#-im just eating fruity pebbles about it
douubles · 2 years
anyone else w gender weirdness ever just sit back and be like damn. Would b so so easy if I was just a girl
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hunted-moth · 4 months
Just Like Him: The Before Times 
Word count // 7k
Summary // Y/n is just a normal girl who loves to hunt with her dad. She has a loving and attentive mom. Her relationship with her brother is rocky at best but she still loves her small little life. That is until it's all turned upside down after she gets into an accident, with her dad passing away and her mom flushing her life down the toilet how is she supposed to manage when the world ends with it?
Warning // Language, character death(not twd cast), Talks of death, violence, the killing of walkers, 
Special Thanks to @catbunblue302 and my friend for editing/proofreading this with me, it would be a disaster if they didn't lol
OTHER STUFF// This is just the prologue, it's kind of important but you don't have to read it. But I gave Y/n the nickname Bear, idk why but I love it so im keeping it. She also has shorter hair in the beginning and in my mind is Biracial but her race isn't brought up very much. But things like hair texture, skin color, and eye color aren't mentioned or described so it is up to you how Y/n looks to you
A/N // its in gods hands now. this is like half edited by someone who knows what they're doing and the other half done by me at like 11:00 at night.
***: Major time Skip/scene change
*: small time skip/scene change
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             It was early in the morning, maybe five or six. You were fast asleep dreaming about nothing and everything, but while you lay sleeping, a figure crept into the room being careful not to wake you.
When he got to your bed, he hovered over it ready to pounce on you. You were snoring into the night, unaware of what was about to happen as he snaked his hands under the cover skillfully and-
“Wake up, bear! We got lots to do kid.” Your Dad tickled your sides as you yelped and writhed from joy. 
“Dad! Sto-stop I can't brea-breathe,” you laughed. 
He smiled down at you before he got up, releasing that classic dad grunt while laughing quietly.
“Alright, get dressed, then get something to eat.” 
You smirked up at him and flung your cover off yourself. 
“Already one step ahead of you,”you say, revealing to him that you were already dressed in your hunting clothes, minus your boots. 
He chuckled quietly, careful not to wake up his wife and stepson. He nodded his head, telling you to get up and go to the kitchen. You rushed to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl and spoon, and had some fruity pebbles. Your dad just had a pop-tart that he popped in the toaster. 
While he was waiting for it to ding, he looked at you. He saw you scarf down your food as fast as you could.
“You know you can enjoy it, right?” he teased, but you just looked up at him while the spoon was still in your mouth. 
“I know, just eager to leave.” Your mouth was full and milk streamed out of your mouth. 
Your dad just rolled his eyes and chuckled.
He grabbed his food and went to sit with you. Looking up, you asked him a question. “So what are we doing today?” 
Your dad took a bite of his pop-tart. “Hmm, well I was thinking about going into town and getting some more snacks for the trip. Maybe some extra bug spray.” 
You nodded at that. “Yeah, they love me for some reason.” 
He smirked. “Yeah, it's ‘cause you got sweet blood, they like it.” 
Your eyes widened. “WHAT!” You practically yelled. 
You covered your mouth hoping not to awaken your half-brother and mom.
But it didn't help. 
“The hell’s all this racket!?” Your older brother, Jason, stormed in with an annoyed and tired look on his face. 
You looked at your brother when he walked over. He was three years older which made it easier for him to ignore you. He was indifferent towards you, like you didn't matter to him. The only time he gave you any attention was when you irritated him, like you were bothering him with your existence. 
Jason and your dad had a hard relationship. For some reason, Jason was always rude to him. Whenever your mom wanted to tease Jason she would explain how when she and Dad had started dating Jason would throw fits when Dad came over. And how Jason would stare at your dad with a mean glare. Jason had the meanest glare, it could put the old judgy ladies at church to shame.
“Sorry, son, me and your sister were just talking about our trip.”
Jason seemed to glare at the word ‘son’. Your brother looked at the clock on the wall with a sleepy stare. “It's five in the mornin', so stop yellin' in the house, Y/n.'' He looked down at you as he walked over and made a bowl of cereal, the same as you. 
“O-okay, sorry.” You looked down meekly at your nearly empty bowl. 
Your dad sighed, “Well, we're about to leave.”He looked at Jason. “You sure you don't want to come with us, Jason? Wouldn’t be any trouble.” 
He responded with a quick “No.”
Relief washed over you. 
“I’d rather shoot by myself than with her.” He glared at you. 
You looked away from his glare and shrank into yourself.
Your Dad sighed and got up. You copied him and went to put your bowl in the sink. You rushed to your room and went to get your bag and put your boots on. By the time you left, it was about five-thirty in the morning, and the sun was already starting to rise as you and your dad got into his truck and started driving to town.
Looking out the window, you could see the familiar trees and a few birds flying by. You always loved the woods. It was quiet, yet the singing of birds could still be heard in the distance. Looking into the rearview mirror, you could see your cabin disappearing in the distance. 
“You excited, kid?”
Turning your head, you looked at your dad with a smile, “Yes!” you exclaimed excitedly.
Your dad chuckled. “Oh, I bet, bear, but uhh, been wanting to talk to ya ‘bout something.”
You tilted your head with curiosity. “What, Dad?” 
He sighed lightly. “Yer teacher called your Momma and me yesterday to discuss your schooling. They said you were falling behind in yer work, withdrawing from other kids, and advised me to talk to you. Can you tell me why, bear?”
You looked out the window without answering. 
“I won't push you right now, but if you ever want to talk,” he trailed off and rubbed your shoulder the best he could while driving.
              By the time the truck made it to town, the sun was up. The truck pulled into the mini-mart. You jumped out of the truck and waited for your dad, before sprinting into the mart and grabbing different snacks you liked. You had an armful by the time you returned to your dad at the counter.
He looked down and his eyes widened at your selection. “Jeez, Bear, you going into hibernation?” He let out a hearty laugh. Grinning at him, you put your snacks on the checkout counter.
“One thing I love about you two coming in here-” The owner started to ring up your stuff, “I always make money.” 
Your dad waved his hand at them dismissively before grabbing the bags and handing them to you.
“Let's get a move on, don't want to miss any of the good spots.” Hopping into the truck, Dad started it and headed out to your campsite.
             A few hours had passed by the time you made it to the site. Hopping out of the truck, you went around back to the truck bed and grabbed your bag and bow. Your dad set up the tents and you set up the fire pit, gathering some rocks and stacking them, then went to find some sticks.
When it all was done, your dad came over and patted you on the shoulder. “Ready, Bear?” 
You looked up at him. “Yeah!” 
You grabbed your bow and followed him into the woods. Stopping at a clearing, your dad put his stuff down and stood next to you.
“All right, Y/n, you remember what I taught you?” He knelt as you grabbed an arrow and drew your bow back. 
“Where do you want me to shoot?” You looked at him. 
He thought for a moment, looking around, till he stopped his gaze at a certain tree with a unique-looking branch that hung low on the ground. He pointed. “See the knot in the tree? Shoot that.” 
You nodded your head and tightened the bow once more. 
You held your breath and focused on the knot on the branch, taking a second before you released your arrow. You heard a thunk as it hit the tree and you looked to see if you had hit the knot, but sadly your aim was a little off. It was a few inches to the right. “Aww, I missed it.” You kicked the dirt slightly.
Your dad stood up and went to retrieve the arrow. “It’s ok, sweetheart, you're getting better just remember that.” He tried to cheer you up. “Remember when I first took you out here? Your arrow would be two or three feet away from the target.” 
You smiled to yourself.“Thanks, Dad.”
He walked over and crouched down to your height. “Now let's try again.”
He handed you your arrow and ruffled your hair. You smiled to yourself. Regaining your stance, you drew back your bow and released another arrow. You hit it closer every time. And when you finally manage to hit it after your third time, you jumped up and down in joy. 
“Good job, Bear, why don't we try something harder hmm?”
You nodded, and he took your quiver, put it over his shoulder, and took your hand, leading you deeper into the woods.
             It took hours before you returned to your camp, the whole time spent practicing your aim on things besides the normal target. By the time the sun was down, your dad decided it was time to head back.
             Your dad had started the fire and was cooking some hot dogs for the two of you. “You have fun, Bear?” 
You look at him. “Yeah, I got better at my aim I think. What about you Dad?” You ask, tilting your head at him. 
“Hmm, it was amusing to see you miss sometimes.” He pulled out your food from the fire while you groaned with embarrassment. 
You ate your food while looking up at the stars. “Hey Dad, what's that one called?” You pointed up at the sky. 
“Hmm, I think it's Orion. He was a skilled hunter who used a bow, and some say he managed to woo the heart of the virgin archer. He even claimed that he ‘could hunt any and every animal’, but Momma Gaia heard this and sent a mighty scorpion after him, which is why–” he lead your head to another part of the sky. “–If you can find him, you’ll see Scorpius, the very same scorpion that killed him.” 
Looking at the stars, your mouth was agape. “Wow,” you whispered under your breath and rested your head on his shoulder.
After a few hours, you and your dad went to bed. 
              The end of your weekend trip went by fast, and before you knew it, you were on your way home eating a bag of chips while listening to the radio. 
Your dad was focused on the road, but the conversation about your schooling was still playing in his head. "Bear, we still need to talk." He said. You paused for a moment, not wanting to have this conversation. Since starting school, you've had trouble keeping up with the other kids. Since you were behind, your classmates would treat you differently.
"I don't want to talk about it," you said, looking down at the floor. 
Your Dad looked over, sadly. "Can you tell me about it? You don't have to tell me everything."  
"The others treat me differently, and I don't know why.” You looked out the window again, trying to focus on the songs the birds were singing.
Stopping the truck, your dad pulled you into an embrace. “It’s ok, Y/n, I'll tell your Momma and we’ll talk to your teacher, okay?” He looked down and rubbed your shoulder, waiting for an answer. 
“O-okay.” Your voice was muffled
The truck started again and you both drove off toward your cabin. 
              When you got home, it was around dinner time. Since it was a Sunday your mom was making your favorite for dinner. Your truck pulled up, and you ran out of the cab and into the arms of your momma.
“MOMMA!” You tackled her, sending her stumbling back a bit. 
“Hey, baby, how was your trip?” she asked with a loving smile.
Looking up at her, you gave her a big grin. “It went awesome! I got better on my aim and distance.” 
She smiled down at you. “Well, that's amazing, maybe one day you’ll be better than yer daddy.” She ruffled your hair. “Now come on, supper’s cooking, want you and yer daddy to get washed up.” She shooed you away into the house.
Running to your room, you grabbed some shorts, a T-shirt, and other stuff and ran to the bathroom, but your brother was walking by and had a sour look on his face. 
“Yer back.”
You looked down. “Yeah, how was it here?”
He glared down at you. “Peaceful, shoulda stayed that way.” He walked past you and bumped your shoulder.
              When you got out of your shower, you went to the kitchen to help your mom cook but just ended up sitting on the counter and telling her about your trip with your dad.
“Then Dad told me to shoot an apple that was still on the tree.” You told her excitedly. 
“Wow, baby, did ya hit it?” 
You nodded. “Yep, it fell and knocked down some apples with it. Dad and I ate them on our walk back to camp.” 
“Sounds like you two had quite the adventure.” Your mom said as she stirred the pot.
She took the pot off the burner and walked to the dinner table. You followed her and sat down. 
“Yep, it was.” While your mom grabbed other things for dinner, you helped set the table.
            “BOYS, DINNERS READY!” she called.
Dad came out of the garage and Jason came out of his room. You sat next to Mom, across from Jason, and Dad across from Mom. After everyone was seated, Mom said grace and you all ate dinner. You ate yours quickly while Jason picked and prodded at his. 
When you finished dinner, you kissed your Mom and Dad good night and went to bed. You lay under your blanket, looking at your glow-in-the-dark stars, and drifted off to sleep. 
   ~~~ 2005, A few weeks later~~~
              It all happened in a blur. You and Dad were driving back from your trip in the forest, and you even managed to bag a rabbit all on your own. One minute you were on your way to register what you had, then you were waking up in a hospital with your Momma by your side, crying and a local sheriff on your other side gearing up to ask you a few questions
“Momma…” Your voice was weak. “What happened?”
 She grabbed your hand and kissed it. “You were in an accident, baby.” 
Your eyes widened the best they could but you were still loopy. “What?” You looked around the room, your heartbeat picking up. “Where’s Dad?” Your voice was starting to hurt.
Your Momma cried, her tears falling on your hospital bed. “He-He didn't make it, baby.” 
You looked up at the ceiling and silently cried with your Momma.
“Mrs Myers, I’d like to speak with your daughter alone, to get her account of the story.” The sheriff gently led her out of the room, then sat next to you and asked you a series of questions.
“Now, Y/n, I understand you and your dad were driving, do you know where?” 
You choked back a sob before you answered. “The a- the game warden's office.”
He wrote that down. “Can you tell me what you and your daddy were doing before then?”
Licking your lips, you replied, “We were out camping like- like we always do. He was showing me how to hunt.”
He nodded and wrote that down too.“Do you remember anything while you were driving to the game office?”
You thought for a moment. “I was talking to Dad when suddenly he threw his hand in front of me then…everything went black.” You started to cry, all your emotions catching up with you. 
The sheriff looked down at you with sympathy and leaned over you to rest his hand on your head. “Just get some rest, Y/n, we’ll talk later, ‘kay?” 
You nodded, and he took his leave, and your mom rushed to your side once again.
              The day you were discharged from the hospital was bittersweet. You were leaving and going home, to sleep in your own bed. But you were leaving without your dad, and in a few days, you would be giving him a send-off for his funeral in Oklahoma. 
The drive home in Mom's car was different. It didn't have that old dusty truck smell, and it didn't rumble as it drove down the dirt road. No, Mom's car was clean, quiet, and smelled like pine. You hated it.
The drive was quiet, only the sound of the radio filling the car, but that quickly got turned off, much to the displeasure of Jason, who quickly turned it back on, which upset Mom.
“Quit it.” She turned it off again. 
“I want to listen to the radio,” Jason protested. 
“NO, Jason, stop it!” Silent tears were running down her cheeks, but Jason just scoffed and looked out the window
              When you got home, Jason went to his room and you sat on the couch and curled yourself into a ball. Your mom went straight to the kitchen and came back out with the champagne bottle that had been saved for their anniversary. 
Her dark green eyes were dull and wet with her tears. She took a good look at the bottle before she took a swig and sobbed. You didn't know how else to comfort her, so you just crawled over and cuddled under her arm.
“It’s ok, Momma.” You whispered to her.
That just made her cry harder– the fact that her baby had to comfort her. 
She took another drink while the two of you just sat on the couch and watched TV.
It wasn't long before she passed out. The bottle she'd been drinking fell to the ground and the rest of the contents spilled out, the sound of the bottle hitting the ground woke you up. You looked up at your mom and kissed her good night, before you cleaned up the mess she'd made, and went to bed.
Laying in your bed, you looked up at your fake stars.  You turned over to look at a photo of you and your dad, It was taken when you were five, first learning how to use a bow.
You smiled sadly and went to sleep.
              It was just like that for years. You would wake up, go and eat whatever Jason made, and find your momma on the couch, passed out with a bottle of some kind in her hand or on the floor. And as always, you would clean it up before you went to school. 
Sometimes she would wake up and tell you to have a good day. You always said you would but you never did.
When you went to school, some would be nicer. You didn't know whether it was because they felt bad or because they'd been told to. It didn't matter ‘cause the alienation continued and you were still by yourself. The boys still asked mean questions, but now they were about your dad, questions like “Did you see his mangled corpses in the road?” Others would reply with “Yes.” or “It was disgusting.” 
Some of the nastier ones started to say that you should’ve died. One group even cut a chunk of your hair off. It was a choppy pixie cut. Your poor teacher tried her best to make it look nice.
But it didn't matter, ‘cause when you got home, you would put on a smile for your mom and tell her you had an amazing day. Your hair? Well, you got gum in it, that's why it was short. 
Your momma cried a bit when she saw your hair. It was exactly like your Dad's, long and beautiful, but now it was cropped short. Just one more thing she had loved and lost.
              You supposed your Momma must have been feeling lonely. Instead of drinking on the couch, she started to go out to drink, sometimes with her coworkers or sometimes just alone. 
And when she was out late at night it was Jason who had to take care of you. He would make you dinner, and make sure you did your homework. He wasn't nice about it but he did it. He also started to take you hunting, and in Jason's fashion, he was harsh and rude with his remarks unlike your Dad had been.
“Y/n, shoot the squirrel over there, you see it?” You roughly pointed in the direction.
You nodded and aimed your arrow at it. You released it, but you missed and it scurried away.
“DAMNIT!” He shot up to his full, towering height. “Can't ya do anything! Jeez, a rock has better aim than ya!” He went to retrieve the arrow. You followed him to find more quarry.
“Ya know, what if som’ happens and we got to provide for mom, huh? What if I can't hunt and you have to hunt fer us, and ya can't hunt shit and we die?” He liked to be overly dramatic with his lectures.
But his “lecture” did nothing but stab your already bruised ego, but to prove him wrong you had to get better.
When you saw a rabbit, you both got down low on the ground. You drew back your arrow and aimed, making sure it was perfect before shooting. The arrow flew past different branches before it finally sunk into the rabbit's abdomen. The rabbit kicked, using up whatever strength it had left before it finally died. 
You ran towards the rabbit and picked it up to show Jason. “Look I got it, it's big too!” You showed him proudly.
He caught up to you and scoffed. “Jus’ a rabbit, nothing to get worked up over,” he said, giving you an unimpressed look. “Itz big though,” he admitted under his breath as he walked away. It was a small comment, but it brought a smile to your face. 
He looked down at the ground, looking for any tracks that could lead to bigger animals. You took the arrow out and put the rabbit in your animal satchel, and followed him.
It was the same cycle that lasted for three years, but then your momma did what you thought she never could. Something that rocked your world, and made you look at her a bit differently.
        ~~~ 2008 ~~~
              It was late, really late at night, maybe three in the morning. You and Jason were up watching movies and eating what was left in the kitchen. Your mom had the car most of the time so Jason couldn't go out and buy more food.
You were currently watching an old zombie movie called Dawn of the Dead, one that your dad and Jason both seemed to like. The only thing they could agree on was movies.
It was almost over when you heard a rapid knock on the front door. The suddenness surprised you, making you jump a bit, spilling the remaining popcorn. 
“BABIES! OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE!” Some smaller knocks could be heard. “PLEASE, I FORGOT MY KEYS! AND WE’RE COLD!” 
You and Jason looked at each other before he got up to open the door for your Momma. Her hair was messy, along with her makeup. And behind her was a man with blonde shaggy hair and a beard. He wore a blue button-up and was shivering. 
Your Momma walked past your brother and so did the man. You and Jason gave him a strange look, almost like he had a second head.
Your Momma seemed to notice the looks and stopped to introduce him on her way to the kitchen.
“Oh um, guys this is my fiance, Steven.” She looked at him with puppy eyes.
“Ah, Steven these are my kids, Jason and Y/n, but we call her Bear.” She had a goofy grin on her face as if she didn’t realize she'd dropped a bombshell on you and your brother.
Your brother just huffed and went to his room to sleep. 
“I wonder what that was about” your Momma uttered his breath “Hi baby! What were you two just doing?” she rushed to your side and sat on the floor with you.
You looked up at her “Just watching a movie with Jason” you glazed at the awkward and clearly drunk Steven before watching the movie again. 
“Ooo looks scary, think im gonna make me and Steven some drinks” She kissed your cheek and got up “ooo Stevie why don't you sit and talk with Bear Bear?”
His head shot up in confusion “Wha-what oh um yea of course baby” he walked to the couch and sat down nervously. He looked around the room and then landed on some old photos of you and your dad hunting.
“So, you uh hunt?” you turned your head towards the man you may call ‘dad’, his eyes dart to yours than back to the TV.
“Uhh, yea, my Dad taught me, but haven't caught anything ‘sides som’ rodents” You glanced at him and he just looked somewhere else, he looked so out of place in your small home.
You decided to try and “bond” with him “What about you? You hunt?” His head shot towards you in surprise.
“Ah no, no I don’t hunt. I find it uh too much, to be honest” he laughed awkwardly, you looked away and at your mom who walked back into the living room
“Hey guys! Whatcha talking about!” she said in her drunk cherry, In one hand, she had some snacks and some beers “Sorry we don’t get much, we don't have a lot in the house” She laughed. 
You shifted awkwardly, cause she was the reason for no food “Maybe we could go shopping tomorrow Mom?” she stood there thinking,
“yea-yeah sure, me and you. Ya know just a girl's day!” You smiled and got to kiss your mom's cheek and went to bed Hopefull she’ll get better with this new guy around and fulfill a promise to you.
        ~~~ 2010 ~~~
              You woke up rather late one morning. You walked out of your room to see the TV was on and some trash around the living room, you went to clean it up but your eyes grew when your mom past out on the couch with Steven, in a rather awkward position. You turned around to go to your room when Jason came out too. He seemed to notice the mess to and went to clean it up
“You don't wanna be in the livin' room” You stopped him, and he gave you a weird look. 
“The hell do you mean?” you cleaned your throat. 
“Umm, ste-steven and momma were gettin’ comfortable if ya know what I mean” he just shook his head and went to the kitchen.
“Whatever, im going to get food, you coming?” He grabbed the keys and walked to the garage doors.
You nodded your head and went to get dressed and were quickly out the door to the car. The sun was up, it was a warm day in August, a week before school started. You looked out the window while the radio played, some news guy was mouthing off about some world problem, it was enough for your brother to turn the radio to something else. 
When Jason pulled into the parking lot you could see it was packed but was dead silent. You got out of the car when another car whizzed by almost hitting you. 
You and Jason walked into the store questioning what happened when you noticed the store was dead quiet. You could see carts abandoned some of them being tipped over with groceries all over the floor.
“What tha” Jason looked at the scene in front of you. Jason looked at his watch and half decided to leave but you needed food he just pushed it to the back of his mind.
You grabbed the basket and walked to the food aisle grabbing milk, bread, eggs, and other stuff you needed. But your brother stopped you, grabbing your shoulder roughly
“Wait” you turned to him.
“What? What's wrong?” he pointed down the clothing aisle, it was destroyed and the clothes were everywhere. “Th-the hell happened there? And why hasn't anyone fixed it yet” You started to walk over to investigate but Jason grabbed your arm to stop you 
“Don't, I don't like this” he pushed you forward to the front of the store. Jason grabbed your arms as he speed walked passed the alise of food thrown around the floor. But one alise made you stop in your tracks, making you drop the basket to cover your mouth. 
There in the middle of the floor was a dead body, what was worse was that it looked like it was gored on. Her face was eaten, her abdomen was torn open and her intestines and blood were all over the floor. 
You could see blood tracks near the body, leading away to the next aisle. Your brother pushed you down to the ground, telling you to keep quiet. He looked over to the next aisle and went back quickly.
He dropped down to the floor as well, he gestured you over to him while putting a finger up to his lips. You rushed to him.
“What's going on?” you asked panicked.
“I don’t know, but there's someone over in the next aisle with blood ‘n shit all over 'em” You looked at him with scared eyes.
“Wha-what do we do Jason” you looked to your brother for protection.
“We're gonna slowly and quietly leave the store, don't want to attract the cra-” He shot up, pushing you out of the way and kicking the woman's head out of the way. She flew back giving you and your brother time to run as fast as you could out of the store. While you were running you saw more and more blood and gore, you just didn't seem to notice. 
You got to the car and speed home. The radio was still on, with it blasting the current news:
“What- what does this mean” Your eyes started to water “What are we gonna do Jaso-” you were cut off-
“JUST BE QUITE and let me think” his grip on the steering wheel was turning his knuckles white as he stopped the car to think,
“Here's what we're gonna do, we're gonna go home, then pack our shit and leave! Head into the woods and wait this shit out” You nodded and jumped when a hand slammed on the window on your side, you shrieked causing Jason to jump when he saw the thing he floored the car.
Not once did he stop the car, not even when other cars were around. When you turned into the driveway of your home you hopped out and ran in to see your mom and Steven watching the TV. She leaped off the couch and hugged you tight.
“Oh baby, baby are you okay where were you guys!” she was crying, her already smudged makeup rubbing off.
 “We were at-at the sto-store and w-we saw this woman all-all over the palace” you cried in her arms and hugged her arms
Jason busted in the door “Ma pack yer shit we’re leavin’ NOW! Y/n get our bow stuff, I'll get the campin’ stuff, Steven gets as much food as you can, Ma get essentials and anythin’ else we need”. 
You ran to your room, grabbing your bear bow, quiver, and arrows. Doing the same and grabbing Jason's hunting bow and equipment. You grabbed your school bag and some clothes.
You were about done when you thought of something. You rushed to your mom's room and grabbed your dad's coat, you loved your dad's coat. It was a bit big but it'd be good in the winter or as a blanket.
By the time you were done, everybody was running out the door. Jason and Mom were packing the food and camping gear in the trunk of the car. Steven was “the lookout”, he was holding your dad's old shotgun when he saw a figure walking down the driveway,
“H-hey there’s someone comin'” Jason turned his head to see someone limping down the drive way. The man had half his arm ripped off.
“Shit, shoot it” Steven looked at Jason like he was crazy.
“Th-the hell you mean to shoot it? THATS A DAMN PERSON!” Jason slammed the trunk closed, and stormed over to Steven, and snatched the gun from him. 
“Those things aren't people! They won't hesitate to eat ya!” he turned to you and your mom “Get in the car and start it, we’ll leave soon” 
Your mom ushered you to the back seat furthest away from the thing as your brother called them. Your mom got in next and started the car. She looked panicked, gripping the stirring wheel out of nerves. 
You heard the crack of a gunshot not that far away 
“SHIT!” Jason yelled.You turned to look at the commotion, to see the figure with a giant hole in his chest, but he was still walking as if nothing happened.
“Sh-shoot it in the he-head Ja-Jason”  Steven could barely talk but he tried to help the best he could. Jason re-aimed the gun and shot the head, well the best he could.
The thing finally went down and Steven and Jason hopped in the car, Jason in the front and Steven in the back. Your mom started the car and drove into the city, taking the path to the local campgrounds. 
It seems that while your family was getting ready to leave, things got crazier. There were crashes everywhere, fire, smoke, and screams could be heard, and these, groans or moans could be heard if the things were close to the car.
When you got to the campsite it was quiet. Nothing could really be heard, not even the birds in the trees. Silent, just like the store.
The radio chatter went on and on, spouting the same things. It's been a week since the “outbreak”, as they’re calling it, happened. And in that small little window, your family and Steven have had to move twice, going deeper and deeper into the woods.
“D-do you think we should go to Atlanta? It's not that far from here” Your mom had been suggesting it, but your brother always dismissed it.
“Naw, too risky” he poked the fire “Eaters be everywhere and we’d be sitin’ ducks” You were torn on where to go, staying here you'd be by yourselves but at the same time you didn't have to worry if your neighbor was crazy enough to kill you for bread. But if you went to Atlanta you wouldn't have to worry about eaters –the new name for them– attacking you.
“We’re low on food, Y/n grab yer bow, were goin’ hunting” You nodded and hopped off the opened trunk. Running to your tent and grabbed your bow and quiver and hurried to your brother who was already leaving. 
When you went hunting Jason made a rule that you couldn't make too much noise, not since he spotted an eater while he was hunting. You kept your eyes down on the forest floor to keep an eye on any tracks, while Jason kept an eye out for eaters and any animals. 
When you found some faint deer tracks you tugged on his shirt and pointed to them. He kneeled down to inspect them and shook his head “Too old, probably dead by now” nodding your head you continued, but stopped in your tracks when you saw a doe looking at you. 
She was beautiful, her eyes hadn't noticed you yet, but you had. Jason got up behind you “Guess ya were right, why don't ya bag it” he nudged you forward and you drew the bow back. The bow itself was new, you bought it yourself after cleaning your neighbor's yard for her, she was old frail, and couldn't do it herself.
You released the bow and it landed in her abdomen. She ran off deeper into the woods with whatever strength she had left. You and Jason chased after her, her blood leading her to you.
She was stronger than she looked because it took about twenty minutes before you caught up with her. Jason loaded his bow and shot it and hit her just below her shoulder blade killing her. 
“Common, let's go get her and bring her back” You shouldered your bow and walked up to her with Jason. Since he was bigger he took up the grunt work and shouldered her while you carried his bow. 
“Now, ya need to find our tracks” he huffed while trying to position her right “Should be easy enough since we were running” You nodded and glued your eyes down looking up when ever you heard something in the distance.
It took about an hour before you got back to your camp. You ran to your mom and hugged her “We bagged a doe, Jason gonna clean ‘er up the we’ll eat it” Jason dropped her by Steven “ya know how to clean a Doe Steven?” Steven looked from Jason to the Doe, back to Jason. 
He swallowed deeply before answering “I-uhh I've never done it no” Joson rolled his eyes then sat down next to him and started to show him how. 
It was one of the little things your dad never taught you. You've seen him do it, but he never shown you how. Jason had to teach you, and he did that in your kitchen, if your mom was there and sober she would've freaked out. 
You sat next to your mom who was still paying attention to the radio. All it did was worry her as she bit her nails with her legs pulled into her chest. 
“You okay momma?” you put a hand on her shoulder, she jumped a bit but eased up a bit when she saw you.
“O-oh ye-yea baby, im good” she smiled “How’d your hunt go with Jason?” you pulled your knees up to your chest 
“it went fine, I found really old tracks and Jason brushed them off and when we looked up BAMB there she was!” you told the story of how you found the Doe.
Your mom softly clapped for you “Wow, you're a real Orion aren't you bear?” you smiled, your Momma loved Greek Mythology, and she always said if she could be a professor, teaching students about the great tales of the Greek gods and heroes. 
“Ya know where your nickname comes from?” you shook your head, but you knew why, this was the closest you got to your old momma from before the accident, plus you loveed the story.
 “Artimiss was the goddess of the hunt, and she swore off marriage—one of three goddesses to be exact– she would hunt on the earthly grounds with other women and nymphs. One of these women was a woman named Callisto, she was a hunter who was sadly assaulted and fell pregnant at the hands of Zues.” 
you had a sad expression as if this was the first time you heard this “and Hera and Artemis found them. Artemis cast Callisto out and Hera turned her into a bear.” you gasped playfully, and she smirked.
“well she gave birth and Artemis guided the baby to civilization, and he grew to be a mighty hunter. And he came across his bear Momma and went to kill her, but Zeus saw this and before he could kill her, he put Callisto and her sun the stars” You rested your head on her shoulder and she hugged you. You sat there for a while as you looked at the stars.
 “Well it looks like you brother is about done with the deer, shall we go sit by the fire?” you nodded and grabbed your bag which had your remaining books and sat by the fire
Jason started to put some meat on the fire. The blaze reflected in his dark green eyes, he looked like he was thinking about something. He checked his watch and figured it was time to take the venison off the grill. He gave it to you.
“She found it, she gets to eat it first” was his reasoning when Steven asked why you got it. Steven was very whiney, you suspect he’d be dead if he was alone.
              It was deep into the night, and you just finished your comic book. Your Momma was looking for batteries for the radio, it had died about an hour ago and your Momma had been going crazy looking for them. When she finally found them she cheered with triumph and put the new ones in the radio. The radio roared to life with the same news as before. 
Jason was poking the fire a bit while Steven was getting something from his tent. You got up and went sit by Jason. He gave you an odd look which you ignored and picked up your bow and began fiddling with it 
“What are ya doin’ Y/n” he stopped what he was doing and looked at you.
“Jus’ sittin’ is all” you fiddle some more “and wondering” he went back to the fire 
“about what?” you looked around your makeshift camp.
“if all of this will be over soon, and when we can go back” you looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
Jason stayed quiet, he didn't know. But if he was honest, he didn't mind it all that much–could go without the living dead though– it was like an extended camping trip. 
Your blood ran cold when you heard the groans and snarls coming closer. You shot up when you saw them closing in on the car. Your mom was running towards you as you held your stuff. 
She grabbed your arm and ran to the woods as Jason and Steven stayed behind to fight them off. Your Momma dragged you into the woods further and further. You kept looking back to see other eaters staggering toward you
“Mo-momma, they’re behind us!” your mom just ran faster “I-I know baby but we just need ru-” Out of nowhere an eater came and attacked her. 
She let go of your hand when another one latched its dirty maw on her shoulder. Her screams were horrid, you imagine it was the same scream she let out when the love of her life and baby were in the hospital. Just filled with horror and dread.
“Y/n, Y/n YOU NEED TO RUN!” you shook your head with tears in your eyes “NO LISTEN AND RUN NOW!” hearing the groans of another eater behind you made you run off into the woods. Crying as you heard the cries of your momma. 
                                ~~~ 2010, A few weeks later~~~
              You had been on your own for a few weeks since your camp had been overrun. You thought about going back to it, to see if Jason or Steven got out okay. Well if Jason got out, you were sure Steven did. And you knew if he got out safe then Steven was safe–probably. 
But you were on your own, so you had rules now: Always move, Stay in the trees at night, And NEVER stay if it's too quiet.
That's how you made it all these weeks alone. You rationed the food you managed to hunt on your own. It was small, with rabbits, birds, and a raccoon once. It was odd but it kept you fed. 
At night you'd find a tree with a sturdy branch, climb it, ruffle in your bag for something to tie around you and the branch, and sleep. And repeat the cycle again the next morning.
              You were currently in a tree, just waking up from sleep. The denim jeans you used to keep you tied to the tree were a little loose. You gathered your things, putting your bow around your torso, same with your bag. 
You nimbly climbed down the tree and leaped out on the last branch and landed on the forest floor, you fumbled a bit but were fine nonetheless. 
You made a small fire and cooked the last of the rabbit meat you had. After that, you put the fire out and continued on your way to nowhere. 
You suppose you were in a good part of the woods, cause you could hear the birds singing some little tune they came up with. You humed along to it while walking on a fallen tree, balancing on it like a tightrope walker. 
You stopped walking when you noticed deer tracks and debated on following them or not, but decided to just do it anyway, no set direction and all.
You followed them to a clearing, there wasn't anything there though so you just sat on a log. You figured it was safe enough to relax a bit. With an arrow, you start drawing random things in the dirt. You liked drawing, it was a pastime you did before.
You started drawing hearts, butterflies, and flowers, pretty things really. Then you drew your Momma, she was beautiful in your eyes, with long hair that reached her midback, and her beautiful green eyes. 
You stopped what you were doing when you heard something in the distance, it sounded like something talking. You quickly loaded your bow and stood up aiming your bow at the noise.
There you saw two men. One was old, with short-cropped grey hair. He was bigger than the other one. The other guy was younger and more scrawny, he had squirrels tied around a rope,  he had a crossbow, also aimed at you, and the old guy had a hunting rifle
   “Well well well, what do we have here baby brother,” Old Guy said with the meanest grin on his face.
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gorepill · 1 month
I'm annoyed so I'm going to ask more stupid questions to you about your OCs YUHJDCXS
Which or your OCs are more likely to eat sugary cereals vs which OCs are more likely to eat bland cereals? And why? Also regardless of what you answer, I am feeding Jeri Cheerios (could be honey nut if she prefers sweeter cereals) from my hand like a horse
IM SORRY UR ANNOYED but also can not comlain witht he questions even tho i am so high i ccan barely type right JEWROIJRIWRJOIWRWER BUT YOU KNOW RIGHt OF tHE BAT. ABBY. WANTS. THE SUGARIEST CEREAL. with morre sugar on it then. Fuckin mix up lucky charms marshmallows with fruity pebbles and add more sugar. She wants to. Yummy meal... she's based in this way. I think Nora would like the Honey Nut cheerios too though . . . not sure why . . . . .just give em to her. Sweet enough but not toooo much . yum <3 Jeff is USED to the bladest cereals ever, but I think he'd want Frster Flakes tbh. . . . It's like bland cereal but with a lil bit a good sugary . . .yum.. JERI I thnik she's a coco pebbles girl.... <3 but she will eat cheerioes out of ur hand like a cool pony <3
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kenkubluk · 10 months
i hate how my family force fed me very unhealthy things as a kid. They couldve bought fruit and vegetables and made sure to not buy cheese pasta and fried chicken every day but guess what? they only bought unhealthy foods and never any tasty fruits like watermelon or strawberries with stevia. at most they bought me mandarin oranges. and i did sports but it wasnt enough and i tried to jog but running at a high weight just, hurts. it literally hurts your joints/muscles. anyway, im glad im on my own now. i can eat veg and fruits on my own, and go for walks in my pjs, and just, feel better about myself.
i still cant forgive them though. especially when my mom bought a house, kept no cable or internet, and got mad when i was bored eating lots of fruity pebbles at 12. of COURSE i only gained weight. i had no friends, no cable, no internet, and just guitar hero, arts n crafts, and cheap cereal.
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typicaltypeone · 7 months
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No way I was gonna start my blog with anything else except MagicSpoon.
There’s a lot of great ways you can eat healthy in your overall diet. But there are some genre’s of food where its beyond difficult to find a decent keto alternative. Cereal is one of them. I cant tell you how devastated I was when I believed cereal was off the menu for me forever.
MagicSpoon is your one stop shop for the best keto cereal you will find anywhere. I will die on the hill that is MagicSpoon. I stand by this brand and recommend them to anyone who has the misfortune of hearing me rant about it.
Let me list the reasons why this brand has me simping for it:
It tastes just as good as those sugar packed overhyped boxes of trash like fruity pebbles and coco puffs.
It’s packed full of protein, giving you a pretty satisfying breakfast that will properly last you ‘till lunch.
There are lots of different sugar alternatives, but most of them are outright unhealthy for you. MagicSpoon uses allulose, a sugar alternative derived from syrup. It measures one for one with sugar, tastes just as good, and lacks the unhealthy downsides of other sugar replacements. It might as well be sugar except the body doesn’t digest it as such, making it my top pick for use in all things keto.
They have a wide variety of flavors to satisfy any craving you have for your childhood cereals, my personal favorite being the fruit loops! Now I'm not one to beat around the bush, they are pricey. However for the quality product they make, I say it’s well worth the price.
Im not sponsored by them, I just love them to death and continue to use their products personally. I’ve tried other keto cereals but nothing comes close to MagicSpoon. 1000/10, go get some right now.
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moonssugar · 9 months
🍬🍄🧁🌷 for the big ask gameee (for any oc/whoever you want to talk abt the most!)
thanks for the asks dallon!!
[candy]🍬: sam would like to receive (more) plushies, trinkets, a bundle of wildflowers, art prints, random cool looking pebbles and minerals his s/o found, (more) art books and most importantly a big kiss and a hug that lasts for 10 minutes. chelsie would like the game she's had on her steam wishlist for two years that she hasnt been able to buy, dinner at her favorite restaurant, novelty trinkets and oddities, (more) bangle bracelets, maybe a movie date and also a big kiss and a hug that lasts for 10 minutes. aubry would like breakfast in bed, flowers her gf found on her walk, a stroll through the woods (holding hands), to go swimming in the river and at the end of the day some stargazing and falling asleep in rocking chairs (holding hands).
[mushroom] 🍄: sam will pick up mushrooms to 'taste' them and see if theyre safe and thinks every mushroo, must be good because theyre mushrooms?? little fun guys? whats the worst that can happen? they're not ripe yet? (sam only thinks of food in terms of ripeness). he has only eaten store mushrooms so he thinks theyre all fine, maybe if theyre cooked first? he doesn't live in the lush part of arizona where mushies are common and his mom, being the amazing conservationist and ecologist she is, somehow missed the mushroom identification part of his wilderness education. bone apple teeth :3 (kaid has more sense than him though and keeps finding excuses for him to not eat random mushrooms mostly by knocking them out of his hand. you will catch this coyote nibbling on berries though and who can blame him for that?)
aubry watches in horror as she sees her friends put strange mushrooms in their mouths without knowing exactly what they are first because she has exhaustive knowledge about her local berry and mushrooms plants implanted in her brain by her dads so she doesnt die from eating the wrong thing. and she's heard way too many stories about people getting seriously ill from 'chicken of the woods' they misidentified because they don't listen. she has to teach them about it which would make her the least likely to eat random mushrooms and flora like wildberries. minus that one time she almost ate something that looked identical to a blackberry but contained neurotoxins. don't blame her though that species doesn't exist in her universe. chelsie will eat anything if shes hungry enough which makes her very likely to eat random mushrooms. she'll be somewhat disappointed when they don't cause her to trip or make her feel less hungry but do give her tummy problems. we can tell from this that aubry spent her childhood outside in the american (us) south east but sam grew up in the american (us) south west which requires completely different environmental knowledge. aubry does think you can survive a week without water and that sunscreen isnt necessary though. even though shes a whole ginger. this is why you have friends that fill up the gaps in your knowledge. chelsie is just living in permanent fuck around and find out mode and grew up in various cities. does she even know mushrooms can kill you? doubt it. anways nom
[cupcake] 🧁: ive described chelsie smelling faintly like lemon citrus before and i know im taking this literally now but i think i'd describe her as lemon citrus too and oranges, personality wise. citrus tasting: tangy surprising, a little (or very) overwhelming at times, something to savor. she can be a sweet clementine when she wants to be and she is that person for some but the citrus is still there and anyone that loves her doesn't ever want to change that 🍊 . sam can also be described as fruity tasting, ive been associating him with mangoes 🥭 and apricots since day one, sweet, honey smooth, pleasant and welcome, very natural tasting. there's nothing artificial here, its the real thing or nothing. those fruits are comfort food for him. aubry i would describe as strawberry 🍓 flavored, the just before ripe ones that you think are just sweet and nothing else that are actually tart and sweet when you bite into them. the seeds make a little rough fuzzy exterior but really she's a softie on the inside. i made them all fruity lil fruits this was a natural conclusion to draw from them 🏳️‍🌈 sorry this became what "what fruit are your characters" answer. as a bonus, fatima could be described as how kiwi and fig maamoul cookies taste, rich, bready, sugary and down to earth tasting. with a little tartness (kiwi)
[tulip 🌷] sam's favorite flowers are sunflowers, roadside wildflowers and cactus blooms and he's always trying to collect the cactus blooms for his mom and his fingers are screaming because of it. chelsie's favorite flowers every since she was a child have been chrysanthemum and cosmos flowers because an old lady that used to be her neighbor grew them in her garden and because of that memory she named chrysa and cosmos after them. she also likes tiny daisies. aubry loves white clover blooms and braiding them into people's hair, wisteria, lavender and forget-me-nots.
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bleuberrygliscor · 4 years
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empyrean-gaol · 6 years
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xxterpguyxx · 4 years
Story Time !
So last night i decided to try some new edibles. Now mind you im a heavy smoker my tolerance is above average. just want to put that out there haha.
so i bought these dark chocolate edibles and it read 890MG of thc . but not just regular THC .. oh noo.. this was RSO  the strongest form of the medicine that you can get. ANYWAY. i started off eating one .. 30 min i didnt really feel anything so i decided to eat 2 more . .waited another 30 mins and was feeling really good . so i decided ill take another one. well i didnt realize the 890 MG was divided into only 4 pieces. so once i realized i eate the entire pack of 890 mg chocolates i instantly started feeling it . so i said ok ill put on a movie and enjoy this . i was calm for about an hour . then i got the munchies.. so i stood up and walked in the kitchen . i was instantly dizzy so i sat back down . another 10 mins go by and i realize ive been drooling on my shirt for the past hour . i fell asleep and woke up to a bowl of cereal on my night stand . i guess i decided to pour the whole box of fruity pebbles in a pot and use a stirring spoon to eat hahaha.. stoner problems 
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lavenderbirds · 4 years
 about me tag: tagged by @torpidcloud​ <33
Who are you named after? emily of new moon (one of my moms fav childhood books)
Last time you cried? yesterday
Do you like your handwriting? i guess
Longest relationship? never Really dated anyone
Do you still have your tonsils? yeah
Would you bungee jump? no
What is your favorite kind of cereal? apple jacks or fruity pebbles
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? only high tops
Do you think you’re strong-willed? not at all
Favorite ice cream? mint chocolate chip
What is the first thing you notice about a person? idrk?? depends
Football or baseball? no
What color pants are you wearing? im wearing navy blue basketball shorts
Last thing you ate? pizza
What are you listening to? susie save your love - allie x + mitski (it just came on randomly from spotify but its pretty nice)
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? wisteria
What is your favorite smell? bread, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry cake. food i guess lmfao
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my friend
Married? no
Hair color? natural brown
Eye color? blue w yellow flecks B)
Favorite food to eat? milk chocolate. is that a “food”?? i like tortellini with white sauce and minestrone
Scary movies? sure. not the corny jump scare ones
Last movie you watched in a theatre? uncut gems i think?
What color shirt are you wearing? navy blue. its the 3 wolf moon shirt
Favorite Holiday? halloween or valentines day (i like candy clearly) christmas would be cooler if it wasnt religious
Beer or Wine? they both make me wanna vomit i wont lie. i like mikes lemonade or vodka and orange juice
Night owl or early bird? night owl i guess
Favorite day of the week? saturday
Favorite animal? cats, bats, frogs, rats. lol why do they rhyme
Do you have a pet? we have 2 cockatiels
Where would you like to travel? anywhere outside of the usa. maybe france or japan
i’m tagging whomever would like to do this <3
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“Why am I not shocked?” With sprace??
largely stolen from mikeys high ralbert series hope you don’t mind dude
seriously guys go read that series its everything
also a large majority of the weird shit said in this are you guessed it, things mikey has said
consider this a Fat Expose dude
ship: sprace, with a nice side of uh what’s the word fuckin uhh PLATONIC ralbert that’s it
genre: c r a c k literally and figuratively
words: a few
editing: ha
warnings: theyre high, and general dumbass stuff. also mikeys weirdness
Spot threw down his keys, very much in the mood for cuddling with his boyfriend after a long day of dealing with five year olds punching each other. Well, maybe he didn’t want to cuddle with Race as much as he wanted him to make him some hot chocolate and laugh about the seven times he almost yeeted Ned across the room.
All hopes of a nice quiet night evaporated when he turned into the kitchen.
“OH yEs yOu eAt that sticky paSte baaabe!”
Spot dropped his bag on the floor and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Race, his beautiful, wonderful boyfriend, with a bachelor’s degree in astrophysics from NYU, was shoving a glue stick down Albert’s throat.
“Antonio Edward Higgins,” he sighed, stepping further into the room, “what on Earth are you-” then the all too familiar stench of weed hit him. “Oh,” he sighed, “you’re high, aren’t you?”
“Spottie! My widdle chicken nugget! You’re back from hell!” Race screeched, launching himself at Spot, who stumbled back a bit, hitting the wall behind him. “I missed youuuu.”
“I missed you too,” Spot said, his eyes traveling towards Albert who was poking suspiciously at the glue stick that moments ago Race had been shoving into his mouth. “But can you please explain to me why you were just making Albert deep throat a glue stick?”
Race shrugged. “I saw a vid of someone eating glue sticks and…” he took a drag from a joint that Spot had somehow missed before, “it looked kinda saucy, so…”
“Doesn’t taste as good as fruity pebbles though,” Albert frowned, taking another bite of the glue stick and spitting it out onto the floor and glaring at it. “Throw me the joint, love muffin.”
“Throw the- what?”
A split second later there was a joint flying through the air, spinning end over end until it landed in Albert’s palm.
“Well now I’ve seen just about everything,” Spot muttered, already pulling out his phone to text Finch to come collect his very stoned boyfriend.
“That’s called the Yeet Boi,” Race giggled, falling into Spot’s side. “We made him during our AP spanish class.”
“Why am I not shocked,” Spot mused, pulling Race upright.
Race opened his mouth to say something but luckily Finch chose that moment to barge into the apartment, wordlessly stub out the joint Albert was holding on the floor with his boot, toss the glue stick over his shoulder, and hoist up his boyfriend over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, stopping only to nod at Spot graciously before walking back to his own apartment, Albert all the while whining about fruity pebbles incoherently.
“Bye bean boi,” Race giggled, waving at the closed door incessantly.
Spot rolled his eyes. “C’mon dumbass,” he groaned. “I don’t care if you’re high or not, I’m still going to cuddle with you and tell you about all the kids I almost yeeted today.”
we lov some high kiddos
I hope i did you justice mikeyyyy ive never written high kiddos before
feedback is always appreciated hmu to be on the tag list
tag list@fairly-awkward-trashcan@well-the-kids-do-too@racetrackcook@bouncyscreamingnewsboys@ughwaitwhat@aw-jus-let-em-try@ben-cook-can-cook@the-woild-is-my-what-now@tommy-s-s0cks@voice-foundshoe-lost@galaxy-trees13@stopthe-presses@ridin-in-style@pinecovewoods@i-got-no-clue-what-im-doing@bencookisagod@be-more-chill-evan-hansen@hellasoulless@stellar-alpaca@saxoph-ella@smolcanadiankid@disney-princess-sized@the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog@insane-tomato@spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn@have-we-got-news-for-you@thatfancyclam@myidkwhatmynameisblog@legoflambwrites@that-one-newskid@not-a-scab@albertdasillvaprotectionsquad
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crowbarsfavorite · 5 years
Im always so afraid someone is gonna ask me about my eating habits cause then ill have to tell them how my lunch was a bowl of fruity pebbles and a thibg of frosting and my dinner is a bowl of half cooked ravioli and an entire carton of peach juice and u cant just say shit like that without people beibg concerned
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iluvmyogblog · 6 years
Roommates, Routines and Best Friends
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A/N: he looks sooo damn good in that gif????????? 💗😤ik this plot line has been used a whole lot but i just wanna dabble into it, it seems interesting tbh. im kinda excited to be writing this story. also, i want this to be the Bucky that is super cocky and comfortable around girls? ya feel? Plus this is pt 1 of more to come !!!!!!
Summary: (AU) being roommates with the infamous womanizer Bucky Barnes is tough, especially when all he does is bring home different girls every night and complain about you and your choice of men. masterlist.
Words: 2120
Warnings: none!!!! ima cry
Roommates, Routines and Best Friends
You tossed and turned underneath your sheets - silk. You adored silk sheets. Although they were gorgeous and felt like a dream against your freshly shaved legs, they would always slip off of your bed. These sheets were on your bed no longer than two weeks. The last comforter you had turned black after your roommate decided to be generous and wash them for you. 
You sat up frustratingly and huffed, crossing your arms across your chest. The sounds of moans filling your room. You absolutely hated that the only available and affordable place for you to stay was with some stranger from Craigslist. Being a college student was hard. Every one of your checks from work usually went to student fees and loans. You had found this ad while scrolling profoundly on Craigslist. ‘Roomie needed! I don’t bite… hard. Kidding. I really need a roommate. Give me a call. Only $300 a month.’ It was ideal. The last place you stayed at asked for $800 a month. Granted, you kind of felt like it was too good to be true. And walking into the not so fancy building and up the very dimly lit stairs proved to be about right. But still, it was fairly nice for just $300 a month. You were assuming that the apartment was around probably $600 a month, the rent split between the two of you. 
Pulling the covers aside, you swung your legs off the side of your bed and stood up. Your tank top slightly rode up your torso and showed some skin. You didn’t sleep in shorts. You hated it. There was no way in hell you would sleep in shorts, even with a male roommate. Your door was always locked. He would tease you about that every day. ‘What do you do in there? Afraid I’ll walk in on you pleasuring yourself?’ You walked over to your dresser, tugging your hair into a messy bun, and ironically pull out some pajama shorts. You walked into your restroom and began to brush your teeth, letting the water run. The water always blocked out morning moans. Fortunately, his room was on the other side of the apartment. Unfortunately, the girls he would bring home were screamers. You were pretty sure they didn’t even know he had a roommate. You spit out the foam from your toothpaste and rinse out your mouth. You splash water on your face and pat it dry with a towel. 
“I had so much fun, Bucky. Bummed that you work today,” you heard an annoying voice say. You shook your head as soon as you realized Bucky doesn’t even have a job. He would use the most colorful excuses ever. Last weekend, he said his cousins turtle passed away and that he was supposed to design a coffin and ‘it would take all day long to perfect a small, little box for the poor animal’. You unlock your bedroom door and head to the kitchen. You watch Bucky pull out the milk from the fridge. 
“Oh, look. It’s my roommate,” he says as he sees you open a cabinet, pulling out Fruity Pebbles. You turn to him, sarcastically smiling.
“Oh, look. It’s Mr. Feel Good.”
He chuckles and pours some milk into your bowl of cereal as you pour some cereal into his bowl. “Wanna find out why they call me that?” You groan and get two spoons, sticking one into his cereal and putting the other in your mouth.
“Don’t be disgusting,” you mumble, taking your bowl to the island in the center of the kitchen. You pull yourself on top of the counter and place the bowl on your lap, taking spoonfuls of the delicious, colorful pebbles into your mouth. Bucky leans against the counter directly in front of you, bowl in his hands. The two of you eat in silence for a few minutes. This was a usual routine. It was Saturday morning. You didn’t work Saturdays. Bucky would always have something planned for you. He knew how much you liked structure, without having a plan for the day, you get in a really grumpy mood. Bucky hates bitchy you.
“So, I was thinking,” he says through his chewing, “we can have a Saw movie marathon today.” You watch him as he talks. Milk running down his chin, his black long-sleeved shirt hugging his defined body. His grey sweatpants resting on his lower body perfectly. You hated that he was so handsome. You would never dare tell a soul that you found him handsome. You swallow your spoonful and lift up your chin.
“Um, that honestly sounds fun… but I have a date today,” you say with a soft smile. You watch Bucky lift up his eyes to yours, furrowed eyebrows and mouth opened slightly. 
He sets his bowl down and steps closer to you, “I’m sorry. You have a date.. ? You said date right?”
You roll your eyes and set your bowl down besides you. “Yes, James. A date.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just..,” he says throwing his hands up, “you’ve been so cooped up in Sam land, I figured you’d be depressed about it longer.”
“Right,” you say as you hop off the counter, pushing past him. He sighs and grabs your empty bowl, putting it in the sink.
“(Y/n), I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just meant that I’m glad you’re finally putting yourself out there again.”
You nod and sit down on the sofa, searching for the remote in between the cushion next to you. Bucky cleans up the kitchen quickly and walks over to the living room, opening the blinds. You squint at the new light source, flicking the tv on. “’Oh, okay Bucky. No worries. No hard feelings,’” he says as he tries his best to imitate your voice.
He glances at you as he takes a seat at the opposite end of the sofa. You roll your eyes and hide your smile with the remote. He always made you laugh, without even trying. Bucky was just that type of guy that made everyone laugh. No one can ever be sad around him. He just wouldn’t allow it. You shake your head and look over at him. His arms resting across the back of the sofa, his eyes focused to the tv. “No hard feelings. You know I hate when you bring up Sam,” you say as you rest your head on the comfortable cushion, extending your hand out to Bucky. He turns his head to you and copies your movements, grabbing the remote out of your hand.
“I know, doll. I hate bringing him up too. He’s a dick. You deserved better,” he says back to you with a sympathetic smile. You smile genuinely and mumble a ‘thank you’. He throws the remote onto his lap and pats your hand. You look at your hand and scoot closer, sitting in the middle of the sofa. He pulls you closer and lets you rest your head on his lap. “So, who’s the lucky guy?”
You bite your lip and smile, bringing your hands to your chest. “His name is Steven. Steven Rogers.” You stare at the ceiling, biting your finger softly, “he’s such a dream, Buck.”
“I know that name,” he says barely above a whisper. He knits his eyebrows together and tilts his head back. Clearly in deep thought. You look up at him and pinch his chin. He looks down at you and smiles. He liked how different you were. From the very first day you walked into his apartment, he knew he’d like you. He knew he’d never want to just treat you like he treats every other girl. He knew he would be able to talk to you and have fun without taking off each others clothes. 
“From where,” you asked curiously. He moves your baby hair out of your face, stroking the bridge of your nose with his finger. He smirks.
“He’s my best friend.” You sit up abruptly and turn to him with a shocked look.
“Your what?” He chuckles and sits up, nodding.
“Where’d you guys meet?”
“Uh… um at the- that party you dragged me to,” you said, still stunned. How did you not know he knew Bucky. You furrow your eyebrows, thinking. If he was best friends with Bucky, was he also like Bucky? Would he just kick you out the next morning?
“Ahh, I see,” he says as he realizes that you were the girl Steve told him about the other day. “Wasn’t that party like three weeks ago?” You nod slowly. “Wow, so you guys actually talk…?” You look at him with your infamous ‘duh’ face. He scoffs and pushes your face away softly.
“How come you never brought Steve over,” you ask as you playfully slap his hand away. He shrugs and avoids eye contact. Steve. The way you casually said his name. He didn’t know how to feel about this yet. If you had asked Bucky, he’d say you were his second closest friend besides Steve. His two best friends, and roommate, dating. 
“Do you like him,” he asks, searching for your eyes as you blush and look at your hands.
“Bucky, this is our first date,” you laugh out and shrug. “I mean, like I said, he’s a dream. I mean, yeah. I can see myself liking him.” You look up at Bucky with a smile, resting your head on your hand against the sofa.  Bucky nods slowly, propping his left elbow on his thigh, his right hand pushing against his right knee.
“He’s a good guy, (y/n).” He watches your smile grow bigger as you look at the wall behind him. You nod, knowing that your cheeks are probably redder than a tomato.
“Yeah, he is.”
Bucky sits back and looks at the tv. There’s a black and white movie playing. He feels you shift next to him. He feels your hair fall onto his shoulder. The smell of fruits and flowers consume his senses. You had let down your hair. You usually did this when you needed to get ready soon. He let out a quiet sigh and watched you slide your hair tie onto your wrist, putting your head on his shoulder. You shift until you’re in the perfect position. Bucky was so comfortable. His clothes always smelled like Downy, soft to the touch. You rub your cheek against the fabric covering his arm. You wrap your arms around Bucky’s arm. He liked when you did that. And he couldn’t help but think of you doing that with Steve now. He clenches his jaw and shakes his thoughts.
“Bucky, I’m nervous,” you whisper. He glances down at you, taking in your features. The very first word that he always uses to describe you was ‘angelic’. Your eyelashes battered perfectly when you’d blink. He liked how your nose was the perfect size for your face. And that one dimple you’d have when you would smile and talk and eat. And your lips were a perfect shade of pink.
“Don’t be,” he whispers back. You sigh and look up at him.
“What if he doesn’t like me after this date?”
Bucky’s lips curl into a smile and he chuckles softly, scanning your face again. “Come on, doll. He’s gonna love you after this date.” You smile and hide your face in his arm.
“If you’re wrong, Bucky… i’m moving out,” you mumble into his arm. You hear his hearty laugh.
“Shut up. You’re not going anywhere,” he says. You pull yourself away from him, getting off of the sofa.
“You’re right. Your pancakes are the ones that keep me here. I’m gonna go get ready. It’s a day date. Bet you’re not used to those, huh,” you say, adding a playful wink at the end, earning a smirk from Bucky.
“Whatever, doll.”
But you were right. He’d never been on one of those. Let alone, an actual date. Hanging out with you was as close to a date he’s ever had. He’s never hung out with a girl. He’s only slept with them. The girl he sees himself settling down with is someone like you. Works for what she wants, works for what she has, genuine and sweet. Oh, so sweet. Sometimes he even dreams that you’re the one who he sleeps next to every night and makes breakfast for. I mean, he does half of that. But he can’t shake the uneasiness he feels when he thinks of you with Steve. It’s not that he has feelings for you, because he doesn’t. He couldn’t. You’re his roommate, his close friend. And now his best friends girl, probably. That is if the date goes well.
if u wanna be added to the taglist, lmk!!!! 💗
But what do you guys think so far?? What do y’all think Sam did?? 👀
tag(s): @coal000 @goldenstateof @cherrywinedarling​ @justahappylilblog​ @faakelanadelrey @juicyqueenlme
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lildirtbike-blog · 6 years
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At least you're not my problem any more I don't care bout you so why you worried about me Starbound You niggas ain't got shit on me You can leave but you can't forget You can't forget us It's 3 AM and im thinking about you My niggas been with me since day one My nigga I been a1 since day 1 So pretty but but so hard to catch Shooters on deck all of em boba fett yah I wanna bih I just want a bitch Got ny shades on in the club All of my shootas wearing camo so you won't see shit coming I honestly just wish I could be, like you I make money not friends Bih we do not play pretend I wouldn't have you any other way I swear I love every single inch of you Like why you worried bout me hoe mind ya own damn business Id love you any fucking way You was rubbing your fat little ass on my dick I let you be you and you let me be me She cuddle me harder, I gave in With her i never win She the only one that knows my sins Fuck what they say i'm the best Truth is I always liked you more I know I fall in love too quick, but this time I think it's real I see a little bit of me in you and a little bit of you in me I wanna play with you I done waited way too long for this You niggas played enough it's my time Feeling fine I'm feeling Feeling fine I'm feeling myself I'm feeling myself Homeboi a shooter Tagteam on my tutor Shawty go down for the team Touch her you gon bleed I want us to be something more Get off work so I can love you We could've got caught but that only makes shit more fun You might be the one Tear down her walls I kinda feel bad for the next nigga I gave you my heart now it doesn't even beat I'mma have to pick up every broken piece I'm with my bae she so poppin Hop out da coupe everybody stopping I wanna spoil you Ou damn she like sneakers more than me Got yo bitch on lock With my glock You're my heaven You make everything seem alright For s moment until I open my eyes I just wonder how high we can gouuo I don't just wanna fuck I also just wanna make you mine I know this shit take time But just rolllll with it But gooo with it I still see you when I open my eyes And I swear, these niggas talk to you just to talk about you All they want to know is how much you are of value I'm in the mood for taking a nigga bitch He don't care about you He don't treat you right You don't know what you do to me So nice to look at even better to touch/fuck I'd give you the world if I could too I'd give you everything if I could too I'm sorry if I upset you We ain't getting any further Fuck you/blow out your back and kiss on her freckles After cuddle the fuck out you and eat fruity pebbles I wanna cuddle the out of you I just wanna know you Fuck them other niggas they don't deserve you Stomp a nigga out in my Jordans shit I let my girl get too thick I mean there's just something about her What's happening to me unknown powers We talked for hours Hide n seek They/you don't even know my like that I won't cry over you I want you now I miss you so fucking much I'm so damn impatient But you're so damn important Leave that nigga he a loser and you know that It's wrong but it feels so right I'm sorry I'm too indecisive I can't choose Is it you or is it you I do it all for you So what you wanna do Do you even love me anymore? A lot can change in a year I wonder were we're going from here He don't even deserve you I got a lot on my mind She said she was thinking about a kid I'm like shiit Then she said she wanted to know what it would be like I'm like psych You get me/ the most You're the only one that gets me Sorry in advance if I get clingy Don't give a fuck about what they say they say I chase bags not bitches Rags to riches I chase money not bitches cuz all that shit will come later I wish I never opened up to you because you're just going to use it against me anyways I don't wanna wake up from this dream Now I gotta clean up the mess you made Fuck trying to fit in/ fitting in Why does my heart still beat for you when you destroyed it? Why you so worried bout me mind yo business You live in my head You live in my head Even though you probably want me dead I need you to pray for me cause nobody else is Whats it like on the other side Fuck them other guys Being with you is bliss even in the silence Tell me is there a bright side to all of this? I don't think I'll ever get over you Why do I feel this way You make my bad days better Strangers - Accin like you don't know me that was my fear Now we're just strangers Back to square one I was just a fool in love It wasn't even love You were my angel Now you can burn in hell You really weren't shit Going my own way Doing shit my way fuck what they say She said be gentle I said I'll try Oooh she make me nervous I'm tryna make you mine I'm running outta time You know better than to come around here Bitch niggas on my back Get the strap She knows what she's doing Killing it with my bestie/best friend I'm tryna be my best me Iloveeverythingaboutyou You know how to get under my skin I miss you already I'm trying I really am I'm holding on Hold on Bear with me I'm picking up the pieces Just let me know how you feel Be real I see/saw you in my dreams You were the only one for me It just keeps on going and it never stops Life's what you make it Don't take shit for granted I'm just tryna make it out alive I just want a bitch that get my vibe She's trouble/ but I don't mind Hate only makes me go harder All we know is bands can you really blame us? Keep a thang up in my camo pants bitch you can't tame us She sat on my lap She jumped on my dick almost bent that shit She gave me head relieve me from my stress For a little while, straight outta work and she undress (Daddy's bday flow hook) I go hard for you you go hard for me I can be anything you want me to be I want to kiss ur freckles She sent me nudes ion even know her tho Bitches talk and talk I'll be here when you come home Don't know why she got so wet Ion even think I did shit All she did was see me Split her like a kiwi She called me her husband Shawty I ain't buying no ring Kill4me Would you kill for me? Keep it real I miss/the smell of your skin I need someone who's on my level You moved on but im still here Still ain't gonna waste my tears You was just using me to pass the time You was just using me to fill a void You're my favorite part/the best parts Cuz mama told me no no no no I fucked her first you was kissing Dip on a bitch and go missing I got some Molly she itching Young Ramsay with the wrist in the kitchen Girl don't play with me Bitch don't play with me yah I'm trying not to get to used to you Cuz they always leave Just/not for you And I forget how to breathe when I see/with you Ooh you make my mouth water I can't explain it I just can't explain it Just love me honestly Love me responsibly Keep it real Im hungry for you I'm hungry need some food What do I gotta prove You cannot come to the crib I want more I want more I want more You know I gotta have it Bad habits I love her flaws and all She love me flaws and all You never tell me you love me anymore They think I'm crazy for loving you But I don't care / Jason Joseph Password : lilnibba666 Apple ID : [email protected] Password : lilnibba6 / Eyes - Brad Pitt, X Nose - Billie Eilish, Cindy Kimberly Forehead - Mehki Alante, X Jawline - / Eyes - Brad Pitt, X Nose - Billie Eilish, Cindy Kimberly Forehead - Mehki Alante, X Jawline - / Shorty gave me top in the movies Put frosting all on her boobies Reach under the seat grab the toolie For any nigga tryna act a foolie Fuck what they say I'm doing shit my own way I could do this shit all day Tear that ass up when we stressed Straight outta work made the biggest mess Fuck what they say I'm the best Well these niggas plottin i know that I ask () where the fuck that pole at You don't got cheese but you still a rat I'm doing shit my own way Nigga get fold like clothes / You can't catch me Nigga you can't catch me ( 21 Savage - X melody) Oh that's your girl she fuck with me Oh that's your girl think imma keep Pull up mobbin 30 deep Talk your shit send you to sleep Hop straight out the fucking jeep Hit up yo bitch then i dunk Bitch im dualied up, pop the trunk Nigga you lame you a chump We got lotsa bricks, we got lotsa skunk Its not for the using tho Shawty be a lil hoe, but she always stay ten toes We smoked dope then hit the store Dicked her down she want some mo Bitch ill flex on the pope Chop a kilo McDonalds I feel like Pablo / You know my boys gon go all out You niggas gonna know Pull up you home alone Air force 1s on my toes Whipping foreign like im grown Whipping foreign like im grown Main bitch whip the stove Side bitch whip the pole Whipping foreign like im grown Whipping foreign like im grown / White converse white socks Plaid long sleeve shirt down to shoulders Black spaghetti strap crop top Black shorts or skirt Dark skin Asian or Hispanic White Nike tennis shoes Long white Nike socks Black shorts Black hoodie Black Nike hat Pink hat Blonde long kinda wavy hair Black shorts White label shirt White Nike tennis shoes / Them drugs hit the spot Kiss me in that spot Them drugs hit the spot Kiss me in that spot Pull up finnesse on the whole lot Some feelings were caught Won't hold back on you tonight Get at my baby you might meet yo plight Won't hold back on you tonight Get at my baby you might meet yo plight / You changed you don't love me in the same way You changed We don't fuck just like we used to You changed you don't love me in the same way You changed We don't fuck just like we used to You changed Nothing will ever be the same If you don't love me no more you could've just said it I made you happy at least give me some credit We ain't getting further Cuz I ain't tryna hurt her Your love was just a lie Do you got better niggas on the side? I can see it in your eyes You switched up you changed sides You changed you don't love me in the same way You changed We don't fuck just like we used to You changed you don't love me in the same way You changed We don't fuck just like we used to You changed Nothing happens when I touch you there Shit got cold I can feel it in the air / Remember when we stayed up all night That was the best night Promise ill always be by your side But baby will you be by mine Ijusthopeshitwillturnoutright
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveys 053.
do you sing in the shower? oh every single time. Its something I look forward to. 
do you think money makes people happy? As someone who currently relies on birthdays and holidays as her income, I can tell you it would relieve a bit of stress from me to even have like 100 bucks a month.
what's your relationship status? single.
what time is it? 12:25 am
what emotion are you feeling right now? I’m all over the place. Tonight Kile and I were messaging back n forth in a consistent manner which we haven’t done in a long time. Things were a bit romantic, which was extremely hard for me to deny participation in, and then it ended with me saying bye. boy it is hard to let go of him
do you have netflix? I do.
have you ever traveled outside your home country? no. Sadly, without a shot I will not be getting, I’m unsure of how I’ll be able to until the restrictions lessen.
coffee or tea? teeeeeeea pls.
shower or bath? Shower unless the bath is deep enough to cover my long self. 
what's your favorite pizza topping? depends on what kind of pizza. For instance, Jacks just GETS how to do supreme. some places nail the pepperoni, or fresh garlic or whatever. 
what's something that makes you happy? thinking about decorating my own place one day.
do you have siblings or are you an only child? I have 2 brothers and 1 sister
what's your favorite instrument? Piano, cello, drums
what's your favorite food? today it is fruity pebbles.
what is something you are always losing? I am pretty consistent on things going back to their original spot. I suppose if I’m losing something maybe it’d be like a scrunchie.
are you good at spelling? a good amount of the time.
what is one goal you have? all my goals are shifting.
did you get a flu shot this year? Nooo. never have. 
what's your favorite Disney movie? oh boy. i am not good with narrowing down those. are you bored? Not really, I’m just trying to keep my mind occupied until I’m sleepy.
what are you listening to? serendipity, bennys tail hitting my pillow, and my fans.
what's your favorite foreign language? I think it depends. are we talking for the way it sounds? or one that I’d want to learn?
what do you do when you can't sleep? this, read, find quotes, do puzzles, stare at the ceiling.
do you like cats or dogs better? this is one of my very least favorite questions to be asked. why would anyone want to choose between the two? both are so great.
do you have any piercings? Just my ears
what's your favorite vegetable? Potatoes
do you eat meat? Yeah.
what's your favorite season? any of them minus summer. Honestly, probably winter. 
do you still write letters? I love to, but I no longer have anyone to write to. 
what would make you really happy right now? i think a distraction that comes from having a crush.
what's your favorite song? ooo this changes but right now i’m into a lot of blue october.
are you good at giving advice? so, I’m the person you go to for advice if you want the moral, behaved, “you won’t regret this later” type advice. I’m great at giving that.
what's your favorite hobby? Right now, this.
do you prefer to talk or text? That is going to depend on the person. almost always text. But some people.. their voice is just intoxicating.
what's your favorite pair of shoes? I’m going to have to trash all my shoes for ones with heel support. 
how often do you read? (as in books) usually daily, but I’ve fallen out of that lately.
do you have any pets? I have 2 cats currently. I really want a golden retriever, but hey.
what's your favorite day of the week? they’re all similar at the moment, but probably saturdays
are you in college? I’m in the inbetween. Finished 2 bachelors, but am waiting for grad program
are you/have you ever been in a long distance relationship? I have been,
how do you typically listen to music? I use Spotify. either thru my headphones, my bluetooth speaker, the kitchen google, or my phone.
do you like going to the beach? I do so long as I have shade or the water is good to swim in.
did you make any new year's resolutions? I think pandemic NY resolutions were all about survival thru mentally exhausting times.
how old are you? 29 yrs young
do you know anyone who is blind? I do
who is someone you admire? My mom
do you have a good singing voice? when I was a kiddo, preteen, and teen yes. not any longer.
are your nails painted? Nope. I just wanted a break from keeping up with them.
Are you an extrovert or introvert? I’m an introvert but I can behave very well with the extroverts.
what are you having/had for dinner tonight? I had some tacos.
do you ever write in a journal? I would like to begin again, but this is a decent makeshift option
if you could time travel when/where would you go? I mean I’d love to go back to some great memories, but I worry that could be painful beyond repair.
what's your favorite animal? whales.
what's your favorite kind of cereal? honestly my cravings for cereal are for any kinds that I can no longer have. so dont ask.
how was your day? I’m only 44 minutes into it.
do you ever listen to classical music? I do. Clair de lune is one of the best 
what inspires you? learning. learning always inspires me.
how many pillows do you sleep with? I have like 20. OK huge exaggeration. I believe the true number of sleeping pillows is 4 large, 1 mini. 
how many hours of sleep do you need? I typically run off of about 3. I’ve had sleep studies done regarding that. But If I’m getting good oxygen and the temp is coooooooold I sleep so good.
do you have big or small feet? I have pretty average to slightly bigger. 
what's the weather like where you are? It’s been in the upper 80s.
what's the most interesting thing you can see out the window? just the reflection from my TV. it’s real dark out.
does/did your high school have a school song? no.
what month is your birthday in? July.
what's your dream job? the brain.
are you excited for summer? I’ve had a lovely summer, truly.
what foreign country would you want to live in for 6 months? switzerland.
did you have to go to school today? No, no I have not.
win a million $$ or never have to pay for anything again? Never have to pay for anything. Why would that even be a question. do you throw coins into fountains? when I was a kiddo
do you have a trampoline? Nope
what's your favorite song lyric? what if we could put our lives on hold and meet somewhere inside of the world, I would meet you... would you meet me? 
what did you eat the last time you went to the movies? Ill be honest IDK if we even got food.
do you ever measure time in songs? only if I’m in the shower. I’ll be like ahhh I’m 4 songs in.
do you know how to play chess? I’ve been taught MULTIPLE times. have I retained any of them? na.
what's your favorite game? (any type) right now I’m digging skipbo, trionomos, rummykub, and trouble.
do you enjoy traveling? I love it. so much.
do you tend to wait till the last minute? nope. I’m almost always 2 weeks prior
have you ever owned a goldfish? Yep!
how do you relieve stress? go on a drive. 
without looking it up, guess the outside temperature? I’d guess maybe 70. lemme see how close I am. 68!
now look it up - how close were you? woops. 68! two off.
do you prefer digital or analog clocks/watches? Digi. 
do you prefer to shop in stores or online? I almost always prefer online, but in store has its own perks like seeing the quality of things.
do you enjoy coloring? oh heck’n yea do you like to dance? I do!
have you ever owned a horse? my family did, yes
do you take selfies? oh i do. MUCH less now, than I did before. before I used to send kile like 10 a day. now I might take 2 per week.
do you ever listen to music in languages besides English? Not often, but on occasion
have you ever cried from listening to a song? absolutely.
do you prefer headphones or earbuds? so I appreciate how headphones are safer for the ears, but i typically wear earbuds.
can you speak Spanish? Very little. like a few words
what's the last thing you watched on youtube froggy freshhhhhhhhh dunked on now what time is it? 12:57. Im getting sleepy. --------- ok now it’s 859 am. I passed out last night.
do you ever watch musicals? sometimes. it’s not my favorite thing
do you know anyone who's a twin? Yeppp
do you ever get carsick? oh heck yeah, i do love the windows open
what's your opinion on wolves? I really never had an opinion. check back.
when you're sad do you prefer sad music or happy music? sad. indulge me
do you like seafood? Nooo. i wish
do you enjoy going to the zoo? no. i really dont. are there any celebrities from your hometown? uhhhh not that I know of
do you shower in the morning or at night? morning if I was great hair. If I want meh hair, night
do you prefer to work alone or in a group? Alone. ALWAYS.
do you go to the gym alone or with a friend? I don’t go to the gym. < problem solved.
do you like coconut? I like the scent but not the food. <<< SAME who is someone you're jealous of? JV for her abs
what's your favorite place to go out for breakfast? eggheadz
do you still have your christmas tree up? nah. its a tickle early (july)
do you have a favorite type of bird? cardinal.
have you ever had an overnight flight anywhere? yup. plenty of times.
if you use them, tell me 5 of your recently used emojis heart eyes, disappointed looking off to the side, sad face with eyes closed, hearts all over the face, and rolling eyes.
do you know anyone that plays the violin? yep. 
how much money is in your wallet right now? I would need to count
anything you're looking forward to tomorrow? having been done with packing lol
have you ever auditioned for anything? yeah I used to do auditions all the time for plays I was in.
did you have a webkinz when you were younger? No.
how would you describe your aesthetic? airy, comfy, inviting, warm
have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? yeah a couple times but its like not even a tiny bit close.
when was the last time you rode a bus? i have never.
if you saw $50 on the ground what would you do? is there a wallet attached?
do you know how to play any unusual instruments? yeah. don’t ask me. I’m not pleased about it.
are you an early bird or a night owl? kind of both. 
have you ever had trouble understanding someone because of an accent? oh yes. But the more time you spend talking to those individuals who have accents stronger than what you’re used to, become very easy to understand over time.
do you ever go to Massachusetts? I’ve never been but I’d love to go.
do you personally know anyone who is transgender? yeah a few people I’ve met through school. 
do you remember anything from when you were 5 or younger? yeah a few very small memories. 
do you need to do laundry? yes I desperately need to pack and I’m waiting on the laundry for that to happen. 
do you know anyone (including yourself) who actually enjoys math? NOT ME. not even close to me. Kile seemed to like it. 
do you have a favorite poem? the one written for meeeeee
if you were from somewhere else, would you visit your town on vacation? I don’t think i’d think of it, it’s not near anything specific.
where would you spend $100 if you had to spend it all in one store? amazon.
would you rather go to Japan or Greece? Greece.
now what song are you listening to? Gilmore girls, text notifications, fans
what are you wearing right now? shorts and a blue teeshirt. Bout to just be in a short shorts so I can tan. 
any fun plans for the weekend? travelingggggg.
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thechelseydee · 7 years
39 Questions
I was tagged by @harleyquinn1234 ! 1. Are you named after someone? YEAH, I came home nameless for a while, and my older sister who was six at the time suggested they name me after her childhood friend. And my middle name is after my grandma. 2. When was the last time you cried? lmao last night oops 3. Do you like your handwriting? God no its bad. But when I try I guess it's kinda cute. It takes so much effort though. 4. What is your favourite lunchmeat? Gross. All gross. Turkey breast I guess. 5. Do you have kids? Nope, and I never will unless I adopt an aged child. 6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? It would be a love/hate thing. 7. Do you use sarcasm? Naw bruv. It's just the only way I know how to communicate. Never used it in my life though. 8. Do you still have your tonsils? yEAH I FORGOT THOSE EXISTED THOUGH 9. Would you bungee jump? Fuck no what do you take me for? 10. What is your favourite kind of cereal? UGH I m. Love cereal... honey bunches of oats? Rice cereals? Fruit loops/fruity pebbles? All g r e a t 11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Naw tric ain't nobody got time for that. Fun fact, I couldn't tie my shoes until I was like...twelve or something. I refused to do it myself or let anyone else teach me cause my dad was teaching me before he died when I was young. 12. Do you think you’re a strong person? Bitch sure as fuck likes to pretend. 13. What is your favourite ice cream? *chants* COOKIES AND CREAM, COOKIES AND CREAM 14. What is the first thing you notice about people? I...don't? I don't notice people really? Nothing about passerby interest me unless I'm getting to know them. Hmm. I guess. Style? I like to appreciate someone's style and fashion sense. 15. What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? A l o t my guy. A lot. And it's all contradictory too. 16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Pink polka dot sockies 17. What are you listening to right now? Pandora Shuffle, currently it's on Built To Spill! If you like Modest Mouse, check them out. They were the main influence for MM and just. Y e a h 18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? A factory defect 19. Favorite smell? That smell of sun-warmed linens in the middle of the afternoon on a warm day, that just lulls you into sleep. 20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? asdfgjk @lewinlight ᗒωᗕ 21. Favorite sport to watch? Horse stuff I guess. Sports aren't interesting to me usually. 22. Hair color? Boring ol brown. 23. Eye color? Hazel. They change colors really frequently from a dark brown, to a bright green, to even a yellow sometimes, and all the colors in between. 24. Do you wear contacts? Nope I don't even wear the glasses I'm supposed to looool 25. Favorite food to eat? Fruits, veggies, pasta, cheese, motherfucking chocolate cake and ice cream. 26. Scary movies or comedy? Depends on my mood. Probably comedy over something that will ACTUALLY scare me, but not much does. 27. Last movie you watched? Mmmmmm my memory is not this good. Split, I think? 28. What color of shirt are you wearing? Pink! 29. Summer or winter? assffhjkcghh summer only because winter here is 9 months of pouring fucking rain and grey skies, and the reason why our city has the highest suicide rate in the US 30. Hugs or kisses? Hugs AND kisses! Platonic or romantic, kisses don't gotta be in the lips! Destroy the idea that physical affection between friends is bad! 31. What book are you currently reading? The Life and Times of Suck My Ass 32. Who do you miss right now? @lewinlight literally always //ᗒ/ω/ᗕ// 33. What is on your mouse pad? I'm on mobile, otherwise I use my laptop. Mouses are still a thing? 34. What is the last TV program you watched? Bates Motel with @lewinlight assffhjkkvuhj (ノ ˊᵕˋ)ノ 35. What is the best sound? WELL RN IM THINKING OF A CERTAIN SOMEONES VOICE. Take a guess at wHO ♡ 36. Rolling stones or The Beatles? Fuck. Uhhhh. UhhhhhHHH. BOTH. DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE. But I mean if you don't like even one song of the Beatles then are you even living? 37. What is the furthest you have ever travelled? ...Mexico? Hawaii? Idk. 38. Do you have a special talent? Sucking At Everything, laughing at literally the worst moments, and talking with my hands. Choose your fighter. 39. Where were you born? Eastern Washington, where it's empty and swings rapidly from extreme hot to cold just like me. Tagging (optional): WHOEVER WANTS TO CAUSE IM SLEEPY
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