#* knowing that you’ll return fills you with DETERMINATION ( ooc )
veilder · 3 years
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you" - North60
Another prompt fill that I actually managed to get done? What?! Well, you're as surprised as I am. XD Anyway, I have no idea if this is even good or not but I guess I'll post it anyway. This is set vaguely as the third piece in the North60 series I intend to write. (The first part of it is published already but I've been working on the second for a long time and it's still not done. >_<) So if anyone is a bit OOC, just blame it on some intended character growth that's already theoretically happened, lol. So yeah... here's to the very few of you out there who love this ship as much as I do. Enjoy? 😅
butterflies around the flame
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
Sixty pauses, looking over to North as she sidles up beside him on the gangway. She wears her expression of steely determination just as fittingly as her slightly-singed tactical suit and Sixty can’t help the small burst of assurance both sights inspire in him despite his current irascibility. His scanners pick up a myriad of weapons on her person, knives and guns and batons and tasers, and it soothes some basic part of his coding that crows at him to keep her safe. She can look out for herself. Hell, she can look out for him too if the way she's muttered that phrase several times over the course of their friendship is anything to go by. Time and again she's looked out for him, vouching for him to her friends, taking him on as her second-in-command in the security corps, mediating disputes he manages to get himself involved in, etc.
And here and now too, apparently, she's decided to shoulder the responsibility for his actions. Even as he stares, she nods her head down to the burnt edges of his jacket and trousers, waving a lazy hand to the entirety of his ash-encompassed form. "I’m serious, I’ll talk to them. You did what you had to and I'll make sure Markus knows it. Losing one building is better than what would've happened without the distraction."
Sixty frowns, doing his best to nonchalantly lean against the metal railing as he peers down at the gathered deviants below. The deviants he had done his best to save during the pandemonium. The deviants who stood huddled and scared and singed because of his stupid plan. They were lucky... Lucky to make it out. No thanks to him.
"I could've taken the humans down myself," he says eventually, a scowl crawling its way across his face. "Far less collateral damage. Quick and efficient. You know I could've, North." He snaps his gaze back towards her. "This could've killed them." He nods his head towards the crowd below. "I could've killed them. And for what? A crazed mob of humans hellbent on destroying us?"
North shakes her head. "But you didn't kill them. You didn't kill anybody, Sixty. We have you to thank for everyone making it out alive. Even the humans." Her words are soft but her eyes shine brightly, that same righteous anger burning through them as courses through his Thirum lines. She's just as upset about the attack as he is. He knows this. After all, she'd been on guard when it all went down, too. She'd heard his transmissions, understood what he was planning. She'd led the evacuation of New Jericho personally and perfectly in sync with him springing his trap. And now, huddled in an abandoned warehouse near the wreckage of the original Jericho freighter, the harried android population coming full-circle in the worst of ways, they are the only two who can explain the full situation to Markus.
Somehow, just knowing how incandescently angry North is about all of this is enough to stabilize his systems a bit, his dangerously high stress levels sinking back down to a more moderate rate. "Well, can't have His Leaderness getting all up in arms with me for snuffing out a few organics, now can we? Not after last time."
North snorts, the sound inelegant and coarse, and Sixty feels his stress levels sinking even more. But when she looks up at him, she is far from amused, her eyes burning with resolve as a wicked, cruel smile teases the edges of her lips. "Your restraint is admirable, Six. Can't say I wouldn't have taken the shot if I were in your place."
Here in the dim light, her uniform practically fades into the darkness. Her vibrant hair is tied back and hidden, her hands are gloved, her face is cast in shadows. Every part of North is dimmed and defeated, even her muttered words wreathed in fury and despair.
But even with her glaring down at the assembly like an avenging angel, her palpable fury emanating from her like a physical thing, Sixty can't help but scoff. "You wouldn't." He smirks as her eyes snap back to his, the challenge in her gaze masking the vulnerability underneath. "You wouldn't take the shot," he says again. "You wanna know how I know?"
Hesitantly, she nods, enough suspicion in her gaze to make him cackle. (Which he does. Loudly.)
Sixty reaches out and takes her hand, giving her his own crooked, slightly deranged smile in return. "It's because I didn’t. And that’s because of you." He squeezes her hand, the pulse of her Thirium lines under the sensitive sensors of his fingertips as mesmerizing as it is reassuring. "You've always been better than you seem to think you are. You wouldn't take a life if there was another option. That's never been you, even at your lowest." He chuckles softly. "You always protect. Even when you hate someone or something, you always try to find the best option. You 'take care of things'. That's how I came to be here in the first place, isn't it?"
North's grip is firm in his own as he flashes her another grin and Sixty can feel it, the way she retracts her skin even with the barrier of cloth between them. Without thought, without care, he reciprocates, letting his own Thirium coating recede back into the magnetized nodes dotting his chassis. The two of them sink into the interface, the low hum of each other's minds a sweet and soothing backdrop to the chaos all around them. The interface is only surface level, not deep enough to be anything other than an awareness of each other, but it is enough to magnify North's words through his whole self as she speaks: "But I never hated you. Not like them."
Sixty merely laughs. "But you should've."
And there is no contestation. She knows as well as he the sins of his past. But she's never judged him for them, not once. It's perhaps what he loves most about her, her willingness to accept his flaws. Even here and now, with the ashes of their people's dreams upon his body, she never once hesitated to accept him. It's enough to incite a 0.33 second timing fluctuation in the steady beat of his Thirium pump. The error message that accompanies it is a familiar friend in her presence these days.
In the warmth of their interface, Sixty continues on: "But you know as well as I do that you don't need to like someone to do the right thing." He spares a brief moment to think of his hallowed predecessor and the complicated relationship between them.
North nods. "Yeah, I... I know, Six. I know." She glances up at him through her eyelashes. "When the hell did you end up the voice of reason?"
Sixty snorts out a laugh. "I have my moments."
Her smile is genuine this time as she stares up at him. "You sure do."
And though his records will later tell him that this moment lasted less than a second, Sixty swears they stare at each other for an eternity. Time slows as if his preconstruction software has started up, each prolonged moment a gift for his harried system. And when at last they draw apart, breaking the shallow interface at last, they both do so with a smile and severely diminished stress level.
"Alright, I still need to explain things to Markus and Josh and Simon," North reiterates. "I'm sure they're here somewhere."
Sixty nods. "Yeah, they're over in that corner," he says, pointing.
North's scandalized face is enough to have him laughing again. "Sixty! You knew they were here all along?!"
"Of course," he laughs, "I've got the best scanners on the market. They've been here the whole time. They've been delegating or something, I'm not sure."
"Why didn't you say something!"
"Well quite frankly, I needed a moment. And then you needed a moment. And then we were having a moment, so..."
"Ugh, I can't believe you! I need to go. Now."
But before she can walk off, Sixty sidles in front of her. "Whoa whoa whoa, I think you mean we need to go. Right?"
She stares at him, uncomprehending.
"Okay, lemme put it to you this way then," he chuckles. "We will go explain my actions to the Big Boss. Then we can check on the security team and see if they're still doing alright. And then we can go find a quiet spot where we can try and beat the shit out of each other for a bit. Y'know. Let off some steam. Relax." He gives her a wink and revels in how her lips twitch at the sight.
"...You wouldn't insist if you hadn't already made up your mind, huh?" She doesn't even wait for him to confirm it before continuing, "Well, alright. Because that... That sounds good, Six.” North says. And then quieter, as if she was speaking only to herself, she mutters, “What would I ever do without you?"
Her whispered question rings sincere through Sixty's audio processor. He saves the soundbyte for further review and answers, "You'd take care of things. You always do."
And she smiles, so soft and sweet that another Thirium pump error flashes across Sixty's HUD. "Yeah. I always do. But it’d be less fun without you here."
Sixty reaches out a hand again and thrills when she accepts it, the two of them walking together along the gangway down to where the rest of the Jericho leadership are stationed. He chuckles. “I knew you kept me around for something.” This time, it’s him who initiates, opening up another interface for them to connect with. North reciprocates immediately and it makes Sixty proud to feel how much calmer she is now. “But I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that. I pity the poor idiot who tries to make me leave now. You’d tear them apart.”
North’s eyes flash, a sinister gleam accompanied by another cruel grin. “I’d 'take care of them'.”
Sixty barks out a hearty laugh, so enamored, so proud. “And I'll take care of you."
She chuckles right back and squeezes his hand, a steady warmth pulsing through their connection. "And maybe I'd even let you." And with eyes facing forward with renewed determination, she pulls him along with her towards their goal. “Now come on, Security Officer. There’s work to be done.”
Markus: "So... You're saying that you're the one who blew up New Jericho?" Sixty: "Yep!" 😃 Markus: [turning to North] "And you're saying you... encouraged him to do this?" North: "Sure did!" 😀 Markus: [staring into the camera like it's The Office] "If ever there were a time for someone to invent alcoholic Thirum, it's now." Sixty & North: 😀😀😀
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hello, friends.
lately, i have been having many feelings about the community. not just this one, but about the rpc in general. i have been keeping quiet about them, but when you keep quiet about something, eventually it becomes all too large to bear. some of you may disagree with me, and that is fine. some of you may even want to unfollow or block me, and that is fine too. i will not chase you down for merely disagreeing with me. but.
i am vastly disappointed in the state of the rpc as of late.
“but karla, why?” you may ask. “the rpc is fun, and i get to make all sorts of friends and write with so many different people!!”
and yes, you’re right! overall, the rpc is a very fun community to be in. it’s very fun to write your own portrayals of different muses, come up with your own ideas, meet other people who may or may not think and portray similarly to your own style.
i think, as a whole, the rpc has become incredibly narcissistic.
why do i say this?
i have been roleplaying and writing here on tumblr since 2012. yes, i am old. but let’s push the fact that i am old compared to most of you aside for a moment.
i have seen quite a few people, in their rules, state something similar to the effect of “if you post too much ooc, i will unfollow and block you.”
if you have read my own rules, you will see that i do not have this rule.
now, everyone is valid in what they put in their rules, and everyone is valid for wanting to cater their own online experience to what they desire it to be. however. a problem that i have seen being developed in the past 3-4 years is that... nobody seems to care about other people. now, of course there are people who care about their writing partners/friends, i’m not saying that everyone is like that, but... the vast majority do not seem to want to hear anything about the mun behind the muses past a little bio page on the blog, and even for some, that might be too much.
when i started roleplaying, this rule overall didn’t really exist as a majority, and if it did, it was on very few blogs. but as i have gone through the years, i’ve seen it pop up on more and more blogs. and my question is... why? why does everyone seem to hate ooc posts now? are we not allowed to demonstrate that we have feelings, hobbies, interests, etc. past roleplay anymore? if someone is having a bad day or a bad mental state time, are they not allowed to confess to it on their blog, if for nothing else than to just get it out? now, some of you may say “yes, that’s bad, and tumblr rpc is no place for it. talk to someone instead of broadcasting it to the whole world.”
i disagree with that.
some of us do not have good support systems outside of tumblr, or really any support system at all. for some of us, coming onto our blogs for a little rant is the only way we can feasibly see to cope with our own bad times without doing something terrible to ourselves. and, honestly? it’s natural to want others to know when we are struggling. some call it “attention-seeking,” sure, but... yes. when you are feeling bad, naturally you want some sort of attention, if not to validate, then to distract for a little bit. the mind is an incredibly fickle creation, and sometimes, it is too big for us to deal with it on our own. and if someone doesn’t have many outlets to deal with it, they will naturally flock to the one that they know is safe, where they can let out their frustrations and depression without much backlash. but with rules like that in place, it becomes a bit more scary, a bit more threatening, even, to even entertain the idea that you are feeling anything but happy.
it is incredibly isolating, and even depressing, and it can even increase depression in those who do not currently have the proper mindset to see past their own demons that the mind has created. and the last thing i personally want is to consciously isolate someone because they’ve committed the “crime” of having a bad day/feeling terrible for some reason that may not even be related to the rpc.
it is natural to need/want to rant about things.
“but this is the rpc, karla. we are all here to write. not to read someone’s bitching on the dash about how they’re feeling so terrible.”
and, yes, we are all here to write. but i think that what the rpc in general has forgotten is that there are real people behind the portrayals and muses that we love so much. real people that have feelings, and sometimes those feelings aren’t the best ones. and i can personally speak from experience when i say that having a little rant and it seemingly being ignored only makes the feelings worse. and, like, i’m not even asking for anyone to send long essays to someone who is feeling bad. even a little like can make someone feel better, because it means that they’ve been seen, that they’ve been heard, that their being here isn’t a waste of time or a burden to other people.
adding onto my statement of “the rpc has become really narcissistic,” something i’ve also observed is that ongoing threads seem to be becoming a thing of the past. ask memes are reblogged 24/7, just about, and often times, i’ll see the same meme five times in a row. it seems that what the majority wants now are just asks that one can craft a brief answer to, post it, and then forget about it until the next one comes in. they can be great for headcanons and such, yes, but... i’ve found that, in my experience, the greatest character development comes from threads. and this just may be my frustration speaking, but threads seem to be long gone, unless they’re crack threads that last for a few hours before everyone gets bored with them. it seems to be all about who reblogs the most memes, who has the most asks in their inbox, that determines how popular somebody is. and i don’t understand that, but maybe i’m just too old and too stuck in the past to do so.
another thing i’d like to talk about is activity. some of us cannot be on tumblr 24/7. i’m not hating on the people that can, more power to you, but some of us have things like school, jobs, other real life commitments that should come before tumblr roleplay. and sometimes we just can’t be on our blogs because time has run away from us and has us devoted to other things. however, what i’ve noticed lately that if you happen to be away from your blog for a week or so, you’re just about instantly forgotten, and when you return, it’s like you never existed at all. this has been a problem i’ve seen for a long time, but i still don’t like it. why should our amount of time being active determine how good of a roleplayer we are? if others “love our portrayals so much,” then why are we forgotten as soon as we’re not constantly posting? in my eyes, if you genuinely enjoy someone’s writing, and they have to go away for some time, you’ll be excited when they’re finally able to come back, if even for only a little bit. and not just “oh, you’re gone, time to unfollow and never speak to you again.” this can also be incredibly isolating, and it creates undue pressure on those of us who just cannot be here 24/7. we feel like we have to fill our queues to stay relevant, and we panic when we don’t have anything to fill the queue with without re-reblogging something.
roleplay isn’t supposed to be stressful, guys. it’s supposed to be fun. it is a hobby. i feel like some of the rpc has forgotten this fact. no one is paying us to be here (unless you have post+ on your rp blog, in which case... why????). we’re here because we want to be, not because someone is forcing us, and we shouldn’t have to feel like we’re being held up to some invisible high standard just because some of us can’t be here all the time.
there is more that i want to talk about, but this post is long enough as it is, so i will leave it how it is right now.
if you have read this far, thank you for reading, and again, i understand if you want to change things with me because of this.
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d0llpie · 4 years
Tendou x Reader
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
Warnings: angst, mentions of insecurity, self harm (not explicit), sexual assault, ooc ushijima and smut, please let me know if i missed anything
Word count: 3k 
You sat up in bed and rushed to grab your phone beside you, it was only 7am you had plenty of time to get ready for your first day at Shiratorizawa. It was weird living in the Shiratorizawa dorms, you were so used to being at home and seeing your brother, Asahi every day. You came to stay at the dorms a week before school started to get a feel for the campus and to move in properly. You were entering your 2nd year after having to move away from Karasuno due to your brother moving out and your mum not being able to afford to have you live with her.
One week prior : 
Tendou had been stuck at the shiratorizawa dorms all winter since his mum had to attend a business seminar in Tokyo, an often occurrence, and didn't trust him alone in the house for the entire break. He was walking around the empty dorm hallways reading shounen jump when he saw a (h/c) girl struggling with a large bag and a tall man with long brown hair behind her. He watched silently as her (h/l) (h/c) bounced as she entered a room several doors down from where he stood. He didn't even notice the older boys eyes on him his hesitantly, he was too focused on you, he watched as you dragged your bags into the room and felt pulled to help you. His thoughts raced and he didn't want to scare you or confront the taller male behind you, so he turned around and decided to go back to his dorm room. 
Asahi watched him this whole time and wondered if you had noticed, you had but only out of the corner of your eye. You saw a tall slender figure topped with fiery red hair that stood up. You felt pulled to him and you turned to smile at him but when you did you saw him walking away. Your smile dropped but you brushed it off and continued moving into your dorm. 
"uhhh y/n...who was that?" asahi asked as he carried in your heavier boxes 
"not sure, i didn't think there would be other students here so early" you replied not giving it much thought 
"he seemed to be watching you, do you want me to stay here with you?" asahi asked, concern and anxiety written all over his face 
"no i'm sure it's fine, it wouldn't hurt for me to make a friend here before school starts" you said reassuringly 
"hmm okay, make sure to text me often and you know you can always come stay with me on weekends and holidays" asahi said sweetly. You nodded in reply and continued unloading your desk items.
After you had finally moved in you sighed and plopped back on your bed, Asahi chuckled at this and patted your head. 
"Asahi, what if i don't make any friends" you huffed out, half sarcastically knowing he'd be able to cheer you up
"Y/n, of course you will, anyone who gets to know you will love you, and you can join the volleyball team and you'll make friends with all your team mates within no time" he said as kindly as possible 
"Thanks Asahi" you smiled 
After you settled in and Asahi had said goodbye you got out your laptop and watched some anime before dinner. 
Over the next week you rarely left your dorm room despite needing to check out the campus, you felt comfortable with the dormitory building and occasionally saw the red head from moving day, he glanced away whenever your eyes met and you started to wonder why. You smiled at him a few times but he didn't return the gesture and it was starting to worry you. You needed to make at least one friend and you were determined to at least learn the name of the red head who kept stealing glances at you. 
The day before school started came and you were wandering the halls as some students arrived at their dorms, you once again made eye contact and instead of looking away you smiled and began to approach him, you noticed him glance behind him and you smiled at his reaction. He turned back towards you and as you approached you noticed his eyes, they were red and intense but drooped, giving him a tired look, 'cute' you thought. 
Tendou's POV: 
'shit shit shit, did i stare at her too much?' he cursed at himself internally. As you approached he noticed your (e/c) eyes and how they looked at him innocently, something he wasn't used to. Whenever he was on the court his opponents eyes showed fear and defeat, he thrived on that feeling but your eyes, eyes that showed the opposite, gave him a feeling of power, different to that of his opponents. He wondered what it was that you were thinking, he noticed you were new and he figured you were settling in early and would attempt to make friends today, he didn't guess he would be someone you be interested in befriending. 
His history with girls was nothing but disappointing, on the off chance he found a girl who didn't judge him for his reputation and looks, they ended up being interested in his stoic best friend, ushijima. He was used to this happening now and hadn't spoken to anyone in a while so he was nervous to see you approaching him so casually. 
"Hi, i'm y/n...i just moved here from karasuno high" she said brightly, a slight blush dusted her cheeks 
'cute' he thought, but quickly shook the thought away not wanting to have expectations that would inevitably be crushed. He realised he hadn't answered and scratched the back of his neck before replying 
"Hi y/n, i'm Tendou Satori, i'm a 3rd year" he smiled at the small girl in front of him as he became aware at their obvious height difference.
"Oh wow, and do you stay at the dorms all the time?" she said lightly, giving a warm smile. 
"Oh you noticed, i'm sorry i didn't introduce myself earlier, i don't usually stay here over breaks but i wasn't allowed to be at home by myself for the whole break, my mum didn't trust me" he chuckled lightly but could feel his face heating up at the awkwardness. 
The small girl laughed in return which eased his anxiousness, she looked up at him and inquired "Would you mind showing me where the gym is? I plan on joining the volleyball club but this school is huge" her eyes lit up as she noticed your obvious shock 
"You play volleyball?" he half shouted excitedly, earning a small laugh from y/n
"Yep, i'm a libero but i'm not sure if i want to play or be the manager, i guess i'll decide over the next few weeks" she stated happily, "Do you play?" she added on
"Yeah, i'm the middle blocker for the boys team" He said smiling 
"Oh yeah, i heard you guys have an amazing team, Ushijima is the ace right?" his smile dropped as you mentioned Ushijima, he wasn't surprised but he was slightly disappointed at your obvious interest 
"Uh..Yeah hes our ace" he said lightly 
"I thought so, my brother really wants to beat him, he's the ace of karasuno!" she said proudly and as he looked into your eyes he realised you weren't asking out of personal interest and he smiled at the thought. 
After you chatted some more he realised it was getting late and more students would be coming in to settle before school tomorrow 
"Well i'll see you tomorrow y/n" he said peering down at the small girl in front of him 
She smiled warmly and nodded, the same blush from earlier dusting her cheeks and he loved seeing how cute it made you look, he shook the thought away again as you walked back to your dorm, it would be amazing to simply have you as a friend and he didn't need anything more, so why did he keep hoping it was him that was making you blush? He went back to reading shounen jump on his bed to take his mind off of you. 
Back to current time
You went to the bathroom and washed your face and put on your new uniform, the skirt and blazer fitted you well and you felt comfortable, you hoped to run into Tendou again seeming he was the only person you knew. As you finished getting ready you realised you still had tonnes of time but you decided to leave early so you could get to see where your classes were. As you left your dorm room you saw someone leave the boys bathroom with a towel around their neck, some sweatpants and a loose tee. You recognised the familiar bright red hair but it was now down, damp and dripping onto Tendous face as he turned to meet your eyes. You blushed seeing his toned arms and the way his damp hair framed his face, he noticed this and smirked before giving you a small wave and entering his dorm room. 
You continued walking to class feeling embarrassed at your childish reaction and pushed the thought out of your mind for the day. 
Classes finished and you sighed happily knowing it was time for Volleyball, you grabbed your other uniform from your locker and changed into it before you headed towards the gym. A familiar red head caught your eye as you turned to see Tendou half running to catch up to you with a smile on his face. You smiled back at him and waited for him to catch up to you
"Hey, i told you i'd see you today, c'mon i'll walk you to the gym" he said confidently with a smirk 
"Thanks" you smiled back returning the gesture
Practise went well with the girls team but every so often you'd look across to the other court after hearing the ball slam down and you'd notice Tendou's eyes as he stared down the spiked whos ball he just killed. His eyes were filled with pride and he almost looked insane, you were impressed by his skill and he noticed you staring after a while and began to meet your eyes after each kill block. 
After practise you changed back into your uniform and left the locker room to see Tendou against the wall waiting for you. 
"Hey tendou what's up?" you asked 
"Not much, i saw your receives, they're impressive" he complimented looking into your eyes 
"Thanks, your kills were incredible, you even blocked one of Ushijimas spikes" you returned the compliment not realising his expression change at the mention of you noticing Ushijimas spikes 
"Yeah thanks" he muttered trying to sound normal 
You noticed his change in tone but didn't mention it, you both continued walking back to the dorms in silence.
When you arrived at the dorms you noticed the Ace of shiratorizawa, Ushijima, standing outside of Tendous dorm room. 
"Hey Wakatoshi, this is y/n" Tendou looked up at him before continuing "she's joining the girls volleyball team and just moved from Karasuno" the taller man stared at him with a blank expression before nodding his head to you, you smiled awkwardly and noticed his expression soften when you did. Tendou also noticed this and shyly turned towards you. 
"Well goodnight y/n, i'll see you tomorrow" he put a hand on your shoulder and you shivered, he noticed and pulled away quickly with a blush on his face
"Yeah, see ya" you said before nodding to Ushijima and going back to your dorm. 
After you had dinner you decided to take a shower and watch some anime before bed. Lying in bed you thought about your day, you hadn't made any friends in your classes but the volleyball girls were all really welcoming, which you appreciated. There was Tendou of course, Tendou. You wondered why he didn't seem to have many friends besides Ushijima, during practise you heard some say 'guess monster' after one of his kill blocks but you were too focused to pay it any thought. Maybe you'd ask him about it tomorrow when he walked you to practise. 
The next day of classes went by painfully slow, you were in class 5 and the homework was already being piled on, you assumed it would be harder than Karasuno but you definitely weren't expecting this much. During lunch as you were running past the cafeteria you noticed Tendou wasn't eating, he looked up and saw you and you exchanged a smile, he blushed lightly and you kept rushing past. 'Cute' you thought. 
Practise time finally came and this time you tried to engage more with your teammates. 
Tendous POV
He saw you talking to Miki, the girls team captain and he watched as you laughed with the team and dove for the ball. Semi noticed he was getting distracted and the setter came up to him 
"Tendou, got your eyes on someone?" he teased
"What? oh y/n? no i just met her a few days ago" he said defensively 
"Oh c'mon Tendou she was watching you pretty much all of yesterday's practice" Semi said rolling his eyes. Tendou looked at him with wide eyes, he noticed you glance over at him a few times but he didn't realise Semi could see it too. 
"Tch, she was probably watching Ushiwaka" Tendou roller his eyes and went back to practice. Semi's face softened and he stopped teasing Tendou, he knew he'd been used before to get to Ushijima and he always felt sorry for Tendou. 
After practise you put your uniform back on and walked out of the change rooms half expecting to see Tendou but he wasn't there. You said goodbye to Miki and the other girls and began to head back to the dorms, you noticed Tendou up ahead and started running to catch up. 
"Hey Tendou ! wait up" you called out and he turned to see you running towards him, he smiled 
"Hey y/n" he looked down as you started walking with him 
"So, i overheard someone call you the guess monster at practice, what's that nickname for?" you said lightly, regretting it immediately as you saw Tendous eyes widen and stare down at you 
"Oh that. Have you seen my blocks? I usually just guess where the spiker is going to hit it and my intuition which is often correct scored me the nickname" he smirked, bragging, but his eyes looked away from you. 
"Wow that's amazing, you really are an amazing blocker" you smiled warmly hoping to make him look at you. He turned to see you gazing up at him with those eyes, they didn't hold any intentions of embarrassing him with his old nickname, he'd grown used to seeing that look and was surprised to see you so happily staring at him. 
"Thanks (n/n)-chan" he grinned as he saw you blush at the nickname 
"No problem ten-chan" you grinned back cheesily. 
End of the week 
The bell rung signalling the end of the week, 'finally' you thought as you sighed at got ready for practise, Asahi was busy practicing for some training camp coming up so you'd have to stay at the dorms all weekend, you hoped Tendou would be there too so you weren't alone. You saw the tall red head waiting for you as you left the change room. He put his arm around your shoulder as you walked to the gym and you tried not to act flustered as your stomach filled with butterflies. Trying to distract yourself you asked him 
"Hey ten-chan, are you going back home this weekend?" you peered up at him 
"My mum returns on Monday and she's okay with me going home but i'll stay if you're asking me to keep you company" he smirked down at you and began laughing once he noticed the blush on your face. You poked his side and smiled at him.
After practice you were walking back with Ushijima and Tendou, you were in the middle of both of them and you noticed Ushijima watching you. You wanted to ask Tendou to hang out this weekend to get closer but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable so you figured it'd be less awkward if you invited Ushijima too. 
"Hey Ushijima, do you stay in the dorms over the weekends?" you looked up at him and felt tendou's arm around your shoulder tighten. 
"No, i'm visiting family" he said bluntly 
"Oh okay" you didn't think he'd want to hang out with you and Tendou so you kept walking silently, after a while Tendou dropped his arm and you looked up to see him looking away from you. 
Ushijima left and you and Tendou walked up the stairs to the dorms rooms 
"Hey Tendou, are you okay?" you asked
"I'm fine n/n-chan, why?" he grinned at you but you could tell something was off 
"You know you can tell me if i'm bothering you, i know you probably get sick of me following you before and after practise and i can tell Ushijima seems bothered" you looked up to see his eyes staring at you, his face looked so soft but his eyes were so intense and red. 
"What? No that's not it at all, i like hanging out with you it's just..I thought you might've been trying to get me to set you up with Ushiwaka..." he trailed off awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. You looked up at him confused, you decided to clear the air by asking him if he wanted to hang out this weekend. 
"Tendou, do you wanna go somewhere with me tomorrow?" his cheeks were dusted with a light blush as his lips curled into a smile.
"Of course y/n, where do you wanna go?" he asked peering down at you
"I was thinking about the cafe around the corner" you smiled sweetly. 
"Sure, i'll come to your dorm room tomorrow at 11am" he noticed you blush at him taking initiative and he took it as a sign, he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear before laughing
"Goodnight n/n-chan" he walked into his dorm room leaving you, filled with butterflies. 
That night while you were lying in bed watching anime you started to think about Tendou, you liked him and so far he was one of your only friends besides the volleyball team. You didn't know why he made you so giddy, you'd only known him a week, you didn't think you liked him like that but you were excited for the cafe tomorrow. 
Tendous POV 
He sat up in bed just thinking about you, he wanted you as a friend but he needed to keep you at a distance. He was overjoyed when you asked him to hang out just the two of you but deep down he didn't think he could trust you. He thought about avoiding you tomorrow but decided he'd just make it clear you were only friends, despite how nervous he became around you.
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gillyweed and firewhiskey|n.l.
hey y’all this is my first fic ever! it is posted on AO3 as well but i wanted to get more feedback on my writing so please let me know what you think! 
WARNINGS: underage drinking, fluff, might be a little ooc for neville?
AO3 LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27365782
PLAYLIST LINK: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2P1AM69WM9QMKwkfJjkrBP
He set his bag down on the grass and began rolling his jeans up towards his knees. After he slipped his shoes and socks off, he waded into the cold water of the muddy lake. The muck squished unpleasantly between his toes, but he ignored the feeling as he rolled up the sleeves of his sweater. He began shifting and digging out the soft, wet earth that made up the water’s edge, the plant wouldn’t be easy to find but he was determined to find the root before Harry’s next event in the tri-wizard tournament. Gillyweed was the only solution Neville and Harry could think of for the next task which would require being underwater for up to an hour. Neville quickly focused on finding the root and tuned out everything else as he examined every vegetation he pulled from the muddy bank. It wasn’t long before the boy heard footsteps approaching the bank he stood in, his head snapped up towards the intrusion and was relieved to see Harry smiling at him from beside his belongings.
“I see you started without me,” Harry mused. Neville released a nervous chuckle before he replied, “Gillyweed’s a bit tricky to find, figured we’d need all the time we could get to find it.” Harry nodded his head and set his bag down beside Neville’s before settling down against the trunk of an old, weathered tree. “I’m going to do some reading on a few alternative options we could explore if we can’t find the gillyweed,” as he spoke, Harry pulled a rather large book out of his bag. Neville hummed in response and continued searching for the seemingly elusive weed.
The boys worked tirelessly to find answers to Harry’s problem, the only noise being pages turning from Harry’s reading, water shifting around Neville’s calves, and the occasional disappointed murmur from the boy working in the water. As time passed, Neville realized his toes and fingers were going numb, his cheeks had also turned a delicate shade of pink and if he reached up and touched the flushed skin, his fingers would be shocked by the cold temperature. Neville pushed the thoughts of the cold air out of his head as he continued to rake his fingers through the wet dirt.
Neville was beginning to get discouraged when a small pop of green amongst the brown lake floor caught his eye. He delicately pulled the translucent green root from the soil and immediately lit up, “Harry! I’ve found gillyweed!” The boy jumped at Neville’s excited voice and a large grin broke out over his face, “Brilliant Neville! Do you think you’ll be able to find more?” Neville nodded excitedly, “Gillyweed grows in groups, and the roots look thick and healthy! I’ll just have to find the rest of the pods from this root.” Harry couldn’t help the small smile that lingered on his face as he watched his tall friend bend back down and began searching for more gillyweed. He didn’t express it very often, but Harry thought herbology was good for Neville - having a knack for the subject made Neville more confident and happy. Harry chuckled to himself quietly before going back to the rather boring book Hermione had given him about water-related magic.
Neville excitedly continued his search but was quickly interrupted when laughter filled the air coming from just over the small hill that led to the embankment. Both boys looked in the direction of the melodic noise. To their reliefs, three familiar faces popped over the crest of the hill; Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Y/N. Luna waved excitedly to the boys, “Hello!” Harry smiled in response and Neville lifted a long arm above his head and waved back.
“What are you three doing here?” Ginny snorted in response and quickly shot back, “What? You’re not happy to see us Harry?”
Y/N quickly tuned out her bickering friends and walked to the edge of the water where Neville had dug out more gillyweed. “Aren’t you cold?” His head snapped up at the sound of her voice so close to him. Neville felt as though time had slowed down as he gaped at the object of his affections. Ever since they had met in Diagon Alley before the school year, Neville found himself thinking often of Y/N. He wasn’t sure what about the girl made him so flustered, but he was sure if he thought about it too long he’d get lightheaded. “Neville? You okay?” Time returned to its normal speed as he took in the girl's slightly concerned face, “Yeah, sorry. It’s not as cold as it looks,” he spoke with a slight nervous chuckle in his voice. The girl smiled and opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Ginny calling her and Neville over. Y/N let out a small chuckle and waited for Neville to step out of the water before they walked over to the group. Y/N sat between Luna and Ginny who began whispering to her in hushed tones.
Neville sat next to Harry and handed the bespectacled boy the gillyweed he had collected. “Will it be enough?,” Harry asked anxiously. “I’ll have to measure out the right amount based on your weight, but it should be more than enough for an hour!” Harry opened his mouth to thank him, but was cut off by Ginny clearing her throat.
“Alright boys, the counsel has deliberated and we’ve decided to include you lucky lads in our fun!” The boys’ faces scrunched up in confusion as Ginny began digging through her bag. Their confusion morphed into surprise when Ginny revealed two bottles of firewhiskey to the group. The redhead snickered at the boys’ reactions, “So… are you guys down?” Harry chuckled, “Sure, where’d you get that?” Ginny chuckled as well before answering, “I stole it from the twins’ stash. It’s not like they can tell on me… So Neville, you in?” They all looked over to the apprehensive boy who had been fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. At the sound of his voice Neville had looked up to find everyone already staring back at him. He scanned their faces before he stopped on Y/N’s. She gave him a reassuring smile and before he could stop himself, “Yeah, I’m in.” Everyone whooped and with Neville’s agreement, Ginny cracked the first bottle of firewhiskey, took a deep pull and passed the bottle off to Luna.
Neville was practically shaking when the bottle was passed to him as he had never drank alcohol before. He took a deep breath and quickly gulped down some of the firewhiskey - the burn was unpleasant but he liked how it seemed to warm him from the inside. They all sat like that for a while; passing the bottle, complaining about teachers and parents, laughing with and at one another.
As the sun began to set, Y/N had found it harder and harder to keep her eyes off the taller of the two boys. As it turns out, Neville was quite the giggly drunk. In Y/N’s eyes, he looked angelic - face scrunched up in uncontrollable laughter, cheeks glowing deep red from the firewhiskey, the setting sun behind him turned his hair into a halo of golden brown locks. Seeing him so happy and carefree made Y/N’s heart clench in her chest. There was something indescribable about him that drew her in like a moth to a flame. She wanted to bask in all his glow. Y/N got so lost in the sight in front of her that when Neville looked over to her she couldn’t look away, so she smiled at him, hoping he would understand how she felt from her face alone. Neville’s face grew even more red and he returned the smile. However, neither moved to look away, they both wanted to soak in the other’s light, and they did, until Ginny announced they should make their way back to the dorms. As they walked back it was agreed upon that they should skip dinner and go to bed early, seeing as they were all drunk.
All five entered the Gryffindor common room only to find it empty as everyone was at dinner. Y/N and Neville found themselves lingering in the middle of the room as everyone said their goodnights. Luna and Ginny giggled as they walked up the staircase to the girls’ dorms and Harry swayed lightly as he walked up to his dorm. And just like that, Y/N and Neville found themselves utterly alone in the middle of the common room. Neville broke the deafening silence first, “I had a lot of fun,” Y/N chuckled, “I’m glad! I did too, I really like hanging out with you…” Neville felt his face heating up to match the blush Y/N was sporting. As he opened his mouth to tell her how much he enjoyed her company, the door to the common room was flung open and voices filled the once silent space. Y/N gave him a small smile, “Goodnight, Neville…” he returned the smile before quietly speaking up, “Goodnight, Y/N…” Their eyes lingered a little longer than considered friendly before going to their respective dorms.
As Neville lay in bed listening to Harry’s light snores he couldn’t help but think of Y/N. A large smile spread over his face as he began to drift into slumber. A smile much like the one on Y/N’s face as she stared up at the ceiling while laying under the covers, thinking of a certain plant-loving boy.
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xxxmaydayxxx · 4 years
Shigaraki Tomura x Reader Dry Humping Headcanons NSFW
This is my first headcanon post...so it’ll be shite, especially since I’m writing for this cute lil freak. Just wanna add there will be spoilers to Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) and I do not own the character at all.                        
Trigger warning: Bad language (I swear a lot), Shiggy being creepy, spoilers, NSFW dry humping scene but not full on sex, also Shiggy’s a bit OOC...
also cringe ahead.
- When you first met Shiggy, you came to the LOV’s hideout with Dabi ‘n’ Toga (how original)
- You weren't rude like him or batshit crazy like her, you were...normal?
- What was someone like you doing in a place like this?
- Does he ask? No. Did he want to? Yes. Why didn't he?
- Too busy.
- Not that important.
- The truth was the mere thought of talking to you one to one made him feel like his heart was in his throat. So much so he couldn't breath.
- His face would feel hot.
- His mouth would dry out.
- His leg would bounce up and down uncontrollably.
- And just everything would become distorted. Sound, sight, touch and smell.
- And don't get me started on how you'd make his cock twinge ever so slightly.
- Jesus, was he sick? Why did you start making him feel like this?
- He didn't properly talk to you until after a stressful mission, he came back tired, stressed and out of breath.
- Everything was hazy and moving in slow motion. 
- But when he bumped into you... 
- Everything felt safe, comfortable, complete.
- If you asked him he'd just say you made things better. That’s all.
- He didn't remember how the conversation started but somehow you both got to why you joined.
- You had witnessed hero society first hand when you and a few friends decided to conduct an experiment that could've gotten you into trouble with some heroes.
- You had walked around the city looking like you'd been attacked and wounded while your friends filmed the bystanders reactions from afar.
- No one helped, all they did was look away.
- You found it pitiful, you wanted to make everyone suffer and teach them to help others in their time of need.
- You didn't care if you had to become the bad guy to do some good.
- Things had to change.
- You didn't realise you were ranting until you turned to Tomura.
- He was just staring at you, a look of interest and admiration on his crusty face.
- He thought you were so innocent yet so determined and brave, almost heroic even though you were part of the league.
- Everything about you drew him in.
- Your beauty.
- Your smell.
- Your beliefs.
- God your fucking eyes.
- Smile 
- Hair
- Body
- Ass 
- Tits 
- The way you breathed.
- And talked.
- The way you talked so softly and passionately at the same time.
- He started noticing so many things about you.
- These new feelings were getting overwhelming.
- Everything made him want to touch you. 
- Kiss you. 
- Rub you.
- Fuck you.
- God this isn some crush anymore it’s a fucking obsession.
- He doesn’t want you, if anything he wants you to stay away.
- He needs you, so much so he’s scared he’ll lose control.
- He doesn't want to do anything too harsh to scare you off. Just enough for him to know you’ll still be around and not dispise him completely.
- Maybe he coul-
- “Shigaraki-san?”
- He snapped back into reality.
- He was now sitting closely to you on the couch, your thighs touching his. His face a breath away from yours.
- He didn't realise he had gotten so close.
- “Are you, ok? You kind of zoned out while I was talking”.
- Tomura stiffened as sound of you voice sent strange feelings straight to his member.
- Now or never, might as well get it over with.
- He carefully leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
- His lips were chapped but that didn't matter, they had barely even touched yours and it was so brief you'd have to blink to miss it.
- He stared at you and you stared back intensely. 
- You hands quickly wrap around the back of his scratched up neck and pull him in roughly for another kiss before he could leave.
- He’s in shock for a split second. so many thoughts were racing through his brain.
- Why weren't you running?
- He coud kill you right now.
- You’re making a big mistake.
- But he was already in love with the feeling of your lips on his.
- He let his hormones take over.
- And kissed back just as hard.
- He let his arms wrap round you waist and rested his hands on your hips, making sure to lift up a finger on each hand. 
- He pulled you onto his lap without breaking the delicious contact with your lips as his hands made there way down to your short skirt.
- Your hands tangled themselves in his light blue locks, though they looked knotted and unkept they were pretty damn soft. You gave them a slight tug and he gasped quietly and swiftly moved his hands under your skirt to your panty clad ass, grasping it tightly and grinding it on his clothed erection.
-Which was now hard as a rock, and fucking huge.
- The only things between that and your dripping, tight little pussy was your underwear and his sweats, which were doing absolutely nothing to cover his large, aching cock.
- As your hips moved in sync, his mouth had made its way to your neck, littering it with kisses and love bites. He hummed aggressively against your sweet spot as your ground your wet panty covered pussy on his bulge. 
- You were moaning like a bitch in heat as the feeling of his sweats over his hard cock rubbed your swollen clit over and over again sending shockwaves throughout you body. Your keep one hand in his hair, softy clutching it and massaging his scalp while the other snuck down between her legs.
- Tomura’s eyes widened as you lifted yourself up and pulled your underwear to the side and started grinding on his clothed dick again, moaning even louder than before, not caring if anyone could hear.
- “F-fuck Y/N, this is-is incrediBLe”
- “Hah, Shi-Shigaraki-s-san”
- “Tomura” He growled out. Fuck he was getting so close.
- Before you could speak, he forced his tongue into your mouth and battled your own for dominance and muffling your erotic cries.
- He was now humping up at your naked pussy fast and hard, desperate for release, you could feel his hard cock pulsing and throbbing through his sweatpants.
- You could also feel yourself coming undone on his lap. Your pussy was about to-to!
_ “Tomura I-I’m cumming!”
- “Me t-too, Fuck!” he cried as his strong thrusts became unhinged and erratic. With a final three thrusts he filled his pants up with his hot cum, over and over again as you shook against him, soaking his pants with your juices.
- Tomura sat on the couch breathing heavily, his quivering member shrinking in his pants, completely drained. His body shined with sweat and his heart was beating rapidly. He turned his head to look at you in his lap.
- Sweat covered your body like his and you twitched a couple times after your release. Your sleepy eyes glossed over with lust as you looked back at him with a lovesick expression, which he gladly returned. 
- It took a little while afterwards for you both to get your energy back, but once you did, Tomura and you made your ways to the shower to “clean up”.
Ok, done, this is my first time posting so I’m well aware this isn't a piece of art. Feel free to request one-shots, head canons, nsfw I’m not too bothered, I do need time to figure out what I won't do. Also if you know anyways I can improve please let me know, I’m clearly very desperate for help.
Anyway thanks for reading!! Love you!
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shijiujun · 5 years
[ENG] History3: Trapped Novel - Epilogue Two: “And After, Jack & Zhao Zi”
~2,500 words 
*Warnings for this chapter: SMUT AHEAD. Okay I think I’ve said a lot regarding the ridiculous-ness of this chapter, but honestly, I wouldn’t recommend reading this chapter AT ALL. Zhao Zi and Shao Fei are a little OOC in this one I feel, and there are so many logical loopholes. It starts off well and we get some Jack backstory which is quite nice, but then it all goes downhill from there. There’s the who tops who bottoms discourse, and there’s kind of.. questionable consent? Not exactly dub-con but ZZ is drunk as hell. And the sex scene is NOT written well, but I mean to be fair not every writer can write smut, including me. Translation is even worse I’m so sorry. You’ll know what I mean if you read it but I hope you don’t read this, in case anyone needed the warnings. Comments? 
Translation Masterpost can be found here
Disclaimer: Translations are entirely mine and Wei’s - these are not official translations and some phrases have been changed for better English interpretation so you’ll definitely see better/different translations elsewhere. Also keeping in mind when we translated this we aren’t exactly thinking about the style of writing and this translation is as close to the novel as we can make it XD So yes, some parts may be a little awkward to read. And yes some teeny weeny details and words may not turn up in the translation because the Chi to Eng mind acrobatics didn’t work out. If you see asterisks, scroll all the way to the bottom for notes!
Full chapter under the cut
Epilogue Two: “And After, Jack & Zhao Zi”
Jack is lying on the couch, waiting for his lover who hasn’t returned home even though it’s so late after 10pm. However, Jack is also accustomed to waiting up for Zhao Zi.
In the army, the strict regimen of training gave him unimaginable skills. Put nicely, it was to protect the country and its citizens, but put in perspective, he was simply a killing machine trained for a long time under the army. Under his commander’s order he had to kill, the only difference is that when you do it in the name of your country, it’s not considered illegal, but in the end, he was still a machine that simply listened to orders. To live or to die, to be valued or cast aside, this was all dependent on your superiors, and you also had to watch out for what they thought of you.
“How boring,” the man lying on the couch remarked, thinking about his past.
Since he was going to kill anyway, why not let him choose his target? And that was how he left the army and chose the high-risk career path of a mercenary, to be hired by a buyer at high prices, and time after time in each battle, he escaped the grim reaper’s axe.
Jack closes his eyes, breathing in the air in the house.
In the past, the air that he breathed was filled with either smoke and sulphur or the coppery tang of blood leaving a body. Now, around him all he smells is the aroma of food.
Unconsciously, Jack slips into sleep and a dream, but is forced to revisit his past. In his dreams he hears the sound of a bullet being fired from a gun, hears the loud explosions echo, hears the signs of people, one after another, falling and never getting up, hears the sound of blood gushing from a gunshot wound. Just as he thought that he could escape and finally be free.
I really want a place that I can return to, he sighs.
Although the sound of the key entering the keyhole and the main door opening is very soft, Jack, an ex-mercenary who is used to being on high alert always, still startles.
Jack’s eyes snap open suddenly, and he looks at his surroundings in a mixture of fear and wariness, until he’s sure that he’s lying on the couch in the living room. Only then does he straighten, his entire back drenched in cold sweat.
“Hehe, you’re not asleep yet?”
The smell of alcohol is strong on Zhao Zi, and holding onto his noisily clinking set of keys, he laughs and looks at his lover, who often waits on the couch for him to come back.
“You had to put in overtime again?”
Zhao Zi’s nose scrunches up as he shakes his head, “No, I went out for drinks with Ah Fei and Jun Wei.”
“Did you have a good time?”
“Hnn, I did.”
Zhao Zi removes his shoes and moves over to sit right next to Jack, then leans his entire body against the man’s shoulder. He adjusts himself until he’s most comfortable. 
“Liang Dian, hehe, Fang Liang Dian is so huge.”
Only at this time, acting all cute would Zhao Zi call him by his birth name. Zhao Zi happily reaches out to caress Jack's abdominal muscles.
“Hey! You really have some fetish for this huh?” Jack does not know whether to laugh or cry as he says this, and even though he doesn’t mind being sexually harassed in various forms by the shorty, it feels a little different tonight for some reason.
Why is Zhao Zi’s hand starting to move towards that somewhere?*
Zhao Zi swallows and looks at the area that is beginning to have some reaction with his touch, “It’s hard, huge… and a little hot.”**
“Shorty, are you intending to call in sick to work tomorrow?”
Since Zhao Zi has lit a flame in his body, then he must be mentally prepared to douse the flames out, all night long.
“I want to eat you up!”
Zhao Zi suddenly throws himself towards Jack and Jack, who is unable to react in time, ends up lying on his back on the soft couch.
Jack looks at his lover, whose face is filled with determination, and allows Zhao Zi to pull up his loose shirt, lie on his chest and begin to lick and suck at his nipples.
The pants coming from Jack makes the person who took the initiative to attack him very satisfied, and so Zhao Zi continues to slide down Jack’s body, kissing Jack’s abdomen, and then he pulls down Jack’s shorts to reveal an already hard member.
“Hey, you can’t really want to top me, right?”
“Hmph!” Zhao Zi immediately glares at Jack, who is sitting up to get a better look at him.
Zhao Zi seems very unhappy that Jack seems to be doubting him. “I’m a guy too, if you can top me, then of course I can top you. What about it? You’re looking down on me, is that it?”***
It’s all Ah Fei’s fault! Earlier when they were drinking, he suddenly grabbed him and asked if Zhao Zi was still a virgin, and in the end in a fit of anger he retorted, “Who the hell’s a virgin, I’ve already done it with Jack!”
Shao Fei only went ‘oh’, and continued, “You may have grown behind, but in the front it’s as if you’re still single.”****
The drunk person holding and teasing the hard member in his hands suddenly starts crying, scaring Jack to the point of falling on his back again on the couch.
“Shorty, what’s up with you?”
Zhao Zi points at his similarly hard member and very loudly says, “Ah Fei says that even if I’ve done it with you, it’s only in the back that I’m not a virgin, but in the front it’s as if I’m still single and a virgin!”
“Pftt…. Hahahahaha!”
Hearing this, Jack can no longer control himself and starts to laugh, hugging his abdomen. Geez, what do these guys usually talk about? What a mess! Jack sighs, thinking about his ex-boss, who’s faced with such an unpredictable lover.
Tang Yi, you’ve got a tough life ahead of you.
Hold on a second! It seems that Jack himself didn’t get any luckier in his choice of partner, if he had to identify someone who was ever more ridiculous than Officer Meng, wouldn’t it exactly be the Zhao Zi kneeling right in front of him right now, the Zhao Zi who wants to ‘top’ him?
Suddenly struck with reality, Jack looks at his shorty with a frown. An opportunity for a prank flashes through his head then.
“Shorty, you really want to ‘pop your cherry’ for your ‘front’ as well?”*****
“Hmph, of course!” Zhao Zi burps, side eyeing Jack.
Jack raises an eyebrow and reaches for Zhao Zi’s chin, and with a strange smile he says, “Okay, I’ll let you ‘hug’ me!”
“Really? I can really eat you up?”
Zhao Zi swallows with excitement, and all that surfaces in his head is the image of this handsome and tall man being on the receiving end.
“Really, but…” Jack squints at Zhao Zi, and pretends to be very embarrassed as he continues, “Once you’ve eaten me, you have to be responsible to me for life.”
“Of course!”
The young officer proudly puffs out his flat chest, and although he does not have any hard and firm pecs, he’s definitely a man of his word, and he will be responsible towards his food…
Eh, that’s not right…
It’s being responsible to his own ‘man’ for the rest of their lives, he definitely will.
In the room
“Jack… hold on… Jack…. Jack...”
Inside the room, illuminated by only a single light, moans and harsh panting echo.
“What’s wrong?”
Jack knows exactly what’s wrong but still asks, holding onto his lover’s waist, and continuing what he was doing earlier.
Zhao Zi, as he pants, asks suspiciously, “Seems like… hah… hah… seems like something is a little… a little wrong.”
“Which part is wrong? Didn’t you want to top me?”
“Yeah.. earlier, earlier… we agreed… That I would… hah… that I would top you…”
“Shorty, aren’t you on top of me right now?”
“Hnn… nnn… yeah… yeah… ah…”
“Then that’s correct, I’ll continue to let you ‘top’ me then!”
What a cunning smile, as Jack says things that make his face flame.
“Okay… okay…. I, I’ll continue… continue to top you… if it hurts… ha-ah… you have to tell me…”
Zhao Zi imitates the way Jack is always so considerate of his feelings when they’re having sex, and repeats these reminders to Jack. Right now, if someone took out a magical mirror and put it in front of Jack, they would surely be able to see the fox tail behind him swinging from side to side.
Jack, whose scheming plan succeeded, continues to embrace the shorty he loves so much, eating the drunk police officer so clean he doesn’t even leave any bones behind.
Jack inserts his hard member upwards into Zhao Zi’s opening, and because of the way that Zhao Zi is sitting across Jack’s laps, the depth at which he penetrates Zhao Zi is even greater than usual. Every thrust accurately hits Zhao Zi’s prostate, and with each thrust, Zhao Zi finds it increasingly difficult to stop himself from making any sounds. Passionate moans sound in the room that belongs solely to them both.
“Ah- Jack… It feels so good… so good… Jack…”
“Me too,” Jack says through gritted teeth, enjoying the sensation of his cock being squeezed in a vice with satisfaction, “It feels very good for me too.”
“Then I’ll… Then I’ll continue… to top you…”******
Zhao Zi repeats the movement that Jack taught him previously. Every time he moves up he squeezes his muscles and tightens up, while relaxing every time he sits back down on Jack’s member.
“Oh god- Shorty you… you… ah...ah…”
Even though it was him who taught Zhao Zi all these tricks in bed, Jack forgot just how much Zhao Zi affects him. Usually, Jack already gets so excited when Zhao Zi responds to him without doing anything special, not to mention a Zhao Zi actually putting everything he knows to good use right now - Zhao Zi is completely messing up his rhythm.
“Ah-hah, Jack… Does this… feel… good?”
“Damn it!” the man who’s quickly losing control curses.
This is no longer an issue of whether it feels good, but a matter of him reaping what he sowed as he’s getting just what he asked for.
Oh god! It’s so tight there!
Cumming prematurely is the greatest blow to a man’s pride, well, that’s alright, it looks like his pride is quickly, almost…
“Ah- hah-”
Jack thrusts upwards into Zhao Zi with all the strength he has, then releases into his lover’s body.
Zhao Zi looks at the man lying and panting on the bed, and a satisfied smile tugs at his lips.
“Hehe, you actually came earlier than me,”
Wow, so the one who’s in charge of ‘topping’ the other does last longer! Every time they had sex before this it was always Zhao Zi who came first, and who expected that he could see Jack’s expression like this, post-orgasm?
Zhao Zi looks at his lover’s face, and makes a weird sound.
“What’re you looking at?” Jack glares at the man who’s sitting on him, pissed off.
“Jack…. What should I do?”
“What is it?”
“I think I…” Zhao Zi says honestly, “I’ve fallen more in love with you.”
Every time he sees an expression on Jack that he’s never seen before, he finds himself falling in love with Jack again. Is this normal? Or is it abnormal?
After receiving a confession so suddenly, Jack smiles and asks, “The next time you drink again, I’ll let you ‘top’ me, okay?”
“Okay!” Zhao Zi nods furiously.
“Just now you ate me, so now, it’s my turn to eat you.”
“Huh? What-”
Zhao Zi is abruptly flung and pressed into the bed with a pull across the back of his waist. His hole, which has turned red and swollen with all the friction, is still filled with Jack’s cock as the man refuses to withdraw.
“Wait a second!”
Didn’t they agree to let him be on top for the whole night? Why is he once again pressed to the bed by Jack?
“Didn’t you say that we have to be fair? I let you ‘top’ me once earlier, and now it’s my turn to ‘top’ you once too, this is what we call fair, right?”
In his dizzy state Zhao Zi has the niggling feeling that something isn’t quite right, but he can’t think of how to respond to Jack’s statement either, so all he can do is nod in agreement and acquiesce.
“You’re not wrong, so okay! Since you let me ‘top’ and made me feel so good earlier, I’ll let you ‘top’ me once too, but I’ve got to work tomorrow, so we can only do this once, and no additional rounds.”
“Okay,” Jack grins delighted.
Zhao Zi secretly sticks out his tongue at Jack in his mind. Lucky for him, Zhao Zi smartly voiced out his conditions first, otherwise Jack’s stamina is really equivalent to that of a monster’s and if Zhao Zi let him do as he likes, he won’t get to see the sun tomorrow, instead sleeping until it’s time to eat dinner the next day.
And so with Jack’s member, which has hardened again, they continue onto their second round. Of course, Jack keeps his promise to do Zhao Zi only one more time, and then holds onto an exhausted shorty, slipping into sleep with happiness.
The next morning, Zhao Zi wakes up under his alarm’s incessant ringing. He brushes his teeth and washes his face, then rubs at his bleary eyes out of habit as he walks down the stairs. 
“Good morning!” Jack, who’s busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen, turns around to look at the shorty who’s just woken up and greets.
“Good… good morning…”
Zhao Zi smiles happily and sits at the table by the window, waiting for Jack’s breakfast made with love, a few minutes later, his handsome lover brings over freshly made sandwiches and juice, sitting opposite him.
“Does it taste good?”
“It’s delicious, ah!” Zhao Zi exclaims suddenly, recalling what happened last night. 
The tip of his ears turn red, and Zhao Zi grabs onto Jack’s hand. He says, serious, “Don’t worry, I’ll be responsible for you for life.”
Jack is unable to react immediately, so he just stares at Zhao Zi, dumbfounded. Then he laughs.
“Hey! I’m being serious here, what are you laughing for?”
Jack shakes his head and resists the urge to laugh even more. He deliberately bites at his lower lip and replies, “Then please be responsible for me, for life, okay?”
“Nnn! No problem, I promise!”
Zhao Zi pats at his chest, which has remained flat no matter how he tried to exercise it, and makes a promise to the one he loves.
*This is exactly how it’s written, word for word translation, I KID U NOT
**I have facepalmed
****Honestly, I cannot imagine Shao Fei saying this 
*****I would like to cry, and not happily
******Wow guys I only realized that Zhao Zi was duped today, like TODAY, six months after I got the novel. I’m a bit mind blown. To be fair I didn’t dare read through the whole thing in my first few reads, but omg, Zhao Zi you are so easily duped. This is such a questionable scene?! But also towards the end my brain just kind of switched off and I’m translating so mechanically like I’m praying my brain doesn’t process any of the words. I’m sorry, I REALLY TRIED. Once again, I hope you didn’t read this, and if you made it all the way down here... if you liked it, cools, if you didn’t, you can cry with me in the comments. 
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
[Carewyn and Bill took their positions ten paces from each other, their wands at the ready.]
Bill: “Ready, Carey?”
“Ready! Shall we count off?”
Bill: “(with a nod) One...”
[The two had somehow managed to cast the exact same charm at the exact same time. The spells collided in a large white flare that exploded with a loud BOOM and knocked them both backwards off their feet. Miraculously, though, both of them managed to keep hold of their wands -- Bill recovered quickly, hoisting himself up onto his knees.]
Bill: “Confringo!”
[Carewyn rolled over on the ground to dodge his spell.]
Bill: “Diffindo!”
[Before Carewyn’s enchanted ropes could land, Bill had effectively slashed them to pieces in mid-air. He gave her a broad smirk.]
Bill: “I figured you’d try to use that one. Stupefy!”
[Bill’s Stunning Spell bounced off Carewyn’s Shield Charm. She smirked just as widely in return.]
“And I figured you’d try to use that one! Flipendo!”
[Bill leapt out of the way just enough that Carewyn’s Knockback Jinx only reached his foot. It did make him lose his balance and fall again, but not being hit straight-on meant he didn’t sustain as much damage, so he was once again able to get back to his feet quickly.
Bill had longer arms and legs than Carewyn, so she knew he’d have the advantage of reach, and thus it’d be harder for her to avoid his attacks. But one advantage she had as the smaller of them was that she wasn’t as large of a target. So as long as she didn’t get too close, and as long as she didn’t let him get too close, Carewyn could counteract Bill’s advantage.]
Bill is always direct in his attacks. His only target right now is me. So perhaps...
[Rather than aiming directly at Bill, she aimed her wand at his feet.]
[The spell hit the ground hard, and just as she’d hoped, it threw up a bunch of dirt and debris, blinding Bill and making him stumble backward.]
He’ll probably go on the defensive, since he can’t see me --
[A confident smile on her face, Carewyn dashed forward to the right, circling Bill rather than getting much closer.]
[As she’d hoped, she’d avoided his Shield Charm by going around him. Bill’s shirt sleeve caught fire -- to his credit, he reacted to it very quickly, dousing it with water from his wand.]
Bill: “Aguamenti -- “
[But the time he’d needed to douse the flames was all Carewyn had needed to attack again.]
[Her Freezing Charm collided with Bill’s arm, and in an instant, he’d frozen stock still with his wand arm and hand trapped stiffly in position. All he could do was blink as Carewyn dashed over, resting her wand lightly on his shoulder so the tip poked at the side of his neck.]
“I win. Finite Incantantum.”
[Bill’s shoulders immediately slackened and he lowered his wand arm. The determination melting from her face instantly, Carewyn extended a hand and took hold of Bill’s arm so she could focus on his burnt sleeve.]
“Here -- let me fix that. Reparo...Scourgify...Tergeo.”
[Each spell repaired, cleaned, and brightened Bill’s sleeve until it was as bright white as it had been before.]
Bill: “Thanks...”
[He gave a low groan.]
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[Carewyn bit back a giggle even as her eyes glinted fondly.]
“Of course you are, Bill. Though I hope you won’t go crowing that to Charlie.”
Bill: “(with a grin) My lips are sealed.”
[He extended a hand, resting it in Carewyn’s bangs and ruffling them lightly.]
Bill: “I gotta say, Carey...you’ve really grown up.”
[Carewyn blinked.]
“Where’d that come from?”
[Bill laughed, even as his cheeks gained back some of the embarrassed flush he’d had before.]
Bill: “Sorry...it just sort of dawned on me, while we were dueling. During our first duel, you were so tense, in your shoulders -- and you just locked yourself to that spot, glaring at me. At the time, I’d assumed you were just focused on what you were doing...but I reckon you were actually a bit nervous, weren’t you?”
[Carewyn remembered. She’d heard that Bill knew how to do the Fire-Making Spell, which she and Rowan had both thought would be crucial in dealing with the Ice Vault. But Carewyn had known full well that Bill -- being two years older -- had no reason to help a weird little girl like her, let alone the weird little girl who was known at school for being related to the “delinquent” Jacob Cromwell...so she’d decided that she had to make a good impression, which included giving her all in their duel. That didn’t mean she wasn’t still painfully aware of how few spells she’d known or how little dueling experience she’d had at the time.]
Bill: “But just now? Complete opposite. You were quick, precise -- and you were smiling the entire time...like you were utterly fearless.”
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[Bill’s face broke out into a large, warm smile.]
“...I’m really proud of you, Carey.”
[Carewyn’s heart felt like it had grown so big it was now pushing painfully against her rib cage. She felt the urge to throw her arms around Bill’s neck and give him a huge hug, but she repressed it with difficulty.]
Oh Bill...why do you have to go? Why does this have to be over so soon...?
“...Thanks, Bill. I’m really proud of you too. I mean...not too long ago, we were battling Ice Knights together, and now? Now you’re going to break curses for real.”
[Bill laughed.]
Bill: “‘For real?’ What have we been doing all this time -- training for the ballet?”
“You know what I mean!”
[Carewyn punched him lightly in the shoulder, and Bill laughed a bit harder.]
“All right now, no more distractions -- I believe you owe me a secret.”
[Bill chuckled a little more softly.]
Bill: “Heh, so you can tell I was stalling, huh?”
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[Carewyn’s eyebrows knit together tightly over her eyes in confusion -- within seconds, however, her eyes widened in realization.]
[She felt her cheeks burning. Her eyes fell away from Bill’s face, landing somewhere in the area of his shoes.]
“...You heard us.”
Bill: “Yep.”
“So you know about...?”
Bill: “My surprise party send-off from Hogwarts? Yeah.”
[Carewyn frowned deeply, making her flushed face look oddly grumpy.]
“You have the ears of a bat, Bill Weasley.”
I know Charlie and I weren’t whispering that loudly!
[Carewyn felt him rest a hand on top of her head -- she looked up at him, to see his smiling face was flushed too, making him look almost shy.]
Bill: “It was very thoughtful of both of you.”
[Despite the embarrassed pink still clinging to her cheeks, Carewyn relaxed slightly.]
“...But wait -- if you knew all along, why did you suggest going to the Three Broomsticks back in Rakepick’s classroom -- at Flourish and Blotts?”
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[Carewyn’s face flushed a little bit more in exasperation.]
[Bill’s laughter made it impossible for Carewyn to keep glaring at him. Soon she was smiling from ear to ear too.]
Bill: “I am sorry I made you buy me a gift, though -- hadn’t expected you to come up with that excuse...”
[Carewyn gave him a light shove.]
“Don’t be daft! The shopping might have been an excuse, but I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to spend that money on you. I could’ve decided not to spend all of it, if I’d wanted to. And well...I won’t be able to help you out anymore, when you’re at Gringotts, so...I figured I’d have to help some other way.”
[She forced a strong smile even as her heart chilled a few degrees in her chest.
Bill, however, didn’t seem fooled. His eyes softened as he came right up to her, bringing an arm around her so he could take hold of her shoulders in a sideways hug.]
Bill: “You will always -- always be of help to me, Carewyn.”
[Carewyn’s eyes narrowed slightly, visibly comforted.
She never would’ve admitted it to anyone -- but in Jacob’s absence, Bill had really filled a hole in her life that Carewyn had previously refused to acknowledge existed. Even though she’d always been so close to the vest and had always put on her strongest, prettiest face around everyone, Bill had never been afraid of opening his heart and home to her, and he’d always given her everything he could, even though she knew his family didn’t have any more than hers did. And even though, like her, he felt the desire to protect people and project stability to reassure them, Bill had never held back his more vulnerable feelings with Carewyn. He’d always trusted her -- and more importantly, he’d always believed in her...the last person in the world she herself could imagine having any sort of faith in.
Carewyn didn’t know how she could’ve been so lucky to meet and befriend Bill Weasley -- but she thanked whatever holy entity there was that she had.
Bill’s grip on her shoulders made Carewyn stand up just that little bit straighter, and she reached up a hand and took hold of Bill’s on her shoulder, squeezing it tightly.]
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“I suppose Charlie should be about ready now. Promise me you’ll at least act surprised?”
Bill: “Of course! Wait until you see my brilliant performance.”
[Carewyn giggled as the two left the training grounds together, Bill’s arm still wrapped tightly around her shoulders.]
--->To Be Concluded...
((OOC: *covers her face to suppress the squees of joy* BILL, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, GAH. Also yes, another headcanon of mine is that Charlie and MC actually weren’t whispering that loudly -- Bill just hears and sees everything. XD
For those of you following this “Bye-Bye Bill” series, thank you so much for your support! It really means so much. As always, please consider liking/reblogging/commenting this post or any of my other roleplaying posts (consult the “roleplaying” or “gameplay” tags!), or even sending me or my muse Carewyn an owl through our Askbox. I hope your day is magical!))
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rkvok · 4 years
Determination’s reward
You’re stopped as soon as you make your way to practice early on September 1st by one of your usual coaches. She takes you from everyone else and onto the higher floors of the building. After a quick stop to notify who you are to the secretary, the coach tells you to go inside a room you already know. Inside your boss’s office, you find her, Baek Jiyoung, and two other people. One is the lawyer who was with you when you signed your contract. The other you’re not really sure.
“Please, sit down.” Baek Jiyoung greets you with a smile and motions towards the empty chair in front of her. Once you do, she looks over to the man you don’t recognize. “This here is Mr. Kim, one of Nova Entertainment’s representatives who got in contact with us recently.” He gives you a nod of the head before she continues. “Before we proceed, I’d just like to say that what we’ll share in this room is extremely confidential, and we’re trusting in you not to share anything that’s said here to anyone else until you’re instructed otherwise.” 
With a look at his direction, it is time for him to speak. “You probably heard already that PER_SE lost one of their members last month. He was the main rapper, Hugo. Moonbok, you haven’t been a trainee for a very long time, but we’ve been able to access your abilities from previous appearances. Plus, your coaches confirmed the growth you’ve had since joining Sphere. After discussing matters with Ms. Baek Jiyoung, we have decided to offer you the lead rapper spot in our boy group. This means you’d have to break your contract with Sphere and make a transfer to Nova.”
Jiyoung leans forward, bringing the attention back to her. “I had the pleasure of watching practice on these past months. I wouldn’t have let you go if this wouldn’t be of your benefit, or if you weren’t prepared for it.” She gives you another smile before the lawyer places a small stack of papers in front of you. “You’ll still need to work hard, of course. These here are the forms we’d need to sign to make your transfer possible. But, of course, this may be a lot for you to unload right away. If you’d like to take some time to think about it, your coach can take you to a private room where you can be by yourself. Remember not to mention any of these details to anyone.” The CEO finishes by placing a gorgeous pen on top of the files. “This can mean your debut, Moonbok. Please, consider it well.”                              
When he’s waylaid by one of the coaches as he enters Sphere on Tuesday morning, the only thought going through Moonbok’s mind is that he’s screwed. Completely and utterly screwed. He follows the coach with a bowed head and swirling stomach, fists clenched tightly by his sides to stop them shaking.
Which is an abysmal failure.
As they make their way through the building, with Moonbok realizing in horror where they heading, he racks his brains to try and figure out why he’s being summoned by the CEO herself. Besides the obvious reason, of course.
Was he not respectful enough to a senior? Did he do or say something during his S-POP audition to offend the company? Had he posted something he should have had on social media?
Or is it simply that he isn’t good enough? That he hadn’t improved enough since he was signed in November and Baek Jiyoung has decided enough was enough and is about to cut her losses and dismiss him.
Moonbok can feel his eyes filling up with tears and his bottom lip quivering dangerously as he and the coach wait outside Baek Jiyoung’s office. Taking a shuddering breath in, he quickly swipes his hand across his eyes and forces his expression into as calm a one he can manage as the door opens.
If this truly is the end, he’ll face it with dignity.
He makes his way to the desk he’d sat in front of only ten months earlier, the scene almost the same as back then. Him, the CEO and a lawyer. But with one crucial difference, a stranger he doesn’t recognize. For one wild moment he wonders if this is one of his family’s lawyers before he instantly dismisses the notion. With a hard swallow, he takes his seat and forces himself to meet Baek Jiyoung’s eyes, ready for her judgement.
Only to see her smiling back at him. And despite it all, Moonbok can feel a little of the tension in him easing slightly. Surely she wouldn’t be smiling at him if he was in trouble, right? Tentatively, returns the smile as the stranger begins to speak, only for it to morph into a expression of pure shock as the reason for his summoning becomes clear, all his previous thoughts blown out of his head as one phrase repeats.
“We have decided to offer you the lead rapper spot in our boy group.”
Is this a joke?! Some kind of hidden camera prank? Moonbok’s eyes dart around the room, but everyone’s expression seem far too earnest for a prank like this. And Baek Jiyoung’s smile only widens as she leans forward and speaks to confirm everything he’s just been told. Moonbok pinches his arm, though. Just in case.
This isn’t a dream. This isn’t a joke. He’s being offered a spot in an actual idol group.
“Yes. A hundred times, yes!” It’s not the most eloquent way to put it, but Moonbok doesn’t need the time Baek Jiyoung is offering him to think. 
This is what he’s been working towards for half his life. 
His hand shoots out for the pen before his mind catches up with the situation and Moonbok stops short from grabbing it, hastily clearing his throat.
And giving the lawyers and Jiyoung a smile so bright that it could rival the sun.
“I mean, thank you so much for this opportunity. And for believing in me so much.” He lets out a slightly incredulous laugh. “I’m honoured, truly. Especially when there’s so many others who are deserving of this spot. I’ve always trusted you, Baek sagjangnim, and I’m not about to stop now.” He takes in a deep breath and reaches out for the pen with a lot more self-restraint this time.
“I’ll accept your gracious offer, I’ll become PER_SE’s newest member.” And without further ado, his signature is duly filled in on the marked spaces. After a few more minutes of talk and assuring them all he he doesn’t need time to consider his options, as he’s about to be dismissed, Moonbok stands up and as bows deeply as he can without actually kowtoing to the woman who’d taken a chance on him despite it all.
“Baek sajangnim… I’m still not sure what you saw in me that made you scout me and then offer me a contract. But from the bottom of my heart, thank you. You took a chance on me when no-one else would. I can’t repay you for your belief in me, but I promise… even though I’m leaving Sphere, I’ll make you proud. I promise that I’ll show the world your faith wasn’t misplaced.”
OOC: Congratulations on being offered a spot at debut! By signing the contract, Moonbok will officialize his transfer from Sphere to Nova Entertainment and start his preparations for debut under the boy group PER_SE. Should he not sign the contract, this will not impact him negatively, and he may return to practicing as a regular trainee under Sphere. Moonbok is to keep her real reasons for transferring a secret until his position is revealed to the public.
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macmilllan · 4 years
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                                       “ i want to stay. i want to leave. i am                                           three oceans away from my soul. ”
cis male / he/his. ┊ if you’re looking for FINNIAN MACMILLAN, you’ll probably find HIM in the HUFFLEPUFF dorm with the rest of the SEVENTH years. they’re the TWENTY-ONE year old PUREBLOOD who looks kind of like ROME FLYNN. they seem CURIOUS, QUICK-THINKING, & JUDICIOUS to me, but apparently they’re also IMPATIENT, DISTRUSTFUL, & RECALCITRANT. maybe that’s why they remind me of waking up early, so it feels like you have the whole world to yourself; the salty breeze off the sea; making up your own rules to board games;   family photos and heirlooms locked in a trunk you don’t open; the adrenaline rush of thriving at the last minute; a feeling deep down that you’d never make it on your own. ( ooc: zoe, 22, cst, she/her. ) 
WARNINGS:  parental death, car accidents, manipulation, underage alcohol use ADDITIONAL MATERIALS:   finn’s playlist, stats page, & pinterest board  
the macmillans were always a large family, sprawling and warm and bright.  generations ago,  they found themselves written up as one of the sacred twenty-eight and were,  if not quite baffled  (for they were proud to make and display beautiful family trees,  and thought it made sense they were one of the stronger pureblood clans around),  uncomfortable with the company that put them with.
for years they’d been more than content to exist as their own enclave, almost;  existing in the wixen world and attending hogwarts and welcome members of society,  but always,  always happy to return home to ireland away from the larger wixen communities.  it was rare to see a macmillan settle down in hogsmeade or godric’s hollow;  they preferred to do business with muggles in their communities when they could,  only went to diagon alley when it could not be put off any longer.  
it was strange;  but the sort of strangeness easily written off as eccentricity,  that didn’t seem to ruin their standing in good pureblood society.  
perhaps that was because they weren’t reclusive  —  for years and years,  they made friends with other families,  saw their children married off with greengrasses and abbotts and longbottoms and happily attended the large society weddings.   they were proud of their various children and their various accomplishments.
augustine macmillan was only one macmillan out of many.  he was the eldest son of an eldest son,  going back several lucky generations that made him favored.  
if the macmillans were the sort of family to call a certain child the heir over all the others,  it wouldn’t have been a question:  augustine was the heir.  the golden boy.  beloved not just by his family but by everyone who had encountered him at hogwarts,  where he met his wife,  briar shacklebolt.
no one was really surprised when they moved back to the macmillan family home. augustine’s father had recently died.  his younger brother was also recently wed,  and moved to spain to live near his wife’s family.  it fell on augistine to keep up the old macmillan estate on the sea.  he and briar were happy to take on the responsibility;  they agreed that there was no better place to start their family.  
and they did  —  they were,  like,  really good at starting a family,  actually.  they had their eldest son,  shea,  shortly after settling into the macmillan home,  and five years later had lark and lonen,  the twins.  the twins were joined by niamh three years later,  finnian three years after that;  when little astrid was born a year after finnian,  the couple finally decided they were done.   they had their perfect,  large family.  the macmillan-estate-on-the-sea was loud,  filled with love and laughter and a perfect amount of lived-in chaos.  everything was perfect.  
later,  all the wixen gossip and newspaper tributes would call briar and augustine’s death a senseless tragedy,  an unthinkable thing.  plenty of muggles die from car crashes;  but purebloods,  from good families,  heir to their names,  just  —  didn’t.  they died from well-earned old age or an illness that had them in st. mungo’s for months leading to their demise.  from spell inventions gone badly,  or from being on the wrong end of a duel.  those sort of deaths made sense;  they were noble or expected.  strangers heard news of the macmillans’ death and found it shocking enough to reveal disdain.
it wasn’t altogether strange for a pureblood family like theirs to have a car.  even the ministry used the muggle vehicles,  charmed to weave through traffic with an ease everyone felt wixen had earned.  briar and augustine didn’t have anything flashy  —  just a nice family thing,  affixed with an extension charm so all six of their children could ride in it comfortably,  if they needed to.  
technically, the extension charm was illegal;  but everyone who knew about it looked the other way.  after all,  the youngest macmillan kids attended a muggle school at the local town,  so they could have friends and socialize before moving on to an intermediate academy.  people whispered about that  —  the illegal magicking of the muggle vehicle,  the fact that their children attended a muggle school  —  in the wake of the couple’s death.  the macmillans had spent generations currying enough favor for people to willfully forget that,  despite their perfect lineage,  they were a little too comfortable with muggle things.
no one brought it up,  at briar and augustine’s funeral.  no one wanted to punish those six kids for what they knew were the sins of their parents,  and their parents alone.  little shea macmillan was only eighteen,  barely an adult in the wizarding world and still at hogwarts;  there was no way he would have a car,  and charm it,  and drive it around roads where muggles go like that’s at all safe.  
no,  people were quick to help him,  and jump to his defense and his aid.  because they were quick to want him to turn out different from his parents.  
finn was seven when his parents died and suddenly everyone turned to his oldest brother like he was the head of the family now,  the one in charge of the gaggle of macmillan kids.  shea was still going to hogwarts.  even the well-meaning strangers who wanted to meddle in their lives didn’t want to steal a hogwarts education from shea.  he had three years to finish out;  everyone knew he’d step up as caretaker as soon as he was done,  because that was the right thing to do,  and everyone was sure shea would do the right things.  
an older woman,  somebody’s grandmother,  if she wasn’t theirs,  came to stay at the macmillan-estate-on-the-sea with the kids during the school year.  finn and niamh and little astrid were still too young for intermediate academies;  so she took it upon herself to pull them out of the local muggle school and homeschool them.  
she was kind and helpful,  and shea was too grateful to wonder at how determined everyone was to keep the last of the macmillans away from muggle life.
she never stuck around during holidays and summers,  when shea was back from school.  finn liked her plenty,  but he was happy when shea finished school and strongly encouraged her to stop sticking around at all. the macmillan home never really felt like it used to;  finn was seven when his parents died and that was old enough to remember what life had been like with them around.  
but it was amazing to have shea back for good.  finn felt like things returned to normal,  a little,  when he had his brother around for good.  their house was filled with love and laughter and a perfect amount of lived-in chaos.  no,  life wasn’t all around perfect anymore.  but it was good.  
their parents had left more than enough gold in the family gringott’s vault that life was always comfortable for the six macmillan kids.  shea could easily fall into the role of guardian for his siblings without worrying about money.  by the time shea was done with school,  finn still had one more year before it was time for him to start at an intermediate academy.  it was a golden year,  him and shea and astrid,  with lark and lonen and niamh coming home for holidays,  everything feeling as right as it could.
all six kids remembered all too well how often people had popped into their home,  trying to load their ideals off on them.  those distant cousins and family friends never seemed to be around now that shea was back for good.  finn,  for one,  was glad.  he’d been raised to be polite,  and kind,  and so he’d sat and nodded and listened to all those adults like he knew they wanted him to.
but you could only take so much of hearing near-strangers try to disparage your parents without explicitly speaking ill of the dead.  even the not-grandmother who’d looked after him and his sisters when their brother was at school had made more than one snide remark about the troubles that came with forgetting that wixen stood apart of muggles for a reason.
finn didn’t feel all that charitable towards the attempted correction everyone seemed to think he’d needed,  grief-stricken at seven.  pureblood society had seen the macmillan family floundering after a tragedy and leapt on them like vultures.  the intent,  he was sure,  was to sway the kids back towards wixen society.  it probably did the opposite.
the macmillans were still an upstanding pureblood family that no one would look down their noses at;  especially not knowing now that the remaining family members were all orphans,  deserving of canned sympathy even years removed from their parents’ deaths.  people were kind to finn,  and he was kind to them in return,  polite in his careful dismissals and practiced brush-offs.  he had his siblings and had learned at a very young age that he just couldn’t rely on anyone else like he could rely on them.
shea was protective of his siblings,  especially finn and astrid who had been so little when they were thrust into his care like he knew what to do with them.  he encouraged the two of them,  and niamh and lonen and lark,  to keep their distance from anyone who seemed too intent on getting them to believe a certain thing or act a certain way.  
people had ulterior motives,  and they were ruthless in getting children to believe those motives were right and just.  the macmillan family had always been self-sufficient,  and they were all determined to keep it that way,  now that they didn’t need to rely on anyone for anything.  
everyone had their job within the macmillan home  —  the thing they did for their siblings that kept things running smoothly,  everyone useful,  everyone loved.  
finn had learned to cook at the elbow of lark and their brief not-grandmother;  when he was home from school,  first his intermediate academy and later hogwarts,  his first stop was the kitchen.  it was a huge,  spacious room in the macmillan-estate-on-the-sea,  the place where so many of his well-worn memories of briar lived.  he felt most connected to his mother there and insisted,  along with lark,  to be in charge of meals.  he and his older sister were a well-oiled machine.  
it was no surpise to any of them when he followed her lead and was sorted into huffelpuff.
she owled him all the best spots in their common room and the best snacks to request from the kitchens,  and her twin lonen wrote to him with old pranks he’d pulled as a gryffindor,  in case finn felt like keeping up family tradition.  niamh was at hogwarts with him,  and rolled her eyes at how much everyone seemed to coddle little finn  —  but she had a mean right hook and promised her fellow slytherins would have finn’s back if anyone tried anything with her baby brother.  
shea owled him,  too.  but just to say he was proud of finn.  finn glowed with love at that one and decided he’d keep all three letters for the rest of his life.  maybe it was a silly,  sentimental sort of choice to make,  when he was fourteen now and supposed to be a grown-up hogwarts student,  but finn stood by it.  
he’d had an early growth spurt and carried himself with the sort of well-worn confidence that made other people decide he was cool.  he had a tendency to play his cards close to his chest and slap on the same practiced niceness with everyone  —  if other people thought that lent him a sense of mystery,  that it made him cool,  that was fine.  it just meant everyone would leave him alone,  for the most part.  that was how finn liked things.  
there was this potential in him to be soft  —  he was the youngest boy in the family,  and for a while there,  when he and astrid were the only ones not in any kind of school,  everyone looked after them as the babies of the family.  he used to need an army of stuffed animals on the bed at night to keep him safe,  used to cry any time he smelled something like his father’s old cologne.  it wasn’t just that there was a potential in him to be soft;  he was soft,  deep down,  and always had been.  
but that didn’t really serve him well,  did it?  all those well-intentioned strangers had swooped in on him and his family in their greatest moment of weakness.  finn was a good guy,  a sweet boy.  that’s what adults always used to call him,  when they were trying to weave their way into the macmillans’ lives.  
but he could wrap all that goodness and sweetness in steel and wield it like a weapon if need be.  it was safer for him and his family,  that way.
finn loved himself a task.  he wasn’t a believer that idle hands were the devil’s plaything or anything so brimstone-y as that,  but he just didn’t like to sit doing nothing.  some part of him always had to be moving,  lest his mind take over and decide to race in the stillness.  one summer,  he and lark worked their way through julia child’s mastering the art of french cooking.  it felt like a kind of fuck you to all the wholesome,  magical,  english cookbooks people had left them as gifts when they’d seen how many muggle ones were in the macmillan kitchen.  
they owled their uncle,  still living in france with his wife and kids,  progress reports on each recipe.  when he came to visit during christmastime,  finn and lark cooked his family increasingly elaborate french meals until his wife laughed at them and snorted wine out of her nose.  they just ordered a pizza from the muggle place in town,  after that.
one summer,  finn taught himself to play guitar.  he was awful at it for a while,  and niamh,  whose room was next to his,  cast a silencing charm on it until he promised to keep an eye on the clock when he was practicing so he didn’t keep her up until three in the morning.  he got better,  like,  eventually.  his siblings had never been under the illusion his peers were under,  that finn was cool.  
mostly they made fun of him for picking the guitar when the family had a perfectly nice piano in the living room he could have used,  instead of the guitar he bought second-hand from a shop in the town next to the macmillan-estate-on-the-sea.  
the six of them had elaborate board game tournaments,  and games that weren’t quite board games with rules they made up themselves.  exploding snap was an event at home,  everyone tipsy on mulled wine and cider,  well-fed on whatever finn and lark had made for dinner that night.  they organized three-on-three quidditch games on the beach and yelled at anyone who let the quaffle fall into the water.  
it was different,  in school.  finn was less himself at hogwarts than he was at home,  where he could laugh with his siblings as they laughed at him and feel like not even his missteps would be looked down on.  despite his years at school fully immersed in the magical world,  finn still felt wary around people who weren’t directly related to him.  it even took him a while to warm up to his uncle and his wife and kids,  once they finally started coming around again.  
finn couldn’t help but feel like he couldn’t fail in front of anyone he didn’t already trust with his life  —  and the list of people he trusted with his life was a very short one.
his peers weren’t as bad as adults were  ( there was not a single professor finn had ever trusted.  the ones who were nice and likable were worse than the ones who everyone else disliked )  but there was something about being simultaneously abandoned and conditioned by strangers when he was a kid that made him not want to let his guard down around anybody.  it felt like both a personal failing and an act of survival.
making friends for him was both very easy and almost impossible.  
people tended to like him.  finn wasn’t sure what it was  —  maybe he just had a face,  or his habit of being unfailingly nice to everyone paid off in unexpected ways,  but there had never been a shortage of people willing to walk with him to class or sit with him at breakfast.  he could talk to them,  and joke with them,  and even fall into something that looked enough like a friendship that he was never really alone.  
but finn wouldn’t have cared if he was alone all the time,  which  —  he was reasonably sure was not most people’s reactions to having friends.  it was fine;  he was fine.  at the very least,  it made it easy for him to satisfy that itch under his skin that said he had to keep moving at all times.  people with friends never sat alone at quidditch games,  and they always knew when there was something fun going on.  there was always someone willing to play wizard’s chess with him,  or go to the library to work on notes.  
finn was technically thriving at hogwarts.  his grades reflected as much,  and he knew he’d have no trouble making it in the world outside of the castle.  but he never really felt like he was thriving,  and was mostly just happy thinking there was a world outside the castle.
shea and lark ganged up on him,  sometimes.  both of them thought he was doing himself a disservice by phoning so much of his life in.  it was true that all of the macmillan kids had been messed up,  in some way,  by their parents deaths and the three years immediately following them.  finn just carried it differently than any of them;  and despite it all,  he was still one of the babies of the family,  coddled and looked after.  finn preferred to be the one looking after things.  it made him uncomfortable to be seen.  
for them,  only for them,  finn promised he’d try to live more in his life;  to not be so distant and practiced and kindly removed.  it didn’t feel right on him,  like a borrowed coat.  he wasn’t sure anyone else would’ve noticed he difference.  he’d gone through the motions of being involved,  of being a friend,  for years now  —  and he’d been good enough at going through the motions that trying for real felt more like faking it.
honestly,  just this once,  he wasn’t pleased his siblings were looking out for him.  he’d coasted through most of his hogwarts career and then spent his last three years floundering,  trying to act like a real person and then remembering it wasn’t supposed to be an act at all.
the world was changing,  malleable and more malicious than ever,  right outside the warm glow of his family home.  during christmas break,  the ministry made changes to the auror’s office that made all the macmillan kids look at each other with worried eyes.  there were several warring forces shifting under the surface of things.  their home was a safe enclave,  and everyone felt he and astrid were protected enough within hogwarts’ walls.  
but there was no denying that things weren’t going to sit peacefully for much longer,  if there’d ever been any real peace.  finn was just enough of a pessimist to think it was only a matter of time before the world boiled over,  like a pot unwatched.  it sure as hell felt like he had picked a poor time to try and give himself into feeling things for real.
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alternislatronemhq · 4 years
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see the application for elizabeth nott below.
name — kate age — 26 pronouns — she/her timezone — est
IC Overview
name — elizabeth agnes nott (nee rosier) faceclaim — phoebe tonkin age — 28 gender — cis-female sexuality — hetersexual patronus — fox {following the felines, the fox slinks into fifth place. Foxes are cunning, resourceful and fiercely intelligent – remind you of anything? That’s right – we wouldn’t be surprised if some members of Slytherin house find themselves with a fox Patronus. Foxes are also highly adaptable and can live in many diverse habitats around the world. If deep down you’re channelling the fox, you’ll likely have resilience in spades.} boggart — a prison cell — elizabeth would do anything to get her husband freed, but her greatest fear is that she’ll get herself imprisoned and leave her daughter without either parent.
IC In Depth
personality traits —
+ resourceful — elizabeth has a gift for making something out of nothing. she knows how to spin every situation and set of circumstances to her benefit, which has been an invaluable skill in the wake of her master’s demise. she never gives up, and will use anything and anyone at her disposal to get what she’s after.
+ charismatic — elizabeth has a gift for drawing the attention and affection of a crowd. she has a way of carrying herself with confidence and ease that makes people stop and listen. she is also a physical beauty, which she uses to her advantage when she needs to. the way she carries herself as she speaks means that people stop and listen to what she has to say, and she finds it easy to bend others to her way of seeing things.
- cruel — elizabeth doesn’t shy away from the darker parts of serving the dark lord. she’s not squeamish in the face of torture or murder, and is a talented enough witch that she’s able to use her magic to get what she needs from those who are unwilling to comply. she’s not off her rocker like bellatrix, but she knows how to turn off her more feminine sensibilities when she needs to get the job done.
- demanding — elizabeth has high demands for the people in her life. she sets the bar of expectations high and if someone doesn’t meet it, they suffer her displeasure. in her current role of leading the remaining loyal death eaters, elizabeth takes her leadership seriously and is nearly as demanding as her master would be if he were the one leading things.
character biography —
elizabeth was the firstborn of the rosier family, but only by a few minutes. her twin brother evan followed soon after, and it didn’t matter that she appeared first, because evan was the heir. still, elizabeth wasn’t tossed away, but treasured by her parents just as much as evan. while he was raised to learn how to continue the rosier legacy by keeping the family name, elizabeth was raised to think of how to further that legacy by taking another’s. she and evan were the best of friends as children — constant playmates in their free time and classmates in the strict regimen of lessons that the rosiers expected their children to learn.
but where evan was always the more sensitive and compassionate of the two, elizabeth was as hardened as her parents wanted their heirs to be. the dark lord was beginning to make a name for himself, and the rosiers planned for their children to be on the right side of things. they both fulfilled their parents’ expectations by being sorted into slytherin, but while elizabeth kept her friendships within the superior house, evan branched out, though at least he didn’t make friends with any mudbloods (though blood traitors weren’t much better, and everyone knew that the McKinnons and Boneses weren’t the right kind of pureblood). elizabeth gathered a tight group of friends around her, establishing herself as their leader early on and using that to her advantage throughout her time in hogwarts. elizabeth excelled at her academics, but it was the social game that she really thrived in, and the connections she made as a child have been the ones that have sustained her throughout the disgrace that was to follow.
elizabeth always knew that she would marry for duty, not for love. but somehow she seemed to catch the eye of one of the most eligible bachelors on her parents’ preferred list of suitors, stephen nott. He wasn’t the firstborn, but his family was wealthy enough that it didn’t matter that stephen was only a second son — he was set to inherit just as much as theodore, and the nott name was just as respected as the rosiers. it made perfect sense, and the fact that elizabeth felt butterflies when he smiled at her was just an added bonus.
stephen was amused at the fact that elizabeth treated their relationship like a business transaction, but her mind was exactly one of the things he had been so drawn to, so he didn’t really mind. it wasn’t until after they were gone from hogwarts and married that elizabeth finally let herself consider what it might be like to love the man she had yoked her life to, and to her surprise, love didn’t make her weak. if anything, it made her stronger.
stephen was serving the dark lord even before he left hogwarts, following in the footsteps of his father and brother, and it wasn’t long before elizabeth’s sharp eye and keen mind caught the attention of his master. they were thrilled with the privilege that it was to be sought after by the dark lord, and elizabeth gladly took the mark that her husband already bore. they threw themselves into fighting for his cause, both proving themselves to be loyal soldiers as well as masterful minds. it wasn’t long before they were both welcomed into voldemort’s inner circle as his most prized strategist (elizabeth) and his most skilled duellist (stephen).
they were both so focused on serving their master that producing an heir just wasn’t a concern for them, until one day elizabeth discovered that she was pregnant. of course, they were both ecstatic, longing to have children to fill the nursery, but there was a bit of loss to it, for being pregnant meant that for a time, elizabeth would need to take a backseat from her death eater duties. she was fully committed to returning after giving birth, but unfortunately, she was only a couple months into her pregnancy when the dark lord fell, condemning her husband to prison.
elizabeth escaped, partially because of the sympathy people felt when considering the growing bump and partially because she was so skilled at talking her way out of things. she would have been happy to go to azkaban for her master, of course, but she would serve everyone better from outside of the prison walls, and now she had someone else to think about.
for the first time in her life, elizabeth’s thoughts weren’t totally consumed by her own interests. she hadn’t met this child yet, but already elizabeth felt like a mother, and her primary concern became caring for the life that was growing within her.
when she gave birth to a daughter months later, she allowed herself one moment of disappointment that it wasn’t the male heir that they had hoped for, but her heart had been captured by the writhing little figure even before she made her appearance. the baby was named elizabeth after her mother (as elizabeth and stephen had discussed ages ago), nicknamed liza. liza became elizabeth’s first priority, and anyone who was lucky enough to see mother and daughter interact were privileged to see a side of elizabeth that nothing else would ever bring out.
these last five years have been a trying time for elizabeth. she’s delighted in watching liza grow, but that delight is tainted with the sorrow of knowing everything that stephen is missing. she thinks about him constantly, wondering how he’s doing in azkaban. they exchange letters as often as they are able, and the few times she’s been able to visit he seems saner than the rest of their kin, but elizabeth knows what the dementors do to a person, and she worries that even if she does get him back, he won’t be the same man as the one who left.
elizabeth is determined to bring back her master, and she’s gathered a tight group of death eaters around her in the hopes of finding out a way to do this. suspecting that even some of those she’s closest to in life (narcissa, lucius, evan) are not as loyal as they might appear, she’s only recruited those she can really trust, which means that their work has been kept secret so far, and she hopes to keep it that way for as long as possible. she’s getting closer to finding where her master is in hiding and discovering a way to bring him back to full strength, but she needs more time.
plot ideas
family matters — wow, so much to be explored here. first of all, there’s her relationship with evan. he’s her twin. there are few people in the world that elizabeth loves, and evan is one of them. but she suspects he’s not as eager as he might seem to return to the old days, and that worries her. has evan given into his softer sensibilities? and then there’s narcissa and lucius. they’re cozied up a little too close to the very people that their master would seek to eradicate. surely they’ve given up hope. elizabeth loves them, but she’s not sure if that love is enough to make her stick her own neck out in order to protect them. and then there’s alice, a cousin just like narcissa, whose mother-in-law was the one to defeat elizabeth’s master. it’s assumed that they don’t have much of a relationship — what is it like when these women encounter one another in the world?
leading the charge — elizabeth is leading the acting death eaters, so of course she’s at the heart of a lot of chaos and drama possibilities. I’ll be eager to explore what it looks like, how comfortable she’s gotten with leadership. will she really be ready to hand the reins over to her master after five years of being the head honcho?
mother above all — before anything else, elizabeth is a mother. she thinks that she’s doing what’s best for her daughter in trying to get stephen back, but what if she somehow realized that fighting for the dark lord was not the best way to protect liza? if she’s torn between her loyalty to her master and her loyalty to her daughter, what would elizabeth choose? even I don’t know.
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badbloodhqs · 5 years
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Hey everyone! The admin team mentioned that we had a big post coming today and this is it. Because this post contains a lot of important information, we have included a password somewhere in the text that you have to send to us to indicate that you’ve read it, along with some other information you’ll find in this post. We’ll be keeping track, and anybody who hasn’t sent us this info by Monday, April 15 will be sent a reminder to do so. 
Because of last week’s events, we feel like this is important to start out with. Our goal is to always make this a safe and fun environment for our members, and if we have to post unfollows for those posing a risk to that goal, we’ll do it. It’s never our first option but ultimately, roleplay should never be taken seriously enough to purposely hurt someone else’s feelings. If you’re caught harassing someone IC or OOC, you’ll be removed from the group permanently. If you are caught re-entering the group under an alias, you will be banned again. That’s really the beginning and end of that conversation because there’s never a valid reason to target somebody, and both admins have too much going on in their personal lives to make time for something that shouldn’t be an issue to begin with.
We know that life outside of the group can be crazy, and we’re more than happy to give you some time away when you need it. If you need to take a step away from your character for a week or two, PLEASE fill out the HIATUS FORM and submit it to the main so we know when to expect you back. (Please note the options for a hiatus, a semi-hiatus, or to be put on limited activity. If you are unsure of which option is best for you, we’d be more than happy to help!)
That being said, we’ve noticed some characters that could stand to be a stronger force in the group. If you’ve struggled finding your footing, please let us know and we’ll help you out! It’s important for each character to contribute something meaningful to the group for anyone to get anything out of it. Making a starter every few days and popping up right before you’re about to appear on the Activity Check isn’t considered being active, and we’ll still put characters up who have a habit of doing this. Posting photos and gifs is not considered activity. If your character frequently appears on the Activity Check (per our rules, “frequently” is considered 3+ times a month), we reserve the right to initiate the three-strike process. You can read more about how that works in our RULES.
Finally, we’re more than aware that a few characters are being played by muns already in the group under a different alias. Our current rules dictate that each mun is allowed 5 characters, and we can always explore the option of increasing that limit if it seems necessary, but applying for an additional character and not claiming it is a direct violation of that rule and will result in a warning. We’re asking everybody to send us the names of all of the characters they’re playing, including those they haven’t previously claimed, and the one alias they are going by, when they send us the password listed on this post. We won’t ask questions, make it weird, or make it public at all considering we don’t even have a public OOC list. This information will strictly stay with the admins and we can forget it ever happened, but it’s not fair to keep turning a blind eye to this when others are doing their part and following the rules. Those who don’t claim their additional characters will receive a DM from the admins asking them to do so. Those who still don’t claim their characters will have their unfollows posted.
To paraphrase Admin Chrissy’s response to THIS message yesterday, please refrain from clogging the starter tag with posts from the same characters (or even muns). A good rule of thumb is to post a maximum of ONE starter PER character, PER day. I personally know that I spread out my starter replies between muns as opposed to between characters, per se, so if I see several starters from one mun and several more from other muns as a whole, I’ll likely spend time on those other starters and come back to the mun with several starters when I have time, as they likely already have interactions going. Also, making a post that isn’t meant to be a starter is totally fine to us! Use your best judgment when determining what content you should put in the starter tag.
Please don’t reblog memes if you aren’t in a position to send asks to others at some point that day. It’s unfair to those who spend most of their day sending memes to keep games going just to get nothing in return. For those who need a refresher pertaining to Truthful Thursday etiquette, please see THIS post [tw swearing].
As this has continued to be an issue, we will start posting a list of characters banned from Truthful Thursday that week as we see necessary, and be sure to send us ‘one and only’. We don’t mean this to be offensive, but why waste others’ time when they could give that energy to those who are reciprocating their efforts? We don’t want to take Truthful Thursday away, but if it stops being fun, then it serves the group no purpose.
Our rules dictate that you MUST have approval from the admins before going forward with a major plot, including (but NOT limited to) engagements, marriages, etc. Having several of the same plot going at the same time can take shine away from others, and spreading things out keeps the group more interesting anyway. If you don’t send us a message before initiating a major plot, you’ll receive a warning. If you are unsure if a plot would be considered “major,” feel free to ask us. We’re always happy to help.
At the end of the day, all we ask is that you be upfront and honest with us because it’s the same respect we’ll always show you. I don’t want this to become a place shrouded in secrecy, and the only way to prevent this is to keep that line of communication open. If you ever feel like we’re operating in a manner that goes against that mission, please let us know, and we’ll do the same for you. 
We adore this group, and we adore you for the effort you put into bringing this group to life. If you have any questions, let us know.
- Admin Ellie & Admin Chrissy
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lettersfromn0where · 6 years
Creator Tag
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2018. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged, appropriately, by my first-ever Tumblr buddy, @disruptedvice - thank you for thinking of me! 
This is a bit tough because every fanwork I’ve ever posted has been written since April. There’s certainly a few stupid oneshots in my repertoire that I’m not proud of, but considering that at the beginning of the year I was petrified of the mere idea of writing and sharing fanfiction, I’m rather pleased with the fact that I managed to do anything at all. So, without further ado, my top five (in order from 5th-1st):
5. remember me, once in a while (please promise me you'll try) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14936669
Short summary: IW missing scene. After Gamora is taken on Knowhere, Peter struggles to accept the reality that she may be gone. There is a letter. It is 100% intentional emotional manipulation, pure and simple, and I’m pretty sure everyone who read this realized that. 
The faint trails of tears, yet to evaporate, lingered on Peter’s face for all his attempts to disguise them as he turned the sheet of paper in his hands, reluctant to open it for fear of tainting something so precious. He paid no heed to the ever-shifting starscape racing past the windows, trying not to risk being caught in tears as he thought of the moment, on the way to Knowhere, that Gamora had pressed the letter into his hands.
“In case…” She said, but trailed off, neither wanting to confront the sentence’s inevitable end.
“No,” Peter had protested, voice thick with emotion. “You won’t-“
"It’s just a precaution,” Gamora had tried to reassure him, but even she knew her tone was entirely unconvincing.
Peter had kept the letter with him every moment they’d been apart, hoping desperately he’d never need to open it but unwilling to part from it lest it be lost along with –
No, he told himself, feverishly, with all of the desperation his worry-worn mind could muster.
Commentary: This one was not what I’d consider to be my best-written piece, but it was certainly (from the way people reacted) one of the most emotionally impactful. Any fic that gets you multiple angry comments from people claiming you made them cry has to be at least somewhat of a favorite, right? This one was, oddly enough, based on an anime, “Your Lie in April.” I’m not an anime person, but YLIA is about a violinist, so as a violinist I had to watch it, and it BROKE MY HEART INTO A MILLION TINY PIECES. *Spoiler* one of the key moments in the series comes after the protagonist’s death when she leaves a letter to the boy she was in love with for him to read after she dies, revealing things she couldn’t while she was alive. That idea of the posthumous letter, translated to the GOTG-verse (and the fact that I sobbed my eyes out while rewatching the clip where said boy reads the letter), made its way into my mind and wouldn’t leave. And that is why I had several very angry people cursing at me in the comments. 
And to whoever commented “f*** you”: I’m honored.
4. meet me in this broken place https://archiveofourown.org/works/15646347
Short Summary: post-IW, during the (hypothetical) events of Endgame. My Damaged Babies, Peter and Wanda (Maximoff), both of whom lost significant others during the events of IW, find solace in the fact that they both know the feeling of losing everyone one holds dear. 
They don’t want to imagine a world without the ones they love, but – even with their teammates working around the clock, making and discarding endless plans to save them – they realize now that maybe their good fortune had been exhausted by their own returns to life. They are left with no choice but to venture blindly into a bleak future without the ones whose sides they never thought they’d leave.
“What are we going to do?” she asks, too weary to conceal her worry.
“I guess…we just have to keep going,” he says numbly, but it’s plain as day that he doesn’t believe a word out of his own mouth.
“What is there for us in a future without them?” she asks, rhetorically but not entirely so, and plays with the hem of her jacket. It’s frayed with the trauma of the past days, looking about as battered and torn as she feels.
“Don’t know.” He shrugs. “I wish I still knew how to hope that I’d see her again.”
“Isn’t that the problem, though?” she asks, pursing her lips in painful irony. “None of us knows how to hope for the best anymore. We try to fix things, not believing that anything we do is going to work.”
He ponders her statement, turns it over in his mind – it is their problem, he realizes. They are working tirelessly towards an end they all believe to be futile. Yes, they’ve accomplished three-quarters of what they set out to do. But it doesn’t feel like a figure to celebrate when the other quarter of the equation determines the fate of the people they cherish most.
Commentary: this is essentially a super depressing slice-of-life fic. I chose it because A) Wanda Maximoff is the love of my life and I loved writing her, and B) I think the writing in this is just about the best I’ve seen in any of my work. I like the way the prose came out here - the melancholy tone lends itself well to the style in which I write, if that makes any sense, even if at points the excess of run-on sentences and overlong prose becomes rather tired. I was proud of this one. (Not super popular, but it always seems like it’s the super trite stuff I don’t think was good that gets comments while the ones I like are unnoticed. Heh...) 
3. I Guess It’s Half Timing (and the Other Half’s Luck) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14775470/chapters/34172447
Short Summary: high school AU. Peter’s a jock, benched with academic ineligibility until he can get his grades up. Gamora is the type-A star student in charge of the peer tutoring program that may be Peter’s only hope of playing in the State Championships. You can probably predict the ending...
“So, let me get this straight. You’re eligible again, but you still wanna spend every single afternoon at tutoring?” Rocket shook his head, sincerely disappointed. “You’ve got it worse than I thought.”
“Yes and no,” Peter vaguely defended himself. “I mean, yeah, she won’t talk to me any other way, but I’ve realized something, too.”
“This oughta be good,” Rocket snickered. “What, do ya suddenly feel called to be a brain surgeon or something?”
Peter fixed him with a nonplussed gaze. “Why would I want to do that? I can’t even get a shot without losing it.”
Rocket rolled his eyes. “I mean, do you think your future depends on your grades all the sudden? Little late for that.”
“No, but now that I’ve realized I can do better, it should start aiming higher-“ he started to explain.
“…because Gamora only dates guys who care about school,” Nebula finished for him, walking up with her usual inopportune timing.
“Dude! How and why are you always sneaking up on me?” Peter shuddered. “It’s creepy!”
Nebula shrugged. “I pride myself on my timing.”
“Oh, so this is what that’s about,” Rocket cackled. “You’re hilarious. You fall for the smartest girl in your class and all the sudden you decide you’re going to be on the honor roll or something?”
Commentary: this fic. Ohhhh, boy. It was a bit of a trainwreck, but oh, how I LOVED writing it. It’s a light, fluffy high school rom-com mixing my own relentless fixation on academics with excessive melodrama, a very, VERY OOC Nebula, and a million vague tie-ins to the movies that I’m fairly certain no one noticed. “Half Timing” is not, in my opinion, fantastically written (witty at times, mind-numbingly cheesy at others), but it was endlessly fun to write, and I loved the ending. Plus, it’s the reason I became friends with @disruptedvice, who had MANY feelings about the New Year’s scene. MANY. (She was 37% of the reason this fic was so fun to write.) It spawned three unnecessary sequel oneshots and was a productive start to a summer which I spent primarily writing fanfiction and studying for the SAT. This one’s on here for the nostalgia and the fact that it was so central to everything else I’ve written, not for literary merit, but it is and will always be dear to my heart.
2. So Many Things Unknown https://archiveofourown.org/works/14632275/chapters/33818142
Short Summary: Soul World Mantis feels. A half fix-it.
Peter didn’t need to hear his name to know it was him she called to, and exactly who was calling and why and where he was and – He turned. Mantis saw Gamora’s eyes widen, filling with tears, almost beginning to go to him before stopping herself again, for reasons Mantis did not understand. For a while the two simply stood, perhaps thirty feet apart, saying nothing and staring across the distance at each other as if they were not sure of the reliability of their eyesight.
And then she broke into a run, and they were in each other’s arms, and Mantis could not hear everything they were saying, but she knew from the way their shoulders shook that both were crying, and she thought she heard a faint “I love you” and she knew they both said something to the effect of “I thought I’d lost you” and “I’m here” and repeated it until they both finally believed it was really happening, and something inside her felt suddenly warm and whole.
She had seen her share of unfair endings in the last couple of days. Untold numbers of young, gifted, and truly good people had been taken long before their times. Countless others had lost the ones they held dearest, some forced to watch. The future of the universe looked rather bleak; half of her friends were trapped in some sort of afterlife in a rock that had started a war, and the rest were scattered across the cosmos. But she knew, in that moment, that it would not stay this way. They would find a way out of here, and they’d stop this and make everything right again. Mantis was surer of this than she had been of anything before. Optimistic, perhaps, she knew; but she felt this time that her instinct could not be proven wrong.
This, too, would pass.
It had to.
Commentary: my first posted fanfic and the lovely @marypoppinswasmyfatherbitches‘ favorite, I almost didn’t post this. I was deathly afraid of writing fanfiction for years and it took the trauma of IW to make me realize how many stories I had to tell, if I’d only allow myself. I was overly cautious when I wrote this, terrified of writing someone OOC or setting the story at an unrealistically fast pace, and I didn’t think it was much good, but I posted it anyway...and here I am. Some of the sweetest comments I’ve ever received were about this piece and though at time the progression of events is a bit ???, I think it was a decent start. “So Many Things Unknown” was where it all started, and though it’s not my favorite thing I’ve written, I’m proud that I was able to get it out there. 
1. Take What I Took and Give It Back to You 
Short Summary: Mantis feels, 5+1 style. That is all. 
She can’t see it. Mantis has never been an influencer; she’s simply in the background, where she’s always assumed she is meant to be. But perhaps that – sensitivity, a sort of gentleness – is what she brings to the team that it lacked before, she concludes.
She is an empath, after all, and a powerful one. Most of her teammates possess the emotional intelligence of lumps of metal. Mantis thinks, liking the idea more than she admits, that maybe she’s helping to shape those metal lumps.
After all, hearts are malleable, she thinks. They don’t stay the same.
Sitting in the kitchen once again, staring into her beloved mug, chipped with four years of wear, Mantis smiles.
Commentary: and now for my all-time favorite. I rarely think well of my writing, but I was SO incredibly proud of this one. As an ex-homeschooler who grew up relatively isolated and still does not “understand the intricacies of social interaction,” I’ve always connected to Mantis more than any other Guardian; if I had to pick, she’d probably be my favorite character in the entire MCU canon. So I love writing her. It makes me feel as if I can get inside her head in a way I can’t with the other Guardians. In addition, the 5+1 format was a perfectly-suited framing device for the story I wanted to tell, and I’m pretty sure I exhausted a year’s worth of pretty lines on this story. I feel like I risk sounding arrogant, but when you genuinely love your own writing, you have to embrace it - that’s VERY rare. As soon as I saw that I’d been tagged for this, I knew that this would be the story I ranked as my favorite. 
Thank you SO much for the tag, @disruptedvice! Tagging @bevioletskies and @marypoppinswasmyfatherbitches. 
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criimsonsun-a · 6 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
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Mun name: Darki OOC Contact: Ask/IM/ Discord 
Who the heck is my muse anyway?
Cyrus Akagi is the main antagonist of Pokemon’s D/P/Pt games. The Boss of sinister Team Galactic, he seeks to destroy this world and recreate it as one without the human spirit. This Cyrus in particular also serves as the CEO of Galactic Energy, a successful energy business stationed in Veilstone City. 
Points of interest:
As stated, Cyrus is the CEO of a large company. He hosts various events to get his company known and to come across as a benevolent philanthropist to the public. He is known throughout Sinnoh, but not as much in the outer regions. 
Cyrus is also highly religious and a believer in fate. In his youth, he revered the Sinnohan gods greatly but has since fallen out of faith in his later years. Still, he remains an avid lover of mythology and legends.
Though he shares it with few, Cyrus is an avid lover of astronomy. His past-times include making his own star charts and stargazing.
Cyrus is currently searching for a way to control the legendary pokemon of Sinnoh. Galactic Energy is a front for the more devious plans of Team Galactic, as a major energy supply for his plans is necessary. However, very few know that Cyrus is affiliated with both.
You can interact with Cy through several verses. In his main verse, he follows Platinum’s game plot. In a post-distortion world verse, he is wandering the regions. In my (favorite) god verse, he has succeeded in his plans and is currently thriving in his new world.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Verse: I want to Paint it Black (main): Looking for a way to capture the legendary Pokemon of Sinnoh. Cyrus has begun to branch out and make more connections with people, leading to both allies... and enemies. Galactic is thriving, and life is good.
Verse: All He Needs Is Love: Having been brought out of the Distortion World and stripped of all he owned, Cyrus has decided that he would control the last thing he had left: the end of his own life. To the girl who brought him home, Kimiko, he offers a bargain: one year to convince him that life is worth suffering through, or he wants to be euthanized. Now, she is determined to show Cyrus what it means to be loved, and how to love in return.
Verse: Rainbow Rocket: Cyrus has been dragged out of his perfect world to Alola, where he is aiding Sakaki with whatever is necessary to allow him to return home. Currently, he is making allies out of the island inhabitants and generally trying to enjoy the time he’s being forced to spend among his peers. (This is...probably the nicest version of Cyrus you’ll get.)
Where to find them:
Mostly in Sinnoh, around Veilstone City, but he travels as well. You could make any place work, given he has suitable interest in going for his company’s sake.
In the RR verse, he is hanging out exclusively in Alola.
Current plans:
Do you really think I plan this stuff out lmao? I wing most interactions to see where they go!
In the verse with Kimiko, Cyrus will eventually come to realize that while he still longs for his world, he can make do here, so long as he has someone by his side. He learns emotions aren’t all that bad.
Desired interactions:
Business partners. Cyrus is always needing/looking for more people that could benefit his business. Be it CEOs of their own companies, or just people with connections!
Pure, unbridled, hatred. No, he’s not the best guy. Have a muse that constantly wants to rip his throat out? Let’s go for it!
Those in his Perfect World. In Cyrus’ new Earth, people tend to get... dropped in. Want to experience a world without spirit? Come right in. He’ll work on finding you a way out and you can see the joyless existence that is Cyrus’ vision.
Commander Shenanigans. Quite possibly the only few people he enjoys, I’d love to play stuff out with Cyrus’ top ranking underlings.
New Employees. Your character needs a job? Galactic is always hiring! 
Legendary Pokemon. Cyrus reveres and respects most of them. He’d love to talk to some face to face and get a new perspective.
Childhood Friends. I’d love for Cy to get to re-meet people he may have known as a kid. Puts a different spin on things!
Offered interactions:
Boss. As stated before-- need a job? Cyrus can offer you a position, and even a chance to join Team Galactic if you’re the criminal type.
An awkward companion. Restricted to RR verse mostly. While on Alola, he’s forced to see and meet people-- and who knows? Maybe some of them will grow on him. He’ll certainly grow on you.
An antagonist. Goes without saying. Want to save the world? Here’s a guy for you to fight.
Want your muse to be emotionally manipulated and made to believe only Cyrus knows and cares for their general well-being? Boy, do I got news for you!
A mentor. Wanna learn about machinery and stargazing? 
Want your pokemon or god another god? Step on up.
Heck, is your muse distantly related to Cyrus? Ok, alright, let’s roll with it. He needs a family.
Current open post/s:
I don’t think I have any, but you are ALWAYS free to make a starter and tag me in it without my approval!
Anything else?:
Cyrus sucks at understanding emotion and feeling. Don’t expect him to be too empathetic or sympathetic toward your muse. Please.
I also will not redeem him or play a redemption arc. Cyrus will long for his perfect world until the day that he dies. 
You can interact with Cyrus’ Weavile over on @weaviiled .
Always feel free to hit me up to chat! I love knowing about my partners. Makes them feel more human than words behind a screen! And be sure to ask questions if you do not understand anything!
I’m on EST time zone.
Tagged by: @leaf-fuguri and @renegaied
Tagging: Steal it if you want! 
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dangankink-blog · 6 years
Fanservice Ronpa!
Chapter 1: “Kaede Fatamatsu” A.K.A “The Beginning”
(The following story contains a bunch of things that might not be of your best liking such as: slob, obesity, etc., as well as V3 spoilers bad writng Also possbly very OOC things)
It all Started with a note from the producers.
“Dear Miss Shirogane
After making extensive research and data collecting, we have come to the conlusion that Danganronpa’s renewed 53rd season may be cancelled unless massive changes are made to the characters that star in it.
Our ratings have dropped massively in the last few seasons, we need something new to call the attention of the public. Something defying, interesting, and that will undeniably raise our ratings.
Our best wishes,
Team Danganronpa’s staff”
“Massive changes to the characters?”
“Ratings dropping?!”
“Oh, why? Why is everyone seeing less in Danganronpa’s magestic design?”
Tsumugi lamented herself, looking and sounding severely frustrated before slapping herself in the face.
“Chin up, Shirogane!”
“It’s in your hands to keep this wonderful series alive for the world to see!”
“But I’ll need to change so much, and our cast is ready to air already we’re set up and the script needs massive cha--!” She stopped, then mentally repeated her own words, over and over again before a devious grin settled in her face
Day 3 of the Mutual Killing Semester and no casualties have happened
Kaede Akamatsu was happy, as she layed on her buttom, just outside of the isolated academy.
She had banded her classmates together and was planning to meet up with Shuichi to start piano lessons later that day, what could go wrong?
Monokuma had lost to the power of her optmism and magic words, she was sure of it!
Her thoughts, however, were interrupted soon enough by a piece of paper hitting the back of her head
“Huh, what?!”
She said, looking everywhere, crumpled up paper in her hand as she looked everywhere for the mysterious note writer.
And yes she found no one....
Surely someone was just shy, she told herself before expanding and reading the paper, which quickly piqued her attention.
In shaky handwriting and a perfumed paper, The note read the following
“Dear Kaede
I’ve found something important, a clue to getting out of here, even!
Don’t tell anyone, Monokuma could find out.
Meet me in the shrine in a few hours”
No signature. Anyone would have thought that was weird....
But Kaede beamed with determination
“Surely this is from Shuichi! If he says it could save us, whatever it is it will probably let us leave!” She thought, crushing the paper in her hand.
A few hours later, Kaede walked towards the shrine making sure no one followed her. She made sure to show up earlier than asked, just in case it proved important.
She waited..and waited....And then...She felt something sting her behind, a yelp sounding as the response to the immediate pain, only for it to be followed by drowziness....extreme drowziness...
Kaede woke up, tied to a chair and in an obscured room.
“Wuh....where....” She slurred out, still half asleep
“...Wh...WHERE AM I?!” She yelled, in sudden realization. “HELLO?! SOMEONE?! HELP ME! I’M--” She stopped suddenly, Monokuma’s trademark laugh resonating through the room
“Well, finally you woke up! I was starting to think you had turned nto Kaedead! Upupupupu!”
Kaede couldn’t help but cringe at the bad pun
“Well, okay then. I guess not everyone can bear a perfectly good sense of humor!”
“What do you want, Monokuma?” Kaede demanded
“I ruined your plan and you’ll break your own rules to get rid of me?” She asked, trying to play smartass about the situation.
“Oh, boohoo. Little miss piano thinks I’m ruined, My life is sooooooo done for!” he cackled, looking like he was definitely enjoying the situation.
“You didn’t ruin a thing, you Kaediot! I mean, who do you take me for?!”
“I’m nothing but a fair, square and filled up bear! You hear? You’re here for a different kind of dealio, compadre!”
“You see, I’ve been having a few issues keeping my children calm, you know”
“Being a single papa bear of five is hard! Everyone always going on and on and on about how being a mama bear is hard, no one thinks about us papa bears I tell you!”
Kaede seemed to be taking this insultingly. He kidnapped her just to complain about his children...? Is this how he planned to get rid of the one who ruined his plans?. However, she also had a tinge of fear to her face.
She was at his mercy. This could hurt a lot...She was afraid, but tried to keep her defiant look, for her friends!
“Fine, fine, I’ll get to the point!”
“You see, my small little poor little kubz cant get entertainment anymore! And our super duper special surprise for all of you is taking way longer than we expeced...Puhuh...That’s so bad, they’re just tearing my fluff out, those bastards! The most despairful situation ever! They even keep emptying the fridge with how bored they are and how much running they do trying to keep themselves entertained!”
“So, I thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and-- Look, just picture me with glasses in a reflexive pose for two and a half days!”
“So basically, what I’m trying to say is that”
“I’ll be giving them a lesson! And you, my dear Kaede, the girl that banded the students of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles singlehandedly, will be my assistant!”
“W-Wait, what?” Kaede asked, confused
“Less questions and more working, we have people to enter-- ahem... I mean, teach, Kaede!”
And swiftly, the kubs covered the scene with a curtain and acted like they were putting on a play
Monophanie held up a cardboard sign that read “The problem of a modern kink!” as childish music played
The curtain opened up, the scenery completely different and Kaede just looking bamboozled, yells for help muffled by a piece of cloth as the kubz took seat in a circle infront of Monokuma, who was sitting with a book and glasses infront of a control panel.
“Now then, my dead children. It’s Papa Kuma’s storytime!”
The kubz cheered happily
“Today’s story will be...The blonde, the witch and the King!”
“Once upon a time, there was a selfess blonde, who never gave herself some private time!”
“She was always running around, here and there! She helped the emo! She helped the crazy religious bastard!”
“She even went and helped the evil midget!”
“One day, the benevolent King of the town they aaaaaaaall inhabited, King Monokuma the great, saw how much the poor peasant of a blonde was working herself, and chose to reward her!”
”MMPH?!” tried to yell Kaede, confused as the cloth covering her mouth was slowly untied by Monosuke, cackling
“’ I invite thee to my castle for a banquet in your honor, lady Blonde!’ Said the always generous king! ‘A banquet as the reward for your selflessness!’ he remarked!”
“ ‘Oh, your beariness! I’d love to!’ said the peasant blonde.”
“ ‘We’ll offer you as much as you can eat! With no limits!’ He said. And so, they got on their way to the wonderful King’s feast! However, it wasn’t true that everyone was happy with lady Blonde’s actions!”
“People from the rest of the kingdom groaned angrily! So angrily they hides the blue witch to punish the blonde for her actions!”
“ ‘We’re tired of lady blonde!’ they said. ‘She’s just one more of these noble peasant wannabes!’ said some of the younger ones!”
“The blue witch, being as honorable and loving as she was, accepted the job!”
“ ‘I’ll use my magic to forever transform the blonde for being so deceivingly nice!’ and with a movement of the fingers, it was done!”
“Finally at the banquet, with all the food ready, the blonde layed happily, ready to enjoy her peaceful reward!”
“First, she had a slice of pie!”
As monokuma said this, the cloth was dropped, Kaede aiming to yell again...before having pie shoved into her mouth and forced to swallow...It was like blueberry...it tasted really good too!.
“She loved it! So she went to have a chicken leg next, balanced meal after all!”
As soon as Kaede tried to breathe from swallowing the pie, chicken meat was shoved into her maw and she was once again forced to swallow. She looked in pain, she was stressed! What was going on?!
“She loved the chicken too! In a bit of an impulsive decision, she went to eat some steamed tuna!”
It didn’t even wait this time. She was asphixiating but she couldn’t return the food. It was literally being shoved perfectly so she would swallow, with a small window to breathe in between.
She was nervous, she was crying...but she was...enjoying it?
She was confused, blatantly so. The food was so delicious!...It’s almost like it was numbing her senses and...making her hungried....a-and...m-making her horny? Just what was in these things?!
“So lost she was in the foods taste she started to shove several things in! From meat to veggies, to ramen! Pie! Muffins! The king didn’t think much, but lady blonde? She was eating and eating but she knew deep inside something was wrong!”
Giving Kaede just enough time to breathe and react, she was about to complain. That was too much for her to eat so quickly!
“Wai--ULMPH?!” She barely had a chance to say anything, and now she had a tube shoved in. And the food started flowing in, directly into her maw and then stomach.
As it kept coming, a small, taut stomach started to show through her sweater.
Monokuma didn’t stop.
Kaede was being fored to eat and eat without much rest. Just enough to keep her alive.
It hurt. It hurt so much...but she also felt hotter...hungried...
Chicken, Ramen, several flavors of pie, several flavor of cake...
At one point, Kaede gave in to the bears actions and started gulping, if only because she wanted more time to breathe, to stop filling her stomach.
It had started to peek from under her sweater and shirt by the time Monokuma reached the “The end” part of the book and she felt like she was going to blow up...before the darkness returned.
Hours later, she woke up...in a feast table? Her stomach had digested everything already, the pounds having packed on already. Kaede looked horrified at her new fluffness
“Wh-What is this...?!” She asked, before Monokuma once again showed up...with a lamp and a syringe this time
“If it isn’t lady blonde! That was a wonderful show, Kaede! Everyone loved it!”
“L-Loved it?! Show?! W-What?!”
“Don’t worry! Doooon’t worry!”
“You played like a star, now time to eat like one!” He said before shoving another piece of food in the blonde’s mouth.
This time the food felt...different to Kaede.
It was entrancing...addictive....no! She can’t give--
And then, Monokuma flashed her with a lamp
If she could feel her brain, she would feel everything rewiring. Readjusting...Moving over and over again....
And before she knew it...she had tons more of food in her maw....
She felt horrified...What was she doing?! It was like her body was in automatic. She was eating and eating....And then across the table she saw what...looked like a fat, hedious version of herself.
“...Are you going to deny this to us, Kaede?”
She got herself to stop
“I’m you...I’m what we really want...”
“Admit it...you’ve always been turned on by this...”
“Have you forgotten the many nights blubber was our only companion?”
“The soft landing for the piano freak....?”
Kaede thought about it....It felt like she did’t know what she meant...but at the same time like it was the truth
Before her thoughts her interrupted by a loud PHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT seemingly coming from the wider her across the table....And the same had the face of a pleasure unknown to her...the smell was rancid, horrible....but....why was she feeling so good? Why was she rejoicing in this
“I...I’m not....into this....”
“Are you so stubborn that you deny your own pleasures to your- BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP...huff....self?”
Not only did the fat Kaede burp...she burped in kaede’s face.
Kaede blushed a bright pink. This wasn’t what she wanted! Not at all! It wasn’t! What was even going on?! Was this a dream?!.
She was still flying through her thoughts as the fat version of herself was stuffing food into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed...and chewed and swallowed...
(I don’t want this...I don’t want this!) She would keep telling herself...More and more food shoveled into her maw.
After a while, an ejection of gas occurred....but this time from her own rump.
She had lost herself in a muffled pleasure, only to be completely embarrassed by it immediately....She was still in denial...still in...denial....still in... deni...al?
She looked back at reality. Her plump self wasnt shoving food in anymore....she was.
The fatter Kaede was glutting herself. Kaede watched intently between chews....She looked so happy...So...sexy....And then before she realized it...she was eating faster.....Her conscience and will vanishing as she ate and ate...seemingly with a bottomless appetite.
It got to the point where she didn’t care she was farting and burping. She wanted to fill her gut...She was so HUNGRY...Hungry to feel good!
Days passed after Kaede’s mysterious disappearance before she suddenly showed up again. Everyone was baffled, outside of the cafeteria.
It smelled like someone had died and they hadn’t even reached the door yet!
Then, suddenly, the door flapped open with the sound of a mighty ‘PLLLLRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT’ and an oddly sensual moan.
Everyone stared in awe.
Kaede had grown massive.
The woman needed two chairs just for her buttcheeks, Her clothes looked like someone had played paintball with her as the shield splotches of several sauces all over her body and chins as she just glutted herself full.
As Kirumi and Ryoma took determination to confront the gigantic blonde, everyone stared even more in confusion as Kaede lift a doughy thigh, along with the blubbery buttcheek, and farted once more, rancid, cheesy blast hitting Ryoma and Kirumi completely in the face before they got her attention.
“Oh, BWRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP-i guys!” She said, chubby face smiling, looking a bit like a clown with all that sauce on her face before she let out a few tiny burps.
“Huff....Were you going to cook something? I’m starving!”
Tsumugi secretly smiled. The first target of Operation Kink service begginning...
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hey thank you so much for your blog, you spoil us! i hope you all have a nice day :) Now I wanted to ask, do you guys know any stories where derek's (or anyone else's) attraction to stiles is more prominent? or where stiles is maybe more confident about it? (basically just looking for a story where ppl see stiles and recognise how very pretty he is)
Found you a list of mostly Sterek, but some Steter too.  They should have Derek or Peter liking him first, and Stiles being oblivious.  -Emmy
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Three Little Words by TriscuitsandSoup 
(1,252 I General I Complete)  *steter
The first time someone told Peter they loved him was in a text message sent at 2:37 a.m. from Stiles Stilinski. He’d heard it before from his sister and Derek a few times at Christmas or holidays but no one really said it to him. They said it towards him, a cursory, robotic gesture as easy as a ‘please’ or ‘thank you.’ There was no feeling behind it. Maybe from Derek it had been genuine at one point but that part of their lives was over. He hoped Derek still loved him, at least on some level, but he didn’t expect to hear it.
Lollipop by myrandomnesslife 
(1,266 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek
Stiles unknowingly teases Derek with a lollipop.
Why You Gotta Be So Mean by dedeecated_dee 
(1,610 I General I Complete)  *sterek, kidfic
Six year-old Sterek are classmates. They don’t get along so well.
Sleepless Nights by Mellow (SweetCandy) 
(2,210 I Not Rated I Complete)  *sterek
Peter Hale loved Stiles. He really did. He genuinely, wholeheartedly loved Stiles and would worship the ground he walked on if he could. And Stiles was worth to be worshipped. And while he loved every quirk, every weird personality trait, every silly tick Stiles had, right now he contemplated if that all was really worth the torture he was going through that were sharing a bed with Stiles.
Or: Stiles is a heavy snorer and the only reason Peter has been able to stay sane after all these sleepless nights is because…well, Peter doesn’t know how he accomplished that either.
What You Do To Me by Emela 
(2,274 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, spells and curses
 “The things I want to do to you,” Derek goes on. “Wanted to spank you when you mouthed off to me, imagined pinning you down and fucking your thighs until you are screaming to be fucked, throw you over the back of my couch and pound into you until you are broken.”
Derek is cursed with a truth spell and just needs to tell Stiles all the filthy things he has always dreamed of doing to him.
Best Thing I’ve Ever Had in My Mouth (Pride)  by totallyrandom 
(2,551 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, college!stiles
Derek stumbles upon a Pride parade where Stiles is dancing as a go-go boy on one of the floats.
Won’t You Torture Someone Else’s Sleep by redeyedwrath 
(3,635 I General I Complete)  *sterek
I love you, Derek thinks, but he doesn’t say it, just watches Stiles throw his head back in laughter that isn’t for him and never will be. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Maybe if he thinks it hard enough, Stiles will hear him.
Wash the Rain by BarlowGirl 
(5,659 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek
 “Oh,” Stiles says, sharp and thin, more of a whimper than a word, his muscles going stiff and tight.
 Derek starts to check on him, and his gaze gets caught halfway, where a dark, wet spot is spreading across the front of Stiles’ underwear. So fucking easy, his brain says, and he has to breathe for a moment, in and out.
 “Oh my God.” Stiles’ voice is low, muffled. When Derek finally drags his eyes away from that wet spot, he has his arm across his eyes, hiding his face. “I’m sorry.”
 “Don’t,” Derek says, hiding a grin. “Don’t, it’s okay. You’ll last longer next time.”
 Stiles moans.
More Than Strength or Passion by the_diggler 
(5,695 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, mates
Stiles is sixteen and has never been kissed, never even practised with a friend. Derek finds him wallowing in the woods and ends up being that friend. For reasons. Reasons which include a little jealousy, a lot of pining, and the fact that Stiles is Derek’s mate.
[Set after season 2 but references events and dialogue all the way to the end of season 5. v2 now with 25% more happy endings!]
Significance by the_gramophone 
(8,001 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek, alive hale family, librarian!stiles
Ever since he almost got his family killed as a teenager, Derek Hale has tried to just keep to himself, and limit the damage he could do.  Meeting Stiles Stilinski is the first time he’s wanted more than the quiet life he’s made for himself, but he doesn’t know how to ask for it.
It doesn’t help that a certain handsome deputy seems to be demanding an awful lot of Stiles’ time as well. Derek doesn’t know if he should let Stiles go with the better man, or learn to stand up for what he wants.
This is the View From the Other Side by Green 
(9,375 I Explicit I Complete)  *steter
Peter agrees to teach Stiles to defend himself and in return, gets the one thing he really needs - Pack.
He’s selfish but he’s not greedy. He’s determined not to push for more.
It’s a Stiles Thing by wafflesmakebabies
(9,636 I Explicit I WIP)  *sterek
“Is no one gonna bring it up?” Erica demanded, practically bouncing out of her seat in Boyd’s lap.
“Bring what up?” Derek murmured, taking a gulp of his soda.
“The fact that you smell like a whore house whenever Stiles is around.”
Derek promptly choked.
The Weekend by TriDom 
(11,055 I Explicit I Complete)  *steter, stiles/danny, rape, prostitute!stiles, addict!stiles
Stiles’s bank account is in the red. He’s running low on his stash. His dad is getting sick of giving him money. He’s sick of asking. So he puts up an ad and wades through the perverts to find someone he wouldn’t mind sticking their dick in him for a little cash. He never expected to open his door to Peter Hale.
Peter may be slightly OoC, but I could see it from him, so I went with it.
Let the Only Sound be the Overflow by Madalynn_Bohemia
(12,955 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek
Alternate Universe : Why did the annual school trip have to be to a water park? And why, oh why did Derek Hale have to fill in as chaperon?
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realm-of-dragons · 4 years
Staff App - Hawks
Played by Admin Grimm
Name: Grimm
Age: 21
Preferred Pronouns: Any!
Timezone: PST
Discord: N/A
Any topics you want added to the content warning list?: Pandemics
Second choice character?: Bakugo 
Name: Takami Keigo AKA “Hawks”
Age: 27
Gender ID / pronouns: Trans Male, He/Him
OTPs, BroTPs, or NoTPS?: EndHawks baby… As far as BroTPs go I’m down for basically anything- I’m hoping for friendship between him and Rumi, but ultimately will be up for whatever has good chemistry/history in the setting of the group.
Race: Skyfolk
Appearance: Hawks is of average height and has a narrow but athletic build. Despite his small size, he holds a great deal of muscle packed into his form, and could probably crush a skull between his thighs if he wanted. He has large, terra cotta colored wings, although he mostly keeps them folded against his back nowadays. His hair is long, messy, and blond, but typically tied back into a braid. 
Role: Prince Consort of the Elves, Elven Ambassador to the Skyfolk, Former Skyfolk Chieftain, and Royal Pain in the Ass.
Hawks was once one of the fastest and most acrobatic flyers in his tribe; he still retains some of these skills, although he is limited by his injured shoulder.
Hawks can use both a sword and a bow with deadly accuracy mid flight, and has hunted all sorts of animals to feed his people.
When it comes to grounded combat, however, he is average at best with a blade. He’s still learning to compensate for his newfound lacking mobility.
He is excellent at reading others, a skill which helped him serve as chief, and is dedicated to helping others - it should be noted, however, that his communication skills are solely diplomatic. When it comes to his own personal thoughts and feelings he is garbage at communicating.
( i. )
There exists a species of bird which possesses exceptionally colorful tail feathers. It’s just a pheasant and it struggles to fly, spending most of its days grounded. It poses little threat, but it’s feathers are bright and vibrant and serve as a warning to would-be-predators. ‘Danger,’ they say, and though a bluff, they are quite effective. For the most part, the birds are left alone.
Sometimes(all the time), you’re that bird.
So maybe your feathers are dull, and your wings are average size at best, and you’re nothing particularly special to look at - But that’s not the point.
You’re just like that bird, because all you have to do is flash a vibrant and energized smile, and suddenly you’re the picture perfect representation of what your peers should aspire to be. Never mind your struggles, your anguish, or your pain. Never mind your lost childhood, your missing parents, and your failure at making friends. None of that matters in the slightest. You’re not angry. You’re not upset. You’re not in despair. 
You smile and wave and suddenly, you’re not just some orphaned, washed out, failure of a replacement chief - suddenly, you’re a warrior. A leader. Determined. Hard working. The child prodigy who took over an entire tribe at fourteen. A man who never lets anything drag him down.
It’s better this way.
( ii. )
There’s a species of bird which is preyed upon by anything and everything in its environment. It lives in constant stress and fear of being caught out, torn apart, and eaten - or, it probably would, if it possessed the same sentience as people. It’s small, fluffy, and even as an adult, appears to be newly hatched. It spends most of its life seeking out small bugs and seeds. It hides, in hopes that a predator of its own predator will grant it just a few moments longer.
Sometimes(just today), you’re that bird.
You’ve grown into your role now, more than you thought you might - and maybe the discomfort and the emotional volatility doesn’t really go away, but you’re good at hiding it, and you think that’s good enough.
But you’re just like that bird, helpless in your own environment.
You’ve heard of dragons. You’re not stupid, you know what they are. A dragon took your parents and injured countless others, naturally you’ve been educated. But education and preparation are two very different states of being, and you’re not sure any amount of knowledge could have possibly prepared you. 
You’re meeting with the other elders about something or another. You don’t really remember, after, and it’s probably not important, anyway - the sudden roar and burst of wind warns you too late to completely dodge the claws lunging your direction. 
The aftermath is chaotic; since you’re injured, you’re responsible for leading the evacuation, not for fighting. Every part of your body aches with discontent at running away, but there’d be no point in forcing yourself into combat. It would be stupid, and no matter how chaotic your thoughts might be, you’re not suicidal. So you obey, you lead your people to safety, and you watch as another fells the beast.
After, all you can think about is that you didn’t do anything. But it matters little. The beast is gone. You’re alive. You let a healer see to your injuries.
( iii. )
Today, you’re a fledgling bird about to leave the nest for the first time.
It doesn’t matter that you’ve already learned to fly, that you’re a leader and a warrior, or that you’re more adult than any of your peers will ever be- Today, you leave.
There’s a tradition amongst your people that all must go through before becoming chief - you skipped that, before, because your predecessor expired prematurely and your tribe was desperate for leadership. You had big shoes to fill, and you filled them as needed, but now, it’s time to move on. The dragon plaguing your people is dead, and though you still loathe your lack of involvement in the affair, you’re doing your best to move on with life. That means following tradition. 
It is custom for would-be-chieftains to travel for one year in solitude, surviving entirely off the land and the world around them. When they return, they are given a new title befitting of a leader, and they are welcomed with open arms back into their family.
You don’t really need to do that, all of your tribesmen already accept you as their undisputed leader, but you feel utterly useless when you remember how quickly the dragon struck you down. So you make a decision, and you place someone else in charge as interim leader as you prepare yourself for a long journey.
The thing about fledgling birds, though, is that they very rarely return to their nest of origin. You intend to return, so maybe you’re not like a fledgling at all- 
When you take flight, you feel dread seep into your bones. You keep flying, but you don’t look back, for fear that any glance home may be your last. 
( iv. )
You process the sound, first. Then there’s light, followed by pain, followed by delirium and the sensation of falling. You hit several tree branches as you descend - you know, because you feel the leaves and twigs rake against your flesh - but it’s difficult to determine how many. You hit the ground hard, pain exploding through your young body, and think to yourself, ‘this is it. This is death.’
Then, there’s void.
But you don’t die.
You drift in and out of consciousness for several weeks before you do finally wake. Your surroundings are unfamiliar, full of soft fabrics and lush plant life. You’re… In what appears to be a bed - you think - you know that humans and Elves keep different bedding from your own race, but you’ve never seen one quite like this. It’s soft and much larger than you’re used to, and it seems reflective of wealth and status. 
Pulling yourself into a sitting position takes incredible effort, and you realize with great disdain that your wings are injured. You manage, though, and find yourself looking up at a large Elven man.
So, here’s the state of things: You were struck by lightning. You’re recovering with the Elves, in the king’s guest chambers. This man is the Elven king himself. You’re making good progress. But.
And there’s always a but.
You might never fly again.
It’s… A lot to process. And even in the following weeks, as you regain your strength and begin moving about and exploring your new surroundings, you still struggle to wrap your head around it. Flying has been second nature to you. Instinctual. Another part of your existence as a Skyfolk. You can’t fathom a life without it.
You’re a caged, flightless bird, right now. Enji is nice. Extremely nice. Nicer than he really ought to be, all things considered. You refuse to call him King Todoroki because you like pushing his buttons, and secretly, you think he likes it too. But… There’s still something missing. This isn’t right. You need to finish your journey and return home, but you can’t do that without your flight. No matter how accommodating Enji is, it still doesn’t change the fact that you’re lounging around a golden cage and you really do not belong here.
So when your wings are deemed as healed up as they’ll ever be, you start sneaking out. You can’t get off the ground. Not yet. But you hope with enough practice, someday you’ll soar once again.
( v. )
You’re a hawk, now.
You don’t believe it, personally. Hawks are fierce, powerful, and incredible flyers - you’re weak, emotional, and barely able to slip off the ground on a good day. But Enji insists you’re a hawk, and you can’t bring yourself to argue, because nobody has ever seen your real persona before and thought so highly of it. 
Maybe that’s the nature of your relationship, though. It’s difficult to tell. 
You’re a fighter. You keep trying no matter how many times you fall, because you hate the idea of remaining grounded. Enji is there to catch you, to patch up your scrapes and bruises, and offer encouragement in how own unique way. And finally, when you do manage to take off and soar above the trees, you feel alive. This is what you were missing. 
This is who you are.
You wouldn’t be here without Enji. You’d be dead, or worse - and you’re grateful, you really are, but you don’t know how to ever repay him. Soon you’ll be stable enough to continue with your life, and you’ll need to leave and go home. Enji can’t go with you. He has a kingdom to run, and you’ve accepted that. You tell yourself it’s what’s right. That it was inevitable and this is the way things are meant to be.
In the months you’ve been with the Elves, you’ve learned their culture and their customs. Maybe you don’t really fit in, but you enjoy their way of life, and you love the people you’ve met. Back home, you had friends and family, sure, but there was so much pressure - For the first time in your entire life, you feel free. Freedom is terrifying. Powerful. You crave it.
You reach a crossroads. Go home and face your responsibilities or stay and learn to enjoy your life. It’s not an easy decision to make - there was so much resting on your shoulders, and maybe there still is, because you’re expected to return, sooner or later.
You’re a hawk. You’re fierce, determined, and you follow your heart. 
So you stay.
Hawks can still fly, but he reaches his limit much faster due to his previous injury. He chooses to just walk most places instead, keeping his wings tucked against his back when he’s in motion to better balance the weight. 
He is a little spoon at heart, but tends to be a big spoon in practice due to his absurdly large wings. He has to sleep on his stomach or his side to get comfortable.
Hawks loves fried foods, particularly fried birds; he’s been told this could be interpreted as cannibalistic, but refuses to stop eating meat anytime soon.
Keigo was his birth name, and although he is trans, he does not find discomfort with it because of dysphoria; it’s a remnant of his parents, and Skyfolk gender is wonky anyway.
In spite of that, Hawks only allows his former tribesmen to call him Keigo; he much prefers to be called Hawks.
Writing sample:
Keigo’s been in a weird sort of state lately. The injuries haven’t exactly helped his energy levels, sure, but given he’s mostly recovered, he should be able to get out of his bed and wander. And still, he’s skipping meals. Choosing to lay around. A stranger might consider him lazy. Enji doesn’t berate him for the behavior, and Keigo considers that a miracle. He doesn’t know if he could handle judgement over this melancholy. Not like he can control it, anyhow. 
So they spend the days talking. Sometimes Enji reads to him. Keigo had never imagined how deep and rich the Elven culture is - he’d heard some things, in passing. The Elves were mostly isolated, before, so whatever he had heard was mostly secondhand, and, as Keigo is now learning, incorrect.
They’re sitting in bed, Keigo pressed firmly against Enji’s side. He’s been told that Elves don’t ordinarily allow this type of contact, but Keigo’s never been pushed away, and it’s one of the few things that keeps him grounded. Enji sets aside the scroll he’d been reading from and gently runs a hand over Keigo’s feathers.
“I’ve told you much about my people, but I’ve not heard much of yours.” 
Keigo stiffens. “I didn’t think you’d want to learn about them.”
“I do. I don’t even know why you ended up so far from them.” 
Well, that’s fair. Keigo supposes that, at the very least, he owes an explanation. That much information is hardly a concealed secret, just… Emotional? No. That’s not the right word, but he doesn’t have any better way to describe it. He shrugs. “It’s tradition for future chieftains to travel for a year, prior to taking charge. A right of passage, you know. When they return home, they take a new name, and are given the honor of leading.” He smiles softly as he speaks, the familiarity giving him some small comfort in this bittersweet reality.
Enji frowns. “You were to be chief, then?”
“Oh, yes. I was. I won’t be, now. I can’t fly.” As if to prove his point, Keigo attempts to move his left wing, the one that took the brunt of the lightning strike. It barely twitches.
“You still could. My healers don’t know much of your anatomy, your wings might still recover.”
Keigo really, truly wants to believe him, but he’s sick and tired of getting his hopes up. He’s probably not going to regain his flight. There’s no point fixating on a fantasy. Not when it only brings disappointment. He leans closer, nuzzling his face into the crook of Enji’s neck. “Please don’t… I can’t...”
“Keigo.” Enji’s voice is strong, firm, and determined. Keigo bites at his lip, muscles tensing. “You’re strong. You want to recover, and you will.” Then, after a pause, he asks, “you’re given new names when you return, as a sign of strength?”
Hesitantly, Keigo nods. “Yeah…” 
“Then allow me to give you one now. You’re a fighter. You’ve shown me that much with your… Fiery attitude.” 
Oh, that’s one way to phrase it.
After a nod, Enji continues. “You’re a bird of prey, fierce. Powerful. Agile, fast, cunning, and a bit of an ass sometimes, even when you’re still recovering. But you’re a creature to be revered and awed. Like a swarm of hawks.”
“Hawks…” Keigo says, the name foreign on his tongue. “My name is… Hawks.” 
Maybe, just maybe, he can get used to it, in time.
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