#.if you saw it without the readmore
sansloii · 1 year
me for the entire day:
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I cannot believe I just saw someone say the f/fxiv fandom is more obnoxious about H/aurchefant than it is about G/raha
Like absolutely fucking not, if you think that you only think that because catboy is your favorite, this fandom is absolutely fucking insufferable about crystal catboy and the writing is absolutely worse about throwing catboy in your face when you don't like him—h/aurche is dead, he can only come up in contexts where remembering that he's dead makes sense, they rub crystal catboy in your face constantly and don't even have the decency to let your WoL say something as mild as "we are not friends, we are coworkers".
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flying-womrats · 3 months
replacements for a few LMS mods
If you think you saw this post yesterday, yes you did- then I made a couple edits and realized I should have done it under a readmore in case people reblogged it... So here we go again! These are the possible replacements I found for the littlemssam mods I was using, in case they help anyone else.
Caveats: - Often not a 1:1 replacement. - I only went looking for replacements for mods I was actually using, so this only covers a fraction of her catalog. - Most of these modders still use Curseforge, they're just not exclusive to it.
Additionally, if anyone knows of a replacement for any of the following: Go For A Walk, Improved Meditation Stool, Improved Practical Spells (the improvements to the spells themselves,) No Random Job Offers (I know BosseladyTV has one, but it's CF exclusive,) Purchased Items Delivered By Mail, Release All The Ghosts, or Tea For Children, please drop me an ask! I only request no Curseforge exclusives and no Zer0.
On to the list:
Allow Stoves in University Housing -> Zerbu, No University Housing Restrictions
Auto Employees -> Kuttoe's "X Everywhere" mods, Zerbu's Spawn Refresh
Auto-Light Fireplaces Only When Cold -> Bienchen, fireplaceautonomytweak
Buy Treats via PC -> Bienchen, buypettreat
Calendar Tweaks -> Kuttoe, Less Frequent Prom (caveat: takes time to start working, especially if you're using a longer season setting)
Cookbooks -> ClaudiaSharon, Cook Experimental/Cultural/Jungle Food Without Tasting It First
Immortality Potion Fix -> Kuttoe, Potions Rework (only a half replacement- removes the VFX, but doesn't lock aging like the Scarlet/LMS mod)
Kids Can Walk Dogs -> ChippedSim, Paws & Claws (A Sim's Best Friend module)
More Away Actions -> Bienchen, awayactions (is actually included in the LMS mod)
No Burning Sun in Forgotten Hollow -> TwistedMexi, Daywalkers + Underworlds (caveat: per TMex's comment on the latter, the eternal night is only cosmetic and still requires Daywalkers for vampires to come out at "daytime". Also, Daywalkers affects all worlds. Still interested in a mod closer to LMS's if one exists!)
No Insects Herbalism -> Simularity, Improved Herbalism Potions & Features
No Shoe Sign Animation -> Lotharihoe, Shoe Sign Animation Tweaks (doesn't remove the animation entirely but does stop it from interrupting walking)
No Sick, Dirty, Sad and Hungry Pets -> Bienchen, catanddogsanity
Pregnancy Overhaul ("sims can do more" part) -> Bienchen, pregnantsimscandomore
Pregnancy Overhaul (belly sizes) -> t0nischwartz, No Bump or sonozakisisterssims4, "The belly in pregnancy depends on the number of babies" (the former is simpler but has no equivalent to the "larger belly" option, the latter has a bit more going on but has direct equivalents to LMS's sizes, so take your pick!)
Sleep All Night and Sleep In -> Midnitetech- Stay Asleep, Mokunoid- Better Sleep Autonomy or Lot 51- Sunrise depending on desired depth/customization
Social Activities -> adeepindigo, Youth, Friends and Family Activities
Small GF Reactions Overhaul -> Bienchen, lesscelebreact
Small Laundry Overhaul -> Bienchen's laundry mods cover some (but not all- anyone have something to make it cost money on community lots?) of it, along with Lotharihoe's No Autonomously Set Laundry Down to replace the "auto put away laundry" part.
Spar With For Everyone -> Bienchen, sparwithfornonmilitary
Toddler Ask For Food No Junk -> Bienchen, healthyhighchair (not quite the same thing but it solves the "why do they always give the kid chips" issue at least)
WEE: Working Elevators Everywhere -> Ravasheen, Uplifting Elevators (space and wall height permitting, it's also possible to make no-CC elevators with the RoM debug portals!)
Wellness Treat Fix -> Bienchen, petanxiousbufffix
Also, while I wasn't using either of them myself, Meet&Mingle can replace SimDa Dating App, and Lovestruck adds a "canon" dating app (though given EA's complete lack of attention to QA etc. I wouldn't recommend paying for it.)
edit 6/26/24: added Sunrise, petanxiousbufffix, pregnantsimscandomore
edit 6/27/24: added No Bump, moved into a new post.
edit 6/29/24: added Daywalkers, No University Housing Restrictions (ty @northernnightsky!) and the sonozakisisters bump mod
edit 7/2/24: added Underworlds (ty anon), Paws & Claws, and a link to the tutorial I followed for no-CC elevators
edit 8/22/24: added Spawn Refresh
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misty-caligula · 1 year
Okay this is gonna be long, but I’ve got a lot of ground to cover so please bear with me. In a real way, this is my series thesis.
I’ve said before, many times now (like a cycle) that for me the most important scene is ep 1 act 1 scene 1. There’s something There that I have been struggling to see clearly, struggling to articulate, and s2e9 really finally gave me the last pieces for it.
I think that Pit Girl is the point of the entire story. But not in the way that I thought going in. I feel like I’m rambling, so I’m going to try to structure my thoughts.
Imagine you’re a new viewer. You haven’t watched yj start to finish 30 times, you’ve never even buzzed before. You turn on the tv and the FIRST thing that happens is you see ... brutality. A half dressed girl chased through the freezing woods, murdered without a chance. They drag her through the snow, string her up, pour her blood on the ground. Hack her into unrecognisable chunks. Sit around in scary outfits and rip at her, with a huge focus on the teeth, as horror music plays. Then, Misty takes off her mask, puts on her glasses, and does the worst possible thing. She smiles. Directly at you.
Again, forget everything you know and go on vibes. You’re seeing the teens pre-crash, and you’re seeing them in the third timeline, fully formed, with horror motifs and covered in fur. You’d be mistaken for thinking that you were seeing start and end. Except that... we know, and you know, that Pit Girl is the middle. These monsters somehow came back from this. How? When they’re so so so far gone?
Hence the show. I know I’m not breaking new ground here, but bear with me. I’m going somewhere.
(Edit: Readmore added because honestly, LONG post)
You’d be forgiven, fresh-faced new viewer, for thinking you were watching some kind of gross-out slasher. But what happens in S1? Restraint. Laura Lee, the first non-crash victim dies at the end of episode eight. Jackie end of ep 10. (For the sake of this thesis we’re going to be almost exclusively focused on the teens.)
And yet there’s this tonal shift, It’s like ... inevitability. Like watching a crack in a window that’s very slowly spreading. Everything is steadily Getting Worse. The weather is slowly getting colder, the days are getting darker, food’s getting scarcer, life is getting harder. But so much of this difficulty is coming from external events and pressure. Yes, cracks start to show in the internal relationship dynamics, of course, but if food was plentiful, if shrooms were less so, if the weather were better, then they could probably work out a very long term stable situation. Sadly for them, things are not stable, and the pressure is building.
Then Jackie dies and the glass gets a really big break.
It’s worth mentioning at this moment that Jackie at any time could’ve come the fuck inside. Safety and warmth and even love were available to her. All it would’ve required was for her not to be the centre of the world. To make actual goddamn concessions and join the team. Which is why she couldn’t possibly make that choice, because she had to be invited, she had to be apologised to, she had to be accommodated. She couldn’t see the rest of the ‘jackets as being people who just like her were in a really shitty situation. She saw them as being external, as being in cahoots against her, as being part of some Thing that she wasn’t in on. She couldn’t let go of the society they’d left, and she preferred to die. Which sure is a choice...
Keep all of that in mind though. We’re taught to blame Shauna for Jackie’s choices. Let’s stop with that. Jackie chose not to assimilate, she looked around the cabin at the team eating the bear and praying to the wilderness and instead of just paying lip service to fit in, like Tai, she decided to put her foot down and make a Thing of it. She decided that being Right was more important than being Included.
Seriously, keep that in mind, we’re coming back to it. Cycles, you know...
Season 2, everyone’s hungry and hey we have this spare Jackie lying around. And we joke like “ha, you gonna eat that?” Only...
No. They WEREN’T going to eat her.
Really think about that for a second. They put her in the meat shed. With the bear. Think about what that does, psychologically. Linguistically. The meat shed is made to store food. The bear has a word: carcass. Day after day after week after month they carve progressively more pathetic chunks from it, subsisting on what little it offers. In the EXACT same room, sitting right there is Jackie. Her body has a different name. Corpse. With many different connotations. At NO point does ANY of them raise the fact that they’ve taken their friend and added her to their meat stockpile.
Because they haven’t. Instead, they’ve added a new sub-room. The meat shed is now also a morgue. And nobody ever once had to say it. They got it. We got it. You got it. And while they starved and their bodies BEGGED for food, Jackie’s corpse lay there, frozen and fresh, and stubbornly refused to become a carcass, because they wouldn’t let it. They knew that there were more important things than meat, even when they were starving.
The bacchanal was a mistake. A literal error. It simply wasn’t planned, wasn’t meant to go down that way. Maybe if they HAD considered that route earlier and had a discussion about it they’d have been prepared, psychologically, maybe if they weren’t so starved. Who knows. But in the middle of the night they were offered a way out, and they took it.
But Shauna took it first.
Even in their state, even faced with an ideal roasted feast infront of them, they waited until Shauna said it was okay. Because Jackie was Shauna’s friend, and they knew that she was still a person. That this was still a corpse first. It was Shauna who was able to give them permission to survive. To turn a friend into a meal. It was not their place to take that step. To shoulder that guilt. So Shauna did it for them.
The next day they’re devastated. The heavy reality sets in, now the hunger is settled. And Jackie’s carcass is far too real, they can’t change her back into a corpse. Nat tries, bless her heart. But Tai’s screaming reaction at having eaten Jackie’s face is only an externalisation of the grief and horror and agony they’re all going through.
And after Jackie they starve again. Hope and heat and light dwindles further. Every single day they all take another step towards death. That’s what starvation is, it’s the same thing as dying, you die a little bit every day until you can’t die anymore.
Kristen falls. Misty doesn’t even consider that she might bring her back as meat. If she had’ve, she might think, maybe she’d be considered like ... heroic. It doesn’t even occur to her. She’s not going to LET those bitches eat her one and only friend, and she goes out of her way to protect her.
Shauna has her horror show birth. And, no matter WHAT the context is, she produces.... meat. In the most awful, brutal way. And while the fandom made so many jokes and stuff, the reality is that yes... at least to an extent there was real nutrients there. And it was never once even brought up as an option, by these desperate, starving girls. 
When Coach tries to kill himself, here’s a ready source of willing meat. And Misty uses it as a threat to stop him. But it’s hollow, she’s just putting on fake fangs to try to keep him safe. She’s not actually that vicious thing that she’s pretending to be, just like she’s not actually homophobic.
When Lottie tells Misty to eat her if she dies, Misty fights her on it. Lottie has to insist. Then when she tells the rest of the team, they are so overwhelmed with the selflessness of the gesture that it inspires them to twist it into their first hunt. That’s what it takes. The hunt is an act of self-sacrifice and love.
And so we get to the hunt. The proto-pit-girl, we’ve come full circle and we start to learn all these answers to questions posed in act 1 scene 1. And they’re not the answers that were assumed.
How do they get to the point of eating each other? They sacrifice themselves willingly, for the sake of each other’s survival.
Why do they hunt the way they do? Because Shauna just can’t stand to murder a friend in cold blood, a friend she cares for and has no reason to hate.
Why the spike pit? Because it keeps the blood off their hands. Because it lets them blame It and preserve a tiny fragment of their innocence.
Why the weird symbols? The ritual itself? Because they need SOMETHING to hold onto, to make it all make sense.
Why so brutal? Is it? We THINK it’s brutal. It’s certainly bloody. But Pit Girl dies almost instantly. Her pain is over fast. She doesn’t have a good time going into it, obviously, none of them want to die. But she chose to run, she could’ve taken the knife instead. And the spike trap was efficient. Yes they drag her through the snow and string her up, but it’s mechanical and just part of the process and she’s dead already. Her pain is over fast, it’s not sadistic.
Why do they chop her up into chunks like that? Because nobody wants to eat her face. Because nobody wants to struggle with her humanity, they want her to look just like any other meat. So that they might be having deer or bear or ... friend. They’re eating because they are biological machines that need to eat, that NEED death to survive. They didn’t ask to be made the way they are, and they’re doing their best to cope. Shauna, probably blindly, takes on that responsibility, to transform their friend into unrecognisable meat to change a corpse into a carcass. She takes that pain for them, holds that sin for them, out of love. So they can eat, so they can survive.
What’s with the creepy horror masks? During the ritual they can’t handle being themselves. They create alternate versions of themselves to hold what must be done. The masks aren’t there to scare anyone, because there IS NO AUDIENCE. The masks are there to hide behind. That’s why Misty takes hers off at the end of the scene. The ritual is over and they can go back to being people again.
Why is Misty fucking Quigley in charge? Because she CAN be. Because she’s strong enough. If Lott/Nat/The AQ is the goddess/queen, Misty is the priestess/handmaiden, tasked with actually carrying out her orders. She interprets the queens words when she’s too weak, she provides counsel when she needs it, she tells the team what they need to hear in the moment, she gives out the micromanagement. Misty’s the power behind the throne, because when she says she’ll do something she fucking follows through. No matter the cost. And what the team NEEDS, whether they choose to admit it or not, is a backbone.
They bring home Javi. The music uses a reference that’s never been done before. It uses the spiritual powerballad that was playing when Laura Lee tried to fly away. It builds the expectation of Great Things, of big, potent ...
And then it just stops. As the girls are faced with the reality of what’s laying on the table. The cold, blue corpse of a soft child who never hurt anyone. No matter what they do, no matter how hard they try they just cannot make him a carcass. But they have made the choice already, and if they turn back now it’s not like it’ll bring him back. They’ll just be starving and regretful as he rots.
So Shauna, blind and shaking, does the best she can. And when she brings in the meat, she - of all people - understands EXACTLY what Travis is going through. She knows what he needs. Because she’s been here. With Jackie. So she brings him Javi’s heart. His core. His love. His soul.
(She doesn’t bring him Javi’s head. She cuts that off and puts it aside so nobody has to eat his face... Some things are worth more than pure nutritional survival.)
And Travis, god bless him, does the only thing he can do left to respect Javi. He takes his heart, and he bites it, raw and bloody.
It hurts him to do so. It disgusts him so much, but he manages not to throw up. It disgusts the girls too, but they watch on, horrified. And that’s the POINT. Travis makes sure that before they do this, before they do what they have to... that they all remember this is Javi, this is human, this is a person. And he preserves the horror. For all their sakes. And only then, after he’s given his blessing, after he’s done his human acts, do these starving, ravenous girls allow themselves to reach for their food.
S1E1. Act 1, scene 1. We do not know who Pit Girl is. We do not know the exact circumstances that get us there. But we do know where we started now. What the original meaning is behind each of these little things. And it’s not brutality, not barbarism. It’s love. It’s not lord of the flies, a bunch of monstrous human-shaped creatures giving in to their primal nature and predating on each other. It’s a team of terrified people desperately clutching at their own humanity as hard as they can. Trying SO hard not to let that glass break, to not become the thing that the framing of act 1 scene 1 tried so VERY hard to convince us they were. Context changes everything.
And the proof is in the pudding. After they eat Jackie the shock explodes throughout the cabin. The atmosphere is thick, and horrific. Now with Javi, reduced to simple meat, carefully and lovingly seperated from what made him human, so they can grieve him while they sate their natural needs, the mood post-eating is calm and soft and warm and loving. For once they’re all together,  with grateful full stomachs and in a time of peace and plenty. They’ve done the impossible and maintained their humanity and love for each other and their respect for Javi in a nearly impossible situation.
*takes a deep breath*
Which brings us to THIS asshole.
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Right from the start, Jackie is only kind of part of the team. She’s the team captain, put up there by Coach Martinez, but not because she’s the best of them but because she can maybe wrangle them into doing better. And they KNOW that she’s not really one of them. They plot around her, and just don’t bring her in on it. They put up with her, more than loving her, she’s just kind of forced upon them. But she does her best, to try to maintain some semblance of order, giving pep talks and the like.
Wait, Jackie? I mean coach. My bad.
Anyway, so Jackie has one friend, Shauna. She SEEMS popular, and everyone talks to her, but Shauna’s the only one who actually likes her. And Shauna’s her connection point to the team. She’s got one foot on each side, and is torn as to where her real loyalties lie.
Sorry I’m talking about Jackie again.... weird.
In S1E9/10 Shauna finally chooses the team, for real. And Jackie tries to pull her back away, but Shauna puts her foot down. No way, she counters, I’m ON the team, you’re the odd one out. Why don’t YOU leave, Jackie? Jackie looks around at the burgeoning cult, she thinks “Look at these evil monstrous bitches, and now Shauna’s one of them TOO?” And instead of finding a compromise, instead of doing introspection, instead of anything like that, Jackie goes and freezes to death because it turns out that sheer rage won’t keep you warm in sub zero temperatures. Because no matter what happens, Jackie’s Right and it’s more important to her to be Right than Included. If she’s not in charge than why is she even THERE?
Hold on, I see my mistake. Let me backtrack.
Right from the start, Coach is only kind of part of the team. He’s trying to hide from his real life, from Paul and the complexities of being genuine in society by taking on the job of coaching the ‘jackets. And they KNOW that he’s not really one of them. He’s just the guy they have to listen to, because society put him there. But he tries his best, giving pep talks and the like.
So Coach has one friend, Natalie. He SEEMS popular, and everyone talks to him, but Nat’s the only one who actually likes him. (Ignore Misty, a schoolgirl comphet crush is not the same thing). And Nat’s his connection point to the team. She’s got one foot on each side, and is torn to where her real loyalties lie. Sometimes she’s on the bench with Coach, complaining about the state of things. Sometimes she’s in the thick of it with them all, and Coach is nowhere to be found.
In S2E9, Nat finally chooses the team, for real. And Coach tries to pull her back, but Nat puts her foot down. No way, she counters, I’m ON the team, I’m worse than them, you’re the odd one out. Go, save yourself, you don’t belong in this place. Coach looks at a table covered in blood and gore, at Nat’s face, at the rest of the team pledging fealty to her. And instead of looking for context, or looking for compromise, or even remotely trying to understand what he’s looking at he thinks
Look at these evil monstrous bitches. They’re eating each other. They’ve all gone mad. They’ve even gotten Nat now. There’s no hope for them, there’s no hope for anyone out here.
And he decides that they’re corrupt. That the way you deal with that is fire. And he’s wrong.
(I have a theory that he’s gone and jumped off the cliff, that he set the fire to clear the corruption, and now like Jackie, unable to live in this situation any longer, he’s decided to die himself. I’d not be surprised to find him in s3e1 that way)
Jackie was a frustrating, difficult person. Because no matter how things went she just COULDN’T let go of the fact that she was trying to fit a mold that just didn’t suit her. She was raised with super high expectations, when she was really just kind of mid. And that’s fine, honestly, most people ARE mid, that’s why it’s mid. But she refused to see that those around her were shedding their social pressures, were adapting to the wilderness. They weren’t having a good time, they weren’t hunting and foraging because they were out there, camping for fun. Nobody wanted to be there. They were just trying not to complain about it, because they were all in the same boat.
Coach is similar. He simply won’t adapt. Refuses to. I mean this is a guy who’s STILL trying to live in the closet when there’s open lesbians making out in public around him. Who thinks of others as inherently monstrous when he himself, as a gay man, should know better. Because that’s what trying to fit your society-assigned role does to you.
It’s no accident that he and Jackie both spend a long time in the woods and neither of them can do something as basic as start a fucking campfire. Javi, a little kid, survived for MONTHS on his own in that cave. Coach couldn’t make it a day alone. Jackie couldn’t get through a night. They both rely so heavily on the team without ever once recognising it. Because SOMEONE was keeping the fires going. They both just ... refused to engage.
And just like Jackie can’t see that they’re not having fun out there in the woods, on the knifes edge of survival, Coach can’t see that they’re not having fun when they are so desperate they feel it’s warranted to sacrifice one of their own. He always thought of them as monsters, and he just sees what he expects to: a bunch of stupid useless teenage girls, finally doing what he always expected they would.
At any point... At ANY point he could’ve come in from the cold. He could’ve just accepted reality as they have. He could’ve taken some meat and accepted the price, as they have, joined them in their GRIEF about it, shared their humanity, and survived. Just as Jackie could’ve come in from the cold, and become part of the whole. But instead, they sit in the cold, consumed by their bitter hate, and decide that no, it’s everyone ELSE who’s wrong.
And who emerges from the burning cabin? A bunch of scared kids. Shauna, the FIRST cannibal, who saves Jackie’s prom dress before anything else. Travis, who grabs Javi’s wolf. Nat who grabs the ammunition - that they NEVER use on each other - because if they lost that they’d get SERIOUSLY desperate. And they protect each other, they make sure everyone makes it out. These supposed monsters who are so far gone they don’t even care about eating each other go out of their way to save each other, not just themselves.
Because Coach is wrong. Just like Jackie was wrong. Just like WE were wrong, in s1e1. Which brings me to my actual point.
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This question is asked so many times in S1 it’s almost a mantra. And the ‘jackets’ oath of silence really builds up that it must’ve been something REALLY bad, right? But S2E9 has really made me recognise that fundamentally... Act 1 Scene 1 is entirely what everyone who asks this question is expecting.
Imagine they DID know what really happened out there. With that bloodthirsty fucking look in their eyes...
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They’re not looking for an answer. They’re looking for a story. For an exciting spooky nightmare they didn’t take part in, so they can get a shiver and a thrill they didn’t earn.
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They’re not looking for a love story. They’re not looking to hear how HARD these scared, tragic, broken people fought to hold onto their morals and their humanity and their sanity even against their own survival. They’re not interested in Shauna blinding herself just to try to stop her hands from shaking. They’re not looking to hear about Travis choking down the blood of his brother just to make sure that he can really FEEL it. So he can share the guilt, and never ever pretend like it’s Just Meat. The look in his eye when he can’t think of any good response to Van’s arguments that he needs to let Javi save him. What they want is...
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They don’t want the context. And if the ‘jackets ever did try to tell anybody what actually DID happen out there, all they would see is ... Episode 1, Act 1, Scene 1. A bunch of monsters. Eating each other. Just like Jackie. Just like Coach. Just like we did, on first glance.
I’ve been saying this whole time that Yellowjackets is doing something really special. That it’s letting us see behind the curtain, that while everyone’s asking this big question, “what really happened?”, we’re the ones who get to know. Because it can’t be told. It can’t be spoken. It can only be seen. Experienced. I think that S2 has finally finished the first major arc in the teen timeline, that we now have the context to understand what comes next. And I do believe that it will get messy, it will devolve. Into fighting and screaming and battles. It’s tragic, but it looks like that’s the downward spiral, spiraling. As Travis and Nat deal with the guilt of what they did with Javi for each other. As Shauna and Nat butt heads and people pick sides. As Misty Mistys. As resources get even more desperate now their shelter is gone. As potentially new people (hikers? other cabin people?) get brought into conflict with them (I believe the cabin is a smoke signal, personally).
But don’t ever forget that we got here with love. Expect that the downward spiral will be lubricated with toxic, broken, codependant, self-destructive love as well. Watch them love each other to death... they’ve already begun.
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sofiaruelle · 11 months
Oh wow, I was not expecting a whole drawing of them trying the dance and falling around. It's very beautifully done, I rmmbr just staring in awe for a while at first 🩵
I have another odd question about the she trio/ass gang, which u don't have to draw
Cause I saw a little video of Harvey going hard; dancing to MiseryxCPR(xReese's Puffs) and it had me laughing for a long while, and I wondered who would be the ones singing the song if say the stardrop saloon had some kind of karaoke night
My head tells me both Sam and Abagail would end up doing Reeses's puffs, but that would leave one of the other songs without a host :/
Harvey would probably end up saying stuff about how cpr doesn't require mouth-to-mouth anymore or smthn, and Shane probably worried Marnie would walk in-or just, too drunk off his ass having fun to care 🤔
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nah man i just have to draw them. and oh look I even have another essay under readmore! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
✨Also my commissions are open! ✨ if anyone is interested! :D< please reblog/share the og comm sheet ,if you can! it would help me a lot thank you!!!
Honestly i can imagine them all just being pissed drunk before attempting to sing the song😂. i know fersure the SHE trio would require more liquid courage for it (heck even to join/start a kareoke sesh!)
Shane gives of major Kareoke Tito (uncle) vibes~. Yknow that one tito who specifically sings “My Way” by Frank Sinatra and has a bunch of classic rock songs under his belt. He’s not good at singing perse but he can at least carry a tune. He and Sebastian would totally connect with singing Misery. but like Shane vaguely knows the song (he’s heard it on radio a bajillion times but he doesnt know the name of the song so its not quite on his playlists) so he when he’s super sloshed and can barely read the screen, he tries to sing it from memory and misses a couple of the words. but hey! at least he knows the chorus and is in tune.
Meanwhile Sebastian has Misery “secretly” on his go to playlist. He doesnt admit it (the songs is too main stream and overplayed but he stumbled upon a vocaloid cover and rest is history.) He definitely always chooses the song every kareoke sesh (although not his first choice) and he’s passionate about it even has a little performance too(lots of head bangs, fist pumps and that classic 2000s disney knees bent together, feet wide apart moment)! For his duet with shane he’s the first to shed a lil tear and that gets shane going and they cry through most of the song in their own lil misery world ignoring the chaos around them.
Sam is a fucking menace for singing CPR and I do agree He and Abigail would go off on Reese’s Puff BUT i can definitely imagine being commited to singing CPR (we all know he’d awkwardly twerk). Especially if it was to troll on Harvey who probably thought it was a wholesome song about doing CPR at a specific BPM. 😂
Harvey good lird poor harvey! He’s probably the most sober out of everyone. It doesnt help that he’s no light weight + lowkey becomes designated baby sitter everytime (he’s soooooooo going charge them extra in the morning if they come stumbling into his clinic asking for some hangover cure). He was so excited about adding a new song to CPR tempo list he was gonna teach at the nex first aid classes!! Who would have thought that a singer with a cute wholesome name like Cupcakke was just so… sooooo SCANDALOUS!!! He should have known Sam was up to something the moment he grabbed him by the shoulder!!! “This is medical malpractice, Samson!!!” He spends the whole trying to sush Sam who’s having so much fun laughing at Harvey’s reaction 😂
Abigal. F e r a l.
Help! Elliot has fallen over! He honestly just has a mild peanut allergy but he has been drinking and hooo boi. thats not good. thank goodness Harvey is sobered up (with the help of Sam ofc) and has an epipen on hand! Catch Leah cackling from her seat by the bar before assisting Harvey.
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kursed-curtain · 2 months
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Happy 4th Anniversary THSC! 🎉
This set of artworks is something I've been putting off for a while, but the anniversary gave me an excuse to finally work on it! Have a collection of Henry Stickmins! A... Henry Stickmin Collection? 💥
I'll talk about my experience with the game below the readmore ^^
I was around when the Escaping the Prison was first being hyped about, and a few of my favorite Youtubers were playing it ^^ then the other games in the series came out, and it was awesome!
And then completely out of nowhere, years later, The Henry Stickmin Collection comes out, and I get to relive my early days once again. (I think I watched Markiplier play, and then the rest of the game I saw through other videos)
I never really got into the fandom, but the game has stuck with me in a way I'll never forget ^^
Four years later, I come back completely on a whim because a friend motivated me to make a THSC OC (Pike, my goober), so I checked out the THSC tag on Tumblr, and I was so amazed by everything the people here had to offer!
Thank you to all the wonderful people here who made me feel welcome into the fandom, even if I'm a few years late to making art at all ^^ I woulda never drawn these stick people without yalls motivation :D
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tiyoin · 28 days
his lover gets brought in and tortured, she thinks he’s watching her from behind the glass, he is not it is someone else entirely. (not floyd either)
here’s a preview to a story line i’m fleshing out.
cw: post torture, angry jade leech kills, gore, implied violence towards genitals, implied character death, no major character death, guns, reader is naked.
this is a darker work of fiction, by clicking ‘readmore’ you have consented to reading.
“jade!” she howled with a cracked voice box. her heart breaking with each bone as he stood behind the glass. his features shrouded in darkness as he watched through the plane of the glass.
unlike a one way glass the police would use to allow the victim to pick the assaulter safely. this one was no window but purely glass used to separate the brains from the brawn. to protect their equipment from blood, brain matter and whatever else would splatter and stain the window.
but he did not answer, did not move, gave no indication that he was listening.
no matter how loud, long, or many times you screamed, a muscle didn’t so much as twitch as he stood tall with his hands behind his back.
next chapter it is revealed that he was running an errand. that it was not jade and that he had no idea any of this occurred.
he returns faster than normal (he’s that bitch) and finds it weird people are nervous and trying to stir him away from the torture room.
there’s a scream of his name. a syllable that squeezed under the door of the torture room past the lab coats and up the stairs and through a tiny sliver through the door.
and jade freezes like every bone in his body melted together. he waits. silencing the worried workers. his gut churns.
he breaks into a run, horribly injuring the two on the way.
he’s a bull in a china shop, a bowling ball knocking down pins easily one, by, one as his eyes are focused on the door.
he thought he teleported as he the door open, ignoring the lab coats surprised and horrified exclamations as he kicks the other door open.
it was you. he breathe too soon as he felt bile in his mouth. swallowing it thickly, he saw you.. naked, star fished on the table with chains keeping you in place.
“huyyh wh- oh boss!” the meaty man named frank jumped. his bloody wife beater was paler than the rushing scarlet on his fat stumble face as he looked from you to jade.
“boss i-“
jade raises a finger as the room stills. by his silent command, like a general surveying his troops he slowly, walks to you as he takes in the situation.
blood was coming from your mouth as you had started to choke on your own tongue, bruises litter her skin like constelaciones, thin and thick lines of red stripes cover her skin. red ink bleeding into and dying the paper. permanently.
jade had helped your head down to keep you from drinking your own blood as your body shivered at the touch. he smiled reassuringly as your dull eyes stared up at him in the dull, overhead yellow light of the torture room.
you had melted into him as you continued crying his name like a mantra.
jade couldn’t meet your eye as he trailed his gaze lower… his own blood beaded from his lip with how hard his sharp mer teeth was biting down on it.
like a man possessed, jade leech took two long, hurried purposeful steps towards the stunned, horrified torturer, who had moved to the left and out of jades sight… and closer to the door. as jade quickly drew closer franks piggish features squealed with primal fear as he tried making a break for the door.
jade wasted no time in grabbing him by the neck, nails puncturing his skin as he threw him roughly into the wall. frank groaned as he still tried to flee, but jade was fast. throwing him to the ground he kicked his stomach with his pointed dress shoe as franks yellow infected eyes popped open like a squeaky toy.
but jade could hear none of the pained gasps, groans or creaks as he mounted the large man and without a second thought connected fist, after fist to his face. wet, boney cracks and a and then a strangled chokes fell deaf on his ears as he continued his mission.
jade ignored the loud commotion in the next room as the doctors yelled and pushed past eachother towards the stria’s. their heavy fleeing footsteps echoed as they tried escaping the same fate as frank.. this was something jade was no concerned about.
in due time…
yet he stopped when his ears picked up the faint cry of you.
as quickly as he killed the man, jade leech was ripped at the restraints. “i am here” he whispered, voice horse as he went to cradle your head, yet you jerked away as you shut your eyes. more sobs falling from your lips as he brow furrowed.
he wished he had not departed from your touch to beat that filth, as now it was something he could now not have.
the remorseful mood of saving his lover vanished as he took in more and more of her, as a grainy, squeaky foot print was heard.
behind him, the doctor stood with like a ruffled bird. his long skinny legs were shining as the metal in his gun clicked and jiggled with anxiety.
“you would do well to disappear doctor.” jade said. the yellow in his eye the only thing the doctor could see. a blazing, cruel sun reflected back at him. there was no warm light that the sun would give off, no twinkle or shine. but a hollow one. the longer the doctor looked the more heads of sweat would trickle from his neck and down his spine, how his feet twitched with a silent plea: ‘run! run as fast as you can from this man! he will kill you!’
but the awkward gun stance he’d been taught by security only made his legs shake like a baby fawn.
his glasses slipped from his nose as he started breathing.
the teal haired man faced back towards the weeping woman. his stained gloves fluttering to the floor as he took them off by mouth. gentle, kind cooes and apologizes and soft rattling metal was deaf upon the doctors ear. the pounding of his own old heart filled his ears and pulsed through his hands.
his finger slipped from the trigger
the shot echoed in the small room as a soft grunt was heard, the tall men both staggered. the doctor in distress and the teal haired man in shock.
“mr. leech i-i- i” the poor doctor was trembling like a leaf. his pants wet with urine as a faint trickle was heard. he took a step back, only to fall on his puddle as he watched the calm man bend down and retrieve his sullied gloves.
he heard a quiet “i will be with you in a moment dearest. please close your eyes for me and don’t open them no matter what” he reached for you but was met with another jerk away.
jade growled as he took a step back and faced the man frozen man.
the gloves were on.
with a powerful stride jade walked towards the pleading doctor. both knew the pleads were useless, that jade would not show the same delicate kindness to the doctor as he did the now sniffling woman.
once he reached the doctor jade grabbed a handful of his damp green locks and yanked him up, with a squeal the doctor came to life. but it was too late.
his legs had just found themselves when he was being dragged through the door.
whatever jade had down to silence him was quick and painful as panicked gurgles was heard. there were cracks, bangs, metal, gun shots, glass.
you had begun shaking as you saw jade quickly said as his body rocked, obviously kicking the man. yet with each kick his leg would get bigger, his leg would follow through, blood with splat on the wall.
you closed your eyes and cried some more.
exhaustion came over you like a heat wave as your head lolled down. “jadee..” you called out drunkenly, adrenaline quickly dying as your limbs disconnected from your brain one by one.
“Jade” you cried out weakly as a pained sob recked your chest and stomach. everything hurt, everything was sore. you could feel the organs in you moving and squishing together. touching eachother.
you moaned uncomfortably as your body twitched.
your neck was the last to power off as you cried out one last time. warm, calloused hands were lifting your head slowly. jade made sure to avoid any and all cuts or obvious trauma on your face as he brought your head back, higher than before.
your eyes dropped with exhaustion as the top of your vision was a prickly black as dots and large circles danced ritualistically in your vision.
“you are still beautiful (your name)” he whispered, you felt a stroke on your hair as you jerked away from the unexpected touch.
jade sighs. “you will not forgive me… but i will do everything in my power to try and earn that forgiveness. this…” you saw his lower face turn towards the door, then back to you with a deep frown.
“this was my fault… you were injured.. because of me- taken because of me.” he stopped talking as a deathly silence took over the room.
you only knew he was still there because of the pulsing of his heart through his hand.
“i will take you home” he said admist the silence “this will be.. very painful my pearl” you were going in and out with each passing second as you fought to keep your eyes open, your mind present.
yet there was too much turmoil done. too many stabbing bones or contorted limbs, too many cuts bruises and welts. you were the masterpiece of a torturer, jade noted as he gently manipulated your body.
from one sadistic man to another, jade could appreciate the work, yet the human mind that belonged to the dead fool had chosen the wrong target. the wrong canvas. and he got his recompose for it.
with a strained cry and guttural moans jade stopped when you started bleeding- from where? jade wasn’t sure. but he stopped his menstrations with a deep disappointed sigh.
“ you will need to stay here”
your head, on instinct shook with a pained moan “you will have to” he urged as you cried, and shook, and gently pleaded.
the adrenaline was slowly doing as you felt the weight of the world on you. like your body was being stepped on slowly by an elephant. each passing second mushing you harder and harder into the ground.
“if you move i’ll kill you-“
“please- ill me” you begged
with each racking sob and as jade brought your body back to its originally position you begged him.
‘end it’s ’end me’ ‘hurts- stop, plea’ ‘please jade’
how your jaw and vocal cords still worked jade will never know, but he will not give into your requests.
call him selfish but he wants you around a little longer, even if you never speak again, even if you can never walk or jump or dance again. if you’re wheel chaired bound, it will make it all the easier for him to…. guide you.
“floyd, azul and.. your doctor friend, riddle are on the way. do not sleep dearest” he rushed the last sentence as he gently brought himself closer to your face, to eye level.
“i will be here, i am going no where. i am here, feel… do not sl…. (your name) you have to stay…”
the adrenaline has run its course as your body goes limp against the slanted table.
you were gone.
i’m reading ‘the devil and margarita’ and really like the writing style so i tried incorporating some of it in here. also anime nyc was great, just wished i didn’t spend 2 hours waiting in line for an autograph 😔 my feet hurt
hope you liked 😋
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storm-angel989 · 7 months
Outside the Office Part Six
Hi All!
A trigger warning before you begin. It's only fair to reader that she learns the dark side of Valentino- the side he's so far he's kept hidden from her. This was a difficult one to write, but I hope you enjoy the juxtaposition between who Valentino is with reader, and the V's, and who he is with the rest of the world.
Enjoy- and as always, let me know your thoughts!
I stood in front of the mirror, Velvette behind me as she fixed a button on the back of my outfit for the day. Wonderment washed over me as I saw myself, my real self,  for the first time since I entered hell. 
I didn’t recognize the reflection. 
My features had grown clearer since my arrival. My hair, once broken and cut in a shaggy trim, was now blonder than blonde and my blue eyes seemed sharper. Velvette had stopped gluing fake nails on and instead opted to cover my natural nails in a hard polish. Gone was the exterior rough and tough soldier my father had raised, replaced by something ethereal, something beautiful.
“Totally different than when you first came here, right?” Velvette asked as she saw me stare at myself. “Hell looks good on you.” 
I couldn’t argue with that. I had fully settled into my life with the V’s. Each morning I woke up alone in my bed, ate breakfast, hit the gym and the shower and went to see Velvette. She dressed me to her pleasing and either she or Vox had my assistance for the remainder of their work day. 
“Alright. Vox said he needs you today, so off you go. Oh! And check out last night's posts. You looked lit, girl.” 
My head buried in my phone as I reviewed the sinstergram photos, I hit the elevator button without looking and stepped out onto what I assumed was Vox’s floor. 
It was the scent that hit me first, a mix of sweet strawberries and sweat. 
I looked up from my phone,  expecting to see the entryway to Vox’s studio. Instead, I came face to face with a bed surrounded by lights. In the center of it lay a demon, naked, bound and gagged. He struggled as two larger demons held her down. 
His screams were muffled, but piercing. I watched as blood trickled out of him, its source unknown. I watched the demons fumble as they ungagged him and he looked straight ahead to the directors chair. 
“Punish me, Daddy.” 
The larger demon grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the bed. From where I stood, his eyes grew larger and he laid back as the demons mounted him again. From the side I watched Valentino backhand another demon before taking the glass on the tray. The demon flinched and skittered away. 
What the fuck had I just walked into?
“Cut! That’s a wrap!” He demanded, his voice sharper than I had ever heard it. He stood up, glass in hand as he made his way down the hallway.
Against my better judgment, I followed him. Much like the hotel I had once stayed in with my father, numbered doors lined either side of the hallways, some open, some closed. I caught a glimpse of what was inside the open ones. Bedrooms, lounge areas and even a hospital bed. The walls between rooms were decked out with photos of naked actors, all with Valentino’s name at the bottom. I felt a sick feeling in my gut as I continued to trail behind him quietly. This wasn’t my Valentino. 
He pushed open a door and I peered in from the doorway. I watched him study a group of demons, taking a drag of his cigarette and exhaling a cloud of red smoke into one of their faces. The demon inhaled deeply and gave him a dirty smile, reaching out and grabbing his jacket. “Thank you, Daddy.” 
“Her. She’s perfect. Bring her to studio two. Now. I want that cunt I signed on earlier today in studio one. Be rough. Our deal needs to be finalized, and she better get what she signed up for.” He growled to the demon behind him. He yanked her hands off of him, and turned as if to walk back out the door.  I saw him turn towards me and I quickly stepped back, skittering across the hall, stepping inside the room and behind the open door. 
Thankfully, Valentino hadn’t seen me. I held my breath as I waited for him to pass by. I stepped out from behind the door and he was gone. I looked around the room I was in, my instincts screaming that I was in danger. The inside was dimly lit.  White powder was spread in neat lines all along one table. Another held vials and what looked like used syringes.  I started to put Valentino’s narcotics comment from all those weeks ago together with the scene. 
Fuck, Val wasn't joking.
“Hey! New girl! What are you doing out of your room?” I heard an angry voice behind me. 
I turned to face them, preparing to defend myself. I landed a few blows before rough hands grabbed me, pinning me to the wall. Adrenaline rushed through me as my instincts kicked in. Face to face with two giant, hairy demons, I punched, kicked and fought as best I could. 
Unfortunately, I was no match for them. One twisted my arm and I heard myself cry out in pain. 
“Aw, did Daddy not give you your fix?” the demon taunted, leaning in closer. “Aww, poor little thing. You asked for this, sweetheart. Just remember that.” 
“Valentino!” I screamed. 
The sting of being backhanded knocked the wind out of me. I gritted my teeth and kicked as I continued to struggle. It was like being in my prisoner of war training camp all over again. Much like my father had taught me, I did my best to shut down and let my survival instincts take over. They would not get what they wanted from me. 
“Stop being a fucking bitch.” He snarled, picking me up and slamming me into the wall. “Or I will bring you to Val. Let him deal with the worthless slut you are.”
“That’s what I want you fucking moron!” I snarled. “Bring me to Valentino!”
Both demons snorted in amusement. 
“I’ve had enough of this shit. Just drug her. I’m not fighting dirty whores in front of Val.” The bigger demon snarled and shoved a cloth over my nose and mouth. I held my breath as I kicked, trying my hardest to get away from whatever it was they wanted to do to me.  
“Fucking dumb bitch!” he snarled. I felt his fist make contact with my chest and I involuntarily gasped as I fell to the ground. My world went dizzy, and I felt my body hit the hard floor.  
“Yeah, that’s it. You like your high don’t you, you little slut?” I felt cold chains wrap around me and my body, helpless under the influence of whatever they had given me, was dragged out of the room. 
“Hehe, you can tell she’s fresh meat. Look how little it took to get her there.” 
I felt my body being pushed down and the next time I came to I was sitting upright in a chair, my arms bound behind me and my legs tied together. I realized though my haze that I save for the chains around my neck and body, was totally and completely naked. 
“Hehe. The little slut comes to..” 
My throat felt parched and I could taste blood. I struggled against the bonds that held me in place. My entire body tingled, swollen and bruised. No amount of workout during my time in the military could have prepared me for this. I tried my best to look around, to figure out where I was.  I could barely make out the bed next to me, bright lights and empty directors chair I had seen earlier in the day. 
Another hot slap across the face. 
“Wake up. Otherwise, you’ll piss off  Mr. Valentino.”  The demon yanked on the chain around my neck, choking me with each painful breath I took. He leaned in closer. “Remember, you’re the bitch who scratched her dumb name on the line.” 
I wanted to struggle, but my body wouldn’t let me. I felt harsh hands on my thighs. No! Angel’s didn’t- I didn’t and I hadn’t. My back arched from the pain as he spread my legs wide open before walking away. 
“Hehe, look at her. She’s already dripping. Val will be pleased."
“Alright, let’s take it from the top!” Valentino’s familiar voice echoed across the studio. “Fucking bitches, this the new girl? God, she better be worth more than the last three fuckwits you assholes brought in.” His smile flowed across the studio. “Alright sweetheart, give me a reason to sign you on.” 
I could smell the familiar smoke and tried to fight against my restraints. Val promised he wouldn’t hurt me. Val wouldn’t do this to me. Val wouldn’t… 
Realization struck. He didn’t know it was me. 
“And action. Show me some struggle, babydoll.” 
I couldn’t struggle if I wanted to. The bright light burned my eyes as I willed myself to move, even a little. A few seconds passed and Valentino cursed again.
“For fucks sake, how much did you give her? Christ this isn’t a corpse film. Though I’m sure there is a kink for that. You there! Write that down. Could be a fucking million dollar idea.”
The shrill shriek of Valentino’s phone cut through the air. I closed my eyes and somewhere in me I felt my body start to grow cold and my thoughts drift away. Fuck. That wasn't good. 
“What do you mean, you can’t find her?” Valentinos voice roared across the studio. The familiar voice, except this time full of anger screamed and I watched a glass shatter against the wall. From the directors chair, Valentino stood, surrounded by a cloud of red smoke. 
I could barely see Vox’s face popping up on the big screen to the left. Vox’s voice echoed across the room. 
“Her vitals are linked to my watch, but something is jamming the location signal. Based on the past half hour of data, wherever she is Val, she’s hurt- bad. And there is only one teeny tiny place in this entire building that could jam that signal.” 
I heard the crack of a gunshot and the TV went black. I heard Valentino stomp around the studio, his boots coming closer to the chair where I sat. 
Valentino stood in front of me at full height. I felt the familiar claw grab my face, could feel the warmth of the red smoke burn against my skin and heard the slew of curse words rush out of his mouth. The chains that held me down vanished as sharp as the gunshots that went off next to me. In as much as I could move, I cowered and watched the expression on his face melt from anger to absolute horror.  
Six gunshots went off as he lifted me up, tossing his red jacket over me as he held me against his body. I could feel the cold metal of his second gun press against my bare hip as he carried me across the studio into a smaller room. I gripped him, the raw feeling of security running through me as my skin touched his. I closed my eyes. It wasn’t him who hurt me. It wasn’t him who hurt me. 
 He slammed the door behind him, shaking the entire frame. “Fuck fuck fuck.” He cursed. 
He set me on a desk and I pitched forward into his shoulder, closing my eyes. Please don’t let me go Val, the thought flitted through my mind. 
“Fuck. No, stay awake.” he commanded frantically. 
I heard banging, the sound of frantic rummaging through drawers and then his hands rubbing my thigh. A pinch. 
“Come on babydoll. Stay awake for me.” 
“What the fuck Val?” Vox’s voice echoed through the room, electricity cracking. 
The rush and the buzzing in my brain slowed. The fog that had threatened darkness only moments ago began to drift away. I opened my eyes just enough to see Vox rush across the room.  His usual suit jacket and red bow tie were gone, and instead his white shirt was unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He must have come running out of his office to be seen in such a state. 
“What the fuck have I told you about shooting up the studio? What was the reason this fucking time? And where the fuck did she go?” A pause and another angry yell. 
“What the fuck happened?!” 
Valentino pulled me against him, lifting me up off the desk. “I won’t know until she tells me. But if you can’t control your anger Vox, you need to leave. Go review the fucking cameras and try to figure out how the FUCK she ended up gagged and bound in my studio!” 
Vox cursed and I heard the crackle of electricity as he stormed out of the room. Valentino looked pained as he cupped my chin, tilting my head towards him.  
“You won’t be able to walk, mi a more. I’m sorry. I don’t know how long those drugs were in you, but I’m sure I didn’t stop them soon enough.” He cradled me against his chest, and each step he took sent a jolt of pain through my body. “I’m going to take you upstairs, princessa. Alright?” 
I couldn’t have protested if I wanted to. I laid limp as I heard him open the door. He stopped moving, my line of sight blurring as I tried to make sense of the office we were about to leave. 
“Don’t look.” He commanded, using a free hand to cover my eyes before he started walking again. “You don’t want to see.” 
He was probably right. It wasn’t like I could open my eyes up very far anyway. I could feel the bruising start to set in, washing me in pain. I felt the motion of the elevator and I blacked out.
“This is going to burn, I’m sorry mi amor.” Was the next thing I heard Valentino say.  
I yelped as the hot water touched my skin and tried to hold onto him as he lowered me into the bath. 
“We have to get you cleaned up.” He said evenly, almost as if to himself. “I’m sorry- it won’t feel nice.” 
I whimpered as he carefully titled my head back under the running water. Almost instantly, the water went from clear to red. Panic began to set in. 
Vox’s voice behind him. “Lucifer knows.” 
“And?” Val asked steadily. “ You’re safe now, love. I’ve got you. Keep your eyes closed for me.” 
I felt his fingers move gently through my hair, moving my head out from under the water. “You’re alright princessa. You can open your eyes now if you want to. I’m here.”
I blinked a few times, trying to make out his features. They were still fuzzy. 
“He wants to know who is responsible.” Vox’s voice continued. 
“That person is dead.” Valentino replied flatly. 
“He wants to see the video. He wants heads, Val.” 
“Then he can have mine. After she’s taken care of. And for fucks sake, close the door behind you, Vox. Give her some shred of dignity.” Valentino lifted up my arm and ran the cloth over it. His thumb ran over the bruises that had bloomed, and anger boiled in his eyes, but he kept the gentle touch. 
I tried to choke back the panic as he ran his hands over my body. Flashes of the studio, my mind fuzzy. No, it wasn’t Val who hurt me- but I needed him away from me. Just for a minute, while I tried desperately to make sense of it all. 
“Never thought I’d hear the day you’d say someone is deserving of that.” Vox stated. “Shit, she’s really beat up.” 
“Please, Val- please. Don’t touch me. I need a minute. I’m sorry.” I finally choked out, pushing myself as far away from him as I could.
The realization came across his face and I watched his expression turn even more upset. “I won’t hurt you, I promise. You’re all taken care of for now, I’m going to let Vox take my place- alright? Vox. Please.” 
I watched him step back from the tub and Vox leaned over and gently ran his arm under mine, as if to help me stand up. 
A rush of darkness swept over me. I felt his power before he entered the room. Valentino moved to stand in front of Vox and I. 
“Where is she?” Lucifer’s voice echoed through the room, danger and power crackling as the air swirled around us, tinged in black and red.  
The door slammed open and a burst of outside air hit my face. I winced against the sting, my mind clearing up even more. I reached for Valentino, my hand touching the back of his leg. He glanced down and took a step closer, shielding me from Lucifer. 
“She’s right here. She’s suffered enough without having another person see her without coverage. Lucifer- I promise you she’s being taken care of. Please. Let me finish with her and get her covered up. Then you can have her.” Valentino answered calmly. 
The voice that was Lucifer roared and a flash of red and black flames wrapped around Vox and Valentino. Something inside my mind cleared up and I willed myself to yell. 
“No. Uncle Lucy, stop. Please.” I choked out as best I could, sinking beneath the water as I tried to hide myself. “Uncle Lucy! Stop!” 
The flames vanished. Silence filled the room. 
“Just…just stop. He didn’t do it to me. They didn’t hurt me, Uncle Lucy.” I felt my voice grow stronger. “Please, stop!” 
“You weren't kept safe either.” He snarled. “They didn’t do the one FUCKING thing they needed to do!” 
“Uncle Lucy, please.” I begged as loudly as I could. “It wasn’t their fault. Free will, remember? I- I hit the wrong button. I went into the studio. I followed Valentino- they told me not to! They told me to stay out of his work area and I disobeyed. It's my fault.” 
I could feel Lucifer’s power recede. 
“It was not your fault.” Valentino said softly, reaching down and offering his hand. 
I took it and gave it a gentle squeeze. No, if anything it was the demons who pinned me down. I had questions, questions that needed to be answered. But now wasn’t the time. 
“Angels see the best in everyone, don’t they?” Lucifer snarled, frustration evident in his voice.
With each passing second I remembered more and more of how I had ended up in this situation in the first place. 
“Half angel. Not everyone.” I answered finally. “But it isn’t Valentio’s fault. Or Vox’s I made those decisions- despite being warned not to. And besides, this is nothing compared to what I’m used to. Being battered and bruised is nothing for a former exorcist angel.” 
Lucifer sighed heavily and turned away. “When she’s cleaned and covered, bring her out to me.” The door slammed behind him and I jumped, wincing from the pain. 
“Do not blame yourself.” Valentio said softly. “What they did to you…shouldn’t have happened.” His voice dropped an octave. “Let me help you up, princessa. Please. I need to see how badly you are hurt.”
I used what strength I had to lean into Valentino and slowly stood up, shaking as pain once again flooded through my system. I gripped his arm as I tried to steady myself, stepping out of the bathtub.  
Both he and Vox cursed at the same time. I caught sight of myself in the full length mirror. My face sported bruises and two black eyes. My shoulders, chest, belly and thighs were a mix of bruises and cuts. Valentino gently turned me around and I saw him shake his head. 
“Mi amor, this should not have happened to you.” 
Vox quickly wrapped me in a towel and with another, Valentino gently dried my hair before sliding his tee shirt I slept in last night over my head. I leaned into him as he helped me step into a pair of loose pajama pants. I leaned into him for both balance and comfort. 
“Tell Lucifer that she’s covered.” Valentino said to Vox. “And that he should come assess her injuries.”  
I closed my eyes and leaned my full weight into him. The door opened a moment later and Lucifer walked in, radiating the black and red energy.
“It’s bad.” Valentino said to him simply. He turned his attention to me. “Princessa, will you let me lift up your shirt to show him?”
All three waited until I nodded. Carefully, Valentino lifted the hem of my shirt, exposing only the bruises on my belly. 
“She needs to go to the hospital. Now.” Lucifer said sharply. 
“No.” My voice wasn’t loud but it was audible. “I don’t. Angels heal quickly. I should know. This isn’t the worst I’ve ever been beaten. I promise.” I grimaced. “ My dad would have told me to throw some dirt on it and get back out there. I promise, I’ll be fine in a day or two.” 
All three looked horrified at the idea. 
Lucifer gritted his teeth. “Angels may be fucked up like that, but down here sweetheart, you’re my responsibility. And this isn’t a matter of your decision. Sorry to say.” Lucifer’s voice grew louder with each word, the anger pulsing in his voice.
 I shrank back against Valentino. The idea of letting someone else see me naked today was mortifying at best. “I thought I had free will.” I said shakily. 
That seemed to resonate. Lucifer gave me a hard, frustrated look. “Fine. Let’s make a deal then. I get a doctor over here right now- a real doctor. And a nurse. They can examine you here. And if he says you need to go to the hospital, you go without complaint. Do we have a deal?” 
I looked at Valentino, then to Vox. Both nodded. 
“Deal.” I whispered. 
Bright red and black tinged chains appeared on both my wrist and Lucifers’ vanishing as soon as they appeared. I looked at Valentino, hoping he would elaborate. Neither he nor Vox seemed to even notice their brief existence. 
“For fucks sake.” Lucifer said as he walked out of the room, dialing on his phone. 
I could hear him barking orders from the other room. 
“Let's get you to lay down.” Valentino suggested, gently guiding me out of the bathroom. He laid me on my side on my purple blanket and I did my best to bite back the pain that shook me. I gritted my teeth. Of all the questions I had,  I needed to know exactly what they had done to me. 
With Lucifer out of earshot, I looked to Vox. “What did they do to me? I need details. All of them.” I paused. “I deserve to know what happened to my body.” 
Anger pulsated through Valentio’s eyes. 
Vox put his hand on Valentino’s shoulder, and then turned his attention to me. “If you’re asking if you were raped- you wern’t. Just drugged and beaten. You’re lucky they mistook you for Valentino’s newest employee, otherwise you wouldn’t have been so fortunate.” He glanced at Valentino. “Despite appearances, every person in that studio is required to consent to what happens to them. His newest conquest hadn’t yet- not all the way. And that’s what saved you. Otherwise…” His voice trailed off. “That’s why I told you to stay the fuck out of his studio.”
“It isn’t her fault,” Valentino said sharply. “Her mistake did not earn her this violation. I should have made it clear at the start that she is one of us, and not part of my business.” Anger and frustration cracked through his voice. “You can be sure I will make it known going forward. This will never, ever happen again. I promise, princessa.” 
Vox opened his mouth to say something but closed it as the door opened. Two demons walked into the room, escorted by Lucifer. 
“One look at her belly and you’ll agree with me,” he mumbled to the doctor. He turned to me. “Sweetheart, let the doctor examine you. Please. I promise you, it's much more…technologically advanced than heaven’s version of medical care. And much less invasive.” 
I nodded my consent and let the doctor examine me, mindful of the three sets of watchful eyes on him as he worked. I winced as he gently pressed on my stomach, trying my hardest to maintain composure. The doctor took a small screen out of his bag, along with a small white wand. He ran a wand over my belly, and then to my chest. He studied the small screen with a practiced eye. Finally, he pulled the wand away.
“Shockingly, the injuries I thought I would see are not there. Everything is intact, none of her major organs are swollen or ruptured. Not even a cracked rib.”  He stated as he pulled his gloves off and tossed them to the side. “She’s very fortunate she’s only bruised.” 
He nodded to his nurse. “I’m going to put an IV in, take some blood and push a round of painkillers and  antibiotics, and hang a bag of fluids to rehydrate you. Just to be on the safe side, and make the next twenty four hours more comfortable. Otherwise, a week or two of rest and you should be fully healed.”  The doctor caught Valentino’s eye. “I’m sure you can take it out when the bag is empty.”
Lucifer gave Valentino a hard look. Valentino nodded, an expression I couldn’t quite read flitting across his features. 
“I told you guys, Angels are tough.” I said lightly as I held out my arm for the nurse. “We heal fast too, just fyi.”
Lucifer looked at me, clearly displeased. “That’s good to know dear. Thank you for sharing.” 
The nurse slipped the IV in and pushed two vials of liquid before setting a bag above my head. The doctor stood up, and talked quietly to the three of them. After a few moments, he turned to me. 
“If something doesn’t feel right, let Lucifer know and I’ll come back. Otherwise, I’ll be back in two weeks.” 
Across the room, Lucifer opened the door to walk them out. I could hear the scrabble of frantic footsteps and Velvette burst into the room, shoving him aside.
“The fuck?” Lucifer demanded, watching as she darted across the room.
“With all due respect, go fuck yourself, your highness. How dare you keep me out of the room?” Velvette snarled, standing next to me. “Jesus fuck, are you alright reader?”
Lucifer’s expression turned from annoyed to amused. He, the doctor and nurse walked out of the room, the door closing behind them.
Vox grabbed her waist. “Hey hey, calm down Vel. She’s fine.”
“She doesn’t look it. Who did this? I’ll fucking kill them. Touching my reader.”
“I already took care of that Vel. Breathe.” Valentino said gently. 
“Doc said I’m fine, so I’m fine Velvette. I’ll be okay. Trust me- I’ve been through worse.” I said lightly.
“Toughness has nothing to do with it,” Velvette added, arms crossed. “Though I’m glad you’ll be okay. Gotten used to having a fourth V.”
“My name is reader though, I can’t be a V.” 
She snorted. “Being a V doesn’t mean your name has to start with V, you know. It’s about power, and toughness and you…ugh! I can’t believe this fucking happened.”
She turned to Valentino. If looks could kill, he would be dead on the floor. 
“And you. You need to come up with a plan so this never, ever fucking happens again. Bestie or not I will kill you my fucking self!” She reached up as high as she could and jabbed him with two fingers. 
Valentino gently took her hand and handed it to Vox. “I know Vel. Believe me, I know.”
“Alright, sweetheart, settle down. You’re right, she’s one of us.” Vox said softly, taking her hand and gently pulling her away.  “We’ll come up with a plan, the four of us. Tomorrow morning. I promise.” He glanced to me. 
“I have questions that need answers.” I said firmly. “So whatever plan you want to come up with is fine- but I want honest, full answers. From all of you.” I looked to Valentino meaningfully. “No ducking out or giving me half assed explanations. Is that fair?”
“Of course, princessa. Whatever you want.” Valentino answered immediately. 
Vox raised an eyebrow at Valentino. “Right. Agreed. Come on Vel, you need to settle down and reader should rest.”
“Don’t you tell me to settle down!” 
With that Vox lifted her up and hoisted her over his shoulder. She flopped against him and Vox sent me an apologetic look as he carried her out of the room, leaving me alone with Valentino. 
“Can I get you anything?” He asked softly, sitting next to me. 
I shook my head no. “I’m good, Val.” 
A few seconds later, Lucifer walked back and stood next to my bed, arms crossed. He shot Valentino a look and Valentino stood up and stepped off to the side. Lucifer reached forward and put his hand on my forehead. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” He hesitated. “Unless you want to come home with me? After this, I won’t force you to stay here.” 
I shook my head. “No. Lucifer, I stand by what I said. This was my fault.”
“It. Was. Not.” Valentino hissed. 
Lucifer raised an eyebrow to me and then looked at him. An expression crossed his face that I couldn’t quite read. 
“If you’re sure honey. I’ll see you in the morning, then.” 
And with that, he vanished. 
“Valentino.” I said softly. 
“Reader.” He returned to his seat next to me on the bed. 
I reached for him and he hesitated. “Princessa, you don’t…”
“Hold me. Please? Val…please.” 
He laid down next to me and carefully laid my head against his chest. The feeling of security once again flooded through me. I pushed my head into his chest. 
“Careful, mi amor. When the….” he hesitated, searching for the right word. “Medicine the doctor gave you wears off, you’re going to feel every bruise.” 
“I’ll heal fast. Don’t worry. Again…not the worst beating I’ve ever taken.” 
He tilted my chin up, studying my face. “You’re asking the impossible, mi amor. After tonight, I don’t think I’ll do anything but worry.” He guided my head back to my chest. “You said you had questions, my love. Your reaction to this….event, the things you have said…lead me to have questions for you. I promise to answer honestly if you promise to answer mine the same. In the morning. Tonight, I need you to sleep. Do we have an agreement?”
I noticed he didn’t say the word deal. 
“We do.” 
“Good. Then please, princessa. Sleep.” He tucked his head against mine.
 I closed my eyes against his chest, listening to his heart beat steadily. 
“You’re safe, as long as you’re in my arms. I promise.” I heard him whisper, feeling him kiss the top of my head. “I promise.” 
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menlove · 3 months
i saw on some of your posts that you say you aren’t an india truther, out of curiosity what do you think caused john and paul to have a fallout? do you think the resentment was more gradual and happened over 68-69? im sorry if you’ve answered this before but i love hearing about people’s theories of what happened in india and the aftermath.
sorry I totally forgot to answer this but for me.... hm. tossing under a readmore bc it got long oops
I think it was more gradual. like the way they act w each other in the get back sessions & just in general speaks more to something more unspoken happening than some big dramatic break up or rejection, at least to me. esp given how john & yoko lived with paul for a while in the summer of 68 (and talk about the world's worst throuple)
I wouldn't say I don't think Anything happened in india, but imo it seems more like.... I saw someone talking about how up until that point they were all on a lot of drugs & india was them getting off them for a minute & they sort of looked around and went "what the fuck are we doing? do I even know these people?" and that rings the most true to me I think.
some of the bigger reasons I have my doubts abt india being some huge thing where they fucked for the first time and paul rejected john are a) they still got along after that. things were weird but not much weirder than they'd been after brian's death b) paul wrote "i will" in india and I've talked before about how I'm 100% convinced that's about john and to me "will I wait a lonely lifetime, if you want me to I will" doesn't sound like the words of someone about to do any rejecting c) the infamous blowing the mic scene in get back is way too lighthearted and makes paul blush and giggle like they're just referencing fucking as a part of their relationship that happened enough to not be disarming. doesn't seem like john is being bitter or trying to egg him on and paul isn't reacting like someone that got called out for fucking john and then rejecting him. it reads more, to me, like just two lovers slyly joking around about a time they fucked that no one else can know about
which brings me to d) I'm also a "they had a sexual relationship" truther (which would be a whole other essay tbh) and so For Me Personally that just doesn't jive w smth big and dramatic happening in india. I just don't think they ever talked about what the fuck was going on between them, whatever it was, and then the typical band breakdown reasons coincided w a breakdown of their personal relationship as well. like just sort of dying out without much fanfare which can honestly be worse than some big rejection or breakup. and then ofc john goes full in with yoko and paul flounders around trying to settle down with a woman and marry her in such a weirdly frantic way. like that quote where he asks if he was supposed to be a 26 year old queer that never got married....... I would wager, imo, that things breaking down w john & then jane would've lead him to a bit of a Crisis about all that. but he found linda and went all in w her and she wound up pregnant so there you go.
which would lead them to a really weird place by the get back sessions, which I at least feel like is reflected pretty well- this awkward tension, paul's nervous desperation, nostalgia for the old times, lingering sexual tension. but not the attitude like they hated each other yet or had some big breakup or rejection. they're still joking and flirting, it's just awkward. the Big Moment would've been something else after that imo, probably john announcing he wanted a divorce but could've also been something more private that would go a long way to explaining why they were basically not on speaking terms at all by the abbey road sessions
again this is all Purely Speculation. mostly based on my more conflicting view from the fandom at large that they did have a sexual relationship and paul isn't as repressed/clueless as he puts on. so w those Two Beliefs in mind, this is sort of the trajectory that would make the most sense to me!
of course, without those two Core McLennon beliefs of mine I can see why people would point to india as the game changer if they think paul is a repressed bisexual who thinks he's straight while john pined over him. like it would make sense in that scenario if that's where the tension snapped & it was just a mess after that. but I very firmly and adamantly don't believe that so it's just hard for me to see the india theory as anything solid when there's a lot of other explanations for why india was such a shitshow
but all that is just me personally! don't have shit to back it up beyond what I can bring up about the evidence of a sexual relationship and paul being closeted that then lead me to these speculations based on that but yeah lmao
(and fun fact lmao whenever we publish it this is gonna be like half of the story of "i need you" so yall will get to see my fully baked opinion there mixed w just what I think would be fun or angsty dbshsjss)
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rennybu · 8 months
hi.... i'm just a poor boy . who does not know the loam lore. would you be willing to share.... a summary.... (so curious i am a loam enjoyer)
oh my gosh hi griff..! oh there is so much to tell... i will h ave no choice but to put this under a readmore. the shortest answer is that he is my character of 3+ years in @jawsandbones homebrew dnd campaign and he is like a son to me. but to start off with baby pictures:
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LOAM was born 52 years ago in a city called TILDEN, which is blocked off overland by a CURSED* SWAMP that creeps closer every year.
*Misremembered and only Recently Re-Contextualized Major Historical event
His mom is a shy, worried, and loving woman named Bayla - she's a druid and sells medicinal mushrooms of all sorts. His dad is an unwaveringly positive (but incredibly serious) mason named Uttara who proudly works on all sorts of projects around the city, especially major infrastructure. Yay stoneworkers!
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(Because fantasy lifespans are strange and somewhat silly to me I just imagine Firbolgs to be stuck in their mid-20s existential dread until they're like at least 150. The backstory part of this spans literally 51 of his 52 year s of life. he's so young)
He got equal enrichment from time spent in nature with his mom as from time spent in the city with his dad. His nickname in the Tilden Firbolg community To This Day is "Always With Questions" - a kind of affix to differentiate him from any other Loams. He may not know much but he really would like to find out, please!!!! He sees a lot of beauty in the natural world, but his idea of what's natural is skewed somewhat by the uh, Curse. He once fell through some algae into a deep body of water and had a very fun memento mori experience as a kiddo (beautiful golden sunbeam shining onto a silty skull)
He got the name Loam very young from his interest in both his parents' work, which lead to him learning about soil types and uses in gardening and construction aklfhglskg. Loam was important for both jobs so he (in guess-what-I-just-learned little kid fashion) told everyone who would listen about it. The association STUCK and he's Loam now :].
His birth name is actually Rahara! but that's secret knowledge only his bestest friends and Tzip and some scarycool important NPCs know.
He loves beasts and magic and plants so much. And on the flip side he also loves and is fascinated by architecture and engineering. He never got any like, higher academic schooling or whatever, but had many many different apprenticeship type training relationships from his parents, other tradespeople in the city, from the senior rangers etc etc.
Small break to plug @jawsandbones lore packets for the Quarter Cities (including Tilden), Scarabae, and the overall campaign setting!!!! I'm just gonna talk about stuff without adding too much context of my own because AAA WORD COUNT!!!
The hole in Loam's ear was brought about by a shit ass Tilden local trying to tear his earring off him, since he'd bought it from a foreign merchant from a city Tilden/the Quarter has historically warred with. Loam's always been open minded and deeply curious about other cities, due to how isolated the bog is. Any visiting merchants are sources of wonder!!!! Even though he only bought the one hoop earring from the Quietus merchants (Mirjam and Mihail, mother and son!), after the ice was broken he stayed by their stall the rest of the day and talked about all kinds of things, and befriended Mihail!
Loam trained as a ranger as soon as he was old enough to do so!!!! He saw it as the next logical step past what his parents would be able to show him and was incredibly eager to get hands-on experience in the wilds. He met his first ever boyfriend among his peers there!!! Bragi... he has had many lovers and situationships in Tilden since, BUT only recently feels comfortable trying monogamy again after meeting Tzipporah.
Bragi unfortunately died badly to a creature in a traumatic backstory incident that left young Loam super fucking bereft and hyper aware of how easy it is to die. (Big monster attack + group of trainee rangers accompanied by a few more senior rangers + chaos and bloodshed. Loam carried Bragi to safety and tried resuscitating him but he was already gone. The experience made him uncomfortable with the idea of being in a defined, monogamous intimate relationship for the next like. 19 years. He felt like he got ripped in half!)
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After the ranger's guild recovers from THE CREATURE ATTACK, Loam meets his close friend, Reece, a fellow ranger and Kenku (she looks like a masked shrike)!!!
He gets his septum pierced by the same visiting merchants from Quietus a few years after Bragi's death. It's a very important moment for him, where it feels like he can finally start to let himself change and grow beyond that event. He also spends more and more time in the city, away from the more rural/overgrown districts, and chases a love for the arts and partying and people, where he meets Kallirhoe (human, not a even a classed bard but like. an indie musician. an eboy if high fantasy had eboys. a tattooed twinkish fellow. you know the type)! They are very good friends who also have sex. Many days spent waxing poetic about THE BIG WIDE WORLD and how they'll never get to see it. (Spoiler: He sees it)
Loam gets into tarot as a hobby, and makes his own deck in a very scribbly freehand style with ink and charcoal!!!! he's slowly replacing them with more Worldly artwork - the deck he left home with was very. Tildencore
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Many good years of being a party girl who has to go work a construction job tomorrow and then go be a ranger at 6. A rich and storied life. AND THEN THE GAME TIMELINE STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A path Through the bog has recently finished being built by Dagda, the Southern representative to the other Quarter Cities, making more trade possible overland, and making local tensions go even crazier. Also there are strange Awful Huge Scary Monsters appearing WORLDWIDE, so the Directions and the Three Kings of Scarabae and the remote island of Geest (ADRA'S HOME!) and the mysterious magical Widow's Wood are all like "STOP WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RN". Trials are held in the Western city of Dina to appoint FOUR TEAMS OF FOUR to help defend against the new threat. Loam is like. Well I've gotta fucking do that. I've got to try. If I'm not chosen, at least I've set foot outside. He has a fight with his mom about this, because she is terrified she will lose him, like she lost her mother in a previous conflict when Scarabae was occupying the Quarter, before Loam was born. He stands firm and his dad has his back, and ultimately he leaves with both their blessings, but his dismissal of his mom's feelings weighs heavy on him the longer he's away from home. (He has a big cry and reconciliation about this when he is next able to come home.)
I'm clapping and cheering and skipping joyfully because now he HAS MET HIS BESTEST, DEAREST, CLOSEST FRIENDS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD: ADRA ILSA AND TALEE!!!!!!! I have to be so careful now because we have no joke hundreds of pages of notes. I cannot read that shit on google docs mobile app. We are approaching session one hundred and fifty of this game. They love each other so fucking much. THEY ARE THE INFORMATION GATHERERS!!! A PARTY OF SLEUTHS!!!
He also has his meet-cute with Tzipporah at the trials, which in hindsight is hilarious, because of the whole, "Tzipporah was sent to the trials as a spy (by the very people responsible for the giant awful monster crisis) and immediately pegged Loam for an easy mark to get information from" thing. And he was 100% correct. But a lot has to happen before that gets revealed. They took a nice night walk and write each other big long letters. And Loam tells him soooooo much <3
At one point while exploring a wizard tower he attunes to a lightly cursed ring and forgets what his parents look like, like their likenesses are Gone from past and recent memory. Which is a big thorn of homesickness that he writes to them about. He has a big cry and stares at them both for a LONG time when he next sees them.
Also they save an orphaned Kenku from some bandits and now Loam has a little shoulder-sniper named Bubby. We have a son. A perfect little crow son who is really good at killing, with arrows. He hides things in Loam's hood regularly
Other major things include ummm umm Loam's TWO deaths, one during a dungeon-rescue type scenario in a room that was Flooding and full of Phantoms and also a charmed Druid (Feyan, good friends now) wildshaped into a big scary water snake. He was hurt bad and (comedically) levitated so he wouldn't DROWN but then got Phantom Speared right through the torso. Second one was because Tzip's evil half brother Vences was like, mad at him for being a good influence on Tzipporah and interfering with the spy duties. Chill touch so no healing + dagger in the ribs! Ow. Also the reveal that Tzip was a spy was happening like, simultaneously here so we were yowling and screaming. (Well. Talee and Co had their long time hunches about this. Loam and I had turned a beautiful blind eye to all suspicious activity)
ANYWAY HIS DEATH SCARS LOOK LIKE A COMET ABOVE HIS BELLY!!!! The spear scar made a patch of his fur turn white (front and back), and the dagger scar is its crude tail!
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I am skipping over so many plot revelations i. This is just the Loam Cut. and it's not even all of it.
His buzzcut was for emotional superstitious reasons!!! He cut it after Death 2 and Tzipporah getting taken against his will back into Evil Gang. Loam's mom has a lock of his hair at home now. ALL THIS TO SAY TZIP IS OKAY, NO LONGER SPYING, WE RESCUED HIM AND RIPPED A MASK OFF HIM AND SAVED HIM FROM GETTING HIS MIND EXCAVATED ! SO LOAM IS GROWING HIS HAIR OUT AGAIN!
The deaths of his close friends and their allies have also been. insane for him to process. To return someone to life in this setting u need to like. entreat a Titan. plead on the deceased's behalf and offer something up for the chance to revive them. (NO player spells like revivify. house rule) So interacting with these entities he sees as like Both forces of the natural world AND of huge religious/cultural importance regionally. And to have their requests be HEARD? He loves magic he loves Titans. And the plot is unfolding in such a way that scares me so bad. He loves his titan (The Curious Spear) SOOOO MUCH he has like the foundational belief that it can see through his eyes. Even if not true it motivates him to always seek understanding of strange new things.
Oh my god I didn't even talk about his multiclass into druid. He's a druid also. Circle of the Stars!! As a navigational point. He loves them. He loves space. He loves geography and regional interpretations of constellations. He used to just do freehand observations but truly became dedicated to charting the skies of every place the party travels to, after Tzipporah gifted him a grid-lined journal <3 <3 <3 STARRY FORM!!!!!!
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His awe and inspiration and hunger for knowledge is the well he draws magical power from. My Boy is thematically bound up in the soggiest parts of this earth and also the unknowably distant stars above and I'm normal about it (lie) (There is a new and scary Third Thing rising which is the space between. I <3 Void). I know i draw him beige and green but his like, character colour theme is. Dusk to me. Gloaming. When the world is lit like a dream <3
In summary. In conclusion. He and Adra and Ilsa and Talee (and the rest of the Four of Four) are trying to prevent Global Disaster of an existential scale never before seen and are being very brave about it.
Loam wants to understand everything about Everything. Because understanding is love. Unfortunately there are hostile resentful and vengeful forces making this hard to do. Most recently by saving a city we Unmade a magically sustained centuries-old library. And we haven't had time to like fully let that sink in. Because of the horrors of war and being Four of Four means responding to emergencies and protecting cities as best we can against a foe that was forgotten by history until like, 10 months ago. Less, even. I hope this is anything. I hope u are his friend now too because he is yours
good lord how could i forget. His gender is male in such a way that he does not give a shit about it. He's one of the girls. He's genderless. Like a knight. His sense of identity is built on Living Laughing and Loving.
his personal goals are 1. to uncurse the bog in such a way that the wrongs committed by Tilden historically are brought to light and righted, 2. to get super married to Tzipporah and build a house together, and 3. to somehow, eventually, through great teamwork and effort, cure(?) the dreadful lingering soul plague on the island of demeter. HUMBLE! OH and to make a finished star chart covering the entire planet. humble.
thank u for reading here are his current stats
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hannya-writes · 2 years
When they save you from a brothel (Zoro Edition)
Title: The perfect Girl
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Zoro x Reader
Other characters: The Owner
Category: romance, adventure
Warnings: there's a Kiss! Zoro is a bit Ooc because I couldn't found a way to make this happen 😅, as before there is kidnapping and violence in this chapter, there's no smut in here, walk away, horny people!! (No wait come back!!)
Author's note: just like with Luffy, this happens 6 years in the future, so Zoro would be 27 years old, why did I wrote this in the future? Bc I thought only that way Zoro would change enough to take the decisions he does (?) Nah, I just like characters to be older! Anyways, to the story we go!
• • •
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You didn't started working there because you wanted.
When you were 15 your Mother/Father were sick and you wanted to help them.
You started cleaning the floors, washing dishes, serving the woman who needed help with make up or hairstyles.
The owner of the place tried to make you work for them as a prostitute, but you didn't wanted to.
So they started to pay less, at first just some berries. But those berries lost made you unable to pay for your parent medicine.
After a month without the medicine your parent started to feel worst and worst.
And like a balm, the brothel owner offered you a loan, just the right amount for the medicine.
And you thought the owner was a good person, that you would be able to pay back. :readmore:
But one day some one robbed you and the owner give you more money.
In another occasion someone stole your clothes as it was drying in the sun, the owner gave you money to buy yourself some clothes.
You couldn't pay the owner back and somehow the loan got bigger and bigger until it became an impossible amount.
Then the owner offered a deal: You could pay working for them as a prostitute or he could turn you to the police for stealing.
That time there was no room for you to say no.
Since then they gave you a room, nice clothes and even a maiden to help you with everything you needed.
Close to no clothes, very tight clothes or the worst: Lingerie and a silk robe.
And you do what you are forced to do.
There are clients that are gentle but there are those who get violent, who creep you out, who enjoy when you say no.
It's a nightmare so you try to escape. At first you sneak out but get caught.
Then you jump from the window of your room, but the guards save you from a sure death.
When they realize that you are trying to kill yourself they start to drug you.
And that's the worst because then you can't leave, you need the drug if you don't have your dosage you start to feel ill. You feel like dying but without dying.
And then you just… give up.
Unlike Luffy, Zoro actually had the pleasure house as his objective.
However, it wasn't to exchange his money for sex. He was only interested in the Sake. The pleasure house you were trapped in was famous because of theirs.
The thing was, the place was full of people. Men with women at each of their sides. Women with skimpy clothes and big smiles.
The bar was packed too, but he was lucky as a men decided to stand up and leave with a woman.
He took the open spot and he would have ordered sake but the bartender was too busy.
"Oh god, here comes the golden bitch" a woman commented by his side and Zoro tried to not pay attention to her
"Ugh she's the favorite but she's so arrogant, who does she think she is? Boa Hancock?" The other woman complained and suddenly he got interested, he had met the ex-shichibukai but in his opinion she wasn't as beautiful as everyone said.
He followed the gaze of the two annoyed women and saw "the golden bitch" (aka you) walking towards the bar.
Zoro had seen his fair share of women, princesses, queens, warriors, samurais, minks, giants, mermaids, etc. but in all that time he had never seen a woman quite like you.
You were elegant dressed with a black dress that accentuated your figure, with a turtleneck and window in the shape of a heart. At first sight you seemed arrogant and intimidating, but after further inspection Zoro noticed how empty your expression was.
However it was easy to overlook your expression with all that gold jewelry in your wrists, neck, ears and hair. You were so eye-catching, he even felt there was a halo around you.
'Golden bitch' he almost laughed because of the accuracy of the nickname. He turned back to look if the stupid bartender was free but to no avail "the fuck do I have to do to get some Sake?" He thought to himself.
"Excuse me" you said, taking the seat by the side of Zoro before bending over the bar, almost giving everyone around an excellent view of your ass hadn't been for the dress.
When you sat back there were three bottles of sake in your hands and a sakazuki cup on your cleavage.
"I believe this is what you want to drink," you said calmly, putting two of the bottles and the cup in front of Zoro, suddenly turning into the most beautiful woman he had ever met. "I apologize for the wait the bartender is having a hard day"
"Sure" he said as you got down from the seat with your bottle of sake "thank you" he added as you turned to look at the two women who had spoken before.
"If you two have time to bad mouth me, serve the clients and stop being a couple of common bitches" you said and Zoro actually enjoyed seeing you metaphorically bite them.
After that he poured his sake on the cup and tasted the very first sip of the famous drink.
You on the other hand walked back to the side of the room, to the owner of the pleasure house, just on time to hear someone inform him that a very important pirate was there.
The owner asked who it was and the person informing showed him a wanted poster of the man you just had helped.
Which explained everything, after all you had heard his thoughts over those of everyone else.
Some time ago you had eaten a devil fruit in hopes of getting a power to escape from the pleasure house, but all you got was a power to hear people's thoughts, desires or intentions. The more powerful they got, the louder and clearer were the voices.
Moments ago all you had been able to hear was "sake, sake, sake" and the person giving you a headache with his desire for sake had been Roronoa Zoro.
"Come on, darling" the owner told you as they took you by your hand and dragged you back to the bar. "You got a special assignment" he added as he pushed a little bottle of poison on your cleavage.
'I'll get so much money if I kill him' the owner thought to himself and you felt dread filling your body.
You didn't want to do this, not again. If Roronoa Zoro discovered you were trying to poison him he would certainly kill you.
"Don't make that face, it makes you look ugly" the owner ordered you before caressing your cheek. They disgust you, with a sigh of defeat you composed your face."That's it, much better"
The owner walked to the swordsman and introduced you, adding that you will be serving him his drinks in a room since he was one of the most wanted pirates of the world and he didn't want some marine to appear and try to stop him from having fun.
Zoro accepted without a doubt, after all a place away from all those people sounded good.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Roronoa-san" you said when you got in the room.
Zoro only hummed. not wanting to give the impression that he was interested in you since you were a prostitute. He knew that give you attention would only make you try to get physical with him.
"Do you always do this?" He decided to ask as you poured the drink for him.
"Only for very special clients" you admitted without lying since this wasn't the first time you were forced to do poison someone.
"What kind of clients?" You could literally feel his distrust, it was like a needle piercing your chest.
"Ummm…" you thought for a moment, feeling that if you lied he'll know, and you weren't wrong, Zoro was studying your face. "famous clients" you smiled but he noticed the happiness didn't reach your eyes.
"How did you know I wanted sake?" He continued and you felt a cold sensation wash down your back.
"It was a hunch, I also like sake, I know how a sake lover looks like" you lied and mixed it with a truth, you liked sake, you could recognize someone who liked it.
"Get another cup then, you'll drink with me" he decided and you looked at him surprised. He hadn't took that decision as a safety measure to avoid getting poisoned, but out of a whim. That made you giggle, he seemed invincible.
"Roronoa-san is very generous" you commented and that time when you smiled a spark of life appeared in your eyes. Zoro liked that spark of vitality, he wanted to see more.
You left for a moment and when you got back you had brought the cup and more sake.
That time Zoro poured the drinks and you took a sip that made you sigh.
"Roronoa-san, you must have many stories, would you share them with me?" You spoke to him with respect and fake admiration but so naturally he almost believed it.
"I'm not good at telling stories" he answered and he immediately regretted it since you simply accepted and drank another sip of your drink with a slightly disappointed expression.
"I met my captain the day I was going to be executed…" he started his story and was instantly rewarded with an expression of surprise and happiness on your part.
'How cute' you heard him think at some point of the story when he described his friend Chopper and you got excited.
Usually men thought you looked hot, sexy, fuckable and those kinds of things. No one saw you as someone cute, it made you blush and Zoro enjoyed the unrestrained emotion his thought had provoked.
"It's your turn" he said when he ended his story and you looked at him with a confused expression.
"My turn?" You asked frowning.
"Your turn to tell me your story, it's how it works" he explained and for a moment you got trapped in a flashback, a succession of escapes ending bad, hits, lightened cigarettes being pressed on your back only for someone of the staff to "erase" your scars with the power of a devil fruit.
"I'm afraid that will kill the good mood" you commented but since he had told you a story, you decided to humor him. "This story is not mine…" you said as you started your narration.
You were creating the story as you told it but everything made sense, it was about a Swordsman, since Zoro was one.
Zoro enjoyed the story, as you were telling it, he noticed how relaxed you were, how your vacant expression came alive every now and then.
"You are good at telling stories" he praised you making you blush again.
"Thank you" you answered with a smile that made Zoro's ears turn red, how were you doing that? How were you managing to get all of his attention?
"Could you tell me another story, Roronoa-san"
"Sure, why not?" He said and noticed how you leaned forward on the table expectantly.
"Wait, Roronoa-san, I'll go for more sake" you interrupted him moments later as he told you about Enies Lobby, he nodded and you left in a hurry wanting to hear more.
"What is taking so long?" The Owner asked you when he saw you in the kitchen.
"He asked me to drink, I can't poison him" You explained and the man slapped you across the face.
"Stop being useless and find a way" he said angry and left you there.
When you got back to Zoro it was with a tray in your hands that had three bottles of Sake and a plate of snacks you ordered to poison.
"What happened?" He asked the moment you crossed the threshold.
"I'm sorry I took so long…" you started to apologize but Zoro wasn't listening, his gaze was on your cheek. In the small amount of time he had seen you, you had shown to be a level headed, smart and elegant woman who didn't bother anyone… So, who had slapped you and why?
Fuck, why was he so fucking angry about it? Has Sanji's character rubbed off on him?
"What happened?" He asked curious, pointing at your cheek and you touched it softly
"I made a mistake" you said without thinking, touching the burning skin where you had been hit. "It's ok, I deserved it"
'no, you don't' his thought warmed your heart, it made you wonder how could such a rough looking man be so sweet.
"I thought you were the favorite" He said frowning and you laughed without happiness.
"I'm just a caprice of the owner" you said, offering him a cup full of sake that he gladly took. "I'm their precious canary, but that doesn't mean he won't hit me" it took you a moment to realize what you had said, you had spoken your mind without thinking, showing him the real you.
"What an idiot" he said, still bothered every time he saw your red cheek.
Feeling his annoyance directed at the owner made you comfortable but wary, no one was that good.
"Why? Would you treat me better if I were yours?" You teased taking a seat on the table, by his side. "You know what's my work?"
'of course' Zoro answered in his mind but only looked at you with a serious expression. You leaned towards him and kissed the corner of his mouth.
"I'm a whore I kiss men, I make their fantasies reality, I let them use my bo…" it was his hard gaze that made you shut up.
Why were you saying that? Why were you discouraging the infatuation the swordsman had on you? Why did it bother you that he had made you drop your act of the perfect girl?
'how annoying…' His thoughts made you smile, a weird sensation prickled on your brain and it took you a long moment to comprehend what your devil fruit power was catching on him.
Yeah, coexisting near the love cook had finally rubbed off on him because he wanted to hold you, kiss you… get you to a safe place.
'protect' was what you were catching from the swordsman. He wanted to protect you and you were building walls to reject feeling like a damsel in distress.
"Roronoa-san…" you whispered before pushing away the sake for you to sit right in front of him with parted legs in an inviting way. Your hand took his and you guided it to your thighs. Maybe if he fucked you he'll forget about his attraction to you "It's fine if you want me" you guided his free hand to your chest but he suddenly reacted by getting away from you.
He couldn't do it, he was not made of stone, he felt things, he had urges but he didn't want to do that with you. No when you were doing it because it was your job. It would be like taking advantage of you.
"Roronoa…" you followed him with your eyes only, knowing he didn't want you to touch him, knowing what he was feeling because you were in synchrony with him.
"Shut up" he told you and you obeyed "Stop trying to get in my pants" his choice of words made you blush and laugh, laugh for real.
With a huff you hopped down from the table and he watched as you went to the very lavish bed in the room. The very same bed Zoro had been actively ignoring from the beginning.
"You aramazing...Your feelings are overpowering me" you finally said as you lay in the bed hugging a pillow.
"What?" Zoro asked, taken aback by your words.
"You have a crush on me but you respect me, you think I shouldn't be here, that I should leave" you said so softly that Zoro got closer to hear you.
"I don't…" Zoro was blushing big time.
"I ate a devil's fruit, I can read minds, so don't bother denying it" you cut his sentence.
A slight blush stayed in his cheeks.
"Fine, whatever" he almost went back to the table but noticed that you had in your hand the last bottle of sake "hey, what are you…?" He saw you drink from the bottle, his eyes followed the path of the sake that spilled from the corner of the bottle's mouth forming two very appealing rivers that traveled from your mouth to your chin and then down your throat.
He hated his sudden urge to lick the sake from your skin.
"There's been others like you," you said when you drank, taking him back to reality. You cleaned the corners of your mouth and continued. "You think you are heroes, but you just want to chain me, hide me where no one else but you, can see me" Zoro got closer and tried to take the Sake from you but you pulled your hand away to avoid his hand. "I mean, it's kinda an implanted fantasy, look at these" you showed your wrists with bracelets that covered almost half of your forearm. "This scream shackles, this says save me! Be my Prince charming" you mocked
"Pathetic" He suddenly said and you looked at him bewildered since you were able to feel his very clear desire for you but his words and attitude were the opposite. "You have embraced your cage" he leaned over you, you felt his intentions of taking the sake from you.
He was right, you were able to read minds but you felt like he was the one reading yours.
You were afraid, you didn't want to get your hopes up only to crash and discover he was a liar.
'Say the word' his mind was saying and your movement to get away from him staggered at that.
Word, what word? What was that supposed to mean? You tried to retreat but in a blink you were caged between two strong arms, the bed and the body of Zoro.
You took the last sip of the sake but before you drank it Zoro lifted you from the bed and put you over him, straddling his lap. The gravity did its job and the sake went from your mouth to his as you graced his tongue with yours slowly, so very slowly and sensually.
'Ask for Help' he thought and you pressed closer to him, wanting more if only for him to stop asking that of you.
"I'm not a damsel in distress...They sent me to kill you, Roronoa-san" you confessed not expecting anything from him. He clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"And how would you do that?" he asked amused, taking you by surprise. You tried to get away from him, but his hands kept you close to him.
"With poison" you answered with seriousness and he smirked.
"Poison" he repeated in a mocking way dismissing you "I'm no prince charming, you know? I'm a pirate" one of his hands gently pushed a strand of your hair away from your face.
You didn't have time to even be confused by his words because the idea in his head slipped inside yours: kidnap' Your eyes grew bigger and the smile in his face let you know that he was aware that you knew. You opened your mouth to tell him not to do it, but with an easy move he put you over his shoulder and started his escape.
The next minutes were filled with people trying to stop him and you giving him directions to get out of the brothel.
But Zoro is terrible with directions, so of course he turned in the wrong direction and of course he entered the wrong hall and somehow he ended up destroying the whole place.
When you finally got out, you looked in disbelief at the building in flames. How had that happened? You were not sure, but sake was flammable so…
"Roronoa-sama, you are amazing" you said as he walked away from the crime scene "wrong direction" you let him know and he stopped, turned in the other direction and started walking again.
"Your welcome" he said and you groaned in his shoulder.
"It would be easier to get you to your ship if you put me down," you said, resigned to your future.
"I'm fine, I don't need…curly brows?" When he said those last words you frowned.
"Marimo?" A man's voice answered, leaving you in the dark "that is no way to carry a lady!" He complained and Zoro growled.
'I forgot about the love cook' you heard Zoro think and you were puzzled wondering what could that mean.
The swordsman put you down and you looked at the blond man before you with an expression that made Sanji's eyes become hearts and you were able to hear his thoughts, all of his thoughts.
And Sanji's dirty and sweet thoughts at full speed scare the shit out of you, making you hide behind Zoro and fist your hands into his clothes.
"Oi! You scare her!" Zoro complained annoyed. There was a small discussion and finally Sanji guided you two to the ship where Zoro had a short conversation with the captain, who got closer to talk to you minutes later
"Y/n, do you want to be a pirate?" Asked Luffy in front of everyone and you looked at him seriously.
"No, I just want to stay by Roronoa's side"
Luffy laughed, satisfied with your answer.
"Then, welcome to the crew!"
• • •
Next... ?????? Edition
Who's edition should I write now?
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thepumpkincorsair · 2 months
So, I watched the first episode of “Those About To Die” on Peacock.
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I enjoyed it, and Im willing to do write ups if folks would be interested…
Since I wana talk about details, and I dont wana spread spoilers, everything is below the readmore.
What I liked: 🔵 And what I disliked: 🟠
Total Ranking: 8/10 - very good, worth the watch 👍
🟠 It dove into the Intrigue right away, which made it hard to watch while doing other things, but I can appreciate a show that grabs you by the shoulders and shoves you down into the couch to pay attention.
🔵 It wasn’t boring, quite the contrary, I felt fully engaged throughout the episode. Theres a lot of small moving parts to the story, and it orchestrates together incredibly well so far, even for Episode One. The writing is very well done, which is a lynchpin for me on a show like this. You cant pretend to be an intrigue type series without a proper plot. And, in my opinion, they’ve set their plots well right away. Tenax getting those shares in Blue was a great con, which had clearly been going a while, but we only saw the tail end of it. I see this little setup as a great look at how the writers DO their work. Connections matter, money does more than talk, and if you play the game wrong, you die. Don’t trust anyone.
🔵 I REALLY enjoyed the historical aspects of the first episode. Like, yes, this plot happened, its a historical fiction and a number of these characters exist in history, but its not just that. Its the small details, the different knives in different cultures, the veterinary care of race horses, the deities from more than just the main roman pantheon, the drinkware, the VARIOUS clothes from various cultures and climates…. And yes, women often went topless when they were a sxwrkr. Gotta advert.
🔵 ON THAT SUBJECT: can we talk about “3 sesterce… and Im tighter than both of them.” MY BOY, YOU ARE RIZZIN TOO HARD AND I LOST IT. Please, please let him be in future episodes. Omfg….
🟠 I am forced to concede the accuracy isnt PERFECT, the horses wore modern driving bridles to go with their ancient styled chariots. However, Im realistic about how many horses are trained today to pull anything without blinders, and how much safer modern bridles are. I’ll also note: I absolutely saw the animal handler grab the horse differently (calmly) before the riot surrounded it, then direct the horse to dance in the crowd. Great training with the horse! Bad camera angle. Lol
🔵 I also really like this cast so far. Everyone fills their roles incredibly well.
Hopkins doesnt even need an introduction, the mans a legend and brings all his experience to the stage with him every time. -chefs kiss-
Rheon was great in GOT, he plays calculatingly unhinged exceptionally well. But I wont lie, seeing him in a more commanding, level headedly calculating person?
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Hashim….. HASHIM!!! Im SO excited to see where his character goes. We haven’t seen much of him in Ep 1 just yet, but he’s clearly going to be one of the main players. Im not familiar with him as an actor, but I’ve enjoyed his performance so far, and I REALLY appreciate the story being told.
Martins is also incredible. She does a fantastic job of knowing the danger her characters children are facing, but also knowing she HAS to play her cards right to save them. She personifies the strength and determination of a mother perfectly.
🔵 Quite honestly, I have to give points to that whole plot-line in general. That point of view is something we’ve had hidden from us (in America) for so long, that I think a LOT of people have… become calloused. I hope seeing it will potentially help others come to an empathetic understanding. This isn’t glossing over what happened, or whats likely to happen to any of the three children.
🔵 I also want to gush over actually SHOWING the wider Roman Empire, we get to see the direct effect of their influence in both Africa and Spain so far. Egypt was their bread basket, and without that grain, youve got problems. The Berber Coast has animals, and people they want, and we see money exchanging hands for the purpose of those ends. We see how the locals were told they’d be treated fairly, paid properly, and even eventually become citizens, like the Spaniards, only to have those promises thrown aside as soon as the Romans have better money to make. These people gave the Empire everything it wanted, but the Empire is never satisfied.
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We also get to appreciate how far west the empire went when the Spaniards are trying to sell their horses. (Plot-bunny: Andies are dancing horses, exceptionally athletic, and a prime choice for chariots, though, a standardbred is the usual choice for modern cart racers)
🟠 I will say the CGI isnt the best. You can tell exactly when they change from live action to CGI. But this is a minor issue for me tbh. Its passable CGI, and they use it to avoid putting animals or people in danger which, obviously, I appreciate. A chariot wreck was shown, annnnnd it was pretty darn accurate to how messy those would have been. Not good times y’all. Not good times. Also, the ramifications of a major concussion. Oof. At least the guy would have barely knew what was happening? Still.
🔵 The sound effects were enough without being over the top. Often times when theres gore to show, theres all these extra squelching noises and gratuitous blood… not this time. It’s actually… pretty durn accurate. Don’t ask how I know. I don’t wana tell you, and you dont wana know.
Overall, it was a really solid first episode, and I plan on watching the rest.
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clareguilty · 2 years
Arthur Morgan/f!reader, strength kink, marking
This was an old request that I am including in this year's Kinktober!
Arthur Morgan/f!reader | strength kink, marking, lack of privacy during sex
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~2100
Opening of the fic is NSFW so it starts below the readmore
It was a blinding pleasure, eyes rolling back and toes curling as you chased the tantalizing ecstasy that was slowly building within you. You could never imagine anything better than this, than the euphoria of Arthur’s cock filling you again and again with every powerful thrust. He was so much stronger than you, moving you on his cock with little effort as you whined and gasped in pleasure. 
You had already come so many times, but Arthur wasn't through with you. His grip was strong and forceful around your waist, around your hips, as he fucked you again and again. You were speechless, just pitiful high moans and whines as both of you drowned in pleasure.
You didn't know how long it had been, just that you never wanted it to end as you constantly danced at the edge of too much.
You clenched again around him, shuddering through another orgasm as you tightened and dug your nails into his shoulder. No one else would ever be able to make you feel like this.
If only he could fuck you a little harder, a little faster, a little deeper you were sure you would die of pleasure and ascend to heaven as the most satisfied angel.
Your every nerve sparkled as you lay heavy and still, too satisfied to even move and enjoying the sensation of Arthur’s come running down your thighs.
It took a monumental effort to even pull the quilt over both of you just before you drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the way he felt inside you.
Arthur was still fast asleep when you woke the next morning, expression satisfied and peaceful after an entire night of fucking you senseless. You loved the way he looked in the morning sun, his chest rising and falling slowly and messy hair falling around his forehead. All you wanted was to stay wrapped up in his arms with your head on his chest, enjoying the quiet hours together.
Except the hours weren’t quiet, and you could already hear the others in camp starting their work for the day. You sighed quietly and did your best to slip out from beneath the blankets without waking Arthur.
The first thing you noticed was the soreness. Your hips and thighs burned at every motion, and you grimaced at the thought of working all day when you had done enough strenuous activity the night before. 
It wasn’t until you went to pull your boots on that you noticed the marks. Bruises in the shape of handprints covered your hips and thighs, a clear map of everywhere Arthur had held you as he rutted into you the night before. You tugged your chemise down and noticed the hickeys that spread all the way from your breasts to your collarbone, and surely higher up your neck.
You smiled. The ache was worth the reminder of the pleasure you had felt the night before. Clear evidence that Arthur wanted you, that you made him feel good. You admired them a moment longer before finding your skirt and shirtwaist, making sure to button the collar all the way to your neck. The last thing you wanted was more ridicule from the gang than you were already in for. Surely everyone had heard exactly what you and Arthur had gotten up to all night long.
Sure enough, Karen was the first person you saw as you made your way to the fire for some coffee. She said nothing, just raised her eyebrows with the biggest grin on her face. You rolled your eyes as you knelt by the percolator.
“Girl, you’re walking with a limp,” she drawled. 
You shushed her, pouring your cup and trying to fight a smile.
“C’mon,” she tossed her head. “I heard enough of it anyway. What the hell happened last night?”
You sat beside her on the log, wincing at the soreness. “I don’t know,” you answered honestly. “But it was fantastic. Arthur has never been like that before. I wish I knew what made him fuck me like that because I’d sure like him to do it again sometime.”
Karen howled with laughter. The noise attracted the attention of Sean, who poked his head out from behind one of the wagons. His expression turned sly the moment he saw you, grin crooked and one eyebrow cocked. “Didn’t think I’d see you up and decent so early, Missy,” he teased. “Heard you and English making a racket all fuckin’ night.”
“Someone’s got to keep this place running while everyone else is out actually bringing in money,” you countered. “Sure as hell ain’t gonna be you.”
Sean pouted. “I’m up all bright and early tallying inventory back here, and yet you speak so poorly of me.”
“You ain’t tallying shit!” Karen called. “You’re eating all the sweets and drinking the good whiskey. I’m tellin’ Hosea it was you.”
“I’ll share if you promise not to turn me in,” he offered, eyes pleading.
“Alright,” Karen rolled her eyes, grinning.
You told them to at least run into town to buy some new supplies that evening but otherwise left them to it. There was still a pile of laundering to get to, and Dutch had asked you to organize the wagons before he got back.
Despite Karen and Sean bickering, and Pearson humming, and the other girls giggling among themselves, it was pretty quiet around camp. Dutch had sent almost everybody else out on jobs, leaving Arthur to protect everyone that remained and you to keep things running while Grimshaw and Hosea pretended to be Theatre investors.
You didn’t hear much teasing from anyone else -- they all slept on the other side of camp, and you hadn’t been that loud. It was mostly just Sean and Karen who had stolen John’s tent while he was gone. They were worse than you and Arthur, so you didn’t mind if they overheard.
Arthur didn’t stumble out of his tent until the sun was already high in the sky and Pearson was working on dinner. Sean whistled and opened his mouth to tease, but quickly changed his tune when Arthur shot him a glare.
“Don’t be such a grouch,” you kissed his cheek, offering him a cup of coffee. “He’s just teasing.”
“I don’t want to hear it,” Arthur’s cheeks were pink, and you knew he was more embarrassed than you. “How are you feeling?” He returned your kiss, lips brushing the corner of your mouth. Your stomach flipped and you almost had to grab his arm as your knees wobbled beneath your skirt.
“I’m fantastic,” you grinned.
“Fantastic?” He let out a breathy chuckle. “I like the sound of ‘ fantastic .’”
“You two are so sweet,” Tilly cooed, having fully abandoned her knitting in favor of watching the two of you.
Arthur sighed. “Ain’t no goddamn privacy in this camp,” he groused.
You smiled at Tilly. He was so cute when he was grumpy.
Arthur more than picked up the slack for Sean’s half-assed work ethic and the missing members of the camp. You watched him chop wood, carry feed, and polish rifles like a madman as you helped Pearson dress out the game, chop vegetables, and scrub dishes. Practically all of the work was completed by sundown, and the few of you in camp all settled around one fire to play games and suffer through Uncle and Pearson’s stories.
Exhausted from a long day's work, you and Arthur excused yourselves first, ignoring the snickers and winks from Karen and Sean as you made your way to Arthur's tent.
He lounged easily on the cot in just his drawers while you stepped out of your skirts and shrugged your shirtwaist off. You were just in your combinations, folding the rest of your things by lanternlight. The soreness from the night before had mostly faded, and you didn't even think about the marks until Arthur sat up and pulled you to him.
"What are these?" He asked, trailing his fingers over the bruises that perfectly matched his handprint and disappeared beneath the lace of your underthings.
"Those are from you, silly." You smiled fondly at the reminder of the night you shared together, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
"No." He brushed you away. "I hurt you." It stung a little, that he would reject your affection. After the night before you were absolutely smitten and you wanted to shower him with love and praise.
He frowned deeply, staring at his own palms like he didn't recognize them. "I hurt you," he murmured disbelievingly.
"Arthur." You rolled your eyes and grabbed both of his wrists to catch his attention. "You didn't hurt me. Not really. I loved last night, and I want to do it again. These bruises make me feel good. They make me feel wanted."
He looked like he was struggling to believe you, still beating himself up for something both of you had enjoyed immensely.
"I love feeling how strong you are," you tried again. Your hands left his wrist to find his chest, feeling how broad and firm he was beneath your fingers. You moved forward to kiss his jaw and down his neck, hoping to hammer home your point. "I love knowing that you can take what you want from me so easily. I don't want you to be afraid of yourself."
His hands hovered over your skin, fingers flexing as his desire and his self-control battled against each other. You helped him along by pressing his palms to your skin, encouraging him to take a generous squeeze of your hips. "I'm a big girl," you whispered against his ear. "I can handle it."
Then you were gasping as his teeth found the skin just below your ear. "Yeah?" Arthur questioned. His fingers tugged dangerously on your underclothes. "Then you had better get these off before I tear them to pieces."
You were naked before he could blink, settling back onto his lap and grinding against the sizable tent in his drawers. “You may have to be a little gentler with me tonight,” you warned him. “Otherwise I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it out of bed tomorrow.”
“You deserve a day in,” he said as he laid you down beneath him. “If that’s what it takes to get you to rest, then so be it.” He smirked and pressed your thighs apart.
“What about you?” you countered. “What do I have to do to get you to take it easy?”
Arthur hummed in thought. “I’m not too sure. I’d like to see you try, though.”
Your mind was already swirling with ideas, determined to find a way to wear Arthur out for good. It was difficult to keep your train of thought, however, when he began sucking new marks into your inner thighs, determined to give you more reminders of him.
He hoisted your hips up to meet his lips, eagerly licking through the wetness that was already dripping onto the cot below you. You could hardly believe how easy it was for Arthur to turn you on. He could have you dripping down your thighs with just a wink, and he was quickly learning to exploit that. You dragged your fingers through the short hairs at the nape of his neck until you could grab a fistful of his hair and pull him in closer. He hummed softly and picked up the pace, squeezing your ass when you let out a satisfied sigh.
From there, Arthur seemed determined to make you come. He licked and sucked until you were moaning softly with every breath, holding you by your thighs so that you couldn’t escape the pleasure. It was only after you stopped shaking beneath him that he pulled away, beard gleaming in the lantern light with your arousal.
You lay in blissful content, only vaguely aware of Arthur undressing. It wasn’t until he grabbed your hips once more, flipping you onto your stomach and pulling your hips up so he could kneel behind you, that you realized you were in for another long night.
Arthur dragged his cock between your legs, groaning as the head brushed your wet heat. He gave up on trying to be patient after just a few seconds and sank into you in one blinding thrust that pulled a high, keening moan from your throat. Every thrust had you gasping and moaning beneath him.
Both of you froze when a voice cut through the night. “Again English? Can’t you keep it in your drawers for one night? Some of us are trying to sleep here!”
Sean’s teasing was immediately followed by a loud cackle from Karen, and you glanced back to see Arthur flushed from his ears to his chest with shame.
“Maybe next time we can get a room in town?” you offered.
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layla4567 · 1 year
May the force be with you
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Cal Kestis x GN reader
Summary: Y/N has started to have feelings for Cal but doesn't know how to confess, maybe a love letter will help.
Warnings: Fluff time 😎
A/N: Hello, I apologize for not having included the "readmore" before (in fact I don't know if I did it correctly because they had never asked me before) and another apology if the story is not very accurate to the Star Wars universe (I'm not into it )
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Maybe you always had those feelings for your friend. From the first minute you saw that red head and freckles like a strawberry. Yes, that must have been it. These feelings were not new, but even so in recent times they have intensified. Oh, yes indeed.
It all started in the last most recent mission. They were on the Mantis trying to look for the tombs of the three wise men. The map already had the exact coordinates, the destination was Dathomir. They got off the ship and headed towards some dark caves. It was wet and Cal had to light the way with his saber. You were lagging behind and the shadows were wrapping around you like a thin gauze, you ran in fear to his side and squeezed his hand, Cal turned his head towards you in surprise but then gave you a warm smile. He knew you were scared of the dark.
The faithful BD1 was clinging to Cal's shoulder. We went deeper and in a moment the place seemed more illuminated, the walls were no longer rocks but fat roots that rose from the floor to the ceiling. BD1 made a beep and quickly got off the redhead's shoulder and ran towards some kind of climbing wall and stopped looking at both of you.
"Looks like here is". Said the freckled boy with his hands on his hips looking up.
The white droid made an affirmative metallic noise, Cal smiled widely.
"Okay little one, hop on"
The boy stretched out his arm and the small droid climbed up to him to cling to his back. Then he saw you without stopping smiling
"Ladies first"
Cal extended his arm like a gentleman inviting you in as you bowed briefly, laughing. You held on tightly to the wall and started climbing it with Cal underneath you. He tried not to look up, blushing slightly. When you reached the top you saw him climb and with each step the muscles in his arms flexed and bulged, you had to shake your head to concentrate on something else.
Unfortunately the route did not end there, they had to cross to the other side and climb a wall that reached another rock. You approached the edge, you thought about whether you could jump but the gap was very long, you swallowed worriedly. Cal came to your side, reassuring you.
"Hey don't worry, I'm here with you"
His closeness and his affectionate squeeze on your arm made your cheeks redden and a chill ran down your neck. Of course he had no idea about all these sensations that were going through your body.
"I'll cross first, so you can see how I did it, okay?"
He offered generously and you nodded. For him it was easy, he was much more agile and flexible than you. Even when he was a simple worker he could jump and do pirouettes, you can't. With the grace and ease of a monkey he arrived at the other side in a second, then he looked at you with a nod of head inviting you to cross. You were still afraid, you tried to see how he did it but it had been so fast. Seeing that you were hesitant, Cal shouted at you, encouraging you.
"Nothing will happen to you, trust me, if you fall I'll catch you."
Those words, that simple phrase melted your heart. Now you were sure, you were in love with him. The tenderness with which he said that made you want Cal in your life more than ever so he could protect you. A little calmer you approached the wall and after steadying your feet you began to move to the right, always concentrating on not looking down. Don'tlookdowndon'tlookdown. Cal followed your every movement with religious attention, prepared for any possible fall. When you were about a meter from the edge of the other rock Cal advised you to try to push yourself to the right and jump. Your face contorted into a mask of terror, jump? Was he crazy or what?
"Just trust me!"
Of course you trusted him, you would even trust him with the most powerful weapon because you knew he wouldn't hurt you with it. You took a deep breath and followed his advice. You took a clean and jerk with your entire body flexed and jumped to the right, stretching your entire body and your arms trying to grab the edge of the rock. With horror you saw how your fingers barely touched the surface and you began to fall. An anguished scream calling your friend's name came from your throat, tearing the silence of the place. The freckled man quickly positioned himself at the edge of the rock as if his life depended on it and held you firmly by the wrists. The two of you looked at each other for a few seconds while your body hung and swung in the air. You were scared, but Cal was frowning with effort and huffing, but he couldn't stop a mocking smile from appearing at the corner of his lips.
"I promised you I'd catch you didn't I?"
A nervous smile appeared on your face. Very carefully he lifted you up and placed a hand on your back so you could sit up. Being so close to him created revolutions in your head and hormones. His gaze inspecting you up and down for possible injuries as he asked you over and over again if you were okay made you feel weak, your legs felt weak as if at any moment they could shake and fall with your knees hitting the cold, hard floor as you hugged his waist and you gave him looks with the eyes of a lost puppy, drunk, needy, desirous and burning with love saying "I am yours"
As your breathing quickened slightly Cal seemed satisfied with his inspection and they continued on their way with BD1 in the lead. You were still a little distracted by all your intoxicating and somewhat lewd thoughts about your friend that you didn't realize he was walking away so you shook your head and trotted after him.
The second time Cal gave you butterflies in your stomach (without him even knowing) was in Kashyyyk. A holocron had guided us there for the same reason, to find information about the Zaffo. Already on the ship we were preparing to land, Cal put on some of his ponchos because that day was cooler, you didn't want to be a weirdo who spies on people but you couldn't help but look askance when he put on his poncho in front of you. It looked so cute on him. They jumped off the Mantis that had already boarded and landed on the ground. It was a quite jungle place full of bushes and wild plants. You headed again to a kind of cave but this time illuminated because it had no roof, Cal and BD1 never left your side. You could see that there was a giant spider web on the ground, how disgusting.
"Be careful, there may be giant spiders here." Cal said, pointing to the spider web that you had seen and a look of concern tried to appear on your face but you suppressed it.
Another time you had to climb a wall, by this time you had already practiced jumping and climbing so you could handle this. When they reached the top they saw a kind of machine that Cal touched with his hand and a long rope was deployed above you, a zip line.
"BD1 would you do the honors?"
Cal looked at the droid that was on the ground, when it did a small cartwheel and then jumped on the redhead, Cal laughed amused.
"Wait, wait, do the honors for what?" You asked suspiciously and confused.
"Oh right, I hadn't told you. We will cross to the other side with the help of BD1"
The freckled redhead pointed to his little droid friend and he jumped up to grab the cable. BD1 beeped letting them know it was ready and waiting for them to grab onto it. You stepped back, if there was something that scared you more than the darkness it was heights, you had a lot of vertigo. Cal turned to look at you and saw you so serious and scared that he approached you worriedly to take your hand. And there the butterflies began to flutter in your stomach. He guided you towards the zip line slowly with tenderness, love and patience as if you were a child.
"Come, hold on to me." Cal raised your arms to put them behind his shoulders. My God, you felt like you were going to faint. You shyly wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his strong arm around your waist, pressing you closer to him, you gasped in surprise.
"I'm sorry". He said modestly
"No!, I mean, It-It's ok"
Your head was on the opposite side of his, looking back and although you couldn't see his face you felt him smile in amusement.
"Alright, are you ready?"
Resting your head in the crook of his neck you nodded wordlessly. He affirmed his grip and when he told BD1 that they were ready you closed your eyes squeezing them. BD1 moved quickly and soon you felt that your feet were no longer touching the ground, you screamed scared but you knew that nothing would happen to you having Cal by your side. You opened your eyes a little and adrenaline invaded you, your hair was shaking from the speed and your breathing was short, you felt a rollercoaster in your stomach. When they reached the other side you felt a little dizzy as you got out of Cal's arms, you staggered a little still in shock and he quickly grabbed you by the shoulders.
"all in order?"
Cal looked at you attentively looking for any sign of discomfort but you were smiling almost laughing, the zip line ride had been more exciting than you thought and soon fear gave way to excitement. You looked at him and nodded, your hair was messy. He laughed and gently smoothed your rebellious locks that were sticking to your face, gently brushing them aside. The soft touch of his fingertips on your face and forehead sent an electric current again, this time throughout your spine. And damn, he didn't even know it and maybe he never will.
And here you were now, sitting at the desk in your room with BD1 staring at you sitting on the table to one side and with an old paper like a papyrus and a pencil in your hand and your mind blank. You sighed frustrated, you thought it was time to confess to Cal but you weren't good at talking, expressing your feelings. When you wanted to speak to him you couldn't find the right words. But you were better at writing than talking, a love letter would be an easier way to put your feelings in order without the pressure of seeing Cal face to face. Or so you thought. You still didn't know how to start the letter.
Dearest Cal
You huffed in annoyance, it was too formal. After all, he was your friend, not a stranger. You tapped the tip of your pencil against your head, thinking of new ideas. BD1 next to you had no idea what you were doing, you certainly didn't understand his language but it wasn't difficult to figure out what he was saying since the white droid looked with his head tilted at the paper and then looked at you.
"I'm writing a letter to Cal." BD1 looked at you as if waiting for an explanation.
"Yes, to Cal. A...love letter". The little droid jumped excitedly, you laughed.
"It's been a while since I had to confess my feelings to him but I didn't feel up to it, so I thought a letter would be easier. But don't tell him anything, promise."
BD1 nodded his head standing firm which made you smile tenderly. You closed your eyes and exhaled air through your mouth. You decided you wouldn't think so much and just let the pencil guide your hand. After letting your emotions and thoughts flow, the letter looked more or less like this
Cal I hope this letter reaches you on time and is not too late. I can no longer hide what I feel for you, I think I like you. And not as a friend, I really like you. I don't intend for you to feel the same way about me, I just wanted to let out what I feel and clear my mind and heart. Your always friend, Y/N
You put your pencil down shakily as you folded the paper into four. With your heart pounding in your chest like a drum, you could only hope that Cal wouldn't take it the wrong way, and even better, if he also felt the same as you. Suddenly you heard footsteps behind you and your friend's voice calling for his company droid. Pale, you quickly and clumsily shoved the paper into your pocket just before Cal entered your room.
"Hey here you are, I looked for you all over the ship!". He came up behind you as you turned around in your seat with a forced smile, dying of nerves inside. On the other hand the droid gave a happy beep. Cal noticed you and added, smiling.
"And it's good to see you too, we'll wait for you for dinner"
You responded that you would be there with an awkward laugh. Cal walked away from your room and you breathed a sigh of relief again, BD1 was still attentive to you.
"Here, take this to Cal, leave it in his room where he can see it please. I'm counting on you."
You handed him the folded letter and as if he were an agent on a special mission, the little robot ran towards the freckled man's room without being seen. You stood up laughing but then the smile faded from your face. What if Cal didn't feel the same way? You tried to push away those harmful thoughts. You took a deep breath to calm yourself and bravely left your room. And may the force be with you
The dinner was exquisite, the atmosphere was warm and familiar. It really felt like a united family. Cal couldn't stop making jokes and you laughed at everything he said or did with dreamy eyes. This did not escape Cere's attention, of course. After dinner you offered to wash the dishes with her.
"It seems like you and Cal get along well." She said casually
You stood looking at her confused with a plate in her hand and the sponge in the other dripping soapy water.
"Cal gets along with everyone, he's like that.". You said downplaying it
"Yes, but I could notice that he spends more time with you or looks at you in a peculiar way. Mmh, I wonder why that is?"
"What? Seriously?"
You couldn't help the astonishment that formed all over your face and voice. Cere had made you fall into her trap.
"Ah, I knew it! You like him, kid!"
"Whaaat? Me? pftt, I don't think so"
You cleared your throat and forced a strangely high-pitched voice that wanted to sound disinterested. But Cere wasn't stupid and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"I meant it. I've seen how Cal gets closer to you than the rest. Talk to him, I think the feeling could be mutual"
This fanned the flame of hope within your heart. You thanked him and went outside to practice with your cane. Cal was already in his room. You remembered the letter. You trembled nervously and ran out of the ship.
The sky was a beautiful twilight orange color. The afternoon breeze made your hair wave. You firmly gripped your staff and began to swing it in your hand, attacking and blocking an invisible opponent. Meanwhile Cal was sitting on his bed thinking about resting for a while when he saw a paper on his nightstand. He took it and unfolded it, when he began to read his heart began to accelerate. He quickly searched the entire ship looking for you, seeing you practicing outside he decided to approach. You were trying to spin your cane in front of you and wave it at the sides of your body but you were hitting yourself or dropping the cane.
"You're doing it wrong"
His deep voice behind you made you jump and throw the cane onto the grass. Laughing, he approached you and with the Force he attracted the cane that you dropped to his hand. He always boasted about his gift. Cal stood behind you, pressing his body against your back. Your breath hitched for a moment. He placed the cane in your hands, taking you by the elbow and guiding your arms forward. His head was close to your neck and tilted forward a little so he could see your hands. His chest pressed against your back made your ears turn red.
"Hold the cane firmly and do it like this"
His breath tickled your neck and shoulder and made you feel electricity. Cal guided your hands by placing his on top of yours. His hands larger than yours maintained firm but gentle contact and together they moved as if they were a single wave, as if they were practicing a dance learned by heart. When you were finally able to do the maneuver you wanted to do with your cane, he congratulated you without leaving you and you turned your head to look at him happily. When you turned to look ahead he took advantage of this and got closer to your ear.
"I already read your letter"
His whispered voice near your ear made your mind go blank and you worriedly bit your bottom lip hard. You turned to face him with your eyes lowered.
"Yeah about that, I-"
Cal grabbed your cheek forcing you to look at him, you could feel your cheeks burning as you opened your eyes enormously.
"Shh, You don't have to say anything. Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I was afraid, afraid that it wouldn't be reciprocated. You are the sweetest being in the galaxy and when I'm with you I feel complete and I didn't want to-"
You started talking so fast and you were getting so nervous that Cal closed the distance by grabbing your cheeks with both hands and crashing his lips against yours. It was a tender kiss, his shy lips barely touched yours for fear that you would reject him. He broke the kiss, looking at you expectantly.
"Don't stop." You exalted with drunken love eyes and his lips
Cal placed his hands on your hips and you moved your hands up to the collar of his shirt, deepening the kiss. Now his mouth covered much of yours with more confidence, but it was still delicate like everything about him. From the ship Cere looked mischievously from the window
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rosanna-writer · 3 months
Love Made Me Crazy (1/1)
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Summary: Males aren't the only ones who get a little volatile after accepting the mating bond. Pairing: Gwynriel Warnings: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: ~1.2k
Read on AO3 or under the readmore!
Gwyn thought she was used to it by now. Enough time had passed since she'd accepted her mating bond that she could look at Azriel without pouncing on him. She'd settled into Rosehall. Bad days were rarer than ever. Life was good. Perfect, really.
The bond was still so new that Azriel had been keeping his distance while Cassian trained the Valkyries, lest the sight of her taking a hit triggered the volatile protective instincts of a newly mated male. Better safe than sorry—especially when that male wore seven siphons.
After their time away during the mating frenzy, Azriel had been eager to get back to the ring, so he'd arrived to cross swords with Cassian just as the Valkyries were finishing the last of their stretching and cooldowns.
Gwyn hardly noticed his arrival—she was bent at the waist, arms wrapped around her calves as she tried to get a deep stretch in her legs to stave off soreness later.
"I liked the miscommunication plot at first," she was saying to Nesta, "but it dragged on a bit too long, you know?"
"Agreed. And the worst third-act breakup I've ever seen," Nesta said, rolling her shoulders.
They kept at it a while, more intent on their conversation about a disappointing Sellyn Drake novel than watching their mates spar. The clash of swords had merely become a comforting, familiar clatter in the background, and after facing the Blood Rite themselves, it was more difficult than ever to be impressed by muscles alone.
Gwyn had fully intended to find an armchair to curl up in and read until Azriel was finished training for the day. She straightened, ready to leave with Nesta, when the metallic scent of Azriel's blood hit her nose.
And Gwyn growled.
It didn't matter that the cut was shallow, barely an inch long, and already healing. Nothing mattered—not reason, not logic, only the instinct to protect protect protect.
Gwyn wasn't armed, but she bared her teeth and charged Cassian anyway. She shot across the ring like a cannonball, dropping a shoulder to hit low, the way she'd been taught to do the most damage.
Cassian threw out an elbow to slow her down, but with the sharp tang of blood still mixed with Azriel's scent, Gwyn didn't care. She lunged at him with everything she had.
The force of it knocked the wind from Cassian's lungs as he stumbled backwards a few steps. Not enough. Gwyn wanted him on the ground, the sword out of Cassian's hands and nowhere near her mate. Snapping her teeth, she raised her fist to swing at his jaw. Cassian blocked the punch in one smooth motion.
"Gwyn." Azriel's voice was hardly audible over the roaring in her ears.
Protect, protect, protect.
Gwyn wrapped her fingers around the blade, twisting her wrist to pry it out of Cassian's hands. The sharp edge bit into her palm. Blood splattered as the sword clattered to the ground. She kicked it away.
She turned to face Azriel, breathing hard—Gods, when had she started panting?—and relaxed when she saw his magic had already taken care of the scratch. Safe. Her mate was perfectly fine, safe and sound.
"Are you alright?" she said.
"Yes, let me take care of your hand."
Gwyn had nearly forgotten she was still bleeding, the droplets bright red against the white chalk that marked the sparring ring. She winced and wiped her hand on her leathers. The cut stung.
Something soft brushed against her palm—cloth, she realized with a start. A tendril of shadow was pressing a towel against the wound. Gwyn merely blinked in surprise.
Then before she could protest, Azriel was scooping her up and carrying her towards a bathing room. On another day, Gwyn would have struggled until he set her back on her feet, insisting that she was perfectly capable of walking without him.
But it was her hand. If she wound up with an infection there—or worse, a scar—because she'd defended him, Azriel would never forgive himself.
So Gwyn just pressed her face to his neck and drank in the scent of night-chilled mist and cedar. The scent of her mate, laced with her own now that she'd accepted the bond. One of his shadows curled up against her cheek.
Besides some gruff muttering about it not requiring stitches, Azriel was silent as he sat her down on the edge of the tub. He knelt before her, gently prying the cloth away to clean the cut.
"I'm sorry," Gwyn whispered.
Azriel didn't look up from her palm. "For disarming Cassian?"
Her cheeks heated—it sounded even more ridiculous when Azriel put it that way. And now that her head had cleared and her palm had stopped stinging, Gwyn was finally feeling mortified about the whole thing.
"For ending your training session a bit early. And for being a little…"
She trailed off. Azriel had produced a roll of gauze seemingly from nowhere, and he'd begun wrapping it around her palm in careful layers. His hands brushed hers, and Gwyn would know the distinctive scrape of his scars and calluses anywhere.
It settled something inside her. Azriel's hands felt like safety, the same way his scent reminded her of home and the soft membrane of his wings felt like trust.
Azriel tore off the end of the gauze, then secured it tightly. When he finally looked up at Gwyn, he smiled, and the sight of it seemed to make the bond uncoil in her chest.
"Don't be," he said, "but if you're going to pull that bullshit again, fix your form. Eyes up—I'm not worth getting a head injury over."
Gwyn didn't believe she was worth it, either; mates, after all, were equally matched. There would be no talking him out of it. She merely flipped her hand over, interlaced their fingers, and squeezed.
"Then promise me you'll block fast enough to avoid taking a hit next time."
"I won't let it happen again." Azriel lifted their joined hands and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "I swear."
Gwyn stood and followed him out of the bathing room. When Azriel started to head towards the living area instead of a balcony to fly them home, she shot him a questioning look.
"Cassian won a bet because of you today," Az said, as if that explained it.
She wrinkled her nose."Why in the bottomless depths of the Cauldron was Cassian placing a bet on me?"
"Rhys was so sure that after you accepted the bond, I'd be the one to worry about, not you. Cassian called him an idiot and said he'd know better if he showed his face in the training ring more often."
Gwyn couldn't help but feel a little bubble of pride at Cassian's faith in her. And it was still strange, though not unpleasantly so, to think that the High Lord considered her family.
Azriel offered her his arm. "Let's go watch Rhys get his ass handed to him."
Gwyn looped her elbow through his, tucking herself into Azriel's side before they joined the others.
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gnashingwailing · 5 months
@fireflywritesgt LOVINGLY WRITING MY UNHINGED CH23 THOUGHTS AND THEN BURYING THEM UNDER A READMORE. I felt such overwhelming hype when I saw we got 2 chapters in 1 day I truly was ready to throw my phone out the fucking window. TOO MUCH JOY FOR ONE LITTLE GNASH... I hadn't even finished processing ch21......
first off pov Joe when he goes to Calloway's to pick up his cute new tailored fit in 3 days
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soooo right from the jump. hey.
"“…’cause he’s way better off than I am, it’ll make it harder for me to leave him or something. That he’s luring me in. I mean—” Joe laughed nervously as he steeled himself in preparation for how the captain would react to his next statement “—if it were a giant treating me the way he treats me, everyone would call me a pet.”
“Well of course they would, Joe. That’s because giants are evil.” The captain said matter-of-factly.
He may as well have poked Joe squarely in the eye. Nonetheless, the bartender continued."
hey. UM. Joe you beautiful idiot who canonically has bad luck and, presumably from reading this very chapter, a terrible poker face. Maybe you should have said. Any Other Thing? GODDD in my heart he's definitely sooo overconfident and drunk like wow I am so smooth :) nobody suspects a thing :) while Calloway is having a conversation with him like uh... just saying, but you know, none of us could stop you from. for example. idk. becoming a giant's pet. we wouldn't like that but it's just a random thing that came to mind just now, unrelated to the really tall really wealthy really powerful guy who is afraid of taking advantage of you by luring you in and giving you things like a giant would and maybe isn't treating you like a person. And you're afraid you shouldn't want it. Like BRO IT IS SO OVER FOR YOU even without Harry literally calling Joe's name 3+ times in the dead silence 😭😭😭😭 And presumably Harry having been waiting around there for a while to see Joe! Loitering in a way we know tinies are on guard about since they all noticed that snatcher back in Ch13!
They're idiots ur honor, so true, but it's all worth it to see Joe get rescued and swoon like a damsel ... I definitely wonder if Calloway observed any of that, and what he might think about it if so. >:) May or may not have been daydreaming and writing bits about how horrifying it would be to give your surrogate kid all this well-meaning advice, see him nearly slip to his death, and while you're hurrying down to try and help him, watching him call out to a walking nightmare for help and then get whisked away by it
I have a pet theory that everything we've seen from Calloway so far has been pretty heavily colored by it being from Joe's perspective when he's having a bad day, and maybe he will be more understanding than we think? Objectively, I didn't think he was being very rude or anything back in Ch 13, when he was speculating on Joe's love life. It rankled Joe, which is understandable, but he 1) he's happy that Joe looks good, 2) he doesn't let Gutters or O'Grady rag on Joe too hard and 3) he just generally seems like an interested father figure would about his kid's love life:
"“Oh, lay off him, Tim. It’s a good borrowing year!” Captain Calloway cut in. “We all have ‘em, we all enjoy ‘em, we all cry ourselves to sleep when they’re over.”
Relief washed over Joe like the warm water in Harry’s sink.
“Though I gotta say…” The captain gave a wry smile as he continued. “…it could just as easily be someone else’s good borrowing year if ya’ catch my drift. Could be he’s got a little sweetheart looking after him. A brick of pure chocolate? That’s practically a dowry."”
Although I may be wrong here, since Ch 21's incident at Tiny Town with the Italian mob that saved him gives us the insight that "[for] the first time in Joe’s entire existence at that, Joe understood what it was like to have a real father." So maybe Calloway is not that nurturing to Joe and not much of a caring dad -- as @remordsposthume's tags so wisely point out:
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WTF WAS HE DOING LETTING HIM LEAVE THE BAR LMAO. Calloway's Den of Drunkards confirmed for an "everybody drive home drunk. it's not my problem" bar??? Everyone is processing TAoLaW thru their own cultural lens and. in that spirit. lmfao. I must say. Calloway reminds me of the libertarian redneck dads I've known who just let their kids do whatever. If he was a giant I think he'd let his kids ride ATVs thru the woods drunk. Most probably he would also be ridin around drunk with them. "If you die it's your own damn fault" being his motto is too on the nose LOL. Huge farm dad "I LOVE MY SONS. ONLY HALF OF THEM WILL SURVIVE TO ADULTHOOD BUT I DO LOVE THEM" energy. To Me.
(Btw Harry & Joe processing their parental issues together WHEN <3)
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AND MORE ABOUT CALLOWAY... I am very heartened by how you mentioned once, Warren, that you planned to give each character real depth and treat them with sincerity. I feel very interested about when that time will be for Calloway! We know that he takes in kids (or at least O'Grady and Joe scratch that. tag lore be upon me) and teaches them how to sell trinkets. We know that he hates giants. We know he's been horribly injured in a way that led to him losing a hand, an eye, and possibly teeth. Knowing what we do about the risks of being a borrower, and how casually cruel giants are to them, it's not unlikely those last 2 things are related. I'M TAKING YOUR TAGS AND RUNNING AWAY WITH THEM LIKE A DOG W SOMETHING IN ITS MOUTH.
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So Calloway knew them for several years as vulnerable kids... then lost them for a year or so... then got them back after they escaped the watchmaker's? I will be interested to see if that trauma means he's more protective of them, or uh, still more drunk libertarian dad about them. Lmao. He seemed like he cared about Joe getting into Tiny Town way back in Ch3 tho at least! (as an aside... interested in who Gutters is, too. He SEEMS to be older than Joe/Tim, but he could also still be a Calloway Kid himself... he seems to defer to Calloway... and/or he could just be some guy embittered about giant/tiny relations. which. fair, brother.)
If the broader Tiny Town culture (such as it is... would word get around about this incident with Joe and Harry, or does news just not travel that well amongst lots of secluded borrower communities? much to consider. it makes sense in a dark way why you would physically mark somebody who's transgressed against society's cardinal rule, in a culture where you cannot generally spread information effectively) would reject Joe for his proclivities... will Calloway, too? Or is it Joe's anxiety making him think that? I'm afraid we already know how Tim would feel. Other than him, Calloway is the person who Joe seems most connected to in miniature society... Although Harry's worry about Joe not spending enough time around his fellow miniatures in Ch22 is at least partially motivated by his own guilt-trip, I think he has a bit of a point! I hope Joe doesn't lose touch with everyone -- or if he does, I hope there will be new friends out there for him, too, who are more understanding.
“Joe… can we go back to the big, sexy giant part for a second?” <- LIT'RALLY me rereading this chapter 800 times
A snapping turtle is a fantastic little horror for poor Joe to face, woof. Those fuckers are scary enough when ur height is measured in feet. The quick way they snap is no joke. Just want to 👏👏👏👏 about how good this passage is: The turtle’s maw emerged from the waters of the lake like the gaping mouth of some ancient monster that fed on the souls of sailors. The grimy lakewater rushed over its beady little eyes as its beak, sharp as a dagger, flew towards Joe faster than a gunshot. YEAH.
It just!! makes my little heart sooooo happy to see that Joe does have someone who will unconditionally look out for him...!!! Harry has his issues, and they're still learning how to open up about themselves, but he consistently shows up!! :') the thought of him waiting for his man all night ... hoping the dredge would be the place Joe meant ... and then acting sooo fast when he saw a tiny guy fall off of it... what a faithful hound of a [future] boyfriend. Calloway is so right. Joe deserves somebody to look after him. And Joe has done the (forgive me for the loaded meme) girl math on this. One big man is the best possible outcome for him. ONLY THE BIGGEST MAN WILL DO to keep him off of his bullshit as much as possible 👍👍
And OF COURSE god their conversation is just so so so fucking funny. "Thank you" "fuck no I'm not" -> "FUCK YOU" is INCREDIBLE i CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT lmaooooo and Harry still being so gentle about receiving this insult and trying to parse what Joe means ... he does listen to Joe, they're definitely not back to square one as drunk!Joe feared, his own issues are just getting in the way! (And Joe's are getting in the way of him seeing thru Harry's facade into what the real issue is! We love to see it!)
"“I meant that. You don’t get to call me handsome until you start listening to me.” He slurred. “You gotta—you gotta want it.”
Joe crossed his arms and scowled up at the beautiful man and his beautiful face as Harry tried to parse what Joe was saying.
“Want it…?” Harry echoed.
“Yeah. You gotta want to be my friend. And screw what anyone else thinks!”"
And did anyone else cackle at how Joe telephone-gamed Calloway's advice to still be in plausible-deniability-land. "You gotta want to be my friend" ok. not what he fuckin said. run that back real quick -> "Not if you’re being open about what you want and everything. That’s how love works, Joe. You gotta want it."
I just adored the moments of insight between them, too. "... Joe knew his real answer was yes – he was just too afraid to say it overtly. He argued and fought and begrudgingly accepted it instead. / What was that saying to Harry?" vs. Ch22 Harry's revelation: "How much of his relationship with Joe was genuine, he wondered, and how much of it was Joe going along with Harry’s suggestions in the name of diplomacy?"
Joe IS acting like somebody who's being coerced! Harry IS being a trustworthy guy by noticing it and checking in once their relationship is definitely turning intimate! It's so fascinating to think in hindsight that every time Joe turned red and embarrassed, Harry was having a thought at the back of his mind like "he doesn't want this. I'm scaring him. He doesn't want me, and he doesn't even know the real me yet. And worse, he can't tell me, because he's afraid of what I might do to him." But he can't SAY all that because it would hurt too much if he said it and Joe confirmed he was actually correct, so Ch22 comes out as a trainwreck where he's accidentally insulting Joe's ability to survive without him. (Side note I KNEW Harry wasn't REALLY considering Joe his landlord. Sad!!! That fucked up scrawny starving guy has squatter's rights and he was doing pretty good all things considered maybe !!!)
The respective issues ~Society~ has given both of them just make it impossible to talk about the root of their problems without baring your guts in a really terrifying way. OOF.
HOWEVER this chapter confirming that homophobia isn't such a problem in tiny society is going to make this eventual conversation betwen them real interesting... Harry like "You don't understand Joe :( there's something really wrong with me... ... I like ... men..." and Joe being like "omg :) :) :) :) :) wait what's wrong with you tho" and then Joe "No you don't understand Harry :( I know this is sick but... I like.. giants... I'm sure you could never see someone smaller than you as anything other than a pet ..." and Harry just ":) :) :) :) oh what no :) Georgie was shorter than me" I hope they can have a good, baffled laugh at how long they could've been snuggling guilt-free. At the end of the angst. <3
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