#... with anyone else in my immediate family either. I'm just too afraid.
stargazerlillian · 1 year
Dreamt last night that my mother bought me a pride flag for me to hang on my wall... took me 10 straight minutes after waking up to remember that I tried to come out/explain my orientation to her twice over 8 years ago and she didn't believe me.💔
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battlekidx2 · 7 months
Since the season of Hazbin Hotel has ended I'm going to update my thoughts on who Alastor made a deal with because this is probably the aspect of the show where my opinion has shifted the most. I originally thought he was connected with Lilith (like a lot of other people) then I thought it could be Eve, but now I'm fairly sure it's not either of them.
I think it might be Roo.
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Roo is a character that hasn't yet made an appearance in Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, but has been a looming presence for years now if you've kept up with Vivziepop, references to them appearing in the background of both shows, and stated to be the root of all evil. Basically the endgame "villain" of this universe.
It was that last episode that really shifted my perspective on who Alastor has the deal with. The biggest thing was something I noticed in the finale, but then saw other people point out after the fact as well, and that's the fact that eyes follow Alastor around anywhere he goes. (This post in particular shows just how prevalent eyes following Alastor is through the show)
When Alastor is having his breakdown the eyes specifically look like this.
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Look a bit familiar?
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Whenever Alastor is questioned about his whereabouts for the last seven years he always gets shifty. Eyes darting around, face pointedly looking away from whoever he's talking to, making sure he defuses the question without giving any indication of the real answer.
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I initially thought this was because some of these comments hit too close to home and his pride wouldn't allow him to show any weakness, but pair it with the eyes that follow him around and there's the possibility that he's instead being forced to keep quiet. These eyes are watching him, making sure he stays in line. Alastor has to walk on eggshells just in case whoever it is that owns his soul is watching.
It's this ability to make Alastor stay on guard coupled with the moment in the destroyed radio tower that all but confirmed that whoever it is Alastor is, at least on some level, afraid of them. Or at the very least it's someone Alastor shows much more restraint and pause around than anyone else he has come face to face with in the series. Someone who has him on high alert.
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This is the same guy who immediately started a conflict with Lucifer because he felt his pride threatened. The literal king of hell who he has to know is more powerful than him. Yet at no point does Alastor ever feel like he's walking on eggshells around him like he does this invisible entity that owns his soul.
If this is the case then what if the person that Alastor made a deal with is even more powerful than Lucifer himself? Or at least close to Lucifer's power level, but much more willing to use it? Someone Alastor can't find leverage over like he can the king of hell.
That really limits the options for who it could be.
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I still think that whatever happened 7 years ago Lilith was involved, but the more hints we get to the reality of Lilith and Alastor's situations the more convinced I am that she isn't the one he has a contract with.
Whatever happened 7 years ago it was enough to get her to make a deal with Adam to stay in heaven, hidden from everyone including her family, and it made Alastor go missing for that same period of time.
I've never been a theory person, but this story thread in Hazbin Hotel is incredibly enticing. I can't wait for next season to see where they take this.
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fadedmunson · 2 years
family man | joel m.
pairings ; joel miller x fem!reader
word count ;
warnings ; ohhhh this left me in guttural pain. angst then comfort because i've had a long week
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this could've been avoided if you never met the old grumpy fucking man
why were you always given the shit-end if the stick??
i mean, how were you supposed to know raiders would be in the middle of butt-fuck wyoming?
well, here you were, running back to ellie and joel after hearing gunshots and raiders shout
you were going to make a quick run to find some more bullets, but accidentally left your gun, and just as you realized, raiders got the idea to follow you
"has she lost her mind?" joel hissed, "leaving all her shit behind too, god this is laughable." joel scoffs under his breath
"joel" ellie whispers, "i know she's not here, but we need to do something." joel can feel her getting more anxious by the second
"i know, i know." joel isn't the best at comforting but he's good at violence, so there's that.
one thing he just never understood was how dumb and vulnerable you could be at times. you made stupid mistakes, stupid mistakes that could lead to your stupid death.
god, that word. death. it haunted him, it'll haunt him till his last breath. he'll meet it eventually, but only with you and ellie at his side. he can't loose anyone else
"joel!" ellie eyes shook from fear and so did her voice. joel left his momentary trance and quickly built a plan for her to get out safely
just as he was about to grab her, he hears the stuggle of the raiders, almost like choking.
he stands up to see that the threat was taken out by you and a switchblade
ellie was quick to react by running and grabbing your arms while trying to regain her composure
she looked death in the eyes multiple times, but this one was different.
"that was so badass! you swung in and- hey is that my knife?" she pointed out
"sorry, forgot. i was just keeping it safe." you flip the switchblade and hand it to her.
just as you hand it to her your sweater collar was gripped by joel
"now you've just about done it," he began
"let go of me joel, im grown. i handled the problem, i don't get the issue." you pry his hand off of you and get in his face
you were never afraid of joel, just curious. curious about how he kept everything so close to his chest. it probably got tiring
"do you have any idea how scared i was? you have any fucking idea?" joel eyes narrowed as he stabbed his finger into your chest while his teeth clenched
this doesn't scare you no, it's something much worse
this pains you, it pains you to see how distraught joel is feeling and the fact that you were the reason for it
"you make my life so much harder," he scoffs at you "you frustrate people, it's all your good at." he begins to raise his voice
your eyes are becoming glassy and you can feel it hitting you like a train
"stop it." you warn
"i didn't know this would happen and i'm sorry but this situation never came to my mind." your body language is frantic and so is your voice
at this point, tears are freely streaming down your eyes while ellie just stares, unable to do or say anything to set either of you off
joels face softens the littlest bit from your tears. he's not great at navigating feelings and people crying
"the last thing i need is to loose you," he looks at ellie "either of you."
you just crash into his body and he immediately responds by wrapping his arms around you and digging his face into your neck
"oh, sweet girl" he gently reassures you that you did nothing wrong and he "was worked up."
at some point ellie sat next to the both of you and just stayed in comfortable silence
joel kissed your neck, then your cheek, and then your forehead
you stumbled off of him and sat next to ellie, resting her head on your shoulders while you held joels hand
"i like being with you joel," you turn to him "i'm sure sleepyhead over here enjoys it too." you chuckle at ellie already asleep in your embrace
you can see the briefest smile on his face as he lays his head on yours
you've got joel miller absolutely smitten
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catchingdaydreams · 3 months
Beach Day!🏖️
Mithrun x Gardener Reader
Part 1 here to make sense of some stuff
Word count: idk 2000 ish.
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Begrudgingly the summers heat over the island became too burdensome to work along your orchids for the past couple of days. It was particularly a good season too for your plum trees but this blistering heat made up unable to harvest at this time. Furthermore, you were more afraid of your friend and helper, Mithrun of passing out from heatstroke....again. And you really didn't want to spend the hot summer afternoon playing hide and seek, looking for him among the many acres that were bestowed onto you.
Staying indoors wasn't very productive either. The times that you don't work, you spend having tea with Mithrun in your green house. He had picked up a bit of a bad habit from trying to slowly regain his desires again. See he became very picky, stubborn even , noting that he only would rest and have tea in the same spot. Before you got well accustomed to him, you immediately chased him out with your broom when you first invited him into your home only for him to call it as quote " a poor shack that even the rats won't nest in". At the moment he still won't even step inside your home, despite your friendship blooming. The last mention of it, he made a puzzlingly looking expression. For a brief second you saw his ears twitch from his hair, catching flushed redness. But that could have been just your imagination.
Nevertheless the green house was out of the question, for it was way too hot to endure as well. As you were thinking of a way you would be spending your time with Mithrun today and an excellent idea popped into your head.
"The beach?" Mithrun mimicked, confused at your sudden suggestion. "Yeah! Why not. It's too hot to do anything today and I thought, what's something I haven't done in a long time and can escape this awful weather by doing it". Mithrun hummed, looking in deep thought. One might think by looking at him that he seemed completely uninterested. But you knew him long enough to at least pick up a few signs. There was curiosity in his eyes for the most part but hesitation pooled in.
" I don't think Cithis would agree with this. I'm not allowed to go near large bodies of water". Mithrun stated. There were many things he still wasn't allowed to do on his own anymore, not since the time he became a lord of the dungeon. Most rules he followed were for his health, both mentally and physically. Pattadol even bestowed you the rights to cut his hair. You thought it was strange at first until she quickly filled in on his situation and his not so past history with sharp objects. The elves method that cutting others hair was a sacred thing among family and close friends, that I should feel honored to do it. In reality you only do it as Mithrun had stopped anyone else from touching his hair , proclaiming that you did a better job at evening it.
In the moment you laughed at his response.
You found his statement kinda ironic too as he didn't care at all what the Canaries thought now, especially when he was wandering off to see you while they had no clue where he was. Your laughter was interrupted as he spoke again.
"I cannot swim either" he stated, this time a bit meekly, almost embarrassed. " Not with the ocean's current." You understood what he meant. His body was still too weak for physical endurance. That's why he uses magic most of the time for travelling to see you.
"that's fine, you should be alright if you just stick to the shallows. And even if you get swept away I can come rescue you!" You reassured Mithrun, grabbing his hand and giving a light squeeze.
"so you be my knight in shining armor then?" Mithrun says his usual monotone voice, but smiles.
"mmm probably not the shining armor part, I think I'll just sink to the ocean floor before reaching you" You joke, acting it out dramatically, pulling Mithrun down with you ever so slightly as you kept holding his hand.
He smile grows.
"Maybe a siren would be more befitting with you, y/n. Considering your dragging me down with you already. How monstrous." You just gently shove him at his response.
You quickly collect yourself and make way into your home, gathering up all the necessary equipment before coming back out. Interlocking your arms with his you say your ready to teleport there. And in a flash your gone.
"um Mithrun?"
"this isn't the beach"
Looking around, Mithrun quickly took in that in fact this was not a beach but at the entrance of a dungeon.
"Oh, yeah I don't think this is the beach"
"Mithan, the beach this time".
Several teleports later the two of you eventually find yourself along a secluded beach. You stretch as you take in the sea air. Already the coolness of the oceans breeze was doing wonders for you.
You sigh as you plob down your towels in the nearest shade. You pat a spot for Mithrun to sit and he follows instantly. From your supplies you carried along a picnic basket.
"thought we might eat first before we go for a swim. It's not what we usually have, but this is more fitting for this setting" you say as you take out various fruits and cheese you got from the market, alongside some cracker's and bread.
Mithrun ponders over the options before noticing something was missing. "No tea?" His ears dropped as he could not find is favorite lemon tea packed along with everything else.
You snort. "Oh Mithrun, that's something a bit hard for me to make. I know you can make the water boil with your magic and such but I wanted you to try something else. You'll be the first one to taste it too.
That seems to cheer him up a bit. More curious if anything.
Reaching into the basket you pull out a small flask and two shot glasses. Pouring the clear liquid in both you hand it to Mithrun. He inspects before taking a small sip. Instantly he gags at the strong flavor, quickly picking up a few sliced apples to get rid of the taste.
"mmm might be too strong" you ponder, taking the shot in one go like it was nothing to you.
"Wha-what that?"Mithrun rasps.
"oh! It's Pálinka, it's an alcoholic drink made from some of the plums I was able to harvest. Thought you might like it but maybe a cherry base would have been better for you considering you like sour stuff more. Mmm sorry ."
"no, no it's.....nice" He lies, he couldn't even hide the disgusted look on his face.
"welp more for me", you take the shot glass from him and down the hatch it went.
"I can handle alcohol". He says.
"I'm sure you can". You don't fully believe him, certainly not after that reaction.
In the corner of your eye, you see Mithrun quickly tries to grab the flask out of your hands but you are faster. "You don't need to prove yourself, Mith, it's an acquired taste that not many tall man ourselves like." You say placing the beverage back into the basket. He just grumbles in response, nibbling on the crispy apples.
"Besides we came for the beach not to get drunk". You say picking on some fruits before getting up and taking your top off, reviling swimwear undergarments. As you were about to take your pants off you heard a Mithrun breath heavy, as if he was holding on to it before. You didn't bother to glace over as you were too preoccupied folding your clothes.
"nothing..." He quickly responds. It was in fact not nothing. He was lucky for you not to see his flushed shocked face as you stripped in front of him. He just managed to control his emotions in time as you turned around to place your clothes in the basket.
You just hummed at his response You didn't want to pressure him further on the matter. Besides you had other things to do Such as swimming.
You raced into the water, giggled at the relief it gave you from the summers heat. It was bliss. You call out to Mithrun stating the waters fine and to hop in with you.
He slowly gets up and trots to the waters edge. You know the whole beach thing was at the spare of the moment so Mithrun didn't have swim shorts with him so his pants would have to do. But as he entered the water you were quite puzzled as to why he didn't remove his long sleeved shirt.
"you're not taking your shirt off? It would be heavy to swim in it". The odds of him actually having trouble swimming would become higher if he kept it on. You went too fond of actually trying to save a drowning elf anytime soon.
Mithrun stopped, looking at you before quickly avoiding your gaze. A flash of emotion took his eyes. Pain, disgust and shame washed over.
"Im- you won't like it" he says, barely able to hear it.
"like what?" You say confused.
It took a few seconds before he spoke. As if unable to properly find the right words for what he was going to say next.
"My body. Isn't it right" it's a crit and vile tone as he spoke about himself.
You were still confused but concerned about how Mithrun was reacting. He took a glance at you and signed. He knew he didn't have to show it to you but he felt like he had no choice. Just let you see him and then you wouldn't bring it up again. You would be too disgusted anyway. He got over it and pulled his top partial up.
You didn't know what to expect. His stomach was adorned with warped skin that twists and pulls looking like it never truly healed properly. His lanky and frail form was littered in scar, some thick and asymmetrical, some thin, some repeated over and over in the same spot. It made your heart drop. Not how it looked but how awful Mithrun must feel.
Your lack of silence stung even more for Mithrun. He wanted to leave right then and there but was too frozen. He didn't even hear your voice call out to him. He was in a haze, about to shut down until you cupped his cheek, making him properly look at you. His glassy eye bore in shock as he looked directly in yours, searching for disgusted in any way shape or form. But there was none.
"You can keep your top on if you want to , if that's what makes you feel comfortable. But I just want to let you know I'm not disgusted nor I would look down on you for it. Never ever. You're still my friend Mithrun and Im here for you. All your scars, it shows you are a survivor, so strong and determined to continue on despite dealing the bad hand.... Oh I'm not good with these types of things when it comes to words but I hope that helps-ah!"
Mithrun pulls you into a tightly hug. He nests his face in on your shoulder, a feeling of dampness is on your skin. Your hands reach out to rub his back, soothing him as his cries in front of you for the first time. You let him continue letting it out, until cries become sniffles.
"...Thank you" he says meekly, still holding onto you with the same force, as if scared that you would disappear if he let's go.
"Do you still want to swim with me ?"
He just nods into your shoulder.
You're the one that breaks the hug but your hands move to his own and intertwine them as you guide him into the deeper water.
"wait". He says and you pause. He let go of your hand for a quick sec, to take off his top completely, chucking onto the sand. You smile as he grabs it again giving it a squeeze to confirm to continue.
The two of you spend most of your time in the water, cooling off and not drowning. As pleasant as it was you wanted to do other beach style activities with Mithrun. He in fact cannot build a sand castle. He was being too much of a perfectionist and would redo his castle again and again. It didn't help that the tide was coming in a swept away at one less imperfect castle he made. Shortly after you decided to look for seashells before arriving back on your towels and finishing whatever food was left.
Both of you lay down on the towel, taking in the warmth. Neither of you said a word to each other but there was no need to. Everything felt content. It was a pleasant day, you felt, spending it with your friend made you all the more content. And as you both further basked, the greater ease of sleep fell onto both of you till eventually you're snoozing together on this summer afternoon. Truly peaceful as if nothing could go wrong.....
You both got sunburnt.
"Oh my God, you look like a tomato!!" Fleki cackles as she slams her hands on the table, unable to control her fits of laughter as all the Canaries witness a very sunburnt Mithrun. She tired poking at his red skin but Pattadol swatted their hand away.
"Mmmm? He's not completely red though look there I think there are hand prints on his hips. Oh Mithrun you're not leaving much to the imagination are you. Quite Naughty~" Lycion giggled.
Mithrun shot him a glare.
"Well I think he's learnt his lesson. Next time please apply sunscreen." Pattadol stated as she applied aloa over his burnt back.
"I'm surprised he even took his shirt off, wasn't you with y/n? Usually you kick such a fuss about exposing your body even hiding your injuries from us. This is an odd change indeed" Otta says puzzled.
In the mist of all the chatting Mithrun turns his gaze to the only elf in the room who hasn't made some jab or snark comment about his appearance. Cithis smiles warmly at Mithrun, a sort of fondness like a mother has for a child. Deep down she knows something about Mithrun that he doesn't quite know himself yet.
"Did you have a fun day at the Beach, Mithrun?" She asks softly.
The group stops talking, all eyes are on him.
Mithrun ponders in deep thought. Recalling the events that took place today. The elves were shocked to see a cheshire cat like smile was plastered on his face as he gazed fondly into nothingness.
"Yeah, I think-no.... I know I did".
[Thanks for reading!]
This fic was just made up on the spot and was originally supposed to be a funny crack fic about Mithrun getting in all sorts of trouble at the beach in a comedic way. But as I kept writing I was like damn it's definitely not a crack fic. Anyway I am really happy with how this turned out.
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silverynight · 3 months
Part XIX
There's no need to panic; Izuku is sure it's nothing to worry about. Katsuki is back in the underworld now and even though Izuku already misses him, being away from him will do him good.
Now that he's almost sure he has a crush on his friend, the demigod can deal with it; he doesn't want to ruin their friendship so mention it to him is out of question.
He just needs to convince his heart that Katsuki is his friend and nothing more. Which will be easy because Izuku knows the king of the underworld will never want someone like him as his significant other.
That day he gets himself busy; he tends to his field and walks towards the village and the houses nearby to see if anyone needs assistance with their crops.
He visits a couple of families, most of them recognize him as a god and sometimes pray to him, even though Izuku has told them he's just a minor deity.
After a couple of days of trying to help as many mortals as he can, Izuku gets a visit from his friend Todoroki.
It's obvious he still feels bad for all those times that tried to pick a fight with Katsuki because he doesn't look at Izuku in the eye; it's almost like he's afraid of not being welcomed.
"I told you I forgave you already," Izuku mumbles with a soft smile on his face. "Just don't do it again!"
"I promise I won't be the one who starts it again," Todoroki assures him, which is not exactly what Izuku was hoping for, but at least it's progress.
They relax for a while; Izuku keeps checking on the oldest trees to make sure they don't die and makes sure to heal one that had been struck by lightning.
"I want you to meet my family," Todoroki says after a while, looking slightly nervous. His cheeks have turned pink, but this time he makes sure to look directly at Izuku.
Izuku gets nervous too, but he can tell his friend really wants him to go see his family, that he can't help but agree to it almost immediately.
"Great. Let's go."
Right now? Izuku looks at himself and tries to fix his hair a little before taking Todoroki's hand in his.
He just... hopes they're not like Endeavor because if that's the case then they won't like Izuku either.
Turns out Fuyumi, Todoroki's older sister, lives in a little house among mortals, which is a good sign in Izuku's opinion.
Or maybe he's just being hopeful.
Not only Izuku meets Fuyumi, but also Natsuo (Todoroki's older brother) and Rei, his mother.
"I'm so glad to finally meet you, Izuku," Rei smiles, holding both of the demigod's hands in his, making him feel flustered. "Shoto talks about you all the time."
"Mom, please!" Todoroki says, face turning into an interesting shade of red.
"He really does," Natsuo nods, ignoring his little brother's frown. "Izuku this... Izuku that..."
Even though, Todoroki looks embarrassed, as soon as Fuyumi starts giggling, his shoulders relax immediately. Natsuo says something else about Todoroki coming back after meeting Izuku for the first with a smile so huge, it confused everyone that day.
Suddenly everyone bursts into laughter; Izuku does too because he can tell Todoroki's siblings like to tease him, but they clearly care about him deeply.
Izuku is suddenly really glad that Endeavor is not the only family Todoroki has.
They have dinner together; Fuyumi is a great cook and Izuku can't get enough of her food.
"I really hope you come pay us a visit again, Izuku," Rei says before pulling the green haired demigod into a hug.
"And I hope you can consider us family someday," Fuyumi adds, making Izuku blush.
Honestly, it's like none of them are related to Endeavor at all, which is a good thing.
"I'll take you back home," Todoroki mumbles with a worried expression as he watches Natsuo trying to say something too.
"Thank you so much for your hospitality!"
By the time they're back in his field; Izuku feels a lot lighter. The problems he had a couple of days ago seem really small now. Surely, nothing to worry about.
"I had a great time, Shoto," he says, trying not to overthink everything this time.
"Me too," Todoroki mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know they all adore you already."
Izuku blushes, but he makes a dismissive gesture with his hand anyway. Of course his friend would say something like that, even if it's not true.
"They just met me."
Shoto looks away, turning slightly pink as he says something unintelligible, something Izuku doesn't quite hear.
"Shoto..." Izuku stops when Todoroki takes his hand and kisses the back of it gently.
"I have to go, but I'll be back soon with a gift."
Before Izuku can tell him there's no need to give him anything, Shoto disappears with the last light coming from the horizon.
Trying not to smile too much, he remembers the black rose Katsuki gave it to him a couple of days ago.
Why are his friends suddenly giving him gifts?
Perhaps he should give them something back too.
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pomplalamoose · 11 months
whenever u have time if u could PLEASEEE write some more ANH Luke Skywalker hc 😍🥰
pls there is a a serious lack of Luke content 😪🫶🫶
Of course dear anon, here you go🩵🩵
We, as a society, need more Luke content in our lifes and I'm more than happy to deliverrrr
• Tatooine is a pretty shitty place to get to know or to date anyone, so I think the young people have their own way around that
• because you can't go anywhere without potentially running into someone wanting to rob/enslave/blackmail/hurt/kill you, I think spending time with Luke would consist mostly of doing your everyday chores together
• safety is in numbers and companionship makes even the most drab tasks seem bearable
• and nobody will notice if both of you take way longer than usual because you're so busy making googly eyes at each other
• (they do notice but Owen is mostly glad how your company keeps Luke from talking about leaving, so he doesn't mention it)
• so imagine cleaning up and sorting through the garage together
• just sitting by his side, sharing jokes while he works to fix his uncle's equipment or looks after his land speeder
• maybe, if that's your thing, you help out as well and then try your hardest to get the oil stains off your skin after while Luke laughs at your frustrated face
• probably the height of romance is going to the market together to buy ingredients for your meals with two of your fingers intertwined because it's too hot for holding hands and you're both shy
• or taking trips to Tosche station (because of course) and, with a racing heart, you slowly and carefully rest your head on his shoulder
• when he doesn't shake you off you're overjoyed
• he, on the other hand, doesn't dare to say anything, too afraid you're going to scooch away again
• so he drives more slowly than usual to have more time alone with you
• halfway there you have lunch together in the shade of big rocks and talk about everything and nothing, blushing and looking in another direction when one of you makes eye contact for too long
• and, my favorite: watching the two suns set together
• he'll bring you home after because Tatooine is even more dangerous at night
• he says goodbye with a small and polite kiss to your cheek, hoping your family won't see
• he'd notice your nervousness once aboard the Falcon
• while he isn't so sure about all of this himself he wants to seem cool and tough in front of you and does his best to keep up with Han and Chewie
• secretly he might be worried that you will end up liking Han more
• he's totally the type to get a little jealous when he sees you smiling at someone else other than him
• (there's no way Han hasn't outright flirted with you yet)
• so he does his best to keep the two of you separated and as far away from each other as he possible can
• like, no, you can't sit there, he's going to sit next to Han in the cockpit!
• no, you can't go looking for Han, he was just about to ask you a question!
• Han isn't even that funny, why are you laughing??
• he'd sulkily sit in a corner and throw looks in your direction whenever you're with Han too
• if you notice, he'll pretend to not care at all with whom you're having a good time
• but truth to be told, he's sad
• I'm not sure whether he's even aware that he's acting like that
• someone (Obi-Wan) could probably intervene at this point, but there's no way he's going to do that
• he's having the time of his life
• don't worry though, Luke's time to shine comes around when you declare how unbearably cold you are
• did you exaggerate to get his attention? Possibly
• either way it works immediately and he'll offer to sit next to you to keep you warm
• when you agree he's ready to burst with pride
• he waits until Han is looking and then drapes his arm around your figure, feeling absolutely superior
• it takes a lot of restraint to keep himself from grinning obnoxiously
• when Obi-Wan starts teaching him about the Force and lightsaber techniques however, he isn't so self assured anymore
• especially not when he's supposed to ditch or reflect blaster bolts while not being able to see
• underneathe the helmet his cheeks are burning red when he hears your laugh ring out alongside Han's
• he feels decidedly better when you start cheering him on and clapping loudly once he gets the hang of it
• you think he looks adorable when he finally removes the helmet and his hair is slightly sweaty and all over the place
• maybe, if you're feeling bold and the moment is right, you'd like to run your fingers through it under the pretense of tidying him up a bit?
• think of that scene where they hide in the Falcon's secret luggage compartment to make it seem like nobody is on board after being sucked into the Death Star
• because wo do you think you'll get pressed close to while waiting for the Empire's men to leave?
• sadly we never get to see how exactly they all fit in there but imagine half sitting half lying directly on top of Luke
• possibly he's even holding you very close, the situation totally requires it if you ask him
• you can feel his heart beating steadily but fast with how your head has to rest against his chest
• is it because he's afraid you'll get caught or can you dare to hope it's because of you?
• much later you can't take your eyes off him because he looks just a little too good in his new pilot uniform
• at this point it's probably your turn to be a little bit jealous as you are by far not the only one trying to check him out discreetly
• people shout greetings and turn their head after him wherever he goes
• (not just because he spectacularky saved their princess, although that's what you want to believe)
• and, because of the way Luke is, he'll reciprocate the attention happily, unaware of your feelings
• too bad you don't know he'd never chose anyone over you
I'm not quite sure whether you wanted just Luke headcanons or Luke x reader headcanons, hopefully I got it right😅
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synthetickitsune · 1 year
loved the onewe love languages post! So cute <3 one of my favorite things you write is the 'them hearing you talk lovingly about them' thing and I've noticed you don't have that for the onewe boys would you consider writing it? no pressure ofc 🫶🏼
thank you, i'm glad you liked it!! and ofc, i really love writing for onewe so any request is welcomed! ♡
onewe + when they overhear you talking lovingly about them
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Yonghoon ❧ He, of course, knows you love him or he wouldn’t be in a relationship with you. It’s not like he’s insecure about the relationship either, but he sometimes has his moments. He just craves reassurance. And you always give it to him. At the same time, though, he never expected this. You’re never shy to express your love for him in front of others or when you’re alone, but still he wouldn’t ever imagine he’ll get to hear you gushing over him to someone while he’s not even there. He’s biting back his smile but slowly, as you talk more and more and your voice keeps dropping lower like you’re afraid it’d ruin things if you talked about them too loud, slowly his smile melts and his eyes water. He doesn’t want to cry, but he's an emotional guy and how could he not? He gives it a couple minutes before he walks into the room you’re in and his mind is swirling with words he’d love to tell you but he can’t. He can’t. When you turn to look at him and immediately rush to him to check that he’s alright, Yonghoon can’t say anything but i love you before he’s pulling you close and kissing you. He repeats the three words so much between kisses, and it seems to be the only thing he’s able to say for hours afterwards, that you’re fully expecting him to say he’s either dying or killed someone. He uses the confession instead of a period at the end of his sentences. He clings to you. No words can describe what he’s feeling so he just keeps stating the facts - he loves you.
Harin ❧ He’s always hoped that your family would approve of him. It’s already a dream come true when he sees how fond of him they are, so excuse him if he’s more than a little taken aback when he hears your relative pointing out what they noticed about him and you excitedly filling them in on more, bragging about your boyfriend without being aware of the heart attack you’re about to give him. He can hear the affection in your voice, can feel the appreciation, and he basks in it. There’s blush painting his skin for sure but his head is full of marriage thoughts and nothing else and he simply can’t care if he’s a little flushed. He manages to keep his cool, somehow, and if he’s a little more affectionate when he joins you again, you only seem to welcome it. The subtle yet noticeable change only comes back home. It takes you a while to notice and put a finger on what exactly happened, but the best you can do is to describe it as Harin getting more comfortable - taking you for granted but in the sense of being comforted by you being his, reassured by your constant presence in his life. He seems somehow happier when he can help you with chores, he settles into the domestic life so well it gives you butterflies just seeing him help you cut the veggies for dinner. Now it’s you who’s got wedding bells ringing in your head. He never mentions that he heard you, but slowly, day by day, he’s trying to get better at telling you how he feels. Like he even needs to when his love is so obvious in how he cares for you.
Kanghyun ❧ How is he supposed to cope? How is he supposed to process the feelings he’s feeling? His usual tactic, dismiss and deny, won’t help here, not in the face of you. It’s all his fault that he overheard and got concerned, he should’ve known you wouldn’t talk about anyone else but him that way. So why is it so hard to process? Some part of him wants to escape, and another wants to run to you and hug you. He can’t laugh this off just because he’s shy and embarrassed. He wouldn’t do that to your love. He decides to pretend like he didn’t hear anything. But can he? He’s not confident from the start and the rest of his confidence shatters quickly the moment you come up to him and engage in conversation. It’s so awkward that he can’t say anything - he keeps getting lost in your eyes or in his own mind, replaying memories of the sweet things he heard you say. You call him out on it, first worried about him, then worried you’ve done something wrong. He can’t have that. Not when you did everything right. So he sucks in a breath, but even so his words are barely above whisper. How can you say all that and then just… Just what? Keep loving him? He doesn’t know himself how to finish his sentence but he knows he hates the look of uncertainty on your face. So he pulls you closer and presses his lips against your forehead with a quiet thank you. He makes a promise to make it up to you. His songs are already about you anyway. A couple and maybe you’ll realize it too.
Dongmyeong ❧ At first he firmly believes it’s a prank. It must be, right? One of those wholesome ones he’s seen, because he knows you wouldn’t risk hurting his feelings on purpose. It makes him feel all mushy inside, even as he tries to calm down his excitement. But if it’s a prank, then you wouldn’t jump in fright and nearly drop your phone - the phone you mumble rushed apologies into before ending the call… And you wouldn’t try to run away… His cheeks turn scarlet while he laughs and holds you tighter, forbidding you from running away from him. The butterflies are wreaking havoc in his stomach, so much it’s almost making him sick but he’s so happy that it’s worth it and you look so embarrassed at being caught. He hugs you, showers you with sweet nothings and his own love confessions, and he gets shy himself in the process. But he can’t fret much, can’t be worried when he’s hugging you, and you’re hugging him, and you giggle and shake your head and he knows there’s no need to be embarrassed. You’re just a couple in love, and that’s beautiful. You squeeze him, and he squeezes you too, rubs your back just to help you calm your emotions - and to collect himself too. He feels like he’ll burst but you’re grounding him. More so when you kiss him. And maybe you take too much joy in seeing him as flustered as you are when he leans his forehead against yours. Who knows what sounds more genuine - if a simple i love you or the earlier confessions you exchanged, even if you didn’t mean to.
Giuk ❧ He thrives on your love. He’s a sucker for any affection you show him. But what he’s hearing might be a little too much. His mind is in overload - his heart is in overload, and he wants to tear it out of his chest so it’s not beating so loud in his ears and he can hear more of you. He’s pretty sure he’s ready to pass out. He can’t move. And he’s so out of it he doesn’t notice when you get quiet and emerge from your room. It takes a while for him to understand what you’re saying, and even longer to answer you. He melts further when you get concerned and drag him on the bed to lie down. He pulls you right down with him. He wants to talk. Just talk. About anything. He wants to be close to you, and you seem as eager to be with him. His heart skips a beat when he realizes that you don’t let go of his hand. Somehow the conversation gets crazy - dreams get shared, you plan the mansion you’ll have in the future together, all the pets you’ll have, what his studio will look like, the guest bedrooms for all your friends. He wants to give that to you. He wants to protect you. He wants to have you, always. In that moment he decides he doesn’t need to say anything, even though he will - because if he felt so giddy hearing you, he can’t stop imagining how happy you would be if you heard him talk about you like that. But what’s more important is that he will work hard so that he can bring you the stars from sky if that’s what you ask for.
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
It's perfect, for a while.
They have a home at Corvo Bianco, far away from politics and ghosts. A garden, too, because Geralt still likes to keep his potion-brewing skills sharp and Yennefer has found she enjoys making her own perfume. They have room for a few horses in the stables—retired racers and warhorses. Roach pretends to dislike their company, but Yennefer can tell it's just an act.
Yennefer finds a quiet life suits her more than she ever expected. They drink excellent wine. Take walks together, in the fields or by the stream, and she listens as Geralt talks at length about various plants and creatures. They hold each other at night. They read in bed. Eat breakfast in bed. They do many things in bed.
Winter, though... winter is hard. At times, Yennefer has to remind herself that this isn't Aedd Gynvael.
Geralt starts sleeping in late. Not the gentle, lazy rhythm of unspooling days they enjoyed together in the seasons before. He stays in bed like he can't bring himself to face the day. Sleeps like he's running from something. Barely speaks. He doesn't eat enough, especially for a witcher—even an idle one; Marlene frets over it constantly.
When he does rise, he works himself beyond exhaustion for no reason she can understand. The winter chill is mild here in Toussaint, and they have staff now, yet still he chops firewood himself until they've run out of room to store it all, as if he's preparing to heat a whole castle—
It is about a castle, isn't it. She suspects he misses Kaer Morhen. His family.
"Talk to me," she says one night. One could almost call it pleading were she a different woman.
"Just read my thoughts, if you're so insistent."
"I know that isn't your preferred method of communication, nor mine."
Not to mention she's a little afraid of what she might find in that poor tormented mind of his. Yennefer rakes her fingers through his long hair. Geralt, head resting against her breasts, says nothing at all.
"We're too old for this. We agreed to stop running from things. Talk to me, Geralt."
"I'm tired, Yen." He speaks like each word pains him. "I don't know what's wrong with me. You're happy. Roach is happy."
"Roach is a horse, love. She would be content anywhere as long as there are apples in it for her."
"I love it here with you. Really, I do. It's better than I deserve. Thought I might even be the first witcher ever to die in his bed. Imagine that."
"I'd rather not," she mutters.
"I was—I thought I could be happy. But maybe I don't know how. Maybe I'm not capable of it anymore, only able to feel a brief shadow of contentment. All they left me with is anger and sadness. I'm sorry."
Yennefer cannot bear to hear this. She hates when Geralt talks about himself like a thing, and a broken one at that.
She takes his face in her hands.
"Now you listen to me, Geralt of Rivia. Never apologize for what you feel. Your feelings are as real and important as mine or anyone else's."
"Listen, I said! If you're sad, then be sad for as long as you need to. I am not leaving. And neither are you. We're done with all that nonsense. Aren't we?"
She pulls him close.
While the witcher sleeps in her arms, Yennefer devises a plan.
Jaskier and Zoltan are the easiest to find, of course. The bard doesn't take much convincing at all either. She need only say that Geralt needs him.
Ciri is much the same, immediately willing to help and (ironically) easy to locate; the imprint of magic she leaves in her wake still shines bright as a beacon.
She tracks Lambert down to an inn at the foothills of the Blue Mountains. It's easy enough; he never has been quiet or subtle a day in his life.
"You're here and Geralt isn't," he says, white-knuckled grip on his mug of beer. "So is he...dead, or—"
"He's alive," Yennefer says before the witcher can spiral any further. "He's safe. Unharmed."
"Then what the fuck are you doing here?"
"I could ask the same of you. Heading to Kaer Morhen for the winter?"
"No, I'm fucking not," Lambert snaps. "Wouldn't be any point."
"Yet here you are in Kaedwen."
"Yeah. Old habits. I don't know."
"Come to Toussaint."
"Why the fuck—"
"Because I'm starting a new tradition, one that requires all the remaining witchers of the Wolf school to gather at Corvo Bianco immediately. And because I asked nicely."
"Gonna turn me into a frog if I refuse?"
She smiles dangerously. "We shall see."
Eskel is a little more difficult to find because he isn't slowing down for the winter. In the end, she follows a trail of dead monsters from town to town, inquiring about the witcher who slew them. At least his scar is distinctive.
"Geralt is fine," she says this time instead of a greeting, and the witcher's tense shoulders relax slightly. "Alive and uninjured, anyway. But it would do him good to see his brothers."
"Sentimental old wolf," Eskel says with unrestrained fondness. He pats his horse's neck and does not look at Yennefer. "He asked me to stay. After... after Vesemir's funeral. But I just. I couldn't go back there, y'know? It'd be too quiet."
"It's too quiet," Geralt had whispered one cold night when she was drifting off to sleep beside him.
"Been worried about him," Eskel continues. "Hoping he isn't in the keep, all alone. Or out on the Path taking stupid risks."
"Is that what you're doing?" she asks.
Eskel shrugs. "Didn't know where else to go, I guess."
"He's not alone," she says. "But I think he also needs more than I can give."
"...Are you all right?" Eskel asks, and Yennefer realizes she'd begun to sway somewhat alarmingly.
"Fine. Just tired. I've simply...expended too much magical energy in a short time. Portals, and such."
"You're really doing a lot for him."
"Well...no." Eskel apparently is the only tactful witcher the Wolves have, but he's a shit liar.
"Perhaps I find his moping dreadfully irritating. Let that suffice if it pleases you all to think of me as a selfish witch who ensnared your brother."
"What's the truth, though?"
"I love him," Yennefer says. "And he would walk through a hundred portals for me, I'm certain. This is the least I can do."
Upon seeing Yennefer, Jaskier, Zoltan, Ciri, Lambert, Eskel, and Regis—the vampire having appeared out of thin air—all gathered together at Corvo Bianco, Geralt's immediate response is: "Damn. Am I dying?"
"Of course not," Ciri says, embracing him.
"It's about your Gwent addiction," Jaskier quips.
"I can stop whenever I want."
"You sound like Lambert when Vesemir locked the wine cellar," Eskel says.
"Hey, it worked, didn't it?"
"You started mixing up White Gull with random herbs and any half-empty bottles you could find."
"A lesson in creativity," Lambert says.
"Seriously, what are you all doing here?" Geralt asks.
"It was my doing. I invited them."
"Why? Is it Ciri? Is--"
"There's no danger. Everyone is all right," Yennefer assures him. "It's winter. Time for rest. And to be with your family."
They all stay until the pull of their own lives becomes too great to resist. For a while, their home is filled with life and laughter and music.
"Thanks, Yen," Geralt murmurs into her hair later that evening.
It doesn't fix everything. There are still those who should be here but cannot be, whether due to death or simply life's demands. There are still days when the icy tendrils of grief and pain seize Geralt's heart, and even the warmth of everyone who loves him isn't enough to break its hold.
But Yennefer knows it helped when she sees Geralt smile more. She can almost feel the ice in him beginning to melt.
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june-girl-86 · 8 months
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Chapter 56
While the catastrophe has befallen Boro-Borosa, they still don't know about it on Nevarro. But they also have to deal with small problems until something happens here too.
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC Female!
ReaderRating: Mature/Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence / Love / Action&Adventure / Blood&Violence / Drama & Romance / Slow Burn / Fluff&Smut
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Cara replayed the recording for the third time and smiled. She was sitting alone in the office, she had sent Mythrol away when the encrypted message arrived. She wanted to check it first before anyone else saw it. As a result, no one had seen the tears of joy that welled up in her eyes when she first saw it. Cara was very happy for Din and Liara. And this child was so lucky that they had found her. A child's laughter made Cara look out into the street. Since the Mandalorians had arrived, the streets of the city had become even livelier. At first, the inhabitants of Nevarro had watched the new arrivals with suspicion; there had been a lot of damage and casualties last time.
Now the fighters were back, but they no longer seemed as dangerous as they all remembered. Probably also because they were no longer hiding and showing their faces. It also helped that the children had no reservations about each other and treated each other normally.
As a result, there were soon twice as many children in the school and just as many rushing through the streets and getting up to mischief.
Yesterday they had a lot of work to do when they opened the cages with the monkeys at the market and then they ran away. It took hours to catch them all again. Another laugh rang out and a horde of children ran past.
"Are they plotting again?"
Cara flinched, startled, as Sona stood in the doorway and her hand went to her gun. She hadn't noticed the woman. Sona raised her hands reassuringly, annoyed. Seeing Cara smile after all these weeks was progress. So was the fact that she was working again and yet every shock sent fear through the young woman's limbs and made her freeze.
"I'm sorry," Sona apologized and Cara shook her head. There was another alarm in the room and she tried to calm down. She was safe.
Cara took a deep breath, then nodded to Sona.
"I'll probably be busy again soon!" Cara joked, before asking Sona to join her. She pointed to the holoscreen and played the message. Now Sona realized why Cara had smiled, she felt the same way. "Din has finally found his family again and started a new one in the process! It's so nice that we Mandalorians are growing again!"
The news that the Hidden Ones would soon be making their way to Nevarro made Sona happy. And she hoped that everything would be peaceful, they had fought each other too often in the past. Cara stood up and reached for the hologram stick.
"Then I'll show Greef and the others the good news!"
Sona shook her head vehemently and stopped Cara. She stood in her way.
Cara frowned. Sona sighed.
"There is someone I no longer trust. So please keep this information secret, I'm afraid Bo-Katan will know immediately!"
Cara looked at Sona in astonishment and she suddenly looked very tired.
"I just hope I'm wrong. I don't want to voice my suspicions either, so that you can continue to have a clear view of things!"
Cara nodded in understanding and turned away. In the next room, she locked the flash drive in the safe. A brief sting on her temple made her lean her head against the wall. The memory of the torture and this situation confused her. A reassuring, warm hand touched her on the shoulder. Sona knew about everything, she had told her, and the weaponsmith had just listened at first, before talking to Cara and helping her out of the clutches of nightmares.
"Here you go and I've put some sweets in your bag," said the shopkeeper, winking and handing Ziv the purchases. He thanked her and held the bag close to him.
"And give my best wishes to your mom!"
Ziv nodded and said goodbye. He had picked up the things he had ordered after school had finished, as his mother didn't get home from work until late. Ziv meandered through the hustle and bustle with his heavy school bag on his back and his shopping. He noticed two of his classmates who had just reached home and waved to him. The delicious smell from one of the cooking areas caught his nose and Ziv hurried, as he was hungry. Once home, he stowed away the groceries and took his food out of the fridge to warm it up. He threw his school things into his room and devoured his meal. He had the radio on in the background. When it was so quiet, he felt uncomfortable, but he would never tell his mom that. It had been difficult for her to go back to work, but it had to be done, the support from his former employer after his father's death had run out. Now his mom was looking after the old people who couldn't afford the droids. It was also no problem to take his little sister Izy with him. So Ziv spent most of his time alone at home, but conscientiously did various chores at home or homework so that his mom could rest a little after her work and she didn't have to worry. Above all, Cara had refrained from telling her about the monkeys. Since the Mandalorians had come back, with all the children, he had made new friends. Every now and then they did a few things that weren't allowed.
Like freeing the monkeys from their cages. It was great fun at first, but then they caused more and more chaos and one of them escaped to the Anzellans' workshop. The little creatures made a louder racket than all the monkeys put together.
Cara had all the culprits line up and clean up. Ziv's job was to help the Anzellans and apologize to them. They were a little vindictive and he now had a few more afternoons to show up there to work off the damage. Although, it wasn't that bad there. There was a lot to discover in their collection. Ziv sighed and picked up his backpack to do his homework.
They hadn't had much to do, so he didn't think twice and ran outside. He wanted to go to the tunnel, where he had lost his Mandalorian necklace a few days ago, which he had been given by Din when he had been rescued by him. When the Mandos came back and reported on how Din and Liara were doing and what they had already experienced on their journey, he had been pleased to hear from them again. He was also glad to hear that they would be back here soon, once they had finished their search for Din's family. Ziv scurried down one of the side streets that led to the old entrance. You weren't supposed to go down there anymore, there had been cave-ins from a few eruptions of the volcano, but Ziv knew where to go and it was safe.
He walked down the steps, the dusty, dirty smell greeted him. His flashlight lit the way for him and after a few minutes it did indeed glitter in the light. Ziv whooped and picked up the chain. The ribbon was torn, but the pendant was still on it. He put it in his pocket and was about to go back when he heard voices. They were coming from the old smithy. Curiosity got the better of him and the boy crept towards the vault.
"... he wants to go to Aq Vetina and build the new home there..."
It was the voice of Paz, the great Mando, Ziv found him a little terrifying. He and Sona had come back with Cara, they hadn't been well for a while afterwards. Perhaps also because Ezer hadn't survived. There were several days of mourning for the young bounty hunter. Ziv wondered who Paz was talking to, he understood immediately that it was about Din as the place had been mentioned a few times by the other Mandos. A female voice replied.
"This is quite enough for me. I know where this place is. That's where I killed his parents and that's where his last hour will have come. Even if I have to wait many more rotations for them there, it will be a joyful wait!"
Ziv was shocked by the malice in his voice. He absolutely had to get to Cara and tell her about it. Slowly he walked backwards, caught on a beam and fell backwards. It was loud enough to alert Paz. He came rushing out and saw the boy struggling to his feet and staring at the man with wide eyes.
"You know what you have to do!" the woman's voice sounded from the holotransmission and Paz said yes. Ziv swallowed, then ran off, and from the sounds of it, Paz did too. The smell of sulphur increased and Ziv was aware he was running in the wrong direction, but there was another turn and he had to catch it. Unfortunately, his flashlight was flickering, the energy was fading and he would miss the path. He heard Paz shouting threats and, despite the warmth, he felt freezing cold. Ziv glanced backwards, noticing the glow from Paz's torch. When he turned back around, Ziv's eyes widened in shock, but he couldn't stop. There was a gaping hole in front of him, and he jerked his arms, hoping to catch his weight and fall backwards. But it was in vain, his body fell and Ziv screamed until he hit the ground. A wave of pain seized the boy and immediately sent him into a deep unconsciousness. Paz heard the impact, stopped at the edge and glanced down the few meters. The boy was lying next to some rocks, open wounds visible. That solved the problem, he thought and turned away.
Yazmin put the sleeping Izy in her bed and left the nursery. She was just as tired herself. In the kitchen, she noticed the bag of fruit bears and smiled. Ziv had received another present. She took a few and snacked on them. The sweetness was good for her now. When she had entered the apartment, everything had been dark and she assumed that Ziv was already asleep. She decided to leave the boy alone and went to bed too. Tomorrow was her day off and she would cook him his favorite meal.
The radio was on, scrambled eggs and bacon were sizzling in the pan and Izy was toddling around barefoot. Yazmin hummed along to the song, looked at her watch and sighed.
"Ziv, honey!"
After she had set the table, there was still no sound from Ziv's room. Yazmin knocked on his door, getting a little angry now.
"Get up!"
The murmur that usually followed failed to materialize and she opened the door.
"You're coming to..."
A few clothes were scattered around, but the bed was untouched. Yazmin was confused and ran to the bathroom, but it was empty too. Izy followed her mom laughing, she hadn't understood the seriousness of the situation. There was a rucksack in the kitchen, so Ziv hadn't left for school early. Yazmin ran her fingers nervously through her hair, then turned off the stove, grabbed Izy and knocked on the neighbor's door. She hadn't seen him since yesterday either. The neighbor took Izy from her, recognizing her mother's helplessness.
"I'll look after the little one. Go to Cara and find him!"
Yazmin nodded and ran off.
Cara was discussing today's appointments with Mythrol and Kadin, a new member of Nevarro's security staff, when a woman came rushing in, completely upset.
"Ziv's gone!"
She reported everything, presumably that he had disappeared yesterday and she hadn't noticed.
"I wish I'd looked in on him again!" she reproached herself and sank into a visitor's chair. Cara shook her head.
"You couldn't have known. We'll go to the school now and ask everyone there if they know anything!"
Yazmin nodded and the women set off.
"Maybe the Anzellans didn't let him go yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised. We'd best go and check there now!"
Yazmin frowned irritably and stopped.
"Why Anzellans?"
Cara paused and sighed.
"He didn't tell you anything?"
Yazmin shook her head. Cara told her about the incident with the monkeys and Yazmin closed her eyes. When she looked at Cara again, she noticed how horrified her mother was.
"I get paid well, but I hardly ever get to see my big boy. And the fact that he hides this from me..."
Cara ran her hand along Yazmin's arm as they were about to reach the workshop.
"At that age, you're always keeping secrets from your parents!"
She winked at Yazmin and she actually grinned as she thought about the past.
The little creatures were chattering loudly and Cara needed some time, she understood the language, but too much at once was borderline. She knelt in front of the entrance and nodded a few times. Yazmin was crouched beside her, but she had gotten out after the first few words and was just hoping the Anzellans could help them. Cara sat up and waved into the workshop before the door closed.
"He was supposed to show up today, they don't know where he is. If we find him, they'll insist he works off his debt!"
The women got up and walked on to the school. Lessons were already in progress there and Caz was reluctant to be disturbed. Cara explained the situation, pointing to Yazmin, who was pacing back and forth outside the window. The droid interrupted the lesson and they asked the children if they knew anything. But they all said no. Two said the last time they had seen him was when he was leaving the market on his way home. That didn't help Cara, since the shopping and his rucksack were at home, he must have left the apartment again afterwards.
Cara took Yazmin back to her office. She was still beside herself with worry. Cara informed Greef that they had a missing person case. Shortly afterwards, he appeared with several bounty hunters from the guild.
"We're going on a search now. Don't worry, we'll find him!"
Yazmin thanked them all and looked after them as they disappeared into the alleyways. Two of them wanted to search everything with their ships from above, on and far behind the lava fields.
Over the course of the day, more and more people came to hear about Ziv's disappearance. Yazmin was overwhelmed by the willingness to help and began to cry. She had been holding back the tears the whole time, but as time passed and they didn't find him despite the many helpers, her nerves were frayed. Sona, who had brought over some food, comforted the worried mother. She gave her hope, but the feedback was always negative.
"He can't just disappear into thin air!"
Cara secretly agreed with her, but there were plenty of places in and around the city to hide or find herself in a helpless situation. The day was drawing to a close and Cara sent Yazmin to her apartment, above the office, so she could get some rest. Izy was in good hands with her neighbor, who had immediately agreed to continue looking after the girl. Cara took turns with Kadin during the night, asking for situation reports from the searchers. A team would continue to search the tunnels in the morning, but it was not entirely safe due to the danger of collapse in some places.
Dark shadows had settled under Yazmin's eyes. Her sleep had been restless and now she hoped the coffee would give her a boost. Cara yawned furtively behind her arm before biting hungrily into a chocolate roll that Greef had brought them with a few other goodies. His bounty hunters were ready to help again today. There was a knock and a woman entered with a boy. Gry, one of the Mandalorian women, and her son Rufo, whose red hair looked almost more intense than his mother's. Cara knew Rufo well, he had a lot of nonsense in his head and was the one who had freed the monkeys. But he too would have to serve his sentence for a few more hours with the merchant.
"He has something to tell you!"
Rufo looked at those present, somewhat unsettled, while Gry put his hands on his shoulders to encourage him.
"Is it that bad?" Cara asked and Rufo shook his head. He swallowed.
"Did you find his necklace?"
Cara looked at Yazmin, who was now sitting upright and staring at Rufo. Cara answered in the negative.
"He lost it the other day when we were in the tunnel..."
Yazmin gasped, Gry raised his hand.
"I was down there with him, there was something in one of the quarters that once belonged to us. They didn't leave the secure area! Rufo confessed to me this morning that they were still there, otherwise I would have informed you yesterday!"
Rufo nodded.
"He noticed upstairs that the chain was gone. But as it was already time to go home, he wanted to look for it another time. But we only went to the old quarters, honestly!"
Sona shone her light over the dusty floor. Behind her, Paz moved around, looking into every niche they knew. The weaponsmith had immediately offered to search her old home. A strange feeling had accompanied her since they had entered the tunnels, she just couldn't grasp it. At the former smithy, she paused and noticed the many footprints. A search party had already been here, but had turned back as one of the paths was impassable. But there was another one and they were now walking along it. They kept calling for Ziv's name, but got no answer.
"If he was hiding here, he would have realized by now that we were looking for him," Paz grumbled and Sona noticed how the giant slowed down. She turned to him, shone a light in his face and blinked.
"Maybe something's happened to him!"
She noticed the flicker in Paz's eyes, but suppressed it. The two of them continued to search, the smell of sulphur was very intense and it was getting warmer. Paz shone his torch along the corridor, pointed at the rubble and tore at the floor.
"This is as far as it goes!"
Sona nodded, but she didn't turn back. She sensed that Paz was desperate to leave this place and the uneasy feeling intensified. When she sat down in front of the hole and shone her light into it, she froze. Sona jumped up and pushed the astonished Paz against the wall. She screamed at him, it echoed off the wall.
"You son of a bitch. What did Bo-Katan promise you?"
Paz swallowed and pointed to his temple, the same scar as Cara's. Sona shook her head, then left him and climbed down to Ziv. When she touched the child, she couldn't believe it, but she felt a pulse beat and oxygen escaped from his mouth. She immediately relayed the location via the communicator and looked up at Paz, who was giving her light. His hand trembled and he closed his eyes. Hopefully he would soon be punished for this.
Ziv was already in one of the treatment rooms when Yazmin arrived at the medical center with Cara. She caught sight of Sona. The boy's blood was on her hands and clothes. Yazmin let out a scream and collapsed. Cara tried to hold her mother down, but it was only with Greef's help that they managed to maneuver her onto a bench in the waiting area.
"He was alive and I'm sure they'll be able to help him!" Sona tried to reassure her, but realized that she would further unsettle her mother in that state. She immediately left the center to clean up and change in her accommodation. Paz wanted to follow her, but Sona shook her head.
"Don't you dare leave here. You will speak to the Creator and hope the boy survives!" she hissed at him. Paz glared after her, then sat down in one of the rows of chairs to wait like the others.
Flora looked anxiously at the monitor, which showed them the boy's data. When the door opened and the Twi'lek entered, she handed the pad to the doctor.
"He must be operated on immediately. I will inform the relatives! Let Doctor Gago know and I'll follow!"
Flora nodded and set to work.
Yazmin saw a doctor coming towards her and she began to tremble. Cara squeezed her hand and stood by her.
"I am Doctor Loris. I'm going to operate on your son with my colleague. He has many fractures, but we will leave them untreated at first. His internal injuries are very serious and have priority!"
Yazmin swallowed and nodded, she had understood the doctor. He smiled encouragingly at her and then hurried into the operating theater.
It took a long time, new blood reserves were requested again and again, but they were able to stabilize the child. "He seems to be a bit of a fighter, lying somewhere for so long with these injuries alone..." said Gago, looking after the patient, who was now being taken to the intensive care unit.
"Let's hope he survives the next 24 hours and then we can repair the fractures. Only then will I be persuaded to have a drink of joy!" Loris tried to put the brakes on his colleague. But he also secretly hoped that the boy would recover. Hopefully his head hadn't sustained any damage...
"I'll talk to the mother and let her see him!"
Gago nodded and the two of them left the operating theater.
Yazmin sat next to her child's bed, cables and tubes everywhere. A machine was helping him to breathe. The doctor had explained to her that they had put him in an induced coma while they had not yet operated on him because of the fractures in his leg and arms.
"That way he is completely pain-free and his body can recover. He needs all the strength he can get!"
The wire mesh on his head was supposed to measure brain waves and pressure; his brain was swollen from the impact. So far, everything was still fine and he was given medication to help him lose weight. Despite the bruises and abrasions, his face was pale and Yazmin gently ran her trembling fingers over his skin. Her eyes watered again.
"I'm here, my darling, everything is going to be all right now!"
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spacecadetomoly · 2 years
Matsuno Family Diary! Part 5: Valentine’s Day with Choromatsu! Get ready for Chocolate and Body Horror! (Unofficial English Translation)
The following is an unofficial English translation of an official short story released online for members of the official Osomatsu-san fan club. If you want to read the original Japanese version of the story or enjoy the other things the fan club offers its members please consider joining: https://osomatsusan-fc.com/
In the room of the Matsuno family sextuplets there is a notebook hidden away behind a bookshelf. This notebook exists so that the brothers may, should they so choose, express the deep feelings and profound thoughts which weigh upon their hearts and minds so heavily that they can no longer be contained.
It seems that today someone’s hand is once again turning the pages….
February 15th 2022, Choromatsu
My name is Choromatsu Matsuno. No, the one who used to be Choromatsu…
Now that I think about it, the day before, February 14th, that was the last day we were human…
First, it was Karamatsu.
Suddenly, he started emitting a sweet smell, and then his body twisted and melted. From his mouth, he uttered incomprehensible words “Ai Rabu Yoo, Yoo Rabu Mee”*
Next to go was Jyushimatsu, then Todomatsu, followed by Osomatsu. The last remaining holdout aside from myself, Ichimatsu, ran out of energy two hours ago.
I am writing this diary alone now.
My brothers, who have become chocolate monsters, have merged into one being. There’s no way of knowing which body parts belong to who anymore. Even now they continue to spit out words of love from their misshapen mouths.
How did we end up like this? I’ve developed my own theory: Perhaps… because we didn’t receive chocolates from anyone on Valentine's Day, the love within us became corrupted and turned into an enormous amount of negative energy, mutating our bodies into the very same chocolate we so desperately craved.
I too…probably won't make it. My hands are shaking. My eyes are getting misty. I want to write one last thing down. In order to not produce any more sad monsters like us….
As an adult, unless you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, you don't get many chances to receive chocolate. We NEETs have even less so. So, all the virgin NEETs in Japan, please take action sooner.
Get a job immediately. It doesn't matter if it's a part-time job or whatever, just work in a place with a lot of girls. If there's a girl who likes holidays and events, she might say, "Let's all prepare chocolates and distribute them to everyone at work." If there are no girls like that at your job, get down on your knees outside. Then a kind person who feels sorry for you might give you some chocolate. If that doesn't work, make your own chocolates and get amnesia right away. If you have no memory, you might be able to delude yourself into believing the chocolates are from someone else. If that doesn't work disown your mother, then you could count any chocolates you receive from your mom as being from someone who isn’t a family member. If that doesn't work either then create a country where you are the king, and once you’re a king you can make Valentine's Day disappear! !
You don't want to do any of those things? Too bad, I’m afraid this is non-negotiable. I used to pretend that the custom of giving chocolates to each other on Valentine's Day was just a scam made up by confectioners. My brothers were the same way, and look where that got us.
We’ve all become monsters, and there’s no going back. If this is how it was going to end up, I should have been honest sooner. I should have been honest with everyone. If I had just asked for chocolate…
It's too late now.
If there are people reading this diary, I want you to do whatever you can to get chocolate.
If you can just get a single piece of chocolate, just one piece from anyone in any way, you won't turn into a monster…
P.S. The erotic book was not taken by me.
Translator’s Notes:
*I think what he’s trying to say here is “I love you, you love me”, Valentine’s Day-induced eldritch madness makes it challenging to articulate.
I like this one, it's spooky! And I'm a sucker for when forms of media that are usually comedic do something spooky, hence why I rewatch all of the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes every year in October.
Up Next: Ichimatsu is a cat.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Do you think Musa tends to be clingy and how does Riven reacts?
Yes to the first one and um that second one requires some explaining
The short answer is that he likes it
On to the rambling
Listen both Riven and Musa have hella attachment and abandonment issues. Both Musa and Riven actively try to push people away or try to seem cool and scary to get people to leave them alone
Musa rebuffs Stella's friendship attempts in s1 like it was her personal mission, and we all know what Riven was like
Like Musa's mother died, which was not good for her mental health, but what really fucked her over was her dad's immediate reaction and withdrawal from her personal life as he was still working most of the day. It gave her the idea that people aren't reliable, being the source of both her attachment and abandonment issues. Unfortunately due to her dad being up to his eyelids in grief his care of Musa was inconsistent, leading to more attachment issues
For Riven it's fairly simple. His mom straight up walked out on his family, and his brother and father weren't much better people than her. He has hella abandonment and attachment issues
Now, the thing about attachment and abandonment issues is that most people with them will start withdrawn (See: Musa never offers her thoughts about missions in s1, Riven actively pushes everyone away constantly in s1), and then they become the most clingy mother fuckers to ever grace a relationship (See: Musa acting like Riven and her were already dating in s2, and just s3 and general)
Source: me and all of my friends <3
The thing is both Riven and Musa are fucking clingy as hell which makes them both less clingy
Which doesn't make sense unless you have these issues yourself so allow me to explain
When you have these issues you have a hard time becoming close to people, you're scared to let people in, and you're not used to having a relationship, so when you do finally find someone you want to be close with, it's an immediate panic to keep them from abandoning you. Which is mostly looking for reasons they would abandon you, and getting sad and jealous over really normal things
(The jealous is mostly a fear of replacement, I have that one bad and so does Riven. I think Musa has that one too but it's not caused by her family, if her "I'm not like other girls" behavior has a cause like it did for most people I know. Which is from ostracization)
The thing is you don't really believe anyone could love you as much as you love them, and no one is ever as loyal as you. How could they be? Everyone else has abandoned you when you were just trying your best. This, unsurprisingly either causes apathy or just more clinginess. Maybe if I try a little harder it will all be ok, god I love that song
Anyways, the fun thing about being clingy so someone doesn't leave you and being jealous because you've been replaced before it can happen again, is that when someone shows the same behaviors it's like....oh, you care as much as me and you're afraid of the same thing. I don't need to be afraid with you because your like me
So Musa's clinginess is at it's worse in s2 because there in this weird in-between stage and Riven is just wayyy to in his own head about Darcy trauma to be in a relationship rn. So she's at her most terrified that he'll leave her. While Riven, for once in his life, isn't scared that he'll be abandoned. Look at what Musa is doing! Those aren't the actions of someone who's planning on finding someone better and never talking to him again! Musa's clinginess makes Riven feel safe in the relationship, for once he doesn't think it's just going to disappear one day
Anyways Riven (clinically) dies for Musa, she has like 3 separate mental breakdowns, and he wakes up. They're dating now!
She begins to be super clingy at him (tho not as clingy as before bc he was willing to die for her and that has to mean he's less likely to abandon her right? Yes, yes it does bby) and Riven like does not mind at all for the above reasons, which makes her feel safe and comfortable, like her fear and affection isn't going to be punished for existing. Which is good for her
Now because Riven is comfortable he is going to be saying shit like "you're stuck with me forever", "you can't get rid of me now", and talking about future plans. Idk if other people find this cute but this is how people with abandonment issues express affection when they feel safe soo, yeah. Musa eventually asks about this, Riven explains that, yes, he is equally obsessed with her as she is with him. He just doesn't openly express it as much because he feels secure in their relationship. This realization makes Musa feel secure in their relationship and she just stops being as clingy. Like she still really really likes attention, but she's not as clingy anymore. Because she isn't scared—you get it
They've hit this equilibrium where their issues kind of cancel each other out because of course they're not going to abandon each other! Look at how fucking attached to each other they are! No one puts this much effort in just to leave. So they're just chilling
This right here is why I love Rivusa, when two people with hella issues find safety and security. I cri every time
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naes-dairy · 10 months
yk what since I decided to check my account again (after a measly week or so) I guess I'll vent here
Hey so. If you don't wanna hear a kid in their late teens rant about life n stuff then I suggest you leave. But it's not like anyone would really be reading this anyways.
So.. I guess I'll have to write down my collective of thoughts
1. Growing Up
I've been feeling terrible lately because of all that responsibility that's gonna get thrown on my shoulders. In afraid of messing up, of the worst case scenario. It's most likely not gonna happen, but I know deep down it terrifies me. Otherwise, I wouldn't cry about it. I'm already getting small teaching jobs just cause my parental figure wants me to start making money already.. not that I'm doing any good. It just sucks and I don't feel any good about it.
2. Outcast
Now then, the title for this section or whatever.. I couldn't find the right word for it. Basically, in struggling to find my community, a place where I feel like I belong. I have friends who care about me, I care about people that have literally never held s conversation with me before. It sucks, it feels like I'll never be able to have a deep bond with someone because I suck at talking to people or even just letting people get close to me. I do nothing and I hate myself for it.
3. No Motivation
Yes yes I know I probably have depression but I literally don't know who or how to talk about it. I've tried to get therapy in s rather roundabout way, but.. well, time flies and I don't really wanna put stuff about my family online. I feel like I'm just doing things because that's what I'm supposed to do, and there are less reasons for me to want to do anything other than "I need to make money" yk.
2. Spectrum
I didn't know what to call this either as neurodivegent is a broad term that covers more than just adhd or autism, so I think I might just cut this section short; I'm autistic and I'm already struggling in some ways, but I think I might have I diagnosed adhd too. This sucks as my parental figure also has adhd and although I have told her multiple times I want a diagnosis, nothings followed through. I'm also too tired to do anything and really forgetful when I focus on other things.
4. Love
I don't know how to talk about this, it runs deep. Basically, I'm sad that I've never fallen in love before, but honestly I'm not surprised. I've literally never been able to make friends on my own, what do I expect. I also think I want a lot of attention but obviously trying to be that girl would make me uncomfortable.
5. Low self esteem
This is probably the problem that's stemmed into everything else. I just feel like I suck or I could do better. Like if someone compliments me, sure it's nice but.. something's I feel like they're just doing it out of obligation, or they're just trying to be nice. Either that or I feel like I could've done better, so they're actually wrong. See what this brain is telling me? It's total bs but I still feel that way. What am I supposed to do if I know it's lies but it feels like the truth?
TL;DR I need help immediately. Fun. Ok, goodbye.
(p.s. I think I might have social anxiety but it's also probably my autism plus how awkward I am. I overthink wayyyy too much)
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polyamorousduckie · 10 months
A Lot Has Changed
It's been 2 years since my last post, and I've been doing a lot of things to try and take care of myself.
B and I moved in with her partner and we all bought a house together. And made our living wills together. And our power of attorney together. And started a business together.
I got to do a play that was a bucket list item. It was... tumultuous, but we all made it through. So much went wrong with that show. Not the way I wanted to end my acting career (as far as I know it).
I ended up dating someone for a little while. It was... meh. She was someone who wanted to be chased, but didn't really want to do anything apart from go out to eat and come home and get laid. Granted, the sex was fun, but I started feeling uncomfortable when she told me she had a breeding kink. Children are for NO with me. And she wasn't willing to put in the same effort I was in the relationship, because she was more interested in vibes and smoking. The last time we spoke, she was complaining to me that she had to get on Tinder. You know, instead of talking to me. Whatever.
After that, I got really dark. The spiraling thoughts were taking me to bad places. I couldn't do right at work, I couldn't do right at home. I eventually got in to see a good therapist. She's been working with me through CBT and just recently EMDR therapy. I've been making really good strides.
I'm also in a cantata for Christmas. It feels good to sing again.
But I'm lonely. What else is new, right? This is different, though.
At this point, I'm not feeling a longing for anyone. I miss being around my friends, but there's no one I want to have as more than that. It hasn't been for a lack of trying. I've been trying to get together with some people to see if I have some kind of feeling for them, and there's just... nothing. I think it's because between work and our business, I don't feel like I have time for anything else. I have to do my part to keep the business going.
But something in me has just... turned off. It's different than before, where whenever I started having feelings for someone, I'd be self-destructive and come up with reasons why they wouldn't be interested in me. Now... I take a look at others and just have no interest, or no interest in trying to have an interest. Whenever I've tried, I come up with reasons why I SHOULDN'T even try. "This one has kids and needs to find themself again" or "this one needs to grow the fuck up and learn how to support themselves" or "I am NOT about to be someone's first/rebound/savior".
Maybe it's because I'm trying to take care of myself. Maybe it's a form of hypervigilance. Maybe because of where I live, I'm tired of saying I'm polyamorous and people being immediately afraid that I'm hitting on them. Maybe I'm just getting older and I'm tired of the chase.
But on the flip side, I've lost touch with so many people. I don't get to talk to that many people these days. My days are in the office where it's too quiet and hardly anyone talks to me unless they want me to do something, or I come home and spend a couple of hours with the family before everyone goes to their separate rooms and I'm all alone again. I don't go out much. I don't drink much anymore, so bars are more or less out now. When I do go see a show or go to the symphony, I either take B or I take my best friend. And sometimes, if they're not available, I end up going by myself. And hardly anyone watches my streams anymore, so it's hard to get the energy to be just another fat white bearded guy on the internet playing video games.
It is what it is, I guess.
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vexic929 · 1 year
📦🌪️📣👊👁️✏️🔪🕷️🌋🎂 for Berrie and any other OCs u want to do
oooh yes! I'll pick a random OC to answer for alongside Berrie for each of them lol
📦 PACKAGE - what are some “most likely to…” that can apply to them?
Berrie: most likely to accidentally solve a murder
Aria: most likely to date a celebrity
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Berrie was originally as volatile as Eobard if not moreso and now they're the sweetest little bean who hates the idea of hurting other people, needless to say she's changed a LOT lol
The Ace Arrow originally had ice related powers, now she has no powers at all
📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
Berrie has a really hard time keeping her voice down, especially when he's excited or afraid, no current voice claim but their voice is higher pitched
Aria has a very soft but authoritative tone, her voice commands respect and is the kind that draws all attention despite how quiet it is, she has a slight accent as Arabic is her first language, I could see Grey Delisle doing her justice~
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
Berrie is slow to violence but quick to escalate once it gets there, they'll do everything in their power to keep it from going too far but gods help you if you piss her off enough to make her attack you
Vice finds violence fun so they're pretty quick to get there just for the chaos lol
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Berrie's eyes are hazel and he doesn't like eye contact so I doubt their eyes are the first thing noticed unless they happen to spark with Speed Force energy
Soliton's eyes have turned an unnatural yellow/green color so they definitely draw attention, she tries to counteract this by also dyeing her hair a bright neon color and wearing sunglasses
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
"House in the hills is a house of cards Blink and the fairytale falls apart Sorry, didn't mean to get so dark Maybe I'm an alien, Earth is hard"
Agent V-92:
"I don't wanna be a superhero 'Cause I can't save the world So I'm never gonna get the girl I just wanna do better Superhero 'Cause I can't save myself Much less somebody else So I gotta do better"
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
The first thing Berrie would do if something happened to someone they loved is kill the person responsible without hesitation (if it is a person responsible), afterwards they'd feel horribly guilty about the murder and being unable to save her loved one
Harmonic Sine is most likely to blame herself and immediately throw all her limited energy into fixing the problem if it can be fixed; if it can't then she will continue to spiral into self-loathing indefinitely
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Berrie's biggest fear is either of her dads rejecting or abandoning her, as for irrational/mundane fears she is ironically scared of thunderstorms
Aria's biggest fear is failure, having never been able to rely on anyone else she is terrified that she could ever let herself down
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Berrie's temper is definitely an instant explosion, if something is going to upset him it will be instantaneous, fortunately not much does
Soliton has a slow boil sort of temper, she'll let it simmer for months before she snaps
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Berrie's birthday isn't specified exactly but it is in late May, they've always enjoyed celebrating it up until they learned how they were created, now he's conflicted
confession time Vice has my birthday because I couldn't help myself in that regard lol and yes she likes to celebrate it, any chance to celebrate anything they'll take it
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Fifth Post - Yet again am I posting. But this be not an ordinary post. It is... THE NEXT CHAPTER. Yes, I know, this took way too long. And I apologize. But may Dallas make up for this by dragging you in like Pennywise drugged Georgie under. Just... less pain and more charm with the perfect look of an angel.
Worlds Apart Will Soon Collide: Part 2
I sighed, wandering to side of the road on my bike while watching houses go by. The frustration from the fight I had with someone in my family still sitting with me. It also didn't help that the humid air ran against me. The night's breeze was refreshing when I picked up speed but the muggy and stuffy breaths I took were bothersome. Areas where I had gotten hit didn't feel too swell either, aching each time I pushed my legs.
It wouldn't be a stretch to think I was running away since I had a backpack full of clothes, cash, a blanket, and snacks on. It made it difficult to keep going but I didn't want to stop.
Originally, I planned on going to Michael. He would tease less than James and wouldn't dote on me like Rebecca or Laura. Not to mention I'd probably get questions from their parents about ill intentions.
But I'd probably get questions pestering me so it wasn't worth the hassle. So I just decided to go on and on until I couldn't.
Trees started going past instead of high-kept cars and houses.
Then areas filled with things littered across the yard.
It was then that I started to slow. This place was somewhat unfamiliar. I wasn't use to seeing anything this messy in my neighborhood.
Pretty soon, I realized why.
There were looks as I passed by the run down houses. Ones of curiosity or hate. Even the soft scoffs, huffs, and grinding of teeth was audible as I looked around.
Suddenly screeching to a stop, my head whipped around.
I was in the ghettos with people that were now looking at me like vultures on their next meal.
I frantically looked around, attempting to find a way out that wouldn't land me in the claws of a Greaser, let alone anyone here.
In my 360° search, I laid my eyes onto a building lit up. Immediately, I identified it as diner from the flashing sign and laughter coming from it. In all honesty, I wanted to just skip it and travel back, staying with Michael until things blew over.
But as my stomach growled, letting me know this, and the bars I brought wouldn't suffice.
With a quiet whine, I got my bag and drove my bike towards something I could lock it up on.
Walking in, I looked around.
Despite the gloomy outside appearance, it was actually nice...
Laughter bounced off the walls while people talked with one another like old friends who hadn't seen each other for awhile. They smacked each other friendly like, grinning ear to ear.
As I continued down the area, I suddenly met the end of the diner.
And with it came a crowd a few steps away from the only empty streets.
I tensed up before trying to silently shuffle my way towards the booth.
When I sat down, I messed around with the pen left on the table as I waited for the waitress. It dropped at one point so I leaned under the table to get it. The rough bumps of dried gum rubbed around my arm as I attempted to reach it. Coming up after doing so, scratches of things like initial hearts and drawings brushed passed my hand, making me regret coming here a bit.
But something else only increased that regret.
A voice drifted through the air, boastful and loud. It was oddly familiar as I kept on listening.
"The fuzz are never getting this one. I've escaped them once and I'll do it again. Besides, I'm not afraid of their little time out buildings! It's nothin' I can't handle."
That voice... Where have I heard it before?...
"Yeah but it ain't the same for the Socs!"
There was laughter before the voice bragging cut it off.
"You!- Now listen here, I left those girls on purpose. I just didn't feel like messin' with them anymore 'cause they were boring but if I wanted, I could'a picked up them girls in a heartbeat! Not to mention this other kid with a real ugly mug showed up and it was really annoying how he tried being all brave."
The laughter changed from mocking to a friendly shared one but that just made things more uncomfortable for me because realization hit me like a sack of bricks.
It was that Dally person I encountered at the park.
Now those snack bars didn't look like morsels, rather, a meal all of a sudden.
I rummaged through my bag, trying to get my hoodie so I could cover my face and leave. That plan failed when the crowd started to move around and I looked up only to make eye contact with the one person I wanted to avoid.
"Speakin' of pests... Look who decided to roach his way into our territory!"
I felt like I was shriveling up like a grape right in my seat as he stopped leaning against the counter and started walking towards my table.
"What's Soc trash like you doing in our turf?"
His voice was filled with venom, like he had just turned into a snake or something the moment his eyes met mine.
On second thought, maybe that fight was just a little bit of words calmly said to help me.
As if the universe wanted to remind me, one of the areas suddenly shot a sharp sting up the side of my face when I subconsciously bit the inside of my mouth. With a quick wince, I turned a bit, making Dally laugh.
"What, scared I'm gonna jump yah or something? You're just as sad as when you tried challenging me back at the park."
I stared up at him with fear hidden in my soul. But being the idiot I was, I replied with a smart remark.
"And you're just as pitiful as when you thought you could pick up my friend."
That's probably when he snapped, approaching with a bloodthirsty expression. Thank god he was stopped short by someone else that was familiar to me.
"Come on man, just let him be. You were sorta in the wrong when you bugged 'em. Just let him be."
Dally looked at me with disdain before walking off with a huff. As he did, the person came to my table.
"Sorry about that. Dallas sorta likes doin' his own thing. I'm Two-Bit by the way. Nice to meet you."
He looked at me for a response but I was too busy staring at the shake he brought with him. When he noticed my gaze, he snickered.
"I should probably let you get your order in first, yeah?"
I nodded, thankful I didn't have to sit hungry or else all of what he might say would've gone over my head.
As a waiter came by, I gave them my request before turning back to Two-Bit to listen.
"You all good now?"
A nod was sent to him in response as I waited for what else he was going to say. But instead of hearing words, I got a chuckle.
"I ain't got anythin' else. Sorry if you were expecting something. Got anything yourself? Like a name you're willin' to share? Questions?"
I paused for a bit, thinking about what I was going to say before finally speaking up.
"One, how'd you come up with your name?... And two, how do you seem like Dallas is the easiest person to talk to?... Oh, sorry, I'm Y/N by the way."
This got another chuckle as he looked to the side with a smile.
"Far from it actually. A few people in our gang just put up with him. But he's still alright. A hero at times the way I see it, though he doesn't loke bein' called that much so don't go using it on him, you hear?... Bravest man you'll ever meet but dangerous too. Sorta like a lion. As for my name, I just got by that 'cause everybody always says I have my own 'two-bits' to put in. Nice name by the way. Sounds interesting."
My mind wandered to Dallas' image, thinking about what he said. Now that it was brought up, he did look sorta like one. A wild mane, fierce looks, and sharp attacks. Seemed like a lion to me.
As if Satan himself heard my thoughts, along came the man I wanted to avoid.
"Hey, why are you acting like he's your best friend all of a sudden? Last I checked, we didn't need to add anyone into the group and you already had someone to fill that spot."
"Come on man, leave him some slack please. Seems like a nice person. Why don't you two talk while I get you a shake or somethin' Dally?"
My brain quickly though of something out of the blue.
What if I was the one who got something? It would ease Dallas a bit to the point he might talk to me. But why would I want that?... Hmm... Let's say for answers about his type of character besides the bothersome dick but we know about. Yeah, that's it and that's all.
Once he said his order, I spoke up.
"I'll pay for it!"
That's when heads turned my direction.
Oh lord why did I just blurt that out... Lovely, just lovely. Now I look desperate.
Dallas responded with a glare.
"What was that all about? Eager to flaunt your money or something? Big talk from someone who looks like they're on the run or something."
I stiffened up, staring down at the table to avoid eye contact but in hign-sight, it was just something that made me look more guilty.
A laugh followed. A cold, mocking laugh.
"You are... Aren't you?"
"And here I thought Socs were actually decent at one thing and that was being content with their lives. Apparently not. You guys have it all and yet you're still whiney little craps that want more-"
"Dallas, maybe you shouldn't-"
I felt something click, ready to be fired as he mocked me for my choice.
"You don't care about others. It's just yourself. You want to have everything and then take it again and again like the selfish brats you are-"
"Just shut up!"
My hands slammed down on the table as I stood up a bit.
"You're a lot of talk for someone who thinks they can just mess with whoever they want and act like they own people or things that aren't even theirs! Do you think I wanted to be alive?! To have this whole Socs/Greaser feud going on?! To have my family member always pestering me about things they shouldn't be on about? I'm sorry if I'm selfish but I'm also sorry for the fact you're so frail that you think you need to seem tough and act like a jerk all the time instead of being a decent person!"
By then, the dinner has went silent. The only sound that came now was the sound of me getting up and the rustling of my bag. But as soon as Dallas glared at them, the chatter went back like it had never died down. Yet I was already out the door.
Getting my bike, I tried to simply hop on and pedal off but my bag bought me backwards.
It's contents spilt everywhere, just adding to my frustration.
Leaning down, I started picking it back up, planning to leave quickly just like before. Those plans were put on pause as a pair of shoes stood in front of my face.
My eyes traveled up to meet Dally's, each having a look of murder.
"Let me help."
"I can do it myself."
"Well I can't be okay if I don't do just shut up and let me..."
I huffed in defeat, not wanting to have another fight, especially with this person. In the middle of picking things up, he spoke up yet again.
"I apologize about what I said back at the dinner Y/N."
"Don't. I know you're lying. And how do you know my name?"
"I am not now just take it!... And Two-Bit told me. Now just accept my apology..."
I looked back at the dinner to see a hopeful Two-Bit with his thumbs up and let out a sigh.
"Fine. Apology accepted now go away."
He stood there before finally saying something.
"No... I was gonna ask you if you needed a place to stay... I have somewhere... I was going to offer it. It would make me seem less like a jerk, right?..."
A loud scoff came from me before I sat there.
"You're just trying to fix your image... Figures."
"I'm am but not for the reason you're thinking. Look, I may not care what people thought before but I've already gone through a scene where someone didn't trust me because how I acted and it screwed things up so... I'm trying to make sure I seem okay. Besides, Soc or not, the others seem like they're already trying to drag you into this group... Probably because Ponyboy's whole speech crap, trying to convince us not all Socs are bad... And I want the people in my gang to know I'm not gonna screw them over if they ask for help."
I paused, processing the words. It was hard to believe these people who barely even knew me were trying to get me into their gang so it seemed like an excuse. But it's probably beneficial to me if I just ignore that... Nothing big would come out of me asking anyways, right?
"Fine... I'll take it..."
"You sound like you're reluctant. Look, I get that you're mad at me and some bullshit things, but the least you could do is be sure about staying."
I thought for a bit, mind playing what he said. Maybe this really was an apology but despite the meaning, he had a sucky way of showing it.
"I said fine. I don't mind... It's better than any other place..."
"Wait, really."
I couldn't help but laugh at the sudden question and look on Dallas' face. He seemed confused and it was slightly humoring.
There was another pause amongst the multiple that seemed to be happening tonight before he crossed his arms and went back to the tough boy look.
"Then... fine. But you're coming back inside. You're wasting a good meal and you still owe me my shake. You aren't getting off rent free."
I sighed, picking up my bag with myself before following him back it. This may be difficult but maybe things were beginning to look up between me and Dally?...
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Okey, since requests are closing I'm gonna add this one
So maybe headcanons for Whitty, Ruv, Garcello, Tankman and Hex (if that's not too much characters of course) if they had to take care of a Kid!Reader (platonic of course and by kid i mean around like 9-12 of age)
Either they have to take care of them cuz someone else asked them to babysit or because maybe they just found Reader and Reader is that kind of child that is shy but very curious of things
Sorry if it's wordy I have hard time explaining things and English isn't my first language,, Hope you have a nice day!!! :D
It's okay! Have a nice day, too!
Internally he's like "fuck shit fuck" bc obviously he's not gonna say that out loud.
He'd try shooing you away since he doesn't want anyone bothering him.
But as shy as you were, you're also curious since you saw him create fire with his hands. So you just get closer to him anyways.
He decides that you can hang out with him and shows you more fire tricks (under the condition that you don't tell anyone you met him).
You were left at Sarvente's church all alone, so she's been taking care of you.
One day she's gotta run some errands and has Ruv babysit you (much to his annoyance).
He's known kids to be nothing but troublemakers who vandalize the church, so he'll be stern about a lot stuff you do.
But oddly enough you're sweet and not afraid of him, even asking about where he got his bandana from.
As he explains the story, he realizes...you're not a bad kid.
He tends to come across a lot of random people on the streets, mostly weirdos though so he tends to keep a low profile.
But you show up after noticing the glow of his cigarette smoke.
He jokingly asks if you wanna try one, but you immediately say "no", telling him how bad smoking is.
He tries reassuring you it's okay in moderation (says the heavy smoker who has one every day).
Tbh he doesn't think he's that interesting, so he'll stay away from you or drop you off somewhere else, worried about you catching secondhand smoke.
In the war-torn desert field John manages to find you, being persuaded by the enemy to join their side.
After killing them (while Steve distracted you), he decides to immediately adopt you and personally train you for war.
But in reality he'll let you live normally, given you were far too young to fight.
He gave Steve more command over his army while he looks after you.
If John had to leave, he'd let Bill take over (since the poor guy lost his family, he'd be glad to take care of a kid and be a dad).
You basically got three dads now, and that's pretty sweet.
One day while he visited the court and saw you shooting some hoops.
He can't help but cheer when you get one in the basket, accidentally startling you.
The robot isn't sure where you came from or where your parents were, which concerned him.
But he's so eager to have a new friend! So you two just hang out at the court and practice all day long.
At nighttime he makes sure to get you back home safely, though he's eager to meet you again.
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