#02 07 2023
pigeonneaux · 1 year
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Train sketch
UGH MY MEOWMOEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1???
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a-lilacsong · 8 months
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La Reina de Rosas
(Original pencil sketch under the cut)
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justformula1 · 1 year
The decision of the protest by Aston Martin
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If I read it correctly there will me people receiving a penalty because of track limits. The final classification will change.
So who will drop places and who will go up?
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nicoscheer · 8 months
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blyszczopies · 1 year
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attack on PineMarten !
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valentinethorn · 1 year
WHEN: July 2nd, 2023 WHERE: L'Arpège WHO: Open
Valentine stood poised, his hands behind his back as he waited for the patron to make their decision on what they'd be having for lunch that afternoon. He had no issues with stillness, always finding it more comfortable than the exaggerated movements that seemed to happen around him. As though most people couldn't handle remaining frozen. Like something in their coding forced their little twitches and nervous habits. Valentine had none.
"If you have any questions," Valentine ventured, more than happy to provide his expertise despite his own lack of consistent appetite. Food rarely brought him any real pleasure, but he did have a kind of penchant for wine. He could drink it continuously, without feeling a thing. Was it normal? Valentine simply believed some people were more predisposed for tolerances, and he had been blessed with excellent genetics.
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conhecermeei · 1 year
Adeus Gab.
Fazem pouco mais de três anos desde que eu entrei na faculdade e, às vezes, me pego pensando no tanto que mudou nesses anos. Claro que três anos não são pouca coisa, mas eu honestamente não esperava viver tanto assim.
Às vezes, me pego pensando em você também, às vezes uma pura curiosidade de como você está, se tem passado bem e se é feliz, às vezes percebendo que não era pra sermos. Hoje, eu sou feliz. Genuinamente. Tenho alguém que me ama o tanto que você jamais poderia me amar, alguém que faz por mim tudo aquilo que, um dia, eu fiz por você. Hoje, faço por ele. Temos nossas dificuldades, claro, mas mesmo assim, ele sempre me faz sentir especial, de todas as formas possíveis.
Ele começou a ler Crepúsculo por mim, acredita? Ele não é muito dado a leitura, na verdade, prefere mais audiobook como você; mas mesmo assim, ele se dispôs a conhecer porque eu to sempre falando sobre. Inclusive, toda vez que eu faço um wallpaper novo, ele gosta de ver também; ele também quer ouvir as músicas que estou ouvindo no momento e também gosta de me ouvir falar sobre os podcasts que eu ouço, sabe?
Ele é bem mais compreensivo do que eu fui contigo, e também faz questão de dizer o quanto eu sou linda a cada momento, mesmo quando eu claramente não estou bonita. Ele gosta de reafirmar pra mim que sente minha falta, que foi nos lugares que fomos juntos, que gostaria de me levar pra sair mais vezes. Inclusive, ele sempre fala que não vê a hora de me apresentar pessoalmente pros amigos dele - sim, pessoalmente, porque ele já me apresentou por fotos e audios. Ele faz questão de estar presente, mesmo cansado. Ele faz por mim o que eu fiz por você.
Apesar das dores e dos traumas, eu sou grata à sua passagem na minha vida, hoje eu sei valorizar esse homem que a vida colocou no meu caminho. E eu sei que, hoje, eu posso fazer tudo o que eu fiz por você e muito mais, mas dessa vez, por ele. Por esse homem menino que aprende a me amar a cada momento e que me ensina sobre a vida mais do que consegue imaginar.
Com ele, eu me vejo levando uma vida a dois, uma vida tranquila, feliz e amorosa - porque é assim estar com ele. Encontrei paz e reciprocidade, ele é tudo o que eu desejei que você fosse. Mas de novo, sou grata por você não ter sido, não seríamos felizes. Eu não seria feliz da mesma forma que sou.
Hoje eu vejo que não era pra sermos. Jamais seríamos. Mas eu desejo que você seja feliz, que encontre alguém que te ame da mesma forma que eu encontrei alguém que me ama do jeito que ele me ama (e que eu o amo também).
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George in Larray's youtube video 2023/07/02
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elicatkin · 1 year
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magic-belodie · 1 year
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I made this drawing today. I try to draw a moment from the You Belong With Me Music Video. When the boy puts Taylor's hair behind her ear. The position is different from the music video. I didn’t want to make it exact the same way as that it is in the video. But try to do it in my own way.
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vhscorp · 2 years
Quand un couple parle plus souvent du passé que de l’avenir, c’est que l’amour est en danger et qu’il commence à dépérir…
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justformula1 · 1 year
Ferrari achieved today with the podium of Charles the 800th one. That’s a big achievement!
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somephilosophercat · 1 year
I had such a scare today. Since I am still in London I had a little mix up about the time I had therapy. I didn't realise that my calendar already switched the timing to this time zone and I converted it once more. And then I got so lost. I got up im the morning and went to living room on a couch but fell asleep and when I woke up I was 15 minutes late to the term I thought we were in. So I already got upset and scared and then realised that T hasn't sent the link. I was like okey this is wierd, has she forgot about me? I sent her messenges through whatsapp and regular messeges but time passed and no replies. I got more and more scared and upset and tried to call her, which stir much more emotions because it's scary for me to do that. I ruled out that she had another client before me because it was "too early". So I had an hour of dread and fear and being lost and confused. I did think something happened to T but I just couldn't understand what was happening. When T responded with time of the session and that she had another client then my brain completely shut because I made mistake and that was the worst scenario ever. I couldn't really do therapy for the first half an hour at all, I just couldn't ground myself and couldn't listen to Ts suggestions. When we finally got me moving except for scratching my hand it was a bit better. But I still can't this all out of my head.
I think the scariest part was that therapy is my safe place and then all of the sudden it wanished and I didn't know what was happening and had no way to handle it. It was like T just wanished and was gone and I had no idea why and what I did wrong. I am still so sad.
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shrinking-potato · 2 years
Liquid Fast February 6 - ?
So the fast started at 8:20 pm on the 6th.
As of right now I’m a bit past 24hrs, feeling fine. Have had 390 cals (160 protein drink, 190 nutrition shake thing, 40 bing drink) of liquids. Just feeling tired.
Oh I also burned 600 cals at the gym, did 3 miles / 70 minutes on the treadmill.
I forgot to weigh this morning so idk my starting weight for this but I’m guessing like… 253? Idk. We’ll see once I hit tomorrow, I should probably be down a decent amount (food weight, idk). I’ll update in the morning.
And hopefully I’ll be going to the gym tomorrow too, will take a protein shake with me to be safe.
Now just to avoid the pizza my brother just made…
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bacitaglienti · 2 years
stanotte ti ho sognato,
ed è stato il sogno più bello di tutti;
poi mi sono svegliata e mi sono messa a piangere, perché sembrava tutto così realistico e invece non lo era;
mi manchi da morire e fa un male cane sapere che per te non è lo stesso, che è palese che non provi più le stesse cose di prima
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just-words · 2 years
That feeling when you're hanging out with an amazing group of people and everything seems great, but you just know that they aren't your people and in the back of your mind you know, you being there or not wouldn't make a massive difference to them. Like I want them to be my people but it just dosent fit. Sad.
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