#*IS* because joe is a man and taylor is a woman
olive-nothere · 2 months
One of the most insane kinds of people on the internet has to be swifties that hate on Joe Alwyn ‘cause that man did nothing wrong and just wanted a private relationship (and was also depressed and didn’t want to marry her YET) but somehow they always manage to find the most stupid excuse in the book to bully him and make him seem like a bad person lmao
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clarabowmp3 · 11 months
I’m sorry I genuinely cannotttttt understand how some ppl bash joe even in a joking manner. Like the poor guy did nothing wrong (that we know of) but so many ppl are making such snide remarks by comparing him to Travis which is not only condescending but actually kind of mean! HELLO did we listen to the same reputation album??? You can’t praise Travis for letting Taylor bejeweled and then rip joe to shreds in the same breath when joe was the one there for her in a clearly difficult and trying time in her life
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taylortruther · 10 months
I think a lot us try to draw on our own experiences to find empathy for Taylor’s situation. I have an ex with whom I’ve kept a cordial relationship, but when a close friend visited over the holidays, she wanted all the details! I may have overshared some of the negative, but it was all true! 😂 meanwhile another friend actually apologized for still following my ex because she likes the content (and that’s fine!). Taylor is us but just more public and magnified.
i hear you! but tbh, i think some people (like the person who just added tags to my post about what it means to "get over" something) just think that with taylor's platform, she shouldn't... be allowed to be this petty, or shady, or this communicative. they believe the power imbalance between her and joe makes that extremely unfair to him, the same way it was unfair for her to write songs about john, or jake, or any other guy. because this isn't your bestie asking for gossip, taylor has those and she has talked to them privately; instead, she's communicating with a bunch of strangers, some of whom will then take it out on your ex himself.
and personally, i'm the type that doesn't talk shit about exes anymore! i feel very tenderly for my last two serious partners, i don't want my friends to be assholes, even well-meaning ones, about them. even the last person who treated me like shit is not really a topic of conversation amongst my friends. so i kind of get why these fans don't like how taylor is acting.
that said, i don't really think any of this is worth pearl clutching over idk. she is a public figure, and fans can act above it, but her relationships are of public interest, so she has a right to respond publicly - and so does he. he also has many followers, he also has a publicist, he can respond if he chooses! he's not a nobody. he's choosing his path just like she's choosing hers.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
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sweetbrei · 5 months
Honestly, maybe controversial but I agree that people are trying to asign songs they don't want to be about one of her other exes to Healy but I'm not even sure The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived was about him. Emotions in that song seem too deep to be about someone she might not have even actually been with unless it was a he left when she put out situation. I feel like people heard dr*gs and g*ns in the song and went "that guy". To me it sounds more like when an ex who you've been over starts trying to start something when you're on top of your game than anything current. I'm not sure any of these songs are about him, even But Daddy I Love Him is about how her fans are annoying when she's dating (or rumored to be dating) someone they don't like more than her actually possibly loving him.
Oh I totally got you. Honestly I have a hard time actually hard confirming any of the songs are about him. I know for her, her exes are never really the point. And especially with this album the point seems to be just letting out all her emotions in the best way she knows how. Especially because she's worked so hard to be seen for things OTHER than whoever she dated.
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procrastiel · 6 months
My highlights from The Assembly:
Was John Taylor from Duran Duran your first ever crush? “Yes, he absolutely was.” Michael thought he was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen, man or woman. And he tried to imitate his hairdo (didn’t work out though, because Michael’s hair is really curly and John’s is straight).
He’s not brave enough to go on Strictly because he thinks he’s not a good dancer.
How does it feel to be dating someone that is only 5 years older than your daughter? “Both of us were quite surprised when we got together, it wasn’t something we were looking for. I haven’t dated anyone who is much younger than me but you meet who you meet. We were both very aware how people might respond, and that it would be difficult and challenging, but ultimately we felt that it was worth it, because of how we felt about each other. And now we have two beautiful children together. We’re really, really happy. I am aware that I am a much older father, and it does worry me, and makes me concerned, and makes me sad thinking about the time that I won’t have with them. But if you find someone who brings you happiness and you make them happy you gotta go for that. So that’s what we decided to do, and I’m so happy we did because we have this wonderful family now.”
The next question (asked by the same girl) was: Who is the rudest celebrity? “Have you heard of a man called David Tennant? He was Doctor Who. Doctor rude! No he’s very nice. Someone will occur to me and I’ll let you know. (pause) Jennifer Laurence was very cheeky! She is very cheeky.”
How tall are you? “I’d like to be 5”11 but I’m closer to 5”10.”
He likes Dylan Thomas, even though he doesn’t understand all of his poetry.
He cries probably every day. And it’s totally fine to feel things deeply and get emotional about things.
His favourite Disney film is Moana. And that’s Mabli’s favourite movie at the moment, too. She watches it about twice a day.
He’s worried that AI will take his job away, and that it will change everything, not just actors and writers. And that by the time we will want to put a stop to certain things it’ll be too late.
His favourite food is Egg and chips. Only enhanced by ham.
He loves going by train.
If he could replace 2 people of the royal family he’d take away Andrew & Camilla and replace them with Joe Lycett & David Attenborough. Or Tom Jones as the Prince of Wales!
If he could play the Doctor or the Master, he’d like to play the Master and play opposite David Tennant as the Doctor.
His biggest fear is being alone. And it’s also what he worries about the most for other people.
Hot or cold? He does like winter and snow. ❄️
Walk us through the before, during and after of the kiss with David Tennant: reading the script he thought “that’s gonna be a big deal”. They didn’t really talk about it and just went for it. Everyone was quite moved by the scene, all the people around them, so they knew it had gone quite well. And now they never talk about it. (He said that last bit with a smile.)
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unbotheredalwyn · 5 months
So obviously after the Joe breakup shit changed we had that ratty twatty and then suddenly travis. Like ratty twatty first of all made it seem like you know this person is like horrible yet you choose to be with him? Everyone called her (rightfully) out I feel like cause he is really a twat of a person and the whole ice spice collab to basically "save" Matty twattys image. I also felt like it was unfair of her fans to force her to break up with him I mean it's her life. And Joe during this time went through so much shit after the break up I remember he was papped and everyone made fun of how skinny he is and how horrible he looks (he had bags under his eyes on the photo) which is actually sad cause he lost his grandmother I think during that time and people were genuinely saying disgusting things and saying mother is looking so much better etc etc while Joe was having a downwards spiral. Again I understand no one knew his depression was that bad but fuck swifties can be more kind.
Exit ratty twatty enter travesty lord this man gives me the ick.
Swifties are blinded by their relationship but he is really not a good dude. I mean that video live of him pushing his coach and yelling? Videos online of him being openly racist, being a trump supporter (and also swifties are dumb they think bc he got vaccinated and bent the knee for black lives matter he is somehow Democrat?) honey trump is vaccinated as well. And just because he supported blm does not make him a good person. He was PAID to do all that performative shit.
I mean she has millions of fans, thousands of young girls thinking the blatant red flags of travesty is hot and shit. Tells me he can push her around too. (not to mention he supported his abusive friend that literally hit his wife.)
And it feels like she's forcing travesty tbh? Like girlie you wanted the art to be about you yet you let some man overshadow it. Because truly that's what's happening like swifties are more into him at this point and the relationship they made up in their head as Taylor.
This is where I got annoyed and took a step back. Each time they were seen Joe got thousands and thousands of hate just for what being introverted?
Then they attacked Emma (Joe's Co worker) for a cheating rumor THEY MADE UP and the shit they said were so genuinely disgusting she had to switch off her comments.
Then Ai audio dropped about Joe abusing Taylor and Ai videos circled making it seem like Joe is a cheater when he is NOT. fuck they even trended a sex scene with that Alison chick he worked with saying he said Alison (her real name) and not her character's name when he DID NOT. It was in the fucking series! This woman got slut shamed so bad she turned off comments too for literally WORKING with Joe. Swifties literally spread shit around that he cheated on Taylor with Emma and Alison when he didn't! And the fucking best of all Taylor was on the set while filming conversations with friends. She most likely saw it IN PERSON and they chose to say all this genuinely disgusting shit about Alison who I've learned is actually a pretty good person.
Here I got genuinely disgusted.
So okay again I understand that Taylor can't control all her fans but her silence while her cult mass harrases people?
Whats insane to me is Joe. Like the guy got so much hate because SHE CHOSE to lead fans on. When she announced ttpd everyone thought the title relates to Joe and Paul mescal
Joe got mass hate
Then the secret songs at eras being about cheating
Joe got death threats
she literally took ALL the hate against Joe *knowing* she's releasing an album dissing her 6 weeks situationship is genuinely disgusting. I cannot fathom it.
And AND the only thing she could say about Joe is dude did not want to marry her bc he was severely depressed WHICH IS NOT HER PLACE TO TALK ABOUT HIS STRUGGLES?
like I am SORRY this man wants to d word next to her and she just didn't care and wanted to fuck Matty?
Her partner, that got her through her darkest times BTW, did not deserve this.
She let all this mass harrasment just happen to market ttpd. Like genuinely what the actual fuck. 2 innocent women Emma and Alison were attacked and called sluts for genuinely existing and breathing the same air as Joe. And the proof he did not cheat is in her OWN lyrics. (which swifties cannot seem to fucking read bc they'd rather attack Joe than admit this album is about a sewer nazi rat)
The hate Joe got made me cry. The disgusting things they said about him. Swifties literally threatening to bash his head in with a hammer or that he needs to hang himself and they'd enjoy seeing his body swinging from the roof.
Genuinely why would any person say this to anyone at any time?
And they made fun of depression like. What. The. Fuck. Just because Joe might not see it does not mean other people with crippling depression won't.
Oh and a side note she's still bringing up Kim on albums? Not just Kim Kim's CHILD?! leave the kid alone.
Genuinely feel like the most honest Taylor we got was during lover (a time which Joe helped her voice her political opinions and shit) and idk I just feel cheated on?
My whole life I've defended Taylor against everyone and I genuinely feel like she's showing her true colors now being with travesty and ratty and I cannot fathom how this is the same Taylor I'm seeing now as she was like a few years ago.
And it's not just Joe that got death threats BTW. When midnights came out and everyone gave honest reviews cause that evil Jack antonof little gay man ruined the production there were journalists literally getting so much death threats its insane.
Taylor gets (rightfully) called out and fans can't handle it.
She needs to address them ASAP. All these parasocial freaks. The people harrasing Joe. The people literally only seeing Taylor as a breeder for travestys children.
I can't genuinely I can't this is not how I want to feel about Taylor I mean I gave her my youth I looked up to her so much I feel so disappointed in the way she's acting yk?
Yes maybe she can't do jack shit about swifties but she can try.
And her staying quiet over Palestine? Her voice her one post about a ceasefire could change EVERYTHING.
idk at this point I can't stand to be around Taylor.
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
All Of The Girls You Loved Before - Joe Burrow
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Summary: With the two of you having different careers while working for the National Football League, it was destined that your paths would cross again… But, there wasn’t enough time in the world that could prepare you to see your childhood best friend for the first time in 8 years.
Genre: Fluff and Angst (Childhood Friends To Strangers To Lovers AU)
“Your Mother Brought You Up Loyal And Kind, Teenage Love Taught You There's Good In Goodbye, Every Woman That You Knew Brought You Here… I Wanna Teach You How Forever Feels” Taylor Swift; All Of The Girls You Loved Before.
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Since your career as a journalist for the National Football League started in 2020, you’ve had the honor of being able to travel all across the United States and been apart of the broadcast team for some of the most memorable football games in the past few year.
Throughout your NFL journalist career; you’ve watched from the sideline as the journalists who have years of experience compared to you do their job of sitting down with football players from the 32 NFL teams throughout the season and ask them questions that football fans want to know about their NFL careers.
As the AFC Championship football game was happening this weekend; the NFL decided to give you the opportunity to interview one of the football players that will be playing in the AFC Championship.
When you were asked to do the interview, you were so excited for the opportunity that was given to you… but when the NFL gave you more information about which football player you would be interviewing before AFC Championship game, your heart sank to your stomach.
It wasn’t a surprise to you that the NFL wanted you to interview one of the most popular football players that would be playing in the AFC Championship… but out of all the popular football players the NFL could’ve chosen for your to interview, the NFL decided that they wanted you to interview the Quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, Joe Burrow.
The issue with you doing an interview with Joe Burrow isn’t because he has some sort of bad reputation with journalists, because he doesn’t have a bad reputation with journalists. All of your co-workers that have worked with Joe Burrow in some kind of way has only had good things to say about him… The issue with you doing an interview with Joe Burrow is because the two of you have a lot of history together.
Before the world knew Joe Burrow as the Quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, you knew Joe Burrow as your childhood best friend… The two of you grew up in Ohio together and attended elementary school, middle school, and high school together. It would be hard for you to deny that you had a crush on Joe during your childhood and teenage-hood, but the crush didn’t turn into any more as you made the decision to leave Ohio to attend a college out of the state while Joe had decided to attend Ohio State University alongside many other high school friend and classmates.
The two of you tried to keep in touch as best as you could but; as the two of you were experiencing life beyond the limitations of adolescence’s restrictions, the two of you grew apart… All of a sudden, there were no more texts and calls between the two of you and when you would go to visit in Ohio, you never stopped by The Burrow’s House and the sense of being home was gone when you would drive past their house.
Joe and you had chosen two different career paths that ultimately ended up leading the two of you back to each other… When you decided to take the job opportunity from the NFL to become apart of their journalism team, you knew that one day you would be face to face with the man that you knew once as your childhood best friends but was now a stranger to you, but the honest truth is that you didn’t wish that you would have to be face to face with him so soon.
There wasn’t enough time in that world that could prepare you for this interview, as you’re sitting in the room where the interview will be taking place… Your mind is racing through so many different thoughts as your leg is bouncing up and down because of nerves. As you look around the room to see the only people in here are the camera crew, you hope that they aren’t suspicious of your body behavior.
It was hard for you to not wonder if when Joe would arrive into the room where the interview would take place if he would recognize you… It has been almost 10 years since you’ve seen him in person and while your parents say that you look the same from when you were younger, you knew that you’ve grown up a lot these past few years into the young adult that you are.
“Y/N!” someone says, getting your attention. When you turn your head, you see that it’s the Director of the NFL’s Journalism Board, Irene, who called your name. “Joe Burrow should be here any minute… Do you have all your questions ready?!”
“Yes I do!” you exclaim as you showed her your Index Cards that have all the questions that you need to ask.
“That’s good to see!” Irene says. “All we have to do when Joe arrives is to get his lapel microphone on his shirt and then the interview can get started!”
Another few minutes went by, and before the Director of the NFL’s Journalism Board could start panicking about the NFL Quarterback being behind on schedule… There was a loud knock on the door and then suddenly, the door opened to reveal Joe Burrow and his team were here for the interview.
When the two of you make eye contact, his eyes widen due to the surprise of seeing his old childhood best friend for the first time since High School Graduation… As the two of you continued to stare at each other, not wanting to be the one to break eye contact, Joe’s team and the NFL crew starting having their own discussion.
For the entire day, Joe had been so nervous for the interview and he couldn’t figure out why because most of the time; he was never nervous about doing interviews even though he didn’t like doing interview… Joe knew that you started working for the NFL around the same time that he was drafted to the NFL, but he never thought that the two of you would cross paths.
Joe always felt like it was his fault for the reason why the communication between the two of you stopped, he was always busy with football practices classes, and being a young adult in college… Even though you were busy with your college life too you always tried to communicate with him but, Joe would never answer and then one day you stopped trying to communicate.
It was in that moment when Joe felt like he was once again a teenage boy that had the biggest crush on his childhood best friend… When he would watch you on TV during the broadcast segments alongside other NFL journalists; he could see your beauty just from the TV screen, but it has been years since he’s seen you right in front of him and it wasn’t hard for him to deny that you are more gorgeous than ever before.
Joe knew that he wouldn’t be able to do the interview with you unless the two of you were able to talk… but he knew that the chances of the two of you being able to talk were small because his team and the NFL crew needed to get this interview done as soon as possible, but Joe will take that small chance to talk to you.
As Joe’s teams and the NFL crew that were in charge of working behind the scenes are having a discussion about the interview; the two of you kept eye contact as Joe walked over to where you are sitting at with the index cards in your lap, because he felt like he needed to talk to you before the interview started.
“Hi…” Joe says nervously with his hands in his pockets.
“Hey…” you mumbled. “It’s been a long time hasn’t it.”
“Yeah it has…” Joe admits, “Listen I-“
“if you’re about to apologize for not keeping in contact with me, this isn’t the right time to do it.” you say, interrupting him. “Let’s focus on your interview.”
Joe nods his head and opens his mouth to speak again, but before he could say anything… One of the NFL crew members is calling his name so that they can out his lapel microphone on his shirt, so that the interview can get started as soon as possible.
The short conversation that Joe wanted to have with you didn’t go to plan… As he watched you speak to your manager and some of the members on his team about the interview, he realized that this wasn’t the right time to have any sort of discussion with you that wasn’t about the interview that will be happening soon.
It was clear that you didn’t want the NFL crew to know about the history between the two of you… There are stories about how NFL journalists that have a close connection with a football player could get into serious trouble. Joe knows how hard of a worker you are so he wouldn’t want to risk your career as a NFL journalist because you are one of the best in the business.
As everything for the interview was finally set up and ready to go, there was no more time to wait. It was time for the interview with Joe Burrow right before the AFC Championship football game against the Kanas City Chiefs, which is considered to be biggest football game of his career so far.
When the interview started, after introducing yourself and Joe, there was tension as this was the first conversation that the two of you had in many years… but you remained professional as you asked all of the questions that you had written down on your index cards that were about Joe’s career in the NFL since being drafted in April 2020 and then listened to all of answers that Joe had to your questions.
The two of you sat across from each other and overtime as the interview continues… the tension slowly started to go away as the two of you became more comfortable speaking and listening to each other talk while still remaining professional for the cameras.
The interview was going better than you expected it to go, it was heartwarming to her your childhood best friend speak about his childhood dreams becoming a reality… It was hard for you to not get emotional while hearing about all of the struggles Joe had to go through to get to where he is in his football career in the NFL without you by his side to support him.
There were so many questions that you were asking Joe about the journey of his football career and you were award how overwhelming it could be for him to answer all of these questions… Even though Joe has never been a big fan of doing interviews, the interview that he is doing with you is his favorite interview that he will ever do during his football career.
After 10 minutes of the two of you going back in forth in conversation with you asking questions and Joe giving you the answers that you wanted… The interview was coming to an end, and it’s safe to say that the NFL crew and Joe’s team were very impressed with how the interview went.
“Good job Y/N and Joe! That was an excellent interview!” Irene said. “The interview should be available on YouTube and the NFL website the day before the AFC Championship football game, hopefully it doesn’t take long to edit the interview.”
“That’s good to hear!” Joe’s manager says clapping their hands in excitement. “I have to say… I’m really happy that Y/N was chosen to interview Joe because the chemistry the two of you have with each other made it seemed like I was watching two old friends catch up rather than watching an interviewer and a football player have a conversation.”
Joe looked down to the ground with a small blush on his face as you tried your best to not show a reaction to the statement that Joe’s manager said… You couldn’t hope but wonder if Joe had told his manager about the history between the two of you before the interview.
As the NFL crew starts packing all the equipment after unclipping the lapel microphones off of your shirt and Joe’s shirt… You decided that now was the best time to leave the interview room to go to your office to start working on some articles that needed to be published before the AFC Championship.
It was easy to sneak past everyone as the NFL crew was occupied with packing the equipment while the Director of the NFL’s Journalism Board and Joe’s team were having a conversation… but it didn’t take long for Joe to notice that you were no longer in the room, and he decided that this was another chance for the two of you to talk if he was able to find out where you went.
“Hey Irene… Where is the restroom?!” Joe asked, interrupting the conversation between the Director of the NFL’s Journalism Board and his manager.
“It’s right down the hallway to the right!” Irene replies.
“Thank you… I’ll be right back!” Joe says before standing up out of his chair and walking out the room.
Joe started to walk down the hallway of the NFL Headquarters trying to figure out where you could be… He examined all of the signs that were displayed on the closed doors, Joe figured that if he couldn’t find a door that could lead him to you then the next option would be for him to check the lobby of the NFL Headquarters.
It didn’t take long for Joe to find a door that had a sign with your name on it, he assumed that his was your office and it made sense that this is where you would be after doing your job of interviewing him… Joe said a silent prayer that this is where you are and then he knocked on your office door.
He thought that he would’ve heard your voice to invite him inside your office, but instead he heard footsteps coming closer to the door as his heart started to race… When the door opened to reveal that it was you behind the door, he was so happy that he found you.
Meanwhile, you were surprised to see Joe right in front of you. When you took the opportunity to sneak out of the interview room, you weren’t expected Joe to follow you to your office… But something that you knew is that if Joe had followed you to your office it meant that he thought this would be the right time to talk to you, and you still don’t think now is the right time to talk.
“Joe?!” you exclaimed after opening your office door. “What are you doing here, I thought you and your team would’ve left the building by now?!”
“I couldn’t leave without getting a chance to talk to you.” Joe confessed.
“Joe… there’s nothing for us to talk about?!” you said.
“What do you mean…” Joe asks as a confused look appears on his face, “There is so much we could talk about… It’s been 8 years since we’ve talked, it’s clear that a lot of things have happened in the past 8 years!”
you sighed… “Joe… now it’s not the best time.”
Joe was about to defend the decision that now was the right now, when he heard his name being called from a distance… The two of you turned your heads to see his manager walking down the hallway and before Joe could try to speak up again, you interrupted him.
“I think you should go…” you insisted. “Good luck on the AFC Championship game this Sunday! I’ll be rooting for the Bengals to win!”
It broke Joe’s heart as you close the door in his face. He really thought that this was the right opportunity for the two of you to talk, but it’s clear to him now that you wanted to remain professional with him even though the interview between the two of you is done.
Joe was still standing in front of your closed office door when his manger walked up to him… His manager didn’t hear the short conversation between the two of you, but was curious about what Joe was doing outside of your office door since it had been almost 10 minutes since he left the interview room.
“What are you doing?!” his manager asked.
“I was just thanking Y/N for the good interview since she had left the room before i got the chance to thank her.” Joe lied as he started walking away from your office down to go back to the interview room.
“Thanks very nice of you.” his manager says smiling as she started to walk down the hallway beside Joe, “Like I said earlier… I’m glad that Y/N was chosen to interview you, I’ve been very impressed with her work for a long time and knew that she would be the perfect interviewer for you before the AFC Championship.”
“Wait… You were the one of set up the interview between Y/N and I?!” Joe asked as he stopped walking, causing his manger to stop walking.
“In a way, yes I was.” His manager answered. “The NFL reached out to me to set up the interview but I made a special request for Y/N to be the journalist to interview you. After you left the interview room, Irene and I were talking about Y/N’s work ethics and how the NFL journalists board are planning on promoting her soon.”
“That’s good to hear!” Joe said as the two of them starting walking back to the interview room. When they got back to the room, Joe noticed that most of the camera equipment was no longer set up and that most of the NFL crew who were in the room before he left to find Y/N were no longer in the room and he took that as a sign that it was time to go back to the hotel.
Joe and his team took their time to say their goodbyes to Irene and the rest of the people in the interview room before gathering their belongings and exiting the room to leave the NFL Headquarters because they had a plane flight to catch soon as Joe needed to get back home to Cincinnati to start practicing with the football team to prepare for the AFC Championship.
It’s been over a week since the interview with Joe Burroe happened, and let’s just say that a lot of things have happened throughout the past few days…
The interview between you and Joe was published the day before the AFC Championship football game and it’s safe to say that football fans really enjoyed the interview. Within the first 24 hours, there were multiple viral tweets and viral tiktoks of clips from the interview.
While the NFL journalism board was very impressed by the success of the interview, it was very overwhelming for you to experience because all of a sudden there were thousands of people following and stalking your social media accounts to see if they can find anything to bring attention too... It didn’t take long for football fans to find something to bring attention to; they were able to figure out that you and Joe had known each other from high school due to old photos that were posted onto your Instagram that you didn’t delete, but thankfully football fans didn’t go stalking your Facebook account or they would’ve figured out that you and Joe had known each other since childhood.
Luckily, no one from the NFL journalism board has brought it to your attention that they know that you and Joe have some history together… You hope that if it is brought up in an future meeting; you’ll be able to convince everyone that you and Joe were just high school classmates and not childhood best friends, because you couldn’t risk the position of your career.
The other good news is that the Cincinnati Bengals won against the Kanas City Chiefs and are the AFC Champions for the 2021-2022 NFL season and are going against the Los Angeles Rams at the Super Bowl in less than two weeks… You have watched many football games throughout your life, but you don’t think you had ever been so nervous watching football so it was a relief when the game was finally over.
You were so proud of the Cincinnati Bengals football team, but you were even more prouder for Joe… It made you emotional as you watched him speak at the media press conference about how much winning the AFC Championship meant to him and how proud he is of the football team for making it all the way to the Super Bowl after a long football season.
What made the AFC Championship victory even more special is that you go to celebrate the victory in your childhood home in Ohio with your mom, who has been a longtime fan of the Cincinnati Bengals football team since she was a little girl.
The city of Cincinnati was alive as the people were celebrating the AFC Championship victory for days… Everyone in the city was wearing their Bengals merchandise and making it known that they were proud of the football team that represents the city.
The AFC Championship victory allowed people to talk with each other no matter where they were… They could be at the park, in line at the grocery store, at the bank, or any other place in Cincinnati and the conversation was about the AFC Championship.
It’s been few days since the AFC Championship football game and there was only a few days left of your visit in Ohio before you had to leave to catch a flight to Los Angeles to prepare for the Super Bowl… Due to the success of the interview with Joe Burrow, the NFL wants you to be apart of one of the pre-show broadcasts alongside other NFL journalists which was an opportunity you had never had before.
You were at the kitchen table, proofreading one of your articles on your laptop when you heard the keys unlocking the front door… When your mom asked you what you wanted for lunch, you begged her to order your favorite food from the local Mexican Restaurant that you have eaten at in many years and after a while, your mom finally agreed to order and pick the food up at the restaurant.
The front door is unlocked and you hear your mom’s footsteps as she walked to the kitchen after closing the front door… You can tell by the expression on her face that she is in a very good mood, which wasn’t strange to you but it still made you curious as to what is making her so happy on a Thursday afternoon.
“You will never guess who I ran into at the Mexican Restaurant!” your mom exclaims as she’s putting the bags of food on the kitchen counter.
“No… Hi, Hey or Hello. We’re just going straight to the point?! you ask as you start to open the bags of food to search for your plate-lunch.
“Just make a guess.” your mom says, but before you could think of a guess of who your mom met that has her so happy, she decides to give you the answer.
“I ran into Robin!” your mom exclaims, as your heard the name you stopped everything that you were doing to look at your mom with a shocked look on your face.
Since the AFC Championship was bringing the citizens of Cincinnati together in union; it’s no surprise that after 8 years, two mothers who are very supportive of their child’s careers in the NFL were reunited again.
Robin and your mother, Matilda, became close friends when the friendship between you and Joe started and tried to remain close friends even when the two of you grew apart… But overtime, it became harder for the two women to remain close friends and grew apart.
“I couldn’t believe who it was when I saw her, but then she sat next to me while I was waiting for the food and she recognized me.” your mom explains. “It has been so long since I’ve seen her, I think the last time was at your College going away party… It was just by pure coincidence that Joe begged to have food from the Mexican Restaurant just like you did.”
“Oh… well that’s good to hear!” you say, as you grab your plate lunch and walk back to your seat at the kitchen table.
“She also talked about how much she loved the interview that you and Joe did and that she was so happy that the two of you are friends again!” your mom says as she is sitting down next to you at the kitchen table with her plate lunch.
“Mom… I don’t think Joe and I are friends again, all we did was work together for one thing. I haven’t talked to him since the day of the interview.” you explain.
“According to Robin, Joe is happy that you’re in his life again.” your mom says.
“I wouldn’t say I’m in his life again… It’s more like I showed up in his life again after 8 years.” you say. “I’m not saying we can’t be friends again, it’s more like we haven’t had the chance the talk about why we stopped being friends… And I don’t think we’ll have to time to talk before I have to leave Ohio.”
“Well… maybe you’ll have time to talk to him tonight.” you mom suggests.
“What do you mean?!” you ask.
“Robin invited us over to their house to celebrate the success of the interview between you and Joe and to celebrate the AFC Championship victory for the Bengals!” your mom exclaims and once again, you stopped everything that you were doing to look at your mom with a shocked look on your face.
“Wait a minute… We’re going to The Burrow’s House tonight?!” you asked.
“Yes! It’s been so long since we’ve been at their house, I remember when we used to go over there almost every weekend… “Now you have the time to talk to Joe before you leave Ohio maybe you could finally tell him about the crush!” you mom teased.
“Mom!” you exclaim.
“What?! Do you really think that I didn’t know about the crush that you had on him ?!” your mom asked. “I always thought that the two of you would’ve gotten together by the end of high school… I guess life took the two of you on different patches but, now your paths are crossed again and this could be the opportunity for you to confess your feelings.”
“Mom… I stopped having a crush on Joe years ago when we were in high school.” you admit. “I stopped liking him in that kind of way when I realized that he would never like me in that way.”
Your mom reach for your hand to give a squeeze of comfort before letting go and then she responds “Darling, I watched the two of you grow up from being young kids to young adults. I promise that even if he didn’t like you a romantic way, he likes you in a special way… And I watched the interview, I could see his eyes light up when talking to you just like his eyes lit up when he was younger. I don’t think 8 years apart changed anything for the two of you; I think you just have to be smart on how you want to handle the universe giving the two of you a second chance.”
You sat in silence to take a moment to think about what your mom just said as she stand up to bring both of your plate-lunches to the kitchen counter since the two of you were finished eating lunch… When she walks back to the kitchen table, she gives you a back hug and a kiss on the forehead and you smile at her.
“In a few hours we’ll leave to go to The Burrow’s Head, Robin gave me her new phone number so I’ll text her to see if she needs us to pick up something from the store after we leave our house.” your mom says.
“Alright! That’s sounds like a good plan!” you exclaim, then your mom walks out of the kitchen to go into the living room as you grabbed your laptop to start working on proofreading your articles before you have to start getting ready to go to The Burrow’s House.
The hours of the afternoon went by fast and a wave of nostalgia hits you harder than you could expect as you and your mom are walking up the pavement towards the front door of The Burrow House… It has been years since you’ve walked along the pavement, but you still feel like the little girl who is on her way to The Burrow House for a play date with her best friend.
When the two of you walk up the patio steps to reach the front door of The Burrow House, before your mom could knock, the front door is already started to open…“Matilda! Y/N!” Robin exclaimed after she opened the door and moving to her left side to let the two of you in the house “It is so good to see the two of you again!”
“It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been here!” your mom exclaims, pulling Robin into a hug.
When the hug between then is over, Robin looks over to you and smiles with tears forming in her eyes.
“Y/N! It’s been way to long since I’ve seen you!” Robin exclaims, pulling you into a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you, I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too.” you say, as you start to get emotional as well. It’s been so long since you’ve seen Robin and you’ve always considered her to be another guardian in your life that you could trust.
“When Joe told me that you were the one to be interviewing him before the AFC Championship, I didn’t believe him!” Robin exclaims as the two of you are pulling away from the hug. “And then I watched the interview and still couldn’t believe it, I was just so happy to see the two of you together again!”
As the three of you walk out of the front door hallway, you’re looking around the house to try and see if there are any differences. While there are a few differences that are easier to recognize such as some new furniture and decor items, new photos in the picture frames, and the new wooden floors… There is still the sense of familiarity that causes a heavy feeling in your chest.
“Is that Matilda and Y/N I see?!” a recognizable voice loudly asks that causes you to jump and turn around.
“Jimmy!” your mom exclaims as the two of them walk towards each other to hug. “It’s so good to see you!”
“I didn’t believe Robin when she told me that she saw you earlier today!” Jimmy says. “I can’t believe you’re here again in our house after all of these years!”
Since your dad had passed away when you were a toddler, Jimmy was someone that you always considered to be a father figure in your life. Whether you were having car troubles or had a clogged drain, Jimmy was always there to help you and your mom out whenever it was needed.
When your mom and Jimmy pulled away from the hug, Jimmy immediately pulls you into a hug and you couldn’t help but get emotional once again of being reunited with people you love in The Burrow House.
“It’s so good to see you again!” Jimmy exclaimed, as the two of you pulled away from the hug. “Look at you! Look how much you’ve grown, I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve seen you!”
“It’s good to see you too Jimmy!” you say.
You continue to look around the house as the three of you make your way into the living room, you noticed that there was no sight of Joe yet which made you wonder if he was home… It was hard for you to not start overthinking that Joe left the house because he didn’t want to see you again after the way you acted on the day of the interview. You hope Joe was smart to realize that you did want to talk to him, you just didn’t want to have the conversation at your work place.
“Where is Joe?!” your mom asked as the two of you sit in the coach. “I assumed he would be here because after all… this is a dinner to celebrate the success of the interview and the AFC Championship victory!”
“Joe is stopping at the store to buy the ingredients for salad that I forgot before coming over to the house… I was so focus on getting the ingredients for my lasagna that I forgot the salad!” Robin exclaimed. “He should here soon because he texted me that he left his house almost 15 minutes ago, I know he’s excited to see Y/N.”
Your cheeks turned red as you blushed and looked down at your hands to fidget with your rings. You couldn’t help but feel like a little girl with the biggest crush on Joe again… You didn’t know if loved or hated how Joe is able to have so much control over how you feel like he did when the two of you were growing up.
While your mom, Robin, and Jimmy were engaging in conversation; you sat and listened as you look at the collage of framed photos that were nailed wall … There were a few new framed photos like from Joe’s college graduations and NFL football games, but the majority of the pictures on the wall you recognized.
A few minutes later, all three of you looked towards the hallway after hearing the front door was being unlocked which meant that Joe was home… Your fingers started to fidget with your rings as you began to feel so nervous to the point where you think you are more nervous to see Joe in his childhood home then when you found out that you had to interview Joe.
It didn’t take long for Joe to walk into the living room with grocery bags hanging from his arm as he goes to say a quick hello and giving a hug to his parents before walking over to the couch. “Hello Miss Matilda!” Joe exclaims as your mom stands up from her spot on the couch to give him a hug.
“Hello Joe!” your mom says, as the two of them are hugging. “It’s so good to see you after so many years! Look how handsome you’ve grown up to be!”
“Thank you.” Joe said, as they pulled away from the hug. “It’s good to see you too!”
When Joe looks over at you and smiles as you stand up to hug him, you can feel your heart beating fast… The high didn’t last long since you didn’t want to make things awkward in front of your mom and his parents.
“It’s good to see you again Y/N.” Joe says as the two of you sit next to each other on the couch with some space in between the two of you.
“It’s good to see you again too.” you reply, as cross one leg over the other to get comfortable on the couch.
“Joe… I think you should bring the grocery bags to the kitchen.” your mom says, as she points to the grocery bag that was still hanging from Joe’s arm.
“Oh! I forgot that was there…” Joe exclaims. “I’ll be right back-“
Before Joe could stand up to walk the kitchen, Robin stops his actions. “Just hand me the bags, I was about to walk to the kitchen to check on the lasagna… How about you and Y/N go to your childhood bedroom to catch up while the three adults talk?!”
“Mom… Y/N and I are adults.” Joe says as he hands his mom the grocery bags before she walks out of the living room and into the kitchen.
“Joe… You know that the two of you will always be a kids in your mother’s eyes.” Jimmy states.
“And in my eyes as well…” your mom says. “I just can’t believe the two of you have grown up so quickly. I remember when the two of you were just little kids playing on the elementary school’s playground.”
“Don’t start bringing up their childhood memories or else I’m going to start getting emotional.” Robin yells from the kitchen as she can overhear the conversation.
“It’s more like she’s going to start getting emotional again.” Jimmy whispers, “I had to stop her from going her from going through all of the photo albums.”
“I do plan on going through those photos albums tonight with all of us here.” Robin yells from the kitchen, making it known to everyone that she overheard what her husband. “And by the way… The lasagna should be ready in 30 minutes.”
As your mom decided to go into the kitchen to see if Robin needed help and to continue their conversations from earlier that day… Joe instructs you to follow him as the two of you stood up from the coach to walk upstairs to Joe’s childhood bedroom.
When Joe opens his bedroom door, allowing you to walk inside the bedroom first… You noticed that nothing has changed since high school; the furniture is the room were the same and all of his posters of Star Wars and his favorite NFL Teams were still on the wall.
“I’m surprised to see nothing has changed at all.” you say as you sit on the bed while still looking around the bedroom, trying to find something that’s changed.
“Well… I moved out after high school and we already have a guest room in the house, so there was really no point of changing anything.” Joe answers, while sitting next to you. “It’s weird walking into this room because I feel like I time-traveled back to my childhood.”
“There definitely was this weird feeling of nostalgia that hit me when I walked into the room.” you said.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, with Joe looking at the floor while fidgeting with the bracelets on his wrists while you are still looking around the room… It’s been 8 years since you’ve been in this bedroom and everything felt so familiar.
When you look at the framed photos that are on Joe’s dresser, one of the framed photos caught your eyes which causes you to stand up from your spot on the bed to get a better look of the photo… Joe watched as you pick up the framed photo and smile.
“I didn’t know you framed this photo of us!” you ask, as you hold up the framed photo for him to see.
“Yeah… It’s one of my favorite photos of us.” Joe answers. “I just didn’t know it would be our last photo.”
You frowned as you look down at the framed photo. The photo in the frame was of the two of you at your high school graduation, neither of you knew at the same time that it would be your last photo together.
Your heart sank to your stomach, you didn’t mean for your friendship to end the way it did… The two of you just didn’t know how to communicate with each other due to the long distance of him in Ohio while you were in another state because of college.
“I’m sorry Joe.” you say, putting the picture frame back onto his dresser and then walking to the bed, sitting back down in your spot. “I’m sorry for a lot of things…”
“There’s nothing you need to apologize for…” Joe said.
“Yes there is!” you exclaimed. “Our friendship ended because we were terrible at communicating with each other because of long distance and then when you try to talk to me, I told you that there was nothing for us to talk about when there is so much I have to say to you!”
“You don’t need to apology for anything.” Joe says. “If anything I should apologize… You always tried to reach out to me to talk to me when I was at Ohio State and I never responded because I was busy doing nothing important. I’m the reason our friendship ended.”
“I’m not going to let you blame yourself.” you say as you scooched over to where Joe was sitting while placing your hand on top of his hand and giving you a smile…. Joe gave you a smile right back which causes your heart to start beating fast in your chest again and when you take your hand off of Joe’s hand, you swear you saw the smile on his face disappear for a second.
“And don’t say that our friendship ended… I don’t like the sound of that, it’s makes it sound like there was a big fight or a betrayal.” you say. “Let’s just say that our friendship took a break.”
“A break in our friendship does sound better than saying our friendship ended… because we’re friends again right?!” Joe asked.
“Yeah…” you sighed. “Just friends.”
There was a confused look on Joe’s face because of the way you responded. “Is there something wrong with us being friends?!” he asked. “You’re not going to risk your job because of our friendship right… I wouldn’t want to put you in that position.”
“No… No!” you say defensively. “There’s nothing wrong with us being friends.”
“You’re fidgeting with your rings Y/N.” Joe says. “You always fidget with your jewelry when you’re nervous.”
You didn’t realize what you were doing until you looked down at your hands to see that you are fidgeting with your rings... The fact Joe knows your cues for when you’re nervous just proves that he knows you so well after all of these years even when you’ve been apart.
“What are you nervous about?!” Joe asked. “Are you nervous about us being friends again because I promise that we won’t have another break in our friendship ever again.”
“I’m not worried about us being friends again for the reasons you think.” you reply. “I just don’t know if I can handle us just being friends again.”
“What do you mean?!” Joe asked, because he is so confused on why you are nervous to be friends again.
“I had a crush on you during our years in elementary school and middle school.” you confessed.
“Wait a minute… You had a crush on me when we were kids?!” Joe asked. You slowly nodded your head.
“Wow… I never realized it.” Joe surprisingly exclaimed.
“Wait… You never knew?!” you asked.
“No… I swear. I never knew about the crush that you had on me.” Joe said in disbelief.
“I thought it was obvious that I had a crush on you because everyone pointed it out to me.” you said.
“So… You only had a crush on me when we were in elementary school and middle school. Did the crush go away when we got to high school.” Joe asked.
“All those years I thought it was a silly little crush but then we got to high school… you started flirting and dating around with other girls and that’s when I thought that I’ll never have any chance of romance with you so I did everything that I could do to get rid of the feelings I had for you. It took a long time but by the end of high school, I didn’t have any romantic feeling towards you.” you confessed.
“Oh…” Joe sighed. “Because when we got to high school, that’s when I started to have a crush on you.”
The expression on your face was an expression that Joe couldn’t understand… He didn’t know if you were confused or surprised at his confession.
“You had a crush on me in high school?!” you asked.
Joe nodded his head and the expression on your face showed him that you were even more confused and surprised than before… “Wait… but you were always flirting with other girls and going on dates, why were you doing all of that when you had a crush on me?!”
“When I realized that I had a crush on you, I didn’t think that you and a crush on me… So I tried hanging out with other girls and flirting with them to try and distract myself from the crush I had on you so that I wouldn’t ruin our friendship.” Joe admitted.
“Oh…” you said.
“But then during our senior year… I realized that I couldn’t keep it a secret because it was tearing me apart on the inside. So I had made the decision to confess my crush on you after our high school graduation.” Joe confessed. “But then after our high school graduation, you told me that you would be going to a college out of state and I didn’t want to confess my crush to you incase it would change your mind about going to a college out of state because I didn’t want you to stay in Ohio just for me.”
You turned to look at the framed photo of the two of you at your high school graduation that was on Joe’s dresser and your heart sank to your stomach… When you turn around to look at Joe, you see the sorrow expression on his face.
“I wish you would’ve told me.” you say.
“Why?!” Joe bitterly asked. “So that you would tell me that you didn’t have a crush on me or that you would give up your dreams of going to a college out of the state to stay with me in Ohio!”
“Joe… we could’ve worked something out.” you say.
“Y/N… It was so hard for me to communicate with you after you left Ohio. I still had a crush on you when we got to college, it was getting harder and harder to live my life without you in it while having this big secret to myself. So I stopped our communication and I regretted it every single day for 8 years so that’s why I blame myself for our friendship ending.” Joe said.
“I told you not to blame yourself and I told you not to say that our friendship ended.” you muttered.
There was a few minutes of silence between the two of you. Joe didn’t know what to say next, he confessed his truth just like you confessed your truth… Just a few minutes ago; the two of you were on the same page of being friends again but now, the two of you didn’t know if there could be a chance of a friendship. 
As the two of you sit in silence, you could hear your parents voices downstairs in the kitchen as their laughing about something that was said in their conversation… You thought about what your mom said in her kitchen when you were nervous about talking to Joe about the history between the two of you.
“I don’t think 8 years apart changed anything for the two of you; I think you just have to be smart on how you want to handle the universe giving the two of you a second chance.”
This moment was the universe giving you and Joe another chance; not another chance to be friends, but another chance for the two of you to be together… You had your first chance when the two of you were in high school, and now 8 years later you have another chance to make sure that your paths are crossed forever.
“I thought that those feelings went away forever, but then when I saw you for the first time in 8 years… I realized that those romantic feelings never really went away.” you confessed. “That’s why I’m nervous to be friends again, because I can’t handle us just being friends because I want you in my life as mine.”
Joe didn’t know what to say as he blinked a few times and pinched himself on the wrist to make sure that he was dreaming… Because how was he w supposed to believe that after 8 years, the girl of his dreams was right in front of him confessing that her feelings for him never went away after all of this time apart.
Since he didn’t know what to say, Joe decided to let his actions speak lounder than words as he reach over to place the palms of his hands on your cheeks as he pulled you close to him, kissed you and hummed in glee when you kissed him back with no hesitation.
As the two of you were kissing, your hands were wondering from his shoulder to gripping the material of his shirt… While his hands were moving from your cheeks to your arms and waist to pull you into his lap as your arms were wrapped around his neck.
Things turned from an innocent kiss to a make-our session, the grip Joe’s hand had on your waist as he started to slowly rock your hips back and forth causing him to groaned from the pleasurable pressure.
The two of you were in your own world and forgot that the both of you are currently making out in Joe’s childhood bedroom while your parents are downstairs… In the moment, the two of you felt like teenagers who are sneaking around and hiding your relationship; When in reality the two of you are adults that had been hiding your true feelings for each other for over 10 years and are making up for lost time.
As the make out session was getting more heated, with your lips now kissing his neck as he groaned whispered sweet nothings under his breathe while sitting controlling the rhythm of your hips on his lap… The only thoughts on your mind right now were thinking about how you could pleasure him in other ways.
“Joe! Y/N! Dinner is ready!” Robin exclaims.
His mother’s voice causes the two of you to snap back into reality as the two of you freeze in the moment and realize where you are… You pull back from your spot to see his face again, with his hands still gripping your waist. When you look at his neck, you spot a few small bruises that were barely noticeable right now.
“We’ll be downstairs in a minute!” Joe yells.
“I guess we have one minute to look like we haven’t been making out for almost 10 minutes.” you whisper. “We better hurry up and fix ourselves up before one of our moms comes to see what’s taking us so long.”
The two of you quickly start fixing yourselves up, as you had to fix your lipstick and blouse while Joe had to fix his pants to try and hide his boner… When the two of check the mirror and see that you both look out together, it was time to go to the kitchen for dinner.
As the two of you exist his room and start to walk down the hallway to the stairs, Joe stop in front of you… “I want to say, before we go downstairs… I don’t want what just happened to be a one time thing… I want us to make this relationship work.” he stated. “We can talk more about it later but I just wanted you to know this before you start overthinking everything.”
“Okay… I understand.” you answer. “We’ll talk about things later and work it out between us.”
“That’s good to hear.” Joe says. “I can’t lose you again for another 8 years because of lost communication.”
You gave Joe a small frown as you lean up to give him a quick kiss. “We’re never going to lose each other again.” you promised.
Joe nodded his head and then the two of you continued to walk downstairs to make your way into the kitchen where you say your mom and his parents preparing their dinner plates.
“I was just about to go upstairs to tell the both of you that it’s dinner time!” Robin exclaims, “I guess nothing really has changed between the two of you in 8 years.”
Joe and you looked at each other and smiled, knowing that while Robin is right about how nothing has changed between the two of you in 8 years, there are some things that have changed between the two of you… but the things that have changed are changing between the two of you for better not for worse.
The five of you sat down at the dining room table and ate the lovely dinner of salad and lasagna that Robin has spent hours cooking as you all chatted amongst yourselves about the your careers, the interview, the AFC Championship victory, and the future of what are the plans after football season ends.
Robin stuck to her word because after everyone was finished eating dinner and the kitchen was cleaned with the plates and utensils were in the dishwasher… Everyone was gathered in the living room with photo albums in their hands, looking at all the photo memories throughout your childhoods.
You and Joe were sat close to each other on the couch as the two of you were looking at a photo album with photos on every page throughout your elementary school years… As Joe was flipping through the pages, one of the photo caught your eye which causes you to grab Joe’s hand to stop him from flipping the pages.
“I forgot about this photo… This was always my favorite photo of us!” you exclaim, pointing to the photo. It was a photo from a Halloween Party that happened when the two of you were in 2nd grade, Joe was dressed up as a NFL football player and you were dressed up as Princess Belle as the two of you were smiling big while holding up a book and a football.
“Which photo are you talking about?” your mom asks and Joe holds up the photo album to show her as you point to the picture since she is sitting in the recliner across from the two of you in the living room.
“That is such a cute photo of the two of you!” Robin exclaims. “That is one my favorite photos as well!”
“I definitely will be framing the photo.” Joe whispers to you as he puts the photo album down in his lap and started flipping through the pages again.
As everyone looked through the photo albums and talked about the memories. You couldn’t help but look around the room and smile because for the first time in 8 years, two families were reunited as one family.
If there is one thing that you’ve learned; is that when the universe gives you another chance, you take that chance… The two paths you and Joe had taken since high school graduation have lead you back to each other. Now you want to know what forever feels like with Joe as your two paths cross over and become one path that the two of you will walk on together.
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Author’s Note:
a few months ago; i got a request message in my Inbox from @minidinkoidd to write a story inspired by All Of The Girls You Loved Before… and i’m so happy that i was able to write this fanfiction!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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kaylorstree · 3 months
TTPD Gaylor Lyric Analysis
Because there are so many songs, I’m only analysing the gayest ones.
But Daddy I Love Him
Possibly Taylor’s gayest song EVER.
‘These people only raise you to cage you’
A lot of this is about her team, handlers and parents wanting her to stay closeted.
‘These people try to save you because they hate you’
This references judgemental religious people, to whom if she ever came out would want to save her, and pray for her, out of faux concern.
‘Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best’
Again, religious Bible names, but also could reference American conservatives.
‘Told my parents and they came around’
This has to be about being gay. I really doubt her parents wouldn’t have a HUGE problem or be able to influence her that much in terms of problematic men, since she has dated many previously, such as John Mayer and Jake Gylenhall.
‘Tell him to floor it through the fences’
This references Getaway Car, but I also think it references the YNTCD fences, and the other fence meme.
‘I’d rather burn my whole life down’ Dating a man would never ‘burn down’ her entire life.
Down Bad
‘Crying at the gym’
Taylor and Karlie went to the gym all the time. There is so much photographic evidence of this.
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Side note (which I think I have previously posted about): I’ve always found it odd how they would be so dressed up for the gym, particularly Taylor. It makes me think they were having lunch or hanging out in secret, for some privacy from the paparazzi maybe?
‘Like I just lost my twin’
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Do I really need to elaborate this line?
‘Fuck it if I can’t have him’
I genuinely see no way Taylor couldn’t date any man she really wanted. The only way she REALLY couldn’t have someone would have to be a HUGE reason.
‘Did you take all my old clothes, just to leave me here naked and alone?’
A man wouldn’t take a woman’s clothes, Also, Taylor and Karlie shared a load of clothes back in the day.
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Guilty As Sin?
The religious undertones continue, along with the references to heaven and angels.
‘Written mine on my upper thigh, only in my mind’
‘What if the way you hold me, is the thing that’s holy’
‘Without touching his skin, how can I be guilty as sin’
Surely it isn’t a sin by any standards to THINK about having sex with a man? But a woman, YES.
‘I keep my longest locked, in lower case inside a vault’.
This was suggest she has repressed longings she needs to hide, but also suggests ‘loml’ and ‘iwannagetyouback’ are important to listen to and decipher.
Fresh Out The Slammer
‘Fresh out the slammer, I’m running back home to you’
This suggests being imprisoned or trapped. To consider a 6 year relationship as being a prison would be offensive to Joe, but would make sense if this was just another fake relationship she’s trapped in until she can finally be with the person she has been waiting for.
Clara Bow
‘You look like Stevie Nicks, in ‘75, the hair and lips’
At first I didn’t understand why this reference jumped out at me- I then realised that there was this tweet comparing Karlie to Steve Nicks’ ex, Linsday Buckingham.
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‘You look like Clara Bow in this life, remarkable’
She sings about women and their features throughout this song.
‘Half moonshine, full eclipse’
Karlie is always referred to the sunshine, hiding the sun would be an eclipse.
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‘In closets like cedar, preserved from when we were just kids’
‘You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me’
This suggests waiting for someone when they can finally be together.
‘As the men masqueraded, I hope you’d return’
Men masquerading suggests acting or pretending, just as her beards have been until she can be in a real relationship with the person she actually wants to be with.
‘Wait til you fix your face’
Only a girl would need to fix their face. This also aligns with The 1975 song ‘Girls’, the one that was playing when Taylor and Karlie famously kissed.
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‘Curse you out, or pull you into the closet’
I mean, again, when does someone ever literally pull some into a closet? Only figuratively.
Chloe Or Sam Or Sophia Or Marcus
The premise of the song is talking about someone bisexual. It’s impossible to decipher it any other way.
So, she’s outing and implicating one of her previous boyfriends which would be EXTREMELY problematic.
On the other hand, if she was singing about a bisexual woman, that would make sense. There is less stigma surrounding bisexual women compared to men, by some extent.
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The Prophecy
‘Don’t want money, just someone who really loves me’
Again, this doesn’t make sense to attribute to a man. Why would she lose money by being in a relationship? Only if it was incredibly controversial, like a queer one.
Also, ‘The Prophecy’ suggests that this is the way things have to be, have been and will be. However, if she changes this it will not be expected for others in the future.
‘I got cursed like Eve got bitten’
‘Was it punishment?’
This alludes once again to sin and religious imagery, but also about how being LGBT can feel like a curse or something unwanted.
‘Looked to the sky’
This suggests God is responsible for the prophecy itself.
‘Pat around when I get home’ alludes to crime and accusations. Perhaps growing up her family were maybe onto her concerning where she’s been and who she’s been with.
Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?
‘You don’t get to tell me about sad’
‘You wouldn’t last a year in the asylum where they raised me’
As discussed online, Taylor didn’t grow up with any particular trauma or a bad childhood by any stretch of the imagination. However, the concept of her being closeted on a global scale, to constantly having to lie in order to keep her livelihood is pretty traumatic in my opinion.
A lot of people wouldn’t be able to survive that.
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Please tell me what your interpretations are! 🌼🌈
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you're losing me (one)| ja. velaryon and am. targaryen
Description: Being a popular popstar is a tiresome job, it's a good thing that you have someone to go home to. Seven years together and he still hasn't proposed. In which, you realize that letting go is one of the smartest thing that'll lead you to each other. (Aemond needs a fake-girlfriend and he accidentally bumps into his nephew's ex-girlfriend [but he doesn't know that] so he invites her to a family reunion]) (slight angst) (will have a pt. 2) Rating: General Audiences Author's Note: not at all related to mom (taylor) and dad (joe), just taking inspo from the song 💗
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"When are you getting married?" a late night host asks, leaving you laughing awkwardly.
You were a traditional woman in a sense - longing for marriage, a white picket fence, and children but Jace was different from that. He wanted to be a disruptor - an enigma for change. Marriage was never on the table with him.
"There's so much more to life than getting married." you lied, trying to convince yourself that it was what you wanted - that you didn't want to get married, but deep down - you did.
"I agree, but can you see yourself getting married in the future?" the man insinuates, holding the deck of questions on his right hand. The audience begins laughing at your awkward reaction. "Personally - I don't." you chuckle, you don't see yourself getting married because Jace didn't want to get married.
" - and if I did, I'm not telling you Jimmy." you add with a giggle, taking a long sip of the coffee beside you.
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(your first name)
In a recent interview, a question was asked about something in my private life. I took a while to answer because I wasn't prepared to show people that part of my relationship yet. I just wanna say that when I'm interviewed, I wanna talk about my work, songs, etc.. the things that I've given my entire life for.
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You placed your vintage bag loudly on the table - taking a mammoth stride towards your boyfriend who was in the process of writing his new book. You haven't spoken to each other in three-weeks, and he didn't even seem to be bothered by the distance. "I missed you." you hummed, burying your face on the crook of his neck. "I watched your interview," he answered, taking his hands off the laptop - placing them around your waist and pulling you to his lap.
"I was caught of guard honestly, my PR manager didn't warn me." you complain, trying to see if he was mad. Jace was the heir of a jewelry company. They came from old money, and he was very private with his life. There was an era in your relationship where you weren't allowed to say his name in public.
"It's fine babe - I hope they stop asking you about it though." he answers, pressing a soft kiss on the top of your head. "I mean, we haven't spoken to each other seriously about the topic." you point out, wanting to change his mind about marriage. It was wrong to force him into something - but you didn't want to force yourself into loving someone who might not love you enough.
"You've already articulated on my behalf. Marriage is for dummies, we have to do a thousand things like prenups, and planning the wedding." he rambled portraying those things like they were bad things, but to be honest - the thought of planning a wedding and choosing a wedding dress made your eyes sparkle.
Almost everyone dreams about their wedding day.
"I want to settle down." you reply with a sad face. He was working on his career - and he had no time to settle down. He was silent for a moment - thinking of a million things he'd reply to you. "I've already got my life handled - my career is flourishing, marriage and babies are the only thing left, Jace." you explain.
"What about me?" he questions, pointing at his laptop that had 30,000 words for his new series. "You can write while being married to me." you scoff, and something in his eyes shifted.
"I'm sorry - I don't think you're getting the point. I don't want to get married because everyone who gets married fight all the time." he pointed out, now raising his voice by a few decibels. The calmness that flooded his features were gone now - and he was fuming with rage. "We're not gonna be like your parents." you argue.
"How do you know that?" he interrogates, his grip around your thigh tightens. "How can you promise me your everlasting love? How can you promise me that you'll love me everyday?" he repeats, there was a storm hidden behind those honey irises. Your eyes soften as you began to realize that there wasn't love between you anymore.
"I can't promise all of that - but I promise to choose you everyday." you profess, but he refuses to believe you. "Babe, we're fighting all the time - I haven't seen you in a month. If we can't agree in this marriage thing, then maybe we should break up." his voice softens, tears brimming his eyes.
He still loved you - but he knew that it was going nowhere. He wanted a relationship that lasted and agreed with him. You were too different - too interesting. You take a deep breath, standing up and releasing yourself from his embrace.
He was expecting you to say 'no' like all the other times before. But you walk silently - grabbing your bag and heading for the door.
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(your name) is allegedly broken up with nepo-baby Jace Velaryon. (he's the son of model/heiress Rhaenyra Targ who was popular in the 90's and the hippie who made a cult, Laenor Velaryon)
archiebald22: omg why?? didn't she just have an interview a few weeks ago with jimmy fallon?
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(a year later)
He was undressing you with his mere gaze. His name was Aemond, a popular businessman in Europe and Asia. He was handsome in person, with long blonde hair and a purple eye that glimmered in the moonlight. You shouldn't be horny just by staring at him - but you are, because he oozed with sex-appeal.
"Aemond Targaryen," he introduced himself with a smile, and you shake his hand. "(Your name)" you greet, smiling in return.
This could be something new.
He wasn't anything like you've had before.
"What are you doing in this small country?" you inquire, walking beside him on the small gardens of the hotel. It's been a while since you've stepped foot in America, everything about New York reminded you of your West Village. "I heard that a beautiful singer was going to be here," he teased, ignoring the paparazzis that were chasing you around. He's heard your name a few times - mostly because his niece was a big fan of you.
"I don't think Beyonce's here" you joke in return, earning a soft chuckle from the man. "I'm talking about you." he answered. He reaches for the calling card inside his wallet, "I'd like to take you out on dinner sometimes." he smiled, walking away - realizing that his business-partners were calling him.
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ynandjaceworld: the day that music died...... its been a year guys.
129 comments 450 likes
chamalamabingbong: mom and dad didn't even have a proper picture together 😭💔
ynfanbase: i kinda feel bad because dad's books suck - queefburger: yeah bcuz they're non-fiction 🤬
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" - you look like a/an (your nationality) singer." the waitress points out, and you resist the chuckle that wishes to come out of your mouth. "I get that a lot." you smile, and she nods - walking away. Aemond laughs, seeing that you looked like a deer caught on headlights.
"It must be hard being famous," he converses, twirling the pasta on his fork and bringing it to his mouth. You lick your lips - his food looked delicious, meanwhile - you were stuck with a salad. "I've been famous since the dawn of time - I can't remember living life without the cameras." you answer, piercing the lettuce with your fork.
All you could think about was that creamy carbonara he was eating. Why do men always have that instinct that lets them know if food is good? Damn, you wanted one of those. " You've been famous for so long, but you still owe the IRS $6 Million" he opened his mouth to speak, and the world began to still around you.
"Hey, that's not cool." you complain with a pout, still continuing to eat the salad on your plate. It was the cheapest thing in the menu. "I'm not here to shame you about the money that's in your pockets, I need your help - and I think you're the only one that's willing to help me." he calmed you down.
"Here's the thing, my father is going to give his entire inheritance to the first person that gets married in our family. Of course me, my brother and my nephew are fighting for that spot - seeing that my oldest sister doesn't want any ties with us." he whispered. He pushes the carbonara to your side, seeming to realize that you wanted it.
"- and trust me, I can fake a wedding." he added, in a low tone.
"What do I get in return?" you inquire, with an ambitious nature.
"$10 Million - I know that you're good with money. You just lost all of it trying to help your con-artist father." he stated, and you nod.
"Okay, I can play your fiancee." you hum.
part two
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my first time writing in this style.
@beaconofthehightower @casualheartadorable @glame @yentroucnagol
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
taylor, nando and you - fa14
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pairing: Fernando Alonso x fem!reader, Fernando Alonso x Taylor Swift
summary: As rumours sparked up that your secret boyfriend was dating Taylor Swift, you joke about having to lose the competition to the all mother. 
word count: 1.1k
warnings: just mother mothering, age of reader is not defined, cheating allegations, only if you squint
note: enjoy this about the allegations with Fernando and our mother :)
masterlist / taglist
Is Fernando Alonso dating Taylor Swift?
Good Morning Los Angeles
Alonso who competes with the British car manufacture ‘Aston Martin’ is being linked with the multiple Grammy winner and singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. Between the singer and race-car-driver speculations have been mounting the last few days of them possibly dating. 
The Spaniard even adds fuel to the whole dating sparks igniting a fire between them. The F1 driver posts a TikTok with Swift’s song Karma playing in the background. Fans read between the lines and reacted to the Video with comments such as “He definitely knows” or “Alexa play ‘I think he know’ by Taylor Swift”. 
Taylor, recently going through a breakup and Alonso that has not been linked with a girlfriend of his, this means that the possibility of the driver and singer dating has just grown. With Taylor Swift breaking up with long-term boyfriend Joe Alwyn, which is why people might try to put two and two together and speculate that the American and the F1 driver might be dating. 
April 2023
The article laid open on your phone, having just read the post from Good Morning Los Angeles. Your brain roamed a thousand thoughts. Nando and Taylor? You and Nando have been dating secretly for the past two years, with you working as a kindergarten teacher, you wouldn’t want to have the media on you all day. Wanting to protect the children and their identity and also yours. You weren’t ready to step a foot into the famous world. But dating rumours including Nando did kind of hurt you. And Taylor Swift of all the famous women he could have been linked with. 
You know the rumours weren’t true, because he was dating you and how in the world would Nando have connections to be dating the All Mother? But you knew, you wouldn’t stand a chance against her. It is Taylor Swift after all – a twelve-time Grammy winner and over all just a goddess. 
Fernando was standing in the kitchen and preparing lunch for them. Not having known about the dating rumours with him and Taylor Swift. His hips swaying lightly to music in the background. Humming lightly and swaying from left to right, his body lightly dancing around the stove. 
Fernando was everything you wanted in a man. Kind and genuine, soft, and sweet and just in general perfect for you. Your relationship was written by a woman, Taylor Swift by all means. He is the man you had never thought to be true. 
You heard your boyfriend singing in the kitchen and your thoughts about him possibly cheating left your mind. This man would never do anything to harm you or anyone particularly. So, thinking about your man dancing and swinging in the kitchen, preparing a meal for you to eat, you had to start smiling. 
Shuffling towards the kitchen you saw him put the dishes away and whistling to Karma by Taylor Swift. It was ironic, you reading about the allegations with him and Taylor and Nando just dancing to her song. 
“You know there are rumours about you dating Taylor Swift?”, with a light smile on your face you watched as he turned his body towards you. “What? Who?”, his face twisted to a confused look. You starred at him with a blank face, blinking at him. “She sings the song you’re listening to right now”, your voice confused and filled with humour. “Oh, her. No, I didn’t know. Should I have known?” A light smiled played on your lips. You just loved his simplicity, not caring about what others think about him or you and just making his own opinion on things. 
“Do you think it’s true?”, concern grazed his look. He didn’t want you to think that way about him. He didn’t want you to think, that he’s keeping this relationship a secret to have other romantic relations. 
“No, of course not, my love”, your voice light and a smile on your face. “I just find it funny, I just read an article about it and now you’re dancing to her in the kitchen making me lunch.” 
“I only have eyes for you, corazón”, brown eyes staring into yours. Your heart was pounding heavy, filled with love and affection for the man standing in front of you. “I know, but you know if I really had to compete with Taylor Swift, she’d win, no, I’d steal her from you, what am I talking about, she’s so mother”, you told him. Taylor Swift was everybody’s crush, even if they didn’t know it. “What? I don’t understand, you would date your mother?” Fernando was visibly confused, not understanding the terminology.
“Oh Nando, no, if someone is mothering or someone say’s they’re so mother, they don’t mean their actual mother. It’s a term used for respecting powerful women, just like Taylor Swift”, having been on the internet, it was not the first time about hearing women mothering. But Fernando has heard of this term for the first time. 
“When we’re already talking about the internet, did you post a TikTok recently?”, thinking back about the article that said, that Nando was igniting a fire between them with a TikTok. “A what, corazón? A Clock?” – “No, a TikTok, oh c’mon Nando, you’re not that old, you know what a TikTok is!” Your light-hearted laugh made him smile, you were right, he knew what a TikTok was, he just wanted to see you smile. But he would have to disagree about the not being so old part, because he definitely felt old sometimes. 
“I did, my social media manager made me post one, but I don’t remember about what exactly, I was just sitting there and had to wink”, he explained and took out some plates to place your lunch on. Having almost forgotten about the food, you smiled at him and had to chuckle lightly. “I saw it, it was to the song you were just dancing to, according to Good Morning Los Angeles you ignited a fire between you and Taylor”, you laughed at him. 
You were grateful for having such a good relationship with Fernando, laughing, and smiling in the kitchen, and joking about cheating allegations. He was proud to have a girlfriend like you, so secure in yourself and proud that even those rumours weren’t making you insecure. He was glad to have someone by his like you. He never wanted to lose you. 
“I love you so much, mi corazón”, having two plates in his hand and walking towards you he couldn’t hug you, so he just opted for a quick but passionate kiss to your lips. “I love you too, old man.” 
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taylortruther · 6 months
this has been living in my draft for a while, but since it's topical again... why do people hand-wring about the "power dynamic" between female songwriters and their male partners? it's a multifaceted issue (right to privacy is one that i don't touch on here), but i genuinely believe A LOT of people are just uncomfortable that a man is "at the mercy" of a more powerful woman.
and no, this isn't some ~women can only chuckle~ kindergarten feminism idea. (as jaime said, i know swifties often weaponize misogyny for silly things.)
i think this concern is directly connected to how people see women in power (subversive, unnatural) vs men in power (normal, expected) and, as a result, how people expect them to wield it. taylor, as the more famous and wealthy partner, is expected to be twice as graceful/merciful at every turn - furthermore, joe is given double the sympathy, because not only is he less powerful than his extremely famous girlfriend, but he's also a man. it's embarrassing, awful, and painful for him that she now "controls" his reputation! he must be protected!
this situation is unique as well, because it's art. no one is accusing taylor swift of financially abusing her less wealthy boyfriend, or threatening his job prospects, both of which would be wrong. people are questioning whether she should be "allowed" to write about her side of a breakup or relationship, if it's about less powerful people, especially if they're men.
if we (big we) normally enjoy taylor's autobiographical writing, but start suggesting she shouldn't make it when it's about her male partners - because those male partners are defenseless, less famous, less wealthy - what are we suggesting? especially when some of those partners (jake, john) were older and arguably just as if not more powerful than her when the same criticism was made?
to me, it just means the gender is a huge part of the critique.
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iguessthisismenow · 5 months
I don't know if anyone's talked about How Did It End yet but here's my interpretation:
This song is about bearding, which isn't surprising since a LOT of songs on this (these?) album(s) have been about bearing, being in the public eye and the pressure of that. What interests me in this are the following lyrics:
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"He was the hothouse flower to my outdoorsman."
This line does 3 things (I love the LAYERS in this album!!!)
1) it puts her into the role of the man again. Her highlighting that she is absolutely willing to be the man in her music, showing yet again that she plays with gender and to not trust that she's singing about an actual man just because the pronouns are different.
2) the way this line places her and her beard into very stereotypical queer contexts. Gay men are seen as delicate, limp wristed, often referred to as "pansies". Then gay women are seen as outdoorsy, masculine, "dykes".
3) this also might be in reference to how new Joe was in the industry when they started out.
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Taylor was meant to tend to Joe's celebrity status through their bearding contract.
Next we have "our maladies were such we could not cure them" which is SUCH a line. Considering all of the asylum/tortured poet themes of this album and how that relates to queerness as some sort of disease. A mental illness to be "cured" in the eyes of the entertainment industry.
Finally "and a touch that was my birthright became foreign". This breaks my heart. As a queer women she was born the way she was. Wanting to be with women. But because of the pressures of the industry she was forced to hide that desire from the world, to pretend that a woman's touch is foreign.
The song's chorus is then about the public eye. How the show is watched by the public, the fake empathy. They love the drama of the public persona: the boyfriend eater, the heartbreak princess. Meanwhile Taylor is trapped in this endless cycle of showmanship forcing her to hide her real love.
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cursed-man-prayers · 2 years
Before folklore came out, I would tell people that liking Taylor Swift was the straightest thing about me. Then folklore, evermore, and Red TV came out. As I saw the queer themes in those albums, I began seeing them in reputation, 1989, Speak Now, Fearless, and debut. The themes have always been there, fluctuating in subtlety but steadily increasing since 1989. So why did I think of Taylor Swift as so quintessentially straight? You guessed it: Compulsory heterosexuality and heteronormativity.
Taylor was supposed to be universally relatable. When she explained her songs, she refrained from using gender-specific language. Us. We. That person. Someone. And people that as “Me. I. A man. That guy I told everyone I was dating.” We were told she dated men, and a woman dating a man = heterosexual. No other options.
Even now, Genius will remove lyric annotations that imply her lyrics might not be about a man. Even with Hits Different, Question…? and Maroon. Taylor says reputation is about Joe and swifties believe her bc “Taylor wouldn’t lie to us!!!” even though there’s so many inconsistencies with the narrative that Rep is about Joe.
To say outright or even imply that Taylor might write songs about women because she likes women is met with scores of comments about how we “shouldn’t speculate on her sexuality!!! she said she’s straight!!! stop being disrespectful!!!!” But Taylor, as she has never said the words “I’m gay” has never said the words “I’m straight.” What she has done is align herself with. LGBTQ artists (YNTCD music video, Phoebe feat., posting support for queer musicians on social media, and, of course, the Pride parade that is her list of openers for the Eras Tour).
If Taylor didn’t people thinking she’s queer, she would’ve thrown in “as a straight woman…” in her speech before performing Delicate at multiple Pride events, when being interviewed about her advocacy during the Lover era, or at literally any point in her adult life.
Writing about women from the male perspective is queer. Her dressing in drag for the Man music video and showing herself in bed with a woman is inherently queer. The way she writes songs about her love interests’ girlfriends is queer. People bend over backwards to justify the gay shit she does, the same thing people have done for centuries with Sappho, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott, and so many sapphic artists throughout history. Taylor Swift is THE songwriter of our generation. She IS the music industry. But swifties, and hetlors all the more, would rather believe she is stupid and ignorant rather than intentionally using phrases like “hairpin drop,” “lavender haze,” “all the bricks they threw at me,” “you’re the West Village.” When she describes her muses as having scarlet lips, having hair that falls into place like dominos and braids in a pattern, gorgeous, it’s just because she thinks men are really pretty I guess (insert MetGala 2016 Joe photo). When she describes men as toys, playthings, “dudes who give nothing,” she’s being satirical. When she says “weird rumors,” that can’t possibly refer to rumors about marriage, pregnancy, or her having had multiple children during the pandemic. It’s *weird* to say that Taylor is queer. It’s weird and bad and gross. Why? Because people saying this believe being queer is weird, bad, and gross.
But it’s not weird. Being queer is beautiful, a gift. And that gift comes with a world that hates who we are. Of course Taylor is too soft for all it. And I admire her softness, that she continues to write vulnerable music. Midnights (esp 3am Edition and Hits Different) holds her loudest lyrics. She’s never beating the rumors and she doesn’t want to. Even if she never says the words “I’m gay/bi/pan/a lesbian,” the eardrum-shattering volume of her lyrics is more than enough for me.
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kvtnisseverdeen · 5 months
This is my humble take…
Joe Alwyn was Taylor’s best boyfriend. She knows this and her fans know this. But he demands actual work and accountability. Taylor is a white rich conservative girl first and foremost. And she’s very narcissist. Joe is the first boyfriend of hers to put actually limits on how her public personal affects him and their relationship. And she liked dating him at first because he was private and reserved and she was desperately trying to scape the industry and she found the most non-industry British man ever. She liked that security and knowing he didn’t attract that much attention. Then, she slowly gained her reputation back on track and realized that she could finally go back to being the person that plays for the media again. And yes, maybe her relationship with Joe was slowly fading — it happens a lot. But she clearly says in her lyrics that wanting to be shown off in public is one of the reasons too. Because she likes that every relationship she’s in gets consumed by her fans and the media.
And Joe Alwyn required her to go and do some work on herself! He comes from a very activist family. He was the one that made her be more open about social activism. It was because of him that she tried to do the bare minimum like encouraging during elections, have more racially diverse people on her music videos and tours, and do a very cringey job at supporting lgbt rights. But it was at least something…
Isn’t funny that the moment they broke up she went back to being very problematic? The climate terrorist that she’s been for the pass year and then wanting to sue people for spreading her private flights information (knowing this is public information). Then dating that racist man that mocked woman of color and admitted to watch what he did, being quiet about the war that’s going on, and the lame and immature issue she created over some of Olivia Rodrigo’s songs (a literal new artist and teenager at the time) to the point she cut total ties with her and her next man being a very typical conservative macho man that seems to love the attention just like her. She’s back at being who she’s always been…
“Your integrity makes me feel small” Yes, Taylor, indeed. I am glad you know this too.
oh you absolutely have said it all. this is extremely well said and on point.
i find it so odd that most swifties can't pinpoint that the real issue between joe and taylor was taylor once again giving into the industry and being a rich white capitalist which is something joe is not and does not want to be, and most likely caused the demise of their relationship. taylor herself has said this in her songs (like the lyrics in peace, as you said). so yeah, maybe she wanted marriage but joe probably wasn't comfortable marrying someone who had completely different morals than him which is his right. let's be real here.
and oh the relationship between her and travis probably set her "redemption arc" far back than ever. she really was finally speaking up on so many matters and now she's dating a problematic trump supporter, giving into the media frenzy with the NFL, and has done no activism despite having the biggest platform. i think what sucked the most was her being times person of the year and using it to talk about travis and how she wasted 6 years of her life being private. so disappointing. and the cherry on top are some of the lyrics from ttpd (ex. 1830s racism lyric) like WHAT?
another thing swifties misinterpret is that no one would've known joe if it wasn't for taylor and that he's living off of his songwriting credits from folklore/evermore. joe who is notoriously low-key and has stated he just wants to be seen as human never used taylor for clout and has avoided saying her name in interviews, even after the break-up. not because he didn't love her, but because he did not want to feed into the media frenzy. and if all eyes are on him, he's using it to make a statement about palestine which is amazing. sure, you may not have known joe alwyn if it wasn't for taylor but he never used taylor's fame to make him more famous. and might i argue, it was taylor who despite releasing positive songs about him sometimes didn't defend him (like in the folklore sessions where jack antonoff was obviously being rude to him? or how she told her fans not to go after john mayor releasing speak now tv but didn't say anything for joe when her fans have been harassing him like crazy?)
on the other hand, we have travis kelce who has most definitely brought her up in every capacity like on his brothers podcast and let's be real, most of the swifties didn't know who travis was (i didn't!) unless they were football fans. we saw proof of that when NFL sales and viewership was significantly higher. so yes, travis is using her name for clout and feeding into the media frenzy. and then you have swifties saying he loves her and supports which yes, can be true, but you cannot deny that taylor and travis' relationship fed the media, fed the NFL, and diverted attention from more important issues like gaza. and while taylor and travis had their eyes on them, they didn't use it to do any good.
so yes, you are right. joe was taylor's best boyfriend.
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shitswiftiessay · 11 months
so travis kelce (or rather, his team) has been frantically deleting old tweets that have resurfaced, in which he bodyshames people (but especially women), uses the r-slur, makes fun of autistic children, says it’s funny to watch fat people fall, and appears to be offended that they allow such “ugly”cheerleaders and female basketball players to exist.
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and swifties, predictably, are going out of their way to DEFEND this man. because he’s taylor’s future husband in their eyes, and anyone who is good in taylor’s eyes is good in their eyes. swifties have proven time and time again that they ONLY care about misogyny when it happens to taylor. and they are even willing to defend brittany and jackson mahomes because if they hang out with taylor, then they MUST be good people! 🙄 (and we all know taylor swift is an infallible judge of character!)
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the excuses they make for this man are absolutely pathetic. what makes you so damn sure that travis has “changed”? he was calling women breeders on his podcast earlier this year and before that, talked about how it’s a dealbreaker if a woman won’t give him oral sex before the 4th date.
he has a PR team to help clean up his image since he joined the NFL, but that doesn’t mean he’s a genuinely better person or changed man.
and, i’m sorry, but swifties are the LAST fucking people on earth who should be telling people “it was 13 years ago get over it!”
they are STILL harassing all of Taylor’s exes from more than a decade ago, when All too well the short film came out they were demanding jake gyllenhaal’s head on a plate because *checks notes* “he stole taylor’s scarf” and “he made taylor wash the dishes!” 😡
they also accused jake of being a pedo and a groomer because of the 9 year age difference between two adults but have nothing to say about taylor dating teenage boys well into her 20s.
hell, they are STILL mad at joe jonas for breaking up with taylor over the phone back in 2008 and giving him shit for that. but when the bigoted tweets of taylor’s new boyfriend resurface we’re all supposed to just get over it and move on because people grow and change?? 🙄 what a fucking JOKE!
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