#....sighs dramatically
ispaintingcalmly · 17 days
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the bestest goodest boi :”)
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s0ap-bubbles · 4 months
Happy pride month to these two specifically I mourn you everyday
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sp0o0kylights · 1 month
Grass is green, water is wet, and Jonathan Byers does not like Steve Harrington.
These are known facts in the universe.
Computers were going to take over the world, a “mobile” phone was being invented, and Steve Harrington had lost most of his hearing.
These were unknown facts--rumors even, if you will. Eddie had never seen even a grain of truth to support any of them. 
(Well, maybe the computer thing, but only because Grant and Dustin both had made a couple of convincing arguments.) 
So he doesn’t think about it, when his freshman gang up on him. 
Doesn’t even factor the “can’t hear well” thing in, when he was tasked (demanded, whined, bitched and moaned at) with helping them explain to Steve why going to the release party of the new D&D box set, located at a hobby store only a mere 2 hour drive away, was important.
Eddie’s not even sure how the little shits got him to agree to do it until he’s standing in the parking lot in front of the former King himself. 
“The store’s leading up to the release with a handful of one-shots.” He’s explaining, unsure whether to pull out the bored act or play up his court jester persona, and thus mixing and matching on the fly. 
He does not care if Harrington doesn’t know what a one-shot is. 
“They’re releasing the set at midnight. You have to be there to get it though, you can’t have someone else pick it up for you because they only got a certain amount in.” 
Harrington’s frowning (no surprise) but it’s not until Eddie is well into his spiel about how his van is already full with the elder members of Hellfire, and thus has no room for the freshmen, that he realizes Steve isn’t quite looking at him. 
Is in fact, looking over his shoulder.
Eddie stops. Follows Harrington’s gaze.
Parked across from Steve’s Beemer, is Jonathan Byer’s barely working clunker car. 
A handful of steps in front of it, and thus nearly right behind Eddie, is the man himself.
His hands are still moving, mouth shaping words silent as he goes, his gaze locked not on Eddie or the kids--but on Steve. 
Who turns back around as Harrington’s eyes slide right back to him. 
“And this is taking place next Friday?” He says, in that sort of annoyed but resigned way parents aim at their children. “After school?” 
“I’d like to go during  school, but the freshmen insist you wouldn’t let them ditch out.” Eddie tells him. “They had two separate arguments about it.” 
Loud ones, that had interrupted the game and given Eddie a migraine. 
Once again Steve’s eyes slide away from him, to Jonathan. 
“They’re not skipping school.” He says suddenly, a glare forming and Jonathan makes an annoyed noise. 
“They argued about skipping, they’re not going to.” He says aloud, and finally steps up so that he’s next to Eddie instead of behind him. 
“Munson slow down, I can’t sign as fast as you’re talking.” He adds, in the hang-dog grumble he’s notorious for. 
Eddie stares at him. 
“Can he seriously not hear me?” 
“No.” Steve and Jonathan answer together. 
“I can kind of still hear,” Steve adds, gaze returning to Eddie’s face. “But its more loud music or noises. I can lip read, but you’re also talking too fast for that.” 
Without pausing, he turns back to Jonathan and says; “Why can’t you take them?”
“It’s Friday.” Byers deadpans. 
Eddie’s not an expert on sign language, but his hands somehow looked deadpan too. 
He’s not sure how Jonathan did that. 
“So?” Steve snarks back. 
What follows is an argument that Eddie is not, at all involved in, mostly because he’s too busy handling the fact that Jonathan Byers has learned sign language, for Steve Harrington, apparently, and given the tone the argument is taking they still don’t even like each other.  
Eventually the argument ends, Steve throwing his hands in the air and demanding that Jonathan owes him. 
(Eventually Eddie will corner the ever so quiet Will Byers and ask why the hell his brother learned sign language for someone he clearly fucking hates.
“Oh they don’t hate each other.” Baby Byers would say, in that shy, quiet way of his. “I think they’re actually friends now?” 
“You think?”
“Well--you’ve seen them.” Will shrugs. “I think being mean to each other is kinda their thing.” 
‘What the hell.’ Eddie would think, right up until he stumbled across one of the kids sign language books. 
Byers the Elder, he decides, isn’t the only person who should learn sign language to chew out Harrington properly.
The pay off is immediate. 
Or at least, the pay off of watching Steve’s shocked face the first time Eddie signs something vulgar at him is, anyway.)
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chelseasdagger · 5 months
i know i’m not god’s favorite cause if i was he’d let me be the one to kiss all over jon bernthal’s face
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viveela · 1 year
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This moment was so iconic tbh
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sophsun1 · 27 days
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Interview With The Vampire – 2.06: Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before He Made Light
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yuri-is-online · 1 day
I swear Ace is such a softie for Yuu.
Imagine Yuu gets lost in new cities so often that, when they go with Vil to that event where they go shopping (I forgot the name), Ace holds Yuu hand/blazer so they don’t get lost.
And it happens so often they don’t even bat an eye, they just let Ace guide them. It’s so cute.
Azul and Jamil are judging with their bombastic side eyes tho.
Jamil knows Ace is in DE-NILE.
BRO the Taipas Rogue event has such a slice of life shojou set up for all of the guys but especially aceyuu.
Jamil knows Ace is into Yuu because he sees how they interact, dating would be less complicated than whatever it is they have going on. It would make basketball practice that much more bearable for everyone involved if Ace just admitted he was Yuu's boyfriend. Hell Jamil probably thought they were actually dating and just keeping things secret from Riddle until he said something to that effect and got "corrected." I could see Jamil being somewhat sympathetic? assuming he takes the second to think about it. Being vulnerable sucks and if Ace really was dating Yuu that could bring the both of them a bunch of unwanted attention. What he doesn't get is the lying to yourself bit... not even he does that.
Azul has suspicions about Ace's feelings from his little time blackmailing having him under contract, and he did keep note of it. Love presents an excellent opportunity to the consultant, but in order for there to be an opportunity the person sort of needs to admit it? There's not much Azul can do to take advantage of Ace or Yuu when they're already so close they might as well be dating all the while lying to themselves and others. It's so beyond his understanding at this point... I could see him observing them as a sort of experiment.
The two of them might find it pathetic but I could see Vil being completely fine with it. There's nothing wrong with taking things slow and enjoying the way your relationship is for now. Good things come to those who wait, and Vil is angling for a seat at the wedding party table lol
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minniiaa · 1 month
Not gonna lie the Garp saving Koby would have been even better if there was just quick cut to Ace in the after life throwing a hissy fit cause his bitch ass grandpa not only went against a Yonko and a ex-Admiral but also created a fucking galaxy just to save some Marine kid when he didn’t move a damn muscle to save him (or Luffy) in Marineford.
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nintendont2502 · 10 months
I'm gonna be a little bitch for a second GOD it's so so so fucking exhausting being a non USAmerican online. Like. Jesus fucking christ the levels of defaultism are just,,,, god. The 'default' audience for every post is Americans. American pop culture is universal obviously, and god forbid you bring up a show from your own country because no ones ever watched that! The millions of kids in your country don't count clearly. When American places are mentioned it's always Town, State, Country, but when anywhere else is mentioned you're lucky to get State, Country, or the closest major city if you're really lucky. Fahrenheit and MM/DD/YY and American spellings dominate even though they're the only country that uses them. People constantly talk about how x and y 'breaks the law'. They mean American laws, because those are obviously universal. American news and American politics are everywhere. You *have* to care about this. If you don't, you're a monster. The only time my country makes it is when we're literally burning to the ground, and even then they don't even touch the political side of things. Even international incidents somehow get brought back to America - call your representative (I dont have one). Go to these protests (they're on the other side of the world). Sign this petition (it's for US residents only). Im going to go insane.
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victorie552 · 1 month
Just had a thought, it's completely half-baked: So, um, NoME I think, said that there totally could be hröar without any fëar running around, right? Translating: there could be moving bodies with no souls/occupants left.
Zombies. Middle Earth has zombies.
And when would be a better time for zombies to roam around than after Nirnaeth Arnoediad? Even more after Second and Third Kinslaying. You know who would have a perfect opportunity to fight zombies to the point of habit? Fëanorians.
So I imagined the situation where Maedhros and Maglor fight some zombies, successfully turning them into parts (I mean, duh). Then Maedhros says something self-hating like "Surely there's more good to them than was left of us(me) as it hunts and hurts without consent, intent nor will, unlike us(me)."
And Maglor looks at him, then at the zombie's head he holds. He reaps the skull open (with his hands, yes), takes zombies' brain out, and throws it at Maedhros with "We also have an evidence he had a brain, unlike some brother of mine."
Cue Medhros releasing the MOST Older Brother Sigh.
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girls don’t want flowers, they want morgana pendragon’s s1-3 wardrobe!!
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kirvia · 1 year
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it’s joever
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energeticwarrior · 4 months
dan and phil watching the northern lights together. i hope they're snuggled up under a blanket with a nice glass of wine just admiring in silence together. both of them looking at the same sky they saw together for the first time nearly 15 years an- [GUNSHOTS]
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wheatiewintry · 7 months
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pockethexapod · 2 years
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hi there dont mind me just a random meaningless doodle i did haha
i dont feel left out when this happens i swear as long as everyone else is having fun its all good right ha ha no really im okay its fine
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technoria · 1 year
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