#* strawberri anon.
yumcorez · 2 months
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sunseed-fandump · 5 months
Would… would the costume set storyline be about a worst case scenario where Shadow Milk… wins?
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Costume Set: The Liar's Circus
"CRASH! BOOM! BANG! The circus is in town! These three little tricksters put on a fantastic performance wherever they go, but trouble often follows them! They say they only want to have fun and bring smiles to everyone's faces, but is that just a lie? CRASH! BOOM! BANG! Wondrous magic tricks from the young Apprentice light up the night air. Beautiful melodies sung by the Performer enchant all who hear her. Thrilling dough-chilling feats from the brave Acrobat make the crowd go wild! CRASH! BOOM! BANG! But who is the mysterious Ringmaster of this circus? None have ever seen him. Yet when trouble arises, the three young performers are always quick to say it was their friend the Ringmaster playing pranks again. Who is He? Does He even exist? Or are the trio just lying so they don't have to take responsibility? CRASH! BOOM! BANG! Another performance, given. Another town, destroyed. Another day at the Liar's Circus."
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mblue-art · 7 months
I miss strawberry noot noot
is that so?
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i'm a bit late, but... would you still like to be my valentine for today?
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requested by anon
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boredth · 1 year
theres always the black strawberry dress
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I am owed for this
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pestorik · 4 months
Your art looks delicio- *chomp* (ok but it’s actually so good istg ur so talented)
- <3
thanks anon i’m glad you are enjoying! here’s a wip of some riddle garden prince fits as a little treat
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fallenclan · 26 days
Does Ravenstar have any romantic interests in the clan or are there any cats who like him like that?
It’s something that’s been itching my brain from time to time lol to me, he just doesn’t feel like the type of guy who would fall in love or is interested in looking for a partner.
- 🍓(if it’s not taken)
Actually, I think Ravenstar cares a lot about romantic relationships! He probably isn't especially prone to them, he's picky about any partner he might choose, and even less likely to Go For It considering the amount of cats that share his morals, but he's always been very passionate about relationships, both platonic and romantic.
As for if he has his eye on anyone in particular: i shan't say
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 9 months
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Awe thank you! Have a Cherry ShortMiku
I rushed the loose "Tutorial":
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Its a bit messy Its 8:30 am i havent slept yet hahhaaha! So basically colors right? IiiIII also am not knowledgeable with color theory but if it looks good it looks good ya know? I sometimes dont get satisfied with the end game so sometimes I adjust the overall illustration's HUE/CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS/SATURATION etc. These adjustments are crucial imo! To make the entire illustration homogenous, adjustments are necessary! anyway
all of my illustrations most times arent just a fully step by step thing. Sometimes I go back to a layer, I adjust, I get frustrated that sometimes it doesnt look the way it should be in my head. I think people have been asking me how I draw but honestly couldnt find the energy and time to do so until now granted its a bit of a mess ;-; I think its just that I couldnt give a step by step since I myself am chaotic with my layers and progress which is the FUN part imo -u- so thats it- hopefully it explains the basics(?)
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devilgirlcrybabyy · 6 days
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Wanna waste away my days with a pretty young thing and blow through all my wealth 🍓
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yumcorez · 2 months
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sunseed-fandump · 5 months
Shadow Milk being a step mother to the trio
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Oh, he's SO proud of his little performers!
Look at them go!
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little-pup-pip · 9 months
Strawberry shortcake!!
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prince-liest · 6 months
Latest 666 + body swap fic both have like, these brief moments where alastor or someone else realizes about alastor that like—he doesn’t expect people not to take advantage. He thought Angel was going to keep his body and that Vox would keep the chain on. It’s like a simultaneous “well that’s what I would do” and “why the fuck would something GOOD happen.” It’s sooooo much. -🍓
Ahhh, yes! I like to write Alastor as someone that really struggles with trust. It's easy to say "trust issues!" with a funny hand wave and leave it at that, but in his particular case I think it's particularly interesting to write him as a character who, like. Subconsciously wants to trust, but consciously doesn't want to want it. He sees it the same way he sees his burgeoning maybe-friendship with the hotel crew: it's a vulnerability to be taken advantage of! And why wouldn't he? He's a solo-flying overlord. His entire base of power is built off of the backs of people who he's either killed or taken the souls of.
Even the more genuine friendships we see him have in canon fit into that framework. Niffty is presumably under his contract. Mimzy relies on him for protection and doesn't have the power to challenge him. Rosie and his relationship with her looks to me like it's genuine, but built off of a careful balance of give-and-take favors the upturning of which would be damaging to their relationship because they are both overlords.
He clawed his way to the power that he has through violence and taking advantage of the opportunities presented to him, and he's spent the last hundred or so years living in hell, where that kind of behavior is the status quo for anybody who wasn't born into power. He doesn't believe in Charlie's mission in a genuine way, though he is growing to like the hotel crew against his better judgment. He honestly just... does not expect people to not take advantage of his weakness, nevermind extending genuine kindness to him when it comes down to it.
And I like that we see him in canon as someone who tries so hard to be the inhuman, almost mythical monster called the "Radio Demon," but who nonetheless has hung all of this on the very human underpinning that is Alastor-the-person. He's still a human being with feelings and socialization needs - and sometimes he feels safe and powerful enough to condescend to indulge them, as he does in the finale's scene where he talks to Niffty about enjoying the hotel crew's company.
...And then he's immediately punished for it. Physically, by Adam, but also emotionally, by his own immediate conviction that he only got hurt in the first place because he let things spiral out of control and that the idea that he would have gone out for the sake of the hotel is horrifying. How can one justify extending trust when doing so has such immediate and obvious negative consequences?
(The answer is, of course: slowly, painfully, and not without frequent backsliding. I can't wait to see the canon version of this!)
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do you have any strawberry stuff? _(:3 」∠)_
here you go 😊
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yippeee! beep bop beep bop ! anon bunny 🍓’s reporting!
OMG, the harbinger reader x dragon!FL? mwah, masterpiece >__<
iam severely doused in the idea that is not a Harbinger, bur rather a wandering dragon, and reader take's Childe's place as the 11th (or any other, really!) Could you imagine, dragon!FL being the
"bodyguard" of Harbinger reader in a Harbinger meetings, or even in general? Like, strong, fierce Harbinger!reader being protected by our overgrown lizard? cutie
(i am TOTALLY not writing a fanfic about this,, hehe)
also, i lowkey wanna change my anon name to anon bunny 🍓 instead of just anon bunny,, yippee!
~ hehe ><
hey psst pssssstttt if you do write that fanfic if you're comfortable with showing people i would LOVE to read it!!!!
you as the strong, firm, but kind Eleventh Harbinger, known for both your mercy and brutality. to those who show genuine remorse, you send them away with a stern talking to and reasonable punishment, but to those who lie or mock, you're entirely unforgiving. it creates an odd dissonance in opinions of you at first, before your reputation settles into someone understanding, but not to be crossed... until it abruptly changes once you happen to acquire a dragon friend. see, the other Fatui believe that you beat the beast into submission, but really you just freed him from a trap- you hate to see an innocent creature in pain. you had expected him to run, perhaps snap at your hand before flying away, but instead the dragon- Foul Legacy, he carved into the ground- shook out his wings and sat up, tilting his head at you curiously before leaning in and giving your cheek a tentative lick
he never leaves you alone after that, proudly trailing after you on every mission until you reluctantly allow him to officially accompany you, your agents sworn to secrecy. they don't mind- they think it's funny, essentially being the only sane sector of the Fatui, and Foul Legacy is always happy to make new friends. he does not, however, consider most of the other Harbingers friends, with their sly eyes and words dripping with thinly veiled contempt. he curls around you during the meetings, regarding each of them with a narrowed gaze, lingering on those he dislikes the most. if any of them raises a single hand towards you, Legacy growls viciously, especially at Il Dottore, who he seems to hate most of all. yet despite his protective malice, after everyone leaves and the meeting is over Legacy's tail begins thumping against the floor, nudging into your hand as if he's asking for praise, didn't he do such a wonderful job? and you always sigh and give him a few pats before you leave, as is routine
most of the Fatui know you now as intimidating and ruthless, strong enough to control a dragon. but to the people under you, you're simply their levelheaded superior with an odd, scaly friend
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melobin · 2 months
Want Eunseok to do this to me before fucking me on hello kitty sheets and makes me squirt
no but the way that hair makes me think of eunseok who fucks you when you have to be quiet, telling you that you need to stay quiet as he fucks you senseless i think yes.
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