#* people   ⟶   talia hale.
taliahale · 1 month
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talia takes pictures of different homes she's been in while traveling and meeting new people because she wants to remember these important places. she likes being able to look back at her albums and remember where she had been and who she had been with and what they had done together.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 4 months
please give me fic recs where Derek is a big brother / dad figure to Issac with Sterek too, but without the pack calling Stiles mom, just pack feels or Derek found family feels.
I know these fics exists, they have to, I NEED THEM pretty please.
I think so!
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Family Ties by Big_Hazard
(1/1 I 1,681 I General)
Isaac comes home from Paris and Derek makes a big change for both of their lives.
Brothers (a word so unfamiliar to Derek he probably couldn't spell it) by Nerdgoddess
(1/1 I 2,797 I General)
Derek Hale hasn't been a brother in a long time. He hasn't been a big brother for even longer. But slowly, with the help of the pack, he learns.
4 times in which Derek acts like a big brother + 1 time he gets treated like one.
The Barriers Within Yourself by Reinamy 
(1/1 I 2,977 I Teen)
It all comes down to Isaac messing up.
People Don't Regress into Babies, do they? by TylerM
(1/1 I 4,962 I General)
If there had ever been a time in Derek's life where he could have foreshadowed holding a crying baby on his hip as he tried to coo at him in a comforting manner while Peter uselessly laughed at him, he most definitely would have prevented it.
You see Derek has no idea how this happened. And by this, he means Isaac somehow magically turning into a toddler.
Repeat, a toddler.
- Or the one where Isaac magically gets turned into a baby and Derek has to look after him.
Can’t Walk Around With Open Wounds by BetoWrites
(5/5 I 8,075 I Mature)
It’s the holiday season, but Isaac isn’t in the mood to celebrate. Years after the Battle of the Nogistsune, he continues to be haunted by ghosts of a life he can barely recognize.
Upon his return to Beacon Hills, he discovers that — for better or for worse — he’s not the only one.
I Think Isaac Hale Sounds Nice by courtinator
(6/6 I 11,760 I General)
Derek sets out to begin the process of adopting Isaac, but it proves to be a little more difficult than he thought.
(to us) your ghost is born by stenoscope
(6/? I 14,169 I Teen)
“Shut up,” Boyd says easily, spearing a sausage on his fork. “It’d be a lot for anyone.”
“Yeah, but—”
“Isaac. We love you. Shut up.”
Isaac shuts up.
it begins with lies by sunmoontruth
(21/21 I 103,651 I Teen)
“We’re supposed to be the protectors of Beacon Hills,” Derek says. “You raised me to care about people, so that’s what I’m doing.”
Talia’s lips twitch a little, this soft frown that Derek hates to be the cause of. But he needs his mom to hear him, needs her to understand that they have the power to do something, and, therefore, they should. He needs her to understand that the abundance of caution has gone on for five years too long. He needs her to understand that the people of this town – this kid included – need someone to look out for them, and it should be this family.
Talia says, slowly, “I’ll check it out.”
Or the Hale fire never happens, the family fosters Isaac, and a war breaks out as a consequence
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sterek-stuffs · 1 year
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Do you get annoyed when people say the Sterek fandom is dead? Well, prove them wrong by reblogging this fresh new rec list of fics published in the past three years!
Pulling Strings by Gia279 54k words, M
Stiles and Derek pull off the ultimate game of survival charades: fooling the alpha pack into thinking their leader, alpha of alphas, demon wolf Deucalion himself, is still alive, in order to find the location of the Darach and save Beacon Hills and their pack, while Stiles learns to control this brand new, unusual power.
The Curse of the Love Sweater by HisBeloved 56k words, E
The "sweater curse" or "curse of the love sweater" is a term used by knitters to describe the belief that if a knitter gives a hand-knit sweater to a significant other, it will lead to the recipient breaking up with the knitter. When Stiles and Derek were children, a misunderstanding created a rift between Claudia Stilinski, owner of The Hale Yarn Company, and Talia Hale, the best knitter and spinner in the county, leading to the opening of Lucky Ewe, Claudia Stilinski's yarn store. Stiles and Derek have been lifelong competitors at the Beacon County Fair and after their mothers died, became owners of competing yarn shops. Derek is a budding knitwear designer on the eve of the release of his first book of patterns. Stiles wants him on his popular knitting YouTube show despite the decade-long feud between the Stilinski's and Hales. Hijinks, fluff, and ridiculousness ensue, and the boys get their happy ending.
Don't they know it's the end of the world? by flemoncake, mute90 20k words, M
Stiles thought being in love in a dangerous, post-apocalyptic world was a bad idea. He voted for pleasant, casual sex all the way. But being afraid of love doesn't stop it from coming after you. Being afraid doesn’t stop anything from coming after you.
love in suspension by creationmyth 6k words, T
They walk side by side back to the camaro, Derek’s all tensed up while Stiles hums some unnamable tune under his breath. When they finally break the treeline, Stiles pulls Derek by the arm so they’re face to face. “Thank you,” Stiles tells him quietly, making sure Derek knows he’s sincere. “It’s what we do.” It is. It really is. (or: Stiles and Derek learn, over time, how loyalty becomes love.)
ouroboros (get it right) by yesimirreputable 5k words, M
You try again, and the story's always the same: you never make it past eighteen.
a light and darkness in the heart of the forest by thedaughterofkings 10k words, T
There's a beast in the forest, they say. If you call to it, it will answer. To save his mom, Stiles will face up to it and hope the price won't be higher than the reward.
nothing but hope and virtue by dappledawndrawn, LeafZelindor 60k words, T
Senator Derek Hale, a California Democrat, had considered a future where he needed to hire a new campaign manager. He'd always expected to hire someone from inside the campaign. They'd have been familiar, respectful, come into his office carefully, with nervous excitement, and called him "sir" too much when asking for their first assignment. They'd have been familiar with the ins and outs of working with a werewolf pack, and everything would have been fine. Not great, maybe, but fine. But instead, Deaton retires with no warning, and almost sight-unseen, he hires Stiles Stilinksi, who is sprawled across his office couch, entering random contacts from Derek's Rolodex into his phone. Derek's a little in love with him. It's going to be a long campaign.
Fairy Wings and Beastly Tails by Bliz, PalenDrome (nerdherderette) 8k words, T
The prince knows it’s risky. He thinks about how he could manage without his wings; what his life would be like without flying or the ability to do spells. He thinks about his father and Scott, and all the others he’d leave behind if he fails. But then he thinks about the creature and the sadness in those green eyes, and how the image haunts his dreams. “I’ll do it,” he says as the Oak Witch’s grin grows wide.
Bite the Moonlight & Bleed Gold by raisesomehale 86k words, E
Seven years after being tricked and imprisoned by the Argents, Derek Hale finds himself off the blistering coasts of Antarctica aboard the Argentum Domina, an illegal prison ship out of which the Argents operate their behemoth, underground poaching empire. Bitter and packless, Derek spends his days working off his servitude by poaching creatures for Gerard to sell on the Black Magic Market, no future or end in sight. Until, Allison Argent brings him a capture case with a reward price so ludicrous that he has no choice but to accept. The only problem is, the target creature shouldn't even exist. Derek is flung fast into the deep webbings of a bigger mystery than he could have ever imagined. And discovers that, like this enchanting creature, not everything is as it seems.
My Soul to Keep by jacyevans, Jmeelee 18k words, T
Stiles came with a whiteboard, and blue dry erase marker, flapping it over his head like a white flag on a battlefield. "Come on," he coaxed. "You must want to say something. You've never gone this long without telling me to shut up." He waggled the marker in Derek's face. Stinging alcohol and pungent polymer singed Derek's nose hairs. His fingers itched to pick up the board, and not because he wanted to tell Stiles to be quiet. He enjoyed the babble that filled the apartment every few days, the hearty food, Stiles' particular, reassuring smell: maple sugar buzz, spicy-sweet deodorant, milk-sour frustration, floral shampoo, and spring grass at night. It soaked into Derek's couch, his bed, his skull. If any of it were real, Derek would take the board and write: thank you.
A Functioning Adult’s Field Guide to Enemies With Benefits by BisexualGoblin (LadyBoBo) 31k words, E
The six years Stiles was away for college, he certainly missed a lot—namely the whole best friend turned into a werewolf thing. But he didn’t think he missed enough to get replaced by a douche bag like Derek Hale. Now with Scott’s wedding looming, it’s the perfect chance for Stiles to show Derek who the real brains of the operation is. If only he could stop jumping into bed with him…
Let's build a beehive by GreyHaven 25k words, G
Ten years after he last saw Derek, Stiles' life is in ruins and he has nowhere else to turn. He has Derek's address but will he be welcomed? A post canon AU about healing, growth, acceptance, and love.
Handstands For You by Fenris13 15k words, E
"No, really, you don't have to—!" Stiles hisses, flinching as Derek rubs soap with needless intensity into the cut. "Shut up and keep still," Derek growls back. Stiles whines in response, squirming in Derek’s grip but otherwise following the order. Stupid werewolves and their stupid regeneratey-healy powers. It’s not Stiles’ fault that he’s wimpy and human, so when he gets thrown down a flight of stairs and through a rotten wooden wall by lake monsters, he still remembers it the next morning.
Shaking the wings of their terrible youths by Daisyapples 29k words, N/r
Stiles didn't expect much when he stopped a stranger being attacked in an alleyway. He didn't expect the wolf following him around New York, didn't expect the help when he was sick, didn't expect the psycho blond attacking him, or the place to stay. He didn't expect the new family. Oh, and he definitely didn't expect werewolves.
Dear Fellow Traveler by lanalua (this is me!) 32k words, M
Years after shit went down in Beacon Hills a traumatized Stiles is dating Lydia and living in New York, trying to avoid and get over anything related to the supernatural. When he finally decides to go back to his hometown and face his fears, he will be lead down a path of self-discovery that will change the course he had set for his life. Stiles shook his head. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Derek, it was just that he couldn’t. If he’d had magic the whole time, did it mean he could have been less useless back in highschool? Did it mean he could have helped, maybe kept Erica and Boyd alive? Kept Derek and Scott from leaving? It was too much. Guilt tore through his stomach like an arrow. He felt himself start to hyperventilate again.
As always, check the tags in individual fics to find out if they're right for you, and don't forget to leave the authors some love!
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apocalypse-shuffle · 7 months
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“A Different Breed” (Peter Hale x Fem!Reader)
| With Lydia (& Allison) unwilling to help, and Peter unwilling to let himself be pushed around and fucked over by children, Peter finds other means to unlocking the secrets trapped in his late sister’s claws.
| SFW, canon divergence, manipulative!peter (what’s new though really?), reader is of African and Irish descent -banshee!reader
| 1k+ words
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“Y/n L/n.”
Instinctually your brows furrow at the sound of your name even as you’re still looking at the ledgers on the library table.
“Yes?” You turn towards the person, a man. Trying not to seem rude you do him the favor of not looking at him as if he’s crazy for coming up to you with your full government name in his mouth. “If you’re looking for Ms. Fields she’s in the computer lab.”
He shakes his head. Something about the way he’s looking at you makes you stay stiff as you try to place if you’ve seen him before while leaning back on the table.
“Oh no,” he smiles in a way that’s probably supposed to be pleasant, “I’ve found exactly who I was looking for.”
Mhm. Part of your soul starts to ring out with danger bells but you don’t let him see that.
Planting your hands behind you on the desk you lean back some, inclining your head softly to the side, “What were you looking for me for?”
You nod slowly, dark fingers tapping against the edge of the table. This man doesn’t exactly give off the vibe of someone who needs (or trusts) help from anybody, but part of your job was literally helping people so you couldn’t call bullshit just yet.
You make sure to keep your expression open.
“Cool. What can I help you with, Mr… ?”
At your light promoting it’s like a flip switches and he suddenly remembers he has to seem far less suspicious than he’s otherwise been coming off.
His face loses its tension and in response you relax the tiniest bit as well.
“Hale,” he easily answers the inquiry.
The name pings at something familiar in your head. Hale…Hale? Ah!
“As in Talia Hale?”
The man’s eyebrows go up and a cool smile takes over his face.
“Yeah actually. I’m surprised you’re old enough to remember.”
You give him a tight lipped smile. He definitely isn’t looking to make a light library request if he’s a werewolf whose purposely sought you out.
“I’m in my 20’s actually. I went to school with Derek.”
He hums, a sound that might actually be signifying a genuine moment of interest.
“You know what? I thought your name sounded familiar.” He points to you, a roguish smile stretches across sharp features. “You were the basketball team’s manager, weren’t you?”
You snort despite yourself.
Out of all the reasons he could have remembered you by - the most likely of which being that you were one of the scant few black student body that went to BHS - that it was for basketball was a pleasant enough surprise.
“Yeah, I was, actually - and since you’re not Derek I’m gonna guess you’re his uncle.”
“Yes well,” he makes a low sound and meets your eyes, “I am his uncle. Peter.” He holds out his hand.
You only have a second to eye it in contemplation before it becomes socially unacceptable, but he’s got a really intense stare and you’re already nervous about this whole thing, so you end up biting the bullet before you can really think your decision through.
Hastily, you accept his outstretched hand to shake and immediately he uses the connection to pull himself closer. It forces you to knock your head back a bit to keep looking him in the face, your own face heating up.
Peter chuckles. It’s smooth and feels just a little patronizing and makes your eyebrow raise.
Those alarm bells from earlier start kicking up a fuss, whirring through your bloodstream like a tsunami. You keep a tightly controlled lid on it, but just barely.
Even as a beta Peter Hale was dangerous.
“You gonna stare at me with those pretty eyes all day, or you gonna tell me what you need?”
The corner of his eyes crinkle and his smile widens. His hand is still inhumanly warm against yours.
“Don’t knock yourself short, your eyes are pretty too.” He blinks down at you, eyes twinkling for a brief moment. “Like cognac diamonds.”
You bite the inside of your lip as Peter leans in even more, planting one of his hands next to yours on the table. Your breath speeds up as your bodies graze one another.
Casual as anything Peter leans down till your heads are level so he can whisper.
“Let’s cut the pretense, shall we, I know what you are.” Instantly you tense up again, eyes widening. Now his presence so close to you feels burning hot; nearly suffocating. Your palm is getting sweaty and your fingers are starting to creek at his tightening hold.
You swallow thickly, licking your lips. His breath puffs warmth onto the shell of your ear causing goosebumps to sprout along your brown skin.
“I'm going to need to use those abilities of yours.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You bite your lip harder after the poorly hidden shakiness in your voice meets your ears. The man - the wolf looming over you chuffs, voice going back to normal.
“Come on, Sweetheart. We both know that’s not true.” He straightens up then, his now free hand coming to press into his chest. “Let’s make this easier. I’m Peter Hale, big bad werewolf; and you’re Y/n L/n, prettiest banshee in Beacon Hills.”
“There’s other banshees in this town.”
He nods.
“Oh I know, but I’m not much into children and she wouldn’t be my type anyway. Now, you’re going to help me because teenage girls are brats.”
Your jaw works as you stare up at him. There’s not much you could even do in this situation other than go along or get your throat ripped out. You’d overheard some…things about Peter from your father the night he was admitted into the hospital that you’d rather not get a personal example of. Pack left hand, ruthless, it was good he wasn’t able to cause any more trouble.
“Fine,” you force out.
Eyes dropping, you glare daggers into the floor as he chuckles.
“Good choice.” He starts dragging you off towards one of the back rooms, “Now how advanced in your birthright are you? And who activated you?”
Your jaw clenches but you make yourself answer anyway.
“Since I graduated high school,” you glare at his back, “and not a who, a what.”
“Ah,” Peter nods and gestures for you to unlock the door. “The nemeton?”
Snatching your key ring from your pocket you shove the correct one into the hole and the second the key’s pulled back he’s knocking it open and shoving you in before him.
You stumble but quickly spin back around to keep your eyes on the werewolf.
“Yes,” you snap, “the nemeton was left defenseless and was just reacting to the only supernatural beings left, dormant or not.”
Peter locks and then leans against the door.
“Me and you,” he says, crossing his arms.
You hum an affirmative and go about shoving your rumpled clothes back into place.
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
He has the audacity to throw you yet another one of those roguish smiles before those angelite eyes flash a supernatural electric blue.
That thing deep within you that turns your eyes white and forces a wail from your throat when death’s near rumbles inside your chest in response. You glare at Peter, shoving it down.
“Just tell me what you want.”
He claps before pulling a brown ornate jar out from behind his back.
“I want you to tell me what memory is trapped in these,” he scowls, “the full memory.”
“No shit,” you grunt.
When you reach for the jar he puts it more out of reach and inclines his head to give you a reproachful look though. You roll your eyes, the one time a man shows some interest in you and it’s this guy.
“I get it. The full memory or you’ll rip my throat out with your teeth or whatever.”
He scoffs but hands you the jar. You start to untwist it.
“The whole throat teeth thing is much more my nephew's style. No, I like to use my claws. There’s zero need for blood in my mouth when it’s sticking to my clothes.”
You grimace. Damn v-neck wearing bastard. No stable person talked like that, he was crazy, and you say as much out loud.
“So you're crazy?”
He laughs, sounding a little startled, and you dump the five werewolf claws into your palm. Ooookay.
“I’ve got to say, I like you way more than the other banshee I know.”
You grunt.
“Martin’s daughter, right?”
“Just the one,” he drawls.
You nod vaguely while inspecting the claws, turning them over with the fingers of your free hand. They’ve got a distinct hum of magic around them still, a particular frequency.
“These are Talia’s,” you state.
“Oh you are on a roll today, Sweetheart,” his eyes run over your body appreciatively before jumping back to your face. His smirk only widens at the unimpressed look you’re giving him, “now just tell me what she took from me.”
You give him one last pinched look before closing your eyes and clamping your fist around the sharp points. You exhale and focus on the frequency.
Alphas. Head of their packs. Crimson eyes. Leaders. Wolves. Chosen protector of Beacon Hills, burned alive on its lands after years of successfully protecting it and the people within it.
Your eyes snap open. They’re white. White like snow or powdered sugar. Like your mother’s favorite blanket on the back of the couch or like the steam from the pot when you whip up some soup when you’re missing your grandma like hell. White like the froth from crashing waves, like the blur between the mother, the spirit, and the crone when they flash before mortals eyes. White like the void between life and death.
The blank image before you, as you see with different eyes, flashes into one of a black haired woman. Talia Hale. She’s standing beside a chair, a chair Peter’s sitting in. Another flash and a screaming woman is there, talking about a baby and Peter and how it’s taking her power goddamnit!
You gasp, eyes blinking back to the present and keel forward, dropping the claws to the floor in the process. You barely make out the tiny clinks of them hitting the vinyl, hands resting on bent knees as harsh breaths rush from your chest.
Peter’s suddenly there, the claws are no longer on the ground and the jar’s nowhere to be seen. He grabs your forearms and then hefts you upright, shaking you.
“What? What was it? What’d you see?”
You groan and try to shake him off but he doesn’t budge. His grip only gets tighter.
“Fuck you,” you gasp. “You’ve got a kid - a Coyote wer - somewhere here in Beacon.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!! I’ll catch any typos later.
In retrospect it really is wild how little black people were in Teen Wolf. Like, off the top of my head there was only four, I think.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it! this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
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teenwolf-confessions · 2 months
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I would kill to see a prequel series with the Hales-maybe young Talia before she had kids and became the an alpha and I want this because Bobby Finstock would be in high school and I know, in my black little heart, he was a Stiles. I just fucking know it. He plays it off like he doesn't know shit but he does. Also, I'd love to get clarification on Greenberg. The fan theory being he's a figment of coaches imagination doesn't jive with people knowing him, like how stiles mentions him.
Unless Greenberg is the only version of a vampire teen wolf has. It's like a non sparkly Edward Cullen staying in high school just to annoy one person and that makes me laugh. Everyone's been in school with Greenberg and no one ever notices that he never graduates except for Coach who has known him since he was a teenager doing his own version of a Stiles and Scott thing with Talia and Greenberg happened to be the unofficial third in their high school pack. Coach hates Greenberg's guts and its exactly because the vampire refuses to graduate.
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zenawa · 1 year
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After another hate crime against supernaturals, the FBI's paranormal division has to take some extra steps to ensure their kind will not be exposed to the public. The director is opened to all ideas. Agent Talia Hale has one, involving a specific human.
I might have an idea for part 2, if enough people are interested....
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We're What?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54577153 by IgotNolifeHelp000 “So, the Hales are moving back because the eldest son is my mate, and he’s apparently really desperate to be around me and his mom wants to set us up, and while all of that is going on, I will get powers and people from the supernatural world are going to train me, meanwhile the council are having a close eye on me to see if I am in fact the chosen one?”   “More or less,” His dad said. “Great, what about take-out for lunch, I’m starving” Words: 2569, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Cora Hale, Peter Hale, Talia Hale, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Alan Deaton, Melissa McCall, Laura Hale Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin/Malia Tate Additional Tags: sterek, Drama & Romance, Fluff and Angst, The Hale Family Lives (Teen Wolf), Rich Hale Family (Teen Wolf), Magical Stiles Stilinski, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, POV Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Protective Derek Hale, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Banshee Lydia Martin, Malia Tate is a Hale, Cora Hale & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Cora Hale is a Little Shit, Cora Hale Ships It, Matchmaker Cora Hale, Stiles Stilinski & Kira Yukimura Friendship, Good Peter Hale, Pack Alpha Talia Hale, Awesome Talia Hale, Sheriff Stilinski Knows About Werewolves (Teen Wolf), Pack Dynamics, Rules, Visions, Prophecy, Hurt/Comfort, Car Accidents, Hospitals, Fights, Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Slow Burn, Soul Bond, Running Away, Holidays, Fluff and Smut, Awkward Flirting, Drinking, Drugs, Partying, Sorry?, good luck, I Don't Even Know read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54577153
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gege-wondering-around · 2 months
Characters talking about Derek
What I mean by this is when sometimes, throughout the show, someone said something almost unnotible or that almost no one would really give much tought about Derek, but nothing rude or bad, just some 'complimentes' you might say.
Like in 4x7, during the virus outbreak and Satomi is in the hospital with Derek, Deaton and Melissa.
Sorry, I just noticed how much you remind me of Talia
She said this while looking at Derek, and he looked down for a second.
Maybe she saw something in him, not only the resemblances with his mother, maybe she saw Talia's morals and values is Derek before he did himself or anyone else. Maybe she meant Derek could be like his mother: someone you can got for advice and guidance, someone you can rely onto but that will hold you accountable.
And maybe Derek looked down cause he would never think of himself that way, he would never see how much of his mother he has inherited (and not his beauty or stuff like that) and how much potential he's holding within himself, but Satomi sees it and can't help but smile and be a bit sad. Smile because there'll be someone like Talia - guidance, relyable, strong and respected - and sad cause Talia isn't there anymore and because Derek never really got the change to learn a lot from her.
Yet Satomi complimented him kindly, hoping he would eventually be somehow like his mother.
In season 6B, when he's asked if he 'believes in werewolves' as if they are legends, he says this:
I believe in Derek Hale
which might just be a way to reintroduce his character in the show, but let's give it some depth.
Chris have seen Derek go from 'bad' to good guy, and he also knows (if I remeber correctly) that Derek 'goes around bringing justice' - let's put it like that.
Chris is not a man to believe in legends and superstitions, that's why he believes in Derek. He's very much real and maybe to Chris, Derek is someone who knows justice (and before anyone says something, everyone has different views of it, I know) and who actually does something to ensure it in the world, even if just in a small part of it.
Derek gives his life at risk to ensure other's justice and put himself up as a jury and decides the verdict. And maybe Chris sees in this someone worth believing in, deserving to be believed and not as a legend, but as someone who does something.
Of course I have to put what the sheriff says about Derek in the movie.
I have never seen anyone take the kind of punishment that Derek Hale took… And kept taking… In order to protect the people he loved.
Maybe Noah sees half of what Chris sees but also someone who knows love and sacrifice, not only justice and maybe even revenge.
To the sheriff, Derek is someone willing to risk his life endlessly to save those he loves, arriving to the point that he completely sacrifice himself and dies.
He loves his people, he does it with his whole heart and Noah knows it, he knows Derek Hale, who lost everything time and time again, would give up his life and did it to save other people, leaving his son behind to save him (along with others too).
Noah knows Derek's heart, how resilient it is and how much love it holds.
So, Stiles had not really 'complimented' Derek, he was more 'protective' of him.
"I have given a lot of benetifs to a lot of people" "Like Derek?" Scott & Stiles
Stiles freezes for a second, he did give Derek the benefit of the doubt and he had to fight to prove he wasn't the bad guy, he never really saw Derek as someone 'completely evil'.
To Stiles, Derek is just another person who went through shit and had to deal with it on his own, he knows Derek isn't evil, he knows it by heart cause he trusts him with proof, Derek's worthy of trust to Stiles' eyes while Scott gives his trust to everyone regardless of them deserving it.
"Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? Did you have to lock him up?" "I did handcuff him to a radiator, why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?" Chris & Stiles
Stiles stands by Derek's side and doesn't accept the hunter's way of handling things - even if isn't aware that Chris didn't do it - and say it straight in his face. Stiles sees the cruelty Derek had to endure, not simply cause he lost his family, but also because the hunters trapped them and burned them alive.
Stiles doesn't agree with such cruelty and anger, he understands Derek somehow, they both lost some family memebers and since the whole Hale family's death wasn't necessary to Stiles' eyes, he's angry for Derek.
Also, even if in this Stiles didn't say anything, he did something very meaningful:
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He didn't have to say anything, while everyone went to Boyd's body, he went to Derek. He knew Derek didn't want to do that and felt guilty for his death despite he was forced to do it. Stiles choose Derek.
Stiles saw Boyd's body and Derek staying still, and decided to comfort Derek, standing by his side and 'grounding' him.
But then we also have when Stiles' jeep broke down in Mexico.
BRAEDEN: Scott, we need to get there by night. It's too dangerous, otherwise. STILES: Go. SCOTT: Not without you! STILES: Dude, someone needs to find Derek. We'll figure something out. We always do. STILES: Just go.
What I want to say here is that Stiles won't give up on Derek nor the jeep and he risk it all for both, somehow he does while caring for Derek, pushing the others to go and find him before it's too late.
So, at the end, what I want to say is:
All these characters talked of Derek as someone worthy of trust, who know justice, love and sacrifice, someone not everyone understand but that those who does knows he's a good person despite everything that happened to him. Because think about it, after all this man went through, he was still kind and still cared for others - in his own way.
(and before someone might think 'you are saying so much about Stiles because you ship Sterek or anything similiar. Yes, I'm a sterek shipper, but right now I'm not asking you to see Sterek in this, I'm asking you to read this objectivly, cause I believe you don't have to ship Sterek to see how Stiles and Derek both cared for each other and how Stiles was probably the one who risked the most to protect/save Derek whenever it was needed and how Derek did the same)
This is my personal opinion (which doesn't directly attaches to Teen Wolf, but I think it fits and could be helpful).
Many people don't talk enough about the people they find... good.
When you see somehow doing the right thing, maybe help along and share how good it is to see somehow still being kind in a world that, if you look closely, it's very cruel for no reason.
Whe you think someone is a good person, please tell them. Please. they might think they aren't cause they made a mistake you aren't even aware of but maybe your little 'ehi, you're a good one' could bright their day and make them more confident and overall, you both would be better persons.
Please, be kind reasonless.
Tell that person you agree with them, tell them you like their dress or makeup, tell them you think their opinion is good and maybe even have a conversation about it, just strangers talking (but still, be careful).
We underestimate the power of words when it comes to love, kindness, respect... we think of 'powerful words' when we think something bad, that why sometimes we think 'that's such a bad thing to think/say'. But whenever it's something lovely or kind, that could bust up someone's day, confidence, self-respect and self-love, we stay quiet, we don't even think of saying it most of the time.
If you came this far, thank you for reading my 'kind of' TEDTalk I guess. I hope you'll excuse my grammar and whatever errors might be in this.
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taliahale · 1 month
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talia spends a summer on a boat in italy with friends and the greatest love of her life and it's the best summer of her entire life (of course until the one that makes her a mom).
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eevylynn · 28 days
Tiny Spark, Mighty Flame
Sterek || eventual Alpha Werewolf Stiles [ao3]
Among born werewolves, it was common knowledge that the prime age for a human to endure the bite of an Alpha and survive was typically during their teenage or young adult years. In fact, the youngest recorded case of a bite resulting in a transformation and not death was previously eleven years old, so imagine the Hale pack’s astonishment when they learned of a small seven year old who was bitten and miraculously survived, challenging the known boundaries of possibility.
Chapter 3 - Friction's Inferno
The table was laden with sizzling meats and a medley of fresh ingredients. The savory scents of beef, chicken, and shrimp mingled with the aroma of grilled bell peppers and  onions, promising the delectable flavors of the homemade fajitas Elijah whipped up with Cora’s assistance.
As Claudia and Elijah set about helping Stiles and Cora serve their plates, Noah turned to greet Dr. Deaton who had arrived while they were upstairs. “I take it you’re a werewolf, too?” he asked with a resigned look on his face.
“Oh, no,” Deaton replied quietly. “I am as human as you are.”
Noah’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“Alan is our pack’s emissary,” Talia told them from the head of the table.
“Emissary?” Claudia asked. “Like, a pack ambassador or something?”
Deaton smiled mysteriously, “Of sorts.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Noah blurted out. He already felt out of his depths, which is something Noah does NOT like to feel, especially when it comes to his family. As this little boy’s dad, Noah was supposed to have all the answers and make him feel safe, but Noah hasn’t been able to provide that ever since his son was bitten by a real life werewolf , which shouldn’t even be a real thing. This little meeting was supposed to be for answering the questions he and his family had about this whole situation they suddenly found themselves in, and now this, apparently human, vet decided this was the time to be vague and mysterious? Fuck that.
Claudia, sensing his rising tension, reached over to put a hand on his.
“What he means,” Talia said, giving Deaton a swift look before making firm eye contact with Noah, “is that as pack emissary, yes, he is an ambassador for the pack with other werewolf packs and acts as our link to the human world. He helps to smooth over any issues the pack might have to deal with, and he works to keep the supernatural secret from the majority of humans.”
“Why does the supernatural world have to stay a secret from humans?” Claudia asked.
Noah didn’t like the looks Talia, Elijah, and Deaton exchanged with each other.
Elijah put his hands together under his chin and sighed, “People don’t always trust what they don’t understand.”
Talia put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing the back of his neck as the pair exchanged commiserating smiles. “There’s already an unfortunate number of people out there who already know that we exist and hate us simply for existing.”
“Hunters,” Laura muttered.
Noah’s heart clenched at the thought as he looked over at his son’s wide brown eyes. Claudia’s hand tightened in his grasp.
“Like, werewolf hunters?” Stiles’s little voice piped up. “That’s a real thing?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Talia said gently. “However, they live by a code,” she continued. “They are to only hunt those that cause harm to innocents.”
As a man of the law, that didn’t sit right with Noah.
[continue reading on ao3]
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
Hey, I have someone on twitter asking for a fic, their explanation:
The Hale pack is alive and Stiles goes to join them but they're mean to him. In the end it's revealed that he's Derek mate but Derek didn't say anything and he's pregnant. There's a sequel where his daughter doesn't bond with Scott so he has to join the Hales.
Anyway you could us out? Please?
HI @sterekyrround! @merchymynydd says it's this one.
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The Accords by 3rdgenderfromthesun
(6/6 I 15,082 I Mature I Sterek)
Since Stiles couldn't afford to commit social suicide, he did his civic duty and showed up at the Hale House to be assigned a time to spend with each Hale House member on his eighteenth birthday. Since she was a busy woman, Talia Hale herself only shook hands with people to decide. Then she passed them onto her children who were forming their own packs within hers. If a person were rejected by all four children they could petition to spend more time with her. This all sounded very formal despite the naked cuddling in a bed, but Stiles had a reason to be nervous about the meetings that others his age did not:
Stiles had offended or humiliated himself in front of each and every member of the Hale family in his short 18 years on the planet.
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princeescaluswords · 7 months
Currently thinking of certain factions of fandom who tend to demonize Laura Hale. What exactly did she do that was so awful?
Leaving her injured and catatonic uncle in a care facility? Do they think he would've miraculously healed in New York if she brought him along (if that was even an option)? They seem to think she abandoned him or should've done more. What exactly, dear fandom?
Laura was a young woman who suffered a devastating loss and had to be the leader and look out for her younger brother and injured uncle. Cora was assumed dead too. Similar to Scott, she didn't ask to be alpha.
What did they expect her to do? Wage war against the perpetrators? She didn't know who was involved but she did return when Peter lured her. Fandom thinks she was unfit for the role of alpha because she wasn't ripping throats out and hunting down culprits, that she ~abandoned~ her uncle in a vulnerable state, blah blah.
The way they get angry at Scott disobeying Peter and Derek, you'd think they'd be livid over Peter killing his alpha who was also his niece who was the ~heir~ to Talia. Sacrilege!
Scott didn't ~trust~ Stiles? Well, Petey didn't trust his alpha! Why the secrecy? Why not report in immediately upon gaining consciousness?
*dons the stylish hat of Fandom Logic* Oh, oh Peter was involved in the Hale Fire! He always craved the mantle of alpha and needed Talia out of the way. But he got betrayed by Kate in the end and locked in with the rest of the family. That's why he insisted he's always been the alpha, he was promised the power if he helped destroy the pack. It's why he lured Laura back and killed her instead of communicating, he just wanted the power.
Your question puts me in mind of an argument both This Discontented Winter and Athena Dark have made to counter my indictments of fandoms worship of Peter Hale. To paraphrase TDW, "does all entertainment have to be a morality play?"
The simplistic answer to their bad faith riposte, is "No, it doesn't." You can watch two people sit in a room and not talk to each other. You can watch art hang motionless on a wall or paint dry, but these wouldn't be particularly popular forms of visual entertainment. What excites an audience is how the actors, the characters, the players treat each other, which is governed by principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. In other words, morality.
People watch the Real Housewives franchise because they want to watch rich women behaving badly. People watch John Wick movies because they want to watch ultra violence performed without regard for human life and instead operate on a different code of behavior. Telenovelas, true crime documentaries, space operas, super hero movies -- all the pleasure their audiences gain from it revolve around decisions people make about how to treat each other. They watch it FOR the morality -- or the LACK of it.
The only forms of modern entertainment I can think of that don't focus on morality are professional sports and talent shows, and both of these take it as a given that neither side is cheating. Even Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom proposed to show us the behavior of animals so we can recognize their beauty and right to exist. My apologies to the BNF, but that's morality, too.
When This Discontented Winter bemoans the idea of all entertainment as morality play and Athena Dark that storytelling doesn't have to have a message, what they are in fact arguing for is the ability to celebrate evil. To freely indulge in the type of moral equivocation that allows them to take pleasure in the triumph of a man murdering his niece for power. You know how I know this, because if they truly wanted to enjoy something without the moral dimension, they wouldn't go to such great lengths to protect their blorbos from any moral condemnation.
Thus, we get the idea that Laura deserved death because she abandoned Peter in the long-term care facility, in which he rested safely for six years without the Argents even being aware of his location. We get the idea that Laura deserved death because she didn't seek vengeance for her family, even though she was absolutely looking for the person responsible for the death of her family -- we saw actual physical evidence of it. Thus we get the idea that Peter had no idea what he was doing, that he was out of his mind, only to find out later -- when none of the other characters believe that anymore -- that he was aware of what he was doing all along.
Remember Master Plan (2x12):
Peter: No. It's a laptop. What century are you living in? A few days after I got out of the coma, I transferred everything that we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones that keep records.
Wow, that's a remarkable amount of foresight for a person who was supposedly so out of his mind that he shouldn't be held responsible for what he did.
The true problem with BNF trying to argue that we don't have to approach the show with an eye toward morality is because the show absolutely did. It was baked into the substance of the show from the get go. The characters are formed to make choices about how they treat other people. To use their own words, we have to treat the entertainment that is called Teen Wolf as a morality play because it IS a morality play. Every story is.
And this is the problem with fandom, which I've noted again and again and again in regards to Star Wars, Shadow and Bone, and now Loki. They want to extract the characters from the moral schema in which they were situated and put them in a new situation, yet pretend that there isn't a moral dimension to this act. And there is, because this new situation is one where only certain considerations are treated as valid, mostly exploitation of the baser instincts of human nature for the benefit of a very small class of stand-ins, defined by race, class, and gender.
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writersmess · 1 year
Pairing: Derek Hale x fem!reader
Summary: you came back to Beacon Hills after so many years and definitely didn’t expected to find Derek Hale in town.
Warning: mentions of abusive relationship, mentions of SMUT, swearing, jealousy reader, fluffy, no use of yn.
Word count: 4k
a/n: hey there, this one is my first writing ever hehe, actually im a lit bit nervous. Also english is not my first language so forgive me if you find some mistakes.
They’ve met since highschool.
He was a Hale.
She was a McCall.
She was best friend with his sister, Laura. He was popular, everyone liked him and she was quiet, smart, what so called nerd.
She was always in his house, even became friends with Peter, which no one agreed, but he liked her. Everybody liked her.
How could they not.
She was sunshine, her smile would light up any place she was in. She didn’t like to talk much, but when words came out of her mouth it was like a song, a really beautiful one.
And her eyes, so bright, so full of life, of hope.
They got close, really close. Always together, sharing secrets, had their own inside jokes. Laura was so jealous, after all, she was her friend first. He couldn’t steal her like this.
But she ended developing feelings for him, not that she wanted to, but how could she not. Derek was so much.
So loveable. So caring, so funny, so beautiful, so kind.
And Talia loved her so much. Always joking around about her being in the family for good.
Everybody seemed to know about her feelings for him. Except for himself.
Derek was so blind about her feelings, of how much her heart belonged to him, and without even realizing it he broke her heart. Shattered it. When he chose Paige.
He chose Paige over her. Over sunshine.
It hurts so much. It was so hard to see them together all the time. To have the feeling of not being enough. Because if she was enough, he would’ve chosen her.
Laura always tried her best to get her friend out of her sadness. Hell, ever Peter was hating so much to see her like that. That light in her that once was so bright, was completely off.
But then it all happened.
Paige was gone.
The Hale’s were gone.
Suddenly Derek was all alone. She was all he had left.
He could only find comfort in her.
But she had also lost them. They were also her family. She had lost her best friends. The only ones she has ever had.
She was trying so hard to be strong for him.
But then he was also gone. He couldn’t bare live without them, without any of them.
And then she was there, all of sudden, alone.
You never thought you would return to Beacon Hills, especially under these conditions. You were so strong, why didn’t you fight harder? Why were you standing here at your mother’s doorstep with bruises all over your body?
You got back to reality after hearing your name being called.
“what the hell happened?” it was Scott, your little brother.
You couldn’t find the right words in that moment. You were so broken, words could never describe how you were feeling.
Tears streamed down your face and all you wanted to do was hug him, and you did. In a failed attempt to feel safe, to feel cared for.
It was a misunderstanding to say scott was preoccupied. He was desperate. What the hell happened to his big sister. What happened that he wasn’t capable to protect you. Was it supernatural? Was someone after you in order to get to him?
He could see the bruises all over your body, some bandages in your head and even a broken arm. But the look on your face, that would be something he would never forget. That sadness in your eyes.
You hadn’t noticed the people gathered in the living room, paying attention to what was going on. Some of them not even knowing who you were and some feeling heartbroken to see you like that, wondering what had happened.
“who is that” Malia asked and Derek quickly answered.
“do you know her?” Stiles inquired curious but without taking his eyes off you still at the door with Scott. His heart was beating like crazy in his chest, you were the big sister he never had and he loved you with all his heart.
Derek never answered, he was too preoccupied with this hole situation. His jaw was clenched and his fists ready to knock someone down.
After promising Scott you’re going to explain it all to him later, you just got to your room still not noticing the group in astonishment looking at you.
Your mom was there hugging you, stiles was holding your hand and Scott was about to make a hole in the ground from walking back and forth.
You’re telling them about what happened. How you were so involved in this relationship that you couldn’t realized how toxic it was. Not even when you were mistreated, or when you were accused of drawing too much attention to yourself wherever you went and were cursed at. But things changed when he decided to hit you and you fought back. And when you fought back, he wanted to kill you.
And he was going to.
If it hadn’t been for your best friends and their teammates, he would have killed you.
Thanks to them you were alive. But that doesn’t mean you came out unscathed. Oh no. You had so many bruises on your body, he hit your head so many times on the wall that you ended up with a concussion. And the broken arm. He managed to do this after you hit him on the head with a vase. He was so enraged.
But you were okay now. You were with your family and that’s all that mattered now.
Even your dad was aware of your situation, he was there with you in the hospital and he made sure he would end up with that boy’s life. And you believed him.
A few days has passed by and you were still unable to leave your room. You could not face reality, not yet.
Scott and stiles were trying so hard to make you feel better, at least to make you feel less miserable.
Today you finally agreed to attend their weekly meeting, it would be at your house so all you had to do was go downstairs and spend the evening sitting on the couch dodging the curious looks that the teenagers would give you all night long. You sighed tiredly at this thought and started to go down the stairs, breathing deeply in pain when you reached the end.
As soon as stiles saw you, he ran to take your hand and help you get in the room. You didn’t look at anyone directly in the eyes, you were too embarrassed to do this. When you were comfortable settled, stiles started to introduce their friends.
You laugh when he introduced Lydia and mocked him for his crush on her since kindergarten. You got shocked when he introduced Malia as Scott’s girlfriend and how you had no idea he had someone. You smiled at Liam and Mason, blushed at Parish because if there was a beautiful man in this room, it would be him.
“and thats Peter-“
You froze.
What the- Peter was dead.
“yo- you were dead” you gasped unable to say anything else.
When you tried to get on your feet, Peter was fast enough to catch you. You were paralyzed. When you look around expecting to understand what was going on, you heart beat even faster if it was possible.
It was him.
You never thought you’d see them again.
Your eyes locked with that green eyes that you were so in love with many years back.
“do you know Peter?” stiles asked confused taking you out of that shock.
“i- i studied with Derek and somehow Peter was one of my best friends” you answer looking at Peter who had that grin in his face. That stupid grin. You missed him and Derek so much.
You could not believe they were here.
Actually why were they here with you brother and his teenagers friends, you started to wonder.
The boys come to sit close to you and you were still so shocked with all of this that they did the most talking. You’re so flustered around Derek again, how could you be like that after so many years. Your cheeks couldn’t find their way back to the normal color, you’re so embarrassed. And after all these years of not seeing Derek and thinking Peter was dead, they got to see you at you worse.
After a couple hours of talking and laughing with the group, you could feel the effect of the drugs wearing off and the pain coming back with full force into your body. You head to the kitchen to drink some water and when you finally found yourself alone, you let the tears silently roll down your face.
You tried to pull yourself together when you heard someone coming, but soon calmed down when you saw those green eyes looking at you so deeply. Derek didn’t have to say anything, he put his hand on your face and you saw when his veins turned black, taking your pain with them. You left a relief groan slip out of your mouth, and the tears soon stopped to roll down your face.
“thanks” you murmured and he just smiled at you. You could feel the pity in his eyes and it made you look somewhere else.
“i wish i could do more” you felt the sincerity in his words and did nothing to stop your arms from hugging him, wich he returned quickly. “I’m so sorry i left” he murmured against your neck and you could feel the shivers running down your spine.
“you don’t have to be sorry, Derek” you looked him in the eyes and you could feel the pain irradiating from them “it was your family, it was your pain and you had to find a way to deal with it”
“they were your family too.” and with that you could feel those damn tears again. It was true, you loved them so much, all of them. And they loved you too.
After he brought you to your room, you noticed when he kept wandering around the room, looking at the details that were the same as so many years ago.
“it didn’t change at all” he said looking at some pictures on the photo wall.
“as soon as that school year was over, i left too” you said laying in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position and he gave you those eyes again “i went to med school and i didn’t think i would ever come back, until- you know”
You stared at each other for a few seconds and you weren’t sure if he was listening to your heart at that moment, but if he was, he would know exactly how you were feeling.
“c-could you lay with me a lit bit.. like the old times please?” if he didn’t have that super audition you were sure he wouldn’t have listened to what you said.
“sure” he smirked and laid down with you.
Back in the old days when you had trouble sleeping he would come running to help, he would just lay there with you until daylight or until your mother almost caught you. She would have killed you.
Despite the shyness you got comfortable into each others arms and that would be the best sleep you would have had in weeks.
You had just came back from the hospital. It was the first job interview you had since you arrived the town a couple months ago and your mother gossiped you that the job was definitely already yours.
You were so excited humming in the kitchen as you started to prepare your dinner. That was until you heard the loud noise coming from outside the kitchen doors.
Suddenly Scott came in with stiles screaming and leaning on his shoulders, he was limping and your brother quickly put him on the couch. You could see the wound on his leg and from a distance you could tell that it was not a matter of life and death. When you were getting ready to go to Stiles, your heart nearly burst out of your mouth. Peter and Liam followed behind with a half unconscious Derek and you soon noticed a hole in his abdomen.
You are standing in the middle of the room looking at the two people you cared so much about and seeing all the commotion you had to make a quick decision on who you would take care first. You looked at Derek for a second-
It had to be Stiles.
“look at me sweetheart” you were talking him down while opening the first aid kit “i need you to stay calm, you’re going to be just fine” he was screaming like crazy.
You took a good look at his leg and notice it was a graze wound. He was going to live. You sterilized the place and put some gauze over it, as well as give some pain medicine to Stiles. You made sure he was okay for now so you could move on to Derek and Lydia said that she was going to look after him. She also had some bruises in her face that you would give a look as soon as you had Derek okay.
Once you ran to Derek, you took his shirt off so you take a good look at his wound. He was about to go unconscious. You took his face in your hands giving him a look.
“why aren’t you healing” you didn’t notice the looks your brother and his friends gave you, but Scott definitely wouldn’t let that go. It took you a second to realize what was causing the veins around his wound to get black and why he was pale as snow. “wolfsbane” you murmured to yourself and ran to the kitchen to get something.
Once you had the small porch in hands, you came back to him. He was in so much pain. You knew that was about to happen now was going to hurt even more and took a second to prepare yourself.
“Der look at me” you said trying to catch his attention but it didn’t work.
As you were setting the wound on fire, you tried to stay still when you heard that roar coming out of Derek’s mouth. His eyes turning into a bright blue you’ve seen before. You let a few tears roll down your face and took a deep breath when you finished.
“you’re going to be okay” you murmured looking at his face while he was now unconscious.
After stitching Stiles in silence and making sure Lydia’s injuries was superficial. You took a minute to take a deep breath and tried to stop your hands from shake.
It didn’t go unnoticed the look Scott gave you.
Derek was lying on your bed still unconscious after peter and scott brought him here to rest a bit. So as you thought.
You had just left the shower after everything that had happened a few minutes ago, and were so mad after finding out that Peter had turned your brother, that you didn’t bother to check if Derek was still sleeping.
Which he was not.
He couldn’t believe his eyes when you left the bathroom wearing just a towel and stopped in front on the wardrobe. He didn’t want to get you embarrassed so he didn’t make a sound, at least he was trying to. And how he was trying. Especially when you let the tower fall to the ground. In that moment he could swear he was dead and head straight to heaven.
When you bent down to put on your panties he swore his eyes would roll away from his face. You definitely couldn’t look at him right now or you would see his completely hard cock.
You were so fucking beautiful.
It has been so hard for him since you came back. You looked so different since the last time he saw you, so beautiful, so hot. Being around you, sleeping in the same bad, it would kill him anytime.
Once he came back to Beacon hills after a few years, he didn’t expect you to be gone. Which was selfish from him to want, but he missed you so much. After Peter was back to life, he told Derek how much you liked him and how he had broken your heart. He had no idea, he would never do that to you. He loved you. The only reason he chose Paige was because he never thought you would feel the same as him. How stupid he was.
After you got dressed, you sat in the armchair by the window and were too distracted to notice how hard Derek was. A few minutes were enough for him to calm down and pretend that he was finally waking up.
“hey derbear, how are you feeling” your touch was so soft at his face. He had to take a deep breath.
“like shit” that smile on your face.
He was so fucked up. He was in love with you.
“come on, let’s get your ass to your place so you can take a proper rest”
It was your ass that he wanted to-
A few days has passed by and you got the job at the hospital and also got the house you had visited a few days ago. You were finally putting your life back in tracks again.
You were eager to tell the news to him. After so many years, so many relationships, a really bad one and yet here you were again, in love with your best friend.
You texted Peter so he could meet you at Derek’s and he quickly replied that would get there soon.
“morning derbear” you hummed as you entered the loft “got some big news” you continued to sing while shutting the door, and the minute you looked at the living room you froze.
“and you must be her.” A woman was sitting at Derek’s side with a huge smile in her face.
“and you are?” you asked her back in defensive.
“oh I’m an old friend of Derek” she laughed as she touched him. “im Braeden, nice to meet you” she introduced herself while was still leaning on Derek
Why the hell she needed to touch him this much.
As you continued frozen in the middle of the room, you could notice the way they looked at each other, the way Derek had a smile in his face. That smile.
This could not be happening again.
You heard Peter getting in the loft and after leaving a kiss in your cheeks, he went straight to the kitchen.
“ahm, my mom just texted me. She needs me right now” you pretended that you were reading something in your phone. You just needed to get out of there.
“do you need us to go with you?” you controlled the urge to roll your eyes when heard derek speaking
“no it’s a family emergency. Thanks though”
When you looked at Peter you could tell he was listening to your heart. That bastard. His eyebrows were raised and had that grin in that stupid face.
“but what about the news you were so eager to tell us” he was teasing you
“no big deal. Gotta go, see you later”
You tried not to run to the door, but as soon as you stepped outside you could feel your face burning with anger and the tears threatening to come out. You were so damn stupid.
As the day went by, derek tried to reach you but you never answered his messages or called him back. You just needed a time to yourself.
You’re a mess in your bedroom, sitting on the floor putting your things in the boxes. You have to confess that you’ve been crying all afternoon. You were a mix of anger, sadness and jealous, everything in once. When Peter called you, you stared at the phone a few seconds wondering if you should answer him.
“hey Pete” as soon as you picked up, he knew you’ve been crying
“hey babygirl” he knew you loved when he called you that.
What both of you didn’t know, was that Derek was sitting on the other room listening to your phonecall. He didn’t want to, but when you avoided him the entire day he knew something was off.
“you’ve been crying” he stated the obvious and heard a muffled laugh coming from you “do you need me there with you?”
“no sweetheart, i just need to be alone right now” you sighed feeling the tears coming down again “im just so stupid you know, how after so many years im feeling like this again” he just stayed there, listening to you “you know how i was, you were there with me, i- i just didn’t want to have feelings for him, specially when i am sure now that derek doesn’t feel the same way”
That was it.
All Derek needed to hear.
He was madly in love with you, he has always been. How could you think otherwise.
He waited until everyone was asleep and went to your house. He climbed up to your window like he had done too many times before and knocked waiting for you. But you never showed up. You had also locked your window. You had never done that before.
That was enough.
You’ve been avoiding Derek over a week now and he had enough with that. He found out that you were no longer living with your mom and brother and no one would tell him where you were living. That was until today when he had to threaten Peter and even sunk his claws a bit into his uncle's neck. He was enough with that shit.
Derek was so mad with this hole situation. He wanted to see you, to talk to you.
He needed you.
He waited in the hospital parking lot until he saw you. He pulled up in front of you and you didn't calm down until you saw who it was. Your eyes were still wide open and your heart was beating faster.
“get in” he said in a serious tone that scared you a lit bit
“but my ca-“ he didn’t let you finish the sentence
“get in the fucking car. Now.”
You got into the car without a second thought and you could have sworn that at any moment you would die of how fast your heart was beating.
The drive to his house was was silent and it felt like an eternity.
You both entered his loft and you went straight to the kitchen to drink some water. You were totally running away from him.
“Would you care to explain to me what the hell is going on?” his voice was so serious that a shiver ran down your spine. This was definitely not the right time to be having such impure thoughts with Derek.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about” you definitely knew.
“you had been avoiding me this hole damn week”
“I had not” you definitely were.
“what is going on? Why you don’t wanna talk to me”
He got close. Really close. You put the glass in the sink before your trembling hands knocked it to the floor.
“why did I have to find out from Peter that you moved and got a new job” his voice was getting lower as he was getting closer to your body
Fucking peter.
“It’s not as if I didn’t try to tell you. But you were too busy with your old friend to pay attention to anything other than that beautiful smile of hers”
He smirked.
Why was he smirking.
“so you were so jealous that you decided to avoid me? Tell me how that worked”
His body was now pinning you on the kitchen counter. You could feel the heat radiating from Derek’s body. And you felt the same way. Your face was burning, and this time it wasn’t from shame or anger.
“tell me baby, did it work?” his voice was now so low, so deep near your ear. You had to hold back with all your strength to not let a groan escape your mouth.
“no” you muttered and for a brief moment you doubted he would hear you. But he did.
“i want you to tell me what you want”
One of his hands was on your waist, and the other went slowly up your waist, your belly, the hollow of your breasts until it stopped at your face, where he held you firmly.
You could cum right there at the touch of that big hand running all over your body.
“look at me and tell me what you want”
His mouth was so close to yours that you had to close your eyes for a second, but opened them quickly when you felt a slight tightness in your face. He wanted you to look at him when you said what you wanted. He knew what it was and how bad you wanted, but he wanted to hear you, he wanted to hear you beg.
“you Der... i want you”
You whispered and it was enough for him to glue your mouths together. You had no idea how much he dreamed of this moment, how much he needed this.
You felt him asking you to deepen the kiss and you didn’t hesitate for a moment. The moment you felt his warm tongue on yours, an involuntary moan came out of your mouth.
You would be the ruin of Derek Hale.
He grabbed you by your ass, forcing you to wrap your legs around his back, and led you into the bedroom.
Before you knew it you were both naked. You could feel his warm skin on yours, his scruffy beard running across your skin, his hands touching you like there was no tomorrow.
At that moment you had no more doubts, no more questions. It was only a certainty.
You were his. He was yours.
You had never felt such pleasure in your life as you did at that moment, when you felt Derek get inside you calmly, slowly. You could feel every inch of him and he could feel how tight you were.
You were a mess of moans and pleasure. He started out slowly wanting nothing but to feel you, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted more, needed more, you both did. Before you could realize it Derek was moving masterfully inside you, taking you to places you had never been before. Taking you to your edge.
Your moans were like music to his ears and he wanted more and wanted it for the rest of his life.
You were his.
Before you could hold back, it hit you. You could only moan and arch your back as if begging him to go deeper.
Derek couldn’t hold on much longer after seeing you like that, totally surrendered to him, surrendered to the pleasure he gave you and would give you for the rest of your life.
You were in the shower, the water falling on his back, when he looked at you deeper than ever. Those green eyes tattooed on your soul.
“i love you. Always had and always will”
Your eyes filled with tears, the happy ones. That was the moment you had waited for your entire life.
“love you too, derbear”
That moment would forever be in your memory, the moment when you silently made love wows and promised to always have each other.
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buckybarnesss · 8 months
Wait, had Stiles being Derek's anchor been fully acknowledged/confirmed by someone in the show's production before that instagram post?
lol no despite how blatant it is.
however jeff davis explained the scene at the end of 3B was inspired by an occurrence at owl creek bridge which just makes it more blatantly obvious.
a man who has a dream before death where he escapes his execution to return to his wife --- bruh.
the first episode of 3B is titled anchors after all and the entirety of season 3 has a overreaching theme of memory and the ways memories can be manipulated, altered and are unreliable. this is a framing device for multiple episodes. we get multiple flashbacks and non-linear storytelling more than once.
lunar eclipse shows allison, scott and stiles finding the nemeton from a different perspective of the events of wolf moon.
3B's early episodes get reframed once the reveal of stiles's possession is known.
season also focuses on the memory of talia hale and claudia stilinski more than ever.
the last scene where derek retreats into his mind to a safe space -- safe person -- is so revealing about him and it's so, so obvious that stiles has become his anchor.
like, we know anchors can be people as scott's anchor was allison for a long time and malia's anchor is also stiles, liam's is arguably mason and isaac's is the memory of his father before he became a piece of shit.
we also know anchors can be more abstract since derek's was an emotion for a long time after the fire. he anchored himself to his anger (and self-loathing i would argue) only for it to shift to stiles as his trust grew.
it's actually really well done in tying the themes of the season together in that one moment.
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stereklyrics · 1 year
Season 1 au where Stiles and Lydia are step siblings and they always knew about the supernatural, because Lydia's grandma never hid from her that she was a Banshee and trained her and Stiles' mom never hid magic from him and trained him for as long as she could and left him some books and diaries so he could keep practicing his magic, so when Stiles hears about the dead body, he goes to the Preserve with LYDIA because they protect Beacon Hills together, so in the Preserve they go and run into the Alpha and they're like "Fuck" Stiles uses his magic so they both can escape, and they find Laura's body so Stiles just calls his dad like "Oh hey dad, so we're here in the Preserve and we just found the other half of the body!" and the Sheriff is like "Wait... We? Who's we? Stiles who's with you? " and Lydia just grabs Stiles' phone and says "It's me, I'm the 'we'. But you better hurry, because there's a mountain lion hunting us here, that's why we found the body in the first place" and the Sheriff just hurries because both of his kids need him, so after it's all solved he reprehends both of them, and they're like "Sorry"
The next day, they go back to see if they can get something else from the scene to see if there's something useful to identify the Alpha so they can go and confront this Alpha, so while Lydia is using her "Bansheeness" to see of that helps them somehow, Stiles is watching over her to protect his sister in case the Alpha comes back, but he sees Derek instead and he knows Lydia can't be interrupted while she's all Banshee so he just walks to Derek and Derek says "This is private property" and Stiles replies "Sorry, we didn't know, but you see, my sister over there is a Banshee and can't be interrupted while doing her Banshee thing, so as soon as she's done with that we'll leave" Derek is confused as fuck as why this boy was telling him this and why the fuck this boy wasn't scared of him, when he tried his best to scare these people away of his property. Stiles says "And btw, I know you're not an Alpha, so you're not the one we're looking for" and then Lydia calls him and they leave the Preserve, while Derek is still confused as fuck about what the fuck that boy was talking.
When Stiles and Lydia arrive home they go straight to the basement; which is like their HQ, so they have everything there like their books, diaries, weapons, etc; and Lydia tells Stiles "It seems like we're looking for someone who was in coma until recently" and Stiles is like "Okay... But Derek Hale is back in the town." and Lydia is like "Oh? How do you know that?" Stiles replies "The guy I was talking to when you were in your Banshee hypnosis or whatever? Yeah, that was definitely Derek, I think I would remember my childhood best friend" Lydia is shocked and says "You never told me you knew the Hales!I feel betrayed!" to which Stiles replies "Yeah, Talia was my mom's best friend. I never told you because I didn't think it was important, since Derek and Laura just ran out of the town without even saying goodbye and Peter is in a coma, and everyone else is dead so... " and Lydia goes "Wait... Peter Hale is in a coma?" Stiles says "Yeah...You don't think...? " to which Lydia replies "I think we may have found our Alpha". So they make a plan, but first they have to convince Derek to help them... Which they eventually do, when Derek remembers who Stiles is.
So they go and make the plan happen. Derek's the Alpha now, he has Stiles and Lydia in his pack. Stiles and Lydia choose Isaac, Erica and Boyd for the Werewolf betas, Derek trusts on Stiles and Lydia with that, so he offers the trio the bite, they all accept. Stiles is always there for Derek, helping him with being a good Alpha, with the training and everything. Eventually Stiles and Derek start dating, and with that Stiles becomes the Alpha Mate. Boyd is Derek's second, Lydia is the Emissary. They all protect Beacon Hills, it's not just Stiles and Lydia anymore. Peter is, eventually, resurrected and they find out about Malia and bring her to their pack. They find out Cora's alive, and bring her to their pack.
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desperateficrecs · 2 years
Teen Wolf: The Best Of
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red. and a little more red.
by brawlite | Explicit | 24999 | 2/2
Peter Hale returns to Beacon Hills after some time away. He finds the inescapable bonds of pack, the remnants of family, and a loft that is bigger and better than Derek's. He even finds what is beginning to feel a lot like a midlife crisis. That, he blames on Stiles.
Bone Deep
by ShippersList | Explicit | 28579 | 6/6
Fame is Vapor
by Triangulum | Explicit | 43157 | 5/5
Peter, rich and famous fashion mogul, accidentally spills his beer on Stiles at a baseball game. Stiles has no clue who he is. That makes their first date so much better.
Shameful Company
by kaixo (ballpoint), Whispering_Sumire | Explicit | 38779 | 2/2
[About a year before the fated Hale fire, Peter starts having nightmares that involve a woman with red hair. The nightmares lead to a spell that brings a man back through time, and, eventually, though the time-traveler is traumatized in the most horrific ways, and Peter's never been good with or for people, in general, they develop a bond that neither of them expects.]
Beauty In His Eyes
by Whispering_Sumire | Explicit | 16852 | 3/3
Peter is protective and violent, Stiles is fucked up but surviving, and they elope to canada to see the northern lights
Waiting for Pack
by DiscontentedWinter, hisaribi | Teen | 14927 | 8/8
This isn't the first time Stiles has woken up in a different world.This isn't the first time that Peter has been caught in a place where time doesn't exist. Except this time they have each other.
Love Thy Neighbour
by cywscross | Teen | 22224 | 1/1
In which Stiles is an emancipated minor, and – after Peter Hale comes back from the dead – gains a zombie werewolf for a neighbour.
Ink Blossoms
by Triangulum | Explicit | 24515 | 1/1
"So, you're going to ruin your niece's baby shower with flowers in the wrong color?" the florist, Stiles, asks when they reach the counter. He pulls out a binder and starts flipping through it. "Not ruin. Mildly inconvenience," Peter says.
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by twentysomething | Explicit | 30871 | 1/1
"Today is Scott's first day of kindergarten and Derek is terrified."
This Started As Only Make Believe
by thepsychicclam | Explicit | 44197 | 1/1
Derek is trying (and failing) to juggle his career, coach lacrosse, and raise his 5 year old werewolf daughter. When he adds his bitter ex-wife and his daughter's slight attachment to him, Derek knows he doesn't have any time for a life of his own - and definitely no time for the super cute daycare teacher.
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek
by DiscontentedWinter | Mature | 51937 | 15/15
Stiles finds a baby on the porch. It looks exactly like him. Well, this is awkward.
Fangs&Fur Series
Somewhere I Belong
by heartsdesire456 | Teen | 30895 | 1/1
When Stiles got an interview for an internship at Fangs & Fur magazine, the publication owned by the well known and widely respected alpha Talia Hale, he never expected it to be offered an actual job by Alpha Hale herself. He also never expected for his life to change so much after he met the man whose department he was assigned to.
Baby Makes Four
by heartsdesire456 | Teen | 26021 | 1/1
When Stiles and Derek decide to adopt another child, they run into an unexpected obstacle that sends them down a painfully difficult path in hopes to adopt a child.
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Asking For Trouble – Stiles/Peter/Chris
by ViciousHyperbolizer (B_Frizzy) | Explicit | 15963 | 6/6
So, a man and his husband walk into a bar. The punchline: stiles finding out his hookup from the other night is married. On the plus side, he didn't help anyone cheat, exactly.
Aggressive Support and other works – Sheriff Stilinski/Chris
by Merwin_Me | 19697
When Chris and Noah start dating, Stiles and Allison make it their business to keep anything from interrupting their dates. Peter's just along for the kicks.
Suit 'Verse Series – Stiles/Peter/Chris
So Well Suited
by Bunnywest | Explicit | 111578 | 22/22
Peter and Chris run a menswear store together. Stiles and Scott work at the gaming place across the way. It starts out as shared kitchen access, and soon develops into more.
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