kadekuro · 1 month
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Micah, Myriad, Theo @mattastr0phic
Cash @scp-ao3-author
Moss @ mine
ive been rotating them in my mind.
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artemis32 · 7 months
Myriad • Aizawa
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I kind of hate this, but also, it was fun to write - that being said, which character should i do next (after shiggy)
also, these will all be drabbles because I can't commit to fics. It just never works out
myriad masterlist
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You were an enigma.
Aizawa, in all his years as both a Pro-Hero and a teacher, had never come across someone like you.
What was your quirk?
He'd been your teacher for nearly a whole semester, and he wasn't any closer to guessing the nature of your quirk.
The Quirk Registration Database had, shockingly, been little help. You were barely mentioned in the directory - your name was only accompanied by the vague mention of the number of quirks you possessed.
Was it a quirk passed down by one of your parents? A combination of both?
The longer he observed you though, the more certain he became that you were one of the few anomalies within society, someone who'd mutated a quirk, rather than had one passed down.
If pressed for an answer, he, quite frankly, wouldn't be able to tell what your quirk was. Of course, he had his suspicions (many of which were proven wrong), just like the other teachers and students (also wrong), but no one ever really knew for sure. And they wouldn't know until you told them yourself.
That same uncertainty that surrounded your quirk was a large part of the reason why you were paired against him in the semester's final practical exam.
With such an unpredictable quirk, the only way to truly gauge your proficiency as a hero was to take that quirk away.
It was more than obvious to everyone, teachers, and students alike, that your quirk was always active. It seemed instinctual, active without so much as a thought from you.
This time, Aizawa would test you, find out just how reliant you were on this mysterious quirk of yours.
Aizawa didn't curse, especially not in front of his students or fellow faculty, but he felt that, in this particular situation, it was warranted.
He'd been wrong. So laughably, terribly wrong.
Your quirk wasn't a crutch. Far from it.
He'd caught up to you quickly, neutralising your quirk almost immediately, and had gone in for the kill, capture weapon slicing through the air with a swift swoosh, and-
You'd evaded it.
Too fast.
As far as he was aware, your quirk didn't include speed enhancements. Even if it did, your quirk was neutralised, made useless.
So why then were you so fast? How did you manage to evade his capture weapon in an instant?
He didn't have time to linger on it at that moment.
You were fast, yes, but he was faster.
Talent would only get you so far. In life, experience tended to trump talent.
As much as he hated it, he'd have to get in close.
He jumped down to street level, intent on ending things quickly.
He'd underestimated you. They all had.
Honestly, it was foolish of him to believe you relied on your quirk that heavily. It was clear to him now that while your quirk, whatever it was, might have been strong, your endurance and physical capabilities far exceeded even your fellow classmates.
It made him wander why you held back so much. Because you did.
The entrance exam, the USJ incident, even the sports festival - you seemed to hold back during all of it.
Aizawa didn't understand.
If your goal was to be a hero, to do well, why would you hold back?
You'd defeated him with little to no effort, barely breaking a sweat the entire time. He'd managed to wrap you in his capture weapon, with a lot more of a struggle than he'd anticipated, and it'd be pointless. The moment he blinked, your quirk had reactivated, and he'd been back to square one.
It was embarrassing - the fact that it seemed so easy for you to beat him and complete the exam without a quirk. Even your classmates had been shocked.
The only person who hadn't broken out into a cold sweat was principal Nezu, the small animal-like mutant cackling like a maniac, as if he knew something they didn't. He probably did.
"What exactly is your quirk?"
He'd finally reached his limit. He had to know.
Not only to satiate his curiosity, but also to determine exactly how they'd test you during the training camp. He'd held off for as long as he could, but enough was enough.
"Your quirk. What is it? Tell me."
You tilt your head, looking an awful lot like a small cat, even with that ridiculous blindfold he was certain you couldn't see through. How could someone so formidable in combat look so innocent?
"You don't know?" you ask, mouth pulling upward into a small grin.
Irritation creeps into his expression, making his brow twitch. You seemed shocked, amused, as if you'd given him any sort of indication regarding your quirk. To be frank, certain aspects of your personality grated his nerves.
You were, to put it bluntly, annoying. Childish beyond words, playful, and you often tended to tease others to the point of furor.
"No. I don't."
"Oh. Well, I have two quirks."
You speak slowly, as if using big words would confuse him.
He feels his jaw tick.
“Yes, yes,” he says impatiently. “I know. But what are they?”
“I can’t just tell you sensei. That’s no fun.”
You’re still grinning, but your tone has taken on a whinier quality, one that makes him rethink his choice to become a teacher. He feels a headache developing in his temples, fingers uselessly massaging the throbbing area as he groans.
“Just tell me.”
“Nope. I’ll give you three hints, and you can guess!”
Aizawa grinds his teeth together.
She’s a child. You don’t hit children.
Patience. Have patience, he reminds himself, sighing heavily.
You were like a more annoying version of Mic, except Mic didn’t make everything a game. You were like a toddler stuck in a demons body.
“Fine,” he sighs again, gesturing for you to continue.
You hold out your hand, holding up one finger.
“Hint number one!” you say, in a tone similar to a game show host.
“I’m like Buzz Lightyear!”
That’s… extremely unhelpful.
“Buzz… Lightyear?”
You pout slightly, flopping down into a chair opposite his desk with a groan.
“Aw, maaaan, you’re no fun sensei. How old are you anyway?”
A noise of disbelief rumbles through his chest.
“That’s not- Obviously I know who Buzz Lightyear is! I just don’t see how that’s relevant!”
That infuriating smirk finds it’s way back onto your face, and you kick your feet up on his desk while you lean back in your chair, the absolute picture of nonchalance. From somewhere inside your blazer pocket, you pull out a lollipop, mindlessly gnawing the red candy.
“Fine. Next hint then.”
You show him two fingers, head lolling back as you speak around the lollipop in your mouth.
“I’m like a dragonfly.”
Aizawa closes his eyes, a disgruntled sigh of disbelief escaping him despite his best efforts.
“What do dragonflies and Buzz Lightyear have to do with one another?”
You shrug, biting down on the hard candy, crushing it between your molars.
A toddler. An infuriating, know-it-all toddler. That’s what you are.
“Just… give me the last hint.”
You hold out three fingers.
“I’m like a combination of pi and… Hm…”
You pause for a moment, sitting up straight.
“And a sonar scan!”
“I give up.” Aizawa responds plainly.
“What?! But you didn’t even try to guess!”
He shrugs, arms crossed over his chest. “I give up.”
Your mouth pinches into a scowl, and he was sure that if you weren’t wearing that blindfold, you’d be frowning.
“Tell me, or don’t. I have no guesses.”
“Not even one?”
You groan and slump in your seat, grumbling about how boring he is, and he has to fight to hide a small smile.
Okay. Maybe you were endearing. Slightly.
“Fine! You’re no fun.”
To say he was overwhelmed was a gross understatement.
Your quirks were terrifying. There was no other way to put it. They were powerful, and overwhelming, and just plain terrifying. You really had been holding back all semester.
When he asked why you hadn’t told anyone about your quirks, your response was simultaneously simple and off-putting.
“No one asked.”
As if you’d expected them to.
But… you had a point. In the entire four months you’d been in class 1a, no one had openly approached you and asked what your quirk was.
Come to think of it, you weren’t exactly friends with any of your classmates either. Was it because they were thrown off by your mysterious quirks or your personality? Maybe.
Now that he knew though, he felt strangely… protective of you.
It wasn’t as if you needed his protection or concern.
Regardless, he decided that during the summer training camp, he’d pay you some extra attention. Not to help you improve your already flawless quirk, rather, he wanted to… observe you. You’d piqued his interest.
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scarlett-draws · 21 days
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A doodle I did of my bg3 character! Her name is Myriad, and she's an oath of ancients paladin with a penchant for intimidating people.
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ego-osbourne · 6 months
Myriad Date
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Kick your shoes off, forget your worries, and bask in the near-infinite realms of wine-waters and sparkling nature. Let the Prince of this paradise care for your every need and want.
I could never stop drawing them, but I do need to expand more on the types of Myriad aventures that Sanguine and Ego go on. Each pocket realm has so much to explore, and Ego is written to be so very enchanted by all of them. Kisses and hugs aside, it’d be good for those two to wander :]
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bikelock28 · 5 months
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Travis Kelce is the Tortured Poet we deserve. #upgrade
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
Season 2
myriad (English) /ˈmɪɹi.æd/ a great number of something, a countless number of things.
lief (Dutch) /lif/ 1. nice, sweet; beloved 2. one's beloved in a romantic relationship, i.e. a boyfriend or girlfriend
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sasster · 8 months
Walking on Glass
And I do solemnly swear that this is the last set of new trolls I make for a long while.
So what’s the Colmea guy’s deal, anyway? [doc]
-- “Now you’ve really done it.” The child, and she can’t be more than five sweeps old, smiles around a juicebox from her perch. “He’s not going to be happy about this one little bit.” Her warning fills you with just enough dread that it roots you in place.
The he in question is, for the short time that you’ve known each other, very particular of the fungal colonies that throng throughout the lab like a great big web. Some of them in larger terrariums cobbled together and the others in their much smaller quarantines. He was more protective of these small quarantined batches than he was of anything else, even the aquarium that sits nearly ceiling to floor and across the back wall of the lab, housing a handful of species of jellyfish, with the largest, and need for such ample volume, being his overgrown lusus. Nemopilema nomurai, he once whispered into your ear when he caught you staring at her.
She is quite the daunting thing, with what must be a ten or fifteen-foot diameter and countless feet of long sprawling tentacles, tendrils, and tangles of some sort of marine fungus weaving around and within them. He never offered a scientific name or approximate for it, and to be fair, you never asked.
Conversations with the man always centered around his research, his precious colonies, that you’d been helping him with. The science he always mumbled, mostly to himself, was difficult to parse on a good day, on a bad day he stopped pretending to try altogether.
Your role, as far as he was concerned, as far as you understood, was only a very small part.
A collective consciousness. The only colony that survived the interaction with your mutation to the point that you started to become one. Once again, the science of it all was lost on you, something about parasitic symbiosis or some other, but the piece of it he’d gotten into you somehow took root and you’d found yourself actually talking to it.
Making decisions with it.
It was only natural you’d want to get a closer and better look at it, right? 
“It was a mistake.” Is all you can manage, staring at the ground that almost glitters with the way the ambient lights of the tanks shine off of the glass of one of the smaller, now shattered, terrariums that litters the floor. Many of the stray shards lance through the colony in places that look fatal even to the untrained eye.
“It was a mistake.” She mimics, not quite getting the cadence right, but the road work is there, so there’s maybe a future in ventriloquism for the kid. “I think he’s gonna feed you to Big Mama.” She indicates the tank with the massive jellyfish in it, punctuating the thought with the insufferable sound a straw makes when it reaches the end of a drink.
Colmea couldn’t be that unreasonable, could he?
As if summoned, and you don’t think she sent for him, the door opens as soon as the fear creeps up on you.
There is a severe way that the doctor has about carrying himself, a stern expression attached to whatever it is he lets his gaze fall on. Right now that is solidly on you. The gravity of the situation and the weight of the girl’s words leave you incapable of removing yourself from the scene of the crime, after all. You’d only reached a harmless hand in to touch it, how could you predict this outcome?
“It was a mistake.” You whisper desperately as he fully enters the room, the picture of serenity, taking in the scene before him. He does not regard you or what you’ve had to say for yourself.
Even if the colony was not sliced through as it was, the abrupt displacement from its aquatic habitat would have done enough on its own to paint a grim scene, splattered across the floor like an abstract painting. He surveys the damage quietly, a ponderous god, visage poisoned by the blue and pink glow of the lights within neighboring tanks. Now his gaze flits about from shard of glass to shard of glass, as though looking for answers in the mosaic they make up on the floor.
Everything in the lab has become remarkably still, even the girl in the corner has ceased vacuuming the bottom of the juice box in favor of savoring the silence that smothers the room, deafening even over the bubbling of the surrounding tanks.
Colmea does not rush in, ready to collapse to the floor and mourn the loss of his experiment, instead he is carried further into the room by slow and deliberate steps, each one a soft tap against linoleum that crushes the glass beneath it. The answers to questions that he does not bother voicing slotting into his mind as he advances, and if those answers change any part of his expression, which you suspect it doesn’t, it goes unnoticed when his contemplative steps take him into the shadow of his colossal lusus.
Far too long passes before he is standing directly in front of you. Very briefly, a crack in his veneer provides a view into the ever-feared high blood rage bubbling beneath the surface.
“Myriad,” he addresses the girl, still up on her perch by the edge of the jellyfish enclosure. “The colony?”
Myriad makes a face like she is seriously concentrating, an expression you’ve come to understand means she is reaching into her mind to find her natural connection to the fungal colonies that surround her. Not as a member of the collective, but as an eavesdropper. Her game goes on for too long and it is clear that she is only playing up the dramatics, reveling in your dread, when the pensive god clears his throat.
“Dead as a doornail!” She reports, cheery as she was when she delivered her taunts moments before his arrival. It should hurt, but you already knew. You felt it, a part of you, die the second the tank hit the floor. “No survivors, wiped out!”
The ghost of something horrific crosses behind his eyes.
He nods.
His demeanor does not betray him and there is no warning when he strikes, just the stinging feeling left behind by a backhand that causes you to lose your balance. With a hideous crunch, your knees fall into the ruin below, the salty remnants from the enclosure mingles with the fresh wounds and sends a significant shock through your system. So significant in fact, that you make neither a move nor a sound. 
Colmea shakes his hand loose, the anger that boils just beneath but never quite breaking the surface places a dangerous dose of malice behind his eyes.
“Myriad, find me a broom.” He commands, and as soon as it leaves his mouth, her feet hit the ground right behind you with a crunch that makes you wince. A stifled giggle followed by her plodding along tells you it was an intentional assault on her part.
His hand is wrapped up in your hair before the door closes behind her and he lifts you up to meet his eye line, all the while winding more and more of it up until he finds scalp, as though he is handling something that weighs about the same as a stuffed animal. 
There is no growling, no deep orange eyes signaling danger, just a furrowed brow and a deep sigh. “I had such high hopes for you.”
“I,” you start to plead your case, tears welling at the corners of your eyes at the realization that your mutation did not make you special enough, but he does not give you the opportunity to continue. Instead, your face is acquainted with the glass of the aquarium with such force that it rattles the base of the enclosure and causes some of the smaller species of jellies inside to send off bright sparks of light, in hopes of startling whatever predator they assume has invaded.
All they really succeed in is disorienting you all the more, your face making contact a second and third time before stars start to decorate your vision and the edges begin to blur. Something cracks, and it is not the glass.
Still, the angered god does not growl or snarl. Nor does his reflection, warped by a myriad of things between the forming concussion and the glass of the aquarium, broadcast anything beyond his mild indifference.
Your face hits the glass a few more times before the girl returns from her quest and he finally relents, dropping you to the floor with a sigh. In the same moment, the stars in your vision become angry black splotches, eagerly rushing out to meet those blurred edges.
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myriadparacosm · 9 months
You think Sirius Black would go crazy over James having child? Do you even imagine how he will be for REMUS' CHILD? He will lose his mind.
I personally do not like the original relationship of Remus and Tonks (love you queen but your author is shit) because it felt forced to me - though it gave us one little Edward "Teddy" Remus Lupin.
Anyhow, let's trash canon out of the window because what matters is how Sirius would absolutely go mad for Remus' child - be it from Tonks or anyone else (male wizards would definitely figure out a way to get pregnant through magic but that's another story). He is already over himself for Harry and he wouldn't truly play favourite but it's /Remus/ so Teddy has a very important spot that Sirius probably wouldn't know how to deal with.
Sirius will literally sleep as Padfoot in Teddy's room to be sure nothing happens to him and Remus wouldn't not catch him right away. Teddy would always remember a dog spying on him at school or even when he plays outside.
In the case of Remus being an only father/sharing custody (because come on Remus and Sirius are soulmates and they will end up together)
Sirius would always try to get involved and he naturally becomes the favourite of Teddy - who sometimes calls him papa (because Sirius would definitely teach him french swear words to mess with Remus but Teddy will ask how to say dad in french) and it's an embarrassing surprise to everyone. Teddy will even fuse Pad with Papa because Remus often call Sirius Pad.
Though Sirius would recover pretty fast and use it at his advantage and Teddy is the perfect partner in crime: "You shouldn't speak with that tone to the papa of your child!" "Yeah! Don't speak to Padpa like that!"
Remus is, of course, smitten and desperate over all of this because he already has enough feelings to deal with without adding up his son bonding with Sirius like it was meant to be.
The school, because it's important that Teddy learns from Muggles before going to Hogwarts, is convinced that Sirius is the actual father of Teddy up until Remus showed up to pick him up. (yes Sirius responded to Mister Lupin but no one was there to see him blush and Teddy kept the secret in exchange of candies). He had to fight with Sirius who has taken the habit to drop off/pick up Teddy without /asking/ to finally do it by himself and the first time this happened - Remus thought his child got kidnapped until he called Sirius: "what do you mean he disappeared? Teddy is with me-- bollocks, not the chocolate Teddy!"
Sirius will literally adopt Teddy the moment he sees him. Harry was also smothered with his love but James isn't the love of his life (rude he says) whilst Teddy feels like the future, present and past of Remus all in one and Sirius is a very possessive person, which he is aware of, but he can't stay away.
He isn't perfect at taking care of Teddy at first because he is too much like a friend rather than a parent to Teddy but he learns fast and tries to be better. No one really asked Sirius if he ever felt like having children or even if he felt like he would be any good at it - to which he would have replied with a depecrating laugh and 'are you mad?' because Sirius is afraid at the idea of being a parent.
The question isn't so much important right now, not when he tucked Teddy in, hugging him as Remus read the traditional bed time story to them. Sirius always falls asleep there, definitely after Teddy despite what Remus says after waking him up so they can sleep properly in their bed ever since Sirius moved in indefinitely.
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fantrollology · 8 months
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this is MYRIAD she is @sasster's and she is an adopt from @byrdtrolls
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theyuniversity · 8 months
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💁🏻‍♂️ Despite what many people think or claim, “myriad” can be EITHER a NOUN or an ADJECTIVE. This has always been the case.
Both “myriad things” and “a myriad of things” are correct.
Therefore, all of the following sentences are correct:
Politicians tell a myriad of lies.
Politicians tell myriad lies.
Our nation has a myriad of challenges to overcome.
Our nation has myriad challenges to overcome.
Tumblr is renowned for being a hub for a myriad of GIFs.
Tumblr is renowned for being a hub for myriad GIFs.
When in doubt in Persona 5 Royal, use Myriad Truths.
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1introvertedsage · 5 months
What is has been, and will be again.
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artemis32 · 7 months
myriad masterlist
this is for shits and giggles purely, because why not
platonic bnha yanderes w/ gojo! reader
bnha masterlist
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aizawa shouta
tomura shigaraki
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aegisexe · 5 months
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This was gonna go so hard and I really should finish it, it just doesn't fit my style anymore v_v anyways
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What a varied word is “gallic.”
A metal made of miracles,
A citizen from ancient Gaul,
“Gallic” speaks of many things,
With little rhyme at all.
Of Frenchmen, young, old and all,
Or acid from the sumac’s gall;
Of a rare trivalent metal
Which from Heaven may as well fall.
But to say you have no words,
A fib as sour as spoiled curds!
When all these many tongues
Are so beauteously absurd!
Yes, you must have quite the gall,
Or a head shaped rather phallic,
To brush past the beauty of such words
As “petrichor,” “myriad,” and “gallic.”
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magicjudge · 1 year
If a Soulbond creature is paired with a creature with Myriad (i.e. Imperious Mindbreaker (Soulbond) and Wizards of That (Myriad)), when creature tokens are created during attack from Myriad do the tokens also get the Soulbond trigger?
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Being paired with another creature for its soulbond ability isn't a copiable characteristic, so the token copies are just Wizards of Thay and not paired with the Imperious Mindbreaker. Also, there's no way for a creature to be paired with more than one other creature.
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oneinchbarrier · 6 months
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