#Liberal Propaganda
asagi-asagiri · 1 year
Going by USG's authoritarian turn since 2001 and especially in the 2010s and onwards combined with USG and the corporate establishment's openly relying on propaganda, it's kind of surprising that they haven't even threatened WGA members/actors with arrest or being drafted and forced to write/act.
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Yeah yeah it’s cool that men are allowed to wear make-up now, but can we finally allow women to stop wearing make-up? Or is that side of the coin not profitable enough
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kropotkindersurprise · 7 months
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March 8th: International Women's Day
The Palestinian woman: the guardian of the dream and the shield of the revolution
(Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 2024)
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degeneratedworker · 10 months
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"Oh my intractable wound My homeland is not a suitcase and I am not a traveler I am the lover and the land is the beloved Hail the people of Lebanon who remain steadfast in the south" Mahmoud Darwish Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Lebanon 1970
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keepwhiteboyslocked · 5 months
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soulsevaporate · 1 month
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caitlinjohns77 · 4 months
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you are actually trash
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I'm starting to see posts about this group Standing Together and it's being posted with a link and when you Google it it's like "leftist movement" and "it has 5000 supporters and growing" and like about how cool and left and worth supporting it is righy and l. o. l.
From their own website:
We envision a society that serves all of us. A just and equal society that treats every person with dignity. A society that chooses peace, justice, and independence for Israelis and Palestinians – Jews and Arabs. A society in which we all enjoy real security, adequate housing, quality education, good healthcare, a liveable climate, a decent salary, and the ability to age with dignity.
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This article claims Bernie Sanders supports this party. We know he also condemned both sides and refused to support a ceasefire.
"left movement"
> supports the state
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What we're not gonna do is let Israeli liberals co-opt the decolonization and Palestinian liberation movement for Palestinians
"Hamas are terrorists who want to kill all Jews and remove everyone! Stop supporting them and support this!"
I have the 2017 charter on my phone RIGHT NOW and no they don't. It doesn't say that. They state explicitly their problem is with the Zionist occupation and not Jewish people and that they in fact understand lots of Israelis don't even LIKE your government and how you'd probably be better off under a new state that EVERYONE builds TOGETHER AS EQUALS, not built or controlled by Hamas or Israeli government but by the people.
yes I'm being so fucking serious.
PLEASE read the source material and don't believe everything you see just cuz you saw a link someone posted with their take.
I know some people are justifiably weird about download links so I won't link the PDF but feel free to read the source yourself by looking it up, otherwise here it is on Middle East Eye's site.
Also only Zionists would spread the idea that having beef with a Zionist occupier would equate to wanting to kill all Jews so I'm taking the person I saw that from and Everyone else who says that with a Giant grain of fuck off
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tortoisewithoutashell · 3 months
On this 4th of July I am thinking of the families In Palestine that are hearing the sounds of bombs instead of fireworks
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jangillman · 15 days
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
Biden supporters 1 degree away from literal assault against protestors.
They're as much of a cult as Trump supporters!
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The white liberals/democrats comfortably dragging this woman aggressively from her spot while she was just calling for a CEASEFIRE because 35,000 Palestinian people have been genocided are ALL complict in these ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine. And these same people have the audacity to say they're different from those who idealize and worship Trump?
You cannot remain neutral towards ANY injustice in this world. This is despicable.
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kropotkindersurprise · 3 months
June 15, 2024 - Communist guerrillas of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) carried out mortar attacks on IDF positions in Gaza together. [video]
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degeneratedworker · 10 months
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"Being Jewish is not the same as being Zionist! Our own history of persecution as Jews helps us to understand and support the struggle of the Palestinians to determine their own destiny." Lisa Kokin United States 1978
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mithwitch · 8 months
zygodactylus/jewish-kulindadromeus/a-dinosaur-a-day DEFINITELY NOT BEING RACIST below:
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N O N Z I O N I S T !!!!!!!!!!!! Believe it :)
one more time:
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caitlinjohns77 · 2 months
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Burqa = anti women
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