#*cue menacing death glare*
piraterefrigerator · 1 year
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diejager · 10 months
may i ask what's your thoughts on yandere horangi but like specifically just him (Konig excluded pls and thank you 😂)
Yandere Horangi
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Pairing: Yan!Horangi x reader
Cw: yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, DARKFIC, non-con touching, punishment, forced relationship, tell me if I missed anything. Wc: 694
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Horangi’s a cold and sarcastic guy, but Yan!Horangi has the added bonus of being mean and stupidly possessive.
Yan!Horangi could be laughing at something you did, be it a clumsy mistake or something he deemed ridiculous. He confronts you, glaring down at you with narrowed eyes filled with dark intent, something dangerous that has you shuddering, but you can’t talk back to him when he looks so menacing in his get up: mask pulled up to his nose, eyes gleaming under his red-rimmed glass, hood shrouding his face in darkness and his body exhuming death with his simple and minimalistic choice of clothes.
Yan!Horangi is cruel with his remarks, he demeans you, breaks you down for him to build up to something more profitable, more likeable to him. He prefers doing things hands-on, as he’s always done, moving you around as he deems fit, one hand on your shoulder, on your waist or the small of your back, anywhere he can touch you.
Yan!Horangi might be means and degrading, but it’s his way of showing KorTac who you belong to. As stated previously, he’s very physical, he isn’t shy of publicly touching you, manhandling you to his pleasure in front of his coworkers, uncaring of your enflamed and shamed flushed cheeks. He’s not bothered by how embarrassed and undignified you feel, you scratch and hiss, fight him whenever you can. He likes the fight, that feisty gleam in your eyes when you glare at him through your lashes and pouty lips, staring up at him with a subtle tremor.
Despite Yan!Horangi’s usual rough handling, he can be gentle, helpful and insightful. He might help you master or better understand a certain skill. If you have issues with a certain gun, he’d stand behind you, chest flushed to your back, hip to ass and him breathing down your neck. He takes training very personally, he expects you to commit to mind every word, every advice and every compliment, but he knows he’s demanding too much from you. He’s easy to understand, teaching with simple wording and visual cues to follow.
That, however, doesn’t stop Yan!Horangi from punishing you if you do something wrong, pulling you to his room to reprimand you for disappointing him. He has you kneeling before him, hands on your thighs, eyes downcast and lower lip pulled between your teeth. It’s a power play for him, to show you who’s in control in this self-proclaimed relationship he forced you into.
Yan!Horangi treats you as a pet behind closed doors, holding you on his lap, fingers carding through your hair and making you abide to his many rules. He’s finicky about it, easy to anger when you’re not doing things by his book. Although he has a few dozens, he only pushes for a few: don’t let other people touch you; don’t talk to anyone for too long; don’t spend too much time with someone who isn’t him, especially alone; don’t forget that you belong to him; and don’t forget to listen to his words. He’s especially hard on you to let people know that you’re his.
Yan!Horangi doesn’t want to be cared for, he has the money, the strength and the independence to live on his own, learning from his past gambling issues. He wants to care for you, that’s all he truly wants, to love and care for his little pet. Despite his wish to lock you up, to keep you to himself and deprive the world of your presence, he’s whimsically desperate, like a feline marking its possession, he likes when you smile, your crazed gleam when you return from a successful mission with him or another operator.
After all, Yan!Horangi is as in love with you sweet and submissive side, obediently listening to him after he pinned you to the ground, hissing at you, as he’s obsessed with your feral smirk, grinning as you cleave a man in half with a bloodthirsty gleam in your eyes, staring at him. You’re his pretty, pedigree cat, clean and posh, listening to him when he asked, yet bratty when you felt like it.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @kaelysia
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makifishcake · 5 months
Chapter 1 of my KuboSai Fic That's Been Sitting in my WIPs Since the Beginning of Time:
'What's so wrong with having a crush?' Is what Kusuo wanted to say, but in reality, there was a big problem with having a crush. It has been proved by scientists and Kusuo himself that liking someone romantically leads to irrational actions and thoughts, and ultimately leads to disappointment, because crushes don't last. Past experiences- Yumehara, Aiura and Teruhashi- are prime examples of crushes that failed horribly. Kusuo sighed at the thought. Good grief, he knew this information and what it would indefinitely lead to, so why did he still stand at the entrance of PK Academy with a Jump Magazine, peach tea, and music that a certain someone took a liking to? It was stupid for Kusuo to even assume that Satou Hiroshi(forgettable name, right?) would even think of interacting with him after he'd displayed such strange behavior.
Kusuo knew that he looked wierd in Satou's mind, but was still disappointed when he walked past him(not after taking notice of his belongings which were eerily accurate to his likings), brushing him off as a wierdo. 'Why would he drink peach tea, of all things, here? That's kind of wierd...' Hiroshi thought. Saiki frowned ever-so-slightly. This did not stop Saiki from following the insanely average boy down the road to his house. Every move Satou made, every thought he possessed, every little smile, step, and wave he enacted made Saiki so innately curious. He couldn't deny he had some kind of attachment to Satou, despite having never spoken to him directly.
This, apparently, had shown through his features the next day, when he was watching Satou from the door of his classroom, as Toritsuka had commented on his unusual behavior, "Hey, Saiki, who are you spying on, today? I need to ask a favor of you," Saiki shot him a glare, and sent a telepathic sentence to his brain, saying, 'What do you want.' Toritsuka huffed and crossed his arms. "Why so rude, Saiki? Unless..." Saiki cut him off before his mind could wander. Saiki pointed to Satou, who sat in his seat with a book in hand. "Huh? Who are you pointing to? Satou? You mean that guy by the lockers?" Saiki shook his head. 'He's the one with the book,' Saiki sent the words to Toritsuka's tiny, filthy brain.
"Ah! So that's Satou," Toritsuka commented. Then, two other guys walked over to Satou's seat. One was chubby while the other was skinny, which made Saiki smile. He even has two average friends! Just like the stereotypical Hollywood movie friend trio. Kusuo almost burst with joy when the three boys greeted each other and conversed about their breakfast(such an average topic!). Kusuo heard sniggering to his left and glared at Toritsuka. 'Oh, he's down bad!' He heard the sentence appear in the perv's mind, and his face darkened. Toritsuka's joking manner quickly shifted to defense when Kusuo shot him the death glare. He laughed, shakily, and rubbed the back of his head. Kusuo turned back around to watch Hiroshi and his friends, thinking that nothing could possible disrupt their normalcy, and if right on cue, Toritsuka decides to test Kusio's patience.
The Purple-Haired 'psychic' slams his hand down on Hiroshi's desk, and Kusuo notes the startled look on his face with detestment towards the culprit. "Hey, Satou Hiroshi, right?" Hiroshi nods, and a sly grin spreads across Toritsuka's face. "Y-yes. Who are you?" Hiroshi stutters. It didn't surprise Kusuo in the least that Hiroshi had been frightened by Toritsuka's demeanor. Toritsuka, after all, was a menace to society. Knowing this, that Toritsuka was up to no good, Kusuo just stood there, watching as Toritsuka asked Hiroshi an inappropriate question, earning an uncomfortable look and response. Hiroshi laughed shakily, and Toritsuka walked off towards Kusuo. "You hear that, Saiki?" Toritsuka smirks, and unfortunately, Kusuo is confused as to why. "He likes girls openly, but we don't know his true feelings! Well, I don't know his true feelings. But you do! Don't you?" Toritsuka was really getting onto Kusuo's nerves, now. "You can see his deepest darkest thoughts, but I'll still tail him for you!" 'Then I'll owe you.' Kusuo snipes back. Toritsuka's smirk droops. "Damn, already caught on." He says. Kusuo shrugs, 'I am a telepath.' "Then you already know why I wanted to talk to you, earlier, too." Toritsuka whines. He sounded idiotic even asking the question. Kusuo nodded. "Then will you-" And with that, Kusuo walked back to class, Toritsuka screaming in protest.
It was all Kusuo could think about, that Hiroshi Satou. It made Kusuo wonder, he know he has no interest in me, but it would hurt to give it a shot at confessing, would it? No, that was stupid. Hiroshi is straighter than a ruler. Kusuo sighed. This was going to be harder than he had thought.
'Hm. Saiki seems pretty out of it. I wonder what He's thinking about.'
Saiki heard the thought and stiffened. He recognized the voice and took a look around. He found a certain purple-haired delinquent eying him from across the classroom. They caught eye contact and Kuboyasu Aren looked away.
'Shit, did he catch me staring? That's embarrassing...'
Yeah, it was. Why do you care what I'm thinking about, nosy?
'Wait, could he have...?'
If there was one thing Kusuo hated, more than social outings, it was unfinished thoughts. What could Kuboyasu mean by that? What if Kusuo had a what?
'No, not that guy. I'm sure he has no interest in anyone. Doesn't he?'
Oh. So that's what it was. Kusuo couldn't deny it, but he would be mad at himself if he fed into Kuboyasu's imagination as to who he could possibly have any interest in. Kusuo fought the urge to sigh a good grief. He counted the seconds until the bell rang for the day to end. 3... 2... 1...
Every student clambered out the door, well, almost every student. Kaidou, Nendou and Kuboyasu were grouped up around Kusuo, asking various questions and ultimately annoying Kusuo. He felt affection toward the three, but that didn't excuse their idiocy. "Hey, pal, wanna get ramen? I know a good joint around that café you like," Nendou blabbed. "We always get ramen, you meat-head! Why can't we go somewhere else!?" Kaidou argued. Kuboyasu... stayed quiet. It left Kusuo wondering. His thoughts betrayed nothing about his change in behavior. But, nevermind that. Kusuo had other things to worry about, like how he was going to confess to Hiroshi.
"Damn, I can't believe you convinced me to go," Kaidou complained. Well, he had abliged after about 20 minutes of arguing. If Kusuo didn't know any better, he'd think Kaidou and Nendou were best friends. "Haha, I'm a master convincer!" Hey, Nendou, when did you expand your vocabulary? That's a pretty big word, coming from you. Kaidou and Nendou sniped at each other for a while while Kusuo contemplated and went over his plan. He would slip a blank piece of paper into Hiroshi's desk during his lunch, invisible. If anyone saw him commit the act, he would play it off as... No, that wouldn't work. He couldn't play it off as just giving Hiroshi some extra loose-leaf paper if he already had paper in his desk. Kusuo sighed quietly. What was he going to do? And damn, were Kaidou and Nendou loud. He wanted to get away.
Kusuo sat on his bed with his germanium ring on. It'd been a while since he'd last used it. He had retrieved it after it fell into the saisen box. Kusuo needed the quiet if he wanted to focus. So far, he'd come up with two ways to subtly invite Hiroshi to the park. One, he'd apport a paper from inside Hiroshi's desk with a blank piece and wait until lunch, where he'd take it back and place it inside the desk. If someone saw him, hed play it off as "I found the paper in the hall and I'm taking it back". He'd then get his invitation ready and switch it for the blank piece. Two, he'd make himself invisible and take the invitation to Hiroshi's desk personally.
Kusuo decided on the first option. #2 was too risky. What if Toritsuka saw him or someone bumped into him, or if someone saw the floating invitation he was carrying? He couldn't bear to think of the consequences. It was already rare to see him even try to enter a relationship. He wasn't going to lose before he started. Kusuo was going to get the invite to Hiroshi. He was going to confess to Hiroshi, even if he didn't return his feelings. Kusuo grimaced at the thought of how he would feel if Hiroshi rejected him. He couldn't even begin to think of what might happen. A breakdown in the middle of the park? Tears? The whole entire world might blow up because of the stressed fit he'd have? In the living room, a certain Kuniharu shuddered, a bad feeling washing over him. He wondered what Kusuo was up to...
The plan went well. Everything went over smoothly, and Kusuo wasn't caught. It was an hour until he was supposed to meet up with Hiroshi. It was 15 minutes until the bell rang. It was only 15 minutes, but it felt like hours. People clambered around him, their voices rang loudly in his ears. It irritated Kusuo how time seemed to move so much slower when you were excited. Well, nervous-excited. He was almost shaking, but he couldn't tell why. Was he shaking with anger? Estaticity? Nervousness? Good grief, maybe he'd never know. Anyway, it was now 5 minutes and everyone was packing up. Zippers, rustling, crumpling, so many sounds. His leg bounced from under his desk. 4 minutes. Kusuo sighed.
Kusuo walked to the park. He wore his best cardigan, a light brown one, on top of a white blouse, with some light, loose-fitting jeans. Kusuo fretted, picking at the small balls of lint on his cotton cardigan, wondering whether he had dressed up too nice. He was panicking, but he was also listening in to all the thoughts of the people surrounding him, listening for any nuisances.
It was autumn. The grass and leaves were a dull brown, and they crunched beneath Kusuo's feet when he walked. So many people were down because of how dreary the park seemed, according to his analyzation of their thoughts. Kusuo, however, quite liked autumn and it's muted colors. It wasn't the most colorless season, and it wasn't incredibly vibrant. It was the vortex between colorful and colorless, the most average season, and Kusuo loved it. He sat down on a wooden bench, his eyes running over the engraved decals in the wood. Kusuo peeled his eyes off it after he heard the thoughts of Hiroshi approaching. He looked at his watch. Hiroshi had arrived right on the dot. Not late, not early, and not standing out in any way.
Kusuo had signed the invitation with his last name and first initial, so Hiroshi knew who had invited him to the park. "Hey, Saiki, right?" Hiroshi said as he ran up to Kusuo. He nodded. "Well, I'm here. What did you want to tell me?" Kusuo thought for a moment. No, he couldn't chicken out, not now. His hand twitched.
'Hiroshi Satou...'
Kusuo started, the words ringing in Hiroshi's head, only for him to hear. Hiroshi raised an eyebrow in question.
'Hiroshi, I like you. I hope you'll return my feelings.'
Y'all you don't know how long this has been sitting. I've been working on this for so long oml
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High and Low the worst random rewatch thoughts 2 backwards cause that´s how I watched the franchise first time around
-Oochi brothers have one braincell they share and its for fighting any kinda threat to their friends even if they´re in the wrong
-You can see Tsukasas reason to live crawl back into him as soon as he sees Fujio.Aw and he´s smiling too!
-i love the way Tsukasa is like phew no responsibilities anymore hey now you all gotta do whatever that guy over there says
-Yasu- kiyo faction calling Fujio a shrimp but c´mon their leader is Yasushi who´s literally only 2 cm (my crazy ass googled it) taller then Fujio
-Jamou and Sabakan meet once a week to gossip you can´t change my mind
-i love the nickname the crazy bastards its like a trigger warning for a person,fits great
-the moment he realised they´re former neighbours Fujio already planned his force adoption and the creation of his own faction that way
-Yasushi laughing about„Doroki“until Tsukasa´s death glare and he just goes quiet with a slight cough pretending to be all serious is so great
-Sachio kicking crackhead ass is just chefs kiss
-Murayama sleeping with a book on his face he probably never read a page off also saying he got fired again means he´s a menace at work and i wanna know what he did
-Arata my man,you´re a miserable drug dealer,you´re not sneaky and you wear to attention drawing stuff just no also the colorful hair of the other crackheads isn´t helping i also strongly belive they snort the hair color too at least they look like it
-Fujio fcalling force adopting them into his family/faction „Im super busy on my misison right now“is so adorable it´s painful
-that even Oya High has a no drug rule among students made me realise i went to a ghetto ass high school man
-Tetsu being scared of the Oochi brothers.My guy you sit at a table with a angry cobra relax you´re gonna be okay.
-Fujio looks worse after the fall down the stairs then after any fight
-what if Cobra was busy when Murayama called and is just like oh great i can talk to you meanwhile Cobra sits in his underwear with his one night stand impatiently waiting.i mean he was probably getting drunk at the bar or disociating in the diner but its still a fun thought
-no one can tell me Yasushis injury didnt leave damage behind that he just tells no one about until shit goes down badly.
-they could´ve worn crackhead attire and would´ve made a lot more belivable fulltimers.
-I could swear they´re like a block from Yasushi and the wannabe Housen crackheads.
-at least they didn´t accidentally switch and the guys attacked the target they´re dressed up as
-what happened to Yasushi that night?Well that storyline has more cracks than Yasushis head
-Aww look at Tsukasa caring about Yasushi in a if anyone kills this lunatic it´s me kinda way
-look at Fujio being the motivational leader.man´s the definition of fuck shit up but don´t die and Tsukasa will wipe a tear and say it´s so inspirational.
-Tsukasas heart eyes are so bright they glow in the night
-love the beef with Yasu-Kiyo and ChunChun even though i think they already forgot why they wanna fight probably just for entertainment
-Fujio´s „Don´t get injured again“So sweet.
-Yasushi could be missing a fucking limb and still be up to kick ass or at least try
-that´s the movie nerd in me but Yasushi punching the car was just the cue for Shidaken´s actor to start running
-Yasushi.No,you don´t fucking tell them where you´re injured that they can beat you better this man saw Shidaken and suddenly,guy cute,brain empty.
-i love how Shibaman and Tsuji always fight together,also he took that thing with the hair color personally.
-Odajima really goes oh i like that one the others are losers but this one;friendshaped.I mean fight later friend shaped of course.
-why does Shidaken open Yasushi´s wound with pressure and not the force of a kick or hit?!
-after fighting Shidaken did he pass out or why do we not see him anywhere anymore
-Fujio vs.Shidaken reminds me of two ferrets
-Sachio crushed on Fujio at least a little bit
-Murayama with the damn truck has my heart
-Sabakan saving all of them
-Kiyoshi still fighting because he wants revenge for Yasushi those two bastards have such a adorable relationship and a heart of gold man.
-not Yasushi cooling his head with a water bottle thats funnier then it should be like my man you could´ve easily sit this one out
-I will never get over the disgust on Housen´s faces when they see Hope Hill then there´s Yasushi´s ah so many great memories smile
-Sachio,honey I know you love your friend and sympolism or whatever but wearing someone elses dried blood is just weird -Shidaken thinks he´s probably loosing it when they catch fire and don´t give a fuck like I´m not crazy ya´ll seeing this I´m not hallucinating jet my head injury comes next movie!
-i love how they throw rocks and Todoroki just goes well imma throw them right back at you!
-not Jamuo hiding in a damn trash can!I love the little guy so much.
-Fujio could´ve easily ran over the crackheads but no this guy runs over his own people and Housen
-why are the Oochi brother fighting in pimp coats?
-i love how soft Murayama is towards the other half timers
-the coolest introduction will always be Odajima´s Heya!That´s the housen killer corps have fun dying.
-Murayma with his Hyuga impression is adorable
-Fujio,Tsukasa and Jamuo running from Suzuran is the greatest ending ever.
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goingmorry · 3 years
[One Piece Headcanons] OP Boys -> when some guy asks them if you're single
Part One | Part Two Characters: Zoro, Sanji, Law, Kid, Ace Tags: reader-insert, gender-neutral reader, suggestive language, overprotective, possessive, jealousy Author’s Note: Thanks for all the likes and reblogs. I appreciate all the love! 💖
Raises his eyebrow at the question.
On the surface, he appears not to react at all, but his mind is 😠 as he discreetly sizes up the other guy.
Straightforward. He tells the other guy that you're in a relationship with him, so there's no confusion.
"Do you know if they're single?" The man asks again, after hearing no response from the one-eyed swordsman.
Zoro gulps down the remainder of his sake, brown eyes locking onto the guy sitting across from him.
The man swallows the lump forming in his throat, feeling unsettled at the intimidating aura emanating from Zoro's questioning look.
"Who's asking?" Zoro's fingers twitch, hovering over his swords for a brief moment before settling down on his side, "And why?"
The man involuntarily flinches at Zoro's seemingly menacing words. "Me. I'm a traveling merchant," he responds honestly, not wanting to anger the pirate hunter, "We - uh... made small conversation a while back. They seemed really nice. And pretty to boot-"
"They're not," Zoro interrupts, observing the man's reaction to his following statement, "We're in a relationship."
"Ah... I see... Makes sense then," the man gulps, fingers fidgeting in nervousness. Before he can remove himself from the intimidating swordsman's presence, Zoro responds, flashing him a cheeky grin.
"Know where I can get more sake?"
Protective as fuck.
He's not afraid to give this guy a piece of his mind for asking him if you're single.
How could someone as beautiful and perfect as you not be taken anyway?
Are they single?
"What? Hell no, they aren't!" Sanji exclaims, making the guy jolt in alarm.
"I-it was just an innocent question," the stranger says, hands held up in mock surrender, "They're really nice... And pretty... So I figured, you know... Thought I'd ask...?" he trails off, realizing that every word he uttered further provoked the rage building inside the blond cook.
"Oi, you shitty bastard!" Sanji yells, flames erupting from his leg, poised to strike this guy down. "You better leave them alone!"
The guy flees in the opposite direction; another would-be suitor scared away by your overprotective boyfriend.
A vein pops out on his temple.
He is visibly pissed off. He was already in a foul mood at having to deal with the Strawhats' shenanigans, and now this?
How dare this person ask him if his S/O is single? The sheer audacity of this bastard.
King of Unspoken Threats.
The thought of vivisecting this man crosses Law's mind but he restricts himself from doing so. Not in broad daylight anyway.
"Do you know if they're single?"
Law's golden eyes squint in disgust, flabbergasted that this stranger would dare to walk up to him to ask such a pointless question.
"Get out of my sight," Law responds, tightly gripping his nodachi. The tattooed ink of DEATH on his knuckles in clear view for all to witness.
"It's just..." the man elaborates, ignoring the subtle warning, "I've seen you with them quite often. I figured you'd know if they were in a relationship with someone."
Law smirks at the man's persistence and refusal to comply with his request, his cold eyes hinting at the Surgeon of Death's callous nature. "Don't make me repeat myself."
The words die in the man's throat, suddenly feeling a wave of nausea at Law's intense stare.
If I see you here again, there's no telling what would happen to you.
As if on cue, the man hurries away, not without looking over his shoulder, to see your familiar figure in the distance approaching Law's threatening form.
Grins maniacally at your potential suitor.
Humors the other guy for a bit to see what his intentions are.
Goes from 0 to 100 real quick when the other man makes inappropriate comments about you.
Are you single?
Kid looks at the man beside him in sudden interest, dark red lips stretching into a full-blown grin, eyes flashing dangerously at the man's question, "And if they are?"
The guy perks up, wrongfully assuming that you were, in fact, single. "They're hot as fuck."
"Can't disagree with that," Kid states, laughing while flexing his metallic arm, "You interested?"
"Hell yeah! I'm definitely interested," the man responds enthusiastically, "You see that mouth? Oh, what I would give to put those plump lips to good use."
Ignoring Kid's warning glare, the man continues unabashedly, "I would LOVE to cum all over those-"
No one was allowed to say that about you openly, Kid thought. Except, well, him.
The guy never saw it coming. One second, Kid was sitting down, taking a sip of his beer bottle with his flesh arm. The next, Kid was standing over the man's collapsed form on the floor, unconscious from Kid's ferocious strike.
Before exiting the establishment, Kid throws some beli on the bar counter, a satisfied grin plastered across his deadly features.
"And for the record, they're with me."
Noticeably shocked. He knew you were attractive but never imagined that someone would outright ask him if you were single.
Attempts to recover from his previous outburst by explaining to this stranger that you and he are in a relationship.
Though he starts to wonder if someone else would be better for you.
When he feels insecure, you take his head in your hands, look him right in the eyes, tell him how much you love him, and shower him in kisses.
Ace feels dumb for even feeling that way - he's never doubted your love for him and vice versa - but you reassure him that all feelings, whether good or bad, are valid.
Ace ungracefully spits out a mouthful of liquor at the person in front of him. It takes him a few seconds to recover. His right hand lightly punches his chest in a show of removing the excess liquid stuck in his throat while his left hand reflexively clenches into a fist by his side.
The man across from Ace appears unamused, grabbing a nearby cloth to clean himself of the drink that was spat on him.
The question rings in Ace's head.
Are they single?
Ace stares at the person in front of him, carefully watching as the guy sets the cloth aside and tilts his head in your direction.
"Uh - no, they aren't," Ace finally responds, pausing to clear his throat.
The guy patiently waits for him to continue.
"I mean - they're taken," Ace clarifies, glancing at your figure from across the room, "We're together."
"Ah, a shame then," the guy jokes, giving Ace a lopsided grin, "Well, you better be treating them right, or I'm stealing them from you!"
Ace returns the man's lightheartedness with a salute, "Aye aye, sir! That's the plan."
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hen-of-letters · 3 years
@spnprideweek day one: flags
This little ficlet for #spnprideweek is brought to you by my big, non-binary bisexual love for this beautiful fandom, and my desire to fix that moment in 'Baby' when Cas indulges Dean by saying "werepire", but Dean doesn't hear him and Cas doesn't know. It ended up getting a bit long, so there's more under the cut or over on AO3. Thanks!
Dean's at Pride, and feeling a rising level of discomfort.
It's not the fact that he's wearing eyeliner in public for the first time in his forty-two years. Hell, he'd been wanting to do that ever since he was a kid, dreaming of being a rock star. The covers of music magazines in gas station racks had been windows on a world free from the brutally narrow definition of what his Dad meant when he told him to "be a man". Gradually, though, he'd learned what is gloriously apparent today under the hot June sun: that there are as many ways of being a man as there are men.
It's not because the sleeveless white t-shirt he's wearing is somewhat snug. (The heat had made him shed his pink, purple and blue plaid shirt - the one he'd worn today because Claire always called it his 'bi flannel' - and tie it around his waist.) He and Cas are both wearing a little of their contentment on their waistlines these days, and he believes Cas when he says that he adores his body because he means it when he says the same to Cas.
It's not the big, heart-shaped sticker slapped on his chest, which is striped in the colours of the bisexual pride flag in a way that's much less subtle than the flannel. Dean's always known that he wasn't only into chicks, but putting a name to it is new. Dean's had jobs and Dean's had roles, but having an identity had always seemed like a luxury well beyond Dean's means. Now he's not constantly running for his life, though, he has the breathing room to figure himself out. And he's good with this part of himself. More than good.
It's not the two flags that are padding the pockets of his jeans. One, he'd bought for Cas: it's striped in pale pink, pale blue and white. Earlier, he'd gone with Cas when he'd met up with some friends he'd met online (having managed to get past all the cats this time). The ex-angel had found that discussing their experiences of being trans had helped him feel happy in the body that had become his own. Dean could only feel immense gratitude for the way Cas' face had lit up afterwards when he'd talked about how he was creating himself, becoming himself, and embracing the human condition of change.
Dean hopes that the gift of the trans pride flag will show Cas that Dean understands and loves him, and the same is true for the other flag, which he'd picked up for Jack. It's yellow, white, purple and black. Dean had had to do a little research when Jack had used the term non-binary - it's amazing how the world can move on while you're living in an underground bunker. He'd kept on researching, too, after he'd learned the basics. Maybe he was still figuring himself out. Maybe there was more to discover about himself, and wasn't that fantastic?
Jack is wandering around somewhere with Claire and Kaia. Jody and Donna are here, too, with Alex and Patience. Adam and Michael have probably partied their way through fifty international pride parades by now, but they should be meeting up with everyone else later. Sam and Eileen are not far away. Eileen was the one who's slapped the bi pride sticker on Dean's chest - with unnecessary force, if you asked Dean. She'd grinned at him, showed off the identical sticker on her own chest, and said, with a suitably cheesy wink, "we need to stick together". He remembered the moment he'd nervously asked her the sign for 'bisexual', and when she'd shown him - the letter signs for 'b' and 'i' - she'd added, "me too," and Dean had scooped her up into a crushing hug.His love for his family is endless, and them all being here is definitely not why he's uncomfortable.
And it's not the body glitter freckling his cheeks and his shoulders with gold, although his feelings might change by the time he tries to remove it tonight. He'd been gilded with it when he'd been dancing up a storm with a group of drag queens. They'd admired his eyeliner - a deep brown shot through with gold along his upper lashes - but winked and said it was "a little subtle for Pride". As soon as Dean had seen the tube of glitter, he'd yelled "hell yes!" and even managed to hold still long enough to be coated in the stuff before moving his body to the beat again. Although he's sure his feet will be aching later, so far his favourite cowboy boots are not the source of his discomfort.
It's not the bright pink feather boa, either, which he'd acquired from the same source as the glitter, when he'd been sent off with a kiss to the cheek and the words "be bold, honey!" He'd expected the boa to tickle or irritate, but for some bizarre reason the sensation of feathers around his shoulders and the back of his neck feels incredibly comforting and reassuring. He feels warm and safe and oh. Oh.
As that particular realisation sweeps over him, Dean tightens his hold on Cas. He's standing behind him with his right hand on Cas' hip, and his left arm is up over his shoulder and wrapped around his chest. His hand is splayed out, at once putting his silver wedding band on display and somehow attempting to conceal Cas from the eyes of his many admirers (and, well, good luck with that. Cas is incredibly beefy these days).
Which brings us to the source of Dean's discomfort; to the thing that's deepening the furrow in his brow and the dimples beside his pursed lips: namely, the sheer number of guys hitting on Cas.
It's not like Dean can blame them. Cas' muscular frame is wrapped in black jeans and a tight black t-shirt bearing the Led Zeppelin 1975 tour logo. The short sleeves show off the floral tattoos trailing down his left arm. Cas is wearing a rainbow-coloured enamel belt buckle and, because he's determined to be the death of Dean, black cowboy boots. Before they'd left, Dean hadn't been able to resist grabbing a black kohl pencil and smudging a little along Cas' upper and lower lashes. And, okay, maybe Cas' wide-eyed bewilderment every time he's flirted with is vaguely amusing. But when Dean is right here? Not cool.
Right on cue, here's another one. From over his husband's shoulder, Dean levels his very best glare at the guy. It's a look that can stop a demon dead in its tracks. A vampire would tremble. A werewolf would wet itself. But one young gay guy with a few drinks in him? Totally unaffected. Like the others, he's all smiles and understanding when Cas politely, if awkwardly, waves him away. (Literally. With a final dorky little wave goodbye.)
Dean realises that he's moved his right arm around Cas' waist, so now Dean is wrapped around Cas like some kind of koala/octopus hybrid. An octoala? A koctopus? Definitely koctopus. Heh.
Dean snorts at the thought, which is somewhat unfortunate, given that his face is right next to Cas' ear. Cas flinches and turns his head around to fix him in a squinty glare.
"Koctopus?" Dean says, apologetically.
Cas narrows his eyes further and tilts his head to the side.
"Um, the way I was wrapped around you. I was like a cross between a koala and an octopus."
Dean nudges Cas. "So what does that make me? C'mon, you know you wanna say it."
Cas just tilts his head a bit further to the side, either in confusion or outright despair. Dean has untangled himself from Cas and stepped back, and looks down at the ground, suddenly self-conscious.
Dean feels Cas' hand on his shoulder, and then it smooths over his back, finding the back of his neck underneath the boa. Whatever his shape, Cas' touch has the exact same effect on Dean. He looks up into the impossibly blue eyes of his husband.
"You're a very glittery," Cas begins, softly, "and very beautiful," one corner of his mouth lifts, and then he purses his lips together, trying to hold back the smile, "koctopus."
The corners of his eyes are crinkled. He's not amused by the joke, Dean knows, just absurdly pleased to be saying something he knows will make Dean happy. Of course Dean knows that Cas loves him, knows the whole cosmic-realm-crossing magnitude of it, but in little moments like this, he's floored by it. Dean can't help his sudden exhale or the massive grin that breaks across his face. He wraps his husband up in hug that they hold for a good long moment, before Dean leans back to kiss Cas.
No one had ever explained to Dean how difficult it is to kiss someone when you can't stop smiling. He'd never had that problem before Cas, but now it's practically a daily occurrence. It's a menace because kissing Cas is one of Dean's favourite pastimes. Now, they trade little pecks between wide, toothy grins, until passion takes over and the kisses become heavier.
It takes someone wolf-whistling for them to part, and then they're back to grinning and staring into each others' eyes, until Dean spots something on Cas' face. And something else. And something else. In fact, there's something all over Cas, and that something is gold glitter. It's on his face, his hands, his Zeppelin shirt, and even in his hair. Dean runs his fingers through the unruly curls - Cas has been wearing his hair longer lately - in an attempt to shake it out, but only deposits more glitter into Cas' locks.
"Oops," Dean says, "I kinda glitter bombed you there. It's all over your shirt, too. Sorry, Sunshine."
He doesn't sound terribly sorry.
"This is your shirt, Dean."
"Aw, man."
He does sound a little sorry now, but his future laundry woes are forgotten when Cas presses another kiss to his pouting lips. They're forgotten again when something across the crowd catches Dean's eye.
"Oooh," Dean exclaims as he drags Cas towards the stall he's spotted.
It's selling cowboy hats in every configuration of colour imaginable, and Dean is practically jumping on the spot excitement. Cas looks his husband up and down, slowly.
"You think your outfit's lacking accessories?" he deadpans.
"Yup," is Dean's gleeful reply, "and so's yours."
Cas' groan is lost to the noise of the crowd and the beat of the music, so no-one will ever know if it was one of protest or defeat. He does, in fact, end up wearing a black cowboy hat with a rainbow band, so if it was protest then it was highly ineffective. Dean's has a pink crown, purple band and blue brim, and he's carrying another black one with a band in the non-binary flag colours for Jack. Cas admits that Jack's going to love it.
"Damn, this is awesome," Dean says as they head back to meet up with the rest of their family.
Walking hand in hand with Cas, Dean's thoughts wander. Dean could kick his younger self for every time he'd called someone gay or a girl as a way of saying they were weak. Because all he can see in the people around him is strength. He grins again, giddy with the atmosphere of defiant joy. All around him is everything he'd spent his life fighting to protect: freedom, family, and love. Holding his husband's hand a little tighter, he's grateful that in the end he gets to have both: freedom and peace.
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Going Under Part Five
Fandom: Doctor Who
 Pairing: 13th Doctor x Reader
 Summary: An accident during a routine adventure made your life spiraled out of control with only the Doctor as the anchor. Will you ever find your way back to your Doctor again?
 Trigger Warning: ooc, angst, plot holes as usual, attempted suicide, dark!doctor, death, insanity, etc. You have been warned.
 More warning: English is not my first language so beware of the headache you will receive upon reading this.
   I found myself materialized inside some poorly lit room, disoriented and confused. I blinked my eyes trying to focus on the current surrounding.
  Suddenly someone strangled me by the neck and pushed me toward a nearby wall. I have no idea who it was that attacked me. I tried to get the hand around my neck off in futile. I groaned in pain as my eyes tried to focus on the attacker.
  "Did Jack send you?" The figure asked coldly.
  I blinked in confusion. I know that voice. I gasped as my vision finally cleared enough. It was the Thirteenth Doctor. As I focused on her sudden appearance, I noticed something off about her. For once, she has a menacing look on her face and she wasn't dressed in her usual outfit. She was dressed in all black and she has different hair style, wavy hair that framed her already beautiful face.
  "Doctor..." I managed to whisper her name.
  She stared at me in surprise and then suddenly snarled angrily. "Don't call me by that name!" she said as she tighten her grip on my neck.
  I gasped like a fish as I couldn't breathe. "It's me...(name)....Doct..." I don't understand why she attacked me but my mind supplied the answer, it is another version of the Doctor, one that apparently also has no idea who I am. "Please..." I begged her for mercy. 
  She glared at me coldly as she continue to cut me off from oxygen.
  A bunch of people barged into the room. They have guns as they demanded the Doctor released me.
  She glanced at me, rolled her eyes and released me as she raised her hands up in mocking gesture of surrender. The Doctor being pulled away from me roughly. I fell to the floor, gasping for breathe.
  A man bend his knees beside me and asked in concern, "Are you okay?"
  My eyes widened again. It was Jack Harkness. I lightly touch my sore throat as I glanced at the Doctor. The Doctor is being restrained. Her expression look bored now as she regarded everyone in the room with disinterest, as if she has not just attacked me violently.
 Jack pulled me up and away from the room where the Doctor is. The room then sealed with complicated lock. I realized it was a holding room, like a prison. I warily stared at Jack.
  Jack told me to sit down in the chair in another room. He wanted to check my neck. "It look bad. I will Tanya to look at it. She is a doctor." He said. "So...how did you get in? That room is deadlock so that nobody get in or out and yet you are able to come in undetected. Who are you?"
  "It's complicated." You said. 
  "Well, try me."
  This is Jack Harkness, a former companion of the Doctor in any universe, so I should be able to trust him, right? Beside, currently, it seemed he is more trustworthy than the Doctor. She just attacked me, after all.
  "Before that, can you tell me what is wrong with the Doctor?"
  Jack looked suspicious of me now. "How do you know the Doctor?"
  "I am her companion...in the alternate universe." I finally relented and tell him the truth.
  To my surprise, he accepted the explanation without much fuss. "I have seen so much in my lifetimes. I'm not surprised that alternate universe come into play now." Jack said with a shrug.
  "What happened to her? And where are Yaz, Ryan and Graham?"
  "You're kidding. Who is she traveling with then?"
  Jack frowned. "She doesn't travel with anyone as far as I know. She called herself the Valeyard now. She gets angry if anyone call her the Doctor."
  "I noticed." You said as you rubbed your throat while your mind flashback into the room. "What happened to her?"
  Jack sighed. "Honestly I have no idea. I haven't seen the Doctor for a long while suddenly I heard rumors that she went insane, killing and maiming people, blowing up planet. She is not in a mood to be chatty about why she changed." he explained.
  My mind flashed back into a version of dark Doctor I met before, how she torture that person who shot me. I gulped as I have a feeling this version of the Doctor is way more dark than the one I met before after listening what Jack said about the Doctor who called herself the Valeyard. 
  Jack explained to you the prophecy of the Valeyard, a most darker version of the Doctor.
  "How are you able to imprison her then if she is that dangerous?" I asked curiously as I warned him not to underestimate the Doctor, Valeyard, whatever.
  Jack explained he tried to reason with the Doctor at first but that did not end well with her killing Jack's friend as if she is making her point of her no longer the Doctor.
  He tried to multiply times to capture her and stop her reign of evil but failed. It was a genuine luck Jack is able to meet the right people and able to outsmart the Doctor. Or so everyone think. Of course, Jack knew better that it might be a trap. He is trying his best to rehabilitate the Doctor.
  Jack stood up and walked toward the giant computer in the room, one of the monitors showed the room where he imprisoned her.
  "It was like after the last regeneration, she just gave up and actively choose to be the Valeyard..." Jack said. "I heard the rumor of her cruelty...even her kindness is a double edge of sword thing...she is just brutal..." he said. "Of course, I found it weird that we are able to capture her. She is up to something but I have no idea what."
  I frowned as I realized that maybe this world's version of Twelfth Doctor, after he lost Bill and Nardole, regenerated into this dark version of Thirteen Doctor. My heart hurts for her. I thought of my Doctor, how she suffered so many lost and still able to overcome it. Of course, there will be alternate universe where she just gave up.
  "Who was the Doctor's last companion? Was it Bill Potts and Nardole?" I asked Jack and he confirmed it after he checked his file on the computer.
  I coughed suddenly and it turned into a bout of cough as I tried to cover my mouth.
  "Hey, are you okay?" Jack asked me after he noticed the blood between my fingers. He offered me water.
  I cleared my throat, accepted the water and reached around for my medicine but to my horror, I couldn't find the bottle.
  It was then the Doctor, no, the Valeyard suddenly called out from the monitor. "Looking for this?" she asked, showing the bottle of my medicine in her hand. She looked so smug. "I will return it to you, (name), after we talk."
  She knew that I needed the medicine, she somehow knew that the medicine is for internal bleeding. "Tiktok, dear (name)."
  I flinched at her tone. I exchanged a look with Jack. I was afraid to get into the room with her but I do need the damn medicine.
  "It is your call, if you want to talk to her, I will make sure she does not attack you again." Jack said.
  I tried to be brave as I prepared the face her. She wanted to speak to me alone.
  "W-what do you want?" I asked.
  "I'm bored. You are the first entertainment I had in a while." She said with a pout. "I just want a conversation. I promise I will behave." She winked at me.
  Apparently, she is curious about me and how I know her as she never met me before. So, I told her the truth that I am from alternate universe where I am her companion alongside with Yaz, Ryan and Graham.
  She looked curious when I mentioned alternate universe but get bored real quick when I told her my condition is the result of me trying to protect her alternate self. She is more curious about the weapon but I don't know much about it.
  "Can I have my medicine back?" I asked politely.
  She hummed and shook her head. "I think I will hold on to it for a bit. I still have some questions."
  I am nervous around her and get jumpy if she get too close to me and she knew that, still do it on purpose. It feels like I amused her and she is toying me now.
  I gulped. She is acting all nice now but she still feel intimidating. I figured I could hold on for a bit and hope I will splinter away from here soon.
  "So, who gave you this medicine? One of my alternate self?" She asked.
  I nodded.
  Suddenly an alarm sounded loudly making me flinched.
  "Well, that is my cue..." She suddenly said.
  My mind registered what she said a bit slow and before I could do anything, she suddenly took a grip of my wrist.
  With a chilling smile, she said, "You are coming with me."
  "W-why?" I asked dumbly.
  "Like I said I'm bored, your condition is interesting, I want to study it." She grinned menacingly. "Who know, maybe if you are good, I might even get you a cure."
  She rolled her eyes. "It is cute you think you have a choice." She gripped my wrist so hard I hissed in pain. 
  I laughed at her suddenly. I was hysterical now. "I don't have a choice since this whole thing happened..."
  It was at that moment Jack entered the room with a gun. "Release her, Valeyard!"
  The Valeyard seemed amused with Jack but she did release her grip on my wrist. She suddenly stepped forward menacingly toward Jack.
  "Don't come any closer." Jack warned but she ignored him. He shot her.
  I flinched at the sound of the gun. It was then I felt the tingling.
  The Valeyard laughed as if she is not just gotten shot. "Really, Jack, a gun? You should know better than..."
  I couldn't hear anything anymore as I splinter away from that horrid place.
  "(name)? (name)!" Someone shook me awake. "Are you okay?" 
  I blinked as my vision cleared up. It was River Song, she is wearing an astronaut suit. "River?" I hesitantly called out. She knew me. Which River is she? "Where are we?"
  "We are in the library." River answered. 
  "Inside the Tardis?"
  "No. We are in a planet called the Library." She explained as she pulled me to stand up. It was then she noticed the red handprint around my wrist. "You are hurt."
  I pulled my wrist away from her but she suddenly reached out to touch my face as she noticed the hand mark around my neck.
  River looked angry. "Who hurt you?"
  "It was a long story." I lied. I finally noticed the Tenth Doctor and he is with Donna, staring at us suspiciously.
  River pulled me to the side and explained that the Doctor and Donna has no idea who I am but she did because she had met me in her past before. "I guess you could say this is the first time you met me, this version of me."
  I had a fit of cough again. 
  "Your medicine..." River said. "You should take one."
  "I can't. Someone took it from me." I said weakly.
  "The same person who leave these marks on you?" 
  I nodded.
  "I would like to have words with this person."
  I felt vulnerable and the way River spoke, she sounded so protective of me, and suddenly I couldn't hold the tears. 
  "It was the Valeyard..." I said.
  River froze in horror at that. "Valeyard?" She asked for confirmation. "You met a version of the Doctor who called himself the Valeyard?"
  "It was her, actually, not a him." I said forlornly.
  River looked sad for me. "I'm sorry, it must be hard for you."
  I glanced at her sadly. She even know what the female version of the Doctor meant to me. She knew I traveled with the Thirteenth Doctor.
  She explained to me what the Valeyard is to me. Like Jack said, it was a darker version of the Doctor devoid of any care for those the Doctor stand for.
  "If you ever met that version of the Doctor again, you should run for your life." River said.
  "Trust me, I never want to see her again. I hope I never have to see her ever again." I said, shuddered at the reminder of the Valeyard's cold, unfeeling eyes on me.
  The Doctor stared at me and River curiously and he suddenly walked toward us. He introduced himself to me. 
  I told him my name. He said hi to me and then asked if I am also someone from his future.
  "She is." River answered for me. "But she can't tell anything more. Spoiler."
  I turned my eyes questioningly at River. I usually have to tell the Doctor about me being alternate companion and stuff.
  River shrugged. "I'm sorry, (name), but I need him not to be distracted right now." She informed me of the vastra nevada situation on their hands. "I suppose you would better off not taking that medicine of yours. The sooner you splinter away from here the better. It isn't safe for you."
  When the situation got worst, the Doctor wanted to send Donna back into the Tardis and River wanted to do the same for you but the Doctor refused, saying he doesn't trust you or River. River tried to calm herself. I felt like she is second away from slapping the hell out of the Doctor.
  I pulled River to the side. "I will be okay, River. I will have to splinter anyway sometime soon." I said. "Beside, you said you met me in the past, so I will probably be okay, we will all survive this situation."
  River still look worried. "Time can be rewritten sometimes..."
  I blinked at her. Wait, so there is a chance we could get eaten by these shadow monster? I internally started to freak out.
  "(name), make sure you stay by my side at all times." River said.
  I am not complaining so I stick by River side.
  After Anita got two shadow on her back and with Donna possibly dead, the Doctor seemed to get emotional and get mad at River. River didn't take his crap and told him to calm down. She whispered something in the Doctor's ear. The Doctor look shocked as he glanced at River. They seemed to talk again in whispers. I got the feeling that they were talking about me now as the Doctor stared at me in curiosity and wonder. 
  River told me that she finally tell the Doctor that I am his alternate future companion and will be someone he need to protect in the future.
  I glanced at River in worry. "Why? What is in my future?"
  River smiled. "Don't worry about it, (name), let focus on now, shall we?"
  They eventually figured out about CAL keeping Donna and the rest of the survivors. The Doctor said he need to download them back and he even goes oncoming storm on the shadow monster, telling them to search information about the Doctor in the library. River suddenly punched the Doctor much to my surprise. She told me the Doctor has to survive the Library. 
  I realized that River is about to sacrifice herself after hearing how the Doctor won't be able to survive the download. "River, isn't there any other way?" I asked in concern. I really don't want her to die. "River!"
  River is busy making the preparation and didn't answer me for a while much to my frustration. She told me that she knew she will die in the Library anyway that today will be her last day to see the Doctor. She said the Doctor knew it too. She suddenly turned at me and grabbed my face. I blinked at her in confusion. She tenderly kissed my forehead. "You will be okay, (name). I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for all the hardship that you will have to endure but remember, you will be okay."
  She released you as she continued her work.
  "There has to be a way, River, you can't die here." I pleaded with her.
  "There is no other way. The Doctor has to survive today or the future will be rewritten." River said. She turned to me and smiled softly. "It's alright, (name), we will see each other again somewhere in your future."
  I couldn't help my eyes being a bit teary, I felt emotional toward River for some reason. She is kind to me from the moment I landed here and she said we are friend and now I discover she will die here? I can't accept it but there is nothing I can do. And, of course, at that moment I felt the tingling. I don't want to leave. I don't want her to die alone.
  River smiled at me. "I know that face. You are about to go, aren't you? Go, (name), It is okay. I would rather you are not here to see what happen next..."
  I hugged her immediately and she hugged me back. I released her and then I was gone.
  I wiped away the tears in my eyes with my hand so that I could see where I landed to this time. My mouth dropped open when I realized I was in some train in space. Before I could do or say anything, an officer suddenly grabbed me, calling me a stowaway.
  "She is with us." I heard someone said. It was Twelfth Doctor and he is with Clara. They sort it off with the officer and they let me go.
  Clara turned to me and smiled. "It was nice seeing you again, (name)." 
  I smiled at her. "Same. Wait, the last time we met, was it with that time with Robin Hood?" I asked.
  Clara nodded with a laugh.
  I grinned with her before turning to the Doctor who is staring at me calculatingly. I suddenly felt self-conscious about the marks on my neck and wrist which thankfully I was able to cover with my coat but I have a feeling that he already saw a glimpse of it. I cursed myself for not being careful.
  Clara pulled my arms and took us to the scene of party.
  I scrunched my nose at the taste of the drink. "I don't like it."
  Clara grinned and talked to me about how I am doing so I lied that I am okay so far.
  I felt out of place in here due not wearing the period-appropriate dress for the occasion. I have fun in the party, eating some of the food. I watched as Clara and the Doctor talked to each other but I couldn't hear their conversation but they both looked sad for some reason.
  There was some incident on the train. Some old lady died after yelling loudly about some intruder. I glanced at the Doctor, wondering if he will investigate and Clara asked the same but the Doctor said it was nothing.
  Clara took me to a room on the train. I felt happy to see a bed but also annoyed realizing I couldn't rest properly for I don't have the medicine to delay splinter. But I used the time I have to wash my face and body. I suddenly remembered how the last Eleventh Doctor licked my face. I scrunched my nose and washed my face again.
  After that, Clara and I shared a bed as we tried to get some rest. We couldn't though so we ended up talking. Clara told me she wanted to stop traveling with the Doctor and that today trip apparently supposed to be their last hurrah. I felt bad now to crash it with my appearance but she told me not to. She said she is happy to see me again and once again asked if I am really okay as she pointed to the marks on my neck. Apparently, she noticed it too.
  I sighed. "I am fine now at least. I'm just...tired you know. I want to go home. I just...wonder if I will ever..." I shook my head tiredly.
  Clara wrapped her arms around me suddenly, rubbing my back in comforting gesture. I am grateful for the comfort all the alternate Doctors and their companions gave me. I remembered what River said about me will be okay but I don't feel like I will though. In fact, I almost feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown soon.
  Clara couldn't sleep so she goes to the Doctor, wanting to investigate if there is something going on in the train. She told you to get some rest. I honestly felt tired so I decided not to go with her.
  Not long after she left, I had a fit of cough again. I stared at the blood and washed my hands. I could feel my condition get worst now. I really need to get the new medicine from the Doctor. I stood up, wanting to go search for the Doctor for I knew this version actually have the medicine as he said it during the Robin Hood fiasco. But I get a headache suddenly as the surrounding started to blur. I fell back to the bed as everything turned black.
  I woke up to the frantic Clara. She asked me if I have taken my medicine yet. 
  "I don't have it." I whispered weakly. "I lost it."
  "You should have told us, (name), the Doctor will have one on board the Tardis." Clara said as she pulled me up. "Come on, (name), we have to go. It isn't safe here."
  I couldn't focus on her at all but she was saying something about a mummy on the train, something about sixty-six seconds left to live once targeted and how it goes after the weakest in a bunch. I blinked awake when she told me the Doctor deduced that I could be next due to my condition. She took me to some lab where the Doctor and a bunch of people are.
  It was then I saw the mummy. I freaked out but I was also too weak to run or do anything else but staring at the mummy. I heard Clara yelling at the Doctor and then suddenly the Doctor is in front of me, clutching my face on both hands, talking really fast about transferring the link the mummy had with me on himself. He went inside my head somehow, tracking down the link and pulled it to him but as he did, he seemed to froze. He stared at me in horror but he composed himself and turned to face the mummy.
  I fainted after that and woke up on some rocky-filled place. I heard the Doctor telling Clara about sometimes the only choices are bad choices. 
  The Doctor noticed me awake and pulled a bottle from his coat pocket. It was my back-up medicine. 
  I smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Doctor."
  He suddenly tousled my hair around in somewhat awkward but affectionate way. He glanced at me. "Hang in there, (name)...and I'm sorry..."
  I was confused why he is apologizing to me. 
  He looked grim now. "I saw it...inside your head...the Valeyard...and River."
  I glanced at him, suddenly mourning for River again. "I'm sorry too, Doctor, about River."
  The Doctor sighed as he sat beside me. I put my head on his shoulder. Clara watched us with a fond smile. I wanted to hug them but I felt too weak to do anything. I should probably take one right now so I could...
  I felt the tingling much to my disappointment. I pulled away from the Doctor and smiled at him and then at Clara. "See you soon." I said to them.
   tags: @thatsonezesty13 , @newheart97, @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang
A/N: I want to say thank you for those who comments/reblog/kudos my stories, especially those who comments, I love re-reading your comments, give me energy boost and the believe that my stories are not that bad. So, thank you so much!
I know this is shorter than the last four chapters but hopefully it will be enough for now.
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alirhi · 3 years
random story snippet
@goblin-tea this is part of that story I was talking about/sending you bits of. I'll get into the better stuff (imo) in a bit, but this is a much better example of what the main characters are like than what I sent earlier lol
“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto,” she mumbled, still clinging to Audrey’s hand as she nervously followed Fiona’s example and took a moment to study the immediate area.
“No shit, Sherlock,” the blonde growled, yanking her hand away. Rebecca could stand there like an idiot if she chose, but damn it! She was going to explore and find a way home, right now. Clearly, her friend’s oh-so-brilliant spell had backfired quite horribly, and now they were lost, with no idea of where they were, when they were, or what was going…
Her thoughts were jarringly interrupted when Rebecca suddenly let out a short, high-pitched scream, causing both of her friends to jump.
“WHAT?!” Spinning to face the taller woman, she took a deep breath in preparation to chew her out, and then promptly hid behind her. “…Is that a dinosaur?”
“Deinonychus,” Rebecca confirmed in a reverent whisper. Her screech had been from excitement, rather than fear; the giant grin on her freckled face was evidence enough of that. Though she knew she was the only one who cared about the details, she still explained in a rush, “Fast, smart, and very deadly carnivore from the late Cretaceous period, probably the basis for the oversized velociraptors in Jurassic Park… A raptor’s colorful feathers make it look like a ridiculous, disproportionate toucan, which is probably why the producers chose to make it look more like our friend here. Fossils of the deinonychus have never been found with any indication of feathers.”
“It does have feathers, you walking Wiki!” Audrey hissed, stepping back. No way in hell was she going to stand there like an idiot and get eaten by some parrot on crack.
Fiona remained rooted in place beside the other redhead, though she did stoop to pick up Rebecca's forgotten staff, just in case the curious animal decided to attack. A tiny smile played at the edges of her lips at the toucan comparison. It did sort of look like one, in a weird way…
Swallowing past the sudden lump in her throat, their nerdy friend nodded. “Yeah… Most of this type of dinosaur did, so paleontologists kinda figured the deinonychus would, too.”
The prehistoric bird of prey studied them, almost seeming to ponder something. Just as Rebecca was about to make a Philosoraptor joke, the fascinating – if deadly – beast twitched, letting out a series of loud clicking noises.
“…Huh. Whaddaya know. That dude on youtube was right…” An answering call echoed from somewhere to the left of the three shivering girls, and startled the amateur paleontologist out of her daze. “Oh shit.”
“What?” Both of her friends shot her nervous glances, reluctant to take their eyes off of the giant predator. Why wasn’t it moving?
“Run.” When Fiona shot her an incredulous look, Rebecca shook her head. Normally, yes, she would caution against any sudden moves around a wild animal, but this was different. More clicks from their right, answered by the one animal they could see, illustrated why. “He’s calling in reinforcements – run!”
That was all the motivation the shivering blonde needed. With a terrified shriek, Audrey turned and bolted into the forest, Rebecca and Fiona hot on her heels.
“I think it’s safe to assume,” the oldest woman gasped out, jumping over a fallen tree limb, “that we’ve somehow been sent back too far.”
“Ya THINK?!”
"Now's not the time to get snippy!” Her lungs were burning, her legs cramping, and though she could hear the creature gaining on them, she had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t putting forth much effort. She and her surrogate sister were both overweight to the point of obesity, and as such, speed wasn’t exactly on their side. In fact, it had been one of the things they’d hoped to go back and change; if they never got fat, they wouldn’t have to deal with the health problems associated with it or the hassle of constantly trying and failing to lose it.
Risking a glance to the side, she noticed Fiona keeping pace with them, and winced. She was hanging back to help them, she knew. By far the skinniest and healthiest of the three of them, she was lightning fast compared to the other two. While both her companions were morbidly obese, Fiona was lithe and fit, with legs like a gazelle. She was going slowly so she could defend them with that big stick if she had to. That was the only logical explanation Rebecca could come up with. The fact that the 'big stick' was her own walking stick was momentarily lost on the eldest of the three.
Mother above, she prayed desperately, if there’s even a trace of magic left in my blood, please, please unleash it now to give us speed.
Too angry and frightened to bother with logic, Audrey just rolled her eyes, yelping when it caused her to trip over a rock and nearly sent her sprawling. Fiona caught her by the arm and helped her steady herself, and she managed a tiny grateful smile, even as she snapped at the redhead, “Shut up! It’s your fault that we’re in our own personal Jurassic Hell, being chased by a fucking raptor!”
“Cretaceous!” Rebecca snarled, dodging around a rather intimidating thorny bush. “And it’s not a raptor, it’s-”
“It’s actually quite fascinating,” Rebecca asserted through wheezing gasps for breath, “if you think about it. We finally… get to see… proof… that dino…saurs… were more like…flightless…birds…than…”
“I don’t give a shit if we’re being chased by an ostrich or a crocodile!” Audrey screeched before her friend could finish. “If I end up something’s lunch, it’s your fault! And you know what? Fuck you! Fuck your stupid spell. Fuck your obsessions. Fuck your fucking imaginary friend and the horse you both rode in on for good measure!” Even in a life-or-death situation, somehow an old inside joke popped into her head, and she managed to suck in a deep enough breath to scream, "AND YES, HE'S NAMED 'SIDEWAYS'!"
“Guys, this really isn’t the time to be arguing,” Fiona pointed out as calmly as she could, glancing over her shoulder to see how they were faring. It wasn't good. She could deal with Audrey and her rather offensive temper tantrum later, she decided; escaping the turkey-sized ball of feathers and teeth chasing them took precedence.
“Sorry…” Pouting a little, the blonde risked a glance back, and nearly wet herself when she saw that their prehistoric pursuer was getting closer and closer. “Oh, fuck me…” Something brushed the side of her head, and she jumped, but it was only a leaf hanging down from another large tree.
Wait. Leaf…tree… She glanced up, relieved to see that the branch was low enough for her to grab hold. Circling around so that she wouldn’t get caught by their feathered menace, she pushed herself just a little bit more and managed to haul herself up onto the branch. “Guys!”
“What are you doing?!” Rebecca cried, having been too focused on running to notice where Audrey had gone. Fiona had been taking up the rear, focus switching between the others and the predator, but had been looking primarily in the latter’s direction for a few minutes. When she turned and saw only Rebecca standing there, she froze and glanced around. As they spotted Audrey in the tree, they also became aware of the fact that their enemy seemed a lot closer than before.
“Can raptors climb?” Audrey called out, wincing as she watched the scene unfold. Though she had long legs and strong, muscular calves, Rebecca outweighed her by a good fifty pounds, and it was visibly taking its toll. She was tiring, and the blonde just prayed she could pull herself up to safety before that thing or its as-yet unseen companions ripped her apart. She had plenty of reasons not to worry too much about Fiona.
“Come on.” Urging her tiring friend on, the skinnier redhead decided to take at least this one cue from Audrey and circled around the trunk of a massive tree, making sure Rebecca followed. It confused their attacker, bought them a little time, and kept them from getting out of earshot of Audrey.
At her friend’s soft, gentle reminder of what she’d been asked, Rebecca frowned. She wanted to remind the treed woman that they weren’t being chased by a velociraptor, but dismissed it as a waste of time. Instead, she considered her question as she doubled back.
Could this breed of dinosaurs climb? “I…I’m not sure,” she panted, one hand coming up to press against her chest. “I don’t think so. Their arms are probably too small to pull them up.”
“Then get your ass up here!”
They reached the tree, and Fiona quickly jumped up like it was nothing, setting the staff aside and braced across two nearby branches to keep it from falling. She and Audrey then each stretched out an arm, hands extended to grab Rebecca’s and pull her up as the youngest of the three continued, “And pray Jurassic Park was wrong about more than just the raptor’s appearance, cuz here he comes, and if he brought friends, you’re toast!”
“It’s not a raptor!” Rebecca reached for their hands, though she harbored little hope that she could actually get her fat ass up there. With or without their help, in her mind, she was dead.
“Please note, you’re the only one who cares,” the other young woman grumbled, grasping her friend’s wrist and exerting every bit of strength she had left to pull her to safety. Rebecca had virtually no upper body strength, and without Audrey and Fiona, would never be able to make it up onto the branch, despite being taller than both of them.
She almost dropped the larger girl when she suddenly yelped. Fiona glared at her, trying to compensate by taking more of their friend’s weight until she got a better grip on her arm.
Still a bit startled, she searched Rebecca’s eyes for some sign of what the hell that had been about, and found only fear. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Pull me up! Pull me up!” Refusing to say anything else, she gritted her teeth and pushed with all her might, kicking all the while. What she knew the blonde couldn’t see from her perch was that the dinosaur had caught up to her while they both struggled, and had grabbed hold of her calf with its sharp claws. Suddenly, she was glad for the long leather boots that, only moments before, she’d been cursing.
As the creature went for Rebecca again, Fiona grabbed the staff and whacked it as hard as she could over the head. It turned on her for a moment, but before it could do anything, Rebecca kicked it in the face. Taking advantage of the opportunity she’d just created, she stood on the hungry animal’s head and pushed off. At last, she was seated on the rough limb, with the deinonychus just barely out of reach. Gasping desperately for air as she turned and clung to Audrey, she glanced down at the bewildered creature and managed a breathless “thanks!” The moment Rebecca was safely out of reach, Fiona crept along the branch and headed for a different one. The tree was old and strong, but the three of them in the same spot could easily snap the branch and send them right to the dinosaur’s clutches.
Once she settled on another perch, they sat there for a moment, contemplating their luck, both good and bad, and watching the hungry animal watch them. All three knew that with a little effort, the thing could probably reach the two on the lower branch with those lethal, powerful jaws. Since it had clearly not yet figured this out, none of them really cared. Audrey was exhausted and sore, the entirety of her plump body throbbing unbearably now that adrenaline had begun to flee her as she had fled the dinosaur. Fiona was desperately trying to get her breath back, and though she felt fine otherwise, she knew she’d feel like she’d been hit by a bus in the morning. Rebecca, too, was exhausted and sore, though the pain in her muscles and joints hadn’t yet registered. Her gaze shifted from the restless animal to the long jagged tears in the back of her skirt, which she studied with a sort of numb, detached fascination.
“Well,” she said finally, still scarcely able to breathe. “That was exhilarating.”
Fiona laughed.
“Exhilarating?” Audrey gaped at her. “Are you fucking kidding me? We just almost became something’s soon-to-be-fossilized lunch!”
Shrugging, Rebecca glanced down at the prehistoric lizard…bird…thing. And suddenly she felt pity for it, and all the living things around them. After a long silence, during which the deinonychus finally lost interest and stormed off in search of easier prey, she finally murmured, “We survived, didn’t we? That’s more than anything else in this time period can say.” Where were its companions? The question bubbled up out of nowhere, and once formed, refused to be dismissed. She'd heard it call to someone, and heard an answer... Or had she? Had she imagined it all?
“We don’t belong in this time period!” Audrey's reply startled her out of her confused reverie. Her voice was shrill, expression aghast as she stared at the other woman as if she’d lost her mind. Perhaps that was obvious. For a second, she considered that maybe shehad gone mad, and this whole nightmarish situation was just a scene playing out in her ever-overactive imagination.
Then she shifted, and the ankle she’d twisted when she tripped on a rock sent a twinge of pain up her leg. The idea of any of this being anything less than horribly, undeniably real was scrapped, and she glanced around. She would merely search for makeshift supplies, she decided. She would rewrite Rebecca’s stupid spell, and get them back to the present. If this experience was meant to teach them anything, she was sure it was that the past can’t be changed, which she was suddenly ready to accept as Gospel truth. Life sucked, but they could make it better if they just focused less on whining about it, and more on actually doing something about it.
A strange weight on her mind drew her from her thoughts and she turned to look. Rebecca was staring at her.
Huffing a bit, she gestured to her shredded clothing. “That’s going to get infected. You’ll probably die before the week is out.”
“Thanks, Captain Optimism,” the other woman growled, rolling her eyes.
“We don’t have anything to wrap it with!” she snapped, interrupting her friend’s attempt to assure her that she was fine.
“I can rip something if you want,” Fiona offered, gesturing to her clothes.
“We have no idea what’s poisonous and what’s not,” Audrey continued to rant as if the other young woman hadn’t spoken, “We’re about sixty-five million years away from peroxide, never mind penicillin. And all of this is assuming you just get some kind of nasty infection. Every carnivore with at least one nostril can probably smell all that blood for miles. If we don’t get the hell back to modern times, you are going to die!”
To shut her up, Rebecca sighed and reached down, shoving her torn skirt out of the way to show the long scratches across her boot. She could see them alright through the slashes in her skirt, but clearly Audrey was less observant. “I’m not bleeding, genius. He was aiming to grab, not gut; he didn’t get through the leather.” She gestured, but wasn’t the least bit surprised when Audrey only shook her head and looked away.
“I’m just worried about you,” she whispered, much more subdued as the fight slowly drained from her. “You got lucky this time, but as long as we stay here, we’re in danger every second, from everything.”
As if only just then remembering that Fiona was there, she whipped around and stared up over her shoulder at her. "And how the hell are you still corporeal? How were you ever in the first place? I mean, nice to meet you, I guess? But what the actual fuck is going on?!"
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sleepyowlwrites · 3 years
find the word tag CCXXIX
no narration. if I get going I will start complaining about Mystic Force again. so we'll skip it this time.
@oh-no-another-idea and @lunarmoment will be my generous patrons today, thank you Idea, Moment.
harden (the chosen one - flash fiction piece)
“I’m the chosen one.”
“Oh, you got a prophecy about you or something?”
“No, I’m the chosen one. Nobody else wants to do the hard work, so they chose me.”
“Are you, like, especially skilled in areas that will help you defeat the enemy?”
“No. But there was a vote, and I guess because I was the only one who suggested actually making plans and fighting back, I was the default choice.”
ice (summon story d0)
“I did not want to be the killer.”
“You are a killer.” The voice was smooth, soft, gliding along her spine like an unseen snake ready to bite. “What makes this one any different?”
Rhea closed her eyes to the scene and the scorched earth. “I wanted to be better.”
The snake voice hissed hypnotically in her ear, ice against fire. “Then you should have asked for that.”
freeze (shots - fanfiction)
Lexi blew some warmth into her bare hands before answering Adam’s call. "They're inside now, where I wish I was. This is not t-shirt weather."
"Tell me you’re wearing more than a t-shirt."
"I'm tough. And this hoodie has fuzz on the inside."
"You're gonna freeze to death. You know what the temperature is right now? I'll be right there."
"Adam, you don't have to-," Lexi sighed. He was so stubborn sometimes.
Not even two minutes later, Adam pulled up to the curb.
bite (to trade in stolen breath, to live after death, 2021)
ecstasy is a phantom, a fall trade yesterday for right now and build a house on a hill with iron walls even the dead have delights, have the night, have their spite eat pomegranates and poetry and bite
time (glow - short story)
I love my pearl. Will I really grow old enough where I don’t need to see its glow or hear its secrets for me? That seems like a very long time away.
“Did your pearl ever stop glowing completely, Mama?”
“Mm,” she wraps her arms around me and holds me tight against her chest, so I can hear her heartbeat and it matches with mine. “It’s still glowing now. It always glows. But I came to a point when I didn’t crave its shine anymore.”
I tuck my head under her chin and whisper, “When was that?”
Her voice always sounds like its smiling, even when I can’t see it. So I know that my Mama was smiling when she says, “When I first saw you.”
morning (greatest detective - flash fiction piece)
“Oh,” you say one morning in the middle of watering your plants. The aloe whines when you pause, a long leaf batting at your arm until you finish the job.
You look down at where your roommate’s cat is rubbing on your legs. “They’re a witch, aren’t they.”
The cat blinks up at you and then grins? Can cats grin?
“Oh,” you say again, stupidly. “You’re a witch.” You scratch the cat behind the ears when it glares at you, head stretched out. “That would explain a lot.”
The car purrs.
up (a Jiang Cheng character study with no name)
“I’m getting strong every day, really, Jiang Cheng, why do you even care-” but then his brother stops, looking rather like he’s just choked on his own words, the pallor of his face graying further. He opens his mouth to say something else, but Jin Ling, thankfully getting better at picking up social cues, shakes him to make him be quiet.
Jiang Cheng concentrates on eradicating the curse from himself, only half-listening to Jin Ling scold Wei Wuxian for being such a colossal idiot, what if it had been a deadlier curse, Jin Ling was perfectly able to destroy one of this caliber by himself anyway, he didn’t need to be so protective, and don’t get any ideas, I’m not worried, you’re just troublesome.
If Jiang Cheng hadn’t swallowed all his emotions before this conversation, he might be feeling fond of both his nephew and that menace that was Wei Wuxian, but he had, so he isn’t.
shift (beating hearts - fanfiction)
Wu Xie takes his arm and lowers it slowly, his eyes full of sympathy. “Careful. Your shoulder wasn’t dislocated but it was a near thing. Can I check your ribs?”
“Didn’t you already?” Liu Sang says rather breathlessly, the pain squeezing his voice out of it.
The chuckle from behind him sounds so familiar. It’s a comfort to hear. “He means he’d like to take off your shirt.”
Liu Sang can’t twist around to hit Pangzi for the slight tease in his tone, but then Wu Xie does it for him. The short laugh Liu Sang produces is strained, more of a wheeze than anything. He tries to shift forward and his muscles are highly uncooperative.
height (ellipses of thought no. 05, 2020)
a faraway dream; yesterday falls from an unseen height. I can’t see the moon against the brightness of night. further and farther, but with walls all around. they’re built up like glass and feathers and sound.
as you can see, I didn't even open the youth story doc, let alone search it. earnest, except, endeavor, endless, endearing. BONUS: emphatic, eternal. @sleepy-night-child @writing-with-melon @writeblrfantasy @ren-c-leyn @uraniumwriting @woodhousejay OR ANYBODY or nobody
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bellaireland1981 · 4 years
A Gentle Push
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Pairings: Chris Evans x Female Reader 
Warnings: None- just fluff
Word Count: 3,380
Summary- Your family and Chris’ have been friends forever, which mean you’d been best friends with Chris since childhood. Only problem is over the  years you’ve fallen in love with your best friend, but are too scared to risk the friendship. Your families decide it’s time to intervene... 
Part 1 of 3!
A/n- This is literally only the second story I’ve ever posted, so please be kind! HUGE thank you to @fluffymisha97​ and @denisemarieangelina​ for reading through, giving me feedback and LOADS of encouragement! 
Pictures found on Pinterest and compiled into a collage. 
Reblogs are always welcome but I do not give permission to copy, translate or post my work anywhere. 
You’ve been best friends with Chris, and a regular at the Evans’ household for as long as you could remember. You’d weathered your first heartbreaks together, spent endless hours at the local theater supporting each other in plays, went as each other’s date to dances so neither of you would feel like the oddball out, you’d been there for Chris when his parents had gotten divorced, and he’d been there for you when your dad passed away. You were each other’s rock, voice of reason, biggest cheerleader. You shared all of your secrets… well except one. There was a huge secret you’d managed to keep from Chris for a very long time. You were in love with your best friend.
Your  families are currently planning a ski trip in the White Mountains in New Hampshire during everyone’s Christmas break. Chris had booked a block of rooms for everyone at the Omni Mount Washington Resort for the week between Christmas and New Year’s. You were definitely looking forward to seeing him and spending time with him, as those opportunities don’t come along very often lately, but when you spent extended amounts of time together it was hard to keep your feeling concealed. As it was you were pretty sure your family knew how you felt.
You knew that Scott had for sure figured out you were in love with his brother. He’d cornered you after his mom’s annual 4th of July cookout the previous year. Since then, he’d made it his mission to drop hints and to tease you mercilessly whenever you were all together. Thankfully, it had been a busy year for Chris with films so he was gone a lot.
“So, Flower, how are you going to survive a week of skiing, and being in close quarters with Chris and not let it slip that you’re in love with him?” Scott asked teasingly, as you were settling in for a movie night at your apartment.
“Well, Bambi,” You respond, rolling your eyes, “I’ve managed to keep it under wraps this long, so I’m pretty confident that I can continue to do so indefinitely.”
“That’s flawed thinking,” He replied, “It’s bound to come out and you know it. He’ll either figure it out, or you’ll slip up.”
“I think the odds are higher that you’ll be the one that spills the beans, Bambi.” You said laughing.
“You may not be wrong there!” He laughed, “I don’t understand why you just don’t tell him already though.”
“Because that would ruin a life long friendship and I can’t, Scott.” I said sadly, “I can’t lose him, and can you imagine how horribly uncomfortable it would be when our families were together?”
“It wouldn’t come to that, Flower.” He reassured you, “You’ve got to trust me!”
“Just promise you won’t push it this week, Bambi.” You begged, “It’s been so long since I’ve been able to hang out with Chris and just have fun, I don’t want it to be ruined.”
“I promise” He replied hugging you, “It’ll all be great. You’ll see!”
“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart!” Lisa said, wrapping you in a hug as you stood on her porch.
“Merry Christmas!” You reply hugging her back. “Sorry I’m late, I was finishing a batch of  cookies for the boys for the trip.”
“You’re fine! Come in where it’s warm.” She ushered you into the house that had been your second home growing up. “Everyone is in the family room plotting for the week ahead!”
You made your way to the family room where Scott and Chris were on the couch discussing (or arguing rather) who the better skier was. Dodger was laid out on the floor at Chris’ feet but jumps up when he sees you, excitedly coming over to you for attention. You bend down and drop a kiss on his head, giving him pats, and calling for him to come over to the couch with you.  You decide to plop down onto the couch in between Chris and Scott, allowing Dodger to jump up next to you. Due to lack of space, he was sprawled half on you, with his butt resting on Chris’ lap.
“Merry Christmas, Flower!” Scott said laughing at you inserting yourself on the couch, “Settle this for us! Tell Chris I’m the better skier!”
“Umm, Bambi, as much as I’d love to help you out here, there’s a reason I call you ‘Bambi’ and it isn’t just because you’re cute.” you reply laughing. The first time you’d all gone ice skating together as kids, Scott had ended up sprawled out on the ice, much like Bambi had in the movie. He just wasn’t always the most graceful. It was part of his charm.  “It pains me to say it, but Christopher Robin is the better skier.”
“Wow, I see how it is!” Scott pouted, “Come on, Dodge, let’s go find people who will appreciate us!” He got up and called for Dodger, winking at me on his way by.
“Merry Christmas, Dove,” Chris said, scooting over to you and engulfing you in a tight hug. He really did give the best hugs. “I’ve missed you!”
“I’ve missed you too,” You said hugging him back, “Merry Christmas!”  Chris kept his arm around you, hugging you to his side as you sat on the couch. This was pretty much the norm for you both.
“How’s the school year going for you, Dove?” he asked
“It’s going OK.” You respond, slightly distracted by being so close to him. “Definitely need these two weeks to regroup.”
“Carly and Shanna said the same thing” He laughed, “I don’t know how you all do it.”
“The good outweighs the bad for sure. I love my students and wouldn’t trade them for the world.” You reply.
“Well I’m glad I get to spend the next week with you!” He said excitedly, “I’m planning on being very selfish and keeping you to myself as much as possible. Fair warning.”
Butterflies erupt in your stomach at his words. You didn’t mind spending as much time with him as possible, and the fact that he wanted to just have time with you was exciting, but it was definitely harder to contain your feelings when it was just the two of you. You thought about asking Scott to run interference but that was a recipe for disaster, and you really did want to spend as much time with him as you could.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in chaos, as were most get-togethers with your family and the Evans clan. You’d all eaten dinner, played several games, and had even snuck a movie in before the kids were carted off to their beds.
You were helping Lisa in the kitchen with getting food put up and dishes washed, when she looked over at you, giving you the familiar “mom look”... similar to the one you always got from your own mom.
“Are you planning on ever telling him how you feel?” she asked, gently prying.
You stop wiping the pan and look up at her alarmed.
“Tell who how I feel?” you ask, panicked, how did she know? Had Scott told her? You make a mental note to kick him.
“Sweetheart, you wear that heart of yours on your sleeve.” She laughed, “Anyone with eyes and sense can see you’re in love with Chris.”
You look around to make sure nobody else is around or listening in. Thankfully, Chris had taken Dodger for a quick walk so you knew he wasn’t in ear shot.
“Umm, of course I love him, he’s my best friend.” You say trying to hedge. You should have known better that Lisa wasn’t having any of that. And of course Scott picked that exact moment to come into the kitchen.
“Flower, we all know you don’t just love him as your best friend. She’s IN love with him mom.” He said, ever so helpfully. The mental note to kick him just got upgraded to pushing him down the mountain.
“Scott, leave her alone.” Lisa chided him, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed how much joy you take in tormenting the poor girl whenever they’re together.”
“I prefer to think of it as nudging her in the right direction.” He responds laughing, “I’m cupid!”
“You’re a menace” You reply, glaring at him, then turning your attention to Lisa. “Ok yes, he’s right, but I’m not about to ruin a lifelong friendship with the best person I know because I caught feelings.”
“Oh, Sweet girl, I promise you you’re not going to ruin your friendship.” Lisa reassured you, “Trust me.”
“I’ve been telling her that for a year, Ma!” Scott pointed out. “Seriously, Flower, you trust us right?”
“Of course I trust you both,” you replied, “But I can’t risk it. The price is just too high.”
“What price is too high?” Chis asked, having impeccable timing just like his brother.
“Flower has had her eye on something extra special from Santa, but apparently he’s an idiot.” Scott said, popping a cookie in his mouth and making a hasty exit from the kitchen, oblivious to the look of death you were shooting his way.
“What’s caught your eye, Dove?” Chris asked, thankfully missing the cue Scott had dropped. “Santa may be an idiot, but you’ve got a totally amazing best friend that isn’t.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that” You hear Lisa whisper to herself, shaking her head. You glance over to see if Chris had heard his mom, but he was snatching  a cookie from the tray and looking at you.
“It’s not a big deal, really.” you replied, “I have to finish packing before we leave tomorrow morning, so I’m going to head out now.”
Lisa stepped around the kitchen island and wrapped you in a hug, “It’ll all be ok, Love” she whispered, “Have faith in him.”
“It’s still early though,” Chris whined, giving you a puppy look, “And I haven’t been able to spend any time with you lately!”
“We’ll have an entire week together,” You reasoned with him, “But if you want to leave early, I have to finish packing and sleep.”
“OK, then how about I come help you pack and then we can watch a movie and you can fall asleep like you always do!” He suggested, looking at you with a hopeful gaze.  You really did want to spend as much time as possible with him since it wasn’t often you got the chance lately.
“You’d be doing me a huge favor, Sweetheart” Lisa winked at you, “Take this one off my hands for the night!”
“Ok, it’s not like he doesn’t have his own home to go to,” You laugh, “But, fine, I’ll take him.”
“YES!” Chris exclaims high fiving you, “Let me grab Dodge and I’m ready!”  He ran out of the room to collect Dodger and you turned to Lisa shaking your head.
“Why do I always end up giving into him?” You asked, baffled.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” She asked, smiling gently at you. “Relax and just enjoy the time with him… everything always has a way of working out.”
“READY!” Chris yelled, excitedly coming into the room again with Dodger and our coats in tow. “Let’s get you packed, Dove!”
“You gonna follow me to my apartment?” I asked, taking my coat. “Or do you just want to ride with me?”
“I’ll follow you to your apartment, you can pack, and then we’ll take my car to my house because I have to finish packing too.” Chris admitted, flashing his boyish smile at you. “Besides, I have a better TV to watch movies on.”
“You seriously haven’t packed yet either?” I laughed, “And have you even met me? I’ll literally be sleeping within the first 15 minutes of the movie.”
“Even more reason to watch it at my house, it’ll be more comfy when you crash out!”
Chris ushers you out of the house towards your cars after saying goodbye to everyone. Once at your apartment, Chris and Dodger hang out on your bed while you throw your clothes and toiletries into your suitcase. You make a mental tally of everything, making sure you don’t forget anything.
“Bring a dress for New Years” Chris said, “We’re going to go out to dinner and then I organized a small party for our families and the gang’s all drivin’ up to join us.”
“Umm, Christopher, that is not something you throw at me last minute!” I complained, glaring at him, “How fancy is this party? Ugh! I’m going to have to go shopping now.”
“Relax, Dove” He laughed, “It’s not overly fancy, you’ve got a ton of dresses in your closest and you’ll look absolutely beautiful in any of them. You should grab the short, black one you wore to the Infinity War premiere…the lacy, sparkly one with only one sleeve, you looked amazing in that.”
“This one?” You asked, pulling what you believe was the dress he was referring to, but needing clarification from his description.
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“Yes!” He exclaimed with a big grin, “I really liked that on you.”
“Thank you” You said, feeling your face heat up, “It’s definitely one of my favorites, but Chris, this is a formal dress, will it be OK for the dinner and party?”
“It’s perfect, Dove” he promised, “All eyes will definitely be on you that night.”
“I doubt that” You laughed, carefully placing the dress in a garment bag to prevent it from wrinkling.
“Ok, let’s grab your gear from your trunk and head to my house. You can help me pick out my New Year’s outfit while I throw all my other clothes into the suitcase and then we can watch a movie...or I can watch a movie and you can sleep.”
Once you got back to Chris’ house, you went inside and Chris got Dodger settled with food and fresh water before you both made your way to his room so he could pack. You plopped down on his bed, making yourself comfy while he drags out a suitcase and starts putting various clothing items in.
“While you finish packing, I’m going to go change and grab some snacks and drinks for the movie.” You said, needing a distraction. “And since all of my stuff is still in your car, I’m stealing one of your t-shirts and a pair of your pajama pants to sleep in.”
“Ok, but I want them back this time, Dove” He teased, “I’ve lost have of my wardrobe to you ‘borrowing’ stuff.”
“I make no promises.” You sassed back, rummaging through his drawer to find a shirt and pajama pants. In truth you’d only actually commandeered a few shirts over the years, he was definitely exaggerating.  
You settled on one of his Patriots t-shirts and a pair of blue plaid cotton pants with a drawstring so you could adjust them to fit.  You changed in the bathroom before heading to the kitchen for popcorn and drinks.
You’d just finished popping the popcorn, removing it from the microwave when Chris grabbed you from behind and yelled your name, causing you to jump about a mile in the air. Thankfully you’d already set the popcorn down.
“CHRISTOPHER!” You yelled, placing your hand over your racing heart, “You SUCK!”
You doubted he had heard you though, because he was laughing hysterically, a hand over his left pec. He was practically sprawled out on the floor. It was your own fault really. Thirty-five years of friendship, you should know to just expect these jump scares.
“I’m sorry” He gasped, trying to calm down, “I couldn’t resist!”
“You’re not sorry, Punk!” I replied, attempting to glare at him. It was impossible to stay upset with him, even when just faking it, his personality and the boyish looks he gave you always ended up melting your heart.
“I am! I promise, I won’t do it anymore.” He said, as got up off the floor. “At least not anymore tonight?”
“You better not have been recording that or post it to social media!” you said, “Don’t forget that I’ve got a LOT of pictures and videos of you over the years, mister!”
“Fair point” He acknowledged, “I promise, I won’t post it to social media.”
“Grab the popcorn and let’s go watch that movie.” You instructed him, grabbing the drinks.
“OK, but let’s go watch it one in my room, that way when you fall asleep you’re already somewhere comfy.” He suggested.
He grabs the popcorn bowl and you grab the drinks and you both head back towards his room. Chris calls for Dodger to follow. Once in the room you quickly staked your claim on the side of the bed closest to the windows and French doors, making yourself comfy with pillows propping you up. Dodger jumped on the bed and tried to settle next to you, but Chris was quicker and poor Dodger was forced to lay at the foot of the bed.
“Poor Dodge,” You said, pouting, “Did your mean Daddy banish you to the end of the bed?”
Chris laughed, throwing a pillow at you, “Mean, my ass! He’s the most spoiled dog ever!”
“And who’s fault is that, Christopher Robin?” You sassed.
“I believe you had a huge role in that spoiling” He replied, “What do you want to watch?”
“I can’t deny my role in that, but he’s the best boy ever!” You said, leaning over to scratch Dodger’s ears, “And whatever you want to watch is fine.”
“Ok, well it’s Christmas so we have to watch a Christmas movie…” He started flipping through what was available to stream, and after a minute settled on White Christmas.
“How many times did you watch this already this year?” he asked, knowing it was among your favorites.
“This will make four” you replied. “But if you count the times I fell asleep when I started it, it’s the 7th time”
He laughed, then laid back, crossing his ankles and tucking his left arm under his head. “Well come here and snuggle in then so you can go to sleep.” He extended right arm out for me to use as a pillow, pulling me into his warmth. Even with the butterflies erupting in my stomach being this close to him, his body heat and the comfort of his arms immediately relaxed me.
“I might actually make it through the movie…” You said in mock indignation. “Might be a Christmas miracle!”
“You say that, but already you can barely keep your eyes open, Dove.” He reasoned, smiling down at you.
“I can’t help it that you’re so comfy.” You yawned and your eyes drifted shut “And it was a very busy day.”
The opening scene started to play but your breathing had already evened out in sleep.
“Barely made it past the opening credits and you’re already passed out, Dove” Chris whispered, “Sweet Dreams.” He carefully shifted so he angled more towards you and leaned over to place a gentle kiss on your head. “I love you.”
(Part 2 will post TOMORROW!) 
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translytherins · 4 years
Unaccepted Permission Slip {Part 2}
[A/n: Pitcure refrence is on my Unaccepted Permission Slip part 1 so go check that out if you want refrence]
Peter's P.O.V
"Your enjoying the attention that your getting from (m/n) aren't you Peter" Ned said while wiggling his eyebrows at me. Mj was just smirking at me.
"Yup" i said while popping the p.
I looked at (m/n) who was standing right next to me. We were in front of the elevator waiting for it to open. He was wearing his headphones, listening to his music playlist so he most likely didn't hear what Ned said.
"I think this is the most clingy he's ever been in our one year of dating. So I'm enjoying it while it lasts" i said with a smile on my face. The elevator doors opened and we got on to it.
I opened the door to the training room and we saw Aunt Tasha sparring with Uncle Clint while Pietro was sparring with Pops. Wow...this is so...freaking...unimpressive. Well to me and (m/n) that is because the Avengers sparring is basically a daily occurrence. My classmates and the teacher were gawking at the scene infront of them. When they saw us they stopped sparring and gave us a welcoming smile.
"Hello children of Midtown High" Aunt Tasha greeted us but i don't think the others caught on, on the fact that she just called them children because their to star struck but (m/n), me and Mj did. We were snickering while Mj was glaring at us causing us to stop.
"Today we'll be picking five students to come and and demonstrate with the five of us.
" Five??? But there's only four of you??? "
" No there's five of us. Come here (N/n). Your joining us" Pietro said with a smug look his face.
I visibly gulped because I knew something very VERY bad is about to go down. I just love when my Parker luck strikes. Note the sarcasm.
(m/n)'s P.O.V
I groaned because of two things. One, I'm too lazy to spar and two Pietro called me (N/n).
"No. I'm not doing it and you can't make me" i said while giving Pietro a challenging look.
"Oh, i can" he replied while holding my wireless headphones. I checked my neck only to realise that they were missing.
I just groaned in annoyance and made my way over to them. Taking my headphones from Pietro and smacking his head really hard. Pietro whined and pouted while i just rolled my eyes at him. Cap made us stand to the side while he and Nat demonstrated. They started sparring and the classs stared in amazement (except Peter of course) but i didn't pay attention to the demonstration. Instead i put on my mask, hood and headphones, got out my sword and started practicing with it while doing some summer saults, back flips, cart wheels and much more. I was so into it that i didn't even realise that half of the classes attention was on me. I shape shifted my sword into a staff and transferred my water element into it. I stabbed the staff into the ground and a water dragon appeared from my staff. After a few minutes, it evaporated into water droplets before disappearing it completely.
Once it disappeared, i turned around while pulling down my headphones and saw that everyone was staring at me shocked and surprised even the five Avengers (including Peter) because i never showed them i could do with my full power. Pietro was the first one to snap out of it and Pietro super speed towards and wrapped an arm around my shoulder with his sh*t eating grin.
"Didn't know you could do that"
I just shrugged and pushed his arm off my shoulder.
"I forgot"
He just chuckled and yanked me by my hand towards the middle of the sparring mat. The others snapped out of it and started choosing their sparring partners. Some of them looked excited to spar with us, some of them looked like they were about to sh*t their pants. I put my headphones back on and waited until it was my turn. I was so into my music that i didn't even realise that it was my turn to pick until Clint nugged my shoulder, telling me it was my turn to pick. I had an evil smirk on my face but no one could see it under my (f/c) mask.
"Eugene Thompson"
When i said his name his face paled slightly but he had a cocky arse grin on his face. He probably thought he could beat me but his name is on my death list, so i won't be going easy. Peter looked like he was about to pass out and his friend, Mj, was drawing something on her book ( judging by the way she was holding her pencil) so fast that it looked like her pencil was about to break. He slowly made his way towards me, trying to look menacing as possible but it didn't work. All i did was yawn and say ;
"How long is it goong to take for you to get here because your wasting everyone's time with your presents"
Everyone either laughed or snickered at my comment making the retard named Flash mad but decided to not say anything and finally walk faster so he was standing next to me. We all moved to the side because Nat was going first with her partner which was a girl that looks slightly terrified but slightly confident that she might win. Let's just hope Nat doesn't break her bones.
After a few minutes of watching the other kick arse, finally it was my turn. Me and Flash walked to the center of the sparring mat. We got into our fighting stance and waited for Steve to blow the whistle. While waiting, i quickly shape shift my sword into a sludge hammer and transferred some natural element into it. When he blew the whistle, i slammed the hammer onto the ground creating a huge crack in the ground and the floor continued to crack until it reached Flash. The room was silent until the cracked area started to fall, creating a huge deep hole in the ground. Unfortunately, ( well fortunately actually. I don't want to kill him. Just scare him a little) he moved just in time so he won't get swallowed by the ground. He had an arrogant smirk on his face because he thought he had a chance but unknown to him there was vines that was starting to sprout from the crack that managed to make his way behind him. The vines started to tangle his legs. He raised his fist and was about to come running towards me but he fell face first onto the ground. Everyone bursted out laughing even the avengers were snickering because i may or may have not made F.R.I.D.A.Y send a video of the incident in the lab to Tony and knowing him he might have already showed the video to the others before these four came down here. I walked up to him, who was still on the ground struggling to get out of my vines, and whispered in his ear, my eyes glowing red.
"If you or that sorry excuse of a teacher ever and i mean EVER hurt my boyfriend or anyone else again not only me but the others will come after you two and slit your throats open. Got it you b*tch"
He nodded his head vigorously. I smirked and untangled him from my vines and he stood up shaking like a leaf and spoke in a teasing but serious tone.
"Not so tough are you mister tough guy. Now get out of this f*cking tower while we wrap this tour up, never show your face here again because I don't think Tony let's bullies like you into this tower EVER again and don't even think about trying to apply for the internships because the chances of you getting in is 1%"
And with that, he bolted out of the room. I just shook my head. People these days can be a bit b*tchy. I repaired the crack in the ground and we (Clint, Pietro, Nat and Steve) walked towards the awestruck class.
Peter's P.O.V
The five of them were walking towards us and i have a bad feeling about what's about to go down.
"Listen here everyone. If i hear that you bring harm to my son, Peter Stark-Rogers, just remember that me, my husband and the rest of the avengers will not hesitate to take action. Understood???"
They all nodded their heads with shock (with Mrs.Warren slightly terrified)
" Good. The tour is over but the teacher will have a meeting with me, Tony and the principal deciding whether your going to keep your job or not for not doing anything about kids bullying other kids"
The whope class exited the tower talking about how cool the trip was. Ned just gave me a smile and waved before walking through the door. Pops turned to me and i gulped.
"We'll talk about you being bullied later. Right now, go and change your clothes. The press conference going to start in an hour and you have to change into the suit Tony gave you because if you don't he's going to go beserk"
I nodded my head and towards my room to get ready for the press conference that i totally DIDN'T forget about. But tonights going to be a long night of explanation and scolding *sigh*. You know what it's okay because i know they're trying to protect me and i wouldn't trade them or my boyfriend for the world.
-Timeskip To The Press Conference-
Me, my family and my boyfriend were at the conference room (A/n :If there's not just go with it). We're not even inside yet but I could already see light flashing and loud talking inside the room. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked towards the owner of the hand and saw dad smiling at me.
"Don't worry kid. You'll be fine"
I smile and nodded.
"Ready?" Happy asked as he put his hand on the handle ready to open the door.
I nodded my head. I felt (m/n) take a hold of my left hand and squeeze it for reassurance. Happy opened the door and we walked inside and onto the podium. When we were all standing on the podium Dad and pops were immediately bomb with a thousand questions asking if it was true he was gay and married and if they adopted a kid. He confirmed it saying he was married to Steve Rogers *cue the crying woman's* and he introduced me to. I waved akwardly, not knowing what to act and questions were shot towards me. They're talking was hurting my ears and the lights were really bright all of a sudden. Realisation hits me like a bullet train. I was having a sensory overload. I tugged on pops hand and he looked over at me. He immediately realised what was happening just by looking at me and said the press conference was over and carried me inside to lay me down in my room.
He and dad placed me on my bed with an extremely worried (m/n) standing behind them. They kissed my forehead and left the room to bring the news to everyone in the living room. (m/n) was about to follow them but i tugged his hand unintentionally making him fall onto the bed because of my super strength and snuggled into his side. He gave me a soft smile and kissed my forehead making me smile.
"How did i get so lucky with you?" he asked.
I looked at him with a confused look.
"Why are you asking that??? It should be me asking you that"
He gave me a smile that I love so much and pecked my cheek, making me blush.
"I love you so much Pete that it hurts. You know that, right???"
"I know. You tell me that every day. I love you too (m/n). So, so much"
And with that we both fell asleep in each others embrace woth a smile on our faces.
~The End~
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Chapter 9 Let me know if you wanna get tagged when I post new chapters in “These Streets Are Made For Walking”. @sleepysnails. Ao3 Link
Even though Techno had instructed Mr. Richmon to call the cops, he didn’t even follow his own advice. Techno knew how long missing person’s cases could go on for. Besides, they knew exactly where the boys were being held, and  an investigation could potentially scare Las Nevadas into moving their location.
Techno and the Dream Team set up around Las Pizza Plaza. They did so silently, giving no indication that they were there. If they had the element of surprise, they were going to use it. Preparing to go in was stressful, and Techno could feel his hands clamming up in anticipation. There was so much that could go wrong, but also so much that could go right.
The plan was for Dream and Sapnap to go in, and make a mess of the place. It was what they did best, and served as a perfect diversion for George and Techno, who were waiting outside to call the cops on that disturbance. Hopefully after that, the cops will swarm the building, leaving the two of them to con their way in to have a little look around.
Dream and Sapnap loaded their paint guns. Confident that Las Nevadas won’t shoot them dead with actual guns, they double checked that they were wearing their Kevlar.
Techno and George were in the car eating a pizza bought from a competing chain--Puff Pies. They watched Dream and Sapnap walk in through the front door with anticipation. There’s a moment of calm when words are exchanged and a college student leaves the building, hopping into his own car and driving away. Then all hell breaks loose.
“Mother is going to hate everything about this,” George muttered. And that’s when the call gets put into dispatch.
“Where is the location of your emergency?” the dispatcher asked.
“Las Pizza Plaza, at 135 King Street. Two kids with guns just entered the premises and there are purple splatters on the windows, so I think they’re just paint guns.”
The line is silent. “This wouldn’t happen to be George Lore, would it?” they asked, like something about this situation was not clicking.
“Yes Mx.”
“Those two boys wouldn’t happen to be Dream Taken and Sapnap Halo would they?”
“Yes Mx.”
The person on the other end of the call was audibly confused. “Why are you turning them in?”
“Cause…” George trailed off. “Do your job.”
“Sending cruisers to your location. Where are you currently Mr. Lore? Anything else we should know about?”
“Parking lot. I’d like a peek around once you guys clear it out. Dream’s little brother is missing and we believe him to be inside the building.”
“And you didn’t call us earlier because?” The dispatcher dropped any and all professionalism they were trying to sustain.
“Those who get the cops to deal with their shit are cowards. Besides, it’s a distraction that will keep them in the building. I know that there are multiple warrants for their arrest.”
“There are much safer ways to go about this Mr. Lore.”
“We are dumb teenagers trying to get our little brother’s back.” George chuckled sadly. “We’re just trying to do this as quickly as possible, and if you gotta do stuff a little unconventionally, then oh well.”
“The cruisers should be pulling up to your location.”
“I can hear them, thank you.”
“Good. Please stand by for officer intervention.” Then, the line was dropped.
George pulled the phone away from his ear and made a face.
Techno snorted. “That was not the way to give that call.”
“Well the police are here now so shut up.”
Several officers set up to go in and subdue the situation in the parlour, and one cop came up to their car and asked them to roll down the window.
“Captain Craft,” Techno greeted. “Third time this month?”
“It is,” he said, unamused. “Dispatch said something about hostages?”
“Yes Captain. There’s a basement to Las Pizza Plaza where they keep storage and have a cell,” George said.
Captain Craft sent George a look. “What? I’ve been down there. Good old fashioned round of checkers while getting threatened.”
Techno whacked George across the back of the head. “Shut up.”
Dream and Sapnap were doing great.
They had barged in with no problem. The student who was working the till had panicked and called Slimecicle out from the back; all according to plan.
“Traves go home,” he said, not looking at him. He addressed the two boys next, “Let him go home. He’s not involved. Please.”
The two glanced at each other and Sapnap jerked his head towards the door. “Get out.”
Traves began to leave, hesitating for a moment when he neared the door. Glancing between the exit, and Slimecicle, he sprinted back, engulfing the other in a tight hug. Whispering in his ear, Traves spoke, "Don't die."
“I won’t.”
He then gave a final squeeze before releasing from the hug and running out of the building without looking back.
“New hire?” Dream teased.
“No,” Slimecicle shut him down. “Cousin, working for college cash.”
When Wilbur and Fundy come up from the basement, Slimecicle takes his cue to hide behind the counter. He’s the getaway driver, he only knows two things: drive and make pizza.
The four of them have a standoff, staring each other down. It seemed like they would stay like that forever, but that was soon changed. The whole room was filled with a flurry of motions, faster than what should be considered normal. Weapons were discarded after a few stray shots were fired, causing the start of a hand to hand brawl.
The door’s bell chimed. “Everybody down!”
They all pause for a second. They then scramble for their weapons. The police have their guns out; sure they’ve most likely only got their standard rubber bullets, but those things still hurt like a bitch. Granted shooting an officer is a proverbial death sentence, but defense is key. Even if they’re gonna get charged for resisting arrest, but for that they’d need to get caught.
It had barely taken twenty minutes for all four of them to be pinned to the ground, wrists trapped in zip ties.
When Captain Craft walked into the establishment, Techno and George were right behind him.
“Where would the children be?” Captain Craft asked George.
“Basement.” George ignored his friends on the floor and walked straight towards the back.
Captain Craft nodded to his colleagues and followed George. Techno was a few steps behind them, but he took a detour to the counter. “Evening Slime.”
“Hi,” Slimecicle said quietly.
“How are you doing?”
“You got a key?” Techno asked.
“Good. Good. Come on, being agreeable will help you.”
“I make pizzas.”
“Come on Slime. Let’s go down. Need to get Tommy back.”
Slimecicle climbed out from behind the counter and followed Techno to the hidden staircase entrance built into a bookshelf in the manager’s office. They reached the hallway and Captain Craft took over. “These boys allege that there are children being held hostage in this establishment, where would they be?”
“I don’t know.”
George gets in Slimecicle’s face, blatantly ignoring the police officer. “Where are they?”
“I don’t know. I wasn’t told. Just take the keys and leave me alone!” Slimecicle holds the keys out with a shaky hand, shoving them in George's furious face.
George swipes the keys and drops Slime. “You are going to take the nice Captain Craft here to Quackity’s office okay?” He turned back to the officer. “Techno and I will have a look around. There’s a key to the cell here right?”
Slimecicle nodded quickly. “Yes.”
“Good.” With that, George and his menacing persona stomp off to find the cells.
George started at the other end, and Techno stood behind him as back up while he systematically unlocked and opened doors, along the length of the hallway.
Slimecicle led Captain Craft to Quackity’s office at the end of the hall. They were busted, he was scared, and there was nothing he could do.
“Quackity, your empire has fallen,” Captain Craft said.
“Pity,” Quackity brushed off the comment. He turned off the security footage playing on the TV in the corner of the room. “My hands are clean Captain.”
Still, Captain Craft pulled out the zip ties, and Quackity presented his wrists in snide compliance. “You are under arrest, Quackity, on suspicion for three counts of conspiracy to robbery, and three counts of conspiracy to kidnapping.” He then turned to Purpled. “And you are under arrest for three counts of kidnapping, but you are likely to be tried as a minor. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court, but if you tell us where Tommy Innit is being held, I will make the courts know to lower your sentence for being cooperative.”
“Fourth door to the left of here,” Purpled blurted out.
Quackity glares at Purpled. “And you were doing so well.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You know kid, I took a chance on you. I had faith that you could do it, and instead you failed me like this.”
“I didn’t call you in!”
“Oh I know, but you could have stayed silent. Let them look, and instead they aren’t even going to waste time.” Quackity tutted in disappointment. “There’s a reason your brother doesn’t want you in the business kid. It’s because you’re bad.”
“It’s because he’s my brother,” Purpled corrected like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Ever had a family to care about?”
“Yeah. This one.”
“Fourth door to the left?” Captain Craft interrupted.
Purpled answered quickly. “Yes.”
“Why don’t you take me there?” Captain Craft asked. Everybody in that room knows he was trying to defuse the situation, but they all took the bait and stepped out into the hall. “Mr. Lore! Over here. Young Purpled has agreed to show us where the hostages are being held.”
George and Techno walk over to Captain Craft and Purpled. Both seniors glance the freshman up and down, contempt in their eyes.
“Did I do something bad?” Purpled asked, defensive.
“Did it feel good?”
George handed Purpled the keys.
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thatsassyhufflepuff · 4 years
Stronger Than Blood Chapter 3: Felicity
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Summary: Hufflepuff witch Felicity Zabini struggles to find normalcy as she enters into her 6th year at Hogwarts, reeling from her father’s sudden death and her mother’s quick remarriage into the Zabini family. If only she had known that discovering Draco Malfoy falling apart in the bathroom would spiral into so much more.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: none
A/N: This is an alternate canon, I've messed around with the timeline of events!
I stormed into the Hufflepuff common room, my thoughts somewhat scrambled. Who in the world did he think he was, manhandling me like that? I had to admit, I’d been scared that he was going to hurt me when he grabbed me so violently. Thank God Blaise had shown up…
“Felicity?” The gentle voice of my best friend, Hannah Abbott, pulled me out of my thoughts. I blinked, looking down at the shorter girl. “Are you okay?” Her blue eyes were wide with concern. I sighed.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I mumbled, massaging my temples as I walked to my room, shedding my outer Hufflepuff robes and tossing them on the bed. Hannah followed me, arching a thin blonde eyebrow. I glared at her.
“There’s nothing—“
“Felicity Grace Zabini!” Hannah made a face then. “It’s still weird calling you that. But I know something’s wrong. I’m your best friend, Fee, so tell me what it is!”
I rolled my eyes, plopping onto my bed. Unfortunately for me at the time, we shared a room, so she just sat down on her bed and folded her arms, waiting. “It’s just…” I started. “On the way in, Blaise and I had an unfortunate run-in with Malfoy, and--”
“Malfoy?” Hannah interrupted, paling, and I stared at her.
“Yeah. What--why are you looking at me like that?”
Hannah rose from her bed, crossing the room and sitting next to me on my bed. Her kind blue eyes were troubled. “I suppose you didn’t hear, then.” She said gravely. I shook my head, wondering what on Earth she was talking about. “He...well, Katie Bell...he’d given her some sort of necklace, and it cursed her. Madam Pomfrey said she was going to be fine, and she isn’t even in the Hospital Wing anymore, but Draco…” She sighed. “Well, I’m sure you can figure out how she got it.”
My eyes widened. Sure, Malfoy was an arrogant jerk, but to be capable of such violence? What reason would he have for that? I knew he wasn’t a fan of Gryffindors, but still...something didn’t add up. He was a bully, but I had a hard time believing he was the type of person to try to kill someone. I blinked a few times. “Wow,” I muttered, still trying to make sense of it in my brain. Hannah nodded wordlessly, then reached over and gave me a big hug, one I returned, squeezing her gently. I’d missed my best friend over the summer. She pulled back, giving me a smile and shoving me playfully.
“My summer was great, thanks for asking.”
I snorted and caught up with my best friend until it was time to go to sleep, easing back into the familiarity of our friendship and of Hogwarts. At the back of my mind, though, what Draco Malfoy did continued to baffle me.
The next morning at breakfast, I noticed that Katie Bell was back. My eyes brightened. So she was okay, that was good. She looked very weak, but at least she was alive. I made my way over to her; Harry Potter had beaten me there, it seemed. I didn’t know him too well, but he and Hannah were acquaintances, and he was nice enough.
I nodded a hello to Harry before looking at Katie, giving her a sweet smile. “Katie, glad to see that you’re okay!” The Gryffindor gave me a small smile in return, opening her mouth to speak, when suddenly, Harry tensed beside us, staring at a point past our heads. I turned and followed his gaze. Draco Malfoy stood there, his grey eyes wide as he stared at Katie. For once, his features were unguarded, his face pale as he took in her sickly state. A flash of remorse flickered through his eyes, followed by panic, before the Slytherin turned around and fled out of the Great Hall. Harry started after him, his fists clenched, but I grabbed his arm.
“Harry,” I chewed on my lip, tugging him by his sleeve. He shot me an exasperated look but didn’t try to break out of my grasp.
“Felicity, he--”
“I know,” I cut him off, giving him a stern look. “But running after him and confronting him when you’re angry won’t help anything. Let me...I’ll go see what he’s up to, okay? Stay here.” I dropped Harry’s arm and ran after Malfoy, wondering what in the world had gotten into me.
I ran somewhat blindly until I saw a streak of white-blonde hair around the corner, and I forced myself to speed up, not wanting to lose him. When Malfoy entered the boy’s bathroom, however, it gave me pause. I stood awkwardly at the doorway, hiding behind it so Malfoy wouldn’t see me. As I watched, he took off his outer vest, turning on the water in the bathroom sink, splashing his face, then looked at his reflection in the mirror. Despite myself, my heart clenched at the look on his face. He looked exhausted, visible bags under his eyes even from where I was standing. He looked at himself bitterly, as if he hated his reflection. His chest heaved, and he was shaking.
Then, Draco Malfoy braced his hands on either side of the sink, bowed his head, and began to weep. He wept like a trapped, lonely soul, with heart wrenching, broken sobs that shook his shoulders, making him gasp for air. The fist closed around my heart flexed and squeezed even more. My Hufflepuff instincts took over, then. I couldn’t just stand there and watch someone sob, no matter who they were.
“Malfoy?” I ventured hesitantly, moving into the doorway. He whipped around, tears streaming down his face, and before I could even register the movement, he was in front of me, his wand pointed shakily at my throat.
“How long have you been standing there, mutt?” Malfoy growled. Or, at least, he tried to. It was hard for anyone to sound menacing when tears were streaming down their cheeks. I held up my hands, careful not to move, what with his wand at my throat.
“Long enough,” I whispered, hoping to Merlin that he wouldn’t hex me right then and there. His grip tightened on his wand, and he glared at me through his tears.
“Come to gloat, eh, Zabini? Now that you’ve seen a Malfoy at his worst? Going to tell the world that I have a heart after all?” He dug his wand closer into my throat, gaining anger from his words.
“No!” I yelped when Malfoy’s hand slapped over my mouth, as I’d yelled that a bit louder than I’d meant to. “No,” I murmured when he dropped his hand, wiping it on his pants. “No, I just...Harry looked like he was going to kill you, so I held him back because I figured a fight was the last thing anyone needed, and...why are you looking at me like that?” But he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking over my shoulder. I turned, following his gaze, and my heart stopped.
Because before us stood Albus Dumbledore, who, by the angry look on his face, had seen Malfoy’s wand at my throat and heard the last bit of our argument. “Oh, bloody hell.” I mumbled as the headmaster gestured for us to follow him.
“Sit down Mr. Malfoy, Miss Zabini.” Dumbledore’s tone left no room for argument, so Malfoy and I sat in the two chairs in front of his desk. By now, Malfoy’s tears had dried, but one only had to take a close look at him to know that he’d been crying. Dumbledore certainly noticed, but was apparently kind enough not to say anything about it.
Once we were seated, Professor Dumbledore clasped his hands together, studying us. “Care to explain why Mr. Malfoy’s wand was aimed at your throat, Miss Zabini?” he asked after a moment, leaning back. I glanced at Malfoy, who looked even paler than usual. His grey gaze alternated between Dumbledore and I, filled with dread, as if he knew something bad was about to happen. An hour ago, I wouldn’t have given a second thought to ratting Malfoy out. God knows he made my life miserable enough. But then I remembered the way he’d looked in the bathroom. Haunted. Desperate. Exhausted. Broken. I didn’t have the heart to get him in trouble, not after that.
“It--it was my fault, sir.” I said after a moment, and I saw Malfoy’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline for a millisecond. “I, ah...well, since it’s been a few months since I’ve lived here, I got turned around, thought that that particular bathroom was the girls bathroom. Happens every year, only lasts for a few days as I readjust. Anyways, Mal-Draco just happened to be walking out of the bathroom, and he bumped into me. We all have the instincts to pull out our wands to defend ourselves nowadays,” I shrugged. “Just in case, y’know...with You-Know-Who running about. That’s all you saw there.”
Dumbledore just stared at me for a few minutes, and I was beginning to feel pretty stupid, but finally, he spoke.
“Hufflepuffs have never been good liars, Miss Zabini.” He told me, his voice firm, but his eyes were kind, as if coaxing me to tell the truth. But I found that I couldn’t. I shook my head stubbornly.
“I--I’m afraid that’s the story I have to stick to, sir.”
The headmaster raised an eyebrow at me. “Why is that, Miss Zabini?”
I shook my head again, fear gnawing at my gut. “I--I can’t tell you.”
For the first time in a few minutes, Dumbledore looked at Malfoy, whose face gave nothing away. He alternated his gaze between us a few times, then sighed.
“Well, Miss Zabini, I do trust that your reasons are noble for keeping something from me.” I sighed with relief, but Dumbledore held up his hand. “However, if you are not willing to tell me the truth, I will need something from you. Both of you,” he added, looking at Malfoy again. Neither Malfoy nor I spoke, so Dumbledore took that as a cue to tell us what he wanted.
“The prejudice I see amongst the students at Hogwarts astounds me,” he began, steepling his fingers together. “ Every student at Hogwarts is a valuable member of our community, no matter their blood status.” Malfoy snorted at this, but one stern look from Dumbledore shut him up. “Which is why, Mr. Malfoy, Miss Zabini will be teaching you about Muggle Studies.”
“What?” Malfoy cried, his eyes widening. At the same time, I laughed, “Me? Tutor MALFOY? Yeah right,”
“Silencio ,” Dumbledore waved his wand at us, and to my outrage, neither of us could speak. This time, both Malfoy and I glared at the headmaster, whose eyes were maddeningly cheerful. “That is an order, Mr. Malfoy, Miss Zabini. You both will benefit from this in the long-run, I assure you. Miss Zabini is second only to Miss Granger in your class, Mr. Malfoy. In fact, the two of you share that honor. If you refuse, there will be consequences. Understood?”
Grudgingly, we both nodded, or maybe that was just so he’d shut up and reverse the silencing charm he’d cast on us. Either way, the headmaster reversed the spell, dismissing us from the room. With one last, parting glare, though I couldn’t help but notice it held less malice than before, Malfoy stalked off to the dungeons. I sniffed with distaste, heading to my own common room. Hannah is going to flip…
Chapter 4
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔰
Chapter 3: Fall from Grace 
full masterlist // series masterlist
Pairings: dark!Steve Rogers x female!reader
Word count: 3,639 
Warnings: smut, kidnapping, stalking, slight bondage. (MUST BE 18+)
Summary: after the death of your mother, you decided that you were going to do something new to honor her. You chose a perfect camping spot somewhere down South. You thought it was going to be the life-changing vacation that you never had in your life, until Steve Rogers, a man existed in roughness and control all his life, found you.
a/n: chapter three is here!! they are finally going to start their festive, but steve is gentle enough to at least take things slow. things will grow more extreme in future chapters and i hope you’re ready for that. for now, let’s just enjoy, (lowkey) altruistic steve, yeah? enjoy! please leave a like and comment. 
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The next morning, you were woken up by a gentle caress on your hair, with a pair of striking blue eyes greeting you. Not that you had any clue whether it was actually morning. It could've been 3 PM in the afternoon for all you know, but the man before you; Steve Rogers, as he declared his name last night, confirmed it by rolling the words on his lips; "good morning."
You tried to sit up, but you remember that you were still bound in place since last night. He sat by the side of the bed, and he asked; "did you sleep well last night?" You didn't know how to answer that, so you nodded aversely. He smiled, not the menacing smirk that he displayed several times last night, but a suave one, like he was gratified by your sated rejoinder.
"I brought breakfast. You must be starving."  You turned your head to your right side and a saw a small table standing next to you, containing a plate filled with scrambled eggs and bacon, the smell was so mouthwatering that your stomach grumbled at the absence.
You whined and pulled your hands scantily, hoping that it was enough to send him the message. "Oh shit, sorry." He made light of the situation and he moved slightly forward to uncuff you. You sat up and tried to take off the gag but he abruptly blocked your hands from proceeding any further.  
"Let me do it." It was supposed to sound thoughtful as if he was lending a helping hand, but the glare in his eyes expunged the sentiment away for what he acutely implied was; "you don't get to make that decision of your own, little girl."
So you let loose your hands and yield into him to perform the task instead. You never cherished your freedom more than at that moment. You instantly contorted your body and grabbed the plate. You ate like you were a famished vagrant. You moaned at how succulent the meal is.
You ate in silence and he just sat there as he watched you gobbled up your food. The sound of the room was only generated from the clinking sounds of the metal fork hitting the silver platter.
When you were repleted, you put down down the dish and you drank the glass of warm vanilla milk on the tray. You gulped half of the glass and put it back on the tray. You didn't realize the remaining splotch of the milk had stained your upper lip milky white.  
Steve cleaned it with the stroke of his thumb tenderly and he wiped it on his jeans. He didn't waste any second longer as he spoke up; "today, we are going to start our training. We'll go over the rules and learn the basics. We will see how much we can wrap today, and then we'll carry on tomorrow."  
He got on his feet and picked up the tray from the small table, and he continued, "while I prep, you can take a shower."
Take a shower? Does this mean he was going to take you upstairs and let you use his bathroom? That's a good start, maybe, you might find a way to escape through the window or scream for help.
But your vision was cut short by his next instructions. He pointed at the direction of the staircase, but not specifically at it, but rather towards something underneath it; "you see that door over there? It's the bathroom. You can shower there."
You hadn't noticed that door before until it was pointed out.  You had only been here for, you assumed, less than 24 hours, there were a lot of things you had yet to discover. After all, your first night here was restricted; you were bound on all fours and the dimmed bulb on the ceiling could only provide so much.
"I'll give you an hour to be ready for me. I expect you to be all cleaned and fragrant when I come back." He leaned down to your level and spoke composedly. "When I'm back, I want you on your knees, with your hands placed neatly on your thighs and your chin down to the ground, understood?"
You nodded. Ever since you got here, it seems like you had lost your ability to form a sentence, you could mumble a few primary words, but you still felt so caged inside despite not being restrained any longer.
"Words, sweet girl. I want you to use your words."
He raised his eyebrows and made a questioning look, you didn't seem to get to hint, so he proceeded; "yes what?"
Your brain quickly recalls last night's events, where he told you that you may call him sir at "certain times" and you immediately knew that this was the moment he implied.
"Yes... Sir." With that, you earned a murderous smirk on his face as if he was amused by the way the sound of the epithet rolled off your lips.
"Good girl. I'll see you later." He left a kiss on your forehead and fled; passing the staircase, off he go.
You folded your knees and tucked them under your chin. What kind of rules was he planning to go over with you? Is he ever going to let you go? And most importantly, are you truly safe with him?  
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Steve took off from the basement and locked the door behind him. He was amused by how obedient y/n had been so far, he quickly learnt how naive and innocent you were. He was going to have it easy when it comes to molding you into his favorite possession. The girl he had fantasized about for months; you were nearly there. You just needed a little more disciplinaries.
He calculated in head that in a few weeks, you were going to be innately capable of performing his orders. If he wanted you on all fours, with your head pressed down on the mattress and your hands tied tidily on your back, as he pounds vigorously into you, then you were going to do so, with only a single cue.
Yeah, he'll get you there. He just needed patience and perseverance.
He stripped himself off his navy blue plaid shirt and his worn-out jeans. He also pulled down his boxer and put them into the dirty laundry basket as his lengthy cock sprung free. It wobbled as he stepped into the bathroom and turned on the lights; the rustic interior came into view. There was a single, broad rectangular mirror on his right side, over the Pecan brown ceramic sink. The tile that topped the cabinet sink resembled the colour of its owner's hair; deep brunette brown.
On the left side, there was a single wooden framed window that was shut due to the windy weather that caused the fallen leaves of the trees to enter his cabin uninvited.
He diverted the shower curtains and climbed into the giant bathtub. He swiveled the shower faucet and let the warm water wash over him. His thoughts migrated to his discoveries last night. He had stolen her phone and her other personal things and stash them in the top racks of his closet.
While she was unconscious, she pressed her button onto the fingerprint passlock, and the screen lit up, displaying all of the menu icons. He looked through all of her social media one by one; her text messages, her Instagram, Facebook, emails, Youtube history, Google history, Google Play Books, and even her Amazon search list. He thoroughly scrolled through every app on her phone he could find, to dig deeper into her personal background.
From what he discovered, he hadn't learned much except; she was a nerd, the number of books she had yet to finish explained that much. Her history search revealed nothing much more than juvenile information, and the most recent ones were camping related info. She was on social media, but she didn't seem to have that many interactions cramming up her notifications. Her emails and text messages mostly consisted of professional matters with her, what he assumed, were her co-workers.
He also read several unanswered texts, saying sentimental things, such as; "I'm truly sorry for your loss." "I'll be here if you need me, call me soon!" "Do you need a friend? I can come over anytime! :)" "She was such a wonderful human being, she's in a better place now." "Stay strong, okay? Thinking about you here."
That made him curious. Why didn't she answer these well-intend messages? Who was this "wonderful human being" her acquaintance talked about? He didn't dwell on those futile questions for too long, he could ask her about it later, but now, he just wanted to learn more about his girl.
He clicked on the gallery icon and there was only a single file. He unfolded it, and the file revealed pictures that she took from the woods; the river, the trees, the scenery, etc. Then as he scrolled down further, pictures of an older woman surfaced. The older woman slightly resembled her. They both have the same eyes and that warm demeanor. Some pictures showed she was in a hospital bed, clad in a hospital gown. She looked pale and frail. He put the math together and concluded that this might be her mother, and that she was ill.
But her peer or whoever the hell that was, texted that she was in a better place now? Does that mean she was deceased? Is that why she came here all alone? To get away from her thoughts?
He'll learn the answers tomorrow, when she's awake, and when she's willing to talk.
After about an hour browsing through her phone, he decided that he had found enough. He decided to delete all her social media accounts and discarded her SIM card and the battery. Then he turned off the device and stash it back to where all her personal belongings were stored.
After he showered under the warm water and cleaned himself enough, he turned off the faucet and stepped out of the bathtub. He dried off his damp hair as he stared into the mirror, acknowledging his God-like, well-defined figure. His chiseled abs and bulky chest that could bring anyone in his way to their knees. He trimmed his unkempt beard just enough to keep it presentable. He brushed his hair until he was satisfied with how dashing he looks.
He stepped out into his room and searched through his wardrobe. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and put it on. He didn't even bother putting on a boxer or briefs, for he knew it would go futile anyway. Nor did he bother putting on a shirt. So he walked into his basement, where his girl was kept; shirtless, and eager.
Let the games begin...
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The warm water washing over you felt pleasant on your skin. You took your time in cleaning yourself up, as your minds keep drifting to the last 24 hours. Still, the remaining questions in your head were; where the hell were you? who the hell was this man? what the hell did he want from you?
You squeezed the bottle of the shampoo onto your hand and you messaged your scalp smoothly despite your restless thoughts. You had walked into the bathroom fifteen minutes earlier, and saw how complete the bathroom was.
It wasn't much, there was a single toilet and a roll of tissue glued around a wall-mounted tissue holder beside it. You also found many feminine toiletries such as; coconut shampoo, lavender body wash, vanilla-scented lotion, deodorant, toothbrush & toothpaste, razor, blades, shaving lubricant, soap bar, and nail clippers.
In the tiny cabinet sink, there were a few white towels and washcloths. Inside the drawer, there were a few tampons and pads. You truly felt like you were a special guest at a fancy hotel. The cramped bathroom was even a lot neater compared to your own in your apartment.
It makes you wonder... Did he plan all of this? If he did, how long had he been planning for this? Your own questions rose the shivers down your spine. You decided to shake it all away and stepped into the tight space behind the curtains.
You turned on the faucet and let the warm water stream over your skin.
After you were finished, you wrapped one of the towels in the cabinet, around your body. You used it to dry off your face and your hair, then you walked out to the room. You were glad that he hadn't come back yet, so it gave you enough time to get ready.
How... exactly were you going to get ready? You just realized he didn't provide you any clothes or undergarments. So you sat in your bed, still clothed in the towel until you were ready to follow his instructions.
You weren't ready to find out what he meant by "there will be punishments" as he casually stated last night, so you dropped the towel off your body and hung it on the hook behind the bathroom door.
You heard the faint sound of approaching footsteps and you sprinted to the center of the room and knelt. You placed your hands neatly on your thighs as he instructed with your head down, not wanting to stare at his face. Despite it was part of his orders, you were also fearful of gazing into this man's eyes.
The sound of the door opening reverberated through the room, and your hands shook despite being perfectly still on your thighs. Your lips trembled at the mighty presence making a grand entrance. The sound of the approaching footsteps grew harsher and in seconds, a pair of black mudded boots covered feet came into view.
"You listened to my orders well... Good. We are off to a good start. Alright, let's begin our lesson today. You can look up now."
You lifted your head to look at his face, and you trembled. Seeing this man from down here hit you differently. He was majestic in every possible way. You didn't know whether that made you feel safer or even more terrified. He was leaning on a small table pressed to the wall behind him, his hands holding his bodybuilder figure.
"First, I want you to address me as sir when we are engaged in sexual intercourse. You have learned my name but it doesn't mean you can call me by my first name whenever you like."
"Second, I don't wanna hear you talk unless I address you first. If you absolutely need to, you may raise your hand to let me know. The only thing that I wanna hear from that mouth is your compliance, understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"Third," his eyes darkened. There wasn't a hint of emotions on his face, nothing but stone-cold, hard-rock sobriety. Like a supreme commander, commanding his subordinates. "I expect you to submit to me, fully. Your body and your mind belong to me now. I am in control of the way it works and I am free to choose whatever I want to do to you. No refusal, no recalcitrance, no inquiry. Trust me, the less you resist, the easier this will be."
You were stiffened in place, cemented on spot. He demanded complete submission; a person you had never come across before, the pieces of equipment that were foreign to you, a territory you never had the slightest bit of idea existed... You were forced to yield and accommodate yourself into it. You bit the insides of your cheek to forestall the tears. He already had you impotent, like a wounded animal succumbing to its injuries. Resistance would be vain now. So you let him take the wheel. Even if it means, your temple would be driven by him.
Maybe... Just maybe, after you've pleased him enough by letting him get a grip of you, he might let his guard down and you might even find a way to escape.
But not now, you must work to earn his trust first. You just needed to brace yourself and have self-control. This man promised you that he wasn't going to hurt you, after all, maybe in exchange for a few sexual favors, you might obtain your freedom.
So you entertained him, by saying his two favorite words. "Yes, sir."
"Alright. Now, get on the bed and lay on all fours, like you did last night."
You got on your feet and walked slowly to the mattress. It wasn't a comfortable one. It only had one pillow and not a duvet. It made you miss your own bed dearly.
You laid on the bed, seeking the most comfortable position, despite nothing that would actually make that much difference. You were still placed in the center of the bed, with your head on the pillow.
Steve followed you behind, and he restrained you again to the corners of the bed. He got on top of you, caging your hips with his knees.
"Today, I'm going to teach you how it feels to cum. Fall apart as you give into pleasure... You're never going to be the same once I'm done with you."
He started with nipping the sensitive spot of your neck, followed by the soft caress of his fingers, slowly moving down to your lip, circling around the bud, as he began to collect the wetness there. He moved his head down to your breasts, as he sucked your left nipple with his lips. The feeling overwhelmed you, you had never done this with any man before.
To say you were inexperienced would be an understatement. You had never dated anyone, let alone sleep with one. Your thoughts were jumbled with the sensation, you wanted to push him away, but you were bound in spot, your brain is telling you to tell him to stop, but you couldn't.
His mouth is taking its sweet time, moistening your nipple, as the finger on your bud didn't stop, but rather going faster, rubbing you up and down, that elicited a faint moan from you. What is he doing? What is this feeling? You didn't know. But you let yourself get lost in the moment. Thrilled to let him enlighten you.
He released your nipple with a loud pop and he continued his wrongdoing, by moving down to your most sensitive area. He stared at your sweet cunt and unhesitantly dipped his tongue into it.  The lewd noises he was making with his mouth was making your head spin; you tried to block him out by sealing your thighs but he hindered you by wrapping his large hands around your thighs so tightly, you thought it might leave a red mark of fingers afterward.
His right-hand retreated to your breasts, to pinch the right nipple that was left ignored earlier. He groped you so fiercely that you shrieked from the pain. You shifted your head to the side to hide your pleasure, not noticing that his fingers had released your nipple to shove them inside you.
You threw your head back from the sudden intrusion. Your body felt electrified. The sensation was extraordinary. Him pleasuring you with his tongue was one thing, but his fingers stroking the sensitive spot inside you made you forget the dreary situation you were currently trapped in.
You lifted your head to look down at him, trying to figure out what was happening; you could see him engorging you with his eyes shut, as two of his fingers were scissoring inside of you. Your head was misty, and before you know it, your climax had washed over you. The sudden eruption of euphoria shocked you, as you give in to the bliss. You trembled from the unprecedented explosion your body made, as you panted harshly, ceasing you from moving.
Steve was exultant by his work, how he knew he had successfully taken the first step of breaking down your wall. How he managed to inoculate your brain with pleasure. His mouth and fingers had triumphantly turned you into an incoherent, cum-drunk mess, that you didn't even try to fight or resist him. It would be so much easier to mold you to a more advanced doll now.
He reached to your eye level and caged your head once more with his hands, as he alerted you from your post-cum bliss; "when was the last time you ever came that hard?"
You opened your mouth, with still uneven breathing, and answered; "I- I never..."
He squinted his eyes at you with a puzzled look. "You never what?"
You shuddered, cautious to not provoke him; “I never... Never done that before.” 
You were comfortable with being inexperienced, until now. Until this dangerous man, who had just violated you began to interrogate your personal life; what if your celibacy incensed him because you weren't exactly what he was looking for? What he instead of releasing you, he decided to murder you and bury your body in his backyard?
He sat back, between your spread, cum-drenched thighs, and incredulously asked; "you are a virgin?"
You nodded dubiously. You broke off the gaze on his eyes, to look at the rustic wall shielding you from the world. Then his hand grabbed your chin to your move head back so that you were looking at him again; "hey, it's okay. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You are here so I could train you. We've got all the time in the world."
You didn't know how you should react to that; should you smile because of the fact that he wasn't going to murder you? Or should that frighten you instead because that means, one way or another, he was going to corrupt your innocence, and there's nothing you can do about it...
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neoniverse · 4 years
heal me. | chapter iv
disclaimer: this series is a work of fiction. any businesses, events or incidents are products of my wide imagination. all of the character’s personality does not reflect and has nothing to do in real life.
warnings: smut, angst, usage of strong language, mild violence, mentions of death, alcohol & drugs, degradation, cheating issues and lots of flashbacks
pairings: jung jaehyun x reader
a/n: read at your own risk. unedited.
song association: blinding lights - the weeknd
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“I loved you once
and now I must spend
my whole life explaining why.”
"Stop staring at me."
Jaehyun glances at you after noticing that you have been staring for the whole five minutes of him working over something. You watched his veiny hands flip each page of the paper he was holding before jotting down his signature with black ink.
He stopped for a moment and looked at you with his thin gold-rimmed glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.
"Baby, I'm telling you. Don't provoke me."
"What? Did I do something wrong?" then purposely nudged the pencil holder near him. "Oh, right. Maybe I did."
You immediately kneeled down to pick the pencils up, arching your back more; enough for him to see your ass. Just as you were about to stand up, he suddenly lifted up your body and placed you on top of the desk.
"Jaehyun, what the he—" he shut you up with his index finger pressed to your lips and eyed you down with menacing look.
"Bend over," he orders. "Raise that skirt."
You do exactly what he said and faced the large space of his office while biting your lips as nervousness and excitement build upon your body. The trepidatious heat you're feeling is imparable; knowing that someone might widely open that door and see you both in that very sexual and unusual scene.
He slowly trailed up his cold fingers from the back of your knees to the exposed cheeks of your ass. With no words said, his hand harshly landed to your skin.
"I already told you to stop, didn't I? Why defy me?" he leans closer to your ear. "Use that pretty mouth of yours and answer me."
You shook your head sideways and pursued your lips to remain silent. The raging heat of your body weakened your knees as Jaehyun continued leaning closer. You felt his bulge growing behind you.
"My very own naughty dirty girl. You really, really like seeking attention, aren't you? Just because you know I am capable of doing this?"
"Jae, please."
"Why defy me, baby?"
"I did— I didn't!"
"Mhm, sure. I really don't care."
He pulled your black laced panties down and pushed the hem of the beige skirt to your waist. He even did your hair into a ponytail to pull. "Safe word?"
"Red, sir."
"Alright. Count my thrusts and if you get one wrong, I will absolutely sure you’re limping on your way out, whore."
He pulled you closer to him and positioned his member right to your area. He didn't wait for you to speak as he already get a hold of your waist and hair then pushed his fully erected member inside your wet pussy.
"Oh—holy fuck."
"What did I say? Count."
The whole room was filled with gradually speeding sounds of two bodies skin colliding. His hips harshly slamming against your ass made you release loud whimpers. The unholy grating and roughness of his movements by senselessly fucking you behind diminished your grasp to the table.
"Ah, shit, yes."
"Yeah? Like that?" he whispers to your ear then licked your jawline. "Such a big slut, are we? Your tight and wet pussy take my fucking cock so well."
You were on the peak of climax when you woke up to sense sound of a loud clap in front of your face. Everyone was looking at you, especially Johnny who gave you a what-is-happening-to-you look.
"Earth to Y/N. It's supposed to be a fun and special night yet you're spacing out?" Johnny utters before handing a bottle of cold beer. I massaged my temples as this is the fifth time of zoning out and thinking of things that I left buried in the past.
“Happy birthday, Y/N!"
It has been exactly five days ever since I moved out from the project for Neocity Incorporation. I didn’t want to settle in that decision but what are the odds anyway? He wanted me out of his sight just like how he wanted me before; to love and heal him.
You celebrated your not-so-fun birthday in your condominium unit with Johnny, Rosé, and Seolhee. Taeyong was also supposed to be there but he said he’s not available for he’s busy about something important. But he didn't just left you in the air like that for he dropped by earlier to give his very special and extravagant gift to you.
“Come on, just at least have fun,” Rosé spoke while munching on her fried chicken. “And the food tastes so damn good!”
“Rosie, that’s because you’re already finishing the box all by yourself.” Seolhee replies. Rosé gave her a deadly glare before taking another bite to the drumstick she's holding.
I trickled off the rivulet of cold beer on my throat before going out to the balcony to breathe in fresh air. As soon as the sliding door opened, cold breeze of wind embraced my body; making me cross my arms over my chest. I walked towards the metal handrail and placed my arms above it. Then wandered my eyes to the marvelous view. The skycrapers, busy highways of Seoul, and the gradient dark blue to black color sky of shining stars lured my despondent soul in.
I started tearing up as my heart felt a striding thump. "Oh, god. Why am I crying," I let out a small chuckle and wiped the tears that fell down my cheeks and from escaping my eyes.
"You're such a crybaby, just so you know."
The taunting dominant voice from my back halted me from moving. As I turn around, I saw him there, standing before me with a bottle of beer on his right hand. My breath hitched when his chocolate eyes meet mine, especially when that playful smirk is plastered on his lips.
"What are you doing here?" I shot back, giving emphasis to 'you'.
He walked towards my place and stood beside me as if he doesn't feel any tension between us. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "You told me to stay away, now you're here to mess things up."
"I don't think I should even explain myself, Y/N."
I let out a sarcastic scoff. "Wow, Mr. Jung. Did I step on your ego?" Jaehyun just looked at me as if trying to read me and my feelings. "I just wanted to say sorry, okay? I was intoxicated by alcohol that night."
"You feel sorry for being what, an asshole?” I ask, only to see his smile fade. “Where do you put alcohol, anyway? Down your annoying ass?"
That's for you, fucking jerk.
He chugged down the beer and slumped himself on the floor, his back leaning on the glass pane. I hate him. I really hate his guts. He’s arrogant, who act like my fucking boss, and act like he knows shit.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Jaehyun spoke. Sadness poisons his voice. “I mean it. Truly.”
I remained my eyes down at him, his chocolate like eyes gleam but sad. Is it bad if I feel remorseful? Even for once? I open my mouth to answer him, but nothing comes out. My anger and hate for him is tempered by coldness. I turn around to leave him alone but a warm embrace halted and encaged my body in.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, too low to hear. Something jostles my arms. “For what I did. I’m sorry. I know it’s not that easy to forgive but atleast let me prove myself to you—again.” His voice almost breaks.
With all my might and can, I detached his grip to mine. You are only apologetic whenever you feel like to do so.
“If you're sorry, you should’ve leave me alone,” I stare at him. “What does it feel like to be pushed away? You— you always confuse me.”
The thing with love is, no matter how hard you try to save and fix it, no matter how the two of you sacrifice, it always, in the end, becomes too much. Jaehyun and you was like two shadows playing with fire. No one was capable of winning, no one was capable of losing.
I went back inside and locked myself to my room. My heart fell into a pit of sneer razors, thin and sharp. I fear of being alone more than anything else before. But it was always better to be by oneself.
In the past few days, I’ve kept myself busy with the new project given by the boss. My exhaustion is bone-deep and my heart is another wound entirely, still bleeding from taking all pain and failure.
“Engineer? You have a visitor at the office.”
My brows immediately furrowed to the worker but I just gave him a nod. He then walked away afterwards. I wasn't expecting any visitor for today but maybe it's a surprise?
Right after I swung the door open, Jaehyun in his office attire and my co-worker, Jun, was talking about something. Jaehyun stood up when he saw me enter the room. I gave Jun a notice to go out for a meantime but instead, he gave me a wink and goodluck sign before leaving.
"I just came by to invite you," Jaehyun started. "It's just a party and I assure you I will bring you home after."
In short, a party and his date.
"And that is for what?" I answered. "I'm one of your least concerns, Mr. Jung. I don't think I should comply to that."
He licked his lower lip. "I don't have any one to go with me. So Y/N, please, just this one night?"
You don't know what force pulled you to hell just so you can agree and join him to the said party. You just found yourself wearing a black plunging neckline dress that you saw on your closet earlier. And partnered up with beige heels. A sexy clothing like this wasn't in your thoughts at all, but you wanted to grab Jaehyun's limelight at the party.
"You look so gorgeous tonight."
And that was his cue before sliding his hand to your waist while you both are making your way to the red carpeted hallway.
"Thanks, I guess?" You answered. Jaehyun gave you a sincere smile that revealed his two sets of deep dimples.
When the two of you entered the ballroom, you both were welcomed by media and the other guests that overwhelmed your whole being. Laughter and chattering resonated inside the palatial ballroom and the glimmering theme laced the party, having some resemblance to a renaissance painting.
“Mr. Jung! Good to see you here!”
An old man in black suit approached and shook hands with him. He looked at you surprisingly. “Oh, the great Miss Y/N! How could I forget?”
You replied to him with a smile and polite bow before grabbing a champagne flute from a waiter. Jaehyun ended his talk with the man and proceeded walking with you to the reserved table.
Many people was intrigued to as why you and him, were together in the event; especially the media who even interviewed you two regarding it. I’m just his date for tonight. That was your answer. By the whole time moving, you just got bored and more bored for social gatherings wasn’t really your thing.
“Come with me, I’ll show you something.”
Jaehyun handed you his hand before pulling you to run away from the ballroom. You giggled when you almost tripped on your feet while running to your way out.
“If this isn’t something good, swear to heaven’s saints and angels, I will fucking kick your balls!” You playfully taunt him.
He drove to the airport as soon as the car left the basement parking. The butterflies inside your stomach fluttered when both of you walked towards a private jet at the airport ramp. Your heart raced when you got inside and saw Mark standing at the cockpit.
“Where are we going?” You ask, but instead, he just shot his brow up at you.
The whole flight lasted for 12 hours and you still have zero idea to where Jaehyun is bringing you. Butterflies that flutter inside your stomach grew wild with anticipation when the plane landed safely—sending notice that you have arrived at your destination.
"Good evening. This is Captain Lee, your Pilot for the night. We have safely landed in Rome-Fiumicino Airport. Yo, Jaehyun Jung, use protection later!"
Mark vulgarly announced to the whole craft, making your cheeks flush. Jaehyun just laughed it off as if it's not awkward for him.
"You brought me to Rome freaking Italy?" You exasperated said, eyes widen, to the person beside you. "I already told you before, I will make myself up."
"I hope you know that I am sorry for everything, Y/N."
The soft knocks on your hotel room door woke your senses up. You rubbed your eyes before grabbing the silk robe you bought at a nearby boutique last night before you and Jaehyun check-in at a obviously luxurious hotel.
It's already 9 AM.
You opened the door and saw Jaehyun standing there, wearing a simple white shirt, tucked in his washed blue jeans. He eyed you up and down before greeting.
"You ready? We're going to our first tourist spot."
When we arrived at the Colosseum— which was my ever since wish, my jaw dropped as to see the beauty. Jaehyun, who is standing beside me kept looking at the old building.
"What's the use of your film camera if you won't open it?" I mocking asked before snatching it from him. "Go there, I'll take a picture of you."
He hesitated first before following your demand. You took two shots of him, standing in front of the beautifully created structure. You were doing boomerangs for your Instagram story when Jaehyun pulled you.
"Mi scusi, puoi farci una foto?" He politely asked to a passerby and gave her his phone. The old lady smiled and took it.
Jaehyun suddenly wrapped his arm on your shoulders, making your heart jump for a second. The woman counted before clicking the shutter of his phone camera.
"You, two, look nice together! Good couple!" She created a heart shaped sign then left us alone. Jaehyun beside you just laughed while you were standing there, dumbfounded.
He took your wrist and pulled you so the both of you started walking again. You also posted an IG story of Jaehyun's back that left a bombarding dm's from Rosé, Seolhee, Johnny, and Mark.
@parkrosies: please bring home some food!
@seo.johnny: Use protection! ;)
@mark.lee: Have fun, Y/N! I hope you guys will go home with a baby.
Mark's message made you laugh then you closed your phone. The trip in Colosseum ended by eating at a near restaurant that was again, high-end and fancy. Jaehyun insisted walking to a park before going back to the hotel.
"Did you enjoy?" He asked while sipping on his iced americano.
You nodded slowly. "Hmm, I really did."
"We're just here for three days so we should go to a lot more places tomorrow." Your poor heart fell on your stomach as to his word.
"Three days will be enough, then," Jaehyun glanced at you. "I hope it's enough for us."
When the both of you arrived in front of each other's hotel doors, he gave you a small smile and mouthed, 'tomorrow' before going inside his room.
The next day, you woke up late because you slept late for contemplating over things. Jaehyun brought you to the center and major tourist attraction, St. Peter's Basilica. Then to the Pantheon and to a museum. Until the day after next, last day. It was Trevi Fountain; one of the places you wanted to travel to before.
"So this is the end?"
Jaehyun stared deep into your eyes as if enthralling. You nodded slowly when you felt a small pang in your heart. "Jaehyun."
He cocked his head to the side. "Yeah?"
"I'm forgiving you," l stated with a genuine smile on my lips. "And I also mean it. No lies."
"Wait, shit, for real?" He was suddenly jubilant.
The immaculate twinkle in his eyes made your heart even more flutter. He bit his lower lip when he felt his heart pounding in ebullience. Maybe three days were enough to understand and love something good about him.
"Thank you, Y/N. Tha—"
You gave him a smack on the lips before running back to your hotel room. Jaehyun was left there, in his room, still in shocked position. As soon as you closed the door, you leaned back to it and placed your hand to the chest.
You knew what it was.
With your heart into pieces, you try to heal it alone. Not knowing it was him the whole time.
You fell, again.
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Roguish Women Part 47
Summary: Kate is an American who fled to Paris to escape her past life. Now she's dancing and  playing the part of a courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. There she meets Tommy Shelby who thinks she can be useful in expanding his empire. But has he been blinded?
Part 47: The final bullet in the vendetta.
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            Kate woke up to find the bed empty beside her. It was early, she’d been anxious to be on time. She knew Tommy wouldn’t wake her up in hopes that she would sleep through the planned event.
            But she was up and dressed before she usually was. The flat was just as empty as the bed. Kate slipped on her coat and went down the street to the distillery. Several of the men on watch tipped their cap her way.
            Finn was waiting for her at the top of the stairs. He looked conflicted when she approached. “Tommy said not to let you come.” He stood between her and the stairs.
            Kate narrowed her eyes at him. “Well, that’s not his choice to make, now, is it?”
            “The youngest Shelby didn’t look like he wanted to get caught up in the argument, but also didn’t want to catch flak from his brother. “It’d just be easier…”
            “We’re not living in easy times.” She interrupted. “I’ve heard Tommy’s side and I’ve made up my mind.” She concluded before pushing past Finn and making her way downstairs.
            Only Tommy was there, standing near a table with two chairs. He held a bottle of gin in his hand.
            “You never explained the label to me,” Kate spoke up to alert him of her presence.
            He turned although he didn’t seem too surprised that she had shown up. “What needs explaining?”
            She walked up to him and took the bottle from his hand. “Distilled for the eradication of seemingly incurable sadness.” She read off, having noticed it earlier when they were talking to Alfie.
            “Polly said that when you were in America, I nearly drank meself to death.” He answered calmly. “That and with the morphine, it was the only way I could tolerate being without you. I could sleep, I could ease myself of the guilt, and I could forget. But I’d much rather have you here.” He cradled her cheek in his hand. “So, go back home and wait for me.”
            “I’ll be right here. For the rest of your life, I’ll be here.” She kissed him softly, refusing to go anywhere.
            Kate hadn’t seen Luca Changretta in years. His name had been haunting her for so long that she nearly forgot how long it’d been since they’d been face to face. He’d grown into a menacing figure, something she always knew he would be. The kind of fierce stature he was destined to become under the guidance of some of the most ruthless dons America had ever seen.
            Luca’s eyes landed on her as he stopped in front of her, Polly, Tommy, and Finn. But he didn’t speak to her. Instead, he beckoned one of his men to bring over a handful of documents, spread across the table.
            “I’ve had my lawyers draw up these. Documents for everything you own. And you’re gonna sign them all over to my family. Or you’re gonna die.” Standing in front of Tommy, Luca looked back to Kate. “I would’ve buried your whole family. Y’know, my mother knows you.” Luca said steadily. “She told me how to hurt you. How to really make you suffer. ‘Take everything from him, then make him watch Kathleen Lynch die.”
            Tommy didn’t flinch. He simply maintained eye contact with the man. Kate didn’t budge either.
            “Because she’s worse than you are, in some ways.” Luca continued. “She murdered two people who were loyal to me and my family. Killed them in cold blood for no reason. You and I, we kill to gain something, don’t we? But her? She just doesn’t care, does she? I’ve got the Leoni family asking me to right her wrongs. Take care of her so she doesn’t do any more harm. So, I will. And you’ll watch and live with the knowledge that you were her downfall.”
            Polly shifted a bit so she was standing more in front of Kate. But neither of them said a word in response.
            “Search them,” Luca commanded after finding a gun in Tommy’s coat. “The dead girl walking has a gun on her thigh.” He added, sending a glare towards Kate.
            None of them said anything as they were patted down. Kate reached down and pulled the gun from her holster on her thigh, handing it over.
            Luca began pushing each document onto the floor. “So, get down on your knees and sign those papers. I’ll even let you say goodbye to her if you’re quick about it.” He gestured for one of his men with a heavy-looking gun over. The executioner in place, as it were.
            Tommy’s eyes flicked to Polly then Kate before he sank to the floor. “A friend once told me that big fucks small. So, I had to find someone bigger than you.”
            “You’re too trusting to leave your empire behind to boys, Luca,” Kate spoke up on cue. “Who’s making sure the Spinetta’s don’t decide to take what’s yours? You may work for them but they have no loyalty to you. Your family is all but wiped out. Your allies in Boston are dead because of me. I’ve gotten word from Frank Wallace that the Gustin Gang has already seized half of the territory Santo Leoni used to own. They’re loyal to us and they could very well take all of it within the next year. And you know how much Frank just loves to hate you. You’ll never make a profit in that city again. After that you’ll lose New York too.”
            “And there’s a man in Chicago who’s willing to take over your business in New York as well,” Polly added.
            Kate couldn’t help the small smirk on her face. Vengeance really was sweet. “Now who do we know in Chicago that’s bigger than you’ll ever be?”
            Luca seemed like he was starting to grasp the ploy that had been made in front of him. The smugness was starting to fade from his eyes.
            “Alphonse Capone.” Tommy finished for her.
            “You’re talking to that fat fuck?” He hissed and looked to Kate. “That man killed your fucking mother and you’re working with him?”
            “The fact that you know that proves to me you were the one who told the Outfit where my mother lived. You were the final nail in her coffin.” She wasn’t as good at containing her anger like Tommy and Polly. “You used him to kill my mother and to get me out of your hair. Now I’m going to use him to kill you.”
            “All your blood relatives you brought here are dead. The only ones left are the ones who will take the highest bid.” Tommy concluded
            Luca turned to his men. The shock slowing down his movements.
            “Loyalty is so fickle, isn’t it?” Kate said with venom in her voice.
            Luca turned back to Tommy and reached for his coat.
            “Tommy!” Kate shrieked.
            He reacted fast, knocking the pistol out of Luca’s hand. Polly had to pull Kate away from the men brawling. She felt helpless, watching Tommy finally get the upper hand and slam Luca’s face into the gin bottles on the table.
            She was so caught in the action that she didn’t see the door open until Arthur was well in her line of vision, holding up a gun.
            The bullet went through Luca’s head and into the vat behind him. The final crescendo.
            Kate was almost bouncing out of her skin to get out of Birmingham. She was all smiles as they arrived at Arrow House. The large manor was such a sight to behold even at dusk when they pulled up the gravel drive.
            “Some fresh air, aye?” Tommy smiled as he helped Kate out of the car.
            “I can’t wait to see Blue tomorrow. I hope he hasn’t forgotten me.”
            “Horses have very good memories.” He assured her, linking arms with her as they walked back into the home they’d missed. “I’m sure he’ll be just as glad to see you.”
            “I’m going to get ready; they’ll be here soon.” On top of being back in Warwickshire and spending a nice evening with friends and family, they were finally able to tell everyone the news of Kate’s pregnancy. With the vendetta behind them, it seemed there was nothing but the open sky ahead of them. Even if it was naïve to think it would be smooth sailing from then on, Kate still wanted to believe that it would.
            Tommy called for everyone’s attention as they drank and laughed in the parlor later on that night. He stood with Kate sitting nearby.
            “Listen up, before we go and eat, I’d like to say a few words. Last time we were all here, it ended badly. But now we’re in a happier place, something I think we all deserve. Last time, Kate wasn’t with us. But she’s here now and that’s something I’m very grateful for.”
            “I think that’s something we’re all grateful for.” Arthur chimed in loudly. “Keeps you in line.”
            Kate laughed. “I try my best.”
            “That she does.” Tommy looked fondly at her. “Other happy news, we’ll be having a wedding as soon as we can plan it. And we’ll be expecting a new arrival, maybe two if Pol’s right. Which, we all know she is when it comes to these things. In other words, Kate is expecting twins.”
            There was a murmur of surprise but Ada looked thrilled as she crossed the room to hug her. “I should’ve known. How couldn’t I have known?”
            “Twins, aye?” Arthur shook his head with a grin. “And what’ll they be, Polly? Boys or girls or both?”
            “Two boys,” Polly reported. “God bless us all.”
            Kate smiled and stood up to kiss Tommy’s cheek. What a happy occasion.
            “Then, that gives me even more of an argument for what m’about to say.” Arthur stood up with his whiskey glass in hand. “Our enemies are gone. And for the first time since we enlisted in the yeomanry. The Shelby boys, me, Tommy, and John.” He paused briefly, sadness in his eyes for their fallen brother. “For the first time, there’s peace. Since you’ve got little ones on the way, you need some free time. So, I propose, from everyone in the company, that Tommy should take a holiday. War’s over. It’s time you’ve rested.”
            Kate nodded and squeezed Tommy’s hand.
            “To peace.” Arthur finished his toast, giving his brother an earnest look. But Tommy’s eyes were distant. There was something that wasn’t done with.
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