's glyphs. Snowkit, before his tragic death saving Tawnykit, was actually OBSESSED with these. If he'd survived, he would have built these out into something he could use to communicate with. He was actually a really interesting kid.
But, unfortunately... that passion went with him. Whitewing is the next cat born with a hearing problem, and she's really uninterested in them. She isn't the same creative person that he was, and struggled with the fact that her family seemed to imply she had to "live the life he couldn't."
(note: in BB, dovewing is lionblaze's adopted daughter and bio-niece.)
I think there's going to be a big of a tragedy at play, here. Whitewing has figured out her own methods of communication. It's not a full language, but she's able to communicate basic intent with "rudimentary signs" she's created on her own.
She was only ONE degree of separation away from Dovewing (as Birchfall's, Dove's mentor, mate), but...everyone was forcing Dovewing into what THEY felt she needed. More hunting practice, more glyph practice, more lip-reading. Dovewing wasn't allowed to set her own pace or learn in her own way.
And her response was to bolt, taking all the possibility with her.
IT was the right choice for Dovewing, I think. She thinks that too. But, it wasn't the ONLY choice, you know? There's always things left unsaid and things you'll never be able to try when you make such a big decision. Who knows what could have been?
Maybe Dove and White would have ended up creating the start of a brand new dialect of Clanmew Sign Language, or changed the glyph system in a way that fit them better. Maybe that's not what matters; maybe they would have just been able to make each other feel less alone.
But as it is...
Every deaf, HOH, and mute cat in BB is currently disconnected from each other. They can't pool their skills except at Gatherings.
So Fallowfern, Dovewing, Whitewing, and Stoneclaw all have their own unique way of communicating.
There are tail signs which are used for battle, and glyphs which are used for writing.
Info: Those who go deaf later in life are still usually able to speak. Those who were born deaf often have a harder time. (Clarifying because this is apparently not common knowledge?)
OH! Bonus! Here's how each of those four tend to communicate!
She's REALLY frustrated by everyone forcing solutions on her. I think part of her actually really likes that she can say whatever and then not hear the response. It's like, "Deal with it. Show me you care with your actions if it's so important."
ZERO patience for people who just try to talk over her. She will immediately respect you if you listen to her carefully; only then will she give you the time of day to try and talk back. She kinda treats it like a privilege to talk to her, and she WILL revoke it without remorse.
People who have earned this privilege;
Heartstar. Naturally. And all of their children.
All of the Guardian cats, especially Antfur who is her best friend.
Violetshine, weirdly enough. She visits ShadowClan now and then and Dovewing is very fond of her and her wife and husband.
Strikestone and her new family
Alderheart and Sparkpelt
Fernsong (BUT HE IS ON THIN. ICE. As Ivypool's husband.)
Her preferred method of being talked to is glyph writing. Heartstar is really creative with them, and it's super endearing. She improvises signs a lot and draws full pictures, making whole "doodle pages", even writing little "love letters" in the dirt before Dove wakes up. Literally peak romance, Dovewing loves her wife so muchhh
Also has low patience, but in a more "quick" way. She doesn't like people who take a lot of her time trying to phrase something simple and act awkwardly around her. Time is prey to Whitewing-- cut to the chase and communicate what you need her to do.
Interestingly, this leads to her really disliking Bramblestar as a leader. He's very inattentive to her needs when he organizes patrols on his own. She has very strong opinions and bad synergy with some of her Clanmates, and if she's forced on a patrol with them it ruins her day.
(She's really relieved when Squilf is reinstated post-BOTTE, Squilf knows about this quirk and accounts for it.)
Her love with Birchfall was actually a long time in the making. He really sees her, and something about the way they communicate just clicks. It's easy. They were friends, then partners, and then eventually mates and have been close their whole lives. Their body language just makes sense to each other.
She's been deaf her whole life and only knows a few very important words, but won't "speak" words if she doesn't have to. She does have a habit of making noises when she's happy though, beeping, meowing, and meeping when she's surprised and "not in work mode."
Whitewing is the kind of deaf cat in those videos who sees their human is home and goes "MEEEEEEEEEA." She would walk into a bathroom and wail so she could feel the vibrations on her paws. Vocalizing feels good. She is NOT a quiet person unless she's hunting.
Her preferred method of communication is mostly modified tail signs, but ThunderClan broadly uses glyphs, but she doesn't want to correct them on it. She feels bad telling them it's frustrating that they take so long to draw.
She has selective mutism. Her vigil was the night of the WindClan Massacre, and while sitting outside the camp with her temporary silence, ShadowClan attacked and killed her sister Thrushwing in front of her.
At first, WindClan thought it was nobility, that she'd "carried out her vigil to the bitter end." But it never healed. It's not a choice, it's trauma. She can speak when she's extremely relaxed but it's a really rare circumstance.
But, the legacy is to her benefit. She's the granddaughter of Tallstar (through Flylight, his adopted son), has an honorable story, and is a strong and confident warrior... in the daytime. She never hunts at night, when the sun sets, so does she.
(Clan cats are crepuscular, working in the morning and in the evening, but Stoneclaw only takes daylight shifts.)
Glyphs serve her fine, but she really dislikes using tail signs to communicate... brings up really bad memories.
She would REALLY benefit from someone making an effort to "legitimize" some sort of CSL, it would be like a support club to her. SO if it ever happened, Stoneclaw would jump at the chance to join. She's probably friends with Fallowfern though, once SkyClan arrives. Stoneclaw lives to become a very old girl.
Mom of the Road Safety Man, guy who knows a million words for vehicles, Rabbitleap, and best friend and co-parent with Hawkwing, Plumwillow, Fallowfern is an old cat who ends up losing her hearing later in life like Dovewing!
I'm actually not entirely decided on her personality, but I'm feeling that she'd make a really good "glue" to hold everyone together. Like some kind of organizer-type person, someone who's very good at networking. She's really upset to be losing her hearing, it signifies a lot of really negative things to her.
She suddenly can't talk with a lot of people... even the ones who are reaching out to her are doing exactly that. Reaching out to her.
She likes being the reacher-outerer. It feels like being old and washed up.
SkyClan is a very good, connected Clan, with bonds notoriously VERY strong in comparison to the other Forest Four because of shared persecution... but
She's got this awful feeling that everyone's just coddling her, being nice to her, sending her to the elder's den like a trinket on a shelf.
"Does this mean... does this mean I'm going to lose music? Will anyone dance with me ever again? Do my babies want me to join them, or... or are they just tolerating stinky old mama <:( ?"
They're NOT, btw. Of course not. She's Fallowfern and she means a lot to them.
So I think at the VERY least, she finds a fondness for Stoneclaw at Gatherings. Elder friends, girlies who bond over making little grandma bracelets, but I'm not sure if it's HIT them yet that they can do something very cool together.
In fact it would be kind of funny if they weren't even aware of each other's disabilities at first, like they just started hanging out quietly. Fallowfern assumed that Stoneclaw just doesn't have anything to say and Stoneclaw figured Fallowfern was respecting her silence.
Like something just gravitated them to each other in the most natural, orbital way.
And then Snapstorm, Stoneclaw's wife, bumbles up like "Hey babe who's your friend :) ?" And Stoneclaw smiles, nods at Fallowfern to introduce herself, and then Fallow's like... "Oh I can't hear you, honey."
Stone: !!! (Taps self and makes a crossing motion over her throat)
Fallow: O_O "Ohhhh"
BUT, anyway,
Her preferred form of communication is unequivocally glyphs. I imagine SkyClan might have more written characters than other Clans, simply because they used them a LOT during their time apart under Spiderstar's Plan. Plus, they used to see a lot of road signs which they may have just adopted as glyphs.
Hmm... yeah, seems very cute that The Road Family's traffic theme continues, lmao
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circus-babe · 1 year
Butterfly | TH
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Sysnopis: A butterfly tattoo you fell in love with, that was prohibited to see by others. And lucky you to see him shirtless that night.
Warning: Mature language, Mature content
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Word count: 4,8k
A/N: Been so focused on Wattpad that I totally forgot about Tumblr 😭. I promise I have a lot of drafts, I just haven’t finished them. (Read Flavors of love on wattpad tho, link on bio!)
Narrowing your eyes, you eyed the shop on the corner carefully, as you heard sirens and cars drive by. There was nothing stopping you from doing this tonight, you finally had the courage of doing something so extravagant. So out of your league, something you thought you would never do.
And now here you are standing just a few feets away from the story, trying to calm down your nerves as you took a deep breath in. You were nervous and even scared, but your determination to try something you’ve never done before was much stronger than that.
Once you took an extra deep breath, you slowly walked towards the store, to that lonely corner that was somewhat illuminated. Looking around, you tried to spot anything that would change your mind, for something to stop your plans. But it felt as if the universe was on your side with this. Something that is very surprising.
Whenever you plan to do something, or you have such an extravagant idea, that is usually ruined by the universe and it’s different ideas it has for you. Ideas that aren’t what you expected or wanted, but you still take them either way.
Sighing to yourself, you pushed the door open, hearing the sound of bells whenever you opened the door. Slowly, you walked in, looking around once you did. The smell of ink was quite strong. You were starting to get bad vibes of the place, but that once vanished when you fully examined it.
The shop had its own vibe, this dark and cool theme of black and white that surrounded it. And the blue LED lights that surrounded the whole room added a nice touch. You liked the vibe, the aura it was giving you, it was sort of making you more comfortable in your decision.
“Hello?” you spoke up, coming closer to what seemed like a counter.
There was no one around, something that seemed unusual for a shop. Without getting a response you walked closer to the counter, clicking on a silver bell that was on it. Giving it a few clicks, you waited for a response.
The room was quiet, too silent. It wasn’t what you were expecting and it was kinda freaking you out. No owner in the shop and no one in it was giving very creepy vibes. Like those movies whenever it starts and the first person is shown entering a haunted place they shouldn’t have and they end up getting killed in the first few minutes of the movie. Yeah those types of vibes.
You didn’t want to be that character, nor were you here for that. You decided to wait for a few seconds, and right as you were about to walk out you heard footsteps. Looking over to the counter, you spot a man with a black hoodie coming closer to the counter. For a few seconds you felt fear, nervous even but once he came much closer you got to see his face a bit more.
He was handsome, very clear skin, soft honey skin, nice brown narrow eyes, and his hair looked fluffy although it was covered by his hoodie.
“Sorry it’s closed” he quietly said, putting his hands on the pockets on his black jeans, as you groaned in response. Maybe the universe is against you after all. There was nothing you could ever do without it getting on the way.
You were disappointed, mostly because you knew tomorrow this confidence won’t be there anymore. So your whole plan will literally go to waste. And like that you coward down to something you wanted to do.
“Ah I see, I came in late, didn’t i?” you chuckled, it was an awkward chuckle since you didn’t have much to say. The disappointment in you was filling your mind that you didn’t even know how to respond. Now Jimin will be laughing at you for a whole hour straight.
You came up to him just a few minutes ago, telling him that you were brave enough to get a tattoo. Something you were always scared of getting because people would usually say the amount of pain it was.
So you never thought about it, until Jimin got his own and told you it wasn’t so bad. And of course you didn’t believe him but you still didn’t want to be seen as a coward so you decided to go to the nearest Tattoo shop. And now it’s closed.
“First time thinking about getting a tattoo, correct?” Shocked, you looked at him with wide eyes, trying to figure out how he knew such a thing. Yes that’s exactly what you were here for, but just how did he know that? Were you that easy to read?
“How did you know?” and with that, you earned a laugh from him. With a smile he started looking around for something. You weren’t sure if you should leave or wait until he got what he was looking for.
“I own this tattoo shop you can say I worked here for a while, I can tell when there’s someone new” he softly said, opening a drawer as you nodded.
That would make a lot of sense, since he has probably seen a lot of people with the same anxiety coming in whenever they decide to get their first tattoo. You don’t blame them though, mostly because you’re in the same position.
With a soft chuckle, he stood up, averting his eyes at you. “I’m guessing if you don’t get it today then you won’t get it at all.” he smiled, writing something down on a clipboard. He really did know his people, his customers to be exact.
“So how about this? It was already closed, but i can make this tattoo for you” he looked over to you and then back at the clipboard. Sighing, you started feeling relieved, and thankful to him for actually understanding your situation.
He was truly a life savior.
“Thank you” you smiled, shaking his head, he extended his hand towards what looked like where the tattoos were done. Nodding, you walked over to it, sitting on a wooden chair that was next to a sort of bed.
As you sat down, you felt your anxiety starting to rise again. You were thankful but you were still getting scared of the idea of getting a tattoo. Just imagining it was making you nauseous.
“Alright” he softly said, placing a stool in front of you, as he sat down on it. Looking up at you, he gave you a soft smile. “Can I have your name?” he asked, ready to write it down on his clipboard. You assume that’s where he puts his customer’s information, something normal.
“Y/n” you smiled, with a nod, he proceeded to write it down, and then looked back up at you. “Can I have your ID?” Nodding, you opened your purse, searching for your ID in your wallet as you quickly found it. With a small smile, you gave it to him.
Softly, he grabbed it, taking a look at it, as he started writing down more things in his clipboard. The silence was making you anxious, it was scarring you, but once he stopped writing stuff down, your anxiousness eased down.
“Alright then, give me a second” he smiled, standing up from the stool as he walked over to the counter. Patiently you waited there, and you were starting to feel a bit awkward until you heard some music play. It wasn’t loud, nor too quiet. It had a good volume. You guessed he took it off before since he was about to close the store.
“Do you have a design you would like to get?” he asked, his voice sounding faint but clear enough for you to hear.
There were some ideas you had, like a small tattoo that would have a meaning to you.
Yeah the decision on a tattoo was all of the sudden, but it wasn’t like you didn’t think about it deeply. Getting a tattoo was something you’ve been thinking about doing way before Jimin dared you to get one. You had many ideas for one, many that had different meanings. And today you could finally express those ideas.
“I do” you quietly said, hearing footsteps coming closer and closer to you. Taking your phone out of your bag, you showed him the pictures of tattoo ideas you had. It took you days to find ones that you truly liked and wanted to get done.
And even though there’s only two pictures that you liked, you were still determined to get it done. “What do you think?” you asked him, although you were sure of your decision, you still wanted some approval and mostly from a person that has seen many different kinds of tattoos.
“I like it, i think they would go well” he said, flashing a small smile towards you, as he focused on the photo you were showing him. “Is this the one?” he asked, as you slowly nodded.
“Okay then, let's get this tattoo done” he smiled, standing up from his stool as he walked over to a table that was full of his equipment. He started picking some things up and placing them on a small table that was next to the stool he was sitting on.
And without knowing it, you didn’t catch yourself staring at him. He was quite the most handsome man you have seen in a while. His honey skin was doing wonders to him, it was so captivating to your eyes. It was enough for you to continue staring at him.
Although you couldn’t see him much, you were already salivating over him. It wasn’t something you usually do, technically you would never do such a thing. But for him you will.
While you continued to stare at him, he didn’t notice your eyes on him as he slowly started taking his black sweater off, and in the process his shirt lifted up, revealing a very captivating tattoo on his lower stomach.
Gulping you stared at it, feeling nervous and a sudden feeling inside your stomach. Looking away, you looked towards the floor instead.
“Do you have any tattoos?” you asked, already knowing that he had one but you wanted to see if he had gotten more. Looking over to you, he nodded softly.
“I have, I have over more than 6 tattoos” he said, sitting down on the stool and facing you directly. For a few seconds, there was a short silence, before he started showing you his tattoo on the side of his hand.
It was a small cross, a thin cross that looked very good on his hand. He then showed you another one that was close to his collarbone and then another one that was in between his chest, one that made you feel shy.
“What about the butterfly one?” you asked, as he slowly looked at you. Meeting your eyes, he looked closely at them, he focused completely on them. And for a second you thought you offended him, that you shouldn’t have asked. “Sorry i-”
“I don’t like this one as much” he cut you off, pulling his shirt up, as he revealed that beautiful tattoo that you felt so attractive to. You could tell he felt insecure about the tattoo, that he wasn’t as proud of it as he was over the other ones.
“I personally really like it” you spoke up, watching the way his eyes found yours, he looked at you so surprisingly, so shocked. It was like he couldn’t believe it at all.
“Do you?” he asked, as you quickly nodded your head. You wouldn’t be sure why he wouldn’t like it, the beautiful blue color immediately stood out to you.
“Yeah, the color is beautiful. And it’s well made” you said, as your eyes didn’t leave his tattoo. As they slowly started going up his body.
Without noticing, your eyes were directing up his body. The way his soft abs were showing, or the veins on his hand holding his shirt up. You didn’t even notice when you started admiring his body and not his tattoo anymore.
He was definitely fit, the muscle on his arm was enough to tell you. And even the soft abs on his stomach that were so captivating to see. It all drove you out of your mind. Enough to start forming dirty thoughts inside your head.
Which you shouldn’t.
Quickly, you averted your eyes elsewhere, as he slowly put his shirt down, covering his tattoo as he brought his clipboard again.
“Can I change the tattoo?” you asked, as he looked over to you. “Yes of course” he said, as he stood up from the stool.
You watched as he started picking up some black gloves, and then placing his tattoo pen on the small gray trey. The needles that gave you shivers down your spine. What looked like some cream and other things you didn’t even know.
Taking a deep breath in, you unlocked your phone. Already looking for a new image to which you already had saved. Let’s say you were planning on getting a tattoo on your arm. Usually that’s where people always start.
You had a cute tattoo idea in mind, and the meaning behind that tattoo was nice. But now you want something different. Just seeing his tattoos gave you a sort of boost of confidence. Something about it made you want to go all out today.
The thing is, you are already here. He’s willing to stay a little longer just to give you a tattoo and well this isn’t always something you would do or think about doing. So might as well go all out.
Even if that means just for today.
Once he finished organizing his things, he sat back down on the stool. Already putting the gloves on.
“I’ll get this one done” you said, turning your phone towards him as his eyes directed to the screen.
The way his eyes widened made you realize that you made a good choice. It meant he wasn’t expecting for you to do these kinds of tattoos which yet again gave you a boost of confidence.
“Are you sure?” he asked, looking over to you. “Yeah” you said, as he waited a little longer.
Thinking that you might change your mind after the decision you just took. But to his surprise you seemed more than determined to do it.
So with a nod, he asked if he could hold your phone. Just to get the exact image of your tattoo. Something that you agreed on, feeling a spark of both excitement and nervousness.
Just knowing you are about to make one of the most extreme decisions you have taken does make you feel nervous. That thrilling sensation knowing that you might regret it but that you will like it either way.
Yes you could easily change your mind. He was more than willing to go with what you wanted. But you were determined.
“Alright then, i’ll bring this closer than” he said, walking over to something that seemed like you can lay down on. You guess that’s where you would be.
You watched as he brought the things closer, and then walked over to the window, closing the blinds as he then said it was for anyone that might walk in and think it was still open. You understood that, but what you were more focused on was the nervous feeling inside of you.
“Okay, you will lay down here” he began to explain, as you just nodded. “This might hurt more than the arm, but it will look good” he said, as you nodded once again.
With his hand, he motioned for you to sit down on the sort of bed, which you quickly did, watching as he brought a small sheet of white paper, already tracing and drawing the tattoo you told him.
“Is this the most outrageous thing you have done?” he asked, his eyes on the drawing as you just chuckled.
“Is it obvious?” you asked, as he looked up at you, giving you a chuckle as he looked back down at the drawing.
“Yeah, but it’s not a bad thing” he added, as you just nodded. Maybe he was being nice to you, but you do think you sound very lame.
It’s mostly the fact that you would be too scared to do any of these kinds of things. So you never really thought about doing these extreme things. But now you are. And it was mostly with a dare of you and Jimin.
“Okay, um you can” he said as you immediately knew what he meant. Slowly, you reached for the bottom of your shirt, already lifting it up as you placed it on the side.
You noticed that his eyes were elsewhere, not trying to look at your now exposed boobs to him. Which weren’t too exposed, you had a bra on. But still. He wanted to respect you enough.
Right after you placed your shirt down, you immediately unclipped your bra. Slowly making it fall on your lap as you watched the way he waited. The way you suddenly took it off was taking everything in him not to look.
It was sort of funny.
Slowly, you laid back down, placing both hands on your boobs as you covered them. Since well they are now exposed.
“Okay” you said, as he quickly nodded, grabbing the small piece of paper as he stood beside you, scanning the area the tattoo would be made.
With his finger, he pointed towards the area, as he carefully placed the paper. You weren’t able to see what he was doing, but you felt like he was doing his job. It took a few minutes until you heard the sound of the pen being turned on.
“Ready?” he looked down at your face, as you nodded. You waited for when the pen would start poking your skin. The moment that everyone started regretting the decision. And right when you thought he wouldn’t do it, you felt it.
That sharp pain that made you gasp out loud. “Relax, I got you” he said, as you took a deep breath.
You waited until it was done, until the pain of the pen hitting your skin would stop. You would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt. Fuck you wanted to just screaming for a bit after holding it in for so long.
The pain was there, that’s for sure.
But he would be there, trying to calm you down and telling you it would just be for a little. That he was almost done with it. And as much as that helped you out, you were still in pain.
“And we are done” he said, after what felt like an eternity of the sound of the pen and the pain beside your boobs, he finished. You might even have shed a tear, but that’s because you haven’t done something like this and well it clearly hurt.
Besides that, you will probably stay away from tattoos for a while.
“I’ll bring the wrap” he said, as he handed you a mirror. Something you quickly took from his hands, looking at the tattoo that was now placed above the center of your stomach. Right below your boobs.
You liked how it looked, apart from red it looked truly good.
As you admired the tattoo in the mirror, you didn’t notice when he walked in. When he accidentally saw your boobs, making him quickly turned away.
“What do you think?” you asked, as you looked over to him. “Huh?” he said, as you motioned towards your tattoo, covering your boobs with both of your hands.
“I think it looks very good” he said, walking over to you, as he grabbed something, cleaning the tattoo as he placed a sort of wrap on it.
“Can you move your hand a bit, i need to clean this side” he said, as you moved your hand slightly.
The soft touch of his fingers brushing beside your boob was bringing this tickling feeling inside your stomach. It felt good. It was nothing much, but it felt so good.
“I think it suits you” he said, cleaning the other side as he then threw the paper on the trash can.
“I have done a lot of tattoos there and i think yours looked the best” he said, as he walked over to the counter, taking his gloves off as you just chuckled.
“The bathroom is on the right” he pointed as you quickly grabbed your things walking over to the bathroom.
Somehow you made it inside with both of your hands covering your boobs. You couldn’t help but admire the tattoo. It looked so nice and it even reminded you of the extreme decision you just took.
Which will be locked inside your mind for the rest of your life.
“Here’s some– oh shit you aren’t done” he said, closing the door right back. The slight embarrassment made you look towards the door. Yet it was also a feeling of desire sparking inside of you.
“I’m sorry” he said, from the outside. “I didn’t mean to look, they look good, wait shit i didn’t mean to”
“Do they?” you said, opening the door of the bathroom, as you watched him standing in front of it.
His eyes lingered down to your boobs but then back up at your eyes. You watched as his eyes went from your boobs to then back up to your eyes.
“I um, they do” he said, as you just chuckled. “Thank you” you said, a mischievous smile appearing on your lips. One you didn’t even notice.
He’s absolutely hot, you noticed it the moment you saw him. The moment you got to fully see his smile. And the part when you were able to see his abs and his stomach turned you on. It’s shameful to admit, but you felt attracted to him.
You aren’t this bold. You made it very clear to him when you were struggling to get a tattoo on your arm, to which you then switched. Getting a tattoo below your boob area was crazy in your opinion.
And now staying right in front of him with your boobs out is another thing. Something that you would’ve never done. Yet here you are.
Something tells you that he isn’t far from your thoughts. He’s not hard to read, as the way he’s scanning you is telling you all the things you need to know.
“I’ll head back inside” you smiled, turning towards the bathroom as you were just about to walk in, you suddenly felt a hand on your wrist that made you stop.
“And where are you going?” he asked, his voice low and deep, creating his sudden feeling inside you. It made you feel nervous, almost like you weren’t the one that came up to him first.
“I think you have something to fix” he said, spinning you around as now you are back to facing him again.
You didn’t expect him to pull this move. Part of you was hoping he did. It was that desire inside of you that was sparking. That shameful lust inside of you wanting for him to do much more than just a tattoo for the night.
And right now you are more than happy.
“Do i?” you asked, as he just chuckled, pulling you towards what seemed like the back of the shop. The nervous feeling inside of you was getting the best of you.
You were getting excited over the small things, like this. Maybe it’s the fact that you haven’t been sexually active. Or the fact that you were liking the thought of getting more than just a tattoo tonight.
Everything was creating such a thrill in you.
Opening a door, he let go of your wrist, closing the door behind him. The room was simple, few of his supplies that he probably comes and gets. Like those storage rooms except there were a few furniture pieces. Like a couch, a coffee table, a few chairs and a small table on the corner. It also had LED lights all around it.
“I quite frankly didn’t expect for this to happen” he said, something that made him walk closer towards you.
“But i don’t mind one bit” he added, as you just gulped, watching the way he was hovering over you. “I promise i will be gentle with your new tattoo”
At some point, you felt so dominant. You felt like you had control of the situation. But now it seems like he’s the one that has it. Yet he looks so hot while demanding.
Before you knew it, his lips were roughly pressed into yours, as his hand held the back of your neck, guiding you as he wanted to. The roughness he had was making you wet already. Just the thought of him made you want to close your legs.
God you didn’t think you would feel this desperate for someone. Just the thought of him fucking you lingered inside your mind.
As you both continued to kiss, he placed his hands on your waist, slowly making you walk backwards as you didn’t break the kiss. Before you knew it, he gently pushed you onto the couch, making you sit on it as your eyes went up to him.
It didn’t take long for him to start taking his shirt off, his pants following right after as the only view was him in his boxers. And that hard bulge that was more than noticeable to see. He was just as turned on as you were.
“You know” he said, coming closer towards you as he suddenly went on his knees. “I think you wanted this as much as I did” he said, pointing his finger in your thigh as he started doing small circles.
Yes you did.
Something about him created this sensation inside of you that you couldn’t avoid. It was strong enough for you to be sitting on this couch, with him almost on your legs.
“What makes you think that?” you asked, as he just chuckled. He slowly started coming closer towards you, his hands going to the side of your hip as the sound of your zipper was heard.
He was unzipping your skirt.
“Because if you didn’t, you would’ve stopped me long ago” he added, slowly pulling the skirt down as you just watched him do it. Not complaining about a single thing because he’s right.
“I guess we are both equally as sexually frustrated” he said, as you helped him pull the skirt all the way down, now being just you in your underwear.
“Luck is on our side” you said, as he chuckled, pulling you closer towards the edge of the couch making you gasp.
Before you could say anything else, he hands were already busy, grabbing onto the hem of your panties as he started to slowly pull them down. Teasing you in a way.
He knew you were as turned on as he was, so he wanted to make you wait. He wanted to see you suffer the desperation and you weren’t far from admitting it. Once your panties were on the floor, his eyes went onto yours.
Looking deeply at them as he slowly spread your legs, creating a playful grin on his lips. One that's making you annoyed.
He was enjoying all the teasing he was doing, you could tell. But fuck were you becoming desperate.
Just as you were about to tell him off, his mouth made quick contact with your clit. Something that shut you up completely.
“Shit” you said, cursing under your breath as his tongue started going up and down your folds. Creating all such lustful thoughts inside your head.
To think your first tattoo would go like this. First it was the bravery you had to have done such a tattoo. It was something that you weren’t thinking of doing.
And second it was now having the person who did your tattoo in between your legs. It just seems so hard to believe. But it happened. If you would’ve known about this then you would’ve come here much earlier.
“You are my favorite guest” he said, as you just chuckled. Throwing your head back as the sound of laughter soon turned into soft moans. Until you felt pleasure all over your body.
He continued to lick your folds, as he then inserted his fingers inside of you, creating a new sensation inside of you. This burning feeling inside your stomach.
“I’m going to cum” you said. As you started arching your back, something that made Taehyung bring you closer towards him.
You kept trying to prevent him from getting closer, trying to push his head away as your orgasm was coming closer and closer. But he wasn’t letting you, it only made him pick up his pace.
“Cum for me” he said, as you felt lost. All thoughts gone, it was just your moans and the sound of his mouth on your entrance. It only brought you closer and closer towards the edge.
“Shit” you cursed out loud, as you soon came. Heavy breathing, you lay down on the couch, something that made Taehyung pull you back up.
“You didn’t think we were done, did you?” he said, his voice low and deep. Something that made you look up at him, watching as his lustful eyes looked all over you.
You watched as he hovered on top of you, slowly kissing you on your neck all the way down to your stomach. As if your first orgasm wasn’t enough, you were already aiming for another one.
Even though you were already out of energy.
“I will make you want to come back for another tattoo” he whispered, as he stood back up, taking his boxers off as he immediately grabbed the condom from the side.
Once he was done, he pulled you up from the couch, making you yelp with how hard he pulled you up. And soon enough he turned you around, his body pressed against yours as you could feel his already hard cock.
“Let’s fix what you made” he whispered beside your ear, bending you down onto the couch as both of your knees went onto the couch, making you hold yourself by the top of the couch with both hands.
Giving your ass two slaps, he grabbed his cock with his hand.
“Let’s see how well you can take my cock” he said, as he started placing his cock in your entrance, making you grip onto the edge already.
“I can take it” you said, as he scoffed, and with that he pushed his cock in. He didn’t even wait, he just fully thrust himself inside you.
“Shit, oh my god” you were quick to say, feeling your walls pulsing at the sudden stretch. He was big. Just the way your walls needed time to adjust was enough to tell you he was.
You never wanted sex as much as you want it right now. No regrets and no going back.
“Please move” you said, as he was quick to obey. Slowly pulling his cock out as he slammed his cock back inside of you. Making you shut your eyes.
He continued to do that until you were literally begging him to go faster. You wanted him badly, it wasn’t even funny anymore.
You wanted every single part of him, you wanted him to fuck you like you have never been fucked before. If he could break you then might as well be it.
“So needy, huh?” he said, picking up his pace as the sound of his hip hitting your ass echoed through the entire room. Your moans didn’t fall behind.
“Fuck yes i am” you admitted, not even needing to lie since he even knew it himself. Not that he wasn’t in desperate need of having you. Just seeing you was enough to turn him on. And right now he wants to do it all.
“Then i will fuck you like you deserve” he said, as he continued to slam his cock inside of you, making you grip onto the edge of the couch. Eyes shut as you just moaned out. Moaning his name and all curse words you could think of.
Just this moment itself was having you on your knees. You don’t know what it really was. Whether the built up of the moment, or him eating you out until you had your orgasm. Or maybe because this would be your second orgasm.
Something had you begging him to fuck you harder. Just the way you might be bruised on your ass later wasn’t even a bother. You wouldn’t go this far to have sex with someone. You wouldn’t do this much. Sexual frustration is no joke.
“Taehyung” you moaned out, as you felt a pair of kisses on your back. “I will fuck you like this more often”
“Please do” you said, feeling the knot about to burst. And just like that your second orgasm was coming. But this one was harder than the first one. It would have you out of energy for sure.
“I’m going to cum” you said, your knuckles turning white from how tight you were holding onto the edge of the couch. “So am i”
“Cum around my cock” he said, slapping your ass in the process. And before you knew it, you did. You came around his cock. Making you almost fall forward from how weak you felt. But he was quick to hold you up.
“I’m almost there” he said, thrusting into you a few more times before he came inside the condom. Fully filling it up as he cursed under his breath. He held you up with both of his hands on your hips. Watching as you were fully dazed.
“Damn I went that hard? Sorry” he said, slowly placing you down onto the couch as you couldn’t help but chuckle.
You weren’t just out of energy, you were also tired. Your legs felt weak. He really went all out on you and you don’t regret it. You wanted it like this.
“That was the best sex I have had” he admitted as you nodded in the process. “Same here” you quickly said, laughing right afterwards.
“We have to do that again” you said, looking at him as he tried to lay down with you, something you gave him some space for.
“Oh we have to” he quickly added.
After a few more laughs you fell into a deep sleep, something he quickly brought a blanket for. Covering you up with it as he laid down beside you.
And even if there wasn’t much space, he still found it comforting wrapping you in his arms and having you close to him.
He didn’t know you much but after this it will all change.
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happyely2 · 1 year
Pairing: Portuguese D. Ace x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+ | The rating will be red this time, so if you are a minor skip this reading or highlight your age in your bio.| sex scenes, cuddles, and much more very explicit.
Summary: 31 prompts for 31 days of October. Life on Moby Dick is always hectic and has become more so since Ace boarded this ship and became part of the family.
✒️Prompts taken from the contest (even if I don't participate) organized by the Italian Fanwriter page. I only translated the prompts into English, I hope you like it.✒️
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🌊Writober PumpSea🌊 #day 2 - Stump
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The newspaper had arrived as usual early in the morning and had been dropped onto the main deck.
"They upgraded the new kids sizes!" Halta had said as he quickly entered the dining room with the new wanted posters.
In a short time the bets had already started.
"Who is this straw hat?" Satch looked at the poster of a new novel that roamed the northern sea.
"Did you say straw hat?" You asked, taking the poster from Satch’s hand and looking carefully at it, a straw hair, a thirty-two-tooth smile you knew well, a wound under your left eye. That was Luffy, Ace’s younger brother.
"ACEEEE! Your brother just got a new bounty!" You shouted to get the attention of the guy who had just entered the kitchen. You knew how proud Ace was of his little brother.
"I can’t believe it! The wretch did it in the end." Ace said, taking the bounty you gave him and smiling at you. Yeah, even if they weren’t blood brothers, that smile was the same.
"Sooner or later you’re gonna have to introduce me to all of you, brother." You said by leaving a kiss on his naked shoulder. Ace had started spinning shirtless, partly because of the amount of muscle he had put on at that time by training with the other commanders.
"I hope as soon as possible, you two will get along just fine." Ace said kissing you on the forehead.
"Avoid them early in the morning or do them in private." Satch threw himself on you two, holding you warmly and Ace with a little more strength.
He hadn’t gotten used to the idea of you two. Or rather, she still didn’t want to accept the fact that her little sister had found a boyfriend and had grown up as a woman.
"Satch!" You both called him and laughed at each other.
"Little sister! You must come here now!" The voice of one of Dad’s nurses distracted you for a moment and allowed you to remember the commitment you made with them.
"I have to go, see you at lunch, Ace." You said by getting out of Satch’s grips and kissing Ace on the lips, you went to the nurses to help them with the inventory for the medicine.
"See you after Love." Ace said earning an increase in strength in Satch’s iron grip.
"What did you do Ace! Before he greeted me too, now only you exist!" Satch was playing the exasperated, overprotective older brother.
"Satch isn’t just our little sister anymore, she’s Ace now." Izo had slapped him on the shoulder and laughed, he was the most normal of all.
"ACE!" But Ace had turned into a flame and slipped away, had taken a fast sandwich and had gone out at great strides: "I’m going to show Dad the size of Luffy." and he had gone away among the other companions.
"These young people of today."
"Satch we all know that you want to go back to their age stop." Marco had said by hitting the chef with the newspaper. The room was soon filled with laughter over laughter.
The hours had passed quickly and you the girls had decided to take a short break with the tea that you love brought a few minutes before.
"Today I did not have time to read the newspaper, have you seen the photos?"
"What photos?" You asked closing the notebook of your notes. You had to make a large supply of medicines at the next landing.
"Shanks the Red! Look here, little sister." His size had arrived in front of you and you couldn’t help but say that the photographer in question had been very good at capturing the close-up of Shanks' face.
"There’s a whole picture in the paper."
All the girls rushed to see him and soon began to sigh.
"Have you seen what a man he is?!"
"The scar looks great on him! When I would give to kiss him."
"Just kiss her? Honey, I could do anything with this man."
And then the comments started to arrive, you were used to it and you weren’t shocked.
"But the L rule? This man absolutely spoils it!"
"Of course."
L rule? Now what were they inventing at that time? Your sisters were pretty gossip about sex and most things and you had learned by listening to them.
"Sis, what do you think?"
"Me? Hmm, Shanks is a handsome, mature man, maybe he can do a lot of things... even though he’s missing an arm." You answered by looking at the photo. No, he wasn’t ugly at all, he was handsome and dangerous, he was still an emperor.
Maybe you shouldn’t have made such a strong comment, also because the girls had gone crazy and you got caught between gossip and shrieks of euphoria for that detail of the missing arm that generated allusion without any censorship for all the time that the newspaper was opened and for every photo that came from there to little, All this lasted until lunchtime when you finally got out because you had your date with Ace.
And there too there were comments. You would have wanted to kill them for what they told you, they needed a man in their life, a good one to satisfy them to avoid things like that.
You wouldn’t have expected, as you walked, to be grabbed by the arm and brought into Ace’s room.
Ace had just kidnapped you and shut your mouth, his look didn’t promise anything good, he seemed to be pissed.
God, what happened? What did Satch do? Did he say too much?
You tried to say something, but Ace’s hand was pressing on your lips, and what came out was just a bunch of wadding sounds.
"Why is that?" she asked, looking straight into your eyes.
What the hell he was talking about.
"I heard you with Dad’s nurses." He then said by locking the door behind you and releasing your mouth but not the arms that were anchored to the door.
"Ace what do you want..." You realized shortly after what Ace was talking about and you were speechless.
You did not expect to see Ace so jealous, in short, everyone knows that Shanks is a big deal and you spontaneously said it while chatting with other nurses of Dad (they also gave you right) Now you find yourself on the wall with your hands pinned over you by Ace: "So that guy with his Stump could give you the same pleasure that I give you?"
He’s jealous as hell.
"What are you thinking, Ace!" You said trying to free yourself. Or you would have fixed it properly, starting from those soft cheeks that he found himself, as he dared only think that you would bang Shanks the red, He could be your real biological father for how long you deferred age had.
Ace weighed you down and carried you on his bed, tying your hands with his red pearl necklace. If you wanted to stop him, you could have freed yourself easily, that’s what he wanted to tell you with his gesture.
"Ace... Honey listen, we were just chatting with the girls. It’s obvious that I prefer making love to you than to Shanks!" You told him to jump off the mattress and face him right in the eye.
"Sorry, and that... I overheard the comments and I don’t know what got into me." In the end, Ace wasn’t angry, like he could be with you, but he felt such jealousy while you were talking about the emperor and he got a little carried away.
You smiled at him, rubbing his nose with his and he kissed you passionately until brought back on the mattress.
"But still, I can give you more pleasure than that." It had become a matter of principle.
You laughed softly while you hooked your legs to his and kissed him again.
"I don’t know, why don’t you show me?" You deliberately provoked him, because you liked his possessive and dominant side in some situations, but you loved his sweet and passionate side.
Ace took the challenge on the fly, grinning and starting to kiss your neck, biting a little bit harder into the soft skin and leaving a showy mark on your white neck. Her hands slipped on your blouse that was opened without too much ceremony revealing the swimsuit that you were wearing as a bra that day, a piece with two small triangles that did not cover even a quarter of your busty breasts.
Ace looked at you with a slightly more perverted smirk and you brushed against him in response.
"Did you have an appointment with someone?" He whispered to you in your ear, her warm breath gave you little chills of pleasure.
"Who knows, maybe you, maybe not." You answered by holding back a groan when her hand pulled off a triangle of your costume to tightly squeeze the breasts underneath it. You found yourself standing on the side with your hands still tied by the necklace, staring at the bedroom door while Ace was behind you.
You settled back with your hips and felt his presence touching your butt and a groan came out of your lips.
God, he was hard and big.
Ace smiled at you as he bit your neck and another groan left your lips, he was playing dirty, so dirty because he went to get your sensitive points.
"Aceee..." His name was the only thing you could say when you heard her never touch your breasts and play with them. Your boobs were taken, squeezed, lifted, rubbed against her rough palms, and not to mention her nipples, Ace knew they were your weak spot, so weak.
He had pinched them a little with his fingertips and they had become hard in a short time, you needed more attention but they were slow to arrive.
You protested in the kiss he gave you by turning your neck and slightly pulling your hair.
And then he went down to kiss your breasts and other moans came out of your mouth when he started sucking one nipple hard and squeezing the other between the middle finger and index finger while his other hand was going down to your shorts to get him out of the way.
You pulled him by the hair to cut yourself some slack, but Ace bit you harder, leaving his teeth marks around your reddened halo.
A trickle of saliva still connected it to your nipple.
"You’re a brat." You said pulling his hair again, with your hands stuck, you couldn’t do anything else, you could only scratch his back.
"You provoke me so much love, you need to be punished for talking about another man and not just me." Jealous, he was jealous of you and your thoughts.
He kissed you thoughtfully as his pants and boxers reached your clothing on the ground, along with your shoes.
And now you’re standing there, under him in just a costume and a blouse that won’t last much longer, while his erection is pressing against your entrance.
And Ace at that point took more time to act, going down with your fingertips along your hips and scratching and biting them properly, until you get to the laces of the white costume you were wearing.
You were soaked you could see it from the stain that had been created and on which his cock pressed hard.
"Aceeee...." You called his name again eager to continue.
Your fiancé smiled devilishly as he turned you upside down, you ended up on your belly, your ass on deck, and his hands wandering on your ass and your back.
"Who has only one arm could do this?" He asked you while with one hand he squeezed your breast and with the other he penetrated you to prepare. You saw and stars at that time and your scream of pleasure was the best answer for Ace, he prepared you for a while, until he established that you were quite lubed up.
"I can go on or you can’t go on anymore." He asked, kissing your shoulder and bringing your arm to support your pelvis. You haven’t done it that way yet.
"I can go on." You responded by rubbing your sex on his erection and snatching a moan of pleasure, that was your own little victory.
And then Ace didn’t hesitate, he squeezed your hips hard, and he came in with one push in you.
You squeezed the sheets until your fingers whitened so as not to scream too loud and crash half the ship into your cabin.
Ace kissed your back, your shoulders, your neck and rubbed you on your clitoris to make you feel better so you could get used to him. It burned worse than before, maybe because it was a new pose that allowed him to touch deeper points that you didn’t even know you had.
"Can I?" He asked you, whispering in your ear, and then his tender side emerged again to lull and cuddle you.
You nodded by pushing your hips back against him and biting the pillow because your notes had touched shades you didn’t think you would reach. Ace supported you by starting to move slowly within you, at a slow pace to allow you to get used to it, he held you by the right side, while with his left hand he crept back in and your folds to give you more pleasure.
You started to indulge him after a while when your inner walls got better used to his presence and his urges started to get deeper and more confused.
You were dangerously close to the edge, you could feel it from his heartbeat and how Ace had bent over you, resting his chin on your shoulder and pushing deeper and deeper.
"Only you can give me a pleasure like this." You whispered in his ear when the last push came that allowed you to come together.
The bed was a mess of displaced blankets and your liquids, you stayed in that position for a while, until you found a minimum of strength and lucidity. Ace separated from you, getting rid of his column and putting it back around his neck, drew you into a warm, sweaty hug, getting rid of your now-ruined shirt and swimsuit.
And Ace had started to pamper you like only he could, caresses, scratches, little kisses on the skin.
You smeared yourself on him at one point, you on top and he on the bottom and started playing with his rebellious ebony clumps.
"Ace what the L rule?" You asked out of the blue.
"You really don’t know?" Ace was a bit surprised because he knew that the old man’s nurses were gossips to death and laughed heartily as he began to explain that infamous rule: "Those who are tall have small, while those who are short are very gifted." He explained by showing you the two ways of getting L with index and thumb.
"Then you dispelled the myth." You said as you grabbed his hand and kissed him.
Your Ace turned red for that statement but at the same time he was struck by a rush of pride that prompted him to kiss you again.
You both laughed, cuddling a little bit more, until you both remembered lunch with everyone else.
"Oh my God, we’re not gonna be okay today." You said jumping in the air and running into Ace’s bathroom to check for bites and hickeys, that was a lot.
"We could always sneak into the kitchen and get food on the sly." Ace said as he reached out and grabbed his hips.
Two shots to the door made you turn, before this was opened by a kick of Satch.
Or if you were dead.
"So it’s lunch time and we all eat together!" The cook said, looking at you and closing the door a second later, "Have the decency to cover yourself, not to keep us waiting and to be a little more discreet."
And nothing would save you from the gossip you thought while you were quickly recovering clothes to wear from Ace’s closet.
"Little sister but that..."
"Izo please it’s not the time." You told your brother you could cover your neck with your hair.
"We hadn’t seen Ace in a shirt in a long time." The long black-haired man whispered to you, bringing a hand to chuckle, while Ace took yours to calm you down. Satch’s screams were heard all over the ship.
And the whole thing had happened by a simple allusion to a stump, you thought while crossing the threshold of the dining room as if nothing had happened.
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marislittleworld · 4 months
"I want us to be a real family, dad"
WARNING: father Chris Redfield (daughter OC included, the mother is Jill Valentine because heheh Valenfield)
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One month after the bio-terrorist attack in New York in July 2014, Ana is now sitting on the couch as she looks at her clean knife, but she sees the blood of her closest relatives and friends. She didn't have much of a choice, it was her or them. She knew this day would come, but she didn't know it would affect her emotionally so much.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, revealing it to be Chris Redfield. He was without his bulletproof vest, he wasn't holding a gun and his face had a blank expression. He avoided eye contact with his daughter, and she realized the moment and got up from the couch.
"can we" Chris tries to make conversation, "can we talk? For a second?" Ana freezes on her way to the kitchen, she lets out a sigh and finally looks at her father. She leans against a kitchen counter.
"Okay then. Let's talk" Ana says in an ironic tone
Chris looks surprised by his daughter's attitude, in fact the two were never good at personal father-daughter conversations, they were good at hand-to-hand combat, but talking?
Sometimes Chris misses 5-year-old Ana, he wanted to go back in time.
"so?" Ana catches her father's attention
"How is school?" Those were the only words that appeared in Chris's mind
"yeah, well... normal I guess. Just without a zombie around"
"oh haha" Chris gives a fake, disheartening laugh like it's a bad joke
Chris turns his back and walks to the window, he rests his forearms on the wood while Ana watches him and lets out another sigh.
"When was the last time we had a real conversation?" Chris asks
"I don't know, all I can remember is you and mom being too busy with your work--"
"daughter, please"
Ana's eyes widened when she heard her father call her 'daughter' and not 'Ana', the teenager thought about touching her father's shoulder, but she hesitates, she turns her back and crosses her arms, holding back the tears. Chris turns to face his daughter.
"please look at me..." the tone of Chris's voice was very different from what Ana was used to hearing, usually he spoke in a tone as if he were still working as captain of the BSAA, but here. .. He has a sad and calm voice.
She then decides to look at him and she sees the expression on her father's face, his eyebrows were not furrowed, she sees that her father really wants to start a normal conversation with her, but he doesn't know how. .
"how was work?" she asks
"disheartening" he responds
Chris approached his daughter, feeling the need to break the invisible barrier between them. He knew this was his chance to connect with her, to really connect.
"Disheartening?" Ana repeated, frowning. "You always say that saving lives is what motivates you."
"Yes, it is," Chris replied, feeling a weight in his words. "But sometimes, the cost is too high.
And now... seeing you here, with the weight of what happened in New York... it hits me harder than any mission."
Ana looked away, gripping the knife tighter. "Now you care about me, don't you?", she massages her forehead before speaking. "Dad, I've always respected your and mom's work, and what I can't stand is the thought of thinking that my own parents don't care about me, but what made me love you was that family. They made me see the importance of your job, telling me that you and mom are like superheroes in the stories I read. They made me love you."
Chris felt a lump in his throat. He got even closer and, carefully, took the knife from Ana's hands, placing it aside. He pulled her into a hug, something he hadn't done in a long time.
"Ana, I know we failed in many ways, especially in being there for you. But I want you to know that we always love you and we always care about you. Sometimes work consumes us, but that never means you're not important to us."
Ana felt tears running down her face, but she didn't move away. She allowed herself to feel the comfort of her father's embrace, a comfort she hadn't felt in a long time.
"I just want us to be a real family, Dad," she whispered, still through tears.
"And we will be, daughter. We will get through this together," Chris replied, his voice cracking with emotion. "I promise I'll be more present. I promise we'll talk more and be a real family."
And there, in that moment of vulnerability and honesty, father and daughter began to rebuild their relationship, brick by brick, word by word. The pain was still present, but hope for a better future now shone for both of them.
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I'd fall to pieces on the floor, if you weren't around
For Bio Dad! Bruce Wayne Month, Prompt: Reverse Robins @maribat-bdbwm
Marinette scrolls aimlessly on her phone at the bakery counter. There’s no one other than her at the bakery, which is surprising. She’d worried that it may be due to an akuma that had not been reported. But two calls to Adrien and Alya had dispelled that worry.
She sighs in boredom, there isn’t anything interesting to look at on her phone, she’s done with all her homework and she doesn’t feel like sketching which leaves her nothing to do while she’s at the counter. Her shift won’t end for another hour, at which point she’ll be joined by Alya, Adrien and Nino to work on their literature presentation.
The bakery door slams open and Marinette looks up from her phone to see Alya panting, holding out her phone and saying, “Have you seen the news?”
Alya takes one look at her face and grimaces, “You haven’t seen the news.”
Marinette frowns, walking out from behind the counter. Wondering what’s get her friend looking like that, a weird mixture of pity, worry and fear. She takes the phone from Alya’s hand, sees the headline and freezes.
There are more words after that but Marinette doesn’t really register them. She knows Alya’s saying something but she can’t hear her over the roaring in her ears.
Her brother’s dead. Her brother’s dead and she had to find out from the news.
And suddenly all the pain vanishes and she’s consumed by anger. She doesn’t read the article. It’s almost certain the article is rubbish, another carefully crafted lie that maintains their secret identities. She can’t deal with that right now.
“You’re shaking,” Alya says gently, holding out her arms. And Marinette lets herself fall into her best friend’s arms and sob. In anger or in sorrow, she doesn’t know and nor does she really care at this point.
If any butterflies come their way, she doesn’t notice. Tikki and Alya must have handled it.
Some indefinite amount of time later, once she has stopped crying, she slips out of Alya’s hold. Muttering something about how she needs to speak to her family immediately, she turns to go upstairs. She doesn’t think Alya actually believes her but she doesn’t stop her either only telling her that she’s always here if Marinette wants help in kicking Bruce Wayne’s butt.
She nods before running up the stairs to the miracle box and grabbing the horse miraculous. Tikki shushes Kaalki when the kwami starts to speak, in any other situation Marinette would thank her kwami but she’s far too focused on the need to yell at her father to think about anything else.
Except Tim.
Taking a deep breath, she pushes thoughts of her brother away. Later. She can grieve later. Once she has an explanation.
Opening a portal, she steps into the batcave. Her father glances at her once before he returns to staring at the batcomputer. He doesn’t actually look at her until she’s stormed over and even then she can’t read his expression, he’s still wearing the damn cowl.
“How did it happen?” she demands.
“The Joker.”
“And where is he now?”
“Arkham Asylum.”
“Why did I not hear this from you? Why on earth did I have to hear about my brother’s death from the god damn news?”
“You could have been akumatised.”
Her father’s near robotic answers aren’t helping at all. If anything, it’s only making her angrier. In some quiet corner of her brain, she knows that he’s grieving too and he doesn’t really have a track record of making normal decisions but right now she can’t bring herself to care.
“I found out from the news. I had to learn of Tim’s death from some reporter who couldn’t care less that he’s dead. For what? So I wouldn’t get akumatised? I was in Paris when I learnt of his death, whether you would have preferred it or not.”
“What? Were you even planning on telling me? Because you can’t tell me you didn’t know it would make international news. A Wayne died. My brother died. And I wasn’t told by my father. Do you not realise how messed up that is?”
“You should leave. You can’t return to Paris in this state. I’ll ask Alfred to take you to Damian’s-”
She stares at him open mouthed and says quietly, “I cannot believe you. Damian’s off-world. He’s been off world for the past one week, something about Jon and being Kryptonian. Why didn’t you try to contact either of us?”
“It doesn’t matter now. I’m heading out to patrol now.”
She’s crying, she realises, after her father has left. She knows Alfred is probably waiting worriedly upstairs. Hoping some sense will possess the man. But not worried enough to come down and check yet. So, she remains in the cave.
Alfred’s still waiting when she goes up an hour later. If he’s surprised by her being there, he doesn’t mention it. She follows him to the kitchen, he hands her a cup of tea but Marinette can’t bring herself to drink it.
“How are Steph, Cass and Duke?” she asks after a while.
“Miss Marinette.”
“Ignoring what has happened will do no one good. It certainly hasn’t helped your father.”
Neither her nor Alfred say anything after that. Alfred drinks his tea, and Marinette stares at hers. Their silence is anything but comfortable, it’s heavy with grief and rage. Even if Marinette’s the only one angry.
“I’m going to kill him,” she states.
Alfred looks her in the eye and asks, “Would you like my gun?”
She stares at him in shock. “I- no. No, it’s fine. I’m sure Damian left a bunch of weapons in his room. It’ll be fine.”
It won’t. Not really. But she gets up and makes her way to Damian’s room anyways.
When the news breaks, her phone blows up. She ignores it, she’s not getting out of bed for that. Admittedly, there’s not a lot that she’s gotten out of bed for recently. Tom and Sabine have let her call-in sick for school, mostly giving her space. She frowns when someone opens the trapdoor to her room.
When a familiar voice says, “I heard the Joker was killed.” A sob rips itself out of her chest and she scrambles out of bed and down her ladder to see Damian, his eyes are red and he looks beyond exhausted. Marinette shakily states, “It had to be done.” And all it takes is a nod from him for the dam to break and the tears start free falling.
And somehow for the first time she thinks maybe things will be ok.
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skitty-kirby · 7 months
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It's been… ah. December was the last month I've had the motivation to actually finish something. In fact I think I sketched this out EXACTLY 3 MONTHS AGO. But hey! I tried some new stuff out and I'm happy to finally have an updated reference of Acrid's kiddos after so many years. Feels good. Also, I'm going to start posting to Pillowfort in tandem with my other socials! Username is the same. :D Feel free to read an excerpt from their Toyhouse biography beneath the cut:
Poki (she/her) | Don (he/him) Bane's Mire, with Acrid Poki and Don are the adopted children of Acrid, the acidic swamp monster who lives in Bane's Mire. The two are about 8 years old. One day, Acrid was exploring out of his swamp a bit further than he normally would and ended up in the outskirts of a rural village- when suddenly he heard distant crying and decided to investigate. As Acrid is mostly driven by instinct, he instantly knew the sounds originated from an infant; two of them in fact. He listened closely and followed the sound to its source; a pair of twins, both swaddled in soft cloths, curiously peering out of their shared cradle at the now looming behemoth above them. Carefully keeping his jaw closed as to not burn them, he gently scooped their cradle off of the doorstep he found them on, and started the long walk home with his new family. It is uncertain if the babies were genuinely abandoned, or simply left unattended too long; regardless, Acrid has been an amazing father to the two of them. As mentioned in Acrid's bio, he encouraged them to socialize with other children of the village and to go to school so they can function in society with ease... all while watching like a hawk from a distance of course. He is extremely protective of them and would do anything to keep them safe. Also mentioned elsewhere, Acrid himself cannot speak very well- but Poki and Don are able to translate the sounds he makes. In fact, 'poki' and 'don' were simply sounds Acrid associated the children with and thus became their names.
Other facts: - Poki and Don have long, eye-covering hair because they've yet to have it cut in their lives. - The plants found in their hair is by choice! Poki found a single blossom tree she loves to take care of in the outskirts of the swamp where it's less acidic. Don looks for strong branches from bushes that can be crafted into tools/items, usually using his hair as extra storage space. Collectively, they both also like to pretend that the branches in their hair are their 'horns', attempting to resemble their father. - The twins have paw-like nubs that make it easier to grip, and actual paw-pads on their feet. It's uncertain if they'll ever develop claws. - Acrid takes great care as to not burn the children with his acid. He is more than aware of the damage it can do, as it is his main way of attacking; he's seen what it's done to his victims as well as himself given his own eyes have mostly eroded away over the years from careless fighting behaviors of his youth. Thankfully, living in such an acidic environment for so long (regarding the swamp itself), the kids have developed a strong resistance to corrosive materials as a whole and are generally fine around their father regardless.
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I see a lot of confessions about shipping here, so I'd like to weigh in a few things of my own experience over the years: If you're in your 30s in the RPC as a mun you need to consider carefully who you allow to ship with you if they're younger. Generally if you have a decade or more on the other mun, then you need to accept you're the one who needs to be the responsible adult here in how you interact in and out of character with the younger mun. I mean this as a general rule of being more mindful and considering mistakes you likely made when you were their age in the RPC to watch for. You're also the one who needs to be more attentive of doing your due diligence of background checking on younger muns OC creation process where you can. Don't just read the bio, ask questions about what inspired them to make the OC, engage in asking them about headcanons and the like. I say this because I have encountered younger muns having obvious and covert self insert OC's too many times. Certainly anyone can be guilty of making a self insert but I have noticed a pattern of the muns who are under 26 being more frequent in having them, as well as having too tailored of backstories at times to ship specifically with a canon character you might be writing. Equally you also shouldn't let the younger mun think they can curry favour with you through a talent for blog graphics or art. No matter how nice the media you can receive from them is, you should make clear that they can't buy what they want from you with such things. You're letting them learn they can bribe someone older to get what they want, and they will start to use that tactic with others. It will also tend to blind you to any warning signs the younger mun might have in their writing and general conduct. If you're only looking at the art you might not notice the younger mun openly confessing to things you might not be okay with having them use you for. These things aren't something I see many older muns consider or focus on when they have around a decade on the younger mun, and they're things I feel are important.
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andmaybegayer · 2 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-07-15
I've been trying to be more thorough in putting down my thoughts about things in here because increasingly I don't do it anywhere else. Sure picked a week though because I went on a completionist streak for some reason.
Listening: Courtesy of making some muffins, Wet Leg by Wet Leg, who you probably know from their hit Chaise Longue.
it's a good album, very much dreamy alt-indie voice. At its best produces some sounds that are more fun to listen to than the lyrics suggest, good command of phonemes.
Also, a late rec off IRC by proxy from @amiscellany with Literary Mind, a new single from SPRINTS. Big fuzzy guitar on a retro rock soundtrack about being in lesbians with a girl.
I haven't gone through the rest of their music but I will be checking it out.
Watching: Finished Scavenger's Reign which was on the Canmom Animation Night last weekend, I only caught the front end because we started late. Really gorgeous show, if you want carefully considered realistic spec bio this is not for you but if you love That Moebius Shit then it's ideal.
I then rewatched the back half with Animation Night last night! Love to talk to my friends about beans.
The main selling point is that it's beautiful but there is also some very fun body horror and good amount of character. Azi and Levi probably have the most interesting relationship, with Azi being genuinely quite normal and polite with her little robot who is suddenly becoming a person. The very long sweeping views and extended scenes of things just happening occasionally breaking out into bloody messes keeps you alert, you can't get too comfortable assuming some part of the world is safe for the visitors.
There's space catholics? What's up with the space catholics.
Oh yeah, here's the original short that started the show, which was fun to see at Animation Night
Also finally got through the last three episodes of The Mandalorian, which. I really like quite a lot of The Mandalorian. I like it when Star Wars explores its backwaters and odd corners. They keep putting the skywalkers in it. I feel like this might be a way to get us to empathize with the residents of the Star Wars universe, who presumable also groan and roll their eyes any time a Skywalker shows up on the holonet.
The pitch for Book of Boba Fett at the end of the show is great. They killed my guy Bib Fortuna! He didn't do anything to anyone, except for the hundreds of murders! I love this weird power couple of Shang and Fett.
Reading: Finished The Traitor Baru Cormorant and picked up Monster. I am a tragedy lover and so this is great. Baru is in a race to kill the monster she's been digested by and unfortunately she's losing.
I like a fucked up secret political cadre. It's probably the least realistic part of the series but I also wouldn't be surprised to find out that it's also a trap. I mean it kind of is! Explicitly it's a trap for the most powerful people in the Masquerade, finding unusually talented people and binding them up with secrets in service of the Empire.
Playing: Beat Indika which is interesting but could probably mostly have been an arthouse film. I like the styling! It is very Arthouse Film, the weird framing, the somewhat stilted dialogue, you can even see it in the camera work, both in game and in cutscenes. The camera goes on an angle if you look the wrong way, which is very intenional, and there's lots of really beautifully framed cutscene moments like the watermill in the factory.
Is Indika good? I'm not sure. I think if you highly value your money it might annoy you. It's doing some fun things with the interactive medium in a very different way from something like, say, What Remains of a Edith Finch. It's doing movie shit. I forgot that video games could push my GPU that hard though.
Started the Dark Souls NG+, currently just beat the Moolight Butterfly. I would really like to build a dex fighter to try out rapiers, maybe Ricards Rapier, but you really need to have the upgrades to make it put out enough damage to stand up to the increased NG+ HP pools.
Making: Helping a friend put together some furniture, but little else. Fiddled with some music stuff to make new ringtones for my new phone, not that I ever hear those, but I like to know that I have them there.
Tools and Equipment: It's central hot water maintenance week so I don't have piped hot water at home. Reviving the great tradition of the washbasin shows you that you can actually get pretty clean pretty easily with like two liters of warm water and some soap, the hard part is really just long hair, which was also hard for people to manage in the 16th century.
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random-fandom-chaos · 2 months
The minor on this blog is being groomed - kid, if you're reading this, please tell a trusted adult.
There is NO reason an adult should be sharing a blog with you, a child under 13, where they access and interact with and follow nsfw content. Even saying "ask me for smut".
This isn't okay or appropriate. Please tell a trusted adult, and cut contact with this person ASAP. I know it's difficult and I've been in your position before, I know you probably think of them as your friend - but please ask yourself why a 23 year old wants to share a blog with and be friends with a presumably 10-11 year old child, when they can easily do this with people their own age. They could even run their own blog, by themselves, without risking a child seeing nsfw content.
Please hear me out and think carefully about this, because I wish someone had sent me a message like this when I was your age.
okay so. Hello. Serious talk, im Kai No no no no, yes we used to like say those rules.
trust me please km not grooming them, im their older cousin, ik what grooming is
The thug s we out in the bio we use to think cpuld work out, trust me I realized it sounded like grooming, both us being lazy as fuck to change it though, but trust me we dont do that anymore I literally unfollowed nsfw stuff
trust me, we both know what grooming is and what and who we can trust
they’ve been through SA before, they know. So have i.
So whoever you are
please understand that if you think thats the issue its not we just havent changed out bio so sorry
and if you want you can privately message me kn this issue I could get Chaos
also, I would kill to get my own blog, they are so much better at hiding things cuz even if im a damn adult my fucking parents still search throguh everything on my damn phone and take it away EVEN THOUGH EVEN THOGUH IM AN ADULT ITS SO FUCKING STUPID- so I will be getting my own blog soon, once I move out of my parents house since im still in college, I promise i wont share with them, its just that we find tumblr a safe space to be in so they offered to share their blog with me, please, grooming is something that should be taken seriously! I assure you this is a serious matter. Especially when you accuse someone of it, I understand the misunderstanding but I was in an actually horrible state of mind too, I’ve gotten therapy and meds and im almost finishing college and looking for my own place to live,
again apologies for the misunderstanding
(please if you would like to talk to Chaos you could Privately chat or smth.)
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