#... but actually I just did a bad job in GIMP
cy-cyborg · 1 year
When did it just become normal to call wheelchair users "wheelchairs"? e.g. "we dont have a ramp because we dont get wheelchairs here often," and "oh thats stacy, she's a wheelchair" or "this toilet is for wheelchairs only". Genuinely, when did that start because I swear i didnt hear it until recently lol
I've been in a wheelchair since the late 2000's, most of my late 2010's and pre-covid 2020 was spent at a job educating people about disability, I got called all kinds of names in that job and grew up in a small "political correctness is bad" town where I was called everything from a gimp to cripple to r*tard. No one in 20 odd years ever called me a just "wheelchair" though.
But in the last few years I've heard it a bunch! Not just online either, like around town and stuff too. It's bizarre. I'd seen Americans talking about it being annoying before I actually heard someone say it, so is it something that started in the US and has just made its way elsewhere because of the internet? I feel like it can't just be that though, because I hear it from older folks too.
Like its annoying but most people who have used it towards me just seem uneducated more than malicious. I'm just weirded out by the fact it seems to have just... come along so quickly lol.
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easyboi · 5 months
Interesting questions!
- nope, not an islander
- barely below thirty
- oh this is probably my favourite question! I’m big on rope bondage, I love the feeling of being tied up, not even as a restraint thing but just as a full-body hug. Although when I do sub, it’s usually got a large degree of immobilisation— simply because I will put up a fight, and most people can’t get me down once I do get my arms free. I’ve got a bit of a gear fetish too, (bike) leathers, heavy rubber, gas masks, helmets. Technically the term is gimp but I loathe it, it sounds so horrendously unsexy to me (not purely but to a non-dismissable degree shaped by an ex Domme). When I Dom I’m pretty simple (at least that’s what I tell myself); I have a protocol I want my subs to follow, with correctional measures and pleasurable spanking/flogging/paddling, depending on the sub. I don’t think I have a puppy play fetish, I’ve just played with several puppies and generally enjoyed that.
- you’re allowed to be self-centred! That’s why I offered you the questions. Mostly it was a thing of chance? i was bored, i saw you were talking to anons eagerly (but with that kind of eagerness that leads to injury and lingering pain in a lot of cases) so I decided to keep an eye on you. What can I say, you are incredible and beautiful and your eagerness is so endearing. You would make a beautiful puppy with the proper mask and a chest harness. But it’s something very specific, so I don’t know if you’d actually like it.
- i have a bit of a bad history with sex and the strict rules and clear communication of bdsm always appealed to me. Safewording out with no questions asked, no hard feelings, allowing me to explore sexuality at my own pace and within the rules I set really helped me make peace with myself. At some point I developed a curiosity for Domming, read about a gazillion blogs because truth be told most of the Dom(me)s I played with weren’t all that good, went to kink events, befriended people at the club where they had shibari demonstrations and started doing scenes. Fell in love with the moment when a sub finally gives in to me, it’s the best thing and I crave it something fierce.
- Bonus: I used to live in a 24/7 arrangement when I was purely a sub but now I’m older, have back pain and a full-time job, so it’s mostly a sex thing these days. I only trust my two partners with myself and my boundaries enough for vanilla sex, so most people only get the demanding SOB with the RBF and the riding crop.
- P
PS: i hope you’ve gone to the post office already!
interesting answers! i figured the rope thing a little from earlier convos, same with spanking lol, but the gear stuff sounds fun too, is that both wearing it or just one person?
not too much danger over the internet luckily but i still really appreciate it 🙏 caught you at the right time jkhdjghst. i don't think i would like it, i'm pretty vanilla after all, but i'd certainly be willing to try it some day
ah yeah that makes a lot of sense, def something to be said for having clear rules and boundaries drawn up beforehand. really interesting hearing about your journey, thank you for sharing!! feel like i know you a Little bit better lol
and i did! tested it a little but i had to make dinner first lkdjjkhst, might try it Proper before i go to bed
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seldomfade · 7 months
i lost my spark during the pandemic. once i convinced myself that my city wasn't in immediate danger of collapsing, i assumed this old mindset that abode and believed that i had no agency, no choice, no power over my own life. i stopped writing, i stopped taking photos, i stopped sharing. both my brain and my body were fearful for their wellbeing; art and my individuality had to take a backseat for now.
and like many of us i got lost in the algorithm. i was drowning in it. i was scrolling through instagram, facebook, tiktok like it was my job. and while i cut out tiktok and facebook for good, it was harder to get ride of instagram. and even if i did, youtube shorts were just around the corner too. it was safe and easy to take in life through my phone. experiencing life in person was dangerous, selfish, and reckless at the time. my freeze/fawn centric brain really took over through the introduction of excessive doomscrolling.
by losing track of my art practice, i've lost track of myself. i've lost touch with a deeper emotional version of myself. the siren voice that sang to the tune of a shutter snapping shut, the clacking of keys, the punch of needle through fabric now grumbles in protest when i try to rouse it. it has shut its mouth tight after the lashing i got from reality; 'the control you think you have is a farce, and you certainly won't have any control over how you die'. Anaïs Nin once wrote she was like a mermaid, unafraid of depths with an aversion to shallow living. i used to think of myself this way too. but lately i've been slicking around the reef getting nothing but bleached by the sun. just like my recent exposures.
i sent in three rolls of 36 frame rolls and in total i got about 25/30 usable images back. i was disheartened at first. my hopes weren't sky high, i just got a new lens and i assumed these photos would be a little funky, i just didn't anticipate getting what i got back.
and at first my thought was 'okay, fix your lens and keep taking photos.' i didn't want to dwell on my failure. i had been doing enough of that in every other corner of my life and i didn't want to carry over the same 'its always going to be bad, it's always going to turn out in a way that hurts more than helps you' mindset. so not discouraged but not exactly excited to continue, i left alone the image folders that stored my work.
but after a couple of days and more thoughts on the matter i told myself, 'hey remember you downloaded GIMP to edit your work. so edit the photos.'
i did. and i can still see the echos of what the images could have been. the composition, the light, the shadows, didn't turn out how i wanted them. but. i can still work with what i have. and it's actually been a lot easier to 'fix' these images than i originally thought. and in 'fixing' some of these photos, i end up liking the under/overexposed original better.
so. i'm going to post the edited and unedited from the aforementioned rolls of heavily edited film. i'm doing this in part for feedback i suppose; how similar is our artistic eye? do you see the same qualities in the images as i do? why do you like one version more than the other? perhaps
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eurofox · 2 years
Judgement review
Finished the Yakuza games that’s not really a Yakuza game and it was really great. I was kind of wary, a whole bunch of new characters to get used to but this is probably one of my top ranking games in the RGG universe. This is a good game to jump into even if you don’t know anything about the Yakuza series too and just want something with a good plot.
The Good Shit:
The story is great. They’ve really tightened their writing skills and I was hooked the whole way through. Far less wacky conspiracies (though there was some) and more focused. I unfortunately spoiled the reveal of The Mole beforehand but I don’t think I would have guessed. No stupid ‘oh no the bad guy got his gun again!’ bullshit this time around thank god, that was really tiresome. The whole ‘for the greater good’ theme was done very well and personally hit hard, alziehimers is a topic that hits home for me. It all tied in well and nothing felt like a waste of time.
Fighting is still great while being different enough from Kiryu’s to keep it fresh. I found the game easier overall, not sure if that’s Yagami being easier to use or if the game is just easier anyway.
Looks great. Same as YK2 really.
I didn’t think they’d let you beat up a load of doctors doing their rounds but they did! How gaming should be
Yagami isn’t as likeable as Kiryu but I warmed to him eventually. He’s a lot less dumb and props to him for actually disarming his opponents. He can be pretty funny at times, he’s fairly dry.
Cast is solid all round really and there was no last minute ‘big bad’ introduced like Jingu. You interact with everyone plenty so they get time to grow and shine, good and bad. Some great female characters who weren’t just damsels in distress. More morally grey characters. And a redemption arc where the guy isn’t instantly killed off? Amazing. Unheard of.
Hoshino was cute and tbh I was scared he was going to get the Rikyia treatment and end up in a dumpster with his eyes gouged out but they let my boy live. A guy who just wants to do his job and avoid the extra responsibilities, after my own heart LMAO
Some good tracks here, Murase’s boss theme and the long battle theme stand out, as well as ‘it’s showtime’
Kamurocho Go was handy.
That yakuza car heat action LMFAO
I enjoyed the investigation scenes.
The chase scenes are also done well here, I enjoyed them a lot as a change of pace
Drone parts are ok
Onomichio returns
The Bad Shit:
Tailing missions got very tedious very fast. I get it’s detective work, but it was boring. And that last one with the glove guy really got irritating when he got lost in the crowds. Took me 15 attempts as I kept losing patience as it goes on so long.
Maybe I didn’t use it right, but Crane style never felt that useful.
Mortal wounds is a bullshit concept and just made shit more annoying than it had to be.
Kaito could have had a bit more screentime, he disappers off a lot.
I get yagami isn’t a built like a tank like Kiryu, but he seems to get knocked on his arse a lot easier and takes way too long to get up.
Why is Kurowia such a powerhouse? Never really got that.
Dice and Cube hurts my eyeballs
The second Saori mission was pretty cringe inducing and the comments from Kaito and Yagami were gross. Really irritated me
Kim can get fucked. Whiny bitch. And constantly having to deal with those Keihin  gangs on his behalf was so fucking annoying, much worse than street thugs considereing they could do mortal damage.
Some shit I saw coming a mile off, like Sugihara actually being Emi’s brother.
What is with that weird gimp, he was in 6 and back here again and it’s never explained? WTF is with him.
I never quite got if it’s meant to be part of the same world as yakuza or not. The same shops and even staff appear. Sure, the Tojo clan is there, but Daigo and the rest are never mentioned nor seem interested in the crazy shit going on, even if it is a third rate family at the centre of it. Kiryu is mentioned indirectly once (maybe more, I stuck to the main story), and evidence of his shenanigans is there, like Shangri-La. Date is never mentioned, even though his police division is involved. But the timelines don’t seem to match up with what happened in 7? I’ve not played that one yet actually, so maybe it works somehow, but it did get confusing. I know they wanted to keep this separate so newcomers wouldn’t feel lost.
A great game altogether, even if you never played Yakuza. The story is the real draw of this game, really engaging with a solid cast. Nobody felt wasted, which is unfortunately often the case in other titles.
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tentajack · 2 years
I think i figured out what the core of my current mental state is coming from.
Whenever I have a major life shift, whenever from my frequent severe illnesses or mass irl re-shifting or an unfortunately timed wombo combo of both, my priorities and time management and brain worms and even my tastes in media and creation will shift, sometimes a little, other times a fuckton.
That's not even going into some minor personality changes, which is why I've dubbed this kind of event an ego reshuffle. It's occurred many times, and it fucking sucks, sometimes occurring at the same time as either a partial burnout or a full one (never want to live though that again). The most severe one was when I had moved and had to adjust to working life... resulting in taking a four year hiatus from almost all art, which at that time had all been traditional with a little training in how to use ps and illustrator to supplement.
By the time I did get the spark back, it was nothing like what it had been before: drawing reverse centaurs and ponies on /mlp/ with only a mouse and GIMP and writing some smutty greentext on the side, almost nothing to do with how I had created previously aside from some side screenshot edits, back around about 2014 or so.
Time has come and gone,and I've had lesser versions of this kind of shift, but for clarity I'm just going to focus on what I've been making, more so what I haven't been making.
I've made lots of things that I love, and I don't regret taking over writing updates for Royal Quest, or any of the lovingly gay ass shit I've written elsewhere, but in the shuffle I forgot I was supposed to be working on game development this whole fucking decade.
It was easy to lose sight of that goal right from the start, especially with the fatigue issues I discovered after a few years at a desk job. I'd try to make sure I was making some sort of progress, either learning blender or setting up documentation for how to set up an alpha version of a game idea. But between constant and chronic health issues, a marriage to my loving wife that I must confess is much more co-dependent than I should allow, employment upheavals, and growing as a person outside of the shadow of my upbringing, shit got a little too chaotic, and my goals and dreams and everything about myself that wasn't tied to either survival or pleasure (I like to entertain a crowd with my art and writing and I'm not ashamed to admit that, but the chase of serotonin really backfired for focusing on long term projects... or all the gratuitous smut, again not sorry at all for that) simply got buried and forgotten.
I remembered just today that I yearn to participate in game dev in some form, any form, and it would explain why my ambition would burn me up despite doing what I could, given I was not making any progress in making an actual game. Strengthening my skills and making wonderful friends, yes, but if I'm not making tangible progress I feel like I'm dying. My ambition is a living flame, and if i do not feed it, it will find something to burn. It does not help that thanks to my irl commitments and chronic fatigue that my ability to draw and write and make has become painfully slow, and that's really really bad for making a game with no outside help.
I can already see what I need to do:
>Properly cancel Royal Quest
This one will be hard to walk away from, but it's been nearly five years since I hijacked it, and I need to move on no matter what before the five year mark. It's a shame I never got around to the three or four scenes where all the consequences of player actions came to bloom, but I can at least write up a short summary of what those would have been in multiple places and hope my players see the announcement on /cyoag/ to know I'm not coming back for a long while. QM'ing has been such a fun experience, but writing daily updates where pacing suffered due to my own fatigue isn't a great way to finish that story. Maybe I'll remake the whole thing in rpg maker someday in the far future, I still love the setting and characters too much to let them go for good. This will hurt me to do, I do not abandon any project lightly.
>Force finish all my don't starve WIP's
This one is more so the fault of an extended busy season and a bad illness, but I am way past overdue to finish A midwinters nightmare, and the two remaining chapters are not something I want lingering in my work queue. I'm going to need to finish both chapters by the end of February at the latest, even if it winds up being a shitpost-like version, I hate abandoning projects once they're in the public view and it is not an option for something I want to finish like this. I think the only other 'expected thing' was some out-of-season kinktober stuff that I'm going to try to do in February if I can balance my time well in the coming weeks
>Wrap up any other side projects and start daily dev progress
Once I have no promises hanging over me, I'm going to start some pre-production stuff on one particular game idea I had for a hunting/fishing/horror game, so that even if I need to fall back to a more 2d/sprite oriented game later on I'll still have solidified what I need for that main project. I know nobody's first game goes as first expected, but it won't mean anything if I never have a first game in the first place. I'll likely be posting those updates one way or another here or on pillowfort, so I can keep myself accountable (except on days I get sick).
That's all I have to say on the topic for now, it's late at night but I feel my ambition being fed again with this rediscovery. I still want to do fandom stuff, but it might become more and more of a backburner thing until I can manage time for all projects again.
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importantkidspyfarm · 2 years
The Next 365 Days (2022)
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This series has been a rollercoaster. And this final installment has been a series of those slanting turns that feel like they will turn into loops but never do. That said I will miss this.
This is no real order. Just my brain processing what I'm watching.
Spoilers. Duh!
Massimo be threatening anybody.
So how long do you stay after the decree is handed down? Until either party can't handle the awkwardness?
Massimo won't bang her because she got shot, but had no problem banging her for hours when she had a heart condition.
Plot, actual plot!
Not shoes on the bed. oh no no no no!
Laura is dedicated to these Fiacchi drawers.
Shower in the same space as the master suite seems sexy, until Aunt Irma comes to visit and you've got a clot coming out.
What's the NDA like for house staff?
Be quiet? Sir they were behind a thin curtin in a metal tube, 20,000 feet in the air, listening to you get a very aggressive blow job from a random flight attendant. Trust and believe sex with your wife is the most normal thing they could hear.
Also there is an employee orgy in this movie.
I love the intimacy of Laura and Olga's friendship.
Once again, every pair of sunglasses is fire.
The music is better.
The Torricelli's are in the business of Drugs, clubs(dance, strip, & both), restaurants, gambling, blackmail, and wine. Diversify.
Labels restaurant bad, proceeds to show delicious looking food, attentive service and nice atmosphere.
No Domenico sexiness? Really no Domenico. Instead we get a bunch more Tommy. Who the fuck even is that? It's bull shit.
We should've seen Laura and Massimo dance together.
We never see them happy and domestic together.
That whispered "My fault". Whew.
Him carrying her to bed. Aww.
Smart houses. Bad idea. When the wifi goes out the house is done for.
Him in them low sitting black track pants go straight the vagina every time.
Mass: Leave.
Laura: Stay.
Me as the stripper:
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Should've done a handy at the club. Also the song is good.
Not her happy and smiling in the Nacho fantasy. Uh oh.
Wake up head. The best.
No marmalade for you.
Who is Giuseppe and how is he still alive if he keeps fucking up?
Massimo in the shower. Give me more.
He tossed that band and them glasses down like a toddler.
What man thought having business meeting in strip clubs was cool? He needs to be on a list. That's weirdo behavior.
Someone get Olga a brush. Three movies and not once have they combed her hair.
They really said let's make Laura and her new business partner look exactly alike. I was so confused.
So much Domenico and Olga wedding planning only to see no wedding.
This was very light on the ho antics.
Why is Domenico not the guy at the tennis court. Tommy is a little too fresh with Massimo for me.
Since when did Olga start calling her Lari? 2 whole movies not once all of a sudden she never says Laura. Same for Olo.
Not this heffa shoulder checking my man. He has the right to be upset. He didn't cheat on you and you ran off with another man.
What the fuck is this coked up sex orgy? Are you all not coworkers. What's Monday like? *avoiding eyes because you're sure watching your colleague get his ass are made your dick just a little harder*
Blowhole tits gimp.
Tommy left so quick. He said, "I have a wife and a new born at home. Y'all be easy."
I love Massimo resisting temptation as he has flashbacks to the night at the club with Laura.
I'll hide you with my body. Proceeds to scream and draw attention to self.
Olga is not they type of friend you take everywhere.
I thought the designer was banging Nacho.
He was cute.
Why is Olga getting the fashion expo invitation. Why not the designer and why is she not going? What is Laura's position here?
The designer hates Laura. Why did she sell a portion of the business if she wasn't interested? Was it blackmail? Was she desperate for the money?
I'm genuinely upset that she cheated. On the verge of tears. I need to go touch grass
Thought that was Laura and Mass having make up sex. Very disappointed it was not.
The state of this hotel room. Clean it up.
Marcello! I thought his name was Ignacio hence Nacho. Maybe it's his middle name.
That's not his sister! They were necking.
I thought Domenico was going to show up with a sexy surprise for Olga. At least catch her flirting with other guys and fuck it out of her.
Three indecipherable accents. Polish, Italian, and Spanish.
Dream Nacho be putting it down.
That white dress was so boring.
The fashion show clothes were good.
Weren't they in Lagos for a business meeting?
Shadow of a man. He spent two weeks with her.
Finds out "brother" kidnapped and plotted to kill woman. Not speaking for a week is punishment enough.
Nacho keep him a job. Gardener, now cabbie.
Pacing! The lack of it is irritating.
They made Olga very annoying this movie.
Since when was Laura a motorcycle chick.
Her parents house is nice.
I'm not the only one who thought she was going to get in the fountain at Nachos house, right?
Real Nacho put it down.
This beach scene is giving the boat scene a run for its money.
"I'm not like him, I won't force you to do something". You got him there Nacho. Get your girl.
Did Mass see them fucking at the beach?
Ooh, mad Mass is kinda hot.
How is she mad at him? Not only did he not cheat on you, he also found out you were pregnant and lost the baby. Then finds out you're falling in love with someone else and he killed his twin brother. He is going through a lot. And still not once has she asked him how he's doing.
For a mafia dons wife she loves having him not know where she is. Idk about you but after two kidnappings and two murder attempts I'd want my husband to be able to find me.
That hotel stationery was nice.
Her crying after he leaves is a really good moment.
Where is the heart problem!?!?
Nacho describing how he fell in love with her. I'm crying.
Nacho risking all out war for this broad just to get that heart broke. Suck his dick from the back.
Why can't she have both? Let this woman live!
If you think your friends husband is going to kill her why are you letting her go back to the house?
Nacho is finna drive them off a cliff!
Not him getting out the cab. Oh he messy
I need Nacho to have a love interest outside of Laura and his sister.
Have the mom make pierogi. A callback.
They really cut the brat x daddy kink out after the first one. Which is weird because that’s what draws people to the series. Sure it’s not my thing (Laura get out the fountain, you’re an adult) but I’ll risk the kink occasionally. And sneaking out to go to dinners doesn’t count .
Mom is right, women should be a little selfish in relationships.
Are they about to kiss? OMG OMG OMG! Laura, you selfish bitch! Go back to sleep.
I for sure thought she was about to get kidnapped at lunch with her dad. By the nosy nuns.
Is Laura famous in Poland? Them nuns was staring hard. I know that one was Blanka.
Did Laura tell her parents the whole story or did she leave out both kidnappings? And the murders.
I know that's not how this ends. Where is their final sex scene?
I know the credits not about to roll.
Not with a bang but with an, "Are you back, Baby Girl?".
Massimo and Laura only have sex twice! And one fake out. That's bull shit. I didn't need to see the nameless designer bang fake Nacho.
When does that English translation of the third book come out because, baby, I need these plot holes filled.
I'm going to miss this series so much. Thank the gods for rewatching.
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shoutogepi · 5 years
“Fuck You!””I Just Might.”
Bakugou Katsuki
word count : 7.1k holy hecc
[ ✘ (nsfw!) ]
themes : nasty nasties hehe.. choking, angry sex, dom bakugou (what���s new lmao), lots of sexy vengeful teasing, & almost being caught (? idk what to call that haha)
bio : You and Ground Zero are far from getting along in almost every aspect… except for getting off perhaps.
author’s note : wow another smut whodathunkit !!! This isn’t super romantic (Happy VDay my sweets!!) but goddamn if u thirstin today drink tf up bc the SALOON IS OPEN AND HERE’S THE SPECIAL ON DA HOUSE
side note: (Y/H/N) = your hero name, also the sidekick is 100% out my ass not real bc I didn’t feel like doing legit research heheh. also, all characters are aged up to long past UA-grad in this (so everyone is 18+!!)
tagging: @lordexplosionsextra per request -- hope you enjoy bb :) happy vday!
also available on AO3 here
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🄰rms crossed, chest puffing in defiance, your gaze shoots daggers into his stupid smirk. “I’m not your fucking sidekick, Boom-Boy, so you can crawl back into the putrid swamp you came from and take your damn paperwork with you!”
“H-hey now,” Bakugou’s sidekick laughs nervously, hands waving in front of him as he shakes off the jab you just took at him inadvertently.
Bakugou laces his gloved fingers over his lap and kicks back in his chair, straightening his legs so his boots rest on the table across from you. “Listen, Princess, you know the rules. Whoever gets the final blow doesn’t have to do the nitty-gritty shit,” he answers, shrugging nonchalantly.
“You only got the finisher in ‘cuz I was busy doing everything else! You pop in at the last second and get all the credit and no busywork? Fuck off,” you fume, hooking your foot around the leg of his chair and ripping it toward you. Bakugou’s eyes widen as he falls backwards, tumbling onto the hard floor. He grimaces at you from the floor, vermillion eyes ablaze.
“It’s not my fault you’re too stupid to strategize! Don’t start shit you can’t fucking finish yourself!” He barks, voice spiking with fury. Ouch, that one stung your pride a little.
“You’re such an asshole,” you snarl, shoving the stack of papers off the table. The pages swirl in the air and scatter onto the tiled floor, some landing on the instigator’s lap. Bakugou’s palms crackle as his breath is stolen at your audacity. Your sidekick lets out a startled noise, jumping at the sudden popping. Bakugou’s sidekick has his hand on his temple, attempting to rub out the headache forming at this mess.
Why did you two have to hate each other so much?
The two sidekicks stand stiffly against the wall as you shove by them, Bakugou glaring at your ass as your hips swing around the doorway, out of his sight.
It’s late, the purple sky littered with the lights of the lively city. The villain you— or Bakugou, you suppose— had taken down earlier had been the last job of the day and you’re tired of the stupid bullshit he always serves you when the two of you work together.
Usually your agency kept the two of you on opposite boundaries of the patrol area, but you had begrudgingly needed help with this last offender of the day. Your quirk didn’t do incredibly well against villains with close-combat styles, but you could still manage. Unfortunately, the guy that had been causing mayhem earlier was beyond powerful up close, and he had landed a hit that knocked the wind out of you and made you slower than usual. It wasn’t a major injury or anything, but you’d probably have a nasty bruise on your torso after you took off this goddamn gimp-suit of a costume. Luckily, you had visited the in-house, agency healer in the infirmary upon arrival from the job, and they had sucked the nasty welt off your skin and redirected it somewhere else as their quirk allowed. The pain subsided mostly, just a bit sore where the bruise would’ve been.
You close the door to your office gently, a heavy sigh releasing as you make your way toward the desk. It was almost quitting time, but you still had to finish up the paperwork from the other case you had dealt with this morning. Clicking on the desk lamp, you breathe in to calm your frayed nerves, eyes closing briefly as you try to find the energy to finish your work.
The door bursts open, slamming almost immediately and tearing you out of your attempt at meditation. Bakugou stands in there, steam practically billowing from his nose and scarlet eyes flashing with agitation.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” He snarls, prowling toward you with an accusatory, gloved finger raised.
“Excuse me?” You quip, irritation revitalized almost instantly. “Who do you think you are, storming into my office after the shit you pulled today?”
He stops in front of you, glowering down at you. You turn your face slightly, your eye level meeting his chest and not wanting to look at that. He was kind of muscular up close like this, you’d never noticed because you’d always created the most distance as possible between you two.
“Oh, you mean me saving your ass? Yeah, my bad, woman,” he growls, letting his gaze linger on the way your eyelashes kiss your cheek bones as you scoff, eyes closed in annoyance.
You glare at him, infuriated. “I didn’t need your fucking help! Did I ask you to come?”
He takes his time to reply, stare holding your attention briefly before he licks his lips. “No, but your sidekick did.”
The sentence is like a cold slap to the face, and you push him backwards with newfound anger. “Don’t fucking lie to me Bakugou,” you seethe, hands clenched into fists. “If you’re gonna lie at least come up with something believable!”
“Tch. She did call me, brat, and she begged me to come to your rescue like you were a goddamn damsel in distress,” he grunts, breaking eye contact with you as he hunches slightly, strong hands shoved into his pockets. Bristling at the refreshed anger rippling off of you, he already knows what you’re going to say. “She said that shitty villain got his hands on you, yeah right you had it under control.”
You don’t know what to say. You can’t really refute that the assailant had managed to hurt you, but you still wish Bakugou hadn’t heard that information. The asshole already thinks he’s the hottest shit in the agency, you really don’t want to give him any evidence of your weaknesses. So you sit on the edge of your desk, sighing once again. “I can handle one hit, dipshit,” you mutter. “It’s already healed anyway.”
“Yeah, yeah, you can take care of yourself,” he grumbles, gaze flickering to your grim expression before he looks intently at the picture on your wall.
The silence that ensues is uncomfortable. You had never really talked to Bakugou before-- usually every time the two of you were together you were having a shouting match, throwing insults back and forth relentlessly. You aren’t really sure how to reply, and you absolutely did not want to acknowledge that he had come to your rescue when you actually needed him.
Bakugou is as silent as you are. He wonders where you’d been hit momentarily, before pushing off the thought because god forbid he show emotions. He’d already had his fill of feelings for the day. He sure as hell would never tell a soul, but the second he had seen your sidekick’s name flash across his phone screen this evening, his stomach dropped like he’d been the one to receive the villain's punch, not you. Shoving away the intrusive thought, his trademark scowl surfaces to his face.
“You know, I still haven’t heard a ‘thank you’.”
His irritating voice slices through the tension in the room, and you bristle at his impudence. “Gee, Ground Zero,” he ruffles at his hero name, a frown bending his thin lips,” thanks so much for stealing my job and taking the credit for it too, and really— thank you so much for the paperwork as well. I’m just so grateful.”
“Tch. Don’t be so bitchy, you know I saved your ass today so just fess up and thank me already. You’ll feel better once you spit it out,” he provokes, thick arms crossing over his chest.
“Fuck you,” you hiss, scowling at his smug face. The snarl that breaks his lips is ignored as your eyes turn to slits directed toward him.
He laughs at your malicious look, mouth transforming into a sleazy grin. He can’t stop himself even though he’s a tad hesitant, but his bold and loud nature wins out and he says cooly, “I just might.”
You gape at him, the smile on his mouth escalating your agitation. “W-What?” You choke out meekly, palms pushing you off the desk to stand upright.
He has the gall to grin, taking a step toward you. His heavy boots clunk against the floor, and you move backwards only to bump into the desk again. You cast a futile glare at the desk, and when you look back at him, he’s looming over you. “I think it’s time we acknowledge this thing we have, (Y/H/N).”
Your lips part in surprise, the blush tainting your cheeks slightly. “I have no idea what you’re referring to,” you stammer. Your arms crossing over your chest, he can’t help but notice how your breasts squish upwards, cleavage visible through your skin-tight costume.
“I think you do,” he chuckles with a low voice, gaze regarding the pink pigment gracing your cheeks. He savors it, lips curling into a smirk. His hands meeting the edge of your desk as he leans in, his body brushes against your arms. You rear back, shock evident on your face with lips parted as he tips his head to the side. He cages you in, an unfamiliar look simmering in his crimson irises. “You can feel the tension between us too. I know it, Princess.”
You’re once again at a loss for words. What the hell is happening right now? You think, mind reeling desperately to change the subject. “I hate it when you call me that,” you spit out, looking up to catch his intense stare. It wasn’t dishonest, you hated his pet name for you. Just because you weren’t as careless as him, he’d tacked the snide nickname to you awhile back because he knew it pissed you off. “It’s a stupid name that only your idiot brain could come up with.”
Take the bait, please take the bait.
“The way you treat me like I’m beneath you, what else can I call you?” His breath fans against your cheek and you hate to admit it’s fresh and minty, not at all as nasty and troll-like as you’d convinced yourself it would be. “But I guess that’s ‘cuz you really wouldn’t mind having me under your lap, right?”
You gasp at his crude suggestion, knees smacking together as your thighs clench automatically. “Fuck off, Bakugou,” your voice trembles slightly, your palms hesitantly landing on his chest. Your attempt to push him is less than half-hearted, and he smiles at your crumbling resolve.
His fingers skim along the small of your back, perching his hand on your waist. You can feel its warmth through your costume and his glove, and your body bends into his hold on its own accord, your ass pushing back while your chest grazes his. He exhales harshly, his other hand docking on the top of your stiffened thigh, thumb falling into the curve between your legs. You wish it was higher up, and the recognition of your craving makes your blush a few shades darker.
“What was that?” He snickers, lips brushing your earlobe as his nose pushes away your cascading hair. He didn’t expect you to smell so good after a long day of fighting crime.
Your fingers grab onto his costume, clawing at the material and you’re not sure if it’s in anger or desire. But Bakugou is sure, his fingers rubbing your waist as he glances at your restless hold on his costume. “Oh, bite me,” you spit out, your bottom lip caught between your teeth.
His lips touch your jaw, and you can feel the sneer that rests so prominently there. “Manners, Princess… say please,” he chides, tongue poking out to trace the soft skin there.
A quiet moan escapes you and Bakugou groans loudly in response. He draws his face back to lock eyes with you, stare taught with the tension the two of you have built over all this time.
“You gonna tell me you’ve never thought about us fucking?” He inquires, eyes darting to your lips and returning to your gaze. “All those times we riled each other up, every time we pushed each other’s buttons over and over— you gonna say you never thought about getting me to shut the hell up by any means necessary?”
Your eyes roll in your head, from a combination of lust and disbelief. You cannot believe you're letting him hold you like butter in his hot hands, melting you and licking you up. You glare at him, his lips just close enough to distract you. You weren’t going to let him mould you like putty anymore. “I bet you wanna think that I have, Bakugou,” you whisper, and he looks at you with mild surprise adorning his handsome face. Your blush infects him immediately, a flush spreading over his own cheeks and he’s suddenly very glad his costume has a mask. “You think I haven’t noticed you checking me out every second of the day, Boom-Boy?”
He seems at a loss for words as your wrists wrap around the back of his neck, pulling his face down and level to yours. His brow bursts into a sweat as one of your hand curls around his costume’s throat piece, trailing south and following the delicious line between his pecs down his abs. Your fingernails scraping through his costume, his skin prickles as he gasps. Your lips meet his stubbled jaw, mirroring the action he had performed to you a moment ago. His fingers tighten their hold on you, his body jerking almost invisibly at the contact. “You ogle at me much more, little Miss Priss,” he says cockily even though his voice sounds forced.
It was your turn to curl your lips into a sultry smile, half-lidded eyes regarding his shocked, eager stare. “I thought I told you not to tell your phony lies, Bakugou,” your murmur against his jawline, hand curving around his pelvis and to drag down his outer thigh. “It’s a sin to lie, you know.” Your fingers skim the very ridge of the bulge in his pants, teasingly tracing the outline and watching him close his eyes, his grin seeming strained.
“You know a lot about sins, then?” he pants, sliding his hand down from your waist slowly, fingertips stretching eagerly to push into your plush ass.
You nip at his skin playfully, and he shudders in response. Your raise your head to meet his hungry gaze, your coy smile still beaming. “I might… You want me to demonstrate my knowledge?” Your tongue parts your lips, eyes falling to his slightly agape mouth. Your breath tangles, and his eyelids flutter shut as your lips graze.
The hand on your thigh grips your flesh tighter and you whimper, your mouth tingling at the harder contact of the kiss. His other hand slides south and cups your tailbone, calloused fingers bringing your ass toward him. The sudden movement surprises you, and you grab onto his neck, making his chin dip down as your hips slide into his crotch. You clash into him, your lips colliding as sparks fly through the air.
You both moan into each other’s mouths, the kiss desperate and hot. Your tongue pokes out to probe his bottom lip and he gladly receives your wet muscle with his own. Your legs trapped between his shuffle as you wiggle your hips, savoring his fiery hands gliding over your figure.
Bakugou’s hands are firm but warm, caressing your waist and hips and heating them up. He growls as your hips buck against his, rubbing the tent in his baggy pants. One of his hands slides along the smooth fabric of your hero suit, cupping the swell of your breast in his large palm as his thumb runs over your nipple. You throw your head back, and his lips gladly blaze the trail of your throat with a scorching urgency. Your fingers move to his arm pieces, clamoring at the top of the machinery near his elbows. He gladly slides the gadgets off, placing them in one of the chairs facing your desk while he rips off his black gloves. He hastily throws the neck piece onto the seat as well before he turns and captures your lips once more.
When his fingers return to your hips, you can feel the true heat of his burning palms through your bodysuit, making you arch into him wantonly. His tongue battles yours fiercely, both of you fighting for dominance as his hands glide up to your waist and fumble with your belt. You can feel his rigid muscles through his thin tank top, your hands wandering greedily underneath the right material to touch his smooth skin.
Bakugou smirks as your belt falls onto the desk, hands falling and grabbing onto your ass cheeks eagerly, pulling you closer to his body. You take the chance to shove your tongue into his mouth and he groans at the impact, jaw slackening as he allows your tongue to take control. He grinds into you slowly, making your thighs tremble with apprehension. His mouth detaches from yours, and the string of saliva connecting your tongues is sliced as his shirt flies through the air. You drink in the sight of his naked chest, muscles swelling and flexing, tapering down into a delicious V that disappears underneath his belt.
You grab the belt, yanking his body close to yours again and sighing as your lips meet once more. “You’re really man-handling me Princess,” he comments amusedly into your lips as your fingers grapple with his belt, toying with the latch.
“Shut the fuck up,” you snarl, teeth sinking into his bottom lip and harnessing a moan from him,” and touch me already, pussy.”
His vermillion gaze ignites, mouth crashing onto yours as his fingers slide underneath the swell of your ass. He lifts you like you’re but a paperweight, and you moan as your legs wrap around his hips. His tongue crushing yours, his kisses so intense that your head leans back at the sizzling force. You jump slightly as your ass meets the cushion of your desk chair, eyes opening to see he’d rounded the desk and knelt in front of you. His knees on the ground, he looks up at you haughtily, hands coasting slowly down your legs toward your center. “Is this where you want me?” he feigns innocence and you glare down at him. His thumb hooks the crotch of your leotard, and he shoves the material to the side roughly, making you gasp.
The cool office air greets your cunt, making it throb even more in arousal. “Bakugou,” you whine as he watches your face, shifting your hips in a feeble attempt to catch his attention. He slinks down, lips brushing over your panties softly as he watches you squirm. He grins against the black lace, thumb curling around the skinny part of the thong over your asshole, making you shiver.
“You’re right Princess,” he grumbles, tongue gliding over the wet spot that had leaked through the material, inhaling your scent pervertedly as he closes his eyes in triumph. Your bottom lip is prisoner to your teeth again as you watch his teasing movements, unable to tear your eyes away from him. “Sometimes when you’ve got me all riled up, I jerk off thinking about how good your bratty little ass would look bouncing on my dick.” You can’t help but whimper at his confession, rolling your hips against his mouth in desperation.
He smirks up at you, crimson irises glittering with savory mischief. His hands snake around your thighs, clutching onto the junction they meet your hips with vigor. He pushes your body down into the seat so you can’t wriggle any longer, and he feels your cunt clench against his chin when he nips at your panties, teeth dragging along your clit. You wail his name again lowly, harsh breaths ripping through your lungs.
He growls in response, thumb ripping the lace to the side and exhaling at the sight of your swollen cunt, grin broadening at the excessive glaze that he had caused. “Fuck,” he laments, tongue poking out to graze your clit experimentally. Satisfied with the way your hand flies to cover your mouth, he places a teasing kiss there. “You know,” he murmurs against your slick nerve,” More than once I’ve wondered how hot and sweet your cunt must be, hiding underneath this skimpy little leotard.”
You let out a shaky breath, eyebrows cinching as you glower down at him, meeting his pleased gaze. “Why don’t you find out for yourself then?” you hiss, baring your teeth at his infuriatingly proud smirk.
“Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Princess?” Bakugou’s tongue glides along the side of your slit, making you stiffen and shut your eyes tightly. Of course he’s a fucking tease.
A knock sounds at your door to pull you out of your collapsing mind, and you sit up straight, eyes wide as Bakugou’s sidekick peeks into the room.
Bakugou stills, unsure as to who it is, staying hidden behind your desk and still holding your hips harshly.
“Hey Y/N, have you seen Ground Zero possibly? He’s stormed off as usual and I can’t find him anywhere,” the sidekick says, blinking at you with unsuspecting eyes.
“Oh, H-Hikaru,” you gulp, hesitantly placing your hands on your desk. Bakugou is quiet underneath you but you’re preparing yourself for the little shit to pull something stupid.
And he does.
Bakugou’s tongue slips between your folds suddenly, licking a large stripe from the bottom to the top of your slit, sucking in your clit and rolling his tongue around it brazenly.
“Oh my god!” you yell, hand slapping over your mouth too late. Hikaru looks at you incredulously, regarding your pink cheeks and sweaty forehead. “I can’t believe him! W-what an asshole!” you pant as Bakugou sucks harder, your pussy clenching onto itself. “He probably left so you’d do the paper… mmm, paperwork for h-him.” You abs are flexed so hard, straining in order to restrain the mess of moans that Bakugou is summoning.
Hikaru finds your tone a bit peculiar, but he continues anyway. “Uh, probably… Are you okay Y/N? You look kind of… sick,” he comments, head tilting to the left. “Did you get that jab checked out yet? I can take you to the infirmary if you want. If it’s bad I can drop you off at your place, too.”
Bakugou doesn’t like that suggestion. He doesn’t need to lick his fingers, your drenched core welcomes the digits instantly. Your walls accommodate his middle and ring finger eagerly and he smirks as they sink into you, knuckle-deep.
“Yes!” you shriek, quickly shooting a glare down at the blonde, your hair covering your face from his sidekick. “I mean— yes, I had it checked out and I’m f-fine, thank you for the concern, Hikaru,” you explain, a forced smile on your lips as you silently beg him to leave.
Bakugou stretches his fingers inside you, scissoring them to coat them in your essence before he puts them together again. His wrist strained in the forced position, he flicks the digits back and forth, almost laughing in glee as he recognizes that soft velvety spot deep within you.
Hikaru blinks at you again before he nods half-heartedly. “Okay… Well if you need me, I’ll be in the conference room doing Bakugou’s job,” he laughs, tucking out of the door and closing it finally.
“He wishes he could do my job, fucker,” Bakugou grunts, mouth immediately returning to satiating your needy hole.
You sag into the chair, a quiet moan floating out of you as Bakugou continues to finger you, his lips slurping up your clit once more. Shooting a heated look at him, you bare your teeth at him, and choke out a hiss,” Fuck you!”
Bakugou only chuckles, savoring the way your cunt throbs around his digits. “I didn’t think you were so impatient, brat.” He doesn’t slow his actions though, knuckles ramming against your skin. He enjoys the way you gasp as he moves your thigh over his shoulder, his tidy fingernails pressing into your trembling leg. “You taste pretty good, Y/N. I guess it’s just your personality that’s bitter,” he remarks, smiling against your sex as his fingers slide out of you.
You toss him a pointed look as he wipes his chin with the back of his hand. “Excuse you, Boom-Boy,” you chide,” only my friends get to call me that!”
“Tch, I get to eat your pussy but I can’t call you by your name? You really know how to make a guy work for it,” he scoffs, sounding mock-hurt, and now menacing over you.
You frown in response but it quickly melts into a smirk. “Don’t worry, Katsuki,” you observe how he closes his eyes, the corner of his mouth twitching as his hand turns into a fist,” I’ll return the favor.” You tentatively place your hands on his belt, undoing the clasp and resting the heel of your palm against his clothed, hard cock. You gently undo the fastenings around his thick thighs, placing the belt with his grenades onto your desk cautiously. You weren’t trying to be blown up just for some dick.
He hooks his thumbs into the waistband of both his black pants and underwear, annoyed with you taking your sweet ass time. His bare cock springs free, greeting your hungry gaze with an inviting sheen of sticky precum trailing down his hard length. You gawk at the sight, genuinely surprised to find he was so… well equipped.
“So this is why you’re so cocky, huh?” you state, eyes following the protruding vein running the entirety of his full, flushed member.
He barks out a laugh which dies in his throat as you press a chaste kiss to his weeping pink tip. Your tongue flat against your bottom lip, you slide his cock into your mouth and moan at the salty, provocative taste of him. His length almost as thick as your throat itself, you gag gently as you take him whole into your mouth before quickly pulling back. You place your hand around the base of his now-slick cock, your mouth sucking and bobbing on the top half of him as you jerk your fist at the same tempo.
Bakugou is much louder than you expected him to be, and the way his erotic, serrated breath is tearing from his lungs makes your pussy clench in desire. His chest heaves, the bulging muscles on his torso tense underneath his surprisingly smooth skin. Your other hand wanders up his abs, enjoying the way the ridges between them are so defined. He growls as your finger rubs over his nipple, his hand catching your wrist in a tight grasp but not doing anything to stop the action.
You purr on his cock, slippery hand leaving the base to cup his balls, eliciting a hiss from him as he sucks air in between his gnashing teeth. Confidence torrenting through your veins at his reaction, your jaw drops as wide as you can muster, your mouth gliding further down his length.
Bakugou’s empty hand collects the hair falling around your face, holding it for you as you weave back and forth. His jaw falls slack as the head of his dick rubs the back of your throat, summoning a soft gag that makes your mouth vibrate around him. Your wrist hurts a little from his tight grasp, but the way his fingernails dig into your skin makes your core shiver in delight. “Shit, Y/N.”
You don’t bother to correct him this time, thumb running over his balls just hard enough to make him shake a bit, savoring the way he is panting and quaking before you. The hand grasping your hair nimbly shimmies closer to your skull, his fingers twisting almost too tightly onto the roots of your hair. You allow him to coax your mouth closer, his arm guiding your face to take his length deeply. A low growl tears from the bottom of his lungs as you lock eyes with his impassioned stare. His hips nudge smally against your lips, his tongue poking out to run over his lip as he pulls back and glides back inside your sweltering throat.
You moan forcefully, savoring the the strangled noise that slithers from his now gaping mouth. Taking initiative once more, you begin to jerk your neck back and forth quickly, wincing as his grip tightens on your wrist. Bakugou tries his best to repress his moans but the way your bratty throat welcomes his hard cock makes him see tiny, fizzling explosions when he closes his eyes.
His hips rear back, and you almost fall off the chair as you lean in to close the distance. He catches you easily, hot hands landing on your shoulders as his gaze locks with yours, inexplicable desire sizzling between the two of you. His hands fly down to collect your ass cheeks, and he picks you up just to place the apple of your cheeks on the desk behind him. Teetering on the edge of the wooden furniture, your legs wrap around his waist, and his lips slam onto yours again. His fingers frantically running over your super suit, he snarls in frustration when he can’t find the zipper.
You laugh at him mockingly, catching his eye as you pinch the zipper on the side of your neck, the material shrinking away immediately with elasticity. He watches as your breasts pop out of the silky, neoprene-like fabric, bouncing with hardened, pink nipples standing perkily to greet him.
“No bra?” He reprimands but his time sounds more turned on than accusatory. “Princess, you’re so naughty.” His hands fly to your tits, groping the soft and supple flesh with fervor. You unzip the rest of your side, pulling your arms out of the sleeves and carefully angling your hips so you can slide the suit off into a crumpled pile on the ground. In just your tiny little thong now, Bakugou closes the gap, pressing flush against your clothed center and grinding his wet cock against your damp underwear.
Your head tilts back and you whine, gasping as his mouth slides along your throat, hot tongue caressing the tender skin. “Please, Bakugou,” you wail, his thumbs rubbing your sensitive nipples hastily.
“God, you must be tight if you’re this high-strung,” he purrs next to your ear, enjoying the way your cunt clenches noticeably underneath your panties. Speaking of those… his fingers snatch the delicate lace to the side, his other hand grabbing his dick and running his swollen tip over your slit. He dips the head into your hole but recedes instantly, brushing it over your glistening trove before repeating the action. The teasing has your head spinning, harsh pants falling from you both and mingling in the thin divide between you. He can’t take it any longer, his hips snapping into yours as his dick easily disappears halfway into your steamy, aching cunt. “I fucking knew it,” he grunts, jaw clenching as your velvety walls embrace his girth, your cry of pleasure music to his ears. “Your cunt is so snug around my cock.”
His hips push into your thighs further, only stopping once he’s balls-deep, sunk completely in your flittering sex. Hand leaving your thong to the side of your cunt, he grabs your hip and pulls your ass close. You groan at his cock nestling even deeper into your sopping hole, and your hips jerk against his as his hand curls around your lower back, securing itself so his fingers coil snugly around your waist. You choke on a sob as he thrusts into you again, his thick member prodding you in a very private place.
“You better fuck me already,” you growl at his pace that was testing your nerves, ready to be fucked into submission. Not that you were going to go down without a fight.
He chuckles cockily, a sly grin on his lips. “Your wish is my command.” His hips slam against yours and your teeth sink into his shoulder, muffling a scream of desire. He ruts into you with ease, your arousal making it almost effortless for his cock to spread the tense walls of your desperate pussy. His free hand claps against the swell of your ass, the noise slicing through the air and you scowl at him. It’s like he wants to be caught.
Ragged breaths tumble from the both of you, your saliva trickling down his chest as your teeth are still fastened into his broad shoulder. “F-Fuck, Bakugou,” you keen, each time his pelvis pressing against you tightly forcing your vision to shake.
“Katsuki,” he huffs, his left hand pushing your chin up to capture your half-lidded gaze. “Say it, Princess— fuck, tell me who’s making you feel so good,” he demands, eager to hear his name leave your lips in such an intimate way once more. His hips change tempo from his fast and hard pace to a slower, more sensual rolling motion, milking the desired reaction out of you.
The novel movement pressing deliciously against your clit, your unabashed whimpers fall onto his eager ears.  Your fingers raise to pinch the top of his black eye mask, pushing the material up over his forehead so it tucks his ash blonde hair back. Looking into his eyes and admiring his uncovered, handsome features, you shoot him a sinful pout. “Ka— ah! Oh, Katsuki,” you gasp, your hands flying up to claw desperately at his muscular back.
Bakugou relishes in your lewd reply, eyes rolling back into his skull in delight. He lets out a gravely groan, increasing the tempo to a needy, impatient pace. The extra stimulation on your clit makes your legs shiver around him, your heels digging into the plush top of his ass. His hand slides back to grip around the back of your neck, leaning in to take the side of your ear between his teeth. His fingers on your throat press into your skin, his thumb pushed into your racing pulse. Hand squeezing just the right amount, it becomes pleasurably harder to breathe and you pant, tongue poking out as you wanton gaze meets his. “I’m gonna make you cum so hard Y/N,” he growls, almost snarling at you as your body bounces against his, watching your hair dance and shake around the erotic expression on your face.
“Eat shit,” your nose twitches in annoyance,” You’re gonna burst any minute now.” Your cheeks are dusted in a telling flush, your body feeling heat spread throughout. His hand tightens on your throat and you moan, loving the way your breath tears slightly.
“You’ve been clenched down on me this whole time,” he reasons, lips close enough so you can feel his ragged breath. “You can’t deny how your body reacts to me, even if you don’t want it to.”
You roll your eyes. Even buried between your legs at a time like this, he insists on pushing your buttons. “Oh, you want me to clench, Katsuki?” you inquire, tone confident in contrast to the wanton shake of your body. 
He shivers as his name leaves your sinful lips, and the breath in his lungs is sucked out of him as you clamp your pussy as tight as you can around him. His hips stutter and you revel in the lustful way his face contorts, his eyes screwing shut temporarily.
When his vermillion eyes open again, his predatory gaze adding wood to the fire between your legs. “Bad girl,” he admonishes, an unruly grin lifting the corners of his mouth. His hips slam against yours, railing into you at an unimaginable speed and harshness. “That’s a cute try, Princess, but you’re gonna cum before me no matter what.”
You can’t even respond as he thrusts into you, your pants ripping through the air and mingling with the quick slapping noise echoing through the room. You hate to let him win but you can’t hold yourself off from your impending orgasm, the pressure in your core multiplying at an alarming rate as each thrust deliciously stimulates your deepest, most secret place.
“Katsuki,” you whimper, your spine arching into his touch while his hand keeps its hold on your throat. “I’m so close, please,” you beg, your toes curling forcefully as your eyes roll back.
Bakugou smiles at your submissive tone, purring out, “That’s better.” His hand leaving your throat to rub his finger on your clit, your body trembles in his hands. He leans into you and his lips conquer yours passionately, tongue darting in between your lips to caress with yours. His tongue pulls back as he takes your bottom lip between his teeth, his wolfish stare daring you to follow his ensuing command. “Cum for me, Y/N.”
Your body tenses as you reach your climax, but Bakugou continues to assault your g-spot mercilessly. Your arms shake in euphoria, nails pressing in to form desperate scratches on his skin. It feels like he is snapping you in two, and you absolutely love it. Tears prick the corner of your eyes as you wail out, relief washing over your limbs feeling like ice cold lemonade on a torrid summer day.
Pussy fluttering around his cock so deliciously, Bakugou moans at the new intensity. He swears as he keeps going, despite his own orgasm approaching. The image of you squirming in ecstasy underneath him makes him gasp immodestly. His hands clasp down on your hips roughly, making it even easier for him to pound into your soaked cunt as his teeth release your reddened lip. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight,” he huffs, sweat glistening on his built chest as he thrusts into you particularly hard. “So much better than I could’ve ever imagined, holy shit, Princess.” He moans a little loudly, not holding anything back anymore. He is so fucking close.
“Katsuki, please,” you sob, your g-spot still being pummeled relentlessly, never getting a break from his assault and dragging your orgasm out longer than you thought possible. “I want your cum on me so bad!”
Bakugou throws his chin into the air, harsh breaths floating out as the flesh of your hips turns white under his oppressive grip. He grunts as he pulls out, his searing streaks of cum spurting out forcefully, shooting up to lace over your tits and down your stomach. His thighs tremble as he snarls, his first immediately jerking his cock as more of his cum gushes out of the tip. He gasps for breath, and he groans as your lips press to his captivatingly. He leans into your kiss, savoring the feeling of your sweet lips against his.
You shift in his hands, the once-rough palms now sliding over your skin carefully, fondling your body as his lips nibble at your own. You entertain it for a moment, nails trailing down his chest, thumbs rubbing into the ample muscles beneath his skin.
He pulls back, a lazy grin and satisfied eyes regarding you. “Well, that was hot,” he admits, eyebrow quirking upwards as he tries to even his choppy breath. You pull a handful of tissues out of the box on the corner of your desk, handing him a few which he gladly wipes over his drenched member. You sigh in content, head leaning back as you regulate your own breathing.
Bakugou makes you jump in surprise as he runs a new tissue along your torso, cleaning up his mess. You eye him playfully, secretly relishing in the way he is so considerate. He shuffles back a step like he can feel you appreciating his uncharacteristically caring actions, tugging up his underwear and tucking himself in with a smug grin on his lips.
“It was pretty good,” you say casually, sliding off the desk and pausing as your still-tingling core shifts, making you realize how tender you already are.
Bakugou rolls his eyes, handing you your costume from the floor. You snatch it out of his grasp condescendingly, glaring at him as you step into the leotard with quivering legs. “Pretty good?” he barks, eyeing your slow movements. “You’re still shaking, Princess.”
You shoot a glare at him, arms slipping into your costume and tucking your breasts away from his lingering eyes. “Fuck you.”
“You just did.” He replies smugly, and you ponder relieving the sudden urge you have to slap the look off his face.
“Whatever, Boom-Boy,” you quip, zipping up the side of your suit.
Bakugou chortles as he pulls on his shirt, fastening the loops around his thighs. “By the way,” he looks sideways at you with a smirk. “You came first, so I won.”
“You were, like, ten seconds behind me,” you scoff.
“After you, nonetheless,” he almost chirps, savoring in the irritation visibly building in you. He slips on his gloves, sliding his arms into his grenade-looking arm pieces. “Do I get a prize, Princess?”
You glance at his suggestive crimson eyes, pondering the idea of it. “You can choose the place next time,” you wink at him, clipping the belt on your waist with finality.
He seems pleased with the answer, his smirk widening as he steps closer to you. Your fingers pinch the bottom of his mask, dragging the material down to its correct location over his eyes. He shamelessly allows his gaze to rove over your body, recalling how tight and needy you’d been just minutes ago.
“Next time, I’m gonna make you beg,” he warns, opening the door and slipping through, seductive gaze locking with yours. “Can’t wait ‘til then, Y/H/N.”
And after that, working together became a whole lot easier.
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
make sure to shoot me a comment/ask/reblog if you enjoyed ♥︎ I’d love to receive any feedback!!!
thank you so much for reading!! Happy Valentine’s Day sweethearts :)
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 3--Hunted.
 Most of you lovelies already realize this, but my thoughts tend to zig and zag quite a bit, lol.  So.  To save some of you the headache and spare you from seeing spoilers you’d rather not see yet, I’m again placing them behind a cut.  
First things first.  I have totally turned into Yvette Nicole Brown with her TWD notebooks, lol, and I’m not even sorry.  I just felt like it would be fun to go back when the final episode is in the books and see how well my thoughts from these early episodes line up with what I’m feeling when we say our (not-so) final goodbyes.  
But that’s enough about that. Let’s get to this thing.  
It really is insane how very much I love Melissa McBride.  Just hearing her doing the previously on TWD recap voiceover makes me ridiculously happy.  
Cole!  Dude!  We hardly knew ya.  
Not gonna lie.  That first shot of Maggie in all the chaos reminded of a shirt I’ve seen.  It says--”Well, well, well.  If it isn’t the consequences of my actions.”  
I have to hand it to Angela and the rest of her team.  These opening scenes--on all 3 episodes--have been BOMB so far.  They really hook you in right away.  At least IMHO.  
I realize I’m behind the game on this little tidbit, but how much do I adore the fact that Dog is now in the opening credits?  
Okay.  Alexandria might look like it’s been on some kind of post-apocalyptic bender but all our girls are looking beautiful as ever.  Maybe it’s Maybelline, lol.  
I love to see Kelly and Carol still gravitating toward each other.  It really speaks to each woman’s heart.  Carol wants to make amends so badly and Kelly just has the most lovely, warm, forgiving heart.  
Carol’s point about Alexandria still needing the horses to help with the heavy lifting and pointing out the walls and rebuilding won’t matter quite as much if they’re limited by their  hunger and what they can physically lift on their own isn’t wrong.  But I’m sure the same viewers that were okay with Daryl and Co. going out on Maggie’s suicide mission (using the same reasoning) and saying it made sense for the bigger picture will pretend not to recognize that the same element is there in Carol’s desire to go out there and look for the horses.  You know.  Because it was Carol’s idea and not that of their fave(s).  
Aaron, Man.  Or maybe I should say Angela.   You just had to put a pit of dread in my belly mentioning Buttons like that.  RIP, Buttons.  You deserved better.  I’m still traumatized.  
Look at all the babies bonding.  Look at RJ getting to sit at the big kid table.  
“My mom always comes back.”  She damn well better.  Those babies need her.  Until she does, though, Uncle Daryl and Aunt Carol (and Aunt Rosita and everybody else) are going to be there.  
Anyway.  Poor RJ.  He barely ever gets any lines, lol.  
Hershel and Judith are obviously the mini-adults in this group and baby Rhee is already more cynical and jaded than his sweet daddy was until they reached Alexandria and the wheels started to come off.  
So.  Does Maggie just think everybody’s already dead here or what?  Hmm.  
You know.  Any building can be creepy AF when the lights are off and it’s dark, lol.  Any building.  
So much darkness so far this season.  I’m going to have to invest in some blackout curtains.  I just know it.  
Where are all those stairs leading?  Why am I thinking of Hitchcock?  Am I mixing up my scary, suspenseful movies?  Probably.  
Of fucking course, Maggie dropped her flashlight.  Thank goodness she had that lighter at the ready just before Ghost Face Reaper took a swipe at her.  
Is that Father G with a screwdriver impaled in his thigh?  Listen.  These people deserve a Mega Bottle of pain killers and a week just vegging out in a soft, luxurious bed.  
All these horror movie tropes.  Some of them are cheesy, yes.  But I’m totally here for it.  
LMAO.  That’s it, Maggie.  A good old punch in the nuts works every time.  
Alden really is having a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day.  
Negan is still Negan.  Self-serving and looking out for number one.  But I believe the man really does feel the group is his group too.  He’s like that long lost, sketchy uncle nobody wants to acknowledge much less invite to the dinner table, but that bond?  However thin?  Is there.  
I am both hating that Maggie is being forced to work with the man that murdered her husband (my baby Glenn) and finding it fascinating the lengths she’s willing to go to survive.  This your plan, Angela?  
Rosita and Carol!  How sad is it that the last really significant scene I can remember the two of these women sharing was way back?  Before Rick and Co. attacked Negan’s outpost and Maggie and Carol were subsequently taken?  If only the show had done more of these kind of scenes.  
How much do I love all the girls working together?  Gimps would never.  They’d all be stuck back at Alexandria minding the kids and the community.  
Shallow aside--Rosita is so pretty in this scene.  
Rosita being worried about Carol honestly makes my heart hurt, because it’s about damn time more of them actually did.  Her saying Abraham is trying to tell her something in her dreams is interesting.  Angela sure loves her dreams, doesn’t she?  
Where are Daryl’s dreams, hmm?  No.  Seriously.  I guess they want to give some viewers plausible deniability until the bitter end.  
“Really?  We’re just gonna go toward the screaming?  Cool.”  Hahaha.  You know.  Even the smart people in horror movies sometimes bite it, Negan.  Just saying.  Maggie really does need to “stop running up the staircase” when she could just run out the front door though, lol.  
Poor Duncan.  I think you could have been another Tyreese, Jerry type for me.  
WTF does this show have against horses?  Those poor creatures.  
Kelly is totally me right now.  I’d be freaking inconsolable.  
Carol needed that hug.  Thank you, Magna.  From the bottom of this tired fangirl’s heart, thank you.  
Why give us that beautiful, golden shot with the horses when you’re planning to stab us through the heart later and twist the knife.  Oh.  Yeah.  That’s exactly why.  
Oh snap!  Father G’s delivery when he tells that Reaper “I’m not.  God isn’t here anymore.”  Cold as ice.  
Judas.  That the Reapers’ work.  Or.  Damn.  Either way, that’s harsh.  
Back to what Alden was saying.  All these oprhaned children.  Who’s going to take on Adam if he dies?  That poor kid has had a rough go of it.  Knowing that, makes you wonder what Alden was thinking volunteering for the suicide mission.  
Omigosh.  There went Agatha.  Terrible way to go.  Right, Beatrice?  
I’m sobbing.  Carol with the horse.  That hurt my baby so much but she hurt herself for her family the same way she has been doing since the Prison.  Melissa Mcbride?  When she cries, I cry.  Every effin’ time.  Aaron being there just made it hurt more.  But at least someone was there to see how and really take in how she continues to break pieces of herself off to keep her family as whole and safe and happy as she can.  
Rewinding a minute--that Magna and Carol conversation.  I get Magna’s reasoning too.  I do.  But Angela is just making everything so dire right now so that the sun when Connie is ultimate found shines a ltitle brighter.  
Those babies know they’re eating horse.  I could never.  
That’s got to be a different Coco.  She’s even smaller.  But she’s gorgeous.  
Fucking finally.  Angela having the other characters notice after an eternity of being blind to it, just how much Carol sacrifices of herself for them.  It’s so long overdue and I imagine Rosita’s even more worried for Carol now.  It’s a shame it’s taken 11 seasons.  My baby’s had blood on her hands trying to keep her family safe and whole and happy and fed for a long damn time.  So heartbreaking watching her try to scrub the blood away.  
Sweet, sweet hug that Kelly gave Magna.  She’s such a sweetheart kid sis to all of them, isn’t she?  
Interesting place of refuge.  A gutted church.  A visual symbol, Angela, of where Maggie and the rest of our people are now perhaps?  
“It’s easy for you, isn’t it?  Being reckless with sombody’s life...”  Maggie.  Maggie.  Those words would have hit so much harder if we hadn’t spent the majority of the last 2.5 episodes watching you ignore sound advice just because it came out of the mouth of somebody you (justifiably) hate.  
But will Alden be there when Maggie and Negan get back?  That is the question.  Or will he eventually Lucille himself?  
That little bit of lineup Negan music to remind the audience of Negan lovers and sympathizers that he once took great pleasure in murderously swinging a bag at people’s heads was a nice, subtle touch there.  Like agree with her or not, Maggie  is literally left to rely  on the hope, however small it is, that Negan has changed just enough that he won’t try to finish a job he taken on years before--killing what’s left of her.  
Oh lawd.  Next episode sees the return of a character literally nobody asked for.  How excited am I not?  
Dog better not be harmed or so help me.  
Now for Angela’s weekly explanations of WTF she/there were thinking because they been doing this plausible deniability thing so long some people out there watching with biased, muddy stan glasses can no longer separate head canon from canon.  
Is Maggie worried at all about Daryl or does she just assume his superhero powers are in full effect in this episode?  
“You can’t really say it wasn’t going to happen anyway.”  Not Angela pointing out that simply laying the blame for literally everything bad that ever happens at Carol’s feet isn’t the answer.  Say it louder for those in the back.  Alpha was going to do what Alpha wanted to do.  
“There is love there.  There is respect there.  However, there’s also frustration...”  You damn skippy.  Friendships and human relationships are complex AF.  Like Carol. She’s honestly one of the most complicated characters on this show and any show, IMHO.  That’s what makes her so memorable and such a lightning rod for discussion.  
I know I might be in a minority, but I really feel like they need more of those little scenes between the kids to keep things real.  
Kang saying she always feels like she’s going to get murdered in a staircase or parking lot is relatable, funny, and sad all at the same time.  It’s a girl thing.  
Why is Carol’s story giving me Dark Knight vibes?  Like I feel like she’ll gladly shoulder the burden of their distrust, their hate, or their judgment as long as the hard choices she makes keeps them safe.  And she’s still ultimately going to come back to save their asses even when they forsake her.  Just like Bruce Wayne/Batman.  Am I reaching too far, lol?  Because sometimes I do that.  
Anyway.  This is the third episode of the season and the third episode in a row that I mostly enjoyed.  I don’t know if I’m just so relieved and happy to have all the characters and my show back or what, but overall?  I’ve been pleased with the episodes and found something to love in all of them.  
There’s a much stronger horror vibe woven throughout Season 11 so far.  I feel like it’s a return to the roots of the show and I like that.  Literally none of the characters are making perfect choices and this viewer is here for it.  My only complaint so far is there hasn’t been enough Carol but what we’ve been given has felt like a gift and significant in a way that Gimps’ version was not.  Also?  I really hope the trend of the ladies working together and supporting each other continues because they rule the TWD world, lol.  
Hope you enjoyed at least some of my TWD word vomit.  
Until next episode.  
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WESA Pitsburgh Special Reports
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Alright I’ve kept meaning to do sort of an infodump on my projects because I’ve been really slipping lately.  I dunno how obvious it is?  Probably kind of obvious.  I’ve also been really bad about checking messages and responding to people.  So I figure I can write up a status report and then point to it when I’ve been inadequate about communication.
My IRL job has been wiping me out.  I’ve been getting short, labor-intensive shifts in the evenings, and then random surprise morning shifts shortly after, which has been really hard to manage my time around.  My sleep schedule has been extremely broken and it’s affected my productivity a LOT.  Leadership in my department is about to shuffle around and I’ve been interviewed for the manager position.  If I get it I’ll be working an entirely different schedule, which could potentially be good for my sleepy brain but will definitely leave me with less art time overall.  I’ve also been enduring some back/shoulder issues over the past few months.  Nothing urgent, but it’s limiting how much I can draw each day.  I think replacing my desk chair is going to be a big factor but it’s not the only factor.  I just need to be a smart human and take care of my joints and not hunch over so much.  Working on it.
Here’s the current status of my various art projects:
I ended chapter 5 in June and said I would finish up some other side projects before I start concept work for chapter 6.  One of the projects I needed to finish was the Popkas Yugioh season 4 special, which I finished.  The other big one was my Neonmob card set, which is most of what I’ve been posting lately.  Once that’s out of the way (see below) I need to do concept art.  Chapter 6 will put all the Laserwing characters in new outfits which will need reference sheets.  I’ll need background sketches and layout diagrams so I don’t have furniture shuffle randomly around between scenes.  I also need to sketch out the chapter 6 draft page by page.  I’ve made Laserwing in GIMP up until this point and am going to try switching to Krita for chapter 6.  I might need to do a test page to make sure my process transfers over well into a slightly different system.  Once I’m ready to make real pages, those take a while.  Chapter 5 pages were going up maybe every 2-3 weeks.  I don’t know how many pages are going to be in chapter 6, nor can I say for sure how many chapters are in Laserwing.  An old outline had maybe 40 chapters.  It’s a story with a defined end point, I can say that for certain, but it’s intended to be long.
I’ve had issues with Popkas for a while.  I keep picking new themes for dailies, thinking they’re going to be quick and easy, but then end up making them hard for myself.  It’s been to my benefit, I’ve forced myself into learning new art programs and techniques through Popkas.  But it’s hard to keep up the daily schedule.  Currently I’m doing the Paper Mario: TTYD bestiary, which has 124 enemies.  At a rate of one per day, by the time I’ve finished them, Pokemon Sword and Shield should be released and we’ll have all the info about the new Pokemon.  Those will be drawn in ‘Popka classic’ style (scribbly shitposts).  After those are finished, unless my IRL work situation dramatically changes, I’m considering putting Popkas on pause.  In order to do any other monster dexes I’d have to do a lot more research (for example, people have suggested Yokai Watch but I’ve never played one) in order to have anything meaningful to post.  Same deal with Popka Specials (the anime writeup things), those take prep time and anime-watching time that I might not have.  I don’t ever want to end Popkas, but a hiatus might be necessary.
Angelfire Hime
Did anyone even know about Angelfire Hime?  Well I want to post more but that involves finding, scanning, retouching, and transcribing my old high school scribble comics.  It takes as long as any other project but is also low priority because it’s all old content.  Nobody is waiting for the latest update because nobody but me actually knows what that content is, and possibly nobody but me can even read it.  It’s more a personal journey of self-reflection than anything.  I want to return to it but not at the expense of better work.
MeganFantastic dot com
I had a domain name linked to a tumblr that was supposed to be my news blog/front page and I barely use it.  Also, I let the domain registration drop.  Also, I had let a typo in my banner graphic go unnoticed for YEARS and still haven’t fixed it.  Even now, I’m writing this big post to my personal blog instead of the one for news.  The idea was to eventually buy some real hosting and make MeganFantastic a whole site of its own, but that’s a lot of work.  I’ve got a generally good idea of HOW I’d do it (probably wordpress) but I’m not a coder, it would take a lot of trial and error.  This would be a huge undertaking and eventually Laserwing, Popkas, and all my other junk would be contained on one big non-tumblr website.  But it’s uhhhhh not happening yet.
Hundera Youtube
My contribution to our LP channel is to show up, talk about video games, and then draw title cards.  All recording, editing, and channel management is maintained by Josh, and I can’t speak on his behalf about our update schedule.  I will say there are a lot of half-finished games we want to return to.  I will also say that when the new Pokemon comes out Josh is dead set on recording it.  I don’t know if he intends that to be a stream or a regular LP.  In the meantime he streams Minecraft with his friends every Sunday and we fit in our own streams and recordings when we can.
Commissions/Patron Art/etc
I’ve not been very good about this lately and I’m truly sorry!  I have a few things I’m working on, a few things I’ve promised to start working on, and a few things I’ve told people I can do once my workload lightens up, which hasn’t been happening yet.  I really don’t have an answer.  I almost never delete anything so if I’ve been sent a message in any form I should still have it, and I’ll be sure not to forget anyone.  And if I do forget someone feel free to throw rocks at me!
Rane Story 2
What the heck is Rane Story 2?  Well I guess I have to explain Neonmob.  Imagine if ChickenSmoothie and DeviantART had a baby.  It’s a virtual trading card site, which is fun and cute, and I’m drawing out a card series to release on there.  I’ve been using it as practice for painting backgrounds and to fill out some backstory for some 4th-string Laserwing support characters.  Before Mistaire came to Earth, she went to space high school, and that’s where Rane Story takes place.  You can preview the series, and when it’s finished I’ll post about it.  I’ll also repost all the art to DA.  If you scroll through the last several pages of this blog you’ll see some of the art.  I’ve put a lot of my brain energy into getting this done in spite of my work/sleep issues because I don’t want to resume Laserwing until I’ve finished it.  This is what’s stolen my life, guys.  Right now I have 6 more cards to make, and then I have to write and finalize all the text.  I should be done SOON.
Pokemon Nonsense
When my back and shoulder get too hurty and I have to take a break from drawing, one of the easy things to do is whip out a DS and play Pokemon.  I’ve done a lot of twitter shitposting about it lately.  I’ve also drawn up a bunch of gijinkas for my Pokemon.  I’m talking about it now because I also intend to draw up gijinkas for Pokemon to trade away.  I’ve already done a few.  However, I don’t know for sure how I’m going to distribute them.  The idea is people can trade actual Pokemon with me (in either X or Let’s Go Eevee) and the Pokemon they get will come with a character design for you to keep.  I was thinking I might do a discord server for organizing trades and such, but I haven’t yet.  Mostly because it’s low priority and I have SO many other things going on.  But actually playing Pokemon can happen when I’m too fatigued for real work, so the horde keeps growing.  Hopefully my posts and scribbles about it are entertaining.
I feel like there’s other projects on hold that I wanted to discuss, but right now I’m too braintired to remember, and some of my ‘projects’ never actually got talked about online so nobody’s waiting for an update.  My greatest problem seems to be that I try to juggle too many pointless side projects and then drop them all over the place.  Sometimes I’ll shitpost about an idea and even I won’t be sure if I was serious or not.  How do I end this post?  I don’t know.
tl;dr Megan is SLEEPY and dropped her spaghetti everywhere but somehow still has time to play POKEMON and WON’T STOP TALKING ABOUT IT
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c-j-writes · 5 years
Fictober 2019
Prompt #15 “That’s what I’m talking about!”
[Untitled Gay Mess]
Rating: T
Warnings/Tags: Will involve drug abuse in some chapters
Chapter Fifteen
The halls were oddly safe as I made my way back through them to my science class. If I missed science, Mack and Kloe would both be on my ass about it and I didn’t want to explain to either of them what happened. Not right now. Right now I needed some time to let my mind cool off. Also, the school doesn’t count you as skipping unless it’s two consecutive periods, so they won’t call my dad. 
As I limped towards the science wing, I expected everyone to be staring at me. I mean, naturally, word would have spread by now, right? But no one gave me any dirty looks, just friendly head nods, and the occasional wave. Everything was so normal. This is not what I would’ve expected after getting outed.
Unless Sophie didn’t tell anyone. 
But she had absolutely no reason to keep it to herself. I’d given her direct ammunition to ruin me and she’d already had the pent up rage to pull the trigger. Yet here I was walking through the halls with no bullet in my back. No blood in the water. It felt like too much of a relief. She had to be waiting for something. The perfect moment to catch me off-guard. It’s no fun when they’re expecting it, huh?
I got to the classroom just as the final bell was ringing. The room was still filled with kids settling down as I walked to my seat and sat down. Mack’s stare was burning into me, even from behind Kloe, but I couldn’t bear to meet it. I’d just gotten myself under control, if I looked at her now, I’d be in shards again. 
Kloe gave me a quick smile and a nod, which I returned before laying my head down on my arm and closing my eyes. It hadn’t even been a minute when someone knocked on the table right in front of me and I jolted upright. Mr. Blackwell stood over me with a very unamused face. 
“Consciousness is usually a key factor in learning, Ms. Faultz,” he commented, setting a paper upside down on the table near me. “Nonetheless, I have to say you’ve been improving, good job.” 
When he walked to the next table, I flipped over the paper slowly. Beside me, Kloe was already filing her perfect score into the folder she kept old tests in. I thought it was overkill, but I guess when you’re actually smart, you do things like that. 
“What’d you get?”  She asked me, leaning over to look at my paper. I tilted the paper towards her to show the B- written in red on top. If it were any other day, I’d probably be smiling like crazy. “Nice, that’s what I’m talking about!” Kloe seemed to be excited enough for both of us, which was an odd thing to see in her. But I wasn’t complaining, it made me feel less awkward for my lack of energy. 
“Hey, nerds,” Mack said as she pulled a chair to the front of our table and sat down. She glanced at me, but I kept avoiding her gaze. 
“Isn’t Mr. Blackwell going to get on you about the seating chart?” I asked. I looked up for just enough time to catch her face flinch with hurt before she shook it off and kept smiling. She was used to this from me anyway, hot and cold. 
“Nah, we’re doing test review. He doesn’t give a shit where we sit.” With a subtle nod, I just let my head fall back down to my arm and my eyes closed. 
“Look at Andy’s grade, she did so well,” Kloe gushed. I didn’t know why she was in such a good mood or why she cared so much about my grade. Sure, she was my tutor, but she never seemed that thrilled about it in general. Part of me was annoyed that she was flaunting my grade around as if she hadn’t just aced the same test, but it was Mack. I couldn’t care less if Mack knew how much of an idiot I was. She was some kind of math whiz, so she’d already found out about my stupidity over the summer. 
“Damn, look at you go, Sleeping Beauty,” she replied. The nickname made my veins heat up with annoyance, but it was better than her calling me ‘Andrea’, so I let it go. All I wanted was to sleep for a few years and wake up when all of this shit was over with. I drifted off for a while before I was interrupted again. This time, Mack was tapping on my shoulder. 
With a deep sigh, I asked, “What?” My eyes opened just enough to make out a bleary version of the brunette and the absence of a blonde next to me. 
“Hey, how are you doing?” She kept her voice low and I appreciated it so much I almost wanted to start crying again. But I’d done enough of that for the decade. 
“I really don’t want to talk about right now,” I muttered. Mack nodded, tapping one of her fingers on mine. I imagined she wanted to hold my hand, for comfort, but she knew this was not the time or place for that. 
“Do you still want to go somewhere after school?” So much had happened today, I’d completely forgotten about our secret dates. Just thinking about it now made my head hurt. What was I doing? Sneaking around with some girl as if it could be normal. As if my life wasn’t going insane. 
“I don’t think so.” She just nodded again and I was stuck between being annoyed and thankful for how perfect she was acting. My lips curled into a small smile, deciding for me. 
Just as Kloe was walking back to the table, I let my eyes close again and tried to lose myself in the sound of Mack’s voice while they talked. I tried to convince myself that just doing that wasn’t bad. I mean, it was just a voice. Not some proclamation of love, right?
After school, I crutched my way back to the field. The smell of the grass and the feeling of the sun on my skin was enough to ground me from where my head had already been trying to float off into the abyss. Once I was back on my crate, I took a few deep breaths and let my mind wander to where it’s been trying to go since the beginning of the school year. To white sand and blue sky and soft skin and warm eyes.  
If Sophie actually starts telling people, it’s all going to be over. The team is going to hate me, I’m going to lose my scholarships, and from there, my future will be dust. But I’ll still have this summer. I’ll still have foggy mornings and cloudy evenings and nights under the stars. Those won’t disappear. I won’t let them. 
“I thought I saw you slink off over here.” 
With a start, I almost jumped up at the voice, but my ankle got in the way and I just ended up kicking another crate. I winced at the pain shooting up my leg. 
“Yikes, sorry, dude,” Darian offered, stepping forward to help me set my leg on a crate to keep it out of the way. 
“S’fine,” I whispered, still grimacing through the stinging. She sat down next to me, pulling up a crate of her own. 
“What are you doing out here by yourself?” There was no judgment in her tone, just curiosity, which was normal for her. Darian was never one to judge. Not in all the years, I’d known her. 
“Just needed somewhere to think for a bit.” I let my head loll back to glance through the metal seats, the bright blue sky cutting through just enough. 
“What are we thinking about?” A few birds flew across where the cracks let me see. 
“Shouldn’t you be practicing?” The only reason I could think that she’d be out on the field was if the team was out there. But then, why didn’t they come with her if she came here? 
“Nah, there’s some party tonight that most of the girls are going to so I gave them the day off. I’m not as much of a hardass as you.” She bumped my shoulder with hers and I smiled. 
“They probably wish you were captain this year instead of me.” She snorted, shaking her head. “They’ve always liked you more.”
“Hey, we’re a family, Andy, no one’s allowed to have favorites.” She bumped into me again. “Except for me and I choose Tanya.” I chuckled a bit. 
“Ouch, I thought we went way back?” 
“Oh, we do, T just knows how to keep her mouth shut, none of the rest of you do.” 
“You’re one to talk, Chatterbox.”
“Oh, whatever, Gimp-leg.”
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Birb answers random questions you probably thought about asking!
Might as well do this. *shrug emoji* 
Q: When did you start working on Borderline?
A: September 18th, 2015 is when I sort of started working on Borderline? beforehand I actually wrote a fanfic.. it was terrible.. then again, the first few updates even more terrible. It’s been 3 years since I started working on it, and I’ve made quite a lot of progress over the course of a year. 
Q: What do you use to make assets? 
A: Sai to draw, and gimp and paint.net to save them in 8-bit format (if it has textures, use gimp. paint.net just.. fucks it up even if you lower transparency on that bitch). For voices and edits, I use audacity, and my laptop mic to record my voice.. not sure what wolf uses to make their music, you might have to ask them, as for chii, she doesn’t use sai, i know she uses medibang now??? again, ask them!!
Q: What got you to write the story in the first place? 
A: uuuuu.. too much fangames inspired me to make my own thing. It wasn’t as much solid as it was, but the premise was still the same: Max has to deliver food to the Guardians. Of course, I had to make several changes to the story, because the first variation, you already knew what you had to do. In the current version, Max has no idea why Puppeteer is there, and what their intention is, other than to help you with your job. There might be more changes to the story in the future, probably minor changes and shit like that, but the main premise still stays the same!
Q: You accept cameos in your game?
A: YES, ABSOLUTELY, GIVE ME YOUR CHILDREN RIGHT NOW AND I WILL EMBED THEIR CHARACTER FILES INTO MY GAME FOREVER!! ... yes, yes I do actually! From time to time, I do accept cameo appearances in my game, but these cameo appearances don’t like.. uuuh.. how to put this. usually cameo appearances are done where like the character simply exists and doesn’t contribute anything other than just.. existing. In Borderline however, each cameo has it’s own purpose in the game, as I want the cameos to DO SOMETHING other than just stand idly and exist, so of course, each cameo is given a purpose. So when you give me your character, I make sure to do them a lot of justice!
Q: Can we use your assets? 
A: I’d rather you ask first, but chances are that I would say no, and instead would offer to make assets for you. Even with school, I have lots of time on my hands and always need some kind of excuse to get out of my comfort zone and do stuff. I also make free assets from time to time, so you’re allowed to use those as long as you provide credit. In short, if you want some assets, don’t hesitate to ask me to make you some assets. Again, it gives me an excuse to do stuff.
Q: Are you in need of aid or suggestions maybe?
A: ... always! I’m just either too anxious to ask for help, or I’m unsure of how to organize myself and tell people what I am in need.. The most important thing I am ALWAYS in need of are beta-testers, and of course, the more the merrier! Not everyone might point out the same bugs as everyone else when they play my game, and most of the time I beta-test the game.. every. single. time I set up an event to MAKE SURE it works the way I want it!! ...But sometimes I happen to miss a couple.. or maybe a little bit more. (and I burned myself out doing that oops.) But even if you decide to offer your help, I’d be utmost grateful! 
Q: Is your game crossover friendly?
A: The fuck you saying, Borderline is the biggest crossover you’ll ever get to play! ...Yes my game is crossover friendly dun worry! ;w; Not sure why I’d answer that question but if you’re curious, refer to two questions above (the cameo one).
Q: Where do we report bugs?
A: You can use the submit box to report any bugs you find. If possible, provide a screenshot and submit it there. You can also personally IM me if you feel comfortable ;w; Just please.. be specific when you’re reporting a bug. I really can’t fathom at all, as I’m but a slow dunce and might not understand what you’re saying at first... I’msosorry!!!
Q: What program are you using to make the game?
A: Rpgmaker 2003. It’s only 20 bucks both on steam and on the official site (doe I did buy it from the official site cuz steam is hecc.. and my laptop can only handle so much. :’3) 
Q: I am stuck somewhere, and I need help!
A: There is a solution folder which can be found within the game, not only does it contain images, but it also contains videos as well.. Remind me to uh.. fix a couple of dem.. puzzles.. yes.. 
Q: Is it okay to make fanart/ask/rp blogs of your characters? 
A: Why yes, it’s actually okay! I really appreciate the gesture! For art, because the tagging system (on tumblr) can’t get any more wonkier than it is, so if I don’t see something that you drew for me, please don’t feel bad! It’s just tumblr is fucking garbo. :’3333 Instead, you can use the submit box or IM me. If it’s of lewd nature, I ask of you to NOT DRAW THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS IN LEWD IMAGERY (and I am copying this from the main blog): Basically the protagons of the game (Max is ace who shames people for fun, doesn’t care about sex at all, Sam is a fucking child, Seneca is not even my own character, Puff is also ace and very sex repulsed, and Aleyes is.. he’s not a tentacle monster that’s for sure.), Asriel (He might be his own character, but.. please don’t fuck the goat!! He’s supposed to be innocent!!!!), Baka (not even mine), Pipscrap (not even mine)., Now.. Regarding ask/rp blogs however, I am okay with it, but do consult with me about it (hey, those are my children, I wanna interact with my own children!!) Plus, I can provide you with a bit of an in-depth detail regarding the characters so you know what’s up.. Which brings another question to light.
Q: Can we ship <insert character here> with <insert character here>???
A: I’m a thotticus for shippings, but I’m a huge ass sucker for chemistry(tm) and relationship development between two or more people! I really wanna see what y’all can come up with really so go crazy!! But, keep in mind..
There are... restrictions however.. mostly with Max and Puff who are in a canonical relationship; this should also apply for AU’s as well, please pleaaaaaase don’t ship them with any other characters other than each other! Not only because I can’t see those two being shipped outside their pairing, but also because their relationship is very critical to the lore itself! So.. please be respectful of my decision! ;; There are other restrictions, but I won’t list them here, because we’d be here for an eternity. ;; Just don’t do illegal shit that can get you called out or worse.. please do ask for restrictions.. ;; 
Q: Is it okay to add Easter Eggs/references regarding your game or your characters in our work? 
A: I’d cry? I’d appreciate you ask me about it first so we can consult and shit, but I’d be hella fine with that!!
Q: You inspired me to start my own game!
A: I know it’s not a question, but I can’t just shrug this one off, please excuse me while I go and scream into the void! *sniffs* I am glad that my work actually inspired you to make your own game, and I cry?? Like I literally feel the feels?? <333333
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dwestfieldblog · 3 years
Rocking and doomscrolling in an Eigenstate, the English Variant is here...All virtue signalling wannabe edgelords,  sleepwalking ’woke’ automatons, fake Christians, Faustian Republicans, corrupt Conservatives and retarding neophobes look away now. Little more than domesticated primates, a majority of larval humanity continues to ignore its astral biology...yes really. ‘Those who control symbols control us’.  And Pavlov dogs do love flags eh? Here is a balanced, mostly unpretentious finite rant for breakfast where the opinion arises from triple checked facts rather than mere emotion.  In God we rust.
Straight off...Disgusted to rage by the English government’s March budget which gives  nurses a ‘pay rise’ equivalent to three pounds fifty pence a week, (which doesn’t even begin to cover the cost of their parking at hospitals) the disdain these arrogant swine feel for truly essential workers is revealed in full. The ‘Heath’ minister explained that times were tight due to Covid...yes Matt, fairly sure the nurses working 18 hours a day had already noticed this in their desperately overworked, overcrowded hospitals. Deeply in debt, Britain plans to borrow 355 billion pounds this year, the highest amount in her history. Corporation tax will possibly increase in 2023, a little late to balance wages elsewhere for nurses etc...And given the previous ten years, highly unlikely it would even be used for such. But it might look good to those brainwashed gimps that STILL plan to vote for this bastardly corrupt party in 2024.
A clip taken in March of an exceptionally long queue for a food bank in London brings it all into sharper focus. The 6th richest economy in the world has the most food banks of any democratic country. Over 2000 in the UK. (Over 900 in Germany.) Hate to come across as a Socialist but The Tories have been in power for ten long years, historically destroying the NHS a bit more each time they hold power. Endlessly subcontracting, pouring money into new unneeded tiers of management, slowing operations down with extra paperwork, voting down pay rises, thus expediting a brain drain of doctors, nurses and surgeons to other countries and private practices...and over the last thirteen months, supplying those who stayed, with mountains of  PPE equipment not fit for purpose. A ‘jolly good show’ handclap every evening on doorsteps doesn’t fecking cut it. Neither do all the rainbows drawn by children put into windows. In fact, Boris, it looks like outright damn cynicism. All the more since your dose of the virus (‘I visited the Covid ward and shook hands with everyone’) was healed by excellent work by the NHS. Mr. Boris ‘No government could have done more’. Johnson...a lot of us are keeping score.
Lord Bethell, (‘Parliamentary under secretary of State for Innovation at the Department of Health and Social Care’) said that nurses are ‘well paid’ for the job they do, reiterating that times are hard; ‘There are millions of people out of work on the back of this epidemic’. Well yes there are. And why? A government which dragged its heels many times after salient scientific advice, prognoses/ projections were given, and allowed three massive social gatherings (384,000 people) to take place for superspreading, as well as conflicting advice about masks, herd immunity and confusion over open borders, schools to return for one day, etc...All of which led to the dire need for total lockdowns and the impossibility to sell or go to work (unless working from home) leading in turn to unpaid rent/bills, evictions, bosses laying off those they cannot afford to pay. And to mention again, the Tories have been the ones in power for ten years...with banking scandals (where chiefs were not punished but the public were twice, once by collapses and once for raised taxes to prop up the greed). The expenses scandal of politicians, massive public service cutbacks, corruption, the smug George Osbourne guiding Britain disgracefully to poverty via austerity, a National Health service being encouraged to disintegrate and’ an oven ready’/tramps breakfast scraps Brexit...and LO!... the coffers are indeed a little empty thanks to all the contracts tossed without oversight to the governments mates without due process, including 37 billion pounds spent on a Test and Trace programme which did not function, 252 million AND 6000 pounds a DAY to ‘consultants (for the essential chimera of PR etc).Chumocracy at highly profitable work.
Over to you Boris, ‘...it is thanks to PRUDENT FISCAL MANGEMENT that we have been able to fight this pandemic in the way that we have.’
Well exactly.
A dishevelled adult leader of a country who cannot even brush his hair or dress himself, a ‘leader’ who missed five vital COBRA meetings about the pandemic, never took in the notes from scientists of advance warnings and blustered his pompous comedy horseshite rather than leading from the front. Father of six or perhaps 7 illegitimate children (does he pay child support? No records). But never mind eh, he is a rum sort of cove. No. Churchill would have him horsewhipped naked and tarred and feathered in Trafalgar Square. But still! When questioned on whether there would be an inquiry into the colossal waste without recompense or standard clauses in contracts of taxpayers’ money raped from the Treasury, Mr Johnson replied that it was ‘NOT IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST’. Really. REALLY? Boris, if you were a catheter, you could not extract more urine than you already do. The clown father of the motherland. BJ said he took ‘full responsibility’ for the massive number of fatalities. But hasn’t resigned.127 thousand covid deaths in UK, leading Europe by 33 thousand.  Well played chaps. 545 thousand USA. China 4636. Yeah RIGHT. Sure.
Once knew a guy who, if you told him something factual, most often replied with ‘Well, it’s the first I’ve heard of it’...meaning anything he had not already been told was automatically false. How did he ever learn new information? Neophobes, their insecurities heavy chains to evolving, seem to rule the world; Good news is they don’t. Bad news is, they know it and are getting ever more desperate the rest of us go down with them in righteous conservatism and counter evolution. ‘Perception does not consist of passive reception of signals but of an active interpretation of signals...active, creative trans-actions’...‘The easier you can predict a message, the less information the message contains’. If a media source etc attempt to relay actual news and it does not fit what is already believed, it is disregarded or worse...GIGO...Garbage In=Garbage Out.
The pandemic is doing great things for the further global rise of populist swine...When the mass public mind is aflame with anger and fear, new bastards step up and old governments impose harder laws. Hungary loses her last independent radio station and Orban rejoices. Brazilian bastid Bolsanaro continues to see his people as expendable inhuman statistics. By their hatred he will burn. 301 thousand dead. Totalitarianism creeps apace via populist chancers, Stalinist fascists, nationalist bullshitters who care far more about their ego than their country. (Hello frog eyed Nigel Farage aka Lord Haw Haw the 2nd.) Speaking of which...Lord Mayor of London wannabe Laurence Fox bought a mask exemption badge online because he didn’t want his pretty face to be unrecognised. Narcissist, who as leader of a new party Reclaim, wants to ‘take back’ Britain from the Woke snowflakes (even while speaking like a laidback Establishment version of them) and end up in Parliament. Good for you luvvie. But now with acting career ended and music career failed, he does look a lot like a pretty poster boy who needs to stay adored and recognises (along with his string pulling financial backers) there is a bandwagon to be jumped on. In 8 years time he (or someone similar in insecure need for others approval to give vent to their sadistic impulses) could be a new type of prime minister and the V for Vendetta pre-scenario will be in full swing. ‘Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like Nascar drivers, then we know who owns them’ Robin Williams via Jonathan Pie. No one from Texas should be allowed to be president...and no one from Eton (or Harrow) should ever be allowed to be Prime Minister. Apart from Churchill.
Sometimes it takes a nightmare to wake one up...an authoritarian dystopia coming soon to a land mass near you...a failed state and a divided kingdom of Mediocre Britain with bad laws for her citizens but great if you are a ‘public servant’ or a friend of those that are. Probably a good thing for Euope that we are an island eh? We turned our back on them and they can cast us adrift like an oil tanker filled with toxic waste. Sunak or Patel next? Will the ‘Elite’ (Ha) allow a person of colour to rise to the depths of Prime Minister? The entire cabinet should be sent to a Chinese prison. Avaricious liars. If you don’t stir the cream it turns into scum.
And speaking of destroying your country from inside....
Oh America... just watched the Idaho mask burning clip in Boise, adults encouraging children to pick up discarded masks, pathogens, all with bare hands and drop into the garbage bin flames...inhaling the formaldehyde smoke... Freedom! End lockdown now! Breathe deeply rednecks. So looking forward to having a black woman president over there. Please be better than all these useless white trash MORONS...Q Onan, the ‘storm’ (in a beer can), the ‘plan’, ‘where we go one, we go all’...right down the toilet of history into the sewers of oblivion. Good riddance to foul rubbish, Believers anxious for orders from ‘Christians’ who are actually serving what they would call ‘Satan’. Ironic on the darkest level, no? LOOK at their faces, into their eyes, naught but greed for power. Two thousand years of inverted truths. ‘Religion’ became consumed by ‘the Devil’. Discuss with yourself after watching the majority of preachers.
The Trumps, Hawley, Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Bannon, the Mercers, Paula White, Stella Immanuel and the Gawd awful Marjorie Taylor Greene should be sent alone, foodless to a small island surrounded by sharks. And filmed for our entertainment. And oh...that dumbass disgusting false idol kitsch gold statue (to celebrate his love of golden rain) of Donald, created via Mexico and China in artistic irony. And, and AND the Republican senators against any background checks for those who want to own guns. (Seven mass killings this year already by armed wankers.) Britain, Europe and America, unions encouraged, persuaded to break apart into hexagram 23 while China and Russia grin. Q seems like a new form of right wing bullshite to rally the dumb against what they perceive to be the ‘left wing’ rebellion of Anonymous. I think Q originated in the Kremlin myself. An electronic baobab seed...
Back to my birthland...New powers of arrest looming for ‘Non Crime Hate Incidents’, and a new police bill of up to ten years prison for silent protest. One almost expects this in (arf) lesser countries with pantomime dictators, but on the septic, excuse me, sceptre’d isle of Britain? An obvious Government first shot reaction against what they know might be coming for their dire mishandling of the pandemic, loss of jobs and no real support for the underlings...Governments ARE afraid of their people, that’s why enough laws are passed (with minimum debate or under cover of smokescreen news events) to ensure all those not wealthy and well connected are in daily risk of being arrested for ‘criminality’. So be sure to be obedient to your ‘public servants’.
Ahh.. enough eh? Apolitically incorrect, radical liberal, fundamentalist atheist, remember the Tar Baby idea Dave, the more you attack something, the more you are attached to it. Let it go brother. The difference between being frozen in stasis and empty with Zen calm. But to paraphrase Robert Anton Wilson, (as I am so often wont to do) thanks to our own programming, when we do not frequently examine and cross check our input we become full of Self Hypnotic Ideational Trance. Dogmas must be only transitory, flow river, flow...
Bells Theorem? Pretty good but this is mostly Jameson’s (with Czech spring water) theorem. In confession, I crave your indulgence, Invoke Often, Repeat repeat repeat, ‘How far is it, if you can think of it?’ Transduction of thoughts into chemicals...surfing the neuropeptides and there you stood on the edge of your feather expecting to die, A skeleton breastfeeding a priest, and if that mocking bird don’t sing, daddy’s gonna break off both its wings. Whoops. The optical illusion of a rainbow halo as beautiful as ‘God on drugs’.  Melancholy melophile, melomaniac and melomaniacal, I am an Audiophile in the paralysis of rapture...Ahh...and now I have obtained an elegant sufficiency, multitasking in five time zones. Left frontal lobe digital (manual) moving to Right frontal lobe analogue non Aristotelian (self controlled). Get it? DNA appears to be a cybernetics information/programming system...but anyway...
Bet there will be a massive increase in the birth rate nine months after most of the world is vaccinated, a surge of relieved masses celebrating in the old fashioned way. All those who died will be ‘replaced’ at double pumping speed. The idea that the vaccine contains the ‘Establishment’s’ nanobots seems unlikely...how on Earth would at least ONE person in the know, not spill the (genetically modified) beans? And those wondrous illogical conspiracy theories that Covid was triggered deliberately via 5G mast networks by a satanic paedophile elite will fade for a while. Until the ‘Christian’evangelical (evil angels) right wing restart their crazed rambling about the Illuminati/Freemasons again. For the record, my own feeling is that any group which had Leonardo da Vinci, Goethe, Beethoven, Sir Issac Newton, Washington, Mark Twain, Churchill, Oscar Wilde, Jefferson etc as members, seems like a fairly cool and worthwhile group for humanity to learn from. Is it because Lucifer was the Light Bringer that they conflate illumination with evil? How very aware of them. Arf. Paranoid magicians live longer. Speaking of witch...’Nothing is, nothing becomes, nothing is not’. A.C. The Book of Lies. Be aware, not woke. Look for the hunchback (?) behind the soldier (!)...‘You can empty infinity from it and infinity still remains’.
‘The data may not contain the answer. The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of data.’
Ever see Interstellar? Love that film. Elon Musk should just select 100 people, blast off and leave the rest of us to burn. As psychologists would call it, most of humanity is indeed still at the larval stage. Most of us stay on ‘the fourth circuit’ all life and rip at anyone who goes beyond or tries to. Christ would be murdered again, that’s why Buddha avoided crowds. Release and receive...channel.
‘Truth, truth, truth! crieth the Lord of the Abyss of Hallucinations...’
Paradise in a scientific quantum possibility...A dimension where the ‘soul’/ recorded/imprinted memory continues in  ‘A quite specific electromagnetic-gravitational field in which mind can manifest without organic bodies’. As all ‘reality’ is subjective, and an individual life most likely takes up a mere byte in a terabyte (trillion bytes). Personal Heavens, the way YOU design and chose. Dream and imagine possibilities now...much Love forever from Anon of Ibid
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finsterhund · 7 years
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Finsterhund’s 2017 Summary of Art (and by extension, the rest of my life)
I’d be lying if I said that 2017 wasn’t an incredibly difficult year for the easily excitable finsterhund but it was also a very productive year for my art. I’m not going to deny that. A lot of issues came about that pushed me really hard, and I did break, but I mended too. I grew stronger in some ways. My writing took a nosedive and I’m not sure how to repair that, but my art, well... this is the first time I’ve ever done one of these. That should speak for itself.
In some months it was difficult to pick which one. I decided against choosing ones that may have been partially rotoscoped (such as my reaction images and most memes) and also because I tend to draw too similar to reference images I use. So no redraws of blurry HoD concept art or stuff.
January: [x]
This was supposed to be the picture for holidays 2016 but I’m a lazy earth boy who must’ve been slacking off because I finished and posted it right on January first! I remember at the time I was really proud of this one, and spent a lot of time on it. It was drawn traditionally and then scanned and digitized in GIMP... yes gimp. Fishy loved it and that made me happy. Nowadays I can pick apart so many flaws, especially in Andy. The lines look so shaky! Maybe I’ll redraw it for January 1st 2018! Assuming I don’t slack off again.
February: [x]
It was hard picking one from this month because I didn’t really like my drawings from then. Here’s art in paint of Red Spot eating a burger. I used to draw him with food when I was hungry for a while. Mmmmmm borger.
March: [x]
This is the month things started to take a nosedive. There was lots of good things happening, but some bad stuff too. A few new problems arose, but at the time the biggest was I found out my birth mom was being evicted and I would have to help her clear the old house. THAT old house. I retreated heavily into my artistic comforts and drew a lot of pictures of Red Spot being comforting and supportive to Andy. Red was created for that purpose after all, and Andy being a character I so closely identify with ended up being the comfort I needed especially then. Despite its crudeness in ms paint I do love this picture and should redraw it in Sai at some point.
April: [x]
The trials I had to face were unreal this month. The Wannabe War(tm) is well underway, and the time to return to the old house rapidly approached. I drew like there was no tomorrow, and these paint pictures were the best. Smoother lines, and more detail. When the time came to face that house things got ugly. Mom hid that my dog Jack had been dead for over half a year and broke the news only when I became distraught when I arrived and he didn’t come when I called him. My fixation on the “monkey’s paw” that was ruining everything I ever wished for started around here, and I kept breaking down. Bad regressing back to before I left that place happened. But something else did too. I DIDN’T. STOP. DRAWING. I drew more and more. Choosing to bring my laptop allowed me to make more pictures. A lot of Red Spot and Andy comfort ones, some mean little immature vent comics, and memes. Lots of memes. I was able to do the job I went there to do and returned home exhausted but VICTORIOUS. My art? Well I think I actually improved a lot then. It was predominantly due to surviving in spite of everything and the sheer volume of cruddy little paint drawings. I didn’t want to pick a mean comic and already had one ms paint Andy and Red picture in this line up so here’s a surprisingly detailed xenomorph queen being licked by a prequel era character who is a massive spoiler. Not only were both characters very complicated to draw, but I’m genuinely shocked I was able to draw an xenomorph at all.
May: [x]
After the painful embarrassment of April I tried really hard to relax. I was still really scared and anxious about the Wannabe incident, but it had more or less turned into a post-arms race stalemate where he wasn’t really doing anything and I just had my weapons of mass destruction pointed at him with my grubby little orange paw over the launch button which is where things have been ever since. My art took a relaxation break, but it was still steadily getting better. Late May I wanted to come up with a reason to actually celebrate my birthday (June 3rd) so I did a silly little “June is International Heart of Darkness month” post featuring Red and Andy sharing a slice of chocolate cake. I went on to say that June 3rd was “International draw heart of darkness fan art” day (real smooth you egocentric mutt) but I thought it’d be a good way to actually celebrate the day but make it about the video game that gave me a reason to live another year instead of about me aging, as I openly hate that I grow older.
June: [x]
A few of my friends drew HoD stuff this month, but a lot of my friends were busy due to jobs, school, life, etc. We used to be a lot more active in 2015 and even in 2016 so this did hit me pretty hard. As a result, I become very frustrated and out of spite decide it’s finally time to test my “new toy.” I don’t remember when Kale actually gave me his old tablet, but in June I finally install its drivers, get a copy of paint tool sai, and draw a lot with it. At first I hate these pictures and go back to paint whenever possible. There’s something wrong with my copy of sai and windows 10 doesn’t like the drivers. But I push myself, and I start to make more pictures of Andy, Whisky, Red Spot, etc. Not a lot of my early Sai pictures ever got posted or even made it past the inking stage, but one night I just couldn’t sleep so I drew Andy cradled in the crook of Red’s wing and got it to the flat colors stage.
July: [x]
I try to calm down. it’s a good month I think. Not much happens. It’s the month I finally give myself a new fursona. I decided that Red Spot isn’t “me” and I can’t use Andy in furry communities so I come up with a solution. It... it’s just Andy as a doberman. It’s a little orange doberman that wears a red bandanna and Andy’s hat... Doberman Andy. But he’s cute, and I can draw him, and so I do draw him. And he helps me get better at drawing in Sai.
August: [x]
The month of the solar eclipse! Me and my friend were going to go down to the US to see it together and... nope... that plan fell through. It makes me a brat, but that’s okay because I can just draw six hundred thousand drawings of Andy. That’ll help me feel better. I ended up having a sabbatical from my blog after some people on tumblr began to bother me and I put up a drawing of Andy’s shoe so nobody could go in. This is an MS Paint picture! Sadly, I’ve stopped really drawing in the program. I like how I did Andy’s face even if his hat and hair weren’t the best.
September: [x]
I return from my sabbatical and begin to spam my tumblr with Andy drawings I’m making in paint tool sai. The quality and style of Andy in these pictures varies drastically as I try a whole manner of new things. At one point I make a post that has five color pictures of Andy in it. It’s slowly becoming difficult to pick which picture I wanted to put here. Not because I didn’t like any, but because I liked too many. SMOL Andy was probably my favourite of the bunch. I made him more chibi and cute than I normally do. It was on accident but I thought he was too cute to go back and make him more on-model.
October: [x]
I was supposed to do an Andy version of Inktober but I guess the extreme amount of Andy pictures was a September thing because I burned out relatively quickly. I had some drama involving a prototype disc and also ended up having to pay way too much extra money every month until further notice but it’s a relatively calm month all things considering. The way I drew Andy in this art isn’t particularly stellar, but I love what I did with Red’s mouth and nose. I wanted to show that the way I draw Red improved too.
November: [x]
My chronic pain gets worse for no good reason, I get a very disturbing creeper threatening me online, and I’m generally depressed, but I’m drawing. That’s good. I start a new revolutionary technique when I rely almost entirely on the cinematics as reference and don’t reference other cartoon styles whenever I can when it comes to drawing Andy. I enjoy the result. Drawing him in a cute penguin-themed suit made my day. It was so hard to decide which one to pick this month. I loved so many of them.
December: [x]
Like November, but somewhat better I think. I’m still drawing Andy a lot, with Red coming along for the ride too. This one I tried to draw Andy in a more Disney-like style. I love how I did his face and freckles. The drawing of Whisky from the same post is great too. I look at a lot of my newer drawings and feel genuinely pleased with the result. I think I actually am improving, and whilst I think it is due a lot to getting sai and a tablet, it can also be because I’m becoming more skilled and getting more practice as well. Lets hope the new year brings us smooth sailing, lots of fun, and happy times our way. HoD will be 20 in 2018 and I’m ready to bring the subject of my love and joy a great two decade celebration.
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pvrrhadve · 7 years
tagged by @awrnikleintime, @aforeffortenjolras, @mirkwouldnt, and @empressofnothing wow i'm popular today thanks guys
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better 1. nicknames: one of the orthodontist assistants calls me jill 
2. gender: female
3. star sign: capri sun 
4. height: approximately 163.79cm 
5. time: 2:30am
6. birthday: 3rdthnd of january
7. favorite bands: twenty one pilots, day6, bts, shinee, red velvet, coldplay, the staves, haim, florence and the machine, the national, seventeen 
8. favorite solo artists: lorde, the japanese house, luna, bleachers, monica heldal, laura marling, vancouver sleep clinic, iu, sleeping at last, kate bush, marina and the diamonds, gallant 
9. song stuck in my head: change up by seventeen
10. last movie i watched: castle in the sky which was beautiful and kind and i love my kids
11. last show i watched: age of youth season 2 (not as good as season 1 but i didn't expect it to be and i really missed my girls so . i think i'm gonna rewatch all of s1 after i finish it which will be whenever someone is kind enough to sub the finale for me)
12. when did i create my blog: the actual creation of it was i think late 2012/early 2013 but i didn't start using it until june 2013 (i just made it so i could like tree pictures and look at them later when i was sad and in the mood for tree pics) 
13. what do i post: it used to be mostly fandom (lotr, doctor who, marvel, sherlock, and whatever else went with that lifestyle kjbnkfb) but it's just memes now lads. there's only esoteric nonsense and crowd-pandering confusion around here folks. i see a garbage can, tag it 'me' and call it blogging. what will u cactus slurpers do about it. 
14. last thing i googled: was it “how do i open raw files in gimp“ or "how to remove popcorn husk stuck in throat" someone please shoot me 
15. do i have any other blogs: @jeanneofarcs is my amazingly consistent aesthetic blog and @nue5t is the evidence that i was too much of a coward to just become a kpop blog and lose the followers i've spent over 4 years amassing to no useful end
16. do i get asks: maybe once or twice a week but i'm bad at replying :/
17. why i chose my url: here’s an interesting doctoral dissertation on the subject of my url which is too good for me to even have in all honesty 
18. following: 89
19. followers: 414, only 6 away from 420 after which i'll pull the plug on this mess (i won't actually but it's a cool concept) 
21. average hours of sleep: somewhere between 4 and 9 but i do drink 1.5 litres of water a day so it's all good 
22. lucky number: 5 is easy to work with mathematically so i've had great success with it in the past but 7 really keeps coming through for me these days 👀
23. instruments: once upon a time i could play both piano and harp, but i've downgraded to being able to play exactly one (1) song on the ukulele
24. what am i wearing: sweatpants, a hoodie, and really nice red nail polish to balance out the look
26. dream job: uhh i cant imagine how nice it would be if someday i get to the point where i make a comfortable living off of sprawling gracefully across the arts. for instance, i achieve a respectable amount of knowhow and capability in, say, 3 different artistic areas and people pay me for it and i never get bored and it all works out very well. there's also an alternate universe where I wasn't an academic flop and i become a successful and respected linguist or historian or both and enjoy it to a reasonable degree. 
27. dream trip: when am i going to italy. when’s that gonna happen huh
28. favourite food: my relationship with food is weird but when i actually do feel like food is a good thing, potstickers, pizza, italian hamburger soup, sushi, and pitas are among my favourites. (although right now at this moment i would really like the kimchi beef udon and tempura roll from the japanese korean restaurant i went to last week when alightfromtheshadowswillspring was staying with me for a few days. i miss mary and kimchi beef udon. Where Are They And Where Is My Tempura Roll) 
29. nationality: canadian 
30. favourite song right now: right now?? i need my girl by the national probably. but serendipity by bts did manage to pass i need my girl as the most played song on my phone in under 2 days (though to be fair i got my phone quite recently so only a fraction of my inmg plays are accounted for here and i was in a good mood those 2 days). also hannah hunt by vampire weekend. i think that’s a neat song.
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mrlibertywhitfield · 7 years
Detective Happy Sunshine 5
The first thing he felt was the emptiness of his belly. 
He kept his eyes closed, assessing the damage. 
He flexed his left arm. Good. Then right. Tender, but not broken. Left leg. Sore. Right leg. Ouch. Foot not ok. He shifted to feel his back. Still in one piece but painful. Neck. Fine. Jaw. Not right. Did he get sucker punched? Whatever was in front of him when he opened his eyes, he decided he'd go at, full force. 
Head--clearly not working.
The detective opened his eyes to blinding bright light. No shadows or shapes. He closed his eyes, throbbing pain running from his brain to his stomach. He no longer felt hungry. 
The man opened his eyes again. "Fuck." He managed to spew. "Why is the sun so loud?" he raised left hand, trying to block the light. He hadn't realized he was laying on the ground.
 He slowly sat up, bracing himself with his right hand until he realized he was in pain. "Ow, fuck!" he pulled his weight off his hand and tried to look down at his arm. Blood. His eyes drifted to his leg. No blood. He had an itch on his forehead. Something wet. He wiped his face. Ah. Blood source. 
With help from a handrail, the man was able to gain enough leverage to pull himself up. Foot definitely hurt. World not looking so good. Probably missing his wallet. He scoffed and limped a few steps, trying to figure out where he was. 
This was not his building. Or his bar. Or his convenience store.
"What the fuck happened?" He groaned, gaining his balance. Foot. Definitely not good. 
Sunshine stood for a moment, trying to recount his night. Drugs. Strange little woman offering him a job. Bar. Hooker. Convenience Store. Nicotine. He thought for a moment more. Did he ever actually make it home? He looked around, trying to take in his surroundings, pin point where the hell he actually was. 
What he had thought was a handrail was actually a dumpster. He was in an alley. With a few limps, he made his way towards what he assumed was a main street. 
A car drove by, but otherwise, the street was empty. He looked down one way, then up the other. The nearest street sign was to his left. He limped towards it, squinting, trying to make out the words. Did he take is glasses out with him last night? Did he lose them somewhere between the bar and where his body was dumped? 
Havachure Way.
No fucking idea where that is. 
The sticky trickle from his forehead quickly became a nuisance. He wiped his forehead again, pulling some of his long, loose hair out of the mess. His hair was loose. Had he left with his hair up or down? 
In his mind, everything was foggy. He did, however, remember his pretty little prostitute. Did she put something in his drink when he wasn't looking? Or maybe it was the waitress? The bar tender? He knew his limits and he had been far from hitting them. 
He gasped! His hands began patting all over his body, finding various pockets to check. That little whore had given him a business card! He could track her down and speak to her, find out if she knew anything about his black out! 
No. No. No. Not here either. Had he dropped it? 
The palm of his hand hit his forehead, realizing he was an idiot--No coat. He had put her card in his coat. 
And his wallet. Fuck. 
And cigarettes. Double fuck. 
He hobbled back towards his alley-home in vain hope his coat was there. 
That little fucking whore. He had no proof, but she must be running some kind of scheme. Of course. Why hadn't he seen it before? 
With a groan, he left the alley and made his way down the street. One way or another, he'd eventually find something familiar and anger now fueled him, making the pain in his foot strangely less noticeable. 
"Fucking shit. Fucking little fucking whore. Fuck that little fucking cunt. She had something to do with this." he growled to himself, certain that any on-lookers who may see him thought he was deranged. "They can call the fucking cops," he said to himself, half hoping they would. Then, maybe, he could get a ride home.  
He found his way to a busy street. Also, unfamiliar. But busy meant a cab would be coming by, sooner or later. And, as long as he didn't look too much like a bloody massacre, there was a chance he'd get picked up by one. 
Cars flew by, some with the signature yellow and black of a Taxi, which gave him a little hope. He raised his left arm, right arm aching too much to be of much use. A few cars drove past, but eventually a Taxi pulled over to let him in.
"I'll be upfront." The detective said as he opened the door and poked his head in. "I have no cash on me. I… had a rough night. But if you wait about five minutes when we get to my place, I can pay you." 
The taxi driver smiled and nodded his head in a cheerful manner, much to the detectives annoyance.
Stop being so happy, asshole.  
"So what happened to you?" The driver said as Happy sat down, an achy groan making audible the pain he was in.
"I wish I knew. But I survived, didn't I? That's always the first step…" Sunshine looked into the driver's review mirror. Oh god. What did happen to him? And boy. The driver was brave to pick him up.
His face was a rainbow of purple and blue. He still couldn't see the blood source but was confident in his own mirror at home he wouldn't miss it. 
1925 Valiant Ave. 
Detective Sunshine pulled himself from the car. He faltered, making his way to the door. To his surprise, the door was unlocked.  
Maybe the whore didn't have anything to do with it. Maybe he just smoked something really bad and he was just mugged. Perhaps the wounds were just him fighting off thugs and in a stupor he wandered. And, if that's the case, there was a chance they were still in there. And him, with no weapon. 
He creaked the door open and walked, quietly as his lame gimp would allow, up the stairs towards his office. The door was ajar. He held his breath, leaning close, listening for life. 
Still tense, he peeked through the crack. The musty office was just as motionless as ever. That didn't mean no one was there. They just weren't moving. 
He pushed the door open, knowing he was unarmed and unable to defend himself should the worst happen, but also knowing he lived a good life, so if this was he was to go out, at least he'd go out in a blaze of glory. And, he wouldn't have to go out and buy more smokes later. 
The door swung open, revealing his dim, dusty office.  
He breathed a sigh of relief, until he realized his desk drawers were open.  
He bolted, to the best of his ability, toward the desk. 
Drugs. Gone. Money. Still there? Envelope with evidence.
"FUCK!" He tore the drawer out, slamming it on the floor.  
Someone did this on purpose.
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