#000 for the past six weeks
m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 year
not nearly enough
(robert aeor high au p10)
ITS BEEN TOO LONG- ok ok ok yEEEEeeEeEe im excited to post this one :000 ITS PART 10 GUYS OMG WE HIT THE DOUBLE DIGITS also 40,000 words in total in the entirety of the fic so YEYY
Before Jim came to town, Scott was… well, not fine, exactly- but he was laying low, he was safe, in a sense. He was biding his time until he could leave, until he could get out of the hellhole of a town he still lives in. He had a plan, and Jimmy interrupted that in the worst- oh, who is he kidding- best way possible.
or, its been SIX MONTHS time skip jumpscare HAHHAHAHAHA
TW: anxiety, depression, self-hatred, MAGICAL FLASHBACKS, references to past abuse, etc etc the usual
(5141 words)
And so the months pass, months of sleeping uncomfortably in Jimmy’s bed, months of trying to stay calm when he has flashbacks in the middle of the night, months of staying inside as much as he can for fear that he’ll see Father at the park or the grocery store or anywhere, really. John and Laura bought him a new phone, so at least he can still communicate with the people he relies on.
The others, Joel and Shelby and Owen, were irate when they heard that Scott was now living with Jimmy and Beks, or more so, the reason why: Scott can still remember Shubble shrieking “WHAT?!” when he told her the news, so loud he’d actually heard ringing in his ears- after the initial shock, she kept ranting for about twenty minutes straight about abusive parents and neglectfulness and yada yada yada, stuff Scott’s heard a million times before.
Owen, to contrast, stayed very quiet, the anger simmering right below his voice, just enough so that Scott could hear the hints of it, the bits of raw emotion his best friend couldn’t quite keep hidden. Joel had literally stormed over to Jimmy’s house and started yelling at everyone and everything, including Scott, Beky and her parents, and Jimmy- three different reactions from three different people, all displaying their personalities really well.
But for the most part, it’s been good living with John and Laura; they let him skip school when he needs to, John is an excellent cook (it’s so nice not having to eat peanut butter jelly sandwiches anymore) and Laura makes the second-best tea Scott’s ever drunk (first is Jimmy’s, of course.) His favorite part of his current arrangement, however, is his evening “Jimmy time,” as he’s come to think of it- every evening, he and Jimmy go down to the TV room and watch a movie, play a video game they’re both trash at, or video call Shelby and Joel.
Looking back from where he is now, it’s kind of unclear to Scott where and when Jimmy time started, but he knows it’s been going on since at least a week after he moved in. At first, he’d worried that Jimmy didn’t enjoy spending that much time with him, but the avian’s never complained and so Scott has grown accustomed to this little routine, he’s grown to enjoy the three or four hours they’ll spend together every night.
But on the more negative side of the cucumber, things are not going well with Owen. He’s drifted further and further away from the center of their group, and especially since he lives so close to Scott’s old house, they haven’t had any time to hang out just the two of them. He’s tried to text Owen a bit, but things have grown strained between him, not the easy-going friendship Scott’s so accustomed to, the friendship he relies on. Something’s shifted, and though he can’t put a finger on exactly what, he’s pretty sure it has to do with Jimmy.
Why does absolutely everything in Scott’s life always boil back down to Jimmy?
He’s still running his morning jog on the weekends, though he’s changed his route significantly so it doesn’t go anywhere near his old neighborhood, as just the possibility of seeing his father, or even the mansion, make Scott feel like he’s going to throw up. But other than this little weekly routine, Scott doesn’t spend much time outside at all.
His days are now spent in solitude, watching YouTube on his phone in Jimmy’s room or simply laying on the bed, getting lost in his anxiety and self-hatred. Often, Jimmy, Shelby, or Joel will try to invite him on an outing, but he declines every time, brushing away their worried glances and hushed comments. Most of the time, Scott is alone. And he has to admit, he kind of likes it that way.
If he’s alone, he doesn’t have to focus on the stresses of small-talk and human interaction, he doesn’t have to pretend to smile behind a curtain of self-doubt, he doesn’t have to act like he’s getting better, the way everyone expects him to. Because he’s not getting better. It’s been six months, six months, since he moved in with Jimmy- he’s almost eighteen, and Jimmy’s finally seventeen, another half of a year has gone by but nothing’s changed; he just can’t shake the beast that roils within him, the dark, biting cloud that gnaws at him from the inside out.
Jimmy’s great and all, Scott really appreciates all he’s done for him, but the simple fact of the matter is that Scott’s basically in love with the avian, and Jimmy decidedly does not reciprocate his feelings, meaning that there’s always some sort of catch when they’re hanging out. Scott can’t let himself go all the way, can’t make the same sort of raucous jokes he can with Owen, there’s always this slight weird formality between them. Not anything noticeable from an outside standpoint, but Scott sees it, and he knows Jimmy does too. It tends to make things… more difficult than necessary
He misses his best friend. Scott misses Owen, more than he’s ever missed anyone in his life. He misses the way they used to laugh at the park, he misses when they would climb trees to get away from Owen’s multitude of little sisters, he misses every fleeting moment he and his best friend have ever shared. And as much as he loves Jimmy, the avian can’t give him back the simple, platonic moments that have made up some of the best parts of his life.
Memories are a strange thing, Scott supposes as he sits alone on the bed, because though you always wish you could go back and change things, you can’t. There is no possibility, there is no feasible way that Scott could ever change the way things have worked out. But sometimes, when he’s sat alone with nothing to do, feeling the safety in boredom, he finds himself wondering what he would change if he could.
Usually, he tells himself he would’ve chosen to choose his words more carefully that fateful night when everything changed forever, he would’ve skirted around the issues and just been a good little boy. Sometimes he thinks that he wouldn’t have kissed Jimmy, sometimes, when he’s feeling really terrible, he tells himself he would’ve just made it so he doesn’t exist.
But at times like this, when he’s alone and sane and completely transparent with himself, he knows that what he would’ve changed is the fact that he even met Jimmy in the first place. And yeah, he knows it sounds weird and ungrateful but it’s true- as much as he loves and cares about the avian, Jimmy’s basically the godfather of all Scott’s struggles.
Before Jim came to town, Scott was… well, not fine, exactly- but he was laying low, he was safe, in a sense. He was biding his time until he could leave, until he could get out of the hellhole of a town he still lives in. He had a plan, and Jimmy interrupted that in the worst- oh, who is he kidding- best way possible.
Everything’s kind of gone downhill since  he met Jimmy, but he’s enjoyed almost every second of the fall, and that, right there, is a problem. Scott’s addicted to the change, he’s addicted to the presence and light the avian brings to his life, but he’s also completely drawn in by the hurt that seems to follow Jimmy like a dark haze, bringing nothing but grief to those he comes to know. 
He wryly recalls, all those months ago, mentioning to Joel how canaries are harbingers of death- but that was never the whole proverb, was it? No. If Scott remembers his mother’s stories well enough, it was “canary call, first to fall.” Mother would always speak of how Scott should never trust a canary; how they were nothing but trouble no matter what, even if it wasn’t intentional. And he supposes she’s been proven right, but also…
He doesn’t know. He just- something about him just can’t let Jimmy go. Something about the avian is just so… easy. Or it was. Before the concussion, before…
He can’t think about that. Every time it crosses his mind, their supposed kiss, Scott’s mouth goes dry and his cheeks flush, he’ll just find himself blushing at random points in the day whenever something reminds him. He wishes… he kind of wishes he could remember it. He wishes he hadn’t forgotten, he wishes Jimmy would like him, he just can't stop wishing- 
Scott just can’t stop thinking about how things could have been, the way they could have gone if only the slightest things had happened differently, but it hasn’t, it hasn’t it hasn’t it hasn’t and Scott’s starting to panic-
The door to the room creaks open, snapping Scott out of his thoughts. Speak of the devil. It’s Jimmy, and as much as Scott hates it, his whole face lights up at the avian’s presence. “Hey,” Jimmy greets, dumping his backpack on the bed. “How’s it going? I brought your homework, by the way.”
Scott tries to smile, tries to pretend he hasn’t just been thinking about all the things he wished were different, tries to pretend his brain hasn’t just been riddled with thoughts of the boy now stood in front of him. “Hey,” Scott replies, mimicking Jimmy’s nonchalant tone, just the sight of the canary stood in front of him as panic-inducing as ever, his heart beating faster than a rabbit’s. “How’d school go?”
“It was alright,” Jimmy mutters, flopping down onto the bed and spreading his limbs every which way, leaving Scott to look down at him, pulling his knees to his chest to make sure he’s not sitting on Jim’s feathers. “ELA was a beast, though- I don’t envy you having to do that homework with no context.”
Scott groans, tilting back his head to look up at the ceiling, bracing himself up with his hands behind him. “Would you help me?”
“Obviously,” Jimmy scoffs, maneuvering into a sitting position, his hand brushing momentarily against Scott’s before he wraps his arms around his knees. The warmth lingers on his frigid skin, as it always does whenever he and Jimmy touch. “But do you wanna go get food first? I’m famished, and knowing you, you’ve probably kept yourself locked up in this little room all day.” It’s true; Scott doesn’t think he’s left the bedroom at all today, except for maybe once or twice to use the bathroom or take a shower.
“Ha, fair enough,” Scott concedes, pushing himself up off the bed and following Jimmy through the door. As they trundle down the stairs, Scott can’t help but recall the first time he came to this house- how Jimmy had stood upon these very stairs, resplendent and practically glowing in his light green dress. Scott remembers how his biggest worry that day had simply been things ending up awkward between him and Jim. Little had he known that later that very same day, he would literally be evicted from his own home.
He tries not to think about the part where he literally kissed the boy he was hoping not to be embarrassing around.
They enter the kitchen, John’s favorite place in the whole house; purple and green and yellow and so many other colors adorn the walls in alternating stripes, the cabinets painted with the complement of the walls around them. Jimmy’s citrusy scent mixes into the cinnamon and cilantro of the kitchen as he pulls open the door to the fridge, pausing as he surveys the contents.
“What do you wanna eat?” Jimmy asks, turning back towards Scott.
“Um, I don’t really know.” Scott can’t remember the last time he’s felt genuinely hungry, but he does know that if he doesn’t eat he will starve regardless of what it feels like. So every night he gulps down a quick meal, and that’s all he’ll eat for a day unless he and Jimmy are having popcorn with a movie. “I’ll have whatever you’re having, I guess.”
The canary nods, used to this response by now, and pulls out a can of chicken tikka masala left over from the last time they’d ordered Indian food. “Shall I pop this in the microwave?”
“That’d actually be great, thank you,” Scott agrees. “I think some CTM might actually hit the spod right now. By the way, where’s Bek?” He hasn’t seen her yet, which is strange- Beks is usually right up in everyone’s face, yelling for attention.
“Oh, didn’t she tell you? She’s gone over to Krow’s for a sleepover.” Jimmy doesn’t look back at him as he mixes the masala with rice, separates it into two bowls, and pops them both into the microwave. 
Scott laughs, propping himself up on the island with his hands. “But doesn’t Bek always come home angry at Krow from those sleepovers because it’ll use its siren song to get her to tell it all her secrets?”
Jimmy lets out a tinkling snicker. “Well, yeah, but El’s going to be there as well, so I’m hoping that she’ll act as some sort of peace-maker. She’s, like, the only one Krow’ll ever listen to. Would you like some tea?”
“Yes, please.”
They stand there in silence for a couple minutes, the air tinged with more awkwardness than Scott cares to admit, especially for someone he’s lived six months with. He can tell almost instinctively that they’re both thinking about the kiss, Jimmy probably replaying the actual memory over in his mind while Scott sees the approximation he’s managed to piece together. He can practically see Jim’s disgusted face, shocked eyebrows and an angry furrow to his forehead- a thick feeling of shame wells in the pits of Scott’s stomach, and it’s not the first time.
Scott’s been thinking about it for months, and yet he still can’t believe that, delirious as he was, he actually kissed Jimmy. The typical version of him could never work up the courage to do that- not in a million, billion, trillion years. Scott could count all the stars in the sky before he would try to kiss Jim.
“So! What do you wanna do tonight?” Jimmy asks, reaching up on his tiptoes to pull the food out of the microwave. 
“Um, I was thinking we could watch a Disney movie? One of the newer ones, maybe Big Hero 6, Soul, or Luca?” Scott suggests, running a hand backwards through his snakes.
“Soul and Luca are Pixar, silly.” Jimmy laughs, and just like every time his high, chirping bird-like snicker escapes his mouth, Scott feels like he’s soaring above the clouds, and he can’t help but remember how much easier it was when he was still in denial about his love for the canary. But then the laughter is cut off abruptly and a look of panic crosses over Jimmy’s face. With shaking hands, he sets the bowls down on the counter, and Scott can tell that if he’d been holding them for a moment longer, they would have been dropped.
Scott’s there in an instant, working his way around the island to Jimmy’s side. He cautiously places a hand on the avian’s shoulder. “You good?” Scott asks, surveying Jimmy’s face with concern.
“Y-yeah, I think I’m-” 
Suddenly Scott’s somewhere else, a playroom full of toys much too young for someone his age, the windows and doors barred from the outside, simple, almost blindingly white walls pressing in imposingly on all sides. There are two people peering through the iron bars at a canary avian sat in the middle of the room, one a salmon Seafolk and the other an axolotl, like Lizzie, Joel’s crush.
“Which one is it?” A biting voice comes from the axolotl, not something Scott would expect from such a typically peaceful species- but his voice is directed unmistakably towards the canary in the middle of the room.
“Oh! Hi, Patty, do you have guests?” The avian speaks before the salmon, presumably Patty, can respond, and as they step eagerly towards the door, Scott catches a glimpse of their face. 
His face is about five years younger, fuller and hair less scruffy, a voice somehow even higher than the one he currently possesses, but Scott knows him.
It’s Jimmy. 
“What can you tell me about Chicago? I’ve heard about Chicago,” the younger version of the boy Scott’s come to love asks, wrapping his hands around the bars of the door and staring with excitement up at the disgusted axolotl, who recoils from the canary, a sneer wrapping around his features.
“Shut up, kid,” Patty hisses, before regaining her composure and turning to the salmon. “Ahem, Mr Barnaby, that is… Jimmy, he’s a canary avian whom I found on my many travels throughout the globe.”
“Why’s it asking so many questions? Aren’t they all supposed to be tame?”
“Oh, haha.” Patty laughs; a small, fake giggle that grinds into Scott’s teeth and sets his skin on edge. “Jimmy’s always been a curious little bird.”
And then Scott’s back, back to the kitchen, reeling from the whiplash he’s just experienced. It takes him a moment to realize that he’s staring right into the same exact avian’s eyes, but 5 years older. For a moment, neither of them speak, thousands of words communicated in simple eye contact. Scott never used to be able to look anyone in the eyes, and for most people, he still can’t- but Jimmy’s a rare exception.
“D-did you-” Jim breaks the silence, looking shaken beyond words, his skin ashen as he tries clearly to hold back his tears.
“I saw it, yeah,” Scott says, taking Jim’s hand in both of his own before he can think about it too much. Selfish, selfish, selfish. “What was that? How did we both see- okay, the how isn’t important right now, we can talk about that later. I just need to know if you’re okay- I remember you told me about a Patty once, but I didn’t think- I never expected-” Scott’s at a loss for words, because whatever he’s just witnessed is so- so despicable- 
She hurt Jimmy. She hurt him and no one’s allowed to hurt Jim, he’s too sweet and kind and he always puts others before himself, he laughs at the stupidest jokes and is undeniably the most genuinely kind person Scott thinks he’s ever met. He begins to feel a rage building in the back of his throat, because who would- what kind of monster- who could ever find it in themselves to hate Jim?
Jimmy’s struggles and the way he’s dealt with them put what Scott’s been through to shame, and he can feel the guilt beginning to gnaw up at him from the insides biting and churning. Here he is, sitting alone and feeling sorry for himself, when Jimmy was held fucking prisoner, a hostage in a cell, by a person he professed to trust, maybe even saw as a mother figure?
“No, it-it’s fine, I left, I got out of there, she doesn’t matter anymore,” Jimmy mutters, wrapping his free arm around himself but not removing his hand from Scott’s grasp. “I’m fine. I just don’t- I just don’t think about it, very much. That bit you saw, when she said-” he takes a deep breath, as if the next thing he’s saying takes a lot of power to conjure up- “when she said, ‘Jimmy’s always been a curious little b-bird,’ she used to say that a lot, and it’s-” his words all come out in a  rush now, and Scott knows the feeling- Jimmy’s just trying to rush all his emotions out before they consume him too much.
“It’s kind of ingrained in my memory,” he continues, looking down at the floor and gripping Scott’s hand so tight he thinks it might fall off. “I don’t know why, but she- her voice- it’s in my head, it won’t g-go away, it’s been a year and a half and now just at the most random intervals I’ll just hear- her- saying that thing and it’s so stupid because I didn’t even have it that bad, it’s not even the worst thing she would say, not by a long shot, b-but it felt- it feels-” Jimmy swallows, angrily swiping the tears from his eyes. 
“I ran away. I left. I shouldn't even be thinking of her, of that place, anymore but I can’t shake the feeling- and sometimes when I’m sleeping, I have d-dreams, it feels like I’m there, again, and she’s showing me to people through the window as if I’m some sort of exotic specimen, and I’m not, I’m just- just me- simple, stupid, trusting Jimmy- and there’s nothing special about me it’s just pure luck that it’s me she found. It’s m-my fault.”
Scott feels his mouth tighten and he wraps his free arm around Jim, the avian letting out a small, startled gasp before sinking into the hug, shaking from the memory while Scott shakes from rage. They stand like that for a long time, Scott not quite trusting himself to speak.
“I. Will. Murder. Her.” The words growl out of his mouth before he can stop them, glaring protectively over Jimmy’s shoulder, trying hard not to clench up and hurt the canary.
Jimmy looks up at him, surprised, moving his head from where it had been pressed to Scott’s chest. “W-what- but it was-”
“It was not your fault,” Scott says, anticipating Jim’s question and intercepting it before Jimmy can blink twice. “Where and when did she find you? Were you fucking kidnapped?” Scott can tell that he probably looks very scary right now, and he can feel his skin freezing up, see the frost beginning to creep over his shades.
“I- I was- well, from what she said, it was back when I was still an egg, back from wherever I came from. The way she told it, she found me, or, my egg, I guess, in a nest in a tree when she was on a hike in Borneo. She always s-said it was the smallest egg in the nest. Do you know what that implies? I have siblings, Scott. I have brothers and sisters and-” he has to stop talking for a minute, and Scott holds him closer, as if just by wrapping the avian in his arms, he could solve all Jimmy’s problems. “She said my parents were away, so she nabbed me out and took me for her own. She said she saved me.”
Scott is infuriated. He is beyond anger, he is beyond hatred, he is the pure embodiment of rage. He wants to murder this woman, he wants to mince her up into a pie and serve her to the sharks. “She did nothing of the sort. Any even half-decent person would know not to take an egg from an avian’s nest- your parents were probably foraging, do you even know your true name?!”
Jimmy looks up at him, surprised. “How do you know about true names? But yeah, I know. It’s kind of- well. I mean I’m not going to tell you what it is, at least not right now, sorry. But an avian’s true name- we just kind of know that instinctively, ever since we’re little.”
“Okay, good,” Scott says, though it’s just a small modicum of relief when compared to the magma that’s begun to flow through his veins instead of blood. “I know about the name thing because we did a unit on avians in Species Studies early last year, you know, before you came.” Jimmy mouths  silent “oh,” and then Scott realizes how tight he’s been holding the avian and how he’s probably very uncomfortable with this and-
He quickly releases Jimmy, pushing away from the canary quickly and slightly forcefully, hoping Jim doesn’t take offense. With a muttered “sorry,” from both of them, the awkwardness is back, and Scott almost curses. Every part of his body where Jimmy’s been now feels cold, even colder than usual, as if even his body is protesting the lack of the one he loves.
“So, movie,” Jimmy says, breaking the silence and turning back to the tea, hiding his face from Scott and obviously trying very hard to act like the whole memory thing hasn’t happened. Without looking, Jimmy slides Scott his bowl of chicken tikka masala down the counter, and Scott very nearly misses it. Luckily, he catches the bowl at the last second, and saves them both from the disaster of being lectured about the importance that things stay clean in John’s kitchen. “Out of the things you said, I think I’d be down for Soul the most, though I kind of want to watch HSMTMTS? If that’s okay with you?”
Scott barks a dry laugh, not quite ready to return to normal himself. HSMTMTS, or High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, is Jimmy’s favorite show, a high school soap opera kind of scene full of stupidity. But Scott follows Beks’ parents’ logic: if Jimmy loves it, by extension, Scott does as well. Or, he pretends to for Jimmy’s sake. “Sure, why not? Where were we at?”
“Um, I think it was- gimme a second to think.” Scott nods, passively observing how to anyone else, Jimmy would seem absolutely fine right now, you could never guess in a million years that he’d just had a breakdown- but Scott knows Jimmy well enough that he can see the little details, a slight shaking of his hands, the way his eyes dart fearfully back and forth, the subtle extent to which he’s drawn in his wings to his back.
How does he do it? How does Jimmy pretend everything’s fine when it’s not, when it’s actually fucking terrible and has been for a long time, how on Earth does he do it? Jimmy seems to possess a certain strength of character Scott’s always been lacking in, a willingness to keep going that’s so strong it’s almost a fault. It’s one of the things Scott loves and admires the most about the canary.
But also- Scott’s been so caught up in what he’s seen that he hasn’t thought about how- he remembers it had happened once at the movie theater, all those months ago- he’d forgotten. They’d shared a memory. As far as he’s aware, it’s only happened the two times- and both with Jimmy’s memory, and he’s pretty sure no one else had seen them either time, so it’s almost certainly a thing that’s just between him and Jim.
He supposes it has to be his siren heritage, because if he’s being honest, there’s no way it’s Jimmy’s doing. Scott loves the avian and all, but there’s no way he would have magic powerful enough to do that. 
He’s never thought he’s really gotten anything particularly siren-like from his mother, other than the cyan and ice (though ice isn’t really a siren trait, now that he thinks about it) so he’s never really felt like it’s very important for him to read up on sirens. He hasn’t learnt about them from school, either; they’ve never done a unit in Species Studies, and if he’s being honest he hasn’t really spent enough time with Mother to learn about siren things from her. 
So all Scott knows are the obvious things: sirens can sing, they have gorgeous voices that hypnotize the listeners, blah blah blah. He’s never heard anything about seeing other people’s memories, but he supposes it really doesn’t seem too far fetched at this point.
“Oh! I remember,” Jimmy calls from his perch on the counter, shaking Scott out of his theorizing with a start. “We were at the part where Seb is singing at Carlos’ quinceanera.”
“Were we?” Scott honestly can’t remember, it’s Jimmy’s favorite show, but it sure as hell isn’t Scott’s- he can barely follow the plot, and because they only watch HSMTMTS about once a month (Scott doesn’t know if he could stand watching it more often), it’s even more difficult to remember.
“Yep,” Jimmy says, gesturing for Scott to grab his tea as he heads to the basement. Scott does so, holding his bowl of masala in one hand and balancing the warm mug in the other, carefully plodding down the steps into the TV room.
Jimmy’s already sat down on the cushy marshmallow couch, and Scott joins him, placing his dishes on the coffee table and making sure he’s at least a foot away from the canary. He doesn’t want to make Jimmy uncomfortable.
The show starts off about as normal, pretty meh, just as Scott remembers it. Doldrum lovesick lives of typical teenagers, and because it’s a Disney show, of course they sing out their sorrows. But Jimmy loves it so he always puts up with it, because he has to pay back the avian in some way from letting him stay in his literal house, right?
And then something unexpected happens: Scott finds himself being sucked into the show, actually interested in something that until now, he’s been completely bored about. He starts genuinely watching as Seb sings a song for his boyfriend, Carlos, and of course Scott had known they were dating before, it’s one of the main plot points, but this is different-
It feels real.
It feels like him. He imagines himself up there, in the back of that tractor with that piano, singing to Jimmy. And then the song’s over and Carlos walks up and-
They’re kissing.
Two characters, in a live-action Disney show, are kissing. Scott finds his eyes drifting not-so-subtly to Jimmy, and then their hands are touching and it’s so close, so feasible, so possible that Scott can feel it and something’s about to happen and their heads are moving closer closer closer to each other, so close that Jimmy reaches out and his hand brushes momentarily against Scott’s cheek and yes yes yes Scott wants this-
A door slams from upstairs and Bek’s voice rings through the house. “Jimmy! Where are you?”
And the spell is broken, Scott shakes off the lavender haze and the rose-colored glasses, muttering a shallow apology under his breath but Jimmy doesn’t seem to hear it, he simply stands and walks upstairs, wings drawn tightly to his back, without so much as a backward glance. Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck. Scott tries to call out for him, tries to make him understand, but his voice isn’t working and it’s too late, all he can do is watch with horrified eyes as Jimmy walks away, and now it’s all over and Scott’s broken everything for a second time. And so the tears boiling behind his eyes leak out, sharp and biting against his cold skin.
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viciousoverlord · 2 years
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I, personally, believe ss2 and ss3 to be unnecessary for any new saiyan character to get because they use more energy to give more strength and speed when you can get such by completely mastering the original ss1 form. Something that have been practiced by two generations of universe six saiyan before the one of Caulifla, Kale and Cabba even began to appear. They were capable of reaching ss2 and ss3 like the saiyan of the seventh universe can, however, they were quick to notice the flaw of ss2 and ss3 and that was the energy it asked out of them.
So, they decided that the better outcome was to just completely master ss1 to literally be able to stay in the form a considerable amount of time, just to not say permanently. Seen as, Goku and Gohan could stay transformed for a year and more after coming out of the time chamber. With this idea, they managed to reduce the energy demanded to maintain the original super saiyan form and gradually increase the battle and speed increase over what they would get using ss2 and ss3. Yes, with this concept, they managed to make the original super saiyan form something stronger and more useful than its variant.
The generation following that generation who had the idea to do such, and therefore, had an easier time practicing such and getting the hang of the original super saiyan form. What the generation before them took months to achieve was something they achieved in just two weeks when they were capable of transforming. But, they also did not have a choice as their body was used and had decided that having access to ss2 and ss3 would not be needed. So, they became unable to reach the two-other variant of the original super saiyan form. But, there was not much of a loss considering that this generation of saiyan had access to more power using ss1 thanks to what their ancestors had done.
Then, came to life the generation of Caulifla, Kale and Cabba. Who from what the two-previous generation of saiyan had done. Made it effortless for them to reach the transformation. They needed no trigger, they just needed to reach the battle power necessary for them to finally be able to utilize the form. However, that was not the only change that had happened from their evolution. They did not even need to try to master the form, either, as such would be done the first time they do transform. There was another gift left by their ancestors. The original super saiyan form they were capable of using happened to be increasing the power of the user more than it ever did in the past.
The generation that had the idea had a power increase of: 50 which gradually moved to 500.
The generation after them did not have an increase in power, but were capable of mastering the form faster and easier.
The current generation, which is the one with the trio, not only had the form completely mastered, but also increasing the user's power more than ever seen. From a 500 to an increase in power of 5 000.
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harrison-abbott · 4 months
The day didn’t really begin because he woke up in the
Middle of the night as he often did. He got up slowly,
Feeling confused and not like the person he was when
He was a boy, and turned the light on and got back to
One of the books he was reading. This journal had the
Theme of ‘generations’ and so it was written by various
People across this century, in relation to the last, and
So all kinds of things from the Soviet Union to the
Nazi conquest to the mass immigration of folks to
London all came up. He finished that journal and went
On to the next one (the next in the series) and this one
Was about climate change, in part. He’d already read
An article on the news about global heating just earlier
And it truly seemed like the world was totally f*cked
And it was as if nobody really gave a toss … and, sure
Enough, reading this essay in the journal, they gave
Off further depressing facts/notions. Such as that
India, one of the largest coal burning nations on the
Planet, had almost doubled its coal production in the
Last year; and that China was/is building two coal-
Fired power stations every week. And they aren’t
Even the largest polluting countries per capita on
The earth. There was another example from his own
Country (the UK), whereby a new mine has been
Approved for drilling, which will emit 2.8 million
Tonnes of cooking coal per year for the global steel
Industry. … He read about such things and it went
Back to that mind boggling sense of helplessness
Whereby you feel you could do nothing whatsoever
In the face of such international planners. Because they
Were the ones who had the option to change things, and
They just weren’t going to. Because folks are selfish
And they only think in terms of personal lifetime
Benefit. Of finance and temporary happiness.
Maybe that’s why there was once a God and, after he
Realised what he created, he simply took off and
Left us all to destroy ourselves on this luscious planet
He had created? … Elsewhere in the journal he found this passage which
Was about gold mining in Mexico, and how it was
Interlinked with the cartel drug groups and the government.
And how both were hugely corrupt, and often worked
Together. It explored the violence that was involved
In the system. Apparently more than 111 000 people
Have disappeared in Mexico in the last six years.
This is in relation to the ‘war on drugs’. Whereby
200 000 have been murdered since 2007. The article
Then goes on to explain how the police are as violent
As the cartel groups, with a 600 % increase in security
Force torture in the initial ten years of the war.
It then focuses on the cartel groups as a whole across
The nation, who are so powerful that they actually
Contribute a sizeable proportion of the economy,
Employing around 175 000 people in a range of legal
And illegal roles. … What the cartel groups do is go
Into Mexican towns and cities and recruit children and
Young adults to sell the drugs, with the promise of
Wealth and a ‘career’ in the organisation. They also
Promote the idea that they are the ones offering the poor
A chance to compete with the rich, in an unfair society,
Thus portraying themselves as Robin Hood like
Characters. But the cartel groups are so intrinsic with
Upper society that they often bribe governmental heads,
And the police and military, and thus are only seen as
Another institution. … Crazy crazy crazy.
He got a bit sick of all of this information. It was
Important to read and to increase the knowledge of
Current affairs, especially since it was not regular news
And from a literary journal. But, Jeepers, such info
Can sure put a downer on the mood. Plus, today was
Especially hot. Way hotter than it usually was in
Edinburgh, Scotland. He often thought about his own
Violent past – all those times he got beaten up when
He was younger – and none of that seemed like any
Comparison to the content he’d just read about in
Mexico. … He lay on his bed a while. There was a big wasp in
His room which kept bumping about the walls with
Flat stupid noises. His dog was outside in the garden
Barking intermittently for no other reason than
Old-dog-age. … He thought he’d take a break from
Reading and he stuck a TV show on on his computer.
Police drama. It was pretty good. Wasn’t too violent
And it wasn’t too slick or gaudy, as cop dramas can
Tend to be. It wasn’t exactly happy, either, but at
Least it was fiction and therefore couldn’t be dwelled
On too much. … The episode finished and he lay on
His bed again and listened to the birds outside through the
Open window, with the thick warm air right there
Above his head and he thought about girls he used to
Know in the past and he thought about trips in
Other countries that had a similar type of heat to this.
And there was a small mix of nostalgia, but, mostly the
Humidity crammed his thinking and he couldn’t
Concentrate on one thing. He liked to think that most people
Were good, but it often didn’t seem that way. He turned
Over on his pillow and he got drowsy and fell asleep for
A little bit and he dreamed of people from his past that he never
Really wanted to see again, and when he woke up, with a dry throat
He cursed his subconscious for giving them any cameos, and
Then he got up and went through to the toilet down the corridor
And sat on the pan to pee, and his dog was still barking in her
Half maddened senile way,
Outside in the unusually piping air.
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speedyposts · 8 months
Israel plans ground attack on Rafah, ‘last refuge’ for Gaza’s displaced
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The Israeli military plans to expand its ground assault into Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, where most Palestinians in the besieged enclave have been forced to seek shelter amid heavy bombardment of the rest of the enclave.
This has spread fear among the displaced and concerns from global aid organisations as the last place designated as a “safe zone” by the Israeli army in Gaza comes under threat while Israel continues to hamper the flow of aid.
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“The Khan Younis Brigade of the Hamas organisation is disbanded, we will complete the mission there and continue to Rafah,” Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said in a post on the social media platform X late on Thursday. “We will continue until the end, there is no other way.”
About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million people are crammed into Rafah near the border with Egypt, staying in residential buildings or sleeping in the streets without protection or basic infrastructure.
Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Rafah on Friday, said the displaced population there lacks basics, including toilets and sufficient clean water. They are also “unprepared for winter” with no blankets or suitable clothing, all of which puts them at risk of getting sick, he said.
Mahmoud said Gallant’s statement “shows a total lack of caring” for people in Rafah, who are already facing desperate conditions.
“For many, it’s increased the level of panic. They don’t have anywhere else to go to. This is the last refuge for Palestinians in Gaza. Beyond, it is only the Egyptian border,” he said.
Emad, 55, a businessman and father of six in Rafah, told the Reuters news agency that if Israeli tanks keep coming, “we will be left with two choices: stay and die or climb the walls into Egypt.”
“Most of Gaza’s population is in Rafah. If the tanks storm in, it will be a massacre like never before during this war,” he said.
According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, the Israeli army has killed more than 27,000 people, mostly women and children, since the war began on October 7, and Palestinians believe Israel’s latest war plan will mean more death and destruction.
“Gallant says the ‘victory won’t be complete unless the military expands into Rafah’ – a city declared a ‘safe zone’. For Palestinians, this means another genocide,” Mahmoud said.
The United Nations and international human rights organisations have been raising alarms as the Israeli military gradually expands its ground operations in southern Gaza.
In the past few weeks, Israeli soldiers and tanks have been “encircling” Khan Younis, killing thousands of Palestinians and forcing hundreds of thousands to flee farther south towards Rafah.
Nasser Hospital and al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis have been under heavy siege by Israeli snipers, tanks and bombs as patients, medical staff and displaced Palestinians are trapped inside.
The UN’s humanitarian office has voiced concern about the hostilities in Khan Younis.
“I want to emphasise our deep concern about the escalation of hostilities in Khan Younis, which has resulted in an increase in the number of internally displaced people seeking refuge in Rafah in recent days,” said Jens Laerke, spokesperson for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
“Thousands of Palestinians have continued to flee to the south, which is already hosting over half the population of some 2.3 million people. … Rafah is a pressure cooker of despair, and we fear for what comes next.”
Israel’s attacks on Khan Younis and its planned expansion into Rafah come after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) made a provisional ruling last week on measures requested by South Africa in its genocide case against Israel. The ICJ directed Israel to take measures to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza and to allow more humanitarian aid into the strip.
Talks to stop the war – at least temporarily – are being conducted between Israel and Hamas with mediation from the United States, Qatar and Egypt. But it appears unlikely that a potentially imminent agreement could stop Israel’s ground incursion into Rafah.
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swissforextrading · 10 months
ALICE bags about twelve billion heavy-ion collisions
ALICE bags about twelve billion heavy-ion collisions After a five-year pause, on the evening of 26 September, lead ions collided at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at an unprecedented high energy of 5.36 TeV per pair of nucleons (protons or neutrons) and a collision rate six times higher than before. The final lead-ion beam of this latest heavy-ion run was dumped early in the morning of 30 October, after a forced magnet ‘quench’, carried out to better understand the amount of deposited energy at which the LHC superconducting magnets lose their superconducting state. This improved understanding of the LHC machine will help to further increase the heavy-ion collision rate in the near future. For this much-anticipated heavy-ion run, alongside improved beam parameters, the ALICE experiment – the LHC’s heavy-ion specialist – made use of its significantly upgraded detector with continuous readout electronics. This means that each and every collision can now be recorded and is thus available for physics analysis, whereas, in the past, only a fraction of collisions could be selected for recording. This continuous readout was achieved by revamping the experiment’s time projection chamber (TPC) detector and upgrading the readout electronics of all of the detectors. In addition, the new inner tracking system (ITS) detector, which is based on highly granular silicon pixel technology, provides sharp images of the collisions with its 10 m2 of active silicon area and nearly 13 billion pixels within the three-dimensional detector volume. The resulting dramatic increase in the data rate was facilitated by the deployment of a new computing infrastructure for online data processing. This infrastructure includes a new data processing farm that sends the data produced by the experiment directly to CERN’s Data Centre, located about five kilometres from ALICE, through a dedicated high-speed optical-fibre connection that had to be established to cope with the increased data rate. During the five-week run, ALICE recorded about 12 billion lead–lead collisions – 40 times more collisions than the total recorded by ALICE in the previous periods of heavy-ion data taking, from 2010 to 2018. The new data processing farm, consisting of 2800 graphics processing units (GPUs) and 50 000 central processing unit (CPU) cores, routinely digested collision data at a rate of up to 770 gigabytes per second. It then compressed the data to about 170 gigabytes per second before shipping it to the Data Centre for storage on disk and later, at a limited speed of 20 gigabytes per second, for storage on tape for long-term preservation. The fresh data set – which amounts to 47.7 petabytes of disk space and is now being analysed – will advance physicists’ understanding of quark–gluon plasma, a state of matter in which quarks and gluons roam around freely for a very short time before forming the composite particles called hadrons that ALICE detects. The increased number of recorded collisions will allow the ALICE researchers to determine the temperature of the plasma using precise measurements of thermal radiation in the form of photons and pairs of electrons and positrons. It will also allow other properties of the nearly-perfect fluid to be measured with greater precision, especially using hadrons containing heavy charm and beauty quarks. The number of lead–lead collisions collected by ALICE in 2023, expressed in terms of the cumulative number of collisions (right vertical axis) and a related quantity called integrated luminosity (left vertical axis). (Image: CERN) abelchio Tue, 11/28/2023 - 10:48 Byline ALICE collaboration Publication Date Fri, 12/01/2023 - 18:00 https://home.web.cern.ch/news/news/physics/alice-bags-about-twelve-billion-heavy-ion-collisions (Source of the original content)
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nigerianewsupdate3 · 1 year
Trump Found Liable For S£xually Abusing Writer
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Nigeria Breaking News
A brand new York jury upon Tuesday held Jesse Trump responsible for sexually abusing and defaming an American old magazine columnist, awarding her $5 , 000, 000 in damages.
Nigeria Breaking News
Pursuing less than three days of deliberation, your nine jurors with the highly watched city trial dismissed Age. Jean Carroll’s rape accusation but all accepted her additional charges.
It is the novice Trump has presented legal ramifications in a spate of love-making assault allegations offering back decades, as well as the former president speedily dismissed the assurance as a “disgrace. ”
Carroll, 79, submitted a lawsuit against Trump last year, saying which he raped her within the changing room within the posh Bergdorf Goodman store on Junior high Avenue in New york in 1996.
A former Elle interesting columnist also supposed that Trump defamed her when they labeled her “a complete con job” after she created the allegation open in 2019.
Trump, the 76-year-old Republican leader in up coming year’s presidential ethnic background, labeled her event a “hoax” and additionally “a lie. ”
Carroll was awarded $2 million as soon as jury concluded that this lady had proven lustful abuse - comfortably sexual contact with no consent - with a preponderance of the information.
The jury from six men in addition to three women moreover agreed that Trump should pay Carroll about $3 mil for defamation.
Carroll smiled as this girl exited the Ny federal court, however , she did not discuss with reporters.
“We’re happy, ” said the girl lawyer, Roberta Kaplan.
Trump slammed the result on his web 2 . 0 platform, Truth Cultural.
“I have no idea who this particular woman is, ” he wrote, by using all capital numbers. “This verdict is often a disgrace - some continuation of the largest witch hunt for all time. ”
Trump’s 2024 campaign said inside of a statement that the scenario was a “political endeavor” to weaken Trump’s reelection put money on, and that he would allure.
Carroll testified within the two-week civil trial period that the assault have left her “ashamed” and unable to create intimate connections.
This girl claimed it required her more than 20 years to speak upward because she ended up being “frightened” of Trump.
Her attorneys asked two additional ladies to testify of which Trump sexually bombarded them decades before.
Former entrepreneur Jessica Leeds claimed Trump touched her in the commercial class section of your flight in the 1970s.
P*rn Music artist Case -
Within the proceedings, Trump failed to testify, nor do his defense organization bring any witnesses.
The jury is shown a videos of a sworn depositing he gave within October. In it, Trump referred to Carroll like “a liar” as well as a “really sick man. ”
Carroll’s legal representatives said that he made-up the charge “for money, political factors, and status. ”
She filed your girlfriend claim under a brand new York legislation that provides victims of intimate assault a one-year window to file suit their alleged perpetrators decades after the function.
In civil operations, the burden of data is lower than around criminal trials, at which prosecutors must determine their case past a reasonable doubt.
True was one of various legal challenges frustrating Trump’s effort so that you can reclaim the obama administration - despite the fact that Republican supporters have been generally faithful to their choice up until now.
Trump pled not guilty last thirty day period to criminal fees stemming from a hush-money payment made to a good porn star ahead of the 2016 political election to cover up a affair.
Trump is furthermore being investigated designed for his efforts to be able to overturn his 2020 election loss inside Georgia, his claimed mismanagement of sensitive information obtained from a White House, along with his involvement inside the January 6, 2021, storming of the YOU AND ME Capitol by her supporters.
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thepanofyourkitchen · 2 years
day 14
today: 2273
total: 43 544/50 000
i didn’t really have time to write again cause i was making a presentation... but tomorrow all of my assigments are over so i can focus back on writing, hopefully!!
fragment to prove i’m funny:
“Well, it’s in the past, of course.” Dabi waves a dismissing hand. He doesn’t mention how he barely stopped himself from murdering the scorpion bitch only a few weeks ago. “I’m not doing it anymore.”
“Many reasons. For one,” he says, raising one finger, “I don’t really want to go to jail. Not to mention my brother and his really intimate relationship with the law.”
“Your brother’s a cop?”
“Worse,” he replies, smirking sardonically. “He’s a smart-mouthed six-year-old.”
0 notes
Choose Your Ow Adventure
Guys, I did it!
This is the samifer choose your own adventure fic I've been planning for the past week.
I hope you'll have as much fun reading it that I had planning it.
Lucifer finds a choose your own adventure gamebook on Sam's bookshelf. They start to play but with their own additional rules.
For this fic, you'll need 2 six sided dices. Yes, this is a choose your own adventure type of fic. Have fun.
PAIRING : Samifer of course!
RATING : explicit
WORD COUNT : 7012 but it's kinda up to you, it can be longer or shorter, depends of the course you'll take.
Link to AO3
Tags under the cut.
Tagging you because you seemed interested in previous posts about it @flamingcavelounge @demon-sneeze @thewanderer-000 @rosesandtheuniverse @prostojtekst @i-need-my-space-1997 @mykingdomforacupoftea @anarchyforcanon @aliengoth3 @coplins
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Spicy horror
Pairing: Frank x [fem] Reader Word count: ~ 4 000 Genre: Smut / Fluff Summary: It's Halloween, and (y/n) and Frank finally confess their crushes to each other when binge watching horror movies on Frank's place. Kind of content: Praising / Protected / Oral
Requested by @thisisjustforrequestingfanfics (can't tag you, sorry hhh my T*mblr is acting weird)
a/n - I'm sorry that I coudn't proofread, I might do it soon; I was supposed to be asleep rn
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"You're just annoying, old man," I tease with a grin. "But don't whine or else you'll ruin the makeup!" I continue spreading the white concealer over his face, careful to get it on the corners around his nose and around his eye, though not to irritate his eyes.
"No, fuck you," Frank groans, his face twitching to suppress any expression. "Why can't we watch it again tonight? They're the best movies! And stop calling me old man, it's just my birthday! I'm not decomposing or anything!" Despite his words, he smiles, opening his eyes once I pull away, leaning back against the chair of the desk – I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I agree." I grab the eyeshadow palette from the desk and move closer to him again. "TCM is a great series and all, but can we not watch it for a single week? It's your birthday and we can watch literally any horror movie! And it can be special, like, not something we've watched a thousand times already to the point we already know most of the lines." I glare before motioning for him to close his eyes.
Frank sighs grumpily, leaning his head back. "What are you planning on, then? Alien? Jaws?" He lets out a weird cry when I slap the side of his head lightly, though he is soon chuckling.
"And then you complain when I say how annoying you are!" I spread the dark eyeshadow over his eyes, humming. "It's been a while since we've watched The Howling, Evil Dead, House of Wax. I mean, 'm not gonna complain if we decide on Alien and Jaws either." He hums, pouting. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite old man." I press a kiss to his head.
"I hate you," he laughs.
After a little bit of fake blood and retouching on my makeup, the two of us are leaving Frank's house to go to school, waving his mother goodbye. We don't look like what most of the kids will go dressed up as – not putting enough effort nor choosing the same themes as the jocks and popular people and not invisible enough just to throw on whatever in a black theme. Frank looks like a chill vampire with Bela Lugosi's Dracula references, though still looking like a punk, while I decided on one of my favorite characters. Nothing too extra, but still in the vibe.
"You look ridiculous with that hair slicked back." I kick one of the pebbles on the sidewalk. "I prefer the hedgehog or whatever it is in the normal state."
"I honestly feel like I could kill someone just from biting their jugular off." He grins, throwing his nose in the air – I can't help but to chuckle; he's adorable. "But not gonna be anyone from school, they're not worth it neither their blood would taste good." He twists his mouth. "I feel like most I'd get would be booze, botox and steroids."
"Damn," I snort, "awfully accurate. You're gonna starve, sorry."
Frank pouts, looking down, but a smirk soon tugs on his lips as he takes a step closer. "But you're not that bad, baby, you know?"
"Oh, fuck off!" I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue. "You just want to get in my jugular!"
Both of us burst out in chuckles and our conversation eventually dies down when we walk past the gates to inside the school, replaced by jokes at other people's costumes, sometimes needing to hold onto each other from laughter.
We walk into the first class, already a bit late, but all it does is to attract everyone's attention the moment we step in.
"Ridiculous, as always," some girl mutters under her breath. Funny.
Frank wraps a hand around the length of the coat to stupidly bring it to cover the lower part of his face, looking around with narrowed eyes then wide ones. "I smell not just a lot of blood here," he says in a low and raspy voice, "but also stupidity!" He points at the girl judgingly, making her twist her mouth disgusted.
"I hope Freddy Krueger visits you tonight," I say when walking past her, patting her shoulder. A scream comes from her when noticing the fake blood stain I leave behind on her white outfit, having Frank and I chuckling on our way to the back.
No one really pays attention to the classes – it's Halloween, we're even in stupid clothes and anxious for whatever is going to happen later in the day, so the teacher doesn't even bother scolding Frank and I for talking nonstop in the back of the classroom. To be honest, I think only the goody two shoes are actually doing something, sometimes turning around to glare at the others.
"Okay, okay, shut up for a minute!" I tell Frank, taking a look at the messy words over my notebook to check if I forgot to write something down. "We've got The Howling, Alien, Evil Dead, House of Wax, Dawn of the Dead, Funhouse, Pumpkinhead..."
"Fright Night," Frank continues, "Opera, Cannibal Holocaust, Texas Chainsaw–"
"I said no TCM! Fuck you," I curse, rushing to write everything down, crossing out TCM when I accidentaly write it down.
"Friday the 13th, Poltergeist, Near Dark and Elm Street," he finishes, glaring at me. He hits my shoulder, not enough to hurt. "I'll make you watch TCM with me until you have memorized every single frame of it!"
"Your TCM phase will have died down by then!" I twist my mouth bitterly. "Sorry to kill the hype, baby!" I throw my nose in the air with a chuckle at his sulky manners. He furrows his eyebrows, sucking in a breath for words he never really gets to say. "And we still got to watch all these goth movies and shows lying around! Do you think it was easy finding the 60s Addams family show on DVD? Or that one Frankenstein version on cassette." Okay, the last one was easy to find in a yard sale, but still, it was just luck.
"Okay, mommy, please just don't punish me," Frank says with a groan and a fake moan. I stare at him as he's not able to contain his laughter before starting to hit him with the notebook.
"Too bad you're not a good boy, hun."
For once, school ends up actually being nice and just because Frank and I were getting in the character sometimes and pissing people off. By lunch, he had pulled on some sunglasses and looked like the stupidest fucker while eating his sandwich and smudging more of the lipstick and fake blood around his lips. At some point, we had pretended to have a fight and pierce the other's chest with a pair of scissors just to squeeze a bag of fake blood at whoever walked by – mostly some of the jocks or plastics. So much fun.
The house is quiet when we arrive back at it, a couple hours after school ended, and we find out, later, a note from Frank's mom apologizing she can't be here during the rest of his birthday, though she's sure he'll have fun with me.
"Imma take a shower," I sigh, pointing upstairs.
"Sure," he hums, looking up from the note for a moment to smile at me.
Thankfully, I always leave some clothes at Frank's place because I'm here far too often and not always have the chance or disposition to go back home and grab some clothes. It doesn't prevent me from stealing his hoodie, however, and walking out of the bathroom without all of that sticky makeup or fake blood is the best thing ever. Later, Frank is the one to go take a shower while I take care of the food he had already started to prepare.
"Much better!" I raise my eyebrows at the sight of Frank with his hair back to normal and only a bit of black makeup smudges the underside of his eyes now.
"Y'know, I never said a single thing about how you looked," he mutters with his brow low, coming to lean against the counter, next to me, "still, you've been attacking me every chance you got!"
"Does it offend you?" I smile.
"No, but it still hurts!" He sniffles, a hand flat against his chest. "I know I'm too badass for you to handle, but you don't need to let it be that clear!"
I look at him from head to foot. "I hate you, y'know that?"
"Love you too, hun!" He grins and moves closer, cupping my face exaggeratedly to peck my cheek before we head upstairs with everything we need.
We turn the lights on to organize everything, soon sitting down against a pile of pillows and with food surrounding us, though most of it is on the bedside tables since Frank, mainly, gets extremely uncomfortable with it falling on the bed. It doesn't matter, though, since the food and half empty cans end up going forgotten halfway through the movie at the same time the chatter dies down and we watch The Evil Dead as if it was the first time.
Some funny part comes on – well, not exactly funny, but enough to make us chuckle quietly – and brings us back to reality, sighing and glancing at each other, adjusting our postures as we'd slid down the pillows.
Frank yawns.
"Already tired?" I tease, poking his shoulder.
"No." He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Getting tired is for losers." He does glance at the clock on his bedside table, however, and the red glowing numbers say it's six something.
"You're my favorite loser, then." I smirk lightly, exhaling.
Frank's eyebrows knit together as he looks at me, but then rolls his eyes. "Well, duh, of course I am! Who else? I'm the best." He scoots closer until his head is leaning on my shoulder and I can't help but to smile.
"No, I am," I groan, arms wrapped around him.
"I am!" He glares and, at some point, we end up in a wrestling match, pushing each other around the mattress among laughter and curses, which comes to a stop when we start getting too tired and I just let Frank lie down on top of me, head on my chest, still watching the movie. "Do you like anyone, (y/n)?" he asks suddenly. "Like, got a crush?"
Random. Why does he want to know? I mean, I do have a crush, but telling him about it is difficult.
"Um, yeah, I guess, why?" I blink, startled when he suddenly brings himself up on his elbows to stare at me.
"I swear to God I'll hunt them down if you forget about me because of them, do you understand?" Frank presses his forehead to mine. "You're the only one I got, sometimes I'm so worried you'll even leave me for whatever reason."
"What?" I breathe a chuckle, though there's not exactly anything funny here. "Never in my right mind would I do that! And you can't hunt my crush down if my crush is actually you," I laugh in a sudden rush of confidence, which wears out awfully quickly, leaving me lying there and rethinking every life choice.
"Me?" Frank widens his eyes. At the lack of answer, he takes a hold of my collar, straddling my hips. "Did I hear it right? Please, (y/n), (n/n), soulmate? I'm your goddamn crush? For how long?"
I shake my head lightly, shrugging. "Months? A long time."
"And you just told me now?" He cries, forehead pressed to my shoulder. "Slow motherfucker."
"I didn't want you to leave me either, c'mon!" I sigh in defeat, running a hand through his hair. "I remember that time a girl confessed to you and you'd simply vanish whenever she showed up. What if that was with me? I'd not be able to live like this, y'know that."
"Y'know, yeah, seeing it from that point..." Frank shrugs, bringing himself up to face me again. "Still, I wouldn't avoid you like that! Dunno, but it doesn't matter now because you just relieved me of months of suffering. Looking at these pretty lips without being able to kiss it." He furrows his eyebrows, eyes on my lips. "Can I kiss you, tho? Now that we feel stupid for all these months. Damn. At least I feel."
I breathe a chuckle. "Of course! Do you think I wasn't dying to do it either?"
Next thing I know are Frank's lips pressed against mine softly, soon growing firm with confidence. His fingers run along my neck lightly, in a caring manner, dropping to trace my collarbones.
"Also," Frank breathes, pulling away; his face never moves farther than a couple of inches whilst he adjusts his position, lying down beside me on the mattress. "Maybe it's wrong to say and I've always tried to say it in a subtle manner, but–" his eyes meet mine, "–you've got the body of a goddess! Like, dunno, sometimes you comment about not having an 'ideal', skinny body, but you're just so perfect," he groans, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Frank!" I tap on his back lightly. It's not that I don't like what he said – no, damn, it sends my heart fluttering, this warmth taking over my chest –, but is it really the truth? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to tell me this.
"No, I'm telling the truth!" Frank grins. "Like, your thighs and all. I just want to squeeze and bite you! Not in a bad way, I mean." I must give him a funny look because of how flustered he grows, tongue playing with his lip ring as he looks away. "There's a lot to unpack, fuck, I thought it was obvious how I always sit there gazing at you and shit, but..."
"Likewise." I glare playfully, making him chuckle.
"Y'know–" Frank smiles lazily, "–this is the best birthday I've ever had, by far." He brushes his lips against mine softly, watching me through half lidded eyes. "Never knew you'd actually like me back. Never believed it was possible, to be honest."
"I never cogitated you like me," I breathe.
"Well, okay," he says, "we've already gotten through this. I think we should focus on now."
"I'm not the one who keeps bringing back past thoughts!" I chuckle at how he pouts, scowling funnily.
"Shut up, shut up, I get it!" Frank rolls his eyes and presses his lips to mine before I can say anything, having me smiling against the kiss until returning it, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Now that we've finally kissed, keeping our lips off each others' feels almost impossible – letting go of each other feels almost impossible. "God fucking damnit," he groans under his breathe, moving to press kisses down my jaw, soon reaching my neck.
A sigh escapes my lips at the kisses, though it turns into quiet pleased sounds at the feeling of his teeth pulling at my skin and sometimes closing around it, sucking on it whilst all I can bring myself to do is tugging onto his hair. Suddenly, however, feeling his hands traveling down to my hips and squeezing them makes me gasp, probably reacting a bit more than I intended.
"What?" Frank pulls away at the same moment, eyes wide. "Did I do something wrong? Please– Damn, I'm so sorry!"
"N-No, no," I finally bring myself into speaking up, feeling my cheeks burn bright red. "I, um, I actually... liked it. A lot. Sorry if I scared you, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't mind, really," I insist as he continues looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"You sure?"
"Yeah!" I smile, bringing him for a quick kiss before he's trailing down my neck again.
Frank's hands go down my body, experimentally at first and then squeezing my hips again, receiving another reaction this time, including just a soft gasp as I push my hips up – a shiver runs down my spine with it, a nice one. Fuck.
"Damn..." Frank breathes, hands running down to my thighs then up again to slide under my shirt. "It's a bit early, maybe–" he shrugs, looking at me, "–but... is it okay if..."
Holy hell. "Of course," I say without thinking much – he continues to stare, so I nod.
"Fuck yeah," he mutters, lips against mine for a few seconds before he's pulling my shirt over my head and the expression on his face carries such admiration that I can't help but to feel embarrassed for a moment. He never lets me cover myself, nonetheless, hands flying to my waist to hold firmly onto it as he's pressing kisses from my stomach to my hip. "No, seriously–" he sits up again, "–how can someone be so perfect?" He seems to be talking mostly to himself, getting rid of his shirt.
"Dunno." I grin. "How does it feel to be so perfect, baby?"
Frank exhales shakily. "You'll be the death of me and I ain't even joking." He presses a kiss to my collarbone, starting to nibble down at the skin again, trailing down to my chest, lips sometimes lingering over my breasts – sure as hell he leaves a few marks behind, considering how invested he gets.
Something tells me he doesn't know what to focus on. His hands never stay in the same place for too long, going down my thighs then trailing up to my waistband, up my torso, and then he repeats it.
"C'mon," I mutter, placing his hands on my waistband. He's a bit hesitant, but quickly undoes the buttons and starts pulling it down – I help him, kicking the pants away in the end.
A string of curses slip past Frank's lips as he quickly gets rid of his jeans too and, when coming back, he kneels down between my legs this time, spreading them apart. Our lips are yet again locked in a kiss, different from the others, more heated up and urgent this time as we hold onto each other. I play with the hair on the back of his neck and tug onto it instead at the feeling of his hands around my ass, groping.
"Frank, damn," I breathe quietly for a second we pull apart and, opposite to earlier, he gets the hint and does it again, humming against my lips. Once he stops groping, his hands just run along my skin, up and down my body, sometimes lingering. The most lovesick look decorates his face when he pulls away. My heart.
I place my hands on Frank's shoulders as I sit up, changing our positions. He observes me with wide eyes and I smile at him before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving behind a hickey before I can go lower and lower until my fingers are around the waistband of his boxers and I pause, looking up at him, and continue after he nods.
Frank's already half hard, a breath hitching in his throat as, after discarding his boxers, I assume my previous position.
Even if it's not the first time I've done that, this nervousness still lies under my skin as I wrap a hand around him, pumping him lightly before wrapping my lips around the head experimentally. He breathes sharply.
Only halfway through it that I allow myself to look up at Frank, pausing for a moment after finding out he's been watching, propped up on his elbows, eyes focused on me and jaw slack, but I don't look away, hollowing my cheeks instead and watching him break under my gaze, letting go of all the tension for a second.
I repeat the motions a few times and pull away, licking up along the underside, around the tip, and he's suddenly pulling me away – eyes wide and face flushed this time.
Frank mumbles something I can't quite understand, but it doesn't really matter. He moves closer, both of us soon assuming the position we were in minutes ago, pressed against each other. Now, he removes my underwear and his hand slips between us, however.
Pleasure is sent ringing up my spine at the feeling of Frank's fingers slipping past my lips, quickly finding my clit and wasting no time on working his thumb on it while a couple of fingers tease my entrance. Moans just escape my throat easily after he breaks the kiss, mouthing his way until the inside of one of my thighs – he bites and sucks on the skin there. His tongue is suddenly there, then, against my clit, working around it before being replaced by his lips and my vision goes fucking blank when I can feel him sucking on it.
"Fuck," Frank curses once pulling away, moving to frantically rummage through the nightstand's drawer; I groan at the loss of touch, pushing my hips up into nothing.
Hearing the sound of foil being torn makes me understand what's happening, and I watch him rush to slip the condom on, giving us a moment to catch our breath before he's positioning himself, a hand on my hip whilst another holds himself up.
"Tell me if there's something wrong, okay?" he asks slowly, "I'll stop right away. Don't be afraid."
"Same to you," I say softly, cupping his face to pull him for a soft, quick kiss.
Frank smiles with a nod and looks down before I can feel him against my entrance, pushing in slowly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly, feeling his chest vibrate against mine with the low moan coming from him, replaced by a sigh once he sinks in completely. He starts moving right away, hips jerking experimentally before attaining a heavy and slow pace which doesn't last long due to how needy we are already.
I gasp at how he thrusts in harder, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to hold him close and having my legs around his hips, instinctively.
Curses and praises are breathed into my ear among moans, somehow making the pleasure pool down in my lower stomach even more intensely, summed up to feeling his hands groping on my ass again, fingers sinking into the skin.
"You're just so perfect, (y/n)," he babbles, "and even better that now you're all mine."
Suppressing a louder moan turns out to be impossible at the feeling of Frank's hips reaching a certain angle and, soon, the answer I had in my slips away from my grasp and all there's left is just how good he feels. I travel a hand up to his hair, remembering how he reacted to it earlier, and tug on it in a form of response, though also wanting to hear how pathetically he moans at it.
"'M gonna cum," I manage to say before being cut off by a moan, arching my back.
"Me too, babe," he groans, "almost there."
Frank pauses, adjusting himself so a hand is under my thigh and another on the mattress for major support and his thrusts are suddenly harsher. I throw my head back at the same time, holding onto him tightly, and it doesn't take long for all the pleasure that had been building up so far to unravel at once – it apparently triggers the same on him, considering how tight his grasp gets whilst a higher pitched moan comes from him.
Coming down from the high, I feel almost numb, in a good way. Frank pulls away and I'm only aware of him when he's lying down next to me, both of us breathing heavily and unable to do anything aside from staring at the ceiling for a long moment.
"Damn, I love you so much, so much," he mumbles again.
I breathe a chuckle, feeling him cuddling up to me, arms wrapped around me. "And I love you, dumbass." I press a kiss to his head.
"My girlfriend now, right?" he asks. "Nevermind, you don't get to choose." He chuckles, though it quickly dies down. "Just kidding, okay? Tell me to and I'll fuck off."
I laugh, still breathless. "Of course I am. I didn't confess for nothing."
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need-a-fugue · 3 years
Trustworthy (Chapter 4)
Summary: You’ve spent the last three years teaming up with Santiago Garcia on every mission you had a hand in coordinating… and the past several months plotting with him to take down the biggest bad to hit your radar. But even all your time at the DEA and all your experience in the field couldn’t have prepared you for this.
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Fem!Reader (slow burn)
Warnings: Violence, language
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Okay, yeah, sure, fine, you and Santi might not have been 100% honest about what you were planning in the jungle.
In fairness, neither of you ever actually said that this recon mission was at the behest of the CNP or Colombian military or any other government entity. You may have hinted at it. You may have neglected to correct the guys when they assumed. But you never actually told them that anyone had requested the raid on Lorea’s house.
What you had said was that there was a good chance this could turn into… something more. Something that might end up in a hefty pay day for all of you. You just never told the group of men that you and Garcia were actually banking on it.
You didn’t love the idea of lying to a bunch of strangers whom – if they agreed to everything – would end up holding your very life in their hands. Frankly, just the thought of doing so felt… sleezy. Especially considering that these men were Santi’s trusted friends. His brothers. But Santiago insisted that it needed to be played this way – They’ll never go for it if we tell them what we’re really up to. But I promise you, bonita, once they’re here, once they see… they’ll be all in.
He clearly knew his team because after just that single two-hour recce, a couple rounds of beers at a local bar, and a rather stirring, pointed speech, they were, in fact, all in.
And why not, really? The only one of them who had anything to lose – a family beyond those seen at the occasional holiday, wedding, or funeral – was Tom. And he’d been struggling so badly lately with impending alimony and child support and two kids’ worth of college tuitions – eight years minimum – that the money alone did all of their convincing for them.
It was illegal, yes. It was, as the captain said, “downright criminal.” But it wasn’t wrong. And as long as everything went according to plan, no one would know anything about any of it.
In the end, the world would be down at least one piece-of-shit, megalomaniacal drug lord murderer.
Some of the struggling people of Leticia – because you and Santi had promised each other and Yovanna that you’d drop a good chunk of the money into the hands of local charities – would have better lives.
Tom’s girls could go to college without having to worry about paying off student loans until they die.
Will could finally get rid of his old junker and buy a nice car – maybe not the Ferrari Ben was angling for, but a nice car all the same – to get him back and forth across the country for all those rousing speeches he insisted he would not stop giving.
Benny could invest in better training, at better gyms with better equipment… and real trainers. Or, hell, he could give all that shit up and quit getting his ass handed to him by kids ten years his junior, all in the hopes of capturing what was almost always one hell of a disappointing purse.
And Frankie? Well, Frankie wasn’t sure what he’d do with his share. But it sure would be nice to not have to worry so damn much. To not have to scramble to make the house payment every month. To not have to beg that dick who owns the local airfield to let him take on a few jobs just so he could settle into a cockpit for a bit. To maybe have the time – and funds – to take a woman on a date every now and then… not that he had a clue who that woman might be.
And you and Santi? Well, after years of accomplishing nothingin the fight against Lorea – the fight against the drug trade that had ruined and taken so many lives around the world – you two could finally say that you’d actually made a difference. Even if you couldn’t quite say it aloud for everyone to hear.
By the time you get to the compound early Sunday morning, rain’s already been falling for hours. The area’s nearly flooded, so your off-road path is basically a sprawling swampland. You barely slept, your hip is aching like crazy from an old injury, and the minute you step out of the SUV you damn near squeal like a stuck pig as you suddenly sink up to your calf in thick, sucking mud.
“Shit,” Frankie mutters under his breath – under a breathless laugh, you’re pretty sure – as he hops out and wraps a steadying arm around your waist. “Let me help,” he says, the words so soft, you can barely hear them over the unyielding pounding of the rain.
You try to balance, holding onto the door, one foot just barely sinking into the soft earth as Frankie leans down to pry the other from what feels like an utterly engulfing quicksand. He struggles, still holding you around the waist while his left hand works to grip your leg, your boot, your ankle… whatever he can wrap his fingers around. But it’s no use. The op has yet to even begin and already you’re stuck. In the disgusting mud. Deep in the endless jungle. With no hope of ever getting out.
You let out a painfully dramatic, completely despairing sigh and glance up only to see Benny laughing. Really laughing… not even trying to hide his utter, unabashed amusement at your awful predicament. You shoot him as threatening a glare as you can muster. But it only makes him laugh harder.
“Go get into position,” Tom orders, slapping him on the shoulder and shaking his head – once again in a seemingly all-too-practiced dadway – before he bends down to help Frankie out.
Finally, finally, the two men manage to free you. Shockingly, your boot leaves the earth as well, though you can feel the muck inside squelching beneath your instep and in between your toes. Your lip curls in disgust as you haphazardly wipe the boot – bottom, sides, and top – on the wheel well, a bit of mud getting squeezed out near your ankle as you do so. “I’m gonna get jungle rot,” you mutter bitterly as you continue to smear grime along the body of the SUV.
Tom swats your leg away. “Just be sure you don’t give away your location with all the squishing,” he says with a hint of a smile. Then, patting Frankie on the back, he finishes with a much more stern, “Let’s do this,” and takes off to find his position, face and shoulders both set as he easily drops into soldier mode.
“I’m still not sure if I like that guy,” you begin as you and Frankie head for the high ground, “or really freaking hate him.”
He bites out a quick laugh, turns to show off that too-damn-perfect smile, and replies with an easygoing, “Yup.”
Once you make it out of your drop-in point, everything else seems to be smooth sailing. The worst part is just waiting, especially with the rain. Waiting for Garcia’s informant to drop off the van. Waiting for the guards to leave for church, the family not so quickly following suit. Waiting for the guys to move in – Frankie shooting a quick wink alongside, “Watch my six,” as he heads out to join them. Waiting for the all-clear from Benny before you can finally enter the house yourself.
The house. Lorea’s house.
You’d been waiting for this for too damn long. Years of hunting the man had led to these last few months of building out this very plan with Santiago… and then to the last week of recon and final plans with these soldiers whom you barely even know. For all of the initial mistrust heaped upon you by them – and you honestly don’t blame them for any of it – the truth is, they know they have each other to depend on. You’re the odd man out here. You’re the one who should be questioning them… their dedication to this mission. Their loyalty to Santi, and by extension, to you. Their desire to end Lorea’s reign of terror.
You’re in this to take that man out. And if just one of these guys decides that’s not going to happen – for whatever reason – you’re shit out of luck. You should trust them only as far as you can throw them, which would be… not very far. But as you catch sight of Ben standing inside the front door, eagerly waving you in, and as you see the trail of blood leading into the kitchen, a voice over the coms calmly declaring, we had to shoot one of the guards in the leg, something inside of you shifts and settles and all of the worries about who may or may not be trustworthy simply flit away to nothing.
But other concerns quickly rise to take their place.
Watching the highly trained special ops team move about you – each man light-footed and fluid, so quiet that their breathing is nearly inaudible, even as one of them leans over your shoulder from his position behind – is nerve wracking enough to make your legs begin to tremble. You knew what you were getting into here. You knew that this would be dangerous, that it would require a certain level of skill and technique and training. But it isn’t until you actually see these men – these elite soldiers – in action that you realize how woefully inept and unprepared you are in comparison.
Self-doubt begins to seep from the cracks now forming in your carefully crafted façade. Uncertainty, insecurity, fear starts to build up and rise within you, burning like bile creeping up the back of your throat. By the time you and Santiago finish the second sweep of the downstairs and begin climbing the steps to the second-story landing, your entire body is vibrating with regretful apprehension.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you hear as you approach the study upstairs. It’s the room where your informant took the picture of the stacks of cash after her delivery, the holding area where all of Lorea’s blood money sat, just waiting to be counted. But when you enter, there’s no money to be found, just pissed-off-looking soldiers surrounded by the empty bags they had planned to fill with cash.
“Your girl burned us,” Frankie mutters blankly, eyes full of regret and annoyance as he leans heavily against one wall. His dark gaze collides with yours for just a fraction of a moment before he shakes his head and breathes out, “We gotta get outta here.”
Your brow crinkles in confusion, all of the insecurity bubbling through your body suddenly settling and getting replaced by a sort of righteous indignation. “Whoa, wait,” you spit out, sidestepping Santi and rushing to the center of the room. “We’re not leaving. We’re not done here.”
Will gives you an almost disappointed look and blankly mutters, “Nothing here, sweetheart,” before dropping heavily into a chair in the corner.
You shake your head, a pointed certainty to your words as you level him with a heated stare and say, “Lorea’s here. He’s always here. He does not leave.”
Tom scoffs. “Yeah, well, he left today,” he says, tone full of spite. “And he took the money with him.”
You spin to face him, “No,” pouring from your lips in a firm and unyielding tenor. “He’s here. And so is the money.”
“We did a full sweep,” Will breathes out.
“So we’ll do another,” Santiago chimes in, suddenly at your back.
You look around at all the forlorn faces and roll your eyes, realizing all at once that, for all their training in war, these men don’t have a freaking clue about the kinds of things you deal with in your job. They’re used to encountering soldiers – enemy combatants, trained mercenaries, militias… people who’s purpose is to fight. That’s not what Lorea is. That’s not what he does. He didn’t move deep into the jungle to fight, to wage war, to build an army. He came here to hide.
“You guys are fucking idiots,” you declare with a huff. “I once spent two hours tearing apart a houseboat before finding the guy we were after squatting in a hidden cutout near the bilge. A few years ago, we found fifty thousand dollars under a false bottom in a hot tub while serving a search warrant. Another raid ended with us tearing apart a kid’s tree house that had cash hidden under the floorboards. You think because Lorea isn’t sitting here behind his desk, counting his millions like fucking Scrooge McDuck that they’re not here? That he’s not here?”
“Didn’t McDuck swim in his money?” Benny inquires from behind, the question earning quick huff of a laugh from his brother.
You feel Santi step away from your side. “She’s right,” he says, his eyes dancing around the room, looking for… something. They land on a mostly empty can of paint, and he smiles, sniffing quickly at the air. “Fresh paint.”
Tom’s eyes widen and tick towards the wall to his left as his lips split and out pours what you had all along seen as being an obvious truth. “The house is the safe.”
When it rains, it pours. You’d been the one to say that, to inanely mutter the adage through the coms with a huff as Benny took off back inside the house – the safe – while you sat in the now heavily weighted van, so full of money that the suspension sags to the point of extremeconcern.
The guards are coming back, the sound of their SUV’s engine just barely chugging atop the steady beating of the downpour that had engulfed you all for the past few hours. They’re coming back, and everyone but you is still inside.
Call it greed. Call it vindictiveness. Call it whatever the fuck you want. But you all had agreed to get as much plata out of that house as possible, to fill the cars to the freaking brim with as much of that motherfucker’s money – his lifeblood, his love, his everything – before setting fire to the whole damn thing. You’d been in this business long enough to know that bringing down one cartel merely opens up a door for others to grow. But still, the idea of watching Lorea’s empire burn makes you wet in a way the torrential rain beating on the roof on the van never could.
You toss a glance back, over you shoulder at the mound of duffel bags, a child’s suitcase thrown into the pile as well, all filled to bursting with cash. It’s pretty unbelievable. Incredible. You’d never been the type to really worry about money, no more so than the average guy. But damn if being surrounded by millions of dollars doesn’t make you a little lightheaded. And the fact that it’s Lorea’s money?
Despite Santi’s little bullshit pep talk the other night about how all of you deserve this – for serving your country and fighting for what’s right… blah, blah, blah – you honestly don’t feel like you deserve this money any more than anyone else. But Lorea sure as shit doesn’t deserve it. And you trust yourself – and each of these men by your side – to put it to far better use than he ever would.
You can’t see the guards, can’t see the SUV carrying them from your vantage point in the van. But Benny had told you to stay put, he’d get the others and he wanted you ready to drive as soon as they came out. Still, you know now that the first car must’ve arrived at the compound because – aside from the steady pounding of the rain and the wild pulse of your heartbeat echoing in your ears – everything is suddenly silent. No more hum of an engine. No choppy callouts over the radio as Ben seeks out the guys. Everything is silent and still. Until… pop-pop, short and sudden, muffled by the thick walls of the house.
Over the coms you hear – in a calm, controlled tone – Two down in the entryway. Another sharp pop, followed by a voice you’ve come to easily recognize. That’s three.
There’s something in the way their words are uttered, something in the utterly placid tenor of each of their voices. Something also to the sparse shots – so unlike the rapid, automatic gunfire you’re used to being thrown into amid scared and untrained local police and inexperienced, foolhardy kids hired as cheap labor by the cartels. There’s something about the way they all rush suddenly into your line of sight – fast but calm, controlled – as they pour out of the house, a few racing past to find the guards’ SUV, the sounds of their footfalls and quick breaths nearly drowning out the whir of the engine as you turn the ignition. There’s something about it all that leaves you feeling – despite the fact that things did not go as planned and you can see that all-too-recognizable, pissed-off scowl tugging at Santiago’s features as he flies past your window – calm as well. Safe, even.
Frankie climbs quickly into the passenger side of the van just as you fire up the engine, Will slowly pulling himself into the seat behind him. “Shit,” you mutter, eyes widening as you take in the grimace on the man’s face, the blood on his hands and shirt. “What the hell happened?”
“S’fine,” he tells you, punctuating the statement with a nod, a directive to look forward. “Let’s move.”
You put the van in gear and hit the gas, maneuvering steadily through the compound and towards the front entrance. “Did you get shot?” you inquire again, your voice showing less concern and more simple curiosity.
“Yeah,” he groans, a thick breath hitching as you hit a particularly big bump in the road. “Your friend Lorea popped out of his little hidey hole and got me. Guess you called that.”
You whip around to face him, eyes now like damn saucers. “You got him?”
Frankie grabs your arm and gives a little tug to get you turn back towards the front, only speaking, answering for Will, once you do so, once you settle a still-wild stare on the path ahead, “Yeah. Pope took him out. He’s dead.”
You say nothing for a long moment, letting those words seat inside of you. He’s dead. He’s dead. He’s dead. How long have you wanted to hear those words? How long have you been gunning for that son of a bitch, waiting for someone to take him out… hoping that someone might be you? Santi doing it is the next best thing, you figure.
A sudden explosion lights up in front of you as you approach the gate and Benny blows past it, and past the van, angrily muttering to himself all the while. “He looks pissed,” you comment blithely, looking to Frankie for something akin to permission before flooring it and ramming through the gate like you’re just itching to do.
He gives a staunch nod forward. “Can’t blame him,” he says, capping it off with a softer, rather encouraging, “Go for it.”
You hit the gas, glancing in the rearview mirror and asking, “The others are in the SUV?” as the guards’ car pulls up behind you and waits for Ben to jump in.
Frankie nods – “Yeah.” – and his eyes suddenly tick your way, narrowing a bit as they rove your body before coming to rest on your hands as they tightly grip the wheel.
“What?” you ask, feeling his stare burn into you.
Will laughs from behind – a swift, stilted thing that tells you just how much pain he’s actually in – and lets out an amused, “Fish always drives.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say, voice dripping with put-on sincerity as you continue down the unpaved road. “Do you want me to pull over?”
He rolls his eyes, but there’s no hiding the plainly obvious pout tugging at his lips when he looks over at you and mutters, “Just watch where you’re going.”
The first half or so of the long drive up to the airfield is spent in tense silence. You don’t fight it, don’t force any sort of conversation, don’t inquire about what exactly happened in that house. You can tell that these men need a long-ass moment to come down from everything. Hell, your own adrenaline still has your pulse thrumming endlessly through your ears. And you’d been safely ensconced inside this van for most of the action. It’s not like you had to fight your way out of there. It’s not like you got shot.
Your eyes bounce up to the rearview mirror, finding Will curled into himself in the backseat. “How you doing, Ironhead?” you ask, purposefully infusing the ridiculous name with a mocking intonation.
He looks up and catches your gleaming eyes in the mirror, notes your slight smirk, and gruffly replies, “Well, I’m not dead yet.”
“It’s just a flesh wound,” Frankie supplies from your right. He spins around to give his friend a quick once over. “He’s fine.”
“That’s awfully presumptuous,” you challenge, raising a brow. “Didn’t see you coming out of there with a new hole in your body.”
“Didn’t realize you were so focused on my body,” he returns with a bit of a lilt.
Will groans loudly from the back. “Don’t start flirting up there,” he practically orders before the no-argument tone slips into something softer, almost jovial. “I’m suffering enough back here as is.”
“You’re fine,” Frankie shoots back, turning bodily in his seat and craning his head towards his friend. “You act like you’ve never been shot before.”
“I’m retired,” he replies. “Think I forgot how much this sucks.”
You nod, almost to yourself, emitting a simple, assenting, “Yeah.”
Frankie leans back, still remaining sideways in the seat, his stare now wholly on you. You glance over and see his brow scrunch in… is it concern? Or merely curiosity? “You’ve been shot?” he asks, an odd edge to his voice.
Again, you nod. “I have. Didn’t care for it.”
“See, Fish,” Will mumbles from the back as he slips further down the seat in an effort to find some semblance of comfort. “Maybe you’ve been so busy flying around rich businessmen in the private sector that you’ve also forgotten how shitty this is.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” he mutters with a frown.
Will cocks his head at you – not that you can see it, eyes remaining trained on the road lest you get another watch where you’re goingevil stare from the man by your side. “What happened to you, sweetheart?”
You snort out a short laugh, glancing quickly at Frankie and saying softly – and more than a little bit condescendingly – “He likes to call me sweetheart.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the man in the back sighs out, waving a dismissive hand through the air. “Guess I’m just a run-of-the-mill chauvinist.”
You shrug. “I never said anything about you being run-of-the-mill.” And from your right, you hear a soft snicker. A gentle smile spreads across your face and your hands loosen their death grip on the steering wheel just a bit as you feel the air filling the van begin to lighten, tension seeming to slowly spill away. After a lingering – but not at all wrought – moment, you shift a bit in your seat and say, “Went on a raid just outside of Tijuana. My first down in Mexico. And I took a bullet in the hip.”
“Shit,” Will intones. “Hell of a bienvenido.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out, suddenly all-too conscious of the old ache in your joint that’s been plaguing you all day. “But on the plus side, I’m now always the first to know when it’s about to rain.”
Both men laugh. You laugh – despite the pain in your hip and the worry about the guy in back… and your terribly distracting infatuation with the wide smile now painted on Frankie’s face. You all sit in the van – on your way to flee the country after committing a terrible crime – and laugh about the fact that, despite each of you being a little bit broken, none of you are dead yet.
@tweedlydumbtweedlydoo @icanbeyourjedi @greeneyedblondie44 @mrscrain-x7 @kyjoraven@elephants-are-a-thing @nakhudanyx
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SlipKnot Histrory
[This was from a french blogging website, post original publish in 2009. I think it’s instresting; All credit goes to the original poster. Posted linked at the bottom of this post.] 
[Post copy and pasted below]
Note: This is a long hauled description of events; it shows how fate has brought Slipknot together and how this makes Slipknot more than an everyday band; the music is their life not just a ploy for fame. Slipknot are hard core expression and emotion that WILL rock the music industry! They are a band with an undying passion! Slipknot formed in the year of 1995 as a result of the work of Paul, Shawn and Anders Colsefni (ex-vocalist). (They had originally played with the idea of making a band as early as 1993 and even began writing songs; however the project fell through when Shawn became busy with his welding occupation.) These three along with guitarists Donnie Steele (ex- Body Pit guitarist) and Quan Nong began practising under the name of Meld. However, at some point Quan Nong left, this time is uncertain, but is expected to be following the first six practices due to his following of a more Alternative/Punk style. Following his departure the band started anew, with a project named, "The Pale Ones". During this period Shawn (a.k.a Clown) was the lead drummer. Paul was determined to get Joey involved with his new project, despite failing to receive his interest in earlier projects such as Body Pit. Paul met up with Joey at Sinclair's where Joey worked nights, there he tempted Joey to watch rehearsals within Anders' basement. Joey reluctantly agreed and despite missing two rehearsals due to work priorities, eventually made it down to the basement to view a practice session. This basement, was "largely, open spaced", not only was the area so small and cramped but for soundproofing the members used carpet samples and scraps from a nearby pet grooming centre, these made the whole basement smell of Cat piss. The first song that Joey heard them play was a song known as "Slipknot", followed by "Gently" and "Fur". Joey soon realised that he had to be in this band and soon began to play the drums; pushing Shawn onto percussion. A band had formed. Within the cramped basement new songs were being turned out by the minute, including titles such as "Killers Are Quiet", "Bitchslap", "Do Nothing", "Confessions", "Some Feel", "Part of Me" and "Tattered and Torn". Paul, Shawn and Joey also began to meet up at Sinclair's to discuss ideas and plans for the future. Here they planned everything, here they decided the rules that define the current Slipknot. 1. "We do not answer to anyone" 2. "We do not worry about trends" 3. "We play what we want" 4. "We would not allow people to have any sort of influence on the band" Shawn and Joey also decided that the band would require three drummers to provide a hardcore audio assault. Shawn wanted a drummer to the left and right with one at the back controlling it all, creating a wall of power, a fist layer... . Joey plays the main set and as a result is the main drummer who holds the band together. Shawn is the "Total Power Drummer" and is all aggression. The third element of percussion was often performed by Anders. Within Sinclair's Shawn and Joey also realised that the band would need another guitarist. Josh formerly of Modifidious and Inveigh Catharsis was called and he soon added himself to the band. Now there were six. Soon the band decided on a new title for themselves, they toyed with the name of "Pyg System" however agreed on the more simple name of "Slipknot", the title of their first song. The people of Des Moines knew that a new band was forming and they knew who was in it. However no one had heard or seen them. Soon a small performance was given, the band suited in Kiss styled makeup, fitting the music perfectly with the green glowing lights. This spawned the idea of the masks. This idea evolved and following discussions and Shawn turning up to a practice wearing his legendary Clown mask, the sextet decided almost unanimously, with the exception of Donnie, that masks should be worn. Joey came fully equipped with his moulded and expressionless Kabuki Mask and despite difficulty within practices the idea took off, the whole anti-image appearance which fitted so well with their rule of ignoring trends had a great appeal. Soon Shawn contacted Mike Lawyer, due to an interest in recording some studio work. Mike got an engineer/producer of his named Sean Mcmahon to meet up with them during a practice session. Sean, not only stunned by the wolf skin attire of lead singer Anders, was also blown away by the sheer sound of Slipknot. The band soon started work on their first project, dubbed, MFKR. "Mate Feed Kill Repeat". The band grabbed every available moment to practice, perform and record within the SR Audio Studios, customising the room with posters, lights and many other objects. Many happenings occurred around this studio, including the drawing of corpses on the road outside and a performance in the nude by Joey. Sean Mcmahon: "I was contacted by former members of a band called Body Pit to check out their new band at their rehearsal space. I did. I was Floored! That band was Slipknot." Within February of 1996 a great change occurred within Donnie Steele; he found God. He realised that he could not be within such a band as Slipknot with the beliefs he held and as a result withdrew himself from the group, the others respecting his descision. At this crucial point in time a new member was called up; a former member of Joey's band Modifidious, his name was Craig. He had been recommended by Jordison. During his arrival the MFKR album was already in its mixing stages. The mixing of MFKR was anything but smooth. Each song being remixed many times. Strain was added by different view that each member held and things often got intense. Not only was their problems with the mixing but the band was also unhappy with the mastering that was done on the CD, hence they insisted that Sean should do it. Slipknot's first major show in which they would unveil themselves to the people of Des Moines became booked for the 4th April 1996 at the locally known meeting place pronounced, "The Safari". On the day's arrival the room was packed with 200 people. The band arrived in Joey's car and each member sported their individual garments. Paul with a wore wrapped around his head, weaving in and out of his piercings, Josh showing off an executioners hood while Craig had placed pantyhose on his head. Joey and Shawn each used the masks they had always worn, the Clown and Kabuki. Before the band began to play Joey began to incessantly shout, "I need a little Christmas in my drink" repeatedly with each new phrase increasing in volume, energy and power. The band then slammed into their debut song, "Slipknot". By Slipknot's second performance at the club Paul had found a new "Pig" mask. Within this show the band played with another band named, "Stone Sour", Corey Taylor was the lead singer. The band played a total of seven shows at the club in one month alone. The band carried on playing their shows which were much more "insane" than we see these days (taming of the media,etc...), rather than the same uniform jumpsuits and regular masks the band played in different things, for example Shawn rented out a large purple "Barney" suit and others wore Nun dresses and even ballroom dresses or a Little Bo Peep outfit. The shows were really dark, underground and scary however they still carried an element of humour. The shows would start with strobe lights flashing and a sample from Craig, usually of a mad laugh and "ice cream" man chimes, Shawn would drop a power saw to create a series of sparks to fly over the crowd. Joey still felt that the band was incomplete. He wanted more; a different sound and a greater variety. Craig was promptly shifted onto samples, leaving an empty vacancy. Hence Mick arrived. MFKR was eventually finished on Halloween, 1996. The party had began and 400 people turnt up. The album was sent out to many people and a person named Sophia at a local station managed to hear it and liked it. This lead to the arrangement of Slipknot's appearance in the local battle of the band's contest. The on air tournament that spanned across several weeks soon began with the individual heats. Slipknot faced Corey's band; Stone Sour - they won. Slipknot also defeated "Maelstrom" and "Black Caesar" who came second. Slipknot conquered all. This was one of the band's highlights that fuelled them to their current stardom. The money from the win helped fund the heavily in debt band's new projects and demos. By this time several record companies had investigated the band, one of these being Roadrunner who felt that they should not pick up Slipknot due to their thought that the vocalist required more melody. This rejection continued and no where could they be signed. Sophia became their first manager due to her contacts and love for this new band. Things then seemed to get worse; Shawn bought the Safari which took time away from the band despite being a good investment. The band could no longer play in Anders' basement and things were falling apart. There were often tensions between Joey and Shawn and "Slipknot" had no where to play. However they still managed to make it onto the bill for the local "Dotfest" in June. There they played to the largest crowd in their history, a crowd of 12 000, containing many industry people. Not only was the sound dodgy and kept going out but the crowd began to throw chicken bones on stage. At the show Slipknot came out throwing Tampons into the crowd and had several "gimps". This was the first and last time for the "gimps". The gimps were Frank with a gas mask, Lanny with tribal markings in liquid latex, Greg covered with liquid latex and a ball gag in his mouth and Greg's friend Slick Rick in a latex hood. Slipknot had the original idea of having a professional stunt man, Rick, come out dressed as Shawn and then Shawn would come out and set him on fire. They had all the things to do it (for a long time it set in the cooler at Safari) but the city would not issue the permits to perform it so the event had to be abandoned. The set ended with them being cut off and an almost riot breaking out as Andy cut open his arms and tossed CDs over the fence to the fans. Joey quit. But he reconsidered and came back. Some good things did come out of this though, their performance left a mark, they made new fans and most importantly they discovered Sid Wilson (even though they did not speak to him). Slipknot looked for the success they were not getting and decided to enlist Corey Taylor of rival band Stone Sour, to join the line up. Joey, Shawn and Mick confronted him with the an ultimatum at his work place, "The Adult Emporium". They said, "Join the band or we will kick your ass!" Slipknot provided an opportunity not present in Stone Sour; the band could go places. The music over image policy also appealed. Corey began practising with the band and the first lyrics he wrote were to be used in the song, "Me Inside". This was a very experimental move and everyone was wondering how it would turn out. This change resulted in Anders being pushed back to percussion and back up vocals. Soon this new breed of the Knot performed a show; it turned out it was a charity event for a local hospital. The Safari was packed to the brim. Corey came out wearing a large amount of makeup that gave a dark appearance, this was added to by two latex crosses marked over his eyes. Despite this excitement the show was riddled with technical problems and was the show that resulted in Joey's nickname, "Superball". Their next show was on 17th September, again at the Safari. This show was a great improvement however nearly a year on from the MFKR release an announcement was to be made. Just before Slipknot were about to storm into their final song, "Scissors", Anders made an announcement, "This will be my last show" he stated. This stunned both band members and the audience. Following this sudden change the band returned to the studio to re-record the songs on their untitled second CD - minus Anders' vocals. Of these songs included, "Gently", "Do Nothing", "Slipknot", "Tattered and Torn", "Me Inside", "Carve", "Coleslaw", "Scissors", "Windows" and "May 17th" a song written by Shawn. To cope with Ander's departure a new member was brought in, he was named Greg a.k.a Cuddles (a tattooist @ axiom piercing). Cuddles was extremely insane and very much like Slipknot's DJ, Sid. He would smash up the sets and even throw his drum kit into the crowd. Cuddles joined the band despite warnings from family and friends and he is also responsible for the tribal "S" tattoo on Anders' leg. Cuddles had previously drummed for the "Havenots" a band which Joey and Paul had been in. Cuddles is the naked guy in the MFKR inlet. Cuddles played his lst show in the Summer of 1998, he was the only member of Slipknot to be sacked, this was due to his lazy attitude towards the band. He moved to South Dakota and started up the tattoo parlour, "The Ultimate Prick", this has since been shut down. Following Cuddles' departure there was one show in Malibu which took place wile auditions were occurring, hence there was a replacement and that was Brandon, he played one show and wore the "liar" mask. One night Joey and Shawn checked out a clan named "The Sound Proof Coalition" at the Safari containing the DJs, A-Rock, Loodachris, Phase II, Rek, Sub Two, Iniversoul and Starscream. Starscream, a.k.a Sid Wilson introduced himself to them and told them they rocked at Dotfest, Shawn said they needed a DJ, Sid said he was the man. Following pestering by Sid he was allowed to view a practice and following a session of head butting it was decided he was fit to be part of the group. Auditions were being carried out for a Cuddles replacement, these auditions brought about a person named Chris Fehn, he had seen the band played and had previously asked to become a roadie. He was soon added to the group, despite being put through a vigourous ordeal. This included his initiation test commonly known as the secret track on the self titled album. Soon after this event Slipknot came up with the barcode, number and coverall ideas. A new song was also written; it was called, "Spit it Out". Slipknot now had offers flying in from mainly internet reports. However the band really wanted Ross Robinson to work on the project and he was contacted through Sophia. Robinson checked out the demo tape and flew into Des Moines to view a practice session and a live show. After watching the practice (which very few are aloud to see) he knew the band would go far. Ross not only felt the vide of the music but the vide of the passion; a passion he himself had felt. This was the beginning of a wonderful creation. He then saw Slipknot perform live at the Safari on 2nd February 1998. Word soon got back to Slipknot that he was willing to record the album, label or not. Ross later signed them onto his own label, "I am recordings". Ross then got in touch with Roadrunner and the band publicly signed to Roadrunner Records outside of the Axion Studio (tattoo parlour) in Des Moines. Following a call on the 23rd September, Slipknot drove out to LA to begin the recording of their album. The band practised solid for a week and soon began the recording that left the band sore. They then travelled upto the legendary Indigo Ranch to carry on the recording. To add a necessary expression to this music, Ross got Corey to explain his lyrics to all the other members, so they could "feel it". This took the music to a higher level; it made it raw expression and emotion, it added an element not seen before. Despite the many changes that had occurred within the Knot, another was to occur. This time it was Josh's time for departure, he left due to "family life" and would not have been able to cope with the extensive touring that lay ahead. The band knew instantly who they wanted to replace him, the Atomic Opera star, Jim Root. Jim originally said no to the offer due to his desire to stay true to the band he was currently working in. However after a bad show he called Shawn and essentially joined the band.
Original Post: slipknotmetalmusik. skyrock. com /2381521055-slipknot. html 
[spaces are only there because tumblr is being buggy] 
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swissforextrading · 10 months
ALICE bags about twelve billion heavy-ion collisions
ALICE bags about twelve billion heavy-ion collisions After a five-year pause, on the evening of 26 September, lead ions collided at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at an unprecedented high energy of 5.36 TeV per pair of nucleons (protons or neutrons) and a collision rate six times higher than before. The final lead-ion beam of this latest heavy-ion run was dumped early in the morning of 30 October, after a forced magnet ‘quench’, carried out to better understand the amount of deposited energy at which the LHC superconducting magnets lose their superconducting state. This improved understanding of the LHC machine will help to further increase the heavy-ion collision rate in the near future. For this much-anticipated heavy-ion run, alongside improved beam parameters, the ALICE experiment – the LHC’s heavy-ion specialist – made use of its significantly upgraded detector with continuous readout electronics. This means that each and every collision can now be recorded and is thus available for physics analysis, whereas, in the past, only a fraction of collisions could be selected for recording. This continuous readout was achieved by revamping the experiment’s time projection chamber (TPC) detector and upgrading the readout electronics of all of the detectors. In addition, the new inner tracking system (ITS) detector, which is based on highly granular silicon pixel technology, provides sharp images of the collisions with its 10 m2 of active silicon area and nearly 13 billion pixels within the three-dimensional detector volume. The resulting dramatic increase in the data rate was facilitated by the deployment of a new computing infrastructure for online data processing. This infrastructure includes a new data processing farm that sends the data produced by the experiment directly to CERN’s Data Centre, located about five kilometres from ALICE, through a dedicated high-speed optical-fibre connection that had to be established to cope with the increased data rate. During the five-week run, ALICE recorded about 12 billion lead–lead collisions – 40 times more collisions than the total recorded by ALICE in the previous periods of heavy-ion data taking, from 2010 to 2018. The new data processing farm, consisting of 2800 graphics processing units (GPUs) and 50 000 central processing unit (CPU) cores, routinely digested collision data at a rate of up to 770 gigabytes per second. It then compressed the data to about 170 gigabytes per second before shipping it to the Data Centre for storage on disk and later, at a limited speed of 20 gigabytes per second, for storage on tape for long-term preservation. The fresh data set – which amounts to 47.7 petabytes of disk space and is now being analysed – will advance physicists’ understanding of quark–gluon plasma, a state of matter in which quarks and gluons roam around freely for a very short time before forming the composite particles called hadrons that ALICE detects. The increased number of recorded collisions will allow the ALICE researchers to determine the temperature of the plasma using precise measurements of thermal radiation in the form of photons and pairs of electrons and positrons. It will also allow other properties of the nearly-perfect fluid to be measured with greater precision, especially using hadrons containing heavy charm and beauty quarks. The number of lead–lead collisions collected by ALICE in 2023, expressed in terms of the cumulative number of collisions (right vertical axis) and a related quantity called integrated luminosity (left vertical axis). (Image: CERN) abelchio Tue, 11/28/2023 - 10:48 Byline ALICE collaboration Publication Date Fri, 12/01/2023 - 18:00 https://home.cern/news/news/physics/alice-bags-about-twelve-billion-heavy-ion-collisions (Source of the original content)
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
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...so...is it too late for me to re-make the almost entirety of candy into my own self indulgent bullshit? dont try to make sense of some these pics some are either old ideas or me bullshitting cause my mind runs a bajillion miles per hour and made an alt idea: tootsie-verse where shit might make slightly more sense and i get to have fun with ideas i didnt get to see be possible.
so far plot so far ala everything:
-once the gang ended up at the 5-000+ yrs of earth c the original method WV had established had changed during that long time, with kingdoms being a revived concept, allie-ships between them broken or re-mad, laws of a firm unfairness and a seat for mayoresident of the earth kingdom needing a new canidate
-after dropping there catav had taken the currently refridgerated gamzee to the woods to help sober him up after everything, handing the corpse’s that were still in there to kanaya after she’d found the newly hatched mothergrub was low on material needed to activate it as the troll kingdom was on a rather firm law on how much to give making it difficult to get a full load.
-six years later -23 for everyone- things were in motion with everyone having some form of jobs as jane elected to work on becoming the new mayoresident of the human kingdom and fix these tightass laws, while conflicting with her past trauma, hiding it and trying not to show how fearful she has been lately over the highbloods -mostly the seadwellers-
-during this time the newest clutches of grubs were born, a handful being clones of past troll friends and allies as many came to celebrate with june -at the time not knowing her identity yet- finding the clone of vriska and casually wanting to adopt her, wanting her to live the human life she wanted before. of course the only way around this was adopting her via the consort kingdom's laws being much looser for trolls.
-also during this time a strange occurance involving another world’s meteor and child had crash landed in the marylonde backyard of their human kingdom two story vacation home, a child of both their genetics but more human dominant was there. both deciding it safe to adopt him but keeping the troll portions hidden once getting him schooled later on as the school’s there were the education they wanted him to have. having roxy help them with their aliby, using their carapacion ruler power to write up a fake adoption paper for him.
-also also during this time gamzee had made his return as catav’s new moirail and three sweeps sober, of course not everyone had a big ‘hoorah’ party for him, but it gained jane’s attention whose mental health was still going downhill aswell as what she’s heard of her other alt selves in the dream bubbles, and how well his jape’s and pranks were, causing a one sided kismesis.
-a year later-24 yr old- jane had become the new mayoresident of the earth kingdom, making new laws for human, consort and carapacion kingdoms...the trolls kingdom...she said was taking a while. during this time she, jake and dirk had talked over and compromised of letting her and jake be shared parents for an ecto-bio child due to jane’s wanting to be a mother, with shared custody for both parties.
-a year -25 yr period-after that the troll kingdoms rulers were getting impatient as jane had put them aside to continue her work, making up explanations for putting off getting their laws worked out. during this time ecto-bio-lab leader and work partner for skaianet labs jade harley had decided once ready all three pitched in their DNA, using her boss status to use the ecto-bio machinery to create their daughter. unfortunately she wasnt sneaky enough, being confronted by both english and crocker over this earth kingdom rule breaking, in the end forcing the three to keep their daughter’s existance to a minimal and for jade to be fired.
-during this time jane’s one sided kismesis became equal after a visit that involved catav and jake hanging out jane had left some soporifics around the clown, causing him to fall off the wagon hard after that. during the couple months back on his addiction catav was semi-convinced by kar to distance himself from their quadrant as it was draining him physically and mentally -which was semi right, but also was just cause kar was beyond pissed at gamz as no one at the time knew it was jane’s doing...except one-
-once falling the pieces together dirk had interrogated his friend for how she’s been acting the past eight years, things turning more heated then they should’ve as they sparred, ending in a slashed neck and an anxietic crocker unable to revive him out of fear of he and all her friends leaving her sneakily sewing up the slashed portion and sneaking to the furthest portion of his archeological bro’s forest trees with a rope wrapped around his neck.
-after a month a search party was made to find him lead by said cool archeological bro, only to be found a month later decomposed and munched on by outdoor critters. a funeral was set the next day. 
-the day after as caliope slept her alt-iope self had brought her and another universe version of her to her circle for help as her other version’s universe’s english was alive, traveling through space destroying everything in his path. aradia had busily made a small meteor team to help but alt needed a host body to warn the others and to join the meteor team, as the one version was used as a mouthpiece for her world’s gang, tootsie-calie and her wings were used to fly to space to join the others leaving a mourning roxy to fall off the wagon at two lost friends.
-a week later english fell off his first wagon, ushering jane to have full custody of their ecto-son, giving up his reign of the consort kingdom to june who stepped down as human kingdom’s ruler to take the consort kingdom job very seriously. after roxy had also dropped her crown to live with jane who offered to help her, despite how unfortunately unable she’d be at it keeping soporifics for gamzee. leaving the carapacion kingdom with the marylonde’s working overtime to keep it in check.
-ten years later the troll kingdom’s rulers have finally become impatient, interrogating crocker to confirm to them and herself her castest views on the highbloods, linking them as the reason she gave the troll kingdom no progress growth wise. this caused them to declare rebellion against her. despite the carapacios leaders being on their side, their kingdom’s people were anything but on their side due to past conflicts in the 5-000+ yr gap, leading the two to leave the kingdom to find new rulers to help the rebellion, while the consort kingdom left itself to be neutral in the situation for now.
-a day before harisn’s thirteenth birthday his mothers left the carapacion kingdom, moving to the human kingdom so he could still attend it’s school, despite the glares kan still gets.
-a week after tifney’s twelfth birthday, the vantas home was bombed as a warning to stop the rebellion, leaving only the third story burnt and their side to declare war.
-afterwards a now life ring wearing meenah and the leftover of the dancestors had fallen out of a mysterious black time portal hole, recruited to join the rebellion, making meenah the leader of the ghost train, the ghostly crew used to spy in the crockercorps’s buildings and make secret attacks on them, living in the marylonde’s basement of their new house. catav and aquisprites were recruited, given robotic bodies to help as the co-leaders if the ghost train and tech departments respectively.
-on vrasey’s thirteenth birthday at the troll kingdom’s sign-high an attack was made, causing many trolls above jade color attacked by locker bombs, swords and the declaration from the human kingdom’s ruler that any blood above jade was their target, causing many of the lowerbloods to rally against them into hiding and vrasey to be schooled in the consort kingdom. the sea of the troll’s beach bombed with a poison taking out most of its seadweller neighbors and fish.
-after this a highblooded rebellion was created underground, ran by teals as the rulers of it to achieve the goal of winning this war, taking out both sides who betrayed them. the elderly leader of the coming rebellion took in another teal, training her during this time and inserting her some bias he had at the time of the higherbloods’s status’s. 
-a month after travos’s sixteenth birthday he had involved himself in another kismesis scuffle as gamjane’s relationship was becoming more and more unhealthy, anger filled, only to end with a gash from a club to his head and after waking up covered in his dead blood. freaking out he drove off in his newly given airportable car as jane ushered a drunk roxy to make the corpse disappear, which she did, and having it reappear in harisn’s sylladex at school.
the kids:
harisn maryam lalonde -16-: harisn is a musical lover, extending to an orchestratal lover along with his mothers as he picked up the interest of persuing the cello in his music class. he lives an easy breezy life as his moms limited him to stay out of the rebellion when it started and he at the time was thirteen. he has a sweet tooth and interests in sewing for school musical attires and occasionally being a step in actor for certain events, making sure his outfits warn on the other actors though are outstanding enough to be remembered.
vrasey serket harlenglker eggbert -16-: vrasey never had alot of friends, even before moving to the consort’s firedile high and going to troll kingdom’s sign-high she was much too ambitious with hard pranks and thrill for action for many. she’s a fan of action movies with a hint of comedy and romance, sparring with her mom and recently recovering uncle who lives with them now, and having a bit of a fashionista side of re-creating her hand-me-downs. is mostly kind to her relatives but will snip in some cases.
travos english crocker -15-16-: growing up in a soporific filled household with no father figure thats present enough and an unhealthy kismesis couple travos had grown to be soft, quiet and anxietic at the smallest of actions and tones, closing himself in his room being homeschooled for most of his life. he’s perceptive of others emotions surprisingly able to know mostly how someone feels. he’s also known for having alot of knowledge on carapacions history, traditions and a dozen of their words in their language, but shut in enough to only ever tell this to his summer school going semi-relative harisn, until his mothers left the royalty and ultimately the kingdom but both stay in touch.
tifney vantas strider harley -15-: the star soccer player of troll kingdom’s sign-high tifney is protective and not approachable, not due to how mean she is she’s nice, but mostly due to how intimidating she looks. ever since the beginning of the war she has since tried to know all she could secretly from her parents despite their best efforts not to get her involved. she gained kar’s love of romance’s but also soap opera’s and napoleon ice cream.
claret pyrope -16-17-: the recent ruler of the underground highblood rebellion ‘high-revive’. born and raised in dolorosa’s cavern for orphaned wigglers she lived an introverted life as her rebellious, childish and slightly aggressive way of playing pretend led to many not staying for long. being in the system however she was still authorized to go to school, until the attack happened, causing her to end up with a horn and eye slashed, taken in by the newly formed high-revive’s leader, to become its newer leader. she takes her job overly seriously, giving more benefit to trolls then humans. she’s stubborn and believes the law and method she’s making to be the only way to gain a winning in the rebellion. she looks up to past teals in the history specifically the pyropes and redglare, basing all she’s doing off the knowledge of them thanks to schoolfeed.
reeffi peixes -16-: after the waters of her and her moirail’s home were poisoned both escaped thanks to her heightened smell, being found by claret at 15 and taken into the high-revive. reeffi was trained to become the new heiress of the rebellion after learning her blood color’s status in the past, wanting to do so to make things peaceful for everyone even if violence had to happen. she’s protective of her rail and considers herself to be the one to defend everyone from danger. she’s snarky, and has a thing for causing mischief and simple but stylish fashion.
marche ampora -16-: just like his moirail both share the common knowledge of not knowing their ancestors, born and raised with his rail in the seadweller side kingdom, made after the troll kingdom rulers had returned and made a compromise. marche is naive of his highblood status not grasping what it’s worth is. he’s timid, shy, outwardly vunerable and coddled slightly by his rail but also easy to annoy but keeps it quiet. is also very protective of his rail but keeps that also quiet despite his annoyance for being protected so much he’s been deemed not qualified to fight with anything. later on he grows an interest for expensive and rich looking fashion and not wanting too much responsibility that isnt his own things.
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slurrmp · 5 years
how about some cheeky fam (and reader) reuniting with the doctor in some miraculous world where she didn’t get captured right at the very end ya girl needs fluff okay
It had been an entire six months. 182 days, 4380 hours and 15 768 000 seconds. Not like you were counting or anything, but being dumped back on Earth after everything that you had been through was a bit jarring. You had wanted to follow the old man after he disappeared, but you weren’t quick enough and the alien ship had already started to take off. It had left you reeling, saying goodbye to the only person that you had known for the last two years was heavy, especially when you knew it could be the last time. An emptiness filled your chest and you felt like you were going to cry, like you had lost something so incredibly important.
But when you had all landed on Earth, the four of you decided that it would be best not to linger around the new TARDIS. It was meant to blend in and if seven idiots were lingering out the front staring, it would eventually cause people to wonder what was inside it. Blending into the street, you also agreed that it would be best for Ethan, Ashad and Ravio to live there and to call it a home, not only was the chameleon circuit working, but it due to it being bigger on the inside, it allowed them space if they needed it. Of course, it was a little difficult for them to settle, like you were expecting, but you knew that they much preferred your time over being hunted by Cybermen.
Eventually the three future humans had made a home, it was quiet scary at how well they adapted, you guessed once again that a little bit of normalcy was good for them. They weren’t calling on you four, for every little thing and you were pretty sure that Ravio had gotten a job and that Ethan was going to free classes about mechanics. You were glad that they were able to have the life they always wanted and it put you at ease when you saw that even after everything they had been through, they could go back ... or have a normal life.
So, finally after a week of moping around the house, you decided to go back to work and uni. It was hard not to mope, for all you know the Doctor did die on Gallifrey and you were waiting around for nothing. Though, you weren’t the only one who was still waiting, Yaz would come by every other week, just to check in. Have a cup of tea, or lunch, or get incredibly wasted on a Friday night and eventually turn up home on a Sunday afternoon. Ryan had gone back to school as well and Graham was back to work. It seemed weird that everyone had fallen into their old lives so easily.
Your parents were concerned, they wondered why you spent so much time out in the backyard, looking up at the sky. You had told them you were just watching the stars, truthfully you were waiting to catch a glimpse of the TARDIS, or at least something out of the ordinary. Your mum was supportive of you actually getting some night air, boy if only she knew what you had been doing for the past two years. She would come out with a blanket and something warm for a little midnight snack. Your dad hated the cold, but he appreciated the fact that you would sometimes take photos through your telescope.
He liked the different planets you could see.
It wasn’t until one Saturday afternoon (after your birthday), you had just gotten off your eight hour shift at work, ready to fall into bed and sleep until dinner time, when you got a frantic message from Yaz.
Need you over here asap.
You frowned and groaned as you rolled over onto your back and stared up at the screen, until another green bubble appeared on the screen.
Very very important.
Barely managing to read through her messages, another appeared.
She’s back.
You shot up into a seated position. Oh. Oh. Not even bothering to change out of your work uniform, you slipped your shoes back on your feet, grabbed your keys and called out a goodbye to your confused parents.
“Pick up milk on your way home please!” You could just hear your mother shout from the kitchen. You couldn’t remember if you responded or not, all you could think of was seeing the Doctor again.
It didn’t take you that long to get to Yaz’s, awkwardly parking in the car park underneath the apartments. You almost tripped over your untied shoes as you bounded up the stairs and banged on Yaz’s front door. Your leg started to bounce up and down, your teeth gnawing at your lower lip. You banged at the front down again until you could hear shuffling of someone behind it. Once it opened to reveal Yaz’s mum, looking confused, you rudely groaned.
Your name left her lips and you knew that Yaz wasn’t there. Turning on your heel, you peeled back towards the stairs and took two at a time, basically jumping off the last three steps. You didn’t go back to the car park, but to the front of the complex and there it was, sat in all her glory - plus a bit of aesthetically pleasing sunlight.
Your breathing started to get shallow and you had to swallow the lump that formed at the back of your throat. You couldn’t believe it, six months ... six whole months of wondering if she survived, of if she died and whether or not you would never get to see her again. The TARDIS doors opened and out popped Yaz’s head.
“Come on!” She waved you over, a massive smile crossing her lips. “We’ve been waiting for ya!” Pulling herself back inside, you sprinted over to the ship and bounded inside, almost tripping over once again as you remembered that ... well it was bigger on the inside. Your eyes were too distracted by the interior to notice the Doctor standing hunched over at the console.
“Ah, took your time then!” She called out, not even looking up from whatever it was she was doing. “Yaz said you’d just gotten off work, but honestly - thought I was more important to ... Oof. ” The sentence faded away as she was cut off as you practically slammed your body into her side. Wrapping your arms around her, you squeezed tight.
“I think someone missed you,”
“Yeah, got that Graham thanks.” You tried not to cry, even going as far as squeezing your eyes shut, when the Doctor eventually got herself working again, you felt her shift - moving in your arms so that your head now laid on her chest and your arms wrapped around her waist. The steady four beat pattern of her hearts were comforting. “It’s okay, I’m here.” She mumbled into your ear, feeling hair tickle against your forehead. Opening you eyes, you noticed that you could barely see through your tears.
“I thought you were dead.” Her slender hand moved to brush through your hair. Fingers carded against strands that had fallen out of your ponytail, you could feel her chin resting on top of your head and everything just suddenly felt right in the world once more. “Thought that was going to be the last I’d ever see you...” A shuddering intake of breath moved through your body and the Doctor tightened her arms around your shoulders, other hand cradling the base of your skull.
“Nah, not me.” She responded. “Can’t get rid of me that easily.” Swallowing, you lifted your head, licking your lower lip.
“Promise?” You questioned and her eyes shone with amusement that you hadn’t seen in a long time. Whatever she had found on Gallifrey must have fixed her bad mood.
“I promise.” Leaning forward, the Doctor placed a kiss on your forehead and she couldn’t help but linger. Cradling you against her and you weren’t going to let go anytime soon either, not even caring that the others were watching with an amused look of their own. You were just glad to have your Doctor back finally.
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bookofjin · 4 years
Annals of Tai’an 5 & Heping 1 -2 (459 -  461)
[From WS005]
[Tai'an 5, 18 February 459 – 7 February 460]
5th Year, Spring, 1st Month, jisi, New Moon [18 February], the General who Conquers the West, Pi Baozi carried off from the land until Gaoping, and greatly routed Xiaozu. The cut down and captured numbered more than 5 000.
2nd Month, jiyou [30 March], the Palace Attendant and Minister of Works, the Duke of Henan, Yi Ba, passed away.
3rd Month, gengyin [10 April], a limited amnesty at the Imperial City for the death penalty and below.
Summer, 4th Month, yisi [25 May], ennobled the august younger brother's son Tui as King of Jingzhao.
5th Month [17 June – 15 July], the state of Juchang dispatched envoys to court to present.
6th Month, wushen [27 July], travelled to favour Yin Mountain.
9th Month, wuchen [15 October], a decree said:
In all cases, to honour and reward invariably those who have merit, [and] to punish, discipline and interrogate those who have faults, this is a similarity between past and present and the regular pattern since the beginning and onwards. The shepherds and wardens managing the people who appropriate food for the hundred families so as to lay out a family profession, who when the royal taxes are not supplied and although the year is full depart their post, responding with planning to run away before, it is proper they be punished for their crimes.
And a ruler who is neglectful in supervising examinations, and does not apply criticism properly, causes those who have crimes to loosly and leisurely obtain their escape, and those who have no crimes to groundlessly accept their guilt. Thus begins the road of perfidiousness and perversity, growing a heart of greed violence. Why is it said the original feelings sentence the crime, and so rectifies Under Heaven?
From now on, at the various transfers and replacements, put confidence in classifying what at the post is unsatisfactory or commendable, and rely on it for regulating and putting crimes into order. For those who achieve it all, add to them feudal rank and favour. For those who have faults, carry out punishment and dishonouring. Make the able and not distinct throughout, [while] punishment and rewards do not differ. The ruler clarifies there to be orderly regulations, consider them as the regular model.
The Rites Similar to the Three Ministers, the Duke of Dunhuang, Li Bao, passed away.
Winter, 12th Month, wushen [23 January], a decree said:
We inherited the vast legacy, to commanding and manage the crowd of what there is, and to thinking of magnifying government reform, so as to aid the millions of people. Previously thinned out tax collection so as to fill their wealth, and made light compulsory service so as to relieve their strength, wishing to cause the hundred families to cultivate their professions, and people not be bereft and in want. Yet the Six Garrisons, Yunzhong, Gaoping, and Yong and Qin provinces everywhere met with disastrous drought, and the year's grain was not harvested.
Should dispatched to open the granaries and storehouses so as to assist them. Those who are drifting and moving are directed to turn back to their mulberry and catalpa trees [i.e. their homes]. Wishing for the markets purchase grains from other regions, make the passes in nearby commanderies pass through their paths of easy communication. If there are officials among the directors and ministers who divide their duties unequally, who cause the Sovereign's kindness not reach their subordinates, and their subordinate people are not well-provided in time, apply then heavy punishment, none are to be unbridled.
[Heping 1, 8 February 460 – 26 January 461]
1st Year of Heping [“Harmonious Peace”], Spring, 1st Month, jiazi, New Moon [8 February], a great amnesty, and changed the inaugural.
On gengwu [14 February], decreed the Cavalier in Regular Attendance, Feng Chan, as envoy to Liu Jun.
2nd Month [8 March – 6 April], the General of Guards, the King of Le'an, Liang, supervised the various armies of Dongyong, Tujing and Liubi to hasten west to West of He. The General who Conquers the West, Pi Baozi, and others supervised the various armies West of He to hasten south to Shilou, so as to chasten the rebellious Hu of West of He.
Summer, 4thMonth, wuxu [12 May], the Empress Dowager, Ms. Chang, collapsed at the Shou'an Palace.
5th Month, guiyou [16 June], buried the Radiant [zhao] Empress Dowager at Mingji Mountain in Guangning.
6th Month, jiawu [7 July], decreed the Great General who Conquers the West, the King of Yangping, Xincheng, to supervise the various armies to supervise the various armies of Tongwan and Gaoping, and set out on the southern road; and the Duke of Nan commandery, Liu Hui, and others to supervise the various armies of Liang province, and set out on the northern road, to chastise Tuyuhun Shiyin.
When Cui Hao was executed, the office of historian was then abolished. Reaching this point, it was again set up.
The rebellious Hu West of He went to Chang'an with the chief criminals. Dispatched envoys to calm and comfort them.
Autumn, 7th Month, yichou [7 August], Liu Jun dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
On renwu [24 August], travelled to favour West of He.
8th Month [2 September – 30 September], the various armies on the western campaign arrived in Xiping. Shiyin ran to guard the Southern Mountains.
9th Month [1 October – 30 October], the various armies crossed the He to pursue him. They came across a pestilent vapour, and many became ill from the plauge. Therefore pulled in the army and turned back. The captured livestock numbered more than 200 000.
On gengwu [11 October], the Carriage Drove to return to the Palace.
Winter, 10th Month [31 October – 28 November], the King of Juchang presented three tame elephants.
11th Month [29 November – 28 December], decreed the Cavalier Attendant Gentleman, Lu Dushi, and the Outer Staff Gentleman, Zhu Anxing, as envoys to Liu Jun.
[Heping 2, 27 January 461 – 14 February 462]
2nd Year, Spring, 1st Month, yiyou [23 February], a decree said:
The Inspectors shepherds the people, and are the outer layer of ten thousand li. Since some time ago they always take the opportunity to issue out musters, pressure the people for temporary loans, greatly peddle and abundantly trade, and pursue and strive for the season's profits; in the space of a week they have multiplied their gains ten fold. Superior and subordinate communicate together, dividing thereby the adorned dwellings. For that reason the houses of the registered households are hemmed in with cold and hunger, [while] the gates of the prominent and wealthy daily are doubling and piling up. The ruin of doing government does not exceed this. Should for each and every case forbid and prohibit it, those who transgress with 10 bolts of cloth or more are all to die. Publish the announcement Under Heaven, [so that] everyone be made to understand the prohibition.
2nd Month, xinmao [1 March], travelled to favour Zhongshan.
On bingwu [16 March], arrived at Ye. Thereupon favoured Xindu.
3rd Month [27 March – 25 April], Liu Jun dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
In the places passed by the Carriage Driving, everywhere personally addressed [those of] exalted years, and asked about the people's ills and hardships. Decreed that of for those among the people eighty years or older, one son [or “child”] was not to go labour service.
South of Lingqiu there was a mountain more than 400 zhang tall. Therefore decreed the crowd of officials to look up and shoot at the mountain, none were able to go past. The Emperor bent his wooden bow and shot an arrow, setting out for the mountain for more than 30 zhang, and going beyond the mountain southwards for 220 bu. Thereupon cut a rock and craved an inscription.
This Month, issued out from Bing and Si# provinces 5 000 people put into order West of He's hunting roads.
On xinsi [20 April], the Carriage Drove to return to the Palace.
Summer, 4th Month, yiwei [4 May], the Palace Attendant and Great General who Conquers the East, the King of Hedong, Lü Pi, passed away.
5th Month, guiwei [21 June], decreed the Master[s?] of Writing of the Southern Section, Huang Lutou, Li Fu, and others to examine and test the various provinces.
Autumn, 7th Month, wuyin [15 August], ennobled august younger brother Xiaoxincheng as King of Jiyin, and added Great General who Conquers the East, to garrison Pingyuan; Tianci as King of Ruyin, and added Great General who Conquers the South, to garrison Hulao; Wanshou as King of Lelang, and added Great General who Conquers the North, to garrison Helong; Luohou as Knig of Guangping.
On renwu [19 August], travelled to tour north of the mountains.
8th Month [should be “9th Month”?], wuchen [4 October?], the state of Bosi dispatched envoys to court to present.
On dingchou [14 October?], the Carriage Drove to return to the Palace.
Winter, 10th Month [18 November – 17 December], decreed the Outer Staff Cavalier in Regular Attendance You Minggen, and the the Outer Staff Gentleman, the Marquis of Changyi, He Tiande, as envoys to Liu Jun.
In Boling's Shenze and Zhangwu's Shuzhou, bandits killed the county prefects. The provincial army chastised and pacified them.
The King of Guangping, Luohou, passed away.
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