#-lays back down on the floor- whyyyyyy
illuminatedferret · 9 months
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
hi! Can You pleaseeee Write a spy x family fic, ler loid and lee anya, Please I need more of this family 🥲♥️
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I’ll always love you
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A/N: I used a couple of prompts here and there. It was a very cute idea Thankyou anon I hope your doing well too, Very unneeded info but tmr will make it 10 days until my birthday 🥳🥳 (July 18th)
Warning: Nightmare, wholesome surprise at the end😼
It was currently 10:31 been a little over an hour since Yor and loid tucked anya to bed. Yor was sound asleep in her room. Loid was laying on the sofa doing some work on his laptop when he saw a small black figure.
“GAH!”loid tried standing up as quickly as possible hitting his big toe. “Ouch!” “Papa are you okay?!” The small figure spoke worried about him. ‘Wait that voice is that Anya?’ “Anya s’that you?” loid groaned.
“U-uh yes”
“What’s wrong what’s bugging you normally you’d be fast asleep around this time”.
“Well I had a bad dream we’re you and mama didn’t *sniff* didn’t love me anymore” anya slowly began to tear up she ran and grabbed onto Loid’s leg sobbing. ‘Did someone at the academy say something to her doesn’t matter right now my job is to cheer her up’
“Anya that’ll never happen me and Yor could never hate you” Loid comforted anya even though it really was true loid and Yor love anya besides all of f the spy stuff they would do anything for her.
“I’ll always love you” loid smiled before he picked up anya and spun her around as she started giggling. “Why are you giggling?” Loid asked confused.
“Hehehe pahahpaha you’re tihickling mehe” she giggled as she dropped her stuffed lion and grabbed onto his wrists. “Oho how about you tell me the password to the treasure chest” Loid Loidman asked. “ihihi princehehehss anyahahaha will neeehehehever lihihisten to ahaha Lohohoidmahaan” Anya squealed.
“Oho really now not even if I tickle you here”Loid smiled as he flip her upside down to tickle her feet. “NohohOHOHO PAAHHAPAHA YOHOHOU’REHEHE CHEAAHAHAHTING” anya shrieked.
“*Dramatic gasp* Anya!! I would never cheat that’s mean anya”Loid being oh so dramatic. “STAAHP IT PAHAPAHA”
“Not until you say that we’ll love you forever” loid wanted her to say so she doesn’t have a bad mindset.
“MAHAHAHMAHAHA AND PAHAHAHAPAHAHAHA WIHIHIHILL LOHOHOVE MEHEHEH FOREVERHEHEHE!!”Anya gave in as she fell asleep on Loid’s chest. ‘Ugh a little exhausting but fun’. “Hey anya?” Loid called but stopped because he had realized that she was fast asleep.
‘I mean who wouldn’t be when they’ve been tickled to death’.
Loid looked over at his laptop debating whether or not he should finish that essay. ‘Eh I’ll finish tomorrow I should probably to go to sleep aswell’ was Loid’s last before dozing off.
Yor came out of her room thinking it was Franky and loid goofing around again. But she seen loid and anya sleep together on the sofa she assumed loid was over working and anya just came out here and laid on his chest and fell asleep.
Yor went to a closet to grab a blanket for them. As she covered them up she seen his laptop open with an essay he had to write to the Desmond’s. ‘Maybe I should type that for him as a repayment for him helping me out.
After typing the essay she didn’t realize how late it was ‘ITS 1:53 jeez I didn’t expect it to be this late’ she got up as she instantly sat back down looking at a bright screen late at night in a dark room then trying to get up right after not the best thing.
Yor really wanted to go to sleep her two options were to drunkly walk back to her room and possibly end up sleeping on the floor or just sleep on the sofa with Loid and anya
‘ughhhhh whyyyyyy I’ll just- ugh’ Yor began to spaz out loid looked up at her “if your too tired to walk back to your room you can sleep out here” loid gently insisted as he pulled her head to his chest. “A-alright!” Yor deeply blushed. “Thank for typing that paper for me too”.
“Mama and papa are flirting~” Anya whispers.
“No we are not!”
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lstories · 3 years
Felix and Olivia: Early Night Snacks
(Safe, soft, vore, unwilling pred, willing prey, object vore, stuffing)
Word count: 3686
Olivia ran into the living room and jettisoned herself onto the queen sized mattress that Felix used as a couch. She grabbed a few blankets and wrapped herself up before grabbing the remotes and putting on a movie. She paused it while waiting for Felix to come into the living room, he was just bringing in the snacks they made together so why was it taking so long. She reached up and grabbed a few pillows and stuffed them into her makeshift human burrito so it would look bigger. She starred intently at the doorway for Felix to come threw, he eventually waddled out of the door with EVERY snack they made together for the past 2 hours, balanced neatly on his head, shoulders, arms, and in his hands was a large bowl of popcorn and some candy bars carefully stacked on top of it. Olivia just watched in awe and confusion as he slowly walked over to the table, his eyes darting from plate to platter to bowl and slowly shuffling his feet to not have anything fall off. He was just supposed to bring them in one by one while she started the movie but he had to make it complicated again. She watched as he slowly made his way to the table in the center of the room, carefully bending down to place the bowl on the table. He put everything neatly down and in a nice order, triumphantly standing up and letting out a small sigh before falling onto the 'couch'. "Uhhh Felix, could you get off please" Olivia said as her face was being pressed into the bed couch. Felix shuffled around for a bit, rolling over Olivia and onto the back of the couch. He immediately picked her up once he wasn't on her and started shyly apologising.
"Are you ok, I should of looked where I was going. Where did I hurt you" he was holding her in front of him, checking her entire face for any injuries.
"Hey- stop, I'm alright. It's not like you could hurt me either, remember. Your more like a weighted blanket when I'm not already covered" she slowly moved her legs like a mermaid's tail
"Your fine right and you- you don't..." Felix started to trail off, his eyes focused on what she had wrapped around herself. The blue speckles diffusing into the black of his eyes, evenly spreading out.
Olivia could see the look in his eyes... well, it was more like the loss of conscious sight. He could only see food at this point. She could hear his stomach growling as they cooked and she wanted him to have something to eat as well. "Like what you see" her mouth and nose were hidden underneath a part of the blanket and she had a devilish smile creeping over her face.
"Muhh. I-I want..." Felix slowly moved her feet closer to his mouth. His eyes were darting over her entire body, he questioned if he should eat her head first of feet first.
He set the bottom of his human burrito where Olivia's feet would be on his tounge. The click of the TV shutting off drew both of their attention, the blue speckles in Felix's eyes all joined together again. Olivia looked into her blankets and saw the remote squished against a pillow. Felix looked back to see himself almost about to eat Olivia, pulling her out just before he gulped her down. He was not going to eat her, she wanted to binge watch a movie series with him and he wasn't going to stop her from watching. He looked back at Olivia, his eyes slowly moving across her body as the speckles drifted apart again. Olivia thought he was going back to do it again. He shook his head to focus himself before laying down on the bed, squishing Olivia into his chest. "Sooo, you gunna start the movie, you do have the remotes right." Felix slowly said. Olivia huffed, she was just a little more angry than anything, forcing herself to move and grab the remote while she thought of a new plan. He was so hungry while they cooked, she could feel the rumbling of his stomach threw the floor let alone hear it. All he could eat was fabrics while he was surrounded by so much food, not a great thing when he's also an excellent chef. His eyes kept darting to the sweet potatos with a marshmallow blanket, and he cooked it in such a way that it looked like a tan flannel blanket.
Olivia started to worrie, he hadn't eaten at all since they got back from camping, he just stayed by her for the entire day, making sure everything was going right for her and that she wasn't getting hurt. She's never seen him not eat for this long and it was getting to her, if he could put aside everything to make her happy than she could for him. She kept brainstorming ideas to get him to eat but he had a vice grip on her and she needed to get him a meal. His stomach growled louder, she was pressed into Felix's chest so it was even louder than it would have been and she knew it was calling for her. She looked down past Felix's arms to his stomach, she had to find a way to be his meal. She wriggled around a bit trying to get free, eventually she got her arm free and reached for the snacks laid out on the table, keeping her arm just short enough to not reach. Felix could see her trying to reach out of the side of his eye. He loosened his grip and Olivia crawled out as soon as she could, leaving her cocoon of blankets behind. Olivia sat on the side of the bed unsure of what she was going to do. Felix grabbed her arm and stared at her with a worried look on his face, she instinctively grabbed a lemon dough ball and shoved it in her mouth. Felix pulled her closer so her back was against his stomach and the table was still in reach.
Olivia looked around at how to get out of this situation, all the blankets and pillows that were on the bed was in the ball he was holding. She knew he wasn't going to eat them beacuse she already used them the way they were intended to be used instead of for food. She leaned into his stomach and started watching the movie, deafeated as to how she would help him. His stomach growled, shaking her entire body like it knew what she was thinking. Olivia turned around towards his stomach gently massaging it with one hand then going back to looking around the room. "Dont worry, I'll get to ya soon" she whispered to herself. She heard purring from Felix and looked over to him, his face was still glued to the screen but his eyes were getting heavy. She started massaging his stomach with both her hands, gently pushing every sensitive muscle she remembered from the inside. His eyes started to fall heavy and he could barely keep them open to watch the movie as his purring drowned out all the noise from the movie. She stopped massaging his stomach for a bit, resting her tired arms on his side as his eyes started to become more active again. His stomach let out a loud growl, she looked over to see his face was a mixture of shame, guilt, and pain. The pieces were starting to fall into place as she figured out her plan.
She slowly slid down the side of his stomach, trying to grab something from under the bed with her feet. Her back left Felix's stomach for just a second before he reached down and grabbed her shoulder, a sad growl emitting from his chest as he pulled Olivia closer to him. Olivia tried again, hooking her foot around the thin handle on the basket and pulling it up towards her. 12 small seat cushions were placed along the basket, small cookie pattern's woven into them. She thought they were funny to be used as snacks for Felix. She brought the basket onto the couch, pulling out one of the pillows and snuggling under the blanket burrito and back into Felix's chest. She gently tapped his lip with corner of the thin pillow, prodding his lip open until he started moving. He rolled onto his back and pressed Olivia into his chest again before staring down at her.
"I thought you wanted to watch a movie, that's why we made all those snacks but it's like your not even paying attention" he looked down at her, slightly disappointed
"I do want to watch the movie but I'm worried about you, you haven't eaten all day any you've been really clinging lately so just, open up and eat" she kept trying to force the pillow into his mouth.
Felix reluctantly took the pillow from her hands, flipping her around and onto her back and shoving her up against his chin. He took the pillow and folded it in half, putting it on his tounge and swallowing. "There, you happy. I ate your snack pillow, now can we watch your movie"
She could feel him putting the pillow on his tongue and swallow, the small lump it made slowly moved along her spine and down her back. She could feel it stop somewhere beneath her knees as the pressure was released from her head. "very" she quietly mumbled. Felix sighed as he slightly turned his head to watch the movie, not too much later he felt a poking at his lip. Olivia folded another pillow and tried to put it in his mouth, but she wasn't able to see where she was putting it so she was just shoving it into random parts of his face. "Whyyyyyy- Mhph" Felix groaned as another pillow was shoved into his mouth. "Just let me feed youuuu" Olivia whined, she was to worried about if he was eating that she didn't care about the movie. The feeling of the pillow moving under her again was satisfying, she was finally helping him with his problem and knowing he was going to feel better made her feel better. She was finally happy that he wasn't going to starve himself on accident, and then she felt the bottom of her knees move as she realized that he had already digested the pillows.
She started feeding Felix the pillows again. He eventually stopped fighting it and accepted that Olivia wanted to feed him more than watch the movie she picked out. She kept putting them in his mouth one by one until all of them were in his stomach. She could feel them slightly moving under her legs as they slowly collapsed down and were digested in just a minute. Felix's stomach growled again and Olivia realized that she was going to need thicker and bigger pillows and blankets if she was going to attempt the next part of her plan. She wriggled back out of his grip, moving off the bed and kneeling onto the floor. Felix immediately learned over and placed a hand on Olivia's back, checking her surroundings as his breathing started to quicken. Olivia grabbed some of the extra pillows she had stored just in case she had friends coming over and some pillows or blankets were missing. She grabbed as many pillows as she could and dragged them to the front as Felix pulled her out by the waist. At the last second she grappled onto a curtain and used it to pull out most of the smaller pillows and blankets. She was spun around once she was fully out from under the bed so Felix could see ever part of her body as his eyes darted over her, his hands were shaking as they checked her for injuries. He was truly terrified that something might happen to her.
Felix let out a sigh as he found nothing over her torso, his face slowly shifted to anger as he lifted her up and set her back onto his stomach. He held her arms to her sides and forced her back into his chest. She struggled a bit, slightly gigging as she tried to get away from his grip, her small grin faded as her eyes met his. His face was dead serious while they stared at each other, his hands slightly moved around her but she didn't fight back. No matter what position she was in she always felt comfortable laying on Felix, he started to grow a devilish smile as he moved his hands. Felix wasn't able to hurt her or make her uncomfortable in any way, except for- Olivia's eyes widened as she tried to fight her way out of Felix's grip. He lightly pushed his thumbs into her sides and Olivia started to laugh. She flailed her legs and begged Felix to stop, it didn't take much to tickle her but it was fun for Felix every time. "Fe- s-s-stop, stOP! I can't breathe! Please- stop, Felix! FELIX STOP!" She shouted over fits of laughter. Felix moved his thumbs out of the way and squished her as deep as he could. Olivia still chuckled at the residing feeling, her entire body was being crushed by Felix. It felt nice, like she was perpetually in his throat, she could feel his heartbeat just as strong too. While it felt nice she couldn't wait for the actual feeling of moving down with this pressure.
She stayed there for a while, his soft foam heartbeat and the very muffled sound of the movie keeping her awake. Eventually she wriggled out of Felix's grip again, he groaned as she moved away from him. "If you won't eat and you won't watch the movie then can't you just sleep and be safe near me"
Felix pushed her face back into his stomach when she sat up. "I want to watch the movie with you, and we both know it's safe in your stomach. I mean, I could watch the movie on my phone while you watch it on the TV" she pushed his arms to his sides, laying back down onto his chest.
"But it's not safe in my stomach, I- I can't let you get hurt again" Felix put his hand to her cheek, she immediately started nuzzling into his palm and resting into his chest.
"It was a small, non venomous snake that crawled into our tent and bit me on the leg. It didn't even leave a bruise, and you couldn't of stoped it beacuse you were coughing up moths, and like I keep telling you I saw it crawl out of your mouth when you went to sleep beacuse I couldn't sleep on the air mattress. Plus, we're in our house, there is nothing here that can hurt us unless we let it in. Now, you've been protecting me for the past five days from nothing and haven't eaten anything so, if you want to protect me, then eat" Olivia reached down and grabbed a pillow, trying to stuff it into Felix's mouth.
"We spent hours making food, if I'm eating your going to as- mmph" Olivia shoved it in his mouth while he was talking. He forced himself not to swallow, so Olivia kept pushing and shoving until the entire pillow was in his mouth.
Olivia sighed as she turned and picked up a small finger sandwich. Felix swallowed the pillow, it was bigger than the whole basket of snack pillows and it jostled Olivia as it passed under her. She grabbed a bigger blanket and put it in Felix's mouth, he went back to watching the movie out of the side of his eye eventually becoming oblivious to Olivia's actions. Olivia kept feeding him more and more, occasionally grabbing a snack for herself from the table but she always had some part of her touching Felix. His eyes grew heavy as his stomach slowly ballooned in size and filled with blankets, pillows, and full couch cushions. Olivia eventually ran out of stuff to feed Felix and turned to look at her work. She slightly moved towards his stomach, hands pressing in on his sides. She slowly started to rub at his stomach, each press filling Felix with delight. He rubbed one part Olivia wasn't getting with his own hand, using the other hand to press Olivia's full body into his stomach.
She could feel the moving of the pillows being digested and fall when too much fabric was taken away. Even though his stomach was taller than her, she could still hear a faint growl somewhere. She slowly slid herself from his hand and pressed her hand to his, guiding where he should rub. Eventually he was rubbing his stomach by himself as Olivia got off his chest and onto the ground. Felix didn't try to grab her this time, too entranced at the feeling of his stomach to notice. His purring was so loud she thought the neighbors might check on her. She walked into her room and put on more layers of clothing. More pj's, zipperless jacket's, and just anything that didn't have big pieces of plastic or metal, which was most of her wardrobe. She walked back into the living room looking like she was ready for a blizzard tho Felix wasn't able to see it. She slipped her gloved hands into Felix's mouth and he immediately started gulping her down like she was another pillow. She slid down his throat, keeping as still as possible to not let him realize what he was doing. Her hands reached his stomach, she could immediately feel the tendrils ripping at her gloves and what she could only describe as massaging her hands as they tried to tear away at her like she was stuffing, unable to do more than lightly press in at her skin. Slowly she fully entered his stomach, the fluff and fabric of the pillows and blankets fully surrounded her and like the last time Felix was this full, she created a pocket of air she sat in, propping it up with her layers of clothing. She unlocked her phone and connected it to the TV and allowed the two way camera. She saw Felix still laying on the couch rubbing his stomach, she slowly moved her arms threw the fabric and stuffing to the edge of his stomach. The grey tendrils started to rub her hands, slowly moving up her arms and eating away at her sleeves. She pressed at his stomach and looked threw the camera to see the tiny bump her hand made, Felix groaned as she slowly traced her hand in his stomach and spelled out FaO.
She pulled her hand back and paused the movie. "Heeyyy Feeeliiix, look over heeerrre" Felix slowly opened his eyes and looked around and started to freak out when he didn't see Olivia. His breathing quickened as he propped himself up and looked around the room. "Up here"
Felix looked up and saw a small video feed of Olivia in the corner of the TV. "Olivia, where are you? Your freaking me out" Felix slowly rubbed the top of his stomach.
"Does your stomach feel like the weight of pillows and blankets?" Her smile slowly morphed as she curled up a little tighter. Felix stood up- or he tried to anyway, his stomach forced him back down to the couch.
He slid his hands under his stomach as he propped himself back up, carrying the heavy weight in his hands. "Olivia? How did you... are you ok? Is the snake still in there? Tell me what's going on"
Olivia was jostled around for a minute, trying to get used to the new gravity. "Hey look up here, there's nothing in here but fluff. Also like I said, on the very slight chance that I was mistaken and didn't see the snake it wouldn't have survived being vacuum sealed" Felix sat back down and watched Olivia threw the TV as she showed him the little pocket of fluff she made in his stomach.
"So you're safe and I don't need to let you out? I'm sorry for not letting you check sooner, but I can't let you be in any danger, even if it might not be real. AND NEVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK!" Felix started hitting the sides of his stomach. Olivia was slightly getting jostled by the light punches, it felt like a massage gun on her her arms. Felix's punches slowed until he was tightly hugging his gut and lightly rubbing it. "I can't be mad at you for more than a minute"
Felix layed back down on the bed and looked to the camera on the TV "sooo, you gunna start the movie?" Olivia slightly laughed at the comment, moving to a more comfortable position. She started the movie and her and Felix watched the entire series together, Felix had to swallow a few battery packs to keep her phone charged. Felix had digested everything besides Olivia before the 3rd movie even started. Once it got late Felix ate the whole fabric cacoon before walking up the stairs to their bedroom. Olivia had already fallen asleep during the final movie, making some cute remark that Felix couldn't remember. He layed down, letting Olivia get comfortable in her sleep before he slightly shifted the blankets over his stomach. "Goodnight my tiny caretaker" and with that comment he drifted off to sleep, letting Olivia shift in his stomach which ever way she wanted.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1010 - Initial Thoughts
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Things just got extra spicy in here 10 Chapters but *muffled grumbles* weeks since Chapter 1000 and the Yonko fight is hitting a fever pitch, this shit is getting crazy
let’s rock!
Spoilers for Chapter 1010, support the official release too
Starting with the cover page again, odd request though eye drops would be a good replacement for fake crying
We’re picking up where we left off though: BM is falling, Zeus is boxed and Prometheus is being diced up by Zoro
Law while you are right to admire Zoro he’d be less in pain if he could I dunno...see a Doctor, Mr. Op Op Fruit?
Kaido isn’t impressed with BM’s predicament though, as Luffy lays prone and KO’d before him
Still tried to help her out though by going for Zoro
Law in with the neck stab, but he gets knocked away too
Since Zoro was shambles’d Prometheus is free, and Napoleon decided not to be bullied by Killer too it seems
Law is right though, they need to pick their victories, and as Kid said it is enough that they split them apart
Kid and Killer going for BM solo though is a doubtful look, I mean her crew is still by the sea, Perospero is lurking and I don’t think her story is done in Wano, gonna have to worry for those punk kids
Ooof the Zeus hate, he’s trapped in a box, but I guess if you disown him then Nami can reclaim
Prometheus what are you planning? Revenge on Zoro? Stealing Kaido’s Poneglyph? Making a new Zeus?
The latter is one you can consider when the clouds were brought attention to, it’s ominous stuff
Kaido not knowing who he’s mocking Luffy in front of, even at his limit Zoro is gonna give Kaido his best shot
Enma-powered Asura! ENMA POWERED ASURA!
Nothing Happened Zoro has come into the chat
Zoro sliced Kaido up good, and Law is shooketh from it
But alas, the Yonko is resilient, but bleeding profusely, and angry
Again with the Conqueror’s Haki, Oda just tell us if he has it or not!
Roronoa Fucking Zoro - one of two men capable of Scarring Kaido
Law tries to help but both get the Thunder Bagua
Tbf if Zoro and Law were Kaido’s subordinates it would be all over, but their upbringing and reason for getting strong is why they wouldn’t
Luffy’s awake now though; you’ve hurt his friend, his nakama and the country of his friends, you’re gonna get it
Whoa WHOA! You can use Conqueror’s to Armament!? Is that how advanced Haki works? Is Futuresight Conquerors!Observation and Ryou Conquerors!Armament? Could awakening be Conquerors!DF?
This also means that Kaido has Conquerors right? Makes sense why he’d try and beat down anyone with the same Haki since they would be the bigger threats
Ohshit he did it! He used his Conquerors to block the mace!
Kaido’s getting these hands now, he’s shooketh too!
Worrying silence from Zoro
Luffy’s gonna solo this one...and dammit he could actually pull it off
Well. Then.
Back during the Udon Prison section I joked that each chapter would just be Zoro and Luffy trying to out-badass one another, we kinda got that today.
BM is out of the equation for now, I do worry about what Kid’s seeing because things can go very badly for him. I’m also worried about Zoro, he put it all into that Asura which was badass but he’s kinda still now, we know that Enma drains your haki as much as it can so I hope we get some confirmation that Zoro’s at the least alive, he’s got a doctor here and 2 more on the lower floors.
Then there’s Luffy, he needed that KO time to think things through but now he’s changed Haki as we know it. Now that I’ve had some time though I’m sure Conquerors coating isn’t the same as Ryou, it’s more that the ‘untouched clash’ that Roger, WB and Rayleigh demonstrated is Conquerors Coating, Ryou is just a beta version using Armament. That’s because when Oden - a Ryou user - saw the Clash of Kings he was baffled too. So in a sense the clashing is ‘Conquerors Ryou’ while the intense durability of BM and Kaido could be ‘Conquerors Armament’, which is why when BM loses her senses her body becomes weak - she’s using conqueror’s haki in projectile fashion rather than defensively. This does still open up avenues of Conquerors variations though; conquerors Observation could still be futursight since only Luffy and Katakuri can use it but we might even be able to push it further, alone Haki is strong but combined it could be unstoppable
A week break for Oda to tease us and I’ll bet that we’ll go back downstairs to finish off some fights and start new ones, with Law dragging Zoro out there could be a point of someone giving Law time to operate on him. But even if Zoro doesn’t get another fight right now he’s leaving with a huge ass W, when word gets out that he scarred Kaido, Sanji is gonna hurt his neck over the size of Zoro’s bounty
An absolute monster of a chapter this was, but a tragedy still looms right? Is this truly the final battle?
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Lamia Drama: Side Session (2)
Like I said, this got suuuuuper long. Also, I have no idea if I can even live up to the potential chaos I’ve set up XD
All the species belong to @vex-bittys
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           Nikolai had been rather thorough in his consideration for the troublemaker of the night. It sounded like the entire gimmick was to be around pygmy’s natural playfulness, so might as well play it up. Their games might have had some darker tones and general swearing, but they could tone it down for one night; a child would be best. But not too young. They needed to at least be old enough to comprehend that they were playing a game of make believe and hadn’t actually become a dragon or whatever silliness was going to happen.    
           So Piper was perfect. One of the older children, but still very much a child by both human and lamia standards. Really there were many candidates, Piper just caught his eye first, possibly because he was easy to pick out. He’d developed a mostly harmless condition where he had patches of scales on some of his bones, most notable on the forehead and back of his skull. It tended to itch a bit, but a little bit of extra hygiene and some topical creams fixed that right up. The little one wasn’t quite old enough to start looking for a home yet – socialization with other younglings was important for development after all – but he would be fine spending a few hours away from the others.  
           Piper was curled around Nikolai’s left forearm, little hands clinging to the fabric and tail coiled tight as he stubbornly hung upside down, giggling and chirping as the world went by. He was still small enough that falling wouldn’t actually hurt him even if he hit the floor.
           Nikolai stopped in front of the door, looking down at Piper, “Remember how the game goes?”
           Piper nodded, “I the boss!”
           Keith had decided that Piper would be a sort of Co-DM. It was going to be an interesting session…
           “Keith – the Chain – is also the boss. And remember, it’s all pretend, but pretend how you want.”
           “I knoooowwsss! Not a hatchling!” Piper huffed, pouting and glaring at Nikolai.
           Nikolai chuckled, “No, no you’re not.” He mentally added, but you’re not much older. “Tell me if it gets to be too much, okay?” He’d be keeping an eye out anyways – overstimulating a pygmy was harder than it might be with other breeds, but not impossible.
           “It won’t!” Piper chirped. “Go in now!” He was pawing at the underside of Nikolai’s arm, wiggling restlessly.        
           “Alright, alright,” Nikolai said, opening the door to the break room. Everyone else had already taken their seats, snacks and drinks at the ready. It looked like someone had already set out a cup of Chai tea for him. “Why thank you,” he said has he settled into his spot, setting Piper down to wander the table.
           Piper immediately went for Nikolai’s mug, curling around it and peaking inside. Before Nikolai could stop him, Piper stuck his tongue into it and hissed, darting away.
           “BIT ME!” Piper cried, glaring at the offending mug from behind his hiding place… which was ironically Alex’s cup of tea – green and hibiscus instead of chai.
           Nikolai sighed, reaching out to give Piper a few little pets, “It’s chai tea. I could’ve told you you might not like it. It’s spicy, bitter, and still hot.”
           “Why?” Piper said.
           “Um… because it has spices?” Nikolai said.
           “Why drink?”
           “Because I like it,” Nikolai said.
           “No,” Piper said, crossing his arms. He was now holding Alex’s drink hostage instead, but had the good sense to not dunk his tongue in immediately. “Lady’s smarter. Smells good!”
           “Aaaaw, thanks. That’d be the hibiscus. Gives it kinda a fruity flavor. Not sure if you’d want this either though. I don’t put sugar in it… And you might be a little young for caffeine at all, honestly?” Alex said. “Geez… and I though Trousle was small! You’re so little!”
           “Mm hmm. I’m cute,” Piper said, rolling over to show the softer scales of his underbelly. Alex squeaked at the cuteness, gently stroking the softer tissue as Piper purred.
           Oozy huffed and leaned over, gently headbutting Alex’s other hand. Alex chuckled and started petting him too… And then Trousle looked over, and Keith was trying to pretend he wasn’t, but Nikolai could see his tail trying to sneakily capture Alex in a snuggle.  
           “… I don’t have enough hands for all these lamia,” Alex said. “Who designed humans? I have some questions for them.”
           “Me too! You need more hands! For more cuddles! But you’re very warm, I like it!” Trousle said, slithering over to lay beside her arm.
           “You guys are so desperate,” Hux said with a deadpan expression. “It’s fu…” He looked over at Nikolai, who was giving him a death glare, hood fully spread and tail coiled, “…uuuuuuppernuttering embarrassing.”
           Piper laughed and, as children do, immediately chirped, “Fuppernutter!”
           “Fuppernutter,” Alex echoed.
           “What is a fuppernutter?” Trousle said, head tilted in honest confusion.  
Oozy said, “Is it related to peanut butter?”
           “Maybe it’s cousins with flutters or shutters,” Keith said.
           “Does it give nuts to fuppers?” Alex said.
           “I think I’m having a stroke,” Hux said, looking desperately to Nikolai.
           Nikolai smirked, leaning with his elbows against the table. “You brought this on yourself, now deal with it, you fuppernutter.”
           Hux let out a loud grown. “Whyyyyy… Ugh. Aren’t we here to, like, game? Let’s do that. Please.”
           Keith nodded, “Yeah, guess we are. Alright, let’s see the insanity! And remember, keep it clean.” He gestured to the kid. “Let’s start with… hmm… Nikolai?”
           Nikolai straightened up and pulled out the character sheet, “A level 10 sorcerer who believes magic isn’t real. I’ve named him… Steve.”
           “Steve?” Keith said, clearly trying to hold back a laugh. “Oh boy- heh… Why the heck is that funny? Oh my gosh.” He snickered into his hand as Nikolai rolled his eyes. It wasn’t that funny.
           “Alright. So we’ve got Steve. Hux?”
           “Eh… I figured I’d go rogue and go Rogue this time. Level 20 changeling thief!”
           “Branching out a little, eh? Sounds like fun!” Keith said, apparently not caring about the lack of name or any background info.
           Hux was going to steal absolutely everything from everyone, wasn’t he?
           “Alright, Trousle?”
           Trousle grinned and quickly sent something to Keith, notified by a little ring. Keith’s eyes scanned it, nodding along, then grew wider, then he started laughing, “Dude. I know it’s dungeons and dragons, but… Oh man. I love it.”
           “What?” Hux said. “C’mon, tell us!”
           Trousle had a proud grin as he typed, “I’m a level 14 half dragon, dragonborn weredragon monk taking path of the ascendant dragon.”
           “That is so much dragon,” Alex said. “I think he wins. He’s the dragon in Dungeons and Dragons. It’s him. He’s all the dragons.”
           “I don’t know if that’s legal, but I kind of hope it is,” Nikolai said.
           “The monk subclass is in playtesting still, and weredragons are from 2e. So very much no, but it’s a one shot and I do not care.” Trousle had his little arms on his hips as the voice app finished speaking for him.
           “Oh man. This is, oh boy,” Keith said.
           Piper was looking at Trousle in awe, “You’re dragon?!”
           Trousle shook his head, typing, “Not really. But my character is!”
           Piper nodded. “I pretend dragon too! RAAAAWR!!!!” He slithered over to Trousle and play-tackled him, chirping and giggling as Trousle snaked around the table in a little game of chase.
           While that was going on, Keith continued, “Alex? What about you?”
           “I’ve been meaning to try cleric, but, well… Personal issues, I guess. But hey, tricksters are awesome, so I’mma trickster cleric! Sounds like some fun little bit of chaos chaos,” she said. “Maybe I should’ve gone higher level… I’m only level 10.”
           “Nooooob,” Hux said, tail end twitching.
           “Nooooooooom!!!” Piper said. He’d managed to capture Trousle, getting a sort of impromptu piggy back ride on the other lamia. Trousle seemed more confused than distressed about this occurrence.
           “And… Oh boy. Do I even wanna know, Oozy?” Keith said.
           Oozy got a shit-eating grin as he passed a paper forward. “Memelord.”
           “A what?”
           “Found it online.”
           “… Oh thor have mercy…” Keith said.
           “Level 20.”
           “Why did I let you just make whatever.”
           “Because it’s hilarious.”
           “You’re never playing this again.”
           “That’s fine.”
           “You can pickpocket Anubis mid-combat.”
           “Yeeeep,” Oozy said. “It’s great, ain’t it?
           “You’re proficient in all the saving throws.”
           “You should know better than to tell me to go nuts.”
           “Whyyyyyy” Keith hissed, rubbing away an anatomically impossible headache.
           “Because it’s hiss-terical.” Oozy laughed out loud, and Kieth was trying to hide it, but he was joining in.
           “I’m never doing this again,” Keith said, blatantly lying as he did every single time he more or less told them to be as ridiculous as possible for a noncanon oneshot.
           “Yeah you are,” Hux said. “’cause you looooove us or something. Ya dork.”
           “Heh, could say the same about you.”
           “Nope. My soul’s just ice.”
           “Ice soul?” Piper said, looking up from the captive Trousle. “Doctor’s here! Tha’s bad! Gotta get you warmed! Get the fire!”
           “No. No fire,” Nikolai said. “He’s just being himself.”
           “Hmm… okay! We play now? I’m the highest! Level 40!” Piper chirped. “I win all the things! ‘Cause I’m the dragon! Or the dungeon!” He was lightly bouncing in place, hands outstretched.
           “Heh, there’s not really a win to this game… It’s just about having fun and playing pretend,” Keith said. “C’mon, I’ll let you on my side of the screen.” He gently scooped up Piper and draped him around his neck.
           “I have the tall!” Piper yelled. “FEAR ME!”
           “Oh nooooo!”
           “Alright here we go…”
Memelord is a joke class I found online.
I’m actually using Path of the Ascendant Dragon in a campaign! Or I’m planning to, haven’t started yet.
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miss-smrxtiee · 4 years
-Hallmark & Hugs!-
Bryce x MC(Eliana Valentine)
~Gifter reveal~ Hi / @nmvord / !!! I really hope you enjoy your gift! (I included a moodboard down below) Happy Holidays! -Sol 💖
Summary: A Hallmark movie, a cup of coffee, and lots of snuggles sounds like a day in heaven for Edenbrook’s favorite doctors.
Warnings: none. Pure fluff!
Chgg mentions: @choicesholidaygiftgrab @monsoonblooms12 (FULL TAGLIST BELOW THE CUT)
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“The forecast shows a very high chance of rain later tonight, some snow following shortly after. On Tuesday there is a 60% chance of hail, so make sure you’re prepared and that your homes and cars are protected.” The weather report comes through the TV
Bryce and Eliana were laid out on the couch, watching whatever was on at the time. It was early December and Boston was a winter wonderland. As energetic as Bryce is, there are days were Eliana convinces him to take a break. With his sister staying at a friends house for winter break, they got to do whatever they wanted around the house.
Yesterday, Eliana made Christmas cookies which were soon eaten up by.. you guessed it, Bryce.
The day before that, they had a dance party around the apartment with their Alexa playing the Christmas radio.
Most of the roads were shut down and Eliana’s family couldn’t come to visit for the holidays, and vise versa. Bryce made it a goal to make this Christmas one to remember despite the circumstances. He wanted to make everyday special, especially now while it leads up to Christmas.
Now, they had a binge watching day ahead of them and Bryce had an idea.
“Oooo, lets watch a Hallmark movie!” Bryce reaches to grab the remote but Eliana snatches it out of his hand.
“Absolutely not.” She said with her she’s wide and voice stern.
“Whyyyyyy...” Bryce whined like a puppy before plopping back on the cushion.
“Because hallmark is too sappy and cliché... you’ll give me PTSD from family holidays.” Eliana shudders making Bryce laugh.
“C’mon! Just one, if you don’t like it, I’ll go out and buy you a peppermint mocha!” Bryce gave her his best puppy dog eyes.
Eliana glances at him from the side.
“I’m in.”
Bryce cheers and snatches the remote out of her hands, making her laugh. He scrolls through their options and finds a classic Christmas movies titled “A December Bride”. after reading the description, Eliana raises her eyebrows at Bryce while he smirks and clicks the start button.
This was about and a girl who has to fake being engaged to her ex fiancé? Talk about drama.
After awhile, Eliana seemed to be pretty invested in the movie, making Bryce smirk of course.
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The movies starts coming to an end after an hour or so and Eliana is curled up into Bryce’s side, trying to hold back emotions.
“Are you crying?” Bryce asks looking down at her. He tucks her into his side tighter and she nuzzles her head into his neck.
“....no.” She replies.
“Mhm... then what’s.... this!” Bryce points at the watery eyes and she sniffles.
Eliana was a very serious, independent individual. Even Hallmark movies can make the tough softies...
A couple minutes later the credits role on the screen and Eliana narrows her eyes at Bryce while he laughs.
“Not funny Bryce!” She smacks him with a pillow, only to realize what she started after Bryce returns the favor.
“You’ll never take me alive!” Eliana squeals and hops off the couch, grabbing soft defense weapons along the way.
Bryce chases Eliana around the room, desperately trying to grab onto her and win the war. But, alas, Eliana was like a really hard game of wack a mole and Bryce always missed.
After a minute, Eliana runs around the couch with her fuzzy socks gliding against the hard wood floor. When she turns, her feet slide out form under her and she falls on the pillows and blankets scattered out behind her. Bryce uses the opening to dive in the pile with her and tickle her under her arms, causing her to laugh and wiggle around.
“Nonononono! Please!!” she laughs even harder and tries to fight him off but fails.
“What are you suppose to say...??” Bryce smirks.
“You’ll never take me aliveeee!!!” She repeats.
He tickles her even more and after a few seconds she caves.
“Ok ok!! You win! You win!!” She squeals out.
“Why thank you.” Bryce plops down on the floor and catches his breath.
Eliana was still giggling, Bryce never failed to entertain her and make a game out of everything. She lays down beside him tries to slow her heartbeat and breathing.
“Wanna go to Starbucks together? We can walk since the snow has calmed down and it’s less than a block away.” Bryce suggests.
“That sound amazing right about now.” She smiles.
Eliana grabs one of Bryce’s hoodie from his closet, along with a pair of fuzzy boots and white sweatpants from her own. Bryce threw a beanie at her when she walked out of her room.
“Can’t have you catching a cold, Valentine!” He says, making her roll her eyes.
“Yeah yeah, let’s go you goof.” She grabs his hand after pulling her hat on, and together they walk out of the apartment.
Most likely to do something else stupid when they get back...
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Oph Tag Squad: / @aylaramseycarrera @angela8754 / @monsoonblooms12 / @choicesstan1-deactivated2020120 @kinkypot / @aestheticartsx / @starrystarrytrouble / @rookie-ramsey /
Perm tags: @oxjenayxo / @peaceinmidstofchaos / @gryffindordaughterofathena / @lifeaskim / @arcticrivers / @drariellevalentine /
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spookysanta · 4 years
study. (e.d.) BLURB
Summary: she has an exam coming up, and she’s supposed to be studying but isn’t. ethan’s not having it. 
Pairing: Ethan Dolan x Reader
Warnings: none 
i feel like we’re all in the same “fuck the online semester” boat, so here we are. i was going to expand on it but i don’t know if i want to yet--we’ll see. and this is hella short lmao sorry
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“No, go away.” He told her, gently pushing her away from his body. “you’ve got an exam in the morning, don’t you?”
“So go study.”
“I’ve been studying! I need a break.”
“Baby, you’ve been studying for ten minutes—wait, six minutes.” He checked his watch. “that means you don’t deserve a break.”
“but I don’t want to!” She whined. “it’s so much…work.”
“Do you know what happens to students who procrastinate?”
“What happens?”
They always go through this. They always have this particular conversation, especially when she’s visiting with him, because he always catches her waiting until the very last minute to do work. And with that, she’s crying all over him because she cries when she’s stressed, and she’s whiny and sleepy and there’s nothing more for him to do than to coax her to muster up the courage to get her work done (which only works 80% of the time).
“They burn out.”
“And what happens to you when you burn out?”
“I cry.”
“Yeah, you do. A lot. And I love you, but you need to get your work done more efficiently, and you need to handle your stress better. Because I can’t stop what I’m doing and hold you every time you have things due and you decide to wait until the last minute.”
“Okay I will, but I’m taking a break first.” She snaked an arm around his neck.
“No, you’re not.” He removed her arm gently, turning her around, and walking her to the door. “You’re going into the dining room, you’re going to sit at the dining table. You’re going to open your laptop and study for your exam. Goodbye.”
He closed the door to their bedroom and locked her out. “E, seriously?”
“Yes, seriously. I’ll check on you in an hour.”
“What am I supposed to do for a whole hour?”
“You’re joking, right? Get away from the door.”
“Goodbye, (Y/N). The next time I see you, I’ll be quizzing you.”
She groaned. “I want you to know that I hate you right now.”
“That’s fine.”
He heard a thump, which sounded like her pressing her back against the door. “Get away from the door and go study.”
“I don’t want to study right now!” she whined. “I want to spend time with you.”
“Bubba, I have to work. You have to work. We can spend time with each other later, but for right now, we’re both—or at least I am—trying to get things done.”
“Why do you hate me?”
“I could never hate you, love. You know that.”
“Whatever. You’re a pain in my ass.”
“You could tell me that to my face if you got to work.”
“Ugh.” He heard sliding against the door, most likely being her sliding down the length of the wood to sit. “If I promise to study, can I study in there with you?”
“But whyyyyyy? I said I would promise.”
“Because once I let you in, you’ll work for twenty minutes, then you’ll lay down to “get more comfortable”, and then you’ll fall asleep.”
“That’s true.” She huffed. “But I don’t like working in the dining room by myself.”
“If you can make it the entire hour and do well when I quiz you, I’ll bring my laptop and work with you. But you need to get to work, now.”
“Fine.” He heard her get up from the floor, her bare feet padding away on the hardwood.
And then the padding footsteps came back.
“What?” he asked.
“Just wanted to say that I love you.”
“I love you too, honey. Bye.”
She groaned and walked away.
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ticklikeabomb · 5 years
Epimetheus : Not so discreet (part 2)
Pairing : Avengers x Plus Size Reader ; Steve x Plus size Reader (potential)
Warnings : Language, Pubic hair mentioned
Word Count : 1.6k
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You reached out to your anti-stress roll on, your phone and entry card before exiting your new quarters. Since your room was on the same level as the living room and right next to the elevators, you hoped no one was chilling in the common room. You were on the end of the corridor when lucky you, all the Avengers were in the living room. You face palmed yourself and thought about another excuse to leave the compound. You look at the floor like you didn't see them but Sam called you out. "Where are you sneaking to?" You let out a slow breath and turned around discovering all of them looking your way. "Oh hi, I didn't notice you guys", you lied and saw their not so convinced expressions. "Hmm I call bullshit", commented Tony and the others agreed. "So, where you going to?", asked Natasha. "Oh just going for a drink with a friend, talk about life, bitch about everyone, you know the usual." 
"And we're not invited? I'm hurt", exclaimed Wanda. You nervously scratched the back of your head and said, "Yeah well it's been a long time since I saw the friend in question, soooo", "That sounds like an excuse to go on a date", replied Bucky with a smug smile, his comment making Steve clench his fists. The elevator doors opened at the perfect timing and you entered inside quickly. "BYEEEE", you shouted. The team locked eyes with each other and after a long silence, "Anyone wants to join me and figure out where she's been wandering around?", asked Tony who stood up. "We can't do that", replied Steve in his Captain voice. 
"You telling me, you're not curious where she's been spending a good part of her nights to?", smirked Nat. "Of course he is. Look at him, he's clenching the armrests so tight that I'm afraid it might break", exclaimed Sam amused. Steve gave him a knowing look who made some of them laugh. "I'm in", chanted Wanda. The other members stood up except for Steve that was still figuring out if he should. "Come on man, I know you're dying inside to know", told Bucky. Convinced the First Avenger joined them and followed you. "You put a tracker on her?", Steve turned towards Tony. "Duhh. I put a tracker on everyone", he answered proudly, ignoring the looks of the others. 
They entered the bar, trying to find a place to sit when the room applauded the next stand up comedian. They saw you enter the stage with a bright smile on your face. 
"Hi everyone, you're having fun?", you asked and heard the audience affirm they were. "Awesome, I'm so happy to be here. All having a good time, except for this guy", you pointed at a man in the front row. "He saw me enter and immediately thought 'Oh no another fat bitch with her fat jokes'." The guy in question and some other people laughed. "Don't worry I won't. Ok maybe just one joke that will last…hmmmm… 20min", and pointed at yourself. You laughed with them until your 'laugh' turned sour. "No just kidding. I'm actually going to talk about pubic hair"
You looked at the man you pointed earlier and declared "Now you're like 'No please just tell us fat jokes. No pubic hairs, nooooo pubwic hayrsss please'. Haha, once you go hair, you won't go bear". You let the magic do its course and began. "Yeah, so I believe in the ecosystem and that's way I mostly let nature do its purpose and don't shave. It doesn't mean I never shave, no but like it's not my first priority in life, you know. The last time I decided to do the great fall cleaning…*laughs* was not so long ago, which means if you see my hand go down there, I'm not a pervert I swear, it just my hair that is growing back and it tickles." You let your hand slowly travel down and checked the people's reaction but stoped when they hollowed. "You bunch of pervs you really out here waiting for me to go for the fupa's baby hairs." 
"Yeah so like I was saying, I shaved not so long ago because I had a date with a guy. I went full hardcore and was like 'Ok I'm gonna try waxing'. It was the very first time I would wax down there, that's why I prepared my testament in advance. *Laughs* I left the guy I had the date with all my debts. That's right, what comes around goes back around baby."
"I challenged all my courage and called to the beauty institue to make an appointment. I called and then the usual : Hello, I would like an appointment for waxing, bla bla bla, and then she asked the million dollar question : Alright, Miss on which areas?" You let the room laugh it out before replying, "Well … all of them." "Alright, in your opinion how long is your hair?" You let another moment before replying, blinking your eyes frantically. "9 inches?", you joked. "I swear to good, she must have been taking a gulp of water or something because I heard here cough her lungs out through the phone. I went immediately 'Are you alright Miss? I'm joking, they're not really 9 inches.  But like baby monkey kinda hairy, not much not much." You saw the audience cracking up and smiled smugly. 
"Flash-forward the day of the sacrifice. I go there and saw her look at me up and down, trying to take the temperature. 'Ohhh bitch you about to take it honey', I thought to myself. I told her a joke again but really it was to calm myself down and asked her if she was a real pro she would manage to finish by 6pm. It was 9am ladies and gents." "Anyway, I lay down totally not feeling uncomfortable", you sarcastically. "Can you believe she saw me and went back shouting 'I'm gonna need more wax'. Like bitch, you thought this was Jaws or something…. Out-fucking-rageous." 
You saw a woman on the front row nod and pointed at her "Sis you know what's about to come right?" "I do, I do", she pissed herself. "For the fellas that have no clue let me explain the process : The beauty lady warms the wax, you lay there and begin praying and then she comes back, looks at you like the worshiper of Satan and says 'Alright here we go mwahahahah' ". "And you be there like * nervous laugh* "Oh Lord have mercy." "And then…the moment has arrived where you see that bright light and your life flash in front of your eyes, the Holy Motherfucking Grail, the first rip. *Moooooommmmmaaaa just killleddd a mannnnn*. Guys if you think I'm exaggerating, ask any woman in your life and you'll see WE ARE NOT. It feels like your soul is getting sucked out of your body." 
"It hurts", you whined and jumped on the spot like a three year old. "All what I kept thinking was 'WHYYYYYY'. I know why… for that dude. Honestly guys you don't realize how dedicated we are even if it's a first date because we too expect some D by the end of the night, especially if the date is going great. 
I think most of the guys are scared of pubic hairs", you said and made big eyes to the first guy. "You think I forgot about you, didn't you?" *Laughs* "They be like 'I'm so strong, who's the boss, call me daddy, arghhhhh wuarghhh' but then they see a hairy pussy and be all suddenly like 'ewwwww omg nastyyyy'. Come on man! You really think men, I don't know how long ago, I'm not a mathematician ok, would not hit that just because of hair. Hmmmm I don't think so José." 
"It's crazy going through so much pain for that. Of course, there are other reasons to do it : hygiene, esthetic, self-love, etc but still. I came up with a solution. I think that…wait for it… *Laughs* I think that we should test them. I mean if he can handle me with the bush I might reconsider waxing. Because going through so much trouble to get bad dick, nope I'm out. You can handle me I'll open the smooth heavenly doors for ya, if you can't…then…Welcome to the Jungle pal. Thank you so much and have a nice night", you finished your number and bowed in front of the applauding audience. 
Backstage, you let out a deep breath, happy to have made so many people laugh. The manager found you and congratulated you. "There are some customers that are dying to meet you", he told you. "Really?", you replied shocked. He nodded and told you which table. You made your way to the table when mid-way, you recognized them. You felt the heat creep up all over your body and it didn't help seeing them smirk in amusement. Your gaze landed on Steve who was timidly switching his eyes between you and his drink. His attitude told you, they heard your number. 
"Well well well if it's not our new Avenger member / secretly stand-up comedian", joked Sam. "Hmmiii, what are you doing here?", you mumbled incoherently. "We were curious were you'd go and that led us here", replied Bruce. "Great", sarcasm lacing your voice. "Why didn't you tell us?", asked Rhodes. You sighed and told them the truth, "I just wanted to have something independently from the whole Avenging thing. I love my job but sometimes it gets real hard, always being emotionally invested, risking our lives every single time and doing stand-up helps alleviate those feelings." 
They nodded in understanding and affirmed you that you shouldn't be afraid to talk to them whenever there was the need to. "Thank you guys for understanding, I appreciate it." Your eyes landed once more on Steve who looked elsewhere. The thing that the others didn't know was that the guy you had a date with was Steve. And let's say that it didn't went as expected. 
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* gifs not mine, credit to owners*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl​ @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290​ @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com​ @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs​ @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr​ @francezka10  @titty-teetee  @breezy1415
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ask-svt-hearteu · 6 years
All The Stars ` Wen Junhui
Anon requested: “ hey! can i request a jun oneshot where the reader is an artist? like how does he deal with reader having a breakdown over some small mistake and their way of thinking? basically just what he thinks about having an artistic partner. oh, if it's not too much can you write it in jun's pov? thanks a lot 💕 “
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1928
to Jun
you were radiant
there had always been something
a feeling
that made him know
you’re the one
he remembered that first day
when he had been wondering the classrooms of the university aimlessly 
ditching English literature was a favorite hobby of his
the class was too easy
the easiest A to get for a general education class he knew 
not to mention as a theater major 
he already ate, breathed, and lived literature 
there was no need for him to show up to such a useless class
and so
English lit 101 was spent wondering the campus of the university
finding the best spots to read for an hour
or discovering the unexplored corners of campus
or going out to town to try all the local restaurants and determine which ox tail soup was the best
and it was on one of these faithful days that he stumbled across room 610
a dark shady classroom rarely ever in use 
he quietly opened the door and slipped inside dropping his bag 
pulling aside some of the curtains from the front of the room
he revealed a few floor-to-ceiling studio mirrors
and gave himself a small smile
as he reached into his bag and pulled out a small CD player
and clicked play
the music gently filled the room
Jun breathed in
letting not just air to enter his system 
but the music itself
let the notes fill his lungs and his head
let the music lead his actions
as he carefully
but surely
danced through his own routine of his own creation for the song 
one he spent hours trying to perfect
until it became second nature
until it was no longer a dance
but merely an extension of his thoughts
and he felt like flying
with the music 
he gently laid down on his back smiling up at the ceiling after it ended
what a high
the best feeling in the world was when he was dancing
he couldn’t imagine doing anything else
he didn’t seem to notice someone standing in the doorway to that very classroom
that Jun wasn’t the only one who took refuge in room 610
but you did too
and as your voice broke through the silence
Jun likes to think it was that moment
the very moment you first spoke to him
that made him fall in love with you
he likes to tell it that way
the look of surprise on his face clear as day when you caught him 
“How long have you been standing there?” He said
“The whole time.”
“I didn’t expect anyone to be in here.”
“Neither did I”
Jun stared at you passively at that moment he knew
the way the slit of sunlight rested right on your face 
illuminating your eyes
and the look of pure amazement
that you gave him
“I’m really sorry to ask if this sounds weird but... Can you stay here for a few minutes?”
Jun raised his eyebrows but didn’t object 
after all you were the one who had caught him having a moment
he stood frozen in his spot as you ran across the room and slid onto the floor uncovering a pile of canvasses he had never noticed before
his breath caught
on the canvasses were some of the most beautiful paintings he had ever seen
he watched quietly as you pulled a sketchbook from the pile of art supplies and sat crisscrossed on the ground
the tip of your pencil gliding easily across the surface of the page never pausing in hesitation once
and he suddenly thought
that perhaps that pencil was dancing too
that you drawing was like him dancing
an extension of a person and their thoughts
an expression of something that no words could ever describe
he was mesmerized as your fingers flew across the page
slowly taking form and matter
he couldn’t look away
this is why he names the moment he fell for you
because from this moment he saw more about your heart 
saw just how meaningful that pencil on the paper was
as the music and dancing was for him
you both had offered up a piece of your hearts right there 
he watched as you sighed
satisfied for once as you lifted the sketchbook for him to see
and he was breathless
on the sketchbook page
was him
but it was more than just Jun himself he thought
the figure in the drawing was him
but it was him freed
a sketch of his figure mid dance 
as the curtains fluttered in the background of the drawing 
his clothes loosely flowing around him before forming wings 
a picture of an angel
lost to the happiness of mid flight 
“I know it’s not very good...” you sighed quietly turning the drawing away from him before ripping the page out and putting away the sketchbook and the pencil
you walked over to him still standing there 
but he couldn’t stop staring at you
as you gently placed the drawing in his hand
“You can throw it away if you want.” You shrugged before turning away
Jun grabbed your arm quickly and turned you back to face him
“What’s your name?”
“Do you... maybe wanna grab a coffee or something?” He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously
“I’d love to.”
it was one of those storybook meetings
one for romance novels or the movies
the two of you sort of just clicked
you were both pretty different in some aspects 
but made up for what the other was lacking
and you both were also similar too
he became something like paradise for you
after a long day of classes and work
you’d plop down on the sofa and he’d make you something to eat
even if he was tired
or you’d both just lay together in bed staring up at the ceiling and talking
about anything
about everything
about how stupid that one chemistry professor was before they fired them
or how that freshman accidentally pulled the fire alarm
or about Jun’s latest show adventures
or about this showcase you entered artwork for
Jun would just hold you in his arms
let you rest your head on his chest
as he played with your hair
and listened to you talk
you were nearly inseparable
he’d hold your hand whenever he got the chance
“Jun, I can’t do any integral calculus if you’re holding the hand I write with.”
“Hmm that’s too bad for calculus then...”
“Yes Y/N my love? Hehe...”
“I need my hand to get my stuff”
“That’s really too bad for your stuff...”
and how the classes without him literally stretched into infinity 
he would stare at the clock thinking
“only half an hour before I get to see Y/N...”
yes you were that couple
and when he finally was free 
he’d literally run up to you 
catching your face in his hands
before his lips brushed yours
“Jun we’re in public-“
“I’m ok with being that couple if you are.”
giggling into his next kiss as he pulled you closer
“Ok ok really we have to go to class.”
“Awwww but whyyyyyy.”
“Because we have to come on.”
there were moments where he’d just stare at you
thinking how incredible it was
how incredible you are
and just staring fondly at your smile
and ruffling your hair playfully every time he passed you in the halls
or tapping your left shoulder only to appear on your right side
and ordering Chinese food takeout to eat on the floor of class 610 when you were both ditching
and running around in the early morning when he dragged you to run through the sprinklers
“AWWW come on it’s fun!!!”
and laughing like crazy at the water droplets across your gray sweatshirt
or how he’d randomly show up with stuffed plushies and flowers on those days where you weren’t feeling your best
almost as if he could read your mind
when stress and sadness washed over you
he seemed to know and would cheer you up somehow
whether it was by his little pranks
or his attention to little details
like your favorite ice cream to get if you failed an important test
Jun saw you through it all
the good and the bad
because he loved you
Jun noticed things
about people and of course about you
those moments when you were working on an important piece for class
or when you were just painting in your free time
he noticed the little frown
the sigh of frustration
the dozens of crumpled sketches you had deemed “not good enough”
and ended up as trash 
the little furrow of your eyebrows when something wasn’t going the way you wanted them to
or when you had spent hours working on something
only to throw the canvas on the ground because of a mistake and sit and cry
he noticed
and he knew
as someone who had attempted to perfect his own skills
he got equally frustrated with himself over the smallest of mistakes
but seeing you tear yourself apart
the snidest self deprecating comments
it broke his heart
“Why can’t I do anything right?”
“What’s wrong with me?”
the words that fell from your lips about yourself
the words Jun hated hearing the most
and the nights where you would lock yourself in the bathroom because the colors and shapes had started to swim around your head
float off the pages
contort and twist in your nightmares
you didn’t understand
couldn’t get why you couldn’t do anything correctly
and it was Jun on the outside of the locked bathroom door
quietly singing your favorite lullaby 
making sure you had something to eat when you stayed up all night in the studio
who held you in his arms when you said you weren’t enough
and told you he loved you over and over again
and that your art was beautiful
that mistakes defined who we were
that mistakes could be beautiful
he knew what it was like to get torn up by yourself in your own thoughts
and so he did his best to tell you that you were worth all the stars
Jun was your stars
he brightened up the darkest nights 
made you laugh
maybe that was naturally what those who create think
he couldn’t think he was enough
until he saw that first sketch of him you ever did
and suddenly he felt whole 
like this was who he was meant to be
and you had helped him too
Jun led you out one night
“Where are we going?”
“Haha you’ll see.”
the two of you walked along together hand in hand 
until you reached the beach
it was cold at night
but the city lights sparkles off the water
and if you squinted
you could sill see the stars
he laid out a blanket for you to sit on before holding you in his arms for warmth
“Are you a camera?” 
“Oh my god Jun no stop.”
“Because I smile every time I see you.”
“Please no more cheesy pick up lines”
“Oh come on you love them.”
“No I really don’t .”
“You do too.”
“Pfft no.”
“Fine But you love me right?”
“Oh my gosh.”
“Yes I love you of course.”
and he would respond 
“I love you.”
he was your angel
and you were all the stars 
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kaironlokethor · 6 years
“Have you ever even seen snow?”
We have: Tiefling rogue (Kairon), his wife tiefling warlock (Mur’deth), Dragonborn fighter (Dragon), his fiancee Changling Fighter (Nox), Changling druid/warlock (Lucious) and his wife Bertha, and Half-elf Rogue (Shadow) and his wife Aarakocra Ranger (Ali). We also have a bunch of random NPCs....and our house butlers Rex (Kairon’s minotaur butler) and Randolphus (Lucious’ dwarven butler).  It’s important to note, our DM is Canadian, and so are Kairon and Dragon. Lucious is from northern US and Shadow is from California.
We are planning a revolution, we are super close. We were supposed to be going to a dwarven city like two sessions ago but then Kairon put on a spooky ring and Shadow cut off his arm so we essentially fucked around for 2 sessions, Kairon was more than ready to get going to the Dwarven city. 
DM: Okay, so you all wake up.  Kairon: I am going to Lucious’ house and we are going to talk about this fucking dwarven city! DM: Okay, before that, does anyone need to go anywhere? Lucious: Actually, I think I might go out for the day Kairon: I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF OMFG Lucious: Joking! 
-We all discuss the plan for the Dwarven City- Kairon: I am going to go back to my house and pack a bag so we aren’t totally unprepared I guess DM: Mur’deth gets your attention and says Rex already packed one for you Kairon: Then I am going to go home and get it DM: When you get home, Rex explains there are clothes, money, potions, and...unmentionables Kairon: Lingerie? DM: No, just things you can’t legally carry across the boarder Kairon: I am going to take a peek DM: You see mushrooms and some powder Kairon: REX GAVE ME DRUGS WTF? DM: They’re “Legal” drugs just not legal to carry them over the boarder Kairon: -whispers- whyyyyyy DM: To sell, or take, or use as bargaining chips. Up to you
-We are going towards the dwarven city and stop for a while to rest Kairon goes to the black market to identify the drugs. He ends up running into someone from his backstory who he hadn’t seen since he was a toddler, his primary care-taker, Mama Toa’s, sister so his “Auntie”.- DM: She smiles at you “So how is Mama anyway?” Kairon: She’s dead. Lucious OOC: WOAH Shadow OOC: A bit blunt wasn’t it? Kairon OOC: It’s been a year and a half, how does she not know? She literally just said word passes fast among thieves Lucious OOC: It must have been more than a year an a half at this point Kairon OOC: IT’S MY BACKSTORY FUCK YOU! DM: "It’s my backstory fuck you”. I need that on a t-shirt.
-Kairon finally finds someone to identify the drugs for him- DM: He said one mushroom makes you see things, one makes you hear things, one makes you sleepy. The blue powder lets you see the aethral plane but it makes you extremely hungry-- Kairon: Oh so basically weed DM: --For human flesh Lucious OOC: NOT WEED Kairon: Bathsalts?
-We get to the Dwarven City. Before we left, Randolphus gave Lucious a letter of introduction so we can get into the highly guarded Dwarven city.- DM: So, you walk up to the front gate and hear CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK and as you look up you see every guard has their crossbows trained on your heads. A dwarf walks up to you and she kind of glares. “Quickly tell me why you dare walk up to my gate before I give them the order to fire” Kairon: Lucious, the letter Lucious: What letter Kairon: LUCIOUS, THE LETTER. HAND HER THE LETTER Lucious: The....OH! Right, the letter! 
DM: So, she lets you in, and you walk down this long corridor into a reception area. She tells you to wait Kairon OOC: And so starts the elevator music Lucious OOC: -he starts singing the Wii Plaza music- DM: Actually, yeah
-For this entire interaction of like an hour we just had Wii Plaza music playing in the background. Every time someone was explaining something important, Wii Plaza music. Every time there is an awkward silence, Wii Plaza music. It was comedy gold-
DM: So as she takes you to the castle, you see some familiar buildings. Armour shop, some shady looking people who might be criminal contacts, a prison Dragon: Well, Lucious is going to get NICE AND COZY there in a few days! Shadow: Wait, is there a brothel? Kairon: YES. IS THERE A BROTHEL?????? DM: Uh, fuck it. The module doesn’t say no, so sure. There’s a very sizable brothel that, instead of looking run down and sleezy like you had expected, looks prim and polished. You see some very rich looking folk going in and out. Kairon: Wow, there is something here for everyone.  Dragon: Kairon, focus. You can go to the brothel AFTER our negotiations
DM: As you enter the palace, the sight is breathtaking. The floor is made purely from emeralds. There are jade pillars. As you look up to the ceiling, you see it is 100% sapphire.  Dragon: KAIRON KEEP YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS Kairon: Wh-- They’re built directly into the walls and ceiling!  Lucious: You could find a way to steal one Kairon: True. I do like rocks -I put my hands in my pockets-
-part of our negotiations apparently included an orgy. It was a weird war negotiation. The dwarves end up swearing fealty to us, so it all worked out! As we are planning what to do next (Kairon wants to go to Ice Vale to get the snow tieflings to help us and the rest want to go to Cromer to start preparing our troops) we get word that Bertha has been kidmapped by the Kings men- DM: So, the dwarf starts getting dressed and shouts to her guards that they are going to help you. Kairon: I don’t wanna get dressed tho DM: They won’t wait! Dragon: You probably should get dressed DM: No, if he doesn’t want to, that’s fine. So the Dwarven queen holds up her hand, and you all teleport. MOST of the part goes to Cromer. Kairon, you end up in Ice Vale. Naked. It is snowing and looks like a Blizzard is about to pick up Kairon: Nice.
DM: You are just walking in the snow and see no sign of anyone, and then all of a sudden a huge club comes down on your head. Roll const Kairon: Nat? DM: 1? Kairon: 20. DM: Ah. So you’re in pain but still concious. You go to turn around to see what hit you but it comes down on your head again Kairon: 3? DM: Yah, you out cold. When you wake up you are surrounded by Tieflings who are a PALE pink, almost pure white Kairon: Yo. DM: One looks at you. “How did you get here?” Kairon: I walked DM: “No one can find our camp. How did you find us?” Kairon: You brought me here? WAIT MAYBE I SHOULDN’T SASS THE VICIOUS, HAVE-NO-MERCY TAKE-NO-PRISONER SNOW TIEFLING TRIBE! Lucious: Uhh, ya think? DM: Yeah, not a good idea.
-while I’m in Ice Vale, everyone else is preparing for war- DM: So, you know there isn’t much time before the Empire starts sending troops after you in Cromer Dragon: We should work on our defenses Shadow: We could set some traps. You guys ever hear of spider holes? DM: Yeah, I don’t think that will work Kairon OOC: I don’t know war tactics? -They explain to me what they are: holes dug in the ground covered with leaves for an ambush- Kairon OOC: Yeah I don’t think that will work either Shadow: Yes, it should! We have some assassins and archers that would be perfect DM: Cromer isn’t very far from Ice Vale Shadow: And? DM: Ice Vale has two seasons: Snowing and Blizzarding. They are under snow 365 days of the year Shadow: Yeah? DM: Do I need to spell it out for you? Cromer is currently under snow. It is snowing Shadow: So sticks and leaves won’t work. Maybe we could use snow! Kairon OOC: So, assuming the ground ISN’T frozen and you CAN dig a hole, how would we use snow? Shadow: Like, lay the snow over the hole and cover the hole like we would with the leaves but with snow instead -We are all silent for a minute- Shadow: That would work, right? Lucious OOC: Have you ever seen snow? Kairon OOC: OH SHIT SHADOW’S FROM CALI! Shadow: yeah..........I’ve seen snow like once. Dragon: Snow is fluffy Shadow: We can pack it, like a snow man and lay it over Kairon OOC: That would be way too heavy and you wouldn’t be able to shoot up through it Shadow: What if we lay sticks over in a grid and lay the snow on top of the sticks? Kairon OOC: You would either have to pack it down again and, again, it would be too heavy to move and probably suffocate everyone. Or the snow would need to be fluffy and fall through the grid so you MIGHT end up with a stick grid with snow on it and holes. It would be too obvious Shadow: But what if we like build it up around? and have like... DM: Like an Igloo? No, that wouldn’t work, sorry. Besides, you can’t dig. The ground is frozen ---
-So, Kairon returns with a tribe of snow tieflings, and we prepare our troops. we manage to fight our way to the Capitol and fight our way to the King. He is standing alone in a room cackling to himself, holding Bertha with a dagger to her throat. We get Bertha away from him and Lucious puts him in a hold person- DM: So, Kairon, with your Left Eye of Magnus, you see his crown shimmer Kairon: Oooh magic item. Mine! I am going to grab it off his head! DM: Is that your action? Kairon: Hell yeah! Magic crown! DM: The moment you pick it up, it starts whispering to you Kairon: ....what? DM: It is talking to you Kairon: Can I use my bonus action to drop the crown? Lucious: I thought you wanted the crown Kairon: The last time something talked to me I turned into a DEMON  Dragon: Yeah, he learned his lesson about just putting on random magic items the hard way
Dragon: I want to grab his dagger out of his hand and use it to stab him in the neck DM: Ah. Okay. Yeah, you can do that. Roll -Dragon beats the King’s AC- Yeah, so you slice right into his neck, a right good gash. The only problem is you notice pain in your neck as well Dragon: Oh no... DM: Yeah, so it was a magic dagger that whenever the person wielding it does damage, they take the same damage Dragon: Great.... DM: You are bleeding profusely from your neck. If you don’t take care of this you will start having disadvantages in a few rounds Kairon: Can we cauterize it? DM: If you had fire, yes Kairon: DRAGON! PUNCH ME! Dragon: I think I see where this is going...can I use my bonus action to punch him? DM: No, but you can use an action surge Dragon: Yeah, I’ll do that DM: Okay, roll Kairon: Oh shit. I didn’t think this through. Don’t crit on me, please!  Dragon: No promises....18? Kairon: Yeah, it hits. How much damage? Dragon: 6 Kairon: Okay, damage taken. I am going to use an action, Hellish Rebuke! Dex saving through of 17 or higher! Dragon: 18 -I roll damage- Kairon: So...Does it work? DM: Odds or evens? Kairon: Odds DM: -rolls D4- yeah, it worked. Dragon, you’re a bit singed, but the wound is cauterized. It will scar BADLY, though, and you will never grow scales there again Dragon: Eh, it can match the rest of my scars!
DM: Anyway, so when you do damage to the King, you see flames burst from his fingers and climb up his arms. Kairon: Oh, so he’s on FIRE now Lucious: And our only non-fire-resistant party-member is RIGHT beside him Kairon: SHADOW! GET OUT OF THERE! DM: As the fire climbs his arms, the floor starts rumbling and cracking beneath you. You don’t know how long you have, but you know this castle is falling to the ground. The fire moves up to his shoulders and pieces of the floor start to fall away. the ceiling starts crumbling as well Shadow: Yeah, I am going to run, and then bonus action dash..... -Kairon and Shadow get Bertha to safety and Dragon moves as far to the door as he can- DM: Lucious, your turn. You want to just run back as well? Lucious: I am going to move 5 feet forward Kairon: LUCIOUS WTF Lucious: And I am going to hit him with my scimitar of speed and my other scimitar -we are all silent for a minute- Kairon: Lucious what the fuck DM: Okay, roll -they both hit, and he rolls damage I watch the DM pick up her d10 and move it from the 9 facing upwards and turn it so the 1 was facing upwards- DM: You all have 1 turn to get out of there.  Kairon: LUCIOUSSSSS  -We all end up getting out of there safely, thankfully! and successfully destroyed the castle! BUT We usurped the king and now we are leaders of the kingdom!-
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straykidsscribbles · 7 years
A Little More than Just Lab Partners
Jeongin- High School AU, as part of Jeongin’s Birthday Week Stuff. It’s a little early….
@straykiddosmom ummm hi this is for you… I’m a huge fan!
You quickly pace up the hallway, rushing to your last class of the day. Why is this such a long walk our campus is too big! You thought as your slip in the door and stare at the seating chart prominently displayed on the projector screen. Shoot, I forgot we were switching seats. I hope I haven’t moved much. Your eyes scan the rows of desks, looking for your name and finding it at the side of the room. You walk over to your new seat and dump your bag on the floor, ready for Chemistry to be over so that you could go home and sleep.
The chair next to you creaked as it was pulled out. You look up. Boy were you lucky this semester.
Your new lab partner? Only the boy you’d been admiring from afar for the past six months or so. Yang Jeongin.
Now all I have to do is avoid making things awkward and acting like a total idiot around him.
This is going to be the best semester ever. This is also going to be the worst semester ever.
“Okay so I’ll lift off the lid from the calorimeter, you stick the thermometer in, and then I’ll start the data recorder” you order as Jeongin leaned around you to grab the cord. You had another half an hour to finish the lab and you really just wanted to finish it so you wouldn’t have homework.
“One, two, three!” Jeongin counted, and you lifted off the lid.
The two of you began coughing and sputtering like idiots. You quickly shoved the lid back on the styrofoam container and leaned over the lab table, trying to get all the gas out of your lungs.
“That was the worst idea we’ve ever had.”
“You think?”
“Oh my god my throat is burning I hate ammonia whyyyyyy”
Your teacher chose that exact moment to shout over the hubbub in the classroom, “Make sure you open the calorimeter underneath the fume hood in the corner when you react the ammonium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid reaction.”
You and Jeongin exchange an exasperated look. Now she tells us.
“Come on ____, let’s time ourselves and see how fast we can clean up!”
“Okay fine, we might as well. It’s not like we have anything better to do.”
“Ready, set, go!” You immediately grabbed the glassware sitting on the table and began rinsing it out in the sink. Jeongin gathered up the small bottles of different compounds and stacks them inside the basket. He rushed to the supply cart and slid the basket into place. Meanwhile you arranged the beakers in the drawer and tucked away the scales you’d used earlier. The two of you slammed shut the drawers on either side of the table at almost the exact same second.
“Aaaannnddd, 2 minutes 47 seconds! New record!” You smirk and hop back onto your lab stool.
“Now we get to relax, and watch other people freak out over not finishing,” you smile as Jeongin pulls out the chair next to you. And you both proceed to do just that over the last minutes of the period, laughing and joking with each other as you make fun of group two tables down, who have just set their cork pad on fire.
You slumped over on the desk. Finally, I’m done with the test and I can forget everything I have ever learned about intermolecular forces. You slowly drifted off, the warm sun shining through the open doorway lulling you into a daze even with the cold air conditioning in the room. You felt warm, cozy, safe…
A few soft whispers broke into your thoughts. One of Jeongin’s friends, Seungmin, who was a senior, was standing next to your table. The bell must have run already, I think I actually fell asleep. You were just about to lift your head, when you heard your name in their conversation.
“Jeongin-ah, why don’t you just tell _____ that you like her? You’ve been pining for almost three months, get a grip and go for it!” You tried to stifle your gasp, but something must have given you away.
“Thanks Seungmin-hyung, she heard. Now this is going to be extremely, supremely awkward for the rest of the year. And she’ll probably never want to talk to me outside of class ever again.” You lifted your head just as Jeongin shoved in his stool and grabbed his bag, storming out the door.
You sat up, noticing something sliding off your back. Turning, you picked Jeongin’s cardigan off the floor and looked at Seungmin. “Were you joking right now?”
He rolled his eyes, smirking at your eager expression. “Wasn’t it obvious? You two are ridiculously oblivious, honestly. He’s been pining almost as long as you have.”
You shove your pencils and eraser into your bag and picked up the worksheet on your way out the door, not even stopping to put it inside your bag.
“Hey, make sure you two name your first kid after me okay?” Seungmin’s laughter echoes down the hallway as you rush towards Jeongin’s locker, hoping to catch him there.
Just as you rounded the corner, a flash of pumpkin-colored sweater disappeared out of view. You’d only just missed him.
You steeled your nerves as you walked up the steps to Jeongin’s house. At least I have the excuse of returning his cardigan. This is going to be so awkward I should just leave it on the bench and go. Before your nerves could get the better of you, you reached up and rang the doorbell. Too late to go back now.
The door opened, and a kindly looking lady with Jeongin’s smile peeked out at you. “Hello! Are you the one who called asking to return Jeongin’s sweater?”
You nodded and felt your cheeks get warm even as she invited you in. His house is very cute and homey, I like it. “Jeonginnie is upstairs alright dear? Just go up he knows you’re coming.” You clambered up the stairs and knocked on the door his mum had indicated.
“Come in~” his voice rang out. Jeongin’s back was turned to you as you slowly pushed open the door. He turned around and his eyes widened a little as he took in your slightly disheveled appearance from the brisk wind outside.
“Ummm, hi? I just wanted to say thank you for lending me your sweater you didn’t have to.”
“No, it was my pleasure” the silence grew more and more awkward as you pad over to the bed and lay the sweater on it.
“I-” “You-” The two of you spoke at once, then slowly cracked a grin.
“You first,” Jeongin said.
You took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for overhearing your conversation with Seungmin, but at the same time I’m glad I did. I’ve had a crush on you for a while now too. In fact, I was ecstatic when we were made lab partners but I was also really scared I would mess things up between us. So yeah. And, ummm, I-, I really like you.” By now your hands were trembling, and you couldn’t help but try and hide your face behind your hair.
Jeongin’s face broke out into a huge grin. He sprang up from his chair and pulled you into a hug. You breathed in his scent, one that had been haunting you ever since you’d woken up that day.
“I guess I’ll have to thank Seungmin later. He did me a favor. And since I never got a chance to say it, well, I like you too.”
You smile up at him. And you couldn’t help but think that being made lab partners and all those shenanigans had definitely been worth it. 
A/N: So the chemistry experiences are inspired by stupid stuff my lab group and I did in AP Chemistry as idiotic juniors, when we were Jeongin’s age. Though luckily I never got partnered with anyone I had a crush on.
Also ammonia gas sucks and if you ever do anything with bleach and vinegar together just DO NOT MIX THE TWO YOU WILL INHALE AMMONIA GAS AND IT IS DISGUSTING IT MAKES YOUR LUNGS BURN FOR HOURS.
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rexhc · 7 years
hooky, pt. 1
or rather - “jack costello and isaac zuckerman’s day off”
still working on br/otp projects! this one’s for logan - love ya pal
this was originally gonna be really long, so i’m splitting this into two parts. i’m still working on pt. 2. so here’s pt. 1!
heavily featuring the other members of the disaster crew - vaughn, graham, namir, and levi.
Jack’s first thought of the day is that he’s pretty sure he’s going to kill his roommate - it’s how a lot of his days start. He thinks this before he can even open his eyes, and the second thought he has is that it probably wouldn’t take too much mana to melt that stupid fucking alarm clock right in his hands. The third is that, fuck, his head hurts.
“What the fuck dude?” he groans, his raspy voice full of sleep as he rubs his eyes and begrudgingly sits up in bed. “I was having the coolest dream. Of course you and your goddamn nuclear fallout alarm had to ruin it.” He turns to shoot daggers at his roommate, only to find him perfectly asleep under his mountain of ridiculous blankets and quilts. Jack calls his name twice, but Vaughn remains unstirred and Jack’s ears continue to ring from the deafening alarm clock.
“Fucking ridiculous,” he mutters, swinging his legs over the side of his bed and crossing the duct tape line across the middle of their floor. The line had been a failed attempt by Vaughn to keep Jack’s destructiveness away from his belongings, though 90% of the time you can’t even see the tape under Vaughn’s scattered dirty laundry. So maybe Jack is a disaster, but his roommate is a slob.
Jack slams his hand on top of the alarm clock. The blaring ceases and when Jack removes his palm, the plastic on top of the device is partly melted. Whatever, he tells himself, it wasn’t on purpose. Or maybe it was. He’s way too exhausted and hungover to tell.
“Vaughn!” He shoves him twice in the shoulder. Still, nothing.
Alright, Jack is done with this shit. He focuses his mana into his index finger, raises his hand, and…
“Ow! Whyyyyyy?”
“Goddamn it, you could sleep through a tornado.”
“Yes, probably.” Vaughn’s voice is heavy as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes with a curled fist. “Unless it was a burning tornado.”
“I scorched your horrible alarm. But I think I was doing the whole floor a favor. It deserved to die.”
Vaughn angrily mutters something Jack doesn’t understand. “Graham gave me that clock. It’s really loud so I don’t sleep through it.”
Jack scoffs sarcastically and crosses his arms over his bare chest. “Yeah, works great.”
His small grumpy roommate turns over toward the wall. “Please take your dick out of my face.”
Jack snaps the elastic of his boxer briefs with a thumb. “You wish you could wake up to this view everyday.”
“Ugh.” Jack smirks at the perfect upside-down ‘U’ that Vaughn’s mouth morphs into before it disappears under the cartoon stars and planets of his outermost blanket.
When Jack gets back to their dorm after taking a shower, he finds Vaughn spontaneously fully dressed and ready. And by spontaneously, he means about ten minutes - though to be fair it’s probably a record for Vaughn. And by fully dressed and ready he means in the same ripped black skinny jeans he’d been wearing the past three days (and somehow getting away with it even though it’s definitely against dress code - respect), an oversized sweatshirt pulled over his wrinkled shirt and tie, bright blue bedhead that looks a lot like cotton candy, and slightly smeared eyeliner he had seen him applying at about 10:30 the night before. Even though he’d never left the room. Weirdo.
“I can’t believe you’re ready before seven. Am I still asleep?”
“I’m meeting Graham and Namir in ten minutes.”
Jack drops a box on the table. “I stole donuts from some eighth graders. Want some?” Vaughn nods without hesitation and immediately zips over from his desk across the room. He flips the top of the box, pulls out two sprinkled pastries, and begins chowing down like a starving dog.
It will always amaze Jack what Vaughn Belyakov will do for junk food.
“I need to copy your math homework.”
“Seriously?” Vaughn doesn’t wait to finish chewing before talking, so his words are muffled by the donuts in his mouth. “Okay, but you have to come with me then.”
“Just leave it here and I’ll give it to you later.”
“No, I have math first today. You won’t give it to me and then I won’t turn it in on time.”
“Fine, at least let me change first.”
“Ugh, Vaughn, you didn’t say those two were coming along,” Jack groans, pointing at two other guys approaching them. One is tall with dark hair and the other has wild blond curls and a nose tucked in a book as he maneuvers through the bustling courtyard. Vaughn shrugs, both in ignorance and apathy, and leans against Graham’s shoulder.
“Well if it isn’t little John John,” Levi sneers as he approaches the group.
“You weren’t calling me little after practice yesterday, Johnny.”
Graham, Namir, and Isaac groan almost in unison (Vaughn is already dozing off against his boyfriend’s sweatshirt).
“Ew,” Namir complains, flicking his shaggy white bangs out of his eyes. “I don’t care what kind of weird friends-with-benefits thing you two have going on, but I definitely don’t need or want to hear about it.”
“We are definitely not friends,” Levi explains.
“Not at all. It’s a competition thing.”
“Yuck,” chimes in Isaac before plopping down beside Jack on the grass. “That’s way worse.”
“That’s pretty gold coming from you, Zuck,” Jack teases as he leans his body weight against Isaac’s bare arm and lays his palm flat just above his knee. He pretends not to notice he’s done this, revelling in the creeping blush across Isaac’s face that he can see from the corner of his eye.
Messing with Isaac Zuckerman has to be one of Jack’s top ten favorite activities. Definitely below drinking and fighting; probably somewhere around burning things. Feeling Isaac’s body temperature rise against his skin and torching paper in his hand tend to give him the same feeling anyway.
Jack pulls a silver flask out of the front pocket of his beat-up backpack. He can only unscrew the top and press the cold metal against his hot lips before Graham makes his regularly scheduled passive aggressive comment.
“Wow,” he says, ginger eyebrows furrowed together. “What a healthy, balanced breakfast.”
“Thanks, Mom. I would’ve put it in coffee, but someone rushed me out the door so quickly I didn’t have any time to make any. So we’re going straight up today. If anyone sees a professor come out, alert me.” He presses the spout back against his lips. The harsh liquor tears down his throat and Jack savors the burn. Once he swallows, he presses the flask into Isaac’s hand, who follows suit.
“It’s six-thirty AM, you guys,” Vaughn (now mostly awake) lectures through the handful of gummy worms in his mouth.
A pained noise escapes the mouth of their redhaired den mother. “You guys are all huge disasters.”
“That’s why we’re friends, right?” comments Namir as he lights a cigarette.
Once seven rolls around, most of the boys start heading their separate ways to their morning classes. Jack watches the group of them get up and walk away from their spot in the courtyard, but as Isaac starts to finally move to his feet next to him, Jack grabs his arm.
“Hey, you wanna play hooky?”
“Skip class?”
“I don’t know…”
“C’mon. I know you hate PE.”
“I don’t hate PE.”
“Yes you do. You hate it because you finish the two mile before everyone and you just sit there and make awkward conversation with Coach Perez. Who is a creep.”
Isaac looks between Jack and the building the other four students are currently walking into. He considers for a moment. Jack thinks it might be the longest Isaac’s ever gone without talking.
“Ok. Fine. Fuck it.”
“Let’s go.”
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