acepedia · 7 months
here  i  wanna  serve  you  some  insights  and  descriptions  of  npcs  that  are  significant  in  my  canon,  in  the  canon  of  ace's  island  and  the  connection  to  him  and  rouge.  they're  important  figures  in  the  family  sense  for  ace  and  can  be  often  seen  in  the  town. they're  avaiable  as  npc  characters  on  my  blog  for  rp  purposes  upon  request  and  plotting.
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jude  is  the  main  law  enforcement  officer  who  enforces  authorities  and  keeps  criminal  activity  to  a  minimum  in  tanmesa.  he  is  a  sheriff  who  has  held  this  position  for  several  decades  by  being  firm  and  having  a  good  sense  of  justice  even  in  the  worst  cases.  the  people  feel  safe  despite  pirates  and  outlaws  being  allowed  in  the  town  thanks  to  the  sheriff  operating.  he's  more  than  70  years  old  but  no  one  really  knows  his  exact  age  for  some  reason.
name:  jude  west age:  more  than  70 faceclaim:  micah  bell  (  rdr2  ) occupation:  tanmesa  town's  sheriff
jude  is  a  person  whose  personality  is  characterized  by  firmness,  strictness,  and  a  perpetually  grumpy  disposition.  at  the  age  of  70,  he  carries  himself  with  a  sense  of  authority  and  experience  that  demands  respect,  though  his  demeanor  often  makes  him  unapproachable.
whether  it's  about  the  weather,  the  state  of  the  world,  or  the  incompetence  of  others,  jude  always  finds  something  to  grumble  about.  his  complaints  are  as  constant  as  they  are  varied.  though  he'd  never  complain  about  a  good  drink.
often  can  be  found  in  the  outpost  but  also  very  frequently  stays  around  zed's  saloon.  most  of  the  outsiders,  outlaws  and  pirates  spend  their  time  here  and  jude  would  have  a  very  hard  time  to  sit  somewhere  away  when  people  like  that  roam  around  the  town.
he's  not  the  nicest  to  outsiders.  he is  cold  and  unwelcoming,  causing  many  to  shy  away  from  interaction  with  him.
jude  is  zed's  friend  and  years  back  a  member  of  their  posse  that  suddenly  broke  off  because  many  members  have  died  either  in  duels  with  the  law.  they  were  considered  outlaws  before  gaining  civilian  statuses.
once  roger  came  to  the  island  and  lived  here  for  few  years  with  rouge  before  taking  sail  the  pirate  left  a  remakable  impression  on  him  that  inspired  jude  to  become  a law  enforcement  officer.
when  rouge  came  back  while  escorted  by  garp  to  hide  her  presence  from  the  world  government  once  news  about  roger's  execution  and  rouge  being  pregnant  with  his  child  reached  him  jude  kept  silently  patroling  the  portgas'  ranch  to  ensure  her  and  ace's  safety.  it  was  his  own  way  for  thanking  roger  for  everything  he's  done  for  the  town  and  people  in  here.
him  and  zed  were  rouge's  friends  and  grew  up  with  her.  both  of  them  were  like  brothers  to  her  and  uncles  to  ace.  however  jude  never  really  spent  much  time  with  roger's  child  he  left  this  duty  to  his  friend.
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zed  is  a  beloved  figure  in  the  small  town  of  tanmesa,  where  his  saloon  serves  as  the  heart  of  the  community,  pirates  and  outlaws.  with  his  weathered  face,  decorated  with  a  full  head  of  grey  hair  and  a  bushy  beard  that  seems  to  have  a  life  of  its  own,  zed  is  a  striking  figure  behind  the  bar.  despite  his  gruff  personality,  his  warm  smile  and  twinkling  eyes  betray  a  heart  of  gold.
name:  zed age:  74 faceclaim:  reinhardt  wilhelm   (   ow2   ) occupation:  saloon  owner  and  bartender
at  first  glance,  zed  may  appear  grumpy  and  unapproachable,  with  a  voice  that  rumbles  like  thunder.  he's  not  one  to  suffer  fools  gladly,  and  he  has  little  patience  for  rowdy  behavior  in  his  establishment.
despite  his  gruffness,  zed  possesses  a  deep  well  of  empathy  and  understanding.  he  listens  patiently  to  ace's  troubles,  offering  sage  advice  and  a  sympathetic  ear  to  the  pirate  prince.
zed's  saloon  isn't  just  a  place  to  drink;  it's  a  home  away  from  home  for  many  in  tanmesa.  he  treats  his  friends  like  family,  welcoming  them  with  open  arms  and  providing  a  sense  of  belonging  that  is  hard  to  find  elsewhere.
childhood  friend  of  portgas  d.  rouge  and  jude  west.  zed  always  kept  taking  care  of  rouge  even  if  their  beginnings  on  dryville  were  hard.  she  was  like  a  little  sister  to  him  and  when  roger  came  to  live  with  her  here  zed  kept  coming  after  closing  his  saloon  to  help  them  mantain  their  ranch.  he  grew  on  roger  very  quickly.
after  rouge  came  back  pregnant  zed  was  the  first  person  who  took  care  of  her  and  her  upcoming  child.  he  made  sure  rouge  had  everything  she  needed,  even  if  it  costed  a  lot  of  beri.  he  bought  new  cows  and  chickens  for  her  to  always  ensure  the  pregnant  woman  had  everything  she  needed.
once  ace  was  born  and  was  about  3  years  old  zed  often  took  care  of  the  boy  upstairs  the  saloon  while  rouge  worked  as  a  barmaid  and  help  to  mantain  the  clients.  despite  zed  seeing  rouge's  health  drop  and  wither  he  still  tried  to  make  it  better  for  her.  but  she  insisted  to  keep  working  for  him.
zed  was  the  one  who  reached  out  to  garp  via  a  letter,  telling  him  about  rouge's  status  and  the  fact  that  she  may  pass  away  soon.  leaving  ace  here  would  be  too  much  of  a  heavy  burden  for  such  a  young  boy  and  he  had  no  idea  how  to  even  raise  a  child.  he  hoped  garp  would  find  ace  a  suitable  place  he  could  call  a  home.
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moonclans · 10 months
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Poor paradoxical you.
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radiaking · 4 months
What would you consider Coop's moral alignment to be?
So it sort of depends on where he's at. Pre-bombs, i'd consider him to be lawful good (maybe toward the edge of neutral good bc he's not exactly jumping into every situation to be a hero or anything but he will still do it if that makes sense). he acts in accordance with what's "right" in a quite selfless way. the idea of leaving the world to the fate vault-tec has in store does not sit well w/him and he would rather stick to that principle and die than be a part of what they're doing. going against vault-tec literally ruins every facet of his life and he absolutely knows that it will when he makes that decision. but he does it anyway.
i can only speculate for now how he got to this point, but at where we see him as a ghoul, i'd put him at chaotic neutral. he's not evil by any means but he's definitely not a good guy either in that typical kind of sense. he's just doing what he needs to do for himself. he's not making extra waves just to make them and isn't trying to step in to help the downtrodden either. he's taking care of himself first and foremost.
as far as where i think he might go, i think (and hope) we'll see him start to go back to where he was before. maybe more of a chaotic good than lawful but probably a healthy mix of the two. i think after all that time he'd be a little bit more...i don't wanna say reckless necessarily but definitely a little bit more risky w/whatever moves he makes toward the 'good' outcome. before the bombs, he (i'm guessing) just sort of spoke out about vault-tec and quit working for them, stayed w/in bounds of what he could reasonably do to stop them/not be a part of what they were doing. i think he'd be willing to go a bit further in the future to take them down.
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waloeders · 1 year
ok im awake now i got mad abt envers parents again. "oh our son who we sold to pay off our debts is a pos and wicked and evil" i wonder why. hmm. i cant imagine. hmm.
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ladyshinga · 10 months
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
The Monster Manual but it's blatantly written by the monsters
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mycroftrh · 5 months
Far worse, in my opinion, than the famous “he wouldn’t fucking say that” is “he WOULD fucking say that, as part of his facade, but you seem to think he would mean it genuinely”
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problemnyatic · 3 months
so matt's absolutely giving scorched earth orders behind the scenes right. Not only are publically visible transfems dropping like flies, but every third person who musters up the audacity to comment negatively on Staff or Matt about this vanishes fucking instantly
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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acepedia · 9 months
got  this  link  from  sev  and  the  guy  exercising  calisthenics  is  a  perfect  example  of  ace's  body  build  mass  and  how  i  imagine  it  as  well  since  calisthenics  is  amazing  for  building  functional,  full-body  muscle  but  there  is  a  limit  to  the  amount  of  sheer  mass  you  can  gain  with  calisthenics  but  to  go  further  u  have  to  eat  and  train  like  a  bodybuilder  (  which  to  some  extent  ace  does,  he  trains  like  one.  )  solely  because  ace's  body  is  all  about  strength,  endurance.  
he  needs  to  be  physically  strong  and  he  wants  to  be.  he  needs  to  be  fully  capable  of  being  a  weapon  for  whitebeard.  he's  his  son  yes  but  ace  is  also  an  animal,  a  weapon,  a  key  to  gates  of  hell  with  his  devil  fruit  and  he  can  unleash  hell  on  earth  with  his  powers  and  strength  alone. 
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bakedbakermom · 2 months
plz reblog for science
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radiaking · 3 months
no but actually. thinking about silly mundane things that are coop's favorite esp in like. main verse is super interesting bc of the difference between cooper howard and thee ghoul. like thee ghoul doesn't really think about things like that anymore. but cooper howard absolutely did. and i am just obsessed w/the idea of all of these little things being a display of his humanity underneath the whole ghoul thing.
nobody looks at the ghoul and thinks he even knows the names of any flowers. (tbf idt anyone thought cooper would know the names of flowers either but he knows the names of the ones he likes.) but cooper howard does. and he likes bright, sunny and simple flowers just bc they look nice and they make him happy. it's not super deep, they're just nice. but it's still a thing of like. oh, there is a man in there somewhere w/thoughts and feelings like that.
anyway, catch him doodling any/all of these if he's in a good mood.
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trainwreckgenerator · 4 months
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a face you'd find on the side of a milk carton
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dyscomancer · 10 months
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gendercensus · 4 months
The 2024 Gender Census is now open!
[ Link to survey ]
The 11th annual international gender census, collecting information about the language we use to refer to ourselves and each other, is now open until 13th June 2024.
It’s short and easy, about 5 minutes probably.
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After the survey is closed I’ll process the results and publish a spreadsheet of the data and a report summarising the main findings. Then anyone can use them for academic or business purposes, self-advocacy, tracking the popularity of language over time, and just feeling like we’re part of a huge and diverse community.
If you think you might have friends and followers who’d be interested, please do reblog this blog post, and share the survey URL by email or at AFK social groups or on other social networks. Every share is extremely helpful - it’s what helped us get 40,000 responses last year.
Survey URL: https://survey.gendercensus.com
The 2024 survey is now closed!
The survey is open to anyone anywhere who speaks English and feels that the gender binary doesn’t fully describe their experience of themselves and their gender(s) or lack thereof.
For the curious, you can also spy on some graphs and demographic data for the incoming responses here.
Thank you so much!
[ Link to survey ]
Image credit: Malachite and rhodochrosite.
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andmaybegayer · 6 months
anyone else seeing weird mysterious failures on Tumblr
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