#-and hopefully get him some feeling back into it. feels nice. finally smth good happens to him
spotsupstuff · 1 year
me n a friend were wondering if boreas has chronic pain issues? i would not be surprised if the venom possibly damaged his nerves at least a little
oh those nerves are def damaged- that generally shows with complete numbness though, rather than pain. i suppose you could say that he does have chronic pain considering he does the whole grandpa thing of holding his back while picking stuff up from the ground cuz ouchie
yanno the
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scar1et-st4rl3t · 1 year
day in the life:
monday !!
at home; right now i’m just waiting on my mom to be done getting ready. my outfit is really cute today !! i have a pink shirt, navy skirt, white socks, and doc martins. my mom bought me a fidget ring yesterday and it honestly has helped a lot since then. i have costume design, acting 1, algebra, and voice & movement today. honestly my only class that will probably be an issue is voice and movement cause i’m wearing a skirt… i’m sure it’ll be okay. maybe i should bring pants lol. i also got a new phone case !! it’s so cute i love it, it has a shark on it !! something abt me is i love sharks with my entire heart. they are my favorite animal ever ever ever !! i’m gonna try to get a marine biology internship/college credit this summer. although i do want to be an actress my “fall back” is marine biology. i’ve always been interested in it and it’s always been my second choice right next to acting. my school opens at 7:20 am and classes start at 8:25 and i still haven’t left my house lol. it’s 7:55. but i’m also usually always almost late but i never am because i never he caught by the teachers on tardy patrol. lucky me !! i’ve been listening to katrina stuart non stop recently, her music rlly making me feel some type of way.
in the car; finally driving to school !! i just put on lipgloss which is hello kitty, so cute. found out my first rehearsal for districts is tmr during lunch & learn.. problem is is that i have to make up a science quiz. i’m going to try and do both. okay update: turns out i cannot do both because science isn’t open tuesday for lunch & learn. that’s kinda stupid tbh. but yk teachers gotta eat too ig. so i get to go to rehearsal !! last year i didn’t even have a chance at districts because i was new so i’m very happy it’s student directed for hs, and one my my friends is directing. i can admit, he can be a little mean so i’m a little scared to get yelled at if he gets pissed or smth but i think it will be okay.
costume design; now i’m in tech “costume design”. freshmen have to take this class but it’s rlly fun. and my man is in it. i’ve alr seen him looking at me once so yay. 2 of my bsfs are in this class too and we’re making little animal stuffed animals. nothing else is rlly happening but i’ll update if something interesting happens !!
lunch & learn; LOL i was doing things ALLLL of acting 1 so i couldn’t write, sry abt that. but now i’m helping my friend lexi with her districts number. she’s doing a group MT number to “what i was born to do” from bring it on the musical. it’s so good, everyone is so talented !! lexi is such a good singer, can u believe she isn’t in MT?? she’s in PT with me, i think that’s crazy. she deserves MT !! last year i gave the guy i liked a cookie everyday so i’m gonna try and do that again today, hopefully it doesn’t come off weird..
going home; i did not fill in anything for my last period but it was okayish. i did give him the cookie and he said “ur so sweet.” so that’s nice. but now i’m starting to think he’s not interested in me or smth like that.. or he thinks i’m annoying. i’m probably overreacting but he said “it’s fine” instead of “it’s okay”. it felt passive aggressive. but also that’s just how he talks irl so i have no clue. i’m probably overreacting tbh.
that was my school day !! i’ll post some more later 🤍🤍
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suuho · 2 years
How has the vocal training been going?? <3
hey!!! initially i wanted to wait with answering this until after my vocal lesson on tuesday but eh, what the hell. i am just gonna... very tentatively say that i am slowly regaining my footing. which, it feels like it happened so quickly i think but the truth is that i have been struggling for well over a year now (in april it will have been a year since i had covid, so that pretty much checks out. that was like the final nail in my coffin, lol), and i probably struggled even longer than that. if i am brutally honest, which. uh. once again, lol. that is why i honestly find it very encouraging when singers i look up to confess that they also struggle and question themselves and their skill; it is normal and human, and it isn't the end of the world either or makes me a terrible singer.
anyways. the thing is, i really truly and well feel like i am fifteen again just with a different skillset. i have started from scratch, mostly. i sing a bunch of the same stuff i sang ten years ago, a lot of rock and pop-punk stuff that taught me how to sing to begin with, like fall out boy and paramore. because those are songs i could already sing, so they are familiar but i have to force myself to sing it properly, stop singing so much from my throat (which i most definitely got rid of before and now i am annoyed that it happens basically unconsciously. it sucks.) i think i need to get an ab workout in again, lmao, because i NEED the support to come easier for me. yoseob, i understand you and your crazy abs wholeheartedly. 😭
my last two vocal lessons went pretty well, though! i am pretty happy with my mix these days, i think i managed to push it a little higher while maintaining the volume, and i am working so hard to not go thin when i sing high anymore, which is another annoying thing that has happened to me after covid. never happened before, now i am like wtf is this???? so i try to consciously adjust that too. the song i picked for my lesson right now is a straight musical theater piece with lots of high belting and it sits right where my voice breaks these days (also smth i worked out before that is now back, lol) and i am not letting up on working through it because i need to figure out how to sing this fucking song properly. technique and all. i need to go through every section and adjust my voice, like i am really treating this like i did when i was fifteen and sang way less challenging songs. so, at least i know i made SOME progress in ten years. lmao.
i sing a lot at work now, so i have gotten rid of most of my anxiety surrounding singing in public. that used to cripple me to death until, like, three years ago or something? i couldn't even sing in front of my teacher, it always fucked me up. but it's nice because now people come up to me and tell me i either have a great voice or they like my music!! lmao.
ok, so!!! uh, i think i am hopefully getting over the hurdle now is what i am saying. and i hope that the progress is not just temporary and that it keeps going like that. i wanna feel comfortable and confident singing again, because i know i can do it. and i know what i am capable of.
yoseob posted videos on his stories of him warming up and singing these past days and that was so encouraging, man. idk. it just made me feel so happy. i admire him so much, i think he is one of the best singers ever and his technique is soooo good. it's so cool how dedicated he is to keep himself in shape, and he also still takes vocal lessons!! he really is such an inspiration to me. i remember when jongdae and jinho would post bits from their vocal warm ups or lessons, that inspires me so much as well. it's just that normal stuff that keeps me going. i guess.
but!!! thank you so much for asking!! this made me so happy. i hope you have a wonderful day!!! 💘💖💓💞💗
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annenhypen · 4 years
Could you write a best friends to lovers with Jungwon? With a bit angst in the middle (like jealousy or smth) and than a fluffy ending? Thanksss <3
omg yesss my first request 🥺🥺 i’ll write this cuz i really want jungwon to be my bestie istg 🥺🥺😭❤️ hope you like it!!
You had known Jungwon since you were little kids. You basically grew up together and became extremely close friends in the process. He was one of the few people you could trust around you. Going to the same elementary and high school, you guys created a very strong friendship over the years you had spent together.
You were not very much alike though. You liked science, while Jungwon was interested in sports. You preferred indoors while Jungwon was outside every day even when the weather was freezing cold. You did not like risky situations while Jungwon was always looking for some kind of danger for an adventure. But you completed each other. You balanced each other out.
It was one of those days when Jungwon had taekwondo practice after school. You went to the gym where he was training to wait for him and hopefully finish your homeworks by the time he finishes his practice.
“Hey do you want to get something to eat after?” he asked while he situated his taekwondo belt on his waist.
You opened your bag to take your books out of it.
“Yes, I’d like that” you said and nodded back at him. He went inside the room where his coach was waiting for him and you started working on your homework.
Everything was going the same as usual. You were waiting for Jungwon at the small waiting area where there was a small couch and a coffee table. You finished your homework 10 minutes before Jungwon’s practice ended. You looked up when you heard the door of Jungwon’s practice room open.
You frowned at the unfamiliar sight you saw in fron of you. Jungwon was leaving the practice room with a girl who seemed to be his age. She was wearing a dobok as well which meant she was an athlete like Jungwon. She was laughing at something Jungwon said until they reached the couch you were sitting on. Jungwon turned to you.
"This is my best friend, Y/n" he introduced you to his new friend. You smiled and shook the hand she was offering while she told you her name. Mia.
"I'll change quickly and then we can leave" Jungwon told you and smiled at you. He ruffled your hair before he disappeared into the locker rooms of the gym.
You couldn't help but get annoyed -for the first time- at the fact that he ruffled your hair in front of his new friend.
You started to show up at Jungwon's practices way more often. You enjoyed spending time with him but deep down, you knew you did not want to leave him alone with Mia.
You couldn't help but feel jealous over the fact that now Jungwon had another girl in his life who was not you. You were almost sure she had feelings for him. The way she smiled at every word that left Jungwon's mouth was a sight you had witnessed far too many times.
What made you furious was that Jungwon treated you like a kid in front of her. The way he ruffled your hair from time to time or put you in a headlock as you exited the gym together or booped your nose casually... It all reminded you the fact that Jungwon will never look at you as a girl. He saw you as his best friend and friend only.
It was another day of Jungwon’s practice when you saw Mia entering the gym later than usual. She waved at you and you waved back at her politely. She stood next to the couch you sat every time you were there.
"Hey Y/n how are you?" she asked with a big smile on her face. You smiled back.
"I'm good, how are you?" you asked her back.
"I'm good."
"Are you late for practice?" you asked curiously.
"No, I just changed my practice to partner up with someone else" she answered you.
"Wait, why?" you asked, surprised at the fact that she did not want to practice with Jungwon anymore.
"He didn't tell you? I asked Jungwon out and he rejected me saying he has feeling for someone else, so I asked for the coach to change my partner so that we wouldn't be awkward during practice" she answered while looking down on the floor.
"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry." you said with an apologetic smile.
"It's okay. I still wish him the best though. I'm going to change now. It was nice seeing you." she said and smiled. You smiled and nodded at her while she walked to the locker room.
You didn’t know Jungwon liked someone. Also, you were surprised that he never talked to you about this person. You always shared everything with each other so Jungwon keeping this as a secret from you kind of hurt you but you thought maybe he didn’t have the time to tell you about his crush.
Later that day, you went to Jungwon’s house for dinner after his practice because his mother insisted. It has been some time since you last saw Jungwon’s parents so you accepted their invite happily.
You were walking side by side to Jungwon’s house when the sun was about to set.
“Were you able to finish your work?” he asked you while looking at you sideways. You looked ahead of you while answering him.
“Yes, it was not too much anyways” you sighed.
You wanted to ask him about what happened with Mia, talk about his newly formed crush but you couldn’t. You were scared of pushing him further away from you.
“You know you can talk to me about anything Jungwon” you told him suddenly to hint him the fact that you knew he was hiding something from you.
“You know I would never judge you about anything, you are so important to me” you continued.
He nodded but he couldn’t say anything back before you guys reached his house. His parents were waiting for you two.
You went to Jungwon’s room after dinner to hang out with him for a while before you leave. You sat on his bed while he sat on the floor facing you.
“Okay, I have to tell you something” he finally broke the silence.
You were glad that finally you were having this talk. You could finally let go of your first love. You could finally move on if Jungwon liked someone.
“I-I think I like you” he said in a single breath and started blushing while he closed his eyes to not see your reaction to his words.
“What?” you asked suddenly, not realizing you said it out loud.
“No, I’m sure I like you... More than a friend... I have always been. When we played hide and seek at the park for the first time, when you helped me learn how to count, when you came to watch my taekwondo matches, or when you always waited for me until my practices were over...” he said it with so much excitement in him you wanted to hug him. So you did. He put his hands on your waist and you burried your face into his neck.
“I like you too Jungwon. Since day one.” you whispered. Even though you couldn’t see his face, you felt his smile on your shoulder.
Jungwon’s squeezed your hand when you entered the gym together hand in hand. He went to the locker room to change and you put your bag on the couch.
He came back with his dobok on. He came to say bye to you before getting into the practice room like he always did. However this time, he did not ruffle your hair like he used to do.
He kissed your cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before leaving you flustered on the couch.
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Good News Bad Time: Part 2
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Request: Yes / No Hi! I just read Good News Bad Time and I absolutely love it. I was hoping if there was anyway you could do a part 2 where at the battle the reader and Hermione get separated somehow and the reader is just constantly worried about her. But they meet up at the end, with the reader in a stretcher (injured either smth like a broken leg or bone... not dead please), they reunite and the weasleys find out about the pregnancy. Then sort of little snippets of major moments, the birth, the child being a wizard, getting accepted or hogwarts and then ending on everyone being at the platform and saying goodbye to their kids at the beginning of the school year please? Xx Anon
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Hermione Granger x Potter!Male!Reader 
Word count: 859
Warnings: Nothing I think
Y/N: Your Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
Part 1
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Harry was fighting Voldemort and I got separated from Hermione. I was worried sick about her, but the Death Eaters were coming nonstop. I couldn’t go look for her, but last I saw she was with Ron, so hopefully she was safe. Fred and George were near me, fighting off Death Eaters as well. I had just fended off another Death Eater and turned to help George. 
“Y/N! Watch out!” Fred shouted and I turned, only to be hit with a spell. I was knocked back and fell a story down. I groaned in pain as I landed on the ground and everything went dark. 
“Is he dead?” Someone asked. 
“No he’s still breathing you idiot.” Someone else answered. 
“Ron! Stop poking him!” Someone scolded. I groaned in pain and opened my eyes to find everyone surrounding me. 
“Y/N! Thank Merlin!” Hermione said and wrapped her arms around me. 
“You gave us a good scare there mate.” Fred said with a smirk. 
“Yeah, especially these two.” George said and motioned to my brother and Hermione. 
“What happened?” I asked. 
“The Death Eater that you thought was down got back up when you turned to help me and well, guess you and Fred realized too late.” George answered. 
“Yeah, you fell to the next floor and broke your leg. We’re just waiting for someone to come over and help fix it up then you’re all good.” Fred finished. I nodded and that’s when it hit me. 
“Hermione! Are you alright, love?” I asked sitting up as best I could. 
“I’m fine.” She said. 
“Are you sure? What about the baby?” I asked freaking out a bit. 
“The what?” Ginny asked with a small smirk. 
“I suppose we were going to tell everyone anyway.” Hermione sighed. 
“I’m almost three months pregnante.” She said and everyone smiled. There were many hugs and congratulations given out, but also a small scolding from Mrs. Weasley. 
Months after that horrible day Hermione and I were in the hospital with Harry and all the Weasley in the waiting room. I held Hermione’s hand as the doctor was telling her to push. She had a death grip on my hand, but she wasn’t blaming me for anything like I heard most women do during childbirth. 
“It’s out! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Potter, you two have a new baby boy.” The doctor said with a smile and handed Hermione our son. 
After they checked him over and washed him up they brought him back into the room. Hermione was holding him against her chest and I smiled at the two of them. 
“What would you like to name him?” The nurse asked. 
“Lux.” Hermione answered with a huge smile. 
“Lux.” I agreed with a nod. 
“Alright then, I’ll get the papers in order.” The nurse said and left. Hermione and I had a few moments alone, but then everyone came flooding into the room. 
“Finally, it feels like we’ve been waiting for ages!” Ron said. 
“Hermione was pushing a baby out you idiot.” Ginny said and smacked his head. 
“Ow!” He said and rubbed the back of his head. 
“Let me see the newest member of our family!” Harry said changing the subject. 
“Everyone, we want you to meet our son, Lux Potter.” I said with a huge smile. Everyone started cooing over him and telling us how cute he is. 
“Do you think he’ll be a wizard?” Ginny asked. 
“We’ll love him no matter what he is.” Hermione answered. 
Years went by and we started noticing some odd things that would happen around Lux. The two of us knew what this meant and we were happy. We knew there was a good chance that he would be placed in Gryffindor since that’s what we were. So when Lux turned eleven we had mixed emotions. We were happy that our son was going to the best wizarding school, but we were going to miss him. 
“Alright, you have everything right? Extra warm clothes for the winter? All your books?” Hermione fussed. 
“Yes Mum.” Lux groaned. 
“Leave the boy alone love, he’s fine.” I said with a slight chuckle. 
“Are you sure you have everything?” She asked again, ignoring me. 
“Mum, I’m going to miss the train!” Lux said, trying to pull away. 
“Honestly, let the boy go to school already.” I said and pulled Hermione back. 
“We love you son, we’ll see you again soon. Enjoy school.” I said and gave him one last hug. 
“We’re going to miss you so much.” Hermione said and kissed his head. 
“I’ll miss you guys too, but I really need to go!” He said and I pulled Hermione back once again. 
“Go on, before your Mother thinks of any more questions.” I said and Lux ran off to the train. 
“What if something happens like it did with us?” She asked. 
“He’ll be fine, we came out alright.” I smirked. 
“It’ll be lonely in the house with just us.” She sighed. 
“You’re not suggesting we have another kid, are you?” I asked shocked. 
“Just a thought.” She smiled as we waved goodbye to Lux as the train drove off.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @vanessa-kom-skaikru​ @therealchoni​ 
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vintagedolan · 4 years
hey!!! big big fan of all your work bub, thanks for the effort you put into everything! not sure if ur taking requests, if not just ignore, but i have a potential one here;) so i’m a sups independent girl, almost to a fault lol, part bc i love being independent and part sometimes bc i just don’t want to burden others. and my friend once joked about if something were to ever happen and i’d need to go to the hospital, i’d legit try to take myself. SO i was wondering, could you maybe write (1/2)
(2/2) i was wondering if you’d write something about one of the boys’s S.O’s having stomach pain or smth and maybe she has to get her appendix out and she’s driving herself and her man finds out and he’s like, angry she didn’t say anything but also gets worried and idk hopefully this makes sense if not no worries 😂 have a nice night, bug xx
okay but why is this concept actually some shit I would do lmao
You missed the porsche. There, you said it. Maybe it was because you had so many memories tied to it’s leather seats - Gray driving you home after your first date, the late night PCH drives, the morning coffee runs. You were emotionally attached to the thing, you couldn’t help it.
But holy shit were you glad that he’d gotten a tesla that day.
“Fucking shit.” You winced, doubling over again after just a few steps. When it started, you thought it was just cramps, or maybe even something you ate. But by the second time you’d thrown up, you knew something else was going on, the stabbing pain in your lower right side excruciating. 
“Breathe, just breathe,” you mumbled to yourself, scrambling through the drawer of the table of the foyer until you found the key you needed - Grayson always just used his phone to start his car, but you knew the little car shaped thing had to be somewhere. 
Sure enough, you gripped in your hands so hard that you accidentally pressed the button that made the doors open automatically. Usually you’d mutter about how unnecessary it was, all the over top technology when you could just open the door yourself.
But when you managed to get in, a few tears slipping from your eyes as you punched in hospital on the GPS and flipped auto pilot on, leaning back in the seat and clutching your stomach, you were thankful for all the bells and whistles. The drive time popped up as the car started to move - 15 minutes. You just had to make it 15 minutes.
At a Wakeheart meeting on the other side of town, Grayson’s phone buzzed.
He moved it quickly off the tabletop, a bit embarrassed. It didn’t matter that he was the CEO of the whole thing, he didn’t want any of his team to think he didn’t care about his meeting. Still, he checked it quickly under the table in case it was a text from you.
Instead, it was a notification from his Tesla app, and the tag line had his heart rate rising with every word he read.
Headed to the hospital? If you are in an emergency, please do not rely on autopilot and call 911 immediately to seek medical assistance.
He put his phone back up on the table, sliding it over to Ethan. He didn’t have to say anything - Ethan just knew, and by the way his brow furrowed over the screen, Grayson understood.
“Hey guys, really sorry but can we take a five minute break? Gotta troubleshoot something really quick.”
He was met with mumbles of understanding that he didn’t pay attention to as he stepped out into the hallway, Ethan on his heels.
“You’ve never gotten anything like that before?” 
“Nah bro, I have no idea what that’s about. Hold on I’ll look it up.” Ethan typed furiously on his phone for a moment, eyes going wide.
“Uh, it says it comes up if you put a hospital into the GPS and enable autopilot. It’s a safety feature, so you can’t try to hold them liable if autopilot fails and you’re like dying or something. But who would be - oh shit.”
Grayson was two steps ahead of him, already clicking your contact.
Inside the tesla, you let out another groan as you saw his name pop up on the screen. You knew if you didn’t answer he would just keep calling, and you had the sinking feeling that he was somehow onto you. You clicked the green button and tried to steady your voice.
“Are you good?”
“Yeah, I’m uh - I’m okay. Why?”
“Oh you know, just the fact that my phone told me my tesla is in route to a fucking hospital right now? What the fuck babe?”
Fuck. There was no way to play that off, and if there was, you couldn’t think of it quick enough. 
“Ummmmm.. shit,” you winced again, grabbing at your side with a whimper.
“Y/N tell me what’s going on, no bullshit. Please, you’re scaring me.” His tone was pleading, and you couldn’t resist it.
“I think it’s my appendix. Hurts like a bitch, and if they rupture that can be really bad. So I’m going to the -“ you sucked in another breath, trying to keep it together. “- To the hospital.
“Jesus, why didn’t you call me? I could have taken you, you shouldn’t be driving!”
“I’m fin-”
“You aren’t fine. I’m coming. I’m on my way.”
“Okay.” You didn’t have the heart to argue with him, you were in too much pain, and you knew he was only going to be more mad when he realized that if it really was your appendix, they were going to have you in surgery as soon as they could.
You made it through the last few minutes of the drive, taking the tesla off auto and doing your very best to park it. 
You must not have been playing it off as well as you thought you were, because someone took one look at you headed for the ER doors and they were running inside to get someone to help.
It was a bit humiliating to be eased down into a wheelchair by a very nice nurse and wheeled in through the doors, but the pain was so bad that you felt like you were going to pass out any minute. So you let it happen, let them wheel you in and take you back almost immediately, get you changed into a gown and check you out. The pain was immense, but they didn’t want to give you anything to ease it with the likelihood of surgery right around the corner. So you ground your teeth and tried to fight through it, sucking in deep breaths as your insides felt like they were ripping apart.
“Well Y/N, it’s looking like surgery. Did anyone come here with you, anyone you want to bring back?” The doctor asked quickly when he finally came in, already starting to get the paperwork moving. 
“I came alone, but my boyfriend is on his - on his way. Grayson Dolan. Please let him back here if he gets here, please,” you pleaded, knowing he would be more than upset if he didn’t see you before you got taken back.
“I’ll have one of the nurses check the waiting room. 
“Ethan Dolan too, if he’s here.”
“Okay, you just try to relax, I’ll go see.” 
Relaxing wasn’t in your capabilities, but you did let out a sigh of relief when you saw them come through the door.
Grayson on the other hand was anything but relieved when he saw the look on your face and realized just how much pain you were in. He was at your side immediately, Ethan over his shoulder - more for his sake than for yours.
“Baby -” he was out of breath, no doubt having raced to the hospital and run inside as quickly as he could.
“I’m okay, I’m gonna be fine,” you moved to reassure him, trying to reach out for him. It backfired, sending more pain into your side that had you sucking in a breath. “You don’t have to worry.”
“Bullshit, of course I’m gonna worry. The nurse said you’re going back for surgery?” 
“Yeah.” As if on cue the doctor came back in, ready to take you back.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you,” you whispered, feeling guilty. If the roles were reversed, you would be more than mad, and it was all you could think about.
“Shhhh, stop. I love you, just come back to me in one piece, okay?” He leaned over and kissed your forehead - the pain had you hazy, but you managed to get out a “I love you too” before they wheeled you out.
It was a quick surgery, which was a blessing for Grayson’s nerves that were already worn thin. His foot bounced from the minute he sat down in the waiting room all the way until the nurse came to find them again, letting him know that you’d made it through surgery with no issues.
When you finally managed to open your eyes, Grayson was right there, one of your hands clasped in his. You were loopy from the anesthesia still in your system and you gave him a goofy smile. 
“You’s mad at me,” you said, and though you meant to be sad it came out as a giggle. 
“A little bit, yes, Ms. I-never-ask-for-help,” he sighed, but there wasn’t a trace of bite in his tone.
“Sowwwy,” you slurred, squeezing his hand as best you could. He brought your hand up to his lips, kissing each of your knuckles as you started to wake up a bit more, bleary eyes opening further.
“It’s okay baby. Besides, you get to let me take care of you for the next week. Doctor’s orders, so you can’t argue either. That’ll make up for it.”
“You have work,” you countered, making him laugh as he moved up the bed and kissed your forehead again.
“Ethan and I cleared our week, you’re stuck with me. I get to pamper you,” he teased, running his fingers through your hair as he moved it back out of your face.
“Gross,” you grumbled, trying to keep up the facade. You never liked to be taken care of, no matter how much Grayson tried to.
“I’m glad you’re okay baby. Just promise to call me next time, okay? Taking care of you is part of my boyfriend duties, it’d be nice if you let me do it sometimes.”
You mumbled out the promise, but you were smiling as best you could and nodding, just glad to have him there with you, the idea of him being curled up in bed with you for a few days warming you up to the idea. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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withluvgen · 4 years
When in New York- Warren Worthington III
Words: 1,886
Warnings: bit of angst, language. kissing. 
Summary: Y/N and Warren get sent to New York to look for a mutant, but the tension between the two of them is just too much.
A/N: This went through so much rewrites but I’m kinda happy with how this turned out. Warren is a little bit out of character here I think? I was low-key inspired by a tiktok video by Read Choi about tsundere characters or smth. So yeah here it is haha
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! Masterlist in bio.
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It wasn’t new for the X-men to be sent to find and help distressed mutants, or mutants who recently found out about their abilities, or mutants being mistreated, or mutants causing mischief, and so much more. But on this day the team was spread thin as there was a suspicious surge of mutant activity. They were split into pairs to search for the mutants in question. (Y/n) was sent to New York City with the last person she wanted to be paired up with, Warren Worthington the third.
It’s not she didn’t like Warren, she just found him to be a bit confusing. At times he can be a bit of a jerk to her, always telling her what to do on missions and acting like she couldn’t take care of herself or that she doesn’t know what she’s doing. Other times he likes to flirt with her, telling her some cheesy pick-up lines, being a little too touchy and clingy, or teasing her a bit by leaning so close to her that thei lips almost touch. The last one pisses her off the most but somehow she got used to it.  The rest of the team knew about the tension between (Y/n) and Warren, but insisted that they work together for this specific mutant search, silently hoping that the two would just get together already.
Jean said that because Warren knew NYC like the back of his hand, and that (Y/n) had the powers of illusion she could use to hide Warren’s wings so they wouldn’t draw in too much attention, they were the best people to be paired up together for this specific mission. As much as Y/N hated to admit it, she knew that Jean was right.
“The professor said that the mutant was last seen causing mischief by the Empire state building. We could ask around to see if anyone recognizes them.” Y/N said as they walked around the city. Y/N was about to take a left turn when Warren grabbed her arm.
“Not the right way, dumbass.” He said with a blank face.
“Well lead the fucking way then, Mister I grew up in New York.” She said as she turned to face him. “You know, you could be a little nicer?”
“What? I am nice?” Warren chuckled as he started to walk again. She walked faster to catch up to him.
“Could you walk a little bit slower?” she said with a huff.
“Not my fault you walk so slow.” Warren grinned teasingly.
“Hey I’m saying this for your sake. My illusions only work within a certain proximity. Walk too far and you can bet that people would scream at the sight of you.” She said trying her best to match his pace. Warren scoffed at her words.
“Gee thanks, (Y/n).” Warren said coldly.
“What? I’m just telling the truth!”
“Yeah. I get it. I look like a fucking freak. Whatever.”
“Oh. Warren, that’s not what I meant.” She said as he stayed silent, continuing to walk towards the destination. “Warren, please. I’m sorry.”
“Whatever, we’re here.” Warren says as he pointed to the Empire state building.
You drop the subject and start to ask around if anyone saw a mutant around lately. You get a lead that the mutant hangs around spray painting the subways a lot. Warren lead (Y/n) to the nearest station and started searching for someone who could easily be a mutant. Luckily there weren’t a lot of people there at the time. The station they went to had no signs of the mutant only a freshly sprayed graffiti on one of the walls.
“Our guy was probably just here.” (Y/n) said as she touched the wet paint. She wiped her fingers on her jeans to get the paint off.
“No shit.” Warren said as he looked around to try and find the mutant.
“Are you still mad at me for earlier?” She asked as he ignores her. “WARREN?!”
Warren bursts out laughing earning a confused look from Y/N. He wrapped an arm around her pulling her into his chest.
“I was just messing with you. I’m sorry.” He said laughing as she slapped his chest and pushed him away.
“God, for someone called Angel a lot you’re not being angelic.” She said as she rolled her eyes at him. “Let’s just head to the next station and get this over with.”
“Hey, I said I’m sorry.” Warren said as he reached out for her hand.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes as she grabbed his hand and pulled Warren towards the trains. Despite the lack of people on the train there were no seats left. The train started moving causing (Y/n) to lose her balance and almost fall. Warren caught her by the arm and steadied her.
“Be careful next time, dumbass.” Warren chuckled.
“Not funny, jerk.” She stands awkwardly trying to balance herself as the guy sitting in front of her stands up and offers her his seat.
“Here, take my seat.” The stranger offered. She noticed that the guy offering his seat to her was quite good looking.
“It’s fine. I get off at the next station.” She said smiling sweetly at stranger, batting her eyelashes a little bit.
“I insist. You’re way too cute to be standing there.” He said with wink as he ushered her to his previous seat.
“Tha-” Y/N was about to say her thanks when Warren interrupted.
“Nah. She’s good.” He said as he pulled her towards him. He holds her close to him burying her face into his chest. Warren was acting a little off, but Y/N found it a bit endearing. She wasn’t going to admit it but she found being in Warren’s arms was oddly comforting.
“She your girlfriend or something?” The stranger asks.
“As a matter of fact, yes.” Warren said nonchalantly. Y/n’s eyes go wide as a blush creeps onto her face. She looks up at him questioningly. He only grins at her.
“My bad. Sorry bro.” he said as he backs away.
The train stops and the door opens. Warren leads her out into the station platform. She only notices their intertwined hands once they stopped walking. He doesn’t let go of her hand until she pulled it away.
“What was that about?” she said staring at him.
“He was hitting on you.” He said casually.
“Yeah, I knew that. It wasn’t exactly uninvited though!” She said a little bit frustrated.
“Don’t tell me you honestly like that guy?!” Warren asked with a snarl.
“Was it not obvious? God, Warren. What the fuck?” Y/N screamed. People started looking but she didn’t care.
“I don’t like that guy.” Warren said his brows furrowed.
“What does it matter? You’re not the one he was hitting on.” She retorted.
“It matters because he was hitting on you!” He said abruptly. He looks down on the ground as if he regrets what he said.
“Wait. Are-are you jealous?” She asked eyeing him curiously.  
“Why the fuck would I be jealous?” He said regaining his composure.
“I don’t know? But you’re acting like you’re a jealous boyfriend right now.” Y/N said looking at him. He avoids eye contact. “It’s confusing, Warren. One minute you’re being a jerk to me like usual, then the next you cock block that guy from hitting on me and called me your girlfriend. Please, tell me what your deal is because it’s honestly really-“
Warren cuts her off by smashing his lips onto hers. Y/N melts into the kiss as he holds her by the waist. She wraps her arms around his neck deepening the kiss. Moments later they break apart as they felt the stares the people were giving them.
“Warren I-” He cut her off again.
“Let’s talk about this later, yeah?” Warren said with a smirk. “I think we just found our guy.”
Y/N looks over to where Warren was looking to see a young boy who was about 17 spray painting one of the walls. It didn’t take long for Warren and Y/N to convince the kid to come with them to Xaviers, so they brought the him along with them and went back home. The conversation that they were supposed have about them long forgotten.
It has been a week since that day and Y/N found herself alone in her room laying on her bed staring at the ceiling, memory of the kiss that happened playing in her head. She couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach. She hasn’t seen Warren all week, she started to wonder if he was avoiding her. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock on her door. She stood up to open the door, revealing a rather bashful looking Warren.
“Hi.” He started. “So about New York, I- uh, we never really had the chance to talk about it.”
“Oh. Yeah. I kinda thought you were avoiding me.” Y/N joked. “You want to come inside?”
“I kind of was?” He said as he entered her room and sat on her bed. She visibly frowned at what he said. “I- I don’t know. You make me feel things, Y/N.”
“What?” Was all she could reply.
“When I’m with you, I just want to protect you and wrap you around my arms and to kiss you. And fuck, what happened in New York, I’ve been thinking about that day ever since. I get I can be a jerk to you sometimes but I just get so scared when I think about what I feel for you that it just became a defense mechanism or whatever. This thing, it’s all so new to me, but all I know is that I can’t stand the thought of losing you or you being with someone else. I guess, what I’m trying to say is that-” Warren paused to look at you in the eyes. “I’m in love with you, Y/N”
Warren looked at her hopefully, waiting for her to say something, anything. She stood there taking a while before Warren’s last words finally hit her. He was in love with her. Warren Worthington III, the guy she was crushing on for a while not, was in love with her.
“What?” Was all she could say again. Still in shock of Warren’s confession.
“I said what I said, Y/N. I’m not going to repeat myself. I know you heard me.” He said with an unreadable look on his face.
“Y-yeah. I heard you. It’s just that- wow. You don’t know how long I’ve been dreaming of this moment. And honestly, New York was unexpected but I would want a repeat of that.” Y/N said smirking. She walks closer to Warren as he places his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him.
“That I can do.” Warren said with a wide grin. “Come here.”
He pulled her to his lap, wrapping his arms around her. She caressed his face before closing the gap between them. The kiss was more gentle and slow, compared to the one they shared in New York. It was full of longing and want, and yet full of passion. Y/N pulls away first, brushing the curly blonde hair out of Warren’ face, as she looked at him longingly.
“I love you, Warren.”
“I know.” Warren said smirking before kissing her again. 
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common-blackbird · 4 years
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This is my Inquisitor (so overjoyed you can be a qunari), her name is the default Herah and I decided I’m going to approach this game by staying true to a character and not looking to do everything and be on everyone’s good side u_u
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I want to make a good background for her so i’m not telling anything. Yet. I’ll just say she’s a qunari mercenary and prefers using two-handed weapons.
Highlights from today:
Studying history does pay off! This was a reference to the famous book in environmental history - Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. So proud i recognised it x)
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Also i don’t have a good shot of solas but he cracks me up so much.. The guy has a posture of the typical retired grandpa (the only thing missing is to have him walk with his hands on his back). And there’s a scene where the party sees the rift and there’s the inquisitor facing it, cassandra bracing herself and solas... just standing like an old man
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On a side note, Cassandra is so gorgeous and good and i already love her, i just keep taking shots of her TAT
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As for varric, it’s so different than from da2, this is so much more “official” and you can see he’s the same as ever, but you’re not hawke, hawke’s not here, the gang’s not here and there’s nothing casual about the whole situation T-T
And lastly, my inquisitor has a horse now, i didn’t know that was possible in the game ;__;
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played some more...
Let  me start with.... The advisors! (+ cassandra... or is she also an advisor too?)
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What a bunch. I love Cassandra’s and Leliana’s faith having a crisis bc they believe that Inquisitor is the Herald of Andraste and the way they deal with it. It’s really interesting. Leliana is completely opposite than what she was in origins and i’m surprised it doesn’t bother me at all! I love seeing this whole darker side that was only hinted at in origins, though it’s also sad when i think how she used to be. I wonder how she’s gonna overcome her doubting of faith. 
Josephine is a delight. I keep using her for almost every war table mission for now. She radiates capability. She reminds me of those bureaucrats that are super nice and helpful and chill and even if you’re doing everything wrong she’ll just smile and say “it’s ok, we can fix it” and then goes and fixes everything herself (and you feel this insane amount of gratitude you send a whole separate email to thank her for her patience and help )
As for Cullen... It’s interesting... I got impression from what i saw in the fandom that he’s supposed to have had his allegiance changed and him rejecting the templars should have been him ultimately siding with the mages (or at least being anti-templar(?)), and that turning point that could have been a great way to show his character development during the game. Which i agree, only... i did not get that impression from the game so far at all. I mean, so far everything that i can remember him saying is totally smth he’d say in da2... He didn’t leave kirkwall bc of his disappointment with the templar order, he doesn’t seem to have any issues with the templars except those who go full war mode instead of trying to balance the situation. And it’s a really chaotic situtation, i love how they did it.
This line was amazing, i wish there was a special cutscene for that.
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I’m loving the way they made this huge religious organisation in crisis have a complete collapse with the death of a key figure. I love the concept of inquisition and problems that it poses. I love you can see everyone’s reasoning and doubts reflect their background, but also see why inquisition can be understood as another power-grasping organisation trying to topple the templars, the mages and the chantry. Everything is divided. We got templars leaving the chantry, seekers leaving the chantry(?), rebel mages, loyal mages, rebel mages gone rouge, templars gone rouge, and suddenly there’s another organisation forming that you can totally believe is just another powerhungry force trying to get the piece of the cake by taking advantage of the power vacuum left by the sudden lack of the religious authority. (and only we know we’re The Good Guys). I love that we have characters who need to believe in the greater plan, characters who question the greater plan, and characters who want to utilise the power of belief and characters who don’t care for divine plans. The chaos is real and it feels real. I love that the centre figure of the whole holy business is a heretic of another culture. For the chantry this is the lose-lose situation (unless the inquisitor becomes religious by the end of the game). Which is why this line works so well. 
Ok, now shorter updates:
Red Jenny! I know it’s not her actual name but it is in my head. Where’s that box i delivered ages ago >_> Anyways, she makes my brain work on 150% capacity. I can understand what she means only after i go over it for 5 times.
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Forgive me but oh my god, i can’t believe that i can recognise one voice actor and now i have another mental image whenever he speaks. Like, he’s really good at bringing out a new character, but when he gets more casual he sounds like kanan jarrus from star wars rebels and i’m just “what are you doing here, space dad” ;__; Hopefully it’ll get old and i’ll be enjoying more iron bull. he seems nice...
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Vivienne on the other hand is like a reverse Josephine(?) She seems insanely capable but hates customer service, however somehow she likes you very much and will do everything you need for reasons you can’t fathom. Have a screenshot. So classy. I already feel humbled.
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and lastly, BREAKING NEWS: aveline finally hired carver ;__;
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Tbh Kirkwall is still a mystery and i have so many questions but i don’t think i’ll get any answers... If a powervacuum of the divine cause this much chaos, how’s kirkwall faring without a new viscount? Like, yeah, aveline can keep in check, but umm it’s in a very vulnerable state which makes it a good target for any invasion... didn’t sebastian promise bloodshed?
That’s all for now, bc otherwise i’ll start writing an essay on cassandra.
We befriended a bear in the hinterlands!
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lets start with this cool shot
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so, i have been to the mages and to the templars and... i sided with the templars.... First i was all for mages since they offered negotiations while the seeker just walked away, but then it turned out that was a trap, there’s also tevinter mages there (which is a red flag for my inquisitor) and then there’s some time magic involved (which is a big no for me), and i just walked out. Felt bad for the mages but my inquisitor comes from a culture where mages have their tongues cut so...
Also this guy deserves a medal for putting up with corrupted superiors and annoying nobles.
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And i met cole ;__; Where are Rhys and Evangeline ;___;
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the templar mission was ok i guess... I was surprised that red lyrium was apparently circulating around for some time, not sure if that means since meredith or even before. I love the stories of corruption tho and to imagine what it’s like to be trapped in this organisation that just keeps breaking everything it stands for
As for the important mages, i’ve Dorian twice since i bailed out on him in Redcliffe :I I love the guy, he seems arrogant yet so kind (like, no one would have carried that annoying priest and yet he did, after he ran from his own people to warn us after i ditched him in Redcliffe? man ;A;) Every time i go with “ok the inquisitor fears tevinter and distrusts this rando who just popped in” i am marinating in guilt.
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and then we fight some mages and die several times but we succeed and we meet the bad guy...
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Is it an unpopular opinion to say that i like him as a villain so far? i saw so many jokes on his incompetency. Idk, i like that part where he said that he reached the fade in someone’s name, it makes me think he’s not just power-hungry person(?) who’s just evil,but was originally serving someone, and he said that the gods were either gone or corrupted and he spent hundreds of years thinking what to do with whatever happened so he seems like he knows what he’s doing and maybe(!just maybe) he is trying to fix things that are wrong but we can’t see that? And of course he hates the inquisitor, he has to redo his stuff all over again, i’d hate the inquisitor too. im probably looking too much into it. My wish is that, if he’s evil, he became so gradually, but originally had good intentions? Or there’s more to things going on that we just don’t know and he does... Maybe this was his tragic attempt to fix things but he would ultimately fail and be branded as a villain etc etc. I’m getting carried away
If it turns out he’s just evil for the sake of being evil then feel free to tell me so now so i don’t embarrass myself further with plotting myself lol.
A side note, is he the Architect? Or the same? In DA2 he says he’s a tevinter magister, right? and he ceased to be a human. Also in DA2 it seemed like he was the boss, and here he said he reached in the name of someone (probably more important than him). But what is the Architect then?
And with that we reach the skyhold.
in skyhold
I didn’t know you meet hawke so soon ;__; i thought that was like, somewere more to the end of the game, since the big decision and all. But the mission is already opened and i am going to procrastinate on it until i finish every side mission :<
Also he is so sad ;__; i understand, but at the same time... all that humour now bitter sarcasm :’(
(also, very shallow remark, but i really really prefer his looks in da2 than here... it’s like they softened him. He’s more...oh god idk bearish(???) than hawkish(????) you know what i mean? the nose isn’t as sharp anymore, the beard is... what is it with the beard... anyways i get the game has its limits so it’s fine. it’s fine! fine.)
then there was the fight that i remember since twitter >:D
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It’s what made me want to play dragon age and i finally reached it T-T so good! I love how you can see the both sides and everything they say is true but they’re so angry at themselves they’re taking it out on each other TAT
Cassandra later says Hawke probably wouldn’t have joined the inquisition even if she found him, and i wonder now if that’s true... At first i thought, nah, Hawke has too much of a hero complex, he would feel too responsible to just say no. Besides, he’s with the inquisition now (tho i can’t find him anywhere anymore!). But at the same time, the way da2 ends was such an iconic walking away from everything, and not taking into account the hocus-pocus rift stuff, i can imagine him refusing, especially seeing how bitter he is now. It’s also a question of how much would have cassandra told him i guess. idk, what do you think? Would he lead or nah?
another person i want to find but can’t in skyhold are the templars with ser barris. i can use them on war table missions but otherwise they’re non-existant? i forgot to talk to him back in haven but now i wonder if it was even possible and if he was even available there, since he isn’t here. I spent hours just running around skyhold looking for the guy :(
and then everything becomes unimportant bc aaaaa!! she! is the arcanist! Dagna! im so happy and proud(?) she went and reached her goals x)
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anyways that’s all for now, laters
some random updates:
so i did the halamshiral and gave up to my “stick to the character” mode, and nothing went my way, but that’s life. Met morrigan! i almost forgot she appears lol. And, despite also jumping on the wagon of give-morrigan-better-clothes train, i have to admit seeing her in her old clothes was a relief after that dress at the ball. It’s not the way the dressed looked, but the way she moved in it... god im shallow
i also initially didn’t like morrigan being at orlais court of all places, but after the conversation that’s supposed to explain why she’s there i’m kinda ok with it. I mean, i still need some more info. Wouldn’t Tevinter be better? she’d practically become a magister overnight if she got this good in the game so fast. It’s also unconvincing how everyone knows everything in orlais but somehow nobody connected that the random kid that has no bakcground whatsoever with morrigan who keeps checking on him? But at skyhold she’s just “hey i have a kid, he’s no trouble, right?”  but hey, it’s morrigan. She can do anything. I’ll just have another story idea in my head.
Then there was news of the new divine that could be either cassandra or leliana and i don’t honestly know whom to choose. I’d prefer leliana over cassandra simply bc cassandra is more of a military mind, while the position of the divine would be more political. But lately every mission with leliana was spy spy, kill kill... Do we really want that for a religious leader? On the other hand, it would nicely round up her story from origins to inquisition... But cassandra is more of a public figure than leliana is...
when cassandra said:
“I want to respect the tradition, but not fear change. I want to right the past wrongs, but not avenge them. And I have no idea if wanting any of them makes them right.”
great moment. She’s usually so convinced and rash, i forget she’s more doubtful and open minded than what she looks like. Everything about cassandra is different from the impression she gives ;__; I love her so so so so much. (when she says she considers the inquisitor her friend i melted, next time varric pulls up the “seeker has no friends” joke, my heart will no longer be breaking).
I did a bunch of personal missions. Some were cool, some were ????. Also there were war table missions with zevran, that was cool. Also i love the codex entries in skyhold. The archery competition with varric banned? Dancing lessons failing bc lace harding is on the move all the time? Perfect.
And i met chargers, i like them, and aaah that staff-bow from the trailer is such a cool idea ;A;
What i don’t get with bull’s chargers is - they’re a mercenary group right? But isn’t swordselling seen as the complete misunderstanding of the qun? I get only bull is qunari, but he’s the leader of them? How is that not frowned upon?
And lastly, i don’t think i’ve said this, but i love that they added codex entries in the loading screens. love it.
After months of procrastination, i have faced my fears and have met alistair. it was very anticlimatic beating 11 level monsters when i was level 21...
but.. ALISTAIR TAT He’s changed... but not changed... but changed! Like, his personality is the same, but he’s more serious, doesn’t run from responsibilities, isn’t as bitter as hawke (also, why do i get impression that i am supposed to get the impression that they’re friends? they’ve met like, once, and talked for less than a minute.. whatevs. let’s pretend they’ve met again when on the run), i really love the inquisition alistair ;;__;;
Also, i managed to get that awkward demon baby family reunion :D
 know that morrigan says the vaguest generic thing “i told him his father was a good man” bc of various world states, but i also think she’s come a long way not to mock alistair, and then when he notices that she didn’t use the opportunity he mentions that the kid changed her and she’s like “pfft, yea right, you wish”....
... when she was the one who said that in the first place ;;__;;
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Awwww :> I love that they bicker but softly. Kids have grown up :’) Anyways, when will alistair start paying alimony
The only weird one is Leliana bc when morrigan was introduced she was like “danger danger” (smth i’d sooner think alistair would do), and when alistair is (supposedly) in skyhold, Leli doesn’t even mention him, only hawke.  bruh, what were they to you, you almost died together ;;__;;
oh i also slayed a dragon.  I didn’t even want to fight that dragon. It was a hillarious feat of inquisitor, solas, cole and blackwall, all on level 21, having to chug all the health potions right at the beginning while fighting a dragon that was... level 13, after which i just let go of controls and suddenly everyone was hella good at fighting and slayed it (only cole needed revival several times).  
And, befitting the wild-dream feel that it had, when i got back to skyhold and visited companions, suddenly i was drinking pelin with iron bull, and he’s reminiscing on that fight with the dragon and i’m like
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it was awful and you weren’t even there.
i forgot to update
but last time i was playing i finished the hawke/alistair sacrifice and all the torture i went through with deciding whom to sacrifice vanished bc frankly, at one moment, i wanted to sacrifice both of them, but in the end it was much more easier to sacrifice hawke bc inquisition hawke just didn’t feel like hawke to me, while alistair improved since the origins!
and now i remembered why i didn’t update, in the same day cassandra rejected me so i was sad and didn’t continue playing since then (i think last time i played it was around easter?)
new update
BLACKWALL!! or should i say Thom Rainier? Wow, what an arc! It was also so fun bc i was all strict mode, picking the third option, telling him his life is in inquisitor’s hands and all that, but in the end i set him free. He’s so good, a true knight T-T
Also i romanced sera. we’ll see how that goes.
Also, fave point in the game so far, i wanted, for so long, to sit at that val roeayoux (can’t spell) cafe and finally did it with cole’s personal mission. THANK YOU COLE YOU TRULY CAN READ PEOPLE’S MINDS.
another interesting thing was that after specialising as a reaver, cassandra said that drinking dragon blood makes you grow scales and become mad. Iron Bull said that inquisitor smells better bc dragon blood and that qunari generally smell better than humans. So i’m guessing qunari have fractions of dragon in them? ok...
and now i started that mission with morrigan and the puzzles are killing me lol, i am this 👌 close to just go chase calpernia and give up on a well of sorrows.
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Christmas Traditions
From: @madmeridian
To: @hhhhhotleafjuice
Prompt: mello and nears first kiss and all of the whammy kids on christmas (combined)
Additional tags: Meronia
Word Count: 1850
Author’s Notes: Okay so I thought it would be a cool idea to combine these two (I guess you’ll see why?) I like Christmas a lot so I was really excited to do that particular prompt! Anyway, I really hope you like it! If not I can try to rewrite it or smth idk let me know :)
Christmas at Wammy’s had always been an extravagant affair. It was rare to find a child or staff member who wasn’t excited for the Christmas season. The halls were lined in garland, lights were everywhere and there was no shortage of Christmas trees anywhere. In fact, it was near impossible to find a room that didn’t have one, whether it was a small one that children kept in their rooms, or large ones where the stars and angels on top were nearly brushing the ceiling. 
  Gift giving was an important part of these traditions as well. Children rarely tried to sneak out after hours, but during the holiday season, there were far more attempts, each more bold than usual. When they were inevitably caught, they stomped their feet and argued that they were only going out to buy gifts for their friends, even though the caretakers often took them down to stores and whatnot to do so. None of the orphans had been particularly good with socializing like normal people did, but they understood well that giving gifts was a good way to show friends that they cared. 
  Near was one of the few in the orphanage who neither gave nor received gifts. He’d only ever received one, from Linda the year prior, but only because she’d just found out that he didn’t get any and got teary-eyed about it the way she always did when hearing about some aspect of Near’s loneliness. Near supposed that he’d have to give her one this year in return, as would be expected of him. 
  He did see the value in giving gifts, but figuring out what to give people was a nightmare. Near had never really cared about anyone enough before to want to give them a gift. Likewise, no one had ever cared enough about him to do so, other than Linda.
  Of course, she was easy enough to get a gift for. She constantly complained about the lack of art supplies she was given to by the orphanage, so Near got her a nice set of quality paints. It would make her happy and hopefully show her some appreciation. Near wasn’t necessarily the best with people, but he did hope that she’d at least recognize this was his thank you from her gift last year. 
  Linda was the only person he bought for, though. It was an advantage, having so little people to shop for. Other kids spent hours in town, blowing all their money on gifts and still not having enough to buy everything. Near had been asked to loan out his allowance more than once, but he wasn’t dumb enough to say yes to that. He’d never get anything back. 
  Near often got called stingy for doing so, but he didn’t mind at all. He did spend his money on other things, like toys for himself and decorations for his room. Outwardly, he didn’t seem that much in the holiday spirit, but he did rather like Christmas. Simply put, he just didn’t celebrate the way everyone else did. 
  The weeks leading up to Christmas were often chaotic and Near preferred to stay in his room, to avoid it all. Spirits and energy were high, with no schoolwork to keep them busy. Near often watched from his window as kids played outside, throwing snowballs and making snow angels and snowmen outside. 
  Unsurprisingly, Mello was terrorizing some of the other kids his age, chucking snowballs hard at them while they screamed and ran away. Mello liked Christmas too, Near had noticed, but not quite for the same reasons the other children did. 
  Mello took great pride in reminding everyone of the religious significance of the holiday, though the only ones that really listened to him were the little children, who didn’t quite understand it all. Near had listened to him tell the story a few times too and found himself enraptured. Though, he was more enchanted by Mello’s passion for telling it than the story, which Near didn’t really believe in. 
  Of course, that meant that Mello didn’t give out many gifts, since he was a staunch believer that Christmas should be less about gifts and more about the religious aspects. In all the years Mello had been here, Near only remembered him ever giving Matt a gift and no one else. The staff, at least, was relieved they wouldn’t have to deal with Mello trying to sneak out for Christmas shopping and the like. 
  Near could see a small group of children gathered further out in the field, whispering amongst themselves. They kept giving shifty looks to the caretakers watching over everyone outside. Near supposed they’d be the next to sneak out and probably the next to fail. Those that made it out were never that obvious about their plans like these younger children were. 
  Attempting not to get caught by the caretakers, especially Roger, was a time-honored tradition at Wammy’s. It was a high achievement if you were clever enough to be able to sneak out and back in without anyone knowing you’d left at all. Not many students had done it, since most didn’t make it out and those who did were quickly noted as missing. Though the punishment for sneaking out was often harsh, students still dared each other and tried. 
  Well, the staff at Wammy’s had encouraged them to try to achieve the impossible. It was only to be expected things like this would happen. 
  Near would’ve thought that those trying it would at least be smart enough not to talk about it outside, in the open. The group of children soon dispersed, but the caretakers had taken notice of their little meeting. Near was sure he would hear all about their failure tomorrow morning in the common room. 
  Another time-honored tradition at Wammy’s was staying up as late as possible on Christmas Eve. The caretakers knew the younger children would fall asleep fast, and the older children would follow. If anyone was truly able to stay up into the late hours of the night, they’d just be sent to bed and told that Father Christmas wouldn’t deliver their gifts if they didn’t. 
  Near did join in on this tradition, since he could still sit in the common room, unbothered, watching the others celebrate. It was during this time that the children who’d attempted to sneak out would regale everyone with the stories of their failed escape. Others would tell about their Christmas traditions from before Wammy’s, or lack thereof. Several of the older children told scary Christmas stories, resulting in many of the younger ones screaming and crying to the caretakers. 
  Overall, the energy was quite chaotic, everyone shouting and jumping everywhere, convinced they could stay up late. The caretakers often tried to set up games, so that they could tire everyone out, but it devolved into others making up their own “games” to play. One of which was another common tradition at Wammy’s.
  It wasn’t so much a game as it was a way to bully people into kissing each other. A group of kids would run around with mistletoe, proclaiming the two poor souls they had under it had to kiss. Some told them to bug off, while others did it to avoid being called a coward. Near was only lucky enough no one ever came close to him to get stuck in that situation. 
  Unfortunately, one of the kids that was new to the orphanage this year wasn’t quite clear on who to pick on and who not to. He had his turn to choose who to stick under the mistletoe and zeroed in on Mello. The child giggled and quietly crept up on him. Near almost thought that Mello was going to deck the child when his chocolate was snatched away, but the boy darted away, triumphantly waving the chocolate in the air. Everyone else had frozen. No one did that to Mello, not without getting their butt kicked by him.
  “If you want it back, you have to kiss someone,” the boy sang, ignoring the worried looks everyone was giving him. “I choose…" 
  The boy’s eyes flitted around the room, searching for the perfect target. Then he settled back on Near with an evil grin. 
  "You have to kiss Near, Mello.” He rushed over to dangle the mistletoe over Near’s head tauntingly. 
  Near thought that Mello would just storm over and take his chocolate back, judging by the furious look on his face. Then another kid piped up, trying to support their friend. 
  “Yeah! Are you chicken, Mello? Not gonna do it?" 
  Some other kids half-heartedly joined in the jeering in a weak attempt to stop their friend from getting decked. Mello’s scowl turned more into a frown as more kids piped up and Near saw the cogs turning in his head. If he were to just take back the chocolate, he would be seen as a chicken for not taking up the dare. The downside was, he’d have to kiss Near. 
  Eventually, he came to a decision and stomped over. Near had predicted that Mello would take the fall so that he wouldn’t have to kiss his self-proclaimed rival. Everyone else did too, judging by the way they looked at the new boy with sympathy. 
  However, everyone was proven wrong when Near was dragged up by his collar and his lips met Mello’s. Confusion briefly overtook him, as to why Mello would possibly agree to kissing him. But the feeling of Mello’s warm lips on his distracted his train of thought and he finally melted into to it-
  and then he promptly fell back on the floor when Mello let go of him. 
  Near noticed that Mello’s face was flushed, that Mello had even whispered a small "sorry” to him. Then, just like that, Mello turned to the kid and took his chocolate bar away. He also pushed the kid to the ground, but that was far more expected than what had just happened. 
  “Near, are you okay?” Linda asked, rushing up to him. Near realized that his face was equally as red as Mello’s had been and that he’d just been sitting there, dumbfounded. He hid his face a little, picking up another piece of his puzzle. 
  “Fine, thanks,” he mumbled, hoping she wouldn’t push further. 
  Linda put her hands on her hips, lips pursed, but didn’t say anything else. Near noticed her giving Mello and Matt a look briefly before going back to her spot on one of the couches. 
  Near refused to leave the common room early, despite the incident that had occurred. He was one of the few that was sent up hours after everyone else had fallen asleep, since he didn’t mind staying up late. Mello was one of those people too and Near pointedly avoided his gaze as they all stumbled up the stairs to go to bed. 
  That night, Near had trouble falling asleep, the feeling of Mello’s lips on his still stuck in his mind. He couldn’t shake the thought that it was the best Christmas gift he could’ve gotten.
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
maybe smth with the moment herbert realises that he has feelings for the reader? only if u want to tho!!!
God I do love this man And I'm sorry If this is kinda like shitty? The ending is kinda cute tho
So enjoy! And thanks for the request!
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You yourself were unsure how you managed to get yourself a quiet seat in Herbert West's lab, but you had managed it. 
And Herbert, to begin with, was not at all a fan of it. You would sit in the corner minding your business, until you would look up to see what he was up to and always, always seemed to have some sort of input. 
It drove him crazy. 
Until It didn't so much.
He found that he enjoyed your company and found you actually had some good insight on the work he was conducting. And instead of the previous loathing he felt towards you to begin with, he found that instead he looked forward to the time the two of you spent together. 
"What if you tried this?" You asked him, noticing he was struggling particularly hard today. "Pardon?" 
You stood up from your spot and Bumped him out of the way with your hip, picking up the pen and scribbling a few things on the page in front of you. 
The corners of his mouth twitched upward in a light smile at the playful move but was quickly replaced as he peered over your shoulder, slightly annoyed as he attempted to get a glimpse of what you were doing. You tossed the pen down and gestured to the page, stepping aside slightly for him to look. 
You tapped your fingers on the desk as you watched him look it over he finally glanced up at you. 
"This could work…" You grinned and stood up straight. "Really?" 
He nodded slapping the notebook on the desk and moving around in preparation to follow your work. The look of pride that filled your face made his heart jump in his chest. It made him sick, it's true he tolerated you as a friend so he found it odd that he was acting this way. 
"Is that Dans cat?" You asked a few hours later when you found Herbert making his way down the steps with said animal in his hands. 
"Yes." You frowned as he placed it on the table. "What happened to it?" You asked taking his place in front of it as he moved away, you looked at it sadly. 
He watched you do so carefully, calculating how to put his next words carefully as If not to hurt your feelings. why he cared? he couldn't tell.
"He suffocated while rutting around in the trash, ready?" He asked looking up at you. You nodded scooting over so he could take over new and hopefully improved Reagent in hand. You watched him carefully as he injected the reagent to the cat. 
"Ten seconds." You said cutting him off and glancing at him with a smirk. "Thirteen seconds." On cue the cat began to twitch and move, letting out small meows. "Holy shit." You breathed out. 
"It's working…" He said softly both of you leaning in closer. Within a second the cat swiped at Herbert's face, scratching it. He stumbled back slightly as it stood up hissing at the both of you. 
"Hey, easy kitty...easy…" you reached out to pet him but he hissed again and bit your hand, wrapping it's paws around your arm. 
"Ah! Get off!" You shook your arm frantically tossing it from your arm. "Are you ok?" He asked coming over to you, taking your arm. 
"Just a few flash wounds, nothing I can't handle." You said smiling reassuringly.
 "Where did it go?" You asked, slowly pulling your hand from his. He frowned slightly as you did so and began searching the room for the Re-animated creature. 
Herbert following your action shortly after. You grabbed a shovel from the nearby wall and  held it tightly. 
There was a loud hiss from behind the both of you and it jumped onto Herberts back. 
"Shit! Herbert, stand still!" You yelled at him before finally getring a good enough angle 
To batting it across the room sending it straight into the wall.
You breathed heavily  huffing as you stood up straight and began to laugh lightly. 
"Holy shit...we did it!" You dropped the shovel and turned to herbert. "Herbert we did it!" 
He stared shocked for a second before laughing with you. "We did it!" He reapted after you. You happily tossed your arms around him to hug him, you both pulled away for a moment and He looked at you briefly before kissing you excitedly. 
You were shocked at first but kissed back,happy to do so. He pulled away but you chased his lips in a slight daze. He cleared his throat once the two of you broke apart. 
"No, no it...it was uh good..good…" you chuckled brushing a finger over your lips with what he hoped was a smile.  
"Heat of the moment...ya know...whatever…" you cleared your throat. "Anyways Imma go it's late...We can pick this up tomorrow, NOT the kissing thing...th..the scientist thing!" You chuckled nervously bumping into the table behind you. 
He watched you grab your things and quickly head up the stairs. He stood there for a second in shock trying to put together what had happened. 
"Heat of the moment...right...that's all it was." He reassured himself turning to the now, once again, dead animal on the floor. 
As he did he thought, thought about how happy and excited you had gotten when it worked, how much he enjoyed your company as of recently, the feeling of your hand in his. 
He groaned and hurried up the steps thinking he could catch you, luckily Dan had caught you on your way out. 
"Oh, Herbert I was just saying goodbye to-" 
You froze in shock for the second time that night as he held your face in his hands and kissed you again You hummed lightly against his kiss and pulled away with a dazed smile. 
"I don't want to call this Love, not yet Y/n but I definently feel something for you."
You stared at him in shock but laughed and nodded your head. "Dinner? Tomorrow Night, we can discuss it further?" You asked and he simply nodded. "Ok, uh tomorrow night then...Uh good night Dan...Herbert…" You slid out of the door and shut it behind you. 
"Wow...nice going Herbert.." Dad said from beside him with a smirk. 
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jungshookz · 4 years
cee!!! i had surgery today and it was so scary bc they wouldnt let my mom or anyone else come in with me and i had to spend basically the entire dAY in the hospital without her and i was so worried abt getting sick from something there ANYWAY i was wondering if you could write smth lil and cute with any of your characters for me to read while i recover 🥺
i hope your surgery went well and that you’re recovering nicely my friend!!!!!! i’m sorry u didn’t have anyone with you :-(((( but i’m hoping this snippet of an unreleased drabble will make you feel better!! as some of u may know uni!yoongi and y/n already had their big ‘i like u’ moment over christmas BUT this drabble was actually their original ‘i like u’ moment!!! 
yoongi is not used to this
and by this he means you
and by you he means he doesn’t understand why you don’t seem to be as into him as he much as he’s into you and it’s weird because (not to toot his own horn or anything) he thinks he’s preTTy good at wrapping people around his dainty pinky finger and it just doesn’t seem to be working with you!!
did that sentence even make any sense??
does anything even make any sense????
“-i guess, to answer your question, i don’t really know what to do which is weird because i’m usually pretty confident with everything that i do. you know?” yoongi sighs and shakes his head
the cashier blinks owlishly at him
all she asked him was ‘how are you doing today?’
“so… are you going to order anything or…?
look what you’ve doNE TO HIM
you’ve brOken him and he doesn’t know how to fix himself
“…one medium iced vanilla cold brew, please.”
anyone who’s said that you can’t be friends with your ex obviously didn’t have a meaningful relationship with them
because yoongi and lisa are doing just fine!
he takes a history course with her
he didn’t actually knoW they were in the same class until he was (very) late to class one day and the only seat left was next to her
and they get along great!
they don’t hang out outside of class but they get along inside of class which is what matters
“hey, did you happen to get the notes from the last slide? i missed some of the last bullet points-“ lisa grabs yoongi’s notebook and huffs when she sees that all he has on this page are some half-assed notes and a lot of doodles “you are of no use to me.”
“it’s all part of my charm, baby.” yoongi sighs and leans back against the squeaky seat
and then it hits him
he knows what to do to get you to talk to him
he’s spent the last 40 minutes of class thinking about your cuTe face and how he’s going to get closer to you but something about what lisa said just inspired him  
he needs a catalyst of some kind
he needs to.,.,., to catalyse yoU!
(he learned that word from chemistry but he’s not sure if he’s using it correctly)
yoongi nudges lisa’s side and she scowls before nudging him back harder
“oW- cut it out-“
“you started it-“
“will you just shut up-“
“yoU shut up-“
“i need your help with something.” yoongi hisses as he begins to scribble the plan down on his notebook so that lisa can read it instead of him having to whisper it to her in its entirety
he’s not of use to her but she’s vEry much going to be of use to him
he now knows exactly what to do
“if you keep bouncing your leg like that i won’t hesitate to slice it off with this flimsy wooden pathetic excuse of a knife.” jimin leans over to poke the tip of the dull knife into your forearm and you scowl before swatting his hand away
“i can’t help it, you knoW i get jumpy when i’m nervous.”
you feel itchy
is it hot in here??
or is it just you??
hopefully your armpits aren’t sweaty
nothing kills the mood more than swampy pits
am i right ladies
“y/n, you know he likes you back-“
“no, actually, i don’t know that.” you shake your head before leaning over to peek at the entrance of the cafeteria doors again “he’s never explicitly stated that he likes me back so i can’t just go around-“
“he doesn’t need to tell you! he- he literally spooned you in the middle of class aND he made me give up being your partner for the presentation so that he could be your partner instead.” jimin raises a brow when you look back at him
“…and your point is?”
he groans quietly and rolls his eyes
how can someone so smart be so stupid at the same time
here’s what’s happening
you think you’re finally going to do something about your feelings for yoongi (gross)
you actually weren’t planning on doing anything today but somehow jimin convinced you to be a good idea
you’re going to ask yoongi if he’d like to join you (and jimin) for lunch!
it’s not a big step but at least it’s somEthing
pls let me know if u wanna read the whole version because it’s actually so cute :-(( 
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macklives · 5 years
session 81 end
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wow, okay, first things first
shes so fucking cute holy shit i love her so much i dont even know where to begin??
i mean i guess its because im so used to troll snark and the way they just? banter constantly? seeing someone who is a literal ray of sunshine is so refreshing and wholesome and pure. god she’s great. shes a cat, she knows her stuff. she’s strong and theres also this guys???? who shes scared of?? and tells her what to do??? yeah no, idk who it is but let her make her own decisions lol
maybe its just over exaggeration or whatnot, and hes not bad but first impressions do a lot to me and right now the only thing i know about this guy is that AC needs his approval for everything. i guess ill see where that takes us. hopefully nowhere bad. but AC seems like she can take care of herself and knows how to be a good decent troll and i love her for that. wow it literally took me one dialogue to like her. damn, that was fast. jesus.
you know who else is great?
yeah i know right. and that whole trial thing, which yeah i guess half the time i was confused by what the fuck is going on since i still cant grasp the idea of how alternia works, but i enjoyed myself with lemonsnout and how terezi roleplays and how much she gets into it. seeing a character that passionate about something is so sweet and nice.
god this was just a nice overall session
which i say, while i completely forgot about the banter TA and karkat got into
right, that happened. oh my god. they both literally stomped all over each other, dissed one another, still made up in the end because apparently thats their friendship and i guess it just works like that. depends on the friends you have, i guess.
its funny though, not gonna lie
and karkat as of now is just being a prick and honestly? 
like more than usual, which i guess is weird to say but i mean from present time to beginning of hivebent karkat. not that its uncommon for him to be a prick, he is, but seeing him go through the non-linear pattern with john is mmmmh interesting to say the least. though we havent seen his first trolling, just him constantly going “oh god what did i say, i was dumb” u know, not in those words but thats basically what he means. 
ooh im gonna analyze, i feel like analyzing right now my fingers have already typed so much as it is MIGHT AS WELL
and our candidate will be *drum rollll* karkat wow predictable (its below the cut because this is literally irrelevant now to the session)
okay, lets lay out the shit we have already. as i said before, the way he talks presently to john (meaning in the future) is so different than how he speaks to everyone now. of course the “i hate the world” personality is still there, and hes still just regular karkat, but karkat talking with john is patient to some extent and tells him what he needs to know for the game, lowkey kinda chills out once they started talking about movies or growing up as huh, didnt he say larvae or smth?
okay that whole grub thing makes sense now as i just wrote that but i am still confused as to what the FUCK that is implying because i dont think it crossed my mind this much, im repressing it for now until it comes up later. 
anyways, back to what i was saying. he was so DIFFERENT than the way he’s acting now which is bitch and moan and like? stfu karkat lmfao. i mean, its not THAT big of a difference in character, because i know he’s still his grumpy old self, and theres a lot of potential.. for growth? not sure if we’ll get it but i like to assume we will get character growth from these characters with fucking 8000 pages talking about them. but a story needs that growth and with karkat being just a straight up angry dude, in MY EYES, he should.. have growth, no? idk HOW he will grow, but im basically just taking what i have right now which isnt much but i analyze things for fun sometimes so let me be.
that being said, because its so early on, im not sure where homestuck is gonna go and i dont have much to go on but being in the psychology course shit happens when you have limited information and you gotta pin point what makes a person a person and how do they cope with things to grow further into life. many of my assignments involve limited info so honestly, not that hard.
but it is something that ive noticed, the way karkat is different as he grows which possibly means the whole veil thing happens later later on in his life and we havent yet seen that small growth become patience and not whining every time he doesnt get what he wants. but growth is common and it mostly likely happens to everyone, so its not like wow this is a surprise and a plot twist, more of something that i just wanna write for the sake of writing it. i hope that makes sense? i dont exactly know where im going with this. i just mean that im basically going to analyse karkat a tiny bit so idk how to otherwise explain it but you’ll get where im going with this as i type more lmao. 
anyways, so karkat literally said “pretend i dont think highly of my friend’s talents” as if he’s visibly trying to force himself from all emotions and bash on those who do (reference: “stop being sensitive, its repugnant” or whatever tf he said while TA replied with “hypocrite”) i take that as a key word. so honestly, while that was the smallest thing ive gotten from this session, its the thing im most curious about actually and i actually havent mentioned lol. because what ive learned in psych, which this is just common knowledge but i did an assignment on it so like?? could be useful?? is that people who hold off their emotions tend to hold off others as well, so there is no chance of mirroring each other. in other words, if someone is happy and starts to laugh and goof around with another, the emotions will mirror that other person subconsciously. like an addictive laugh. theres also another way to show mirroring, which is to mimic another person's actions, allowing another to establish a sense of empathy and thus begin to understand another person's emotions. in this case, im using TA and karkat as example. people who suppress emotions tend to see emotions as a bad sign and if somebody else portrayed any sign of it as well, they’ll basically say “gross what are you doing” because theyre so used to concealing it away, that they dont want others to think theyre into the whole mushy shit. so they pretend to hate it, pretend to not even be slightly affected by general sensitivity..
which basically means karkat is a softie, and even if he’s a prick right now, meeee thinks john, from earlier convos, is growing on him because john himself knows how emotions work and while i dont think troll culture does know much about it, considering the BLOOD AND CARNAGE thing, he is in fact growing and even if thats obvious, and you all know it, i am new to homestuck and am trying to see that for myself. its noticeable to some degree. he may always still be a jerk, but i am waiting to see how he slowly starts to accept things around him and to finally show what hes hiding inside. even if its just going up by a few percentages, i see its there and im hoping VERY HOPING he has the biggest character growth!
in other words, why else do i think this?? well nobody who watches romcoms can be that fucking aggressive. you need some sap in you to like it.
on that note, ill probably analyze alternia’s system and rules in another post later throughout these next few sessions because i feel it needs to be talked about and the way everything just.. is so different and doesnt seem right, you know?
thats it for now goodnight
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shrimpfurai · 4 years
Ghost/Roach for the ship headcanon meme 👉👈😳
Holy shit- I didn't think someone would really ask me this 😂😂 But here we go, I guess:
Ship headcanon meme: Simon "Ghost" Riley/Gary "Roach" Sanderson Edition
1. Who makes the first move and how?
Tbh I think Roach would make the first move...but subtly. Like, he knows that Ghost is a bit detached from everyone else and only gives concise response when he's being asked about something. So Roach kinda tried to get to know Ghost first (his feelings are genuine, I swear, he really admires Ghost; kinda why he wants to know about the lieutenant more and apparently it grows into something completely different). Roach would occasionally greet Ghost when they cross each other's path, sometimes he'd sit with Ghost on the mess hall during lunch or dinner (with Ghost's permission ofc).
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
I'd say Ghost is the most insecure? He's not sure whether he's the right someone for Roach because he's afraid he'd be like his damned father–afraid that he'd do nasty things to Roach and all. All he needs is for Roach to be there, either holding his hand or embracing him as Roach tells him that Ghost is not like his father (which is wbk it's true btw). We know Ghost wouldn't talk about his feelings much so Roach would have to kinda pry on it a little. No force though.
3. Who is the most romantic?
Ghost ftw!!! I mean, look!!!! He's super compassionate when it comes to the people he loves! I'm sure as heck he'd try his best to spoil Roach on special occasion, or just giving small gestures like rubbing Roach's arm when the younger's anxious before an op, etc etc. There's too many in my head and I can't write it all here so just come to my DM if you'd like to discuss about this, Anon-san ❤️
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
I'D SAY BOTH, AHAHA. I MEAN, Ghost likes the feel of Roach's presence and when they're standing or sitting side by side, Ghost would probably give small touches to Roach like gently patting his thigh (no intended meaning, I swear 😂), patting his head, patting his back, and so on–just gentle innocent touch like that when on public; Roach would kinda do same thing dgshhdj bet he'd deliberately brush their fingers or smth and then giggles out of it–he'd also give light pat on Ghost's back as a gesture of "good luck today" every single morning just before they start the PT.
When in private 🌚, wbk their hands would freely roam each other's body. Ghost likes to learn about his partner more, and Roach really admire how Ghost's body is defined (in conclusion: muscles 👀 /SLAPPED).
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
Would be Roach, honestly. He's the one who's able to identify what he feels. Ghost is rather uncertain of what he was feeling until Roach say the L word first 😳.
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
Ghost and Roach: Threesome? Never heard of that.
(Ofc they know, they just don't like to share 🌚).
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
Either they visit a cafe and talk all night long there until the cafe is about to close, or they visit a local park and just sit there, enjoying the breeze while catching up on things 😳
8. What do they like in bed?
Both like spooning tbh, with our Ghost here as the big spoon. Sometimes, they'd just lie on bed facing each other, staring at each other's face and tell themselves that this is real, that they're here together, that they're alive and loved, and that this is more than enough.
Also, hot make out session 🌚
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
For Roach it would be him slipping on his feet when he's on his way to Ghost and fall face first on the mud after PT just outside the base 😂
For Ghost, it would be him having a slip of tongue when he talks with Roach because his mind is elsewhere. Like when they're in the middle of discussing their next mission in the rec room when Ghost was exhausted and Roach said "don't forget to bring the additional ammo/equipment", Ghost would accidentally say "yeah, I'll bring the pillow" , then fell silent, before the silence was broken by Roach's laughter 😂
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
Songs: Not Ready to Die - Avenged Sevenfold; M.I.A. - Avenged Sevenfold. These are pretty much his jam.
Books: Would be a book about survival and a book about plants/animal that can be eaten.
Luxury items: his cot and a pair of fresh clothes.
Songs: No Destination - Hoobastank; War - Poets of the Fall. Kinda represents himself and is his comfort songs (probably).
Books: The Life and Adventure of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, and a book about survival.
Luxury items: his cot and a compass
As long as it's useful for them, those items are luxurious 👌🏻
11. What do they hide from one another?
I don't think Roach would hide anything; he's pretty much an open book, wouldn't be able to hide something from Ghost anyway. As for Ghost, maybe he'd hide his feelings when he's uncertain about what he feels (if this counted). Other than that, Ghost doesn't have anything to hide from Roach; he doesn't really like to lie to his s/o unless he really has to (for urgent matters).
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
It's about the relationship right? I think what changes first would be how both Ghost and Roach even more aware of their fear of losing each other. Military life is full of unexpected deaths, so...that's pretty much it.
13. When do they realise they should get together?
I think it's some time after Loose End event, during their recovery times. And yes, they're alive. No one can tell me otherwise.
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Ghost would tell Roach to just rest on bed, preparing the meds and food, then left him to finish things at the house. If they're on base, Ghost would visit Roach's room to tale him to the med bay before escorting Roach back to his room, then he'd bring his meds and meals.
Roach would pretty much do the same as Ghost. He'd bring Ghost his meals and meds, and leave to finish things around the house before getting back to accompany him.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
Ghost would choose zombie apocalypse kind of movie (like World War Z) and Roach would choose military action (like Black Hawk Down, etc). They don't really watch romantic/drama/romcom movies unless it really catch their interests. Roach would get the final vote because he's surprisingly good at rock-scissors-paper HAHA
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Just like how they always do during mission, I guess? They'd professionally cope to find a settlement first, watching each other's back, remain alert and all. Once they find a good settlement for the night, they'd take turn on an overwatch.
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?
Honestly? They'd go back just before the Loose End mission starts to tell the Ghost and Roach from past to set up a secret plan B and to tell them not to go to the General's chopper.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
By apologizing tbh. They're not children and mature enough to know where they did wrong and they'd have a talk about that matter like just like how adult supposed to do before apologizing to each other.
19. Where do they go on their first date?
Roach's favorite cake shop 😳😳 Ghost wants to witness how his bug eats his favorite cake...and he'd take picture of it and keep it on his phone dhsjsjdk.
20. Where do they go on holiday?
They'd go and hike a mountain and have a camp night out there, or to a unvisited lake/forest. They like to spend time in nature.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
This question is really confusing tbh 😭😂 But hopefully I don't answer it wrong:
Roach is quite nervous when he's engrossed in something he found interesting in front of Ghost since he'd go "Ohh!! That's cool!! How could that happen??"–it's like he behaves like a curious child and he's just afraid that Ghost would find that annoying (hint: Roach is just easy to amuse :9).
As for Ghost... I don't think he'd be nervous about himself in front of Roach. He's a confident bastard lmao. If being nervous about how he'd look vulnerable in front of Roach counts, then that's probably it.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
In the armory, just after they finished cleaning their weapons on a nice evening. This takes time probably a few days after Roach confessed to Ghost and vice versa 😳
23. Where is their favourite place to be together?
Back on the base, their favorite time to be together would be just outside the barracks; it's quiet out there especially on the evening. They like to just be there, standing or sitting next to each other while talking about things.
Outside the base, it would be the local park. At house, their bedroom is just the ultimate favorite place for them to be together 😳
24. Where do they first have sex?
At the base's shower room honestly. Takes a few days after their first kiss, it was after training and they both just happened to be the only ones in the shower room since the others scrambled to their rooms right away aha-
25. Why do they fight?
Usually it's because out of concerns towards each other's safety and well-being, like when Roach did something risky during a mission and vice versa. They don't fight much, but then they do it's because of this kind of thing.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Because they need to get things straight such as after they're fighting, or to discuss something that would lead their life to a completely different level or to discuss matters regarding their relationship.
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
Because they're such an ass when it comes to PDA AHAHA; sometimes they're purposely being all lovey dovey in front of their teammates just to see their reactions shsjskjd. Another thing that'd make their teammates annoyed is how oblivious they are towards each others' feelings, I think. 141 boys are so supportive towards each other ok.
28. Why do they get jealous?
They don't usually get jealous, but when they do, it's probably because there's this someone that flirts with their either Ghost or Roach and this someone has crossed the line by either touching their s/o or whatnot,,,, That's when they'd step in.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Honesty it's because how attentive and caring they are towards each other...like they just love the fact that their s/o really does care about them. Kinda "action speaks louder than words" thing here. Also, how could they not fall a little bit more in love when every little thing always remind them of their partners 😳
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
I believe it works between them because of how they are truly understanding towards each other....and because of how patience Roach is when he has to deal with Ghost's fears and insecurities. They both take it slow, enjoying the ride, not rushing things out. Believe it or not they're that kind of couple who have quite a good communication between them despite how bumpy their road is. (aight what am i talking abt???) They always manage to talk things out and sort things straight (gay) between them.
OK Y'ALL IM DONE. Hopefully this doesn't seem OOC :( Sorry if this turns out super long 😂 Thanks for the ask, dear Anon!
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dead-thorin · 5 years
some nice things happened this week. Wednesday was the department’s finals and i was rushing around and at one point i got to my desk and there was a gift. My friend got me smth for christmas and in the card she wrote consider this a birthday, christmas, thanks for everything u do for me gift and it was a chicken ornament :’)
On thursday one of the TAs brought his 7 month old daughter in and i got to hold her and she was literally so adorable. At one point, after she stopped being fascinated by the tree, she started getting upset bc she couldnt see her dad so my boss, who was holding her, walked to the copy room to show her where he was and she immediately stopped crying. Also, he’s a really funny and chill parent like idk how to describe it. She was wearing a jacket with the hood having like dinosaur scales on it and he and my boss took it off her so she wouldnt overheat. I helped him put it back on her and he, very calmly, was like and she doesnt like putting on clothes so shes going to go into a rampage. And as he strapped her to his chest and put on his own jacket he once again very calmly was like and shes gonna get overheated and go into a rampage again. he also joked about how toned and fit he was getting bc she likes it when he holds her in his hands and does squats bc of the movement
Three faculty members are expecting kids soon, with one of them being actually pregnant. I made them baby blankets and last week I started giving them to them. The one who is pregnant was like omg thats ridiculously sweet jordan im gonna cry and gave me a hug 😭Another one whos wife is expecting in early january thanked me and was a little awkward bc hes the type who doesnt know how to receive gifts, which like same. Today I ran into them as my friend and i walked into the supermarket and they were leaving. My friend saw them first and said hi and i noticed afterwards and was like hey! And his wife was like Oh! he made the blanket right? And when he confirmed she was like omg thank you so much that was so nice!!! I havent had the chance to make you a thank you card yet!! Also on Thursday i gave the last blanket and i didnt know how this guy was going to react bc hes very... stereotypically math. He hardcore cant make eye contact, he doesnt make conversation unless strictly necessary, and hes very awkward, nervous, and anxious. Over the semester I noticed that hes gotten better and like he still is nervous when talking but he talks a bit more and he makes way more eye contact. So I gave him the blanket and he was like ??? and i was like oh its a baby blanket! And he was like whos giving it??? and I was like Me? I made it for you since youre expecting a kid and he was like omg??? and he was super happy omg and we talked a little bit about it bc this is his first kid and he said he and his wife were a little bit nervous bc they didnt have family around since shes from china and hes from switzerland and i was like yeah but most of the people here have had kids so i think theyll help and he was like yeah but its still a little bit nerve wracking and i was like true true. He also was liek volunteering information instead of just strictly answering the question and idk this was the most hes spoken with me and it was super nice and pleasant. im really hoping i can see baby pics next semester 
Yesterday there was an end of semester party and i was hoping to spend at the most like an hour there since there were apparently gonna be a TA or 2 who didnt like me there and i just wanted to chat with a friend who graduated and one who was leaving next week. So I stayed there until 2am about and then we moved to the guy whos leaving’s house and stayed there until 4am and it was super chill. Most of the TAs were drunk too which was funny. But the highlight for me was that I got to chat with one of them who I only had a little bit of conversation with from time to time at the office and we talked for most of the party and it was super nice. He’s trying to find a job in the southeast bc his family lives there and we were talking with a TA and she mentioned like the perfect job position for him because its a good location and what he wants to do. It opened like 2-3 days ago? SO i took out my phone and started writing an email to him and asked her to repeat the job title and he was like what are you going to send this information to everyone? and i was like no? Im emailing it to you because youre at least a little drunk right now and might forget so this will be a reminder so u have this info later and can apply and he was like omg ur so nice and gave me like a bear hug. Also the guy who is leaving gave me a hug when i left his house and during the night he mentioned that i was invited to his wedding next year so thats cool. 
TAs have gotten exam results and one of them called me upset about it and we talked about it and she feels better about it now. At one point she was like Jordan youre so nice omg and i was like thanks i try and we talked for over an hour and it was nice. 
Yesterday i decided to take out my helix piercings because its been over 6 months (closer to 7 or 8 I think?) and they have had a bump on them since Ive gotten them. The hole is already closed and the bump is going down so thats good! It wasnt a lot of money and I might get it repierced but idk bc that was one of the more painful piercings and its annoying to soak. The rest of them are doing p well except my nostril has a little bump/scar? on it but hopefully thatll go away and it doesnt look bad. 
I got to pet 3 cats and 2 dogs this week and my friend gave me a jumpsuit that doesnt fit him! Hopefully next semester we can go to a club or smth and I can wear that. 
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Insomnia // Hwang Hyunjin [bulleted scenario!]
Summary: In which you and Hyunjin are both too oblivious to realize your true feelings... until it’s too late? 
Genre: angsty, floooof, gender neutral 
Word Count: 2175
Warnings: Just some cursing 
A/N: This is my first time writing a bulleted scenario and i quite enjoyed it :) idk it’s fun to not care about settings too much and punctuation and stuff. I also liked adding my own little dumb remarks here are there :PP it was fuN! This was another scenario that kinda arose while i was napping i hope you guys enjoy it! <3 i love stray kids 
i’m also gonna try to make all my scenarios gender neutral from now on (unless specifically requested) b/c we are all about inclusivity here !! :)
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This was originally gonna be like a real fic
But the writers block was REAL like i really tried to set the scene and everything
But it didn’t turn out right
And i really wanted to get this one out so HERE WE ARE TRYING THE BULLETED SCENARIO OKAY YAY LETS BEGIN!
Trainee au!! Kinda :D
Like skz didnt go through the survival show yet
Ok so SEtting thE SCeNe~~~~
You just walked into the jyp building bc jyp hired you as a new producer
Like to study under him and potentially help w producing in the future
Like jyp 2.0 ya know
Jyp meets w you himself bc you’re like a prodigy
And a foreigner so he thought you’d be more comfortable w him speaking toyou in english :D
So he explained what you gotta do during your training period
Like studying more about composition and production
Learning korean to more easily communicate w idols and what not
And also honing your own style and figuring out who you are as an artist
So he pairs you up w the trainees bc it be good practice
More specifically skz bc they seem to have a more flexible style
Also like he thought it would be good for you to work w chan and the rest of 3racha
Like bc yall around the same age
And it helps you become more comfy
And familiar w the company and the producing rooms and recording studios and what no
And then like
Through working w them to produce a song for the trainee showcase
Yall get mad close
And like
You have your eyes on hyunjin from the start
Like bc who couldn’t
Gorgeous boy
At first you were just like “this is admiration”
“He very handsome i just admire his features”
And maybe it was..
At first
Now it's a full blown crush
For real
That boy is so hard working
Like you constantly see him asking for help
So he can improve
And like
People always said he was a visual only
Which made you feel bad that you saw that at first 
But you realized later
That like
You actually like him bc of his personality
What a hard worker 
For real
Little did you know that your crush was NOT one sided
Hyunjin admired your hard work in producing
And how you always took criticism well and only worked to improve your work
He thought you were hella cute
So yall were both kinda obvious
Him more than you
Like by a loT
So skz knew for a fact that hyunjin was head over heels in love w you so they pushed him to confess to you
Yeah he was like no
But after PEEr pRessUre
He finally agreed
They was gonna plan something like a party for you
To celebrate the time you’ve been w the company
But the showcase came before the celebration and suddenly they were on a survival show to see who would debut
So the party was postponed OOOODDDDD
But you didnt even know it was gonna happen so you didnt mind anyways
Soon enough it got closer to your birthday, and skz just decided to make it a birthday celebration instead
Hyunjin was more iffy about confessing bc what if you dont feel the same and he ruins your bday oh no
But at this point, skz was sure you liked him back so they were like dont worry about that they aren’t like that your relationship will be fine
So the party happens ladida
You were super surprised and sosososososo happy
Bc like
Your hart
These boys were precious and totally made your day
Tbh bc of your work
You almost forgot it was your birthday
After the crazy loud party, you wanted to like take some quiet time for yourself so you excused yourself
And then walked to the hallway and sat by the window and looked out at the city and the night sky
And suddenly you heard footsteps
It was this boy named jason who you were friends with
He was from the same town you were from so you got close p quickly when you first got to jyp
And jason had a not-so-secret crush on you
That ofc you were oblivious to
But he came over there to spend time w you and wish you happy bday
Little did you know
Hyunijn was mentally preparing himself to confess to you down the hall and around the corner w a pretty bouquet of flowers what a sweet boy
And when he finally works up the courage, he turns the corner and sees jason giving you a bday hug 
And he cant help but feel his hart drop
Yall look good together and like you were from the same town so similarities
So he was heartbroken needless to say
 He quickly turned around and walked away
But you heard the footsteps and saw just a glance of his outfit retreating
You excused yourself from jason’s company and ran after him bc you are so in love w this boy
You were gonna hug him and thank him, but when you approached he took a step back
Like ow
That hurt
He quickly stammered that he had to go home bc he was tired and left
He was hiding the flowers behind his back :’(
And then tossed them as soon as he left the building
He went for a long ass walk to clear his mind and soothe his aching heart
You were so worried
Was he okay?
You went home soon after bc you couldnt help but worry and that made you super tired
But you couldn't sleep
Goddamn it hyunjin
You messaged him
“you’re prob sleeping but i hope you feel better”
Dry ass reply: “thx”
Like wow
But you let it go
jic he was actually really exhausted
You knew he took criticism from the show too so maybe it was that
Hopefully he’d talk to you about it bc he usually did
But he didn't
He avoided you
Your heart really couldnt take it
Meanwhile you and jason got closer bc you didnt have hyunjin to hang out w anymore
Despite your many efforts
And this just further fuels his belief that yall are together
So to ignore the tinge in his heart every time he saw you, he buried himself in practice
Didn't sleep
Didnt drink enough water
Didnt eat enough
He was getting dangerously skinny and unhealthy
And it affected his attitude
Not only to you but to his members
One day you were asked to come in and monitor a recording session
And he was happy and giggly in front of the camera
But as soon as it turned off u could see the fatigue
And you told him that he should take better care of himself
And he SNAPPEd at you
 You actually flinched bc he was so aggressive
Your heart SHATTEREd
And you, also sleep deprived as FUCk
Slapped him
Not super hard, but like a “what the fuck is wrong with you”
And you walked right out, not even bothering to hide your tears
And he was sad but he thought that you hating him would help him get over you
What a dumb boy
You completely avoided him after that
You also still had restless nights 
God that convo kept playing over and over in your head
But one day you got a call from chan
He needed your help
Hyunjin was seriously overworking himself and he was afraid hyunjin was gonna collapse
Luckily you were still at the company working on smth bc ofc you couldn't sleep anyways so might as well make use of your time
So you finally agree bc even if you’re still angry at him, you are srsly worried about this boy
And when you get to the dance room your heart breaks all over again
Hes so pale
And sickly looking
And hes shaking but hes still dancing
You knock and hear a gruff “its open”
The music pauses for a moment but when he sees its you he scoffs and turns it back on
“what do you want”
“Uhm.. are you okay?”
“Why? You wanna slap me again to make me feel better?”
Ofc you rolled your eyes bc wtf hyunjin you were being nice
“I dont even know why i bothered”
You go over to the stereo and turn it off yourself
And he turns to you angry
At this point, you’re practically sobbing like udk if he can understand you but who cares
All this frustration that was pent up inside felt good being released
Bc at this point, you had nothing more to lose
Hyunjin already hated you so like why not just speak your mind amirite
 Anyways continuing w the dialogue:
Cue awkward pause/break thing (AWKwARD SiLEncE)
“What are you talking about hyunjin?”
He sighed defeatedly
It was now or never. He felt like his relationship w you was ruined already anyways
So he, like you, also had a ‘what do i have to lose’ mentality
“I was going to confess to you y/n. That night at your birthday party. But i was too late. I saw you with jason and you looked so happy and perfect together.  So i left. I cut my ties with you because i didn’t want my own feelings to get in the way of your happiness.”
You were completely utterly speechless
Like there were an overwhelming number of feelings enveloping you atm
Bc on the one hand:
The love of your life just confessed to you
But on the other
What a dumbass
You end up laughing and scoffing at his words bc
Hes so dumb
You dont like jason
God you’ve been in love w hyunjin for so goddamn long
And now you’re debating over how to respond
But like your anger and frustration kinda takes precedence bc youre also sleep deprived and you go
“ so, you broke your own heart and then you broke mine because you didn’t want to talk to me about it you dumbass ????”
And he gives you that classic confused puppy-dog look
W the head tilt and everything
And you go
“Hwang hyunjin, i’m fucking in love with you”
And he just stares blankly at you and blinks like 8 times trying to comprehend what just came out of your mouth
And his lips form an ‘o’ shape
And then hes coming closer and wrapping his arms around you
And you dont even mind that hes still sweaty and kinda smelly
Bc hes finally in your arms
But holding him so close also makes you super aware of just how skinny he’s gotten
Like it was worse than you thought
So you pull back and you open your mouth to chastise him
But before you can even start he’s cupping your cheeks can pulling your face to his
Your lips collide and then they're molding into one another
And your mind kinda blanks out
But your automatic reaction seems to be letting your fingers run through his hair and pulling him closer towards you
And when yall finally come up for breath
He tries to go in for another one like immediately after
Like slow your roll boy you guys can kiss all you want later
If you said that out loud, he wouldve responded w something like “we gotta make up for lost time”
But you put your hands on his chest and hold him back
And he pouts
(you almost squeal at how cute he looks)
“Ok, now that we’re dating, i am literally commanding you to take better care of yourself because this,” you eye him up and down, “is unacceptable”
And he quirks an eyebrow up and is like
Oh? I don’t recall asking you out? On a date?”
And you get all blushing and become a blubbering mess and hide your face in his chest like
“Shut up hyunjin”
But he’s just giggling at your embarrassed face :D
Then, him being the dramatic hoe that he is, he gets down on one knee in front of you and says
“y/n, y/l/n, will you go out on a date with me?”
And ofc u say yes
And after that whole dramatic scene, you pull him out of the practice room, fingers intertwined, ready to stuff him with food
And he goes
“I dont think i said it back.”
“Said what back?”
“That i love you”
And the rest is history
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queencryo · 6 years
@silly-go-round is asleep right now.
i guess i should make a journal for the past few days. as good a time as any. as AMY. heh. cuz shes super good and amazing. heh.
uh...... lessee.... for the two days after the last journal i just. hung out at the house while silly worked. i managed to not keep her in bed and make her late the second day. hung out a lot, watched more adventure time, worked on my tumblr filter script (lie. i judt ran it on my main. 200 posts / day is a bitchhhh) , played a good amount of ds3 (to pointof tetris effect at a couple points the nexg few days)
also did some like. helpful tasks. washed some dishes (undone quicklu, but. eh). not enough, mot as much as i shouldve, but... i tried i guess.
alao we've like. said the same thing at the dame time a Lot while ive been here and its like. nice. its really nice. same wavelength! i feel so close go her.
oh! alxo night before last we went grocery shoping. got food for prolly enoygh for the two weeks, but i guess we'll see. also a cheesecake! it was.... echausting. hily fuck it was exhaysting. jesus. the store was big and it took like 3 hours and $200 to get everything but. we did itttt.
we both mentionef that like. it felt nice to like. have a full fridge 2gether. cuz. it feels like were gonna have a futjre togetjer? u know. like that is. i love her a lot and it feels good for this to feel like a home for a little while. we hope that it can be so in tbe future.
so YESTERDAY she finally FINALLY taught me how to play magic the gathering. it was. a long time coming. but she brought me into the store and like. sat me down w some regulars and had me play commander. i played moooostly her snake deck, so like.that was fun!! i kept talki g about how i woulda gotten lorescale Coatl up to 39/39 and flying, had i like. gotten q more turn. but on that game D was running a mill deck that was. extremely long to play (that game took like ~>2 hours ugh), and was very bery annoying, so i didnt get to actually do that.
but it was fun! part of me wants to blog everything, but i dont think i will.
im glad to be able to use silly's decks, bc i dont think i want to make my own. im considering making a cheap angel deck or smth, but we'll see if yhat actually ends up happening.
i also met her girlfriend Iz, who is sweet. i played magic w her fkr a while, which was fun! she was runni g an annoying mono black deck (i kkow all these... these Terms and Words now, its incredible...)
shes sweet and i think i like her. dunno if enough to date yet (which makes me Partially regret flirting w her so much in the groupchat but. hey)
talked w her some, mostly about magic, hung out while silly closed the store, pet her cat, silly discovered that cyddling w TWO girlfriends is very nice (not rhat id know ;;;;;;;), was good times. i dont think im as comfy w izzy physically yet as i may have implied in messages, which hopefully wull be rectified by the message i just sent her (my initial physical comfort with people varies, it depends very much on the person)
skip forward, me and silly make a pizza at home cuz were fuckin tired, she admonishes me for not eating for uh... like 11 hours or smth (that mornings bagel was VERY good tho omg), but adderall, so like... meh.
uh... i dont think anything else on yesterday...
today! we waaamted to go to the store at like. 2. but in actuality got there at like! 330.
i went back to sleep cuz im a losenerd, and she. made this breakfast casserole thing. which hse put into a bagel abd brought to me bc i guess shes the best person on the entire earth oh my GOD. jesus
skip... apparently she knows maximum the hormone and doesnt like them very much... fair fair. (cause for xeath)
came to the store agai. tofay. it was fun and good. iz didnt come in today, do played some more with regulars. played w what is apparently called a blink deck, which revolvea arounf exiling cards then immediately bringing them back, to capitalize on "when this enters battlefield, do smth" cards. neat!
i DID actually manage to win today!!! the victory was. literally handed to me, but like. thats fine! i was playing silly's uhhh... elintor the masked? idr her name :( the mask planewalker! deck, which. i had SO much land, most of wh8ch was enchanfed. meaning it could be tapped then untapped w eljntor's thing, then tapped again for DOUBLE MANA. i mean. i had like 9/turn even b4 that but. BUT. i also had. i think i drew 3 creatures total. bit anyway. i had the white card that gave me a life whenever a creature was put on tge board (and also, w another enchantment, made all non-me creagurss and enchantments enter the board tapped, so. nya). so... rob had a card what dealt one damGe to all other players whenevr he puta. creature on the board. then he played united forces, which lets each player commit X mana to create X 1/1 soldier tokens on all players' boards. so. we made 28 white soldier tokens on everyones board. this killed perry, ans gave me, uh. 56 life (84 - 28). i then attacked ron for 28 w the soldiers, and drew sacred mesa, which lets me sacrifice 2 mana (1 any color, 1 white, but i had so many cards that said "this land can instead be tapped for 2 of any color, so like. ueah) to create a 1/1 flying pegasus token. so i. ended the game w 44 white 1/1 tokens. goblins get fucked.attack w my ssoldiers cuz his were tapped, so brought him down to 7 life. i didng catch what he did w the enchantment, but i think he said he like. put a copy of every creature on my side of the board onto his board, and then. cipying that enchantment 3 times. so. holy FUCK. wow. BUT those all came in tapped and i had 18 flying yokens, so. i still won! yay!!!! i won a game of magic!!!!!
goblin decks scare me. stop running krenko you fucks. exponential goblins goddamn
silly would come by every so often and like. look over my dhoulder and say "oh that was dumb whyd u use fabricate for thay" which is fair. but also god i love her. (i used fabricate for a mana generator insteaf of lightning greaves. whateverrrr) i love her so much dear god. i wish i coukd help w the store more, but. on the same time i also. dont enjoy working. so. maybe part time.
hm. what ekse. oh yeah i kove her so much.
by the end of the night it was just. me and her, rob and the two regulars i started out llaying w yestwrday. theyre sweet, i like them. theyre married. the dude calls me honey smtimes, which is. kinda weird? dunno how i feel about that. i guess fine. its gender-nice, but still a lil uncomfy. otherwise i like em fien, though. but they talked abouy moving into sillys apt. so thats cool!! better than her current (awful, terrible, lazy / horrifically depressed / manchild roomate, who doesnt clean ever) roomate. i was reading the monster of the week gamebook thruout, which i... bought, for some reason. idk. oh also i wanna make a fallen angel divine, because im... predictableeee. also a conspiracy thworist whos just a trans woman w way too much time and really weird hobbies (throwing knices, butterfly knife, net friends, etc). also a spooky. i speny like. 3 hours reading thr7 the monster of the week book while ppl played magic around me. i kinda wish i hadnt bought it, but hey! its neat c:
oh, also i didnt take adderall today. i dont think it went toooo bad, i think i like. was meaner and less thohghtful with what i said, but like. i guess thats better than feared. i took a caffeine pill (200mg) at ariund 10 which is. prolly why im wide awake right now. i regret doing that, sincr from what shes said tmos gonna be big)
she says we gotta be at her moms by 4, for reasons she WONT TELL ME. bit she says its part of one of her plans, i ASSUME the romantic one? im kind of afraid that ill like. no-sell it unwillingly because im abroke and soulless human being, but uh. i guess rhats thw risks we take to be alive :shrug: im excited. were also going to a shop (diff one) tmo, which im Quite excited for, as ive only been in similar shops by accident before. also doing laundry!!! which is important ^_^
oh ysah. so we got white castle on the way home. its. yeah she was r8ght. mediocre-at-best sliders. onions are bad.
we also made a pizza. whifh i ate most of. i overate. sob.
she fell asleep halfway thry an episode of nailed it. cant blame her, she seemed really tired. i hipe i dont disturb her rwst. and i feel so utterly blessed thay i can be around her.
ih!! i also fell down the last few staies ywstersay. bruised my arms, but otherwise fine. it was. idk, it is nice to knoe that others worry fir me and like me. she was very concerned. i love her.
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