excitementshewrote · 11 months
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m-ayo-o · 2 months
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confused yet erotic cursed man who loves worshipping his lover
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saytr · 1 year
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They are so extra, and it is canon
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nwarrior777 · 5 months
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sometimes one episode is enough to start making fanart
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wulfhalls · 9 months
watching the first twelveclara ep and shit is already off the charts insane. girlfriend is getting read to filth by the lesbian lizard lady like why wouldn't u wanna hit that anymore ur so boring 🙄 and clara is firing back with I don't even care matt smith died FR 😭 I love old men I love fucking old men NASTY actually!!!!!! and lesbian lizards twinkwife is going hashtag love won 🙏 and then they're in a caffè throwing around banter and tension and looks and energies like they've been married for 20+ years but also its giving first date we're at an escape room and trying to impress each other but now a real murder had occurred and we're both way too into it. I haven't even finished the ep yet. help
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south africa but i've never been there also i'm drinking
HELLO MAGGOTS this is the good omens mascot here hello hello. my psychiatrist just spent today telling me how I won't be able to be out in college when it starts in May and I'll be misgendered etc etc it's all a good time. So my solution:
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My darling cousin @imchronicallyonlinesowhat (the one who thought Sir Terry Pratchett looked like Sudha Murthy, was a kindly old woman and was married to Neil Gaiman because their book cover fonts were similar, OG maggots know the PAIN) who lives in South Africa asked me to make a South Africa post. FYI, she's moving to Australia for college, so you can be assured I shared my Australia posts with her she is SO prepared she won't say marmite instead of vegemite and she knows the Wibbles are inherently sexual. SOUTH AFRICA (I've only had a teeny weeny bit of cheap ass wine so far):
There a lot of white people there it's ineffable. There are enough of them there that my cousin regularly talks about not ever marrying someone who doesn't have some masala.
Afrikaans is a gorgeous language. I thought my cousin was showing me her Afrikaans notes once. She wasn't. It was her English notes, she just has the most illegible yet neat handwriting in the world.
They don't say yo but they say YOH and it sounds very much like a bass drum.
People at my cousin's school pump their hands in the air while saying jesus-jesus.
There's a trio of white boys that rule the school kind of like a genderswapped mean girls. They all look the same haircut-wise, they're Catholic and they're called the Triumvirate.
I'm realising here that my knowledge of South Africa is limited to cuzzy's school. But the wine is shit and I promised my blood-relative so I am continuing.
The books are fucking expensive and so everyone has to pirate shit. This sounds like the US.
Everyone is TALL. Like VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY TALL. The standard of height is insanely different from India. TALL.
If you don't have a last name you're going to get into legal trouble.
The no hat no play rule applies here as well as Australia apparently.
The wine cost like 2.5 dollars in USD if my conversion rates are correct, it smells like battery acid and tastes of rotted grapes. Nothing to do with South Africa, it's just that I cannot remember a single other thing about South Africa other than it's a country in Africa that's presumably in the South.
My braincells are already frying. For my cousin's sake, I'm going to compile all my Australia posts here so that she knows what to expect! Australian maggots your continent is about to be graced with the Good Omens Mascot bloodline. Notably the one with the Sudha Murthy fuck up so that's doubly fun. @howmanyholesinswisscheese, @im-a-sentient-magic-carpet, @madfangirlontheloose @obsessed-sketches @drconstellation and any other Aussie maggots be prepared and welcome her.
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga by the Wiggles is an Ineffable Husbands Song
Deaths in Australia in 2015, an ask
VEGEMITE IS NOT MARMITE, another passionate ask
Pt I Australia but I've never been there
Pt II Australia but I've never been there
Oh I hate cheap wine. @imchronicallyonlinesowhat I hope you appreciate this, blood of mine. I'm such a great cousin.
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thebeyoncesource · 1 year
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ALREADY (2020)
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Ugh everyone dunking on Steven are soooo cringe 🙄
Shane and Ryan are grown men who stood by this decision, so please dunk on them too lmao.
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squea · 11 months
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“squea wheres the corn gp” yeah well this aspiration SUCKS so much and its WINTER and theres still 1 flower to find. and yes im cheating to remove plant dormancy because i am not waiting until next summer for it to reappear. its so funny when im staring at my screen for the tiny flowers and autonomy just lets corn make constant snow angels and drawing in the sand. oh also he got a career as a manual labourer. i feel like they wouldnt mind him being a vampire bc hes strong as hell 
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tumblr needs voice notes/messages….
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siderains · 21 days
as always indulging in some x men media is a perpetual state of magneto come home the kids miss you
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keef-a-corn · 24 days
Crosshair: *singing while tidying up* -eh
Tech, walking in fresh off his emo moment:
Tech: the kriff are you doing?
Hair: I could ask you the same thing. Aren’t you supposed to be dead?.
Tech: aren’t you supposed to be evil?
Tech: I guess We’re both disappointed.
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2 and a half months, huh?
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jordieeeee · 6 months
I just binged season 1 of ofmd now onto season 2.
This show is the cutest thing ever I love it. Ed and Stede are so cute, Ed is so protective of Stede, I love it. This show BETTER get a season 3. I'm saying that already, I know I'll love season 2.
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not-poignant · 3 months
@morbidlizard replied to your post “Can I ask, why do you love BL romance better than...”:
I mean it's unfortunate but asian BL is just hands down better than western for so many reasons <: / I've been reading asian BL for literal decades now (AHHH) and I can maybe count on one hand the western series I've enjoyed that had some sort of queer romance that had all I wanted or at least a part of the tropes I like...And even then, it's usually F/F relationships 9_9 (and when I say asian, I mean japanese, korean, chinese, some indonesian too! etc etc...)
​Actually yeah this is also really where it's at
I think a lot about how we're still getting extremely like... milquetoast wholesome queer narratives (most of the time) in western m/m romance media (I have nothing against Heartstopper, but it's extremely 'all queer people are pure wholesome need-to-be-protected jellybeans' and like, cool, but I want more than that as well - like give me 20 shows that are 'all queer people' in 20 different genres, thanks. BL will give me that - BL will pay people to give me that.
The only way I can get that from western media is fanfiction, and sometimes - kind of - from published m/m, when it's not paint-by-numbers rapid release that isn't about telling stories from the heart and it's about telling stories from the bank account instead (which is a valid reason to write, it's just not what I'm looking for as a reader - most readers who end up loving and writing fanfiction aren't looking for this imho)).
Thomas Baudinette is actually doing incredible work in this area of Media Studies, where it's literally a known thing that BL - particularly in countries like Korea, Thailand and Taiwan - is actually taking huge strides ahead in the genre, comparatively, especially when up against western BL.
It almost feels like we're on a giant lag, buffering behind them, and about the only place we aren't is in fanfiction, which makes sense, because the cross-pollination between fandom and south-east Asian BL is incredible (literally, they got omegaverse and guide-verse from western fanfiction and western fandom, and imho are doing a lot more with it for money than we are, see: Pit Babe).
I've been reading up pretty heavily into Baudinette's work, and also a lot of the recent and up-to-date work in BL Studies (a thing), and like, it's just kind of fascinating the different interrogations of BL we have going on in different cultures and subcultures, and how different senses of place and culture and ethnicity and minority and belonging can influence our tales, along with many different manifestations of capitalisation, economy, influence etc.
And that isn't to say there aren't huge problematic areas for BL in all countries, not just western, I can critique western BL so easily because I am western, and it's been really interesting reading critiques of BL from academics who live within other countries from their perspectives too. But I do think if I want really great BL romances, turning to fanfiction and then turning to other cultures and what they're doing is often the first thing I do. I just don't have to search as hard to find what I'm looking for. And like, I'm lazy, lol, I don't want to search through 100 published works to find like 1-5 stories I might reread but not over my favourite manhwa or like fanfiction or whatever.
This has been my area of like... personal study for a few months now (literally reading Regimes of Desire: Young Gay Men, Media and Masculinity in Tokyo by Baudinette atm) and I have a lot of thoughts of which this is just a very generalised ramble and not actually anything of great meaning but like sadkljfas TL;DR yeah
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wiirocku · 5 months
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Philippians 3:12 (NKJV) - Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
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