#*cumberland BC
if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
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"PRISONER ILL; CASE ADJOURNED," The Province (Vancouver). November 27, 1913. Page 13. ---- Richard Goodwin, Testifying in His Own Behalf, Almost Faints. ---- Effect of Evidence Heard Yes- terday in Trial of Miners. ---- New Westminster, Nov. 17. Owing to the sudden illness of one of the accused, Richard Goodwin, as he was giving evidence on his own behalf in the witness box at the Assize Court yesterday afternoon, the hearing of the case against Goodwin, John Tayler, John Hall and James Connors for alleged intimidation and assault at Cumberland last year, was not concluded.
Goodwin, who is serving a sentence of nine months in jail imposed upon him by Mr. Justice Clements for having taken part in some labor disturbances at Cumberland, appeared in court under guard. He was extremely pale and nervous throughout the day, and when called upon by Mr. J. E. Bird to testify, staggered and almost fell in the witness box. Mr. Justice Morrison offered him a chair, but it was apparent that even seated the man was too ill to proceed, so his lordship ordered the court adjourned.
Mrs. John Thompson was the first witness called after the lunch hour recess yesterday. She corroborated the evidence given by her husband called in the day to the effect that the four accused, with another striking miner came to their home on the night of Nov. 22 and after threatening her husband with expulsion from his lodge, assaulted him. She was also knocked to the floor, but she said that it was not done intentionally, but in an effort on the part of James Connors to get at her husband, Thompson, she said, defended himself against the four men who attacked him with a baseball bat.
Arthur Toslin was the chief witness for the defence. He said that he accompanied the four prisoners to the Thompson home. They went there with the intention of spending the evening. He had been delegated by his lodge to have a talk with Thompson about his returning to work, and thought that the time was opportune. They all entered Thompson's house after knocking at the door, he averred, and were welcomed by Thompson and his wife, who had some time before asked the young men to come there and spend an evening.
During the conversation that ensued, Toslin said that he told Thompson that he had been complained about in the lodge and that he had better go there and explain his position as it would be his last chance to do so. If he did not avail himself of the opportunity he would be kicked nut like several others had been. They also discussed how four men had been induced to qult work and that one man Tapella had been put in jail. Toslin declared that he left the house shortly after the conversation about lodge matters in order to get a friend. Len Cawthorne, to bring his banjo over that they might have some singing. He did not know how the row in the house started,
Len Cawthorne explained how he had met Mrs. Thompson at the home of a mutual friend, Mrs. Wilcox, and had been invited by her to bring his friends to her house. When the Thompson's had moved into the house they were then occupying he and his friends had assisted in the moving.
Paul Scavardi, a teamster, saw the five men go to Thompson's house which was but thirty feet from his. stable. He later heard a row and distinctly remembered hearing Thompson calling for his knife at the same time cursing the Yorkshiremen.
Richard Goodwin spoke with considerable difficulty when he took the box. He explained that he had been asked by Thompson to assist him in moving, and had done so. He had also aided him in building a chicken house. They were on good terms with one another.
The witness turned deathly pale, hesitated, staggered and would have fallen had he not clutched the sides of the witness stand to steady himself. Mr. Justice Morrison after giving him time to recover himself asked if he would like a chair. This Goodwin refused, but as he was too ill to proceed with his evidence his lordship adjourned the court.
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msommers · 1 year
riya not talking to bash about victor bc she wasn’t ready and figured they’d have time to talk about it later. riya not saying anything as she holds a dying bash in her arms because she’s certain he’ll recover at any moment and they can get mushy later. 
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potatoesandsunshine · 8 months
max trevelyan... now we would not say he is doing "well"
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autisticempathydaemon · 6 months
Hi! I’m here for the redacted boy pairing, I saw it on your blog and honestly wasn’t going to submit, until I read the questions and thought that they were super fun, unique, and interesting! The song I’m fixated on at the moment is This is what Autumn Feels Like by JVKE. The lyric I always look towards too whenever I play it is “Love is like riding a bike, scary but then it’s alright. I got the hang of it, right?” Because I feel like it’s a pretty good analogy! And I definitely relate to always wondering whether or not you’re doing something correctly 😅. My Enneagram Type is 6 apparently (I took the test just now) and I’m an ENFJ if that helps. I don’t think I’ve ever gone out of my way to listen to a ‘gargantuan YouTube essay’ but I do enjoy hearing people ramble about their interests if that’s similar! My childhood imaginary friend was Lucy from Narnia, I used to imagine that we would go horseback riding and I would run away to Narnia with her and never come back. To fall asleep I usually stay up watching shows (current obsession is criminal minds) or doing things like that and then passing out, though if I can’t sleep I usually just count until my brain shuts off. I would love the name Adrianna. I just think it’s really pretty and it has a lot of nickname options! Which is one of the few things I dislike about my current name, there are like 2 things you can call me to shorten it and one of them reminds me too much of my dad for me to feel comfortable with people using it. I think my favorite audio is either the decorating for the solstice one with David (I’m feral for the way he explains it all and then goes out of his way to tell Angel that he doesn’t want them to feel left out and that they’re the most important part of his life!!) or the one where Vincent tells Lovely about the monarchal summit (oh the foreshadowing) and about his first time there (I think it’s called Cuddling with your Vampire bf but I could be wrong). The Redacted boys I don’t get the hype for but don’t necessarily hate are Ollie (sorry dude, I’m sure you’re sweet and all but it’s just not my cup of tea) and Vega (I do actually dislike him! Everyone talks about this one video of him in the imperium but I’m too scared to watch the whole imperium and no one has given me a clear answer on what video it is that he’s not a ass). I’ve read the Lunar Chronicles (highly recommend) so many times that I practically know them by heart. I have a soft spot for twisted Fairy Tales and LET ME TELL YOU THEY DO IT SO WELL! This may be an odd answer but I’d want Damien as my best friend. I feel like we have a lot in common and I love me a sarcastic but incredibly driven kinda guy, that’s how a lot of my friends are. I don’t have a go-to topic when I tired, but everyone can tell because I start giggling like crazy, as if everything is funny 🥲. My gas station drink is the Cumberland farms slushies, I would mix the blue and red to make purple. I’m a sucker for the Spotify daily mixes tbh, bc I don’t have premium and they offer me the most amount of control as far as changing the song, replaying it, and only listening to the ones that I want to, plus it’s curated which I very much enjoy. My guilty pleasure media is probably in part Redacted 😅 but also I enjoy SOME Yandere stories that I find on like fanfic websites. And I’m talking about like ‘log this person is so dedicated to you! How fun! 🤩’ I usually scroll past when it’s like an actually ab-sive situation or senario. I really enjoyed this thank you!! 😊
Sorry this is the same person who just submitted the last ask (the one with the imaginary friend being Lucy from Narnia) and of course after I submitted I thought of some extra to add 😭 sorry for the inconvenience, I just wanted to add that I’m an Aries and a huge swifty, have a good day!!
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Hmmm, this is hard because I feel like ENFJs could really work so beautifully with a lot of people- at least, Redacted people. In the end, I decided to pair the Protagonist, the natural leader, with our favorite leader, David Shaw.
After all, ENFJs, Arieses, and Sixes can be summed up as confident, principled idealists, the kind of friend who takes charge and takes care of their own. You’d be a wonderfully extroverted contrast to David, the perfect mate of the pack Alpha. I also like David for you because Sixes tend to be motivated by a desire for stability and security in their lives, and… well, c’mon. He runs a security company. I need not say more.
In addition to the pun, there’s so many cute, little things that’d be charming about your life together. Criminal Minds marathons would be so fun with David; he strikes me as the type who can always guess the UNSUB, and he feels a strong kinship with Hotch. He wouldn’t really understand the Taylor Swift hype, but that wouldn’t stop him from pulling some security connections to get you killer seats when she tours close to Dahlia.
No matter where you are, I'll be there/ We can be the generation/ Who learns how to love/ Mistakes and empty promises/ Will never be enough/ So tear apart these giant hearts/ That beat inside us now/ Let's conquer the percentages/ And rise above the crowd/ And I won't let you fall (won't let you fall)
This song is one of the most down to earth yet romantic songs I know, and that’s why I like it for you and David. Fun fact, the duo who sings this are married, and this is the song they wrote and performed as their wedding vows. That’s the kind of heart-melting, ooey gooey lovey shit that I think suits David and his partner, because that man is a sap and not good at hiding it.
Lasko, I like for you for two reasons. One, he could use a friend and partner like you, he needs it. Two, I can see him also being a Narnia kid growing up, so that’d be a really cute thing for y’all to bond over. Geordi, I also think could use a partner like you, but honestly he’s mostly a runner up because he’s my favorite Redacted boi to headcanon as a Swiftie.
note: it’s no inconvenience at all, lovey, you’re good 💚
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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justnerdy15 · 10 months
One Song for Every OC
(thanks for the tag @thatndginger!) open tag! wip: Come Back Home I'm not going to do everyone bc that would take forever, but! top 6. More under the cut.
Edith Brown: "I am a Man of Constant Sorrow" by The Soggy Bottom Boys
I am a man of constant sorrow I've seen trouble all my day I bid farewell to old Kentucky The place where I was born and raised (The place where he was born and raised) For six long years I've been in trouble No pleasures here on earth I found For in this world I'm bound to ramble I have no friends to help me now
Audre Jones: "Hunger" by Florence + the Machine
At seventeen, I started to starve myself I thought that love was a kind of emptiness And at least I understood then, the hunger I felt And I didn't have to call it loneliness Tell me what you need, oh, you look so free The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen We never found the answer but we knew one thing
Evelyn Brown: "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" by Patty Loveless
Oh, my grandfather's dad crossed the Cumberland Mountains Where he took a pretty girl to be his bride Said, "Won't you walk with me, out of the mouth of this holler or we'll never leave Harlan alive" Where the sun comes up about ten in the mornin' And the sun goes down about three in the day And you fill your cup with whatever bitter brew you're drinkin' And you spend your life just thinkin' of how to get away
Constance Russel: "Another Love" by Tom Odell
And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight But my hand's been broken one too many times So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude Words, they always win, but I know I'll lose And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours But I sang 'em all to another heart And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love But all my tears have been used up
Matha "Marty" Brown: "Saint Bernard" by Lincoln
Saint Calvin told me not to worry about you But he's got his own things to deal with There's really just one thing that we have in common: Neither of us will be missed Saint Bernard sits at the top of the driveway You always said how you loved dogs I don't know if I count, but I'm trying my best When I'm howling and barking these songs
Mason Brown: "The Archer" by Taylor Swift
I've been the archer I've been the prey Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay? (I see right through me, I see right through me) 'Cause they see right through me They see right through me They see right through Can you see right through me?
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
@vampire-clowns-r-us​ submitted: ok i have never seen this kinda spider before. middle tennessee (upper cumberland area). idk if these pictures are good enough to positively id, it was really tiny and hard to photograph bc it wouldn't stay still. the front legs were reddish and the top segment was black and it kept waving them around and feeling all around before it moved anywhere, almost seemed to be using them like a sight cane. it ran off somewhere but i observed it for a few minutes so if you need any more information i can try and get it for you
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Looks like some kind of jumper as far as I can tell but I’d need clearer photos to tell you which! It’s pretty typical for them to use their front legs like that.
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edamamefiend · 1 year
just had a dream me and my friends were trying to leave my house to go to a chuck e cheese concert but my kitchen was a cumberland farms and my family was in the next room watching tv so i had to help all the customers and i missed the show bc this one guy was standing at the counter for forever writing something and when i was finally like “ok whats he writing” and looked at the paper it was all in a mix of cuneiform and hieroglyphics and when i was like “bro….. what” he started pointing to each character and translating it to me and it was just the full lyrics to kill all your friends???
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toastybugguy · 1 year
I'M SORRY if I'm sending so many asks I'm just very interested in the zomblorbos. what would the theme song of their show be if there even would be a theme song
NOT AT ALL I love getting 2 talk abt my silly blorbinos!!!!!
Hmm this is a great question n I’ve thought about it a lot lol it’s so hard to pick a song for all four of them bc I usually split songs in my head into “Robbie and Scooter” or “Drew and Gabe” songs… maybe Cumberland Gap by David Rawlings or Running With The Wolves by AURORA would be good theme songs methinks ?
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"TRACES OF CUMBERLAND BANDITS." The Inland Sentinel (Kamloops). July 10, 1913. Page 7. --- Nanaimo, July 9 - After holding up the Chinese cook at Moore & Pethick's camp on Saturday night and getting a supply of food at the point of the gun, the two men who last week robbed the Union Bank messengers near Cumberland threw down between $13 and $14 on the cook's' bed with the words "Now take that and be quiet about this or we'll attend to your case later." Then they disappeared in the darkness and no trace has since been found of them.
The woods around Cumberland and Union Bay are full of police who were out all night on Saturday and Sunday looking for the hold-up men. It was at first thought that they had escaped from the spit near Union Bay to Denman Island in a boat, but it was made quite evident later that they were in hiding in the hills back from Union Bay.
It was about midnight when they were at Moore & Pethick's camp. The Chinese was frightened almost out of his wits, but at sight of the guns in the hands of the two Swedes, as they are thought to be, he got food for them quickly enough. They took away a plentiful supply after stopping long enough to eat: The police have the money the men left, and it is declared that they are certain the silver is part of the $2500, taken from the bank clerks near the Trent bridge on Friday afternoon.
The Chinese told the police that the two men had been at the camp twice before last week and had forced him to give them food. This was before the hold-up of the bank clerks, however, and it was not thought that they would come back after that for fear of capture.
The whole Cumberland and Union Bay neighborhood has been aroused and a determined effort is being made to scour the district. It is realized, however, that it will be a difficult task to catch the desperadoes if they keep to the heavily-wooded hills.
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msommers · 2 years
lil baby intro post for riya ⚔️ because she's been confined to the dms for a hot minute. fellow players don’t click read more if you wanna avoid spoilers i guess lmao
smol pinterest section for vibes
her playlist is ridiculous spoiled party princess energy and i love it
born 2:84 glory in cumberland, nevarra which is!! part of the free marches way back when so that’s fun
the youngest child to duchess priscilla de clairmont and her husband loren. only daughter with four (4) whole older brothers, the oldest being born in 2:71. mama duchess is Huge in the city, controlling a large portion of its businesses and having a grand web of connections. aside from that, the family is known for its origin of nobility back in 1:16 divine during the second blight, when valeriya de clairmont (aka riya’s namesake) helped defeat the darkspawn in the battle of cumberland, earning her and her family an elevation into nobility. ((this has nothing to do with anything, but it’s important for me to know that everyone know her husband’s name is toussaint de clairmont and i’ll go to my grave happy with that absolutely troll of a name))
her magic manifested when she was 6 years old, inherited from her father and shared with one of her other brothers, magnus. she struggled with her studies, both magical and regular, and had a hard time getting better at it until her dad found out she's Vastly better once the "learn by doing" motto is in play.
she was given magic lessons by her father for a handful of years due to the nevarran circle having been wrecked in the recent past. her mom the big business baron made a deal with the circle and the new palace that she had constructed for the family was instead given to the circle, which riya then moved into and began proper circle teachings. she didn't Hate it but she didn't Love it, way too much reading went on for her liking :///
fell in love with the idea of becoming a participant in the free marches grand tourneys after her first attendance, immediately dedicated herself to one day being one of the mages participating in the event. started studying like mad to the surprise of everyone and trained hard, becoming a knight-enchanter as she saw it fitting and easily the most fun. a magic sword?? to use in a tourney??? c’mon bro, you Know there wasn’t any other choice
has extreme rich party girl energy due to her immense privilege as both the duchess’ daughter and living in the nevarran circle where they’re almost. ridiculously chill compared to literally everywhere else. she is only inside that building when it is absolutely required, otherwise she’s out spending time with family, attending social gatherings/events, or with a lover.
speaking of lovers!!! got herself a boyfriend after hooking up with another participant in the 31st tourney. in a totally unchill move, she was then framed for his murder at the end of the next tourney :/// mommy duchess was able to keep her from being immediately punished tho she was still held in prison, and eventually when it became clear that they wouldn’t be able to get her out of it, riya’s dad and older brother busted her out of there. she was sent on her way with a stupid big amount of money and was probably expected to just lay tf low for however long it took and eventually meet back up with family, but she’s a little idiot who makes it maybe a month and a half at the most before being caught in [insert location here, probably outside of nevarra tho].
cue entrance of grey-warden recruiter and his companion who invoke the rite of conscription to save riya from any imminent transportation back to cumberland for punishment. which to riya as of right now is just another form of punishment as she’s spent about two decades trying to Not follow her family’s footsteps and instead just live her life for the vibes
now for a collection of images that i think match riya’s energy pretty well just bc it’s fun:
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 4.16 (before 1940)
1457 BC – Battle of Megido - the first battle to have been recorded in what is accepted as relatively reliable detail. 69 – Defeated by Vitellius' troops at Bedriacum, Roman emperor Otho commits suicide. 73 – Masada, a Jewish fortress, falls to the Romans after several months of siege, ending the First Jewish–Roman War. 1346 – Stefan Dušan, "the Mighty", is crowned Emperor of the Serbs at Skopje, his empire occupying much of the Balkans. 1520 – The Revolt of the Comuneros begins in Spain against the rule of Charles V. 1582 – Spanish conquistador Hernando de Lerma founds the settlement of Salta, Argentina. 1746 – The Battle of Culloden is fought between the French-supported Jacobites and the British Hanoverian forces commanded by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, in Scotland. After the battle many highland traditions were banned and the Highlands of Scotland were cleared of inhabitants. 1780 – Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von Fürstenberg founds the University of Münster. 1799 – French Revolutionary Wars: The Battle of Mount Tabor: Napoleon drives Ottoman Turks across the River Jordan near Acre. 1818 – The United States Senate ratifies the Rush–Bagot Treaty, limiting naval armaments on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain. 1838 – The French Army captures Veracruz in the Pastry War. 1847 – Shooting of a Māori by an English sailor results in the opening of the Wanganui Campaign of the New Zealand Wars. 1853 – The Great Indian Peninsula Railway opens the first passenger rail in India, from Bori Bunder to Thane. 1858 – The Wernerian Natural History Society, a former Scottish learned society, is dissolved. 1862 – American Civil War: Battle at Lee's Mills in Virginia. 1862 – American Civil War: The District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act, a bill ending slavery in the District of Columbia, becomes law. 1863 – American Civil War: During the Vicksburg Campaign, gunboats commanded by acting Rear Admiral David Dixon Porter run downriver past Confederate artillery batteries at Vicksburg. 1878 – The Senate of the Grand Duchy of Finland issues a declaration establishing a city of Kotka on the southern part islands from the old Kymi parish. 1881 – In Dodge City, Kansas, Bat Masterson fights his last gun battle. 1908 – Natural Bridges National Monument is established in Utah. 1910 – The oldest existing indoor ice hockey arena still used for the sport in the 21st century, Boston Arena, opens for the first time. 1912 – Harriet Quimby becomes the first woman to fly an airplane across the English Channel. 1917 – Russian Revolution: Vladimir Lenin returns to Petrograd, Russia, from exile in Switzerland. 1919 – Mohandas Gandhi organizes a day of "prayer and fasting" in response to the killing of Indian protesters in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre by the British colonial troops three days earlier. 1919 – Polish–Lithuanian War: The Polish Army launches the Vilna offensive to capture Vilnius in modern Lithuania. 1922 – The Treaty of Rapallo, pursuant to which Germany and the Soviet Union re-establish diplomatic relations, is signed. 1925 – During the Communist St Nedelya Church assault in Sofia, Bulgaria, 150 are killed and 500 are wounded.
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coininformation · 7 months
"MicroStrategy Buys an Additional 16,130 Bitcoins for US$593 Million in Cash | Cryptocurrency Trends"
1.Mainstream Exchange Trends:
Binance pilots banking tri-party agreement which enables institutional investors to keep trading collateral off the exchange and in the custody of a third party banking partner.
OKX will open ETH Base chain deposits and withdrawals from December 1st.
Coinbase International will list ADA, LINK, DOGE, and XLM perpetual futures contracts.
Bitget Launchpool listed new projects GAMEE and ZKS.
OKX listed Injective (INJ).
Upbit listed ID, but currently only allows trading with BTC.
2.Cryptocurrency Trends:
On December 1st, Hong Kong-listed BC Technologies announced that its licensed virtual asset trading platform, OSL, and its partner Victory Securities are expanding there services to retail investors in Hong Kong.
Grayscale hired former Invesco ETF executive, John Hoffman as managing director as it gears up for the spot Bitcoin ETF.
CoinList will launch the BitsCrunch (BCUT) token sale on December 15th. Registration is now open.
Sui introduced the Sui Weather Oracle which provides weather data for over 1000 cities around the world.
Microstrategy buys an additional 16,130 bitcoins for US$593 million in cash.
KyberSwap attackers proposed settlement conditions including "obtaining complete control of Kyber and handing over all property".
Hooked Protocol will introduce a US$50 million education ecosystem fund to kickstart the HOOK 2.0 proposal.
Crypto mining platform AntPool says it will refund the unprecedented transaction fee of 83 BTC to the affected user, provided they produce the necessary identification information.
LK Venture, a subsidiary of Linekong Interactive, announced its investment in UniSat, with Element and UniSat also reaching a comprehensive strategic cooperation.
3.Financing Trends:
Grove, the decentralized physical infrastructure provider, secured $7.9 million in funding.
Fixed-income protocol, Term Structure, completed a US$4.25 million seed round of financing led by Cumberland DRW.
ParaX announced rebranding as Parallel Finance, raising over US$30 million so far.
4.Regulatory Trends:
The U.S. SEC confirmed receiving the Fidelity Ethereum spot ETF application proposal submitted by CBOE.
Leader of a Miami gang sentenced to 63 months in prison for defrauding banks and cryptocurrency exchanges out of more than US$4 million.
In the Budget for the Financial Year 2024–25 of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Professional Association, the association’s president, Chen Zhihua, included a suggestion that Hong Kong consider launching an initial coin offering (ICO) mechanism.
"Get a 20% discount on Bitget trading fees through this link:
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ledenews · 9 months
West Liberty University Nursing Students Receive Their White Coats
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Several West Liberty University nursing students received their ceremonial white coats on Thursday, September 7th in Kelly Theater.  Seven of them have already received a BA or a BS and have returned to earn their BSN. Dean of the College of Sciences, Dr. Karen Kettler, explains the importance of the ceremony, "Receiving the white coat is an important milestone in the journey of a nursing student, as it represents their readiness to work with patients in clinical rotations. The ceremony means that students have met the challenges of rigorous prerequisite coursework, and will focus entirely on nursing coursework, developing valuable clinical critical thinking skills. As students wear the white coat, it will be a reminder that they are now training to be part of a profession where integrity, caring, and knowledge are at the core." West Liberty University President Tim Borchers took part in the ceremony alongside the Keynote speaker Kelsay Garvin, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, and chair of the WLU Nursing Department Barbara Kulpa, MSN, RN. Kulpa adds, "The West Liberty University Nursing program is very excited to welcome our incoming junior nursing class as they take their first step towards becoming a nursing professional. The white coat ceremony is held for nursing students as they begin their clinical rotations.  The ceremony emphasizes the core values of nursing, which are humanistic holistic care, meeting not only the physical needs of the patient but also the psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional needs as well.” The BA/BS to BSN degree Class of 2024 includes a class of 7:  Jennifer Brooks, Moundsville, WVa.; Jenna Davis, Wheeling, WVa.; Stuart Lim, Princeton, WVa; Madison McReynolds, Colorado Springs, CO.; Haeleigh Martin, New Cumberland, WVa.; Blair Mitchell, Sugar Grove, WVa. and Nelly Fiberesima, Lynchburg, VA. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree Class of 2025 includes a class of 13 students: Taylor Bolinger, Benwood, WVa.; Kayla Gandy, Washington, PA.; Kaylynn Hall, Triadelphia, WVa.; Claire McElwee, Wheeling, WVa.; Kelsey Michael, Paden City, WVa.; Jessica Miller, Moundsville, WVa.; Mara Pendergrast, Follansbee, WVa.; Avery Ray, Katy, TX.; Charles Rose, Benwood, WVa.;  Adriana Schellhase, Wheeling, WVa.; Sierra Sears, Richmond, OH.; Abigail Stuart, Charles Town, WVa. and Savannah Turner-Davis, Wheeling WVa. In his closing remarks, Dr. Tim Borchers reminded the students of the important role they will play in healthcare, “I offer my congratulations on reaching this day.  You have chosen a profession that will be even more important in the years ahead.  You have my best wishes as you complete your degrees and enter the workforce.” WLU’s nursing program is housed in the Campbell Hall of Health Sciences and offers the accredited Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree for high school graduates, the BA/BS to BSN degree and a RN-to-BSN degree program for Registered Nurses with an associate degree or diploma who are currently licensed or eligible for licensure and want to earn a bachelors. For more information, please visit westliberty.edu or call the nursing department at 304.336.8108. Read the full article
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fruityyamenrunner · 1 year
Cumbria Council are splitting up into Cumberland and "Westmorland and Furness" but bc they don't exist yet, the latter two are currently constituted as "Shadow Authorities"
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Welcome to Hike Vancouver Island! We're the same great team of guiding professionals who brought you Island Alpine Guides, Vancouver Island’s premier alpine guiding outfit. Based in Cumberland, BC, we take a community-focused approach to deliver outstanding experiences and education to the highest international standard. Our team of professional guides and instructors are all certified by the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides, so you can rest assured you are in good hands. 
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