#03 ﹕ important
bulbabutt · 15 days
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sometimes you just need somebody else to point out the obvious. thank goodness for mikey and her gender collecting habit!
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Important news:
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weaverofink · 1 year
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Young Justice outfit swap #3!! Impulse and Secret, who I have no real rationale for grouping together other than I thought it would be fun
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 month
the barry the chopper episode of fma 03 is such a wild addition to the lineup it really has it all. it has mini murder mystery. it has gave me nightmares as a child. it has the complete shattering of a twelve year old’s brain that fundamentally alters the course of his development. it has rampant transphobia. it even has hughes
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TMNT 2003 embodies what it feels like to be quietly queer because it isn't physically or socially safe to be loud-and-proud (very reminiscent of early 2000's American culture), and therefore focuses on the acceptance and community of a small, found family that remains distinctly "other" throughout the series.
ROTTMNT embodies screaming queer joy from the rooftops (more reminiscent of late 2010's American culture). It acknowledges that while being queer still makes one "other," there's also an entire Hidden City worth of people who are also distinctly "other" in both similar and entirely different ways! ROTTMNT is about loud, flamboyant self-love and growth.
Each iteration is an allegory for queer experience, influenced by the sociocultural norms of its time. Both are equally important aspects of queer identity and history. In this essay, I will...
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erasedvoice · 3 months
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Death’s Captive
Inspired by Jim Tadder’s “Nothing to See” photography shoot :]
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
You know how I decide if a the ninja turtles’ designs are good or not? If I can tell which turtle is who without their masks and gear on. 
No hate to 1987 and 2003, but without their masks and gear the boys are all identical. The only way you can tell them apart is when they talk. It always bugged me. 
I love 2012 and Rise’s designs of the turtles so much because even without their masks and gear you can still tell whos who, making them all have different body types, heights, head shapes, facial/body features/details (crack shell, freckles, gap teeth, etc), and Rise even took a step forward by making them each a different species of turtle for them to stand out even more.
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trifargo · 5 months
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update: my efforts to screw around and find out paid off. this do may belong here. masyallah what is wrong with this place (so here is more of my more dearranged attempt on things)
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threepoint14art · 2 months
Almost the whole thing
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But not quite
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"We tend to read fma with a Western lens, so critiquing its use of the military and genocide ignores the Japanese perspective," sorry but you can't cultural relativism your way out of imperialism, genocide, and pro-military nationalism.
Newsflash: Japan was an imperialist power! Japanese nationalism is a thing! Numerous genocides have been committed and excused/denied by Japan! Japan having suffered imperialism from the USA does not mean that people are now magically immune to pro-imperialism propaganda and historical revisionism, and it isn't absent from Japanese pop media. In fact, much like American mass media it is often highly prevalent in both overt and insidious/seemingly innocuous ways.
Be honest about the imperialist themes of the stories you like or stfu!
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moe-broey · 2 months
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Pen tests....
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themyscirah · 2 months
Okay friends a question for you all:
May be unfair of me to put Philippus here because she has like 200+ more appearances than the next most character so she'll probably sweep but I want her here so idc 🤷‍♀️
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One of the biggest faults of the brotherhood is better than FMA:03 argument is I can't find ANY Hughes merch despite him being , imo, a major character.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
I know I'm just being delusional but I really think sskk would be good parents
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gayleviticus · 2 years
i think dantes plan for gaining the philosophers stone in fma 03 feels kindve awkward on a plot level, because yu'd expect the logical synthesis of 'philosophers stone is made of people' and 'causing wars to make the stone' would be 'amestris is genociding people in order to directly churn them into a Stone'
so the fact 03 instead goes for the more convoluted 'war and disaster makes people desperate for the Stone which means they will massacre others to make it' seems a really weird and unnecessary bump in the road plotwise against the straightforward elegance of 'cause war to make the stone yourself'. and yes, there is a plot reason given for it (or at least implied?): making the Stone requires both great skill and is very dangerous, so Dante doesn't want to do it herself. but I get the feeling that surely after 500 years and with a military dictatorship full of state alchemists at her disposal she could have found a more reliable method for having others make the Stone than 'cause trouble and hope someone is both smart and reckless enough to make it'
BUT I think it's another one of those 03 writing decisions that is messy plotwise but extremely interesting theme wise, because I think it helps tie together a lot of the big threads to do with war and equivalent exchange. the philosophers stone is a fabled treasure that lets you bypass equivalent exchange; except that's not true at all because making it requires the tremendous cost of thousands of human lives.
im having a bit of a hard time piecing my thoughts together here but i think eds line towards the finale about how there's no war we aren't involved is really important. the elrics began their journey believing in the fairy tale philosophers stone and joined the genocidal military because it was convenient to them. they believed that equivalent exchange would mean all their hard work would pay off eventually, but I think in another sense they didn't really understand that equivalent exchange means actions have consequences. just as the prosperity of powerful nations and its citizens comes from imperialism, so too does the magic of the philosophers stone stem directly from violence and bloodshed of war.
but the thing is, if dantes plan was just to have the military make the stone directly from war and massacre... it would be s typical evil bad guy plot and nasty and evil but nothing to do with our heroes. but the fact her plan relies on individuals seeking the stone changes things up I think - if ed and al were just a bit more ruthless that could very much have been them. The War for the philosophers stone very much has something to do with them. it's not an evil scheme they're helplessly embroiled in as victims.
and the fact this then means scar turns the tables on the military to make them into a Stone is also v interesting because it manages to be such a nuanced depiction. the elrics are clearly against it. but 03 often depicts the elrics as wrong and naive in their ideals, and it's undeniable the amestrian soldiers have done terrible terrible things in liore. scar is no longer even really an anti villain, but an anti hero, and his final act is to bequeath the stone as a gift to alphonse. but at the same time, even if we find scars motives here deeply sympathetic - the fact is it's still exactly what Dante wanted, all the same.
and so I think the Liore arc manages to have this really nuanced and open to interpretation depiction of violence and vengeance and killing that doesn't feel preachy but also doesn't flinch from being very upfront about the stakes. if we want to celebrate scar killing 7000 soldiers as an unambiguously good thing there's the awkward fact that Dante doesn't care who dies to make the Stone as long as it gets made. But it's hard to disapprovingly tut tut about how killing is bad and revenge is bad when characters like scar and Rose are so sympathetic and understandable.
not to mention of course the fact that Dante herself fully rejects the concept of equivalent exchange and hence of taking responsibility for her actions, even as she fancies herself as humanity's guardian. she wants other people to do the work for her and then swoop in just so she can live a little bit longer. she herself never comes even close to paying the price for the Stone.
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