#...ok...breathe...we're not going down that road again
Go Walk
Joel Miller x Reader
Summary: "For the record," I mutter under my breath, "if this was Coachella, I wouldn't have ever driven off with a grandpa."
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, age gap w joel (≥10), chaotic mom!reader, petty!joel, baby girl!ellie, married couple fights™, angst?, fluff, slice of life, typos etc.
A/N: @sloanexx ito na. i snapped. indulge. also i havent proofread this so (: indulge in typos <3 I also cross-posted this on my AO3 <3 so yea lol Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace Technical p2 "Editorial"
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The silence beyond the tires whirring on asphalt was cut by two words, "do it."
I ignore her.
"Do it."
I turn over my shoulder and stare at Ellie.
"Do it," she repeats as I look front, "it's just us and skeletons."
I roll my eyes, "ok."
"What? There were, like, 10 skeletons outside."
"You managed to count them all?" I cross my arms and look out from my side of the car.
"I did actually."
I lick my lips, eyes flickering to the driver who could not care less about our conversation.
"Do it."
I huff through my nose.
"Do it."
Joel's eyes flicker to the rear view mirror.
"Do it."
I shift in the front seat of the car.
"Do it," Ellie mutters louder, "Do it. Do it."
"Ellie, I swear to go-" I start.
"Do i-"
"Shut up," Joel grumbles
The tires scrape against the road. Ellie and I tense where Joel relaxes. His elbow goes on the side of the door, he leans his head in one hand while the other stays on the wheel.
I look to the rearview mirror. Ellie is looking at me. She mouths, "do it."
I press my lips and steal a look at Joel. He looks exasperated. I will get into trouble for this. But then again, when is he not exasperated, and when do I never not get into trouble?
Click. Off goes my seat belt.
Ellie's lips part.
Click. The window to my right goes down.
Ellie grins.
Quickly, I fold my knees and push myself up on my seat. I stick out my head and torso, flailing my hands up and out of the window. I shriek with glee. My hair flies back. Wind catches in my mouth. It's exhilarating.
Ellie cheers from the inside.
Rip. I am ripped back in, my shirt fisted in an iron clasp, my eardrums hammered by curses and growls laced with a Southern drawl, my eyes widened even through my squint of discomfort.
"It was my idea."
"That's what she wants you to think!"
"Joel--" I huff.
He pulls away, closes the windows from the main panel, then grips both hands on the steering wheel.
"I was talking to her about going to Coachella," I trail off.
Joel scoffs, shaking his head, then turning back to me to give a gnarly stank eye, "does this fucking look like Coachella to you?"
I turn away from him and lick my teeth, "obviously it doesn't."
"Come on, Joel, she was just feeling sentimental," Ellie says, "it's nice not to be so--"
"Well, she better stop being sentimental real soon or it's going to get us all killed."
"Alright," I pinch my fingers together, "I'm sorry I did it, okay. But I already did it, there's no point in-"
"No!" Joel snaps, turning to me for a second, "you don't get to say that to me after pulling a stunt like that!"
"Joel, it's fine. I won't do it again-"
"No, it's not fine! What if someone heard us and comes-"
"No one's going to foll-"
"Ohemgee is that a truck following after-"
"Ellie," Joel growls, "I swear to g-"
"EXACTLY!" Ellie squeals, "NO ONE'S HERE!"
"I'm trying to keep you morons alive and you're purposefully making it harder!" Joel hisses.
I suck in a breath and place my hand on his arm, "Joel. Ok. I know-"
"It's not a big deal!" Ellie crosses her arms and leans back, "we're in the middle of nowhere for miles. You said it yourself."
"Ellie," I scold.
"Well," Joel huffs as he catches sight of our destination, "it will become a big deal once something bad happens, won't it?"
I recoil at his actions and huff. Ellie and I make eye contact, then I roll my eyes. I turn to the window, "for the record," I mutter under my breath, "if this was Coachella, I wouldn't have ever driven off with a grandpa."
Ellie slaps her hands on her mouth.
The tires skid. I shoot forward, held back only by the seatbelt I didn't even realize was put back on me. The engine hums and groans. Joel's knuckles turn white.
I turn to him. He grinds his teeth. My eyes widen as I turn to Ellie. We both chew our lips.
Joel slaps his hands on his lap as he turns to me, "by all means then," he motions, "feel free to walk."
Ellie's jaw slacks as she looks between us.
"What?" my upper lip curls.
Joel unlocks the door from the main control, "you can go scream at a tree and reminisce about Coachella outside the car."
I scoff and make a face of disbelief, "you want me to get out?"
Joel's face hardens. He doesn't respond though.
I trace my bottom lip with my tongue as I nod my head, "okay then."
"No don't lea- why are you getting out!" Ellie cries.
Thump. The door closes.
Skid. The tires grind against the asphalt as Joel drives off and Ellie twists to look at me from the backseat. Her eyes are wide, "YOU'RE ACTUALLY LEAVING HER."
"I gave her a choice," Joel notes bitterly.
"YOU ASKED HER TO LEAVE!" Ellie snaps.
"I said she was free to walk, and she chose to walk!" Joel counters.
Ellie turns back front and tugs at Joel's arm, "STOP DRIVING!"
Joel does not budge nor respond.
"She's a big girl," he quips, "all high and mighty with her attitude," he grumbles softly then raises his voice, "it'd do her good to walk back to base."
"You're an asshole!" Ellie says, crossing her arms.
Joel does not respond. His eyes flicker to the rear view mirror. He lets out a breath.
The moment they arrive and Joel parks, Ellie bursts out the door and begins to walk off.
"Hey!" Joel calls as he gets out of the car, "where do you think you're going?"
"To wait for her," she eyes him, "asshole."
"No," Joel marches to her and grabs her arm, "you're not going to walk to he-"
"I'm not going to walk to her!" Ellie snaps, pulling out of Joel's grip, "I'm just going to wait for her by the lamppost!"
Joel's attention darts to the broken, mossy lamppost, then to the barely visible figure, slowly inching forward from a distance. He turns back to Ellie then turns to the car, "fine. Help me put the things inside first."
"I'll do it la-"
"You'll do it now," Joel commands as he, himself, begins to unpack the supplies they managed to get.
Ellie grumbles and begrudgingly follows, "asshole."
By the time I arrive to our base, I smile at Ellie who dashes over to me and gives me a hug.
I can't help but laugh at her as I hug her back, "you're acting like I came back home from war."
"Joel's an asshole for leaving you," Ellie says against our embrace.
We pull away. I brush her baby hair back as she hooks her arm around my waist. I ask, "did you tell him that?"
"I also gave him the finger," Ellie says to me as she does the gesture.
"You shouldn't have done that," I drape my arm on her shoulders as we walk back, "he'll be all sulky about it."
"He deserved it," she retorts, "what if something did happen?"
I shake my head, "Ellie."
"No- I know... but what if-"
"Joel wouldn't have left me if he wasn't sure I'd be fine," I gesture to myself, "and I am. Call him a caring douchebag."
Ellie sighs, "he's so dramatic."
I let out a high pitched sound.
She snorts as she kicks a rock and then turns back to me, "nah, you're so right. You definitely are the dramatic one between the three of us."
"Hey," I raise a brow at her as I crush her into me, "you're the one that complains about doing the dishes."
"As if you weren't the one that eats the most."
"Hey, I'm a growing child!" she pouts, "and I, for one, think that I should only wash the dishes that he use."
I hum, "maybe you should walk then, because you can't drive."
"That's so not the same thing."
I shake my head and narrow my eyes, "it is, actually."
We make it inside the abandoned house we had been staying at and immediately, I look around for Joel.
"He's fixing the car," she begins to mime, "and doing the thing with the tube and the stick and-"
I raise a hand, "I got it."
"I personally think he's making an excuse so that he wouldn't have to talk to you right now," Ellie says as we head to the kitchen.
I smirk at her, "you reckon he'll make me sleep on the floor?"
Ellie laughs, "geez, I hope he doesn't. It's fucking freezing."
We begin to unpack some of the food we got.
"He's be a mega-asshole if he did," she makes a half-amused face.
I scrunch up my nose and nod.
"But if he does, I'll let you sleep with me, even though your a blanket hoarder."
I raise my hands up, "it's not like I can control that."
"You also have an iron grip, so I can't even pull it back on me," she tilts her head.
"Again," I open a can of beans, "I can't control that."
"You also move a lot when you sleep."
"Can't contro-"
"I change my mind," Ellie makes a face, "you should just get on your knees and beg..." she raises a finger, "or whatever it is you do when you're on your knees."
I release a breath.
She raises her hands and pulls her head back, "hey, two consenting adults."
"Okay," I quickly change the subject, "you know, I was thinking of fainting halfway through the walk, but then I figured I'd freeze to death before Joel came for me. Also he'd use it against me if I ever use the fact I used to jog a lot before as a reason to bring me on his 'solo' runs."
Ellie thinks for a moment, "that could work though, the fainting."
I snort, "what, should I faint just as he walks in the room?"
I dramatically throw my head back and place the back of my hand on my forehead, "he'd freak if I did."
Ellie and I giggle.
"If you faint, I'll put your body in the dumpster," Joel says as he walks in, pushing past me to something from the counter, then walks back.
Ellie and I purse our lips tightly as we watch him leave the room.
Once he's gone, Ellie and I begin to giggle again. She mutters, "asshole."
Later that night, after tucking Ellie in and kissing her good night, I went outside where Joel was still working on the car.
I shudder at the cold and wrap my arms around myself, "the jig is up, it's time to go to bed."
"I'm almost done," Joel mutters.
I roll my eyes, spotting the food I gave him, stagnant and cold in the place I put it hours ago, "you said that already."
Joel wipes his hand on the back of his pants then grunts. He circles from the front of the car to the driver's seat and starts the engine.
I breathe in deeply and huff, "you want some help?"
The car starts, then abruptly stops. Joel then closes the door and shoves something in his pocket, "I'm done." He walks to the open hood and bangs it close. He grabs his plate of food and begins eating as he walks past me.
I huff once more as I trail off after him.
"I made some tea," I mutter, "it's probably an piss cold now but-"
"Piss isn't cold," Joel retorts with a mouthfull.
I rub my eye.
We reach the kitchen, and by that time, Joel finished half of his plate. I give him a look as I watch him eat, "fucking hell, Joel, calm down. No one's going to take that from you."
"It tastes shit," he mumbles.
"Yeah," I cross my arms, "it was bearable when it was hot."
Joel shoves some more food in his mouth. I grunt, "and you didn't even wash your hands!" I chastise, walking over to him to push him to the sink.
Joel grunts as he moves to the sink against his will. He chews with full cheeks as he washes his hand in the miracle sink that had water.
He swallows before he mutters, "motor oil poisoning is the least of your problems, babe."
"Oh, yeah," I cock my head to the side as I hand him box of soap, "seems like it's at the top of your list, actually."
Joel finishes washing his hands before he averts his attention back to his food and mutters, "you're at the top of my list."
I watch as he stuffs his face again then walk up to him to pat his shoulder, "consider me flattered, big boy."
Before I could walk off, I am held back by my arm. I turn to Joel. His chewing slows. He releases his hold on me and leans on his palms, "stay."
I turn back to him and wrap my arms around myself.
Joel finishes the last of his food, thankfully, at a slightly slower pace.
I rub my arms as the cold nips at me.
"You want my jacket?"
I shake my head.
Joel adjusts the collar of his jacket, "you sure?"
"What is this, a romcom?"
Joel shrugs, "you tell me, you're the writer."
I lean my hip on the counter as I gesture at him, "this seems more like an apocalypse to me."
"Huh," he finishes the last of his food, "I wouldn't have guessed."
I purse my lips into a soft smile as Joel begins to wash his plate, "a dash of horror... maybe some farce."
The sound of water fills the beat of silence.
"Is Ellie asleep?"
I grunt, "I kissed her goodnight cause you were still brooding."
He doesn't respond. Joel finishes washing his plate. He puts it away and wipes his hands on a towel. He and I look at each other in silence.
Joel puts the towel down then mimics my stance. He leans back on the sink. I rub my arms. He crosses his.
I roll my shoulders back, "so."
"So," he repeats.
"Is this your way of saying you're still mad at me?"
"I'm mad at you?" Joel tilts his head.
"I don't know, are you?"
"Am I?"
"Would I want to stare at you if I were mad at you?"
I knit my brows, "is that what's happening?"
He looks at me.
"You're looking at me cos I'm hot?" I raise my brows and motion, "I haven't showered in days."
"Neither have I."
"Trust me, I can tell."
A moment passes. I cross my arms, "Joel-"
"Fine," he sighs, "I'm still annoyed at what you did."
"Okay. Which one?" I pucker my lips in thought, "the screaming or the old man joke."
"What do you think?" Joel deadpans, crossing his arms.
I walk up toward him and grab my chin in fake thought, "hmmmm, the second one."
I stop when I am directly in front of him and lean close to his face, "I don't actually think you're a grandpa."
He blinks.
I chuckle and reach out to his face. I rub his cheeks with my thumb as I kiss him. For a moment, I can feel him melt against me. I feel it in how he sighs and leans closer. When he doesn't reach out for me, I pull away and huff at his furrowed brows. I will the tension away as I stroke them.
He really wasn't about to let this go.
Joe stands up straight only to lean his forehead against mine, "scream like that again, I'll make you scream then gag you."
With that, he pulls away and walks off. I just stand there.
"Come on," he calls, "I'm stuck with you tonight since Ellie doesn't want you sleeping next to her."
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s0urw00lf · 7 months
Two peas in a pack : Magic bullet
Stiles stilinski x reader
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An: I knowwww it’s been a while… do what to say and this wasn’t even hard to write… no excuse. Anyway enjoy!
    Scott Stiles and y/n were all sat in class as their teacher handed out test results. Stiles, who was sitting to y/ns right and behind Scott, tapped Scott on the shoulder getting his attention. "If Derek isn't the alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who is?" He asked, y/n nodded "Great question". Scott pondered for a second before answering "I don't know". Stiles sat back but quickly leaned forward again. "Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" He asked, and again Scott answered "I don't know"  Stiles sat back again exhaling dramatically loudly, before leaning up again "Does Allison's dad know-" he said but was cut off by Scott "i dont know!" He said way louder, attracting the attention of the whole class momentarily. The teacher had finally reached the trio, y/n looked down at her paper and smiled at the circled A+ at the corner of her paper, she looked over to Stiles and he showed his that just read A. Y/n smirked when she showed hers, laughing at the way stiles face dropped. Y/n took a quick glimpse at Scott while smiling and her smile immediately dropped, making Stiles turn to look. His face mirrored y/ns shock. "Dude you need to study more" Stiles said jokingly "Yeah Scott I knew you were failing, but I didn't think it was this bad" y/n said going along with Stiles's teasing "Okay we’re joking. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up," stiles said trying to lift Scott's spirits, "He's right. Hey, I'll even help you study," Y/n said. Scott sighed "No it's okay, I'm studying with Allison today," Scott said nonchalantly. Stiles plastered a surprised expression on his face "That's my boy" he said making y/n groan. "We're just studying," Scott said shutting down what everyone knew Stiles was referring to. "Uh uh. No, you're not," he said pushing his case.
    "No, I'm not?" Scot said questioningly. "Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to go I will have you de-balled" Stiles ranted. "Don't feel pressured Scott, it's nobody's fault Stiles can't get laid" y/n said, smirking when Stiles looked at her with one eye squinted. "Not like you can either y/n," he said arguing back. "Oh no I can, I just choose not to." She said widening her smirk. "Okay! Just stop with the questions man" Scott said interrupting the banter. "Done. No more questions... no more talk about the alpha or Derek. Especially Derek who still scares me." He said. As soon as y/n heard Stiles mention Derek y/n began to get an overwhelming sense that Derek was nearby. She immediately brushed it off not seeing how he'd be able to get in the school during school hours.
    the school had just let out and y/n followed Stiles to his jeep and laughed as he happily jumped in. He pulled out and began to drive out of the parking lot but was abruptly stopped by a very sickly-looking Derek Hale standing in the middle of the road holding his hand up as if to say "Stop". " you gotta be kidding me this guy everywhere" "Ok seriously this guy’s everywhere" y/n said at the same time as stiles, as they looked around for Scott hearing honking from behind them. Scott ran up to the driver's side, then to Derek making both y/n and Stiles get out and do the same. "What are you doing here," Scott asked kneeling beside Derek. "I was shot" Derek replied with labored breaths. "He's not looking so good dude," Stiles said. "Why aren't you healing?" Y/n whispered yelled as she knelt as well. "I can't. It was a different kind of bullet." He answered. "A silver bullet?" Stiles asked. "No you idiot," Derek said glaring up at Stiles. Scott's eyes widened "Wait. That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours," Scott said. "What? Who said 48 hours?" Derek asked. "the one who shot you" Scott answered. Just then Derek groaned and his eyes shifted to the glowing blue. Y/n looked around panicking making sure nobody was close enough to have seen it. "What are you doing? Stop that" she hissed. Derek shook his head "That's what I'm trying to tell you. I can't." He growled breathlessly. "Derek. Get up!" Scott demanded.
The honking began to get more consistent. Scott lifted Derek as y/n opened the door before climbing into the back seat. "I need you to find the kind of bullet they used," Derek said as Scott closed the door to the jeep. "How the hell am I supposed to do that?" He asked.  "Because she's an argent, she's with them," he said. "Why should I help you?” Scott asked "Because you need me," Derek said, making y/n sigh. He was right and Scott knew it "Fine, I'll try. Hey get him out of here" Scott said to Stiles who had just gotten in the driver's seat. "I hate you so much for this," Stiles said through gritted teeth, before pulling off.
They'd been driving for about 30 minutes in silence and Stiles sighed picking up his phone to call Scott, he sighed even louder when he didn't answer, so he decided to text. 'Did you find it?' To which Scott replied 'need more time' making stile slam his phone on the seat, he looked over to Derek who had come out of his jacket "Hey try not to bleed out on my seats, okay?" He said. "Hey stiles ease up, he's shot," Y/n said, stiles again sighed "Fine. We're almost there anyway" he stated. "Almost where?" Derek asked. "Your house," Stiles said. "What? No, you can't take me there" Y/n sighed putting in her earbuds to not hear the two bicker, even when Stiles abruptly stopped the jeep. She thought it was best for them to sort out their differences.
Hours had passed and y/n groaned, they were parked on the side of the road and she was at the point now where she was aggravated. She got out of the car and dialed Scott's number. Surprised when he picked up
Y/n- Hello Scott it's me one of the two friends you so graciously forgot about that is sitting with the dying wolf... where the hell are you!?
Scott- I'm sorry they made me stay for dinner, where are you?
Y/n - parked on the side of the road. Where we have been for going on 2 hours!
She said getting back in the car, holding her phone out for Stiles to take
Stiles - what are we supposed to do with him?!
Scott- take him somewhere. Anywhere!
Stiles- and by the way he's starting to smell
Scott- Like what
Stiles- Like death
Scott- ok, take him to the animal clinic
Stiles- What about your boss
Scott- He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster
Stiles sighed "You’re not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you,” he said handing Derek the phone
Derek- Did you find it?
Scott- How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million. This house is like the freaking Walmart of guns
Derek- If you don't find it, then I'm dead, alright?
Scott- I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing
Derek- Then think about this the alpha called you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time you either kill with him or you get killed. So if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet.
Derek hung up the phone and handed it back to y/n. Stiles started the jeep and they began on their merry way to the animal clinic. "Isn't it ironic we're taking an injured werewolf to an animal clinic?" y/n said with a laugh. "Don't forget you were bitten too" Derek huffed. Y/n made eye contact with Stiles through the mirror and smiled
They arrived at the clinic and Stiles unlocked the door, Derek plopped down on the animal food, y/n got a message from Scott "Does Nordic blue monkshood mean anything to you?" Y/n asked Derek. "It's a rare form of wolfsbane. He has to bring it to me" he said. "Why?" Stiles asked. Derek looked Stiles dead in the face "Because I'm gonna die without it". Y/n sighed a little more panicked she texted Scott with urgency 'You need to get here NOW'
Y/n followed Derek and Stiles through to the operation room. Derek discarded his shirt to which y/n's eyes widened and quickly looked away, and Stiles was quick to look over to see  y/n's reaction.
The wound looked horrible if y/n was being honest, "You know that doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night's sleep couldn't take care of." Stiles said making y/n shake her head. "When the infection reaches my heart it'll kill me." Derek panted. "You know you really know how to be optimistic," y/n said sarcastically. Both y/n and Stiles watched as Derek rummaged through the drawers and cabinets obviously in search of something. “If he doesn’t get here with the bullet in time, I have a last resort,” he said. “Which is?” Stiles asked. The pair stared at Derek as he pulled out some sort of electric saw “You’re gonna cut off my arm.” Derek answered. This shocked the room into silence as y/n and Stiles racked their brains for something to say. “Oh my god! What if you bleed to death?” Stiles exclaimed. “It’ll heal if it works,” Derek said through clenched teeth as he tied a band around the bicep of his wounded arm. “I can't do this” y/n muttered as she turned away from Derek gagging. stiles nodded his head “Look, I don’t know if I can do this” Stiles explained, sounding like he was trying his best to hold back a gag.
“Why not?” Derek asked, still tying the band. “Well because of the cutting through the flesh-“ “the sawing of the bone!” “And the blood!” “Especially the blood.” Y/n and Stiles said bouncing off each other’s sentences. “Derek sighed dropping his arm onto the table “You faint at the sight of blood?” Derek asked grunting. “No, but we might at the sight of a chopped-off arm!” Stiles said, making y/n nod along. “Yeah no I can't I’m sorry Derek,” Y/n said. “Alright fine. Either you cut off my arm or I'm gonna cut off your head.” Derek said to Stiles. “Okay, you know what? I'm so not buying your threats-“Stiles was cut off by Derek grabbing his shirt and slamming him to the table “All right, bought, sold, totally, I’ll do it” Stiles rambled.
Y/n groaned “You’re an ass sometimes you know that?” She said to Derek “But I'll pass you this time because you’re dying” Y/n said before Derek leaned over and puked some sort of black substance right at his feet “Holy god, what the hell is that!?” “Jesus, I just might projectile vomit,” y/n said gagging while turning away from Derek for the second time tonight. “It’s my body trying to heal itself,” Derek said “Well it isn’t doing a good job,” Y/n said moving towards Stiles. “Now. You gotta do it now.” Derek said to Stiles. But y/n's ears picked up something unusual. The fast breathing of someone coming closer to the clinic, but how could she hear that? How all of a sudden. She heard something drop and hurried footsteps “Guys I think Scott’s here. Y/n muttered “Stiles? Y/n?”. Y/n's head shot up towards the door, she was right. Scott popped through the doorway seeing Stiles holding the saw to Derek’s arm “What the hell are you doing?” Scott almost yelled. Stiles let out a relieved chuckle “Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares.” Stiles said. “Did you get it?” Derek asked. Scott hurriedly dug the bullet out of his pocket and gave it to Derek. “What are you gonna do with it?” Y/n asked “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-” Derek panted before he fell to the ground passed out and dropped the bullet. Scott hurriedly chased after it while Stiles and y/n worked on waking him up.
Y/n tuned out the yelling as she thought, but only one option came to mind. “We have to hit him. Hard” Stiles looked at her as if she was crazy “It's the only way, we don’t have that salt here, we don’t know what to do with the bullet so we can't do it ourselves.” Y/n rushed “We have to hit him”. Stiles looked down at Derek “Please don't kill me for this” he said before he punched Derek square in the face. “Ow, god” Stiles hissed as he shook his hand in pain, Derek had woken up. “Give me,” he said softly as Scott handed them the bullet, and y/n and Stiles helped him up. Derek quickly got to work biting the tip off the bullet and emptying the powder before lighting it on fire, a blue smoke emitted from the substance. He wiped the powder from the table into his hand as he took a breather before pouring it into the bullet wound making him yell out in agony, as he fell to the ground still yelling the trio watched grimacing at his yells of pain, but their wasn’t much they could do. They watched as the wound quickly healed, “that was AWESOME!” Stiles cheered pumping his fist in the air “Are you okay?” Y/n asked. “Aside from the agonizing pain,” Derek remarked. Making y/n roll her eyes “I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health” Stiles said making Derek glare at him. “Okay, we saved your life, which means you’re gonna leave us alone,” Scott said, y/n groaned and walked away muttering “I’ve had enough testosterone for one day”.
She situated herself in the waiting room of the clinic, now able to fully focus on how her body was changing. Her muscles are more defined, she’s hearing better, and if she were to guess she's stronger too, which means the bite did take effect and she’s turned. But into what? She asked herself before Derek walked passed her and out of the clinic with Scott following. She watched them leave wondering where they were going. Stiles soon walked into the waiting room, joining y/n. “where are they going?” Y/n asked softly. Stiles shrugged “Something about the argents, I don’t know,” he said. Y/n smiled “he really is whipped,” Y/n said looking at Stiles, almost lovingly. Stiles chuckled returning her stare “Yeah, he is” he said, not breaking the stare. The atmosphere began to get tense, both wondering if the other felt the same. Y/n was the first to break the eye contact, chuckling “We should lock up” she said looking anywhere but at Stiles. “Yeah,” he agreed. So they got to work cleaning Derek’s puke first then locking up around the clinic, making sure to leave it as they found it. The pair got in Stiles's jeep and drove home, the atmosphere wasn’t exactly tense but it was too much for y/ns liking. It didn’t take long for her to build up the courage to grab Stiles's hand. Stiles whipped his head towards y/n and stared in shock. Y/n laughed “Eyes on the road you big goof, and close your mouth, you're gonna catch flies,” she said, and Stiles nodded turning back towards the road but squeezing her hand just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming when he felt her squeeze back his heart soared over the moon.
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Road Hazard (dp x dc)
Cassie looked to the side at the boy sitting next to her in the small waiting room.
"You nervous?" she asked and he looked up from whatever he was doing with his phone to answer.
"Eh." The guy answered with a vague hand motion and Cassie had to squash the need to pat his head kindly. Though he had to be at least sixteen if he was taking driving lessons, he looked way younger. With his messy black hair and big blue eyes he made her think of a disgruntled kitten that had been scruffed abruptly.
"I'm sure you'll do great!" Cassie couldn't help but want to encourage him. She herself had only just started taking the classes since she'd never found the time before.
But her words seemed to have the opposite effect as she wanted as the kid seemed to deflate at her words. "It's going to go terrible," he bemoaned.
"Don't say that," the demigoddess chided. "We're still learning this stuff. It's normal to have some issues still." She pointed to herself. "I can't seem to park, like, at all."
"It's not the same," the guy said. "Bad driving is in my blood. I'm literally destined to be awful at this. I had to take classes two hours away from my hometown because they didn't want to let me behind the wheel."
"Look," there Cassie paused, realizing she didn't know his name. "Danny," the kid provided helpfully after the short silence. "Cassie," she introduced herself.
"It's just a joint practice," she said. "So you won't be evaluated today. Nobody's expecting miracles here. So don't worry so much, ok?"
The kid exhaled audibly and let himself sag. "Yeah," Danny said. "Yeah, ok."
"Let's just do our best and have fun!" Cassie gave him a smile she hoped was encouraging and his own lips tugged upwards in response.
"Cassie Sandmark and Danny Fenton?" called the voice of the receptionist. The two stood up and were directed towards a man looking to be in his forties holding car keys.
"Who wants to start us off?" the man said.
Cassie looked to Danny. "Want to start?"
The kid heaved a breath. "Sure," he said, trying to sound resolute.
"Let's go," said the instructor, giving the keys to Danny before guiding them towards the car.
Danny got in the driver's seat, and Cassie looked on as he went through the steps of rearranging the seat and mirrors, putting on his belt. Then, the instructor gave the go ahead and Danny switched from park to reverse. He took off the hand brake before twisting around. He started reversing the car jerkily.
"Easy," the instructor said, then after a moment spoke up again. "Alright now you can go forward and merge with traffic."
Danny put the car to drive and took a deep breath as he signaled with the blinking light his next move. So far so good, thought Cassie.
And as if the universe had heard her, that was the moment Danny went full throttle on the gas pedal, propulsion the three of them onto the street, narrowly missing getting rear ended by the truck behind them. Cassie's yelp was drowned out by the cacophony of honks that sounded just behind her.
"Easy, easy, easy, easy!" the instructor was repeating which, to his credit, did seem to get Danny to slow down a bit, but then the traffic light in front turned yellow and the car once again roared to life as they dashed forward. This time the instructor yelped as well as one straggling pedestrian had to jump out of the way of the moving car.
So maybe, Danny hadn't been exaggerating after all.
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spiteless-xo · 11 months
hi tiff (っ^▿^) / how do you think aot boys would react/respond if you don’t say i love you back to them? btw i love your headcanons sm ♡
🥰 ty for the request!! sorry to taking so long to get to it, i have been in a bit of a slump these past few months but i think i'm finally breaking out of it
this is assuming that you guys are already in an established relationship and have said ilu to each other before in the past, and you're just being bratty 💀
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╰┈➤ when you don't say "i love you" back - aot.
ft. eren, jean. cw. suggestive content in eren's.
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⋙ eren jaeger.
he's about to leave for the gym one day so he comes up to you and gives you a lil kiss on the cheek and says, "i love you!" all cheerful and happy and you're just like, "uh huh." and he's so used to you saying it back that he doesn't even realize that you didn't until he's in the car.
then he's driving to this gym with his eyebrows scrunched together like, "wait... did i hear that right?" he thinks about it the entire drive and he's already got his phone pulled out of his pocket as he's parking and dialing your number.
"oh, haha, hey babe. i just realized i forgot to say i love you when i left -- so, i love you!" and he's still smiley and cheerful and then you're like, "no, you said it! thanks for calling though!"
and now he's mad. because he's given you an opportunity to say it back and you're still not, so he's grumpy with you on the phone. "did i do something wrong? why are you giving me attitude?"
and you're still just acting like nothings wrong until he gets so frustrated that he just hangs up. so now he's angry at the gym and he's throwing weights around and literally just radiating negative energy.
he comes home and practically kicks the door open and storms over to you on the couch. he's still sweaty and breathing hard from the gym and you just look up at him like 😳 "can i help you?"
and he's like, "tell me you love me." and you're trying to hold back your giggles as you say, "of course, i do, eren." and he's like, "no, i want to hear you say the words."
and now he's got you pinned down to the couch underneath him and his hands are pressed into the cushions on either side of your head and he just looks so mad and finally you're like, "ok, i'm sorry -- i love you!"
but then he just smirks down at you and his eyes still have that burning intensity to them as he stares down at you and he's like, "let me remind you how much you love me, so you don't forget again."
⋙ jean kirstein.
you and jean are driving out of town to go spend the holidays with his parents, and when you guys stop for gas, he gives you a kiss before he gets out of the car and says, "i'll be back in a minute -- love you!" and you're just like, "ok." and go back to scrolling on your phone.
he thinks it's weird, so he goes into the gas station and buys a few of your favourite treats. when he gets back into the car with your snacks, you get really excited and thank him and he says, "anything for you. you know i love you, right?" and you're just like, "uh huh!" while munching on your food.
he's got one hand on the wheel and his other elbow resting on the centre console as you guys drive out. he's quiet for a long while, trying to think up why you'd be angry with him until he finally asks, "are you upset about having to see my parents?"
and you assure him that's not the case while you're happily enjoying your treat and he just looks over at you in confusion. "then what's going on? are you mad at me?" again, you assure him that nothing's wrong and he turns back to the road feeling even more confused.
he thinks about everything he might've done wrong these past few days. did he leave beard hairs in the sink after trimming? did he forget an anniversary? (he lowkey breathes into his palm to check to see if his breath stinks or something and you're just too shy to tell him.)
finally, he's like, "whatever i did, i'm really sorry. i don't like it when we're fighting like this." and you assure him again that nothing's wrong, but he looks over at you like a kicked puppy and you have to cave.
you tell him you were just being silly and you didn't mean anything and he literally breathes out a big sigh of relief. "i thought you were going to break up with me!" he says, reaching across the console to grab your thigh. he gives you a firm squeeze, mostly to reassure himself that things are ok and you rest your palm on top of his.
"i'm sorry, jean, i love you," you say, and you watch his face break out into a grin. but he keeps his eyes on the road to try to hide his blush. "duh, i know that," he scoffs and then he reaches across your lap into the bag of treats from the gas station. "gimmie one of your candies, i deserve it after all of that."
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Heyy, do you have any recommendations of fanfics named after Hozier's (our lord and savior) songs? Especially more recent ones since both season 2 and his new album were released relatively close.
Thank you very much, your work is amazing!!!
There are... so many. We're previously recommended some fics inspired by Hozier here. Here are some series two Hozier fics...
no grave can hold my body down (i'll crawl home to you) by AK_Qhyrstol (T)
Keep driving, keep driving… He’d been holding his breath for hours, trying not to let the lump in his throat and the burn in his eyes win. His lips were pursed and tight, desperately holding back the sobs screaming in his lungs. Where could he even go? There wasn’t anywhere for him to go. -- Or: After Aziraphale leaves Earth for Heaven, Crowley gets in the Bentley and drives, and drives, and drives...
The Choiceless Hope in Grief (That Drove Him Underground) by aac0577 (NR)
Post-Breakup, Muriel and Crowley talk. Aziraphale and Crowley do too.
It's More the Being Unknown by sam_rvb (G)
The last few months have been a bit of a blur for Crowley, who has been trying to figure out what to do with himself since Aziraphale left him for Heaven. He's taken up residence in the bookshop alongside Muriel, who finds a new room to explore and asks Crowley if it's okay for them to read the newly discovered books within.
from eden by tlsonetwothree (G)
In the wake of Aziraphale’s destruction of Crowley’s heart, there is a certain solace he finds in the Earth they once shared. The demon takes a road trip to a cottage in the South Downs, where he tries to pick up the pieces of his heart and soul, both of which left when his world did.
The fear in its eyes, Gone out in an instant. Your tear caught the light, The Earth from a distance. by bl0rb0 (T)
Aziraphale has never seen Crowley cry. He’s been there in the rare moments the man-shaped being has done so, but Crowley always turns away or flees somewhere unknown. Aziraphale doesn't know that a piece of the Starmaker resides in Crowley, in the form of his tears. Crowley’s tears are filled with Holy Water and every time he cries, his tears make themselves known on his cheeks as a form of scars and burns. When Aziraphale leaves to heaven, Crowley hides in his beloved Bently to cry his sorrows away. He hoped it would be a short cry, one that goes just as quickly as it came and then he can return to his sarcastic and bitter self. But years go by and Crowley’s cheeks and hands have scarred over and he refuses to come out of hiding until a lighthearted and once naive angel pulls him out.
Don't Fall Away From Me by dream_animal (NR)
“Ok…” Crowley ran a hand through his hair. “Ok, ok, so - we need a plan. And to do that, we need information, yeah?” “Right,” nodded Muriel, enthusiastically. “Right,” said Crowley. “I suspect it will be a bit more difficult for me to just waltz through Heaven this time, so you’re going to need to—” he cut off with a gasp, like he’d been punched in the gut, and inhaled sharply. “What—" Muriel felt it a moment later, unbidden tears spilling from their eyes. A great despair. A wave of agony and anguish. A cosmic imbalance, ripping across the ethereal plane. Angels and demons alike shuddered under the weight of unbearable grief. The universe wept. It was a feeling that had not been felt for millennia. Crowley dropped to his knees. Muriel turned to him, horrified. “It- it’s…” An angel had Fallen. In which Crowley deals with life post-Aziraphale, and Aziraphale deals with the consequences of his decisions. Can they pick up the pieces in time to save the world, again?
Heaven isn't built to house a love like you and I by ItsScottiesStark (T)
They did it. They stopped Armageddon. They survived. This was it, the first time they were actually free to finally figure out what their side entailed. Aziraphale is a being of love. Always has been. And now, all the love he has for Crowley is free to flow from the edge of his fingertips to the demon's, in a gesture that could only mean one thing; I'm with you. I'm here. As much as his hands itch to reach out for the love of his existence, his words seem to fail him, time and time again. He knows Crowley deserves more than gentle hand holding and forehead kisses in the dark. He aches to scream his love from the top of his lungs, for the whole world to hear. And the demon knows it. And he waits. Because he'll wait forever for Aziraphale. Because he knows they are meant to be one. We take a peak into Aziraphale and Crowley's "peaceful, fragile existence" they slowly carve out for themselves after Armage-not. We get to see Aziraphale slowly but surely reach out for the demon time and time again, bringing them closer than ever. Until Jim happens. And it all goes to shit.
- Mod D
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
Can you write something where Mat and his girlfriend get pregnant and it’s not bad but it’s super unexpected and they are very surprised and unsure about everything when it comes to a baby?
unexpected - mat barzal
thank you sm for the request!! loved thinking & writing about this!! sorry for the delay, this has been written for a long time I just delayed posting this lol
word count: 1.5k
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Pregnant. Not one, not two, but four tests confirmed it. Crap.
Tears escaped your eyes, the anxiety eating at you until you ended up crying on the bathroom floor. You were not ready for a baby at all. You loved your boyfriend a lot and had just moved in with after two years together, but both of you were still young and your careers were just really taking off. You had finally gotten your masters and years of hard work and landed a good job and Mat had just signed an amazing deal with the Islanders that would put his career on another level. Throwing a baby into the mix, when you were both so busy already, was not ideal. However, picturing Mat with a little baby in his arms made your heart melt.
After you calmed down and processed the information with a clear mind, you had a couple of hours before Mat would be coming home from a road trip. No matter how many times you played out telling him the news, you got more and more anxious. Mat was a sensitive person and you knew he wouldn't get angry or leave you, but this was huge news at the wrong time.
"Babe? I'm home!," Mats voice rang through the apartment. You hadn't heard him come in or even checked your phone where he'd let you know he was on his way. You smiled softly at him from the couch you were sitting on when he stepped into the living room. He sported a big smile on his face and held a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. "How are you?"
You stood up to hug him tightly, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He was only gone for a few days, but you'd missed him terribly, especially now with you being unexpectedly pregnant, you really needed that hug. You pulled back to kiss him and thank him for the flowers.
"Maty? I need to talk to you." You suddenly got serious, sitting back down, not being able to keep this news bottled up inside you any longer.
"What's wrong?," he asked with concern in his voice when he heard how chocked up you got. With a deep breath and nervously fumbling with your hands, you just blurted it out: "I'm pregnant."
You looked up at him and saw his face go blank. He stared at you for a few seconds before sitting down next to you. "Wha- I- How?"
"I don't know," you whispered. "I guess when I was sick a couple of weeks ago I missed a day or the meds messed with it, I don't know."
"Fuck." He slid his hands through his hair. After a long nervous pause, he broke the silence again. "What do we do?"
"I don't know." You exchanged a glance. "I mean it's not like we're in a bad place right now, but it's not how I pictured us having a family."
"So you wanna keep it?"
"I don't know," you answered. "I think so."
He nodded, buried his face in his hands and then finally got up. "Ok. I- I need to process this." Then he turned around and left. You broke down crying the second you heard the apartment door slam shut. You knew he wouldn't be thrilled, but you didn't think he'd leave you.
But not even a minute after you heard the door slam, Mat came rushing back and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm sorry," he whispered against your head. "That was such a dick move. I'm sorry."
You cried more, clinging to his body for comfort. "Please don't leave me again. I'm scared. I don't know how to do this."
"Fuck, me too. I'm sorry, I panicked. But I won't leave you again. I promise," he mumbled and kissed the top your head. "We'll figure it out, eh?"
You nodded, staying silent, kind of just processing the fact that you were going to be parents.
Over the next couple of weeks things were definitely a little bit awkward in your relationship. You didn't really know how to act around each other, still adjusting to the enormous news you got. But you shared small gestures, glances, and kisses to reassure each other you were in this together and that you wouldn't leave the other.
Today, you had your first doctor's appointment, and you were definitely nervous. But the idea of having a little Mat walk around definitely grew on you and as scared as you were, you couldn't wait to see the little baby.
And you were glad Mat got to be there as well, holding your hand and asking the doctor just as many questions as you, if not more. "So it's ok to have sex?"
You turned red when he asked that question, but the doctor just chuckled. "Yes, that's perfectly safe."
"And there's some foods she can't eat, right?"
"Yes, I'll give you some brochures that will outline what's not recommended and if you still have questions you can always call and ask. Want to see the baby now?"
She got everything set up and walked you through whatever was showing on the monitor. You were shaking, anxious but excited at the same time. When you finally heard the heartbeat, your heart burst. But it wasn't until you looked over to your boyfriend and saw the huge smile on his face that you started to tear up. You squeezed his hand and his eyes wandered to you. You shared a meaning look, before looking back at the screen, watching the baby.
"Looks like you're about 9 weeks along. The heartbeat is strong, everything looks good." The doctor ran some more tests and took some pictures, before giving you a couple of minutes.
As soon as the door closed, Mat leaned over and kissed you. Surprised by his abruptness, it took you a couple of seconds to adjust, but then you kissed him back with just as much passion. Seeing your little baby and hearing it's heartbeat made you overcome with so much happiness you could burst. "We got this, eh?," he laughed, pressing kiss after kiss to your lips.
"Yeah, we got this."
Later that night, you woke up by Mat shaking you awake. "What?," you asked groggily, slapping his hand away.
"Should we get married?" Well that question certainly woke you up.
"What?," you asked, finally opening your eyes and looking up at him.
"Should we get married? I mean, we're having a baby. Shouldn't we be married? And a house. We need a house. This apartment isn't big enough. The little guy is gonna need space and a yard and-"
You stopped him with a soft chuckle by placing your fingers against his lips before he hyperventilated. "Maty, relax." You sat up and turned your bedside lamp on to be able to see him better. "We don't need to get married, not right now. And how do you know it’s going to be a boy?"
“I have a feeling.” He shrugged with a grin.
“A feeling? Okay. What if we have a girl?”
“A mini version of you? I don’t mind that at all.” You leaned against him with a smile. “You don't want to get married?"
"Of course I do, but this isn't how I imagined it. I don't want to get married because we have to. We can take our time, no rush." You stroked his cheek and kissed him gently, before falling back into your pillows.
"Ok, so no wedding any time soon, what about about a house?”
“Ma-at! I’m tired. Can we talk about this tomorrow?,” you groaned. He laid back down behind you, but hovered above you, holding himself up on his elbow.
“You’re saying no to marrying me and me buying you a house?,” he teased. A small grin formed on your face.
“I didn’t say no to the house.” He chuckled in response.
“So you’re gonna let me buy you a house?”
“I mean, I’m not gonna stop you, but we can take our time with that, too. Babies don’t walk until around their first birthday.”
“No, I’ll buy you a house. You’re carrying our kid. Seems like a fair exchange.”
You opened your eyes and turned to look at him. “Yeah, it does sound fair, huh?” He chuckled and tickled you, before calming down to kiss you. “Now will you let your pregnant future house owner sleep in peace, please?” You turned back around, getting comfortable.
“You could also be a fiancée,” he said to which you kicked him in the legs. “Ow! I’m just saying.”
“You can propose to me, but don’t do it because you think you have to,” you explained again, hoping he would let you sleep now. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his body. His hand slipped under you shirt, nestling on your lower stomach, right where the baby was.
“Okay, we’ll talk about it again soon.”
“Mhm. G’d night.” You placed your hand on top of his. You were suddenly filled with so much warmth and happiness and you knew everything would be fine. You might have a lot of learning to do when it comes to raising a child, but you’d figure it out. Together. “Love you.”
“Good night. I love you.”
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The One I've Been Waiting For {Part 04 of 13}
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Older!reader
Word count: 2 K
Summary: Billy Hargrove is just one of the many students you're supposed to help. The last thing you expect from your interaction is that he'll start flirtt with you... Much less that Billy would stir up feelings you'd rather keep hidden. Despite the mutual sentiments that soon enough start to grow, there are a lot of reasons for whatever it is to be left alone, and one of them is your age...
<- Previous part (03)
Next Part (05) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
A/N: In this story, reader is 5 years older than Billy, who's 18.
The Heart and the Mind
Billy's mind is a chaotic place. But this time is for a whole different reason. It's been a while since he got together with a girl, and he doesn't even miss it. He did think about it more than a few times, but every time he considers it... All he can think about is her.
“Billy!” Max suddenly yells, snapping him out of his thoughts. With an angry face, he glances at her.
“What the hell, shitface?”
“What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so weird?” Max asks, and he rolls his eyes, focusing on the road.
“I'm normal.” Shrugging his shoulders, Billy checks his face through the review mirror. There's nothing wrong with him.
“No, you're not. You're more stupid than usual. And less angry.” She goes on, and Billy runs a hand through his head before hanging an arm on the open window. “It looks like you have something in your head.”
“Max, shut the hell up.” He mutters, taking a deep breath. “Care about your own business and leave me alone.”
“Fine, whatever.” She mumbles.
He was just about to lash out at her again when he remembers what (Y/N) said. Billy was never too fond of Max, and he doesn't want her to be one more thing he has to care about. But they were both forced into each other's lives, and she also has to deal with Neil. Of course, she doesn't see the worst side of him, since she's Susan's daughter. But part of Billy, a tiny little part is happy she's not the one being beaten up. Thinking about it now, imagining Neil hitting Max, makes him angry. Furious.
“What about that shitty boyfriend you have?” He asks, eyes on the road.
“What about him?”
“Damn it, Maxine. Is he treating you ok? Because if he ever does anything I'll have to end his miserable life.” He's finally at the Elementary School, stopping the car. “We're family now, it doesn't matter how we feel about it, so if anyone screws up with you, it's my business too.”
“You're going crazy.” She mumbles before opening the door.
“Maybe I am.” He whispers to himself, ignoring how she pushes the door close.
Driving fast, he makes his way to Hawking High School for more endless hours of bullshit. Billy can't take this anymore, not here at least. He was never into school, but back in Cali, at least he was home, in a place he loved. But here, he has nothing.
Nothing but a girl stuck in his head. A girl whose smile is burned in his memory, that he plays back all the time. Billy acts like he doesn't have a heart, but (Y/N) certainly makes him feel as if it's beating again. Maybe for the first time in his life.
You've been quite off the whole morning, not paying attention to anything. Lucky for you, today's class is just about the presentations of last month's projects, and since your group was the first one, you had the privilege of sitting in the back and letting your mind float away from this place.
The thing you don't want to think about is the only thing you think about. Or better said, the person.
Billy has been going through your mind on a daily basis, ever since you last met him when you went to the quarry. You did cross paths with him at school, and he was nice, asking how your day was. With kind eyes and a beautiful smile.
And now, the man has been constantly in your head. Night and day, even though you've been struggling not to. And you like thinking about him. You even miss him, looking down at you with those blue eyes.
“(Y/N),” Tanya calls, and you snap out of your thoughts, noticing that the class is over. “Where are you? You didn't even pay attention to the project's presentation.”
“Yeah, I...” Gathering your stuff, you follow Tanya outside. “I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
“Nevermind, Tany. It's stupid.”
“How is my beautiful girlfriend doing?” The voice is quickly followed by a sudden hug. Liam has one arm around Tanya and the other around your shoulders. He kisses her before placing a kiss on your cheek. “And my beautiful bestie?” You wrinkle your noise at his word and the high pitched voice he usually uses.
“Your bestie has a boy in her head.” Tanya singsongs, and you roll your eyes. “I have to go to the restroom. Be right back.” Kissing Liam again, she waves at you and walks away.
“So you finally met someone you're interested in?” Liam asks as you move to one of the wooden benches set near the walls.
“Let's sit there.”
The wind is stronger than earlier today, making the tree's branches bend over. The campus is beautiful, and as you sit down, pulling your legs up, you watch as people come and go. The exposed skin of your shoulders makes you feel cold, but you ignore it. You like it here, it's far better than the one in Indianapolis. There's more nature, and the campus is full of trees and bushes, and even a garden on the East side. Things move slower here in Hawkings, but you like it.
“So? Who's this guy?”
“Liam, I need a guy's opinion on something.” Crossing your legs, you turn towards him.
“Bring it on.”
“How would you feel if Tanya was older than you?”
Liam furrows his eyebrows, getting a thoughtful expression for a while. He seems quite surprised by your question. “Well, if was still Tanya, I'd fall for her anyway.” He says, nodding to himself. “I mean, the dynamic would be different. Let's say that by her age she could have children or even an ex-husband. And the years of experience would probably make a gap in between us and if we're from different generations we'd like different things but–”
“Children and ex-husband?” You cut him off, not able to follow up with whatever he's saying.
“Yeah. The probabilities are that she'd at least have one past long-term relationship.”
Closing your eyes for a few seconds to gather your thoughts, you take a deep breath. “Liam, let me rephrase that. What if Tanya was, let's say... Five years older than you?” That's way too specific. “Would you still like her? Or even consider dating her?”
Liam gives you a look, raising one eyebrow. “Here I am, analyzing every aspect and challenge of a relationship with an age gap and you were speaking about five years?” You silently nod. “That's not even a gap. That's just a couple of years, no big deal.”
“It's just that... When the guy is older everyone finds it hot.” You start, looking down at your hands. You shouldn't even be talking about this, since Billy Hargrove isn't even a possibility. But this is just something you need to know, something you need someone else's opinion on. And Liam, being a guy, gives you a better perspective. “But when it's the other way around... People find it weird.”
“(Y/N), age is just a number.” He's still speaking when Tanya comes back, sitting next to him. “Correction. After eighteen, age is just a number. You're both adults and it doesn't matter what people say, only what you feel. And you don't even look your age, people wouldn't even spot the age difference.”
“What makes you think I'm talking about me?” You're quick to defend yourself, stuttering a little.
“Because you were way too specific for this to be a hypothetical situation or about someone else.” Liam exchanges a look with Tanya, who smiles.
“You know you don't have to hide things from us.” She says, reaching out a hand, which you hold. “We're here to help and support you. And if something happens between you and Billy we'll be happy for–”
“Nothing will happen.” Cutting her off, you sigh. “I just needed Liam's opinion on it. I was curious, that's all.”
“Look, the only problem I see with you getting into a relationship with Billy is his reputation.” Tanya starts, and Liam nods. They don't have much contact with Billy, but, like everyone who lives in Hawkins, they heard about him. “He's a bad boy, gets all the girls he wants, and throws them away when he's done. You're not into that kind of thing.”
“You're a hopeless romantic,” Liam adds.
“Exactly. So be careful.”
“I will.” You whisper, running a hand through your hair.
After another class, Tanya drives you to Hawkins High School where you attend this girl, Clarissa. A quick rain came and passed during the time you were with her in the classroom. But by the time you're done, the sun is trying to win over the thick, grey clouds taking over.
You're walking through the halls next to Clarissa, chatting. She's kind, and despite not being that good at Biology, you can see she's trying her best. “I'm way too nervous for this test. I need at least a C.”
“You'll do fine. I can make you a quiz if you want, to help you go over the topics again.” You offer as you move outside, the cold wind making you shiver.
“That would be amazing, thanks!” She cheers, giving you a quick hug before waving and heading to her car.
You go to the public phones since you need Tanya to pick you up. But after calling twice, you're almost giving up.
“Hey.” The sound makes you turn around, putting the phone back in place. Billy smiles, and you can't help but do the same.
“Hi.” You shyly say. “How have you been?” Talking to Billy is different now. You have ideas in your head, ideas you know you shouldn't have. “What are you doing here so late?”
“Basketball game.”
“Did your team win?”
“Of course.”
“That's great.” Taking the phone again, you try calling one more time. But she doesn't answer. “Shit.”
“Something wrong?”
“No, it's just–” Putting the phone back, you start walking, bracing yourself. “–Tanya was supposed to come for me but her telephone must be broken again.”
“Here,” Billy says, and when you look at him, you find the guy taking off his jacket.
“No, you don't have to–” He's already handing it over to you. “I'm alright, really.”
He doesn't say anything, and when it takes too long for you to move, Billy puts the jacket around your shoulders. You're immediately surrounded by warmth, and also his scent. It's familiar now, even though you don't spend too much time around him. But it makes you feel... Odd. In a good way.
“Thanks.” You whisper, stepping back and clearing your throat. “I gotta go now. Before the rain catches me.” With a little wave, you start walking again.
But Billy is quick to grab your arm, gently. “Do you really think I'll let you walk home with a storm coming?” As if to make his point clear, a distant thunder echoes.
“Billy...” You don't want to go with him. Being around Billy is dangerous, it brings out feelings you don't understand. Feelings you don't want to think about.
“(Y/N), C'mon. It's just a ride home.” The grip on your arm slips until he's holding your hand. It sends some kind of wave through your arm, like electricity.
You're moving before you notice, following him.
“Hey, Billy boy!” Someone shouts, and you give the guy a quick look before going for the passenger door. “Saturday at my place! It's gonna be wild, don't forget.”
“I won't.” He answers as you get inside, putting the seatbelt on. Billy is quick to settle down, turning the ignition. “Party on Saturday. Wanna come?”
“I can't. My group will come to my place to work on some papers.”
“Is it true or you just don't wanna go out with me?” Billy hits the street, and you struggle to deal with the anxiety. But it doesn't take much until you notice the... Normal speed. A lot different from last time.
“It's true.” You simply say, feeling yourself relaxing.
“So... Does that means you'd go out with me some other time?” Billy glances at you, and you feel your cheeks blushing.
You're supposed to say no immediately, make it clear this is just a ride home. That you're just... Friends. But why didn't the words come out? It would be so much easier... “Billy, you know we-”
“Mhmm, the age thing.” He cuts you off, a smirk in his voice. “Why don't you do the most simple thing?”
“Which is?”
“Ask if I care about it.” He's already staring when you look at him.
“Eyes on the road.” You warn him, and he smiles before complying. It's getting hard to deal with all this. Billy doesn't get out of your head, and you were hoping whatever this is, it would fade away. That time would help. But here you are again, with him, and all the walls separating between you are crumbling down... And you like it. You want to take them all down. But you are a thinker, and you're scared. None of the guys you were interested in before made you feel this way. But why now? Why Billy?
You just want to get home and stay the hell away from him and all the feelings he causes.
“Alright, Princess.” He sighs.
“Don't call me that.”
“Why not?”
“Well, do you?” You burst out, almost involuntary. Your heart and mind are at war, and both want to win.
Billy smiles, slowing down for the red light until he stops completely. Then, he looks at you, those blue eyes almost hypnotizing you. They're powerful... Or are you the one who's too weak?
“You're the only girl I ever met that I really want to know.” He says, voice low and deep, sending shivers down your spine. “So no. I don't give a damn about your age, Princess.”
You're frozen, still looking at him when someone blasts the horn, and you snap out, seeing that the light is green. “Some other time then... Maybe.” You whisper, clearing your throat and running a hand through your hair.
Your heart is beating fast, cheerful to know how he feels about it. But your mind... It tells you otherwise.
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@aunicornmademedoit @alexa4040 @goth-cowgirl-03 @nyctophilic0vitnir @minispice-1
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Matt- Meeting Him
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My first day as the new trauma surgeon and I'm already late. What a great first impression. I slide into the drivers seat of my car, placing my bag on the front seat I put on my seatbelt and pull off my driveway.
It's winter and so cold in Chicago that I go go turn the heating on, that's when I realise a car is heading straight towards me. Am I on the wrong side of the road? No. It's them. Swerving so I don't have a head on collision I end up rolling down a bank hitting a tree then I black out.
My head is pounding when I come to... not a good sign. I reach up to touch my head and see blood... great I've cut my head open and probably have a concussion. I go to open the car but the door won't budge. I lean over to try the other but I can't reach, my belt is in the way. I try to unbuckle my seat belt but it's stuck. My phone is on the floor where I can't reach. I'm stuck. All I can do is hope that help is on its way and soon, because I'm pretty sure I can smell gas now.
Thankfully I'm not waiting long when I hear sirens so I do the only thing I can think of to get their attention and that's honk my horn. I then see some men in fireman gear stood at the top of the bank. I can relax. I manage to roll down my window when one of the men arrive
"My seatbelt is stuck. I can't open the door" I tell the man
"Ok we're going to get you out of here. Capp get the spreaders. Can you tell me your name?"
"YN YLN. Today was meant to be my first day as the new trauma surgeon at Med"
"Well you sure are going to make one hell of a entrance YN" the fireman jokes with me
"I think I can smell gas"
"Ok. Hang in there. Capp the spreaders now!" He yells and a guy who I'm guessing is called Capp runs down the bank "let's get you out of here"
"What's your name?" I ask
"Severide. Kelly Severide"
That was 2 weeks ago. Im now back at work and feeling a lot better than I did that day so I've baked the firehouse cookies on my day off
"Hey can I help you?"
"Oh errm hi. Is Kelly here? I wanted to drop these off for him and the guys who helped me a few weeks ago"
"Yeah come with me" I follow the man to see Kelly sat at a table with Capp and Cruze who helped me
"Special delivery"
"I just wanted to say thank you for helping me. These are for you guys" I give Kelly the box of biscuits
"You didn't have to"
"Yeah I did. Anyway I best go. I have an appointment to go to"
"You got another car?"
"No" I say quickly "No I'm well it's kinda embarrassing really but..."
"I get it. Want a lift?"
"Oh no I couldn't..."
"It's ok. I'll take her. Gotta go fill up the truck" the man beside me say
"Well there you go. Don't be a stranger YN"
"I won't. Thank you again"
"If I'm giving you a lift I guess you best know who I am. Matt Casey, Lieutenant"
"It's good to meet you Matt. I'm YN. Trauma surgeon"
"Ahhh your YN. Severide was on about you when squad went out that day" Matt helps me into the truck. I take in a deep breath when he closes it the door. I'm ok, everything's ok. I tell myself. Matt opens the door his side and gets in
"You ok? You look pale"
"Yeah. Just since the accident I've struggled with cars and moving vehicles"
"You'll be ok in here. Don't worry" I give Matt a small smile, his presence seams to calm me for some reason
"So where shall I drop you off?"
"At Med"
"Is everything ok?"
"Oh errm yeah. It's with Dr Charles about the errrr the anxiety with driving"
"I see. Well if you ever need a lift anywhere you can call me"
"I don't have your number"
"Yet" Matt gives me a wide smile which makes me laugh
"Isn't it frowned upon to flirt with the people you save?"
"I didn't save you. Severide did"
"Fair enough"
Before I know it I'm outside of Med
"Here" Matt grabs a piece of paper and pen and scribbles something onto it "my number. Phone me if you want picking up"
"Thank you. Seriously thank you" I take his number making a mental note to add it into my phone later. I leave the truck and wave him goodbye before heading into Med for my appointment.
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romanestuffsposts · 11 months
ok so Stucky’s little struggles with sensory issues & recently their hair has been bothering them because the length is causing the hair to touch their neck & shoulders. so Stucky takes them to get their hair cut at a salon. this causes a tantrum because salons can be very overwhelming. Stucky of course isn’t mad at their little because they understand that it is just too much sensory stimulation for their little & it’s hard to process that especially in little space. afterwards, their little feels so much better with their haircut.
I just had to do this over the weekend. I have thick curly hair & especially with what I do, it was beginning to become too much. it was hard to manage, causing sensory issues, & giving me gender dysphoria. I actually cut it myself because I’m a broke college student 😂 it didn’t turn out too bad. it is definitely shorter than I intended but it’s just hair & it’ll grow back so it doesn’t bother me.
anyways I would love to see you write this
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for this request sweetie! I'm sorry you had to wait but i hope you like how I write your request! ❤️
Enjoy <33
Warnings : sensory issues, tantrum, cries, comfort, fear, reassurance, pet names
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : Sometimes Papa has good ideas too
It's not the first time your Papa notices that your hair are bothering you. When you're eating he noticed that you often quibble at your hair, or when you're in the bath and your hair are bothering you in the back of your neck.
He thought about it and talked multiples times with Bucky and it's true that it's been a long time since you had your hair cut so they took an appointement at the salons three days ago. Today is the big day, they just forgot to tell you where you were going.
"buckle up, princess" your Papa says and watches you doing it in the mirror before starting the car. You stare out of the window for some times before asking "where are we going Papa ?"
Your Daddy glances at your Papa "hum, we're going make sure you're more comfortable, sweetie" your Papa says and your Daddy quietly chuckles at his answer. He gets a glance from Steve before continuing the drive in silence, with a soft music in the background of the car.
You close your eyes as you let the car driving you where your Daddies want to bring you. Once you feel the car is in park and you don't feel the weird road under the tire you open your eyes.
You glance around but don't reconize where you are. You feel the car moving again when your Daddies turn around in their seats to look at you.
"baby" your Daddy starts, getting your attention "you remember that your hair bothered you a lot recently ?" You nod and frown as you tilt your head "we thought it might be a good idea to help you with that" he continues, glancing at your Papa
"We brought you to our salon so a nice woman can help you cutting your hair. How does that sounds ?" he asks and frowns when you shake your head "don wanna"
"but- baby, we'll be beside you the whole time. It won't take too long, we'll be home soon after walking inside the salon" your Papa tries but you shake your head again
"No! Don Wannaa!!" you yell and start to trash in your seat. The belt is still around you so when you trash around, your Daddies are scared that you'll get hurt
"sweetie-" your Papa starts but is cut off by your loud scream "Noo!! Wanna go home!!!" You grab your belt and try to get out but can't which worries your Daddies more
"baby calm down" your Daddy try to grab your hand but you move your hand away from him and squirm more in your seat as tears fall down your cheeks
You hear a door opening and closing which make you more anxious, what if one of them got out to grab you out of the car and drag you in the salon to cut your hair even tho you don't want to.
"princess, breath for me please" your Papa asks as your Daddy opens the back door and you yell more because you're scared he's gonna drag you out but to your surprise, he just wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to him
A soft hand gently brushes your hair as another is caressing the skin of your waist "breath babygirl, breath" your Daddy quietly says as he closes his eyes.
The more he's relax and calm, the more his heart will be calm and relax and so because your ear is against his chest, it'll attempt you to calm you down too.
"you don't want to go at the salon ?" he asks and you shake your head, a soft sob leaving your lips as he hold you tighter "then we'll go home." he states making you look up at him "we'll go home and we'll take care of this by ourself, alright ?" he qietly says, his fingers caressing your temple.
You stiff and nod your head as more tears fall down your cheeks. Your Daddy kisses your little nose then your forehead before feeling the car moving once again.
Your Daddy sits you down on the chair your Papa puts in the bathroom in front of the mirror and kisses your nose when you whine at the lost of his warm arms around you.
Your Papa comes in the bathroom and comes kneeling in front of you "I have an idea, sweetie" he starts "I know you don't feel comfortable about having your hair cut so I got you something"
He rests a doll you never seen in your life on your laps and you frown as you look at it and then at your Papa "I got you this for you so you can cut her hair with those scissors" he shows you the scissors he got for you who are really small and harmless "whatever cut you make in her hair, we'll do the exact same cut in your hair. You chose whatever haircut you want by cutting hairs yourself. How does that sound ?"
You look down at the doll and at the scissor then looking up at your Daddy through the mirror who is standing behind you. He nods and winks at you, giving you a reasuring smile.
You hesitantly grab the doll and the scissor and watch your Papa standing up "you'll have your mind busy with that so it'll help you getting through this" he explains, his hands firmly on your shoulders.
You nod and look at you through the mirror, you gaze your hair and imagine a haircut that doesn't bother you anymore. When you know what you want, you grab the scissor and the doll and start to cut her hair.
At first you feel your Papa cutting your hair, you feel the scissor closing against your soft hair and then them brushing the back of your neck as they fall on the ground around te chair. But after some times, the feeling disappears as if either you get used to it or as if the thing your Papa said is really working on you.
"you look so beautiful, babydoll" Your Daddy says as he watches your Papa finishing your haircut "you did a great job!" he winks making you smile.
Your Papa gasps and looks at your Daddy "i'm the one cutting her hair so i'm the one who is doing a gread job" he narrows his eyes at him making you giggling.
"all done" you say showing them your doll. They both break their eyes contact and look at your doll. Your Daddy shows you his tumb while your Papa analyses your hair and your doll's
"yup" he nods "me too"
You stand up and walks toward the mirror. You take the time you need to watch your new haircut before turning to your Papa "is oki" you nod and he playfully rolls his eyes while your Daddy laughs "how nice, sweetie"
You giggle and he walks toward you "turn around" he asks and you do. He brushes away the rest of hair who didn't fell after the cut and then kisses the top of your hair.
"You know what baby deserves after being so,brave about their haircut ?" your Daddy asks. You shake your head "they deserve a big ice cream and an entire evening of cartoons and movies!"
Your lips break into a big and happy smile as you look at him through the mirror "otay!" you run away from the bathroom and make your way as quickly as possible to the kitchen.
Your Daddies laugh and follow closely behind you, ready to spend an amazing evening with their little princess
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Don't Fear The Reaper
"You really think it's THE Grim Reaper? Like, angel of death, collect your soul, the whole deal?" Sam asked me as we sit at the table and we were looking through information about reapers. "No no no, not THE reaper, A reaper. There's reaper law in pretty much every culture on earth, it goes by 100 different names, it's possible that there's more than one of them." I replied.
"But you said you saw a dude in a suit." Sam said  "What, you think he shoulda been working the whole black robe thing?" I asked him and Sam shrugs at this. "You said it yourself that the clock stopped right? Reapers stop time. And you can only see 'em when they're coming at you which is why I could see it and both of you couldn't." I said.
"Maybe." Sam said.
"There's nothing else it could be Sam." I said.
"The question is how is Roy controlling the damn thing?" Dean asked.
"That cross." Sam said.
"What?" Dean and I asked. "There was this cross, I noticed it in the church and I knew I had seen it before." Sam said as he looks through some papers and snorts. He holds a card up to Dean and I.
"Here." He said and Dean leans into take the card and I look over his shoulder.
"A Tarot?" Dean asked. "It makes sense. A tarot dates back to the early christian era right, when some priests were still using magic, and a few of them veered into the dark stuff. Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it?" Sam said.
"So Roy's using black magic to bind the reaper?" I asked. "If he is he's riding the whirlwind. It's like putting a dog leash on a great white." Sam said and I run my hands over my face while Dean rises to put his cup in the sink, then leaning back against it.
"Ok then we stop Roy." He said. "How?" Sam and I asked. "You know how." Dean said as he looks between us. "Wait, what the hell are you talking about Dean, we can't kill Roy." I said to him. "(Y/n), the guys playing God, he's deciding who lives and who dies. That's a monster in my book." Dean growls. "No. We're not going to kill a human being, Dean. We do that we're no better than he is." Sam said, firmly.
"Ok, we can't kill Roy, we can't kill death. Any bright ideas college boy?" Dean asked Sam. "Ok. uh...If Roy's using some kind of black spell on the reaper, we gotta...figure out what it is. And how to break it." Sam said and I nodded. "That's sounds like a better plan." I said.
The Impala bounces down the badly gravelled and potholed road again, passing a sign that says Service Today. We parked and exit the Impala. "If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book." Sam said and I nodded. "See if you can find it, Sam." I said as I look at my watch. "Hurry up too, the service starts in fifteen minutes. Dean and I'll try to stall Roy." I said and the boys nodded as a man holds a leaflet out to us.
"Roy LeGrange is a fraud. He's no healer." He said. "Amen Brother." Dean said as he takes the leaflet. "You keep up the good work." Sam said. "Thank you." The man said and Sam went one way while Dean and I headed in towards the tent.
Minutes later, we were walking, slowly, up the side aisle when my phone rings. "What have you got?" I asked after I answer my phone. "Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral. And I think I know who's next on his list. Remember that protestor?" Sam said.
"What, the guy in the parking lot??" I asked. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll find him. But you guys can't let Roy heal anyone, alright?" Sam said and I hang up the phone and explained to Dean what Sam found out as we move towards the front of the tent
"Liam. Liam Rourke. Come up here child." Roy said and the crowd bursts into pleased apapplause. Liam, stunned, looks around then rises to hug his mother. "Oh man." I said, disparagingly. "Ah, crap." Dean mutters under his breathe.
As Liam passes us, I grasp his arm. "Liam, listen to me. You can't go up there." I said to him. "Why not? We've waited for months!" Liam said, confused. "You can't let Roy heal you." Dean said, warningly, while Liam looked at him, slightly confused. "I don't understand, Roy healed you, (y/n), didn't he? Why can't you let him try?" Liam asked me. "Cause if you do, something bad is going to happen. We can't explain. I just need you to believe us." I said and we stare at each other.
"Liam." Sue Ann said and Liam looks over at her then at me and Dean. "Please." I plead. Liam stares at the hand Sue Ann is offering, then turns back and stares at his mother, who is standing ringing her hands. His mother nods at him. Liam looks at me and shakes his head. 
"I'm sorry." He said and he starts to leave. "Liam! Liam!" I said but he ignores me as Sue Ann smiles and puts her arms around Liam and takes him to the stage. "Dear child!" She said as the crowd continues to clap happily. "I knew the Lord was planning. I knew it was just a matter of time." Roy said to Liam as he takes Liam's hand. 
Frustrated, I move back to stand near Mrs Rourke, who's crying and covering her face with her hands. "Pray with me friends." Roy said. "C'mon, I got an idea." Dean whispers to me and we make our way to the back corner. Roy then raises his hands and starts to place them on Liam.
"FIRE! Hurry, tent's on fire!!" Dean shouted and everyone starts to rise and evacuate. Mrs Rourke, on the other hand, moves towards the stage to Roy. "NO! No, please. Please don't stop. Reverend, please, please! Please don't stop, please!" She begs while I watch helplessly. "Friends, if you'd all just leave the tent in an orderly fashion...and we'll, uh, and we'll figure out what's giong on out there and we'll come back." Roy said and I pull out my phone and dial up Sam's number.
"We did it, we stopped Roy." I said. "David, I think it's ok." I hear Sam say but then I hear someone scream. "(Y/n), it didn't work. The reaper's still coming!" Sam shouts.
"What? But I stopped it!" I exclaimed. "What's wrong?" Dean asked. "The reaper is stilling coming for the guy." I said to him. "I'm telling you, I'm telling you it didn't work. Roy must not be the one controlling this thing." Sam said.
"Then who the hell is?" I asked then I began to look around.
At the same time, Dean and I spy Sue Ann beside the stage, facing into the corner and reciting. "Sue Ann." Dean and I whispered and I hang up my phone as Dean runs to her and spins her around. She gasps as she was reaching down to hold a cross on a chain around her neck. 
She quickly tucks the cross inside her blouse and shouts. "Help! Help me!" Dean backs away, nodding and staring at Sue Ann like he shouldn't have expected anything better. Two cops grab me and Dean, roughly, and pull us away.
The cops manhandle Dean and I through the entry but we shake them off as soon as we were outside. Sue Ann follows close behind then she looks at me. "I just don't understand. After everything we've done for you. After Roy healed you. I'm just very very disappointed, (y/n)." She said but I say nothing as I stare at her. "You can let them go. I'm not gonna press charges. The Lord will deal with them as he sees fit." Sue Ann said and she leaves.
The cops then turn to us. "We catch either of you round here again, we'll put the fear of God in both of you, understand?" The first cop threatened. "Yes sir, fear of God. Got it." Dean said as I nod. The cops give Dean one last push as I turn to find Liam waiting for me.
"Liam?" I said. "Why would you do that (y/n)? And it could have been my only chance." Liam said, upset. "He's not a healer." I said. "He healed you." Liam said.
"We know it doesn't seem fair, and we wish we could explain. But Roy is not the answer, I'm sorry." Dean said and Liam shakes his head, sadly, then turns to me, tears in his eyes. "Good Bye (y/n)." He said and he walks away 
I raise my eyes to the sky, then turn to watch him. He turns back. "I wish you luck. I really do." He said. "Same to you." I said, my voice cracking. Liam turns and walks away again. "You deserve it a lot more than me." I whispered under my breath.
"Hey, don't say that." Dean said to me. I look up at him as I feel tears in my eyes. "But it's true, Dean." I said and I start to walk away, Dean following behind me.
"Private session tonight, no interruptions. I give you my word, I'll heal your son." I hear Roy say to Mrs Rourke as we pass by them and walk over to Sam, who was standing nearby. "Thank you reverend. God bless you." Mrs Rourke said as we meet up with Sam and get into the Impala.
"So Roy really believes." Sam said as he sits on the hotel bed. "I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing." Dean said to Sam. "Well, I found this." Sam said as he hands a little book to Dean. "Hidden in their library. It's ancient. Written by a priest who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper." He explains as Dean looks over the book and I look over his shoulder.
"Must be a hell of a spell." I said. "Yeah. You gotta build a black alter with seriously dark stuff. Bones, human blood. To cross a line like that, a preachers wife. Black magic. Murder. Evil..." Sam said. "Desperate. Her husband was dying, she didn't have anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy." Dean said.
"Cheating death, literally." I said with a scoff.
"Yeah but Roy's alive, so why is she still using the spell?" Dean asked. "Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral." Sam said.
"May God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." Dean said. "We gotta break that binding spell, guys." Sam said and Dean flips over a page and we see a picture of a cross, which looked like the one that Sue Ann had.
"You know Sue Ann had a coptic cross like this. When she dropped it the reaper backed off." I said. "So you think we gotta find the cross or destroy the alter?" Sam asked. "Maybe both. Whatever we do we better do it soon, or he's healing Liam tonight." Dean said.
That night, we rolled up to Roy's house without lights and stop. "That's Liam's car. He's already here." Sam said and I nod, sadly. "Yeah." I muttered. "(Y/n)..." Dean said with concern. "You know if Roy woulda picked Liam instead of me, he'd be here right now. And if he's not healed tonight, he's gonna die in a couple of months." I said.
"What's happening to him is horrible. But what are you gunna do? Let somebody else die to save him? Like I said, you can't play God." Dean said to me and I sit there without speaking. I sigh and said. "You're right....you're right." I said then I look up at the boys. "Let's go." I said and we get out of the car.
We approach the tent and peek inside to see Roy speaking to a small group of the faithful, including Liam and his mother. "Gather round, please everyone, gather round. Come in closer, come on up." He said.
"Where's Sue Ann?" I asked. "House." Sam said and we move to the house. "Go find Sue Ann, I'll catch up." Dean said.
"What are you gonna...?" Sam and I asked but he pushes us away then starts to shout. "Hey! You gonna put that fear of God in me?" Dean shouts and he runs off then the two cops run after him.
As soon as they're gone, Sam and I run up the stairs and check around the house, which was in darkness. Sam and I turn back, confused, then I spot a light emerging from the cracks of the outside basement entrance. "Sam." I said and I point at the basement entrance. We move toward the basement entrance, open it and slip inside.
We move quietly through the basement to a candlelit alter littered with parts of dead animals, blood, horns, and other things I couldn't identify. There was a photo, in the middle of the alter, of Dean which was taken from the security camera the first time we were in the tent. His face has been crossed out with what looks like blood.
"I can take his life." A voice said. Sam and I turn around and see Sue Ann standing at the entrance of the basement. Furious, Sam and I tip over the table, the alter is on, then we run at Sue An but she's already up the stairs and closes the hatches and secures it with a beam. We stretch to push against it and keep trying.
"Can't you two see? The Lord chose me to reward the just and punish the wicked. And your brother, Sam, is wicked and he deserves to die just as Liam deserves to live. It is God's will." Sue Ann said.
"You leave him alone!" I shouted as Sam turns to survey the room. "Goodbye Sam and (y/n)." Sue Ann said and I hear her footsteps walking away. I punch the door a few times before Sam pulls a block of wood out from the wall and smashes out a small boarded up window. "(Y/n), c'mon!" Sam said and I run over to him and he helps me through the window.
I climb through then turn and help him out. Both of us run away from the house and towards the tent where we see Sue Ann standing there with the cross in her hand, obviously reciting a spell. Sam grabs it and throws it down on the ground and I stomp on it, breaking a glass bottle of blood
Sue Ann falls to her knees beside the blood. "My God, what have you two done!" She shouts at us. "He's not your God." Sam said and Sue Ann looks up and she has a look of fear, which told me the reaper was here
Terrified, she rises and turns to run but she stops and her mouth was agape, her eyes glaze over and she falls to her knees. She slips to the ground where she convulses a few times before she stops and dies. I let out a small sigh as Sam places a hand on my shoulder. "C'mon." He said and we go look for Dean as we leave Sue Ann lying there.
We make it back to the Impala when we see Dean walking towards us. I run over to him and hug him, he hugs me back as I asked. "You Ok?" I pull back and he shakes his head.
"Hell of a week." He said.
"Yeah...." I said as I walk out of his embrace and the two of us stare into each other's eyes. Then Sam coughs and we turn to look at him. "All right, come on. We should get going." Sam said and we nod in agreement and enter the car.
"What is it?" Dean asked me as I sat there on the hotel bed, staring at nothing. "Nothing." I said and there was a few more seconds of silence before Dean speaks, more gently this time. "What is it?" He asked.
I look up and see him and Sam staring at me with concern. "We did the right thing here, didn't we?" I asked them. "Of course we did." Dean said as Sam nods. "It doesn't feel like it." I said as I hang my head.
Then a knock at the door stops us from talking any further. "I got it." Sam said. He opens the door and Liam was standing at the door. "Hey Liam. Come on in." Sam said as Liam walks in. "Hey." Liam said and Dean and I rise up.
"How did you know we were here?" I asked Liam. "Sam...called. He said you...wanted to say goodbye?" Liam said, embarrassed, as he looks at Dean, nervously. I look over at Sam, who was at the door looking sheepish. "I'm gonna...grab a soda. Uh...Dean...do you wanna...?" Sam asked and Dean looks over at Sam then at me. I nod at Dean, assuring him that it's okay, and he goes over to Sam and the boys leave, closing the door behind them.
"So, uh. Where are you going?" Liam asked me, once we were alone. "Don't know yet. Our work kinda takes us all over." I said, shrugging. Liam looks at me for a moment before he speaks. "You know...I went back to see Roy." He said and I nod.
"What happened?" I asked as he sits down on one of the beds. "Nothing. He laid his hands on my forehead but nothing happened." He said and I sit beside him
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry it didn't work." I said. "And Sue Ann. She's dead you know? Stroke." Liam said. "Yeah I heard. You know Roy's a good man. He doesn't deserve what's happened." I said and the two of us stare at each other. 
"Must be rough. To believe in something so much, and have it disappoint you." I said and he smiles. "You wanna hear something weird?" He asked me. I shrug and he continues. "I'm Ok. Really. I guess if you're gonna have faith...you can't just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they don't." He said.
"So what now?" I asked him and Liam smiles softly. "God works in mysterious ways." He said. Then Liam lays his hand softly on the side of my face, staring at me. "Good Bye, (y/n)." He said and he rises and moves toward the door. I closes my eyes for a second, remaining still. Then I stand up and face Liam.
"Well...." I said, my voice cracking, then I clear my throat as Liam turns back to face me. "I'm not much of the praying type...but...I'm gonna pray for you." I said and I could see Liam's eyes were shining with unshed tears. "Well...There's a miracle right there." He said. He turns and leaves the room, leaving me standing there and staring at the door.
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pinievsev · 1 year
🩷 omgomg i just had this epic idea (that simultaneously retains to my personal life in a way)- so i know that beomgyu won’t win for the body guard AU (it’s inevitable) even though i really really want Gyu to win… it’s ok so i have another idea.
🩷 hear me out- y/n just had a major falling out with their two closest bestest friends and beomgyu tries his best to comfort them. y/n dosent show this side of them ever and it’s the first time gyu has seen this with such deep rooted heartbreak.
… i really just need smthn to cry to rn 🤷‍♀️
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Angst to fluff! (My favourite 😤)
The names "Kira" and "Mina" are the most basic names I could think of for reader's friends. Don't come for me they're not what we're here for 😋
Warnings: Angst? If anyone has a problem with that, Awkward gyu, crying?, Maybe some spelling mistakes which btw, feel free to call me out on. (Please.) Also it's pretty short? I wrote half of it at 3am and the other half at school- 🥹
Amica: friend in Latin because I'm the king of titles.
As always requests are open and my masterlist is pinned to my blog! Without further ado, Les gooo!
{taglist: @laskyy }
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You only ever had three close friends, well one now, Kira, Mina and Gyu. You had known Beomgyu since middle school and had met Kira and Mina in highschool, even tho gyu went to another one, you still kept contact and lived in the same area.
You had had a crush on gyu for maybe a year now, pretty recent considering how long you've known eachother for, and both girls knew it, so why the hell would they accuse you of trying to steal Kira's crush was still a mystery. Maybe they just didn't want to be your friends anymore and tried to get rid of you without you knowing? Not sure.
All you knew was that both had blocked you on all social media as well as your number so you decided it wasn't worth your time and energy trying to fix. You and them have been getting distant lately anyways, so what's the point?
What hurt you most was that they had made a complete fool of you in the middle of the park, yelling about how bad of a friend you were, calling you all sorts of things, a backstabber being one of them.
It wasn't worth it, so why did it hurt this much.
You bolted down the road and to your apartment block with tears in your eyes, failing to notice and hear a shouting gyu, trying to get your attention from across the street.
You slammed your door shut and kicked off your shoes, basically diving into your couch and sobbing. It shouldn't hurt this much. Your crying only lasted a couple minutes though. A frantic knock on your door alerting you. You hoped and begged and prayed that it wasn't them. Taking slow steps towards the door.
"Y/n? Hello?!" You let out a breath you hadn't realised you were holding at the sound of Beomgyu's voice, you opened the door and let him inside, rubbing your eyes with the back of your sleeve.
"What happened to you?" He asked looking at you with almost worry. You've never cried Infront of him, and you weren't planning to, until this moment. A couple of seconds was all it took for you to break down and start sobbing again, causing his eyes to go wide "Whoa whoa whoa! Hey uh, here come on"
He was speaking quickly and fumbling over his words as he led you back to your couch placing the bag he had with him on the small coffee table, he sat down next to you.
He rubbed soothing circles on your back, shushing you. He was never really one to comfort people, but he was trying his best and you appreciated that.
You rubbed your eyes once again, apologising "sorry- sorry. I don't know why I broke down there" you sniffled, eyes red and puffy already. "Don't apologise. Do you uh want to talk about it?" You shook your head and he only nodded in response standing up.
"wait here." He said rushing off to your bedroom and returning with a heavy gray and white blanket, your favourite one.
He gently placed it over you, he might not be good with words, but he was the best with actions. He picke dup the plastic bag he had placed on your table and walked to your kitchen "I'll be right there!" You heard him call before you could even question him.
A couple of minutes later, again, he returned with two bowls of ramen for the both of you, placing them down. He sat on the couch, Criss cross next to you, pulling the blanket over both of your shoulders. He reached out and handed you your bowl then grabbing his. "if you don't want to talk. We'll just eat" he said taking a hold of the remote and turning on the TV, playing some random movie neither of you were interested in.
As you ate, you could feel him turning to check up on you every now and then. And once you had finished you put your bowl down and leaned your head onto his shoulder, closing your eyes "you're the best friend Gyu... You know that?" You spoke quietly.
As much as he tried, he could not deny his feelings for you, the way he hated seeing you sad, the way his heart dropped to his stomach as soon as you started crying and the way his heart fluttered but at the same time shriveled up at your words just seconds ago.
But what if you didn't like him that way? What if you were crying over a boy? He couldn't risk loosing you.
You opened your eyes when you didn't get a response from him, looking up at him. He was already looking at you, his eyes switching from your eyes to your lips making your stomach do flips.
You stared at eachother for a few more seconds before he leaned in, brushing his lips over yours ever so slightly, testing the waters.
When you hummed in delight at the feeling he was assured, rushing to completely wrap you both in the giant blanket before leaning in again, kissing you quickly yet softly. You wrapped your arms around his middle as you pulled apart.
His eyes scanned your face for any signs of regret but once he found none he grinned widely "am I still the best friend?" He asked jokingly "nope. You're just the best" you said kissing his cheek and hugging him close. The reason for your sadness now long forgotten under the cozy blanket and the adorable pecks he left all over your face mixed with your laughter.
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Chapter 18 - Sisters
Warnings: bit of angst, a couple curse words
Summary: Ginny and Y/N talk through the recent events at the Burrow
Start Here:
George's POV
Unable to keep still for very long, George had spent the past hour in his bedroom stuck in an endless loop of sitting, standing, pacing. Every few minutes he looked out the window for any sign of Y/N and Ginny, all the while dithering over whether or not he should try to go find his girlfriend.
He was sitting on the edge of his bed when he heard a soft knock on his bedroom door. Jumping up, he ran to it, swinging it open. His heart sank when he saw it was Molly.
"Oh, it's you," he muttered. "What do you want?"
"I want to talk. Can we talk?"
George sighed, slumping back down on his bed. "Sure. Why not?"
'Things can't get much worse than they already are.'
"Of course you belong here."
Y/N jumped, spinning around at the sound of Ginny's voice. "You and George belong together," she said, walking to stand beside Y/N. "Everyone knows that. Even Mum. She just has her head up her ass right now."
Y/N blinked, unmoving, staring at Ginny. Then she burst out laughing.
The Weasley girl tilted her head, giving Y/N a quizzical look.
"I'm sorry, Ginny." Y/N said. "You just took me by surprise. Of all things you could've said about your mom, that was the last thing I ever expected."
Ginny shrugged. "Well, it's true and I'm pissed at her for it."
Y/N's smile faded as the heaviness in the pit of her chest returned. It was bad enough that George and Molly were at odds over her. But, driving a rift between her and another of her children was unforgivable.
"Please don't be angry with her." Y/N pleaded. "She's just doing what she thinks is best."
"So are Death Eaters, but that doesn't make their actions right."
Y/N's mouth fell open. "Ginny! Are you comparing your mom to a Death Eater?"
"No, no, not at all." Ginny clarified. "I'm just saying that sometimes we think we're doing something good when we're really doing the opposite."
Y/N gave a thoughtful nod. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions," she replied, her thoughts drifting back to her first day at Ilvermorny, remembering the words of Professor Greene, her Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
'Good intentions do not always make for good magic. There can be a great deal of difference between what someone intends to do and what they actually do. If one is not mindful, well-intended magic can lead to devastating consequences just as easily as ill-intended magic.'
Y/N almost laughed out loud again. 'Damn, I'm such an idiot.'
Blaming herself for George and Molly's falling out, Y/N had felt responsible for fixing everything. In her distress over the situation, she'd never once stopped to think of the implications of her actions.
Ginny's voice cut through her ruminations. "Hey, Y/N? You ok? Y/N?" She waved her hand in front of Y/N's face.
"What? Yeah, yeah. Sorry. My mind wandered off for a moment." Y/N shook herself, then smiled, seeing the worry on her friend's face. "Promise."
Ginny narrowed her eyes, but didn't press the matter. Instead, she held up a small stone. "Will you teach me how to make rocks hop across the water?"
Ginny's POV
They skipped rocks for a while, chatting about random things, before Ginny returned to more important business. Under normal circumstances, Ginny had no problem speaking her mind. However, this was a delicate situation. It wasn't just Y/N feeling unwelcome at the Burrow, it was that Mrs. Weasley prided herself on making it a home to everyone who stepped across the threshold.
Until now.
Taking in a slow, steady breath, Ginny began. "I'm really sorry about mum," she apologized, watching her stone skip across the water. "I had no idea she was going to be like this."
"I don't blame you, Gin. There's no way you could've known."
Ginny threw another stone. "I know. It's just-- I don't understand how she can be so blind. You’re a Weasley, Y/N. Maybe not in name." Yet. "But, you're one of us."
"You're sweet to say so." Y/N skipped a rock, trying to hide the crack in her voice.
"And you're my sister." Ginny continued. "George isn't the only one refusing to give you up without a fight."
A noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob escaped Y/N's lips.
Ginny dropped her stone and moved to place a gentle hand on Y/N's arm. "I--I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?"
"No." Y/N gave her a watery smile. "You said everything right. I just never expected to gain a family out of this little excursion across the pond."
"So, does that mean you're not leaving, err--coming back after graduation?"
"Absolutely. I'm not giving George or my new sister up either."
"Oh, good." Ginny smiled wide, relief flooding her as she engulfed Y/N in a hug. "After this morning, I thought I might have to appeal to your sense of mercy."
"George would never, ever get over you," Ginny explained, pulling away. "And I'd have to spend the rest of my life with him moping around, pining after you. A fate worse than death."
Molly's POV
Molly watched out the window as George sprinted out to embrace Y/N as she and Ginny returned. The younger twin had always been the gentlest and most sensitive of her children. He was the one she worried about the most, even with Fred looking out for him.
The Weasley matriarch sighed, stepping back from the window. She had well and truly lost this battle. George would not budge an inch and she had a strong suspicion that Ginny would stand firm, as well. The only thing left was to actually talk to Y/N. Something Arthur had pushed her to do from the beginning.
Rolling her eyes, Molly could almost hear her husband saying, "I told you so."
Next Chapter:
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ivarlover · 11 months
Alex Høgh Andersen + Modern Ivar
Mentions of Female Reader + Hvitserk
Continued from the 1st half of Part 4. Same warnings apply.
Please let me know if you want on or off the tag list!
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After much debate with Aslaug and Y/N, Ivar and his brothers finally left with Ivy. Ivar sat in the back seat with Ivy, trying to ignore her giggles and reaching for him. After a few minutes of her trying to reach him unsuccessfully, Ivy began to cry. Ivar never looked toward her and tried his best to ignore her.
Turning around, Ubbe said to him, "Ivar, surely you can do something to calm her. Look at her. She's reaching for you. Do something."
"What the fuck am I supposed to do? She's not even my child! I don't know what the fuck she wants!" He dropped his head to his hands.
Understanding what was happening with Ivar, Ubbe spoke calmly, "Ivar, I know this is fucking difficult. I am so sorry that bitch did this to you, but the baby isn't to blame. If you can settle her some, please, for fuck's sake, do it."
Against his better judgment, Ivar reached his hand to Ivy as she cried. She grabbed it and held it to her cheek. Looking into her pitiful eyes, full of tears, he gently rubbed her cheek and spoke softly to her, "Shhh. It's ok, baby. Your mommy will be back with you soon. You're going to be ok. We're taking you to see your daddy." To his surprise, the words cut him deeply, but he did his best to show no emotion. This is the very reason he hadn't spent time with her.
Ivy looked at him, "Dada?"
"Stop the car! Stop the fucking car! I'm not doing this! Let me out of the fucking car, NOW! Stop the car, Hvitserk!" Ivar yelled from the backseat.
"What the hell, man!"
"Now, Hvitserk! Now!"
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Hvitserk pulled over on the side of the road, and Ivar burst out the door before he'd even come to a complete stop, and Ivy began crying again. Hvitserk looked to Ubbe in complete dismay. "Just sit here with the baby. I'll talk to him," Ubbe said, getting out of the car after Ivar.
Hvitserk turned around to Ivy and placed his hand in hers. She began to calm down again as she looked at him. She then repeated, "Dada." Hvitserk smiled at the realization that it was just a word she could say. He knew why Ivar was so upset about it but he needed to explain it.
He jumped out of the car and ran over to his brothers. Seeing their worried faces, he blurted out, "She wasn't calling you daddy, Ivar! It's just a word she can say! She said it to me, too." Ubbe and Ivar looked at him, surprised.
"You left her in the car alone, Hvitserk?" Ivar ran back to the car. "She's just a baby. You can't do that."
Hvitserk and Ubbe looked at eachother knowingly and smiled as they went back to the car behind him.
"So, you good? Can we can go now?" Hvitserk asked as he caught up with Ivar. "She said it to me, too. She wasn't actually calling you that, man."
Looking at Ivy and then back to Hvitserk, Ivar hesitated, "Yeah," he took a deep breath, "I guess so."
When they arrived at the park, Herald wasn't there yet. They decided to go ahead and take Ivy to the playground. Ivar unbuckled Ivy from the carseat and then turned to Hvitserk who was waiting for him. "What?" Hvitserk shrugged his shoulders.
"You can get her out now. I've unbuckled her," Ivar told him.
"Wait. What? No. It won't kill you to get her, Ivar. You can carry her," Hvitserk smiled at Ivar's apprehension. "She won't bite, man."
"That's not it. It's just, well, umm, I just," Ivar stumbled over his words.
"Yes," Hvitserk answered, "I know, but I promise you, it will be ok. Now, let's go."
Ivar panicked. He really didn't want to do this. However, he also realized that depending on the test results, this may be the only bit of time he had with her. He hated that he'd barely even been with her at all but yet, somehow, she was still growing on him. As much as he wanted to walk away, hesitating, he leaned back into the car and got Ivy out of her carseat. "Ok, little one, let's go have some fun." He held her in his arms and she leaned her head down on his shoulder. "What have I gotten myself into?" He asked Hvitserk and Ubbe as he joined them.
Ubbe patted him on the back and said, laughing, "Looks like you're still a push over, man. It's ok. We won't hold it against you."
"Fuck off!"
Hvitserk teased him, "Ivar, such language! Not in front of the baby!"
They finally got to the playground and Ivar asked, "Is she big enough for the slide?"
Ubbe rolled his eyes, "Ivar, she can't even walk yet. She can go down the slide if you place her on it and hold her hands and guide her down it."
"Where's the fun in that?" Ivar asked, genuinely wondering.
"Just trust me, you shit for brains," Ubbe laughed.
Ivar did as Ubbe instructed. Afterall, he was the only one between the three of them who actually had any children. Ivy giggled and smiled into Ivar's eyes as he guided her down the slide, nervous at first but quickly getting the hang of it. He did it again several times. There was just something absolutely adorable about her little smiles and giggles. Also, that twinkle in her eyes was enough to melt the hardest of men. He noticed this feeling seemed to be true with his brothers as well.
They took turns taking her down the slide and pushing her in the baby swing. The sounds her giggles produced were worth every second of it.
Ivar sat in the swing beside the baby swing and as Hvitserk turned around with Ivy in his arms, he placed her in Ivar's lap. Ivar's eyes widened and as he was about to protest, Ivy leaned her head forward, placing it on his chest. "Mama," she said softly and Ivar took note to find out from the hospital if he could bring her to visit with Katia. He moved the swing slowly back and forth and Ivy placed her hands on his chest beside her head. He wasn't sure if this meant she was sleepy or not so he gently held her as he rocked the swing a little more.
It was then that he noticed Herald walking toward them. He'd almost forgotten that Herald was the reason they were here in the first place. "There's my angel. Let me hold her," Herald said loudly as he approached Ivar and Ivy. "She need not get too comfortable with you. She's my daughter."
Ivy jerked up and away from Ivar's chest upon hearing Herald's voice. Her eyes widened at Ivar. "So she's awake. Let me see her." Herald reached for her and she clung to Ivar's shirt. As Ivar was about to stand with her still in his arms, Herald grabbed her on each side and tugged on her. She began to cry as she placed her head on Ivar's chest, clinging to his shirt in her hands.
Ivar was quickly to his feet. "Hey, step back some," Ivar placed his hand between the now crying Ivy and Herald. "She was almost asleep. Give her a minute."
Herald opened his mouth to speak, but Hvitserk and Ubbe were quickly on either side of Ivar, obviously ready for whatever was about to take place. Herald took a couple of steps backwards.
Ivar looked down to Ivy, still whimpering in his arms. He rocked her and patted her back, "Shhh, little one. It's ok. Shhh. We're not going to let anything happen to you."
"You may just end up being good at this afterall, Ivar. Who would have thought?" Hvitserk grinned at him.
"Not now with your shit, Hvitserk," Ivar answered him, no smile at all on his face. Hvitserk immediately straightened up and looked over to Herald who was snarling at them.
"We were taking turns pushing her in the baby swing. I'll place her in it and you can come give her a push," Ivar told Herald.
As Herald approached, Ivy looked at him and her tiny fists tightened in Ivar's shirt. Ivar swallowed thickly but pulled her away from him and placed her in the swing. She looked up at Ivar and smiled. This made him feel a bit better.
He stepped to the side of the swing and Herald walked up to face Ivy. Herald reached toward her and it seemed as if she tried to dodge his touch. He placed his hand on her head and said, "How's my little angel been? Humm? Did you miss me?" Ivy reached her hand out to Ivar. Ivar just watched the two of them.
"Hey! Daddy's talking to you, Ivy! Look at me!" Herald growled and Hvitserk stepped forward. Ivar signaled for him to hold back. He was curious about their interaction and was close enough to ensure there would be no harm at all done to Ivy.
Ivy flinched at his words and looked to Ivar once again. Herald gently pushed her in the swing but she didn't smile as she had earlier with Ivar and his brothers. Herald tried talking with her again, a bit sweeter this time, but Ivar could tell it was forced. He seemed like a very cold man.
"Fuck this! I want to hold my child!" Herald announced and before Ivar could do anything, he grabbed Ivy from the swing and held her in his arms. She began crying and pushing away from him. She turned toward Ivar and then to Hvitserk and Ubbe, reaching for any of the three of them. She began crying louder and in the middle of her tears, she cried out, "Mama!"
It was as if it was all happening in slow motion and Ivar could not get to them fast enough. Herald began to grumble and complain at how could she want them when they were strangers and not want to be with him who had been in her life since she was born. He seemed genuinely hurt but Ivar realized quickly that it was his loud voice and his tone that Ivy didn't like. He seemed to not understand how to speak to a baby.
Ivy began to cry louder and was practically about to jump out of Herald's arms as he tried his best to hold onto her.
Ivar was finally in front of him. Reaching for Ivy, he said, "Look man, she's been through a lot the last day or so and she seems to be stressing with you for whatever reason. She's been asking for her mom and I bet she's just scared. Let me try to calm her down so you can actually spend some time with her."
He took Ivy from Herald's arms without waiting for his response. He knew Ivy could really be Herald's daughter but right now that was irrelevant because she was too little to be in this much stress. If being with her father made her this upset, maybe Katia needed to be present whenever they were together.
He rocked her and rubbed her back as he spoke quietly and calmly to her. She began to calm down and her breathing began to slow as she laid her head on his chest and grabbed onto his shirt again.
Herald watched in amazement. He was going to tell Ivar exactly what he could do with his opinion, but as he saw how quickly Ivy calmed down with him, he was caught completely off guard. "How? Umm, what? How did you do that? I have lived with her for the last year and I've never been able to do anything like that with her. She always cries with me. Katia would tell me to just keep trying, but she has always cried."
Ivar felt pride swell up in his chest but also a bit of sadness knowing, very well, this may all end soon. As he began to answer Herald, his phone rang. "I'm sorry, I need to take this." He handed Ivy to Hvitserk rather than Herald and gave him the look that let him know she was not to go back into Herald's arms.
"Ivar, are you ok?" Alex was on the other end of the phone.
"Yes, I am. There's way too much to discuss right this minute, but are you out of class? Do you need me to come pick you up from school?"
"No, I saw your text that there was more to the story and that the results were going to take longer so when I was finished with my last class, I got on the bus and came straight to the hospital," Alex answered, sounding genuinely worried.
"Alex, I could have came to..."
Alex cut him off, "Ivar, the Lab Tech just told me that they have the results. They have them but they can only share them with you and with some guy name Herald? Who the hell is Herald?"
"Long story, Love," Ivar answered. "I'll tell you all about it once we get back in the car and are on our way. Call you back in five?"
Ivar shared Alex's message with everyone and they began to prepare to leave for the hospital. "Can she ride in my car with me?" Herald asked Ivar. "Maybe she will warm up to me again once she's separated from you guys."
Ivar glared at him in a snarl, answering him through his gritted teeth, "Absolutely not." He added nothing more and walked away from Herald, carrying Ivy to the car.
As soon as they were all in the car, the three brothers began talking about how strange Herald's interaction was with Ivy. "I'm not so sure I will be ok with her leaving with him if he does end up being her father," Ubbe stated matter of factly, "Because that sure as hell did not look like a dad who has been missing his baby girl."
"I'm sorry. I can't even entertain the possibilities. I need to just hear what they tell us at the hospital," Ivar said in a defeated voice, and Ubbe understood.
Alex met Ivar and his brothers at the car. After the phone call he'd had with Ivar on their way to the hospital, Alex thought it best to be near him when they arrived. There was no reason for all of his anger with Katia about this ridiculous situation to be taken out on Herald.
Alex opened the back door, expecting to get Ivy from the carseat, but to his surprise, Ivar was already getting out with her in his arms. Alex stood there, completely stunned, as Ivar walked around to him. "Damn, am I happy to see you," Ivar told him, giving him a sweet kiss on lips. Alex hugged him and they stood like that for a moment, hugging, with Ivy in their arms, just the three of them. Ubbe smiled at them as he looked on.
From behind him, Ivar heard what sounded like arguing. As he turned around, he saw Hvitserk standing in front of Herald and attempting to hold him back. Ivar gave Ivy over to Alex as Hvitserk was abruptly pushed aside by Herald.
"You're a fucking faggot?! Get away from my daughter, you disgusting pervert!" He then looked at Alex, "Hand over my daughter and get your filthy hands off of her, you little bitch! Fucking faggots!"
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As Herald took his next step, Ivar was already up in his face, immediately, with his pocket knife in his hand and at Herald's throat. "Who the fuck do you think you are to speak to either one of us that way, but especially to Alex? Humm? What gives you the right? Our lives have absolutely nothing to do with you and it's not like our choices are going to infect Ivy." Ivar had now gotten behind Herald with his arm around his neck, his knife still at his throat, and Herald's head tilted with his hand holding onto him firmly by a handful of hair. "Now, you have two seconds to fucking apologize to Alex or I promise you, I will end you right here and now. This will be the last breath you ever take!" Ivar growled into the side of Herald's face.
Hvitserk and Ubbe were trying to calm Ivar down but to no avail. He didn't even hear a word they were saying. Ubbe stepped closer and grabbed Ivar's arm that had the knife, "Come on, man. Let him go. This isn't the time or place."
Ivar glared at him and Ubbe stepped away. "Just don't kill him," Ivar heard Hvitserk say from somewhere nearby but he was hyper focused on Herald.
Everything was happening so fast, Alex could only stand there in shock and watch.
"Now, would you like to see the light of another day or are you refusing to apologize to Alex?" Ivar's jaw clinched together, showing his sharp jawline, as he dug the tip of his knife a little into Herald's neck.
Herald was surprised. He'd heard stories of Ivar and his temper before but he'd always thought Katia had been exaggerating. He especially wasn't expecting this type of reaction from someone he'd just seen kissing another man.
"Ok," Ivar dug the knife a bit deeper, slightly breaking the skin and causing a small amount of blood to form, "Five, four," Ivar was serious.
"Ivar! Stop! What are you doing?" Alex yelled to him.
Herald swallowed thickly as Ivar continued his countdown and Hvitserk began to laugh, "Three, I'm not playing, you closed minded bastard. Two..."
"Ok, ok! Let me go! I'll apologize to your.." Herald began.
"I suggest you choose your next words wisely, my friend, or they could very well be your last ever spoken." Ivar yanked his head back futher exposing more of his neck.
Nervously, Herald began again. "Ok, I'm umm, I'm sorry to him," he coughed.
"Not to me. Apologize to Alex," Ivar demanded. Herald started to speak and Ivar interrupted him, "And loud enough so he can hear you."
"I'm sorry for insulting you, Alex," Herald's voice was shaky, "I'm sorry. And umm, I'm sorry to you as well, Ivar."
Ivar let him go and Herald's hand went immediately to his neck. He wiped the blood and looked at it, "You made me bleed!"
Ivar turned back to him, "Oh, do you want me to come back?"
"Umm, no. Sorry. No. It's umm, it's ok." Herald mumbled.
Hvitserk laughed out loud, and proudly stated, "That's my little brother!"
Stepping between Ivar and Herald, Ubbe finally said, "Let's go get to the bottom of this and find out who has the rights to demand anything." He walked toward the steps in front of the hospital.
Hvitserk followed him and patted Herald on his back as he passed. "Glad to you see you're still with us, man," he laughed again. As furious as Herald was, he knew he needed to just keep his mouth shut.
When Ivar joined Alex again, he took Ivy from his arms. "Let's go get those results," he told Alex in the calmest voice ever. Alex looked at him, completely stunned, "What?" Ivar asked innocently.
Alex began walking beside Ivar. He then said to him softly, "Well, honestly, that umm, that was kind of hot." Ivar looked at him and grinned. "Don't say it. Whatever it is that you're thinking, Ivar, don't say it." They both laughed. Ivar seriously needed that quick release.
Once entering the hospital, Ubbe offed to stay in the waiting room with Ivy. Ivar handed Ivy to him, "You do not let anyone take her until I come back to you, ok? Not even one of the doctors here. Herald says he's here alone but we can't know that for sure. She doesn't leave with anyone unless you've heard directly from me."
"Got it. Don't worry. I've got her," Ubbe reassured him.
Ivar, Alex, and Hvitserk entered the lab room with Herald shortly behind them. "Which of you are the ones we tested?" Ivar and Herald stepped forward. "Which if you would like to go first?"
Alex grabbed Ivar's hand as he stepped closer to him. Ivar looked to the Lab Tech, "Can you just give the results randomly? Just open whichever one you want?"
The tech looked to Herald and Herald nodded, agreeing with Ivar.
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As the tech opened the first envelope, Ivar sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, squeezing Alex's hand, still in his other one. Hvitserk stepped to the other side of him, "Whatever happens, we're right here with you. We'll be ok no matter what," Hvitserk said, in a voice so low that only Ivar could hear. He placed his hand on Ivar's shoulder and looked over to Herald.
Herald sat calmly, waiting for the tech to begin. He didn't appear to be anxious, worried, or concerned at all. How drastically different he was from Ivar, who had only known Ivy even existed at all just since yesterday! Something didn't add up to him, considering Herald had supposedly been in her life since she was born. What was he missing?
Pulling the paper from the envelope, the Lab Tech asked, "Which umm, which of you is umm, Herald Finehair?" Herald raised his hand. "Ok, it umm, it says here umm, sir," he stumbled over his words and Ivar looked to Hvitserk with the same questioning look that Hvitserk already had across his face as well, "It says that 99.9 percent, yo-you are not, not the father of Baby Ivy." Herald glared at him in a threatening way and Hvitserk did not miss it. What was that about?
"What the fuck do you mean, I'm not the father? Ivy is mine!" Herald stood to his feet and the tech stepped backwards. "You know she's mine, you little shit! Look at the paper again!" Herald demanded.
The tech turned the paper around and showed him and Herald snatched it from his hands. "This can't be! You know what this means!"
The tech answered in a shaky voice, "That I'm-I umm, I need to read the other results."
Herald took a step toward the guy, and Hvitserk stepped between them. "You don't want to do that," Hvitserk bared his teeth as he gave him a menacing grin. "Now, have a seat and let the man do his job." Herald instantly sat back down, giving Hvitserk an eat shit stare. Hvitserk was really intrigued now. He felt that something was definitely up that they were unaware of. He decided then that he was going to pull Herald aside after all this and get to the bottom of it.
Ivar let out a deep breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding and ran his hand down his face. He was glad Hvitserk took care of Herald and that he didn't have to. He just didn't have the energy right now. He looked to Alex and squeezed his hand again, even harder, and Alex said to him, "It's going to be ok. Just breathe."
To his surprise, Alex was relieved that Ivy wasn't Herald's and now kind of excited that Ivar was about to learn she's his. He knew how badly Ivar wanted this even though he'd desperately tried to deny it. He knew this would take some time for the two of them to navigate but he also knew they'd be able to do it. He smiled and leaned into Ivar's side, waiting for the Lab Tech to get the other envelope.
The tech grabbed the second envelope. His hands shaking, he began to open it, looking over to Herald again. Hvitserk watched him. Herald's eyes never left the tech. When the tech glanced over to him, Herald snarled at him. "Why are you still here, Herald? This is no longer your business. You can go."
"I want to see if that bitch lied to me this whole time. I need to know if Ivy is his," Herald growled.
Hvitserk stepped toward him again, but Ivar shook his head and motioned for him to come back. "Not worth it, brother," Ivar said to him. "Can you please continue, sir?" Ivar asked, looking back at the poor tech who now had sweat rolling down his temples.
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He nodded as he pulled out the results. "Umm, Mr. Lothbrok," the tech began, and Herald cleared his throat, causing the tech to glance his direction again. He continued, "The paper I'm holding says that, umm, yo-you are," Ivar took a deep breath, "You're 99.9 percent umm, no-not the father of baby Ivy," he gulped.
Ivar gasped and his hands immediately went to cover his face and his gaping mouth. Alex was completely stunned and instinctively put his arm around Ivar, knowing he needed physical support right now. He grabbed his hand once more when he dropped it to his side. "Wh-what?" Ivar managed to ask between gut wrenching gasps for air.
Looking at Herald and then back to Ivar, the Lab Tech answered, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Lothbrok. You're also not the father," he dropped his head.
Alex started, "Ivar," but Ivar cut him off.
"Don't." He pulled away from Alex and dropped his hand. He abruptly turned and walked out the door, letting it slam behind him.
Alex looked to Hvitserk and Hvitserk told him, "Go! Get him. Make sure he's OK and don't let him do anything stupid. I'll be right behind you." Alex tore out the door after Ivar.
Hvitserk turned to Herald and walked to him, "What the fuck are you up to? What's going on?"
Herald denied everything Hvitserk mentioned about how he looked like he was intimidating the tech. Hvitserk pulled him up from sitting by his collar and brought him face to face with himself. "If I find out you're lying to me, I promise you that you'll be fucking sorry." He dropped him back to the seat and Herald didn't say a word.
He turned to the tech, "Are you ok, man? You seem a bit nervous and worried. Did he do something to you?"
The tech shook his head, "Nnn-no. I'm sorry. It's ju-just my first week on the job and I know how seriously people take these results. I, umm, I was just worried about Mr. Lothbrok's response, that's all." He looked away from Hvitserk.
"That's funny because it seemed to me more like you were worried about Herald's." The tech said nothing more and looked away.
He looked at Herald on his way out the door. "I'll find the truth, you know, if you are lying," he smiled.
When Alex got outside he found Ivar leaning over the top of his car. As he walked up to his side, Ivar said, "Can we go?"
"Of course."
The ride was quiet. Ivar looked out the window as the town passed them by. "Your place or mine?" Alex asked him.
"Can we go to your's? I, I just can't.."
"Of course. Don't worry," Alex answered before Ivar had to say what Alex knew he was thinking. If they were going to have Ivy there, he couldn't be there right now. Alex's heart broke for him. He didn't know what else to say so he said nothing.
When they pulled up to Alex's place, Ivar got out and walked to the door and silently waited on Alex. Once the door was opened, he went in and fell to the sofa.
Alex poured two glasses of liquor and brought them and the bottle to the table, sitting it down on front of Ivar. Ivar looked at him and back to the table. He grabbed the bottle and turned it up. Alex couldn't help but smile. Ivar nearly drained the bottle in just one drink. "Slow now. Don't want you to make yourself sick." He sat it back down and leaned back on the sofa.
"No. Don't. I, just not now." Ivar's voice was cold and harsh but Alex understood why.
Ivar dropped his head forward into his hands and sighed. Alex placed his hand lovenly on his back and Ivar jumped.
"Shh, it's just me, Ivar." Alex was beginning to get worried.
Suddenly Ivar leaned forward and punched the floor repeatedly as he screamed out, "FUCK!"
Alex leaned over and quickly grabbed his arm and pulled it back so he couldn't reach the floor anymore. "You're going to break your hand. Ivar, I know it sucks now, but it's going to be ok. Just.."
Ivar turned toward him and interrupted him, "Why? Fuck! Why does she hate me so much that she'd do something so fucking cruel? What the hell did I ever do to deserve this? Why?" He leaned his forehead onto Alex's and Alex wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly.
Ivar dropped his head onto Alex's shoulder and Alex felt his neck and shoulder become wet. Alex leaned back on the sofa with Ivar still in his arms. He'd never really cared for Katia but the anger and resentment he felt toward her now was immeasurable. He wished he could just take the pain away from Ivar and make him all ok. He couldn't even think about how Ivar was feeling.
He sat like that, with Ivar in his arms, for what seemed like hours. He ran his hand through Ivar's hair, attempting to calm him. He thought he may be sleeping now, but he didn't move. He just continued to sit with him.
Suddenly, Ivar's phone rang. Ivar didn't move to answer it so Alex ignored it. Then, it rang again. Alex looked around to try to find where Ivar had left it. "No," Ivar said to him.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Don't try to answer my phone. I don't want to talk to anyone. It's probably mom or one of my brothers checking on me. And the answer is no, no I'm not ok. Just please, let it ring."
Alex squeezed him a little tighter. He could tell in Ivar's voice that he hadn't been sleeping at all. His poor Ivar.
Then, Alex's phone began ringing. He looked at it, sitting on the end table beside him, "It's Hvitserk, Ivar. I should probably answer him."
"Please don't."
Alex thought for a moment and then let it ring. A few minutes passed and shortly after that, it began ringing again. "Ivar, it's Hvitserk again. Something might be wrong."
"Fine. But I don't give a fuck what he says, I do not want to talk to him."
Alex answered and was surprised to hear what Hvitserk told him. "Ivar," he sat up and pushed Ivar up and off of him, "Ivar, we need to go to Ubbe's. Now."
Ivar's face was red and his eyes were puffy. "No fucking way."
Alex stood up. "Yes, Ivar. We have to go. Now. He said he has Herald in Ubbe's basement! We have to go. Oh fuck, what if he's going to do something stupid? Move your ass! Let's go!"
Ivar was lost, "Did, did I just hear you right? We can't fly all the way out to Ubbe's. You have class tomorrow."
"Yes, you heard me right, but he means to Ubbe's rental home! He's there with Torvi and the kids. Let's go."
"What the.. what is he doing? Why? This doesn't change anything! It's not Herald's fault Katia lied to me. Again. He didn't make me not be the father. Shit, this is probably why she left me in the first place. She must have cheated on me, too!" Ivar dropped his head, "I can't do this, Alex. You can go without me."
Alex bent down and removed Ivar's hands from his face. "Ivar, Hvitserk knows he can't change things and yet, he still said he needs you there immediately. Something has happened and whatever it is, he needs to tell you. Don't do this to yourself, thinking she cheated on you and how hopeless everything is. I know this is so hard on you, Babe, but we have to go there and see what's up. You have to go with me. Staying here is not an option."
He practically dragged Ivar out the door and to his car.
Ubbe met them at the front door. Alex immediately asked, "And what about Torvi and the kids?"
"They're at Ivar's with mom."
Ubbe put his arm around Ivar's shoulders. "Cheer up, man. You're going to love this."
"You can't possibly think Hvitserk has made a good choice by having Herald in your basement?" Alex looked at him like he was from another planet.
"Just hush and follow me," Ubbe answered.
When they opened the door to the basement, there sat Herald, tied up to the chair he was sitting in, with a swollen eye, bloody lip, and what looked like a broken nose.
Alex gasped in shock, "Wh-what are you doing?"
Ivar looked back at Ubbe for an explanation and Ubbe motioned toward Hvitserk and Herald.
"Sorry to bring you in on everything at this point, but I had to be sure, man," Hvitserk began.
"I-I'm leaving. What the fuck, Hvitserk! I can't."
"I'm leaving with him," Alex said immediately after and they both turned toward the door.
Hvitserk ran up behind them and grabbed them both on the shoulder. "Wait. Just hear me out. Give me just five minutes."
Ivar turned back to him, "Fine. Five minutes. Go."
"Look, I was watching Herald the whole time we were in the lab. Something was very off with him. And the Lab Tech seemed terrified, not just nervous because he was new. When everything was said and done and we left the lab, I went back to get the copy of the results. I wanted to have proof she wasn't yours just incase Katia started her shit, saying you owe her child support."
Ivar's face contorted, scowling at the words of Ivy not being his. "Your five minutes is almost up, Hvitserk."
"Well, when I got back to the lab, I heard a scuffle from inside and yanked the door open. Herald had the tech by the collar of his shirt and was slapping him like a bitch," he looked back at Herald in disgust, "And I heard him say, 'You were supposed to say she's mine, you little bastard.' He told him that his sister was going to pay for it as soon as he called his brother. So I instantly made Herald let go of that guy and tell me what the hell was going on. The lab tech confirmed his story."
Alex just continued to listen, in complete shock. He asked Hvitserk, "What story?"
"Well, I found out that Herald's brother had the tech's sister and he'd threatened the tech and used her so he'd lie to you. Herald wouldn't tell me what else he made the poor guy lie about until we brought him here and 'persuaded' him," Hvitserk motioned toward Herald's face.
"Get to the fucking point, Hvitserk. My patience has grown thin, I'm exhausted, and I'm ready to go. I don't give a fuck if he wanted it to look like Ivy," he dropped his head, "Is his. Makes no difference to me." He looked to Alex, "Let's go."
Alex realized that there was more and Ivar was just too emotional at the moment to catch on. He walked closer to him and grabbed his hand and Ivar sighed. "Let Hvitserk tell you the rest and then we'll go. Out with it already, Hvitserk," Alex pressed.
Reluctantly, Ivar waited for Hvitserk to begin again. "Don't you get it? The Lab Tech lied, Ivar. Ubbe got the tech's sister to safety because he let the guy know we have Herald. And this ol' asshole, here," he patted Herald on the back, giving him a wicked smile, "He finally told us the rest." He grinned at Herald devilishly, "After, like I said, I persuaded him."
Annoyed that he was still entertaining his brother, Ivar rolled his eyes.
Hvitserk looked at Herald, sitting slumped over, "Herald, tell him!"
Herald looked up at Ivar, wondering what he'd do to him after he told him the truth. Hvitserk smacked him on the back of the head, "Come on. Tell him."
"Well, it started out as Katia's idea, I promise. Ivy isn't mine. I already knew this," he whinced as Ivar's cold stare grew darker, "Sh, umm, she said she could get money out of you for the both of us if she came back here and pretended like Ivy was yours and I later showed up claiming she's mine. Sh-she said, umm, she said," he began to fumble over his words as Ivar took another step closer to him, "That umm, she'd be able to convince you to pay me off to leave the two of you alone. And umm,"Herald gulped in fear as Ivar showed his clinched teeth, "And, umm, th-the plan, umm."
Ivar cut him off, "I have no more patience. Spit it out already!" Ivar growled, stepping closer and quickly placing his pocket knife, that he seemingly pulled out of nowhere, up to Herald's throat again, letting the edge dig in just enough to cause more blood. "Now! I know you know that I'm not afraid to use this knife on you."
"Umm, I promise. I promise I didn't know. It was all her," Herald panicked, holding his hands up in an attempt to show his innocence.
"You didn't know what?" Ivar demanded, pressing the knife a little harder.
"I, umm, I didn't know that she really was your daughter. Katia never told me that. I thought she didn't know who the father was. I-I'm so sorry. If I had known, I never would have went along with it. But once she got here, she told me she had changed her mind and didn't want to do that to you anymore because she wanted to get back together with you." Ivar turned back to look at Alex, who involuntarily rolled his eyes. Herald continued, "I thought I was doing you a favor by making you get a blood test. I thought it would prevent you from being trapped, taking care of a child that isn't yours. Umm, like I've been doing for the last year. I promise I didn't know."
Ivar looked to Hvitserk, "What is he even talking about? She's not mine."
Hvitserk stepped to Ivar, handing paperwork to him, "Here. The Lab Tech gave this to me."
Ivar took the knife away from Herald's throat and grabbed the papers. As he began reading, he dropped the knife and placed his hand over his mouth. He grew weak in the knees. As Ivar stumbled back, Hvitserk caught him and helped him sit in a nearby chair. Alex rushed to his side, placing a concerned hand on his shoulder.
Looking up at Hvitserk, Ivar asked between gasps, "Is, is this real?"
"Yes, brother, it's real," Hvitserk smiled.
Ivar looked up at Ubbe quizzically and Ubbe nodded and smiled. "Where, umm where is she? Where did you take her?"
"She's with mom. At your place."
He looked up to Alex and before he could say or ask anything, Alex told him, "Yes, I'll drive you. Let's go."
Ivar stood up and hugged Hvitserk and Ubbe. "Thank you. Thank you for having my back. Thank you so much!"
As Ivar took a step toward the door with Alex, he looked to him and said, "Wait here for a minute." He turned and walked back to Herald.
Looking at Ivar's hardened face, Herald instantly waved his hands up, "I didn't know. I promise, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I prom.."
Ivar stopped in front of him, "You unimaginable bastard. If I ever see you again, I promise you, I'll kill you." Before Herald could react, Ivar balled his fist up and swung with all his power behind it. He punched Herald straight in the face so hard that Herald fell backwards onto the floor.
Ivar jumped on top of him and as he was about to begin punching him again, Hvitserk caught his arm and Alex came up behind him, placing his hands on his shoulders. "You knocked him out, baby brother. You don't need to hit him again. Took two hits. You hit him and he hit the floor," Hvitserk laughed.
Ivar was stunned. "I, umm, I don't know," he stopped talking and placed his hand in Alex's as Alex helped him up. He hugged Alex, burying his face in the nape of his neck.
"You ready to go to her?" Alex asked softly.
Hvitserk walked them out. "Thanks again," Ivar told him as he got in the car.
As they drove, Ivar stared at the papers he still had in his hands. He was in shock. This was the first time he let himself admit that he'd wanted to be Ivy's father. He wasn't sure why he wanted it. He knew for sure he didn't want to have anything to do with Katia at all but now, this meant she'd be in his life, one way or another, from now on. But he was certain, he wanted to be Ivy's father. He felt warmth in his heart and then he looked to Alex. What if he didn't want this?
"Al, umm, Alex?" he began, "Are you ok with all of this? Are, umm, are we ok?" He suddenly felt worried.
Alex glanced at him and placed his hand in the seat between them, offering it to Ivar. Ivar grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers as Alex gently squeezed. "Yes, we are ok. I just want you to be happy and I'm so happy for you. Of course, this means we have some new things to navigate, but I think we'll be ok. As long as, umm, well," Alex hesitated.
"Well, as long as this is all about Ivy and not about Katia." Alex's heart practically stopped even thinking of her squirming her way between them.
Ivar turned in the seat a little to face Alex as Alex continued to drive. "You know how I feel about things with her. Especially now, with this new information. I mean, just when you think she couldn't possibly stoop any lower. If not for her being the mother of my child, oh my God, MY CHILD," Ivar's face lit up with a smile, "I'd have nothing to do with her at all. I have no use for her. No need to worry. My heart is yours, Love. This doesn't change that." He pulled Alex's hand to his mouth and kissed it.
Alex glanced over to him again and smiled, "Then, we're good." He knew this would all take some time, but he also knew it was worth it. He'd be lying if he didn't admit he was nervous about everything, but right now, he was just happy for Ivar.
Ivar was out of the car before Alex had even turned the engine off. As he got to the door, he turned to wait for Alex. "Alex, what if," he suddenly dropped his head, "What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not good enough for her?"
Alex placed his hands on either side of Ivar's cheeks and held his head up to face him. "Are you kidding me, Ivar? She already loves you. You are already so good with her. You are certainly good enough for her. Just don't worry. I'll be right here with you." Alex pulled him closer and kissed him.
At that very moment, Aslaug opened the front door, "Well, are you two planning to come in or are you just going to," it was at this moment that she looked up and saw them kissing. She blushed as she cleared her throat to get their attention. Alex immediately pulled away from Ivar, embarrassed. "We've really got to stop meeting this way, Alex," she laughed and stepped aside to let them in as he turned even darker red. She patted Alex on the back. As Ivar walked on in, she asked Alex, "How is he?"
Alex smiled nervously and answered, "Oh, he's about to tell you."
Closing the door behind them, Aslaug turned to Ivar and was about to express her sympathy when he asked, "Where is she?"
"Y/N? She's tending to the baby, dear. Shall I go get her for you?"
"No. I mean where is Ivy, mom."
Aslaug looked confused and glanced to Alex, who was smiling , and then back to Ivar. "Are you sure you want to see her? What are you planning here, dear?" she asked, skeptical of his intentions. "Dear, I'm so sorry that Katia has deceived you again, but you can't just," Ivar interrupted her.
He walked to her and pulled the rolled up papers from his back pocket and placed them in her hands, "Where is she?"
Aslaug looked down and immediately saw the results. Gasping and covering her mouth as a tear streamed down her face, she asked, "What? How?" as she pointed to one of Ivar's guest rooms.
"Go get her. I'll explain everything to your mom," Alex told him.
Ivar nervously told him, "Umm, Alex, can you come with me? We can explain everything to mom in a few minutes."
Alex looked back to Aslaug who motioned for him to go with Ivar.
As they opened the door and stepped into the room, they saw Ivy sitting in Y/N's lap. They were watching and listening to a children's book being read online by Ludacris, "Llama, Llama, red pajama reads a story with who? With his mama."
Ivy was giggling and bouncing in Y/N's lap. "Llama," Ivy softly said and Ivar's eyes teared up. She looked at Y/N and said, "Mama?"
"Soon, baby girl. You'll get to see Mama soon," Y/N reassured her.
It was then that Ivy saw Ivar standing behind them and pointed to him causing Y/N to turn around. "What are you guys listening to?" Ivar asked Y/N, smiling widely.
"Well, of all these wonderful books you have on your wall," you motioned toward the wall to wall bookshelf, "It seems you don't have one single child friendly book," you smiled, standing up and walking toward Ivar with Ivy in your arms. "I spoke to Hvitserk on the phone. Congratulations! It's a girl!" you said, hugging him.
Ivy reached for him and Ivar looked down at her. His heart practically stopped. "I, I can't believe this, umm, this is real."
Ivy reached out for him again, "Dada." Ivar's heart stopped.
"Did, did she just..?" His eyes widened at Y/N.
"I believe she did, Ivar," you smiled warmly at him.
Ivar leaned in and took her from Y/N into his arms. "I'll give you guys some time," you said, walking toward the door and stopping by Alex. You turned to him and hugged him, "You ok?" you asked in his ear.
"Yes, of course," Alex said back sincerely.
"Ok, well, congratulations to you, too, popi," you said, smacking him on the ass and walking out.
He smiled and just stood there and looked on as Ivar and Ivy stared at eachother. Ivar brushed her hair back from her face, "Hey there, sweetheart. Seems you're stuck with me afterall." He kissed her on top of her head and she leaned her head on his chest and squeezed her little arms across his broad chest as if she understood exactly what he was saying. Ivar stood like this with her for a few moments before finally pulling her up to his face. He kissed her on her cheeks, a tear slowly rolling down his face. "I didn't know how much you already mean to me. I promise you, I'll always be here for you. Nobody will ever hurt you without answering to me. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you." Ivy looked up at him and placed her tiny hand on his cheek and she then laid her head back on his chest. She looked truly at peace. He rubbed her on her back and then turned to look at Alex.
Alex was leaning against the beam that was in the middle of the room, wiping his eyes. This may have been one of the most precious things he'd ever witnessed.
Ivar was overflowing with joy. The only other time he could remember feeling like this in his life was when he and Alex had finally admitted their love for eachother. Things had seriously chnaged from that moment until now. He was now ready to start their little family together, hoping this wouldn't put a strain on their relationship.
He waved Alex over. "You two are my world." He hugged Alex as he joined them. "I love you. I, umm, I love you both."
Alex left Ivar with Ivy for them to have a few minutes of alone time. He went out to talk to Aslaug and the others. Aslaug was blown away by all of the information, but extremely proud of Hvitserk. "Who would have thought that it would be Hvitserk to catch on to something being off? Oh, my boys!"
Torvi and her little ones came from one of the other guest rooms. Asa ran to Alex, "Uncle Alex! Hey!" He bent down and scooped her up for hugs and tickles.
"Hey, little one! Did you miss me?" Alex asked her, sitting her back down.
"Umm, I want to see da baby."
He smiled at her, "Oh, I see. I'm chopped liver when it's comes to Ivy, humm?"
She giggled and ran back to Torvi. "Looks like you'll do fine in the role of daddy, Uncle Alex," Torvi teased him, coming for a hug. "How is he?"
"Honestly," he looked around to Aslaug and Y/N, "He's beside himself with joy. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy." Alex smiled.
"I have," you patted him on the back, "With you."
Alex blushed. Torvi added, "Well, there's nothing like true love."
Alex looked to Aslaug, expecting her to have a look of disgust across her face, but he saw something else in her eyes that he couldn't quite place. She stepped to him and, surprisingly, gave him a hug. She didn't say a word but just hugged him tight and then stepped away from him, wiping her eyes.
Torvi and the kids prepared to leave once they received word from Ubbe that Hvitserk had finally taken Herald back to his brother. They discussed if they'd all leave to give Ivar and Alex some time alone but after Alex had stepped in to check on Ivar, he told them all he was already sleeping and he didn't see a reason for Aslaug, Y/N, and Hvitserk to all leave and crowd Ubbe and Torvi's place when there was plenty of room at Ivar's. "I know he won't mind. He's in his own little world right now anyway. I don't think anything would upset him in his current state," Alex smiled.
As they all prepared for bed, Alex went to Hvitserk to shake his hand. Hvitserk pulled him in for a hug, "We brothers hug, man. You know that."
Alex smiled, "Thank you, Hvits. For everything. Thank you."
"Don't mention it. I'm just happy I got there when I did. This could have been so much worse."
Everyone went to their rooms and Alex cut the lights out in the living room. What a day! He went back to the guest room to tell Ivar Torvi had left Baby Ragnar's playpen for Ivy to sleep in and they could now go to bed.
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When he opened the door, there he found Ivar knocked out on the sofa with Ivy laying on his chest sound asleep. It was absolutely precious. His arm was around her with his hand resting on her back and his other hand on her head. He debated on waking him so he could lay more comfortably in his bed but there was no way he could disturb his peace.
He stood there looking on as Ivy's body raised and went back down along with Ivar's breathing, admiring the man Ivar was, the father he knew he was going to be, the love he had to offer. He was in awe knowing this man had chosen to be with him and to be a part of his life. He felt truly fortunate.
He walked down the hall and got a blanket from the closet. He took it back and gently placed it over Ivar and Ivy. Ivar opened his eyes, stirring awake a little. "Shhh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," Alex whispered. Ivar patted the spot beside him. "No, it's ok. I was headed to your room. You stay here with her."
"Nonsense," Ivar whispered back to him. "Pull that lever," he pointed toward the side of the sofa, "And the sofa let's out into a small sofa bed. There's room here for you, too." Ivar hesitated, "That's umm, if you, umm, if you want to sleep here, too."
Alex walked around to the other side of the sofa, "Of course I do. I just thought there wasn't enough space and that I'd give you time with her." He bent down and pulled the lever and smiled when it let out into the bed. "You sure you don't want some more time alone with her?" Alex whispered as he sat down on the edge.
"Shut up and come here to me," Ivar smiled. Alex laid back and curled up into Ivar's side with Ivar's arm under his head and resting on his back. He laid his head on Ivar's shoulder, and Ivar kissed the top of it. "This is the life. Now, everything's right with the world." He squeezed Alex tightly and smiled to himself. He couldn't believe how things had changed so quickly, but he was definitely thankful.
Alex raised up and kissed him on his neck. "Goodnight, Ivar."
Yes, there are still more chapters to come! Stay tuned...
@istorkyou @chapada010101010 @vero-maris-zamo @lostasalice-thisway @ivarhoegh @lonewolf471 @covidinducedsocialreject @tessakate @noway4u
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gracegrove · 1 year
Steve taking Billy sledding for the first time 🤭
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well ok fine.... 🧍‍♂️ 🛷 ⛄️ for my baby @every-dayiwakeup
steve swung by the trailer park this afternoon, the fresh snow crunching underneath his boots as he walked up the trailer steps. his knuckles wrapping sharply on the metal storm door.
billy opened the door, squinting. "whaddya want harrington?" he grumbled, shielding his eyes from the sun glinting off the snow.
"get dressed we're going out..." steve beamed, tapping his boots against the threshold before coming inside.
"it's not even 11...!" billy scoffed tottering after him, shutting the door.
"it's 12:23", steve corrected, eyeing his watch.
billy groaned, running a hand through his sleep-tussled hair.
"why go out in that shit? it's colder than fuck all outside!"
steve laughed, following the blonde down the short hallway and into his room.
"because..." he reasoned, leaning in the doorframe as billy started digging around. the boy tossing clothing about, pulling a plain white t-shirt from his hamper and giving it a brief sniff before pulling it over his head.
"you're gonna like what i have planned." the brunette crooned, crossing his arms.
billy paused, legs pulled halfway through his denim, head popping above the collar of a thick beige waffle weave.
"oh?" he smirked, hopping the rest of the way into his jeans and zipping up.
slinking into steve's space, he knocked chests with the other boy, a canid smile pricking his lips.
"you got something for me, pretty boy?" he breathed, leaning in close, fingers playing with the hem of steve's sweater.
"just get your ass in the car already." steve teased, dipping his head and nipping the other's lower lip playfully.
shoving him lightly, billy brushed past him. "alright."
stepping into his boots, he went to grab his hoodie and leather jacket off the hook.
"no." steve interrupted his movements, a hand clasped gently on his shoulder.
"no?" billy asked in mocking amusement, pulling on the hoodie.
"get your winter coat. you're gonna need it." steve suggested, tilting his head towards the closet.
billy furrowed his brow, grip momentarily tightening on the leather shell before releasing it. "fine."
opening the closet he pulled out a bulky cobalt winter coat. pulling it on he tried to smooth out the lumps bunching up in odd places. duct tape peeking out from under one armpit.
steve stepped up, helping him knead all the lumps to a degree of toleration.
"can we go?" billy grumbled, his face flushing.
steve smiled warmly, "yeah let's go."
they carefully stepped out of the trailer, gingerly stepping through the snow. their feet slipping once or twice on the way to the car.
once inside, steve immediately started the car, dialing up the heat. reaching behind his seat he grabbed a folded bundle and dropped it in billy's lap.
"what's this?" billy asked, his hands shot backward expecting to be bitten.
"gloves, hat, scarf." steve listed off, shifting into reverse.
"and what'm i supposed to do with this shit?" billy asked with annoyance, picking through each folded layer.
"wear 'em" steve replied dryly, placing a hand on the passenger headrest and looking out the back window as he backed up.
"i don't need it!" billy pouted, lifting a soft wool-lined leather glove only to slap it back onto his lap.
"then don't wear it..." steve exhaled calmly, turning to face the windshield again, shifting into drive.
"i won't!" billy promised.
"okay." steve answered.
"fine". billy replied.
"okie-dokie then." steve hummed, pulling onto the main road.
billy huffed, crossing his arms.
"where're we going?" he finally asked, silence and curiosity overpowering his brattish defiance.
kneading his bottom lip between his teeth, steve stifled a smirk.
"someplace new." he hinted.
billy leaned back in his seat, rolling his shoulders "nothing in this place is new harrington... i've seen it all."
"we'll see." steve mused turning off the county road, heading towards the farm fields.
"really?" billy sniped, lolling his head towards steve, eyeing him waspishly.
moving up the steep drive, the beamer's wheels started to spin as it neared the top. snow balling around its tires.
"i guess we're here..." steve concluded after one last futile attempt to continue forward. the engine chugging heavily as the tires spun in place.
he shifted into park.
he gave billy a toothy grin, excitement flashing through his expression. billy rolled his eyes, throwing open the car door. steve following suit.
"you better have dragged my ass out here to shoot me harrington because I -"
billy paused, his brow creased, nose quickly forming into a sneer.
"what the fuck is that?!"
steve laughed, pulling the large piece of red plastic from his trunk and shoving it into billy's hands.
"it's a toboggan dickhead. we're going sledding." steve stated perturbed.
absentmindedly knotting the scarf around his neck, billy stuffed its tongue down the front of his coat. the frustration apparent.
"you gotta... be.... fuckin... kidding!" he groused out loudly, fighting with the wool, his elbows jerking sharply in all directions. he wasn't about to lower the coat's zipper a single inch to make the task simpler.
"sledding? what am i? ... five?" he continued, snatching the hat off his seat and thrusting it on his head as a chill wind blew through his curled locks, twinging his cheeks.
steve chuckled smugly. "coulda fooled me..."
billy shoved the sled back into steve's arms.
"you thought i was gonna enjoy this?" billy charged, a pack of children running past with sleds in their hands.
"fuck you." he hissed, the glove in his bare hand soundly thwacking steve in the chest.
steve shrugged, closing the car doors and pivoting away on his heels.
"you could at least try not being such a stuck-up bitch hargrove..." he called over his shoulder, steps slowing.
"a stu-...." billy sniffed indignantly, "sledding's for babies!" he whined jogging to catch up.
"no it's not." steve replied, stride lengthening as the hill grew steeper.
"yah..." billy heaved, "it is." catching up.
reaching the crest, steve dropped the sled, anchoring a heavy boot on its tail.
"eddie's here..." steve pointed out, as the raggedy brunette in ski goggles took a running leap head-first down the hill with his plastic saucer.
billy scoffed, "it's eddie..."
they watched the boy scream with glee as he went zipping away on his belly.
"you may have a point..." steve admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "but, you've never been sledding billy so how do you even know?"
billy huffed, his eyes watching others around him. a little boy nestled in his mother's arms, warbling happily as they pushed off down the hill.
he plopped down onto the sled, facing the slope. "one time..."
he was about to shove off, heels digging into snow when steve's knee pressed into his back.
"what're ya doin?" steve asked.
"going..." billy flourished with a swirl of his wrist.
"you don't even know how to use it." steve remarked.
billy turned in his seat, facing steve. "it's a hunka plastic... what's to know?"
licking his lips, steve nodded his head in frustration. "how to steer it for one..." he quipped, hands resting on his hips.
billy snorted, swinging a leg over each side of the sled, steve's boot in between them.
"if you're such an expert then..." steve commented, withdrawing his foot from the sled.
billy nodded haughtily, rocking to and fro, the sled beginning to tip.
looking over his shoulder, the priggish look in billy's expression shifting to one of panic as the sled slipped backward.
frantically scrambling, billy shifted his weight to the back of the sled in hopes of escaping, only to send himself flying down the hill.
the brunette waved happily before vanishing out of sight.
billy's heart was thundering, feet jutting out from the sled in a feeble attempt to stop it as it gained velocity.
flipping forward, he desperately grabbed the twine rope at its head pulling with all his might.
calming down, he tucked his feet into the sled. the bottom of the hill was coming into view.
billy squinted, nose scrunching. there was some bulky in his path.
"shit." he breathed.
the sled was careening straight for a makeshift ramp the children had packed together.
violently wrenching the rope he tried to steer clear of the snow mound.
"shit. fuck. shiiiiiiiiit!" he yelled, the sled catching air and landing with a harsh thud, sliding out from underneath of him.
"jesus billy are you ok!?" steve's voice rang through his head.
splayed out in the snow, he lay there stunned.
staring off dazedly, billy motioned a finger for steve to come closer.
leaning down steve brushed the snow from billy's cheeks.
"you ok?" he repeated, concern growing.
hands snapping up, billy gripped steve shoving him face first into the snow.
"fucking asshole! you happy?!" billy groaned, sitting up.
steve went rigid, hand gripping billy's wrist tightly before pulling off the ground with a cold crisp exhale of surprise.
sitting to face billy, he smirked, "yeah. i am."
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mysteryinkkat234 · 7 months
Rose Petal (Astarion x F!Tav/Reader)
I AM HERE and NOW! It is finally done. After getting sidetracked by Mortal Kombat and Fear & Hunger, and being uninspired, I rise again from the depths to continue the story of Fangs & Nightshade. The biggest inspiration is you guy's compliments and critiques, I cannot thank you enough! If you're interested in Astarion and Luxia's story, let me know and I can @ you on the next point
Summary: Before entering the Shadow-cursed lands, Luxia wished to finish some unfulfilled business around the area. While adventure, she continues to translate the strange marks on Astarion's back, while also bonding with Astarion as well.
This is 18+ and deals with a lot of heavy subjects, especially about sex, if you are underage or your account does have an age, DNI
Spice Level Pepperoncini Pepper (100 - 500): This smut contains talk about safe sex and blow jobs. This isn't super smutty but there is still sex in it. We're teaching Astarion about safe sex, hurrah!
Word Count: 4,200+
Read and Bookmark this story on AO3
If you want to read the first part of Fangs & Nightshade, See The Night of Pleasure and the Past
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The road to the shadow-cursed lands was supposed to be short. However, Luxia said there was still unfinished business even after the Emerald Grove. Her night with Astarion still lingers in her thoughts, the memory is still fresh, and she can remember his face. He looked dazed, it could’ve been from lust but there was something under it that made her feel horrible about it. Luxia has had sex, she’s studied it (IN BOOKS) about how it brings people together, even if they weren’t dating. There was no satisfaction that night, only a longing for more.
These impure thoughts came to Luxia while she was writing in her journal, thankfully one of the few personal things that she had when she was kidnapped from the Nautiloid. Thankfully she and Gale found an Infernal translator book in the Underdark and she was studying it hard, writing down the few Infernal letters she could remember. 
“Oh, how I love it when you’re studying, completely enamored by your work, your adorable little pout and noises you make when you think,” Astarion’s voice startled her, almost breaking her quill in the process, Luxia looked up to see him stand above her, his arms crossed and his familiar sly smirk, “I swear you love that book more than you love me.” His snide comments made Luxia snicker.
“It’s not a book, it’s my journal. I was writing and translating your scars,” Luxia showed Astarion her journal, pages full of scribblings and study of various plants, both overworld and Underdark, flowers, the monsters they encountered including intellect devourers and mind flayers, “actually, perfect timing, I was wondering if you can show me the scars again, I think I’m missing a few letters.”
“An excuse to take my shirt off?” He quipped back.
“Haha, amusing,” she laughed sarcastically, “but please, may I?”
Without another word, Astarion turned around pulled his shirt over his head, trapping his arms. Luxia silently drew the scar, writing the Infernal letters as she went. However, some letters just looked like marks or straight lines. “Do you mind if I…touch it?”
She could see Astarion tense up, she did touch them when he was holding her up, but deliberately trying to touch them…it brought back the memory of when they were first carved. “C-Can’t you just look at them?” He was almost mumbling, clearing his throat.
“Infernal letters are written close together, I want to know I’m writing the right one so nothing gets lost in translation, the better to understand them,” Luxia explained, squinting at the letters, but even with the fire light and darkvision, it still was hard to understand, “you can tell me if I’m going too far, ok? I promise I won’t linger.” Her voice was softer, that same voice was so gentle, like a rose petal.
Astarion took a deep breath, rolling his neck. “Alright, just don’t scratch me ok?” he tried to be humorous. He looked over and saw Luxia smiling assuringly. 
She nodded silently and reached out. Her thumb made contact with his skin. He felt a chill, not a bad or cold chill, it was breathtaking. Her thumb moved up and down different parts of his back, feeling at the letters. Her skin was so soft for someone with demonic ancestry, her nails only grazing. He felt the same way when she was caressing and massaging his hand that night. He took another deep breath and exhaled with comfort.
“I’ve been thinking about our last night together…ceaselessly,” Astarion whispered that last word. Luxia stopped touching his back, closing her journal and putting it in a drawstring bag, he turned around, putting his shirt back on, “I’ll be in quite a spot of peril if you let me keep distracting myself dreaming instead of doing. We can’t have that, can we? It would be very dangerous.” He put on a bit of baby talk, making Luxia snort. 
“Or maybe you can stop putting yourself on the front lines all the time, that’ll probably help,” she quipped back, taking Astarion aback, she smiled, laughing at the fact he was shocked, “I know what you’re trying to get at. Buuuuuut…I’m not sure.” She was playing hard to get, the same way he was. 
“Ah, you need a bit of enticing, let me see,” Astarion delved into his mind palace, picking his lines carefully, “Hmm, how about this one: When I’m with you, I feel practically alive, yet I crave only to die again…with you.” His voice became soft, but Luxia could see through it.
She laughed, his sham words were something she was used to, and she decided to play along. “Oh, how romantic~,” she said with a fake-dramatic tone, the back of her hand meeting her forehead, “so many honey-dipped words, like usual.” She laughed off her comment.
“Not as half as sweet as when I tasted you,” he quipped back, Luxia was truly taken aback, and her heart leaped, “I swear, you should watch how much of that tea of yours that you love so much because I might just devour you alive.” She could feel her cheeks heating up, feeling like she was talking to her first crush again. That didn’t stop Astarion though. “Hmm, how about another then: Every part of your perfect body… whispers temptation - it’s as if the Gods made you just to ruin me.” 
I swear, the Gods are playing the sickest joke known to mankind. Astarion thought to himself. It’s almost hilarious that she fell for him so hard, she was hanging on every word he was saying.
Luxia could feel something stirring in her stomach like the feel of butterflies fluttering every part of her body. Her infectious giggle cleared the silence, she was truly hooked. “Ok…what else?” 
“Hmm, how about if I said these little words… Everyone’s favorite…” the…something, Gods dammit, he was reminded of how she held him that night, she felt…warm, comforting, “...I love you.” The words slipped out, with no thought of how he said them, they came almost naturally.
Luxia’s smile was contagious, her smile led to the ground, and not being able to look at him probably. “Are you having fun?” Her head came back up. Her moonlit eyes, it was one of the key traits that Astarion noticed about her when they first met, he noticed that night that blue rings circled her pupils, almost making them look like they were glowing. And the dark eyeshadow surrounding them, it’s almost like she wants people to look at her directly.
He laughed. “I am, it’s hard not to with you,” Astarion straightened himself up, clearing his throat, “now, as much as I relish standing around and saying all my favorite lines at you, I’d much rather we got to experience each others’ … full portfolio of talents once again.” Aaaaand there it was.
Luxia felt like she was holding her breath, waiting for him to just say it already. “I’ll come to your tent once everyone is asleep,” she explained plainly, That familiar smirk finally appeared, Astarion seemed satisfied, and he simply swayed his hip back and forth on his way to his tent, but not before Luxia grabbed his wrist, “actually…besides that, would we be able to talk, privately, one-on-one without anyone eavesdropping.
Astarion let out a dramatic sigh. “Gods, I hope you don’t talk my ears off with your research.”
“This has nothing to do with that, I promise. And then afterwards…” Luxia wiggled her eyebrows, trying to be saucy.
It was enough for him. “I’ll be waiting.” he whispered in her ear, giving her cheek a small kiss, finally leaving for his tent. 
Astarion got to his tent, comfortably snuggled in his plush pillows and luxurious silk blanket. While everyone was eating and conversing around the campfire, he was reading through one of the many books the party had picked up during their adventure. He didn’t pay mind to the title, most of them faded over time, and he began scanning through the words. It was only when he read the first two sentences that he realized he picked out an erotic novel.
‘…My nightgown flowed with the breeze in his room, I could feel Archibald’s hot breath hit the back of my neck as he kissed behind my pointed ears. His skilled fingers unzipped my gown.
“Do you swear to give your mind and body to me?” His whisper was gruff, goosebumps littered my body.
“Yes, Archie,” I whispered back.
“No. In this room, that is not my name. What is my name, pet?” His hand wrapped around my neck, his nails almost digging into my skin. 
“Yes…master~” I moaned, his other hand slowly dipping into her now-soaked garments…’
“Whatcha reading?” A sudden Luxia appears at Astarion’s tent, it seems to be a pattern. Astarion gave her a side glance, one eye on her and the other still on the book.
“Just doing some light reading,” he smirked as Luxia continued into his tent, stumbling through all the pillows. She tried to look at the book but the title was illegible, “you know, I never took you as someone who would enjoy something so obscene, sweetheart.” Luxia’s eyebrow arched.
“Excuse me?”
“Do you wish for dear Archibald to grip your neck and call you ‘pet’?”
Luxia’s face flushed, trying to snag the book from Astarion, but he was too fast. She tried to grab it, but one of those damn pillows trapped her foot, making her fall onto Astarion’s chest. “Where did you get that!?” 
“Took it from your stack of the many many books you have found on our journey, quite the saucy read.”
“I probably just grabbed it without looking inside it,” Luxia explained awkwardly, trying to compose herself, successfully grabbing the book, “but I don’t think you want to talk about the book, do you?” Her eyes looked like they sparkled with the candlelight in the tent, her mouth half open, her small fangs poking out.
Astarion smirked, his laugh was quiet but still contagious. “I hoped you would come. I have missed you. And now you’re all mine, and I’m all yours. Until the morning at least,” he rolled her over, trapping Luxia in his arms, her brows knitted together, “now, let’s see where the night takes us~” He kissed the top of her, slowly moving down to her neck.
He was moving too fast for her though. Luxia gently tried to push Astarion’s head away. “Before we get to…all that, we need to talk about the night before.”
“What? What is there to be said? It was a night of pure ecstasy and pleasure.”
“Maybe for you but… you kind of rushed the whole thing?” She tried to talk straight with him
Astarion broke down mentally. “Were you…not satisfied?” He didn’t sound like his usual confident self, he sounded almost like a small boy getting in trouble for stealing.
“NO NO! It wasn’t that I wasn’t satisfied, but you kind of…it’s hard to describe… you were chasing your pleasure.” 
He sat up straight, looking down at Luxia, tilting his head in confusion. Luxia stood up with him, looking up and trying to read his face. She could see his chest slowly heaving, his eyes darting and looking all around his surroundings and not at her, his mouth pursed stubbly. Conclusion: Astarion doesn’t know about his pleasure, or what he likes. He can only assume what others want from him…
Luxia slowly put her hands on his shoulders, trying to signal to look at her. It was disheartening to see him like this: his usual suave and confident attitude was gone, all that was left was a shell of him. His eyes, like before, looked clouded over, almost barely making eye contact with her. “Tonight, I want to take this slowly, and talk through it all.”
“Let’s explore your desires, my desires,” her hands slowly snaked around his neck, her fingers getting caught in the back of his head, “you don’t have to assume I like something, you’ll just know.” Luxia’s fingers rubbed softly on his strong forearms, he may have been leaner than most of the party, the leading contenders being Shadowheart and Lae’zel. 
“I…Uh,” Astarion was taken aback, he wasn’t sure where his arms should go, where his eyes should be looking, he tried to compose himself, “How do we begin?” 
Luxia found it almost sweet how he asked, she smiled softly. “Maybe, let’s start with undressing, get comfortable,” Astarion nodded, moving back as both of them were casually taking off their tunics and pants, soon naked, “if you can, what are your ‘yes’ and ‘no’s.”
“My what?”
“Like, let’s start with the ‘no’s. Your ‘no’s are things that you do not want to happen to you during sex. We can start with that, what things do you not want me to do to you?”
Astarion looked down for a moment, his eyes grew dark, thinking about those two centuries…two centuries of pure agony and torture. “No tying me down, I want full control of my body.”
“Ok, understandable,” Luxia nodded assuringly, “anything else?”
“Hmm… no cutting me or bruising me, our battles do that just enough.”
“That is true.”
“Don’t touch my back, I do like your arms around my neck, but no touching the scars.”
“...I don’t want to be called anything that will belittle me…I think that’s it.”
Luxia nodded as he talked, some would assume if you nod the whole time, you’re not paying attention, but she hung on to every word he said. “Thank you for telling me Astarion. It takes a lot of trust to tell people these things,” she held onto his hands, rubbing the back of his hands, giving them each a small kiss, “let me say my ‘no’s then. I also don’t want to be bound or called degrading words. Also, nothing that’ll make me bleed. Even if you set your ‘no’s, there might be things ‘in the moment’ that’ll make you uncomfortable. If that happens, you can tell me to stop, tell me no, or we can have a safe word.”
“Safe word? Why not just say stop?”
“I mean yeah, you can say that, but a safe word can make it more intimate, something that we can use, just the two of us.” Her hands moved back to his forearms again. “Anything you have in mind?”
Astarion made eye contact, actual eye contact with Luxia, this felt like a fantasy, someone that genuinely cares about. Not someone to manipulate his feelings, not someone to take control of him.
“Rose petal,” he said, he said it so sweetly, “soft, gentle, delicate…like you.” his hand moved to Luxia’s cheek stroking it. She laughed, holding his hand. 
“Bold of you to think I’m delicate.” Her eyebrow arched, she’s been seen to take a beating to the Hells and back, but she’s not delicate.
He laughed. “Less about you being physically delicate, more of how you don’t take shit from no one. You speak your truth…not many people can do that nowadays.” Astartion was surprised and also confused about Luxia, he wasn’t sure she was using her ‘trustworthiness’ as a ploy to get what she wanted. But no, she’s just… willing to help anyone and everyone.  
She laughed, getting flustered. “Thank you~ at least someone noticed,” her arms lazily fell behind him, trying very carefully not to touch his back, Luxia gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek, “Now that we have our set of rules, it’s time for our ‘yes’s. What are things that turn you on, besides my blood of course~” She teased.
Astarion looked like he was ready to answer, his mouth was open, but not a word came out. What…did he like in sex?... He never gave it any thought for 200 years. As he thought, his hands moved down to Luxia waist, his idly tapping, almost ticklish. 
She had an idea. “How about this, how do we start this night? Do you want me to…kiss you…oooor maybe start from the bottom to the top?” Her touch was so gentle yet her words stung him that he felt a chill down his spine.``
“A kiss my dear, I’m tired of waiting,” Astarion composed himself, finally getting a good grip on her waist, “I can still taste that delicious mint. That hint of that Gods awful wine tasted so sweet.”
“Then kiss me, don’t be shy~” Luxia whispered close to his face. Astarion closed the gap, his mouth interlocked with hers. The kiss felt less quick than the last night they had together, it was more sensual, he was truly taking his time with her, his tongue only poking now and then. 
“Ah~” they parted, Luxia panting, “I swear you take my breath away every time.”
“I cannot help it, darling, you are just absolutely delectable~” Astarion moaned out, continuing to attack her face and showering her in kisses. His hips rutted, his penis grinding against her.
“How about we try something new for you? Instead of you pampering me, I pamper you,” Luxia whispered, almost mischievous-like. She broke their heated kiss, slowly and gracefully trailing kisses down onto his chest. Her lips continued to pepper his pecs, ghosting around his nipples. Astarion’s breath hitched, and his back arched. “Oh~ I didn’t know you could be sensitive. I love the noises you make~”
“S-Shut up~” he gasped, Luxia’s tongue circling his right nipple, just barely touching the areolas. “C-Can you stop for a minute?”
As he said that word, Luxia immediately lifted her head, a trail of saliva glistening in his almost unblemished skin. His face, his ruby eyes blown out, his breaths shallow. “Gods, you’re going to be the end of me, dear Luxia,” Astarion laughed at his comment, “I didn’t know you were a secret minx!”
She giggles, her finger tracing circles and spirals on his abdomen. “I’m not a minx. I’ve met many colorful people in my time at university. We don’t all have the same kinks, but there are still parts of us that are still sensitive to touch. Like what you saw with my neck our first night together,” she blushes, combing through her messy midnight blue hair, “I love it when the back of my head is scratched.”
“Oh, like this?” Astarion smirked, his hand swiftly moved to the back of her head, his nails scratching the baby hairs like scratching a cat’s head. Luxia sighed, fully in the zone. Her head moved back into his hand. Her head whiplashed down to Astarion’s face, giving him a long kiss, her hips moving all on her own. “I need you~ so badly.” He groaned out.
“Do you need me? Or do you want me?” She whispered.
“I don’t care, I need you inside me Luxia, shit~” Astarion was cut off, his shaft was getting uncomfortably hard being rubbed up against her. “Y-You’re more of a tease than I thought.”
She laughed, straightening herself up. “OK then. You remember the safeword?”
“Rose petal~” It sounded so gentle off his tongue.
She smiled. “Ok, You want to be inside me,” Luxia left Astarion’s waist, confusing him, “then be inside me~” Her azure lips kissed the tip, her tongue quickly lapping precum dripping from it. “Is this what I do to you? I guess you weren’t lying when you said I distracted you in battle. Let me help with that.” Her mouth wrapped around the head, not going any lower, suckling it a little.
“Gods~ cheeky little thing aren’t you? Teasing me, barely giving me… time to breathe.” He laughed, trying to mask his moans and not to wake anyone up. They both seem to forget that they were at camp and not on their own, they both want to be on their own, in their bubble of delicate pleasure. 
A trail of saliva kept her and his shaft connected, she licked her lips. “I’m not teasing you~ It may look like it, but I’m simply giving you please…the pleasure you deserve,” Luxia’s hand moved slowly around him, squeezing at random spots, making Astarion huff out, “No rush…no roughness. Just you *kiss* and me *kiss*, and nothing else. Release yourself for me, don’t hold it back.” She finally inserted his whole member into her mouth, she gagged for a moment before bobbing her head.
Astarion’s head was sparking with bliss. Her mouth, Gods, her mouth, just from her kiss alone he already knew how soft her lips were, feeling them on his length. His head whipped back, he could feel it coming, his hips jutting into her mouth. He could hear her whimpering, trying her best to keep up with him. “That’s it darling~ Hold on for just…F-Fuck! Luxia fuck, keep going-”
His breaths were staggered, and his hand moved down to her hair, almost instinctively. His fingers almost dug into her scalp, he was so distracted by pleasure that he didn’t notice Luxia, she was trying to get her mouth off of him but Astarion was not letting up. 
Her hands moved to his thighs, this was probably the only way to get his attention, and her gag reflex was the absolute worst. Her nails dug into the skin of his thighs, trying hard not to pierce his skin. She tried to speak, but she was too deep in, she had no choice. The nail on her ring finger pricked Astarion, making him flinch and loosening the grip on her hand. “R-Rose petal,” her voice was hoarse from his constant thrusting, “rose petal.” She said it more plainly, trying to break him out of his trance.
Astarion blinked, his eyes more clear. Luxia moved her hand to his, the other rubbing his hip bone. “W-What? What happened?”
“You did that thing again, chasing your pleasure,” she explained calmly, she kissed his cheek, trying to calm his nerves, “Do not rush, let me slow it down for you~” She stroked his member more slowly, just like before, his build-up was still there, but more lethargic. He sighed out a moan, his eyes were soon closed shut. His head was thrown back. She smiled at his expression and decided she wanted to hear more. Luxia started suckling the tip again, and soon his body was spasming. 
“F-Fuck~ Luxia. I can feel it,~” Astarion panted through his words, “Keep going…keep goingkeepgoingkeepgoingkeepgoing- FUCK!” He squealed as he came, he tried his hardest to cover his mouth, almost embarrassed by the sound he made. His discharge sprayed into her mouth, but parts hit the corners of her lips. 
She sat up straight, her thin fingers scooping up the last bit of cum that started rolling down her cheek. Astarion opened his eyes, his tears blurring his view but he could see Luxia’s blue skin, the moonlight shining from the crack in his tent reflecting on it. She looked radiant, even with her sweating and her hair a bit messy, her blown-out white eyes looked down at him. He was enamored.
He felt his body tense up when Luxia stood up. “Do you have any towels, cloth?” She said simply. Astarion’s stunned face made her smile. She cleared her throat to snap him out of his trance. 
“W-What? Uh, yeah. I-It’s in the corner.” He stumbled through his explanation. Astarion saw Luxia turn her back, seeing her tail sway with her hips, his mind was still in a hazy stance, but he could smile, seeing her move inquisitively. She leaned down which instinctively made him whistle, she responded with a giggle, holding now two fluffy towels and a water bottle.
She gave one to Astarion as she took a hefty swig of water. He dried off the sweat on his body, still looking at her.
Luxia sighed, she began crawling toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “How do you feel?” She asked quietly, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. 
His arms moved with a mind of their own, wrapping around her torso. “Gods,” he sighed, his finger tracing her infernal spine: there were ridges like a mountain, and he could also feel the pointed end of her scapula, almost pricking his finger, “I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever had such…intimate sex before. It felt so…good.” The word intimate felt like he was saying it for the first time, maybe it was. Astarion could see her eyes slowly closing. Apologize now?... no, let’s not ruin the moment…I have something better he thought. “I mean it by the way.” His voice was quieter, making sure he didn’t break her sleeping trance.
“Mean what?” She asked with a whisper.
“Your body. Impeccable. I truly believe the Gods made you for me.”
Luxia laughed. “Thank you, very lovely of you, Astarion.” She soon had her eyes completely shut, her breathing began to slow down.
Astarion felt in his heart something…Gods dammit that something. He wouldn’t be able to tell anyone except himself, he closed his eyes, trying to meditate, trying to do anything to let his mind wander. He could hear the echoes of her giggling, it was going to be a long night for him. 
First Tag List!: @bambamwolf87
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Could I please request some rope bondage and size kink, with a bit of overstimulation and knife play with Angel, please? Thank you! :D
My first full fic for Angel. Thank you so much for requesting!!!
Steady Hands
Contains: Fluff, mild angst, protective Angel, consent and kink negotiation, Dom Angel/sub Reader, rope bondage, size kink, overstimulation, knife play, oral sex M and F receiving, fingering, P in V.
2.8K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #sp's kinkfest pick and mix
Angel never misses the chance to use his size against you.
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"AHHHH Angel, stop." He laughed along with you, trying to take the piece of candy from your hand.
You reached away from him as best you could but his arms were far too long, "come on preciosa, give it up, you've already had two pieces."
You laughed, "and you've had three, you should learn to share."
He put his weight on your legs as you tried to crawl away, "I bought them."
You thought fast and nipped his exposed arm, "no, it's mine."
He snorted as your teeth left his skin, "biting? Real mature."
You were starting to lose your breath, "yeah, says the man fighting his woman over a bit of boiled sugar." Angel smirked at you, his eyes filling with affection as he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.
You relaxed into his kiss, wrapped your arms around his body and he rested his weight on you, pressing you into the couch. You forgot about the candy in your hand and Angel's hand ran lovingly up your arm, taking it from his back to press it into the cushions. You opened your hand, thinking he was moving to link his fingers in yours until he was plucking the treat out of your open palm.
You went to take it back but he held you down with one hand and unwrapped the candy with the other, popping it in his mouth with a smile. "You are so mean, that was mine."
Angel chuckled, talking around the candy, "it's not my fault you're weak, maybe get some muscles so you can keep up."
You huffed, "I am not weak, you're just freakishly long, it wasn't muscle strength that did me in, it was your long limbs."
Angel smile, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, "you love it."
You smiled back, pressing your face into his palm, "I do, now if you're done bragging, we have a party to get to."
You had your legs slung over Angel's lap as he spoke to Gilly and Coco about his plans for the weekend, which amounted to spending most of it with you. "You are comfortable there?"
Angel's tone was light, "yes, you are very comfortable."
He smiled, "sometimes I think you only keep me around to use me as a pillow."
You giggled, "yep, you caught me."
Angel shook his head and turned to Gilly, "see what I have to deal with?"
You huffed, "you stole my candy this afternoon, I don't steal your food."
His eyebrows wrinkled, "you sure about that?"
Your face broke into a grin, "ok, maybe I do steal your food but you and your longness take advantage of me."
Coco shook his head, "I don't think that's a word."
Angel smirked at his friend's support, "yeah, y/n, that's not a word."
You slapped Angel's chest playfully, "I'm going to look it up when we get home and then you're going to buy me another piece of candy."
Angel smirked, "sure Cariña."
He wrapped his arms around your shoulder and brought you into his side, "now behave, we're in public."
It was later in the night and you were outside sitting at the picnic benches with Angel and some of the guys enjoying dinner from the food truck up the road. "How's the food?"
You smiled, "really good, you gotta learn to cook so you can make this for me all the time."
Angel shook his head, "that might not be a good idea, you remember the last time I tried to make something more than mac and cheese?"
You nodded, "yes, I managed to put the fire out so there's no harm in trying again."
You went up to get and drink, Angel shaking his head, "if you're so happy to clean up my mess, can you take the rubbish and throw it away?"
You rolled your eyes, "hand it over, you owe me."
He smiled and pressed his lips to the side of your head, "yep, of course I do." You made your way to the bin, opened the lid and tossed it in. Just as you were about to walk away, you slipped on a stray pebble and in righting yourself, ending up stepping in a pile of barbed wire in a heap right by the can.
Angel came racing over at the noise, looking you over to see if anything was bleeding, "are you hurt?"
You shook your head, "no, the barbs are stuck in my jeans." He nodded and knelt down, pulling out his knife before gently grabbing your leg and using the blade to pull away the wire slowly and methodically.
It took a while, his thumb rubbing your skin in a soothing motion. When the wire was free from your leg he stood up and returned the knife to its holder, looking over you one last time to make you were ok, "does anything hurt?"
You rolled your ankle, "no, I think I'm going to need new pants but I'm ok."
He smiled, "alright then, I think it's time we head home."
"I'd like that too, it's been a long night."
The moment you got in the door, Angel was on you, he slammed you against the solid wood of the entrance and pressed his lips to yours, his beard scratching your skin as his hands ran all over your body. You pulled back to catch your breath, smiling as his eyes became heated, "what's gotten into you."
He smirked, "you don't think I missed the look in your eyes this afternoon, or tonight when I had that knife in my hand."
"I was hoping not."
Angel chuckled, "do you trust me?"
You nodded, "of course, with my life."
He smiled softly, kissing you as his hands held your face, "let's take this to the bedroom, I have some ideas." He took your hand and led you into your shared room, pulling you back into a kiss while his fingers worried at the buttons on your top.
He stepped back, grabbing your hip as he pulled you closer to the bed, "you want me to tie you up too?"
"Are you attached to this outfit?"
You thought for a moment, "no, not really, are you?"
He shook his head, "no, I'd really like to slice it off you, would you like that?"
You swallowed, "with your knife?" He bit his lip, "if you want."
You took a deep breath, "yes, yes I would like that very much."
You felt your body grow warmer, "oh yes please." He smirked and detached from you, walking over to the closet to pull out the lengths of super soft rope you kept for times like this.
He came back, dropping the rope on the bed and removing the knife from the sheath, "the moment you want to stop, you got to tell me, what are you going to say?"
You met his eyes, the fun forgotten for the moment, "stop or red, or any variolation of ow."
Angel smiled, "good girl." He looked you over for a place to start, knife is hand ready to cut your clothes free. It seemed he decided on your top because he was looking you in the eyes while slipping the blade along the collar to the centre where the buttons started.
The knife was sharp and it cut through the fabric like butter, once he had cleaved through the parts that held the buttons to the shirt, he was brushing the ruined top off your torso, "you could have just unbuttoned it."
He smiled, "and miss that look in your eyes? Never." He dropped down to his knees and started on your jeans next, even with the thick denim, the cutting edge had no issues making quick work of the fabric.
He stood back up and looked over you, clad in nothing but your underwear then went to take the knife to your bra as you stepped back, "hey, we agree to the outfit only, not the underwear, I like this set."
Angel smiled, "I can buy you more, lots more." You held up your hand, pressing it to his chest in hopes of holding him off but it was no use, a giggle burst from your chest and he was throwing the knife to the side before tossing you on the bed and climbing on top of you in a mirror of earlier that day.
"Don't you dare Angel, I swear to God if you even think about it I'm going to."
He kissed you hard, holding your wrists with one hand while he grabbed the rope with the other, "you'll what, there's nothing you can do right now." You tried to struggle away but even though he only had one hand around you, it was impossible.
He made quick work of your hands, tying them together in front of your body before standing up and using your tied wrists to bring you to the ground and onto your knees, "if you suck my dick I'll leave your lace alone."
You wrinkled your eyebrows, "that's not much of a trade on your behalf, I want to suck your dick." He shook his head with a huff, losing his shirt then unzipping his jeans and yanking them down.
"Take me out." You did as he asked, reaching up as best you could with your hand tied together to pull his hard, leaking cock from his boxers. His hands made their way to your cheek, tilting your head up to look at him, "I'm going to take it easy on you since you can't tap me if you want to stop, if you need to break all you need to do is pull back and I'll let you go."
You nodded, "that's not an answer little girl."
His thumb was drifting over your cheek, "if I want to stop I'll pull my head away."
He smiled, "alright then, get to it." You smiled once more before leaning in and pressing a kiss to the head, then as best you could, you wrapped one hand around the base. The bulk of the ropes made it a bit harder for you to fit his length in your mouth so you focused on the head in earnest, Angel's mouth dropping open as your hot mouth surrounded him.
"You are so good at that, fuck bella" Angel laid on the praise as you worked him up, grunting as he got closer until he was tugging you back and pulling you up by your arms, "we ain't going to be done for a while. Lay on the bed and let me look after you."
"Make me." He raised his eyebrows, nodded with his lips pressed together before all but picking you up and throwing you down, "that do it for you?"
You smiled, "yeah, it does." Before you could think, his knife was back in his hand and he was lifting it in question, "you better replace them Reyes." He took that as permission the start cutting, the flat, dull part of the blade pressing against your skin as he cut your panties away.
The bra went next, Angel's eyes growing wide at your exposed breasts, he looked over you and then met your eye, "do you trust me?"
In an echo of your early answer, you replied, "with my life." Your breath caught in your throat as the very tip of the blade made its way down your sternum. It didn't hurt, not even a little, it was just the threat of it that had all your hair standing on edge, the arousal becoming overwhelming.
"Angel, I want more."
He smirked and put the knife down, "I can do that." His lips found yours then he was kissing down your body. His hand moved down before his lips, his fingers finding your slit, "wow you're wet, what's that from Querida?"
You smiled, "that's anyone's guess, the night has been very enjoyable."
"Really? Well it's about to get even better." He kissed across your hips, his fingers beginning to move up and down your centre, when you were holding back your moans he shifted his hand and spread you open then his lips were wrapped around your clit. The realisation that you weren't tied to the headboard hit you like a fright train as you brought your hand down to weave into his hair. Angel didn't stop, rather, he slid two of his long thick fingers inside you as his tongue circled your clit.
"Oh fuck, I need more please."
He lifted his head, a mischievous look on his face, "you sure?" You nodded, "alright, remember you asked for this." That felt ominous but you couldn't ask for clarification as he went at you like a man starving. You were arching off the bed in no time, pressing his face to your core as you came around his fingers.
He didn't stop, pressing his forearm down on your pelvis to stop you from flinching away from him. The next one came hard and fast, sweeping you up in wave after wave of pleasure until you flew into another one. The pushing towards turned to pulling away as Angel continued, then you were whimpering for him to give you a break. He didn't, instead, he lifted his head and replaced his tongue with his thumb, only slowing enough so you could make sense of what he was saying.
"You did ask for this."
You gasped, "I, please."
He smiled, his thumb gaining speed and force, "please what pretty girl?"
You swallowed, having trouble finding the words, "I need more." Angel's face was filled with heat, "you feel empty, do you?"
You nodded ,"yes, yes, I feel empty."
He smirked, "let me fix that for you." His lips travelled up your body as he removed his fingers until he reached your mouth to kiss you and you could taste yourself on his skin.
He rolled you onto your side and lifted your leg over his hip before grabbing his cock and notching it at your entrance, "you ready?"
You took in a sharp breath, "yes, please, I'm begging."
He chuckled, "no need." Then he was ramming himself inside you. He held your hip hard, your bound hands pressed to his chest as he took a punishing pace, the way slicked by all his hard work with his mouth.
You were stuck between trying to pull him closer and trying to flinch away from him, no matter how you felt, Angel left you no room to move as he fucked you, grunting in your ear like an animal. It was on the cusp of too much when his fingers brushed your clit, "one last time and then I'll fill you up, you want that don't you?" You couldn't find the words, settling for pressing your lips to his as his fingers moved in tight, well aimed circles.
"Come on, I know you can do it." That was all it took for you to contract around him, you could feel every ridge and vein as he pushed himself inside your ever tightening body, his own expression revealing that he was struggling to keep himself under control. After a handful of hard thursts, you felt him pulse inside you and your vision started to fade as his warmth filled your body.
When you came to, he was still inside you, untying your hand while he softened and slipped out, "you doing ok y/n?"
You took a deep breath, "can you ask me that in twenty minutes?" He smiled softly, brushing a sweat slicked strand of hair off your face, "I can, but I'd like if you told me now." You took another deep breath and rolled your wrists, Angel allowing you to before returning them to his large hands to rub out the stiffness.
"I'm great, utterly wonderful, in fact. I'm having trouble feeling my toes but I'm great."
He kissed you softly, a barely there brush that had you following his lips as he pulled away, "I'll be back before you know it, you just close your eyes and relax." You did as he asked, listening out as he ran the water and returned with a warm, damp hand towel to wipe you done.
When that was done, he pulled you into his arms and rested your head on his chest, "once you can stand I'll run a bath for you and make sure you'll all clean for bed, how does that sound?"
You smiled, "sounds great, can I have a nap first?"
He shook his head, "nope, I can't have you complaining that you can't sleep. It's almost bedtime, once we're all clean, I'll tuck you in and spend the whole night holding you, that sound good."
"That sounds perfect, I love you."
He pressed his lips to your forehead, "I love you too y/n."
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