#which is why i am. probably gonna have to bump the chapter count.
illuminatedferret · 9 months
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kit-kat-katie · 9 months
At dusk, the nightmares and monsters start to play
A/N: two fics (barely) in a month??? haven't done this since September (god it's been a long three months, thank you all for bearing with me through the end of the year). hope everyone has had a good holiday season and is looking forward to the new year! (there's gonna be more action in the next part, this is the set up dw 🫶)
as a future heads-up, most of the chapters will be smaller in size so I can have the time to complete one a month while I'm working on school work. I'm aiming for 1.5-2k words a chapter, but there may be more depending on what I have due at that time.
TW: medical trauma, trauma in general, sad vibes, reader has a knee injury
Pairing: Finnick x GN! Reader (romantic)
Summary: You pay Katniss a visit in the infirmary, only to find that she's more remorseful than revenge-filled, which is a good sign for your other knee. Afterwards, you seek your room and find a comforting memory there, along with Finnick.
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That was something you had grown to live with, as a victor of the Hunger Games. Your mentors had your back when it came to the nightmares, at first - all you saw when you went to sleep were the dead tributes that you had killed or seen killed. Why were you the one to live, out of all of them?
You were hesitate to approach Katniss after she had a bad nightmare and ran off - she was probably one of the last people that wanted to see you. The last time she saw you, she put an arrow into your knee that gave you the cane and limp that you’re known for in District 13.
Although you tried to tell Haymitch it wasn’t a good idea, he insisted.
“What harm could it cause you to see her?” Haymitch asks before his eyes land on your cane. “…that doesn’t count, Sunny.”
“You’re lucky I still like both of you after that happened.” You vaguely gesture to your knee before grabbing your cane and standing up. “I’ll go find her when she needs me.”
You were sure that Katniss didn’t trust you, but you were positive that she trusted the nurses around you even less. You couldn’t blame her - you were the exact same way. President Snow had insisted that his victors were in the best shape possible, so you had to go to routine doctor’s visits. The prodding and poking was enough to drive anyone nuts, but the vague memory of needles and surgeries sends a shudder down your back as you quicken your pace.
It’s better if she kills me than some poor nurse or doctor.
Once you approach the hospital ward, you slowly make your way to Katniss’s room. You peak inside her room to see her sitting up in bed with a younger girl brushing her hair.
You lightly knock, as to not startle the two girls, before making your way into the room.
“Sorry about your knee.” Katniss grumbles as you collapse into a nearby chair and let out an exhausted sigh.
“It’s okay. I probably would’ve done a lot worse in your scenario.” You shrug before leaning your cane against the hospital bed.
“It’s not okay-“ She tries to argue, but you aren’t having any of it.
“What’s done is done, and I have to live with the consequences. You should save your care for a much more worthy cause.” You see her fidgeting with the pearl that Peeta gave her. “We’ll get him back, I promise.”
“They won’t want to.”
“Does it matter what they want? You have more power than you think, Katniss.” The girl behind Katniss starts to look familiar as your eyes glance between the two girls. “You’re Primrose Everdeen, right?”
The girl doesn’t say anything until Katniss lightly bumps her shoulder.
“I am.” She quietly answers while continuing to brush Katniss’s hair.
The three of you linger in the room with contemplative silence before a man comes to bring Katniss to President Coin and Plutarch.
Primrose sets the hairbrush aside as you fetch your cane from the side of the bed.
“Those are nurse scrubs, right?” You ask as you grab the bed’s railing in order to get onto your feet.
“I’m trying to help out, as much as I can.” She answers before starting to make the hospital bed.
“If you’re anything like your sister, you’ll be a great nurse.” You offer her a warm smile that she quickly replicates.
Perhaps the future isn’t as messed up as I thought it was.
You return to the living quarters side of District 13, only to be bombarded by a few small children. The younger kids always ran up to you when they hear the click click click of your cane hitting the floor, as you often had squirreled away treats or extra bits of food from meals. You were willing to share, so you offered them a few small candies that you had snatched from the front desk of the hospital ward.
“Don’t give yourselves a stomach ache,” You warn them with a wagging finger, “otherwise, you’ll end up back there.”
The kids promise to be careful before running off, and you continue your journey back to your room. You had been discharged from the hospital ward, after your strong insistence that you were fine, which you were, but you had to have daily check-ups to make sure that your knee was alright.
You had the appointments in the morning - it wasn’t like you were getting any sleep, anyways - but your progress continued to be positive. You weren’t going to be in fighting shape for a long time, and you might limp for the rest of your life, but the cane may get to be retired in another week or two.
Your bed can’t be found soon enough, and when you do find it, you set your cane on the ground before laying down on the bed. 
You had given so much effort into your capital duties - being a “model citizen”, doing exactly as President Snow asked - but you had never been as tired as you were now. The simple act of movement left you exhausted, the injury be damned, and all you wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep.
You couldn’t. Although you weren’t physically strong, your determination to keep going kept you mentally well. You had to be strong, you had to be sunny, for the District 12 children, for Katniss, and for Finnick.
Finnick had a rough adjustment to life in District 13, due to the absence of Mags and Annie as well as your injury. Despite being drugged up, once he heard that you were going under for surgery, he knocked out two guards and nearly stabbed a third with a pair of scissors before Haymitch pulled him off of the guard. Finnick had stayed by your side for days after he had been discharged and you were recovering. 
He didn’t leave your side after you were discharged from the hospital wing. He was the one who helped you back onto your feet and he encouraged you to keep going, even when you felt like giving up. 
Finnick was quiet when you weren’t around, however. He would lock himself in his room for hours, only coming out to talk with Haymitch or to get the next meal. He was never like that with you - his smile was never so bright as he carefully embraced you. The two of you would talk for hours about anything and everything - it reminded you of your days back in the Victor’s Village in District 4.
Cooking for four was a learned habit of yours - you didn’t want Mags to have to cook or eat alone, Annie struggled to take care of herself, and Finnick was so busy that he didn’t often have the time to have good meals. 
You quickly distributed the food into four different containers. Two went straight into your refrigerator - Finnick would be home late on a flight from the Capitol, so you wanted to have dinner with him. You sealed up the other two meals, placed them into a small satchel, and began your trip to Mags’ house.
She warmly welcomed you in before putting a kettle on. You handed her the meal, which she took with a gracious smile. Mags grabbed two forks out of her silverware drawer, and you took one of them before joining her in the dining room.
You couldn’t stay long, as you had another meal to deliver, but you did enjoy a nice glass of tea and a few bites of food. With Mags waving you off, you ventured across the way to Annie’s home.
You softly knock on the door, as to not startle her, before the door slams open. Annie appears while rapidly wiping the tears off of her face. She tries to speak, but you shake her head before handing her the food.
“Don’t worry about getting the container back, I have plenty.” You gently reassure her as she nods before shakily closing the door.
With a soft breath, you go back to your own house to enjoy a bit of well-earned peace and quiet. A couple hours go by before someone knocks on your door.
You open the door, only to see Finnick standing there, all dressed up in Capital wear. Despite everything he’s wearing, he still is your charming, very attractive mentor.
“Are you in the mood for company?” He asks with an irresistible smile.
“You’re lucky I made extras, pretty boy.” You tease before letting him in.
You sit up at the sound of his voice, albeit slowly so you don’t injury yourself.
“Finnick!” You break out of your thoughts to greet him as you gesture for him to sit next to you on your bed.
“Are you alright?” His eyebrows scrunch as he inspects you for injuries before gently sitting next to you.
His hand finds yours, and your fingers intertwine as you softly kiss his cheek.
“I’m good, I promise. Haymitch wanted me to see Katniss in the hospital ward.”
“She didn’t have a bow and arrow this time, right?” A teasing smile rests on his face as you lightly shove him away.
“Very funny, Finnick.” You roll your eyes before looking over at him. “How are you doing?”
“Better now that I’m with you, honey.” He leans in to kiss you, and you indulge him in one kiss before locking eyes with him.
He lies to you about how he feels at times. You know it’s because he doesn’t want you to worry, but you end up worrying more because of it. This time, you only see merriment and a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he looks at you.
That’s Finnick being Finnick.
“Isn’t it almost meal time?” You ask before grabbing your cane.
“It’s getting close, but we should get going if we want to make it there on time.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” You poke Finnick with the bottom of your cane as he happily laughs.
You rest your head on his shoulder as you enjoy this moment of tranquility and happiness. You don’t know what tomorrow’s going to look like, but you can only hope that it’ll be just as good, if not better, than today.
tagging ->  @yokolesbianism , @avoxrising, @honethatty12, @sweetybuzz25, @catvader101, @sollum, @emerald-valkyrie, @randomgurl2326, @caitsymichelle13, @bcbci, @iris1587 (send a request or comment on this fic to be added to the taglist!)
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goodtweetbadtweet · 8 months
19, 22, 24 and 32! ❤️
Oh thanks for asking 💜 I’m gonna put my rambling under a cut.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I have been reading fanfic since I was about twelve, starting with LotR, but the earliest thing I really remember writing were these stories about this group of online-turned-offline friends that I had when I was fifteen. We all wrote a different ‘alternate universe’ versions of our little group going on some adventure. In hindsight, the stories were relatively cringey and obviously full of inside jokes, but to put it in cliche terms, it ignited a spark. Around that same time I read a really popular HP/marauders fanfic that actually inspired me to read the HP books and then I was brave enough/inspired to write my first fanfics. At first I wrote something that I thought people would want to read (in my own language) so I tried writing stuff like Sirius/Remus, and I was so used to constant praise for my writing (because my readers were all my friends) that it started to feel fake almost. Eventually I just wanted to write something that nobody I knew would ever see, so I chose a username nobody would think to connect to me, started writing in English and wrote something I actually wanted to write which was a self-indulgent, practically self-insert OC romance fic. Cringe, maybe. But so much fun.
So I’ve been writing on and off for nearly 18 years, mostly off, and you don’t even need all your fingers and toes to count the things I’ve finished. I’m not the most productive. It’s the same as with any hobby; I get really into it for a while and then eventually it fizzles out. I take breaks that last months, years even. I am at a point where I don’t know if I’ll ever call myself a good writer, but there are certain parts of my writing that I actually really love. For the first time I’m also writing with intent and not just making stuff up as I go along and I want to challenge myself a little more, exploring some darker themes etc.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Not very. I am generally an organized person, but when I write I put the whole story and everything related to that into one Google Doc. I can’t stand having to switch between documents or having anything separate.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Honestly? Not enough probably. When I have an idea for a story, it can be anything from one scene that evolves into something entirely different or a whole story arc that just appears out of thin air. Like, Kendall/Avery literally started off as ‘Kendall meets a girl in rehab and has sex with her’ and was meant to be a one shot. And Lukas/Gia came to me sort of fully formed late at night. My plans are usually very short, just a quick list of things that happen in each chapter. Since I write exclusively romance/smut/relationships, I start writing from the point where the characters meet because that’s usually very clear in my mind, and then I write a bunch of unrelated scenes that I have already imagined taking place. Eventually I backtrack to the actual beginning and try to write chronologically, but it’s a lot of back and forth and connecting these scattered scenes with each other. But there is always a plan, even if it is constantly evolving it doesn’t fundamentally change, and I always know what I’m writing towards. So basically, no, I don’t do a lot of prep work, but while I’m writing I’m working on the entire story at once. I also don’t like prep work, but it is helpful and it keeps me in check.
Back when I did zero planning, I started writing and posting a Bucky Barnes/OC story chapter by chapter and it went off the rails a little bit and eventually turned into a Tony Stark/OC story which… made sense and it was kind of like the characters had a life of their own, but obviously that wasn’t what my readers had signed up for. If I had a plan, maybe that wouldn’t have happened or I would’ve realized it was inevitable while planning. Idk. That story was/is 130k words and technically I never finished or wanted it to end where it did, but I lost interest and a few years later I came back to it to see that it had run its course and the ending actually kind of worked as ‘the finale.’ Sometimes I have a hard time ending things; a plan helps with that.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
“You all know, don’t you, that if people are frightened very often, they sometimes become invisible.”
From the short story The Invisible Child by Tove Jansson. And I don’t know if it’s this line specifically, but off the top of my head this is a story that comes to mind as something that has held meaning for me since I was young and now again as a parent. It’s about Ninny, who has literally turned invisible due to living with her child-hating, abusive aunt. In a nutshell: she comes to live with the Moomin family, finds respect and love and learns to speak for herself. In many ways I relate to Ninny a lot and I think somewhere along the way I overcorrected and instead of being invisible, people pleasing and afraid I became almost confrontational and too tough. Inside I will always be Ninny, though.
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Ninny in the Moomin anime
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japhan2024 · 13 days
Read the entire fic on AO3
Chapter 11: On board
Ian and Anthony meet a boatload of sillies <3 Ian and Amanda meet again, Ian and Anthony reconnect, and they meet everyone on the boat (Lonely Island playing in the bg lmao)
Chapter word count: 1.580
Rating: general
The engine of the speedboat screeched to a halt as Anthony steered around just in time not to hit the oncoming boat. He did, however, splash green water all over it, dousing a tall woman who stood on deck.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing!”
“Mister president?!”
“Do you know her?”
A couple more people appeared on deck of the trawler, all excited and surprised at the presidential encounter.
“Yeah, she interviewed me a couple times.” Ian scowled at her. “And then she sold out to all those big companies she said she wanted to fight against!”
“No, Ian! Please, I didn’t! My editor ruined that entire piece!”
Damnit, even with her hair in a simple bun and wearing casual clothes – which were now soaked – Amanda was still a smoke show.
Anthony instantly joined in the argument on Ian’s side. “And you just let them write a false story in your name?”
“No I didn’t! I quit! Why do you think I’m on a boat now! Wait. Who are you? Anyway, Ian, why are you on a boat? Why has the sea turned green?”
As Ian and Anthony climbed on board, everyone but Amanda was ‘mister president’-ing Ian, and Anthony got why he didn’t like it.
Nicole pushed her way through the crowd, though, and pressed him into a hug.
“I thought you were dead, bro.”
“Hey. It’s okay, I’m here. I’m sorry I left without notice.”
Anthony addressed the rest of the group.
“So… I miiight… have turned the sea green?” Anthony tried to look his prettiest so this bunch of silly looking people wouldn’t kill him.
“And why would you do that?” Damien asked.
“Uhh, to, you know, save the world and stuff…”
“Why is it green?! It’s greener than Noah’s hair!” Olivia demanded.
“It’s algae, they are gonna clear up all the world’s CO2 and lower the temperatures,” Ian said knowledgeably.
“Not all the CO2, but enough to reverse the climate disaster, hopefully?” Anthony was already doubting himself, and whether it had been a good idea or not.
“And why is the president here?” Angela looked genuinely confused.
“Oh, there was a coup attempt, my plane crashed and my best friends are probably dead,” Ian replied. Only now did Anthony understand what Ian must be going through right now. He was apparently very good at hiding his feelings. And it had all gone so fast. Ian was out here at sea, alone. Anthony felt very protective of his new president friend.
“Should we call someone?”
“Nah, I don’t really feel like being president at the moment.”
A breeze picked up. Everyone breathed in.
“Wow, is that a FRESH gust of wind?!”
“It’s working, Anthony,” Amanda stage-whispered, in awe.
“So maybe we don’t have to brainstorm anymore, it’s all fixed now?” Angela looked a bit disappointed at the thought.
“We can still party at the island though,” Chanse winked at Angela.
“Haha, hell yeah! Let’s go to the island!”
“What island?” Ian and Anthony asked, puzzled.
It was a few days later. They were well on their way to the island. Ian and Anthony sat on the back of the deck. They were smoking. Both had a stubble and they wore loaned t-shirts and shorts. Anthony’s curls were blown all in one direction, and Ian’s hair fell over his eyes, a very different look than the carefully coiffed wave he had made his signature.
“NO way dude, she was your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, until we bumped teeth and the romance kinda died.”
They laughed.
“So yeah, I follow a vegan diet and I do yoga to stay in shape…” Anthony did a few yoga poses, almost toppling over as the trawler hobbled over a big wave.
“That’s hella impressive,” Ian complimented. “I can’t do any shit like that.
“You don’t need to, you’re fit already.”
“Like hell I am. Anyway. I wish I had my phone, I have so many memes to show you,” Ian lamented.
Anthony was studying the middle tress of hair on Ian’s forehead. Its waywardness intrigued him.
“So, what’s the deal between you and Amanda? She’s pretty hot.” Anthony was gauging how Ian responded. Was he into her?
“Yeah, I mean I guess I thought we had a thing, but it’s kinda dead now. Very dead.”
“But she didn’t write that article though.”
“True, but the damage has already been done you know. Ugh. I have such bad luck at romance.”
“Maybe you’re not looking in the right places,” Anthony said while moving closer to Ian. He wiggled his brows like a giant dork.
“Are you trying to get a presidential pardon for committing ecocide?”
“Yeah, obviously!” Anthony laughed. But he moved closer still and licked his lips while reaching for the strand of hair. It was ever so slightly in the way of Anthony’s first class view of Ian’s ocean blue eyes. Was ‘ocean blue’ even still a thing?
Ian wasn’t fazed by Anthony’s flirting, though. And that excited Anthony more than he liked to admit.
“What are you willing to do for it?”
“Isn’t that kinda slutty though, like, have some standards, man.”
“No. I’m a slut and proud of it.” A wide grin formed on Anthony’s face. He raised his eyebrow while squinting his eyes. He yawned, leaned backward and spread his legs as wide as humanly possible.
Ian sighed. “Why are we stuck on this boat full of crazies, I want us to get out of here.”
Anthony raised his head. “Us?”
“Yeah, I want to see what kind of slutty things you have in store for me!”
“I’m afraid we will have to go and live on that island if you want to stay hidden from the world.”
A cloud obscured Ian’s eyes for just a second. But then he smirked. “Imagine we were on a dating show and these people were our only options.”
“Ew! Ew, and we had to go on dates with them and shit.” Anthony laughed. It was such a wonderful sound to Ian, it was almost exactly like he remembered. He wanted it to go just a little higher, a little louder, all-out…
“Who would you smash and who would you pass?”
“Hmmm,” Anthony thought about it. He was having more fun than he’d ever had in his life. Ian was matching his freak to a degree he didn’t know was even possible.
“I mean, Olivia is kinda pretty I guess?”
“Shut up! You’re not into her. I saw you checking out Amanda though.”
“Nooo, dude, you’re projecting! I think there’s still something going on between you guys!”
“I don’t know… maybe… What’s going on between you and Nicole, though? You haven’t talked about that story yet.”
“Listen, I love Nicole. But we’re colleagues, that would be weird!”
Anthony was trying to remember everyone’s names. “What about… Arasha though?”
“Ew, too young!”
“Okay. What about Keith?”
“Now we’re talking. I’d smash Keith. What about you?”
“I’d pass. I’d smash… Okay okay! I’d smash Amanda. She is kinda scary though.”
“True, isn’t that the exciting part about her, though?
“Absolutely. She could probably dominate us both at the same time.” Why did Anthony say that? He was really walking the line now.
“She totally could! She’d make us do some butt stuff probably, to each other.” Wow. Ian was still one-upping him. Anthony couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably.
“There it is! I remember that laugh! Dude, you would always laugh the hardest at my jokes.
“I thought you found it mega-annoying.”
“Only when you’re being cocky. Actually, it was what I lived for in high school.”
“You would always make the best jokes,” Anthony said, tears in his eyes from laughing.
“I’d try my best to be funnier than my friend group.”
“I wasn’t really happy in mine,” Anthony admitted, the bitterness of the memory clearly showing on his face.
“No, what was up with that anyway? I heard there was some drama.”
“Yeah. It was basically a bunch of gothic kids who tried to out-emo each other. It was a hierarchy thing. I tried to stay out of it.”
“You should have totally hung out with us, I mean, you’re pretty funny yourself.”
“And be a school clown and put tables on roofs and shit?”
“Why not? What’s wrong with that?”
“Would you smash me?” Ian looked at Anthony seriously, adding to the moment. Anthony fell back into hysterical laughter.
“I mean,” he finally recollected himself, “if it was you or Chanse, I would definitely pick you.”
“Valid. Chanse has really intense, pretty eyes though.”
“Yeah, but yours are even better…”
“Are they?” Ian batted his eyes at Anthony, who laughed again.
“Wait, we should totally be like, moles on the show though,” Ian said. He was very much in his element, coming up with crazy scenarios. “So we could sabotage everyone else’s relationships for prize money.”
“We would work together as a team.”
“Yeah totally. I would be the mastermind, and you’d go and seduce them with your slutty yoga poses or some shit…”
“Yes! That way I could fulfill my slutty needs and fuck everyone on the island.”
“Including me of course.”
“Oh absolutely, every day.”
“As a treat.”
“As a motherfucking TREAT.”
“Anthony? Mister President?” Angela walked up to them.
“Please just call me Ian,” Ian repeated in vain.
“We’re almost there! See? The island is right there!”
A beautiful green island with white beaches had appeared amidst the green sea.
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mutigold · 4 years
∞ teacher’s pet — i.n.
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summary: in which the top student fails a test and gets extra help from his favorite professor.
pairing: student!jeongin x teacher!reader
genre: college!au
warning: sub!jeongin, dom!reader, pet play, noona kink, exhibitionism, handjob, ear licking, humiliation, quirofilia, seduction, he still has his braces.
word count: 1.9k
authors note: i really don’t know where this idea came from, but all i know is subby jeongin = 🤤. thank you for supporting me! watching people like my little writings really make my day.. hope y’all enjoy this <3. stream “Going Dumb”!
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“would anyone like to explain what it means to be dependent on an organism?”
jeongin’s eyes concentrated on you, as he listened to your voice encompassing the leveled platform. today’s lecture was based on the living organisms in the world and you seemed to be determined for everyone to learn the curriculum.
however, jeongin could not focus on anything except your figure. you were wearing a white skin-tight turtleneck and black formal pants that emphasize your ass. all topped off with a large suit jacket and black louis vuitton heels.
it overall made his heart jump for joy just enjoying the view.
he thought about how those heels would look wrapped around his waist as he pounds into you; screaming his name. or maybe how your tiny hand would slip around his throat as he begs for your come.
“mr. yang?”
jeongin quickly snaps out of his trance to hear you calling his name. and not in the way he wanted.
you looked up at him with sad eyes, upset at him for not paying attention to your favorite lesson. “what’s going through that head yours? is it more important than organisms?”
he quickly fixed his posture, shaking his head rapidly, and responded with, “n—no, i’m sorry noona. i just was thinking too hard about something. i’ll promise to listen from now on.”
you hummed with caution, continuing the biological lecture. the student sighs gratefully for you letting him go off easily and tries to at least take some notes.
“yo, i.n. you okay?” a familiar voice whispered.
jeongin turns to see his two close friends, seungmin and felix, staring down at him in question. “yeah, you seem a little off today.”
confirming he says, “uh. y—yeah; i’m okay.”
“mhmm. okay with staring professor y/n down huh?” felix smirks.
the heat on i.n. 's cheeks becomes noticeable when hearing about his staring. he then tries to ignore the statement by writing his name and the current date in his notebook.
“leave him alone felix. he’s just probably having some problems with the lesson; you should perhaps ask noona for help.” seungmin tries to intervene.
“yeah; i mean, maybe noona can also help you with other problems. if you know what i mean.” felix grins bumping jeongin’s arm.
“boys?! care to tell us what is so interesting other than my lesson?” your voice suddenly booms throughout the room. jeongin jumps at your tone and begins to apologize again once making you soften.
“that’s alright, but please pay attention. oh, and jeongin, stay after class for a few minutes to speak with me.”
he didn’t know what to think at that moment; with felix oohing in one of his ears and seungmin trying to shush him in his other or the fact that you wanted to talk to privately.
alone, with no one around, made his mind officially shut down.
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“you wanted to speak with me noona?”
you shifted around to see jeongin’s stiff form; then took note of how nervous he looked and gave him a light smile. “hey, kiddo. i just wanted to see how you were doing lately.” you wished to see some type of relief release through him.
but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
he still looked kind of anxious to speak with you, letting you know how intimidating you seemed. “hey it’s all good, you're not in trouble or anything, i promise. i’ve noticed how you’ve been acting recently in my class and how your scores dropped a little,” you reassured.
“ai! i’m so sorry noona!”
you giggle at the student’s consistent apologies. in your mind, you thought how cute he was; like a puppy aching to gain approval from its owner.
maybe you could make him as your puppy and work hard for that admiration.
immediately, you shake your head from the naughty images. ever since the semester started a few months ago, your thoughts almost ran around yang jeongin.
how his pretty smile, concealed by clear braces, shined at your speaking, how his crescent-shaped eyes followed your every move; making you feel sexy, how large and veiny his arms grew over time within the season, etc.
“that’s alright, jeongin. i just want you to feel comfortable in my lectures. how about this, you and i have a session later this evening to cover the material for the next exam. what do you think pup’?” you offering, accidentally calling him by the pet name you gave him.
after catching the tiny nickname, jeongin clumsy drops his possessions while feeling something swell in his pants. he begins to overthink the word. pup’? why did that sound so nice coming out of your mouth? and how was he gonna hide the fact that his dick got hard in the middle of their conversation?
“i–i’m sorry!”
“oh! no worries hun! here; let noona help you out.”
you instantly proceeded over, bent down, and gathered i.n.’s school objects. starting with some of his blue pens, his macbook, and then his green two-subject notebook. “n–noona! i got the notebook, it’s okay.” jeongin stuttered.
it was almost like he was trying hard to hide something in the notebook, and suddenly it all made sense as it opened to the front page.
yang y/n. it was his surname combined with your first name.
it seemed as if time swiftly froze with silence when discovering the secret. however, it didn’t bother you essentially much as jeongin thought it would have had. “aw, pup’, this is cute. yang y/n has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
the air that was in jeongin’s lungs properly stopped working when distinguishing how seductive your tone became. “i–i..”
“relax a lil’ pup’. listen, will you promise to meet me later this eveningfor some tutoring. i think you could really use it. plus if you’re good–”
you shifted closer to the student’s ear lobe and whispered, “–noona could give you a reward.”
jeongin swore he felt some pre-cum drip down from his pants. “y–yes, noona.” he swallowed trying to moist his dry throat, then jumped moaning in pleasure when your small hand gripped around his erection.
“good. see you then, pup’.”
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a few hours later, jeongin ends up at the university’s public library, not knowing what to expect. though, he did make sure to be ready for any possible situation. what did you mean by rewarding him? did you feel the same way he did?
you must have since you did touch his swollen cock during your conversation. or maybe it was just his imagination?
jeongin sighs restlessly thinking of the concept while waiting for your arrival. that soon ends as he hears your alluring voice greet out, “hiya pup’! ready for our lesson?”
he peers up from the library’s table to see you wearing informal clothing. a tight crew neck that reveals your smooth arms extending down to red-painted nails and large breasts bouncing with every step you take.
“ah! i hope you weren’t waiting too long, i got held up in traffic.”
“t–that’s okay noona! i just got here.”
you smile at his nervousness, now acknowledging where it came from, and sat down in the hard chair right next to him. “good, we can get started. i hope you’re ready,” you whispered, feeling an urge to dominate.
jeongin gulps recognizing a certain excitement coming from his pants within hearing your tone and replies with, “r–ready?”
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“so, what does adaptation consist of?”
jeongin couldn’t comprehend what you were saying being he focused on the way your glossed-up lips looked. the way he could imagine it wrapped around cock or it traveling up and down the side of his neck molding kisses; it worked him to the point where he was solid hard.
“pup’, what is going through that mind of yours?”
“s–sorry. it’s just, i guess this lesson isn’t grasping in my head yet.” he tries to explain not wanting to upset you.
however, instead of upsetting you, your colored eyes just darken. “oh! i have any idea; remember when i said i would reward you if do good–”
jeongin nods excitedly, making you giggle.
“–well, i know you understand the concept of this chapter. so to push you a little more, i’ll ask you a question and if you get it right, that little cock of yours will get to come.”
the student freezes up at your approach, thinking it was a dream too good to be true. “w-wait what?”
“what is the definition of homeostasis?”
“i, uh, i think it's an organism's constant adjustment to maintain stable conditions in itself?”
you reached under the table discreetly and unbuttoned the pants on jeongin grasping his swollen cock. “o-oh my god, noona!”
“shh, pup’. you gotta be quiet for me; now onto the next question. who created the biogenesis theory?”
jeongin’s breath became too much for him to handle feeling the pre-cum drip from his blood-filled tip. “n–noona, please.”
“come on puppy, tell me the answer or i stop.”
his mind starts to rush trying to find the answer before you let him go. it took him a couple of seconds, but once he got it, he hurried to speak. “henry charlton bastain!”
“good puppy.” your tiny hand moves faster, satisfied with the statement. you felt his cock throbbing with every stroke you took. like jeongin, you dreamt of this same exact moment. you wanted to control the poor student every time he walked through your room, when he made eye contact with you, or even when his plump bottom lip was bitten from his teeth.
and finally, it was happening.
“oh, who’s a good puppy for noona?”
“m-me! i am noona.”
“that’s right pup’. next question, what are the five steps to the scientific method?”
i.n.’s vein from his cock popped out sensing the rubbing moving faster than before. “i only know four noona!”
“too bad, i wanted five or i slow down.” you coldly demand.
jeongin began to try to think hard on the five steps letting the sensation run through his body. “o-okay. it’s defining the problem, making a hypothesis, testing it, analyzing the results… then..”
your hand slows at his hesitation. “give me the last one puppy.”
“oh! noona, don’t stop! i–i. is it d–drawing the conclusions?”
“good puppy!”
his cock grows bigger when your finger grips at the base. then, you painted nails lightly scratch at his tight balls. “oh! noonaaa. that feels sooo goood. pleaseee.”
“continue to answer like a good pup’ then i’ll keep going.”
soon after the next few questions, jeongin sits near his breaking point. “nooonnnaaa! please!”
“grab your textbook and hold it up.”
i.n. clutches the hard-covered biology book to cover both you and him from public eyes. suddenly, you lower yourself to his lips, deeply kissing him with tongue, and wander towards his earlobe. “one more question, pup’. what does stimulus mean?”
“uh! noona! please let me come! make your puppy come!” he moans a little too loud.
“shh. answer the question, then i’ll let you come.”
“s-stimulus? it m-means anything an organism responds to.”
you then move your head to spit down to moist his penis. “good puppy! getting your small cock rubbed in front of everyone like a little slut.” you cup the back of his neck feeling the shivers release through him.
“you can come pup’, come for noona.”
jeongin then lets go, coming hard in your hand. “o-oh! thank you, thank you noona!”
after guiding him to his high, you let go of him and licked the white, sticky substance from your hand.
“good puppy. i’m sure you’ll be ready for that next exam.”
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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*Somebody save me*
summary: y/n is new to the outer banks, being as she’s Barry’s cousin from the city. Her being as familiar in the drug life as Barry, it was almost inevitable for her not to meet the Rafe himself. Little does she know her life was about to become an entire rollercoaster. Was rafe going to drag her down with his own issues and literal manic tendencies, or was she finally going to be the saving this lost boy needed?
“ this is why I don’t live near the water” You exclaimed as you swatted the swarming gnats and mosquitos away from your face .
“ either here or group home cuz” Barry exclaimed while taking nugs of marijuana out of a zip lock bag, placing them on his scale . “ better get use to it.”
You’d lived in a small home back in Atlanta Georgia with your mom, who was a serious addict and spent more time out on the streets prostituting for drugs than she was at home with her daughter . Because of your moms reckless behavior, you had missed out on a lot of school seeing as she became spending more time selling drugs for a living than actually participating in school. Unfortunately that raised the schools attention to your living situation, inevitably causing your mom to get locked up and You having to chose between moving to the outer banks, or a group home. You only had 2 months left until you would be 18 but until then, Barry’s trailer would be where you resided.
You rolled your eyes before getting up from your chair , walking towards the trailer.
“ where ya goin?” Barry asked turning from his table of weed.
“ I can’t handle these bugs dude” you exclaimed still walking towards the trailer.
“ we’ll if you’re gonna stay here you gon have to put your work in too” he stated before standing up, grabbing 2 bags of white powder. You stepped back in shock.
“ the fuck Barry” you exclaimed shaking your head in disbelief. “ you know I don’t fuck with that shit”. Barry shrugged before reaching back towards you, shaking them at you to grab.
“ no but these bills gotta be paid” he said nodding his head towards the trailer. “ I need you to take this over to someone for me tonight. He’s got a party goin and he’s gonna sell it throughout the night .”
“ why can’t you take it to him then?” You exclaimed crossing your arms.
“ because cuz you’re gonna have to pull your weight round here too” . You scoffed before snatching the 2 bags of coke from Barry’s hand.
“ I don’t even know who this guy is “ you huffed out, putting the two bags in your bra.
“ you’ll know him. His name is Rafe.”
As you pulled up to the driveway, yourjaw dropped at the size of the house Barry had you going to. It was massive, and the amount of people crowding the humongous house was massive as well.
“ how the fuck am I suppose to find this guy” you huffed out to yourself before stepping out the car. You had your long wavy hair down, and hooped earrings dangling. You wore on tight high waisted white jeans and a black strapless top as well. As you looked around you could definitely tell this wasn’t your crowd. The girls had massive amounts of make up caked on, booty shorts that their bottoms were practically hanging out of, and they all were definitely shit faced. And they all looked to be trying to get some guys attention.
You walked in looking around , running your hand through your hair stressfully, trying to figure out howyou were suppose to find this Rafe guy.
“ you don’t look like you’re from around here” you heard from behind you. You turned around to find a medium height guy- definitely shit faced might I add- looking you up and down. You scoffed before taking a step back.
“ ‘cause I’m not” you snapped, due to your lack of interest. “ I’m looking for Rafe”. The guy slightly scoffed with an eye roll before pointing to the section behind him.
“ pink shirt” he spat out before brushing past you. You snickered at the fact how some men just cannot handle rejection. Looking over where the guy had just previously directed you, you saw a group of kooks all sitting on the two couches surrounding a coffee table, the guy in the pink shirt , which was assumed to be Rafe, was separating lines of coke on the table. You sighed before making your way to him. You could only see his muscular back and broad shoulders from where you were standing since his back was faced towards you, but none the less he was a kook, which was definitely not your type.
“ Rafe?” You spoke out, only to see the dirty blondes headed boy to look over your shoulder. You swallowed quickly, taken back when you saw those piercing dilated blue eyes gazing into yours. He looked you up and down, presumably confused as to who you were, since you definitely didn’t look the part for a party of kooks. You quickly stood up straight, making sure you looked the tough hood girl as you are before you pulled the two bags of coke out of your back pocket. His eyebrows quickly furrowed together in confusion , wondering why a strange outsider like you was handing him the drugs.
“ Barry” was all you responded before walking off. Barry had told you that there didn’t need to be much conversation between the two of you, that Rafe would already know the deal. Which was fine by you. Rafe honestly took your breath away but looking at the bimbos he had surrounding him, it was clear you weren’t his type anyways. That didn’t matter though. He was beyond rich, and you were from the projects. Definitely no match.
“ hey” you heard someone shout from behind you. You turned around quickly, your long hair wrapping around your shoulders as you did. Oh god . It was Rafe.
“ sorry I didn’t catch your name” he said pointing behind him, indicating your brief in counter a few seconds ago. This time it was your turn to look at him with confusion. Why would he need your name?
“ y/n” you responded looking up at the tall geeked out boy with a slight smile.
“ I uh didn’t mean to be rude I just wasn’t expecting you - I mean the supply this early. “ fumbling with the two bags in his hand. You threw your hands up .
“ ion know that’s just what Barry told me to bring” . You watched Rafes face turn into worry.
“ uhm.. okay yeah alright” he said nervously running his hands through his hair before turning around and walking quickly back into the house. You shook your head in pure confusion before walking back to your car, headed back to the trailer .
“ alright ladies and gents , who wants a bump” Rafe said walking back into the common area, plopping down on the couch with the new baggies.
“ you know I do” the blonde girl next to him said scooting closer to him.
“ no more for you till you pay up sweetie” Rafe scoffed. She quickly placed her hand on his inner thigh giggling .
“ I can pay you alright” she spoke out giggling. Rafe laughed shaking his head.
“ already had it. You gotta pay your part this time” he said while using his ID card to separate the lines. She rolled her eyes with embarrassment while the crowd snickered at his comment before pulling her wallet out, handing him a couple of twenties before taking a rolled up dollar, snorting a line.
“ Rafe! My man!” Kelce shouted excitedly before dabbing Rafe up, looking down at the table . “ oh okay this is what I like to see baby” he said rubbing his hands together in excitement . Rafe handed him a rolled up dollar in exchange for some money from Kelce before Kelce leaned down, snorting him a line. “ where’s Topper?” He asked while sitting on the couch next to Rafe. Rafe froze for a second, flash backs to the night Topper got arrested for covering for Sarah and John B running through his head. Rafe hadn’t spoke to Topper since that day, it had became clear he knew the truth or he at least believed Sarah over Rafe.
“ he doesn’t want to come around “ Rafe said. Which was probably the truth. “ yanno Sarah” Rafe said not looking up from the table , watching others around taking more bumps. It was hard for Rafe trying to play things like he normally should. Of course he mourned the death of his sister, more than normal since he internally blamed himself. If he wouldn’t have killed the cop, and framed John B, she wouldn’t have been on the run. But at the same time he was just trying to protect their dad. Rafe froze for a second lost in thought before he picked up the pile of cash people were laying on the table. He knew aT this point the only thing he could do was continue making money for Berry. Barry was the only one who could really help the pogues bring the truth out about his crimes and at this point he had basically became Barry’s bitch. He handled all the product, and sold it all with little to no compensation.
“ alright whose ready for the next round ?”
The next morning
“ why you even selling to those kooks anyways Barry?” You asked as you hung your head off of Barry’s couch as he counted money from his duffle bag.
“ because y/n they’re rich and stupid” he responded as if it was an obvious answer. “ they ain’t got no responsibilities so all they care about is partying and getting fucked up.” You looked over at him as he stood up looking over you. “ and I’m the king at getting people fucked up aight. They’ll pay anything cause they got it” he said throwing his hands up. You sighed before sitting up.
“ you should really clean this place up. It stinks” you responded before walking out side, tugging at your tank top to cool down. As you walked out into his yard to sit out in one of his patio chairs you heard a dirt bike coming down the drive way.
“ great” you mumbled as you plopped down in the chair, hissing as the plastic chair burned the back of your thighs since you were in short denim shorts. You quickly lit up a joint Barry rolled for you earlier as you watched the guy turn his bike off before taking his helmet off.
‘Shit’ you thought as you accidentally inhaled too much and began coughing , realizing it was Rafe on the bike. You honestly had thought about him quite a few times through the night last night. Just mesmerized by his attractive looks.
“ hey I remember you” he spoke as you took a sip of your water.
“ oh yeah?” You asked brushing your long locks of hair from your face as some stuck to your forehead from sweat. “ where from?” You questioned, playing it off like you hadn’t thought about him all night.
“ you came to my party last night” he said. Wow. He was really cute.
“ oh yeah! Rafe right?” Rafe smiled.
Okay what the fuck. You immediately felt butterflies fluttering in the pit of your stomach as you watched this literal perfect smile form across his face . He ran his hands through his hair ( almost as if he was getting nervous) before nodding. “ yeah yeah that’s me” . You grinned before reaching out offering him a hit off your joint.
“ want a hit?” You asked.
“ yeah sure” he said before sitting down next to you, taking a hit off your joint. “ so I’ve never seen you round here. You uh Barry’s new girl ?” He asked blowing smoke out between the sentences. You threw your head back laughing loudly .
“ fuck no!” You laughed out. “ he’s my cousin . I’m just stayin with him for a couple months till I get my own plsce” you stated while grabbing the joint back from Rafe.
“ ahh” he responded looking down at the fire pit in front of y’all. “ you gonna stay here or” he asked. If it wasn’t for you crushing you would’ve been weird out by the questions he was asking. You shrugged taking a big hit .
“ I don’t know yet” you said blowing smoke out of your nose. “ I’m waiting to see if this place is gonna win me over.” You responded honestly . “ but honestly this heat and these bugs are for the birds” you said swatting at some of the gnats that were swarming again. Rafe chuckled slightly, looking down at his hands.
“ it’s not too bad once you get use to it.” He said looking over at you. “ maybe someone will change your mind” .You grinned, looking down as you felt the heat rushing to your cheeks. You could see Rafe playing with his hair again. You had come to a conclusion that the hair playing meant he was definitely nervous which made the butterflies flutter again.
“ uhm well-“ he said awkwardly standing up. “ Barry inside?” He asked looking over towards the trailer.
“ yeah yeah he’s in there” you said standing up as well.
“ okay well I’ll see you again okay Y/n? “ he stated, watching as you nodded in agreement. You watched him head inside the trailer, is tall figure swaying as he walked.
“ aye yo Barry” Rafe spoke out before opening the screen door to Barry’s trailer. “ got your money” Rafe stated nervously walking toward the back of the trailer to Rafes room.
“ okay country club I see you “ Barry expressed walking out his room to meet Rafe in the kitchen. “ this all of it?” He stated while grabbing the stack out of his hand.
“ yeah man that’s all of it” Rafe stated , sweat dripping down his forehead as he brushed his hair back. “ uhm you uh know you uhm doubled it right?” Rafe said referring to the supply.
“ I needed to get the product movin” he Barry replied still counting the stash.
“ yeah but you see it’s hard to move that much-“
“ listen country club I own you ok” Barry said looking up at Rafe with that cocky smirk of his. “ I know your secret. I know what you really did. Now you can either make my money by doin this work when and where I say I want it done-” he stared shrugging his shoulders. “- or I could just turn you in and make the money that way” Barry chuckled at the sight of Rafe breaking a sweat at the thought of the truth coming out as he sat down at his kitchen table, setting the stack of money on the table. “ choice is yours my friend” . Rafe shook his head stumbling around a bit , partially from nerves and the other from geeking of the dope.
“ nah I-I got you” he responded back , his heart pounding with anxiety.
“ alright that’s what I like to hear” Barry beamed. “ no go. I’ll let you know when I got more for you” he stated. Rafe quickly made his way out the door, running his hands through his hair once again before walking towards your direction. He wanted to just hop on his bike and scurry away from it all , but something about you intrigued him so much. Maybe it was because you treated him differently than everyone else. You were kind to him, and didn’t look at him like he was some crazy addict .
“ see ya Rafe” you called out as he passed by you towards his bike. He tossed his hand up to you with a smile before sitting on his bike, grabbing his helmet, he froze for a second before looking up at you.
“ hey I’m gonna have another party tomorrow night, you know if you’re not busy maybe you could come chill . Get a feel of this place a little more” he suggested, his fingers twiddling with his helmet.
“ I don’t know Rafe, didn’t really look like my crowd “ you stated, this time it was your turn to run your hands through your hair. He shrugged looking down at his helmet.
“ then hang with me” he suggested, his voice a bit softer as if he was nervous to make the suggestion at all. You grinned, pushing your hair behind your ear.
“ okay yeah, I’ll see you then “ you nodded, looking up to see his blue eyes beam with excitement.
“ cool cool” he stated before placing his helmet back on before revving his bike on , riding back out the driveway.
You leaned back sighing of happiness, grinning at Rafes comment .
“ then hang with me”
Tomorrow night couldn’t come sooner.
Chapter 2 coming soon ❤️
( I will be putting this story under the tag #somebody save me )
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spencerhotchner · 4 years
Alternative {spencer reid}
Chapter 1 
summary: Since quarentine was announced, Y/N decided to rewatch all seasons of Criminal Minds. On a lonely night she wished she could be in that universe instead of this. What happens when she wakes up in 2008 in Quantico?
warnings: angst, a very confused reader, regular cm stuff and my grammar (if you find anything else pls lmk
word count: 2k
a/n: i have this idea while watching a movie about parallel universes and all, so i just wanted to try this out. it will be a 10 parts series! im not really sure about this, i think i kinda hate it but im posting it anyways lmao. i hope you gonna enjoy!
series masterlist
part 1 | part 2
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You woke up feeling dizzy and with a major headache. At first you thought it was because you drank a whole lot of wine last night but then you saw yourself in a room you never saw before. You stoop up quickly trying to understand where you were and how did you end up there. You were sure that you have never been in this place before, and it was scaring you that you showed up in there.
There was a mirror nailed to the wall in from of you almost forcing you to look at your own body, that made you notice that you were still wearing the same clothes from last night, but you weren’t home. Not being home was odd given by the fact you stayed there with your family and two friends you invited over, since there’s a whole freaking pandemic going on and you for sure did not want to get sick or get other people sick. 
“Did I get kidnapped?” you think out loud. “No, I just watch too much Criminal Minds.” you tell yourself, trying to calm down.
You reach for the face mask placed on the nightstand, getting ready to leave this random place and go home. You tried not to freak out when you realized your phone was gone and the only cellphone in there was probably as old as your grandmother. You dialed your moms number about five times and all of them went on voicemail, making you curse mentally. 
This can’t be happening. Not to me.
As soon as you leave the apartment you were in you realized you weren’t in your hometown, definitely not. It was crowded, like, really crowded and no one was wearing any face masks. Where did the freaking pandemic go? You wondered while you felt like a misfit for being the only one wearing it. 
“Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?” you ask an old lady walking by.
“You’re on Main Street, sweetheart.” she says.
“No, um, I mean the city.” you watched as the old lady looked at you with a funny face, as if she was calling you crazy on her mind.
“We’re in Quantico, dear.”
“Quantico?” you repeat, mostly for yourself then for her. The lady started at you like you were an alien. “Thank you so much, ma’am.”
The air started to go low on you, how did you get to Virginia, anyway? That was across the country from where you lived, Bellevue in Washington state. You started lost walking, trying to understand what the hell was going on. It felt like you were on a parallel universe, like you were in a dream but couldn't wake up and it sure felt very real. You stoped a jornal shop taking a lot at the last newspaper in there, trying to figure if something happened that you were missing. However, nothing reported there shocked you, what did, though, was the date. 
July 1st, 2008
You were about to ask someone about it when you bumped into a blonde woman, falling on the ground. As soon as you looked up, you almost chocked yourself. If the day was already weird, this was even weirder. A.J Cook was standing right in front of you with a concerned look. You couldn't really say anything, just staring at her like she wasn't real. It was weird seeing her in front of you after only seeing her through screens. 
“I’m so sorry!” she said as she offered a hand for you to get up. “Are you ok?”
“I- um, yes! I’m fine.” you san, getting the dirt out of your outfit. “I’m a big fan of yours! Wish I had my phone here to take a picture but- sorry.“ you stoped talking, realizing she probably doesn’t care.
“Big fan of me? Wow, howcome somebody’s a fan of me?” she sounds surprised.
“Well, you’re on Criminal Minds.” you say as it was obvious. 
She looked at you as if you were out of your mind. Not that you weren't thinking otherwise at the moment, anyways. 
“I’m on what now?” she asked.
Maybe you got confused and she was the wrong person, but she looked so much like her to not be her. If they were not the same person, then definitely twins. This was so weird, once again, you found yourself asking ‘what the hell’ mentally.
“You’re JJ, Jennifer Jareau, FBI Agent and all.” you say, trying one more time. “Behaviour Analysis Unit...”
“Yea, that‘s me.” she let a nervous laugh comes out of her mouth. “How do you know me?”
‘This is weird’ you thought. How does she not understand where you know her from? Literally Criminal Minds, like you said at first. ‘Maybe this is all a dream.’
“I saw you on tv” you try.
“Oh, I see! You like law enforcement?” she asks you.
“Oh yes, I’m in law-school to be a judge someday.” you answered. “The show, all of it just makes me wanna put all them bad guys in jail.” you say, laughing a bit. 
“The show...? What?” you hear her whisper, but decide to ignore it. “What’s the mask about?” JJ asks, making you look at her surprised.
“Um, covid-19?” you say like it’s obvious, because it is.
“Oh, sure...” she smiles as she says it, almost like she's only agreeing because she won't discuss it. “Great talking to you, really, but I gotta go, FBI duty calls.” she jokes.
You smile at her watching carefully as she picks up her phone from her pocket and pick up a call. That phone looked awfully old, like 2000’s old. Why would a famous actress have that kinda of phone? Then, you looked around trying to understand more about what was going on. It was all too out of place.
First, nobody wearing masks, not even a single person but you. Second, you were in a city in which is miles away from your own. Third, a famous actress acted like she’s nobody. And fourth, the date on the calendar said 2008.
If it wasn’t just impossible I would say I time travelled into Criminal Minds universe.
After standing there for literal 10 minutes trying to figure it out what you were going to do, you decide to go to the police department. After all, you may have been abducted, right? Because you didn’t have any knowledge of the place, you took quite some time to get there. As soon as you got there you sigh in relief, that has been quite a walk and damn, you were tired of this situation. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, can you help me?” you ask to the lady standing behind the counter.
“Sure, dear. What do you need?” she looks up at you, taking her glasses of her face.
“I think I might have been abducted?” you start. “I woke up in this random apartment.”
“Maybe you had a one-night stand.” she said putting back her glasses.
“No! I am sure I didn’t because first of all, there’s a pandemic going on, second of all I was in Bellevue in Washington state when I went to sleep.” you yell, involuntarily, desperate to make her believe in you. 
“Miss, I’m gonna need you to calm down or you will be escorted out of the building. You’re probably on drugs, there's nothing we can do for you.”
“Fuck you.” you say as you watch her face get all red.
Frustrated. That could define what you were feeling, scared and worried could do the work, as well. What were you going to do now? Go to the FBI to see if they could freaking understand why you simply appeared in Quantico? Didn't sound like a bad idea in your mind as you decided to just try it out. After all, you were already pretty screwed up, it would worth a shot.
You reached for your back pocket, hoping that the money you shoved in there more than a week ago would still be in there. Bingo! You pull out a 20 dollar bill out of it and the next thing you know you’re getting into a cab asking him to take you to the FBI. Now that’s something you never thought would happen. The travel was quite quick, in 20 minutos you were standing in front of that big isolated building. It looked like it was taken straight out of your favorite show, that was insane. 
The wind blew hard on you when you got out of the vehicle, making you shiver a little, that reminded you that you did not have any clothes nor money to buy more. God, you did not even have where to go. You didn't even get the chance to get into the building as a big man steps in front of you, blocking your way. 
“Miss, you're not allowed in this building.” he said without much expression. 
“But, sir-” you started, as you saw he was about to interrupt you, you go on. “Ive been abducted and I don't know where or how the hell did I get in here, I’m completely hopeless... Please.” you beg him.
He started at you for a couple of seconds, that felt like centuries for you, just to sigh at you.
“Ok, follow me.” he said. “Do not make me regret this.” 
“I-I won’t, sir.” you were quick to answer. 
The agent asked another man to cover up for him as he led me into the building. Once again you found yourself admired of how much it did look like a Criminal Minds episode in there, if you weren't totally desperate you'd be amused. Soon, you two were out of the elevator on floor 8, leading with the words Behavior Analysis Unit quite big. 
“Can you take her to Agent Jareau, please?” the man said to someone who passed by, who simply agreed. 
Now, that's a funny coincidence, there's actually an Agent Jareau in the BAU. 
You followed the woman with questioning trying to stay calm when you saw Matthew Gray Gubler sitting on a desk reading some book in Reid style, almost like he was Spencer himself. If you had any doubts you were going crazy, that was the final proof. You stoped walking, taking a stare at him and then at the Agent that stared a you like you were an alien.
“Is there something wrong?” she asks you. “Miss, are you ok?”
You were unable to answer for a few seconds when you finally opened you mouth, still trying to figure it out how to say what was on your mind without sounding completely insane.
“Is that Dr. Spencer Reid?” 
And that was all you’re able to say because as soon as you let his name out of your mouth he looked up at you, trying to somehow recognize you. You were sure, that time, that you never looked - and sounded - as insane as right now. 
“Yes, that's me.” he answers. 
His voice was the last thing you could hear before everything go black. Maybe you were finally going to wake up. Maybe. 
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Love and Medicine ~ 12
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,815ish
Summary: You are still trying to cope with the fact that Steve’s married. (Read note at the end of the chapter.)
I do not own Grey’s Anatomy or Marvel.
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You and Natasha eventually found your way back to your house and into your bedroom’s adjoining bathroom. Natasha was in the bathtub as you laid on the floor.
“It's not us. It's them,” you said. “Them and their stupid boy penises. They didn't tell me they had a wife. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you.”
“It's not that Banner broke up with me,” Natasha began. “It's how he broke up with me. Like it was business. Like it was a business transition like he's the boss of me!”
“He is the boss of you.”
“And what's worse is that I care.”
"I'm gonna throw up again.” You moved so that you were leaned over the toilet bowl. "No. Wait. False alarm.”
“Look, the problem is estrogen.”
“No, the problem is tequila.”
“I used to be all business, and then he goes and gets me pregnant.”
“With the stupid boy penis.”
“Now, I'm having hormone surges. He ruined me. I'm ruined. He turned me into this fat, stupid, pregnant girl. Who cares! Estrogen!”
Having heard the commotion from your bathroom, Val, Scott, and Clint found themselves standing in the doorway.
“Penises,” you stated. “Penises Val.”
“Estrogen, Scott. Estrogen,” Nat added.
“Okay…” Scott said, looking around. “What did I miss?”
“I came home to full on vomit drama,” Val explained. “Apparently she dumped Derek and her—“ Val pointed Nat’s way. “She’s been sleeping with Banner!”
“So you really broke up with Rogers?” Clint asked.
“I feel empty,” you responded.
“Two hours of vomiting will do that to you,” Val said with a shrug.
“You’re lucky,” Nat added. “I feel pissed off.”
Arriving in the parking garage, you could clearly see Steve waiting for you. Getting out of your car, you slammed the door as he came closer.
“Stop,” you growled at him.
“What?” Steve questioned, pretending to be all innocent.
“You're stalking me. Stop it.” You continued into the building with Steve following you.
“Did we not communicate last night?”
“Did you hear what I was saying?”
“Your wife screwed your best friend.”
“And then from that point on she no longer existed to me anymore.”
“You had marital amnesia?”
“No.” Steve reached out and grabbed your arm, successfully stopping you. “Come on I bared my soul to you last night.”
“It's not enough.”
“How can that be not enough?”
“When you waited 2 months to tell me and I had to find out by her showing up, all leggy and fabulous and telling me herself, you pulled the plug. I'm a sink with an open drain. Anything that you say runs right out. There is no enough.” You pulled away hurrying inside with your friends after you.
“She probably could've picked a better metaphor,” Clint commented.
“Give her a break,” Scott said. “She’s got a hangover.”
With a huff, Steve followed. Tony, who was also coming in, quickly caught up to him.
“Dr. Rogers!” He called.
“Dr. Stark,” Steve replied.
“We have an organ donor coming in this afternoon. We're doing a harvest.”
“Commendable, but—“
“In OR one at four.”
“I’m in OR one at four.”
“Your surgery is non-critical.”
“You can’t bump me!”
“As Chief, I can. You’ll be first up tomorrow.”
“Interim Chief. Bump somebody else!”
“You’re in the OR we need.”
“Why can’t the harvest be done somewhere else?”
“Cause the donor’s coming in from a small facility. We have the location, the airport nearby and the staff. Your surgery is rescheduled.” Then Tony turned, heading away.
“I’m not done talking about this, Stark!”
“Well, I am! See ya around Rogers!”
Rounds weren’t too bad, especially because you successfully ignored both Peggy and Steve. It even became slightly better when Gamora called you in for a bowel obstruction. Except the guy wouldn’t tell you what he ingested.
“You know, Mr. Sanders, it would be easier if you just told us what you ingested,” you pried, taking him to radiology. “We’ll know anyone, once we see the films.”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” Mr. Sanders responded.
“Mr. Sanders, whatever you’ve ingested could kill you. Are you sure you don’t just want to tell me?”
“It might offend you.”
“It might? Is it drugs?”
“Mr. Sanders.”
“It’s not drugs, I promise.”
“Well, good, I’m glad.”
“I… Nope, not going to tell you.”
“Fine by me. We just reached radiology, so I’m going to find out anyway.”
It wasn’t long before Mr. Sanders was back in his room and the radiologist had found you with the scans.
“It’s drugs,” the radiologist stated handing the scans over to you. “Looks like at least 13 small balloons in the bowel. My guess, cocaine.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, holding up the scans up to the light. 
They didn’t totally look like balloons, so you weren’t completely convinced. Before you made any judgement calls, you found Gamora.
“It’s drugs,” you told her, handing her the scans. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” she muttered, placing the scans onto a screen. “One burst and he’s dead in minutes. Okay, what do we do?”
“Run his bowel.”
“And what does that mean?”
“Running the bowel entails removing all 36 feet of the intestine from the body cavity, hand searching for the balloons and then cutting them out.”
“Good. Book an OR and get two other interns on board, need all the hands we can get.”
“Dr. Gamora,” Y/N called as Gamora tired to leave. 
“Are you sure they’re balloons?”
“You have reason to believe they’re not?”
“Well, the more I look the more I realize that this one,” you pointed to the scans, “has a face.” Gamora looked closer. “And this one… they all do.”
“I’ll be damned. They’re Barbies. He swallowed 13 Barbie doll heads.”
“Barbie heads?” Scott repeated after you told him, Natasha, and Peter what happened.
“Yeah,” you responded. “And Gamora wants two of you to join us in surgery.”
“I’m already booked.”
“I can do it,” Natasha said.
“Me too,” Peter said.
“My foster mothers used to buy me Barbie dolls. All sorts of them.”
“I also wanted one,” you added. “My parents never let me.”
“I dissected them. Cut off their arms, shaved their heads.”
“You’re a little scary,” Scott stated. “You know that?”
“I try.”
“Sounds like there’s a sick and twisted story behind this,” Peter said.
“No, they’re sexist, distorted devil toys that create unrealistic expectations carrying to the porn driven minds of men,” Natasha expressed.
“You swallow a bitter pill this morning, Romanoff?” Gamora questioned, coming up to you interns. “They’re just dolls. Quill, call for a psych consult. Then see if he has family.”
“Should I still book the OR?” You wondered.
“Blocked bowels become necrotic bowels. Check with Dr. Stark, see if we can bump someone. Those Barbies gotta come out today.”
Gamora had given Clint the impossible assignment to revive a patient. And, unfortunately for him, he was stuck with Laura.
“Any family members waiting?” He asked as he stapled up the man’s chest.
“Still trying to reach them,” Laura responded.
“Good. Well, I mean, not good that we haven’t reached anyone. Good that I don’t have to, uh…”
“It’s always hard.”
“I’m sorry about Peter.”
“It’s fine. It’s good. No need to talk about it.”
“You do understand that I had sex with him before you, not during, right? Because when you and I were together—“
“I understand.”
“I just wanted to clear the air.”
“Oh, it’s clear. Perfectly clear… okay.”
“And about the syphilis—“
“We really on’t have to talk about it.”
“Which is, I mean, I didn’t know I had it. I definitely should have, I’m a nurse. Like, there was a sore and I was all itchy.”
“Okay!” He backed away almost knocked the tray beside him over. “You know I, uh, got it. You know things happen.” He moved to the door, away from Laura.
“They really do. Things you wish you could change.”
Clint’s pager rang and he looked down. “It’s the Chief, I gotta take this.”
“Sure… Clint.”
“You have to call it.”
“Call it?”
“Oh, yeah.” He looked at his watch. “Time of death 1:37.” He turned to leave again.
“And, Clint,” he paused, not turning around this time, “if we could, I wouldn’t mind trying again.”
“Maybe… some day…”
Tony was walking down the hall with Maria, going over the donor surgery.
“When is the donor getting here?” He asked.
“Should be here at 3. Harvest team’s not heir way in.”
“I also need to touch base with the transplant center about a patient here getting his son’s liver.”
You walked up. “Dr. Stark,” you called. “Dr. Gamora needs an OR and they’re all booked.”
“An emergent bowel obstruction.” She handed him the scans.
“Barbie heads. 13 of them.”
Maria looked at the films. “I can see their little faces,” she commented. “That patient must have serious issues.”
“Hill, can your hernia in 1 be bumped?” Tony asked.
“Most likely.”
“Do it.”
“On it.” Maria left.
“Thank you, Dr. Stark,” you said, moving to go.
Tony grabbed your wrist and stopped you. “Y/N, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not. I’m really fine.” And you pulled away.
You, Gamora, and a doctor from psych were currently discussing the psych evaluation on Mr. Sanders.
“He’s not talking. It could be pica,” the psych doctor stated. “Doubtful for a man his age. Maybe an oedipal complex or an idolization of the doll as his partners. Or it could be that he simply enjoys it.”
“Now I've seen a lot of strange things in strange places but how does he enjoy this?” Gamora questioned.
“He’d enjoy it when they came out.”
“I didn’t need to hear that.”
“Dr. L/N,” Peggy called as she walked back. “May I speak with you for a moment?” You looked at Gamora for help.
“Don’t look at me. I’m not gonna help you.”
With a sigh, you went to Peggy and the two of you began walking away.
“I assume he told you why he left me,” she said.
Annoyed, you stopped in front of her. “Look, Dr. Rogers, will all do respect, this has nothing to do with me,” you said.
“Really? So you didn’t take him back. Good girl.”
“And int he future, I’d appreciate it if we could keep our relationship strictly professional.” You walked away.
“Y/N!” You stopped and turned back slightly to give Peggy your attention. “Sometimes people do desperate things to get someone’s attention.” You shook your head and started walking again. “There are two sides to every story!”
You, Peter, and Scott arrived at lunch first. The three of you picked a large table farthest away from the others.
“Look what I went out and got,” Peter said, putting a grocery bag on the table.  Opening the bag, he revealed 13 headless Barbie dolls.
“Really, Quill?” You wondered.
“That’s gross,” Scott cringed.
“I think it’s funny,” Peter said, smiling, as he laid them out on the table.
“Of course you do,” you muttered.
“Oh! That is sick!” Clint commented as him, Natasha, and Val walked up.
“Who would do that?” Val asked. They looked to see Peter smiling.
“Oh, look!” Natasha said, picking up a doll. “See Barbie fly.” She throw it at Peter, who ducked.
“Hey, Clint,” Laura greeted, walking by.
“Hey,” he replied, sitting down at not looking at you. The interns all gave him a look. “What?”
“She was trying to make up with you, Clint,” you told him. “You should go eat with her.”
“No, I shouldn’t…. No.”
“She’s cute and she likes you,” Scott said.
“You shouldn’t let a little syph get in the way of that,” Val added.
“It’s not the syph,” Clint insisted.
“It’s so the syph,” Natasha said.
“It’s not the syph!”
“Then what is it?” Val asked. Clint didn’t answer, looking down. “Oh.”
“What?” You wondered. Clint simply shrugged. “What is it?”
“There’s this other girl,” Val responded.
“Val!” Clint exclaimed.
“Other girl?” Natasha questioned. “You have another girl?!”
“He hasn’t told her that he likes her yet,” Val said.
“Val!” Clint exclaimed again. “This isn’t high school.”
“Clint has a little crush.”
“I do not… It’s a thing, a very personal thing. One day I would like to build on this thing with this other girl—woman. She’s all woman.”
“What are you doing, Clint?” You asked, slightly harsh.
“I-I don’t—“
“With Laura. What are you doing with her?”
“Oh. Nothing.”
“You’re letting her think you’re emotionally available. You’re letting her think she has a chance. And there is nothing worse in the world than think you have a chance when you really don’t!”
“Y/N is right,” Natasha said. “Tell her that there’s someone else. And tell her why, Clint. I mean— I mean at least give her the chance to have some feelings about it!”
“Why are you both yelling at me?” Clint asked.
“Because of the estrogen Clint! Because of all the estrogen!”
“Was it an act of desperation?” You asked Mr. Sanders as you headed into his surgery.
“Not at all,” he replied.
“Something to attract attention?”
“I’m just trying to understand here. Why 13 doll heads?”
“Well because 14 would’ve been too much.”
You cringed and helped the nurses get Mr. Sanders on the operating table before going to scrub. It was Gamora, you, Peter, Val, and Natasha in the surgery.
“I think it has something to do with his mother,” Val suggested. “Maybe she always wanted a girl and gave him Barbie dolls because of it.”
“Ah, ah, I’ve got another one,” Peter said, showing the head in the intestine.
“Uh!” You groaned.
“Doyen clamps to Romanoff,” Gamora ordered. “L/N, push the head up to the incision.” You began to squeeze the doll head up through the intestine.
“Maybe his mother looked like a Barbie doll and he’s into voodoo,” Peter suggested. “Instead of sticking pins in… well…”
Dr. Stark entered the OR. “You good here?” He asked Gamora, observing you though.
“Couple more heads to go,” Gamora responded.
“Then L/N stay here. All you other interns I need you on other cases.”
You met Tony’s eyes before he walked out of the OR.
Clint was put on a case with Steve. They were about to go separate ways so that Clint could run labs, when Steve stopped. He looked back at Clint.
“Is she okay?” Steve asked.
“Who?” Clint questioned. He looked up at Steve and knew. “Y/N? She’s… hanging in there.”
“Look out for her.”
“I will.”
Then Steve walked away. Before Clint could get really far, Laura found him.
“The family of the guy we worked on this morning is here,” she told him.
“Thanks for letting me know,” Clint responded.
“Clint, I just want an answers, so that I can get on with my life if I need to.”
“Look, maybe I’m not over the Peter thing yet or the syph thing… And I really want to be, but there’s also another girl. And, to me, it doesn’t matter there’s this other guy and frankly I wouldn’t care if she gave me the Ebola virus… I like you, Laura, I really do. Just… I—“
“You’re going to need some time.”
“Yeah.” He kissed her forehead. “Thank you for understanding.”
Steve was standing alone in the elevator when Peggy walked in, both dressed to leave.
“Just when the day was improving,” he murmured.
“You told Y/N what happened?” Peggy asked.
“I did. Why? What did you tell her?”
“That sometimes people do desperate things to attract attention.”
“What? Wow. That's your side of this? That I didn't pay you enough attention. Is that you were thinking when you got naked with my best friend?”
Peggy reached over and stopped the elevator. "No, by that point I wasn't thinking at all Steve. By that point I was just scratching an itch. We got successful you and me. We got busy and we got lazy. We didn't even bother to fight any more Steve. And Bucky was there and I missed you. And now I'm sorry.” Steve restarted the elevator. “I’m more sorry than you can possibly imagine. But at least I'm talking to you about it.” The doors opened and Steve walked out. “Steve.”
“I’m a sink with an open drain, honey.”
“Did you get them all?” Mr. Sanders asked. You were checking on him, post-surgery.
“Yes,” you replied. “It wasn’t easy or very pleasant. How do you feel?”
“Empty… I feel empty now.”
“Yeah. I've been feeling a little bit of that myself lately.”
“I can tell.”
“Mr. Sanders, why does eating doll heads fill you up? What’s the satisfaction?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Would it be too much information?”
“Maybe I’m better left in the dark.”
next chapter >
I leave for Disney World in a week. It is the last big family vacation that I will be on for a while. Because of that, I will not be on tumblr March 19th through March 24th. I will actually be deleting the app so that it’s not a distraction.
Most likely, nothing will be posted during that time. If something is, it will have been queued up. Things that are posted while I’m out of town will not have tag lists attached. I will put this note in all the fic posts until then.
So do not come at me for spending time with my family instead of including the tag list. (I say that knowing that people won’t care and still come at me.... be respectful and get over yourself.)
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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After All This Time || Chapter Two
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 1457
Summary: You being a new recruit pissed SSA Aaron Hotchner off. You being smart enough to give Spencer Reid a run for his money pissed him off even more. Really, he just despised your presence. Hated your every move.
Until one day, he just… didn’t.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: general canon level violence, they talk about a new case, more angry Hotch, more angry reader
A/N: I'm excited that so many people want me to tag them! It's technically only like eight haha, but it's still so cool to me that people want to be told when I'm posting.
@kingofthetwats @wanniiieeee @uwu-sebastianstan @piggyinthesea @yoshigguk @thatisthemagic @errorcosplay67 @ivebeenthinkingboutu @big-galaxy-chaos @rynfoxsleeps
* * * * *
Chapter Two
Five months later, and you were still sitting at your desk in the late hours of the night. 12:34 AM. Too late. You had been staying at the bureau after hours to make it look like you were already taking this job as seriously as you could. To be fair, you were taking it seriously, but you figured the late hours being noticed would be a benefit.
So when your phone rang, you answered it immediately.
"Hey, Y/N, it's JJ. Can you come in for a case? Hotch just called and woke me up. I know it's pretty late, but it's a pretty bad one, we're going to Michigan."
"Yeah, not a problem. I wasn't asleep yet." You don't lie necessarily, but it's a half-truth for sure. JJ doesn't need to know that you were already at the BAU building, less than fifty feet away from the briefing room where you would all be meeting.
"Great, thanks Y/N. See you soon."
She clicks off the phone and you sigh before pushing yourself off of the desk.
"L/N." You almost drop the coffee you had been about to sip as you spun around in your swivel chair.
"Yes, sir?" You ask casually, deciding it was better to play dumb.
Obeying your order, you narrow your eyes and stand up, squaring your shoulders and trying to look bigger than you are.
"Now, explain." Hotchner stands in front of you, arms crossed.
"Explain what? That I'm here and we have a case?" You shake your head as you turn away from him.
"Did I say you could turn, Agent?" His voice sends a shiver through your core and you mentally slap yourself. Now is not the time.
Spinning back around, you catch a glimpse of Derek and Garcia walking in to the briefing room. "We have a case, Hotchner. Let's ignore the fact that I was just doing my paperwork and get in there please." It takes everything in you to turn away a second time. You bend down and grab your shoes, sliding them onto your feet before walking away from him and into the room.
You can feel his gaze on your back, but you ignore it, slipping through the conference room door and letting it fall shut behind you.
"Hey guys." You greet as you sit down.
"Hot mama-"
"Hey, beautiful-"
Derek and Penelope greet you at the same time, causing you two girls to giggle and Derek to stifle his laugh because, 'men don't giggle'.
The three of you exchange small talk until the others walk in, most of them looking like they had been in the deep clutches of sleep.
Spencer's already messy hair looked ten times worse, and Emily wasn't wearing a bra, which she was subtly trying to hide by hunching her shoulders forward.
She sits beside you and you send her the 'you good?' look.
"Don't even mention it, Y/N." She threatens lightly with a laugh before Rossi, JJ, and Hotchner walked in.
You kept your gaze down, but you knew his eyes were on you.
"Garcia, you have the slideshow pulled up?" JJ asks gently, knowing that the other blonde woman absolutely despised cases like this. Really the whole team did.
"Yeah... It's a doosy, team. Not pretty at all." She shakes her head and starts the slideshow before handing the tablet to JJ.
"Okay. Ariel Stanton, Franklin Lewis, and Ella Craft. Three kids, all mutilated with their heads severed and preserved. Their bodies were found in the same area of the Raisin River in Petersburg, MI. The heads-"
Penelope got up then and mumbled a string of 'I'm sorries' before all but running out the door.
Your fingers clutched at the dress pants you were wearing as JJ asked, "Does anyone else need to leave before I keep going?"
A collective shake of the team's heads is enough to convince JJ that she can keep going.
"Their heads were all found beside the river bank, fully intact. Two of the bodies came with a note to the precinct, it read: "Fear me, for I have God on my side. God will help me cleanse the Earth of its sinners. These children had to go, for they were not with God.""
You start speaking when the profile is complete, "Okay, so the references to God and doing His work suggests that this unsub sees himself as holier than thou. Most likely a man, age 30-40 and probably grew up in a family that was very religious; they would have prayed before meals and there would be records of this family donating very generously to the church that they attended."
"No. That profile is wrong, L/N. If you had paid any attention, you'd know that the use of the word 'cleanse' means that he thinks these "sinners" are dirty, he's not thinking that he is necessarily better. I don't need your input again."
"Hotch come-"
"You do not have the right to call me that. My team calls me that. To you, I am Agent Hotchner." His gaze was cold, but there was something there.
"Fine. I'll be on the jet." You stand up and as you bend to pick your purse off the ground, Emily whispers in your ear.
"I agreed with you. I'll brief you on the jet."
You nod once and swiftly walk out of the room, "accidentally" bumping Hotchner on your way out. Luckily, he doesn't say anything about it.
Later on the jet, you have your headphones in and are listening the your favorite song of the week. Your taste in music changes frequently, but right now, you were into the old rock and were listening to Journey.
Your lips press into a hard line when you see Hotchner walking up to you. Taking your headphones out and sit up straighter.
"What do you want?" Your voice is bratty and you sigh, quirking an eyebrow up at him.
"I uh, am here to apologize. Rossi thinks it's necessary that I say 'I'm sorry'. So here I am."
You just stare at him.
"What, Y/N?"
"You had something to say?" You cross your arms and lean back in the seat.
His eyebrows furrow when he thinks about what you said and gets a bit confused. "What do you mean? I just said it."
"Oh, did you?" You turn to Spencer, who was sitting across from you, and said, "Did you hear what Hotchner just said?"
"Uh, yeah. I did, why?" He looks up from the book he was reading.
You smirk slightly at Hotch before saying, "Can you use that amazing brain of yours to tell me what he said?"
""I uh, am here to apologize. Rossi thinks it's necessary that I say 'I'm sorry'. So here I am." Why did you need that?" He says after repeating the sentences word for word.
Hotch glares at you a bit as you shrug your shoulders.
"I don't know... I just didn't hear an apology in that." You bat your eyelashes up at the older man and add, "You said that Rossi told you to apologize, but you never said that you were sorry."
"Really, L/N? You want me to get on my knees and beg you?" He asks, spitting the words out like incredulous knives.
You keep the snide tone as you reply, "If you'd like to get on your knees, I may be more inclined to accept the imminent apology."
"Don't be a brat, L/N. I get that some of your past lovers may have liked that, but it has no place in this team. I am still your superior and I recommend you treat me like one."
He walks away without having ever apologizing, and you're left there with your jaw on the floor from his parting message.
"-Yeah! And then he was like, 'Don't be a brat. Your ex probably liked it but I'm your superior-"
"O-M-G, O-M-G. What did you say back to him?!" A very excitable Emily asks from you shared hotel room in Michigan.
"Nothing. I couldn't say anything to him because he just spun and WALKED. AWAY." You nod your head at her, your eyebrows raising as you conveyed your own disbelief at the story. "Yeah, it was horrible. I was so mad."
Emily wiggles her eyebrows, causing you to shake your head.
"Whaaat? No. No!"
"Yeah, Y/N. There's some MAD sexual tension between you two."
"Oh, get out!"
As you laugh at her statement, you pick up the pillow behind you and hit her in the side of the head with it.
"You're gonna get it now."
Faking a gasp, you stand and say, "Is that a threat, Emily?"
"Yes. Now run, bitch."
Yu both giggle and spend the night acting like teenagers again. You didn't have time to think about Aaron if you wanted to which you... no.
You didn't want to.
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you’re the one that brings the sun; chapter 5/6
chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
warnings: swearing
word count: 2,757
notes: okay so this update took a while because I’ve been busy with school and writers block has been kicking my ass, but I think it’s worth it :)))
It was established in August that at least once a month, Alex will receive a phone call informing him to be at Julie’s house in ten minutes for a mandatory slumber party. It’s endearing sure, but he would like some sort of warning other than Luke calling him and saying that if he doesn’t show up as soon as possible, he’ll paint his drumsticks neon green. So that’s how Alex ends up sitting cross legged on Julie’s bed, putting Reggie’s hair into a bunch of tiny braids and watching The Princess Diaries for what’s probably the hundredth time. 
“Lilly is definitely a lesbian,” Flynn says through a mouthful of popcorn. 
Alex hums in agreement and Julie nods. “If only this movie weren’t made in 2001,” Julie says mournfully.
“Y’know I always thought that Joe was gay,” Alex admits. “Up until he dances with the queen.”
Reggie attempts to look up at Alex, earning an offended squeak from the latter. “Really?”
“Yes, now will you please stay still, I only have one more left.”
“Ok but there is no way Mia’s mom is straight!” Flynn says.
Julie seems to mull it over for a bit. “She does live in an old fire station. And artists are never straight.”
“Yea, like Willie!” Luke pipes up, sitting up from his position hanging halfway off the bed. “Willie’s not straight.”
“We should start a betting pool on how long it takes for Luke to bring up Willie,” Alex mumbles, his cheeks flushing pink. He ties off Reggie’s final braid and pats his head approvingly. “You look like a real princess.”
“Do I?” Reggie grins up at him with a bit of a twinkle in his eye and Alex chuckles. 
“No subject changing,” Luke protests. “How’s Willie doing?”
“Still a pining idiot,” Flynn answers with a cheeky smile. 
“I’m trying to watch the movie.” Alex shoves at Luke’s face and slides down off the bed to sit on the floor beside Reggie. 
“You’ve seen this movie a million times,” Luke points out. He leans down so his head is hanging off the edge of the bed and smirks mischievously at Alex, who is pointedly refusing to look at him. “Aleeeex,” Luke whines. “Don’t be a buzzkill.”
“Alice, please,” Flynn says. Alex shoots her a look seeping with betrayal and Flynn raises their hands defensively. “I haven’t seen Carrie in a few days!” They protest. “I need drama.”
“Drama?” Alex asks. “Or blackmail material?”
Flynn shrugs, which only serves to cement what Alex was thinking. “Yea, nope. It’s not like anything has even happened since-” He cuts himself off, realizing his mistake and preparing for the onslaught of questions. 
“Since!?” Luke cries. “Since what?!” He grabs Alex’s face roughly and looks at him with wide eyes. “Since what, Alex?”
“Nothing!” Alex squeaks, wrenching himself from Luke’s grasp. “Nothing! It was- let go of my fanny pack! Julie stop filming!!!” Alex swats at Luke’s hands and attempts to leap forward to grab Julie’s phone, but ultimately fails. 
“I’ll let go if you tell me,” Luke teases in a sing song voice, his grin only growing the more Alex fights. 
“Fine! If you just- sorry Reg the puppy-dog eyes only work on Luke and Bobby.” Reggie sighs in disappointment and Alex finally manages to get Luke off of him, huffing angrily and brushing nonexistent dust from his hoodie. “You’re a barbarian,” he mutters.
Alex responds to Julie’s prompting with a long-suffering sigh. “You have to promise not to make fun of me,” he says. They don’t promise. The movie is long forgotten as Alex’s friends gather around him, looking all too fascinated by his latest embarrassment. “He well… don’t laugh, ok. He wore a crop top last week and I tripped on my own feet and scraped up my knees.”
Flynn raises an eyebrow. “Nuh uh, there’s more, spill.”
Alex groans, burying his face in his hands. “They got all worried and started putting bandaids on my knees and I almost fainted. Then- please don’t make me say this,” Alex pleads, looking to Julie as if she’s his last hope. She shakes her head. “When they finished lecturing me I just looked at him and said ‘nice shirt’ and ran off. Nice shirt??? What is wrong with me?”
“Wait a minute,” Julie says, gesturing for Alex to pause. “You just… ran off? Where?”
Alex doesn’t say anything. 
“I’ll paint your drumsticks if you don’t tell us,” Luke threatens. The difficulty is that Alex doesn’t doubt him one bit, and knows that Julie has a healthy supply of paint in a drawer just a few feet away from Luke. 
Alex mumbles something under his breath and Reggie pokes him. 
“Sorry what was that? Speak up.”
“Orange, I’ll paint them the ugliest shade of orange ever.”
“I went and hid in my closet!” Alex blurts. “For like an hour. I am never going to live that down.”
“That’s… incredibly ironic,” Julie laughs. 
“I’m telling that story at your wedding.”
“Reginald, don’t even think about it!” Alex kicks Reggie lightly and raises his hand to flip off the other three, who are all dying of laughter. “I hate all of you. I need new friends.”
“Good luck with that.” Flynn pats Alex’s head; he can practically hear their stupid smirk. 
“Fuck off.”
Alex wakes up with his foot in Luke’s face, one arm thrown over Julie, his face in Reggie’s neck, and a very giggly Flynn perched on the end of the bed taking pictures. He sits up and murmurs sleepily, squinting in the oddly hazy room.
It’s gray and gloomy outside, quite fitting for mid-November, but far from Alex’s ideal weather. He’s always been partial to spring, when it’s not too hot and not too cold and not always cloudy and sad. 
Flynn hops off the bed and onto Julie’s chair, where she spins a couple times before turning her phone to show Alex. “This is gonna be my new lockscreen,” they giggle. Alex stares at the photo, baffled as to how his arm was bent like that. 
Breakfast is heaps of pancakes and fresh coffee (bless you, Ray) that for a moment, Alex considers just dumping over his head. Julie is curled around Luke for warmth throughout the whole morning and Flynn makes a point to gag at least once every 5 minutes. Alex knows she’s happy for them though, they finally got their act together a little over a week ago and at least this is better than the pining. Alex doesn’t say that though, because it will only get him a lecture on how he is not one to talk about pining. 
Alex almost thanks a god he doesn’t believe in anymore when the rain outside doesn’t seem to make any moves into thunderstorm territory. Willie hates thunderstorms. He stays cocooned in a blanket until noon, but eventually Tía Victoria shoos them all out, claiming that Julie will never finish her homework with them all glued to her. 
Alex is sopping wet when he finally arrives at his dorm, sadly no car can go right up to the entrance of the dorms. The first thing Alex notices when he walks in is the candles, and the second thing is the haphazardly thrown together fort in the middle of the room, which he narrowly avoids tripping over. “Willie?” He asks, lifting what he assumes to be the entrance and raising an eyebrow at Willie, who is grinning at him and shining a flashlight in his face.
“Ok, get that out of my eyes.” Alex clamps a hand over the light and Willie sticks his tongue out. “Did the power go out?” Alex asks, worry etching over his face. He can’t have all their food being ruined, with Alex living off his coffee shop job and Willie off of the occasional commission and odd check from his eccentric uncle. 
Willie shakes their head. “Nope.”
“So why the… candles?”
“It’s fun!” Willie pulls Alex into the fort, stumbling back and just barely evading them toppling over each other into a quite compromising position. Willie presses his back against the couch and pats the space next to him. “It’s like you’re a little kid again.”
“Luke used to love making forts,” Alex admits. “We would move all the furniture in his living room and make the absolute worst blanket forts you can imagine. Like seriously, it’s no wonder none of us went into architecture.”
“Really? I can totally see you as an architect”
“I’m joking, hotdog,” Willie giggles, bumping their shoulder together. He has a tendency to raise his eyebrows when he’s amused; Alex finds it all too endearing. Accompanied with the way their eyes crinkle when the laugh and the soft candlelight leaking through the thin blankets and draping over his features, Alex thinks he’s having trouble breathing. 
“I was drawing you, y’know,” Willie says softly after a few minutes of silence.
“The day we went stargazing, I was drawing you. You’re- you’re a good muse.”
“Oh.” Alex’s stomach flutters. “I uh… thank you.” He gives Willie a hesitant smile before turning to focus on the flickering light. His breath feels weighted, like every exhale means something, but he can’t quite pinpoint what. There’s a light breeze whistling through the crack in the door and Alex closes his eyes for a moment, pretending that it’s wrapping around him and holding him close. Alex didn’t get much affection as a child; his parents had always been very stiff. Sure, they loved him, but they weren’t that good at showing it aside from a rough shoulder squeeze and tight smiles so full of expectations. When he came out, even the snippets of affection faded; no more of his mother fixing his hair or giving him a quick kiss on the forehead when he was sick. Two months after his coming out, they just… kicked him out. He came home to find his belongings shoved carelessly into a trash bag or two and that was that. Luke more than made up for the lack of physical affection, but Alex knows that there will always be something missing. 
Wide awake, Alex lets his head fall onto Willie’s shoulder. This time with care and attention, hesitancy. He hears Willie suck in a sharp breath but then the tension melts from their shoulders and fizzles into nothingness. For a moment, there is nothing but them and the pattering of rain against the windows. 
“Lets go for a drive.”
Alex looks up expecting Willie’s usual carefree and impish grin, but he’s taken aback by his wistful expression and something bursts in Alex’s chest. Something that may be instinct and may be just an overwhelming surge of emotion.
“Okay.” His voice is barely a whisper, a single wisp of smoke snaking from a blown out candle.
The air is damp and the rain is coming down hard; Alex reaches a cautious hand out beyond the awning and winces at the downpour. But Willie is wiggling his stupid eyebrows in the way that makes Alex’s face heat and he can’t say no as Willie drags him through the wet grass, shrieking with laughter and going slower than necessary to relish in the water pouring down from the sky in torrents. They’re soaked to the bone and breathless, overflowing with mirth, by the time they reach Alex’s car and clamber into the seats. Right after a brief argument about who’s driving of course. (“You will not be touching my steering wheel with your grimy paint hands, William.” “Says you.”) So Alex is driving. 
Willie has their hands pressed to the window, breath fogging up the glass and sending them into a fit of giggles every time. Alex switches on the radio and there’s a song playing that he recognizes but couldn’t sing along to; something soft and low, like lilting waves. Willie knows it though. And they’re singing. Oh. They’re singing. Alex almost has to pull the car to a stop and put his head in his hands because Willie never told him he could sing.
Willie’s voice is low and slightly raspy, but not in a bad way. Alex knows he’s heard this song before, but he’s 100% certain that this is his first time really hearing it. And it’s beautiful. Or maybe it’s just Willie. It’s probably just Willie. 
Alex brings the car to a slow stop in the parking lot of an odd gas station that always seems to be closed. He doesn’t turn it off though, because he would rather die than have Willie stop singing. He leans his head back and breathes, certain he’s inhaling Willie’s voice. Willie’s voice which is like sparks on his skin, like smoke that crowds his lungs and opens his soul for the very first time. He feels a sense of mourning when the song stops and something else comes on, something peppier and sickeningly sweet. He switches the radio off. 
“I didn’t know you could sing.” Alex isn’t even looking at them; he’s fiddling nervously with the strap of his fanny pack.
Willie smirks proudly. “You learn something new every day.”
Willie traces a heart in the fog on the window and lets it sit there. Then he unbuckles his seat belt and pokes Alex’s shoulder. “Hey ‘Lex, come on.”
“No.” Alex shakes his head vigorously. “No. We’re already soaking wet and-”
“Hot dog.”
And damn it, the nickname may be so incredibly stupid but Alex has such a weird soft spot for it. He groans dramatically, making a point to wring out his hair, which is already mostly dry at this point. “You’re the worst. What if it starts thundering?” 
Willie shrugs. “I have my noise cancelling headphones. And you can-” they cut themself off. 
“I can what?”
“Nothing,” Willie squeaks. “Please. Please.”
So Alex climbs reluctantly from the car and stands in the parking lot looking far from amused. “You owe me.”
Willie laughs loudly, grabbing both of Alex’s hands and spinning him in an aimless circle, pulling them both into a dance  to music that’s only in his head. They twirl Alex around several times, and Alex is certain that he’s going to actually fall over and faint. Willie raises his face to the sky and squints, letting the rain soak him without care. Alex is in awe and how open and free Willie is, like nothing can ever go wrong and if it does they’ll always be flying. He doesn’t realized they’ve stopped dancing until Willie turns to him with a curious expression. Their eyes rake over his face and Alex realizes he’s staring. But for once, he doesn’t look away. And for the first time, he sees the corner of Willie’s mouth quirk up and their eyes flick to his lips and even linger there for a brief second. 
The rain doesn’t seem to have plans to stop anytime soon, and they’re both shivering and wet and Willie’s hair is dangling in front of his face. Alex reaches out and tucks it behind his ear, both of them holding a breath, waiting. It’s right there, right in front of him, and Alex is inches from just grasping it and clutching it to his chest. Willie takes a step forward so their faces are just inches from each other and Alex can feel their breath against his cheeks. He exhales shakily and raises one hand to cup Willie’s cheek, his touch feather light and afraid. Willie leans into the contact and grins upwards, their nose wrinkling fondly. He gives a silent nod and for the first time in years, Alex takes the plunge. 
Their first kiss is soft and slow and Willie tastes like rain and green tea. Alex smiles against their lips, a breathy laugh escaping his own. He’d think this is a dream, but no section of his imagination could conjure something even a fragment as magical as this. They’re in the middle of a parking lot, cold and wet, and yet Alex feels the warmest he ever has. Alex is hesitant to pull away, but he does, just barely. Their foreheads stay resting against each other, like breaking apart would break them. Then it comes crashing into him. Alex just kissed Willie. He just kissed Willie. And Willie kissed him back! Holy shit!
“Wowza.” Wowza? What the fuck Alex? 
Willie breaks into joyous laughter, throwing his head back and clutching Alex’s shoulders. And Alex laughs with him; he buries his face in the crook of Willie’s neck, his heart full to bursting. Wowza indeed.
notes: ...I did say I was thinking about a Willex rain kiss. I actually wrote like half of chapter 6 a while ago so I might be able to post it tomorrow. 
chapter 6
taglist:  @thatsanewflavor @spookiest-sapphic @dovesgrangers @julie-n-phantoms @frostknyte @thegaylink @nervousmiracletrash @crummycassidy @fairygclds @reallyintrospectivepeople @madsmax-37 @swamp-acad @kat-maybe-not @sunsetcurve123 @lookingthroughmirrors @queer-fandom-enby @over-under-through1 @willex-n-waffles @caliibee @stars-soph @herequeerandcantdrinkbeer @nickalicious @andwhenwepart @maizsnex @fanofthepod @heademptynothoughts @thunderstorm-symphony @julieandthephantomsandme @i-spit-on-fire
96 notes · View notes
tricksters-captain · 4 years
Weasley Twins/Cedric Diggory Imagines - Accidental Meeting - Part 2
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AN: I’m so glad you all are actually liking these first couple parts!!
Overall Summary: (Y/n), is a young witch who always kept her head down due to her complicated past; one day she bumps quite literally into one of the most popular boys in Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory, and that’s when (Y/n) plan of keeping her head down seems to go up into the air. Things only seem to worsen when two redheaded twins start to take notice too...
This Chapter: Wood doesn’t quite trust (Y/n) when she says that the attention Diggory gave her was nothing and sends the twins to keep an eye on her. 
Pairing(s): Cedric Diggory x Reader, (Eventual) George Weasley x Reader, (Platonic) Fred Weasley x Reader, (Platonic) Oliver Wood x Reader
Word Count: 4,026
Warnings: Angst 
You walked into your first class of the day which was Potions. You weren't thrilled that Snape was your first lesson of the year but you were lucky you were quiet and gifted in Potions so Snape rarely picked on you during class. 
You found your seat toward the back of the class and that’s when you heard the noisy chatter of the Weasley twins situating itself behind you. 
“Morning (Y/n).” The twins said simultaneously. 
You turned to face them and the sheepish smiles they had on their faces. 
“Fred. George.” You greeted them back. 
“What ya gonna do, Seyler? This is Wood’s last year.” Fred winked at you, 
“You’ll have to find some other reason to come watch us play Quidditch.” George added onto Fred’s sentence. 
“Oh, I forgot I went to Quidditch matches for you two?” You leered back, rolling your eyes playfully. 
“Come on, (y/n), we know you secretly admire us. Why else would you spend all your time with Wood unless it was to secretly spend time with us!” Fred chimed. 
“It definitely has nothing to do with the fact Oliver forces me to come to matches.” Sarcasm dripped from your words which only made the twins laugh. 
“Silence!” Snape entered, slamming the door behind him. 
“He’s a ray of sunshine this morning.” George muttered, 
“Must've had a great summer.” Fred whispered back. 
You smiled and shook your head at their comments. If these two sat behind you the whole year, you weren’t going to get any work done. 
It was only a few lessons into the day and you were feeling pretty drained. 
“How’s the first proper day back?” Oliver met you in the corridor as you made your way to the back entrance for Care of Magical Creatures. 
“Piece of cake. How’s yours?” You sighed, holding your books tight to your chest. 
“All I’m gonna say is I may be able to win the cup this year unscathed but passing these exams may end it all.” Oliver slapped your hand, initiating your handshake, and ended it with a fist bump as he parted to go his own way. 
You made your way down to Hagrid’s hut where you could see the previous class leaving. 
“(Y/n)!” You soon found out Cedric was in that class as he called your name, rushing up the steep path to meet you. 
“Cedric.” You felt yourself tighten your grip on your books as surrounding students started to whisper as they passed. 
“Are you on your way to Care of Magical Creatures?” He asked you, 
“Yeah I am.” Was all you could reply. 
“It’s really great. Hey, what are you doing later?” Cedric’s energy was incorrigible, clearly Hagrid had made it an exciting lesson. 
“Um, I’m not sure. Probably studying.” You admitted honestly. 
“Ced! Come on! We’ll be late!” Boys from Cedric's class who had made it back to the castle were calling his name. 
“I’ll find you after supper then.” Cedric said as he made his way past you, rushing up to his friends. 
You didn’t know how to act or what to think. 
Why was he suddenly so interested in you?
“Were you just talking to Cedric Diggory?” Angelina approached you as you reached the hut. 
“I guess I was.” You frowned, looking back up at the castle where he had gone inside. 
“Alright! Gather round!” Hagrid’s voice cut off whatever Angelina was about to say next and you were almost thankful for it. 
The rest of the day seemed to go by quickly and soon you were sat in the Gryffindor common room with a book on your lap. 
However, the common room was busy, and the noise wasn’t letting you concentrate. 
“I’m going to the greenhouses.” You tucked your book under your arm as you got up to leave. Wood only hummed a goodbye as he gawked in confusion at whatever he was studying. 
You made your way to the greenhouses, speaking to Professor Sprout before you went into your section of the greenhouses that held the project you focused on last year. 
When Oliver was training with the quidditch team, you were often left alone and with the spare time you had last year, you focused on Herbology. 
Like Potions, it was another subject you had a good knack for and your talent of getting on Professors good sides meant that you could have your own section to raise plants you wished to study. 
“Angelina said I’d find you in here.” Cedric’s voice made you jump and you sent your watering can to the floor. 
“Merlin’s beard!” You gasped at the loud sound of the metal can. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Cedric stepped forward, picking up the can for you. 
“I just didn’t expect company.” You took the can from him and then refilled it. 
“So, what are you doing in here?” Cedric asked, looking around at the plants that surrounded you both. 
“This is my, um, private section of the greenhouses. I haven’t been here since we left for summer, Professor Sprout has been looking after my plants.” You explained, watering a small sage bush you had planted. 
“You have your own section of the greenhouses?” Cedric smirked, cocking his eyebrows at you.
“I told you. I don’t have many friends.” You placed the can down and faced the boy who was now fiddling with some ear muffs. 
“Here.” You took the earmuffs from him and placed them on his head before picking up your own. 
“I was curious about raising plants last year and one plant I managed to actually grow was Siren Silines.” You explained as you went to open a door. “Dangerous flowers really. Their song is beautiful but draws animals and young children in to their death. Once picked without gloves, you’re a goner.” You opened the door and lead him inside. 
Even with the earmuffs you could faintly hear the flowers singing. 
You reached up towards the boy and removed his earmuffs for him. 
“You shouldn’t listen for too long, you’ll get light headed but this is their song.” You let he boy listen as you knew curiosity would over take him at some point. 
“Beautiful, isn't it?” You sighed happily as you stared down at the poisonous flower. 
“Very.” Cedric was watching your face as your lips curled into a soft smile which only brought on a goofy smile of his own. 
You faced him and lifted his muffs back onto his ears in fear he may faint soon. 
You guided Cedric from that part of the greenhouse so you could remove your muffs and gloves. Cedric copied you as you locked the door behind yourselves. 
“So, I didn’t ask you...” You started as the question came to mind. 
“What?” Cedric’s eyebrow twitched at you. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked. 
“I told you I'd find you after supper.” Cedric referred to earlier. 
“But why?” The question slipped past your lips before you could stop it. 
“Why not?” Cedric shrugged, his smile as contagious as ever. “Do you not like me?” 
“I never said that––” 
“––Then we can be friends.” Cedric declared before you could say anything else. 
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A couple of weeks past and you didn’t see much of Diggory besides the occasional glances during study periods where the years mixed. 
Cedric had hoped to see you in Hogsmeade on the weekends but never could seem to find you anywhere outside of school hours. He thought you might be avoiding him. 
You had in fact been avoiding spending time with him after you caught the Weasley twins peaking their red heads around the greenhouses once Cedric had returned inside the castle. 
The Weasley Twins had in fact been spending more of their attention on you in lessons now too. You were irritated they were spying at first but then you realised they wouldn’t have been spying on their own accord. 
He denied it at first but a few of days of the silent treatment had him confessing the truth. 
You were in the common room studying with a cup of tea when the twins decided to bother you again.
You stirred the spoon with magic as you twirled your finger, you were deep into a paragraph on dragons when Fred and George jumped down either side of you. 
“Hello Seyler.” Fred was the first to speak. 
“Have you lost something?” George asked, 
“No? Why?” You were confused by the boys cheeky smiles and thought they must be playing some kind of game with you. 
“Because there’s something outside the common room waiting for you.” Fred tried not to laugh. 
“Asking anyone going in or out about you.” George nudged your shoulder which forced you to close your book to see what they were going on about. 
The painting opened as you left the common room and stood on the stairs was Cedric.
“Cedric?” You were surprised. He stood on the stairs in a light brown patterned jumper and dark brown trousers, his hair fluffy yet styled and his lips spread into a warm smile when his eyes met yours. 
“Have you been avoiding me by any chance?” He asked without any hesitation but with humour. 
“What makes you think that?” You asked, folding your arms over your chest as you moved aside so you weren't blocking the common room entrance. 
“The fact I haven’t seen you in almost three weeks.” Cedric raised his eyebrows  as he made his point.
“I’m a busy girl?” You tried to make an excuse. 
“How can a girl who claims she has no friends be so busy?” Cedric goaded with a cute smirk on his lips. 
“I like to study. I do have my O.W.L’s. this year you know” You defended yourself. 
“But they’re not until the end of the year. Do you have to study all week every week?” He meant the weekends and you knew it. You hadn’t really left the castle since you arrived back at Hogwarts but every time you accidentally walked into a large group you could hear the mutters about Azkaban and your parents and these were children so you couldn’t bare to see the adults in Hogsmeade join in too. 
“Ced...” You muttered, looking down at your fingers. This boy barely knew you. He didn’t understand. He couldn’t. 
“Look, I’m sorry.” Cedric apologised for his attitude about it, “Would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me this weekend? Nothing crazy, just a few butterbeers and maybe a trip to Zonkos?” 
You hesitated to answer. 
“Fine.” You gave in as his gorgeous eyes bared into you. 
“Great.” Cedric smiled, taking a step down the stairs. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” 
You returned to the common room swiftly after Cedric jumped down the stairs, heading back to his own common room. You avoided the twins by heading up to your bedroom. 
You flopped back onto your bed and let out a deep breath. 
What on earth did he want with you? 
You had never received this much attention from anyone before. You didn’t expect Cedric to be almost chasing you in order to get a chance to speak with you. No one ever wanted to talk to you unless it was about school work. No one except for Wood of course...
You tossed and turned all night, concerned about what would you talk about, spending a whole day with someone new. Wood was the only one who has ever known everything about you but Wood was basically your big brother. Cedric, on the other hand, was almost a stranger. 
When you finally got up in the morning, you spent way longer than usual picking something to wear, the weather was getting colder as autumn took over fully and so you made sure to wrap your Gryffindor scarf around your neck before you left. 
It was early so whilst half the house was still asleep, the other half were in the great hall already devouring a breakfast. 
Cedric was stood outside the great hall, leaning against the wall with one leg cocked up against the stone as he waited for you. 
“I was getting worried I’d have to corner some poor second year Gryffindor to go get you out of bed.” Cedric didn’t shy away from teasing you as you came into view. 
“I didn’t know what to wear. I’m not used to this. My Saturday’s are usually spent in the library or the quidditch pitch after being blackmailed by Oli to come watch them train and point out the weakest links.” You mumbled quickly as you tucked your hands into your jacket pockets. 
“I’m only joking. Come on, I wanted to go for walk before we went to Hogsmeade.” Cedric offered his elbow, his own hands in his jacket pockets too. 
You took it, the nerves bubbling in your stomach, as he began to walk towards the path that headed down to the black lake. 
“How did you sleep?” Cedric asked you. 
“Not great. I haven’t sleep that well since the news that Sirius Black was sighted a couple weeks ago.” You were honest which surprised yourself. 
“Do you think he’ll really come to Hogwarts?” Cedric looked down at you as he spoke. 
“He won’t if he knows what's good for him. But if he were anything like my parents, he will.” You kept your eyes to the ground ahead of you when you brought up your parents. 
“What do you mean?” Cedric furrowed his brows, 
“My parents were... are.. so dedicated to you know who that if they were given the chance to kill Harry, they would. They’d kill him and come straight for me.” 
Cedric was silent for a moment after hearing the truth in your voice. You truly believed that is what would happen. Cedric thought it must be so nerving to know your own blood would kill your friend then drag you away from everything you knew. 
“I’m sorry. How’d this turn so dark...” You tried to chuckle weakly to lighten the mood but Cedric knew it was fake. 
“Don’t apologise. This is the most I’ve heard you talk since I met you. It’s nice, even if the topic is not.” Cedric nudged your shoulder with his as you walked along the pebbles and stones. 
“I bet there’s loads of scary things in the black lake.” You bent down and picked up a stone to skim along the water. 
“I don’t know. We can find out if you like?” Cedric watched you skim the rock as he spoke. 
“How?” You asked, facing the boy again. 
That's when Cedric ran towards you and threw you over his shoulder, jogging towards the water and stepping into the shallow water. 
“Cedric!” You screamed, “Cedric! Put me down! Cedric! Stop!” 
The boy laughed wildly as he placed your feet back onto dry ground. 
“That wasn't funny!” You pushed the boy back several times which only made him laugh harder. 
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His laughter encouraged yours and soon you were laughing with your hand on your forehead as you calmed down. 
“Can we go to Hogsmeade now?” You asked him, 
“Yes, we can go now.” Cedric straightened up from laughing and took your arm once more. 
Once you arrived at Hogsmeade, you immediately went for a butterbeer. 
“Why couldn't Hogwarts be somewhere warm? Why is it Scotland? It’s getting so cold out there already.” You complained as you sat down opposite the boy. 
“I like Christmas here. The snow just makes it better.” Cedric placed your drink in front of you with his own. 
“Snow? You mean the white cold, slushy, slippery stuff that is wet and makes my plants die?” Cedric laughed at you and you just shook your head. 
“Aren’t your plants in greenhouses?” 
“What about the plants that are outside? The only good thing to come out of cold weather is snowdrops. Such little flowers but they are so pretty.” You weren't aware of the smiles that Cedric was sending you but he enjoyed listening to you speak without the nerves you had before. 
“I’m guessing Herbology is your favourite subject?” Cedric pondered, 
“No, actually. Potions is. I like Herbology but it’s because I'm good at it. I’m good at Potions too but that’s because I find it interesting minus Snape.” 
“I don’t think I’ve heard anyone admit Potions is their favourite class before.” Cedric chuckled. 
“Look, if Snape wasn’t the Potions Professor I’m certain more people would enjoy it.” You couldn’t help but laugh along with him. 
From the corner of your eye you could see something (or someone) peaking through the window. 
The flash of red then gave it away. 
It was Fred and George, spying, again!
“Oh God...” You groaned, taking a large gulp from your Butterbeer. 
“What?” Cedric glanced towards the window then back to you. “What is it?”
“Oli... He’s sent the Weasley twins to spy on me, no doubt.” You sank down in your seat as your eyes flickered to all the windows to capture a glimpse of them again. 
“What’s going on with you and Wood anyways?” Cedric soon made that transition. 
“Nothing. He's like my brother. We’ve been best friends since I was in first year, not like the rumours haven’t spread though. Got Oli into some trouble with a couple girlfriends actually.” You explained, sparing the details for a later date.
“Really?” Cedric clearly found that amusing as he let out a soft chuckle. 
You rolled your eyes and nodded your head. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Cedric jumped up from his seat and offered his hand. You took it to help you out of your chair but dropped it soon after. 
Cedric opened the door for you as you left the leaky cauldron. You sent him a shy smile as you mumbled ‘thanks’. 
You walked through Hogsmeade towards Zonko’s joke shop when you stopped outside Honeydukes. 
“Do you mind?” You asked Cedric hopefully as you eyed the sweets in the window. Cedric smiled back and got the door again. 
You rushed in and immediately picked up two bars of Honeydukes best chocolate. 
During term time, you survived off sugary treats to keep you up, especially during winter when the skies grew dark and the weather became miserable. 
You knew you’d need a good supply with your O.W.L’s coming up. 
You gathered a good stock of chocolate wands, chocolate cauldrons, chocolate skeletons and then finally came to the chocolate frogs. 
“I’m guessing chocolate is your favourite?” Cedric smiled down at you as he stepped to be by your side. 
“Is it that obvious?” You laughed lightly, 
“Stocking up because of the dementors?” Cedric asked genuinely, it was well known that you’d need something sweet to get your serotonin levels back up after an encounter with a dementor. 
“Kind of. I get low during the winter months anyway and I need the energy to actually do well on these O.W.L’s.” You admitted, taking a chocolate frog from the shelf. 
“I’m sure you’ll get outstanding in every subject. I remember how nervous I was for my O.W.L’s last year but I did alright.” Cedric moved along the shelf and took some Berties Botts every flavoured beans as he spoke. 
“Alright? Okay, Cedric ‘best student’ Diggory.” You scoffed, you knew well (like the rest of the school) that Cedric did practically perfectly on his O.W.L’s. 
“Well, with all the hours you spend studying I don’t doubt you’ll at least pass.” Cedric sent you a wink and you felt your stomach flip. 
You looked away from the boy so that you could hide your burning cheeks. 
“Just these please.” You piled your mini haul onto the cash register. 
“Here, I’ll get it.” Cedric stepped forward, opening his small bag of coins. 
“No, really, it’s okay.” You tried to stop the transaction but Cedric was quicker than you. 
“Keep the change.” Cedric took the bag as you stared at him with objection. 
“You didn’t have to do that.”  You said as you left the shop. 
“I wanted to. It’s not everyday that I actually get to spend time with (Y/n) Seyler––”
“––Will you keep your voice down!” You reached up, shushing him with your hands as you looked around at the passing wizards and witches who seemingly hadn’t heard. 
“What?” Cedric pulled back from your hands, a smile still pursed on his lips. 
“You clearly don’t know what it’s like to have a name that sends a room full of people’s eyes directly to you.” You didn’t want to sound angry but Cedric’s smile faltering slightly must've mean you failed. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to––” 
“––No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoke to you like that. It’s just... I reckon the only other person who understands what it's like is Harry Potter.” You continued walking. 
There was a moment of silence between you as you walked side by side. 
“Maybe we should head back to the castle.” You suggested, 
“Well, well, well, what do we have here then, Georgie?” Fred’s voice caught your attention as you passed Zonkos. 
“I don’t know, Freddie. Looks like Seyler and Diggory here are on a date.” George smirked back at his twin as they swaggered up to you both. 
“We were just on a walk.” You corrected them both which sent the twins eyebrows up their foreheads. 
“Is that right, (Y/n)?” Fred looked between you and Cedric with a smile. “Is that why we saw you in the leaky cauldron together?”
“We were just having a drink.” Cedric spoke up as he could see how uncomfortable you were with this conversation. 
“A drink, eh?” George winked at the boy. 
“How about it, Cedric? You ready to lose the quidditch cup this year?” Fred chimed into a different conversation as you sent him a death glare. 
“Don’t be so confident, Weasley.” Cedric chuckled, 
“We’re heading to the shrieking shack.” Fred started, 
“Meant to be the most haunted house in Britain.” George added. 
“Care to join?” Fred wiggled his eyebrows at you both. 
“Actually I think we were about to head back to the castle.” You looked between Cedric and the twins.
“Suit yourself.” Fred. shrugged before turning on his heels. “Oh, and (Y/n), Wood said that you’d be at every match this year. I suggest you find yourself a good coat ‘cause they’ll be no skiving matches just because it’s raining.” 
You groaned at the comment and all the boys just sniggered. 
When you arrived back at the castle, you could see some 4th years whispering down one of the arched corridors as they saw you and Cedric walk through the courtyard together. 
“Thank you for today.” You took the bag of sweets that Cedric was holding from him as you thanked him. 
“Look, about earlier, I really am sorry if I upset you in any way.” Cedric’s kind nature couldn’t help but apologise again. 
“Really, Cedric, water under the bridge. I didn’t mean to get so upset.” You tightened your scarf as the wind picked up. 
“Well, what are you doing this week?” He asked, 
“I’m not sure. Studying. Homework. Professor Lupin says he has a special treat  for us sometime this week or the next which I’m quite excited about. It’s refreshing having a teacher who knows what he’s talking about after Lockhart last year.” You couldn’t help but giggle at the memory of Lockhart being outted as a fraud at the end of the year. 
“He was... something else.” Cedric laughed with you.
You hadn’t smiled this much in a long time.  
“Ced! Where’ve you been?” You heard a voice behind Cedric and knew it was his oncoming friends.
Cedric peered behind before looking back down at you with an apologetic smile. 
“I better go. Don’t disappear on me now, (Y/n).” Cedric really hoped you wouldn’t avoid him for another few weeks until he is then forced to track you down again. 
“You’ll just have to use that Hufflepuff intuition and find me.” You almost didn't believe what left your mouth. Were you flirting with Cedric Diggory?!
(Next Part Here)
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 14
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 3494
Warnings:  Pregnancy, Smut (Bisexual orgy, oral sex, vaginal sex, fingering, hand jobs, light d/s, rough sex, come play)
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 14: Steve’s Game
Things were relaxed for a few weeks.  Natasha and Wanda’s morning sickness had all but ended by the last ultrasound, so it was just me struggling in the morning and aside from the usual work things were stress-free.  The major thing going on was the twins were about to start preschool and everyone was this mix of excited and panicked about it.  Each of us a different blend of each.
We also couldn’t quite decide who of us should take them and pick them up on their first day.  We would all agree to everyone going because we were all their parents and people should know that.  Then someone would start worrying about them being teased or bullied about it and so we’d agree that it would just be the same two or four of us doing the pickups and drop-offs.  Or it would be some in-between to that, five for drop off, five for pick up.  Which of us should go would change when it wasn’t all of us at once.  Sometimes we’d think it would be best if it was the biological parents because then it would be easier for people to accept.  Other times we thought it best if it wasn't because they were our kids and biology didn't matter.  We thought Steve should be there because he was the one we all turned to for the big decision making.  Then we thought he absolutely shouldn't because of the attention he’d attract.  Natasha was adamant that she go so she could cloak them on drop off and pick up.
Eventually, we decided that the first day was important.  There were teachers to meet and while the class might be full with all ten of us walking around in it, they'd have to deal with it because we ten people were those two kids' parents and this was an important first for them.  None of us wanted to miss it.
“Alright, my little ones,” Natasha said. It was the night before their first day of preschool and we’d been playing Candy Land with them in teams as we all sat by the large window that looked out over midtown.  It was getting late for the kids and they were going to have a big day tomorrow.  “You both start school tomorrow, so you need to go and get ready for bed.  Who do you want to give you your bath?”
They looked at each other and scrunched up their noses.  “Ummm… Daj?”  Pietro said.
“Yeah, Daj,” Riley agreed.  “You do da bubbews, Daj?”
Wanda laughed softly.  “Yeah, I can do the bubbles.”
“And who should read you your stories?”  Natasha asked.
“Umm…” Pietro said again, looking at Riley.  “I wand… daddy Bwuce.”
“How about, daddy Steeb?”  Riley suggested.
Pietro whined and stuck out his bottom lip.  “Daddy Steeb don do da voices.”
“Damn, Daddy Steve,” Tony teased. “What kind of second rate act are you running?”
“I’m so sorry,” Steve laughed.  “I’ll try harder from now on.”
“What if I read one and then Daddy Steve reads one?”  Bruce suggested.  “As a special treat?”
“Yeah!”  Pietro said, bouncing in his seat.
“Alright then, come on monsters,”  Wanda said, getting up.  “Let’s go have a bath.”
They chased after her and I started packing up the board game.
“Can’t believe they’re starting school,” Sam said.  “Gonna have to put bricks on their heads to stop them from growing.”
“Aww, no,” Clint said.  “It’s cool seeing them become little people.”
“And we shall have four new little ones soon enough,” Thor added.
“We’re going to be drowning in dirty diapers,” Bucky said.  “We’ll be thanking the universe they’re out of diapers.”
“I’m already thanking it for that,” Tony joked.
“How are you doing there, mama bear,” Sam asked, leaning down and rubbing my back as he kissing the side of my neck.
“I’m alright. Nervous but excited,” I said, reaching behind me and running my fingers down the back of his neck.  “I’m gonna get some chocolate.”
He sat back with a chuckle. “It’s always sugar and carbs with you, huh?”
“I’m growing a human, I’m allowed,” I said getting up.  I went and put away the board game and headed into the kitchen.  It was sparkling clean and empty when I went in thanks to our private cook, and I beelined straight to the pantry looking for something sweet.  I found a bag of peanut m&ms and when I brought them back out I was greeted by Steve with his arms folded over his chest and leaning in the doorway.
“Uh oh,” I said, pouring myself a handful of the colorful candy.  “Dad’s here.  Where did I do?”
“El,” he said sternly.
“What?  What’s wrong?”  I asked.
“I’m just worried about you, sweetheart,” he said coming over and putting his hands on my hips.  “You seem a little tired and distant.”
I looked up into his eyes and held a red m&m to his lips.  He opened his mouth, letting me drop the candy in, and nipped at my finger.  “I’m fine,” I assured him.  “I am tired.  But the morning sickness has been kicking my ass.  And the stress about tomorrow isn’t helping with it.”
“Why are you so stressed out?”  He asked.
I shook my head.  “We’ve been sheltering them so much.  They don’t have a lot of experience with other kids and none their age.  I worry they won’t know how to deal with being with a bunch of strangers.  And then on top of that coming from us.  Ten parents.  Nine of them are probably the most famous people on the planet.  There’s going to be kids there with Iron Man backpacks and Captain America t-shirts.  That’s a lot for two little kids to carry on their shoulders.  I’m just worried and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to relax enough to sleep properly.”
“Did you change your mind?”  Steve asked.  “Do you want to try homeschooling instead?  We do have some of the smartest minds on the planet available.”
I shook my head.  “I know.  I’m not worried about them not being educated.  They’re going to be fine when it comes to that.  I’m worried about them not having friends or being able to socialize with their peers.  I know what we have is good.  They are loved and doted on.  But they need to experience the real world too.”
“Tell you what,” Steve said, pulling my hips flush to his.  “If they don’t like it, or it’s not working for whatever reason, we pull them out.  Find a homeschooling group that likes the idea of having big field-trips funded for them and that’s where they can get their social from. So either way, they’ll get the balance.”
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.  “You’re so smart.”
“Thank you,” Steve said and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
“Why couldn’t my parents be more like you?” I asked.
He rubbed my back and pulled back, looking into my eyes.  “We’ll make sure all our kids get the childhoods we wished we could have had.  Okay?”
I nodded and he leaned down and kissed me deeply.  My hand went to his jaw and his slid down to my thighs and he lifted me, placing me on the kitchen cabinet.  His lips traveled along my jaw and he sucked softly just below my ear.  “How about you go up and take a shower, get nice and clean.  Then after I’ve read to the kids I can get you nice and dirty again.”
“Mm… Steve, your dirty talk is getting so good,” I teased and he spanked my thigh.
“Go on,” he said, letting me down off the counter.  “You can decide if you’ve been bad or good.”
I started laughing and he raised an eyebrow at me.  “Sorry,” I said, patting his ass.  “You made me think of Santa.”
Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me against him.  “You do not make it easy sometimes.”
“I know,” I said, bumping him with my shoulder.  “I’m a very bad girl.”
He spanked my ass again and I laughed as I headed upstairs, eating the m&ms.  I poked my head into the bathroom on my way down to the master bedroom.
“Mommy!”  Riley said, splashing the water when I came in.  Pink bubbles were floating around their heads as Wanda wriggled her fingers, creating them from nothing, and both the kids had bubbles on their heads and chins.
“Hey, kiddos.  You having fun?”  I asked.
“Yeah, mommy,” Pietro said.  “Daj maded de bubbews.”
“I can see,” I said, sitting down on the edge of the tub.  “Daj is so clever isn’t she?”
“Yeah!”  They said at once, bouncing in the tub.
“Well, I’m going to go to bed now, honey bunnies,” I said.  “So I’m going to say goodnight to you now.  I’ll see you both in the morning for school.”
“Otay, mommy,” Pietro said, standing up in the tub.  I smiled and gave him a kiss goodnight and then kissed Riley too.
“Sweet dreams, kiddos,” I said.
“Sweet dweams, mommy,” they both said together.
I got back up and Wanda took my hand.  “I’ll be down when I’m done with them,” she said.
“Okay, beautiful.  See you in a bit,” I said.
I went and took a shower, washing my hair, and taking the time to let the hot water relax my muscles.  When I was done I dried off and put on lotion before dressing in a sheer blue cami and thong.
Wanda was undressing when I came into the bedroom from the wardrobe and she smiled at me.
“They in bed?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said, tossing her skirt into the laundry hamper.  “Bruce and Steve are in with them now.”
“Steve’s going to meet me in here,” I said, climbing into the swing bed.
She smirked and climbed up onto the mattress and began to crawl over to me.  She was still dressed in her matching black lace panties and bra and knee-high black socks.  The swell of her stomach doing nothing at all to detract from how sexy she was.  “He won’t be the only one.”
She brought her lips to mine, and we kissed slowly and passionately, our lips caressing against each other and our tongues dancing together.  I tangled my legs with hers and my stomach pressed against her baby bump.  There was no frantic rush to proceed.  We were just killing time, kissing, and touching each other.
My cunt flooded.  My arousal soaked through my panties and smeared on her bare thigh.  The door opened and I looked up, expecting to see Steve but finding Clint instead.
“Well, well,” he teased, closing the door behind him.  “What do we have here?”
“Nothing much,” I hummed, running my fingers up Wanda’s side.  “Just killing time.
“Well, I was gonna have a shower,” Clint said, taking off his shirt as he sauntered over to the bed.  “But this looks like much more fun.”
He unfastened his pants and pushed them down, tripping as he tried to step out of the legs and landing sprawled on the mattress and making the bed rock back-and-forth wildly.
Wanda and I started laughing.  “Nice one, Clint,” I teased.
“Hush,” he said as he crawled up behind me.  He leaned over me and began to kiss Wanda as he rutted slowly against my ass and massaged my sensitive breasts.  His cock started hardening against my ass and I moaned loudly and rocked my hips between them.
The door opened again and this time when I looked up there were three people silhouetted in the doorway.  Steve was standing at the front of Bucky and Sam with his arms folded over his chest.  The three men surveyed us, I could see Sam smirking as Bucky shifted on his feet.
“Elise,” Steve scolded.  “I don’t remember saying you could start without me.”
I sat up quickly and pulled my legs up against me.  Wanda and Clint sat up too.  Clint bouncing with excitement while Wanda tilted her head and looked at Steve with an expression telling me they were having a silent conversation.  I assumed it was about what was about to happen.  I was excited too.  Wanda wasn’t super into any level of BDSM, but she did seem to have fun being on the side of it while other people were doing something mild.  It was almost like she liked the roleplaying aspect but not the physical side.  Bucky on the other hand I’d never known to participate at all in this kind of thing.  It was going to be fun to see what Steve had in his head that had made him want to bring both Sam and Bucky along with him.
“We’re playing a Steve game?  I didn’t know we were playing a Steve game,” Clint said excitedly.
Wanda gave a little nod and Steve stepped into the room properly.  He walked around the side of the bed and turned the levers so the bed would be held firmly in place.  Sam closed the door behind them as Steve sat on the edge of the bed.  Wanda quickly moved so she was sitting in Steve’s lap.  “So it seems to me,” Steve said as he unhooked Wanda’s bra.  “We have one very good girl and one very bad girl and they both need a seeing to.”
Wanda giggled and tossed her bra aside as Steve leaned down and sucked on her breast.  Bucky and Sam began to undress as they watched on as Wanda moaned and let her head fall back and her hands tangle in Steve’s hair.  My eyes kept flicking from Steve and Wanda to Bucky and Sam as I sat buzzing with anticipation.  Steve pulled back and gently massaged Wanda’s breasts.  “There’s four of us though, so I think we should be able to take care of them,” he guided Wanda to her feet and pulled her panties down.  “Who’d like to start with our very good girl?”
“Sounds like fun,” Bucky said, stepping forward as he stroked his cock.  “What do you say, Wan?  You gonna be good for me?”
“I’d like that, Bucky,” she said, guiding him back onto the bed and straddling his waist.
Steve grabbed my ankle and dragged me over to him.  I squealed and he pulled me up into his lap.  “Our bad girl is going to need a firmer hand I think,” Steve said and tore my camisole straight down the front.  I squeaked and he wrapped his arm around me and began to palm my cunt.  “She’s going to need to be shown who’s in charge.  Who’s up for that?”
Sam stepped up.  “I think I’m up for that,” Sam teased, pumping his cock.  “If you know what I mean.”
“Oh my god,” Clint cackled.  “That was the perviest dad joke ever!”
Steve pushed me to my feet and ripped my thong at the waistband, so both it and my cami fell to the floor.  Sam stepped close and grabbed my wrist, spinning me around so my back was pressed against his chest.  His finger slipped between my folds and he rubbed my clit roughly as he nipped at the shell of your ear.  “You’re already so wet and ready for my cock, princess,” he whispered against my ear.  “How about you bend over the bed for me, princess?”
“How about you make me?” I taunted, grinding my ass back against his dick.
Sam shoved me forward so I was bent over the bed facing Wanda and Bucky, and spanked my ass hard.  I gasped and wriggled a little on my feet.
“What are we doing?”  Clint asked, moving over to Steve.
Steve pulled him close and began to palm Clint’s cock.  “We’re going to be patient, enjoy the show and when Sam and Bucky are done we’ll have our turn.”
I watched as Wanda slowly rolled her hips as she rode Bucky.  He leaned up pulling one of her nipples into his mouth and making her mewl and throw her head back.  While I watched, Sam lined himself up with my entrance and thrust hard in.  It pushed me forward on the mattress and made the bed sway slightly even though it had been tethered down.  “Fuck, Sam,” I moaned loudly.
He spanked my ass and wrapped his hand in my hair.  “None of that talk,” he growled.
“Fuck you,” I mewled.
He spanked me again and began to just rail into me.  He pulled my hair, yanking my head back while at the same time he pressed down in the middle of my back.  “No, princess,” Sam said.  “It’s you that is going to get fucked.”
Clint started laughing again.  “Sam!  Seriously!  You can’t do dad jokes during sex.”
I started laughing and Sam spanked me hard again, making me yelp and jerk under him.  “Do something about the mouthy bird will you, Cap?”
Steve grabbed Clint’s hair and whispered into Clint’s ear.  “Yes, sir,” Clint mewled, letting Steve hold him with his head yanked back.
I turned my focus to Wanda.  She was panting heavily and Bucky was fucking up into her as he suckled on her breast.  I could see how close she was and there was something about seeing him much more tame and gentle sex happening in front of me made the way Sam was pounding into feel even more intense.  I started moaning and trying to hold myself up.  Sam wrapped his arm around my waist and rubbed my clit hard as he leaned right over me, so he was pressed down on me.  “You wanna come, princess?”
“Yes, please, Sam,” I begged.  “Please.”
He pinched my clit and picked up his pace and I came, screaming out.  Sam groaned, grabbing my hips and thrusting hard into me as his orgasm hit and he emptied inside me.
Our orgasms seemed to drag Wanda over and she threw her head back and moaned loudly as it shuddered through her.  “Alright, Clint,” Steve said, patting his thigh.  “Your turn with Wanda.”
“Hey, wait a second.  I’m not done yet,” Bucky complained.
“You’re gonna help me with El,” Steve said moving over to me as Sam slipped from within me.  He picked me up and flipped me over, putting me back on the bed so my head was hanging over the edge.  Wanda rolled off Bucky, onto her back and Clint crawled up between her legs, kissing the insides of her thighs.
Steve pushed my knees up and tapped the head of his cock on my clit as Bucky teased my lips with his cock.  I tilted my head back, opening my throat up and letting Bucky push his cock into my mouth as Steve thrust into my cunt.  Bucky went slow but deep, testing my limit and blocking my airway as he pushed his cock down my throat.  His cock was soaked in Wanda’s juices and I hungrily sucked her tart fluids from him.  Steve on the other was relentless.  He pounded into me, pushing me further down onto Bucky’s cock with each thrust.  I went to grab Bucky’s hips, but Steve grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the mattress.  I was vaguely aware of Clint and Wanda beside us, but only in an abstract way.  All my focus was on Steve and Bucky and my impending orgasm.  Sam began to rub my clit and an orgasm crashed down on my immediately, I mewled into Bucky’s cock as I shuddered around Steve, but neither man eased up, they both just kept fucking me even harder than before.  Steve guided one of my hands up and it touched on Sam’s cock.  I started to jerk him off.  The men would kiss and whisper things to each other above me but what they were saying, I couldn’t tell.
Another orgasm hit and then a third.  I could barely hold myself together.  Wanda had moved up close to me and when a fourth hit both Bucky and Steve pulled out at once.  I choked and arched my back, my whole body quaking with my orgasm.  Wanda put her head on my shoulder and cupped my jaw, pulling me into a kiss, and around me, Steve, Bucky, and Sam jerked their cocks.  As Wanda and I kissed, Steve, Bucky, and Sam came, painting the two of us in hot white ropes.
“Fuck,” Clint groaned and reached over, and ran his fingers through the mess.  “You both look so fucking hot.”
“And you are such a dirty bird,” Sam teased and spanked his ass.
“Alright, you two,” Steve said, scooping me up as Bucky picked up Wanda.  “Let’s get you cleaned off and get you into bed.  Big day tomorrow.”
I hummed and curled up in his arms not at all concerned about sleep at all.
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spencerhotchner · 4 years
Alternative {spencer reid}
Chapter 2
summary: Since quarentine was announced, Y/N decided to rewatch all seasons of Criminal Minds. On a lonely night she wished she could be in that universe instead of this. What happens when she wakes up in 2008 in Quantico?
warnings: angst, a very confused reader, regular cm stuff and my grammar (if you find anything else pls lmk) 
word count: 2.1k
a/n: ok, i am really excited about this series. and really thankful that y'all are liking it. also, i hope you will enjoy this chapter as much as y'all did the last one! it didn't end up as long as i wanted it it but ig its ok right.
series masterlist
part 1 | part 2
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You could hear some familiar voices on the background as you began to regain conciseness, voices you could identify anywhere. You kept your eye shut for a while, feeling the tiredness and dizziness your body was screaming at you despite the fact that you have been unconscious, and on the floor apparently. Even though you're head was still too slow to think straight, you noticed that your face mask wasn't on you anymore. 
“Who is she?” you heard the familiar voice of Shamar, or Morgan, given the circumstances. 
“Apparently she knows me.” that was Spencer’s turn to speak. 
“I met her this morning.” JJ states, you could only imagine the faces they would be making at her, wondering how and why. “I bumped into her walking on the street, she seemed pretty confused but yet she still knew who I was.” 
“Well, that’s weird.” Emily said.
When you finally decided to open them, you felt like you were still dream. Once again you found yourself asking what was going on. Why was the whole cast of Criminal Minds standing there simple staring at you and why were they acting like their characters? Out of the two explanations that came to your mind at the moment, only one made any sense. I was a tv prank, it could only be. There would be no other logical reason to it, other wise. 
“Are you ok?” Hotch asks, offering a hand. 
You stared at him trying to figure out what to say, but without saying a word you took his hands and got up. The whole team was looking at you, with weird expressions. You felt almost like you were an unsub, you hated being stared. 
“Yes, I mean, no!” you say. “Is this a prank of something? Because, damn, you guys went too far down with it. Fuck!” you say, finally snapping. 
“I’m afraid I don't know what you are talking about.” Rossi said. 
You tried not to but as soon as you realized you already had a big sarcastic expression on your face. How wouldn't they? They were tv stars and they were clearly acting, you've seen it. 
“Oh, you're not?” you said, as sarcastic as you could be. “Ok, let me enlighten you all, since you ‘don’t know what i’m talking about?’. I woke up in this freaking random apartment by myself wearing the exact same thing I was wearing the night before.” 
“...and where is the part we fit in there?” he replies. 
You ignored him, sighing and trying to push your anxiety down. 
“As I was saying, I was wearing the exact same thing and I was in Bellevue, in Washington state. I have no idea who decided to pull this off but as much as I love the show, I am not enjoying this.” you say, looking around trying to find cameras. 
They all kept staring at you, Rossi was the only one who didn't seem worried about, it was like he thought you were on drugs or just delusional. You were even starting to believe in that. JJ and Spencer kept staring at each other, possibly trying to figure out what was going on, and how you knew them. 
“You believe you were abducted, then?” Hotch finally says something. 
You sigh again, trying to be patience. All you wanted was to go home, when you said you wanted to meet the cast - all the hundreds of times you said it, you didn’t mean this. You closed your eyes, because suddenly all you wanted to do was cry. You couldn't count how many times you imagined this happening and it was being just awful. You hated being confused, lost and being pictured as crazy. 
“No, Agent Hotchner” you spilled his name, sarcastically. “I am sure.”
He looked at you without much expression - as usual, but you could tell he was superseded you knew him, just as much as the team. Morgan step forward, walking towards you. You stared at him, trying to remain calm. 
“Listen, we can't help you if you don't let us.” he said. “Can you tell us your name?”
God, don't they realize this is funny? I do not wanna be acting, some pictures would do the job just as fine. 
“Y/N Y/L/N” you say as you watch Rossi give Garcia a look making her nod and direct herself to her ‘cave’, certainly to search you up. 
“Alright, you have someone we can contact with?” JJ asks. 
You nodded, yes you did. But they wouldn't pick up the phone, as you tried multiple times this morning on the old cellphone. What if something happened to them? This was all so confusing. 
“But she won’t pick up the phone, I tried.” you said.
Once again, you caught yourself wondering what was going on. And that was the moment you kind of got what was happening. Would it be possible that you shifted to this universe? Maybe this wasn't all a prank and your wish had just became true. You probably should've thought about it before asking for it. At once it hit you, what you said to your friend just last night. 
“What is something you would want to do right now?” your best friend asked you, leaning a bit towards you, laughing drunkly.
“Um, I’d really like to be in Criminal Minds right now.” you say laughing as you best friend rolled her eyes. “No, listen! I’d love to meet Spencer Reid and I don't know, it just sounds better than quarantine.”
“Yeah, sure, because serial killers are just not bad at all, huh?” she laughed. 
Maybe this was true, maybe you did shifted. And if you did, you sure sounded like a crazy person, and probably a stalker. You looked around trying to figure out if you could sit somewhere, it all became took much for you mind at that moment. 
“Can I sit... Can I sit somewhere?” you asked, probably looking as ill as you sounded.
You watched as Reid rushed to bring the chair. You set down trying to figure out how you'd leave there, and how you'd shift back. Staring at them you felt your heart warm a little, you dreamed about this for so long - as it was all it was, a dream, until now, at least. 
Before you could say a word you watched Penelope come back and whisper in Rossi’s ear, probably what she found out about you. Which, maybe was everything, since you had no reasons to hide a thing about your life, which was quite boring, in fact. 
“Who are you?” Rossi says, like he’s ready to arrest you.
“I-I already told you.” you answer. “I’m Y/N.”
If you needed any proof about what was going on that was it. It was like you did not even exist, like you weren't real. She probably didn’t find anything because you’re not from this universe.
“Alright. What can we do for you, Y/N?” Morgan asks.
“I need to go home.” you let it out. “I don't know how I ended up here in Quantico.”
Garcia stares ate you, almost like she felt pity about your situation while the rest of them kept a suspicious look at you. It’s not like you blame them, anyways, you would think it’s weird for somebody to come out of nowhere knowing your name and claiming to be pranked. 
While you were sitting there, with all those eyes at you, you thought that maybe giving up and trying to figure it all out by yourself maybe would be better. How would they help you, anyways? It is not like they could send you back. And it is also not like you didn't actually wish for this. 
There are some wishes that are entirely rhetorical. 
“You know what? I’m good.” you fake a smile, obviously. “I’m just gonna go.” 
You stoop up fast, not giving them much time to contest you. Spencer looked confused, more than any of the others, for some reason. Maybe he was just curious on how you knew him, or JJ. Either way, you wouldn't know. 
Hotch looked at you, wondering your action. Why were you so desperate at one time and tried to pull off as if it was ok? It was definitely not ok. Your smile looked fake, your body seemed tense and your eyes looked as lost as he could think someone could be, as he has seen a lot of lost eyes. 
“Thank you, for your attention, though.” you say. “I’m sorry for taking your time agents.” 
You stormed out of there, not even realizing that you left your jacket in there. How could you? Not when you ran out of there as if your live depended on it. You let a sigh out as you got out of the building, not even noticing when the tears started to come down at your cheeks. 
At that moment you didn't care at all about where you were, you set on the floor, letting the tears roll down and the sobs come out. You never wished to be away from your reality, it only seemed nice in your dreams. Right now, all you wanted was to go home and hug your parents, or even just see them. You felt lost, as lost as a five year old who can't find his mommy at the park. 
You got scared as you felt a big hand touch your shoulders. As your turn, to see who was it, Spencer looked as nice as you could ever picture him to, or see on the screens. His face resembles worry, like he was actually wondering what happened to you and why where you there. 
“I believe this is yours.” he hands you your jacket. 
You stare at him before.
“Yes, thank you.” you wipe the tears away. 
“No- No problem.” he said, sitting by your side. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah.” you answered looking away. 
“You don't have to lie to me.” he said, as you looked back at him. “I wanna help you, but I can only do that if you cooperate with me.”
Why would he?
“I don't know where I am. I mean, I do know but I don't know how I ended up here. I understand what is going on, I did after a while but I don't know how to change this situation. I don't know how to go back home.” you said. 
Not like he’ll understand, anyways.
"Maybe... Maybe me and my team could help you figure it out?” he tries. 
“I doubt it.” you shake your shoulders. “I know that you guys are awesome at your job, don't get me wrong, to be honest I’m quite the big fan.” you laughed a bit. “But it’s just out of hand.” 
He stops, looking at you. Gave up offering help, you were not accepting he felt it. No, he knew it. It was his job to know what body language was telling him, anyways. He didn't want to stare at you, but he felt like he needed to. He was stuck at your looks, so pretty, yet so lost. 
“If we can't help you, is there anything I can do for you?” he asks. 
You looked right into his eyes. Thinking, if you should say it. Maybe so, it wouldn't kill you, it was not like it was the real world of something, well maybe it was but you couldn't care less. All you wanted was somewhere to stay this night and figure out how to get back.
“I do need a place to stay tonight.” you say, smiling little at him. 
He had a weird look on his face when you said that, like he wasn't expecting it. Because he wasn't. That moment he considered himself a crazy man, because he knew the risks and yet was up for it.
“Uh, ok.” 
Taglist: @feverdreamreid @andromedasstarship @paulaern @theetherealbloom @thatsonezesty13 @reidsalvez​ @pieceofreid @nymeria-targaryen​ @greeny-kitten​ @peppermintnight @notebookgirl30​ @2sarvinem @holding-on-to-my-youth​ @mggsprettygirl​ @iifloweringnightsii​ @iidontgiveafuckuniverse​ @mcntsee​
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solalunar-eclipse · 4 years
Scars You Can’t See - Chapter 11
Chapter title: Improvements
Word count: about 3400 words
Author’s Note: Wow...the fact that this fic has only two chapters left is crazy to think about. It’s going to be finished within the next month or so...whoa.
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Rouge cringed as bright sunlight stung her slowly opening eyes, dragging her forcefully out of what had honestly been a pretty great sleeping session. Suddenly, though, she shot upright, remembering-
Wait- G.U.N. had found them- Shadow and Omega--
Oh, right.
The bat rubbed at her eyes to try and get rid of the spots still dancing in them, before looking around and taking in the clearing surrounding her. She was truly safe now and on Angel Island.
Rouge just...needed a minute to remind herself of that.
She figured that she also owed Team Sonic at least a year’s worth of favors for busting them out of that awful situation. Chaos, she’d thought they were all done for at first, even with Omega’s best efforts. 
Speaking of that team, she suddenly felt a rush of wind at her side and turned to see Sonic himself kneeling next to her, looking worried. “You good there, Rouge?” he asked, resting a hand on her shoulder in concern.
“I’ll live.” she said warmly, grateful for his attention. “Doing better than yesterday, that’s for sure.” 
Sonic’s expression changed into a hopeful grin at that, his shoulders sinking slightly in relief. Rouge knew that he really tended to worry about the people he cared for when they weren’t doing well, so she was pleased to see some of the stress leave him now.
“How’s Shadow? And Omega?” the bat asked quickly, wanting to make sure her team was alright.
“Okay, well, Omega’s over there sucking the life out of Tails’s portable generator,” Sonic said, and Rouge followed his gaze to see exactly that. Her robot friend gave a thumbs up when he noticed her attention, before lifting the generator and walking over to greet her.
“This power is strong for such a small device. Much better than that pathetic excuse for voltage the rooms provided.” he said, by way of a greeting. Rouge grinned in response. Omega had never really seen the need for pleasantries with his friends when he could just get to the point instead. (They already knew that he cared about them anyway.)
“How do you feel?” he asked, sitting down and staring at her. The robot clearly wasn’t going to take an “I’m fine” for an answer, so she sighed. “Tired, mostly. Are we sure we’re totally safe out here?”
Omega looked like he was ready to smirk, if he could. “You missed the fun earlier when the blue hedgehog discovered that we are in the middle of the largest ocean on the planet. He was not happy about our isolation.”
Rouge had to restrain a cackle at that when she turned back to the (suddenly several shades paler) hero in question. “Water…” he groaned. “So much...water…”
“You’ll be okay, hon,” she said, a little bit of sympathy softening her tone. “There’s still plenty of room up here to go running around.”
Sonic’s eyes widened. “Oh right! I didn’t tell you about Shads!” His ears drooped slightly after that. “He’s...he’s still asleep near the Master Emerald.”
Omega cut in there. “His vital signs are completely stable. He is merely exhausted.”
Rouge sighed, frowning slightly. Was telling him to do that Chaos Control really-
“You made the best decision you could under the circumstances.” the robot said insistently. “Stop questioning yourself or I will have to make you comply with force.”
Rouge stuck out her tongue at him, before getting up to go walk over to the altar and see her other friend. She hadn’t taken more than a couple of steps, though, when she found that her head had begun to ache horribly- leftover effects from the stress, she knew. There was always a price to pay for missions. 
She was vaguely aware of Sonic darting to her side, but she straightened up, ignoring the pain for now. If there was one thing she had to do, it was to check on Shadow.
The hybrid was still on the altar, barely having moved from his original position. Someone had folded up a blanket and put it beneath his head, at least. Knuckles was pacing around and around the Master Emerald, clearly driving himself to distraction considering all the possible ways in which Angel Island could be threatened at this very moment.
Rouge sat down next to Shadow for a moment, checking to make sure he was alright before rubbing one of his ears slightly. The hybrid purred a little in his sleep, making Rouge smile and Sonic mask a squeal with his hand. “Awwwww…” he whispered, staring down at Shadow with wide eyes.
Meanwhile, Rouge got up and walked over to lean on the giant Emerald, smirking as Knuckles completed another circuit around the altar- only to bump right into her and look up, startled. “Rouge! You’re awake!” he exclaimed, before pulling her into a tight hug that squeezed all the air out of her lungs.
“Babe,” she wheezed, trying to adjust. “Honey, I missed you too, but I kind of need to breathe to live? So if you wouldn’t mind…”
“Oh- right- sorry,” he said, loosening up and clearly embarrassed. “I’m just so glad you’re alright.”
Sonic gave him a look from over the top of the giant gem. “Says the guy who didn’t want to head off to Central City at first.”
“Come on, man, give me a break! You know how much G.U.N. wants to get their hands on these artifacts!” Knuckles exclaimed, sounding irritated. He glanced back at Rouge nervously, though, clearly more than a little embarrassed about his hesitance.
She wasn’t going to hold it against him, though- he’d been trained since day one to practically worship the island and all that it held, and putting it in harm’s way must have taken a lot out of him. “It’s okay, just remember to try and keep from being uptight all the time, alright?” Rouge asked gently, wrapping an arm around his waist and leaning into him. 
Knuckles blushed as red as his spines. “Thanks, Rouge...I’ll try.” he said, pointedly ignoring his friend’s knowing grin.
“Awww, Knux, aren’t ya gonna kiss your giiiiirlfriend?” Sonic taunted, knowing just how to frustrate the echidna (and fluster him more).
“Shut up!” he bellowed. “It’s none of your business what we do or don’t--”
Rouge had kissed him on the cheek, and his voice immediately seemed to fail at that, breaking off into absolute silence. She snickered quietly. Knuckles’s shock whenever she did this never stopped being fun.
A low groan sounded behind them. “Urgh...Chaos, is this what I hafta wake up to? Move y’r PDA somewhere else, Rouge.” 
Shadow’s words were slurred with exhaustion, but nobody seemed to care. Rouge dashed over to his side faster than Sonic (not too surprisingly- the hedgehog seemed to have frozen the second Shadow started speaking).
“How do you feel, hon?” she asked him gently, all the while monitoring him for any sort of abnormalities. 
“Feels like I’ve been run over by a truck ‘n launched out of a catapult into the side of a mountain.” he grumbled. “Everything’s aching…I’m so tired. Let’s...let’s not take out any more military bases for a while, ‘kay?”
Rouge grinned at him. “Sounds good to me, hon.” She began to pull him up into a reclined position so that he could see better. The bat could also hear Omega’s steps in the background as he hurried over (which for most people was a speed-walking pace, but he was doing his best).
“Just relax for now, Shadow. You and Sonic brought us somewhere safe, so we can just rest, alright?” she added, and felt him do so almost immediately. 
Omega arrived and put a hand on Shadow’s shoulder, his giant metal fingers nearly engulfing half of the hybrid’s arm. “Hey, Omega.” he said wearily, smiling faintly up at the robot. 
“You are safe now. I will make sure that nothing bad happens to you or Rouge so long as we are here.” he said, sounding determined and just a little bit violent. 
“You did a pretty good job of that back in the field.” Shadow said, apparently far too tired to hold up his usual aloof attitude.
Omega stood up and assumed a slight power pose. “Of course I did. I am awesome.”
Sonic took the robot’s place quickly, taking Shadow’s hand in his own. “If anyone comes anywhere near this island, I’ll help Omega take them out. You’ve done more than enough, Shads.”
The hybrid tried to maintain a cool, calm expression, but it quickly softened into gratitude. He struggled with his words for a moment, clearly uncertain about how to react to Sonic’s determined kindness. Eventually, though, he settled for a simple “Thank you, Sonic.”
Rouge didn’t miss the way Sonic’s smile became wider and more genuine at that, nor how he squeezed Shadow’s hand briefly before releasing it. “Anytime, nerd. Anytime.”
Shadow mock-scowled at the hero before settling back against Omega, who had sat down behind him. Rouge noticed how he struggled to keep his eyes open, so she settled down next to him and made shooing motions with her hands. “Alright, alright, let the guy rest! You said yourself he doesn’t have to work anymore, Sonic.” 
The hedgehog in question walked off reluctantly with his friends to the first tier of the altar, looking back at Shadow once before giving the team some space.
Rouge sighed, settling back against Omega and trying to find a position that didn’t leave metal poking into her back. He could be comfortable if she sat right- especially since he was warm- but she had to work a little to find the right spot. Her own eyes closed a little, and she leaned against Shadow as the faint buzz of stress and her exhaustion battled it out inside her head.
She suspected that her instincts would give her trouble for a while, but it would probably be manageable now that they were safe. Things were looking up now for real, and that was great.
And then Sonic’s phone rang.
“Wha- huh- you have your phone on??” Shadow yelped, sitting upright immediately. “Why didn’t you turn it off?”
“I had to keep up with everything!” Sonic exclaimed, his eyes wide. He held the phone as far away from his body as he could, as though it might burst into flames at any moment.
“Alright, alright, everybody calm down!” Rouge shouted, directing all attention to herself and bringing complete silence to the clearing.
This role was what she was used to.
“Alright, first off. Sonic, do you recognize that number?” she asked, as everyone gathered back around.
He frowned, looking at the ‘missed calls’ screen now that the ringing had stopped. “N...no…..wait, actually, I think I do! But who…..”
The hero’s eyes widened. “Oh. Wait. What’s the president want with me now?”
“Wait, is it really her?” Tails gasped.
Omega glowered at the phone. “She probably wishes to know if we are with you.”
Everybody jumped again when the phone started ringing once more. 
“Well….I guess I’ll just answer and tell her I don’t know where you are?” Sonic asked, moving to tap the green button.
“No!” three separate people yelled at once, making him drop the phone in surprise. 
“Well, what should I do then? Just, like, ignore her?” the hero said, exasperated.
Tails shook his head patiently. “You remember that app I put on your phone, Sonic? The one that hides your signal location?”
“Ohhhhh,” Sonic said, clearly realizing why it would be a very good idea to use said app. “Right! Let me turn that on.”
“And don’t forget to use the super-scrambler I made for you!” Tails reminded him, sounding an awful lot like the real older brother of the two at the moment.
“Fine, yeah, I remember what you said,” Sonic muttered, sounding a little irritated. He cringed a moment later, though, looking up his friends. All three of them were clearly tense once again- not ideal when they were in the safest place they could possibly be. “Sorry, I know this is important and all. Sorry.”
“It’s alright, hon.” Rouge said soothingly. “You have it all up now?”
“Yeah, I-” Sonic was cut off yet again by his ringtone. 
He took one deep breath before pressing the button.
Everybody else remained absolutely silent. The wind rustled through the trees as his phone connected to the other end of the signal.
“Uh….hey there.” the hero said, his voice sounding far more wary now. “What’s up?”
Shadow facepalmed silently beside Rouge, who clamped a hand over her mouth to stop any potential laughter.
Sonic quickly switched the call to speakerphone so that everybody could hear the president talk.
“Hello, Sonic.” she said politely, her voice warmer and more friendly than any of them had expected. “Are...any of the members of Team Dark there? I’m not asking for G.U.N., I promise.” 
Rouge gave the phone a skeptical look. Not asking for G.U.N.? Doubtful.
“Nah, not here.” Sonic said easily. “Whatcha want with them?”
The bat could hear the faintest hint of harshness in his tone, hiding beneath the cool front he put up. Apparently the hero hadn’t quite gotten all of his frustration out just yet.
Clearly, the president could hear it too, because she sounded a little awkward when she next spoke. “Oh. I...I actually just wanted to tell them something important. Is there any way for me to get in touch with them?”
Sonic glowered at the phone. “I can tell them whatever it is you wanna say.” He was practically growling by this point, clearly working hard to keep his emotions under control.
Rouge cringed at that- now everyone would know that Sonic had a direct link to her team. Not good.
“Alright then...” Strangely enough, the woman on the call still sounded stressed. Shouldn’t she be pleased that she’d gotten some sort of a lead instead? That was what this was for, right?
“Can you tell them, then...just let them know that I’ve signed off on an order temporarily shutting down all of G.U.N.’s operations, okay? And that the commander has agreed to comply with it? Will they get to hear that?”
Rouge, Shadow and Omega all stared at one another.
“Yeah- yeah, they’ll hear the news.” Sonic said, his eyes as wide as they could get. “Uhhh, why exactly did you do that?”
Now it was the president’s turn to sound irritated. “What do you mean, why? Not only are there protests and riots in the streets, but I’m horrified by what they’ve done, as I’m sure you are too! The leaders in both houses of government and I have completely agreed that G.U.N. needs to be closed down until we figure out what to do with it. 
“I’ll be putting my voice in for total reform, and a consideration of permanent closure, but there are those who’ll argue with me, of course. I’m still going to do what I can for Team Dark and for those who’ve been hurt by G.U.N., though.”
“Wow.” Sonic said softly, stunned. “That’s...that’s impressive.”
“No.” the president said decisively. “It’s the least I can do to make things right. And, if you see Shadow…”
“Can you tell him that I personally apologize for everything that happened on Space Colony ARK? I had no knowledge of it until that video was released...but still. I wish there was something I could do to let him know how horrified I am by what he was forced to endure.”
Shadow stared at Rouge, who honestly couldn’t do much more than stare back, her thoughts racing by at a pace to rival her friend’s speed. G.U.N. wasn’t chasing them anymore? They weren’t even allowed to hunt them down? It almost sounded too good, too easy to be true.
“I’ll tell him. I promise.” Sonic said, his voice just a little shaky.
“Thank you, Sonic. Take care.” she replied, before ending the call.
“...whoa.” he breathed.
“What just happened?” Shadow ran his hands through his quills, as though he hoped it would help him sort out the events that had just taken place.
“Is this even real?” Knuckles asked skeptically. “It could be a prank…” They all knew he’d been the target of too many falsehoods to trust most people by now.
“Voice patterns match previous speeches given by the current president.” Omega said, making everyone’s surprise grow even more.
“So what...they’re just shutting down?” Tails looked confused.
“Most of them, yes.” Rouge said, taking a deep breath and beginning to work through her own swirling thoughts. “There’ll be some agents who don’t agree with what’s going on, but that’s to be expected. The commander is a big fan of rules, so he won’t ignore an order directly from the government. G.U.N. should be shut down...so the question is how safe the United Federation is for us right now.”
“So? Is it safe?” Sonic asked, looking hopeful.
The three members of Team Dark locked eyes. Rouge sighed. “Not quite. G.U.N. hasn’t actually been fixed yet and there’s going to be plenty of agents who are less than happy about this development...especially when it comes to us escaping.”
“There’s still a chance they could use their various connections to order some sort of attack on us that couldn’t be traced back to them...it’s unlikely that the commander would go for it, but others might. None of us need any potential assassins sneaking into Club Rouge in the middle of the night.” Shadow muttered, staring down at the grass.
All three members of Team Sonic cringed at Shadow’s wording. But then, Sonic sat down next to him and put an arm about the hybrid’s shoulders gently, giving him the option to push it off if he needed. “Don’t worry, Shads, you can stay here as long as you like.”
Knuckles glared at him. “This is my island, Sonic! I get to decide who stays for how long!”
Rouge raised a brow at that. “And do we get to stay, then?”
“...yes.” the echidna grumbled defeatedly.
Sonic’s answering smirk got him chased all around the clearing and the surrounding woods as punishment...if you could call it punishment when he was laughing and dancing and skipping over boulders all the way.
Rouge looked over to see Shadow leaning back against Omega again, looking tired but surprisingly calm and...was that a smile she saw?
“Feeling good there, hon?” she asked gently, leaning on him (and purposefully making their height difference obvious).
He rolled his eyes but still leaned into her shoulder, bringing a smile to her face as well. “Better than the last time we did this, that’s for sure.”
Rouge felt Omega’s arms tighten around them and looked up to see his eyes dim slightly in thought. After a moment, though, they brightened again, and he spoke.
“Original objective: make Shadow feel better. Status update: partially completed. Notes: cortisol levels lowering but still above recommended levels. Remaining irregular behavior due to exhaustion. And...outcome regarding G.U.N appears to be positive so far. This mission appears to be an overall success.”
He pulled them both a little closer, clearly not planning on allowing the two to escape his hold any time soon.
“Awww…” Rouge said gently, but Shadow was already falling asleep.
“Ngh. Stop making fun ‘f me.” He nudged her shoulder with his head, completely failing to do anything other than make the bat's smile grow warmer.
Within moments, he was completely passed out, and Rouge and Omega shared a look. “Do you regret any of the difficulties that this mission has created?” the robot asked, seeming curious more than anything.
Rouge looked over at the sleeping hedgehog next to her, a small smile spread across his face as he rested safely with his closest friends and family. There wasn’t any pain waiting for him in his unconscious now, and while there might be in the future, it could be handled with care and time.
She grinned up at Omega then, her smile wide and genuine.
“I don’t regret it at all.”
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Out Of Time ~ 4
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,325ish
Summary: Steve comes back bigger and with permission to take Y/N with him.
Warnings: none
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Steve was gone before Y/N woke up in the morning. She understood that he probably thought that was best for both of them, but she couldn’t help but be a little angry at him. She went to work that day, and the weeks following, with a plastered smile on her face. She struggled to do what she had promised Steve she would do. All she wanted to do was curl up in her bed and cry until she couldn’t feel anything anymore. It was her day off, and she was planning on doing just that, when a knock sounded at her door.
“Coming!” She shouted as she slowly got off her bed. The knock impatiently sounded again. “I said I’m coming!” The knock sounded for a third time just as Y/N had reached the door. She pulled it open. “I said I was coming! Couldn’t you just—“ 
She stopped speaking at the sight before her. A large, blonde man in military uniform stood at her doorstep. Y/N studied him. He was all too familiar, yet not at the same time. When she meet his eyes, that’s when she realized who was standing at her doorstep.
“Stevie?” She gasped.
“Hey, Y/N,” he smiled. 
“What— How— You— You’re taller. An-and you—“
“I got chosen, Y/N/N. They actually chose me. And it worked.”
Y/N was speechless. She turned around and began pacing around the living room, leaving the door wide open for Steve to come in. He came in and carefully shut the door. Y/N silently paced as tears formed. She wanted him to come back, she had literally prayed that they wouldn’t choose him. And look what had happened? God laughed at her and made sure he became the chosen one.
“Are you going to say anything, Y/N/N?” Steve timidly asked after a few minutes of pain staking silence.
“What do you want me to say, Steve?!” Y/N stopped pacing, turned to her brother, and yelled. “Congratulations? Well, congratulations! You successfully became a science experiment and got to join the army! You get to go to Europe and be shot at! Hurray!”
“Don’t, Steve. Don’t try to make excuses.”
“I wasn’t going to make excuses. I was going to tell you that I’m actually not going to be heading into battle anytime soon.”
“They— um… they think that I should go around the country selling bonds.”
“Selling bonds? Why?”
“You didn’t see the paper?”
Y/N shook her head. “Haven’t wanted to… I’ve been afraid of what it might say.”
“I went after a Nazi. Saved a child. The story went Nation wide. They think that because of it, I’ll be able to sell bonds.”
“So… you’re not going to be shot at?”
“I still want to go and fight, and if this is how I get there, I’m okay with it.”
“How long will you be gone?”
“I don’t know. But I got permission to take you with me. If you’re willing.”
Y/N sighed, running her hand over her face as she looked at the ground. “What I am suppose to do?”
“We’ll find you something.” Steve took a step forward. “You won’t be useless. I just…” He set his now large hands on her arms, running them up and down in comfort. “I just need you there with me. I need my sister’s support and I need to be able to take care of you.”
“Is this because you’re bigger than me now? Now that five minute difference is going to matter?” Y/N chuckled. “Yes. I’ll go with you.” 
Steve pulled her into his arms. It was definitely going to take some time for Y/N to get used to how large Steve had become. She wrapped her arms around his large frame. 
“I guess I finally have a big brother,” she teased.
“Hey! It’s not funny,” he laughed.
A week later, Steve and Y/N were in a large theater. It was filled with people. Steve was dressed in a red, white, and blue costume. Y/N was watching him as he stood at the center of the stage, just behind the curtain, trying to prepare himself to go out and face the crowd. She could tell he was nervous. Senator Brandt’s aide was there to make sure that Steve didn’t bail.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” Steve second guessed, letting out a deep breath.
“Nothing to it,” Brandt’s aide said. “Sell off a few bonds, bonds buy bullets, bullets kill Nazi’s. Bing bang boom. You’re an American hero.”
“It’ just not how I pictured getting there.”
“The senator’s got a lot of pull up on the hill. You play ball with us, you’ll be leading your own platoon in no time. Take the shield.” Steve put on his mask and grabbed his shield.
“You got this, Steve,” Y/N walked up, smiling encouragingly at him. “Go get ‘em.”
Steve gave a nervous smile before taking another deep breath. Senator Brandt’s aide was clearly done with how long it was taking him, and pushed Steve onto the stage. The singers began singing and dancing as soon as he was out there. 
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Y/N moved to the side of the stage to see better. Steve was nervous, clearly, and hadn’t memorized his lines. But he stayed up there, through it all. Afterwards, he signed autographs, with you right behind him. Life went on this way for weeks. Traveling to different cities around the country. Steve was embracing the name of Captain America and finally memorized his lines. The ladies were obsessed with him. Men wanted to be him. Children idolized him. You watched from a far, opting to just be Steve’s moral support, which was definitely needed. 
By the time November rolled around, Steve, Y/N, and the rest of the Captain America crew started touring Europe. They were touring the Allied military camps there. Y/N was confused how a man playing dress up would help cheer up the soldiers, but Senator Brandt insisted that Steve was needed there. And if Steve was told that he was needed, he was going to be there. Y/N was currently standing backstage, watching Steve get made fun of by the soldiers.
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 She cringed as they yelled at him to bring the girls back out. Brandt’s Aide quickly ordered the girls back out and Steve came backstage.
“Don’t worry, pal,” Brandt’s Aide put a hand on Steve’s back. “They’ll warm up to you. Don’t worry.”
Y/N rolled her eyes as Brandt’s Aide walked away and she made her way towards her brother. “I knew we shouldn’t have come,” she stated. “Why would soldiers need a man dressed in tights to come and speak to them?” Steve glared at her. “Sorry, it’s just the truth.”
“I know…” Steve sighed as he took off his helmet. “I just believed that coming here would do some good…”
“No. You believed that by coming here, you would see some action. And don’t try to lie to me, Steve. We’re twins. I know you better than anyone else, sometimes even yourself. You just agreed to this tour to try to have an opportunity to fight.”
“Can we drop this right now?” Steve questioned as he pulled on his trench coat and grabbed his sketch book. “All I want is some quiet.” 
He turned around and headed to the back stairs. Y/N sighed as she watched him sit down and begin sketching. Rain started pouring, almost in perfect timing. Y/N eventually moved a chair to sit behind Steve and began reading a book. 
“Hello, Steve,” a British female voice broke the twins out of their thoughts. The woman came up from behind them, taking off her rain coat.
“Hi,” Steve looked up at the woman and greeted.
“You must be Y/N, Steve’s sister,” the woman smiled. “I’m Peggy.”
“Hi,” Y/N greeted. Steve had mentioned Peggy a few times in the past few months, aways blushing and stuttering. She could now understand why.
“What are you doin’ here?” Steve asked the woman.
“Officially, I’m not here at all.” Peggy just above Steve. “That was quite a performance.”
“Yeah. Uh… I had to improvise a little bit. Crowds I’m used to are usually more uh… twelve.”
“I understand you’re ‘America’s New Hope’?”
“Bond sales take a ten percent bump in every state I visit.”
“Is that Senator Brandt I hear?”
“At least he’s got me doin’ this. Phillips would have had me stuck in a lab.”
“And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey? You were meant for more than this, you know?”
“Oh, he knows,” Y/N muttered. “He just wishes he was out there fighting instead of dancing.” Steve hesitates. Obviously waiting to say something, either to Peggy or something about his sister’s comments, but stops.
“What? Peggy pressed.
“You know for the longest time I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines,” Steve said almost wishfully. “Serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted, and I’m wearing tights.”
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They’re interrupted by an ambulance honking. The trio turned around to watch the wounded soldiers be taken out of the ambulance. Tears form in Y/N’s eyes as the possibility of Bucky ending up that way. At the possibility of him returning to her in a coffin.
“They look like they’ve been through hell,” Steve stated as they still watched.
“These men more than most,” Peggy said. 
“What happened?” Y/N asked, unable to look away from the wounded men.
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“Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men went up against him and less than fifty returned. Your audience contained what was left of the one-o-seventh. The rest were killed or captured.”
“The one-o-seventh?” Y/N and Steve questioned at the same time, suddenly standing up. They looked at each other. The one-o-seventh was Bucky’s division.
“What?” Peggy wondered, standing up as well.
“Come on!” Steve insisted, grabbing Y/N’s hand as they ran through the rain to the command tent. Peggy followed behind, holding her coat over her head. “Colonel Phillips,” Steve addressed as they entered the tent.
“Well, if it isn’t the Star-Spangled Man with a plan,” the Colonel sarcastically said as he sat at a desk. “And what is your plan today?”
“I need the casualty list from Azzano.”
“You don’t get to give me orders, son.”
“I just need one name. Sergeant James Barnes from the hundred and seventh.”
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Colonel Phillips ignored Steve and pointed to Peggy. “You and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won’t enjoy.”
“Please tell us if he’s alive, sir,” Y/N begged. “B, A, R—“ 
“I can spell,” the Colonel cut her off. He looked at the trio before looking back down at the stack of papers in his hands. He stood up, carrying the papers with him. “I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count. But the name does sound familiar. I’m sorry.” 
Y/N gasped, hand coming up to cover her mouth as she held in a sob. Steve stood there, tall, not letting that be the end of the conversation. He also didn’t want to show his hurt or weakness, though he held onto Y/N’s hand tighter.
“What about the others?” Steve questioned. “Are you planning a rescue mission?”
“Yeah! It’s called winning the war,” Colonel Phillips stated.
“But if you know where they are, why not at least—“
“They’re thirty miles behind the lines. Through the most fortified territory in Europe. We’d lose more men than we’d save. But I don’t expect you to understand that, because you’re a chorus girl.”
Steve’s jaw clenched. “I think I understand just fine.”
“Well then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly, you got some place to be in thirty minutes.” Colonel Phillips walked away as Steve looked at the military map, clearly showing where the men were lost.
“Yes, sir. I do.” Steve quickly led himself and Y/N out of the tent and into the show tent.
“Steve,” Y/N whimpered once they were alone inside.
He quickly let go of her hand and pulled her into his chest. That’s when she let loose, let all the tears out. Y/N had never told Steve what had happened between her and his best friend, but it didn’t surprise Steve to see her acting like this. Bucky was her friend too. 
“I have to do something, Y/N,” Steve whispered.
“Please, no.” She gripped onto his shirt. “I can’t lose you too.”
“I’m sorry.” He pulled away and began changing and packing somethings. “I have to try and save the guys that are left.”
“What do you plan to do?” Peggy asked as she entered the tent, shaking off her coat. “Walk to Austria?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
“You heard the Colonel, your friend is most likely dead.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, we don’t,” Y/N cried. “But if you go in there, you’ll most likely die too. And then where does that leave me?”
“Colonel Phillips is devising a strategy,” Peggy stated. “If he detects—“
“By the time he’s done that, it could be too late!” Steve walked out to a jeep, the women following behind. “You told me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?”
“Every word.”
“Then you gotta let me go.” Steve jumped into the jeep.
“Steve! Please!” Y/N pleaded, grabbing onto his arm. “Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I have to do what’s right.”
“You can’t drive there, Steve,” Peggy stated. “I have a better way.”
next chapter >
Notes: Tags are struggling right now, for many writers. So I truly appreciate all the likes, comments, and reblogs. It means the world.
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delaber · 4 years
Just Friends (Part 8)
Story Summary: After moving to America for a 3-month long internship, you meet two interesting characters on a boring night out.
Word Count: 4.6K
Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, minor drug use, smut, slight dom!Rafa, swearing, and loads of British references (sorry not sorry lol)
Chapter Note: this chapter is dedicated to exrthangel because she’s honestly the sweetest thing ever and she’s studying so hard rn ❤️
Tag List: lonelydance mysearchforgratification ramp-it-up blndspotting summerofsnowflakes exrthangel honeysucklechocolatedrippin
Other Parts: See Masterlist
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You had read the message over and over again ever since you had received it a couple of days ago: I have a surprise for Friday. Will pick you up at 6. Wear dark clothes.
What the hell did he have up his sleeve? Why the dark clothes? You were utterly confused as you on Friday afternoon pulled on a pair of black jeans, a black top, and your leather jacket.
At 5.55 pm, you were tying the shoelaces on a pair of combat boots when you heard Samantha exclaim from her seat in the window sill, "are you kidding me?!"
"Oh no," you groaned, "what is it?"
Samantha was looking out the window with her mouth hanging open when she suddenly started to laugh, "he has a bloody motorbike," she said in disbelief, "Where'd you find this boy? He's textbook American!"
You rushed to Samantha's side and saw Rafa on a motorbike, wearing an outfit that was roughly matching yours. He pulled off his helmet and flipped his hair before he started walking towards the front door.
"Oh, and he's cute up close too!" Samantha said as she studied him swagger up to your house.
You hurried towards the front door, calling out to Samantha, "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Oh no! You do not get off that easily!" Samantha ran from the window sill and held you back at the door, "I am going to meet this guy who's all you've been able to talk about since New Years!"
You heard a low chuckle coming from the other side of the door, "aw, you tell your friends about that guy?" Rafa spoke from the other side of the closed front door, his voice sounding as if it was about to burst with happiness.
"Not when he butts in on private conversations going on behind closed doors," you mocked him.
You could hear him chuckle slightly before Samantha in one swift motion turned the doorknob and opened the door to a smiling Rafa.
"Ladies," he nodded to both of you, sending you a wink. You had to give it to Samantha; he did look particularly good up close.
"Rafa, this is my roomie Samantha," you cleared your throat, "Samantha this is... the guy I've been talking about apparently."
Samantha extended her hand, "Nice to finally meet you. I'm Samantha."
Rafa took her hand, "likewise. I'm Rafael."
"Your real name is Rafael?" it slipped out of you and Samantha sent you a weird look.
"Yeah, what'd you think Rafa was short for?" he laughed, his crooked tooth somehow more fetching than usual.
"I honestly haven't given it much thought," you laughed and he sent you a sappy smile looking at you very softly for a couple of seconds.
Samantha noticed the sexual tension and decided to break it, "well you two have fun, yeah? I won't wait up so don't bother having her home on this side of midnight. The magic won't wear off, I swear," Samantha winked before she let you and Rafa go.
"See you later, Samantha," Rafa chuckled as he stepped down from the porch.
'Stop that!' you mouthed to your grinning roomie before you followed Rafa.
You heard the front door close shut behind you, and first then did Rafa whip around, "are you ready for the best friend-date you've ever been on?" he said theatrically.
"You bet!" you matched his level of excitement, "although I'm a bit nervous as to what we'll be doing with that," you gestured to his motorbike, while dreading his answer.
"We're going for a ride," he said dramatically and threw you one of two helmets that had been lying on the seat.
"You're not serious... I'm not going on the back of that!"
"Do you not trust me?" He smirked as he climbed the bike.
"Of course, but..."
"Then get up. I'll go slow, okay?"
"Are you sure?"
"You're gonna love it!"
"O-okay," you said and swung your leg over the seat, tightening your helmet significantly.
"Just hold on tight, okay?"
"Hold on tight to what? There are no handlebars back here," you said in a panicky voice.
"Hold on to me of course," Rafa laughed.
Your arms snaked nervously around his waist, and he put a reassuring hand on top of yours for just a second before he took a deep breath and retracted it again. You couldn't help but wonder if this was the exact reason why he had wanted you on the back of his bike in the first place.
He turned the engine and slowly drove away from your townhouse while you whimpered in the backseat. He started off by slowly going through your neighbourhood checking on you regularly while you felt more and more comfortable on the bike. Every time he felt your arms loosen their grip around him, he sped up slightly, causing you to tighten your grab around his waist significantly. You were quickly comfortable with his full control over the bike, however, and actually had to admit that you were enjoying the fast-paced way of getting around the city.
"We can go faster than this," you bellowed over the sound of the motor a couple of minutes in.
Rafa didn't need telling twice and quickly sped up the bike while you squealed in the backseat, holding on tight to him again. You rode all the way down Sunset Boulevard until you reached the coast close to the Santa Monica Pier. The bike came to a halt right before the beach.
"That was amazing," you laughed completely high from the ride.
He smiled proudly to himself as he turned off the bike, "What did I tell you? I knew you'd love it!"
"I did," you said excitedly, "thanks for making me do it!”
He looked at you tenderly for a few seconds before he came to his senses, "come. We're going over here," he said and put a hand on your leather-clad back leading you to a sketchy looking hotdog stand, where he placed an order for two of the most popular kind.
"Really?" you asked him with raised eyebrows as he handed you one of the hot dogs.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it," he laughed as you sat down on a bench overlooking the dark beach, the sky a beautiful lilac colour as you had just missed the sunset, "I was hoping it might lead to the story behind your tattoo," he sent you a crooked smile.
"God you're the worst," you laughed at him, "Alright then - but I'll only tell you because that was a really smooth move. And I'm having a bite of the hotdog first."
"Let me know what you think," he looked at you excitedly.
"They're that good?" you laughed as you took in his excitement.
"Oh you're about to taste a tiny bit of heaven," Rafa smiled, "Diggs is quite the hotdog connoisseur and he recommended the place to me way back in the day. They have bratwursts shipped in from Germany."
"You have expertise in both chillies and German sausages? You're a man of the world, aren't you?" you teased him.
"Shut up and eat your hot dog," he grinned.
You took a large bite of the sausage which was definitely one of the best you'd ever had, "oh bloody hell! This is good," you practically moaned while rolling your eyes backwards in an attempt to show Rafa exactly how much you liked his choice of dinner.
"Hey, you cannot do that," he looked panicky as he desperately elbowed you in the ribs to get you to stop, "you're giving me the chubs," he shot you an awkward laugh.
"That's all it takes?" you laughed at him.
"Hey, I'm a simple man: I see a beautiful girl putting penis-shaped foods into her mouth all the while she's moaning and her eyes are rolling to the back of her head - and the rest is physiology," he smirked and bit into his own hot dog.
"I'm beginning to suspect that's the real reason why you took me here," you laughed at him.
"Hey, don't make me out to be some creep, okay?" He laughed, "I'm your innocent friend Rafa who just loves hot dogs and beautiful women - especially the two combined. Now tell me the story behind that tattoo dammit!”
"If you must know," you groaned, "I got it at Glastonbury when I had just turned eighteen. It was part of a bet."
"Really?" He looked amused, "What did you get out of it?"
"My friends paid for the tattoo and paid me a hundred quid for it - which was a fairly good amount of money back then," you laughed.
"That's what? 130 dollars or something? I sure hope you bought yourself a car with that kind of money," Rafa joked.
"I spent all of it on booze that night alone," you laughed.
"I probably would've done the same thing to be honest," he chuckled.
"So we're both smart people!"
"PhD-smart," he tapped his temple while winking at you, "speaking of; how's your project coming?"
"Good," you nodded, "although, I'm a bit behind schedule with the project I'm working on over here. The next couple of weeks are without a doubt going to be quite busy," you sighed, "I'm not going to have much free-time."
He grunted in response, probably aware of what that meant in regards to your already limited time together.
"I constantly need to remind myself why I'm here and why I'm even doing the project," you eyed him. You wanted to tell him that he had made it hard for you to concentrate on anything apart from him but ended up deciding against it.
"Yeah? What made you decide to do the project in the first place?"
"Because it's the coolest thing ever," you bumped your knee into his.
"Yeah?" He grinned at the contact, "what's your thesis about? Explain it to me as if I'm five because I don't know science for shit."
You laughed at him and told him all about what your PhD was about, explaining it as simple as you possibly could.
"Sounds complicated," he blew out some air when you were done.
"Nah. It's just like learning a new language," you shrugged, "you get the hang of it."
"How are you so nonchalant about almost finishing a PhD?" he laughed, "it's fucking difficult and you've worked hard for it. Don't play it down. Tell me how hard it is to come this far and how amazing you are at it!"
"It's hard and I'm amazing?" you said half-heartedly with a laugh.
"Oh come on. Do it with a bit more gusto. Don't go all British on me."
"Uhm... it's hard and I'm amazing," you said a bit more resolutely this time.
"Damn straight!" he said loudly, "a project like yours does not come easy to anybody. Don't take away your own victory."
"Alright, alright, I guess I did work quite hard. But I'm very privileged to even have the chance to do it."
"Yep, that's fine and whatever," he rolled his eyes at you "- Now tell me how you really feel about it."
You eyed him for a couple of seconds. Was he really able to see right through you so easily? "Okay," you sighed, "at first all the lab work was fun but now it's kind of draining and I cannot wait until I'm done so I can start something new!" you laughed, "also, right now I hate the project because it takes away my very limited time with you."
He looked at you and tried to hide a proud smile. "Look at you being all honest," he nudged you softly in the ribs and winked at you before he responded to what you'd said, "when are you handing in your thesis?"
"If all goes well, it'll be done before summer."
"And then what?" he nodded slowly.
"Ah yes! The million dollar question," you laughed, "I don't know. Maybe a post.doc?"
"You're gonna spend your whole life in academia?" he looked at you intently, "how much money do you have?"
"You get paid a fair salary when you're doing a PhD - and tuition is free in most of Europe so you can just go to another country and study if you don't have the money for it."
"WHAT?" he bellowed, "Tuition... is... free? You’re kidding! What kind of a hippie continent is that and when can I move there?"
You laughed at him, "European welfare, boom!" You said while dropping the hotdog wrapper into the trashcan next to the bench, "Europe 1 - America 0."
"You bet," he mumbled, "Ah, I probably wouldn't have lasted a day anyway. I got kicked out of high school, you know."
"You did? What'd you do?"
"That's a story for some other day," he smiled at you, "come, I have another surprise for you."
He helped you up from the bench and snaked his hand around your waist as you walked over to the bike in silence. You wanted to tell him that what he was doing felt close to violating your code of conduct but just like the other night, his hand around you made you feel safe and warm, so you let him keep it there.
You rode back up Sunset Boulevard telling yourself repeatedly that safety was the only reason for your tightly wrapped arms around his waist.
A couple of minutes later, Rafa parked the bike outside a brick building with a big sign reading 'THE ECHOPLEX presents CLIPPING.'
You could hear the music boom from inside. "Is this a concert venue?" you asked him.
"Yep," he said, "you and I have tickets for the hottest shit in L.A."
"Oh, don't tell me you're going to try and convert me into a rap-lover?" you laughed, "I haven't even listened that much to your playlist."
"I'm not going to covert you," Rafa smirked, "Diggs is."
"Oh, we're meeting up with Daveed?" you said not really sure if you were excited about seeing him or disappointed that you'd have to share Rafa with him.
"...Kind of," Rafa said mysteriously.
"I'm intrigued," you said as you handed him your helmet.
He put it on the bike and took your hand, "Come on, we're late. The show's already started."
He showed the bouncer two laminated tickets and handed you one of them afterwards, "put this around your neck."
"Backstage pass?" you arched an eyebrow as you read the inscription, "really?"
"I came to impress," he laughed, "you want something to drink?"
"A beer would be lovely," you nodded, looking at the stage where a man was rapping rapidly to weird noises and sounds. You weren't really sure that this was anything for you.
Rafa came back a short while later and handed you a local beer. "I brought you an IPA," he laughed, "I figured you'd appreciate my average white-male taste."
"I like IPAs too," you laughed, "this music on the other hand is..." your voice trailed off.
"What, you don't like it?"
"No, Rafa," you laughed and pointed towards the stage, "what the hell is this shit because it surely isn't music! Don't tell me that you actually find this good."
"You did not just say that!" he looked at you with an amused face.
"Have you even seen who's performing?" he laughed whole-heartedly and pointed towards the stage.
The guy rapping shirtless at the front was spitting bars and hyping people up, and first then did you realise that you knew him, "Hold up! Is that Daveed?"
Rafa laughed at you, his hand coming to a rest on the small of your back as he leaned in and whispered in a teasing voice, "I'm going to tell him that you think his music's shit."
"You wouldn't dare," you leaned threateningly close and squinted your eyes at him.
"Oh, but I would - so you better behave," he said devilishly, his gaze wandering between your lips and your eyes, clearly thinking about kissing you. When you noticed, it once again took everything in you to pull back and turn towards the stage instead. Out the corner of your eye, you saw Rafa take a deep breath before turning to the stage as well with a somewhat pained expression in his eyes. He slowly found the rhythm of the music, head bopping in time with the beat while he started quietly rapping along.
"I can't believe he's a rapper," you laughed when the concert was over and you were heading towards the backstage area, "normally he looks so... innocent - but up there he's so... raw!" You laughed and felt the many beers that you and Rafa had shared.
"Easy girl," Rafa laughed, "don't go change me out for Diggs.”
You sent him a look that he most certainly was familiar with by now.
"I know," he chuckled, "just friends. That's what I meant," he lied, "come on, they're in here," he pushed open the door to the band's private room.
"Alright, guys!" Rafa yelled in best hype-man style as he waltzed across the room to the mini fridge in the back, walking as if the owned the room, "well done. Great show! Even my homegirl here agrees."
You waved to the three guys, "very nice show. Love the energy."
"Glad you enjoyed it," Daveed nodded, "Rafa mentioned that you don't really get rap music - did we manage to change your mind?"
"I think the show was really great," you said slowly trying to figure out a way to not hurt his feelings.
"It's not for everyone. I get it, no worries," he laughed, "Just don't tell Rafa; it would just break his heart."
"Hey - quick question," you whispered, "what do you think would rile Rafa up the most: criticising rap music in general or criticising his beloved chili sauces?"
It made Daveed chuckle, "hot sauce! For sure. Did you not hear his lecture the other day? He takes that shit very seriously and just goes on and on and on to anybody that'll listen."
"Who are you guys talking about?" Rafa emerged at your side, casually draping his arm across your shoulder as he handed you and Daveed a beer each.
"No one," you and Daveed said in unison.
"Are you plotting against me?" Rafa chuckled, "should I be concerned?"
"No," you both said at the same time looking excitedly at each other.
"Right..." Rafa pulled you just a little closer to him, clearly wanting to show his friend that he needed to know his place - subconsciously or not, you did not know.
"So... what do you guys usually do after concerts?" you asked, hoping to break the tension you felt in Rafa who was now pressed completely up against your side.
"We get high," Daveed laughed, "I was just about to ask..."
"Don't worry, I didn't take you here to get high," Rafa interrupted his best friend and sent you a smile.
"It's okay! If it's what you usually do, I don't mind."
"Are you sure?" Rafa shot you a look, "it feels like kind of a dick move on my part to meet up with a bunch of my friends and get high when we're on a date."
"I thought you were just friends," Daveed mumbled without looking up from the cone he was folding.
"He gets it," you smiled and sat down on the sofa next to Daveed.  
"Okay, sure," Rafa nodded and sat down next to you with a small laugh, "I guess I could get high too if you're definitely up for it."
"I am," you sent him a grin.
"Alright, let's do this," Rafa said and draped his arm around your shoulders.
"Oh god, I haven't done this since I was twenty," you were slightly nervous as you eyed the blunt that Daveed was now lighting up.
"So last year?" Rafa teased.
"Easy grandpa, I'm 29."
"Ah yes, so young and innocent. So easy to manipulate!" he sighed, "I remember when I was your age."
"And you're what? Four years older than me?" You arched an eyebrow at him.
"Yes, but the years between 29 and 33 are really what define you as a person," he smiled and put his arm back around your shoulder.
Daveed took a puff of the joint before handing it to you, "Here you go," he said, "It's strong so you probably don't need that much."
You inhaled slightly, resisting the urge to cough before you quickly exhaled a mouthful of smoke already feeling its effects, "oh damn," you said as you already felt yourself growing relaxed and careless. You quickly took your second puff before passing it along to Rafa who was clearly more experienced than you were. He puffed it twice as well before he passed it on to Daveed's band mate Will. You held out your fingers, ready for hit number three.
Rafa raised an eyebrow at you, "are you sure?"
"Yep," you said, your speech a little slurred but you were sure you could take it.
The third hit of the joint hit you like a truck, "oh fuck," you exhaled as you felt a wave of warmth wash over you.
"You okay?" Rafa laughed at you as he took hit number four himself. His eyes were bloodshot but apart from that, he kept it together.
"Yep," you said as you slumped on the sofa.
"You look like a slug," Rafa mimicked you, arms hanging to the side, his chin pressed tightly against his sternum.
"But a cute slug," you pouted.
"The cutest," he snickered, his hands brushing slightly against your knuckles before his fingers entangled themselves in yours.
"Mmmh," you hummed at his touch, all thoughts of what you should or shouldn't do, gone. You couldn't remember if you'd ever been this carefree and relaxed before. Especially when his thumb was caressing your hand as he sent you a cute smile.
Looking into Rafa's bloodshot eyes, you reminded yourself that you needed to keep your cool. You were both drunk and high. You shouldn't be doing this no matter how much you wanted it. So you retracted your fingers from his and sat up straight on the sofa. "I need a beer," you mumbled and walked over to the fridge in the far corner.
"Yeah, bring me one too," Daveed called, "- maybe an entire round. My main man Will is looking a little thirsty over here," he nodded towards his band member who was clearly experiencing cotton mouth.
You looked back at the men in the sofa and counted each of them; thus you picked up four beers and slowly walked back to them. Rafa was staring at you through heavy-hooded eyelids with a smug expression on his face. He was looking very very fuckable as he slid down further on the sofa, spreading his legs slightly as you neared him. You really just wanted to say fuck it all and jump him - but no, you weren't going to go down that road. You had made a promise to each other. A promise you intended to keep no matter how high you were.
You sat down a beer in front of each of the men before realising that you had forgotten one for yourself. Giggling slightly at your own high, you returned to the fridge where you bent over and picked up yet another beer.
"Are you on a mission to torture me?" Rafa's hush voice sounded from behind you, "because bending over like that twice in a span of thirty seconds is just plain mean..."
"What?" You turned around, now face to face with him.
He stepped closer, "I'm sure you're aware of the effect that you have on me. Especially when you bend over like that."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," you said innocently, an involuntary smile spreading slowly on your lips as you took in his pained expression.
"Fuck!" he hissed, "That - that - is exactly what I'm talking about," he stepped as close to you as he possibly could without touching you, "half the time you look so innocent and doe-eyed and then suddenly - boom - your innocence is replaced by these... mewling sex-kitten looks and fuck it's hard to keep my hands to myself when we both know what we want - Regardless of your code," he ended up sighing.
He still wasn't touching you but the way he was moving his face told you that he was fighting hard to not kiss you. And to be honest, you were fighting too.
"It's not on purpose," you said, looking up at him, "I'm not so evil that I'd dangle bait in front of you on purpose and then get angry when you bite into it."
"I don't care that you're not doing it on purpose," he grinned and licked his lips, "you're still doing it. And I really want to fuck you right now."
"Too bad you can't," you said.
"You're really strong-willed, aren't you?"
"You don't move half-across the globe for a project you've lost interest in if you're not strong-willed."
He leaned in closer, lips hovering above yours but never touching, "fuck, it's so hard not to touch you..." he groaned, "I hate being friends with you."
"I hate being friends with you," you said softly, almost giving in and closing the distance.
Your moment of weakness, however, was interrupted by Daveed who gave out a loud whistle to get your attention. "Rafa!" he bellowed, "Party's moving downtown."
Rafa grunted in response, turning his attention back to you, "do you want to go?"
"Not really," you said, gulping up at him.
"Me neither..." Rafa responded and fidgeted with the hem of your t-shirt, "do you want to come back to mine?"
"That sounds dangerous," you smiled and avoided his gaze, instead fixating on the thin golden necklace he was wearing.
"I won't try anything," he grumbled above you, "I promise - okay? We could just... watch the rest of the movie from the other night."
You looked up at him, his eyes bloodshot but soft as he watched you contemplate your answer. "Okay," you ended up whispering, already knowing that you were now doomed. You just couldn't help yourself with him. Especially not when high and with alcohol coursing through your veins.
Rafa sent you a smirk, "good girl," he whispered darkly, sending shivers down your spine. "Diggs, we're not coming."
"Right," Daveed nodded, "see you guys later. Have fun," he shot you a smirk.
Rafa quickly ordered an Uber while you pulled on your leather jacket and started walking towards the exit. Rafa was walking behind you, his gaze almost burning a hole in your jeans as you swung your hips a bit more vigorously than you normally would've done. Not to get his attention, you told yourself.
When you arrived outside, the car was already waiting for you. You both got in the backseat, and intentionally left the middle seat empty between you. No need to tempt the devil.
You hadn't driven for more than a couple of seconds, however, before you noticed that Rafa was already having a hard time sticking to his promise of not trying anything with you, "I didn't even get a chance to tell you how amazing you look tonight," he put his neck on the headrest and looked over at you.
"Thanks," you smiled at him, "you look very handsome yourself."
His hand twitched in his lap as if he had decided to reach out and touch you had but reconsidered at the last possible moment. With a sigh, he turned his head and looked out the window instead, completely silent for the rest of the journey to his place.
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