#* script  /  clint barton.
Y/n singing: I am not my body, not my mind or my brain! Not my thoughts or feelings, I am not my DNA! I am the observer, I’m a witness of life! i live in the space between the stars and the sky!
Stephen, who knows damn-well you shifted in that universe: Oh come on...really? Nobody can see it??
*Steve and Tony looking at each other in utter confusion*
Stephen: Barton? 
Clint: I don’t understand man
Stephen: Yeah, of course you don’t understand...Wanda??? Come on, I’m- *chuckles* I’m sure you know it. Between you and me. You have to know.
*Wanda shrugs*
Natasha: Doc what are you talking about?
Y/n, who scripted that nobody knows what shifting is, except for Stephen: *Smirks* Yeah, what are you talking about? 
Stephen, whispering at you: Listen here you little shit, I’ll find out where you come from, and when I’ll do that, you’ll be in trouble. *Leaves the room*
Thor: Jeez, is he okay?
Y/n: I have no idea man *grabs a pen and a notebook* I have no idea...
Wanda: Hey cute notebook! What’s that little symbol?
Y/n: Oh this? *clicks the pen* Nothing you have to worry about honey *opens the notebook smiling* nothing you have to worry about...
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jinxquickfoot · 7 months
So I finished my Age of Ultron rewatch. It's been a couple of years since I last saw it, and here are some random thoughts I had on it:
Things I will maintain I like about this movie:
It has some of my favorite jokes in the MCU, and they're usually the little moments. The little nod of validation Rhodey makes after getting a laugh at his "Boom! You looking for this?" story. Clint telling Steve he's no match for Ultron and Steve replying with, "Thanks, Barton". Clint's "Yeah, you better run" after Pietro has long since disappeared with Wanda, there are loads of them.
I like Vision, Wanda and Pietro. Despite being secondary characters with not a huge amount of screen time, Wanda and Pietro feel like real people with real backstories, and Paul Bettany is wonderful the first time we see him as Vis.
It's the only movie we get to see the Original 6 hang out as friends.
I love that Fury randomly shows up in the middle and is like "let me make a sandwich while we discuss how not to let the world end also by the way hi Tony I really care about you"
Other casual appearances of other MCU characters, something that is so lacking Phase 4 onwards. Sam being at the party and Thor going to Selvig for help makes the world feel lived in.
RDJ's never dropped the ball as Tony but his performance really stuck out to me here, god he's good
Steve and Thor have multiple moments of teaming up and working together, what an underrated duo
Hulk vs Iron Man suit inside an Iron Man Suit fight
The Avengers do their best to evacuate Sokovia before Ultron attacks, which does not excuse the amount of damage caused there, but I do think is a plot point everyone forgets about (myself included)
And things that annoy me (skipping over the stuff everyone talks about like the Natasha/Bruce plot):
I hate how Joss Whedon writes Steve, both here and in Avengers. He only feels like Steve when he's being given jokes, otherwise he is so self-serious and stiff, the core of Steve is his heart and it is nowhere to be found in this movie
The movie spends so long setting up character arcs that feel promising and have no payoff. What is the point of Laura telling Clint the Avengers need him if he's going to retire at the end of the movie. Steve has several references to finding home in a way that doesn't go anywhere (Until Endgame, I guess). Don't get me started on Natasha.
It's trying so hard to have a theme but it never says anything unique. Bruce, Tony, Natasha and Vision all refer to themselves as monsters. Ultron decides that the Avengers are the bad guys. Steve has a speech all about proving they're not the monsters Ultron says they are. Based on WHAT? What is the message of this movie?? That the Avengers are better than the evil AI who wants to kill everyone?
(I half-feel there was a previous draft where Clint was their heart, or something, or he died and they were like whelp Phil Coulson 2.0 let's go avenge him, and the random pieces of that are still floating around the script with nowhere to go)
NO ONE is remotely concerned enough when their friends are getting hurt (maybe just the hurt/comfort lover in me, but still.) Natasha comes across as the only person who cares when Clint sustains a life-threatening injury. No one seems to be bothered that Natasha is being held captive by a psychotic supervillain. Tony shows more emotion over a fictional future where they die than when someone is actually in danger.
They really could have had a premise where they weren't allowed to access technology at all and could have gone retro with everything and they didn't and that just feels like a wasted opportunity. Clint and Natasha digging out old spy tech. Steve being like "Yes! This is familiar! I got this!" Tony making genius inventions out of tech from fifty years ago. Come on, it was right there.
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imaginemalereader · 2 years
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Anonymous request: Imagine being Clint Barton’s trans son
Sometimes it was hard to have an Avenger for a dad. For once, that wasn’t actually the hardest part. Him being away a lot had actually made part of this easier. It gave you more time to plan and prepare.
You thought about a letter, an email, a text. Ultimately you decided against them all though. You wanted to tell him face to face. You still wrote out a lot of what you wanted to say but you didn’t want to be reading off a script when you talked to him either.
When he got back from the latest mission, he and Natasha came back to the house. It had been an easy one they said, by Avengers standards of course. Once you were sure that everyone was safe and still as mentally stable as they had been when they left, you asked to pull your dad aside for a minute.
“What’s going on kid?” He asked. He could tell you were nervous, you were fidgety and looked from him and then away and back several times.
“Dad there’s something I need to tell you. About me.”
“Are you okay? Has someone-” His mind raced to a hundred bad things that could be going on before you cut him off.
“I’m fine. I’m just, I’m just not who you always thought I was.”
Was it bad that his first thought was that you were secretly an Asgardian sent to Earth as a baby or something like that?
You read the confusion on his face and quickly continued speaking.
“Dad I’m transgender. I’m a boy. And I want you to call me [Y/N] and your son and a brother and-”
This time you were the one cut off as your dad pulled you into a hug. You wrapped your arms tightly around him and even though you were happy and relieved, you were fighting back tears.
“Son, daughter, anything else. it doesn’t matter buddy. I love you.”
“Thanks dad.” He could here that you were choked up and held you a little tighter.
“Should we go tell your Aunt Nat while she’s here, or do you want to wait?”
“We can tell her now.” You said. 
Your dad let you drop the hug first and stepped back when you let him go.
“Are you okay?” He noticed your eyes were watery but he didn’t want to press you.
“Yeah, I’m good. Happy.”
 He put a hand on your shoulder and guided you back out to the porch where Nat had gone to wait for the two of you so she wouldn’t accidentally overhear anything.
“Aunt Nat?”
“You both good?” She asked, picking up that both of you had been near tears moments ago.
“Yeah we’re good. Aunt Nat, I’m trans. Could you call me [Y/N]?”
Natasha smiled, then put on a fake frown.
“Clint you’re subtracting from my niece tally.”
Your dad smiled and you laughed.
“Sorry to disappoint.” You smiled.
“I guess I can live with it.” She sighed, winking at you.
With those two out of the way, telling the rest of the Avengers was easy. Your dad brought you to the compound and helped you tell everyone and educate them. Thor needed the most help with terminology but everyone was very supportive. Tony immediately had Jarvis update your records and pronouns in the system.
Everyone was lovely about it, truly.
But your dad was on a whole other level, rivaled possibly only by Natasha. Around the house, you got a Nerf gun to correct people if they misgendered or dead-named you. The idea caught on and soon all the Avengers found themselves shot with little darts if they got it wrong. Everyone became remarkably fast learners.
Your dad doesn’t do much press, not like Steve or Tony, but it makes you smile every time he talks proudly about his son.
He made arrows with trans colors on them that spew colored smoke and disorient a person. You helped him design them after all the gender reveal party fails you saw online.
He’s not so good at dealing with all the bureaucratic nonsense that is the American healthcare system, but it’s impressive what doors being an Avenger opens. If/when you decided you want to pursue medical transition, he’s very supportive. Hormones, surgery, he’s got your back through it all. 
The first year after you came out, you asked him to take you to pride. You ended up getting a little more than you asked for.
It started out just the two of you. You walked around, saw the booths. Your dad was happy to see you happy. You got some merch, and your dad bought himself some stuff as well. He asked you questions, you guys talked to people. It was nice, and pretty low-key all things considered.
After some time wandering, you saw a collection of familiar faces approaching.
“I hope you don’t mind, I invited them to join us.” Them of course meant the rest of the Avengers, some of whom stuck out more than others. They all wore varying degrees of pride gear, from Natasha who wore a black shirt with an abstract design in trans colors, to Tony who had gone full rainbow.
The now large group of you walked through the festival together, with everyone talking and laughing. Some asked you questions about words or flags or memes that were unfamiliar. Thor had a lot of questions about how he had become a lesbian icon and what his duties entailed.
At the end of the day, you all went your separate ways.
“Was that good?” Your dad asked as he drove you both home.
“Yeah it was. Thank you for taking me, and for coming, and for inviting them. It was fun.”
“I don’t think I’ve actually said it to you yet, but I’m proud of you. Not just for this, because I know coming out and that is hard. But I’m proud of you. My son. I’m proud of the man you’re growing into.”
You smiled. You wished your dad could be around more, selfishly, but more than that, you were proud of what he did and who he was. You wanted to be like him in so many ways.
“Thanks dad. I love you.”
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 months
random rant. why was i thinking about this I do not know
i have a lot of thoughts about infinity war and endgame. there were some great moments (i love a good community experience and the lady in the theatre sharing her tissues with me when cap hears “on your left” will forever be a moment engraved on my heart - bless you strange lady wherever you are and may your life be full of good food good health good company && cherry blossoms)
but in general neither of them were great (not me writing an essay about how they clearly created the endgame script with the ability write captain marvel out if her movie didn’t do well, or about how the “girl power” scene was meaningless && performative, or about how they killed off nat who had been holding the planet together for five years to save clint barton the serial killer and then like?? didn’t have a funeral for her???)
but for the purposes of this post i will stick to how DIRTY they did the guardians of the galaxy
honestly rocket’s fat jokes. comics-canon rocket is attracted to all sorts of bodies and movie-canon rocket is honestly too aware of his own body image issues to risk bringing attention to anyone else’s tbh
nebula and rocket stayed on earth for five years during the snap? HOW is that canon??? i just absolutely fuckin refuse to believe it and i have wiped it from my mind. it makes NO sense. maybe they would’ve stayed until thanos got his head lopped off but after?? nah. they’re going back to space. maybe touching base with krags, the other ravagers like stakar, etc etc etc. i hereby uncanonize this event it’s fuckin stupid
even if we give allowances to the endgame writers and remind ourselves that they didn’t know about floor & teefs & lylla - i just can’t see interactions between rocket and thor in infinity war playing out the way they did. rocket had lost everyone in the snap (nebula being really only an ally at the time of infinity war) and he liked thor in endgame. (don’t get me started on the treatment of depression and grief in these fuckin movies)
nat’s treatment of rocket makes me wanna scream. why does serial killer clint look like the respectful one when they’re talking about her alleged coworker of five years?? who has apparently been working on protecting this planet he doesn’t think he has any ties to??
2014 nebula replaced 2022/2023 nebula and neither tony nor *rocket*, sole companion for five years (while isolated on terra apparently????) NOTICED??? it makes me so fuckin mad i could scream (don’t worry i fuckin fixed it)
gimme some time and im sure ill think up more
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elenawritesxx · 4 months
Okey so I got a new idea for a mcu dr!
since i cant really part from my cr family, and never really script different background or origin, i thought this would be a better idea to get close with the avengers, since it is really hard for me to get USA visa and plus i kind of improvised a little here
plus this is going to take place from like May 2024 (so if i shift i would technically be able to listen to Tay’s new album heheh), i scripted that the avengers won in infinity war in this dr, as Thor went for Thanos’ head (iykyk) lol
The Avengers Global Recruitment and Training Program aims to identify and train talented individuals from diverse backgrounds to become potential agents for SHIELD. Participants will undergo intensive training and mentorship during their six-month residency at the Avengers Tower, preparing them for the rigors of a career in global security and intelligence. and i’m one of them, being recruited form my home country.
Program Structure:
1. Recruitment:
- The Avengers launch a global recruitment campaign to attract individuals aged 20-25 from various countries and backgrounds.
- Applications are open to anyone meeting the age criteria, with emphasis placed on diversity, skills, and potential.
2. Selection Process:
- A team of Avengers, including experienced agents like Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, reviews applications and conducts interviews to select the top candidates.
- Criteria for selection include physical fitness, intelligence, problem-solving abilities, teamwork skills, and a strong moral compass.
3. Residency at Avengers Tower:
- Ten selected candidates are invited to reside at the Avengers Tower for six months, where they will live and train alongside the Avengers.
- Participants are provided with room and board, access to state-of-the-art facilities, and mentorship from seasoned Avengers members.
4. Training Program:
- The training curriculum covers a wide range of skills essential for SHIELD agents, including combat training, intelligence gathering, surveillance techniques, language proficiency, and diplomatic skills.
- Training sessions are led by Avengers members, who share their expertise and provide hands-on instruction.
- Participants also engage in simulated missions and real-world scenarios to test their abilities and decision-making under pressure.
5. Mentorship and Guidance:
- Each participant is assigned a mentor from the Avengers team, who provides personalized guidance, feedback, and support throughout the program.
- Mentors help participants navigate the challenges of training, offering advice on career development, ethics, and leadership.
6. Evaluation and Graduation:
- Participants undergo periodic evaluations to assess their progress and readiness for fieldwork.
- At the end of the six-month residency, participants graduate from the program and are considered for recruitment by SHIELD based on their performance and potential.
Overall, the Avengers Global Recruitment and Training Program serves as a gateway for promising individuals to join the ranks of SHIELD, ensuring that the organization remains at the forefront of global security and defense.
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DR Scripts
{This is just the script I used for my YouTube video!}
Where you’re going to shift:
I think it’s pretty clear as to why this is important, you wanna go to the right DR, don’t you? I usually title my DR scripts because I make them on google slides or on notion. The DR I’m currently trying to go to is my Jasper Hale DR, obviously it is a Twilight DR
Though I always call it a specific name, because I have so many DRs. I currently have three different Jasper DRs, then two other Twilight DRs.
You can shift wherever, whenever. Some people decide to go to famous shows or films, like Harry Potter or the MCU, some people like to go to book series, like Six of Crows or These Hollow Vows (if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it). However, as I’m sure many are aware, you don’t have to go to a fictional world, you can go someplace where you are an actor or a singer, I have a fame DR and a Streamer DR.
Being able to go anywhere, any time, is basically being able to be whoever you want. Obviously do not go to places that you want to purposely traumatise you, or go somewhere just so you can kill people because trauma does cross over to different realities and killing someone is just downright wrong.
Scripting about you:
Scripting about you can be as little detail or as much detail as you want, as I will say a lot in this video, but it’s true! I personally script a lot about myself, that is mostly because I don’t like guessing or assuming what my backstory might be. Though, some shifters just put how old they are and their name and let the universe decide.
Things you can script about yourself is: Your backstory, meaning family, place of birth, hometown; appearance, meaning how tall you are, your hairstyle, your eye colour; your likes, interests, dislikes and hobbies; gender and sexuality; outfits and aesthetics; and skills and abilities.
My scripts are usually really similar when it comes to my appearance, I’m always 5,11 or taller, I almost always have a shag cut with split hair and I always script my ideal outfits (cause I know I’m not stylish here).
I like to script roughly where I live too, some DRs it is difficult because I don’t exactly know streets names or certain towns, but I usually script that I am ‘down the street to so and so’s place’ or ‘this many minutes away from a certain place’. If I’m scripting for a marvel DR, I basically always live in the Compound, so when scripting for this, I write roughly where I am based on rooms. Meaning, I just have rooms next to Wanda and Pietro in the majority of my MCU DRs.
When scripting for houses or rooms, I like to spend hours on Pinterest to find roughly what I want, but I am a picky person so I usually just find an aesthetically pleasing picture and say that’s the aesthetic my room or house has and then go on from there.
Scripting ‘wake up’ scenes:
Alrighty, ‘wake up’ scenes, personally my favourite. Wake up scenes can go from waking up in normally in your bedroom, on a train to Hogwarts, a S.H.I.E.L.D. quinejet, someplace in Middle Earth, anywhere. You can have someone waking you up, whether they are shaking you up or knocking on your door, or you can wake up to an alarm or the sun shining through your window.
Personally, I like getting straight into my DR, or straight into action. I am the most impatient person you will meet, so I like having my comfort character waking me up. For example, the DR I’m currently shifting to, my wake up scene is Clint Barton waking me up on the quinjet, the same quinjet we get on to go to Sokovia where we see none other than Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. So… That’ll be fun.
Though, other DRs, like my Twilight ones, I don’t wake up straight to action - for obvious reasons. Instead I’d wake up to a normal day of either school or work, depending on the DR, or a day before a day like that - just to compose myself before actively talking to my favourite characters. While DRs like my Middle Earth DRs, I wake up to immediately meeting my S/o or other comfort characters, mostly because I don’t know what a normal day would be like in that universe.
Scripting scenarios:
I like scripting scenarios, or, well, roughly something that will happen. I never script exactly when it will happen though, or word for word what I will do or say. Just the summary of sorts of it. You can script as many scenarios as you want, to angst, fluff, angry love confessions, (if your going to MCU or any mission-based DRs) missions, events, etc..
You can script how certain events will go down, for example, say your shifting to the MCU, you can script how you come into play with certain Stark Parties, conversations, battles, reunions and such. I personally don’t when it comes to scenes in films, mostly because I never know how I’d actually would provide any humour or help, so I just wait to see how useful I can actually be when I shift.
Scenarios I do script, however, are usually ones that would not happen in the actual film or series and would only make sense to happen if my character or person would be involved. For example, in my Asgardian Prince DR, there’s a whole new story to Loki where he and I have a forced-to-work-together to lovers trope because of this whole situation that happened to me and my family.
Scripting friendships and relationships:
when scripting relationships and friendships, it can literally be however you want. Personally I don’t script how friendships will be because I don’t know how I would act with that person, but I do script relationships to an extent. I usually script who my significant other and/or others will be and the rough time we’d be together. Like in my Criminal Minds DR I scripted that me and Spencer will end up dating just before season 2.
I see some people online saying how it’s ‘forcing the other person’ to be with you if you script who your love interest or interests are, but it’s not like that at all. Scripting that you two are together is just basically specifying that you’re going to a DR where the two of you end up (or are already) together, it’s not forcing at all.
You can also script rivalries if you so desire, family members and your relationship with them.
That’s all really what I know about scripting, as I said before I really only script stuff about myself and not outside of me and my family / history. But you can really script anything, and I mean anything.
Apps I recommend to use for scripting:
Some apps I recommend for scripting are Notion, google slides / PowerPoint, notes and the Lifa App. Some are pretty clear why I like them for scripting, like PowerPoint and Notion because it is quite easy to organise and make it look nice. The lifa App is on Iphones, but I’m not sure what other devices it may be on.
If you have any questions let me know and I'll try my best to answer and explain!
Video on YouTube here!
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lokiwaffles · 10 months
WARNING: This narrative falls in conjunction with Iris Rivers’s, and as such, without her side of the story added, it makes a little less sense than I would like to admit. I am working on her post, but it will take a minute to write up.
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Lore dump for Holly in Avengers, 2012!
Since the events of Thor 1, Holly has grown a little more attached to Barton, and does depend on him as a work partner and a good mentor figure. Her continued exposure to new people and civilization as a whole allows her mind reading to grow significantly stronger. Now she can be in NYC and only feel mild discomfort from the thoughts of everyone around her, as opposed to sustaining severe mental damage.
Also, Iris has completely disappeared from her life.
Shortly after Holly is initially assigned to work with Barton, they receive a mission to supervise a NASA experiment on the Tesseract. This places them in the perfect position to witness the beginning of Avengers: Loki’s arrival via portal. While Barton has the unfortunate run in with Loki, Holly makes a break for the door, managing to leave via a fire exit on a catwalk. She manages to scramble into the back of a spare SHIELD truck in the underground carpark. Unfortunately, her fear of cars kicks in, coupled with the fact that she never really learned how to drive, preventing her from leaving. She ends up, unfortunately, picking the same car that the now mind-controlled Clint Barton, Selvig, and Loki would choose.
With Barton, she feels safe, so she assumes he still good.
It takes an embarrassingly long time for her to realize that Barton is no longer on the right side, and by that time, they are already at the safe house where Loki’s forces set up the lab.
(By the way, all of the details I mentioned featuring canon characters? They do happen. I watched Avengers waaaay to many times. I read the script too many times. There is no redemption for me. I MADE SURE that the truck that Holly finds herself in has a back seat in-canon! I double-checked most, if not all, details pertaining to canon characters. There is something desperately wrong with me)
Holly’s first interaction with Loki occurs shortly after they arrive, right after Barton informs Loki about her powers. When she realizes that he isn’t on the right side, she does, initially, consider abandoning her mentor, but Loki threatens Barton’s sanity if she leaves. She is caught between being branded as a traitor by SHIELD (and losing her chance at freedom), or Baron losing the last scraps of his sanity due to Loki’s scepter.
She chooses to stay, and participates in the raid at the museum in Stuttgart, Germany, where she acts as a backup gunman and a lookout. Unfortunately, she accidentally shoots a security guard, and it is in this moment that Iris finds her (essentially Iris is a double agent for Hydra and has been hunting Holly down, as Holly has been deemed a threat. She finally catches up to her in this scene). The guard dies, and Iris is now even more disgusted with Holly than she was initially, branding Holly a murderer and adding to her guilt. This occurs at the same time that the conflict between Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America ceases, and SHIELD arrives. Iris leaves before SHIELD gets Holly, and Holly is deemed a traitor and taken to the Helicarrier.
She is kept in a separate room for interrogation, but she escapes in the chaos caused by Loki’s escape. She goes with him because she really has no other choice, believing he still has Barton in in his grasp, and they head to New York.
(I feel like I should quickly make their relationship clear: Holly is fascinated by Loki’s Asgardian heritage and loves to ask him about her mother’s realm. She is still pretty scared of him and opposed to his goal, and were it not for Barton, she would leave in a heartbeat. Loki vaguely likes her, but is overall more interested in what she can do for him, because of her powers)
(but she still retains her immense hatred for SHIELD)
Once there, they wait around Stark Tower while Selvig works on the portal, and Holly notices that Barton isn’t there. Upon pressing Loki, she realizes that Barton is with SHIELD, and takes that as confirmation that her job is done and that she can set off on her own. Unfortunately, Loki thinks otherwise, and this initiates an argument and a violent confrontation.
She ends up plummeting from the top of the tower, but survives after blacking out, seeing a mysterious vision from a creepy looking red dude (Mephisto, but she doesn’t know it yet) and then waking up, unharmed and seemingly safe, on top of a dumpster in a alleyway.
Unfortunately, the Battle of New York is now in session, but a mysterious run-in with Iris steers her back towards towards Stark Tower, and she manages to fight her way back with no problems. By the time she reaches the tower, the battle is won, and SHIELD has set up a base in there.
Here, she finds Hawkeye, safe and sound, much to her relief. He’s pretty proud of her, and he promises to let Fury know what she did to protect him. He wasn’t there for her inadvertent crime, and doesn’t realize no matter what she was trying to do for him, she still ran from SHIELD, twice, and killed a dude. She’s not going to have an easy time getting out of this.
She is temporarily distracted by Captain America yelling her name and running madly across the room. They have a “wow, you aren’t dead?” moment, and then he’s shooed away by Fury, who has some unfortunate news for Holly.
He contacted the WSC pertaining her predicament, and they only have two real options for her: continue working as an agent, with little to no option for any unsupervised civilian life, or go to prison, to test out a new supermax facility they have developed called the Raft. She does think on it, and eventually comes to the decision to go to the prison, as she feels pretty done with running the bureaucratic hamster wheel, which she feels is getting her nowhere in life. Fury is pretty shocked, but a little supportive, and he drops hints about helping her get out, before leaving her with Hill while he supervises the temporary base.
Holly has a sudden, splitting headache at that moment, and fragments of a future start to whirl through her head. She sees Loki’s death, Ragnarok, Doctor Strange, and is left with the overwhelming urge to go to the New York Sanctum.
And that’s it for now! Part three coming up soon for 2014. TwT
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hawkzeyes · 1 year
follow up to your response to that other person's ask (this is gonna be so awkwardly worded but hopefully you get what I'm saying)
is there a way to get familiar with the comics content without reading the comics themselves? comic book/graphic novel format is actually really hard for me to follow and I would love to be able to read the content in a more text-based format but idk if that exists [specifically Clint Barton stuff but that shouldn't be a surprise, I'm following you after all lmao]
First, thank you so much for following I really appreciate you v much 🫶
So generally comics are written with a transcript first! It can be a bit difficult to follow, like a movie script with no picture, but nonetheless it’ll describe the scenes, actions, and quotes of the characters! Now the unfortunate part is… some comic writers are not really forthcoming with these. I know Jim Zub has some on his Patreon and some will donate on comicsexperience.com but not a lot realistically.
I’ll admit It’ll take a lot more work to hunt down a transcript vs just a regular old comic because this is a comic based medium. It’s also going to be harder to find older transcripts for Clint due to the MCU now because Google is going to assume you mean the MCU. There are some written out books as well it’s just really not as common because honestly it takes a lot more effort to write every tiny detail out.
Now there is also the option of podcasts and YouTube and there are videos that will read it out to you and or walk you through the storyline! Much like this one!
Again with less popular characters like Clint, finding his old comics like this is gonna be hard.
However, honestly if you ever wanted an older comic “transcripted” for you and you really can’t find it please reach out to me because I genuinely do not mind talking it out and walking you through it or hell even typing out a summary for you so you don’t feel left out! (That last bit might not be ok with others but I’m ok with doing it! It’s always nice to check and see what others are cool with and I don’t wanna assume. However most comic fans would and can chat (text message) your ear off about these things LOL)
If you’re comfortable and you have a discord, and you’re interested in that, please message me privately and I’ll add you! All in all it’s going to be HARDER to get into comics when comic reading is confusing for you, but thankfully not impossible due to the community 💜
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Since “Wonder Man” is centered on an actor-turned-superhero, for the upcoming show, I have a few ideas:
1) Behind-the-scenes of a biopic centered on Scott Lang. Paul Rudd appears as himself and the running gag is that people are convinced he’s just Scott Lang pretending to be Paul. The payoff is that Scott actually appears at the end of the episode and thanks Paul for playing him.
2) Wonder Man decides to write the script for a Hawkeye biopic. However, since Clint Barton doesn’t want his family to be named in the movie, the names are changed in the script. Much to Clint’s dismay, Wonder Man rewrites the script so that Lila Barton is renamed to “Kate Barton”, which is just a coincidence but gets a good reaction from both Clint and Kate Bishop.
3) Revealed that Jean-Claude Van Damme starred in a Captain America period drama/biopic that was made in the 1990s. The movie was criticized for casting JCVD since it didn’t make sense that New Yorker Steve Rogers had a thick, Belgian accent.
4) Instead of the superhero genre dominating entertainment, it’s something else. Maybe in the MCU, they have the SMCU (Supernatural Monsters Cinematic Universe).
5) Wonder Man is cast in an indie comedy film starring Nathan Fielder. The episode plays out like an episode of “Nathan For You”.
6) Jordan Peele makes a guest appearance as himself. He wants to make a horror film starring Wonder Man, but doesn’t know what the plot will be. He then becomes inspired to make a slasher film after reading about the “Ronin massacre”.
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My Heart Will be Your Home by Dr.Girlfriend
Artists: Kasey, VexedBeverage
Summary: Four years after the Battle of New York, Clint has created a stable life for himself and his young daughter, free of the dangers of SHIELD work. The Winter Soldier turned himself in to the Avengers, expecting a death sentence or lifetime of imprisonment.  Instead, he found absolution and an invitation to join the team.  He is still adjusting to life as an Avenger when he meets Clint Barton and his daughter.  The young man that Bucky Barnes used to be was wholeheartedly enthusiastic about meeting his soulmate, but Bucky is not sure there’s a place for him in his soulmate’s life anymore.  Clint has spent his whole life dreading meeting his soulmate, drawing false conclusions from the hurtful words that were spoken in haste.  They are both drawn to each other and are willing to give this a try, but will have to work together to overcome the shadows of their past. Excerpt: It’s one of the largest soulmarks Bucky has ever seen.  The script in Bucky’s neat cursive handwriting starts at the crest of one shoulder and arcs below Clint’s collarbones to end at the crest of the other shoulder, golden letters that no tattoo ink has ever been able to replicate.   What kind of idiot are you?
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
(Please see tags on the fic for further trigger/content warnings.)
Read the fic here!
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2 works by Kasey
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1 by VexedBeverage
The following WHOB medals have been earned for this collaboration!
@drgrlfriend​ - Writer’s Bronze Medal
Kasey - Artist’s Bronze Medal
@vexedbeverage​ - Personal Achievement
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fairmaidenn · 1 year
Hawkeye episode 5 'Ronin' Kate and Yelena script
Kate: So what do you want?
Yelena: Well, it's my first time in New York. Mmm-hmm. But it's a business trip so time is limited. But I do want to see some things. I want to see, uh, the Empire State building. The new and improved Statue of Liberty, and the Rockefeller center.
Kate: *chuckles* Very funny.
Yelena: What, it's not good?
Kate: Oh. No, they're- they're great. Yeah you... I mean you've got to see the tree.
Yelena: *gasps* Mmm. Exactly. See? I love American Christmases. The tree, the presents, the super-powered reindeer, Rudolph.
Kate: Mmm-hmm, Rudolph, yeah.
Yelena: He is so weird *chuckles*. Have you ever eaten reindeer?
Kate: Cannot say I've had the pleasure. No.
Yelena: It's... *laughs* No it is not a pleasure. No it's, um, it's really tough. It's chewy. Mm, you have to braise it for a really long time. But hey, Kate Bishop, you grew up here, right? You must have some recommendations for me.
Kate: Yeah... um... *laughs* Yeah, I have. Let's see. The High Line. The High Line is great. Um... There's a Christmas market in the square. I'm quite sure these are the right fit for the blood-thirsty vigilante type.
Yelena: *Laughs* Blood-thirsty vigilante *chuckles* sometimes you are funny, Kate Bishop.
Kate: Do you keep saying my name just to point out that you know it?
Yelena: Yes. I know a lot about you. Mother, Eleanor. Lives on Park and 41st. Father, Derek, deceased. Very sad. And you recently walked into traffic to save a dog, which I'll admit is pretty cool, and you got a few points from me on that. Um... University GPA 3.8. Senior, double major, and-
Kate: Right, okay. We get it. Thank you. Are you in New York to talk to Clint? Is that why you're here?
Yelena: No. No, no, no. I'm here to kill him. I have a question for you. What is it? Why do you risk your life for him, Clint Barton? How has everyone forgiven him for his past?
Kate: He saved the world.
Yelena: No. My sister saved the world. Natasha Romanoff, she saved the world.
Yelena: Stop pretending like you're not surprised, it does not look cool.
Kate: You're really Natasha's sister?
Yelena: Yes.
Kate: Wow, I did not see that coming. Thank God I didn't kill you up there.
Yelena: *Laughs* You kill me? Again, oh, Kate Bishop you are so funny. That's hilarious. That one is the funniest.
Kate: Natasha and Clint were friends, why are you after him?
Yelena: You are so fond of him. It tells me you don't really know who he is.
Kate: He came out here to protect me
Yelena: No, he came here to protect his reputation. Do you know how many people he killed? The trail of blood that follows him, it could wrap around the entire world.
Kate: Okay. Wow. That was very Russian.
Yelena: Hmm
Kate: He's still an Avenger.
Yelena: What does that word even mean, huh? That it holds so much power. You call him a hero no matter what he does?
Kate: It means when you choose to spend your life trying to help people there are going to be things that you lose. When you face the kind of threats that he has there is going to be collateral damage.
Yelena: My sister is gone because of him.
Kate: What? No no-
Yelena: She's gone. Is she collateral damage?
Kate: No, look, there is no way that that is true. He would not let that happen.
Yelena: How long have you known Clint Barton?
Kate: About a week.
Yelena: It will not be difficult for me to complete this assignment.
Kate: Wait a minute, somebody hired you to kill him? All I'll say is that if someone out there who is telling you Clint is a bad guy then maybe you should ask yourself what kind of person hired you. He is not perfect, nobody's perfect, but he is good.
Yelena: However he convinced you about who he is, or how many people think or call him a hero, truth is it doesn't matter. We are defined by what we do. Not by nice words. Like it or not, there is no escaping this. So… Where is he?
Kate: I don't know.
Yelena: Okay. sniffles Thank you for the girl's night, truly. Oh, and Kate Bishop… do not get in my way again.
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mthofferings · 8 months
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See roseszain’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Discord: roseszain Tumblr: roseszain
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: m/m and m/nb ships, Trans, nb, gnc and greysexual/ace content (canon or not) , Deaf and hard of hearing (gimme that ASL content), found family, fat and chubby positivity, Polyamory (getting together, relationship negotiations, etc), Autism, adhd, anxiety, and other neurodiversity content, Physical disability content (especially chronic pain issues like fibromyalgia), Bilingual content, Heritage and cultural works, especially Jewish content, Fix its, Pining, mutual pining, oblivious pining, First kisses/love confessions, Friends to lovers, Roommate or neighbors (future canon to AU, I ADORE these), Only one bed and forced proximity, Cuddling, snuggling, touch as love language, Slow burn, College AUs, Case fic/monster of the week fics
Will not create works that contain: major character death (unless temporary), Mpreg (incuding past, mentioned, or in the epilogue), suicide, extensive self harm, attempted suicide, unhappy/sad ending, permanent break up, major break ups and make ups, infidelity (between main ship), non con, dubcon iffy, detailed torture or abuse, relationships that are toxic and have unequal power dynamics, PWP - porn/smut with little to no plot, underage and major age differences with 18-20-somethings, Reader insert, 1st POV, 2nd POV, non-m/m ships are iffy (PLEASE ask first)
  -- Podfic --
Auction ID: 1049
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Bruce Banner/Thor - MCU Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson - MCU Matt Murdock/Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Matt Murdock/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Matt Murdock - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - Any Universe Clint Barton/Matt Murdock - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Thor - MCU
Work Description: This is for a podfic of a fic voiced by me. I have a lower tenor-range androgynous voice that can lean masculine or feminine if the character or pov calls for it. My default accent is midwestern American, and have good proficiency in RP British, Heightened RP British, Mancunian and other north country British accents, and US Southern, and am currently working on perfecting Kiwi and Maori. I can often listen and study an accent from a specific character or person and learn to replicate it. I love longer works or bigger series that are plot and/or character development heavy. Along with the podfic, I can do sound effects, and have cover album art (all of which I would love ideas for if you have any). I love to try accents and voices that I haven't done. I also love working with non-standard formats (texts/messages, script, letters/emails), utilizing sound effects (phone calls/facetime/zoom, conversations in echo-y places, voices thru doors or across rooms) as well as foley-type sounds (footsteps, door creaks, things that make a piece more believable and real) and atmospheric sounds (things you'd hear in a restaurant or store or outside, people chatting, birds and bug noises outside or in a forest, etc). I'm most familiar with the MCU, but am more than willing to work in any universe. I prefer to do works pre-snap, though I do love me fix-it content. Ship and character info: Bucky/Steve - you can look at other stucky content i've made. So far I have not done their Boston or Brooklyn accents, but I'd be willing to give it a go this year. Super here for friends to lovers, but also works dealing with Bucky's arm, Jewish content, and both of their mental issues (PTSD, anxiety, flashbacks, etc) from their past. Bruce/Thor - I adore them, especially Ragnarok-era. I do a Heightened RP British voice for Thor. Again, you can refer to podfics I've done of them Bucky/Clint - I've loved everything I've come across with these boys. Bonding over trauma and being there for each other post Hydra. Clint - will gladly do content more comic based for him. I LOVE how the comics portrayed his hearing disability and love to see the MCU fandom add it. Any and all iterations of him I'd love to do. I'm newer to his side of the fandom, and have delved into few ships for him, but would love to work on ASL, sign, HOH, and deaf content for him in gen fic Steve, Bucky, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Matt - I'm aware that the other iterations of ships with these guys are in the VERY rare pair ship side, but I'd love to work with them! This also includes poly ships with them. I've got some fics marked for later to read. Again bonding and healing from trauma, being there after the big events. Peter Parker - with romantic fics, unless aged up/future au content, I don't want to do Tom Holland Spidey Deadpool - MY GUY! All good with the usual shenanigans for him, as well as any violence and profanity that come with it. I'm EXTRA for discussion, angst, and dealing with his scars, pain, physical appearance. Matt Murdock - I love fics dealing with his blindness, aids, and how he moves around in the world (extra fun with deaf or hoh clint, but fun regardless). I also love all the versions of him I've come across, more than willing to do non MCU Daredevil. I'm newer to Matt/Foggy, but SO here for it. If you have a fic in mind you'd like me to read, great. If you have a selection of stories (or a whole AO3 account, or your bookmarks, etc) and would like me to take my pick from those and discuss further, also great. If you’re asking me to record a work that you didn’t write, I might need a bit of time to get permission from the author, so if you can find a fic that has a permission statement on podfics (check their ao3 profile page or fpslist.org) that would make the process way quicker! Do reach out to me and ask about particular works and/or ships if you're not sure. I'd be happy to confirm my willingness to read something. You can check theorose.carrd.co/#podficcing for more in depths loves and hates $10 for the first 5000 words. $10 for each additional 5k words. Final word count can be divided into more than one work. No max word count
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Podfic --
Auction ID: 4001
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Bruce Banner/Thor - MCU Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson - MCU Matt Murdock/Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Matt Murdock/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Matt Murdock - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - Any Universe Clint Barton/Matt Murdock - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Thor - MCU
Work Description: This is for a podfic of a fic voiced by me. I have a lower tenor-range androgynous voice that can lean masculine or feminine if the character or pov calls for it. My default accent is midwestern American, and have good proficiency in RP British, Heightened RP British, Mancunian and other north country British accents, and US Southern, and am currently working on perfecting Kiwi and Maori. I can often listen and study an accent from a specific character or person and learn to replicate it. I love longer works or bigger series that are plot and/or character development heavy. Along with the podfic, I can do sound effects, and have cover album art (all of which I would love ideas for if you have any). I love to try accents and voices that I haven't done. I also love working with non-standard formats (texts/messages, script, letters/emails), utilizing sound effects (phone calls/facetime/zoom, conversations in echo-y places, voices thru doors or across rooms) as well as foley-type sounds (footsteps, door creaks, things that make a piece more believable and real) and atmospheric sounds (things you'd hear in a restaurant or store or outside, people chatting, birds and bug noises outside or in a forest, etc). I'm most familiar with the MCU, but am more than willing to work in any universe. I prefer to do works pre-snap, though I do love me fix-it content. Ship and character info: Bucky/Steve - you can look at other stucky content i've made. So far I have not done their Boston or Brooklyn accents, but I'd be willing to give it a go this year. Super here for friends to lovers, but also works dealing with Bucky's arm, Jewish content, and both of their mental issues (PTSD, anxiety, flashbacks, etc) from their past. Bruce/Thor - I adore them, especially Ragnarok-era. I do a Heightened RP British voice for Thor. Again, you can refer to podfics I've done of them Bucky/Clint - I've loved everything I've come across with these boys. Bonding over trauma and being there for each other post Hydra. Clint - will gladly do content more comic based for him. I LOVE how the comics portrayed his hearing disability and love to see the MCU fandom add it. Any and all iterations of him I'd love to do. I'm newer to his side of the fandom, and have delved into few ships for him, but would love to work on ASL, sign, HOH, and deaf content for him in gen fic Steve, Bucky, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Matt - I'm aware that the other iterations of ships with these guys are in the VERY rare pair ship side, but I'd love to work with them! This also includes poly ships with them. I've got some fics marked for later to read. Again bonding and healing from trauma, being there after the big events. Peter Parker - with romantic fics, unless aged up/future au content, I don't want to do Tom Holland Spidey Deadpool - MY GUY! All good with the usual shenanigans for him, as well as any violence and profanity that come with it. I'm EXTRA for discussion, angst, and dealing with his scars, pain, physical appearance. Matt Murdock - I love fics dealing with his blindness, aids, and how he moves around in the world (extra fun with deaf or hoh clint, but fun regardless). I also love all the versions of him I've come across, more than willing to do non MCU Daredevil. I'm newer to Matt/Foggy, but SO here for it. If you have a fic in mind you'd like me to read, great. If you have a selection of stories (or a whole AO3 account, or your bookmarks, etc) and would like me to take my pick from those and discuss further, also great. If you’re asking me to record a work that you didn’t write, I might need a bit of time to get permission from the author, so if you can find a fic that has a permission statement on podfics (check their ao3 profile page or fpslist.org) that would make the process way quicker! Do reach out to me and ask about particular works and/or ships if you're not sure. I'd be happy to confirm my willingness to read something. You can check theorose.carrd.co/#podficcing for more in depths loves and hates $10 for the first 5000 words. $10 for each additional 5k words. Final word count can be divided into more than one work. No max word count
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Man Out of Time Masterlist
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After Charlie’s parents died in a car crash she moved in with her Uncle Clint and Aunt Laura Barton. Clint helped her work through her pain by training her. She knew his job and knew where he was going the times he would leave. One day Clint and her friend Nat appear at the farm to ask her if she’s interested in joining the Avengers. Charlie doesn’t hesitate to join, but she’s nervous about meeting everyone. Especially Steve Rogers. Once her and Steve meet it’s instant that they are both clearly attracted to one another. Charlie wants to protect the man, and will follow him anywhere. Will he cause her more problems or is a good fit for her? What happens when she meets his best friend, Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier?
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13,  Part 14,  Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31, Part 32, Part 33, Part 34, Part 35, Part 36, Part 37, Part 38, Part 39, Part 40, Part 41, Part 42, Part 43, Part 44, Part 45, Part 46, Part 47, Part 48, Part 49, Part 50, Part 51, Part 52, Part 53, Part 54, Part 55, Part 56, Part 57, Part 58, Part 59, Part 60, Part 61, Part 62, Part 63, Part 64, Part 65, Part 66, Part 67, Part 68
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Drabbles Bucky & Charlie, Bucky & Maggie, Bucky & Charlie, Bucky & Charlie
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I do not have a schedule for this story, and there is currently no end plan for this.  I write when I am inspired, so please do not ask. *I do not own anything belonging to the Marvel franchise, including film scripts, characters, plots, themes, movies, etc. I only own my Character Charlie and her added addition to the story.
*divider created by @firefly-graphics​
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drgrlfriend · 2 years
Here we gooooooooooo...!!!
Remember when I said I was gonna be insufferable with posting chapter updates for my new fic every day? Well that time is now, so feel free to block #mhwbyh if you don't want me banging on your door every day with a new chapter for the next two weeks.
So here it is: Chapters 1 (a short prologue) and 2 are up!
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My Heart Will Be Your Home by dr_girlfriend
Four years after the Battle of New York, Clint has created a stable life for himself and his young daughter, free of the dangers of SHIELD work.
The Winter Soldier turned himself in to the Avengers, expecting a death sentence or lifetime of imprisonment. Instead he was forgiven and asked to join the team. He is still adjusting to life as an Avenger when he meets Clint Barton and his daughter.
The young man that Bucky Barnes used to be was wholeheartedly enthusiastic about meeting his soulmate, but Bucky is not sure there’s a place for him in his soulmate’s life anymore. Clint has spent his whole life dreading meeting his soulmate, drawing false conclusions from the hurtful words that were spoken in haste. They are both drawn to each other and are willing to give this a try, but will have to work together to overcome the shadows of their past.
Clint gives Bucky a side-eye but doesn’t protest when Bucky trails him to one of the ambulances.  There don’t seem to be any other casualties, and most of the emergency vehicles are pulling out already, but one of them still has the back open, an eager-looking paramedic gazing hopefully in their direction.
“A lot of fuss for nothing,” Clint grumbles as they amble up.  “Can you just slap a dressing on this thing and —”
“Please lie down, sir,” the paramedic says, pushing him onto a gurney.  “Let me just —”
Clint makes a strangled noise as the paramedic uses a set of shears to cut the t-shirt open from hem to neck, pulling the scraps aside.
“Was that really necessary?” Clint yelps, hand coming up to cover the words written on his chest, but it’s too late.
It’s one of the largest soulmarks Bucky has ever seen.  The script in Bucky’s neat cursive handwriting starts at the crest of one shoulder and arcs below Clint’s collarbones to end at the crest of the other shoulder, golden letters that no tattoo ink has ever been able to replicate.
What kind of idiot are you?
“Oh, shit,” Bucky says, his heart sinking.  “I wasn’t sure — I hoped I’d said ‘hi’ or something first.  I’m so — I’m so sorry.”  Clint has had that scrawled across him his whole life, just because Bucky is a thoughtless idiot.
Clint’s eyes dart up to Bucky’s, widening a little.  “Is that really what you said?  I thought maybe, but —” he trails off.
Bucky can’t manage to assemble a coherent sentence, still grappling with what he’s done, but he unstraps his tac vest and casts it aside, pulling his shirt up to show the words he’s carried his whole life, three rows of untidy golden handwriting above his left hip.
There’s a weak spot in the armor plating on the left side.
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falcqns · 2 years
who r your parents in ur drs ?
lmao the way i just scoured through my inbox for this ask after telling Nat about this. i added siblings as well bc i have a few asks about siblings nad where i fit so i thought id clump them together!
under the cut!:
Fame DR:
Mom: Jennifer Aniston Dad: Brad Pitt Stepmom: Angelina Jolie Children in age order: Me Shiloh (half) Vivienne (half) Maddox (half) Zahara (half) Knox (half) Pax (half)
Florence DR:
Mom: Scarlett Johansson Stepdad: Colin Jost Dad: Chris Evans Stepmom: Melissa Jefferson (Lizzo) Children in age order: Me Rose (half) Cosmo (half)
Anthony x Chris DR (still in process of scripting): Dad: Anthony (adoptive) Dad: Chris Evans (adoptive) children in order: Anthony's 1st son (half) Anthony's 2nd son (half) Anthony's 3rd son (half) Me (i was adopted after his divorce, but born between the last two) Anthony's 4th son (half)
Tom Holland DR:
Mom: Rachel McAdams Stepdad: Jamie Linden Dad: Sebastian Stan Stepmom: Lily James (current) children in age order: Me Brother (half) Sister (half) - I wont be revealing their names at Mom's request
Evans sister Dr:
Mom: Lisa Capuano Dad: Robert Evans Stepmom: Bitch McBitchy children in age order: Carly Chris Scott Shanna Me Lily (half) Allison (half) Bobby (half)
Marvel DR (both)
Mom: Bobbi Morse Stepdad: Lance Hunter Dad: Clint Barton Stepmom: Laura Barton Siblings: Cooper (half) Lila (half) Nathaniel (Nate) [half]
Aaron Taylor Johnson DR:
Mom: same as CR Dad: same as CR Siblings are the same as my CR
Harry Potter DR:
Dad: Sirius Black Stepdad/Legal Guardian: Remus Lupin Mom: Maria Black (dead) Siblings: Harry Potter (adopted/technically cousin)
Criminal Minds: Mom: Emily Prentiss Dad: dont know yet, scripts unfinished
Defending Jacob DR
Mom: same as cr Dad: same as cr Siblings: same as cr
Dance Moms:
Mom: Elizabeth Olsen Stepdad: Robbie Arnett Dad: Tom Hiddleston Stepmom: Zawe Ashton
Mission Impossible:
Mother: Merna Meade Father: Jacob Meade Siblings in age order: Melissa Julia Rick Me
Princess DR:
Mom: Queen Marija Dad: King Øistein Siblings: none im an only child sis
Youtuber: Mom: Adrianne Palicki Dad: Henry Cavill Stepdad: Scott Grimes
Murdoch Mysteries: Mom: Julia Ogden Dad: William Murdoch Siblings: none (ik William has a kid, i havent seen the new season yet)
Mom: same as cr Dad: same as cr Siblings: same as cr
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ao3feed-sambucky · 1 year
Avengers React to the MCU
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46110292
by Marvel_Bish
The Avengers are transported to an inter dimensional movie theatre to watch their movies. Dead characters are brought from the past, characters appear as they become important, lots of joking and feeling bad for whoever they're watching.
Covers Phases 1-4 in release date order, not including The Incredible Hulk (because as far as I'm concerned that movie doesn't exist) or any new character's shows or movies. Set after Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, but we won't get there for a while.
This is a huge project so I'm gonna post whenever I have energy to write.
Obviously, I do not own any of these characters. Any writing in bold has been taken from the scripts of the Marvel movies, either paraphrased or directly for the speech.
Words: 2173, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Harley Keener, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Jimmy Woo, Monica Rambeau, Maria Rambeau, Carol Danvers, Loki (Marvel), Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Gamora (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Billy Maximoff, Tommy Maximoff, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Stephen Strange, America Chavez, Betty Brant, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Flash Thompson, Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Peter-Two (Spider-Man: No Way Home), May Parker (Spider-Man), Sylvie (Loki TV), Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Jane Foster/Thor, Gamora/Peter Quill, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Betty Brant/Ned Leeds, Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff
Additional Tags: Characters React to Fandom, Avengers Family, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Natasha Romanov Is Not A Robot, Wanda Maximoff Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Needs a Hug
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46110292
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