#* mobile muse info
eyeslikestainedglass · 11 months
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The Mundane
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xretiredcommanderx · 2 months
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» I didn't make the rules... «
» [Wreckers] «
» Conjunx Endura « @xweaponizedconversationx
Ultra Magnus, along with her sparked twin Orion Pax, were raised by Alpha Trion in Iacon. Ultra Magnus grew up with a speech and learning impairment and was encouraged to remain home, while her sibling worked at the Hall of Records. Fate had different plans for Ultra Magnus. She would not remain homebound for her whole life.
     By good fortune, she wound up working under Senator Shockwave. Regardless of her disability, she worked hard and was appreciated for it. She remained with him loyally until his…untimely ‘disappearance’. She knew better than to believe he disappeared and spoke out against fervently in Senator Shockwave’s honor. Her actions cost her her freedom.
     It was the Institute where Magnus met Damus. It wasn’t very long before she found herself attached to the mech who was going through similar experiences as she. Knowing neither of them would probably not make it through these horrors, they bonded, becoming one as mates.
     Maybe in doing so that gave Magnus more willpower to fight, maybe she was just angry with the council in general. Whatever the case was, she fought through; and even as the protocol was programmed within her, she still fought with every ounce in her to keep as much of herself as possible.
     Magnus’ memories began to grow dim the more she fought with the protocol. Some things she tended to remember more than others. Yet she began to realize some instances in her life began to blot out. One moment she was here—and the next she was somewhere else. Now she found herself in the care of Optimus Prime, to which she only later found out was originally Orion Pax. It was a confusing time for her.
     She remained with Optimus until she was handed command of the Wreckers. Magnus struggled with their behaviour and lack of discipline. Their brash attitudes were the kryptonite to Magnus’ protocol. While Magnus found herself frustrated and upset with the wild group, she soon found relief from the same mix. Some days she found it easier to fight the protocol—the days she was with her unit. Magnus grew attached to those Wreckers, even if she could not verbally or physically express it. She would fight for them with her dying spark.
     When her wreckers split, she vowed to find them and bring them back. It did not matter if the war was over. That only meant it was more imperative to her that she found them and brought them home.
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pcetstcrtured · 4 months
… because i was enabled (thanks @everdawn ) - regina mills & emma swan are now on this blog.
along with marta cabrera, gil legume, & peter pan -
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sclitvde · 3 months
should i make a carrd? since i feel like they made custom themes kinda.... obsolete here...
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gardenofremembrance · 2 months
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ᯓ★ introduction , masterlist / misc . ♡
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fantasiesandfolklore · 3 months
V: Queen of Ashes — Vilified Phoenix Queen Verse Info [Part II of II]
[Continuing from here]
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In the thirtieth year of Relta’s reign, at age 55 but appearing around 30 still, and her living daughter’s twentieth year, Relta’s daughter brought an undead army up against Relta, being a powerful necromancer like her deceased aunt. Relta, unable to cut down the number of soldiers in this undead army, had to surrender to her daughter
Fennel, Relta’s only living daughter, was forced to kill her mother and many of the Lunaruzian soldiers in order to save Lunaruz from falling further into unrest and isolation. She had to severe Relta’s head to ensure her death, and was coronated by the High Priestesx of Persephone on the battlefield
Fennel’s reign ended up restoring Lunaruz to the glory it was meant to see under Queen Relta’s regency and reign.
Fennel also separated Lunaruz from the rest of the world, putting it in a pocket dimension so it could heal undisturbed. Magic was used to get goods needed via trade, magic now flourishing in the kingdom rather than being reserved for royals and elite religious figures.
Fennel found that she was immortal, and remained monarch until Lunaruz was healed so that she could ensure it went properly and in her mother’s vision from her pre-madness days
Fennel steps down from the throne at over one-hundred-and-twenty years old, appearing only in her 60s, and literally destroyed the throne and built the foundations of a democracy as her final act during her rule.
She was also able to revive the siblings, cousins, and aunts that were killed to full life, allowing them to have the lives they wished for.
Queen Fennel had a consort, but no heirs as her sole consort was AFAB and she never planned to continue the monarchy. However, she adopted her youngest sibling that was born when Relta was late in her reign by her latest lover. This sibling ended up becoming a high ranking judge in the Lunaruzian royal court system, and a just judge at that.
Fennel, as queen, also brought back freedom of religion, and ended the royal bloodline’s connection to divinity in order to prevent “old wayers” who wished to restore the monarchy after her retirement due to the divine nature of the monarchy.
Relta’s lovers, including Lord Keife, were all pardoned by Queen Fennel…if still alive.
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byanyan · 7 months
i love when people like ur promo and then don't even give u a full day to take a look at their blog so u can decide whether u want to follow them or not... when they're the ones who don't provide mobile friendly info options
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opscurus · 8 months
— Ichigo is 23
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 165lbs
Born: July 15th
When the Fight between Ichigo and Ulquiorra happened, the orange haired Soul Reaper awoke his powers of Vasto Lorde. Once the battle was over, his soul returned to its battered state it had been in before the transformation, and his friends had taken care of him as best they could.
Once Ichigo and friends returned from Hueco Mundo, he started having odd feelings and sensations around certain people. Mainly Urahara, Uryu, and Orihime. He couldn’t be around any of them without feeling like he should kill or injure them — it was his Inner Hollow taking a toll upon Ichigo’s spirit.
Set directly after episode 271 through the arc. This Ichigo is AU, meaning events after the named episode didn’t happen, instead leading Ichigo to set off down different paths in the main verse of this muse.
it explores Ichigo’s insecurities / fears about his powers & the fact that he is unnatural
—Stubborn as always, though he’s learned a lot with having to cope with almost hurting his friends with his Hollow powers and has come to live in the far recesses of the Soul Society. He still travels to Karakura town every now and then, but stays only a short while.
— being;
He was a beast in Human skin, not belonging to either world, or any for that matter. If one were to see him, they’d see him ominously silent, and drifting like a leaf on the wind.
Tall, yet thin, his features are sharp, but still a bit unkempt. His hair is long, like it was in the arc against Aizen (which isn’t in his timeline) but it’s his style. He most often wears his Souls Reaper garb, it is heavily tattered and ripped. Zangetsu stands out on his hip.
Something on him is almost always bandaged. His eyes no longer have that youthful glow, now they hold a gloom and depth of heart. An unwanted terror that leaks from his Soul. Worn are his hands, many scars adorn his fingers and upper body as well. Burns marking trails along his spine show his pain. Many trials have been overcome, but not without wounds.
Most thoughts are held back and pushed deep within. He tries not to think about anything concerning his Hollow or events triggered by such. Though things come to haunt him and therefore he secludes himself when needed.
He’s not that vocal anymore, due to lack of substance or more so a lack of feeling the good things. His times for talk are only when really \prompted or when he feel it necessary. The face of the Anomaly is often void of expression, hard or unsettling. Times are short when he shows his feelings and wears his heart on his sleeve.
TEMPERMENT: lawful neutral
VICES: martyr-ism • lust
PERSONALITY TRAITS: impulsive • confident • caring • intelligent • vain • charming • taunting • quiet
HABITS: clenching his fists • running hands through his hair • muttering under his breath • gritting his teeth
SEXUALITY: homosexual
ALLERGIES: strawberries • mild asthma
DISABILITIES/INJURIES: partially blind in right eye • busted right elbow • broken ribs • dyscalculia
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oblivionlotus · 1 year
//okay I've come up with a "blurb" I think is good for my TBA oc. Didn't take as long as I thought. Feel free to leave me feedback or whatever! Here it is:
If there was ever an English word that could describe the thirty-something Captain Hevan Batíste, it would be "bitch". In fact, she has helpfully tattooed that very word on her face in case of any confusion. The reasons behind this being the perfect word for her are long but each of them well-earned.
The irony of it, though. A word often employed by certain folk to describe an infuriating woman, bought and paid for in blood, stamped in ink, and on display as a lifestyle choice rather than a hissed word. The irony that someone like her should be named in a fashion similar to the English word Heaven (though it is not pronounced this way in her mother tongue).
If that alone isn't enough to give an idea of who Captain Hevan Batíste is, then you had better learn quickly; Batíste suffers no fools.
Those who have met her would describe her as being grotesque in appearance, but her behaviour - when she is pleasant - reeks of nobility and even gentleness. Indeed, the prison tattoo upon her face confirms her nobility - only the nobleblood criminals get inked with a black diamond. You feel a sense of confusion about her. In other words, Batíste comes across as a living puzzle.
Those who actually know the woman would say she is tough but always fair - you treat her well, and she will return that. They would warn against testing her and may even exhibit an air of being protective. They know in detail what she is capable of and would say she has more than earned respect.
Those counted as her brothers and sisters within the Cult of Damœ would praise her not only for her faith and her blood offerings, but also for her devout indulgence in representing Damœ's ideals: she is both grotesque and picturesque, kind and wicked, child of snake and child of man.
Unlike most other womenfolk of her home planet, she can hold a decent conversation and will speak to you as an equal. She insists upon that.
Some strangers may wade into a conversation with her with an expectation based on her appearance: she must be crazy, let's see what the crazy woman will say. Yes, Batíste is crazy, but not in the way these people expect. They will leave disappointed and will not be harmed for their assumptions. Batíste prefers they live, forever known as a fool by all who know better.
In public, surrounded by a chosen group of outcasts - the disabled, the ugly, the diseased - Batíste cuts a fine figure. Always dressed well, sporting a fine rapier sword on one hip and a top-gear lazer pistol on the other. In private, when all her fine regalia and weaponry are removed, she appears soft and vulnerable. This impression is aided by the fact that, when at repose, she removes her false mechanical leg. Yet she has slain a few people even in this state.
What is the truth, and what is the illusion? Who is this contradictory woman? Failing all other answers, she is simply, proudly that bitch.
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outofthiisworld · 1 year
🔍 for something you look for on other’s blogs
It’s a bit of a basic answer but it’s the most important one for me next to having rules: a muse(s) about page!
It doesn’t have to be anything fantastical or bombastic, even if it’s some simple stats with a paragraph— I can rock with that, easy peasy lemon squeezy! 🍋 (though, I will never turn down a meaty read, personally <33 LET ME IN, LET ME IIIIIN—)
If all the muse’s basic information is scattered across the blog, I honestly find it harder to follow along and get a feel for the muse— and this goes for canon muses too! i wanna know you’re interpretation of ‘em!! especially if I’m unfamiliar with the source material
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streetslost · 1 year
📱- when you’re so desensitized to tumblr fuckery at this point and also there’s a deep part of you that hopes the site nukes itself because that’ll be the only way i’m free
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loyaltylanced · 1 year
aaa i'm very excited to move the sideblog!!
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bcneheaded · 2 years
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Hello, my name is Emory! I’m 25+, Canadian, use they/he, & have been RPing on tumblr since est. 2012.  This is a highly selective, low-activity rp blog for my original character, Artemis, the humble skeletal owner of a shop that sells rare & magical items, mainly to the supernatural or magically inclined (ft. a couple side muses). He is a fallen God (Eros). Dark themes will be present. Please read the info and rules page before following!
HELPFUL LINKS: ✦ Muse Info ✦ Memes ✦ Opens ✦ Interest Tracker ✦ wall of text
OTHER BLOGS YOU MAY KNOW ME FROM ✧ @polyphagist / @boarish / @everymanism / [sideblogs to bcneheaded↓] ~ @ccnfessional / @hjemve / @flowerbull
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✧ blog rules under the cut! ✧
➤   Well hey! My name is Emory; I’m 29 (they or he please!). Thanks for coming to read this! I’ll try to keep it as brief as I can. This is a highly selective, low-activity multi-muse blog for a couple OC’s of mine. Completely created, developed and loved by me! :) ➤   When sending memes/asks/liking for a starter, please try to specify a muse that you want to interact with. If you don’t specify when asked to, it’s fine but please know that I will automatically use Artemis as a default as he is the primary muse!
➤   I work a full-time job and often struggle with my mental health – I may take a long time to respond both ooc and ic. I apologize in advance. It’s not because I don’t want to write or talk with you, I promise! I’m also quite forgetful and timeblind, so don’t be afraid to nudge me if I haven’t gotten back to you in a few days time; but on the same breath, please don’t hound me for responses.
➤ This blog is generally Mutuals-Only. Plotting and dms are reserved for mutuals only, but ask memes and open starters (unless tagged “mutuals only”) are open to anyone. Mutuals will be prioritized though.
➤   Artemis (formerly Eros) is absolutely NOT on good terms with the Greek gods, nor does he have any interest in interacting with them (we might, but he’ll be very unhappy about it). It’s very likely he will become hostile towards them if they somehow find his shop (as they are directly responsible for everything bad that happened to him). He won’t attack them, and he won't ask them to leave immediately, but he will ask them never to return afterwards and likely be very curt with them. He plays this off as though he simply dislikes deities, which isn’t too unlikely given he’s a demon! *If your muse is a Greek (or Roman) deity, they will not recognize him, as he has been twisted beyond recognition and taken on an entirely new identity. ➤   I’m not follow for follow, so that means I only follow those that I’m interested in writing with! I also read everyone’s rules and character information before following/interacting, and expect the same from others. I won’t follow those without a rules page or a finished (or mostly at least) character info page; I like to know who I’m writing with!
➤  If I follow you first and you don’t follow back within a month or two, or similarly, if we’ve been mutuals for a long time and we’ve never interacted and I don’t see it happening, I’ll likely unfollow just to keep my dash clean. I may also soft those who are inactive for 6 months or more (or those who post mostly only ooc) but if you come back into the fray and want to write together, you are always free to refollow and reach out! I don't believe in any kinda 'permanently unmutualed' thing so feel free to come a and go as you please!
➤   I'm not comfortable with interacting with H.ogwarts L.egacy // HP blogs (on any of my blogs), so it's highly unlikely I'll be RPing with anyone who runs one + probably won't follow via @.bcneheaded. I'll probably softblock you if you follow this blog or any of my sideblogs, but will hardblock if you keep refollowing. ➤ Triggers will be tagged as trigger tw. Things I need you to tag for me are ped*philia, and emetophobia (irrational fear of v*mit** For me, in example… Saying you threw up is OK, but do not discuss or describe it any further than that please. Thank you.] ) If you deliberately ignore or frequently forget this rule, you will be blocked and anything we have will be dropped.
➤  Quality over quantity! But of course, please don’t give me a sentence in return for a couple paragraphs. On a similar note, I have the tendency to ramble. So please don’t feel the need to match my length if I’ve gone off and made the thread quite long. I’ll be happy with just about anything you give in return!
➤   Ships will be based on chemistry, and are possible here. Though given the nature of the muse(s), it may be a very long game, or a difficult thing to do. Discussion for pre-established relationships of any sort are super welcome and encouraged.
➤   I love continuing ask memes as threads and I definitely encourage you to do so if you’d like to (though it’s not necessary) as it’s a great way to break the ice and start something in general. I'll usually put it on a new text post with a banner on it (ie. "answered"), so feel free to reblog that directly if you want, or make a new one. I’ll like the post to let you know I’ve seen it, so if I don’t, don’t be afraid to ask to see if I have or not; we all know tumblr’s a little (a lot) funky, so I may have missed it!
➤ I don’t do drama, so please don’t involve me in it. Any passive aggressive or hateful asks or messages will be ignored and whoever it is sending it will be blocked. The anonymous feature is a privilege, please don’t abuse it.
➤ On the topic of drama, I generally don’t support callout culture, nor will I participate it in. You can certainly do what you want on your blog but I do ask that you please tag any callouts and/or drama. If you won’t or frequently don’t, then that’s alright, but please do know that I likely won’t be interacting with you or your blog and will probably unfollow– no hard feelings. I just don’t want it on my dash.
➤  NSFW content of sexual nature is very unlikely to appear on this blog as I don’t often participate in those kinds of threads (Artemis, the main character here is technically sexless. so.. yep!) But if I do for some reason in any capacity, it will be put under a read more and tagged as “ ( nsft ) ” and will only be done with people I’m close with or have discussed it with beforehand. NSFW themes may be more likely to appear in terms of DARK themes, as these muses are all horror related. (torture, existentialism, death, demonic imagery, etc.) But these will be tagged as such. The catchall tag will be “ ( horror tw ) ”       
~  These rules subject to change over time, but if/when they do I’ll be sure to make a post about it to let ya know! Thank you for your time; it’s appreciated!
x credit to @/rpiconsgalore for the banners I use in my posts!
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summonedglory · 1 year
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#SUMMONEDGLORY | independent, private, selective, 18+, duplicate and crossover-friendly League of Legends / Arcane multimuse penned by m. & established 19/07/2023.
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risingsol · 2 years
my munday fact is i either sleep a lot or i sleep very little, there’s no in between.
my aether fact is that he sleeps okay or not great. secretly he does have an anxiety over the journey he has to do through this world and it affects his sleep schedule either mildly or greatly. he doesn’t like to take beverages or food said to keep him awake/boost his energy bc a) it doesn’t work as well on him and b) he doesn’t really wanna get used to it. prior to meeting with paimon, sleep would come rarely to him.
the first night he spent with paimon after chatting with her, he felt at ease enough to probably sleep the best he has since he came to this world.
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mantleoflight · 2 years
Guest Muses
Sol Muses
Lyn-5 & Vesper — on request — A former Braytech administrator brought back by an equally persistent ghost, now having to navigate a collapsed world she isn't quite equipped to take on.
Yyventriz — on request — born of Riis and losing her mothers just before the Great Drift, Yyventriz’s adoptive father raised her in the House of Weavers and protected her when they became Wolves. She later became a Marauder, Queens Guard, and fallen Wolf Captain. But that was years ago. Now she is a Defector of House Salvation, seeking to found her own House of Shards and the Fallen Archives.
Kesivik — mid activity — a young vandal who helped a small group of ghosts as a Dreg during the Red War and who now helps as he navigates his new life as a blind vandal and holy splicer hopeful.
Mithrax/Misraaks — on request - Kell of Light, father of Eido Scribe of House Light. Born to Inaaks the first Kell of House Wolves, a former member in the Old Crews, last of the sacred splicers, and worshiper of the Great Machine.
Eliskni Crews — Side characters belonging to the Eliksni pirate crews: the ShatterStars and the Red Sabers.
Tvaskis & Tvarkis — Formerly of the House of Kings, these two brothers have led wildly different lives. One becoming a houseless venturer and the other a Hand in the House of Shards.
The House of Shards — An Eliksni faction that splintered off from House Salvation but did not join Mithrax in the Last City, or the disorganized House of Dusk. Led by Yyventriz, the House of Shards endeavors to do what House Salvation promised but didn’t deliver: build up a new Eliksni people, a people with a future.
The Mantle
Beilio — A Qu’ari AI that took the shape of a Ghost after meeting a Lightbearer and now functions as a guide of the Mantle: remnants of the extinct Light-based civilization, Qu’ari, for future Light Bearers to use against the Darkness.
Kuara — Young Qu'ari engineer who was put into a transmatted stasis until the Heirs of Light (Light Bearers) would come to release the last of her people and use the Mantle to dispel the darkness on her world. Which, unfortunately... hasn't happened yet and may never happen if the Darkness has anything to say about it.
Quan Shi and Yin Su — on request — A strange guardian working as an independent informant with a grudge against the hive and information for anyone wishing to know something.
Ashven — An Ahamkara found in a secret valley hidden away in a green valley trapped inside a time bubble that’s accessible only to those touched by Ahamkara wish magic already.
Ember & Ravah — on request— Ravah is a long-dead hive knight accidentally risen on the moon by an overly determined ghost attempting to raise an astronaut he was buried beneath. Now he learns from Ember about the ways of Light as he travels and reconciles his new life between the Sword and the Light.
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