#....when I tell you my life flashed before my eyes 😬
newkatzkafe2023 · 27 days
Hear me out; gn reader with narcolepsy who passes out close to Wukong, and it freaks him out so badly 🥺🥺 poor guy is just so worried about his love
Oh no
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(Lmk Wukong) Oh man this isn't good for him. It happens one day when he finishes training mk and he went to check on you. When he called for you and found you on the ground unconscious. He froze and felt his who life flash before his eyes and hyperventilating like crazy, he flew you to the hospital immediately While he has his own panic attack. Later that day you woke up and the doctor let's you husband in after tending to a crying Wukong who felt like he was about to lose everything, the doctor told you that you had Narcolepsy and with that Wukong listen and retain all the info on how to take care of you.
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(HIB Wukong) Oh you definitely scared the sh*t of him. Not just him but your whole little family You were literally just walking down the road with him. When you felt very tired and before you could call for Wukong you passed out right there. Hours later you woke up at home to a crying Luier and Silly girl as the two felt helpless on how to help you when Silly girl noticed you awake. Silly girl's crys of mama made Wukong came in to see your awake and everyone pulled you into a group hug. That's when you told your family that you had narcolepsy.
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(NR Wukong) Oh man let's not scare the old man immortal because that's Exactly what happened. We were talking to him one afternoon when everything for you went dark and we hit the floor. Wukong freak out Entirely and I'm pretty sure he broke every traffic law on his way to the Hospital. After a few hours you woke up to him sleeping on your bed with tear marks on his face You had that old monkey worried sick about you. And when he woke up he smothered you with affection Sobbing hysterically in relief when the doctor told him about your Narcolepsy, he made sure to follow Strict instructions on how to take care of you.
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(MKR Wukong) Ohhhhhhhhhh Yikes😬😬😬 you were playing with fruity when it happened. You played hide and seek and went to hide for fruity to find you, when suddenly you fell unconscious. Fruity spent hours looking for you but when he did he started crying which alerted Wukong and came to find your unconscious body on the ground. Now knowing him he's going to assume somebody attack you and fly into a fit of Blind rage, swearing revenge on your attacker when you woke up. Wukong was relieved and then demanded to know who attacked you and after calming him down you told him about your Narcolepsy. He may not understand it at first but he already hates it and what it does to you.
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(Netflix Wukong) Oh maaaaaaaaaaan This is breaking my heart😥. Bro has lost so much even when It seemed like there was nothing left for anybody to take but you....😟. He definitely has a nervous breakdown because you dropped right in front of him and did not respond at all. He dragged you to the doctor, crying and begging them to help you because he couldn't lose you. What's the point of immortality if he can spend it with you😥 and after a few hours you woke up like nothing happened at the doctor's office. Netflix smothered you with kisses in relief, thanking Every God out there for giving him another chance with you. I guess you can tell him about your narcolepsy once he calms down.😦
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 5x06
"How you ever had a crush on Richie Cunningham, I will never understand."
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I'm actually so easy to please
"And Lois... *laughs* I'd do anything to get rid of Lois."
but thinking about how annoying she is makes him laugh, soooooo... she's a good influence, I rest my case😌😌
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Jonathan knows too, like-
Chloe & Lois as an investigative duo are actually really fun
Lex really lives in Jonathan's head rent free💀💀
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"She's here to dance."
Chloe really threw Lois under the bus like that I'm cryingsjakjsha
the struggle is real💀
SOOOOO let's see if Jonathan actually apologizes when it turns out Lex didn't do anything
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Lois x bisexual lighting I LIVEEEE
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they did that for me😭😌
"I'll have a coke😇" ... "S- straight up, on the rocks.😤"
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I just choked on my ice cream
LMAOOOOOO bless his heart
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I'm really not ready for what's about to go down here😭😭
Someone needs to go to jail for that music choice💀💀
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this is history in the making. absolutely iconic.
i do wish she was my girlfriend actually they're so right
aaand she's getting into it
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he's kind of giving me:
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it's okay bb, we're all looking respectfully right now
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kshadjwka his fight or flight is kicking in😭😭
"What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?"
story of their life fr
the struggle has never been more real, pray for Clark💀
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they did that.
smallville writers really did that.
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legend behaviour if you ask me
i would like to take this moment and say thank you.
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"I've never been in a position where people look up to me."
This is such a silly statement, Jonathan is literally the person Clark looks up to the most. His bigger personality flaws clearly come from Jonathan's influence💀 (not to say he didn't also learn a lot of good traits from him -he absolutely did- but you know)
I'm really curious what Lex's (and Jonathan's) politics are actually, don't be shy writers tell me👀
creepy mf
"Hey 007. Nice of you to show up." "I'll start assuming that means thank you?"
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giggling kicking my feet
"I can't touch him." "Well, I can."
pls his face😭
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he knows he could never be as cool as her
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my parents🥹
(listen the shit i went through to upload this last picture tho, i hit the upload limit and had to delete stuff, then i accidentally deleted the whole post for a second🤡 my whole life flashed before my eyes💀💀)
Lex talking about a guy falling in love with his best friend's wife uh oh, no thank youuuuu😬😬
He was making a good point though.
"The thing I always try to remember is, no matter how much le lays on, he never expects more than he expects from himself."
Clark really grew up didn't he😭😭
"What are you doing, you just moved back in."
from the guy who said "I'd do anything to get of Lois." at the beginning of the episode, what in the clownery🤡🤡
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All men do is lie.
she's such a menace, I LOVE HER😭😭
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they're secret bffs your honor😭
"And you didn't have to come after me but you always do. So I wanted to say thank you. You're a really good friend."
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well. stay normal challenge failed again but that's exactly how i thought this would go, sooo
Question for the people: should i even tag Lex in posts like this? I don't think twice about tagging characters like Jonathan because I don't expect fans to look through his tag for him specifically, but i know people do it with Lex and I feel bad at the thought of them having to scroll through me losing my mind over Clois with a few Lex mentions in between. Lex fans lemme know
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artist-issues · 7 months
I’ve just come across your Wish analysis (which led to binge-reading loads of your other Disney rants, which I so loved reading and totally appreciated), and you’ve got me thinking. So please allow me to rant for a bit.
Flash back to when the live-action Beauty and the Beast came out. My friend loved it, raved about it for ages, and made me go see it with her. The original was my favourite childhood movie so I was excited for the new one… and subsequently disappointed to an extreme. I couldn’t put my finger on it for ages - just that there was a general feeling of wrongness I couldn’t explain (until I read your post and I was just like, “YES! THIS EXACTLY!”). My friend couldn’t understand it and would say things like, “I thought you said you liked Beauty and the Beast!” But I do like it, and that’s why I’m so upset how badly they missed the point.
It feels like that’s all Disney is doing these days: missing the point! Because it doesn’t matter how many times they give us a sassy girl with long hair and some vague magic skill that helps her in the third act! We want characters. As in, people who remind us of actual people! What makes Belle so charming and relatable? She’s polite when other people are rude, but firm when they push against her morals, and enjoys reading. A relatable female character is one who can be compared to other female characters. Belle on her own is just a girl who likes books, but against the motherly Mrs Potts who takes care of everyone, or the vain triplets who only want Gaston’s attention, she’s suddenly so much more real, and that’s what these new films are missing!
Anyway, I could go on and on about this, but I’m sorry because I didn’t mean for this to get so long or out-of-hand 😬
That is why you like it: that is why you’re upset; because you DO like the real Beauty & the Beast! Wonderful! Yes, you get it!
I think what makes Belle feel real is some of the raw emotion she shows—and how she shows it.
When living furniture puts on a light show, she gasped and claps and dances along. When the Beast asks her a romantic but loaded question, her first impulse is to say “yes!” but then she does double back and admit that she misses her father; she doesn’t have all her thoughts collected, exactly, but she is being honest. When wolves attack her, she screams. When she has to give up her life, she sobs on a bed. When she’s in a terrible situation, she does initially basically pout and refuse to leave her room. But when she’s being watched by others, she tries to be strong; she cries silently when she’s following the Beast to her room. She gives him her word with her back straight and her eyes closed all grave. Like I said, you can almost see her remembering stories she’s read of brave heroes giving solemn oaths, and she’s trying to be like them.
Emma Watson didn’t bring any of that.
She had to make the character too in-control of her own emotions even when outlandish or traumatic things are happening, because her idea of a “strong woman” can’t be delighted or horrified or fazed, in general, by anything st all. She made her as distant and unrelatable as any caricature. I mean, I remember very clearly the one and only moment I felt a glimmer of “that’s Belle!” in the movie, and it’s when Belle is given the library and the Beast leaves the room, and Emma Watson gives this excited little half-shriek of joy. And it’s like…where is that in the rest of the movie?
I can even find fault with that moment, too though. Because she waits till the Beast, the gift-giver, leaves the room before she really reacts that strongly. Why? The real Belle tells the Beast how wonderful she thinks it is, breathlessly, over the moon.
Because when someone gives you a gift, if you’re a self-protective, cool-calm demeanor feminist, you don’t let them see that they have any control over your emotions—not even the ability to impress you or make you happy with a crazy gift.
But, instead, if you’re a selfless woman, who is happy to share her emotions with others especially when it brings them joy, you have no trouble showing that a crazy gift delights and impresses you. It’s part of the gratitude/
Anyway! I could go on and on. But don’t let anybody get it twisted. You do like Beauty and the Beast. You just happen to know what Beauty and the Beast really is, and why you like it.
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amaretigris · 2 days
The Possibility of You
Taglist: @jonahmermaid23 @hopeisrising @luna2034 @justagirlthatlovedtoread @mylittlemermaid221 @freyagallileaevans @daydreamerwithnohobbies @jonahhauer-kingg @notagreekgal28
A/n: Sorry it's taken so long for this chapter 😓 The usual excuse of work 😬
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Ch. 6 | 2.5k words | Angst & fluff
Jonah practically sprinted to his father stepping out of his car. The man dropped what was in his hands to embrace him.
"My son," his dad squeezed him to his chest. "Goodness, I've missed you. How are you?"
His father pulled away to put his hand on Jonah's cheek as he examined him. Jonah smiled.
"I'm good, Dad. Let me help you bring everything inside."
His father looped his arm around Jonah's shoulders as the two trekked back into the house. Jonah's mom came to the door to plant a kiss on her husband's cheek.
"I'm so glad you're home safe, darling," she spoke warmly, rubbing his arm.
"Me too, love," his dad pulled her in for a hug.
Jonah smiled warmly at his parents. He'd always aspired to have a love like theirs.
"Come on," Jonah's mum urged after she pulled away. "Dinner is on the table."
She took his father's hand to lead him to the dining room. Jonah trailed behind them as the two chatted along the way.
His father groaned when he turned the corner and saw the table full of food. He brought his wife's hand up to his lips to kiss it tenderly.
"Ugh, thank you, dear. You're an angel," he praised.
As the three of them took their seats around the table, his father continued.
"I haven't had a home cooked meal since I left. Thanks again for cooking this late for me, darling," he smiled at his wife again.
"You're welcome, honey. Let's dig in," his mom urged.
Silence fell at the table as everyone ate. Jonah was also thrilled that his mother had cooked a beautiful meal. She was often too busy to do it much anymore. He ate happily, glancing up to his father's smiling face every once in a while.
"So," Jonah's mother started. "Did you tell your father about your new friend?"
His dad turned to him with a smile.
"No, not yet," Jonah admitted. "I've started seeing a young woman on campus. We had our first date tonight."
His dad flashed a grin.
"That's great! Did the date go well?"
Jonah smiled to himself as memories of your moans flooded his mind.
"Yes, it went really well. I invited her to my swim meet tomorrow."
Jonah's mother and father exchanged a glance across the table. Jonah looked between the two and laughed.
"I'm surprised that you invited her to one of your races, is all," his mother admitted.
"That's not something you normally do. Can we still come to the race as well?"
"Oh!" His mother interrupted his answer with another thought.
"Then she could come back here to have dinner with us," she spoke enthusiastically.
Jonah let out a small laugh at his mother's excitement.
"Sure, I'll invite her," he agreed.
"Wonderful," his father spoke. "We'll be delighted to meet whoever finally caught your fancy."
Your eyes cracked open at 6:30 a.m. like they did every morning. Weekend or not, it was like clockwork. You picked up your phone to find a couple of unread messages from Jonah.
2:13 a.m.
I'm just now getting to bed after visiting with my dad. Thank you for tonight. I hope to dream of you
6:27 a.m.
Woke up drenched in sweat after having the best wet dream of my life about you. I can't wait to see you at the meet today
You smiled and clutched your phone to your chest before you typed out a reply.
6:34 a.m.
What time does the meet start?
Jonah quickly answered.
6:36 a.m.
It starts at 9. Oh and my parents will be there. They want to meet you and have dinner afterwards. I hope that's okay
You bit your thumbnail. He had already told his parents about you? You wondered why he'd done that after a single date. You would be slightly nervous, but you were happy at the thought that Jonah wanted you to meet them that badly. Or maybe they insisted. Either way, it seemed to say a lot for you.
6:39 a.m.
Okay. How fancy should I dress?
You threw your covers off as you waited for a reply. You heard your text tone as you brushed your teeth. You picked it up to look at his reply.
6:41 a.m.
However fancy you want, sweetheart. There's no dress code
You rolled your eyes with a smile before you spat out your toothpaste.
6:42 a.m.
I know that, silly. I just want to make a good impression
Jonah typed out a speedy reply.
6:43 a.m.
Whatever you wear will be fine, love. I promise
Jonah stretched his arms over his head. He was ready the race - he'd been preparing for weeks now. He was more excited, however, to see you and have you meet his parents. He knew that he shouldn't let himself get distracted, but it was incredibly hard when last night's events kept replaying in his mind.
Max yelled at him from across the pool.
"Oi," he began marching over to Jonah.
Jonah rolled his eyes. Max was all decked out in his lifeguard gear. Jonah was sincerely glad that he'd met him, but the guy lived to annoy the shit out of him. Max finally stepped within arms reach.
"You bastard! What the hell's going on?"
"Quit your wining," Jonah rolled his eyes again. "You know, the usual. Eat, sleep, swim. Repeat."
Max crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk.
"Uh huh. Sleeping with who?"
Jonah's eyes cut away from his, and Max knew the answer.
"Already?! Man, I knew you had game, but not like that. You have my respect," Max pretended to bow down in front of Jonah.
"Piss off," Jonah sneered. "And don't go telling anyone. Seriously," he fixed Max with a pointed glare.
Max put a hand to his chest.
"Mate, I would never actually do that. I wasn't the one who spread all the rumors about me when I got here. It's always the chicks on campus."
Jonah nodded, satisfied with his answer.
"Things are going well with her though?" Max continued cautiously.
Jonah smiled automatically at the thought of you. He looked back to Max with another nod.
"Yes. She's brilliant. I invited her today, so she'll be meeting my parents. My mom is dying to have her over for dinner."
Max smiled. It was an uncharacteristically sincere expression. He clapped Jonah on the back.
"That's good, man. I'm really happy for you."
You clutched the strap of your purse as you walked up to the university natatorium. You tried to study your feet and calm your breathing. One foot in front of the other. You thought you looked cute but modest enough in your floral print dress with a black cardigan and flats to match. You hoped it made a good enough impression on Jonah's parents. Stepping through the automatic double doors, you made your way to the bleachers.
Your eyes skimmed the young men at the pool. They were all exceedingly fit and lean, but your eyes searched for one body in particular. You ran straight into a chest at full force, and looked up to see Jonah. Luckily he hadn't dipped into the water yet. He had softened your impact by grabbing your upper arms. Jonah laughed at your shocked expression, but your eyes drank in his form greedily.
"Good morning, love. I'm so glad you could make it," he smiled.
"Were you admiring the eye candy?" His eyes went over to the other men stretching by the pool.
You shook your head, your eyes fixed on him.
"No, I was only looking for one in particular."
Jonah smirked in response, leaning down to give you a peck on the lips. You were surprised that he did it so casually in front of everyone.
"That's right," Jonah spoke lowly. "I want everyone to see that you're mine now. You came waltzing in here in that cute little dress by the pool. These other guys might get ideas."
You flashed a smile.
"It'll look better on your floor later," you teased.
"Although I doubt that will happen now since we're having dinner with your parents this evening," you pouted playfully.
"Oh, don't worry," Jonah assured you. "You'll get yours."
The implication stoked the ever constant flame in your lower belly that appeared last night. You were about to ask him how when something caught Jonah's eye over your shoulder. You turned to look as Jonah raised his hand to wave. He wrapped his arm around your waist as his parents approached the two of you.
"Mum, Dad, this is (Y/N)," Jonah proudly introduced you.
You blushed slightly but held your hand out for them to shake. Jonah's mother looked at your hand momentarily, but ultimately crushed you into a hug.
"Sorry, I'm a hugger," she laughed.
"I'm Kay. It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)."
She released you and extended her arm to Jonah's dad.
"This is my husband, Jack."
Jack shook your hand softly with a big smile.
"It's so nice to meet you," the older man with glasses beamed.
Even though he wore glasses, you could see the resemblance Jonah shared with his father, but it was when you looked back to his mother's smile that you discovered where his dimples came from.
"Okay guys," Jonah's voice broke through.
"You should take your seats. We're going to start soon."
Jonah paused before moving away from you. He put his thumb on your chin. You felt yourself getting warm at the realization that he was doing this in front of his parents.
"See you after?"
You nodded with a smile.
"See you after. Good luck," you boldly gave him a kiss on the cheek before retreating to the stands with his parents.
Jonah held a proud smile as he watched you and his parents walk to your seats. As soon as he turned away from you, however, his face went blank and his eyes narrowed. He really needed to focus to win this race. Jonah did some final stretches before the announcer began. At the signal to line up, Jonah inhaled a deep breath; in through his nose and out through his mouth.
The sound of the buzzer sent Jonah diving into the water. You watched with fascination as he swam much faster than you expected. He was so skilled in the water and made it look effortless, but you knew it was far from it. After several laps, Jonah held a considerable lead. You saw the race officials ready their equipment to call the winner, and you stood to cheer in excitement. Jonah touched the ledge of the pool, raising his head out of the water, and peeling off his goggles. It was several seconds before any other competitors made it to the finish.
You couldn't help it. You kept yelling your encouragement and holding up your arms. If his win was this exhilarating for you, you could only imagine what it felt like for him. Jonah's parents exchanged knowing looks, and his eyes found you in the stands with a smile. He threw his arm over to pull himself out of the water as they announced his name as the winner of the 200m Freestyle. He headed straight to you, and you stepped down the bleachers to meet him. Everyone was suddenly on their feet cheering, but you pushed past to get to Jonah.
He was soaking wet when the two of you collided again, but you couldn't stop yourself from grabbing his cheeks to kiss him. You giggled happily, and Jonah wrapped his arms around you in an embrace as he lifted you off the ground. Jonah set you back down and focused on your giggling face, but something caught his eye over your shoulder again.
This time it was a young child who had stepped away from his mum. He stood on the edge of the pool trying to dip his toes in while no one watched. In a split second, the toddler lost his balance and fell in. Jonah's heart skipped a beat. He rushed past you to dive into the water just as the young boy went under.
You spun around alarmed at Jonah's urgency. The entire crowd that was celebrating moments before realized something was amiss. He emerged seconds later with the baby in his arms sputtering and coughing. Jonah's mother rushed forward, cradling the toddler's head as he brought him out of the pool. Jonah hopped out and kneeled beside his mom with the patient. The boy's mom cut through the crowd in tears.
"It's okay. It'll all be okay," Jonah's mom assured her.
"I'm a doctor."
The woman was still panicked, but nodded that she understood. She let Kay check the toddler for injuries.
"It looks like he's okay," she smiled. "I think he just swallowed some water. He'll be fine," Kay put her hand on the young mother's arm to comfort her.
The young woman nodded and thanked her, then directing her attention to Jonah.
"Thank you. I hadn't even noticed that he got away from me yet. Thank you," she repeated.
Jonah nodded with a small smile. As they left, Jonah stood, and his eyes searched for yours again. They connected momentarily, then cut back to Kay's when she put her hand on his arm to tell him what a good job he'd done. Your feet instinctually carried you to him. You were in complete awe of this man. Jonah turned from his mother at the exact moment you reached him.
"Hey, I'm sorry I had to push past you like that," he grabbed your upper arms and frowned.
You scoffed.
"What do you mean? Jonah, you're a hero," you hugged him to your chest.
"You amaze me more and more everyday."
After the excitement and tension of the race had died down, Jonah retreated to the locker rooms to shower and throw on his clothes. His parents made sure to confirm that you had the right address to meet them at for dinner before you got in your car. Your phone dinged with a new message as you slid into the driver's seat. You pulled it out of your purse.
7:17 p.m.
Have you left yet? If not, wait for me please. I want to drive you
You quirked your brow before typing out a reply.
7:18 p.m.
Are you sure? I just got in my car
Putting your phone down on your thigh to remove your purse strap, it chimed with another message a second later.
7:19 p.m.
Yes I'm sure. I want an excuse to bring you back to your car later
You smiled at his reply.
7:20 p.m.
Okay, I'm waiting 😉
You told Jonah where you were parked, and he pulled up beside you a couple minutes later. You jumped out of your car and into his. You turned to see Jonah leaned over the center console with his lips pursed. You giggled and met him hallway with a kiss. When you pulled back, he released a relaxed sigh.
"You ready?"
You nodded your head.
"Yes, I'm ready."
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leelee10898 · 1 year
Dancing with our hands tied.
Pairing: Leo x F!OC
Word count: 1,339
Warnings: swearing, but mostly fluff
Setting: This is a flash back to Leo's social season, before Madeline was chosen and before he ran off to go on a cruise.
A/N: Life has been super crazy, with the end of the school year, holidays and work I haven't had much time to write. I quickly got this together to post so, sorry for any errors. 😬
A/N 2: I have an idea for this to become a series of some sort. More details to come. Also as always if you'd like to be added to the tags, let me know.
This was written for @choicesflashfics using the prompts;
"How long have you been standing there?"
"You're allowed to fall apart a little."
"That's all I really want and need. Some time with just you "
Song inspiration:
The social season was well underway, just a few short weeks and he would be forced to choose a bride. Five suitors from five noble houses across the country and globe with Cordonian ties all vying for his hand. He should be gloating about having five women throw themselves at him, wanting a piece of whatever attention he chose to give, and under normal circumstances he would relish in it. He was dubbed the playboy prince after all but this was something else entirely.  The desperation in their voices when he spoke to them, some doing a better job than most if their words didn't give them away their faces told it all. He was trained to read people from a very young age, body language, and touch, all tell a story and these women wanted one thing, the crown. 
Leo stood in the middle of a crowded room speaking to Lady Jessica and her parents Lord and Lady Britton. Jessica was one of his suitors, as he listened to Lady Britton ramble on about being a suitor during Constantine's first social season, he felt the panic spread through his chest. Of course, she didn't leave out the part where Constantine chose his mother, the mother who couldn't cut it as a Royal and fled, leaving him behind. Lord Britton seemed to have enough of his wife's antics he cleared his throat at the mention of Lady Britton's talents of playing the flute. 
"Yes, Our Jessica is also very talented in the musical area. She mastered playing the piano at the age of four. Isn't that right, Jessica?" He turned his attention towards his daughter. 
"Why yes, Father. That is correct. I am also skilled in archery, ballet, and painting." She answered right on cue, giving a shy smile and batting her eyes. 
"All wonderful skills a wife should possess, wouldn't you agree your highness?" Lord Britton's attention was now on him. 
"Why yes, Lord Britton. I agree, all wonderful talents." Leo politely answered, desperate to find a way out of his current conversation. 
"Splendid?" Lord Britton laughed before turning serious.  "The end of the social season is quickly approaching, if I may be so bold as to ask, have you made a decision yet?" 
The panic now had spread throughout his body, his nerve endings were tingling and his hands began to sweat. "No. I have not come to a decision yet." Leo carefully chose his words, "The decision does not come lightly, choosing Cordonias next queen is something to be taken seriously, I intend to take careful consideration in choosing my future bride." He settled on a quick, sharp answer, in hopes to shut him up; it seems to have worked as he watched the fear flash before lord Britton's eyes. He nodded stiffly. "Of course your highness." 
Leo hated making small talk with the suitor's parents, his eyes did a quick scan of the room and finally, he spotted his out. 
"Now if you will excuse me, there is a matter that requires my attention." Leo cut the conversation off at the knees, he turned to leave, "Lord Britton, Lady Britton, Lady Jessica." He nodded to the three quickly walking through the ballroom and disappearing behind a door on the far side. He walked down the long hall and into one of the studies his father often used to discuss private matters during events.
He stripped his jacket off immediately, tossing it onto the floor, loosening his tie as he paced the room. Breathing in and out he gripped a hold of the tie yanking it free from his neck. Leo walked over to the bar cart and poured a large glass of scotch, quickly letting the contents burn its way down his throat. 
"It's too much. To much. I, Im not cut out for this. I can't do this." He began to pace, grabbing a fist full of his hair and letting out a frustrated growl.  He turned, stopping dead in his tracks to find a beautiful brunette standing there with a nervous look on her face. Lady Ava was attending the social season with her uncle, one of Constantine's Allies from Australia. She and Leo had grown close during the season, and while she wasn't one of his suitors, he still found ways to be around her. 
"I'm sorry, I. I should go." Ava stammered, averting her eyes. 
"How long have you been standing there?" Leo breathed out. 
"Not long." She quickly answered, casting her eyes to the side. 
"Long enough I'm sure." He let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Well, I guess you'll be running for the hills now. Now that you know what a freak show I am." 
"Is that what you want?" Her question threw him off, guard.  It wasn't a question he was asked often, no one took into consideration his wants. 
"I don't understand." Her question confused him. 
"I didn't think it was a hard question." Ava closed the door and made her way across the room. "Do you want me to leave? Is that what you want?" 
Leo stood there staring at her. Out of all his suitors, she was the only one he made a real connection with only she wasn't a suitor. "No." He finally answered. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" She questioned and he shook his head. 
"What do you want me to say? I fell apart, I lost my composure, I cracked under pressure, what a fucking great king I'll make." He let out another sarcastic snort. 
Ava closed the distance between them, "You're allowed to fall apart a little." She placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Even the best of us fall apart sometimes, I know this has to be hard, I can't begin to imagine what you are going through. I know this isn't what you wanted out of life." 
"It isn't but, it's what I was born to do, literally. I don't get a say, what I want doesn't matter. I don't get time to myself. " He turned away to stare out the window. 
"It matters to me." She spoke and he turned to look at her again. "Is that what you want? Time alone? Because right now, you're not in a ballroom, it's just the two of us." 
Leo crossed the room closing the distance between the two of them. He reached out softly cupping her face with his hands. "That's all I really want and need. Some time with just you." He lowered his voice, eyes searching her face.
"Leo." She breathed out, closing her eyes. 
"You're the only one who gets me here, you see me as more than a crown." Leo lifted her chin forcing her to look at him. 
"Because you are more than a crown. You're more than all of this." She motioned around to nothing.  "At the end of all of this, when you make your choice, Just remember that the crown doesn't make the man. You can shape yourself and this country in whatever way you see it." Ava smiled at him and with that Leo leaned in claiming her lips in a soft kiss, before pulling away and resting his forehead on hers. 
"I do not know what the next few weeks will hold," he spoke. "But just know that you are special to me, Ava." 
Ava wrapped her arms tightly around Leo's waist. The two stayed that way for a few minutes before reluctantly pulling apart. 
"We should probably get back before someone notices we are both missing. What a scandal that would cause." She giggled.  
"If it's a scandal you're looking for, I can arrange for something more worth it than a hug." Leo waggled his brows which earned and eye roll. 
"You sir, are diabolical. Now Let's go." She motioned towards the door. 
"Its all I have going for me and wouldn't want to be any other way." Leo shrugged and smiled. He wasn't sure who he would end up with at the end of the season but he would hold her memory for a lifetime.
@kingliam2019 @ao719 @emichelle @annabellewynter @twinkleallnight  @tessa-liam @riseandshinelittleblossom @blackcatkita @katedrakeohd @tinkie1973 @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @lovingchoices14 @indiana-jr @txemrn @bascmve01 @queenwalton @sfb123 @umccall71 @choicesficwriterscreations
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dancinginfreedom · 2 years
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Today, I woke up feeling lethargic. My back and shoulder soring more than any other day that it did. But, I got up anyway. Went for my favorite mug in the kitchen, poured my usual morning hot karak into it. Rummaged through my plastic of groceries underneath my bed and found a pack of wafer to eat with my hot drink to welcome the morning. I reached for the book I’m reading these days, and just like that, I deliberately tried to start my day in a peaceful manner.
I was browsing instagram yesterday, and there was one particular reel that reminded me while clicking my loud keyboard at this very moment. It was about conventionally finding a reason to wake up each morning no matter how trivial it is. It was, in summary, finding your purpose each passing day. Today, it was freaking hard to do that especially with a back ache that screams “notice me, i need to be mended!”.
As I was slowly scanning my eyes through the words of the book in front of me telling “when you’re in an emotional state, empty your mind and take a break”, I unconsciously stopped and found myself staring blankly at the three-wick scented candle I lit at my bedside table while lying down on my stomach. Suddenly, everything felt so strange to me. Then, I knew, in that moment, I’ve never experienced this before….in a long while.
Afterwards, I just wanted to fall back to sleep even after having a full eight hours of sleep last night. I wanted to empty my mind and just give in to my desire of sleeping again despite not feeling sleepy. I was indeed in lethargy.
Yet, after that short peacefulness, my mind started to go full cycle at work again. I randomly wanted to write while my chaotic brain cells are somehow in sync with each other. I tried to save all these conceptual thoughts as much as I can that just kept flashing in a snap through my mind.
Just like that, in the rarity of all days, today was the day that my heart was at it again telling my brain “you’re still gonna achieve that dream to write your own book one day”. And unlike any other rare day, my brain agreed responding “I trust you, despite the chaos and messiness I bring to you every time you try to put all the floating thoughts in me altogether”.
I got out of bed, decided to take my shower to freshen up. And, here I am — typing a piece of my life story by sharing what my day looks like. Well, pretty much a day of choosing to first embrace my own emotional creases, without forcing myself to be positive nor to smile, bearing in mind the phrase “repressed emotions build up over time and would start to rot, blocking the way for all our feelings, even the positive ones”, from I’m Not Lazy, I’m on Energy Saving Mode.
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It is better to release what you feel, deal with them head on than avoiding them by digging a hole to pile them up. Prevention is indeed better than cure. And when it comes to our emotional wellbeing, prevention might look like this:
“deal with me now, even recklessly is okay. it is better that way than not acting upon it at all”
Dealing with our emotions, fortunately, doesn’t need to be a grand gesture. It is making a space for a break — to feel and sit in with all that we feel. It is not even about understanding WHY nor figuring out WHERE they are coming from.
I do think that our emotions should not be left to harden and get swept to the side. Sometimes, just trying to understand our emotions AS THEY ARE without even knowing the answer, is THE ANSWER.
Stomach cramps just said “HI” to me while I’m trying to finish up this blogpost, unlocking the key why I’m feeling blue since last night and lethargic since this morning. Oh well, of course, I’m no exception to the hormones attack that every woman experiences whenever that period comes every month. And this makes me have the right to say…
ANSWERS do show up, from time to time, oddly most times, when we’re not even looking for them (ughh, but yeah, being a woman is so weird too, don’t you think? 🥺😬😅)
(this is the first ever post i’ve published on this platform after being on an unintentional hiatus for exactly a year and a half)
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writingbymoonlight · 3 years
late night studying
ft.: kuroo x reader
a/n: Set during every college and university student’s favorite time of the year: FINALS
Part Two can be found here!
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The good thing about living alone in an apartment during finals was that you didn’t have to worry about annoying a roommate with your staying up at ungodly hours to cram in as much studying as humanly possible.
The downside was that you were studying and suffering simultaneously.
You sit at your desk, which is covered with your handwritten notes, textbooks, hand-outs from your professor and flashcards, struggling to stifle a yawn. After who knows how long, you manage to tear your focus away from the content before you and look out your window. The moonless night sky is pitch black and not a soul seems to be wandering about in the streets below. Just how long were you studying for?
You fish your phone (which has been on silent the whole day) out of your back pocket and your eyes widen to see the numbers 12:17 flashing back at you. The last time you had checked your phone had been at 9:05 p.m. You had been studying for approximately three hours straight, but you were honestly not that surprised. You had wanted to study as much as you could because you were a bit concerned about passing the exam you had tomorrow afternoon. 
Below the time, you see numerous text messages from one of your close friends, Kuroo:
-Hey, you studying? 👀
-Make sure you aren’t pushing yourself too hard.
-Have you eaten?
-Y/N, are you ignoring me? 😒
-Answer me, I need attention .-.
The texts help bring a smile to your face and the last one was sent about fifteen minutes ago, meaning he was probably still awake. You had met Kuroo during your very first semester at university and honestly, you couldn’t imagine life without him at this point. He could be petty and a smartass at times, but he made you laugh, was someone you could confide in and was there when you needed him most. Not to mention he’s really cute and you might have a teeny, tiny crush on him.
You respond back: Would you believe me if I said no? 😬
You’re about to go back to studying when Kuroo’s name appears on your phone’s screen, indicating that your rooster-haired friend is calling you. You accept the call immediately and instead of a normal “Hey” or “What’s up?”, you're greeted with Kuroo bluntly remarking, “So you are still awake and still studying.” 
“You can’t judge me for being awake if you are as well,” you retaliate, leaning back in your seat. 
“I haven’t been waking up early and staying up late this entire week.”
“I’m just trying to make sure I pass my test,” you say, attempting to defend yourself.
You hear Kuroo sigh and he then asks, “Have you eaten dinner?”
“This feels like an interrogation,” you mumble, “I had a slice of leftover pizza at like 6, I think?”
“I’m not sure a single slice of pizza counts as dinner.”
“Hey, I didn’t have time to shop for groceries so I have nothing to cook! And I save money from heating up leftovers rather than ordering more takeout!”
You hear movement in the background as Kuroo suddenly declares, “I’m heading over to your place right now.”
“Yup, see you in a few minutes,” he states before hanging up, not giving you a chance to reply. 
You shrug and go back to revising your notes until Kuroo shows up. Kuroo popping by your apartment wasn’t anything new, especially since he lives only five blocks away with his roommate, the boisterous Bokuto. After about twenty minutes, though, your friend had yet to show up and you begin to wonder if he changed his mind. However, a few minutes later, you at last hear knocking at your front door. 
When you open the door, a tired looking Kuroo stands before you, holding two plastic bags. His black hair is even messier than usual, as if he was already in bed prior to coming here, and he’s wearing sweatpants and a gray t-shirt. His outfit definitely seems to be something he just threw on, but the shirt does a good job of showing off his lean muscles.
“H-hey,” you stammer out, holding the door open so he can step in. Once he’s inside, you close the door and add, “You didn’t have to come if you were tired and ready to go to bed.”
Kuroo simply rolls his eyes and hands you the plastic bags, “Here.”
“What’s this?” you inquire with a raised eyebrow. You open the bags, which are filled to the brim with a variety of your favorite snacks and drinks, relaxing tea and a ton of fruit. Your eyes shoot back up to Kuroo and you exclaim, “Did you just go to the supermarket?!”
Kuroo places his hand at the back of neck and he coolly explains, “Nah, all the supermarkets around here are closed. The fruit and tea are from our apartment. I promised Bokuto I’d replace the stuff tomorrow. I just wanted to make sure you were relaxed and eating healthy. Then I decided to stop by the convenience store to get some snacks you like, so you have some stuff to treat yourself with once you pass your exam.”
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you as you process all the information. Kuroo had his own exams to worry about, but he still went out of his way to help you.
“Kuroo, this is too much, I can’t-” you begin, but he cuts you off by gently placing his right hand on the top of your head.
“Just accept my humble and generous gesture, Y/N,” he says in a joking yet deep and low tone. His hand slowly moves toward from the top to the side of your head and his thumb briefly brushes your cheek. Your breathing hitches for a second and you feel your heart beating so fast that you fear it will burst from your chest.
Whatever trance Kuroo was under suddenly breaks and he becomes aware of his actions and how close he’s standing to you. His cheeks instantly flush and he removes his hand from your face.
“Sorry!” he manages to choke out before turning around, so you don’t notice how red his entire face is growing. He clears his throat as he walks further into your apartment and, in an attempt to rid the air of any awkwardness, he says, “I’ll help you study for an hour, but then you gotta go to bed. If not, you’ll be too tired for your test.”
You nod before realizing that he isn’t facing you then respond, “Sounds like a deal.”
You cannot believe that you managed to get some coherent words out as you continue to stare at Kuroo’s broad back in disbelief. It finally dawns on you that your teeny, tiny crush on him might actually be a massive crush.
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bangtanintotheroom · 3 years
Turbulence (M)(Teaser)
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• Pairing: Rich!Hoseok x (F)Reader
• Genre: Rich!AU, Smut, Angst, Fluff, Friends to Lovers
• Rating: 18+
• Words (teaser): 1.1k
• Summary: The beginning of the trip should have guaranteed that there would be smooth sailing for the next seven days but maybe the consequences of your actions were too much to handle.
• Warnings/themes: fun times in Hawaii 😎, jealousy up the wazoo 😮‍💨, slight possessiveness on both sides, dom!Hobi, reverse cowgirl, light bondage, spanking, swearing, dirty talk, oral (m. and f. receiving), unprotected sex (BC is not 100% effective, people), arguing, drinking, failed hookup, wisdom from a stranger, reader and Hobi are two stubborn idiots, bit of shower sex, handjobs
• Notes: I never thought I would be writing a sequel to DCiMA but here we are! That story just ended up being one of my favorites I’ve ever written and I couldn’t help but want to do a follow-up for dear reader and Hobi. Expect twice the smut with a heaping of angst because I love pain! 😬I don’t usually put dates on fics but I remembered that this sunny boi’s birthday is coming up and made an exception! 💖
• Teaser Notes: Teasers are a WIP and will not fully reflect the final draft, warnings and themes are subject to change. If you want to be tagged when the final draft is released, either leave a reply or shoot me an ask!
• Song Inspo: Lovers and Friends - Lil Jon & the Eastside Boyz (Spotify | Soundcloud); I Wanna Be - Kehlani (Spotify | Soundcloud)
• Upload Date: February 19th, the latest!
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Your eyes had no business searching the crowd of writhing bodies for your friend but before you could reign it in, you spotted him along one of the walls, still talking with that woman. The flashing lights reflecting on his face were the only way you could make out his expressions but you often saw flashes of white from his teeth.
A little too often for your liking.
You jolted, realizing that you were holding your drink with a little more force than necessary.
What was that? Why did you react like that just now? Hoseok beaming at others was just what he did. But if he had it directed towards a beautiful stranger, that usually meant a part of him was interested in getting them in his bed somehow. And she was definitely a beautiful stranger.
The thought made your stomach turn and your grip tighten further. You knocked back too much of your liquor, nearly choking at the amount that went down.
What the fuck was going on with you tonight? It wasn’t like he was your boyfriend, flirting with other women while you were in the same room. What right did you have to be feeling like this? 
Sure, he had volunteered to be your fuck buddy for the week but that didn’t mean he was obligated to be strictly loyal to you. He was a grown man who came to relax from his hectic life; you didn’t need to stress him out because your irritation flared whenever that woman rested a hand on his arm or he threw his head back and laughed. You should just sit back with your drink, avert your eyes from him and go find some girls to talk to or a guy to dance with.
Yeah, that sounded like a solid plan.
So then why the hell was your hand reaching into your purse and pulling your phone out?
The reasonable part of your brain was telling you to put the damn device away and go on about your own business but the alcohol making your fingers tingle was also prompting them to unlock the screen and send a text. You should have deleted the words you typed but your thumb pressed ‘send’ before you could change your mind. There was no way you could stay watching him after doing that, lest you look like a possessive freak. So you got up, drink in hand, and walked over towards one of the quilted red seats in the corner to plop down out of view.
You shot a polite smile to one of the girls sharing the couch, hoping that they were drunk enough to start a conversation and provide distraction but alas, they went off for more drinks after complimenting you on your outfit. Now you were by yourself, sighing in failure. So much for that.
You didn’t expect Hoseok to even notice that you sent a message nor respond so imagine your shock when you felt your phone vibrate after a couple of minutes. Your heart shouldn’t have swelled at the words on the screen but it did.
[Hobi 😝☀️]: where are you?
Your lips couldn’t help but turn up.
[Y/N 😆🌙]: by the corner on the couches
You received a simple reply before locking your phone again, happy that your friend asked for your whereabouts yet also guilty that you were resorting to such measures. But you wanted to have him as far away from that girl as possible, fearing you might end up going back to the room by yourself if you didn’t. After you sipped the last of your drink, you saw Hoseok’s lean form break through the crowd, head whipping around before he spotted you, a look of worry on his handsome face. As soon as he walked up, he crouched down to be eye level with you. “Hey, you alright?”
You swallowed down the urge to be honest, trying to look as sickly as possible. “Eh…stomach is a little queasy.”
He frowned further, reaching his hand up to hold yours. “You didn’t throw up, did you?”
“Not yet…I let my drink water down before I kept at it. Maybe that food from earlier didn’t hold me up as well as I thought.”
“Damn…come on.” Hoseok stood and helped you up. “Let’s get out of here and get you something to eat.”
“Huh? What about your friend?”
He looked back in the direction he came from before returning to you, shaking his head with a small grin. “I explained to her, she understood.”
You shouldn’t have smiled as wide as you did but knowing that he went out of his way to make sure you were okay…
It made your heart warm but that shame still lingered behind.
“Okay then.”
Your friend’s smile grew as he began leading you out of the club, keeping you close to avoid the moving bodies. As soon as the two of you stepped outside, you took the night air into your nostrils, letting it calm your nerves and the faint buzz in your veins. Hoseok gave your hand a squeeze before you both began walking down the road, passing the small groups of people lingering outside, the area getting quieter the further you went down. You couldn’t help but stay near the other, your chest brushing against his arm a few times while your fingers played with his own lithe ones. The travel was silent until he broke it, words coming out in a sarcastic tone, “I thought you didn’t want to hold my hand anymore?”
At that, you jolted, eyes widening as your cheeks warmed up. Oh shit. You had completely forgotten that in the haze of everything.
“A-Ah…well, only because I don’t feel good, you know…”
Your companion looked down at you, dark eyes boring into yours with scrutiny. “Only because of that?”
Why was he looking at you like that? Almost like he suspected that you were lying—well, you were, but he didn’t need to know that. So you nodded, teeth catching on your lower lip. “Only because of that.”
Hoseok didn’t give you one of his sunny smiles or even a devious smirk, simply returning your nod before facing forward again. Now you felt perplexed at his behavior. Did he expect you to stop in the middle of the road to blab to him how you’ve been in this odd mindset since the encounter on the plane? Did he want you to confess how the excessive amount of touching in the last few days only made you skittish because you enjoyed it? Or did he want to have you admit that you feigned sickness so you could get him away from that woman because your blood burned every time she made any sort of physical contact with him?
Your grip tightened on his hand without thinking.
Maybe you should have stuck with your original plan and found a random guy to sleep with here. Anything to avoid these complicated emotions.
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2022. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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missgryffin · 3 years
Silver Lining
@petalstosarah's @trainingprompttuesday :
"This is the last time I'm asking you," _ whispered. "Why?" _ responded quickly, "you'll break my heart, in the blink of an eye."
And after that awesome discourse yesterday on Present Tense v. Past Tense, I decided to give present tense a go 😬
Full piece below and on AO3 | FFN.
She hears it straight from the hippogriff's mouth.
Well, technically, she hears it from Sirius Black—but same difference, really.
Just a casual, "'Sup, Evans?" in the corridor, followed by a nonchalant, "Not much, Black, yourself?" succeeded by a shrug and, "Just thinking about what I'm going to do Saturday," to which she asks, "Aren't you going to Hogsmeade like the rest of us?" and he answers, "Nah, not if that means watching James mack on Selwyn all day," before the books in her arms promptly tumble to the floor, her fingers gone slack with shock. Her foot catches a glossy cover, legs suddenly stretching, arms flailing, and her life flashes fleetingly before her eyes before Sirius catches her around the waist, steadies a trembling arm with a viselike grip.
"Woah, there, Evans."
She shrugs him off. "I'm not a horse, Black."
He lets go slowly, not rising to her bait, and that, more than anything, is what makes it all worse. She drops to her knees, gathering the books back into their small pile.
"Not a witch either, apparently," Sirius mutters, but he doesn't take out his wand to summon them. He just waits. Like he knows she's buying time before she has to look him in the eye. Like he's giving her that small courtesy. Like he's a bored lion just biding his time before he sinks his claws into her and dangles her like a rat he caught for lunch.
Lily heaves a deep sigh and pushes up to her feet, books propped like a baby at her hip. "Well, I'd thank you for helping, but—" She gives him a pointed look.
Sirius just stares, those gray eyes managing to sear straight into her despite their blatant coldness.
She turns to go, assuming his taunting over, and is surprised when that hand closes around her arm again, gentler this time. "Evans, wait."
Something twists in her belly, not quite butterflies but not quite fear, either. "What, Black?"
He pulls his lips under, glancing over his shoulder and then over hers to confirm to emptiness of the corridor, and then says, "I know you two kissed."
Ice grips her heart. He told. "He wasn't supposed to—"
"Tell his best mate that the girl of his dreams snogged him?"
Her gulp fills the silence.
Sirius sighs, pinching his nose. "For what it's worth, I had to wear him down." Those cold grays return. "Only dragged it out of him when he bombed practice after you told him it was a mistake."
Her mouth moves, but no sound comes out. Sirius has it right; there's really nothing for her to say.
"Why did you do it?"
"I—I don't know—"
"I don't—"
"Fuck's sake, Evans, we both know you don't go handing out snogs like you do detentions."
She scoffs at the jab but finds her mind is eerily blank, none of her usual wit rising to the occasion of sparring with Sirius.
He just waits, and she knows she's well and truly cornered.
"I—he—we've gotten, I don't know, closer this year—he's not—I mean—"
Her skin flushes hotter the harder she stumbles, but still, Sirius waits.
She forces a deep breath, gathers her Gryffindor. Maybe it's finally time to get this thought—heavy, hard—off her heart. The cold gray stare is too much, so she closes her eyes as she admits, "It wasn't a mistake. I wanted to, I—I liked it. I like him. I just—I panicked, and—"
Her mouth dangles, mind blanking at the echo of the same question the object of her snogging had plied her with mercilessly. "Why…?"
"…did you panic?"
A humorless laugh escapes her at that, some of her characteristic cheek finally crawling back into her brain. "Oh, gee, I don't know, can't be because I've been at odds with the bloke since we were eleven, and it certainly couldn't be because we're Heads together, that's far too obvious, and it's definitely not because I've never fancied anyone like I fancy him, that's—"
She breaks off as the corner of his mouth twitches in a smile.
"The silver lining I was looking for," he finishes.
Her heart is a skittering mess, her stomach not faring much better. "What does it matter? Now?"
He smirks properly at that, and the cold in those gray eyes melt into something like amusement. "He hasn't asked her yet."
Lily is rooted to the floor, lungs suddenly working rapidly despite the stillness of her body, and Sirius is moving, leaving her frozen in her reckoning—
His voice breaks through his footsteps echoing down the stone corridor: "But he's going to!"
She leaves dinner abruptly. It's only, James is smiling and joking and charming, and Adelaide is preening and giggling and simpering, and even if she manages to make her throat swallow her food, she suspects it will come right back up. So she leaves, with only a shake of her head to Mary's concerned face, and walks with arms crossed and head ducked to her dormitory. Part of her wishes a hand would close over her arm, turn her around, demand to know what's wrong, pull her into another simmering kiss—and she's suddenly so deep in her fantasy that she's disappointed when he doesn't follow her.
And then she's even more disappointed in herself. She's been a fool, and she's been unfair. And now she stands to lose it all.
It's Mary—dear, loyal Mary—who finds the fragments of her confidence and builds her back into Lily Evans again. Because Lily Evans doesn't mope. Lily Evans doesn't wallow. Lily Evans is vivacious. Lily Evans is strong. Lily Evans goes after what she wants.
Or, rather, who.
She skips down the stairs, heart skipping a few steps more as she spots him immediately, spectating the match of wizard's chess between Sirius and Peter. The stakes are high; she reads that much from the tense hunch of four pairs of shoulders, in the uncanny stillness of four bodies that are usually hyper with movement. But she approaches anyway, because Lily Evans doesn't cower, nor is she intimidated.
At the soft clear of her throat, four pairs of eyes swivel toward her.
"Hey, Lily," Remus says softly. "Feeling alright? You left dinner pretty quick."
Her stomach turns. "Oh—er, yeah. Just…dealing with some…stuff."
Remus's brow furrows in concern while Sirius's eyebrows rise in amusement. Lily forces her own eyes on James, his expression the same practiced mask of indifference he's worn for weeks.
"Potter, can I talk to you?"
He only shrugs and leans back in his chair, fingers lacing behind his head. "Sure. What's up?"
Lily gnaws on the inside of her cheek. "Outside?"
James opens his mouth like he's going to protest, but Sirius knees him under the table, and they share a silent conversation right in front of her eyes. But then James is huffing to his feet, ruffling his hair, whether out of nerves or annoyance, she can't tell. Maybe both, because that is suddenly exactly how she's feeling.
She turns on her heel and makes for the portrait hole, trusting that James is following her, and waits until she's breached the Fat Lady and reached the nearest empty classroom before she faces him.
Moonlight streaks through the window, washing him in a pale glow that highlights cheekbone, accentuates jaw. His hair is mussed from a day of ruffling it, his glasses smudged from a day of messing with them in class, but he's all the more beautiful for it.
"What do you want, Evans?"
The harsh tone to his voice slices through her dazed admiration, and she winces. "To apologize," she tells him.
He blinks; he hadn't expected that, then.
"And to ask a favor."
A brow lifts. "Cocky of you."
Relief flickers—banter is better than the indifferent civility she's been enduring for weeks—but banter's not what she's here for. "Don't ask Adelaide to Hogsmeade."
His mouth falls dumbly, polite façade cracking to show the openness underneath. Relief flickers again—here he is, the James she knows, the James she fancies, the James who wears his heart on his sleeve and bloody cares.
A muscle twitches in his jaw. Hazel eyes, darkened amongst the shadows, dart between hers. Lily braces for impact; she knows exactly what is about to come out of his mouth, because it is the question he asked her repeatedly when she tried to convince him their first kiss shouldn't have happened.
Her heart thuds against her ribs, on a suicide mission to throw itself straight into his hands.
She is ready.
"This is the last time I'm asking you," James whispers. "Why?"
Lily responds quickly, "You'll break my heart, in the blink of an eye."
He is breathless in his surprise. "I'll—what?"
Her feet take an emboldened step closer. "You asking her out will break my heart."
The sound of her name in that soft exhale squeezes her heart like she's never known.
"I'm sorry," she rushes, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean what I said, I just panicked because I like you, I really like you, James—"
"Wait." He's gripping his hips, gazing down at her with a furrowed brow. "How did you know? About Hogsmeade?"
"Oh, um." She swallows. "Sirius told me."
He pulls his bottom lip under, and Lily can practically see his brain working. "Huh."
Her heart sinks. "Am I…too late?"
His hands drop from his hips and find her arms—there, the touch she'd been craving, been missing—and his eyes are suddenly soft as he murmurs, "No, no, of course not."
"Good." A shaky exhale. "Good."
A smile cracks slowly across his face. "You—really? You fancy me?"
She nods, throat suddenly tight. "A rather absurd amount, actually," she manages.
"Well in that case…" His hands are sliding over her shirtsleeves, brushing her hair over her shoulders, and then he's taking advantage of his newfound access to her neck, palms warm on her skin, thumbs firm against her jaw. "What would you say to going out with me Saturday?"
The answer is out of her mouth before she even thinks it: "Yes."
"Good," he murmurs, and this time the shaky exhale is his. "Good."
Lily tilts her head up and slightly to the right; an invitation of her own. James brushes the pad of his thumb over her lip, curls his forefinger under her chin—and answers with the soft press of his lips on hers.
It's comfort and longing and heat all at once, and they stumble in an off-kilter bumbling of legs back toward the wall as Lily threads her fingers through his hair and James's hands find purchase anywhere and everywhere he can find.
"For the record," he breaths between kisses, "I fancy you—a rather absurd—amount back."
His hips pin her against cold stone.
"I think you've, um—established that."
He smiles against her mouth. "Say, Evans?"
"What would you say to a favor?"
The playfulness in his voice sends her blood sizzling, and she sasses, "Cocky of you."
But he groans, like she knew he would, and happiness floods her nerves, adrenaline surges through her veins, because now their banter is back and now she's heard it from the hippogriff's mouth for real and now she can kiss him and kiss him and kiss him and feel only weightless.
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aylinaliens · 2 years
What do you think youngwoo's dad will think of junho?
I was really worried about Youngwoo’s dad. Before that scene where he was all like ‘BRING THAT PUNK HOME’ I was afraid that he would be…hmm…how do I say this. A true obstacle. I think he still might be (ex. the Boston thing…perhaps something happens and he persuades her to go) but I’m choosing to remain optimistic. Appa Woo clearly infantilizes YW at times and thinks that she’s incapable of making decisions but again…I’m wearing my clown shoes and being optimistic.
My headcanon is that appa Woo is NOT going to like Junho when they first met. I bet YW never tells him that *she* was the punk so the poor man probably thinks this guy just wants to American-Style it up with his daughter. I would be okay with this because I think it would be ✨comedy ✨gold. Junho probably is going to have his life flash before his eyes sjwjdjs that punk scene is giving ‘stereotypical overprotective dad in a drama who is will be a huge tsundere to his daughters boyfriend’ like he’s going to be 😤😡 but once he actually sees them interact or realizes that Junho is so smitten he’s in pain, Youngwoo’s dad will slowly (but surely) open up. I could just imagine YW dad having Junho call him ‘sir’ and making things extremely formal until one day he randomly goes ‘??? son-in-law why are you not calling me dad?? hello ???’
I can deal with YW’s dad being overprotective but comical but if he actually tries to break them up…nope. It’s on sight. I think Tae Sumi would be the one to slide a packet full of money screws the table to separate them or blackmail but I don’t think appa Woo would. Not because he’s any better than her (ugh I have mixed feelings about his character) but if he were to actively break them up he would probably try to um…guilt trip Junho instead 😬
But you know what? Let’s all manifest Hong Dae Young 18 Again vibes for Youngwoo’s dad. Let him be a slightly overprotective goof not our arch nemesis 🙏🙄
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ageofgeek · 3 years
Ok, rewatched Endgame for the first time since seeing it in theaters (also in preparation for Loki), and... 😬
Look. Endgame is an okay film up until the last 15 minutes, and it has some really great scenes.
Now, does the time travel make sense? No. Are the fat!Thor jokes ok? No. Is Smart Hulk kinda weird? Yes. Is the """"gay representation"""" and """"girl power"""" scene forced and uncomfortable and unearned? Yes.
BUT. I really, really like the Time Heist - that entire 2nd act was done so well. I really like the closure we got with Thor & Frigga, Nebula & Gamora, Tony & Howard, etc. I really like the 1st act too - rescuing Tony, the confrontation between Tony & Steve, the 5 year gap, Scott Lang!!!, the Avengers bonding over time travel, etc.
And the final fight scene??? 😙👌 Chef's kiss, amazing. Tony, Steve, and Thor fighting Thanos 3 on 1??? Iconic. King shit. The Big Three finally got a fight scene together and it's awesome!!! The PORTAL SCENE??? brings tears to my eyes every time. Wanda and Carol going 1 on 1 with Thanos (even though it's fucking ridiculous that they didn't kill Thanos right there, just bc of plot armor), Peter and Clint and T'Challa handing off the gauntlet, STEPHEN STRANGE BEING A BADASS? Yes. All yes.
HOWEVER. Will I ever forgive them for killing Tony Stark, when they easily could've had him survive and retire w/ his family? No. Fuck you. It's bullshit and I hate it. News flash - traumatically killing a character who has wanted nothing more than to be at peace and have a normal life isn't a satisfying resolution!!! It just fucking sucks.
Will I ever forgive them for RUINING STEVE'S CHARACTER ARC??? No. This still fucking infuriates me, even more than Tony's death. At least Tony died in character. They ruined Steve - and made Peggy a voiceless love interest with no agency, while fucking up the rules of time travel in the process. And rewatching the movie made me even MORE infuriated, because STEVE SAYS, in this movie, that we have to move forward, we have to move on, and thEN HE JUST DOES THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THAT. HE STAYS IN THE PAST WHERE IT FUCKING SUCKS AND SEGREGATION STILL EXISTS AND WOMEN ARE TREATED LIKE SHIT AND THERE'S NO FUCKING INTERNET AND BUCKY IS STILL A SLAVE TO HYDRA AND HIS ALTERNATE SELF IS STILL IN THE ICE??? LIKE, WTF??? HOW IS THAT A HAPPY ENDING??? Fuck, it infuriates me.
And lastly. Will I ever forgive them for killing Nat, even though all of the narrative and thematic signs point to CLINT being the logical person to sacrifice himself? No. Fuck you x2. They kill Nat on Vormir - where GAMORA also died, because apparently only women die on Vormir - and we're supposed to be happy with it bc, well, Clint has a family! Yeah, you know who also had a family? NATASHA. SHE SAID SO, IN THIS MOVIE - the Avengers are her family! But bc this movie is so fucking heteronormative, Clint's family - and thus, his life - is subtextually judged to be worth more than Natasha's, which is bullshit. Clint had the whole fucking redemption arc laid out before him - loses his family, goes on a killing spree, becomes semi evil, is brought back to the light by his best friend and is motivated by getting his family back at any cost, and then he's given the opportunity to redeem himself and they just...choose to kill Nat instead. For no fucking reason. Like, Clint had a full-on ANAKIN SKYWALKER redemption arc going on and they just said, "Nah, you know what? What if, in ROTJ, Luke died to save Vader?" YEAH, TELL ME HOW THAT'S SATISFYING, MARVEL???
I just.
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So yeah. Turns out that 2 years later, I still have a lot of Thoughts™️ about Endgame.
However, watching the movie again WAS good to get a sense of the time travel/multiverse nonsense that we're going to (hopefully) get into in Loki, so I'm actually going to lay out my thoughts about that in another post.
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cheryls-blossomed · 3 years
I like your thoughts about Barry having an idea that Iris also reciprocated his romantic feelings. Looking back there were hints to this. The biggest being Barry being petty af even before the 1x15 confession. He even said he guess he was too slow when talking to Joe. If he honestly thought Iris ONLY saw him as a best friend, what difference would it have made how he felt. Why bother telling her if he felt she only had platonic feelings for him. Joe even said Barry knew Iris had feelings for him in I believe 1x20. Henry & Eddie also knew that the relationship wasn’t one sided, again not just after 1x9 but before. Iris talks about her life being full before Eddie with her job, Joe and Barry. How’s that possible? Because she and Barry were practically dating without officially dating. Yes it was harder for Iris to pinpoint her feelings because like you said she’s only known a Barry that’s been in love her. Only when Barry wakes up from the coma does the conflict within herself really start. Iris was still saying she liked Eddie even after dating for 9 months. Only when Barry wakes up from the coma does she start saying she loved Eddie, almost like she was trying to convince herself she was. Then you have Barry confessing his feelings in 1x9, then turning around and saying he’s over her in 1x13, then confessing he lied about being over her in 1x15 (of course that was erased) but he said what he said in 1x16 😬. They talk again about their feelings in 1x21. Iris made it clear if feelings were out in the open sooner, she wouldn’t even be with Eddie. We see that Iris is upset with Barry for keeping secrets, according to her life changing secrets, not just the secret about the Flash but about his feelings for her but he called her out as well because she was keeping the same secret regarding her feelings. So basically it was a crazy emotional roller coaster ride in S1. It makes sense that this was part of Barry’s frustration with the Iris/Eddie relationship was the fact that Barry knew Iris harbored romantic feelings for him and now because of the coma, he felt he lost his chance to explore those long unspoken feelings and be with her. So much to unpack about earlier seasons now that I’m older and can go back and watch with more experienced eyes and catch things that I may have missed as my younger self or think about differently as my older self. I have my thoughts about Patty too that I’ll put in a different asks. This one is long enough 😬
Completely agree! Your thoughts here are very astute!
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