#-people would sa it's abusive and try to cancel anyone who likes it
bungouchronicles · 5 months
I was reading through some of my notes for my current writing project and realised i've accidentally created one of the most tragic ships i've ever written
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I see so many posts since the dam broke about NG in which people are lamenting how horrible celebrities and people in power are and asking where we went wrong as a society to let this happen.
The fucked up thing though is that humans have always behaved like this. We just have the internet now.
And please don’t mistake this for resignation or apathy or anything other than disgust.
But I just keep coming back to the point that human beings are capable of truly terrifying, horrible things.
So I feel like we’ve got to remember that most people don’t do terrible things. But we’re all capable of them.
And I don’t fault anyone for being devastated to learn that someone they respected did indeed to terrible things. It would feel wild to call someone foolish or stupid or naïve because their first instinct was to believe that someone is decent. They’re not anything like that other than someone who was lied to.
I actually do think as a society we are in fact getting better about calls for justice in situations like this.
But people who behave like NG…people who do these things…their personalities are a cancer. And we can do what we can to try to prevent things like this from happening. But I don’t think we can stop it all from happening. It’s never going to disappear completely.
But we can continue to listen to victims. And we can continue to be vocal about demanding justice and accountability.
The court of public opinion and the legal system both fail terribly at times, especially in situations like this. Another flaw of human nature, I think.
The “I’ll wait for the legal system to decide” argument isn’t really helpful here. Because SA allegations / abuse are some of the hardest things to prove in a court of law. And there have been legitimate actual cases in which victims have come forward with allegations, there was no evidence to be found/the evidence wasn’t “good enough” and these victims were instead actually CHARGED with filing false reports. So putting all of the onus or faith in the law here just… again… isn’t helpful.
Sometimes the justice can be best served by demanding consequences that aren’t legal punishments. There are petitions to remove NG from his positions as a writer/showrunner in these shows we love.
Sometimes just making sure the word is spread is the push to topple the dominos.
As others have said and continue to say, you can do both terrible and great things. And they don’t cancel each other out. Doing great things doesn’t make the terrible ones any less terrible. Doing terrible things doesn’t make the great things any less great. Two truths can exist at once.
Sure, we can argue that continuing to consume NG’s work is continuing to put money in his pocket. Yeah. But once again, as far as my random internet user opinion.
I experienced some very similar things to what his victims said they experienced in these interviews. And they wrecked my life in no uncertain terms. I’ll never “come back from that” because we don’t. We just keep going forward having to carry that. It doesn’t go away.
But my abusers took so much from me. And the good things I got out of those relationships are made so much more important because of how much suffering they cost.
Sidebar, but that’s something that I see people using in their arguments for why the “abuse” allegations weren’t real or “that bad.” Because the victims went back. Or they continued to stay. Or continued to pursue. Listen. When you go through all of THAT, it is so common to scramble to keep what you perceive are the “good things” you get out of that dynamic/relationship. Or you convince yourself that it’s not as bad as all that. Because, god. “I went through all of that and they STILL LEFT.” “I gave them (they took) all of THAT and I still wasn’t good enough for them.” It’s this survival element where we have to convince ourselves all of that suffering we went through was WORTH IT. Or, the gaslighting gets imbedded and we believe it must have been our fault. “Yes, they treated me badly, but I must have done something to deserve it. They told me it was my fault. Everyone else loves them. I did something wrong.” Yeah. NO.
So if you can separate yourself from that abuser - get far enough away to have the clarity and perspective to finally say “no, that was fucking real what happened. That was abuse. They’re an abuser.” I say, anything “good” you got out of that - take it and fucking run.
NG is a predator at best. And we are all suffering for it. But we got our books and our shows and we found each other in these fandoms. I say take these good things and run. You didn’t cause this. Don’t let him take any more joy from you or anyone else.
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hyperactivewhore · 1 month
Hi! I just like binge read all of your tvd post and I adore them, I feel like you talk about the Mikaelson the way I feel about them, like I love the characters but they ARE awful and it causes this very push and pull with the way I view them and I'm ngl the fandom doesn't help when I'm trying to acknowledge the pit falls of the characters. that and I can't articulate the way I view characters well and I just really appreciate how multi dimensionally you view them because it really refreshing to see some one put it into words in a way I can't.
I don't know if this is the kind of thing you do or anything but I was wondering if I could ask you your opinion on Kai Parker? I feel like I view him the way I do Klaus and kol in sense. Like obviously he's a bad person but I feel like the level of fucked up he is and why hes that level of fucked up makes him a really interesting and enjoyable character for me, and it's kinda hard for me to say this because I Adore Bonnie Bennett. I personally don't believe liking one character cancels out the liking another but seeing how the fandom acts about it especially how many people will stand by Kia entirely and make Bonnie out to be this monster (because they're racist weirdos point blank.) makes it harder for me to feel comfortable voicing my intrestest in him as a character. Now I do think a lot of factors played into Kai becoming who he is and I can understand why people would empathize with him but I don't think it justifys how weird they are to Bonnie, yk? Idk this wasn't about Bonnie I got carried away but yeah I'd love your option about Kia Parker if you have one. I also understand entirely if you don't like him obviously everyone's entitled to there opinion and he did kill his siblings and stuff, but I'd love to hear your opinion on him regardless if your interested,that is. have a good day/night :)
Hello, love! I'm really glad you do, and I definitely agree. This fandom is very, very strict in which characters you can like and which ones you cannot. It's exhausting, to be honest.
I definitely like Kai, he was the only thing that kept my attention glued to the screen after the Originals left and he made the plot more entertaining. He was funny, downright evil and enjoyable to watch, but he was, at least for me, a very obvious mix between all the main villains/antagonists (Klaus, Damon, Kol, Katherine), and the writers clearly intended for their audience to see him as irredeemable, and this is of course tied to the fact there were no available white women to beacon him into "becoming a better person". Bonnie was around, but for obvious reasons she could never be that woman, though the writers certainly played around bonkai, having Kai have a clear interest in her even after she wasn't the key to make him escape his prison world.
I definitely think Kai had a rough childhood and did not deserve to be isolated, though that obviously doesn't excuse what he did to his siblings, but that's what makes him a good character in my eyes. He was a good antagonist but an awful evil person, the circumstances surrounding why he became that person are tragic and sad, and that's okay, because that's in my opinion exactly what a character like Kai should be. And no, that doesn't excuse what he did to his family either, before anyone thinks that's what I was implying.
Though I do not understand why Kai gets so much hate over the whole "killing children" as if the Mikaelson or the Salvatore had gone through centuries of their lives without harming a single child (Klaus ordered to have his unborn daughter killed, for god's sake), and it's really funny how bonkai is portrayed as this top awful abusive couple when every single ship in tvd is. I definitely get the appeal of Bonnie and Kai, the only thing that prevents me from shipping them is the fact she nearly killed herself because of him, there are a few lines I won't cross when it comes to shipping, sa/rape and suicide are on that list, but people need to stop acting like they're worse than the other more popular couples.
To summarize it, I like Kai a lot, I understand why some other people don't (I do, really!), but nothing justifies what he put his family and Bonnie through.
Thanks for the ask, darling. You have a good day/night too!
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🚨Mature Content ahead, minors DNI, plz stop reading and move along!🚨
Jey Uso x Mixed female (alternating 1st person pov)
Here we go! I’m so nervous lol - but I am working hard towards my goal of completing several novels I have started. One is about a pirate queen saving her granddaughter, another about a grim reaper who enlists the help of a psychic to find a dangerous spirit that escaped.
Reading fanfiction has always been fun for me, I love reading, writing the wwe so this has been a really fun exercise to get some practice and take a break from the harder/darker plots lines I am writing. This fic here is absolutely a fluffy, smutty and unedited piece that I wrote for fun but I welcome any and all feedback yall have. I figure why not combine something fun with growth?
***A note: this is strictly a fun work of fiction and exercise to help me grow as a writer! I feel very strongly about leaving people to their privacy so and this is very AU/fiction heavy based on a television character, not the actual person. I know he has kids and even has one of them with him sometimes but it just makes me uncomfortable to include anyone actually under the age of 18 and not a character in their own right in the fic. For this reason I just made up a name and age for the kiddo. Thanks for understanding! (Oh, also, I assume most of yall reading this know what Jey looks like so I don’t need to spend a lot of time describing him)
Summary: It’s April (timeline is not perfect forgive me) of 2020 and eighteen year old Aurora “Rori” Begay is the new nanny for Jey Uso. Feelings ‘inappropriate’ for their relationship as employer and client begin to bloom in both of them but they keep it to themselves. When her mom’s abusive boyfriend attacks her one night, Jey comes to her rescue and everything changes.
Idk where this is headed but all I can tell you is there will be smut and an HEA. Mentions of physical abuse and attempted SA but not discussed in great detail. Please take care of yourself, I will include a little warning before something that might be triggering if you wanna skip it.
This is part 1 (first 2 chapters)
Word count: 2.4k
Chapter 1:
Aurora POV
“My Rori’s here!” Jason lunged from his father’s arms into mine as soon as I made it through the door of the unassuming but well kept blue house.
“Hey little dude!” I gladly received the three year old, doing my best to avoid touching Josh too much in doing so. Every time we so much as brushed hands it caused a rolling wave of butterflies and warmth. Not unpleasant but also not an appropriate thing to feel for someone who was technically my boss. And the last thing I needed in my life right now was to lose my job, especially over a stupid crush.
Due to the pandemic ramping up Josh was home from his job that normally demanded a lot of travel. Even though he wasn’t traveling he still had commitments and a job that required several hours of training daily in the gym on top of meetings and zoom calls. He’d explained the plan his company had until they could safely begin touring again, a plan that would see them staying here in Florida for several months to a year.
Long enough for me to save up enough to get out of my own place, even if my mother was demanding a high rent. I was glad I’d fibbed about just how much Josh was paying me weekly or she would have demanded even more.
“Swim! Swim! Wanna go swimming!” I juggled the excited toddler in my arms trying not to drop my day bag.
Coming to the rescue Josh grabbed the green backpack and smiled at me in a way that turned my insides to mush. “We gotta eat first little man.”
“Are you free today?” I hoped I didn’t sound as excited as I felt. At first I’d found it odd he still wanted me there even when he wasn’t going to be busy for the day but quickly started to look forward to spending time with both of them.
“Yeah, my meetings were cancelled. I was thinking I’d join y’all for swimming lessons and whatever else you got planned. If that’s cool with you.”
As if I was going to say no.
I looked at Jason with a grin. “Whaddya think? Want Daddy to hang out with us today?”
“Hang out with daddy AND Rori! Swim!”
“What about you?” It was hard not to read too much into his expression or the way his voice seemed to drop a little. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Oh, of course. He’s trying to be considerate of my feelings as a person and I’m drooling at the way his voice changes when he is speaking to another adult. I swallowed my embarrassment and put on a big grin. “Not at all, it’ll be great to hangout! Now how about some breakfast?”
There wasn’t much Jason loved more than swimming but one thing was for certain.
It did things to me when she called me “Daddy”, even if it was in this context.
Maybe I could get Joe or Braun to hit me in the head next time we’re wrestling.
Really, really hard.
Well, maybe not Braun, I didn’t want to die after all.
I needed some sense knocked back into me around this girl though. I can’t keep my eyes off her and thought about her way too often. She’s only eighteen and I should not be feeling this way about my sons *nanny.* Watching her as she moved around the kitchen, letting little man help her with making breakfast it brought an excited sense of peace.
My eyes dutifully followed the sway of her curvy bottom as she sidestepped small feet with a laugh. I wanted to wind my hands into that waist length brunette hair while I devoured her pouty lips.
Wanted to see her pretty green eyes tear up with those lips wrapped around my dick.
I wanted a lot of things from Miss Aurora Begay.
Isolating was hard, I hadn’t had a chance to go out or hookup with a chick since New Year’s Eve. Maybe that was my problem. She was close, pretty and had a great laugh.
But the truth was I hadn’t wanted someone so bad in a long time. Jason’s mom had burned me pretty hard when she decided she didn’t want to be invested in his life, or mine.
You travel too much she’d said. Come to find out “you travel too much” really meant I’d rather be fucking other dudes in another country.
More power to her. We’d started out casual but when she fell pregnant I’d stepped up and even offered to marry her and let myself get invested. Not the best way to start but I was willing to give it a shot for him.
“How many?”
Rori pulled me out of my thoughts with a light tough to my shoulder and a giggle. She smiled down at me. “I asked you how many pancakes would you like? I’m using the protein mix.”
Of course she’d ferreted out the healthiest pancakes for someone with my training regime. She was always doing thoughtful shit like that and I loved it. Loved that she would modify things for me, make me a plate or keep one warm for me in the oven when something ran longer than planned.
It was hard not to let all that spill.
She raised her eyebrows. “Josh?”
*I’m so fucked.*
“Uh, make it four.”
Thirty minutes later and I’m waiting for them the come downstairs. Jason appeared at the top of the steps first in his matching swimming trunks and shirt all decked out with tiger sharks. His favorite animal at the moment. He proudly held up his shark goggles. “Look daddy, I’m a shark!”
In a weird way I was grateful for the lockdown. I’d never been able to spend so much time with him and it made me happier than I’d ever been. “I see little man! Where’s Rori?”
“Coming, sorry!”
Chapter 2 -
Aurora POV
Josh stood at the bottom of the steps in nothing but black swimming trunks. My mouth went dry and heart pounded as I tried not to stare at him while Jason and I made our way downstairs hand in hand. It was tough though, his dark bronze skin and spiraling tattoos were mesmerizing.
He’d given me a cursory glance before looking away and even though I’m not terribly vain, it stung my pride a little. I should be ashamed that I picked the cheap and simple but pretty blue mesh halter and boy short set because I thought be would like it. As if he’d ever look at me the same way I do him.
Tucking the sadness away I padded out to the pool with Jason who was already fighting with his arm floats before he’d made it to the water. “Here let me help-“
The words were cut off by splash of water, my own shriek of surprise and Jason’s shriek of laughter. Josh had blown by us to canon ball into the water before surfacing with a challenging smirk.
It would be hard to ignore the heat pooling between my legs.
Well, until little man threw his arms up and demanded to be thrown in for a big splash that is. Happy to oblige and to cool off I scooped him up and we jumped in. What I’d planned as a swimming lesson turned into lots of laughing and splashing with Jason getting brave enough to paddle back and forth between us a few times.
After a while he was tired and become more preoccupied with making his pool toy shark eat his other action figures. Josh drifted over to where I stood in the shallow water while Jason played nearby on the step. “Hey.”
“What happened here?” Gently he brought his fingers to a healing bruise on my arm. Anxiety twisted my stomach painfully. I had to come up with something, my mother had trained me to lie about this sort of thing.
“Oh, uh, I just, I just dropped something when I was reaching for a can on a shelf at home. Clumsy, just brought my arm up so it wouldn’t like hit me on the face or anything. Nothing, no worries.” I realized I was rambling when his brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes.
Fuck. He didn’t need to know mom’s latest boyfriend was a real dick, even for her.
“A can huh?”
The truth was I hadn’t moved fast enough to get out of his way a couple days ago and so he grabbed me by the arm, hard enough to leave those prints, shook me and slung me across the room. Not the first time one of the men she’d brought home had done something similar but no one had ever really paid attention and my mom had threatened me with much worse if I ever told.
“Yeah, just a stupid accident.” I tried to smile reassuringly but could tell it wasn’t working. Josh opened his mouth but fortunately for me, little man chose then to pounce, throwing himself at us with abandon only a happy toddler could achieve.
“Make splashes Rori!”
“You sure did! How about we get dried off and go watch a movie?” I was grateful for the distraction. Hopefully he would let it go.
Late that night I laid in bed scrolling through photos from the last few weeks, looking for clues and wracking my brain for an explanation. Aurora had never lied to me before and I should have her drug tested if she thought I bought that story about the can. I know what a bruise from someone gripping you too tightly looks like. Why was she being so evasive about it?
*Does she have a boyfriend? Some little shit who thinks he’s tough?*
An intense anger erupted in my chest at the thought of anyone putting their hands on her. In any way. Thinking about her kissing someone else, *fucking* someone else, made me physically sick.
I resolved to get the the bottom of it. Why weren’t her parents doing anything about it? Did they notice?
Wait. Does she live with them?
It dawned on me that I know next to nothing about her or her living situation. Most of our conversations revolve around Jason or the chores or how my day had been or what I wanted for dinner. I knew she was a college student and we’d chatted about a few times about things like music or movies or my job but never had she mentioned her family or friends or relationships at all, except one girl named Jamie. And all I knew about her was that they’d seen a movie together recently.
I’d snapped a few pictures today. Only one of just her but that was the one I settled on looking at. She stood mid thigh in the pool, her golden skin wet and the red of her messy bun stood out in the sunlight. The swimsuit wasn’t too revealing but I’d almost embarrassed myself. Seeing her coming down the steps it that simple but sexy outfit had me at half mast in no time, I’d had no choice but to hustle my ass into the cold pool or risk her noticing.
Looking at the picture now I had the same problem, my cock twitching to life at the thought of tasting her everywhere. Closing my eyes I dropped my phone and let myself pull my boxers down. Picturing her sweet smile I imagined she was there with me, straddling my waist, her walls clenched tightly around me.
Slowly I started stroking myself, imaginary Aurora’s movements were careful and shy and gentle, just like everything else about her. Her small hands braced against my chest, fingers digging in as her cheeks flushed with pleasure and she panted in need.
*”Daddy, please!”*
Increasing my pace I imagined taking control, clutching her hips and bracing myself with my ankles as I thrust up at a much more aggressive pace. My knees drew up and I clutched the sheet with my free hand as her cries filled my ears.
*”Harder Daddy, yes yes! I’m gonna cum!”*
I didn’t fight the groan that rose in my throat as I sped up even more. It was my fantasy and we would finish together.
“Fuck Rori, baby…” I bit my lip when I came, spilling hot ropes of cum onto my stomach as my hips bucked and twitched. For a few seconds I just lay there breathing hard.
I’d lost count of how many times I’d gotten off this exact same way now. I knew I should stop but it was becoming something of an obsession. It wouldn’t be the first time in my life I’d developed a fixation, just not quite so focused in on a particular female before.
I hoped it would pass when the lockdowns lifted and I could get some of this pent up want out but deep inside I knew that wouldn’t be the case.
No, something about those big hazel eyes and loving personality had dug itself deep inside me. I swiped at the mess I’d made with my shirt before throwing it in the hamper in the corner of the room. A twisted part of me hoped she’d notice when she did laundry and wonder if I was thinking about her but the realistic part of me would kick in and handle the mess in the morning.
Settling in to the covers I hoped she was comfortable and safe, wherever she was.
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secretlykoishi · 1 year
VENT POST (TW: Mental Health Issues, SH, Suicide Mentions, SA, LGBTQIA+ Issues, Attempted Murder, Abuse, ED)
I'm just so tired of everything. Like, legitimately everything. It isn't enough that I grew up in an abusive household, survived four murder attempts (at least one of which was an attempted hate crime) and three suicide attempts, have been a victim of sexual assault twice, dealt with homelessness for a year and a half at least only to get into horrid living conditions surround by awful people halfway across the country from anyone I've ever known, and I can't work because I'm so disabled from my mental illnesses as wells as Autism and ADHD (which I can't medicate because literally every medication meant to help with these things has given me an eating disorder that makes me unhealthily skinny and underweight), living in a country rapidly devolving into a third would country and/or Germany in the 1930s, no. None of that was enough.
Aside from being, frankly, the only person to do jack shit around the house that I live in, constantly cleaning up after the four people I live with since none of them will wash their dishes, take out the trash (something that physically hurts me due to an issue with my wrists), sweep the floor, wipe the counters and stovetops, clean any of the tables around the house, or mop spots that need it. I do all of this effectively daily because no one else will clean even though they're all peachy fucking keen to make messes everywhere and just leave dishes lying around. That's on top of the blatant homophobia, transphobia, and/or ableism that some of the people I live with have. Aside from all of fucking that, I can't even get a victory with my fucking identity.
I got my approval notice—not my actual paperwork for it, just my approval notice—for my name change back in September last year. Mind you, I was homeless at this time and living in a sixth month shelter. My time there ran out in December but after that, I managed to get into a housing program through my mental health... in which I've stayed in possibly the worst room and board known to mankind. I was supposed to receive my actual paperwork in November, I would much later learn, but I never got it because it was never sent out to me. I ended up having to eventually pay $40 I didn't really have in order to get that paperwork so I could finally start changing all my documents legally. Now that I had that, it was time to get my social security and new ID and all that, so I ask my mental health service for help in doing this. I proceed to get cancelled on four sessions in a row, making it nearly a full month, until I finally manage to get to the DMV today.
Aaaaaaaaaaand I can't get my fucking updated ID yet because there's even more fucking hoops to jump through. I feel like slamming my head repeatedly into a brick fucking wall. I'm not sure how much more I can take. Now I have to find a way to the social security office myself, with no help from my mental health service, even though I don't have a car or bike, and I can't take any kind of public transit due to PTSD from sexual assault, and I don't have anyone who can give me a ride, and I don't have money for an Uber or even gas, and it's too far to walk. I am fucked in every sense of the word, and every single fucking capacity. And even fucking then, the very fucking soonest I would be able to get there is a week from now and it would still be a week even after that for me to get what I need from there, and that's assuming I can make it there and get it filled out, and then I need to somehow get back to the DMV with unreliable transportation, and even if everything that goes well, it's probably going to be another two weeks before I get my ID. Keep in mind, I only have housing support for about the next month and a half. At this point I'm genuinely wondering what even is the fucking point. Literally everything has gone wrong and is still going wrong and I am sick and fucking tired of trying to hold everything together. I am genuinely not sure I can take any more. I need a fucking break, plain and simple, but I can never fucking get one.
If God really is real, then when I die, only one of us will have to beg for forgiveness, and it will not be me.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
There are many LGBTQ armies on here. I am one. You are part of the community yourself, I believe. I know you probably don't want this anywhere near your blog because what this person is doing smells like a pile of burning rat guts. I know this person is sick and they are are probably loving the attention they are getting from us (hypocritical of me to say that I know). I know that this is just one troubled person. But they represent many more who think the same way. Today they are in the Jikook tag accusing Jm of SA and violence against Jk (and others) because of the hickey. THE 'EVIDENCE' IS THE HICKEY. When SA and violence are brought into the hickey conversation it is time for everyone aligned with this person to take a good look at themselves.
At what point is 'free speech' and 'being against cancel culture' a deflection against being held accountable for doing something dangerous? At what point is something a homophobic attack?
This is a violent and dangerous level of homophobia this person is putting on the table. It presents something that Jk was speaking about affectionately (his hickey) as him being SAed by an evil sexual predator. This is not the first time this kind of language has been used on their blog. The words they used today were 'sexual assault' 'violence' 'dirty' and 'disgusting'.
This is the kind of homophobia that gets people killed. I am dead serious. Don't sleep on this one. It is framing intimate contact between consenting adults of the same gender as sexual violence when it obviously is not.
Gay people don't need to be out here getting told we are dangerous if we show affection.
Gay people don't need to be out here being called abusers for doing close and intimate things with the people we love.
If anyone thinks it's cute to defend what this asshole is saying as 'freedom of speech', then you are contributing to a broader system of hate and homophobia that makes the world unsafe for people like us. I am old enough to remember Mathew Shepherd. Please look him up anyone who doesn't know.
Us getting mad about it is what this person wants. But I think it could also be a good example for people to take away about how dog whistling works and how it escalates. This individual's blog and that idiotic twt thread they posted is full of homophobic and mysogystic dog whistle attacks. And sometimes it is just plain accusations. And yeah, it would be good if we just starved them out of attention because clearly they have no conscience and are very disturbed. But it is important to know this is bigger than 'anti' behavior. Accusing a public figure of SA when we all saw the footage and can clearly read the tone and context, is an example of how lies and hysterical language can be used to put forth falsehoods. And if society wasn't already brimming with homophobia, both on micro and macro levels, EVERYONE would be able to see how wrong it is. All I can say is these trolls must have a very sad existence.
And that's that on that as far as I am concerned.
I'm assuming this is in regards to this blog sent from this ask:
I TRULY hope no one took this as me saying pretend it doesn't exist. When I say don't give them attention I mean, don't send them asks even to try to prove them wrong or to tell them off. They don't care. Don't comment on their stuff. Don't call them names, even though it is deserved. They don't care and they thrive off that attention and "angering" people.
What I mean is absolutely cancel the fvck out of them. Report them daily. Report them to Bighit and Hybe for slander and defamation. They deserve to be blacklisted and sued. This website has a tutorial up for step by step instructions on how to report an account or a person to BHM/Hybe:
I agree with absolutely everything you have said here. This is an ignore and not give what them the satisfaction of seeing you pissed off, but don't ignore what they are saying and please take action against it type of thing. People like this are vile.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. There is a difference.
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basement-critics · 5 years
I watched "James Charles & Austin Jones (My Dumb Opinions)" so you don't have to...
It starts off with him trying and failing to do an intro like those "cute, quirky" vloggers
Starts to open a piano box to put together throughout this video
Says he wants to talk about "James... Franco? James, guru, beauty. Jessi, "maybe his name is Jonson, it's Jonson damn it" " (as if he hasn't been stalking James on Twitter for the past year, also that last part is supposed to be a reference to something I guess)
"How can I make a video on someone and not even know their name? This is what I'm good at, this is what I do"
Brings up how Austin Jones could face up to 10 years in prison for his interactions with young people
Apparently Austin was asking young people for inappropriate photos
Jumps back to him trying to figure out James Charles's name
"James Charles got in trouble because he was apparently plotting to turn straight men gay" forces awkward laugh
Says that James thinks he's no one is off limits because he is a celebrity
Greg says you can't make someone into someone no matter what their sexuality is because there is more to attraction than that because otherwise everyone would be with everyone
There is this "Trumpian theory" out there that if you are a celebrity you can do whatever you want to people (Greg I know you don't like Trump, but people in power have been doing that far longer than Trump has even been alive)
You can only get really weak people to do what you want and not people who actually "give a shit" because they are normal
"So James is all "s my d", it's dick, he's talking about dick"
You shouldn't call James a predator because that downplays what criminals are if you call people who aren't predators predators (James is a predator Greg, he is a sexual predator)
"So apparently James and his millions of dollars and his 16 million subs is now cancelled" (Greg sounded so bitter when saying 16 mill lol)
People don't know what cancelled is anymore because James can still upload a video so he still has a job
James will still be more wealthy than all of our dads combined, James could hire someone to beat up our dads
So if anyone is cancelled it's all of our family trees
We are all feeling cocky and proud of ourselves for ruining his life because some 37 year old chick made a video saying mean things about him and acting like she is humble while talking down, being condescending, exposing, ect.
"The lady literally did this, "Oh James Charles was going to expose people, he was plotting against them, he thinks he's so much better than other people, and that's why I coming to you guys and letting you know. Exposing him, and I'm better than him and I'm not a hypocrite, because...."
Says Tati doesn't actually care, that she's immature for calling her video "Bye Sister" and that's not what an adult does
Says Tati is making fun of James by making that the title, Tati never cared about James
He goes back to trying to guess what James's name is
James made a video crying in response and it was sad because James is young and has so many lessons to still learn, and this "gay ol 37 year old is picking on him"
We all do stupid stuff, and Tati is only "exposing" James to shame and make money off of him
Tati is trying to shame James for trying to expose other people
Society is hypocritical for standing behind her
We can't see how she will turn on us the moment we do something she thinks is out of line
And what her idea of what is out of line is defending straight men, who are like the least victims in the whole world (That is how he says that, it's weird. Also I guess straight men not being victims is the reason why DA and SA crimes against straight men are spiking as more men feel comfortable reporting their abuse, sure Greg)
"If I were straight and James tried to hit on me, and wanted me to s his d I wouldn't. I'm not into James Charles, I don't care about him. I don't care that he's a celebrity or any of this, when does personal accountability come into play?"
"Is everyone around a celebrity a victim now because that seems childish."
His opinion is we got this "old lady" who is seeing this kid that she helped out getting more popular than her, and that she promotes his stuff but he won't exclusively promote her stuff and she's mad (James has to my knowledge never promoted Tati's products, and he even told her he didn't want to be known for that on his channel)
Tati is mad that James promoted another company and decided to not he her "slave and bitch boy" anymore
She was so mad about this she went and made a hate video on him so she can totally ruin his life because he didn't do what she wanted
She helped him make it and now he isn't obeying her everyone word, so this 37 year old "hag" is going to go after James and make 10s of thousands of dollars in the process
That's just a theory based off his limited info though
As someone who has had to defend himself from monatized videos he can tell us the incentive to defend himself is comparable to how much money he could make defending himself, and if he can say this imagine how many others can
Says again how he isn't sure that James's name is James, then goes to build his piano
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