#-> aunt will prolly be told off for telling me
achilleslyre · 10 months
ffs so much shit just happened and got revealed to me rn i need to stop talking to my family omfgg……..
#talks to aunt who reveals sickening info to me about x#-> tells my dad to not post about thing on FB bc x found out about it bc x’s friend saw it and told her#-> dad gets super pissed at x’s friend and messages her like ‘did you open your fat mouth about [thing]’#-> i wasn’t supposed to even tell my dad about it but told him just so he woukd not post about thing or future thing at all anymore#and x’s friend will now tell x that my dad messaged her about thing meaning he found out somehow and will figure it was cause of me#-> x will then probably put two and two together n realize that i probably met up with my aunt and she told me that she n x know about thing#i dont want x knowing anything about my wherabouts or that i talked to aunt#-> aunt will prolly be told off for telling me#-> aunt will prolly get mad at me for telling my dad (but i had to so he’d stop posting about thing)#and the thing is that !!!! my dad was explicitly told not to post about thing so that x will never find out ! this is so fucked up!#i’m rlly pissed off rn that x’s friend told x bc she knows EXACTLY why x was never supposed to know about it…. and told anyways…#also mad at my dad bc i told him not to do or say anything and just not post thing anymore but he went and straight up messaged x’s friend#about it which will cause issues for me#family is NAWTTTTTT worth it#why is my family such a fucking shit hole lol#thing is i straight up had to tell my aunt i would walk right out of the restaurant if she didn’t tell me how she and x found out about thin#for her to actually tell me how she found out… the fact she wanted to keep it a little secret or w/e………… i’m so pissed rn#why are family members who’ve abused u ur whole life so obsessive about finding shit out…… fuck x i hope she dies dead#jitter bugs u
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wcmcink · 1 year
everything went black/ bad town/ genre death
i know one’s the name of an album & one’s the name of a track but who gives a fuck about continuity anyway?
i’m editing this one again... make a billion false starts & you’ll make a real one. its already broken why fix it, nothing to do- live with the mistake because there are no mistakes in the real (turn off your television & turn on the radio!), learn, grow...listening to music a bunch of kids made in their basement when they were teenagers, let me tell you i’m 36 now... someone told me these where the meditations of an adolescent, they do say in the rooms you stop developing mentally when you start using narcotics, that might just be a myth to propogate addict shit... don’t worry its just me in my fashion, into an idea about life, a belief? never! its the anarcho-punk of london, d.i.y. capitalism of the south-bay, the gathering in the east-bay... the jazz at the mid-century mark...where the ego adorns only itself & is the object of its own desire (sorry i’m reading freud right now). something abstract towards the politics of living, make your trades, by all means survive bro. change yourself, change your relationship to others, ideology must be practiced in our vocabulary, in our attitude (we’ve got that p.m.a! some d.c. for you in case we forget), how we relate to others, it must be presented & performed. 
i heard a song coming from the radio in a grocery store right off the blue line years ago around thanksgiving “queer-sex momma get down on me, i’m the baddest fly-daddy you’ve ever seen...” co-opt your desire to live, co-opt peace, make your amends, who knows i was also pretty high... i’m a voice hearer, i hear & see things in the interstices of the real, between spoken word & the practice of daily life i hear it, you know letting someone reveal one where one is there already...not even a little bit... sum zero/ every single one... all the names you can throw at reality, a better definition, beyond the realm of the magicians...
(end of edit...)
be careful of gentle democratic suggestions, they might become mandates, & mandates become compulsory. who says you can’t like both east-bay & south-bay punk? east-bay as in the berkley scene back in the 80s & south-bay as in the beach cities in l.a. & orange county in the 70s & 80s. its true as far as philosophy they are fundamentally at odds with one another... i don’t know where i was going with that...ska bro its all real... what it takes to be a californian, know your city, love your city, grow your city... i take it to the heart of me... don’t be afraid to practice your life in the streets, don’t let them tell you that horrible things happen to people who practice their philosophy... its institutional propaganda to quiet the resistance...
i’ve had a flurry of activity with poetry, i mean i’m always writing but this is getting excessive... i started this blog again, guess i got the old name back, that was a relief. i used to facilitate a creative writing group for a mental health organization before i started smoking meth again & went back to the streets, i’m a smoker, you know... i quit, i pick it back up, i get clean, i get my life together then i tear it up... i’m quitting this time... back to the creative writing, i still have my free-writes i did in group that prolly won’t be anything anytime soon, so while i’m trying to publish my other work, i’ll update some of that. not that it’s a toss-up... who give a fuck anyway (here’s an equivocator that couldn’t equivocate to heaven) its 3:30 in the morning--
a pair of live bombs in the attic grave dirt from your dear aunt sally white sheets stained with blood toads some egyptian witchcraft polluted by the sun the earths gone round itself in a minutes time the connection’s unstable i think i’m going through seeing it as it really is now radical very like life itself but not quite it sounds different it looks different than it used to be the folks here perform spontaneity mechanically like they thought of it hours before they decided to go through with it i remember watching invasion of the body snatchers on the little portable television in kay’s kitchen in black & white/ the original  it would not have significance for me for many years when i had my first nervous breakdown the faces i recognized the people inside i didn’t the soul of the matter had evaporated replaced with a cruel alien mechanism 
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please-buckme · 3 years
A Broken Heart.
Lee Bodecker x fem!reader
Chapter 2
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Chapter warnings: 18+ mentions of death, mentions of sex, cursing, Lee being an ass, angst, meninist behaviors
Chapter summary: You move back home after three years to find your heart still in shambles.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1 // Chapter 3
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3 Years Later
After moving a whole county away, Highland Ohio to be exact, you stayed for quite some time. Your aunt was amazing and the sweetest woman you’d ever known, and living with her was a breeze. She’d even gotten you a job at the auto shop her recently deceased husband left to her, which you loved. Life was good, for a while. You never had a reason to come home until your momma got sick.
For the past year you watched as your momma slowly faded away until the last week of April when she finally passed in her sleep. You were devastated, of course, but not only because of her death. She didn’t have much to her name besides a couple thousand in the bank and the house you’d left so long ago, which she left all to you.
The house was old. White paneling a faint tint of brown, grey shutters that were almost all off their hinges and rust anywhere you looked. It was a fixer upper and there’s no way you could sell it in its current condition. So, you decided to move back to Knockemstiff, just for the time being.
In all honesty, you’d grown to hate that town. Nothing but bad memories and any good memories you’d had were tarnished completely. So, once the house was decent enough to sell, you were out of there and back to the life you’d created in Highland.
Your aunt and you drove together in her pick up truck back to the house after your momma passed. She helped you unload your stuff and take things to the necessary rooms.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay? I can make my famous pancakes. I know you love’em.” She grinned.
“As tempting as that sounds, I’m fine. Please, I insist you go now before it gets dark.” You pull your aunt into a hug, a tight hug.
“I’m gonna miss havin’ you around, kiddo.” She sighed, her breath fanning over your neck.
“It’s only for a few months. I’ll be back to annoying you in no time, oldie.”
“Hey, I’m not old.” She laughed and pointed her finger at you sternly but still in a lighthearted way.
“And I’m not a kid.”
She laughed a little more then sighed, “Well, I guess I’ll head out. Call me if you need anything and don’t forget to go down to Billy’s tomorrow. He’s excited to bring you in.”
You smiled, “How could I forget? I need some sort of income to fix this craphole up.”
You walked your aunt to her car and waved her goodbye as she drove way. Your eyes welled up but you made sure not to cry in front of her or she’d never leave.
Once you went back in, you immediately got to work. Starting in the kitchen, you didn’t have much but a few coffee cups. The house was still occupied with your momma’s things and you were already dreading having to go through it all.
Things started to come together room by room as you worked most of the day away. You cleaned and rearranged things to your liking now that it was your house. It felt almost empowering to do what you want. You’d never lived alone so, in a way, this was an adventure as well.
You took your old room instead of the master, since that’s where your momma passed. It gave you goosebumps just thinking about and you knew you’d never get any sleep if you stayed in there. Your room wasn’t big but it was good enough for now and much better than sleeping in your momma’s death bed, hard pass.
You’d taken a seat on the couch with some tea you’d brewed up earlier that morning. This was the first time you sat down since arriving, and of course there’s a knock at the door.
“Whatever you’re selling, I promise you, I ain’t interested.” You shout, too exhausted to even attempt getting up.
The knocking continued, “Oh, for fucks sake.” You groaned under your breath and stood on your aching feet to tell them to fuck off in person. You opened the door, “did you not hear me the first time. I said-“
“Hi, Y/n” Lee greeted as he removed his hat.
You scoffed, “Can I help you with somethin’, Sheriff?”
Lee stood there, fiddling with the bill of his hat. His belly had gotten a little bigger and his cheeks had gotten a little chubbier, but you couldn’t help the hitch in your throat when his wedding ring caught your eye. Just a basic silver band, nothing special. But it still left a hollow pit in your stomach.
“I-“ he cleared his suddenly dry throat. “I heard you was back in town. Thought I’d come see for ma self if the rumors were true.”
“Welp, here I am. You can go now.”
“Y/n, I-“
“No, Lee, please. I’ve had a long day and I honestly don’t feel like talking to you right now. No, I take that back. I don’t feel like talking to you at all.”
“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think, doll.” He grins.
“Goodbye, Sheriff.” You shut the door only to hear him holler at you from the other side.
“Still can’t say my name, huh, Doll? Boy, I really did a number on you, didn’t I?” Your heart sank at his words. It seemed your pain was a joke to him this whole time. You’d always pictured him crying alone like you were but clearly that was never the case. Y’all’s relationship didn’t seem one sided until you were the only one hurt by the fall out.
“Welcome home, Y/n.” He said before you heard his boots click against the porch as he left.
You took a deep breath as you backed away from the door. Tears rimmed your eyes and you scoffed aloud to yourself. After three years you still weren’t over him and you knew that. You didn’t know, however, that he’d still have such a hold on you. And by the way he reacted to how sensitive you were towards the situation still didn’t help the ever growing void that ran through your entire loveless body. The only man you ever loved looked at you as if you were a quick fuck and a punchline.
A tear burned against your cheek and you were quick to wipe it away. You swore to yourself that you’d never cry over that man again and you won’t, instead you decided it was time for a much needed bath.
The bath was scolding hot, just how you liked it, and you opened up a bottle of wine as a sort of reward for the work you’d done today. Once the water got cold and the wine ran out, you brushed your hand and teeth and went to bed.
The sun beamed down against your skin as you walked to the local auto shop where your aunt had set you up with another job. You were always good with numbers and they desperately needed someone on the books. Your job would be to look at their spending over the last few months and figure out some sort of budget. You did that for your aunt at her shop, so this didn’t worry you at all.
“Hi, you must be Billy.” You greet the owner, “I’m
y/n, Peggy’s niece.”
“Oh, yes. I’m glad you finally made it down.” He beamed, shaking your hand, “How long will you be here for?”
“I’m not sure, actually. Just until I get my house fixed up enough to sell.” You say, retracting your hand from his sweaty one.
“Ah, well as luck would have it, our secretary just quit on us last week, so there’s a position you’ll adjust to right fine.”
You scoffed, “Wait a minute. Did you say secretary?”
“Yeah. You need to get your hearing checked, Honey?” He grinned. What is it with the men in this town?!
“No, I heard you just fine. My problem is that I was supposed to be your Budget Holder, not a damn secretary.” Your face was turning a touch of pink as you became increasingly annoyed.
“That’s a man's job, sweetie. We don’t you blown a fuse tryin’ ta add up all them numbers, now do we?”
“You can’t be serious.” You say flatly.
“Look, it’s the only position we got. Take it or leave it.”
Everything in you wanted to March out of that shop and never go back again. A secretary's position is nothing to frown upon, but to only be offered it because you’re a woman was despicable. Sadly, you needed this job and it would only be for a few months. So, when you told him you’d take the job you swallowed every ounce of respect you had for yourself. Knockemstiff was truly the worst town in America.
“Sounds great. We’ll see you tomorrow for training. There’s no dress code but there are a few things you’ll need to know before starting. I’ll fill you in once we start your training tomorrow.” He shook your hand again, completely ignoring the furious grimace on your face.
“Great. See you tomorrow.” You mumbled, walking away so you didn’t ‘accidentally’ hit your new boss.
Before heading home you decided to stop and grab some things for the house. Being sick, your momma didn’t eat much besides soup, and there was an over abundance of vanilla flavored Ovaltine cans littering the kitchen counters, which you hated.
The second the doors opened, all eyes were on you. You even heard a faint gasp coming from the woman at the register. A smirk crept upon your face. These people's lives were so boring that they still aren’t over your breakup that happened so long ago. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a cart and headed down the produce aisle.
Once you grabbed the vegetables you’d need for a stew, you headed towards the baking aisle. You need the ingredients for an upside down pineapple cake your momma used to make for you as a kid. Your aunt was coming into town on Saturday to lend a hand and celebrate her birthday. You told her to go have fun, but she insisted on spending her special day with you.
As you searched for the baking soda, you heard your name.
“Did you see Y/n’s back in town?” A lady with a high pitched voice whispered.
“I did. I just saw her. Poor thing. She’s probably still caught up on the sheriff. Prolly wish it was her that was on his arm instead of Laura-Jean.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I know it. Wouldn’t you, though? He’s so handsome.” The lady with the high patched voice giggled.
“Oh, hush! Don’t say things like that.” The other lady joined the high pitched one in whispered giggles. “Oh my goodness, here he comes.” She cleared her throat, “Afternoon, Sheriff.”
“Evenin’,Ladies. Y’all behavin’ yourselves?” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
They both giggled and in unison said, “Yes, Sheriff.”
“Oh give me a break.” You grimaced to yourself.
“Heard Y/n’s back in town.” The high pitched one spoke up. Your face burned. Why would they bring you up to him so bluntly like that? Everyone in this town was so unbelievably nosy.
“I- I heard. Actually just went to see her yesterday.” He said, clearing his throat.
“Uh-oh, the misses didn’t like that, I’m sure.” They giggled.
“Oh, no. She didn’t mind. I was just droppin’ by to give her my condolences about her momma dyin’. Then, she slammed the door in my face. I guess she’s still pretty upset with me.” He was pouting, trying to get some sort of sympathy. If you rolled your eyes any harder you thought they’d pop out of your head.
“Oh, you poor thing. Is there anything we can-“
Suddenly the baking soda slipped from your hand and scattered all other the floor in a puff of dust. “Shit, shit, shit.” You whispered to yourself.
“What was that?” One of the ladies asked.
“Excuse me, ladies.” Lee said. You could hear his boots clacking against the floor on there way over to you.
You desperately wanted to run away but leaving this mess for someone to clean up wasn’t right, not even with the predicament you found yourself in. “Well, well, well,” Lee mocked as he rounded the corner. “Only here for less than a day and you’re already causin’ trouble.”
“Stay out of this, Bodecker.” You huff, trying to scoop the baking soda back into the card box it spilled from.
“Was you eavesdroppin’, girl?” He asked, kicking the soul of your shoe.
You scoffed, “Oh, please. I could give two shits what you say about me, Bodecker.”
He leaned in close, hovering over your left side. You heard him chuckle which startled you. He was so close. You could feel the familiar heat radiating from his body and smell that familiar cologne. His lips came down close to your ear. He licked them and then whispered, “If ya weren’t eavesdroppin’, how’d ya know I was talkin’ bout you, hm?”
Your eyes shuttered closed as he spoke, feeling his hot breath against your cheek. His deep southern drawl always made you weak. It took you back to those times in the back of the cruiser. He whispered such dirty praises in your ear when you would ride his cock. Those dirty words that could make you cum in seconds.
“You still with me, doll?” You felt him tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You flitched and stood up, “I- don’t touch me and stop calling me doll, alright? I really don’t have time for your games today, sheriff, and I’m not even really sure what you’re playin’ at in the first place.”
He smirked, running a thumb across his lip, “Darlin, I think the only thing I ever played was you..”
“I-“ your breath hitched in the back of your throat, “I have to go.” You turned to walk away, leaving the mess you’d made and your cart behind. Your eyes welled up with tears again. You didn’t know the man that stood in front of you. Lee was nothing but good to you when you dated and now he’s the most hateful man you’d ever met. The man you loved had disappeared and there’s nothing you could do to bring him back, no matter how bad you wanted to. A tear stained your cheek as you sped through the aisle. You could hear Lee hollering for you to stop but you wouldn’t this time.
All the heartbreak and sorrow that you’d left behind was creeping its way back in. The sooner you sold the house and got the hell out of there, the better.
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Dividers by: @firefly-in-darkness
Taglist: @haydens-moles , @c00lkidvibes , @tcc-gizmachine , @buckysm3talarm , @gogolucky13 , @cryptidcasanova , @heavenlyseb , @writersbuck , @teddy-bearbaby , @bbmommy0902 , @sweetllamaparadise , @thereblogcrusader , @aleemendoza2425-blog , @frostbytebaby , @jessyballet , @emotionallyandphysicallydone , @sarge-barnes-sir , @generalbagelcookieslime , @lady-loki-ren , @dime-piece-xo , @greeneyedblondie44
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cham-chammity · 3 years
Drunk Striker (Fanfic Oneshot)
Background info (TW: mention of suic!de):
In my AU or whatever you wanna call it, Striker was raised by his dad (Buck) and his aunt (Cassandra). Striker's mother died at childbirth, so Cassie helped her little brother Buck raise Striker. Buck suffered from Depression and a Panic Attack disorder (Striker inherited the panic attack part). Because of this, it lead to Buck commiting suicide about a year and a half prior to Striker joining I.M.P. Striker's parents were only 16/17 when he was born, so partially due to the shorter age gap he was very close with his dad. My oneshot takes place around the two-year anniversary of his dad's death.
The taste of hot, straight whiskey burned Striker's throat as his lips met the one of two newly opened bottles of alcohol he purchased. He let out a relieved breath, as the western imp hadn't drank good whiskey since he last left Wrath. He also needed a distraction from the gut-wrenching memories trying to re-surface themselves in his head, memories he knew he'd be sobbing himself to sleep if he didn't force back down.
Taking another swig, Striker plopped down at the kitchen counter and took off his hat. The one dim light above him illuminated a sickly yellow glow, causing the bottle in the imp's hand to look like an old bottle of piss. Striker smiled at the thought, Blitz definitely would say something like that in the current situation. Speaking of his boyfriend, his small smile turned into a frown. Blitz wouldn't be home for awhile since he insisted he go spend the night out with Barbie. She was barely out of rehab; the twins hadn't seen each other in months. But that wasn't the driving reason why he told Blitz to go out for this particular evening. He didn't want Blitz to see him like... this. Striker needed to stay strong for Blitz, he couldn't let his mate see the weak, sad, drunk side of him. Blitz would probably just tell him to man up and push through it. Striker was strong. He can handle these things on his own. He didn't need comfort. Just a few drinks and sleep and he'll be good. Right?
Striker sat there taking in as much of the burning liquid he could handle, like a parched cactus in the dryest possible desert. Blackout drunk wasn't his go-to--nor his favorite--way out of these things. But it did the job. Sure, he knew how unhealthy it was, but at least he wasn't one of those 24/7 drunk-ass rednecks that did it thrice a week.
Striker was barely finished with the first bottle when the sound of familiar footsteps approached the door to their apartment. The door swung open and Blitz loudly barged in (per the usual), catching Striker comepletely off-gaurd.
"Hey babe, I'm back! You will not believe what-- whoah, why is it so goddamn dark in here?" Striker hissed and squinted as Blitz turned on the brighter kitchen lights, adding to the throbbing headache Striker could feel coming.
shit, Striker thought to himself. He isn't supposed to be home for another hour.
"You're back early, though' you'd be out for another hourer.. ssso." Blitz cocked his head in concern as Striker spoke. His accent was thicker than usual. He also doesn't normally do the hissy s thing unless he meant to or was drunk. And judging by the nearly-empty bottle of whiskey along with Striker's distraught appearance, he was definitely drunk.
"Babe, why have you been drinking? Alone? Basically in the dark?"
"Ssssno big reason, juss... ta pleasure mahselfss' all."
Blitz stood in thought for a moment. Striker never drank 'just because'. He always had good reasoning behind it, so something definitely was up. The crimsom imp walked over and sat down next to his mate.
"I came home earlier because I'm worried about you. You've been acting... off the past few days. You've hardly been eating, you're quiet, withdrawn... and I can tell you're tired as well. Now I'm really glad I came home early seeing you're trying to pass yourself out with a bottle of alcoholic-looking piss."
Striker sighed and lazily rested his head on a propped up arm. "Yeah, you're right ah guess," he muttered softly.
"So tell me, what's wrong?"
Striker sucked in a sharp breath at the question. "Iss nothin' ah can't handle on mah own. I'm alrigh'. I'll prolly juss go on n' hit the hay fer t'night."
As Striker stood from his seat, a blotched hand grabbed his arm yanking him back down on the stool he was sitting on.
"I said no, Striker. There is clearly something wrong and I need to know what it is. I'm not going to let you shove it under the rug. And you definitely, by the looks of it, can't handle it on your own."
Striker looked at the floor, feeling nothing but shame for his weakened state. "Ah can't let ya see me like this though. Ah need ta be strong fer ya Blitz..."
A hand gently angled Striker's head up as calm, yellow eyes met tired, blown-out ones. "Hey, who was it that said no matter who you are, everyone has something deep under the tip of the iceberg?"
Striker took a moment to think before responding. "Ah did?"
"Yes. Who was it that said no matter what, there is going to be something dark in everyone's past?"
"Ah did."
"And who was it that said they'd help me heal those deep wounds and be there for me and stay with me every step of the way?"
"Ah did."
"You did, Striker! And you still continue to help me. But here's the thing, babe... our relationship here is a two-way street. I'd be quite an ass of a boyfriend if I wasn't here for you as much as you are for me. You are the strongest, bravest imp I know. You've always been strong for me and I know you always will. And just becuase you're vulnerable, doesn't make you weak."
Striker sat in stunned silence for a few long moments, before finally giving in.
"Mah dad. Two years ago t'day. He uh.. he passed." Blitz listened as Striker slowly slurred out the words, the crack in the taller imp's voice ripping a tear through his heart. He'd never seen or heard Striker close to crying before, let alone actually cry at all. "We were..." A long pause. "We were very close." Blitz wrapped his hands in Striker's and gave them a tight squeeze. "Ah misss him sss...sso goddamn much."
And with that, Striker broke. He finally let out the loud, ugly sobs he'd been gulping down the past hour. Blitz embraced him in a tight hug and wrapped their tails together, gently rocking his mate side to side while softly stroking his hair. Striker's shoulders violently shook as he took in harsh gasps and let out heart-wrenching sobs.
Blitz felt tears brimming in his own eyes at the sound of his lover's painful grief, the sharp claws tightly gripping at his shirt causing him to hug his lover tighter.
Neither imps knew how long Striker cried for, but once his sobs calmed down to quiet cries, Blitz helped walk him back to their room. He was pretty tipsy after all.
Blitz helped Striker strip down to his boxers as he did likewise. They both lied down on their bed and Blitz cradled his lover in his arms, placing a soft, gentle kiss on Striker's forehead.
"I love you so much, Striker," he whispered in his ear. "I'm always here for you, as you are for me. Don't ever forget that."
Striker gave Blitz's hand a tight squeez in response. He was too drunk and tired to muster any words, as well as his soft cries blocked any other noises that dared escape his mouth. But the hand squeez was more than enough for Blitz. He held Striker tightly the rest of the night, the taller imp fading in and out of crying spells before eventually entirely passing out.
Blitz refused to fall asleep until all he could hear was the soft breathing from his mate in his arms. As Blitz was finally able to drift to sleep himself, he was thinking up of some hangover breakfast ideas to make for his partner in the morning. Or afternoon, that'd work too. Striker needed the sleep after all.
I originally post my fanfiction on my Wattpad (@cam-illeon). Hope y'all enjoy!! I might do a Drunk Striker pt. ll
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shawtygonemad · 3 years
CRIMSON: Chapter 12
Daryl Dixon x OC
CRIMSON Playlist
CRIMSON Masterlist
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By sunset the chaos on the farm died down. Everyone stayed mostly quiet as they ate their food. Carl was the first one to speak up as he looked around, noticing a missing member.
"Dad?" Carl called.
"Yeah, buddy," Rick responded.
"Aunt Rose isn't here. Where is she?" Carl asked as he continued looking around. Lori stared at her plate, not saying a word.
"She was pretty upset earlier. She's probably nearby thinkin’ or studyin’," he reassured him.
"But she's not in her spot on the porch," Carl informed him as he pointed to her empty spot. "Where is she?"
"Prolly in our tent," Daryl grumbled, dreading the conversation he needed to have with his girlfriend. He was never one to apologize. "I'll go 'n' get h'r."
The man got up and slowly made his way to the tent. He took a deep breath before giving a shaky knock on the plastic. There was no answer.
"Doc," he sighed. "Rose, 'bout earlier... what I said, I was 'n' asshole. I didn't mean it. I jus' say dumb shit when I get mad. You were the closest target at the momen'. 'M sorry," he apologized.
He furrowed his brows when he heard no reply. Quickly, he unzipped the tent entrance to discover it empty of not only Rose but also her belongings. He really fucked up. Where the hell could she have gone? Daryl decided to return to the group just as Glenn did from the house.
"Hey, is Rose in there?" He asked the Korean.
"No, why?" He asked confused.
"She's not in the tent?" Rick asked concerned.
"Alright, enough of this," Dale said as he looked at the women. "Are you going to tell them or should I?"
"Tell us wha'!?" Daryl yelled.
"She left," Andrea finally said, seemingly ashamed.
"It was the best for the group," Lori added quietly while refusing to look at anyone.
"Mom," Carl said in disbelief as he leaned away from the woman.
"It had to be done, baby," she tried to reason with him.
"Who gave ya the authority ta do tha', Olive Oyl?!" Daryl yelled at the brunette.
"Back off, man," Shane warned him as he stood in front of Lori.
"Or wha'? Ya gonna threaten ta assault me like ya did Rose?" Daryl spat while Shane clenched his jaw in anger for being called out. "Yea, she told me, ya prick! That's why she got lost in the woods before gettin' shot!"
Shane lunged for Daryl, but Rick intervened between the two men.
"Shut your fucking mouth, Dixon!"
"How 'bout I shut yers instead!"
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"Enough! Enough," Rick shouted as he worked to keep the pair separated. "I need everyone to stay calm, so we can figure things out."
It's been a long and hard few months. No food or water for Moonshine and I. No weapons. We stumbled upon a place called Terminus and almost became dinner for a bunch of cannibals. I was terrified and thought it was the end for me.
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The only thing that had kept me going was hope. Hope that someone would notice my disappearance. Hope that they'd all come looking for me. No one ever did.
I was rescued, but not by who I was hoping for. These people were covered in metal armor made out of license plates and scrap metal. They held no firearms, but only handheld weapons. They were fearsome and wild. Rabid, I might even say.
They took down the entire compound in less than an hour. Only two other hostages and I were spared. Just on one condition - we go back to their village and join the community. The others hopped right on the offer, but I had my doubts. I didn't know if I was ready for another group yet. However, I ended up having no say as they grabbed me. My body was still restrained and my mouth gagged. Silently, I thanked that they also brought along Moonshine. We were led back to what they call ‘Eden’.
It looked like it used to be a food dispensary plant. However, they transformed it into a village. It had little homes made from logs and other supplies, along with a surprising amount of rich vegetation. The whole placed looked almost normal with women, men, children, and even babies, being seen. What the hell was this place?
They had taken me inside what was once the factory and brought me into... a throne room? Did I stumble upon Game of Thrones or something? Damn!
On the throne sat a woman clad in black. Her face had maroon war paint on it. Her eyebrow rose as she studied us.
"Did you kidnap these people, Chuck?" She looked at the large man who had brought me in while still tied up and gagged.
"No. We saved these three from the cannibals, ma'am," Chuck bowed his head in respect.
"Then why are they still tied up?" She asked.
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"Right... sorry," he quickly replied as he took out a pocket knife to cut the ropes.
I removed my gag and my eyes wandered around the room. More men in scrap metal and leather stood by at attention. Seriously, what the hell was this place?
"What is it you each did in the world prior?" The leader asked.
"Physics professor," the male captive said.
"Housekeeper," the woman captive said.
Then all eyes fell on me, which I always hated. I didn't know how much I could trust these people yet. Maybe I could still be saved from this. Maybe Daryl was out there looking for me right now. That's the only hope I had left. It's what's been keeping me going. I need to keep going for him, and the others if they ever forgave me. One thing's for sure - they never kill the doctor.
"Doctor," I hoarsely spoke.
"A doctor," she hummed. "You can never have too many of those," she leaned forward. "Now tell me, doctor, why do I sense the feeling that you don't want to be here?"
"I'm not much of a community person," I told her. "I'm more of the lone wolf type."
"Survival chances are better in numbers," she informed me.
"I'd rather take my chances," I glared at her.
“Do we seem that bad?” the leader chuckled, completely amused by my attitude. 
I stayed silent. She uncrossed her legs and stood up. She gracefully walked down the stairs and stood in front of me. 
“Chuck, please show these two their new housing,” she gestured to the other captives that were brought in with me. “I’ll be sure to give our doctor a tour myself.”
She did just that. We toured around the entire facility and nearby housing. She showed me how things worked, and even introduced me to most of her guards. They had reinforced walls that were always guarded. We even walked through a training session, which was as intense as I would imagine. To conclude the tour, we ended up in one of her sitting areas. 
They provided me with a glass of water that I practically chugged. What an idiot I was. I should have known they’d slip something into it. But at the time I was clueless. It made me feel loose and light. My vision drifted as if rocking on a wave while my words were slurred. Due to my state of being, my walls were brought down. She managed to get everything she wanted out of me. I told her about my parents, my childhood, my mom, my career, Rick, Carl, Daryl, and all of the others at the farm. It was like my mouth couldn’t stop talking. Thankfully, my eyes became heavy and drifted shut. 
The next thing I knew, I woke up to sounds of cheering and yelling. I sat straight up, startled. I was in a ring that was surrounded by chain-link fencing and was lit by torch fire. I’ve never seen this place before, and don’t remember getting there. Straight ahead of me was the woman I had come in with. The housekeeper. She looked just as confused as I did. Once we were both alert, more cheering occurred.
I looked up to find that we were surrounded by all of the villagers. They were looking down on us from their platforms. Now I was really confused. Soon the noise entirely stopped, and they all took a knee with bowed heads. My eyes scanned the platforms to see what made them stop. It was their leader, Nova. Or rather, Novalee is what she told me. Their crimson queen. I never understood the nickname, and just assumed it was for her red hair. I now started to piece together how she got that nickname. 
“Welcome all to another selection meeting,” she announced. “Today we were brought three new souls. One of which was a teacher. As you know, we are in dire need of one for the children. He may stay.”
Soft groans of disappointment were heard. She instantly silenced them with a fearsome look. She paced in front of, what looked to be, a throne while she made her announcements. 
“However, we do still have one open slot for the community. Unfortunately, we are in no need of a housekeeper and the position of doctor has already been filled,” she went on. “Whoever wins will receive the spot among us,” she announced before returning to her seat made of bone. 
“Win what?” The housekeeper asked, afraid. 
One of her guards tossed two weapons over the tops of the fences. They dropped to the ground and bounced dangerously. 
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“Begin,” she called out. 
“Are you out of your mind? There is no way in hell we-” I was cut off by a battle cry. 
My ring-mate was charging at me with a machete. I barely had time to dodge her. The blade left a large gash on my upper left arm. I took off away from her, searching for an exit. There was none in this circle of hell. This chick was trying to kill me and I had no way of escape! I had to accept the situation. I needed to fight this girl back, forcing me to do whatever it took to win. Afterward, I could make my escape from this hell. The cannibals were at least pleasant and straight forward!  
The only other weapon was a broken pool skimmer. I lunged for it as the woman took another swipe at me. I ended up on my back and quickly brought the pole up in time to meet the blade. I stared up in shock at how close that was. Luckily my fight or flight instincts kicked in. Since I couldn’t leave, my instincts took it upon themselves to go into fight mode in order to keep me alive. 
I kicked out my foot and connected it with her knee. That caused it to buckle, bringing her down to my level. I kicked out again and nailed her directly in the face. This went on for minutes which seemed like hours in the ring. We both ended up severely bruised and beaten from one another. We were both exhausted and breathing heavy. She stared me down as she bent over to catch her breath, making sure that I didn’t attack. 
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“Survive,” my body told me as it gave another shot of adrenaline. I needed to end this. 
I rushed forward with my new found energy. My opponent was unable to block me this time. I pierce through her abdomen with the broken side of the pole, impaling her. 
In that moment, it was like time stood still. We locked eyes with one another in shock.
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Blood spewed from her mouth as she kept her eyes locked with mine all the way to the ground. She passed out from the pain, and would soon die from the blood loss. I just murdered someone. An actual living, breathing, person and not just a walker. My hands began to shake at the realization, which caused me to drop the pole. 
“You won,” my body spoke to itself in relief. 
The silence was soon pierced by screams of excitement and cheering. They were cheering for me. Why were they so happy to witness me murder someone? My eyes slowly shifted up to Nova as she sat back, pleased. 
“Congratulations Dr. Wagner, and welcome to Eden,” she announced.   
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Next Chapter
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yourlocalauthor · 4 years
Anger Issues- Chapter 1
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: I actually have no idea how to summarize this so if someone could help me that’d be very much appreciated lol
Word Count: 1.6k+
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, drugs, child abuse (highkey wish we had this warning in tv shows), and prolly gonna mention sex at some point, idk that should be it
A/N: Bruh, i had no idea so many people would be interested in this. This was going to go a very different way but I finished OBX again and decided to change it up. Also italics are flashback, enjoy!
Requests are open
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You weren’t an angry person, that’s what you kept telling yourself. But ever since your parents died and you moved to the island with your aunt that’s all you could feel. You were so angry and you weren’t sure why, or at what. You were just angry, angry at the whole situation. Your aunt told you had every right to be, which only pissed you off more. You were looking for a reaction, something to make you feel in control. But when your aunt kept dismissing it, and telling your teachers, counselor, and principals to dismiss it, you couldn’t take it. So what did you do? Trashed your least favorite teacher's classroom. It felt slightly justified when you saw him being a creep during gym. When you were taken to the principal's office, she tried calming down which only enraged you more. You cussed her out and then next thing you knew you had after school detention for two weeks. You felt like you deserved more, but you’d take what you can get. So there you sat Friday afternoon in detention. It was quiet, the small hot room filled with two other people in it. You knew the other two boys, JJ Maybank and John B Routledge. John B was in your history class, and English, and JJ was in your Art, Gym, and Health. JJ also happened to live two houses down from yours. That was about as much as you cared to know. You had heard some of the rumors, specifically about JJ and his dad but you didn’t care. Rumors weren’t something you wanted to partake in, even if your aunt was someone who seemed to love drama. You let out a soft exhale shifting uncomfortably in your seat. One thing about the island that you learned was it was uncomfortably hot. As someone who grew up in the mountains of Colorado, you weren’t exactly used to the sudden new change in weather. Growing up living on the beach like your aunt seemed like a dream, unfortunately eight year old you didn’t factor in the heat. You pulled out your tank top, trying to get it to stop sticking to your skin. You looked over to the teacher who was supposedly meant to be watching the three of you. Of course his lazy ass fell asleep, feet up on the desk. The two boys had also taken note of it, quietly conversing. You tried to make yourself busy, as you listened in but it was no use. It was too hot for you to concentrate. You laid back in your seat, staring at the ceiling trying to get your mind off of the heat.
“Hey you New Girl.”
You lifted your head staring at the pair.
“We’re about to dip figured it was only fair if we told you.”
“What about Mr. Nixon?”
“By the time he’s up it’ll be late.”
“You coming or not?”
You carefully eyed the blonde who had now just spoken up, he was already out of his seat, John B following.
“Look if you don’t come now, you’ll be stuck here until five pm.”
You looked back at the old man sleeping at the desk, and then at the two boys.
“Fuck it”
You simply said, before piling your things into your bag and standing up. You tugged at your ridden up shorts trying to stop any camel toe from peeking through. The two boys stood there staring at you, until you looked back up.
“Nothing New Girl.”
And just like that the two were out of the classroom, you following in pursuit. It was so close to Summer that it didn’t even matter, if you skipped detention. The three of you ran out of the school, John B laughing at whatever joke JJ cracked. All of you continue to run, until you were a good distance from the town.
“Shit New Girl, we didn’t expect you to be so eager to leave the school.”
“You guys do realize I have a name right? And also I was in detention with all of you, not sure why you’d think I wouldn’t want to bounce.”
“I told you she was in there for a reason JJ. Anyway I’m John B, and that’s JJ”
The blonde gave you a goodly looking smile, and you couldn’t help but give one back.
“Well Y/N, we’re having a kegger at the Boneyard care to help us set up?”
You looked at the two boys weighing the options in your head, you were hot as shit and probably needed to go home otherwise your aunt would probably flip or force you to do some meditation. On the flip side you’d be alone for a couple more hours.
And just like that they smiled at you, JJ grabbing your hand pulling you along as all three of you began to head to the beach.
That was freshman year. Probably the best summer of your life, it was the summer you learned how to shotgun a can of beer courtesy of one JJ Maybank, you spent your days at the beach your new found group of friends teaching you how to surf which turns out wasn’t as easy as snowboarding,  your nights were either filled with parties, or late night conversations on the beach. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. Then one night while the four of you were sitting around a campfire laughing, passing a joint around and that’s when you realized it. You liked JJ. Like you found him very cute, and maybe you wanted to kiss him. But the whole group dynamic worked so well, you didn’t want to ruin it. So from that night on you set your feelings aside not wanting them to ruin the perfect summer. Somewhere towards the end of the summer Kiara joined the group, or joined it again. You didn’t really know the story, all you knew was they were all friends in the eight grade, and then came freshman year she apparently went full Kook at Kook Academy. But you didn’t care, she was fun and it was nice to have a girl around. The two of you hit it off almost immediately, and those last couple of weeks of summer were even more fun than before. And then came the end of the year party. You remembered helping set up the kegs, and bringing the hundreds of packages of red solo cups. And then at some point you had gotten very drunk, because you didn’t remember much past that. You remembered having your first four cups of beer, and then someone brought out a flask everyone was drinking from and maybe you had a couple sips too many because the last thing you remembered was JJ carrying you out the both of you laughing your asses off. Then you woke up in your bed, with probably the worst hangover you’ve ever had. Later that day when all of you met up, everything was chill except for JJ who was very not chill. He kept staring at you, looking away when you looked back, avoiding talking to you directly. Luckily for you the other two boys hadn’t taken note of it, but Kiara did.
Once everyone left she stayed behind to talk to you, along with helping you do some beach cleaning.
“So what was that all about?”
“What do you mean?”
“You and JJ something seems off between you.”
“Really? Couldn’t tell.”
“Look I don’t know.”
“Was it last night.”
“I’m not sure, I blacked out. Last thing I remember was him literally carrying me out, we were so happy and laughing. After that I remember absolutely nothing.”
“Weird… I’m sure it’ll pass, he’s probably in one of his moods.”
It didn’t pass. Suddenly you went from being basically best friends with JJ to him barely talking to you. You continued to hang out with everyone, but it kept getting to uncomfortable until eventually you just stopped showing up. You kept talking with everyone, but it just wasn’t the same before. And you were angry, after a summer of managing to not be angry you were very fucking angry. You began acting out again, much to the dismay of your aunt but you didn’t care. You had all those feelings bunched together, and you needed to get them out. You began quite the regular in after school detention, at one point you were also suspended but you made sure that never happened again. You spent less and less time at home, during the day you were at school, or the beach, and then at night you’d chug some cheap energy drink and then go out skating around the beach. It wasn’t a healthy lifestyle, but life was too short to not live on the edge.
Tonight was one of the few nights you were home. Your aunt was on the mainland, for her job. She was a massage therapist or something like that. A couple times a week she had to stay on the mainland for whatever reason. It was a Friday evening, and you were hoping to catch up on some of the sleep you were severely missing. You had set up on the couch, the tv playing some movie you couldn’t care less about. You were more focusing on the small stack of papers in front of you. Despite skipping school and getting in trouble half the time you were smart. A lot of people caught on to that, and before you knew it you had a small business writing essays, doing homework, or whatever assignment people needed done. It helped fuel your caffeine addiction, and you were able to keep yourself alive while your aunt was gone. You had just begun typing up your third essay about the civil rights movement, when you heard a knock on the door...
@spilledtee @teamnick @sexualparkour​ @yeehaw87
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rustyparker · 3 years
Relationship building - All of "em for Sofia ;)
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses. 
I have a headcanon where she chooses the titles for all of his songs. 
Send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent). 
Name: Wifey 😍 Ringtone: In Your Eyes - The Weeknd Picture: 
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Last texts sent: 'hey tiny you left your underwear in my room...im keeping it’
Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses. 
Save Your Tears - The Weeknd (YES it’s another Weeknd song he just has a LOT of songs that fit them ok)
Send 👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship. 
Having bad parents, tons of sex, endless drama.
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours. 
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“I think she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me man, like I feel high when I’m with her. Well...I mean I’m high, but it’s not just the drugs, y’know? It’s her.”
Send 😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them. 
“Her face, her boobs and her ass. I mean...have you seen her? Oh, you’re talking personality wise...she’s got a lot of that, yeah. She’s a sweet girl, y’know. Will do anything for people. She’s like the opposite of selfish. Very cute too, when she smiles. She has a cute laugh, I love that. And she’s a good mother, prolly the best mom I’ve seen. And- man shut up, I’m not finished! Fuck your three thing rule! She makes bomb ass pancakes, and she’s got good taste in music. She can dance, she’s a great teacher...” *rambles on for about an hour while the interviewer quietly regrets asking the question*
Send 💤 for my muse to say something about yours in their sleep. 
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“C’mon baby...just lemme videotape it...I won’t show nobody...I just wanna look at it later...”
Send 📖 for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours. 
I don’t like journals but the therapist at the rehab center told me it was good to keep track of my thoughts, thanks Larry, you fucking clown, what if I got nothin to write about? 
I guess I do have one thing to write about, my girlfriend still doesn’t wanna come visit and it sucks, I hate that I did this to her, and I hate that if somebody handed me a pipe right now, I’d prolly do it again. That’s why I’m in here, even tho we’re about to have a baby, I can’t stop hurting her or myself, it’s like something takes over me, feels like there’s somethin wrong with my brain. 
Her aunt does visit me and she said that Sof loves me too much and that’s why she can’t come. That is some bullshit!! How you gonna say you love me but you can’t come see me?? She’s pregnant now too, so I know she needs me to be there, I think she’s doing this to punish me, it’s working I guess, I’m pretty fuckin miserable.
Send ✉ for a written letter from my muse. 
Hey tiny,
My therapist said to write you a letter but I should let him read it before I send it to you. I want to say I’m sorry for getting so angry when you left the facilite facility, I shouldn’t have cussed at you and stuff, I was in a dark place and I took it out on you, but I’m doing a lot better but I’m working on things now and they’re helping me with my anger issues and stuff my addiction. I hate being in here I wanna come home to you and do better, for the baby, to not use drugs as much not use drugs at all anymore to get sober. You should come I want you to come I would love if you came to visit, will you think about it?? And maybe answer the phone, you don’t even have to talk if you don’t want, I will just talk to you and the baby. Miss you both
- Russ
Send📱for a voicemail my muse left yours.
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“Are you fucking serious? Voicemail again, really Sofia? Fuck you, you know. I’m trying here. You can take a fucking phone call. You think I’m gonna get better with you ignoring me? It’s been three weeks since we talked, I got shit to say! You don’t even wanna talk to me?! You just gonna ignore me the whole time I’m here?!”
Send 🌀 for my muse’s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours. 
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*covers her from the rain with his body because he has no umbrella*
Send 🍺 for my muses drunk reaction around yours. 
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“Baby...you’re the most hottest babe I’ve ever seen...and I wanna look at you for hours. Matter a’fact, c’mere-” He reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling his scantily clad girlfriend into his lap. “I wanna touch you for hours too”, he husked in her ear, running both of his large hands down her breasts and untying the little knot that was holding the front of her blouse together.   
Send 💰 for your muse to ask mine for money. 
Pre-fame Russ: “Sorry babe, I’m broke too.”
Post-fame Russ: “Sure, here’s $1000.”
Send ✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours.
After struggling to come up with a chorus for his latest song for about an hour, Russ finally put aside his guitar out of frustration. Seeing no other solution than to take a break, he lit up a blunt and leaned back comfortably on the sunken couch in his apartment. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting himself drift away into daytime fantasies. Fantasies of a big, shiny stage with red curtains. He was usually the one up there, but tonight he was watching the show. As the curtains rose, Sofia entered the stage like a true star, clad in a shiny, glittering outfit that showed off every delicious curve on her body. She exuded confidence as she strutted across the stage, perhaps more confidence than even the real Sofia possessed, and he could not take his eyes off this electrifying version of her. As she did her flawless dance routine, clothes were magically flying off her body and she was left wearing nothing but a pair of red high heels. The spotlight followed her every move as she descended the steps from the podium and entered the crowd of one. It was just him, the show was for his eyes only. Just as she was about to finish her routine by giving him a lapdance, his daydream was interrupted by his phone buzzing. “Goddammit”, he cursed under his breath as his eyes shot open and he was back in his room. Back in reality. 
Send 👀 for my muse to compliment yours
“Sof, babe, you’re really skinny.”
Send 💋 for how my muse would seduce/flirt with yours. 
Give her lots of attention, mostly. He knows she likes that the most. Gifts too, and songs, but most importantly attention.
Send 😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate. 
Depends on which time. In the beginning it doesn’t make sense to him, but then when they’re dating and further along in the relationship, it feels more natural and enjoyable. 
Send 🍵 and my muse will reveal one of their biggest regrets involving yours.
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“Lying. I lied a lot to her, I guess. I regret that, yeah.”
 Send 😶 and my muse will confess to something they wish they didn’t do that affected your muse.
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“I guess I cheated on her. I mean...I barely remember it ‘cause I was fucked up, but...I guess she was real sad about that. So...yeah, if I could take it back I would do it.”
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essaysbyciara · 4 years
Old Habits Die Hard | Part Four: Down The Stairs And To Your Left
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Warnings: Lightweight mentions of sexual situations, language
A few things! Old Habits Die Hard is now on WATTPAD! If you’re more of a person that uses Wattpad to follow fanfiction, you can now follow on that platform. It’s all up to date over there. Secondly, I’m dropping off the internet grid (new year fasting, you know how it is...) from the 6th until the 26th so there will be no update until I come back (hopefully, it’ll be finished by then lol) Lastly, I love you all and I’ll see you on the flipside!
The latter parts of the day’s sunlight stream into Ariel’s bedroom and bounce off of the water-stained Word Up! posters of Mindless Behavior left hanging onto her bedroom walls. You understand why Aunt Jerri wouldn’t want to remove them; your Dad kept your B2K posters up in your room well after you left for college too. It made him feel like you never left  home. 
Stuffed animals mark their spot on top of the dresser and in front of the vanity mirror that’s reflecting an image of you braiding Ariel’s voluminous hair into two large french braids. It was getting too hot for her hair to live wild and free. 
“I can’t believe my mom is actually hosting a party here tonight. This is not like her at all.” 
“Ariel, I can’t either… she’s wildin’ tonight.” So was Yahya for that matter. His insistence on staying  the night could only be explained by his desire to get a break from the hyper-emotional and high-stress world of being a civil rights attorney. He wanted to be as wild and free as Ariel’s hair that you’re trying to tame. You’re successful with Ariel. With Yahya, not so much. 
Ariel grabs EcoStyler for her edges as you take a look at your phone. Dave has yet to message you again since you ignored his first message  and you couldn’t help but feel a bit dismayed by his lack of a following gesture. For him to go out of his way to message you after a year of paying you no mind, you would think he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Your pride, at least, wanted a fight out of him. 
“I hope this party is lowkey, Ari. I do.”
“It should be just family and maybe Mr. Jones’ family down the street.”
“I don’t think I know the Joneses like that at all.”
“One of them, this boy Pardi, is fine as shit…”
You didn’t like Ari to curse even if she was old enough. “Leave those boys alone, homegirl.”
“Speaking of those Jones’ boys … that low-ass Dave’s been asking about you.” 
Your emotions spike. You don’t want to show your enthusiasm for  Dave’s inquiries about you  but you also feigned to know how much he much he misses you and if he craved you or wanted to see you. 
“Oh word?” Your poker face is ice cold. “I haven’t talked to him in a minute. He’s okay?” 
“Looking real dusted, yeah. He kept asking me about you too. Got on my nerves.” 
You sit on the edge of Ariel’s bed, rubbing the corners of her mattress with hands that twitch at the thought of running into Dave before your trip is over. You try your best to shrug off Ariel’s notice of Dave’s attention towards you but curiosity is starting to get the best of you. “What did you tell him?”
“Nothing. Felt like it was better to show him.” 
You quickly realize how Dave found you. You wanted to make sure that Ariel wouldn’t pull such a move. 
“Ariel … how did you do that?”
“Showed him a picture of you and your man.”
“Girl, no… that wasn’t your place to do that.” 
Ariel shoots a puzzled look toward you and you shoot it right down. “I get it but Sis, that wasn’t the move…”
“It ain’t like Dave hit you up, right … fuck, I’m sorry.” 
Ariel  received -- and believed -- the farcical cliff notes of the story of how you and Dave ended. You told her that you two decided that distance and travel would be too much to continue the relationship. You didn’t want to tell her the real story:  that your texts to Dave went unanswered and that when you called him, it went straight to voicemail. You even hopped on I-95 unannounced to drive up to Philly  but once you were minutes away from the tolls, you bailed. All of that you couldn’t tell Ariel. 
“I doubt he shows his face, Y/N. It ain’t like he knows that you’re here.” 
“You sure you ain’t tell him that, Ariel? Since you showing my life off…” Your misdirected irritation toward Ariel is rearing its ugly head. You quickly reel yourself in once you see Ariel start slamming the drawers shut on her vanity.  “I’m sorry, cousin. You didn’t deserve that. I know you meant well by what you…”
The faint ring of the doorbell stops your apology in its tracks. You pass a frightened look at Ariel who quickly passes it back to you. You don’t know who that could be at the door. You’re hoping --  but yet praying that it’s not-- Dave. 
You run into the bathroom to straighten yourself up before parading down the steps to maybe see your impending doom for the first time in a year. You adjust your sundress to show the right amount of plump and cleavage and shift your dress to show the most thigh you could. You check your Nikes for scuffs of asphalt on the toe box. You inhale  so much air into your lungs that they may explode. You exhale once you walk down the steps to see it’s just Yahya coming into the house with his hands beyond full. 
Crisis averted. 
“Oh you went to the good state store, Yahya. You ain’t holding anything cheap.” Aunt Jerri grabs the two bottles of Woodford Reserve from up under Yahya’s right arm, ignoring the  weight of the rest of the goodies that are almost causing him to topple over. The bags of ice are set to fall  until you quicken your pace down the steps to catch those bags before they hit the floor. To Yahya, you were on time. 
Dave doesn’t want to be late and miss Aunt Jerri’s afterparty, his favorite black t-shirt  sticking to his body like glue as the sweat pools toward the middle of his back. He cranks up his air conditioning unit to the maximum. He’s trying to not lose his cool. 
Dave’s been thinking about what to say to you all day.  A part of him needs to corner you and pour his heart out but he’s too much of thug for that. A part of him desires to play the corner with hopes of you making the first move. Ultimately, all of him hopes that your fiance isn’t there to fight any and all of his fantasies. He  knows that he must be on his best behavior: Aunt Jerri and his Mom are close friends. There will be no corner-like-behavior up in that house. 
As Dave adjusts the laces on his Nikes, his brother Pardi softly raps on Dave’s door to let him know that the family is ready to head over to Jerri’s house. Dave heaves what feels like gallons of air from his chest and proceeds to walk down the hallway towards the steps. Pardi suddenly stops Dave in his tracks, causing him to almost slip on the top step of the staircase. “Yo, nigga… what are you doing?” Pardi could smell Dave’s tense demeanor since Trace told him that you were back in town. He remembered last summer and what fits those two weeks drove Dave into: insanity. 
Like Ariel, Pardi didn’t receive an honest answer about what happened between you and Dave. Dave told Pardi that you were just “a fuck” and that you just made yourself available when Dave needed you. Pardi looked squarely through Dave’s misogynistic postering bullshit to know that Dave was all the way gone when it came to you. You were the woman that paused passionate games of NBA2K when you called his phone. You were the woman who Dave would let sleep in his bed long after he left for work. He wanted you there when he finally got home. You were the woman that had Dave on a James Harden-like tear on the basketball court, showing off just for you. 
Pardi called Dave a “bitch” when your phone calls and texts went unanswered and when he, Dave and their boys took a trip to party out in DC and Dave didn’t reach out to you. 
Pardi can see the scared in Dave as they stand at the top of the steps. “Yo, you good?”
“Fuck you asking me if I’m good for?” 
“Shorty from last summer prolly there, that’s why.”
“Nigga. I’m not even thinking about her.” 
Pardi shrugs off Dave with a laugh and walks down the steps. “Yeah, aight. You buggin’...” 
“Oh, you trippin’! LeBron is better than Jordan!” Uncle Ro’s passionate  basketball debate with Yahya is causing his rotund body to almost careen off of the couch and onto the floor. Although you hoped that the party would be small, nothing associated with your Aunt Jerri is that. She’s beloved on the block and the amount of people filtering into her home is showing you how much. Some pre-wedding donations slipped into your hand during the course of the evening, making tonight’s impending torture somehow worth it. 
For a brief moment, you weren’t thinking about Dave. You were overwhelmed by the embracing of Yahya by your family -- blood and neighborhood. You almost cried when Aunt Jerri spoke about your Dad during her impromptu toast to you and Yahya’s engagement. “My brother is smiling, I know that. And that fool wouldn’t crack a smile for a damn baby. Except you. He loved you.” Those were the words you wanted to hear after a day of beating yourself up for a decision you made last summer to make some neighborhood dude named Dave a priority for two weeks all the while he seemingly made you an option. 
Your current priority has been watching you filter in and out of the kitchen, grabbing drinks for your Uncles and some of the OG queens from the neighborhood. The brown and white liquor are making love inside of his body, thoughts escalating inside of his mind that would make your Reverend Uncle Ro want to perform an exorcism on him. He couldn’t wait to take you out of that sundress when you both got home. But why did it have to wait for DC? 
As Yahya peels his now overheating body off the plastic-covered couch, the front door opens allowing a needed breeze to hit the living room.
But suddenly you get hot. 
Although it’s been 365 days,  you and Dave catch eyes quicker than an Olympic runner. It mirrors the way that you both first looked at each other last summer, a moment so intense that Aunt Jerri whispered “oh shit!” to herself as if she was watching the drama unfold on The Young & The Restless. She could tell that you and Dave were two magnets that desperately needed attachment. That’s why she told you to “have fun with that.” As he stands at the door, your eyes fixate upon his body. You forgot how sexy he was. He mimics your move, staring down your body like he would be quizzed on it. You were so beautiful. Last year’s feelings and emotions quickly replicate themselves in this moment causing Aunt Jerri to say “oh shit!”. This time most of the room heard her.  
Aunt Jerri received the honest story about you and Dave’s fallout. She forgot about all that in the midst of trying to set a party off inside of her house. 
Yahya sees your face and knows that something isn’t right. As he attempts to save you, Dave and his family make their way throughout the living room to greet everyone. They became the river that Yahya couldn’t cross. 
“Y/N, can you grab that Grey Goose in the basement?” Trace orders, breaking you out of your Dave-induced spell. You happily oblige, needing to get away from the love of your life and the lust of your last summer standing just feet apart from his each other. Yahya finds a way around the crowd to follow you downstairs. 
You find yourself leaning over the oak-colored bar while  yelling internally at your chest to calm down. You fail to hear Yahya shuffle down the steps and come up to you. 
“Yo, what the fuck!” You jump at the precise moment that Yahya attempts to wrap his arms around your waist. He’s never seen you this wound up or scared. It’s uncharted territory for the both of you. 
“Y/N, it’s me … it’s me. Wow.” 
You never went in for a hug so fast once you realize that it’s Yahya and not Dave. “Babe, I’m sorry. I’m just … I’m just really over-”
“Overwhelmed? I would be too if half the damn city just walked into the house. You know them?”
You  know one of them and in ways that you would never tell Yahya. You shrug off Yahya’s question with a kiss which intensifies with  every mounting second.  Yahya’s lips fail to break from yours as he walks you backward, finding your backside up  against the bar. His right hand eagerly climbs inside the slit of your sundress, causing you to whimper and fall even more into his arms. 
“Yahya, we can’t. Not down here…”
“Is so loud up there though, They won’t hear shit…” 
“Shit? You’ve been around my peoples for too long. But no, not here. Not in my Auntie’s house.” You and Dave didn’t follow such protocol last summer. 
Yahya obliges. “If this is your way of punishing me for making us stay up there, I don’t like it.” Yahya playfully bites on your neck before letting you go against the wishes of your body. He’s always there to protect you and you really want to show your appreciation. As he walks up the basement steps, he’s too distracted from trying to hide what’s going on inside of his jeans that he fails to notice someone trying to open the basement door. 
“Oh, my bad. I didn’t see you there.” Dave’s too on a mission to get at you that he doesn’t care to become upset at Yahya almost smacking his face with a door. Or that Yahya, the man that now has your love and attention, is standing in front of his face. 
“You good. They told me to grab a bottle down there.”
“Yeah, man. The bar is down the steps and to your left. My girl is down there. She can show you where everything is...” 
Taglist:  @yoursoulstea​​​​ @harleycativy​​​ @twistedcharismaaa​​​ @dorkskinneded​​​​ @need-my-fics​​​ @ghostfacekill-monger​​​ @writerbee-ffs​​​ @chaneajoyyy​​​ @amyhennessyhouse​
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shippyboi · 4 years
Kiddney patch Notes, as a treat.
I know i haven't posted any of my writings in like, ages, but i was looking over my Kiddney patch notes. Basically me and @shikkearu (my bestest finnish lady in a box) were talking about Kiddney and she oh so graciously gave me these that i was talking of.
Quickly before i paste it.
-A few characters mentioned are like fill in ocs/side jokes
-Its an AU. Set in modern day Finland. Thanks.
-since this is a conversation thats why its formatted like this.
Enjoy lads
- Idiots love each other but are like "buh buh age gap"
-"why would she want a little boy :("
-"who wants an old lady :("
-bickering every chance they get
-kidd bumming in her restaurant atleast 3 days out of the week
-Bonney acts like she's in her forties compared to Kidd because she doesn't understand that just because she met him in highschool when she was a young adult and gained a crush on him as an adult isn't predatory
-Kidd has wanted to bang since he met her at 17
-Kidd was probably an orphan that got out of the orphanage at 18 and that explains some of his flaming anger issues
Also the first one looks bad, when he was an adult she wasn't perving on him as a kid
-Kidd has been told throughout his life he'd be a woman beater and it scares him that he has real feelings for someone
-Bonney tries to act like she hates him but it backfires all the time (especially when she gets drunk which is a lot.)
-Idea that we could use; Bonney might have like a binge eating disorder (or possible bulimia considering she eats a lot all at once) that we could reveal slowly
-Bonney's parents are really traditional and she feels bad that she doesn't wanna get married (kidd eventually just makes them rings and they wear them.)
-Kidd is very territorial (this is in ways like watching his friends get hurt, telling all his friends s.o. s not to hurt them or else, and getting pissy when a male breathes in Bonney's direction.)
-Kidd knows it's wrong but he can't find out how to stop. He just is really close to all of them and he can't stand the thought of any of them getting hurt
- Kidd is a manly mans man and he is proud. He makes weapons out of everything and breaking into his house would be like breaking into a military base
-Bonney is pretty tomboyish and has a hard time meshing with girls (one reason she really wants to become Perona's friend.)
-Her personality is really brash and all
-infact both of theres is
-Bonney always feels bad for being mean to him but since she feels like a creep for her feelings she doesn't know what to do
-Bonney is prideful, so is Kidd. If you doubt her at all she'll mcfreaking wreck you by doing so damn good
-Bonney consults Hawkins a lit since they are the same age but in two different levels of maturity
-Side note: Basil loves all his friends and is ready to be all of their big brother. 
-Kidd and her eventually at the same time pull a 'fuck it i can't deal with this anymore.' And it goes like this
-'i love you!'
-'i love you!'
- 'u sure'
- 'ye'
-Kidd and Bonney actually end up hunting and fishing together
-They have probably made out in a deer stand
-They have a place to smoke meats and boy do they
-Kidd will eat straight off his knife
-Bonney really likes his house. Its unique and very outdoorsy
-kidd's crew could be his orphanage mates, especially like Killer
-Kidd is a mix between goth bf and country bf and that's really sexy of him
-Bonney's parents probably hate him
-Kidd definitely has silently loathed Law from the start
-Kidd has probably been arrested at least once
-Bonney learned to cook from her aunt
-Bonney is constantly angry that people she cooking as a girls only thing
-Bonney is a power bottom not up for discussion
-A lot of people think Bonney's a lesbian
-Kidd really loves Bonney's cooking and that's his guise to bum at her restaurant
-Kidd can actually cook pretty well and has got up to make her breaky and its cute
-Angry sex? Happens more than you think
-They are both ticking time bombs
-not towards each other to everyone else
That's everything that hit me. I'll wait a bit for extra bits
-kidd definitely goes and checks on the kids he left behind. He's big bro
-Bonney lived close to hicktown 👀 (oh my god, what if her mom is hicklady.)
My mind won't stop on kidd.
Imagine this. 16 year old Kidd. Went fishing  and brought back a bunch of fish. Gets told to throw them out. Tells them to bite his ass and goes into a secluded spot to make a fire and cooks the fish and then younger kids come out hungry and he feeds them the whole time having a "iim so damn done" Look on his face.
I gotta document it now before i forget lol
Kidd probably is salty at religion like; where were my damn parents and why did i get to watch all my friends leave. Why did i have to deal with the shitty adults who looked after us >:(
We get to develop hick lady. Bonney isn't religious in my eyes but she knows how to fake it
Kidd's parents probably dropped him off on the orphanage steps. Then he got neglected by the caretakers then the people he made friends with got adopted. His family are the younger kids that never got adopted as he grew up and eventually left. He still checks on em.
Kidd lives out in the boonies so he can weld in peace. He is the only welder prolly in the area (also prolly has some skill as an electrician.) So he makes good money. He might be with a company as well but idk how to set that up. 
It's sorta like Armstrong's house placement.
His house is kinda small. One bedroom one bath, stone floors. A fireplace. And basic appliances. And he only has one door for the outside so cold doesn't creep in. The rest are curtains to his rooms. He uses his fireplace and space heaters. Has a king size bed to cry alone in. And lights. His living room is pretty big. His kitchen is average. He definitely has hung up deer heads and prolly stuffed ducks he killed. He probably has a hunting dog that lives inside with him. Its a lot of gray and brown. He has a bear skin rug and he's proud of it.
He's got himself a place outside so he can smoke meats. And a furnace and anvil and all that in a building right next to his smoke house. It's all connected. A wooden porch he built. He probably has a lake in his backyard.
Like i'm thinking he bought a shitty house and a chunk of land and spent a fortune making it how he likes it. Which took a long time.
Bonney probably has a small apartment close to her restaurant. She has to spend a lot of money on rent and pay. But it's a pretty popular place. She's a good ol chef of course. Again she lived in hicktown and moved to the big city ™.
She rarely talks to her parents (i think her dad planted an image of a woman in her head and it made her bulimic.)
And even though Bonney is pretty and such she has major self confidence issues. Because her dad and her mom just let it happen. But she sees them on holidays coz her other family is there. And the only one who doesn't judge kidd hard at first glance is her aunt. Family holidays are drudges for both of them
Lets develop hick lady holidays will always be fun.
I guess she sorta looks like old ass lady Bonney and her dad is op background character 7
Also; Kidd has two dogs. A fully inside dog that's a small little basset hound and then his hunting dog which is a curr. He loves them both
Also they prolly stay like a week- three days on big holidays and hick lady is like "You aren't sleeping in the same room."
Kidd: look lady i've been trying to get to this status for years fuck you
I wanna name her dad James so his family calls him JJ and Kidd's like "What grown man goes by jj" And Bonney's like "just look away."
I think we have a solid plot to start with. And i got the lore pretty well.
The plot is basically~
Kidd and Bonney have a mutual crush on each other but both don't realize and have some perceptions that aren't true (Kidd scared of love coz of what he's been told, thinking he's too immature, Bonney thinking she is too old, not thinking she is a 'real' girl.). They are kinda aggressive to each other (especially bonney) to try and ward their emotions off. Until they eventually both just crack and are shook ™
And we got lil side things. Anger issues. Her eating disorder. His mommy and daddy issues. Her family problems ect.
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o-daintyduck · 5 years
AWAE 3.08 Reaction feat. MY FREAKOUT
The synopsis is giving me hope kinda.. We’ll see Ka'kwet but she’ll still be at the school so more weeping, Aunt Jo visits and brings a devious scheme,.. is it about Diana?? Will she or won’t she have to go to Paris? But why is it devious? And what about shirbert?????
Here we go.
Bruh Anne looks gorgeous in this still photo. All that fire just accentuates her looks!!!
Like an animal??? I’m angry already.
Mr. Avery is back!!! They’ve certainly hatched a plan of some sorts… But I guess it won’t be successful *sighs*
I knew she was in the barrel… Lol everyone knew that.. prolly.
How long will she hold her breath.. and will that poor boy hold the nun without giving anything away.. she’s going to hit him, isn’t she? WTF
Omg Mr. Avery is a beacon of light in this scene… he’s so pure.
Oh my Gods!! Did the plan actually work? She’s holding on it…
Anne is so happy!! Is she lying to Marilla tho? Lol 
Wait did they make up??? Moira won’t let me de clown in the Dianne fight too!! Insufferable… But I’m so happy at the same time.. Wait is Anne imagining this?
Well I figured it out before “Diana” ran away, cut me some slack guys… Normally I’m not this stupid..
Gilbert sure loves to think out loud,“ the printing press can’t just up and walk away by itself!!”
Yep the fault of small minds…
Man I really miss the schoolhouse… I’m weeping already..5 minutes in..
Miss Stacy is so hurt… the memories i can’t...
Rachel’s gonna throw a fit too!!! Rachel had memories in the school too.. I can’t -
Yass things will not be the same… I said it once and say it again.. Rachel will go rogue by the serie ends… And I’m living for it!!!
I still can’t believe Ka'kwet actually fled that place… So proud of her!!! And anxious too rn.
Ahhhh Bash’s mom is here!!!!!!!!!!!! I already love her… Finally some of that mother’s love for Bash that he missed and Gilbert too!!!!
It’s a diff actress maybe but don’t care … It’s Bash’s mom y'all!!!!!
Yass someone to keep Bash in check too.. love it!! *chef’s kiss*
Lol Anne and Gilbert talking sooo loud!!! And nobody seems to care… Lol
Okay petition for a new gc name– “Can I borrow your pen?”
Okay so the shirbert scene just ended like for the 5th time… And I was gaping all along… Wtf
I really need to meet that kid of Rachel’s… Such chaotic energy to have burned down the shed multiple times.
Was this how Marilla and Rachel behaved when they lived together in the books??? I know the discussion is serious but so precious at the same time.
Lol Bash’s mom definitely is going through a “cultural shock” atm I CAN’T. Two white women cleaning his house while he was away *no offense* but so so hilarious…
Bash’s face says it all..
This first meeting of Grand mamma- Delli is too much for me too handle… Gonna go hug my Nana..
Wait Hazel is fine!! Mom still thinks that she was only summoned for childcare… Welp
Ruby couldn’t speak in front of Gil b4 if her life depended on it.. but oh look now with the crush gone- she’s a new person!!! And the things she saying have me jumping up the roof!!!!
Well ruby I trusted you too much, didn’t I? Aren’t Anne and Gilbert enough on there for bringing up Winnie and now you too!
Gilbert peeked at Anne, I mean how can a boy be so stupid.. no I’m not saying ooc calm your spears,people. my heart is breaking for Anne I can hear it almost.
Diana is going to fight with Jerry too, isn’t she?
LEAVE JERRY ALONE!! he deserves to be happy!!! Not hating on Diana… But he deserves better ..better than this.
My fav gal Aunt Jo!!! Diana wrote to Cole, maybe..and he told her.
Lol its not even been 15 minutes and I’ve written an essay already!!!
I’m confusion.. why does Diana have no choice??
Bash’s Mom lived all her life like this.. it will take her some time to break free from that. But until then, welp
Bash teasing Gilbert is out of this world!!!! And have you heard that Delphine is cho cho cute.. i cringed myself typing this.
I swear Anne is me!!! Had to take a test just today!!! And I was cramming until the last moment.. Matthew and Marilla are so proud.. and jittery too
Diana looks like she’s holding back a flood of tears even while eating.. ohhhh she gonna take the test!!!!!!! YAYYY
Aunt Jo’s happiness and pride knows no bound (mine too)
Moody dude, in the words of the ever so great Taylor Swift, you need to calm down.. Diana hasn’t studied nothing think of her..
Where is Gilbert ?? The gc needs to renamed to may I borrow your pen… To commemorate another one of Gilbert’s shenanigans. Ehh called it ! He didn’t take the test..
I’m all for bromance bw Miss Stacy and Bash but nothing more than that please….
This is the 4th (and presumably last) appearance of Winifred… I want her to remain involved, shes too cool, but just can’t figure her out even now…
Here it is!!! An advantageous marriage.. very few people could have called it b4 the season.. but it is canon.. I’m not worried about shirbert.. but just how far Gilbert is willing to go for his ambitions.
Okay the kids are wasted!!
A drunk Anne and somewhat sober Gilbert, the perfect combo!!!!!! I have read atleast 5 fics head canoning this…*another chef’s kiss for the fic writers*
Okay nobody imagined this …I take that back… That look Gilbert is giving her made my stomach to leap a mile…
What’s holding you back? Ahh the question of the ages… I’m gushing at this so much,like this is serious but the first person Gil wanted to ask was Anne about all of this.. and she’s so drunk but at the same time utterly heartbroken, still encourages him to do it…. Slow burn madafuka.
Okay the PROPOSAL just happened !!!
And I’m freaking out just every bit as Anne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m really not okay and they had to show Ka'kwet feeding off of berries… The poor girl *cries yet again*
They are searching the letters, aren’t they???
No, the dictionary and a wedding ring… And here I go weeping again…
I really went outside to scream at the sky a second ago… But need to scream again!!!! I’ll not be okay this week or this year at all.
Anne needs her bosom friend now… She’s just been PROPOSED!!!!!!! I know it’s gonna go haywire any second now but please let me live this for now… I can’t even imagine this is happening..
Aunt Jo with the best advice… Just hope Anne takes it as we want her to..
Bash has his mother with him.. i’m just happy for him.
He’s gonna propose Anne and I too need to get up for this again…. BASH IS THE WHOLE FANDOM RIGHT ABOUT NOW.
And that’s how you shatter a million hearts!!! “Now I can be happy with Winnie”.. I’m still happy that they didn’t stretch this till the finale atleast.. the heartache would have been unbearable.
Marilla is onto something. Now Rachel has full reign over these old hacks.
Go Rachel Go go Go Rachel!!! They just got vetoed!!! And I love it… Other 2 women will have to be Muriel and Marilla..
And in her mother’s arms!! Is it too late to give those nuns and that whole school HELL
Poor Minnie May and Diana.. atleast she’ll understand now that she always has a choice to be herself no matter what anybody says…
I love that They’ve made up!!! They are made for each other… #DianneForever
“I’m in love with Gilbert Blythe!”
Aren’t we all? Anne.
It took me 3 hours to watch this episode because i was freaking out so much, tell me if this was comprehensible at all if you came this far…
This episode was different for so many reasons but the proposal...oh the proposal... excuse me gotta scream again..
And “Anne rejected” him... i guess Moira couldn’t stray far from og on this one.
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mysticthot · 5 years
RFA Highschool AU!
lol this was requested then i accidentally deleted the request my b, but here it is!
dude let me tell u i love highschool au’s thats some good shit right there!!
wasn’t sure if u wanted just general headcanons or specific ones for each charcacter or an x mc kinda thing so i did kinda a mix of all of that lol
So the rfa is basically like the student council
They plan dances and do fundraisers and what not
Everyone knows who they are, the rfa is like an elite little club that does everything for the school
And you’re a new kid
You had gotten directions for your next class from a teacher, but you’d gotten turned around a lost at some point
Class had already started, and there was nobody in the halls to ask other than some boy standing by the windows on his phone
Ignoring the fact that he was a bit intimidating and also supposed to be in class, you walked up to the pink haired boy to ask directions
His turquoise eyes did not look amused, but nevertheless, he pointed towards the door at the end of the hall
“It’s that one.”
“...Oh, ok uh thanks.”
He was gone with no response
Speed walking to the door, you mentally prepared yourself for the embarrassment of having to tell the teacher in front of the whole class you had gotten lost
But when you opened the door, only 5 people were in the room on the other side
Ok...this was definitely not the right class
After you talked to the group and figured out the confusion (turns out the brother of the red headed one had been messing with you) they offered to show you the right way
While you were in there you figured out with was the student council and you noticed some unanswered details for and upcoming dance
Before you left, you gave them a few suggestions for the dance that caught their attention
They invited you back for the end of the day meeting to discuss some more and before you knew it, you were the newest member of the rfa student council
He’s a lil freshman
Cousin to last years student body president Rika, but her and V had graduated last year and had been the ones that encouraged him to join
He’s like the new kid who really wants to impress all his older friends
But at the same time, he’s already friends with some of the most popular kids in school so he’s definitely not a huge loser or anything (at least that’s what he tells himself)
He was hella excited when you showed up cause then he wasn’t the only one who didn’t know anything lol
You become besties before anything else
He shows you around and you have a lot of classes with him
Its a classic friends to lovers story
Its like one day you and him are just chillin like you always do, then suddenly, you’re seeing things differently
Things you did together all the time as friends now seems like it could be something more
And it was all because of Seven
Boi had all but forced Yoosung to ask you to dance, despite the fact that Yoosung was supposed to be helping Zen with the tickets, and while the dancing itself wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, Seven had decided that exact moment to put on a slow song
Now our boy Yoosung had always thought you were pretty
But you looked gorgeous in this moment
Despite the fact that his hands were on your waist, him holding you arms length away like you were middle schoolers, it was a very sweet moment
And the dynamic completely changed between you guys
He was nervous talking to you now??? Where did that come from???
And you?? Caught yourself checking him out?? The fuck?
You’re both confused and want to go back to the way things were before, but also you just wanna grab each other and make out in a closet somewhere
When you finally get together, you’re such a cute couple
Everyone already thought you were dating anyways, but now you held hands in the halls and it’s like everyone one in the school ships you guys
You weren’t the kind of couple that made out against the lockers between every class, just the kind that people could tell actually liked each other it was cute
You’re eachother first everything lol
You’re always helping each other with homework
And he teaches you how to play lolol
And you meet his mom, who absolutely loves you
Just so cute
Cute lil high school sweethearts type of couple
Drama student of fucking course
He’s a junior, and most people will agree, the prettiest person in the entire school
Half the school is crushing on him ngl
He went thru a phase his freshman and sophmore year where he was part of the bad crews in school, before he started acting
So he literally knows and is friends with like everyone in the school
Instantly flirty when you show up
Shows you around the school with his arm over your shoulder, and you have never gotten so many glares in your life
He’s so extra like this drama boi is explaining the school as though it were a movie
Pointing out who was who, and telling you all the gossip
Despite the warnings from Jaehee that a lot of girls would prolly actually kill to be in your possition, you continue to hang with Zen
And his flirting goes from playful to more real as you hang out more
Doesn’t take long for you guys to kiss and go on a few dates, but you havent made anything official yet, and it seems the whole school knows that and is on edge over it
Being around Zen is basically like being with Regina George from mean girls, like everyones talking about you and him, nothing is a secret
His ex’s (and a crazy girl who had a crush on him who everyone called echo girl) all hated you
And when he officially asked you out, it was like the whole school knew by the next day
But hey, what are you gonna do when you’re dating the school celebrity?
He loves when you come to his plays
His parents don’t support him doing drama, so often you and the other rfa members are the only ones there to cheer for him
Always getting that boi flowers
And he is your biggest fan in what ever you’re doing
Sports? He’s out there no matter what the weather cheering louder than all the parents
Choir? Helps you with your voice and sings duets with you. Always gives you standing ovations even if no one else is standing
Y’all are just so supportive of each other
A lot of people thought you and him wouldn’t last for long, but your prove them wrong by being a straight up power couple in that bitch
My girl hella smart
She’s also a junior, and in line to be the valedictorian when she graduates
Very academically focused, the rfa being the only club she really has time to participate in
She’s hesitant when you first show up
Home girl’s a stickler for the rules, and she wasn’t sure if it was technically allowed for you to be there??
But you help her out and take a lot of her work load off her hands just by being there
She’s so stressed all the time so when she gets to the meetings and find out you already did the thing she was worried about not having time to do??
Girl loves you
Takes you and her quite a long time to get past being gal pals
Cause she’s just so busy
Literally the last thing she has time to think about it getting a significant other, especially when she’s not even sure of her own sexuality
It was during a fundraiser that she really realized her feelings for you
You and her were handing out snacks to the people that donated while the rest of the group was busy else where when your (mom/dad/aunt/whoever) showed up
They immediately hugged Jaehee and started telling her about how you always talk about how much you admire and like being around her
And you’re blushing hella hard and pushing your guardian away from the table
The incident is not brought up for a while, but its all Jaehee can think about
She’s never been so distracted doing her homework before
Girls confused
Repeats the words “MC is just a friend” over and over
Then she’s just like...fuck it
She goes over to your house and knocks on your door and you answer and she kisses you before she has the chance to change her mind
Y’all are such a good couple
You help her balance her school life so she has more time for fun things
Encourage her to join the coffee club cause she had told you how she wanted to, but was too busy
You guys go on dates to see Zens plays and she’s just so happy
Girl never had someone like you before, and she just loves you so much
ugh let me save this girl
Trust Fund Boi
He’s a senior and the richest kid in school
Everyone knows him cause him and his dad are literally famous
But he’s just... not interested
Basically the same lol he thinks all the highschool drama and rumors are a waste of time so he just doesn’t care
Other than the rfa, he doesn’t really have friends
Mostly cause he knows they all just want to use him for something
He’s the type of person that knows highschool is not really that important, he just does his work and goes home
(other than the rfa, which he joined cause v asked him to lol)
Honestly, he’s not really that interested when you show up
You have interesting ideas and can be useful to the council, but other than that he doesn’t really pay much mind to you
Until you basically latch yourself to him like a baby duck
Always following him around cause you have a lot of classes together and he’s the only one you know
You claim you’re hanging with him because you don’t like seeing him sitting alone in class, but he thinks its the other way around
Eventually he realizes he’s not upset just by your presence
You’ve become a tolerable person to be around (how romantic) and slowly but surely, he actually enjoys being with you
In some ways, he’s kinda like Zen cause everyone knows him and everyone’s talking about him
But rather than it coming from a place of admiration, they’re jealous and interested by the rich mysterious kid who only ever talks to you
You get a lot of girls trying to ask you for advice on how to get to his heart
You’re just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It be like that
His feelings take forever to develop just cause he’s so out of touch with his emotions
But when they do, it just hits him like a train like boi’s just chilling in his house then suddenly...”I’m in love with MC”
Doesn’t even bother trying to hide his feelings
The next time you and him are alone, he confesses and kisses you and the rest is history
Y’all are such a power couple honestly
Ruling that school
He loves being around you
He met your parents, and you met his dad
You always help him when he gets angry or frustrated towards his dad’s new girlfriends
Always pay attention when he shows blurry pictures of his new kitten Elizabeth
He buys you such nice shit and your just like jumin no high schooler needs multiple diamond bracelets
And he’s just like, oh would you rather have necklaces?
707/ Saeyoung
Class clown oBVI
Known for his pranks and his jokes and getting kicked out of class and his weirdly quiet brother who’s never actually in class but is frequently seen around the school Saeran is bigfoot confirmed
He’s also hella smart
He’s in multiple foreign language classes and head of the tech club and really good at sports despite only ever eating chips and soda for lunch
He’s a sophomore and you’re a freshman, so he takes it upon himself to show you around
Acts like he’s a lot older than he is, and if you didn’t know he was a sophomore, you’d think he was a senior cause he knows everything and everyone knows him
He’s not shy about how he thinks you’re cute
He’ll hug you and kiss your cheeks and ask you to the dances despite the fact that you’ll both be working at them
But he never really goes much further than the playful flirting, so you think he’s just messing with you
But one week he’s missing from school, and despite the rfa saying this happens, often, you’re worried
You search out his brother, who is unbelievable hard to find, and eventually see him out on the bleachers
He does not look happy to have some girl who’s basically a stranger asking about his brother and his home life
Wont tell you anything so that just makes you more suspicious
Seven comes back the next day but he’s all cold and distant towards you
You’re triggered, but not having that shit
It takes a few days, but you’re able to get the truth out of him, and he had found out about how you’d been pestering Saeran about his home life and his absence
He warns you not to get involved with him, and does the whole thing where he says he never liked you in the first place and you don’t really like him and blah blah blah
You stopped listening halfway thru his rant
And then you kiss him
Boi is stunned, glasses askew
“Did you hear anything I just said MC??”
You tell you like him for him, and you would respect if he couldn’t talk about somethings, but you wanted to be part of his life
He slowly opens up to you bit by bit
It takes him a long long time for him to tell you about him mother and what’s going on at his home tho
You help him and Saeran get out of there as soon as they can, helping him with his job or with school work when he gets hella busy
You guys go fucking hard on spirit days, dressin up in matching costumes for homecoming
You guys definitely get cutest couple in the year book
And probably prom king and queen cause literally everyone loves you two
You’re the couple then even the teacher would see and just be like “yep they’re gonna be together forever”
lol guys so I’m in a hotel rn cause I flew down from my home to Boise to tour the college campus and I brought my lap top but not the charger so it’s really a race against time to hope and pray this Bitch posts before my laptop dies lmao
also my b if there’s any mistakes I had to speed edit hope u like it!!
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Can you make a Sprace fic where Race is a foster kid and has PTSD?
nng sorry this took so long
but n e wayyyyyy its 2:00 an d w e posting cuz my brai n hates me
I Can’t
warnings: panic attack, implied abuse
ship: sprace
editing: lol
word count: 1731
“Okay, can I have Tony and Spencer onstage for their fight call,” Medda Larkin called through her megaphone, flipping through the script in front of her, “I wanna see this fight in full, don’t hold back.  I need to know if anything needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.”
Spot straightened his back, leaning over in his seat next to Medda to look over his prompt script as Race and Specs walked out on stage.  He glanced up, sending an encouraging smile to Race, who flashed him a forced one in return.  Even from his place in the back of the theatre, Spot could tell that something was off.  Race’s composure was guarded and nervous, shoulders drawn up ever so slightly and fingers twisting in front of him as he and Specs took their respective places stage right and downstage.
“Ready, guys?” Medda called, waiting for Specs and Race to give her a quick thumbs up before leaning back in her chair, “Alright, Spot tell them where to take it from.”
Spot nodded, eyes scanning his script, “Uhh, take it from…‘lay offa me’, okay?”
Race nodded, rolling his shoulders a few times to get into character.  He braced one hand on the ground, hunching his shoulders as he kneeled in what looked like a defeated position.
“Lay offa me, wouldja?” He spit, panting as he turned his head slightly to glance at Specs across the stage, “Thought you’d be satisfied by now.  You won!  Is that what you wanna hear?”
Specs scoffed, crossing to him, “Ah, but here’s the fun thing,” he bent down, grasping Race by the sleeve of his shirt and hauling him to his feet, “I haven’t won,” he pressed their noses together, hovering over Race, “until you’re six feet underground, you hear me boy!?”
Race’s face contorted into one of pure anger and he mimed spitting at Specs.  Specs jerked his head backwards, reacting as if he’d actually been spit on and taking a moment to wipe at his face before shoving Race lightly towards the ground.  Race stumbled, falling heavily to give the impression that he’d been pushed much harder.  Spot raised his eyebrows, impressed by both of their acting.  It was coming along surprisingly well given the short amount of time they’d been off book.
“Get back up!” Specs fumed, “I will not tolerate this kind of-”
Spot frowned as Specs continued to monologue, eyes trained on Race as he cowered on the floor.  He’d long since missed his cue to stand back up and he had shifted to his hands and knees, head bowed low between his shoulders.  Spot could see his arms shaking and he sat up straighter, alarm shooting down his spine when Specs stopped speaking abruptly.
“Race?” Specs stepped forward, kneeling down next to his friend and momentarily freezing when he noticed the tears that seemed to be running down his face, “Shit,” he cursed, turning his attention to Spot and Medda, “Hey, something’s wrong!”
“Oh dear,” Medda mumbled under her breath, standing swiftly as Spot did the same.
They hurried towards the stage, Spot pulling ahead of Medda in order to reach his clearly hurting boyfriend faster.  By the time they got there, Race had rocked back onto his heels, hands braced behind his breath as he tried to reign in his unsteady breathing.  Specs reached out, placing a hand on his back, but quickly withdrew it when Race yelped a little, hitting him involuntarily.
“Fuck,” Spot hopped onto the stage, coming to a halt in front of Race’s trembling form, “Hey, Race, hey.  What’s happening?”
Race didn’t answer, having resorted to lacing his fingers in his hair, pulling hard.
“Hey, don’t do that,” Spot coaxed, “Can you hear me?”
Race didn’t answer and Spot flashed a worried glance at Medda, who moved to squat next to them as well.  
“Antonio, dear, can you open your eyes for me?” Medda spoke softly, motioning for the students who had begun to peek their heads out from behind the curtain to back away.  
Specs looked between Race and the rest of the cast a few times before huffing a decisive breath, “I’ll make sure they don’t crowd,” he said, already moving to rally the others.
Tears had begun to stream down Race’s face at a steadier pace and Spot grimaced, worrying his lip between his teeth as a few gut-wrenching sobs worked their way out of Race’s chest.
“Antonio, c’mon sweetie,” Medda said, “You’re okay, can you open your eyes?”
Spot pursed his lips, hesitantly opening his mouth, “Racer,” he tried, shifting a little closer to Race than Medda, “You’re safe, baby,” he kept his voice low and private, “Do you want to go somewhere else?  I’ll go with you and we can work this out.”
For a moment, it seemed like Race still hadn’t heard him and Spot clenched his jaw, feeling utterly helpless.  Then, Race nodded sucking in an unfulfilling breath as he did so.
Spot quickly glanced at Medda for permission, who waved him off, “Go, be careful.”
Spot nodded, mouthing a grateful ‘thank you’ before turning his attention back to Race.
“Can I touch you?” He pressed, “It’s just me.”
“No,” Race gasped, “Please, I-”
“That’s okay,” Spot said, hurriedly, “No touch, no problem.  Think you can stand, though?”
Race shook his head vigorously and Spot’s shoulders hunched.  He was at a loss.  
“It’s alright, honey,” Medda said, gently, “You two stay here, I’ll move everyone to the blackbox.”
Relieved, Spot nodded, continuing to murmur easy nothings while Medda shepherded all the students out of the theatre.  Once they were alone, Spot sat criss cross in front of Race.
“Tony, hey, you listening?” He said.
Race nodded and Spot smiled, “Awesome, okay, uh,” he let his eyes wander, trying to figure out how to help Race, “can you try to open your eyes for me?  Just try, love.”
Race let out a small sob, blinking rapidly as he opened his eyes.  His pupils were blown wide and he flinched, hands flying to his chest as he tried to breathe.
“Hey, hey, okay,” Spot crawled a little closer, itching to reach out and take hold of Race’s hands, “Good job on opening your eyes, but do you think you could take a breath now?  Like, in as deep as you can, feel it, like, fill your chest.”
Race shook his head, “Can you,” he coughed, struggling to get his words out, “Can you just, like, ask questions?”
Spot tilted his head a little, “Questions? Like..”
“Anything,” Race pleaded, “Easy stuff.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah, uh,” Spot ran a hand through his hair, “Hamburgers or hotdogs?”
Race drew in a breath, exhaling his answer, “Depends.”
“On what?” Spot pushed.
“My mood,” Race said, still sounding choked.
“That’s fair,” Spot said, “Uh, mountains or beaches?”
“Same,” Spot agreed, “Favorite dog breed?”
“Pitbulls,” Race answered, sounding a little bit calmer, “Misunderstood good boys.”
Spot chuckled, “Yeah, they’re pretty cute.  Favorite book series?”
“Harry Potter, hands down,” Race said, dropping into a sitting position.  His breathing still sounded labored, but his tears had mostly stopped, which was a win in Spot’s book.
“Good ass read, yeah,” Spot scooted next to him, sitting close enough so Race could lean into him if he wanted to, “Favorite book outta the seven?”
“Uhh,” Race took in a deep breath, letting it out shakily, “The third.  Sirius is a badass in that one.”
“He’s a badass always,” Spot countered, immediately hugging an arm around Race as he curled into his side, “How’re you feeling?”
Race hummed, “Shitty, but better.”
“Can I ask what happened?”
Race sighed, reaching out to fiddle with the hem of his shirt, “Uhh, so like, remember how I told you I was in foster care from, like, fifth to ninth grade before I could move in with my aunt?”
Spot nodded, listening intently.
“Well, they stuck me in a few homes, but there was this one that I ended up staying at for the last three years I was in the system and it sucked,” he swallowed, curling closer to Spot who gave his arm a comforting squeeze, “Kids called it ‘The Refuge’ and the guy running it, Snyder the Spider, wouldn’t treat us too well.  Kinda beat up on everyone and yelled a ton, but if you stayed under the radar, he let you off easier,” he let out a humorless laugh, “‘Cept I never really liked to stay under the radar so he liked to, uh, give me the brunt of shit.”
Spot felt the blood drain from his face, the puzzle pieces falling together, “So when Specs was acting like-”
“-Like an abusive adult?  Yeah, not a cake walk for my mental state.”
Spot clicked his tongue, “Not that it’s your fault that you reacted like this, but why didn’t you tell anyone how you felt about this scene?  We coulda worked something out.”
Race shrugged, “I dunno,” guilt laced his tone, “Thought I could handle it, like, I tried to mentally prepare for it and I figured it’s been two and a half years and like, it’s just Specs, but… yeah, I overestimated myself.”
“Like I said,” Spot said, firmly, “Not your fault, but you need to tell Medda about this.  She’ll understand.  She raised Jack, so she’s familiar with this shit, but we can’t have that happening again.  S’not good for you.”
“Well, no shit,” Race snapped, immediately backtracking, “Sorry, sorry.  I know it’s not good for me and yeah, I’ll talk to Medda.”
“I can come with you if you want?” Spot offered.
Race pulled himself out of Spot’s embrace, studying his hands for a moment before looking at him, “Yeah, could you?”
Spot smiled, reaching down to take his hand, “Of course.”
Race ran his thumb over Spot’s knuckled, still looking worn, “And, uh,” he quickly flicked his finger under his nose- a nervous tick, “thank you by the way.”
“Yeah, you know it’s not a problem,” Spot said, sincerely.  He glanced at his watch, seeing that a good chunk of their rehearsal time had vanished, “We should go talk to Medda now.  She’ll prolly let you chill out for the rest of today, but we still gotta finish out rehearsal.”
Race scoffed, “The show must go on no matter how mentally or physically fucked you are.”
Spot laughed, “Ain’t that the fuckin’ truth.”
those last two lines are theatre culture lmao
thanks for reading, chiefs
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askjaaryl · 5 years
Episode #10: Brave New World
Paul spends some much-needed time with Maggie and Sasha as Glenn and Daryl go scouting for a new location for the New Frontier group from Richmond. A meeting of the communities are held, resulting in some tension between Paul and Rick. Paul realizes that he’s a parent.
This is the start of season 2 of this blog.
“Look,” Paul sighed, lying on the couch in Maggie’s office, “I’m sorry for not asking you first...but their community is in shambles,” he explained, “Their walls were down. We put temporary ones up, but they won’t hold forever. And these...Free Men...they have provisions, I can tell.”
“No,” Maggie sighed, leaning on her desk, “You were right to do what you did. It might take some rationing for a while ‘til everyone gets used to taking on another community to supply, but it was the right thing to do,” she explained, “I’ve already sent for the leaders of the other communities, so we can talk about this.”
“It’s not gonna be pretty,” Sasha added, looking out the window, “We haven’t had to ration in a while. People are going to get angry.”
“Let ‘em be,” Maggie said simply, “Ain’t the worst we’ve been through,” she said, finishing what she was writing before putting her notebook down. She walked over and flopped beside Paul, “Okay, spill.”
“Spill what?” Paul raised an eyebrow, scooting over a little to give her room.
“How’s it going with your boyfriends?” Maggie asked.
“Boy talk while we’re having a strategy meeting?” Paul snorted.
“Oh, definitely,” Sasha said, sitting on his other side and making him scoot over as well, “Your happiness is the second highest priority of our meetings...first is keeping everyone alive.”
Paul rolled his eyes and looked down, biting his lip to conceal a smile, “It’s going really well,” he looked up at the ceiling, avoiding their waiting eyes, “We say we love each other all the time now.”
“Oh my god,” Maggie pulled him into a tight hug, laughing, “I knew it. I knew you could be happy,” she looked at Sasha, “Look at this smile on him!”
“It’s a good smile,” Sasha agreed.
Paul rolled his eyes, shoving his friend off of him, “Okay, okay,” he said quickly and sighed, “One worry though.”
“Isn’t there always?” Sasha sighed.
“Gracie,” Paul said, ignoring her comment, “Gracie’s my worry.”
“Why?” Maggie asked, “Paul, she loves you. When you come to pick her up from playing with Hershel, she’s the happiest. She loves getting to walk home with you. She always says in the proudest voice ‘Paul is walking me home from school today!’!” she laughed.
Paul sighed, “Yeah...I’m okay being Paul to her. I have no idea how to be a father though,” he put his head back, “My father barely ever interacted with me...the foster homes I was in never had the best and even the one I was in that was good...I didn’t pay much attention to him,” he pursed his lips, “What if she comes to me with genuine advice and I don’t have the answer?”
“Paul, there ain’t no book to parenting...well, there are...but most of them are garbage,” Maggie told him, “Hell, half the time Glenn and I have no idea what the hell we’re doin’ and both our parents were great.”
“You have her best interest at heart, right?” Sasha asked.
“Well, yeah,” Paul sighed, “I love her.”
“So there,” Sasha said simply, “You have the right grounds to be a parent.”
“It’s not that simple,” Paul groaned.
“Yes, it is,” Sasha said, “Besides, I’m pretty sure Daryl doesn’t know how to do laundry...so you’re already a step ahead of him on that.”
Paul laughed, putting his head back, “He can, he just chooses not to.”
“Hey, are you wearing one of his shirts?” Maggie asked, looking at him with a fond smile on her face, “That’s way too big for you.”
“Aaron’s actually,” Paul said, rolling the sleeves up, “Daryl didn’t do the laundry.”
Paul was met with two “aw”s and more hugs from his friends.
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“We’ll get a filter for all that water,” Daryl said, kneeling down by the docks, “Then we’ll get the herd crew out here to start clearin’ them buildings.”
“Agreed,” Glenn said, looking up at the three large buildings, “It’ll be more than enough for them.”
“Place used to be a park,” Daryl said, hitting the sign that said Montgomery Park, “Probably gonna just be office buildings in there. Hopefully that means people cleared out ta go home before the outbreak.”
“Hopefully,” Glenn agreed, “This place is just down the road from Alexandria,” he said, looking at the map, “This’ll be great if they need anything starting out,” he said, “Hey, we should stop by and say hi to Rick and the others. We haven’t seen him in a while.”
“Nah,” Daryl said simply, “Gotta get the fences up around here then get back to Hilltop.”
Glenn sighed, following him, “Daryl, you can’t avoid Alexandria forever. Your brother lives there. Hell, I’ve been there since everything. It’s been years.”
Daryl just grunted, continuing to work on the temporary fence around the courtyard. They’d already cleared out a few straggling walkers and now they wanted to keep more from getting in.
“Daryl-” Glenn started.
Daryl whipped around and shoved him a little, “I ain’t got a mirror, but ya know what he did to you!” he snapped at him, “You can’t see outta that eye now ‘cause of him. Abe’s dead ‘cause of him,” he yelled and pointed to the side of his head, “Guy drove me half insane...prolly more,” he snorted, “Then the guy cuts of some lady’s head and Rick gives ‘im an outpost of ‘is own with no supervision,” he laughed bitterly before going back to the fence.
Glenn sighed, “Look, I know it’s not fair...but we just need to accept it.”
“Nah,” Daryl said simply before stopping, not looking up at him, “I love Rick. He’s my brother...ain’t gonna act like I ain’t happy to see ‘im when he comes around...but doesn’t make me any less mad.”
“I know,” Glenn said soothingly, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Trust me, I get it, man. But we’ve been through so much...it’s time to move on and be happy.”
Daryl just grunted again and went silent for a moment before speaking up again, “Sorry for shovin’ ya.”
“No problem,” Glenn said, an amused smile on his face, “And you do seem happy, by the way...with Jesus and Aaron.”
Daryl finished tying what he was doing before sighing, ignoring his comment, “‘Kay, we should get back.”
Glenn raised an eyebrow.
Daryl huffed, “Yes, m’happy, okay? Can we go now?”
“Yes,” Glenn said, obviously satisfied with himself.
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Paul sat on the steps with Aaron, leaning on him slightly. Neither of them really minded the PDA. It earned them a few odd looks now and again, but they’d been slowly working on subtly letting their community know of their relationship now.
Paul put his head on his shoulder, watching Gracie play with Hershel, smiling slightly at his daughter and his godson. He pressed his face against Aaron’s shoulder to hide his wider smile when he thought of Gracie as his daughter.
“What?” Aaron asked with a laugh, leaning down to see his face, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Just how much I love you all,” Paul said, leaning up and pecking him on the lips.
The gates opened suddenly and Rick’s truck drove in.
“Great,” Paul huffed, hiding his face in Aaron’s shoulder for another minute before jumping up when Maggie walked out as well.
Aaron got up as well, walking over with them and Sasha.
“Thanks for comin’,” Maggie said, pulling Rick into a hug, then Michonne. She kneeled down to Judith, “How’s it goin’, sweetheart?”
“Fine,” Judith said simply before hugging her neck. She didn’t remember Maggie very much, but she knew Rick called her her aunt and said that she helped her mom give birth to her. She only ever really saw her at holidays or meetings like this because Maggie and her husband, Glenn, didn’t come to Alexandria often.
Maggie hugged her back, smiling.
“Dad!” Carl called, running over from where he’d been working with Henry. He took the apron off before pulling him into a tight hug.
Paul smiled slightly, watching them reunite, as Judith walked over to talk to Hershel and Gracie, obviously bored with the adults around already.
Rick pulled away and his eyes fell on Paul, “Why did ya think it was okay to bring these people in without askin’ all of us first?”
“Because they were struggling,” Paul said simply, “With these Free Men out here, we can’t be too safe. It’ll be better to have our allies closer. You know Javi, we’ve talked about him before.”
“Talked out ‘im, never met ‘im,” Rick grumbled.
“Well, hot damn, been a while since I saw this place,” a familiar voice said.
Paul’s eyes widened and Aaron grabbed his hand immediately, pulling him back to his side as Negan jumped out of the back of the truck.
“What the hell?” Paul demanded.
“I called all the outposts here as well,” Maggie said, “Him included...under supervision,” she explained, “We can’t have people killin’ the New Frontier, so we need to let ‘em know about ‘em in advance...even him.”
“Yeah, it’s great to have our allies close, isn’t it, Rick?” Paul snapped at him.
“Is there somethin’ you wanna say?” Rick demanded.
“Oh, there’s so much I’d love to say to you, Rick Grimes-” Paul started.
“Paul, take a walk,” Maggie said quickly, looking at Aaron, who nodded.
“That one always was a fuckin’ firecracker,” Negan laughed as he walked away.
Paul went to turn back around, but Aaron put his arm around him in a tight grip, continuing to walk them away, behind the trailers.
“You should have let me slit his throat,” Paul said immediately, turning to him once they were alone.
“No,” Aaron said firmly, “I shouldn’t have. That would have just caused problems between our communities, Paul. We...We have to listen to Rick, okay? He’s Daryl’s brother.”
“Daryl’s brother. Not mine,” Paul said quickly, “Imagine if Daryl was here right now...seeing him not even twenty feet from our daughter, Aaron. From Glenn’s son. Do you know how fucked up that is?” he took a shaky breath, “He looked in their general direction and I wanted him dead more than ever before.”
Aaron pulled him into a hug, “It’s just a short meeting to make sure that no one accidentally kills your friends, sweetheart...deep breaths. Then they’ll be gone.”
“I wish he was gone,” Paul grumbled against his chest, “Dead, in the ground.”
Aaron continued to hold him, not saying anything, letting him calm down in his arms.
“If he breaths in the wrong direction, I’ll kill him,” Paul said simply, going back in the direction of Barrington.
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“We can tell just by how they were talking that they know there are communities out there,” Paul explained, “They most likely know about ours, given how they were talking. They know about our circle and they don’t like it,” he sighed, “We saw their armory, briefly...they have a lot, but not as much as us. They also have a good number of people, but not as much as us.”
The tension in the room was evident, ever since Cyndie and Beatrice arrived after Ezekiel and Jerry. Cyndie kept looking over to Negan, but Beatrice kept a hand on her arm.
“If they don’t have as much as we do, why are you bringin’ the New Frontier up here?” Negan asked suddenly, “It’s a waste of resources.”
Paul gritted his teeth, “Because they might not have as much as us, but they have more than the Frontier,” he said simply, “They took down their walls. We put up something temporary for them, but it’s not going to last. Who knows when they’ll attack them again?”
The door opened and closed and Glenn and Daryl walked in, quietly taking a seat in the back of the room. Paul felt a pang in his chest when he saw Daryl’s eyes flick from Negan to Rick.
Paul nodded for Maggie and Sasha to take over with their provisional plans before he walked over and sat on the couch, on Daryl’s other side, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d be back this soon.”
“S’fine,” Daryl said simply, grabbing his hand in a tight grip.
“We’re going to ration our resources by a quarter each until everyone can start producing enough to take on another community,” Sasha explained, “Same story as when Oceanside and Sanctuary came back into the fold; fuel, food, and ammo.”
“We can start producing more as soon we get back and get the orders filled,” Dwight explained, just as uncomfortable as everyone else as he stood beside his lieutenant, Laura. Sherry was there too, as a representative of one of the outposts, standing with Amber.
“We were already planning on expanding our crops this season as well and we have more than enough seeds for food,” Maggie added, nodding with him, “Then we’ll get the orders to Eugene for more bullets for them.”
“This isn’t something new, it’s just us taking on more people,” Sasha added, “Keep your communities in check, we’re going to give you all a list of names of everyone in the community as soon as it’s available and getting them their IDs once they’re all set up.”
“The New Frontier is in the council now,” Maggie said seriously, “You know the rules...harm anyone in a community under us, you face the consequences,” she cleared her throat, “Thank you all for coming. If you’re from further out and want to spend the night, we’ll show you to the guest rooms in Barrington. This meeting is adjourned.”
Paul smiled when the meeting ended and Aaron walked over to talk to Daryl. When he was hugging him, he walked over, smiling at Ezekiel, “Hello, your highness.”
“Hello, my friend,” Ezekiel said, pulling him into a tight hug, “You’re well, yes? Watching over my son as he trains with Earl?”
“Always,” Paul smiled, “And you?”
“We’re good, getting things up and running in the Kingdom again,” Ezekiel nodded, “A slow but valiant process!” he announced loudly.
Paul pursed his lips to keep the smile off his face, “Well, if anyone can handle it, it’s you, your highness...and Carol and Jerry, of course.”
“Damn right,” Jerry said, giving him a hard pat on the back.
“Jerry,” Ezekiel scolded before turning back to Paul, “It’s good seeing you, but we must get back before nightfall. I apologize that our reunion is brief,” he said, leaning down, kissing his cheek softly.
“We’ll come and visit soon,” Paul agreed, watching him walk out. He walked back over to Aaron and hid his face in his chest to conceal his laughter.
“Let’s get outta here,” Daryl grumbled, looking to where Rick was still talking with Maggie, Michonne, and Negan. Oceanside and the Sanctuary had immediately made themselves scarce from the room, practically out the door before Maggie said the meeting was done.
“Agreed,” Paul said, giving Negan one last look before he left with his boyfriends.
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“I just don’t understand how he could think that was okay-” Paul was saying as they walked down the steps, only to be cut off by Gracie and Judith yelling.
“Shove him again and I’ll-” Gracie started, shoving at Judith who was shoving right back.
“Gracie!” Aaron said quickly, jogging over, “Hey, c’mon...we don’t shove,” he said quickly, pulling her away.
Rick was there suddenly, with Michonne, who pulled a struggling Judith away, Carl mumbling “Judy, what the hell?” as they did.
“She shoved Hershel!” Gracie yelled over Aaron’s shoulder, “Asshole!”
“Hey!” Aaron said quickly, “Language, Gracie.”
Paul quickly followed Aaron back to the trailer, letting Daryl talk to Rick as he did.
“Go to your room, timeout,” Aaron said quickly, pointing in the direction of Gracie’s bedroom.
Gracie immediately stomped away, slamming the door behind her.
“She never curses like that, even with Daryl running his mouth as much as he does,” Aaron sighed, scrubbing his hand over his face, “And she definitely never gets violent.”
“I dunno, she kicks some serious ass in my children’s class,” Paul smirked slightly.
Aaron peeked through his fingers, giving him a now’s not the time look.
Paul pursed his lips, “Can I say something?”
“Of course you can,” Aaron rolled his eyes.
“Look,” Paul took a deep breath, “It’s not really my place, she’s your daughter, but...she was defending her friend, I think you should take that into account.”
“Paul,” Aaron sighed, putting his hand on his shoulder, “She’s your daughter to...no less than mine or Daryl’s. You obviously have a say in this kind of stuff.”
Paul smiled weakly at him, “I’m just saying...from experience...kids always have a reason for why they do what they do. They just need the right adult who will actually listen to them.”
Before Aaron could say anything, Daryl came into the trailer.
“She okay?” Daryl asked.
“She’s in her room,” Aaron said, glancing at Paul, “But...she’s not in trouble, so I’m going to go tell her she was only in timeout for the language...and that shoving is bad...unless you have a reason.”
Daryl nodded, watching him walk away. He raised an eyebrow at Paul.
“What?” Paul laughed.
“What are we gonna do with both you and me lettin’ that kid get away with everything, huh?” Daryl snorted, taking off his jacket, flopping on the couch.
“Rick gone?” Paul asked.
“Yeah,” Daryl said simply, “Hershel’s completely fine too, Gracie overreacted. They were playin’ tag and Judith tagged ‘im too hard, he fell down.”
Paul snorted, sitting beside him, “You okay?”
Daryl just shook his head, “Later?”
“Yeah,” Paul nodded, holding his hand, “Later.”
“Dad’s back!” Gracie yelled as she walked out with Aaron, throwing herself into Daryl’s arms, “Have a good trip?”
“Yeah, I did,” Daryl said, “We’re gonna have to take you swimmin’ in that lake the Frontier’s gettin’ sometimes. There was tons ‘a ducks.”
“Really?” Gracie asked with wide eyes, “Can we get a pet duck?”
“Hell no, Dog would eat it,” Daryl snorted.
Aaron sat down on the opposite couch, turning on their old little box TV and starting up one of the VHS tapes of Homeward Bound they had, the talking dog making Gracie gasp.
“This is Dog’s favorite movie, he needs to watch with us!” Gracie called, “Dog! DOG!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.
Dog immediately came running out from wherever it was he’d been hiding, jumping up on Paul’s lap, causing him to grunt in pain.
“You are way too big to be a lap down,” Paul huffed, squirming out from under the dog and moving to sit beside Aaron, curling up to his boyfriend’s side immediately.
Daryl put his feet up on the coffee table, Gracie laying on him slightly, her hand on Dog as she watched the movie.
Paul smiled at how domestic the whole thing was, curling closer to Aaron and putting his head on his shoulder.
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jincherie · 6 years
Inheritance | Afterstory [M]
Pairing: Yoongi x reader Genre: hybrid!au, fluff, smut, hybrid!yoongi Words: 8.8k+ Rating: nsfw Warnings: explicit sexual content, oral (receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, slight cumplay, multipe orgasms, hybrid sex lol Notes: SURPRISE @yminie EVEN THO IM PRETTY SURE U PROLLY GUESSED WHAT I WAS WRITING LMAO ENJOY!!
Ever since Yoongi kissed you that day, there’s been tension between you and all it takes to prompt a resolution is a little bit of catnip.
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Masterlist | First | Prev.
It had been three weeks.
Three weeks since your aunts had dropped by to try and take Yoongi one last time, three weeks since Taehyung had stopped them with the help of his boss, and three weeks…
Three weeks since Yoongi, caught up in the moment, had kissed you.
Much to your regret, it wasn’t something either of you had touched on yet. In fact, the two of you had been dancing quite spectacularly around the subject. You’d say it was almost as though it had never happened, except that wouldn’t exactly be true— now there was a certain tension in the air, an atmosphere between the two of you that seemed to sizzle the closer you got to each other and crackle like electricity down your spine when your eyes met across the room. There was something new in his gaze; a want, a yearning, and you were willing to bet it was reflected in your own.
Rising sexual tensions aside, everything else had been pretty much smooth sailing. When you weren’t avoiding the other’s eyes across the room, you were still spending amicable time together, watching movies, cooking, the like. To be honest, it was getting pretty domestic, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, and could hardly ignore the tiny storm of butterflies the thought elicited within you. Yoongi’s kiss had stirred up all the emotions you’d been putting aside while living with him and over the three weeks that had passed you’d come to realise that they weren’t just fleeting, but you truly did like him. You cared for him so much, and in such little time he’d managed to firmly embed himself into your heart.
It was the loud ringing of the doorbell throughout the house that tore you from your current train of thought. There was a split second of confusion ebbing at your mind before you remembered Taehyung was coming over today with one of his hybrid friends from the shelter. You’d met Jimin before with Yoongi, and while he had been shy at first he’d warmed up to you quickly, and in no time at all the Pomeranian hybrid was cuddling up to you, shamelessly asking for pets, and playing with Yoongi. Something about the hyperactivity of the puppy hybrid awoke a set of instincts that usually lay dormant within Yoongi, and he’d really let go and play. Video games, board games, even play wrestling— the panther side of Yoongi, the predator side, was happy to have a playmate and an outlet for the restless energy you didn’t even realise he had.
But even though Yoongi liked Jimin, and was glad to have a playmate, you could tell there were times when he wasn’t quite so fond of him. The feline hadn’t spoken a word to you about it, but you could just… tell. Whenever Jimin touched you, whenever you pet him or scratched behind his ears, whenever you paid him the slightest bit more attention, there would be a peculiar glint in Yoongi’s eyes, a shift in his gaze and a slight tick in his jaw that told you he wasn’t pleased. You were inclined to think that what was ailing him so was jealousy, as each time after Jimin left Yoongi would pull you to the couch and wriggle close, demanding pets and attention and not letting you get up until he was either asleep or satisfied. After cuddling you and rubbing his face against your thighs when you scratched behind his ears, his loud, rumbling purrs filling the air, he would sniff you as discreetly as he could and if satisfied, he’d allow you to get up. However, how discreet Yoongi thought he was being didn’t always match up with how discreet he was actually being, and you noticed the action each time he did it. You’d asked Taehyung about it, and with a sly, knowing smile the blonde had informed you that you probably smelt like Jimin after spending time with him, and Yoongi didn’t like that, so he was covering you in his own scent once more. The words had caused a hot blush to rise to your cheeks, and your tummy to do several small flips. The action was oddly possessive, and were it anyone else it might have sat wrong with you, but it was Yoongi and instead it caused a thrill to race down your spine.
When you pulled the door open you were met with two grinning faces, one looking a whole lot more sheepish than the other. You grinned, stepping back to allow them in, “Ah, finally. I was wondering when you’d get here.”
A bluff, considering you’d forgotten they were even coming until they’d rung the doorbell. Jimin grinned, rushing in with a wagging tail and pausing only to deliver a tiny lick of greeting onto your cheek. Like you usually did when he did this, you blushed, and Taehyung laughed at your expression as he stepped in after his friend.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he apologised, sheepish. “There was a bit of a… mishap, at the shelter.”
At the mention of the event Jimin burst into light, pleasant peals of laughter, moving into the kitchen, his tail still wagging happily behind him. You followed after him, shooting Taehyung a curious look— you hadn’t realised they were actually late, of course, so you were curious as to what story the blonde had for you today.
“What happened?” you queried as the three of you arrived at the kitchen, and you resumed stirring the cookie dough as you had been before they arrived.
Jimin giggled once more and Taehyung let out a dramatic sigh as they both took a seat on the stools opposite you. You weren’t sure where Yoongi was currently, but if you had to hazard a guess you’d probably say he was napping in his room. He’d join you whenever he woke up.
“Well, we got a shipment in today,” he began, gesticulating grandly for your viewing pleasure. It brought a smile to your face as you continued mixing the dough. “Of catnip. We keep it for soothing purposes mostly, since when used in moderation and mixed into teas it’s been shown to mollify feline hybrids that are particularly anxious or wound up. Anyway, we got a really big shipment— like three boxes.”
Jimin was grinning, and you had to wonder where this particular tale was going that he found so hilarious. Taehyung continued, “Keep in mind these boxes are literally full of catnip. Anyway, we managed to get 2 of these big boxes into the storeroom out back, but the third one… the third one didn’t quite make it.”
Taehyung let out a great sigh for dramatic effect and you found yourself chuckling alongside Jimin. “Joon was carrying in the third box, and I don’t know if you remember but Namjoon hasn’t always been the most graceful being to walk this earth. He got like two steps through the door before he tripped,” Taehyung made a face, bringing his hand to his forehead. “He tripped, and the box went flying, and when it hit the floor… catnip went everywhere.”
You burst into laughter, Taehyung continuing with wide eyes, “And when I say everywhere, y/n, I mean everywhere. All over the floor, the walls, the counters— and most importantly, all over me,” he allowed himself a brief second of grief. “I didn’t even have time to change before coming here, there was so much.”
You couldn’t stop laughing, imagining your tall, lanky friend Namjoon tripping on air and the box in his arms flailing through the air so vividly in your mind you were concerned tears were going to start coming from your eyes. Taehyung resumed his tale, rising from his seat and coming around the counter to retrieve a drink.
“Anyway, catnip was everywhere— pretty much still is, despite how much we cleaned up,” he said as he retrieved a glass from the cupboard behind you. “And now the feline hybrids are all over the place. It affects each of them differently, you see. Some, if not most, get high— this is usually the domestic cat hybrids and similar types. But for some, usually predator type feline hybrids, it sort of… awakens their instincts more, that primal side of them that usually lays dormant. They’re more emotionally volatile, their instincts are stronger, and their senses are heightened. So some got high as hell and some got moody, and some… got horny.”
Jimin was giggling, “Poor Jungkookie hasn’t left his room ever since this morning,” he said, meeting your questioning gaze as you tried to get your laughter down. “He’s a clouded leopard hybrid and being surrounded by that much catnip really set him off.”
You had the decency to blush despite your chuckling, and Taehyung laughed, pouring some juice into his cup after peering into the fridge for a good ten seconds. He gulped it down, letting out a happy noise when he was finished. “Ah, Jungkook’s probably gotten very well acquainted with his right hand tod—AH WOAH!”
In his dramatic turn to illustrate his point, Taehyung swung and moved to leave the kitchen, walking right smack into Yoongi. The hybrid let out a noise of alarm, and, to your shock and surprise, upon collision a massive cloud of dust entered the air from Taehyung’s sweater. Both of them sputtered, Yoongi lurching away and coughing a bit, sniffling to try and get it out of his nose but instead just inhaling more. You retrieved a glass of water for him as he glared at Taehyung.
“What the hell? Did you walk through a dust cloud on the way here or something?” he coughed, pausing his glare to send you a fond look when you passed him the glass.
Taehyung was waving the dust out of his face, hacking slightly. “Somewhat,” he answered, making a face.
Jimin was snickering by the bench but went ignored as the two of them regained control of their lungs. Yoongi sniffled, offering Taehyung another glare before speaking, “I came down to ask y/n if she wanted to watch a movie with me, but since you guys are here I guess you can come too.”
Taehyung clapped his hands together, and Jimin let out a happy noise as he jumped from the stool and ran over, gripping Yoongi’s arm and dragging him to the living room. “Yes! A movie sounds so fun, let’s go!”
You and Taehyung followed the two hybrids to the living room where Yoongi had already set up a movie. You went to sit next to your hybrid— you blushed at how embarrassing it was that you’d just thought that— but before you could get close Jimin’s hand shot out to grasp your own and he yanked you down next to him instead. He leant forward to brush his nose against your cheek briefly before pulling back and beaming at you with a smile both of you knew you couldn’t resist, “Can you pet me while we watch, y/n? I never get petted anymore, Taehyung is always too busy being a traitor and brushing Jungkook’s hair or tail, or giving other hybrids pets.”
You glanced at Taehyung to see him rolling his eyes with an amused grin. “Jiminie I pet you all the time, you greedy Pomeranian.”
Jimin continued smiling at you, as though Taehyung had never spoken, and as expected you caved. A smile of your own slipped onto your face as you obliged the puppy hybrid and reached up to run your fingers through his hair, scratching behind his ear. Immediately a thumping noise could be heard as Jimin’s tail wagged furiously and hit the couch behind him, his face contorting in satisfaction.
You could feel a gaze burning into you from the second your fingers brushed against Jimin’s honey blonde hair, and decided to just continue and ignore it. You could tell Yoongi was jealous, but you were surprised he had managed to get to that point so quickly. It usually took a lot longer and a lot more than just petting Jimin. However, the thought of Yoongi growing jealous so quickly over you touching someone else sent a peculiar thrill down your spine, and a part of you secretly hoped that it might prompt him into action and you could both finally talk about the kiss that had left things so tense between you.
The movie started, and you divided half of your attention to petting Jimin. You knew he got more than enough attention and pets at the shelter, but for whatever reason he especially enjoyed yours, and you didn’t see a reason why you shouldn’t indulge him. There wasn’t any harm in it, and he didn’t come around too often anyway. The hybrid practically melted under your touch, tail wagging a mile a minute, and he leaned heavily on you in satisfaction. You could still feel pointed eyes on you, but you kept your gaze either on Jimin or the tv. You shouldn’t be pushing it, shouldn’t be playing with him like this, but you were sick of waiting for one of you to finally take action and with this you were hoping it might finally prompt him.
Not even ten minutes into the movie, and Yoongi began to shift from next to Jimin. He wriggled and readjusted himself, shifting constantly in the corner of your eye, and if you didn’t know any better you’d say something was itching him. Another 5 minutes went by, and Jimin went to move and lay on your lap, nudging Yoongi, when a growl split the air.
Your gaze, along with Taehyung’s and Jimin’s, whipped to Yoongi, your eyes wide. The panther hybrid was glaring at where Jimin had nudged him, and where he was half-sprawled across your lap.
“Yoongi, are you alr—” you began, but he jerked, snapping suddenly as he tore his gaze away.
“I’m fine,” he hissed, the sound sharp against your ears and slightly cutting against the tender flesh of your heart. Your eyebrows shot up, alarm niggling at the back of your mind. Well, this was spectacularly out of character— even if Yoongi was jealous, he would never take it out on anyone around him. Concern was next to make itself known to you; Yoongi continued shifting, sniffing every so often and wrinkling his nose in discomfort. You could visibly see it as he grew more agitated with each minute that passed.
The whole time, you hadn’t stopped petting Jimin, and his tail was still wagging happily, if less wildly. Yoongi broke his eyes from the TV for the first time since speaking and immediately his gaze fell upon you— or rather, what you were doing.  A deep, rumbling noise that caused the hairs at the back of your neck to raise emanated from the panther’s chest and he shot up, tearing from the couch.
“I’m getting a drink,” he muttered, gaze narrowed as it fell over you and Jimin before he spun on his heel and made for the kitchen, ears flattened against his skull and tail lashing angrily behind him.
Alright, something wasn’t right. You gently nudged Jimin off you with an apologetic look as you rose from the couch to follow after the hybrid, your gaze falling upon Taehyung as you moved. He seemed to be thinking something along the same lines as you, brows furrowed as he tried to decipher a cause for Yoongi’s behaviour. It was only as you passed the couch that his eyes widened in realisation.
“y/n, wait a second!” he stage-whispered loudly, beckoning for you to come back. You waved him off, and he looked mildly alarmed. “y/n—”
Without a word you followed Yoongi’s path back to the kitchen, and Taehyung stayed in the living room with Jimin, the movie still playing.
Yoongi stood by the sink, posture stiff and tail still lashing behind him, as he stared into the empty glass in his grasp, lost in thought. You approached quietly, not wanting to alarm him, your hand brushing against the fur of his tail as it flicked wildly in agitation. “Yoongi—”
He nearly dropped the glass, a sharp noise of alarm escaping him at your touch as he spun and lurched away from you, tail whipping behind him. “Don’t touch me right now,” he warned, tone low and carrying the barest traces of a threat, although strangely enough you weren’t getting a dangerous feeling from him. His words hurt slightly, not that you could really understand why. You took a tentative step forward, holding your hands up to show you weren’t going to touch him.
“Yoongi, are you okay?” you asked softly, gaze seeking his own. His eyes met yours and you watched as emotions pooled in his gaze and his body shifted. Agitation seemed to roll over his form and he took a step to the side, away from you and towards the entry to the kitchen.
“…Leave me alone,” he said, and it bordered on a growl as it left his throat. You were beyond shocked at his behaviour— he hadn’t acted so hostile towards you since you’d first entered the house and met him. He turned on his heel once more, walking quickly from the kitchen and towards the stairs.
You stood in place, blinking for a second before your mind caught up with the current events and you quickly started after him. He stormed around the corner, moving quickly up the stairs and towards his room. You hurried after him, not wanting him to enter his room and lock you out before you could make sure he was okay.
“Yoongi,” you started as you slipped into his room after him before he could slam the door. “Are you alright? Please, if something is wrong you can tell me.”
The hybrid seemed slightly conflicted, his entire form tense. It was as though a myriad of emotions were filtering over him one after the other, and he couldn’t choose which to settle on. The thought struck something akin to recognition in you and you were filled with realisation as he finally settled upon anger. Yoongi stormed over to the door, shutting it loudly and locking it out of habit. You hardly noticed, too busy processing your realisation.
Taehyung’s words from earlier about how catnip affected feline predator hybrids came back to haunt you, and you were certain this was what Taehyung himself had realised when you were downstairs. The dust that had burst into the air when Yoongi ran into Taehyung had been from the catnip spilt all over him at the centre, and it had gotten all over the panther hybrid, and now he was feeling the effects, if his current moodiness was anything to go by. It would also explain the itching if all of his senses were heightened and fabrics felt much more different than they usually did.
Currently unable to control how wildly he was swinging from one emotion to another, Yoongi glared at you. You realised that with his current state, your display earlier to make him jealous must have without a doubt riled him up a lot more than you ever intended.
He seemed to realise how overwhelmed he was growing, as he took a deep breath. “No,” he finally responded, tone low and bordering on a growl once more. Contrary to what you felt before, this time, while trapped in a room and in such close quarters with him, a spark of excitement shot down your spine, a thrill causing your heart to skip a beat. Yoongi’s ears twitched towards you and you knew he’d heard it. “I’m not okay, I’m furious. His god damn scent is all over you, and you were— you were just—”
In the flurry of strong emotions currently swarming him, he had no filter and for once was speaking up about what was bothering him. A feeling of anticipation began to swirl in your abdomen, and you took a step forward. Perhaps he would finally breach the topic of your kiss and the tension between you would finally be resolved. You decided to prompt him a bit more, your eyebrows raising in what you hoped looked like innocence. “Why are you furious?” you queried, taking another step. He growled lowly, but it wasn’t threatening. “Did it bother you that I was touching him, and petting him? Did it bother you that he was touching me?”
At you words he began to visibly simmer, hot, uncontrollable anger bubbling up in the culmination of all the jealousy he’d felt over the past three weeks. He stepped forward, gaze dark and pupils blown as they met yours, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. “He shouldn’t be touching you,” it was a whisper, yet it resonated perfectly in your ears. A shudder threatened to roll down your spine at his proximity and the heady undertone to his voice. “His scent shouldn’t be all over you; you don’t belong to him.”
One of your brows rose, a fake show of bravado that did nothing to hide the excited hammering of your heart. You completely forgot about the guests downstairs, the tension so thick between you it felt like if you brought your hand up you’d be able to physically feel it slide between your fingers. “I don’t belong to him?” you echoed, and Yoongi’s gaze darkened further. He took another step closer, brows furrowing.
“Don’t play with me right now, y/n,” he warned, and it was like electricity was racing beneath your skin, sizzling with how close yet so far away he was.
“Why were you jealous?” Against your better judgement you pushed further, holding his gaze. “Why don’t I belong to him?”
Yoongi snarled, stepping closer so that your chests just barely brushed, and it felt like he’d stolen the air right out of your lungs, his hands shooting to grip your hips possessively. Your heart skipped a beat as he leant forward, breath just barely brushing your lips, “You’re not his,” he began, his low tone sending tremors of anticipation down your spine. “Your heart doesn’t skip beats for him, your body doesn’t tremble for him.”
You couldn’t breathe, thoughts caught on how aware he was of how he made you feel. He leant closer, breath fanning over your cheek before his lips brushed your earlobe. “You’re mine.”
A growl resonated through his chest with the words and you felt your knees weaken, a shudder finally rolling down your spine. Heat burned your skin where his hands gripped your hips and electricity sizzled between you. There was a beat of silence, then his teeth caught your earlobe and your heart stopped in your chest as he snarled again, definitive and absolute. “Mine.”
With that the tension between you snapped and you shifted, his lips slamming onto yours. Immediately a moan caught in your throat, hands coming to clutch his shirt and cup his jaw as he kissed you with such passion and fervour, so differently to how he had before, that you were almost seeing stars. His lips moved against your own, soft and pliable but commanding and you couldn’t help the gasp he elicited as he brought your bottom lip between his teeth, sharp canines poking the soft flesh. A pleased snarl rumbled in his chest at your vocal responses, one of his hands leaving your hips to grip the back of your neck, nails dragging over the sensitive skin of your nape and causing you to shiver and moan once more.
When he kissed you before it was light and full of so much love you felt like you could have floated off in perfect contentment. But now, he was pushing you back, your knees hitting the bed, and in the absolute lust and need burning between you he was swallowing you whole.
He pulled back, allowing you to breathe only for the second it took to grip your hips and throw you onto the bed. You yelped, bouncing on your ass thanks to the springy mattress, but he was climbing over you and pinning your hips to the bed with his own before you even had a chance to move further. He kissed you again, tongue brushing your bottom lip before he sucked it back into his mouth and through the haze beginning to cloud your mind you had to wonder where on earth he’d learnt these things.
Yoongi removed his lips from yours once more, and you thought you might have gotten a chance to recover and breathe before his mouth was on your neck and you were gasping once more. He sucked harshly, lips pressing and teeth scraping the tender, sensitive flesh beneath your jaw and down the column of your neck, pink and red blossoming in his wake. The panther hybrid paid special attention to your pulse point, laving his tongue over the skin and sinking his teeth in slightly before suckling another bruise— you were moaning, mewling, each action of his tongue against you sending pleasure and heat to your core, and he was drinking each and every sound in.
Soon he reached the collar of your button-down shirt and without a second thought ripped it open, buttons popping and cluttering to the floor. You gasped sharply in shock and surprise, your upper half almost completely exposed, “Yoongi!”
At the sound of his name he paused, eyes seeking yours and even without speaking you knew he was asking if it was okay to continue. It warmed your heart that even influenced so heavily by the catnip and as a result his own emotions and instincts, he still managed to think of you. You nodded, the tiniest action, but confirmation nonetheless and with it the panther dove down to resume pressing kisses and nipping along the skin of your neck.
“When I’m done with you, you won’t have a single bit of his scent left on you,” he rumbled against your skin, teeth scraping against the flesh covering your collarbones and eliciting a sharp gasp that dripped into a moan as he suckled the skin into his mouth. “Only mine— mine, mine, mine.”
He nipped the flesh at the swell of your breast and you squirmed, hips shifting against his where they held yours down, wetness beginning to seep into your panties. A deep, guttural groan escaped him and you stilled, a hot spark of arousal shooting straight to your core as you mewled instinctively in response, hands fisting the bed cover beneath you.
Yoongi paused his ministrations only to remove the rest of your shirt, ripping your bra too and throwing it to join the other discarded garment before you could reprimand him in outrage. Your mind whirled, cheeks flushing at the fact your upper half was now bare before the beautiful hybrid above you, the hybrid you loved and were attracted to, and it began to sink in that this was happening. The anticipation in your gut swirled into desire at the way his gaze darkened as he looked down upon you. His fingers came to trace over the trail he’d left with his mouth over your skin, your form quivering in excitement, and trailed down to brush along the curve of your breast, swirling it over your skin until he came to your rosy bud and pinched it between his fingers. You let out a sharp moan, head moving back but your eyes meeting his and you shivered at the sheer lust and desire in his gaze, a deeper need for you swirling in the depths of his eyes.
“Mine,” he asserted with a growl once more, tugging your nipple harshly, excitement thrumming beneath your skin at his tone and pleasure shooting to your core at his action. You gasped out a moan. “You wouldn’t react to him like this, wouldn’t let him touch you like this, would you? No, only me. Mine.”
You never thought you could get so turned on by the possessive streak alone that Yoongi was showing but here you were, enjoying it more than you thought you would, trembling beneath him and crying out in sudden pleasure as he lowered his head and wrapped that sinful mouth around your hardened bud. He suckled harshly, teeth gripping the flesh gently and your back arched into his ministrations, a loud moan falling from your lips as he coupled the sensation with his other hand on your other breast.
As he continued his attention on your chest, eliciting moan after delicious moan from your lips, his free hand snuck down, tracing over your stomach until he reached your clothed core and he pressed, rubbing firmly over your clit. A sharp whine left you, hips bucking up into his hand and your hands flew to grip his arms. “Yoongi!”
He hummed against you, nipple still enveloped in the delicious heat of his mouth, his tongue pressing and rolling it against his teeth and tearing a harsh mewl from your throat. You trembled, body writhing beneath him and it was only the beginning. Yoongi quickly shifted his attention from your chest back to his original goal, trailing his mouth down your form once more. He suckled bruises beneath your ribs, over the swell of your tummy, teeth scraping against your hipbone so perfectly you almost didn’t notice as his fingers slipped into the waistband of your shorts and he tugged them down in one fell swoop, underwear along with them.
You yelped, thighs immediately closing on instinct and Yoongi shot you a warning look. He threw the clothes behind him, shifting himself closer and gripping your knees to pull your thighs apart with ease, his tail thrashing behind him. Cool air hit the heat of your core and you mewled, more heat rushing to your cheeks as Yoongi stared, lust-blown gaze drinking each and every inch of you in. You were dripping, so turned on it was almost embarrassing but Yoongi didn’t mind— quite the opposite.
A long, drawn out moan escaped him at the sight of you bare before him, and it blended into a possessive growl as you covered your face in embarrassment. You couldn’t see it as he leant down, but felt it as he nipped the yielding flesh of your inner thigh and continued marking your skin.
His name escaped on the next breath that floated past your lips and he froze, shivering in pleasure at the way your voice had caressed his name so sensually, so needily. He dipped his head down and licked a long strip up your slit before wrapping his soft lips around your clit and sucking harshly.
It was so much so suddenly, you nearly shrieked at the sudden flood of pleasure pooling in your abdomen, the sudden pick up in the thrumming beneath your skin. Your hips bucked up and he was quick to hold hem down, your thighs trembling either side of his head as you tried not to close them around him. “Yoongi, fuck! Oh fuck, Yoongi—”
He slipped his lips down, tongue lapping up the juices spilling from your core, his nose pressed against your clit as he reached further into your entrance and ate you out in earnest. You couldn’t stop the constant stream of curses and moans spilling forth from your lips, your hands threading into his hair and tugging, fingers rubbing and kneading his ears. The feline almost keened into your core, shivers rolling down his spine. His fingers bit harsher into the flesh of your hips in warning, and he returned his lips to your clit as one hand moved down to run a finger along the length of your slit.
He nipped your clit lightly and you whimpered, before his finger pressed against your entrance and slid into you with ease, slick juices dripping onto his knuckles as you moaned loudly and your velvety walls clenched around the digit. A low groan escaped him as he sucked and licked at your sensitive nub, finger beginning to thrust into you. Noises spilled from your lips, your hips straining against his hold in an attempt to buck into his mouth, but his grip was firm and you couldn’t shift an inch. Your fingers press into the flesh at the base of his ears where they met his skull and you were rewarded with a sudden and particularly harsh suck and delicious vibrations, long finger curling within you as the feline between your legs moaned loudly against you.
He slipped another finger in, and then gradually another, stretching you out and curling his fingers with each thrust into you. You were so wet you didn’t doubt your thighs would be covered in slick had Yoongi not been diligently lapping up each and every drop that spilt from your core. Pleasure was shooting hot through your veins, pressure building within you as the panther hybrid brought you rapidly closer and closer to your release. Your thighs trembled on either side of his head with the strain of trying not to bring them together, the muscles in your abdomen clenching and unclenching as the pleasurable sensations flooded your body.
With each suck of your sensitive nub and each press of his long fingers into your g-spot you climbed higher and higher, tilting on the precipice of the edge when you looked down on impulse. His eyes met yours and at the sheer look of desire in his lust-blown pupils as his tongue laved sinfully at you and his fingers fucked into your core, it was too much. A glint entered his eyes and all at once on the next thrust of his fingers he curled them and sucked harshly on your clit, teeth nipping the sensitive bud gently, and it was all it took to push you off the edge. A loud cry tore from your throat as you came harder than you had in a long time and your head flew back onto the bed, your back arching and the muscles in your legs trembling and spasming with the surprising intensity of the sensations flooding your being. “Yoongi!”
Yoongi remained busy at work, lapping up each and every drop of you throughout your orgasm until you had to push him away with trembling hands when the stimulation became too much. The possessive edge in Yoongi’s eyes had faded somewhat as he sat back on his heels, satisfied, but the unabashed desire burning behind his gaze had not and you could feel the shivers it elicited in you rolling over your skin. You sat up on trembling limbs, and if anything you could have sworn the hybrid looked proud as he observed you before he resumed his place hovering over you and planted his lips against yours once more.
There was less anger fuelling the passion in his kiss, but you could still feel the dangerous tension in his form that told you he was still affected somewhat by the catnip. It was so easy to lose yourself in the movement of his lips against your own, in the skipped beats of your heart and the rekindling flames in your abdomen. A thought niggled at the back of your mind, threatening to drown in the haze of need that was quickly returning as a thick mist over your mind with each second that passed. Yoongi shifted forwards, hips pressing into yours once more as he moved himself as close to you as he possibly could, and you lifted a hand to his ears once more, deft fingers finding the base and rubbing it gently.
Yoongi choked on a moan, his hips jerking against yours and eliciting a whine of your own as his clothed bulge pressed against your still-sensitive, aching core. Your other hand dragged down his back on a whim; you needed to get him in a position where you could do what you had in mind. Your fingers trailed, dragging down his form and his back bowed following your touch, a rumbling beginning in his chest.
When your fingers found the base of his tail he jerked, and a loud moan tore from his throat, his teeth nipping your lip as he pulled back to drop his head in the junction of your neck and shoulder. He whined, stumbling over words that couldn’t pass his lips as you rubbed and kneaded the flesh, shudders rolling down his spine.
“y/n,” he warned weakly. “D-Don’t—”
You ignored him, knowing that having the appendage touched felt good normally and that with the effects of the catnip heightening his senses it would have to feel ten times that now. At the shaky moan that escaped him when you dragged your nails over the skin of his tail, you knew you were right. He sank his teeth lightly into the flesh of your neck as an anchor as you continued, his hips shifting and rutting against yours with each movement of your hand and causing a moan of your own to tear from your throat. He was incredibly hard, straining against the material of his pants, and you were quickly growing wet once more. At the strengthening scent of your arousal in the air Yoongi let out another low growl, although somewhat shakier than those that had come before it. You moved your hand to tug at the material of his shirt that hindered you from feeling all of him.
“Shirt,” you whispered against his ear and he shuddered, pulling back immediately and tearing the t-shirt from his form. Power still resided in his limbs but a thrill travelled down your spine as you met his heated gaze and realised that like this, beneath your ministrations, he was like putty in your hands. He’d had a certain measure of control, of dominance, over you until his point but now, at the mercy of his sensitivity and your knowledge of his weakness, you were the one with the power over him. The thought had a surprising amount of arousal shooting hot straight to your core and your stomach flipped.
You brought a hand up to caress the smooth expanses of skin that had been revealed to you. Yoongi was pale, but the tone of his skin was warm and while he wasn’t bulky his form was defined and the muscles of his abdomen rippled visibly beneath your touch. His breath grew heavier in anticipation the further down his body you went and low, needy whines left his throat as you reached the waistband of his sweats and continued moving your fingers against his tail. He looked like he was torn between allowing you to continue and revelling in the sensations, and reclaiming control of the situation. You didn’t give him an opportunity to choose, instead slipping your free hand into his sweats and wrapping it around his length.
Yoongi shuddered, a hiss escaping through his teeth as his upper half folded and his head fell against you, a moan caught in his throat. He was hot and heavy against the skin of your hand, so thick it almost had your mouth watering. You tugged his tail at the same time as you gave him an experimental stroke and he keened into the skin of your neck, fingers coming to grip at your waist, biting into the soft flesh. His hips shifted into your hand, and you were sure that for the moment he didn’t care that he didn’t have control— he was too deeply taken by the pleasure your actions were causing him to mind.
He was so sensitive, even the slightest of touches against him had him moaning against your throat, hands clutching you almost desperately, and you were relishing in it, each sound he made sending a spike of pleasure and arousal straight to your core— you could feel yourself getting wetter with each second that passed by. You could feel his ears flick against the skin of your neck, lips pressing against your shoulder in an attempt to muffle the moans and whines tumbling from his mouth, and all the while you continued your motions. You quickly grew annoyed with the final barrier between your bodies, however, and tugged his sweatpants down without warning. He growled, but it came out sounding more like a whine as you pulled the material to his thighs and his length sprung free, hitting against his stomach and causing a shudder to roll down the length of his spine. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him, swollen and already leaking precum from the tip and so big your core positively throbbed in anticipation.
Licking your lips, you resumed the motions of your hands and Yoongi moaned loudly, the edges of his voice rough and bordering on a growl. With each stroke of your hands and flick of your wrists he became more and more undone, and you were relishing in it. You knew as soon as you finished this he was going to resume control and the thought had you rubbing your thighs together in anticipation. You rubbed your thumb and fingers beneath the head of his member, using the precum flowing steadily from the slit as lubrication of sorts as you dipped your thumb in the slit and gripped his tail tightly. The hybrid choked on a loud, sudden moan as you continued, and suddenly he was jerking back, hands finding your own and gripping tightly to stop them from moving as he panted. You stopped, not wanting to push him but also worried you’d done something wrong.
You didn’t get an explanation at first, waiting as he gathered his wits and evened his breathing. His eyes opened and met yours, a shock running down your spine and anticipation curling in your abdomen at his gaze. Power rolled off his form once more and you were reminded yet again that he was a predator hybrid, a very large part of you instantly wanting to submit at that look and more slick seeping from your folds in response.
“Any more and I don’t think I could have lasted,” his voice was low once more, gaze holding yours unwaveringly. A certain type of pride filled you at his words but you didn’t have time to relish it. He moved forward, tail curling behind him with a slight tremble as the remnants of pleasure still coursed through him. He’d stopped you before he’d finished, and now he was painfully hard in your slack grip, hot and throbbing against your palm.
Yoongi used his hold on your wrists to pull your hands from him with ease and in a split-second pin you back on the bed, arms either side of your head. You couldn’t do anything but gaze up at him, caught in your own all-consuming desire as anticipation thrummed beneath your skin and burned pleasurably where his skin met yours. Something sparked in his eyes and your heart skipped a beat. “And I’m not coming until I’m inside you.”
Your breath hitched, but he didn’t give you time for his words to sink in before he was moving between your thighs once more, head dipping to take your abused nipple into his mouth once more. You cried out instantly, hands straining against his hold to find purchase in something, anything, but unable to clutch anything but the bedsheet. Yoongi snarled possessively against your chest, no doubt able to hear the racing of your heart, and released your nipple with a pop as the tip of his cock brushed your entrance. You were so wet, your core so ready and aching for him, you almost sobbed as he teased you, brushing his length over your folds and along your slit.
“Yoongi,” you whined, gasping as he moved over your clit, “Yoongi, Yoongi please—AH FUCK!”
At your pleas he let out a soft groan, gaze hardening and hips snapping forward to begin easing into you. Your eyes screwed shut, a high keen sounding from your throat as he filled you up deliciously, the stretch around his girth burning slightly but the sensation of him filling you so perfectly more than enough to balance it out. Yoongi watched you come undone beneath him in only one stroke, a deep groan falling from his lips, your limbs trembling as he reached places within you that had you seeing stars. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as he allowed you to adjust for a moment, before you wriggled your hips and he was pulling back to snap his hips back into you with such force it robbed your breath from your lungs. It was a sharp cry that tore from your throat as pleasure, hot and intense, flooded your senses and tingled up your spine, your core throbbing in need as he began pounding into you.
“F-fuck, y/n,” he groaned, that peculiar groan that sounded like a growl rumbling in his chest, his tail thrashing behind him before wrapping around your thigh possessively. “You’re so tight, so good around my cock.”
His ears twitched at the wanton moans that tore from your throat at his words and with each hard thrust of his cock into your velvet heat, his hips meeting the soft flesh of your inner thighs with a sharp slap. Heat and desire mixed and swirled in your abdomen, pleasure sparking deep within you and running currents along your spine. You could hardly think with all the sensations flooding your being, your thighs coming to squeeze his sides desperately.
He snarled at the action, hands moving from your wrists to your hips to hold you in place, fingers biting into the soft flesh and eliciting a loud whine from your throat. Now freed, your hands moved immediately to his form, one finding the base of his ear and the other weaving into the hair at his nape and tugging. Yoongi choked on a moan that shifted into a growl, ears flicking back and the heat in his gaze scorching your being. He was entranced by you, taken by the way you looked beneath him, the way your beasts bounced with each thrust and your body glistened with sweat.
Your hips strained to buck and meet his as he pounded you into the mattress, your walls clenching with each stroke of his thick, swollen length. There wasn’t an end to the moans tumbling from your mouth, your throat almost raw at the constant use of your voice as the heady pleasure robbed you of control. You could feel it building within you, pleasure and pressure increasing with each deep stroke of Yoongi’s thick member into your heat and you clutched at him almost desperately as you hurtled towards your high.
He wasn’t far behind, each clench of your velvet walls around him and each sharp cry that met his ears urging him closer and closer to the edge of his own release. He was still so tightly wound from the previous stimulation that each tug and knead of your fingers on his ear had him trembling as he slammed into you.
One of his hands left your hips, trailing up your body to pinch and tug your sensitive nipple and elicit a cry, hot pleasure shooting to the coil in your abdomen, before it lowered. His thumb gathered your slick before pressing to your clit and it was all you could take before you came with a loud, needy whine, Yoongi’s voice falling like a mantra from your lips as absolute pleasure flooded you and the intensity of your orgasm had stars blooming behind your eyes.
Your walls clenched around him so tightly, so perfectly, and he couldn’t last. With a deep, guttural groan rumbling in his chest and one final slam into your tight heat he came, heat painting your insides and filling you even more to the brim than you already were with his swollen length. He bent, teeth sinking into your neck as his orgasm washed over him powerfully and you let out a sharp moan at the sting. He continued rubbing circles around your clit as you both gradually came down from your highs, your breath short, and you only just realised the death grip you had on his hair and ear.
Yoongi shuddered as you released his ear, thumb still working and you whined in oversensitivity, pushing his hand away with trembling fingers. He removed his teeth from your neck, tongue laving over the mark soothingly, and he pulled out of you. All at once you felt both of your mixed releases gush forth and seep from your abused hole and onto the bed. A shock of excitement had your heart skipping a beat as he leaned back and brought his fingers to your slit, gathering the cum on his fingertips before pushing it back into your hole, fingers sliding in with ease. Your body tremored, a shaky moan escaping you as the remnants of your pleasure buzzed beneath your skin.
Yoongi shifted his body slightly to the right and flopped down, arms winding around your waist and tugging you as close as you could be against him, your heart skipping several beats despite what you’d just done. At your questioning look he nuzzled his face affectionately into your neck. “’want kittens,” he mumbled in explanation as his eyes drooped slightly but held your gaze nonetheless, his words causing your tummy to do flips and heat to rise to your cheeks.
Honestly, you weren’t surprised at all that he was tired right now— you’d be more alarmed if he wasn’t, considering this was Yoongi you were talking about. You yourself were pretty drowsy, limbs weary and an ache already beginning to make itself known in your core. You were surprised by how outright affectionate he was being, however. Your own arms wrapped around him in return and almost instantly the deep, chittering purrs erupted in his chest, his face burying closer to your neck as he tugged the blanket over you both. His lips pressed soft kisses to the skin of your neck, along the trail of pink and purple he made earlier, before they curved up your jaw and over your lips.
This kiss, in contrast to the previous and the events that had just occurred, was sweet, and light. It caressed your heart softly, and, like sugar, left you craving more just like it. All at once you were reminded how fitting his name was, recalling the other events that had prompted that realisation. Times in the living room, the park, the kitchen… oh no, the kitchen.
The cookies.
Horror mixed with the next realisation that filled you. The guests.
“The guests…” you hadn’t even realised you said it out loud until Yoongi hummed against your throat, nuzzling against you. His fingers traced patterns against your hip and waist.
“Don’t worry, they left a while ago,” he mumbled, nibbling the skin beneath your ear. You almost succumbed to the sensation, but managed to pull through.
“When?” you dreaded the answer.
The hybrid chuckled, nose pressing against your jugular as he inhaled your soft, enticing scent— a scent that now had no traces of Jimin and was mixed suggestively with his own. He hid a satisfied smile in the curve of your shoulder. “After you let out that really loud moan.”
You groaned— that could have been at any point! You were loud the entire time because honestly? You’d forgotten Taehyung and Jimin were downstairs at all. It was silent for a moment, before Yoongi’s sleepy voice greeted your ears once more.
“y/n?” You hummed in response, and he continued after another couple of beats of silence. His fingers played on your hip. “That day, when I kissed you…”
It was silent for several long seconds as he mulled over how to word what he wanted to say, how he wanted to explain his reasoning for kissing you. You waited patiently, and finally he spoke once more, “I love you.”
You froze in surprise, but were unable to pass up the opportunity to tease him. “I know.”
Yoongi nearly choked, and you burst into laughter, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Your own eyes were growing tired and you allowed them to close as you smiled. “I’m kidding! I love you too.”
Appeased, the hybrid snuggled closer, bringing the blanket tighter around you both and clutching you tightly.
As sleep began to fog your mind and drag you further into the abyss, you couldn’t help but think. You wouldn’t ever be happier than you were right here, in the arms of the hybrid you adored, the hybrid that adored you back.
You’d do anything for Yoongi, and you knew as you finally fell asleep in his arms, that he would without a doubt do the same.
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impivus · 6 years
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very rushed very shit intro comin @ you all but here goes nothing ! i’m felix from the gmt tmz, i use he / him pronouns, and im gonna power nap any minute now because one thing you should know about me is that i’m eternally on the verge of passing out from minimum exertions during the day. this is my pain in the ass eunsu: not even going to sugar coat it - he’s the human personification of a headache dumpster fire all in one beefy package and i really don’t even blame your character if they just . ignore his presence because, me too !
under the cut there’s some information about him if you want to get to know more about him regardless. smash that mf heart if you want to plot.. and i will get to you ? sometime ? its an ambiguous promise but i keep them, discord is also an option so just ask if you’d prefer to plot on there. eun’s about is here but no plots as of yet because life is hard and We Cant all Have Everything 
aka im lazy 
* ☾ ✧ * º ━━ is that KIM JONGIN walking about ? nope ! that’s just EUN SU CHO. & i’ve been told that they work as a INFORMATION BROKER ! apparently, they are TWENTY FIVE ( 204 )  years old .  some people say they are a CISMALE, DEMON ! HE is very CULTIVATED & INTUATIVE but also DECIETFUL &  MENACING. i wonder if they are just as odd as the rest of us .  ⇢  SYNOPSIS. MBTI TYPE  /  entp, the debater ZODIAC SIGN  /  scorpio   ENNEAGRAM TYPE  /  7w8 KINSEY SCALE  /  3 MORAL ALIGNMENT /  chaotic evil / neutral HOGWARTS HOUSE / slytherin ⇢ AESTHETICS. 
goosebumps raised and feelings of growing dread, the dark corner of a room where light doesn’t reach, silver pocket - watches with dead batteries, the scratch of a record player needle, flares in the sky, bad ideas coming to life, half-assed clapping when it’s required, figures dancing within the shadows & a smile you shouldn’t trust . 
literally anybody: when are you free?  eun su: im forever imprisoned in my own personal hell so i am never truly "free" but i don't really have plans all next week except for monday
this is eun su, and will y’all believe me if i say he used to be a good egg before he turned into the rotten egg i’m presentin y’all with today ??  i kid u not.. bs free zone. he did once ..  have a hort  he was born to a cult of witches, his twin brother absorbing all the magic that was meant to be equally distributed between them in his mother’s womb, which pretty much left eunsu as the black sheep of the family. said cult had been living on a small, near enough desolated island for literal decades, entertaining themselves with magic, seeking out knowledge, observing the unassuming populace, and toying with other supernatural creatures who dared cross their paths. unfortunately for eunsu’s family, tragedy struck when one of his aunt’s tried to over throw the high priestess ( his mother ) in their coven. unyielding in her position and untouchable to the magic she was exposed to, her sister went about other ways to break the woman’s spirits, dabbling in black magic predominantly to achieve her goals. eunsu’s brother was, thus, cursed before he was even born with an incurable heart defect that would see him dead before he reached double figures. eunsu’s mother was broken not mourned over how much he missed out as on a child: but she mourned for the fact that he was the only child that harboured any magic in their veins, the only child that could’ve carried on their lineage.   queue entrance of eunsu and his Whats the Worst that Could Happen Attitude. being young and naive, thought he could’ve been able to solve it by himself, solve the issues and earn his mother’s lacking affections. eun had heard about dark vessels that could miraculously grant wishes through summonings. though he didn’t have magic in his veins he had a fire in his heart, and after all, demons cared not for who or what they fed from: so long as they appeased their hunger.  all it wanted in return was a good, pure soul, and that’s what the demon stole from him before it mended his twin brother’s heart, giving the boy a new lease of life that wasn’t intended for him from the start. pity that eunsu died before he got to the age of twenty, following a quick and hungry fever that overtook his frail body and too soon turned deadly. there was no surprise that, come judgement day, he was turned away at the gates of heaven, in exchange for becoming one of lucifer’s own.
as a result of being eternally cursed with immorality and a tainted soul, he's lived some hundred-odd years and is coping by making the current populace in jeonseoul suffer along with finding purpose in digging out the secrets of his past life, mayhaps trying to find the demon who cursed him.... which could definitely be a wc.. and strengthening his abilities as a demon.
his personality is a bit insufferable; eunsu keeps himself distant and cryptic, because he likes it that way. he's a real weirdo ( if u have ever watched hxh he’s hisoka.. THAT weird )  that's hard to forget: completely mischievous, dramatic, and malicious to boot. some days he's waxing poetic about the futility of having a sense of justice and the next he's using his demonic powers to make some innocent tourist think they're hallucinating as they attempt to walk into a steady flow of traffic. 
ultimately life's a game to him and bih.. he’s here to have fun ! he's outlived his actual family and friends ( well, aside from his brother who he barely remembers, prolly be a wc if anyone’s interested ) and he's not looking to get attached to anyone. it would be great to Die because it’s his forever Mood but he also gets furious if anyone tries to actually expel him for real - so he'll simply prod at the world and its people until he gets the reactions he wants.
fair warning: it is a pain to genuinely care about eunsu and not many people will wanna do it. he comes and goes into people's lives as he pleases, stops reaching out once he's bored and only ever grazes the surface of a relationship based on its worth or his curiosities, innocent ppl, cute ppl, etc are just gonna be eaten up by him then dropped. 
the people who will be closest to him are doubtlessly other demons ig ? but he also hates y’all too so.. don’t get too friendly like he’s not here to make friends he’s here to be Jeonseoul’s next top Demon. also since he died sumn like 200 years ago it’s possible some wizards / familiars knew of him and his coven, it’d be super interesting for someone to have known cute human eunsu in exchange for chaotic bastard demon eunsu 
since he’s a young demon, his horns are small and his wings barely span about two inches above his shoulder bones, he got itty bitty bat wings lbr he’s kinda pissed abt it. there’s tattoos over his scars from clashing with other demons / hunters / angels, but his devil’s mark lining the back of his neck, performed by first demon who took his soul, has never faded away. 
he also works as an info broker, which ties in with the fact that he’s a contractual demon ! it's more of a hobby than a job, something he does for kicks and to restock his gambling money and alcohol money, but he offers a helping hand to solo clientele for private cases if need be, just remember to bring your negotiation skills because his manipulation skills are a1.
he's well-versed in witchcraft even if he can’t actually possess the abilities that actual witches can. while hardly the mentoring type, he could be convinced to equip people with his knowledge of latin, spells or dark magic they want if he's interested enough. then again he might decide to screw them over for kicks so ask him for favours with caution.
for someone who carries a ton of spite and secrets, he passes as an easygoing, casual literature major on the daily to disguise his true intentions. find him at the university pretending to be a student and failing miserably at it like edward’s thousand year old ass in twilight
he cheats at the casino with his demonic powers but does it infrequently enough to pass it as luck. play games with him at your own risk. casinos are one of his favourite places but he can really be found anywhere with ease but some other places he frequents are: beaches, libraries, museums, bars, etc !
he'll get on people's nerves, but getting him to care to the degree of hate is another story. living this long has numbed him; people don't surprise him anymore and he doesn't care to spend time thinking about others. the secret to getting him to turn deathly serious is as simple as telling him you can tell that he was once a good person - because the cheesy truth is he was. he just convinces himself that he's given up trying to remember his human life and finds it easier to live like he’s dead.. yknow which he is.
romance makes him queasy, he's a spiteful old bastard and the concept of sweet love rubs him 100% fictional. there's someone he fancied before he was cursed but i'll save you the story: that's a distant dream now.
he might quote romantic works or put some pretty words together but he's fake as Fuck. if he notices someone innocent and unsuspecting crushing on him they are in so much trouble. he'll kiss their hand then twirl them right off a cliff. corruption kink central right here laid ease
as of rn he’s trying to master how to teleport and shadow control but he really is like on level one and he’s got to get up to level 50 to achieve even a fifth of what these other demons can do 
edit: i totally forgot to include eunsu’s ‘demonic’ title after he was banished to the perils of hell. it’s ironically just saint, and he goes around using that bc it’s blasphemous and a big ole middle finger to god himself. nobody will know his real name, but if there’s an off chance that they do, that’s a massive threat to eunsu and he’ll get his Snipers on Scene
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printedpeterparker · 6 years
Heartbreak Girl
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Type: 5 Seconds of a Summer Series
Word Count: 2.6k
Warning: Fluff but Angst  So So Angsty, Talk of Drugs and Drug Use, Swearing.
Summary: The one where heartbreak is a bitch.
Note: All the lyrics are bolded & lyric inspired lines are bolded and italicized. Never heard the song? Give it a listen here! Here’s the main masterlist and the series masterlist and did you miss the last one? Here’s the previous chapter!
I love feedback! B xx
January 13
It had been 18 hours since Peter had to pick you up from the police station. It had been 20 hours since Cooper got you both arrested in the first place. You were pissed, embarrassed, and saddened. Overall, you felt stupid.
You had to sit back and explain to Peter how you snuck out to meet Cooper at a friend’s. You didn’t feel totally safe, but you knew Cooper would keep you safe. You convinced him to finally take you home because although you wanted to do and be somewhere exciting, you didn’t trust the people you were around. Of course, you figured Cooper was too high to drive, so you did.
You were upset, but that quickly faded away from saw the red and blue lights flash in your rearview mirror. You had never had an encounter with the police, so you weren’t nervous; you didn’t do anything wrong. It wasn’t until Cooper started talking; he did shit talking to get you both removed from the car for a search. The other police officer watched you vigilantly, Cooper still high as a kite.
You really wanted to go home, but you quickly knew that wasn’t gonna happen for a while when he pulled a box, pulling out little baggies of different pills and weed. Your eyes quickly went wide and your stomach dropped. Cooper was only laughing as you both got arrested.
You wanted to cry in the back of the police car. Cooper was everything but helpful. He only made the situation worse.
After being questioned and detained for almost two hours, you were embarrassed to call Peter; you felt worse when he picked you up.
“He just makes me so goddamn angry sometimes, Peter!” you admitted to your friend as you spun around in his desk chair. “But of course, Cooper’s dad swoops in and comes with a huge eraser to rid him of his charges while I had to talk my out of being released.” You tried not to angrily cry again for the second time today. “I’m such an idiot.”
“Y/N, you’re not an idiot,” Peter stated. He got up from his bed to drag the chair with you in it over to him, “You just...you just wanted to feel different and I get it.”
God, Peter was angry, but he bit his tongue. This wasn’t the time to try and win you over because you’re not ready and it’s so frustrating. Even though it still pained him, you just needed a friend and someone to listen. He saw the hurt in your eyes; it hadn’t left since he saw you in holding. You appeared broken.
“I almost ruined my entire future just for some dumb fun and I had an awful time,” you admitted, plopping onto the bed next to Peter. “I bet he was so ready to sell me out like I was nothing. I mean I was the one driving. The drugs were under my seat. And h-he—” you asked sitting up, your eyes turning red again from the hot tears forming in your ducts but the gates broke. You couldn’t slow your breathing as tears streamed down your face.
Peter didn’t say anything. He pulled you into his chest before kissing your forehead. If he had to hold you tight straight through the day, he would. You were hyperventilating his shoulder. He ran his fingers through your hair and rubbed your back, trying to calm you down.
You felt like such a mess. You hardly ever cried, especially not in front of others. You knew you had dampened Peter’s t-shirt on his shoulder and now you felt as if you were using Peter. You had avoided Peter all week just because of Cooper. You weren’t even sure why you listened to him in the first place.
“I’m sorry, Peter,”  you whispered against his chest. “We haven’t talked hardly all week and I’m here crying on your bed, and I feel like I’m being such a fake friend to you, Peter.” Little did you know, Peter was a sucker for anything that you did. “Cooper said he didn’t trust you with me and I’ve told him that you were my first friend in New York and I couldn't just abandon you like that, but I fed his dumbass ego and talked to you less.” You never felt more foolish. “I really should’ve gone to the movies with you,” you chuckled before sniffling.
Peter locked his hand with yours that was previously rubbing your back before looking at you, “Y/N, I only say this because I care about you, but...you have to break it off with Cooper.”
To be fair, that’s what Peter wanted all along, but now he wanted it more than ever; he was literally damaging you. It didn’t make sense anymore for you to be with him anymore.
“Well, he broke up with me before I left so…”
Peter’s brow furrowed, “Why didn’t you tell me that last night?”
“I know,” you whispered as you loudly sniffled before sitting up, “but I don’t want to bother you with this anymore; you’ve already helped enough.”
“Y/N, you literally could never be a bother to me,” he sincerely told you, his brown eyes looking deep into your puffy ones. “Look, May said you can stay as long as you want even if you want to spend the night and we can just watch some and I can just make some mac-n-cheese— the Y/N way.”
Your style of mac-n-cheese was basically macaroni noodles with butter and any cheese in the fridge melted on top. You smiled a little and nodded. You muttered an okay before following you into the kitchen. You went to over to the living room and sat on the couch. You tried looking for a comedy and not another reason to cry. You settled on The Office. You got a blanket from his closet and laid on the couch, starting to feel a little better as you laughed. You could smell the food when Peter came around the couch with a bowl and a fork.
“We had cheddar, mozzarella, and parmesan,” Peter told you as he handed you the warm bowl.
“No, that’s perfect,” you smiled before grabbing the bowl from him and starting to dive in. Peter sat down next to you, taking some of the blanket for himself. You started to feel a little better yourself.
Your mind still drifted to Cooper throughout the night. You wondered if he had already found another girl to wrap under his arm for the night. You wondered if he had already gotten over you and your relationship while you were still hung up on him. Peter could see you become upset again; you weren’t beginning to cry, but you stopped laughing at attics in The Office and eating for a while.
You felt Peter’s leg hit yours, snapping you out of your trance, “Y/N, you gotta stop thinking about him. He’s a complete ass.”“I know,” you whispered, looking down, “I’m just thinking about him already getting over me because he never truly liked me for me, y’know? I think he just liked me because I was new and he thought I was easy or something. I mean what you saw in the library was literally the farthest...” You noticed Peter’s uncomfortable face and you quickly held back, “I’m sorry. That’s probably too much information, but my mom is so busy, my grandma is so old school, and MJ would just tease me...”
“Uh, no I get it...kind of,” he chuckled. “But whoever Cooper is with tonight whether it’s some other girl or his friends, I know you make for better company.”
You smiled before putting the bowl on the table, “You also make great company, Parker.”
Instead of focusing on the TV, you and Peter just talked. You talked about Cooper for a little bit, but then it moved on to odd topics. Peter mentioned how he had lost up to seven backpacks throughout his high school career. This prompted you to mention how your backpack was stolen in Nice on your first day of school. It was refreshing to talk to Peter again.
The worst thing was avoiding him for most of the week. You craved dumb conversations about his and your childhood. Eventually, he broke out Scrabble after you had talked about placing 3rd in a spelling bee; he wanted to test your skills. Your competitiveness took over as did Peter’s. Neither of you even noticed Aunt May come home from work. You didn’t even realize that hours that passed. He really was your cure.
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Peter whined, pointing at the letters you just placed down. “Prolly isn’t even a word; it’s slang!”
“It’s used as a slang word, but it’s in the Oxford Dictionary with a different meaning like 40s or something,” you told him, “Look it up and give me my 35 points, Parker!”
He rolled his eyes before writing it down, “I guess I’ll take your word...but don’t count on that later,” he jokingly sighed.
“Are you two still playing that game?” May asked as she made her way to the living room. 
“Yeah because I won the first one, and Y/N doesn’t know how to lose.” Peter shook his head disappointed. You scoffed before pushing him over onto the floor. But it was very true.
“Whatever!” you laughed as you looked down at your phone. You noticed your grandma texted and asked when you were coming home. She would freak out if she knew you spent the night at Peter’s. “I have to go, but this game isn’t over.”
“Oh, okay, Y/N. It’s freezing out there. Did you drive?” May quickly asked.
“Yeah, I just need my coat and boots,” you smiled as went to the front door to put on your coat.
“I’ll walk you down,” Peter offered as you stood up to put on shoes himself.
You slightly smiled and nodded, “Thank you, Peter, and thank you for letting me stay for so long, May. I hope I see you soon!” you smiled before waving off as you left with Peter.
You both entered the elevator both smiling, “You owe me one more game.”
The elevator began to descend and Peter just laughed, “Just for you to lose again?”
“Wow, you’re so rude.”
“You know I’m kidding,” he muttered as the elevator door opened on the empty lobby floor. You both exited. You faced the snow-covered streets before you turned to Peter.
“Thank you for the day, Peter,” you sighed as you took his right hand into both of yours. “Thanks for being a friend.”
After today, Peter couldn’t just think about you as just a friend. Yes, you always wanted to be there for you, but he had a love for you that you could barely describe. He couldn’t bear to be stuck in the friend zone again and again. 
“Y/N, I know you probably don’t wanna hear this now, but I...I feel like...”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you smiled up at him, “Peter, you can literally tell me anything, you know that, right? And after what I put you through today...”
He looked down at you and into your soft Y/C/E eyes. They didn’t have their red and puffy appearance anymore. They still shined in the bad lighting of the lobby. They were exactly the way he liked them. Your lips were pressed together, but they still formed a smile across your face. 
What took over Peter, he wasn’t sure. His hand swiftly caressed your cheek before his lips meet yours. You almost tumbled backward due to the force of the kiss. You didn’t know how to respond, but your instincts took over as your hand traveled around his neck. Peter was surprised to feel you respond. Your lips moved together perfectly in sync. 
Peter thought you could feel his heart rate quicken. He swore it was about to fall out of his chest. Your lips were soft and sweet against his; they were heavenly.
But a sense of guilt rushed over you. Were you accepting this because you still kind of felt hurt? Did it feel nice because Cooper didn’t like Peter as you pulled back from Peter, you both a little breathless, “Peter...”
“I’ve been wanting to do that since the week after I meet you,” he muttered as he interrupted.
And that was the thing. Peter had thought being with you since November and you never even considered it. But kissed you in a way you had never been kissed before. It didn’t feel like he was trying to satisfy himself or show off (the way Cooper did). He kissed you like he cared.
“Listen, Y/N.” Your head fully popped up, but you were still wary of looking into his eyes “I love being your friend, but I still cannot help but to want to care for you more and I know this is probably the worst way to tell you, but after being with you tonight...it’s not a petty crush.’
You were speechless. A part of you though Peter liked you when you first met, but you thought he stopped. You never anticipated this.
“I’m so sorry, Peter.” You took a step back as you felt more guilt ran over your shoulders. “If I would’ve known, I never would’ve put you through the last twenty-four hours, but I cannot do this.”
“You can’t be with me?”
“No —I don’t know.” You felt as if every word you were wanting to say were rushing past you, leaving you flustered and stuttering. “I just...I just can’t leave one relationship and get into another but especially with a guy that my ex had a problem with.” You could see Peter’s heart slowly break as you tried to explain yourself. “I don’t know if what I just felt was due to me wanting to make Cooper upset or being sad or liking you and now realizing it —I just don’t know, Peter.”
Peter nodded, his lips in a firm line. His arms were crossed as he attempted to distance himself away from you. He sighed through his nose before looking back at you, “I get it, but I know how I feel about you, Y/N.”
“And I know I like you enough to not use you as rebound, and I want to be sure because you’re my best friend,” you told him. “I never want to hurt you, Peter.”
“Yeah, but we all don’t get what we want,” he hissed.
“Jesus, Peter!” you almost yelled, “It’s not my fault! You’re being childish now.”
“I watched you be with a guy that treated so bad while I was good to you, and I’m sorry if I’m a little upset about it.” You had never seen Peter angry. Upset yes, but never angry. “I swallowed my pride and sucked it up because you were happy. Yeah, I should’ve said something sooner, but I end up telling you what you want to hear because seeing you smile made me happy until I saw you with him.”
“And I'm supposed to be with you because of that? You know that’s not fair, Peter! You’re acting no better than Cooper or any other guy I’ve been with.” This was the first time you fought with Peter, and you hated it. You wished you could go back upstairs and forget about now and just continue your game of Scrabble where the only problem was if your word as valid. You held back the tears the brimmed your eyes, “I cannot be what you want, I guess, so, I’ll just leave you alone.” Peter almost didn’t catch it, but he heard you loud in clear. “I’m sorry.”
Without another word or tear dropped, you quickly walked out into the frigid cold to your car. As soon as you closed the door, you finally felt your body break down. You couldn’t even find it in yourself to start your car; you just sat there.
Peter watched you leave, and immediately hated himself. He hated seeing you cry when you came over earlier, but now, it was his fault. No one else was to blame.
“Such a damn idiot.”
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