#--------- wherever you are sis - I love you and I miss you - always ---------
pinkflower2003 · 4 days
Fernando Alonso x Russel!Reader
Send your requests/submissions🍓
Faceclaim: Perrie Edwards & her son
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Liked by YNRussell, LewisHamilton, AlexAlbon & 698,476 others
GeorgeRussell: Birthday post for my sister, as she threatened if I didn’t she would run me over with my car, so happy birthday sis, as much as you scare me, you’re actually an alright sister🫶🏻
tagged: YNRussell
YNRussell: GEORGE? THE THIRD PICTURE?? do you have a death wish??
GeorgeRussell: ‘thanks George, I really appreciate it, can’t wait to see you again, love and miss you’ who raised you?? damn
YNRussell: yeah, u clearly do have a death wish. Where are my car keys?
AlexAlbon: Happy Birthday sister from another mister, missing you!!
YNRussell: ALEX MY BABY, my favourite sibling, tell Lily you both have to come over soon, Axel misses you!!
Lilymhe: Axel misses me? i’m omw right now, dropping everything 🏃‍♀️
GeorgeRussell: um hello?? i’m his ACTUAL uncle, does he miss me too?
YNRussell: not since you decided he was mater and you were lightening mcqueen, no.
LandoNorris: that’s low George, real low. You took being lightening mcqueen away from a child??
GeorgeRussell: HES 2? I didn’t think he’d tell the difference😔
LandoNorris: they always know.
Username1: George has a sister? is this common knowledge or am I late to the party?
username2: it’s not overly common knowledge I suppose, she likes to keep private a lot due to being a single mum. She likes to keep her son out of the spotlight a lot, though she has been going to watch George race a bit more regularly, so hopefully we’ll see more of her!
Username1: she’s a single mum? she does not look old enough to have a child omg
Username3: I love that Axel has so many uncles throughout F1😭
FernandoAlonso: Feliz cumpleaños, YN!
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INTERVIEWER: So, George, we’ve seen you have a visitor on the paddock today. Your sister, YN and her son, your nephew, have come to watch you race.
GEORGE: Yeah, they have! I’m super close with my sister so having her here is always amazing, especially when she brings my nephew, it makes the race extra special for me.
INTERVIEWER: Does your nephew have a favourite driver? Or is that place reserved for you?
GEORGE: *laughs* no, i don’t think that place is for me, he’s not really interested in the fact I race. He’s pretty young still to understand who his favourite driver is yet but he always seems to clap when Alonso comes onto the screen so i’m going to take a wild guess and say its him!
INTERVIEWER: Will he have the chance to meet Alonso today, or will he be staying at the Mercedes garage?
GEORGE: Knowing my sister, she will be taking him wherever he wants to go, so it is most likely they will end up in the Aston Martin garage.
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The sun was shining brightly as Y/N held Axel’s tiny hand, leading him through the bustling paddock. The air was electric with excitement, the roar of engines in the background making her son’s eyes widen with awe. Today was a special day. Uncle George was racing, and Y/N had promised Axel that they would watch him together. But Axel had other ideas.
“Mama, see Nando?” Axel asked, his big blue eyes sparkling with hope.
Y/N smiled down at her son, her heart melting at his innocence. “We’ll see, darling. Fernando is very busy getting ready for the race, just like Uncle George. But we’ll try, okay?”
Axel nodded enthusiastically, his little feet practically skipping as they made their way to the Aston Martin garage. Y/N’s heart raced a little faster too. Fernando Alonso was a legend, and even she felt a bit starstruck at the thought of possibly meeting him.
They approached the garage, the vibrant green and black of the Aston Martin team standing out against the sea of colors in the paddock. Y/N spoke to a friendly team member, explaining Axel’s wish and who she had come to the race with.
“We can’t promise anything, but let’s see what we can do,” the team member said with a kind smile.
As they waited, Axel’s excitement was palpable. He clutched his miniature Alonso cap tightly, his eyes darting around in hopes of catching a glimpse of his hero. Y/N knelt down beside him, brushing a stray curl from his forehead.
“Remember, Axel, even if we don’t get to meet him, we’re going to have a great time watching uncle George and uncle Alex race,” she reminded him gently.
But luck seemed to be on their side today. After a few moments, Fernando Alonso himself walked over, a broad smile on his face. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. Here he was, the man she’d watched on TV for years, now standing right in front of them.
“Hello there, little man,” Fernando said, his voice warm and friendly as he crouched down to Axel’s level. “I hear you’re a big fan.”
Axel’s eyes widened in pure delight, “Nando, I’m Axel!”
“Nice to meet you, Axel,” Fernando replied, shaking his tiny hand. Then he looked up at Y/N, his eyes twinkling. “And you must be George’s sister, YN, i’m Fernando, i’ve heard a lot about you from everyone.”
“Y-yes, I’m Y/N,” she stammered, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks. “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet us.”
Fernando smiled warmly. “It’s my pleasure. Would you like to see the car up close, Axel?”
Axel’s face lit up with excitement, and Fernando led them to the car. Y/N watched, her heart swelling with gratitude and admiration, as Fernando lifted Axel and carefully placed him in the cockpit. Axel’s giggles of delight were like music to her ears.
As Axel explored the buttons and steering wheel with wide-eyed wonder, Fernando turned to Y/N. “He’s a great kid. You must be very proud.”
“I am,” she said softly, watching her son with love. “This means the world to him. And to me.”
Y/N couldn’t believe how lovely and down-to-earth Fernando was. She found herself completely starstruck, not just by his talent but by his kindness. Y/N had met many racers through her years of watching her brother race, but today was the first time meeting Fernando, and he was so unlike the rest.
After a few minutes, Fernando gently lifted Axel out of the car and handed him back to Y/N. “Good luck charm,” he said with a wink. “I’ll race even faster today knowing Axel is cheering me on. And maybe i’ll win if i have the luck of getting your number?” He said, as Y/N laughed at the cheesiness of his pickup line.
“Do you use that with every woman that comes into the garage?” YN joked, not thinking he was serious, but from the look on his face, she could tell he wasn’t making a joke of her. “Never,” he smiled slightly, as Y/N swallowed.
Y/N hadn’t dated since becoming pregnant with her son, and she hadn’t thought she would date again. Raising a child was hard, and it was harder when there were other people involved, so she hadn’t gone on dates, given her number out, she had focused on Axel.
“You want my number?” y/n asked, dumbfounded, not quite understanding what she was hearing. Fernando gave a chuckle at the look on your face.
“Of course, who wouldn’t from a beautiful woman like yourself?”
YN became flustered as she struggled to get her phone out of her back pocket, not fully understanding how she had gone from visiting her son’s favourite driver to him asking her for her number.
Exchanging numbers, Axel stayed by Fernando’s side practically holding onto the drivers leg for dear life. Y/N apologised, reaching to grab her son and place him on her hip, but Fernando waved her off, reaching for Axel instead, giving him a hug goodbye before he went off to race.
“What do you say if I do well today, I take you and your mummy out for food sometime?” Fernando asked Axel, looking at Y/N out of the corner of his eye. Axel’s mouth fell open, he was young, but he knew that Fernando meant spending more time together, and for that he gave a squeal, wanting to spend more time with ‘Nando.
“I guess you’ll have to do well today then,” Y/N smiled, as Fernando smiled back at her.
“I guess I will.”
━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
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Liked by YNRussell, F1, LanceStroll & 979,567 others
FernandoAlonso: Good ending to the race and a few new visitors to the garage, thank you to my new good luck charms who came and saw me today!
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YNRussell: Thank you for having us, you made Axel’s day! Can’t wait to come and see you race again soon!
FernandoAlonso: bring him back to the next race, I need my good luck charms around
GeorgeRussell: Axel, you traitor. But also, WHAT IS HAPPENING?? This is where @/YN was the whole race?
Username5: George is all of us rn
LandoNorris: He’s still got it with the ladies, smooth Nando
AlexAlbon: King Axel👑
Username6: are they dating?? what is happening?
Username7: isn’t he a bit old for her?
Username8: she’s literally 29 with a child, i’m pretty sure she’s capable of making her own decisions
Username9: NEW F1 COUPLE??
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cntloup · 3 months
Love Is Not Enough
18+ MDNI Fem!Reader angst, smut, sex against the wall
Part 1 | Part 2
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“Simon, dinner is ready.” you call out, voice flat and emotionless, knowing full well that the food is going to get cold and possibly thrown away. He's been in his office for hours, every day for the past few weeks. But the faltering of your relationship started long before that. He's been getting longer deployments, also more responsibilities in the office and leaving you wondering where he is, worried about his health and afraid for his life. You’ve been feeling your connection fade away, the strings which strongly bound you together, sever, wondering if this is it. You haven’t had a proper conversation for a while, let alone being intimate.  
You miss him. Truly and utterly miss him. You miss the man you married. The man who thought the world of you and would look at you as though you hung the moon and stars in the sky. The man who would touch you with feather-like brushes against your delicate skin and tenderly make love to you, worship you as a goddess. You shattered his walls brick by brick, peeled off his mask layer by layer, until you reached the man inside. He let himself be vulnerable in your presence because you made him feel safe. You kissed his scars and loved him fiercely, no matter how broken he was. He always wondered if you were real. You made him feel like he was dreaming.  
You feel a tingle behind your eyes and soon after, you’re sobbing as you hold the divorce papers in your hands, tears dampening the piece of paper. You hear footsteps approaching the bedroom and quickly hide the papers in your nightstand. “Dove, what’s wrong?” he asks with concern upon seeing you wiping your tears harshly with your sleeves. “N-nothing. Just work stuff. Dinner’s ready on the table. I'm going to bed.” you say coldly as you walk into the bathroom. “I wanted to talk to you. If- if that’s possible.” he utters as if you’re strangers and he has to ask for permission. “About what?” you ask, turning your head to see him leaning against the doorframe. “About us. I know we haven’t been at our best lately. And I-I miss you.” he mutters, walking closer to you. “I miss you too, Si.” you respond, tears welling up in your eyes. “I have a plan.” he says, a faint excitement glinting in his eyes. “What plan?” you ask, “I’m gonna take a vacation leave. We can go wherever you want.” he whispers, just a hair’s breadth away from your lips, "Really?!" you ask, excited but wondering if it would fix everything. "Yeah!" he replies with a grin.
“I love you.” he locks your lips together, igniting the fire between you once more as his hands find their way to your hips and he pulls you closer to him. Your arms wrap around his shoulders instinctively and his hands move lower to your thighs. You take the hint and jump, swaddling his waist with your legs as he presses your back against the wall, lips not breaking apart. He pushes your nightgown up and tears off your panties, “Sorry. I'll buy you a new pair.” he mumbles against your lips, “Don’t care.” you breathe out, attaching your lips together once again. Your hands trail along his neck and chest, lightly squeezing his pecs and moving lower, you paw at his belt, desperate to feel him inside you after such a long time. He unbuckles it quickly, desperate to feel you wrapped around him.
He takes his hard cock out of his boxers, already leaking with pre-cum and strokes it a few times before lining himself up. You both can’t help but moan at the slight contact. He pulls away to look you in the eye and you nod. He pushes the tip inside, making you feel a slight sting and you let out a high-pitched whine, “You ok, love?” he asks worriedly, “Yeah. You can go on.” you breathe and he obliges, pushing further and further until you’re fully stuffed with his fat cock, walls stretched out so wide, making you squeeze your eyes shut as a low moan escapes your lips and he groans in your ear, head buried in your neck. “Still fine?” he asks once again, “Yeah. Hurts a little. It's been a while.” you chuckle, “yeah...” he breathes as he lifts his head to look at you, eyes filled with love and longing, “I missed you so fuckin’ much.” he murmurs, tears starting to roll down his cheeks, “I missed you too, Si. So fucking much.” you respond, reaching out to wipe away his tears.
He pushes his lips onto yours, kissing you with such fire, pouring all his emotions into the kiss as his hands roam your body, grasping and groping forcefully, desperately, leaving a trail of flame in their wake, his touch awakening the passion that was once present but gradually died out. He starts to slowly pull out and slide in again, making you whimper at the familiar, sweet drag of his thick cock along your sensitive walls. “Fuck! You feel so good inside me, Si!” you moan. “Yeah? Feels good when I stretch your sweet little pussy on my cock?” he grunts, voice thick with lust. You hum and gasp as he thrusts into you again, this time harder.
“Tell me if I'm hurting you.” he mutters and you nod. His hands travel to the plush of your ass, grasping the soft flesh and bouncing you up and down his fat cock, your body pressed between his and the wall behind you. He continues thrusting up into your tight hole, dragging out breathy mewls and whimpers from your lips as his soft pants and quiet grunts reach your ears. The sound of slick and the squelching of your soaked pussy mixed with both your moans and grunts echo through the room.
“So... fuckin’... tight... f’me... ahhh!” he growls, his palms digging into your flesh of your thighs, needing to hold onto something to ground himself. You babble and cry, driving your fingers deeper into his shoulders from the all-consuming pleasure, mind lost in a haze as he rams his thick veiny cock into your wet needy cunt. The muscles of your warm walls start to tense up and a deep groan leaves his mouth, “Come on... cum for me, sweet girl.” he breathes as his thrusts get harsher and sloppier.
You reach your orgasm with a loud sob of his name and your head collapses on his shoulder as he fills you up with his thick warm cum, a low growl tumbling from his mouth. He rides you through your high and you whine from overstimulation, but it feels too good to stop.  
He eventually halts his movements and pulls out while placing a sweet kiss on your lips and you both whimper at the loss. Your body is shaking and your knees wobble as soon as your feet touch the ground, but he quickly catches you, lifts you up bridal style and carries you to bed. He grabs some wet wipes and cleans you up, then lies down beside you and gently takes you in his arms. You snuggle up closer to him, resting your head on his chest, “I love you.” he whispers, kissing your temple, “Love you too, Si.” you mumble sleepily, slowly drifting off. 
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A/N: i might write a part 2 for this and make it more angsty :')
comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
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ghostlychief · 3 months
paper hearts
simon "ghost" riley x gen!reader
summary: ghost loves you, but you're tired
warnings: bittersweet angst?
“Don’t look at me like that.” Your arms are crossed over your chest and you cast your gaze downwards, your eyes locking onto your socks. They must have become the most interesting thing, because your eyes wander along the blue swirls covering your toes, trying to find anything to anchor on to, anything besides Simon.
“How am I looking at you?” His voice comes out gentle, making your chest pinch.
“Like you love me.”
Your eyes travel back up to him, and you instantly regret it. When you meet his gaze, you notice that his lips are downturned and he’s missing the usual creases by his eyes that always appear whenever he’s looking at you. Instead, his under eyes seem to have darkened.
A sigh leaves your lips. “I just don’t know anymore,”
“That’s okay.” His acquiescence tightens the pinch that rests under your heart.
You shift your weight onto your right leg. “Is it though?” You feel like you’re going in circles with him.
You give yourself the excuse that if it was raining, you would let him in. Though tonight, the sky is clear and filled with stars, and there’s not a breeze in the air, so you keep the imaginary boundary up, somewhat shielding yourself from the intangible grief that fills the air.
He takes a half step back and runs his hand through his messy hair. You figure he hasn’t been deployed in some time, since you can see the slightest of curls starting to form in his hair. His hair was always an indicator of when he was leaving, before he would set off to wherever the hell he goes when he leaves you for months on end.
“I thought you died, Simon. And then I didn’t hear from you or anyone for over two weeks. I didn’t know what to do and I couldn’t talk to anyone about it either because even I’m not supposed to know what your job is.”
You shift to your other leg. “Do you know how exhausting that is?” You refuse to let any tears fall from your waterline.
You keep going, “Every time you smile at me, I memorize it. Or when you hug me, I memorize the feeling of it. I remember each moment that I have with you because whenever you walk out that door, I have no way of knowing whether that was our last moment together and you take a piece of me with you each time you leave.”
The damn cold has made your nose runny so you let out a sniff. “I feel like I’m falling apart, Simon.” Your voice cracks and you hate yourself for it. You curl your hands tighter around your middle.
Simon brings his hand up to gently cup your elbow and he starts to say something but you hold your hand up, “I know what I got myself into, Si, I do. And I’m sorry that I’m being selfish right now.” He starts shaking his head.
“I can’t imagine what you go through during your missions; all the horrors you are privy to everyday,” You look out behind him, to the street light that keeps flickering, threatening to burn out completely. “But this is hard for me, just as I know it's hard for you.” Your eyes are back on his and they look watery.
His hand is still on your arm, the warmth seeping into your skin. When he replies, his hand softly squeezes you, “You’re the love of my life, but I’m fine with not being the love of yours.”
The pinch in your chest grows even more, and you no longer know if you can contain your tears or not. “That’s not the problem, Simon.” Your eyes flicker back to the street light; it’s still flickering ever so slightly. “I just need some time, okay?”
You take a step back, and his hand drops from you. He’s still looking at you like you held up the stars and the moon for him, but he nods, “Okay.”
Once he’s off your porch and has driven away, you look towards the lamppost, only to notice that the bulb finally burned out.
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adaelines · 1 year
Could you write smth about Ghost x reader where he goes into a rut and manhandles reader after he sees other people flirting with them 🧎
Hope everything is going okay for you!! Love your work
thank u so much!! i am. so weak for alpha si i wanna fuck him so bad!!! afab reader but genderneutral, jealous simon whos been away from you for too long, he calls you a whore but affectionately, needy and desperate jus how i like it
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Working with so many men is never easy. Working with this many alphas, every one of them confident, bold, every masculine quality amplified tenfold by their secondary gender, is even harder as an omega. The army was full of alphas trying to prove themselves, prove how strong and powerful they truly were, that they could provide for and care for any omega they wanted to.
It led to many unwanted situations. Fights over nothing, simple actions being misconstrued as meaning more, rut and heat season was hell on earth. 
Being mated to Simon 'Ghost' Riley made it easier, bearable, you never had to worry about unwanted advances or a person's hand placed somewhere that made you a bit too uncomfortable, not when Simon would quickly be there, teeth bared under his mask at whatever fool was brave enough to mess with you. 
He knew he could trust you, knew that other alphas testing the waters around you was never your fault, not when you so proudly presented yourself as entirely his, the bite on your neck something you were happy to show, always scented by him. Even when he'd been away on missions, separated from you, he never left without making sure your nest was full of him, his clothes, anything that would make the void in your chest a little smaller. The same way he kept something of yours on him at all times. You both knew it could never replace each other, but it helped in his absence. Time away was never easy, not when you both had a biological need to be close, to stick together through anything.
Simon had just returned from one of his prolonged absences, nerves short and hands twitching with the need to hold you, mark you as his after this much time apart, so when he witnessed a younger alpha attempting to charm you, someone he hadn't seen around you before, he was far from happy. 
He'd normally ward anyone off with a harsh glare, a hand on your shoulder and his large presence enough to warn anyone that you were his, that they'd be stupid to even think of trying anything, teeth bared under his mask. 
But it was different this time, he hadn't had you to himself in so long, stuck humping his fist like a dog in heat instead of burying himself inside your warmth like he wanted. He had missed you. Missed being in your company, kissing along your skin and making you beg. 
Seeing someone so close to you, no regard for who you belonged to or the fact that you were already mated, had Simon seeing red. His grip on your wrist was harsh, and when you turned around to push away whoever grabbed you, shout at them until they let you go, you immediately went weak, slack and pliant in his hold. The younger man immediately yelped at the intensity of Simon's glare, scampering away like a dog with his tail between his legs. He'd been caught toying with something that wasn't his, and Simon was more than happy to make him pay
Later. Simon couldn't bare to be apart from you, right now, wanted nothing more than to shove you against the nearest wall and make you scream for him, he wanted to abuse your cervix, wanted to leave proof of his existence all over you, wherever he could, needed to fuck you as hard and as fast and as rough as he could.
With you pliant against him, simply happy to be back in his arms, it wasn't hard for Simon to pick you up, throw you over his shoulder, and carry you back to your nest. He had to have you, as soon as he could, he wanted to be inside you and remind you who you belong to, who you were mated to. 
It wasn't hard for Simon to get you back to your nest quickly, to pin you on your shared bed below him, push his balaclava up enough to capture your lips in a scorching kiss, pressing his body down against yours, effectively pinning you below him.
It was so overwhelming. You could feel him everywhere, smell him everywhere, and when he pulled back to instead nose at your pulse point, the whine that left you was downright debauched, filthy. Filthy like you, you could imagine Simon saying, if he wasn't too busy biting into your neck, grinding his hips down to keep you in place.
Your nails digging into the back of his uniform only spurred him on further, only motivated him for more. When one of your hands moved up, gently playing with the ends of his balaclava, asking for his permission to remove the rest, he let out a low noise that you took as permission. Seeing his entire face was always a pleasure, always left your mind hazy and warm. Having such a privilege to yourself felt good, knowing just how much he trusted you to allow you to see him, all of him.
Simon pulled back, his large hands on your hips practically pulling you back to slot against where he knelt, panting on top of you. Finally having you beneath him, where you belonged, lit a fire inside of him. Perhaps it was his rut starting, or perhaps it was just how badly he needed you, but his insides felt like they were on fire, cock so hard it hurt. 
"Pretty fuckin thing below me," Simon growled, moving his hands from your hips to below your knees, manhandling them to press into your chest, practically folding you in two. "Missed you so much. Wanted you so bad, spent so many nights fuckin' my fist thinking of this…" 
Whining his name loudly, you arched into him, attempting to rub yourself against him, against anything. With the position you were in, you could feel his belt against your clit, even that was almost too much, almost painful with how much you needed more of him. 
"Desperate, huh?" Simon grinned, rolling his hips against you, leaning down so it was his chest holding your legs down against your own, "Sweet thing, don't worry… I'll fuck you so hard you'll have to stay in our nest for a while. Such a pretty thing, so desperate, needy fuckin' whore, huh?"
You could tell he meant it, tell that he would happily keep you here for as long as he could, as long as you would allow him. The idea of you entirely depending on him was almost enough to make him whine in need, he was always so desperate for you, always wanted to be by your side.
"Get ready, pup," He practically growled, the grin on his face almost a snarl. "Gonna fuck you so full…"
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Heyyyyy sorry this is my first time Requesting but can you do a earth 42 miles x reader where the reader has to go on vacation and he’s not happy.🤭🤭🤭
If not that’s ok and you can add your own little twist on it. Ty❤️❤️❤️
Yeah ofc!
A/n: keep requesting fics!!!! I’m sorry this one is so short y’all, I literally wrote it being half-awake
Warnings: possessiveness, miles being sweet, nothing else
Your parent’s had saved up enough money to go to Belize for your 16th birthday and you were ecstatic. The gorgeous views, the crystal clear oceans and the beautiful sunsets were just some of the things you were excited for, but Miles wasn’t as excited:
“You’re leaving me for 2 weeks? What am I supposed to do without you?” He questioned
“Well I guess you’ll just have to cope” you smirked
“What if some Cabrón tries to take you from me?” he said
“No Cabrón will try to take me away from you, Miles. I love you and it will always be you, okay?” You said reassuringly, touching his forehead with your own
“Si Mami, tu eres mio y solo mio” he spoke
You kissed your boyfriend on his temple and went back to packing your bags, all the while, he was lovingly admiring your movements. He decided to help you after a while and asked you some questions:
“you got your ring?"
“Yes, Miles"
“The Jordan’s I got you?” he interrogated
“Miles, it’s gonna be 95 degrees outside” You pleaded
“And?” he said
“and, I am not gonna wear them. Plus, we’re going out to dinner and Jordans aren’t exactly “dinner friendly”.” you said
“dinner friendly my ass, Mami; you’re mine and that counts for when you’re on vacation” Miles said, walking towards you
“I know Papi, I know. I’m yours even on vacation; okay?” you reassured
“okay. Let me know if you need some money or anything.” he said
“Okay, mi amor” you smiled
Sooner or later you arrived at the airport and were on your way to the terminal when you saw Miles waiting for you:
“what are you doing here?” you questioned
He pulled you in for a hug and placed a soft kiss on your lips
“I’m gonna miss you too, babe” you said with a smirk
“if something happens out there, call me.” he said
“of course, Papi. I’ll call you every night.” you spoke
And with that, you were off to your trip. It was beautiful and you got to see so many nice sights, meet new people and try new foods. It was the most fun you have had in a long time; it took your mind off of the grim, dull life of the city but you missed Miles more than anything in the universe so you decided to call.
“Miles, baby?” you asked
“Yeah, ma I’m here. You good?” he asked
“Yeah. I miss you so much. But its fun over here! I know you would love it.” you said
“Yeah well. I love wherever you are, Mami.” Miles spoke
“Awww you’re so sweet. How is it going over there?” you asked
“It’s going, that’s for sure.” he said, sarcastically
“Why? What’s wrong?” you asked
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you later” Miles said
“Oh okay!! I’ll see you in two days.” you spoke excitedly
“Okay, I love you hermosa.” He said
“I love you too! Bye.” you said as you departed
The last two days went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were home. You visited Miles before you went back to your house and he nearly jumped you when you walked in the door:
“I missed you, ma” he said in your hair
“I missed you too.” you confessed, breathing in his intoxicating scent that you missed dearly
“So did some asshole try to hit on my girl?” Miles questioned
“No baby, no. What happened while I was gone?” you questioned back
“Just some business stuff” Miles said, reassuringly
You kissed the man you loved dearly and he lifted you princess style and took you to the bed where you slept like a baby, after being home and being with the man you missed terribly.
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doimaru · 10 months
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apart of a collection ⤳ ISTJ masterlist pairing: first love!jisung x reader genre: fluff wc: 2.5k synopsis: Coming back to South Korea after so many years, you hope that things hadn't changed much. But, how much many things can stay the same? And how many people can really wait for you after 6 years? note: i was also using broken melodies as inspiration if u squint since i couldn't decide between the two at first... and yes it's cringe and corny but it was the only way i could make the idea work!!! This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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You exhaled a sigh of relief as you stepped into your parents’ car. It had been years since you’ve been in Seoul, yet everything seemed the exact same as you had left it. The airport was still busy as you remembered, and your parents' car still smelled just like lemons. Your little brother smiles cheekily at you before squealing, “How does it feel to be home, sis? I can’t wait to tell you everything you missed!” and you swear you would have cried just hearing his voice. It was different than it was 7 years ago now that he went through puberty. It wasn’t just that he went through puberty, but that you were finally hearing it in real life and not over a phone or facetime call. “It feels the same,” you say, making contact with your dad in the rear view mirror before continuing, “but everyone’s just… older?” you say hesitantly. Your family laughs at your comment before your mom sniffles quietly. “Mom? Are you crying?” you ask while putting your hand partly on her shoulder and partly on the back of her car seat while she laughs again. “It’s just that we haven’t been a full family in a long time, you know?” she says, looking back and smiling at you sweetly. You smile back as your dad grabs her hand and gives it a kiss, while mumbling “Well we’re here now, honey.”
You stood on the sidewalk in front of your house as you heard the box truck unload behind you. This moment was so familiar, as it felt like it was the summer before grade 8 all over again, when you moved to America with your dad. You sighed as you recalled how many friends you made cry that day as you looked down the road to the park where kids played. Where you once played with your friends. You stared back at your house before walking inside it after so many years.
You grinned brightly at your group of friends pulling up to your house on their bright, multi-colored scooters. “_____! What’s with these boxes?” Jisung asked as he swatted away the empty cardboard box that was about to fall onto him. “Jisung, you haven’t heard? Our _____ is moving…” Ningning sniffles a fake tear and wipes it off. Jisung’s eyes went wide and shooed all of your friends home to “privately talk to you” (everyone knew you were crushing on each other, it was quite obvious). Not before Jake screamed “They’re going to get their braces stuck together trying to kiss!” and Ningning laughing obnoxiously while skating away. You saw Jisung’s red-tinted cheeks before you gave him a sweet smile and led him into your backyard and inside your treehouse. Jisung and you always loved staying in it until late as it was adorned with multiple fairy lights, many pillows, and the ground was lined with fluffy blankets. Jisung smiled at you sadly, before encasing his small hand over your smaller ones. “____… You won’t forget me and find a new boyfriend wherever you go, right?” he asks timidly. “I won’t, if you’ll promise to stay here until I come back from America!” you look at him fondly as his eyes shift around, anxious. He finally makes eye contact with you before saying “Pinky promise.” and locking pinkies. Jisung began to speak, “ I—” “____! Come on, we need to get ready for the airport!” your dad interrupted him, Jisung just stayed silent before you yelled back at your dad, “5 minutes!” “Jisung, say what you need to say… I have to go soon.” you said before you saw him looking down at his legs, which were criss-crossed of course. “____… I’m going to miss you…” Jisung said and you swear you felt his voice falter into a softer voice than usual. “I’ll miss you too Jisung,” you started and hugged him. “I have to go now.” you said, disappointed that this was how your relationship with him was going to end. “I’ll tell my mom to call you often so we can talk! And don’t worry, I’ll find my way back to you.” you said before letting go of him, and you walked to the ladder. Jisung quickly trailed after you as he yelled your name. You turned around, looking at him confused about why he was pulling you closer before you felt it.
You felt his puckered lips meeting your slightly agape ones. 
You gasped into his mouth and accidentally inhaled his breath, making him pull away and cough multiple times. He gave you a wonky smile before you reciprocated, speeding down the ladder before smiling even wider. 
Your first kiss.
Walking into your house, you saw all of the photos of you hung up alongside the photos of your brother and family. You sat down at the couch before you looked around. You are right, nothing has changed in your house. There was no new furniture, not a single missing picture frame of you and your old friends. You grabbed one of Jisung, Sara, and you at the fair. You look lovingly at the photo, remembering this day clearer than any day in your childhood. 
“Mom, I want that!” you screamed as you pointed at the beige and white hamster plush. The fair worker gently smiled at you before informing your mom that one play was $2. Your mom hurriedly shuffled around in her purse before pulling out six $1 bills, politely handing them to the fair worker. “Kids, go play!” she urged Jisung, Sara, and you to the stand. “This is going to be hard to win…” Sara mumbled before throwing the ball at the stack of empty bottles. In the end, your mom lost $12 dollars and you lost your dignity. None of you could even knock down three bottles, let alone six. You sulked towards the pirate ship before Jisung stopped in front of the line. “What’s wrong Jisung?” your mom asked as Sara and you both stopped walking, turning to face them. “I-I don’t want to go on this ride…” he mumbled before looking down, shamefully. “It’s okay! you girls go together, alright? I’ll stay here with Jisung.” your mom ushered you and Sara to go on the ride. Before you could protest, Sara pulled you by your linked hands white shouting “Come on!”
While on the ride, you looked everywhere for your mom and Jisung. You couldn’t find them at all, twisting your head in all sorts of ways before the ride stopped. Everyone rushed off the ride as you were still looking for your mom and Jisung. You heard Jisung yell your name before you snapped your head in the direction of his voice. You turned giddy as you felt Jisung wrap your hand around the soft, fluffy fur of the stuffed animal.
It was the hamster stuffed animal you wanted.
You squealed and hugged him as he laughed, saying into your ear “I got it for you!”As you pulled away you looked at him adoringly, and for the first time he felt shy under your gaze. You thanked him and looked at the plush again, then him. 
It was the first day you started crushing on Jisung. 
As you were about to walk up the stairs to your room, your mom called you. “____! Could you go to the store and pick up something, please? I forgot to go grocery shopping before picking you up from the airport.” Your mom spoke from downstairs, and you could smell the scent of braised meat rushing out of the kitchen as you walked towards the door. “Text me what you want!” you said before leaving the house. 
You breathed in the cool, moist air of the grocery store before grabbing a red cart and opening your phone to see the grocery list and $50 of apple pay your mom sent you.
Eggs Milk Cereal (Anything your brother and you like) Salt Crackers You can get anything else you want with the extra. Love you!
You smiled at her text before looking for the items she requested. You placed the dark green box of Club Crackers into the cart as you wheeled it to the cereal section. You tried to remember what cereal your brother liked… Was it Frosted Flakes? Or Cheerios? 
Scanning the isle, you took a lucky guess and looked for Frosted Flakes. You went to reach for them on the third shelf, but there was a problem. 
You weren’t tall enough.
You sighed as you looked around for an employee to help you, but you couldn’t see any employees anywhere. Did all the employees really have to be busy right now? You just saw three on your way to the cereal section!
You looked around once more before accepting that you couldn’t see anyone that could assist you, before trying to reach for the box of sugary cereal once more. You were on your tippy toes, fingers nearly gazing at the cereal box before the scent of vanilla and coconut lingered around you. 
It smelled just like the eau de toilette you got Jisung for his 14th birthday. 
The person grabbed the box for you before you turned around, pushing the box into your hands. 
For a moment, you thought he was Jisung. But the thought quickly vanished as you blinked and the picture of Jisung smiling at you was replaced with the face of a complete stranger.
“Thanks…!” you mumbled quickly before rushing off to your cart before he could say anything to you.
You sat on your pink, pretty princess bed as you opened boxes to put your belongings away. Your room is still as cute and glittery as you remember, the years of love (stickers and drawings) shown on the walls around you. You gazed at the photos on the wall and laughed at the picture of Jisung and you with flower crowns in the park next to your house, where you both met.
You were on the grass, picking flowers as a shadow blocked your sight from picking a white flower. You quickly looked behind you before you saw a small boy’s big, anxious eyes gazing at you. “I—... Wow, you’re beautiful!” his little voice said before you laughed at him. His face lightened up as you invited him to pick flowers with you. Every time you went to talk to him, his eyes still peered at you lovingly, in adoration. It made you just as nervous as him.
 As you opened the last box labeled “miscellaneous”, you found your old flip phone. Your parents didn’t trust you enough with a smartphone, so instead they gave it as a farewell gift to keep in touch with your friends. It was fun, but short lived as you could only keep contact for so long. You kept reminiscing until you heard a group of people talking and laughing outside your window. Turning around to open your curtains, you saw a group of people around your age outside Jisung’s house. 
Soon, you saw Jisung exiting his house. A girl wrapping her arm around his shoulder, her face scrunched up into a happy grin. 
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at someone who was once so present in your childhood. 
Did he contradict what he asked of you before you left and found a new girlfriend? I mean you never really broke up and you couldn’t expect him to wait for you forever.
You chewed at your nails as you watched the group sit on his lawn, the girl’s arm still around him before her fingers entangled in Jisung’s now-dyed dark blue hair. You stare a bit more at her chipped, white nails before you abruptly shut your curtains closed.
Is it wrong to still be in love with someone you knew in the past?
It kept you up all night. What if he saw you? What if he's not the same person he was before? What if he doesn’t remember you? Similar questions swirled around in your head as you looked at the pictures of you and your childhood friends plastered on your bulletin board. Hopefully, you’ll figure out all the answers to your questions. And hopefully they’re all the answers you want to hear.
You groaned as you woke up to the sound of your younger brother running into your room. “Hello~! Get up! Let’s go get ice cream!” Your brother yelled, jumping on you. “Hey, hey! Okay. I’m up… It’s too early for ice cream!” you scolded him as you stood up, the hamster plush Jisung gave you falling off of your bed along with your pink blanket. 
You were about to speak until you heard your door ring. “Where’s mom and dad..?” you rest your hands on your hip before your brother tells you about the “overdue date” they’re on, and that you have to take care of your brother while you’re away. You exhale as the doorbell rings again. “Go make your bed,” you say as you peek into his room, seeing his bed sheets messy and pillows everywhere. “We can go eat breakfast after and get ice cream.” you tell him as you race down the stairs. The doorbell rings once again, followed by aggressive pounding before you whine out a loud “I’m coming! Geez…”
Opening the door you freeze as you see who it is. Jisung mimicked the look on your face (of shock, by the way) as he saw you, his eyes lit up. 
As you both stand still by the door, you look at the contents of the plate he was holding.
M&M brownies, your brother's favorite.
You look up at him and open your mouth to say something, except nothing comes out. You gaze at his face harder, noticing how he’s aged over the years. He no longer had his blue braces and his hair grew out into a mullet. His face was no longer the gentle, cute one you remember, now it was sharp and chiseled. He was now the tallest boy at school, instead of the shortest. One thing that never changed about him however, was the tint of softness in his eyes. He always looked at and treated you like you were made of porcelain ever since you were both kids. Also, he still smelled like vanilla and coconut. 
“Jisung?” you muttered quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. His face slowly bloomed into a smile, the same smile you remember. 
“Hi..!” He whispered, his voice now deep and rich. You smiled back at him, feeling the homesick feeling finally fading as you took the plate from his hands and led him inside. You listened as he excitedly talked to you. Every time you looked at him, your stomach churned with each word he said all over again.
Because he still looked at you like you just met.
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ellissay-morningstar · 6 months
DWC November 2023, Day 2,Success/Sin
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Ellissay looked at the bottom of the once more empty glass. She wasn't drunk, but she could feel the effects of the alcohol as it made its way through her system. She rocked the glass back and forth in her hand as if more drink would magically appear if she stared at it long enough.
Finally, she sat the glass down and waved to the bartender, who raised an eyebrow at her, a woman drinking alone on a weeknight. But she didn't owe him or anyone else an explanation. It wasn't like she would pour out her soul to some random stranger who could probably care less.
Despite his seeming trepidation, the man made his way over and poured her more of the snowplum brandy. She swirled the liquid in the glass a few times, watching it spin, which ultimately made her a bit light-headed. Finally, she swallowed the brandy and sat the glass down before turning on her barstool to take in her surroundings.
Not much in the way of a crowd tonight. After all, it was a Monday evening, and most were probably home with their loved ones. She smirked to herself. She would be home, too, if she had a home. Instead, here she was at some dive working a case cause she had to somehow put food on the table and pay the rent for wherever her next job took her.
She heard the scrape of the door opening, and her eyes flickered to the guy who had walked into the room. She didn't have to be told that this was her target. Curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that wouldn't quit had been the description she had been given. They weren't lying. He swaggered in like he owned the place because, from her understanding, he did.
Also, from her understanding, he was using the joint as a front for something nefarious. If her intel was on point. He had become infamous in underground circles known as the heartbreaker. Though he seemed good at keeping his head down and hands clean. SI:7 hadn't found a stitch of evidence on him or his operation in the months they had been tracking him. The only reason she had put two and two together was that she knew a guy who knew a guy. But isn't that how it always goes? And hellfire, she could always be wrong.
She slips off the barstool, moves forward as if she doesn't see the man, and bumps straight into him. He seems for a moment that he will yell at her until his eyes graze over her features, and she sees them soften. "You alright?" he says instead of whatever harsh words had almost come out of his mouth.
Pretending to have slipped, she had grabbed his wrist, her nails biting into the skin, though he seemed not to notice. Ellissay pulled back, and for a moment, his eyes caught hers, and damn it, but she felt herself stare back. Immediately, she broke the stare, genuine heat coming to her cheeks. "My apologies. I should watch where I am going or perhaps have a little less to drink on an empty stomach." She lets herself chuckle slightly.
She straightens herself up, and her hands slip from his wrist, and his lips curl into a grin as if she were a canary and he was a cat. She might have enjoyed the attention any other time, but not tonight. Tonight, she had business to take care of. She composed herself and once more apologized, trying her best to play coy, which, truth be told, wasn't her strong suit. Thankfully, he seemed to be in a hurry and didn't seem to notice.
She realizes he is speaking to her. "You sure you are okay, miss? Can I call a taxi service for you?" Ellissay shakes her head and tells the man it won't be necessary, and he nods and bids her good evening. He is gone, disappearing down the stairs. Which is just as well. The poison from her nails would take hold in about five to ten minutes. The plan was to ensure he was in his office when it took effect and passed out.
She turns toward the bartender and feigns a bit of embarrassment. "Your restroom, please." He points downstairs and to the left. And just like that, she has a reason for going downstairs.
She makes her way down into the dimly lit hallway, but instead of turning left, she makes her way right, following a sliver of light shining from beneath a closed door. She takes a deep breath, calculates how much time has passed doing the mental math, and takes several deep breaths before she pushes the door open, hoping it is the right room.
And there he is, passed out in the big chair behind a rather large desk covered in papers. Ellissay rushes over to the desk and scans the documents. She wouldn't have much time. Either he would wake, or the bartender would get suspicious if she didn't return. She pulls a small camera from a bag at her side and starts taking picture after picture. She would have to review the documents later to see if any were useful.
He stirred, and she knew she was running out of time. For a moment, she feels guilty about drugging a man who may or may not be innocent of any wrongdoing. But she had at least succeeded in tonight's plan. Perhaps tonight would prove him innocent, or maybe it would condemn him of the sins he had committed. Either way, her job was done.
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squeamishnerd · 19 days
The Original Ahriman
Chapter 15: Echoes of the Past, Part 5
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Present day
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Ethren: That sounded like it went really badly.
Ahriman: Yeah.
Ethren: It's been a while since you two shouted at each other.
Ahriman: Didn't really have the "chance" when she never visited me at uni.
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Ahriman: I'm gonna leave The Realm.
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Ethren: Oh, okay.
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Ahriman: I'm just so tired of this place. I'll stay in Glimmerbrook, so you can find me there if you-
Bella: I heard you created a permanent duplicate.
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Ahriman: And what does that have to do with you? Leave me alone.
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Ahriman: If you're gonna sit here, at least don't sit right next to me.
Bella: I can sit wherever I want, and I decided that the middle of the sofa is most suitable for me.
Ahriman: I'd prefer if you didn't sit on the sofa at all.
Bella: Don't be so selfish.
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Bella: Anyway, I heard that you sent her, you're duplicate, to a parallel universe.
Ahriman: "Them". Or "him", but I know that you couldn't have known the latter option.
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Bella: Wait, what?
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Ahriman: I stole your idea of combining Duplicato with Morphiate.
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Bella: Seems like a really bad idea to go that route with a permanent duplicate, especially since you sent them to a parallel universe where magic might not work.
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Bella: What if they're stuck like that forever?
Ahriman: "Stuck like that"?
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Bella: You're not really a child doing pranks anymore.
Ethren: Bella…
Ahriman: Are you for real!? It wasn't a stupid prank!
Bella: But you haven't used Morphiate since-
Ahriman: It doesn't matter! And you don't even know if I have!
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Bella: Okay, sorry for not knowing, but see it as payback for you saying that you forgot that I'm into in women.
Ahriman: Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but guess why I did.
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Bella: Because you're mean and you wanted to hurt my feelings.
Ahriman: Because after that time when you kicked me out of your house, I tried to explain the misunderstanding, time and time again, but you didn't want to understand. So maybe you deserve it. At least a little.
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Bella: But that's not the same.
Ahriman: Yeah, you're right, it's not the same, because one thing is about me and the other thing is about you. Perfect Bella, born sim but turned spellcaster, because everyone loves you. It has gotten to your head.
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Bella: But can't you understand? You hurt my feelings back then.
Ahriman: And you are hurting my feelings right now. I understand perfectly, you don't even want to try.
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Ahriman: I'm so done with you.
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Ethren: Bella. I know that you two hate each other, but that was really unnecessary.
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Bella: But it seemed mean to send a Morphiated Permanent Duplicate to a parallel universe. I didn't kno-
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Morgyn: Maybe you could've just not made assumptions?
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Bella: I just showed concern. I wouldn't have wanted to be stuck in a body I don't want to have.
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Morgyn: You're completely missing the point: You are not Ahriman.
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Ethren: Ahriman knows themself well. They wouldn't have combined Permanent Duplicato with Morphiate otherwise.
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Ethren: Plus, the duplicate is Ahriman too. They're another entity and they'll both change over time, but they have the same memories up to the point of the duplication. And technically, the original and the duplicate both created the duplicate. They didn't create another person.
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Bella: Morgyn, why do you act as if you know Ahriman? Have you even talked with her?
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Morgyn: Not really, they always prank me so I've been avoiding them, but it doesn't seem like you know them that well either.
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Morgyn: But maybe you've got a point, I should try talking with them some time.
Bella: That wasn't what I was trying to-
Ethren: Sounds like a great idea, Morgyn.
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Author's note: I like to imagine that Simlish doesn't have any gendered pronouns (it doesn't seem to have), and this is just like a localised translation from Simlish to English, so they use some other gendered expressions here, something that would make sense in Simlish. Also, to clarify, Ahriman is referred to with female or gender-neutral words when they're in their female form, and male or gender-neutral words when they're in their male form. Some sims use the gendered words when referring to Ahriman, others don't.
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geminixevans-stan · 2 years
Oooh hiiiii! It’s me, your darling sis wife with my what if prompt for my favorite mans…pornstar!Ari 😈🙃
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What if…Ari decides to make a secret hot ass vid for the reader and uploads it to his site…and when reader watches it she’s like 🤯🥵🫢 Maybe he does or says something to clue the reader in that it’s specifically for her…but yeah…
OH!! But maybe it should involve…pillow humping…
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Well, well, well...... I hope you enjoy this menace sis wife
Pairing: Retired!Pornstar Ari Levinson x Female Reader
Words: 1.2k+
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit language, explicit content, Masturbation (M), use of sex toy, pillow humping
From Solve The Riddle Au
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It was like any other Saturday at your home… quiet. Not that you made any complaints. You liked having the house to yourself as much as you did. No one to bother you or having to see anyone was a perfect day to you. 
That is until Ari Levinson came and turned your entire world upside down. Now your Saturdays were filled with wherever he took you, even if it was just to have you all to himself at this place. 
But on this Saturday, you had to be away from him for only a weekend. It was torture to not have him around but he assured you he would be on your doorstep no later than Sunday morning. 
Ari always kept his promises…
As you mindlessly scroll through your Netflix selection, finding anything that would catch your eye, you hear a familiar notification that you haven’t heard in months.
A.L. has uploaded a new video
Well, that can’t be right… Ari hadn’t touched his camera since you two started dating. So there had to be some kind of mistake. 
You click a new tab and you take yourself to the website where all of this started. Making a quick click to his profile, What you see is no mistake at all. You knew that naked body well. 
There wasn’t any part of Ari that you didn’t explore and he welcomed you to every piece of him. 
The thumbnail itself, causes warmth to bloom in your core. A bed, some stacked pillows, and all 6’5 of Ari with his knees pressed into the mattress. 
Without hesitation, you click the video title, “My sweet Succubus.” The title caught your eye because, after a month of getting your fill of Ari, you couldn’t get enough of him. 
No matter where you two were, you managed to drain him whenever you felt like having him and that was all. The. Time. 
Ari loved every minute of it which caused him to call you his succubus. Whatever you wanted, he would give you. No matter how tired he was. 
The start of the video was nothing short of sinful. Ari wasted no time letting you hear his voice filled with unbridled lust. 
“Had to show you just how much I missed you sweethaht,” he groaned, squeezing some lube on his bobbing thick cock and grabbing the fleshlight that you had just tortured him with the other week. 
He presses the tube to the fleshlight opening, squeezing some of the clear fluid in before dropping it on the bed.
You sit up in bed, bringing your knees to your chest as you watch the man — your man, slide the silicone pussy over his cock. 
Ari let out a strained groan, letting his cock hit the back of the toy. In one swift motion, he lays the fleshlight on the stacked pillows and leans down just as if he was on top of you. 
A shuddered breath escapes your lips, remember all the times you were under him. The ways he made you scream up in pure ecstasy with every drag of his cock deep inside of you caused slick to seep through your panties. 
With the right position, Ari draws his hips back slowly, surging forward to the hilt. He humps the pillow slowly, moans escaping from his lips. 
“Been thinking about you sweethaht,” he grunts, snapping his hips again, “S’ all I been wanting is that pretty pussy wrapped around me.” 
That’s all you’ve been thinking about too, feeling him pounding you in the mattress like only he can and bringing you to a pure bliss only to fuck you over the edge of it. 
You can hear the desperation in his voice as he grips the pillow, moving his hips faster as his breaths become quicker. 
As the room fills with his voice, you lay back, pushing your hand past the waistband of your shorts and cupping your wet mound in one hand. You suck in a breath, splaying yourself open, sliding your fingers over your slippery slit. 
Just as you’re about to get yourself off with Ari, you hear that familiar chuckle from the screen. Though his body is still fucking the pocket pussy like it was your own, Ari still had something to say. 
“Take your hands from my pussy sweethaht,” you let out a gasp, not even knowing how he knew, “Hold off for me yeah?” a whimper coming from his lips as he grinds deeper into the mattress. 
But you didn’t want to. Not when he was looking this good. Perfect ass lifting in the air as he fucks the toy that he states is no substitute for you. It gets the job done but you got it beat by a long shot sweethaht. 
With a frustrated huff, you take your hands away, wanting nothing more than to get off with Ari at the same time. 
You look at the screen, Ari’s body covered in sweat as he grips the pillow tighter, his strokes becoming sloppier. 
Curses fly out his mouth, his hips snapping harder and harder. You knew what was to come too well and… 
“Fuckfuck sweethaht, m’ gonna ruin you when I get home.”
He sounded so good, you had to clench your thighs closed to not dive back into your shorts. 
“M’ so sorry to what I’m gonna do to my pussy. Daddy needs her. Isn’t that write princess?” your hole clenches and drips in agreement, making you rubbing your clit against the inseam to relieve some tension. 
You didn’t know how long you were gonna last and you knew that Ari could last a long time. But as you pay closer attention, his strokes become sloppier and his moans get louder. 
He has a white-knuckled grip on the pillow, his head thrown back as he goes into overdrive. 
“Ah fuck… ah fuck.. Sweethaht. I can’t hold it fahkkkk. S’ all for you baby fahk!” with two more snaps, Ari paints the toy with his seed, not letting up until he's completely spent.
The breath that you were holding in is let out the minute Ari lets go and you were amazed at how you even survived. 
The video doesn’t end… Ari sits up, his face nowhere in the camera frame. He slides the toy slowly from his cock, letting his load drip out. 
You let out a broken moan, wish you could taste every single drop. All the things you wish you could do with the seed dribbling out. 
Before you could let your imagination go wild, the video ends and your doorbell rings. You roll your eyes, getting out of bed and stomping out of your room and to the front door. 
Whoever it is better have a good reason…
With a turn of the knob, you pull open the door to see the man who was the cause of all your arousal right now. 
Ari was here in the flesh and looking as delicious as ever with that knowing smirk on his face, “Hi sweethaht… missed me?”
You wasted no time, crashing your lips to his, dragging him into the house, and slamming the door shut. 
Ari lifts you up with ease, chuckling against your lips as he takes you further in the house. 
He doesn’t take you too far, setting you down and bending you quickly over the sofa and ripping your shorts off. 
You hear the familiar clink of his belt as he pushes his pants and boxers down, feeling him line up with your dripping slit. 
“Time to make good on my word baby,” that was the last thing you heard before splitting you in two..
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comfortbuddie · 11 months
Worst Day Ever
Title: Dear Maddie
Summary: Buck’s unsent letter after Worst Day Ever (for @911hiatus)
a/n: mentions of canonical minor character deaths from the episode
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Dear Maddie,
Had one of my first major calls today. It’s weird working with just Cap and Hen while Chimney’s out. Especially with this one. It was awful. A plane crashed into the ocean. We saved as many people as we could. Might have made national news. It was rough and there were losses. I just hope wherever they are that they aren’t hurting anymore. There’s so much more I could tell you but for now, just know I love you. I’ll always love you, sis. No matter what. Maybe we can talk soon, yeah? I really miss hearing your voice.
Love, Evan
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
HIIII JUNKO HERE TO WISH MY TWIN, MUKURO, A HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS DECEMBER THE 24TH!!! I know some of you may not be happy to hear that from me, though personally my canons are all pretty canon divergent, and I only ever shift into non-mastermind or non-despair Junko shifts now that my mental health is better (it's been a few years of this, now). I do acknowledge that in some of my canons I definitely hurt Mukuro, which I feel very bad about now, but I don't want to weigh this ask down with regrets, so I won't dwell on that. Instead! I want to express my love and pride for all the Mukuro's out there!!! You're doing amazing!!! I'm so glad you've survived another year!!! Happy birthday, sis!!! Your existence is a gift and I hope you don't let anyone (including me/other mes) make you feel otherwise.
For that matter, I want to extend my Christmas well wishes to any Mukuro's who celebrate it, as well as any Yasuke's, Makoto's, Mikan's, or Monaka's! Yasuke, I still remember celebrating this time with you and your mom, and I will always look upon those memories fondly—you will always be my best friend in my heart, my childhood sweetheart, even long after we've parted, and I really wish you the best. Makoto, you made my sister happy, and I will always be grateful for that, too—you're a good dude, and in a lot of my canons, you gave me a chance even when I maybe didn't deserve it, and I'm grateful for that as well. Mikan, my sweet little orange, what can I even say? You're the light of my life, my love, and I miss you everyday. I love you, beloved, and I hope you never, ever doubt that you are loved, wherever you are. I hope you are doing well, that you have a loving family that you're celebrating with, this time. Just the thought of you keeps me going, love, and I can only prey I'm a similar source of strength for you, too. And Monaka, my dear little sister, it is not your birthday, but I hope you also know your existence is a gift, no matter what the neigh sayers might say, and that your big sister misses you, too. I hope you, as well, have found better luck with your family in this life than your last. I love you, little sis.
Merry Christmas to any other DR kins out there, too! There was so many more I could mention - the Imposter, Ryota, Chisa who was like a mother to me, Nagito, Chiaki when she existed in my canons, the other WOH, who while I wasn't as close to as Monaka, I did love dearly, and so many others, but I'll leave it at that for now. Even if I didn't mention you, please know I hold you in my heart even now.
- Junko Enoshima <3
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punisheye · 1 year
👀 + Do you love someone? Do you miss someone?
The silence that falls is almost suffocating. He feels his metaphorical hackles raise, and even the burn of smoke from his cigarette can't chase away the frustration, the regret, the guilt, the self-loathing. All these things piling up, and up, so much so that it doesn't matter if he loves someone. Because he doesn't deserve to love someone or be loved in return.
But he does love someone.
It makes him feel equal parts comfort and dread. It's something he thinks he's going to take with him to the grave and beyond, because he doesn't know how to say those words, doesn't know the right way, doesn't know if it's worth it. It's the last little gap between them. A man who makes him want to be better. A man who wholeheartedly believes he can be better.
Even though they butt heads like stubborn old goats all the time.
He can't bring himself to take the first step to bridge that gap.
There are so many memories of falling asleep together in cramped motel rooms when money was short; of drunken nights, those big blue cow eyes half-lidded and drowsy, gangly arms looped around Wolfwood's shoulders to try to pull him into one last clumsy do-si-do in the middle of the saloon like he doesn't look ready to fall asleep on his feet at any moment. That stupid blonde-haired bastard always rushing to someone's aid, even if he's chased away by blazing guns moments later. And Wolfwood always goes with him. Wherever the man goes, Wolfwood follows. Not even because it's something he was tasked with at this point. It's because he wants to.
He wants him to be safe.
Wolfwood thinks, for the first time, maybe he's capable of changing.
Because he...
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"If I did love someone, it don't matter. I got shit to do."
Dodging the question. That's already enough of an admission.
Do you miss someone?
So many different soft, young faces, all looking at him with wide, adoring eyes. Little voices calling him big brother and small hands grabbing his own. They wouldn't recognize him if they saw him now. It's for the best they don't see what he's become, that they never have to see the blood on his hands.
Home is so far away.
If they knew, would he have ever been allowed to leave in the first place?
"I miss home," he manages to admit, and doesn't elaborate further.
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R. Bloem
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"Bloemen verwelken... en schepen vergaan..."
Name: R. Bloem Pronouns: she/her :) age: 28 forverer but a 100 something in total Nationality: Dutch (she's mixed race tho) Species: Vampire (VTM) Clan: Toreador, Volgirre Sect: Second Inquisition Location: Changes A LOT as shes stationed at different bases Personality: Kindhearted bootlicker :( Partner: @rural-panoptes (not public knowledge tho) Sire: Miss Valerie who is luckily DEAD. Notes: Bloem is not a good person! she is incredibly kind hearted and general speaking hates violence and the pain and suffering of others. she is also volgirre and sometimes that shows. she is loyal to the second inquisition first and foremost. she IS a hunter. she is also OP and a mass diablerist... her kill count is HIGH.
There are no specific rules for interacting with my blog! Just dont be fucking racist or a terf etc cuz ill feed your kidneys to the dogs :)
THINGS ARENT TAGGED SO BE WARNED OF GORE BLOOD AND ALIKE! you can of course ask me to tag certain things I will appologize because I may very well forget orz plz do remind me. Bugs are tagged simply under #bug :3 be safe yall
More rambles under the cut off
first of all Hi! Im birdy, 24 years old, a black trans animator from the netherlands. I do da drawing and da makin of da gaymes. I stream on twitch you are always free to reach out to me here in DM's or else on discord The-Nerdy-Birdy#0918 <- JUST BE AWARE I was terrible social anxiety and I may be slow to respond THAT'S NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU PLEASE KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU Im just silly :3 and have my moments. I promise ya tho I love to talk and ramble.
now with that out of the way
Bloem is my babygirl I love her dearly. she comes from a very strict and religious household circa 1910-20 her father and mother were incredibly abusive towards her. its where she learned to be so obedient. or atleast where it started. her friends tried to pull her outta it but it didnt work.
she studied to be a nurse in rotterdam and worked there for a bit in the hospital until the war reached the netherlands and rotterdam got bombed. she then started working wherever med care was needed which included in the field and house visits for people in hiding.
mid hunger winter of 1945 is when Valerie her sire snatched her up for embrace. it was not pretty and the amount screaming bloem did ruined her vocal chords forever. Valerie then blood bonded her and basically made her work in her "club". Valerie was unkind and bloem doesnt like to talk about it much.
after about 20 years of service to valerie the dutch SI named LIGHTHOUSE busted down the club killing vallerie in the process. its how Bloem ended up with the SI still shaken from the snapping of the bond but also so so so thankful to be freed.
ever since shes been working with the SI. being their honeypot as well as heavy fire in battles. though she hunts smaller targets as she primarily lives of vitae and is a bit addicted to it.
SHE WILL ALWAYS TRY AND BE KIND. AS SHE DOES NOT BELIEVE SUFFERING WILL BRING ANY GOOD IN THE WORLD BUT HER VIEWS ARE SEVERLY FUCKED UP AND HER BLOOD DOES NOT HELP WITH IT. shes smart but not great with people and walks into traps if people are just kind to her. she has such a need of authority and guidance its sad.
i hope she will get better eventually. she was... so kind. she deserved better.
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smellpelt · 2 years
For the character meme thingy how about TAOKAKA
– Overall opinion of them CATGIRL OF ALL TIME – Gender/sexuality headcanons Girl creature maybe – Favorite moment in canon Every Taokaka moment is good but I think her first time meeting Ragna is a fave Also that scene in centralfiction when she's talking with Torakaka and she realises her dream has already come true – Favorite moment in a fanwork https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5503994/1/ PLEASE READ THIS its very short but incredible – Favorite line, in canon or otherwise Tao has many good lines I dunno if I could choose one – Characters I love seeing them interact with Ragna definitely, love their dynamic Makoto and Noel are good buddies Litchi of course, with the whole teach me miss litchi too its a wonder she can be so patient with Tao Kokonoe is pretty fun too, she calls her big sis or tail lady Bang as she is his first disciple! Well maybe Tao doesn't care about that but their interactions are pretty fun, I like them in sparring in the continuum shift extend opening Jubei is another good one Her big sister Torakaka, their interactions are always cute, Tora knows the exact things to say to her as well Also not an actual interaction but I'm interested in Chacha and the other Kakas because we don't see Chacha interact with any of them – Sleeping habits headcanons One of Tao's favourite things to do is sleep. I think she would just curl up wherever is comfortable and fall asleep. Also very hard to wake up unless you trick her into thinking there's food (that one scene with Jubei in her calamity trigger story) But of course her favourite place to nap is the one patch of sunlight in the Kaka village
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:3 – Favorite locations headcanon As said above the one patch of sunlight in the Kaka village And I think if she's journeying as long as shes with a friend she's happy
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pinkestpurple · 2 years
Going through my notes i found one from april 30 of my first reaction to Orym playlist so here it is.
Disclaimer: i wasn't going to post it so is kind all over the place. Some parts are in Spanish, i will translate it. And i curse a lot but is not in the mean way.
Wish You Were Here (cover) – Jim Well Tempered
Orym has made his peace. But some nights, it’s a little harder.
Empezamos como el ojete y yo llorando, orym acepta que will ya no esta pero no siempre es facil mas en el viaje que esta
(translation: It beings very bad and i am crying, Oryms accepts that Wil is not here anymore but is not always easy, and its worse in the journey he is in)
Man on the Moon – Zella Day
Orym and Will grew up together, trained together, and served together as Tempest Blades. And of course, fell utterly and blissfully in love.
Screaming, crying, throwing up
He Did – Anaïs Mitchell
Following his footsteps.
A liam character has daddy issues what a surprise
West Coast – Imagine Dragons
Will asked, and Orym said yes.
"Spend my days cursing my soul
Wishing I could paint my scars and make me whole
Oh, I know I could be better
But my love I won't give up"
La puta madre liam o brien, tu madre seguro una santa pero vos sos un forro hijo de puta, mirame cuando te hablo
(Translation: Son of a bitch Liam O'Brien, your mother is probably a Saint but you are a piece of shit son of a bitch, look at me when i talk to you)
"I'll change my ways if you would stay
And all your tears you have cried will go away"
Small Hands – Radical Face
The Halfling has a good heart, bless him. Yes, he has lost in life, like most have. But with years of wandering and wondering under his belt, Orym still holds onto his need to do right by home, to hold others up, and shield them in the face of danger. There is a lot of joy in helping others.
I need this small bean to take a fucking break
Man on a Mission – Oh the Larceny
Years went by without any answers or resolution. Orym traveled for most of that time, a son of the wind, lending a hand wherever he was able. But when the Voice of the Tempest summoned him home and offered him new purpose, it brought a drive and clarity that Orym had been missing for a very long time.
"Sweat comin' through my shirt
Keep pushin' even though it hurts
I'm chasing what I know is true
There's nothing that I would not do
When everyone around me drops
I'm never gonna ever stop"
Me encanta, si orym es un superheroe, esta cancion es la principal de su pelicula, i love him (I love it, if Orym is a superhero this song is the big song in his movie)
Also que tan lejos es orym capaz de llegar para saber la verdad y traer justicia? Let orym go ape shit !!! (Also how far is Orym willing to go for true and justice?)
Look Up – Joy Oladokun
Traveling Tal’Dorei and beyond, the road goes on and on and on.
Aunque aveces es dificil, se sigue, buscando la felicidad donde pueda, en tus compañeros, esta canción es sobre the crown keepers y voy a morir in this hill. (Although sometimes is hard, you keep going, you seek happiness in where you can, in your companions. This song is about the crown keepers and i will die on this hill)
"You tell yourself it's raining
The clouds are in your head
You tell yourself it's better
To jump before you fall again
Before you lose it all again
Look up
Do you see the sunlight?
Look up
There's flowers in your hair"
We’re Going to be Friends – The White Stripes
There is no good explanation for the Bells Hells. They are a bunch of stray-sheep, C Team misfits. But love and friendship defy things like reason and logic, and for whatever reason, it just. feels. right. Everybody into the blanket fort.
Everybody into the blanket fort 😭😭
This is so wholesome la puta madre
No pero posta esta cancion es re positiva y si bells hells es re esta vibe de los pibes que conoces en el colegio y haces quilombo, i love them
(This song is so positive, and the Bells Hells give the vibe that they are the guys you know since high school and you use to do shit with, i love them)
I Lost a Friend – Finneas
One got away though.
"Like time worrying about every bad thing that hasn't happened yet
I know I'll be alright
But I'm not tonight
I'll be lying awake
Countin' all the mistakes I've made
Replayin' fights
I know I'll be alright
But I'm not tonight
I lost a friend, I lost a friend"
Mirame a la cara y decime que esto no es sobre Dorian
Si esto significa que Orym siente que es su culpa que Dorian se haya ido me voy a pegar un tiro
El tarado seguro piensa que si lo hubiera protegido mas, si hubiera dejado de lado su mision, si hubiera hecho un esfuerzo mas para investigar sobre cyrus esto no hubiera pasado, I'm gonna go cry
(Look at me in the face and tell me this is not about Dorian.
If this means that Orym feels like is his fault that Dorian is gone i am going to kill myself.
The dumbass possibly thinks if he could protect Dorian more, or if he coukd leave his mission, or if he could put more effort in research about Cyrus this couldn't have happen, I'm gonna go cry)
And I'll be fine without him
But all I do is write about him
Orym solo puede piensa en Dorian, a blue flower in the storm, imogen, the blue flowers in Estani front garden, Dorian tenia el hechizo thunderwave, etc
(Orym only thinks about Dorian, a blue flower in the storm, imogen turning blue, the blue flowers in Estani front garden, Dorian has the thunderwave spell)
"Like it's been a couple days
Since I slipped and said somethin' sorta like your name"
"I'd apologize
If I thought it might make a difference
Or make you listen
I'd apologize
If it was black and white, but life is different
Just try to listen to me now"
Orym y Imogen diciendo "we miss you"
Liam o brien necesito un psicologo, pagame
(Orym and Imogen saying "We miss you".
Liam O'Brien i need a therapist, pay me.)
June Hymn – The Decemberists
Druidcraft, the most powerful spell.
Sin comentarios
(Without comments)
(I was probably crying here)
Low Red Moon – Belly
What does it mean, Matthew?
"Strange moon, strange land" y si hermano estan es exandria
(Yeah, bro, you are in exandria)
"Strange man" pensas de vos que sos un chabon raro orym? Sos el mas amable y normal que se ve de todo el grupo
(You think about yourself as a strange man Orym? You are the most kind and normal in this group)
"The old raising of an old hope
Brave and tatterd" 
"Strange moon, strange land, strange...
You made me cry when I was young,
And I was young.
Now I got strong arms,"
Todos jodemos con Laudna peleando a la luna pero sabemos que will tenia algo que ver con los ataques y cuando Orym se entere le va a enseñar lo que le enseñaron in his moon jiu jitsu class. Aparte la canción de la primera playlist donde le ruega a la luna y al sol que le devuelvan a will? Orym si conoce a un dios se va a cagar a piñas and i can't wait
(We all joke about Laudna fighting the moon but we know that Will has something to do with the attackers and when Orym finds out he is going to show it what he learned in his moon jiu jitsu class.
Besides the song of the fist playlist where he beggs the moon and the sun to give back will? If Orym knows a god he is going to beat the shit out of them and i can't wait)
(Disclaimer: this was before i watch exu)
Carry on Wayward Son – Kansas
Halfway across Exandria, Orym still hears their voices.
Liam O'Brien sabes lo que estan invocando poniendo esta cancion?
Si no hay paz cuando esta campaña termine te voy a agregar a la lista de personas que me mintieron con wayward son
(Liam O'Brien you know what you are invoking putting this song in?
If theres not peace when the campaign is done i will put it in the list of people who lie to me with wayward son)
Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don't know
This is so orym la puta madre
Also que voices escuchas orym? Tu madre y la gente que dejaste a atras o crown keepers? Tiene mas sentido que sea la gente que dejo en Zephra
(Also what voices you hear Orym? Your mother and the people that you left behind or the crown keepers? I made more sense if is the people that live in Zephra)
Clair de Lune – Lofi Fruits Music, Chill Fruits Music
Golden hour on the cliffs of Zephra, the day giving over to night. Brothers and sisters of the Tempest Blades slowly stepping through their forms in unison, flower petals drifting on the wind. Home.
Liam posta ama ese lugar y amo que Orym quiera tanto su casa, y que todo lo que hace no solo sea para servir su hogar si no para honrarlo tambien.
Cada vez que Orym dice "I'm orym of the air ashari" se presenta y siempre lleva su gente con el, espero que podamos verlo en Zephra en esta campaña porque seria genial
(Liam really loves this place and Orym loves so much his home, and everything that he does is to serve it and to honor it.
Everytime Orym presents as "Orym of the Air Ashari" carries his people with him, i wish we could see him in Zephra in this campaign, that could be awesome.)
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eltzhi · 2 months
3 years ago today, I gripped your hand for the last time. In that cramped hospital room, as the doctors removed the tubes and wires. I remember the nurse looking like he wished he could do something more to help. But there was nothing to do, but wait and hold your hand as you took your last breath. I miss you so much, and love you. I hope there is existence after this life, if only that I may hold you in my arms again. Grant me the strength to keep going, without you is wrong but it's all that I have. The kitties and bun miss you too. I hope wherever you might be, whatever you might be doing, that you're happy. And I promise to live this life til I can come meet you again. Until then, be safe, love you always little sis. Maybe send me some ghostly glitches on my phone or something.
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